Quite new to using any sort of Web App stuff, and I’ve been trying to slowly build a Facebook Messenger Bot. When I try to use ngrok I can’t visit the address I’m given, i.e:
ngrok http 5000
is what I’m putting in the command line, and it’s returning this:
ngrok by @inconshreveable
Session Status online
Version 2.1.18
Region United States (us)
Web Interface
Forwarding http://ea986ca5.ngrok.io -> localhost:5000
Forwarding https://ea986ca5.ngrok.io -> localhost:5000
Connections ttl opn rt1 rt5 p50 p90
0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
But when I take the address ‘https://ea986ca5.ngrok.io’ as is required by the Facebook developer’s page, it says:
The connection to http://ea986ca5.ngrok.io was successfully tunneled to your
ngrok client, but the client failed to establish a connection to the local
address localhost:5000.
Make sure that a web service is running on localhost:5000 and that it is a
valid address.
The error encountered was: dial tcp [::1]:5000: connectex: No connection
could be made because the target machine actively refused it.
Is it a problem with my local port? Thanks!
asked Nov 14, 2016 at 21:51
This worked for me
ngrok.exe http --host-header=rewrite localhost:<Your Port number>
ngrok.exe http --host-header=rewrite localhost:5219
Im using visual studio 2017 dont know if it effects anthing.
answered Mar 28, 2017 at 12:00
Try to explicitly set the localhost IP:
ngrok http
instead of ngrok http 5000
Good luck!
answered Oct 9, 2018 at 15:06
5774 silver badges7 bronze badges
Just as @njzk2 should have said, if you don’t have a web server running so it cannot work. I would like to make it clearer to you, if you are still confused.
What ngrok does, is to make your local server (running on localhost) to be available to the outside world (rest of the internet). On its own, it is not a web server. So for your bot development you need to have a web server running on a defined port (which in your case is 5000). Then you can point ngrok to this port so that it will redirect requests sent to your public address to the program running on that port.
The web server will then accept and handle requests from Facebook
answered Dec 16, 2016 at 3:55
6,0862 gold badges21 silver badges38 bronze badges
I found I had to remove the quotes around the -host-header section to get this to work with the latest ngrok version (2.3.35):
ngrok http https://localhost:5001 -host-header=localhost:5001
(Currently not enough rep to add comments on any of the answers above)
answered Jun 9, 2020 at 10:23
5135 silver badges11 bronze badges
Step 1 — Register to ngrok and download .exe file in dashboard page
Step 2 — Open terminal and copy & paste from the dashboard the line without ./
Step 3 — run your localhost
Step 4 — If step 2 was successfully done, paste in the same terminal (step 2) the line with your localhost port
ngrok http https://localhost:44386 -host-header=»localhost:44386″
Step 5 — Copy the URL generated in the terminal and waalla.. you can ping to it.
In case of <<<<Ngrok errors ‘502 bad gateway’>>>> change https into http so the Step 4 will be ngrok http http://localhost:44386 -host-header=»localhost:44386″
answered Jun 8, 2020 at 9:18
Try like below:
ngrok http -host-header=""
answered Mar 6, 2019 at 2:29
9192 gold badges13 silver badges27 bronze badges
It seems that this issue has now been resolved in the latest version of ngrok: https://github.com/inconshreveable/ngrok/issues/448
Basically, what you do is to specify that you are using https like this:
ngrok http https://localhost:54321 -host-header="localhost:54321"
At least, this resolved the issue for me. Replace 54321 with your actual port number.
answered Apr 14, 2020 at 7:17
5,2215 gold badges41 silver badges59 bronze badges
In my case, it was the project in Visual Studio 2017 .Net Core 2.1 was created to use https with a self-signed certificate. If you don’t need your localhost to be https, then what fixed it for me was creating a new web project and unchecking https. When you run ngrok (ngrok http port-number-from-IISExpress) it provides you with an https url you can use for development.
answered Feb 15, 2019 at 17:38
For me, switching the protocol from http
to tls
worked since I am forwarding only a secure connection. I didn’t need to rewrite the header.
Just for context, I am forwarding a connection to a running docker container on Ubuntu 16.
PS: You still access the address using https in the browser, not tls.
answered Jul 30, 2018 at 14:08
1,84321 silver badges30 bronze badges
In my case I was running ngrok using ‘ngrok HTTP 3002’, while my express server was running at port 5000, hence throwing BAD GATEWAY error.
I restarted ngrok on port 5000 and it worked like a charm.
answered Mar 3, 2021 at 1:04
502 gateway error occurs because ngrok not able to receive any reponse from Localhost.
The things need to be done is :
- Start a webserver in a Port
- Trigger ngrok command in that Port.
What I have done is
- Started a tomcat Web Server in 8080.
- Then Triggered ngrok http 8080.
It works really cool …
Try this …..
Hope it works for You .
answered Oct 22, 2019 at 5:49
If you just with to use ngrok to intercept incoming data, and you do not have a local webserver for whatever reason, then you can use ncat.
nc -l 5000
This will create a process that listens on port 80.
So when used in combination with
ngrok http 5000
You will no longer get the ‘502 bad gateway’ error.
answered Nov 9, 2019 at 0:14
Jeroen RitmeijerJeroen Ritmeijer
2,7723 gold badges24 silver badges31 bronze badges
I had to put my server ip address and works perfect!
./ngrok http [ip server]:5000
answered Aug 17, 2020 at 23:21
i had the same issue,
because, i forgot to run the localhost:3000 port, which was supposed to be running some node server.
after i run node server, then i run, ngrok http 3000, so that it will cloud that node server in ngrok for globally access in internet.
answered Feb 28, 2021 at 18:09
I have solved the issue by killing the processes. Only 4 processes are allowed.
First command top
to see your streamlit processes. You will see:
Just type kill PID [PID VALUE]
and re-run the cell.
answered Jul 26, 2021 at 9:58
2622 silver badges10 bronze badges
I finally made it 😭
ngrok http 80
and then start another service on ur localhost:80… in my case, I use these
php -S localhost:80
and for reverse shell stuffs ..
nc -nlvp 80
Your problem is now fixed. ^_^
answered Mar 5, 2022 at 11:43
Sometimes what causes this error is your firewall that is blocking the connection.
to access the firewall in windows:
- press win +r
- type in firewall.cpl
- go to allow apps through windows defender
- below tap on allow another app.
- locate the ngrok.exe file.
This worked for me.
answered Jul 15, 2022 at 13:24
If you want to host your local service, then the command you to use is: ngrok http 8000
If it still doesn’t work and shows same then rewrite the host header using: ngrok http 8000 --host-header rewrite
answered Feb 16 at 5:50
I found it the hard way to solve this issue.
- Make sure you use the correct port and «
» use ngrok (eg.3000). You have to run both ngrok and node simultaneously. - Use correct endpoint on both code and on the Callback URL
- The response is a big json and you have to return
as an Integer/Number.
Tip: Use ngrok http
answered Apr 10 at 14:26
2113 silver badges8 bronze badges
For some reason the ngrok docker installation was giving me 502 error. Downloaded the binary for my Windows OS and worked like a charm
answered Jun 14 at 13:50
This error can occur if you have an HTTP rule to redirect HTTP to HTTPS.
You can disable this for your developer machine or add a custom rule based on the X-Original-Host
I’m using the IIS rewrite plug-in and this is how I fixed it
<rule name="Redirect to https" enabled="true" patternSyntax="ECMAScript" stopProcessing="true">
<match url=".*" negate="false" />
<conditions logicalGrouping="MatchAll">
<add input="{HTTPS}" pattern="off" />
<add input="{HTTP_X_Original_Host}" pattern="yourngrokname.ngrok.io" negate="true" />
<action type="Redirect" url="https://{HTTP_HOST}{REQUEST_URI}" redirectType="Found" />
answered Sep 17, 2017 at 6:54
140k84 gold badges648 silver badges690 bronze badges
Quite new to using any sort of Web App stuff, and I’ve been trying to slowly build a Facebook Messenger Bot. When I try to use ngrok I can’t visit the address I’m given, i.e:
ngrok http 5000
is what I’m putting in the command line, and it’s returning this:
ngrok by @inconshreveable
Session Status online
Version 2.1.18
Region United States (us)
Web Interface
Forwarding http://ea986ca5.ngrok.io -> localhost:5000
Forwarding https://ea986ca5.ngrok.io -> localhost:5000
Connections ttl opn rt1 rt5 p50 p90
0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
But when I take the address ‘https://ea986ca5.ngrok.io’ as is required by the Facebook developer’s page, it says:
The connection to http://ea986ca5.ngrok.io was successfully tunneled to your
ngrok client, but the client failed to establish a connection to the local
address localhost:5000.
Make sure that a web service is running on localhost:5000 and that it is a
valid address.
The error encountered was: dial tcp [::1]:5000: connectex: No connection
could be made because the target machine actively refused it.
Is it a problem with my local port? Thanks!
asked Nov 14, 2016 at 21:51
This worked for me
ngrok.exe http --host-header=rewrite localhost:<Your Port number>
ngrok.exe http --host-header=rewrite localhost:5219
Im using visual studio 2017 dont know if it effects anthing.
answered Mar 28, 2017 at 12:00
Try to explicitly set the localhost IP:
ngrok http
instead of ngrok http 5000
Good luck!
answered Oct 9, 2018 at 15:06
5774 silver badges7 bronze badges
Just as @njzk2 should have said, if you don’t have a web server running so it cannot work. I would like to make it clearer to you, if you are still confused.
What ngrok does, is to make your local server (running on localhost) to be available to the outside world (rest of the internet). On its own, it is not a web server. So for your bot development you need to have a web server running on a defined port (which in your case is 5000). Then you can point ngrok to this port so that it will redirect requests sent to your public address to the program running on that port.
The web server will then accept and handle requests from Facebook
answered Dec 16, 2016 at 3:55
6,0862 gold badges21 silver badges38 bronze badges
I found I had to remove the quotes around the -host-header section to get this to work with the latest ngrok version (2.3.35):
ngrok http https://localhost:5001 -host-header=localhost:5001
(Currently not enough rep to add comments on any of the answers above)
answered Jun 9, 2020 at 10:23
5135 silver badges11 bronze badges
Step 1 — Register to ngrok and download .exe file in dashboard page
Step 2 — Open terminal and copy & paste from the dashboard the line without ./
Step 3 — run your localhost
Step 4 — If step 2 was successfully done, paste in the same terminal (step 2) the line with your localhost port
ngrok http https://localhost:44386 -host-header=»localhost:44386″
Step 5 — Copy the URL generated in the terminal and waalla.. you can ping to it.
In case of <<<<Ngrok errors ‘502 bad gateway’>>>> change https into http so the Step 4 will be ngrok http http://localhost:44386 -host-header=»localhost:44386″
answered Jun 8, 2020 at 9:18
Try like below:
ngrok http -host-header=""
answered Mar 6, 2019 at 2:29
9192 gold badges13 silver badges27 bronze badges
It seems that this issue has now been resolved in the latest version of ngrok: https://github.com/inconshreveable/ngrok/issues/448
Basically, what you do is to specify that you are using https like this:
ngrok http https://localhost:54321 -host-header="localhost:54321"
At least, this resolved the issue for me. Replace 54321 with your actual port number.
answered Apr 14, 2020 at 7:17
5,2215 gold badges41 silver badges59 bronze badges
In my case, it was the project in Visual Studio 2017 .Net Core 2.1 was created to use https with a self-signed certificate. If you don’t need your localhost to be https, then what fixed it for me was creating a new web project and unchecking https. When you run ngrok (ngrok http port-number-from-IISExpress) it provides you with an https url you can use for development.
answered Feb 15, 2019 at 17:38
For me, switching the protocol from http
to tls
worked since I am forwarding only a secure connection. I didn’t need to rewrite the header.
Just for context, I am forwarding a connection to a running docker container on Ubuntu 16.
PS: You still access the address using https in the browser, not tls.
answered Jul 30, 2018 at 14:08
1,84321 silver badges30 bronze badges
In my case I was running ngrok using ‘ngrok HTTP 3002’, while my express server was running at port 5000, hence throwing BAD GATEWAY error.
I restarted ngrok on port 5000 and it worked like a charm.
answered Mar 3, 2021 at 1:04
502 gateway error occurs because ngrok not able to receive any reponse from Localhost.
The things need to be done is :
- Start a webserver in a Port
- Trigger ngrok command in that Port.
What I have done is
- Started a tomcat Web Server in 8080.
- Then Triggered ngrok http 8080.
It works really cool …
Try this …..
Hope it works for You .
answered Oct 22, 2019 at 5:49
If you just with to use ngrok to intercept incoming data, and you do not have a local webserver for whatever reason, then you can use ncat.
nc -l 5000
This will create a process that listens on port 80.
So when used in combination with
ngrok http 5000
You will no longer get the ‘502 bad gateway’ error.
answered Nov 9, 2019 at 0:14
Jeroen RitmeijerJeroen Ritmeijer
2,7723 gold badges24 silver badges31 bronze badges
I had to put my server ip address and works perfect!
./ngrok http [ip server]:5000
answered Aug 17, 2020 at 23:21
i had the same issue,
because, i forgot to run the localhost:3000 port, which was supposed to be running some node server.
after i run node server, then i run, ngrok http 3000, so that it will cloud that node server in ngrok for globally access in internet.
answered Feb 28, 2021 at 18:09
I have solved the issue by killing the processes. Only 4 processes are allowed.
First command top
to see your streamlit processes. You will see:
Just type kill PID [PID VALUE]
and re-run the cell.
answered Jul 26, 2021 at 9:58
2622 silver badges10 bronze badges
I finally made it 😭
ngrok http 80
and then start another service on ur localhost:80… in my case, I use these
php -S localhost:80
and for reverse shell stuffs ..
nc -nlvp 80
Your problem is now fixed. ^_^
answered Mar 5, 2022 at 11:43
Sometimes what causes this error is your firewall that is blocking the connection.
to access the firewall in windows:
- press win +r
- type in firewall.cpl
- go to allow apps through windows defender
- below tap on allow another app.
- locate the ngrok.exe file.
This worked for me.
answered Jul 15, 2022 at 13:24
If you want to host your local service, then the command you to use is: ngrok http 8000
If it still doesn’t work and shows same then rewrite the host header using: ngrok http 8000 --host-header rewrite
answered Feb 16 at 5:50
I found it the hard way to solve this issue.
- Make sure you use the correct port and «
» use ngrok (eg.3000). You have to run both ngrok and node simultaneously. - Use correct endpoint on both code and on the Callback URL
- The response is a big json and you have to return
as an Integer/Number.
Tip: Use ngrok http
answered Apr 10 at 14:26
2113 silver badges8 bronze badges
For some reason the ngrok docker installation was giving me 502 error. Downloaded the binary for my Windows OS and worked like a charm
answered Jun 14 at 13:50
This error can occur if you have an HTTP rule to redirect HTTP to HTTPS.
You can disable this for your developer machine or add a custom rule based on the X-Original-Host
I’m using the IIS rewrite plug-in and this is how I fixed it
<rule name="Redirect to https" enabled="true" patternSyntax="ECMAScript" stopProcessing="true">
<match url=".*" negate="false" />
<conditions logicalGrouping="MatchAll">
<add input="{HTTPS}" pattern="off" />
<add input="{HTTP_X_Original_Host}" pattern="yourngrokname.ngrok.io" negate="true" />
<action type="Redirect" url="https://{HTTP_HOST}{REQUEST_URI}" redirectType="Found" />
answered Sep 17, 2017 at 6:54
140k84 gold badges648 silver badges690 bronze badges
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Hi, I have installed ngrok version 2.2.8 on mac. I am trying to send http request to server using postman. A request is sending correctly. I am able to see headers in ngrok web interface. I am getting a response as » 502 Bad Gateway. The server returned an invalid or incomplete response.» How would I debug ngrok request?
This just started happening to me. Any suggestions/fixes? Nothing knowingly changed on my end as of late…
bump on this, it seems to happen when i paste it into the facebook sharing debugger
Getting this error too — anyone resolution..?
+1. v2.2.8 running on windows 10.
+1 v2.2.8, v2.2.9, and v2.2.7 on windows server 2008. Getting this text:
502 Bad Gateway
The server returned an invalid or incomplete response.
Well I am able to see localhost:4040 (which is the introspection page) through the tunnel, so its some disagreement between ngrok and my application. It’d be really nice if ngrok would log somewhere WHAT it did not like.
Try running it without ssl
Thanks @harksha — examining the documentation for how to
EDIT — you probably mean adding -bind-tls=false — that did not work:
Incorrect Usage: flag provided but not defined: -bind-tls
@harksha I see you posted 10 days ago that you had this problem, would appreciate figuring out which version of ngrok worked for you and what combo of command line options
@Joe118 No, I mean you need to disable ssl on your local solution, so it runs on http, not https
@harksha my http server already was running on http only.
Anyways I’m pretty convinced this is not a problem with ngrok because I can direct ngrok to forward port 4040 (its own diagnostic) and then I can see it fine on the ngrok.io subdomain. So its something to do with my http server.
I still can’t figure out why the port forwarding would cause a 502, because I can see the web page when I run a web browser on the same machine and look at it via localhost:8000/index.html
@Joe118 ok, I thought that’s what fixed it, but you’re right, it might be port forwarding(which got stopped when I removed ssl). Don’t have any idea why, tho’.
@harksha thanks!
I’m going to chat with the people who wrote the embedded web server I’m using — EmbedIO. I’ll report back here if they find anything.
OK its not an ngrok bug and not a bug in EmbedIO either.
The issue is that when you tell a webserver to serve pages on http://localhost:8787/ (as an example), some also bind and some do not. There’s no rule that the webserver has to, but also no rule that it does NOT have to. So to be sure ngrok will tunnel your web server, you have to bind both localhost:8787 and
@inconshreveable , so now the question becomes, did anything change in ngrok recently to require both localhost and to be bound?
Hey so you will need to start your server manually so that it listens on the port you want.
Run php -S -t public/ on linux command line with 5000 being the port you wanna feed to ngrok. Then go to ngrok and run ngrok http 5000
That will work
Switching the protocol from http
to tls
worked for me.
switching from http to tls killed the 502 error for me, but now i’m getting an invalid hostname 4xx error
Also getting the bad gateway for connecting to localhost running an HTTPS (TLS) server on port 9011.
When switching to HTTP (not HTTPS) it works.
Any new ideas?
This is what worked for me.
Spent hours searching for it. Some of the above solution didn’t work.
I would recommend this order.
ngrok http https://localhost:5443 -host-header=»localhost:5443″ -subdomain=
ngrok http https://localhost:5443 -host-header=»localhost:5443″
Efaz95 reacted with hooray emoji
Ngrok expects a web server to be running on localhost. If there isn’t a server running, you’ll see a 502 error .
I also ran into the same issue with testing some webhooks locally. In my case, I had to make sure ngrok was tunneling to my local development server running on HTTPS, not HTTP.
Hi tanvish,
502 gateway error occurs because ngrok not able to receive any reponse from Localhost.
The things need to be done is : 1.Start a webserver in a Port 2.Trigger ngrok command in that Port.
What i have done is -> Started a tomcat Web Server in 8080. -> Then Triggered ngrok http 8080.
It works really Kool .. Try this .. Hope it works for You .
just use
ngrok http port_number
it works
rayk47, giannidhooge, arielkaluzhny, MicicFilip, OsmarSalvatori, AdityaAugustaFirmansyah, gurinder-trantor, sheshankdebugged, kambielawski, kris48k, and 15 more reacted with thumbs down emoji
For linux users w/ default port 80:
sudo apt-get install apache2 sudo service apache2 start ngrok http 80
- Make sure port 80 is allowed through firewall
- place sample html file in
Sudo not install on Android phone when i using termux .
Quite new to using any sort of Web App stuff, and I’ve been trying to slowly build a Facebook Messenger Bot. When I try to use ngrok I can’t visit the address I’m given, i.e:
ngrok http 5000
is what I’m putting in the command line, and it’s returning this:
ngrok by @inconshreveable
Session Status online
Version 2.1.18
Region United States (us)
Web Interface
Forwarding http://ea986ca5.ngrok.io -> localhost:5000
Forwarding https://ea986ca5.ngrok.io -> localhost:5000
Connections ttl opn rt1 rt5 p50 p90
0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
But when I take the address ‘https://ea986ca5.ngrok.io’ as is required by the Facebook developer’s page, it says:
The connection to http://ea986ca5.ngrok.io was successfully tunneled to your
ngrok client, but the client failed to establish a connection to the local
address localhost:5000.
Make sure that a web service is running on localhost:5000 and that it is a
valid address.
The error encountered was: dial tcp [::1]:5000: connectex: No connection
could be made because the target machine actively refused it.
Is it a problem with my local port? Thanks!
+Upvote 8207
Answer 1
This worked for me
ngrok.exe http -host-header=rewrite localhost:<Your Port number>
ngrok.exe http -host-header=rewrite localhost:5219
Im using visual studio 2017 dont know if it effects anthing.
+Upvote 6975
Answer 2
Try to explicitly set the localhost IP:
ngrok http
instead of ngrok http 5000
Good luck!
+Upvote 4103
Answer 3
Just as @njzk2 should have said, if you don’t have a web server running so it cannot work. I would like to make it clearer to you, if you are still confused.
What ngrok does, is to make your local server (running on localhost) to be available to the outside world (rest of the internet). On its own, it is not a web server. So for your bot development you need to have a web server running on a defined port (which in your case is 5000). Then you can point ngrok to this port so that it will redirect requests sent to your public address to the program running on that port.
The web server will then accept and handle requests from Facebook
+Upvote 2735
Answer 4
I found I had to remove the quotes around the -host-header section to get this to work with the latest ngrok version (2.3.35):
ngrok http https://localhost:5001 -host-header=localhost:5001
(Currently not enough rep to add comments on any of the answers above)
+Upvote 2051
Answer 5
Step 1 — Register to ngrok and download .exe file in dashboard page
Step 2 — Open terminal and copy & paste from the dashboard the line without ./
Step 3 — run your localhost
Step 4 — If step 2 was successfully done, paste in the same terminal (step 2) the line with your localhost port
ngrok http https://localhost:44386 -host-header=»localhost:44386″
Step 5 — Copy the URL generated in the terminal and waalla.. you can ping to it.
In case of <<<<Ngrok errors ‘502 bad gateway’>>>> change https into http so the Step 4 will be ngrok http http://localhost:44386 -host-header=»localhost:44386″
+Upvote 1641
Answer 6
Try like below:
ngrok http -host-header=""
+Upvote 1367
Answer 7
It seems that this issue has now been resolved in the latest version of ngrok: https://github.com/inconshreveable/ngrok/issues/448
Basically, what you do is to specify that you are using https like this:
ngrok http https://localhost:54321 -host-header="localhost:54321"
At least, this resolved the issue for me. Replace 54321 with your actual port number.
+Upvote 1172
Answer 9
In my case, it was the project in Visual Studio 2017 .Net Core 2.1 was created to use https with a self-signed certificate. If you don’t need your localhost to be https, then what fixed it for me was creating a new web project and unchecking https. When you run ngrok (ngrok http port-number-from-IISExpress) it provides you with an https url you can use for development.
+Upvote 911
Answer 10
For me, switching the protocol from http
to tls
worked since I am forwarding only a secure connection. I didn’t need to rewrite the header.
Just for context, I am forwarding a connection to a running docker container on Ubuntu 16.
PS: You still access the address using https in the browser, not tls.
+Upvote 820
Answer 11
In my case I was running ngrok using ‘ngrok HTTP 3002’, while my express server was running at port 5000, hence throwing BAD GATEWAY error.
I restarted ngrok on port 5000 and it worked like a charm.
+Upvote 746
Answer 14
502 gateway error occurs because ngrok not able to receive any reponse from Localhost.
The things need to be done is :
- Start a webserver in a Port
- Trigger ngrok command in that Port.
What I have done is
- Started a tomcat Web Server in 8080.
- Then Triggered ngrok http 8080.
It works really cool …
Try this …..
Hope it works for You .
+Upvote 586
Answer 15
If you just with to use ngrok to intercept incoming data, and you do not have a local webserver for whatever reason, then you can use ncat.
nc -l 5000
This will create a process that listens on port 80.
So when used in combination with
ngrok http 5000
You will no longer get the ‘502 bad gateway’ error.
+Upvote 547
Answer 16
I had to put my server ip address and works perfect!
./ngrok http [ip server]:5000
+Upvote 512
Answer 17
i had the same issue,
because, i forgot to run the localhost:3000 port, which was supposed to be running some node server.
after i run node server, then i run, ngrok http 3000, so that it will cloud that node server in ngrok for globally access in internet.
+Upvote 482
Answer 18
I have solved the issue by killing the processes. Only 4 processes are allowed.
First command top
to see your streamlit processes. You will see:
Just type kill PID [PID VALUE]
and re-run the cell.
+Upvote 455
Answer 19
I finally made it ð
ngrok http 80
and then start another service on ur localhost:80… in my case, I use these
php -S localhost:80
and for reverse shell stuffs ..
nc -nlvp 80
Your problem is now fixed. ^_^
+Upvote 431
Answer 20
This error can occur if you have an HTTP rule to redirect HTTP to HTTPS.
You can disable this for your developer machine or add a custom rule based on the X-Original-Host
I’m using the IIS rewrite plug-in and this is how I fixed it
<rule name="Redirect to https" enabled="true" patternSyntax="ECMAScript" stopProcessing="true">
<match url=".*" negate="false" />
<conditions logicalGrouping="MatchAll">
<add input="{HTTPS}" pattern="off" />
<add input="{HTTP_X_Original_Host}" pattern="yourngrokname.ngrok.io" negate="true" />
<action type="Redirect" url="https://{HTTP_HOST}{REQUEST_URI}" redirectType="Found" />
+Upvote 410
I established a Ngrok tunnel on localhost, started service on port 8080, also run the command ./ngrok http 8080
. All is ready, but cannot succeed:
access localhost:4040, see this following:
- nat
- ngrok
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asked Mar 6, 2019 at 2:46
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I use below command, it works well
ngrok http -host-header=""
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answered Mar 6, 2019 at 2:46
9192 gold badges13 silver badges27 bronze badges
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