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User-579933967 posted
Please give me solution of this problem when i start defaut website then this error comes .
I searched on net and found that make usre 80 port not in use.
in cmd i gave netstat -b command and found no port 80 being used.
So what to do with this
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Thursday, October 7, 2021 12:00 AM
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User616745175 posted
There are 2 possible solutions:
1. You can change your IIS settings to run in different port (say 81)
For IIS 7, go to IIS Manager, select the website from the left tree view; then goto «Bindings…» from the right side «Actions» pane and edit the port number.If u r using skype
2. You can change your Skype settings
Skype File-> Options -> Connection
Uncheck Use Port 80 as an alternative for incoming connections.Restart default website.
hope i works…
User516094431 posted
Please give me solution of this problem when i start defaut website then this error comes .
I searched on net and found that make usre 80 port not in use.
in cmd i gave netstat -b command and found no port 80 being used.
So what to do with this
Dear it is only port issue error. change port in Virtual directories setting then will be work fine.
by default virtual directory use 80 port but may be 80 port use for another application.
for change port number:
open IIS -> right click on Default Web Site -> properties -> change port (81)-> OK
This way for IIS 5.1.
User-579933967 posted
@dear mshoaiblibra :
if i change my port 80 to 8010 it works but hy not 80 port?
ITs default port so i need to fix this problem
User516094431 posted
if i change my port 80 to 8010 it works but hy not 80 port?
ITs default port so i need to fix this problem
Dear if you want to run application on port 80 then you must be stop application which is using port 80. Then application will be work fine.
for view port info:
After Opening Command Prompt type «netstat -an» & press Enter
for fix your problem read below link article.
User-579933967 posted
dear cool
i am unable to find belo path in skype……
I end the skype and then start the defualt site in IIS it started , then i opened skype now both working.
2. You can change your Skype settings
Skype File-> Options -> Connection
Uncheck Use Port 80 as an alternative for incoming connections.Restart default website.
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Thursday, October 7, 2021 12:00 AM
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Windows server 2008 в программе Диспетчер служб IIS 6.0. Служба FTP нажимаю Пуск выскакивает ошибка: «Неправильная ошибка 0х8ffe2740»
Anton_13,Можно избавить от конфликта следующими способами:
либо запускать только один из серверов, либо в настройках развести их по разным портам.После операций не забудьте перезапустить IIS.
По этой ссылке
можете найти обсуждение подобной проблемы.Надеюсь был полезен.
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14 марта 2013 г. 7:27
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Petko KrushevMicrosoft contingent staff
18 марта 2013 г. 7:43
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Форум программистов Vingrad
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Установил IIS 5.1, при запуске появлялось инфор. окно — «Непредвиденная ошибка 0x8ffe2740». До установки IIS стоял Апач. После отключения Apache, как сервиса. IIS начал работать. При загрузки Apache, открыть виртуальную страницу localhost неполучается, в это время все (IIS, NetLimiter, Firewall) — выключены. ——————— В каждой черной комнате есть выход — всегда есть выход с любой ситуации! |
Sun |
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Так настрой просто на разные порты IIS и Apache и пусть они вместе у тебя работают. Никого тушить не нужно. ——————— Account removed |
vchilikov |
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А можно по подробнее. Сейчас у меня стоит Apache. Собираюсь установить Visual Studio, как установить IIS что бы можно было комфортно работать в VS. |
MuToGeN |
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Логика такая: один порт может слушать только одно приложение. Т.е. для того, чтоб и IIS, и Apache могли жить на одной машине, либо для IIS, либо для апача надо подправить конфиг и повесить его на другой порт. ——————— Three pings for the token rings, |
vchilikov |
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Разобрался. IIS вообще не нужен т.к. Visual Studio 2008 работает с ASP.NET Development Server, для разработки его достаточно. Установил Аpache на 80 порт. Теперь все работает без проблем т.к. ASP.NET Development Server запускается на портах отличных от 80. |
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Comment on this post [3]
Posted in Musings
Mental note: Skype will grab port 80 if it starts up before the IIS Web Server leading me to «Unexpected Error 0x8ffe2740 Occurred.»
Fix: Turn off «Use port 80 and 443 as alternatives for incoming connections within Skype’s options.
About Scott
Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.
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December 29, 2005 9:37
Yeah — this is one of those fun ones that’s easy to google once you already know the answer:
Skype and IIS are in collusion on this one — Skype picks a crazy default (assuming it’s okay to take over port 80) and IIS serves up a completely wacky error message. Would it be so hard to tell use which EXE is using port 80?
January 04, 2006 18:55
I have had problems opening a solution in Visual Studio with the error ‘the server is not running asp.net 1.1’.
I tried everybody’s ‘answers’ to try and fix the problem and they haven’t worked.
You have given me the simple solution!
January 05, 2006 12:00
I’ve run into problems with Skype and IIS twice. First time on port 80, then on port 443.
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- EFT Server, all versions
«Unexpected Error 0x8ffe2740 Occurred» Error Message When You Try to Start EFT Server
Microsoft IIS uses port 80 for HTTP communication. If you are running the IIS FTP server and EFT Server on the same computer, you can do either of the following:
- In IIS Manager, change the port bindings for the Web site to a port other than port 80.
- Stop the application that is using port 80, and then start the Web site from IIS Manager.
- Change EFT Server’s HTTP port and then reset IIS (or the other application binding that port) to port 80 if IIS (or the other application) takes precedence over EFT Server.
For more information, refer to the Microsoft Knowledge Base article #816944.
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