Найдите и исправьте ошибку английский язык

43 месяца назад

Упражнение 5 . Найдите ошибки и исправьте их. 1.We not going to school today. 2 What you doing after school? 3 At the

moment Peter is work in Russia. 4 Does he got a new car? 5 He never wear a hat. 6 He don’t like black coffee. 7 We are have a good time. 8 What you doing now? 9 It rains at the moment. 10 How you like the game?

1.We ARE not going to school today.

2. What ARE you doing after school?

3. At the moment Peter is workING in Russia.

4. Does he gEt a new car?

5. He never wearS a hat.

6. He DOESN’T like black coffee.

7. We are havING a good time.

8. What ARR you doing now?

9. It IS RAINING at the moment.

10. How DO you like the game?

Найдите и исправьте ошибки.

Present Continuous.

1. Jane works in London now.

2. The children is speaking English now.

3. Where you going?

Вопрос Найдите и исправьте ошибки?, расположенный на этой странице сайта, относится к
категории Английский язык и соответствует программе для 10 — 11 классов. Если
ответ не удовлетворяет в полной мере, найдите с помощью автоматического поиска
похожие вопросы, из этой же категории, или сформулируйте вопрос по-своему.
Для этого ключевые фразы введите в строку поиска, нажав на кнопку,
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Школьные Знания.com

Какой у тебя вопрос?

5 — 9 классыАнглийский язык 5+3 б

Найдите ошибки и исправьте их.

1. where your sister work? 2. I’m go to the cinema tonight. 3. How

much you get for your work? 4. We no wear a uniform at school. 5.

That’s my brother over there. He stands near the window. 6. What you

doing after school today? 7. Sorry. You can’t speak to Jane. She’s

have a bath. 8. We not going to school today. 9. Peter’s a

businessman. He’s working all over the world. 10. At the moment Pe-

ter’s work in Russia.

Отметить нарушение Tanechkafom 15.06.2014


Проверено экспертом

Ответ дан



1. Where does your sister work?

2. I’m going to the cinema tonight.

3. How much do you get for your work?

4. We don’t wear a uniform at school.

5. That’s my brother over there . He is standing near the window.

6. What are you doing after school today?

7. Sorry. You can’t speak to Jane.She is having a bath.

8. We are not going to school today.

9.Peter’s a businessman. He works all over the world.

10. At the moment Peter is working in Russia.


1. Найдите и исправьте ошибки в видо-временной форме глаголов.

  1. My wife and I are happy together: we are married since 1985.
  2. We usually have had our lunch before 2 p.m.
  3. I never do eat Japanese food.
  4. Sam often going to the movies.
  5. She is the laziest person I ever meet.
  6. They will go to the zoo last weekend.
  7. You are knitting this sweater for a month already!
  8. Did she brought the money yesterday?
  9. Nick studied at the library next Friday.
  10. Does Jane has a car?
  11. Ricky didn’t cooked anything for you.
  12. Mary is wearing jeans every day.
  13. I had eaten roast turkey many times.
  14. The boy broke the window before we came here.
  15. Your dog barked the whole evening yesterday.
  16. She was talking on the phone while I ate sushi.
  17. Fred has many jobs during his life.
  18. She will watch her favourite soap-opera at 10 o’clock tonight.
  19. Our plane leave in 2 hours.
  20. He don’t read the instructions yet.
  21. The situation will change by Thursday.
  22. How long are you learning to rollerblade?
  23. I have planted twenty rose bushes last Sunday.
  24. When we woke up in the morning the rain has already stopped.
  25. Renata is wearing contact lenses for about 10 years already.

2. Найдите в тексте ошибки в форме глаголов и поставьте правильную.

I am afraid my daughter became a chocoholic. There was a time when she eat just a bar of chocolate a day. But now she is wanting only chocolate. Chocolate sweets, chocolate ice-cream or milk, chocolate muffins: these is her favourite foods. She constantly eat sweets. I already notice some changes in her figure.

When I came home last night she is eating chocolate doughnuts. In fact she ate five of them before I came. And that was the first time she ate so much. For that reason I decided to phone my friend Henry. He works as a doctor for 10 years and I often asking him to give a good advice. I am thinking he is the best doctor I ever met.  So Henry asked us to came to his office. So at this time tomorrow we’ll visit him and discuss this problem.

I’m sure that by next spring my daughter will give up her bad habit, and in a couple of months’ time she will eat healthy food only. But, please, not tell it to anyone. You are the only person who is knowing it.

3. Поставьте глагол to study в необходимую форму для каждого случая, не переводя всего предложения.

to study

  1. Он изучает древнюю историю в колледже.
  2. Он изучает историю России в данный момент.
  3. Он учил историю вчера.
  4. Вчера с 6 до 9 вечера он учил историю.
  5. Он изучает историю уже два года.
  6. Он только что выучил тему по истории.
  7. Завтра он выучит пять тем.
  8. Когда я позвонила ему, он уже выучил две темы.
  9. Когда я позвонила ему, он учил историю уже полтора часа.
  10. Завтра к 6 часам я выучу все темы.
  11. Завтра в 6 часов он будет учить историю Греции.
  12. К тому времени, как придет отец, я уже несколько часов буду учить историю.



  1. My wife and I are happy together: we have been married since 1985.
  2. We usually have our lunch before 2 p.m.
  3. I never eat Japanese food.
  4. Sam often goes to the movies.
  5. She is the laziest person I have ever met.
  6. They went to the zoo last weekend.
  7. You have been knitting this sweater for a month already!
  8. Did she bring the money yesterday?
  9. Nick will study at the library next Friday.
  10. Does Jane have a car?
  11. Ricky didn’t cook anything for you.
  12. Mary wears jeans every day.
  13. I have eaten roast turkey many times.
  14. The boy had broken the window before we came here.
  15. Your dog was barking the whole evening yesterday.
  16. She was talking on the phone while I was eating sushi.
  17. Fred has had many jobs during his life.
  18. She will be watching her favourite soap-opera at 10 o’clock tonight.
  19. Our plane is leaving in 2 hours.
  20. He hasn’t read the instructions yet.
  21. The situation will have changed by Thursday.
  22. How long have you been learning to rollerblade?
  23. I planted twenty rose bushes last Sunday.
  24. When we woke up in the morning the rain had already stopped.
  25. Renata has been wearing contact lenses for about 10 years already.


I am afraid my daughter has become a chocoholic. There was a time when she ate just a bar of chocolate a day. But now she wants only chocolate. Chocolate sweets, chocolate ice-cream or milk, chocolate muffins: these are her favourite foods. She is constantly eating sweets. I have already noticed some changes in her figure. (Боюсь, что моя дочь стала шоколадоголиком. Было время, когда она съедала лишь плитку шоколада в день. Но сейчас ей нужен только шоколад. Шоколадные конфеты, шоколадное мороженое или молоко, шоколадные маффины: это ее любимая еда. Она постоянно ест конфеты. Я уже заметила изменения в ее фигуре.)

When I came home last night she was eating chocolate doughnuts. In fact she had eaten five of them before I came. And that was the first time she had eaten so much. For that reason I decided to phone my friend Henry. He has worked as a doctor for 10 years and I often ask him to give a good advice. I think he is the best doctor I have ever met.  So Henry asked us to come to his office. And at this time tomorrow we’ll be visiting him and discussing this problem. (Когда я пришла домой вчера вечером, она ела шоколадные пончики. Фактически она съела пять штук до моего прихода. И это было впервые, когда она съела так много. По этой причине я решала позвонить моему другу Генри. Он работает врачом 10 лет, и я часто обращаюсь к нему за хорошим советом. Думаю, он лучший врач, которого я встречала когда-либо. Так, Генри попросил нас прийти в его офис. И в это время завтра мы будем у  него на приеме обсуждать эту проблему.)

I’m sure that by next spring my daughter will have given up her bad habit, and in a couple of months’ time she will be eating healthy food only. But, please, do not tell it to anyone. You are the only person who knows it. (Уверена, что к следующей весне моя дочь бросит свою плохую привычку, а через пару месяцев она будет есть лишь здоровую еду. Но, пожалуйста, не говори об этом никому. Ты – единственный человек, который знает об этом.)


  1. studies
  2. is studying
  3. studied
  4. was studying
  5. has been studying
  6. has studied
  7. will study
  8. had studied
  9. had been studying
  10. will have studied
  11. will be studying
  12. will have been studying

Употребление времен (с ответами)4.9 out of
based on
34 votes

Some of these sentences have mistakes. Find the sentences and correct the mistakes.
1) My best friend lives next door to me and we go to school together.
2) Excuse me, where is the next bus stop?
3) The cinema is a bit farther on along this road, next to the bank.
4) The nearest train to Saint Petersburg leaves at 6.30.
5) Further education is the education you get after leaving school.
6) They think the Sun goes round the Earth. What next?
7) If you travel farther north, you will be able to see some very beautiful places of wild nature.
8) If we want to see a new film, my friends and I go to the next cinema.
9) What are they going to do in the nearest future?
10) Which is further from here: the cinema house or the circus?


ГДЗ Английский язык 8 класс (часть 2) Афанасьева. UNIT 3. Step 6. Номер №8


Перевод задания
В некоторых из этих предложений есть ошибки. Найдите предложения и исправьте ошибки.
1) My best friend lives next door to me and we go to school together.
2) Excuse me, where is the next bus stop?
3) The cinema is a bit farther on along this road, next to the bank.
4) The nearest train to Saint Petersburg leaves at 6.30.
5) Further education is the education you get after leaving school.
6) They think the Sun goes round the Earth. What next?
7) If you travel farther north, you will be able to see some very beautiful places of wild nature.
8) If we want to see a new film, my friends and I go to the next cinema.
9) What are they going to do in the nearest future?
10) Which is further from here: the cinema house or the circus?

1) My best friend lives next door to me and we go to school together.
2) Excuse me, where is the nearest bus stop?
3) The cinema is a bit farther on along this road, next to the bank.
4) The next train to Saint Petersburg leaves at 6.30.
5) Further education is the education you get after leaving school.
6) They think the Sun goes round the Earth. What next?
7) If you travel farther north, you will be able to see some very beautiful places of wild nature.
8) If we want to see a new film, my friends and I go to the nearest cinema.
9) What are they going to do in the nearest future?
10) Which is further from here: the cinema house or the circus?

Перевод ответа
1) Мой лучший друг живет по соседству со мной, и мы вместе ходим в школу.
2) Извините, где находится ближайшая автобусная остановка?
3) Кино чуть дальше по этой дороге, рядом с банком.
4) Следующий поезд в Санкт−Петербург отправляется в 6:30.
5) Дополнительное образование – это образование, которое вы получаете после окончания школы.
6) Они думают, что Солнце вращается вокруг Земли. Что дальше?
7) Если вы отправитесь дальше на север, то сможете увидеть очень красивые места дикой природы.
8) Если мы хотим посмотреть новый фильм, мы с друзьями идем в ближайший кинотеатр.
9) Что они собираются делать в ближайшее время?
10) Что дальше отсюда: кинотеатр или цирк?

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