Найди ошибку 4 класс английский язык

  Correcting mistakes

Correct the sentences below (if necessary) using Present Simple,
Present Progressive, Past Simple, Past Progressive tenses

1.   Tom
doesn’t goes to the cinema very often.


2.   Do
you listening to me now?


3.   Tim
was walking in the street for 1 hour.


4.   Mary
is read a book at the moment.


5.   Does
your brother like swimming?


6.   We
didn’t watched this film last month.


7.   Are
Jack going to work now?


8.   My
mother cook pizza every weekend.


9.   Are
you waiting for a bus?


10. Do you play
football yesterday?


11.  My
dog slept yesterday at 8 in the evening.


12.  Jane
isn’t do her homework now.


13.  What
was you doing all the evening yesterday?


14.  We
be in the park last Sunday.


15.  When
she broke her leg she wasn’t looking at the road.


16.  I
didn’t go abroad last year.


17.  Her
sister usually drink a lot of coffee.


18.  I
didn’t cleaning my flat all day long yesterday.


19.  Students
do their homework every day.


20.  My sister haved a party two weeks ago.



1.   Tom
doesn’t go to the cinema very often.

2.   Are you listening to me now?

3.   Tim
was walking in the street for 1 hour. right

4.   Mary
is reading a book at the moment.

5.   Does
your brother like swimming? right

6.   We
didn’t watch this film last month.

7.   Is Jack going to work now?

8.   My
mother cooks pizza every weekend.

9.   Are
you waiting for a bus? right

10. Did
you play football yesterday?

11.  My
dog was sleeping yesterday at 8 in the

12.  Jane
isn’t doing her homework now.

13.  What
were you doing all the evening

14.  We
were in the park last Sunday.

15.  When
she broke her leg, she wasn’t looking at the road. right

16.  I
didn’t go abroad last year. right

17.  Her
sister usually drinks a lot of coffee.

18.  I wasn’t cleaning my flat all day long

19.  Students
do their homework every day. right

20.  My sister had a party two
weeks ago.

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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43 месяца назад

Упражнение 5 . Найдите ошибки и исправьте их. 1.We not going to school today. 2 What you doing after school? 3 At the

moment Peter is work in Russia. 4 Does he got a new car? 5 He never wear a hat. 6 He don’t like black coffee. 7 We are have a good time. 8 What you doing now? 9 It rains at the moment. 10 How you like the game?

1.We ARE not going to school today.

2. What ARE you doing after school?

3. At the moment Peter is workING in Russia.

4. Does he gEt a new car?

5. He never wearS a hat.

6. He DOESN’T like black coffee.

7. We are havING a good time.

8. What ARR you doing now?

9. It IS RAINING at the moment.

10. How DO you like the game?

Each sentence has a mistake.

Find, correct and explain it.

1. There are a plum on the dish.

2. Does you have a pencil?

3. Аnn is water the flowers now.

4. How books does he like to read? — English books.

5. Who does she watch old films? — She likes them.

6. When does Liza live? — She lives in London.

7. Why does she drink milk? — In the evening.

8. What do you see by the lake? — My friend.

9. Fred is drives his car now.

10. I have a apple .

Each sentence has two mistakes.

Find, correct and explain them.

1. Sam’s friend always watch television in 7 p.m.

2.There are a table and too chairs in the kitchen.

3. Why do Sally ofen skate?

4. Do you know Sam? -Yes, I know us very good.

5. There is pen on thi desk.

6. Please take my brother at the zoo. Show it a tiger.

7. There is no a book on the tabel.

8. You can sit on these armchair.

9. We can to read a bike but not very good.

10. Where do you play this game? –

We play her on the garden.

Each sentence has three mistakes.

Find, correct and explain them.

1. I is Ann. This is her dad. Our name is Pavel.

2. Can Igor to sing a son? – No, I can’t.

3. My freinds is listening at music.

4. Sam and Jim not is playing footboll.

5. Is there some desks on the classroom?

6. Sveta like speek English.

7. Can you to run good? – Yes, I do.

8. We has sevn black cets.

9.There are a some milk in the cap.

10. I enjoy this carpet under the floor on the living room.

Each sentence has a lot of mistakes.

Find, correct and explain them.

1. The son on the ski is brite.

2. Sumer are hoter then autumn.Ar these dog sleepping?

3. Haw meny foxs there are in the forest?

4. Munkeys likes jump above the trees.

5. A porridge are my favouret foot.

6. He sometimes go tu the shop with her muther.

7. Its wunderfool soong.I ingoy her.

8. Ar these dog sleepping?

8. Spring. There is a lot off flowers in streat.

9. Would you likes som soup?-Yes, thank you.

10. These girl are the hapest.

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Исправьте 9 ошибок в следующем абзаце.
This is my best friend Vera. She’s ten years old. Vera has got blond hair and green eyes. She’s tall and slim. Her mum is from Italy! Every Tuesday we go sailing! It’s great fun!
Vera lives two blocks from my house at 45 Perich Street. Our dream is to travel to Africa and see wild animals!
1 Запиши электронное послание в правильном порядке (с. 156).
Dear Nikolay,
Hi! How are you?
Thank you for your e—mail. I’m having a great time here in Moscow. My uncle Ramil is a vet. He helps sick animals! In the afternoons we go to the park. It’s really cool! I love it there!
Write back soon!
1 Обведите правильное слово (с. 157).
1 too;
2 also;
3 also;
4 also;
5 too;
6 also.
2 Здесь три ошибки. Исправьте их (с. 157).
Fruits are delicious and they are also good for your health. I like all fruits and I like fruit cakes too! My mother makes the best banana cake. She makes also great banana biscuits! My sister likes fruits too but her favourite cake is chocolate cake.
1 Заполните пропуски (с. 158).
Dear Anton,
It’s my birthday on the seventh of December and I’m having a party!
Can you come? My address is 23 Pavlovic.
The party begins at six o’clock. Be there!
1 Соедините части и напишите предложения со словом because (с. 159).
1 — с;
2 — а;
3 — d;
4 — b.
1 Matvey slept for 10 hours because he was tired.
2 I like Saturdays because there aren’t any classes.
3 Vera is the best student in the class because she studies very hard.
4 We didn’t buy tickets for the concert because there weren’t any left.
2 Прочитайте текст и выберите правильное слово (с. 159).
1 because;
2 because;
3 because.
1 Исправьте ошибки (с. 160).
1 Му brother likes stories too.
2 The prince talked to the beautiful princess.
3 Did the elephant play the saxophone?
4 Last night Anton and Dimitry watched a funny film.
5 My favourite month is February.
6 Where were on Monday?
1 2 1) Прочитайте рассказ, подчеркните указанные слова. 2) Запишите рассказ в правильном порядке (с. 160).
1 Last Sunday my mum and I had a great time.
2 First, we had breakfast. Then, we went to the zoo. We were at the zoo for four hours.
3 Suddenly a monkey jumped and climbed on my shoulder. It was really funny!
4 Finally we left the zoo and went to an Italian restaurant. The food was yummy! It was the best Sunday ever!
1 Вы собираетесь в Лондон на неделю. Воспользуйтесь своими заметками и закончите письмо другу (с. 161).
Dear Diana,
Hi! How are you? Гш very happy! Гm going to London this weekend!
On Saturday morning I’m going to go to the Natural History Museum.
After that I’m going to the Tower of London.
Then, on Sunday morning I’m going to the
Planetarium Show. I’m Very excited!
Anyway, that’s all for now,
Take care. I miss you!

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