На сайте возникла критическая ошибка wordpress elementor

  • We use Elementor and Elementor PRO. All our pages can be edited, exited, however, when we try to update our Home page two issues occur.

    1. When we try to update the Home page, it typically fails a number of time giving us a Server 500 error, which is meaningless. After several attempts we can finally Update.

    2. Upon Exit to Dashboard, all our other pages in Elementor go to the WordPress edit page, but the Home page fails with this error:
    There has been a critical error on this website. Please check your site admin email inbox for instructions.

    We never get the WordPress email although our email address is correct on file.

    Any suggestions on how to debug Elementor in this case. As it is working on all other Elementor pages, I am thinking it is something unique to this page.


    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

  • Обнаружены атаки на плагин Elementor Pro 3.11.6 и ниже

    В Марте 2023 года была обнаружена уязвимость, которая затрагивает версию 3.11.6, а также предшествующие. Авторизированные пользователи могут перехватывать контроль над ресурсом и изменять его настройки.

    Работает уязвимость через AJAX action pro_woocommerce_update_page_option, где отсутствует проверка возможностей и недостаточно хорошо реализована проверка ввода данных.

    «Авторизированные злоумышленник может использовать уязвимость для создания учетной записи администратора, включив регистрацию и сделав ролью по умолчанию administrator, может изменить адрес электронной почты администратора или изменить siteurl, перенаправив весь трафик на удаленный вредоносный сайт»

    По мнению экспертов – бэкдор называется wp-resortpark.zip, wp-rate.php или lll.zip. Большинство атак, нацеленных на уязвимые сайты, исходят с трех IP-адресов:, и

    За небольшими подробностями собщается, что образец архива lll.zip содержит PHP-скрипт, позволяющий удаленному злоумышленнику загружать дополнительные файлы на скомпрометированный сервер.

    Бэкдор позволит получить полный доступ к сайту на WordPress, например, для кражи данных или установки дополнительной malware.

    Скорее обновите плагин до версии 3.11.7 или выше! Все предыдущие версии – имеют уязвимость!

    Если при работе с Worpress вылетает подобная ошибка:

    На сайте возникла критическая ошибка. Пожалуйста, проверьте входящие сообщения почты администратора для дальнейших инструкций.

    например, после того как в редакторе страницы вы нажали «Редактировать в Elementor», но не знаете что делать дальше.

    Для начала, включим логи.

    Для этого придется отредактировать на сервере файл /public_html/wp-content/wp-config.php

    Предварительно создайте бекап этого файла.

    define( ‘WP_DEBUG’, true );
    define( ‘WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY’, false );
    define( ‘WP_DEBUG_LOG’, true );

    После этого в папке /public_html/wp-content/ появится файл debug.log, в который будут выводится сообщения об ошибках.

    The term “Elementor WordPress Critical Error” often describes a serious problem or malfunction that happens when utilizing the Elementor plugin on a WordPress website. At Bobcares, with our WordPress Support Service, we can handle your issues.

    Fixing “Elementor WordPress Critical Error”

    The term “Elementor WordPress critical error” often refers to a significant problem or malfunction that happens when utilizing the Elementor plugin on a WordPress website. With the help of a drag-and-drop interface, users of the popular WordPress page builder plugin Elementor may design and build web pages. The website may become inaccessible or appear wrong as a result of serious Elementor faults.

    elementor wordpress critical error

    Some of the possible causes of the error include:

    1. Critical mistakes may result from conflicts between Elementor and other plugins or themes. Incompatible code or interfering functions may cause these conflicts to occur.

    2. When using the page builder, some WordPress themes might not be fully compatible with Elementor, resulting in problems. Conflicting design philosophies or code issues may be at blame for this.

    3. Critical issues can occur when using outdated versions of Elementor, WordPress, themes, or plugins. In order to maintain compatibility and security, it’s critical to keep all parts of the website updated.

    4. When using Elementor, server-related issues like insufficient RAM restrictions or incompatible server setups can result in serious difficulties.

    5. Critical issues may occur if the Elementor plugin files are corrupted as a result of faulty updates or incomplete installations.

    6. JavaScript is a key component of Elementor’s capabilities. Critical errors may occur if there are mistakes in the JavaScript code, either from Elementor or from other scripts on the website.

    Solutions for “Elementor WordPress Critical Error”

    There are various actions we can take to fix an Elementor-related critical error, including:

    1. Check for Plugin and Theme Conflicts: To verify if the error still occurs, briefly deactivate additional plugins and switch to the default WordPress theme. If the issue disappears, we can identify the offending plugin or theme.

    2. Software updates: Make sure we’re running the most recent versions of WordPress, Elementor, themes, and plugins. Updates frequently fix compatibility problems.

    3. Increase Memory Limits: Memory restrictions can occasionally result in serious mistakes. We must try raising the WordPress configuration files’ RAM limit.

    4. Reinstall Elementor: We need to remove and reinstall the Elementor plugin if we think the installation is faulty.

    5. Debugging: Look for JavaScript issues using the developer tools in the browser. If we discover any, we can focus on the problem and perform the necessary troubleshooting.

    [Looking for a solution to another query? We’re available 24/7.]


    To sum up, our Support team went over the details of the “Elementor WordPress critical error”, along with some solutions to fix it.


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    If your website is down because of a fatal error, check your email. WordPress sends a recovery link to the administrator of the site via email. The link always looks like this: /wp-login.php?action=enter_recovery_mode . Click the link in that email to gain access to your site’s WordPress dashboard once again.

    Alternate method: Although the first method is much easier, you can also deactivate your plugins by modifying their names via FTP. This will allow you to access the dashboard of WordPress.  If you do not know how to reach or modify the plugins names via FTP, you can contact your hosting provider.

    After you’ve regained access, try to upload / update  Elementor / Elementor Pro.

    The White Screen Of Death

    If you encounter a blank page (white screen of death) when you try to edit with Elementor try the following resources.

    Common Fatal Errors

    Uncaught Errors

    This fatal error is thrown when the compiler understands the PHP code but it recognizes an undeclared function. This means that the function is called without the definition of the function.

    Possible Causes and Solutions

    When you experience a ‘Fatal error: Uncaught Error’, it can be due to one of these multiple reasons:

    • Compatibility. Ensure that WordPress, Elementor, and Elementor Pro versions are updated or compatible. It is recommended to use the latest stable versions. Changelogs
    • Beta or Dev Versions. If using a Beta or Developer version of Elementor, revert back to the stable release. 
    • Server or Database. Depending on the core error and stack trace, you should be able to identify the root cause. It is best to search for similar articles related to the error on Google.
    • Corrupted Content. There are rare instances wherein corruption occurs. In this situation, double-check the content or any template, global widget, code that has been added. You may check the PHP error logs and console errors but if there are no signs of errors, you may test removing or disabling them one by one.

    Allowed Memory Size Exhausted

    This fatal error notifies you that the website’s hosting is running out of memory.

    Possible Causes And Solutions

    When you experience an ‘Allowed memory size exhausted’, it can be due to one of these multiple reasons:

    • Resources. When your server resources or defined memory limit are not sufficient, this error can occur. The hosting company should raise the WP memory limit accordingly.
    • ModSecurity. Sometimes, the memory limit can be set via ModSecurity so this has to be checked by the web host service provider.
    • WordPress Plugins. Multiple plugins installed on a website can exhaust the memory. Ensure that the memory limit is enough to handle them all.
    • Conflicts. Aside from the possible causes above, memory exhaustion can arise from conflicts that can be found in plugins, themes, custom codes, configurations, etc.

    Elementor Fatal Errors

    These are errors relating to Elementor. The name “elementor” should appear in the error.

    Possible Causes And Solutions

    When you experience an ‘Elementor fatal error’, it can be due to one of these multiple reasons:

    • Compatibility. Ensure that WordPress, Elementor, and Elementor Pro versions are updated or compatible. It is recommended to use the latest stable versions. Changelogs
    • Beta or Dev Versions. If using a Beta or Developer version of Elementor, revert back to the stable release. 
    • Elementor Addons. In some cases, third-party add-ons for Elementor can affect the plugins and may cause corruption resulting in an error.
    • Corrupted Content. There are rare instances wherein corruption occurs. In this situation, double-check the content or any template, global widget, code that has been added. You may check the PHP error logs and console errors but if there are no signs of errors, you may test removing or disabling them one by one.
    • Server or Database. Depending on the core error and stack trace, you should be able to identify the root cause. It is best to search for similar articles related to the error on Google.
    • Folder Name. Double-check if the correct name is assigned inside the WordPress plugins folder. If you do not have access to the server, you may verify this from the stack trace.

    Third-Party and Addons Fatal Errors

    When “Elementor” doesn’t appear in the error, or if an Elementor add-on appears in the error, the errors are not related to Elementor. Fatal errors that are related to a third-party or Elementor add-on should be forwarded to their respective authors.


    Possible Causes And Solutions

    • Compatibility. Ensure that your third-party or Elementor add-on version is compatible with the latest versions of Elementor by contacting their support.
    • Outdated. Check if there are available updates for your third-party or add-on.

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