Mysql innodb проверка базы на ошибки

Posted By: Mar. 12, 2020

How to check and repair MySQL Databases.

How to check and repair MySQL Databases

You will need know how to check and repair MySQL databases or tables when you troubleshoot your website as they may have become corrupt. The mysqlcheck command is a maintenance tool that can be used to check, repair, analyze and optimize multiple tables from the command line. One of the best features of using mysqlcheck is that you don’t need to stop the MySQL service to perform the database maintenance.

In this tutorial, we will show you how to check/repair MySQL databases and tables.

Note : It is recommended to take a backup of your databases before performing a database repair operation.

Basic Syntax of mysqlcheck

A basic syntax of mysqlcheck is shown below:


A brief explanation of each option that you can use with mysqlcheck as shown below:

-c : Used to check a table for errors

-C : Used to check a tables that are changed after last week.

-a : Used to analyze tables.

-A : Used to check all databases.

-g : Used to check tables for version-dependent changes.

-B, –databases : Used to specify multiple databases.

-F : Used to check tables that are not closed properly.

fix-db-names : Used to fix the database name.

fix-table-names : Used to fix the table name.

e : Used to perform an extended check.

-r : Used to repair corrupt table.

Check a Specific Table in a MySQL Database

In some cases, you need to check a specific table in a specific database. In that case, you can use the following syntax:

mysqlcheck -c databasename tablename -u root -p

For example, checks authors table in books database by running the following command:

mysqlcheck -c books authors -u root -p

You should get the following output:

 books.authors                                      OK

Data integrity check for one database.

Check All Tables in a MySQL Database

If you want to check all the tables in a specific database use the following syntax:

mysqlcheck -c databasename -u root -p

For example, check all tables in books database by running the following command:

mysqlcheck -c books -u root -p

You should get the following output:

 Enter password:                                   OK
 books.authors                                      OK
 books.writer                                       OK 

Data integrity check for one database and all its tables.

Check and Optimize All Tables and All MySQL Databases

You can check all tables and all databases using the following command:

mysqlcheck -c -u root -p --all-databases


 Enter password:                                   OK
 books.authors                                      OK
 books.writer                                       OK
 guest.MyGuests                                     OK                                     OK
 mysql.columns_priv                                 OK
 mysql.component                                    OK
 mysql.db                                           OK
 mysql.default_roles                                OK
 mysql.engine_cost                                  OK
 mysql.func                                         OK
 mysql.general_log                                  OK
 mysql.global_grants                                OK
 mysql.gtid_executed                                OK
 mysql.help_category                                OK
 mysql.help_keyword                                 OK
 mysql.help_relation                                OK
 mysql.help_topic                                   OK
 mysql.innodb_index_stats                           OK
 mysql.innodb_table_stats                           OK
 mysql.password_history                             OK
 mysql.plugin                                       OK
 mysql.procs_priv                                   OK
 mysql.proxies_priv                                 OK
 mysql.role_edges                                   OK
 mysql.server_cost                                  OK
 mysql.servers                                      OK
 mysql.slave_master_info                            OK
 mysql.slave_relay_log_info                         OK
 mysql.slave_worker_info                            OK

Data integrity check for all databases and all tables.

You can optimize all tables and all databases using the following command:

mysqlcheck -o root -p --all-databases


 Enter password:
 note     : Table does not support optimize, doing recreate + analyze instead
 status   : OK
 note     : Table does not support optimize, doing recreate + analyze instead
 status   : OK
 note     : Table does not support optimize, doing recreate + analyze instead
 status   : OK
 note     : Table does not support optimize, doing recreate + analyze instead
 status   : OK
 note     : Table does not support optimize, doing recreate + analyze instead
 status   : OK
 note     : Table does not support optimize, doing recreate + analyze instead
 status   : OK
 note     : Table does not support optimize, doing recreate + analyze instead
 status   : OK
 note     : Table does not support optimize, doing recreate + analyze instead
 status   : OK
 note     : Table does not support optimize, doing recreate + analyze instead
 status   : OK
 note     : Table does not support optimize, doing recreate + analyze instead
 status   : OK

Optimization for all databases and all tables.

In the above output, you should see “Table does not support optimize” which means the InnoDB table that doesn’t support this option.

Repair MySQL Databases

To repair accountant tables in books database run the following command:

mysqlcheck -r books accountant -u root -p


 mysqlcheck -r books accountant -u root -p
 Enter password:                                   OK 

Repair of a table inside a MySQL database.

To repair all tables in both books and movies database run the following command:

mysqlcheck -r --databases books movies -u root -p


 Enter password:                                   OK
 books.authors                                      OK
 books.writer                                       OK                                     OK

Repair of all tables inside multiples MySQL database.

To check and repair all tables in all databases run the following command:

mysqlcheck --auto-repair --all-databases -u root -p


 Enter password:                                   OK
 books.authors                                      OK
 books.writer                                       OK
 guest.MyGuests                                     OK                                     OK
 mysql.columns_priv                                 OK
 mysql.component                                    OK
 mysql.db                                           OK
 mysql.default_roles                                OK
 mysql.engine_cost                                  OK
 mysql.func                                         OK
 mysql.general_log                                  OK
 mysql.global_grants                                OK
 mysql.gtid_executed                                OK
 mysql.help_category                                OK
 mysql.help_keyword                                 OK
 mysql.help_relation                                OK
 mysql.help_topic                                   OK
 mysql.innodb_index_stats                           OK
 mysql.innodb_table_stats                           OK
 mysql.password_history                             OK
 mysql.plugin                                       OK
 mysql.procs_priv                                   OK
 mysql.proxies_priv                                 OK
 mysql.role_edges                                   OK
 mysql.server_cost                                  OK
 mysql.servers                                      OK
 mysql.slave_master_info                            OK
 mysql.slave_relay_log_info                         OK
 mysql.slave_worker_info                            OK
 mysql.slow_log                                     OK
 mysql.tables_priv                                  OK
 mysql.time_zone                                    OK
 mysql.time_zone_leap_second                        OK
 mysql.time_zone_name                               OK
 mysql.time_zone_transition                         OK
 mysql.time_zone_transition_type                    OK

Mysqlcheck  repair of all databases result.

Important note: InnoDB storage engine does not support repair. So you will need to change MySQL storage engine from InnoDB to MyISAM.

Check, Repair and Optimize MySQL Database with PHPMyAdmin

You can also check, repair and optimize tables and databases using the PHPMyAdmin web interface.

You can follow the below steps to check, repair and optimize tables and databases:

1- Open the phpMyAdmin tool through a web browser as shown below:

Select a database into PHPMyAdmin.

2- Select the affected database in the left pane. You should see all the tables in the right pane in the following screen:

Select a tables into PHPMyAdmin.

3- Click Check All to select all the tables. At the bottom of the window, choose Check Table from the menu. You should see a summary of the tables in the following screen:

Run a Check Tables on selected tables into PHPMyAdmin.

4- To repair the table, Check All to select all the tables and choose Repair Table from the menu. You should see the following page:

Run a Repair tables on selected tables into PHPMyAdmin.

Then you should get a confirmation that the command been executed successfully:

Repair tables command confirmation.

5- To optimize the table, Check All to select all the tables and choose Optimize Table from the menu. You should see the following page:

Run a Optimize tables on all selected tables into PHPMyAdmin.

Then you should get a confirmation that the command been executed successfully:

Optimize tables command confirmation.


In the above tutorial, we learned how to check and repair MySQL table using mysqlcheck command-line tool. We also learned how to check, repair and optimize database tables using the PHPMyAdmin web interface. I hope you can now easily fix your corrupted tables using this tool.

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Предположим, вы работаете с MySQL таблицами Innodb, и в один


не самый хороший момент подводит глючное железо, драйвер, бажит ядро, отключается электричество или случается одна из редких ошибок в среде MySQL. На выходе получаем повреждение некоторых страниц в табличной области Innodb.

В одной из предыдущих статей, в комментариях, нас спрашивали, что можно сделать в такой ситуации. Мы постараемся ответить максимально лаконично и по делу.

Так вот, сейчас речь о ситуации вроде этой:

InnoDB: Database page corruption on disk or a failed
InnoDB: file read of page 7.
InnoDB: You may have to recover from a backup.
080703 23:46:16 InnoDB: Page dump in ascii and hex (16384 bytes):
080703 23:46:16 InnoDB: Page checksum 587461377, prior-to-4.0.14-form checksum 772331632
InnoDB: stored checksum 2287785129, prior-to-4.0.14-form stored checksum 772331632
InnoDB: Page lsn 24 1487506025, low 4 bytes of lsn at page end 1487506025
InnoDB: Page number (if stored to page already) 7,
InnoDB: space id (if created with >= MySQL-4.1.1 and stored already) 6353
InnoDB: Page may be an index page where index id is 0 25556
InnoDB: (index “PRIMARY” of table “test”.”test”)
InnoDB: Database page corruption on disk or a failed

Что делать для восстановления таблицы? В принципе, типов повреждений может быть несколько, ниже мы рассмотрим один из наиболее распространенных моментов. А именно — когда повреждена страница в кластеризованном первичном ключе.

В примере рассматривается файл test.idb, где заменено несколько байтов, так что повреждение достаточно умеренное.

При этом операция CHECK TABLE в INNODB практически бесполезна. Для текущего поврежденного файла мы получаем:

mysql> check table test;
ERROR 2013 (HY000): Lost connection to MySQL server during query
mysql> check table test;
| Table     | Op    | Msg_type | Msg_text |
| test.test | check | status   | OK       |
1 row in set (0.69 sec)

Первый запуск — проверка таблицы в обычном режиме, в этом случае innodb просто падает, если есть ошибка в контрольной сумме (даже, если мы выполняем CHECK). Во втором случае запускаем innodb_force_recovery=1. И даже здесь мы получаем в логах запись о несовпадении контрольной суммы, при этом CHECK TABLE говорит нам, что с таблицей все ок. Как видим, CHECK TABLE доверять можно далеко не всегда.

В примере «повреждение» совсем небольшое, поэтому, если запускаем innodb_force_recovery=1, получаем следующее:

mysql> CREATE TABLE `test2` (
    ->   `c` char(255) DEFAULT NULL,
    ->   `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
    ->   PRIMARY KEY (`id`)
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.03 sec)
mysql> insert into test2 select * from test;
Query OK, 229376 rows affected (0.91 sec)
Records: 229376  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0

Теперь мы получили все данные в таблице MyISAM, так что все, что остается сделать — дропнуть старую таблицу, и конвертировать новую в innodb после рестарта без опции innodb_force_recovery. Если старая таблица будет нужна в дальнейшем, ее можно просто переименовать. Вторая альтернатива — сделать дамп с MySQLDump и загрузить таблицу обратно. В принципе, это почти одно и то же. MyISAM используется по причине, описанной ниже.

Почему бы просто не воспользоваться OPTIMIZE TABLE? Все потому, что работа в режимер innodb_force_recovery проводится в режиме чтения для операций с данными, поэтому нельзя вставлять или стирать данные (при этом можно создавать или удалять таблицы Innodb):

mysql> optimize table test;
| Table     | Op       | Msg_type | Msg_text                         |
| test.test | optimize | error    | Got error -1 from storage engine |
| test.test | optimize | status   | Operation failed                 |
2 rows in set, 2 warnings (0.09 sec)

Это было просто, правда?

После этого можно пойти еще дальше, и отредактировать наш файл test.ibd, полностью удалив один из заголовков страницы. Теперь CHECK TABLE будет падать даже при использовании innodb_force_recovery=1

080704 0:22:53 InnoDB: Assertion failure in thread 1158060352 in file btr/btr0btr.c line 3235
InnoDB: Failing assertion: page_get_n_recs(page) > 0 || (level == 0 && page_get_page_no(page) == dict_index_get_page(index))
InnoDB: We intentionally generate a memory trap.
InnoDB: Submit a detailed bug report to
InnoDB: If you get repeated assertion failures or crashes, even

Если мы видим нечто подобное, то innodb_force_recovery нам не поможет, поскольку работать с этим можно тлько в случаях повреждения данных в различных системных местах. Но в нашем случае это не помогает.

Получаем такую ошибку:

mysql> insert into test2 select * from test;
ERROR 2013 (HY000): Lost connection to MySQL server during query

Попытки использования автоматических процессов восстановления поврежденных данных не приводят к положительному результату. Поэтому стоит использовать серию команд с LIMIT для режима ручного восстановления:

mysql> insert ignore into test2 select * from test limit 10;
Query OK, 10 rows affected (0.00 sec)
Records: 10  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0
mysql> insert ignore into test2 select * from test limit 20;
Query OK, 10 rows affected (0.00 sec)
Records: 20  Duplicates: 10  Warnings: 0
mysql> insert ignore into test2 select * from test limit 100;
Query OK, 80 rows affected (0.00 sec)
Records: 100  Duplicates: 20  Warnings: 0
mysql> insert ignore into test2 select * from test limit 200;
Query OK, 100 rows affected (1.47 sec)
Records: 200  Duplicates: 100  Warnings: 0
mysql> insert ignore into test2 select * from test limit 300;
ERROR 2013 (HY000): Lost connection to MySQL server during query

Здесь строки из таблицы переводятся в новую таблицу, пока мы не добираемся до строки, которая и вызывает падение MySQL. Мы можем ожидать этого в строке между 200 и 300, так что стоит использовать серию схожих действий для решения проблемы.

Теперь мы обнаружили поврежденные данные в таблице, при этом стоит использовать max PK, и проверить иные значения:

mysql> select max(id) from test2;
| max(id) |
|     220 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> insert ignore into test2 select * from test where id>250;
ERROR 2013 (HY000): Lost connection to MySQL server during query
mysql> insert ignore into test2 select * from test where id>300;
Query OK, 573140 rows affected (7.79 sec)
Records: 573140  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0

Так, мы пробуем пропустить 30 строк, но это оказывается недостаточным. Пропускаем 80 строк, и теперь все хорошо. Используя «двоичный поиск» мы можем понять, сколько строк нужно пропустить, для восстановления максимального количества поврежденных данных. Размер строки при этом может помочь. Так, у нас есть 280 байт на строку, поэтому мы получаем около 50 строк на страницу. И здесь 30 строк недостаточно — если таблица страниц повреждена, нужно пропустить минимум всю страницу. Если повреждена страница на более высоком уровне BTREE, нужно пропустить больше страниц, для использования этого метода восстановления.

В некоторых случаях, например, когда повреждена root page для кластеризованного индекса, этот метод не будет нормально работать. В этом случае стоит использовать Innodb Recovery Toolkit.

P.S. Принимаем заявки на статьи :)


MySQL offers several different ways to analyze and repair databases. Errors and anomalies appear for numerous reasons, some of which include:

  • A MySQL update or downgrade.
  • Rapid changes in indexes or data.
  • Table inconsistencies.

When checking for corrupted data and repairing tables, the steps taken to fix the errors depend on how you connect to the database, the database server state, the type of error, and the database engine used.

This article shows you multiple ways to troubleshoot and repair a MySQL database.

How to Repair a MySQL Database


  • Terminal or command line with root privileges.
  • MySQL version 8.0 installed and configured.
  • A corrupt database or database table.

How to Check MySQL Table for Errors

Running diagnostics is the first step to troubleshooting for issues. There are two ways to check a MySQL table for errors:

  • Through a MySQL CHECK TABLE query.
  • Using the terminal program mysqlcheck.

Check a Table with CHECK TABLE

The CHECK TABLE query works in MySQL while the service is running. The general use is:

CHECK TABLE <table name> [, table name, table name] [option] [option];

The simplest use is one table without any options:

CHECK TABLE <table name>;

The output of the CHECK TABLE query shows an informative table about the check results:

Output of the CHECK TABLE MySQL query

The available options when checking tables are:

  • FOR UPGRADE — discovers version inconsistencies. For example, MySQL 8.0 does not support two-digit years, so a table containing such values is marked for upgrade.
  • QUICK — does not check rows for incorrect linking. This is helpful in avoiding timeouts.
  • FAST — performs a check on tables that are not closed properly.
  • CHANGED — only checks tables with changes since the last check or that have not closed properly.
  • MEDIUM — checks table rows to verify the validity of deleted links and performs a checksum for the rows.
  • EXTENDED — does a check for complete consistency.

Without any options, CHECK TABLE performs a MEDIUM check on MyISAM tables and views. The FOR UPGRADE and QUICK perform checks on InnoDB engine tables and views while other options are ignored.

You can also combine the options for a more detailed check. For example, to do a quick check to find out whether a table closed adequately, run:


Any options that do not apply to the tables are ignored.

Check a Table With mysqlcheck

The mysqlcheck command is the command-line version of CHECK TABLE. The program runs in the terminal while the MySQL service is operating. To perform the check:

1. As the root user, navigate to the directory where the databases are stored:

sudo su
cd /var/lib/mysql

2. Check the whole database with:

mysqlcheck <database name>

Terminal output of the mysqlcheck command

Alternatively, check a specific table within the database by providing the table name as well:

mysqlcheck <database name> <table name>

Terminal output of the mysqlcheck command on a table

There are several methods how to repair a database in MySQL. However, keep in mind that these methods are not a quick fix and can result in data loss. If the database tables are corrupt often, identify the reason for the occurrence.

Before making any changes and starting repairs, create a copy of the directory:

cp -rfv /var/lib/mysql /var/lib/mysql_copy

Alternatively, make a backup version of the database before trying any of the repair solutions. Follow our guide: How to Back Up & Restore a MySQL Database.

Below you will find three options how to repair a MySQL database.

Repairing MySQL Database with REPAIR TABLE Query

After scanning and locating the database and the tables with problems, the quickest way to fix the issue is with the REPAIR TABLE query:

Repairing a MySQL database table using REPAIR TABLE

If the server shuts down during the repair, rerun the REPAIR TABLE operation when the server starts again. Make sure to do this before performing any other operations on the same table. In normal conditions, a MyISAM table will not result in data loss from using this method.

Repairing MySQL Database with mysqlcheck

The mysqlcheck command is an alternative to repairing database tables in the terminal.

1. First, navigate to the MySQL database folder as the root user:

cd /var/lib/mysql

2. Add the -r option to the mysqlcheck command to repair the database table:

mysqlcheck -r <database> <table name>

Repairing a MySQL table with mysqlcheck

The mysqlcheck -r command is the terminal version of the REPAIR TABLE query.

Repairing MySQL Database with ALTER TABLE

Use the ALTER TABLE query to rebuild the table using the same storage engine. For example, if you have an InnoDB table, run:

ALTER TABLE <table name> ENGINE = InnoDB;

To rebuild a MyISAM table, use:


If you are unsure which storage engine the table uses, run the following query to find out:

SHOW CREATE TABLE <table name>;

Checking database table engine using SHOW CREATE TABLE

Running Engine-Specific Diagnostics and Repairs to MySQL Database

Depending on the database engine used, MySQL provides engine-specific approaches for analyzing and repairing a database table.

MyISAM tables are prone to corruptions. However, most of the time the errors are easy to fix.

When working with InnoDB databases, corruptions appear when the checksum values don’t match. Errors typically happen due to a power outage or some other hardware issue.

Checking and Repairing MyISAM Tables with myisamchk

MySQL provides a specific checker for MyISAM tables.

1. Shut down the MySQL server. Open the terminal and run:

systemctl mysql stop

2. As the root user, navigate to the location of the database:

cd /var/lib/mysql/<database name>

3. To check a specific table, run:

myisamchk <table name>

Checking a MyISAM table using myisamchk

4. Repair a table by running:

myisamchk --recover <table name>

5. Restart the MySQL server:

systemctl restart mysql

6. Lastly, check the table in MySQL after recovery:

sudo mysql -u <user> -p <password>
USE <database name>;
SELECT * FROM <table name> LIMIT 4;

Checking a MySQL table after recovery

Running the InnoDB Recovery Process

MySQL documentation suggests running the InnoDB recovery process for InnoDB databases.

1. Locate and open the global configuration file using your favorite text editor. For Ubuntu and Debian systems, the location is:

cd /etc/mysql/my.cnf

Note: For CentOS and Fedora, the location is:

cd /etc/my.cnf

2. Add the following option to the my.cnf file:


By default, the forced recovery option is set to 0 (off) and goes up to 6. Every new level includes the recovery features of the lower numbers.

3. Save and close the file.

4. Restart the MySQL server to ensure the new configuration file applies:

systemctl restart mysql

5. In the home folder, export all the databases to a backup file with the mysqldump command:

sudo mysqldump --all-databases --add-drop-database --add-drop-table --routines > <file name>.sql

6. Start MySQL client and drop all the affected database tables. To drop a database table, try:

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS <table name>;

If the table does not drop, try removing the database table manually. Log in as the root user and navigate to the directory where the databases are:

sudo su
cd /var/lib/mysql/<database name>

Remove the database table:

rm -r <table name>

7. Stop the MySQL server:

systemctl stop mysql

8. In the my.cnf file, comment out the innodb_force_recovery option added in step 2 to disable the recovery mode. Then, save the file and close.

9. Start the MySQL server up again:

systemctl start mysql

10. Restore the database from the backup .sql file in the MySQL shell. Log into the MySQL client:

sudo mysql -u <username> -p <password>

11. Run the following query to import the databases:

USE <database name>;
# Turning off auto commit is optional and speeds things up for larger databases
SET autocommit=0; 
SOURCE <file name>.sql;

12. Lastly, test the database to confirm everything works correctly. If not, restore the database from backup and try an alternate method.


This tutorial outlines several different methods to repair a MySQL database. Since database corruptions are bound to happen, MySQL provides multiple ways to discover and fix errors in a database, some of which are outlined in this article.

However, since recovery sometimes results in data loss, the best way to protect your information is to create regular backups and follow the best database security practices.

Repair Existing Crashed Databases and Tables

From the command line, run a general check and repair of all MyISAM and InnoDB tables:

mysqlcheck -u root -p –auto-repair –check –optimize –all-databases

The MySQL Services has to be running for “mysqlcheck” to work.

If MySQL will not start (and only in this case), run myisamchk with the path to MySQL’s data directory:

myisamchk –recover C:/WampDeveloper/Database/mysql-data-56/*/*.MYI

Auto Repair Future Crashed Databases and Tables

Edit MySQL’s my.ini file and tell MySQL to auto recover MyISAM tables as they are opened:


# For MySQL 5.1


# For MySQL 5.5.3+


Remove the myisam-recover option “BACKUP” if this is happening often, as the backup files will accumulate and grow in number (and the overall size becomes a problem).

InnoDB tables automatically recover after every crash, and no additional configuration is needed… Unless the InnoDB data is so corrupt that MySQL will not start.

Trace Crashes to Specific Query

If you log all the queries made, the last one before the crash will likely be the one that is causing crashes and corruption. And from it, you can trace the issue back to its origin…


general_log = 1

general_log_file = “C:/mysql-query.log.txt”

Checking and Repairing MySQL Tables

You might need to restore corrupted tables (or even an entire database) from your backups and use the update logs if a table gets damaged or deleted by accident. In case of relatively minor damage, however, MySQL provides several options for table repair. This next section deals with what you can do if this is the case.

Checking Tables for Errors

The first thing to do if you suspect something is wrong is to check the table for errors. The myisamchkutility is one way to check a table. To invoke this utility, execute the command myisamchk table-file.

Because myisamchk requires exclusive access to the tables, a good idea is to take the server offline before running it. This way, you needn’t worry about coordinating access between clients. In addition, you can run several options when you check a table for errors, as shown in Table 1.

The following example runs myisamchk with the extended option enabled. If you’re following along, don’t use a large table to see how this works because you’ll tie up your server for quite a while. If no errors are detected using the extended option, you can be certain the specified table isn’t the problem.

[root@production ~]# /usr/local/bin/myisamchk –extend-check/usr/local/mysql/data/db1/airport.MYIChecking MyISAM file: /usr/local/mysql/data/db1/airport.MYIData records:      15   Deleted blocks:       0myisamchk: warning: 1 client is using or hasn’t closed the table properly- check file-size- check record delete-chain- check key delete-chain- check index reference- check data record references index: 1- check record linksMyISAM-table ‘/usr/local/mysql/data/db1/airport.MYI’ is usable but should befixed

The downside of myisamchk is this database-checking tool requires locking out clients while the diagnosis is performed. Moreover, no client can hold a lock on the table being checked while myisamchkis running. On a big table, where myisamchk can take a few minutes to perform its checks, this can be a problem.

Table 1 Additional myisamchk Table Check Options

One alternative here is to set myisamchk to use large buffers (use myisamchk –help to see the options for changing the various buffers). Another alternative is to use a different method to check your tables: the CHECK TABLE command.

The myisamchk utility requires exclusive access to the tables it’s checking because it works directly with the table files. The CHECK TABLE command, on the other hand, has the server check the tables. This means less work for you, as you don’t have to take the server down and remove all the locks from the table. Here’s an example of it in action:

mysql> CHECK TABLE airport;

1 row in set (0.08 sec)

In case you were wondering, you can also add the keywords FAST, MEDIUM, and EXTENDED to the CHECK TABLE command to perform the desired type of check.

Why not run CHECK TABLE all the time then, instead of myisamchk, you might ask? The main reason is this: The server does all the work when using CHECK TABLE. If your server is down, CHECK TABLE isn’t an option. On the other hand, myisamchk works at the file level and, therefore, can work even if the server is down. Since CHECK TABLE is a SQL command that can only be sent via a client, the server must be running to accept it. If you have a choice, however, by all means let MySQL do the work.


myisamchk only works with the MyISAM storage engine. To check InnoDB tables, use the CHECK TABLEcommand instead.

Repairing Tables

If you find errors exist after checking a table, you must repair the table. The best practice is to make a copy of the table in question before you try to repair it. This gives you the option of trying a different way to recover it if your first solution doesn’t work.

The myisamchk tool discussed previously can also be used to repair a damaged table. Use the –recoveroption with the table filename to start this process. Here’s an example:

[root@host]# /usr/local/mysql/bin/myisamchk –recover/usr/local/mysql/data/db1/airport.MYI- recovering (with sort) MyISAM-table’/usr/local/mysql/data/db1/airport.MYI’Data records: 15- Fixing index 1

If the –recover option fails to take care of the problem, the –safe-recover option attempts a slow recovery of the table. Other options are also available, and Table 2 explains what they mean.

Keep in mind that the myisamchk tool works at the file level and, therefore, requires that all locks be removed and all clients be excluded.

As when checking a table, you should try the fastest options first and move to the slower, more thorough, options only if needed. You might find many common problems are fixed without having to resort to the slower options. If you still have a problem after running even the most intensive repair possibilities, you’ll have to restore the table from your backups. Restoring is covered in detail in the section “Restoring Databases and Tables from Backup.”

The other option you have when repairing a table is the REPAIR TABLE command, coupled with the table name. Similar to myisamchk, you have the option of using the QUICK or EXTENDED keyword to set the type of repair. Simply add the option name to the end of the REPAIR TABLEstatement, as in the example shown:

mysql> REPAIR TABLE airport QUICK;+————-+——–+———-+———- +| Table       | Op     | Msg_type | Msg_text  |+————-+——–+———-+———- +| db1.airport | repair | status   | OK        |+————-+——–+———-+———- +1 row in set (0.00 sec)


You can use either myisamchk or REPAIR TABLE to fix a damaged table, but remember (as discussed earlier in the context of the CHECK TABLE command), the server must be running in order to use REPAIR TABLE, while you must only use myisamchk if the server is down.

TABLE 2 Additional myisamchk Table Repair Options

Optimizing Tables

There are a number of times when optimizing a table is a good idea. A common example is if a table gets considerable activity, especially many deletions. In such a situation, it can quickly get fragmented, resulting in performance degradation. Running the OPTIMIZE TABLE command flushes these deleted records and frees up space.

For example, the following command optimizes the route table:

mysql> OPTIMIZE TABLE route;+———–+———-+———-+———- +| Table     | Op       | Msg_type | Msg_text  |+———–+———-+———-+———- +| db1.route | optimize | status   | OK        |+———–+———-+———-+———- +1 row in set (0.06 sec)

The OPTIMIZE TABLE command is like your mother coming in and tidying your room. In addition to getting rid of old, deleted files, it sorts indexed files, places the contents of variable table rows into contiguous spaces, and updates table statistics. Remember, though, that the table is locked and can’t be accessed by clients while it’s being serviced.


How to Fix MySQL Database (MyISAM / InnoDB)

So… your shiny MySQL database is no longer running and you want to fix it?

You’ve come to the right place!

I’ve assembled a list of 7 ways to fix your MySQL database when a simple restart doesn’t do the trick, or when you have corrupt tables.

Simple MySQL restart:
/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqladmin -uUSERNAME -pPASSWORD shutdown
/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqld_safe &

  1. Corrupt MyISAM tables

    MySQL database allows you to define a different MySQL storage enginefor different tables. The storage engine is the engine used to store and retrieve data. Most popular storage engines are MyISAM and InnoDB.

    MyISAM tables -will- get corrupted eventually. This is a fact of life.

    Luckily, in most cases, MyISAM table corruption is easy to fix.

    To fix a single table, connect to your MySQL database and issue a:

To fix everything, go with:
/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqlcheck –all-databases -uUSERNAME -pPASSWORD -r
A lot of times, MyISAM tables will get corrupt and you won’t even know about it unless you review the log files.

I highly suggest you add this line to your /etc/my.cnf config file. It will automatically fix MyISAM tables as soon as they become corrupt:
If this doesn’t help, there are a few additional tricks you can try.

2. Multiple instances of MySQL

This is pretty common. You restart MySQL and the process immediately dies.

Reviewing the log files will tell you another instance of MySQL may be running.

To stop all instances of MySQL:
/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqladmin -uUSERNAME -pPASSWORD shutdown
killall mysql
killall mysqld
Now you can restart the database and you will have a single running instance

3. Changed InnoDB log settings

Once you have a running InnoDB MySQL database, you should never ever change these lines in your /etc/my.cnf file:
datadir = /usr/local/mysql/data
innodb_data_home_dir = /usr/local/mysql/data
innodb_data_file_path = ibdata1:10M:autoextend
innodb_log_group_home_dir = /usr/local/mysql/data
innodb_log_files_in_group = 2
innodb_log_file_size = 5242880
InnoDB log file size cannot be changed once it has been established. If you change it, the database will refuse to start.

4. Disappearing MySQL host tables

I’ve seen this happen a few times. Probably some kind of freakish MyISAM bug.

Easily fixed with:

  1. MyISAM bad auto_increment

    If the auto_increment count goes haywire on a MyISAM table, you will no longer be able to INSERT new records into that table.

    You can typically tell the auto_increment counter is malfunctioning, by seeing an auto_increment of -1 assigned to the last inserted record.

    To fix – find the last valid auto_increment id by issuing something like:

SELECT max(id) from tablename
And then update the auto_increment counter for that table

  1. Too many connections

    Your database is getting hit with more connections than it can handle and now you cannot even connect to the database yourself.

    First, stop the database:

/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqladmin -uUSERNAME -pPASSWORD shutdown
If that doesn’t help you can try “killall mysql” and “killall mysqld”

Once the database stopped, edit your /etc/my.cnf file and increase the number of connections. Don’t go crazy with this number or you’ll bring your entire machine down.

On a dedicated database machine we typically use:
max_connections = 200
wait_timeout = 100
Try restarting the database and see if that helps.

If you’re getting bombarded with queries and you need to be able to connect to the database to make some table changes, set a different port number in your /etc/my.cnf file, start the database, make any changes, then update the port back to normal (master-port = 3306) and restart.

7. Corrupt InnoDB tables

InnoDB tables are my favorite. Transactional, reliable and unlike MyISAM, InnoDB supports concurrent writes into the same table.

InnoDB’s internal recovery mechanism is pretty good. If the database crashes, InnoDB will attempt to fix everything by running the log file from the last timestamp. In most cases it will succeed and the entire process is transparent.

Unfortunately if InnoDB fails to repair itself, the -entire- database will not start. MySQL will exit with an error message and your entire database will be offline. You can try to restart the database again and again, but if the repair process fails – the database will refuse to start.

This is one reason why you should always run a master/master setup when using InnoDB – have a redundant master if one fails to start.

Before you go any further, review MySQL log file and confirm the database is not starting due to InnoDB corruption.

There are tricks to update InnoDB’s internal log counter so that it skips the queries causing the crash, but in our experience this is not a good idea. You lose data consistency and will often break replication.

Once you have corrupt InnoDB tables that are preventing your database from starting, you should follow this five step process:

Step 1: Add this line to your /etc/my.cnf configuration file:
innodb_force_recovery = 4
Step 2: Restart MySQL. Your database will now start, but with innodb_force_recovery, all INSERTs and UPDATEs will be ignored.

Step 3: Dump all tables

Step 4: Shutdown database and delete the data directory. Run mysql_install_db to create MySQL default tables

Step 5: Remove the innodb_force_recovery line from your /etc/my.cnf file and restart the database. (It should start normally now)

Step 6: Restore everything from your backup

Recently I was faced with the daunting task of reparing an InnoDB database gone bad. The database would not start due to corruption.

First step was turning-on InnoDB force-recovery mode, where InnoDB starts but ignores all UPDATEs and INSERTs.

Add this line to /etc/my.cnf:
innodb_force_recovery = 2
Now we can restart the database:
/usr/local/bin/mysqld_safe &
(Note: If MySQL doesn’t restart, keep increasing the innodb_force_recovery number until you get to innodb_force_recovery = 8)

Save all data into a temporary alldb.sql (this next command can take a while to finish):
mysqldump –force –compress –triggers –routines –create-options -uUSERNAME -pPASSWORD –all-databases > /usr/alldb.sql
Shutdown the database again:
mysqladmin -uUSERNAME -pPASSWORD shutdown
Delete the database directory. (Note: In my case the data was under /usr/local/var. Your setup may be different. Make sure you’re deleting the correct directory)
rm -fdr /usr/local/var
Recreate the database directory and install MySQL basic tables
mkdir /usr/local/var
chown -R mysql:mysql /usr/local/var
chown -R mysql:mysql /usr/local/var
Remove innodb_force_recovery from /etc/my.cnf and restart database:
/usr/local/bin/mysqld_safe &
Import all the data back (this next command can take a while to finish):
mysql -uroot –compress < /usr/alldb.sql
And finally – flush MySQL privileges (because we’re also updating the MySQL table)
/usr/local/bin/mysqladmin -uroot flush-privileges

Note: For best results, add port=8819 (or any other random number) to /etc/my.cnf before restarting MySQL and then add –port=8819 to the mysqldump command. This way you avoid the MySQL database getting hit with queries while the repair is in progress.

MySQL – Corrupted InnoDB tables recovery – Step by step guide

InnoDB tables don’t get corrupted easily, but when they do, it usually happens because of hardware issues, power outages or MySQL bug. It leaves you with corrupted pages in InnoDB tablespace and recovering from that might be problem. When your MySQL properly crashes and doesn’t want to come back, you may see looping of  similar error:

InnoDB: Assertion failure in thread 1129654592 in file ibuf0ibuf.c line 4231InnoDB: Failing assertion: page_get_n_recs(page) > 1InnoDB: We intentionally generate a memory trap.InnoDB: Submit a detailed bug report to If you get repeated assertion failures or crashes, evenInnoDB: immediately after the mysqld startup, there may beInnoDB: corruption in the InnoDB tablespace. Please refer toInnoDB: about forcing recovery.mysqld got signal 6 ;This could be because you hit a bug. It is also possible that this binaryor one of the libraries it was linked against is corrupt, improperly built,or misconfigured. This error can also be caused by malfunctioning hardware.We will try our best to scrape up some info that will hopefully help diagnosethe problem, but since we have already crashed, something is definitely wrongand this may fail….some backtrace…The manual page at containsinformation that should help you find out what is causing the crash.mysqld_safe Number of processes running now: 0mysqld_safe mysqld restarted

Recovering from corrupted InnoDB tables

Step 1 – Bring up your database in recovery mode

You should bring down your database. Shut it down in case it’s still running and spamming these messages in your log. As last resort, you may also kill the process. In order to bring back your database you will need to start it in recovery mode, with innodb_force_recovery. You should know this recovery mode makes your databases read only. Users connecting to it can not update, insert or other way alter existing data. To prevent your MySQL getting hammered the second it comes back, I suggest you to also change port of MySQL server from 3306 to something random. Add innodb_force_recovery=1 to your my.cnf In case your server doesn’t want to come back, you may further increase this number from 1 to 6, check MySQL manual to see what the differences are.

Be sure to check your MySQL logs, and if it loops with something like:

InnoDB: Waiting for the background threads to start

You should also add innodb_purge_threads=0 to your my.cnf.

So all together to bring back database, I had to add these 3 parameters in my.cnf:

port = 8881innodb_force_recovery=3innodb_purge_threads=0

Step 2 – Check which tables are corrupted and make a list

Now you have your database back up and running, but in recovery mode. You can not change your databases / tables. If you try it, you will get error:

Got error -1 from storage engine

We need to find out which tables got corrupted. In order to do that, we execute: mysqlcheck –all-databases

Check for lines where it says table is Corrupted. Write down all tables / databases that got you an error. You will need to mysqldump them in recovery mode and reimport them after you boot back into normalMySQL mode. Let me also remind you that innochecksum command did not help me with finding out which tables are corrupted, so don’t bother with it.

Step 3 – Backup and drop your corrupted tables

Once you got the list of corrupted tables, you should mysqldump them to their own .sql files, that way you will have backup for reimport. In case you wondered how to dump only one table in database:

mysqldump my_database table > database.table.sql

After you have the backup, drop your corrupted tables by executing: drop table database.table;from your MySQL shell. You have now cleaned up your MySQL database so it’s time to boot it up back without recovery mode.

Step 4 – Restart MySQL in normal mode

When we don’t have any corrupted tables left in our database, we should remove the my.cnf settings that we added in Step 1Don’t remove the port setting yet, because your database is still missing tables you backed up and need to be reimported. Restart your MySQL.

Once you have the databases dumped successfully, stop MySQL completely and move the ib* files from /var/lib/mysql/ out of the directory.

mkdir /var/lib/old_innodb

mv /var/lib/mysql/ib* /var/lib/old_innodb

Remove ‘innodb_force_recovery’ ‘innodb_log_file_size‘ Two lines from /etc/my.cnf and start MySQL service. Then Restore database into their respective database.

Step 5 – Import backup .sql

Import each dumped .sql table to their respected database. To do that from CLI:

mysql database < database.table.sql

Step 6 – Change port and grab a beer

Once you finished importing your tables, you are free to change port setting in your my.cnf. Of course reboot MySQL afterwards. It should come back and start working just as before the crash. Grab a beer and click on the top of this post, to let me know this article helped you solve your problem.

innodb force recovery options


Let the server run even if it detects a corrupt page. Try to make SELECT * FROM tbl_name jump over corrupt index records and pages, which helps in dumping tables.


Prevent the main thread from running. If a crash would occur during the purge operation, this recovery value prevents it.


Do not run transaction rollbacks after recovery.


Prevent insert buffer merge operations. If they would cause a crash, do not do them. Do not calculate table statistics.


Do not look at undo logs when starting the database: InnoDB treats even incomplete transactions as committed.


Do not do the log roll-forward in connection with recovery.

The database must not otherwise be used with any nonzero value of innodb_force_recovery. As a safety measure, InnoDB prevents users from performing INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE operations when innodb_force_recovery is greater than 0.
WHERE engine = ‘innodb’;

mysqlcheck offers an efficient way to perform maintenance of tables and databases in MySQL. It can check tables, repair them if found corrupt, optimize them and perform combined operations of checking, repairing, and optimizing altogether. mysqlcheck command-line utility in MySQL is intended to be used when the mysqld server is running. It can execute CHECK TABLE, REPAIR TABLE, ANALYZE TABLE and OPTIMIZE TABLE statements in the most convenient way for the user.

In this blog, we explore the different ways of using mysqlcheck command line for checking, repairing, and optimizing tables and databases in MySQL. Start verifying and taking corrective actions for your tables and databases using this guide. 

Table of Contents

  • What is MySQL?
    • Business Benefits of Using MySQL
  • What is mysqlcheck Client?
    • mysqlcheck Command
  • Using mysqlcheck for MySQL Database Tables
    • Part 1: Creating a MySQL Database Back-Up
    • Part 2: Running mysqlcheck Command
      • Running mysqlcheck to Analyze a Table in MySQL Database
      • Running mysqlcheck to Repair Tables in a MySQL Database
      • Running mysqlcheck to Optimize Tables in a MySQL Database
    • Part 3: Using mysqlcheck in Compound Commands
      • Running mysqlcheck to Optimize and Repair Tables in a MySQL Database
    • Part 4: mysqlcheck Command Modifications
  • Conclusion

What is MySQL?

MySQL Logo: mysqlcheck

Image Source: Logo Wine

MySQL is the world’s most popular Open Source Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) used by all types of Small and Medium-Size Businesses (SMBs) and large enterprises. MySQL was initially developed, marketed, and supported by MySQL AB, a Swedish company but later got acquired by Sun Microsoft Systems (currently known as Oracle Corporation). Just like other typical databases, MySQL can store user/business/customer information in the form of rows and columns in a table. It provides referential integrity between rows and columns of various tables and processes user requests using SQL. 

MySQL holds a highly regarded name in businesses working with databases and Cloud-based Data Warehousing solutions. It’s scalable, reliable, and user-friendly. It also works cross-platform which means that users can run MySQL on Linux and Windows, and restore backups from the other platform. 

Business Benefits of Using MySQL

MySQL is popular all over the world and is used by leading tech giants owing to the following reasons:

Easy to Install and Deploy

Businesses can set up and run SQL queries on their data using MySQL in minutes. MySQL enables them to deliver new applications faster than proprietary databases.

High Speed

It’s a no-brainer that if you are working with large datasets, you wouldn’t want to spend an extensive amount of time working with datasets and tables. Unlike other databases, MySQL is comparatively faster and can query information from large datasets helping in business intelligence activities.

Read more on the top 10 MySQL ETL tools for your business here. 

Industry Standards

Whether you are a developer who is required for rapid development of software or a freelancer who seeks to work with databases, MySQL has been in use for over 20 years and you can be sure of using MySQL as a fully integrated transaction-safe, ACID-compliant database.

Reliability and High Availability

MySQL has a well-established reputation for reliability among its 5 million user base. In addition to reliability, MySQL Cluster gives 99.999 percent availability.

Multiple Platform Support

MySQL can be used on 20 platforms including Linux, Solaris, AIX, HP-UX, Windows, and Mac OS X. This provides organizations with complete flexibility in delivering a solution on the platform of their choice.

What is mysqlcheck Client?

mysqlcheck client: mysqlcheck

Image Source: Globo.Tech

mysqlcheck is a table maintenance program to check, repair, optimize, or analyze multiple tables from the command line. It works with InnoDB, MyISAM, and ARCHIVE tables and provides three levels of checking:

  • Table-specific
  • Database-specific
  • All databases

mysqlcheck table client for MySQL consists of four SQL statements to perform the table maintenance action:


While performing table repair or analysis, it is important to bear in mind that table maintenance operations like mysqlcheck can become time-consuming processes especially when you have a large number of entries in your tables. If you use the –databases or –all-databases option to process all tables in one or more databases, a mysqlcheck call might take you a long time to complete. 

Note: For performing mysqlcheck operation, you must run the mysqld server. This means that you do not have to stop the server to perform table maintenance. mysqlcheck is different from myisamchk and aria_chk utilities that don’t require the server to be running.

mysqlcheck Command

There are three ways to use mysqlcheck command-line tool:

./client/mysqlcheck [OPTIONS] database [tables]
./client/mysqlcheck [OPTIONS] --databases DB1 [DB2 DB3...]
./client/mysqlcheck [OPTIONS] --all-databases

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Using mysqlcheck for MySQL Database Tables

Important Note: Before we proceed with table check, repair, or analysis operations, it’s best advised to create a backup of your table(s), for some circumstances might lead to a potential data loss. 

As a result, we’ve split this tutorial into four sections for your convenience:

  • Part 1: Creating a MySQL Database Back-Up
  • Part 2: Running mysqlcheck Command
  • Part 3: Using mysqlcheck in Compound Commands
  • Part 4: mysqlcheck Command Modifications

Part 1: Creating a MySQL Database Back-Up

To create a backup of all your existing MySQL databases, follow these steps:

Step 1: Log in to your MySQL server using Secure Shell (SSH).

Step 2: Stop MySQL server using the appropriate command based on your Linux distribution:

For CentOS and Fedora, type:

service mysqld stop

For Debian and Ubuntu, type:

service mysql stop

Step 3: Input the following command to copy all of your databases to a directory name based on the current time.

cp -rfv /var/lib/mysql /var/lib/mysql$(date +%s)

Step 4: Restart MySQL server with the command appropriate for your Linux distribution:

For CentOS and Fedora, type:

service mysqld start

For Debian and Ubuntu, type:

service mysql start

Part 2: Running mysqlcheck Command

To use the mysqlcheck table command and check tables, follow these steps:

Step 1: As an administrator, change your directory to MySQL Data Directory.

cd /var/lib/mysql

Step 2: Now type in the mysqlcheck command to check for an existing table in a database. In our example, we are checking for a table called “email” under the database “customers”.

$ mysqlcheck -c customers email                         OK

Notice our result. If a table passes the check, mysqlcheck displays OK for the table.

Not only this, mysqlcheck command can be used to CHECK (-c, -m, -C), REPAIR (-r), ANALYZE (-a), or OPTIMIZE (-o) table within your databases. The -c, -r, -a, and -o options work exclusively.

Some of the options (like -e (–extended) or -q (–quick)) can also be used at the same time but not all options are supported by all storage engines.

Running mysqlcheck to Analyze a Table in MySQL Database

As an example, the following command analyzes the “email” table within our “customers” database:

$ mysqlcheck -a customers email                         OK

Running mysqlcheck to Repair Tables in a MySQL Database

The following command repairs all tables in the “customers” and “leads” databases:

$ mysqlcheck -r --databases customers leads

Note: If you see a note stating: The storage engine for the table doesn’t support repair it means that you are doing REPAIR on an InnoDB.

Running mysqlcheck to Optimize Tables in a MySQL Database

The following mysqlcheck database command optimizes all tables in all your MySQL databases.

$ mysqlcheck -o --all-databases

For user reference, this is a table showcasing the most used options for the mysqlcheck database command.

Option  Description
-c, –check Check the tables for errors
-a, –analyze Analyze the tables
-o, –optimize Optimize the tables
-r, –repair Perform a repair that can fix almost anything except unique keys that are not unique
–auto-repair If a checked table is corrupted, automatically fix it
-A, –all-databases Check all tables in all databases. This is the same as –databases with all databases selected
-B, –databases Process all tables in the named databases. With this option, all name arguments are regarded as database names, not as table names
–tables Overrides the –databases or -B option such that all name arguments following the option are regarded as table names
-g, –check-upgrade Check tables for version-dependent changes. It may be used with –auto-repair to correct tables requiring version-dependent updates
–compress Compress all information sent between client and server
–debug-info Print debugging information, memory, and CPU statistics when the program exits
-e, -–extended Check and repair tables
-q, –quick The fastest method of checking
-?, –help Display a help message and exit

A more extensive list of other mysqlcheck database command options can be found on this page.

Likewise, these mysqlcheck table/database options can be combined together to perform a joint operation. Have a look at how this can be performed in the following section.

Part 3: Using mysqlcheck in Compound Commands

The mysqlcheck command-line utility can be extended for giving compound commands. For instance, let’s assume a case where there is a need to repair and optimize the “email” table from our previously stated “customer” database. 

mysqlcheck table command options like  -c (check), -r (repair), -a (analyze), and -o (optimize) options work exclusively and can be used concurrently in the same mysqlcheck command.

Running mysqlcheck to Optimize and Repair Tables in a MySQL Database

The following mysqlcheck command checks, optimizes, and auto-repairs all corrupted tables in the “customer” database. The auto repair option automatically fixes a checked table if found corrupted.

$ mysqlcheck --auto-repair -o customers

And the following mysqlcheck command optimizes and auto-repairs all tables in all your MySQL databases.

$ mysqlcheck --auto-repair -o --all-databases

Part 4: mysqlcheck Command Modifications

The command mysqlcheck can be altered, changing its default behavior from checking tables (–check) to repairing or optimizing tables. This can be done by changing the binary “checkand replacing it with “repair”, or “analyze”, or “optimize”.

These are the commands you get after substitution:

Command Meaning
mysqlrepair The default option is –repair
mysqlanalyze The default option is –analyze
mysqloptimize The default option is –optimize

All these commands when invoked would perform the same operation as mysqlcheck -[option] when used. 

If you would like to learn about MySQL database export command-line utility, see our blog on MySQL Export Database Command Line: 3 Easy Methods. If you would like to know more about MySQL Analytics tools, visit our other informative blog here- MySQL Analytics Tools: A Quick Guide.


mysqlcheck table/database commands are ideal for automated optimizations of MySQL databases and tables. The more your database expands and the number of tables increases, the more likely it is that your tables/databases will encounter mistakes from time to time. In those circumstances, mysqlcheck can be a lifesaver.

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Share your most frequently used MySQL commands, as well as those for your tables and databases. Suggest to us any more MySQL topics you’d like us to cover in the comments below. We’d appreciate hearing from you.

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