More than one device emulator ошибка

$ adb --help

-s SERIAL  use device with given serial (overrides $ANDROID_SERIAL)

$ adb devices
List of devices attached 
emulator-5554   device
7f1c864e    device

$ adb shell -s 7f1c864e
error: more than one device and emulator

Penny Liu's user avatar

Penny Liu

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asked Feb 1, 2013 at 20:46

Jackie's user avatar

adb -d shell (or adb -e shell).

This command will help you in most of the cases, if you are too lazy to type the full ID.


-d — Direct an adb command to the only attached USB device. Returns an error when more than one USB device is attached.

-e — Direct an adb command to the only running emulator. Returns an error when more than one emulator is running.

answered Nov 23, 2013 at 13:40

Sazzad Hissain Khan's user avatar


Another alternative would be to set environment variable ANDROID_SERIAL to the relevant serial, here assuming you are using Windows:

set ANDROID_SERIAL=7f1c864e

Then you can use adb.exe shell without any issues.

answered Feb 28, 2014 at 8:39

monotux's user avatar


3,67728 silver badges30 bronze badges


To install an apk on one of your emulators:

First get the list of devices:

-> adb devices
List of devices attached
25sdfsfb3801745eg        device
emulator-0954   device

Then install the apk on your emulator with the -s flag:

-> adb -s "25sdfsfb3801745eg" install "C:\Users\joel.joel\Downloads\release.apk"
Performing Streamed Install

Ps.: the order here matters, so -s <id> has to come before install command, otherwise it won’t work.

Hope this helps someone!

Community's user avatar

answered Apr 10, 2019 at 19:56

pelican's user avatar


5,8769 gold badges43 silver badges67 bronze badges

I found this question after seeing the ‘more than one device’ error, with 2 offline phones showing:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Android\android-sdk\android-tools>adb devices
List of devices attached
SH436WM01785    offline
SH436WM01785    offline
SH436WM01785    sideload

If you only have one device connected, run the following commands to get rid of the offline connections:

adb kill-server
adb devices

answered Dec 31, 2014 at 1:37

Danny Beckett's user avatar

Danny BeckettDanny Beckett

20.5k24 gold badges107 silver badges134 bronze badges


The best way to run shell on any particular device is to use:

adb -s << emulator UDID >> shell

For Example:
adb -s emulator-5554 shell

Theblockbuster1's user avatar

answered Jun 27, 2019 at 10:28

Shivam Bharadwaj's user avatar

As per

What worked for my testing:


$ adb devices
List of devices attached 
646269f0    device
8a928c2 device
$ export ANDROID_SERIAL=646269f0
$ adb reboot bootloader


$ adb devices
List of devices attached 
646269f0    device
8a928c2 device
$ set ANDROID_SERIAL=646269f0
$ adb reboot bootloader

This enables you to use normal commands and scripts as if there was only the ANDROID_SERIAL device attached.

Alternatively, you can mention the device serial every time.

$ adb -s 646269f0 shell

answered Jun 27, 2022 at 3:16

zeitgeist's user avatar


85212 silver badges20 bronze badges

This gist will do most of the work for you showing a menu when there are multiple devices connected:

$ adb $(android-select-device) shell
1) 02783201431feeee device 3) emulator-5554
2) 3832380FA5F30000 device 4) emulator-5556
Select the device to use, <Q> to quit:

To avoid typing you can just create an alias that included the device selection as explained here.

answered Jun 3, 2016 at 19:54

Diego Torres Milano's user avatar


User @janot has already mentioned this above, but this took me some time to filter the best solution.

There are two Broad use cases:

1) 2 hardware are connected, first is emulator and other is a Device.
Solution : adb -e shell....whatever-command for emulator and adb -d shell....whatever-command for device.

2) n number of devices are connected (all emulators or Phones/Tablets) via USB/ADB-WiFi:

Step1) run adb devices THis will give you list of devices currently connected (via USB or ADBoverWiFI)
Step2) now run adb -s <device-id/IP-address> shell....whatever-command
no matter how many devices you have.

to clear app data on a device connected on wifi ADB I would execute:
adb -s shell pm clear com.package-id

to clear app data connected on my usb connected device I would execute:
adb -s 5210d21be2a5643d shell pm clear com.package-id

answered Sep 7, 2018 at 7:28

sud007's user avatar


5,8444 gold badges56 silver badges63 bronze badges

For Windows, here’s a quick 1 liner example of how to install a file..on multiple devices

FOR /F "skip=1"  %x IN ('adb devices') DO start adb -s %x install -r myandroidapp.apk

If you plan on including this in a batch file, replace %x with %%x, as below

FOR /F "skip=1"  %%x IN ('adb devices') DO start adb -s %%x install -r myandroidapp.apk

answered Mar 14, 2018 at 19:19

zingh's user avatar


4044 silver badges11 bronze badges


Create a Bash ( to select a serial from devices (or emulator):

echo "====================================================================================================";
echo " ADB DEVICES";
echo "====================================================================================================";
echo "";

adb_devices=( $(adb devices | grep -v devices | grep device | cut -f 1)#$(adb devices | grep -v devices | grep device | cut -f 2) );

if [ $((${#adb_devices[@]})) -eq "1" ] && [ "${adb_devices[0]}" == "#" ]
    echo "No device found";
    echo ""; 
    echo "====================================================================================================";
    // Call Main Menu function fxMenu;
    read -p "$(
        for dev in "${adb_devices[@]}"; do
            nm="$(echo ${dev} | cut -f1 -d#)";
            tp="$(echo ${dev} | cut -f2 -d#)";
            echo " $((++f)). ${nm} [${tp}]";

        echo "";
        echo " 0. Quit"
        echo "";

        echo "====================================================================================================";
        echo "";
        echo ' Please select a device: '
    )" selection

    error="You think it's over just because I am dead. It's not over. The games have just begun.";
    // Call Validation Numbers fxValidationNumberMenu ${#adb_devices[@]} ${selection} "${error}" 
    case "${selection}" in
            // Call Main Menu function fxMenu;
            device="$(echo ${adb_devices[$((selection-1))]} | cut -f1 -d#)";
            // Call Main Menu function fxMenu;

Then in another option can use adb -s (global option -s use device with given serial number that overrides $ANDROID_SERIAL):

adb -s ${device} <command>

I tested this code on MacOS terminal, but I think it can be used on windows across Git Bash Terminal.

Also remember configure environmental variables and Android SDK paths on .bash_profile file:

export ANDROID_HOME="/usr/local/opt/android-sdk/"
export PATH="$ANDROID_HOME/platform-tools:$PATH"
export PATH="$ANDROID_HOME/tools:$PATH"

answered Mar 30, 2017 at 4:33

equiman's user avatar


7,8202 gold badges45 silver badges47 bronze badges


you can use this to connect your specific device :

   * adb devices
    List of devices attached
    9f91cc67    offline
    emulator-5558   device

example i want to connect to the first device «9f91cc67»

* adb -s 9f91cc67 tcpip 8080
restarting in TCP mode port: 8080


* adb -s 9f91cc67 connect
connected to

maybe this help someone

answered Apr 27, 2022 at 18:36

Hasni's user avatar


1871 silver badge10 bronze badges

Here’s a shell script I made for myself:

#! /bin/sh

for device in `adb devices | awk '{print $1}'`; do
  if [ ! "$device" = "" ] && [ ! "$device" = "List" ]
    echo " "
    echo "adb -s $device $@"
    echo "------------------------------------------------------"
    adb -s $device $@

answered Oct 2, 2019 at 23:38

Francois Dermu's user avatar

Francois DermuFrancois Dermu

4,4472 gold badges22 silver badges14 bronze badges

For the sake of convenience, one can create run configurations, which set the ANDROID_SERIAL:


Where the adb_wifi.bat may look alike (only positional argument %1% and "$1" may differ):

adb tcpip 5555
adb connect %1%:5555

The advance is, that adb will pick up the current ANDROID_SERIAL.
In shell script also ANDROID_SERIAL=xyz adb shell should work.

This statement is not necessarily wrong:

-s SERIAL  use device with given serial (overrides $ANDROID_SERIAL)

But one can as well just change the ANDROID_SERIAL right before running the adb command.

One can even set eg. ANDROID_SERIAL= to define the destination IP for adb.
This also permits to run adb shell, with the command being passed as «script parameters».

answered Feb 28, 2022 at 22:50

Martin Zeitler's user avatar

On shells such as bash or zsh you might get automatic completion for device names after typing adb -s + tabtab.

Also see the project page at which says:

On many Linux distributions it is installed and enabled by default. If you don’t have it already, you can probably find it in your package repository (e.g. «aptitude install bash-completion»).

Device name completion also appears to work on macos, not clear if that was done as part of Android Studio, Android SDK installation or some homebrew package.

answered Sep 2 at 21:12

ccpizza's user avatar


29.1k18 gold badges163 silver badges170 bronze badges

7 ответов



adb -d shell (или adb -e shell, если вы подключаетесь к эмулятору).

Эта команда поможет вам в большинстве случаев, если вам слишком ленив, чтобы ввести полный идентификатор.


-d — Направьте команду adb на только подключенное USB-устройство. Возвращает ошибку при подключении более одного USB-устройства.

-e — Направить команду adb на единственный запущенный эмулятор. Возвращает ошибку при запуске более одного эмулятора.

Sazzad Hissain Khan


Другой альтернативой было бы установить переменную среды ANDROID_SERIAL для соответствующего серийного номера, при условии, что вы используете Windows:

set ANDROID_SERIAL="7f1c864e"

Затем вы можете использовать adb.exe shell без каких-либо проблем.



Я нашел этот вопрос, увидев ошибку «более одного устройства», с двумя автономными телефонами, показывающими:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Android\android-sdk\android-tools>adb devices
List of devices attached
SH436WM01785    offline
SH436WM01785    offline
SH436WM01785    sideload

Если подключено только одно устройство, выполните следующие команды, чтобы избавиться от автономных подключений:

adb kill-server
adb devices

Danny Beckett


Этот gist будет выполнять большую часть работы за то, что вы показываете меню при подключении нескольких устройств:

$ adb $(android-select-device) shell
1) 02783201431feeee device 3) emulator-5554
2) 3832380FA5F30000 device 4) emulator-5556
Select the device to use, <Q> to quit:

Чтобы избежать ввода, вы можете просто создать псевдоним, включающий выбор устройства, как описано здесь.

Diego Torres Milano


Выполнение команд adb на всех подключенных устройствах

Создайте bash (adb +)

adb devices | while read line
if [ ! "$line" = "" ] && [ `echo $line | awk '{print $2}'` = "device" ]
    device=`echo $line | awk '{print $1}'`
    echo "$device $@ ..."
    adb -s $device $@

используйте его с помощью

adb +//+ команда

Shivaraj Patil


Создайте Bash (, чтобы выбрать серию из устройств (или эмулятора):

echo "====================================================================================================";
echo " ADB DEVICES";
echo "====================================================================================================";
echo "";

adb_devices=( $(adb devices | grep -v devices | grep device | cut -f 1)#$(adb devices | grep -v devices | grep device | cut -f 2) );

if [ $((${#adb_devices[@]})) -eq "1" ] && [ "${adb_devices[0]}" == "#" ]
    echo "No device found";
    echo ""; 
    echo "====================================================================================================";
    read -p "$(
        for dev in "${adb_devices[@]}"; do
            nm="$(echo ${dev} | cut -f1 -d#)";
            tp="$(echo ${dev} | cut -f2 -d#)";
            echo " $((++f)). ${nm} [${tp}]";

        echo "";
        echo " 0. Quit"
        echo "";

        echo "====================================================================================================";
        echo "";
        echo ' Please select a device: '
    )" selection

    error="You think it over just because I am dead. It not over. The games have just begun.";
    fxValidationNumberMenu ${#adb_devices[@]} ${selection} "${error}" 
    case "${selection}" in
            device="$(echo ${adb_devices[$((selection-1))]} | cut -f1 -d#)";

Затем в другой опции можно использовать adb -s (глобальная опция — использовать устройство с заданным серийным номером, который переопределяет $ANDROID_SERIAL):

adb -s ${device} <command>

Я тестировал этот код на терминале MacOS, но я думаю, что его можно использовать в окнах через Git Bash Terminal.

Также помните, как настраивать переменные окружения и пути Android SDK в файле .bash_profile:

export ANDROID_HOME="/usr/local/opt/android-sdk/"
export PATH="$ANDROID_HOME/platform-tools:$PATH"
export PATH="$ANDROID_HOME/tools:$PATH"



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I’ve connect my device via TCPIP at 5555 port.

Result of adb devices

adb devices
List of devices attached      device

Device IP:

Running scrcpy gives the result:

INFO: scrcpy 1.10 <>
D:\scrcpy\scrcpy-server.jar: 1 file pushed. 1.6 MB/s (22546 bytes in 0.013s)
adb.exe: error: more than one device/emulator
ERROR: "adb reverse" returned with value 1
WARN: 'adb reverse' failed, fallback to 'adb forward'
INFO: Initial texture: 720x1280
[server] ERROR: Exception on thread Thread[main,5,main]
        at Method)
Press any key to continue...

I tried using scrcpy -s as the ip address was returned as the device serial when using adb devices

Which gave the same issue.

Then I used adb shell getprop ro.serialno to get my device’s serial no ; 8HUW4HV4Y9SSR4S8

Then with this new serial no I tried: scrcpy -s 8HUW4HV4Y9SSR4S8 which gave a new error:

INFO: scrcpy 1.10 <>
adb: error: failed to get feature set: device '8HUW4HV4Y9SSR4S8' not found
ERROR: "adb push" returned with value 1
Press any key to continue...

This might be because the device is not connected via usb and the default serial returned is the Local ip address.

I’ve tried all previous solutions. Did not work.

Adb Shell Error: More Than One Device/Emulator With Code Examples

Hello guys, in this post we will explore how to find the solution to Adb Shell Error: More Than One Device/Emulator in programming.

$ adb devices  # show all the devices attached
adb -s yourdevicename shell # change yourdevicename to the name of the device you want to use

We were able to fix the Adb Shell Error: More Than One Device/Emulator problem by looking at a number of different examples.

How do I run multiple adb shell commands?

But, in order to execute several commands in one line, you may use adb shell «cmd1;cmd2;cmd3» . The && command mentioned by @Rachit is not quite right, because in the case adb shell «netcfg && ps && getprop» , command ps will be executed only when netcfg is executed without error raised.15-May-2015

How do I fix unauthorized devices on ADB?

Fix unauthorized device error in adb

  • Disconnect USB between PC and device.
  • Stop adb server by entering adb kill-server in command window.
  • On device use Revoke USB debugging authorizations in Developer Options.
  • On PC delete adbkey file in user directory, eg. .
  • Reconnect the device to the PC.

Which ADB option should be used if multiple devices are connected?

Issuing adb commands If multiple emulators are running and/or multiple devices are attached, you need to use the -d , -e , or -s option to specify the target device to which the command should be directed.15-Aug-2022

How do I add adb shell to a specific device?

Use the -s option followed by a device name to select on which device the adb command should run. The -s options should be first in line, before the command.

Can I use adb without root?

You can execute any other ADB command on your Android device without a laptop or PC without rooting your device.01-Jul-2022

How do I access adb shell on Android?

To use ADB with your Android device, you must enable a feature called “USB Debugging.” Open your phone’s app drawer, tap the Settings icon, and select “About Phone”. Scroll all the way down and tap the “Build Number” item seven times. You should get a message saying you are now a developer.28-Oct-2021

How do I get ADB to recognize my device?

Is ADB not working or detecting your device? If Android can’t connect over the Android Debug Bridge (ADB), fixing it only requires three basic procedures.

  • Step 1: Connect Your Device and Uninstall the Current Driver.
  • Step 2: Remove Bad ADB Drivers.
  • Step 3: Install Universal ADB Driver.

How do I bypass USB debugging?

You can disconnect it and disable USB debugging. Once you get a copy of adb_keys, reboot the phone with the broken screen into recovery. Now connect the broken phone to the computer using USB.Use the command below:

  • adb push <file location> /data/misc/adb.
  • For example:
  • adb push c:/adb_keys /data/misc/adb.

What are adb shell commands?

Android Shell Commands. ADB is Android Debug Bridge which is a command line utility included with Google’s Android SDK. It provides a terminal interface to control your Android device connected to a computer using a USB. ADB can be used to run shell commands, transfer files, install/uninstall apps, reboot and more.25-Feb-2019

How do I disable ADB tcpip 5555?


  • Plug your device into your computer.
  • Authorise the computer on the device.
  • Check the device status: adb devices .
  • Disconnect from all TCP/IP devices: adb disconnect.
  • Change to use TCP IP: adb tcpip 5555.
  • Connect using TCP IP: adb connect <device-ip>:5555.
  • Unplug device.
  • Check the device status: adb devices .

The Android Debug Bridge (ADB) is a versatile tool that allows developers to communicate with Android devices via command-line tools. The adb shell command opens a terminal interface to interact with an Android device or emulator’s shell. However, when operating with multiple devices or emulators, developers are likely to encounter errors like «error: more than one device/emulator» that prevent them from executing their intended commands. This article aims to shed light on this error and provide solutions to overcome it.

Understanding the ‘error: more than one device/emulator’ Error

When using the adb command, the error «error: more than one device/emulator» usually occurs when multiple Android devices (physical or emulators) are connected to the computer by USB or the network. In this case, ADB is unable to determine which device to interact with as well as which Android emulator to communicate with.

Additionally, this error message may occur when attempting to run a command on all devices at once, but ADB is unable to differentiate between them. This error can be frustrating for developers working with multiple devices and emulators as it prevents them from moving forward with their development tasks.

Ways to Resolve ‘error: more than one device/emulator’ Error

The ‘error: more than one device/emulator’ error is usually not that critical and can be resolved with some adjustments to the ADB command. Below are some solutions to this problem.

Solution 1: Specify the Android device in the ADB command

The simplest way to resolve this error is to specify the device or emulator to which the ADB command should be sent. This is accomplished by appending the «-s» option followed by the device ID to the ADB command. The device ID can be found by running the «adb devices» command. Here’s an example of how to interact with one specific device:

Where «deviceID» is the ID of the specific device, which can be found by running the following command:

This tells ADB which device to interact with, and the error should no longer appear.

Solution 2: Use the ADB command to specify which emulator to run

If the error occurred when trying to start an emulator using ADB, a possible solution to overcome it is by specifying the emulator to which the ADB command should be sent. The emulator can be identified using its port number, which can be determined by running the «adb devices» command. Here’s an example of how to run an emulator using ADB:

adb -s emulator-port -e emu

Where «emulator-port» is the port number of the specific emulator.

Solution 3: Close Other Emulators

When multiple emulators are actively running on your computer, ADB might not know which emulator you’re trying to connect to. Therefore, one of the most straightforward solutions is to close all running emulators except the one you want to work on and then start the ADB command again.

Solution 4: Reconnect the Android Emulator or Device

In some cases, the error may occur due to poor connectivity between the emulator or device and the computer. In such instances, unplugging the device from the USB port or closing and reopening the emulator can help resolve the error messages.

Final Thoughts

The ‘error: more than one device/emulator’ error message is a common issue that occurs when multiple devices or emulators are connected to the computer while working with ADB. The solutions recommended above provide various ways to overcome the error and get back to conducting your intended ADB command. By following these simple steps, you should be able to work through the error and maintain your productivity without losing momentum in your development tasks.

here’s some additional information on each of the previous topics:

ADB Shell:

ADB shell is a command-line tool that enables you to interact directly with an Android device or emulator’s shell. It provides a terminal interface for executing various commands on your device or emulator, such as installing and uninstalling apps, accessing system files, and more. ADB can be a valuable tool for Android developers and power users alike, as it allows you to perform many advanced operations that are not possible through the device’s regular user interface.

ADB Devices:

The «adb devices» command is used to find the list of all connected android devices to your computer. It lists all available devices that are attached to your computer, both physical devices and emulators. Before executing any other ADB command, you must ensure that the device is connected and detected by the ADB server. The «adb devices» command helps you identify the status of the device by displaying its ID and verification status.

ADB Error: More Than One Device/Emulator:

The «error: more than one device/emulator» error usually occurs when more than one Android device or emulator is connected or running on your computer. ADB is unable to determine which device to send a command to in this case and fails to execute the command. The error message can be resolved by specifying the device or emulator to which the ADB command should be sent, or by closing other emulators that might interfere with the ADB command.

ADB Commands:

ADB provides a wide range of commands for interacting with Android devices and emulators, including installing and uninstalling apps, accessing system files, taking screenshots, recording videos, and more. Some commonly used ADB commands include «adb install» to install an app onto a device, «adb uninstall» to uninstall an app from a device, «adb logcat» to view the system log, and «adb shell» to launch the device shell.

In conclusion, ADB is a powerful tool that can help developers and power users to interact with Android devices and emulators more efficiently. By understanding some essential ADB commands, users can perform many advanced operations that are not possible through the device’s regular user interface. And with the solutions provided for the common «error: more than one device/emulator» error, ADB users can quickly resolve the issue and be on their way to achieving their development goals.

Popular questions

  1. What does the «error: more than one device/emulator» message mean in ADB, and when does it usually occur?
  • The «error: more than one device/emulator» message in ADB usually occurs when more than one Android device or emulator is connected or running on your computer. ADB is unable to determine which device to send a command to in this case and fails to execute the command.
  1. How can you resolve the «error: more than one device/emulator» message in ADB?
  • One solution is to specify the device or emulator to which the ADB command should be sent using the «-s» option followed by the device ID. Another option is to close other emulators that might interfere with the ADB command.
  1. What is the «adb devices» command, and what is its purpose?
  • The «adb devices» command is used to find the list of all connected Android devices to your computer. It lists all available devices that are attached to your computer, both physical devices and emulators.
  1. What are some commonly used ADB commands?
  • Some commonly used ADB commands include «adb install» to install an app onto a device, «adb uninstall» to uninstall an app from a device, «adb logcat» to view the system log, and «adb shell» to launch the device shell.
  1. How can you run an emulator using ADB, and what information do you need?
  • To run an emulator using ADB, you can use the command «adb -s emulator-port -e emu», where «emulator-port» is the port number of the specific emulator. You can find the emulator port number by running the «adb devices» command.


Multi-device Error

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