Ошибка Minecraft Realms 500: 4 способа исправить (09.21.23)
minecraft realms error 500
Minecraft теперь позволяет любому из своих игроков размещать свои собственные многопользовательские серверы, на которых у них есть целый мир для себя и любого другого игрока со всего мира, с которым они хотят играть. Эти частные серверы также дают вам возможность пригласить своих друзей, что высоко ценится поклонниками игры. Частные серверы известны как Minecraft Realms. Хотя они являются любимой особенностью игры, эти миры определенно не идеальны. Эта функция содержит множество различных ошибок, с которыми могут столкнуться игроки, и сегодня мы собираемся обсудить одну из самых популярных ошибок.
Как исправить ошибку Minecraft Realms 500
Иногда, когда вы или один из ваших друзей пытаетесь попасть в вашу область Minecraft, вы сталкиваетесь с ошибкой, которая говорит о внутренней ошибке сервера 500. Эта ошибка довольно распространена и вызвана по довольно многим причинам. Сегодня мы обсудим некоторые из этих причин и предоставим вам решения, чтобы вы могли снова начать играть в мир Minecraft без каких-либо проблем.
Популярные уроки Minecraft
Прежде чем приступить к устранению неполадок и узнать все о сложных исправлениях ошибки Minecraft Realms 500, вам следует проверить, нет ли каких-либо проблем. со стороны Mojang. Очень часто проблема становится довольно популярной, и многие игроки сталкиваются с ней. Вы должны спросить своих друзей, сталкиваются ли они с этим, или посмотреть, сталкиваются ли другие игроки с ним в данный момент. Вы также можете напрямую искать информацию о состоянии их серверов, поскольку существует множество различных веб-сайтов, которые могут определять, когда серверы конкретной игры не работают.
Если проблема действительно связана с серверами, все, что вы можете сделать, это подождать, пока Mojang ее исправит. Если вы не хотите ждать, можно также связаться с Mojang. Вы можете запросить их поддержку по проблеме, если есть проблема с сервером, и они смогут исправить ее вовремя, чтобы вы могли играть в мирах Minecraft через час или несколько.
Эта проблема часто возникает, когда игроки пытаются получить доступ к сфере Minecraft при использовании пакетов или модов Reimg. Есть некоторые пакеты и моды reimg, которые мешают игре и не позволяют вам играть в игровом мире. Если эта проблема начала возникать после установки определенного мода или пакета reimg, настоятельно рекомендуется избавиться от него, удалив его. Если вы не знаете, какой именно пакет или мод reimg вызывает проблему, вам следует удалить все те, которые вы установили после того, как проблема стала частой. Если это по-прежнему не помогает, попробуйте удалить все свои моды и пакеты reimg или вместо этого взгляните на исправления ниже.
Если даже удаление модов и пакетов reimg не помогло вам снова начать играть в Realms, вам следует переключиться на настройки по умолчанию. Проблема также возникает, когда игроки возятся с настройками игры, и вполне вероятно, что это также является причиной вашей проблемы. Если вы точно помните, какие настройки вы изменили до того, как ошибка стала частой, верните их к значениям по умолчанию. В противном случае установите для всех них значения по умолчанию и попробуйте снова войти в царство. Теперь ваша проблема должна быть исправлена.
Наконец, все, что осталось убедиться, это то, что вы используете самую последнюю версию Майнкрафт. Обновления для игры выпускаются часто, и, вероятно, вы пропустили одно, потому что программа запуска не установила его автоматически. Проверьте, есть ли обновления, и установите их как можно скорее. Теперь проблема должна быть исправлена, и вы не должны какое-то время наблюдать ошибку 500 областей Minecraft. Попробуйте это или любое другое исправление, которое мы перечислили выше, и вы вернетесь к игре в онлайн-миры Minecraft, как только захотите.
09, 2023
Every game (especially PC games) faces errors and problems, and Minecraft is no different. Since Minecraft depends on an online connection, errors are more commonplace in the game. One error, in particular, termed Internal Server Error 500, is quite common and has been causing problems for players for a long time.
Many players encounter Internal Server Error 500 while playing Minecraft Realms, a game feature that helps players host, play on, and maintain their private Minecraft server. Realms always requires an internet connection. Therefore, it is one of those features of the game that is more prone to errors.
Fortunately, there are several solutions to Internal Server Error 500. Listed below are five solutions to the error in Minecraft Realms.
Minecraft: Possible fixes for the Internal Server Error 500 for Realms
1) Restarting the PC
Restarting one’s computer is one of the most common fixes in gaming. It can be loosely described as giving the computer a clean slate or starting afresh. It is also one of the simplest and first solutions a player should try whenever they get any error in the game.
2) Updating or Reinstalling Minecraft
Another simple fix or solution to Internal Server Error 500 requires players to update their game from the game’s launcher. When players open the launcher, the game can automatically update if the right options are selected. This simple fix may solve Internal Server Error 500.
3) Disabling incompatible mods
The installation and usage of mods is quite common among the game’s community. However, sometimes, installed mods can cause problems within the game. Some mods being incompatible with the game’s files or being outdated can affect players’ participation in the Realms servers and result in Internal Server Error 500.
A solution for this is to identify and uninstall these incompatible or outdated mods. Mods are always getting new updates, so this should not be a problem for players.
4) Disabling plugins
Similar to mods, plugins can improve a player’s in-game experience. However, many plugins can lead to the occurrence of Internal Server Error 500.
Typing “/version” inside the plugin window will display the version of the plugin that is being used. Players can use this to identify any plugins that are incompatible or outdated and therefore remove/disable them.
5) Deleting UUID folders
UUIDs or Universally Unique Identifiers are strings of numbers that are unique to individual entities or a group of entities. These numbers are used to identify the said entity for various purposes.
Every player has their own UUID. To fix the error, players can attempt to delete their UUID folders. In order to obtain their UUID, players can follow the following steps:
- Launch the gam
- Create a new world
- Exit the world when it loads
- Navigate to the .minecraft folder
- Click on saves
- Click on the world that was just created
- Navigate to the “playerdata” folder
- The UUID should be inside this folder
After this, the player needs to go to the realms server and go to the “world” settings or information. Here, players must delete their username and UUID (or that of the person experiencing the error). After this, players should restart their PC and check if the issue is resolved.
Edited by Saman
Thank You!
Проблемы с Minecraft могут возникать из разных источников, но все они, как правило, разочаровывают, когда вы с ними сталкиваетесь. В частности, код ошибки 500 связан с кроссплатформенной игрой и серверной функциональностью Minecraft Realms. Вот что означает код ошибки 500 и как его можно исправить.
Связанный: Майнкрафт не работает? Как проверить статус сервера Minecraft
Код ошибки 500 может появиться, когда вы пытаетесь присоединиться к частному серверу в части Minecraft Realms в Minecraft Bedrock Edition. Как правило, это означает, что вы не смогли подключиться к серверам, специально ориентированным на эту область игры. Это позволяет вам и вашим друзьям подписаться, чтобы держать сервер открытым в любое время, чтобы приглашенные игроки могли получить доступ к этому миру без необходимости быть включенным хостом.
Во-первых, мы рекомендуем проверить подключение к Интернету и при необходимости перезагрузить маршрутизатор. Если это не сработает, вы также можете попробовать перезагрузить компьютер или консоль и убедиться, что ваша игра полностью обновлена до последней версии.
Если ничего из вышеперечисленного не сработало, следует проверить Страница поддержки Mojang в Твиттере чтобы увидеть, сказали ли они что-нибудь о проблеме. Если серверы в настоящее время не работают из-за технического обслуживания или другой проблемы, вам придется подождать, пока все снова не заработает должным образом.
Minecraft Realm is a personal server for you and your friends to play games on Minecraft. It can be frustrating when Minecraft Realms is not working. Not being able to connect with your friends to play your favorite games can muddle with your plans. If Minecraft Realms internal server error 500 is displayed whenever you try to connect, it can be due to many reasons. So, here we try to explain the problem behind this issue and fix it with the solutions. First of all, you need to understand that this is a common error message which can be fixed easily. Read on to find the fixes to the Minecraft Realms internal server error 500.
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How To Fix Minecraft Realm Internal Server Error 500?
There are many ways to fix the Minecraft Realms not working on your Windows PC. Here we focus on all of the reasons behind this issue and then fix it with the possible solution. Take a look at the fixes for Minecraft Realms server status error-
1. Primary check-
There are a few things which might seem small but can be the reason behind the big problems. In this case, a simple solution starts with checking on a few things to fix Minecraft Realms internal server error 500.
- Check your internet connection if you see the Minecraft Realms server status as not able to connect. This often happens as you lose the connection and blame it on a bigger issue.
- Relaunch your game as it can be a temporary glitch and you are unable to play your favorite games on Minecraft.
- Restarting your PC in case Minecraft Realms not working is a temporary problem caused by a PC error.
- Update the Windows version of your computer as this might be causing an issue with connecting to the server. Often the Minecraft Realms version is not compatible with the older version of Windows and shows the error message.
- Update the game as this is also quite a possibility for Minecraft Realms error 500. Updating the game will easily fix the issue and help you get access to many new features.
- Check game settings in case you have made any changes to the game. As that can be interfering with the functionality and Minecraft Realms is down due to it.
- Check the internet for Minecraft Server outage as this happens sometimes. It can widely affect several servers. Normally such incidents are reported and you can check about them on the news and forums. We suggest using downdetector.com to see if any of the major websites or social media platforms are down.
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2. Clean the PC
If your Minecraft Realms is not working even after trying out the basic solutions, we need to dig deeper to find the root cause. Therefore, we suggest using an ultimate PC cleaning tool – Advanced PC Cleanup. It is a wonderful tool to clean unwanted files and applications from your Windows PC. This will scan and detect all the invalid registry entries which cause failure in the basic functionality of the computer. The unnecessary junk can also interfere with Minecraft Realms’ status.
To fix Minecraft Realms internal server error 500, follow these steps to clean your computer:
Step 1: Download Advanced PC Cleanup from the download button given below-
Step 2: Run the setup file and complete the installation by following the on-screen instructions.
Step 3: Launch the application and you can see that it shows the current state of your system with a summary of unwanted items.
Step 4: Now click the Start Scan Now button and wait for the results.
Step 5: The Scan Summary will appear in a few minutes and it will show you the different categories of the cleaning process. The Cleaner section will show you the junk, temporary, and trash files found on the computer. The Invalid registry sections include all the invalid Windows registry entries found on your computer. Advanced PC Cleanup includes a very important section for Windows PC security which will cover any malware and identity traces.
Now, you can click on the sections individually to get detailed information, or you can simply click on the Clean Now button. This immediately deletes all the unwanted files from your computer.
This process not only improves the performance of your Windows PC but makes it easier for applications to run on it at optimum speed.
Once you have finished cleaning all the junk, restart the PC.
Now launch Minecraft Realms and now you will notice that the Minecraft Realms error 500 is resolved.
3. Uninstall Applications-
A few unwanted applications can be installed on your computer and cause interference with the Minecraft Realms server status. To uninstall applications completely along with their associated files you must choose the Advanced PC Cleanup.
Step 1: Launch Advanced PC Cleanup.
Step 2: Go to the left pane and click on Uninstall Apps under the Manager section.
Step 3: This will quickly generate a list of the unwanted applications on your computer.
Click on the Trash icon in front of the application and delete it from your computer. This will easily fix your Minecraft Realms not working issue.
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The first instinct should be to use all the primary fixes for Minecraft Realms error 500. As most commonly the issue could be temporary due to a lost internet connection or a glitch in the application. Restarting, updating the application will also help in this case along with checking the settings for the game. Whenever Minecraft Realms down, you must check for compatibility with the Windows version as it can be a reason for the failure to launch. Other than these issues, the PC can also be the culprit behind the Minecraft Realms not working properly.
We recommend using Advanced PC Cleanup for fixing the issues related to the Windows applications. It thoroughly cleans the PC and frees up disk storage space which will improve the performance. Its features for uninstalling and cleaning invalid registries also help in reducing the errors.
We hope this article will help you in fixing the Minecraft Realms internal server error 500. We would like to know your views on this post to make it more useful. Your suggestions and comments are welcome in the comment section below. Share the information with your friends and others by sharing the article on social media.
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Frequently Asked Questions –
Q1.How Do I Fix 500 Internal Error?
Whenever you encounter Minecraft Realms error 500, check the internet connection. Then, try to restart the game and the PC as it could be a temporary glitch. Other fixes such as installing the latest version of Windows and the compatible version of the game also help.
Q2. Why Do I Keep Getting 500 Internal Server Error?
If you regularly see the Minecraft Realms internal server error 500 on your computer, it time to clean up the computer. The unwanted application, malicious files can also be the cause of such errors. Using PC cleaning tools such as Advanced PC Cleanup can be a fix for resolving such errors.
Q3. How Do I Fix Minecraft Internal Server Error?
If Minecraft Realms is not working on your computer check for the quick solutions as mentioned above in the blog post. Cleaning the computer, fixing the invalid registry, uninstalling unwanted applications are also a big help.
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Minecraft is one of the most popular games in the scene right now and it has recently gained back much of its userbase due to an absolute explosion in its popularity. However, a lot of users have been getting the Minecraft Realms Internal Server Error 500 while trying to log into the realm. In this article, we have compiled some solutions and have also listed the reasons due to which this error springs up in the first place.
Mostly, the Minecraft Realms Internal Server Error 500 is triggered due to a server outage from Minecraft’s end and it is out of the users’ control. However, there are cases where this might be caused due to certain triggers on your computer. We will discuss some of those in the paragraphs below.
What Causes the Internal Server Error 500 on Minecraft Realms?
After going through a list of troubleshooting practices for this sort of error, we concluded that the following are some of the most important reasons due to which it occurs in the first place.
- Internet Issue: Sometimes, it is possible that the internet connection that you are using is preventing you from being able to connect to the servers. Therefore, we recommend that you try and troubleshoot your connection by following the steps below in order to fix the Minecraft Realms Internal Server Error 500.
- Background Applications: It is possible that a background application is preventing you from being able to play Minecraft because the game might not be getting ample data from your internet connection. Therefore, closing out of the background applications has proven to be the solution for a lot of users.
- Server Outage: In certain cases, the Minecraft servers might be undergoing maintenance or might be down temporarily due to which you are running into the Minecraft Realms Internal Server Error 500. We recommend that you try and wait out the outage if it is confirmed by their social media or if other users are facing it as well.
- Outdated Game: Minecraft might be outdated on your computer due to which you are getting the Minecraft Realms Internal Server Error 500, therefore, we recommend that you try and update it to the latest available version and then check to see if you still get this issue.
- Plugins: If you are using some additional plugins on your computer, you might be getting the error because of an incompatibility of the plugins with the server. Therefore, we recommend that you try and disable certain plugins to check if the error message goes away by doing so.
Now that you have been made familiar with most of the reasons behind this issue, we can finally move on towards implementing the solutions.
Before You Start:
A simple and basic fix to get through this problem is to turn “OFF” your computer and then restart it after a while. Restarting your PC can help eradicate the error completely and if doing so is not successful in getting you through the error then you can try to uninstall the game completely and then reinstall it from the scratch. To do so follow up with the below-mentioned steps:
- Press the “Window + R” buttons simultaneously on your PC to open the “Run” dialog box.
- Here type in the “appwiz.cpl” command and hit Enter key.
Typing “appwiz.cpl” - The application manager window will pop up on your screen, here scroll to locate the “Minecraft” application and right-click to “Uninstall” it.
Uninstall Minecraft - Once the uninstallation is successful now navigate to the official website of Minecraft to download and install the game by following the on-screen instructions.
- It is also possible that you’ve tweaked your game settings due to which this problem arose in the first place so try to reconfigure the settings back to default which might be helpful in resolving your issue.
Solution 1: Fix Your Internet Connection
It is pretty much possible that your internet connection is preventing you from accessing the realms so it is necessary that you should resolve all of your connectivity issues in the first place. To have a stable internet connection you can try using a wired connection instead of a wireless one such as an Ethernet cable and check to see if it helps in solving the problem.
Solution 2: Disable Background Applications
If you have fixed your internet connection but still are unable to connect to Minecraft realms it might be possible that several other data usage applications are running in the background which in turn are causing to limit your internet bandwidth. In order to avoid this make sure that you exit from all the internet-connected apps and then try reconnecting to Microsoft Realms again. In order to do this follow the steps indexed below:
- Press “Ctrl + Shift + Esc” keys simultaneously, on the keyboard to open the “Task Manager”.
- Under the “Process” tab, right-click on any unwanted background process, and click on the “End Task” button.
Disable background applications
Solution 3: Check for Server Outage
One of the major causes behind the occurrence of this error could be that the servers are down and in such a case no problem exists on the player’s end particularly. In this scenario, you don’t have any other choice than to wait for the servers to get restarted after some time while the service becomes available again. Other than Mojang Studio one can also opt to inquire about Minecraft’s Server status on the Downdetector website.
Solution 4: Update Your Game Version
Make sure that you are using the most updated version of Minecraft Realms. It is quite possible that the launcher missed the installation of the recently available update of your game and therefore you are facing this issue. Check to see if any recent updates of your game are available to download and install them instantly from here and then verify if the problem gets resolved.
Solution 5: Delete Resource Packs And Mods
If you have started to encounter this issue after the installation of a specific mod or resource pack then it is obvious that this is the main cause of hindrance behind playing in a realm and therefore you should try deleting it immediately. Uninstall the mod and resource pack you just got recently installed and if you have an ambiguity regarding the specific mod and resource pack causing this error then you should uninstalling each of them and then check to see if the issue persists or not.
Solution 6: Delete UUID Files In Minecraft
- Navigate to this website and obtain your player’s UUID by entering all the credentials.
- Login to the server and then proceed to server files and navigate to the “world” folder.
Proceed to the World Folder Note: You can click here to find your server files.
- Here locate the “PlayerData” folder and click to open it.
Click on Player Data - From here you can select the file comprising of the same name as the player’s Username or UUID and afterward press the “Delete” icon.
- Finally, restart your server to make the applied changes effective and then check to see if you are able to rectify the internal server error 500 Minecraft realms error successfully.
Solution 7: Disable the Plugins
Sometimes the incompatible plugins installed on your PC can also be problematic in the smooth functioning of your game. If the installed plugins are not compatible with your game version then proceed with the steps below to disable the plugins on your PC. This way plugins will not be loaded on the server but the data will still exist in the files.
- Open the plugin window on your PC and rename the plugins files from “[plugin name].jar to [plugin name].jar.disabled”.
Disable Plugins - Restart the server now and examine if you have resolved the Minecraft Realms Internal Server Error 500 problem successfully.
Solution 8: Contact Support Center
Despite following all of the above solutions if you are unable to eradicate the problem then the last available option with you is to contact the Customer Support Center. Fill in the form provided in this link and give the detailed specification of your problem and you will get feedback from them within a few days.
Implement all of the above-indexed fixes in order to resolve this error successfully but if the issue still remains then you may Contact Us here.
Alan is a hardcore tech enthusiast that lives and breathes tech. When he is not indulged in playing the latest video games, he helps users with technical problems that they might run into. Alan is a Computer Science Graduate with a Masters in Data Science.