Wondering how to fix SQL Server Error 916. We can help you.
Often while connecting to SQL Server database using SQL Server Management Studio with limited permissions, we may face Microsoft SQL Server error 916.
Here at Bobcares, we often get requests from our customers to fix similar Microsoft SQL server issues as a part of our Server Management Services.
Today, let’s see how our Support Engineers fix this error for our customers.
What causes SQL Server Error 916
A typical error message is given below:
Following are some of the causes for this error:
1. When a user with limited permissions tries to view the column data in a selected header.
2. At times, the database may be in offline mode.
3. Several databases with different collations are on the same instance, that is why SQL Server Management Studio is unable to retrieve the collation.
4. The database is configured to an auto-closed state.
5. Sometimes the database may get corrupt due to some malware, improper shutdown, or when the database goes in suspect mode.
How to fix SQL Server Error 916
Following are the two methods to fix this error.
1. Via SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS)
2. With the help of T-SQL
Steps for Fixing the error 916 via SSMS
1. Firstly, connect the SQL Server instance having valid credentials using SSMS.
2. And go to the Object Explorer Details followed by the View Menu or press F7 for the same.
3. After that, open the Databases folder.
4. Then go to the object explorer and right-click to open the column header.
5. After that, right-click on the column header and uncheck all of the optional columns.
6. Finally, click the refresh button.
Now we will be able to see the database.
Often unchecking the COLLATION option automatically fixes the issue.
Steps for Fixing error code 916 via TSQL Query
We can connect to the database via Transact-SQL. Grant the specific login access to the named database TEST_DB, for instance.
We can use the following syntax:
Now we can try either of the following to fix this error.
1. Disabling Collation
1. First, we need to select the Object Explorer Details under the View section within the SSMS.
2. Then right-click on Column Header and deselect Collation.
3. Finally, refresh the server and operate a database.
2. Disabling the Auto Close setting of the database
Here we need to check the Auto Close setting of the database, set it to False, and proceed further.
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In short, we saw how our Support Engineers fix SQL Server Error 916 for our customers.
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Know About SQL Server Error 916 and How to Fix It!
SQL Server is a relational database management system developed by Microsoft while focusing on large enterprise environment work over a network. The First version of SQL Server is 1.0 and released in the year 1989, the latest version is MS SQL Server 2016 Community Technology Preview 2.4 (CTP 2.1) released on September 30, 2015. This article is going to talk about SQL server error 916 in depth for users.
Table of Content
- Problem Identifying
- SQL Server Error 916
- Most Common Symptoms
- Resolving All of the Issues
- How to Resolve the Problem
- Bringing It All Together
Accessing the SQL server database by using SQL Server Management Studio having a limited number of permissions (database read or write) may produce the SQL Server Error 916 and the message displayed on the screen is – “The server principal username is unable to access the database databasename under the current security context.”
The main problem is due to bugs present in SQL Server Management Studio that prevents the user to connect to the database and refuses to display the database list. There may be several other reasons behind the getting SQL Server Error 916.
- The user is not permitted to view the data of selected column within the database.
- The database is currently not available.
- There are multiple columns such as Size, Space available, Data Space Used, Default file group, Index Space Used, Mail host, Primary file path and user has added at least one of them to the list of Object Explorer Details.
- If the Auto Close option for the database is enabled, then Collation column cannot be retrieved by SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS).
- For a database, Collation column contains NULL.
Due to the above causes, the error message will be displayed to the user.
SQL Error 916 – Symptoms
The symptoms of the SQL Server error 916 may vary depending upon the different scenarios explained further:
Symptom 1:
In SQL Server 2008, if a user tries to expand the database folders under a node even if he is not a member of a Sysadmin fixed server role or does not have the authority to access the database. If the guest user wants to expand the database nodes, connection permission is required otherwise; the following error message will be displayed:
Failed to retrieve data for this request (Microsoft.SqlServer.Manager.Sdk.Sfc)
Additional information:
An exception occurred while executing a Transact-SQL statement or batch. (Microsoft.SqlServer.ConnectionInfo)
Symptom 2:
In SQL Server 2005, if a guest user who is neither a member of a Sysadmin fixed server role, nor having the permissions is able to expand the database node but cannot view the database properties. In this case, the user will receive the following error message:
Cannot show requested dialog.(SqlMgmt)
Additional Information:
An exception occurred while executing a Transact-SQL statement or batch. (Microsoft.SqlServer.ConnectionInfo)
Note: SQL Server error 916 is displayed even though the user is a database owner of that database.
Symptom 3:
A product of the Microsoft family, Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 (OCS 2007) is affected by this issue and the services will not start even after the server is started. The following error message will be invisible in the Event Viewer:
Event Type: Error Event Source: OCS User Services Event Category: (1006) Event ID: 30962 Date: Time: User: N/A Computer: ‘computer name’
Description: Connection to back-end database succeeded, but failed to execute registration-stored procedure on back-end. This error should not occur under normal operating conditions. Contact product support.
Back-end Server: ‘server name’ Database: ‘database name’ Sql Native error: 916 Connection string of: driver={SQL Native Client}; Trusted Connection=yes; Auto Translate=No; Server=’server name’; Database=’database name’
Cause: Possible issues with back-end database.
Solution: Ensure the back-end is functioning correctly.
The above-mentioned symptoms are most common and lead to SQL Server Error 916 for SQL Server Management Studio. If the user finds any of them, he may try the best possible solutions described below to remove the error.
Also Read: How to View MDF File Without SQL Server
Resolving the Symptoms of SQL Error Code 916
In order to view the granted permissions for the guest-user, the following command is helpful if run by a member of a Sysadmin fixed server. Therefore, follow the below query to tackle SQL server management studio error 916 :
USE msdb; SELECT prins.name AS grantee_name, perms.* FROM sys.database_permissions AS perms JOIN sys.database_principals AS prins ON perms.grantee_principal_id = prins.principal_id WHERE prins.name = ‘guest’ AND perms.permission_name = ‘CONNECT’; GO
On running the above command, the users get to see a table containing all the attributes of guest user.
However, an empty result shows that guest user is in disable mode in the database and again the SQL Server error 916 will be occur. To overcome the error you may perform the following available solutions.
How to Remove the SQL Server Error 916:
To remove the error for accessing the database, the user can perform the following solutions. Evidently, any one of them will help you.
Solution No-1.
Let’s checkout the first way to fix the issue.
- Select the Object Explorer Details under View section within the SSMS.
- Right click on Column Header and deselect Collation.
- Refresh the server and operate a database.
Solution No-2.
Here comes the second solution.
- Click on View > Object Explorer details from the menu option of SSMS.
- Within Object Explorer window, click on Database folder.
- Right – click on the column header and select Reset View.
- In order to perform the final step, refresh the Database folder.
Solution No-3.
Finally, we’re going to checkout the final solution.
- Check the Auto Close setting of the database, set it to False and proceed further.
The above-described solutions may resolve the Microsoft SQL server management studio error 916 and the user can proceed with the workflow.
With the help of this page, an individual can be aware about the SQL Server error 916, the problems occur due to it, & what the causes are. Thus, a user can get in-depth knowledge about the SQL server and the possible error message displayed if the guest user wants to expand the database node in order to view its data.
Fix Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Error 916
Introduction to SQL Server Error 916
While connecting to SQL Server database using SQL Server Management Studio with limited permissions you may face MS SQL Server error 916. In this article we will discuss how to fix the error 916 in SQL Server.
Error message
The server principal «Login Name» is not able to access the database «database name» under the current security context. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 916).
Reasons of MS SQL Server Error 916
In this section I have discussed the possible reasons responsible for the error no 916 in SQL Server.
- User with limited permissions trying to view the column data in a selected header.
- It is possible that the database is in offline mode or it may also possible that the collation is NULL.
- Several databases with different collations are on the same instance, that’s why SQL Server Management Studio is unable to retrieve the collation.
- The database is configured to auto-closed state.
- It’s also possible that the database gets corrupted due some malware, improper shutdown or the database has gone in suspect mode.
Fix Error Number 916 in Microsoft SQL Server
There are two methods to fix the error. The first method is via SQL Server Management Studio and the next one with the help of T-SQL. Let’s take a tour at step by step solution of this error.
Fix error 916 via SSMS
- Firstly, connect the SQL Server instance having valid credential using SSMS.
- Now, go to the Object Explorer Details followed by the View Menu or you can press F7 for the same.
- After this, open the Databases folder.
- Now you can see the properties of the database like Database Name, Collation, Data Created, Last Backup Created Date, Size in (MB), data space in (KB)etc. but in the column header, you will see there are no user defined databases.
- Now, go to the object explorer > right click on them to open the column header > right click on the column header and un-check all of the optional columns.
- After doing this, now click the refresh button and you will be able to see your database.
Note: In most of the cases the un-checking of the COLLATION option automatically fix the issue.
Fix error code 916 via TSQL Query
You can connect to the database via Transact-SQL. Grant the specific login access to the named database.
USE msdb ;
In the present article we have discussed about the Microsoft SQL Server error 916. This article describes why the error occurs and how can we fix this issue via SQL Server Management Studio and Transact-SQL.
I get this error when I try to attach a database.
error message: An exception occured
while executing transact sql statement
or batch.
I have copied my database in the Data folder of an SQL Server server. I want to configure the database in SQL Server, but when I try to attach the database, it gives the error.
I have also tried to change the permissions related to the database.
asked Apr 9, 2011 at 6:04
The error you’re getting and error 916 are different! (I am not an expert, I just read over the Internet.)
error 916
is this:
The server principal “username” is not
able to access the database
“databasename” under the current
security context. (Microsoft SQL
Server, Error: 916)
Anyway, to resolve the 916 error:
After starting Management Studio 2008, select Databases in the Object Explorer once.
If the Object Explorer Details are not already showing, select View from the toolbar then select Object Explorer Details.
Right click on any column header and make sure that “collation” is not checked.
Refresh the database list by clicking the Refresh button located at the top of the Object Explorer Details panel. You should have now have full access to your database at this point.
I (shamefully) copied from Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 916 and Resolving Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 916.
And to solve the error you’ve written in your explanation try You may receive error messages when you use the Configure Distribution Wizard in SQL Server 2005.
I hope it helped!
answered Apr 9, 2011 at 7:14
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Hello everybody,
I migrated an SQL Server 2008 R2 to a new domain with a new ip address. I used this DB to connect to a Mcafee EPO.
After the migration, I can´t connect to the database. I receive the menssage : The server principal «NEWDOMAIN\newadministrator» is not able to access the database «DATABASENAME» udner the current security context. (Microsoft SQL Server,
Error: 916)How can I configure my new administrator with the new domain to this database?
Is it possible?
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Thursday, April 6, 2017 3:46 PM
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