Microsoft odbc sql server driver ошибка связи

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  • About one month ago we did a fresh install on our SQL Server, formatted everything and started with a clean OS.  Ever since then we have this random communication link failure problem.  It seems to happen completely randomly.

    [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]Communication link failure

    Anyone have any suggestions on what causes this? The server is completely patched with all drivers up to date.

    Specs: Server 2003, SQL 2005 SP3 9.00.4035 Standard Edition


  • Hi homeguards,

    «Communication link failure” means that an existing ODBC connection was closed, and we tried to use that connection. Usually an existing connection being dropped is either a failure of a client to sent packets to keep the connection open, or intermediate network hardware dropping a connection, or SQL Server having a problem.

    To determine who is dropping the connection, we needed simultaneous network captures on both the client and SQL Server, for the few moment before the issue, and during the issue.

    Generally, we can try these things to solve the issue:
    1.Disable TCP Chimney and other Scalable Network Features per
    2.Enable the SQL Server port in Firewall.
    3.Update the Network Interface Care driver.

    If there is anything unclear, pleaes feel free to ask.

    Jin Chen

    Jin Chen — MSFT

    • Marked as answer by

      Monday, March 8, 2010 2:30 AM

I’m trying to create an ODBC connection to SQL Server, but when i do, i get error:

Connection failed:
SQLState: '01000'
SQL Server Error: 10060
[Microsoft][ODBC_SQL Server Driver][TCP/IP Sockets] COnnectionOpen (Connect()).
Connection failed:
SQLState: '08001'
SQL Server Error: 17
[Microsoft][ODBC_SQL Server Driver][TCP/IP Sockets] SQL Server does not exist or access denied.

Here’s what I’ve tried:

  1. not a firewall issue: tried with firewall on SQL Server turned off, and client turned off. Also able to telnet 1433 from client and that works fine.
  2. not an access issue: I can login from many different computers, including the SQL Server itself using the account i’m using on client (using SQL Server authentication)
  3. i can ping the hostname and IP address. (i’ve tried both)

The only thing i can think of is that the client computer is windows server 2003, and has various roles setup:

  • File Server
  • Application Server
  • Terminal Server
  • Domain Controller
  • DNS Server

I don’t know why these services are setup, but for the time being i can’t shut them off. Would it be any of these, and if so, is there a way to disable any of the aspects of them, that might be blocking SQL.

Any advise truly appreciated!

asked Nov 15, 2012 at 20:00

russds's user avatar


Found the issue. For some reason, even though SQL was not in use on the client, it was installed, and by going to All Programs -> Microsoft SQL Server -> Client Network Utility, i found that the protocal TCP/IP was using port 4717. I have no idea why that port was in use, and even further, i’m not sure why it would even matter — I was just setting up an odbc connection, and not using sql server (on the client) at all. Either way, I changed this to the typical port (1433), and like boom, ODBC connection works like charm!

answered Nov 15, 2012 at 20:44

russds's user avatar


8355 gold badges25 silver badges48 bronze badges


Is it possible that the server in question has not been configured to use named pipes?

The most common reason that this connection attempt failed is
that this DSN or ODBC data source attempted to make a connection using
the TCP/IP sockets Net-Library, which is Dbmssocn.dll. Because the SQL
Server is not listening for incoming connections for TCP/IP sockets
clients, the connection fails. From ISQL/w, the second error message
stated above would be returned. The OS Error is 10061, and the
function call that failed was ConnectionOpen(connect()).

By default, SQL Server will listen for incoming connections
made by Named Pipes clients. Named Pipes is the default IPC mechanism
for clients to connect to a SQL Server version 4.2, 6.0, and 6.5
server. The Named Pipes DLL is Dbnmpntw.dll, and it should be located
in the WindowsSystem or WinntSystem32 directory. The TCP/IP sockets
netlib DLL is Dbmssocn.dll, and also should be in the WindowsSystem
or WinntSystem32 directory.The most common resolution to this problem
is to configure the client computer to connect using Named Pipes.
Configuring Named Pipes If the Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC)
ODBC drivers have been installed on the computer, you can make this
change in the second step of the Create New Data Source wizard.

NOTE: You can download MDAC drivers from: To configure the
client, start the Create New Data Source wizard, click the Client
Configuration button, and perform the following steps, based on the
version of the SQL Server ODBC driver you are using:

For SQL Server ODBC Driver version 3.50

Click the Net Library tab and use the drop down list box to set the 
default network (Net Library) to Named Pipes.
On the Advanced tab, remove any advanced entries that reference the 
server you are connecting to.
Click Done.

For SQL Server ODBC Driver version 3.70

In the Network Libraries section of the Edit Network Library Configuration 
dialog box, select Named Pipes.
Click OK.

If you do not have the MDAC ODBC drivers installed, you can use the
SQL Server Client Configuration Utility tool to set the default
Net-Library to Named Pipes. You can install the client utilities from
the SQL Server CD from the i386 directory.


answered Nov 15, 2012 at 20:19

SchmitzIT's user avatar


9,1549 gold badges65 silver badges92 bronze badges


By default SQL Native Client seems to look for MSSQLSERVER instance. However, if you use SQLEXPRESS all connections through that will fail.

Very strange, but try installing your SQL Server with MSSQLSERVER instance name — it should work!

answered Feb 18, 2015 at 17:23

tonysepia's user avatar


3,3203 gold badges27 silver badges45 bronze badges

To create a new Data source to SQL Server, do the following steps:

  1. In host computer/server go to Sql server management studio —> open Security Section on left hand —> right click on Login, select New Login and then create a new account for your database which you want to connect to.

  2. Check the TCP/IP Protocol is Enable. go to All programs —> Microsoft SQL server 2008 —> Configuration Tools —> open Sql server configuration manager. On the left hand select client protocols (based on your operating system 32/64 bit). On the right hand, check TCP/IP Protocol be Enabled.

  3. In Remote computer/server, open Data source administrator. Control panel —> Administrative tools —> Data sources (ODBC).

  4. In User DSN or System DSN , click Add button and select Sql Server driver and then press Finish.

  5. Enter Name.

  6. Enter Server, note that: if you want to enter host computer address, you should enter that`s IP address without «\». eg. and press Next.

  7. Select With SQL Server authentication using a login ID and password entered by the user.

  8. At the bellow enter your login ID and password which you created on first step. and then click Next.

  9. If shown Database is your database, click Next and then Finish.

answered May 25, 2016 at 7:31

Vahid's user avatar


912 silver badges3 bronze badges

Adding another check point to all the above answers. Valid if you are using a named instance of Sql Server ( ServerNameInstanceName)

  • Make Sure UDP Port is enabled in Windows Firewall with SQL Server Default UDP Port
    Number 1434. If not present create a new incoming rule in Firewall for UDP 1434 Port and restart SQL Server Browser Services in SQL configuration Manager.

answered Jul 9, 2021 at 13:38

Srikar mogaliraju's user avatar



30.08.06 — 17:25

Есть компьютер на котором периодически возникает такая ошибка (1с 7.7, под скулем):

SQL State 01000, Native 64, Message:[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][Named Pipes] ConnectionTransact (GetOverLappedResult())

SQL State: 08S01

Native: 64

Message: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Driver] Сбой связи.

В чем тут проблема?



1 — 30.08.06 — 17:25



2 — 30.08.06 — 17:29




3 — 30.08.06 — 17:41

(0) Убери протокол Named Pipes. Оставь только TCP/IP


Любитель XML

4 — 30.08.06 — 17:42

(3) какая вы умная. Наверное ещё и красивая. Фотку покажите?



5 — 30.08.06 — 17:42

(3) Не соглашусь :-) имхо тут проблема, что «рвётся» коннект данной машины с сервером… Как вариант — нужно отключить режим спячки у сетевухи :-)



6 — 30.08.06 — 17:43

(3) вопрос почему это проявляется только на одной машине из ста в таком случае?



7 — 30.08.06 — 17:43

(4) Ты бы не флеймил бы в тематических ветках.. Уважай Правила форума :-)



8 — 30.08.06 — 17:43

(6) Чистай (5) :-)



9 — 30.08.06 — 17:45

(3) Наверное осталось выяснить как поставить протокол «Named Pipes»   ;-)



10 — 30.08.06 — 17:45

(8) режим спячки у сетевухи не включен.



11 — 30.08.06 — 17:46

(10) Небось сетевуха на Realtekе. Попробуй ее для начала поменять.



12 — 30.08.06 — 17:46

(11) + пережать провод



13 — 30.08.06 — 17:47

+(10) хотя сори — посмотрел — действительно системе разрешено было отключать сетевуху.



14 — 30.08.06 — 17:51

(13) хм-м-м.. кто бы «сумливался бы» :-)))

Типичная фича :-)))



15 — 30.08.06 — 17:56

(10) Не соглласна. Скорее всего версия драйвера ODBC старая.
Можно попытаться установить свежую версию MDAC



16 — 30.08.06 — 17:57

(14) странно что система отрубала сетевуху при работе в 1С…



17 — 30.08.06 — 18:10

(16) Да нет.. Она её всегда «рубила».. Но для других «случаев» это было не критично… Связь устанавливалась заново.. И для «обычных» ситуаций это было безразлично… Но вот для 1Ски — это было фатально.. Т.к. новое соединение «конфликтовало» с «незакрытым старым»…



18 — 31.08.06 — 18:54

(17) проблема осталась :) теперь просто «невосстановимая ошибка базы данных» уже не знаю на что и грешить..



19 — 31.08.06 — 18:57

(18) тогда как вариант или карточка глючит или порт хаба… короче.. попробуй поставить другую сетевуху и воткнутся в сетку «по иному»

А «невостановимая ошибка БД» это вроде другая опера.. Ты прогонял тестирование БД средствами 1С?



20 — 31.08.06 — 19:01

да не… база нормальная у других не вылетает в том то и дело



21 — 31.08.06 — 19:02

+(20) работает в этой базе куча народу с других компов. а Вылетает только у этой. Есть у меня подозрение на встроенную сисовскую сетевую карту…



22 — 31.08.06 — 19:04

(22) во-во.. или на гнилом шнурке сидит.. либо порт хаба глючит.. короче.. пропробуй их «поменять»…

Ответы с готовыми решениями:

[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]Timeout expired
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Microsoft SQL Server, ошибка: 18461
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Errors like SQL server connection failed SQLState 08001 can be really annoying.

The SQL server connection failed 08001 occurs when creating an ODBC connection on the Microsoft SQL.

At Bobcares, we often get requests from our customers regarding the SQL sever connection error as part of our Server Management Services.

Today, we’ll see the reasons for this SQL sever connection instance and how our Support Engineers fix it.

When the SQL Server Connection failed: SQLState 08001 Occurs?

Mostly the error SQLStateServer Connection failed 08001 occurs when creating an ODBC connection on Microsoft SQL.

We click Next on the SQL login screen. Then using the login information provided, the ODBC manager will try to connect to the SQL Server. But after some waiting time, it displays the below error message.

SQL Server Connection failed : SQLState 08001

The main three reasons for the error SQL Server Connection failure are

  • If we provide a wrong server name.
  • If the SQL Server not configured to a network connection.
  • The other possibility of this instance if we provide an incorrect login name or password.

How to fix SQLState 08001 Error?

Recently, one of our customers approached us with an error message ‘SQL Server Connection failed: SQLState 08001′.

Our Support Engineers log in to SQL Server Management Studio and make sure that the database name and other details are correct. In case, if the database server name is wrong then this error can occur.

Sometimes the message appears when we use ‘localhost’ as the Database Server name on the Database Settings screen in Confirm. But we can log in to the database in SQL Server Management Studio as a user, using the Server name ‘localhost’. Then our Support Engineers make any of the below two changes to fix the error.

  1. In the Database Settings screen, we change the Database Server name to the server name or
  2. In the SQL Server Configuration Manager, we enable the Named Pipes values in the Client Protocols.

  Our Support Engineers follow any of the above two methods to fixes the error while creating an ODBC connection on Microsoft SQL.

[Need assistance in fixing the Error while creating an ODBC connection? – We can help you.]


In short, we’ve discussed that the SQL server connection failed SQLState 08001 occurs when creating an ODBC connection on the Microsoft SQL. Also, we saw how our Support Engineers fix the error for the customers.


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var google_conversion_label = «owonCMyG5nEQ0aD71QM»;

Mark SQL 1.11
MS SQL Server 2005

Несколько дней у пользователей на разных рабочих местах при работе в MARK SQL вываливаются периодичекси окна с ошибками:

SQL Error
State: ’08S01′
Message:[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]Ошибка связи
Query: Select caption, query, coldwidths, colnames, retval, from, exdicts

SQL Error
State: ’08S01′
Message:[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]Ошибка связи

SQL Error
State: ‘01000’
Message:[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][DBNETLIB]ConnectionWrite(send())

SQL Error
State: ‘01000’
Message:[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][DBNETLIB]ConnectionRead(recv())
Query: Select ires from dbres where name=’FictDoc’

Причем ошибки в разных базах, в разных местах программы. Например, при вызове поиска по всем справочникам, вызове справочника студентов, при попытке сохранить карточку новой книги. Повторная попытка открыть справочник вызывает эту же ошибку. Если закрыть программу и открыть заново все работает.

Перезагрузили SQL Server, не помогло.

Let us examine the error 1526 connectivity error Microsoft ODBC SQL server driver and the reasons causing it and the troubleshoots requires to remove the error. At Bobcares our MSSQL Support services will give you a detailed overview of the error and the troubleshooting steps.

1526 connectivity error Microsoft ODBC SQL server driver

1526 connectivity error microsoft odbc sql server driver

Error 1526 represents the connectivity problem. To find the details you need to use the AERROR() function in the error handler when the error number is 1526. The server’s real error message is located in the second column of the array that it generates.

Connectivity error: “name” (Error 1526)

An ODBC error has occurred. This message is provided by Visual FoxPro as a wrapper for the underlying ODBC error. The ODBC error might be caused by either the ODBC driver management, the ODBC driver, or the back-end data server.

AERROR(В ) returns the ODBC errors. The following codes show the format of an ODBC error 1526 as returned by AERROR(B).

Element number: Error Message.

1: Numeric. Contains 1526. Character.
2: The text of the error message.
3: Character. ODBC error message text.
4: Character. The current ODBC SQL state.
5: Numeric. The ODBC data source's error number
6: Numeric. The ODBC connection handle.
7: The null value

The source of the fault is listed as the final name in the list preceding the actual error text in the ODBC error message (element number 3). Look up the error in the ODBC book (Programmer’s Reference) using the ODBC state code (element number 4).

The data source error is set when there is a server error (element number 5). Look up the error in the server documentation with it.

1526 connectivity error Microsoft ODBC SQL server driver: Errors

Users may encounter one or more of the errors listed below:

Error: General ODBC Error: Communication Link Failure. Native Error 0.
Error: -2147211486 (80042722) Run time error General ODBC error: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server driver] Communication Link Failure Native Error 0.
Error: General ODBC Error [Microsoft] [ODBC SQL Server Driver] [DBNETLIB] connectionread (recv()) Native Error 10054.
Error: General ODBC Error [Microsoft] [ODBC SQL Server Driver] General Network Error--check your network documentation--Native Error 11.
Error: Run-Time error '-2147211486 (80042722)': General ODBC Error: [Microsoft] [ODBC SQL Server Driver] Communication link failure Native error:0.
Error: General ODBC Error:Communication Link Failure. Native Error:0 when opening an invoice or vendor record.
Error: General ODBC Error:[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][DBNETLIB]ConnectionWrite(send()). Native error:10054. [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][DBNETLIB] General network error.Check your network documentation. Native error: 11.

This can occur if any of the following events occur:

  • For a few moments, the program has been dormant. Executing a query
  • Creating an individual constituent record
  • Invoice viewing

Troubleshooting steps for the 1526 connectivity error

We can repeat the following steps until the 1526 connectivity error Microsoft ODBC SQL server driver is resolved:

  1. If the SQL Server instance is installed and running on Windows Server or R2 and the errors occur on multiple workstations, consult Microsoft Article 942861.
  2. Reboot the workstation.
  3. Update/Repair the workstation.
  4. Modify the Power Options to prevent the computer from shutting down after prolonged inactivity.

Disable the network card power management feature by doing the following steps:

  • Select Properties from the My Computer menu.
  • Choose Device Manager.
  • To expand the Network adapters tree, click the plus symbol.
  • Choose the correct Network Interface Card (NIC) from the list.
  • Select Action, and Properties from the menu bar. Select the Power Management tab.
  • Remove the check from “Allow the computer for turning off the device to save power.” Then click OK to remove the 1526 connectivity error Microsoft ODBC SQL server driver.
Disable the wifi connection on the problematic computer:
  • Open Control Panel.
  • Click on Network and Sharing Center
  • Click Change Adapter Settings
  • Disable the wireless connection by right-clicking it.
  • Connect to a wired network.
  • Log out and back in.

After this follow the steps given below to continue the Disable the network card power management features:

  • Recreate the Windows user profile
  • Install the most recent version of the Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC)
  • Use the Microsoft TechNet article The Cable Guy: Network Diagnostics & Tracing in Windows to check for general network issues.
  • Give the user the appropriate NTFS Permissions
  • Restart the SQL Server service if the problem occurs on many workstations.

    To do this click Start, then type Services.msc and hit Enter. Scroll down to the SQL Server instance. Right-click and select Restart.

Perform a continuous ping on a workstation that is experiencing the problem:
  1. Click Start, Select Run
  2. Type cmd and press Enter
  3. Click OK
  4. Enter the command ping -t servername (where servername is the SQL server name)
  5. When the error occurs press Ctrl + C

The number of packets lost should be 0. If the number of packets lost exceeds zero, we are having a networking problem and are losing contact with the database server.

[Need assistance with similar queries? We are here to help]


To conclude we have learned more about the error 1526 connectivity error Microsoft ODBC SQL server driver, the reasons causing it, and the Troubleshooting steps required to remove the error with the support of our MSSQL support services at Bobcares.


Never again lose customers to poor server speed! Let us help you.

Our server experts will monitor & maintain your server 24/7 so that it remains lightning fast and secure.


  • Remove From My Forums
  • Question

  • About one month ago we did a fresh install on our SQL Server, formatted everything and started with a clean OS.  Ever since then we have this random communication link failure problem.  It seems to happen completely randomly.

    [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]Communication link failure

    Anyone have any suggestions on what causes this? The server is completely patched with all drivers up to date.

    Specs: Server 2003, SQL 2005 SP3 9.00.4035 Standard Edition


  • Hi homeguards,

    «Communication link failure” means that an existing ODBC connection was closed, and we tried to use that connection. Usually an existing connection being dropped is either a failure of a client to sent packets to keep the connection open, or intermediate network hardware dropping a connection, or SQL Server having a problem.

    To determine who is dropping the connection, we needed simultaneous network captures on both the client and SQL Server, for the few moment before the issue, and during the issue.

    Generally, we can try these things to solve the issue:
    1.Disable TCP Chimney and other Scalable Network Features per
    2.Enable the SQL Server port in Firewall.
    3.Update the Network Interface Care driver.

    If there is anything unclear, pleaes feel free to ask.

    Jin Chen

    Jin Chen — MSFT

    • Marked as answer by

      Monday, March 8, 2010 2:30 AM

I have an Access 2003 front-end with SQL 2005 back-end.
Occasionally, users get the error below and the front-end crashes.
Any pointers as to how I can resolve this?

[ODBC SQL Server Driver] Communication link failure

Fionnuala's user avatar


90.4k7 gold badges114 silver badges152 bronze badges

asked Feb 17, 2011 at 17:30

DarkW1nter's user avatar


2,94311 gold badges67 silver badges120 bronze badges


From the googling and reading I have done on this topic, it seems to me that this might simply be a bug in MS Access that they’ve never bothered to fix, ie: there is no resolution.

The symptoms I am seeing and that others seem to have is that the connection Access has to SQL Server becomes «bad», and once it reaches this state, nothing will fix it except restarting Access, period. Although it blows a person’s mind, this is entirely possible — if the code related to connection management (either in MS Access itself, or within the ODBC provider) doesn’t check validity of the connection state and always assumes it is fine, then we would see exactly the symptoms we are seeing.

You’d think, surely Microsoft would fix this, but it wouldn’t be the first time.


I’m seeing the same behavior when using a Microsoft Access Project (*.adp) so the problem appears to be within MS Access itself (as opposed to just ODBC).

answered Feb 16, 2012 at 20:58

tbone's user avatar


I’ve seen this behavior with deadlocking transactions. Here’s an example of how that might happen:


'Insert/Update/Delete record in table Employees:
CurrentDb.Execute "DELETE * FROM Employees WHERE EmpID=1"

'Attempt to read from Employees table before committing; Access hangs
Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("Employees")


The workaround is to either:

  • read what you need to from the employees table before committing or
  • commit your insert/update/delete before trying to read from the employees table.

answered Aug 10, 2012 at 17:11

mwolfe02's user avatar


23.8k10 gold badges91 silver badges162 bronze badges

Agree with the above comments the problems seems to be that the client loses cnectivity to the server. if you are using a hostname for the server I would reccomend to use an IP cos if it is purely a dns problem that will solve it if that dosent work then it is a problem on the network like package losses or server overload problems or something in that direction

answered Dec 30, 2011 at 8:16

Jester's user avatar


3,0815 gold badges30 silver badges45 bronze badges

Had the same error:

— set up an access database linked to MSSQL tables at work
— from home, over VPN, could not open any tables — got this error every time
— from DSN, did a test connection and it tested okay
— pinged the MSSQL server host name used in DSN and it pinged fine
— However, when i replaced the server host name in the DSN with the IP and restarted access, everything worked fine.

— I’m not sure if it was using the IP address instead or the changing DSN settings and saving that flipped a switch somewhere but it worked… hopefully I won’t have to repeat often… we shall see…


answered Jul 25, 2015 at 17:28

Nathan Haynie's user avatar

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