Microsoft html application host обнаружена ошибка windows xp


  1. Комп выдает ошибку mshta.exe. Что делать?
  2. Ошибка mshtа.ехе
  3. Fix: mshta.exe problem (Microsoft HTML Application Host)
  4. Solution 1: Disabling Tasks using Task Scheduler
  5. Solution 2: Scanning for Malware or Virus
  6. Solution 3: Restoring from last Restore Point/ Doing a Clean Install

Комп выдает ошибку mshta.exe. Что делать?

mshta.exe — Microsoft HTML Application Host. Программа используется для запуска HTML файлов (.hta файлы) . Выполнение этого процесса не критично для операционной системы. Однако, если вы удалите этот файл, это может оказать влияние на стабильную работу Windows. Если запущенное HTML приложение зависло или работает нестабильно, его можно безопасно уничтожить через диспечер задач.

Некоторые злонамеренные файлы имеют такое имя, но расположены вне %SystemRoot%\System32 директории. Другие злонамеренные программы используют похожие имена файла, отличающегося на одну букву или цифру. Например W32/Mimail-S (C:\ms.hta, запускается под легитимным mshta.exe) – является почтовым червем, который отображает диалоговое окно для ввода информации об кредитной карты.

На системе может быть запущено несколько процессов mshta.exe для любого пользователя. Наличие нескольких экземпляров программы памяти не должно вызвать проблем. Но так как Microsoft HTML Application Host может запускать любые .hta приложения, то система может быть заражена .hta скриптом, который будет запущен внутри летимного процесса mshta.exe. В этом случае необходимо более подробно исследовать запущенный процесс mshta.exe.
Известные проблемы:
mshta.exe использует 100% CPU- возможно на компьютере установлена вредоносная программа или вирус. Так как процесс может выполнить любой .hta файл, факт запуска легитимного процесса не означает что вам известно что он выполняет.
Антивирус McAfee может предупреждать об потенциально небезопасной активности при использовании панели управления – скорее всего это ошибка в антивирусной программе. Однако вы должны убедится что на системе не запущены подозрительные .hta скрипты.
mshta.exe — ошибка приложения, Инструкция по адресу «ххххххххххх» обратилась к памяти по адресу «уууууууууу». Память не может быть «written». Эта ошибка может возникнуть при работе злонамеренной программы или ошибочно написанного .hta файла. Попробуйте отключить функцию «Предотвращение выполнения данных» (DEP) для mshta.exe в панеле управления системой.


Ошибка mshtа.ехе

Что с Windows ХР, если когда заходишь в «справку и поддержку»,то выводится ошибкаmshtа.ехе)»Инструкция по адресу»0х77dеcc6″обратилась к памяти по адресу»0х77decc6″. Память не может быть «written». И далее все закрывается. Такая же ошибка при обращении к учетной записи(нельзя ни создать,ни изменить),еще эта ошибка при установке MySQL сервера! Что делать? ХР умирает?

Ошибка при запуске .ехе файлов
Вот такая проблема случилось сегодня: при попытке запустить некоторые файлы типа .ехе компьютер.

При запуске некоторых файлов .ехе — ошибка
Здравствуйте, прошу помочь. При запуске некоторых файлов .ехе выдает ошибку (как на скрине) , ОС.

Не запускается ехе-файл
Честно говоря, не знаю помогут ли мне с этим вопросом тут, но я не знаю куда бы еще обратится, ибо.

Не могу открыть ЕХЕ файлы
переустановил виндоус Хп ,после этого перестали открываться игровые ехе файлы(ни одна игра не.

mshta.exe — Microsoft HTML Application Host. Программа используется для запуска HTML файлов (.hta файлы). Выполнение этого процесса не критично для операционной системы. Однако, если вы удалите этот файл, это может оказать влияние на стабильную работу Windows. Если запущенное HTML приложение зависло или работает нестабильно, его можно безопасно уничтожить через диспечер задач.

Некоторые злонамеренные файлы имеют такое имя, но расположены вне %SystemRoot%\System32 директории. Другие злонамеренные программы используют похожие имена файла, отличающегося на одну букву или цифру. Например W32/Mimail-S (C:\ms.hta, запускается под легитимным mshta.exe) – является почтовым червем, который отображает диалоговое окно для ввода информации об кредитной карты.

На системе может быть запущено несколько процессов mshta.exe для любого пользователя. Наличие нескольких экземпляров программы памяти не должно вызвать проблем. Но так как Microsoft HTML Application Host может запускать любые .hta приложения, то система может быть заражена .hta скриптом, который будет запущен внутри летимного процесса mshta.exe. В этом случае необходимо более подробно исследовать запущенный процесс mshta.exe.
Известные проблемы:
mshta.exe использует 100% CPU- возможно на компьютере установлена вредоносная программа или вирус. Так как процесс может выполнить любой .hta файл, факт запуска легитимного процесса не означает что вам известно что он выполняет.
Антивирус McAfee может предупреждать об потенциально небезопасной активности при использовании панели управления – скорее всего это ошибка в антивирусной программе. Однако вы должны убедится что на системе не запущены подозрительные .hta скрипты.
mshta.exe — ошибка приложения , Инструкция по адресу «ххххххххххх» обратилась к памяти по адресу «уууууууууу». Память не может быть «written». Эта ошибка может возникнуть при работе злонамеренной программы или ошибочно написанного .hta файла. Попробуйте отключить функцию «Предотвращение выполнения данных» (DEP) для mshta.exe в панеле управления системой.

1). просканируйте систему на вирусы. Удалять возможно придется в безопасном режиме;
2). воспользуйтесь программой Autoruns для обнаружения в автозагружаемых процессах mshta.exe


Fix: mshta.exe problem (Microsoft HTML Application Host)

Many users come across the problem where they encounter multiple instances of ‘mshta.exe’ (which is an abbreviation of Microsoft HTML Application Host) on their task manager. The executable mshta.exe is part of the Windows operating system used for executing .HTA files over various platforms. This is reported as a non-essential part of the operating system but lost functionality is reported when it is disabled.

So what is this application’s purpose? It is used to execute HTA files which are an extension for HTML executable file format. HTA files are used with Internet Explorer 5 and versions released after, along with other various applications as well. HTA files are known to use HTML syntax to create applications for their use.

What would happen if we disable this service? There are mixed feedbacks as there are unique configurations and usage for each PC but it was seen that Microsoft Edge or Internet Explorer were not able to load several web pages as well as succeed in properly viewing the ones which were loaded. Other than this, other applications which also use this service are known to be affected.

It should also be noted that different malware and virus use exploits which are named similar to the executable under discussion to infect a computer and cause loss of functionality or high CPU/Memory usage. We will first check if the service is legit and try to disable it using the task scheduler.

Solution 1: Disabling Tasks using Task Scheduler

After extensive research and error collections, it was seen that this executable was running at different intervals which are meant to repeat with certain triggers. The number of scheduled tasks of ‘mshta.exe’ were at a whopping ~20 with one task scheduled each hour. We will check the task scheduler for any scheduled tasks and disable them accordingly. Before we indulge on how to disable ‘mshta.exe’, whenever the service pops up or takes a poll on your computer, go to the task manager, locate the task and see its location. It should be somewhat like: C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\

Note: Whenever the popup for this service comes up or when your resource usage goes up, you should note the time. This way it will be much easier to track at which interval this service is executing.

  1. Press Windows + R, type “taskschd.msc” in the dialogue box and press Enter.
  2. Look for tasks which are dated according to your time stamp and see if the service under discussion is among it. If it is, double-click it and see the file it is referencing to. As an example, there was one case which was pointing towards the address:


  1. Now you have two file paths. One which points towards the location of service located and one which is running the service at timely intervals. Head over to those target locations and delete (or copy/rename) them. The two paths will look somewhat like:


  1. Restart your computer after deleting the entries and check if the problem at hand got solved.

Solution 2: Scanning for Malware or Virus

If ‘mshta.exe’ is a legitimate process, you would have solved it using the procedure listed above. If it isn’t fixed, we should consider the possibility that it is a malware or virus on your computer. There are several reports which indicated high memory and CPU usage because of the infection.

There are plenty of ways through which you can remove illegal services from your computer. There are tons of good antivirus software which do the job. You can download any software from Malwarebytes to Hitman Pro etc. Here we will use Microsoft Security Scanner to scan your computer for discrepancies and check if there is indeed any problem.

Microsoft Safety Scanner is a scan tool designed to find and remove malware from your computer. Do note that this software is not a substitute for your regular antivirus. It only runs when it is triggered but has the latest definitions upgraded. Furthermore, we recommend that you only use this software by downloading the latest version as virus definitions are updated frequently.

  1. Head over to Microsoft’s official website and download the Safety Scanner. Make sure you are downloading the correct version for your computer by selecting the bits.

  1. The file will be around 120MB. Download the file to an accessible location and click on the exe file to runit.

  1. Wait for the scan to complete completely. If there were any threats detected, the scanner would notify you immediately.

Note: There are several cases where you are unable to remove the virus/malware successfully on your computer. In that case, refer to more strong antivirus software such as Malwarebytes etc. and scan your computer using more than software.

Solution 3: Restoring from last Restore Point/ Doing a Clean Install

If both the above methods don’t work and you are stuck with the annoying CPU/Memory usage, it is worth a shot restoring back before any latest Windows 10 updates were installed on your computer. If you don’t have a last restore point, you can install a clean version of Windows. You can use the utility “Belarc” to get all your licenses saved, backup your data using external storage and then perform a clean install.

Note: Make sure to back up your data before performing this solution. Use an external hard drive or USB to save all your important files just in case.

Here is the method on how to restore Windows from the last restore point.

  1. Press Windows + S to launch the start menu’s search bar. Type “restore” in the dialogue box and select the first program which comes in the result.

  1. Once in the restore settings, press System Restore present at the beginning of the window under the tab of System Protection.

  1. Now a wizard will open navigating you through all the steps to restore your system. Press Next and proceed with all the further instructions.
  2. Now select the restore point from the list of options available. If you have more than one system restore points, they will be listed here.

  1. Now windows will confirm your actions for the last time before it starts the system restore process. Save all your work and backup important files just in case and proceed with the process.

You can learn more about system restore to gain more knowledge about what it does and what are the processes involved.

  1. Once you have restored successfully, log into the system and check if the error at hand got fixed.

If you don’t have any restore points or if the system restore doesn’t work, you can do a clean install of Windows using bootable media. You check our article on how to create a bootable media. There are two ways: by using windows bootable usb and by using Rufus.


Remember — this is a public forum so never post private information such as numbers of mail or telephone!

Ideas: I get this error message when I try to play a game that has been installed at least a year without problem.  I’ve uninstalled and reinstalled without success.

I am also unable to open windows media player.  Nothing happens when I click it.

Also, when I try to open Mcafee I get a blank white box. But it appears in the lower right corner that they are running.

A ran sfc/scannow as administrator.  only went to 78% and says protection could not perform the requested operation


·        What games you try to play?

·        McAfee is installed on the system?

I suggest to uninstall Mcafee from the system and check.

C0000005T is a code of access violation. It is the operating system telling you that a program has malfunctioned. It has nothing specific to do with a particular program, or a brand of software, this is straight from the CPU and kernel of the operating system.

Step 1:

I suggest you to do a clean boot.

a. log on to the computer using an account with administrator rights

b. Click Start, type msconfig.exe in the start search box and press ENTER to start the System Configuration utility.

c. If you are prompted for an administrator password or for confirmation, type your password or click on continue

d. under the general tab, click Selective startup and then click to clear the check box load startup items. (The check box use the file Boot is not available.)

e. on the Services tab, click to select the skin all the Microsoft services check box, and then click Disable all

Note: Following this step lets services Microsoft continue to run. These services include networking, Plug-and-Play, record of events, error reporting, and other services. If you disable these services, you can permanently delete all restore points. Do not do this if you want to use to restore the system with the existing restore points.

When you are finished troubleshooting, follow these steps to reset the computer to start as usual:

a. Click Start, type msconfig.exe in the start search box and press ENTER.

b. If you are prompted for an administrator password or for confirmation, type your password, or click on continue.

c. under the general tab, click the Normal startup option and then click OK.

d. When you are prompted to restart the computer, click on restart.

If the problem is solved, check which third-party program is causing the problem. For more information, see the article mentioned below.

Step 2:

An online virus scanner and check. Click on the link below.

A live care

Malicious software removal tool

Thanks and regards.

Thahaseena M
Microsoft Answers Support Engineer.
Visit our Microsoft answers feedback Forum and let us know what you think.

Tags: Windows

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    Hello Eric_984,

    Thank you for the question!

    It is disheartening to know that have problems you with user accounts. «As I understand it, you get an error message» Microsoft (R) HTML Application host has encountered a problem and needs to close etc. «when you access user accounts.

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    Answer to us if you are having problems with user accounts or any other issue of Windows, and I’d be happy to help you again and try to correct the problem as soon as possible.

    Good day!

    Hope this information helps.

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    To solve the problems:

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    What is rundll32.exe and why it works?

    What is the suspicious Rundll32.exe process?


    Try these to erase corruption and missing/damaged file system repair or replacement.

    Run DiskCleanup — start — all programs — Accessories — System Tools — Disk Cleanup

    Start — type in the search box — find command top — RIGHT CLICK – RUN AS ADMIN


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    program generates in Windows Vista cbs.log

    Then, run checkdisk — schedule it to run at next boot, then apply OK your way out, then restart.

    How to run the check disk at startup in Vista


    If no joy trying to determine what is the cause:

    How to troubleshoot a problem by performing a clean boot in Windows Vista
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    Optimize the performance of Microsoft Windows Vista
    To see everything that is in charge of startup — wait a few minutes without doing anything — then right
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    It’s a quick reference (if you have a small box left — show for all users, then
    Check that).

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    A quick check to see who are loading is method 2 — using MSCONFIG then after a
    a list of these here.

    Tools that should help you:

    Objects of process Explorer — free — find out what files, registry keys and other processes
    have open, which DLLs they have loaded and more. This exceptionally effective utility will be
    even show you who owns each process.

    Autoruns — free — see what programs are configured so that it starts automatically when your
    system boots and you log in. Autoruns is also the full list of registry and files
    locations where applications can configure start automatic settings.
    Process Monitor — Free — monitor the system files, registry, process, thread and DLL activity
    in real time.

    There are many excellent free tools from Sysinternals

    -Free — WhatsInStartUP this utility displays the list of all applications that are loaded
    automatically when Windows starts. For each request, the following information
    appears: product Type of startup (registry/Startup folder), Command — Line String,
    Name, file Version, company name, location in the registry or the file system and more.
    It allows you to easily disable or remove unwanted programs that run in your Windows

    There are many excellent free tools to NirSoft

    Window Watcher — free — do you know what is running on your computer? Maybe not.
    The window Watcher says it all, every window created by all programs that are running, the statement
    If the window is visible or not.

    Many excellent free tools and an excellent newsletter at Karenware

    Hope these helps.

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    Hello world

    You can determine exactly what causes most of the problems by following the steps below:

    Method 1: Put the computer in safe mode and see if the problem persists:

    Method 2: Clean boot

    If the problem is not repeated in safe mode, there is probably a startup item or service is causing the problem. Follow the steps on the following link to locate the item or service responsible for the error:

    Cody C
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    Visit our Microsoft answers feedback Forum and let us know what you think.

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    So the only way I can think is to expand the VHD file first and then out the files. Otherwise, you are only viewing.

    There could be some good info here.

    It’s maybe more with. WIM files, but can be a useful look.

    Here are a few good resources:

    Download WAIK:

    There is a different if you have SP1 + integrated version. Link at the bottom of page

    TechNet articles on deploying Vista

    Good third tutorial

    Mark <> Microsoft Partner

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    Hi Ivan 2008,

    You can try the network drive mapping & check if it helps.

    Create a shortcut to (map) a network drive

    Hope the helps of information. Please post back and we do know.

    Joel S
    Microsoft Answers Support Engineer
    Visit our Microsoft answers feedback Forum and let us know what you think.

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    I get this error poop every 5 seconds and it is very annoying

    Any help please?

    Hello Amira,

    Thanks for posting your query in Microsoft Community.

    I understand that you have problems with the «Console windows host has stopped working». So, please try to follow the steps mentioned below to solve the problem.

    Method 1: Try to perform a clean boot, put your boot system to identify whether third-party applications or startup items are causing the problem. You must follow the steps in the article mentioned below to perform a clean boot.

    Note: Refer to «How to reset the computer to start as usual after a clean boot troubleshooting» under more information to prepare the computer to start as usual after a repair.

    See also:

    Refer to the suggestions of Waseemulla Shariff said onOctober 23, 2012

    I hope this helps.

    Thank you

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    Cancel the update level or if necessary, hold the Power button to turn off the PC.  Wait a half hour, then power turn voltage to see if it continues or rear rollers.

    If it cancels and then work done these steps for overcome Windows Upgrade failure — Microsoft Community 10.

    If it crashes again and/or don’t roll back you can try here, whatever the method works to access Advanced Startup Options in Windows 10 to see if you can get into Safe Mode troubleshooting options, Startup Repair, Go Back or Reset.

    But I would cut my losses and the vastly superior Clean install Windows 10 improvement who will be activated from the last version media after install as explained in the Wiki.  Be sure to start the media to remove all partitions to make cleaner as illustrated.

    If you have files that were backed up not you may rescue files when Windows does not start

    In return ask questions and let us know how it goes.

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    Whenever I start my old Toshiba laptop computer for 3 years, I get this message: host of Catalyst Control Center has stopped working and then nothing. I check the current update drivers says it all day, but I went on this site called Driver Whiz and he says I’m wrong 8 things with my computer Says: Standard AHCI 1.0 Serial ATA Controller… out of date… then 2 ATI HDMI Audio… updated… then system devices said ATI 1/0 5 MB… updated… communication processor and then disconnected devices : 4 JMB38X MS Host peripheral COntroller is disconnected, but they want 50 buck for them to fix it when I downloaded what I thought was that it was free so now it’s on my computer… UGH!

    My LT is a Toshiba Satellite A665D

    OS: Windows 7 Home Premium 64 — bit (6.1, Build 7601) Service Pack 1

    Processoer:AMD Phenom ™ II P920Quad Core (4 CPUs) processor clocked at 1.6 GHz

    BIOS: 19:13:52 VER: 08.00.0

    Memory: 4096 MB Ram

    DirectX 11

    I am running Iolo System Mechanic 11 on my machine for detection of spyware, malware, viruses and been with them for 5 years and this has NEVER happened since I was with them. My Toshiba Service Station does not work and tried to contact Toshiba as well, but yet they want the money for technical advice. I know that somebody here is tech savey and I am disabled and do not have the money to repair this laptop so please can someone there give me info on how to get back to his old self of my machine? Oh and btw, I did a system restore, but this message from Catalyst Control Center is yet to come. PLEASE HELP ME AND THANK YOU VERY MUCH!

    «I went on this site called Driver Whiz and he says I’m wrong 8 things with my computer.
    Don’t believe one thing, or say similar sites. They are only after your money.
    To top it off they often install software that can be difficult to uninstall, and if
    you don’t uninstall it you get messages.
    It seems that there are a lot of discussions about uninstalling the program driver Wiz, but I
    guess the best place to start is to their own site-
    If that won’t uninstall not indeed their software, then you may need to do more
    read other threads.

    «Microsoft downloaded as 13 updates when I turned off my computer.

    I hope that you do not say that you stop the machine while the updates were
    installation. If none simply let problem Windows updates check again and select only a little at a time and let it install, go to learn more. Avoid also the ‘Optional ‘.
    updates, particularly of driver updates.
    In regard to it and the fake driver software installed. If you started having problems after that Windows updates don’t you have a restore point from the system that dates back to before that you did? If so do the system restore and then move on the updates again. Restoration can even delete ‘wiz pilot’ with a bit of luck.

    Now — ‘Catalyst Control Center host has stopped working»I suppose you were
    get this error before the debacle «Pilot Wiz»?
    I uninstall the drivers ATI and the CCC software via programs and features and then go to the download page of Toshiba for new drivers. It can be pilots became corrupt, but the «updater» does not know this. It checks only to a version of file.
    Personally, I do not use updates of autopilots. Best to download the installer and install manually, if Toishiba have this option.

    With FB game, you will also want to put Flash Player to — day
    Adobe — Adobe Flash Player Install
    Adobe — Adobe Shockwave Player


  • Message «Microsoft (C) Register Server has stopped working and was closed» appears

    When I start up I get the message «Microsoft (C) Register Server has stopped working and was closed».

    Here, an article which offers a solution to this problem that seems easy to implmenent and is worth a visit: .

    I hope this helps.

    Good luck!

    Lorien — MCSA/MCSE/network + / has + — if this post solves your problem, please click the ‘Mark as answer’ or ‘Useful’ button at the top of this message. Marking a post as answer, or relatively useful, you help others find the answer more quickly.

  • Microsoft (C) Register Server has stopped working

    The error message «Microsoft (C) Register Server has stopped working» prevents me from opening any browser or my main console of Trendmico on my account administrstor of PC to the home address but strangely no this problem doesn’t exist in the accounts no administrator on my PC at home. All the solutions out there? I use Vista Home Premium on 64-bit operating system.

    Thank you


    Perform the steps suggested by Halima S from the link below and see if it helps.

    Hope this information helps.

  • Printer error: «Print filter Pipeline host has stopped working» Dell V505 whatever that means and what is the fix?

    Printer error: «Print filter Pipeline host has stopped working» Dell V505 whatever that means and what is the fix?


    See if This THREAD helps. It is for another printer, but should work for you printer, too.


  • I got an answer from Microsoft after a «windows has stopped working» I have to delete the virus Win32/Small.CA.

    Original title: Win32/Small.CA

    I got an answer from Microsoft after a «windows has stopped working» I have to delete the virus Win32/Small.CA.  I ran the security scan and the answer was «no viruses or malware found.»  Could someone tell me how to deal with a Win32/Small.CA and how to determine if I really get it.  Thank you.


    It contains instructions which will remove most malware infections. If you have any questions, just ask me. I hope this helps you.


17 лет назад 30 октября 2006 в 16:06 528

Обнаружил глюк. При попытке открыть апплет User Accounts на «Панели управления» в Windows XP выдается сообщение об ошибке: «Microsoft HTML Application host has encountered a problem and needs to close». Как это исправить?

Такое сообщение выдается, если в системе некорректно зарегистрирован файл mshtml.dll. Выполните команду regsvr32 /s mshtml.dll.

Иван Петров

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