Media jam ошибка принтера

Что бы я посоветовал из того, что не делали:

1. Снимите ленту привода и тщательно очистите приводные ролики и ленту изнутри от всех возможных загрязнений. Обезжирьте. Достаточно минимальнейшего проскальзывания (даже на глаз не заметите), чтобы получать такую ошибку. Проверьте состояние рельсов и подшипников каретки. Нигде ничего не должно заедать/люфтить/проскальзывать/скрипеть и т.д. даже минимальнейшим образом. Там очень точный энкодер и при малейшем сбое сразу вываливает эту ошибку. Проверьте также Encoder strip. Он должен быть чистым, не поцарапанным, не перекошеным и идеально натянутым. Кстати, запчасть недорогая и ресурсная — лучше бы вы ее поменяли, а не моторы

2. Если есть подозрение на мамку — возьмите у кого нибудь на пару часов поносить. Москва — город большой, я думаю — найдете. Я бы в Киеве нашел.

3. Проверьте энкодерную группу. Там проблема может быть не только в датчике. Нужно гонять тесты и с тестером разбираться


Замена мотора протяжки материала

— вот это, к сожалению, лишнее, и к проблеме не имеет отношения.

Я вообще-то склоняюсь к мысли, что вам поможет п. 1. Это самая распространенная причина ошибки Clear Media Jam (1).

Что бы я посоветовал из того, что не делали:

1. Снимите ленту привода и тщательно очистите приводные ролики и ленту изнутри от всех возможных загрязнений. Обезжирьте. Достаточно минимальнейшего проскальзывания (даже на глаз не заметите), чтобы получать такую ошибку. Проверьте состояние рельсов и подшипников каретки. Нигде ничего не должно заедать/люфтить/проскальзывать/скрипеть и т.д. даже минимальнейшим образом. Там очень точный энкодер и при малейшем сбое сразу вываливает эту ошибку. Проверьте также Encoder strip. Он должен быть чистым, не поцарапанным, не перекошеным и идеально натянутым. Кстати, запчасть недорогая и ресурсная — лучше бы вы ее поменяли, а не моторы

2. Если есть подозрение на мамку — возьмите у кого нибудь на пару часов поносить. Москва — город большой, я думаю — найдете. Я бы в Киеве нашел.

3. Проверьте энкодерную группу. Там проблема может быть не только в датчике. Нужно гонять тесты и с тестером разбираться


Замена мотора протяжки материала

— вот это, к сожалению, лишнее, и к проблеме не имеет отношения.

Я вообще-то склоняюсь к мысли, что вам поможет п. 1. Это самая распространенная причина ошибки Clear Media Jam (1).


Welcome to the HP Support Community.

Let’s try to reset the Printer here:

Reset the product

  • With the printer turned on, disconnect the power cord from the rear of the printer.
  • Unplug the power cord from the wall outlet.
  • Wait at least 60 seconds.
  • Plug the power cord back into the wall outlet.
  • Reconnect the power cord to the printer.
  • Turn the printer on. HP recommends plugging the printer directly into a wall outlet.

Also, try connecting the Printer to a different wall outlet directly.

Also, try a firmware update:

Let me know if this helps.

If the information I’ve provided was helpful, give us some reinforcement by clicking the Accepted Solution and Kudos buttons, that’ll help us and others see that we’ve got the answers!


Have a great day!

I am an HP Employee

Click here follow the steps to fix Printer Error Media Jam and related errors.



To Fix (Printer Error Media Jam) error you need to
follow the steps below:

Step 1:

(Printer Error Media Jam) Repair Tool

Step 2:

Click the «Scan» button

Step 3:

Click ‘Fix All‘ and you’re done!

Windows 7, 8, Vista, XP
Download Size: 6MB
Requirements: 300 MHz Processor, 256 MB Ram, 22 MB HDD

This download is a free evaluation version. To unlock all features and tools, a purchase is required.

Printer Error Media Jam Error Codes are caused in one way or another by misconfigured system files
in your windows operating system.

If you have Printer Error Media Jam errors then we strongly recommend that you

Download (Printer Error Media Jam) Repair Tool.

This article contains information that shows you how to fix
Printer Error Media Jam
(manually) and (automatically) , In addition, this article will help you troubleshoot some common error messages related to Printer Error Media Jam error code that you may receive.

This article was updated on 2023-04-06 and previously published under WIKI_Q210794


  •   1. What is Printer Error Media Jam error?
  •   2. What causes Printer Error Media Jam error?
  •   3. How to easily fix Printer Error Media Jam errors

What is Printer Error Media Jam error?

The Printer Error Media Jam error is the Hexadecimal format of the error caused. This is common error code format used by windows and other windows compatible software and driver vendors.

This code is used by the vendor to identify the error caused. This Printer Error Media Jam error code has a numeric error number and a technical description. In some cases the error may have more parameters in Printer Error Media Jam format .This additional hexadecimal code are the address of the memory locations where the instruction(s) was loaded at the time of the error.

What causes Printer Error Media Jam error?

The Printer Error Media Jam error may be caused by windows system files damage. The corrupted system files entries can be a real threat to the well being of your computer.

There can be many events which may have resulted in the system files errors. An incomplete installation, an incomplete uninstall, improper deletion of applications or hardware. It can also be caused if your computer is recovered from a virus or adware/spyware
attack or by an improper shutdown of the computer. All the above actives
may result in the deletion or corruption of the entries in the windows
system files. This corrupted system file will lead to the missing and wrongly
linked information and files needed for the proper working of the

How to easily fix Printer Error Media Jam error?

There are two (2) ways to fix Printer Error Media Jam Error:

Advanced Computer User Solution (manual update):

1) Start your computer and log on as an administrator.

2) Click the Start button then select All Programs, Accessories, System Tools, and then click System Restore.

3) In the new window, select «Restore my computer to an earlier time» option and then click Next.

4) Select the most recent system restore point from the «On this list, click a restore point» list, and then click Next.

5) Click Next on the confirmation window.

6) Restarts the computer when the restoration is finished.

Novice Computer User Solution (completely automated):

1) Download (Printer Error Media Jam) repair utility.

2) Install program and click Scan button.

3) Click the Fix Errors button when scan is completed.

4) Restart your computer.

How does it work?

This tool will scan and diagnose, then repairs, your PC with patent
pending technology that fix your windows operating system registry
basic features: (repairs system freezing and rebooting issues , start-up customization , browser helper object management , program removal management , live updates , windows structure repair.)

Error 505 “MEDIA JAM” occured. What should I do?

This error is displayed when a media jam occurs.

In this case, please perform the following steps:


1. Turn the power off.
2. Lift the clamp lever, and then remove the media jam while moving the head to the right edge.
3. Reset the media.
4. Turn the power back on and perform a normal cleaning.
5. Perform a TEST PRINT and check if it is printed successfully. If there are problems such as nozzle clogging, see FAQ “TEST PRINT is not printed successfully.”
6. When you print again and get the same result, see FAQ “Head touches to media.”

Mimaki Europe BV
Stammerdijk 7E
1112 AA Diemen
t. +31 (0) 20 462 76 40

If a tube or tape is jammed during printing, a «Media JAM» message is displayed on the LCD and the printer

stops. Remove the jammed tube or tape according to the messages shown on the display.

If you cannot do this because the «Media JAM» message is not shown although a tube or tape is jammed or

you have turned off the printer after display of the «Media JAM» message, use the feed function of the printer

to remove the jammed printing media.

«Actions to Take against Other Jams (When the «Media JAM» message is not displayed)» (

When the printer stops printing due to a jammed tube or tape and consequently the «Media JAM» message is

displayed, remove the jammed tube or tape following the procedure mentioned below.

If the «Media JAM» message is not displayed or it has disappeared

because you have turned off the printer, take an appropriate action

according to «Actions to Take against Other Jams (When the

«Media JAM» message is not displayed)» (

If you select «Cancel», the «Media JAM» message disappears and the input display is

displayed again, causing you to exit from the jam clearing procedure. In this case, refer to

«Actions to Take against Other Jams (When the «Media JAM» message is not displayed)»


page 126).

The Feed display appears.

If the ribbon winds itself around some parts inside the printer and

therefore the ribbon cassette cannot be removed, proceed to step 5

without removing it.

page 126).

page 126)

In this article, we will look at several HP printer jam issues and provides solutions to each issue.

HP LaserJet Pro M203dw Wireless Laser Printer, Works with Alexa (G3Q47A). Replaces HP M201dw Laser Printer

Locations of HP Printer Jams [Quick Guide]

The following are the 5 major areas where paper jams occur on HP printers:

i. Output bin.

ii. Tray 1 area.

iii. Tray 2 (Optional Tray 3, Tray 4, and Tray 5).

iv. Right door.

v. Lower-right door.

In this article, we will look at how to clear a paper jam in these locations mentioned on different HP printer models.

Types of HP Printer Jam [Quick Guide]

The following are the paper jam types that affect HP printers:

i. Stay Jam: This type of jam happens when a paper remains in your printer’s sensor area longer than it is supposed to.

ii. Delay Jam: You will experience this kind of jam when the loaded paper fails to get to the printer’s sensor at the time it is supposed to.

iii. Fuser Wrap Jam: This occurs when your printer’s fuser senses the loaded paper’s foremost edge but does not detect the rearmost paper edge.

iv. Residual Jam: You will get a residual jam on your HP printer when your printer notices a paper jam in its sensor when you turn on the device or close the printer door. This is the hardest jam type to clear because it is hard to detect since the paper is usually not visible at once.  

We decided to explain these jam types because we will encounter them as we go further.         

In this section, we will quickly discuss some of the commonest causes of HP printer jams. We will also provide you with solutions to each cause to enable you to prevent jams in the future.

1. The paper in use doesn’t meet the requirements and specifications

Not all papers can be used on certain HP printers; some printers are designed to use only some kinds of paper. Therefore, when a paper that doesn’t meet the requirements and specifications is used, it could lead to a jam.

Hence, to avoid this, you need to check the paper specifications that can be used on your particular printer model. Once you get the specifications, ensure that you only use those kinds of papers.

2. Reuse of already used paper (copied or printed on)

Many folks do not know that using a paper that has been copied or printed on already for the second time can lead to a paper jam.

Hence, if you are in the habit of reusing paper in this manner, you need to desist as it might be the reason you’ve been experiencing paper jams.

3. Skewed paper

If the loaded paper is lopsided and not aligned properly in the print tray, then it could lead to a jam.

To fix this, ensure that you use the tray guides to adjust and align the paper stack correctly. The paper should be held in place by the guides, but they shouldn’t squeeze or bend the stack.

4. Paper is sticking or binding together

When the papers in the stack are sticking or binding together, the printer might pick more than one paper at a time. This, in turn, can lead to a jam in your HP printer.

Therefore, to avoid this, take out the stack and then flex it, flip it, or rotate it completely to the other end. After that, load the paper again carefully into the print tray.

5. Poor paper condition

This could be a result of different issues such as a tear, wrinkle, dirt, etc. Whatever the case may be, once the paper condition is poor, it could lead to jam issues.

Hence, once you notice such conditions, you need to change the paper and use one that is in pristine condition.

6. Paper is taken out in haste from the printer’s output bin

Many folks make this simple mistake and it is one of the reasons for HP printer jam. Once the paper comes out through the output bin, it is expected that you allow the paper to settle before removing it.

If this is the cause of your HP printer jam, you can fix it by resetting your printer. After that, wait for the paper to settle completely before you remove it from your printer’s output bin.

7. The edges of the paper are jagged or rough

If the paper you loaded has jagged or rough edges, it will cause the paper to be stuck in the printer.

Therefore, to avoid paper jam, always inspect the edges of your paper. If you discover that they are jagged or rough, change the paper.

8. Embossed or perforated paper

When you try to load an embossed or perforated paper stack into your printer, you are bound to get a jam. The reason this happens is that these paper types cannot separate easily.

So, when you use these paper types, feed them individually into your printer instead of loading a stack. Also, use Tray 1 instead of other input trays when loading these paper types.

9. Paper was incorrectly stored

The way you store your paper also affects its performance when loaded into your printer’s input tray. When you store your paper incorrectly, it could lead to an HP printer jam.

If you didn’t store your paper in its original packaging, then the entire stack might be compromised. In such a case, you will need to change the stack in your printer’s input tray.

HP Officejet 4630 e-AiO

10. Incorrect component installation

If components such as the transfer belt and transfer roller aren’t installed correctly, it could lead to a jam in your HP printer.

Hence, you need to confirm that all the components are correctly installed if your HP printer jams every time.

11. Incorrect input tray loading

If you load paper incorrectly into any of your input trays, it can cause an HP printer jam in the tray. Therefore, you need to ensure that you load the paper correctly.

To do this, ensure that you don’t load more than the maximum number of papers into the tray. Hence, check the stack and confirm that it isn’t above the tray’s maximum height mark. If the stack exceeds the mark, you need to remove excess paper.  

 12. During double-sided printing, the paper was taken out before the other side of the original was printed

This is another simple mistake that slips the mind of HP printer users when performing double-sided printing.

If this happens to you, you can resolve the issue by resetting your printer. After that, reprint the document. Wait for the paper to settle completely before taking it out of your printer’s output bin.

13. Internal tray rollers fail to pick up a paper

When this happens, it is usually because the loaded paper is heavier than the specified paper weight that your printer supports. In most cases, a paper that is above the 220 g/m2 weight won’t be picked by a good number of HP printers. Therefore, you need to ensure that the loaded paper isn’t heavier than the specified paper weight.

Apart from the paper weight that could lead to a jam, the rollers themselves might also be a problem. Therefore, you need to check them for wear and damage. If you find that they are worn out or damaged, then you should replace them.  

14. The packing material wasn’t completely removed

If there are still packing materials in your printer, they could obstruct the free movement of components within your printer and then lead to a jam.

Hence, you need to examine your printer for packing materials such as plastic shipping locks, packing tape, and cardboard. Ensure that all these materials are removed.

15. 10 x 15 cm (4 x 6 in) paper is used but the HP postcard media insert isn’t installed in your printer’s Tray 2 OR 10 x 15 cm (4 x 6 in) isn’t used but the HP postcard media insert is installed in your printer’s Tray 2

Whenever you are using 10 x 15 cm (4 x 6 in) paper, ensure that you install the HP postcard media insert into your printer’s Tray 2. However, when you print on other paper sizes, remove the HP postcard media insert.

How Do I Fix A Carriage Jam On My HP Printer? [Solutions]

To fix an HP printer carriage jam, there are certain solutions you can try out. These solutions have been carefully discussed here: Clear HP Printer – How to Clear HP Printer Carriage Jam. Therefore, we recommend that you click on the link to find out how to fix a carriage jam on an HP printer.

If your HP printer is displaying a carriage jam or e3 error message, then you can use the solutions in the article we just linked. You can also check HP Printer Flashing E Error Codes – How to Fix HP Printer Flashing E3 if you need more information on how to clear the HP printer carriage jam error.

HP printer carriage jam but no paper and HP c5280 printer carriage jam issues can also be fixed using the solutions in the links we just shared.

To read more awesome articles, click any of the links below…

Your HP Printer Copying Problems Fixed

How to Reset HP Printer [Detailed Guide]

Clear HP Printer…[How To/Issues & Solutions]

Scan with HP Printer [How To/Issues & Solutions]

How to Turn On HP Printer [Detailed Guide]

HP Printer Won’t Turn On/Off [Solutions]

How to Add HP Printer [Detailed Guide]

Why Does My HP Printer Keep Jamming? [Answered]

If your HP printer keeps jamming every time, then it could due to several reasons which we list below:

Reasons Why Your HP Printer is Always Jamming              

The following are the reasons why your HP printer is jamming:

i. The paper was loaded wrongly into the input tray.

ii. The printer paper rollers are either dirty or damaged.

iii. Damp, wrinkled, or torn paper is lodged in the input tray or output tray.

iv. You are trying to use more than one paper type or size at a time.

v. There is a paper jam in your printer in an area that isn’t visible.

vi. The printer’s paper path is obstructed by foreign material.

vii. The printer still has torn paper pieces inside it from an earlier paper jam.

viii. The input tray is overloaded with paper.

If you are wondering “why does my HP printer keep jamming paper?” the reasons we just shared are what you are looking for.

How to Fix an HP Printer That Keeps Jamming

To fix an HP printer that keeps jamming, do the following:

i. Ensure that you load the paper correctly into the input tray.

ii. Clean dirty paper rollers and replace the ones that are damaged.

iii. Remove any damp, wrinkled, or torn paper from the input and output tray.

iv. Use the same paper type and size at a time.

v. Check the insides of your printer for any paper jam that isn’t easily visible.

vi. Check for foreign material in the paper path.

vii. Remove torn paper pieces inside your printer.

viii. Do not overload the input tray with excess paper.

The following solutions will work for the following printers that keep jamming: HP 8720, HP 3830, HP 6968, HP 9015, HP LaserJet 1320, HP LaserJet 1200, HP Envy, Deskjet, and Photosmart printers.

HP Laserjet 1320 Laser Printer

How Do I Clear A Cartridge Jam On My HP Printer? [Solved]

To fix the HP cartridge jam error, we recommend that you click on this link: HP Printer Errors and Solutions – HP Printer Cartridge Jam Error, and read the instructions carefully to learn how to fix a cartridge jam in an HP printer.

The instructions in the link will also guide you on how to fix HP 4250 paper jam under the cartridge.

HP Printer Says Jam in Cartridge Area [How to Fix]

To fix the HP printer jam in the cartridge area, click this link: HP Printer Error E4 – How to Clear Paper Jam from the Cartridge Access Area, and then read the instructions under the “How to Clear Paper Jam from the Cartridge Access Area” section.

The instructions shared in that subsection will also help you fix the jam in the cartridge area for HP LaserJet 1536 and HP LaserJet 400.

How to Fix HP Printer Jam in Fuser Area

To fix the HP printer fuser area jam, do the following steps:

Step 1: Turn off your HP printer.

Warning: Wait for about 30 minutes to allow the fuser to cool to prevent minor burns as you work on the printer.

Step 2: Turn your HP printer to allow the rear cover to face you.

Step 3: Detach the dust cover of Tray 2.

Step 3: Unplug your printer’s power cable from your printer.

Step 4: Open your printer’s rear output bin before pulling out the extension.

Step 5: Detach your printer’s rear output bin as well as its extension from your printer by bending the bin in the middle slightly, and then free tab 1 followed by tab 2.

Step 6: Rotate the blue levers to release the fuser.

Step 7: Pull out the fuser from your printer. Ensure you hold the printer at the back while you pull out the fuser. You shouldn’t pull the black plastic flapper.

Step 8: Take out the jammed paper.

Caution: Don’t remove the jammed paper with any sharp item; doing so could destroy the fuser.

Step 9: Put the fuser back into the printer with the left side going in first. Ensure that the fuser is firmly set in place inside your printer.

Step 10: Rotate the blue levers horizontally to fasten the fuser in its position.

Step 11: Reattach the rear output bin to your printer with the left side going in first.

Step 12: Connect the power cable to your HP printer.

Step 13: Reattach the dust cover of Tray 2.

Step 14: Turn on your HP printer.

If the HP paper jam in the fuser error message is still displaying, then you need to check other parts of your printer for a paper jam.

If you’ve confirmed that there is no paper jam in other locations, then you need to service your HP printer. Contact HP for further assistance and repair.

You can try the above HP printer fuser wrap jam solutions for your HP 1020 and HP p3015 printers if you have the same fuser jam issue.

How to Fix HP Printer Jam in Fuser Area for HP LaserJet Pro 400 Printer M401 (And Similar Models)

To fix HP printer jam in fuser area for HP LaserJet Pro 400 Printer M401 and similar models, do the steps below:

Step 1: Open your printer’s rear door.

Step 2: Pull out the jammed paper.

Note: In case the paper gets torn, ensure that you remove all the pieces before you continue printing.

Caution: Don’t clear the jam until the fuser area cools down.

Step 3: Close your printer’s rear door.

How to Fix HP Printer Jam in Fuser Area HP LaserJet M9050 MFP and M9040 MFP (And Similar Models)

To fix HP printer jam in fuser area for HP LaserJet M9050 MFP and M9040 MFP and similar models, do the steps below:

Step 1: Remove the output device from your HP MFP printer to enable you to access your printer’s left door.

Step 2: Open your printer’s left door.

Notice: Do not touch the fusing area adjacent to the door to avoid burns in case it is hot.

Step 3: Check the area for any jammed paper and pull it out from your printer.

Step 4: Press the green tab down and then look for jammed paper. Ensure that you remove all including the torn pieces.

Step 5: Close your printer’s left door.

Step 6: Return the output device to its original position.

HP LaserJet Pro M501dn Duplex Printer with One-Year, Next-Business Day, Onsite Warranty (J8H61A)

How to Fix HP CP4525 Paper Jam in Right Door

To fix the HP CP4525 paper jam in the right door, do the steps below:

Step 1: Open your printer’s right door.

Step 2: Pull the jammed paper gently out of your printer’s pickup area.

Step 3: If the paper got stuck as it went into the fuser’s bottom area, gently pull down on the paper to take it out.

Caution: Ensure that you don’t touch those rollers found on the printer’s transfer roller. If contaminants are on the rollers, it could lead to a decline in print quality.

Step 4: If the paper got stuck as it went into the output bin, pull down gently on the paper to take it out.

Important: You might need to take out the fuser from your printer to clear the paper jam.

Step 5: Take out the fuser and then look for any paper jam that isn’t visible.

Caution: Your printer’s fuser might be hot especially if your printer was just in use. Hence, to avoid burns, allow the fuser to get cool before touching it.

i. Grab the fuser by its handles, and then lift it a little. Afterward, pull the fuser straight out of your printer.

ii. Open your printer’s jam-access door.

Caution: Don’t touch the fuser rollers as they might still be hot even though the fuser itself has cooled. Wait until they cool down before touching the rollers.

iii. If there is a paper jam in the fuser, pull it out gently from the fuser. Also, look for any paper pieces and remove them.

iv. Close your printer’s jam-access door; after that return the fuser into your printer.

Step 6: Ensure that you close the cover for the pick roller.

Note: Sometimes your HP printer will show this error message “13.20.00 Jam in right door” on its display when it powers up even though there is no jammed paper in that area. The reason for this error message is due to a pick roller cover that is misplaced in your printer’s right door. Hence, if the cover of the pick roller is displaced, it will affect a sensor movement which in turn will lead to the error being displayed.

i. Confirm that the cover of the pick roller is closed.

ii. If it is open, close it and ensure it snaps into its place.

Step 7: Close your printer’s right door.

How to Fix HP Printer Jam in Output Bin

To fix the HP printer jam in the output bin, use any of the solutions below that best suit your printer model.

1. How to Fix HP Printer Jam in Output Bin for HP LaserJet Pro MFP M202 and M201 Series (And Similar Models)

To fix HP printer jam in output bin for HP LaserJet Pro M202 and M201 and similar models, do the steps below:

Step 1: Open your printer’s top cover.

Step 2: Free the printer’s jam access cover by pulling the green tab out.

Step 3: Take out the jammed paper by pulling it gently.

Step 4: Close your printer’s jam access cover.

Step 5: Close your printer’s top cover.

Step 6: If you still see the error message, clear it by pressing “OK”.

You can try these steps to fix HP LaserJet 3055 and HP LaserJet 3050 jam in the output bin.

2. How to Fix HP Printer Jam in Output Bin for HP LaserJet Pro MFP M501 (And Similar Models)

To fix the HP printer jam in the output bin for HP LaserJet Pro M501 and similar models, simply grab the jammed paper with both hands and pull it out gently from the output bin. Be careful while you do this to prevent the paper from tearing.

This solution works best for printers with a flat and open output bin and the jammed paper can be seen.

3. How to Fix HP Printer Jam in Output Bin for HP LaserJet Pro MFP M403 and M402 (And Similar Models)

To fix HP printer jam in output bin for HP LaserJet Pro M403 and M402 and similar models, do the steps below:

Step 1: If you can see the jammed paper in your printer’s output bin, grab it with both hands and pull it out gently. Be careful while you do this to prevent the paper from tearing.

Step 2: Open your printer’s rear door.

Step 3: Check the printer’s rear door area for jammed paper and remove them if you found.

Step 4: Close the printer’s rear door.

4. How to Fix HP Printer Jam in Output Bin for HP LaserJet P2050 and P2030 Series (And Similar Models)

To fix the HP printer jam in the output bin for HP LaserJet P2050 and P2030 series and similar models, do the steps below.

Note: The instructions below will fix a paper jam in the output bin that occurred as a result of using paper size 8.5” x 13.0” when performing duplex printing.

Step 1: Open the printer’s rear door.

Step 2: Remove any jammed paper in the area.

Step 3: Ensure that the media you want to print on is not damaged, folded, or wrinkled.

Step 4: Set your printer’s paper width guide to suit the paper width in use.

Step 5: Check the back of your printer for the duplex jam release door and lift it.

Step 6: Also find the paper-width selection lever and then push it in for Legal or Letter size paper or pull it out for A4.

You can try these steps to fix the HP LaserJet p2055dn jam in the output bin.

5. How to Fix HP Printer Jam in Output Bin for HP OfficeJet Pro X Series, HP PageWide 500, 400, and 300 Series (And Similar Models)

To fix HP printer jam in output bin for HP OfficeJet Pro X series, HP PageWide 500, 400, and 300 series, and similar models, do the steps below:

Note: Ensure that the printer’s output eject flap is correctly installed and working properly. If the flap is broken or missing, then you need to replace it.

Step 1: Check the output bin area for jammed paper.

Step 2: Pull out any jammed paper that you can see.

Note: In case the paper gets torn, ensure that you remove all the pieces before you try to print again.

Step 3: Open the printer left door and then close it again. This simple action should clear the error message.

6. How to Fix HP Printer Jam in Output Bin for HP LaserJet Pro 400 Printer M401 (And Similar Models)

To fix HP printer jam in output bin for HP LaserJet Pro 400 Printer M401 and similar models, do the steps below:

Caution: Don’t use sharp items to pull the jammed paper out of your printer. Such objects might likely damage your printer and your warranty doesn’t cover such damages.

Step 1: Grab the jammed paper with both hands. Using both hands reduces the possibility of the paper tearing.

Step 2: Gently pull the paper out of your printer.

7. How to Fix HP Printer Jam in Output Bin for HP Color LaserJet Enterprise CP4525, CP4025 (And Similar Models)

To fix HP printer jam in output bin for HP Color LaserJet Enterprise CP4525, CP4025, and similar models, do the steps below:

Step 1: Grab the jammed paper in your printer’s output bin and pull it out gently. Ensure that you do this carefully to avoid the paper from tearing.

How to Fix HP 8500 Paper Jam Broken Gear

To fix HP 8500 paper jam broken gear, we recommend you contact HP Customer Support to schedule a repair since the problem is damaged hardware. If your printer is still under warranty, the repair will be done without you paying any repair fee. However, if your printer is no longer under warranty, you will need to pay for the repair.

The video below is NOT a way to fix HP 8500 paper jam broken gear.

HP Printer Print Bar Jam

To fix the HP print bar jam, try any of the solutions below:

Open and then Close the Printer Cover – Solution 1

In most cases, opening and then closing the cover of your HP printer will resolve the issue and cause your printer to resume printing.

The problem with this solution as reported by most users is that the problem resurfaces after some time. When that happens, you can still open and then close your printer cover to fix the issue.

Check for Obstructions in the Cartridge Access Door – Solution 2

This problem can also be caused as a result of obstructions in the ink cartridge access door. Therefore, you need to open your printer’s cartridge access door and check for obstructions. If you find any foreign object, remove it and check if the error message is cleared.

Run all the Clean Printhead Tasks on your Printer – Solution 3

Most HP printers come with automated tools for cleaning the printhead. Hence, you can use all the clean printhead tasks on your printer to fix the HP printer print bar jam issue.

To do this, you need to consult your printer user manual on how to run these tasks. Ensure that you run all the tasks. For most HP OfficeJet Pro X series, there are three of these tasks.

Turn off your Printer when Not in Use – Solution 4

If you are in the habit of putting your printer to sleep instead of powering it off, we recommend that you desist. When your HP printer isn’t in use, turn it off completely. This is especially important if your printer is connected to a wireless network.

Service your Printer – Solution 5 

If none of the solutions above resolves the issue, then you need to contact HP Customer Support. A date will be scheduled for your printer repair. In case the printer cannot be repaired, you will get a replacement if your product is still under warranty.

Please note that you will be charged a repair fee if your HP printer is no longer under warranty. Also, if it needs to be replaced, you will need to get a new one yourself.

HP Printer Says Jam in Rear Door [How to Fix]

To fix the HP printer rear door jam, use any of the solutions below that best suit your printer model.

1. How to Fix HP Printer Jam inside Rear Door for HP LaserJet Pro M501 and Similar Models

To fix the HP printer paper jam in the rear door for HP LaserJet Pro M501 and similar models, do the steps below:

Step 1: Open your printer’s rear door.

Step 2: Take out any paper that is jammed inside your printer’s rear door.

Step 3: Close your printer’s rear door.

The simple steps above will fix the HP m452dn paper jam in the rear door issue.

2. How to Fix HP Printer Jam inside Rear Door for HP LaserJet Pro M477, M377, and Similar Models

To fix the HP printer paper jam in the rear door for HP LaserJet Pro M477, M377, and similar models, do the steps below:

Step 1: Open your printer’s rear door.

Step 2: Gently remove any paper that is jammed from the rear door rollers.

Step 3: Close your printer’s rear door.

Step 4: If the steps above fail to resolve the issue, check these:

i. Make sure that you are using paper that meets the specifications in terms of quality and type as set by HP for the product

ii. Make sure that the printer is not out of a location that meets the product’s environmental specifications. If you didn’t know, certain printers are not designed to function in certain environments and locations. Therefore, if you use such printers in a location they weren’t designed for, you might encounter different kinds of errors and issues.

iii. Make sure that the printer’s tray length and width guides are correctly adjusted to fit the paper size in use.

Step 5: If none of the checks above fixes the error, then you should visit this site to contact HP.

Note: The jam is likely a result of a paper piece stuck inside your printer’s fuser. If this is the case, the only solution is to service the printer which can only be done by a qualified technician.  

3. How to Fix HP Printer Jam inside Rear Door for HP LaserJet Pro M452, M454, and Similar Models

To fix the HP printer paper jam in the rear door for HP LaserJet Pro M452, M454, and similar models, do the steps below:

Step 1: Open your printer’s rear door.

Step 2: Gently remove any paper that is jammed from the rear door rollers.

Step 3: Close your printer’s rear door.

Step 4: If the error remains unresolved, contact HP.

HP OfficeJet Pro 9020 All-in-One Wireless Printer, with Smart Tasks & Advanced Scan Solutions for Smart Office Productivity, Works with Alexa (1MR78A)

4. How to Fix HP Printer Jam in Standard Rear Door for HP 9020 Printers

To fix the HP printer jam in the standard rear door for HP 9020 printers, do the steps below:

Step 1: Turn your HP printer off.

Step 2: Unplug the printer’s power cable as well as other cables such as USB or Ethernet cable from your printer.

Step 3: Make the rear door of your printer face you.

Step 4: Press the rear door’s tab to release the door.

Step 5: Open the printer’s rear door.

Step 6: Pull out the jammed paper carefully.

Step 7: Close the printer’s standard rear door.

Step 8: If the printer still displays the error, service your printer by contacting HP Customer Support.

You can try any of the solutions above to fix the paper jam in the rear door error for your HP LaserJet 4250, HP LaserJet 4050, HP LaserJet 4200, HP LaserJet 2420, or HP M477fdw printer.

How to Fix HP Printer Jam in Duplexer

To fix the HP printer jam in the duplexer, try any of the solutions below that best suit your printer model.

1. How to Fix HP Printer Jam in Duplexer for HP LaserJet Pro M501dn (And Similar Models)

To fix HP printer jam in duplexer for HP LaserJet Pro M501dn and similar models, do the steps below:

Step 1: Open your printer’s Tray 2.

Step 2: Take out Tray 2 from your printer.

Step 3: Free the duplex pan by pulling forward the green tab within the printer’s tray area.

Step 4: Remove the paper jam in the printer’s duplex area.

Step 5: Close the printer’s duplex pan.

Step 6: Reinsert Tray 2 into your printer and close it.

Step 7: Open your printer’s rear door.

Step 8: Remove the paper jam in the rear door area.

Step 9: Close your printer’s rear door.

Step 10: Press the button on your printer’s left side to release the top cover.

Step 11: Open the printer’s front door.

Step 12: Take out the toner cartridge from your printer.

Step 13: Lift the printer’s jam-access cover.

Step 14: Carefully pull out the paper stuck in this area.

Step 15: Insert the toner cartridge back into your printer.

Step 16: Close your printer’s front door.

2. How to Fix HP Printer Jam in Duplexer for HP LaserJet Pro M403 and M402 (And Similar Models)

To fix HP printer jam in duplexer for HP LaserJet Pro M403 and M402 and similar models, do the steps below:

Step 1: Open your printer’s Tray 2.

Step 2: Take out Tray 2 from your printer.

Step 3: Free the duplex pan by pushing the green button.

Step 4: Remove the paper jam in the printer’s duplex area.

Step 5: Close the printer’s duplex pan.

Step 6: Insert Tray 2 back into your printer.

Use the steps above to fix HP LaserJet 4250 jam inside the duplexer problem.

3. How to Fix HP Printer Jam in Duplexer for HP LaserJet P3010 (And Similar Models)

To fix HP printer jam in duplexer for HP LaserJet P3010 and similar models, do the steps below:

Step 1: Take out Tray 2 from your printer.

Step 2: Free the duplex pan by pushing the green button.

Step 3: Remove the paper jam in the printer’s duplex area.

Step 4: Close the printer’s duplex pan.

Step 5: Insert Tray 2 back into your printer.

Step 6: Open the printer’s rear door. Ensure that you push it down completely until it is at a 90-degree angle as this is the only position that allows you to clear the paper jam. The other position which is a 45-degree angle is to allow access into the rear output bin.

Step 7: Remove the paper jam in this printer area.

Step 8: Press the button on the left side to release the top cover.

Step 9: Open your printer’s top cover.

Step 10: Close your printer’s rear door.

Step 11: Take out the toner cartridge from your printer.

Step 12: Remove any paper jam in the area.

Step 13: Insert the toner cartridge back into your printer.

Step 14: Close your printer’s top cover.

4. How to Fix HP Printer Jam in Duplexer for HP LaserJet Pro 400 Printer M401 (And Similar Models)

To fix HP printer jam in duplexer for HP LaserJet Pro 400 Printer M401 and similar models, do the steps below:

Step 1: Open your printer’s rear door.

Step 2: Pull out the jammed paper.

Note: In case the paper gets torn, ensure that you remove all the pieces before you continue printing.

Caution: Don’t clear the jam until the fuser area cools down.

Step 3: Close your printer’s rear door.

HP Laserjet Pro MFP M283cdwB (Newer Model of M283fdwB) All-in-One Wireless Color Laser Printer - Print Scan Copy Fax - 22 ppm, 600 x 600 dpi, 8.5 x 14, 50-Sheet ADF, Auto Duplex Printing, Ethernet

5. How to Fix HP Printer Jam in Duplexer for HP LaserJet M9050 MFP and M9040 MFP (And Similar Models)

To fix HP printer jam in duplexer for HP LaserJet M9050 MFP and M9040 MFP and similar models, do the steps below:

Step 1: Remove the output device from your HP MFP printer to enable you to gain access to the printer’s left door.

Step 2: Open your printer’s left door.

Step 3: Gently pull out jammed paper in the area.

Warning: Do not touch the fusing area adjacent to the door to avoid burns in case it is hot.

Step 3: Press the green lever and then pull out the duplexer unit from your printer until it can’t move further.

Step 4: Lift the two green levels found in the duplex printing accessory to enable you to remove jammed paper.

Step 5: Open your printer’s front door.

Step 6: Check the printer’s duplex printing accessory area for any jammed paper and remove them. When pulling out the paper, do it carefully to avoid it getting torn.

Step 7: Slide the duplex printing accessory back into your printer to lock it in place.

Step 8: Shut all the printer’s open doors.

Step 9: Return the output device to its original position.

How to Fix HP Printer Jam in Top Cover Area

To fix the HP printer jam in the top cover area, try any of the solutions below that best suit your printer model.

1. How to Fix HP Printer Jam in Top Cover Area for HP LaserJet Enterprise MFP M630 (And Similar Models)

To fix the HP printer jam in the top cover area for HP LaserJet Enterprise MFP M630 and similar models, do the steps below:

Step 1: Open your printer’s Tray 1.

Step 2: Remove the cover of the envelope feeder if it is installed.

Step 3: Lift the top cover latch.

Step 4: Open your printer’s top cover.

Step 5: Take out the toner cartridge from your printer.

Step 6: Lift the little green tab that is just before the registration roller. When you do this, the plastic roller shield will be raised.

Step 7: Gently pull out any paper stuck in the printer. Ensure that you pull it straight out.

Step 8: Elevate the metal shield using the larger green tab behind the roller.

Step 9: Gently pull out any paper stuck in the printer. Ensure that you pull it straight out.

Step 10: Install the toner cartridge back into your printer.

Step 11: Close your printer’s top cover.

Step 12: Install the cover of the envelope feeder back into your printer if you took it out in step 2.

2. How to Fix HP Printer Jam in Top Cover Area for HP LaserJet 600 M603, M602, M601 (And Similar Models)

To fix the HP printer jam in the top cover area for HP LaserJet 600 M603, M602, M601, and similar models, do the steps below:

Step 1: Open your printer’s top cover.

Step 2: Take out the toner cartridge from your printer.

Caution: To ensure that your toner cartridge doesn’t get damaged, you shouldn’t allow light to touch it for a long period. Hence, it is recommended that you wrap the cartridge with paper when it is out of your printer.

Step 3: Raise the paper access plate by lifting the green handle.

Step 4: Pull out the jammed sheet slowly from your printer to prevent it from tearing.

In case pulling the paper out is proving difficult, you should try to pull it out from the printer’s tray area.

Step 5: Open your printer’s Tray 1.

Step 6: Take out the cover of the envelope accessory from your printer. Remove any paper present in that area.

Step 7: Rotate your printer’s paper guide to give you access to the underside of the printer.

Step 8: Look for and remove any jammed paper in this area.

Step 9: Return the cover of the envelope accessory to your printer.

Step 10: Close your printer’s Tray 1.

Step 11: Install the toner cartridge back into the printer.

Step 12: Close your printer’s top cover.

2DC6751 - HP Laserjet P3010 P3015N Laser Printer - Monochrome - 1200 x 1200 dpi Print - Plain Paper Print - Desktop

3. How to Fix HP Printer Jam in Top Cover Area for HP LaserJet P3010 (And Similar Models)

To fix the HP printer jam in the top cover area for HP LaserJet P3010 and similar models, do the steps below:

Step 1: Press your printer’s release button for the top cover.

Step 2: Open your printer’s top cover.

The steps above are an easy guide on how to open the top cover of most HP printers.

Step 3: Take out the toner cartridge from your printer.

Step 4: Take out any paper stuck in your printer.

Step 5: Insert the toner cartridge back into your printer.

Step 6: Close your printer’s top cover.

You can use the steps above to fix HP LaserJet 2420 and LaserJet 4250 jam in top cover area issues.

4. How to Fix HP Printer Jam in Top Cover Area for HP LaserJet 5100 Printer Series (And Similar Models)

To fix the HP printer jam in the top cover area for HP LaserJet 5100 printer series and similar models, do the steps below:

Step 1: Open your printer’s top cover.

Step 2: Take out your toner cartridge.

Caution: To ensure that your toner cartridge doesn’t get damaged, you shouldn’t allow light to touch it for a long period. Hence, it is recommended that you wrap the cartridge with paper when it is out of your printer.

Step 3: Raise the paper access plates by lifting the green handles.

Step 4: Pull out the jammed sheet slowly from your printer to prevent it from tearing.

Note: Do your best not to spill the toner. If there is any spilled toner in the printer, gently wipe it with a dry fluff-free fabric. Loose toner in your printer can affect the print quality of the printer temporarily. Such an issue will clear after some pages have been printed.

If loose toner spills on your cloth, use a dry fabric to clean it and then wash your cloth using cold water. Do not use hot water as it will cause the toner to set into your cloth.

Step 5: Close your printer’s paper access plates.

Step 6: Install the toner cartridge back into your printer.

Step 7: Close your printer’s top cover.

You can use the steps above to fix HP LaserJet 5200 jam inside the top cover issue.

How to Fix HP LaserJet 9050 Jam in Input Accessory

How to Fix HP LaserJet 9050 Jam in Input Accessory 13.11.05 Error

The 13.11.05 error jam in the input accessory occurs when the registration area of your HP LaserJet 9050 has a pickup delay jam.

To fix this error, do the following:

i. Check the registration area for any jammed paper and remove it carefully. Ensure that you remove any torn paper pieces in your printer.

ii. Close your printer’s door. This action will cause your HP printer to attempt clearing the jam error.

iii. Perform a paper path test on your printer.

iv. Change your printer’s paper pickup assembly.

How to Fix Jam in Input Accessory 13.11.07 Error

The 13.11.07 error jam in the input accessory occurs when there is a jammed paper in either your printer’s right door or registration area. 

To fix this error, do the following:

i. Remove any jammed paper in the right door or registration area.

ii. Close your printer’s door to enable your device to clear the print paper path.

iii. Change your printer’s vertical transfer unit. 

How to Fix Jam in Input Accessory 13.11.XY Error

The 13.11.XY error jam in input accessory occurs when the paper in Tray 4 is fed late to your printer.

To fix this error, do the following:

i. Check for and remove any jammed paper in your printer’s bottom right door and Tray 4.

ii. Examine the paper path movement between your printer’s print engine and Tray 4.

iii. Ensure that you set the tray paper size guides correctly.

iv. Examine your printer’s pickup and feed rollers for wear and replace them where necessary.

HP LaserJet MFP M234dwe Wireless Black & White Printer with bonus 6 free months Instant Ink with HP+ (6GW99E)

HP LaserJet P2015 Paper Jam Light Stays On [How to Fix]

If your HP LaserJet p2015 jam light stays on, you can fix it by doing the following:

Perform a printer reset via the Super NVRAM initialization.

To perform a printer reset via the Super NVRAM initialization on your HP LaserJet P2015, do the following steps:

Step 1: Turn off your HP printer.

Step 2:  Press down the button labeled “GO” on your printer’s control panel.

Step 3: Turn on your HP printer while pressing down the button labeled “GO” for about 50 seconds. While you do this, the GO, Ready, and Attention LED indicators will light up at the same time. After that, the Ready and Attention LED indicators will go off while the GO LED indicator will remain lit.

Step 4: Let go of the button labeled “GO”. This action will cause the GO, Ready, and Attention LED indicators to turn on.

Step 5: Press down the button labeled “GO”. When you do this, all the LED indicators will turn off, and then after 3 seconds, the GO LED indicator will light up followed by the Ready LED indicator and then the Attention LED indicator. Each one will light up after the other within just one second.

Step 6: Let go of the button labeled “GO” to begin the Super NVRAM initialization. The LED indicators on your control panel will begin to cycle starting from the front to the back. Once the initialization is complete, your printer will go back to Ready state.

Step 7: Unplug your printer’s power cable from your printer while it is turned on.

Step 8: Wait for about 10 seconds before plugging the power cable back into the printer.

Step 9: Turn on your HP printer.

If your HP p2015 paper jam light stays on after doing the above, then it could be that there is a paper jam sensor with jammed paper. Hence, you will need to locate the jam and remove it. 

HP LaserJet P2015 Jam and Toner Light On [How to Fix]

If your HP LaserJet P2015 jam and toner lights are on, then it is an indication that your formatter board has failed. Hence, to fix this problem, you need to replace the formatter board. We will guide you on how to do that below.

How to Replace Formatter Board on HP LaserJet P2015

To replace the formatter board on your HP LaserJet P2015, follow the steps below:

Important: There are 2 formatter board versions; hence, you need to ensure that you get the formatter board Q7804-69003 as it is compatible with HP LaserJet P2015 and P2015D.

You can get the formatter board Q7805-69003 if you own an HP LaserJet P2015N or P2015DN.

Step 1: Open your printer’s cartridge access door.

Step 2: Go to the back area of your printer and release the 2 tabs holding the rear cover with the aid of a flat blade.

Step 3: Raise the left side cover away from your printer.

Step 4: Disconnect the cable at the upper area of the formatter board.

Step 5: Disconnect the flat ribbons cable at the upper area of the formatter board.

Step 6: Disconnect the flat ribbon cable at the lower area of the formatter board.

Step 7: Disconnect the cable at the lower area of the formatter board.

Step 8: Remove the four screws that are fastening the formatter board to the printer. 

Step 9: Take out the formatter from your printer.

Step 10: Install the new formatter you just bought into the printer. Ensure that you reconnect the cables in the manner you disconnected them. Don’t forget to fasten the screws as well.

Step 11: Reinstall the printer’s left side cover.

How to Fix HP LaserJet P2035 Jam Light

If your HP LaserJet P2035 jam light is on, then it is an indication that there is a paper jam in your printer. Hence, you need to locate the jammed paper and take it out. Most of the instructions we have shared so far in this article can be used to remove jammed paper from your HP LaserJet P2035. Therefore, we recommend you try them out.

HP Printer Jams When Printing Double Sided [How to Fix]

To fix your HP printer jam when printing double-sided, try any of the solutions below:

1. Look for a Paper Jam in the Printer

In most cases, a paper jam that isn’t visible within your printer is usually the cause of a jam whenever you try to print double-sided. Therefore, check the internal parts of your printer for any paper jam.

2. Use the Right Paper

If the weight of the paper is heavier than the weight supported by your printer, then it could cause a paper jam when you try to print double-sided. Hence, you need to confirm what is the maximum paper weight your printer supports and don’t exceed it.

It is important to mention that the supported weight when printing in duplex mode is different from printing in single mode. Hence, you should check the supported paper weight when printing in duplex mode.

3. Change the Media Type

Sometimes, the media type in use can cause the paper jam. Therefore, you should go to your Printer Web Settings and change the media type default to “Plain”. When you do this, your printer will know the amount of pressure that is required to pick the sheet without leading to a jam.

After you do this, you need to delete the print job in the queue and then turn off your printer. This will ensure that your printer’s memory is cleared to enable the new settings to take effect when next you print.

How to Fix HP Printer Jams with Cardstock

If your HP printer jams with cardstock, it could be due to the following reasons:

i. Your HP printer is not designed to print on cardstock.

ii. The printer tray is not well adjusted.

iii. The printer settings are not well set.

Therefore, to fix this issue, do the following:

1. Confirm that your Printer Supports Cardstock

If your printer does not support printing on cardstock, trying to do so might damage your printer. Therefore, if you have been experiencing printer jams whenever you try to print with cardstock, then you need to confirm if your printer supports this paper type.

To do this, simply read your printer’s user manual. In it, you should be able to find out if your printer supports cardstock or not. In most cases, HP OfficeJet and LaserJet printers support cardstock printing; however, not all HP Deskjet printers do.

Another way to find out if your printer supports printing on cardstock is to check the datasheet of your printer. In the sheet, look for “Media Weight” where the paper weight your printer supports will be displayed. Once you have gotten that information, compare it to the weight of the cardstock that you want to use. If the cardstock you intend to use is heavier, then you need to buy the recommended paper weight.  

2. Adjust your Printer Tray

Once you are certain that your printer supports cardstock printing and that you have the right paper weight, the next thing to do is to adjust your printer tray.

There will be more details on your user manual, but the general steps are like the following:

Step 1: From the control panel of your printer, click on “Select”. This action will open the menu.

Step 2: Choose “Paper Handling”.

Step 3: Scroll to and select “Tray”.

Step 4: Select “Card Stock” or “Heavy”.

Step 5: Press “Resume” to close the printer menu.

Note: The steps above may vary depending on the printer model; nevertheless, your focus should be on selecting either the “Card Stock” or “Heavy” option.

3. Change the Printer Settings via Windows Computer

Adjusting the tray settings is not enough if you want to avoid jams when printing with cardstock, you also need to change your printer settings on your computer.

To do this, follow the steps below:

Step 1: Open the program you want to print from.

Step 2: Click on “File”.

Step 3: Click on “Print”.

Step 4: Click on “Properties”.

Step 5: Click on “Paper Quality” or “Paper”.

Step 6: Click on “Card Stock”. Alternatively, you can select the exact weight of the paper you want to use.

Step 7: Click on “OK”.

4. Feed Paper into your Printer

Certain HP printers will permit you to load several cardstock papers into the print tray at once. However, to ensure you don’t experience any jams, it is best that you load the paper manually.

Before you load the cardstock, confirm that it is not nicked, curled, wrinkled, or damaged in any way. Any sort of damage may lead to a misfeed which could, in turn, lead to a jam.

Also, you need to consult your printer’s user manual to confirm which tray is designed for cardstock. This is important because not all trays are designed on certain printers to load this paper type. For instance, you need to use Tray 1 when you want to print on cardstock on HP LaserJet 9500, 4300, and 4200 series.

Once you are certain that the paper isn’t damaged, and the tray to use, hand-feed the paper into the print tray. If it prints, examine the print quality. If you are satisfied, load some pieces of cardstock paper into the tray and then print again.

If there are no issues, continue printing this way. However, if you encounter an issue, take out the cardstock papers and feed them individually into the tray.

HP ENVY Photo 7855 All in One Photo Printer with Wireless Printing, HP Instant Ink ready, Works with Alexa (K7R96A)

How to Fix HP Printer Jams with Photo Paper

If your HP printer jams with photo paper, it could be that you didn’t comply with the usage and handling guidelines for photo papers. Also, you might not have made the right printer setting selection that will enable you to print with photo paper.

Therefore, we will first of all list the usage and handling guidelines for photo papers to enable you to determine which of them you’ve neglected. After that, we will guide you on how to adjust the printer settings to enable you to print with photo paper.

Guidelines for Handling and Using Photo Paper

The following are the guidelines for using and handling photo paper:

i. Do not scratch or touch the printable (glossy) paper side.

ii. Store the paper in an environment with a temperature of 5˚C – 30˚C (41˚F – 86˚F).

iii. Print in a room that has a relative humidity of 20% – 80%, and a temperature of 5˚C – 30˚C (41˚F – 86˚F).

iv. The photo paper should be kept in its factory packaging and on an even surface.

How to Change HP Printer Settings to Enable Printing on Photo Paper

To change your HP printer settings to enable printing on photo paper, do the steps below:

Step 1: Put the photo paper into your printer’s input tray. If you don’t know how to do this, refer to your printer’s user manual to get specific instructions for your printer model.

Step 2: On your computer, open the picture you intend to print.

Step 3: Click on “File”.

Step 4: Click on “Print”. A dialog box will open.

Step 5: Click on the drop-down arrow under the section for “Printer/Name”.

Step 6: Click on the name of your HP printer.

Step 7: Click on “Properties”, “Preferences”, “Options”, “Printer”, or “Printer Setup” depending on the program in use.

Step 8: Go to the menu for “Paper Size” and choose the size of paper that you loaded into the print tray in step 1.

Step 9: From the menu for “Paper Type”, choose “HP Advanced Photo Paper”. HP Advanced Photo Paper is the photo paper recommended by HP for all its printers that support photo paper printing.

Step 10: Click on “Best” underneath “Print Quality”.

This option is the recommendation from HP whenever you print using the HP Advanced Photo Paper.

Step 11: Click on “OK”. This will apply your new settings.

Step 12: Click on “OK” or “Print”. Your HP printer should now print your photo without any jam incident.

The article above covers HP printer jam solutions for the following HP printer models:

HP 5610, HP 8500, HP Deskjet 1112, HP Deskjet 2600, HP Deskjet 3835, HP Deskjet 2130, HP p3015, HP 6500, HP 6975, HP 8600, HP c4480, HP LaserJet p2015, HP LaserJet p1108, HP LaserJet p1102, HP m1005, HP 5510, HP LaserJet 1020, HP 2700, HP 2515, HP Deskjet 3630, HP 3830, HP 319, HP LaserJet 400, HP 5200, HP 515, HP 5660, HP 5255, HP 5820, HP 5740, HP 6978, HP 6968, HP 7740, HP envy 7640, HP 7612, HP 7510, HP 7855, HP 7500a, HP 8710, HP 8025, HP 8610, HP 8620, HP 8715, HP 9015, HP 9010, HP 9018, HP 9020, HP 4729, HP 2135, and HP Laser 108w.

HP Printer Jam [Other Locations & Error Codes]

Earlier in the article, we mentioned certain locations where printer jam occurs on HP printers. While we have treated some of these locations already, we have created independent articles for others. The reason we did so is to ensure that we provide more detailed solutions than we would have done if we included them here. Furthermore, we have also written another article for HP printer jam error codes.

The links to these articles are provided below:

HP Printer ADF Jam [How to Fix]

HP Printer Jam in Tray 1 [How to Fix]

HP Printer Jam in Tray 2 [How to Fix]

HP Printer Jam in Tray 3 [How to Fix]

HP Paper Jam Error Codes [How to Fix]

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Error 505 “MEDIA JAM” occured. What should I do?

This error is displayed when a media jam occurs.

In this case, please perform the following steps:


1. Turn the power off.
2. Lift the clamp lever, and then remove the media jam while moving the head to the right edge.
3. Reset the media.
4. Turn the power back on and perform a normal cleaning.
5. Perform a TEST PRINT and check if it is printed successfully. If there are problems such as nozzle clogging, see FAQ “TEST PRINT is not printed successfully.”
6. When you print again and get the same result, see FAQ “Head touches to media.”

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Printer gives MediaJam — no paper found in printer — tried again several times but continues to give error


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