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1698 Views, 5 Replies
09:42 AM
Maxscript Rollout Handler Exception
— Error occurred in anonymous codeblock; filename: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2018\scripts\iRig_1.52.mse; position: 316093; line: 8524
— MAXScript Rollout Handler Exception:
— Runtime error: Skin need to be selected and in the modifier panel Skin:Skin
— MAXScript callstack:
— thread data: threadID:3688
— ——————————————————
— [stack level: 0]
— In i loop; filename: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2018\scripts\iRig_1.52.mse; position: 307324; line: 8328
— Defined in encrypted script
— ——————————————————
— [stack level: 1]
— called from FN_buildArm(); filename: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2018\scripts\iRig_1.52.mse; position: 316094; line: 8524
— Defined in encrypted script
— ——————————————————
— [stack level: 2]
— called from i loop; filename: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2018\scripts\iRig_1.52.mse; position: 167375; line: 4339
— Defined in encrypted script
— ——————————————————
— [stack level: 3]
— called from FN_build(); filename: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2018\scripts\iRig_1.52.mse; position: 168463; line: 4378
— Defined in encrypted script
— ——————————————————
— [stack level: 4]
— called from i loop; filename: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2018\scripts\iRig_1.52.mse; position: 165778; line: 4276
— Defined in encrypted script
— ——————————————————
— [stack level: 5]
— called from FN_build(); filename: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2018\scripts\iRig_1.52.mse; position: 165783; line: 4277
— Defined in encrypted script
— ——————————————————
— [stack level: 6]
— called from FN_buildRoot(); filename: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2018\scripts\iRig_1.52.mse; position: 236309; line: 6464
— Defined in encrypted script
— ——————————————————
— [stack level: 7]
— called from buildBtn.pressed(); filename: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2018\scripts\iRig_1.52.mse; position: 456625; line: 11509
— member of: Rollout:startupRoll
— Defined in encrypted script
— ——————————————————
— [stack level: 8]
— called from top-level
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09:43 AM
I am problem so that InstantRig install for this is Maxscript error. Can you help me?
09:54 AM
11:40 AM
From what the error message says, you will need to have a Skin modifier applied to your model, and you need to be in the Modify Tab of the Command Panel with that object selected.
You have set your replies as Solutions, so your original question appears as being solved which will make it less likely to be viewed and help given. ‘Accept Solution’ should only be selected when a reply fixes your problem.
Please click Like on any helpful or informative posts!
Chris Medeck Twitter | LinkedIn
04:32 AM
Of course, message you. I do not mean small things. Now I accept the chaos attempt.
04:39 AM
Of course, message you. I do not mean small things. Now I accept the chaos attempt.
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На сайте c 16.12.2010 |
а это при сохранении |
На сайте c 02.04.2007 |
Zarra |
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На сайте c 16.12.2010 |
Это имя имя ноута сам-HP, на латинице. |
На сайте c 02.04.2007 |
Тогда, попробуй сохранять не на рабочий стол, а в любую другую папку(у меня тоже бывали случаи, когда комп отказывался сохраняться из программы сразу на рабочий стол, видимо это особенность 7-ки). А, затем уже, если есть необходимость, переноси эти сохраненные файлы на рабочий стол. |
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На сайте c 16.12.2010 |
retir |
На сайте c 02.04.2007 |
Zarra |
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На сайте c 16.12.2010 |
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На сайте c 02.04.2007 |
Zarra |
На сайте c 09.01.2008 |
Попробуйте еще запустить Макс от имени администратора. Чем черт не шутит. |
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На сайте c 16.12.2010 |
retir |
На сайте c 02.04.2007 |
Zarra |
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На сайте c 16.12.2010 |
CrAsssH |
На сайте c 02.04.2007 |
Zarra |
На сайте c 09.07.2009 |
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На сайте c 16.12.2010 |
retir |
На сайте c 30.06.2007 |
Что-то новенькое,такого еще не видел,скорее всего что то с видео.Но выглядит прикольно)) |
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На сайте c 16.12.2010 |
muchacha |
На сайте c 23.07.2009 |
muchacha Видео ваше 100% , было у меня такое, обновите дрова на карту, причем «вручную»… |
На сайте c 17.02.2011 |
3d max 2012 x64, на нем стоит vray 2.1 + solidRoks под него же. |
На сайте c 23.04.2008 |
Макс вылетает при обращении к панели RIBBON Кто нибудь сталкивался и решил проблему? |
MaxScript 2011 Problem
I followd this video tutorial: [HTML]http://vimeo.com/7617204[/HTML] But every time I tried to create the Sphere with the values from the spinner I get this error message:
>> MAXScript Rollout Handler Exception: -- Unable to convert: SpinnerControl:_CS to type: Integer <<
even if I change the type of the Spinner to integer.
I really don’t know what to do
Here is the full code
rollout MySphere "My Sphere Script" ( spinner _SS "Size" type:#integer range: [1,200,10] button _Sph "Sphere" on _Sph pressed do ( sphere segments:_SS radius:10 ) ) createdialog MySphere 200 150
>> MAXScript Rollout Handler Exception: -- Unknown property: "castShadow" in $Editable_Mesh:subMeshTest002 @ [-5.230925,6.493752,0.000000] << "castShadow" in undefined << "castShadow" in Editable_mesh <<
I understand that Unknown property is a common problem.. But the reason why I’m posting about it is that I have make a check statement to see if the attribute exists.. and it’s crashing because the attribute doesn’t exist -,- which is counter intuitive. Also, for that object there was that custom attribute, so it didn’t find it for some reason
if( objects[numNodes] == undefined) do continue body = objects[numNodes] -- collision body to export -- code emitted to save space if body.castShadow != undefined then -- this right here is causing the exception.. but it's supposed to be checking for existance.. which non existance should be an acceptable outcome ( --do stuff )
the custom attribute is defined here:
newAttrib = attributes entityAttrib ( parameters posParam rollout:entParams ( xPos type:#boolean ui:castShadow checked:false ) rollout entParams "Entity Atributes" ( checkbox castShadow "Casts Shadows?" ) ) custAttributes.add $ newAttrib
Maybe i’m doing this all wrong.. maybe somone can tell me the correct way to do the following:
I’m trying to add a rollout to object’s to allow you to have custom properties which later my level (xml) exporter goes through all objects, it the attempts to see if each of the objects it is running through has the custom attribute, it will then add an xml node for that attribute if it existed… I might just resort to manually adding object properties, but that’s not desirable and will also not solve the error mentioned at the start.
newAttrib = attributes entityAttrib ( parameters posParam rollout:entParams ( xPos type:#boolean ui:castShadow checked:false ) rollout entParams "Entity Atributes" ( checkbox castShadow "Casts Shadows?" ) ) custAttributes.add $ newAttrib -- --------------------------------------- -- THIS IS THE SOLUTION FOR ATTRIBUTES:!!! -- --------------------------------------- $.baseObject.entityAttrib.castShadow = on isProperty $.baseObject #castShadow
and the solution for the exporter
change this:
if body.castShadow != undefined then ( --do stuff )
if isProperty body.baseObject #castShadow == true do ( format "\t\t<castShadow> % </castShadow>\n" body.baseObject.entityAttrib.castShadow to:currentFile )
EDIT: omited plausible illegal link
Also theses forums have many answered questions about maxscript