Первая часть пасты рассказывает обо всем, что было найдено в версиях с 01 по 03. Чтобы узнать новинки более новых версий, читайте в разделе Итоги и интересные факты, там, после старых утверждений для версий 01-03, есть раздел с изменениями и новинками 04-07. Приятного прочтения!
Всем привет! С вами как всегда Kaban ivan и сегодня я вам поведаю про новую мистическую версию, которую нашел в интернете (на сервере Дуднака в Дискорде) D1tR0ck и поделился со мной информацией. Ну что же, приступим к расследованию. (Статья основана на догадках и наблюдениях меня и D1tR0ck). Все скрины в конце статьи, в галерее.
Дело было так. D1tR0ck был добавлен Blin4ik01’ом в беседу в Дискорде, где проходило обсуждение новой мистической версии. Некий IzumiKonata предлагал Blin4ik01’у опробовать новую мистическую версию майнкрафта, утверждая, что это не вирус. Именно тогда D1tR0ck , получив ссылку, занялся изучением этой мистической версии, записывая репортажные видео прямиком оттуда, где он играл в нее и искал мистику.
Error437. На первый взгляд.
Во время первого запуска этой версии, мы видим искаженный логотип Mojang, который окружен тенью, а затем перед нами предстает главное меню. Эпилептикам не смотреть! Оно очень сильно искажено, в качестве панорамы используется файл со всеми текстурами блоков, непосредственно из самой игры, а также кнопки, распиханные в панораме как попало и покрашенные в разные цвета. На заднем фоне — бедрок. Внизу, справа, видно название версии, которое меняется с 1.3.1 до 1.3.10 (самое редкое проявление) с каждым перезапуском игры. Кнопки «Одиночная игра», ‘Сетевая игра’, ‘Текстуры’ и другие, при наведении, трясутся. При попытке изменить язык игры (нажатие на кнопку языки в главном меню), перезапускается анимация надписи Minecraft, а также меняются цвета кнопок. Однако язык все же можно поменять, зайдя в настройки и уже оттуда нажав кнопку Язык. Имеется поддержка русского языка. В меню настроек, бегунки двигаются беспорядочно во все стороны. При переключении сложности на сложную, вы тем самым подписываете себе смертный приговор, так как обратно ее уже не переключить. Меню Сетевой игры работает, даже можно добавить сервер. Меню текстуры также работает, правда установить свой пак так и не удалось.
Создание мира
Зайдя в меню «Одиночная игра», вы можете создавать бесконечное количество миров. Однако нас больше всего интересуют сами настройки создания мира. Нам дается возможность выбирать режим игры (Выживание, Креатив и Хардкор). Есть возможность дополнительных настроек мира. Там доступны все пункты, включая бонусный сундук, тип мира, использование читов и генерации строений. Однако какие вы бы не задали настройки, в любом случае создастся мир с режимом выживания, без читов, бонусного сундука и с обычной генерацией. Можно также создать мир в режиме Хардкора, но это вам не особо нужно, так как принесет больше проблем.
Начало приключения
Вы появляетесь в мире в режиме выживания. Первое, что вам бросается в глаза, так это кучи парящих цветов и травы в воздухе, а также дёрганность всех текстур и блоков. Немного погуляв по миру, вы наткнетесь на лес, только вот у деревьев не будет листвы от слова СОВСЕМ. Также в округе не будет ни одного моба, даже ночью вы вряд ли встретите кого-либо из враждебных монстров. Если вы внимательно изучите интерфейс игрока, а также его модель, то вы заметите, что у вас нет головы (хотя изредка она все же появляется) и что полоса голода, как в Error 422, не видна. Также вы не будете видеть уровень защиты от брони. Настоятельный совет — не передвигаться особо далеко от спавна.
Первая ночь
Как только начнет темнеть, беспокоиться не стоит, так как в округе не будет, простым языком, НИКОГО. Вы действительно будете находиться в полном одиночестве, так что надобность закапываться или строить дом не особо нужна. Правда есть шанс, хотя и очень маленький, что где-то в округах будут ходить 1-2 зомби без головы или скелет, не обращающий на вас особого внимания. Однако если они к вам направятся, то тогда вам лучше забраться повыше из-за того, что при получении любого урона, камеру будет переворачивает с ног на голову и обратно. Так что вам будет трудно сфокусироваться при атаке на враждебного моба, особенно если он вас бьет. Очень опасен скелет, так как при получении урона от его стрел издалека, притом еще и учитывая поведение камеры при получении урона, вы попросту дезориентируетесь и вас легко убьют. Но шанс появления мобов, особенно в первую ночь, крайне мал, так что беспокоиться не стоит. Единственное НО состоит в том, что в этой версии механика освещения взята из старых альфа версий, так что ночью будет так темно, что хоть глаз выколи.
Утро и второй день.
Вот и утро. Вы продолжаете свое путешествие по миру. В процессе движения вы также не находите не души.
Задачи на этот день
В этот день перед вами стоит несколько главных задач, а именно:
- Добыть немного железа
- Сделать ведро воды
- Построить некое подобие дома рядом со спавном, желательно еще и кровать добыть.
- Сделать стак факелов (желательно больше)
- Сделать ферму
Пояснение необходимости данных задач.
Добыть немного железа
Железо вам крайне необходимо, пусть даже и в небольшом количестве. Вам нужно как минимум три слитка на ведро и три слитка на кирку, хотя в первое время можно обойтись исключительно ведром.
Сделать ведро воды
Ведро с водой крайне необходимо, так как вас игра может поджечь абсолютно в любой момент (я так очень много раз погибал). Желательно его впихнуть в первые десять слотов инвентаря, чтобы в экстренной ситуации потушить себя. Пока у вас нет брони, стойте как можно дольше в воде, особенно в процессе раскладывания вещей в сундуках, крафте предметов, добычи больших залежей полезных ископаемых, плавке ресурсов и других рутинных дел. Важный пункт.
Построить некое подобие дома рядом со спавном.
Да, это также необходимо. Из-за того, что в окрестностях вы вряд ли встретите кого-нибудь из мобов, то шанс к тому, что вы помрете от голода, будет очень велик. Так что постройте какую-нибудь коробку с сундуком и осветите ее факелами.
Сделать стак факелов (желательно больше)
Учитывая доисторическую механику освещения, я вам настоятельно рекомендую вырубить всё дерево в округе и сделать как можно больше факелов (древесный уголь есть в самой игре). Осветите всю территорию спавна в радиусе 20-30 блоков. Оставьте несколько стаков факелов на черный день.
Сделать ферму
Тоже основа основ. Учитывая, что в воздухе и на земле очень много травы, можно себе сделать гигантскую ферму пшеницы. Важный пункт.
День третий
Вы все еще держитесь, молодцы! Наверняка вы уже точно поняли, что враждебные мобы вам не помеха. Также вы заметили, что при нажатии клавиши F3, у вас там все значения идут с припиской Ox и значение У вас теперь есть дом, ферма с пшеницей, освещенная территория и ведро с водой. Теперь вы спокойно можете отправляться в шахту, захватив с собой парочку хлеба. Вы возможно добудете много железа и уже вполне себя сможете обеспечить хоть какой-то броней. Однако не все так хорошо, как вам кажется. Ждите неприятностей.
День четвертый
Теперь вы точно ощутите всю прелесть этой версии майнкрафта. Именно с этого дня начнут появляться структуры из замшелого булыжника с красными факелами, кресты из обсидиана, таблички с разными надписями, горящий адский камень, будут глитчи по типу быстро и беспорядочно передвигающихся предметов в инвентаре или надписи «Ты не должен быть здесь» (Англ. You shouldn’t be here), блокирующие управление игроком на некоторое время, а также покрывающие весь экран красными полосами. Так что это день будет для вас нервным.
День седьмой (пятый)
Вы уже пообвыкли к глитчам и блокировке управления, у вас уже есть несколько исследованных шахт, небольшие запасы еды и уже полноценная броня из железа. Однако, теперь майнкрафт выходит на более ужасающий уровень. Теперь у вас может внезапно начать двигаться само окно игры, перехватывая управление, вылеты на пустом месте и усиление предыдущих эффектов.
День девятый (пятнадцатый)
Вы уже хорошо закрепились и вас уже не устрашают вылеты игры и к дерганью окна вы относитесь спокойно. Однако, игра теперь снова выходит на новый уровень. Теперь игра может прийти, если вы не выходили из игры уже больше двух часов, к так называемой »Пред-финальной стадии». Эта стадия выглядит следующим образом. В какой-то момент у вас начинают мельтешить перед глазами разноцветные надписи ERROR437, а также усилится дерганность текстур. Спустя некоторое время, FPS игры упадет до очень низких значений, а все текстуры заменятся на разноцветные (как скин у существа из Error 422) и детализованность упадет к низкому значению. Шрифты (если используете русский язык или тонкий шрифт на других языках) станут пиксельными пятнами, так что уже будет ничего не разобрать. Вашу камеру будет дергать из всех сил во все стороны. Возможны появления надписей за пределами окна самой игры, так как эта версия майнкрафта, в прямом смысле этого слова, ломает четвертую стену. Будьте осторожны.
Двадцатый день
Теперь вам точно конец. На данном моменте, если не выходить из игры 2-3 часа и пережить пред-финальную стадию, то тогда вы увидите вылет игры, только на этот раз, в текстовом поле, где обычно была указана причина вылета, будут написаны красным шрифтом различные иероглифы на черном фоне, игра будет дергаться, надпись майнкрафт изменится на ее аналог, только с красным эффектом и растяжением и окно будет нельзя закрыть, только через диспетчер задач.
Вирус в самой версии
Неприятная часть
А теперь перейдем к менее приятной части самой игры, а точнее, к вирусу, поведение которого еще не до конца изучено.
В чем состоит смысл вируса (Предположения и история от D1tR0ck)
Как говорил некий IzumiKonata в Дискорде, где происходило обсуждение новой версии мистического майнкрафта, что в этой версии нет никаких вирусов. Однако когда Blin4ik01 скачал версию, его антивирус заподозрил что-то неладное. Но не смотря ни на что, никаких проявлений вирус не сделал. По последним данным, там находился вирус, вызывающий экран смерти. Спустя некоторое время, D1tR0ck был добавлен в чужую беседу, где они разговаривали с другим китайцем, который начал обсуждение про новоиспечённый error437. Однако, несмотря на долгий допрос этого китайца со стороны Blin4ik01 и D1tR0ck, а также предъявление вопросов по теме «а не ты ли это создал error437 и альфу 1.2.3_06?» , он утверждал, что не создал их, а только продемонстрировал их им, как новинку. Позже, этот китаец наглядно продемонстрировал работу вируса, найденного в файлах error437(видео в конце, в галерее). Этот вирус называется Kane MEMZ, само название дает понять, что может произойти с Windows. Данный вирус опасен.
Спустя несколько недель, к ним в беседу в Дискорде вклинивается третий китаец, некий cubk114514, который утверждал, что является создателем обеих мистических версий майнкрафта. При вопросе, есть ли там вирус, он прямо не подтверждал, но и не отрицал его наличие. Позже этот же китаец заявил, что его взломали и украли скриншот с огромным списком вирусов, планировавшихся как элемент игры. Слив информации произвел один из китайцев, рассказывающих о error437 и alpha 1.2.3_06 ранее, до появления в чате cubk114514.
Обновленная версия error 437!
(Информация добавлена в связи с выходом нового видео от D1tR0ck)
Что нового?
Новое и ожидаемое
В новой версии, достаточно много новых особенностей. Теперь, надпись Minecraft, в главном меню выложена из бедрока, а в самом процессе игры, вы теперь постоянно взрываетесь (не все время, а через некоторые его промежутки). Также увеличилась возможность появления финальной стадии error 437, в некоторых случаях могут быть пропущены все стадии. Не менее важным фактом является тот, что шанс проявления вируса очень сильно вырос. Да и последствия от него ухудшились. Также теперь стали себя более чаще проявлять глитчи из alpha 1.2.3_06 (К примеру, дерганье экрана со звуками треска и сменой цветов в лице отдельных сегментов экрана, которые в виде полос). Ну и в довершение всего выше сказанного, у вас не получится пройти эту версию, так как порталы, при заходе в нее, взрываются. Будьте осторожны!
Совершенно новое
Также парочка совершенно новых особенностей этой обновленной версии:
- В игру заходит херобрин.
- Вирус в обновленной error 437 вызывает экран смерти, когда появляется окно с вопросом, хотите ли вы поиграть в майнкрафт в последний раз. Причем не важно, на что вы нажмете, экран в любом случае будет.
- При попытке ввести что-либо в командную строку MS-DOS, которая у вас может появиться после закрытия error 437, само содержимое частично будет заменено на кучу бессмысленных символов Юникода, а также перевернется.
Видео с информацией про нее:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K6jnAEcm5gY&lc=UgweTKnYtEHcx76atbF4AaABAg.9U2U-i-Xo1s9U2nE2JvOdv — от D1tR0ck (третье видео на тематику error 437)
Итоги и интересные факты
Старые версии (до 03 и ее выключая)
- В зависимости от того, есть ли у игрока голова, появляются или исчезают головы у других мобов.
- В игре отсутствует второстепенный персонаж (например, в error 422 есть entity.ERROR422.name, а в версии errorbrine есть errorbrine)
- Изменено: Второстепенного персонажа нет в обычной error 437, однако в обновленных (02 и выше) он появляется в лице херобрина.
- Курица — самый частый моб
- Зомби чаще всего появляются без головы.
- Если взять любой инструмент в руку, а затем покликать, наведя на блок, то тогда у вас этот предмет исчезнет, а на том месте, где вы кликали, появится рандомный блок. Тоже самое случается и с блоками, когда в процессе их установки, может появиться вместо вашего блока другой.
- Полное отсутствие звуков. Даже какого-либо фонового шума.
- Ночью, без источников света придется туго, так как тьма как в alpha-версиях майнкрафта, только еще темнее.
- Не смотря на наличие вируса Kane MEMZ в самой игре, единственное, от чего мы можем пострадать, так это от диалогового окна, где, если нажать кнопку «ок», то тогда весь рабочий стол заполнит лицо херобрина, а на заднем фоне включатся страшные завывания. Это точно не вирус Kane MEMZ, так как это было бы очень затратно и опасно переделывать вирус под стилистику майнкрафта. Однако наличие одного из самых опасных вирусов в файлах игры должно вас напрячь. (ИЗМЕНЕНО. Вирус спокойно может себя проявить, есть скрины) Я, добывая скрины и выживая в error437, тоже очень сильно рисковал.
- В файлах игры не было найдено никаких посторонних и измененных текстур, хотя дойдя до предпоследней стадии игры, текстуры меняются, также нет никакик следов, указывающих на скины мобов без голов. Предполагается, что скрипты заменяют текстуры на те, которые внесены в их код на кодовом, а не на графическом уровне. Хотя в файлах был найден логотип игры на экране краша для последней стадии error 437.
- Кувшинки разноцветные и в зависимости от внешних факторов, меняют свой цвет на случайный.
- Ест шанс получить на табличке, завершив написание текста на ней, километровый текст, уходящий далеко за пределы самой таблички. Также, как и кувшинки, меняет цвет и содержание текста, но не так активно.
- В аду, со спавном свинозомби нет никаких проблем, спавнятся как обычно.
- После закрытия игры, есть шанс появления окна командной строки, подписанного как MS-DOS command prompt. Хотя ее нет физически в OS Windows, начиная с Vista (на фотографии MS-DOS был запечатлен в Windows 7).
- Херобрин в обновленной error 437 — агрессивный моб, будьте осторожны.
Новые (все версии, начиная с 04 и заканчивая 07)
Особые благодарности New Storyline, за предоставление материала в виде своих видеороликов.
Ссылки на эти видео:
- https://youtu.be/6G4m1O-QtY0
- https://youtu.be/Qyibp7XAqrk
А вот и новинки:
- В новом меню логотип извивается, а также есть уведомление о том, что это еще не финальный релиз.
- При заходе в мир, он автоматически открывается для сети.
- Некая сущность с ником ??? (скорее всего, херобрин) пишет нам, чтобы мы обернулись и что он видит нас.
- После сего сообщения, за нами будет херобрин с алмазной киркой, но позже, он исчезнет.
- Почти вся вода заменена на лаву.
- Появляются кресты из адского булыжника, неизвестного блока и замшелого булыжника. Другие пока что не были замечены.
- Вас может внезапно телепортировать под землю, прямиком в лаву или в другое место.
- Можно наткнуться на далекие земли (хотя, по сути, они были вырезаны еще в Beta 1.8).
- Поспать на кровати не выйдет, иначе — взрыв очень большой мощности.
- Может внезапно начать проигрываться пластинка 11 или death, когда будет проигрываться последняя из списка, будет издаваться очень громкий звук, будьте осторожны.
- Кресты с надписями null и ERROR.
- В деревнях, обычный булыжник заменен на замшелый, жителей не было замечено.
- Тексты на табличках (именно километровые) теперь на китайском
- Финальная стадия игры теперь может возникнуть в любой момент
- Херобрин искажает текстуры, а затем нападает, с последующим, через некоторое время, крашем игры.
- Персонаж может начать самопроизвольно двигаться
- Может появиться некий светящийся блок, зайдя в который, мы устраиваем огромный взрыв, а затем краш игры.
- После битвы с херобрином, может вылететь фейковый экран смерти
- В любой момент на ваш монитор может вывалиться тонна ошибок с заголовком death, после их закрытия ничего не произошло.
История с жуткого сайта.
Это произошло в Гонконге в 2013 году. Ребенок по имени Цю Чжи скачал бета-версию майнкрафт-лаунчера «mojang AB» из Интернета. И скачал последнюю на тот момент версию minecraft 1.3.3. Только войдя в игру, игра была наполнена странной атмосферой и большим количеством неправильного рендеринга. Цю Чжи вышел из игры, поиграв некоторое время, и в момент выхода игра уничтожила себя. Пять дней спустя Цю Чжи снова включил компьютер. В лаунчере исчез minecraft 1.3.3 и появилась программа под названием minecraft 1.3.? Исполняемый файл появился на рабочем столе. Он подумал, что это компьютерный вирус, и удалил его. До 2017 года Цю Чжи снова видел эту программу. Это было в темном Интернете. Он не смог сдержать любопытства и скачал minecraft 1.3.? Exe. Он запустил его. Перед ним снова предстала знакомая игра, которая почти ничем не отличалась от 1.3.3, но атмосфера была более странной. Официальная версия minecraft была обновлена до версии 1.11.2. По сравнению с новой версией, эта таинственная старая версия могла привлечь его больше. На следующий день Цю Чжи исчез. Семья была очень обеспокоена. Перед отъездом он забрал из дома много денег, около 20000 гонконгских долларов (около 2500 долларов США). Семья вызвала полицию. После расследования оказалось, что Цю Чжи потратил все свои деньги, купив много биткоинов, а затем выпрыгнул из здания, чтобы покончить с собой. Однако его тело не было завербовано, было видно только много крови. После опознания кровь была взята у Цю Чжи. В мае 2017 года вредоносное программное обеспечение wannacry распространилось на Украину, Россию, Индию, Испанию, Францию, Великобританию и многие европейские страны. Многие китайские семьи и предприятия также подверглись атаке вредоносного программного обеспечения. На форуме по исследованию образцов вредоносных программ пользователь по имени crazy Zimin fans опубликовывает «программу-вымогатель minecraft», интерфейс которой похож на wannacry, но содержание представляет собой программу-шутку о minecraft. Следующий ответ в этом посте привлек внимание администратора. «Цю Чжи: я видел похожий вирус про майнкрафт, который также шантажирует биткоинами». Пропавший ребенок снова появился на форуме. Администратор немедленно связался с ним и подтвердил, что он и есть сам Цю Чжи. Он отправил его обратно домой. В ноябре 2020 года был выпущен minecraft 1.16.4, и minecraft 1.3.? Exe снова появился на некоторых пиратских игровых ресурсах и веб-сайтах…
Мои теории
Есть теория, что error422 и error437 — братья из-за схожести геймплея, а также одинаковой атмосферы. Скрипты на посторонние эффекты (искаженная панель голода и помехи) тоже очень схожи. Однако эту теорию опровергает три фактора. Первый заключается в том, что в error 422 нет вируса, хотя в errоr 437 он есть. Второй фактор заключается в том, что в error 422 есть второстепенный персонаж, хотя в error 437 его нет. И третий фактор заключается в том, что error 422 был упомянут в Интернете гораздо раньше, чем error 437.
Не смотря на полное отсутствие каких-либо мистических мобов, у меня есть теория, что сама по себе версия обладает само-сознанием. Эта теория доказывается тем, что во время игры мы можем встретить таблички, где нас просят сохранить чью-то душу и так далее. Также у нас могу случайно вылететь вещи именно тогда, когда нам это не удобно (пещера, лавовое озеро, море), словно игра следит за нами через блоки и все, что нас окружает. Также иногда в игре появляется надпись красного цвета, накладывающая на все игровое окно эффекты с красными полосками. Надпись, которая в тот момент появляется, переводится как «Ты не должен быть здесь» (Англ. You shouldn’t be here), также немаловажен тот факт, что во время появления этой надписи у игрока блокируется управление, тем самым error 437 пытается обратить внимание беспечного игрока на свои просьбы. Сама версия выглядит неприветливо, отгоняя от себя своим внешним видом. Возможно самосознание, заточенное в игре, хочет остаться одно, с самим собой наедине. А мы своим появлением его раздражаем, поэтому оно нас и пытается выгнать. И финальную стадию игры можно назвать, так сказать, не сдерживаемой руганью, когда игра вылетает, но логотип майнкрафта на краш-скрине искажен и выкрашен в демонические цвета, само окно игры, вместе с хитбоксом, дергается, а в текстовом поле, где обычно пишется причина вылета игры, пишутся красным почерком горы бессмысленных иероглифов китайского языка. Причем еще окно игры не закрыть. Таким поведением игра на нас злится и не дает просто так взять и проигнорировать свои высказывания по поводу того, что мы в ней играем без ее желания.
Я предполагаю, что окно MS-DOS является частью вируса, так как ее уже достаточно давно убрали из OS Windows. Уже во времена Windows Vista ее не было. Также это доказывает поведение самой MS-DOS, при взаимодействии пользователя с ней. При попытке ввести что-либо в командную строку MS-DOS, само содержимое частично будет заменено на кучу бессмысленных символов Юникода, а также перевернется.
Видео по этой версии
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2brZMwpW4cU — видео, где демонстрируется диалоговое окно, где позже возникает скример Херобрина
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zkc-XeJ54_0&t=4s — расследования D1tR0ck по поводу наличия вируса в error 437 и alpha 1.2.3_06 (там же и фрагмент, где демонстрируется работа вируса Kane Memz, найденного в error 437)
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S8J21Cis3i0&list=PL-vSrWsR63m6BF6CPrbyIkpVtp48ywxYM&index=19 -первое видео от D1tR0ck про error 437
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p00TyUNB0uU&list=PL-vSrWsR63m6BF6CPrbyIkpVtp48ywxYM&index=20 — второе видео от D1tR0ck про error 437
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K6jnAEcm5gY&lc=UgweTKnYtEHcx76atbF4AaABAg.9U2U-i-Xo1s9U2nE2JvOdv — третье видео от D1tR0ck
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TzTSOEthrRI — демонстрация вируса Kane Memz
- https://youtu.be/6G4m1O-QtY0 — один из роликов New Storyline по новой версии (07) error 437
- https://youtu.be/Qyibp7XAqrk — второй ролик New Storyline по новой версии (07) error 437
P.S. и благодарности.
Высказываю благодарность к D1tR0ck, New Storyline и Blin4ik01 за предоставление дополнительного материала и оказание помощи в написании данной статьи!
На этом дискорд сервере ведется обсуждение китайских версий (таких как Альфа 1.2.3_06 или Error437). Здесь вы также можете найти эти версии. Заходите на свой страх и риск!. Ссылка:https://discord.gg/tUgZUuvzwc
Ну на этом все, всем спасибо, что уделили свое время на прочтение моей статьи. Я старался. Оцените статью по шкале от 0 до 10.
Главное меню самой error 437
Демонстрация рабочего меню добавления сервера
Блок кровати появился вместо блока досок
Табличка с текстом save my soul (рус. Сохрани мою душу)
Зимний биом, где чаще всего обитают курицы
Летающая растительность
Разноцветные кувшинки
Также зимний биом
Километровый текст на табличке
Километровый текст уходит вдаль
Километровый текст все еще идет
Скрин из дома
Портал, который я построил из тотемов
Вирус Kane Memz проявил себя во время игры
Обсуждение новой error 437 (фрагмент), с ссылкой на ее скачивание
Я в аду
Вместо факела появился запертый сундук
Дела идут неплохо. Примерно пятнадцатый день непрерывного выживания
Список вирусов, предполагаемых в error 437 и альфа 1.2.3_06
Образец защитного озера около рабочего места
Глитч перед пред-финальной стадией игры.
Главное меню во время пред-финальной стадии
Таинственный MS-DOS, появившийся после закрытия игры.
Финальная стадия игры
Проявление вируса Kane MEMZ в обновленной версии error 437.
Окно с запросом, появляющееся в обновленной версии error 437.
Херобрин зашел в игру (только на обновленной версии error 437)
Проявление вируса Kane Memz в более лучшем качестве (только в обновленной версии error 437)
Краш-скрин из финальной стадии игры (в обеих версиях error 437)
Реверсирование цветов в обновленной error 437, которое было взято из alpha 1.2.3_06
фейковый ms-dos с ошибками (только в обновленной версии error 437)
Главное меню обновленной error 437
Глитч в обновленной error 437, приводящий к окну с запросом
Скример херобрина из обновленной error 437
включилась предфинальная стадия и зашел херобрин
красный скример
крест с табличками
Появление херобрина после записей в чат
Скример херобрина, заменивший на некоторое время окно игры, при том, без звука
крест из неизвестных блоков
крест из адского камня
крест из + километровый китайский текст
дроп мобов и редстоун
деревня из замшелого булыжника с табличками километрового текста
ездящий текст на табличках
вещи рандомно поменялись на эти
Мощный взрыв при попытке поспать
Огороды в деревне явно кто-то до нас обглодал
проигрывается пластинка 11
Кучи отчетов об ошибках рендера, после красного скримера
Включилась предфинальная стадия и херобрин зашел в игру
Херобрин нас атакует
Фейковый экран смерти (херобрин, харе угарать)
А вот и далекие земли!
Координаты в меню F3 не работают должным образом.
Пластинка death
Тонны ошибок, которые появились из неоткуда
Лого Mojang
Скриншот из сайта
Все статьи kaban ivan’а | |
Существа | Теневой клон Нотча (усиленная разработка) |
Игроки | Sysmainbot01 (усиленная разработка) |
Боты | |
Сервера | Kabanivan.aternos.me • privateLoL2.xyz • server.xyz (разработка) |
Версии | Minecraft ver. error437 • Minecraft windows ver. þØðæx • Minecraft ver. {Redacted} (разработка)• Alpha debug edition (разработка)• Minecraft ver. Nohead.exe (усиленная разработка) • 24w87b (разработка) • Minecraft backup (разработка) |
Структуры | U.S.B. (усиленная разработка) |
Миры | Мир без сида |
Вирусы | Exe.tfarceniM • MT9wAI project (разработка) |
Языки существ | Unicode universal (разработка) • Creotic (усиленная разработка) |
Attention, this is not my article, I have translated Russian into English.
Here is the original: https://minecraftcreepypasta.fandom.com/ru/wiki/Minecraft_ver._error437
The first part of the paste tells about everything that was found in versions 01 to 03. To find out the novelties of newer versions, read the Results and interesting facts section, there, after the old statements for versions 01-03, there is a section with changes and novelties 04-07. Enjoy reading!
Hello everyone Kaban ivan is with you as always, and today I will tell you about a new mystical version that I found on the Internet (on Dudnak’s server in Discord) D1tR0ck and shared information with me. Well, let’s start the investigation. (The article is based on the guesses and observations of me and D1tR0ck) All screenshots are at the end of the article, in the gallery.
It was like this. D1tR0ck was added by Blin4ik01 to the conversation in Discord, where the new mystical version was discussed. A certain IzumiKonata offered Blin4ik01 to try out a new mystical version of minecraft, claiming that it was not a virus. It was then that D1tR0ck, having received the link, began studying this mystical version, recording reportage videos straight from where he was playing it and looking for mysticism.
Error437. At first sight.[]
During the first launch of this version, we see a distorted Mojang logo, which is surrounded by a shadow, and then the main menu appears in front of us. Epileptics do not look! It is very badly distorted, a file with all the textures of the blocks is used as a panorama, directly from the game itself, as well as buttons stuffed into the panorama randomly and painted in different colors. In the background — bedrock. At the bottom, on the right, you can see the name of the version, which changes from 1.3.1 to 1.3.10 (the rarest manifestation) with each restart of the game. The buttons «Single player», «Network game», «Textures» and others shake when hovering. When you try to change the language of the game (by clicking on the languages button in the main menu), the animation of the Minecraft inscription restarts, as well as the colors of the buttons change. However, you can still change the language by going to settings and clicking the Language button from there. There is support for the Russian language. In the settings menu, the sliders move randomly in all directions. When you switch complexity to a complex one, you thereby sign your death sentence, since it can no longer be switched back. The Network Game menu works, you can even add a server. The texture menu also works, although it was not possible to install your pack.
Creating the World[]
By going to the «Single Player» menu, you can create an infinite number of worlds. However, we are most interested in the world creation settings themselves. We are given the opportunity to choose the game mode (Survival, Creative and Hardcore). There is a possibility of additional settings of the world. All items are available there, including the bonus chest, the type of world, the use of cheats and the generation of buildings. However, no matter what settings you set, in any case, a world will be created with a survival mode, without cheats, a bonus chest and with normal generation. You can also create a world in Hardcore mode, but you don’t really need it, as it will bring more problems.
The beginning of the adventure[]
You appear in the world in survival mode. The first thing that catches your eye is heaps of floating flowers and grass in the air, as well as the twitchiness of all textures and blocks. After a little walk around the world, you will come across a forest, but the trees will not have foliage from the word at ALL. Also, there will not be a single mob in the area, even at night you are unlikely to meet any of the hostile monsters. If you carefully study the player’s interface, as well as his model, you will notice that you do not have a head (although occasionally it still appears) and that the hunger strip, as in Error 422, is not visible. Also, you won’t see the armor protection level. The urgent advice is not to move too far from spawn.
The first night[]
As soon as it starts to get dark, there is no need to worry, since there will be, in simple terms, NO ONE in the district. You will really be completely alone, so the need to dig in or build a house is not particularly necessary. However, there is a chance, although very small, that somewhere in the districts there will be 1-2 zombies without a head or a skeleton that does not pay much attention to you. However, if they head towards you, then you’d better climb higher due to the fact that when you receive any damage, the camera will turn upside down and back. So it will be difficult for you to focus when attacking a hostile mob, especially if it hits you. The skeleton is very dangerous, because when taking damage from his arrows from afar, moreover, taking into account the behavior of the camera when taking damage, you simply become disoriented and you will be easily killed. But the chance of mobs appearing, especially on the first night, is extremely small, so you shouldn’t worry. The only THING is that in this version, the lighting mechanics are taken from the old alpha versions, so it will be so dark at night that it will be at least an eye out.
Morning and second day.[]
That’s the morning. You continue your journey around the world. In the process of movement, you also do not find a soul.
Tasks for this day[]
On this day, you face several main tasks, namely:
- Get some iron
- Make a bucket of water
- To build a kind of house next to the spawn, it is also desirable to get a bed.
- Make a stack of torches (preferably more)
- Make a farm
Explanation of the need for these tasks.[]
Get some iron[]
Iron is extremely necessary for you, even in small quantities. You need at least three ingots per bucket and three ingots per pickaxe, although at first you can do only with a bucket.
Make a bucket of water[]
A bucket of water is extremely necessary, since the game can set you on fire absolutely at any moment (I have died so many times). It is advisable to cram it into the first ten inventory slots in order to extinguish yourself in an emergency. While you don’t have armor, stay in the water as long as possible, especially in the process of laying things out in chests, crafting items, mining large deposits of minerals, melting resources and other routine tasks. An important point.
Build some kind of house next to spawn.[]
Yes, it is also necessary. Due to the fact that you are unlikely to meet any of the mobs in the vicinity, the chance that you will starve to death will be very high. So build some kind of box with a chest and light it with torches.
Make a stack of torches (preferably more)[]
Given the prehistoric mechanics of lighting, I strongly recommend that you cut down all the trees in the area and make as many torches as possible (charcoal is in the game itself). Illuminate the entire spawn area within a radius of 20-30 blocks. Leave a few stacks of torches for a rainy day.
Make a farm[]
Also the basis of the basics. Given that there is a lot of grass in the air and on the ground, you can make yourself a giant wheat farm. An important point.
Day Three[]
You’re still holding on, well done! Surely you have already realized for sure that hostile mobs are not a hindrance to you. You also noticed that when you press the F3 key, you have all the values there with the postscript Ox and the value You now have a house, a farm with wheat, a lighted area and a bucket of water. Now you can safely go to the mine, taking a couple of bread with you. You will probably get a lot of iron and will already be able to provide yourself with at least some armor. However, not everything is as good as you think. Expect trouble.
Day Four[]
Now you will definitely feel the charm of this version of minecraft. It is from this day that structures made of mossy cobblestones with red torches, obsidian crosses, tablets with various inscriptions, a burning infernal stone will begin to appear, there will be glitches like objects moving quickly and randomly in inventory or the inscription «Вы не должны быть здесь» (Eng. You shouldn’t be here), blocking player control for a while, as well as covering the entire screen with red stripes. So this is going to be a nervous day for you.
Day seven (fifth)[]
You have already got used to glitches and control blocking, you already have several explored mines, small food supplies and already full-fledged iron armor. However, now Minecraft is reaching a more terrifying level. Now you can suddenly start moving the game window itself, intercepting control, crashes from scratch and strengthening previous effects.
Day nine (fifteenth)[]
You are already well entrenched and you are no longer intimidated by the departures of the game and you are calm about the window twitching. However, the game is now reaching a new level again. Now the game can come, if you have not left the game for more than two hours, to the so-called «Pre-final stage». This stage looks like this. At some point, colorful ERROR437 inscriptions begin to flash before your eyes, and the twitchiness of textures will also increase. After a while, the FPS of the game will drop to very low values, and all textures will be replaced with multicolored ones (like the skin of the creature from Error 422) and the detail will drop to a low value. Fonts (if you use Russian or a thin font in other languages) will become pixel spots, so it will be impossible to make out anything. Your camera will be pulled with all its might in all directions. There may be inscriptions outside the window of the game itself, since this version of minecraft, in the truest sense of the word, breaks the fourth wall. Be careful.
The twentieth day[]
Now you are definitely finished. At this point, if you do not leave the game for 2-3 hours and survive the pre-final stage, then you will see the departure of the game, only this time, in the text field where the reason for departure was usually indicated, various hieroglyphs will be written in red on a black background, the game will twitch, the inscription minecraft will change to its counterpart, only with a red effect and stretching and the window will not be closed, only through the task manager.
The virus is in the version itself[]
The unpleasant part[]
And now let’s move on to the less pleasant part of the game itself, or rather, to the virus, whose behavior has not yet been fully studied.
What is the meaning of the virus (Assumptions and history from D1tR0ck)[]
As a certain IzumiKonata said in the Discord, where there was a discussion of the new version of mystical minecraft, that there are no viruses in this version. However, when Blin4ik01 downloaded the version, his antivirus suspected something was wrong. But no matter what, the virus did not make any manifestations. According to the latest data, there was a virus causing the death screen. After a while, D1tR0ck was added to someone else’s conversation, where they talked with another Chinese who started a discussion about the newly-made error437. However, despite the long interrogation of this Chinese by Blin4ik01 and D1tR0ck, as well as the presentation of questions on the topic «didn’t you create error437 and alpha 1.2.3_06?», he claimed that he did not create them, but only demonstrated them to them as a novelty. Later, this Chinese man clearly demonstrated the work of the virus found in the error437 files (video at the end, in the gallery). This virus is called Kane MEMZ, the name itself makes it clear what can happen to Windows. This virus is dangerous.
A few weeks later, a third Chinese, a certain cubk114514, who claimed to be the creator of both mystical versions of Minecraft, wedged into their conversation in the Discord. When asked if there was a virus there, he did not directly confirm, but did not deny its presence either. Later, the same Chinese said that he was hacked and a screenshot with a huge list of viruses planned as an element of the game was stolen. The information was leaked by one of the Chinese talking about error437 and alpha 1.2.3_06 earlier, before cubk114514 appeared in the chat.
Updated version of error 437![]
(Information added in connection with the release of a new video from D1tR0ck)
What’s new?[]
New and expected[]
In the new version, there are quite a lot of new features. Now, the Minecraft inscription in the main menu is laid out from the thigh, and in the very process of the game, you are now constantly exploding (not all the time, but through some of its intervals). The possibility of the appearance of the final stage of error 437 has also increased, in some cases, all stages may be skipped. An equally important fact is that the chance of the virus manifestation has grown very much. And the consequences of it have worsened. Also, glitches from alpha 1.2.3_06 have now begun to manifest themselves more often (For example, screen twitching with crackling sounds and changing colors in the face of individual segments of the screen, which are in the form of stripes). Well, to top it all off, you will not be able to pass this version, since the portals explode when you enter it. Be careful!
Brand new[]
Also a couple of brand new features of this updated version:
- Herobrine enters the game.
- The virus in the updated error 437 causes a screen of death when a window appears asking if you want to play minecraft for the last time. And it doesn’t matter what you click on, the screen will be there anyway.
- If you try to enter something into the MS-DOS command line, which you may have after closing error 437, the content itself will be partially replaced with a bunch of meaningless Unicode characters, and will also flip over.
Video with information about her:[]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K6jnAEcm5gY&lc=UgweTKnYtEHcx76atbF4AaABAg.9U2U-i-Xo1s9U2nE2JvOdv — from D1tR0ck (the third video on the subject of error 437)
Results and interesting facts[]
Old versions (before 03 and turning it off)[]
- Depending on whether the player has a head, the heads of other mobs appear or disappear.
- There is no secondary character in the game (for example, in error 422 there is entity.ERROR422.name, and the errorbrine version has errorbrine)
- Changed: There is no minor character in the usual error 437, but in the updated (02 and above)one he appears in the person of Herobrine.
- Chicken is the most frequent mob
- Zombies most often appear without a head.
- If you take any tool in your hand, and then click by pointing at the block, then this item will disappear, and a random block will appear in the place where you clicked. The same thing happens with blocks, when in the process of installing them, another block may appear instead of your block.
- Complete absence of sounds. Not even any background noise.
- At night, without light sources, it will be difficult, since the darkness is like in the alpha versions of minecraft, only even darker.
- Despite the presence of the Kane MEMZ virus in the game itself, the only thing we can suffer from is the dialog box, where if you click OK, then the entire desktop will be filled with herobrine’s face, and terrible howls will turn on in the background. This is definitely not the Kane MEMZ virus, as it would be very costly and dangerous to remake the virus to match the style of minecraft. However, the presence of one of the most dangerous viruses in the game files should strain you. (CHANGED. The virus can easily manifest itself, there are screenshots) I was also taking a lot of risks while mining screenshots and surviving in error437.
- No extraneous and modified textures were found in the game files, although after reaching the penultimate stage of the game, the textures change, and there are also no traces indicating the skins of mobs without heads. It is assumed that scripts replace textures with those that are included in their code at the code, and not at the graphical level. Although the game logo was found in the files on the crash screen for the last stage of error 437.
- No extraneous and modified textures were found in the game files, although after reaching the penultimate stage of the game, the textures change, and there are also no traces indicating the skins of mobs without heads. It is assumed that scripts replace textures with those that are included in their code at the code, and not at the graphical level. Although the game logo was found in the files on the crash screen for the last stage of error 437.
- The water lilies are multicolored and, depending on external factors, change their color to random.
- There is a chance to get a kilometer-long text on the plate, having completed writing the text on it, going far beyond the plate itself. Just like water lilies, it changes the color and content of the text, but not as actively.
- In hell, there are no problems with the spawn of pigmen, they will spawn as usual.
- After closing the game, there is a chance of a command prompt window signed as MS-DOS command prompt. Although it is not physically present in Windows OS, starting with Vista (MS-DOS was captured in Windows 7 in the photo).
- Herobrine in the updated error 437 is an aggressive mob, be careful.
New (all versions starting from 04 and ending with 07)[]
Special thanks to New Storyline, for providing the material in the form of their videos.
Links to these videos:
- https://youtu.be/6G4m1O-QtY0
- https://youtu.be/Qyibp7XAqrk
And here are the new items:
- In the new menu, the logo wriggles, and there is also a notification that this is not the final release yet (removed in the final release)
- No animals are spawned in the game.
- Spider is the most frequent mob
- When you enter the world, it automatically opens to the network.
- Some entity with a nickname ??? (most likely, Herobrine) writes to us to turn around and that he sees us.
- After this message, Herobrine with a diamond pickaxe will be behind us, but later, he will disappear.
- Almost all the water has been replaced with glory.
- Crosses of infernal cobblestone, unknown block and mossy cobblestone appear. Others have not yet been noticed.
- You may suddenly be teleported underground, straight into the lava or to another place.
- You can stumble upon distant lands (although, in fact, they were cut out in Beta 1.8).
- Sleeping on the bed will not work, otherwise — an explosion of very high power.
- The record 11 or death may suddenly start playing, when the last one from the list is played, a very loud sound will be made, be careful.
- Crosses with the inscriptions null and ERROR.
- In the villages, the usual cobblestone was replaced with mossy, residents were not noticed.
- The texts on the plates (namely kilometer ones) are now in Chinese
- The final stage of the game can now occur at any time
- Herobrine distorts textures, and then attacks, followed, after a while, by the crash of the game.
- The character can start to move spontaneously
- A certain glowing block may appear, going into which we arrange a huge explosion, and then crash the game.
- After the battle with Herobrine, a fake screen of death may fly out
- Your desktop and taskbar can be upside down at any time. However, this can be stopped by waiting for a while or closing the game.
- explorer.exe (File Explorer, desktop and taskbar) can be terminated at any time.
- At any moment, a ton of errors with the death header can fall out on your monitor, nothing happened after they were closed.
A story from a creepy website.[]
It happened in Hong Kong in 2013. A child named Qiu Zhi downloaded a beta version of «mojang AB» minecraft launcher on the Internet. And downloaded the latest minecraft version 1.3.3 at that time. Just entering the game, the game was filled with a strange atmosphere and a lot of wrong rendering. Qiu Zhi quit the game after playing for a period of time, and the game destroyed itself at the moment of exit.Five days later, Qiu Zhi turned on the computer again. In the launcher, minecraft 1.3.3 had disappeared, and a program called minecraft 1.3.? Exe appeared on the desktop. He thought it was a computer virus, so he deleted it. Until 2017, he saw this program again. It was just on the dark Internet. He couldn’t help being curious and downloaded minecraft 1.3.? Exe. And ran it. The familiar game appeared in front of him again, which was almost no different from 1.3.3, but the atmosphere was more strange. The official version of minecraft had been updated to 1.11.2. Compared with the new version, this mysterious old version could attract him more.The next day, Qiu Zhi disappeared. The family were very worried. Before he left, he took a lot of money from home, about 20000 Hong Kong dollars (about 2500 US dollars). The family called the police. After investigation, Qiu Zhi spent all his money after buying a lot of bitcoins, and then jumped out of a building to commit suicide. However, his body was not recruited, only a lot of blood was seen. After identification, the blood came from Qiu Zhi.In May 2017, the malicious software wannacry broke out in Ukraine, Russia, India, Spain, France, the United Kingdom and many European countries, and many Chinese families and enterprises were also attacked by malicious software. On a malware sample research forum, a user named crazy Zimin fans released a «minecraft ransomware ‘», which has an interface similar to wannacry, but the content is a joke program about minecraft. The next reply in this post attracted the attention of the administrator»Qiu Zhi: I have seen a similar virus about minecraft, which is also blackmail bitcoin»The missing child appeared in the forum again. The administrator immediately contacted him and confirmed that he was Qiu Zhi himself. Sent him back to his home In November 2020, minecraft 1.16.4 was released, and minecraft 1.3.? Exe appeared again on some pirated game resource websites And ………………………………
My theories[]
There is a theory that error422 and error437 are brothers because of the similarity of the gameplay, as well as the same atmosphere. Scripts for extraneous effects (distorted hunger panel and interference) are also very similar. However, this theory is refuted by three factors. The first is that there is no virus in error 422, although there is one in error 437. The second factor is that there is a minor character in error422, although there is NONE in error 437. And the third factor is that error422 was mentioned on the Internet much earlier than error 437.
Despite the complete absence of any mystical mobs, I have a theory that the version itself has self-consciousness. This theory is proved by the fact that during the game we can meet signs where we are asked to save someone’s soul and so on. Also, we can accidentally fly things out exactly when it’s not convenient for us (cave, lava lake, sea), as if the game is watching us through the blocks and everything that surrounds us. Also, sometimes a red inscription appears in the game, superimposing effects with red stripes on the entire game window. The inscription that appears at that moment translates as «You shouldn’t be here» (Eng. You shouldn’t be here), also important is the fact that during the appearance of this inscription, the player’s control is blocked, thereby error 437 tries to draw the attention of a careless player to his requests. The version itself looks unfriendly, driving away from itself with its appearance. Perhaps the self-consciousness, sharpened in the game, wants to be alone, alone with itself. And we annoy him with our appearance, that’s why it tries to kick us out. And the final stage of the game can be called, so to speak, unrestrained swearing when the game crashes, but the minecraft logo on the crash screen is distorted and painted in demonic colors, the game window itself, along with the hitbox, twitches, and in the text field where the reason for the departure of the game is usually written, mountains of meaningless Chinese characters are written in red handwriting. Moreover, the game window is not closed yet. With this behavior, the game is angry at us and does not just let us take and ignore our statements about the fact that we play it without her desire.
I assume that the MS-DOS window is part of the virus, since it has been removed from Windows OS for a long time. Already in the days of Windows Vista it was not. It also proves the behavior of MS-DOS itself, when the user interacts with it. When you try to type something into the MS-DOS command line, the content itself will be partially replaced with a bunch of meaningless Unicode characters, and will also flip over.
Video on this version[]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2brZMwpW4cU — a video showing a dialog box where a Herobrine screamer appears later
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zkc-XeJ54_0&t=4s — investigations of D1tR0ck regarding the presence of a virus in error 437 and alpha 1.2.3_06 (there is also a fragment showing the work of the Kane Memz virus found in error 437)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S8J21Cis3i0&list=PL-vSrWsR63m6BF6CPrbyIkpVtp48ywxYM&index=19 -the first video from D1tR0ck about error 437
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p00TyUNB0uU&list=PL-vSrWsR63m6BF6CPrbyIkpVtp48ywxYM&index=20 — the second video from D1tR0ck about error 437
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K6jnAEcm5gY&lc=UgweTKnYtEHcx76atbF4AaABAg.9U2U-i-Xo1s9U2nE2JvOdv — third video from D1tR0ck
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TzTSOEthrRI — demonstration of the Kane Memz virus
https://youtu.be/6G4m1O-QtY0 — one of the New Storyline videos for the new version (07) error 437
https://youtu.be/Qyibp7XAqrk — the second video of New Storyline according to the new version (07) error 437
https://youtu.be/dGLRmaUQkIc — video from Dima Lebedev
https://youtu.be/UYiPK1IJOdY — Glitch on pause
https://youtu.be/4P988uSaeqc — Glitch in the main menu
P.S. and thanks.[]
I express my gratitude to D1tR0ck, New Storyline and Blin4ik01 for providing additional material and assistance in writing this article!
Chinese versions (such as Alpha 1.2.3_06 or Error 437) are being discussed on this discord server. You can also find these versions here. Come in at your own risk!. Link: https://discord.gg/gHezfFfK
Well, that’s it, thank you all for taking the time to read my article. I tried. Rate the article on a scale from 0 to 10.
The main menu of error 437 itself
Demonstration of the working menu for adding a server
A bed block appeared instead of a block of boards
A sign with the text save my soul
Winter biome, where chickens most often live
Flying vegetation
Colorful water lilies
Also the winter biome
Kilometer text on the plate
The kilometer-long text goes into the distance
The kilometer-long text is still coming
Screen from home
The portal I built from totems
The Kane Memz virus manifested itself during the game
Discussion of the new error 437 (fragment), with a link to download it
I’m in hell
Instead of a torch, a locked chest appeared
Things are going well. Approximately the fifteenth day of continuous survival
List of viruses suspected in error 437 and alpha 1.2.3_06
A sample of a protective lake near the workplace
Glitch before the pre-final stage of the game.
Main menu during the pre-final stage
A mysterious MS-DOS that appeared after the game was closed.
The final stage of the game
The manifestation of the Kane MEMZ virus in the updated version of error 437.
The request window that appears in the updated version of error 437.
Herobrin logged into the game (only on the updated version of error 437)
The manifestation of the Kane Memz virus in a better quality (only in the updated version of error 437)
Crash screen from the final stage of the game (in both versions of error 437)
Color reversal in the updated error 437, which was taken from alpha 1.2.3_06
fake ms-dos with errors (only in the updated version of error 437)
The main menu of the updated error 437
A glitch in the updated error 437, leading to a window with a request
Herobrine screamer from the updated error 437
Logo Mojang
red screamer
cross with plaques
The appearance of herobrine after chat entries
The herobrine screamer, which replaced the game window for a while, while without sound
a cross of unknown blocks
hellstone cross
cross of + kilometer chinese text
drop mobs and redstone
a village made of mossy cobblestones with signs of kilometer-long text
driving text on signs
things randomly changed to these
A powerful explosion when trying to sleep
The vegetable gardens in the village were clearly gnawed by someone before us
the record is being played 11
Heaps of render error reports, after the red screamer
The pre-final stage turned on and herobrin entered the game
Herobrine is attacking us
Fake screen of death (herobrine, hare ugarat)
And here are the distant lands!
The coordinates in the F3 menu are not working properly.
The death record
Tons of bugs that came out of nowhere
Screenshot from the website
The virus in the updated error 437 causes a screen of death when a window appears asking if you want to play minecraft
Minecrafter (plural Minecrafters) (video games) A person who plays the game Minecraft.
for the last time. And it doesn’t matter what you click on, the screen will be there anyway.
Does error 422 exist?
Error 422 is an HTTP code that tells you that the server can’t process your request, although it understands it. The full name of the error code is 422 “unprocessable entity.” In a nutshell, the error means that you’re making a request the server understands, but it can’t process it.
What version of Minecraft is the scariest?
Minecraft Alpha 0.0.
Alpha 0.0. 0 — this is a creepy version of minecraft that appeared on the web. You go to minecraft in the menu, you can see that instead of land replaced bedrock, and the inscription minecraft can be seen from the glitch.
Is Minecraft Error 422 a virus?
Many of you may assume mistakenly that Minecraft error 422 is an error code but actually it is not. It is a game version of Minecraft and it is safe to download & install. Before developers are about to launch a new game version, they put it through a beta testing version which is known as a snapshot.
What is all about Error 422?
The HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) 422 Unprocessable Content response status code indicates that the server understands the content type of the request entity, and the syntax of the request entity is correct, but it was unable to process the contained instructions.
So I played Minecraft ERROR 437…
Is error 422 scary?
Error 422 is the lost and scariest version of our favorite game. But it wasn’t like this before. Previously, it was a snapshot of an unknown version that was supposed to turn the whole game around. In this version, all possible game codes were rewritten from scratch.
How do I fix error 422 on Roblox?
If the name you export your asset as gets hashtagged in Roblox chat, then it cannot be uploaded. Just hop onto a game real quick and type in your preferred name for your animation, model etc. and see if it hashtags. If it doesn’t, then your good to go!
What is error 1 in Minecraft?
The reason behind the error code 1 or the «Game Ended with Bad State: Exit Code 1» error could be one of three issues: a problem with Java, an issue with players’ Minecraft settings or configuration, or a problem with players’ PC.
Who is giant Alex from Minecraft?
If you are new to the game and don’t know, Alex is the main playable character in Minecraft, alongside eight other default skins. The Giant Alex is a different entity that has the same looks as the normal Alex, but it is 12 blocks tall. Furthermore, it has blood over its body, and it doesn’t have eyes.
Can a Minecraft mod have a virus?
The downside to the variety that mods create is some of them contain viruses or malware. Before you or your children download any mods, be sure you have a good antivirus software in place and that it is up to date. Also make sure the mods are from legitimate sources, such as Microsoft.
What will Minecraft 1.0 be?
This version adds brewing, enchanting, the End, hardcore mode, breeding and more. It is the last version of Minecraft Markus Persson developed before he gave creative development to Jens Bergensten. Initially named «Beta 1.9», Mojang instead opted to release this update under the name «Minecraft 1.0.
What is error 400 vs 422?
400: when the request can’t be processed because of invalid syntax (e.g. parsing error); 422: when the request can’t be processed because of invalid data (e.g. validation error).
What is error 400 Minecraft?
Minecraft Error 400 issues are often the result of the file that is missing, deleted, or accidentally moved from Minecraft’s original installed location. File replacement is typically the best and easiest way to resolve errors related to Mojang files.
What is 422 email error?
The 422 Unprocesable entity indicates that the action could not be processed properly due to invalid data provided. This occurs when there is a data conflict. For example, if you are trying to create a new user and the user email already exists, the server will return a 422 Unprocessable entity.
Is Giant Alex a girl?
Giant Alex is a massive version of the female protagonist with bloodied skin. Unless you want to have nightmares, you do not want to summon her. Spawning her can cause the game to crash so you need to be very careful, and it is only possible to see her in the Java version of the game.
Is it Herobrine or Herobrine?
Herobrine is a rumored Hostile Mob found in Minecraft. He is the center of endless speculation and Creepypasta, producing explanations of his origins such as a ghost, Notch’s dead brother, revenge carried out by a fired Mojang employee, and a slew of others.
Is Alex a girl in Minecraft?
Who is Alex in Minecraft? Alex is a female-displaying, fictional character you can choose to play as in addition to Steve. You can choose to play as Alex via your Dressing Room on the main menu.
What is error code Ghast?
Ghast: Conflicting credentials cache. On Windows and Xbox, try signing out of Xbox Live, and back in again. On Switch, try the «Clear Account Credentials» button in Settings->Profile.
What is the exit code 1073740940 in Minecraft?
The «exit code -1073740940» error is a common issue that Minecraft players encounter, and it is usually caused by a variety of factors, including corrupted game files, outdated or incompatible graphics drivers, insufficient RAM, or conflicts with antivirus or firewall software.
What is error 500 Minecraft?
Some mods being incompatible with the game’s files or being outdated can affect players’ participation in the Realms servers and result in Internal Server Error 500. A solution for this is to identify and uninstall these incompatible or outdated mods.
What is error 400 w Roblox?
When you get “Bad Request” Error 400 on Roblox, it means that the page you’re trying to access is down or you have a connection issue. This error usually occurs when launching Roblox or trying to access online resources in Roblox.
What error code is banned Roblox?
If a particular Roblox experience has temporarily banned you, then the error code 267 will flash a message with your ban’s duration. It can be anywhere between a few minutes to an hour and even days. In that case, it’s best to avoid launching that experience and wait out the ban.
Attention this is not my article, I have translated Russian into English.
Here is the original: https://minecraftcreepypasta.fandom.com/ru/wiki/Minecraft_ver._error437
The first part of the paste tells about everything that was found in versions 01 to 03. To find out the novelties of newer versions, read the Results and interesting facts section, there, after the old statements for versions 01-03, there is a section with changes and novelties 04-07. Enjoy reading!
Hello everyone Kaban ivan is with you as always, and today I will tell you about a new mystical version that I found on the Internet (on Dudnak’s server in Discord) D1tR0ck and shared information with me. Well, let’s start the investigation. (The article is based on the guesses and observations of me and D1tR0ck) All screenshots are at the end of the article, in the gallery.
It was like this. D1tR0ck was added by Blin4ik01 to the conversation in Discord, where the new mystical version was discussed. A certain IzumiKonata offered Blin4ik01 to try out a new mystical version of minecraft, claiming that it was not a virus. It was then that D1tR0ck, having received the link, began studying this mystical version, recording reportage videos straight from where he was playing it and looking for mysticism.
Error437. At first sight.
During the first launch of this version, we see a distorted Mojang logo, which is surrounded by a shadow, and then the main menu appears in front of us. Epileptics do not look! It is very badly distorted, a file with all the textures of the blocks is used as a panorama, directly from the game itself, as well as buttons stuffed into the panorama randomly and painted in different colors. In the background — bedrock. At the bottom, on the right, you can see the name of the version, which changes from 1.3.1 to 1.3.10 (the rarest manifestation) with each restart of the game. The buttons «Single player», «Network game», «Textures» and others shake when hovering. When you try to change the language of the game (by clicking on the languages button in the main menu), the animation of the Minecraft inscription restarts, as well as the colors of the buttons change. However, you can still change the language by going to settings and clicking the Language button from there. There is support for the Russian language. In the settings menu, the sliders move randomly in all directions. When you switch complexity to a complex one, you thereby sign your death sentence, since it can no longer be switched back. The Network Game menu works, you can even add a server. The texture menu also works, although it was not possible to install your pack.
Creating the World
By going to the «Single Player» menu, you can create an infinite number of worlds. However, we are most interested in the world creation settings themselves. We are given the opportunity to choose the game mode (Survival, Creative and Hardcore). There is a possibility of additional settings of the world. All items are available there, including the bonus chest, the type of world, the use of cheats and the generation of buildings. However, no matter what settings you set, in any case, a world will be created with a survival mode, without cheats, a bonus chest and with normal generation. You can also create a world in Hardcore mode, but you don’t really need it, as it will bring more problems.
The beginning of the adventure
You appear in the world in survival mode. The first thing that catches your eye is heaps of floating flowers and grass in the air, as well as the twitchiness of all textures and blocks. After a little walk around the world, you will come across a forest, but the trees will not have foliage from the word at ALL. Also, there will not be a single mob in the area, even at night you are unlikely to meet any of the hostile monsters. If you carefully study the player’s interface, as well as his model, you will notice that you do not have a head (although occasionally it still appears) and that the hunger strip, as in Error 422, is not visible. Also, you won’t see the armor protection level. The urgent advice is not to move too far from spawn.
The first night
As soon as it starts to get dark, there is no need to worry, since there will be, in simple terms, NO ONE in the district. You will really be completely alone, so the need to dig in or build a house is not particularly necessary. However, there is a chance, although very small, that somewhere in the districts there will be 1-2 zombies without a head or a skeleton that does not pay much attention to you. However, if they head towards you, then you’d better climb higher due to the fact that when you receive any damage, the camera will turn upside down and back. So it will be difficult for you to focus when attacking a hostile mob, especially if it hits you. The skeleton is very dangerous, because when taking damage from his arrows from afar, moreover, taking into account the behavior of the camera when taking damage, you simply become disoriented and you will be easily killed. But the chance of mobs appearing, especially on the first night, is extremely small, so you shouldn’t worry. The only THING is that in this version, the lighting mechanics are taken from the old alpha versions, so it will be so dark at night that it will be at least an eye out.
Morning and second day.
That’s the morning. You continue your journey around the world. In the process of movement, you also do not find a soul.
Tasks for this day
On this day, you face several main tasks, namely:
- Get some iron
- Make a bucket of water
- To build a kind of house next to the spawn, it is also desirable to get a bed.
- Make a stack of torches (preferably more)
- Make a farm
Explanation of the need for these tasks.
Get some iron
Iron is extremely necessary for you, even in small quantities. You need at least three ingots per bucket and three ingots per pickaxe, although at first you can do only with a bucket.
Make a bucket of water
A bucket of water is extremely necessary, since the game can set you on fire absolutely at any moment (I have died so many times). It is advisable to cram it into the first ten inventory slots in order to extinguish yourself in an emergency. While you don’t have armor, stay in the water as long as possible, especially in the process of laying things out in chests, crafting items, mining large deposits of minerals, melting resources and other routine tasks. An important point.
Build some kind of house next to spawn.
Yes, it is also necessary. Due to the fact that you are unlikely to meet any of the mobs in the vicinity, the chance that you will starve to death will be very high. So build some kind of box with a chest and light it with torches.
Make a stack of torches (preferably more)
Given the prehistoric mechanics of lighting, I strongly recommend that you cut down all the trees in the area and make as many torches as possible (charcoal is in the game itself). Illuminate the entire spawn area within a radius of 20-30 blocks. Leave a few stacks of torches for a rainy day.
Make a farm
Also the basis of the basics. Given that there is a lot of grass in the air and on the ground, you can make yourself a giant wheat farm. An important point.
Day Three
You’re still holding on, well done! Surely you have already realized for sure that hostile mobs are not a hindrance to you. You also noticed that when you press the F3 key, you have all the values there with the postscript Ox and the value You now have a house, a farm with wheat, a lighted area and a bucket of water. Now you can safely go to the mine, taking a couple of bread with you. You will probably get a lot of iron and will already be able to provide yourself with at least some armor. However, not everything is as good as you think. Expect trouble.
Day Four
Now you will definitely feel the charm of this version of minecraft. It is from this day that structures made of mossy cobblestones with red torches, obsidian crosses, tablets with various inscriptions, a burning infernal stone will begin to appear, there will be glitches like objects moving quickly and randomly in inventory or the inscription «Вы не должны быть здесь» (Eng. You shouldn’t be here), blocking player control for a while, as well as covering the entire screen with red stripes. So this is going to be a nervous day for you.
Day seven (fifth)
You have already got used to glitches and control blocking, you already have several explored mines, small food supplies and already full-fledged iron armor. However, now Minecraft is reaching a more terrifying level. Now you can suddenly start moving the game window itself, intercepting control, crashes from scratch and strengthening previous effects.
Day nine (fifteenth)
You are already well entrenched and you are no longer intimidated by the departures of the game and you are calm about the window twitching. However, the game is now reaching a new level again. Now the game can come, if you have not left the game for more than two hours, to the so-called «Pre-final stage». This stage looks like this. At some point, colorful ERROR437 inscriptions begin to flash before your eyes, and the twitchiness of textures will also increase. After a while, the FPS of the game will drop to very low values, and all textures will be replaced with multicolored ones (like the skin of the creature from Error 422) and the detail will drop to a low value. Fonts (if you use Russian or a thin font in other languages) will become pixel spots, so it will be impossible to make out anything. Your camera will be pulled with all its might in all directions. There may be inscriptions outside the window of the game itself, since this version of minecraft, in the truest sense of the word, breaks the fourth wall. Be careful.
The twentieth day
Now you are definitely finished. At this point, if you do not leave the game for 2-3 hours and survive the pre-final stage, then you will see the departure of the game, only this time, in the text field where the reason for departure was usually indicated, various hieroglyphs will be written in red on a black background, the game will twitch, the inscription minecraft will change to its counterpart, only with a red effect and stretching and the window will not be closed, only through the task manager.
The virus is in the version itself
The unpleasant part
And now let’s move on to the less pleasant part of the game itself, or rather, to the virus, whose behavior has not yet been fully studied.
What is the meaning of the virus (Assumptions and history from D1tR0ck)
As a certain IzumiKonata said in the Discord, where there was a discussion of the new version of mystical minecraft, that there are no viruses in this version. However, when Blin4ik01 downloaded the version, his antivirus suspected something was wrong. But no matter what, the virus did not make any manifestations. According to the latest data, there was a virus causing the death screen. After a while, D1tR0ck was added to someone else’s conversation, where they talked with another Chinese who started a discussion about the newly-made error437. However, despite the long interrogation of this Chinese by Blin4ik01 and D1tR0ck, as well as the presentation of questions on the topic «didn’t you create error437 and alpha 1.2.3_06?», he claimed that he did not create them, but only demonstrated them to them as a novelty. Later, this Chinese man clearly demonstrated the work of the virus found in the error437 files (video at the end, in the gallery). This virus is called Kane MEMZ, the name itself makes it clear what can happen to Windows. This virus is dangerous.
A few weeks later, a third Chinese, a certain cubk114514, who claimed to be the creator of both mystical versions of Minecraft, wedged into their conversation in the Discord. When asked if there was a virus there, he did not directly confirm, but did not deny its presence either. Later, the same Chinese said that he was hacked and a screenshot with a huge list of viruses planned as an element of the game was stolen. The information was leaked by one of the Chinese talking about error437 and alpha 1.2.3_06 earlier, before cubk114514 appeared in the chat.
Updated version of error 437!
(Information added in connection with the release of a new video from D1tR0ck)
What’s new?
New and expected
In the new version, there are quite a lot of new features. Now, the Minecraft inscription in the main menu is laid out from the thigh, and in the very process of the game, you are now constantly exploding (not all the time, but through some of its intervals). The possibility of the appearance of the final stage of error 437 has also increased, in some cases, all stages may be skipped. An equally important fact is that the chance of the virus manifestation has grown very much. And the consequences of it have worsened. Also, glitches from alpha 1.2.3_06 have now begun to manifest themselves more often (For example, screen twitching with crackling sounds and changing colors in the face of individual segments of the screen, which are in the form of stripes). Well, to top it all off, you will not be able to pass this version, since the portals explode when you enter it. Be careful!
Brand new
Also a couple of brand new features of this updated version:
- Herobrine enters the game.
- The virus in the updated error 437 causes a screen of death when a window appears asking if you want to play minecraft for the last time. And it doesn’t matter what you click on, the screen will be there anyway.
- If you try to enter something into the MS-DOS command line, which you may have after closing error 437, the content itself will be partially replaced with a bunch of meaningless Unicode characters, and will also flip over.
Video with information about her:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K6jnAEcm5gY&lc=UgweTKnYtEHcx76atbF4AaABAg.9U2U-i-Xo1s9U2nE2JvOdv — from D1tR0ck (the third video on the subject of error 437)
Results and interesting facts
Old versions (before 03 and turning it off)
- Depending on whether the player has a head, the heads of other mobs appear or disappear.
- There is no secondary character in the game (for example, in error 422 there is entity.ERROR422.name, and the errorbrine version has errorbrine)
- Changed: There is no minor character in the usual error 437, but in the updated (02 and above)one he appears in the person of herobrin.
- Chicken is the most frequent mob
- Zombies most often appear without a head.
- If you take any tool in your hand, and then click by pointing at the block, then this item will disappear, and a random block will appear in the place where you clicked. The same thing happens with blocks, when in the process of installing them, another block may appear instead of your block.
- Complete absence of sounds. Not even any background noise.
- At night, without light sources, it will be difficult, since the darkness is like in the alpha versions of minecraft, only even darker.
- Despite the presence of the Kane MEMZ virus in the game itself, the only thing we can suffer from is the dialog box, where if you click OK, then the entire desktop will be filled with herobrine’s face, and terrible howls will turn on in the background. This is definitely not the Kane MEMZ virus, as it would be very costly and dangerous to remake the virus to match the style of minecraft. However, the presence of one of the most dangerous viruses in the game files should strain you. (CHANGED. The virus can easily manifest itself, there are screenshots) I was also taking a lot of risks while mining screenshots and surviving in error437.
- No extraneous and modified textures were found in the game files, although after reaching the penultimate stage of the game, the textures change, and there are also no traces indicating the skins of mobs without heads. It is assumed that scripts replace textures with those that are included in their code at the code, and not at the graphical level. Although the game logo was found in the files on the crash screen for the last stage of error 437.
- No extraneous and modified textures were found in the game files, although after reaching the penultimate stage of the game, the textures change, and there are also no traces indicating the skins of mobs without heads. It is assumed that scripts replace textures with those that are included in their code at the code, and not at the graphical level. Although the game logo was found in the files on the crash screen for the last stage of error 437.
- The water lilies are multicolored and, depending on external factors, change their color to random.
- There is a chance to get a kilometer-long text on the plate, having completed writing the text on it, going far beyond the plate itself. Just like water lilies, it changes the color and content of the text, but not as actively.
- In hell, there are no problems with the spawn of piggies, they will spawn as usual.
- After closing the game, there is a chance of a command prompt window signed as MS-DOS command prompt. Although it is not physically present in Windows OS, starting with Vista (MS-DOS was captured in Windows 7 in the photo).
- Herobrine in the updated error 437 is an aggressive mob, be careful.
New (all versions starting from 04 and ending with 07)
Special thanks to New Storyline, for providing the material in the form of their videos.
Links to these videos:
- https://youtu.be/6G4m1O-QtY0
- https://youtu.be/Qyibp7XAqrk
And here are the new items:
- In the new menu, the logo wriggles, and there is also a notification that this is not the final release yet.
- When you enter the world, it automatically opens to the network.
- Some entity with a nickname ??? (most likely, herobrin) writes to us to turn around and that he sees us.
- After this message, herobrin with a diamond pickaxe will be behind us, but later, he will disappear.
- Almost all the water has been replaced with glory.
- Crosses of infernal cobblestone, unknown block and mossy cobblestone appear. Others have not yet been noticed.
- You may suddenly be teleported underground, straight into the lava or to another place.
- You can stumble upon distant lands (although, in fact, they were cut out in Beta 1.8).
- Sleeping on the bed will not work, otherwise — an explosion of very high power.
- The record 11 or death may suddenly start playing, when the last one from the list is played, a very loud sound will be made, be careful.
- Crosses with the inscriptions null and ERROR.
- In the villages, the usual cobblestone was replaced with mossy, residents were not noticed.
- The texts on the plates (namely kilometer ones) are now in Chinese
- The final stage of the game can now occur at any time
- Herobrine distorts textures, and then attacks, followed, after a while, by the crash of the game.
- The character can start to move spontaneously
- A certain glowing block may appear, going into which we arrange a huge explosion, and then crash the game.
- After the battle with herobrin, a fake screen of death may fly out
- At any moment, a ton of errors with the death header can fall out on your monitor, nothing happened after they were closed.
My theories
There is a theory that error422 and error437 are brothers because of the similarity of the gameplay, as well as the same atmosphere. Scripts for extraneous effects (distorted hunger panel and interference) are also very similar. However, this theory is refuted by three factors. The first is that there is no virus in error 422, although there is one in error 437. The second factor is that there is a minor character in error422, although there is none in error 437. And the third factor is that error422 was mentioned on the Internet much earlier than error 437.
Despite the complete absence of any mystical mobs, I have a theory that the version itself has self-consciousness. This theory is proved by the fact that during the game we can meet signs where we are asked to save someone’s soul and so on. Also, we can accidentally fly things out exactly when it’s not convenient for us (cave, lava lake, sea), as if the game is watching us through the blocks and everything that surrounds us. Also, sometimes a red inscription appears in the game, superimposing effects with red stripes on the entire game window. The inscription that appears at that moment translates as «You shouldn’t be here» (Eng. You shouldn’t be here), also important is the fact that during the appearance of this inscription, the player’s control is blocked, thereby error 437 tries to draw the attention of a careless player to his requests. The version itself looks unfriendly, driving away from itself with its appearance. Perhaps the self-consciousness, sharpened in the game, wants to be alone, alone with itself. And we annoy him with our appearance, that’s why it tries to kick us out. And the final stage of the game can be called, so to speak, unrestrained swearing when the game crashes, but the minecraft logo on the crash screen is distorted and painted in demonic colors, the game window itself, along with the hitbox, twitches, and in the text field where the reason for the departure of the game is usually written, mountains of meaningless Chinese characters are written in red handwriting. Moreover, the game window is not closed yet. With this behavior, the game is angry at us and does not just let us take and ignore our statements about the fact that we play it without her desire.
I assume that the MS-DOS window is part of the virus, since it has been removed from Windows OS for a long time. Already in the days of Windows Vista it was not. It also proves the behavior of MS-DOS itself, when the user interacts with it. When you try to type something into the MS-DOS command line, the content itself will be partially replaced with a bunch of meaningless Unicode characters, and will also flip over.
Video on this version
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2brZMwpW4cU — a video showing a dialog box where a Herobrine screamer appears later
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zkc-XeJ54_0&t=4s — investigations of D1tR0ck regarding the presence of a virus in error 437 and alpha 1.2.3_06 (there is also a fragment showing the work of the Kane Memz virus found in error 437)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S8J21Cis3i0&list=PL-vSrWsR63m6BF6CPrbyIkpVtp48ywxYM&index=19 -the first video from D1tR0ck about error 437
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p00TyUNB0uU&list=PL-vSrWsR63m6BF6CPrbyIkpVtp48ywxYM&index=20 — the second video from D1tR0ck about error 437
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K6jnAEcm5gY&lc=UgweTKnYtEHcx76atbF4AaABAg.9U2U-i-Xo1s9U2nE2JvOdv — third video from D1tR0ck
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TzTSOEthrRI — demonstration of the Kane Memz virus
https://youtu.be/6G4m1O-QtY0 — one of the New Storyline videos for the new version (07) error 437
https://youtu.be/Qyibp7XAqrk — the second video of New Storyline according to the new version (07) error 437
https://youtu.be/dGLRmaUQkIc — video from Dima Lebedev
https://youtu.be/UYiPK1IJOdY — Glitch on pause
https://youtu.be/4P988uSaeqc — Glitch in the main menu
P.S. and thanks.
I express my gratitude to D1tR0ck, New Storyline and Blin4ik01 for providing additional material and assistance in writing this article!
Chinese versions (such as Alpha 1.2.3_06 or Error 437) are being discussed on this discord server. You can also find these versions here. Come in at your own risk!. Link: https://discord.gg/gHezfFfK
Well, that’s it, thank you all for taking the time to read my article. I tried. Rate the article on a scale from 0 to 10.
The main menu of error 437 itself
Demonstration of the working menu for adding a server
A bed block appeared instead of a block of boards
A sign with the text save my soul
Winter biome, where chickens most often live
Flying vegetation
Colorful water lilies
Also the winter biome
Kilometer text on the plate
The kilometer-long text goes into the distance
The kilometer-long text is still coming
Screen from home
The portal I built from totems
The Kane Memz virus manifested itself during the game
Discussion of the new error 437 (fragment), with a link to download it
I’m in hell
Instead of a torch, a locked chest appeared
Things are going well. Approximately the fifteenth day of continuous survival
List of viruses suspected in error 437 and alpha 1.2.3_06
A sample of a protective lake near the workplace
Glitch before the pre-final stage of the game.
Main menu during the pre-final stage
A mysterious MS-DOS that appeared after the game was closed.
The final stage of the game
The manifestation of the Kane MEMZ virus in the updated version of error 437.
The request window that appears in the updated version of error 437.
Herobrin logged into the game (only on the updated version of error 437)
The manifestation of the Kane Memz virus in a better quality (only in the updated version of error 437)
Crash screen from the final stage of the game (in both versions of error 437)
Color reversal in the updated error 437, which was taken from alpha 1.2.3_06
fake ms-dos with errors (only in the updated version of error 437)
The main menu of the updated error 437
A glitch in the updated error 437, leading to a window with a request
Herobrine screamer from the updated error 437
Logo Mojang
red screamer
cross with plaques
The appearance of herobrine after chat entries
The herobrine screamer, which replaced the game window for a while, while without sound
a cross of unknown blocks
hellstone cross
cross of + kilometer chinese text
drop mobs and redstone
a village made of mossy cobblestones with signs of kilometer-long text
driving text on signs
things randomly changed to these
A powerful explosion when trying to sleep
The vegetable gardens in the village were clearly gnawed by someone before us
the record is being played 11
Heaps of render error reports, after the red screamer
The pre-final stage turned on and herobrin entered the game
Herobrine is attacking us
Fake screen of death (herobrine, hare ugarat)
And here are the distant lands!
The coordinates in the F3 menu are not working properly.
The death record
Tons of bugs that came out of nowhere
Minecraft Viki (video wiki) ➜ https://minecraft.viki.gg
I played Minecraft ERROR 437 and I regret it…
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Error 437 is a CreepyPasta version of Minecraft where there is an Entity like Error 422 or Chaos Craft or Herobrine (like The Backrooms and SCP Foundation mods). This 1.18 / 1.19 hardcore survival mod challenge was insane. Not Minecraft, But Water Rises or Minecraft, But Lava Rises, or any other datapack challenge like that. This is Surviving up to 100 days in Minecraft but a cursed version instead of a modded Minecraft version. This is not like Giant Alex or fake Herobrine sightings or any other fake Minecraft CreepyPastas. Error 437 apparently contains real viruses including the “MEMZ” virus so probably don’t play it yourself.
#Minecraft #error437 #creepypasta