Lost ark ошибка записи на диск

Lost Ark’s been booming left and right as it expands to North America and Europe in February. This viral MMORPG is quickly becoming one of the most played games on Steam. However, it’s not all good about Lost’s Ark Launch. Players have been experiencing various bugs and glitches in the game, especially the infamous Lost Ark Disk Write Error.

Key Highlights

  • You might run into a disk write error when a file is write-protected by some other program. This means that you lack the admin privileges to make changes to that specific file.
  • A disk write error can prevent you from doing anything to Lost Ark; this includes downloading anything, unpausing a download, or updating the game itself.
  • If you have an Antivirus software downloaded on your PC, then you should go ahead and add Lost Ark’s game folder as an exception in your Antivirus settings, as it might perceive the game as a potential threat.
  • Additionally, you should clear any data that is corrupted in the steam files, as it can be one of the biggest reasons behind Lost Ark not working properly and lead to the disk write error.
  • If you are still encountering the disk write error, then you should try to clear up some download cache in the steam settings, as any unnecessary amount of cache can also be the culprit behind hordes of errors.
  • There is a chance that you can solve your disk write error by simply changing the download region of your steam client. You should also make sure to restart steam after changing the download region and then see if the error is still there.
  • One of the most effective solutions you can utilize is moving your steam files to an entirely different disk, as the cause behind the disk write error might be because your actual disk is faulty.
  • If none of these solutions seem to work for you, then you can try the final resort, which is reinstalling steam entirely. This will reset everything to default and hopefully fix the disk write error for you.

How to Fix Lost Ark Disk Write Error?

The error in discussion for today is the Lost Ark‘s Disk Write Error. Disk errors in general can happen in almost every steam game there is. It occurs when a folder is being write-protected by another program. It prevents you from either downloading, resuming a paused download, or updating Lost Ark.

If you’re wondering what to do now, here are some ways to solve the Lost Ark Disk Write Error. 

Add Exception in your Antivirus

Antivirus is always working in the background, even when your games are running. Now almost every antivirus software can get a little -overly protective. This means that even if there’s the smallest risk from a file or data, it’ll step in and prevent it from functioning. 

Game files are no different as they also get disrupted by antivirus’s real-time activity. This often leads to the Lost Ark disk write error popping up in steam. To solve this, open your system’s antivirus software. For people not using any 3rd party software, it’ll be windows defender. 

Access the scanning settings, you’ll probably see a whitelisting or folder exclusion option here. Add your game folder here and you’ll be right as rain. This will prevent the antivirus from snooping into your game files and hopefully solve the Lost Ark disk error. 

Clear Corrupted Data in Steam Files

Corrupted Data is your number 1 enemy when it comes to disrupting game files. Now, when we hear corrupted game data, we naturally go towards verifying game files. However, in this case, you’re getting the disk write error so verifying files isn’t an option anymore. 

So in this case, to get rid of this error, try deleting the 0 KB game file. It’s simply a blank white file that’s like a placeholder for your game download files. Simply go to the directory where your steam is installed. Either that or check the default steam location which is as follows:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common

Here, find the Lost Ark named file with the 0KB size. Simply click on it and delete it and restart steam. Now your disk error should’ve been resolved.

Clear Up Steam Download Cache

If the Lost Ark disk write error still persists even after all the above methods, try clearing the steam download cache. It usually fixes any issues related to steam downloads. Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Open steam
  2. Go to the settings 
  3. Scroll down to the downloads tab
  4. Click on the “Clear Download Cache” button
  5. After you’re done, select okay. 

This will restart steam. After steam’s back up and running try resuming the download now to see if the error is resolved. 

Switch Up Download Region

Sometimes changing Steam’s download region solves the disk write issue. It’s an otherwise overlooked fix but changing the region resets the download parameters hence creating a chance for the Lost Ark disk write error to resolve itself.

To change your Steam region do as follows:

  1. Open Steam
  2. Go to settings
  3. Open the Downloads tab on the left
  4. You’ll see an option named “Steam Download Region”. Simply click on the drop-down box below it and select another region that’s closer to your geographical location. 
  5. Once done, click ok and restart steam. 

Once steam reboots, your Disk writes error will be solved.

Shift Steam Files to Another Disk

Sometimes there might be some hardware-level problems that might be preventing steam from properly accessing your drive. 

To resolve this, you can shift the game files onto another drive. Now, there are a couple of ways you can do this but the best one is that you do it manually. 

Simply navigate your game files by going into steam -> game properties -> local files section -> locate game files. 

After clicking on the “Locate Game Files” button, you’ll be taken to the location where the Lost Ark game files are. Move them to another disk in your system and restart steam. Now go to the Lost Ark and click install, chose another drive than your default and steam will create a library. Simply move the files to the Steamapps -> common folder and install the game again. 

Steam will rediscover your files and hopefully, you’ll have the game up and running in no time. 

Get the most out of your little companions with our Lost Ark Ventus Pets guide.

Reinstall Steam

Treat this as a last resort but it may very well work for you if other solutions in this article don’t.

Uninstall steam from your system, preferably through an uninstaller tool as it also wipes its data clean from the Windows registry. After you’re done uninstalling, restart your system and install Steam again. This can potentially resolve your issue for good.

Did you finally solve the Lost Ark Disk Write Error? 

So after a day so testing and diagnosing, we’ve come up with the list of above solutions that can help you resolve the disk write error. There are many other solutions out there as well but these seemed to be the most effective in our testing. That said, if you’ve found something that specifically worked for you, we’d love to hear what it is down in the comments. You can check out more content on Lost Ark from Exputer and get your daily reading fix.


Why am I seeing the Lost Ark disk write error? The game was working fine before.

There is a multitude of reasons that you can face Lost Ark disk write error out of the blue. One of the biggest reasons is another application affecting steam’s ability to properly communicate with your storage device.

How to fix the Lost Ark disk write error?

We’ve made an easy-to-follow guide on different solutions that you can try to solve the Lost Ark disk write error.

Can I solve the Lost Ark disk write error by switching from HDD to SSD?

Not necessarily. Disk write error doesn’t depend on what kind of storage device you have. So you can get disk write errors on either an HDD or an SSD. You can get rid of it by following the list of solutions above.

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Lost Ark привлекает к себе множество новых игроков. Настолько, что разработчикам пришлось создать совершенно новый регион для Центральной Европы, чтобы облегчить нагрузку на серверы. При такой популярности игра столкнется со значительным количеством проблем при запуске. Некоторые из этих ошибок будут характерны для Lost Ark, но многие пользователи Steam уже могут быть знакомы с ними.

Для игроков, которые сталкиваются с ошибкой записи на диск при загрузке или установке обновлений для Lost Ark, проблема обычно связана со Steam, а не с самой игрой. Первое решение, как и в большинстве проблем с компьютерами, состоит в том, чтобы выключить его и снова включить. Звучит очевидно, но это работает чаще, чем вы думаете.

Очистить кеш загрузки

Если перезагрузка не устранит проблему, то следующим шагом будет очистка кеша загрузки в настройках Steam. Вы можете сделать это:

Нажмите Steam в левом нижнем углу окна. Откройте окно настроек. Перейдите на вкладку «Загрузки». Нажмите «Очистить кэш загрузки». Выберите ОК.

Это приведет к перезапуску Steam, поэтому не делайте этого, если у вас есть другие загрузки. После того, как вы снова войдете в Steam, попробуйте повторно загрузить Lost Ark.

Измените настройки брандмауэра

Если это не сработает, проблема может быть связана с настройками брандмауэра или антивируса. Возможно, вам придется создать исключение для Steam или Lost Ark в настройках вашего компьютера, или вы можете запустить Steam от имени администратора, что позволит полностью обойти эти проблемы.

Изменить, где Steam сохраняет игры

Если у вас несколько накопителей, возможно, Steam пытается сохранить файлы игры на диск, который находится в режиме «Только для чтения». Это редко, но может случиться, особенно если вы только что установили новый диск. Чтобы исправить это:

Перейдите в окно Steam и откройте меню «Загрузки», как описано выше. Нажмите «Папки библиотеки Steam». Это покажет вам путь установки Steam по умолчанию. Щелкните значок «Добавить папку библиотеки», чтобы создать новый путь к диску, на который будут устанавливаться будущие установки. Убедитесь, что его путь находится на диске с разрешениями на чтение/запись. После создания этого пути нажмите кнопку «…» и выделите «Сделать по умолчанию», чтобы сделать его путем установки по умолчанию для будущих загрузок.

Возможно, вам придется перезагрузить компьютер еще раз, чтобы убедиться, что изменения вступают в силу. После того, как вы загрузитесь обратно, это должно решить проблему. Повторная загрузка Lost Ark должна устранить ошибку.

Lost Ark is recently released in South America, North America, and European regions, and players are rushing to try this popular game because this, the game’s servers are getting a crowd of millions of users and so certain glitches are expected such as the game is not downloading on Steam or game crash issues. To fix such issues, developers have already created a new fresh region to reduce the load on the servers. But many players are still receiving several errors and bugs while playing the game. One of the recent issues is the “Disk Write Error”. If you are also having the same error, the below guide will be helpful.

If you are receiving the Disk Write error in Lost Ark at the time of downloading or installing the game, the main issue is with the Steam and not in the game. So, first of all, simply turn off the computers and then turn them on again. Try this as it worked for many players.

In case that doesn’t work, then you can start the following workarounds.

Clear Up Download Cache

If rebooting the system doesn’t solve the issue, then you can try the next step to fix this problem. In this, you will need to clear up the download cache.

1. Click on Steam and open its Settings window

2. Go to the tab “Downloads”

3. Click on the “Clear Download Cache”

4. And then select “Ok”

That’s it. This way, Steam will be launched again.

Change the Firewall Settings

If the above solution doesn’t work, it seems some issues in your anti-virus or firewall settings. You will need to create any Steam or Lost Ark in your PC’s settings or you can also run Steam as an Administrator. This way, it will bypass the entire issue.

Change the Location Where Steam Saving Games

If you have more than one storage drive, then Steam is attempting to save the files to that drive which is in Read-Only mode. In that case, here are steps to follow:

1. Go to the Steam window and open up the Downloads menu

2. Click on the Steam Library

3. Then click on the “Add Library Folder” and create a fresh path to that drive you will want to keep other future installations (But make sure to create a new patch on that particular drive that has Write/Read permissions

4. Once you create this patch, click on the three dots button to highlight “Make Default” for other future downloads

5. Once done, reboot your PC and the issue should be resolved 

That’s everything you need to know about how to fix the Disk Write error for Lost Ark.

Read more – How to fix Lost Ark error G0x9-SPELPWP1P2NT.

На чтение 3 мин Просмотров 647 Опубликовано


  1. Вот наше гайд по устранению ошибки записи на диск в Lost Ark.
  2. Как исправить ошибку записи на диск в Lost Ark?
  3. Перезагрузите компьютер
  4. Удаление всего Кэш загрузки
  5. Отключить антивирус или брандмауэр
  6. Проверьте целостность файлов игры
  7. Изменить каталог сохранения Steam

Вот наше гайд по устранению ошибки записи на диск в Lost Ark.

Пока игроки со всего Запада наслаждаются новейшей MMO, некоторые игроки не могут загрузить Lost Ark. После загрузки Lost Ark или в середине загрузки Steam выдает сообщение об ошибке записи на диск. Эта ошибка также возникает при обновлении Lost Ark. Игроки могут обвинить Lost Ark от Smilegate в этом фиаско, но мы заверяем вас, что это проблема Steam. Итак, вот наше гайд по устранению ошибок записи на диск в Lost Ark.

Как исправить ошибку записи на диск в Lost Ark?

Хотя существует несколько способов исправить ошибку записи на диск, позвольте&#8217 ;начнем с самого простого.

Перезагрузите компьютер

  • Многие игроки подтвердили, что это решает проблему.
  • Для некоторых игроков это потребовалась одна перезагрузка, чтобы решить проблему и продолжить загрузку.
  • В то время как некоторым игрокам потребовалось более пары перезагрузок, чтобы решить эту проблему.

Если ошибка не устранена, прокрутите до конца, чтобы узнать о других возможных исправлениях.

Удаление всего Кэш загрузки

  • Откройте панель запуска Steam и щелкните вкладку Steam в правом верхнем углу.
  • Затем выберите параметр настроек.

  • Перейдите к параметру Загрузки и щелкните параметр Очистить кэш загрузки.

  • Выберите вариант «ОК», чтобы стереть все загруженные файлы локального кеша.
  • Когда вы закончите, повторно войдите в Steam и проверьте, сохраняется ли ошибка записи на диск.

< /р> <р>Мы надеемся, что это должно сделать необходимое, но если оно не опробует следующее потенциальное исправление.

Отключить антивирус или брандмауэр

  • Хотя не рекомендуется отключите антивирус или брандмауэр Windows, сделайте исключение на некоторое время.
  • После того, как вы отключили антивирус, щелкните правой кнопкой мыши на программе запуска Steam .
  • Затем выберите «Запуск от имени администратора».
  • Еще раз проверьте загрузку или обновление файлов Lost Ark.

Если загрузка начнется без ошибки, не забудьте включить антивирус или брандмауэр Windows, когда закончите.

Проверьте целостность файлов игры

Это — потенциальное решение для игроков, которые не могут обновить Lost Ark.

  • Перейдите в Steam и перейдите в свою Библиотеку.< /li>
  • Затем выберите Lost Ark и щелкните значок шестеренки справа от экрана.
  • Выберите параметр свойств и выберите плитку с локальными файлами на левой панели.
  • Нажмите на параметр проверки целостности файлов игры.< /li>
  • Этот метод повторно загрузит все файлы игры, если ваши данные повреждены.
  • И если ваши данные Lost Ark не повреждены, он успешно проверит все ваши файлы.< /li>

Изменить каталог сохранения Steam

Это потенциальное исправление предназначено для игроков, у которых есть несколько дисков. Существует вероятность того, что Steam может сохранять ваши данные на диск, предназначенный только для чтения.

  • Запустите Steam и щелкните параметр Steam в правом верхнем углу.
  • Выберите параметр настроек и выберите плитку загрузки.
  • Затем выберите папки библиотеки Steam, которые покажут вам, где Steam сохраняет ваш файл.
  • Измените настройки, нажав значок плюса справа от диска.< /li>
  • Создайте папку на диске для чтения/записи, где будут сохраняться все загруженные вами локальные файлы.

Мы не рекомендуем вам менять каталог если он уже сохраняет ваши файлы на диске для чтения/записи.

Это все исправления ошибки записи на диск в Lost Ark. Если вы столкнулись с другими ошибками, вы можете проверить наши другие руководства по как исправить ошибку аутентификации сервера и не удается подключиться из-за большого трафика в Lost Ark прямо здесь, на Guideer.

Lost Ark

The disk write error can cause the game to not be able to save any data. It is common for players to get this error after installing some game updates. This article will show you how to fix Lost Ark Disk write error issue. Keep reading to find out how to solve this problem in the simplest way possible! Hopefully, the tips and tricks below will help you out. Here are some easy steps to fix this common game issue!

How To Fix Lost Ark Disk Write Error

Here are some easy steps to fix this common Lost Ark Disk write error issue!

Turn off or Restart PC

First of all, turn off your PC and then re-download Lost Ark. Steam users may have to restart their PCs after attempting to install the game. This will resolve the majority of PC errors. If you still have the error, you can try the steps above to fix the problem. After performing these steps, the game should start playing again. In the meantime, you may experience a few other problems.

Run the Lost Ark as Administrator

To solve the Lost Ark Disk Write Error in Steam, you should run the Steam client as an administrator. Then, select the game and delete any corrupt files. Once you’re able to do this, you can launch the game. You’ll need to know where to access the files and folders listed in the guide. You should now be able to install Lost Ark without any problems.

In the next steps go and try to run the game as an administrator, to do this follow the steps below.

  • Open Steam and go to Library
  • Right-click on the Lost Ark game
  • Go to manage then Browse local files
  • Now, right-click on the APK.exe and then properties
  • Under the Compatibility tab, click Run this program as an administrator then click apply and ok
  • Now, go and try to launch the game by double-clicking on the APK.exe instead of clicking on the Play button on Steam and it should fix the error

If you are still facing the issue then follow the steps below:

  • Open Steam and go to Library
  • Right-click on Lost Ark game
  • Go to manage then Browse local files
  • Go to APK folder then binaries and then Win64
  • Now, right-click on the APK-Win64-Shipping.exe then properties
  • Under the Compatibility tab, then put a check on Run this program as an administrator then click apply and ok

Disable Your Anti-Virus

If you’ve already downloaded Lost Ark and are experiencing the same issue, you may need to disable your anti-virus and run the game as an administrator. You can also turn off your Windows firewall. This should resolve the issue. If you haven’t already done this, then it’s time to restart your PC. Afterwards, try to download the game again. The game should start playing again after a restart.

Restart Game or and Steam Client

The first step in fixing the Disk Write Error in Lost Ark is to restart Steam. Many people have found that turning the game off and restarting the Steam client can help. Sometimes, this can solve the problem for a short period of time. You may need to install the game again, but it’s not a practical solution for every gamer. The best way to fix the Disk Read Error in Lost Ark is to reinstall your Steam.

Install AIO Runtime (Recommended)

AIO runtime is an application for Windows PC which packs all the necessary files required to run any app, programs, software’s and games properly on your PC. AIO210 also fixes most common gaming issues and errors such as the Game has Stop Working, crashing freezing, any .DLL errors, 0xc000007b error, or any other runtime errors that you may get while starting or playing the game. You can download the AIO210 Runtime here.

Optimizing Games with Nvidia and AMD Application

To get better performance while gaming on your PC you can also use Nvidia GeForce Experience and AMD Gaming Evolved applications which allow you to manage your graphics card drivers and also lets you optimize the game settings.

Run the game in compatibility mode

  • Open Steam and go to Library
  • Right-click on the game
  • Go to manage then Browse local files
  • Now, right-click on the APK.exe and then properties
  • Under the Compatibility tab, click on the compatibility mode check box which says Run this program in compatibility mode, that’s it.

Make sure to select the Windows version you are using while selecting this option.

Verify the game files

To verify the game files on Steam:

  • Go Steam
  • Right-click on Lost Ark game
  • Select properties >> local files tab >> then click on Verify integrity of the game files.

Try Windowed mode

Try to play the game in Windowed mode. To get into Windowed mode simply press (alt + enter) on your keyboard.

In order to fix the Disk Write Error in Lost Ark, you need to ensure that you have to write access to the Steam folder. This is typically done by turning off Controlled Folder Access and enabling the Steam.exe file. However, if you’re still experiencing the error after reinstalling Steam, you may need to temporarily turn off your firewall to allow Steam to run properly.

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