Lastexception html sims 4 ошибка

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Возникла скриптовая ошибка в mc_lastexception.html и вначале, отчет следующий: 

«[Recommended Action]
Mods were detected in the exception.
Close your game, try removing the mentioned mods below from your Mods folder and retry what you did when you received the exception.
If the exception does not occur then the problem is likely with that mod.
Check the mod download for any recent updates.

[Game Version]

[Possible Cause]
NOTE: This does NOT confirm the listed mod is the actual cause.

Exception in Sim Timeline: Exception resuming Element (AttributeError: ‘NoneType’ object has no attribute ‘guid64’)»

Обновила все моды, проверила настройки MC, ошибка сохранилась.

Удалила WW, ошибка все равно сохранилась, новый отчет вкладываю отдельным файлом.

Кто-то сталкивался с данной проблемой? 


Загрузить это вложение

As explained above, the error usually occurs during new expansion launches. The custom content and mods sometimes conflict with new official updates, resulting in the ‘last exception’ error message. To get rid of the message you’ll have to pinpoint which mod is outdated and needs to be removed from your mods folder.

What does last exception caught by MCCC mean Sims 4?

You might have seen a notification pop-up called Last Exception Caught By MCCC. According to Deaderpool, Last Exception Caught By MCCC is an error message that is typically the result of other outdated or “bad” script mods that are conflicting with MC Command Center.

Can I delete MC last exception?

It is safe to delete the exception files. They are generated when there is an error in the game’s script or errors from mods and CC. If you encounter a problem in your game, you may be able to find clues as to the cause of the error in the exception files.

How do you help the last exception in Sims 4?

Still getting Last Exception notifications? Remove all your mods, delete your cache, and If you’re still getting notifications, it’s a game error. If you weren’t getting the error without mods, try doing a 50/50.

How do you fix MCCC in Sims 4?

Here’s how to fix it

Fortunately, you can easily fix the issue. You just need to download and install the latest MC Command Center update (v2023. 1.1). It seems that the developer was quick to adapt the mod to the new The Sims 4 update.


Does MCCC work with new Sims 4 update?

It will also work with anything after that Sims 4 update unless otherwise specified on Tumblr/Patreon posts I make after the update.

How do you fix mean Sims with MCCC?

If on PC/Mac and not opposed to mods, you can disable mean interactions autonomy with MC Command Center. Click on a computer, select MCCC, go to MC Tuner, and Change Interaction Autonomy. From there, turn off Autonomous Mean. This will also prevent Sims who dislike each other from being mean.

Why are my Sims always unfulfilled?

How to get cure unfulfilled dreams in The Sims 4. To get rid of your Sim’s fear of having unfulfilled dreams, you’ll need to wait for an opportunity for them to vent their frustrations. Keep an eye out for a spiky bubble symbol above your Sim’s head in the bottom corner of the UI (where their portrait is).

What to do when Sims are dying?

Click the Grim Reaper and press the Delete key. Click the dead Sim and press the Delete key. The Sim’s icon should now have a crosshair on it. Click the crosshair to resurrect the Sim.

How do you escape a Sims death?

Escaping death in The Sims 4 can be adventurous, fun, and even pretty humorous, depending on the method the player chooses.

  1. Not Saving Your Progress. …
  2. Ambrosia. …
  3. The Book of Life. …
  4. Befriending the Mother Plant. …
  5. Living as a Ghost. …
  6. Flower Arranging. …
  7. Asking a Vampire to Turn You. …
  8. Woohooing With The Grim Reaper.

Where is the last exception in Sims 4?

Exception files are located in the Sims 4 Documents folder (\Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4). Only ‘lastException’ files are allowed.

What mods conflict with MCCC?

ArtURLWWW’s Pregnancy Mega Mod conflicts with MCCC. They are two mods that do the same thing so there will be conflicts. Everything in PMM is already available in MCCC so an additional mod is not needed. Trying to use both will result in MCCC not working.

How do I get rid of exceptions?

To catch and delete exceptions

Execute any program statements that might throw an exception within a try block. Use the catch keyword to set up a catch block. Place exception-handling code in a catch block.

Why won’t MCCC work?

Re: MCCC isn’t working

For this mod to work you need to enable script mods in your Game Options settings. Make sure that both «Enable Custom Content and Mods» and «Script Mods Allowed» are selected.

How do I allow more than 8 Sims in MCCC?

so once you’ve downloaded MC Command Center. and it’s properly copied into your Sims 4 Mods folder, you will need to head to the household of your choice, click on a computer, go into MCCC Settings, Gameplay Settings, maximum household size, and from there. you can adjust the household size from 8 to 104.

What is the pregnancy rate in Sims 4 MCCC?

For maximum offspring = 4, there is a 75% chance the Sim will have one child, 15% chance they will have twins, 7% they will have triplets and 3% chance they will have four children.

Can Sims get drunk?

Sims can get dazed (which is the equivalent to drunk) by too much drinks and coffee.

Can elder Sims get pregnant?

However, since Teens can’t access the ‘Try for Baby’ interaction, their pregnancy options are passive until they age up to Young Adulthood; while in practice Elders can’t get pregnant even if they possess the ‘Become Pregnant’ ability.

Can Sims get terminally ill?

If certain illnesses are not cured within ten days, the Sim will die of their illness.

Why are none of my Sims doing anything?

Sometimes your Sims get stuck in The Sims 4, but you can reset them with the “resetSim” command in the cheat window. You may want or need to reset your Sims if they become stuck or unresponsive. There are two ways you can reset your Sim. For either, open the cheat window by pressing CTRL + Shift + C.

Why is my Sims afraid of the dark?

Fear Of The Dark

If you have any Occult type Sims active in your world, interacting with one negatively will trigger this Fear — such as having a rampaging werewolf terrify you.

Has the sims glitch been fixed?

The author of this answer has requested the removal of this content.

What is the MC Woohoo mod?

This module allows various common Woohoo options to be available as settings. These will modify the various interactions available in the game. Note that this doesn’t add new animations. It also doesn’t add nude Sim textures.

Why can’t i find mc woohoo?

Is MC Cheats not installed or not working? Only commands show-up on the Sim menu, so MC Woohoo would not show-up on the Sim menu because there are no MC Woohoo commands. There are only MC Woohoo settings, so MC Woohoo only shows-up on the computer menu. MC Cheats, as another example, only has commands.

Why is there no Sims 5?

There is no concrete Sims 5 release date right now, with players being let into the Project Rene secret «earlier than ever before» because Maxis «want you to be a part of the development journey.» It has been confirmed that a Sims 5 release date is «years out» though, so we’re going to have to be patient.

Sims 4 Last Exception

Table of Contents

What is MC Command Center & Sims 4 Last Exception?

What is a last exception file Sims 4?

The Sims 4 Last Exception Reader tool helps in locate any file in your system that has been giving signs of being the last exception and barring you from playing the game properly.

Note that exception files can be found in the document folder for Sims
game. You can locate the same by following this pathway in your system:

\Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims

Error Notifications: MCCC Command Center

With the help of last exception error, Sims players that use MC Command Center cater some sense of extra insurance opposing the use of broken cc or mods to catch errors.

Depending on where this gaming code error happens, it can be spawned as the log error for MCCC or in the form of the last exception file.

Sims 4 how to read last exception

When you enter the MC Command Center setting, you can locate the broken mods and pieces affecting the game. When using the game, you can see 3 variants of these error files. All their names start with the term “last,” and all of them are text files.

  1. Last Exception:
    This includes any mod EA or CC error that other types of files haven’t caught.
  2. Last Crash:
    This error usually arises from broken or old custom content.
  3. Last UI Exception:
    These are usually the user-interface modules in need of updates.

MCCC Troubleshooting

MCCC Troubleshooting reports for Last Exception state that the Les is at times caused due to core errors. The optimal way to fix these issues is by avoiding them. Another thing that can help is changing the item’s location or using any different item depending on what the error is.

Another thing that can help is deleting the file named localthumbcache.package.

Click Here For Latest Mccc

 In the TS4 game, if you use the MCCC mod, you might come across an orange-colored notification for LastException. If you do not use the MCCC & there is something odd that happens within the game, look through the folder marked Sims 4. Now, check whether there is a file named LastException. Some of the LEs might be a result of some core errors. An optimum way to fix these is by avoiding them. You can either change the item’s location or opt for an entirely different item to handle the error by using mc_settings.cfg. At times, deleting your localthumbcache.package file from the /Sims 4 folder can help settle these error variants. Also, you can refer to our articles for Sims 4 master controller.

Most of the LastException errors are caused due to broken or old mods/cc. Depending on the changes brought by EA with its patch, this can essentially break the package mods, script mods, or even both. The UI-based Sims 4 mods are highly likely to require updates after the EA patches.

When trying to open the MCCC last exception files, you need not be afraid of simple text files. Sometimes, these lastexception files will let you know of the exact cc file or mod that just caused the error. Although, they can be hard to decode when present in the raw format.

Some Tips to Avoid Last Exceptions Issues

  • If you happen to play with the WW or MCCC or maybe both, you need to save the copy of the files in the Sims 4 game.
  • The only exception in this case should be the MCCC file and your file named Resource.cfg.
  • Delete all your localthumbcache from the /Sims 4 & test out the game.

Last Exception Caught by MCCC

Before you understand how the last exception caught by MCCC works, you need to know how the MCCC last exception works. The sims 4 game players that use the MCCC possess some of the best insurance regarding broken cc or mods. This is synonymous with a form of error-catching methodology. Depending on exactly where the game code error occurs, it could be generated in the form of an MCCC logging error, also known as the sims 4 lastException error.

So, how can you read the last exceptions?

When opting for Sims 4 how to read last exception errors, you need to look for a square/rectangle-shaped notification. This is a lastexception.txt file. So, you can always open it up to check the type of error bothering your gameplay. You can find this rectangular message box on your computer depending on the OS settings you opt for.

You should look for the .log or the LOG suffix. If you do not find the same, the lastException error should be available to you as a classic text document. The mistake in most cases occurs due to the presence of outdated or bad cc or mods. However, at times, the error could also be a result of EA script issues. This will continue happening until your Sims 4 cc or mods are updated or removed.

Extra Information for Last Exception Errors

Within the Sims 4 folder inside your drive, you might see 3 variants of the error files. All their names start with the word “last,” & almost each of these files is text type.

last exception sims 4

Click Here For Latest Mccc

Wicked whims last exception

Wicked whims mods or the Sims 4 Nisa mods are generally created & tested without any other mod with assumptions that they won’t cause any substantial issue with its base game. However, mods might get old very fast. In wicked whims last exception, the mods might be outdated or old or maybe broken. Look through the mods installed by you & remove anything old which is highly likely to break the game.

Also, to avoid the Sims 4 Nisa error, you should keep updating the existing game database in terms of mod files. Try to keep looking through the latest updates provided over the official Patreon page for the TS4 game.


How do you read the last exception Sims 4?

To read the last exception Sims 4, navigate to your recent last exception file and use the “Upload lastException file” option to upload it or paste its content into the text area provided. You can find these files in \Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4.

Can I delete last exception Sims 4?

Yes, it’s possible to delete last exceptions Sims 4. They’re basically reports of game errors, so they work for troubleshooting purposes.

How do I fix script errors on Sims 4?

You can fix the script errors on Sims 4 as follows –
• Go to the Origin client.
• Select the “My game library” option.
• Click on Sims 4’s icon and choose “Repair” from the pop-up menu.
• Start the game again.


Is that bright orange notification always bothering you?

Most of us have gotten that orange Last Exception pop-up from MC Command Center saying that we have a Last Exception. Or maybe Better Exceptions ran a scan and told you that something was broken. Here’s what to do when you get one of those messages.

Stop! Do not save the game. If possible, minimize your game until you know what is wrong. Saving your game could corrupt your file depending on the severity of the error. If you must save, choose Save As instead of Save. This will create a new copy of the file and keep the old version in tact.

If you do not know how to read last exceptions, then you will need to ask for assistance doing so. You can visit the Deaderpool Discord Server or Sims After Dark Discord Server for general help or visit TwistedMexi’s Discord Server for Better Exceptions Reports. If you know what mod is causing the problem, it is best to visit that individual creator’s Discord Server or you can contact them through their other forms of contact (Patreon, Tumblr, Twitter)

Where do I find Last Exceptions files? There are several types of Last Exception Files. The most common type of Last Exception files are the game’s Last Exception file, MC_lastexception.html file, and/or the BE-ExceptionsReport file. Below is where they are located in game. (File path is the same for both PC and Mac)

Getting a Last Exception Notification in The Sims 4? Here’s What to Do!

The Sims 4’s Last Exception File is located in Documents > Electronic Arts > The Sims 4
Getting a Last Exception Notification in The Sims 4? Here’s What to Do!
MC Command Center’s Last Exception (MC_lastexception.html) is located with your MC Command Center files
Getting a Last Exception Notification in The Sims 4? Here’s What to Do!
Better Exceptions’ Report (BE-ExceptionReport.html) is located in Documents > Electronic Arts > The Sims 4

Don’t Use Discord?

Try opening either the MC_LastException or the BE-ExceptionReport and read the main line to see if any mod is named. If there is, then try removing that mod to see if you continue to get the LE. This does not guarantee it is that mod, but it is a good place to start.

Still getting Last Exception notifications? Remove all your mods, delete your cache, and If you’re still getting notifications, it’s a game error. If you weren’t getting the error without mods, try doing a 50/50.

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About the author

ThatSimsLady’s love of Sims is only rivaled by her love of grilled cheese. She is a mods addict, a friend to all ducks, and still tries to use The Sims 3 cheat codes in The Sims 4. When she is not playing Sims or writing about Sims, she can be found moderating and providing support on any number of Sims Discord Servers. You could say she eats, sleeps, and breathes Sims.

<?xml version=»1.0″ ?><root>
<BetterExceptions><BEversion>v2.03</BEversion><WasBlank>False</WasBlank><TuningLoadFinished>True</TuningLoadFinished><BadObjectCC>False</BadObjectCC><Advice>Not available. More info may be in BE Report.</Advice></BetterExceptions><report><version>2</version><sessionid>18defe9a8461e8b26116be2c</sessionid><type>desync</type><sku>ea.maxis.sims4_64.15.pc</sku><createtime>2021-08-13 14:48:07</createtime><buildsignature>Local.Unknown.Unknown.</buildsignature><categoryid></categoryid><desyncid>18defe9a8461e8b26116be2c</desyncid><systemconfig/><screenshot/><desyncdata>Exception raised while trying to run a test event in (IndexError: list assignment index (0) out of range)&#13;&#10;Traceback (most recent call last):&#13;&#10;Caught and logged:&#13;&#10;&#13;&#10; File «T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Core\sims4\», line 179, in wrapper&#13;&#10; File «T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\», line 209, in c_api_server_tick&#13;&#10; File «T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\», line 480, in update&#13;&#10; File «T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\», line 1549, in update&#13;&#10; File «T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\», line 1248, in on_enter&#13;&#10; File «T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\sims\», line 1073, in start_aspiration_tracker_on_instantiation&#13;&#10; File «T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\aspirations\», line 169, in initialize_aspiration&#13;&#10; File «T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\aspirations\», line 152, in _activate_aspiration&#13;&#10; File «T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\aspirations\», line 186, in process_test_events_for_aspiration&#13;&#10; File «T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\event_testing\», line 241, in process_test_events_for_objective_updates&#13;&#10; File «T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\event_testing\», line 375, in _process_test_event&#13;&#10; File «T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\aspirations\», line 65, in handle_event&#13;&#10; File «T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\event_testing\», line 242, in handle_event&#13;&#10; File «T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\event_testing\», line 1115, in run_test&#13;&#10; File «T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\event_testing\», line 935, in __call__&#13;&#10; File «T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\event_testing\», line 129, in __call__&#13;&#10; File «T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Core\», line 296, in wrapper&#13;&#10; File «T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\event_testing\», line 1174, in __call__&#13;&#10; File «T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Core\google\protobuf\internal\», line 167, in __getitem__&#13;&#10;IndexError: list assignment index (0) out of rangertim=0&#13;&#10;Client Session Time: 12.55&#13; &#10;Num Save Errors: 0&#13; &#10;Num Load Errors: 0&#13; &#10;Current Game State: 0x96d01090&#13; &#10;Origin Version: 10,5,102,48654&#13; &#10;Modded: True&#13; &#10;SystemInfo: Windows 10 10.0.19043 GPU: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060 nvldumdx.dll, GUID: D7B71E3E-5C48-11CF-6968-59A50EC2D335&#13; &#10;</desyncdata></report>

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