Laserjet pro m404dn ошибки


Supplies (LaserJet)

Supply error or supply memory error.


Real-time clock

Internal error with the clock on the formatter.


Jam (LaserJet)

Paper jam or open door jam error.


Jam (PageWide)

Paper jam or open door jam error.


Supplies (PageWide)

Supply error or supply memory error.


Printer memory

Insufficient memory or buffering error.



Page complexity causing a decompression error when trying to process job.



Flatbed scanner error occurring inside the unit.


Document feeder

Document feeder, scanner, or jam error.


Backup, restore, or reset

Backup, restore, or reset notification or error.



Backup, Disk, EFI BIOS, Firmware integrity (SureStart), or Trusted Platform Module (TPM) notification or error.


Input/Output (I/O)

Partition manager, secure erase, or USB accessory error.


Fuser, Laser scanner, or Paper path

Miscellaneous error including general and misprint or mismatch errors typically involving (but not limited to) the fuser,
the laser scanner, or the paper path.



Firmware failure involving the Event Log, Shell, System Manager, or other component.



Firmware failure involving a digital sending component.


OXPd/Web Kit (PageWide)

Informational notifications involving the OXPd Web Kit (communications log).


Engine (LaserJet)

Engine communication error.



Job parser or printer calibration error.



PJA job accounting, job management, or job pipeline error.



Firmware communication error.


Fuser (LaserJet)

Fuser error.


Laser scanner (LaserJet)

Laser scanner beam error.


Laser scanner (LaserJet)

Laser scanner startup error.



Sensor error (not jam related).


DC controller (LaserJet)

DC controller communication error.


Paper handling (LaserJet)

Paper input/output or accessory error.



Fan error.



Engine sensor failure.


Motor (LaserJet)

Motor error.


Tray motor error (LaserJet)

Tray lifting or pick up error.


Engine (PageWide)

Print engine error with the 8–bit data package.


System (LaserJet)

Print bar (PageWide)

LaserJet internal system error.

PageWide print system error.


Engine (LaserJet)

General engine error (electrical, communication, etc.).



Output accessory connection error.


Output accessory

Output accessory error.


Input accessory

Input accessory connection error



Duplexer error.


DC controller (LaserJet)

DC controller firmware error.


Managed device

Embedded Jetdirect error.


Near Field Communication (NFC)

Wireless, Bluetooth or internal EIO error.


Memory (hard disk, EMMC, etc.)

Disk hardware error.


Internal diagnostics

Internal test of systems (i.e. disk, CPB, display) or interconnection error.


Hard disk

Hard disk partition error.


Firmware installer

Remote Firmware Upgrade (RFU), firmware install (engine or accessory), or disk error.

HP LaserJet Pro M404dn (W1A53A), M404dw (W1A56A), M404n (W1A52A) ч/б, A4

Максимальный формат
Используемые картриджи
CF259A, CF259X
Ресурс картриджа, страниц
3000, 10000
Месячная нагрузка, страниц
Интервал техобслуживания, страниц

Ремонт принтера HP LaserJet Pro M404dn, M404dw, M404n: диагностика, цены, сроки ремонта

Данная страница посвящена описанию наиболее распространенных неисправностей для лазерного принтера HP LaserJet Pro M404dn, M404dw, M404n, так же на ней вы найдете ресурсы основных запчастей и расходных материалов.

1. Принтер HP LaserJet Pro M404dn, M404dw, M404n печатает с полосами вдоль листа.

Пример 1: Проблема с фотобарабаном картриджа, связана с его износом, как правило, проявляется после нескольких заправок картриджа без смены фотобарабана. Для проверки надо измерить расстояние между одинаковыми элементами полосы (расстояние “а” на рисунке Пример 1.), для принтера HP LaserJet Pro M402d, M402dn, M402dne, M402dw, M402n оно составит 75-76 мм.

На данную неисправность мы не выезжаем, рекомендуется замена фотобарабана или картриджа HP CF259A,X или совместимого, цена от 3000 рублей.

Пример 2: Проблема связана с переполнением в картридже бункера для отработанного тонера, как правило, проявляется после нескольких заправок без очистки бункера. Если достать картридж, то эта полоса будет хорошо различима на поверхности фотобарабана, чистить ее бессмысленно, просто замените картридж.

На данную неисправность мы не выезжаем, рекомендуется замена картриджа HP CF259A,X или совместимого, цена от 3000 рублей.

Пример 3: Проблема связана с разрывом термопленки в узле термозакрепления, как правило, связана с попаданием внутрь принтера постороннего предмета, чаще всего это скрепки от степлера. Дополнительным симптомом служат посторонние шелест или щелчки при печати, при длительной эксплуатации принтера с подобным дефектом проблема может усугубиться повреждением резинового вала и термоэлемента в узле термозакрепления.

Данная неисправность устраняется нашими специалистами в течение 20-30 минут  как в сервисном центре, так и на выезде, цена с работой и деталями от 2250 рублей.

Пример 4: Светлые полосы вдоль листа, как правило, чаще всего связаны либо  с окончанием тонера в картридже, либо с загрязненностью оптики в узле лазера. Определить причину достаточно несложно, надо достать картридж и слегка постучать по нему пальцами в районе надписей (там находится бункер с тонером), затем вставить картридж обратно. Если полоса или полосы исчезли и после нескольких страниц стали появляться снова и расширяться — проблема в картридже, если положение белых полос осталось неизменным — возможно, загрязнена оптика лазера. 

Данная неисправность в случае с лазером устраняется нашими специалистами в течение 15-20 минут как в сервисном центре, так и на выезде, цена 1500 рублей

2. Принтер HP LaserJet Pro M404dn, M404dw, M404n шумит при печати.

Вариант 1: Попадание внутрь постороннего предмета. 

Проблема достаточно легко решается нашими специалистами как в сервисном центре, так и на выезде, цена ремонта определяется степенью необходимой разборки принтера и составляет от 300 до 1500 рублей. 

Вариант 2: Ритмичный гул или шум при печати. 

Данная проблема может быть связана с картриджем принтера (легко проверяется и устраняется заменой картриджа), а так же износом шестерен, бушингов, валов и т.п. самого принтера вследствие большой нагрузки.

Все эти проблемы решаются нашими специалистами как в сервисном центре (предпочтительнее в данном случае), так и на выезде, цена ремонта в сервисном центре, как правило, составляет от 1800 до 4500 рублей. 

3. Принтер HP LaserJet Pro M404dn, M404dw, M404n не захватывает бумагу, захватывает несколько листов, бумага застревает внутри принтера и т.п.

Причина 1: Посторонний предмет в узле подачи бумаги.

В этом случае неисправность выглядит так: принтер пытается захватить бумагу, бумага из лотка слегка заходит внутрь и останавливается. Дополнительными симптомами будут: перекос застрявшей бумаги на одну сторону, повреждение переднего края застрявшей бумаги (помогает определить  месторасположение постороннего предмета). Способом проверки может служить подача бумаги из обходного (ручного, первого) лотка.

Проблема достаточно легко решается нашими специалистами как в сервисном центре, так и на выезде, цена ремонта определяется степенью необходимой разборки принтера и составляет от 750 до 1500 рублей. 

Причина 2: Износ или сильное загрязнение роликов захвата и отделения бумаги.

В этом случае неисправность, чаще всего, выглядит так: происходит попытка захвата бумаги и бумага чаще всего остается в лотке, на дисплее появляется сообщение о замятии в нижнем лотке. Дополнительным симптомом может быть темное пятно (в случае с роликом отделения – надрыв) по центру в верхней передней части застрявшей бумаги (след от ролика).

Необходимо заменить изношенный ролик захвата или отделения, стоимость замены 1800 – 4800 рублей в зависимости от количества и “оригинальности” роликов.

Причина 3: Дефект картриджа. 

В этом случае бумага будет останавливаться под картриджем. 

Проверьте вращение фотобарабана картриджа. Для этого достаньте картридж, маркером или фломастером на торце или шестерне фотобарабана поставьте метку, вставьте картридж обратно. После попытки печати проверьте расположение метки, если она не сместилась — замените картридж. 

Причина 4: Разрыв термопленки в принтере.

В этом случае неисправность выглядит так — при печати бумага выходит сильно смятой или застревает передним краем «после картриджа», если смятая бумага все же вышла из принтера, то на ней присутствует темно-серая размытая полоса. 

Данная неисправность легко устраняется нашими специалистами как в сервисном центре, так и на выезде, время ремонта 20-30 минут, цена от 2250 рублей. 

4. Принтер HP LaserJet Pro M404dn, M404dw, M404n пачкает при печати, печатает с повторами с шагом 56мм.


Данная проблема характерна при износе термопленки в  узле термозакрепления. В какой-то степени, это является «естественной» неисправностью, при больших объемах печати (от 80.000 напечатанных страниц, хотя, бывает и от 200.000 страниц) данная проблема обязательно появится и ничего страшного в этом нет. При появлении повторов просто измерьте расстояние между ними (расстояние “b” на рисунке) если оно 56 мм — значит, пора заменить термопленку или узел закрепления, при других расстояниях (38 мм, 75 мм) виновником будет картридж.

Данная неисправность легко устраняется нашими специалистами как в сервисном центре, так и на выезде, время ремонта 20-30 минут, цена от 2250 рублей. 

5. Принтер HP LaserJet Pro M404dn, M404dw, M404n не видит картридж, показывает «замятие», сообщает об ошибке и т.п.

Данная неисправность, как правило, связана с неправильным положением соответствующих датчиков. В случае с картриджем можно для начала попробовать поставить другой, проверить вращение фотобарабана, визуально проверить целостность картриджа. Если принтер сообщает о замятой бумаге, но визуально она не просматривается — лучше доверить данный ремонт специалисту, так как корректно проверить правильность положения датчиков и исправить данную проблему неподготовленному человеку будет достаточно сложно. Датчики расположены в узле подачи, в узле термозакрепления, без разбора принтера добраться до них не получится. Если появляется сообщение о замятии, но при этом замятия нет и принтер после перезагрузки выходит в готовность – попробуйте напечатать с другого лотка, возможно, износился ролик “нижней” подачи (описано в разделе 3).

Данная неисправность легко устраняется нашими специалистами как в сервисном центре, так и на выезде, время ремонта 10-15 минут, цена зависит от степени необходимого разбора принтера и количества необходимых деталей для замены и составит от 300 до 1800 рублей.

6. Принтеру HP LaserJet Pro M404dn, M404dw, M404n требуется техническое обслуживание.

На данном аппарате можно посмотреть счетчик напечатанных страниц, сделать это можно так: на включенном и находящемся в готовности аппарате последовательно выберете в меню на дисплее “Готов”-“Отчеты”-“Стр использования”-“ОК”. Выйдет страница использования со счетчиком напечатанных страниц.

Сроки замены или ресурс основных деталей и расходных материалов можно определить следующим образом:

Оригинальная (далее все ресурсы для оригинальных деталей) термопленка: от 120.000 страниц (иногда от 200.000), стоимость замены от 2250 рублей; 

Резиновый вал, бушинги резинового вала — от 200.000 страниц, стоимость замены от 1800 рублей; 

Ролик захвата, отделения  — от 50.000-100.000 страниц (ресурс сильно зависит от качества используемой бумаги) , стоимость замены 1800-4800 рублей; 

На данный принтер мы можем предложить в качестве альтернативы техобслуживанию замену нашего ремкомплекта для HP LaserJet Pro M404dn, M404dw, M404n.

Приблизительный ресурс ремкомплекта 100.000-120.000 отпечатков, стоимость замены с деталями – от 4500.00 рублей, после установки ремкомплекта принтер по характеристикам не отличается от такого же нового (пропадут шум, замятия, дефекты изображения и т.п.).

Как видно из данных, принтер HP LaserJet Pro M404dn, M404dw, M404n относится к достаточно надежным принтерам с недорогой стоимостью отпечатка, высоким ресурсом до первого серьезного ремонта, недорогой стоимостью обслуживания и в большинстве типовых случаев его ремонт обычно экономически целесообразен.

7. Другая неисправность у принтера HP LaserJet Pro M404dn, M404dw, M404n.

Выше мы перечислили самые распространенные неисправности для данной модели, если у Вас другой случай — вы можете обратиться к нам по телефону +7 495 9793116, посредством онлайн-консультанта, через форму обратной связи и т.п. Диагностика и консультация у нас совершенно бесплатные даже при отказе от ремонта, после уточнения характера неисправности мы предложим правильное решение для любой неисправности. 

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12:50 AM

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12:52 AM

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Operating System: Microsoft Windows 10 (64-bit)

hello everyone,

As soon as the printer starts up, both LEDs flash. Resetting using the power button did not solve the problem. After starting I get the HP logo, then the display will turn white. Unfortunately I can’t find anything about it in the manual. Does somebody has any idea?

. 1659422777212.jpg1659423084014.jpg

Thanks for help



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03:13 AM

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It’s a defective mainboard. 

When the printer is ON open/close the toner cartridge door 5 times and the printer should print an engine test sheet.

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03:13 AM

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It’s a defective mainboard. 

When the printer is ON open/close the toner cartridge door 5 times and the printer should print an engine test sheet.

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  • Исправляем ошибку печати на принтере HP
    • Способ 1: Проверка принтера
    • Способ 2: Разблокирование процедуры печати
    • Способ 3: Отключение брандмауэра Windows
    • Способ 4: Переключение учетной записи пользователя
    • Способ 5: Восстановление Windows
    • Способ 6: Переустановка драйвера
  • Вопросы и ответы

Ошибка печати на принтере HP

Обладатели печатной продукции от компании HP иногда сталкиваются с тем, что на экране появляется уведомление «Ошибка печати». Причин возникновения этой неполадки может быть несколько и каждая из них решается по-разному. Сегодня мы подготовили для вас разбор основных способов исправления рассматриваемой проблемы.

Каждый приведенный ниже метод имеет разную эффективность и будет наиболее подходящим в определенной ситуации. Мы по порядку рассмотрим все варианты, начиная от самого простого и действенного, а вы, следуя инструкциям, решите поставленную задачу. Однако сначала мы рекомендуем обратить внимание на эти советы:

  1. Перезапустите компьютер и переподключите устройство печати. Желательно, чтобы перед следующим подключением принтер находится в выключенном состоянии не менее одной минуты.
  2. Проверьте картридж. Иногда ошибка появляется в тех случаях, когда в чернильнице закончилась краска. О том, как заменить картридж вы можете прочитать в статье по ссылке ниже.
  3. Подробнее: Замена картриджа в принтере

  4. Осмотрите провода на наличие физических повреждений. Кабель выполняет передачу данных между компьютером и принтером, поэтому важно, чтобы он не только был подключен, но и находился полностью в исправном состоянии.
  5. Кроме этого советуем проверить, не закончилась ли бумага или не зажевало ли ее внутри механизма оборудования. Вытащить лист А4 вам поможет инструкция, которая прилагается в комплекте с продукцией.

Если приведенные советы ничем не помогли, переходите к осуществлению следующих методов решения «Ошибка печати» при использовании периферии компании HP.

Способ 1: Проверка принтера

В первую очередь советуем проверить отображение и конфигурацию оборудования в меню «Устройства и принтеры». От вас потребуется произвести всего несколько действий:

  1. Через меню «Панель управления» и переместитесь в «Устройства и принтеры».
  2. Перейти к Устройства и принтеры через Панель управления Windows 7

  3. Убедитесь, что устройство не подсвечивается серым цветом, после чего нажмите на нем ПКМ и кликните на пункт «Использовать по умолчанию».
  4. Установка принтера по умолчанию в Windows 7

  5. Кроме этого рекомендуется проверить параметры передачи данных. Зайдите в меню «Свойства принтера».
  6. Переход к свойствам принтера в Windows 7

  7. Здесь вас интересует вкладка «Порты».
  8. Переход ко вкладке Порты в свойствах принтера Windows 7

  9. Отметьте галочкой пункт «Разрешить двусторонний обмен данными» и не забудьте применить изменения.
  10. Разрешить обмен данными в свойствах принтера Windows 7

По окончании процесса рекомендуется перезагрузить ПК и переподключить оборудование, чтобы все изменения точно стали активными.

Способ 2: Разблокирование процедуры печати

Иногда происходят скачки напряжения или различные системные сбои, вследствие чего периферия и ПК перестают нормально выполнять определенные функции. По таким причинам и может возникать ошибка печати. В таком случае вам следует проделать следующие манипуляции:

  1. Снова перейдите в «Устройства и принтеры», где правым кликом мыши на активном оборудовании выберите пункт «Просмотр очереди печати».
  2. Просмотр очереди печати принтера в Windows 7

  3. Нажмите ПКМ на документ и укажите «Отменить». Повторите это со всеми присутствующими файлами. Если процесс по каким-либо причинам не отменяется, советуем ознакомиться с материалом по ссылке ниже, чтобы осуществить эту процедуру одним из других доступных методов.
  4. Отменить очередь печати для принтера в Windows 7

    Подробнее: Как очистить очередь печати на принтере HP

  5. Вернитесь в «Панель управления».
  6. Переход к меню Панель управления в Windows 7

  7. В ней откройте категорию «Администрирование».
  8. Категория администрирование в Windows 7

  9. Здесь вас интересует строка «Службы».
  10. Переход ко службам в операционной системе Windows 7

  11. В списке отыщите «Диспетчер печати» и дважды нажмите на нем ЛКМ.
  12. Открыть свойства службы в операционной системе Windows 7

  13. В «Свойства» обратите внимание на вкладку «Общие», где убедитесь, что тип запуска стоит «Автоматический», после чего следует остановить службу и применить настройки.
  14. Отключить службу в операционной системе Windows 7

  15. Закройте окно, запустите «Мой компьютер», переместитесь по следующему адресу:


  16. Удалите все присутствующие файлы в папке.
  17. Удалить файлы печати в Windows 7

Осталось только выключить продукт компании HP, отключить его от питания, дать так постоять примерно минуту. После этого перезагрузите ПК, соедините оборудование и повторите процесс печати.

Способ 3: Отключение брандмауэра Windows

Иногда защитник Windows блокирует отправленные данных с компьютера на устройство. Связано это может быть с некорректной работой брандмауэра или различными системными сбоями. Мы советуем на время отключить защитник Виндовс и повторить попытку печати. Детальнее о деактивации этого инструмента читайте в другом нашем материале по следующим ссылкам:

Подробнее: Отключение брандмауэра в Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 8

Способ 4: Переключение учетной записи пользователя

Рассматриваемая проблема порой возникает тогда, когда попытка отправки в печать производится не с той учетной записи пользователя Windows, с которой происходило добавление периферии. Дело в том, что каждый профиль имеет свои привилегии и ограничения, что приводит к появлению подобного рода неполадок. В таком случае нужно попробовать сменить запись юзера, если у вас их конечно добавлено больше, чем одна. Развернуто о том, как это сделать в разных версиях Виндовс читайте в статьях ниже.

Подробнее: Как сменить учетную запись пользователя в Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10

Способ 5: Восстановление Windows

Часто случается, что ошибки печати связаны с определенными изменениями в операционной системе. Самостоятельно обнаружить их достаточно сложно, однако состояние ОС можно вернуть, откатив все изменения. Осуществляется данная процедура с помощью встроенного компонента Виндовс, а детальное руководство по этой теме вы найдете в другом материале от нашего автора.

Восстановление системы Windows 7

Подробнее: Варианты восстановления ОС Windows

Способ 6: Переустановка драйвера

Мы поставили этот способ последним, поскольку он требует от пользователя выполнения большого количества различных манипуляций, а также является достаточно сложным для новичков. Если никакие приведенные выше инструкции вам не помогли, значит остается только переустановить драйвер устройства. Для начала следует избавиться от старого. О том, как это сделать, читайте далее:

Читайте также: Удаление старого драйвера принтера

По завершении процедуры удаления задействуйте один из методов инсталляции программного обеспечения для периферии. Всего существует пять доступных способов. Развернуто с каждыми из них знакомьтесь в другой нашей статье.

Загрузка драйвера для принтера

Подробнее: Установка драйверов для принтера

Как видите, методов исправления ошибки печати принтера HP существует достаточно большое количество, и каждый из них будет полезен в разных ситуациях. Надеемся, приведенные выше инструкции помогли вам без труда решить возникшую проблему, а продукт компании снова функционирует корректно.

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Operating System: macOS 10.14 Mojave

I have a blinking light under the «READY» bar on the top of the printer. Why is it blinking? 



03:35 PM

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If it looks like a cup and is in the lower left of the screen that tells you the toner cartridge is installed and the toner level, depending on how much of the icon is black. I am not sure why they made it blink but has drawn a lot of questions from people.

If you find the information provided useful or solves your problems, help other users find the solution easier by giving kudos and marking my post as an accepted solution.
I am a volunteer, offering my knowledge to support fellow users, I do not work for HP nor speak for HP.

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Thanks for the reply. I’m not sure it looks like a «cup» 

I’ll attach a picture to show you what I’m seeing.


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Product: hp laserjet pro m404

Operating System: Microsoft Windows 10 (64-bit)

hp laserjet pro m404 stuck in mfg mode restore to default did not help


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Product: hp laserjet pro m404

Operating System: Microsoft Windows 10 (64-bit)

hp laserjet pro m404 stuck in mfg mode restore to default did not help


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The INVOLUNTARY BOOT UP TO MANUFACTURING (MFG) MOD error message is common on the following HP printers.

  • M404n

  • M404dn

  • M404dw



In some cases, without any user interaction, a LaserJet M404 printer will switch from the typically used user mode to manufacturing mode and will display “MFG MODE’ on the control panel. When in manufacturing mode, the control panel and menus will be unresponsive/unavailable.

To clear this message and return to user mode, do the following:

Turn the power off, wait ten seconds and turn the power back on. Wait for the printer to boot up and display ‘MFG MODE’.

Hit the ‘X’ button, then hit the Back arrow twice, then hit the ‘X’ button, then hit the Back arrow twice.

Hit the power button. The display should now show ‘READY’.

Hit the ‘X’ button, then hit the Back arrow twice, then hit the ‘X’ button, then hit the Back arrow twice.

The display should now show ‘Engineering Menu / Underware Menu’. Hit the ‘OK’ button.

The display should now show ‘boot code menu’. Hit the ‘OK’ button.

Hit the ‘Right Arrow’ button so that ‘set to user mode’ is displayed. Hit the ‘OK’ button.

Hit the power button to shut the printer off.

Wait ten seconds and turn the printer back on. It should now boot to ‘READY’; you are now in user mode.

More HP LaserJet Printer Maintenance Resources

  • HP Laser Printer Technician Basics

  • Introduction To HP Laser Printer Repair and Troubleshooting

  • Onboarding-Making the Most of Printer Technical Phone Support and Avoiding The Top 5 Profit-Time Wasters

  • How The Laser Printer Works

  • HP Paper Jams and Paper Path Troubleshooting Problems

  • How To Troubleshoot Laser Printing Communication & Connection Problems

About Metrofuser NVRAM Reset Advisors

Metrofuser is a leading global innovator, manufacturer, and marketer of printer parts, equipment, diagnostics, repair information and systems solutions for professional users performing critical tasks. Products and services include remanufactured laser printer parts, remanufactured printers and service training for HP, Lexmark and Canon brands. The company’s customers include office equipment dealerships, online retailers, repair centers and MPS service providers nationwide. Metrofuser has been named to Inc. Magazine’s fastest-growing companies five consecutive years. For more information, visit

Не так давно компания HP порадовала пользователей очередным детищем. Это линейка принтеров, использующих картриджи CF259A емкостью 3000 страниц и CF259X емкостью 10000 страниц. В линейку входят аппараты HP LaserJet Pro M304, M305, M404, M405.

Эти аппараты являются развитием предыдущей модели HP LaserJet Pro M402 с картриджами CF226A и CF226X. Картридж на первый взгляд тот же самый, но отличия все же есть. Направляющие расположены в других местах — картриджи не взаимозаменяемые. И самое главное отличие — это чип. Как и на предыдущих аппаратах без чипа принтер печатать не будет. Чип на картридже должен быть, хотя бы закончившийся.

И если на HP LaserJet Pro M402 при окончании тонера аппарат сообщал об этом и продолжал печатать, то новые принтеры очень часто ведут себя по другому. На экране принтера выводится сообщение «замените указанные картриджи «K»» и принтер отказывается печатать.

Неужели теперь с «пустым» чипом принтер работать не будет? Не стоит пугаться. Принтеры печатают с закончившимся чипом, как и прежде. Просто производитель по умолчанию включил опцию прекращения печати по окончании тонера. Ее просто нужно выключить. Для этого нужно установить полные драйверы для Вашего аппарата.
Открываем меню «Пуск» -> «Все программы», листаем список в поисках папки «HP» и вибираем модель. В нашем случае это «HP LaserJet Pro M304-M305». Нажимаем на одноименный пункт в папке.

HP LJ M304 01

Откроется «Помощник по принтеру HP». Выбираем «Панель инструментов устройства HP».

HP LJ M304 02

В открывшемся окне переходим на вкладку «Параметры».

HP LJ M304 03

В левой панели раскрываем список «+Расходные материалы» и выбираем «Параметры расходных материалов». В открывшихся параметрах находим «Защита картриджей» выбираем пункт «Продолжить» и нажимаем кнопку «Применить».

HP LJ M304 04

Все готово! Теперь можно печатать с «пустым» чипом. Главное, чтобы чип просто был установлен на картридже.

В Саранске заправить картриджи CF259A и CF259X можно в Гамма-Сервис.

Звоните 37-31-18.



This document provides error-code troubleshooting information

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© Copyright 2022 HP Development Company, L.P.

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The information contained herein is subject to change without notice.

The only warranties for HP products and services are set forth in the express warranty statements accompanying such products
and services. Nothing herein should be construed as constituting an additional warranty. HP shall not be liable for technical
or editorial errors or omissions contained herein.

Edition 4, 11/2022

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UNIX® is a registered trademark of The Open Group.

Document last updated

The following is the last time this document was updated:

Last update: May 11, 2022

About this document

This document provides error-code troubleshooting information.


Procedures and part numbers change. For current information, use the browser-based format.

Verify PDF is the most current before use. PDF part numbers must be verified with web-based error code information or parts
look-up before parts are ordered.

Choose the format that best meets your needs.

Content format types


Document title example

Recommended use


Go to: Product Detail page > Error Code Look-up

  • Quick access to individual web-based error code troubleshooting


    Save Product Detail page URL location in favorites


Go To: WISE default Search page > Enter [Product] and error code

  • Access to individual web-based error code troubleshooting

  • Web-based: Most up-to-date information available


[Product] — Control Panel Message Document (CPMD) PDF

  • Use when support portals are NOT accessible at time of service

  • Use when a printable document is needed


Always refer to the printer service manual for removal and replacement procedures


For current information, use the Web-based format.

Control-panel message types

The control-panel messages and event code entries indicate the current printer status or situations that might require action.


Event log errors do not appear on the control-panel display. Open the event log to view or print the event log errors.

A control-panel message displays temporarily and might require you (or the applicable user) to acknowledge the message by
touching the OK button to resume printing or by touching the Stop button to cancel the job.

With certain messages, the job might not finish printing, or the print quality might be affected. If the message is related
to printing and the auto-continue feature is on, the printer will attempt to resume printing after the message has appeared
for 10 seconds without acknowledgement.

For some messages, restarting the printer might fix the problem. If a critical error persists, the printer might require service.

Error-code and control-panel-message troubleshooting overview

This section provides information on error codes and searching for information.

Error codes

Error codes and control-panel messages display on the printer control panel to indicate the current printer status or situations
that might require action. Error codes are numerical, or alphanumerical, and have a set structure with six characters (example:

  • The first two characters are numeric and represent the system component that is causing the error. For example, in error code
    10.22.15, 10 = Supplies for HP LaserJets.

  • The remaining four characters (W, X, Y, and Z values) further define the error.

HP LaserJet and HP PageWide Enterprise error codes are documented in the control panel message document (CPMD) for each printer.

The CPMD is a comprehensive list of error codes, diagnostic and troubleshooting steps to clear or resolve the error, and other
helpful information such as service mode pins and part numbers.

The CPMD is continually updated and republished with the latest information for the following error codes.

ERROR CODES: The first two characters

Error code

System Component

System Error Description


Supplies (LaserJet)

Supply error or supply memory error.


Real-time clock

Internal error with the clock on the formatter.


Jam (LaserJet)

Paper jam or open door jam error.


Jam (PageWide)

Paper jam or open door jam error.


Supplies (PageWide)

Supply error or supply memory error.


Printer memory

Insufficient memory or buffering error.



Page complexity causing a decompression error when trying to process job.



Flatbed scanner error occurring inside the unit.


Document feeder

Document feeder, scanner, or jam error.


Backup, restore, or reset

Backup, restore, or reset notification or error.



Backup, Disk, EFI BIOS, Firmware integrity (SureStart), or Trusted Platform Module (TPM) notification or error.


Input/Output (I/O)

Partition manager, secure erase, or USB accessory error.


Fuser, Laser scanner, or Paper path

Miscellaneous error including general and misprint or mismatch errors typically involving (but not limited to) the fuser,
the laser scanner, or the paper path.



Firmware failure involving the Event Log, Shell, System Manager, or other component.



Firmware failure involving a digital sending component.


OXPd/Web Kit (PageWide)

Informational notifications involving the OXPd Web Kit (communications log).


Engine (LaserJet)

Engine communication error.



Job parser or printer calibration error.



PJA job accounting, job management, or job pipeline error.



Firmware communication error.


Fuser (LaserJet)

Fuser error.


Laser scanner (LaserJet)

Laser scanner beam error.


Laser scanner (LaserJet)

Laser scanner startup error.



Sensor error (not jam related).


DC controller (LaserJet)

DC controller communication error.


Paper handling (LaserJet)

Paper input/output or accessory error.



Fan error.



Engine sensor failure.


Motor (LaserJet)

Motor error.


Tray motor error (LaserJet)

Tray lifting or pick up error.


Engine (PageWide)

Print engine error with the 8–bit data package.


System (LaserJet)

Print bar (PageWide)

LaserJet internal system error.

PageWide print system error.


Engine (LaserJet)

General engine error (electrical, communication, etc.).



Output accessory connection error.


Output accessory

Output accessory error.


Input accessory

Input accessory connection error



Duplexer error.


DC controller (LaserJet)

DC controller firmware error.


Managed device

Embedded Jetdirect error.


Near Field Communication (NFC)

Wireless, Bluetooth or internal EIO error.


Memory (hard disk, EMMC, etc.)

Disk hardware error.


Internal diagnostics

Internal test of systems (i.e. disk, CPB, display) or interconnection error.


Hard disk

Hard disk partition error.


Firmware installer

Remote Firmware Upgrade (RFU), firmware install (engine or accessory), or disk error.

How to search for printer documentation

The CPMD, error codes, and other support documentation for each printer is found on the internal HP portals.

These portals are on WISE for Channel (please see Accessing WISE for HP channel partners (HP Partner Portal) below for instructions on how to navigate to the site) and WISE. WISE for Channel is available to HP channel partners and WISE is available to call agents, service technicians, and other
HP internal users. The level of detail available will depend on your access credentials. To learn how to find support content
in WISE, watch the video here.

WISE — How to access and use

Learn how to access and use Web-based Interactive Search Engines (WISE) to locate available support information. WISE is a
repository of technical support documentation including service manuals, user guides, videos, and general support information.

Accessing WISE

Learn how to access Web-based Interactive Search Engines (WISE) if you are an HP channel partner or an internal HP user.

Accessing WISE for HP channel partners (HP Partner Portal)

Learn how to access WISE by accessing the HP Partner Portal if you are an HP Channel Partner.


If this is your first visit to the HP Partner Portal, you will be asked to create an account. Follow the setup directions
using your HP Partner credentials.

  1. open the partners portal

  2. Select the Services & Support tab, and then select Technical Support.

    Services &amp; Support tab

  3. Select Technical Documentation.

    The technical documentation section

  4. You will be taken to the WISE portal.

    The WISE portal

Play the video:

Accessing WISE for internal HP users

Using WISE to search for error codes

Learn how to use WISE to look up error codes.


The model used in the instructional videos is an example. The same steps apply to all printer models.

You will need the printer type (e.g. HP LaserJet), model number (e.g. M607), and bundle option (e.g. dn, dh, z).

Search for error codes using the lookup widget

Learn how to search for a specific error code using the WISE Error Code Lookup widget.

  1. Select Products in the navigation bar of the WISE portal home page.

  2. Using the type, model number and bundle option of the printer to be repaired, select HP Printers
    > Type of Printer >
    Model Group > Model Number >
    Bundle Option >
    Product Number, and then select Launch Product Detail Page. The PDP page will open.

    Locate Product menu selections

  3. Enter the error code in the widget in the Error Code Lookup area at the bottom-right of the screen and click the search icon or press the Enter button.

    Search widget on PDP page

  4. Select the desired topic from the search results.

    The WISE search results

Search for error codes from the WISE home page

Learn how to search for a specific error code from the WISE home page.

  1. Enter the model number in the search field on the WISE home page. The search is predictive, and a drop-down menu will appear
    with available selections.


    Selecting the series item from the drop-down list is recommended for the most accurate search return.

    Series selection

  2. Enter the error code in the search field.

    The WISE search field

  3. Select the desired topic from the search results.

    the search results

Using WISE to access repair and replace videos for FRUs

Learn how to use WISE to access repair and replace videos for FRUs.


The model used in the instructional videos is an example. The same steps apply to all printer models.

You will need the printer type (e.g. HP LaserJet), model number (e.g. M607), and bundle option (e.g. dn, dh, z).

Search for a printer’s Product Detail Page (PDP)

Learn how to search WISE for product specific information. Quickly review the steps and then play the video.

  1. Select Products in the navigation bar of the WISE portal home page.

  2. Using the type, model number and bundle option of the printer to be repaired, select HP Printers > Type of Printer > Model Group > Model Number > Bundle Option > Product Number, and then select Launch Product Detail Page. The PDP page will open.

    Locate Product menu selections

  3. Select the link to Videos in the Other Content menu at the bottom-right of the screen.

    PDP page

  4. Select the desired video from the list of videos.

    the video pdp

Play the video:

Perform a model number search using the search function

Learn how to search WISE using the model number. Quickly review the steps and then play the video.

  1. Enter the model number in the search field on the WISE home page. The search is predictive, and a drop-down menu will appear
    with available selections.


    Selecting the series item from the drop-down list is recommended for the most accurate search return.

    Series selection

  2. Click the search icon to the right.

  3. To refine the search results, select the radio button labeled video in the upper-right portion of the screen.

    Refined search example


    To refine video search results, append a part name to the model detail shown in the search bar. For example, adding the word
    fuser to the detail in the search bar will return videos related to repair and replacement of the fuser.

    the search terms are appended

Play the video:

Printer service information

Service pin for printer

Last update: May 11, 2022

Service mode PIN numbers:


To enter the Service Menu the technician will have to enter the PIN that is on the label on the cartridge tray. That PIN is
also used to access the EWS. The EWS PIN can be changed by the Admin but the Service PIN will always be the PIN printed on
the label.

  • HP LaserJet Pro M304, M305, M404, M405

  • HP LaserJet Pro MFP M329, M428, M429


When possible, always update the printer firmware to the latest available version at as part of the troubleshooting
performed for any of the following errors.

Numerical control panel messages

Use the following numerical error message troubleshooting to resolve your issue.

10.WX.YZ error messages

13.WX.YZ error messages

21.WX.YZ error messages

30.WX.YZ error messages

31.WX.YZ error messages

32.WX.YX error messages

33.WX.YZ error messages

44.WX.YZ error messages

50.WX.YZ error messages

51.WX.YZ, 52.WX.YZ error messages

53.WX.YZ error messages

54.WX.YZ error messages

55.WX.YZ error messages

56.WX.YZ error messages

57.WX.YZ error messages

58.WX.YZ error messages

59.WX.YZ error messages

60.WX.YZ error messages

10.00.00 Supply memory error

The toner cartridge experienced a memory error.

The printer is unable to read the toner cartridge data. The toner cartridge is present but defective.

  • 10.00.00 Black toner cartridge

Recommended action for customers

Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.

  1. Open the front door and remove the toner cartridge causing the error.

  2. Reinstall the toner cartridge.

  3. Close the front door. If the message reappears, turn the printer off, and then on.

  4. Verify if the cartridge is a genuine HP toner cartridge. To check the authenticity of your cartridges, go to or visit and enter the serial number from the security label.

  5. If the error persists, and it is a genuine HP toner cartridge, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider or contact
    HP customer support for assistance in resolving the issue.

  6. If it is an aftermarket (non-hp) or re-manufactured toner cartridge, return the defective toner cartridge to the vendor where


    Service or repairs that are required as a result of using unsupported supplies is not covered under HP warranty.


Unable to authenticate toner cartridge.

The printer is unable to authenticate the toner cartridge. The toner cartridge is detected but cannot be authenticated.

When this error occurs, a question mark appears on the gas gauge of the supply or supplies with the error.

z = error and can be any number from 1-3 or 5-8.


  • 10.00.01, 10.00.02, 10.00.03, 10.00.05, 10.00.06, 10.00.07, 10.00.08: Black toner cartridge

Recommended action for customers

Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.

  1. Open the front door and remove the toner cartridge causing the error.

  2. Reinstall the toner cartridge.

  3. Close the front door. If the message reappears, turn the printer off, and then on.

  4. Verify if the cartridge is a genuine HP toner cartridge. To check the authenticity of your cartridges, go to or visit and enter the serial number from the security label.

  5. If the error persists, and it is a genuine HP toner cartridge, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider or contact
    HP customer support for assistance in resolving the issue.

  6. If it is an aftermarket (non-hp) or re-manufactured toner cartridge, return the defective toner cartridge to the vendor where


    Service or repairs that are required as a result of using unsupported supplies is not covered under HP warranty.

10.00.10 Supply memory error

The printer is unable to read the toner cartridge data. The toner cartridge is present but defective.

When this error occurs, a question mark appears on the gas gauge of the supply or supplies with the error.

  • 10.00.10 Black toner cartridge

Recommended action for customers

Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.

  1. Open the front door and remove the suspected toner cartridge.

  2. Check the supplies memory chip. If it is damaged, replace the toner cartridge.

  3. Reinstall the toner cartridge.

  4. Close the front door.

  5. If the message displays again, turn the printer off, then on again.

  6. Verify if the cartridge is a genuine HP toner cartridge. To check the authenticity of your cartridges, go to or visit and enter the serial number from the security label.

  7. If the error persists, and it is a genuine HP toner cartridge, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider or contact
    HP customer support for assistance in resolving the issue.

  8. If it is an aftermarket (non-hp) or re-manufactured toner cartridge, return the defective toner cartridge to the vendor where


    Service or repairs that are required as a result of using unsupported supplies is not covered under HP warranty.

10.00.11 or 10.00.12

Supply memory error.

When this error occurs, a question mark appears on the gas gauge of the supply or supplies with the error.

  • 10.00.11 or 10.00.12 Black toner cartridge

Recommended action for customers

Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.

  1. Open the front door and remove the toner cartridge causing the error.

  2. Reinstall the toner cartridge.

  3. Close the front door. If the message reappears, turn the printer off, and then on.

  4. Verify if the cartridge is a genuine HP toner cartridge. To check the authenticity of your cartridges, go to or visit and enter the serial number from the security label.

  5. If the error persists, and it is a genuine HP toner cartridge, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider or contact
    HP customer support for assistance in resolving the issue.

  6. If it is an aftermarket (non-hp) or re-manufactured toner cartridge, return the defective toner cartridge to the vendor where


    Service or repairs that are required as a result of using unsupported supplies is not covered under HP warranty.

10.00.30 Unauthorized supply

Unauthorized black supply.

Unauthorized Cartridge (Admin configures printer to only accept HP cartridges).

  • 10.00.30 Black toner cartridge

Recommended action for customers

Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.

  1. Install a genuine HP toner cartridge in the corresponding slot.

  2. If a genuine HP toner cartridge is installed, validate the authenticity of your cartridges, go to or visit and enter the serial number from the security label.

  3. If the error persists, and it is a genuine HP toner cartridge, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider or contact
    HP customer support for assistance in resolving the issue.

10.00.31 Starting to print with non-HP cartridge

A non-HP cartridge is in use.

The 10.00.31 is an Event Log only code.

The printer will display the message Starting to print with non-HP cartridge.

  • 10.00.31 Black toner cartridge

Recommended action

Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.

  1. No action necessary.

  2. If the customer believes they purchased a new genuine HP supply, go to or visit and enter the serial number from the security label.


    Service or repairs that are required as a result of using unsupported supplies is not covered under HP warranty.

10.00.33 Starting to print with used or counterfeit supplies.

A used or counterfeit supply is in use.

The 10.00.31 is an Event Log only code.

The printer will display the message Starting to print with used or counterfeit supplies..

  • 10.00.33 Black toner cartridge

Recommended action

Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.

  1. No action necessary.

  2. If the customer believes they purchased a new genuine HP supply, go to or visit and enter the serial number from the security label.


    Service or repairs that are required as a result of using unsupported supplies is not covered under HP warranty.

10.00.40 No longer printing with non-HP supplies

No longer printing with non-HP supplies.

The printer displays this message when genuine HP supplies are in use.

The 10.00.40 is an event log only message, it will not show on the control panel.

Recommended action

  1. No action necessary.

10.00.57 Protected supply installed

A protected toner cartridge is installed.

The printer indicates when the supplies in use are protected for anti-theft.

  • 10.00.57 Black toner cartridge

Recommended action

  1. No action necessary.

10.00.70 Printing with very low black supply

The printer indicates when one of the supplies is very low. The actual remaining supply life might vary. You do not need to
replace the toner cartridge at this time unless the print quality is no longer acceptable.

The 10.00.70 is an event log only message, it will not show on the control panel. The only message to display will be a warning
message <Supply> very low.

  • 10.00.70 Black toner cartridge (event code)

Recommended action

Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.

  1. If the print quality is no longer acceptable, the customer must order and pay for a new toner cartridge.


    After an HP supply has reached the very low threshold, the HP Premium Protection Warranty ends and the customer is responsible
    for replacing the supply.


    Advise the customer that HP recommends that they have replacement supplies available to install when the print quality is
    no longer acceptable.

    Toner cartridge part numbers

    Printer Series


    Part Number

    All Models Contract ONLY

    XC Black Contract Toner


    All Models Contract ONLY

    XC Cyan Contract Toner


    All Models Contract ONLY

    XC Yellow Contract Toner


    All Models Contract ONLY

    XC Magenta Contract Toner


    Printer Series


    Part Number

    4201/4301 Series ONLY

    210A Black Toner Crtg; standard


    4201/4301 Series ONLY

    210A Cyan Toner Crtg; standard


    4201/4301 Series ONLY

    210A Yellow Toner Crtg; standard


    4201/4301 Series ONLY

    210A Magenta Toner Crtg; standard


    4201/4301 Series ONLY

    210X Black Toner Crtg; high capacity


    4201/4301 Series ONLY

    210X Cyan Toner Crtg; high capacity


    4201/4301 Series ONLY

    210X Yellow Toner Crtg; high capacity


    4201/4301 Series ONLY

    210X Magenta Toner Crtg; high capacity


    Printer Series


    Part Number

    4202/4302 Series ONLY

    220A Black Toner Crtg EMEA; standard


    4202/4302 Series ONLY

    220A Cyan Toner Crtg EMEA; standard


    4202/4302 Series ONLY

    220A Yellow Toner Crtg EMEA; standard


    4202/4302 Series ONLY

    220A Magenta Toner Crtg EMEA; standard


    4202/4302 Series ONLY

    220X Black Toner Crtg EMEA; high capacity


    4202/4302 Series ONLY

    220X Cyan Toner Crtg EMEA; high capacity


    4202/4302 Series ONLY

    220X Yellow Toner Crtg EMEA; high capacity


    4202/4302 Series ONLY

    220X Magenta Toner Crtg EMEA; high capacity


    Printer Series


    Part Number

    4203/4303 Series ONLY

    230A Black Toner Crtg; standard


    4203/4303 Series ONLY

    230A Cyan Toner Crtg; standard


    4203/4303 Series ONLY

    230A Yellow Toner Crtg; standard


    4203/4303 Series ONLY

    230A Magenta Toner Crtg; standard


    4203/4303 Series ONLY

    230X Black Toner Crtg; high capacity


    4203/4303 Series ONLY

    230X Cyan Toner Crtg; high capacity


    4203/4303 Series ONLY

    230X Yellow Toner Crtg; high capacity


    4203/4303 Series ONLY

    230X Magenta Toner Crtg; high capacity


10.00.71 Starting to print in black only

Printing Black in black only has started.

The printer lets the end user know when the printer is printing in black only mode.

The 10.00.71 is an event log only message and will not appear. The control panel will display printing in black only.

Recommended action

  1. No action necessary.

10.00.81 No longer printing in black only

Black only printing has ended.

The printer lets the end user know when the printer is no longer printing in black only mode.

the 10.00.81 is an event log only message and will not appear. The control panel will display No longer printing in black only.

Recommended action

  1. No action necessary.

10.00.35, 10.00.43, 10.10.43, 10.20.43 Incompatible <supply>

The printer displays this message when the indicated supply is not compatible with this printer.

The 10.00.35 and 10.wx.43 are an event log only message, it will not show on the control panel. The only message to display
will be Incompatible <supply> .

  • 10.00.35, 10.00.43, 10.10.43, 10.20.43 Black toner cartridge (event code)

Recommended action

Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.

  1. Install a supply that is designed for this printer.

10.20.43 Incompatible Cartridge

The printer displays this message when the indicated supply is not compatible with this printer.

An error message «Incompatible Cartridge. Event Code 10.20.43» displays on a control panel of an HP LaserJet Pro after replacing a regionalized toner cartridge.

This issue occurs when the replacement toner cartridge part number does not match the original region toner cartridge (designed
for use only in a specific region) part number that was installed when the printer was set up out of the box.

HP manufactures toner cartridges specific to three worldwide regions (AMS, APJ, EMEA). The toner cartridge designed for each
region has a different part number. The cartridge region set on the printer depends on the region the toner cartridge was
installed in the printer at the first initial power up of the printer.

Recommended action for customers

Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.

  1. Open the front door and remove the toner cartridge causing the error.

  2. Verify that the toner cartridge being used is the correct region for the printer.

  3. Install a toner cartridge for the specific region.

  4. If the error persists, and it is a genuine HP toner cartridge for the specified region, contact your HP-authorized service
    or support provider or contact HP customer support for assistance in resolving the issue.

Methods to modify the «Printer Supply Region Reset” setting to re-regionalize the printer

Use one of the following methods to modify the Printer Supply Region Reset setting option.

  • Method one: Use the printer control panel to modify the «Printer Supply Region Reset” setting

  • Method two: Use the EWS to modify the «Printer Supply Region Reset” setting

Method one: Use the printer control panel to modify the «Printer Supply Region Reset” setting

Depending on a touchscreen or LCD (2-line LCD) display printer control panel, follow these steps to resolve the issue.

  1. From the Home screen, select the Setup menu.

    • Touchscreen display: From the Home screen, touch the Settings icon, and then select the Setup menu.

    • LCD display: From the Home screen, press the OK button to go to the Main Menu, and then select the Setup menu.

      LCD display: Setup menu

      Setup menu on 2-line LCD display

  2. Select the Printer Maintenance menu.

    Touchscreen display: Printer Maintenance menu

    Printer Maintenance menu fora touchscreen display

    LCD display: Printer Maintenance menu

    Printer Maintenance menu on 2-line LCD display

  3. Select the Restore menu.

    Touchscreen display: Restore menu

    Restore menu

    LCD display: Restore menu

    Restore menu on 2-line LCD display

  4. On the Restore menu, select the Printer Supply Region Reset option.

    Touchscreen display: Printer Supply Region Reset option

    Printer Supply Region Reset option

    LCD display: Printer Supply Region Reset option

    Printer Supply Region Reset option on 2-line LCD display

  5. Select the OK button to reset the printer supply region for the new toner cartridge.


    Do not attempt to modify the «Printer Supply Region Reset” more than twice, the printer region setting will be locked and set to the last cartridge region.

    Touchscreen display: Message confirming to reset the printer supply region

    Message to reset the printer supply region

    LCD display: Message confirming to reset the printer supply region

    Confirmation message to reset the printer supply region on 2-line LCD display

Method two: Use the EWS to modify the «Printer Supply Region Reset” setting

Follow these steps to open the Embedded Web Server (EWS) and modify the Printer Supply Region Reset” setting option.

  1. Open the HP Embedded Web Server (EWS).

    1. Obtain the IP address or hostname of the printer from either the control panel or a Configuration Page.

    2. Open a web browser, type the IP address or host name in the address bar and then press the Enter key on the keyboard to open the Embedded Web Server (EWS).


      If the printer in use requires a PIN number to access the printer settings in the EWS, open the cartridge door of the printer
      to obtain the default PIN.

    Access Embedded Web Server (EWS)

  2. Select the Settings tab.

    Settings tab in the EWS

  3. In the left navigation pane, select the Security setting, and then select the Printer Supply Region Reset option.

    Security tab in the EWS

  4. Read the information on the Printer Supply Region Reset section, and then click the Apply button.

  5. A message confirming the «Printer Supply Region Reset» operation was successful will display on the EWS screen.

    Printer Supply Region Reset operation successful in the EWS

13.* errors

Errors in the 13.* family are related to jams.

More than 1000 unique error codes are possible. Use the following information to understand the jam code. Not all codes apply
to all printers.

Message format: 13.WX.YZ

  • W represents the jam location.

  • X represents the sensor or door that triggered the jam.

  • Y represents the jam condition (delay, stay, wrap, etc.)

  • Z represents the paper source, fuser mode, or destination

Potential values for W and X


Jam location


Sensor or door


Input area


Envelope feeder


Input area


Tray 1 feed (unless Tray 1 feed is the registration sensor)


Input area


Tray 2 feed (unless Tray 2 feed is the registration sensor)


Input area


Tray 3 feed


Input area


Tray 4 feed


Input area


Tray 5 feed


Input area


Tray 6 feed


Input area


Optional tray exit sensor


Input area


Door 1


Input area


Door 2


Input area


Door 3


Input area


Door 4


Input area


Door 5


Input area


Multiple sensors or doors


Image area


Media sensor for forbidden transparencies


Image area


Registration/top of page


Image area


Top of page


Image area




Image area


Fuser input


Image area


Fuser output


Image area


Door 1


Image area


Door 2


Image area


Multiple sensors or doors


Switchback area (between the fuser and the output bin)


Intermediate switchback sensor


Switchback area (between the fuser and the output bin)


Switchback media stay sensor


Switchback area (between the fuser and the output bin)


Paper delivery sensor


Duplex area


Duplex switchback


Duplex area


Duplex delivery


Duplex area


Duplex refeed


Duplex area


Door 1 (if different than the imaging area)


Duplex area


Door 2 (if different than the imaging area)


Duplex area


Multiple sensors or doors


Output or intermediate paper transport unit (IPTU) area


Output bin full sensor


Output or intermediate paper transport unit (IPTU) area


IPTU feed sensor 1


Output or intermediate paper transport unit (IPTU) area


IPTU sensor 2


Output or intermediate paper transport unit (IPTU) area


IPTU sensor 3


Output or intermediate paper transport unit (IPTU) area


IPTU bin full sensor 4


Output or intermediate paper transport unit (IPTU) area


Output sensor


Output or intermediate paper transport unit (IPTU) area


Door 1


Output or intermediate paper transport unit (IPTU) area


Multiple sensors or doors


Multiple subsystems (occurs when paper is stuck in several areas)


Multiple sensors or doors


Jetlink input device


Tray 4 feed sensor


Jetlink Input device


Tray 5 feed sensor


Jetlink Input device


Tray 6 feed sensor


Jetlink Input device


Tray 7 feed sensor


Jetlink Input device


Tray 8 feed sensor


Jetlink Input device


Tray 9 feed sensor


Jetlink Input device


Door 1


Jetlink Input device


Door 2


Jetlink Input device


Multiple sensors or doors


Buffer pass unit


Buffer pass inlet sensor


Buffer pass unit


Buffer pass exit sensor


Buffer pass unit


Door 1


Page insert unit


Page insertion inlet sensor


Page insert unit


Page insertion tray 1 feed sensor


Page insert unit


Page insertion tray 2 feed sensor


Page insert unit


Page insertion tray 3 feed sensor


Page insert unit


Page insertion tray 4 feed sensor


Page insert unit


Output path feed sensor


Page insert unit


Page insertion exit sensor


Page insert unit


Door 1


Punch unit


Puncher inlet sensor


Punch unit


Puncher jam sensor


Punch unit


Puncher exit sensor


Punch unit


Door 1


Folding unit


Folder inlet sensor


Folding unit


Folder sensor


Folding unit


Folder exit sensor


Folding unit


Door 1


Stacker unit


Stacker inlet sensor


Stacker unit


Stacker outlet sensor


Stacker unit


Stacker switchback entrance sensor


Stacker unit


Stacker switchback registration sensor


Stacker unit


Stacker switchback lower sensor


Multi-bin mailbox (MBM) unit


MBM inlet sensor


Multi-bin mailbox (MBM) unit


MBM middle sensor


Multi-bin mailbox (MBM) unit


Stapler sensor


Multi-bin mailbox (MBM) unit


Door 1


Multi-bin mailbox (MBM) unit


Door 2


Multi-bin mailbox (MBM) unit


Door 3


Multi-bin mailbox (MBM) unit


Multiple sensors or doors


Stapler/stacker (SS) unit


SS inlet sensor


Stapler/stacker (SS) unit


SS Bin Z


Stapler/stacker (SS) unit


SS unit middle sensor


Stapler/stacker (SS) unit


SS unit outlet sensor 1


Stapler/stacker (SS) unit


SS unit outlet sensor 2


Stapler/stacker (SS) unit


Stapler sensor


Stapler/stacker (SS) unit


Door 1


Stapler/stacker (SS) unit


Door 2


Booklet maker unit


Booklet maker input sensor


Booklet maker unit


Booklet maker feed sensor 2


Booklet maker unit


Booklet maker feed sensor 3


Booklet maker unit


Booklet maker delivery sensor


Booklet maker unit


Booklet maker vertical paper path sensor


Booklet maker unit


Booklet unit front staple sensor


Booklet maker unit


Booklet unit rear staple sensor


Booklet maker unit


Booklet unit outlet sensor


Booklet maker unit


Door 1


Booklet maker unit


Door 2


Booklet maker unit


Door 3


Booklet maker unit


Multiple sensors or doors





Potential values for Y (jam condition)


Jam condition




Unexpected sheet (duplex)


Staple jam


Jam caused by an open door (duplex)


Stay jam (the page never left the tray – duplex)


Stay jam (the page never left the tray – simplex)






Delay (the page did not reach the sensor within the expected time – simplex)


Door open


Residual (paper is detected in the paper path when it should not be there)

The information represented by the value for Z depends on where the paper is in the paper path.

Potential values for Z (source, fuser mode, or destination)

Paper location


Source, fuser mode, or destination

When paper has not reached the fuser, Z represents the paper source.


Tray 1

Z represents the paper source.


Tray 2

Z represents the paper source.


Tray 3

Z represents the paper source.


Tray 4

Z represents the paper source.


Tray 5

Z represents the paper source.


Tray 6

Z represents the paper source.



Z represents the paper source.


Envelope feeder

When paper has reached the fuser, is in the duplex path, or in the output path, Z represents the fuser mode.

Jams can occur when there is a mismatch between the actual paper and the fuser mode setting.


Photo 1, 2, or 3

Designated 2 or 3

Z represents the fuser mode.


Normal (automatically sensed rather than based on the paper type set at the control panel)

Z represents the fuser mode.


Normal (based on the paper type set at the control panel)

Z represents the fuser mode.


Light 1, 2, or 3

Z represents the fuser mode.


Heavy 1

Z represents the fuser mode.


Heavy 2

Z represents the fuser mode.


Heavy 3

Z represents the fuser mode.


Glossy 1

Z represents the fuser mode.


Glossy 2

Z represents the fuser mode.


Glossy 3

Z represents the fuser mode.


Glossy Film

Z represents the fuser mode.



Z represents the fuser mode.



Z represents the fuser mode.


Envelope 1, 2, or 3

Z represents the fuser mode.



When paper has entered the output bin, Z represents the output bin, numbered from top to bottom.


Unknown bin

Z represents the output bin


Bin 1

Z represents the output bin


Bin 2

Z represents the output bin


Bin 3

Z represents the output bin


Bin 4

Z represents the output bin


Bin 5

Z represents the output bin


Bin 6

Z represents the output bin


Bin 7

Z represents the output bin


Bin 8

Z represents the output bin


Bin 9

All paper locations


Door open jam

All paper locations


Residual jam

All paper locations


Forbidden OHT jam (when Y=2)

Recommended action for customers

Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.

  1. Follow the instructions on the control panel to clear the jam. Check for paper in all possible jam locations.

  2. Verify that no doors are open.

  3. Check the paper tray to make sure paper is loaded correctly. The paper guides should be adjusted to the correct size, and
    the tray should not be filled above the maximum fill marks or tabs.

  4. Make sure the type and quality of the paper being used meets the HP specifications for the printer.

  5. Use a damp, lint-free cloth to clean the rollers in the appropriate tray. Replace rollers that are worn.

  6. Open all doors and covers and ensure the paper path is completely clear of paper or obstructions.

  7. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer support at

To prevent future paper jams in the printer, follow these recommendations:

  • Use only paper that meets HP specifications for this printer.

    For more information, refer to the printer User Guide or search for the «HP LaserJet Printers — Print Media Guide» (c06117757).

  • Make sure the printing environment is within recommended specifications.

  • Do not use paper that is wrinkled, folded, or damaged.

  • Do not overload the tray with paper.

  • Make sure that the paper guides in the tray are adjusted correctly for the size of paper.

  • Make sure that the tray is fully inserted in the printer.

  • If printing on heavy, embossed, or perforated paper, use the manual feed feature and feed sheets one at a time.

  • Open the Trays menu on the printer control panel. Verify that the tray is configured correctly for the paper type and size.

13.02.yz Paper is jammed in Tray 1

Paper jam when printing from tray 1.

Y and Z are variables and can be any of the following 0-9 or A-F.

Recommended action for customers

Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.

  1. Clear the paper jam.

    1. Slowly remove all jammed paper from tray 1.

      Remove paper from tray 1

      Remove paper from tray 1

    2. Open the front cover and clear any paper found.

      Open front door

      Open front door

    3. Look for and clear any paper present or obstructions in the paper path.

      Check for paper

      Check for paper

  2. Ensure the type and quality of the paper being used meets the HP specifications for the printer.

  3. Ensure that the tray 1 width and length guides are set to the correct paper size being installed into the tray and that the
    tray is not over filled above the fill mark or over the tab on the tray.

    Load tray 1

    Load tray 1

  4. If the error persists, please contact customer support at:

13.03.yz Paper is jammed in Tray 2

Paper jam when printing from tray 2

Y and Z are variables and can be any of the following 0-9 or A-F.

Recommended action for customers

Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.

  1. Clear the paper jam.

    1. Open tray 2.

      Open tray 2

      Open tray 2

    2. Remove the paper from the tray, and discard any damaged paper.

      Remove paper

      Remove paper

  2. Make sure the type and quality of the paper being used meets the HP specifications for the printer.

  3. If the error persists, ensure that the tray width and length guides are set to the correct paper size for the paper being

    Check tray 2 rear guide

    Check tray 2 rear guide

    Check tray 2 side guides

    Check tray 2 side guides

  4. Load the paper into the tray. Make sure that the stack is flat at all four corners and that the top of the stack is below
    the maximum-height indicators.

    Load paper

    Load paper

  5. Clear paper from inside the printer.

    1. Open the front cover.

      Open front door

      Open front door

    2. Remove the toner cartridge.

    3. Lift the jam-access and remove any paper found.

      Open registration jam access

      Open registration jam access

    4. Lift the paper feed jam access and remove any paper found.

      Open jam access

      Open jam access

  6. Reinstall the toner cartridge and close the front door to allow the printer clear the jam message.

  7. If the error persists, contact customer support at, or contact an HP-authorized service or support provider.

Paper is jammed in Tray 3

Paper jam when printing from tray 3.

Y and Z are variables and can be any of the following 0-9 or A-F.

Recommended action for customers

Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.

  1. Clear the paper jam.

    1. Open tray 3.

      Open tray 3

      Open tray 3

    2. Remove the paper from the tray, and discard any damaged paper.

      Remove paper

      Remove paper

  2. Make sure the type and quality of the paper being used meets the HP specifications for the printer.

  3. If the error persists, ensure that the tray width and length guides are set to the correct paper size for the paper being

    Check tray 3 rear guide

    Check tray 3 rear guide

    Check tray 3 side guides

    Check tray 3 side guides

  4. Load the paper into the tray. Make sure that the stack is flat at all four corners and that the top of the stack is below
    the maximum-height indicators.

    Load paper

    Load paper

  5. Clear paper from inside the printer.

    1. Open the front cover.

      Open front door

      Open front door

    2. Remove the toner cartridge.

    3. Lift the jam-access and remove any paper found.

      Open registration jam access

      Open registration jam access

    4. Lift the paper feed jam access and remove any paper found.

      Open jam access

      Open jam access

  6. Reinstall the toner cartridge and close the front door to allow the printer clear the jam message.

  7. If the error persists, contact customer support at, or contact an HP-authorized service or support provider.

13.08.yz,13.09.yz Paper is jammed in the cartridge area

Paper is jammed in the toner cartridge area of the printer.

Y and Z are variables and can be any of the following 0-9 or A-F.

Recommended action for customers

Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.

  1. Clear paper from inside the printer.

    1. Open the front cover.

      Open front door

      Open front door

    2. Remove the toner cartridge.

    3. Lift the jam-access and remove any paper found.

      Open registration jam access

      Open registration jam access

    4. Lift the paper feed jam access and remove any paper found.

      Open jam access

      Open jam access

    5. Remove paper from the inside of the printer.

      Remove paper

      Remove paper

    6. Reinstall the toner cartridge and close the front door.

  2. Ensure the type and quality of the paper being used meets the HP specifications for the printer.

  3. Ensure the printer is located in an area meets the environmental specifications for the printer.

  4. Adjust the paper guides in the tray. Ensure the front paper guide is pushing the paper against the back edge of the tray.

  5. If the error persists, please contact customer support at:

13.10.yz, 13.11.yz, 13.13.yz Paper is jammed in the output bin

Paper is jammed in the output bin of the printer.

Y and Z are variables and can be any of the following 0-9 or A-F.

Recommended action for customers

Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.

  1. Follow the instructions on the control panel to clear the jammed paper.

  2. Remove paper from the output tray.

  3. Clear paper from inside the printer.

    1. Open the front cover.

      Open front door

      Open front door

    2. Remove the toner cartridge.

    3. Lift the paper feed jam access and remove any paper found.

      Open jam access

      Open jam access

    4. Remove paper from the inside of the printer.

      Remove paper

      Remove paper

    5. Reinstall the toner cartridge and close the front door.

  4. Open the rear door and clear paper from the area.

    1. Open the rear door.

      Open rear door

      Open rear door

      (MFP) Open rear door

      (MFP) Open rear door

    2. Remove paper from the area.

      Remove paper

      Remove paper

  5. Close the rear door to allow the printer to attempt to clear the jam message.

  6. Ensure the type and quality of the paper being used meets the HP specifications for the printer.

  7. Ensure the printer is located in an area meets the environmental specifications for the printer.

  8. Adjust the paper guides in the tray. Ensure the front paper guide is pushing the paper against the back edge of the tray.

  9. If the error persists, please contact customer support at:

13.14.yz, 13.15.yz Paper is jammed inside the printer

Paper is jammed in the duplex area inside the printer.

Y and Z are variables and can be any of the following 0-9 or A-F.

Recommended action for customers

Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.

  1. Clear the paper jam.

    1. Completely remove Tray 2 from the printer.

      Remove tray 2

      Remove tray 2

    2. Push the green button to release the duplex pan.

      Push green button

      Push green button

    3. Remove paper from inside duplex paper path.

      Remove paper for this area

      Remove paper for this area

    4. Reinstall tray 2.

  2. Ensure the type and quality of the paper being used meets the HP specifications for the printer.

  3. Ensure the printer is located in an area meets the environmental specifications for the printer.

  4. Adjust the paper guides in the tray. Ensure the front paper guide is pushing the paper against the back edge of the tray.

  5. If the error persists, please contact customer support at:

21.* errors

Errors in the 21.* family are related to the printer memory and complexity of the image being printed. The page might require
more memory than the printer has available.

Recommended action

Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.

Use the following general troubleshooting steps to try to resolve the problem. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized
service or support provider, or contact HP support at

  1. Touch the OK button to clear the error.

  2. Reduce the page complexity.

  3. Add product memory.

21.00.00 Misprint, Page Too Complex

The printer displays this message to indicate that the page decompression process was too slow for the printer.

Recommended action

Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.

  1. Touch the OK button to continue. There may be some data loss on the page that was being formatted when the error occurred.

  2. Reduce the page complexity.

  3. Try changing Advanced printer driver settings for «Print Data Optimization» and or «Raster Compression«.

  4. Print the job again.

30.01.08 Home position error

The scanner optic failed to return to the home position.

Recommended action for customers

Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.

  1. Turn the printer off, and then on.

  2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer support at


Front side scanner EEPROM (NVM) error has occurred.

Recommended action for customers

Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.

  1. Turn the printer off, and then on.

  2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer support at


The firmware cannot communicate with the PCA on the

Recommended action for customers

Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.

  1. Turn the printer off, and then on.

  2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer support at

30.03.22 Scanner failure

Front side illumination calibration failure.

The scan module cannot see the illumination module, or the illumination is

The optical assembly might not be parked under the calibration strip.

Recommended action for customers

Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.

  1. Turn the printer off, and then on.

  2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer support at

30.03.30 Scanner Failure

Flatbed motor shutdown.

The scanner control board (SCB) cannot communicate with the flatbed scanner

Recommended action for customers

Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.

  1. Turn the printer off, and then on.

  2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer support at

31.01.47 Document feeder not detected

The document feeder was not detected. The document feeder might not be

The flatbed glass is still available for scanning.

Recommended action for customers

Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.

  1. Turn the printer off, and then on.

  2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer support at


Backside scanner EEPROM (NVM) error.

A non-fatal error has occurred.

Recommended action for customers

Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.

  1. Turn the printer off, and then on.

  2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer support at

31.03.20 backside scanner not

Backside scanner is not detected.

Recommended action for customers

Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.

  1. Turn the printer off, and then on.

  2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer support at

31.03.22 Scanner calibration failure

Backside illumination calibration failure.

Recommended action for customers

Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.

  1. Turn the printer off, and then on.

  2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer support at

31.03.31 Document feeder motor stall

The document feeder feed motor is not turning.

Recommended action for customers

Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.

  1. Turn the printer off, and then on.

  2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer support at


Document feeder job error, pick error.

Paper pick was initiated, but the page didn’t did not make it to the pick
success sensor.

Recommended action for customers

Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.

  1. Remove the paper jam

    1. Open the document feeder cover.

      Open document feeder

      Open document feeder

    2. Gently pull the jammed paper out.

      Remove paper

      Remove paper

    3. Clean the document feeder rollers with a damp lint free cloth.

      Clean rollers

      Clean rollers

    4. Close the document-feeder cover. Make sure it is completely closed.

    5. Open the document feeder tray cover.

      Open tray cover

      Open tray cover

    6. Gently pull the jammed paper out.

      Remove paper

      Remove paper

    7. Close the document feeder tray cover.

    8. Open the scanner lid. If paper is jammed in the scanner lid, gently pull it out, and then close the scanner lid.

      Clear jam

      Clear jam

  2. Check the paper guides and make sure that they are set to the correct paper width.

  3. Make sure that the input tray is not overloaded and the tray guides are correctly aligned to both edges of the paper.

  4. Verify that the paper meets the printer specifications.

  5. Verify there are no staples or paper clips on the stack of originals. Verify the originals are straightened out from previous
    folds or curl.

  6. If the error persists, contact customer support at, or contact an HP-authorized service or support provider.


Document feeder jam error.

The paper passed the pick success sensor, and then jammed in the document
feeder paper path.

Recommended action for customers

Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.

  1. Remove the paper jam

    1. Open the document feeder cover.

      Open document feeder

      Open document feeder

    2. Gently pull the jammed paper out.

      Remove paper

      Remove paper

    3. Clean the document feeder rollers with a damp lint free cloth.

      Clean rollers

      Clean rollers

    4. Close the document-feeder cover. Make sure it is completely closed.

    5. Open the document feeder tray cover.

      Open tray cover

      Open tray cover

    6. Gently pull the jammed paper out.

      Remove paper

      Remove paper

    7. Close the document feeder tray cover.

    8. Open the scanner lid. If paper is jammed in the scanner lid, gently pull it out, and then close the scanner lid.

      Clear jam

      Clear jam

  2. Check the paper guides and make sure that they are set to the correct paper width.

  3. Make sure that the input tray is not overloaded and the tray guides are correctly aligned to both edges of the paper.

  4. Verify that the paper meets the printer specifications.

  5. Verify there are no staples or paper clips on the stack of originals. Verify the originals are straightened out from previous
    folds or curl.

  6. If the error persists, contact customer support at, or contact an HP-authorized service or support provider.

32.* errors

Errors in the 32.* family are related to either product start events or to backup and restore events.

Recommended action

Use the following general troubleshooting steps to try to resolve the problem. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized
service or support provider, or contact HP support at

  1. Turn the printer off, and then on.

  2. Retry the job.


Cold Reset Performed

The printer has had a cold reset performed.

Recommended action

  1. No action necessary.

33.05.00 Boot code corrupt

The boot firmware boot code is corrupt.

Recommended action for customers

Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.

  1. Turn the printer off, and then on.

  2. If the error persists, upgrade to the latest version of firmware, or re-download the firmware.

  3. Upgrade the firmware.

  4. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer support at

33.05.04 Upgrade corrupt

the firmware upgrade is corrupt.

Recommended action for customers

Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.

  1. Turn the printer off, and then on.

  2. If the error persists, upgrade to the latest version of firmware, or re-download the firmware.

  3. Upgrade the firmware.

  4. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer support at

33.05.10 Code sign error

The printer experienced a code sign error.

Recommended action for customers

Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.

  1. Turn the printer off, and then on.

  2. If the error persists, upgrade to the latest version of firmware, or re-download the firmware.

  3. Upgrade the firmware.

  4. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer support at

44.34.10 Fax DSP not detected

The Fax DSP PCA was not detected.

Recommended action for customers

Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.

  1. Turn the printer off, and then on.

  2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer support at

50.* errors

Errors in the 50.* family indicate a problem with the fuser.

Recommended action for customers

Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.

  1. Turn the printer off, and then on.

  2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer support at


Low fuser temperature failure

Recommended action for customers

Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.

  1. Turn off the power by using the power switch, and then wait at least 30 seconds.

  2. Turn on the power and wait for the product to initialize

  3. If the error returns, turn the printer off, unplug the device from any power-strips or uninterrupted power supplies, and plug
    printer directly in to a wall socket.

  4. Ensure that the power source meets the printer requirements. Ensure that the printer is the only device using the circuit.

  5. Ensure the paper type and fuser mode are correct for paper being used.

  6. If the error persists, please contact customer support at:


Low fuser temperature failure

Recommended action for customers

Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.

  1. Turn off the power by using the power switch, and then wait at least 30 seconds.

  2. Turn on the power and wait for the product to initialize

  3. If the error returns, turn the printer off, unplug the device from any power-strips or uninterrupted power supplies, and plug
    printer directly in to a wall socket.

  4. Ensure that the power source meets the printer requirements. Ensure that the printer is the only device using the circuit.

  5. Ensure the paper type and fuser mode are correct for paper being used.

  6. If the error persists, please contact customer support at:


Slow fuser error.

Recommended action for customers

Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.

  1. Turn off the power by using the power switch, and then wait at least 30 seconds.

  2. Turn on the power and wait for the product to initialize

  3. If the error returns, turn the printer off, unplug the device from any power-strips or uninterrupted power supplies, and plug
    printer directly in to a wall socket.

  4. Ensure that the power source meets the printer requirements. Ensure that the printer is the only device using the circuit.

  5. Ensure the paper type and fuser mode are correct for paper being used.

  6. If the error persists, please contact customer support at:


High fuser temperature.

Recommended action for customers

Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.

  1. Turn off the power by using the power switch, and then wait at least 30 seconds.

  2. Turn on the power and wait for the product to initialize

  3. If the error returns, turn the printer off, unplug the device from any power-strips or uninterrupted power supplies, and plug
    printer directly in to a wall socket.

  4. Ensure that the power source meets the printer requirements. Ensure that the printer is the only device using the circuit.

  5. Ensure the paper type and fuser mode are correct for paper being used.

  6. If the error persists, please contact customer support at:


Fuser drive error.

Recommended action for customers

Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.

  1. Turn off the power by using the power switch, and then wait at least 30 seconds.

  2. Turn on the power and wait for the product to initialize

  3. If the error returns, turn the printer off, unplug the device from any power-strips or uninterrupted power supplies, and plug
    printer directly in to a wall socket.

  4. Ensure that the power source meets the printer requirements. Ensure that the printer is the only device using the circuit.

  5. Ensure the paper type and fuser mode are correct for paper being used.

  6. If the error persists, please contact customer support at:


Fuser error.

Recommended action for customers

Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.

  1. Turn off the power by using the power switch, and then wait at least 30 seconds.

  2. Turn on the power and wait for the product to initialize

  3. If the error returns, turn the printer off, unplug the device from any power-strips or uninterrupted power supplies, and plug
    printer directly in to a wall socket.

  4. Ensure that the power source meets the printer requirements. Ensure that the printer is the only device using the circuit.

  5. Ensure the paper type and fuser mode are correct for paper being used.

  6. If the error persists, please contact customer support at:


Fuser open error.

Recommended action for customers

Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.

  1. Turn off the power by using the power switch, and then wait at least 30 seconds.

  2. Turn on the power and wait for the product to initialize

  3. If the error returns, turn the printer off, unplug the device from any power-strips or uninterrupted power supplies, and plug
    printer directly in to a wall socket.

  4. Ensure that the power source meets the printer requirements. Ensure that the printer is the only device using the circuit.

  5. Ensure the paper type and fuser mode are correct for paper being used.

  6. If the error persists, please contact customer support at:


Fuser low sub-thermistor fuser error.

Recommended action for customers

Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.

  1. Turn off the power by using the power switch, and then wait at least 30 seconds.

  2. Turn on the power and wait for the product to initialize

  3. If the error returns, turn the printer off, unplug the device from any power-strips or uninterrupted power supplies, and plug
    printer directly in to a wall socket.

  4. Ensure that the power source meets the printer requirements. Ensure that the printer is the only device using the circuit.

  5. Ensure the paper type and fuser mode are correct for paper being used.

  6. If the error persists, please contact customer support at:


Fuser high sub-thermistor fuser error.

Recommended action for customers

Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.

  1. Turn off the power by using the power switch, and then wait at least 30 seconds.

  2. Turn on the power and wait for the product to initialize

  3. If the error returns, turn the printer off, unplug the device from any power-strips or uninterrupted power supplies, and plug
    printer directly in to a wall socket.

  4. Ensure that the power source meets the printer requirements. Ensure that the printer is the only device using the circuit.

  5. Ensure the paper type and fuser mode are correct for paper being used.

  6. If the error persists, please contact customer support at:

51.* errors

Errors in the 51.* family are related to the laser scanner.

Recommended action for customers

  1. Turn the printer off, and then on.

  2. Upgrade the firmware.

  3. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer support at


An error with the laser/scanner assembly has occurred in the printer.

  • 51.00.00 Beam detect or laser error

  • 51.20.00 Black laser scanner error

  • 51.21.00 Cyan laser scanner error

  • 51.22.00 Magenta laser scanner error

  • 51.23.00 Yellow laser scanner error

  • 51.30.00 Beam detect or laser error

Recommended action for customers

Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.

  1. Turn the printer off, and then on.

  2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer support at

52.* errors

Errors in the 52.* family are related to the laser scanner.

Recommended action for customers

  1. Turn the printer off, and then on.

  2. Upgrade the firmware.

  3. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer support at

52.00.00 or 52.00.10

A printer laser/scanner motor error occurred.

Recommended action for customers

Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.

  1. Turn the printer off, and then on.

  2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer support at


Recommended action for customers

Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.

  1. Open the indicated tray and remove all the paper.

  2. Close the tray and see if the error still persists.

  3. Reload the paper tray making sure the tray guides are set correctly and the tray is not over loaded.

  4. If the error persists, please contact customer support at:


Recommended action for customers

Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.

  1. Open the indicated tray and remove all the paper.

  2. Close the tray and see if the error still persists.

  3. Reload the paper tray making sure the tray guides are set correctly and the tray is not over loaded.

  4. If the error persists, please contact customer support at:

54.19.00 or 54.25.00

TOP / Registration sensor failure

54.19.00 — Bad TOP Sensor

54.25.00 — TOP Sensor error

Recommended action for customers

Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.

  1. Turn the printer off, and then on.

  2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer support at


Laser/scanner beam detect error.

Recommended action for customers

Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.

  1. Turn the printer off, and then on.

  2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer support at

55.* errors

Errors in the 55.* family often indicate a problem with the DC controller.

Recommended action for customers

Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.

  1. Turn the printer off, and then on.

  2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer support at

55.00.00, 55.01.00, 55.00.05, 55.00.08, 55.30.00, or 55.40.00

Engine communication or memory error.

  • 55.00.00 Engine communication error.

  • 55.01.00 DC Controller memory error.

  • 55.05.00 DCC Engine HW memory error.

  • 55.08.00 DCC Engine HW rationalization error.

  • 55.30.00 Engine communication error.

  • 55.40.00 Engine communication timeout error.

Recommended action for customers

Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.

  1. Turn the printer off, and then on.

  2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer support at

Recommended action for call center agents and onsite technicians

  1. Turn off the power by using the power switch, and then wait at least 30 seconds.

  2. Turn on the power and wait for the product to initialize.

  3. If the error persists, replace the DC controller PCB Assembly:

    DC controller PCA part number: RM3-7580-000CN


Engine or formatter communication error.

Recommended action for customers

Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.

  1. Turn the printer off, and then on.

  2. If issue remains, perform a firmware upgrade.

  3. If the error persists, please contact customer support at:

55.06.01, 55.06.02

DC controller NVRAM memory error.

  • 55.06.01 — DC controller NVRAM data error

  • 55.06.02 — DC controller NVRAM access error.

Recommended action for customers

Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.

  1. Turn the printer off, and then on.

  2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer support at

Recommended action for call center agents and onsite technicians

  1. Turn off the power by using the power switch, and then wait at least 30 seconds.

  2. Turn on the power and wait for the product to initialize.

  3. If the error persists, replace the DC controller PCB Assembly:

    DC controller PCA part number: RM3-7580-000CN


DC controller NVRAM restore.

Recommended action

  1. No action necessary.


    This is an information message only.

56.* errors

Errors in the 56.* family indicate a communication problem with an optional paper tray or other external accessory.

Recommended action

Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.

Use the following general troubleshooting steps to try to resolve the problem. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized
service or support provider, or contact HP support at

  1. Turn the printer off, and then on.

  2. If any third-party hardware is installed, remove it and try printing again.

  3. If an optional paper tray is installed, remove it. Check the connectors on the tray for damage. If the connector is damaged,
    replace the tray.

  4. Reinstall the tray, and make sure it is correctly seated.


The printer experienced an illegal input.

Recommended action

Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.

  1. Turn the printer off, then on.

  2. Remove any third-party hardware and test again.

57.* errors

Errors in the 57.* family indicate a problem with a fan.

Recommended action for customers

Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.

  1. Press the Power button on the front of the printer to turn it off, and then wait 10 seconds.

  2. Press the Power button again to turn on the printer.

  3. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer support at

57.01.00 Fan failure

Main fan FM1 failure.

Recommended action for customers

Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.

  1. Turn the printer off, and then on.

  2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer support at

58.* errors

Errors in the 58.* family indicate an electrical problem inside the printer.

Recommended action for customers

Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.

  1. Turn the printer off, and then on.

  2. Make sure the printer is connected to a dedicated power outlet and not to a surge protector or other type of extension cord.

  3. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer support at


AC/LVPS Power Failure.

Recommended action for customers

Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.

  1. Turn the printer off, and then on.


    This error might be caused by source power related issues.

    Determine if the area where the printer is located has experienced brown outs or is subject to power quality issues.

  2. If the error persists, please contact customer support at:

59.* errors

Errors in the 59.* family indicate a problem with one of the motors or with the lifter drive assembly for one of the trays.

Recommended action for customers

Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.

  1. Turn the printer off, and then on.

  2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer support at

59.09.00 or 59.0A.00

Main motor error.

A main motor error has occurred.

Recommended action for customers

Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.

  1. Turn the printer off, and then on.

  2. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer support at

60.* errors

Errors in the 60.* family are related to one of the optional trays.

Recommended action for customers

Use the following general troubleshooting steps to try to resolve the problem.


You can determine the tray number from the last digit in the error number. For example:

  • 60.00.02 or 60.01.02 = Tray 2

  • 60.00.03 or 60.01.03 = Tray 3

  1. Open the failing tray and remove all paper from the tray.

  2. Close the tray to check if the error persists.

  3. Reload the paper and test the printer.

  4. If the error persists, contact your HP-authorized service or support provider, or contact customer support at


Recommended action for customers

Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.

  1. Open the indicated tray and remove all the paper.

  2. Close the tray and see if the error still persists.

  3. Reload the paper tray making sure the tray guides are set correctly and the tray is not over loaded.

  4. If the error persists, please contact customer support at:

Alphabetical control panel messages

Use the following alphabetical message to see further information on the message.

Alphabetical messages


The printer is canceling the current job <jobname>.

Recommended action

  1. No action necessary.

Cartridge Memory Error

Unable to read cartridge data from the indicated cartridges.

Recommended action

Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.

  1. Remove and the install the toner cartridge.

  2. If the problem still occurs, replace the toner cartridge now.

Cartridge Memory Missing

Unable to read cartridge data from the indicated cartridges.

Recommended action

Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.

  1. Remove and the install the toner cartridge.

  2. If the problem still occurs, replace the toner cartridge now.

Checking engine

The printer is conducting an internal test.

Recommended action

  1. No action necessary.

Checking paper path

The printer is checking for possible paper jams.

Recommended action

  1. No action necessary.


The printer is performing an automatic cleaning cycle. Printing will continue after the cleaning is complete.

Recommended action

  1. No action necessary.

Close the cartridge access door

The front cartridge access door is open.

Recommended action for customers

Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.

  1. Close the front cartridge access door.

  2. If the message persists with the door closed, please contact customer support at:

Recommended action for call-center agents and onsite technicians

  1. Close the front cartridge access door.

  2. Check the flat projection part on the top left on the inside of the door. If it is damaged, replace the front door assembly.

    Check front door

    Check front door

    M304/M305/M404/M405 Cartridge door assembly part number: RM2-2562-000CN

    M329/M428/M429 Cartridge door assembly part number: RM2-2567-000CN

  3. If the problem persists, please elevate the case using the Standard Support Process.

Toner cartridge low

The indicated toner cartridge is nearing the end of its useful life.

Recommended action

Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.

  1. Printing can continue, but consider having a replacement supply on hand.

Toner cartridge very low

The indicated toner cartridge is very low.

The indicated toner cartridge is at the end of its useful life. A customer configurable option on this product is «Low threshold»
this can be set to the percentage for the very low message. This option is provided as a customer convenience and is not an
indication these pages will have acceptable print quality.

Recommended action

Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.

  1. To ensure optimal print quality, HP recommends replacing the toner cartridge at this point. You can continue printing until
    you notice a decrease in print quality. Actual cartridge life might vary.


    Once an HP supply has reached Very Low, HP’s Premium Protection Warranty on that supply has ended. All print defects or cartridge
    failures incurred when an HP supply is used in Continue at very low mode will not be considered to be defects in materials
    or workmanship in the supply under the HP Print Cartridge Warranty Statement.

Data received To print last page press “OK”

The printer is waiting for the command to print the last page.

Recommended action

  1. Touch the “OK” button on the control panel to print the last page of the job.

Cooling device

The printer is cooling.

Recommended action

  1. No action necessary.

Device error. Press [OK] to continue

Paper has been delayed as it moves through the product.

Recommended action

Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.

  1. Press the OK button to clear the message.

  2. To avoid this problem, try the following solutions:

    • Adjust the paper guides in the tray. Ensure the front paper guide is pushing the paper against the back edge of the tray.

    • Use paper that meets HP specifications. Store paper unopened in its original packaging.

    • Use the product in an area that meets the environmental specifications for this product.

Device is busy. Tray again later

The product is currently in use.

Recommended action

Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.

  1. Wait for the product to finish the current job, or to finish initializing.

  2. Turn the product off, then on, to see whether it comes to a Ready state.

  3. Restore the device to the factory default settings. (Setup Menu -> Service Menu -> Restore Defaults)

  4. If the issue persists, upgrade to the latest firmware.

Document feeder jam. Clear and reload

Paper is jammed in the document feeder tray or a sensor has incorrectly detected media in the document feeder paper path.

Recommended action for customers

Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.

  1. Remove the paper jam

    1. Open the document feeder cover.

      Open document feeder

      Open document feeder

    2. Gently pull the jammed paper out.

      Remove paper

      Remove paper

    3. Clean the document feeder rollers with a damp lint free cloth.

      Clean rollers

      Clean rollers

    4. Close the document-feeder cover. Make sure it is completely closed.

    5. Open the document feeder tray cover.

      Open tray cover

      Open tray cover

    6. Gently pull the jammed paper out.

      Remove paper

      Remove paper

    7. Close the document feeder tray cover.

    8. Open the scanner lid. If paper is jammed in the scanner lid, gently pull it out, and then close the scanner lid.

      Clear jam

      Clear jam

  2. Check the paper guides and make sure that they are set to the correct paper width.

  3. Make sure that the input tray is not overloaded and the tray guides are correctly aligned to both edges of the paper.

  4. Verify that the paper meets the printer specifications.

  5. Verify there are no staples or paper clips on the stack of originals. Verify the originals are straightened out from previous
    folds or curl.

  6. If the error persists, contact customer support at, or contact an HP-authorized service or support provider.

Document feeder mispick. reload

Recommended action for customers

Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.

  1. Remove the paper jam

    1. Open the document feeder cover.

      Open document feeder

      Open document feeder

    2. Gently pull the jammed paper out.

      Remove paper

      Remove paper

    3. Clean the document feeder rollers with a damp lint free cloth.

      Clean rollers

      Clean rollers

    4. Close the document-feeder cover. Make sure it is completely closed.

    5. Open the document feeder tray cover.

      Open tray cover

      Open tray cover

    6. Gently pull the jammed paper out.

      Remove paper

      Remove paper

    7. Close the document feeder tray cover.

    8. Open the scanner lid. If paper is jammed in the scanner lid, gently pull it out, and then close the scanner lid.

      Clear jam

      Clear jam

  2. Check the paper guides and make sure that they are set to the correct paper width.

  3. Make sure that the input tray is not overloaded and the tray guides are correctly aligned to both edges of the paper.

  4. Verify that the paper meets the printer specifications.

  5. Verify there are no staples or paper clips on the stack of originals. Verify the originals are straightened out from previous
    folds or curl.

  6. If the error persists, contact customer support at, or contact an HP-authorized service or support provider.

Fax is busy. Canceled send

The fax line to which you were sending a fax was busy. The product has canceled sending the fax.

Recommended action

Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.

  1. Call the recipient to ensure that the fax machine is on and ready.

  2. Verify that the fax number is correct.

  3. Verify that the Redial if Busy option is enabled.

  4. Open the Support menu, and then touch the Fax Diagnostics menu. Touch the Run Fax Test button.


    This test verifies that the phone cord is connected to the correct port and that the phone line has a signal. The product
    prints a report with the results.

  5. For additional fax sending/receiving troubleshooting search for this document.

    HP LaserJet Pro MFP — Solve problems sending or receiving faxes (including fax error messages)

Fax line surge

The product experienced current on the fax line over 125 mA for more than 15 seconds.

Recommended action

Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.

  1. Disconnect and reconnect the fax line.

  2. If the error persists, contact HP support to see if the fax surge value can be changed.

Fax send error

An error occurred while trying to send a fax.

Recommended action

Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.

  1. Resend the fax.

  2. Try faxing to another fax number.

  3. To verify that the telephone cord is securely connected, disconnect and reconnect the telephone cord. Check that the telephone
    cord is securely connected by unplugging and replugging the cord.

  4. Verify that you are using the telephone cord that came with the product.

  5. Open the Setup menu, and then go to Fax Tools, choose Run Fax Test.


    This test verifies that the phone cord is connected to the correct port and that the phone line has a signal. The product
    prints a report with the results.

  6. Connect the product to a different phone line.

  7. Set the fax resolution to Standard instead of the default of Fine .

  8. For additional fax sending/receiving troubleshooting search for this document.

    HP LaserJet Pro MFP — Solve problems sending or receiving faxes (including fax error messages)

Fax receive error

An error occurred while trying to receive a fax.

Recommended action

Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.

  1. Ask the sender to resend the fax.

  2. To verify that the telephone cord is securely connected, disconnect and reconnect the telephone cord.

  3. Verify that you are using the telephone cord that came with the product.

  4. Open the Setup menu, and then go to Fax Tools, choose Run Fax Test.


    This test verifies that the phone cord is connected to the correct port and that the phone line has a signal. The product
    prints a report with the results.

  5. Decrease the fax speed. Ask the sender to resend the fax.

  6. Turn off error-correction mode. Ask the sender to resend the fax.


    Turning off error-correction mode might reduce the quality of the fax image.

  7. Connect the product to a different phone line.

  8. For additional fax sending/receiving troubleshooting search for this document.

    HP LaserJet Pro MFP — Solve problems sending or receiving faxes (including fax error messages)

Genuine HP cartridge installed

A new genuine HP toner cartridge has been installed. The message appears for about 6 seconds before the printer returns to
the READY state.

Recommended action

  1. No action necessary.

Genuine HP supply installed

A new genuine HP supply has been installed.

Recommended action

  1. Touch the Hide button to remove this message.


The printer is starting.

Recommended action

  1. No action necessary.

Insert or close Tray <X> to continue.

A paper tray is open causing a blocked paper path.

Recommended action

Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.

  1. Insert or close Tray <X> to continue.

Install toner cartridge

The toner cartridge is missing or not seated correctly.

Recommended action

Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.

  1. If the toner cartridge is missing, install a new toner cartridge.

  2. If the toner cartridge is installed, remove and reinstall the toner cartridge.

Jam in output bin. Open rear door and clear jam.

A paper jam occurred in the output bin area of the printer.

Recommended action for customers

Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.

  1. Follow the instructions on the control panel to clear the jammed paper.

  2. Remove paper from the output tray.

  3. Clear paper from inside the printer.

    1. Open the front cover.

      Open front door

      Open front door

    2. Remove the toner cartridge.

    3. Lift the paper feed jam access and remove any paper found.

      Open jam access

      Open jam access

    4. Remove paper from the inside of the printer.

      Remove paper

      Remove paper

    5. Reinstall the toner cartridge and close the front door.

  4. Open the rear door and clear paper from the area.

    1. Open the rear door.

      Open rear door

      Open rear door

      (MFP) Open rear door

      (MFP) Open rear door

    2. Remove paper from the area.

      Remove paper

      Remove paper

  5. Close the rear door to allow the printer to attempt to clear the jam message.

  6. Ensure the type and quality of the paper being used meets the HP specifications for the printer.

  7. Ensure the printer is located in an area meets the environmental specifications for the printer.

  8. Adjust the paper guides in the tray. Ensure the front paper guide is pushing the paper against the back edge of the tray.

  9. If the error persists, please contact customer support at:

Jam in print paper path. Open rear door and clear jam.

A paper jam occurred in the rear door/fuser area.

Recommended action for customers

Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.

  1. Clear paper from inside the printer.

    1. Open the front cover.

      Open front door

      Open front door

    2. Remove the toner cartridge.

    3. Lift the jam-access and remove any paper found.

      Open registration jam access

      Open registration jam access

    4. Lift the paper feed jam access and remove any paper found.

      Open jam access

      Open jam access

    5. Remove paper from the inside of the printer.

      Remove paper

      Remove paper

    6. Reinstall the toner cartridge and close the front door.

  2. Ensure the type and quality of the paper being used meets the HP specifications for the printer.

  3. Ensure the printer is located in an area meets the environmental specifications for the printer.

  4. Adjust the paper guides in the tray. Ensure the front paper guide is pushing the paper against the back edge of the tray.

  5. If the error persists, please contact customer support at:

Jam in Tray 1. Clear the jam, and then press «OK».

A paper jam occurred while printing from tray 1.

Recommended action for customers

Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.

  1. Clear the paper jam.

    1. Slowly remove all jammed paper from tray 1.

      Remove paper from tray 1

      Remove paper from tray 1

    2. Open the front cover and clear any paper found.

      Open front door

      Open front door

    3. Look for and clear any paper present or obstructions in the paper path.

      Check for paper

      Check for paper

  2. Ensure the type and quality of the paper being used meets the HP specifications for the printer.

  3. Ensure that the tray 1 width and length guides are set to the correct paper size being installed into the tray and that the
    tray is not over filled above the fill mark or over the tab on the tray.

    Load tray 1

    Load tray 1

  4. If the error persists, please contact customer support at:

Jam in Tray 2. Clear the jam, and then press «OK».

A paper jam occurred when printing from tray 2.

Recommended action for customers

Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.

  1. Clear the paper jam.

    1. Open tray 2.

      Open tray 2

      Open tray 2

    2. Remove the paper from the tray, and discard any damaged paper.

      Remove paper

      Remove paper

  2. Make sure the type and quality of the paper being used meets the HP specifications for the printer.

  3. If the error persists, ensure that the tray width and length guides are set to the correct paper size for the paper being

    Check tray 2 rear guide

    Check tray 2 rear guide

    Check tray 2 side guides

    Check tray 2 side guides

  4. Load the paper into the tray. Make sure that the stack is flat at all four corners and that the top of the stack is below
    the maximum-height indicators.

    Load paper

    Load paper

  5. Clear paper from inside the printer.

    1. Open the front cover.

      Open front door

      Open front door

    2. Remove the toner cartridge.

    3. Lift the jam-access and remove any paper found.

      Open registration jam access

      Open registration jam access

    4. Lift the paper feed jam access and remove any paper found.

      Open jam access

      Open jam access

  6. Reinstall the toner cartridge and close the front door to allow the printer clear the jam message.

  7. If the error persists, contact customer support at, or contact an HP-authorized service or support provider.

Jam in Tray 3. Clear the jam, and then press «OK».

Paper jam while printing from tray 3.

Recommended action for customers

Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.

  1. Clear the paper jam.

    1. Open tray 3.

      Open tray 3

      Open tray 3

    2. Remove the paper from the tray, and discard any damaged paper.

      Remove paper

      Remove paper

  2. Make sure the type and quality of the paper being used meets the HP specifications for the printer.

  3. If the error persists, ensure that the tray width and length guides are set to the correct paper size for the paper being

    Check tray 3 rear guide

    Check tray 3 rear guide

    Check tray 3 side guides

    Check tray 3 side guides

  4. Load the paper into the tray. Make sure that the stack is flat at all four corners and that the top of the stack is below
    the maximum-height indicators.

    Load paper

    Load paper

  5. Clear paper from inside the printer.

    1. Open the front cover.

      Open front door

      Open front door

    2. Remove the toner cartridge.

    3. Lift the jam-access and remove any paper found.

      Open registration jam access

      Open registration jam access

    4. Lift the paper feed jam access and remove any paper found.

      Open jam access

      Open jam access

  6. Reinstall the toner cartridge and close the front door to allow the printer clear the jam message.

  7. If the error persists, contact customer support at, or contact an HP-authorized service or support provider.

Load Tray <X>: [Type], [Size] To use another tray, press “OK”

This message displays when the indicated tray is selected, but is not loaded, and other paper trays are available for use.

It also displays when the tray is configured for a different paper type or size than the print job requires.

Recommended action

Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.

  1. Load the correct paper in the tray.

  2. If prompted, confirm the size and type of paper loaded.

  3. Otherwise, press the OK button to select another tray.

Manually feed output stack Then touch «OK» to print second side

The printer has printed the first side of a manual duplex job and is waiting for you (or the applicable user) to insert the
output stack to print the second side.

Recommended action

  1. Maintaining the same orientation, remove the pages from the output bin.

  2. Flip the document printed side up.

  3. Load the document in Tray 1.

  4. Touch the OK button to print the second side of the job.

Manually feed: <Type><Size>

This message appears when manual feed is selected, Tray 1 is not loaded, and other trays are empty.

Recommended action

  1. Load the tray with requested paper.

  2. If the paper is already in the tray, press the Help button to exit the message and then press the OK button to print.

  3. To use another tray, clear paper from Tray 1, press the Help button to exit the message and then press the OK button.

Misprint. Press [OK] to continue.

Paper has been delayed as it moves through the product.

Recommended action

Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.

  1. Press the OK button to clear the message.

  2. To avoid this problem, try the following solutions:

    1. Adjust the paper guides in the tray. Ensure the front paper guide is pushing the paper against the back edge of the tray.

    2. Use paper that meets HP specifications. Store paper unopened in its original packaging.

    3. Use the product in an area that meets the environmental specifications for this product.

No Dial tone

The product could not detect a dial tone.

Recommended action

Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.

  1. Check for a dial tone on the phone line by touching the Start Fax button.

  2. Unplug the telephone cord from both the product and the wall. Reconnect the cord at both ends ensuring you are using the FAX
    port on the back of the printer. Looking at the back of the printer, the FAX port is towards the middle. DO NOT connect the
    fax line to the port with the telephone icon.

  3. Verify that you are using the telephone cord that came with the product.

  4. Open the Support menu, and then touch the Fax Diagnostics menu. Touch the Run Fax Test button.


    This test verifies that the phone cord is connected to the correct port and that the phone line has a signal. The product
    prints a report with the results.

  5. For additional fax sending/receiving troubleshooting go to, or search for this document.

No Fax detected

The product answered the incoming call but did not detect that a fax machine was calling.

Recommended action

Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.

  1. Open the Setup menu, and then go to Fax Tools, choose Run Fax Test.


    This test verifies that the phone cord is connected to the correct port and that the phone line has a signal. The product
    prints a report with the results.

  2. For additional fax sending/receiving troubleshooting go to, or search for this document.

  3. If the error persists, replace the Fax PCA.

    Part numbers:

    Fax PCA kit (USA)W1A78-67906

    Fax PCA kit (EURO)W1A78-67907

    Fax PCA kit (Brazil)W1A78-67908

    Fax PCA kit (Philippines)W1A78-67909

No job to cancel

You have pressed the stop button but the printer is not actively processing any jobs.

Recommended action

  1. No action necessary.

NON HP Supply Installed

This message is displayed for about 6 seconds when a new non-HP supply is installed.

10.99.31 (event code)

Recommended action

  1. Use a genuine HP supply for the printer.

  2. If you believe a genuine HP supply is being used, go to

Printer out of memory, job too big

Printer out of memory, job too big.

Recommended action

Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.

  1. Touch the OK button to print the transferred data. Some data might be lost.

  2. Reduce the page complexity.

Output Bin Full

This message displays when the output bin is full and paper must be removed before printing can continue.

Recommended action for customers

  1. Remove the paper from the output bin.

  2. If the message persists and the tray is empty, please contact customer support at:


The printer is paused, and there are no error messages pending at the display. The I/O continues receiving data until the
memory is full.

Recommended action

  1. Press the Stop button.

Printing Help Page…

The printer is printing the Help page.

Recommended action

  1. No action necessary.

Printing Menu Map…

The printer is printing the Menu Map pages.

Recommended action

  1. No action necessary.

Printing Supplies Status Page…

The printer is printing the Supplies Status page.

Recommended action

  1. No action necessary.

Ready <IP Address>

The printer is online and ready for data. No status or printer attendance messages are pending at the display. The printer
IP address displays.

Recommended action

  1. No action necessary.

Power Failure Recovery

Recovering from power failure. Please wait.

Recommended action

  1. No action necessary.

Power supply malfunction.

Power supply malfunction. Restart the printer.

Recommended action

Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.

  1. Turn the printer on to restart it.

Printing Configuration…

The printer is printing the Configuration page.

Recommended action

  1. No action necessary.

Printing engine test…

The printer is printing an engine test page.

Recommended action

  1. No action necessary.

Printing Event Log…

The printer is printing the Event Log page.

Recommended action

  1. No action necessary.

Printing Font List…

The printer is printing the Font List pages.

Recommended action

  1. No action necessary.

Printing File Directory…

The printer is printing the File Directory pages.

Recommended action

  1. No action necessary.

Printing Usage Page…

The printer is printing the Usage page.

Recommended action

  1. No action necessary.

Protected cartridge

A previously protected cartridge was installed in a printer other than the one that initiated the cartridge protection.

The indicated cartridges can only be used in the printer or fleet of printers that initially protected the cartridges using
the HP Cartridge Protection feature.

Recommended action

Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.

  1. Please check the printer and replace the cartridge.


    The indicated cartridges can only be used in the printer or fleet of printers that initially protected the cartridges using
    the HP Cartridge Protection feature. These cartridges are not usable in this printer and must be replaced.

    The HP Cartridge Protection feature allows a printer or fleet owner to restrict usage of a cartridge to their printer or fleet
    of printers. If you believe you purchased Genuine HP cartridges, visit us at: for more information
    or to report fraud


The printer is online and ready for data. No status or printer attendance messages are pending at the display.

Recommended action

  1. No action necessary.

Rear door open

The rear door of the printer is open.

Recommended action for customers

Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.

  1. Close the rear door of the printer.

  2. If the message persists with the rear door completely closed, please contact customer support at:

Replace Supplies

This alert displays only if the printer is configured to stop when a supply reaches the very low threshold. The printer indicates
when a supply level is at its estimated end of life. The actual life remaining might be different than estimated.

The supply does not need to be replaced now unless the print quality is no longer acceptable.


HP recommends having replacement supplies available to install when the print quality is no longer acceptable.

The printer can be configured to stop when the supply level is very low. The supply might still be able to produce acceptable
print quality.

Recommended action

Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.

  1. Replace the specified supply.

    Or, configure the printer to continue printing using the Manage Supplies menu on the printer control panel.

Tray <X> lifting error

Tray «X» has experienced a tray lifting error.

Recommended action for customers

Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.

  1. Open the indicated tray and check the paper guides.

  2. Ensure the paper is correctly install in the paper tray and that the tray is not over-filled.

  3. If the message persists, please contact customer support at:

Tray <X> Overfilled

Too much paper has been loaded in Tray <X>

Recommended action

Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.

  1. Open the tray and make sure the paper is below the paper stack tab or line shown on the tray.

Tray <X> empty: [Type], [Size]

The specified tray is empty and the current job does not need this tray to print.

  • X = 1: Tray 1

  • X = 2: Tray 2

  • X = 3: Tray 3

  • X = 4: Tray 4

  • X = 5: Tray 5

Recommended action

Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.

  1. Refill the tray at a convenient time.


    This could be a false message. If the tray is loaded without removing the shipping lock, the printer does not sense that the
    paper is loaded. Remove the shipping lock, and then load the tray.

Used or Counterfeit in Use

A used cartridge has been installed.

Recommended action

Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.

  1. A used cartridge has been installed. If you believe you purchased a genuine HP cartridge, visit us at

    Any printer repair required as a result of using used supplies is not covered under warranty. Supply status and features depending
    on supply status will not be available. Press «OK» to continue.

Used supply installed To continue, touch “OK” OR Used supply in use

The toner cartridges or supplies has been previously used.

Recommended action

Follow these troubleshooting steps in the order presented.

  1. If you believe a genuine HP supply is being used, go to

Restore Factory Settings

The printer is restoring factory settings.

Recommended action

  1. No action necessary.

Supplies low

Multiple supplies on the printer have reached the low threshold.

Recommended action

  1. Replace the supply when print quality is no longer acceptable.

Supply memory warning

The printer cannot read or write to the e-label or the e-label is missing.

Recommended action

  1. No action necessary.

Type mismatch Tray <x>

The specified tray contains a paper type that does not match the configured type.

Recommended action

The specified tray will not be used until this condition is addressed. Printing can continue from other trays.

  1. Load the correct paper in the specified tray.

  2. On the printer control panel, make sure the paper type loaded in the tray matches the specified setting for the tray.

Waiting for tray <x> to lift

The specified tray is in the process of lifting paper to the top of the tray (so it can correctly feed).

Recommended action

  1. No action necessary.

Не так давно компания HP порадовала пользователей очередным детищем. Это линейка принтеров, использующих картриджи CF259A емкостью 3000 страниц и CF259X емкостью 10000 страниц. В линейку входят аппараты HP LaserJet Pro M304, M305, M404, M405.

Эти аппараты являются развитием предыдущей модели HP LaserJet Pro M402 с картриджами CF226A и CF226X. Картридж на первый взгляд тот же самый, но отличия все же есть. Направляющие расположены в других местах — картриджи не взаимозаменяемые. И самое главное отличие — это чип. Как и на предыдущих аппаратах без чипа принтер печатать не будет. Чип на картридже должен быть, хотя бы закончившийся.

И если на HP LaserJet Pro M402 при окончании тонера аппарат сообщал об этом и продолжал печатать, то новые принтеры очень часто ведут себя по другому. На экране принтера выводится сообщение «замените указанные картриджи «K»» и принтер отказывается печатать.

Неужели теперь с «пустым» чипом принтер работать не будет? Не стоит пугаться. Принтеры печатают с закончившимся чипом, как и прежде. Просто производитель по умолчанию включил опцию прекращения печати по окончании тонера. Ее просто нужно выключить. Для этого нужно установить полные драйверы для Вашего аппарата.
Открываем меню «Пуск» -> «Все программы», листаем список в поисках папки «HP» и вибираем модель. В нашем случае это «HP LaserJet Pro M304-M305». Нажимаем на одноименный пункт в папке.

HP LJ M304 01

Откроется «Помощник по принтеру HP». Выбираем «Панель инструментов устройства HP».

HP LJ M304 02

В открывшемся окне переходим на вкладку «Параметры».

HP LJ M304 03

В левой панели раскрываем список «+Расходные материалы» и выбираем «Параметры расходных материалов». В открывшихся параметрах находим «Защита картриджей» выбираем пункт «Продолжить» и нажимаем кнопку «Применить».

HP LJ M304 04

Все готово! Теперь можно печатать с «пустым» чипом. Главное, чтобы чип просто был установлен на картридже.

В Саранске заправить картриджи CF259A и CF259X можно в Гамма-Сервис.

Звоните 37-31-18.

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