Label not defined vba ошибка


39k times

I have a VBA macro which gave me that error message.

Sub Function1()
    '   Give the user macro options based on how fast or slow the computer 
    '   is using advanced conditional compiling
    vuserChoice = MsgBox("This macro by default treats all numbers as decimals for maximum precision. If you are running this macro on an old computer, you may want to declare numbers as singles, to speed up the macro.")
    MsgBox ("Decimal: recommended for maximum precision. Also slower." & vbNewLine & "Long: not recommended. Rounds to nearest integer." & vbNewLine & "Single: not recommended. A lightweight double." & vbNewLine & "Integer: not recommended. Quick and low-precision.")

    If vuserChoice = "Decimal" Or "decimal" Then
        GoTo FunctionDecimal
    ElseIf vuserChoice = "Double" Or "double" Then
        GoTo FunctionDouble
    ElseIf vuserChoice = "Single" Or "single" Then
        GoTo FunctionSingle
    ElseIf vuserChoice = "Long" Or "long" Then
        GoTo FunctionLong
        GoTo FunctionNotValidVarType
    End If

    '   MEeff = measure of efflux due to crudely purified HDL in scintillation
    MsgBox "For additional information about this macro:" & vbNewLine & "1. Go to tab Developer" & vbNewLine & "2. Select Visual Basic or Macro." & vbNewLine & "See the comments or MsgBoxes (message boxes)."
End Sub

The offending line is:

GoTo FunctionNotValidVarType

I have the function FunctionNotValidVarType below this code. I have it as:

Public Sub FunctionNotValidVarType()
    MsgBox "VarType " & VarType & " is not supported. Please check spelling."
End Sub

What do I need to do to let the first function recognize FunctionNotValidVarType? Thanks.

Michael Coxon's user avatar

asked Jun 24, 2015 at 15:05

GoTo will try and transfer the code execution to a different position in the current Subroutine with the given label.

Specifically, GoTo FunctionNotValidVarType will try and execute the line:

FunctionNotValidVarType:  'Do stuff here

which doesn’t exist in your current code.

If you want to call another function use Call FunctionNotValidVarType

answered Jun 24, 2015 at 15:09

kaybee99's user avatar


4,5662 gold badges32 silver badges42 bronze badges


Remove the word GoTo

GoTo tells the code to jump to a label, you want it to enter a new procedure, not go to a label

answered Jun 24, 2015 at 15:14

SierraOscar's user avatar


17.5k6 gold badges40 silver badges68 bronze badges

Remove Goto from the call to your Sub()

If you really wanted to use a Goto (and you shouldn’t), you would

goto Label


where the label is defined by the trailing colon :

Community's user avatar

answered Jun 24, 2015 at 15:10

FreeMan's user avatar


5,6701 gold badge27 silver badges53 bronze badges


GoTo transitions to a label, a label is defined with :

For example:

Sub G()
On Error GoTo err_handling
  Exit Sub
  MsgBox "Holy Shit, an error occurred !"
End Sub

To apply GoTo on a Sub you need call it and exit:

Call FunctionNotValidVarType
Exit Sub

(Technically, it is not the same as GoTo if you take the call stack into consideration, but the end result is the same)

GoTo is not considered a good practice, but if that doesn’t concern you, take a look also at GoSub at the official docs.

answered Jun 24, 2015 at 16:29

Uri Goren's user avatar

Uri GorenUri Goren

13.4k6 gold badges58 silver badges110 bronze badges

I keep getting this msg


Compile Error:

Label not defined

Yes, Label starts with a letter.

Label Has No spaces

Label Has Nothing but letters.

Label’s First letter is in column 1   ( per the editor in Access VBA code editor )

Label Does end with a “ : “   at end.  
Not with the extra spaces or quotes.

i Did comment the line out with the Label,  ( only label on the line). On a new line I retyped the same label.

i Did save, do a RefreshAll, did a close of VBA editor, then restarted VBA editor, clicked on reset, then debug got same msg.

i did this between every time i tried a different way.

I used GoTo ErrHandler

then added    On Error GoTo ErrHander

I copied the label from the Goto line, then pasted it at spot I want, with first letter in column 1, added “ 
:   at the end,  so no way I could have misspelled the label.

I also did the same using  57    
as the label, I did put label on line 57 just in case.   as in goto a line number.

Every time I get the same msg.

Only thing I noticed that was different is in     Tools / References I see under Available References the below


Location  C:\Windows\Systems32\ EditionUpgradeHelperLib.dll

Language:  Standard

That is the only reference I do NOT ever recall seeing before. If definitely was no picked before.

I did search net, only info I got came to this, download third party app(s) that is supposed to check all “dll” files , fix them, and remove them if you want to, but that doc had a LONG list of things to do before run program, and hope fixes, not make worse.
and how to reinstall the dll if it turns out you MUST have it.

Was never able to find out what that file is supposed to do.

Never before had this msg, unless I made a typo.

I do have under Available references checked

Visula Basic For Applications

Microsoft Access 16.0 Object Library

OLE Automation

Microsoft Office 16.0 Access database engine Object Library

Microsoft Office 16.0 Object Library

i thank you for any help you can give.

mark J

Mark J

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  • #1

I am studying error handling. I am using VBA Developers Hand Book and some Google stuff. I have been over the material several times and cannot find my mistake. When I click cmdFindState it give me «compile error» » label not defined»,and stops at:


"On Error GoTo Err_cmdFindState_Click"


  Private Sub cmdFindState_Click()
   On Error GoTo Err_cmdFindState_Click
  DoCmd.OpenForm "frmChurchesAll"
  DoCmd.ApplyFilter "qryFindState"
   ' 51 Vermont
     DoCmd.GoToControl "ComboState"
      If ComboState.Text = "VT" Then
      Me.lblStLong.Caption = "Vermont"
      Me.lblStateOf.Visible = True
      Me.lblStLong.Visible = True
          End If
   Exit Sub
  MsgBox "this is a test", , "Access"
  lbAllChurches.Visible = False
  End Sub

  • #2

Firstly, the location Err_cmdFindState_Click is not defined in the procedure.

However you appear to still be insisting on farting around with data in the code which you were told previously is the wrong way to handle this enitirely.

  • #3

Firstly, the location Err_cmdFindState_Click is not defined in the procedure.

However you appear to still be insisting on farting around with data in the code which you were told previously is the wrong way to handle this enitirely.

Maybe this is where I don’t understand the book. Isn’t the line just before the message box the location. Isn’t that the line that will ecute if an error occurs?

I will address the farting later!:)

  • #4

The On Error GoTo refers to a label in the procedure. The label itself is just a string followed by a colon.

That label can be called anything so long as it is unique in the procedure. Microsoft encouraged the use of a label based on the name of the procedure but it is not essential.

  • #5

Plus your coding layout is a mess, readable code is maintanable code.

Like Galaxiom said, no «On error goto» means no error handling…. Your book should say so

  • #6

Plus your coding layout is a mess, readable code is maintanable code.

Like Galaxiom said, no «On error goto» means no error handling…. Your book should say so

It may be a mess but when you are learning you don’t know that. As far as I can tell I entered it just like the book said. I have another book called the «Access Cookbook» and that one bounces back and forth from one example to another that it is of little use to me. Even now, I can’t tell what I am missing.

  • #7

I will admitt I read this problem to fast and jumped the gun… a little :eek:

this is what your code should look like to keep it readable:


Private Sub cmdFindState_Click()
    On Error GoTo [COLOR="Red"]Err_cmdFindState_Click[/COLOR]
    DoCmd.OpenForm "frmChurchesAll"
    DoCmd.ApplyFilter "qryFindState"
    ' 51 Vermont
    DoCmd.GoToControl "ComboState"
    If ComboState.Text = "VT" Then
        Me.lblStLong.Caption = "Vermont"
        Me.lblStateOf.Visible = True
        Me.lblStLong.Visible = True
    End If
   Exit Sub
  MsgBox "this is a test", , "Access"
  lbAllChurches.Visible = False
End Sub

The LABEL in red is causing your problem because you have not defined it, no where does it say «Err_cmdFindState_Click:»
The way you define the «Goto» labels is by having them exactly stated as a label as the green lines. The second green line (probably) should read exactly as the red Label, like so:


Private Sub cmdFindState_Click()
    On Error GoTo [COLOR="Red"]Err_cmdFindState_Click[/COLOR]
    DoCmd.OpenForm "frmChurchesAll"
    DoCmd.ApplyFilter "qryFindState"
    ' 51 Vermont
    DoCmd.GoToControl "ComboState"
    If ComboState.Text = "VT" Then
        Me.lblStLong.Caption = "Vermont"
        Me.lblStateOf.Visible = True
        Me.lblStLong.Visible = True
    End If
   Exit Sub
  MsgBox "this is a test", , "Access"
  lbAllChurches.Visible = False
End Sub

FYI, Goto’s are only really acceptable in error handling… avoid them like the plague otherwize.

  • #8

I will admitt I read this problem to fast and jumped the gun… a little :eek:

Thank you very much. You would think for the price for books, they at least would get it right. I check the book at least three times, and even numbered each line of code in the book and VBA and it looked exactly like the book, but didn’t work.
If you come to FL look me up and I will treat you to the best Chinese buffet in the US. Best by my taste buds, of course.:D
Dick S

  • #9

I will admitt I read this problem to fast and jumped the gun… a little :eek:

[FONT=&quot]Reading and not seeing is what usually gets me in trouble, which is fatal in VBA. Even after you corrected my code it took me twice before I noticed that I had left off the _click. Googling this I noticed that some error code used numbers. For example in other apps that I have made I have used this code:


  [FONT=&quot]Private Sub cmdNext_Click() 'Lets user know he has reached last record[/FONT]
  [FONT=&quot]On Error GoTo err_handler [/FONT]
  [FONT=&quot]   DoCmd.GoToRecord acForm, "frmMain", acNext[/FONT]
  [FONT=&quot]    DoCmd.GoToControl "cmbSal"[/FONT]
  [FONT=&quot]Exit Sub [/FONT]
  [FONT=&quot]If Err.Number = 2105 Then[/FONT]
  [FONT=&quot]   MsgBox "You have already reached the Last student.", vbApplicationModal, "That's All Folks"[/FONT]
  [FONT=&quot]   MsgBox Err.Description, vbExclamation, "Error #: " & Err.Number[/FONT]
  [FONT=&quot]End If[/FONT]
  [FONT=&quot]   Resume cmdNext_Exit[/FONT]
  [FONT=&quot] End Sub[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]But I just copied it and did not know what or why it did what it did. How important is it to use actual error numbers?[/FONT]

  • #10

[FONT=&quot] How important is it to use actual error numbers?[/FONT]

Not important at all unless you want a particular messge to show.

What you have posted will only respond with the warning about it being the end of file if that is the error raised.

Otherwise it just shows the error number and description as per the Else section.

  • #11

Firstly, the location Err_cmdFindState_Click is not defined in the procedure.

However you appear to still be insisting on farting around with data in the code which you were told previously is the wrong way to handle this enitirely.

[FONT=&quot]Now let’s get back to the farthing. I am assuming you are referring to my use of the data from the state field to populate the label. That’s because I never did get it to work with a text field so it was more important to me to learn error handling, as I have always just copied somebodies else error handling and I was determined to learn to write the proper code for myself. Now I can start working on the farting,:D unless, of[/FONT] course something else in Access ticks me off, which is often.

  • #12


In your first post you placed this inside a code block for posting:-
«On Error GoTo Err_cmdFindState_Click»
but the above is not a line of code in your program.

You need to be careful; you need to understand that the compiler will not make allowances for some things that people simply breeze over.

«On Error GoTo Err_cmdFindState_Click»
is not a line of code, it is a string literal but
On Error GoTo Err_cmdFindState_Click
is a line of code.

So when you say “When I click cmdFindState it give me «compile error» » label not defined»,and stops at: «On Error GoTo Err_cmdFindState_Click»

Then that is false information you have supplied because the compiler did not stop at a string literal but rather stoped at a line of code.

Dick, it is important that you first learn the difference between a line of code and a string literal. With code, you need to be meticulous. It is also important that you supply correct information. One of the reasons for supplying correct information is that in trying to do so you may be able to learn how to solve your own problems.

What you will find is that many problems are solved by asking the exact, relevant, question.


>> How important is it to use actual error numbers?<<
Forget about error handling: just go back and do the basics.


  • #13

Not important at all unless you want a particular messge to show.

PS #10 came in just as I was sending #11

  • #14


In your first post you placed this inside a code block for posting:-
«On Error GoTo Err_cmdFindState_Click»
but the above is not a line of code in your program.

You need to be careful; you need to understand that the compiler will not make allowances for some things that people simply breeze over.

«On Error GoTo Err_cmdFindState_Click»
is not a line of code, it is a string literal but
On Error GoTo Err_cmdFindState_Click
is a line of code.

So when you say “When I click cmdFindState it give me «compile error» » label not defined»,and stops at: «On Error GoTo Err_cmdFindState_Click»

Then that is false information you have supplied because the compiler did not stop at a string literal but rather stoped at a line of code.

Dick, it is important that you first learn the difference between a line of code and a string literal. With code, you need to be meticulous. It is also important that you supply correct information. One of the reasons for supplying correct information is that in trying to do so you may be able to learn how to solve your own problems.

What you will find is that many problems are solved by asking the exact, relevant, question.


>> How important is it to use actual error numbers?<<
Forget about error handling: just go back and do the basics.


I did debate if I should use code block for the first «On Error GoTo Err_cmdFindState_Click» as I am doing here. I thought that I would be safe using the code block.

I have studied some basic in some areas, but not in others. I have been doing Access for twenty years, but was more concerned about kicking a program out the door for someone than I was in learning good coding. Never ever using VBA, so now I am going over old apps and revising them. Now I am frustrated when errors pop up so I decided it was about time I figured it out.
As funny as it may sound in my circle, I am the expert. The things I study now are usually the things that bug me the most.

  • #15


You appear not to be able to focus on a single point.
If you wish to try and write code then that is one of the first things you will need to learn.

How long you have been using Access is totally irrelevant.
What you have been using Access for is totally irrelevant.
If you happen to be the expert in your circle then that is totally irrelevant.
Whatever excuse you try to put up is totally irrelevant.

You need to learn how to focus on a problem.


  • #16


You appear not to be able to focus on a single point.
If you wish to try and write code then that is one of the first things you will need to learn.

How long you have been using Access is totally irrelevant.
What you have been using Access for is totally irrelevant.
If you happen to be the expert in your circle then that is totally irrelevant.
Whatever excuse you try to put up is totally irrelevant.

You need to learn how to focus on a problem.


Ok, Will take you advise, what should I have been forcing on in these last posts on error handling?

  • #17

Ok, Will take you advise, what should I have been forcing on in these last posts on error handling?

sorry focusing

  • #18


You need to focus on not making mistakes. We all make mistakes but some people seem to think that other people will make allowances for them. That may be true but a computer is not another person and VBA is not English.

You need to think differently when speaking to a computer; it will make very few allowances for your mistakes.

So that is the first thing to focus on…trying to not make mistakes.
Do not make excuses for your mistakes, try to reduce them.


  • #19


You need to focus on not making mistakes. We all make mistakes but some people seem to think that other people will make allowances for them. That may be true but a computer is not another person and VBA is not English.

You need to think differently when speaking to a computer; it will make very few allowances for your mistakes.

So that is the first thing to focus on…trying to not make mistakes.
Do not make excuses for your mistakes, try to reduce them.


Well of course, I don’t want to make mistakes. I don’t think I have ever meet anybody who likes making mistakes. I research my error handling extensively before posting. Why do you think this symbol :)banghead:) is on here for. What sometimes is so very obvious to some, is a blank wall to others.
My comments were not meant to be excuses, they were intended to make anybody who choose (That’s the key word) choose to answer, that not everybody has the same goals in life, or VBA. Not everybody has the same abilities, or the same amount of time. (The list goes on) Not everybody is annoyed by inserting the human element in a post. Also as posted on this forum many times, by many people, there are many ways in Access to do the same task. Thanks for answering. My standing offer, come to FL and eat at the US’s best Chinese Buffet, my treat.

  • #20


That is exactly what I am trying to get at.

Post #19 has nothing to do with trying to solve your problem.
All it is is just words which do not contribute to your desired solution.

Post #19 is totally irrelevant to the solution. It is being used simply as some social interaction. It is not a desire to find a technical solution.

What on Earth does a ‘Chinese Buffet’ have to do with your problem?
Why should I, or anyone else, have to wade through all those needless words just to get at the problem?

Why do people have to waist their time sifting through all that garbage?

I am not going to waist any more of my time with things like ‘Chinese Buffet’ in the US. :mad:


An illustration of labeling in C includes the addition of statements as labels. It is important to note that labels can only be placed before statements and not before declarations. Additionally, the label value operator can also be utilized to obtain the address of the label.

Table of contents

  • VBA «Compile Error: Label not defined»
  • Label Is Not Defined
  • Compile error: label not defined
  • Error: Label used but not defined when using && operator
  • What does Line label not defined mean?
  • What happens if the label is not defined in the DocMD?
  • What is the difference between a line label and reference?
  • Why do I get the error label() in the converter() function?

VBA «Compile Error: Label not defined»


The error message was triggered by a VBA macro that I have.

Sub Function1()
    '   Give the user macro options based on how fast or slow the computer 
    '   is using advanced conditional compiling
    vuserChoice = MsgBox("This macro by default treats all numbers as decimals for maximum precision. If you are running this macro on an old computer, you may want to declare numbers as singles, to speed up the macro.")
    MsgBox ("Decimal: recommended for maximum precision. Also slower." & vbNewLine & "Long: not recommended. Rounds to nearest integer." & vbNewLine & "Single: not recommended. A lightweight double." & vbNewLine & "Integer: not recommended. Quick and low-precision.")
    If vuserChoice = "Decimal" Or "decimal" Then
        GoTo FunctionDecimal
    ElseIf vuserChoice = "Double" Or "double" Then
        GoTo FunctionDouble
    ElseIf vuserChoice = "Single" Or "single" Then
        GoTo FunctionSingle
    ElseIf vuserChoice = "Long" Or "long" Then
        GoTo FunctionLong
        GoTo FunctionNotValidVarType
    End If
    '   MEeff = measure of efflux due to crudely purified HDL in scintillation
    MsgBox "For additional information about this macro:" & vbNewLine & "1. Go to tab Developer" & vbNewLine & "2. Select Visual Basic or Macro." & vbNewLine & "See the comments or MsgBoxes (message boxes)."
End Sub

The offending line is:

GoTo FunctionNotValidVarType

Below this code, I have the function



Public Sub FunctionNotValidVarType()
    MsgBox "VarType " & VarType & " is not supported. Please check spelling."
End Sub

Could you please advise on the necessary steps for the first function to identify


? Thank you.

Solution 1:

The code will attempt to redirect the execution to another location within the current Subroutine, using the provided label.

In particular, the line

GoTo FunctionNotValidVarType

will be attempted to be executed.

FunctionNotValidVarType:  'Do stuff here

which is not present in your existing code.

To invoke another function, utilize

Call FunctionNotValidVarType


Solution 2:

Remove the word


The code instructs the program to transition to a label. Instead of going to a label, it should enter a new procedure.

Solution 3:

Take out the


from the



If you had a genuine desire to utilize a


(which is strongly discouraged), you would

goto Label

The trailing colon is what defines the label.


Solution 4:



is executed, it transitions to a defined label that is identified by



For example:

Sub G()
On Error GoTo err_handling
  Exit Sub
  MsgBox "Holy Shit, an error occurred !"
End Sub

To utilize


on a


, simply invoke it and then terminate the process.

Call FunctionNotValidVarType
Exit Sub

(From a technical standpoint, it differs from msdt_code1 when considering the call stack, but the outcome remains unchanged.)

If you are not concerned about it being considered a good practice, you may also want to check out


in the official documentation.

Excel — VBA «Compile Error: Label not defined», GoTo will try and transfer the code execution to a different position in the current Subroutine with the given label. Specifically, GoTo FunctionNotValidVarType will try and execute the line: FunctionNotValidVarType: ‘Do stuff here. which doesn’t exist in your current code. If you want to call another … Usage exampleFunctionNotValidVarType: ‘Do stuff hereFeedback

Label Is Not Defined


Could you please assist me in identifying what is incorrect in this code? I am encountering an issue with the undefined variable lbl1. I have already defined it, but I suspect there may be an issue with the order. How can I fix this? I seem to run into problems like this on a daily basis. Can you provide me with some guidance?

import tkinter
window = tkinter.Tk()
window.title("Calculator 2")
def func1():
    lbl1 = tkinter.Label(window, text="1")
def func2():
    lbl2 = tkinter.Label(window, text="+")
def func3():
    lbl3 = tkinter.Label(window, text="2")
btn1 = tkinter.Button(window, text="1", command=func1)
btn2 = tkinter.Button(window, text="+", command=func2)
btn3 = tkinter.Button(window, text="2", command=func3)
def funclst():
    if lbl1 == "1" and  lbl2 == "+" and lbl3 == "2":
        rstt = tkinter.Label(window, text=(int(lbl1) + int(lbl3)))
lst = tkinter.Button(window, text="Calculate", command=funclst)


Labels are created within functions and their assigned names are garbage collected when the function ends. Consequently, when attempting to access the variables in the


statement, they are not defined within the global scope.

The code


also verifies whether

lbl1 == "1"

, but this approach is ineffective since


refers to the label itself rather than its content. To access the text within the label, you can use either





Label not defined, Label not defined. A line label or line number is referred to (for example in a GoTo statement), but doesn’t occur within the scope of the reference. The label must be within the procedure that contains the reference. Line labels are visible only in their own procedures. For additional information, select the item in …

Compile error: label not defined


I possess a code that seeks a specific item from the master sheet in column D, like «1x Daily» or «2x Month» (among other possibilities). If the cell corresponds to a sheet name, it is copied into that sheet. However, the issue arises because each row in the master sheet is distinct, making it impossible to repeat on each sheet. Consequently, whenever I execute the code, the rows are added again, leading to a situation similar to the following example.

The schedule for Coubourn, Stephen (ID: 201), Eudy, Donna (ID: 202), and Potts, Betty (ID: 203) is set for every 4 hours.

Here is my progress on the code I’m currently working on, but it’s not functioning properly. I’m encountering the error message «Compile error, label not defined» at the line where «On
Error GoTo
SetFirst» is written.

Dim cell As Range
    Dim cmt As Comment
    Dim bolFound As Boolean
    Dim sheetNames() As String
    Dim lngItem As Long, lngLastRow As Long
    Dim sht As Worksheet, shtMaster As Worksheet
    Dim MatchRow As Variant
    Set shtMaster = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Master Vitals Data")
    ReDim sheetNames(0)
    For Each sht In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets
        If sht.Name <> shtMaster.Name Then
            sheetNames(UBound(sheetNames)) = sht.Name
            ReDim Preserve sheetNames(UBound(sheetNames) + 1)
        End If
    Next sht
    ReDim Preserve sheetNames(UBound(sheetNames) - 1)
    For Each cell In shtMaster.Range("D1:D" & shtMaster.Cells(shtMaster.Rows.Count, "D").End(xlUp).Row)
    bolFound = False
        MatchRow = Application.Match(cell.Offset(, -3).Value, sht.Range("A:A"), 0)
        If Not IsError(MatchRow) Then
            shtMaster.Rows(cell.Row).EntireRow.Copy Destination:=sht.Cells(MatchRow, 1)
            On Error GoTo SetFirst
            lngLastRow = sht.Cells.Find("*", SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious).Row + 1
            On Error GoTo 0
            shtMaster.Rows(cell.Row).EntireRow.Copy Destination:=sht.Cells(lngLastRow, 1)
        End If
        If bolFound = False Then
            For Each cmt In shtMaster.Comments
                If cmt.Parent.Address = cell.Address Then cmt.Delete
            Next cmt
            cell.AddComment "no sheet found for this row"
            ActiveSheet.EnableCalculation = False
    ActiveSheet.EnableCalculation = True
        End If
    Set sht = Nothing
End Sub


On Error GoTo SetFirst

This instruction directs
VBA runtime
to immediately proceed to the


subroutine for error handling.

During code compilation, VBA encounters a conditional jump to the


label; however, since there is no corresponding label to jump to, VBA is unable to resolve


and the compilation process fails.

Uncertain about your intention, but typically, the appearance would resemble something of this nature.

    Exit Sub
SetFirst: '<<<<<<<< that's your line label
    Debug.Print "Error " & Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description
    'comment-out or remove before distributing:
    Resume 'step through (F8) here to jump back to error-causing instruction
End Sub

Line labels or subroutines have local scope, which means that you cannot jump to a line label located in a different procedure. If you encounter an error and need to jump to a line label in another procedure, it indicates a significant level of code complexity and confusion.

Python — Label Is Not Defined, 1 Answer. You create the labels inside functions. When the function ends the names assigned to the labels are garbage collected. Later when you try to access the variables in the if statement they are not defined in the global scope. Also; the if statements checks if lbl1 == «1» which will not work as lbl1 is the …

Error: Label used but not defined when using && operator


int main()
        int i = 0;
        int *p = &i
        int *q = &&i
        return 0;

I encounter an error when using


during compilation on



addr.c: In function ‘main’:
addr.c:6:2: error: label ‘i’ used but not defined

Why is the compiler interpreting

int i



instead of an integer? In what situations do we utilize

&& operator


I can somewhat comprehend the responses, but could you clarify the meaning of the
macro definition
in «arch/arm/include/asm/processor.h»? It does not mention anything about


, but the comment suggests that it may return the »

program counter


 * Default implementation of macro that returns current
 * instruction pointer ("program counter").
#define current_text_addr() ({ __label__ _l; _l: &&_l;})

Solution 1:

Is there an operator called && in C++? It should be noted that there is no unary && operator in C++. However, GCC has an extension that permits the use of
computed goto
statements. This extension utilizes && to obtain the address of a label.

Solution 2:


represents the GNU C label known as
address operator

Please refer to the URL for more information.

int *q = &&i

The program requires a label, but it is missing.

Example of a label:

int main(void)
    (void) 0;
     int i = 0;
     int *p = &i
     int *q = &&i
     return 0;

To comply with the rule that labels in C can only be placed before statements and not declarations, I included the

(void) 0;


Solution 3:

The usage of


is twofold. Firstly, it allows you to obtain the address of a variable.

int *p = &i // that's fine, p points to i's address

Additionally, it serves the purpose of performing a ‘bit-wise’ and operation.

int i = 1;     // 01
int j = 3;     // 11
int k = i & j; // 01


» is not an operator that refers to the «address of address of» but rather functions as a logical operator. Its purpose is to check two conditions simultaneously and ensure that both are true.

if (something && something_else)

Upon further review, I noticed that you have tagged this as C and C++. If your question pertains to C, please refer to the information mentioned earlier. However, if your question pertains to C++, there is an additional note regarding



Is there a double occurrence of
Address Operator
in #aBaBaCaDaFC++? (&&)zXzXmPeRwV#

In addition to its primary use as a label value operator, the


can also be utilized to obtain the address of the label.

The compiler assumes that’s your intention, which is why it generates this error message.

The && operator in C and C++ is an extension that returns the address of its operand. The operand must be a
label defined
in either the current function or a containing function. This operator should only be used in a computed goto statement and the returned value is a constant of type void*. It was implemented to aid in porting programs developed with GNU C.

int main()
   void * ptr1;
   label1: ...
   ptr1 = &&label1
   if (...) {
      goto *ptr1;

Vba — Compile error: label not defined, Compile error: label not defined. Ask Question Asked 5 years, 2 months ago. Modified 4 years, 9 months ago. Viewed 2k times 1 I have a code that looks for something from the master sheet in column D such as «1x Daily» or «2x Month» (as well as others). If the cell matches a Sheet name, it gets pasted into …

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