Сергей Александрович » Вт окт 13, 2020 7:13 am
a65rivn писал(а):Хорошенько проверьте разъем от проявки на передней части(когда вынимаете проявку его разъединяете).
Разъем в порядке, копаю дальше
Сергей Александрович
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Сергей Александрович » Вт июн 15, 2021 2:00 pm
a65rivn писал(а):Хорошенько проверьте разъем от проявки на передней части(когда вынимаете проявку его разъединяете).
Вышел из строя форматер, брак в работе заправщика, после очистки не продул плату датчика тонера
Сергей Александрович
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Сергей Александрович » Вт июн 15, 2021 2:57 pm
dviz писал(а):И из-за этого форматер(?) вышел из строя?
Поставили форматер с ошибкой в такой же принтер, тоже самое пишет, видимо тонер на плате датчика убил его, других причин не вижу
Сергей Александрович
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Kyocera FS-1120d индикатор «Нет бумаги»
vs-dos в форуме Принтеры, МФУ, факсы, копиры формата A4
- 11
- 15414
Вт ноя 02, 2021 2:24 pm
Kyocera FS-1120d индикатор «Нет бумаги»
[SCANNER ERROR] Lamp Error Kyocera FS-1016
мастерчип в форуме Принтеры, МФУ, факсы, копиры формата A4
- 3
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Усатый Полосатый
Вс окт 28, 2018 11:08 pm
[SCANNER ERROR] Lamp Error Kyocera FS-1016
Kyocera 1035 «бледная» печать
srMax в форуме Принтеры, МФУ, факсы, копиры формата A4
- 2
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Пт янв 23, 2015 2:49 pm
Kyocera 1035 «бледная» печать
Kyocera Ecosys M2635dn «поворот» изображения
Искатель в форуме Принтеры, МФУ, факсы, копиры формата A4
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Ср апр 08, 2020 5:18 am
Kyocera Ecosys M2635dn «поворот» изображения
Стирание вала ведущей шестерни в «печке» Kyocera M2035dn
Грецкий орех в форуме Принтеры, МФУ, факсы, копиры формата A4
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- 3777
Пн дек 13, 2021 3:35 pm
Стирание вала ведущей шестерни в «печке» Kyocera M2035dn
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- Code: 0030
- Description: FAX control PWB system error
Processing with the fax software was disabled due to a software problem. - Causes: FAX control PWB
- Remedy: 1. Turn the main power swtch off and after 5 seconds, re-mount the FAX controller PWB, then turn power on. 2. Reinstall the fax software. 3. Replace the FAX control PWB.
- Code: 0060
- Description: Main/Engine PWB mismatch
Unmatching engine and engine sub boards. Defective engine subboard - Causes: Main/Engine PWB
- Remedy: 1. Turn the main power swtch off and after 5 seconds, then turn power on. 2. Replace the main/engine PWB.
- Code: 0100
- Description: Backup memory device error
- Causes: EEPROM (Main/Engine PWB)
- Remedy: 1. Turn the main power swtch off and after 5 seconds, then turn power on. 2. Check that the EEPROM on the main circuit PWB is peroperly installed on the main circuit PWB and, if not, re-install it. 3. Replace the main/engine PWB.
- Code: 0120
- Description: MAC address data error
For data in which the MAC address is invalid. - Causes: EEPROM (Main/Engine PWB)
- Remedy: 1. Turn the main power swtch off and after 5 seconds, then turn power on. 2. Check the MAC address on the network status page. 3. If it is blank, obtain an EEPROM with its MAC address written from the service support and install. 4. Replace the main/engine PWB.
- Code: 0150
- Description: Backup memory read/write error (main/engine PWB)
No response is issued from the device in reading/writing for 5 ms or more and this problem is repeated 5 times successively. Mismatch of reading data from 2 locations occurs 8 times successively. Mismatch between writing data and reading data occurs 8 times successively. - Causes: EEPROM (Main/Engine PWB)
- Remedy: 1. Turn the main power swtch off and after 5 seconds, then turn power on. 2. Check that the EEPROM is peroperly installed on the main/engine PWB and re-install it. 3. Replace the main/engine PWB. 4. Check the EEPROM and if the data are currupted, contact the service support.
- Code: 0160
- Description: Backup memory data error (main/engine PWB)
Reading data from EEPROM is abnormal. - Causes: EEPROM
- Remedy: 1. Turn the main power swtch off and after 5 seconds, then turn power on. 2. Execute U021 — memory initializing.(see page 1-3-19) 3. If the EEPROM data are currupted, contact the service support.
- Code: 0170
- Description: Billing counting error
The values on the main circuit PWB and on the engine do not match for any of charging counter, life counter, and scanner counter. - Causes: EEPROM. Main/Engine PWB.
- Remedy: EEPROM 1. Check that the EEPROMs installed in the main/engine PWB are correct and, if not, use the correct EEPROM for the model. 2. If the EEPROM data are currupted, contact the service support.
Main/Engine PWB Replace the main/engine PWB.
- Code: 0180
- Description: Machine number mismatch
Machine number of main/ engine does not match. - Causes: Data damage of EEPROM.
- Remedy: 1. Confirm the machine data for the main/ engine units by using U004. 2. If the serial number data of different models is alternately displayed, install the correct EEPROM in the PWB of the wrong serial number data. 3. Contact the Service Support.
- Code: 0190
- Description: Backup memory device error (main/engine PWB)
- Causes: Main/Engine PWB
- Remedy: Replace the main/engine PWB.
- Code: 0630
- Description: DMA error
DMA transmission of image data does not complete within the specified period of time. - Causes: Main/Engine PWB
- Remedy: 1. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. 2. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 3. Replace the main/engine PWB.
- Code: 0800
- Description: Image processing error
JAM010X is detected twice. - Causes: Main/Engine PWB
- Remedy: Replace the main/engine PWB.
- Code: 0840
- Description: Faults of RTC
(“Time for maintenance T” is displayed) [Check at power up] The RTC setting has reverted to a previous state. The machine has not been powered for 5 years (compared to the settings stored periodically in the EEPROM). The RTC setting is older than 00:01 on January 1, 2000. [Checked periodically (in 5- minute interval) after powered up] The RTC setting has reverted to a state older than the last time it was checked. 10 minutes have been passed since the previous check. - Causes: Battery ( main PWB). Main/Engine PWB.
- Remedy: Battery ( main PWB) 1. Make sure that the back-up batteries on the main/engine PWB are not shortcircuited. 2. Reset Maintenance T by executing U906. 3. If the same C call is displayed when power is switched on and off, replace the back up battery. 4. If communication error (due to a noise, etc.) is present with the RTC on the main/engine PWB, check the PWB is properly grounded.
Main/Engine PWB Replace the main/engine PWB.
- Code: 1810
- Description: Paper feeder unit 2 communication error
A communication error from paper feeder is detected 10 times in succession. - Causes: Paper feeder. PF main PWB. Main/Engine PWB.
- Remedy: Paper feeder Check the wiring connection status with the main unit and, if necessary, try connecting it again.
PF main PWB 1. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. PF main PWB (YC1) and main/engine PWB (YC18) 2. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 3. Replace the PFMain/Engine PWB 1. Check the main/engine software and upgrade to the latest, if necessary. 2. Replace the main/engine PWB. main PWB.
- Code: 1820
- Description: Paper feeder unit 3 communication error
A communication error from paper feeder is detected 10 times in succession. - Causes: Paper feeder. PF main PWB. Main/Engine PWB
- Remedy: Paper feeder Check the wiring connection status with paper feeder unit 2 and, if necessary, try connecting it again.
PF main PWB 1. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. PF main PWB (YC1) and PF main PWB (YC2). 2. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 3. Replace the PF main PWB.
Main/Engine PWB 1. Check the main/engine software and upgrade to the latest, if necessary. 2. Replace the main/engine PWB.
- Code: 1830
- Description: Paper feeder unit 4 communication error
A communication error from paper feeder is detected 10 times in succession. - Causes: Paper feeder. PF main PWB. Main/Engine PWB.
- Remedy: Paper feeder Check the wiring connection status with paper feeder unit 3 and, if necessary, try connecting it again.
PF main PWB 1. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. PF main PWB (YC1) and PF main PWB (YC2). 2. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 3. Replace the PF main PWB.
Main/Engine PWB 1. Check the main/engine software and upgrade to the latest, if necessary. 2. Replace the main/engine PWB.
- Code: 1900
- Description: Paper feeder unit 2 EEPROM error
When writing the data, read and write data does not match 4 times in succession. - Causes: PF main PWB (EEPROM)
- Remedy: 1. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. 2. Replace the PF main PWB.
- Code: 1910
- Description: Paper feeder unit 3 EEPROM error
When writing the data, read and write data does not match 4 times in succession. - Causes: PF main PWB (EEPROM)
- Remedy: 1. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. 2. Replace the PF main PWB.
- Code: 1920
- Description: Paper feeder unit 4 EEPROM error
When writing the data, read and write data does not match 4 times in succession. - Causes: PF main PWB (EEPROM)
- Remedy: 1. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. 2. Replace the PF main PWB.
- Code: 2000
- Description: Main motor steady-state error
After main motor is stabilized, the ready signal is not ready for 1 s continuously. - Causes: Main motor. Main/Engine PWB.
- Remedy: Main motor 1. Check the drive gear can rotate or they are not unusually loaded and, if necessary, replace. 2. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. main motor and main/engine PWB (YC4) 3. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 4. Replace the main motor.
Main/Engine PWB 1. Check the main/engine software and upgrade to the latest, if necessary. 2. Replace the main/engine PWB.
- Code: 2010
- Description: Main motor startup error
Main motor is not stabilized within 3 s since the motor is activated. - Causes: Main motor. Main/Engine PWB.
- Remedy: Main motor 1. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. main motor and main/engine PWB (YC4) 2. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 3. Replace the main motor.
Main/Engine PWB 1. Check the main/engine software and upgrade to the latest, if necessary. 2. Replace the main/engine PWB.
- Code: 3100
- Description: Scanner carriage error
The home position is not correct when the power is turned on, at the end of a reading process of the table and document processor. - Causes: Scanner motor. Home position sensor. Main/Engine PWB.
- Remedy: Scanner motor 1. Move the scanner by the hand to check whether it is unusually difficult to move. 2. Check that the scanner driving belt is not disengaged. 3. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Scanner motor and main/engine PWB (YC1) 4. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 5. Replace the scanner motor.
Home position sensor 1. Check that the sensor is correctly positioned. 2. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Home position sensor and main/engine PWB (YC7) 3. Replace the home position sensor.
Main/Engine PWB Replace the main/engine PWB.
- Code: 3200
- Description: Exposure lamp error
When a lamp is made to turn on one side at a time, the white standard data at the time of an initial is lower than a rated value. - Causes: CIS. Main/Engine PWB.
- Remedy: CIS Reinsert the connector. Also check for continuity within the connector cable. If none, replace the cable. CIS and main/engine PWB (YC2011) Replace the image scanner unit.
Main/Engine PWB Replace the main/engine PWB and check for correct operation.
- Code: 3210
- Description: CIS lamp error
When a lamp is made both to turn on, the white standard data at the time of an initial is lower than a rated value - Causes: CIS. Main/Engine PWB.
- Remedy: CIS 1. Execute U906 Separating Operation Release. 2. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. CIS and main/engine PWB (YC2011) 3. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 4. Replace the CIS and execute U411.
Main/Engine PWB Replace the main/engine PWB and check for correct operation.
- Code: 3300
- Description: Optical system (AGC) error One of the gains is FF or 00 during the CIS lamp AGC is being processed.
- Causes: CIS. Main/Engine PWB.
- Remedy: CIS 1. Execute U906 Separating Operation Release. 2. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. CIS and main/engine PWB (YC2011) 3. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 4. Replace the CIS and execute U411.
Main/Engine PWB Replace the main/engine PWB and check for correct operation.
- Code: 3500
- Description: Communication error between scanner and ASIC An error code is detected.
- Causes: CIS. Main/Engine PWB.
- Remedy: CIS 1. Execute U906 Separating Operation Release. 2. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. CIS and main/engine PWB (YC2011) 3. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 4. Replace the CIS and execute U411.
Main/Engine PWB Replace the main/engine PWB and check for correct operation.
- Code: 3600
- Description: Scanner sequence error
- Causes: Main/Engine PWB.
- Remedy: 1. Execute U021 memory initializing. 2. Replace the main/engine PWB and execute U411.
- Code: 4000
- Description: Polygon motor steady-state error
After Polygon motor is stabilized, the ready signal is at the H level for 1 s continuously. - Causes: Polygon motor (LSU). Main/Engine PWB.
- Remedy: Polygon motor (LSU) 1. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Polygon motor and main/engine PWB (YC10) 2. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 3. Replace the laser scanner unit.
Main/Engine PWB 1. Check the main/engine software and upgrade to the latest, if necessary. 2. Replace the main/engine PWB.
- Code: 4010
- Description: Polygon motor synchronization error
After polygon motor is driven, the polygon motor speed won’t stabilize within 10 s. - Causes: Polygon motor (LSU). Main/Engine PWB.
- Remedy: Polygon motor (LSU) 1. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Polygon motor and main/engine PWB (YC10) 2. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 3. Replace the laser scanner unit.
Main/Engine PWB 1. Check the main/engine software and upgrade to the latest, if necessary. 2. Replace the main/engine PWB.
- Code: 4200
- Description: BD steady-state error
The BD signal is not detected. - Causes: APC PWB (LSU). Main/Engine PWB.
- Remedy: APC PWB (LSU) 1. Confirm that the FCC wiring connector is not distorted and connect the FCC wiring all the way in. Laser scanner unit and main/engine PWB (YC2010) 2. If the FCC wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the FCC wiring. 3. Replace the laser scanner unit.
Main/Engine PWB 1. Check the main/engine software and upgrade to the latest, if necessary. 2. Replace the main/engine PWB.
- Code: 6000
- Description: Broken fuser heater wire (main)
When the fuser thermistor 1 reaches primary stable temperature after a warm-up start and the fuser thermistor 2 is less than 90 ° C/194 °F. - Causes: Fuser unit. Main/Engine PWB. Power source PWB. Fuser heater.
- Remedy: Fuser unit 1. Check that no paper jam is present. 2. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Fuser unit and mmain/engine PWB (YC14) 3. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 4. Replace the Fuser unit and execute U167 counter clear. (Deteriorated sensitivity due to the toner adhered to the center thermistor.)
Main/Engine PWB 1. Check the main/engine software and upgrade to the latest, if necessary. 2. Replace the main/engine PWB.
Power source PWB 1. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Power source PWB (YC4) and main/ engine PWB (YC14) 2. Replace the power source PWB.
Fuser heater 1. Replace the Fuser unit and execute U167 counter clear.
- Code: 6020
- Description: Abnormally high fuser thermistor 2 temperature (Center)
Fuser thermistor 2 detects a temperature higher than 210°C/410°F. - Causes: Fuser unit. Main/Engine PWB.
- Remedy: Fuser unit 1. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Fuser unit and main/engine PWB (YC14) 2. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 3. Replace the Fuser unit.
Main/Engine PWB 1. Check the main/engine software and upgrade to the latest, if necessary. 2. Replace the main/engine PWB.
- Code: 6030
- Description: Broken fuser thermistor 2 wire (Center)
Input from fuser thermistor 2 is 1012 or more (A/D value) continuously for 5 s. Input from fuser thermistor 2 is1012 (A/D value) or more whenthe temperature at the fuser thermistor 1 is 70°C/ 158°F or more. - Causes: Fuser unit. Main/Engine PWB. Fuser thermistor 2. Fuser thermostat (triggered)
- Remedy: Fuser unit 1. Check that no paper jam is present. 2. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Fuser unit and main/engine PWB (YC14) 3. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 4. Replace the Fuser unit and execute U167 counter clear. (Deteriorated sensitivity due to the toner adhered to the center thermistor.)
Main/Engine PWB 1. Check the main/engine software and upgrade to the latest, if necessary. 2. Replace the main/engine PWB.
Fuser thermistor 2 1. Replace the Fuser unit and execute U167 counter clear.
Fuser thermostat (triggered) 1. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Fuser unit and fuser heater PWB (YC1) 2. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 3. Replace the Fuser unit and execute U167 counter clear.
- Code: 6200
- Description: Broken fuser heater wire (Sub)
Fuser thermistor 1 does not reach primary stable temperature even after 30 s during warming up. Fuser thermistor 1 detects a temperature lower than 100°C/212°F for 60 s during ready. - Causes: Fuser unit. Main/Engine PWB. Fuser thermistor 1
- Remedy: Fuser unit 1. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Fuser unit and main/engine PWB (YC14) 2. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 3. Replace the Fuser unit and execute U167 counter clear.
Main/Engine PWB 1. Check the main/engine software and upgrade to the latest, if necessary. 2. Replace the main/engine PWB.
Fuser thermistor 1 1. Replace the Fuser unit and execute U167 counter clear.
- Code: 6220
- Description: Abnormally high fuser thermistor 1 temperature (Edge)
Fuser thermistor 1 detects a temperature higher than 230°C/446°F. - Causes: Fuser unit. Main/Engine PWB.
- Remedy: Fuser unit 1. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Fuser unit and main/engine PWB (YC14) 2. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 3. Replace the Fuser unit and execute U167 counter clear.
Main/Engine PWB 1. Check the main/engine software and upgrade to the latest, if necessary. 2. Replace the main/engine PWB.
- Code: 6230
- Description: Broken fuser thermistor 1 wire (Edge)
Input from fuser thermistor 1 is 1012 or more (A/D value) continuously for 5 s. Input from fuser thermistor 1 is1012 (A/D value) or more whenthe temperature at the fuser thermistor 2 is 70°C/ 158°F or more. - Causes: Fuser unit. Main/Engine PWB.
- Remedy: Fuser unit 1. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Fuser unit and main/engine PWB (YC14) 2. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 3. Replace the Fuser unit and execute U167 counter clear.
Main/Engine PWB 1. Check the main/engine software and upgrade to the latest, if necessary. 2. Replace the main/engine PWB.
- Code: 6400
- Description: Zero-cross signal error
While fuser heater ON/OFF control is performed, the zerocross signal is not input within 3 s. - Causes: Fuser unit.
- Remedy: 1. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Power source PWB (CN2) and main/ engine PWB (YC14) 2. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 3. Replace the power source PWB.
- Code: 7100
- Description: Toner sensor error
Sensor output value of 8 or less. - Causes: Toner sensor. Toner motor. Main/Engine PWB.
- Remedy: Toner sensor 1. Check the toner sensor output by U150. 2. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Toner sensor and main/engine PWB (YC9) 3. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 4. Check that the gears of the Developer unit are not damaged and the spiral can rotate. 5. Replace the Developer unit.
Toner motor 1. Draw out the toner container and execute U135 to check the toner motor operation. 2. Check the drive gear can rotate or they are not unusually loaded and, if necessary, replace. 3. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Toner motor and main/engine PWB (YC12) 4. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 5. Replace the Toner motor.
Main/Engine PWB 1. Check the main/engine software and upgrade to the latest, if necessary. 2. Replace the main/engine PWB.
- Code: 7800
- Description: Broken temperature sensor wire
Input from temperature sensor is 0.3 V (A/D value) or less - Causes: Outer temperature sensor. Main/Engine PWB.
- Remedy: Outer temperature sensor 1. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Temperature sensor and main/engine PWB (YC6) 2. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 3. Replace the temperature sensor.
Main/Engine PWB 1. Check the main/engine software and upgrade to the latest, if necessary. 2. Replace the main/engine PWB.
- Code: 7810
- Description: Short-circuited temperature sensor wire
Input from temperature sensor is 0.3 V (A/D value) or more - Causes: Outer temperature sensor. Main/Engine PWB.
- Remedy: Outer temperature sensor 1. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Temperature sensor and main/engine PWB (YC6) 2. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 3. Replace the temperature sensor.
Main/Engine PWB 1. Check the main/engine software and upgrade to the latest, if necessary. 2. Replace the main/engine PWB.
- Code: 7900
- Description: Drum EEPROM error
No response is issued from the device in reading/writing for 5 ms or more and this problem is repeated five times successively. - Causes: DR PWB. Main/Engine PWB.
- Remedy: DR PWB 1. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. DR PWB and main/engine PWB (YC9) 2. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 3. Replace the Drum unit.
Main/Engine PWB 1. Check the main/engine software and upgrade to the latest, if necessary. 2. Replace the main/engine PWB.
- Code: 9000
- Description: Document processor communication error
A communication error from document processor is detected 10 times in succession. - Causes: DP main PWB.
- Remedy: 1. Check that the versions of the main unit firmware and the DP firmware are identical. 2. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected and, if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. DP main PWB(YC1) and main/engine PWB (YC18) 3. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or grounded, replace the wiring. 4. Replace the DP main PWB
- Code: 9060
- Description: DP EEPROM error
Mismatch of reading data from two locations occurs 3 times successively. Mismatch between writing data and reading data occurs 3 times successively. - Causes: DP main PWB. Device damage of EEPROM.
- Remedy: 1. Execute U906 Separating Operation Release. 2. Confirm that the EEPROM has been properly installed. 3. Replace the DP main PWB
Device damage of EEPROM Contact the Service Support.
- Code: F000
- Description: Communication error between Main/Engine PWB and Operation PWB
- Causes: Main/Engine PWB. Operation PWB.
- Remedy: Main/Engine PWB 1. Turn the main power swtch off and after 5 seconds, then turn power on. 2. Check that the wirings and connetors between the main/engine PWB and the operation PWB are normal. Main/engine PWB (YC2010) and operation PWB (YC1) 3. Check that the DIMM memories in the main/engine PWB are well conducted and, if not, replace. 4. Execute U021initialize memory. 5. Replace the main/engine PWB.
Operation PWB Replace the operation PWB.
- Code: F020
- Description: Main/Engine PWB RAM check sum error
- Causes: Main memory (RAM)
- Remedy: Turn the main power switch off/on to restart the machine. If the error is not resolved, replace main/engine PWB.
- Code: F040
- Description: Communication error between Main/Engine PWB and Print engine
- Causes: Main/Engine PWB
- Remedy: 1. Turn the main power swtch off and after 5 seconds, then turn power on. 2. Repair or replace the wire from the main/ engine PWB, that may be grounded. (Check short-circuit between 5V and 3.3V.) 3. Check the main/engine software and upgrade to the latest, if necessary. 4. If not corrected, replace the main/engine PWB.
- Code: F050
- Description: Print engine ROM checksum error
- Causes: Main/Engine PWB
- Remedy: 1. Turn the main power swtch off and after 5 seconds, then turn power on. 2. Confirm that the EEPROM has been properly installed. 3. Check the main/engine software and upgrade to the latest, if necessary. 4. If not corrected, Replace the main/ engine PWB.
Toner sensor error
Sensor output value of 8 or
Related parts
Toner sensor
Toner motor
Main/Engine PWB
Check procedures/
corrective measures
1. Check the toner sensor output by U150
(see page 1-3-53).
2. Confirm that the wiring connector is
firmly connected and, if necessary,
connect the connector all the way in.
Toner sensor and main/engine PWB
3. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or
grounded, replace the wiring.
4. Check that the gears of the Developer
unit are not damaged and the spiral can
5. Replace the Developer unit (see page 1-
1. Draw out the toner container and
execute U135 to check the toner motor
operation (see page 1-3-50).
2. Check the drive gear can rotate or they
are not unusually loaded and, if
necessary, replace.
3. Confirm that the wiring connector is
firmly connected and, if necessary,
connect the connector all the way in.
Toner motor and main/engine PWB
4. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or
grounded, replace the wiring.
5. Replace the Toner motor.
1. Check the main/engine software and
upgrade to the latest, if necessary.
2. Replace the main/engine PWB (see
page 2-2-11).
Сергей Александрович » Вт окт 13, 2020 7:13 am
a65rivn писал(а):Хорошенько проверьте разъем от проявки на передней части(когда вынимаете проявку его разъединяете).
Разъем в порядке, копаю дальше
Сергей Александрович
- Увидел чернила
- Сайт
Сергей Александрович » Вт июн 15, 2021 2:00 pm
a65rivn писал(а):Хорошенько проверьте разъем от проявки на передней части(когда вынимаете проявку его разъединяете).
Вышел из строя форматер, брак в работе заправщика, после очистки не продул плату датчика тонера
Сергей Александрович
- Увидел чернила
- Сайт
Сергей Александрович » Вт июн 15, 2021 2:57 pm
dviz писал(а):И из-за этого форматер(?) вышел из строя?
Поставили форматер с ошибкой в такой же принтер, тоже самое пишет, видимо тонер на плате датчика убил его, других причин не вижу
Сергей Александрович
- Увидел чернила
- Сайт
[SCANNER ERROR] Lamp Error Kyocera FS-1016
мастерчип в форуме Принтеры, МФУ, факсы, копиры формата A4
- 3
- 6655
Усатый Полосатый
Вс окт 28, 2018 11:08 pm
[SCANNER ERROR] Lamp Error Kyocera FS-1016
Kyocera FS-1120d индикатор «Нет бумаги»
vs-dos в форуме Принтеры, МФУ, факсы, копиры формата A4
- 11
- 15180
Вт ноя 02, 2021 2:24 pm
Kyocera FS-1120d индикатор «Нет бумаги»
Kyocera 1035 «бледная» печать
srMax в форуме Принтеры, МФУ, факсы, копиры формата A4
- 2
- 13998
Пт янв 23, 2015 2:49 pm
Kyocera 1035 «бледная» печать
Kyocera Ecosys M2635dn «поворот» изображения
Искатель в форуме Принтеры, МФУ, факсы, копиры формата A4
- 10
- 6141
Ср апр 08, 2020 5:18 am
Kyocera Ecosys M2635dn «поворот» изображения
Стирание вала ведущей шестерни в «печке» Kyocera M2035dn
Грецкий орех в форуме Принтеры, МФУ, факсы, копиры формата A4
- 12
- 3521
Пн дек 13, 2021 3:35 pm
Стирание вала ведущей шестерни в «печке» Kyocera M2035dn
Вернуться в Принтеры, МФУ, копиры формата A3
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Toner motor problem
After driving of the toner motor starts, the
error signal is not at the H level for 500
ms continuously.
Toner container motor error
The rated speed achievement signal
does not turn to L within 2 s since toner
container motor is activated.
The rated speed achievement signal is
at the H level for 1 s continuously after
toner container motor is stabilized.
Toner sensor K problem
Sensor output value of 60 or less or 944
or more continued for 3 s.
Toner sensor C problem
Sensor output value of 60 or less or 944
or more continued for 3 s.
Toner sensor M problem
Sensor output value of 60 or less or 944
or more continued for 3 s.
Toner sensor Y problem
Sensor output value of 60 or less or 944
or more continued for 3 s.
Check procedures/corrective measures
Poor contact in the
Check the connection of connector YC26 on
connector termi-
the engine PWB and the connector of the
toner motor, and the continuity across the
connector terminals. Repair or replace if
Broken the gear.
Check visually and replace the gear if nec-
Defective toner
Run maintenance item U135 and check if
motor M/C/Y/K.
the toner motor operates. If not, replace the
toner motor.
Defective engine
Replace the engine PWB and check for cor-
rect operation.
Poor contact in the
Check the connection of connector YC26 on
connector termi-
the engine PWB and the connector on the
toner container motor, and the continuity
across the connector terminals. Repair or
replace if necessary.
Defective drive
Check if the rollers and gears rotate
transmission sys-
smoothly. If not, grease the bushings and
gears. Check for broken gears and replace if
Defective toner
Run maintenance item U030 and check if
container motor.
the toner container motor operates when
YC26-A7 (remote signal) on the engine
PWB goes low. If not, replace the toner con-
tainer motor.
Defective engine
Run maintenance item U030 and check if
YC26-A7 (remote signal) on the engine
PWB goes low. If not, replace the engine
Defective develop-
Replace the developing unit K (see page 1-
ing unit K.
Defective PWB.
Replace the main front PWB or engine PWB
and check for correct operation.
Defective develop-
Replace the developing unit C (see page 1-
ing unit C.
Defective PWB.
Replace the sub front PWB or engine PWB
and check for correct operation.
Defective develop-
Replace the developing unit M (see page 1-
ing unit M.
Defective PWB.
Replace the sub front PWB or engine PWB
and check for correct operation.
Defective develop-
Replace the developing unit Y (see page 1-
ing unit Y.
Defective PWB.
Replace the sub front PWB or engine PWB
and check for correct operation.
- Code: C0030
- Description: Fax control PWB system problem
Processing with the fax software was disabled due to a hardware or software problem. - Causes: Defective fax control PWB.
- Remedy: Replace the fax control PWB and verify the operation.
- Code: C0070
- Description: Abnormal detection of fax control PWB incompatibility
In the initial communication with the fax control PWB, any normal communication command is not transmitted. - Causes: Defective fax software.
Defective fax control PWB. - Remedy: Defective fax software. Install the fax software.
Defective fax control PWB. Replace the fax control PWB and verify the operation.
- Code: C0100
- Description: Backup memory (EEPROM) device problem (Main PWB)
Reading from or writing to EEPROM cannot be performed. - Causes: Defective main PWB.
Device damage of EEPROM. - Remedy: Defective main PWB. Replace the main PWB and check for correct operation.
Device damage of EEPROM. Contact the Service Administrative Division.
- Code: C0110
- Description: Backup memory (EEPROM) data problem (Main PWB)
Reading data from EEPROM is abnormal. - Causes: Data damage of EEPROM.
- Remedy: Contact the Service Administrative Division.
- Code: C0150
- Description: Backup memory (EEPROM) device problem (Engine PWB)
No response is issued from the device in reading/writing for 5 ms or more and this problem is repeated five times successively. Mismatch of reading data from two locations occurs eight times successively. Mismatch between writing data and reading data occurs eight times successively. - Causes: Defective engine PWB.
Device damage of EEPROM. - Remedy: Defective engine PWB. Replace the engine PWB and check for correct operation.
Device damage of EEPROM. Contact the Service Administrative Division.
- Code: C0160
- Description: Backup memory (EEPROM) data problem (Engine PWB)
Reading data from EEPROM is abnormal. - Causes: Data damage of EEPROM.
- Remedy: Contact the Service Administrative Division.
- Code: C0170
- Description: Copy counts problem
A checksum error is detected in the main and sub backup memories for the copy counters. - Causes: Data damage of EEPROM.
Defective main PWB. - Remedy: Data damage of EEPROM. Contact the Service Administrative Division.
Defective main PWB. Replace the main PWB and check for correct operation.
- Code: C0180
- Description: Machine number mismatch error
Machine number of main PWB and engine PWB does not match. - Causes: Data damage of EEPROM.
- Remedy: Contact the Service Administrative Division.
- Code: C0320
- Description: Power CPU communication problem
A communication error is detected 10 times in succession. - Causes: Defective engine PWB.
- Remedy: Replace the engine PWB and check for correct operation.
- Code: C0620
- Description: FAX image DIMM problem DIMM is not installed correctly.
DIMM cannot be accessed. - Causes: DIMM installed incorrectly.
Defective main PWB. - Remedy: DIMM installed incorrectly. Check if the DIMM is inserted into the socket on the main PWB correctly.
Defective main PWB. Replace the main PWB and check for correct operation.
- Code: C0630
- Description: DMA problem
DMA transmission of image data does not complete within the specified period of time. - Causes: Poor contact in the connector terminals.
Defective main PWB. - Remedy: Poor contact in the connector terminals. Check the connection the signal cable for CIS and the main PWB, and the continuity across the connector terminals. Repair or replace if necessary.
Defective main PWB. Replace the main PWB and check for correct operation.
- Code: C0640
- Description: Hard disk drive problem
The hard disk cannot be accessed. - Causes: Poor contact in the connector terminals.
Defective hard disk.
Defective main PWB. - Remedy: Poor contact in the connector terminals. Check the connection the main PWB and the the hard disk, and the continuity across the connector terminals. Repair or replace if necessary.
Defective hard disk. Run U024 (HDD formatting) without turning the power off to initialize the hard disk. Replace the hard disk drive and check for correct operation if the problem is still detected after initialization.
Defective main PWB. Replace the main PWB and check for correct operation.
- Code: C0650
- Description: FAX image DIMM check problem
Incorrect DIMM is installed. If DIMM from another Fax System is installed. - Causes: DIMM installed incorrectly. Original DIMM not installed.
Defective main PWB. - Remedy: DIMM installed incorrectly. Original DIMM not installed. Check if the DIMM is inserted into the socket on the main PWB correctly. Run U671, RECOVER FAX DIMM to clear back-up data.
Defective main PWB. Replace the main PWB and check for correct operation.
- Code: C0800
- Description: Image processing problem
JAM05 is detected twice. - Causes: Defective main PWB.
- Remedy: Replace the main PWB and check for correct operation.
- Code: C0820
- Description: Fax control PWB CG ROM checksum error (optional fax)
A checksum error occurred with the CG ROM data of the fax control PWB. - Causes: Defective fax software.
Defective fax control PWB. - Remedy: Defective fax software. Install the fax software.
Defective fax control PWB. Replace the fax control PWB and verify the operation.
- Code: C0830
- Description: Fax control PWB flash program area checksum error (optional fax)
A checksum error occurred with the program of the fax control PWB. - Causes: Defective fax software.
Defective fax control PWB. - Remedy: Defective fax software. Install the fax software.
Defective fax control PWB. Replace the fax control PWB and verify the operation.
- Code: C0840
- Description: Faults of RTC
The time is judged to go back based on the comparison of the RTC time and the current time or five years or more have passed. - Causes: Defective main PWB.
The battery is disconnected from the main PWB. - Remedy: Defective main PWB. Replace the main PWB and check for correct operation.
The battery is disconnected from the main PWB. Check visually and remedy if necessary.
- Code: C0860
- Description: Fax control PWB software switch checksum error (optional fax)
A checksum error occurred with the software switch value of the fax control PWB. - Causes: Defective fax software.
Defective fax control PWB. - Remedy: Defective fax software. Install the fax software.
Defective fax control PWB. Replace the fax control PWB and verify the operation.
- Code: C0870
- Description: Fax control PWB to main PWB high capacity data transfer problem
High-capacity data transfer between the fax control PWB and the scanner MIP PWB was not normally performed even if the data transfer was retried 10 times. - Causes: Poor contact in the connector terminals.
Defective PWB. - Remedy: Poor contact in the connector terminals. Check the connection of connector YC6 on the main PWB and the connector on the fax control PWB, and the continuity across the connector terminals. Repair or replace if necessary.
Defective PWB. Replace the fax control PWB or main PWB and check for correct operation.
- Code: C0880
- Description: Program archive problem (optional fax)
When power is turned on, the compressed program in the Flash ROM on the fax control PWB was not successfully decompressed. - Causes: Defective fax software.
Defective fax control PWB. - Remedy: Defective fax software. Install the fax software.
Defective fax control PWB. Replace the fax control PWB and verify the operation.
- Code: C0890
- Description: Fax control PWB CG FONT archive problem (optional fax)
When power is turned on, the compressed CG font in the Flash ROM on the fax control PWB was not successfully decompressed. - Causes: Defective fax software.
Defective fax control PWB. - Remedy: Defective fax software. Install the fax software.
Defective fax control PWB. Replace the fax control PWB and verify the operation.
- Code: C0920
- Description: Fax file system error
The backup data is not retained for file system abnormality of flash memory of the fax control PWB. - Causes: Defective fax control PWB.
- Remedy: Replace the fax control PWB and verify the operation.
- Code: C1010
- Description: Lift motor 1 error
After cassette 1 is inserted, lift limit switch 1 does not turn on within 12 s. This error is detected four times successively. - Causes: Poor contact in the connector terminals.
Broken gears or couplings of lift motor 1.
Defective lift motor 1.
Defective lift switch 1.
Poor contact in the connector terminals.
Defective PWB. - Remedy: Poor contact in the connector terminals. Check the connection of connector of lift motor 1 and the connector YC3 on the feed PWB, and the continuity across the connector terminals. Repair or replace if necessary.
Broken gears or couplings of lift motor 1. Replace lift motor 1.
Defective lift motor 1. Check for continuity across the coil. If none, replace lift motor 1.
Defective lift switch 1. Check if YC4-2 on the feed PWB goes low when lift switch 1 is turned off. If not, replace lift switch 1.
Poor contact in the connector terminals. Check the connection of connector of lift switch 1 and the connector YC4 on the feed PWB, and the continuity across the connector terminals. Repair or replace if necessary.
Defective PWB. Replace the feed PWB or engine PWB and check for correct operation.
- Code: C1020
- Description: Lift motor 2 error
After cassette 2 is inserted, lift limit switch 2 does not turn on within 12 s. This error is detected four times successively. - Causes: Poor contact in the connector terminals.
Broken gears or couplings of lift motor 2.
Defective lift motor 2.
Defective lift switch 2.
Poor contact in the connector terminals.
Defective PWB - Remedy: Poor contact in the connector terminals. Check the connection of connector of lift motor 2 and the connector YC3 on the feed PWB, and the continuity across the connector terminals. Repair or replace if necessary.
Broken gears or couplings of lift motor 2. Replace lift motor 2.
Defective lift motor 2. Check for continuity across the coil. If none, replace lift motor 2.
Defective lift switch 2. Check if YC4-8 on the feed PWB goes low when lift switch 2 is turned off. If not, replace lift switch 2.
Poor contact in the connector terminals. Check the connection of connector of lift switch 2 and the connector YC4 on the feed PWB, and the continuity across the connector terminals. Repair or replace if necessary.
Defective PWB. Replace the feed PWB or engine PWB and check for correct operation.
- Code: C1030
- Description: PF lift motor 1 error (optional paper feeder)
After cassette 3 is inserted, PF lift switch 1 does not turn on within 12 s. This error is detected two times successively. During driving the motor, the lift overcurrent protective monitor signal is detected for 500 ms or more two times successively. However, the first 1 s after PF lift motor 1 is turned on is excluded from detection. - Causes: Poor contact in the connector terminals.
Broken gears or couplings of PF lift motor 1.
Defective PF lift motor 1.
Defective PF lift switch 1. - Remedy: Poor contact in the connector terminals. Check the connection of connector YC27 on the engine PWB and the connector on the PF main PWB, and the continuity across the connector terminals. Repair or replace if necessary.
Broken gears or couplings of PF lift motor 1. Replace PF lift motor 1.
Defective PF lift motor 1. Check for continuity across the coil. If none, replace PF lift motor 1.
Defective PF lift switch 1. Check if YC1-7 on the PF main PWB goes low when PF lift switch 1 is turned off. If not, replace PF lift switch 1.
- Code: C1040
- Description: PF lift motor 2 error (optional paper feeder)
After cassette 4 is inserted, PF lift switch 2 does not turn on within 12 s. This error is detected two times successively. During driving the motor, the lift overcurrent protective monitor signal is detected for 500 ms or more two times successively. However, the first 1 s after PF lift motor 2 is turned on is excluded from detection. - Causes: Poor contact in the connector terminals.
Broken gears or couplings of PF lift motor 2.
Defective PF lift motor 2.
Defective PF lift switch 2. - Remedy: Poor contact in the connector terminals. Check the connection of connector YC27 on the engine PWB and the connector on the PF main PWB, and the continuity across the connector terminals. Repair or replace if necessary.
Broken gears or couplings of PF lift motor 2. Replace PF lift motor 2.
Defective PF lift motor 2. Check for continuity across the coil. If none, replace PF lift motor 2.
Defective PF lift switch 2. Check if YC1-9 on the PF main PWB goes low when PF lift switch 2 is turned off. If not, replace PF lift switch 2.
- Code: C1100
- Description: PF lift motor 1 error (optional 3000sheet paper feeder)
A motor over-current signal is detected continuously for 1 s or longer. - Causes: Poor contact in the connector terminals.
PF lift motor 1 does not rotate correctly (the motor is overloaded). - Remedy: Poor contact in the connector terminals. Check the connection of connector YC27 on the engine PWB and the connector on the PF main PWB, and the continuity across the connector terminals. Repair or replace if necessary.
PF lift motor 1 does not rotate correctly (the motor is overloaded). Check the gears and remedy if necessary.
- Code: C1110
- Description: PF lift motor 2 error (optional 3000sheet paper feeder)
A motor over-current signal is detected continuously for 1 s or longer. - Causes: Poor contact in the connector terminals.
PF lift motor 2 does not rotate correctly (the motor is overloaded). - Remedy: Poor contact in the connector terminals. Check the connection of connector YC27 on the engine PWB and the connector on the PF main PWB, and the continuity across the connector terminals. Repair or replace if necessary.
PF lift motor 2 does not rotate correctly (the motor is overloaded). Check the gears and remedy if necessary.
- Code: C1120
- Description: PF left lift position problem (optional 3000-sheet paper feeder)
Level switch 1 does not turn on within 30 s of PF lift motor 2 turning on. - Causes: Poor contact in the connector terminals.
Defective level switch 1.
Defective PF lift motor 2.
The PF left lift does not rise properly. - Remedy: Poor contact in the connector terminals. Check the connection of connector YC27 on the engine PWB and the connector on the PF main PWB, and the continuity across the connector terminals. Repair or replace if necessary.
Defective level switch 1. Check if YC5-4 on the PF main PWB goes low when level switch 1 is turned off. If not, replace PF lift switch 1.
Defective PF lift motor 2. Check for continuity across the coil. If none, replace PF lift motor 2.
The PF left lift does not rise properly. Check the gears and belts, and remedy if necessary.
- Code: C1130
- Description: PF right lift position problem (optional 3000-sheet paper feeder)
Level switch 2 does not turn on within 30 s of PF lift motor 1 turning on. - Causes: Poor contact in the connector terminals.
Defective level switch 2.
Defective PF lift motor 1.
The PF right lift does not rise properly. - Remedy: Poor contact in the connector terminals. Check the connection of connector YC27 on the engine PWB and the connector on the PF main PWB, and the continuity across the connector terminals. Repair or replace if necessary.
Defective level switch 2. Check if YC5-7 on the PF main PWB goes low when level switch 2 is turned off. If not, replace PF lift switch 2.
Defective PF lift motor 1. Check for continuity across the coil. If none, replace PF lift motor 1.
The PF right lift does not rise properly. Check the gears and belts, and remedy if necessary.
- Code: C1400
- Description: Rotary guide motor error
Rotary guide sensor does not turn on. - Causes: Poor contact in the connector terminals.
Broken gear s or couplings of rotary guide motor.
Defective rotary guide motor.
Defective rotary guide sensor.
Poor contact in the connector terminals.
Defective PWB. - Remedy: Poor contact in the connector terminals. Check the connection of connector of the rotary guide motor and the connector YC2 on the main front PWB, and the continuity across the connector terminals. Repair or replace if necessary.
Broken gears or couplings of rotary guide motor. Replace rotary guide motor.
Defective rotary guide motor. Check for continuity across the coil. If none, replace rotary guide motor.
Defective rotary guide sensor. Check if YC2-8 on the main front PWB goes low when rotary guide sensor is turned off. If not, replace rotary guide sensor.
Poor contact in the connector terminals. Check the connection of connector of the rotary guide sensor and the connector YC2 on the main front PWB, and the continuity across the connector terminals. Repair or replace if necessary.
Defective PWB. Main front PWB or engine PWB and check for correct operation.
- Code: C1800
- Description: Paper feeder communication error (optional paper feeder)
A communication error from paper feeder is detected 10 times in succession. - Causes: Poor contact in the connector terminals.
Defective PWB. - Remedy: Poor contact in the connector terminals. Check the connection of connector YC27 on the engine PWB and the connector on the PF main PWB, and the continuity across the connector terminals. Repair or replace if necessary.
Defective PWB. Replace the PF main PWB or engine PWB and check for correct operation.
- Code: C1900
- Description: Paper feeder EEPROM error (optional paper feeder)
When writing the data, the write data and the read data is not continuously in agreement three times. - Causes: Poor contact in the connector terminals.
Defective engine PWB.
Defective paper feeder. - Remedy: Poor contact in the connector terminals. Check the connection of connector YC27 on the engine PWB and the connector on the PF main PWB, and the continuity across the connector terminals. Repair or replace if necessary.
Defective engine PWB. Replace the engine PWB and check for correct operation.
Defective paper feeder. Replace the paper feeder with another unit and check the operation. If the operation is normal, replace or repair optional paper feeder.
- Code: C1950
- Description: Transfer belt unit EEPROM error
No response is issued from the device in reading/writing for 5 ms or more and this problem is repeated five times successively. Mismatch of reading data from two locations occurs eight times successively. Mismatch between writing data and reading data occurs eight times successively. - Causes: Poor contact in the connector terminals.
Defective transfer belt speed PWB (inner transfer belt unit). - Remedy: Poor contact in the connector terminals. Check the connection of connector YC28 on the engine PWB and the connector of the transfer belt unit, and the continuity across the connector terminals. Repair or replace if necessary.
Defective transfer belt speed PWB (inner transfer belt unit). Replace the transfer belt unit.
- Code: C2101
- Description: Developing motor K error
The rated speed achievement signal does not turn to L within 2 s since developing motor K is activated. The rated speed achievement signal is at the H level for 1 s continuously after developing motor K is stabilized. - Causes: Poor contact in the connector terminals.
Defective drive transmission system.
Defective developing motor K.
Defective engine PWB. - Remedy: Poor contact in the connector terminals. Check the connection of connector YC16 on the engine PWB and the connector of the developing motor K, and the continuity across the connector terminals. Repair or replace if necessary.
Defective drive transmission system. Check if the rollers and gears rotate smoothly. If not, grease the bushings and gears. Check for broken gears and replace if any.
Defective developing motor K. Run maintenance item U030 and check if the developing motor K operates when YC16-B4 (remote signal) on the engine PWB goes low. If not, replace the developing motor K.
Defective engine PWB. Run maintenance item U030 and check if YC16-B4 (remote signal) on the engine PWB goes low. If not, replace the engine PWB.
- Code: C2102
- Description: Developing motor MCY error
The rated speed achievement signal does not turn to L within 2 s since developing motor MCY is activated. The rated speed achievement signal is at the H level for 1 s continuously after developing motor MCY is stabilized. - Causes: Poor contact in the connector terminals.
Defective drive transmission system.
Defective developing motor MCY.
Defective engine PWB. - Remedy: Poor contact in the connector terminals. Check the connection of connector YC16 on the engine PWB and the connector of the developing motor MCY, and the continuity across the connector terminals. Repair or replace if necessary.
Defective drive transmission system. Check if the rollers and gears rotate smoothly. If not, grease the bushings and gears. Check for broken gears and replace if any.
Defective developing motor MCY. Run maintenance item U030 and check if the developing motor MCY operates when YC16-A4 (remote signal) on the engine PWB goes low. If not, replace the developing motor MCY.
Defective engine PWB. Run maintenance item U030 and check if YC16-A4 (remote signal) on the engine PWB goes low. If not, replace the engine PWB.
- Code: C2201
- Description: Drum motor K steady-state error
Drum motor K does not keep the steady-state speed for 5 s successively since the motor is stabilized. - Causes: Poor contact in the connector terminals.
Defective drum motor K.
Defective PWB. - Remedy: Poor contact in the connector terminals. Check the connection of connector YC8 on the motor control PWB and the connector of the drum motor K, and the continuity across the connector terminals. Repair or replace if necessary.
Defective drum motor K. Replace the drum motor K.
Defective PWB. Replace the motor control PWB or engine PWB and check for correct operation.
- Code: C2202
- Description: Drum motor C steady-state error
Drum motor C does not keep the steady-state speed for 5 s successively since the motor is stabilized. - Causes: Poor contact in the connector terminals.
Defective drum motor C.
Defective PWB. - Remedy: Poor contact in the connector terminals. Check the connection of connector YC6 on the motor control PWB and the connector of the drum motor C, and the continuity across the connector terminals. Repair or replace if necessary.
Defective drum motor C. Replace the drum motor C.
Defective PWB. Replace the motor control PWB or engine PWB and check for correct operation.
- Code: C2203
- Description: Drum motor M steady-state error
Drum motor M does not keep the steady-state speed for 5 s successively since the motor is stabilized. - Causes: Poor contact in the connector terminals.
Defective drum motor M.
Defective PWB. - Remedy: Poor contact in the connector terminals. Check the connection of connector YC5 on the motor control PWB and the connector of the drum motor M, and the continuity across the connector terminals. Repair or replace if necessary.
Defective drum motor M. Replace the drum motor M.
Defective PWB. Replace the motor control PWB or engine PWB and check for correct operation.
- Code: C2204
- Description: Drum motor Y steady-state error
Drum motor Y does not keep the steady-state speed for 5 s successively since the motor is stabilized. - Causes: Poor contact in the connector terminals.
Defective drum motor Y.
Defective PWB. - Remedy: Poor contact in the connector terminals. Check the connection of connector YC7 on the motor control PWB and the connector of the drum motor Y, and the continuity across the connector terminals. Repair or replace if necessary.
Defective drum motor Y. Replace the drum motor Y.
Defective PWB. Replace the motor control PWB or engine PWB and check for correct operation.
- Code: C2211
- Description: Drum motor K startup error
Drum motor K is not stabilized within 5 s since the motor is activated. - Causes: Poor contact in the connector terminals.
Defective drum motor K.
Defective PWB. - Remedy: Poor contact in the connector terminals. Check the connection of connector YC8 on the motor control PWB and the connector of the drum motor K, and the continuity across the connector terminals. Repair or replace if necessary.
Defective drum motor K. Replace the drum motor K.
Defective PWB. Replace the motor control PWB or engine PWB and check for correct operation.
- Code: C2212
- Description: Drum motor C startup error
Drum motor C is not stabilized within 5 s since the motor is activated. - Causes: Poor contact in the connector terminals.
Defective drum motor C.
Defective PWB - Remedy: Poor contact in the connector terminals. Check the connection of connector YC6 on the motor control PWB and the connector of the drum motor C, and the continuity across the connector terminals. Repair or replace if necessary.
Defective drum motor C. Replace the drum motor C.
Defective PWB. Replace the motor control PWB or engine PWB and check for correct operation.
- Code: C2213
- Description: Drum motor M startup error
Drum motor M is not stabilized within 5 s since the motor is activated. - Causes: Poor contact in the connector terminals.
Defective drum motor M.
Defective PWB - Remedy: Poor contact in the connector terminals. Check the connection of connector YC5 on the motor control PWB and the connector of the drum motor M, and the continuity across the connector terminals. Repair or replace if necessary.
Defective drum motor M. Replace the drum motor M.
Defective PWB. Replace the motor control PWB or engine PWB and check for correct operation.
- Code: C2214
- Description: Drum motor Y startup error
Drum motor Y is not stabilized within 5 s since the motor is activated. - Causes: Poor contact in the connector terminals.
Defective drum motor Y.
Defective PWB - Remedy: Poor contact in the connector terminals. Check the connection of connector YC7 on the motor control PWB and the connector of the drum motor Y, and the continuity across the connector terminals. Repair or replace if necessary.
Defective drum motor Y. Replace the drum motor Y.
Defective PWB. Replace the motor control PWB or engine PWB and check for correct operation.
- Code: C2231
- Description: Drum motor K main sensor error
No signal is input to the sensor for 1.5 s continuously. - Causes: Poor contact in the connector terminals.
Defective drum motor K.
Defective PWB. - Remedy: Poor contact in the connector terminals. Check the connection of connector YC8 on the motor control PWB and the connector of the drum motor K, and the continuity across the connector terminals. Repair or replace if necessary.
Defective drum motor K. Replace the drum motor K.
Defective PWB. Replace the motor control PWB or engine PWB and check for correct operation.
- Code: C2232
- Description: Drum motor C main sensor error
No signal is input to the sensor for 1.5 s continuously. - Causes: Poor contact in the connector terminals
Defective drum motor C.
Defective PWB. - Remedy: Poor contact in the connector terminals. Check the connection of connector YC6 on the motor control PWB and the connector of the drum motor C, and the continuity across the connector terminals. Repair or replace if necessary.
Defective drum motor C. Replace the drum motor C.
Defective PWB. Replace the motor control PWB or engine PWB and check for correct operation.
- Code: C2233
- Description: Drum motor M main sensor error
No signal is input to the sensor for 1.5 s continuously. - Causes: Poor contact in the connector terminals.
Defective drum motor M.
Defective PWB. - Remedy: Poor contact in the connector terminals. Check the connection of connector YC5 on the motor control PWB and the connector of the drum motor M, and the continuity across the connector terminals. Repair or replace if necessary.
Defective drum motor M. Replace the drum motor M.
Defective PWB. Replace the motor control PWB or engine PWB and check for correct operation.
- Code: C2234
- Description: Drum motor Y main sensor error
No signal is input to the sensor for 1.5 s continuously. - Causes: Poor contact in the connector terminals.
Defective drum motor Y.
Defective PWB. - Remedy: Poor contact in the connector terminals. Check the connection of connector YC7 on the motor control PWB and the connector of the drum motor Y, and the continuity across the connector terminals. Repair or replace if necessary.
Defective drum motor Y. Replace the drum motor Y.
Defective PWB. Replace the motor control PWB or engine PWB and check for correct operation.
- Code: C2241
- Description: Drum motor K sub sensor error
No signal is input to the sensor for 1.5 s continuously. - Causes: Poor contact in the connector terminals.
Defective drum motor K.
Defective PWB. - Remedy: Poor contact in the connector terminals. Check the connection of connector YC8 on the motor control PWB and the connector of the drum motor K, and the continuity across the connector terminals. Repair or replace if necessary.
Defective drum motor K. Replace the drum motor K.
Defective PWB. Replace the motor control PWB or engine PWB and check for correct operation.
- Code: C2242
- Description: Drum motor C sub sensor error
No signal is input to the sensor for 1.5 s continuously. - Causes: Poor contact in the connector terminals.
Defective drum motor C
Defective PWB. - Remedy: Poor contact in the connector terminals. Check the connection of connector YC6 on the motor control PWB and the connector of the drum motor C, and the continuity across the connector terminals. Repair or replace if necessary.
Defective drum motor C. Replace the drum motor C.
Defective PWB. Replace the motor control PWB or engine PWB and check for correct operation.
- Code: C2243
- Description: Drum motor M sub sensor error
No signal is input to the sensor for 1.5 s continuously. - Causes: Poor contact in the connector terminals.
Defective drum motor M.
Defective PWB. - Remedy: Poor contact in the connector terminals. Check the connection of connector YC5 on the motor control PWB and the connector of the drum motor M, and the continuity across the connector terminals. Repair or replace if necessary.
Defective drum motor M. Replace the drum motor M.
Defective PWB. Replace the motor control PWB or engine PWB and check for correct operation.
- Code: C2244
- Description: Drum motor Y sub sensor error
No signal is input to the sensor for 1.5 s continuously. - Causes: Poor contact in the connector terminals.
Defective drum motor Y.
Defective PWB. - Remedy: Poor contact in the connector terminals. Check the connection of connector YC7 on the motor control PWB and the connector of the drum motor Y, and the continuity across the connector terminals. Repair or replace if necessary.
Defective drum motor Y. Replace the drum motor Y.
Defective PWB. Replace the motor control PWB or engine PWB and check for correct operation.
- Code: C2261
- Description: Drum motor K device sensor error
The device alarm signal is input. - Causes: Poor contact in the connector terminals
Defective drum motor K.
Defective PWB. - Remedy: Poor contact in the connector terminals. Check the connection of connector YC8 on the motor control PWB and the connector of the drum motor K, and the continuity across the connector terminals. Repair or replace if necessary.
Defective drum motor K. Replace the drum motor K.
Defective PWB. Replace the motor control PWB or engine PWB and check for correct operation.
- Code: C2262
- Description: Drum motor C device error
The device alarm signal is input. - Causes: Poor contact in the connector terminals.
Defective drum motor C.
Defective PWB - Remedy: Poor contact in the connector terminals. Check the connection of connector YC6 on the motor control PWB and the connector of the drum motor C, and the continuity across the connector terminals. Repair or replace if necessary.
Defective drum motor C. Replace the drum motor C.
Defective PWB. Replace the motor control PWB or engine PWB and check for correct operation.
- Code: C2263
- Description: Drum motor M device error
The device alarm signal is input. - Causes: Poor contact in the connector terminals.
Defective drum motor M.
Defective PWB. - Remedy: Poor contact in the connector terminals. Check the connection of connector YC5 on the motor control PWB and the connector of the drum motor M, and the continuity across the connector terminals. Repair or replace if necessary.
Defective drum motor M. Replace the drum motor M.
Defective PWB. Replace the motor control PWB or engine PWB and check for correct operation.
- Code: C2264
- Description: Drum motor Y device error
The device alarm signal is input. - Causes: Poor contact in the connector terminals.
Defective drum motor Y.
Defective PWB. - Remedy: Poor contact in the connector terminals. Check the connection of connector YC7 on the motor control PWB and the connector of the drum motor Y, and the continuity across the connector terminals. Repair or replace if necessary.
Defective drum motor Y. Replace the drum motor Y.
Defective PWB. Replace the motor control PWB or engine PWB and check for correct operation.
- Code: C2271
- Description: Drum position sensor K error
While the drum rotates two turns, no signal is input to the sensor. - Causes: Poor contact in the connector terminals.
Defective drum position sensor K.
Defective PWB. - Remedy: Poor contact in the connector terminals. Check the connection of connector YC3 on the main front PWB and the connector of the drum unit K, and the continuity across the connector terminals. Repair or replace if necessary.
Defective drum position sensor K. Replace the drum unit K.
Defective PWB. Replace the main front PWB or engine PWB and check for correct operation.
- Code: C2272
- Description: Drum position sensor C error
While the drum rotates two turns, no signal is input to the sensor. - Causes: Poor contact in the connector terminals.
Defective drum position sensor C.
Defective PWB. - Remedy: Poor contact in the connector terminals. Check the connection of connector YC5 on the sub front PWB and the connector of the drum unit C, and the continuity across the connector terminals. Repair or replace if necessary.
Defective drum position sensor C. Replace the drum unit C.
Defective PWB. Replace the sub front PWB or engine PWB and check for correct operation.
- Code: C2273
- Description: Drum position sensor M error
While the drum rotates two turns, no signal is input to the sensor. - Causes: Poor contact in the connector terminals.
Defective drum position sensor M.
Defective PWB. - Remedy: Poor contact in the connector terminals. Check the connection of connector YC7 on the sub front PWB and the connector of the drum unit M, and the continuity across the connector terminals. Repair or replace if necessary.
Defective drum position sensor M. Replace the drum unit M.
Defective PWB. Replace the sub front PWB or engine PWB and check for correct operation.
- Code: C2274
- Description: Drum position sensor Y error
While the drum rotates two turns, no signal is input to the sensor. - Causes: Poor contact in the connector terminals.
Defective drum position sensor Y.
Defective PWB. - Remedy: Poor contact in the connector terminals. Check the connection of connector YC3 on the sub front PWB and the connector of the drum unit Y, and the continuity across the connector terminals. Repair or replace if necessary.
Defective drum position sensor Y. Replace the drum unit Y.
Defective PWB. Replace the sub front PWB or engine PWB and check for correct operation.
- Code: C2300
- Description: Fuser motor error
After the motor drive ON signal is output and 1 s elapses, the rated speed reach signal is not input continuously for 2 s. - Causes: Poor contact in the connector terminals.
Defective drive transmission system.
Defective fuser motor.
Defective engine PWB. - Remedy: Poor contact in the connector terminals. Check the connection of connector YC25 on the engine PWB and the connector of the fuser motor, and the continuity across the connector terminals. Repair or replace if necessary.
Defective drive transmission system. Check if the rollers and gears rotate smoothly. If not, grease the bushings and gears. Check for broken gears and replace if any.
Defective fuser motor. Run maintenance item U030 and check if the fuser motor operates when YC25-B4 (remote signal) on the engine PWB goes low. If not, replace the fuser motor.
Defective engine PWB. Run maintenance item U030 and check if YC25-B4 (remote signal) on the engine PWB goes low. If not, replace the engine PWB.
- Code: C2351
- Description: Cleaning motor K error
After the motor drive ON signal is output and 1 s elapses, the rated speed reach signal is not input continuously for 2 s. - Causes: Poor contact in the connector terminals.
Defective drive transmission system.
Defective cleaning motor K.
Defective engine PWB. - Remedy: Poor contact in the connector terminals. Check the connection of connector YC16 on the engine PWB and the connector of the cleaning motor K, and the continuity across the connector terminals. Repair or replace if necessary.
Defective drive transmission system. Check if the rollers and gears rotate smoothly. If not, grease the bushings and gears. Check for broken gears and replace if any.
Defective cleaning motor K. Run maintenance item U030 and check if the cleaning motor K operates when YC16- B13 (remote signal) on the engine PWB goes low. If not, replace the cleaning motor K.
Defective engine PWB. Run maintenance item U030 and check if YC16-B13 (remote signal) on the engine PWB goes low. If not, replace the engine PWB.
- Code: C2352
- Description: Cleaning motor MCY error
After the motor drive ON signal is output and 1 s elapses, the rated speed reach signal is not input continuously for 2 s. - Causes: Poor contact in the connector terminals.
Defective drive transmission system.
Defective cleaning motor K.
Defective engine PWB. - Remedy: Poor contact in the connector terminals. Check the connection of connector YC16 on the engine PWB and the connector of the cleaning motor MCY, and the continuity across the connector terminals. Repair or replace if necessary.
Defective drive transmission system. Check if the rollers and gears rotate smoothly. If not, grease the bushings and gears. Check for broken gears and replace if any.
Defective cleaning motor K. Run maintenance item U030 and check if the cleaning motor MCY operates when YC16-A13 (remote signal) on the engine PWB goes low. If not, replace the cleaning motor MCY.
Defective engine PWB. Run maintenance item U030 and check if YC16-A13 (remote signal) on the engine PWB goes low. If not, replace the engine PWB.
- Code: C2400
- Description: Eject motor error
After the motor drive ON signal is output and 1 s elapses, the rated speed reach signal is not input continuously for 2 s. - Causes: Poor contact in the connector terminals.
Defective drive transmission system.
Defective eject motor.
Defective engine PWB. - Remedy: Poor contact in the connector terminals. Check the connection of connector YC25 on the engine PWB and the connector on the eject motor, and the continuity across the connector terminals. Repair or replace if necessary.
Defective drive transmission system. Check if the rollers and gears rotate smoothly. If not, grease the bushings and gears. Check for broken gears and replace if any.
Defective eject motor. Run maintenance item U030 and check if the eject motor operates when YC25-A5 (remote signal) on the engine PWB goes low. If not, replace the eject motor.
Defective engine PWB. Run maintenance item U030 and check if YC25-A5 (remote signal) on the engine PWB goes low. If not, replace the engine PWB.
- Code: C2500
- Description: MP motor error
After the motor drive ON signal is output and 1 s elapses, the rated speed reach signal is not input continuously for 2 s. - Causes: Poor contact in the connector terminals.
Defective drive transmission system.
Defective MP motor.
Defective engine PWB. - Remedy: Poor contact in the connector terminals. Check the connection of connector YC24 on the engine PWB and the connector on the MP motor, and the continuity across the connector terminals. Repair or replace if necessary.
Defective drive transmission system. Check if the rollers and gears rotate smoothly. If not, grease the bushings and gears. Check for broken gears and replace if any.
Defective MP motor. Run maintenance item U030 and check if the MP motor operates when YC24-2 (remote signal) on the engine PWB goes low. If not, replace the MP motor.
Defective engine PWB. Run maintenance item U030 and check if YC24-3 (remote signal) on the engine PWB goes low. If not, replace the engine PWB.
- Code: C2550
- Description: Paper conveying motor error
After the motor drive ON signal is output and 1 s elapses, the rated speed reach signal is not input continuously for 2 s. - Causes: Poor contact in the connector terminals.
Defective drive transmission system.
Defective paper conveying motor.
Defective PWB. - Remedy: Poor contact in the connector terminals. Check the connection of connector YC24 on the engine PWB and the connector on the MP motor, and the continuity across the connector terminals. Repair or replace if necessary.
Defective drive transmission system. Check if the rollers and gears rotate smoothly. If not, grease the bushings and gears. Check for broken gears and replace if any.
Defective paper conveying motor. Run maintenance item U030 and check if the motor operates. If not, replace the paper conveying motor.
Defective PWB. Replace the feed PWB or engine PWB and check for correct operation.
- Code: C2600
- Description: PF paper conveying motor error (optional paper feeder)
The lock signal of the motor is detected above 450 ms. - Causes: Poor contact in the connector terminals.
Defective drive transmission system.
Defective paper PF conveying motor.
Defective PWB. - Remedy: Poor contact in the connector terminals. Check the connection of connector YC27 on the engine PWB and the connector on the PF main PWB, and the continuity across the connector terminals. Repair or replace if necessary.
Defective drive transmission system. Check if the rollers and gears rotate smoothly. If not, grease the bushings and gears. Check for broken gears and replace if any.
Defective paper PF conveying motor. Replace the PF paper conveying motor.
Defective PWB. Replace the PF main PWB or engine PWB and check for correct operation.
- Code: C2700
- Description: Color release motor error
After driving of the color release motor starts, the error signal is not at the H level for 4 s continuously. After driving of the color release motor starts, the release signal does not turn to the L level within 5 s. - Causes: Poor contact in the connector terminals.
Defective color release motor
Defective engine PWB. - Remedy: Poor contact in the connector terminals. Check the connection of connector YC28 on the engine PWB and the connector of the color release motor, and the continuity across the connector terminals. Repair or replace if necessary.
Defective color release motor. Replace the color release motor.
Defective engine PWB. Replace the engine PWB and check for correct operation
- Code: C2810
- Description: Waste toner motor error
After driving of the waste toner motor starts, the error signal is not at the H level for 2 s continuously. - Causes: Poor contact in the connector terminals
Defective drive transmission system.
Defective waste toner motor.
Defective engine PWB - Remedy: Poor contact in the connector terminals. Check the connection of connector YC12 on the engine PWB and the connector of the waste toner motor, and the continuity across the connector terminals. Repair or replace if necessary.
Defective drive transmission system. Check if the rollers and gears rotate smoothly. If not, grease the bushings and gears. Check for broken gears and replace if any.
Defective waste toner motor. Replace the waste toner motor.
Defective engine PWB. Replace the engine PWB and check for correct operation.
- Code: C2950
- Description: Motor control PWB communication error
A communication error from motor control PWB is detected 10 times in succession. - Causes: Poor contact in the connector terminals.
Defective PWB. - Remedy: Poor contact in the connector terminals. Check the connection of connector YC14 and YC15 on the engine PWB and the connector of the motor control PWB, and the continuity across the connector terminals. Repair or replace if necessary.
Defective PWB. Replace the motor control PWB or engine PWB and check for correct operation.
- Code: C3100
- Description: Scanner carriage problem
The home position is not correct when the power is turned on or at the start of copying using the table. - Causes: Poor contact in the connector terminals.
Defective home position switch.
Defective scanner motor.
The mirror frame, exposure lamp, or scanner wire is defective.
Defective PWB. - Remedy: Poor contact in the connector terminals. Check the connection of connector YC8 on the ISM PWB and the connector of the home position switch, and the connection of connector YC7 on the ISM PWB and the connector on the scanner motor and the continuity across the connector terminals. Repair or replace if necessary.
Defective home position switch. Replace the scanner home position switch.
Defective scanner motor. Replace the scanner motor.
The mirror frame, exposure lamp, or scanner wire is defective. Check if the mirror flames and exposure lamp are on the rail. And check the scanner wire winds correctly.
Defective PWB. Replace the ISM PWB or ISC PWB and check for correct operation.
- Code: C3200
- Description: Exposure lamp problem
When input value at the time of exposure lamp illumination does not exceed the threshold value between 5 s. - Causes: Poor contact in the connector terminals.
Defective exposure lamp or inverter PWB.
Incorrect shading position.
Defective PWB - Remedy: Poor contact in the connector terminals. Check the connection of connector YC5 on the ISM PWB and the connector on the inverter PWB, and the continuity across the connector terminals. Repair or replace if necessary.
Defective exposure lamp or inverter PWB. Replace the exposure lamp or inverter PWB.
Incorrect shading position. Adjust the position of the contact glass (shading plate). If the problem still occurs, replace the scanner home position switch.
Defective PWB. Replace the ISM PWB, ISC PWB or CCD PWB and check for correct operation.
- Code: C3210
- Description: CIS lamp problem
When input value at the time of CIS illumination does not exceed the threshold value between 5 s. - Causes: Poor contact in the connector terminals.
Defective DP driver PWB
Defective DP inverter PWB.
Defective CIS. - Remedy: Poor contact in the connector terminals. Check the connection of connector on the ISM PWB and the connector on the DP driver PWB, and the continuity across the connector terminals. Repair or replace if necessary.
Defective DP driver PWB. Replace the DP driver PWB and check for correct operation.
Defective DP inverter PWB. Replace the DP inverter PWB and check for correct operation.
Defective CIS. Replace the CIS and check for correct operation.
- Code: C3300
- Description: Optical system (AGC) problem
After AGC, correct input is not obtained at CCD. - Causes: Poor contact in the connector terminals.
Defective exposure lamp or inverter PWB.
Defective PWB. - Remedy: Poor contact in the connector terminals. Check the connection of connector YC5 on the ISM PWB and the connector on the inverter PWB, and the continuity across the connector terminals. Repair or replace if necessary.
Defective exposure lamp or inverter PWB. Replace the exposure lamp or inverter PWB.
Defective PWB. Replace the ISM PWB, ISC PWB or CCD PWB and check for correct operation.
- Code: C3310
- Description: CIS AGC problem
After AGC, correct input is not obtained at CIS. - Causes: Defective DP driver PWB.
CIS output problem.
Defective DP inverter PWB. - Remedy: Defective DP driver PWB. Replace the DP driver PWB and check for correct operation.
CIS output problem. Replace the CIS and check for correct operation.
Defective DP inverter PWB. Replace the DP inverter PWB and check for correct operation.
- Code: C3500
- Description: Communication error between scanner and ASIC
An error code is detected. - Causes: Poor contact in the connector terminals.
Defective PWB. - Remedy: Poor contact in the connector terminals. Check the connection of connector YC2 on the CCD PWB and the connector YC2 on the ISC PWB, and the continuity across the connector terminals. Repair or replace if necessary.
Defective PWB. Replace the CCD PWB or ISC PWB and check for correct operation.
- Code: C3900
- Description: Backup memory read/write problem (ISC PWB)
Read and write data does not match. - Causes: Defective backup RAM or PWB.
- Remedy: Replace the ISC PWB or ISM PWB and check for correct operation.
- Code: C3910
- Description: Backup memory data problem (ISC PWB)
Data in the specified area of the backup memory does not match the specified values. - Causes: Defective backup RAM or PWB.
- Remedy: Replace the ISC PWB or ISM PWB and check for correct operation.
- Code: C4000
- Description: Polygon motor synchronization problem
The rated speed achievement signal won’t turn to L in 48 s since the polygon motor is activated. - Causes: Poor contact in the connector terminals.
Defective polygon motor.
Defective engine PWB. - Remedy: Poor contact in the connector terminals. Check the connection of connector YC13 on the engine PWB and laser scanner unit, and the continuity across the connector terminals. Repair or replace if necessary.
Defective polygon motor. Replace the laser scanner unit.
Defective engine PWB. Replace the engine PWB and check for correct operation.
- Code: C4010
- Description: Polygon motor steady-state problem
The rated speed achievement signal turns to H every other 24 s after the polygon motor is stabilized. - Causes: Poor contact in the connector terminals.
Defective polygon motor.
Defective engine PWB. - Remedy: Poor contact in the connector terminals. Check the connection of connector YC13 on the engine PWB and laser scanner unit, and the continuity across the connector terminals. Repair or replace if necessary.
Defective polygon motor. Replace the laser scanner unit.
Defective engine PWB. Replace the engine PWB and check for correct operation.
- Code: C4100
- Description: BD initialization problem
When power is turned on, ASIC of engine PWB detects a BD error for 1 s after the polygon motor is activated. - Causes: Poor contact in the connector terminals.
Defective APC PWB BK (inner laser scanner unit)
Defective engine PWB. - Remedy: Poor contact in the connector terminals. Check the connection of connector YC13 on the engine PWB and laser scanner unit, and the continuity across the connector terminals. Repair or replace if necessary.
Defective APC PWB BK (inner laser scanner unit) Replace the laser scanner unit.
Defective engine PWB. Replace the engine PWB and check for correct operation.
- Code: C5101
- Description: Main high-voltage K error
Abnormality of charger roller K is detected when Vpp adjustment. - Causes: Installation defectiveness on charger roller unit K.
Defective charger roller unit K - Remedy: Installation defectiveness on charger roller unit K. Check the mounting state of the charger roller unit K. If any problem is found, repair or replace the unit.
Defective charger roller unit K. Replace the charger roller unit K.
- Code: C5102
- Description: Main high-voltage C error
Abnormality of charger roller C is detected when Vpp adjustment. - Causes: Installation defectiveness on charger roller unit C.
Defective charger roller unit C - Remedy: Installation defectiveness on charger roller unit C. Check the mounting state of the charger roller unit C. If any problem is found, repair or replace the unit.
Defective charger roller unit C. Replace the charger roller unit C.
- Code: C5103
- Description: Main high-voltage M error
Abnormality of charger roller M is detected when Vpp adjustment. - Causes: Installation defectiveness on charger roller unit M.
Defective charger roller unit M. - Remedy: Installation defectiveness on charger roller unit M. Check the mounting state of the charger roller unit M. If any problem is found, repair or replace the unit.
Defective charger roller unit M. Replace the charger roller unit M.
- Code: C5104
- Description: Main high-voltage Y error
Abnormality of charger roller Y is detected when Vpp adjustment. - Causes: Installation defectiveness on charger roller unit Y.
Defective charger roller unit Y. - Remedy: Installation defectiveness on charger roller unit Y. Check the mounting state of the charger roller unit Y. If any problem is found, repair or replace the unit.
Defective charger roller unit Y. Replace the charger roller unit Y.
- Code: C6000
- Description: Fuser heater 1 break Fuser thermistor 1 detects a temperature lower than the Ready indication temperature for 90 s during warming up. Fuser thermistor 1 deduced less than 130 C/266F for 5 s during stand-by. Fuser thermistor 1 does not reach 75C/ 167F even after 30 s during warming up.
- Causes: Defective fuser heater 1.
Defective fuser thermostat 1.
Installation defectiveness on fuser thermistor 1.
Defective PWB. - Remedy: Defective fuser heater 1. Check for continuity across each heater. If none, replace the fuser unit.
Defective fuser thermostat 1. Check for continuity across thermostat. If none, remove the cause and replace the fuser unit.
Installation defectiveness on fuser thermistor 1. Measure the resistance. If it is ∞, replace the fuser unit.
Defective PWB. Replace the power source PWB or engine PWB and check for correct operation.
- Code: C6010
- Description: Abnormally high fuser thermistor temperature
The fuser Abnormally high signal is detected for 60 s or more. - Causes: Defective PWB.
- Remedy: Replace the power source PWB or engine PWB and check for correct operation.
- Code: C6020
- Description: Abnormally high fuser thermistor 1 temperature The fuser temperature exceeds 240 C/464 F for 1 s.
- Causes: Installation defectiveness on fuser thermistor 1
Defective PWB - Remedy: Installation defectiveness on fuser thermistor 1. Measure the resistance. If it is ∞, replace the fuser unit.
Defective PWB. Replace the power source PWB or engine PWB and check for correct operation.
- Code: C6030
- Description: Fuser thermistor 1 break error During warming up, fuser thermistor 1 does not detect temperature rise of 1 C/1.8F for 10 s. When the difference of temperature of fuser thermistor 1 and 2 becomes 100C/212F or more.
- Causes: Defective fuser heater 1.
Installation defectiveness on fuser thermistor 1.
Defective PWB. - Remedy: Defective fuser heater 1. Check for continuity across each heater. If none, replace the fuser unit.
Installation defectiveness on fuser thermistor 1. Measure the resistance. If it is ∞, replace the fuser unit.
Defective PWB. Replace the power source PWB or engine PWB and check for correct operation.
- Code: C6040
- Description: Fuser heater error
Fuser thermistor 1 detects temperature change of 20C/36F or more for 160 ms 100 times or more since the power is turned on. - Causes: Defective fuser heater 1.
Installation defectiveness on fuser thermistor 1.
Defective PWB - Remedy: Defective fuser heater 1. Check for continuity across each heater. If none, replace the fuser unit.
Installation defectiveness on fuser thermistor 1. Measure the resistance. If it is ∞, replace the fuser unit.
Defective PWB. Replace the power source PWB or engine PWB and check for correct operation.
- Code: C6050
- Description: Abnormally low fuser thermistor 1 temperature
During printing, the temperature at the heat roller lower than 100C/212F is detected continuously for 1 s. - Causes: Defective fuser heater 1.
Defective PWB - Remedy: Defective fuser heater 1. Replace the fuser unit.
Defective PWB. Replace the power source PWB or engine PWB and check for correct operation.
- Code: C6100
- Description: Fuser heater 2 break
Fuser thermistor 2 detected less than 100C/212F for 120 s during driving. Fuser thermistor 2 deduced less than 150C/302F for 300 s during driving. Fuser thermistor 2 deduced less than 100C/212F for 5 s during driving. - Causes: Defective fuser heater 2.
Defective fuser thermostat 2.
Installation defectiveness on fuser thermistor 2.
Defective PWB. - Remedy: Defective fuser heater 2. Check for continuity across each heater. If none, replace the fuser unit.
Defective fuser thermostat 2. Check for continuity across thermostat. If none, remove the cause and replace the fuser unit.
Installation defectiveness on fuser thermistor 2. Measure the resistance. If it is ∞, replace the fuser unit.
Defective PWB. Replace the power source PWB or engine PWB and check for correct operation.
- Code: C6120
- Description: Abnormally high fuser thermistor 2 temperature
The fuser temperature exceeds 190C/ 374F for 1 s. - Causes: Installation defectiveness on fuser thermistor 2.
Defective PWB - Remedy: Installation defectiveness on fuser thermistor 2. Measure the resistance. If it is ∞, replace the fuser unit.
Defective PWB. Replace the power source PWB or engine PWB and check for correct operation.
- Code: C6130
- Description: Fuser thermistor 2 break error Fuser thermistor 2 detects a temperature of 30 C/86F or lower for 45 s.
- Causes: Installation defectiveness on fuser thermistor 2.
Defective fuser heater 2.
Defective PWB. - Remedy: Installation defectiveness on fuser thermistor 2. Measure the resistance. If it is ∞, replace the fuser unit.
Defective fuser heater 2. Check for continuity across each heater. If none, replace the fuser unit.
Defective PWB. Replace the power source PWB or engine PWB and check for correct operation.
- Code: C6200
- Description: Fuser heater 1 edge break
During warming up, fuser thermistor 1 does not detect temperature rise of 1C/ 1.8F for 10 s. Fuser thermistor 1 does not reach 90F even after 30 s during warming up. - Causes: Defective fuser heater 1.
Defective fuser thermostat 1.
Installation defectiveness on fuser thermistor 1.
Defective PWB. - Remedy: Defective fuser heater 1. Check for continuity across each heater. If none, replace the fuser unit.
Defective fuser thermostat 1. Check for continuity across thermostat. If none, remove the cause and replace the fuser unit.
Installation defectiveness on fuser thermistor 1. Measure the resistance. If it is ∞, replace the fuser unit.
Defective PWB. Replace the power source PWB or engine PWB and check for correct operation.
- Code: C6220
- Description: Abnormally high fuser thermistor 1 edge temperature
The fuser temperature exceeds 250C/ 482F for 1 s. - Causes: Installation defectiveness on fuser thermistor 1.
Defective PWB. - Remedy: Installation defectiveness on fuser thermistor 1. Measure the resistance. If it is ∞, replace the fuser unit.
Defective PWB. Replace the power source PWB or engine PWB and check for correct operation.
- Code: C6230
- Description: Fuser thermistor 1 edge break error Fuser thermistor 1 detects a temperature of 40C/104F or lower for 30 s.
- Causes: Defective fuser heater 1.
Installation defectiveness on fuser thermistor 1.
Defective PWB. - Remedy: Defective fuser heater 1. Check for continuity across each heater. If none, replace the fuser unit.
Installation defectiveness on fuser thermistor 1. Measure the resistance. If it is ∞, replace the fuser unit.
Defective PWB. Replace the power source PWB or engine PWB and check for correct operation.
- Code: C6400
- Description: Zero-cross signal error
While fuser heater ON/OFF control is performed, the zero-cross signal is not input within 3 s. - Causes: Poor contact in the connector terminals.
Defective PWB. - Remedy: Poor contact in the connector terminals. Check the connection of connector YC4 on the engine PWB and the connector YC10 on the power souce PWB, and the continuity across the connector terminals. Repair or replace if necessary.
Defective PWB. Replace the engine PWB or power source PWB and check for correct operation.
- Code: C6410
- Description: Fuser unit type mismatch problem
Absence of the fuser unit is detected. - Causes: Fuser unit connector inserted incorrectly.
Different type of the fuser unit is installed. - Remedy: Fuser unit connector inserted incorrectly. Reinsert the fuser unit connector if necessary.
Different type of the fuser unit is installed. Install the correct fuser unit.
- Code: C7000
- Description: Toner motor problem
After driving of the toner motor starts, the error signal is not at the H level for 500 ms continuously. - Causes: Poor contact in the connector terminals.
Broken the gear
Defective toner motor M/C/Y/K.
Defective engine PWB. - Remedy: Poor contact in the connector terminals. Check the connection of connector YC26 on the engine PWB and the connector of the toner motor, and the continuity across the connector terminals. Repair or replace if necessary.
Broken the gear. Check visually and replace the gear if necessary.
Defective toner motor M/C/Y/K. Run maintenance item U135 and check if the toner motor operates. If not, replace the toner motor.
Defective engine PWB. Replace the engine PWB and check for correct operation.
- Code: C7100
- Description: Toner container motor error
The rated speed achievement signal does not turn to L within 2 s since toner container motor is activated. The rated speed achievement signal is at the H level for 1 s continuously after toner container motor is stabilized. - Causes: Poor contact in the connector terminals.
Defective drive transmission system.
Defective toner container motor
Defective engine PWB. - Remedy: Poor contact in the connector terminals. Check the connection of connector YC26 on the engine PWB and the connector on the toner container motor, and the continuity across the connector terminals. Repair or replace if necessary.
Defective drive transmission system. Check if the rollers and gears rotate smoothly. If not, grease the bushings and gears. Check for broken gears and replace if any.
Defective toner container motor. Run maintenance item U030 and check if the toner container motor operates when YC26-A7 (remote signal) on the engine PWB goes low. If not, replace the toner container motor.
Defective engine PWB. Run maintenance item U030 and check if YC26-A7 (remote signal) on the engine PWB goes low. If not, replace the engine PWB.
- Code: C7101
- Description: Toner sensor K problem
Sensor output value of 60 or less or 944 or more continued for 3 s. - Causes: Defective developing unit K.
Defective PWB. - Remedy: Defective developing unit K. Replace the developing unit K.
Defective PWB. Replace the main front PWB or engine PWB and check for correct operation.
- Code: C7102
- Description: Toner sensor C problem Sensor output value of 60 or less or 944 or more continued for 3 s.
- Causes: Defective developing unit C.
Defective PWB. - Remedy: Defective developing unit C. Replace the developing unit C.
Defective PWB. Replace the sub front PWB or engine PWB and check for correct operation.
- Code: C7103
- Description: Toner sensor M problem Sensor output value of 60 or less or 944 or more continued for 3 s.
- Causes: Defective developing unit M.
Defective PWB. - Remedy: Defective developing unit M. Replace the developing unit M.
Defective PWB. Replace the sub front PWB or engine PWB and check for correct operation.
- Code: C7104
- Description: Toner sensor Y problem
Sensor output value of 60 or less or 944 or more continued for 3 s. - Causes: Defective developing unit Y.
Defective PWB - Remedy: Defective developing unit Y. Replace the developing unit Y.
Defective PWB. Replace the sub front PWB or engine PWB and check for correct operation.
- Code: C7200
- Description: Broken internal thermistor wire
An abnormal value is detected in the input data to inner temperature sensor 1. - Causes: Poor contact in the connector terminals
Defective laser scanner unit.
Defective engine PWB. - Remedy: Poor contact in the connector terminals. Check the connection of connector YC13 on the engine PWB and laser scanner unit, and the continuity across the connector terminals. Repair or replace if necessary.
Defective laser scanner unit. Replace the laser scanner unit.
Defective engine PWB. Replace the engine PWB and check for correct operation.
- Code: C7210
- Description: Short-circuited internal thermistor
An abnormal value is detected in the input data to inner temperature sensor 1. - Causes: Poor contact in the connector terminals.
Defective laser scanner unit.
Defective engine PWB. - Remedy: Poor contact in the connector terminals. Check the connection of connector YC13 on the engine PWB and laser scanner unit, and the continuity across the connector terminals. Repair or replace if necessary.
Defective laser scanner unit. Replace the laser scanner unit.
Defective engine PWB. Replace the engine PWB and check for correct operation.
- Code: C7240
- Description: Broken internal thermistor 2 wire
An abnormal value is detected in the input data to inner temperature sensor 2. - Causes: Poor contact in the connector terminals.
Defective engine PWB - Remedy: Poor contact in the connector terminals. Check the connection of connector YC8 on the engine PWB and the continuity across the connector terminals. Repair or replace if necessary.
Defective engine PWB. Replace the engine PWB and check for correct operation.
- Code: C7250
- Description: Short-circuited internal thermistor 2
An abnormal value is detected in the input data to inner temperature sensor 2. - Causes: Poor contact in the connector terminals.
Defective engine PWB. - Remedy: Poor contact in the connector terminals. Check the connection of connector YC8 on the engine PWB and the continuity across the connector terminals. Repair or replace if necessary.
Defective engine PWB. Replace the engine PWB and check for correct operation.
- Code: C7401
- Description: Developing unit K type mismatch problem
Absence of the developing unit K is detected. - Causes: Developing unit connector inserted incorrectly.
Different type of the developing unit is installed. - Remedy: Developing unit connector inserted incorrectly. Reinsert the developing unit connector if necessary.
Different type of the developing unit is installed. Install the correct developing unit.
- Code: C7402
- Description: Developing unit C type mismatch problem
Absence of the developing unit C is detected. - Causes: Developing unit connector inserted incorrectly.
Different type of the developing unit is installed. - Remedy: Developing unit connector inserted incorrectly. Reinsert the developing unit connector if necessary.
Different type of the developing unit is installed. Install the correct developing unit.
- Code: C7403
- Description: Developing unit M type mismatch problem
Absence of the developing unit M is detected. - Causes: Developing unit connector inserted incorrectly.
Different type of the developing unit is installed. - Remedy: Developing unit connector inserted incorrectly. Reinsert the developing unit connector if necessary.
Different type of the developing unit is installed. Install the correct developing unit.
- Code: C7404
- Description: Developing unit Y type mismatch problem
Absence of the developing unit Y is detected. - Causes: Developing unit connector inserted incorrectly.
Different type of the developing unit is installed - Remedy: Developing unit connector inserted incorrectly. Reinsert the developing unit connector if necessary.
Different type of the developing unit is installed. Install the correct developing unit.
- Code: C7411
- Description: Drum unit K type mismatch problem
Absence of the drum unit K is detected. - Causes: Drum unit connector inserted incorrectly.
Different type of the drum unit is installed. - Remedy: Drum unit connector inserted incorrectly. Reinsert the drum unit connector if necessary.
Different type of the drum unit is installed. Install the correct drum unit.
- Code: C7412
- Description: Drum unit C type mismatch problem
Absence of the drum unit C is detected. - Causes: Drum unit connector inserted incorrectly.
Different type of the drum unit is installed. - Remedy: Drum unit connector inserted incorrectly. Reinsert the drum unit connector if necessary.
Different type of the drum unit is installed. Install the correct drum unit.
- Code: C7413
- Description: Drum unit M type mismatch problem
Absence of the drum unit M is detected. - Causes: Drum unit connector inserted incorrectly.
Different type of the drum unit is installed. - Remedy: Drum unit connector inserted incorrectly. Reinsert the drum unit connector if necessary.
Different type of the drum unit is installed. Install the correct drum unit.
- Code: C7414
- Description: Drum unit Y type mismatch problem
Absence of the drum unit Y is detected. - Causes: Drum unit connector inserted incorrectly.
Different type of the drum unit is installed. - Remedy: Drum unit connector inserted incorrectly. Reinsert the drum unit connector if necessary.
Different type of the drum unit is installed. Install the correct drum unit.
- Code: C7420
- Description: Transfer belt unit type mismatch problem
Absence of the transfer belt unit is detected. - Causes: Transfer belt unit connector inserted incorrectly.
Different type of the transfer belt unit is installed. - Remedy: Transfer belt unit connector inserted incorrectly. Reinsert the transfer belt unit connector if necessary.
Different type of the transfer belt unit is installed. Install the correct transfer belt unit.
- Code: C7800
- Description: Broken external thermistor wire
An abnormal value is detected in the input data to the outer temperature sensor. - Causes: Poor contact in the connector terminals.
Defective PWB. - Remedy: Poor contact in the connector terminals. Check the connection of connector YC1 on the main front PWB and the continuity across the connector terminals. Repair or replace if necessary.
Defective PWB. Replace the main front PWB or engine PWB and check for correct operation.
- Code: C7901
- Description: Drum K EEPROM error
No response is issued from the device in reading/writing for 5 ms or more and this problem is repeated five times successively. Mismatch of reading data from two locations occurs eight times successively. Mismatch between writing data and reading data occurs eight times successively. - Causes: Poor contact in the connector terminals.
Defective drum PWB K. - Remedy: Poor contact in the connector terminals. Check the connection of connector YC3 on the main front PWB and the continuity across the connector terminals. Repair or replace if necessary.
Defective drum PWB K. Replace the drum unit K.
- Code: C7902
- Description: Drum C EEPROM error
No response is issued from the device in reading/writing for 5 ms or more and this problem is repeated five times successively. Mismatch of reading data from two locations occurs eight times successively. Mismatch between writing data and reading data occurs eight times successively. - Causes: Poor contact in the connector terminals.
Defective drum PWB C. - Remedy: Poor contact in the connector terminals. Check the connection of connector YC5 on the sub front PWB and the continuity across the connector terminals. Repair or replace if necessary.
Defective drum PWB C. Replace the drum unit C.
- Code: C7903
- Description: Drum M EEPROM error
No response is issued from the device in reading/writing for 5 ms or more and this problem is repeated five times successively. Mismatch of reading data from two locations occurs eight times successively. Mismatch between writing data and reading data occurs eight times successively. - Causes: Poor contact in the connector terminals.
Defective drum PWB M. - Remedy: Poor contact in the connector terminals. Check the connection of connector YC7 on the sub front PWB and the continuity across the connector terminals. Repair or replace if necessary.
Defective drum PWB M. Replace the drum unit M.
- Code: C7904
- Description: Drum Y EEPROM error No response is issued from the device in reading/writing for 5 ms or more and this problem is repeated five times successively. Mismatch of reading data from two locations occurs eight times successively. Mismatch between writing data and reading data occurs eight times successively.
- Causes: Defective drum PWB Y.
- Remedy: Poor contact in the connector terminals. Check the connection of connector YC3 on the sub front PWB and the continuity across the connector terminals. Repair or replace if necessary.
Defective drum PWB Y. Replace the drum unit Y.
- Code: C7911
- Description: Developing unit K EEPROM error
No response is issued from the device in reading/writing for 5 ms or more and this problem is repeated five times successively. Mismatch of reading data from two locations occurs eight times successively. Mismatch between writing data and reading data occurs eight times successively. - Causes: Poor contact in the connector terminals.
Defective developing PWB K. - Remedy: Poor contact in the connector terminals. Check the connection of connector YC4 on the main front PWB and the continuity across the connector terminals. Repair or replace if necessary.
Defective developing PWB K. Replace the developing unit K.
- Code: C7912
- Description: Developing unit C EEPROM error
No response is issued from the device in reading/writing for 5 ms or more and this problem is repeated five times successively. Mismatch of reading data from two locations occurs eight times successively. Mismatch between writing data and reading data occurs eight times successively. - Causes: Poor contact in the connector terminals.
Defective developing PWB C. - Remedy: Poor contact in the connector terminals. Check the connection of connector YC6 on the sub front PWB and the continuity across the connector terminals. Repair or replace if necessary.
Defective developing PWB C. Replace the developing unit C.
- Code: C7913
- Description: Developing unit M EEPROM error
No response is issued from the device in reading/writing for 5 ms or more and this problem is repeated five times successively. Mismatch of reading data from two locations occurs eight times successively. Mismatch between writing data and reading data occurs eight times successively. - Causes: Poor contact in the connector terminals.
Defective developing PWB M. - Remedy: Poor contact in the connector terminals. Check the connection of connector YC8 on the sub front PWB and the continuity across the connector terminals. Repair or replace if necessary.
Defective developing PWB M. Replace the developing unit M.
- Code: C7914
- Description: Developing unit Y EEPROM error
No response is issued from the device in reading/writing for 5 ms or more and this problem is repeated five times successively. Mismatch of reading data from two locations occurs eight times successively. Mismatch between writing data and reading data occurs eight times successively. - Causes: Poor contact in the connector terminals.
Defective developing PWB Y. - Remedy: Poor contact in the connector terminals. Check the connection of connector YC4 on the sub front PWB and the continuity across the connector terminals. Repair or replace if necessary.
Defective developing PWB Y. Replace the developing unit Y.
- Code: C7950
- Description: High voltage control PWB error
A communication error from high voltage control PWB is detected 10 times in succession - Causes: Poor contact in the connector terminals.
Defective PWB. - Remedy: Poor contact in the connector terminals. Check the connection of connector YC30 on the engine PWB and the connector on the high voltage control PWB, and the continuity across the connector terminals. Repair or replace if necessary.
Defective PWB. Replace the high voltage control PWB or engine PWB and check for correct operation.
- Code: C8020
- Description: Punch motor problem (optional 3000sheet document finisher) The error signal of the punch motor is detected for more than 500 ms while the punch motor is operating.
- Causes: Poor contact in the connector terminals.
Defective punch motor.
Defective PWB. - Remedy: Poor contact in the connector terminals. Check the connection of connector on the punch PWB and the continuity across the connector terminals. Repair or replace if necessary.
Defective punch motor. Replace the punch motor.
Defective PWB. Replace the punch PWB or finisher main PWB and check for correct operation.
- Code: C8030
- Description: Tray upper limit detection problem (optional document finisher)
When the tray elevation motor raises a tray, the ON status of the tray upper limit sensor is detected. - Causes: The tray upper limit sensor, paper surface sensor 1/2 connector makes poor contact.
Defective tray upper limit sensor, paper surface sensor 1/2.
Defective finisher main PWB. - Remedy: The tray upper limit sensor, paper surface sensor 1/2 connector makes poor contact. Reinsert the connector. Also check for continuity within the connector cable. If none, remedy or replace the cable.
Defective tray upper limit sensor, paper surface sensor 1/2. Replace the sensor.
Defective finisher main PWB. Replace the finisher main PWB and check for correct operation.
- Code: C8040
- Description: Belt problem (optional document finisher)
The belt sensor does not turn on/off within specified time of the belt solenoid turning on. - Causes: The belt sensor, belt solenoid connector makes poor contact.
Defective belt sensor.
Defective belt solenoid.
Defective finisher main PWB. - Remedy: The belt sensor, belt solenoid connector makes poor contact. Reinsert the connector. Also check for continuity within the connector cable. If none, remedy or replace the cable.
Defective belt sensor. Replace the belt sensor.
Defective belt solenoid. Replace the belt solenoid.
Defective finisher main PWB. Replace the finisher main PWB and check for correct operation.
- Code: C8050
- Description: Paper conveying belt motor 1 problem (optional 3000-sheet document finisher) Paper conveying belt home position sensor 1 does not turn off within 1.5 s. Paper conveying belt home position sensor 1 does not turn on within 2.5 s. Jam 88 is indicated.
- Causes: Poor contact in the connector terminals.
Defective paper conveying belt home position sensor 1.
Defective paper conveying belt motor 1.
Defective PWB. - Remedy: Poor contact in the connector terminals. Check the connection of connector YC2 on the inner tray PWB and the connector on paper conveying belt motor 1, and the continuity across the connector terminals. Repair or replace if necessary.
Defective paper conveying belt home position sensor 1. Replace paper conveying belt home position sensor 1.
Defective paper conveying belt motor 1. Replace paper conveying belt motor 1.
Defective PWB. Replace the inner tray PWB or finisher main PWB and check for correct operation.
- Code: C8060
- Description: Paper conveying belt motor 2 problem (optional 3000-sheet document finisher)
Paper conveying belt home position sensor 2 does not turn off within 1.5 s. Paper conveying belt home position sensor 2 does not turn on within 1.5 s. - Causes: Poor contact in the connector terminals.
Defective paper conveying belt home position sensor 2.
Defective paper conveying belt motor 2.
Defective PWB - Remedy: Poor contact in the connector terminals. Check the connection of connector YC6 on the inner tray PWB and the connector on paper conveying belt motor 2, and the continuity across the connector terminals. Repair or replace if necessary.
Defective paper conveying belt home position sensor 2. Replace paper conveying belt home position sensor 2.
Defective paper conveying belt motor 2. Replace paper conveying belt motor 2.
Defective PWB. Replace the inner tray PWB or finisher main PWB and check for correct operation.
- Code: C8070
- Description: Inner tray communication error (optional 3000-sheet document finisher)
Communication with the inner tray is not possible although the connection is detected. - Causes: Poor contact in the connector terminals.
Defective PWB. - Remedy: Poor contact in the connector terminals. Check the connection of connector YC6 and YC24 on the finisher main PWB and the connector YC1 and YC4 on the inner tray PWB, and the continuity across the connector terminals. Repair or replace if necessary.
Defective PWB. Replace the inner tray PWB or finisher main PWB and check for correct operation.
- Code: C8140
- Description: Main tray problem (optional 3000sheet document finisher)
The main tray is not detected by the main tray upper limit detection sensor or the main tray paper upper surface detection sensor within 20 s since the tray has started ascending. The main tray upper limit detection sensor or the main tray paper upper surface detection sensor is not detected to be turned off in 20 s after the main tray has descended. The main tray low limit detection sensor is not detected to be turned on in 20 s after the main tray has descended. During main tray ascent, the main tray upper limit detection sensor or the main tray paper upper surface detection sensor stays on for more than 2 s.
Tray elevation motor problem (optional document finisher) The tray low limit sensor or paper surface sensor 1/2 cannot be detected to be on within 10 s since the tray elevation motor is activated. - Causes: Poor contact in the connector terminals.
Defective main tray motor.
Defective main tray upper limit detection sensor/main tray paper upper surface detection sensor/main tray lower limit detection sensor.
Defective finisher main PWB.
The tray elevation motor connector makes poor contact.
The tray elevation motor malfunctions.
The tray lower limit sensor, paper surface sensor 1/2 connector makes poor contact.
Defective tray lower limit sensor, paper surface sensor 1/2.
Defective finisher main PWB. - Remedy: Poor contact in the connector terminals. Check the connection of connector YC11 on the finisher main PWB and the connector on the main tray motor, and the continuity across the connector terminals. Repair or replace if necessary.
Defective main tray motor. Replace the main tray motor.
Defective main tray upper limit detection sensor/main tray paper upper surface detection sensor/main tray lower limit detection sensor. Replace the sensor.
Defective finisher main PWB. Replace the finisher main PWB and check for correct operation.
The tray elevation motor connector makes poor contact. Reinsert the connector. Also check for continuity within the connector cable. If none, remedy or replace the cable.
The tray elevation motor malfunctions. Replace the tray elevation motor.
The tray lower limit sensor, paper surface sensor 1/2 connector makes poor contact. Reinsert the connector. Also check for continuity within the connector cable. If none, remedy or replace the cable.
Defective tray lower limit sensor, paper surface sensor 1/2. Replace the sensor.
Defective finisher main PWB. Replace the finisher main PWB and check for correct operation.
- Code: C8170
- Description: Side registration motor 1 problem (optional 3000-sheet document finisher)
When operation returned to a home position is performed at the time of initial operation and a home position is not detected even if 3 s passed. Jam 88 is indicated. - Causes: Poor contact in the connector terminals.
Defective side registration motor 1.
Defective PWB. - Remedy: Poor contact in the connector terminals. Check the connection of connector YC2 on the inner tray PWB and the connector on side registration motor 1, and the continuity across the connector terminals. Repair or replace if necessary.
Defective side registration motor 1. Replace side registration motor 1.
Defective PWB. Replace the inner tray PWB or finisher main PWB and check for correct operation.
- Code: C8180
- Description: Side registration motor 2 problem (optional 3000-sheet document finisher)
When operation returned to a home position is performed at the time of initial operation and a home position is not detected even if 3 s passed. Jam 88 is indicated. - Causes: Poor contact in the connector terminals.
Defective side registration motor 2.
Defective PWB - Remedy: Poor contact in the connector terminals. Check the connection of connector YC8 on the inner tray PWB and the connector of side registration motor 2, and the continuity across the connector terminals. Repair or replace if necessary.
Defective side registration motor 2. Replace side registration motor 2.
Defective PWB. Replace the inner tray PWB or finisher main PWB and check for correct operation.
- Code: C8210
- Description: Stapler moving motor 1 error (optional 3000-sheet document finisher) When operation returned to a home position is performed at the time of initial operation and a home position is not detected even if 1.5 s passed.
Stapler problem (optional document finisher) Jam 82 is indicated. - Causes: Poor contact in the connector terminals.
Defective stapler moving motor 1.
Defective finisher main PWB.
The stapler connector makes poor contact.
The stapler is blocked with a staple.
The stapler is broken.
Defective finisher main PWB. - Remedy: Poor contact in the connector terminals. Check the connection of connector YC9 on the finisher main PWB and the connector of stapler moving motor 1, and the continuity across the connector terminals. Repair or replace if necessary.
Defective stapler moving motor 1. Replace stapler moving motor 1.
Defective finisher main PWB. Replace the finisher main PWB and check for correct operation.
The stapler connector makes poor contact. Reinsert the connector. Also check for continuity within the connector cable. If none, remedy or replace the cable.
The stapler is blocked with a staple. Remove the stapler cartridge, and check the cartridge and the stapling section of the stapler.
The stapler is broken. Replace the stapler and check for correct operation.
Defective finisher main PWB. Replace the finisher main PWB and check for correct operation.
- Code: C8220
- Description: Stapler moving motor 2 error (optional 3000-sheet document finisher)
When operation returned to a home position is performed at the time of initial operation and a home position is not detected even if 3.5 s passed. - Causes: Poor contact in the connector terminals.
Defective stapler moving motor 2.
Defective staple relay PWB.
Defective finisher main PWB. - Remedy: Poor contact in the connector terminals. Check the connection of connector YC10 on the finisher main PWB and the connector of staple relay PWB and stapler moving motor 2, and the continuity across the connector terminals. Repair or replace if necessary.
Defective stapler moving motor 2. Replace stapler moving motor 2.
Defective staple relay PWB. Replace the staple relay PWB and check for correct operation.
Defective finisher main PWB. Replace the finisher main PWB and check for correct operation.
- Code: C8230
- Description: Stapler motor problem (optional 3000sheet document finisher)
Jam 82 is indicated. - Causes: Poor contact in the connector terminals.
Defective stapler motor.
Defective staple relay PWB.
Defective finisher main PWB. - Remedy: Poor contact in the connector terminals. Check the connection of connector YC10 on the finisher main PWB and the connector of staple relay PWB and stapler motor, and the continuity across the connector terminals. Repair or replace if necessary.
Defective stapler motor. Replace the stapler motor.
Defective staple relay PWB. Replace the staple relay PWB and check for correct operation.
Defective finisher main PWB. Replace the finisher main PWB and check for correct operation.
- Code: C8300
- Description: Center-folding unit communication error (optional center-folding unit of 3000-sheet document finisher)
Communication with the center-folding unit is not possible although the connection is detected. - Causes: Poor contact in the connector terminals.
Defective centerfold set switch.
Defective centerfold main PWB.
Defective finisher main PWB. - Remedy: Poor contact in the connector terminals. Check the connection of connector YC5 and YC20 on the finisher main PWB and the connector YC1 and YC2 on the centerfold main PWB, and the continuity across the connector terminals. Repair or replace if necessary.
Defective centerfold set switch. Replace the centerfold set switch.
Defective centerfold main PWB. Replace the centerfold main PWB and check for correct operation.
Defective finisher main PWB. Replace the finisher main PWB and check for correct operation.
- Code: C8310
- Description: Centerfold side registration motor 2 problem (optional center-folding unit of 3000-sheet document finisher)
The home position is not detected when initial operation even if 1 s passed. - Causes: Poor contact in the connector terminals.
Defective centerfold side registration motor 2.
Defective PWB - Remedy: Poor contact in the connector terminals. Check the connection of connector YC6 on the centerfold main PWB and the connector of centerfold side registration motor 2, and the continuity across the connector terminals. Repair or replace if necessary.
Defective centerfold side registration motor 2. Replace centerfold side registration motor 2.
Defective PWB. Replace the centerfold main PWB or finisher main PWB and check for correct operation.
- Code: C8320
- Description: Centerfold paper conveying belt motor problem (optional center-folding unit of 3000-sheet document finisher)
The home position is not detected when initial operation even if 2.5 s passed.
Adjustment motor 2 problem (optional document finisher) The adjustment sensor 2 does not turn on/off within specified time of the adjustment motor 2 turning on. - Causes: Poor contact in the connector terminals.
Defective centerfold paper conveying belt motor 1/2.
Defective PWB
The adjustment sensor 2, adjustment motor 2 connector makes poor contact.
Defective adjustment sensor 2.
Defective adjustment motor 2.
Defective finisher main PWB. - Remedy: Poor contact in the connector terminals. Check the connection of connector YC6, YC7 on the centerfold main PWB and the connector of centerfold paper conveying belt motor 1/2, and the continuity across the connector terminals. Repair or replace if necessary.
Defective centerfold paper conveying belt motor 1/2. Replace centerfold paper conveying belt motor 1/2.
Defective PWB. Replace the centerfold main PWB or finisher main PWB and check for correct operation.
The adjustment sensor 2, adjustment motor 2 connector makes poor contact. Reinsert the connector. Also check for continuity within the connector cable. If none, remedy or replace the cable.
Defective adjustment sensor 2. Replace the adjustment sensor 2.
Defective adjustment motor 2. Replace the adjustment motor 2.
Defective finisher main PWB. Replace the finisher main PWB and check for correct operation.
- Code: C8330
- Description: Blade motor problem (optional center-folding unit of 3000-sheet document finisher)
The home position is not detected when initial operation even if 1.5 s passed
Adjustment motor 1 problem (optional document finisher) The adjustment sensor 1 does not turn on/off within specified time of the adjustment motor 1 turning on. - Causes: Poor contact in the connector terminals.
Defective blade motor.
Defective PWB
The adjustment sensor 1, adjustment motor 1 connector makes poor contact.
Defective adjustment sensor 1.
Defective adjustment motor 1.
Defective finisher main PWB. - Remedy: Poor contact in the connector terminals. Check the connection of connector YC8 on the centerfold main PWB and the connector of the blade motor, and the continuity across the connector terminals. Repair or replace if necessary.
Defective blade motor. Replace the blade motor.
Defective PWB. Replace the centerfold main PWB or finisher main PWB and check for correct operation.
The adjustment sensor 1, adjustment motor 1 connector makes poor contact. Reinsert the connector. Also check for continuity within the connector cable. If none, remedy or replace the cable.
Defective adjustment sensor 1. Replace the adjustment sensor 1.
Defective adjustment motor 1. Replace the adjustment motor 1.
Defective finisher main PWB. Replace the finisher main PWB and check for correct operation.
- Code: C8340
- Description: Centerfold staple motor problem (optional center-folding unit of 3000sheet document finisher)
Jam 89 is indicated. - Causes: Poor contact in the connector terminals.
Defective centerfold staple motor.
Defective PWB. - Remedy: Poor contact in the connector terminals. Check the connection of connector YC9 on the centerfold main PWB and the connector of the centerfold staple motor, and the continuity across the connector terminals. Repair or replace if necessary.
Defective centerfold staple motor. Replace the centerfold staple motor.
Defective PWB. Replace the centerfold main PWB or finisher main PWB and check for correct operation.
- Code: C8350
- Description: Centerfold side registration motor 1 problem (optional center-folding unit of 3000-sheet document finisher)
The home position is not detected when initial operation even if 1 s passed.
Roller motor problem (optional document finisher)
The roller sensor does not turn on/off within specified time of the roller motor turning on. - Causes: Poor contact in the connector terminals.
Defective centerfold side registration motor 1.
Defective PWB.
The roller sensor, roller motor connector makes poor contact.
Defective roller sensor.
Defective roller motor.
Defective finisher main PWB. - Remedy: Poor contact in the connector terminals. Check the connection of connector YC7 on the centerfold main PWB and the connector of centerfold side registration motor 1, and the continuity across the connector terminals. Repair or replace if necessary.
Defective centerfold side registration motor 1. Replace centerfold side registration motor 1.
Defective PWB. Replace the centerfold main PWB or finisher main PWB and check for correct operation.
The roller sensor, roller motor connector makes poor contact. Reinsert the connector. Also check for continuity within the connector cable. If none, remedy or replace the cable.
Defective roller sensor. Replace the roller sensor.
Defective roller motor. Replace the roller motor.
Defective finisher main PWB. Replace the finisher main PWB and check for correct operation.
- Code: C8360
- Description: Centerfold main motor problem (optional center-folding unit of 3000sheet document finisher)
The motor lock signal is detected above 1 s during driving the centerfold main motor.
Slide motor problem (optional document finisher)
The slide sensor does not turn on/off within specified time of the slide motor turning on. - Causes: Poor contact in the connector terminals.
Defective centerfold main motor.
Defective PWB.
The slide sensor, slide motor connector makes poor contact.
Defective slide sensor
Defective slide motor.
Defective finisher main PWB. - Remedy: Poor contact in the connector terminals. Check the connection of connector YC12 on the centerfold main PWB and the connector of the centerfold main motor, and the continuity across the connector terminals. Repair or replace if necessary.
Defective centerfold main motor. Replace the centerfold main motor.
Defective PWB. Replace the centerfold main PWB or finisher main PWB and check for correct operation.
The slide sensor, slide motor connector makes poor contact. Reinsert the connector. Also check for continuity within the connector cable. If none, remedy or replace the cable.
Defective slide sensor. Replace the slide sensor.
Defective slide motor. Replace the slide motor.
Defective finisher main PWB. Replace the finisher main PWB and check for correct operation.
- Code: C8440
- Description: Sensor adjusting problem (optional document finisher)
The sensor cannot be adjusted within the specified range. - Causes: The paper entry sensor connector makes poor contact.
Defective paper entry sensor.
The optical path of the paper entry sensor is blocked by foreign matter.
Defective finisher main PWB. - Remedy: The paper entry sensor connector makes poor contact. Reinsert the connector. Also check for continuity within the connector cable. If none, remedy or replace the cable.
Defective paper entry sensor. Replace the paper entry sensor and check for correct operation.
The optical path of the paper entry sensor is blocked by foreign matter. Remove the foreign matter.
Defective finisher main PWB. Replace the finisher main PWB and check for correct operation.
- Code: C8460
- Description: EEPROM problem (optional document finisher)
Reading from or writing to EEPROM cannot be performed. - Causes: Defective EEPROM or finisher main PWB.
- Remedy: Replace the finisher main PWB and check for correct operation.
- Code: C8500
- Description: Mailbox communication error (optional mailbox of 3000-sheet document finisher)
Communication with the mailbox is not possible although the connection is detected. - Causes: Poor contact in the connector terminals.
Defective PWB. - Remedy: Poor contact in the connector terminals. Check the connection of the connector of the mailbox and the connector YC7 on the finisher main PWB, and the continuity across the connector terminals. Repair or replace if necessary.
Defective PWB. Replace the mailbox main PWB or finisher main PWB and check for correct operation.
- Code: C8510
- Description: Mailbox drive motor problem (optional mailbox of 3000-sheet document finisher) The motor lock signal is detected above 500 ms during driving the mailbox drive motor.
- Causes: Poor contact in the connector terminals.
Defective mailbox drive motor
Defective PWB. - Remedy: Poor contact in the connector terminals. Check the connection of connector YC5 on the mailbox main PWB and the connector of the mailbox drive motor, and the continuity across the connector terminals. Repair or replace if necessary.
Defective mailbox drive motor. Replace the mailbox drive motor.
Defective PWB. Replace the mailbox main PWB or finisher main PWB and check for correct operation.
- Code: C8800
- Description: Document finisher communication error (optional 3000-sheet document finisher)
A communication error from document finisher is detected 10 times in succession. - Causes: Poor contact in the connector terminals.
Defective PWB. - Remedy: Poor contact in the connector terminals. Check the connection of connector on the engine PWB and the connector on the finisher main PWB, and the continuity across the connector terminals. Repair or replace if necessary.
Defective PWB. Replace the finisher main PWB or engine PWB and check for correct operation.
- Code: C8900
- Description: Backup memory data problem (optional 3000-sheet document finisher)
Read and write data does not match 3 times in succession. - Causes: Poor contact in the connector terminals.
EEPROM installed incorrectly.
Defective finisher main PWB. - Remedy: Poor contact in the connector terminals. Check the connection of connector on the finisher main PWB and the connector of the machine, and the continuity across the connector terminals. Repair or replace if necessary.
EEPROM installed incorrectly. Install EEPROM correctly.
Defective finisher main PWB. Replace the finisher main PWB and check for correct operation.
- Code: C8910
- Description: Backup memory data problem (optional of 3000-sheet document finisher)
Read and write data does not match 3 times in succession. - Causes: Poor contact in the connector terminals
Defective punch PWB. - Remedy: Poor contact in the connector terminals. Check the connection of connector on the punch PWB and the connector YC4 on the finisher main PWB, and the continuity across the connector terminals. Repair or replace if necessary.
Defective punch PWB. Replace the punch PWB and check for correct operation.
- Code: C8930
- Description: Backup memory data problem (optional center-folding unit of 3000sheet document finisher)
Read and write data does not match 3 times in succession. - Causes: Poor contact in the connector terminals
EEPROM installed incorrectly.
Defective centerfold main PWB. - Remedy: Poor contact in the connector terminals. Check the connection of connector on the centerfold main PWB and the connector YC5 on the finisher main PWB, and the continuity across the connector terminals. Repair or replace if necessary.
EEPROM installed incorrectly. Install EEPROM correctly.
Defective centerfold main PWB. Replace the centerfold main PWB and check for correct operation.
- Code: C9000
- Description: DP communication problem (optional DP)
A communication error is detected. - Causes: Poor contact in the connector terminals.
Defective PWB. - Remedy: Poor contact in the connector terminals. Check the connection of connector YC6 on the ISM PWB and the connector of the DP, and the continuity across the connector terminals. Repair or replace if necessary.
Defective PWB. Replace the DP driver PWB or ISM PWB and check for correct operation.
- Code: C9040
- Description: DP lift motor going up error (optional DP)
The tray upper limit switch does not turn on within 2 s of DP lift motor turning on. - Causes: Loose connection of the DP lift motor connector.
Malfunction of the DP lift motor.
Loose connection of the tray upper limit switch connector.
Malfunction of the tray upper limit switch.
Defective DP driver PWB. - Remedy: Loose connection of the DP lift motor connector. Reinsert the connector. Also check for continuity within the connector cable. If none, remedy or replace the cable.
Malfunction of the DP lift motor. Replace the DP lift motor and check for correct operation.
Loose connection of the tray upper limit switch connector. Reinsert the connector. Also check for continuity within the connector cable. If none, remedy or replace the cable.
Malfunction of the tray upper limit switch. Replace the tray upper limit switch and check for correct operation.
Defective DP driver PWB. Replace the DP driver PWB and check for correct operation.
- Code: C9050
- Description: DP lift motor going down error (optional DP)
The tray lower limit switch does not turn on within 2 s of DP lift motor turning on. - Causes: Loose connection of the DP lift motor connector.
Malfunction of the DP lift motor.
Loose connection of the tray lower limit switch connector.
Malfunction of the tray lower limit switch.
Defective DP driver PWB. - Remedy: Loose connection of the DP lift motor connector. Reinsert the connector. Also check for continuity within the connector cable. If none, remedy or replace the cable.
Malfunction of the DP lift motor. Replace the DP lift motor and check for correct operation.
Loose connection of the tray lower limit switch connector. Reinsert the connector. Also check for continuity within the connector cable. If none, remedy or replace the cable.
Malfunction of the tray lower limit switch. Replace the tray lower limit switch and check for correct operation.
Defective DP driver PWB. Replace the DP driver PWB and check for correct operation.
- Code: C9060
- Description: DP EEPROM error (optional DP)
Read and write data does not match. Data in the specified area of the backup memory does not match the specified values. - Causes: Defective DP main PWB.
Device damage of EEPROM. - Remedy: Defective DP main PWB. Replace the DP main PWB and check for correct operation.
Device damage of EEPROM. Contact the Service Administrative Division.
- Code: C9070
- Description: Communication problem between DP and SHD (optional DP)
A communication error is detected. - Causes: Loose connection of the SHD PWB.
Defective SHD PWB. - Remedy: Loose connection of the SHD PWB. Reinsert the connector. Also check for continuity within the connector cable. If none, remedy or replace the cable.
Defective SHD PWB. Replace the SHD PWB and check for correct operation.
- Code: C9080
- Description: Communication problem between DP and CIS (optional DP)
A communication error is detected. - Causes: Loose connection of CIS.
Defective CIS. - Remedy: Loose connection of CIS. Reinsert the connector. Also check for continuity within the connector cable. If none, remedy or replace the cable.
Defective CIS. Replace CIS and check for correct operation.
- Code: C9500-C9550
- Description: Contact the Service Administrative Division.
- Causes:
- Remedy: Contact the Service Administrative Division.
- Code: F000
- Description: Operation panel PWB communication error
- Causes: Firmware upgrade error
Defective main PWB.
Defective main operation panel PWB. - Remedy: Ffirmware upgrade error Execute again upgrading. Replace the main firmware DIMM with the latest one and then execute again upgrading.
Defective main PWB. Replace the main PWB and check for correct operation.
Defective main operation panel PWB. Replace the main operation panel PWB and check for correct operation.
- Code: F040
- Description: Engine PWB communication error
- Causes: Firmware upgrade error
Defective main PWB.
Defective engine PWB. - Remedy: Ffirmware upgrade error Only for engine firmware, execute upgrading using USB memory in which software for 40/ 40, 50/40 ppm model and for 25/25, 30/30 ppm model are stored individually.
Defective main PWB. Replace the main PWB and check for correct operation.
Defective engine PWB. Replace the engine PWB and check for correct operation.
- Code: F041
- Description: Scanner PWB communication error
- Causes: Defective main PWB.
Defective ISM PWB. - Remedy: Defective main PWB. Replace the main PWB and check for correct operation.
Defective ISM PWB. Replace the ISM PWB and check for correct operation.
- Code: F050
- Description: Engine ROM checksum error
- Causes: Defective engine PWB
- Remedy: Replace the engine PWB and check for correct operation.
- Code: F090
- Description: Fax control PWB communication error
- Causes: Defective main PWB.
- Remedy: Replace the main PWB and check for correct operation.
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c7000 supply tonor motor error task alfa 250ci
based on technical bulletin 6 c7000 is supply toner motor error… its the toner motor above the developer cleaner combo color motor set and developer cleaner combo black set
question…. how do I get it out of the machine and where exactly is it… ???
I opened the back of the machine… unlatched the swivel that has the board and hard drive on it… opened up and no motor… just a board… I decided to go in from the front… but decided to check the parts and service manuals… from the parts manual… it looks like you remove it from the back… but not really sure where it is because I don’t see it… this is the motor labeled as E in the technical bulletin…
any guidance would be helpful…
Sad To Say I Don’t Have a Life
I do this stuff on the weekends too
Field Supervisor
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Re: c7000 supply tonor motor error task alfa 250ci
From what I remember you get to from the front. But with this model you always take the back cover off and make sure that all the motors are turning at predrive.
Re: c7000 supply tonor motor error task alfa 250ci
ok… so you open the front bay door…
take out the waste toner bucket
take out the four screws…
pop off the contraption that supplies toner and collects waste toner…
thats where I am stuck…I can futz around and figure it out… but I am just curious if anyone’s done it… so they can give me an idea of whats next…
I don’t want to futz around with this machine too much because…. its so easy to mess up the cables in this machine and the cables can give you so much bleepin error codes…
and concerning the repair… customer is going to junk the machine… but I am really curious how to actually get to the toner supply motor…
Sad To Say I Don’t Have a Life
I do this stuff on the weekends too
Re: c7000 supply tonor motor error task alfa 250ci
The toner motors are accessed from below the top exit tray/print engine top cover. They’re mounted to the front side of the rear frame. =^..^=
If you’d like a serious answer to your request:
1) demonstrate that you’ve read the manual
2) demonstrate that you made some attempt to fix it.
3) if you’re going to ask about jams include the jam code.
4) if you’re going to ask about an error code include the error code.
5) You are the person onsite. Only you can make observations.
blackcat: Master Of The Obvious =^..^=
Re: c7000 supply tonor motor error task alfa 250ci
well once you got the toner supply unit off you’ll see the two front pwb boards…those gotta come out….the top inner cover has to come out….the black guides for the toner cartridges have to come out…then the inner back cover as well…that should get you where you need to be…the motor in there is the same or similar to the dev cleaning motors if I recall….it’s not really hard…just a lot of crap to get to it…
«In a cruel and evil world, being cynical can allow you to get some entertainment out of it.»
Re: c7000 supply tonor motor error task alfa 250ci
bleep bleep…. sounds like bleep bleep…. my marriage…. bleep… frackin… bleep… bleep….
ok… I have calmed down…
great googly moogly….
I appreciate… the information…
thanks again…
Sad To Say I Don’t Have a Life
I do this stuff on the weekends too
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Принтеры Kyocera всегда покоряли своей надежностью и неприхотливостью. К сожалению, информация, об ошибке выдаваемая на дисплей имеет недружелюбную форму. В очередной раз после установки картриджа в аппарат на дисплее принтера высветилась ошибка call service7000:0285540. Для того что бы понимать, что делать в такой ситуации, нужно прежде всего расшифровать код ошибки (вот интересно где по мнению представителей Kyocera пользователи найдут расшифровку кода ошибки?).
Ошибка call service7000: — это ошибка подкачки тонера в блок DV (девелопер-юнит) или как написано в сервис-мануале «Toner motor lock error A motor over-current signal is detected continuously for 5 seconds since the toner motor is activated». Вторая часть ошибки 0285540 — это счетчик пробега блока DV (девелопер-юнит) на момент появления ошибки.
Причины возникновения ошибки:
1) В 90% случаях возникновение этой ошибки происходит при неправильной установки тубы с тонером. Для устранения этой неисправности достаточно вытащить и снова ставить тубу. Если изначально туба была вставлена неправильно, то вытаскиваться она будет с великим трудом 🙂
2) Повреждение шестерен или других частей в тубе или в девелопер-юните участвующих в процессе подкачки тонера. Необходимо провести визуальный осмотр на предмет повреждения и заменить тубу или девелопер-юнит.
3) Неисправна плата engine PWB — замену этой платы можно произвести только сервисным центром.
P.S. В нашем случае была виновата не правильно установленная туба с тонером
Предыстория аппарата:
Написал ошибку C2810 — ошибка мотора отработки….. (делалось без меня) Заказали енджин борд, мол болячка у аппарата «из-за» мотора плата дохнет)))). Пришла плата, позвали меня, мол возьми махни.
Пришел, увидел разобранный аппарат , видать кто то толи пытался махнуть, толи плату не нашел)))) (она там внутрях за платами спрятана).
Ну давай менять,… поменял, запускаю — c2810, таже беда. мотор дохлый)))). Ну я в итоге отключил этот мотор, аппарат зашуршал, печатает, копирует и т.д.))) Все довольны……. пока он тонером давиться не начал . Ну все с благой целью делалось, мол мотор через пару дней приедет и т.д. А мы тут не будем насиловать трупа))))..
Прошло 2 месяца!!!!!! звонят, мотор пришел)))) А еще он ругаться начал С7101.
Пришел менять. Мотор этот отвечал за прокачку отработки с ленты переноса в основную трубу отработки. Так как мотор стоял, тонера там с килограмм по всей стенке насыпало))) пылесосил и т.д. Разобрал блок очистки ленты переноса под основание, проверил шнеки — все целое. Поменял мотор а так же проверил шнек от ленты переноса до основного трубы отработки, все вычистил все целое. Проверил и вычистил основную трубу отработки до бункера отработки.
Включаю получаю C7101 — проблемы в черном блоке проявки.
Захожу в сервис запускаю U155 Displaying the toner sensor output все цвета в диапазоне, а черный 999 «погоду на марсе показывает». Разбираю, достаю проявку черную — визуально исправна, шестерни крутятся, переворачиваю, нахожу датчик тонера, снимаю его, там шнек, руками кручу шестерни — все на месте, опилок, посторонних предметов нет. Собираю обратно, запускаю туже процедуру U155 черный датчик стал показывать 960-970 и плавно начал спускаться вниз.
Ну я думаю, ща помесит, концентрация упадет, оставил аппарат минут на 20. Пришел значение уже было 860. Думаю ладно, перезагружу.
Запускаю а он мне редиска C2810 — мол мотор сдох)))) .
В итоге, опять отрубил мотор,…. запустил,.. запустился….. распечатал одну страницу…. и давай добавлять тонер,…. Причем черный…. и так и не смог намесить… картридж 50%, причем месил он его минут 20, периодически прося передернуть черный картридж(т.е. поставить новый).
Завтра пойду разбирать проявку основательно,.. смотреть что там сдохло….. .
З.ы. а по поводу мотора….. как в прошлый раз решил не оставлять и запитал его от вентилятора блока питания ( те же 24 вольта, + работают всегда во время печати ).
Если у кого был опыт работы с данным выродком ипонской индустрии… отзовитесь посодействуйте))) ну или хоть посочувствуйте .
Пробег аппарата 130к.
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KPRINT Installation Instructions
Installation Instructions for KPRNT
Kyocera TASKalfa 250ci (Принтеры) сервис мануалы в PDF-формате помогут найти неполадки и ошибки, а также осуществить ремонт Kyocera TASKalfa 250ci и восстановить работу устройства.
Если с аппаратом Kyocera TASKalfa 1800, Kyocera TASKalfa 2200 произошла проблема, откроется следующий экран с уведомлением.
• Индикатор [Внимание] на панели управления горит или мигает.
• На дисплее сообщений панели управления аппарата появилось сообщение об ошибке.
Если индикатор [Внимание] горит или мигает и на дисплее сообщений панели управления аппарата появилось сообщение об ошибке, проверьте KYOCERA Client Tool или Монитор состояния.
ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ Если индикаторы постоянно горят и мигают не так, как описано выше, вероятно, произошла ошибка службы. Выключите питание, отсоедините шнур питания и вставьте его обратно, после чего включите питание. Это может помочь сбросить ошибку. Если ошибка не исчезает, свяжитесь со своим представителем сервисной службы (тел. в Минске +375 17 291-28-24)
Ниже описаны неполадки, которые не могут быть устранены пользователем
Дисплей сообщений |
Описание |
Меры устранения |
Бункер отраб тонера перепол. или не уст. |
Бункер для отработанного тонера установлен неправильно |
Установите Бункер для отработанного тонера должным образом |
Бункер для отработанного тонера заполнен |
Замените бункер отработанного тонера |
Встряхните картр. с тонером |
Тонер слежался |
Откройте переднюю крышку аппарата и вытяните контейнер с тонером. Сильно встряхните контейнер с тонером и установите его на место |
Вызовите сервисный персонал. |
В аппарате произошла ошибка |
Обратите внимание на код ошибки, отображаемый в дисплее сообщений, и свяжитесь с представителем сервисной службы (тел. в Минске +375 17 291-28-24) |
Выньте бумагу с внутреннего лотка |
Извлеките бумагу из внутреннего лотка. Нажмите клавишу [OK], чтобы возобновить печать |
Добавьте тонер |
Закончился тонер |
Замените контейнер с тонером TK-4105 |
Загрузите бумагу в кассету # |
↑↓ (отображается попеременно) |
Загрузите бумагу. Нажмите клавишу [OK] и перейдите к следующему шагу. • Для выбора другого устройства подачи выберите [Выберите бумагу]. • Для печати на бумаге, в настоящее время находящейся в устройстве подачи, выберите [Продолж. без изм.] |
Загрузите бумагу в универсальный лоток |
↑↓ (отображается попеременно) |
Загрузите бумагу. Нажмите клавишу [OK] и перейдите к следующему шагу. • Для выбора другого устройства подачи выберите [Выберите бумагу]. • Для печати на бумаге, в настоящее время находящейся в устройстве подачи, выберите [Продолж. без изм.] |
Закройте автоподатчик оригиналов |
Открыт автоподатчик оригиналов |
Откройте и закройте автоподатчик оригиналов |
Закройте крышку автопод. оригиналов |
Открыта верхняя крышка автоподатчика оригиналов |
Откройте и закройте крышку автоподатчика оригинало |
Закройте переднюю крышку |
Открыта передняя крышка |
Откройте и закройте переднюю крышку |
Закройте правую крышку # |
Открыта какая-либо крышка |
Откройте и закройте крышку, обозначенную на экране |
Замятие бумаги. (DP) |
В автоподатчике произошло замятие бумаги. |
См. Устранение замятия бумаги в Руководстве по эксплуатации и извлеките замятую бумагу |
Замените МК |
Необходимо производить замену деталей комплекта техобслуживания MK-4105 (ремкомплекта) каждые 150 000 страниц печати. |
Данная операция должна производиться специалистом. Обратитесь к представителю сервисной службы (тел. в Минске +375 17 291-28-24) |
Замятие |
Произошло замятие бумаги в кассете или универсальном лотке |
См. Устранение замятия бумаги и извлеките замятую бумагу |
Извлеките оригиналы из автоподатчика |
Для продолжения работы необходимо извлечь оригиналы из автоподатчика оригиналов |
Извлеките оригиналы из автоподатчика оригиналов |
Кабель USB был отключен |
Кабель USB не подключен |
Нажмите клавишу [OK] и подключите кабель USB |
ПК выключен |
Нажмите клавишу [OK] и включите ПК |
Не удается найти KYOCERA Client Tool |
Нажмите клавишу [OK] и откройте KYOCERA Client Tool на ПК |
Макс. к-во сканируемых страниц |
Превышен предел сканирования |
Дальнейшее сканирование невозможно. Задание отменено. Нажмите клавишу [OK] |
Мало тонера. (Зам., когда законч.) |
Скоро понадобится заменить контейнер с тонером |
Получите новый контейнер с тонером TK-4105. |
Не оригинальный тонер |
Установлен контейнер с тонером не марки Kyocera |
Производитель не несет ответственности за повреждения, вызванные использованием неоригинального тонера. Мы рекомендуем использовать исключительно оригинальные контейнеры с тонером TK-4105. . |
Неверный ид. уч. зап. Задание отменено |
Указан неверный идентификатор учетной записи при внешней обработке задания. Задание отменено |
Нажмите клавишу [OK] |
Невозможна двусторонняя печать на этой бумаге |
Не возможна печать на бумаге выбранного формата или типа |
Нажмите клавишу [OK] и перейдите к следующему шагу: |
Недостаточно памяти. Невозможно начать выполнение задания |
Невозможно начать выполнение задания |
Повторите попытку позже |
Ограничено алгоритмом учета заданий(Печать) |
Задание отменено, поскольку его выполнение ограничено функцией учета заданий |
Нажмите клавишу [OK] |
Ограничено алгоритмом учета заданий(Сканер) |
Задание отменено, поскольку его выполнение ограничено функцией учета заданий |
Нажмите клавишу [OK] |
Очистите сканер |
Произошло загрязнение сканера |
Очистите щелевое стекло с помощью чистящей салфетки, поставляемой вместе с автоподатчиком оригиналов. |
Ошибка. Выключить |
— |
Отключите и снова включите аппарат с помощью выключателя питания |
Память переполнена |
Невозможно продолжить выполнение задания из-за отсутствия свободной памяти |
Измените разрешение печати с Быстр1200 до 600 dpi. См. Printer Driver User Guide |
Память сканера переполнена |
Дальнейшее сканирование невозможно из-за нехватки памяти сканера. |
Для отмены задания нажмите [OK] |
Перезагрузка печати. Задание отменено |
Предупреждение. Недостаточно памяти принтера. Задание отменено |
Нажмите клавишу [OK] |
Превышено ограничение учета заданий |
Превышено число распечаток из-за ограничения алгоритмом учета заданий. Достигнут предел печати |
Это задание отменено. Нажмите клавишу [OK] |
Уст.другую кассету |
Выбрано «Сдвиг» |
Для использования сдвига необходимо загрузить в другой лоток бумагу такого же формата, что и в выбранном устройстве подачи, но в другой ориентации |
Установите все оригиналы обратно и нажмите клавишу [Старт]. |
Возникает при печати двусторонних документов в режиме ручной двусторонней печати |
Извлеките оригиналы из автоподатчика оригиналов, расположите их в первоначальном порядке и положите обратно. Нажмите клавишу [OK], чтобы возобновить печать. Для отмены задания нажмите [Стоп] |
Установлен неизвестный тонер. ПК |
Региональная спецификация контейнера с тонером не соответствует спецификации аппарата |
Установите оригинальный контейнер с тонером Замените контейнер с тонером TK-4105 |
Toner sensor error
Sensor output value of 8 or
Related parts
Toner sensor
Toner motor
Main/Engine PWB
Check procedures/
corrective measures
1. Check the toner sensor output by U150
(see page 1-3-53).
2. Confirm that the wiring connector is
firmly connected and, if necessary,
connect the connector all the way in.
Toner sensor and main/engine PWB
3. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or
grounded, replace the wiring.
4. Check that the gears of the Developer
unit are not damaged and the spiral can
5. Replace the Developer unit (see page 1-
1. Draw out the toner container and
execute U135 to check the toner motor
operation (see page 1-3-50).
2. Check the drive gear can rotate or they
are not unusually loaded and, if
necessary, replace.
3. Confirm that the wiring connector is
firmly connected and, if necessary,
connect the connector all the way in.
Toner motor and main/engine PWB
4. If the wiring is disconnected, shorted or
grounded, replace the wiring.
5. Replace the Toner motor.
1. Check the main/engine software and
upgrade to the latest, if necessary.
2. Replace the main/engine PWB (see
page 2-2-11).
Если с аппаратом Kyocera TASKalfa 1800, Kyocera TASKalfa 2200 произошла проблема, откроется следующий экран с уведомлением.
• Индикатор [Внимание] на панели управления горит или мигает.
• На дисплее сообщений панели управления аппарата появилось сообщение об ошибке.
Если индикатор [Внимание] горит или мигает и на дисплее сообщений панели управления аппарата появилось сообщение об ошибке, проверьте KYOCERA Client Tool или Монитор состояния.
ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ Если индикаторы постоянно горят и мигают не так, как описано выше, вероятно, произошла ошибка службы. Выключите питание, отсоедините шнур питания и вставьте его обратно, после чего включите питание. Это может помочь сбросить ошибку. Если ошибка не исчезает, свяжитесь со своим представителем сервисной службы (тел. в Минске +375 17 291-28-24)
Ниже описаны неполадки, которые не могут быть устранены пользователем
Дисплей сообщений |
Описание |
Меры устранения |
Бункер отраб тонера перепол. или не уст. |
Бункер для отработанного тонера установлен неправильно |
Установите Бункер для отработанного тонера должным образом |
Бункер для отработанного тонера заполнен |
Замените бункер отработанного тонера |
Встряхните картр. с тонером |
Тонер слежался |
Откройте переднюю крышку аппарата и вытяните контейнер с тонером. Сильно встряхните контейнер с тонером и установите его на место |
Вызовите сервисный персонал. |
В аппарате произошла ошибка |
Обратите внимание на код ошибки, отображаемый в дисплее сообщений, и свяжитесь с представителем сервисной службы (тел. в Минске +375 17 291-28-24) |
Выньте бумагу с внутреннего лотка |
Извлеките бумагу из внутреннего лотка. Нажмите клавишу [OK], чтобы возобновить печать |
Добавьте тонер |
Закончился тонер |
Замените контейнер с тонером TK-4105 |
Загрузите бумагу в кассету # |
↑↓ (отображается попеременно) |
Загрузите бумагу. Нажмите клавишу [OK] и перейдите к следующему шагу. • Для выбора другого устройства подачи выберите [Выберите бумагу]. • Для печати на бумаге, в настоящее время находящейся в устройстве подачи, выберите [Продолж. без изм.] |
Загрузите бумагу в универсальный лоток |
↑↓ (отображается попеременно) |
Загрузите бумагу. Нажмите клавишу [OK] и перейдите к следующему шагу. • Для выбора другого устройства подачи выберите [Выберите бумагу]. • Для печати на бумаге, в настоящее время находящейся в устройстве подачи, выберите [Продолж. без изм.] |
Закройте автоподатчик оригиналов |
Открыт автоподатчик оригиналов |
Откройте и закройте автоподатчик оригиналов |
Закройте крышку автопод. оригиналов |
Открыта верхняя крышка автоподатчика оригиналов |
Откройте и закройте крышку автоподатчика оригинало |
Закройте переднюю крышку |
Открыта передняя крышка |
Откройте и закройте переднюю крышку |
Закройте правую крышку # |
Открыта какая-либо крышка |
Откройте и закройте крышку, обозначенную на экране |
Замятие бумаги. (DP) |
В автоподатчике произошло замятие бумаги. |
См. Устранение замятия бумаги в Руководстве по эксплуатации и извлеките замятую бумагу |
Замените МК |
Необходимо производить замену деталей комплекта техобслуживания MK-4105 (ремкомплекта) каждые 150 000 страниц печати. |
Данная операция должна производиться специалистом. Обратитесь к представителю сервисной службы (тел. в Минске +375 17 291-28-24) |
Замятие |
Произошло замятие бумаги в кассете или универсальном лотке |
См. Устранение замятия бумаги и извлеките замятую бумагу |
Извлеките оригиналы из автоподатчика |
Для продолжения работы необходимо извлечь оригиналы из автоподатчика оригиналов |
Извлеките оригиналы из автоподатчика оригиналов |
Кабель USB был отключен |
Кабель USB не подключен |
Нажмите клавишу [OK] и подключите кабель USB |
ПК выключен |
Нажмите клавишу [OK] и включите ПК |
Не удается найти KYOCERA Client Tool |
Нажмите клавишу [OK] и откройте KYOCERA Client Tool на ПК |
Макс. к-во сканируемых страниц |
Превышен предел сканирования |
Дальнейшее сканирование невозможно. Задание отменено. Нажмите клавишу [OK] |
Мало тонера. (Зам., когда законч.) |
Скоро понадобится заменить контейнер с тонером |
Получите новый контейнер с тонером TK-4105. |
Не оригинальный тонер |
Установлен контейнер с тонером не марки Kyocera |
Производитель не несет ответственности за повреждения, вызванные использованием неоригинального тонера. Мы рекомендуем использовать исключительно оригинальные контейнеры с тонером TK-4105. . |
Неверный ид. уч. зап. Задание отменено |
Указан неверный идентификатор учетной записи при внешней обработке задания. Задание отменено |
Нажмите клавишу [OK] |
Невозможна двусторонняя печать на этой бумаге |
Не возможна печать на бумаге выбранного формата или типа |
Нажмите клавишу [OK] и перейдите к следующему шагу: |
Недостаточно памяти. Невозможно начать выполнение задания |
Невозможно начать выполнение задания |
Повторите попытку позже |
Ограничено алгоритмом учета заданий(Печать) |
Задание отменено, поскольку его выполнение ограничено функцией учета заданий |
Нажмите клавишу [OK] |
Ограничено алгоритмом учета заданий(Сканер) |
Задание отменено, поскольку его выполнение ограничено функцией учета заданий |
Нажмите клавишу [OK] |
Очистите сканер |
Произошло загрязнение сканера |
Очистите щелевое стекло с помощью чистящей салфетки, поставляемой вместе с автоподатчиком оригиналов. |
Ошибка. Выключить |
— |
Отключите и снова включите аппарат с помощью выключателя питания |
Память переполнена |
Невозможно продолжить выполнение задания из-за отсутствия свободной памяти |
Измените разрешение печати с Быстр1200 до 600 dpi. См. Printer Driver User Guide |
Память сканера переполнена |
Дальнейшее сканирование невозможно из-за нехватки памяти сканера. |
Для отмены задания нажмите [OK] |
Перезагрузка печати. Задание отменено |
Предупреждение. Недостаточно памяти принтера. Задание отменено |
Нажмите клавишу [OK] |
Превышено ограничение учета заданий |
Превышено число распечаток из-за ограничения алгоритмом учета заданий. Достигнут предел печати |
Это задание отменено. Нажмите клавишу [OK] |
Уст.другую кассету |
Выбрано «Сдвиг» |
Для использования сдвига необходимо загрузить в другой лоток бумагу такого же формата, что и в выбранном устройстве подачи, но в другой ориентации |
Установите все оригиналы обратно и нажмите клавишу [Старт]. |
Возникает при печати двусторонних документов в режиме ручной двусторонней печати |
Извлеките оригиналы из автоподатчика оригиналов, расположите их в первоначальном порядке и положите обратно. Нажмите клавишу [OK], чтобы возобновить печать. Для отмены задания нажмите [Стоп] |
Установлен неизвестный тонер. ПК |
Региональная спецификация контейнера с тонером не соответствует спецификации аппарата |
Установите оригинальный контейнер с тонером Замените контейнер с тонером TK-4105 |