Kyocera ошибка c7903

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  1. 01-27-2013


    EDSNOW is offline

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    TASKalfa 500ci C7103,C7903 and C7904

    The inital call resulted in a copy quality issue and the fuser and transfer belt were replaced.
    Later a C7103 toner snsor M so drum and developer were replaced. No joy there.
    Next the sub front and main front pcb were changed followed by the Engine pcb.
    Now the code is a C904 yellow drum eprom.
    The components changed as mentioned above were reinstalled in another machine and work fine.
    I think the next step will be changing all developers and drums to see if the machine comes to a ready state.

    Any thoughts or suggestions would be appreciated.
    Thanks in advance and I will post the final resolution to the problem.

  2. 01-27-2013


    Re: TASKalfa 500ci C7103,C7903 and C7904

    Quote Originally Posted by EDSNOW
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    The inital call resulted in a copy quality issue and the fuser and transfer belt were replaced.
    Later a C7103 toner snsor M so drum and developer were replaced. No joy there.
    Next the sub front and main front pcb were changed followed by the Engine pcb.
    Now the code is a C904 yellow drum eprom.
    The components changed as mentioned above were reinstalled in another machine and work fine.
    I think the next step will be changing all developers and drums to see if the machine comes to a ready state.

    Any thoughts or suggestions would be appreciated.
    Thanks in advance and I will post the final resolution to the problem.

    I’m assuming two things:
    1) C904 is really C7904
    2) you’ve re-seated all the connectors on the sub front and main front PWBs. Were these parts new or scavenged? Are the connector pins intact (not bent or slipping out of the connector)?

    If these parts were new, then yes try the yellow drum. Are there any other errors recorded?
    I wouldn’t have done anything differently. =^..^=

    If you’d like a serious answer to your request:
    1) demonstrate that you’ve read the manual
    2) demonstrate that you made some attempt to fix it.
    3) if you’re going to ask about jams include the jam code.
    4) if you’re going to ask about an error code include the error code.
    5) You are the person onsite. Only you can make observations.

    blackcat: Master Of The Obvious =^..^=

  3. 01-27-2013


    EDSNOW is offline

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    Re: TASKalfa 500ci C7103,C7903 and C7904

    Hi Blackcat
    The main and subboards were from our 400ci at the office.
    The boards from the down machine were reinstalled in our unit and work fine.
    I do appreciate your quick response and the new c-7904 yellow drum eprom is what is showing at the moment.
    The tech spent most od Friday at this site.

  4. 01-27-2013


    Lightbulb Re: TASKalfa 500ci C7103,C7903 and C7904

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  5. 01-28-2013


    Re: TASKalfa 500ci C7103,C7903 and C7904

    The new developers will not operate with older firmware, you will get those codes. I would upgrade the firmware to the current level. You didn’t mention if you upgraded the firmware so I’m throwing it out as a possible solution.

    If at first you don’t succeed, redefine success

  6. 01-28-2013


    EDSNOW is offline

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    Re: TASKalfa 500ci C7103,C7903 and C7904

    Thanks for the response. The firmware is up to date.
    The technician went to the m/c this morning and I will advise the outcome later this evening.

  7. 01-29-2013


    EDSNOW is offline

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    Re: TASKalfa 500ci C7103,C7903 and C7904

    It looks like the machine has to come in to our service centre.
    The tech has exhausted all of the options at this point,rechecked connections etc.
    I will keep updating as it goes along.

  8. 01-29-2013


    Re: TASKalfa 500ci C7103,C7903 and C7904

    Had you changed the developer and toner motors. There was an issue with these machine a few years ago and that was the solution. We change both sets as it is a pain to get to and change out.

    If at first you don’t succeed, redefine success

  9. 01-29-2013


    Re: TASKalfa 500ci C7103,C7903 and C7904

    I would look for pinched wires.

  10. 01-30-2013


    EDSNOW is offline

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    Re: TASKalfa 500ci C7103,C7903 and C7904

    The machine is now up and running. I first tried the original developer units and one drum unit. I kept getting c-codes 5101.7101.7102. and 7914. Since the original problem appeared to be this c-7914 I next removed the rear panels and removed the engine pcb and reinstalled the original engine board. Upon powering up the machine the machine got back to a ready state. I was able to generate all Maintenance Report information. As the firmware was able to install even during the time these c-code were occurring I will not do again. I do appreciate all of the input and views on my problem and hope that this may be of some help to others. I think I will make sure all of the developer units and drum units are in good shape before returning the machine to the customer and also print/copy a lot to make sure the machine is stable. Best Regards.

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Ошибки Kyocera ECOSYS M5521cdn

  • Code: 0030
  • Description: FAX PWB system error The FAX process cannot be continued due to the malfunction of the FAX PWB.
  • Remedy: FAX PWB 1. Unplug the power cord from the wall outlet, and wait five seconds. Then plug in the power cord and then turn on the power switch. 2. Reinstall the FAX firmware. 3. Replace the FAX PWB.
  • Code: 0070
  • Description: FAX PWB incompatible detection error In the initial communication with the FAX PWB, any normal communication command is not transmitted.
  • Remedy: Main/engine PWB Replace the main/engine PWB.
  • Code: 0100
  • Description: Backup memory device error Outputs an abnormal status from the flash memory.
  • Remedy: Flash memory (Main/Engine PWB) 1. Unplug the power cord from the wall outlet, and wait five seconds. Then plug in the power cord and then turn on the power switch. 2. Check that the connectors on the main/engine PWB are properly connected, and if not, re-connect them. 3. Replace the main/engine PWB.
  • Code: 0120
  • Description: MAC address data error In case MAC address is invalid data
  • Remedy: Flash memory (Main/Engine PWB) 1. Unplug the power cord from the wall outlet, and wait five seconds. Then plug in the power cord and then turn on the power switch. 2. Check the MAC address on the network status page. 3. If it is blank, obtain an EEPROM with its MAC address written by the service support and install it. 4. Replace the main/engine PWB.
  • Code: 0130
  • Description: Backup memory Read/write error (Main/ Engine PWB) Read/write to the NAND memory cannot be executed.
  • Remedy: Flash memory (Main/Engine PWB) 1. Unplug the power cord from the wall outlet, and wait five seconds. Then plug in the power cord and then turn on the power switch. 2. Check that the connectors on the main/engine PWB are properly connected, and if not, re-connect them. 3. Replace the main/engine PWB.
  • Code: 0140
  • Description: Backup memory data error (Main/Engine PWB) At power up, the data that was read from the NAND memory has been determined to be a error.
  • Remedy: Flash memory (Main/Engine PWB) 1. Unplug the power cord from the wall outlet, and wait five seconds. Then plug in the power cord and then turn on the power switch. 2. Execute U021 initialize memory. 3. Replace the main/engine PWB.
  • Code: 0150
  • Description: EEPROM read/ write error (Main/Engine PWB) No response is issued from the device in reading/ writing for 5 ms or more and this problem is repeated 5 times successively. Mismatch of reading data from two locations occurs 8 times successively. Mismatch between writing data and reading data occurs 8 times successively.
  • Remedy: EEPROM (Main/Engine PWB) 1. Unplug the power cord from the wall outlet, and wait five seconds. Then plug in the power cord and then turn on the power switch. 2. Check that the EEPROM is properly installed on the main/ engine PWB and if not, reinstall it. 3. Replace the main/engine PWB. 4. Check the EEPROM and if it is damaged, contact the service support.
  • Code: 0160
  • Description: EEPROM data error (Main/Engine PWB) Reading data from EEPROM is detected abnormal.
  • Remedy: EEPROM (Main/Engine PWB) 1. Unplug the power cord from the wall outlet, and wait five seconds. Then plug in the power cord and then turn on the power switch. 2. Execute U021 initialize memory. 3. If the EEPROM data is corrupted, contact the service support.
  • Code: 0170
  • Description: Billing counting error Mismatch between the value of the main/engine PWB and EEPROM, in one of the value of billing counter, life counter, or scanner counter.
  • Remedy: EEPROM (Main/Engine PWB) 1. Check that the EEPROM installed in the main/ engine PWB is correct and, if not, install the correct EEPROM for the model. 2. Replace the main/engine PWB. 3. If the EEPROM data is corrupted, contact the service support.
  • Code: 0180
  • Description: Machine number mismatch When the power is turned on, the machine number does not match the one stored in the main/engine PWB.
  • Remedy: EEPROM (Main/Engine PWB) 1. Check that the EEPROM installed in the main/ engine PWB is correct and, if not, install the correct EEPROM for the model. 2. Confirm the serial number data for the main/ engine PWB by using U004. If the mutually different machine number data between «Machine No. (Main)» and «Machine No. (Eng)» is displayed, or if there is a difference between the actual machine number and the number of «Machine No. (Eng)», install the correct EEPROM, and then execute U004.
  • Code: 0190
  • Description: Backup memory device error (engine) Unable to read out data from the IC on the main unit PWB. Read out data from the IC on the main unit PWB. (3 retrials)
  • Remedy: EEPROM (Main/Engine PWB) 1. Unplug the power cord from the wall outlet, and wait five seconds. Then plug in the power cord and then turn on the power switch. 2. Check that the connectors on the main/engine PWB are properly connected, and if not, re-connect them. 3. Contact service headquarters to get an EEPROM to install.
  • Code: 0800
  • Description: Image formation problems The printing sequence JAM (J010X) is detected for 2 consecutive times.
  • Remedy: Main/Engine PWB 1. Check if the problem is a printing operation error detection in a particular file, and if it is possible to obtain the reproduction of the phenomena by the identification of the job that detected the error, and take the job log. 2. If the problem occurs in an unspecified job, check the connectors on the main/engine PWB, and reattach it. 3. Replace the main/engine PWB.

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Коды ошибок стр. 3

  • Code: 0830
  • Description: FAX PWB flash Program area Checksum error The program stored in the flash memory on the FAX PWB is broken and cannot be executed.
  • Remedy: FAX firmware Reinstall the FAX firmware.
    FAX PWB 1. Unplug the power cord from the wall outlet, and reinstall the FAX PWB, and then plug in the power cord and turn the power on. 2. Check the connection failure between the KUIO connector of the main/engine PWB and FAX PWB, and reconnect it. 3. Execute [Initializing] by U600. 4. Replace the FAX PWB.
  • Code: 0840
  • Description: Faults of RTC [Check at powerup] The RTC setting has reverted to a previous state. Or, the machine has not been turned on for 5 years (regularly compared with a set value stored in the EEPROM). The RTC setting is older than 00:01 on January 1, 2000. [Checked periodically (at every 5 minutes) after powerup.] The RTC setting has reverted to a state older than the last time it was checked. 10 minutes have been passed since the previous check.
  • Remedy: Settings of RTC Execute Date Setting using the system menu.
    Backup battery (Main/Engine PWB) 1. Check if the backup battery on the main/engine PWB is not short-circuited. 2. Unplug the power cord from the wall outlet, and wait five seconds. Then plug in the power cord and then turn on the power switch. Then plug in the power cord and then turn on the power switch. If the same service call error is displayed, replace the backup battery.
    Main/Engine PWB 1. If the communication error (due to a noise, etc.) is present with the RTC on the main/engine PWB, check that the PWB is properly grounded or secured by screws. 2. Replace the main/engine PWB.
  • Code: 0870
  • Description: FAX PWB — Main/Engine PWB image data transfer error High-capacity data transfer between the FAX PWB and the main/engine PWB was not normally performed even if the data transfer was retried the specified times.
  • Remedy: FAX PWB 1. Unplug the power cord from the wall outlet, and wait five seconds. Reinstall the FAX PWB, and then plug in the power cord and turn the power on. 2. Check the connection failure between the KUIO connector of the main/engine PWB and FAX PWB, and reconnect it. 3. Replace the F
  • Code: 2200
  • Description: Main motor steady-state error After the motor is stabilized, the ready signal is turned OFF for continuous 1 s.
  • Remedy: Drum unit BK Check that the drum can be rotated by hand, and if it is locked, replace the drum unit BK.
    Defective connector cable or poor contact in the connector 1. Reconnect the connector if its connection is loose. 2. Check the continuity within the connector wire. If none, replace the wire. Main motor — Main/Engine PWB (YC11)
    Main motor drive transmission system 1. Check if the couplings and gears rotate smoothly, and if not, clean or grease the gears. 2. Check for broken couplings and gears, and replace if any are found.
    Main motor Replace the main motor.
    Main/Engine PWB Replace the main/engine PWB.
  • Code: 2500
  • Description: Paper feed motor error After the motor starting, the ready signal is not turned ON for continuous 2 s. In case the Ready signal does not turn ON 1s in succession after the motor is in the steady-state.
  • Remedy: Defective connector cable or poor contact in the connector 1. Reconnect the connector if its connection is loose. 2. Check the continuity within the connector wire. If none, replace the wire. Paper feed motor — container relay PWB (YC11)
    Drive transmission system for the paper feed motor 1. Check if the rollers and gears rotate smoothly. If not, clean or grease the bushes and gears. 2. Check for broken gears and replace if any are found.
    Paper feed motor Replace the paper feed motor.
    Main/Engine PWB Replace the main/engine PWB.
  • Code: 3100
  • Description: Carriage error When turning the power on, or when the reading of the original document by table or DP scanning has completed, the home position sensor is not turned off, even if the home position sensor is on and the scanner carriage moves to the scanning direction. ?Or, the home position sensor does not turn on, even if the home position sensor is off and the scanner carriage moves to the return direction.
  • Remedy: Scanner motor 1. Move the scanner by hand to check whether it smoothly moves. 2. Check that the scanner drive belt is not disengaged. 3. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected, and if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Scanner motor — Main/Engine PWB (YC19) 4. If the wiring is disconnected, short-circuited or has a ground fault, replace the wire. 5. Replace the scanner motor.
    Home position Sensor 1. Check that the sensor is correctly positioned. 2. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected, and if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Home position sensor — Main/Engine PWB (YC17) 3. Replace the home position sensor.
    CIS Replace the image scanner carriage and execute U411.
    Main/Engine PWB Replace the main/engine PWB.
  • Code: 3200
  • Description: CIS lamp error The white standard data obtained when the lamp is turned on at the time of an initialization is lower than the rated value.
  • Remedy: CIS Replace the image scanner carriage and execute U411.
    Main/Engine PWB Replace the main/engine PWB.
  • Code: 3210
  • Description: DP CIS lamp error The white standard data obtained when the lamp is turned on at the time of an initialization is lower than the rated value. (M26 ppm model only)
  • Remedy: DP CIS 1. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected, and if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. DP CIS — Main/Engine PWB(YC4) 2. Replace DP CIS and execute U411.
  • Code: 3300
  • Description: CIS AGC error In case a normal input could not be obtained from the CCD at AGC.
  • Remedy: CIS 3. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected, and if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. CIS — Main/Engine PWB(YC18) 4. If the wiring is disconnected, short-circuited or has a ground fault, replace the wire. 5. Replace the image scanner carriage and execute U411.
    Main/Engine PWB Replace the main/engine PWB.
  • Code: 3310
  • Description: DP CIS AGC error In case a normal input could not be obtained from the CIS at AGC. (M36 ppm model only)
  • Remedy: DP CIS 6. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected, and if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. DPCIS — Main/Engine PWB(YC4) 7. Replace DPCIS and execute U411.
  • Code: 3500
  • Description: Scanner and ASIC communication error A communication error is detected. (Read back values are different.)
  • Remedy: CIS 1. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected, and if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. CIS — Main/Engine PWB(YC18) 2. If the wiring is disconnected, short-circuited or has a ground fault, replace the wire. 3. If the LED is not lit, replace the scanner carriage and execute U411.
    Main/Engine PWB 1. Check the engine firmware and upgrade to the latest version if necessary. 2. Replace the main/engine PWB.
  • Code: 4000
  • Description: Polygon motor startup error After the polygon motor starts, the motor stable signal is not turned ON after 10 s.
  • Remedy: Polygon motor 1. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected, and if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Polygon motor — Main/Engine PWB(YC20) 2. If the wiring is disconnected, short-circuited or has a ground fault, replace the wire. 3. Replace the LSU.
    Main/Engine PWB 1. Check the engine firmware and upgrade to the latest version if necessary. 2. Replace the main/engine PWB.
  • Code: 4010
  • Description: Polygon motor steady-state error After the polygon motor stabilization, the motor stable signal is turned OFF for consecutive 1 s or more.
  • Remedy: Polygon motor 1. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected, and if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Polygon motor — Main/Engine PWB (YC20) 2. If the wiring is disconnected, short-circuited or has a ground fault, replace the wire. 3. Replace the LSU.
    Main/Engine PWB 1. Check the engine firmware and upgrade to the latest version if necessary. 2. Replace the main/engine PWB.
  • Code: 4101
  • Description: BD initialization error(K) In case the BD signal is not detected for 1s after starting the polygon motor drive.
  • Remedy: Laser scanner unit (LSU) 1. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected, and if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. LSU — Main/Engine PWB (YC21) 2. If the wiring is disconnected, short-circuited or has a ground fault, replace the wire. 3. Replace the LSU.
    Main/Engine PWB 1. Check the controller firmware and engine firmware, and upgrade to the latest version. 2. Replace the main/engine PWB.
  • Code: 4102
  • Description: BD initialization error(C) In case the BD signal is not detected for 1s after starting the polygon motor drive.
  • Remedy: Laser scanner unit (LSU) 1. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected, and if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. LSU — Main/Engine PWB(YC21)If the wiring is disconnected, short-circuited or has a ground fault, replace the wire. 2. Replace the LSU.
    Main/Engine PWB 1. Check the controller firmware and engine firmware, and upgrade to the latest version. 2. Replace the main/engine PWB.
  • Code: 4103
  • Description: BD initialization error(M) In case the BD signal is not detected for 1s after starting the polygon motor drive.
  • Remedy: Laser scanner unit (LSU) 1. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected, and if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. LSU — Main/Engine PWB (YC21) 2. If the wiring is disconnected, short-circuited or has a ground fault, replace the wire. 3. Replace the LSU.
    Main/Engine PWB 1. Check the controller firmware and engine firmware, and upgrade to the latest version. 2. Replace the main/engine PWB.
  • Code: 4104
  • Description: BD initialization error(Y) In case the BD signal is not detected for 1s after starting the polygon motor drive.
  • Remedy: Laser scanner unit (LSU) 1. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected, and if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. LSU — Main/Engine PWB (YC21) 2. If the wiring is disconnected, short-circuited or has a ground fault, replace the wire. 3. Replace the LSU.
    Main/Engine PWB 1. Check the controller firmware and engine firmware, and upgrade to the latest version. 2. Replace the main/engine PWB.
  • Code: 4600
  • Description: Cleaning motor error Over-current is detected for 5s during the LSU cleaning motor drive.
  • Remedy: Cleaning wire 1. Execute [LSU cleaning] using [Adjustment/Maintenance] of the system menu. 2. Check that the drive gear and cleaning spiral can rotate and they are not unusually loaded, and if necessary, clean and grease.
    Cleaning motor 1. Confirm that the cleaning motor has been firmly attached. 2. Replace the LSU.
    Main/Engine PWB 1. Reconnect the connector if its connection is loose. 2. If a wire is pinched by another component, or has defective conduction, replace it. Cleaning motor — container relay PWB (YC13) 3. Replace the main/engine PWB.
  • Code: 4700
  • Description: VIDEO_ASIC device error Communication with the video ASIC has failed 5 times successively. After writing to the VIDEO ASIC, the error that the reading value from the same address does not match occurs 8 times successively.
  • Remedy: Main/Engine PWB 1. Unplug the power cord from the wall outlet, and wait five seconds. Then plug in the power cord and then turn on the power switch. 2. Check that the connectors on the main/engine PWB are properly connected, and if not, re-connect them. 3. Replace the main/engine PWB.
    High voltage PWB 1. Check if the main charger roller contact on the high voltage PWB is deformed or dirty. 2. Replace the high voltage PWB.
    Main/Engine PWB Replace the main/engine PWB.
  • Code: 6000
  • Description: Broken fuser heater wire During warm up, the temperature detected by the thermistor does not reach 100 °C/212.0 °F for 20 s. During warm up, the temperature detected by the thermistor does not reach the stable display temperature for 40 s, after it reaches 100 °C/212.0 °F.
  • Remedy: Fuser unit 1. Make sure there is no paper jam. 2. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected, and if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Fuser unit — Main/Engine PWB(YC23) 3. If the wiring is disconnected, short-circuited or has a ground fault, replace the wire. 4. If the fuser heater is not turned on (broken thermostat wire), replace the fuser unit.
    Low voltage power supply PWB 1. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected, and if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Low voltage power supply PWB — Maine/Engine PWB(YC1) 2. Replace the main/engine PWB.
    Main/Engine PWB 1. Check the engine firmware and upgrade to the latest version if necessary. 2. Replace the main/engine PWB.
  • Code: 6020
  • Description: Fuser thermistor High temperature error The temperature detected by the thermistor (edge) exceeded 220 °C/428.0 °F for 1s in succession.
  • Remedy: Fuser unit 1. Make sure there is no paper jam. 2. Check if the fuser roller has foreign objects such as the toner contamination. 3. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected, and if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Fuser unit — Main/Engine PWB(YC23) 4. If the wiring is disconnected, short-circuited or has a ground fault, replace the wire. 5. Replace the fuser unit.
    Low voltage power supply PWB 1. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected, and if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Low voltage power supply PWB — Maine/Engine PWB(YC1) 2. If the fuser heater is turned on at all times, replace the low voltage power supply PWB.
    Main/Engine PWB 1. Check the engine firmware and upgrade to the latest version if necessary. 2. Check if the main/engine PWB is properly secured with screws. 3. Replace the main/engine PWB.
  • Code: 6030
  • Description: Fuser thermistor wire break The average AD value from ten values at every 2ms while deducting the maximum and minimum values is monitored at every 100ms and it is detected at the wire break level (1020 or more).
  • Remedy: Fuser unit 1. Make sure there is no paper jam. 2. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected, and if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Fuser unit — Main/Engine PWB(YC23) 3. If the wiring is disconnected, short-circuited or has a ground fault, replace the wire. 4. Replace the fuser unit.
    Main/Engine PWB 1. Check the engine firmware and upgrade to the latest version if necessary. 2. Replace the main/engine PWB.
  • Code: 6050
  • Description: Fuser thermistor Low temperature error In case the temperature detected by the thermistor (edge) continues 80 °C/ 176.0 °F or less for 1 second during ready or printing.
  • Remedy: Reduction of the power supply voltage 1. Check that no voltage drop of more than 10% of the rated is caused during printing. 2. If the power is overloaded, change the AC outlet that supplies power.
    Fuser unit 1. Make sure there is no paper jam. 2. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected, and if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Fuser unit — Main/Engine PWB(YC23) 3. If the wiring is disconnected, short-circuited or has a ground fault, replace the wire. 4. If the fuser heater is not turned on (broken thermostat wire), replace the fuser unit.
    Low voltage power supply PWB 1. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected, and if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Low voltage power supply PWB — Main/Engine PWB(YC1) 2. Replace the low voltage power supply PWB.
    Main/Engine PWB 1. Check the engine firmware and upgrade to the latest version if necessary. 2. Replace the main/engine PWB.
  • Code: 6400
  • Description: Zero-cross signal error During the fuser heater on, the zero-cross signal is not input for 1 s successively.
  • Remedy: Low voltage power supply PWB 1. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected, and if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Low voltage power supply PWB — Maine/Engine PWB(YC1) 2. Replace the main/engine PWB.
    Main/Engine PWB 1. Check the engine firmware and upgrade to the latest version if necessary. 2. Replace the main/engine PWB.
  • Code: 6610
  • Description: The fuser pressure release error The fuser release sensor does not turn on or off, after 10 s from starting pressurization or depressurization operation.
  • Remedy: Fuser unit 1. Make sure there is no paper jam. 2. Check if the fuser pressure can be reduced by inverse rotation of the fuser gear by hand. 3. Check if the envelope sensor light is blocked out by the actuator during depressurization operation. 4. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected, and if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Fuser pressure release sensor — container relay PWB (YC2) 5. If the wiring is disconnected, short-circuited or has a ground fault, replace the wire. 6. Replace the fuser unit.
    Main/Engine PWB 1. Check the engine firmware and upgrade to the latest version if necessary. 2. Replace the main/engine PWB.
  • Code: 7101
  • Description: Toner sensor error (Black) For a certain period of time, the sensor output value is less than 0.1V, or more than 3.2V.
  • Remedy: Toner container 1. Check that the toner container is properly installed, and if necessary, re-install. 2. Check that the toner supply inlet of the toner container can be opened by the lever operation. 3. Replace the toner container.
    Toner Sensor 1. Confirm that the connector of the developer unit is firmly connected, and if necessary, push the unit all the way in. Toner sensor — Unit relay PWB Unit relay PWB — Main/Engine PWB(YC7) 2. If the wire is disconnected, short-circuited or has a ground fault, or the connector pin is deformed, replace the wire. 3. Check if the gears and spirals in the developer unit rotate smoothly. 4. Replace the developer unit.
    Toner Solenoid 1. Check that the toner solenoid is properly attached. 2. Check if the couplings and gears can rotate or if they are not unusually loaded, and if necessary, replace. 3. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected, and if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Toner solenoid — container relay PWB (YC3) 4. If the wire is disconnected, short-circuited or has a ground fault, or the connector pin is deformed, replace the wire. 5. Change the toner solenoid.
    Unit relay PWB Replace the unit relay PWB.
    Main/Engine PWB 1. Check the engine firmware and upgrade to the latest version if necessary. 2. Replace the main/engine PWB.
  • Code: 7102
  • Description: Toner sensor error (Cyan) For a certain period of time, the sensor output value is less than 0.1V, or more than 3.2V.
  • Remedy: Toner container 1. Check that the toner container is properly installed, and if necessary, re-install. 2. Check that the toner supply inlet of the toner container can be opened by the lever operation. 3. Replace the toner container.
    Toner Sensor 1. Confirm that the connector of the developer unit is firmly connected, and if necessary, push the unit all the way in. Toner sensor — Unit relay PWB Unit relay PWB — Main/Engine PWB(YC7) 2. If the wire is disconnected, short-circuited or has a ground fault, or the connector pin is deformed, replace the wire. 3. Check if the gears and spirals in the developer unit rotate smoothly. 4. Replace the developer unit.
    Toner Solenoid 1. Check that the toner solenoid is properly attached. 2. Check if the couplings and gears can rotate or if they are not unusually loaded, and if necessary, replace. 3. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected, and if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Toner solenoid — container relay PWB (YC3) 4. If the wire is disconnected, short-circuited or has a ground fault, or the connector pin is deformed, replace the wire. 5. Change the toner solenoid.
    Unit relay PWB Replace the unit relay PWB.
    Main/Engine PWB 1. Check the engine firmware and upgrade to the latest version if necessary. 2. Replace the main/engine PWB.
  • Code: 7103
  • Description: Toner sensor error (Magenta) For a certain period of time, the sensor output value is less than 0.1V, or more than 3.2V.
  • Remedy: Toner container 1. Check that the toner container is properly installed, and if necessary, re-install. 2. Check that the toner supply inlet of the toner container can be opened by the lever operation. 3. Replace the toner container.
    Toner Sensor 1. Confirm that the connector of the developer unit is firmly connected, and if necessary, push the unit all the way in. Toner sensor — Unit relay PWB Unit relay PWB — Main/Engine PWB(YC7) 2. If the wire is disconnected, short-circuited or has a ground fault, or the connector pin is deformed, replace the wire. 3. Check if the gears and spirals in the developer unit rotate smoothly. 4. Replace the developer unit.
    Toner Solenoid 1. Check that the toner solenoid is properly attached. 2. Check if the couplings and gears can rotate or if they are not unusually loaded, and if necessary, replace. 3. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected, and if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Toner solenoid — container relay PWB (YC3) 4. If the wire is disconnected, short-circuited or has a ground fault, or the connector pin is deformed, replace the wire. 5. Change the toner solenoid.
    Unit relay PWB Replace the unit relay PWB.
    Main/Engine PWB 1. Check the engine firmware and upgrade to the latest version if necessary. 2. Replace the main/engine PWB.
  • Code: 7104
  • Description: Toner sensor error (Yellow) For a certain period of time, the sensor output value is less than 0.1V, or more than 3.2V.
  • Remedy: Toner container 1. Check that the toner container is properly installed, and if necessary, re-install. 2. Check that the toner supply inlet of the toner container can be opened by the lever operation. 3. Replace the toner container.
    Toner Sensor 1. Confirm that the connector of the developer unit is firmly connected, and if necessary, push the unit all the way in. Toner sensor — Unit relay PWB Unit relay PWB — Main/Engine PWB(YC7) 2. If the wire is disconnected, short-circuited or has a ground fault, or the connector pin is deformed, replace the wire. 3. Check if the gears and spirals in the developer unit rotate smoothly. 4. Replace the developer unit.
    Toner Solenoid 1. Check that the toner solenoid is properly attached. 2. Check if the couplings and gears can rotate or if they are not unusually loaded, and if necessary, replace. 3. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected, and if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Toner solenoid — container relay PWB (YC3) 4. If the wire is disconnected, short-circuited or has a ground fault, or the connector pin is deformed, replace the wire. 5. Change the toner solenoid.
    Unit relay PWB Replace the unit relay PWB.
    Main/Engine PWB 1. Check the engine firmware and upgrade to the latest version if necessary. 2. Replace the main/engine PWB.
  • Code: 7200
  • Description: Broken inner thermistor wire (Developer) The sensor input sampling value is greater than the reference value. (After detection, controlled at 25 °C/77.0 °F)
  • Remedy: Developer unit BK 1. Confirm that the connector of the developer unit BK is firmly connected, and if necessary, push the unit all the way in. Toner sensor BK — Unit relay PWB (YC9) Unit relay PWB — Main/Engine PWB(YC7) 2. If the wire is disconnected, short-circuited or has a ground fault, or the connector pin is deformed, replace the wire. 3. Replace the developer unit BK.
    Unit relay PWB Replace the unit relay PWB.
    Main/Engine PWB 1. Check the engine firmware and upgrade to the latest version if necessary. 2. Replace the main/engine PWB.
  • Code: 7210
  • Description: Short-circuited inner thermistor (Developer) The sensor input sampling value is less than the reference value. (After detection, controlled at 25 °C/77.0 °F)
  • Remedy: Developer unit BK 1. Confirm that the connector of the developer unit BK is firmly connected, and if necessary, push the unit all the way in. Toner sensor BK — Unit relay PWB (YC9) Unit relay PWB — Main/Engine PWB(YC7) 2. If the wire is disconnected, short-circuited or has a ground fault, or the connector pin is deformed, replace the wire. 3. Replace the developer unit BK.
    Unit relay PWB Replace the unit relay PWB.
    Main/Engine PWB 1. Check the engine firmware and upgrade to the latest version if necessary. 2. Replace the main/engine PWB.
  • Code: 7221
  • Description: Broken inner thermistor wire (LSU) The sensor input sampling value is greater than the reference value. (After detection, controlled at 25 °C/77.0 °F)
  • Remedy: Laser scanner unit (LSU) 1. Confirm that the wiring connector of the LSU is firmly connected, and if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. LSU — Main/Engine PWB (YC21) 2. If the wire is disconnected, short-circuited or has a ground fault, or the connector pin is deformed, replace the wire. 3. Replace the LSU.
    Main/Engine PWB 1. Check the engine firmware and upgrade to the latest version if necessary. 2. Replace the main/engine PWB.
  • Code: 7231
  • Description: Short-circuited inner thermistor (LSU) The sensor input sampling value is less than the reference value. (After detection, controlled at 25 °C/77.0 °F)
  • Remedy: Laser scanner unit (LSU) 1. Confirm that the wiring connector of the LSU is firmly connected, and if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. LSU — Main/Engine PWB (YC21) 2. If the wire is disconnected, short-circuited or has a ground fault, or the connector pin is deformed, replace the wire. 3. Replace the LSU.
    Main/Engine PWB 1. Check the engine firmware and upgrade to the latest version if necessary. 2. Replace the main/engine PWB.
  • Code: 7401
  • Description: Developer unit type Mismatch error (Black) Improper adaptation of the main unit and developer unit is detected.
  • Remedy: Developer unit 1. Check if the developer unit of different models is mounted, and replace it to the correct one. 2. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected, and if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Developer unit — Unit relay PWB Unit relay PWB — Main/Engine PWB(YC7) 3. If the wiring is disconnected, short-circuited or has a ground fault, replace the wire.
    Unit relay PWB Replace the unit relay PWB.
    Main/Engine PWB 1. Check the engine firmware and upgrade to the latest version if necessary. 2. Replace the main/engine PWB.
  • Code: 7402
  • Description: Developer unit type Mismatch error (Cyan) Improper adaptation of the main unit and developer unit is detected.
  • Remedy: Developer unit 1. Check if the developer unit of different models is mounted, and replace it to the correct one. 2. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected, and if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Developer unit — Unit relay PWB Unit relay PWB — Main/Engine PWB(YC7) 3. If the wiring is disconnected, short-circuited or has a ground fault, replace the wire.
    Unit relay PWB Replace the unit relay PWB.
    Main/Engine PWB 1. Check the engine firmware and upgrade to the latest version if necessary. 2. Replace the main/engine PWB.
  • Code: 7403
  • Description: Developer unit type Mismatch error (Magenta) Improper adaptation of the main unit and developer unit is detected.
  • Remedy: Developer unit 1. Check if the developer unit of different models is mounted, and replace it to the correct one. 2. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected, and if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Developer unit — Unit relay PWB Unit relay PWB — Main/Engine PWB(YC7) 3. If the wiring is disconnected, short-circuited or has a ground fault, replace the wire.
    Unit relay PWB Replace the unit relay PWB.
    Main/Engine PWB 1. Check the engine firmware and upgrade to the latest version if necessary. 2. Replace the main/engine PWB.
  • Code: 7404
  • Description: Developer unit type mismatch error (Yellow) Improper adaptation of the main unit and developer unit is detected.
  • Remedy: Developer unit 1. Check if the developer unit of different models is mounted, and replace it to the correct one. 2. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected, and if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Developer unit — Unit relay PWB Unit relay PWB — Main/Engine PWB(YC7) 3. If the wiring is disconnected, short-circuited or has a ground fault, replace the wire.
    Unit relay PWB Replace the unit relay PWB.
    Main/Engine PWB 1. Check the engine firmware and upgrade to the latest version if necessary. 2. Replace the main/engine PWB.
  • Code: 7411
  • Description: Drum unit type Mismatch error (Black) Improper adaptation of the main unit and drum unit is detected.
  • Remedy: Drum unit 1. Check if the drum unit of different models is attached, and replace it to the correct one. 2. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected, and if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Drum unit — Unit relay PWB Unit relay PWB — Main/Engine PWB(YC7) 3. If the wiring is disconnected, short-circuited or has a ground fault, replace the wire.
    Unit relay PWB Replace the unit relay PWB.
    Main/Engine PWB 1. Check the engine firmware and upgrade to the latest version if necessary. 2. Replace the main/engine PWB.
  • Code: 7412
  • Description: Drum unit type Mismatch error (Cyan) Improper adaptation of the main unit and drum unit is detected.
  • Remedy: Drum unit 1. Check if the drum unit of different models is attached, and replace it to the correct one. 2. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected, and if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Drum unit — Unit relay PWB Unit relay PWB — Main/Engine PWB(YC7) 3. If the wiring is disconnected, short-circuited or has a ground fault, replace the wire.
    Unit relay PWB Replace the unit relay PWB.
    Main/Engine PWB 1. Check the engine firmware and upgrade to the latest version if necessary. 2. Replace the main/engine PWB.
  • Code: 7413
  • Description: Drum unit type Mismatch error (Magenta) Improper adaptation of the main unit and drum unit is detected.
  • Remedy: Drum unit 1. Check if the drum unit of different models is attached, and replace it to the correct one. 2. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected, and if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Drum unit — Unit relay PWB Unit relay PWB — Main/Engine PWB(YC7) 3. If the wiring is disconnected, short-circuited or has a ground fault, replace the wire.
    Unit relay PWB Replace the unit relay PWB.
    Main/Engine PWB 1. Check the engine firmware and upgrade to the latest version if necessary. 2. Replace the main/engine PWB.
  • Code: 7414
  • Description: Drum unit type Mismatch error (Yellow) Improper adaptation of the main unit and drum unit is detected.
  • Remedy: Drum unit 1. Check if the drum unit of different models is attached, and replace it to the correct one. 2. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected, and if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Drum unit — Unit relay PWB Unit relay PWB — Main/Engine PWB(YC7) 3. If the wiring is disconnected, short-circuited or has a ground fault, replace the wire.
    Unit relay PWB Replace the unit relay PWB.
    Main/Engine PWB 1. Check the engine firmware and upgrade to the latest version if necessary. 2. Replace the main/engine PWB.
  • Code: 7601
  • Description: ID sensor error (front) When the measured value of the ID sensor matches any of the following. The dark potential P/Swave is greater than 0.8V. If the light potential S-wave is lower than the dark potential S-wave. If the light potential P-wave is lower than the dark potential P-wave (+0.5V).
  • Remedy: ID sensor 1. Clean the ID sensor surface. 2. Check how the ID sensor is attached. 3. Check if the error is detected after performing the calibration. 4. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected, and if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. ID sensor — Main/Engine PWB (YC24) 5. If the wiring is disconnected, short-circuited or has a ground fault, replace the wire. 6. Replace the ID sensor.
    Main/Engine PWB 1. Check the engine firmware and upgrade to the latest version if necessary. 2. Replace the main/engine PWB.
  • Code: 7602
  • Description: ID sensor error (rear) When the measured value of the ID sensor matches any of the following. The dark potential P/Swave is greater than 0.8V. If the light potential S-wave is lower than the dark potential S-wave. If the light potential P-wave is lower than the dark potential P-wave (+0.5V).
  • Remedy: ID sensor 1. Clean the ID sensor surface. 2. Check how the ID sensor is attached. 3. Check if the error is detected after performing the calibration. 4. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected, and if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. ID sensor — Main/Engine PWB (YC24) 5. If the wiring is disconnected, short-circuited or has a ground fault, replace the wire. 6. Replace the ID sensor.
    Main/Engine PWB 1. Check the engine firmware and upgrade to the latest version if necessary. 2. Replace the main/engine PWB.
  • Code: 7611
  • Description: Bias calibration reading value error (Black) During the calibration, the ID sensor cannot read a patch density on the primary transfer belt normally.
  • Remedy: Primary transfer belt ID sensor 1. Unplug the power cord from the wall outlet, and wait five seconds. Then plug in the power cord and then turn on the power switch. 2. Execute [Calibration] using [Adjustment/Maintenance] of the system menu. 3. Check the occurrence of this service call error in the Event Log. 4. When the same service call error is detected again, clean if there is any dirt or stains on the primary transfer belt or the ID sensor surface. 5. Check whether or not the ID sensor shutter is open, by opening and closing the paper tray. 6. If not corrected, replace the primary transfer unit. 7. After performing the test print, if the poor density occurs, check whether there is any failure in the drum unit, developer unit, LSU.
    Main/Engine PWB 1. Check the engine firmware and upgrade to the latest version if necessary. 2. Replace the main/engine PWB.
  • Code: 7612
  • Description: Bias calibration reading value error (Cyan) During the calibration, the ID sensor cannot read a patch density on the primary transfer belt normally.
  • Remedy: Primary transfer belt ID sensor 1. Unplug the power cord from the wall outlet, and wait five seconds. Then plug in the power cord and then turn on the power switch. 2. Execute [Calibration] using [Adjustment/Maintenance] of the system menu. 3. Check the occurrence of this service call error in the Event Log. 4. When the same service call error is detected again, clean if there is any dirt or stains on the primary transfer belt or the ID sensor surface. 5. Check whether or not the ID sensor shutter is open, by opening and closing the paper tray. 6. If not corrected, replace the primary transfer unit. 7. After performing the test print, if the poor density occurs, check whether there is any failure in the drum unit, developer unit, LSU.
    Main/Engine PWB 1. Check the engine firmware and upgrade to the latest version if necessary. 2. Replace the main/engine PWB.
  • Code: 7613
  • Description: Bias calibration reading value error (Magenta) During the calibration, the ID sensor cannot read a patch density on the primary transfer belt normally.
  • Remedy: Primary transfer belt ID sensor 1. Unplug the power cord from the wall outlet, and wait five seconds. Then plug in the power cord and then turn on the power switch. 2. Execute [Calibration] using [Adjustment/Maintenance] of the system menu. 3. Check the occurrence of this service call error in the Event Log. 4. When the same service call error is detected again, clean if there is any dirt or stains on the primary transfer belt or the ID sensor surface. 5. Check whether or not the ID sensor shutter is open, by opening and closing the paper tray. 6. If not corrected, replace the primary transfer unit. 7. After performing the test print, if the poor density occurs, check whether there is any failure in the drum unit, developer unit, LSU.
    Main/Engine PWB 1. Check the engine firmware and upgrade to the latest version if necessary. 2. Replace the main/engine PWB.
  • Code: 7614
  • Description: Bias calibration reading value error (Yellow) During the calibration, the ID sensor cannot read a patch density on the primary transfer belt normally.
  • Remedy: Primary transfer belt ID sensor 1. Unplug the power cord from the wall outlet, and wait five seconds. Then plug in the power cord and then turn on the power switch. 2. Execute [Calibration] using [Adjustment/Maintenance] of the system menu. 3. Check the occurrence of this service call error in the Event Log. 4. When the same service call error is detected again, clean if there is any dirt or stains on the primary transfer belt or the ID sensor surface. 5. Check whether or not the ID sensor shutter is open, by opening and closing the paper tray. 6. If not corrected, replace the primary transfer unit. 7. After performing the test print, if the poor density occurs, check whether there is any failure in the drum unit, developer unit, LSU.
    Main/Engine PWB 1. Check the engine firmware and upgrade to the latest version if necessary. 2. Replace the main/engine PWB.
  • Code: 7620
  • Description: Color Registration timing of detection Color patches printed on the primary transfer belt are not within the ID sensor readable range. Or the poor density occurs.
  • Remedy: Primary transfer belt ID sensor LSU 1. Unplug the power cord from the wall outlet, and wait five seconds. Then plug in the power cord and then turn on the power switch. 2. Execute [Calibration] using [Adjustment/Maintenance] of the system menu. 3. Check the occurrence of this service call error in the Event Log. 4. When the same service call error is detected again, clean if there is any dirt or stains on the primary transfer belt or the ID sensor surface. 5. Check whether or not the ID sensor shutter is open, by opening and closing the paper tray. 6. If not corrected, replace the primary transfer unit. 7. After performing the test print, if the poor density occurs, check whether there is any failure in the drum unit, developer unit, LSU. 8. When checking the printing position of the color, if any color shift occurs, re-install the LSU and the drum unit. 9. If not corrected, replace the LSU.
    Main/Engine PWB 1. Check the engine firmware and upgrade to the latest version if necessary. 2. Replace the main/engine PWB.
  • Code: 7800
  • Description: Broken outer thermistor wire The temperature and humidity sensor input sampling value is abnormal compared with the reference. (After detection, controlled at 25 °C/77.0 °F)
  • Remedy: Temperature and humidity Sensor 1. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected, and if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Temperature and humidity sensor — Main/Engine PWB (YC35) 2. If the wiring is disconnected, short-circuited or has a ground fault, replace the wire. 3. Replace the Temperature and humidity sensor PWB.
    Main/Engine PWB 1. Check the engine firmware and upgrade to the latest version if necessary. 2. Replace the main/engine PWB.
  • Code: 7810
  • Description: Short-circuited outer thermistor The sensor input sampling value is less than the reference value. (After detection, controlled at 25 °C/77.0 °F)
  • Remedy: Temperature and humidity Sensor 1. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected, and if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Temperature and humidity sensor — Main/Engine PWB (YC35) 2. If the wiring is disconnected, short-circuited or has a ground fault, replace the wire. 3. Replace the Temperature and humidity sensor PWB.
    Main/Engine PWB 1. Check the engine firmware and upgrade to the latest version if necessary. 2. Replace the main/engine PWB.
  • Code: 7901
  • Description: Drum unit EEPROM error (Black) No response is issued from the device in reading/ writing for 5 ms or more and this problem is repeated 5 times successively. Mismatch of reading data from two locations occurs 8 times successively. Mismatch between writing data and reading data occurs 8 times successively.
  • Remedy: Drum unit 1. Unplug the power cord from the wall outlet, and wait five seconds. Then plug in the power cord and then turn on the power switch. 2. Confirm that the connector of the drum unit is firmly connected, and if necessary, push the unit all the way in. 3. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected, and if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Drum unit — Unit relay PWB Unit relay PWB — Main/Engine PWB(YC7) 4. If the wire is disconnected, short-circuited or has a ground fault, or the connector pin is deformed, replace the wire. 5. Replace the drum unit.
    Unit relay PWB Replace the unit relay PWB.
    Main/Engine PWB 1. Check the engine firmware and upgrade to the latest version if necessary. 2. Replace the main/engine PWB.
  • Code: 7902
  • Description: Drum unit EEPROM error (Cyan) No response is issued from the device in reading/ writing for 5 ms or more and this problem is repeated 5 times successively. Mismatch of reading data from two locations occurs 8 times successively. Mismatch between writing data and reading data occurs 8 times successively.
  • Remedy: Drum unit 1. Unplug the power cord from the wall outlet, and wait five seconds. Then plug in the power cord and then turn on the power switch. 2. Confirm that the connector of the drum unit is firmly connected, and if necessary, push the unit all the way in. 3. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected, and if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Drum unit — Unit relay PWB Unit relay PWB — Main/Engine PWB(YC7) 4. If the wire is disconnected, short-circuited or has a ground fault, or the connector pin is deformed, replace the wire. 5. Replace the drum unit.
    Unit relay PWB Replace the unit relay PWB.
    Main/Engine PWB 1. Check the engine firmware and upgrade to the latest version if necessary. 2. Replace the main/engine PWB.
  • Code: 7903
  • Description: Drum unit EEPROM error (Magenta) No response is issued from the device in reading/ writing for 5 ms or more and this problem is repeated 5 times successively. Mismatch of reading data from two locations occurs 8 times successively. Mismatch between writing data and reading data occurs 8 times successively.
  • Remedy: Drum unit 1. Unplug the power cord from the wall outlet, and wait five seconds. Then plug in the power cord and then turn on the power switch. 2. Confirm that the connector of the drum unit is firmly connected, and if necessary, push the unit all the way in. 3. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected, and if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Drum unit — Unit relay PWB Unit relay PWB — Main/Engine PWB(YC7) 4. If the wire is disconnected, short-circuited or has a ground fault, or the connector pin is deformed, replace the wire. 5. Replace the drum unit.
    Unit relay PWB Replace the unit relay PWB.
    Main/Engine PWB 1. Check the engine firmware and upgrade to the latest version if necessary. 2. Replace the main/engine PWB.
  • Code: 7904
  • Description: Drum unit EEPROM error (Yellow) No response is issued from the device in reading/ writing for 5 ms or more and this problem is repeated 5 times successively. Mismatch of reading data from two locations occurs 8 times successively. Mismatch between writing data and reading data occurs 8 times successively.
  • Remedy: Drum unit 1. Unplug the power cord from the wall outlet, and wait five seconds. Then plug in the power cord and then turn on the power switch. 2. Confirm that the connector of the drum unit is firmly connected, and if necessary, push the unit all the way in. 3. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected, and if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Drum unit — Unit relay PWB Unit relay PWB — Main/Engine PWB(YC7) 4. If the wire is disconnected, short-circuited or has a ground fault, or the connector pin is deformed, replace the wire. 5. Replace the drum unit.
    Unit relay PWB Replace the unit relay PWB.
    Main/Engine PWB 1. Check the engine firmware and upgrade to the latest version if necessary. 2. Replace the main/engine PWB.
  • Code: 7911
  • Description: Developer unit EEPROM error (Black) No response is issued from the device in reading/ writing for 5 ms or more and this problem is repeated 5 times successively. Mismatch of reading data from two locations occurs 8 times successively. Mismatch between writing data and reading data occurs 8 times successively.
  • Remedy: Developer unit 1. Unplug the power cord from the wall outlet, and wait five seconds. Then plug in the power cord and then turn on the power switch. 2. Confirm that the connector of the developer unit is firmly connected, and if necessary, push the unit all the way in. 3. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected, and if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Developer unit — Unit relay PWB Unit relay PWB — Main/Engine PWB(YC7) 4. If the wire is disconnected, short-circuited or has a ground fault, or the connector pin is deformed, replace the wire. 5. Replace the developer unit.
    Unit relay PWB Replace the unit relay PWB.
    Main/Engine PWB 1. Check the engine firmware and upgrade to the latest version if necessary. 2. Replace the main/engine PWB.
  • Code: 7912
  • Description: Developer unit EEPROM error (Cyan) No response is issued from the device in reading/ writing for 5 ms or more and this problem is repeated 5 times successively. Mismatch of reading data from two locations occurs 8 times successively. Mismatch between writing data and reading data occurs 8 times successively.
  • Remedy: Developer unit 1. Unplug the power cord from the wall outlet, and wait five seconds. Then plug in the power cord and then turn on the power switch. 2. Confirm that the connector of the developer unit is firmly connected, and if necessary, push the unit all the way in. 3. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected, and if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Developer unit — Unit relay PWB Unit relay PWB — Main/Engine PWB(YC7) 4. If the wire is disconnected, short-circuited or has a ground fault, or the connector pin is deformed, replace the wire. 5. Replace the developer unit.
    Unit relay PWB Replace the unit relay PWB.
    Main/Engine PWB 1. Check the engine firmware and upgrade to the latest version if necessary. 2. Replace the main/engine PWB.
  • Code: 7913
  • Description: Developer unit EEPROM error (Magenta) No response is issued from the device in reading/ writing for 5 ms or more and this problem is repeated 5 times successively. Mismatch of reading data from two locations occurs 8 times successively. Mismatch between writing data and reading data occurs 8 times successively.
  • Remedy: Developer unit 1. Unplug the power cord from the wall outlet, and wait five seconds. Then plug in the power cord and then turn on the power switch. 2. Confirm that the connector of the developer unit is firmly connected, and if necessary, push the unit all the way in. 3. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected, and if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Developer unit — Unit relay PWB Unit relay PWB — Main/Engine PWB(YC7) 4. If the wire is disconnected, short-circuited or has a ground fault, or the connector pin is deformed, replace the wire. 5. Replace the developer unit.
    Unit relay PWB Replace the unit relay PWB.
    Main/Engine PWB 1. Check the engine firmware and upgrade to the latest version if necessary. 2. Replace the main/engine PWB.
  • Code: 7914
  • Description: Developer unit EEPROM error (Yellow) No response is issued from the device in reading/ writing for 5 ms or more and this problem is repeated 5 times successively. Mismatch of reading data from two locations occurs 8 times successively. Mismatch between writing data and reading data occurs 8 times successively.
  • Remedy: Developer unit 1. Unplug the power cord from the wall outlet, and wait five seconds. Then plug in the power cord and then turn on the power switch. 2. Confirm that the connector of the developer unit is firmly connected, and if necessary, push the unit all the way in. 3. Confirm that the wiring connector is firmly connected, and if necessary, connect the connector all the way in. Developer unit — Unit relay PWB Unit relay PWB — Main/Engine PWB(YC7) 4. If the wire is disconnected, short-circuited or has a ground fault, or the connector pin is deformed, replace the wire. 5. Replace the developer unit.
    Unit relay PWB Replace the unit relay PWB.
    Main/Engine PWB 1. Check the engine firmware and upgrade to the latest version if necessary. 2. Replace the main/engine PWB.
  • Code: 9540
  • Description: Backup data error The internal data changes by replacing multiple parts at the same time, interfering with the machine operation and will not enter ready mode.
  • Remedy: PWBs In case two or more of the parts below were replaced at the same time, reattach them. Applicable parts: Memory, PWBs *When replacing the applicable parts, 2 or more do not replace then at the same time. *When replacing the above applicable parts, do not work the following at the same time. Replace the drum unit or the developing unit. Replace the drum unit for one color with another in the same machine.
  • Code: F000
  • Description: Communication error between Main/Engine PWB — Operation panel PWB
  • Remedy: Main/Engine PWB 1. Unplug the power cord from the wall outlet, and wait five seconds. Then plug in the power cord and then turn on the power switch. 2. Check the wiring and connectors between the main/engine PWB — the operation panel PWB. Operation panel PWB — Main/Engine PWB (YC26): M21 ppm model — Main/Engine PWB (YC56) : M26 ppm model 3. Check the connection of the DDR memory on the main/engine PWB by reinstalling it or replacing it. 4. Execute U021 initialize memory. 5. Replace the main/engine PWB.
    Operation panel PWB Replace the operation panel PWB.
  • Code: F000
  • Description: CF000 will be displayed if * notes progress is carried out for a definite period of time with a Welcome screen.The communication fault between Panel-Main boardsCommunication fault between Panel Core-Main Core Notes 2
  • Remedy: (1) Check the harness of * (between Main board <=>HDD), and the connection state of a connector between Panel<=>Main boards, and perform an operation check. (2) Check contact of a DDR memory (extracting) and perform an operation check. If exchangeable, it will exchange and will perform an operation check. (3) Initialize HDD and perform an operation check. (FULL of U024) * ( 4) U021 Controller backup initialization is carried out and an operation check is performed. (5) Exchange a Main board and perform an operation check. (6) Exchange a PanelMain board and perform an operation check. (7) It will get, if USBLOG is obtainable, and contact service headquarters. * : only HDD standard model * Note 2 : Only Dual Core CPU model
  • Code: F010
  • Description: Main/Engine PWB Checksum error
  • Remedy: Main/Engine PWB 1. Unplug the power cord from the wall outlet, and wait five seconds. Then plug in the power cord and then turn on the power switch. 2. If not corrected, replace the main/engine PWB and check operation.
  • Code: F020
  • Description: Main/Engine PWB memory error In case an error occurs at the start-up DIMM read/ write check.
  • Remedy: Main/Engine PWB 1. Unplug the power cord from the wall outlet, and wait five seconds. Then plug in the power cord and then turn on the power switch. 2. If not corrected, replace the main/engine PWB and check operation.
  • Code: F040
  • Description: Communication error between controller — Print engine
  • Remedy: Main/Engine PWB 1. Unplug the power cord from the wall outlet, and wait five seconds. Then plug in the power cord and then turn on the power switch. 2. Repair or replace the wire from the main/engine PWB that may be grounded. (Check for a shortcircuit between 5V and 3.3V.) 3. Check the FFC cable connector connecting to the main/engine PWB and reconnect it. Or replace the FFC. 4. Check both the main and engine firmware, and upgrade to the latest version, if necessary. 5. Replace the main/engine PWB.
  • Code: F050
  • Description: Print engine Main program error
  • Remedy: Main/Engine PWB 1. Unplug the power cord from the wall outlet, and wait five seconds. Then plug in the power cord and then turn on the power switch. 2. Confirm that the EEPROM has been properly installed. 3. Check both the main and engine firmware, and upgrade to the latest version, if necessary. 4. If not corrected, replace the main/engine PWB.
  • Code: F12X
  • Description: Abnormality detecting in a Scan control section
  • Remedy: (1) Check the harness between Scan/DP<=>Main boards, and the connection state of a connector, and perform an operation check. (2) Initialize HDD and perform an operation check. (FULL of U024) * ( 3) U021 Controller backup initialization is carried out and an operation check is performed. (4) Exchange a Scan/DP board and perform an operation check. (5) Exchange a Main board and perform an operation check. (6) Get USBLOG and contact service headquarters. * Only HDD standard model
  • Code: F14X
  • Description: Abnormality detecting in a FAX control part
  • Remedy: (1) Check the harness between FAX<=>Main boards, and the connection state of a connector, and perform an operation check. (2) Initialize HDD and perform an operation check. (FULL of U024) * ( 3) U021 Controller backup initialization is carried out and an operation check is performed. (4) Perform a deed operation check for DIMM Clear by U671. * Notes(Since it disappears when received data remain, cautions are required.) (5) Exchange FAX_DIMM and perform an operation check. * Notes (6) Exchange a FAX board and perform an operation check. (7) Exchange a Main board and perform an operation check. (8) Get USBLOG and contact service headquarters. * Only HDD standard model * Note Only model which has Flash for FAX data in a Main board
  • Code: F15X
  • Description: Abnormality detecting in an authentication device control section
  • Remedy: (1) Check the harness between authentication device <=>Main boards, and the connection situation of a connector, and perform an operation check. (2) Initialize HDD and perform an operation check. (FULL of U024) * ( 3) Carry out U021 Main backup initialization and perform an operation check. (4) Exchange a Main board and perform an operation check. (5) Exchange HDD and perform an operation check. * (6) Get USBLOG and contact service headquarters. * Only HDD standard model
  • Code: F18X
  • Description: Abnormality detecting in a Video control section
  • Remedy: (1) Check the harness between Engine<=>Main boards, and the connection state of a connector, and perform an operation check. (2) Initialize HDD and perform an operation check. (FULL of U024) * ( 3) U021 Controller backup initialization is carried out and an operation check is performed. (3) Exchange an Engine board and perform an operation check. (4) Exchange a Main board and perform an operation check. (5) Get USBLOG and contact service headquarters. * Only HDD standard model
  • Code: F1DX
  • Description: Abnormality detecting of the image memory Management Department
  • Remedy: (1) Initialize HDD and perform an operation check. (FULL of U024) * ( 2) Carry out U021 Main backup initialization and perform an operation check. (3) Exchange a Main board and perform an operation check. (4) Exchange HDD and perform an operation check. * (5) Get USBLOG and contact service headquarters. * Only HDD standard model
  • Code: F21X, F22X, F23X
  • Description: Abnormality detecting in an image-processing part
  • Remedy: (1) Check contact of a DDR memory and perform an operation check. (2) Initialize HDD and perform an operation check. (FULL of U024) * ( 3) Carry out U021 Main backup initialization and perform an operation check. (4) Exchange a Main board and perform an operation check. (5) Exchange HDD and perform an operation check. * (6) Get USBLOG and contact service headquarters. * Only HDD standard model
  • Code: F24X
  • Description: Abnormality detecting in the system Management Department
  • Remedy: (1) Check contact of a DDR memory and perform an operation check. (2) Initialize HDD and perform an operation check. (FULL of U024) * ( 3) Carry out U021 Main backup initialization and perform an operation check. (4) Exchange a Main board and perform an operation check. (5) Exchange HDD and perform an operation check. * (6) Get USBLOG and contact service headquarters. * Only HDD standard model
  • Code: F25X
  • Description: Abnormality detecting in a network management department
  • Remedy: (1) Initialize HDD and perform an operation check. (FULL of U024) * ( 2) Carry out U021 Main backup initialization and perform an operation check. (3) Exchange a Main board and perform an operation check. (4) Get USBLOG and packet capture and contact service headquarters. * Only HDD standard model
  • Code: F26X, F27X, F28X
  • Description: Abnormality detecting in the system Management Department
  • Remedy: (1) Initialize HDD and perform an operation check. (FULL of U024) * ( 2) Carry out U021 Main backup initialization and perform an operation check. (3) Exchange a Main board and perform an operation check. (4) Exchange HDD and perform an operation check. * (5) Get USBLOG and contact service headquarters. * Only HDD standard model
  • Code: F29X, F2AX
  • Description: Abnormality detecting in the system Management Department
  • Remedy: (1) Initialize HDD and perform an operation check. (FULL of U024) * ( 2) Carry out U021 Main backup initialization and perform an operation check. (3) Exchange a Main board and perform an operation check. (4) Exchange HDD and perform an operation check. * (5) Get USBLOG and contact service headquarters. * Only HDD standard model
  • Code: F2BX, F2CX, F2DX
  • Description: Abnormality detecting in a network control part
  • Remedy: (1) Initialize HDD and perform an operation check. (FULL of U024) * ( 2) Carry out U021 Main backup initialization and perform an operation check. (3) Exchange a Main board and perform an operation check. (4) Get USBLOG and contact service headquarters. (Depending on an analysis result, it is packet capture acquisition) * Only HDD standard model
  • Code: F2EX, F2FX, F30X
  • Description: Abnormality detecting in a network control part
  • Remedy: (1) Initialize HDD and perform an operation check. (FULL of U024) * ( 2) Carry out U021 Main backup initialization and perform an operation check. (3) Exchange a Main board and perform an operation check. (4) Get USBLOG and contact service headquarters. (Depending on an analysis result, it is packet capture acquisition) * Only HDD standard model
  • Code: F31X, F32X
  • Description: Abnormality detecting in a network control part
  • Remedy: (1) Initialize HDD and perform an operation check. (FULL of U024) * ( 2) Carry out U021 Main backup initialization and perform an operation check. (3) Exchange a Main board and perform an operation check. (4) Get USBLOG and contact service headquarters. (Depending on an analysis result, it is packet capture acquisition) * Only HDD standard model
  • Code: F33X
  • Description: Abnormality detecting in the Scan Management Department
  • Remedy: (1) Check the harness between Scan/DP<=>Main boards, and the connection state of a connector, and perform an operation check. (2) Initialize HDD and perform an operation check. (FULL of U024) * ( 3) U021 Controller backup initialization is carried out and an operation check is performed. (4) Exchange a Scan/DP board and perform an operation check. (5) Exchange a Main board and perform an operation check. (6) Get USBLOG and contact service headquarters. * Only HDD standard model
  • Code: F34X
  • Description: Abnormality detecting in the Panel Management Department
  • Remedy: (1) Check the harness between Panel<=>Main boards, and the connection state of a connector, and perform an operation check. * Notes (2) Initialize HDD and perform an operation check. (FULL of U024) * ( 3) U021 Controller backup initialization is carried out and an operation check is performed. (4) Exchange a Panel board and perform an operation check. * Notes (5) Exchange a Main board and perform an operation check. (6) Get USBLOG and contact service headquarters. * Only HDD standard model * Note : A Dual Core CPU model and HyPAS model
  • Code: F35X
  • Description: Abnormality detecting in the printing controlling Management Department
  • Remedy: (1) Initialize HDD and perform an operation check. (FULL of U024) * ( 2) Carry out U021 Main backup initialization and perform an operation check. (3) Exchange a Main board and perform an operation check. (4) Exchange HDD and perform an operation check. * (5) Get USBLOG and contact service headquarters. * Only HDD standard model
  • Code: F37X
  • Description: Abnormality detecting in the FAX Management Department
  • Remedy: (1) Initialize HDD and perform an operation check. (FULL of U024) * ( 2) Carry out U021 Main backup initialization and perform an operation check. (3) Perform a deed operation check for DIMM Clear by U671.(Since it disappears when received data remain, cautions are required.) * notes (4) Exchange FAX_DIMM and perform an operation check. * Notes (5) Exchange a Main board and perform an operation check. (6) Exchange HDD and perform an operation check. * (7) Get USBLOG and contact service headquarters. * Only HDD standard model * Note Only model which has Flash for FAX data in a Main board
  • Code: F38X
  • Description: Abnormality detecting in the authentication authorized Management Department
  • Remedy: (1) Initialize HDD and perform an operation check. (FULL of U024) * ( 2) Carry out U021 Main backup initialization and perform an operation check. (3) Exchange a Main board and perform an operation check. (4) Exchange HDD and perform an operation check. * (5) Get USBLOG and contact service headquarters. * Only HDD standard model
  • Code: F3AX, F3BX, F3CX
  • Description: Abnormality detecting in the Entity Management Department
  • Remedy: (1) Initialize HDD and perform an operation check. (FULL of U024) * ( 2) Carry out U021 Main backup initialization and perform an operation check. (3) Exchange a Main board and perform an operation check. (4) Exchange HDD and perform an operation check. * (5) Get USBLOG and contact service headquarters. * Only HDD standard model
  • Code: F3DX, F3EX, F3FX
  • Description: Abnormality detecting in the Entity Management Department
  • Remedy: (1) Initialize HDD and perform an operation check. (FULL of U024) * ( 2) Carry out U021 Main backup initialization and perform an operation check. (3) Exchange a Main board and perform an operation check. (4) Exchange HDD and perform an operation check. * (5) Get USBLOG and contact service headquarters. * Only HDD standard model
  • Code: F40X, F41X, F42X
  • Description: Abnormality detecting in the Entity Management Department
  • Remedy: (1) Initialize HDD and perform an operation check. (FULL of U024) * ( 2) Carry out U021 Main backup initialization and perform an operation check. (3) Exchange a Main board and perform an operation check. (4) Exchange HDD and perform an operation check. * (5) Get USBLOG and contact service headquarters. * Only HDD standard model
  • Code: F43X, F44X, F45X
  • Description: Abnormality detecting in the Entity Management Department
  • Remedy: (1) Initialize HDD and perform an operation check. (FULL of U024) * ( 2) Carry out U021 Main backup initialization and perform an operation check. (3) Exchange a Main board and perform an operation check. (4) Exchange HDD and perform an operation check. * (5) Get USBLOG and contact service headquarters. * Only HDD standard model
  • Code: F46X
  • Description: Abnormality detecting of a printer rendering part
  • Remedy: (1) Exchange boards and perform an operation check. (2) the acquisition wish of USBLOG — carry out (Depending on the (2) case, it is print capture data acquisition) * Only HDD standard model
  • Code: F47X, F48X
  • Description: Abnormality detecting of an image editing processing part
  • Remedy: (1) Initialize HDD and perform an operation check. (FULL of U024) * ( 2) Carry out U021 Main backup initialization and perform an operation check. (3) Exchange a Main board and perform an operation check. (4) Exchange HDD and perform an operation check. * (5) Get USBLOG and contact service headquarters. * Only HDD standard model
  • Code: F4DX, F4EX
  • Description: Abnormality detecting in the Entity Management Department
  • Remedy: (1) Initialize HDD and perform an operation check. (FULL of U024) * ( 2) Carry out U021 Main backup initialization and perform an operation check. (3) Exchange a Main board and perform an operation check. (4) Exchange HDD and perform an operation check. * (5) Get USBLOG and contact service headquarters. * Only HDD standard model
  • Code: F4FX
  • Description: Abnormality detecting in the JOB Management Department
  • Remedy: (1) Initialize HDD and perform an operation check. (FULL of U024) * ( 2) Carry out U021 Main backup initialization and perform an operation check. (3) Exchange a Main board and perform an operation check. (4) Exchange HDD and perform an operation check. * (5) Get USBLOG and contact service headquarters. * Only HDD standard model
  • Code: F50X
  • Description: Abnormality detecting in the FAX Management Department
  • Remedy: (1) Initialize HDD and perform an operation check. (FULL of U024) * ( 2) Carry out U021 Main backup initialization and perform an operation check. (3) Exchange a Main board and perform an operation check. (4) Exchange HDD and perform an operation check. * (5) Get USBLOG and contact service headquarters. * Only HDD standard model
  • Code: F51X, F52X, F53X
  • Description: Abnormality detecting in a JOB execution part
  • Remedy: (1) Initialize HDD and perform an operation check. (FULL of U024) * ( 2) Carry out U021 Main backup initialization and perform an operation check. (3) Exchange a Main board and perform an operation check. (4) Exchange HDD and perform an operation check. * (5) Get USBLOG and contact service headquarters. * Only HDD standard model
  • Code: F55X, F56X, F57X
  • Description: Abnormality detecting in a JOB execution part
  • Remedy: (1) Initialize HDD and perform an operation check. (FULL of U024) * ( 2) Carry out U021 Main backup initialization and perform an operation check. (3) Exchange a Main board and perform an operation check. (4) Exchange HDD and perform an operation check. * (5) Get USBLOG and contact service headquarters. * Only HDD standard model
  • Code: F58X, F59X, F5AX
  • Description: Abnormality detecting in the various-services Management Department
  • Remedy: (1) Initialize HDD and perform an operation check. (FULL of U024) * ( 2) Carry out U021 Main backup initialization and perform an operation check. (3) Exchange a Main board and perform an operation check. (4) Exchange HDD and perform an operation check. * (5) Get USBLOG and contact service headquarters. * Only HDD standard model
  • Code: F5BX, F5CX
  • Description: Abnormality detecting in the various-services Management Department
  • Remedy: (1) Initialize HDD and perform an operation check. (FULL of U024) * ( 2) Carry out U021 Main backup initialization and perform an operation check. (3) Exchange a Main board and perform an operation check. (4) Exchange HDD and perform an operation check. * (5) Get USBLOG and contact service headquarters. * Only HDD standard model
  • Code: F5DX, F5EX
  • Description: Abnormality detecting in the various-services Management Department
  • Remedy: (1) Initialize HDD and perform an operation check. (FULL of U024) * ( 2) Carry out U021 Main backup initialization and perform an operation check. (3) Exchange a Main board and perform an operation check. (4) Exchange HDD and perform an operation check. * (5) Get USBLOG and contact service headquarters. * Only HDD standard model
  • Code: F5FX
  • Description: Abnormality detecting in a service execution part
  • Remedy: (1) Initialize HDD and perform an operation check. (FULL of U024) * ( 2) Carry out U021 Main backup initialization and perform an operation check. (3) Exchange a Main board and perform an operation check. (4) Exchange HDD and perform an operation check. * (5) Get USBLOG and contact service headquarters. * Only HDD standard model
  • Code: F62X
  • Description: Abnormality detecting in a service execution part
  • Remedy: (1) Initialize HDD and perform an operation check. (FULL of U024) * ( 2) Carry out U021 Main backup initialization and perform an operation check. (3) Exchange a Main board and perform an operation check. (4) Exchange HDD and perform an operation check. * (5) Get USBLOG and contact service headquarters. * Only HDD standard model
  • Code: F63X
  • Description: Abnormality detecting in a device control section
  • Remedy: (1) Initialize HDD and perform an operation check. (FULL of U024) * ( 2) Carry out U021 Main backup initialization and perform an operation check. (3) Exchange a Main board and perform an operation check. (4) Exchange HDD and perform an operation check. * (5) Get USBLOG and contact service headquarters. * Only HDD standard model



Drum K EEPROM error

No response is issued from the device in

reading/writing for 5 ms or more and this

problem is repeated five times succes-


Mismatch of reading data from two loca-

tions occurs eight times successively.

Mismatch between writing data and

reading data occurs eight times succes-



Drum C EEPROM error

No response is issued from the device in

reading/writing for 5 ms or more and this

problem is repeated five times succes-


Mismatch of reading data from two loca-

tions occurs eight times successively.

Mismatch between writing data and

reading data occurs eight times succes-



Drum M EEPROM error

No response is issued from the device in

reading/writing for 5 ms or more and this

problem is repeated five times succes-


Mismatch of reading data from two loca-

tions occurs eight times successively.

Mismatch between writing data and

reading data occurs eight times succes-



Drum Y EEPROM error

No response is issued from the device in

reading/writing for 5 ms or more and this

problem is repeated five times succes-


Mismatch of reading data from two loca-

tions occurs eight times successively.

Mismatch between writing data and

reading data occurs eight times succes-



Developing unit K EEPROM error

No response is issued from the device in

reading/writing for 5 ms or more and this

problem is repeated five times succes-


Mismatch of reading data from two loca-

tions occurs eight times successively.

Mismatch between writing data and

reading data occurs eight times succes-




Check procedures/corrective measures

Poor contact in the

Check the connection of connector YC3 on

connector termi-

the main front PWB and the continuity


across the connector terminals. Repair or

replace if necessary.

Defective drum

Replace the drum unit K (see page 1-5-35).


Poor contact in the

Check the connection of connector YC5 on

connector termi-

the sub front PWB and the continuity across


the connector terminals. Repair or replace if


Defective drum

Replace the drum unit C (see page 1-5-35).


Poor contact in the

Check the connection of connector YC7 on

connector termi-

the sub front PWB and the continuity across


the connector terminals. Repair or replace if


Defective drum

Replace the drum unit M (see page 1-5-35).


Poor contact in the

Check the connection of connector YC3 on

connector termi-

the sub front PWB and the continuity across


the connector terminals. Repair or replace if


Defective drum

Replace the drum unit Y (see page 1-5-35).


Poor contact in the

Check the connection of connector YC4 on

connector termi-

the main front PWB and the continuity


across the connector terminals. Repair or

replace if necessary.

Defective develop-

Replace the developing unit K (see page 1-

ing PWB K.






  • 1 Самые распространенные коды ошибок принтеров Kyocera
  • 2 Код C7990
  • 3 Способ №2. Замена чипа
  • 4 Другие неисправности
  • 5 Способ №1. Сброс счетчика страниц / тонера
  • 6 Сброс ошибок у принтеров Kyocera своими руками
  • 7 Способы решения проблемы
    • 7.1 Сброс сообщения о неоригинальном тонере на Kyocera fs 1040
  • 8  
  • 9  
  • 10  
  • 11  
  • 12  
  • 13  
  • 14 Значения мигания индикаторов

Самые распространенные коды ошибок принтеров Kyocera

Слово «ошибка» на английском языке будет «ошибка», поэтому большинство кодов начинаются с заглавной E.

Итак, какие ошибки могут возникать в принтерах Kyocera FS 1020MFP японского производства:

1.E-0002. Указывает, что картридж с тонером не подходит для региональных спецификаций. Вам нужно использовать другой картридж.
2.E-0003. Эта ошибка указывает на то, что память сканера заполнена. Будут доступны только самые последние отсканированные изображения. Чтобы сбросить ошибку E-0003, необходимо очистить память сканера. Для этого нажмите Стоп / Сброс.

Стирание памяти

Стирание памяти

3.E-0007. Значит, для печати не хватает чернил. Исправить код 07 просто — нужно добавить тонер.
4. При открытой задней или передней крышке МФУ Kyocera не работает и выдает код ошибки E-0008.
5. После печати или копирования большого количества бумаги (сто листов), если лоток не опорожняется, отображается сообщение об ошибке принтера Kyocera E-0009. Вам нужно удалить листы и нажать кнопку Старт, чтобы продолжить работу.
6. Иногда выдается код E-0012, что означает, что задача не может быть выполнена из-за нехватки оперативной памяти. Для решения этой проблемы необходимо изменить разрешение печати с 1200 на 600. Порядок действий описан в инструкции.
7. Когда появится код E-0014, загрузите бумагу нужного формата во входной лоток. Размер листов определяется драйвером принтера.
8. Если вы забыли подключить сетевой или USB-кабель, принтер отобразит код ошибки E-0015. Нужно нажать Stop / Reset, подключить кабель и снова нажать эту кнопку.

Замена картриджа с тонером

Замена картриджа с тонером

В японских принтерах Kyocera FS 1020MFP могут возникать ошибки, как описанные в предыдущем разделе, так и конкретные ошибки. Все коды можно найти в инструкции по эксплуатации.

Код C7990

Этот номер ошибки на моделях FS 1020MFP указывает на сигнал о переполнении тонера.

Ошибка C7990

Ошибка C7990

Причин возникновения ошибки C7990 может быть три:

• неисправна плата PWB;
• неисправен датчик количества краски;
• бункер действительно полон — рекомендуется заменить барабан.



В первых двух случаях необходимо обратиться в сервисный центр.

В третьем случае появления кода C7990, если ресурс барабана еще не исчерпан, можно очистить бункер для краски. Делают они это так:

1. Откройте переднюю крышку и выньте блок проявки.
2. Подойдите к барабану.
3. Осторожно откройте крышку бункера и удалите краску.
4. Соберите прибор в обратном порядке.

Как видите, ошибку принтера Kyocera C7990 легко устранить самостоятельно, а обращаться к специалистам нужно только тогда, когда карты действительно плохие.

Основные ошибки принтеров Kyocera

Способ №2. Замена чипа

Альтернативный вариант сброса счетчика вручную — замена микросхемы. Вы можете заправлять картридж принтера KyoceraFS-1040 сколько угодно, но благодаря установке нового защитного чипа устройство не распознает замену расходного материала.

Ошибочно многие пользователи считают неисправностью, когда на корпусе принтера Kuoser 1040 горит красная кнопка с сообщением «Внимание» и принтер не печатает присланные ему документы. В этом материале мы рассмотрим, в каких случаях это происходит, что делать, как быстро все отремонтировать в домашних условиях, не обращаясь в сервисный центр. Инструкции применимы ко многим моделям Kyocera. Например, fs1040 взят из-за его популярности.

Другие неисправности

Также возможно появление таких кодов:

• C-F040. Вам нужно выключить и снова включить устройство, нажав кнопку питания.
• J-0511. Код указывает на то, что бумага застряла под задней крышкой. Инструкции описывают, как удалить бумагу в соответствующем разделе.
• ПФ. Принтер предложит вам добавить бумагу во входной лоток.

Основные ошибки принтеров Kyocera

Как видите, принтеры японской компании Kyocera выходят из строя редко. Чаще всего ошибки возникают из-за неправильных или неосторожных действий. Вы можете исправить их самостоятельно, но если не уверены в своих силах, лучше проконсультироваться со специалистом.

Способ №1. Сброс счетчика страниц / тонера

Чтобы запустить принтер KyoceraFS-1040, просто сбросьте счетчик страниц / тонера, удерживая нажатыми кнопки «Отмена» и «GO».

Единственная проблема заключается в том, что удаление предупреждения принтера об использовании неоригинального картриджа может привести к аннулированию гарантии. Так как устройство записывает абсолютно все ошибки в «Журнал событий».

Сброс ошибок у принтеров Kyocera своими руками

Сбрасывая ошибки в принтерах Kyocera, необходимо понимать ряд мер, которые опытный пользователь может потенциально предпринять для восстановления и запуска печатающих устройств без обращения в сервисный центр.

Ошибка №

Это вызывает



В принтер установлен совместимый картридж или повреждена микросхема расходных материалов. Проблему можно решить несколькими способами:

1 установите оригинальный картридж;

2 замена поврежденного чипа;

3 прошивки принтера — так что любой картридж можно устанавливать в принтер неограниченное количество раз;

4 сброс ошибки — держать нажатыми несколько секунд кнопки «Режим» и «Сброс».


Регион используемого картриджа не соответствует техническим характеристикам принтера. Проблему можно решить несколькими способами:

1. Установите картридж, соответствующий региону принтера;

3 прошивки принтера.


Память печатающего устройства заполнена. Распечатайте уже отсканированные документы или сбросьте операцию с помощью соответствующей кнопки.


В картридже закончился тонер. Замените картридж на новый, оригинальный, совместимый или заправьте расходный материал.


Одна из крышек принтера не закрыта. Закройте переднюю и заднюю крышки принтера до щелчка.


Лоток для печати заполнен. Удалите отпечатанную бумагу и возобновите печать, нажав кнопку «Пуск».


Память принтера заполнена. Измените разрешение печати до 600 dpi.


Установлен формат бумаги, не поддерживаемый принтером. Замените бумагу листами совместимого размера.

Иногда функциональность принтера может быть ограничена на программном уровне.

Для расширения диапазона форматов рекомендуется обновить программное обеспечение печатающего устройства.


1. В принтере нет питания.

2. Сетевой кабель не подключен.

3. На ПК нет драйверов. Проверьте целостность сетевого кабеля.

При необходимости установите драйвер.


Выбранный файл отсутствует в очереди печати. Сбросьте операцию, нажав кнопку «Сброс». Затем выберите новый файл и продолжите печать.


Формат печати не поддерживается принтером. Сбросьте операцию, нажав кнопку «Сброс».


Бумага замята. Осторожно удалите оставшуюся бумагу из корпуса принтера.


Во входном лотке нет бумаги. Загрузите бумагу во входной лоток и возобновите печать, нажав кнопку «Пуск».

Способы решения проблемы

Сброс сообщения о неоригинальном тонере на Kyocera fs 1040

Если вышеперечисленные варианты не сработали, то, скорее всего, проблема в самом картридже. Дело в том, что он оснащен датчиком уровня тонера и чипом, отслеживающим количество отпечатанных листов. Когда расходный материал заканчивается или, согласно чипу, он должен закончиться, печать блокируется до тех пор, пока он не будет заменен новым картриджем. Именно это и произошло в нашей ситуации.

Есть три варианта решения проблемы:

  1. Купите новый картридж и продолжайте его печатать. Это недешево.
  2. После каждой пополнения порошка следует заменять чип, который начнет отсчет количества распечатанных документов с нуля.
  3. Сбросить счетчик на микросхеме. Сделать это несложно, но делать это нужно каждый раз при включении устройства.

Инструкции по сбросу:

  • Включите устройство.
  • Подождите, пока двигатель остановится и красный свет не начнет мигать.
  • Одновременно нажмите кнопки «Пуск» и «Отмена» на 5-7 секунд».
  • Нажмите и удерживайте, пока красный и зеленый не начнут мигать по очереди.
  • Ждем завершения процесса.
  • Пытаюсь распечатать.







Значения мигания индикаторов

  • Ничего не горит и уведомлений нет, значит, устройство полностью готово к работе.
  • Медленное мигание кнопки означает, что в лотке нет бумаги или в картридже низкий уровень пыли.
  • Индикатор мигает быстрее: внутри устройства застрял лист бумаги, лоток окончательной обработки заполнен, и распечатки невозможно вставить, вся память принтера заполнена и используются неоригинальные расходные материалы.
  • Индикатор горит и не гаснет. Проверьте, закрыты ли крышки. Тонер для печати, возможно, уже закончился.

Если у вас возникли трудности с определением причин появления сообщения «Внимание», вы можете воспользоваться специальным программным обеспечением от инженеров компании — «Kyocera Client Tool». Эта утилита поможет вам более точно диагностировать проблему. Вы можете найти его на сайте компании или на диске с драйверами принтера.




The most common error codes.

C7002 Description: Toner motor C error
F010 Description: System Error
C2760 Description: Primary transfer motor startup error
F3AX … F45X Description: System Error
C7412 Description: Drum unit C type mismatch error
C7002 Description: Toner motor C error
F010 Description: System Error
C2760 Description: Primary transfer motor startup error
F3AX … F45X Description: System Error
C7412 Description: Drum unit C type mismatch error

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