Kyocera ошибка c2500

  1. 05-11-2009


    Kyocera km-4035 system error C2500

    please told me about error code C2500 and method to repair
    C2500 mean feed motor ?
    what way to clear?
    Thank a lot

  2. 05-12-2009


    vikingmita is offline

    Senior Tech

    100+ Posts

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    check switches (called interlock?) on ‘main’ side door. (yeah, terrible explaination, i know) the bracket might be bent. also had a bad/broken wire from engine/main board to that switch once on one machine.

  3. 05-12-2009


    faisal jilani is offline

    saad jilani

    Rep Power

    Thumbs up

    Paper feed motor error

    Stable OFF is detected for 1 s continuously
    after paper feed motor stability.
    Poor contact in the
    connector terminals.
    Check the connection of connector YC11 on
    the engine PWB and the connector on the
    paper feed motor, and the continuity across
    the connector terminals. Repair or replace if
    Defective drive
    transmission system.
    Check if the rollers and gears rotate
    smoothly. If not, grease the bushings and
    gears. Check for broken gears and replace if
    Defective engine
    Replace the engine PWB and check for correct
    Defective paper
    feed motor.

    Replace the paper feed motor

  4. 05-12-2009


    aragul is offline

    Senior Tech

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    Tech Bulletin 5 talks about this. That same C2500 can mean feed motor problem or something’s wrong with cover switches, like the other posters mentioned.

    Vikingmita mentioned the big left cover (switches can be accessed behind the back cover), but I’ve also seen a copier do this from a bad front cover switch (next to the toner). Simulation U038 can show you if the cover switches work, but it only tests the small plastic switches and not the metal ones that cut power.

  5. 05-15-2009


    thank you for your answers



Cleaning motor MCY error

After the motor drive ON signal is output

and 1 s elapses, the rated speed reach

signal is not input continuously for 2 s.


Eject motor error

After the motor drive ON signal is output

and 1 s elapses, the rated speed reach

signal is not input continuously for 2 s.


MP motor error

After the motor drive ON signal is output

and 1 s elapses, the rated speed reach

signal is not input continuously for 2 s.



Check procedures/corrective measures

Poor contact in the

Check the connection of connector YC16 on

connector termi-

the engine PWB and the connector of the


cleaning motor MCY, and the continuity

across the connector terminals. Repair or

replace if necessary.

Defective drive

Check if the rollers and gears rotate

transmission sys-

smoothly. If not, grease the bushings and


gears. Check for broken gears and replace if


Defective cleaning

Run maintenance item U030 and check if

motor K.

the cleaning motor MCY operates when

YC16-A13 (remote signal) on the engine

PWB goes low. If not, replace the cleaning

motor MCY.

Defective engine

Run maintenance item U030 and check if


YC16-A13 (remote signal) on the engine

PWB goes low. If not, replace the engine


Poor contact in the

Check the connection of connector YC25 on

connector termi-

the engine PWB and the connector on the


eject motor, and the continuity across the

connector terminals. Repair or replace if


Defective drive

Check if the rollers and gears rotate

transmission sys-

smoothly. If not, grease the bushings and


gears. Check for broken gears and replace if


Defective eject

Run maintenance item U030 and check if


the eject motor operates when YC25-A5

(remote signal) on the engine PWB goes

low. If not, replace the eject motor.

Defective engine

Run maintenance item U030 and check if


YC25-A5 (remote signal) on the engine

PWB goes low. If not, replace the engine


Poor contact in the

Check the connection of connector YC24 on

connector termi-

the engine PWB and the connector on the


MP motor, and the continuity across the con-

nector terminals. Repair or replace if neces-


Defective drive

Check if the rollers and gears rotate

transmission sys-

smoothly. If not, grease the bushings and


gears. Check for broken gears and replace if


Defective MP

Run maintenance item U030 and check if


the MP motor operates when YC24-2

(remote signal) on the engine PWB goes

low. If not, replace the MP motor.

Defective engine

Run maintenance item U030 and check if


YC24-3 (remote signal) on the engine PWB

goes low. If not, replace the engine PWB.




  1. 05-11-2009


    Kyocera km-4035 system error C2500

    please told me about error code C2500 and method to repair
    C2500 mean feed motor ?
    what way to clear?
    Thank a lot

  2. 05-12-2009


    vikingmita is offline

    Senior Tech

    100+ Posts

    Rep Power

    check switches (called interlock?) on ‘main’ side door. (yeah, terrible explaination, i know) the bracket might be bent. also had a bad/broken wire from engine/main board to that switch once on one machine.

  3. 05-12-2009


    faisal jilani is offline

    saad jilani

    Rep Power

    Thumbs up

    Paper feed motor error

    Stable OFF is detected for 1 s continuously
    after paper feed motor stability.
    Poor contact in the
    connector terminals.
    Check the connection of connector YC11 on
    the engine PWB and the connector on the
    paper feed motor, and the continuity across
    the connector terminals. Repair or replace if
    Defective drive
    transmission system.
    Check if the rollers and gears rotate
    smoothly. If not, grease the bushings and
    gears. Check for broken gears and replace if
    Defective engine
    Replace the engine PWB and check for correct
    Defective paper
    feed motor.

    Replace the paper feed motor

  4. 05-12-2009


    aragul is offline

    Senior Tech

    100+ Posts

    Rep Power

    Tech Bulletin 5 talks about this. That same C2500 can mean feed motor problem or something’s wrong with cover switches, like the other posters mentioned.

    Vikingmita mentioned the big left cover (switches can be accessed behind the back cover), but I’ve also seen a copier do this from a bad front cover switch (next to the toner). Simulation U038 can show you if the cover switches work, but it only tests the small plastic switches and not the metal ones that cut power.

  5. 05-15-2009


    thank you for your answers

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  • 2. Откройте программу и нажмите «Сканировать»
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  • Загрузите это программное обеспечение и почините свой компьютер за считанные минуты. г.

    Вот несколько новых простых методов, которые облегчат вам решение проблемы с ошибкой Kyocera c2500.Ошибка 400 Bad Request указывает на то, что веб-машина (удаленный компьютер) не может (или отказывается) обработать запрос, отправленный конкретным любезно предоставленным клиентом (веб-браузером). проблема владельца. Приложение по-прежнему может случайно (или намеренно) отправить поддельную информацию о маршрутизации приложения.

    <р>Может быть очень много причин, по которым вам нужно открыть Диспетчер устройств Windows, напротив, обычно это нужно для решения множества проблем с вашим личным оборудованием.

    Ошибка 100 Bad Request возникает недавно, сервер может понять, что ситуация была запрошена. Это называется ошибкой 400, потому что это может быть код состояния HTTP, который веб-сервер обычно использует для описания многих типов ошибок. Ошибка 400 Bad Request может начаться, потому что это, безусловно, какая-то простая ошибка в предложениях.

    Независимо от того, хотите ли вы заменить драйверы устройств, оптимизировать системные ресурсы, узнать коды ошибок диспетчера устройств или даже в основном проверить состояние лайтбокса — вам может понадобиться открыть менеджер вперед вы можете сделать это. заботиться с ним.

    правило ошибки kyocera c2500

    Диспетчер устройств не отображает варды рядом с вашими обычными программами, не говоря уже о том, что вам может быть трудно найти его, если большинство людей действительно не знают, где его найти. Метод Панель управления — это почти самый простой способ получить множество параметров, но ниже мы рассмотрим все, что связано с вашими параметрами.

    <р>Выполните простые расчеты по автокредиту ниже, чтобы открыть диспетчер устройств в Windows:

    Как открыть диспетчер устройств из панели управления

    Проверьте свой текущий отправленный URL.Очистите кеш вашего мобильного телефона.Удалить куки браузера.Загрузить файл prevОграничение выхода из Интернета на компьютере превышено.Очистите кеш DNS.Отключите расширения браузера.


  • <р>Откройте панель управления. Найдите его в Windows 88 с помощью функций поиска по типу панели задач.

    В некоторых версиях Windows 10 и 8, при условии, что вы используете абсолютную клавиатуру или мышь, самым быстрым способом может быть через расширенное меню навигации — просто нажмите кнопку Ключ WIN (Windows) и X жизненно необходимы на моем рынке. вместе.


    Кроме того, в некоторых вариантах Windows 10 вы можете открыть Диспетчер устройств непосредственно из главного меню «Пуск» в виде отдельного подменю Панели управления.

  • <р>Согласно вашей лучшей версии Windows, панель управления обычно всегда была полностью доступна на экране «Пуск» или «Приложения».

  • Что лучше вы можете сделать, зависит от их операционной системы Windows, которую вы уже используете:


  • В Windows 11, 10 9 и номинации «Оборудование и звук». В то же время вы можете получить доступ к Диспетчеру устройств непосредственно из меню опытного пользователя, а не из панели управления.
  • В Windows 7 разберитесь с системой и безопасностью.
  • В Windows Vista: rrn . Идентификация и обслуживание системы». Windows
  • В XP выберите “Производительность и обслуживание”.
  • <дел>

    Если вы не видите причину в этих настройках, ваша панель управления, вероятно, может быть «Значки», «Большие маленькие значки» или, возможно, «Классический английский вид» в зависимости от вашей транскрипции Windows. При необходимости выполните поиск и выберите «Диспетчер устройств». из любой большой коллекции пользовательских значков и просто перейдите к шагу 1 ниже.

  • <р>В такой панели управления найдите фильтры и нажмите «Диспетчер устройств»:

    <р>В Windows 11, 10 и, как следствие, 8 проверьте заголовок «Устройства и принтеры». В Windows 7 загляните внутрь System. В Windows Vista вы найдете Диспетчер устройств в корне панели.

    <р>В Windows XP у покупателей есть ряд дополнительных рекомендаций, поскольку Диспетчер устройств не должен быть легко доступен в вашей рабочей версии, включая Windows. В открывшемся окне панели управления выберите «Система», перейдите на вкладку «Оборудование» и нажмите большую часть кнопки «Диспетчер устройств».

    <подпись к рисунку><использовать xlink:href=»#icon-camera» xmlns:xlink=»»>Системные дома в Windows XP.

  • <р>Открыв Диспетчер устройств, вы теперь можете просматривать состояние индикаторов, обновлять драйверы устройств, включать устройства — отключать устройства. / реальный > или, скорее всего, запустить какую-то другую страницу управления оборудованием, которую вы придумали.
  • Другие способы открыть Диспетчер устройств

    <р>После того, как вы познакомились с Командной строкой Windows, включая Командную строку, очень важно возобновить работу Диспетчера устройств в любой версии, поступающей из всех Командных:


    Проверьте отправленный URL.Очистите кэш браузера.Удалить куки браузера.Отправка файла превышает лимит сервера.Очистите кеш DNS.Отключите расширения браузера.

    Метод командной строки всегда очень удобен, когда вам нужен доступ к диспетчеру устройств, но ваша хорошая хорошая мышь не работает или на нашей рабочей станции есть проблема, которая мешает вам использовать ее в обычном режиме.

    <р>Хотя вам, вероятно, никогда не понадобится иметь под рукой Диспетчер устройств таким образом, он слишком доступен для всех версий Windows через Управление компьютером, что представляет собой часть пакета, в который входят встроенные утилиты, называемые Инструменты администрирования. .

    <р>Диспетчер устройств имеет немного другой дизайн, чтобы иметь возможность управления компьютером. Просто выберите один из полей слева и, в вашем случае, используйте его как подходящую встроенную линзу утилиты.

    <р>Другой способ очистить Диспетчер устройств, по крайней мере, через Windows 7, — это GodMode. Это специальный музыкальный файл, дающий доступ к огромному количеству настроек и команд, которые человек обнаружит при запуске системы. Если вы уже знаете, как использовать GodMode, вам может быть удобнее открыть Диспетчер устройств.

    Инструкции в этой статье относятся к Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows примерно 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista и, следовательно, Windows XP.

    Ошибка Bad Request — Request Too Long относится только к возможности просмотра. Типичным решением может быть очистка кеша и угощений в вашем браузере.

    Необходимое время. Диспетчер устройств, скорее всего, откроется всего за минуту, независимо от того, какую версию Windows вы используете. См. Другие способы открыть Диспетчер устройств в нижней части всемирной паутины, чтобы узнать о ряде других, более быстрых методов почти для всех вариантов Windows.

    В версиях Windows 10 вы также можете получить доступ к Диспетчеру устройств непосредственно из плана запуска, а не через подменю в Панели управления.

    Если вы не видите эти параметры в переводе Windows, возможно, панель управления настроена так, чтобы отображались большие значки, маленькие значки или классический вид. Если это судебное разбирательство, найдите и выберите Диспетчер устройств из-за больших установленных значков, с которыми вы столкнетесь, а затем просто перейдите к шагу 4 ниже.


  • kyocera error passcode c2500

    Как заставить патчер Disdevice запускаться от имени администратора?


    Самый простой способ запустить, учитывая этого администратора, — это создать исключительный ярлык на рабочем столе, щелкнув правой кнопкой мыши любое доступное место на рабочем столе и даже выбрав «Создать» > «Ярлык». Затем просмотрите devmgmt.msc и выберите «Далее» > «Ярлык сборки» > «Готово». Теперь щелкните правой кнопкой мыши волшебную формулу и выберите «Запуск от имени администратора».

    Рекомендуется: ASR Pro

    Вы устали от медленной работы компьютера? Он пронизан вирусами и вредоносными программами? Не бойся, друг мой, ASR Pro здесь, чтобы спасти положение! Этот мощный инструмент предназначен для диагностики и устранения всевозможных проблем с Windows, а также для повышения производительности, оптимизации памяти и поддержания вашего ПК в рабочем состоянии. Так что не ждите больше — скачайте ASR Pro сегодня!

  • 1. Скачайте и установите ASR Pro
  • 2. Откройте программу и нажмите «Сканировать»
  • 3. Нажмите «Восстановить», чтобы начать процесс восстановления.
    • Code: C0030
    • Description: FAX PWB system error
    • Causes: The FAX processing cannot be continued due to the FAX firmware error.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the FAX PWB The FAX PWB does not operate properly. Turn off the power switch and the main power switch. After 5s passes, reinstall the FAX PWB, and then turn on the main power switch and the power switch. FAX Installation Guide 2 Firmware upgrade The firmware is faulty. Reinstall the FAX firmware. Firmware Upgrade 3 Replacing the FAX PWB The FAX PWB is faulty. Replace the FAX PWB. FAX Installation Guide
    • Code: C0070
    • Description: FAX PWB incompatible detection error
    • Causes: Abnormal detection of FAX control PWB incompatibility in the initial communication with the FAX control PWB, any normal communication command is not transmitted.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the FAX PWB The incompatible FAX PWB is installed. Install the FAX PWB for the applicable model. Related Product List 2 Checking the firmware The FAX firmware is faulty. Reinstall the FAX firmware. Firmware Upgrade 3 Replacing the main PWB The main PWB is faulty. Replace the main PWB. Main PWB Replacement
    • Code: C0080
    • Description: Optional Printing System device error Object: Printing System 15 (for 120V, 230V and 240V)
    • Causes: The FPGA version of the interface PWB to control Fiery cannot be read. (FPGA failure)
    • Remedy: 1 Resetting the main power The EEPROM does not operate properly. Turn the power switch and the main power switch off . After 5s passes, turn the main power switch and the power switch on. 2 Checking the interface PWB The interface PWB for other models is installed. Replace with the interface PWB for the applicable models. Printing System Installation Guide 3 Firmware upgrade The main firmware version does not support the interface PWB. Upgrade the main firmware to the latest version. Firmware Upgrade 4 Checking the interface PWB The interface PWB is not properly connected, or it is faulty. Reconnect the connectors on the interface PWB. Then, fix or replace the wires if they are pinched by the other part or if they have any damage. When the issue is not resolved, replace the interface PWB. Printing System Installation Guide 5 Checking the main PWB The main PWB is not properly connected, or it is faulty. Reconnect the wire connectors between the main PWB and the interface PWB. Then, fix or replace the wires if they are pinched by the other part or if they have any damage. When the issue is not resolved, replace the main PWB. Main PWB Replacement
    • Code: C0100
    • Description: Backup memory device error
    • Causes: An abnormal status is output from the flash memory.
    • Remedy: 1 Resetting the main power The flash memory does not operate properly. Turn the power switch and the main power switch off . After 5s passes, turn the main power switch and the power switch on. 2 Checking the main PWB The main PWB is faulty. Reconnect the connectors on the main PWB. Then, fix or replace the wires if they are pinched by the other part or if they have any damage. When the issue is not resolved, replace the main PWB. Main PWB Replacement
    • Code: C0120
    • Description: MAC address data error
    • Causes: The MAC address data is incorrect.
    • Remedy: 1 Resetting the main power The flash memory does not operate properly. Turn the power switch and the main power switch off . After 5s passes, turn the main power switch and the power switch on. 2 Checking the MAC address The MAC address is incorrect. Replace the main PWB when the MAC address is not indicated on the network status page. Main PWB Replacement
    • Code: C0130
    • Description: Backup memory reading/writing error
    • Causes: The reading or writing into the flash memory is unavailable.
    • Remedy: 1 Resetting the main power The flash memory does not operate properly. Turn the power switch and the main power switch off . After 5s passes, turn the main power switch and the power switch on. 2 Checking the main PWB The main PWB is faulty. Reconnect the connectors on the main PWB. Then, fix or replace the wires if they are pinched by the other part or if they have any damage. When the issue is not resolved, replace the main PWB. Main PWB Replacement
    • Code: C0150
    • Description: Engine EEPROM reading / writing error
    • Causes: 1. No response from the device is detected for 5s or more 5 times continuously when reading / writing the data.2. The reading data of 2 points mismatches 8 times continuously.3. The reading data and the writing data mismatch 8 times continuously.
    • Remedy: 1 Resetting the main power The EEPROM on the engine PWB does not operate properly. Turn the power switch and the main power switch off . After 5s passes, turn the main power switch and the power switch on. 2 Checking the EEPROM on the engine PWB The EEPROM is not properly attached. Reattach the EEPROM on the engine PWB. EEPROM Replacement 3 Checking the EEPROM on the engine PWB The EEPROM is faulty. Replace the EEPROM on the engine PWB and execute U004. EEPROM Replacement 4 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement
    • Code: C0160
    • Description: EEPROM data error
    • Causes: The data read from the EEPROM is judged as abnormal.
    • Remedy: 1 Resetting the main power The EEPROM on the engine PWB does not operate properly. Turn the power switch and the main power switch off . After 5s passes, turn the main power switch and the power switch on. 2 Executing U021 The storage data in the EEPROM on the engine PWB is faulty. Execute U021. U021 Execution 3 Replacing the EEPROM The EEPROM is faulty. Replace the EEPROM on the engine PWB and execute U004. EEPROM Replacement
    • Code: C0170
    • Description: Charger count error
    • Causes: The values in one of the billing counters, life counter or the scanner counter mismatch between the main side and the engine side.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the machine serial No. of the main PWB The main unit for the different main unit is installed. Check the machine serial Nos of MAIN and ENGINE at U004, and install the correct main PWB if the MAIN No. differs. U004 Execution 2 Checking the machine serial No. in the EEPROM on the engine PWB The EEPROM for the different main unit is installed. Check the machine serial Nos of MAIN and ENGINE at U004, and install the correct EEPROM on the engine PWB if the ENGINE machine serial No. differs. U004 Execution 3 Checking the main PWB The main PWB is faulty. When the MAIN machine serial No. differs at U004, replace the main PWB and execute U004. U004 Execution 4 Checking the EEPROM on the engine PWB The EEPROM is faulty. When the machine serial the engine PWB differs at U004, reattach the EEPROM on the engine PWB. If not repaired, replace the EEPROM and execute U004. Note: Be sure not to execute U004 if the machine serial No. differs from the machine serial No. indicated on the main unit to prevent the different machine serial No. from overwritten. (Dontselect[ Execute]andpressthe[ Start]key.)’ U004 Execution 5 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement
    • Code: C0180
    • Description: Machine serial number mismatch
    • Causes: The machine serial Nos. in the main PWB and the EEPROM on the engine PWB mismatch when turning the power on.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the machine serial No. of the main PWB The main unit for the different main unit is installed. Check the machine serial Nos of MAIN and ENGINE at U004, and install the correct main PWB if the MAIN No. differs. U004 Execution 2 Checking the machine serial No. in the EEPROM on the engine PWB The EEPROM for the different main unit is installed. Check the machine serial Nos of MAIN and ENGINE at U004, and install the correct EEPROM on the engine PWB if the ENGINE machine serial No. differs. U004 Execution 3 Replacing the main PWB The main PWB is faulty. When the MAIN machine serial No. differs at U004, replace the main PWB and execute U004. U004 Execution 4 Checking the EEPROM on the engine PWB The EEPROM is faulty. When the machine serial the engine PWB differs at U004, reattach the EEPROM on the engine PWB. If not repaired, replace the EEPROM and execute U004. Note: Be sure not to execute U004 if the machine serial No. differs from the machine serial No. indicated on the main unit to prevent the different machine serial No. from overwritten. (Dontselect[ Execute]andpressthe[ Start]key.)’ U004 Execution 5 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement
    • Code: C0350
    • Description: Panel PWB communication error (Electronic volume I2C communication error)
    • Causes: Since NACK was received during the I2C communication, the retry was repeated 5 times and the initial command was transmitted, and then the retry was repeated 5 times again. After that, NACK was also received.
    • Remedy: 1 Resetting the main power The operation of the operation panel main PWB is faulty. Turn the power switch and the main power switch off . After 5s passes, turn the main power switch and the power switch on. 2 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected to the operation panel main PWB. Reinsert the following wire connectors.• Operation panel PWB — Main PWB• Operation panel PWB — NFC PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 3 Replacing the wire The wire connecting to the operation panel main PWB is faulty. Replace the following wires if they are broken, short-circuited or have a ground fault.• Operation main PWB — Main PWB• Operation main PWB — NFC PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 4 Replacing the operation panel main PWB The operation panel main PWB is faulty. Replace the panel main PWB. Operation Panel Main PWB Replacement 5 Replacing the main PWB The main PWB is faulty. Replace the main PWB. Main PWB Replacement 6 Replacing the NFC PWB The NFC PWB is faulty. Replace the NFC PWB.
    • Code: C0361
    • Description: Communication error between the engine CPU and the feed ASIC
    • Causes: The communication with the feed ASIC failed 10 times continuously.
    • Remedy: 1 Resetting the main power The engine PWB does not operate properly. Turn the power switch and the main power switch off . After 5s passes, turn the main power switch and the power switch on. 2 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 3 Checking the feed drive PWB The feed drive PWB is faulty. Reconnect the wire connectors between the feed drive PWB and the engine PWB. Then, fix or replace the wires if they are pinched by the other part or if they have any damage. When the issue is not resolved, replace the feed drive PWB. Electrical Diagram of PWBs 4 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement
    • Code: C0362
    • Description: Communication error between the engine CPU and the feed ASIC
    • Causes: The communication with the feed ASIC failed 10 times continuously.
    • Remedy: 1 Resetting the main power The engine PWB does not operate properly. Turn the power switch and the main power switch off . After 5s passes, turn the main power switch and the power switch on. 2 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 3 Checking the feed image PWB The feed image PWB is faulty. Reconnect the wire connectors between the feed image PWB and the engine PWB. If the wires are pinched or it have any damage, fix or replace them. Electrical Diagram of PWBs 4 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement
    • Code: C0640
    • Description: Hard Disk error
    • Causes: The HDD cannot be accessed properly.
    • Remedy: 1 (For the main unit without the HDD) Replacing the SSD When installing the 8GB HDD mistakenly, it tries to access the HDD. At that time, the error appears if the HDD is not installed in the main units . Replace with the correct 32GB SSD. SSD Replacement 2 (When abnormal sounds occur) Replacing the HDD The HDD is faulty. Replace the HDD when the abnormal sounds are from the HDD. HDD Replacement 3 Checking the SATA cable and the wire The SATA cable between the HDD and the main PWB is not properly connected. Reconnect the SATA cable and the wire between the HDD and the main PWB. HDD Replacement 4 Replacing the SATA cable and the wire The SATA cable between the HDD and the main PWB is faulty. Replace the SATA cable and the wire between the HDD and the main PWB. HDD Replacement 5 Initializing the HDD The HDD storage data is faulty. Execute U024 [FULL] (HDD Format). U024 Execution 6 Replacing the HDD The HDD is faulty. Replace the HDD. HDD Replacement 7 Replacing the main PWB The main PWB is faulty. Replace the main PWB. Main PWB Replacement
    • Code: C0660
    • Description: Hard Disk encryption key error
    • Causes: 1. The encryption password input when replacing the main PWB was incorrect.2. The SSD used in the other main unit was installed.
    • Remedy: 1 (When the issue occurs after replacing the main PWB) Executing U004 The encryption key after replacing the main PWB is faulty. Execute U004 when this issue occurs after replacing the main PWB. U004 Execution 2 Replacing the HDD (abnormal sounds) The HDD is faulty. Replace the HDD when the abnormal sounds are from the HDD. HDD Replacement 3 Checking the SATA cable and the wire The SATA cable between the HDD and the main PWB is not properly connected. Reconnect the SATA cable and the wire between the HDD and the main PWB. HDD Replacement 4 Replacing the SATA cable and the wire The SATA cable between the HDD and the main PWB is faulty. Replace the SATA cable and the wire between the HDD and the main PWB. HDD Replacement 5 Initializing the HDD The HDD storage data is faulty. Execute U024 [FULL] (HDD Format). U024 Execution 6 Replacing the HDD The HDD is faulty. Replace the HDD. HDD Replacement 7 Replacing the main PWB The main PWB is faulty. Replace the main PWB. Main PWB Replacement
    • Code: C0670
    • Description: Hard Disk overwriting error
    • Causes: The area that cannot be properly overwritten exists in a part of the HDD.
    • Remedy: 1 Replacing the HDD (abnormal sounds) The HDD is faulty. Replace the HDD when the abnormal sounds are from the HDD. HDD Replacement 2 Checking the SATA cable and the wire The SATA cable between the HDD and the main PWB is not properly connected. Reconnect the SATA cable and the wire between the HDD and the main PWB. HDD Replacement 3 Replacing the SATA cable and the wire The SATA cable between the HDD and the main PWB is faulty. Replace the SATA cable and the wire between the HDD and the main PWB. HDD Replacement 4 Initializing the HDD The HDD storage data is faulty. Execute U024 [FULL] (HDD Format). U024 Execution 5 Replacing the HDD The HDD is faulty. Replace the HDD. HDD Replacement 6 Replacing the main PWB The main PWB is faulty. Replace the main PWB. Main PWB Replacement
    • Code: C0680
    • Description: SSD error
    • Causes: The SSD cannot be accessed, or the error occurs when accessing to the SSD.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the SSD (if lit after replacing the SSD) An SSD out of specification is installed. Install the SSD matching the memory capacity specification. 2 Resetting the main power The SSD is faulty. Turn the power switch and the main power switch off . After 5s passes, turn the main power switch and the power switch on. 3 Reinstalling the SSD The connection with the main PWB is faulty. Reinstall the SSD on the main PWB. SSD Replacement 4 Initializing the SSD The data stored in the SSD is faulty. Retrieve the SSD storage data at U026, and then initialize the SSD at U024. U026 / U024 Execution 5 Replacing the SSD The SSD is faulty. Retrieve the SSD storage data at U026, and then replace the SSD. U026 Execution / SSD Replacement 6 Replacing the main PWB The main PWB is faulty. Replace the main PWB. Main PWB Replacement
    • Code: C0800
    • Description: Image processing error
    • Causes: The print sequence jam (J010x) was detected 2 times continuously.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the image data The image data is faulty. When this issue occurs only when handling the certain image data, check if the image data is faulty. 2 Checking the situation The printing operation of the certain file is faulty. Acquire the jobslogifthephenomenoncanbereproducedbyspecifyingthejobwhentheer rorwasdetected.’ Checking Job & Job Operation 3 Checking the main PWB The main PWB is faulty. Reconnect the connectors on the main PWB. Then, fix or replace the wires if they are pinched by the other part or if they have any damage. When the issue is not resolved, replace the main PWB. Main PWB Replacement
    • Code: C0840
    • Description: RTC error («Time for maintenance T» appears)
    • Causes: [Check at start-up]• RTC values are old.• Power has not been turned on for over 5 years.• RTC value is older than 2000/1/1 00:01.[Periodic check per 5 minutes after start-up]• RTC values are older than the ones at the last check.• Partial operation by power reset after C840 error and «Time for Maintenance T» is indicated.
    • Remedy: 1 Executing U906 The backup battery on the main PWB is faulty, and so, the RTC settings are erased after unplugging the power cord. Execute U906 to reset the indication «Maintenance T». After that, set the data (RTC) via the System Menu.(This treatment needs to be performed when unplugging and reconnecting the power cord.) Date/ Timer/ Energy Saver (System Menu) 2 Replacing the main PWB The main PWB is faulty, or the backup battery runs out. The user call regarding C0840 is frequent even if performing the previous treatment, replace the main PWB. Main PWB Replacement
    • Code: C0980
    • Description: 24V power interruption detection
    • Causes: 1. The 24V power interruption signal was detected for 1s continuously.2. After passing 100ms since the 24V power interruption signal was detected, the other service call error appeared. Then, the 24V power supply recovered.
    • Remedy: 1 Resetting the main power The printing process is not properly executed. Turn the power switch and the main power switch off . After 5s passes, turn the main power switch and the power switch on. 2 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected, or it has a ground fault. Reconnect the wire connectors between the LVU and the engine PWB. If the wire is pinched or has any damage, fix or replace the wire. Electrical Diagram of PWBs 3 Replacing the LVU The LVU is faulty. When the +24V generation from the LVU is not stable, and it lowers, replace the LVU. LVU Replacement 4 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement
    • Code: C1000
    • Description: MP lift motor error
    • Causes: 1. The MP position switch does not turn on within 1850ms when rotating the MP lift motor in the descend direction.2. The MP position switch does not turn off within 1600ms when rotating the MP lift motor in the ascend direction.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the MP bottom plate The MP bottom plate does not operate properly. If the MP bottom plate of the MP tray does not move vertically, fix or replace the lift base. 2 Checking the lift lever The lift lever is not properly attached. Check if the lift lever is vertically shifted by the lift motor cam, or if it has the excessive load. Then, reattach the MP tray. Then, replace the MP tray if it is not fixed. 3 Checking the drive gear The drive gear does not rotate properly. Check if the MP bottom plate lift-up drive gears rotate smoothly or have no excessive load. And apply the grease to the frictional parts and fix the related parts so that they can rotate smoothly. 4 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires when they have no continuity.• MP position switch — Relay connector — Feed drive PWB • Feed drive PWB — Engine PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 5 Replacing the MP lift motor The MP lift motor does not operate properly. Replace the MP lift motor. 6 Checking the MP positioning switch The MP positioning switch is not properly attached. Reattach the MP positioning switch. 7 Replacing the MP positioning switch The MP positioning switch is faulty. Replace the MP positioning switch. 8 Replacing the feed drive PWB The feed drive PWB is faulty. Replace the feed drive PWB. 9 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 10 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement
    • Code: C1010
    • Description: Lift motor 1 error
    • Causes: Either of the following was detected 5 times continuously.1. Lift upper limit sensor 1 does not turn on after passing 16s since cassette 1 was inserted.2. The lock-up signal is not released for 300ms after turning on of lift motor 1.3. Since lift upper limit sensor 1 turned off during printing, lift upper limit sensor 1 does not turn on after passing 1s from the ascend control
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the cassette base The cassette base does not operate properly. Repair or replace the cassette base if it cannot move vertically. 2 Checking the drive gear The drive gear to lift up the cassette base does not rotate properly. Check if the lift motor drive gears to lift up the cassette base rotate smoothly or have no excessive load. And apply the grease to the frictional parts and repair the related parts so that they can rotate smoothly. 3 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires if there is no continuity.• Lift motor 1 — Feed drive PWB• Feed drive PWB — Engine PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 4 Checking lift motor 1 Lift motor 1 is faulty. Check the operation of lift motor 1, and replace it if necessary. Lift Motor Replacement 5 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires if there is no continuity.• Lift upper limit sensor 1 — Feed drive PWB• Feed drive PWB — Engine PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 6 Checking lift sensor 1 Lift upper limit sensor 1 is not properly attached, or it is faulty. Reattach lift upper limit sensor 1. Replace it if it is not fixed. 7 Replacing the feed drive PWB The feed drive PWB is faulty. Replace the feed drive PWB. 8 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 9 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement
    • Code: C1020
    • Description: Lift motor 2 error
    • Causes: Either of the following was detected 5 times continuously.1. PF lift sensor 2 does not turn on after passing 16s since cassette 2 was inserted.2. The lock-up signal is not released for 300ms after turning on of lift motor 2.3. Since lift sensor 2 turned off during printing, lift sensor 2 does not turn on after passing 1s from the ascend control.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the cassette base The cassette base does not operate properly. Repair or replace the cassette base if it cannot move vertically. 2 Checking the drive gear The drive gear does not rotate properly. Check if the lift motor drive gears to lift up the cassette base rotate smoothly or have no excessive load. And apply the grease to the frictional parts and repair the related parts so that they can rotate smoothly. 3 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires when they have no continuity.• Lift motor 2 — Feed drive PWB• Feed drive PWB — Engine PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 4 Checking lift motor 2 Lift motor 2 is faulty. Check the operation of lift motor 2, and replace it if necessary. Lift Motor Replacement 5 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires when they have no continuity.• Lift upper limit sensor 2 — Feed drive PWB• Feed drive PWB — Engine PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 6 Checking lift sensor 2 Lift upper limit sensor 2 is not properly attached, or it is faulty. Reattach lift upper limit sensor 2. Then, replace it if it is not fixed. 7 Replacing the feed drive PWB The feed drive PWB is faulty. Replace the feed drive PWB. 8 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 9 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement
    • Code: C1030
    • Description: PF lift motor 1 error (Paper Feeder)
    • Causes: [PF-7100 (Paper Feeder)]1. PF lift upper limit sensor 1 does not turn on after passing 16s since cassette 3 was inserted.2. The lock-up signal is not released for 300ms after turning on of PF lift motor 1.3. Since PF lift sensor 1 turned off during printing, PF lift upper limit sensor 1 does not turn on after passing 1s from the ascend control.[PF-7110 (Paper Deck)]1. PF lift upper limit sensor 1 does not turn on after passing 24s since cassette 3 was inserted.2. PF lift upper limit sensor 1 does not turn on after passing 3s from the ascend control when starting printing.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the cassette base The cassette base does not operate properly. Repair or replace the cassette base if it cannot move vertically. 2 Checking the drive gear The drive gear does not rotate properly. Check if the drive gears to lift up the cassette base rotate smoothly or have no excessive load. And apply the grease to the frictional parts and repair the related parts so that they can rotate smoothly. 3 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wire when it has no continuity.• PF lift motor 1 — PF main PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 4 Checking PF lift motor 1 PF lift motor 1 is faulty. Replace PF lift motor 1. 5 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wire when it has no continuity.• PF lift sensor 1 — PF main PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 6 Checking PF lift sensor 1 PF lift upper limit sensor 1 is not properly attached, or it is faulty. Reattach PF lift upper limit sensor 1. Then, replace it if it is not fixed. 7 Replacing the PF main PWB The PF main PWB is faulty. Replace the PF main PWB. PF Main PWB Replacement
    • Code: C1040
    • Description: PF lift motor 2 error (Paper Feeder)
    • Causes: [PF-7100 (Paper Feeder)]1. PF lift upper limit sensor 2 does not turn on after passing 16s since cassette 4 is inserted.2. The lock-up signal is not released for 300ms after turning on of PF lift motor 2.3. Since PF lift sensor 2 turned off during printing, PF lift upper limit sensor 2 does not turn on after passing 1s from the ascend control.[PF-7110 (Paper Deck)]1. PF lift upper limit sensor 2 does not turn on after passing 24s since cassette 4 is inserted.2. PF lift upper limit sensor 2 does not turn on after passing 3s from the ascend control when starting printing.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the cassette base The cassette base does not operate properly. Repair or replace the cassette base if it cannot move vertically. 2 Checking the drive gear The drive gear to lift up the cassette base does not rotate properly. Check if the lift motor drive gears to lift up the cassette base rotate smoothly or have no excessive load. And apply the grease to the frictional parts and repair the related parts so that they can rotate smoothly. 3 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wire when it has no continuity.• PF lift motor 2 — PF main PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 4 Replacing PF lift motor 2 PF lift motor 2 is faulty. Replace PF lift motor 2. 5 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wire when it has no continuity.• PF lift upper limit sensor 2 — PF main PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 6 Checking PF lift sensor 2 PF lift upper limit sensor 2 is not properly attached, or it is faulty. Reattach PF lift upper limit sensor 2. Then, replace it if it is not fixed. 7 Replacing the PF main PWB The PF main PWB is faulty. Replace the PF main PWB. PF Main PWB Replacement
    • Code: C1140
    • Description: PF lift motor error (Side Feeder)
    • Causes: 1. The PF lift upper limit sensor does not turn on after passing 30s since cassette 5 was inserted.2. The lock signal is detected for 200ms continuously while the PF lift motor is operating.3. The PF lift upper limit sensor does not turn on for passing 2s from the ascending control during the printing.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the bottom plate The bottom plate does not operate properly. Repair or replace the bottom plate when it does not move vertically. ISU Replacement 2 Checking the drive gear The drive gear to lift up the bottom plate does not rotate properly. Check if the drive gears to lift up the bottom plate rotate smoothly or have no excessive load. And apply the grease to the frictional parts and fix the related parts so that they can rotate smoothly. ISU Replacement 3 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wire when it has no continuity.• PF lift motor — PF main PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 4 Checking the PF lift motor The PF lift motor is faulty. Replace the PF lift motor. 5 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wire when it has no continuity.• PF lift upper limit sensor — PF main PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 6 Checking the PF lift upper limit sensor The PF lift upper limit sensor is not properly attached, or it is faulty. Reattach the PF lift upper limit sensor. Then, replace it if it is not fixed. 7 Checking the PF main PWB The PF main PWB is faulty. Replace the PF main PWB. PF Main PWB Replacement
    • Code: C1800
    • Description: Paper Feeder communication error
    • Causes: The communication error was detected 10 times continuously.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the connection The cable is not properly connected to the main unit. Reconnect the cable into the main unit. 2 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wire when it has no continuity.• PF main PWB — Engine PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 3 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 4 Replacing the PF main PWB The PF main PWB is faulty. Replace the PF main PWB. PF Main PWB Replacement 5 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement
    • Code: C1820
    • Description: Paper Feeder communication error (Side Feeder)
    • Causes: The communication error was detected 10 times continuously.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the connection It is not properly connected to the main unit. Reconnect to the main unit. 2 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected. Reinsert the following wire connectors• PF main PWB — PF main PWB for the side feeder Electrical Diagram of PWBs 3 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 4 Checking the PF main PWB (Side Feeder) The PF main PWB (Side Feeder) is faulty. Replace the PF main PWB (Side Feeder). PF Main PWB Replacement (Side Feeder) 5 Replacing the PF main PWB The PF main PWB is faulty. Replace the PF main PWB. PF Main PWB Replacement 6 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement
    • Code: C1900
    • Description: Paper Feeder EEPROM error
    • Causes: The writing data and the reading data mismatch 3 times continuously when writing.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the connection It is not properly connected to the main unit. Reconnect the paper feeder into the main unit. Also, reconnect the wire connectors between the engine PWB and the PF main PWB. Electrical Diagram of PWBs 2 Checking the wire and the PF main PWB The wire or the PF main PWB is faulty. If the wires on the PF main PWB are pinched or have any damage, fix or replace the wires. When the issue is not resolved, replace the PF main PWB. PF Main PWB Replacement 3 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement
    • Code: C1920
    • Description: Paper Feeder EEPROM error (Side Feeder)
    • Causes: The writing data and the reading data mismatch 3 times continuously when writing.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the connection It is not properly connected to the main unit. Reconnect the side feeder into the main unit. Also, reconnect the wire connectors between the engine PWB and the PF main PWB for the side feeder. Electrical Diagram of PWBs 2 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected. If the wires on the PF main PWB for the side feeder are pinched or have any damage, fix or replace the wires. When the issue is not resolved, replace the PF main PWB for the side feeder. PF Main PWB Replacement (Side Feeder) 3 Checking the PF main PWB The PF main PWB is faulty. Replace the PF main PWB (Side Feeder). PF Main PWB Replacement (Side Feeder)
    • Code: C1950
    • Description: Primary transfer unit EEPROM error
    • Causes: 1. No response from the device is detected for 5s or more 5 times continuously when reading / writing the data.2. The reading data of 2 points mismatches 8 times continuously.3. The reading data and the writing data mismatch 8 times continuously.
    • Remedy: 1 Reinstalling the primary transfer unit The primary transfer unit is not properly installed. Reinstall the primary transfer unit. Primary Transfer Unit Replacement 2 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires when they have no continuity.• Primary transfer unit — Transfer PWB• Transfer PWB — Feed image PWB• Feed image PWB — Engine PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 3 Primary transfer unit replacement The primary transfer unit is faulty. Replace the primary transfer unit. Primary Transfer Unit Replacement 4 Replacing the feed image PWB The feed image PWB is faulty. Replace the feed image PWB. 5 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement
    • Code: C2102
    • Description: Developer motor Y/C error Object: 35ppm or faster color models
    • Causes: 1. The ready signal is at the L level after passing 2s since developer motor Y/C drive started.2. The ready signal is at the H level for 2s continuously after developer motor Y/C becomes stable.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the developer drive section The developer drive section is faulty. Replace the developer unit drive gear if it is faulty. Developer Unit Replacement 2 Checking the developer roller The developer roller is faulty. Check if the developer roller rotates, and replace the developer unit if not rotating. Developer Unit Replacement 3 Checking developer motor Y/C The developer motor Y/C drive is faulty. Execute U030 [DLP(CMY)] to check the developer motor Y/ C operation.Check if the drive gears rotate smoothly or have no excessive load. And apply the grease to the frictional parts and fix the related parts so that they can rotate smoothly. U030 Execution 4 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires when they have no continuity.• Developer motors Y/ C — Feed image PWB• Feed image PWB — Engine PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 5 Checking developer motor Y/C Developer motor Y/C is faulty. Reattach developer motor Y/ C. Then, replace it if it is not fixed. Main Drive Unit Replacement 6 Replacing the feed image PWB The feed image PWB is faulty. Replace the feed image PWB. 7 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 8 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement
    • Code: C2103
    • Description: Developer motor COL/M error Object: Color models (Developer motor COL: 32/25ppm models, Developer motor M: 35ppm or faster models)
    • Causes: 1. The ready signal is not at the L level for passing 2s since developer motor COL/M drive was started.2. The ready signal is at the H level for 2s continuously after developer motor COL/M was stable.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the developer drive section The developer drive section is faulty. Replace the developer unit drive gear if it is faulty. Developer Unit Replacement 2 Checking the developer roller The developer roller is faulty. Check if the developer roller rotates, and replace the developer unit if not rotating. Developer Unit Replacement 3 Checking developer motor Y/C Developer motor COL/M does not properly operate. Execute U030 [DLP(CMY)] to check the developer motor COL/M operation.Check if the drive gears rotate smoothly or have no excessive load. And apply the grease to the frictional parts and fix the related parts so that they can rotate smoothly. U030 Execution 4 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires when they have no continuity.• Developer motors COL / M — Feed image PWB• Feed image PWB — Engine PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 5 Checking developer motor Y/C Developer motor COL/M is faulty. Reattach the developer motors COL / M. Then, replace it if it is not fixed. Main Drive Unit Replacement 6 Replacing the feed image PWB The feed image PWB is faulty. Replace the feed image PWB. 7 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 8 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement
    • Code: C2201
    • Description: Drum motor BK steady-state error
    • Causes: The ready signal is at the H level for 2s continuously after drum motor BK becomes stable
    • Remedy: 1 Checking drum motor BK The drive of drum motor BK is faulty. Execute U030 [Drum K] to check the drum motor BK operation.Check if the drive gears rotate smoothly or have no excessive load. And apply the grease to the frictional parts and fix the related parts so that they can rotate smoothly. U030 Execution 2 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires when they have no continuity.• Drum motor BK — Feed image PWB• Feed image PWB — Engine PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 3 Checking drum unit BK The drum unit is faulty. Check if the drum or the drum screw is rotated manually, and replace the drum unit if not rotated. Drum Unit Replacement 4 Checking drum motor BK Drum motor BK is faulty. Replace drum motor BK. Main Drive Unit Replacement 5 Replacing the feed image PWB The feed image PWB is faulty. Replace the feed image PWB. 6 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 7 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement
    • Code: C2203
    • Description: Drum motor COL steady-state error Object: Color models
    • Causes: The ready signal is at the H level for 2s continuously after drum motor COL becomes stable.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking drum motor COL The drive of drum motor COL is faulty. Execute U030 [Drum COL] to check the drum motor COL operation.Check if the drive gears rotate smoothly or have no excessive load. And apply the grease to the frictional parts and fix the related parts so that they can rotate smoothly. U030 Execution 2 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires when they have no continuity.• Drum motor COL — Feed image PWB• Feed image PWB — Engine PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 3 Replacing drum motor COL Drum motor COL is faulty. Replace drum motor COL. Main Drive Unit Replacement 4 Checking the drum unit and the developer unit The drum unit is faulty. Check if the drum or the drum screw is rotated manually, and replace the drum unit if not rotated. Drum Unit Replacement 5 Replacing the feed image PWB The feed image PWB is faulty. Replace the feed image PWB. 6 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 7 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement
    • Code: C2300
    • Description: Fuser motor error
    • Causes: The ready signal is at the H level for 1.5s continuously during the fuser motor drive.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the fuser motor The fuser motor operation is faulty. Execute U030 [Fuser] to check the fuser motor operation. Check if the drive gears rotate smoothly or have no excessive load. And apply the grease to the frictional parts and fix the related parts so that they can rotate smoothly. U030 Execution 2 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires when they have no continuity.• Fuser motor — Feed drive PWB• Feed drive PWB — Engine PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 3 Replacing the fuser unit The fuser unit is faulty. Replace the fuser unit. Fuser Unit Replacement 4 Replacing the fuser drive unit The fuser drive unit is faulty. Replace the fuser drive unit. Fuser Drive Unit Replacement 5 Replacing the fuser motor The fuser motor is faulty. Replace the fuser motor. Fuser Drive Unit Replacement 6 Replacing the feed drive PWB The feed drive PWB is faulty. Replace the feed drive PWB. 7 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 8 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement
    • Code: C2500
    • Description: Paper feed motor error
    • Causes: The ready signal is not at the L level after passing 2s since the paper feed motor drive was started.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the paper feed motor The operation of the paper feed motor is faulty. Execute [Feed] at U030 to check the paper feed motor operation.Check if paper feed roller and the drive gears rotate smoothly or have no excessive load. And apply the grease to the frictional parts and fix the related parts so that they can rotate smoothly. U030 Execution 2 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires when they have no continuity.• Feed motor — Feed drive PWB• Feed drive PWB — Engine PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 3 Replacing the paper feed motor The paper feed motor is faulty. Replace the paper feed motor. 4 Replacing the paper feed drive unit The paper feed drive unit is faulty. Replace the paper feed drive unit. Feed Drive Unit Replacement 5 Replacing the feed drive PWB The feed drive PWB is faulty. Replace the feed drive PWB. 6 Firmware upgrade The firmware is faulty. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 7 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement
    • Code: C2600
    • Description: PF feed motor error
    • Causes: The ready signal is not at the L level (stable rotation) after passing 1s since the PF feed motor drive started.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the PF feed motor The PF feed motor is not properly connected, or it is faulty. Check the paper feed operation by executing [2PF] or [LCF] at U247 and [Motor On].if it is faulty, reinsert the connector of the paper feed motor.Check if the PF paper feed roller and the drive gears rotate smoothly or have no excessive load. And apply the grease to the frictional parts and fix the related parts so that they can rotate smoothly. U247 Execution 2 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wire when it has no continuity.• PF paper feed motor — PF main PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 3 Checking the connection The connection between the PF main PWB and the main PWB is incorrect. Check the following wire connection, and correct the terminals and reinsert the connectors all the way.If the connection parts are deformed or damaged, replace them.• PF main PWB — Engine PWB (Drawer connector between the paper feeder and the main unit) Electrical Diagram of PWBs 4 Replacing the PF feed motor The PF feed motor is faulty. Replace the PF feed motor. PF Drive Unit Replacement 5 Firmware upgrade The engine firmware or the PF firmware is faulty. Upgrade the engine firmware and the PF firmware to the latest version. Firmware Upgrade 6 Replacing the PF main PWB The PF main PWB is faulty. Replace the PF main PWB. PF Main PWB Replacement 7 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement
    • Code: C2700
    • Description: Primary / secondary transfer release error
    • Causes: The release or pressure state of the belt release motor continued for 2.3s after driving the motor in the release or pressure direction.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the drive components The belt release motor drive transmission is faulty. Execute U030 [Belt Lift].Repair the drive components when the motor drive is not transmitted. U030 Execution 2 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected. Reinsert the following wire connectors.• Belt release motor — Feed image PWB• Belt release sensor — Feed image PWB• Feed image PWB — Engine PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 3 Checking the belt release sensor The belt release sensor comes off. Reattach or replace the belt release sensor. 4 Checking the belt release motor The belt release motor does not operate properly. Reattach or replace the belt release motor. 5 Primary transfer unit replacement The primary transfer roller lift-up drive section is faulty. Replace the primary transfer unit. Primary Transfer Unit Replacement 6 Replacing the feed image PWB The feed image PWB is faulty. Replace the feed image PWB. 7 Firmware upgrade The engine firmware is faulty. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 8 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement
    • Code: C2760
    • Description: Developer BK/belt motor startup error
    • Causes: 1. The motor FG pulse of is not input for 2s continuously during the motor operation.2. The FG pulse exceeding 4000rpm was detected 10 times continuously.3. The motor speed was out of the target speed (+/- 6.25%), and the condition was continued for 2s
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the developer BK/belt motor drive components The developer BK/belt motor drive transmission is faulty. Execute U030 [DLP(K)] to check the excessive load is not applied to the drive gears, roller and the belt by rotating them. After that, clean the drive section of the primary transfer unit. U030 Execution 2 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires when they have no continuity.• Developer BK/belt motor — Feed image PWB• Feed image PWB — Engine PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 3 Checking the developer BK/belt motor The developer BK/belt motor is faulty. Reattach the developer BK/ belt motor and reconnect the wire. Replace it if it is not fixed. Main Drive Unit Replacement 4 Firmware upgrade The firmware is faulty. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 5 Checking the feed image PWB The feed image PWB is faulty. Reconnect the connectors on the feed image PWB. Then, fix or replace the wires if they are pinched by the other part or if they have any damage. When the issue is not resolved, replace the feed image PWB. 6 Checking the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Reconnect the connectors on the engine PWB. Then, fix or replace the wires if they are pinched by the other part or if they have any damage. When the issue is not resolved after that, replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement
    • Code: C2810
    • Description: Waste toner motor error
    • Causes: The lock detection signal reaches the L level while the waste toner motor is driving (3 retries of successive 0.5s per 2ms).2. The lock detection signal does not reach L level within 50ms since the REM signal switched from L to H (3 retry per 500ms).
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the waste toner box The waste toner box is not properly installed. Reinstall the waste toner box. Waste Toner Box Replacement 2 Checking the waste toner motor The waste toner motor does not operate properly. Execute U030 [Toner Recovery] to check if the excessive load is not applied to the waste toner motor. Then, repair the part if necessary. U030 Execution 3 Checking the drive gear The drive gear does not rotate properly. Check if the excessive load is not applied to the drive gears by rotating the gears, and clean the drive gears and the bushing, etc. 4 Replacing the waste toner box The waste toner box is faulty. Replace the waste toner box. Waste Toner Box Replacement 5 Checking the waste toner motor The waste toner motor is not properly connected. Reinsert the connector into the waste toner motor. 6 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wire when it has no continuity.• Waste toner motor — Engine PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 7 Firmware upgrade The engine firmware is faulty. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 8 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement
    • Code: C2840
    • Description: Belt cleaning motor error
    • Causes: 1. The motor FG pulse of is not input for 2s continuously during the motor operation.2. The FG pulse exceeding 4000rpm was detected 10 times continuously.3. The motor speed was out of the target speed (+/- 6.25%), and the condition was continued for 2s.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the primary transfer unit The primary transfer unit is not properly installed. Reinstall the primary transfer unit. Primary Transfer Unit Replacement 2 Cleaning the primary transfer cleaning section The roller in the primary transfer cleaning section does not rotate properly. Remove the waste toner remaining in the primary transfer cleaning section. 3 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires when they have no continuity.• Belt cleaning motor — Transfer PWB• Transfer PWB — Transfer connection PWB• Transfer connection PWB — Feed image PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 4 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected. Reconnect the wire connectors between the feed image PWB and the engine PWB. If the wires are pinched or it have any damage, fix or replace them. Electrical Diagram of PWBs 5 Checking the belt cleaning motor The belt cleaning motor is not properly attached, or it is faulty. Reattach or replace the belt cleaning motor. 6 Primary transfer unit replacement The cleaning drive section in the primary transfer unit is faulty. Replace the primary transfer unit. Primary Transfer Unit Replacement 7 Replacing the feed image PWB The feed image PWB is faulty. Replace the feed image PWB. 8 Firmware upgrade The engine firmware is faulty. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 9 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement
    • Code: C3100
    • Description: Carriage error
    • Causes: The position of the home position sensor (turning on / off) mismatches when turning the main power on or finishing the original scan by the scanner.
    • Remedy: 1 Unlocking the primary mirror unit The primary mirror unit is not unlocked. Unlock the primary mirror unit. Unlocking Primary Mirror Unit 2 Checking the scanner movement A load is applied to the scanner movement. Check the mirror unit operation by executing U073 or shifting it manually. If it has the excessive load, check if there is the foreign objects are on the scanner wires or the wire drums, and clean them. After that, apply the grease to the scanner rails. Optical Wires Replacement 3 Checking the scanner wires The scanner wires are dirty or come off. Clean and reattach the scanner wires. Optical Wires Replacement 4 Checking the scanner motor The scanner motor is faulty. Reattach the scanner motor and reconnect the wire. Replace it if it is not fixed. 5 Checking the belt tension of the scanner motor A load is applied to the scanner movement since the belt tension is improper. Adjust the scanner motor belt tension properly. 6 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wire if there is no continuity.• Scanner motor — Engine PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 7 Checking the home position sensor The home position sensor is not properly attached. Reattach the home position sensor. 8 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wire if there is no continuity.• Home position motor — Engine PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 9 Checking the home position sensor The home position sensor is faulty. Replace the home position sensor. 10 Firmware upgrade The firmware is faulty. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 11 Checking the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Reconnect the connectors on the engine PWB. Then, fix or replace the wires if they are pinched by the other part or if they have any damage. When the issue is not resolved after that, replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement
    • Code: C3200
    • Description: LED lamp startup error
    • Causes: The white reference data acquired by lighting the lamp at the initial operation is at the specified value or less. (Over 2 LED lamps do not light.)
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the LED lamp The LED lamp does not light. Check if the LED lamp lights by executing U061 [CCD]. If it does not light, replace the lamp unit and execute U411 [Table(ChartA)]. Lamp Unit Replacement 2 Checking the FFC The FFC is not properly connected, or it is faulty. Reconnect the following FFC. When the FFC terminals are peeled off or deformed or the FFC is broken, replace the FFC.• CCD PWB — Engine PWB• LED PWB — CCD PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 3 Replacing the ISU The CCD PWB is faulty. Replace the ISU and then execute U411. ISU Replacement 4 Firmware upgrade The firmware is faulty. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 5 Checking the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Reconnect the connectors on the engine PWB. Then, fix or replace the wires if they are pinched by the other part or if they have any damage. When the issue is not resolved after that, replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement
    • Code: C3210
    • Description: CIS lamp error Object: Dual scan DP
    • Causes: The input data did not exceed threshold for 5s when lighting the CIS lamp.
    • Remedy: 1 Releasing the partial operation The partial operation is executed. Execute resetting the partial operation at U906. U906 Execution 2 Checking the DPCIS The CIS lamp does not light. Check if the CIS lamp lights by executing U061 [CIS]. If it does not light, replace the DPCIS and execute U091 and U411. DP CIS Replacement 3 Cleaning the CIS glass and the CIS roller The CIS glass or the CIS roller is dirty. Clean the CIS glass and the CIS roller. 4 Checking the DPSHD PWB The DPSHD PWB is not properly connected. Reconnect the DPSHD PWB to the DPCIS. 5 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires when they have no continuity.• DPSHD PWB — DP main PWB• DP main PWB — Engine PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 6 Firmware upgrade The firmware is faulty. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 7 Replacing the DPSHD PWB The DPSHD PWB is faulty. Replace the DPSHD PWB. 8 Replacing the DP main PWB The DP main PWB is faulty. Replace the DP main PWB. DP Main PWB Replacement 9 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement
    • Code: C3300
    • Description: CCD AGC error
    • Causes: The brightness of the LED lamps is darker (1 LED lamp does not turn on) or brighter than anticipated when executing the AGC process for the CCD lamp.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the LED lamp The LED lamp is broken. Check if the LED lamp lights by executing U061 [CCD]. If it does not light, replace the lamp unit and execute U411 [Table(ChartA)]. Lamp Unit Replacement 2 Cleaning the backside of the contact glass The white reference sheet is dirty. Clean the white reference sheet at the backside of the contact glass. Contact Glass Detachment 3 Checking the FFC The FFC is not properly connected, or it is faulty. Reconnect the following FFC. When the FFC terminals are peeled off or deformed or the FFC is broken, replace the FFC.• LED PWB — CCD PWB• CCD PWB -Engine PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 4 Firmware upgrade The firmware is faulty. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 5 Replacing the ISU The CCD PWB is faulty. Replace the ISU and then execute U411. ISU Replacement 6 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement
    • Code: C3310
    • Description: CIS AGC error Object: Dual scan DP
    • Causes: The DPCIS could not acquire the correct white reference value while AGC process was executed.
    • Remedy: 1 Releasing the partial operation The partial operation is executed. Execute resetting the partial operation at U906. U906 Execution 2 Cleaning the CIS glass and the CIS roller The CIS glass or the CIS roller is dirty. Clean the CIS glass and the CIS roller. 3 Firmware upgrade The firmware is faulty. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 4 Checking the DPSHD PWB The DPSHD PWB is not properly connected. Reconnect the DPSHD PWB to the DPCIS. 5 Replacing the DPSHD PWB The DPSHD PWB is faulty. Replace the DPSHD PWB. 6 Replacing the DPCIS The DPCIS is faulty. Replace the DPCIS, and then execute U091 and U411. DP CIS Replacement 7 Replacing the DP main PWB The DP main PWB is faulty. Replace the DP main PWB. DP Main PWB Replacement 8 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement
    • Code: C3500
    • Description: Communication error between the scanner and the ASIC
    • Causes: The communication error was detected during the communication between the scanner ASIC and the engine CPU.
    • Remedy: 1 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement
    • Code: C3600
    • Description: Scanner sequence error
    • Causes: The program internal processing error of the scanner sequence occurs.
    • Remedy: 1 Executing U021 The memory operation is faulty. Execute U021. U021 Execution 2 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement
    • Code: C3800
    • Description: AFE error
    • Causes: The writing data and the reading data mismatch 3 times continuously when writing.The response from AFE is not returned for 100ms.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the FFC The FFC is not properly connected, or it is faulty. Reconnect the following FFC. When the FFC terminals are peeled off or deformed or the FFC is broken, replace the FFC.• CCD PWB — Engine PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 2 Replacing the ISU The CCD PWB is faulty. Replace the ISU and then execute U411. ISU Replacement 3 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement
    • Code: C4001
    • Description: Polygon motor synchronization error
    • Causes: The ready signal is not at the L level after passing 15s since the polygon motor drive was started.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the wire and the FFC The wire or the FFC is not properly connected, or they are faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors and reconnect the FFC. Replace the wire If there is no continuity. Then, replace the FFC if the FFC terminals are deformed or the FFC is broken.• LSU cleaning motor — APC PWB (LSU)• APC PWB (LSU) — Engine PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 2 Checking the polygon motor The polygon motor does not rotate properly. Check the rotation sound of the polygon motor, and reattach or replace the LSU if it does not rotate properly. LSU Replacement 3 Firmware upgrade The engine firmware is faulty. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 4 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement
    • Code: C4011
    • Description: Polygon motor steady-state error
    • Causes: The ready signal is at the H level for 15s continuously after the polygon motor drive becomes stable.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the wire and the FFC The wire or the FFC is not properly connected, or they are faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors and reconnect the FFC. Replace the wire If there is no continuity. Then, replace the FFC if the FFC terminals are deformed or the FFC is broken.• LSU cleaning motor — APC PWB (LSU)• APC PWB (LSU) — Engine PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 2 Checking the polygon motor The polygon motor does not rotate properly. Check the rotation sound of the polygon motor, and reattach or replace the LSU if it does not rotate properly. LSU Replacement 3 Firmware upgrade The engine firmware is faulty. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 4 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement
    • Code: C4101
    • Description: BD initialization error
    • Causes: The BD signal was not detected for 1s after driving the polygon motor.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the FFC The FFC is not properly connected, or it is faulty. Reconnect the following FFC. When the FFC terminals are peeled off or deformed or the FFC is broken, replace the FFC.• APC PWB (LSU) — Engine PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 2 Checking the LSU The BD sensor or the laser diode is faulty. Reinstall or replace the LSU while paying attention to the static electricity. LSU Replacement 3 Firmware upgrade The engine firmware is faulty. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 4 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement
    • Code: C4201
    • Description: BD steady-state error
    • Causes: The BD signal is not detected during the laser lighting.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the FFC The FFC is not properly connected, or it is faulty. Reconnect the following FFC. When the FFC terminals are peeled off or deformed or the FFC is broken, replace the FFC.• APC PWB (LSU) — Engine PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 2 Checking the LSU The BD sensor or the laser diode is faulty. Reinstall or replace the LSU while paying attention to the static electricity. LSU Replacement 3 Firmware upgrade The engine firmware is faulty. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 4 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement
    • Code: C4600
    • Description: LSU cleaning motor error
    • Causes: The LSU cleaning motor lock-up was detected, or the motor continued to be shifted in the same direction for 8s or more.
    • Remedy: 1 Executing the Laser Scanner Cleaning The LSU cleaning drive gear and the cleaning pad have the load and so they are not shifted smoothly. Execute Laser Scanner Cleaning. Adjustment/ Maintenance Menu 2 Cleaning the LSU cleaning drive gear and the cleaning pad The LSU cleaning drive gear and the cleaning pad have the load and so they are not shifted smoothly. Clean the LSU cleaning drive gear and the cleaning pad. 3 LSU replacement The LSU cleaning drive gear, cleaning wire or the cleaning pad are deformed, or they are faulty. Replace the LSU. LSU Replacement 4 Checking the wire and the FFC The wire or the FFC is not properly connected, or they are faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors and reconnect the FFC. Replace the wire If there is no continuity. Then, replace the FFC if the FFC terminals are deformed or the FFC is broken.• LSU cleaning motor — APC PWB (LSU)• APC PWB (LSU) — Engine PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 5 Checking the LSU cleaning motor The LSU cleaning motor is not properly attached, or it is faulty. Reattach the LSU cleaning motor and reconnect the connector. Then, replace it if it is not fixed. 6 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 7 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement
    • Code: C4701
    • Description: VIDEO ASIC device error 1
    • Causes: The communication with VIDEO ASIC failed 10 times continuously.(This is the value mismatching error by trying to read the data from the same address after writing the data to VIDEO ASIC.)
    • Remedy: 1 Resetting the main power The ASIC operation on the engine is faulty. Turn the power switch and the main power switch off . After 5s passes, turn the main power switch and the power switch on. 2 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the main firmware and the engine firmware to the latest version. Firmware Upgrade 3 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement
    • Code: C4702
    • Description: VIDEO ASIC device error 2 Object: 35ppm or faster color models
    • Causes: The communication with VIDEO ASIC (2) failed 10 times continuously.(This is the value mismatching error by trying to read the data from the same address after writing the data to VIDEO ASIC.)
    • Remedy: 1 Resetting the main power The ASIC operation on the engine is faulty. Turn the power switch and the main power switch off . After 5s passes, turn the main power switch and the power switch on. 2 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the main firmware and the engine firmware to the latest version. Firmware Upgrade 3 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement
    • Code: C4801
    • Description: LSU type mismatch error
    • Causes: The LSU mismatches with the main unit.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the LSU The different type LSU is installed. Install the correct LSU. LSU Replacement 2 Checking the FFC The FFC is not properly connected, or it is faulty. Reconnect the following FFC. When the FFC terminals are peeled off or deformed or the FFC is broken, replace the FFC.• APC PWB (LSU) — Engine PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 3 LSU replacement The APC PWB is faulty. Replace the LSU. LSU Replacement
    • Code: C5101
    • Description: Main high-voltage error BK Object: 35ppm or faster color models and the monochrome models
    • Causes: 1. When measuring the inflow electric currents changing Vpp to 3 steps during the Vpp adjustment, the gap between the 0 electric current value and the 2nd electric current value is at the reference value or less.2. The detected ldc is poor even if applying Vpp[C]. (5ìA or less)
    • Remedy: 1 Reinstalling the main highvoltage PWB The main charger roller contacts of the main highvoltage PWB are not properly contacted, and so, the proper voltage is not applied. Reinstall the main high-voltage PWB. Main Highvoltage PWB Replacement 2 Checking the drum unit and the developer unit The drum or the drum screw is not rotated properly due to the excessive load. Check if the drum or the drum screw is rotated manually, and replace the drum unit if not rotated. Drum Unit Replacement 3 Replacing drum motor BK Drum motor BK is faulty. Replace drum motor BK. Main Drive Unit Replacement 4 Checking the main charger unit The proper voltage is not applied since the foreign objects adhered on the high-voltage contact of the main charger unit. Clean the high-voltage contact of the main charger unit, and apply conductive grease to the roller shaft. Main Charger Unit Replacement 5 Main charger unit replacement The proper voltage is not applied since the high-voltage contact of the main charger unit is deformed or damaged. Replace the main charger unit and execute U930. Main Charger Unit Replacement 6 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wire when it has no continuity.• Main high-voltage PWB — Engine PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 7 Replacing the main highvoltage PWB The main high-voltage PWB is faulty. Replace the main high-voltage PWB. Main Highvoltage PWB Replacement 8 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 9 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement
    • Code: C5102
    • Description: Main high-voltage error C Object: 35ppm or faster color models
    • Causes: When measuring the inflow electric current changing Vpp to 3 steps during the Vpp adjustment, the gap between the 0 electric current value and the 2nd electric current value is the standard value or less.
    • Remedy: 1 Reinstalling the main highvoltage PWB The main charger roller contacts of the main highvoltage PWB are not properly contacted, and so, the proper voltage is not applied. Reinstall the main high-voltage PWB. Main Highvoltage PWB Replacement 2 Checking the drum unit and the developer unit The drum or the drum screw is not rotated properly due to the excessive load. Check if the drum or the drum screw is rotated manually, and replace the drum unit if not rotated. Drum Unit Replacement 3 Checking drum motor COL Drum motor COL is not rotated properly due to an excessive load. Replace drum motor COL. Main Drive Unit Replacement 4 Checking the main charger unit The proper voltage is not applied since the foreign objects adhered on the high-voltage contact of the main charger unit. Clean the high-voltage contact of the main charger unit, and apply conductive grease to the roller shaft. Main Charger Unit Replacement 5 Main charger unit replacement The proper voltage is not applied since the high-voltage contact of the main charger unit is deformed or damaged. Replace the main charger unit and execute U930. Main Charger Unit Replacement 6 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wire when it has no continuity.• Main high-voltage PWB — Engine PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 7 Replacing the main highvoltage PWB The main high-voltage PWB is faulty. Replace the main high-voltage PWB. Main Highvoltage PWB Replacement 8 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 9 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement
    • Code: C5103
    • Description: Main high-voltage error M Object: 35ppm or faster color models
    • Causes: When measuring the inflow electric current changing Vpp to 3 steps during the Vpp adjustment, the gap between the 0 electric current value and the 2nd electric current value is the standard value or less.
    • Remedy: 1 Reinstalling the main highvoltage PWB The main charger roller contacts of the main highvoltage PWB are not properly contacted, and so, the proper voltage is not applied. Reinstall the main high-voltage PWB. Main Highvoltage PWB Replacement 2 Checking the drum unit and the developer unit The drum or the drum screw is not rotated properly due to the excessive load. Check if the drum or the drum screw is rotated manually, and replace the drum unit if not rotated. Drum Unit Replacement 3 Checking drum motor COL Drum motor COL is not rotated properly due to an excessive load. Replace drum motor COL. Main Drive Unit Replacement 4 Checking the main charger unit The proper voltage is not applied since the foreign objects adhered on the high-voltage contact of the main charger unit. Clean the high-voltage contact of the main charger unit, and apply conductive grease to the roller shaft. Main Charger Unit Replacement 5 Main charger unit replacement The proper voltage is not applied since the high-voltage contact of the main charger unit is deformed or damaged. Replace the main charger unit and execute U930. Main Charger Unit Replacement 6 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wire when it has no continuity.• Main high-voltage PWB — Engine PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 7 Replacing the main highvoltage PWB The main high-voltage PWB is faulty. Replace the main high-voltage PWB. Main Highvoltage PWB Replacement 8 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 9 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement
    • Code: C5104
    • Description: Main high-voltage error Y Object: 35ppm or faster color models
    • Causes: When measuring the inflow electric current changing Vpp to 3 steps during the Vpp adjustment, the gap between the 0 electric current value and the 2nd electric current value is the standard value or less.
    • Remedy: 1 Reinstalling the main highvoltage PWB The main charger roller contacts of the main highvoltage PWB are not properly contacted, and so, the proper voltage is not applied. Reinstall the main high-voltage PWB. Main Highvoltage PWB Replacement 2 Checking the drum unit and the developer unit The drum or the drum screw is not rotated properly due to the excessive load. Check if the drum or the drum screw is rotated manually, and replace the drum unit if not rotated. Drum Unit Replacement 3 Checking drum motor COL Drum motor COL is not rotated properly due to an excessive load. Replace drum motor COL. Main Drive Unit Replacement 4 Checking the main charger unit The proper voltage is not applied since the foreign objects adhered on the high-voltage contact of the main charger unit. Clean the high-voltage contact of the main charger unit, and apply conductive grease to the roller shaft. Main Charger Unit Replacement 5 Main charger unit replacement The proper voltage is not applied since the high-voltage contact of the main charger unit is deformed or damaged. Replace the main charger unit and execute U930. Main Charger Unit Replacement 6 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wire when it has no continuity.• Main high-voltage PWB — Engine PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 7 Replacing the main highvoltage PWB The main high-voltage PWB is faulty. Replace the main high-voltage PWB. Main Highvoltage PWB Replacement 8 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 9 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement
    • Code: C5130
    • Description: Primary transfer high-voltage error Object: Monochrome models
    • Causes: When adjusting the feedback, the detected electric current value exceeds the upper limit or is less than the lower limit, or the adjustment result is 300V or less or is 2,900V or more.
    • Remedy: 1 Reinstalling the primary transfer unit The primary transfer unit is not properly installed. Reinstall the primary transfer unit so that the connector firmly connects. Primary Transfer Unit Replacement 2 Checking the high-voltage contact Foreign material adheres on the high-voltage contacts of the primary transfer roller, and so, the proper voltage is not applied. Clean the high-voltage contact of the primary transfer roller, and apply conductive grease to the roller shaft. 3 Reinstalling the transfer high-voltage PWB The high-voltage contacts on the transfer high-voltage PWB are faulty, and so, the proper voltage is not applied. Reinstall the transfer highvoltage PWB. Transfer High-voltage PWB Replacement 4 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires if there is no continuity.• Transfer high-voltage PWB — Engine PWB• Transfer highvoltage PWB — Feed image PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 5 Replacing the transfer high-voltage PWB The transfer high-voltage PWB is faulty. Replace the transfer highvoltage PWB. Transfer High-voltage PWB Replacement 6 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 7 Replacing the feed image PWB The feed image PWB is faulty. Replace the feed image PWB. 8 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement
    • Code: C5131
    • Description: Primary transfer high-voltage error K Object: Color models
    • Causes: When adjusting the feedback, the detected electric current value exceeds the upper limit or is less than the lower limit, or the adjustment result is 300V or less or is 2,900V or more.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the developer BK/belt motor The developer BK/belt motor is faulty. Execute U030 [DLP(K)] to check the developer BK/belt motor operation.If it does not properly operate, reattach the developer BK/belt motor and reconnect the connector. When it is not fixed, replace the motor. U030 Execution 2 Reinstalling the primary transfer unit The primary transfer unit is not properly installed. Reinstall the primary transfer unit so that the high-voltage contacts of the primary transfer roller firmly connect. Primary Transfer Unit Replacement 3 Primary transfer unit replacement The primary transfer belt does not properly rotate. Replace the primary transfer unit when the primary transfer belt does not rotate manually. Primary Transfer Unit Replacement 4 Checking the high-voltage contact Foreign material adheres on the high-voltage contacts of the primary transfer roller, and so, the proper voltage is not applied. Clean the high-voltage contact of the primary transfer roller, and apply conductive grease to the roller shaft. 5 Reinstalling the transfer high-voltage PWB The high-voltage contacts on the transfer high-voltage PWB are faulty, and so, the proper voltage is not applied. Reinstall the transfer highvoltage PWB. Transfer High-voltage PWB Replacement 6 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires if there is no continuity.• Transfer high-voltage PWB — Engine PWB• Transfer highvoltage PWB — Feed image PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 7 Replacing the transfer high-voltage PWB The transfer high-voltage PWB is faulty. Replace the transfer highvoltage PWB. Transfer High-voltage PWB Replacement 8 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 9 Replacing the feed image PWB The feed image PWB is faulty. Replace the feed image PWB. 10 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement
    • Code: C5132
    • Description: Primary transfer high-voltage error C Object: Color models
    • Causes: When adjusting the feedback, the detected electric current value exceeds the upper limit or is less than the lower limit, or the adjustment result is 300V or less or is 2,900V or more.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the developer BK/belt motor The developer BK/belt motor is faulty. Execute U030 [DLP(K)] to check the developer BK/belt motor operation.If it does not properly operate, reattach the developer BK/belt motor and reconnect the connector. When it is not fixed, replace the motor. U030 Execution 2 Reinstalling the primary transfer unit The primary transfer unit is not properly installed. Reinstall the primary transfer unit so that the high-voltage contacts of the primary transfer roller firmly connect. Primary Transfer Unit Replacement 3 Primary transfer unit replacement The primary transfer belt does not properly rotate. Replace the primary transfer unit when the primary transfer belt does not rotate manually. Primary Transfer Unit Replacement 4 Checking the high-voltage contact Foreign material adheres on the high-voltage contacts of the primary transfer roller, and so, the proper voltage is not applied. Clean the high-voltage contact of the primary transfer roller, and apply conductive grease to the roller shaft. 5 Reinstalling the transfer high-voltage PWB The high-voltage contacts on the transfer high-voltage PWB are faulty, and so, the proper voltage is not applied. Reinstall the transfer highvoltage PWB. Transfer High-voltage PWB Replacement 6 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires if there is no continuity.• Transfer high-voltage PWB — Engine PWB• Transfer highvoltage PWB — Feed image PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 7 Replacing the transfer high-voltage PWB The transfer high-voltage PWB is faulty. Replace the transfer highvoltage PWB. Transfer High-voltage PWB Replacement 8 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 9 Replacing the feed image PWB The feed image PWB is faulty. Replace the feed image PWB. 10 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement
    • Code: C5133
    • Description: Primary transfer high-voltage error M Object: Color models
    • Causes: When adjusting the feedback, the detected electric current value exceeds the upper limit or is less than the lower limit, or the adjustment result is 300V or less or is 2,900V or more
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the developer BK/belt motor The developer BK/belt motor is faulty. Execute U030 [DLP(K)] to check the developer BK/belt motor operation.If it does not properly operate, reattach the developer BK/belt motor and reconnect the connector. When it is not fixed, replace the motor. U030 Execution 2 Reinstalling the primary transfer unit The primary transfer unit is not properly installed. Reinstall the primary transfer unit so that the high-voltage contacts of the primary transfer roller firmly connect. Primary Transfer Unit Replacement 3 Primary transfer unit replacement The primary transfer belt does not properly rotate. Replace the primary transfer unit when the primary transfer belt does not rotate manually. Primary Transfer Unit Replacement 4 Checking the high-voltage contact Foreign material adheres on the high-voltage contacts of the primary transfer roller, and so, the proper voltage is not applied. Clean the high-voltage contact of the primary transfer roller, and apply conductive grease to the roller shaft. 5 Reinstalling the transfer high-voltage PWB The high-voltage contacts on the transfer high-voltage PWB are faulty, and so, the proper voltage is not applied. Reinstall the transfer highvoltage PWB. Transfer High-voltage PWB Replacement 6 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires if there is no continuity.• Transfer high-voltage PWB — Engine PWB• Transfer highvoltage PWB — Feed image PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 7 Replacing the transfer high-voltage PWB The transfer high-voltage PWB is faulty. Replace the transfer highvoltage PWB. Transfer High-voltage PWB Replacement 8 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 9 Replacing the feed image PWB The feed image PWB is faulty. Replace the feed image PWB. 10 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement
    • Code: C5134
    • Description: Primary transfer high-voltage error Y Object: Color models
    • Causes: When adjusting the feedback, the detected electric current value exceeds the upper limit or is less than the lower limit, or the adjustment result is 300V or less or is 2,900V or more.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the developer BK/belt motor The developer BK/belt motor is faulty. Execute U030 [DLP(K)] to check the developer BK/belt motor operation.If it does not properly operate, reattach the developer BK/belt motor and reconnect the connector. When it is not fixed, replace the motor. U030 Execution 2 Reinstalling the primary transfer unit The primary transfer unit is not properly installed. Reinstall the primary transfer unit so that the high-voltage contacts of the primary transfer roller firmly connect. Primary Transfer Unit Replacement 3 Primary transfer unit replacement The primary transfer belt does not properly rotate. Replace the primary transfer unit when the primary transfer belt does not rotate manually. Primary Transfer Unit Replacement 4 Checking the high-voltage contact Foreign material adheres on the high-voltage contacts of the primary transfer roller, and so, the proper voltage is not applied. Clean the high-voltage contact of the primary transfer roller, and apply conductive grease to the roller shaft. 5 Reinstalling the transfer high-voltage PWB The high-voltage contacts on the transfer high-voltage PWB are faulty, and so, the proper voltage is not applied. Reinstall the transfer highvoltage PWB. Transfer High-voltage PWB Replacement 6 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires if there is no continuity.• Transfer high-voltage PWB — Engine PWB• Transfer highvoltage PWB — Feed image PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 7 Replacing the transfer high-voltage PWB The transfer high-voltage PWB is faulty. Replace the transfer highvoltage PWB. Transfer High-voltage PWB Replacement 8 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 9 Replacing the feed image PWB The feed image PWB is faulty. Replace the feed image PWB. 10 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement
    • Code: C6000
    • Description: IH heating error 1
    • Causes: 1. The center thermistor does not detect 100°C / 212°F or more after passing 60s during the warm-up.2. The center thermistor does not detect the specified temperature (ready indication temperature) after it detected 100°C / 212°F during the warm-up.
    • Remedy: 1 Executing U169 The IH setting mismatches the power supply specification. Set the destination same as the voltage of the IH PWB at U169. U169 Execution 2 Removing foreign material There is foreign material between the fuser unit and the fuser IH unit. Or, foreign material adheres on the heat roller. Remove foreign material if it is on between the fuser unit and the fuser IH unit, or on the heat roller. Then, reinstall the fuser unit. Fuser Unit Replacement 3 Reinstalling the fuser unit The drawer connector of the fuser unit is not properly inserted. Check if the pins of the drawer connector of the fuser unit do not bend. If it bend, replace the fuser unit. When the pins are proper, reinstall the fuser unit so that the drawer connector firmly connects. Fuser Unit Replacement 4 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 5 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires if there is no continuity.• Drawer connector of the fuser unit — Feed image PWB• Feed image PWB — Engine PWB• Fuser IH unit — IH PWB• IH PWB — Engine PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 6 Replacing the fuser unit The temperature cannot be detected properly due to the broken thermostat or the thermistor error. Replace the fuser unit. Fuser Unit Replacement 7 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement 8 Replacing the feed image PWB The feed image PWB is faulty. Replace the feed image PWB. 9 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires if there is no continuity.• Fuser IH unit — IH PWB• IH PWB — Engine PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 10 Replacing the IH PWB The IH PWB is faulty. Replace the IH PWB. IH PWB Replacement
    • Code: C6020
    • Description: Center thermistor high temperature error
    • Causes: The center thermistor detects 245°C / 473°F or more for 1s.
    • Remedy: 1 Reinstalling the fuser unit The drawer connector of the fuser unit is not properly inserted. Check if the pins of the drawer connector of the fuser unit do not bend. If it bend, replace the fuser unit. When the pins are proper, reinstall the fuser unit so that the drawer connector firmly connects. Fuser Unit Replacement 2 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 3 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires when they have no continuity.• Drawer connector of the fuser unit — Feed image PWB• Feed image PWB — Engine PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 4 Replacing the fuser unit The temperature cannot be detected properly due to the thermistor error, etc. Replace the fuser unit. Fuser Unit Replacement 5 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement 6 Replacing the feed image PWB The feed image PWB is faulty. Replace the feed image PWB.
    • Code: C6030
    • Description: Center thermistor broken
    • Causes: The center thermistor temperature is detected at less than 41°C / 104°F for 1s when the edge thermistor detects 100°C / 212°F or more during the warm-up.
    • Remedy: 1 Removing foreign material There is foreign material between the fuser unit and the fuser IH unit. Or, foreign material adheres on the heat roller. Remove foreign material if it is on between the fuser unit and the fuser IH unit, or on the heat roller. Then, reinstall the fuser unit. Fuser Unit Replacement 2 Reinstalling the fuser unit The drawer connector of the fuser unit is not properly inserted. Check if the pins of the drawer connector of the fuser unit do not bend. If it bend, replace the fuser unit. When the pins are proper, reinstall the fuser unit so that the drawer connector firmly connects. Fuser Unit Replacement 3 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 4 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires when they have no continuity.• Drawer connector of the fuser unit — Feed image PWB• Feed image PWB — Engine PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 5 Replacing the fuser unit The temperature is not properly detected due to the broken wire or the thermistor error in the fuser unit. Replace the fuser unit. Fuser Unit Replacement 6 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement 7 Replacing the feed image PWB The feed image PWB is faulty. Replace the feed image PWB.
    • Code: C6050
    • Description: Center thermistor low temperature error
    • Causes: The center thermistor detected less than 80°C / 176°F for 1s during printing.
    • Remedy: 1 Changing the wall outlet The power voltage descends by 10% or more of the rated voltage when printing. Connect the power cord to a different wall outlet if the power supply voltage descends by 10% or more of the rated voltage. 2 Removing foreign material There is foreign material between the fuser unit and the fuser IH unit. Or, foreign material adheres on the heat roller. Remove foreign material if it is on between the fuser unit and the fuser IH unit, or on the heat roller. Then, reinstall the fuser unit. Fuser Unit Replacement 3 Reinstalling the fuser unit The drawer connector of the fuser unit is not properly inserted. Check if the pins of the drawer connector of the fuser unit do not bend. If it bend, replace the fuser unit. When the pins are proper, reinstall the fuser unit so that the drawer connector firmly connects. Fuser Unit Replacement 4 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 5 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires when they have no continuity.• Drawer connector of the fuser unit — Feed image PWB• Feed image PWB — Engine PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 6 Replacing the fuser unit The temperature is not properly detected due to the broken wire or the thermistor error in the fuser unit. Replace the fuser unit. Fuser Unit Replacement 7 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement 8 Replacing the feed image PWB The feed image PWB is faulty. Replace the feed image PWB. 9 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wire when it has no continuity.• IH PWB — Engine PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 10 Replacing the IH PWB The IH PWB is faulty. Replace the IH PWB. IH PWB Replacement 11 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wire when it has no continuity.• Fuser IH unit — IH PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 12 Replacing the fuser IH unit The fuser IH unit is faulty. Replace the fuser IH unit. Fuser IH Unit Replacement
    • Code: C6120
    • Description: Press thermistor high temperature error
    • Causes: C6120: Press thermistor high temperature error The press thermistor detected 210°C / 410°F or more for 1s.
    • Remedy: 1 Reinstalling the fuser unit The drawer connector of the fuser unit is not properly inserted. Check if the pins of the drawer connector of the fuser unit do not bend. If it bend, replace the fuser unit. When the pins are proper, reinstall the fuser unit so that the drawer connector firmly connects. Fuser Unit Replacement 2 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 3 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires when they have no continuity.• Drawer connector of the fuser unit — Feed image PWB• Feed image PWB — Engine PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 4 Replacing the fuser unit The temperature cannot be detected properly due to the thermistor error, etc. Replace the fuser unit. Fuser Unit Replacement 5 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement 6 Replacing the feed image PWB The feed image PWB is faulty. Replace the feed image PWB.
    • Code: C6130
    • Description: Press thermistor broken
    • Causes: 1. The press thermistor detected less than 35°C / 95°F for 60s continuously during the warm-up.2. The press thermistor detected less than 35°C / 95°F for 1s continuously after finishing the warm-up.
    • Remedy: 1 Removing foreign material There is foreign material between the fuser unit and the fuser IH unit. Or, foreign material adheres on the heat roller. Remove foreign material if it is on between the fuser unit and the fuser IH unit, or on the heat roller. Then, reinstall the fuser unit. Fuser Unit Replacement 2 Reinstalling the fuser unit The drawer connector of the fuser unit is not properly inserted. Check if the pins of the drawer connector of the fuser unit do not bend. If it bend, replace the fuser unit. When the pins are proper, reinstall the fuser unit so that the drawer connector firmly connects. Fuser Unit Replacement 3 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 4 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires when they have no continuity.• Drawer connector of the fuser unit — Feed image PWB• Feed image PWB — Engine PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 5 Replacing the fuser unit The temperature is not properly detected due to the broken wire or the thermistor error in the fuser unit. Replace the fuser unit. Fuser Unit Replacement 6 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement 7 Replacing the feed image PWB The feed image PWB is faulty. Replace the feed image PWB.
    • Code: C6200
    • Description: IH heating error 2
    • Causes: 1. The edge thermistor does not detect 80°C / 176°F or more within 60s since starting the warm-up.2. The edge thermistor does not detect the specified temperature (ready indication temperature) within 420s after it detected 100°C / 212°F during the warm-up.
    • Remedy: 1 Removing foreign material There is foreign material between the fuser unit and the fuser IH unit. Or, foreign material adheres on the heat roller. Remove foreign material if it is on between the fuser unit and the fuser IH unit, or on the heat roller. Then, reinstall the fuser unit. Fuser Unit Replacement 2 Reinstalling the fuser unit The drawer connector of the fuser unit is not properly inserted. Check if the pins of the drawer connector of the fuser unit do not bend. If it bend, replace the fuser unit. When the pins are proper, reinstall the fuser unit so that the drawer connector firmly connects. Fuser Unit Replacement 3 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 4 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires when they have no continuity.• Drawer connector of the fuser unit — Feed image PWB• Feed image PWB — Engine PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 5 Replacing the fuser unit The temperature is not properly detected due to the broken wire or the thermistor error in the fuser unit. Replace the fuser unit. Fuser Unit Replacement 6 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement 7 Replacing the feed image PWB The feed image PWB is faulty. Replace the feed image PWB. 8 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wire when it has no continuity.• IH PWB — Engine PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 9 Replacing the IH PWB The IH PWB is faulty. Replace the IH PWB. IH PWB Replacement 10 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wire when it has no continuity.• Fuser IH unit — IH PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 11 Replacing the fuser IH unit The fuser IH unit is faulty. Replace the fuser IH unit. Fuser IH Unit Replacement
    • Code: C6220
    • Description: Edge thermistor high temperature error
    • Causes: The edge thermistor detected 245°C / 473°F or more for 1s.
    • Remedy: 1 Reinstalling the fuser unit The drawer connector of the fuser unit is not properly inserted. Check if the pins of the drawer connector of the fuser unit do not bend. If it bend, replace the fuser unit. When the pins are proper, reinstall the fuser unit so that the drawer connector firmly connects. Fuser Unit Replacement 2 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 3 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires when they have no continuity.• Drawer connector of the fuser unit — Feed image PWB• Feed image PWB — Engine PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 4 Replacing the fuser unit The temperature is not properly detected due to the broken wire or the thermistor error in the fuser unit. Replace the fuser unit. Fuser Unit Replacement 5 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement 6 Replacing the feed image PWB The feed image PWB is faulty. Replace the feed image PWB. 7 Replacing the fuser IH unit The fuser IH unit is faulty. Replace the fuser IH unit. Fuser IH Unit Replacement 8 Reattaching the edge fan motor The edge fan motor is not properly attached. Reattach the edge fan motor. Fan Motors Attachable Direction
    • Code: C6230
    • Description: Edge thermistor broken
    • Causes: C6230: Edge thermistor broken The edge thermistor detects less than 41°C / 105.8°F for 1s continuously when the center thermistor detected 100°C / 212°F or more during the warm-up
    • Remedy: 1 Removing foreign material There is foreign material between the fuser unit and the fuser IH unit. Or, foreign material adheres on the heat roller. Remove foreign material if it is on between the fuser unit and the fuser IH unit, or on the heat roller. Then, reinstall the fuser unit. Fuser Unit Replacement 2 Reinstalling the fuser unit The drawer connector of the fuser unit is not properly inserted. Check if the pins of the drawer connector of the fuser unit do not bend. If it bend, replace the fuser unit. When the pins are proper, reinstall the fuser unit so that the drawer connector firmly connects. Fuser Unit Replacement 3 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 4 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires when they have no continuity.• Drawer connector of the fuser unit — Feed image PWB• Feed image PWB — Engine PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 5 Replacing the fuser unit The temperature cannot be detected properly due to the heater broken or the thermistor error. Replace the fuser unit. Fuser Unit Replacement 6 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement 7 Replacing the feed image PWB The feed image PWB is faulty. Replace the feed image PWB.
    • Code: C6250
    • Description: Edge thermistor low temperature error
    • Causes: The edge thermistor detected less than 80°C / 176°F for 1s during printing.
    • Remedy: 1 Removing foreign material There is foreign material between the fuser unit and the fuser IH unit. Or, foreign material adheres on the heat roller. Remove foreign material if it is on between the fuser unit and the fuser IH unit, or on the heat roller. Then, reinstall the fuser unit. Fuser Unit Replacement 2 Reinstalling the fuser unit The drawer connector of the fuser unit is not properly inserted. Check if the pins of the drawer connector of the fuser unit do not bend. If it bend, replace the fuser unit. When the pins are proper, reinstall the fuser unit so that the drawer connector firmly connects. Fuser Unit Replacement 3 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 4 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires when they have no continuity.• Drawer connector of the fuser unit — Feed image PWB• Feed image PWB — Engine PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 5 Replacing the fuser unit The temperature cannot be detected properly due to the heater broken or the thermistor error. Replace the fuser unit. Fuser Unit Replacement 6 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement 7 Replacing the feed image PWB The feed image PWB is faulty. Replace the feed image PWB. 8 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wire when it has no continuity.• IH PWB — Engine PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 9 Replacing the IH PWB The IH PWB is faulty. Replace the IH PWB. IH PWB Replacement 10 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wire when it has no continuity.• Fuser IH unit — IH PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 11 Replacing the fuser IH unit The fuser IH unit is faulty. Replace the fuser IH unit. Fuser IH Unit Replacement
    • Code: C6320
    • Description: Middle thermistor high temperature error
    • Causes: The middle thermistor detected 245°C / 473°F or more for 1s.
    • Remedy: 1 Reinstalling the fuser unit The drawer connector of the fuser unit is not properly inserted. Check if the pins of the drawer connector of the fuser unit do not bend. If it bend, replace the fuser unit. When the pins are proper, reinstall the fuser unit so that the drawer connector firmly connects. Fuser Unit Replacement 2 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 3 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires when they have no continuity.• Drawer connector of the fuser unit — Feed image PWB• Feed image PWB — Engine PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 4 Replacing the fuser unit The temperature is not properly detected due to the wire short-circuit or the thermistor error in the fuser unit. Replace the fuser unit. Fuser Unit Replacement 5 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement 6 Replacing the feed image PWB The feed image PWB is faulty. Replace the feed image PWB. 7 Replacing the fuser IH unit The fuser IH unit is faulty. Replace the fuser IH unit. Fuser IH Unit Replacement 8 Reattaching the edge fan motor The edge fan motor is not properly attached. Reattach the edge fan motor. Fan Motors Attachable Direction
    • Code: C6330
    • Description: Middle thermistor broken
    • Causes: The middle thermistor detects less than 41°C / 105.8°F for 1s continuously when the center thermistor or the edge thermistor detects 100°C / 212°F or more during the warm-up.
    • Remedy: 1 Reinstalling the fuser unit The drawer connector of the fuser unit is not properly inserted. Check if the pins of the drawer connector of the fuser unit do not bend. If it bend, replace the fuser unit. When the pins are proper, reinstall the fuser unit so that the drawer connector firmly connects. Fuser Unit Replacement 2 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 3 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires when they have no continuity.• Drawer connector of the fuser unit — Feed image PWB• Feed image PWB — Engine PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 4 Replacing the fuser unit The temperature cannot be detected properly due to the heater broken or the thermistor error. Replace the fuser unit. Fuser Unit Replacement 5 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement 6 Replacing the feed image PWB The feed image PWB is faulty. Replace the feed image PWB. 7 Replacing the fuser IH unit The fuser IH unit is faulty. Replace the fuser IH unit. Fuser IH Unit Replacement
    • Code: C6410
    • Description: Uninstalled fuser unit
    • Causes: The unit identification code is mismatched. The unit for other models is installed.
    • Remedy: 1 Replacing the fuser unit The fuser unit for other models is installed. Install the fuser unit for the applicable models. Fuser Unit Replacement 2 Reinstalling the fuser unit The drawer connector of the fuser unit is not properly inserted. Check if the pins of the drawer connector of the fuser unit do not bend. If it bend, replace the fuser unit. When the pins are proper, reinstall the fuser unit so that the drawer connector firmly connects. Fuser Unit Replacement 3 Firmware upgrade The firmware is faulty. Reinstall the engine firmware. Firmware Upgrade 4 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires when they have no continuity.• Drawer connector of the fuser unit — Feed image PWB• Feed image PWB — Engine PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 5 Replacing the fuser unit The fuser unit is faulty. Replace the fuser unit. Fuser Unit Replacement 6 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement 7 Replacing the feed image PWB The feed image PWB is faulty. Replace the feed image PWB.
    • Code: C6600
    • Description: Fuser belt rotation error
    • Causes: The belt rotation pulse is not input for 1.8s continuously.
    • Remedy: 1 Reinstalling the fuser unit The drawer connector of the fuser unit is not properly inserted. Check if the pins of the drawer connector of the fuser unit do not bend. If it bend, replace the fuser unit. When the pins are proper, reinstall the fuser unit so that the drawer connector firmly connects. Fuser Unit Replacement 2 Replacing the fuser unit The fuser unit parts such as the fuser belt, the belt rotation detecting system, or the belt rotation sensor are faulty Replace the fuser unit. Fuser Unit Replacement 3 Applying the grease The load increases due to the lack of grease on the bushing or the gears for the fuser motor. Check the fuser motor operation by executing U030 [Fuser], and apply the grease to the bushing or the gear if it does not rotate smoothly. U030 Execution 4 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires if there is no continuity.• Fuser motor — Feed drive PWB• Feed drive PWB — Engine PWB• Feed image PWB — Engine PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 5 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 6 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement 7 Replacing the feed drive PWB The feed drive PWB is faulty. Replace the feed drive PWB. 8 Replacing the feed image PWB The feed image PWB is faulty. Replace the feed image PWB. 9 Replacing the fuser drive gear The fuser drive gear is faulty. Replace the fuser drive gear.
    • Code: C6610
    • Description: Fuser pressure release sensor error
    • Causes: 1. The fuser pressure release sensor does not turn off after passing 3s from the instruction to reduce the fuser pressure by the fuser release motor, or to relocate the paper jam processing position.2. The fuser pressure release sensor does not turn on after passing 6s from the instruction to increase the fuser pressure by the fuser release motor.3. The lock-up signal of the fuser release motor is low for 200ms. (However, when shifting to the paper jam processing mode, the fuser release motor is stopped but the service call error does not appear if it is in between the stop position and the position in front of the stop position by 500ms.)
    • Remedy: 1 Reinstalling the fuser unit The drawer connector of the fuser unit is not properly inserted. Check if the pins of the drawer connector of the fuser unit do not bend. If it bend, replace the fuser unit. When the pins are proper, reinstall the fuser unit so that the drawer connector firmly connects. Fuser Unit Replacement 2 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Execute U030 [Fuser Release] to check the fuser release motor operation. If it does not operate properly, reinsert the following wire connectors. Then, replace the wires if there is no continuity.• Fuser release motor (in the fuser unit) — Feed drive PWB• Feed drive PWB — Engine PWB• Drawer connector of the fuser unit — Feed image PWB• Feed image PWB — Engine PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 3 Replacing the fuser unit The fuser unit is faulty at the fuser pressure release mechanism or the fuser pressure release sensor . Replace the fuser unit. Fuser Unit Replacement 4 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 5 Replacing the feed drive PWB The feed drive PWB is faulty. Replace the feed drive PWB. 6 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement 7 Replacing the feed image PWB The feed image PWB is faulty. Replace the feed image PWB. 8 Replacing the fuser release motor The fuser release motor is faulty. Replace the fuser release motor. Fuser Drive Unit Replacement 9 Replacing the gear in the fuser pressure releasing system at the main unit The gear of the fuser pressure releasing mechanism at the main unit is faulty. Replace the gears in the fuser pressure releasing mechanism at the main unit.
    • Code: C6620
    • Description: IH core motor rotation error Object: 35ppm or faster color models, and the monochrome models
    • Causes: 1. Turning on of the IH position sensor is not detected within 5s after the IH core motor drives while the IH position sensor is off at the home position detecting operation.2. Turning off/on of the IH position sensor is not detected within 5s after the IH core motor drives while the IH position sensor is on at the home position detecting operation.3. Turning off of the IH position sensor is not detected within the specified pulse after the IH core motor drives while the IH position sensor is on when shifting to the small size paper position.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the fuser IH unit The connector of the fuser IH unit is not properly connected. Check if the connector pins of the fuser IH unit do not bend. If the pins bend, fix them.Next, reinstall the fuser IH unit so that the connector firmly connects. 2 Checking the IH positioning sensor The IH positioning sensor is not properly attached. Reattach the IH positioning sensor. 3 Cleaning the IH positioning sensor The IH positioning sensor cannot detect properly since it is dirty. Clean the IH positioning sensor. 4 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires when they have no continuity.• IH core motor (Fuser IH unit) — Feed drive PWB• Feed drive PWB — Engine PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 5 Replacing the fuser IH unit The IH positioning sensor or the IH core motor is faulty. Replace the fuser IH unit. Fuser IH Unit Replacement 6 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 7 Replacing the feed image PWB The feed image PWB is faulty. Replace the feed image PWB. 8 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement
    • Code: C6740
    • Description: IH PWB high temperature error (IGBT2)
    • Causes: The IGBT temperature acquired from the power microprocessor detected is 115°C / 239°F or more for 1s continuously.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the IH PWB fan motor The connection of the IH PWB fan motor, or the IH PWB fan motor is faulty. Execute U037 [IH PWB] and check the IH PWB fan motor operation.If it does not properly operate, go to step 2 «Connecting the IH PWB fan motor». If it properly operates, go to step 3 «Replacing the IH PWB fan motor». U037 Execution 2 Connecting the IH PWB fan motor The connector of the IH PWB fan motor wire is not inserted securely. Reinsert the connector of the IH PWB fan motor. 3 Replacing the IH PWB fan motor The IH PWB fan motor is faulty. Replace the IH PWB fan motor. Fan Motors Attachable Direction 4 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wire when it has no continuity.• IH PWB — Engine PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 5 Replacing the IH PWB The IH PWB is faulty. Replace the IH PWB. IH PWB Replacement 6 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 7 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement
    • Code: C6760
    • Description: Fuser IH input excessive electric current error
    • Causes: The input current acquired from the power microprocessor continued at 20A or more (for 120V), or 10A or more (for 220-240V) for 200ms.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the fuser unit The fuser belt is faulty. Detach the fuser unit and check if the fuser belt is not faulty. If there is any damage, replace the fuser unit. Fuser Unit Replacement 2 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wire when it has no continuity.• IH PWB — Engine PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 3 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 4 Replacing the IH PWB The IH PWB is faulty. Replace the IH PWB. IH PWB Replacement 5 Replacing the fuser unit The fuser unit is faulty. Replace the fuser unit. Fuser Unit Replacement 6 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement
    • Code: C6770
    • Description: IH low power error
    • Causes: The IH PWB detects 30% or less of the setting power value for the certain time after the fuser heating is started.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires when they have no continuity.• Fuser IH unit — IH PWB• IH PWB — Engine PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 2 Replacing the IH PWB The IH PWB is faulty. Replace the IH PWB. IH PWB Replacement 3 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 4 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement 5 Replacing the feed image PWB The feed image PWB is faulty. Replace the feed image PWB. 6 Checking the cause depending on the input power The input power is improper. Change the input power. 7 Replacing the fuser IH unit The fuser IH unit is faulty. (The coil is broken.) Replace the fuser IH unit. Fuser IH Unit Replacement
    • Code: C6900
    • Description: Edge fan motor error
    • Causes: The lock-up was detected for 20s continuously when driving the fan motor.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the edge fan motor The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Execute U037 [Fuser Edge], and reinsert the connector of the paper conveying unit (edge fan motor) into the relay connector at the main unit side if the edge fan motor does not operate properly. U037 Execution 2 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires when they have no continuity.• Edge fan motor — Feed drive PWB• Feed drive PWB — Engine PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 3 Replacing the edge fan motor The edge fan motor is faulty. Replace the edge fan motor. Fan Motors Attachable Direction 4 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 5 Replacing the feed drive PWB The feed drive PWB is faulty. Replace the feed drive PWB. 6 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement
    • Code: C6910
    • Description: Engine firmware unexpected error
    • Causes: 1. The engine stabilization control was continued for 1 hour.2. The paper feed motor does not drive after passing 3s or more when driving the drum motor or the developer BK/belt motor.3. Only the high-voltage remote signal turned on while the drum was stopped.4. The main charger bias turned off while the developer bias was on.
    • Remedy: 1 Resetting the main power The power startup delays. Turn the power switch and the main power switch off . After 5s passes, turn the main power switch and the power switch on. 2 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 3 Checking the engine PWB The engine PWB is not properly attached or connected. Retighten the screws securing the engine PWB so that it can ground securely, and reinsert the connectors all the way. Engine PWB Replacement 4 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement
    • Code: C6920
    • Description: Eject/IH fan motor error
    • Causes: The lock-up was detected for 20s continuously when driving the fan motor.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Execute U037 to check the operation of the eject/IH fan motors. If they do not operate properly, reconnect the following wire connectors. If there is no continuity, replace the wires.• Front/Middle/Rear eject IH fan motors — Feed image PWB• Feed image PWB — Engine PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 2 Checking the eject/IH fan motors The eject/IH fan motors do not properly operate. Clean the following fan motors, and remove foreign material if it adheres on the fan motors. Then, replace the fan motors if they are not fixed.• Front eject/IH fan motor• Middle eject/IH fan motor• Rear eject/IH fan motor 3 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 4 Replacing the feed image PWB The feed image PWB is faulty. Replace the feed image PWB. 5 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement
    • Code: C6950
    • Description: IH PWB communication error
    • Causes: 1. The communication between the IH PWB and the engine PWB does not succeed at the initial communication. (The retry is executed 10 times in 150ms intervals.)2. The communication between the IH PWB and the engine PWB does not succeed for 500ms after the initial communication success.
    • Remedy: 1 Resetting the main power The power startup delays. Turn the power switch and the main power switch off . After 5s passes, turn the main power switch and the power switch on. 2 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wire when it has no continuity.• IH PWB — Engine PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 3 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wire when it has no continuity.• LVU — IH PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 4 Checking the power supply voltage The abnormal electric noise is mixed in the power supply voltage. Plug the power cord into another wall outlet. 5 Checking the LVU The fuse on the LVU is broken. Check the continuity of the fuse (F002) on the LVU. Then, replace the LVU if there is no continuity. LVU Replacement 6 Replacing the IH PWB The IH PWB is faulty. Replace the IH PWB. IH PWB Replacement 7 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 8 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement
    • Code: C6980
    • Description: Fuser unit EEPROM error
    • Causes: The EEPROM in the fuser unit cannot be accessed since the machine condition matches to either of the following. 1. No response from the device is detected for 5s or more 5 times continuously when reading / writing the data.2. The reading data of 2 points mismatches 8 times continuously.3. The reading data and the writing data mismatch 8 times continuously.
    • Remedy: 1 Reinstalling the fuser unit The drawer connector of the fuser unit is not properly inserted. Check if the pins of the drawer connector of the fuser unit do not bend. If it bend, replace the fuser unit. When the pins are proper, reinstall the fuser unit so that the drawer connector firmly connects. Fuser Unit Replacement 2 Replacing the fuser unit The fuser unit is faulty. Replace the fuser unit. Fuser Unit Replacement 3 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement 4 Replacing the feed image PWB The feed image PWB is faulty. Replace the feed image PWB.
    • Code: C6990
    • Description: Fuser power source destination error
    • Causes: The information mismatches between the engine backup and the IH PWB.
    • Remedy: 1 Executing U169 The voltage setting at U169 mismatches the voltage of the IH PWB. Set the destination same as the voltage of the IH PWB at U169. U169 Execution 2 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 3 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement
    • Code: C7001
    • Description: Container motor error
    • Causes: 1. The ready signal does not turn on after passing 2s since the container motor was started up.2. The ready signal is off for 2s continuously after the container motor was stabilized.
    • Remedy: Replacing the toner container The toner container locks up and is not rotated. Replace the toner container. Toner Container Replacement 2 Checking the toner container drive components The toner container drive components are not operated properly, or the excessive load is applied to it. Check the container motor operation by executing U030 [Container Mix]. If it does not operate properly, clean the drive gears and the couplings in the container drive unit and apply the grease to them. U030 Execution 3 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wire when it has no continuity.• Container motor — Feed image PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 4 Checking the toner container motor The toner container motor is faulty. Reattach the container motor and reconnect the wire. Replace it if it is not fixed. Container Motor Replacement 5 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 6 Replacing the feed image PWB The feed image PWB is faulty. Replace the feed image PWB.
    • Code: C7101
    • Description: T/C sensor BK error
    • Causes: For the specified value of the initial toner stored in the EEPROM of the developer unit, the output value of the T/C sensor is out of the range between +100 (undetection toner) and -1000 (Coming off of the sensor connector). And that status was detected 3 times continuously.
    • Remedy: 1 Reinstalling the developer unit The developer unit is not properly installed. Reinstall developer unit BK so that the connector firmly connects. Developer Unit Replacement 2 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires when they have no continuity.• Drum/developer relay PWB — Feed image PWB• Feed image PWB — Engine PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 3 Replacing the drive gear The drive gear for developer unit BK is damaged. (The spiral is not rotated.) Replace the drive gear for developer unit BK. 4 Developer unit replacement Developer unit BK (T/C sensor BK) is faulty. Replace the developer unit BK. Developer Unit Replacement 5 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 6 Replacing the drum/developer relay PWB The drum/developer relay PWB is faulty. Replace the drum/developer relay PWB. Drum/ Developer Relay PWB Replacement 7 Replacing the feed image PWB The feed image PWB is faulty. Replace the feed image PWB. 8 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement
    • Code: C7102
    • Description: T/C sensor C error Object: Color models
    • Causes: For the specified value of the initial toner stored in the EEPROM of the developer unit, the output value of the T/C sensor is out of the range between +100 (undetection toner) and -1000 (Coming off of the sensor connector). And that status was detected 3 times continuously
    • Remedy: 1 Reinstalling the developer unit The developer unit is not properly installed. Reinstall developer unit C so that the connector firmly connects. Developer Unit Replacement 2 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires when they have no continuity.• Drum/developer relay PWB — Feed image PWB• Feed image PWB — Engine PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 3 Replacing the drive gear The drive gear for developer unit C is damaged. (The spiral is not rotated.) Replace the drive gear for developer unit C. 4 Developer unit replacement Developer unit C (T/C sensor C) is faulty. Replace the developer unit C. Developer Unit Replacement 5 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 6 Replacing the drum/developer relay PWB The drum/developer relay PWB is faulty. Replace the drum/developer relay PWB. Drum/ Developer Relay PWB Replacement 7 Replacing the feed image PWB The feed image PWB is faulty. Replace the feed image PWB. 8 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement
    • Code: C7103
    • Description: T/C sensor M error Object: Color models
    • Causes: For the specified value of the initial toner stored in the EEPROM of the developer unit, the output value of the T/C sensor is out of the range between +100 (undetection toner) and -1000 (Coming off of the sensor connector). And that status was detected 3 times continuously.
    • Remedy: 1 Reinstalling the developer unit The developer unit is not properly installed. Reinstall developer unit M so that the connector firmly connects. Developer Unit Replacement 2 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires when they have no continuity.• Drum/developer relay PWB — Feed image PWB• Feed image PWB — Engine PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 3 Replacing the drive gear The drive gear for developer unit M is damaged. (The spiral is not rotated.) Replace the drive gear for developer unit M. 4 Developer unit replacement Developer unit M (T/C sensor M) is faulty. Replace the developer unit M. Developer Unit Replacement 5 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 6 Replacing the drum/developer relay PWB The drum/developer relay PWB is faulty. Replace the drum/developer relay PWB. Drum/ Developer Relay PWB Replacement 7 Replacing the feed image PWB The feed image PWB is faulty. Replace the feed image PWB. 8 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement
    • Code: C7104
    • Description: T/C sensor Y error Object: Color models
    • Causes: For the specified value of the initial toner stored in the EEPROM of the developer unit, the output value of the T/C sensor is out of the range between +100 (undetection toner) and -1000 (Coming off of the sensor connector). And that status was detected 3 times continuously.
    • Remedy: 1 Reinstalling the developer unit The developer unit is not properly installed. Reinstall developer unit Y so that the connector firmly connects. Developer Unit Replacement 2 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires when they have no continuity.• Drum/developer relay PWB — Feed image PWB• Feed image PWB — Engine PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 3 Replacing the drive gear The drive gear for developer unit Y is damaged. (The spiral is not rotated.) Replace the drive gear for developer unit Y. 4 Developer unit replacement Developer unit Y (T/C sensor Y) is faulty. Replace the developer unit Y. Developer Unit Replacement 5 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 6 Replacing the drum/developer relay PWB The drum/developer relay PWB is faulty. Replace the drum/developer relay PWB. Drum/ Developer Relay PWB Replacement 7 Replacing the feed image PWB The feed image PWB is faulty. Replace the feed image PWB. 8 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement
    • Code: C7200
    • Description: Inner thermistor broken (developer)
    • Causes: The input sampling value of T/C sensor BK (inner thermistor) is at the reference value or more.
    • Remedy: 1 Reinstalling the developer unit The developer unit is not properly installed. Reinstall developer unit BK so that the connector firmly connects. Developer Unit Replacement 2 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires when they have no continuity.• Drum/developer relay PWB — Feed image PWB• Feed image PWB — Engine PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 3 Developer unit replacement Developer unit BK (T/C sensor BK) is faulty. Replace the developer unit BK. Developer Unit Replacement 4 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 5 Replacing the drum/developer relay PWB The drum/developer relay PWB is faulty. Replace the drum/developer relay PWB. Drum/ Developer Relay PWB Replacement 6 Replacing the feed image PWB The feed image PWB is faulty. Replace the feed image PWB.
    • Code: C7210
    • Description: Inner thermistor short-circuited (developer)
    • Causes: The input sampling value of T/C sensor BK (inner thermistor) is the reference value or less.
    • Remedy: 1 Reinstalling the developer unit The developer unit is not properly installed. Reinstall developer unit BK so that the connector firmly connects. Developer Unit Replacement 2 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires when they have no continuity.• Drum/developer relay PWB — Feed image PWB• Feed image PWB — Engine PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 3 Developer unit replacement Developer unit BK (T/C sensor BK) is faulty. Replace the developer unit BK. Developer Unit Replacement 4 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 5 Replacing the drum/developer relay PWB The drum/developer relay PWB is faulty. Replace the drum/developer relay PWB. Drum/ Developer Relay PWB Replacement 6 Replacing the feed image PWB The feed image PWB is faulty. Replace the feed image PWB
    • Code: C7221
    • Description: LSU thermistor broken
    • Causes: The input sampling value of the LSU thermistor is at the reference value or more.
    • Remedy: Checking the FFC The FFC is not properly connected, or it is faulty. Reconnect the following FFC. When the FFC terminals are peeled off or deformed or the FFC is broken, replace the FFC.• LSU — Engine PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 2 LSU replacement The LSU (LSU thermistor) is faulty. Replace the LSU. LSU Replacement 3 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 4 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement
    • Code: C7231
    • Description: LSU thermistor short-circuited
    • Causes: The input sampling value of the LSU thermistor is at the reference value or less.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the FFC The FFC is not properly connected, or it is faulty. Reconnect the following FFC. When the FFC terminals are peeled off or deformed or the FFC is broken, replace the FFC.• LSU — Engine PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 2 LSU replacement The LSU (LSU thermistor) is faulty. Replace the LSU. LSU Replacement 3 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 4 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement
    • Code: C7241
    • Description: Belt thermistor broken
    • Causes: The input sampling value of the belt thermistor is at the reference value or more.
    • Remedy: 1 Reinstalling the primary transfer unit The primary transfer unit is not properly installed. Reinstall the primary transfer unit so that the connector firmly connects. Primary Transfer Unit Replacement 2 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires when they have no continuity.• Transfer PWB — Transfer connection PWB• Transfer connection PWB — Feed image PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 3 Primary transfer unit replacement The primary transfer unit is faulty. Replace the primary transfer unit. Primary Transfer Unit Replacement 4 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 5 Replacing the transfer connection PWB The transfer connection PWB is faulty. Replace the transfer connection PWB. 6 Replacing the feed image PWB The feed image PWB is faulty. Replace the feed image PWB.
    • Code: C7251
    • Description: Belt thermistor short-circuited
    • Causes: The input sampling value of the belt thermistor is at the reference value or less.
    • Remedy: 1 Reinstalling the primary transfer unit The primary transfer unit is not properly installed. Reinstall the primary transfer unit so that the connector firmly connects. Primary Transfer Unit Replacement 2 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires when they have no continuity.• Transfer PWB — Transfer connection PWB• Transfer connection PWB — Feed image PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 3 Primary transfer unit replacement The primary transfer unit is faulty. Replace the primary transfer unit. Primary Transfer Unit Replacement 4 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 5 Replacing the transfer connection PWB The transfer connection PWB is faulty. Replace the transfer connection PWB. 6 Replacing the feed image PWB The feed image PWB is faulty. Replace the feed image PWB.
    • Code: C7301
    • Description: Toner motor BK error
    • Causes: The toner supply motor drive stopped and waited for 0.1s when the pulse plate of the toner supply screw could not detect the pulse for 2s during the toner supply motor operation. Even if these operations repeated 3 times continuously, the pulse could not be detected.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the toner supply drive unit The toner supply screw is not rotated properly due to the excessive load. (The pulse plate is not rotated.) Check if the toner is not clogged inside the toner supply drive unit by rotating the toner supply screw manually. Then, clean the unit if necessary. 2 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wire if there is no continuity.• Toner motor BK — Feed image PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 3 Replacing the toner supply drive unit The toner supply drive unit (toner motor BK or toner level sensor BK) is faulty. Replace the toner supply drive unit. Toner Supply Drive Unit Replacement 4 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 5 Replacing the feed image PWB The feed image PWB is faulty. Replace the feed image PWB.
    • Code: C7302
    • Description: Toner motor C error Object: Color models
    • Causes: The toner supply motor drive stopped and waited for 0.1s when the pulse plate of the toner supply screw could not detect the pulse for 2s during the toner supply motor operation. Even if these operations repeated 3 times continuously, the pulse could not be detected.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the toner supply drive unit The toner supply screw is not rotated properly due to the excessive load. (The pulse plate is not rotated.) Check if the toner is not clogged inside the toner supply drive unit by rotating the toner supply screw manually. Then, clean the unit if necessary. 2 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wire if there is no continuity.• Toner motor C — Feed image PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 3 Replacing the toner supply drive unit The toner supply drive unit (toner motor C or toner remaining amount sensor C) is faulty. Replace the toner supply drive unit. Toner Supply Drive Unit Replacement 4 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 5 Replacing the feed image PWB The feed image PWB is faulty. Replace the feed image PWB.
    • Code: C7303
    • Description: Toner motor M error Object: Color models
    • Causes: The toner supply motor drive stopped and waited for 0.1s when the pulse plate of the toner supply screw could not detect the pulse for 2s during the toner supply motor operation. Even if these operations repeated 3 times continuously, the pulse could not be detected.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the toner supply drive unit The toner supply screw is not rotated properly due to the excessive load. (The pulse plate is not rotated.) Check if the toner is not clogged inside the toner supply drive unit by rotating the toner supply screw manually. Then, clean the unit if necessary. 2 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wire when it has no continuity.• Toner motor M — Feed image PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 3 Replacing the toner supply drive unit The toner supply drive unit (toner motor M or toner level sensor M) is faulty. Replace the toner supply drive unit. Toner Supply Drive Unit Replacement 4 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 5 Replacing the feed image PWB The feed image PWB is faulty. Replace the feed image PWB
    • Code: C7304
    • Description: Toner motor Y error Object: Color models
    • Causes: The toner supply motor drive stopped and waited for 0.1s when the pulse plate of the toner supply screw could not detect the pulse for 2s during the toner supply motor operation. Even if these operations repeated 3 times continuously, the pulse could not be detected.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the toner supply drive unit The toner supply screw is not rotated properly due to the excessive load. (The pulse plate is not rotated.) Check if the toner is not clogged inside the toner supply drive unit by rotating the toner supply screw manually. Then, clean the unit if necessary. 2 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wire if there is no continuity.• Toner motor Y — Feed image PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 3 Replacing the toner supply drive unit The toner supply drive unit (toner motor Y or toner level sensor Y) is faulty. Replace the toner supply drive unit. Toner Supply Drive Unit Replacement 4 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 5 Replacing the feed image PWB The feed image PWB is faulty. Replace the feed image PWB.
    • Code: C7320
    • Description: Toner container detection connector error
    • Causes: Disconnection of the toner container detection connector was detected when closing the toner container cover.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wire when it has no continuity.• Container drive unit — Feed image PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 2 Checking the container drive unit The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reconnect the connectors in the container drive unit if they are disconnected. Then, replace the container drive unit when the issue is not resolved. Container Drive Unit Replacement 3 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 4 Replacing the feed image PWB The feed image PWB is faulty. Replace the feed image PWB
    • Code: C7420
    • Description: Uninstalled primary transfer unit
    • Causes: 1. Unit identification code mismatches.2. The unit for other models is installed.
    • Remedy: 1 Primary transfer unit replacement The primary transfer unit for other models is installed. Install the primary transfer unit for the applicable models. Primary Transfer Unit Replacement 2 Reinstalling the primary transfer unit The connector of the primary transfer unit is not firmly connected. Reinstall the primary transfer unit so that the connector firmly connects. Primary Transfer Unit Replacement 3 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wire when it has no continuity.• Transfer connection PWB — Feed image PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 4 Firmware upgrade The firmware is faulty. Reinstall the engine firmware. Firmware Upgrade 5 Replacing the transfer connection PWB The transfer connection PWB is faulty. Replace the transfer connection PWB. 6 Replacing the feed image PWB The feed image PWB is faulty. Replace the feed image PWB
    • Code: C7470
    • Description: Toner sucking fan motor error Object: 35ppm or faster color models and the monochrome models
    • Causes: The lock-up was detected for 20s continuously when driving the fan motor.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wire when it has no continuity.• Toner absorption fan motor — Feed image PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 2 Checking the toner sucking fan motor The fan motor does not rotate properly since it is dirty. Clean the toner sucking fan motor and check if the fan is rotated manually. Then, reattach it. Fan Motors Attachable Direction 3 Replacing the toner sucking fan motor The toner sucking fan motor is faulty. Execute U037 [Toner] to check the operation. If the toner absorption fan motor does not properly operate, replace it. Fan Motors Attachable Direction 4 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 5 Replacing the feed image PWB The feed image PWB is faulty. Replace the feed image PWB.
    • Code: C7480
    • Description: Power source fan motor error
    • Causes: The lock-up was detected for 20s continuously when driving the fan motor.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wire when it has no continuity.• Power source fan motor — Engine PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 2 Checking the power source fan motor The fan motor does not rotate properly since it is dirty. Clean the power source fan motor and check if the fan is rotated manually. Then, reattach it. Fan Motors Attachable Direction 3 Replacing the power source fan motor The power source fan motor is faulty. Replace the power source fan motor if it does not operate properly when executing U037 [LVU]. Fan Motors Attachable Direction 4 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 5 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacemen
    • Code: C7490
    • Description: Eject fan motor error
    • Causes: The lock-up was detected for 20s continuously when driving the fan motor.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wire when it has no continuity.• Eject fan motor (Fuser drive unit) — Feed image PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 2 Checking the eject fan motor The fan motor does not rotate properly since it is dirty. Clean the eject fan motor and check if the fan is rotated manually. Then, reattach it. Fan Motors Attachable Direction 3 Replacing the eject fan motor The eject fan motor is faulty. If the eject fan motor does not operate properly when executing U037 [Exit Cooling], replace it. Fan Motors Attachable Direction 4 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 5 Replacing the feed image PWB The feed image PWB is faulty. Replace the feed image PWB.
    • Code: C7601
    • Description: Front ID sensor error
    • Causes: • Dark potential error: The sensor output value (FrontDarkP and FrontDardS) is less than 0.15V, or more than 0.80V.• Light potential error: FrontBrightS is less than FrontDarkS, or FrontBrightP is less than Front- DarkP+0.5V.
    • Remedy: 1 Cleaning the front ID sensor The front ID sensor is dirty. Clean the front ID sensor surface. 2 Checking the ID sensor shutter The ID sensor shutter does not operate properly. If the ID sensor shutter does not operate properly when executing U033 [ID Sensor], reattach the cleaning solenoid. U033 Execution 3 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires when they have no continuity.• Cleaning solenoid — Feed drive PWB• Feed drive PWB — Engine PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 4 Replacing the cleaning solenoid The cleaning solenoid is faulty. Replace the cleaning solenoid. 5 Checking the front ID sensor The front ID sensor is not properly attached. Reattach the front ID sensor. 6 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wire when it has no continuity.• Front ID sensor — Feed drive PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 7 Replacing the front D sensor The front ID sensor is faulty. Check if the value of U465 [T7 CTD] is fluctuated before and after Calibration, and replace the front ID sensor if it was not fluctuated (uncalibrated). U465 Execution 8 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 9 Replacing the feed drive PWB The feed drive PWB is faulty. Replace the feed drive PWB. 10 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement
    • Code: C7602
    • Description: Rear ID sensor error
    • Causes: • Dark potential error: The sensor output value (FrontDarkP and FrontDardS) is less than 0.15V, or more than 0.80V.• Light potential error: FrontBrightS is less than FrontDarkS, or FrontBrightP is less than Front- DarkP+0.5V
    • Remedy: 1 Cleaning the rear ID sensor The rear ID sensor is dirty. Clean the rear ID sensor surface. 2 Checking the ID sensor shutter The ID sensor shutter does not operate properly. If the ID sensor shutter does not operate properly when executing U033 [ID Sensor], reattach the cleaning solenoid. U033 Execution 3 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires when they have no continuity.• Cleaning solenoid — Feed drive PWB• Feed drive PWB — Engine PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 4 Replacing the cleaning solenoid The cleaning solenoid is faulty. Replace the cleaning solenoid. 5 Checking the rear ID sensor The rear ID sensor is not properly attached. Reattach the rear ID sensor. 6 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wire when it has no continuity.• Rear ID sensor — Feed drive PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 7 Replacing the rear ID sensor The rear ID sensor is faulty. Check if the value of U465 [T7 CTD] is fluctuated before and after Calibration, and replace the front ID sensor if it was not fluctuated (uncalibrated). U465 Execution 8 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 9 Replacing the feed drive PWB The feed drive PWB is faulty. Replace the feed drive PWB. 10 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement
    • Code: C7611
    • Description: Bias calibration read value error (Black)
    • Causes: The ID sensors cannot properly read the patch density on the primary transfer belt when executing Calibration or Color Registration.
    • Remedy: 1 Resetting the main power The ID sensor does not operate properly. Turn the power switch and the main power switch off . After 5s passes, turn the main power switch and the power switch on. 2 Cleaning the ID sensor The ID sensor is dirty. Clean the ID sensor surface. 3 Executing Calibration The last calibration failed. Execute U464 [Calib]. U464 Execution 4 Checking the ID sensor shutter The ID sensor shutter does not operate properly. If the ID sensor shutter does not operate properly when executing U033 [ID Sensor], reattach the cleaning solenoid. U033 Execution 5 Checking the primary transfer unit The primary transfer belt surface is dirty. Clean the surface of the primary transfer belt, or replace the primary transfer unit. Primary Transfer Unit Replacement 6 Checking the ID sensor The ID sensor is not properly attached, or the wire is not properly connected. Reattach the ID sensor and reconnect the wire. 7 (When the image is too light) Checking the main high-voltage PWB and the transfer high-voltage PWB The contacts of the main high-voltage PWB and the transfer high-voltage PWB are faulty, and so, the proper voltage is not applied. Reinstall the main high-voltage PWB and the transfer high-voltage PWB. Main Highvoltage PWB / Transfer High-voltage PWB Replacement 8 (When the print is too light) Cleaning or replacing the drum unit / developer unit / LSU The parts in the drum unit, developer unit or the LSU are dirty or worn down. Clean or replace the drum unit, developer unit and the LSU if the output image is too light. Drum Unit / Developer Unit / LSU Replacement 9 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the firmware to the latest version. Firmware Upgrade 10 Checking the feed drive PWB The feed drive PWB is faulty. Reconnect the connectors on the feed drive PWB wires. Then, fix or replace the wires if they are pinched by the other part or if they have any damage. When the issue is not resolved, replace the feed drive PWB. Electrical Diagram of PWBs 11 Checking the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Reconnect the connectors on the engine PWB. Then, fix or replace the wires if they are pinched by the other part or if they have any damage. When the issue is not resolved after that, replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement
    • Code: C7612
    • Description: Bias calibration read value error (Cyan) Object: Color models
    • Causes: The ID sensors cannot properly read the patch density on the primary transfer belt when executing Calibration or Color Registration.
    • Remedy: 1 Resetting the main power The ID sensor does not operate properly. Turn the power switch and the main power switch off . After 5s passes, turn the main power switch and the power switch on. 2 Cleaning the ID sensor The ID sensor is dirty. Clean the ID sensor surface. 3 Executing Calibration The last calibration failed. Execute U464 [Calib]. U464 Execution 4 Checking the ID sensor shutter The ID sensor shutter does not operate properly. If the ID sensor shutter does not operate properly when executing U033 [ID Sensor], reattach the cleaning solenoid. U033 Execution 5 Checking the primary transfer unit The primary transfer belt surface is dirty. Clean the surface of the primary transfer belt, or replace the primary transfer unit. Primary Transfer Unit Replacement 6 Checking the ID sensor The ID sensor is not properly attached, or the wire is not properly connected. Reattach the ID sensor and reconnect the wire. 7 (When the image is too light) Checking the main high-voltage PWB and the transfer high-voltage PWB The contacts of the main high-voltage PWB and the transfer high-voltage PWB are faulty, and so, the proper voltage is not applied. Reinstall the main high-voltage PWB and the transfer high-voltage PWB. Main Highvoltage PWB / Transfer High-voltage PWB Replacement 8 (When the print is too light) Cleaning or replacing the drum unit / developer unit / LSU The parts in the drum unit, developer unit or the LSU are dirty or worn down. Clean or replace the drum unit, developer unit and the LSU if the output image is too light. Drum Unit / Developer Unit / LSU Replacement 9 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the firmware to the latest version. Firmware Upgrade 10 Checking the feed drive PWB The feed drive PWB is faulty. Reconnect the connectors on the feed drive PWB wires. Then, fix or replace the wires if they are pinched by the other part or if they have any damage. When the issue is not resolved, replace the feed drive PWB. Electrical Diagram of PWBs 11 Checking the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Reconnect the connectors on the engine PWB. Then, fix or replace the wires if they are pinched by the other part or if they have any damage. When the issue is not resolved after that, replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement
    • Code: C7613
    • Description: Bias calibration read value error (Magenta) Object: Color models
    • Causes: The ID sensors cannot properly read the patch density on the primary transfer belt when executing Calibration or Color Registration.
    • Remedy: 1 Resetting the main power The ID sensor does not operate properly. Turn the power switch and the main power switch off . After 5s passes, turn the main power switch and the power switch on. 2 Cleaning the ID sensor The ID sensor is dirty. Clean the ID sensor surface. 3 Executing Calibration The last calibration failed. Execute U464 [Calib]. U464 Execution 4 Checking the ID sensor shutter The ID sensor shutter does not operate properly. If the ID sensor shutter does not operate properly when executing U033 [ID Sensor], reattach the cleaning solenoid. U033 Execution 5 Checking the primary transfer unit The primary transfer belt surface is dirty. Clean the surface of the primary transfer belt, or replace the primary transfer unit. Primary Transfer Unit Replacement 6 Checking the ID sensor The ID sensor is not properly attached, or the wire is not properly connected. Reattach the ID sensor and reconnect the wire. 7 (When the image is too light) Checking the main high-voltage PWB and the transfer high-voltage PWB The contacts of the main high-voltage PWB and the transfer high-voltage PWB are faulty, and so, the proper voltage is not applied. Reinstall the main high-voltage PWB and the transfer high-voltage PWB. Main Highvoltage PWB / Transfer High-voltage PWB Replacement 8 (When the print is too light) Cleaning or replacing the drum unit / developer unit / LSU The parts in the drum unit, developer unit or the LSU are dirty or worn down. Clean or replace the drum unit, developer unit and the LSU if the output image is too light. Drum Unit / Developer Unit / LSU Replacement 9 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the firmware to the latest version. Firmware Upgrade 10 Checking the feed drive PWB The feed drive PWB is faulty. Reconnect the connectors on the feed drive PWB wires. Then, fix or replace the wires if they are pinched by the other part or if they have any damage. When the issue is not resolved, replace the feed drive PWB. Electrical Diagram of PWBs 11 Checking the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Reconnect the connectors on the engine PWB. Then, fix or replace the wires if they are pinched by the other part or if they have any damage. When the issue is not resolved after that, replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement
    • Code: C7614
    • Description: Bias calibration read value error (Yellow) Object: Color models
    • Causes: The ID sensors cannot properly read the patch density on the primary transfer belt when executing Calibration or Color Registration
    • Remedy: 1 Resetting the main power The ID sensor does not operate properly. Turn the power switch and the main power switch off . After 5s passes, turn the main power switch and the power switch on. 2 Cleaning the ID sensor The ID sensor is dirty. Clean the ID sensor surface. 3 Executing Calibration The last calibration failed. Execute U464 [Calib]. U464 Execution 4 Checking the ID sensor shutter The ID sensor shutter does not operate properly. If the ID sensor shutter does not operate properly when executing U033 [ID Sensor], reattach the cleaning solenoid. U033 Execution 5 Checking the primary transfer unit The primary transfer belt surface is dirty. Clean the surface of the primary transfer belt, or replace the primary transfer unit. Primary Transfer Unit Replacement 6 Checking the ID sensor The ID sensor is not properly attached, or the wire is not properly connected. Reattach the ID sensor and reconnect the wire. 7 (When the image is too light) Checking the main high-voltage PWB and the transfer high-voltage PWB The contacts of the main high-voltage PWB and the transfer high-voltage PWB are faulty, and so, the proper voltage is not applied. Reinstall the main high-voltage PWB and the transfer high-voltage PWB. Main Highvoltage PWB / Transfer High-voltage PWB Replacement 8 (When the print is too light) Cleaning or replacing the drum unit / developer unit / LSU The parts in the drum unit, developer unit or the LSU are dirty or worn down. Clean or replace the drum unit, developer unit and the LSU if the output image is too light. Drum Unit / Developer Unit / LSU Replacement 9 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the firmware to the latest version. Firmware Upgrade 10 Checking the feed drive PWB The feed drive PWB is faulty. Reconnect the connectors on the feed drive PWB wires. Then, fix or replace the wires if they are pinched by the other part or if they have any damage. When the issue is not resolved, replace the feed drive PWB. Electrical Diagram of PWBs 11 Checking the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Reconnect the connectors on the engine PWB. Then, fix or replace the wires if they are pinched by the other part or if they have any damage. When the issue is not resolved after that, replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement
    • Code: C7620
    • Description: Automatic color registration error Object: Color models
    • Causes: 1. The patch print position on the primary transfer belt is not within the readable area by the ID sensor.2. The primary transfer belt surface is dirty, or the patch print density is too light.
    • Remedy: 1 Resetting the main power The ID sensor does not operate properly. Turn the power switch and the main power switch off . After 5s passes, turn the main power switch and the power switch on. 2 Cleaning the ID sensor The ID sensor is dirty. Clean the ID sensor surface. 3 Executing Calibration The last calibration failed. Execute U464 [Calib]. U464 Execution 4 Checking the ID sensor shutter The ID sensor shutter does not operate properly. If the ID sensor shutter does not operate properly when executing U033 [ID Sensor], reattach the cleaning solenoid. U033 Execution 5 Checking the primary transfer unit The primary transfer belt surface is dirty. Clean the surface of the primary transfer belt, or replace the primary transfer unit. Primary Transfer Unit Replacement 6 (When the image is too light) Checking the main high-voltage PWB and the transfer high-voltage PWB The contacts of the main high-voltage PWB and the transfer high-voltage PWB are faulty, and so, the proper voltage is not applied. Reinstall the main high-voltage PWB and the transfer high-voltage PWB. Main Highvoltage PWB / Transfer High-voltage PWB Replacement 7 (When the print is too light) Cleaning or replacing the drum unit / developer unit / LSU The parts in the drum unit, developer unit or the LSU are dirty or worn down. Clean or replace the drum unit, developer unit and the LSU if the output image is too light. Drum Unit / Developer Unit / LSU Replacement 8 (When color registration is shifted) Reinstalling or replacing the LSU and the drum unit The LSU or the drum unit is not installed in the correct position, or the LSU is faulty. Reinstall the LSU and the drum unit to the correct positions when the color registration is shifted. If the issue is not resolved, replace the LSU. 9 Checking the ID sensor The ID sensor is not properly attached, or the wire is not properly connected. Reattach the ID sensor and reconnect the wire. 10 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the firmware to the latest version. Firmware Upgrade 11 Checking the feed drive PWB The feed drive PWB is faulty. Reconnect the connectors on the feed drive PWB wires. Then, fix or replace the wires if they are pinched by the other part or if they have any damage. When the issue is not resolved, replace the feed drive PWB. Electrical Diagram of PWBs 12 Checking the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Reconnect the connectors on the engine PWB. Then, fix or replace the wires if they are pinched by the other part or if they have any damage. When the issue is not resolved after that, replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement
    • Code: C7800
    • Description: Outer thermistor broken
    • Causes: The input sampling value of the temperature/humidity sensor (outer thermistor) is at the reference value or more
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wire when it has no continuity.• Temperature/humidity sensor — Engine PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 2 Replacing the temperature/ humidity sensor The temperature/humidity sensor is faulty. Replace the temperature/ humidity sensor. 3 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 4 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement
    • Code: C7810
    • Description: Outer thermistor short-circuited
    • Causes: The input sampling value of the temperature/humidity sensor (outer thermistor) is at the reference value or less
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wire when it has no continuity.• Temperature/humidity sensor — Engine PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 2 Replacing the temperature/ humidity sensor The temperature/humidity sensor is faulty. Replace the temperature/ humidity sensor. 3 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 4 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement
    • Code: C7901
    • Description: Drum unit BK EEPROM error
    • Causes: 1. No response from the device is detected for 5s or more 5 times continuously when reading / writing the data.2. The reading data of 2 points mismatches 8 times continuously.3. The reading data and the writing data mismatch 8 times continuously.
    • Remedy: 1 Resetting the main power The data stored in the EEPROM in the drum unit is faulty. Turn the power switch and the main power switch off . After 5s passes, turn the main power switch and the power switch on. 2 Reinstalling the drum unit The drum unit is not properly installed. Reinstall drum unit BK so that the connector firmly connects. Drum Unit Replacement 3 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires when they have no continuity.• Drum/developer relay PWB — Feed image PWB• Feed image PWB — Engine PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 4 Drum unit replacement The EEPROM in the drum unit is faulty. Replace drum unit BK. Drum Unit Replacement 5 Replacing the drum/developer relay PWB The drum/developer relay PWB is faulty. Replace the drum/developer relay PWB. Drum/ Developer Relay PWB Replacement 6 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 7 Replacing the feed image PWB The feed image PWB is faulty. Replace the feed image PWB.
    • Code: C7902
    • Description: Drum unit C EEPROM error Object: Color models
    • Causes: 1. No response from the device is detected for 5s or more 5 times continuously when reading / writing the data.2. The reading data of 2 points mismatches 8 times continuously.3. The reading data and the writing data mismatch 8 times continuously.
    • Remedy: 1 Resetting the main power The data stored in the EEPROM in the drum unit is faulty. Turn the power switch and the main power switch off . After 5s passes, turn the main power switch and the power switch on. 2 Reinstalling the drum unit The drum unit is not properly installed. Reinstall drum unit C so that the connector firmly connects. Drum Unit Replacement 3 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires when they have no continuity.• Drum/developer relay PWB — Feed image PWB• Feed image PWB — Engine PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 4 Drum unit replacement The EEPROM in the drum unit is faulty. Replace drum unit C. Drum Unit Replacement 5 Replacing the drum/developer relay PWB The drum/developer relay PWB is faulty. Replace the drum/developer relay PWB. Drum/ Developer Relay PWB Replacement 6 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 7 Replacing the feed image PWB The feed image PWB is faulty. Replace the feed image PWB.
    • Code: C7903
    • Description: Drum unit M EEPROM error Object: Color models
    • Causes: 1. No response from the device is detected for 5s or more 5 times continuously when reading / writing the data.2. The reading data of 2 points mismatches 8 times continuously.3. The reading data and the writing data mismatch 8 times continuously.
    • Remedy: 1 Resetting the main power The data stored in the EEPROM in the drum unit is faulty. Turn the power switch and the main power switch off . After 5s passes, turn the main power switch and the power switch on. 2 Reinstalling the drum unit The drum unit is not properly installed. Reinstall drum unit M so that the connector firmly connects. Drum Unit Replacement 3 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires when they have no continuity.• Drum/developer relay PWB — Feed image PWB• Feed image PWB — Engine PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 4 Drum unit replacement The EEPROM in the drum unit is faulty. Replace drum unit M. Drum Unit Replacement 5 Replacing the drum/developer relay PWB The drum/developer relay PWB is faulty. Replace the drum/developer relay PWB. Drum/ Developer Relay PWB Replacement 6 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 7 Replacing the feed image PWB The feed image PWB is faulty. Replace the feed image PWB.
    • Code: C7904
    • Description: Drum unit Y EEPROM error Object: Color models
    • Causes: 1. No response from the device is detected for 5s or more 5 times continuously when reading / writing the data.2. The reading data of 2 points mismatches 8 times continuously.3. The reading data and the writing data mismatch 8 times continuously.
    • Remedy: 1 Resetting the main power The data stored in the EEPROM in the drum unit is faulty. Turn the power switch and the main power switch off . After 5s passes, turn the main power switch and the power switch on. 2 Reinstalling the drum unit The drum unit is not properly installed. Reinstall drum unit Y so that the connector firmly connects. Drum Unit Replacement 3 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires when they have no continuity.• Drum/developer relay PWB — Feed image PWB• Feed image PWB — Engine PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 4 Drum unit replacement The EEPROM in the drum unit is faulty. Replace drum unit Y. Drum Unit Replacement 5 Replacing the drum/developer relay PWB The drum/developer relay PWB is faulty. Replace the drum/developer relay PWB. Drum/ Developer Relay PWB Replacement 6 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 7 Replacing the feed image PWB The feed image PWB is faulty. Replace the feed image PWB.
    • Code: C7911
    • Description: Developer unit BK EEPROM error
    • Causes: 1. No response from the device is detected for 5s or more 5 times continuously when reading / writing the data.2. The reading data of 2 points mismatches 8 times continuously.3. The reading data and the writing data mismatch 8 times continuously.
    • Remedy: 1 Resetting the main power The data stored in the EEPROM in the developer unit is faulty. Turn the power switch and the main power switch off . After 5s passes, turn the main power switch and the power switch on. 2 Reinstalling the developer unit The developer unit is not properly installed. Reinstall developer unit BK so that the connector firmly connects. Drum Unit Replacement 3 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires when they have no continuity.• Drum/developer relay PWB — Feed image PWB• Feed image PWB — Engine PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 4 Developer unit replacement The EEPROM in the developer unit is faulty. Replace the developer unit BK. Developer Unit Replacement 5 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 6 Replacing the drum/developer relay PWB The drum/developer relay PWB is faulty. Replace the drum/developer relay PWB. Drum/ Developer Relay PWB Replacement 7 Checking the feed image PWB The feed image PWB is faulty. Replace the feed image PWB.
    • Code: C7912
    • Description: Developer unit C EEPROM error Object: Color models
    • Causes: 1. No response from the device is detected for 5s or more 5 times continuously when reading / writing the data.2. The reading data of 2 points mismatches 8 times continuously.3. The reading data and the writing data mismatch 8 times continuously
    • Remedy: 1 Resetting the main power The data stored in the EEPROM in the developer unit is faulty. Turn the power switch and the main power switch off . After 5s passes, turn the main power switch and the power switch on. 2 Reinstalling the developer unit The developer unit is not properly installed. Reinstall developer unit C so that the connector firmly connects. Developer Unit Replacement 3 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires when they have no continuity.• Drum/developer relay PWB — Feed image PWB• Feed image PWB — Engine PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 4 Developer unit replacement The EEPROM in the developer unit is faulty. Replace the developer unit C. Developer Unit Replacement 5 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 6 Replacing the drum/developer relay PWB The drum/developer relay PWB is faulty. Replace the drum/developer relay PWB. Drum/ Developer Relay PWB Replacement 7 Checking the feed image PWB The feed image PWB is faulty. Replace the feed image PWB.
    • Code: C7913
    • Description: Developer unit M EEPROM error Object: Color models
    • Causes: 1. No response from the device is detected for 5s or more 5 times continuously when reading / writing the data.2. The reading data of 2 points mismatches 8 times continuously.3. The reading data and the writing data mismatch 8 times continuously.
    • Remedy: 1 Resetting the main power The data stored in the EEPROM in the developer unit is faulty. Turn the power switch and the main power switch off . After 5s passes, turn the main power switch and the power switch on. 2 Reinstalling the developer unit The developer unit is not properly installed. Reinstall developer unit M so that the connector firmly connects. Developer Unit Replacement 3 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires when they have no continuity.• Drum/developer relay PWB — Feed image PWB• Feed image PWB — Engine PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 4 Developer unit replacement The EEPROM in the developer unit is faulty. Replace the developer unit M. Developer Unit Replacement 5 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 6 Replacing the drum/developer relay PWB The drum/developer relay PWB is faulty. Replace the drum/developer relay PWB. Drum/ Developer Relay PWB Replacement 7 Checking the feed image PWB The feed image PWB is faulty. Replace the feed image PWB.
    • Code: C7914
    • Description: Developer unit Y EEPROM error Object: Color models
    • Causes: 1. No response from the device is detected for 5s or more 5 times continuously when reading / writing the data.2. The reading data of 2 points mismatches 8 times continuously.3. The reading data and the writing data mismatch 8 times continuously.
    • Remedy: 1 Resetting the main power The data stored in the EEPROM in the developer unit is faulty. Turn the power switch and the main power switch off . After 5s passes, turn the main power switch and the power switch on. 2 Reinstalling the developer unit The developer unit is not properly installed. Reinstall developer unit Y so that the connector firmly connects. Developer Unit Replacement 3 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires when they have no continuity.• Drum/developer relay PWB — Feed image PWB• Feed image PWB — Engine PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 4 Developer unit replacement The EEPROM in the developer unit is faulty. Replace the developer unit Y. Developer Unit Replacement 5 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 6 Replacing the drum/developer relay PWB The drum/developer relay PWB is faulty. Replace the drum/developer relay PWB. Drum/ Developer Relay PWB Replacement 7 Checking the feed image PWB The feed image PWB is faulty. Replace the feed image PWB.
    • Code: C7941
    • Description: LSU EEPROM error For the 35 ppm or faster color models, this is the LSU EEPROM error when the access to Cyan or Yellow is faulty
    • Causes: 1. The reading data of 2 points mismatches 8 times continuously.2. The reading data and the writing data mismatch 8 times continuously.
    • Remedy: 1 Resetting the main power The EEPROM data in the LSU is faulty. Turn the power switch and the main power switch off . After 5s passes, turn the main power switch and the power switch on. 2 Checking the FFC The FFC is not properly connected, or it is faulty. Reconnect the following FFC. When the FFC terminals are peeled off or deformed or the FFC is broken, replace the FFC.• APC PWB (LSU) — Engine PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 3 LSU replacement The APC PWB (LSU) is faulty. Replace the LSU. LSU Replacement 4 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade
    • Code: C7942
    • Description: LSU EEPROM error 2 Object: 35ppm or faster color models
    • Causes: 1. The reading data of 2 points mismatches 8 times continuously.2. The reading data and the writing data mismatch 8 times continuously
    • Remedy: 1 Resetting the main power The EEPROM data in the LSU is faulty. Turn the power switch and the main power switch off . After 5s passes, turn the main power switch and the power switch on. 2 Checking the FFC The FFC is not properly connected, or it is faulty. Reconnect the following FFC. When the FFC terminals are peeled off or deformed or the FFC is broken, replace the FFC.• APC PWB (LSU) — Engine PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 3 LSU replacement The APC PWB (LSU) is faulty. Replace the LSU. LSU Replacement 4 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade
    • Code: C7970
    • Description: Weight detection sensor error
    • Causes: The sensor output value was at the specified value (54) or less and that state continued for 500ms.
    • Remedy: 1 Reinstalling the waste toner box The waste toner box is not properly installed. Reinstall the waste toner box into the main unit slowly, and then check if it moves vertically. Waste Toner Box Replacement 2 Checking the wire The relay connector which connects between the engine PWB and the waste toner motor / weight detection sensor is loose or disconnected since the wire of the relay connector was stretched excessively at the backside of the waste toner box unit during the maintenance work. Rearrange the wire alignment so that the wire of the relay connector at the waste toner box unit backside is not excessively stretched. Then, reconnect the relay connector. Connection of Relay Connector of Waste Toner Box Unit 3 Checking the weight detection sensor and the actuator The weight detection sensor is not properly connected, or the actuator is not properly attached. Reconnect the weight detection sensor, or correct the position of the actuator. 4 Checking the weight detection spring The weight detection spring is not properly attached. Reattach the weight detection spring. 5 Cleaning the weight detection sensor and the neighboring parts The weight detection sensor and the neighboring parts are dirty. Clean the weight detection sensor and the neighboring parts with an air-blower. 6 Executing U155 The calibration of the weight detection sensor was not executed properly. Execute the waste toner calibration at U155. U155 Execution 7 Replacing the waste toner box The waste toner box is faulty. Replace the waste toner box. Waste Toner Box Replacement 8 Firmware upgrade The engine firmware is faulty. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 9 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement
    • Code: C8010
    • Description: PH motor error 1 Object: 4000-sheet finisher or 1000-sheet finisher with the punch unit
    • Causes: 1. The PH home position sensor does not turn on after passing 200ms when driving the PH motor.2. The pulse plate does not count the specified pulse after passing 300ms since the punch operation was started.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the punch unit The punch unit is not assembled properly. If the punch unit is not shifted manually, repair the part that restricts the operation. 2 Checking the punch cam drive components The punch cam drive components are not properly attached, or they are faulty. Reattach the punch cam drive components. Then, replace them if they are not fixed. 3 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires when they have no continuity.• PH motor — PH main PWB• PH main PWB — DF main PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 4 Replacing the PH motor The PH motor is faulty. Replace the PH motor if it does not operate properly when checking the operation at U240. U240 Execution 5 Checking the PH home position sensor The PH home position sensor is not properly attached, or it is faulty. Execute U241 to check the PH home position sensor operation. If it does not operate properly, reattach it.When it is not fixed, replace the PH home position sensor. U241 Execution 6 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the PH firmware to the latest version. Firmware Upgrade 7 Replacing the PH main PWB The PH main PWB is faulty. Replace the PH main PWB. 8 Replacing the DF main PWB The DF main PWB is faulty. Replace the DF main PWB. DF Main PWB Replacement
    • Code: C8020
    • Description: PH motor error 2 Object: 4000-sheet finisher or 1000-sheet finisher with the punch unit
    • Causes: The positioning alignment of the home position is not completed within 3s when initializing or waiting the home position
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the punch unit The punch unit is not assembled properly. If the punch unit is not shifted manually, repair the part that restricts the operation. 2 Checking the punch cam drive components The punch cam drive components are not properly attached, or they are faulty. Reattach the punch cam drive components. Then, replace them if they are not fixed. 3 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires when they have no continuity.• PH motor — PH main PWB• PH main PWB — DF main PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 4 Replacing the PH motor The PH motor is faulty. Replace the PH motor if it does not operate properly when checking the operation at U240. U240 Execution 5 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the PH firmware to the latest version. Firmware Upgrade 6 Replacing the PH main PWB The PH main PWB is faulty. Replace the PH main PWB. 7 Replacing the DF main PWB The DF main PWB is faulty. Replace the DF main PWB. DF Main PWB Replacement
    • Code: C8030
    • Description: PH motor error 3 Object: 4000-sheet finisher or 1000-sheet finisher with the punch unit
    • Causes: The home position detection does not turn off within 50ms when initializing the home position.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the punch unit The punch unit is not assembled properly. If the punch unit is not shifted manually, repair the part that restricts the operation. 2 Checking the punch cam drive components The punch cam drive components are not properly attached, or they are faulty. Reattach the punch cam drive components. Then, replace them if they are not fixed. 3 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires when they have no continuity.• PH motor — PH main PWB• PH main PWB — DF main PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 4 Replacing the PH motor The PH motor is faulty. Replace the PH motor if it does not operate properly when checking the operation at U240. U240 Execution 5 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the PH firmware to the latest version. Firmware Upgrade 6 Replacing the PH main PWB The PH main PWB is faulty. Replace the PH main PWB. 7 Replacing the DF main PWB The DF main PWB is faulty. Replace the DF main PWB. DF Main PWB Replacement
    • Code: C8090
    • Description: DF paddle motor error
    • Causes: 1. The DF paddle sensor does not turn on after passing 1s when driving the DF paddle motor.2. The DF paddle sensor does not turn off when driving the DF paddle motor for 1s.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the DF paddle drive components The DF paddle drive components are not properly attached, or it is faulty. Reattach the DF paddle drive components. Then, replace them if they are not fixed. 2 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires when they have no continuity.• DF paddle motor — DF main PWB• DF paddle sensor — DF main PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 3 Replacing the DF paddle motor The DF paddle motor is faulty. Replace the DF paddle motor if it does not operate properly when checking the operation at U240. U240 Execution 4 Replacing the DF paddle sensor The DF paddle sensor is faulty. Replace the DF paddle sensor if it does not operate properly when checking the operation at U241. U241 Execution 5 Replacing the DF main PWB The DF main PWB is faulty. Replace the DF main PWB. DF Main PWB Replacement
    • Code: C8100
    • Description: DF eject release motor error
    • Causes: 1. The DF paper stack eject switch does not turn on after passing 1s when driving the DF eject release motor.2. The DF paper stack eject switch does not turn off when driving the DF eject release motor for 1s.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the DF paper stack eject unit The eject guide in the DF paper stack eject unit is deformed. Correct the DF paper stack eject unit. 2 Checking the DF paper stack eject unit drive components The DF paper stack eject unit drive components are not properly attached, or they are faulty. Reattach the DF paper stack eject unit drive components. Then, replace them if they are not fixed. 3 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires when they have no continuity.• DF eject release motor — DF main PWB• DF paper stack eject switch — DF main PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 4 Replacing the DF eject release motor The DF eject release motor is faulty. Replace the DF eject release motor if it does not operate properly when checking the operation at U240. U240 Execution 5 Checking the DF paper stack eject switch The DF paper stack eject switch is not properly attached, or it is faulty. Reattach the DF paper stack eject switch and execute U241 to check the operation. If it does not properly operate, replace the switch. U241 Execution 6 Replacing the DF main PWB The DF main PWB is faulty. Replace the DF main PWB. DF Main PWB Replacement
    • Code: C8110
    • Description: DF shift motor 1 error Object: 4000-sheet finisher
    • Causes: DF shift sensor 1 does not turn on even if shifting 160mm when driving DF shift motor 1.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the front shift guide The front shift guide is not assembled properly. If the front shift guide is not shifted manually, repair the part that restricts the operation. 2 Checking the front shift guide drive components The front shift guide drive components are not properly attached, or they are faulty. Reattach the front shift guide drive components. Then, replace them if they are not fixed. 3 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires when they have no continuity.• DF shift motor 1 — DF main PWB• DF shift sensor 1 — DF main PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 4 Replacing DF shift motor 1 DF shift motor 1 is faulty. Replace DF shift motor 1 if it does not operate properly when checking the operation at U240. U240 Execution 5 Checking DF shift sensor 1 DF shift sensor 1 is not properly attached, or it is faulty. Reattach DF shift sensor 1 and execute U241 to check the operation. If it does not properly operate, replace the sensor. U241 Execution 6 Replacing the DF main PWB The DF main PWB is faulty. Replace the DF main PWB. DF Main PWB Replacement
    • Code: C8120
    • Description: DF shift motor 2 error Object: 4000-sheet finisher
    • Causes: DF shift sensor 2 does not turn on even if shifting 160mm when driving DF shift motor 2.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the rear shift guide The rear shift guide is not assembled properly. If the rear shift guide is not shifted manually, repair the part that restricts the operation. 2 Checking the rear shift guide drive components The rear shift guide drive components are not properly attached, or they are faulty. Reattach the rear shift guide drive components. Then, replace them if they are not fixed 3 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires if there is no continuity.• DF shift motor 2 — DF main PWB• DF shift sensor 2 — DF main PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 4 Checking DF shift motor 2 DF shift motor 2 is faulty. Replace DF shift motor 2 if it does not operate properly when checking the operation at U240. U240 Execution 5 Checking DF shift sensor 2 DF shift sensor 2 is not properly attached, or it is faulty. Reattach DF shift sensor 2. Then, execute U241 to check the operation. If it does not properly operate, replace the sensor. U241 Execution 6 Replacing the DF main PWB The DF main PWB is faulty. Replace the DF main PWB. DF Main PWB Replacement
    • Code: C8130
    • Description: DF shift release motor error Object: 4000-sheet finisher
    • Causes: 1. The DF shift release sensor does not turn on for passing 1s when the DF shift release motor is driving.2. The DF shift release sensor does not turn on even if the DF shift release motor drives for 3s toward the direction where the home position is detected.3. The DF shift release sensor does not turn off even if it drives for 3s toward the direction where the home position is not detected.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the rear shift guide The rear shift guide is not assembled properly. If the rear shift guide is not shifted manually, repair the part that restricts the operation. 2 Checking the rear shift guide drive components The rear shift guide drive components are not properly attached, or they are faulty. Reattach the rear shift guide drive components. Then, replace them if they are not fixed. 3 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires if there is no continuity.• DF shift release motor — DF main PWB• DF shift release sensor — DF main PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 4 Checking the DF shift release motor The DF shift release motor is faulty. Replace the DF shift release motor if it does not operate properly when checking the operation at U240. U240 Execution 5 Checking the DF shift release sensor The DF shift release sensor is not properly attached, or it is faulty. Reattach the DF shift release sensor. Then, execute U241 to check the operation. If it does not operate properly, replace the sensor. U241 Execution 6 Replacing the DF main PWB The DF main PWB is faulty. Replace the DF main PWB. DF Main PWB Replacement
    • Code: C8140
    • Description: DF tray motor error 1 Object: 4000-sheet finisher or 1000-sheet finisher
    • Causes: The DF tray sensor or the DF tray upper side sensor does not turn on after passing 30s when ascending the DF main tray or the DF tray.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the DF main tray / DF tray The DF main tray / DF tray is not assembled properly. If the DF main tray/DF tray is not shifted manually vertically, repair the part that restricts the operation. 2 Checking the DF main tray / DF tray drive components The DF main tray / DF tray drive components are not properly attached, or they are faulty. Reattach the DF main tray / DF tray drive components. Then, replace them if they are not fixed. 3 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires there is no continuity.• DF tray motor — DF main PWB• DF tray sensor 4 — DF main PWBOr, • DF tray sensor 5 (with the folding unit) — DF main PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 4 Replacing the DF tray motor The DF tray motor is faulty. Replace the DF tray motor if it does not operate properly when checking the operation at U240. U240 Execution 5 (When installing the 1000- sheet finisher) Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires when they have no continuity.• DF tray sensor 1 — DF main PWB• DF tray sensor 2 — DF main PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 6 (When installing the 4000- sheet finisher) Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires when they have no continuity.• DF tray sensor 1 — DF main PWB• DF tray sensor 2 — DF main PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 7 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires when they have no continuity.• DF tray upper side sensor 1 — DF main PWB• DF tray upper side sensor 2 — DF main PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 8 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires when they have no continuity.• DF tray upper side sensor 1 — DF main PWB• DF tray upper side sensor 2 — DF main PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 9 (When installing the 1000- sheet finisher) Checking DF tray sensor 1 DF tray sensor 1 is not properly attached, or it is faulty. Reattach DF tray sensor 1 and execute U241 to check the operation. If it does not properly operate, replace the sensor. U241 Execution 10 (When installing the 4000- sheet finisher) Checking DF tray sensor 1, 2 DF tray sensors 1, 2 are not properly attached, or they are faulty. Reattach DF tray sensors 1, 2 and execute U241 to check the operation.If they do not properly operate, replace the sensors. U241 Execution 11 Checking DF tray upper side sensors 1, 2 DF tray upper surface sensors 1, 2 are not properly attached, or they are faulty. Reattach DF tray upper surface sensors 1, 2 and execute U241 to check the operation.If they do not properly operate, replace the sensors. U241 Execution 12 Replacing the DF main PWB The DF main PWB is faulty. Replace the DF main PWB. DF Main PWB Replacement
    • Code: C8140
    • Description: DF tray motor error 1 Object: Inner finisher
    • Causes: Turning on/off of DF paper holding sensors 1, 2 could not be detected after passing 4s when ascending the DF tray.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the DF tray The DF tray is not assembled properly. If the DF tray is not shifted manually vertically, repair the part that restricts the operation. 2 Checking the DF tray drive components The DF tray drive components are not properly attached, or they are faulty. Reattach the DF tray drive components. Replace them if they are not fixed. 3 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires there is no continuity.• DF tray motor — DF main PWB• DF tray sensor 4 — DF main PWBOr, • DF tray sensor 5 (with the folding unit) — DF main PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 4 Replacing the DF tray motor The DF tray motor is faulty. Replace the DF tray motor if it does not operate properly when checking the operation at U240. U240 Execution 5 Checking DF paper holding sensors 1, 2 DF paper holding sensors 1, 2 are not properly attached, or they are faulty. Reattach DF paper holding sensors 1, 2 and execute U241 to check the operation. If they do not properly operate, replace the sensors. U241 Execution 6 Replacing the DF main PWB The DF main PWB is faulty. Replace the DF main PWB. DF Main PWB Replacement
    • Code: C8150
    • Description: DF tray motor error 2 Object: 1000-sheet finisher
    • Causes: Turning on and off of DF tray sensor 1 or DF tray upper side sensors 1, 2 could not be detected after passing 5s when descending the DF tray.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the DF tray The DF tray is not assembled properly. If the DF tray is not shifted manually vertically, repair the part that restricts the operation. 2 Checking the DF tray drive components The DF tray drive components are not properly attached, or they are faulty. Reattach the DF tray drive components. Replace them if they are not fixed. 3 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires there is no continuity.• DF tray motor — DF main PWB• DF tray sensor 4 — DF main PWBOr, • DF tray sensor 5 (with the folding unit) — DF main PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 4 Replacing the DF tray motor The DF tray motor is faulty. Replace the DF tray motor if it does not operate properly when checking the operation at U240. U240 Execution 5 Checking DF tray sensor 1 DF tray sensor 1 is not properly attached. Reattach DF tray sensor 1 and execute U241 to check the operation. If it does not properly operate, replace the sensor. U241 Execution 6 Checking DF tray upper side sensors 1, 2 DF tray upper side sensors 1, 2 are not properly attached. Reattach DF tray upper surface sensors 1, 2 and execute U241 to check the operation.If they do not properly operate, replace the sensors. U241 Execution 7 Replacing the DF main PWB The DF main PWB is faulty. Replace the DF main PWB. DF Main PWB Replacement
    • Code: C8150
    • Description: DF tray motor error 2 Object: 4000-sheet finisher
    • Causes: Turning on and off of DF tray sensors 1, 2 or DF tray upper side sensors 1, 2 could not be detected after passing 5s when descending the DF main tray.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the DF main tray The DF main tray is not assembled properly. If the DF main tray is not shifted manually vertically, repair the part that restricts the operation. 2 Checking the DF main tray drive components The DF main tray drive components are not properly attached, or they are faulty. Reattach the DF main tray drive components. Then, replace them if they are not fixed. 3 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires there is no continuity.• DF tray motor — DF main PWB• DF tray sensor 4 — DF main PWBOr, • DF tray sensor 5 (with the folding unit) — DF main PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 4 Replacing the DF tray motor The DF tray motor is faulty. Replace the DF tray motor if it does not operate properly when checking the operation at U240. U240 Execution 5 Checking DF tray sensors 1, 2 DF tray sensors 1, 2 are not properly attached, or they are faulty. Reattach DF tray sensors 1, 2 and execute U241 to check the operation.If they do not properly operate, replace the sensors. U241 Execution 6 Checking DF tray upper side sensors 1, 2 DF tray upper surface sensors 1, 2 are not properly attached, or they are faulty. Reattach DF tray upper surface sensors 1, 2 and execute U241 to check the operation.If they do not properly operate, replace the sensors. U241 Execution 7 Replacing the DF main PWB The DF main PWB is faulty. Replace the DF main PWB. DF Main PWB Replacement
    • Code: C8160
    • Description: DF tray motor error (3) Object: 1000-sheet finisher
    • Causes: DF tray sensor 3 does not turn on after passing 30s when descending the DF tray.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the DF tray The DF tray is not assembled properly. If the DF tray is not shifted manually vertically, repair the part that restricts the operation. 2 Checking the DF tray drive components The DF tray drive components are not properly attached, or they are faulty. Reattach the DF tray drive components. Replace them if they are not fixed. 3 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires there is no continuity.• DF tray motor — DF main PWB• DF tray sensor 4 — DF main PWBOr, • DF tray sensor 5 (with the folding unit) — DF main PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 4 Checking the DF tray motor The DF tray motor is faulty. Replace the DF tray motor if it does not operate properly when checking the operation at U240. U240 Execution 5 Checking DF tray sensor 3 DF tray sensor 3 is not properly attached, or it is faulty. Reattach DF tray sensor 3 and execute U241 to check the operation.If it does not operate properly, replace the sensor. U241 Execution 6 Replacing the DF main PWB The DF main PWB is faulty. Replace the DF main PWB. DF Main PWB Replacement
    • Code: C8160
    • Description: DF tray motor error (3) Object: 4000-sheet finisher
    • Causes: DF tray sensors 4, 5 does not turn on after passing 60s when descending the DF main tray.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the DF main tray The DF main tray is not assembled properly. If the DF main tray is not shifted manually vertically, repair the part that restricts the operation. 2 Checking the DF main tray drive components The DF main tray drive components are not properly attached, or they are faulty. Reattach the DF main tray drive components. Then, replace them if they are not fixed. 3 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires there is no continuity.• DF tray motor — DF main PWB• DF tray sensor 4 — DF main PWBOr, • DF tray sensor 5 (with the folding unit) — DF main PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 4 Checking the DF tray motor The DF tray motor is faulty. Replace the DF tray motor if it does not operate properly when checking the operation at U240. U240 Execution 5 Checking DF tray sensors 4, 5 DF tray sensors 4, 5 are not properly attached, or they are faulty. Reattach DF tray sensor 4, or DF tray sensor 5 (when equipping the folding unit).Next, execute U241 to the operation check. If it does not operate properly, replace each sensor. U241 Execution 6 Replacing the DF main PWB The DF main PWB is faulty. Replace the DF main PWB. DF Main PWB Replacement
    • Code: C8160
    • Description: DF tray motor error (3) Object: Inner finisher
    • Causes: The DF tray sensor does not turn on after passing 4s when descending the DF tray.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the DF tray The DF tray is not assembled properly. If the DF tray is not shifted manually vertically, repair the part that restricts the operation. 2 Checking the DF tray drive components The DF tray drive components are not properly attached, or they are faulty. Reattach the DF tray drive components. Replace them if they are not fixed. 3 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires there is no continuity.• DF tray motor — DF main PWB• DF tray sensor 4 — DF main PWBOr, • DF tray sensor 5 (with the folding unit) — DF main PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 4 Checking the DF tray motor The DF tray motor is faulty. Replace the DF tray motor if it does not operate properly when checking the operation at U240. U240 Execution 5 Checking the DF tray sensor The DF tray sensor is not properly attached, or it is faulty. Reattach DF tray sensor 4 and execute U241 to check the operation. If it does not properly operate, replace the sensor. U241 Execution 6 Replacing the DF main PWB The DF main PWB is faulty. Replace the DF main PWB. DF Main PWB Replacement
    • Code: C8170
    • Description: DF side registration motor 1 error 1
    • Causes: The home position cannot be detected after passing 3s when relocating to the home position.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the front DF side registration guide The front DF side registration guide is not assembled properly. If the front DF side registration guide is not shifted manually, repair the part that restricts the operation. 2 Checking the front DF side registration guide drive components The DF side registration front guide drive components are not properly attached, or they are faulty. Reattach the DF side registration front guide drive components. Then, replace them if they are not fixed. 3 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires if there is no continuity.• DF side registration motor 1 — DF main PWB• DF side registration sensor 1 — DF main PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 4 Replacing DF side registration motor 1 DF side registration motor 1 is faulty. Replace DF side registration motor 1 if it does not operate properly when checking the operation at U240. U240 Execution 5 Checking DF side registration sensor 1 DF side registration sensor 1 is not properly attached, or it is faulty. Reattach DF side registration sensor 1 and execute U241 to check the operation. If it does not properly operate, replace the sensor. U241 Execution 6 Replacing the DF main PWB The DF main PWB is faulty. Replace the DF main PWB. DF Main PWB Replacement
    • Code: C8180
    • Description: DF side registration motor 1 error 2
    • Causes: J6810/J6811/J6812 (Front DF side registration jam) was detected 2 times continuously.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the front DF side registration guide The front side registration guide is not assembled properly. If the front DF side registration guide is not shifted manually, repair the part that restricts the operation. 2 Checking the front DF side registration guide drive components The DF side registration front guide drive components are not properly attached, or they are faulty. Reattach the front DF side registration guide drive components. 3 Replacing the front DF side registration guide drive components The front DF side registration guide drive components are faulty. Replace the front DF side registration guide drive components. 4 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires if there is no continuity.• DF side registration motor 1 — DF main PWB• DF side registration sensor 1 — DF main PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 5 Checking DF side registration motor 1 DF side registration motor 1 is faulty. Replace DF side registration motor 1 if it does not operate properly when checking the operation at U240. U240 Execution 6 Checking DF side registration sensor 1 DF side registration sensor 1 is not properly attached, or it is faulty. Reattach DF side registration sensor 1 and execute U241 to check the operation. If it does not properly operate, replace the sensor. U241 Execution 7 Replacing the DF main PWB The DF main PWB is faulty. Replace the DF main PWB. DF Main PWB Replacement
    • Code: C8190
    • Description: DF side registration motor 2 error 1
    • Causes: The home position cannot be detected after passing 3s when relocating to the home position.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the rear DF side registration guide The rear DF side registration guide is not assembled properly. If the rear DF side registration guide is not shifted manually, repair the part that restricts the operation. 2 Checking the rear DF side registration guide drive components The DF side registration rear guide drive components are not properly attached, or they are faulty. Reattach the DF side registration rear guide drive components. Then, replace them if they are not fixed. 3 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires if there is no continuity.• DF side registration motor 2 — DF main PWB• DF side registration sensor 2 — DF main PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 4 Replacing DF side registration motor 2 DF side registration motor 2 is faulty. Replace DF side registration motor 2 if it does not operate properly when checking the operation at U240. U240 Execution 5 Checking DF side registration sensor 2 DF side registration sensor 2 is not properly attached, or it is faulty. Reattach DF side registration sensor 2 and execute U241 to check the operation. If it does not properly operate, replace the sensor. U241 Execution 6 Replacing the DF main PWB The DF main PWB is faulty. Replace the DF main PWB. DF Main PWB Replacement
    • Code: C8200
    • Description: DF side registration motor 2 error 2
    • Causes: J6910/J6911/J6912 (Rear DF side registration jam) was detected 2 times continuously.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the rear DF side registration guide The rear DF side registration guide is not assembled properly. If the rear DF side registration guide is not shifted manually, repair the part that restricts the operation. 2 Checking the rear DF side registration guide drive components The side registration rear guide drive components are not properly attached, or they are faulty. Reattach the DF side registration rear guide drive components. Then, replace them if they are not fixed. 3 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires if there is no continuity.• DF side registration motor 2 — DF main PWB• DF side registration sensor 2 — DF main PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 4 Checking DF side registration motor 2 DF side registration motor 2 is faulty. Replace DF side registration motor 2 if it does not operate properly when checking the operation at U240. U240 Execution 5 Checking DF side registration sensor 2 DF side registration sensor 2 is not properly attached. Reattach DF side registration sensor 2 and execute U241 to check the operation. If it does not properly operate, replace the sensor. U241 Execution 6 Replacing the DF main PWB The DF main PWB is faulty. Replace the DF main PWB. DF Main PWB Replacement
    • Code: C8210
    • Description: DF staple motor front/rear error
    • Causes: The home position could not be detected after passing 3s when replacing to the home position at the initial operation.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the DF staple unit The DF staple unit is not assembled properly. If the DF staple unit is not shifted manually back and forth, repair the part that restricts the operation. 2 Checking the DF staple unit drive components The DF staple unit drive components are not properly attached, or they are faulty. Reattach the DF staple unit drive components. Then, replace them if they are not fixed. 3 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires when they have no continuity.• DF staple motor — DF main PWB• DF staple sensor — DF main PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 4 Replacing the DF staple motor The DF staple motor is faulty. Replace the DF staple unit if the DF staple motor does not operate properly when checking the operation at U240. DF Staple Unit Replacement 5 Checking the DF staple sensor The DF staple motor is not properly attached, or it is faulty. Reattach the DF staple sensor. Then, replace the DF staple unit if the sensor is not fixed. DF Staple Unit Replacement 6 Replacing the DF main PWB The DF main PWB is faulty. Replace the DF main PWB. DF Main PWB Replacement
    • Code: C8230
    • Description: DF staple motor error 1
    • Causes: The DF staple jam was detected 2 times continuously.(Detection condition of 2nd paper jam: The home position cannot be detected after passing 600ms since starting up the motor.)
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the DF staple unit The DF staple unit is not assembled properly. If the DF staple cannot operate manually without paper jam, repair the part that restricts the DF staple. 2 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wire when it has no continuity.• DF staple unit — DF main PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 3 Replacing the DF staple unit The DF staple unit is faulty. Replace the DF staple unit. DF Staple Unit Replacement 4 Replacing the DF main PWB The DF main PWB is faulty. Replace the DF main PWB. DF Main PWB Replacement
    • Code: C8250
    • Description: DF main tray error 4 Object: 1000-sheet finisher
    • Causes: The lock-up signal was 0.7V or less for 10s continuously during the DF tray motor operation.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the DF tray The DF tray is not assembled properly. If the DF tray is not shifted manually vertically, repair the part that restricts the operation. 2 Checking the DF tray drive components The DF tray drive components are not properly attached, or they are faulty. Reattach the DF tray drive components. Replace them if they are not fixed. 3 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires there is no continuity.• DF tray motor — DF main PWB• DF tray sensor 4 — DF main PWBOr, • DF tray sensor 5 (with the folding unit) — DF main PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 4 Replacing the DF tray motor The DF tray motor is faulty. Replace the DF tray motor if it does not operate properly when checking the operation at U240. U240 Execution 5 Replacing the DF main PWB The DF main PWB is faulty. Replace the DF main PWB. DF Main PWB Replacement
    • Code: C8260
    • Description: DF middle motor HP detection error
    • Causes: J790X (Middle paddle jam) was detected 2 times continuously.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the DF paddle drive components The DF paddle drive components are not properly attached, or it is faulty. Reattach or replace the DF paddle drive components. 2 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires if there is no continuity.• DF middle motor — DF main PWB• DF paddle sensor — DF main PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 3 Replacing the DF middle motor The DF middle motor is faulty. Replace the DF middle motor if it does not operate properly when checking the operation at U240. U240 Execution 4 Checking the DF paddle sensor The DF paddle sensor is not properly attached, or it is faulty. Reattach the DF paddle sensor and execute U241 to check the operation.If it does not operate properly, replace the sensor. U241 Execution 5 Replacing the DF main PWB The DF main PWB is faulty. Replace the DF main PWB. DF Main PWB Replacement
    • Code: C8300
    • Description: Main program error / BF unit communication error Object: 4000-sheet finisher with the folding unit
    • Causes: The communication could not succeed after confirming the connection with the BF unit.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the BF set switch The BF set switch is not properly attached. Reattach the BF set switch. 2 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wire when it has no continuity.• BF main PWB — DF main PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 3 Replacing the BF set switch The BF set switch is faulty. Replace the BF set switch if it does not operate properly when checking the operation at U241. U241 Execution 4 Replacing the BF main PWB The BF main PWB is faulty. Replace the BF main PWB. 5 Replacing the DF main PWB The DF main PWB is faulty. Replace the DF main PWB. DF Main PWB Replacement
    • Code: C8310
    • Description: BF side registration motor 2 error Object: 4000-sheet finisher with the folding unit
    • Causes: BF side registration sensor 2 does not turn on after passing 1s during the initial operation.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the upper BF side registration guide The upper BF side registration guide is not assembled properly. If the upper BF side registration guide is not shifted manually back and forth, repair the part that restricts the operation. 2 Checking the upper BF side registration guide drive components The BF side registration upper guide drive components are not properly attached, or they are faulty. Reattach the upper BF side registration guide drive components. Then, replace them if they are not fixed. 3 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires if there is no continuity.• BF side registration motor 2 — BF main PWB• BF side registration sensor 2 — BF main PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 4 Replacing BF side registration motor 2 BF side registration motor 2 is faulty. Replace BF side registration motor 2 if it does not operate properly when checking the operation at U240. U240 Execution 5 Checking BF side registration sensor 2 BF side registration sensor 2 is not properly attached, or it is faulty. Reattach BF side registration sensor 2 and execute U241 to check the operation.If it does not operate properly, replace the sensor. U241 Execution 6 Replacing the BF main PWB The BF main PWB is faulty. Replace the BF main PWB.
    • Code: C8320
    • Description: BF adjustment motor error Object: 4000-sheet finisher with the folding unit
    • Causes: At the initialization, turning on of the BF adjustment sensor is not detected after 2.5s passes.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the BF shift belt The BF shift belt is not assembled properly. If the BF shift belt is not operated manually, repair the part that restricts the operation. 2 Checking the BF shift belt drive components The BF shift belt drive components are not properly attached, or they are faulty. Reattach the BF shift belt drive components. If the belt comes off, reattach it.When they are not fixed, replace them if they are not fixed. 3 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires when they have no continuity.• BF adjustment motors 1, 2 — BF main PWB• BF adjustment sensors 1, 2 — BF main PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 4 Replacing BF adjustment motors 1, 2 BF adjustment motors 1, 2 are faulty. Replace BF adjustment motors 1, 2 if they do not operate properly when checking the operation at U240. U240 Execution 5 Checking BF adjustment sensors 1, 2 BF adjustment sensors 1, 2 are not properly attached, or they are faulty. Reattach BF adjustment sensors 1, 2 and execute U241 to check the operation. If they do not properly operate, replace the sensors. U241 Execution 6 Replacing the BF main PWB The BF main PWB is faulty. Replace the BF main PWB.
    • Code: C8330
    • Description: BF blade motor error Object: 4000-sheet finisher with the folding unit
    • Causes: The BF blade sensor does not turn on after passing 3s during the initial operation.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the BF blade The BF blade is not assembled properly. If the BF blade is not operated manually, repair the part that restricts the operation. 2 Checking the BF blade drive components The BF blade drive components are not properly attached, or they are faulty. Reattach the BF blade drive components.Then, replace them if they are not fixed. 3 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires there is no continuity.• BF blade motor — BF main PWB• BF blade sensor — BF main PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 4 Replacing the BF blade motor The BF blade motor is faulty. Replace the BF blade motor if it does not operate properly when checking the operation at U240. U240 Execution 5 Checking the BF blade sensor The BF blade sensor is not properly attached. Reattach the BF blade sensor and execute U241 to check the operation.Then, replace the BF blade sensor if it does not operate properly. U241 Execution 6 Replacing the BF main PWB The BF main PWB is faulty. Replace the BF main PWB.
    • Code: C8340
    • Description: BF staple motor error 1 Object: 4000-sheet finisher with the folding unit
    • Causes: The BF staple jam was detected 2 times continuously.(Detection condition of 2nd paper jam: The home position cannot be detected after passing 600ms since starting up the motor.)
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the BF staple unit The BF staple unit is not assembled properly. If the BF staple unit is not operated manually, repair the part that restricts the operation. 2 Checking the BF staple unit drive components The BF staple unit drive components are not properly attached, or they are faulty. Reattach the BF staple unit drive components. Then, replace them if they are not fixed. 3 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wire when it has no continuity.• BF staple unit — BF main PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 4 Replacing the BF staple motor The BF staple motor is faulty. Replace the BF staple motor if it does not operate properly when checking the operation at U240. U240 Execution 5 Replacing the BF staple unit The BF staple unit is faulty. Replace the BF staple unit. 6 Replacing the BF main PWB The BF main PWB is faulty. Replace the BF main PWB.
    • Code: C8350
    • Description: BF side registration motor 1 error Object: 4000-sheet finisher with the folding unit
    • Causes: BF side registration sensor 1 does not turn on after passing 1s during the initial operation.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the lower BF side registration guide The lower BF side registration guide is not assembled properly. If the lower BF side registration guide is not operated manually, repair the part that restricts the operation. 2 Checking the lower BF side registration guide drive components The BF side registration lower guide drive components are not properly attached, or they are faulty. Reattach the BF side registration lower guide drive components. Then, replace them if they are not fixed. 3 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wire when it has no continuity.• BF side registration motor 1 — BF main PWB• BF side registration sensor 1 — BF main PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 4 Replacing BF side registration motor 1 BF side registration motor 1 is faulty. Replace BF side registration motor 1 if it does not operate properly when checking the operation at U240. U240 Execution 5 Checking BF side registration sensor 1 BF side registration sensor 1 is not properly attached, or it is faulty. Reattach BF side registration sensor 1 and execute U241 to check the operation.If it does not operate properly, replace the sensor. U241 Execution 6 Replacing the BF main PWB The BF main PWB is faulty. Replace the BF main PWB.
    • Code: C8360
    • Description: BF main motor error Object: 4000-sheet finisher with the folding unit
    • Causes: The lock-up signal was detected for 1s continuously during the motor operation.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the BF conveying roller The BF conveying roller is not assembled properly. If the BF conveying roller is not rotated manually, repair the part that restricts the operation. 2 Checking the BF conveying roller drive components The BF conveying roller drive components are not properly attached, or they are faulty. Reattach the BF conveying roller drive components. Then, replace them if they are not fixed. 3 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wire when it has no continuity.• BF main motor — BF main PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 4 Replacing the BF main motor The BF main motor is faulty. Replace the BF main motor if it does not operate properly when checking the operation at U240. U240 Execution 5 Replacing the BF main PWB The BF main PWB is faulty. Replace the BF main PWB.
    • Code: C8370
    • Description: BF staple motor error 2 Object: 4000-sheet finisher with the folding unit
    • Causes: The BF staple jam was detected 2 times continuously.(Detection condition of 2nd paper jam: The lock-up signal was generated for 500ms continuously during the motor operation.)
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the BF staple unit The BF staple unit is not assembled properly. If the BF staple unit is not operated manually, repair the part that restricts the operation. 2 Checking the BF staple unit drive components The BF staple unit drive components are not properly attached, or they are faulty. Reattach the BF staple unit drive components. Then, replace them if they are not fixed. 3 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wire when it has no continuity.• BF staple unit — BF main PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 4 Replacing the BF staple motor The BF staple motor is faulty. Replace the BF staple motor if it does not operate properly when checking the operation at U240. U240 Execution 5 Replacing the BF staple unit The BF staple unit is faulty. Replace the BF staple unit. 6 Replacing the BF main PWB The BF main PWB is faulty. Replace the BF main PWB.
    • Code: C8410
    • Description: PH slide motor error 1 Object: 4000-sheet finisher or 1000-sheet finisher with the punch unit
    • Causes: The PH slide sensor does not turn on after shifting 30mm when relocating to the home position.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the punch unit The punch unit is not assembled properly. If the punch slide section is not shifted manually forwardbackward, repair the part that restricts the operation. 2 Checking the punch drive components The punch drive components are not properly attached, or they are faulty. Reattach the punch drive components. Then, replace them if they are not fixed. 3 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires when they have no continuity.• PH slide motor — PH main PWB• PH slide sensor — PH main PWB• PH main PWB — DF main PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 4 Replacing the PH slide motor The PH slide motor is faulty. Replace the PH slide motor if it does not operate properly when checking the operation at U240. U240 Execution 5 Checking the PH slide sensor The PH slide sensor is not properly attached, or it is faulty. Reattach the PH slide sensor and execute U241 to check the operation. If it does not properly operate, replace the sensor. U241 Execution 6 Replacing the PH main PWB The PH main PWB is faulty. Replace the PH main PWB. 7 Replacing the DF main PWB The DF main PWB is faulty. Replace the DF main PWB. DF Main PWB Replacement
    • Code: C8420
    • Description: PH slide motor error 2 Object: 4000-sheet finisher or 1000-sheet finisher with the punch unit
    • Causes: The paper edge cannot be detected even if shifting 30mm when detecting the paper edge.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the punch unit The punch unit is not assembled properly. If the punch slide section is not shifted manually forwardbackward, repair the part that restricts the operation. 2 Checking the punch drive components The punch drive components are not properly attached, or they are faulty. Reattach the punch drive components. Then, replace them if they are not fixed. 3 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires when they have no continuity.• PH slide motor — PH main PWB• PH slide sensor — PH main PWB• PH main PWB — DF main PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 4 Replacing the PH slide motor The PH slide motor is faulty. Replace the PH slide motor if it does not operate properly when checking the operation at U240. U240 Execution 5 Checking the PH paper edge sensors 1, 2 PH paper edge sensors 1, 2 are not properly attached, or they are faulty. Reattach PH paper edge sensors 1, 2. Then, execute U241 to check the operation. If it does not operate properly, replace the sensors. U241 Execution 6 Replacing the PH main PWB The PH main PWB is faulty. Replace the PH main PWB. 7 Replacing the DF main PWB The DF main PWB is faulty. Replace the DF main PWB. DF Main PWB Replacement
    • Code: C8430
    • Description: Main program error / Punch unit communication error
    • Causes: The communication could not succeed after confirming the connection with the punch unit.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wire when it has no continuity.• PH main PWB — DF main PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 2 Replacing the PH main PWB The PH main PWB is faulty. Replace the PH main PWB. 3 Replacing the DF main PWB The DF main PWB is faulty. Replace the DF main PWB. DF Main PWB Replacement
    • Code: C8500
    • Description: Main program error / Mail Box communication error Object: 4000-sheet finisher with the mail box
    • Causes: The communication failed after confirming the connection with the mail box.
    • Remedy: 1 Resetting the main power The PWB malfunctions. Turn the power switch and the main power switch off . After 5s passes, turn the main power switch and the power switch on. 2 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wire when it has no continuity.• MB main PWB — DF main PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 3 Replacing the MB main PWB The MB main PWB is faulty. Replace the MB main PWB. 4 Replacing the DF main PWB The DF main PWB is faulty. Replace the DF main PWB. DF Main PWB Replacement
    • Code: C8510
    • Description: MB conveying motor error 1 Object: 4000-sheet finisher with the mail box
    • Causes: The MB home position sensor does not turn on after passing 5s during the initial operation.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the MB conveying roller The MB conveying roller is not assembled properly. If the MB conveying roller is not rotated manually, repair the part that restricts the operation. 2 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires if there is no continuity.• MB conveying motor — MB main PWB• MB home position sensor — MB main PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 3 Replacing the MB conveying motor The MB conveying motor is faulty. Replace the MB conveying motor if it does not operate properly when checking the operation at U240. U240 Execution 4 Checking the MB home position sensor The MB home position is not properly attached, or it is faulty. Reattach the MB home position sensor and execute U241 to check the operation. If it does not operate properly, replace the sensor. U241 Execution 5 Replacing the MB main PWB The MB main PWB is faulty. Replace the MB main PWB.
    • Code: C8520
    • Description: MB conveying motor error 2 Object: 4000-sheet finisher with the mail box
    • Causes: The MB home position sensor does not turn off after passing 1s during the standby operation.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the MB conveying roller The MB conveying roller is not assembled properly. If the MB conveying roller is not rotated manually, repair the part that restricts the operation. 2 Checking the MB conveying roller drive components The MB conveying roller drive components are not properly attached, or they are faulty. Reattach the MB conveying roller drive components. 3 Replacing the MB conveying roller drive components The MB conveying roller drive components are faulty. Replace the MB conveying roller drive components. 4 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires if there is no continuity.• MB conveying motor — MB main PWB• MB home position sensor — MB main PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 5 Replacing the MB conveying motor The MB conveying motor is faulty. Replace the MB conveying motor if it does not operate properly when checking the operation at U240. U240 Execution 6 Checking the MB home position sensor The MB home position is not properly attached, or it is faulty. Reattach the MB home position sensor and execute U241 to check the operation. If it does not operate properly, replace the sensor. U241 Execution 7 Replacing the MB main PWB The MB main PWB is faulty. Replace the MB main PWB.
    • Code: C8800
    • Description: Main program error / Engine — DF communication error (DF)
    • Causes: 1. The main program is faulty when turning the power on.2. The communication error between the engine and the DF was detected 10 times continuously.
    • Remedy: 1 Resetting the main power The program does not start up properly. Turn the power switch and the main power switch off . After 5s passes, turn the main power switch and the power switch on. 2 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the DP firmware to the latest version. Firmware Upgrade 3 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wire when it has no continuity.• DF main PWB — Engine PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 4 Replacing the DF main PWB The DF main PWB is faulty. Replace the DF main PWB. DF Main PWB Replacement 5 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 6 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement
    • Code: C8900
    • Description: DF backup error
    • Causes: The writing data and the reading data mismatch 3 times continuously.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wire when it has no continuity.• DF main PWB — Engine PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 2 Replacing the DF main PWB The DF main PWB is faulty. Replace the DF main PWB. DF Main PWB Replacement
    • Code: C8930
    • Description: BF unit backup error Object: 4000-sheet finisher
    • Causes: The writing data and the reading data mismatch 3 times continuously.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wire when it has no continuity.• BF main PWB — DF main PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 2 Replacing the BF main PWB The BF main PWB is faulty. Replace the BF main PWB.
    • Code: C9000
    • Description: Main program error / DP communication error
    • Causes: The document processor cannot be communicated.
    • Remedy: 1 Firmware upgrade The firmware version between the main unit and the document processor mismatches. Upgrade the firmware for the main unit and the document processor to the latest version. Firmware Upgrade 2 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wire when it has no continuity.• DP main PWB — Engine PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 3 Replacing the DP main PWB The DP main PWB is faulty. Replace the DP main PWB. DP Main PWB Replacement 4 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement
    • Code: C9040
    • Description: DP lift motor ascend error Object: Dual scan DP and automatic duplex DP with the DP feed belt
    • Causes: Turning on of the DP lift upper limit sensor could not be detected after passing 3000 pulses during the DP lift motor ascend drive. That status was continued 5 times or more.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the original lift plate The DP original lift plate is not properly attached. If the original lift plate is not shifted manually vertically, repair the part that restricts the operation. 2 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires when they have no continuity.• DP lift motor — DP main PWB• DP lift upper limit sensor — DP main PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 3 Replacing the DP lift motor The DP lift motor is faulty. Replace the DP lift motor if it does not operate properly when checking the operation at U243. U243 Execution 4 Checking the DP lift upper limit sensor The DP lift upper limit sensor is not properly attached, or it is faulty. Reattach the DP lift upper limit sensor and execute U241 to check the operation. If it does not operate properly, replace the sensor. U244 Execution 5 Replacing the DP main PWB The DP main PWB is faulty. Replace the DP main PWB. DP Main PWB Replacement
    • Code: C9050
    • Description: DP lift motor descend error Object: Dual scan DP and automatic duplex DP with the DP feed belt
    • Causes: Turning on of the DP lift lower limit sensor could not be detected after passing 3000 pulses during the DP lift motor descend drive. (The recovery is 3 times.)
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the original lift plate The DP original lift plate is not properly attached. If the original lift plate is not shifted manually vertically, repair the part that restricts the operation. 2 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires when they have no continuity.• DP lift motor — DP main PWB• DP lift upper limit sensor — DP main PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 3 Replacing the DP lift motor The DP lift motor is faulty. Replace the DP lift motor if it does not operate properly when checking the operation at U243. U243 Execution 4 Checking the DP lift lower limit sensor The DP lift lower limit sensor is not properly attached, or it is faulty. Reattach the DP lift lower limit sensor and execute U241 to check the operation. If it does not operate properly, replace the sensor. U244 Execution 5 Replacing the DP main PWB The DP main PWB is faulty. Replace the DP main PWB. DP Main PWB Replacement
    • Code: C9060
    • Description: DP EEPROM error
    • Causes: The writing data and the reading data into the EEPROM mismatch.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the EEPROM The EEPROM is not properly installed. Reattach the EEPROM on the DP main PWB. 2 Replacing the DP main PWB The DP main PWB is faulty. Replace the DP main PWB. DP Main PWB Replacement 3 Replacing the EEPROM The EEPROM is faulty. Replace the EEPROM on the DP main PWB and execute U411. U411 Execution
    • Code: C9070
    • Description: DP — SHD communication error Object: Dual scan DP
    • Causes: The communication error between the DP main PWB and the DPSHD PWB was detected during communication.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wire when it has no continuity.• DPSHD PWB — DP main PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 2 Replacing the DPSHD PWB The DPSHD PWB is faulty. Replace the DPSHD PWB. 3 Replacing the DP main PWB The DP main PWB is faulty. Replace the DP main PWB. DP Main PWB Replacement
    • Code: C9080
    • Description: LED failure detection Object: Dual scan DP
    • Causes: After 4 blocks of the LED lamps of the DPCIS are lit when turning on the power, the acquired peak value of some blocks is the reference value or less.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the LED lamp The LED lamp of the DPCIS does not light. Execute U203 to confirm that the LED lamp of the DPCIS does not light. Go to the next step. U203 Execution 2 Checking the DPSHD PWB The DPSHD PWB is not properly connected. Reconnect the DPSHD PWB to the DPCIS. 3 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wire when it has no continuity.• DPSHD PWB — DP main PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 4 Executing U411 DP scanning is not properly adjusted. Execute U411 [DP FD(ChartB)] and [DP FD(ChartA)]. U411 Execution 5 Replacing the DPCIS The DPCIS is faulty. Replace the DPCIS, and then execute U091 and U411. DP CIS Replacement 6 Replacing the DPSHD PWB The DPSHD PWB is faulty. Replace the DPSHD PWB.
    • Code: C9180
    • Description: DP reverse motor error Object: Automatic duplex DP with the DP feed belt
    • Causes: The home position cannot be detected even if executing the retry of the home position detection 3 times continuously. [Note]Home position detection: When shifting the DP reverse motor to the home position, the retry will be executed if the home position could not be detected after driving the DP reverse motor 1-round.
    • Remedy: 1 Resetting the main power The DP reverse motor is not controlled properly. Turn the power switch and the main power switch off . After 5s passes, turn the main power switch and the power switch on. 2 Checking the DP reverse motor The DP reverse motor does not rotate properly or the excessive load is applied to it. Remove the DP reverse motor and fix it by rotating the drive components manually. Then, reattach it. 3 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires if there is no continuity.• DF reverse motor — DP main PWB• DP timing sensor — DP main PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 4 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 5 Checking the DP reverse motor The DP reverse motor is faulty. Reconnect the DP reverse motor. Replace it if it is not fixed. 6 Checking the DP timing sensor The DP timing sensor is not properly attached, or it is faulty. Reattach the DP timing sensor. Replace it if it is not fixed. 7 Checking the DP main PWB The connectors on the DP main PWB are not properly connected, or the wires are faulty. Reconnect the connectors on the DP main PWB. Then, fix or replace them if they are pinched by the other part or if they have any damage. When the issue is not resolved, replace the DP main PWB. DP Main PWB Replacement
    • Code: C9500
    • Description: Image processing PWB error (Scanner)
    • Causes: Scanner
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the FFC The FFC is not properly connected, or it is faulty. Reconnect the following FFC. When the FFC terminals are peeled off or deformed or the FFC is broken, replace the FFC.• Engine PWB — Main PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 2 Replacing the main PWB The main PWB is faulty. Replace the main PWB. Main PWB Replacement 3 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement
    • Code: C9050
    • Description: DP lift motor descend error Object: Dual scan DP and automatic duplex DP with the DP feed belt
    • Causes: Turning on of the DP lift lower limit sensor could not be detected after passing 3000 pulses during the DP lift motor descend drive. (The recovery is 3 times.)
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the original lift plate The DP original lift plate is not properly attached. If the original lift plate is not shifted manually vertically, repair the part that restricts the operation. 2 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires when they have no continuity.• DP lift motor — DP main PWB• DP lift upper limit sensor — DP main PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 3 Replacing the DP lift motor The DP lift motor is faulty. Replace the DP lift motor if it does not operate properly when checking the operation at U243. U243 Execution 4 Checking the DP lift lower limit sensor The DP lift lower limit sensor is not properly attached, or it is faulty. Reattach the DP lift lower limit sensor and execute U241 to check the operation. If it does not operate properly, replace the sensor. U244 Execution 5 Replacing the DP main PWB The DP main PWB is faulty. Replace the DP main PWB. DP Main PWB Replacement
    • Code: C9060
    • Description: DP EEPROM error
    • Causes: The writing data and the reading data into the EEPROM mismatch.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the EEPROM The EEPROM is not properly installed. Reattach the EEPROM on the DP main PWB. 2 Replacing the DP main PWB The DP main PWB is faulty. Replace the DP main PWB. DP Main PWB Replacement 3 Replacing the EEPROM The EEPROM is faulty. Replace the EEPROM on the DP main PWB and execute U411. U411 Execution
    • Code: C9070
    • Description: DP — SHD communication error Object: Dual scan DP
    • Causes: The communication error between the DP main PWB and the DPSHD PWB was detected during communication.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wire when it has no continuity.• DPSHD PWB — DP main PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 2 Replacing the DPSHD PWB The DPSHD PWB is faulty. Replace the DPSHD PWB. 3 Replacing the DP main PWB The DP main PWB is faulty. Replace the DP main PWB. DP Main PWB Replacement
    • Code: C9080
    • Description: LED failure detection Object: Dual scan DP
    • Causes: After 4 blocks of the LED lamps of the DPCIS are lit when turning on the power, the acquired peak value of some blocks is the reference value or less.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the LED lamp The LED lamp of the DPCIS does not light. Execute U203 to confirm that the LED lamp of the DPCIS does not light. Go to the next step. U203 Execution 2 Checking the DPSHD PWB The DPSHD PWB is not properly connected. Reconnect the DPSHD PWB to the DPCIS. 3 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wire when it has no continuity.• DPSHD PWB — DP main PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 4 Executing U411 DP scanning is not properly adjusted. Execute U411 [DP FD(ChartB)] and [DP FD(ChartA)]. U411 Execution 5 Replacing the DPCIS The DPCIS is faulty. Replace the DPCIS, and then execute U091 and U411. DP CIS Replacement 6 Replacing the DPSHD PWB The DPSHD PWB is faulty. Replace the DPSHD PWB.
    • Code: C9180
    • Description: DP reverse motor error Object: Automatic duplex DP with the DP feed belt
    • Causes: The home position cannot be detected even if executing the retry of the home position detection 3 times continuously. [Note]Home position detection: When shifting the DP reverse motor to the home position, the retry will be executed if the home position could not be detected after driving the DP reverse motor 1-round.
    • Remedy: 1 Resetting the main power The DP reverse motor is not controlled properly. Turn the power switch and the main power switch off . After 5s passes, turn the main power switch and the power switch on. 2 Checking the DP reverse motor The DP reverse motor does not rotate properly or the excessive load is applied to it. Remove the DP reverse motor and fix it by rotating the drive components manually. Then, reattach it. 3 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires if there is no continuity.• DF reverse motor — DP main PWB• DP timing sensor — DP main PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 4 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 5 Checking the DP reverse motor The DP reverse motor is faulty. Reconnect the DP reverse motor. Replace it if it is not fixed. 6 Checking the DP timing sensor The DP timing sensor is not properly attached, or it is faulty. Reattach the DP timing sensor. Replace it if it is not fixed. 7 Checking the DP main PWB The connectors on the DP main PWB are not properly connected, or the wires are faulty. Reconnect the connectors on the DP main PWB. Then, fix or replace them if they are pinched by the other part or if they have any damage. When the issue is not resolved, replace the DP main PWB. DP Main PWB Replacement
    • Code: C9500
    • Description: Image processing PWB error (Scanner)
    • Causes: Scanner
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the FFC The FFC is not properly connected, or it is faulty. Reconnect the following FFC. When the FFC terminals are peeled off or deformed or the FFC is broken, replace the FFC.• Engine PWB — Main PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 2 Replacing the main PWB The main PWB is faulty. Replace the main PWB. Main PWB Replacement 3 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement
    • Code: C9510
    • Description: Image processing circuit error (DP)
    • Causes: DP
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the DP relay PWB The DP relay PWB is not properly attached. Reattach the DP relay PWB. 2 Checking the SATA cable The SATA cable is not properly connected, or it is faulty. Reinsert the connectors of the SATA cable between the DPSHD PWB and the DP relay PWB. If the issue is not resolved, check the continuity, and replace the SATA cable if there is no continuity. Electrical Diagram of PWBs 3 Replacing the DPSHD PWB The DPSHD PWB is faulty. Replace the DPSHD PWB. 4 Replacing the DP relay PWB The DP relay PWB is faulty. Replace the DP relay PWB. 5 Replacing the main PWB The main PWB is faulty. Replace the main PWB. Main PWB Replacement
    • Code: C9540
    • Description: Backup data error
    • Causes: When multiple parts are replaced at the same time, the internal data is changed and it interferes with the machine operation. Consequently, the main unit cannot recover.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the PWB Multiple PWBs were replaced at the same time. Recover to the original, if 2 or more of the following related parts were replaced at the same time.• Related parts: Memory, each PWB 2 Checking the unit Multiple units were replaced at the same time. Be sure not to perform the following works at the same time when the memory or each PWB is replaced.• Replacing the drum unit or the developer unit• Relocating the drum units to other colorspositioninsideamainunit’
    • Code: F000
    • Description: CF000 will be displayed if * notes progress is carried out for a definite period of time with a Welcome screen.The communication fault between Panel-Main boardsCommunication fault between Panel Core-Main Core Notes 2
    • Causes:
    • Remedy: (1) Check the harness of * (between Main board <=>HDD), and the connection state of a connector between Panel<=>Main boards, and perform an operation check. (2) Check contact of a DDR memory (extracting) and perform an operation check. If exchangeable, it will exchange and will perform an operation check. (3) Initialize HDD and perform an operation check. (FULL of U024) * ( 4) U021 Controller backup initialization is carried out and an operation check is performed. (5) Exchange a Main board and perform an operation check. (6) Exchange a PanelMain board and perform an operation check. (7) It will get, if USBLOG is obtainable, and contact service headquarters. * : only HDD standard model * Note 2 : Only Dual Core CPU model
    • Code: F12X
    • Description: Abnormality detecting in a Scan control section
    • Causes:
    • Remedy: (1) Check the harness between Scan/DP<=>Main boards, and the connection state of a connector, and perform an operation check. (2) Initialize HDD and perform an operation check. (FULL of U024) * ( 3) U021 Controller backup initialization is carried out and an operation check is performed. (4) Exchange a Scan/DP board and perform an operation check. (5) Exchange a Main board and perform an operation check. (6) Get USBLOG and contact service headquarters. * Only HDD standard model
    • Code: F14X
    • Description: Abnormality detecting in a FAX control part
    • Causes:
    • Remedy: (1) Check the harness between FAX<=>Main boards, and the connection state of a connector, and perform an operation check. (2) Initialize HDD and perform an operation check. (FULL of U024) * ( 3) U021 Controller backup initialization is carried out and an operation check is performed. (4) Perform a deed operation check for DIMM Clear by U671. * Notes(Since it disappears when received data remain, cautions are required.) (5) Exchange FAX_DIMM and perform an operation check. * Notes (6) Exchange a FAX board and perform an operation check. (7) Exchange a Main board and perform an operation check. (8) Get USBLOG and contact service headquarters. * Only HDD standard model * Note Only model which has Flash for FAX data in a Main board
    • Code: F15X
    • Description: Abnormality detecting in an authentication device control section
    • Causes:
    • Remedy: (1) Check the harness between authentication device <=>Main boards, and the connection situation of a connector, and perform an operation check. (2) Initialize HDD and perform an operation check. (FULL of U024) * ( 3) Carry out U021 Main backup initialization and perform an operation check. (4) Exchange a Main board and perform an operation check. (5) Exchange HDD and perform an operation check. * (6) Get USBLOG and contact service headquarters. * Only HDD standard model
    • Code: F18X
    • Description: Abnormality detecting in a Video control section
    • Causes:
    • Remedy: (1) Check the harness between Engine<=>Main boards, and the connection state of a connector, and perform an operation check. (2) Initialize HDD and perform an operation check. (FULL of U024) * ( 3) U021 Controller backup initialization is carried out and an operation check is performed. (3) Exchange an Engine board and perform an operation check. (4) Exchange a Main board and perform an operation check. (5) Get USBLOG and contact service headquarters. * Only HDD standard model
    • Code: F1DX
    • Description: Abnormality detecting of the image memory Management Department
    • Causes:
    • Remedy: (1) Initialize HDD and perform an operation check. (FULL of U024) * ( 2) Carry out U021 Main backup initialization and perform an operation check. (3) Exchange a Main board and perform an operation check. (4) Exchange HDD and perform an operation check. * (5) Get USBLOG and contact service headquarters. * Only HDD standard model
    • Code: F21X, F22X, F23X
    • Description: Abnormality detecting in an image-processing part
    • Causes:
    • Remedy: (1) Check contact of a DDR memory and perform an operation check. (2) Initialize HDD and perform an operation check. (FULL of U024) * ( 3) Carry out U021 Main backup initialization and perform an operation check. (4) Exchange a Main board and perform an operation check. (5) Exchange HDD and perform an operation check. * (6) Get USBLOG and contact service headquarters. * Only HDD standard model
    • Code: F24X
    • Description: Abnormality detecting in the system Management Department
    • Causes:
    • Remedy: (1) Check contact of a DDR memory and perform an operation check. (2) Initialize HDD and perform an operation check. (FULL of U024) * ( 3) Carry out U021 Main backup initialization and perform an operation check. (4) Exchange a Main board and perform an operation check. (5) Exchange HDD and perform an operation check. * (6) Get USBLOG and contact service headquarters. * Only HDD standard model
    • Code: F25X
    • Description: Abnormality detecting in a network management department
    • Causes:
    • Remedy: (1) Initialize HDD and perform an operation check. (FULL of U024) * ( 2) Carry out U021 Main backup initialization and perform an operation check. (3) Exchange a Main board and perform an operation check. (4) Get USBLOG and packet capture and contact service headquarters. * Only HDD standard model
    • Code: F26X, F27X, F28X
    • Description: Abnormality detecting in the system Management Department
    • Causes:
    • Remedy: (1) Initialize HDD and perform an operation check. (FULL of U024) * ( 2) Carry out U021 Main backup initialization and perform an operation check. (3) Exchange a Main board and perform an operation check. (4) Exchange HDD and perform an operation check. * (5) Get USBLOG and contact service headquarters. * Only HDD standard model
    • Code: F29X, F2AX
    • Description: Abnormality detecting in the system Management Department
    • Causes:
    • Remedy: (1) Initialize HDD and perform an operation check. (FULL of U024) * ( 2) Carry out U021 Main backup initialization and perform an operation check. (3) Exchange a Main board and perform an operation check. (4) Exchange HDD and perform an operation check. * (5) Get USBLOG and contact service headquarters. * Only HDD standard model
    • Code: F2BX, F2CX, F2DX
    • Description: Abnormality detecting in a network control part
    • Causes:
    • Remedy: (1) Initialize HDD and perform an operation check. (FULL of U024) * ( 2) Carry out U021 Main backup initialization and perform an operation check. (3) Exchange a Main board and perform an operation check. (4) Get USBLOG and contact service headquarters. (Depending on an analysis result, it is packet capture acquisition) * Only HDD standard model
    • Code: F2EX, F2FX, F30X
    • Description: Abnormality detecting in a network control part
    • Causes:
    • Remedy: (1) Initialize HDD and perform an operation check. (FULL of U024) * ( 2) Carry out U021 Main backup initialization and perform an operation check. (3) Exchange a Main board and perform an operation check. (4) Get USBLOG and contact service headquarters. (Depending on an analysis result, it is packet capture acquisition) * Only HDD standard model
    • Code: F31X, F32X
    • Description: Abnormality detecting in a network control part
    • Causes:
    • Remedy: (1) Initialize HDD and perform an operation check. (FULL of U024) * ( 2) Carry out U021 Main backup initialization and perform an operation check. (3) Exchange a Main board and perform an operation check. (4) Get USBLOG and contact service headquarters. (Depending on an analysis result, it is packet capture acquisition) * Only HDD standard model
    • Code: F33X
    • Description: Abnormality detecting in the Scan Management Department
    • Causes:
    • Remedy: (1) Check the harness between Scan/DP<=>Main boards, and the connection state of a connector, and perform an operation check. (2) Initialize HDD and perform an operation check. (FULL of U024) * ( 3) U021 Controller backup initialization is carried out and an operation check is performed. (4) Exchange a Scan/DP board and perform an operation check. (5) Exchange a Main board and perform an operation check. (6) Get USBLOG and contact service headquarters. * Only HDD standard model
    • Code: F34X
    • Description: Abnormality detecting in the Panel Management Department
    • Causes:
    • Remedy: (1) Check the harness between Panel<=>Main boards, and the connection state of a connector, and perform an operation check. * Notes (2) Initialize HDD and perform an operation check. (FULL of U024) * ( 3) U021 Controller backup initialization is carried out and an operation check is performed. (4) Exchange a Panel board and perform an operation check. * Notes (5) Exchange a Main board and perform an operation check. (6) Get USBLOG and contact service headquarters. * Only HDD standard model * Note : A Dual Core CPU model and HyPAS model
    • Code: F35X
    • Description: Abnormality detecting in the printing controlling Management Department
    • Causes:
    • Remedy: (1) Initialize HDD and perform an operation check. (FULL of U024) * ( 2) Carry out U021 Main backup initialization and perform an operation check. (3) Exchange a Main board and perform an operation check. (4) Exchange HDD and perform an operation check. * (5) Get USBLOG and contact service headquarters. * Only HDD standard model
    • Code: F37X
    • Description: Abnormality detecting in the FAX Management Department
    • Causes:
    • Remedy: (1) Initialize HDD and perform an operation check. (FULL of U024) * ( 2) Carry out U021 Main backup initialization and perform an operation check. (3) Perform a deed operation check for DIMM Clear by U671.(Since it disappears when received data remain, cautions are required.) * notes (4) Exchange FAX_DIMM and perform an operation check. * Notes (5) Exchange a Main board and perform an operation check. (6) Exchange HDD and perform an operation check. * (7) Get USBLOG and contact service headquarters. * Only HDD standard model * Note Only model which has Flash for FAX data in a Main board
    • Code: F38X
    • Description: Abnormality detecting in the authentication authorized Management Department
    • Causes:
    • Remedy: (1) Initialize HDD and perform an operation check. (FULL of U024) * ( 2) Carry out U021 Main backup initialization and perform an operation check. (3) Exchange a Main board and perform an operation check. (4) Exchange HDD and perform an operation check. * (5) Get USBLOG and contact service headquarters. * Only HDD standard model
    • Code: F3AX, F3BX, F3CX
    • Description: Abnormality detecting in the Entity Management Department
    • Causes:
    • Remedy: (1) Initialize HDD and perform an operation check. (FULL of U024) * ( 2) Carry out U021 Main backup initialization and perform an operation check. (3) Exchange a Main board and perform an operation check. (4) Exchange HDD and perform an operation check. * (5) Get USBLOG and contact service headquarters. * Only HDD standard model
    • Code: F3DX, F3EX, F3FX
    • Description: Abnormality detecting in the Entity Management Department
    • Causes:
    • Remedy: (1) Initialize HDD and perform an operation check. (FULL of U024) * ( 2) Carry out U021 Main backup initialization and perform an operation check. (3) Exchange a Main board and perform an operation check. (4) Exchange HDD and perform an operation check. * (5) Get USBLOG and contact service headquarters. * Only HDD standard model
    • Code: F40X, F41X, F42X
    • Description: Abnormality detecting in the Entity Management Department
    • Causes:
    • Remedy: (1) Initialize HDD and perform an operation check. (FULL of U024) * ( 2) Carry out U021 Main backup initialization and perform an operation check. (3) Exchange a Main board and perform an operation check. (4) Exchange HDD and perform an operation check. * (5) Get USBLOG and contact service headquarters. * Only HDD standard model
    • Code: F43X, F44X, F45X
    • Description: Abnormality detecting in the Entity Management Department
    • Causes:
    • Remedy: (1) Initialize HDD and perform an operation check. (FULL of U024) * ( 2) Carry out U021 Main backup initialization and perform an operation check. (3) Exchange a Main board and perform an operation check. (4) Exchange HDD and perform an operation check. * (5) Get USBLOG and contact service headquarters. * Only HDD standard model
    • Code: F46X
    • Description: Abnormality detecting of a printer rendering part
    • Causes:
    • Remedy: (1) Exchange boards and perform an operation check. (2) the acquisition wish of USBLOG — carry out (Depending on the (2) case, it is print capture data acquisition) * Only HDD standard model
    • Code: F47X, F48X
    • Description: Abnormality detecting of an image editing processing part
    • Causes:
    • Remedy: (1) Initialize HDD and perform an operation check. (FULL of U024) * ( 2) Carry out U021 Main backup initialization and perform an operation check. (3) Exchange a Main board and perform an operation check. (4) Exchange HDD and perform an operation check. * (5) Get USBLOG and contact service headquarters. * Only HDD standard model
    • Code: F4DX, F4EX
    • Description: Abnormality detecting in the Entity Management Department
    • Causes:
    • Remedy: (1) Initialize HDD and perform an operation check. (FULL of U024) * ( 2) Carry out U021 Main backup initialization and perform an operation check. (3) Exchange a Main board and perform an operation check. (4) Exchange HDD and perform an operation check. * (5) Get USBLOG and contact service headquarters. * Only HDD standard model
    • Code: F4FX
    • Description: Abnormality detecting in the JOB Management Department
    • Causes:
    • Remedy: (1) Initialize HDD and perform an operation check. (FULL of U024) * ( 2) Carry out U021 Main backup initialization and perform an operation check. (3) Exchange a Main board and perform an operation check. (4) Exchange HDD and perform an operation check. * (5) Get USBLOG and contact service headquarters. * Only HDD standard model
    • Code: F50X
    • Description: Abnormality detecting in the FAX Management Department
    • Causes:
    • Remedy: (1) Initialize HDD and perform an operation check. (FULL of U024) * ( 2) Carry out U021 Main backup initialization and perform an operation check. (3) Exchange a Main board and perform an operation check. (4) Exchange HDD and perform an operation check. * (5) Get USBLOG and contact service headquarters. * Only HDD standard model
    • Code: F51X, F52X, F53X
    • Description: Abnormality detecting in a JOB execution part
    • Causes:
    • Remedy: (1) Initialize HDD and perform an operation check. (FULL of U024) * ( 2) Carry out U021 Main backup initialization and perform an operation check. (3) Exchange a Main board and perform an operation check. (4) Exchange HDD and perform an operation check. * (5) Get USBLOG and contact service headquarters. * Only HDD standard model
    • Code: F55X, F56X, F57X
    • Description: Abnormality detecting in a JOB execution part
    • Causes:
    • Remedy: (1) Initialize HDD and perform an operation check. (FULL of U024) * ( 2) Carry out U021 Main backup initialization and perform an operation check. (3) Exchange a Main board and perform an operation check. (4) Exchange HDD and perform an operation check. * (5) Get USBLOG and contact service headquarters. * Only HDD standard model
    • Code: F58X, F59X, F5AX
    • Description: Abnormality detecting in the various-services Management Department
    • Causes:
    • Remedy: (1) Initialize HDD and perform an operation check. (FULL of U024) * ( 2) Carry out U021 Main backup initialization and perform an operation check. (3) Exchange a Main board and perform an operation check. (4) Exchange HDD and perform an operation check. * (5) Get USBLOG and contact service headquarters. * Only HDD standard model
    • Code: F5BX, F5CX
    • Description: Abnormality detecting in the various-services Management Department
    • Causes:
    • Remedy: (1) Initialize HDD and perform an operation check. (FULL of U024) * ( 2) Carry out U021 Main backup initialization and perform an operation check. (3) Exchange a Main board and perform an operation check. (4) Exchange HDD and perform an operation check. * (5) Get USBLOG and contact service headquarters. * Only HDD standard model
    • Code: F5DX, F5EX
    • Description: Abnormality detecting in the various-services Management Department
    • Causes:
    • Remedy: (1) Initialize HDD and perform an operation check. (FULL of U024) * ( 2) Carry out U021 Main backup initialization and perform an operation check. (3) Exchange a Main board and perform an operation check. (4) Exchange HDD and perform an operation check. * (5) Get USBLOG and contact service headquarters. * Only HDD standard model
    • Code: F5FX
    • Description: Abnormality detecting in a service execution part
    • Causes:
    • Remedy: (1) Initialize HDD and perform an operation check. (FULL of U024) * ( 2) Carry out U021 Main backup initialization and perform an operation check. (3) Exchange a Main board and perform an operation check. (4) Exchange HDD and perform an operation check. * (5) Get USBLOG and contact service headquarters. * Only HDD standard model
    • Code: F62X
    • Description: Abnormality detecting in a service execution part
    • Causes:
    • Remedy: (1) Initialize HDD and perform an operation check. (FULL of U024) * ( 2) Carry out U021 Main backup initialization and perform an operation check. (3) Exchange a Main board and perform an operation check. (4) Exchange HDD and perform an operation check. * (5) Get USBLOG and contact service headquarters. * Only HDD standard model
    • Code: F63X
    • Description: Abnormality detecting in a device control section
    • Causes:
    • Remedy: (1) Initialize HDD and perform an operation check. (FULL of U024) * ( 2) Carry out U021 Main backup initialization and perform an operation check. (3) Exchange a Main board and perform an operation check. (4) Exchange HDD and perform an operation check. * (5) Get USBLOG and contact service headquarters. * Only HDD standard model

    Error Code

    Fax PWB Problem. Processing with fax software is disabled due to software or hardware issues.

    Main PWB Type Mismatch Error.

    Fax PWB Incompatability Detection Problem. Fax software is not compatible with main PWB software.

    Main PWB EEPROM Backup Memory Device Problem. EEPROM can not be written or read.

    Main PWB EEPROM Backup Memory Data Problem. Abnormal reading data from EEPROM.

    Engine PWB EEPROM Backup Memory Device Problem. EEPROM cannot be written or read.

    Engine PWB EEPROM Backup Memory Data Problem. Abnormal reading data from EEPROM. Read & write data do not match five times consecutively.

    Copy Counts Problem. A checksum error is detected in the main and engine backup memories for copy counters.

    Machine Number Mismatch Error. Machine number does not match on main and engine PWBs

    Main PWB DIMM Installed Incorrectly.

    Main PWB DIMM error

    DMA transmission of compressed, decompressed, rotated, relocated, or blanked-out image data does not complete within a specified period of time.

    Hard Disk Drive cannot be accessed

    Optional CF backup is not suitable.

    Image processing problem. JAM05 is detected twice.

    Fax Flash ROM program area checksum error

    Fax PWB to Main PWB high capacity data transfer problem.

    Fax PWB program archive problem.

    Fax backup data is not retained.

    Cassette #1 Lift Motor error. Exceeds 12 seconds of operation or 500ms of overcurrent.

    Cassette #2 Lift Motor error. Exceeds 12 seconds of operation or 500ms of overcurrent.

    PF-700 optional cassette #3 lift motor error.

    PF-700 optional cassette #4 lift motor error.

    PF-750 (Left) Lift Motor 1 error. Exceeds 1 second overcurrent.

    PF-750 (Right) Lift Motor 2 error. Exceeds 1 second overcurrent.

    PF-750 (Left) Lift Motor 1 position problem. PF switch 2 remains off after 30 seconds of motor operation.

    PF-750 (Right) Lift Motor 2 position problem. PF switch 1 remains off after 30 seconds of motor operation.

    PF-700/PF-750 Communication Problem.

    PF-700 EEPROM error. Write data & Read data are not in agreement three times consecutively.

    Drive Motor Problem. Stable Off is detected exceeding 1 sec after motor stability. Stabilization is not detected with 6 sec of activation.

    Main Charge Cleaner Motor error. Lock error is detected three times in a row during cleaner motor operation.

    Paper Feed Motor error. Stable Off is detected exceeding 1 sec after motor stability. Stabilization is not detected within 6 seconds of activation.

    PF-700 Drive Motor error. Lock signal exceeds 500ms.

    PF-750 Paper Conveying Motor error. Lock signal exceeds 450ms.

    Scanner Carriage Problem. Scanner home position is not detected at initialization or start of copying from contact glass.

    Exposure Lamp Problem. Exposure lamp does not reach the input value threshold within 5 sec of commencing reading.

    Exposure Lamp Problem. Exposure lamp does not exceed the input threshold value within 5 sec of commencing reading.

    CCD AGC Problem. After AGC correct input is not obtained at the CCD.

    CIS AGC Problem. After AGC correct input is not obtained at the CIS.

    Communication Error Between Scanner and SHD.

    Scanner PWB Backup Memory Read/Write Problem. Read & Write data does not match.

    Scanner PWB Backup Memory Data Problem. Data in a specified area of the backup memory does not match the specified values.

    Polygon Motor Synchronization Problem. Polygon motor does not stabilize speed within 20 sec of activation.

    Polygon Motor Steady-State Problem. Stable Off is detected for 20 sec continuously after polygon motor stabilization.

    BD Steady-State Problem. ASIC detects a Beam Detect error A for 2 sec after polygon motor stabilization.

    Cleaning Lamp Broken Wire. While the cleaning lamp is On, the broken wire detection signal is detected for 2 sec continuously.

    Fuser Heater Break. Thermistor1 detected less than 70C/158F for 10 sec during warmup & ready. Thermistor2 detected less than 40C/104F for 10 sec during warmup & ready. Temp at thermistor 1or 2 does not rise by at least 1C/1.8F within 5 sec.

    Abnormally High Thermistor Temperature. Thermistor 1 or 2 is detected 250C/482F for 40ms or more.

    Fixing Thermistor Break Error. Thermistor break signal is detected for 1 sec.

    Abnormally Low Thermistor Temperature. Thermistor 1 is detected 80C/176F or less for 1 sec continuously during copying.

    Zero-Cross Signal Error. While fuser heater On/Off control is performed, the zero-cross signal is not input within 3 sec.

    Fuser Unit Connection Insertion Problem. Absence of fuser unit is detected.

    Fuser Unit Fuse Cut Problem. The fuse has been cut 33 sec after the fuse cut signal is turned on.

    Toner Container Problem. Toner level is not detected when toner empty is detected.

    Developing Unit Connection Insertion Problem. Absence of the developing unit is detected.

    Drum Unit Connection Insertion Problem. Absence of the drum unit is detected.

    Broken External Thermistor Wire. Thermistor on the environmental sensor outputs 4.5v or more.

    Short-Circuited External Thermistor. Thermistor input value is 0.5v or less.

    Drum EEPROM Error. Reading or writing to the EEPROM cannot be performed.

    Developing EEPROM Error. Reading or writing to the EEPROM cannot be performed.

    DF-710 Punch Motor Problem. Punch motor lock signal is detected for 500ms or more during activation.

    DF-730 Tray Upper Limit Detection Problem. When tray elevation motor raises a tray, the upper limit switch detects On condition.

    DF-710 Paper Conveying Belt Motor 1 Error. Paper conveying belt home position sensor 1 does not turn Off within 1.5 sec. Paper conveying belt home position sensor 1 does not turn On within 2.5 sec. Jam 88.

    DF-710 Paper Conveying Belt Motor 2 Error. Paper conveying belt home position sensor 2 does not turn Off within 1.5 sec. Paper conveying belt home position sensor 2 does not turn On within 2.5 sec.

    DF-710 Internal Tray Communication Error. The connection is detected, but communication is not possible with the internal tray.

    DF-710 Main Tray Problem. Main tray is not detected in not detected by main tray top limit detection sensor or main tray capacity detection sensor within 20 sec of ascending. Main tray upper limit detection sensor or main tray load detection sensor is not detected as Off within 20 sec of main tray descending. Main tray lower limit detection sensor is not detected as On within 20 sec of main tray descending. Main tray upper limit detection sensor or main tray load detection sensor remain on for 2 sec or more during main tray ascent.

    DF-730 Tray Elevation Motor Problem. Tray lower limit sensor or surface view sensor cannot be detected within 10 sec.

    DF-710 Side Registration Motor 1 Problem. During initial rotations home position is not detected within 3 sec. Jam 88.

    DF-720 Front Side Registration Motor Problem. During initial rotations home position is not detected within 106 pulses. When the front side home position sensor is turned off during initialization, the sensor did not turn on within 3 sec.

    DF-730 Adjustment Motor Problem. Adjustment motor home position motor is not detected within a specific time during activation.

    DF-710 Side Registration Motor 2 Problem. During initial rotations home position is not detected within 3 sec. Jam 88.

    DF-720 Rear Side Registration Motor Problem. During initial rotations home position is not detected within 106 pulses. When the rear side home position sensor is turned off during initialization, the sensor did not turn on within 3 sec.

    DF-720 Trailing Edge Registration Motor Problem. During initial rotations home position is not detected within 106 pulses. When the trailing edge home position sensor is turned off during initialization, the sensor did not turn on within 3 sec.

    DF-710 Stapler Moving Motor 1 Error. During initial rotations home position is not detected within 1.5 sec.

    DF-720 Finisher Stapler Problem. Stapler home position sensor does not change state from non-detect to detect within 200ms of forward (CCW) rotation. During initial rotations stapler home position detection does not change state from non-detect to detect within 600ms of reverse (CW) rotation.

    DF-730 Stapler Problem. Home position is not detected within a specific time of activation.

    DF-710 Stapler Moving Motor 2 Error. During initial rotations home position is not detected within 3.5 sec.

    DF-710 Stapler Motor Problem. Jam 82 is indicated.

    BF-710 Centerfold Unit Communiation Error. Although the connection is detected, communication is not possible with the centerfold unit.

    BF-710 Centerfold Side Registration Motor 1 Problem. During initial rotations home position is not detected within 1000ms.

    BF-710 Centerfold Paper Conveying Belt Motor Problem. During initial rotations home position is not detected within 2500ms.

    BF-710 Blade Motor Problem. During initial rotations home position is not detected within 1500ms.

    BF-710 Centerfold Staple Motor Problem. Jam 89.

    BF-710 Centerfold Side Registration Motor 2 Problem. During initial rotations home position is not detected within 1000ms.

    BF-710 Centerfold Main Motor Problem. The motor lock signal is detected for more than 1000ms during activation.

    DF-730 Sensor Adjusting Problem. The paper entry sensor cannot be adjusted within the specified range.

    DF-730 EEPROM Problem. Reading to or writing from EEPROM cannot be performed.

    MT-710 Communication Error. The connection is detected, but communication is not possible with the mailbox.

    MT-710 Drive Motor Problem. The motor lock signal is detected for more than 500ms during activation.

    DF-710 Communication Problem. No communication: there is no reply after (5) tries. Abnormal communication: a parity or checksum error is detected (5) times in succession.

    DF-710 Backup Memory Data Problem. Read and write data does not match.

    PH-5A Backup Memory Data Problem. Read and write data does not match.

    MT-710 Backup Memory Data Problem. Read and write data does not match.

    BF-710 Backup Memory Data Problem. Read and write data does not match.

    DP-700 Communication Problem. A communication error is detected.

    DP-700 Lift Motor Ascent Error. The DP lift upper limit switch is not detected within 10000 pulses. After a one time retry, the DP lift upper limit switch could not be turned On.

    DP-700 Lift Motor Descent Error. The DP lift lower limit switch is not detected within 10000 pulses. After a one time retry, the DP lift lower limit switch could not be turned On.

    DP-700 EEPROM Error. Read and write data does not match. Data in the specified area of the backup memory does not match the specified values.

    DP-700 Communication Error between the DP and SHD. A communication error is detected.

    DP-700 Communication Error between the DP and CIS. Reading cannot be performed correctly.

    Operation Panel PWB Communication Error/System Error. Unknown error. Communication error between panel and main controller. (If CF620 occurred and is left, CF000 also occurred because of timeout control.

    Main PWB Checksum Error/System Error. Communication error between panel and main controller.

    Memory Checksum Error/Operation System Error.

    Main PWB System Error.

    Engine PWB Communication Error.

    Scanner PWB Communication Error.

    Engine ROM Checksum Error.

    Engine RAM Error.

    Flash ROM Error. Defective flash ROM (which?).

    Flash ROM Error (during download). Defective flash ROM (which?).

    Fax System M Communication Error.

    Power Source Secondary Side Error/Operation System Error. The operation decomes unstable after recovering the power supply fail (brownout or power drop). Wall voltage is unstable or the main power supply switch was turned OFF/ON within 1 sec.

    Fax System M IOBL error or KUIOLIB error. Poor contact at the fax card card due to mis-installation.

    Fax System M IOBL error or KUIOLIB error. Poor contact at the fax card card due to mis-installation.

    Print System Other Errors. Bug of v.2.03B has been fixed by v. 2.04A (Booklet > Booklet Print).


    Fax System M Error. Wrong data or value detected when the following function is used. Or poor contact at fax card due to mis-installation.

    Fax System M Error. The IF error detects during system authentication from ACT_Account_Manager. Or poor contact at fax card due to mis-installation.

    CF433 CF434 CF437 CF43F CF441 CF444 CF445 CF451
    HDD Image Process Error. Destruction of stored jobs on the HDD. It may occur when selecting the keys for calling stored copy or scanner job from a custom box.

    CF45F CF453 CF454 CF45F CF460 CF463 CF46F CF470
    HDD Image Process Error. Destruction of stored jobs on the HDD. It may occur when selecting the keys for calling stored copy or scanner job from a custom box.

    CF473 CF47F CF484 CF487 CF48F CF490 CF493 CF494
    HDD Image Process Error. Destruction of stored jobs on the HDD. It may occur when selecting the keys for calling stored copy or scanner job from a custom box.


    System Start Error.

    System Error. Error acquiring the event data. Panel detects CF000 as same error.

    System Error. Error acquiring the event data. Panel detects CF000 as same error. Unable to Load Files To CF Card.

    Readout Error of SSL (authentication data).

    HDD Error.

    CFB2C CFB30 CFB31
    Panel Error. NetFont error. Communication error between panel and main controller during initialization or rejection of communication by controller during initialization. Blue Screen of Death.

    Incompatible Level Of Firmware on Main EEPROM.

    Corrupt Firmware on Main EEPROM.

    Panel Error. Timeout request for start up command. Start command hasn’t been received. Possible destruction of system file in HDD. Cannot enter maintenance mode. Blue Screen of Death.

    Panel Error. Detects disconnection with controller. Possible overdrive of control board or destruction of system file in HDD. Cannot enter maintenance mode. Blue Screen of Death.

    Operation Panel PWB Communication Error.

    Main PWB Checksum Error.

    Memory Checksum Error.

    Main PWB System Error.

    Engine PWB Communication Error.

    Scanner PWB Communication Error.

    Engine ROM Checksum Error.

    Engine RAM Error.

    Flash ROM Error.

    Flash ROM Error (during download).

    Fax Control PWB Communication Error.

    Power Source PWB Second Side Error.

    E00000 or U00000
    Fax Communication Error: No response or line busy after the set number of redials.

    E00100 or U00100
    Fax Communication Error: Transmission was interruped by a press of the Stop/Clear key.

    E00200 or U00200
    Fax Communication Error: Reception was interrupted by a press of the Stop/Clear key.

    E00300 or U00300
    Fax Communication Error: Recording paper on the destination unit has run out during reception.

    E00420 or U00420
    Fax Communication Error: A relay request was received from the host center but interrupted because of a mismatch in permit ID or telephone number.

    E00421 or U00421
    Fax Communication Error: Subaddress-based relay reception was interrupted because of a mismatch in the specified subaddress relay box number.

    E00430 or U00430
    Fax Communication Error: Polling request (confidential or reverse polling) was received but interrupted because of a mismatch in the permit number.

    E00430 or U00430
    Fax Communication Error: Subaddress-based bulletin board transmission was interrupted because of a mismatch in the permit ID of the transmitting unit.

    E00431 or U00431
    Fax Communication Error: Confidential polling transmission was interrupted because the specified confidential box number was not registered.

    E00431 or U00431
    Fax Communication Error: A subaddress-based bulletin board transmission was interrupted because the specified subaddress confidential box was not registered.

    E00432 or U00432
    Fax Communication Error: Confidential polling transmission was interrupted because of a mismatch in the confidential box ID number.

    E00432 or U00432
    Fax Communication Error: A subaddress-based bulletin board transmission was interrupted because of a mismatch in the subaddress confidential box number.

    E00433 or U00433
    Fax Communication Error: Confidential polling request was received but data was not present in the confidential box.

    E00433 or U00433
    Fax Communication Error: Subaddress-based bulletin board transmission request was received but data was not present in the subaddress confidential box.

    E00434 or U00434
    Fax Communication Error: Confidential polling request was received but interrupted because the specified confidential box number was intended for encryption.

    E00435 or U00435
    Fax Communication Error: Confidential polling request was received but interrupted because the specified confidential box was being accessed.

    E00435 or U00435
    Fax Communication Error: Subaddress-based bulletin board transmission request was received but interrupted because the specific subaddress confidential box was being accessed.

    E00440 or U00440
    Fax Communication Error: Confidential reception was interrupted because the specified confidential box number was not registered.

    E00440 or U00440
    Fax Communication Error: Subaddress-based confidential reception or subaddress-based relay reception was interrupted because the specific subaddress box was not registered.

    E00440 or U00440
    Fax Communication Error: Subaddress-based confidential reception or subaddress-based relay command reception was interrupted because the specific subaddress box number was being accessed.

    E00441 or U00441
    Fax Communication Error: Confidential reception was interrupted because the specified confidential box number was intended for encryption.

    E00450 or U00450
    Fax Communication Error: The destination transmitter disconnected because the permit IDs did not agree while the destination transitter is in password-check transmission or restricted transmission.

    E00460 or U00460
    Fax Communication Error: Encrypted reception was interrupted because the specified encryption box number was not registered.

    E00460 or U00460
    Fax Communication Error: Ecrypted reception request was received but interrupted because the specified encryption box was being accessed.

    E00462 or U00462
    Fax Communication Error: Ecryption reception was interrupted because the encryption key for the specified encryption box was not registered.

    E00500 or U00500
    Fax Communication Error: Multiple communication was interrupted and the call was not made on destination units after interruption.

    E00600 or U00600
    Fax Communication Error: The document processor cover is open.

    E00601 or U00601
    Fax Communication Error: Document jam or the document length exceeds the maximum.

    E00602 or U00602
    Fax Communication Error: Image scanning section problem

    E00603 or U00603
    Fax Communication Error: No document feed.

    E00604 or U00604
    Fax Communication Error: Document length exceeded the limit of the bitmap memory capacity.

    E00610 or U00610
    Fax Communication Error: Recording section cover open.

    E00611 or U00611
    Fax Communication Error: Recording paper jam.

    E00613 or U00613
    Fax Communication Error: Image writing section problem.

    E00614 or U00614
    Fax Communication Error: Nearly empty of recording paper.

    E00615 or U00615
    Fax Communication Error: Empty of recording paper.

    E00620 or U00620
    Fax Communication Error: Copier fixing unit problem.

    E00622 or U00622
    Fax Communication Error: Copier drive motor problem.

    E00655 or U00655
    Fax Communication Error: CTS was not activated after RTS due to a modem error.

    E00656 or U00656
    Fax Communication Error: Data was not transmitted after CTS was activated due to a modem error.

    E00670 or U00670
    Fax Communication Error: Power was cut off during communication.

    E00677 or U00677
    Fax Communication Error: There was no file to transmit in the memory transmission mode.

    E00690 or U00690
    Fax Communication Error: System error.

    E00700 or U00700
    Fax Communication Error: Communication was interrupted because of a problem in the destination unit.

    E00800 or U00800
    Fax Communication Error: A page transmission error occurred in G3 mode, because of reception of a RTN or PIN signal.

    E00810 or U00810
    Fax Communication Error: A page transmission error re-occurred in G3 mode after retry of transmission in ECM mode.

    E00900 or U00900
    Fax Communication Error: A page reception error occurred in G3 mode. An RTN or PIN signal was transmitted because of a page reception error.

    E00910 or U00910
    Fax Communication Error: A page reception error occurred in G3 mode. A page reception error remained after retry of transmission in ECM mode.

    E01000 or U01000
    Fax Communication Error: Transmission in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. An FTT signal was received for a set number of times after TCF signal transmissions at 2400bps.

    E01000 or U01000
    Fax Communication Error: Transmission in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. An RTN signal was received in response to a Q signal (excluding EOP) after transmission at 2400bps.

    E01001 or U01001
    Fax Communication Error: Transmission in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. The function of the unit differs from that indicated by a DIS signal.

    E01010 or U01010
    Fax Communication Error: Transmission in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. No relevant signal was received after transmission of a DNL (MPS or EOM) signal, and the preset number of command retransfers was exceeded (between units of our make).

    E01011 or U01011
    Fax Communication Error: Transmission in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. No relevant signal was received after transmission of a DCS, TCF signal, and the preset number of command retransfers was exceeded.

    E01012 or U01012
    Fax Communication Error: Transmission in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. No relevant signal was received after transmission of an NSS1, NSS2 (TCF) signal, and the preset number of command retransfers was exceeded (between units of our make).

    E01013 or U01013
    Fax Communication Error: Transmission in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. No relevant signal was received after transmission of an NSS3, TCF signal, and the preset number of command retransfers was exceeded (between units of our make).

    E01014 or U01014
    Fax Communication Error: Transmission in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. No relevant signal was received after transmission of an MPS signal, and the preset number of command retransfers was exceeded.

    E01015 or U01015
    Fax Communication Error: Transmission in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. No relevant signal was received after transmission of an EOM signal, and the preset number of command retransfers was exceeded.

    E01016 or U01016
    Fax Communication Error: Transmission in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. An MCF signal was received but no DIS signal was received after transmission of an EOM signal, and T1 timeout was detected.

    E01017 or U01017
    Fax Communication Error: Transmission in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. No relevant signal was received after transmission of an EOP signal, and the preset number of command retransfers was exceeded.

    E01018 or U01018
    Fax Communication Error: Transmission in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. No relevant signal was received after transmission of a PRI-EOP signal, and the preset number of command retransfers was exceeded.

    E01019 or U01019
    Fax Communication Error: Transmission in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. No relevant signal was received after transmission of a CNC signal, and the preset number of command retransfers was exceeded (between units of our make).

    E01020 or U01020
    Fax Communication Error: Transmission in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. No relevant signal was received after transmission of a CTC signal, and the preset number of command retransfers was exceeded (ECM).

    E01021 or U01021
    Fax Communication Error: Transmission in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. No relevant signal was received after transmission of an EOR.Q signal, and the preset number of command retransfers was exceeded (ECM).

    E01022 or U01022
    Fax Communication Error: Transmission in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. No relevant signal was received after transmission of a RR signal, and the preset number of command retransfers was exceeded (ECM).

    E01023 or U01023
    Fax Communication Error: Transmission in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. No relevant signal was received after transmission of a PS.NULL signal, and the preset number of command retransfers was exceeded (ECM).

    E01024 or U01024
    Fax Communication Error: Transmission in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. No relevant signal was received after transmission of a PPS.MPS signal, and the preset number of command retransfers was exceeded (ECM).

    E01025 or U01025
    Fax Communication Error: Transmission in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. No relevant signal was received after transmission of a PPS.EOM signal, and the preset number of command retransfers was exceeded (ECM).

    E01026 or U01026
    Fax Communication Error: Transmission in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. No relevant signal was received after transmission of a PPS.EOP signal, and the preset number of command retransfers was exceeded (ECM).

    E01027 or U01027
    Fax Communication Error: Transmission in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. No relevant signal was received after transmission of a PPS.PRI-EOP signal, and the preset number of command retransfers was exceeded (ECM).

    E01028 or U01028
    Fax Communication Error: Transmission in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. T5 timeout was detected during ECM Transmission (ECM).

    E01040 or U01040
    Fax Communication Error: Transmission in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. A DCN or other inappropriate signal was received during standby for DIS signal reception.

    E01041 or U01041
    Fax Communication Error: Transmission in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. A DCN signal was received after transmission of a DNL (MPS or EOM) signal (between units of our make).

    E01042 or U01042
    Fax Communication Error: Transmission in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. A DCN signal was received after transmission of a DCS, TCF signal.

    E01043 or U01043
    Fax Communication Error: Transmission in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. A DCN signal was received after transmission of an NSS1, NSS2 (TCF) signal (between units of our make).

    E01044 or U01044
    Fax Communication Error: Transmission in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. A DCN signal was received after transmission of an NSS3, TCF signal (between units of our make).

    E01045 or U01045
    Fax Communication Error: Transmission in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. A DCN or other inappropriate signal was received after transmission of an MPS signal.

    E01046 or U01046
    Fax Communication Error: Transmission in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. A DCN or other inappropriate signal was received after transmission of an EOM signal.

    E01047 or U01047
    Fax Communication Error: Transmission in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. A DCN or other inappropriate signal was received after transmission of an EOP signal.

    E01048 or U01048
    Fax Communication Error: Transmission in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. A DCN signal was received after transmission of a PRI-EOP signal.

    E01049 or U01049
    Fax Communication Error: Transmission in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. A DCN signal was received after transmission of a CNC signal (between units of our make).

    E01050 or U01050
    Fax Communication Error: Transmission in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. A DCN signal was received after transmission of a CTC signal (ECM).

    E01051 or U01051
    Fax Communication Error: Transmission in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. A DCN signal was received after transmission of an EOR.Q signal (ECM).

    E01052 or U01052
    Fax Communication Error: Transmission in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. A DCN signal was received after transmission of an RR signal (ECM).

    E01053 or U01053
    Fax Communication Error: Transmission in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. A DCN signal was received after transmission of a PPS.NULL signal (ECM).

    E01054 or U01054
    Fax Communication Error: Transmission in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. A DCN signal was received after transmission of a PPS.MPS signal (ECM).

    E01055 or U01055
    Fax Communication Error: Transmission in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. A DCN signal was received after transmission of a PPS.EOM signal (ECM).

    E01056 or U01056
    Fax Communication Error: Transmission in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. A DCN signal was received after transmission of a PPS.EOP signal (ECM).

    E01057 or U01057
    Fax Communication Error: Transmission in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. A DCN signal was received after transmission of a PPS.PRI-EOP signal (ECM).

    E01070 or U01070
    Fax Communication Error: Transmission in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. Polarity reversal was detected during handshake.

    E01071 or U01071
    Fax Communication Error: Transmission in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. Polarity reversal was detected during message transmission.

    E01072 or U01072
    Fax Communication Error: Transmission in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. A break in loop current was detected during transmission.

    E01073 or U01073
    Fax Communication Error: Transmission in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. During reverse polling in V.34 mode at the receiver unit, a CM signal was not detected when transmitting after reception.

    E01080 or U01080
    Fax Communication Error: Transmission in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. A PIP signal was received after transmission of a PPS.NULL signal.

    E01091 or U01091
    Fax Communication Error: Transmission in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. During transmission in V.34 mode, communication was interrupted because a PPR signal was received over (10) times even after reducing the communication speed to the minimum with the symbol speed maintained at the level of connection.

    E01092 or U01092
    Fax Communication Error: Transmission in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. During transmission in V.34 mode, communication was interrupted because of an impossible combination of the symbol speed and communication speed.

    E01100 or U01100
    Fax Communication Error: Reception in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. Function of the unit differs from that indicated by a DCS signal.

    E01101 or U01101
    Fax Communication Error: Reception in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. Function of the unit (excl. communication mode select) differs from that indicated by an NSS signal.

    E01102 or U01102
    Fax Communication Error: Reception in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. A DTC (NSC) signal was received when no transmission data was in the unit.

    E01110 or U01110
    Fax Communication Error: Reception in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. No response after transmission of a DIS signal.

    E01111 or U01111
    Fax Communication Error: Reception in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. No response after transmission of a DTC (NSC) signal.

    E01112 or U01112
    Fax Communication Error: Reception in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. No training reception after reception of a DCS or NSS signal.

    E01113 or U01113
    Fax Communication Error: Reception in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. No response after transmission of an FTT signal.

    E01114 or U01114
    Fax Communication Error: Reception in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. No message reception after transmission of a CFR signal.

    E01115 or U01115
    Fax Communication Error: Reception in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. No message reception after transmission of an MCF signal.

    E01116 or U01116
    Fax Communication Error: Reception in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. No message reception after transmission of a PPR signal.

    E01117 or U01117
    Fax Communication Error: Reception in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. No message reception after transmission of a CTR signal.

    E01118 or U01118
    Fax Communication Error: Reception in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. No message reception after transmission of an ERR signal.

    E01119 or U01119
    Fax Communication Error: Reception in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. No further signals were received after reception of a message.

    E01120 or U01120
    Fax Communication Error: Reception in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. No response after transmission of an MCF signal.

    E01121 or U01121
    Fax Communication Error: Reception in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. No response after transmission of an RTP signal.

    E01122 or U01122
    Fax Communication Error: Reception in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. No response after transmission of an RTN signal.

    E01123 or U01123
    Fax Communication Error: Reception in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. No response after transmission of a PIP signal.

    E01124 or U01124
    Fax Communication Error: Reception in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. No response after transmission of a PIN signal.

    E01125 or U01125
    Fax Communication Error: Reception in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. No response after transmission of a CNS signal (between units of our make).

    E01126 or U01126
    Fax Communication Error: Reception in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. No response after transmission of a PPR signal (ECM).

    E01127 or U01127
    Fax Communication Error: Reception in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. No response after transmission of an ERR signal (ECM).

    E01128 or U01128
    Fax Communication Error: Reception in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. No response after transmission of an RNR signal (ECM).

    E01129 or U01129
    Fax Communication Error: Reception in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. No response after transmission of an SPA signal (short protocol).

    E01140 or U01140
    Fax Communication Error: Reception in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. A DCN signal was received after transmission of a DIS signal.

    E01141 or U01141
    Fax Communication Error: Reception in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. A DCN signal was received after transmission of a DTC signal.

    E01142 or U01142
    Fax Communication Error: Reception in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. A DCN signal was received after transmission of a DCS or NSS signal.

    E01143 or U01143
    Fax Communication Error: Reception in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. A DCN signal was received after transmission of an FTT signal.

    E01144 or U01144
    Fax Communication Error: Reception in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. A DCN signal was received after transmission of a CFR signal.

    E01145 or U01145
    Fax Communication Error: Reception in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. A DCN signal was received after reception of a message.

    E01146 or U01146
    Fax Communication Error: Reception in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. A DCN signal was received after transmission of an MCF signal (interoffice communication after reception of an MPS, EOM signal or confidential interoffice communication).

    E01147 or U01147
    Fax Communication Error: Reception in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. A DCN signal was received after transmission of an RTP signal.

    E01148 or U01148
    Fax Communication Error: Reception in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. A DCN signal was received after transmission of an RTN signal.

    E01149 or U01149
    Fax Communication Error: Reception in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. A DCN signal was received after transmission of a PIPsignal.

    E01150 or U01150
    Fax Communication Error: Reception in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. A DCN signal was received after transmission of a PIN signal.

    E01151 or U01151
    Fax Communication Error: Reception in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. A DCN signal was received after transmission of a PPR signal (ECM).

    E01152 or U01152
    Fax Communication Error: Reception in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. A DCN signal was received after transmission of a CTR signal (ECM).

    E01153 or U01153
    Fax Communication Error: Reception in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. A DCN signal was received after transmission of an ERR signal (ECM).

    E01154 or U01154
    Fax Communication Error: Reception in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. A DCN signal was received after transmission of an PNP signal (ECM).

    E01155 or U01155
    Fax Communication Error: Reception in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. A DCN signal was received after transmission of an SPA signal (short protocol).

    E01160 or U01160
    Fax Communication Error: Reception in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. During message reception, transmission time exceeded the maximum transmission time per line.

    E01161 or U01161
    Fax Communication Error: Reception in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. Number of error lines exceeded limits during message reception.

    E01162 or U01162
    Fax Communication Error: Reception in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. A break in loop current was detected during message reception.

    E01163 or U01163
    Fax Communication Error: Reception in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. Polarity reversal was detected during message reception.

    E01164 or U01164
    Fax Communication Error: Reception in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. One page length exceeded the specified length during message reception.

    E01170 or U01170
    Fax Communication Error: Reception in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. A decoding error occurred during MMR message reception.

    E01172 or U01172
    Fax Communication Error: Reception in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. During reverse polling in V.34 mode at the transmitting unit, a JM signal was not detected after transmission of a CM signal when receiving after transmission.

    E01191 or U01191
    Fax Communication Error: Reception in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. Communication was interrupted because an error occurred during an image data reception sequence in the V.34 mode.

    E01199 or U01199
    Fax Communication Error: Reception in G3 mode was interrupted by a signal error. A DIS signal with different FIF was received after transmission of a DIS signal.

    E01400 or U01400
    Fax Communication Error: An invalid one-touch key was specified during communication.

    E01500 or U01500
    Fax Communication Error: A communication error occurred when calling in V.8 mode.

    E01600 or U01600
    Fax Communication Error: A communication error occurred when called in V.8 mode.

    E01700 or U01700
    Fax Communication Error: A communication error occurred in phase 2 (line probing) in the period after transmission of INFO0, before entering phase 3 (primary channel equivalent device training), before starting T.30 protocol, during transmission in V.34 mode. For example: INFO0/A/Abar (B/Bbar, for polling transmission)/INFOh was not detected.

    E01720 or U01720
    Fax Communication Error: A communication error occurred in phase 4 (modem parameter exchange) in the period after initiating the control channel, before starting T.30 protocol, during transmission in V.34 mode. For example: PPh/ALT/MPh/E was not detected.

    E01721 or U01721
    Fax Communication Error: A communication error occurred before starting T.30 protocol during transmission in V.34 mode. Operation was interrupted due to the absence of a common communication speed between the units. 1) A DCN signal was received from the destination unit and the line was cut, or 2) a DIS (NSF, CSI) signal was received from the destination unit and in response to the signal, the unit transmitted a DCN signal and the line was cut.

    E01800 or U01800
    Fax Communication Error: A communication error occurred in phase 2 (line probing) in the period after transmission of INFO0, before entering phase 3 (primary channel equivalent device training), before starting T.30 protocol during reception in V.34 mode. For example: INFO0/B/Bbar (A/Abar, for polling reception)/probing tone was not detected.

    E01810 or U01810
    Fax Communication Error: A communication error occurred in phase 3 (primary channel equivalent device training), before starting T.30 protocol during reception in V.34 mode. For example: S/Sbar/PP/TRN was not detected.

    E01820 or U01820
    Fax Communication Error: A communication error occurred in phase 4 (modem parameter exchange) in the period after initiating the control channel, before starting T.30 protocol during reception in V.34 mode. For example: PPh/ALT/MPh/E was not detected.

    E02000 or U02000
    Fax Communication Error: Relay broadcast was refused by a relay station because of a mismatch in permit ID number and permit telephone number when a relay command was used.

    E02100 or U02100
    Fax Communication Error: A relay command failed because the destination unit (relay station) had no relay broadcast capability.

    E02200 or U02200
    Fax Communication Error: A relay command from a command station failed because a telephone number was not registered in the relay station was specified.

    E02200 or U02200
    Fax Communication Error: Relay broadcast was requested to a relay station but failed because a telephone number was not registered in the relay station was specified.

    E02200 or U02200
    Fax Communication Error: Subaddress-based relay broadcast transmission failed because the data registered in the subaddress relay box was deleted.

    E02303 or U02303
    Fax Communication Error: Receiving station information was not normally received in reception of a relay command. Timeout was detected before a correct DNL signal was received.

    E02304 or U02304
    Fax Communication Error: Receiving station information was not normally received in reception of a relay command. A signal other than MPS or EOM signal was received after a DNL signal was received.

    E02400 or U02400
    Fax Communication Error: An interoffice subaddress-based relay transmission was interrupted because of a mismatch in the specified relay box number.

    E03000 or U03000
    Fax Communication Error: No document was present in the destination unit when polling reception started.

    E03100 or U03100
    Fax Communication Error: In reverse polling, although no original was set in the destination unit, transmission was complete.

    E03200 or U03200
    Fax Communication Error: In confidential polling reception, data was not accumulated in the specified box in the destination unit.

    E03200 or U03200
    Fax Communication Error: In interoffice subaddress-based bulletin board reception, data was not stored in the box specified by the destination unit.

    E03300 or U03300
    Fax Communication Error: In polling reception from a unit of our make, operation was interrupted due to a mismatch in permit ID number or telephone number.

    E03300 or U03300
    Fax Communication Error: In interoffice subaddress-based bulletin board reception, operation was interrupted due to a mismatch in permit ID number or telephone number.

    E03400 or U03400
    Fax Communication Error: Polling reception was interupted because of a mismatch in individual numbers.

    E03500 or U03500
    Fax Communication Error: In confidential polling reception, the specified confidential box number was not registered in the destination.

    E03500 or U03500
    Fax Communication Error: In interoffice subaddress-based bulletin board reception, the specified subaddress confidential box number was not registered in the destination unit.

    E03500 or U03500
    Fax Communication Error: The destination was being accessed.

    E03600 or U03600
    Fax Communication Error: Confidential polling reception was interrupted because of a mismatch in specified confidential box numbers.

    E03600 or U03600
    Fax Communication Error: An interoffice subaddress-based bulletin board reception was interrupted because of a mismatch in the specified subaddress confidential box number.

    E03700 or U03700
    Fax Communication Error: Confidential polling reception failed because the destination unit had no confidential polling transmission capability or data was not accumulated in any box in the destination unit.

    E03700 or U03700
    Fax Communication Error: Interoffice subaddress-based bulletin board reception failed because the destination unit had no subaddress-based bulletin board transmission capability, or data was not stored in any subaddress confidental box in the destination unit.

    E04000 or U04000
    Fax Communication Error: The confidential box specified for confidential transmission was not registered in the destination unit.

    E04000 or U04000
    Fax Communication Error: In interoffice subaddress-based transmission mode, the specified subaddress box number was not registered in the destination unit.

    E04000 or U04000
    Fax Communication Error: The destination was being accessed.

    E04100 or U04100
    Fax Communication Error: Confidential transmission failed because the destination unit had no confidential capability.

    E04100 or U04100
    Fax Communication Error: Subaddress-based transmission failed because the destination unit had no subaddress-based reception capability.

    E04200 or U04200
    Fax Communication Error: In encrypted tranmission, the specified encryption box was not registered in the destination unit.

    E04300 or U04300
    Fax Communication Error: Encrypted transmission failed because the destination unit had no encrypted communication capability.

    E04400 or U04400
    Fax Communication Error: Communication was interrupted because of an encryption key error during encrypted transmission. Encryption keys did not agree.

    E04401 or U04401
    Fax Communication Error: Communication was interrupted because of an encryption key error during encrypted trasmission. The encryption key was not registered.

    E04500 or U04500
    Fax Communication Error: Encrypted reception was interrupted because of a mismatch in ecryption keys.

    E05000 or U05000
    Fax Communication Error: In transmission with a specified number, the set number of originals was different from the number of transmitted originals.

    E05100 or U05100
    Fax Communication Error: Password check transmission or restricted transmission was interrupted because the permit ID numbers did not match.

    E05200 or U05200
    Fax Communication Error: Password check reception or restricted reception was interrupted because the permit ID numbers did not match, the rejected fax numbers did match, or the destination receiver did not return its phone number.

    E05300 or U05300
    Fax Communication Error: Password check reception or restricted reception was interrupted because the permitted numbers did not match, the rejected numbers did match, or the machine in question did not acknowledge its phone number.

    E09000 or U09000
    Fax Communication Error: G3 communication was attempted but failed because the destination unit was a G2 machine.

    E12000 or U12000
    Fax Communication Error: Relay broadcast was requested from a command station but memory overflowed during reception.

    E12000 or U12000
    Fax Communication Error: In subaddress-based relay reception memory overflowed.

    E12100 or U12100
    Fax Communication Error: Relay was commanded but memory overflowed in the destination unit (relay station).

    E14000 or U14000
    Fax Communication Error: Memory overflowed during confidential reception.

    E14000 or U14000
    Fax Communication Error: Memory overflowed in subaddress-based confidential reception.

    E14100 or U14100
    Fax Communication Error: Memory overflowed in the destination unit during confidential transmission.

    E14100 or U14100
    Fax Communication Error: Memory overflowed in the destination unit during interoffice subaddress-based transmission.

    E19000 or U19000
    Fax Communication Error: Memory overflowed during memory reception.

    E19100 or U19100
    Fax Communication Error: Memory overflowed in the destination unit during transmission.

    E19200 or U19200
    Fax Communication Error: Memory transmission failed because a decoding error occurred.

    E19300 or U19300
    Fax Communication Error: Transmission failed because an error occurred during JBIG encoding.

    E19400 or U19400
    Fax Communication Error: Reception failed because an error occurred during JBIG encoding.

    Send SMB Error 1102
    Error: Username/Password or Shared Name/Folder Name. Domain name is not entered.

    Send SMB Error 1102
    Error: Username/Password or Shared Name/Folder Name. Assign disable user/password.

    Send SMB Error 1102
    Error: Username/Password or Shared Name/Folder Name. Assign the user who is not allowed to access the folder.

    Send SMB Error 1102
    Error: Username/Password or Shared Name/Folder Name. Assign disable shared name.

    Send SMB Error 1102
    Error: Username/Password or Shared Name/Folder Name. Host name error.

    Send SMB Error 1103
    Error: Pathname or File Name. Domain name is not entered.

    Send SMB Error 1103
    Error: Pathname or File Name. Connect to the folder which is not permitted for reference/writing.

    Send SMB Error 1103
    Error: Pathname or File Name. Assign disable folder path.

    Send SMB Error 1105
    Error: Not Supported Protocol. SMB protocol is set to OFF.

    Send SMB Error 2101
    Error: Can Not Connect. Enter the disable host name/IP address.

    Send SMB Error 2101
    Error: Can Not Connect. Assign the wrong port number.

    Send SMB Error 2101
    Error: Can Not Connect. Network is not connected.

    Send SMB Error 2103
    Error: Response Wait With Timeout. The server is unable to communicate.

    Send SMB Error 2201
    Error: Network Transfer. Error occurs on the network.

    Send SMB Error 2203
    Error: Response Wait With Timeout. Response is not returned from the server, above specified time.

    Send SMB Error 9181
    Error: Page Max Count Over. The number of pages of a send file exceeds 999 pages.

    Send FTP Error 1101
    Error: Host Name. Enter the disable host name/IP address.

    Send FTP Error 1102
    Error: Username/Password. Domain name is not entered.

    Send FTP Error 1102
    Error: Username/Password. Assign disable user/password.

    Send FTP Error 1103
    Error: Pathname or File Name. Connect to the folder which is not permitted for reference/writing.

    Send FTP Error 1103
    Error: Pathname or File Name. Assign disable folder path.

    Send FTP Error 1105
    Error: Not Supported Protocol. FTP protocol is set to OFF.

    Send FTP Error 2101
    Error: Can Not Connect. Enter the disable host name/IP address.

    Send FTP Error 2101
    Error: Can Not Connect. Assign the wrong port number.

    Send FTP Error 2101
    Error: Can Not Connect. Network is not connected.

    Send FTP Error 2102
    Error: Cannot Connect With Timeout. The server is unable to communicate.

    Send FTP Error 2102
    Error: Cannot Connect With Timeout. Send the server which does not support FTP server.

    Send FTP Error 2103
    Error: Response Wait With Timeout. The server is unable to communicate.

    Send FTP Error 2201
    Error: Network Transfer. Error occurs on the network.

    Send FTP Error 2202
    Error: Network Transfer With Timeout. Error occurs on the network.

    Send FTP Error 2203
    Error: Response Wait With Timeout. Response is not returned from the server, above specified time.

    Send FTP Error 3101
    Error: Server Response. The server is error status.

    Send FTP Error 9181
    Error: Page Max Count Over. The number of pages of a send file exceeds 999 pages.

    Send email Error 1101
    Error: Host Name. SMTP server name is not set. Error SMTP server name.

    Send email Error 1102
    Error: Username/Password. User ID for the authentication is not entered or entered wrongly. Wrong authentication password is entered.

    Send email Error 1104
    Error: No Recipient Address. The destination address is not specified.

    Send email Error 1105
    Error: Not Supported Protocol. SMTP protocol is set to OFF.

    Send email Error 1106
    Error: No Sender Info. Sender address is not entered.

    Send email Error 2101
    Error: Can Not Connect. Select [Other Authenticate] when authenticating POP before SMTP.

    Send email Error 2101
    Error: Can Not Connect. The specified server is not SMTP server.

    Send email Error 2101
    Error: Can Not Connect. Network is not connected.

    Send email Error 2102
    Error: Cannot Connect With Timeout. The server is unable to communicate.

    Send email Error 2103
    Error: Response Wait With Timeout. The server is unable to communicate.

    Send email Error 2201
    Error: Network Transfer. Error occurs on the network.

    Send email Error 2202
    Error: Network Transfer With Timeout. Error occurs on the network.

    Send email Error 2203
    Error: Response Wait With Timeout. Response is not returned from the server, above specified time.

    Send email Error 2204
    Error: Email Size Limit. The size of the email attachment exceeds its limit.

    Send email Error 3101
    Error: Server Response. The server is error status.

    Send email Error 3101
    Error: Server Response. Server setting is not authenticated normally.

    Send email Error 3201
    Error: Not Found Authentication Mechanism. Unsupported SMTP Authentication Mechanism is found.

    Send email Error 9181
    Error: Page Max Count Over. The number of pages of a send file exceeds 999 pages.

    TWAIN Error 2202
    Error: Network Transfer With Timeout. Response is not returned from the server, above the specified time.

    TWAIN Error 9181
    Error: Page Max Count Over. The number of pages of a send file exceeds 999 pages.

    Software Error 5101
    Error: Not Yet Connected. Operation handle error. Error for stored status in the operation handle.

    Software Error 5102
    Error: Already Connected. Operation handle error. Error for stored status in the operation handle.

    Software Error 5103
    Error: Not Yet Opened. Error for storage status in the operation handle.

    Software Error 5104
    Error: Already Opened. Error for storage status in the operation handle.

    Software Error 7101
    Error: Memory Allocation. Insufficient memory space.

    Software Error 7102
    Error: Socket Create. Unable to create a communication socket.

    Software Error 720f
    Error: Unknown Error. Unable to determine the cause.

    Send error. Job is cancelled. Press [End]. 1101
    Send Email Error: Host Name. SMTP server name is not set. Error SMTP server name.

    Send error. Job is cancelled. Press [End]. 1101
    Send FTP Error: Host Name. Enter the disable host name/IP address.

    Send error. Job is cancelled. Press [End]. 1102
    Send Email Error: Username/Password. User ID for the authentication is not entered or entered wrongly. Wrong authentication password is entered.

    Send error. Job is cancelled. Press [End]. 1102
    Send SMB/FTP Error: Username/Password or Shared Name/Folder Name. Domain name is not entered.

    Send error. Job is cancelled. Press [End]. 1102
    Send SMB/FTP Error: Username/Password or Shared Name/Folder Name. Assign disable user/password.

    Send error. Job is cancelled. Press [End]. 1102
    Send SMB Error: Username/Password or Shared Name/Folder Name. Assign disable shared name.

    Send error. Job is cancelled. Press [End]. 1102
    Send SMB Error: Username/Password or Shared Name/Folder Name. Host name error.

    Send error. Job is cancelled. Press [End]. 1103
    Send SMB/FTP Error: Pathname or File Name. Domain name is not entered.

    Send error. Job is cancelled. Press [End]. 1103
    Send SMB/FTP Error: Pathname or File Name. Connect to the folder which is not permitted for reference/writing.

    Send error. Job is cancelled. Press [End]. 1103
    Send SMB/FTP Error: Pathname or File Name. Assign disable folder path.

    Send error. Job is cancelled. Press [End]. 1104
    Send Email Error: No Recipient Address. The destination address is not specified.

    Send error. Job is cancelled. Press [End]. 1105
    Send Email Error: Not Supported Protocol. SMTP protocol is set to OFF.

    Send error. Job is cancelled. Press [End]. 1105
    Send SMB Error: Not Supported Protocol. SMB protocol is set to OFF.

    Send error. Job is cancelled. Press [End]. 1105
    Send FTP Error: Not Supported Protocol. FTP protocol is set to OFF.

    Send error. Job is cancelled. Press [End]. 1106
    Send Email Error: No Sender Info. Sender address is not entered.

    Send error. Job is cancelled. Press [End]. 2101
    Send Email Error: Can Not Connect. Network is not connected.

    Send error. Job is cancelled. Press [End]. 2101
    Send Email Error: Can Not Connect. Select [Other Authenticate] when authenticating POP before SMTP.

    Send error. Job is cancelled. Press [End]. 2101
    Send Email Error: Can Not Connect. The specified server is not SMTP server.

    Send error. Job is cancelled. Press [End]. 2101
    Send SMB/FTP Error: Can Not Connect. Enter the disable host name/IP address.

    Send error. Job is cancelled. Press [End]. 2101
    Send SMB/FTP Error: Can Not Connect. Assign the wrong port number.

    Send error. Job is cancelled. Press [End]. 2101
    Send SMB/FTP Error: Can Not Connect. Network is not connected.

    Send error. Job is cancelled. Press [End]. 2102
    Send Email/ FTP Error: Cannot Connect With Timeout. The server is unable to communicate.

    Send error. Job is cancelled. Press [End]. 2102
    Send FTP Error: Cannot Connect With Timeout. Send the server which does not support FTP server.

    Send error. Job is cancelled. Press [End]. 2103
    Send Email/ SMB/ FTP Error: Response Wait With Timeout. The server is unable to communicate.

    Send error. Job is cancelled. Press [End]. 2201
    Send Email/ SMB/ FTP Error: Network Transfer. Error occurs on the network.

    Send error. Job is cancelled. Press [End]. 2202
    Send Email/FTP Error: Network Transfer With Timeout. Error occurs on the network.

    Send error. Job is cancelled. Press [End]. 2202
    Send TWAIN Error: Network Transfer With Timeout. Response is not returned from the server, above the specified time.

    Send error. Job is cancelled. Press [End]. 2203
    Send Email/FTP Error: Response Wait With Timeout. Response is not returned from the server, above specified time.

    Send error. Job is cancelled. Press [End]. 2204
    Send Email Error: Email Size Limit. The size of the email attachment exceeds its limit.

    Send error. Job is cancelled. Press [End]. 3101
    Send Email/FTP Error: Server Response. The server is error status.

    Send error. Job is cancelled. Press [End]. 3101
    Send Email Error: Server Response. Server setting is not authenticated normally.

    Send error. Job is cancelled. Press [End]. 3201
    Send Email Error: Not Found Authentication Mechanism. Unsupported SMTP Authentication Mechanism is found.

    Send error. Job is cancelled. Press [End]. 5101
    Send Software Error: Not Yet Connected. Operation handle error. Error for stored status in the operation handle.

    Send error. Job is cancelled. Press [End]. 5102
    Send Software Error: Already Connected. Operation handle error. Error for stored status in the operation handle.

    Send error. Job is cancelled. Press [End]. 5103
    Send SoftwareError: Not Yet Opened. Error for storage status in the operation handle.

    Send error. Job is cancelled. Press [End]. 5104
    Send Software Error: Already Opened. Error for storage status in the operation handle.

    Send error. Job is cancelled. Press [End]. 7102
    Send Software Error: Socket Create. Unable to create a communication socket.

    Send error. Job is cancelled. Press [End]. 720f
    Send Software Error: Unknown Error. Unable to determine the cause.

    Send error. Job is cancelled. Press [End]. 9181
    Send Email/ SMB/ FTP/ TWAIN Error: Page Max Count Over. The number of pages of a send file exceeds 999 pages.

    “Acceptable staple count exceeded.”
    Is the acceptable staple count exceeded?

    “Add paper in cassette #.”
    Is the indicated cassette out of paper?

    “Add paper in MP tray.”
    Is the paper of the specified size loaded in the multipurpose tray?

    “Add staples.”
    Has the document finisher run out of staples?

    “Add toner.”

    “An error has occurred.”
    An internal error has occurred.Make a note of the error code number displayed on the panel. See above.

    “Box Limit Exceeded.”
    Document Box is full, and no further storage is available; Job is cancelled. Repeat Copy Box is full, and no further repeat copy is available.

    “Cannot connect to Authentication Server.”

    “Cannot duplex print on this paper.”
    Did you select a paper size/type that cannot be duplex printed?

    “Cannot execute this job.”
    Job is restricted by Job Accounting.

    “Cannot offset this paper.”
    Did you select a paper size that cannot be offset (A3, B4, A5R, B6R, Folio, Ledger, Statement, & 8K)?

    “Cannot punch this paper type.”
    Did you select a paper size/type that cannot be punched?

    “Cannot staple this paper.”
    Did you select a paper size/type that cannot be stapled?

    “Check the cover.”
    Are any covers open? Does the message indicate which cover is open?

    “Check the document processor.”
    Is the document processor open? Is the top cover of the document processor open?

    “Check the finisher.”
    Is the document finisher set correctly?”

    “Clean the slit glass.”
    Dirt has been identified on the slit glass.

    “Empty the punch waste box.”
    The punch waste box of the 3,000 sheet finisher is full.

    “Failed to specify Job Accounting.”
    Job accounting is not specified in the print driver.

    “Failed to store job retention data.”

    “Fax box limit exceeded.”
    Fax box is full, and no further storage is available.

    “Finisher tray is full of paper.”
    Is the acceptable storage capacity exceeded for the document finisher tray?”

    “Folding tray is full of paper.”
    Is the acceptable storage capacity exceeded for the folding tray of the 3,000 sheet document finisher?”

    “Hard Disk error. Job is cancelled. Press [End] ##”
    An error has occurred on the hard disk.

    “Incorrect Login User Name or Password.”

    “Job Accounting restriction exceeded.”
    The print count exceeded the acceptable count restricted by Job Accounting.

    “Job Separator is full of paper.”
    Is the maximum capacity of the job separator tray exceeded?

    “KPDL error.”
    A PostScript error has occurred.

    “Mailbox tray is full of paper.”

    “Memory card error.”
    Was the memory card (Compact Flash) removed while being accessed? Was a valid memory card inserted?

    “Memory card error. Job is cancelled. Press [End]. Code: 01
    Memory Card Error: Format error.

    “Memory card error. Job is cancelled. Press [End]. Code: 04
    Memory Card Error: Insufficient memory card space to complete this operation.

    “Memory is full.”
    Unable to continue the job, as the memory is used up.”

    “Memory Is Low”
    Logic Lockup

    “Paper Jam. ###”
    Make a note of the jam location number displayed on the panel. Leave the machine On.

    “Print overrun.”
    Warning. Low printer memory.

    “Removable memory error.”
    An error has occurred on the USB stick memory or Compact Flash memory.

    “Removable memory was removed.”

    “Replace all originals and press [Continue].”

    “Replace the waste toner box.”
    The waste toner box is full.

    “Reset all originals in the document processor.”
    Are there any originals left in the document processor?

    “Scanner memory is full.”
    Scanning cannot be performed due to insufficient memory for the scanner. Is the acceptable scanning count exceeded?

    “Scanner Paused”
    DMA transmission of compressed, ecompressed, rotated, relocated, or blanked-out image data does not complete within a specified period of time.

    “Set the folding tray.”
    Is the folding tray correctly installed to the 3,000 sheet capacity document finisher?

    “Set the folding unit.”
    Is the folding tray correctly installed to the 3,000 sheet capacity document finisher?

    “Set the punch waste box.”
    The waste toner box is not installed correctly.

    “Set the waste toner box.”
    The waste toner box is not installed correctly.

    “Staple error.”
    The location of the jam will be indicated on the panel. Leave the machine On.

    “Staple jam.”
    The location of the jam will be indicated on the panel. Leave the machine On.

    “The ID is not registered.”
    The account ID# does not match.

    “The memory card is not formatted.”
    Is the removable memory formatted by this machine?

    “The phone receiver is off the hook.”

    “The removable memory is not formatted.”
    Is the removable memory formatted by this machine?

    “The source file is not found.”
    The specified file is not found.

    “Top tray of the machine is full of paper.”
    The exit tray at the top of the machine is full.

    “Tray # is full of paper.”
    Is the acceptable storage capacity exceeded for any of the output trays A, B, or C of the 3,000 sheet capacity document finisher?

    “Warning low memory.”
    Further scanning cannot be performed due to insufficient memory.

    Код ошибки

    Fax control PWB system problem

    Fax control PWB incompatibility detection problem

    Backup memory read/write problem (main board)

    Backup memory data problem (main board)

    Drum EEPROM read/write problem (для 2550)

    Backup memory read/write problem (main PCB EEPROM) (для 1650/2050/2550)

    Backup memory data problem (main PCB EEPROM) (для 1650/2050/2550)

    Backup memory read/write problem (engine board)

    Backup memory data problem (engine board)

    Accounting count problem

    Machine number mismatch

    Communication problem between the main board and engine board (для KM-1500/1620/2020/1635/2035/1650/2050/2550/6030/8030, FS-1018/1118)

    Communication problem between the main board and operation board
    (для KM-1525/1530/2030/2530/3530/6230/4530/5530/6330/7530)

    Printer board PWB communication problem

    Scanner network board communication problem

    Communication problem between the fax control PWB and main PWB

    Side deck communication problem

    Finisher communication problem

    Optional DP communication problem

    Optional first paper feeder communication problem

    Large paper deck /paper feed desk communication problem /Side deck communication problem

    Finisher communication problem

    Mailbox communication problem

    Switchback unit communication problem

    Optional second paper feeder communication problem

    Optional third paper feeder communication problem

    DIMM problem (для 2530/3530)

    Bitmap (DIMM) problem

    Memory input interface problem

    DMA problem

    Hard disk drive problem

    Image processing problem (JAM05 is detected twice)

    Fax control PCB CG ROM checksum error

    Flash ROM program area checksum error

    Fax control PCB software switch checksum error

    Fax control PWB to main PWB high capacity data transfer problem

    Fax control PWB program archive problem

    Fax control PCB CG font archive problem

    Fax software incompatibility detection problem

    Fax file system error

    Developer EEPROM read/write problem (для 2550/6030/8030)

    Exposure lamp problem

    Lift motor 1 error

    Lift motor 2 error

    Lift motor 3 error

    Lift motor 4 error

    Paper deck motor 1 problem [Drawer 3]

    Paper deck motor 2 problem [Drawer 4]

    Deck right lift position problem

    Deck left lift position problem

    Side deck lift motor (going up) problem

    Side deck lift motor (going down) problem

    Large paper deck (paper feed desk) sequence problem

    Large paper deck (paper feed desk) incorrect type problem

    Main motor problem

    Image forming motor problem (для 6230/4530/5530/6330/7530)

    Paper feed motor problem

    Paper conveying motor problem (для 4530/5530)

    Deck conveying motor /desk drive motor problem

    Side deck drive motor problem

    Scanner carriage problem

    Exposure lamp problem

    Optical system (AGC) problem

    Polygon motor synchronization problem

    Polygon motor steady-state problem

    BD initialization (A) problem

    BD initialization (B) problem

    BD steady-state problem

    Main charger problem

    Transfer/separation high voltage problem

    Broken cleaning lamp wire

    Drum surface potential sensor problem 1

    Drum surface potential sensor problem 2

    Drum surface potential problem 1

    Drum surface potential problem 2

    Broken fixing heater wire

    Abnormally high fixing unit thermistor temperature

    Broken fixing unit thermistor

    Abnormally low fixing unit thermistor temperature

    Broken fixing heater wire

    Abnormally low fixing unit thermistor temperature

    Abnormally high fixing unit thermistor temperature

    Zero-crossing signal problem

    Fixing unit connector insertion problem

    Fixing fuse cut problem

    Broken fixing unit thermistor wire

    Toner sensor problem

    Broken external temperature thermistor wire (для KM-1505/1510/1810/4230/5230/6230)

    Toner sensor problem/ Toner hopper problem (для KM-2530/3530/3035/4035/5035/6230/4530/5530/6330/7530/6030/8030)

    Short-circuited external temperature thermistor

    Image formation unit connector insertion problem

    Developing unit connector insertion problem (для 2550)

    Drum unit connector insertion problem

    Drum type mismatch problem A (для 1635/2035)

    Drum type mismatch problem B (для 1635/2035)

    Broken external temperature thermistor

    Short-circuited external temperature thermistor

    • Code: C0030
    • Description: FAX PWB system error
    • Causes: The FAX processing cannot be continued due to the FAX firmware error.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the FAX PWB The FAX PWB does not operate properly. Turn off the power switch and the main power switch. After 5s passes, reinstall the FAX PWB, and then turn on the main power switch and the power switch. FAX Installation Guide 2 Firmware upgrade The firmware is faulty. Reinstall the FAX firmware. Firmware Upgrade 3 Replacing the FAX PWB The FAX PWB is faulty. Replace the FAX PWB. FAX Installation Guide
    • Code: C0070
    • Description: FAX PWB incompatible detection error
    • Causes: Abnormal detection of FAX control PWB incompatibility in the initial communication with the FAX control PWB, any normal communication command is not transmitted.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the FAX PWB The incompatible FAX PWB is installed. Install the FAX PWB for the applicable model. Related Product List 2 Checking the firmware The FAX firmware is faulty. Reinstall the FAX firmware. Firmware Upgrade 3 Replacing the main PWB The main PWB is faulty. Replace the main PWB. Main PWB Replacement
    • Code: C0080
    • Description: Optional Printing System device error Object: Printing System 15 (for 120V, 230V and 240V)
    • Causes: The FPGA version of the interface PWB to control Fiery cannot be read. (FPGA failure)
    • Remedy: 1 Resetting the main power The EEPROM does not operate properly. Turn the power switch and the main power switch off . After 5s passes, turn the main power switch and the power switch on. 2 Checking the interface PWB The interface PWB for other models is installed. Replace with the interface PWB for the applicable models. Printing System Installation Guide 3 Firmware upgrade The main firmware version does not support the interface PWB. Upgrade the main firmware to the latest version. Firmware Upgrade 4 Checking the interface PWB The interface PWB is not properly connected, or it is faulty. Reconnect the connectors on the interface PWB. Then, fix or replace the wires if they are pinched by the other part or if they have any damage. When the issue is not resolved, replace the interface PWB. Printing System Installation Guide 5 Checking the main PWB The main PWB is not properly connected, or it is faulty. Reconnect the wire connectors between the main PWB and the interface PWB. Then, fix or replace the wires if they are pinched by the other part or if they have any damage. When the issue is not resolved, replace the main PWB. Main PWB Replacement
    • Code: C0100
    • Description: Backup memory device error
    • Causes: An abnormal status is output from the flash memory.
    • Remedy: 1 Resetting the main power The flash memory does not operate properly. Turn the power switch and the main power switch off . After 5s passes, turn the main power switch and the power switch on. 2 Checking the main PWB The main PWB is faulty. Reconnect the connectors on the main PWB. Then, fix or replace the wires if they are pinched by the other part or if they have any damage. When the issue is not resolved, replace the main PWB. Main PWB Replacement
    • Code: C0120
    • Description: MAC address data error
    • Causes: The MAC address data is incorrect.
    • Remedy: 1 Resetting the main power The flash memory does not operate properly. Turn the power switch and the main power switch off . After 5s passes, turn the main power switch and the power switch on. 2 Checking the MAC address The MAC address is incorrect. Replace the main PWB when the MAC address is not indicated on the network status page. Main PWB Replacement
    • Code: C0130
    • Description: Backup memory reading/writing error
    • Causes: The reading or writing into the flash memory is unavailable.
    • Remedy: 1 Resetting the main power The flash memory does not operate properly. Turn the power switch and the main power switch off . After 5s passes, turn the main power switch and the power switch on. 2 Checking the main PWB The main PWB is faulty. Reconnect the connectors on the main PWB. Then, fix or replace the wires if they are pinched by the other part or if they have any damage. When the issue is not resolved, replace the main PWB. Main PWB Replacement
    • Code: C0150
    • Description: Engine EEPROM reading / writing error
    • Causes: 1. No response from the device is detected for 5s or more 5 times continuously when reading / writing the data.2. The reading data of 2 points mismatches 8 times continuously.3. The reading data and the writing data mismatch 8 times continuously.
    • Remedy: 1 Resetting the main power The EEPROM on the engine PWB does not operate properly. Turn the power switch and the main power switch off . After 5s passes, turn the main power switch and the power switch on. 2 Checking the EEPROM on the engine PWB The EEPROM is not properly attached. Reattach the EEPROM on the engine PWB. EEPROM Replacement 3 Checking the EEPROM on the engine PWB The EEPROM is faulty. Replace the EEPROM on the engine PWB and execute U004. EEPROM Replacement 4 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement
    • Code: C0160
    • Description: EEPROM data error
    • Causes: The data read from the EEPROM is judged as abnormal.
    • Remedy: 1 Resetting the main power The EEPROM on the engine PWB does not operate properly. Turn the power switch and the main power switch off . After 5s passes, turn the main power switch and the power switch on. 2 Executing U021 The storage data in the EEPROM on the engine PWB is faulty. Execute U021. U021 Execution 3 Replacing the EEPROM The EEPROM is faulty. Replace the EEPROM on the engine PWB and execute U004. EEPROM Replacement
    • Code: C0170
    • Description: Charger count error
    • Causes: The values in one of the billing counters, life counter or the scanner counter mismatch between the main side and the engine side.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the machine serial No. of the main PWB The main unit for the different main unit is installed. Check the machine serial Nos of MAIN and ENGINE at U004, and install the correct main PWB if the MAIN No. differs. U004 Execution 2 Checking the machine serial No. in the EEPROM on the engine PWB The EEPROM for the different main unit is installed. Check the machine serial Nos of MAIN and ENGINE at U004, and install the correct EEPROM on the engine PWB if the ENGINE machine serial No. differs. U004 Execution 3 Checking the main PWB The main PWB is faulty. When the MAIN machine serial No. differs at U004, replace the main PWB and execute U004. U004 Execution 4 Checking the EEPROM on the engine PWB The EEPROM is faulty. When the machine serial the engine PWB differs at U004, reattach the EEPROM on the engine PWB. If not repaired, replace the EEPROM and execute U004. Note: Be sure not to execute U004 if the machine serial No. differs from the machine serial No. indicated on the main unit to prevent the different machine serial No. from overwritten. (Dontselect[ Execute]andpressthe[ Start]key.)’ U004 Execution 5 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement
    • Code: C0180
    • Description: Machine serial number mismatch
    • Causes: The machine serial Nos. in the main PWB and the EEPROM on the engine PWB mismatch when turning the power on.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the machine serial No. of the main PWB The main unit for the different main unit is installed. Check the machine serial Nos of MAIN and ENGINE at U004, and install the correct main PWB if the MAIN No. differs. U004 Execution 2 Checking the machine serial No. in the EEPROM on the engine PWB The EEPROM for the different main unit is installed. Check the machine serial Nos of MAIN and ENGINE at U004, and install the correct EEPROM on the engine PWB if the ENGINE machine serial No. differs. U004 Execution 3 Replacing the main PWB The main PWB is faulty. When the MAIN machine serial No. differs at U004, replace the main PWB and execute U004. U004 Execution 4 Checking the EEPROM on the engine PWB The EEPROM is faulty. When the machine serial the engine PWB differs at U004, reattach the EEPROM on the engine PWB. If not repaired, replace the EEPROM and execute U004. Note: Be sure not to execute U004 if the machine serial No. differs from the machine serial No. indicated on the main unit to prevent the different machine serial No. from overwritten. (Dontselect[ Execute]andpressthe[ Start]key.)’ U004 Execution 5 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement
    • Code: C0350
    • Description: Panel PWB communication error (Electronic volume I2C communication error)
    • Causes: Since NACK was received during the I2C communication, the retry was repeated 5 times and the initial command was transmitted, and then the retry was repeated 5 times again. After that, NACK was also received.
    • Remedy: 1 Resetting the main power The operation of the operation panel main PWB is faulty. Turn the power switch and the main power switch off . After 5s passes, turn the main power switch and the power switch on. 2 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected to the operation panel main PWB. Reinsert the following wire connectors.• Operation panel PWB — Main PWB• Operation panel PWB — NFC PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 3 Replacing the wire The wire connecting to the operation panel main PWB is faulty. Replace the following wires if they are broken, short-circuited or have a ground fault.• Operation main PWB — Main PWB• Operation main PWB — NFC PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 4 Replacing the operation panel main PWB The operation panel main PWB is faulty. Replace the panel main PWB. Operation Panel Main PWB Replacement 5 Replacing the main PWB The main PWB is faulty. Replace the main PWB. Main PWB Replacement 6 Replacing the NFC PWB The NFC PWB is faulty. Replace the NFC PWB.
    • Code: C0361
    • Description: Communication error between the engine CPU and the feed ASIC
    • Causes: The communication with the feed ASIC failed 10 times continuously.
    • Remedy: 1 Resetting the main power The engine PWB does not operate properly. Turn the power switch and the main power switch off . After 5s passes, turn the main power switch and the power switch on. 2 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 3 Checking the feed drive PWB The feed drive PWB is faulty. Reconnect the wire connectors between the feed drive PWB and the engine PWB. Then, fix or replace the wires if they are pinched by the other part or if they have any damage. When the issue is not resolved, replace the feed drive PWB. Electrical Diagram of PWBs 4 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement
    • Code: C0362
    • Description: Communication error between the engine CPU and the feed ASIC
    • Causes: The communication with the feed ASIC failed 10 times continuously.
    • Remedy: 1 Resetting the main power The engine PWB does not operate properly. Turn the power switch and the main power switch off . After 5s passes, turn the main power switch and the power switch on. 2 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 3 Checking the feed image PWB The feed image PWB is faulty. Reconnect the wire connectors between the feed image PWB and the engine PWB. If the wires are pinched or it have any damage, fix or replace them. Electrical Diagram of PWBs 4 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement
    • Code: C0640
    • Description: Hard Disk error
    • Causes: The HDD cannot be accessed properly.
    • Remedy: 1 (For the main unit without the HDD) Replacing the SSD When installing the 8GB HDD mistakenly, it tries to access the HDD. At that time, the error appears if the HDD is not installed in the main units . Replace with the correct 32GB SSD. SSD Replacement 2 (When abnormal sounds occur) Replacing the HDD The HDD is faulty. Replace the HDD when the abnormal sounds are from the HDD. HDD Replacement 3 Checking the SATA cable and the wire The SATA cable between the HDD and the main PWB is not properly connected. Reconnect the SATA cable and the wire between the HDD and the main PWB. HDD Replacement 4 Replacing the SATA cable and the wire The SATA cable between the HDD and the main PWB is faulty. Replace the SATA cable and the wire between the HDD and the main PWB. HDD Replacement 5 Initializing the HDD The HDD storage data is faulty. Execute U024 [FULL] (HDD Format). U024 Execution 6 Replacing the HDD The HDD is faulty. Replace the HDD. HDD Replacement 7 Replacing the main PWB The main PWB is faulty. Replace the main PWB. Main PWB Replacement
    • Code: C0660
    • Description: Hard Disk encryption key error
    • Causes: 1. The encryption password input when replacing the main PWB was incorrect.2. The SSD used in the other main unit was installed.
    • Remedy: 1 (When the issue occurs after replacing the main PWB) Executing U004 The encryption key after replacing the main PWB is faulty. Execute U004 when this issue occurs after replacing the main PWB. U004 Execution 2 Replacing the HDD (abnormal sounds) The HDD is faulty. Replace the HDD when the abnormal sounds are from the HDD. HDD Replacement 3 Checking the SATA cable and the wire The SATA cable between the HDD and the main PWB is not properly connected. Reconnect the SATA cable and the wire between the HDD and the main PWB. HDD Replacement 4 Replacing the SATA cable and the wire The SATA cable between the HDD and the main PWB is faulty. Replace the SATA cable and the wire between the HDD and the main PWB. HDD Replacement 5 Initializing the HDD The HDD storage data is faulty. Execute U024 [FULL] (HDD Format). U024 Execution 6 Replacing the HDD The HDD is faulty. Replace the HDD. HDD Replacement 7 Replacing the main PWB The main PWB is faulty. Replace the main PWB. Main PWB Replacement
    • Code: C0670
    • Description: Hard Disk overwriting error
    • Causes: The area that cannot be properly overwritten exists in a part of the HDD.
    • Remedy: 1 Replacing the HDD (abnormal sounds) The HDD is faulty. Replace the HDD when the abnormal sounds are from the HDD. HDD Replacement 2 Checking the SATA cable and the wire The SATA cable between the HDD and the main PWB is not properly connected. Reconnect the SATA cable and the wire between the HDD and the main PWB. HDD Replacement 3 Replacing the SATA cable and the wire The SATA cable between the HDD and the main PWB is faulty. Replace the SATA cable and the wire between the HDD and the main PWB. HDD Replacement 4 Initializing the HDD The HDD storage data is faulty. Execute U024 [FULL] (HDD Format). U024 Execution 5 Replacing the HDD The HDD is faulty. Replace the HDD. HDD Replacement 6 Replacing the main PWB The main PWB is faulty. Replace the main PWB. Main PWB Replacement
    • Code: C0680
    • Description: SSD error
    • Causes: The SSD cannot be accessed, or the error occurs when accessing to the SSD.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the SSD (if lit after replacing the SSD) An SSD out of specification is installed. Install the SSD matching the memory capacity specification. 2 Resetting the main power The SSD is faulty. Turn the power switch and the main power switch off . After 5s passes, turn the main power switch and the power switch on. 3 Reinstalling the SSD The connection with the main PWB is faulty. Reinstall the SSD on the main PWB. SSD Replacement 4 Initializing the SSD The data stored in the SSD is faulty. Retrieve the SSD storage data at U026, and then initialize the SSD at U024. U026 / U024 Execution 5 Replacing the SSD The SSD is faulty. Retrieve the SSD storage data at U026, and then replace the SSD. U026 Execution / SSD Replacement 6 Replacing the main PWB The main PWB is faulty. Replace the main PWB. Main PWB Replacement
    • Code: C0800
    • Description: Image processing error
    • Causes: The print sequence jam (J010x) was detected 2 times continuously.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the image data The image data is faulty. When this issue occurs only when handling the certain image data, check if the image data is faulty. 2 Checking the situation The printing operation of the certain file is faulty. Acquire the jobslogifthephenomenoncanbereproducedbyspecifyingthejobwhentheer rorwasdetected.’ Checking Job & Job Operation 3 Checking the main PWB The main PWB is faulty. Reconnect the connectors on the main PWB. Then, fix or replace the wires if they are pinched by the other part or if they have any damage. When the issue is not resolved, replace the main PWB. Main PWB Replacement
    • Code: C0840
    • Description: RTC error («Time for maintenance T» appears)
    • Causes: [Check at start-up]• RTC values are old.• Power has not been turned on for over 5 years.• RTC value is older than 2000/1/1 00:01.[Periodic check per 5 minutes after start-up]• RTC values are older than the ones at the last check.• Partial operation by power reset after C840 error and «Time for Maintenance T» is indicated.
    • Remedy: 1 Executing U906 The backup battery on the main PWB is faulty, and so, the RTC settings are erased after unplugging the power cord. Execute U906 to reset the indication «Maintenance T». After that, set the data (RTC) via the System Menu.(This treatment needs to be performed when unplugging and reconnecting the power cord.) Date/ Timer/ Energy Saver (System Menu) 2 Replacing the main PWB The main PWB is faulty, or the backup battery runs out. The user call regarding C0840 is frequent even if performing the previous treatment, replace the main PWB. Main PWB Replacement
    • Code: C0980
    • Description: 24V power interruption detection
    • Causes: 1. The 24V power interruption signal was detected for 1s continuously.2. After passing 100ms since the 24V power interruption signal was detected, the other service call error appeared. Then, the 24V power supply recovered.
    • Remedy: 1 Resetting the main power The printing process is not properly executed. Turn the power switch and the main power switch off . After 5s passes, turn the main power switch and the power switch on. 2 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected, or it has a ground fault. Reconnect the wire connectors between the LVU and the engine PWB. If the wire is pinched or has any damage, fix or replace the wire. Electrical Diagram of PWBs 3 Replacing the LVU The LVU is faulty. When the +24V generation from the LVU is not stable, and it lowers, replace the LVU. LVU Replacement 4 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement
    • Code: C1000
    • Description: MP lift motor error
    • Causes: 1. The MP position switch does not turn on within 1850ms when rotating the MP lift motor in the descend direction.2. The MP position switch does not turn off within 1600ms when rotating the MP lift motor in the ascend direction.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the MP bottom plate The MP bottom plate does not operate properly. If the MP bottom plate of the MP tray does not move vertically, fix or replace the lift base. 2 Checking the lift lever The lift lever is not properly attached. Check if the lift lever is vertically shifted by the lift motor cam, or if it has the excessive load. Then, reattach the MP tray. Then, replace the MP tray if it is not fixed. 3 Checking the drive gear The drive gear does not rotate properly. Check if the MP bottom plate lift-up drive gears rotate smoothly or have no excessive load. And apply the grease to the frictional parts and fix the related parts so that they can rotate smoothly. 4 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires when they have no continuity.• MP position switch — Relay connector — Feed drive PWB • Feed drive PWB — Engine PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 5 Replacing the MP lift motor The MP lift motor does not operate properly. Replace the MP lift motor. 6 Checking the MP positioning switch The MP positioning switch is not properly attached. Reattach the MP positioning switch. 7 Replacing the MP positioning switch The MP positioning switch is faulty. Replace the MP positioning switch. 8 Replacing the feed drive PWB The feed drive PWB is faulty. Replace the feed drive PWB. 9 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 10 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement
    • Code: C1010
    • Description: Lift motor 1 error
    • Causes: Either of the following was detected 5 times continuously.1. Lift upper limit sensor 1 does not turn on after passing 16s since cassette 1 was inserted.2. The lock-up signal is not released for 300ms after turning on of lift motor 1.3. Since lift upper limit sensor 1 turned off during printing, lift upper limit sensor 1 does not turn on after passing 1s from the ascend control
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the cassette base The cassette base does not operate properly. Repair or replace the cassette base if it cannot move vertically. 2 Checking the drive gear The drive gear to lift up the cassette base does not rotate properly. Check if the lift motor drive gears to lift up the cassette base rotate smoothly or have no excessive load. And apply the grease to the frictional parts and repair the related parts so that they can rotate smoothly. 3 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires if there is no continuity.• Lift motor 1 — Feed drive PWB• Feed drive PWB — Engine PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 4 Checking lift motor 1 Lift motor 1 is faulty. Check the operation of lift motor 1, and replace it if necessary. Lift Motor Replacement 5 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires if there is no continuity.• Lift upper limit sensor 1 — Feed drive PWB• Feed drive PWB — Engine PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 6 Checking lift sensor 1 Lift upper limit sensor 1 is not properly attached, or it is faulty. Reattach lift upper limit sensor 1. Replace it if it is not fixed. 7 Replacing the feed drive PWB The feed drive PWB is faulty. Replace the feed drive PWB. 8 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 9 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement
    • Code: C1020
    • Description: Lift motor 2 error
    • Causes: Either of the following was detected 5 times continuously.1. PF lift sensor 2 does not turn on after passing 16s since cassette 2 was inserted.2. The lock-up signal is not released for 300ms after turning on of lift motor 2.3. Since lift sensor 2 turned off during printing, lift sensor 2 does not turn on after passing 1s from the ascend control.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the cassette base The cassette base does not operate properly. Repair or replace the cassette base if it cannot move vertically. 2 Checking the drive gear The drive gear does not rotate properly. Check if the lift motor drive gears to lift up the cassette base rotate smoothly or have no excessive load. And apply the grease to the frictional parts and repair the related parts so that they can rotate smoothly. 3 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires when they have no continuity.• Lift motor 2 — Feed drive PWB• Feed drive PWB — Engine PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 4 Checking lift motor 2 Lift motor 2 is faulty. Check the operation of lift motor 2, and replace it if necessary. Lift Motor Replacement 5 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires when they have no continuity.• Lift upper limit sensor 2 — Feed drive PWB• Feed drive PWB — Engine PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 6 Checking lift sensor 2 Lift upper limit sensor 2 is not properly attached, or it is faulty. Reattach lift upper limit sensor 2. Then, replace it if it is not fixed. 7 Replacing the feed drive PWB The feed drive PWB is faulty. Replace the feed drive PWB. 8 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 9 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement
    • Code: C1030
    • Description: PF lift motor 1 error (Paper Feeder)
    • Causes: [PF-7100 (Paper Feeder)]1. PF lift upper limit sensor 1 does not turn on after passing 16s since cassette 3 was inserted.2. The lock-up signal is not released for 300ms after turning on of PF lift motor 1.3. Since PF lift sensor 1 turned off during printing, PF lift upper limit sensor 1 does not turn on after passing 1s from the ascend control.[PF-7110 (Paper Deck)]1. PF lift upper limit sensor 1 does not turn on after passing 24s since cassette 3 was inserted.2. PF lift upper limit sensor 1 does not turn on after passing 3s from the ascend control when starting printing.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the cassette base The cassette base does not operate properly. Repair or replace the cassette base if it cannot move vertically. 2 Checking the drive gear The drive gear does not rotate properly. Check if the drive gears to lift up the cassette base rotate smoothly or have no excessive load. And apply the grease to the frictional parts and repair the related parts so that they can rotate smoothly. 3 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wire when it has no continuity.• PF lift motor 1 — PF main PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 4 Checking PF lift motor 1 PF lift motor 1 is faulty. Replace PF lift motor 1. 5 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wire when it has no continuity.• PF lift sensor 1 — PF main PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 6 Checking PF lift sensor 1 PF lift upper limit sensor 1 is not properly attached, or it is faulty. Reattach PF lift upper limit sensor 1. Then, replace it if it is not fixed. 7 Replacing the PF main PWB The PF main PWB is faulty. Replace the PF main PWB. PF Main PWB Replacement
    • Code: C1040
    • Description: PF lift motor 2 error (Paper Feeder)
    • Causes: [PF-7100 (Paper Feeder)]1. PF lift upper limit sensor 2 does not turn on after passing 16s since cassette 4 is inserted.2. The lock-up signal is not released for 300ms after turning on of PF lift motor 2.3. Since PF lift sensor 2 turned off during printing, PF lift upper limit sensor 2 does not turn on after passing 1s from the ascend control.[PF-7110 (Paper Deck)]1. PF lift upper limit sensor 2 does not turn on after passing 24s since cassette 4 is inserted.2. PF lift upper limit sensor 2 does not turn on after passing 3s from the ascend control when starting printing.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the cassette base The cassette base does not operate properly. Repair or replace the cassette base if it cannot move vertically. 2 Checking the drive gear The drive gear to lift up the cassette base does not rotate properly. Check if the lift motor drive gears to lift up the cassette base rotate smoothly or have no excessive load. And apply the grease to the frictional parts and repair the related parts so that they can rotate smoothly. 3 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wire when it has no continuity.• PF lift motor 2 — PF main PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 4 Replacing PF lift motor 2 PF lift motor 2 is faulty. Replace PF lift motor 2. 5 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wire when it has no continuity.• PF lift upper limit sensor 2 — PF main PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 6 Checking PF lift sensor 2 PF lift upper limit sensor 2 is not properly attached, or it is faulty. Reattach PF lift upper limit sensor 2. Then, replace it if it is not fixed. 7 Replacing the PF main PWB The PF main PWB is faulty. Replace the PF main PWB. PF Main PWB Replacement
    • Code: C1140
    • Description: PF lift motor error (Side Feeder)
    • Causes: 1. The PF lift upper limit sensor does not turn on after passing 30s since cassette 5 was inserted.2. The lock signal is detected for 200ms continuously while the PF lift motor is operating.3. The PF lift upper limit sensor does not turn on for passing 2s from the ascending control during the printing.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the bottom plate The bottom plate does not operate properly. Repair or replace the bottom plate when it does not move vertically. ISU Replacement 2 Checking the drive gear The drive gear to lift up the bottom plate does not rotate properly. Check if the drive gears to lift up the bottom plate rotate smoothly or have no excessive load. And apply the grease to the frictional parts and fix the related parts so that they can rotate smoothly. ISU Replacement 3 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wire when it has no continuity.• PF lift motor — PF main PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 4 Checking the PF lift motor The PF lift motor is faulty. Replace the PF lift motor. 5 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wire when it has no continuity.• PF lift upper limit sensor — PF main PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 6 Checking the PF lift upper limit sensor The PF lift upper limit sensor is not properly attached, or it is faulty. Reattach the PF lift upper limit sensor. Then, replace it if it is not fixed. 7 Checking the PF main PWB The PF main PWB is faulty. Replace the PF main PWB. PF Main PWB Replacement
    • Code: C1800
    • Description: Paper Feeder communication error
    • Causes: The communication error was detected 10 times continuously.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the connection The cable is not properly connected to the main unit. Reconnect the cable into the main unit. 2 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wire when it has no continuity.• PF main PWB — Engine PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 3 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 4 Replacing the PF main PWB The PF main PWB is faulty. Replace the PF main PWB. PF Main PWB Replacement 5 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement
    • Code: C1820
    • Description: Paper Feeder communication error (Side Feeder)
    • Causes: The communication error was detected 10 times continuously.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the connection It is not properly connected to the main unit. Reconnect to the main unit. 2 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected. Reinsert the following wire connectors• PF main PWB — PF main PWB for the side feeder Electrical Diagram of PWBs 3 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 4 Checking the PF main PWB (Side Feeder) The PF main PWB (Side Feeder) is faulty. Replace the PF main PWB (Side Feeder). PF Main PWB Replacement (Side Feeder) 5 Replacing the PF main PWB The PF main PWB is faulty. Replace the PF main PWB. PF Main PWB Replacement 6 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement
    • Code: C1900
    • Description: Paper Feeder EEPROM error
    • Causes: The writing data and the reading data mismatch 3 times continuously when writing.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the connection It is not properly connected to the main unit. Reconnect the paper feeder into the main unit. Also, reconnect the wire connectors between the engine PWB and the PF main PWB. Electrical Diagram of PWBs 2 Checking the wire and the PF main PWB The wire or the PF main PWB is faulty. If the wires on the PF main PWB are pinched or have any damage, fix or replace the wires. When the issue is not resolved, replace the PF main PWB. PF Main PWB Replacement 3 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement
    • Code: C1920
    • Description: Paper Feeder EEPROM error (Side Feeder)
    • Causes: The writing data and the reading data mismatch 3 times continuously when writing.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the connection It is not properly connected to the main unit. Reconnect the side feeder into the main unit. Also, reconnect the wire connectors between the engine PWB and the PF main PWB for the side feeder. Electrical Diagram of PWBs 2 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected. If the wires on the PF main PWB for the side feeder are pinched or have any damage, fix or replace the wires. When the issue is not resolved, replace the PF main PWB for the side feeder. PF Main PWB Replacement (Side Feeder) 3 Checking the PF main PWB The PF main PWB is faulty. Replace the PF main PWB (Side Feeder). PF Main PWB Replacement (Side Feeder)
    • Code: C1950
    • Description: Primary transfer unit EEPROM error
    • Causes: 1. No response from the device is detected for 5s or more 5 times continuously when reading / writing the data.2. The reading data of 2 points mismatches 8 times continuously.3. The reading data and the writing data mismatch 8 times continuously.
    • Remedy: 1 Reinstalling the primary transfer unit The primary transfer unit is not properly installed. Reinstall the primary transfer unit. Primary Transfer Unit Replacement 2 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires when they have no continuity.• Primary transfer unit — Transfer PWB• Transfer PWB — Feed image PWB• Feed image PWB — Engine PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 3 Primary transfer unit replacement The primary transfer unit is faulty. Replace the primary transfer unit. Primary Transfer Unit Replacement 4 Replacing the feed image PWB The feed image PWB is faulty. Replace the feed image PWB. 5 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement
    • Code: C2102
    • Description: Developer motor Y/C error Object: 35ppm or faster color models
    • Causes: 1. The ready signal is at the L level after passing 2s since developer motor Y/C drive started.2. The ready signal is at the H level for 2s continuously after developer motor Y/C becomes stable.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the developer drive section The developer drive section is faulty. Replace the developer unit drive gear if it is faulty. Developer Unit Replacement 2 Checking the developer roller The developer roller is faulty. Check if the developer roller rotates, and replace the developer unit if not rotating. Developer Unit Replacement 3 Checking developer motor Y/C The developer motor Y/C drive is faulty. Execute U030 [DLP(CMY)] to check the developer motor Y/ C operation.Check if the drive gears rotate smoothly or have no excessive load. And apply the grease to the frictional parts and fix the related parts so that they can rotate smoothly. U030 Execution 4 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires when they have no continuity.• Developer motors Y/ C — Feed image PWB• Feed image PWB — Engine PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 5 Checking developer motor Y/C Developer motor Y/C is faulty. Reattach developer motor Y/ C. Then, replace it if it is not fixed. Main Drive Unit Replacement 6 Replacing the feed image PWB The feed image PWB is faulty. Replace the feed image PWB. 7 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 8 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement
    • Code: C2103
    • Description: Developer motor COL/M error Object: Color models (Developer motor COL: 32/25ppm models, Developer motor M: 35ppm or faster models)
    • Causes: 1. The ready signal is not at the L level for passing 2s since developer motor COL/M drive was started.2. The ready signal is at the H level for 2s continuously after developer motor COL/M was stable.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the developer drive section The developer drive section is faulty. Replace the developer unit drive gear if it is faulty. Developer Unit Replacement 2 Checking the developer roller The developer roller is faulty. Check if the developer roller rotates, and replace the developer unit if not rotating. Developer Unit Replacement 3 Checking developer motor Y/C Developer motor COL/M does not properly operate. Execute U030 [DLP(CMY)] to check the developer motor COL/M operation.Check if the drive gears rotate smoothly or have no excessive load. And apply the grease to the frictional parts and fix the related parts so that they can rotate smoothly. U030 Execution 4 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires when they have no continuity.• Developer motors COL / M — Feed image PWB• Feed image PWB — Engine PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 5 Checking developer motor Y/C Developer motor COL/M is faulty. Reattach the developer motors COL / M. Then, replace it if it is not fixed. Main Drive Unit Replacement 6 Replacing the feed image PWB The feed image PWB is faulty. Replace the feed image PWB. 7 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 8 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement
    • Code: C2201
    • Description: Drum motor BK steady-state error
    • Causes: The ready signal is at the H level for 2s continuously after drum motor BK becomes stable
    • Remedy: 1 Checking drum motor BK The drive of drum motor BK is faulty. Execute U030 [Drum K] to check the drum motor BK operation.Check if the drive gears rotate smoothly or have no excessive load. And apply the grease to the frictional parts and fix the related parts so that they can rotate smoothly. U030 Execution 2 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires when they have no continuity.• Drum motor BK — Feed image PWB• Feed image PWB — Engine PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 3 Checking drum unit BK The drum unit is faulty. Check if the drum or the drum screw is rotated manually, and replace the drum unit if not rotated. Drum Unit Replacement 4 Checking drum motor BK Drum motor BK is faulty. Replace drum motor BK. Main Drive Unit Replacement 5 Replacing the feed image PWB The feed image PWB is faulty. Replace the feed image PWB. 6 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 7 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement
    • Code: C2203
    • Description: Drum motor COL steady-state error Object: Color models
    • Causes: The ready signal is at the H level for 2s continuously after drum motor COL becomes stable.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking drum motor COL The drive of drum motor COL is faulty. Execute U030 [Drum COL] to check the drum motor COL operation.Check if the drive gears rotate smoothly or have no excessive load. And apply the grease to the frictional parts and fix the related parts so that they can rotate smoothly. U030 Execution 2 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires when they have no continuity.• Drum motor COL — Feed image PWB• Feed image PWB — Engine PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 3 Replacing drum motor COL Drum motor COL is faulty. Replace drum motor COL. Main Drive Unit Replacement 4 Checking the drum unit and the developer unit The drum unit is faulty. Check if the drum or the drum screw is rotated manually, and replace the drum unit if not rotated. Drum Unit Replacement 5 Replacing the feed image PWB The feed image PWB is faulty. Replace the feed image PWB. 6 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 7 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement
    • Code: C2300
    • Description: Fuser motor error
    • Causes: The ready signal is at the H level for 1.5s continuously during the fuser motor drive.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the fuser motor The fuser motor operation is faulty. Execute U030 [Fuser] to check the fuser motor operation. Check if the drive gears rotate smoothly or have no excessive load. And apply the grease to the frictional parts and fix the related parts so that they can rotate smoothly. U030 Execution 2 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires when they have no continuity.• Fuser motor — Feed drive PWB• Feed drive PWB — Engine PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 3 Replacing the fuser unit The fuser unit is faulty. Replace the fuser unit. Fuser Unit Replacement 4 Replacing the fuser drive unit The fuser drive unit is faulty. Replace the fuser drive unit. Fuser Drive Unit Replacement 5 Replacing the fuser motor The fuser motor is faulty. Replace the fuser motor. Fuser Drive Unit Replacement 6 Replacing the feed drive PWB The feed drive PWB is faulty. Replace the feed drive PWB. 7 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 8 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement
    • Code: C2500
    • Description: Paper feed motor error
    • Causes: The ready signal is not at the L level after passing 2s since the paper feed motor drive was started.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the paper feed motor The operation of the paper feed motor is faulty. Execute [Feed] at U030 to check the paper feed motor operation.Check if paper feed roller and the drive gears rotate smoothly or have no excessive load. And apply the grease to the frictional parts and fix the related parts so that they can rotate smoothly. U030 Execution 2 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires when they have no continuity.• Feed motor — Feed drive PWB• Feed drive PWB — Engine PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 3 Replacing the paper feed motor The paper feed motor is faulty. Replace the paper feed motor. 4 Replacing the paper feed drive unit The paper feed drive unit is faulty. Replace the paper feed drive unit. Feed Drive Unit Replacement 5 Replacing the feed drive PWB The feed drive PWB is faulty. Replace the feed drive PWB. 6 Firmware upgrade The firmware is faulty. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 7 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement
    • Code: C2600
    • Description: PF feed motor error
    • Causes: The ready signal is not at the L level (stable rotation) after passing 1s since the PF feed motor drive started.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the PF feed motor The PF feed motor is not properly connected, or it is faulty. Check the paper feed operation by executing [2PF] or [LCF] at U247 and [Motor On].if it is faulty, reinsert the connector of the paper feed motor.Check if the PF paper feed roller and the drive gears rotate smoothly or have no excessive load. And apply the grease to the frictional parts and fix the related parts so that they can rotate smoothly. U247 Execution 2 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wire when it has no continuity.• PF paper feed motor — PF main PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 3 Checking the connection The connection between the PF main PWB and the main PWB is incorrect. Check the following wire connection, and correct the terminals and reinsert the connectors all the way.If the connection parts are deformed or damaged, replace them.• PF main PWB — Engine PWB (Drawer connector between the paper feeder and the main unit) Electrical Diagram of PWBs 4 Replacing the PF feed motor The PF feed motor is faulty. Replace the PF feed motor. PF Drive Unit Replacement 5 Firmware upgrade The engine firmware or the PF firmware is faulty. Upgrade the engine firmware and the PF firmware to the latest version. Firmware Upgrade 6 Replacing the PF main PWB The PF main PWB is faulty. Replace the PF main PWB. PF Main PWB Replacement 7 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement
    • Code: C2700
    • Description: Primary / secondary transfer release error
    • Causes: The release or pressure state of the belt release motor continued for 2.3s after driving the motor in the release or pressure direction.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the drive components The belt release motor drive transmission is faulty. Execute U030 [Belt Lift].Repair the drive components when the motor drive is not transmitted. U030 Execution 2 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected. Reinsert the following wire connectors.• Belt release motor — Feed image PWB• Belt release sensor — Feed image PWB• Feed image PWB — Engine PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 3 Checking the belt release sensor The belt release sensor comes off. Reattach or replace the belt release sensor. 4 Checking the belt release motor The belt release motor does not operate properly. Reattach or replace the belt release motor. 5 Primary transfer unit replacement The primary transfer roller lift-up drive section is faulty. Replace the primary transfer unit. Primary Transfer Unit Replacement 6 Replacing the feed image PWB The feed image PWB is faulty. Replace the feed image PWB. 7 Firmware upgrade The engine firmware is faulty. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 8 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement
    • Code: C2760
    • Description: Developer BK/belt motor startup error
    • Causes: 1. The motor FG pulse of is not input for 2s continuously during the motor operation.2. The FG pulse exceeding 4000rpm was detected 10 times continuously.3. The motor speed was out of the target speed (+/- 6.25%), and the condition was continued for 2s
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the developer BK/belt motor drive components The developer BK/belt motor drive transmission is faulty. Execute U030 [DLP(K)] to check the excessive load is not applied to the drive gears, roller and the belt by rotating them. After that, clean the drive section of the primary transfer unit. U030 Execution 2 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires when they have no continuity.• Developer BK/belt motor — Feed image PWB• Feed image PWB — Engine PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 3 Checking the developer BK/belt motor The developer BK/belt motor is faulty. Reattach the developer BK/ belt motor and reconnect the wire. Replace it if it is not fixed. Main Drive Unit Replacement 4 Firmware upgrade The firmware is faulty. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 5 Checking the feed image PWB The feed image PWB is faulty. Reconnect the connectors on the feed image PWB. Then, fix or replace the wires if they are pinched by the other part or if they have any damage. When the issue is not resolved, replace the feed image PWB. 6 Checking the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Reconnect the connectors on the engine PWB. Then, fix or replace the wires if they are pinched by the other part or if they have any damage. When the issue is not resolved after that, replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement
    • Code: C2810
    • Description: Waste toner motor error
    • Causes: The lock detection signal reaches the L level while the waste toner motor is driving (3 retries of successive 0.5s per 2ms).2. The lock detection signal does not reach L level within 50ms since the REM signal switched from L to H (3 retry per 500ms).
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the waste toner box The waste toner box is not properly installed. Reinstall the waste toner box. Waste Toner Box Replacement 2 Checking the waste toner motor The waste toner motor does not operate properly. Execute U030 [Toner Recovery] to check if the excessive load is not applied to the waste toner motor. Then, repair the part if necessary. U030 Execution 3 Checking the drive gear The drive gear does not rotate properly. Check if the excessive load is not applied to the drive gears by rotating the gears, and clean the drive gears and the bushing, etc. 4 Replacing the waste toner box The waste toner box is faulty. Replace the waste toner box. Waste Toner Box Replacement 5 Checking the waste toner motor The waste toner motor is not properly connected. Reinsert the connector into the waste toner motor. 6 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wire when it has no continuity.• Waste toner motor — Engine PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 7 Firmware upgrade The engine firmware is faulty. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 8 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement
    • Code: C2840
    • Description: Belt cleaning motor error
    • Causes: 1. The motor FG pulse of is not input for 2s continuously during the motor operation.2. The FG pulse exceeding 4000rpm was detected 10 times continuously.3. The motor speed was out of the target speed (+/- 6.25%), and the condition was continued for 2s.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the primary transfer unit The primary transfer unit is not properly installed. Reinstall the primary transfer unit. Primary Transfer Unit Replacement 2 Cleaning the primary transfer cleaning section The roller in the primary transfer cleaning section does not rotate properly. Remove the waste toner remaining in the primary transfer cleaning section. 3 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires when they have no continuity.• Belt cleaning motor — Transfer PWB• Transfer PWB — Transfer connection PWB• Transfer connection PWB — Feed image PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 4 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected. Reconnect the wire connectors between the feed image PWB and the engine PWB. If the wires are pinched or it have any damage, fix or replace them. Electrical Diagram of PWBs 5 Checking the belt cleaning motor The belt cleaning motor is not properly attached, or it is faulty. Reattach or replace the belt cleaning motor. 6 Primary transfer unit replacement The cleaning drive section in the primary transfer unit is faulty. Replace the primary transfer unit. Primary Transfer Unit Replacement 7 Replacing the feed image PWB The feed image PWB is faulty. Replace the feed image PWB. 8 Firmware upgrade The engine firmware is faulty. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 9 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement
    • Code: C3100
    • Description: Carriage error
    • Causes: The position of the home position sensor (turning on / off) mismatches when turning the main power on or finishing the original scan by the scanner.
    • Remedy: 1 Unlocking the primary mirror unit The primary mirror unit is not unlocked. Unlock the primary mirror unit. Unlocking Primary Mirror Unit 2 Checking the scanner movement A load is applied to the scanner movement. Check the mirror unit operation by executing U073 or shifting it manually. If it has the excessive load, check if there is the foreign objects are on the scanner wires or the wire drums, and clean them. After that, apply the grease to the scanner rails. Optical Wires Replacement 3 Checking the scanner wires The scanner wires are dirty or come off. Clean and reattach the scanner wires. Optical Wires Replacement 4 Checking the scanner motor The scanner motor is faulty. Reattach the scanner motor and reconnect the wire. Replace it if it is not fixed. 5 Checking the belt tension of the scanner motor A load is applied to the scanner movement since the belt tension is improper. Adjust the scanner motor belt tension properly. 6 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wire if there is no continuity.• Scanner motor — Engine PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 7 Checking the home position sensor The home position sensor is not properly attached. Reattach the home position sensor. 8 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wire if there is no continuity.• Home position motor — Engine PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 9 Checking the home position sensor The home position sensor is faulty. Replace the home position sensor. 10 Firmware upgrade The firmware is faulty. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 11 Checking the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Reconnect the connectors on the engine PWB. Then, fix or replace the wires if they are pinched by the other part or if they have any damage. When the issue is not resolved after that, replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement
    • Code: C3200
    • Description: LED lamp startup error
    • Causes: The white reference data acquired by lighting the lamp at the initial operation is at the specified value or less. (Over 2 LED lamps do not light.)
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the LED lamp The LED lamp does not light. Check if the LED lamp lights by executing U061 [CCD]. If it does not light, replace the lamp unit and execute U411 [Table(ChartA)]. Lamp Unit Replacement 2 Checking the FFC The FFC is not properly connected, or it is faulty. Reconnect the following FFC. When the FFC terminals are peeled off or deformed or the FFC is broken, replace the FFC.• CCD PWB — Engine PWB• LED PWB — CCD PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 3 Replacing the ISU The CCD PWB is faulty. Replace the ISU and then execute U411. ISU Replacement 4 Firmware upgrade The firmware is faulty. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 5 Checking the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Reconnect the connectors on the engine PWB. Then, fix or replace the wires if they are pinched by the other part or if they have any damage. When the issue is not resolved after that, replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement
    • Code: C3210
    • Description: CIS lamp error Object: Dual scan DP
    • Causes: The input data did not exceed threshold for 5s when lighting the CIS lamp.
    • Remedy: 1 Releasing the partial operation The partial operation is executed. Execute resetting the partial operation at U906. U906 Execution 2 Checking the DPCIS The CIS lamp does not light. Check if the CIS lamp lights by executing U061 [CIS]. If it does not light, replace the DPCIS and execute U091 and U411. DP CIS Replacement 3 Cleaning the CIS glass and the CIS roller The CIS glass or the CIS roller is dirty. Clean the CIS glass and the CIS roller. 4 Checking the DPSHD PWB The DPSHD PWB is not properly connected. Reconnect the DPSHD PWB to the DPCIS. 5 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires when they have no continuity.• DPSHD PWB — DP main PWB• DP main PWB — Engine PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 6 Firmware upgrade The firmware is faulty. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 7 Replacing the DPSHD PWB The DPSHD PWB is faulty. Replace the DPSHD PWB. 8 Replacing the DP main PWB The DP main PWB is faulty. Replace the DP main PWB. DP Main PWB Replacement 9 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement
    • Code: C3300
    • Description: CCD AGC error
    • Causes: The brightness of the LED lamps is darker (1 LED lamp does not turn on) or brighter than anticipated when executing the AGC process for the CCD lamp.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the LED lamp The LED lamp is broken. Check if the LED lamp lights by executing U061 [CCD]. If it does not light, replace the lamp unit and execute U411 [Table(ChartA)]. Lamp Unit Replacement 2 Cleaning the backside of the contact glass The white reference sheet is dirty. Clean the white reference sheet at the backside of the contact glass. Contact Glass Detachment 3 Checking the FFC The FFC is not properly connected, or it is faulty. Reconnect the following FFC. When the FFC terminals are peeled off or deformed or the FFC is broken, replace the FFC.• LED PWB — CCD PWB• CCD PWB -Engine PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 4 Firmware upgrade The firmware is faulty. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 5 Replacing the ISU The CCD PWB is faulty. Replace the ISU and then execute U411. ISU Replacement 6 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement
    • Code: C3310
    • Description: CIS AGC error Object: Dual scan DP
    • Causes: The DPCIS could not acquire the correct white reference value while AGC process was executed.
    • Remedy: 1 Releasing the partial operation The partial operation is executed. Execute resetting the partial operation at U906. U906 Execution 2 Cleaning the CIS glass and the CIS roller The CIS glass or the CIS roller is dirty. Clean the CIS glass and the CIS roller. 3 Firmware upgrade The firmware is faulty. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 4 Checking the DPSHD PWB The DPSHD PWB is not properly connected. Reconnect the DPSHD PWB to the DPCIS. 5 Replacing the DPSHD PWB The DPSHD PWB is faulty. Replace the DPSHD PWB. 6 Replacing the DPCIS The DPCIS is faulty. Replace the DPCIS, and then execute U091 and U411. DP CIS Replacement 7 Replacing the DP main PWB The DP main PWB is faulty. Replace the DP main PWB. DP Main PWB Replacement 8 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement
    • Code: C3500
    • Description: Communication error between the scanner and the ASIC
    • Causes: The communication error was detected during the communication between the scanner ASIC and the engine CPU.
    • Remedy: 1 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement
    • Code: C3600
    • Description: Scanner sequence error
    • Causes: The program internal processing error of the scanner sequence occurs.
    • Remedy: 1 Executing U021 The memory operation is faulty. Execute U021. U021 Execution 2 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement
    • Code: C3800
    • Description: AFE error
    • Causes: The writing data and the reading data mismatch 3 times continuously when writing.The response from AFE is not returned for 100ms.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the FFC The FFC is not properly connected, or it is faulty. Reconnect the following FFC. When the FFC terminals are peeled off or deformed or the FFC is broken, replace the FFC.• CCD PWB — Engine PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 2 Replacing the ISU The CCD PWB is faulty. Replace the ISU and then execute U411. ISU Replacement 3 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement
    • Code: C4001
    • Description: Polygon motor synchronization error
    • Causes: The ready signal is not at the L level after passing 15s since the polygon motor drive was started.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the wire and the FFC The wire or the FFC is not properly connected, or they are faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors and reconnect the FFC. Replace the wire If there is no continuity. Then, replace the FFC if the FFC terminals are deformed or the FFC is broken.• LSU cleaning motor — APC PWB (LSU)• APC PWB (LSU) — Engine PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 2 Checking the polygon motor The polygon motor does not rotate properly. Check the rotation sound of the polygon motor, and reattach or replace the LSU if it does not rotate properly. LSU Replacement 3 Firmware upgrade The engine firmware is faulty. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 4 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement
    • Code: C4011
    • Description: Polygon motor steady-state error
    • Causes: The ready signal is at the H level for 15s continuously after the polygon motor drive becomes stable.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the wire and the FFC The wire or the FFC is not properly connected, or they are faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors and reconnect the FFC. Replace the wire If there is no continuity. Then, replace the FFC if the FFC terminals are deformed or the FFC is broken.• LSU cleaning motor — APC PWB (LSU)• APC PWB (LSU) — Engine PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 2 Checking the polygon motor The polygon motor does not rotate properly. Check the rotation sound of the polygon motor, and reattach or replace the LSU if it does not rotate properly. LSU Replacement 3 Firmware upgrade The engine firmware is faulty. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 4 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement
    • Code: C4101
    • Description: BD initialization error
    • Causes: The BD signal was not detected for 1s after driving the polygon motor.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the FFC The FFC is not properly connected, or it is faulty. Reconnect the following FFC. When the FFC terminals are peeled off or deformed or the FFC is broken, replace the FFC.• APC PWB (LSU) — Engine PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 2 Checking the LSU The BD sensor or the laser diode is faulty. Reinstall or replace the LSU while paying attention to the static electricity. LSU Replacement 3 Firmware upgrade The engine firmware is faulty. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 4 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement
    • Code: C4201
    • Description: BD steady-state error
    • Causes: The BD signal is not detected during the laser lighting.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the FFC The FFC is not properly connected, or it is faulty. Reconnect the following FFC. When the FFC terminals are peeled off or deformed or the FFC is broken, replace the FFC.• APC PWB (LSU) — Engine PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 2 Checking the LSU The BD sensor or the laser diode is faulty. Reinstall or replace the LSU while paying attention to the static electricity. LSU Replacement 3 Firmware upgrade The engine firmware is faulty. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 4 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement
    • Code: C4600
    • Description: LSU cleaning motor error
    • Causes: The LSU cleaning motor lock-up was detected, or the motor continued to be shifted in the same direction for 8s or more.
    • Remedy: 1 Executing the Laser Scanner Cleaning The LSU cleaning drive gear and the cleaning pad have the load and so they are not shifted smoothly. Execute Laser Scanner Cleaning. Adjustment/ Maintenance Menu 2 Cleaning the LSU cleaning drive gear and the cleaning pad The LSU cleaning drive gear and the cleaning pad have the load and so they are not shifted smoothly. Clean the LSU cleaning drive gear and the cleaning pad. 3 LSU replacement The LSU cleaning drive gear, cleaning wire or the cleaning pad are deformed, or they are faulty. Replace the LSU. LSU Replacement 4 Checking the wire and the FFC The wire or the FFC is not properly connected, or they are faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors and reconnect the FFC. Replace the wire If there is no continuity. Then, replace the FFC if the FFC terminals are deformed or the FFC is broken.• LSU cleaning motor — APC PWB (LSU)• APC PWB (LSU) — Engine PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 5 Checking the LSU cleaning motor The LSU cleaning motor is not properly attached, or it is faulty. Reattach the LSU cleaning motor and reconnect the connector. Then, replace it if it is not fixed. 6 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 7 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement
    • Code: C4701
    • Description: VIDEO ASIC device error 1
    • Causes: The communication with VIDEO ASIC failed 10 times continuously.(This is the value mismatching error by trying to read the data from the same address after writing the data to VIDEO ASIC.)
    • Remedy: 1 Resetting the main power The ASIC operation on the engine is faulty. Turn the power switch and the main power switch off . After 5s passes, turn the main power switch and the power switch on. 2 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the main firmware and the engine firmware to the latest version. Firmware Upgrade 3 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement
    • Code: C4702
    • Description: VIDEO ASIC device error 2 Object: 35ppm or faster color models
    • Causes: The communication with VIDEO ASIC (2) failed 10 times continuously.(This is the value mismatching error by trying to read the data from the same address after writing the data to VIDEO ASIC.)
    • Remedy: 1 Resetting the main power The ASIC operation on the engine is faulty. Turn the power switch and the main power switch off . After 5s passes, turn the main power switch and the power switch on. 2 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the main firmware and the engine firmware to the latest version. Firmware Upgrade 3 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement
    • Code: C4801
    • Description: LSU type mismatch error
    • Causes: The LSU mismatches with the main unit.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the LSU The different type LSU is installed. Install the correct LSU. LSU Replacement 2 Checking the FFC The FFC is not properly connected, or it is faulty. Reconnect the following FFC. When the FFC terminals are peeled off or deformed or the FFC is broken, replace the FFC.• APC PWB (LSU) — Engine PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 3 LSU replacement The APC PWB is faulty. Replace the LSU. LSU Replacement
    • Code: C5101
    • Description: Main high-voltage error BK Object: 35ppm or faster color models and the monochrome models
    • Causes: 1. When measuring the inflow electric currents changing Vpp to 3 steps during the Vpp adjustment, the gap between the 0 electric current value and the 2nd electric current value is at the reference value or less.2. The detected ldc is poor even if applying Vpp[C]. (5ìA or less)
    • Remedy: 1 Reinstalling the main highvoltage PWB The main charger roller contacts of the main highvoltage PWB are not properly contacted, and so, the proper voltage is not applied. Reinstall the main high-voltage PWB. Main Highvoltage PWB Replacement 2 Checking the drum unit and the developer unit The drum or the drum screw is not rotated properly due to the excessive load. Check if the drum or the drum screw is rotated manually, and replace the drum unit if not rotated. Drum Unit Replacement 3 Replacing drum motor BK Drum motor BK is faulty. Replace drum motor BK. Main Drive Unit Replacement 4 Checking the main charger unit The proper voltage is not applied since the foreign objects adhered on the high-voltage contact of the main charger unit. Clean the high-voltage contact of the main charger unit, and apply conductive grease to the roller shaft. Main Charger Unit Replacement 5 Main charger unit replacement The proper voltage is not applied since the high-voltage contact of the main charger unit is deformed or damaged. Replace the main charger unit and execute U930. Main Charger Unit Replacement 6 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wire when it has no continuity.• Main high-voltage PWB — Engine PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 7 Replacing the main highvoltage PWB The main high-voltage PWB is faulty. Replace the main high-voltage PWB. Main Highvoltage PWB Replacement 8 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 9 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement
    • Code: C5102
    • Description: Main high-voltage error C Object: 35ppm or faster color models
    • Causes: When measuring the inflow electric current changing Vpp to 3 steps during the Vpp adjustment, the gap between the 0 electric current value and the 2nd electric current value is the standard value or less.
    • Remedy: 1 Reinstalling the main highvoltage PWB The main charger roller contacts of the main highvoltage PWB are not properly contacted, and so, the proper voltage is not applied. Reinstall the main high-voltage PWB. Main Highvoltage PWB Replacement 2 Checking the drum unit and the developer unit The drum or the drum screw is not rotated properly due to the excessive load. Check if the drum or the drum screw is rotated manually, and replace the drum unit if not rotated. Drum Unit Replacement 3 Checking drum motor COL Drum motor COL is not rotated properly due to an excessive load. Replace drum motor COL. Main Drive Unit Replacement 4 Checking the main charger unit The proper voltage is not applied since the foreign objects adhered on the high-voltage contact of the main charger unit. Clean the high-voltage contact of the main charger unit, and apply conductive grease to the roller shaft. Main Charger Unit Replacement 5 Main charger unit replacement The proper voltage is not applied since the high-voltage contact of the main charger unit is deformed or damaged. Replace the main charger unit and execute U930. Main Charger Unit Replacement 6 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wire when it has no continuity.• Main high-voltage PWB — Engine PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 7 Replacing the main highvoltage PWB The main high-voltage PWB is faulty. Replace the main high-voltage PWB. Main Highvoltage PWB Replacement 8 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 9 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement
    • Code: C5103
    • Description: Main high-voltage error M Object: 35ppm or faster color models
    • Causes: When measuring the inflow electric current changing Vpp to 3 steps during the Vpp adjustment, the gap between the 0 electric current value and the 2nd electric current value is the standard value or less.
    • Remedy: 1 Reinstalling the main highvoltage PWB The main charger roller contacts of the main highvoltage PWB are not properly contacted, and so, the proper voltage is not applied. Reinstall the main high-voltage PWB. Main Highvoltage PWB Replacement 2 Checking the drum unit and the developer unit The drum or the drum screw is not rotated properly due to the excessive load. Check if the drum or the drum screw is rotated manually, and replace the drum unit if not rotated. Drum Unit Replacement 3 Checking drum motor COL Drum motor COL is not rotated properly due to an excessive load. Replace drum motor COL. Main Drive Unit Replacement 4 Checking the main charger unit The proper voltage is not applied since the foreign objects adhered on the high-voltage contact of the main charger unit. Clean the high-voltage contact of the main charger unit, and apply conductive grease to the roller shaft. Main Charger Unit Replacement 5 Main charger unit replacement The proper voltage is not applied since the high-voltage contact of the main charger unit is deformed or damaged. Replace the main charger unit and execute U930. Main Charger Unit Replacement 6 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wire when it has no continuity.• Main high-voltage PWB — Engine PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 7 Replacing the main highvoltage PWB The main high-voltage PWB is faulty. Replace the main high-voltage PWB. Main Highvoltage PWB Replacement 8 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 9 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement
    • Code: C5104
    • Description: Main high-voltage error Y Object: 35ppm or faster color models
    • Causes: When measuring the inflow electric current changing Vpp to 3 steps during the Vpp adjustment, the gap between the 0 electric current value and the 2nd electric current value is the standard value or less.
    • Remedy: 1 Reinstalling the main highvoltage PWB The main charger roller contacts of the main highvoltage PWB are not properly contacted, and so, the proper voltage is not applied. Reinstall the main high-voltage PWB. Main Highvoltage PWB Replacement 2 Checking the drum unit and the developer unit The drum or the drum screw is not rotated properly due to the excessive load. Check if the drum or the drum screw is rotated manually, and replace the drum unit if not rotated. Drum Unit Replacement 3 Checking drum motor COL Drum motor COL is not rotated properly due to an excessive load. Replace drum motor COL. Main Drive Unit Replacement 4 Checking the main charger unit The proper voltage is not applied since the foreign objects adhered on the high-voltage contact of the main charger unit. Clean the high-voltage contact of the main charger unit, and apply conductive grease to the roller shaft. Main Charger Unit Replacement 5 Main charger unit replacement The proper voltage is not applied since the high-voltage contact of the main charger unit is deformed or damaged. Replace the main charger unit and execute U930. Main Charger Unit Replacement 6 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wire when it has no continuity.• Main high-voltage PWB — Engine PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 7 Replacing the main highvoltage PWB The main high-voltage PWB is faulty. Replace the main high-voltage PWB. Main Highvoltage PWB Replacement 8 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 9 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement
    • Code: C5130
    • Description: Primary transfer high-voltage error Object: Monochrome models
    • Causes: When adjusting the feedback, the detected electric current value exceeds the upper limit or is less than the lower limit, or the adjustment result is 300V or less or is 2,900V or more.
    • Remedy: 1 Reinstalling the primary transfer unit The primary transfer unit is not properly installed. Reinstall the primary transfer unit so that the connector firmly connects. Primary Transfer Unit Replacement 2 Checking the high-voltage contact Foreign material adheres on the high-voltage contacts of the primary transfer roller, and so, the proper voltage is not applied. Clean the high-voltage contact of the primary transfer roller, and apply conductive grease to the roller shaft. 3 Reinstalling the transfer high-voltage PWB The high-voltage contacts on the transfer high-voltage PWB are faulty, and so, the proper voltage is not applied. Reinstall the transfer highvoltage PWB. Transfer High-voltage PWB Replacement 4 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires if there is no continuity.• Transfer high-voltage PWB — Engine PWB• Transfer highvoltage PWB — Feed image PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 5 Replacing the transfer high-voltage PWB The transfer high-voltage PWB is faulty. Replace the transfer highvoltage PWB. Transfer High-voltage PWB Replacement 6 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 7 Replacing the feed image PWB The feed image PWB is faulty. Replace the feed image PWB. 8 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement
    • Code: C5131
    • Description: Primary transfer high-voltage error K Object: Color models
    • Causes: When adjusting the feedback, the detected electric current value exceeds the upper limit or is less than the lower limit, or the adjustment result is 300V or less or is 2,900V or more.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the developer BK/belt motor The developer BK/belt motor is faulty. Execute U030 [DLP(K)] to check the developer BK/belt motor operation.If it does not properly operate, reattach the developer BK/belt motor and reconnect the connector. When it is not fixed, replace the motor. U030 Execution 2 Reinstalling the primary transfer unit The primary transfer unit is not properly installed. Reinstall the primary transfer unit so that the high-voltage contacts of the primary transfer roller firmly connect. Primary Transfer Unit Replacement 3 Primary transfer unit replacement The primary transfer belt does not properly rotate. Replace the primary transfer unit when the primary transfer belt does not rotate manually. Primary Transfer Unit Replacement 4 Checking the high-voltage contact Foreign material adheres on the high-voltage contacts of the primary transfer roller, and so, the proper voltage is not applied. Clean the high-voltage contact of the primary transfer roller, and apply conductive grease to the roller shaft. 5 Reinstalling the transfer high-voltage PWB The high-voltage contacts on the transfer high-voltage PWB are faulty, and so, the proper voltage is not applied. Reinstall the transfer highvoltage PWB. Transfer High-voltage PWB Replacement 6 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires if there is no continuity.• Transfer high-voltage PWB — Engine PWB• Transfer highvoltage PWB — Feed image PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 7 Replacing the transfer high-voltage PWB The transfer high-voltage PWB is faulty. Replace the transfer highvoltage PWB. Transfer High-voltage PWB Replacement 8 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 9 Replacing the feed image PWB The feed image PWB is faulty. Replace the feed image PWB. 10 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement
    • Code: C5132
    • Description: Primary transfer high-voltage error C Object: Color models
    • Causes: When adjusting the feedback, the detected electric current value exceeds the upper limit or is less than the lower limit, or the adjustment result is 300V or less or is 2,900V or more.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the developer BK/belt motor The developer BK/belt motor is faulty. Execute U030 [DLP(K)] to check the developer BK/belt motor operation.If it does not properly operate, reattach the developer BK/belt motor and reconnect the connector. When it is not fixed, replace the motor. U030 Execution 2 Reinstalling the primary transfer unit The primary transfer unit is not properly installed. Reinstall the primary transfer unit so that the high-voltage contacts of the primary transfer roller firmly connect. Primary Transfer Unit Replacement 3 Primary transfer unit replacement The primary transfer belt does not properly rotate. Replace the primary transfer unit when the primary transfer belt does not rotate manually. Primary Transfer Unit Replacement 4 Checking the high-voltage contact Foreign material adheres on the high-voltage contacts of the primary transfer roller, and so, the proper voltage is not applied. Clean the high-voltage contact of the primary transfer roller, and apply conductive grease to the roller shaft. 5 Reinstalling the transfer high-voltage PWB The high-voltage contacts on the transfer high-voltage PWB are faulty, and so, the proper voltage is not applied. Reinstall the transfer highvoltage PWB. Transfer High-voltage PWB Replacement 6 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires if there is no continuity.• Transfer high-voltage PWB — Engine PWB• Transfer highvoltage PWB — Feed image PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 7 Replacing the transfer high-voltage PWB The transfer high-voltage PWB is faulty. Replace the transfer highvoltage PWB. Transfer High-voltage PWB Replacement 8 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 9 Replacing the feed image PWB The feed image PWB is faulty. Replace the feed image PWB. 10 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement
    • Code: C5133
    • Description: Primary transfer high-voltage error M Object: Color models
    • Causes: When adjusting the feedback, the detected electric current value exceeds the upper limit or is less than the lower limit, or the adjustment result is 300V or less or is 2,900V or more
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the developer BK/belt motor The developer BK/belt motor is faulty. Execute U030 [DLP(K)] to check the developer BK/belt motor operation.If it does not properly operate, reattach the developer BK/belt motor and reconnect the connector. When it is not fixed, replace the motor. U030 Execution 2 Reinstalling the primary transfer unit The primary transfer unit is not properly installed. Reinstall the primary transfer unit so that the high-voltage contacts of the primary transfer roller firmly connect. Primary Transfer Unit Replacement 3 Primary transfer unit replacement The primary transfer belt does not properly rotate. Replace the primary transfer unit when the primary transfer belt does not rotate manually. Primary Transfer Unit Replacement 4 Checking the high-voltage contact Foreign material adheres on the high-voltage contacts of the primary transfer roller, and so, the proper voltage is not applied. Clean the high-voltage contact of the primary transfer roller, and apply conductive grease to the roller shaft. 5 Reinstalling the transfer high-voltage PWB The high-voltage contacts on the transfer high-voltage PWB are faulty, and so, the proper voltage is not applied. Reinstall the transfer highvoltage PWB. Transfer High-voltage PWB Replacement 6 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires if there is no continuity.• Transfer high-voltage PWB — Engine PWB• Transfer highvoltage PWB — Feed image PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 7 Replacing the transfer high-voltage PWB The transfer high-voltage PWB is faulty. Replace the transfer highvoltage PWB. Transfer High-voltage PWB Replacement 8 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 9 Replacing the feed image PWB The feed image PWB is faulty. Replace the feed image PWB. 10 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement
    • Code: C5134
    • Description: Primary transfer high-voltage error Y Object: Color models
    • Causes: When adjusting the feedback, the detected electric current value exceeds the upper limit or is less than the lower limit, or the adjustment result is 300V or less or is 2,900V or more.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the developer BK/belt motor The developer BK/belt motor is faulty. Execute U030 [DLP(K)] to check the developer BK/belt motor operation.If it does not properly operate, reattach the developer BK/belt motor and reconnect the connector. When it is not fixed, replace the motor. U030 Execution 2 Reinstalling the primary transfer unit The primary transfer unit is not properly installed. Reinstall the primary transfer unit so that the high-voltage contacts of the primary transfer roller firmly connect. Primary Transfer Unit Replacement 3 Primary transfer unit replacement The primary transfer belt does not properly rotate. Replace the primary transfer unit when the primary transfer belt does not rotate manually. Primary Transfer Unit Replacement 4 Checking the high-voltage contact Foreign material adheres on the high-voltage contacts of the primary transfer roller, and so, the proper voltage is not applied. Clean the high-voltage contact of the primary transfer roller, and apply conductive grease to the roller shaft. 5 Reinstalling the transfer high-voltage PWB The high-voltage contacts on the transfer high-voltage PWB are faulty, and so, the proper voltage is not applied. Reinstall the transfer highvoltage PWB. Transfer High-voltage PWB Replacement 6 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires if there is no continuity.• Transfer high-voltage PWB — Engine PWB• Transfer highvoltage PWB — Feed image PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 7 Replacing the transfer high-voltage PWB The transfer high-voltage PWB is faulty. Replace the transfer highvoltage PWB. Transfer High-voltage PWB Replacement 8 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 9 Replacing the feed image PWB The feed image PWB is faulty. Replace the feed image PWB. 10 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement
    • Code: C6000
    • Description: IH heating error 1
    • Causes: 1. The center thermistor does not detect 100°C / 212°F or more after passing 60s during the warm-up.2. The center thermistor does not detect the specified temperature (ready indication temperature) after it detected 100°C / 212°F during the warm-up.
    • Remedy: 1 Executing U169 The IH setting mismatches the power supply specification. Set the destination same as the voltage of the IH PWB at U169. U169 Execution 2 Removing foreign material There is foreign material between the fuser unit and the fuser IH unit. Or, foreign material adheres on the heat roller. Remove foreign material if it is on between the fuser unit and the fuser IH unit, or on the heat roller. Then, reinstall the fuser unit. Fuser Unit Replacement 3 Reinstalling the fuser unit The drawer connector of the fuser unit is not properly inserted. Check if the pins of the drawer connector of the fuser unit do not bend. If it bend, replace the fuser unit. When the pins are proper, reinstall the fuser unit so that the drawer connector firmly connects. Fuser Unit Replacement 4 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 5 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires if there is no continuity.• Drawer connector of the fuser unit — Feed image PWB• Feed image PWB — Engine PWB• Fuser IH unit — IH PWB• IH PWB — Engine PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 6 Replacing the fuser unit The temperature cannot be detected properly due to the broken thermostat or the thermistor error. Replace the fuser unit. Fuser Unit Replacement 7 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement 8 Replacing the feed image PWB The feed image PWB is faulty. Replace the feed image PWB. 9 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires if there is no continuity.• Fuser IH unit — IH PWB• IH PWB — Engine PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 10 Replacing the IH PWB The IH PWB is faulty. Replace the IH PWB. IH PWB Replacement
    • Code: C6020
    • Description: Center thermistor high temperature error
    • Causes: The center thermistor detects 245°C / 473°F or more for 1s.
    • Remedy: 1 Reinstalling the fuser unit The drawer connector of the fuser unit is not properly inserted. Check if the pins of the drawer connector of the fuser unit do not bend. If it bend, replace the fuser unit. When the pins are proper, reinstall the fuser unit so that the drawer connector firmly connects. Fuser Unit Replacement 2 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 3 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires when they have no continuity.• Drawer connector of the fuser unit — Feed image PWB• Feed image PWB — Engine PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 4 Replacing the fuser unit The temperature cannot be detected properly due to the thermistor error, etc. Replace the fuser unit. Fuser Unit Replacement 5 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement 6 Replacing the feed image PWB The feed image PWB is faulty. Replace the feed image PWB.
    • Code: C6030
    • Description: Center thermistor broken
    • Causes: The center thermistor temperature is detected at less than 41°C / 104°F for 1s when the edge thermistor detects 100°C / 212°F or more during the warm-up.
    • Remedy: 1 Removing foreign material There is foreign material between the fuser unit and the fuser IH unit. Or, foreign material adheres on the heat roller. Remove foreign material if it is on between the fuser unit and the fuser IH unit, or on the heat roller. Then, reinstall the fuser unit. Fuser Unit Replacement 2 Reinstalling the fuser unit The drawer connector of the fuser unit is not properly inserted. Check if the pins of the drawer connector of the fuser unit do not bend. If it bend, replace the fuser unit. When the pins are proper, reinstall the fuser unit so that the drawer connector firmly connects. Fuser Unit Replacement 3 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 4 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires when they have no continuity.• Drawer connector of the fuser unit — Feed image PWB• Feed image PWB — Engine PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 5 Replacing the fuser unit The temperature is not properly detected due to the broken wire or the thermistor error in the fuser unit. Replace the fuser unit. Fuser Unit Replacement 6 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement 7 Replacing the feed image PWB The feed image PWB is faulty. Replace the feed image PWB.
    • Code: C6050
    • Description: Center thermistor low temperature error
    • Causes: The center thermistor detected less than 80°C / 176°F for 1s during printing.
    • Remedy: 1 Changing the wall outlet The power voltage descends by 10% or more of the rated voltage when printing. Connect the power cord to a different wall outlet if the power supply voltage descends by 10% or more of the rated voltage. 2 Removing foreign material There is foreign material between the fuser unit and the fuser IH unit. Or, foreign material adheres on the heat roller. Remove foreign material if it is on between the fuser unit and the fuser IH unit, or on the heat roller. Then, reinstall the fuser unit. Fuser Unit Replacement 3 Reinstalling the fuser unit The drawer connector of the fuser unit is not properly inserted. Check if the pins of the drawer connector of the fuser unit do not bend. If it bend, replace the fuser unit. When the pins are proper, reinstall the fuser unit so that the drawer connector firmly connects. Fuser Unit Replacement 4 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 5 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires when they have no continuity.• Drawer connector of the fuser unit — Feed image PWB• Feed image PWB — Engine PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 6 Replacing the fuser unit The temperature is not properly detected due to the broken wire or the thermistor error in the fuser unit. Replace the fuser unit. Fuser Unit Replacement 7 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement 8 Replacing the feed image PWB The feed image PWB is faulty. Replace the feed image PWB. 9 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wire when it has no continuity.• IH PWB — Engine PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 10 Replacing the IH PWB The IH PWB is faulty. Replace the IH PWB. IH PWB Replacement 11 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wire when it has no continuity.• Fuser IH unit — IH PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 12 Replacing the fuser IH unit The fuser IH unit is faulty. Replace the fuser IH unit. Fuser IH Unit Replacement
    • Code: C6120
    • Description: Press thermistor high temperature error
    • Causes: C6120: Press thermistor high temperature error The press thermistor detected 210°C / 410°F or more for 1s.
    • Remedy: 1 Reinstalling the fuser unit The drawer connector of the fuser unit is not properly inserted. Check if the pins of the drawer connector of the fuser unit do not bend. If it bend, replace the fuser unit. When the pins are proper, reinstall the fuser unit so that the drawer connector firmly connects. Fuser Unit Replacement 2 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 3 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires when they have no continuity.• Drawer connector of the fuser unit — Feed image PWB• Feed image PWB — Engine PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 4 Replacing the fuser unit The temperature cannot be detected properly due to the thermistor error, etc. Replace the fuser unit. Fuser Unit Replacement 5 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement 6 Replacing the feed image PWB The feed image PWB is faulty. Replace the feed image PWB.
    • Code: C6130
    • Description: Press thermistor broken
    • Causes: 1. The press thermistor detected less than 35°C / 95°F for 60s continuously during the warm-up.2. The press thermistor detected less than 35°C / 95°F for 1s continuously after finishing the warm-up.
    • Remedy: 1 Removing foreign material There is foreign material between the fuser unit and the fuser IH unit. Or, foreign material adheres on the heat roller. Remove foreign material if it is on between the fuser unit and the fuser IH unit, or on the heat roller. Then, reinstall the fuser unit. Fuser Unit Replacement 2 Reinstalling the fuser unit The drawer connector of the fuser unit is not properly inserted. Check if the pins of the drawer connector of the fuser unit do not bend. If it bend, replace the fuser unit. When the pins are proper, reinstall the fuser unit so that the drawer connector firmly connects. Fuser Unit Replacement 3 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 4 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires when they have no continuity.• Drawer connector of the fuser unit — Feed image PWB• Feed image PWB — Engine PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 5 Replacing the fuser unit The temperature is not properly detected due to the broken wire or the thermistor error in the fuser unit. Replace the fuser unit. Fuser Unit Replacement 6 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement 7 Replacing the feed image PWB The feed image PWB is faulty. Replace the feed image PWB.
    • Code: C6200
    • Description: IH heating error 2
    • Causes: 1. The edge thermistor does not detect 80°C / 176°F or more within 60s since starting the warm-up.2. The edge thermistor does not detect the specified temperature (ready indication temperature) within 420s after it detected 100°C / 212°F during the warm-up.
    • Remedy: 1 Removing foreign material There is foreign material between the fuser unit and the fuser IH unit. Or, foreign material adheres on the heat roller. Remove foreign material if it is on between the fuser unit and the fuser IH unit, or on the heat roller. Then, reinstall the fuser unit. Fuser Unit Replacement 2 Reinstalling the fuser unit The drawer connector of the fuser unit is not properly inserted. Check if the pins of the drawer connector of the fuser unit do not bend. If it bend, replace the fuser unit. When the pins are proper, reinstall the fuser unit so that the drawer connector firmly connects. Fuser Unit Replacement 3 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 4 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires when they have no continuity.• Drawer connector of the fuser unit — Feed image PWB• Feed image PWB — Engine PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 5 Replacing the fuser unit The temperature is not properly detected due to the broken wire or the thermistor error in the fuser unit. Replace the fuser unit. Fuser Unit Replacement 6 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement 7 Replacing the feed image PWB The feed image PWB is faulty. Replace the feed image PWB. 8 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wire when it has no continuity.• IH PWB — Engine PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 9 Replacing the IH PWB The IH PWB is faulty. Replace the IH PWB. IH PWB Replacement 10 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wire when it has no continuity.• Fuser IH unit — IH PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 11 Replacing the fuser IH unit The fuser IH unit is faulty. Replace the fuser IH unit. Fuser IH Unit Replacement
    • Code: C6220
    • Description: Edge thermistor high temperature error
    • Causes: The edge thermistor detected 245°C / 473°F or more for 1s.
    • Remedy: 1 Reinstalling the fuser unit The drawer connector of the fuser unit is not properly inserted. Check if the pins of the drawer connector of the fuser unit do not bend. If it bend, replace the fuser unit. When the pins are proper, reinstall the fuser unit so that the drawer connector firmly connects. Fuser Unit Replacement 2 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 3 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires when they have no continuity.• Drawer connector of the fuser unit — Feed image PWB• Feed image PWB — Engine PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 4 Replacing the fuser unit The temperature is not properly detected due to the broken wire or the thermistor error in the fuser unit. Replace the fuser unit. Fuser Unit Replacement 5 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement 6 Replacing the feed image PWB The feed image PWB is faulty. Replace the feed image PWB. 7 Replacing the fuser IH unit The fuser IH unit is faulty. Replace the fuser IH unit. Fuser IH Unit Replacement 8 Reattaching the edge fan motor The edge fan motor is not properly attached. Reattach the edge fan motor. Fan Motors Attachable Direction
    • Code: C6230
    • Description: Edge thermistor broken
    • Causes: C6230: Edge thermistor broken The edge thermistor detects less than 41°C / 105.8°F for 1s continuously when the center thermistor detected 100°C / 212°F or more during the warm-up
    • Remedy: 1 Removing foreign material There is foreign material between the fuser unit and the fuser IH unit. Or, foreign material adheres on the heat roller. Remove foreign material if it is on between the fuser unit and the fuser IH unit, or on the heat roller. Then, reinstall the fuser unit. Fuser Unit Replacement 2 Reinstalling the fuser unit The drawer connector of the fuser unit is not properly inserted. Check if the pins of the drawer connector of the fuser unit do not bend. If it bend, replace the fuser unit. When the pins are proper, reinstall the fuser unit so that the drawer connector firmly connects. Fuser Unit Replacement 3 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 4 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires when they have no continuity.• Drawer connector of the fuser unit — Feed image PWB• Feed image PWB — Engine PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 5 Replacing the fuser unit The temperature cannot be detected properly due to the heater broken or the thermistor error. Replace the fuser unit. Fuser Unit Replacement 6 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement 7 Replacing the feed image PWB The feed image PWB is faulty. Replace the feed image PWB.
    • Code: C6250
    • Description: Edge thermistor low temperature error
    • Causes: The edge thermistor detected less than 80°C / 176°F for 1s during printing.
    • Remedy: 1 Removing foreign material There is foreign material between the fuser unit and the fuser IH unit. Or, foreign material adheres on the heat roller. Remove foreign material if it is on between the fuser unit and the fuser IH unit, or on the heat roller. Then, reinstall the fuser unit. Fuser Unit Replacement 2 Reinstalling the fuser unit The drawer connector of the fuser unit is not properly inserted. Check if the pins of the drawer connector of the fuser unit do not bend. If it bend, replace the fuser unit. When the pins are proper, reinstall the fuser unit so that the drawer connector firmly connects. Fuser Unit Replacement 3 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 4 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires when they have no continuity.• Drawer connector of the fuser unit — Feed image PWB• Feed image PWB — Engine PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 5 Replacing the fuser unit The temperature cannot be detected properly due to the heater broken or the thermistor error. Replace the fuser unit. Fuser Unit Replacement 6 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement 7 Replacing the feed image PWB The feed image PWB is faulty. Replace the feed image PWB. 8 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wire when it has no continuity.• IH PWB — Engine PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 9 Replacing the IH PWB The IH PWB is faulty. Replace the IH PWB. IH PWB Replacement 10 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wire when it has no continuity.• Fuser IH unit — IH PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 11 Replacing the fuser IH unit The fuser IH unit is faulty. Replace the fuser IH unit. Fuser IH Unit Replacement
    • Code: C6320
    • Description: Middle thermistor high temperature error
    • Causes: The middle thermistor detected 245°C / 473°F or more for 1s.
    • Remedy: 1 Reinstalling the fuser unit The drawer connector of the fuser unit is not properly inserted. Check if the pins of the drawer connector of the fuser unit do not bend. If it bend, replace the fuser unit. When the pins are proper, reinstall the fuser unit so that the drawer connector firmly connects. Fuser Unit Replacement 2 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 3 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires when they have no continuity.• Drawer connector of the fuser unit — Feed image PWB• Feed image PWB — Engine PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 4 Replacing the fuser unit The temperature is not properly detected due to the wire short-circuit or the thermistor error in the fuser unit. Replace the fuser unit. Fuser Unit Replacement 5 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement 6 Replacing the feed image PWB The feed image PWB is faulty. Replace the feed image PWB. 7 Replacing the fuser IH unit The fuser IH unit is faulty. Replace the fuser IH unit. Fuser IH Unit Replacement 8 Reattaching the edge fan motor The edge fan motor is not properly attached. Reattach the edge fan motor. Fan Motors Attachable Direction
    • Code: C6330
    • Description: Middle thermistor broken
    • Causes: The middle thermistor detects less than 41°C / 105.8°F for 1s continuously when the center thermistor or the edge thermistor detects 100°C / 212°F or more during the warm-up.
    • Remedy: 1 Reinstalling the fuser unit The drawer connector of the fuser unit is not properly inserted. Check if the pins of the drawer connector of the fuser unit do not bend. If it bend, replace the fuser unit. When the pins are proper, reinstall the fuser unit so that the drawer connector firmly connects. Fuser Unit Replacement 2 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 3 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires when they have no continuity.• Drawer connector of the fuser unit — Feed image PWB• Feed image PWB — Engine PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 4 Replacing the fuser unit The temperature cannot be detected properly due to the heater broken or the thermistor error. Replace the fuser unit. Fuser Unit Replacement 5 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement 6 Replacing the feed image PWB The feed image PWB is faulty. Replace the feed image PWB. 7 Replacing the fuser IH unit The fuser IH unit is faulty. Replace the fuser IH unit. Fuser IH Unit Replacement
    • Code: C6410
    • Description: Uninstalled fuser unit
    • Causes: The unit identification code is mismatched. The unit for other models is installed.
    • Remedy: 1 Replacing the fuser unit The fuser unit for other models is installed. Install the fuser unit for the applicable models. Fuser Unit Replacement 2 Reinstalling the fuser unit The drawer connector of the fuser unit is not properly inserted. Check if the pins of the drawer connector of the fuser unit do not bend. If it bend, replace the fuser unit. When the pins are proper, reinstall the fuser unit so that the drawer connector firmly connects. Fuser Unit Replacement 3 Firmware upgrade The firmware is faulty. Reinstall the engine firmware. Firmware Upgrade 4 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires when they have no continuity.• Drawer connector of the fuser unit — Feed image PWB• Feed image PWB — Engine PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 5 Replacing the fuser unit The fuser unit is faulty. Replace the fuser unit. Fuser Unit Replacement 6 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement 7 Replacing the feed image PWB The feed image PWB is faulty. Replace the feed image PWB.
    • Code: C6600
    • Description: Fuser belt rotation error
    • Causes: The belt rotation pulse is not input for 1.8s continuously.
    • Remedy: 1 Reinstalling the fuser unit The drawer connector of the fuser unit is not properly inserted. Check if the pins of the drawer connector of the fuser unit do not bend. If it bend, replace the fuser unit. When the pins are proper, reinstall the fuser unit so that the drawer connector firmly connects. Fuser Unit Replacement 2 Replacing the fuser unit The fuser unit parts such as the fuser belt, the belt rotation detecting system, or the belt rotation sensor are faulty Replace the fuser unit. Fuser Unit Replacement 3 Applying the grease The load increases due to the lack of grease on the bushing or the gears for the fuser motor. Check the fuser motor operation by executing U030 [Fuser], and apply the grease to the bushing or the gear if it does not rotate smoothly. U030 Execution 4 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires if there is no continuity.• Fuser motor — Feed drive PWB• Feed drive PWB — Engine PWB• Feed image PWB — Engine PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 5 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 6 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement 7 Replacing the feed drive PWB The feed drive PWB is faulty. Replace the feed drive PWB. 8 Replacing the feed image PWB The feed image PWB is faulty. Replace the feed image PWB. 9 Replacing the fuser drive gear The fuser drive gear is faulty. Replace the fuser drive gear.
    • Code: C6610
    • Description: Fuser pressure release sensor error
    • Causes: 1. The fuser pressure release sensor does not turn off after passing 3s from the instruction to reduce the fuser pressure by the fuser release motor, or to relocate the paper jam processing position.2. The fuser pressure release sensor does not turn on after passing 6s from the instruction to increase the fuser pressure by the fuser release motor.3. The lock-up signal of the fuser release motor is low for 200ms. (However, when shifting to the paper jam processing mode, the fuser release motor is stopped but the service call error does not appear if it is in between the stop position and the position in front of the stop position by 500ms.)
    • Remedy: 1 Reinstalling the fuser unit The drawer connector of the fuser unit is not properly inserted. Check if the pins of the drawer connector of the fuser unit do not bend. If it bend, replace the fuser unit. When the pins are proper, reinstall the fuser unit so that the drawer connector firmly connects. Fuser Unit Replacement 2 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Execute U030 [Fuser Release] to check the fuser release motor operation. If it does not operate properly, reinsert the following wire connectors. Then, replace the wires if there is no continuity.• Fuser release motor (in the fuser unit) — Feed drive PWB• Feed drive PWB — Engine PWB• Drawer connector of the fuser unit — Feed image PWB• Feed image PWB — Engine PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 3 Replacing the fuser unit The fuser unit is faulty at the fuser pressure release mechanism or the fuser pressure release sensor . Replace the fuser unit. Fuser Unit Replacement 4 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 5 Replacing the feed drive PWB The feed drive PWB is faulty. Replace the feed drive PWB. 6 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement 7 Replacing the feed image PWB The feed image PWB is faulty. Replace the feed image PWB. 8 Replacing the fuser release motor The fuser release motor is faulty. Replace the fuser release motor. Fuser Drive Unit Replacement 9 Replacing the gear in the fuser pressure releasing system at the main unit The gear of the fuser pressure releasing mechanism at the main unit is faulty. Replace the gears in the fuser pressure releasing mechanism at the main unit.
    • Code: C6620
    • Description: IH core motor rotation error Object: 35ppm or faster color models, and the monochrome models
    • Causes: 1. Turning on of the IH position sensor is not detected within 5s after the IH core motor drives while the IH position sensor is off at the home position detecting operation.2. Turning off/on of the IH position sensor is not detected within 5s after the IH core motor drives while the IH position sensor is on at the home position detecting operation.3. Turning off of the IH position sensor is not detected within the specified pulse after the IH core motor drives while the IH position sensor is on when shifting to the small size paper position.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the fuser IH unit The connector of the fuser IH unit is not properly connected. Check if the connector pins of the fuser IH unit do not bend. If the pins bend, fix them.Next, reinstall the fuser IH unit so that the connector firmly connects. 2 Checking the IH positioning sensor The IH positioning sensor is not properly attached. Reattach the IH positioning sensor. 3 Cleaning the IH positioning sensor The IH positioning sensor cannot detect properly since it is dirty. Clean the IH positioning sensor. 4 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires when they have no continuity.• IH core motor (Fuser IH unit) — Feed drive PWB• Feed drive PWB — Engine PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 5 Replacing the fuser IH unit The IH positioning sensor or the IH core motor is faulty. Replace the fuser IH unit. Fuser IH Unit Replacement 6 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 7 Replacing the feed image PWB The feed image PWB is faulty. Replace the feed image PWB. 8 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement
    • Code: C6740
    • Description: IH PWB high temperature error (IGBT2)
    • Causes: The IGBT temperature acquired from the power microprocessor detected is 115°C / 239°F or more for 1s continuously.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the IH PWB fan motor The connection of the IH PWB fan motor, or the IH PWB fan motor is faulty. Execute U037 [IH PWB] and check the IH PWB fan motor operation.If it does not properly operate, go to step 2 «Connecting the IH PWB fan motor». If it properly operates, go to step 3 «Replacing the IH PWB fan motor». U037 Execution 2 Connecting the IH PWB fan motor The connector of the IH PWB fan motor wire is not inserted securely. Reinsert the connector of the IH PWB fan motor. 3 Replacing the IH PWB fan motor The IH PWB fan motor is faulty. Replace the IH PWB fan motor. Fan Motors Attachable Direction 4 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wire when it has no continuity.• IH PWB — Engine PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 5 Replacing the IH PWB The IH PWB is faulty. Replace the IH PWB. IH PWB Replacement 6 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 7 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement
    • Code: C6760
    • Description: Fuser IH input excessive electric current error
    • Causes: The input current acquired from the power microprocessor continued at 20A or more (for 120V), or 10A or more (for 220-240V) for 200ms.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the fuser unit The fuser belt is faulty. Detach the fuser unit and check if the fuser belt is not faulty. If there is any damage, replace the fuser unit. Fuser Unit Replacement 2 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wire when it has no continuity.• IH PWB — Engine PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 3 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 4 Replacing the IH PWB The IH PWB is faulty. Replace the IH PWB. IH PWB Replacement 5 Replacing the fuser unit The fuser unit is faulty. Replace the fuser unit. Fuser Unit Replacement 6 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement
    • Code: C6770
    • Description: IH low power error
    • Causes: The IH PWB detects 30% or less of the setting power value for the certain time after the fuser heating is started.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires when they have no continuity.• Fuser IH unit — IH PWB• IH PWB — Engine PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 2 Replacing the IH PWB The IH PWB is faulty. Replace the IH PWB. IH PWB Replacement 3 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 4 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement 5 Replacing the feed image PWB The feed image PWB is faulty. Replace the feed image PWB. 6 Checking the cause depending on the input power The input power is improper. Change the input power. 7 Replacing the fuser IH unit The fuser IH unit is faulty. (The coil is broken.) Replace the fuser IH unit. Fuser IH Unit Replacement
    • Code: C6900
    • Description: Edge fan motor error
    • Causes: The lock-up was detected for 20s continuously when driving the fan motor.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the edge fan motor The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Execute U037 [Fuser Edge], and reinsert the connector of the paper conveying unit (edge fan motor) into the relay connector at the main unit side if the edge fan motor does not operate properly. U037 Execution 2 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires when they have no continuity.• Edge fan motor — Feed drive PWB• Feed drive PWB — Engine PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 3 Replacing the edge fan motor The edge fan motor is faulty. Replace the edge fan motor. Fan Motors Attachable Direction 4 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 5 Replacing the feed drive PWB The feed drive PWB is faulty. Replace the feed drive PWB. 6 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement
    • Code: C6910
    • Description: Engine firmware unexpected error
    • Causes: 1. The engine stabilization control was continued for 1 hour.2. The paper feed motor does not drive after passing 3s or more when driving the drum motor or the developer BK/belt motor.3. Only the high-voltage remote signal turned on while the drum was stopped.4. The main charger bias turned off while the developer bias was on.
    • Remedy: 1 Resetting the main power The power startup delays. Turn the power switch and the main power switch off . After 5s passes, turn the main power switch and the power switch on. 2 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 3 Checking the engine PWB The engine PWB is not properly attached or connected. Retighten the screws securing the engine PWB so that it can ground securely, and reinsert the connectors all the way. Engine PWB Replacement 4 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement
    • Code: C6920
    • Description: Eject/IH fan motor error
    • Causes: The lock-up was detected for 20s continuously when driving the fan motor.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Execute U037 to check the operation of the eject/IH fan motors. If they do not operate properly, reconnect the following wire connectors. If there is no continuity, replace the wires.• Front/Middle/Rear eject IH fan motors — Feed image PWB• Feed image PWB — Engine PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 2 Checking the eject/IH fan motors The eject/IH fan motors do not properly operate. Clean the following fan motors, and remove foreign material if it adheres on the fan motors. Then, replace the fan motors if they are not fixed.• Front eject/IH fan motor• Middle eject/IH fan motor• Rear eject/IH fan motor 3 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 4 Replacing the feed image PWB The feed image PWB is faulty. Replace the feed image PWB. 5 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement
    • Code: C6950
    • Description: IH PWB communication error
    • Causes: 1. The communication between the IH PWB and the engine PWB does not succeed at the initial communication. (The retry is executed 10 times in 150ms intervals.)2. The communication between the IH PWB and the engine PWB does not succeed for 500ms after the initial communication success.
    • Remedy: 1 Resetting the main power The power startup delays. Turn the power switch and the main power switch off . After 5s passes, turn the main power switch and the power switch on. 2 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wire when it has no continuity.• IH PWB — Engine PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 3 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wire when it has no continuity.• LVU — IH PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 4 Checking the power supply voltage The abnormal electric noise is mixed in the power supply voltage. Plug the power cord into another wall outlet. 5 Checking the LVU The fuse on the LVU is broken. Check the continuity of the fuse (F002) on the LVU. Then, replace the LVU if there is no continuity. LVU Replacement 6 Replacing the IH PWB The IH PWB is faulty. Replace the IH PWB. IH PWB Replacement 7 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 8 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement
    • Code: C6980
    • Description: Fuser unit EEPROM error
    • Causes: The EEPROM in the fuser unit cannot be accessed since the machine condition matches to either of the following. 1. No response from the device is detected for 5s or more 5 times continuously when reading / writing the data.2. The reading data of 2 points mismatches 8 times continuously.3. The reading data and the writing data mismatch 8 times continuously.
    • Remedy: 1 Reinstalling the fuser unit The drawer connector of the fuser unit is not properly inserted. Check if the pins of the drawer connector of the fuser unit do not bend. If it bend, replace the fuser unit. When the pins are proper, reinstall the fuser unit so that the drawer connector firmly connects. Fuser Unit Replacement 2 Replacing the fuser unit The fuser unit is faulty. Replace the fuser unit. Fuser Unit Replacement 3 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement 4 Replacing the feed image PWB The feed image PWB is faulty. Replace the feed image PWB.
    • Code: C6990
    • Description: Fuser power source destination error
    • Causes: The information mismatches between the engine backup and the IH PWB.
    • Remedy: 1 Executing U169 The voltage setting at U169 mismatches the voltage of the IH PWB. Set the destination same as the voltage of the IH PWB at U169. U169 Execution 2 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 3 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement
    • Code: C7001
    • Description: Container motor error
    • Causes: 1. The ready signal does not turn on after passing 2s since the container motor was started up.2. The ready signal is off for 2s continuously after the container motor was stabilized.
    • Remedy: Replacing the toner container The toner container locks up and is not rotated. Replace the toner container. Toner Container Replacement 2 Checking the toner container drive components The toner container drive components are not operated properly, or the excessive load is applied to it. Check the container motor operation by executing U030 [Container Mix]. If it does not operate properly, clean the drive gears and the couplings in the container drive unit and apply the grease to them. U030 Execution 3 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wire when it has no continuity.• Container motor — Feed image PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 4 Checking the toner container motor The toner container motor is faulty. Reattach the container motor and reconnect the wire. Replace it if it is not fixed. Container Motor Replacement 5 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 6 Replacing the feed image PWB The feed image PWB is faulty. Replace the feed image PWB.
    • Code: C7101
    • Description: T/C sensor BK error
    • Causes: For the specified value of the initial toner stored in the EEPROM of the developer unit, the output value of the T/C sensor is out of the range between +100 (undetection toner) and -1000 (Coming off of the sensor connector). And that status was detected 3 times continuously.
    • Remedy: 1 Reinstalling the developer unit The developer unit is not properly installed. Reinstall developer unit BK so that the connector firmly connects. Developer Unit Replacement 2 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires when they have no continuity.• Drum/developer relay PWB — Feed image PWB• Feed image PWB — Engine PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 3 Replacing the drive gear The drive gear for developer unit BK is damaged. (The spiral is not rotated.) Replace the drive gear for developer unit BK. 4 Developer unit replacement Developer unit BK (T/C sensor BK) is faulty. Replace the developer unit BK. Developer Unit Replacement 5 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 6 Replacing the drum/developer relay PWB The drum/developer relay PWB is faulty. Replace the drum/developer relay PWB. Drum/ Developer Relay PWB Replacement 7 Replacing the feed image PWB The feed image PWB is faulty. Replace the feed image PWB. 8 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement
    • Code: C7102
    • Description: T/C sensor C error Object: Color models
    • Causes: For the specified value of the initial toner stored in the EEPROM of the developer unit, the output value of the T/C sensor is out of the range between +100 (undetection toner) and -1000 (Coming off of the sensor connector). And that status was detected 3 times continuously
    • Remedy: 1 Reinstalling the developer unit The developer unit is not properly installed. Reinstall developer unit C so that the connector firmly connects. Developer Unit Replacement 2 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires when they have no continuity.• Drum/developer relay PWB — Feed image PWB• Feed image PWB — Engine PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 3 Replacing the drive gear The drive gear for developer unit C is damaged. (The spiral is not rotated.) Replace the drive gear for developer unit C. 4 Developer unit replacement Developer unit C (T/C sensor C) is faulty. Replace the developer unit C. Developer Unit Replacement 5 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 6 Replacing the drum/developer relay PWB The drum/developer relay PWB is faulty. Replace the drum/developer relay PWB. Drum/ Developer Relay PWB Replacement 7 Replacing the feed image PWB The feed image PWB is faulty. Replace the feed image PWB. 8 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement
    • Code: C7103
    • Description: T/C sensor M error Object: Color models
    • Causes: For the specified value of the initial toner stored in the EEPROM of the developer unit, the output value of the T/C sensor is out of the range between +100 (undetection toner) and -1000 (Coming off of the sensor connector). And that status was detected 3 times continuously.
    • Remedy: 1 Reinstalling the developer unit The developer unit is not properly installed. Reinstall developer unit M so that the connector firmly connects. Developer Unit Replacement 2 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires when they have no continuity.• Drum/developer relay PWB — Feed image PWB• Feed image PWB — Engine PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 3 Replacing the drive gear The drive gear for developer unit M is damaged. (The spiral is not rotated.) Replace the drive gear for developer unit M. 4 Developer unit replacement Developer unit M (T/C sensor M) is faulty. Replace the developer unit M. Developer Unit Replacement 5 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 6 Replacing the drum/developer relay PWB The drum/developer relay PWB is faulty. Replace the drum/developer relay PWB. Drum/ Developer Relay PWB Replacement 7 Replacing the feed image PWB The feed image PWB is faulty. Replace the feed image PWB. 8 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement
    • Code: C7104
    • Description: T/C sensor Y error Object: Color models
    • Causes: For the specified value of the initial toner stored in the EEPROM of the developer unit, the output value of the T/C sensor is out of the range between +100 (undetection toner) and -1000 (Coming off of the sensor connector). And that status was detected 3 times continuously.
    • Remedy: 1 Reinstalling the developer unit The developer unit is not properly installed. Reinstall developer unit Y so that the connector firmly connects. Developer Unit Replacement 2 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires when they have no continuity.• Drum/developer relay PWB — Feed image PWB• Feed image PWB — Engine PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 3 Replacing the drive gear The drive gear for developer unit Y is damaged. (The spiral is not rotated.) Replace the drive gear for developer unit Y. 4 Developer unit replacement Developer unit Y (T/C sensor Y) is faulty. Replace the developer unit Y. Developer Unit Replacement 5 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 6 Replacing the drum/developer relay PWB The drum/developer relay PWB is faulty. Replace the drum/developer relay PWB. Drum/ Developer Relay PWB Replacement 7 Replacing the feed image PWB The feed image PWB is faulty. Replace the feed image PWB. 8 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement
    • Code: C7200
    • Description: Inner thermistor broken (developer)
    • Causes: The input sampling value of T/C sensor BK (inner thermistor) is at the reference value or more.
    • Remedy: 1 Reinstalling the developer unit The developer unit is not properly installed. Reinstall developer unit BK so that the connector firmly connects. Developer Unit Replacement 2 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires when they have no continuity.• Drum/developer relay PWB — Feed image PWB• Feed image PWB — Engine PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 3 Developer unit replacement Developer unit BK (T/C sensor BK) is faulty. Replace the developer unit BK. Developer Unit Replacement 4 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 5 Replacing the drum/developer relay PWB The drum/developer relay PWB is faulty. Replace the drum/developer relay PWB. Drum/ Developer Relay PWB Replacement 6 Replacing the feed image PWB The feed image PWB is faulty. Replace the feed image PWB.
    • Code: C7210
    • Description: Inner thermistor short-circuited (developer)
    • Causes: The input sampling value of T/C sensor BK (inner thermistor) is the reference value or less.
    • Remedy: 1 Reinstalling the developer unit The developer unit is not properly installed. Reinstall developer unit BK so that the connector firmly connects. Developer Unit Replacement 2 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires when they have no continuity.• Drum/developer relay PWB — Feed image PWB• Feed image PWB — Engine PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 3 Developer unit replacement Developer unit BK (T/C sensor BK) is faulty. Replace the developer unit BK. Developer Unit Replacement 4 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 5 Replacing the drum/developer relay PWB The drum/developer relay PWB is faulty. Replace the drum/developer relay PWB. Drum/ Developer Relay PWB Replacement 6 Replacing the feed image PWB The feed image PWB is faulty. Replace the feed image PWB
    • Code: C7221
    • Description: LSU thermistor broken
    • Causes: The input sampling value of the LSU thermistor is at the reference value or more.
    • Remedy: Checking the FFC The FFC is not properly connected, or it is faulty. Reconnect the following FFC. When the FFC terminals are peeled off or deformed or the FFC is broken, replace the FFC.• LSU — Engine PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 2 LSU replacement The LSU (LSU thermistor) is faulty. Replace the LSU. LSU Replacement 3 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 4 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement
    • Code: C7231
    • Description: LSU thermistor short-circuited
    • Causes: The input sampling value of the LSU thermistor is at the reference value or less.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the FFC The FFC is not properly connected, or it is faulty. Reconnect the following FFC. When the FFC terminals are peeled off or deformed or the FFC is broken, replace the FFC.• LSU — Engine PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 2 LSU replacement The LSU (LSU thermistor) is faulty. Replace the LSU. LSU Replacement 3 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 4 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement
    • Code: C7241
    • Description: Belt thermistor broken
    • Causes: The input sampling value of the belt thermistor is at the reference value or more.
    • Remedy: 1 Reinstalling the primary transfer unit The primary transfer unit is not properly installed. Reinstall the primary transfer unit so that the connector firmly connects. Primary Transfer Unit Replacement 2 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires when they have no continuity.• Transfer PWB — Transfer connection PWB• Transfer connection PWB — Feed image PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 3 Primary transfer unit replacement The primary transfer unit is faulty. Replace the primary transfer unit. Primary Transfer Unit Replacement 4 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 5 Replacing the transfer connection PWB The transfer connection PWB is faulty. Replace the transfer connection PWB. 6 Replacing the feed image PWB The feed image PWB is faulty. Replace the feed image PWB.
    • Code: C7251
    • Description: Belt thermistor short-circuited
    • Causes: The input sampling value of the belt thermistor is at the reference value or less.
    • Remedy: 1 Reinstalling the primary transfer unit The primary transfer unit is not properly installed. Reinstall the primary transfer unit so that the connector firmly connects. Primary Transfer Unit Replacement 2 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires when they have no continuity.• Transfer PWB — Transfer connection PWB• Transfer connection PWB — Feed image PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 3 Primary transfer unit replacement The primary transfer unit is faulty. Replace the primary transfer unit. Primary Transfer Unit Replacement 4 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 5 Replacing the transfer connection PWB The transfer connection PWB is faulty. Replace the transfer connection PWB. 6 Replacing the feed image PWB The feed image PWB is faulty. Replace the feed image PWB.
    • Code: C7301
    • Description: Toner motor BK error
    • Causes: The toner supply motor drive stopped and waited for 0.1s when the pulse plate of the toner supply screw could not detect the pulse for 2s during the toner supply motor operation. Even if these operations repeated 3 times continuously, the pulse could not be detected.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the toner supply drive unit The toner supply screw is not rotated properly due to the excessive load. (The pulse plate is not rotated.) Check if the toner is not clogged inside the toner supply drive unit by rotating the toner supply screw manually. Then, clean the unit if necessary. 2 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wire if there is no continuity.• Toner motor BK — Feed image PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 3 Replacing the toner supply drive unit The toner supply drive unit (toner motor BK or toner level sensor BK) is faulty. Replace the toner supply drive unit. Toner Supply Drive Unit Replacement 4 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 5 Replacing the feed image PWB The feed image PWB is faulty. Replace the feed image PWB.
    • Code: C7302
    • Description: Toner motor C error Object: Color models
    • Causes: The toner supply motor drive stopped and waited for 0.1s when the pulse plate of the toner supply screw could not detect the pulse for 2s during the toner supply motor operation. Even if these operations repeated 3 times continuously, the pulse could not be detected.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the toner supply drive unit The toner supply screw is not rotated properly due to the excessive load. (The pulse plate is not rotated.) Check if the toner is not clogged inside the toner supply drive unit by rotating the toner supply screw manually. Then, clean the unit if necessary. 2 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wire if there is no continuity.• Toner motor C — Feed image PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 3 Replacing the toner supply drive unit The toner supply drive unit (toner motor C or toner remaining amount sensor C) is faulty. Replace the toner supply drive unit. Toner Supply Drive Unit Replacement 4 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 5 Replacing the feed image PWB The feed image PWB is faulty. Replace the feed image PWB.
    • Code: C7303
    • Description: Toner motor M error Object: Color models
    • Causes: The toner supply motor drive stopped and waited for 0.1s when the pulse plate of the toner supply screw could not detect the pulse for 2s during the toner supply motor operation. Even if these operations repeated 3 times continuously, the pulse could not be detected.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the toner supply drive unit The toner supply screw is not rotated properly due to the excessive load. (The pulse plate is not rotated.) Check if the toner is not clogged inside the toner supply drive unit by rotating the toner supply screw manually. Then, clean the unit if necessary. 2 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wire when it has no continuity.• Toner motor M — Feed image PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 3 Replacing the toner supply drive unit The toner supply drive unit (toner motor M or toner level sensor M) is faulty. Replace the toner supply drive unit. Toner Supply Drive Unit Replacement 4 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 5 Replacing the feed image PWB The feed image PWB is faulty. Replace the feed image PWB
    • Code: C7304
    • Description: Toner motor Y error Object: Color models
    • Causes: The toner supply motor drive stopped and waited for 0.1s when the pulse plate of the toner supply screw could not detect the pulse for 2s during the toner supply motor operation. Even if these operations repeated 3 times continuously, the pulse could not be detected.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the toner supply drive unit The toner supply screw is not rotated properly due to the excessive load. (The pulse plate is not rotated.) Check if the toner is not clogged inside the toner supply drive unit by rotating the toner supply screw manually. Then, clean the unit if necessary. 2 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wire if there is no continuity.• Toner motor Y — Feed image PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 3 Replacing the toner supply drive unit The toner supply drive unit (toner motor Y or toner level sensor Y) is faulty. Replace the toner supply drive unit. Toner Supply Drive Unit Replacement 4 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 5 Replacing the feed image PWB The feed image PWB is faulty. Replace the feed image PWB.
    • Code: C7320
    • Description: Toner container detection connector error
    • Causes: Disconnection of the toner container detection connector was detected when closing the toner container cover.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wire when it has no continuity.• Container drive unit — Feed image PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 2 Checking the container drive unit The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reconnect the connectors in the container drive unit if they are disconnected. Then, replace the container drive unit when the issue is not resolved. Container Drive Unit Replacement 3 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 4 Replacing the feed image PWB The feed image PWB is faulty. Replace the feed image PWB
    • Code: C7251
    • Description: Belt thermistor short-circuited
    • Causes: The input sampling value of the belt thermistor is at the reference value or less.
    • Remedy: 1 Reinstalling the primary transfer unit The primary transfer unit is not properly installed. Reinstall the primary transfer unit so that the connector firmly connects. Primary Transfer Unit Replacement 2 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires when they have no continuity.• Transfer PWB — Transfer connection PWB• Transfer connection PWB — Feed image PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 3 Primary transfer unit replacement The primary transfer unit is faulty. Replace the primary transfer unit. Primary Transfer Unit Replacement 4 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 5 Replacing the transfer connection PWB The transfer connection PWB is faulty. Replace the transfer connection PWB. 6 Replacing the feed image PWB The feed image PWB is faulty. Replace the feed image PWB.
    • Code: C7301
    • Description: Toner motor BK error
    • Causes: The toner supply motor drive stopped and waited for 0.1s when the pulse plate of the toner supply screw could not detect the pulse for 2s during the toner supply motor operation. Even if these operations repeated 3 times continuously, the pulse could not be detected.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the toner supply drive unit The toner supply screw is not rotated properly due to the excessive load. (The pulse plate is not rotated.) Check if the toner is not clogged inside the toner supply drive unit by rotating the toner supply screw manually. Then, clean the unit if necessary. 2 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wire if there is no continuity.• Toner motor BK — Feed image PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 3 Replacing the toner supply drive unit The toner supply drive unit (toner motor BK or toner level sensor BK) is faulty. Replace the toner supply drive unit. Toner Supply Drive Unit Replacement 4 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 5 Replacing the feed image PWB The feed image PWB is faulty. Replace the feed image PWB.
    • Code: C7302
    • Description: Toner motor C error Object: Color models
    • Causes: The toner supply motor drive stopped and waited for 0.1s when the pulse plate of the toner supply screw could not detect the pulse for 2s during the toner supply motor operation. Even if these operations repeated 3 times continuously, the pulse could not be detected.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the toner supply drive unit The toner supply screw is not rotated properly due to the excessive load. (The pulse plate is not rotated.) Check if the toner is not clogged inside the toner supply drive unit by rotating the toner supply screw manually. Then, clean the unit if necessary. 2 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wire if there is no continuity.• Toner motor C — Feed image PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 3 Replacing the toner supply drive unit The toner supply drive unit (toner motor C or toner remaining amount sensor C) is faulty. Replace the toner supply drive unit. Toner Supply Drive Unit Replacement 4 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 5 Replacing the feed image PWB The feed image PWB is faulty. Replace the feed image PWB.
    • Code: C7303
    • Description: Toner motor M error Object: Color models
    • Causes: The toner supply motor drive stopped and waited for 0.1s when the pulse plate of the toner supply screw could not detect the pulse for 2s during the toner supply motor operation. Even if these operations repeated 3 times continuously, the pulse could not be detected.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the toner supply drive unit The toner supply screw is not rotated properly due to the excessive load. (The pulse plate is not rotated.) Check if the toner is not clogged inside the toner supply drive unit by rotating the toner supply screw manually. Then, clean the unit if necessary. 2 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wire when it has no continuity.• Toner motor M — Feed image PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 3 Replacing the toner supply drive unit The toner supply drive unit (toner motor M or toner level sensor M) is faulty. Replace the toner supply drive unit. Toner Supply Drive Unit Replacement 4 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 5 Replacing the feed image PWB The feed image PWB is faulty. Replace the feed image PWB
    • Code: C7304
    • Description: Toner motor Y error Object: Color models
    • Causes: The toner supply motor drive stopped and waited for 0.1s when the pulse plate of the toner supply screw could not detect the pulse for 2s during the toner supply motor operation. Even if these operations repeated 3 times continuously, the pulse could not be detected.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the toner supply drive unit The toner supply screw is not rotated properly due to the excessive load. (The pulse plate is not rotated.) Check if the toner is not clogged inside the toner supply drive unit by rotating the toner supply screw manually. Then, clean the unit if necessary. 2 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wire if there is no continuity.• Toner motor Y — Feed image PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 3 Replacing the toner supply drive unit The toner supply drive unit (toner motor Y or toner level sensor Y) is faulty. Replace the toner supply drive unit. Toner Supply Drive Unit Replacement 4 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 5 Replacing the feed image PWB The feed image PWB is faulty. Replace the feed image PWB.
    • Code: C7320
    • Description: Toner container detection connector error
    • Causes: Disconnection of the toner container detection connector was detected when closing the toner container cover.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wire when it has no continuity.• Container drive unit — Feed image PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 2 Checking the container drive unit The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reconnect the connectors in the container drive unit if they are disconnected. Then, replace the container drive unit when the issue is not resolved. Container Drive Unit Replacement 3 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 4 Replacing the feed image PWB The feed image PWB is faulty. Replace the feed image PWB
    • Code: C7611
    • Description: Bias calibration read value error (Black)
    • Causes: The ID sensors cannot properly read the patch density on the primary transfer belt when executing Calibration or Color Registration.
    • Remedy: 1 Resetting the main power The ID sensor does not operate properly. Turn the power switch and the main power switch off . After 5s passes, turn the main power switch and the power switch on. 2 Cleaning the ID sensor The ID sensor is dirty. Clean the ID sensor surface. 3 Executing Calibration The last calibration failed. Execute U464 [Calib]. U464 Execution 4 Checking the ID sensor shutter The ID sensor shutter does not operate properly. If the ID sensor shutter does not operate properly when executing U033 [ID Sensor], reattach the cleaning solenoid. U033 Execution 5 Checking the primary transfer unit The primary transfer belt surface is dirty. Clean the surface of the primary transfer belt, or replace the primary transfer unit. Primary Transfer Unit Replacement 6 Checking the ID sensor The ID sensor is not properly attached, or the wire is not properly connected. Reattach the ID sensor and reconnect the wire. 7 (When the image is too light) Checking the main high-voltage PWB and the transfer high-voltage PWB The contacts of the main high-voltage PWB and the transfer high-voltage PWB are faulty, and so, the proper voltage is not applied. Reinstall the main high-voltage PWB and the transfer high-voltage PWB. Main Highvoltage PWB / Transfer High-voltage PWB Replacement 8 (When the print is too light) Cleaning or replacing the drum unit / developer unit / LSU The parts in the drum unit, developer unit or the LSU are dirty or worn down. Clean or replace the drum unit, developer unit and the LSU if the output image is too light. Drum Unit / Developer Unit / LSU Replacement 9 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the firmware to the latest version. Firmware Upgrade 10 Checking the feed drive PWB The feed drive PWB is faulty. Reconnect the connectors on the feed drive PWB wires. Then, fix or replace the wires if they are pinched by the other part or if they have any damage. When the issue is not resolved, replace the feed drive PWB. Electrical Diagram of PWBs 11 Checking the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Reconnect the connectors on the engine PWB. Then, fix or replace the wires if they are pinched by the other part or if they have any damage. When the issue is not resolved after that, replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement
    • Code: C7612
    • Description: Bias calibration read value error (Cyan) Object: Color models
    • Causes: The ID sensors cannot properly read the patch density on the primary transfer belt when executing Calibration or Color Registration.
    • Remedy: 1 Resetting the main power The ID sensor does not operate properly. Turn the power switch and the main power switch off . After 5s passes, turn the main power switch and the power switch on. 2 Cleaning the ID sensor The ID sensor is dirty. Clean the ID sensor surface. 3 Executing Calibration The last calibration failed. Execute U464 [Calib]. U464 Execution 4 Checking the ID sensor shutter The ID sensor shutter does not operate properly. If the ID sensor shutter does not operate properly when executing U033 [ID Sensor], reattach the cleaning solenoid. U033 Execution 5 Checking the primary transfer unit The primary transfer belt surface is dirty. Clean the surface of the primary transfer belt, or replace the primary transfer unit. Primary Transfer Unit Replacement 6 Checking the ID sensor The ID sensor is not properly attached, or the wire is not properly connected. Reattach the ID sensor and reconnect the wire. 7 (When the image is too light) Checking the main high-voltage PWB and the transfer high-voltage PWB The contacts of the main high-voltage PWB and the transfer high-voltage PWB are faulty, and so, the proper voltage is not applied. Reinstall the main high-voltage PWB and the transfer high-voltage PWB. Main Highvoltage PWB / Transfer High-voltage PWB Replacement 8 (When the print is too light) Cleaning or replacing the drum unit / developer unit / LSU The parts in the drum unit, developer unit or the LSU are dirty or worn down. Clean or replace the drum unit, developer unit and the LSU if the output image is too light. Drum Unit / Developer Unit / LSU Replacement 9 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the firmware to the latest version. Firmware Upgrade 10 Checking the feed drive PWB The feed drive PWB is faulty. Reconnect the connectors on the feed drive PWB wires. Then, fix or replace the wires if they are pinched by the other part or if they have any damage. When the issue is not resolved, replace the feed drive PWB. Electrical Diagram of PWBs 11 Checking the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Reconnect the connectors on the engine PWB. Then, fix or replace the wires if they are pinched by the other part or if they have any damage. When the issue is not resolved after that, replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement
    • Code: C7613
    • Description: Bias calibration read value error (Magenta) Object: Color models
    • Causes: The ID sensors cannot properly read the patch density on the primary transfer belt when executing Calibration or Color Registration.
    • Remedy: 1 Resetting the main power The ID sensor does not operate properly. Turn the power switch and the main power switch off . After 5s passes, turn the main power switch and the power switch on. 2 Cleaning the ID sensor The ID sensor is dirty. Clean the ID sensor surface. 3 Executing Calibration The last calibration failed. Execute U464 [Calib]. U464 Execution 4 Checking the ID sensor shutter The ID sensor shutter does not operate properly. If the ID sensor shutter does not operate properly when executing U033 [ID Sensor], reattach the cleaning solenoid. U033 Execution 5 Checking the primary transfer unit The primary transfer belt surface is dirty. Clean the surface of the primary transfer belt, or replace the primary transfer unit. Primary Transfer Unit Replacement 6 Checking the ID sensor The ID sensor is not properly attached, or the wire is not properly connected. Reattach the ID sensor and reconnect the wire. 7 (When the image is too light) Checking the main high-voltage PWB and the transfer high-voltage PWB The contacts of the main high-voltage PWB and the transfer high-voltage PWB are faulty, and so, the proper voltage is not applied. Reinstall the main high-voltage PWB and the transfer high-voltage PWB. Main Highvoltage PWB / Transfer High-voltage PWB Replacement 8 (When the print is too light) Cleaning or replacing the drum unit / developer unit / LSU The parts in the drum unit, developer unit or the LSU are dirty or worn down. Clean or replace the drum unit, developer unit and the LSU if the output image is too light. Drum Unit / Developer Unit / LSU Replacement 9 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the firmware to the latest version. Firmware Upgrade 10 Checking the feed drive PWB The feed drive PWB is faulty. Reconnect the connectors on the feed drive PWB wires. Then, fix or replace the wires if they are pinched by the other part or if they have any damage. When the issue is not resolved, replace the feed drive PWB. Electrical Diagram of PWBs 11 Checking the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Reconnect the connectors on the engine PWB. Then, fix or replace the wires if they are pinched by the other part or if they have any damage. When the issue is not resolved after that, replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement
    • Code: C7614
    • Description: Bias calibration read value error (Yellow) Object: Color models
    • Causes: The ID sensors cannot properly read the patch density on the primary transfer belt when executing Calibration or Color Registration
    • Remedy: 1 Resetting the main power The ID sensor does not operate properly. Turn the power switch and the main power switch off . After 5s passes, turn the main power switch and the power switch on. 2 Cleaning the ID sensor The ID sensor is dirty. Clean the ID sensor surface. 3 Executing Calibration The last calibration failed. Execute U464 [Calib]. U464 Execution 4 Checking the ID sensor shutter The ID sensor shutter does not operate properly. If the ID sensor shutter does not operate properly when executing U033 [ID Sensor], reattach the cleaning solenoid. U033 Execution 5 Checking the primary transfer unit The primary transfer belt surface is dirty. Clean the surface of the primary transfer belt, or replace the primary transfer unit. Primary Transfer Unit Replacement 6 Checking the ID sensor The ID sensor is not properly attached, or the wire is not properly connected. Reattach the ID sensor and reconnect the wire. 7 (When the image is too light) Checking the main high-voltage PWB and the transfer high-voltage PWB The contacts of the main high-voltage PWB and the transfer high-voltage PWB are faulty, and so, the proper voltage is not applied. Reinstall the main high-voltage PWB and the transfer high-voltage PWB. Main Highvoltage PWB / Transfer High-voltage PWB Replacement 8 (When the print is too light) Cleaning or replacing the drum unit / developer unit / LSU The parts in the drum unit, developer unit or the LSU are dirty or worn down. Clean or replace the drum unit, developer unit and the LSU if the output image is too light. Drum Unit / Developer Unit / LSU Replacement 9 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the firmware to the latest version. Firmware Upgrade 10 Checking the feed drive PWB The feed drive PWB is faulty. Reconnect the connectors on the feed drive PWB wires. Then, fix or replace the wires if they are pinched by the other part or if they have any damage. When the issue is not resolved, replace the feed drive PWB. Electrical Diagram of PWBs 11 Checking the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Reconnect the connectors on the engine PWB. Then, fix or replace the wires if they are pinched by the other part or if they have any damage. When the issue is not resolved after that, replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement
    • Code: C7620
    • Description: Automatic color registration error Object: Color models
    • Causes: 1. The patch print position on the primary transfer belt is not within the readable area by the ID sensor.2. The primary transfer belt surface is dirty, or the patch print density is too light.
    • Remedy: 1 Resetting the main power The ID sensor does not operate properly. Turn the power switch and the main power switch off . After 5s passes, turn the main power switch and the power switch on. 2 Cleaning the ID sensor The ID sensor is dirty. Clean the ID sensor surface. 3 Executing Calibration The last calibration failed. Execute U464 [Calib]. U464 Execution 4 Checking the ID sensor shutter The ID sensor shutter does not operate properly. If the ID sensor shutter does not operate properly when executing U033 [ID Sensor], reattach the cleaning solenoid. U033 Execution 5 Checking the primary transfer unit The primary transfer belt surface is dirty. Clean the surface of the primary transfer belt, or replace the primary transfer unit. Primary Transfer Unit Replacement 6 (When the image is too light) Checking the main high-voltage PWB and the transfer high-voltage PWB The contacts of the main high-voltage PWB and the transfer high-voltage PWB are faulty, and so, the proper voltage is not applied. Reinstall the main high-voltage PWB and the transfer high-voltage PWB. Main Highvoltage PWB / Transfer High-voltage PWB Replacement 7 (When the print is too light) Cleaning or replacing the drum unit / developer unit / LSU The parts in the drum unit, developer unit or the LSU are dirty or worn down. Clean or replace the drum unit, developer unit and the LSU if the output image is too light. Drum Unit / Developer Unit / LSU Replacement 8 (When color registration is shifted) Reinstalling or replacing the LSU and the drum unit The LSU or the drum unit is not installed in the correct position, or the LSU is faulty. Reinstall the LSU and the drum unit to the correct positions when the color registration is shifted. If the issue is not resolved, replace the LSU. 9 Checking the ID sensor The ID sensor is not properly attached, or the wire is not properly connected. Reattach the ID sensor and reconnect the wire. 10 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the firmware to the latest version. Firmware Upgrade 11 Checking the feed drive PWB The feed drive PWB is faulty. Reconnect the connectors on the feed drive PWB wires. Then, fix or replace the wires if they are pinched by the other part or if they have any damage. When the issue is not resolved, replace the feed drive PWB. Electrical Diagram of PWBs 12 Checking the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Reconnect the connectors on the engine PWB. Then, fix or replace the wires if they are pinched by the other part or if they have any damage. When the issue is not resolved after that, replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement
    • Code: C7800
    • Description: Outer thermistor broken
    • Causes: The input sampling value of the temperature/humidity sensor (outer thermistor) is at the reference value or more
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wire when it has no continuity.• Temperature/humidity sensor — Engine PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 2 Replacing the temperature/ humidity sensor The temperature/humidity sensor is faulty. Replace the temperature/ humidity sensor. 3 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 4 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement
    • Code: C7810
    • Description: Outer thermistor short-circuited
    • Causes: The input sampling value of the temperature/humidity sensor (outer thermistor) is at the reference value or less
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wire when it has no continuity.• Temperature/humidity sensor — Engine PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 2 Replacing the temperature/ humidity sensor The temperature/humidity sensor is faulty. Replace the temperature/ humidity sensor. 3 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 4 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement
    • Code: C7901
    • Description: Drum unit BK EEPROM error
    • Causes: 1. No response from the device is detected for 5s or more 5 times continuously when reading / writing the data.2. The reading data of 2 points mismatches 8 times continuously.3. The reading data and the writing data mismatch 8 times continuously.
    • Remedy: 1 Resetting the main power The data stored in the EEPROM in the drum unit is faulty. Turn the power switch and the main power switch off . After 5s passes, turn the main power switch and the power switch on. 2 Reinstalling the drum unit The drum unit is not properly installed. Reinstall drum unit BK so that the connector firmly connects. Drum Unit Replacement 3 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires when they have no continuity.• Drum/developer relay PWB — Feed image PWB• Feed image PWB — Engine PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 4 Drum unit replacement The EEPROM in the drum unit is faulty. Replace drum unit BK. Drum Unit Replacement 5 Replacing the drum/developer relay PWB The drum/developer relay PWB is faulty. Replace the drum/developer relay PWB. Drum/ Developer Relay PWB Replacement 6 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 7 Replacing the feed image PWB The feed image PWB is faulty. Replace the feed image PWB.
    • Code: C7902
    • Description: Drum unit C EEPROM error Object: Color models
    • Causes: 1. No response from the device is detected for 5s or more 5 times continuously when reading / writing the data.2. The reading data of 2 points mismatches 8 times continuously.3. The reading data and the writing data mismatch 8 times continuously.
    • Remedy: 1 Resetting the main power The data stored in the EEPROM in the drum unit is faulty. Turn the power switch and the main power switch off . After 5s passes, turn the main power switch and the power switch on. 2 Reinstalling the drum unit The drum unit is not properly installed. Reinstall drum unit C so that the connector firmly connects. Drum Unit Replacement 3 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires when they have no continuity.• Drum/developer relay PWB — Feed image PWB• Feed image PWB — Engine PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 4 Drum unit replacement The EEPROM in the drum unit is faulty. Replace drum unit C. Drum Unit Replacement 5 Replacing the drum/developer relay PWB The drum/developer relay PWB is faulty. Replace the drum/developer relay PWB. Drum/ Developer Relay PWB Replacement 6 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 7 Replacing the feed image PWB The feed image PWB is faulty. Replace the feed image PWB.
    • Code: C7903
    • Description: Drum unit M EEPROM error Object: Color models
    • Causes: 1. No response from the device is detected for 5s or more 5 times continuously when reading / writing the data.2. The reading data of 2 points mismatches 8 times continuously.3. The reading data and the writing data mismatch 8 times continuously.
    • Remedy: 1 Resetting the main power The data stored in the EEPROM in the drum unit is faulty. Turn the power switch and the main power switch off . After 5s passes, turn the main power switch and the power switch on. 2 Reinstalling the drum unit The drum unit is not properly installed. Reinstall drum unit M so that the connector firmly connects. Drum Unit Replacement 3 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires when they have no continuity.• Drum/developer relay PWB — Feed image PWB• Feed image PWB — Engine PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 4 Drum unit replacement The EEPROM in the drum unit is faulty. Replace drum unit M. Drum Unit Replacement 5 Replacing the drum/developer relay PWB The drum/developer relay PWB is faulty. Replace the drum/developer relay PWB. Drum/ Developer Relay PWB Replacement 6 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 7 Replacing the feed image PWB The feed image PWB is faulty. Replace the feed image PWB.
    • Code: C7904
    • Description: Drum unit Y EEPROM error Object: Color models
    • Causes: 1. No response from the device is detected for 5s or more 5 times continuously when reading / writing the data.2. The reading data of 2 points mismatches 8 times continuously.3. The reading data and the writing data mismatch 8 times continuously.
    • Remedy: 1 Resetting the main power The data stored in the EEPROM in the drum unit is faulty. Turn the power switch and the main power switch off . After 5s passes, turn the main power switch and the power switch on. 2 Reinstalling the drum unit The drum unit is not properly installed. Reinstall drum unit Y so that the connector firmly connects. Drum Unit Replacement 3 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires when they have no continuity.• Drum/developer relay PWB — Feed image PWB• Feed image PWB — Engine PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 4 Drum unit replacement The EEPROM in the drum unit is faulty. Replace drum unit Y. Drum Unit Replacement 5 Replacing the drum/developer relay PWB The drum/developer relay PWB is faulty. Replace the drum/developer relay PWB. Drum/ Developer Relay PWB Replacement 6 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 7 Replacing the feed image PWB The feed image PWB is faulty. Replace the feed image PWB.
    • Code: C7911
    • Description: Developer unit BK EEPROM error
    • Causes: 1. No response from the device is detected for 5s or more 5 times continuously when reading / writing the data.2. The reading data of 2 points mismatches 8 times continuously.3. The reading data and the writing data mismatch 8 times continuously.
    • Remedy: 1 Resetting the main power The data stored in the EEPROM in the developer unit is faulty. Turn the power switch and the main power switch off . After 5s passes, turn the main power switch and the power switch on. 2 Reinstalling the developer unit The developer unit is not properly installed. Reinstall developer unit BK so that the connector firmly connects. Drum Unit Replacement 3 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires when they have no continuity.• Drum/developer relay PWB — Feed image PWB• Feed image PWB — Engine PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 4 Developer unit replacement The EEPROM in the developer unit is faulty. Replace the developer unit BK. Developer Unit Replacement 5 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 6 Replacing the drum/developer relay PWB The drum/developer relay PWB is faulty. Replace the drum/developer relay PWB. Drum/ Developer Relay PWB Replacement 7 Checking the feed image PWB The feed image PWB is faulty. Replace the feed image PWB.
    • Code: C7912
    • Description: Developer unit C EEPROM error Object: Color models
    • Causes: 1. No response from the device is detected for 5s or more 5 times continuously when reading / writing the data.2. The reading data of 2 points mismatches 8 times continuously.3. The reading data and the writing data mismatch 8 times continuously
    • Remedy: 1 Resetting the main power The data stored in the EEPROM in the developer unit is faulty. Turn the power switch and the main power switch off . After 5s passes, turn the main power switch and the power switch on. 2 Reinstalling the developer unit The developer unit is not properly installed. Reinstall developer unit C so that the connector firmly connects. Developer Unit Replacement 3 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires when they have no continuity.• Drum/developer relay PWB — Feed image PWB• Feed image PWB — Engine PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 4 Developer unit replacement The EEPROM in the developer unit is faulty. Replace the developer unit C. Developer Unit Replacement 5 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 6 Replacing the drum/developer relay PWB The drum/developer relay PWB is faulty. Replace the drum/developer relay PWB. Drum/ Developer Relay PWB Replacement 7 Checking the feed image PWB The feed image PWB is faulty. Replace the feed image PWB.
    • Code: C7913
    • Description: Developer unit M EEPROM error Object: Color models
    • Causes: 1. No response from the device is detected for 5s or more 5 times continuously when reading / writing the data.2. The reading data of 2 points mismatches 8 times continuously.3. The reading data and the writing data mismatch 8 times continuously.
    • Remedy: 1 Resetting the main power The data stored in the EEPROM in the developer unit is faulty. Turn the power switch and the main power switch off . After 5s passes, turn the main power switch and the power switch on. 2 Reinstalling the developer unit The developer unit is not properly installed. Reinstall developer unit M so that the connector firmly connects. Developer Unit Replacement 3 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires when they have no continuity.• Drum/developer relay PWB — Feed image PWB• Feed image PWB — Engine PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 4 Developer unit replacement The EEPROM in the developer unit is faulty. Replace the developer unit M. Developer Unit Replacement 5 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 6 Replacing the drum/developer relay PWB The drum/developer relay PWB is faulty. Replace the drum/developer relay PWB. Drum/ Developer Relay PWB Replacement 7 Checking the feed image PWB The feed image PWB is faulty. Replace the feed image PWB.
    • Code: C7914
    • Description: Developer unit Y EEPROM error Object: Color models
    • Causes: 1. No response from the device is detected for 5s or more 5 times continuously when reading / writing the data.2. The reading data of 2 points mismatches 8 times continuously.3. The reading data and the writing data mismatch 8 times continuously.
    • Remedy: 1 Resetting the main power The data stored in the EEPROM in the developer unit is faulty. Turn the power switch and the main power switch off . After 5s passes, turn the main power switch and the power switch on. 2 Reinstalling the developer unit The developer unit is not properly installed. Reinstall developer unit Y so that the connector firmly connects. Developer Unit Replacement 3 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires when they have no continuity.• Drum/developer relay PWB — Feed image PWB• Feed image PWB — Engine PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 4 Developer unit replacement The EEPROM in the developer unit is faulty. Replace the developer unit Y. Developer Unit Replacement 5 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 6 Replacing the drum/developer relay PWB The drum/developer relay PWB is faulty. Replace the drum/developer relay PWB. Drum/ Developer Relay PWB Replacement 7 Checking the feed image PWB The feed image PWB is faulty. Replace the feed image PWB.
    • Code: C7941
    • Description: LSU EEPROM error For the 35 ppm or faster color models, this is the LSU EEPROM error when the access to Cyan or Yellow is faulty
    • Causes: 1. The reading data of 2 points mismatches 8 times continuously.2. The reading data and the writing data mismatch 8 times continuously.
    • Remedy: 1 Resetting the main power The EEPROM data in the LSU is faulty. Turn the power switch and the main power switch off . After 5s passes, turn the main power switch and the power switch on. 2 Checking the FFC The FFC is not properly connected, or it is faulty. Reconnect the following FFC. When the FFC terminals are peeled off or deformed or the FFC is broken, replace the FFC.• APC PWB (LSU) — Engine PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 3 LSU replacement The APC PWB (LSU) is faulty. Replace the LSU. LSU Replacement 4 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade
    • Code: C7942
    • Description: LSU EEPROM error 2 Object: 35ppm or faster color models
    • Causes: 1. The reading data of 2 points mismatches 8 times continuously.2. The reading data and the writing data mismatch 8 times continuously
    • Remedy: 1 Resetting the main power The EEPROM data in the LSU is faulty. Turn the power switch and the main power switch off . After 5s passes, turn the main power switch and the power switch on. 2 Checking the FFC The FFC is not properly connected, or it is faulty. Reconnect the following FFC. When the FFC terminals are peeled off or deformed or the FFC is broken, replace the FFC.• APC PWB (LSU) — Engine PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 3 LSU replacement The APC PWB (LSU) is faulty. Replace the LSU. LSU Replacement 4 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade
    • Code: C7970
    • Description: Weight detection sensor error
    • Causes: The sensor output value was at the specified value (54) or less and that state continued for 500ms.
    • Remedy: 1 Reinstalling the waste toner box The waste toner box is not properly installed. Reinstall the waste toner box into the main unit slowly, and then check if it moves vertically. Waste Toner Box Replacement 2 Checking the wire The relay connector which connects between the engine PWB and the waste toner motor / weight detection sensor is loose or disconnected since the wire of the relay connector was stretched excessively at the backside of the waste toner box unit during the maintenance work. Rearrange the wire alignment so that the wire of the relay connector at the waste toner box unit backside is not excessively stretched. Then, reconnect the relay connector. Connection of Relay Connector of Waste Toner Box Unit 3 Checking the weight detection sensor and the actuator The weight detection sensor is not properly connected, or the actuator is not properly attached. Reconnect the weight detection sensor, or correct the position of the actuator. 4 Checking the weight detection spring The weight detection spring is not properly attached. Reattach the weight detection spring. 5 Cleaning the weight detection sensor and the neighboring parts The weight detection sensor and the neighboring parts are dirty. Clean the weight detection sensor and the neighboring parts with an air-blower. 6 Executing U155 The calibration of the weight detection sensor was not executed properly. Execute the waste toner calibration at U155. U155 Execution 7 Replacing the waste toner box The waste toner box is faulty. Replace the waste toner box. Waste Toner Box Replacement 8 Firmware upgrade The engine firmware is faulty. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 9 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement
    • Code: C8010
    • Description: PH motor error 1 Object: 4000-sheet finisher or 1000-sheet finisher with the punch unit
    • Causes: 1. The PH home position sensor does not turn on after passing 200ms when driving the PH motor.2. The pulse plate does not count the specified pulse after passing 300ms since the punch operation was started.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the punch unit The punch unit is not assembled properly. If the punch unit is not shifted manually, repair the part that restricts the operation. 2 Checking the punch cam drive components The punch cam drive components are not properly attached, or they are faulty. Reattach the punch cam drive components. Then, replace them if they are not fixed. 3 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires when they have no continuity.• PH motor — PH main PWB• PH main PWB — DF main PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 4 Replacing the PH motor The PH motor is faulty. Replace the PH motor if it does not operate properly when checking the operation at U240. U240 Execution 5 Checking the PH home position sensor The PH home position sensor is not properly attached, or it is faulty. Execute U241 to check the PH home position sensor operation. If it does not operate properly, reattach it.When it is not fixed, replace the PH home position sensor. U241 Execution 6 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the PH firmware to the latest version. Firmware Upgrade 7 Replacing the PH main PWB The PH main PWB is faulty. Replace the PH main PWB. 8 Replacing the DF main PWB The DF main PWB is faulty. Replace the DF main PWB. DF Main PWB Replacement
    • Code: C8020
    • Description: PH motor error 2 Object: 4000-sheet finisher or 1000-sheet finisher with the punch unit
    • Causes: The positioning alignment of the home position is not completed within 3s when initializing or waiting the home position
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the punch unit The punch unit is not assembled properly. If the punch unit is not shifted manually, repair the part that restricts the operation. 2 Checking the punch cam drive components The punch cam drive components are not properly attached, or they are faulty. Reattach the punch cam drive components. Then, replace them if they are not fixed. 3 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires when they have no continuity.• PH motor — PH main PWB• PH main PWB — DF main PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 4 Replacing the PH motor The PH motor is faulty. Replace the PH motor if it does not operate properly when checking the operation at U240. U240 Execution 5 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the PH firmware to the latest version. Firmware Upgrade 6 Replacing the PH main PWB The PH main PWB is faulty. Replace the PH main PWB. 7 Replacing the DF main PWB The DF main PWB is faulty. Replace the DF main PWB. DF Main PWB Replacement
    • Code: C8030
    • Description: PH motor error 3 Object: 4000-sheet finisher or 1000-sheet finisher with the punch unit
    • Causes: The home position detection does not turn off within 50ms when initializing the home position.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the punch unit The punch unit is not assembled properly. If the punch unit is not shifted manually, repair the part that restricts the operation. 2 Checking the punch cam drive components The punch cam drive components are not properly attached, or they are faulty. Reattach the punch cam drive components. Then, replace them if they are not fixed. 3 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires when they have no continuity.• PH motor — PH main PWB• PH main PWB — DF main PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 4 Replacing the PH motor The PH motor is faulty. Replace the PH motor if it does not operate properly when checking the operation at U240. U240 Execution 5 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the PH firmware to the latest version. Firmware Upgrade 6 Replacing the PH main PWB The PH main PWB is faulty. Replace the PH main PWB. 7 Replacing the DF main PWB The DF main PWB is faulty. Replace the DF main PWB. DF Main PWB Replacement
    • Code: C8090
    • Description: DF paddle motor error
    • Causes: 1. The DF paddle sensor does not turn on after passing 1s when driving the DF paddle motor.2. The DF paddle sensor does not turn off when driving the DF paddle motor for 1s.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the DF paddle drive components The DF paddle drive components are not properly attached, or it is faulty. Reattach the DF paddle drive components. Then, replace them if they are not fixed. 2 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires when they have no continuity.• DF paddle motor — DF main PWB• DF paddle sensor — DF main PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 3 Replacing the DF paddle motor The DF paddle motor is faulty. Replace the DF paddle motor if it does not operate properly when checking the operation at U240. U240 Execution 4 Replacing the DF paddle sensor The DF paddle sensor is faulty. Replace the DF paddle sensor if it does not operate properly when checking the operation at U241. U241 Execution 5 Replacing the DF main PWB The DF main PWB is faulty. Replace the DF main PWB. DF Main PWB Replacement
    • Code: C8100
    • Description: DF eject release motor error
    • Causes: 1. The DF paper stack eject switch does not turn on after passing 1s when driving the DF eject release motor.2. The DF paper stack eject switch does not turn off when driving the DF eject release motor for 1s.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the DF paper stack eject unit The eject guide in the DF paper stack eject unit is deformed. Correct the DF paper stack eject unit. 2 Checking the DF paper stack eject unit drive components The DF paper stack eject unit drive components are not properly attached, or they are faulty. Reattach the DF paper stack eject unit drive components. Then, replace them if they are not fixed. 3 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires when they have no continuity.• DF eject release motor — DF main PWB• DF paper stack eject switch — DF main PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 4 Replacing the DF eject release motor The DF eject release motor is faulty. Replace the DF eject release motor if it does not operate properly when checking the operation at U240. U240 Execution 5 Checking the DF paper stack eject switch The DF paper stack eject switch is not properly attached, or it is faulty. Reattach the DF paper stack eject switch and execute U241 to check the operation. If it does not properly operate, replace the switch. U241 Execution 6 Replacing the DF main PWB The DF main PWB is faulty. Replace the DF main PWB. DF Main PWB Replacement
    • Code: C8110
    • Description: DF shift motor 1 error Object: 4000-sheet finisher
    • Causes: DF shift sensor 1 does not turn on even if shifting 160mm when driving DF shift motor 1.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the front shift guide The front shift guide is not assembled properly. If the front shift guide is not shifted manually, repair the part that restricts the operation. 2 Checking the front shift guide drive components The front shift guide drive components are not properly attached, or they are faulty. Reattach the front shift guide drive components. Then, replace them if they are not fixed. 3 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires when they have no continuity.• DF shift motor 1 — DF main PWB• DF shift sensor 1 — DF main PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 4 Replacing DF shift motor 1 DF shift motor 1 is faulty. Replace DF shift motor 1 if it does not operate properly when checking the operation at U240. U240 Execution 5 Checking DF shift sensor 1 DF shift sensor 1 is not properly attached, or it is faulty. Reattach DF shift sensor 1 and execute U241 to check the operation. If it does not properly operate, replace the sensor. U241 Execution 6 Replacing the DF main PWB The DF main PWB is faulty. Replace the DF main PWB. DF Main PWB Replacement
    • Code: C8120
    • Description: DF shift motor 2 error Object: 4000-sheet finisher
    • Causes: DF shift sensor 2 does not turn on even if shifting 160mm when driving DF shift motor 2.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the rear shift guide The rear shift guide is not assembled properly. If the rear shift guide is not shifted manually, repair the part that restricts the operation. 2 Checking the rear shift guide drive components The rear shift guide drive components are not properly attached, or they are faulty. Reattach the rear shift guide drive components. Then, replace them if they are not fixed 3 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires if there is no continuity.• DF shift motor 2 — DF main PWB• DF shift sensor 2 — DF main PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 4 Checking DF shift motor 2 DF shift motor 2 is faulty. Replace DF shift motor 2 if it does not operate properly when checking the operation at U240. U240 Execution 5 Checking DF shift sensor 2 DF shift sensor 2 is not properly attached, or it is faulty. Reattach DF shift sensor 2. Then, execute U241 to check the operation. If it does not properly operate, replace the sensor. U241 Execution 6 Replacing the DF main PWB The DF main PWB is faulty. Replace the DF main PWB. DF Main PWB Replacement
    • Code: C8130
    • Description: DF shift release motor error Object: 4000-sheet finisher
    • Causes: 1. The DF shift release sensor does not turn on for passing 1s when the DF shift release motor is driving.2. The DF shift release sensor does not turn on even if the DF shift release motor drives for 3s toward the direction where the home position is detected.3. The DF shift release sensor does not turn off even if it drives for 3s toward the direction where the home position is not detected.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the rear shift guide The rear shift guide is not assembled properly. If the rear shift guide is not shifted manually, repair the part that restricts the operation. 2 Checking the rear shift guide drive components The rear shift guide drive components are not properly attached, or they are faulty. Reattach the rear shift guide drive components. Then, replace them if they are not fixed. 3 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires if there is no continuity.• DF shift release motor — DF main PWB• DF shift release sensor — DF main PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 4 Checking the DF shift release motor The DF shift release motor is faulty. Replace the DF shift release motor if it does not operate properly when checking the operation at U240. U240 Execution 5 Checking the DF shift release sensor The DF shift release sensor is not properly attached, or it is faulty. Reattach the DF shift release sensor. Then, execute U241 to check the operation. If it does not operate properly, replace the sensor. U241 Execution 6 Replacing the DF main PWB The DF main PWB is faulty. Replace the DF main PWB. DF Main PWB Replacement
    • Code: C8140
    • Description: DF tray motor error 1 Object: 4000-sheet finisher or 1000-sheet finisher
    • Causes: The DF tray sensor or the DF tray upper side sensor does not turn on after passing 30s when ascending the DF main tray or the DF tray.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the DF main tray / DF tray The DF main tray / DF tray is not assembled properly. If the DF main tray/DF tray is not shifted manually vertically, repair the part that restricts the operation. 2 Checking the DF main tray / DF tray drive components The DF main tray / DF tray drive components are not properly attached, or they are faulty. Reattach the DF main tray / DF tray drive components. Then, replace them if they are not fixed. 3 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires there is no continuity.• DF tray motor — DF main PWB• DF tray sensor 4 — DF main PWBOr, • DF tray sensor 5 (with the folding unit) — DF main PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 4 Replacing the DF tray motor The DF tray motor is faulty. Replace the DF tray motor if it does not operate properly when checking the operation at U240. U240 Execution 5 (When installing the 1000- sheet finisher) Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires when they have no continuity.• DF tray sensor 1 — DF main PWB• DF tray sensor 2 — DF main PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 6 (When installing the 4000- sheet finisher) Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires when they have no continuity.• DF tray sensor 1 — DF main PWB• DF tray sensor 2 — DF main PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 7 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires when they have no continuity.• DF tray upper side sensor 1 — DF main PWB• DF tray upper side sensor 2 — DF main PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 8 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires when they have no continuity.• DF tray upper side sensor 1 — DF main PWB• DF tray upper side sensor 2 — DF main PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 9 (When installing the 1000- sheet finisher) Checking DF tray sensor 1 DF tray sensor 1 is not properly attached, or it is faulty. Reattach DF tray sensor 1 and execute U241 to check the operation. If it does not properly operate, replace the sensor. U241 Execution 10 (When installing the 4000- sheet finisher) Checking DF tray sensor 1, 2 DF tray sensors 1, 2 are not properly attached, or they are faulty. Reattach DF tray sensors 1, 2 and execute U241 to check the operation.If they do not properly operate, replace the sensors. U241 Execution 11 Checking DF tray upper side sensors 1, 2 DF tray upper surface sensors 1, 2 are not properly attached, or they are faulty. Reattach DF tray upper surface sensors 1, 2 and execute U241 to check the operation.If they do not properly operate, replace the sensors. U241 Execution 12 Replacing the DF main PWB The DF main PWB is faulty. Replace the DF main PWB. DF Main PWB Replacement
    • Code: C8140
    • Description: DF tray motor error 1 Object: Inner finisher
    • Causes: Turning on/off of DF paper holding sensors 1, 2 could not be detected after passing 4s when ascending the DF tray.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the DF tray The DF tray is not assembled properly. If the DF tray is not shifted manually vertically, repair the part that restricts the operation. 2 Checking the DF tray drive components The DF tray drive components are not properly attached, or they are faulty. Reattach the DF tray drive components. Replace them if they are not fixed. 3 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires there is no continuity.• DF tray motor — DF main PWB• DF tray sensor 4 — DF main PWBOr, • DF tray sensor 5 (with the folding unit) — DF main PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 4 Replacing the DF tray motor The DF tray motor is faulty. Replace the DF tray motor if it does not operate properly when checking the operation at U240. U240 Execution 5 Checking DF paper holding sensors 1, 2 DF paper holding sensors 1, 2 are not properly attached, or they are faulty. Reattach DF paper holding sensors 1, 2 and execute U241 to check the operation. If they do not properly operate, replace the sensors. U241 Execution 6 Replacing the DF main PWB The DF main PWB is faulty. Replace the DF main PWB. DF Main PWB Replacement
    • Code: C8150
    • Description: DF tray motor error 2 Object: 1000-sheet finisher
    • Causes: Turning on and off of DF tray sensor 1 or DF tray upper side sensors 1, 2 could not be detected after passing 5s when descending the DF tray.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the DF tray The DF tray is not assembled properly. If the DF tray is not shifted manually vertically, repair the part that restricts the operation. 2 Checking the DF tray drive components The DF tray drive components are not properly attached, or they are faulty. Reattach the DF tray drive components. Replace them if they are not fixed. 3 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires there is no continuity.• DF tray motor — DF main PWB• DF tray sensor 4 — DF main PWBOr, • DF tray sensor 5 (with the folding unit) — DF main PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 4 Replacing the DF tray motor The DF tray motor is faulty. Replace the DF tray motor if it does not operate properly when checking the operation at U240. U240 Execution 5 Checking DF tray sensor 1 DF tray sensor 1 is not properly attached. Reattach DF tray sensor 1 and execute U241 to check the operation. If it does not properly operate, replace the sensor. U241 Execution 6 Checking DF tray upper side sensors 1, 2 DF tray upper side sensors 1, 2 are not properly attached. Reattach DF tray upper surface sensors 1, 2 and execute U241 to check the operation.If they do not properly operate, replace the sensors. U241 Execution 7 Replacing the DF main PWB The DF main PWB is faulty. Replace the DF main PWB. DF Main PWB Replacement
    • Code: C8150
    • Description: DF tray motor error 2 Object: 4000-sheet finisher
    • Causes: Turning on and off of DF tray sensors 1, 2 or DF tray upper side sensors 1, 2 could not be detected after passing 5s when descending the DF main tray.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the DF main tray The DF main tray is not assembled properly. If the DF main tray is not shifted manually vertically, repair the part that restricts the operation. 2 Checking the DF main tray drive components The DF main tray drive components are not properly attached, or they are faulty. Reattach the DF main tray drive components. Then, replace them if they are not fixed. 3 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires there is no continuity.• DF tray motor — DF main PWB• DF tray sensor 4 — DF main PWBOr, • DF tray sensor 5 (with the folding unit) — DF main PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 4 Replacing the DF tray motor The DF tray motor is faulty. Replace the DF tray motor if it does not operate properly when checking the operation at U240. U240 Execution 5 Checking DF tray sensors 1, 2 DF tray sensors 1, 2 are not properly attached, or they are faulty. Reattach DF tray sensors 1, 2 and execute U241 to check the operation.If they do not properly operate, replace the sensors. U241 Execution 6 Checking DF tray upper side sensors 1, 2 DF tray upper surface sensors 1, 2 are not properly attached, or they are faulty. Reattach DF tray upper surface sensors 1, 2 and execute U241 to check the operation.If they do not properly operate, replace the sensors. U241 Execution 7 Replacing the DF main PWB The DF main PWB is faulty. Replace the DF main PWB. DF Main PWB Replacement
    • Code: C8160
    • Description: DF tray motor error (3) Object: 1000-sheet finisher
    • Causes: DF tray sensor 3 does not turn on after passing 30s when descending the DF tray.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the DF tray The DF tray is not assembled properly. If the DF tray is not shifted manually vertically, repair the part that restricts the operation. 2 Checking the DF tray drive components The DF tray drive components are not properly attached, or they are faulty. Reattach the DF tray drive components. Replace them if they are not fixed. 3 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires there is no continuity.• DF tray motor — DF main PWB• DF tray sensor 4 — DF main PWBOr, • DF tray sensor 5 (with the folding unit) — DF main PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 4 Checking the DF tray motor The DF tray motor is faulty. Replace the DF tray motor if it does not operate properly when checking the operation at U240. U240 Execution 5 Checking DF tray sensor 3 DF tray sensor 3 is not properly attached, or it is faulty. Reattach DF tray sensor 3 and execute U241 to check the operation.If it does not operate properly, replace the sensor. U241 Execution 6 Replacing the DF main PWB The DF main PWB is faulty. Replace the DF main PWB. DF Main PWB Replacement
    • Code: C8160
    • Description: DF tray motor error (3) Object: 4000-sheet finisher
    • Causes: DF tray sensors 4, 5 does not turn on after passing 60s when descending the DF main tray.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the DF main tray The DF main tray is not assembled properly. If the DF main tray is not shifted manually vertically, repair the part that restricts the operation. 2 Checking the DF main tray drive components The DF main tray drive components are not properly attached, or they are faulty. Reattach the DF main tray drive components. Then, replace them if they are not fixed. 3 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires there is no continuity.• DF tray motor — DF main PWB• DF tray sensor 4 — DF main PWBOr, • DF tray sensor 5 (with the folding unit) — DF main PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 4 Checking the DF tray motor The DF tray motor is faulty. Replace the DF tray motor if it does not operate properly when checking the operation at U240. U240 Execution 5 Checking DF tray sensors 4, 5 DF tray sensors 4, 5 are not properly attached, or they are faulty. Reattach DF tray sensor 4, or DF tray sensor 5 (when equipping the folding unit).Next, execute U241 to the operation check. If it does not operate properly, replace each sensor. U241 Execution 6 Replacing the DF main PWB The DF main PWB is faulty. Replace the DF main PWB. DF Main PWB Replacement
    • Code: C8160
    • Description: DF tray motor error (3) Object: Inner finisher
    • Causes: The DF tray sensor does not turn on after passing 4s when descending the DF tray.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the DF tray The DF tray is not assembled properly. If the DF tray is not shifted manually vertically, repair the part that restricts the operation. 2 Checking the DF tray drive components The DF tray drive components are not properly attached, or they are faulty. Reattach the DF tray drive components. Replace them if they are not fixed. 3 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires there is no continuity.• DF tray motor — DF main PWB• DF tray sensor 4 — DF main PWBOr, • DF tray sensor 5 (with the folding unit) — DF main PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 4 Checking the DF tray motor The DF tray motor is faulty. Replace the DF tray motor if it does not operate properly when checking the operation at U240. U240 Execution 5 Checking the DF tray sensor The DF tray sensor is not properly attached, or it is faulty. Reattach DF tray sensor 4 and execute U241 to check the operation. If it does not properly operate, replace the sensor. U241 Execution 6 Replacing the DF main PWB The DF main PWB is faulty. Replace the DF main PWB. DF Main PWB Replacement
    • Code: C8170
    • Description: DF side registration motor 1 error 1
    • Causes: The home position cannot be detected after passing 3s when relocating to the home position.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the front DF side registration guide The front DF side registration guide is not assembled properly. If the front DF side registration guide is not shifted manually, repair the part that restricts the operation. 2 Checking the front DF side registration guide drive components The DF side registration front guide drive components are not properly attached, or they are faulty. Reattach the DF side registration front guide drive components. Then, replace them if they are not fixed. 3 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires if there is no continuity.• DF side registration motor 1 — DF main PWB• DF side registration sensor 1 — DF main PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 4 Replacing DF side registration motor 1 DF side registration motor 1 is faulty. Replace DF side registration motor 1 if it does not operate properly when checking the operation at U240. U240 Execution 5 Checking DF side registration sensor 1 DF side registration sensor 1 is not properly attached, or it is faulty. Reattach DF side registration sensor 1 and execute U241 to check the operation. If it does not properly operate, replace the sensor. U241 Execution 6 Replacing the DF main PWB The DF main PWB is faulty. Replace the DF main PWB. DF Main PWB Replacement
    • Code: C8180
    • Description: DF side registration motor 1 error 2
    • Causes: J6810/J6811/J6812 (Front DF side registration jam) was detected 2 times continuously.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the front DF side registration guide The front side registration guide is not assembled properly. If the front DF side registration guide is not shifted manually, repair the part that restricts the operation. 2 Checking the front DF side registration guide drive components The DF side registration front guide drive components are not properly attached, or they are faulty. Reattach the front DF side registration guide drive components. 3 Replacing the front DF side registration guide drive components The front DF side registration guide drive components are faulty. Replace the front DF side registration guide drive components. 4 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires if there is no continuity.• DF side registration motor 1 — DF main PWB• DF side registration sensor 1 — DF main PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 5 Checking DF side registration motor 1 DF side registration motor 1 is faulty. Replace DF side registration motor 1 if it does not operate properly when checking the operation at U240. U240 Execution 6 Checking DF side registration sensor 1 DF side registration sensor 1 is not properly attached, or it is faulty. Reattach DF side registration sensor 1 and execute U241 to check the operation. If it does not properly operate, replace the sensor. U241 Execution 7 Replacing the DF main PWB The DF main PWB is faulty. Replace the DF main PWB. DF Main PWB Replacement
    • Code: C8190
    • Description: DF side registration motor 2 error 1
    • Causes: The home position cannot be detected after passing 3s when relocating to the home position.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the rear DF side registration guide The rear DF side registration guide is not assembled properly. If the rear DF side registration guide is not shifted manually, repair the part that restricts the operation. 2 Checking the rear DF side registration guide drive components The DF side registration rear guide drive components are not properly attached, or they are faulty. Reattach the DF side registration rear guide drive components. Then, replace them if they are not fixed. 3 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires if there is no continuity.• DF side registration motor 2 — DF main PWB• DF side registration sensor 2 — DF main PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 4 Replacing DF side registration motor 2 DF side registration motor 2 is faulty. Replace DF side registration motor 2 if it does not operate properly when checking the operation at U240. U240 Execution 5 Checking DF side registration sensor 2 DF side registration sensor 2 is not properly attached, or it is faulty. Reattach DF side registration sensor 2 and execute U241 to check the operation. If it does not properly operate, replace the sensor. U241 Execution 6 Replacing the DF main PWB The DF main PWB is faulty. Replace the DF main PWB. DF Main PWB Replacement
    • Code: C8200
    • Description: DF side registration motor 2 error 2
    • Causes: J6910/J6911/J6912 (Rear DF side registration jam) was detected 2 times continuously.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the rear DF side registration guide The rear DF side registration guide is not assembled properly. If the rear DF side registration guide is not shifted manually, repair the part that restricts the operation. 2 Checking the rear DF side registration guide drive components The side registration rear guide drive components are not properly attached, or they are faulty. Reattach the DF side registration rear guide drive components. Then, replace them if they are not fixed. 3 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires if there is no continuity.• DF side registration motor 2 — DF main PWB• DF side registration sensor 2 — DF main PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 4 Checking DF side registration motor 2 DF side registration motor 2 is faulty. Replace DF side registration motor 2 if it does not operate properly when checking the operation at U240. U240 Execution 5 Checking DF side registration sensor 2 DF side registration sensor 2 is not properly attached. Reattach DF side registration sensor 2 and execute U241 to check the operation. If it does not properly operate, replace the sensor. U241 Execution 6 Replacing the DF main PWB The DF main PWB is faulty. Replace the DF main PWB. DF Main PWB Replacement
    • Code: C8210
    • Description: DF staple motor front/rear error
    • Causes: The home position could not be detected after passing 3s when replacing to the home position at the initial operation.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the DF staple unit The DF staple unit is not assembled properly. If the DF staple unit is not shifted manually back and forth, repair the part that restricts the operation. 2 Checking the DF staple unit drive components The DF staple unit drive components are not properly attached, or they are faulty. Reattach the DF staple unit drive components. Then, replace them if they are not fixed. 3 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires when they have no continuity.• DF staple motor — DF main PWB• DF staple sensor — DF main PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 4 Replacing the DF staple motor The DF staple motor is faulty. Replace the DF staple unit if the DF staple motor does not operate properly when checking the operation at U240. DF Staple Unit Replacement 5 Checking the DF staple sensor The DF staple motor is not properly attached, or it is faulty. Reattach the DF staple sensor. Then, replace the DF staple unit if the sensor is not fixed. DF Staple Unit Replacement 6 Replacing the DF main PWB The DF main PWB is faulty. Replace the DF main PWB. DF Main PWB Replacement
    • Code: C8230
    • Description: DF staple motor error 1
    • Causes: The DF staple jam was detected 2 times continuously.(Detection condition of 2nd paper jam: The home position cannot be detected after passing 600ms since starting up the motor.)
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the DF staple unit The DF staple unit is not assembled properly. If the DF staple cannot operate manually without paper jam, repair the part that restricts the DF staple. 2 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wire when it has no continuity.• DF staple unit — DF main PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 3 Replacing the DF staple unit The DF staple unit is faulty. Replace the DF staple unit. DF Staple Unit Replacement 4 Replacing the DF main PWB The DF main PWB is faulty. Replace the DF main PWB. DF Main PWB Replacement
    • Code: C8250
    • Description: DF main tray error 4 Object: 1000-sheet finisher
    • Causes: The lock-up signal was 0.7V or less for 10s continuously during the DF tray motor operation.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the DF tray The DF tray is not assembled properly. If the DF tray is not shifted manually vertically, repair the part that restricts the operation. 2 Checking the DF tray drive components The DF tray drive components are not properly attached, or they are faulty. Reattach the DF tray drive components. Replace them if they are not fixed. 3 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires there is no continuity.• DF tray motor — DF main PWB• DF tray sensor 4 — DF main PWBOr, • DF tray sensor 5 (with the folding unit) — DF main PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 4 Replacing the DF tray motor The DF tray motor is faulty. Replace the DF tray motor if it does not operate properly when checking the operation at U240. U240 Execution 5 Replacing the DF main PWB The DF main PWB is faulty. Replace the DF main PWB. DF Main PWB Replacement
    • Code: C8260
    • Description: DF middle motor HP detection error
    • Causes: J790X (Middle paddle jam) was detected 2 times continuously.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the DF paddle drive components The DF paddle drive components are not properly attached, or it is faulty. Reattach or replace the DF paddle drive components. 2 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires if there is no continuity.• DF middle motor — DF main PWB• DF paddle sensor — DF main PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 3 Replacing the DF middle motor The DF middle motor is faulty. Replace the DF middle motor if it does not operate properly when checking the operation at U240. U240 Execution 4 Checking the DF paddle sensor The DF paddle sensor is not properly attached, or it is faulty. Reattach the DF paddle sensor and execute U241 to check the operation.If it does not operate properly, replace the sensor. U241 Execution 5 Replacing the DF main PWB The DF main PWB is faulty. Replace the DF main PWB. DF Main PWB Replacement
    • Code: C8300
    • Description: Main program error / BF unit communication error Object: 4000-sheet finisher with the folding unit
    • Causes: The communication could not succeed after confirming the connection with the BF unit.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the BF set switch The BF set switch is not properly attached. Reattach the BF set switch. 2 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wire when it has no continuity.• BF main PWB — DF main PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 3 Replacing the BF set switch The BF set switch is faulty. Replace the BF set switch if it does not operate properly when checking the operation at U241. U241 Execution 4 Replacing the BF main PWB The BF main PWB is faulty. Replace the BF main PWB. 5 Replacing the DF main PWB The DF main PWB is faulty. Replace the DF main PWB. DF Main PWB Replacement
    • Code: C8310
    • Description: BF side registration motor 2 error Object: 4000-sheet finisher with the folding unit
    • Causes: BF side registration sensor 2 does not turn on after passing 1s during the initial operation.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the upper BF side registration guide The upper BF side registration guide is not assembled properly. If the upper BF side registration guide is not shifted manually back and forth, repair the part that restricts the operation. 2 Checking the upper BF side registration guide drive components The BF side registration upper guide drive components are not properly attached, or they are faulty. Reattach the upper BF side registration guide drive components. Then, replace them if they are not fixed. 3 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires if there is no continuity.• BF side registration motor 2 — BF main PWB• BF side registration sensor 2 — BF main PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 4 Replacing BF side registration motor 2 BF side registration motor 2 is faulty. Replace BF side registration motor 2 if it does not operate properly when checking the operation at U240. U240 Execution 5 Checking BF side registration sensor 2 BF side registration sensor 2 is not properly attached, or it is faulty. Reattach BF side registration sensor 2 and execute U241 to check the operation.If it does not operate properly, replace the sensor. U241 Execution 6 Replacing the BF main PWB The BF main PWB is faulty. Replace the BF main PWB.
    • Code: C8320
    • Description: BF adjustment motor error Object: 4000-sheet finisher with the folding unit
    • Causes: At the initialization, turning on of the BF adjustment sensor is not detected after 2.5s passes.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the BF shift belt The BF shift belt is not assembled properly. If the BF shift belt is not operated manually, repair the part that restricts the operation. 2 Checking the BF shift belt drive components The BF shift belt drive components are not properly attached, or they are faulty. Reattach the BF shift belt drive components. If the belt comes off, reattach it.When they are not fixed, replace them if they are not fixed. 3 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires when they have no continuity.• BF adjustment motors 1, 2 — BF main PWB• BF adjustment sensors 1, 2 — BF main PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 4 Replacing BF adjustment motors 1, 2 BF adjustment motors 1, 2 are faulty. Replace BF adjustment motors 1, 2 if they do not operate properly when checking the operation at U240. U240 Execution 5 Checking BF adjustment sensors 1, 2 BF adjustment sensors 1, 2 are not properly attached, or they are faulty. Reattach BF adjustment sensors 1, 2 and execute U241 to check the operation. If they do not properly operate, replace the sensors. U241 Execution 6 Replacing the BF main PWB The BF main PWB is faulty. Replace the BF main PWB.
    • Code: C8330
    • Description: BF blade motor error Object: 4000-sheet finisher with the folding unit
    • Causes: The BF blade sensor does not turn on after passing 3s during the initial operation.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the BF blade The BF blade is not assembled properly. If the BF blade is not operated manually, repair the part that restricts the operation. 2 Checking the BF blade drive components The BF blade drive components are not properly attached, or they are faulty. Reattach the BF blade drive components.Then, replace them if they are not fixed. 3 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires there is no continuity.• BF blade motor — BF main PWB• BF blade sensor — BF main PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 4 Replacing the BF blade motor The BF blade motor is faulty. Replace the BF blade motor if it does not operate properly when checking the operation at U240. U240 Execution 5 Checking the BF blade sensor The BF blade sensor is not properly attached. Reattach the BF blade sensor and execute U241 to check the operation.Then, replace the BF blade sensor if it does not operate properly. U241 Execution 6 Replacing the BF main PWB The BF main PWB is faulty. Replace the BF main PWB.
    • Code: C8340
    • Description: BF staple motor error 1 Object: 4000-sheet finisher with the folding unit
    • Causes: The BF staple jam was detected 2 times continuously.(Detection condition of 2nd paper jam: The home position cannot be detected after passing 600ms since starting up the motor.)
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the BF staple unit The BF staple unit is not assembled properly. If the BF staple unit is not operated manually, repair the part that restricts the operation. 2 Checking the BF staple unit drive components The BF staple unit drive components are not properly attached, or they are faulty. Reattach the BF staple unit drive components. Then, replace them if they are not fixed. 3 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wire when it has no continuity.• BF staple unit — BF main PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 4 Replacing the BF staple motor The BF staple motor is faulty. Replace the BF staple motor if it does not operate properly when checking the operation at U240. U240 Execution 5 Replacing the BF staple unit The BF staple unit is faulty. Replace the BF staple unit. 6 Replacing the BF main PWB The BF main PWB is faulty. Replace the BF main PWB.
    • Code: C8350
    • Description: BF side registration motor 1 error Object: 4000-sheet finisher with the folding unit
    • Causes: BF side registration sensor 1 does not turn on after passing 1s during the initial operation.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the lower BF side registration guide The lower BF side registration guide is not assembled properly. If the lower BF side registration guide is not operated manually, repair the part that restricts the operation. 2 Checking the lower BF side registration guide drive components The BF side registration lower guide drive components are not properly attached, or they are faulty. Reattach the BF side registration lower guide drive components. Then, replace them if they are not fixed. 3 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wire when it has no continuity.• BF side registration motor 1 — BF main PWB• BF side registration sensor 1 — BF main PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 4 Replacing BF side registration motor 1 BF side registration motor 1 is faulty. Replace BF side registration motor 1 if it does not operate properly when checking the operation at U240. U240 Execution 5 Checking BF side registration sensor 1 BF side registration sensor 1 is not properly attached, or it is faulty. Reattach BF side registration sensor 1 and execute U241 to check the operation.If it does not operate properly, replace the sensor. U241 Execution 6 Replacing the BF main PWB The BF main PWB is faulty. Replace the BF main PWB.
    • Code: C8360
    • Description: BF main motor error Object: 4000-sheet finisher with the folding unit
    • Causes: The lock-up signal was detected for 1s continuously during the motor operation.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the BF conveying roller The BF conveying roller is not assembled properly. If the BF conveying roller is not rotated manually, repair the part that restricts the operation. 2 Checking the BF conveying roller drive components The BF conveying roller drive components are not properly attached, or they are faulty. Reattach the BF conveying roller drive components. Then, replace them if they are not fixed. 3 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wire when it has no continuity.• BF main motor — BF main PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 4 Replacing the BF main motor The BF main motor is faulty. Replace the BF main motor if it does not operate properly when checking the operation at U240. U240 Execution 5 Replacing the BF main PWB The BF main PWB is faulty. Replace the BF main PWB.
    • Code: C8370
    • Description: BF staple motor error 2 Object: 4000-sheet finisher with the folding unit
    • Causes: The BF staple jam was detected 2 times continuously.(Detection condition of 2nd paper jam: The lock-up signal was generated for 500ms continuously during the motor operation.)
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the BF staple unit The BF staple unit is not assembled properly. If the BF staple unit is not operated manually, repair the part that restricts the operation. 2 Checking the BF staple unit drive components The BF staple unit drive components are not properly attached, or they are faulty. Reattach the BF staple unit drive components. Then, replace them if they are not fixed. 3 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wire when it has no continuity.• BF staple unit — BF main PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 4 Replacing the BF staple motor The BF staple motor is faulty. Replace the BF staple motor if it does not operate properly when checking the operation at U240. U240 Execution 5 Replacing the BF staple unit The BF staple unit is faulty. Replace the BF staple unit. 6 Replacing the BF main PWB The BF main PWB is faulty. Replace the BF main PWB.
    • Code: C8410
    • Description: PH slide motor error 1 Object: 4000-sheet finisher or 1000-sheet finisher with the punch unit
    • Causes: The PH slide sensor does not turn on after shifting 30mm when relocating to the home position.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the punch unit The punch unit is not assembled properly. If the punch slide section is not shifted manually forwardbackward, repair the part that restricts the operation. 2 Checking the punch drive components The punch drive components are not properly attached, or they are faulty. Reattach the punch drive components. Then, replace them if they are not fixed. 3 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires when they have no continuity.• PH slide motor — PH main PWB• PH slide sensor — PH main PWB• PH main PWB — DF main PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 4 Replacing the PH slide motor The PH slide motor is faulty. Replace the PH slide motor if it does not operate properly when checking the operation at U240. U240 Execution 5 Checking the PH slide sensor The PH slide sensor is not properly attached, or it is faulty. Reattach the PH slide sensor and execute U241 to check the operation. If it does not properly operate, replace the sensor. U241 Execution 6 Replacing the PH main PWB The PH main PWB is faulty. Replace the PH main PWB. 7 Replacing the DF main PWB The DF main PWB is faulty. Replace the DF main PWB. DF Main PWB Replacement
    • Code: C8420
    • Description: PH slide motor error 2 Object: 4000-sheet finisher or 1000-sheet finisher with the punch unit
    • Causes: The paper edge cannot be detected even if shifting 30mm when detecting the paper edge.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the punch unit The punch unit is not assembled properly. If the punch slide section is not shifted manually forwardbackward, repair the part that restricts the operation. 2 Checking the punch drive components The punch drive components are not properly attached, or they are faulty. Reattach the punch drive components. Then, replace them if they are not fixed. 3 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires when they have no continuity.• PH slide motor — PH main PWB• PH slide sensor — PH main PWB• PH main PWB — DF main PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 4 Replacing the PH slide motor The PH slide motor is faulty. Replace the PH slide motor if it does not operate properly when checking the operation at U240. U240 Execution 5 Checking the PH paper edge sensors 1, 2 PH paper edge sensors 1, 2 are not properly attached, or they are faulty. Reattach PH paper edge sensors 1, 2. Then, execute U241 to check the operation. If it does not operate properly, replace the sensors. U241 Execution 6 Replacing the PH main PWB The PH main PWB is faulty. Replace the PH main PWB. 7 Replacing the DF main PWB The DF main PWB is faulty. Replace the DF main PWB. DF Main PWB Replacement
    • Code: C8430
    • Description: Main program error / Punch unit communication error
    • Causes: The communication could not succeed after confirming the connection with the punch unit.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wire when it has no continuity.• PH main PWB — DF main PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 2 Replacing the PH main PWB The PH main PWB is faulty. Replace the PH main PWB. 3 Replacing the DF main PWB The DF main PWB is faulty. Replace the DF main PWB. DF Main PWB Replacement
    • Code: C8500
    • Description: Main program error / Mail Box communication error Object: 4000-sheet finisher with the mail box
    • Causes: The communication failed after confirming the connection with the mail box.
    • Remedy: 1 Resetting the main power The PWB malfunctions. Turn the power switch and the main power switch off . After 5s passes, turn the main power switch and the power switch on. 2 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wire when it has no continuity.• MB main PWB — DF main PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 3 Replacing the MB main PWB The MB main PWB is faulty. Replace the MB main PWB. 4 Replacing the DF main PWB The DF main PWB is faulty. Replace the DF main PWB. DF Main PWB Replacement
    • Code: C8510
    • Description: MB conveying motor error 1 Object: 4000-sheet finisher with the mail box
    • Causes: The MB home position sensor does not turn on after passing 5s during the initial operation.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the MB conveying roller The MB conveying roller is not assembled properly. If the MB conveying roller is not rotated manually, repair the part that restricts the operation. 2 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires if there is no continuity.• MB conveying motor — MB main PWB• MB home position sensor — MB main PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 3 Replacing the MB conveying motor The MB conveying motor is faulty. Replace the MB conveying motor if it does not operate properly when checking the operation at U240. U240 Execution 4 Checking the MB home position sensor The MB home position is not properly attached, or it is faulty. Reattach the MB home position sensor and execute U241 to check the operation. If it does not operate properly, replace the sensor. U241 Execution 5 Replacing the MB main PWB The MB main PWB is faulty. Replace the MB main PWB.
    • Code: C8520
    • Description: MB conveying motor error 2 Object: 4000-sheet finisher with the mail box
    • Causes: The MB home position sensor does not turn off after passing 1s during the standby operation.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the MB conveying roller The MB conveying roller is not assembled properly. If the MB conveying roller is not rotated manually, repair the part that restricts the operation. 2 Checking the MB conveying roller drive components The MB conveying roller drive components are not properly attached, or they are faulty. Reattach the MB conveying roller drive components. 3 Replacing the MB conveying roller drive components The MB conveying roller drive components are faulty. Replace the MB conveying roller drive components. 4 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires if there is no continuity.• MB conveying motor — MB main PWB• MB home position sensor — MB main PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 5 Replacing the MB conveying motor The MB conveying motor is faulty. Replace the MB conveying motor if it does not operate properly when checking the operation at U240. U240 Execution 6 Checking the MB home position sensor The MB home position is not properly attached, or it is faulty. Reattach the MB home position sensor and execute U241 to check the operation. If it does not operate properly, replace the sensor. U241 Execution 7 Replacing the MB main PWB The MB main PWB is faulty. Replace the MB main PWB.
    • Code: C8800
    • Description: Main program error / Engine — DF communication error (DF)
    • Causes: 1. The main program is faulty when turning the power on.2. The communication error between the engine and the DF was detected 10 times continuously.
    • Remedy: 1 Resetting the main power The program does not start up properly. Turn the power switch and the main power switch off . After 5s passes, turn the main power switch and the power switch on. 2 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the DP firmware to the latest version. Firmware Upgrade 3 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wire when it has no continuity.• DF main PWB — Engine PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 4 Replacing the DF main PWB The DF main PWB is faulty. Replace the DF main PWB. DF Main PWB Replacement 5 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 6 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement
    • Code: C8900
    • Description: DF backup error
    • Causes: The writing data and the reading data mismatch 3 times continuously.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wire when it has no continuity.• DF main PWB — Engine PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 2 Replacing the DF main PWB The DF main PWB is faulty. Replace the DF main PWB. DF Main PWB Replacement
    • Code: C8930
    • Description: BF unit backup error Object: 4000-sheet finisher
    • Causes: The writing data and the reading data mismatch 3 times continuously.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wire when it has no continuity.• BF main PWB — DF main PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 2 Replacing the BF main PWB The BF main PWB is faulty. Replace the BF main PWB.
    • Code: C9000
    • Description: Main program error / DP communication error
    • Causes: The document processor cannot be communicated.
    • Remedy: 1 Firmware upgrade The firmware version between the main unit and the document processor mismatches. Upgrade the firmware for the main unit and the document processor to the latest version. Firmware Upgrade 2 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wire when it has no continuity.• DP main PWB — Engine PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 3 Replacing the DP main PWB The DP main PWB is faulty. Replace the DP main PWB. DP Main PWB Replacement 4 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement
    • Code: C9040
    • Description: DP lift motor ascend error Object: Dual scan DP and automatic duplex DP with the DP feed belt
    • Causes: Turning on of the DP lift upper limit sensor could not be detected after passing 3000 pulses during the DP lift motor ascend drive. That status was continued 5 times or more.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the original lift plate The DP original lift plate is not properly attached. If the original lift plate is not shifted manually vertically, repair the part that restricts the operation. 2 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires when they have no continuity.• DP lift motor — DP main PWB• DP lift upper limit sensor — DP main PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 3 Replacing the DP lift motor The DP lift motor is faulty. Replace the DP lift motor if it does not operate properly when checking the operation at U243. U243 Execution 4 Checking the DP lift upper limit sensor The DP lift upper limit sensor is not properly attached, or it is faulty. Reattach the DP lift upper limit sensor and execute U241 to check the operation. If it does not operate properly, replace the sensor. U244 Execution 5 Replacing the DP main PWB The DP main PWB is faulty. Replace the DP main PWB. DP Main PWB Replacement
    • Code: C9050
    • Description: DP lift motor descend error Object: Dual scan DP and automatic duplex DP with the DP feed belt
    • Causes: Turning on of the DP lift lower limit sensor could not be detected after passing 3000 pulses during the DP lift motor descend drive. (The recovery is 3 times.)
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the original lift plate The DP original lift plate is not properly attached. If the original lift plate is not shifted manually vertically, repair the part that restricts the operation. 2 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires when they have no continuity.• DP lift motor — DP main PWB• DP lift upper limit sensor — DP main PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 3 Replacing the DP lift motor The DP lift motor is faulty. Replace the DP lift motor if it does not operate properly when checking the operation at U243. U243 Execution 4 Checking the DP lift lower limit sensor The DP lift lower limit sensor is not properly attached, or it is faulty. Reattach the DP lift lower limit sensor and execute U241 to check the operation. If it does not operate properly, replace the sensor. U244 Execution 5 Replacing the DP main PWB The DP main PWB is faulty. Replace the DP main PWB. DP Main PWB Replacement
    • Code: C9060
    • Description: DP EEPROM error
    • Causes: The writing data and the reading data into the EEPROM mismatch.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the EEPROM The EEPROM is not properly installed. Reattach the EEPROM on the DP main PWB. 2 Replacing the DP main PWB The DP main PWB is faulty. Replace the DP main PWB. DP Main PWB Replacement 3 Replacing the EEPROM The EEPROM is faulty. Replace the EEPROM on the DP main PWB and execute U411. U411 Execution
    • Code: C9070
    • Description: DP — SHD communication error Object: Dual scan DP
    • Causes: The communication error between the DP main PWB and the DPSHD PWB was detected during communication.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wire when it has no continuity.• DPSHD PWB — DP main PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 2 Replacing the DPSHD PWB The DPSHD PWB is faulty. Replace the DPSHD PWB. 3 Replacing the DP main PWB The DP main PWB is faulty. Replace the DP main PWB. DP Main PWB Replacement
    • Code: C9080
    • Description: LED failure detection Object: Dual scan DP
    • Causes: After 4 blocks of the LED lamps of the DPCIS are lit when turning on the power, the acquired peak value of some blocks is the reference value or less.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the LED lamp The LED lamp of the DPCIS does not light. Execute U203 to confirm that the LED lamp of the DPCIS does not light. Go to the next step. U203 Execution 2 Checking the DPSHD PWB The DPSHD PWB is not properly connected. Reconnect the DPSHD PWB to the DPCIS. 3 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wire when it has no continuity.• DPSHD PWB — DP main PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 4 Executing U411 DP scanning is not properly adjusted. Execute U411 [DP FD(ChartB)] and [DP FD(ChartA)]. U411 Execution 5 Replacing the DPCIS The DPCIS is faulty. Replace the DPCIS, and then execute U091 and U411. DP CIS Replacement 6 Replacing the DPSHD PWB The DPSHD PWB is faulty. Replace the DPSHD PWB.
    • Code: C9180
    • Description: DP reverse motor error Object: Automatic duplex DP with the DP feed belt
    • Causes: The home position cannot be detected even if executing the retry of the home position detection 3 times continuously. [Note]Home position detection: When shifting the DP reverse motor to the home position, the retry will be executed if the home position could not be detected after driving the DP reverse motor 1-round.
    • Remedy: 1 Resetting the main power The DP reverse motor is not controlled properly. Turn the power switch and the main power switch off . After 5s passes, turn the main power switch and the power switch on. 2 Checking the DP reverse motor The DP reverse motor does not rotate properly or the excessive load is applied to it. Remove the DP reverse motor and fix it by rotating the drive components manually. Then, reattach it. 3 Checking the wire The wire is not properly connected or is faulty. Reinsert the following wire connectors, and replace the wires if there is no continuity.• DF reverse motor — DP main PWB• DP timing sensor — DP main PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 4 Firmware upgrade The firmware is not the latest version. Upgrade the engine firmware to the latest version Firmware Upgrade 5 Checking the DP reverse motor The DP reverse motor is faulty. Reconnect the DP reverse motor. Replace it if it is not fixed. 6 Checking the DP timing sensor The DP timing sensor is not properly attached, or it is faulty. Reattach the DP timing sensor. Replace it if it is not fixed. 7 Checking the DP main PWB The connectors on the DP main PWB are not properly connected, or the wires are faulty. Reconnect the connectors on the DP main PWB. Then, fix or replace them if they are pinched by the other part or if they have any damage. When the issue is not resolved, replace the DP main PWB. DP Main PWB Replacement
    • Code: C9500
    • Description: Image processing PWB error (Scanner)
    • Causes: Scanner
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the FFC The FFC is not properly connected, or it is faulty. Reconnect the following FFC. When the FFC terminals are peeled off or deformed or the FFC is broken, replace the FFC.• Engine PWB — Main PWB Electrical Diagram of PWBs 2 Replacing the main PWB The main PWB is faulty. Replace the main PWB. Main PWB Replacement 3 Replacing the engine PWB The engine PWB is faulty. Replace the engine PWB. Engine PWB Replacement
    • Code: C9510
    • Description: Image processing circuit error (DP)
    • Causes: DP
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the DP relay PWB The DP relay PWB is not properly attached. Reattach the DP relay PWB. 2 Checking the SATA cable The SATA cable is not properly connected, or it is faulty. Reinsert the connectors of the SATA cable between the DPSHD PWB and the DP relay PWB. If the issue is not resolved, check the continuity, and replace the SATA cable if there is no continuity. Electrical Diagram of PWBs 3 Replacing the DPSHD PWB The DPSHD PWB is faulty. Replace the DPSHD PWB. 4 Replacing the DP relay PWB The DP relay PWB is faulty. Replace the DP relay PWB. 5 Replacing the main PWB The main PWB is faulty. Replace the main PWB. Main PWB Replacement
    • Code: C9540
    • Description: Backup data error
    • Causes: When multiple parts are replaced at the same time, the internal data is changed and it interferes with the machine operation. Consequently, the main unit cannot recover.
    • Remedy: 1 Checking the PWB Multiple PWBs were replaced at the same time. Recover to the original, if 2 or more of the following related parts were replaced at the same time.• Related parts: Memory, each PWB 2 Checking the unit Multiple units were replaced at the same time. Be sure not to perform the following works at the same time when the memory or each PWB is replaced.• Replacing the drum unit or the developer unit• Relocating the drum units to other colorspositioninsideamainunit’
    • Code: F000
    • Description: CF000 will be displayed if * notes progress is carried out for a definite period of time with a Welcome screen.The communication fault between Panel-Main boardsCommunication fault between Panel Core-Main Core Notes 2
    • Causes:
    • Remedy: (1) Check the harness of * (between Main board <=>HDD), and the connection state of a connector between Panel<=>Main boards, and perform an operation check. (2) Check contact of a DDR memory (extracting) and perform an operation check. If exchangeable, it will exchange and will perform an operation check. (3) Initialize HDD and perform an operation check. (FULL of U024) * ( 4) U021 Controller backup initialization is carried out and an operation check is performed. (5) Exchange a Main board and perform an operation check. (6) Exchange a PanelMain board and perform an operation check. (7) It will get, if USBLOG is obtainable, and contact service headquarters. * : only HDD standard model * Note 2 : Only Dual Core CPU model
    • Code: F12X
    • Description: Abnormality detecting in a Scan control section
    • Causes:
    • Remedy: (1) Check the harness between Scan/DP<=>Main boards, and the connection state of a connector, and perform an operation check. (2) Initialize HDD and perform an operation check. (FULL of U024) * ( 3) U021 Controller backup initialization is carried out and an operation check is performed. (4) Exchange a Scan/DP board and perform an operation check. (5) Exchange a Main board and perform an operation check. (6) Get USBLOG and contact service headquarters. * Only HDD standard model
    • Code: F14X
    • Description: Abnormality detecting in a FAX control part
    • Causes:
    • Remedy: (1) Check the harness between FAX<=>Main boards, and the connection state of a connector, and perform an operation check. (2) Initialize HDD and perform an operation check. (FULL of U024) * ( 3) U021 Controller backup initialization is carried out and an operation check is performed. (4) Perform a deed operation check for DIMM Clear by U671. * Notes(Since it disappears when received data remain, cautions are required.) (5) Exchange FAX_DIMM and perform an operation check. * Notes (6) Exchange a FAX board and perform an operation check. (7) Exchange a Main board and perform an operation check. (8) Get USBLOG and contact service headquarters. * Only HDD standard model * Note Only model which has Flash for FAX data in a Main board
    • Code: F15X
    • Description: Abnormality detecting in an authentication device control section
    • Causes:
    • Remedy: (1) Check the harness between authentication device <=>Main boards, and the connection situation of a connector, and perform an operation check. (2) Initialize HDD and perform an operation check. (FULL of U024) * ( 3) Carry out U021 Main backup initialization and perform an operation check. (4) Exchange a Main board and perform an operation check. (5) Exchange HDD and perform an operation check. * (6) Get USBLOG and contact service headquarters. * Only HDD standard model
    • Code: F18X
    • Description: Abnormality detecting in a Video control section
    • Causes:
    • Remedy: (1) Check the harness between Engine<=>Main boards, and the connection state of a connector, and perform an operation check. (2) Initialize HDD and perform an operation check. (FULL of U024) * ( 3) U021 Controller backup initialization is carried out and an operation check is performed. (3) Exchange an Engine board and perform an operation check. (4) Exchange a Main board and perform an operation check. (5) Get USBLOG and contact service headquarters. * Only HDD standard model
    • Code: F1DX
    • Description: Abnormality detecting of the image memory Management Department
    • Causes:
    • Remedy: (1) Initialize HDD and perform an operation check. (FULL of U024) * ( 2) Carry out U021 Main backup initialization and perform an operation check. (3) Exchange a Main board and perform an operation check. (4) Exchange HDD and perform an operation check. * (5) Get USBLOG and contact service headquarters. * Only HDD standard model
    • Code: F21X, F22X, F23X
    • Description: Abnormality detecting in an image-processing part
    • Causes:
    • Remedy: (1) Check contact of a DDR memory and perform an operation check. (2) Initialize HDD and perform an operation check. (FULL of U024) * ( 3) Carry out U021 Main backup initialization and perform an operation check. (4) Exchange a Main board and perform an operation check. (5) Exchange HDD and perform an operation check. * (6) Get USBLOG and contact service headquarters. * Only HDD standard model
    • Code: F24X
    • Description: Abnormality detecting in the system Management Department
    • Causes:
    • Remedy: (1) Check contact of a DDR memory and perform an operation check. (2) Initialize HDD and perform an operation check. (FULL of U024) * ( 3) Carry out U021 Main backup initialization and perform an operation check. (4) Exchange a Main board and perform an operation check. (5) Exchange HDD and perform an operation check. * (6) Get USBLOG and contact service headquarters. * Only HDD standard model
    • Code: F25X
    • Description: Abnormality detecting in a network management department
    • Causes:
    • Remedy: (1) Initialize HDD and perform an operation check. (FULL of U024) * ( 2) Carry out U021 Main backup initialization and perform an operation check. (3) Exchange a Main board and perform an operation check. (4) Get USBLOG and packet capture and contact service headquarters. * Only HDD standard model
    • Code: F26X, F27X, F28X
    • Description: Abnormality detecting in the system Management Department
    • Causes:
    • Remedy: (1) Initialize HDD and perform an operation check. (FULL of U024) * ( 2) Carry out U021 Main backup initialization and perform an operation check. (3) Exchange a Main board and perform an operation check. (4) Exchange HDD and perform an operation check. * (5) Get USBLOG and contact service headquarters. * Only HDD standard model
    • Code: F29X, F2AX
    • Description: Abnormality detecting in the system Management Department
    • Causes:
    • Remedy: (1) Initialize HDD and perform an operation check. (FULL of U024) * ( 2) Carry out U021 Main backup initialization and perform an operation check. (3) Exchange a Main board and perform an operation check. (4) Exchange HDD and perform an operation check. * (5) Get USBLOG and contact service headquarters. * Only HDD standard model
    • Code: F2BX, F2CX, F2DX
    • Description: Abnormality detecting in a network control part
    • Causes:
    • Remedy: (1) Initialize HDD and perform an operation check. (FULL of U024) * ( 2) Carry out U021 Main backup initialization and perform an operation check. (3) Exchange a Main board and perform an operation check. (4) Get USBLOG and contact service headquarters. (Depending on an analysis result, it is packet capture acquisition) * Only HDD standard model
    • Code: F2EX, F2FX, F30X
    • Description: Abnormality detecting in a network control part
    • Causes:
    • Remedy: (1) Initialize HDD and perform an operation check. (FULL of U024) * ( 2) Carry out U021 Main backup initialization and perform an operation check. (3) Exchange a Main board and perform an operation check. (4) Get USBLOG and contact service headquarters. (Depending on an analysis result, it is packet capture acquisition) * Only HDD standard model
    • Code: F31X, F32X
    • Description: Abnormality detecting in a network control part
    • Causes:
    • Remedy: (1) Initialize HDD and perform an operation check. (FULL of U024) * ( 2) Carry out U021 Main backup initialization and perform an operation check. (3) Exchange a Main board and perform an operation check. (4) Get USBLOG and contact service headquarters. (Depending on an analysis result, it is packet capture acquisition) * Only HDD standard model
    • Code: F33X
    • Description: Abnormality detecting in the Scan Management Department
    • Causes:
    • Remedy: (1) Check the harness between Scan/DP<=>Main boards, and the connection state of a connector, and perform an operation check. (2) Initialize HDD and perform an operation check. (FULL of U024) * ( 3) U021 Controller backup initialization is carried out and an operation check is performed. (4) Exchange a Scan/DP board and perform an operation check. (5) Exchange a Main board and perform an operation check. (6) Get USBLOG and contact service headquarters. * Only HDD standard model
    • Code: F34X
    • Description: Abnormality detecting in the Panel Management Department
    • Causes:
    • Remedy: (1) Check the harness between Panel<=>Main boards, and the connection state of a connector, and perform an operation check. * Notes (2) Initialize HDD and perform an operation check. (FULL of U024) * ( 3) U021 Controller backup initialization is carried out and an operation check is performed. (4) Exchange a Panel board and perform an operation check. * Notes (5) Exchange a Main board and perform an operation check. (6) Get USBLOG and contact service headquarters. * Only HDD standard model * Note : A Dual Core CPU model and HyPAS model
    • Code: F35X
    • Description: Abnormality detecting in the printing controlling Management Department
    • Causes:
    • Remedy: (1) Initialize HDD and perform an operation check. (FULL of U024) * ( 2) Carry out U021 Main backup initialization and perform an operation check. (3) Exchange a Main board and perform an operation check. (4) Exchange HDD and perform an operation check. * (5) Get USBLOG and contact service headquarters. * Only HDD standard model
    • Code: F37X
    • Description: Abnormality detecting in the FAX Management Department
    • Causes:
    • Remedy: (1) Initialize HDD and perform an operation check. (FULL of U024) * ( 2) Carry out U021 Main backup initialization and perform an operation check. (3) Perform a deed operation check for DIMM Clear by U671.(Since it disappears when received data remain, cautions are required.) * notes (4) Exchange FAX_DIMM and perform an operation check. * Notes (5) Exchange a Main board and perform an operation check. (6) Exchange HDD and perform an operation check. * (7) Get USBLOG and contact service headquarters. * Only HDD standard model * Note Only model which has Flash for FAX data in a Main board
    • Code: F38X
    • Description: Abnormality detecting in the authentication authorized Management Department
    • Causes:
    • Remedy: (1) Initialize HDD and perform an operation check. (FULL of U024) * ( 2) Carry out U021 Main backup initialization and perform an operation check. (3) Exchange a Main board and perform an operation check. (4) Exchange HDD and perform an operation check. * (5) Get USBLOG and contact service headquarters. * Only HDD standard model
    • Code: F3AX, F3BX, F3CX
    • Description: Abnormality detecting in the Entity Management Department
    • Causes:
    • Remedy: (1) Initialize HDD and perform an operation check. (FULL of U024) * ( 2) Carry out U021 Main backup initialization and perform an operation check. (3) Exchange a Main board and perform an operation check. (4) Exchange HDD and perform an operation check. * (5) Get USBLOG and contact service headquarters. * Only HDD standard model
    • Code: F3DX, F3EX, F3FX
    • Description: Abnormality detecting in the Entity Management Department
    • Causes:
    • Remedy: (1) Initialize HDD and perform an operation check. (FULL of U024) * ( 2) Carry out U021 Main backup initialization and perform an operation check. (3) Exchange a Main board and perform an operation check. (4) Exchange HDD and perform an operation check. * (5) Get USBLOG and contact service headquarters. * Only HDD standard model
    • Code: F40X, F41X, F42X
    • Description: Abnormality detecting in the Entity Management Department
    • Causes:
    • Remedy: (1) Initialize HDD and perform an operation check. (FULL of U024) * ( 2) Carry out U021 Main backup initialization and perform an operation check. (3) Exchange a Main board and perform an operation check. (4) Exchange HDD and perform an operation check. * (5) Get USBLOG and contact service headquarters. * Only HDD standard model
    • Code: F43X, F44X, F45X
    • Description: Abnormality detecting in the Entity Management Department
    • Causes:
    • Remedy: (1) Initialize HDD and perform an operation check. (FULL of U024) * ( 2) Carry out U021 Main backup initialization and perform an operation check. (3) Exchange a Main board and perform an operation check. (4) Exchange HDD and perform an operation check. * (5) Get USBLOG and contact service headquarters. * Only HDD standard model
    • Code: F46X
    • Description: Abnormality detecting of a printer rendering part
    • Causes:
    • Remedy: (1) Exchange boards and perform an operation check. (2) the acquisition wish of USBLOG — carry out (Depending on the (2) case, it is print capture data acquisition) * Only HDD standard model
    • Code: F47X, F48X
    • Description: Abnormality detecting of an image editing processing part
    • Causes:
    • Remedy: (1) Initialize HDD and perform an operation check. (FULL of U024) * ( 2) Carry out U021 Main backup initialization and perform an operation check. (3) Exchange a Main board and perform an operation check. (4) Exchange HDD and perform an operation check. * (5) Get USBLOG and contact service headquarters. * Only HDD standard model
    • Code: F4DX, F4EX
    • Description: Abnormality detecting in the Entity Management Department
    • Causes:
    • Remedy: (1) Initialize HDD and perform an operation check. (FULL of U024) * ( 2) Carry out U021 Main backup initialization and perform an operation check. (3) Exchange a Main board and perform an operation check. (4) Exchange HDD and perform an operation check. * (5) Get USBLOG and contact service headquarters. * Only HDD standard model
    • Code: F4FX
    • Description: Abnormality detecting in the JOB Management Department
    • Causes:
    • Remedy: (1) Initialize HDD and perform an operation check. (FULL of U024) * ( 2) Carry out U021 Main backup initialization and perform an operation check. (3) Exchange a Main board and perform an operation check. (4) Exchange HDD and perform an operation check. * (5) Get USBLOG and contact service headquarters. * Only HDD standard model
    • Code: F50X
    • Description: Abnormality detecting in the FAX Management Department
    • Causes:
    • Remedy: (1) Initialize HDD and perform an operation check. (FULL of U024) * ( 2) Carry out U021 Main backup initialization and perform an operation check. (3) Exchange a Main board and perform an operation check. (4) Exchange HDD and perform an operation check. * (5) Get USBLOG and contact service headquarters. * Only HDD standard model
    • Code: F51X, F52X, F53X
    • Description: Abnormality detecting in a JOB execution part
    • Causes:
    • Remedy: (1) Initialize HDD and perform an operation check. (FULL of U024) * ( 2) Carry out U021 Main backup initialization and perform an operation check. (3) Exchange a Main board and perform an operation check. (4) Exchange HDD and perform an operation check. * (5) Get USBLOG and contact service headquarters. * Only HDD standard model
    • Code: F55X, F56X, F57X
    • Description: Abnormality detecting in a JOB execution part
    • Causes:
    • Remedy: (1) Initialize HDD and perform an operation check. (FULL of U024) * ( 2) Carry out U021 Main backup initialization and perform an operation check. (3) Exchange a Main board and perform an operation check. (4) Exchange HDD and perform an operation check. * (5) Get USBLOG and contact service headquarters. * Only HDD standard model
    • Code: F58X, F59X, F5AX
    • Description: Abnormality detecting in the various-services Management Department
    • Causes:
    • Remedy: (1) Initialize HDD and perform an operation check. (FULL of U024) * ( 2) Carry out U021 Main backup initialization and perform an operation check. (3) Exchange a Main board and perform an operation check. (4) Exchange HDD and perform an operation check. * (5) Get USBLOG and contact service headquarters. * Only HDD standard model
    • Code: F5BX, F5CX
    • Description: Abnormality detecting in the various-services Management Department
    • Causes:
    • Remedy: (1) Initialize HDD and perform an operation check. (FULL of U024) * ( 2) Carry out U021 Main backup initialization and perform an operation check. (3) Exchange a Main board and perform an operation check. (4) Exchange HDD and perform an operation check. * (5) Get USBLOG and contact service headquarters. * Only HDD standard model
    • Code: F5DX, F5EX
    • Description: Abnormality detecting in the various-services Management Department
    • Causes:
    • Remedy: (1) Initialize HDD and perform an operation check. (FULL of U024) * ( 2) Carry out U021 Main backup initialization and perform an operation check. (3) Exchange a Main board and perform an operation check. (4) Exchange HDD and perform an operation check. * (5) Get USBLOG and contact service headquarters. * Only HDD standard model
    • Code: F5FX
    • Description: Abnormality detecting in a service execution part
    • Causes:
    • Remedy: (1) Initialize HDD and perform an operation check. (FULL of U024) * ( 2) Carry out U021 Main backup initialization and perform an operation check. (3) Exchange a Main board and perform an operation check. (4) Exchange HDD and perform an operation check. * (5) Get USBLOG and contact service headquarters. * Only HDD standard model
    • Code: F62X
    • Description: Abnormality detecting in a service execution part
    • Causes:
    • Remedy: (1) Initialize HDD and perform an operation check. (FULL of U024) * ( 2) Carry out U021 Main backup initialization and perform an operation check. (3) Exchange a Main board and perform an operation check. (4) Exchange HDD and perform an operation check. * (5) Get USBLOG and contact service headquarters. * Only HDD standard model
    • Code: F63X
    • Description: Abnormality detecting in a device control section
    • Causes:
    • Remedy: (1) Initialize HDD and perform an operation check. (FULL of U024) * ( 2) Carry out U021 Main backup initialization and perform an operation check. (3) Exchange a Main board and perform an operation check. (4) Exchange HDD and perform an operation check. * (5) Get USBLOG and contact service headquarters. * Only HDD standard model
    • Code: F62X
    • Description: Abnormality detecting in a service execution part
    • Causes:
    • Remedy: (1) Initialize HDD and perform an operation check. (FULL of U024) * ( 2) Carry out U021 Main backup initialization and perform an operation check. (3) Exchange a Main board and perform an operation check. (4) Exchange HDD and perform an operation check. * (5) Get USBLOG and contact service headquarters. * Only HDD standard model
    • Code: F63X
    • Description: Abnormality detecting in a device control section
    • Causes:
    • Remedy: (1) Initialize HDD and perform an operation check. (FULL of U024) * ( 2) Carry out U021 Main backup initialization and perform an operation check. (3) Exchange a Main board and perform an operation check. (4) Exchange HDD and perform an operation check. * (5) Get USBLOG and contact service headquarters. * Only HDD standard model



    Cleaning motor MCY error

    After the motor drive ON signal is output

    and 1 s elapses, the rated speed reach

    signal is not input continuously for 2 s.


    Eject motor error

    After the motor drive ON signal is output

    and 1 s elapses, the rated speed reach

    signal is not input continuously for 2 s.


    MP motor error

    After the motor drive ON signal is output

    and 1 s elapses, the rated speed reach

    signal is not input continuously for 2 s.



    Check procedures/corrective measures

    Poor contact in the

    Check the connection of connector YC16 on

    connector termi-

    the engine PWB and the connector of the


    cleaning motor MCY, and the continuity

    across the connector terminals. Repair or

    replace if necessary.

    Defective drive

    Check if the rollers and gears rotate

    transmission sys-

    smoothly. If not, grease the bushings and


    gears. Check for broken gears and replace if


    Defective cleaning

    Run maintenance item U030 and check if

    motor K.

    the cleaning motor MCY operates when

    YC16-A13 (remote signal) on the engine

    PWB goes low. If not, replace the cleaning

    motor MCY.

    Defective engine

    Run maintenance item U030 and check if


    YC16-A13 (remote signal) on the engine

    PWB goes low. If not, replace the engine


    Poor contact in the

    Check the connection of connector YC25 on

    connector termi-

    the engine PWB and the connector on the


    eject motor, and the continuity across the

    connector terminals. Repair or replace if


    Defective drive

    Check if the rollers and gears rotate

    transmission sys-

    smoothly. If not, grease the bushings and


    gears. Check for broken gears and replace if


    Defective eject

    Run maintenance item U030 and check if


    the eject motor operates when YC25-A5

    (remote signal) on the engine PWB goes

    low. If not, replace the eject motor.

    Defective engine

    Run maintenance item U030 and check if


    YC25-A5 (remote signal) on the engine

    PWB goes low. If not, replace the engine


    Poor contact in the

    Check the connection of connector YC24 on

    connector termi-

    the engine PWB and the connector on the


    MP motor, and the continuity across the con-

    nector terminals. Repair or replace if neces-


    Defective drive

    Check if the rollers and gears rotate

    transmission sys-

    smoothly. If not, grease the bushings and


    gears. Check for broken gears and replace if


    Defective MP

    Run maintenance item U030 and check if


    the MP motor operates when YC24-2

    (remote signal) on the engine PWB goes

    low. If not, replace the MP motor.

    Defective engine

    Run maintenance item U030 and check if


    YC24-3 (remote signal) on the engine PWB

    goes low. If not, replace the engine PWB.




    Рекомендуется: Fortect

  • 1. Скачайте и установите Fortect
  • 2. Откройте программу и нажмите «Сканировать»
  • 3. Нажмите «Восстановить», чтобы начать процесс восстановления.
  • Загрузите это программное обеспечение и почините свой компьютер за считанные минуты. г.

    Вот несколько новых простых методов, которые облегчат вам решение проблемы с ошибкой Kyocera c2500.Ошибка 400 Bad Request указывает на то, что веб-машина (удаленный компьютер) не может (или отказывается) обработать запрос, отправленный конкретным любезно предоставленным клиентом (веб-браузером). проблема владельца. Приложение по-прежнему может случайно (или намеренно) отправить поддельную информацию о маршрутизации приложения.

    <р>Может быть очень много причин, по которым вам нужно открыть Диспетчер устройств Windows, напротив, обычно это нужно для решения множества проблем с вашим личным оборудованием.

    Ошибка 100 Bad Request возникает недавно, сервер может понять, что ситуация была запрошена. Это называется ошибкой 400, потому что это может быть код состояния HTTP, который веб-сервер обычно использует для описания многих типов ошибок. Ошибка 400 Bad Request может начаться, потому что это, безусловно, какая-то простая ошибка в предложениях.

    Независимо от того, хотите ли вы заменить драйверы устройств, оптимизировать системные ресурсы, узнать коды ошибок диспетчера устройств или даже в основном проверить состояние лайтбокса — вам может понадобиться открыть менеджер вперед вы можете сделать это. заботиться с ним.

    правило ошибки kyocera c2500

    Диспетчер устройств не отображает варды рядом с вашими обычными программами, не говоря уже о том, что вам может быть трудно найти его, если большинство людей действительно не знают, где его найти. Метод Панель управления — это почти самый простой способ получить множество параметров, но ниже мы рассмотрим все, что связано с вашими параметрами.

    <р>Выполните простые расчеты по автокредиту ниже, чтобы открыть диспетчер устройств в Windows:

    Как открыть диспетчер устройств из панели управления

    Проверьте свой текущий отправленный URL.Очистите кеш вашего мобильного телефона.Удалить куки браузера.Загрузить файл prevОграничение выхода из Интернета на компьютере превышено.Очистите кеш DNS.Отключите расширения браузера.


  • <р>Откройте панель управления. Найдите его в Windows 88 с помощью функций поиска по типу панели задач.

    В некоторых версиях Windows 10 и 8, при условии, что вы используете абсолютную клавиатуру или мышь, самым быстрым способом может быть через расширенное меню навигации — просто нажмите кнопку Ключ WIN (Windows) и X жизненно необходимы на моем рынке. вместе.


    Кроме того, в некоторых вариантах Windows 10 вы можете открыть Диспетчер устройств непосредственно из главного меню «Пуск» в виде отдельного подменю Панели управления.

  • <р>Согласно вашей лучшей версии Windows, панель управления обычно всегда была полностью доступна на экране «Пуск» или «Приложения».

  • Что лучше вы можете сделать, зависит от их операционной системы Windows, которую вы уже используете:


  • В Windows 11, 10 9 и номинации «Оборудование и звук». В то же время вы можете получить доступ к Диспетчеру устройств непосредственно из меню опытного пользователя, а не из панели управления.
  • В Windows 7 разберитесь с системой и безопасностью.
  • В Windows Vista: rrn . Идентификация и обслуживание системы». Windows
  • В XP выберите “Производительность и обслуживание”.
  • <дел>

    Если вы не видите причину в этих настройках, ваша панель управления, вероятно, может быть «Значки», «Большие маленькие значки» или, возможно, «Классический английский вид» в зависимости от вашей транскрипции Windows. При необходимости выполните поиск и выберите «Диспетчер устройств». из любой большой коллекции пользовательских значков и просто перейдите к шагу 1 ниже.

  • <р>В такой панели управления найдите фильтры и нажмите «Диспетчер устройств»:

    <р>В Windows 11, 10 и, как следствие, 8 проверьте заголовок «Устройства и принтеры». В Windows 7 загляните внутрь System. В Windows Vista вы найдете Диспетчер устройств в корне панели.

    <р>В Windows XP у покупателей есть ряд дополнительных рекомендаций, поскольку Диспетчер устройств не должен быть легко доступен в вашей рабочей версии, включая Windows. В открывшемся окне панели управления выберите «Система», перейдите на вкладку «Оборудование» и нажмите большую часть кнопки «Диспетчер устройств».

    <подпись к рисунку><использовать xlink:href=»#icon-camera» xmlns:xlink=»»>Системные дома в Windows XP.

  • <р>Открыв Диспетчер устройств, вы теперь можете просматривать состояние индикаторов, обновлять драйверы устройств, включать устройства — отключать устройства. / реальный > или, скорее всего, запустить какую-то другую страницу управления оборудованием, которую вы придумали.
  • Другие способы открыть Диспетчер устройств

    <р>После того, как вы познакомились с Командной строкой Windows, включая Командную строку, очень важно возобновить работу Диспетчера устройств в любой версии, поступающей из всех Командных:


    Проверьте отправленный URL.Очистите кэш браузера.Удалить куки браузера.Отправка файла превышает лимит сервера.Очистите кеш DNS.Отключите расширения браузера.

    Метод командной строки всегда очень удобен, когда вам нужен доступ к диспетчеру устройств, но ваша хорошая хорошая мышь не работает или на нашей рабочей станции есть проблема, которая мешает вам использовать ее в обычном режиме.

    <р>Хотя вам, вероятно, никогда не понадобится иметь под рукой Диспетчер устройств таким образом, он слишком доступен для всех версий Windows через Управление компьютером, что представляет собой часть пакета, в который входят встроенные утилиты, называемые Инструменты администрирования. .

    <р>Диспетчер устройств имеет немного другой дизайн, чтобы иметь возможность управления компьютером. Просто выберите один из полей слева и, в вашем случае, используйте его как подходящую встроенную линзу утилиты.

    <р>Другой способ очистить Диспетчер устройств, по крайней мере, через Windows 7, — это GodMode. Это специальный музыкальный файл, дающий доступ к огромному количеству настроек и команд, которые человек обнаружит при запуске системы. Если вы уже знаете, как использовать GodMode, вам может быть удобнее открыть Диспетчер устройств.

    Инструкции в этой статье относятся к Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows примерно 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista и, следовательно, Windows XP.

    Ошибка Bad Request — Request Too Long относится только к возможности просмотра. Типичным решением может быть очистка кеша и угощений в вашем браузере.

    Необходимое время. Диспетчер устройств, скорее всего, откроется всего за минуту, независимо от того, какую версию Windows вы используете. См. Другие способы открыть Диспетчер устройств в нижней части всемирной паутины, чтобы узнать о ряде других, более быстрых методов почти для всех вариантов Windows.

    В версиях Windows 10 вы также можете получить доступ к Диспетчеру устройств непосредственно из плана запуска, а не через подменю в Панели управления.

    Если вы не видите эти параметры в переводе Windows, возможно, панель управления настроена так, чтобы отображались большие значки, маленькие значки или классический вид. Если это судебное разбирательство, найдите и выберите Диспетчер устройств из-за больших установленных значков, с которыми вы столкнетесь, а затем просто перейдите к шагу 4 ниже.


  • kyocera error passcode c2500

    Как заставить патчер Disdevice запускаться от имени администратора?


    Самый простой способ запустить, учитывая этого администратора, — это создать исключительный ярлык на рабочем столе, щелкнув правой кнопкой мыши любое доступное место на рабочем столе и даже выбрав «Создать» > «Ярлык». Затем просмотрите devmgmt.msc и выберите «Далее» > «Ярлык сборки» > «Готово». Теперь щелкните правой кнопкой мыши волшебную формулу и выберите «Запуск от имени администратора».

    Рекомендуется: Fortect

    Вы устали от медленной работы компьютера? Он пронизан вирусами и вредоносными программами? Не бойся, друг мой, Fortect здесь, чтобы спасти положение! Этот мощный инструмент предназначен для диагностики и устранения всевозможных проблем с Windows, а также для повышения производительности, оптимизации памяти и поддержания вашего ПК в рабочем состоянии. Так что не ждите больше — скачайте Fortect сегодня!

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  • 2. Откройте программу и нажмите «Сканировать»
  • 3. Нажмите «Восстановить», чтобы начать процесс восстановления.
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