Kollmorgen s700 ошибки

background image

Ввод в эксплуатацию




S748-S772 Руководство по эксплуатации


Сообщения об ошибках

Возникающие ошибки отображаются на светодиодном индикаторе на передней панели

в виде номера ошибки. Все сообщения об ошибках приводят к размыканию контакта BTB

и отключению выходного каскада (вращающий момент двигателя становится равным нулю).

Активируется стояночный тормоз.

Номер Обозначение


E / P

Сообщение о состоянии

Сообщение о состоянии, ошибок нет,

стр. 114

. . .

Сообщение о состоянии

Усилитель обновляет пусковую конфигурацию

Сообщение о состоянии

Сообщение о состоянии, ошибок нет, режим


— S —


Вход STO-Enable = 0 В (если привод заблокирован)


Карта памяти

Данные на карте недоступны


Температура радиатора

Температура радиатора является слишком высокой (порог

по умолчанию: 80°C)


Повышенное напряжение Повышенное напряжение звена постоянного тока.

Предельное значение зависит от сети питания




Сообщение регулятора положения


Обратная связь

Обрыв кабеля, короткое замыкание, замыкание на землю


Пониженное напряжение Пониженное напряжение звена постоянного тока (порог по

умолчанию: 100 В)


Температура двигателя

Датчик температуры неисправен или температура

двигателя слишком высокая


Внутреннее напряжение

Внутренние источники питающего напряжения неисправны


Повышенная частота


Двигатель идет вразнос, частота вращения недопустимо




Несовпадение контрольной суммы





Тормоз двигателя

Обрыв кабеля, короткое замыкание, замыкание на землю


Фаза двигателя

Отсутствует фаза двигателя (обрыв кабеля и т.п.)


Температура окр. среды

Температура окружающей среды слишком высокая


Выходной каскад

Ошибка в силовом выходном каскаде, неправильный кабель

двигателя, экран не подсоединен


I²t макс.

Превышено макс. значение I²t


Отказ фазы сети

Отсутствие 2 или 3 фаз ввода питания



Ошибки при аналого-цифровом преобразовании, часто

вызываемые сильными электромагнитными помехами.


Тормозная схема

Неисправная тормозная схема или неправильная настройка


Звено постоянного тока

Посадка напряжения звена постоянного тока


Ошибка гнезда

Ошибка гнезда, зависит от используемой платы

расширения, см. справочник по командам формата ASCII


Ошибка из-за

неправильного обращения

Ошибка из-за неправильного обращения с платой






Шина CAN выкл.

Серьезная ошибка обмена данными по шине CAN



Индикация предупреждения оценивается как ошибка


Коммутационная ошибка

Коммутационная ошибка


Конечный выключатель

Ошибка при перемещении в 0-позицию (достигнут

аппаратный конечный выключатель)



Ошибка при управлении системой STO, на входы STO-

ENABLE и ENABLE одновременно подается напряжение

высокого уровня


Ошибка шины данных

См. справочник по командам формата ASCII


Ошибка шины данных

Связь нарушена, см. справочник по командам формата



Аварийный тайм-аут

Аварийный останов в связи с истечением времени


Мониторинг Safety

Плата расширения «Safety» сообщает об ошибке, номер

ошибки следует: oXX=номер ошибки, iYY=индекс ошибки


Системная ошибка

ПО системы реагирует неправильным образом

* = с DRVCNFG3=16: для сброса ошибки требуется Hardware Reset сервоусилителя. Все

остальные ошибки можно сбросить кнопкой CLRFAULT.

Дальнейшую информацию можно найти в интерактивной справке по объектам

формата ASCII , см. параметр ERRCODE. Информацию относительно устранения

неполадок можн найти в разделе «Устранение неполадок» интерактивной справки


Online Help


Kollmorgen Support Network

Warnings and Fault Messages
| 10 Feb 2012


Valid for S300, S400, S600, S700


Faults which occur, but which do not cause a switch-off of the amplifier output stage (BTB/RTO contact remains closed), are indicated in the LED display on the front panel by a coded warning number.
Possible reasons and countermeasures are described in the Online Help (Appendix Trouble Shooting)

Number Description Explanation
n01 I²t I²t threshold exceeded
n02 Brake power Reached preset brake power limit
n03 S_fault Exceeded preset following error limit
n04 Response monitoring Response monitoring (fieldbus) has been activated
n05 Supply phase Mains supply phase missing
n06 SW — limit switch 1 Software limit switch 1 underrun
n07 SW — limit switch 2 Software limit switch 2 overrun
n08 Motion task error A faulty motion task was started
n09 No reference point No reference point (Home) set at start of motion task
n10 PSTOP PSTOP limit-switch activated
n11 NSTOP NSTOP limit-switch activated
n12 Motor default values loaded Only for ENDAT or HIPERFACE® :
discrepancy between motor number saved in the encoder and the amplifier, motor default values loaded
n13 Expansion card 24V DC supply for I/O expansion card not ok
n14 Sincos Feedback SinCos commutation (Wake and Shake) not completed, will be canceled when amplifier is enabled and Wake and Shake carried out
n15 S300/S700: Reserve
S400/S600: Table error
S300/S700: Reserve
S400/S600: Fault according to speed/current table INXMODE 35
n16 Summarized warning Summarized warning for n17 to n31
n17 Feldbus Sync CAN sync is not logged in (SYNCSRC <> 0 ?)
n18 Multiturn overflow Max. number of motor turns exceeded
n19 Motion task ramps are limited Range overflow on motion task data
n20 Invalid motion task Invalid motion task / GMT data
n21 PLC error For details see PLC code, customer specific
n22 Max. motor temperatur reached The user can shut down the process before the temperature eror will interrupt the process immediately
n23 S300/S700: Sin Cos feedback
S400/S600: Reserve
S300/S700: Warning level reached
S400/S600: Reserve
n24 S300/S700: Digital I/O
S400/S600: Reserve
S300/S700: Configuration is not logical
S400/S600: Reserve
n25-n31 Reserve Reserve
n32 Firmware Betaversion Firmware is an unreleased beta version

Faults (errors)

Any faults that occur are shown in coded form by an faults number in the LED display on the front panel. All faults messages result in the BTB/RTO contact being opened, the output stage being switched off (motor loses all torque), and the holding brake is activated.Possible reasons and countermeasures are described in the Online Help (Appendix Trouble Shooting)

Number Description Explanation
D U F Dual Use Firmware

An AL-3A225 (ECCN 3A225) export classified firmware cannot be uploaded to a non Dual Use amplifier. A firmware labeled with «_ND0» must be used.

Error Message F01 Heat sink temperature Heat sink temperature too high limit is set by manufacturer to 80°
Error Message F02 Overvoltage Overvoltage in DC bus link, limit depends on the electrical supply voltage
Error Message F03 Following error Message from the position controller
Error Message F04 Feedback Cable break, short-circuit, short to ground
Error Message F05 Undervoltage Undervoltage in DC bus link, limit is set by manufacturer to 100V
Error Message F06 Motor temperature Motor temperature too high or temp. sensor defect, limit is set by manufacturer to 145°C
Error Message F07 Internal voltage supply Internal amplifier supply voltages are out of tolerance
Error Message F08 Overspeed Motor runs away, speed is too high
Error Message F09 EEPROM Checksum error
Error Message F10 S300: Signal Failure X5
S400/S600: Flash-EPROM
S700: Reserved
S300: Signal failure X5 (cable break or similar)
S400/S600: Checksum error
S700: Reserved
Error Message F11 Brake (motor) Cable break, short-circuit, short to ground
Error Message F12 Motor phase Motor phase missing (cable break or similar)
Error Message F13 S300/S700: Ambient temperature
S400/S600: Internal temperature
S300/S700: Ambient temperature too high
S400/S600: Internal temperature too high
Error Message F14 Output stage Fault in the power output stage, wrong motor cable or shield not connected
Error Message F15 I²t max. I²t maximum value exceeded
Error Message F16 Supply BTB/RTO 2 or 3 phases missing in the mains supply feed
Error Message F17 A/D converter Error in the analog-digital conversion, normally caused by extreme electromagnetic interferences.
Error Message F18 Brake Brake circuit faulty or incorrect setting
Error Message F19 S300/S700: DC Bus Link
S400/S600: Supply phase
S300/S700: DC bus link voltage breakdown
S400/S600: A phase is missing in the mains supply power feed (can be switched off for 2-phase operation)
Error Message F20 Slot fault Slot error (hardware fault on expansion card), see parameter ERRCODE
Error Message F21 Handling error Software error on the expansion card
Error Message F22 S300/S400/S700: reserved
S640/S670: Earth short circuit
S300/S400/S700: reserved
S640/S670: Earth short circuit
Error Message F23 CAN Bus off Severe CAN bus communication error
Error Message F24 Warning Warning is displayed as fault
Error Message F25 Commutation error Commutation error
Error Message F26 Limit switch Homing error (machine has driven onto hardware limit switch)
Error Message F27 STO Operational error with STO, input for STO-Enable  and ENABLE have been set at the same time.
Error Message F28 S300/S700: Fieldbus Error
S400/S600: External Trajectory
S300/S700: see ASCII command reference
S400/S600: External position profile generator created a step, that exceeded the maximum value
Error Message F29 Slot/Fieldbus Error Depends on expansion card, see parameter ERRCODE
Error Message F30 Emergency Timeout Timeout Not Stop
Error Message F31 S400/S600: Macro Error
S700: Safety Supervision
S400/S600: Macro program error.
S700: Safety card supervision monitors an error (see file Error Codes). The safety card error code message is given in the display with:
oXX : Safety Error Number
iYY : Safety Error Subindex
Error Message F32 System Error system software not responding correctly

About this Article

5.8 Устранение ошибок

В зависимости от условий в вашей установке, возникающие неисправности могут быть вызваны раз-

личными причинами.

Возникающие сбои и неисправности устраняйте соблюдая правила техники без-

опасности. К устранению неисправностей допускаются только квалифицированные и

проинструктированные специалисты.

Подробное описание причин ошибок и рекомендации по их устранению можно найти в



Возможные причины

Сообщение об

Используется неправильный кабель

ошибке «Непо-

Кабель вставлен в неправильный разъем

ладка при

на сервоусилителе или ПК

обмене дан-

Выбран неправильный интерфейс ПК


Двигатель не вра-

Сервоусилитель не разблокирован


Программное обеспечение не раз-


Обрыв сигнального кабеля (отсутствие


Перепутаны фазы двигателя

Тормоз не отпущен

Привод механически заблокирован

Число полюсов двигателя установлено


Система обратной связи настроена непра-


Двигатель виб-

Слишком большой коэфф. усиления (регу-


лятор частоты вращения)

Экран кабеля обратной связи оборван

Клемма AGND не подключена

Привод сооб-

Установлено слишком низкое значение

щает о погреш-

Irms или Ipeak


Уставка темпа разгона / торможения слиш-


ком высокая

Двигатель слиш-

Установлено слишком высокое значение

ком сильно нагре-

Irms или Ipeak



Коэффициент усиления Kp (регулятор

жесткость регу-

частоты вращения) слишком мал

лирования при-

Интегральная составляющая Tn (регу-


лятор частоты вращения) слишком велика

ARLPF/ARHPF/ARLP2 слишком высокий

Привод вра-

Коэффициент усиления Kp (регулятор

щается неровно

частоты вращения) слишком велик

Интегральная составляющая Tn (регу-

лятор частоты вращения) слишком мала

ARLPF/ARHPF/ARLP2 слишком низкий

Дрейф оси при

Смещение аналоговой уставки подогнано

уставке = 0 В


Клемма AGND не соединена с CNC-GND

Help. Наш отдел автоматизации поможет вам в решении проблем.

S700 Safety Guide | 5   Русский


Использовать нуль-модемный


вставить кабель в правильные

разъемы на сервоусилителе и ПК

Выбрать правильный интерфейс

Подать разрешающий сигнал


Подать программное разрешение

Проверить сигнальный кабель

Правильно подключить фазы дви-


Проверить устройство управления


Проверить механическую часть

Установить параметр «полюсов


Правильно настроить обратную


Уменьшить параметр Kp (регу-

лятор частоты вращения)

Заменить кабель обратной связи

Соединить AGND с CNC-GND

Увеличить Irms или Ipeak (Учи-

тывать параметры двигателя!)

Уменьшить темп разгона / тор-


Уменьшить Irms или Ipeak

Увеличить параметр Kp (регу-

лятор частоты вращения)

Установить Tn (регулятор частоты

вращения) по умолчанию



Уменьшить параметр Kp (регу-

лятор частоты вращения)

Установить Tn (регулятор частоты

вращения) по умолчанию


Подогнать смещение уставки (ана-

логовый вход/выход)

Соединить AGND и CNC-GND

Kollmorgen | wiki-kollmorgen.eu | February 2017


Kollmorgen S700 Series Instruction Manual

  • Contents

  • Table of Contents

  • Troubleshooting

  • Bookmarks

Quick Links


Digital Servo Amplifier S748x2…S772x2 (STO dual channel)

Instructions Manual

Edition: July 2019,

Translation of the original document

Valid for Hardware Revision 02.30

For safe and proper use, follow

these instructions.

Keep them for future reference.


Related Manuals for Kollmorgen S700 Series

Summary of Contents for Kollmorgen S700 Series

  • Page 1
    S700 Digital Servo Amplifier S748x2…S772x2 (STO dual channel) Instructions Manual Edition: July 2019, Translation of the original document Valid for Hardware Revision 02.30 For safe and proper use, follow these instructions. Keep them for future reference.
  • Page 2
    Technical changes which improve the performance of the device may be made without prior notice! This document is the intellectual property of Kollmorgen. All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced in any form (by photocopying, microfilm or any other method) or stored, processed, copied or distributed by electronic means without the written permission of Kollmorgen.
  • Page 3: Table Of Contents

    7.3 Motor holding brake 7.4 LED display 7.5 Grounding system 7.6 Dynamic braking (brake circuit) 7.7 Switch-on and switch-off behavior 7.7.1 Behavior in standard operation 7.7.2 Behavior in the event of an error (with standard setting) Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | July 2019…

  • Page 4
    9.8.1 Connection to various mains supply networks 9.8.2 Mains supply connection (X0) 9.8.3 24V auxiliary supply (X4) 9.9 DC bus link (X8) 9.9.1 DC Bus topology 9.9.2 External brake resistor (X8) 9.9.3 Capacitor Module KCM (X8) Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | July 2019…
  • Page 5
    9.18 EtherNet interface (X7) 9.19 Memory card 10 Setup 10.1 Important notes 10.2 Setup software 10.2.1 Use as directed 10.2.2 Software description 10.2.3 Hardware requirements, operating systems 10.2.4 Installation under WINDOWS 10.3 Quickstart, initial drive test Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | July 2019…
  • Page 6 Connection diagram digital inputs and outputs, connector X21A 11.1.7 Expansion card — FB-2to1 — Pinout Wiring example with BiSS digital (primary) and SinCos (secondary) 11.1.8 Expansion module -2CAN- Installation Connection technology Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | July 2019…
  • Page 7
    12.2 Order codes 12.2.1 Servo amplifiers 12.2.2 Memory Card 12.2.3 Expansion cards Covers for Option Slots Slot 1 Slot 2 Slot 3 12.2.4 Mating connectors 13 Index 14 Record of Document Revisions Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | July 2019…
  • Page 8
    S748-772 Instructions Manual | — / — Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | July 2019…
  • Page 9: Table Of Contents

    Technical data and dimensional drawings of accessories such as cables, brake resistors, mains supplies, etc., can be found in the accessories manual. This documentation (PDF) can be printed out on any standard commercial printer. More background information can be found in our «Kollmorgen Developer Network» kdn.koll- morgen.com.

  • Page 10: Symbols Used

    Warning of danger from suspended loads. Warning of danger from automatic start. Drawing symbols Symbol Description Symbol Description Signal ground Diode Chassis ground Relay Protective earth Relay switch off delayed Resistor Normally open contact Fuse Normally closed contact Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | July 2019…

  • Page 11: Standards Used

    IEC 82079 Preparation of instructions for use — Structuring, content and presentation UL 840 UL Standard for Safety for Insulation Coordination UL 508C UL Standard for Safety Power Conversion Equipment IEC: International Electrotechnical Commission ISO: International Organization for Standardization UL: Underwriters Laboratories Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | July 2019…

  • Page 12: Abbreviations Used

    Safe limited speed Safe operating stop SRAM Static RAM Safe stop Safe operational stop Synchronous serial interface Safe speed range Safe Torque Off V AC AC voltage V DC DC voltage Verein deutscher Elektrotechniker Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | July 2019…

  • Page 13: Safety

    The devices contain electrostatically sensitive components which may be damaged by incor- rect handling. Electrostatically discharge your body before touching the device. Avoid con- tact with highly insulating materials (artificial fabrics, plastic film etc.). Place the device on a conductive surface. Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | July 2019…

  • Page 14
    Thermal sensors, motor holding brakes and feedback systems built into the connected motor must have reinforced insulation (according to IEC61800-5-1) against system components with power voltage, according to the required application test voltage. All Kollmorgen com- ponents meet these requirements.
  • Page 15: Warning Notes Placed On The Product

    S748-772 Instructions Manual | 3   Safety 3.2 Warning notes placed on the product S748/772 Residual Voltage. Wait 10 minutes after removing power. If these signs are damaged, they must be replaced immediately. Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | July 2019…

  • Page 16: Use As Directed

    2000V. For the cases of DC input power for single and group installations S700 has not been evaluated by Kollmorgen, UL, or TÜV for replacing AC mains input with DC input — for either single or group installations.

  • Page 17: Prohibited Use

    Low Voltage Directive. The control of holding brakes by the S700 alone may not be used in applications, where func- tional safety is to be ensured with the brake. Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | July 2019…

  • Page 18: Product Life Cycle Handling

    There is a danger of serious personal injury or death by electrical shock or electrical arcing. Switch off the main switch of the switchgear cabinet. Secure the system against restarting. Block the main switch. Wait at least 10 minutes after disconnecting. Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | July 2019…

  • Page 19: Maintenance And Cleaning

    80 °C (176 °F). Before touching the device, check the temperature and wait until it has cooled below 40 °C (104 °F). 3. Remove the connectors. Disconnect the potential earth connection last. 4. Demount: loosen the fastening screws. Remove the device. Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | July 2019…

  • Page 20: System Repair

    In accordance with the WEEE-2012/19/EC guideline and similar, the manufacturer accepts returns of old devices and accessories for professional disposal. Transport costs are the responsibility of the sender. Contact Kollmorgen and clarify the logistics. Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | July 2019…

  • Page 21: Approvals

    Supply circuit protection: Model Fuse class Rating Voltage/SCCR Max. Fuse Rating S7480 RK5, CC, J, T 600VAC 200kA S7720 RK5, CC, J, T 600VAC 200kA For use on a solidly grounded wye source only. Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | July 2019…

  • Page 22: Ce Conformance

    Any divergence from the configuration and installation described in this documentation means that you will be responsible for carrying out new measurements to ensure con- formance with regulatory requirements. Kollmorgen declares the conformity of the products S748 and S772 with the following dir- ectives EC Machinery Directive 2006/42…

  • Page 23: Functional Safety Conformance According To Ec Machinery Directive

    The device does not contain any substances (CMR substances, PBTsubstances, vPvB sub- stances and similar hazardous substances stipulated in individual cases based on scientific criteria) above 0.1 mass percent per product that are included on the candidate list. Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | July 2019…

  • Page 24: Conformance With Eac

    Customs Union (Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan) similar to the European CE mark. Kollmorgen declares, that the device has passed all required conformity procedures in a mem- ber state of the Eurasian Customs Union, and that the device meets all technical require-…

  • Page 25: Package

    S748-772 Instructions Manual | 6   Package 6 Package 6.1 Package supplied When an amplifier from the S700 series is ordered (order numbers (➜ # 159)), the following is supplied: Servo amplifier S700 with shielding plate and shield clamps Product Safety Guide S700 (printed)

  • Page 26: Part Number Scheme

    Expansion card Controlled Fan in Slot 2 Expansion card Controlled Fan in Slot 2 PosI/O expansion card in Slot 3 Safety Card S2-2 in Slot 3 Standard (EtherCAT&CANopen onboard) Standard (EtherCAT&CANopen onboard) no customer specific specials no customer specific specials Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | July 2019…

  • Page 27: Technical Description

    Interference suppression filters are integrated for the electrical supply feed and the 24 V auxiliary supply voltage (with motor cable 10 m for C2 as per IEC 61800-3, with motor cable > 10 m for C3 as per IEC 61800-3). Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | July 2019…

  • Page 28
    2 programmable digital inputs/outputs (direction selectable) (➜ # 100) Programmable logical combinations of digital signal 1 input Enable (➜ # 100) 2 inputs STO Enable (➜ # 101) 2 STO-Status Outputs (➜ # 102) Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | July 2019…
  • Page 29
    More information can be found in our KDN Makro-Programming. 62.5μs / 250μs / 1ms / 4ms / 16ms / IDLE / IRQ 128 kByte memory IEC 61131 structured text 400 easy instructions every 62.5 μs CAN objects for multi axis control Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | July 2019…
  • Page 30: Technical Data

    Mechanical data Weight Weight Coldplate Version (S7480C, S7480A) 10.4 Height, without/with connectors & shielding plate 386/505 Width Depth, without/with connectors 244/285 * In case of mains voltage below 300V, set parameters NONBTB=3 and VBUSBAL=1. Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | July 2019…

  • Page 31: Inputs, Outputs, Aux. Voltage Supply

    X0 with 35mm² wire 4.5 Nm X3A,B Cage clamps Cage clamps X8 with up to 25mm² wire 2.5 Nm X8 with 35mm² wire 4.5 Nm Cage clamps, Mounting flange: 0,5 Nm Grounding bolt 3.5 Nm Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | July 2019…

  • Page 32: Fusing

    Make sure that there is sufficient forced ventilation within the switchgear cabinet. Kollmorgen requirements for servo amplifiers with Coldplate: Flatness of the mounting (cooling) plate: ≤ 25 μm / 100 mm Mains voltage Max. thermal Max.

  • Page 33: Conductor Cross-Sections

    To reach functional safety with the max. permitted cable length, observe cable requirements (➜ # 63) * Kollmorgen North America supplies cables up to 39 meters, Europe up to max. length Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | July 2019…

  • Page 34: Motor Holding Brake

    (see motor manual), the matching data are loaded from the motor database when the motor is selected. A description of the interface can be found on page (➜ # 73). Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | July 2019…

  • Page 35: Led Display

    External brake resistor (RBe), S772 Continuous brake power (RBe) * Kollmorgen recommends setting VBUSBAL=4 in case of 480 V mains supply, with this set- ting the optimized calculation method is used. Suitable external brake resistors can be found in our accessories manual.

  • Page 36: Switch-On And Switch-Off Behavior

    The chapter “Safety function STO” describes how to use the STO function. See (➜ # 41) onwards. Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | July 2019…

  • Page 37: Behavior In Standard Operation

    (➜ # 41) . In case of a built-in safety card, wait for the Ready Acknowledge (X30 Pin 16) of the safety card before enabling the servo amplifier again. Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | July 2019…

  • Page 38: Behavior In The Event Of An Error (With Standard Setting)

    (ACTFAULT=1). In case of a built-in safety card, wait for the Ready Acknowledge (X30 Pin 16) of the safety card before enabling the servo amplifier again. Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | July 2019…

  • Page 39: Stop-, Emergency Stop-, Emergency Off Function To Iec 60204

    If applicable, the Stop function must signal its status to the control logic. A reset of the Stop function must not create a hazardous situation. Examples for implementation can be found in the KDN on page Stop and Emergency Stop Function. Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | July 2019…

  • Page 40: Emergency Stop

    This results in a category 0 stop. If this stop category is not possible in the applic- ation, then the Emergency Off function must be replaced by other measures (for example by protection against direct touching). Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | July 2019…

  • Page 41: Safety Function Sto

    STO1/2 Enable single channel PLd, Cat.3 SIL CL 2 7.05E-08 STO1-Enable+ dual channel PLd, Cat.3 SIL CL 2 7.05E-08 STO2-Enable STO1-Enable+ dual channel + PLe, Cat.4 SIL CL 3 1.38E-09 STO2-Enable+ periodical STO-Status testing Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | July 2019…

  • Page 42: Safety Notes

    1. Brake the drive in a controlled manner (velocity setpoint = 0V) 2. When speed = 0 rpm, disable the servo amplifier (enable = 0V) 3. If there is a suspended load, block the drive mechanically 4. Activate STO (STO1-Enable and STO2-Enable = 0V) Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | July 2019…

  • Page 43: Use As Directed

    20 V..30 V Input current 33 mA – 40 mA (Ieff) Peak current 100 mA (Is) Response time STO1: 1 ms (falling edge at STO input until energy supply STO2: 2 ms to motor is interrupted) Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | July 2019…

  • Page 44: Pinout

    S748-772 Instructions Manual | 7   Technical description 7.9.8 Pinout To achieve PLe / SIL CL3, the safe switching of the pulse inhibitor must be tested peri- odically by analyzing the status signal from a safety control. Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | July 2019…

  • Page 45: Functional Description

    If STO function is not needed in the application, then the inputs STO1-ENABLE and STO2- ENABLE must be connected directly with +24VDC. STO is passed by now and cannot be used. Now the servo amplifier is not a safety component referring to the EC Machine Dir- ective. Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | July 2019…

  • Page 46: Safe Operation Sequence

    3. If there is a suspended load, block the drive mechanically 4. Activate STO (STO1-Enable and STO2-Enable = 0V) The diagram shows how STO should be used to ensure a safe stop of the drive and error free operation of the servo amplifier. Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | July 2019…

  • Page 47: Control Circuit Single Channel Sil2/Pld (Example)

    Pilz. The use of safety switch gears of other manufacturers is possible, if these also ful- fill the SIL CL2 according to IEC 62061 and PLd according to ISO 13849-1. Consider the wiring instructions (➜ # 43). Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | July 2019…

  • Page 48: Control Circuit Dual Channel Sil2/Pld (Example)

    Pilz. The use of safety switch gears of other manufacturers is possible, if these also fulfill the SIL CL2 according to IEC 62061 and PLd according to ISO 13849-1. Consider the wiring instructions (➜ # 43). Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | July 2019…

  • Page 49: Control Circuit Dual Channel Sil3/Ple (Example)

    ISO 13849-1. Further information to the safety controllers are available from Pilz. The use of safety controlelrs of other manufacturers is possible, if these also fulfill the SIL CL3 according to IEC 62061 and PLe according to ISO 13849-1. Consider the wiring instructions (➜ # 43) Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | July 2019…

  • Page 50: Mains Supply Circuit (Example)

    2. Method: 1. Stop all drives, with setpoint 0V, disable servo amplifier (Enable=0V). 2. Activate STO1-Enable and STO2-Enable e.g. by opening protective screen (voltage at X4/7=0V and X4/5=0V). Correct behavior: the servo amplifier displays -S-. Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | July 2019…

  • Page 51: Sil Cl3 / Ple Dual Channel Control

    STO1-STATUS: digital output, switching state of pulse STO2-STATUS: digital output, switching state of pulse inhibitor 1st switch-off path inhibitor 2nd switch-off path Start: Start of test sequence T1 bis T5: Test sequence End: End of test sequence Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | July 2019…

  • Page 52: Shock-Hazard Protection

    50 to 300 mA Protection against «indirect contact» for stationary equipment Recommendation: In order to protect against direct contact (with motor cables shorter than 5 m) Kollmorgen recommends that each drive be protected individually using a 30 mA RCD which is sensitive to all currents.

  • Page 53: Mechanical Installation

    EMC-compliant (EMI) shielding and grounding (➜ # 67). Grounding Earth (ground) the mounting plate, motor housing and CNC-GND of the con- Shielding trols. Notes on connection techniques (➜ # 62). Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | July 2019…

  • Page 54: Dimensions

    S748-772 Instructions Manual | 8   Mechanical Installation 8.3 Dimensions 8.3.1 Device with heat sink Material: four M5 hexagon socket screws to ISO 4762 Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | July 2019…

  • Page 55: Device With Coldplate

    S748-772 Instructions Manual | 8   Mechanical Installation 8.3.2 Device with Coldplate These devices are not UL listed and are not EAC and Safety certified. Material: six M5 hexagon socket screws to ISO 4762 Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | July 2019…

  • Page 56: Assembly

    S748-772 Instructions Manual | 8   Mechanical Installation 8.4 Assembly 8.4.1 Mounting the shielding plate Material: unscrew existing screws and re-use them Tool required : standard screw driver (cross) Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | July 2019…

  • Page 57: Backplane Mounting — Devices With Heat Sink

    S748-772 Instructions Manual | 8   Mechanical Installation 8.4.2 Backplane mounting — devices with heat sink Material: five M5 hexagon socket screws to ISO 4762 Tool required : 4 mm Allen key Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | July 2019…

  • Page 58: Backplane Mounting — Devices With Coldplate

    Material: six M5 hexagon socket screws to ISO 4762 Ambient requirements see (➜ # 32), mounting plate flatness:≤ 25 μm / 100 mm Heat conducting film to increase the heat conduction, e.g. Kunze KU-CG20. Tool required : 4 mm Allen key Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | July 2019…

  • Page 59: Electrical Installation

    The servo amplifier’s status must be monitored by the PLC to acknowledge critical situ- ations. Wire the BTB/RTO contact in series into the emergency off circuit of the installation. The emergency off circuit must operate the supply contactor. Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | July 2019…

  • Page 60: Guide To Electrical Installation

    31), hints for use of residual-current circuit breakers (FI) (➜ # 52) 12. Connect PC (➜ # 104). Final check of the implementation of the wiring, according to the wiring dia- Final check grams which have been used. Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | July 2019…

  • Page 61: Wiring

    (➜ # 138) -2CAN-: (➜ # 140) Expansion cards for slot 2: PosI/O & PosI/O-Monitor: (➜ # 143) Expansion cards for slot 3: PosI/O & PosI/O-Monitor: (➜ # 152) Safety Cards: (➜ # 153) Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | July 2019…

  • Page 62: Shielding Connection To The Front Panel

    Wire the plug-in terminal blocks as shown in the connection diagram. The motor cable shield is connected via a shield connection clamp to the bottom shield- ing plate (3). Clamp and shielding plate are part of delivery. Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | July 2019…

  • Page 63: Technical Data For Connecting Cables

    Feedback cable less than 120 pF/m Example: Motor cable: Technical data For a detailed description of Kollmorgen cable types and how to assemble them, please refer to the accessories manual. Chokes With motor cables longer than 25m the use of a motor choke 3YLN may be necessary depending on the system.

  • Page 64: Components Of A Servo System

    Cables drawn bold are shielded. Electrical ground is drawn with dash-dotted lines. Optional devices are connected with dashed lines to the servo amplifier. The required accessories are described in our accessories manual. STO function is deactivated in the example. Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | July 2019…

  • Page 65: Block Diagram

    S748-772 Instructions Manual | 9   Electrical Installation 9.5 Block diagram The block diagram below just provides an overview. Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | July 2019…

  • Page 66: Connector Assignments

    S748-772 Instructions Manual | 9   Electrical Installation 9.6 Connector assignments Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | July 2019…

  • Page 67: Connection Diagram (Overview)

    S748-772 Instructions Manual | 9   Electrical Installation 9.7 Connection diagram (Overview) Reference Safety Instructions (➜ # 13) and Use As Direct (➜ # 16) ! Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | July 2019…

  • Page 68: Voltage Supply

    S748-772 Instructions Manual | 9   Electrical Installation 9.8 Voltage supply 9.8.1 Connection to various mains supply networks An isolating transformer is required for 400V to 480V networks that are asymmetrically grounded or not grounded as shown below. Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | July 2019…

  • Page 69: Mains Supply Connection (X0)

    9.8.3 24V auxiliary supply (X4) External 24V DC power supply, electrically isolated, e.g. via an isolating transformer Required current rating (➜ # 31) Integrated EMC filter for the 24V auxiliary supply Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | July 2019…

  • Page 70: Dc Bus Link (X8)

    Servo amplifiers working generatively very often, should be placed beside amplifiers, which need energy. That reduces current flow on longer distances. Fusing information are explained in detail in the KDN on page «DC Bus link in parallel». Wiring example with external brake resistor Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | July 2019…

  • Page 71: Dc Bus Topology

    Brake circuit and technical data: (➜ # 34). If you want to link the DC bus with neighbored S748/772 servo amplifiers, see connection example in chapter «DC Bus link». Screw driver for plus-minus-screws (Combiprofile Slotted/Pozidriv) size 2 Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | July 2019…

  • Page 72: Capacitor Module Kcm (X8)

    S748-772 Instructions Manual | 9   Electrical Installation 9.9.3 Capacitor Module KCM (X8) The KCM modules (KOLLMORGEN Capacitor Module) absorb energy gen- erated by the motor when it is operating in generator mode. Normally, this energy is dissipated as waste via brake resistors. KCM modules, however, feed the energy they have stored back into the DC Bus link as and when it is required.

  • Page 73: Motor Connection

    With Kollmorgen motors the valid data are automatically set by the internal motor database. With motors from other manufacturers the data from the nameplate must be entered to the refer- ring fields in the motor view of the setup software DriveGUI.

  • Page 74: Motor Holding Brake Connection (X8, X9)

    GEARMODE Screen page ELECTRONIC GEARING, encoder control (➜ # 94) in the setup software. Scaling and other settings must always be made here. For a detailed description of the ASCII parameters, please refer to the DRIVEGUI.EXE Online-Help. Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | July 2019…

  • Page 75: Primary And Secondary Feedback Types

    2) BiSS C support for Renishaw encoders, Hengstler encoders are not supported. The expansion card FB2to1 (➜ # 138) enables simultaneous connection of a digital primary feedback and of an analog secondary feedback to the connector X1. Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | July 2019…

  • Page 76: Sfd3 (X1), Single Cable Connection

    S748-772 Instructions Manual | 9   Electrical Installation 9.12.1 SFD3 (X1), single cable connection Connection of the Kollmorgen feedback system SFD3 (primary, (➜ # 74)). SFD3 can be used only with the special Kollmorgen hybrid cable ) (on request). Maximum cable length 25 m.

  • Page 77: Hiperface Dsl (X1), Single Cable Connection

    S748-772 Instructions Manual | 9   Electrical Installation 9.12.2 HIPERFACE DSL (X1), single cable connection Connection of HIPERFACE DSL feedback (primary, (➜ # 74)). HIPERFACE DSL can be used only with the special Kollmorgen hybrid cable ) (on request). Maximum cable length 25 m. FBTYPE: 35 The pin assignment shown on the motor side relates to the AKM motors (connector code D).

  • Page 78: Resolver (X2)

    X2 and evaluated there. If cable lengths of more than 100 m are planned, please consult our customer service. FBTYPE: 0 The pin assignment shown on the motor side relates to the AKM motors (connector code D). Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | July 2019…

  • Page 79: Sine Encoder With Biss Analog (X1)

    Frequency limit (sin, cos): 350 kHz Type FBTYPE EXTPOS GEARMODE 5V analog (BiSS B) 5V +/-5% 12V analog (BiSS B) 7.5…11V The pin assignment shown on the motor side relates to the AKM motors. Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | July 2019…

  • Page 80: Encoder With Biss Digital (X1)

    FBTYPE EXTPOS GEARMODE 5V digital (BiSS B) 5V +/-5% 12V digital (BiSS B) 7,5…11V 5V digital (BiSS C, Renishaw) 5V +/-5% The pin assignment shown on the motor side relates to the AKM motors. Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | July 2019…

  • Page 81: Sine Encoder With Endat 2.1 (X1)

    50 m are planned, please consult our customer service. Frequency limit (sin, cos): 350 kHz Type FBTYPE EXTPOS GEARMODE ENDAT 2.1 ENDAT 2.1 + Wake&Shake The pin assignment shown on the motor side relates to the AKM motors. Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | July 2019…

  • Page 82: Encoder With Endat 2.2 (X1)

    If cable lengths of more than 50 m are planned, please consult our customer service. Frequency limit: 1,5MHz Type FBTYPE EXTPOS GEARMODE 5V ENDAT 2.2 5V +/-5% 12V ENDAT 2.2 7,5…11V The pin assignment shown on the motor side relates to the AKM motors. Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | July 2019…

  • Page 83: Sine Encoder With Hiperface (X1)

    If cable lengths of more than 50 m are planned, please consult our customer service. Frequency limit (sin, cos): 350 kHz Type FBTYPE EXTPOS GEARMODE HIPERFACE The pin assignment shown on the motor side relates to the AKM motors. Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | July 2019…

  • Page 84: Sine Encoder With Ssi (X1)

    50 m are planned, please consult our customer service. Frequency limit (sin, cos): 350 kHz Type FBTYPE EXTPOS GEARMODE SinCos SSI 5V linear Switch on supply voltage for the encoder at X1: set ENCVON to 1. Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | July 2019…

  • Page 85: Sine Encoder Without Data Channel (X1)

    350 kHz Type FBTYPE EXTPOS GEARMODE Remarks SinCos 5V 5V +/-5% MPHASE from EEPROM SinCos 12V 7.5…11V MPHASE from EEPROM SinCos 5V 5V +/-5% MPHASE wake & shake SinCos 12V 7.5…11V MPHASE wake & shake Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | July 2019…

  • Page 86: Sine Encoder With Hall (X1)

    All signals are connected to X1 and evaluated there. If cable lengths of more than 25 m are planned, please consult our customer service. Frequency limit (sin, cos): 350 kHz Type FBTYPE EXTPOS GEARMODE SinCos 5V mit Hall 5V +/-5% SinCos 12V mit Hall 7.5…11V Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | July 2019…

  • Page 87: Rod (Aquadb) 5V, 1.5Mhz (X1)

    If cable lengths of more than 50 m are planned, please consult our customer service. Frequency limit (A, B): 1,5MHz Type FBTYPE EXTPOS GEARMODE Remarks AquadB 5V MPHASE from EEPROM AquadB 5V MPHASE with wake & shake Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | July 2019…

  • Page 88: Rod (Aquadb) 5V, 350Khz (X1)

    Frequency limit (A, B): 350 kHz Type FBTYPE EXTPOS GEARMODE Remarks AquadB 5V MPHASE from EEPROM AquadB 5V MPHASE with wake & shake The pin assignment shown on the motor side relates to the AKM motors. Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | July 2019…

  • Page 89: Rod (Aquadb) 5V, 350Khz With Hall (X1)

    (➜ # 86), but the amplifier’s pinout is identical to the wiring diagram shown below. Frequency limit (A,B): 350 kHz Type FBTYPE EXTPOS GEARMODE AquadB 5V + Hall The pin assignment shown on the motor side relates to the AKM motors. Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | July 2019…

  • Page 90: Rod (Aquadb) 24V (X3)

    The thermal control in the motor is connected to X1 or X2. If cable lengths of more than 25 m are planned, please consult our customer service. Frequency limit: 100 kHz, transition time tv ≤ 0.1μs Type FBTYPE EXTPOS GEARMODE Remarks AquadB 24V MPHASE from EEPROM AquadB 24V MPHASE with wake & shake Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | July 2019…

  • Page 91: Rod (Aquadb) 24V With Hall (X3, X1)

    The thermal control in the motor is connected to X1 and evaluated there. If cable lengths of more than 25 m are planned, please consult our customer service. Frequency limit X3: 100 kHz, X1: 350 kHz Type FBTYPE EXTPOS GEARMODE AquadB 24V + Hall Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | July 2019…

  • Page 92: Ssi Absolute Encoder (X1)

    Frequency limit: 1.5MHz Resolution/turn: max. 16 Bit Turns: max. 16 Bit Anschluss eines synchron seriellen Multiturn-Absolutgebers als Rückführeinheit (primär oder Gebertyp FBTYPE EXTPOS GEARMODE Versorgungsspannung des Gebers auf X1 einschalten: ENCVON auf 1 setzen. Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | July 2019…

  • Page 93: Hall Sensors (X1)

    The thermal control in the motor is connected to X1 and evaluated there. If cable lengths of more than 25 m are planned, please consult our customer service. Frequency limit: 350 kHz Type FBTYPE EXTPOS GEARMODE Hall Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | July 2019…

  • Page 94: Electronic Gearing, Master-Slave Operation

    Wiring GEARMODE limit diagram SSI 5V 1,5 MHz (➜ # 146) ROD* (AquadB) 5V 1,5 MHz (➜ # 148) Step/direction 5V 1,5 MHz (➜ # 148) * ROD is an abbreviation for incremental encoder Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | July 2019…

  • Page 95: Connection To Stepper Motor Controllers (Step And Direction)

    Wiring of the servo amplifier to a stepper-motor controller with a 24 V signal level. The digital inputs DIGITAL-IN 1 and 2 on connector X3 are used. Frequency limit: 100 kHz Control GEARMODE Step/direction 24V Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | July 2019…

  • Page 96: Master-Slave Operation

    If an expansion card PosI/O or PosI/O-Monitor (➜ # 143) is built-in, you can use the encoder emulation via X5. With this interface up to 16 Slaves can be connected to one Master, because no internal ter- mination resistors are built-in with X5. Wiring (➜ # 148). Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | July 2019…

  • Page 97: Encoder Emulation, Position Output

    The drivers operate off an internal supply voltage. The maximum permissible cable length is 100 meters. Connections and signals for the incremental encoder interface : Default count direction: UP when the motor shaft is rotating clockwise (looking at the shaft’s end) Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | July 2019…

  • Page 98: Ssi Encoder Output (X1)

    The drivers operate off an internal supply voltage. Connection and signals for the SSI interface : Default count direction: UP when the motor shaft is rotating clockwise (looking at the end of the motor shaft) Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | July 2019…

  • Page 99: Digital And Analog Inputs And Outputs

    Positive voltage between terminal X3B/12 (+ ) and terminal X3B/11 ( — ) To reverse the direction of rotation, swap the connections to terminals X3B/10-X3B/9 or X3B/12-X3B/11 respectively, or change the COUNT DIRECTION parameter in the “Feed- back” screen page. Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | July 2019…

  • Page 100: Digital Inputs (X3A, X3B, X4)

    If an input was freshly assigned to a pre-programmed function, then the data set must be saved in the EEPROM of the servo amplifier and a reset has to be carried out (with the amp- lifier setup software for example). Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | July 2019…

  • Page 101: Connector X4

    Failsafe braking of the drive, if required, must be provided by means of an additional mech- anical brake, since electrical braking by the drive is no longer possible. You can find further information and connection examples (➜ # 43)ff. Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | July 2019…

  • Page 102: Digital Outputs (X3A, X3B, X4)

    STO1/2-Status : PLC compatible (IEC 61131-2 type 1), max. 100mA BTB/RTO : Relay output, max. 30V DC or 42V AC, 0.5A Update rate : 250 µs * DIGITAL-OUT 1/2 must be defined as outputs using the setup software (“Digital I/O” screen page). Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | July 2019…

  • Page 103: Connectors X3A, X3B

    Pin 6 and 8 on X4 report the status of the STO-Enable inputs. The outputs are floating out- puts, so the 24 V switching voltage must be provided by an external supply via X3A/8. Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | July 2019…

  • Page 104: Rs232 Interface, Pc Connection (X6)

    X6, are separated onto two connectors (➜ # 140). Interface cable between the PC and servo amplifiers of the S700 series: (View : looking at the solder side of the SubD sockets on the cable)

  • Page 105: Can-Bus Interface (X6)

    (Characteristic impedance 150 ± 5Ω => terminating resistor 150 ±  5Ω). For EMC reasons, the SubD connector housing must fulfill the following requirements: metal or metalized housing provision for cable shielding connection on the housing, large-area connection Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | July 2019…

  • Page 106: Ethernet Interface (X7)

    OFF = repeater off, power off or reset Pinout Signal Signal Transmit + Receive + Transmit — Receive — Receive + Transmit + n.c. n.c. n.c. n.c. Receive — Transmit — n.c. n.c. n.c. n.c. Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | July 2019…

  • Page 107: Memory Card

    The parameter file can also be loaded automatically on a restart. If a parameter file with the name “default.par” has already been saved on the memory card, it will be loaded by the firm- ware at this point. This allows automatic updating of firmware and parameters. Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | July 2019…

  • Page 108: Setup

    The setting up of any expansion card that may be fitted is described in the corresponding manual on the CD-ROM. We can provide further know-how through training courses (on request). Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | July 2019…

  • Page 109: Setup Software

    The setup software is intended to be used for altering and saving the operating parameters for the S700 series of servo amplifiers. The attached servo amplifier can be set up with the help of this software, and during this procedure the drive can be controlled directly by the service functions.

  • Page 110: Hardware Requirements, Operating Systems

    Connection to the serial interface of the PC: Connect the interface cable to a serial interface on your PC (COM1 to COM10) and to the serial interface of the servo amplifier S700 (➜ # 104). Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | July 2019…

  • Page 111: Quickstart, Initial Drive Test

    Operating Manual Safety Expansion Card Sx PROFIBUS DP Fieldbus Interface Manual DeviceNet Fieldbus Interface Manual sercos® Fieldbus Interface Manual You need Acrobat Reader to read the PDFs, an installation link is on every screen of the product CD-ROM. Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | July 2019…

  • Page 112
    S748-772 Instructions Manual | 10   Setup Minimum Wiring for Drive Test This wiring does not fulfill any requirements to safety or functionality of your application, it just shows the required wiring for drive testing without load. Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | July 2019…
  • Page 113: Connect

    Quit the error message. The software starts in the offline mode now, that requires the manual selection of the amplifier’s type. Quit this selection by closing the window. Fix the com- munication problem. Restart the software in Online mode. Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | July 2019…

  • Page 114: Important Screen Elements

    Save to EEPROM, required if you changed parameters. Reset, required if you changed configuration parameters. Operation Mode, use «0: Digital Velocity» mode for drive testing. Status Bar The status bar shows a green Online symbol, indicating that the communication works. Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | July 2019…

  • Page 115: Setup Wizard

    Name: You can enter a name for the servo amplifier (up to 8 characters). This simplifies the drive identification in the system. Set Software Enable on Bootup: Do not select this option for the quick test. Click NEXT. Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | July 2019…

  • Page 116: Units/Mechanical

    Set the mechanical data for you application now. If a gearhead is flange-mounted on the motor, you must also enter the gearhead data (either the number of teeth or the ratio of the revolutions). Then click the “Calculate conversion factors and return” button. Click NEXT. Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | July 2019…

  • Page 117: Motor (Rotary) And Feedback

    Brake: If the amplifier shall control a brake, change the Brake parameter to «With» Calculated quick tuning: If you know the Load-to-motor inertia ratio, enter the number here and select the desired servo performance. Otherwise select «Do not tune». Click FINISH. Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | July 2019…

  • Page 118: Save Parameters And Restart

    Actual errors and warnings are listed on the screen «Status». A description of errors and warn- ings can be found in the Online-Help or on page (➜ # 123) ff. Now you have setup and tested the basic functions of the drive successfully. Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | July 2019…

  • Page 119: More Setup Screens

    Oscilloscope: 4 channel oscilloscope with multiple functionality Bode Plot: Tool for optimizing the drive Terminal: Setup the servo amplifier with ASCII commands Expansion Card: Depending on the built-in expansion card a menu appears Autotuning: Fast tuning of the velocity controller Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | July 2019…

  • Page 120: Multi Axis System

    Normally, the S700 only presents the standard menu for your use. If you want to oper- ate the amplifier via the detailed menu, you must keep the right key pressed while switching on the 24V supply. Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | July 2019…

  • Page 121: Operation

    : decrease number by ten press and hold right key, then press left key as well : enter a number, return function name 10.5.2 Status display 10.5.3 Standard menu structure Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | July 2019…

  • Page 122: Advanced Menu Structure

    S748-772 Instructions Manual | 10   Setup 10.5.4 Advanced menu structure To operate the amplifier via the detailed menu, you must keep the right key pressed while switching on the 24 V supply. Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | July 2019…

  • Page 123: Error Messages

    Fieldbus Error Communication disturbed, see ASCII object reference, ERRCODE* Emergency Timeout Timeout emergency stop Safety Supervision Safety card error. Error code follows: oXX=error number, iYY=error subindex F32* System Error System software not responding correctly Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | July 2019…

  • Page 124: Warning Messages

    Firmware is an unreleased beta version More information to the messages can be found in the ASCII Object Reference (online help ), see parameter STATCODE. Hints for removal can be found in section «Trouble-Shooting» of the online help. Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | July 2019…

  • Page 125: Trouble Shooting

    ARLP2 too low increase ARLP2 Axis drifts at offset not correctly adjusted for analog adjust setpoint-offset (analog I/O) setpoint = 0V setpoint provision AGND not joined to the CNC-GND of join AGND and CNC-GND the controls Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | July 2019…

  • Page 126: Expansions

    S748-772 Instructions Manual | 11   Expansions 11 Expansions Information about availability and order numbers see (➜ # 159). 11.1 Expansion cards for slot 1 11.1.1 Guide to installation of expansion cards in slot 1 Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | July 2019…

  • Page 127: Expansion Card -I/O-14/08

    24V auxiliary supply is available for the expansion card. The red LED signals faults in the outputs from the expansion card (overload of switching components, short-circuit). Entering a motion block number (example) Motion block number binary 1010 1110 decimal 174 Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | July 2019…

  • Page 128: Connector Assignments

    Can only be adjusted by ASCII commands PosReg4 Can only be adjusted by ASCII commands PosReg5 Can only be adjusted by ASCII commands 24V DC Supply voltage for output signals. I/O-GND Digital GND for the control system. Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | July 2019…

  • Page 129: Connection Diagram (Default)

    S748-772 Instructions Manual | 11   Expansions Connection diagram (default) Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | July 2019…

  • Page 130: Expansion Card -Profibus

    The supply voltage for the expansion card is provided by the servo amplifier. Connection technology Cable selection, cable routing, shielding, bus connector, bus termination and transmission times are all described in the “Installation Guidelines for PROFIBUS-DP/FMS” from PNO, the PROFIBUS User Organization. Connection diagram Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | July 2019…

  • Page 131: Expansion Card -Sercos

    The fiber optic cable carrying receive data for the drive in the ring structure is connected to X13 with an F-SMA connector. Transmit data Connect the fiber optic cable for the data output to X14 by F-SMA connector. Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | July 2019…

  • Page 132: Connection Diagram

    The parameters can be modified in the setup software, “SERCOS” screen (please refer to the setup software the Online Help). Alternatively, the commands SBAUD # and SLEN # can be entered in the “Terminal” screen. Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | July 2019…

  • Page 133: Expansion Card — Devicenet

    “DeviceNet Communication Profile”. Connection technology, Connection diagram Cable selection, cable routing, shielding, bus connector, bus termination and transmission times are all described in the “DeviceNet Specification, Volume I, II”, published by ODVA. Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | July 2019…

  • Page 134: Combined Module Status And Network Status Led

    0 and 2. This is normally carried out with the help of a DeviceNet soft- ware setup tool. You must save the parameters in non-volatile memory (Class 0x25, Attribute 0x65) and then restart the drive after altering the baud rate. Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | July 2019…

  • Page 135: Bus Cable

    Termination resistors: DeviceNet requires a termination at each end of the connecting cable. These resistors must meet the following requirements: 120 Ω, 1% metal-film, ¼ W Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | July 2019…

  • Page 136: Expansion Card -Synqnet

    BLINK = repeater on, network not cyclic OFF = repeater off, power off, or reset SynqNet Connection, Connector X21B / X21C (RJ-45) Connection to the SynqNet network via RJ-45 connectors (IN and OUT ports) with integrated LEDs. Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | July 2019…

  • Page 137: Digital Inputs And Outputs, Connector X21A (Subd 15-Pin, Socket)

    OUT_00 digital output OUT_02 digital output IN_02 digital input IN_03 digital input NEGLIM limit switch, negative direction NODEDISABLE disables Node Connection diagram digital inputs and outputs, connector X21A Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | July 2019…

  • Page 138: Expansion Card — Fb-2To1

    B- (cosine) n.c. SENSE+ A- (sine) n.c. n.c. +5V DC +5V DC (300mA) DATA B+ (cosine) n.c. SENSE- Temperature Sensor Motor A+ (sine) CLOCK n.c. Sense 0V n.c. Sense +5V DATA Temperature Sensor Motor CLOCK Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | July 2019…

  • Page 139: Wiring Example With Biss Digital (Primary) And Sincos (Secondary)

    S748-772 Instructions Manual | 11   Expansions Wiring example with BiSS digital (primary) and SinCos (secondary) Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | July 2019…

  • Page 140: Expansion Module -2Can

    If the servo amplifier is the last device on the CAN bus, then the switch for the bus ter- mination must be set to ON. Otherwise, the switch must be set to OFF (condition as delivered). Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | July 2019…

  • Page 141: Kollmorgen | Kdn.kollmorgen.com | July

    ADDR nn => SAVE => COLDSTART (with nn = address) CBAUD bb => SAVE => COLDSTART (with bb = baud rate in kBaud) Coding of the Baud rate in LED display: Coding Baud rate in kBit/s Coding Baud rate in kBit/s 1000 Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | July 2019…

  • Page 142: Expansion Cards For Slot 2

    The fan is switched on and off or runs with 50% rated speed depending on temperature. That reduces the average noise emission. Switching temperature Monitoring Fan off Fan ~50% Fan on Ambient temperature < 55°C ~ 58°C > 65°C Heat sink temperature < 58°C ~ 68°C > 80°C Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | July 2019…

  • Page 143: Expansion Cards «Posi/O» & «Posi/O-Monitor

    This expansion card provides the features of the PosI/O card plus an extra connector X3C with analog +/-10V Inputs and Outputs (see chapter «Analog I/O» (➜ # 151)). Functionality can be set with the setup software or with macro functions. Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | July 2019…

  • Page 144: Feedback

    Frequency limit (A, B, N): 1.5 MHz Type FBTYPE EXTPOS/Gearmode ENCMODE Remarks AquadB 5V MPHASE from EEPROM AquadB 5V MPHASE with wake&shake Switch on supply voltage for the encoder at X1: set ENCVON to 1 Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | July 2019…

  • Page 145: Rod (Aquadb) 5V With Hall (X5, X1)

    The power supply for the encoder and thermal control in the motor is connected to X1 and evaluated there. If cable lengths of more than 25m are planned, please consult our customer service. Frequency limit X5: 1.5 MHz, X1: 350 kHz Type FBTYPE EXTPOS GEARMODE ENCMODE AquadB 5V with Hall Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | July 2019…

  • Page 146: Ssi Encoder (X5, X1)

    If cable lengths of more than 50m are planned, please consult our customer service. Frequency limit: 1.5 MHz Type FBTYPE EXTPOS GEARMODE ENCMODE Switch on supply voltage for the encoder at X1: set ENCVON to 1 Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | July 2019…

  • Page 147: Sine Encoder With Ssi (X5, X1)

    All signals are connected using our pre-assembled encoder connection cable. If cable lengths of more than 50m are planned, please consult our customer service. Frequency limit (sin, cos): 350 kHz Type FBTYPE EXTPOS GEARMODE ENCMODE SinCos SSI 5V linear Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | July 2019…

  • Page 148: Electronic Gearing, Master-Slave Operation (X5) Connection to stepper motor controllers with 5 V signal level (X5) Wiring of the servo amplifier (SubD connector X5) to a stepper-motor controller with a 5 V sig- nal level. Frequency limit: 1,5 MHz Type FBTYPE EXTPOS GEARMODE Step/Direction 5V Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | July 2019…

  • Page 149: Encoder-Emulation (X5)

    The maximum permissible cable length is 100 meters. Connections and signals for the incremental encoder interface : Default count direction: UP when the motor shaft is rotating clockwise (view at shaft’s end) Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | July 2019…

  • Page 150: Ssi Encoder Output (X5)

    SSI-evaluation with the setup software. The drivers operate off an internal supply voltage. Connection and signals for the SSI interface: Default count direction: UP when the motor shaft is rotating clockwise (view at shaft’s end) Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | July 2019…

  • Page 151: Analoge Inputs And Outputs

    Differential input voltage max. ±10 V Resolution 1.25 mV, 16 bits, scalable Ground reference AGND, terminal X3C/23 Input resistance 20 kΩ Common-mode voltage range for both inputs ± 10 V Update rate 62.5 μs Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | July 2019…

  • Page 152: Expansion Cards For Slot 3

    The “PosI/O” and «PosI/O-Monitor» expansion cards can be pushed into slot 2 or 3. The expansion cards cannot be combined and the use of only one slot in time is allowed. Detailed description of the interfaces (➜ # 143). Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | July 2019…

  • Page 153: Expansion Card «Safety 2-2» (S4)

    The SDI function ensures that the drive can only move in one (defined) direction. Safety Notes S2-2 Comply with the operating instructions for the safety card. You can find the operating instruc- tions on the CD-ROM provided with the product or on the Kollmorgen website. Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | July 2019…

  • Page 154: Wiring Supply Voltage 24 V For Digital Outputs

    Programmable, activate safety function X Ready Message «Safety card is ready to operate» n.c. n.c. n.c. n.c. n.c. n.c. Reset Input for Reset 0V Supply 0V supply of digital outputs 0V Supply 0V supply of digital outputs Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | July 2019…

  • Page 155: Expansion Card «Safety 1-2» (S3) Safety NotesS1-2 Comply with the operating instructions for the safety card. You can find the operating instruc- tions on the CD-ROM provided with the product or on the website. Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | July 2019…

  • Page 156: External Encoder S1-2

    O Control external brake — STO SIL CL3 O Output single SS1 SIL CL3/Reset Input for SIL CL3 and Reset 0V Supply 0V supply of digital outputs 0V Encoder Supply 0V supply of external encoder Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | July 2019…

  • Page 157: Appendix

    Data packet with all the position control parameters which are required for a motion task Multi-axis system Machine with several independently driven axes Natural convection Free movement of air for cooling Optocoupler Optical connection between two electrically independent systems Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | July 2019…

  • Page 158
    Thermal control Temperature-sensitive device built into the motor wind- ing (usually PTC) Tn, I-integration time Integral component of a control loop Zero pulse Output once per turn from incremental encoder, used to zero the machine Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | July 2019…
  • Page 159: Order Codes

    US order code option built Slot 3) Servo amplifier S74802-NANAF2 S74802-NANAF2 Servo amplifier S77202-NANAF2 S77202-NANAF2 12.2.2 Memory Card Article EU order code US order code Industrial Memory Card DE-201257 not available (can remain in the drive) Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | July 2019…

  • Page 160: Expansion Cards

    EU order code US order code Mating connectors X3A DE-200447 CON-S7X3A Mating connectors X3B DE-200448 CON-S7X3B Mating connectors X3C DE-200957 CON-S7X3C Mating connectors X4 DE-201241 CON-S7X4 Mating connectors X9A DE-201194 CON-S7X9A Mating connectors X9B DE-201193 CON-S7X9B Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | July 2019…

  • Page 161: Index

    Ground symbol Grounding Connection diagram REACH Installation RoHS Grounding system Connection diagram, overview Connector assignments Connectors Hall sensors Hardware requirements Hiperface Encoder, interface Humidity DC bus link, interface Decommission Devicenet bus cable Dimensions Disassemble Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | July 2019…

  • Page 162
    Option «F2» 142, 152 SSI Emulation X1 Order codes SSI Emulation X5 Outputs Standards Analog-Out 1/2 Step/Direction 24V at X3 BTB/RTO Step/Direction 5V at X1 Digital-Out 1/2 Step/Direction 5V at X5 STO, Safe Torque Off Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | July 2019…
  • Page 163
    Switch-on and switch-off behavior Symbols used System components, Overview Technical data Tightening torques Transport Trouble shooting Use as directed Servo amplifier Setup Software Ventilation Installation Techn.Data Vibrations Warning messages Warning notes placed on the product Wiring Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | July 2019…
  • Page 164
    S748-772 Instructions Manual | 13   Index — / — Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | July 2019…
  • Page 165: Record Of Document Revisions

    Connector X1 corrected (male->female), HR table updated, layout of the warning notes updated, user expertise updated, new readers note on cover page, Wiki replaced by KDN 07/2019 CE Conformity (RoHS), dc bus link (examples), layout updates Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | July 2019…

  • Page 166
    If you are unaware of your local sales representative, please contact the Customer Support. Join the Kollmorgen Developer Network for product support. Ask the community questions, search the knowledge base for answers, get downloads, and suggest improvements.

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Ввод в эксплуатацию

S748-S772 Руководство по эксплуатации



Предупредительные сообщения

Возникающие неполадки, которые не приводят к отключению выходного каскада усилителя

(контакт BTB остается замкнутым), отображаются на светодиодном индикаторе на передней

панели в виде номера предупреждения.




E / P

Сообщение о состоянии Сообщение о состоянии, ошибок нет,

стр. 114

. . .

Сообщение о состоянии Усилитель обновляет пусковую конфигурацию

Сообщение о состоянии Сообщение о состоянии, ошибок нет, режим


— S —

Вход STO-Enable

Вход STO-Enable = 0 В (если привод заблокирован)



Превышен порог извещения для I²t


Тормозная мощность

Достигнута установленная тормозная мощность




Превышен установленный диапазон погрешности



Контроль обмена


Активен контроль обмена данными (полевая шина)


Фаза сети

Фаза сети отсутствует


Программный конечный

выключатель 1

Превышение значения программного конечного

выключателя 1


Программный конечный

выключатель 2

Превышение значения программного конечного

выключателя 2


Ошибка рабочего цикла Запущен ошибочный рабочий цикл


Отсутствует „0“-позиция При запуске рабочего цикла не была задана „0“-позиция



Задействован конечный выключатель PSTOP



Задействован конечный выключатель NSTOP


Загружены параметры

двигателей по умолчанию



: в датчике и усилителе

сохранены различные номера двигателей, загружены

параметры двигателей по умолчанию


Плата расширения

Источник питания 24 В для платы расширения

входов/выходов не в порядке



Угол коммутации синус/косинус-датчика (wake & shake) не

определен, при разблокированном усилителе

и выполнении процедуры wake & shake сообщение не



Ошибка в таблице

Ошибка в таблице зависимости скорости от тока



Сводное предупреждение Сводное предупреждение для n17 – n31


Полевая шина Sync

Регистрация CAN Sync не выполнена


Превышение макс. кол-ва


Превышено макс. количество оборотов многооборотного



Темп разгона/торможения

в рабочем цикле был


Превышение диапазона значений для параметров

рабочего цикла



рабочий цикл

Недействительный рабочий цикл


Предупреждение от

программы ПЛК

Значение вытекает из программы ПЛК


Превышена температура


Предупреждение дает пользователю возможность

реагирования, прежде чем ошибка «Повышенная

температура двигателя» приведет к отключению




Достигнут порог предупреждения


Цифровые входы

Нелогичная конфигурация





Бета-версия фирменного


Версия фирменного ПО не была разрешена

* = Эти предупредительные сообщения приводят к регулируемому останову привода (с

темпом аварийного торможения)

Дальнейшую информацию относительно сообщений можно найти в справочнике

по объектам формата ASCII (интерактивная справка), см. параметр STATCODE.

Информацию относительно устранения неполадок можно найти в разделе

«Устранение неполадок» (Trouble Shooting) интерактивной справки (

Online Help


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