Коды ошибок yamaha fjr 1300

Для владельцев ямах

инструкция  по диагностике R1, таже диагностика проходит и на других инжекторных ямахах отличия в кодах и тд смотрите в сервис мануалах

Процесс входа в режим диагностики:
1. Выключить зажигание. Выключить кнопку Start/Stop Engine (красная на правом пульте).
2. Нажать обе кнопки на приборке и ДЕРЖАТЬ ИХ.
3. Включить зажигание, держать кнопки после включения зажигания около 8 секунд.
4. Дождаться надписи DIAG.
5. Отпустить и нажать ОБЕ кнопки ВМЕСТЕ на приборке ещё раз на 2 сек., и отпустить.
6. Отобразится [d01]. Это первый диагностический показатель, показывает положение дросселей.
7. Кнопкой Select (верхняя) добраться до строки с номером [d60]. Эта ячейка показывает номер СУЩЕСТВУЮЩЕЙ на данный момент ошибки.
8. Посмотреть номер, стоящий напротив d61. Это номер ошибки В ПАМЯТИ «мозгов». Если ошибок несколько, они показываются попеременно.
Все ячейки диагностики выше 60 — и есть строки диагностики каждого из компонентов в отдельности. Подробнее — смотри НИЖЕ.

Для стирания ошибки из памяти системы заходишь на строку d62 и включаешь кнопку стоп-двигателя на правом пульте.

При входе в режим диагностике на дисплее отображается ячейка [d01].
Нажимая кнопку Select (верхняя) нужно перейти к показателю [d60] (самодиагностика в реальном времени) и [d61] (память ошибок) и посмотреть число рядом. Число рядом и есть номер ошибки, которую запомнил «мозг».
А все остальные числа от [d01] и до [d60] — это показатели различных датчиков (например [d01] -это положение ручки газа в процентах на данный момент, покрути и всё поймёшь).

Показатели (тестирование по датчикам включением стоп-двигателя):
d01 = положение ручки газа (крутить ручку газа)
d02 = атмосферное давление (абсолютное, в процентах)
d03 = разряжение во впуске (датчик в корпусе воздушного фильтра, в процентах)
d05 = температура воздуха во впуске (датчик в корпусе воздушного фильтра, номинал в процентах я так понимаю)
d06 = температура охлаждающей жидкости на данный момент
d07 = датчик скорости (показатель)
d08 = датчик падения (угла наклона)
d09 = напряжение на бензонасосе (тестируется включением стоп-двигателя)
d20 = боковая подножка (on/off) — тестирование работает только при выключенной нейтрали
d21 = датчик нейтрали (on/off)
d30 = катушка на 1 цилиндре (при включении кнопки стоп-двигателя производится тестирование катушки по 5 импульсов, сопутствует характерный звук, с одновр. морганием лампы Check Engine)
d31 = катушка на 2 цилиндре (при включении кнопки стоп-двигателя производится тестирование катушки по 5 импульсов, сопутствует характерный звук, с одновр. морганием лампы Check Engine)
d32 = катушка на 3 цилиндре (при включении кнопки стоп-двигателя производится тестирование катушки по 5 импульсов, сопутствует характерный звук, с одновр. морганием лампы Check Engine)
d33 = катушка на 4 цилиндре (при включении кнопки стоп-двигателя производится тестирование катушки по 5 импульсов, сопутствует характерный звук, с одновр. морганием лампы Check Engine)
d36 = форсунка 1 цилиндра (при включении кнопки стоп-двигателя производится тестирование форсунки по 5 импульсов, сопутствует характерный звук, с одновр. морганием лампы Check Engine)
d37 = форсунка 2 цилиндра (при включении кнопки стоп-двигателя производится тестирование форсунки по 5 импульсов, сопутствует характерный звук, с одновр. морганием лампы Check Engine)
d38 = форсунка 3 цилиндра (при включении кнопки стоп-двигателя производится тестирование форсунки по 5 импульсов, сопутствует характерный звук, с одновр. морганием лампы Check Engine)
d39 = форсунка 4 цилиндра (при включении кнопки стоп-двигателя производится тестирование форсунки по 5 импульсов, сопутствует характерный звук, с одновр. морганием лампы Check Engine)
d48 = AI клапан. (при включении кнопки стоп-двигателя производится тестирование клапана, 5 импульсов, сопутствует характерный звук, с одновр. морганием лампы Check Engine)
d50 = силовое реле инжектора и системы зажигания (тестируется так же кнопкой стоп-двигатель)
d51 = реле включения вентилятора охлаждения (тестируется так же кнопкой стоп-двигатель)
d52 = реле головного света (фар) (тестируется так же кнопкой стоп-двигатель)
d53 = тестирование мотора сервопривода EXUP (тестируется так же кнопкой стоп-двигатель, показывает значение в углах)
d56 = сервопривод вторичных заслонок (тестируется так же кнопкой стоп-двигатель, показывает значение в углах)
d60 = ошибка работы коммутатора (коды отображаются поочерёдно, перечень кодов ошибок коммутатора ниже)
d61 = записанный в память код ошибки
d62 = стирание записанных в память кодов ошибок
d70 = отображает код работающей программы (0-255)

Расшифровка показателя строки d60 (найденные самодиагностикой нарушения в работе датчиков):

11 = нет сигнала с датчика определения цилиндра
12 = нет сигнала с датчика положения коленвала
13 = ошибочный сигнал с датчика разряжения (в корпусе воздушного фильтра)
14 = неверный сигнал с датчика абсолютного давления
15 = ошибка датчика полоджеия дроссельных заслонок
16 = зафиксирована ошибка заклинивания датчика положения дроссельных заслонок
17 = зафиксирована ошибка датчика положения сервопривода EXUP
18 = ошибка заклинивания сервопривода EXUP
19 = короткое замыкание на блоке управления двигателем при нажатии кнопки запуска
20 = при включении кнопки стоп-двигателя обнаружена ошибка напряжения (большая разница показателей) на датчиках абсолютного давления и разряжения
21 = неисправность датчика температуры двигателя
22 = неисправность датчика температуры во впуске
23 = неисправность (короткое замыкание) датчика абсолютного давления
30 = зафиксировано срабатывание датчика падения (мотоцикл падал)
33 = короткое замыкание на управляющем проводе катушки зажигания 1 цилиндра
34 = короткое замыкание на управляющем проводе катушки зажигания 2 цилиндра
35 = короткое замыкание на управляющем проводе катушки зажигания 3 цилиндра
36 = короткое замыкание на управляющем проводе катушки зажигания 4 цилиндра
41 = неисправность или короткое замыкание на датчике падения
42 = отсутствие или ошибочный сигнал с датчика скорости
43 = ошибка измерения напряжения бортовой сети (короткое замыкание в проводке)
44 = неисправность блока управления двигателем
46 = нет напряжения на блоке инжектора
47 = ошибка сервопривода вторичных заслонок (обнаружено короткое замыкание или неисправность датчика)
48 = заклинивание или короткое замыкание в сервоприводе вторичных заслонок дросселя
50 = ошибка блока управления двигателем, невозможно прочитать ошибку
Er1 = нет сигнала от блока управления двигателем
Er2 = нет ответа от блока управления двигателем
Er3 = ошибка сигнала от блока управления двигателем
Er4 = неизвестный сигнал от блока управления двигателем

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  • Page 1
    OWNER’S MANUAL FJR1300AS 2D2-28199-E1…
  • Page 2
    EAU26943 DECLARATION of CONFORMITY Company: MORIC CO., LTD. Address: 1450-6 Mori Mori-Machi Shuchi-gun Shizuoka 437-0292 Japan Hereby declare that the product: Kind of equipment: IMMOBILIZER Type-designation: 5SL-00 is in compliance with following norm(s) or documents: R&TTE Directive(1999/5/EC) EN300 330-2 v1.1.1(2001-6), EN60950-1(2001) Two or Three-Wheel Motor Vehicles Directive(97/24/EC: Chapter 8, EMC) Place of issue: Shizuoka, Japan Date of issue: 1 Aug.
  • Page 3
    Yamaha a reputation for dependability. Please take the time to read this manual thoroughly, so as to enjoy all advantages of your FJR1300AS. The owner’s manual does not only instruct you in how to operate, inspect and maintain your motorcycle, but also in how to safeguard yourself and others from trouble and injury.
  • Page 4: Important Manual Information

    This manual should be considered a permanent part of this motorcycle and should remain with it even if the motorcycle is subsequently sold. Yamaha continually seeks advancements in product design and quality. Therefore, while this manual contains the most current product information available at the time of printing, there may be minor discrepancies between your motorcycle and this manual.

  • Page 5
    IMPORTANT MANUAL INFORMATION EAU10200 FJR1300AS OWNER’S MANUAL ©2006 by Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd. 1st edition, November 2006 All rights reserved. Any reprinting or unauthorized use without the written permission of Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd. is expressly prohibited. Printed in Japan.
  • Page 6: Table Of Contents

    TABLE OF CONTENTS SAFETY INFORMATION ….1-1 Accessory box ……3-26 Removing and installing panels ..6-6 Adjusting the headlight beams ..3-26 Checking the spark plugs ….6-8 DESCRIPTION ……..2-1 Handlebar position ……. 3-27 Engine oil and oil filter cartridge ..6-9 Left view ……….2-1 Opening and closing the Final gear oil ……..

  • Page 7
    TABLE OF CONTENTS Lubricating the swingarm pivots …6-24 Lubricating the rear suspension …6-24 Checking the front fork ….6-24 Checking the steering ….6-25 Checking the wheel bearings ..6-26 Battery ……….6-26 Replacing the fuses ……6-27 Headlight bulb ……6-29 Front turn signal light ….6-29 Replacing a rear turn signal light bulb or a tail/brake light bulb ..6-29 Replacing the license plate…
  • Page 8: Safety Information

    SAFETY INFORMATION EAU10281 AND/OR WHEN MADE NECES- • Ride where other motorists can SARY BY MECHANICAL CONDI- see you. Avoid riding in another MOTORCYCLES SINGLE TIONS. motorist’s blind spot. TRACK VEHICLES. THEIR SAFE USE Many accidents involve inexperi- AND OPERATION ARE DEPENDENT Safe riding enced operators.

  • Page 9
    Modifications made to this motorcycle other motorists can see you. the single most critical factor in the pre- not approved by Yamaha, or the re- The posture of the operator and vention or reduction of head injuries. moval of original equipment, may ren- passenger is important for proper Always wear an approved helmet.
  • Page 10
    Maximum load: been specifically designed for use on create instability due to improper 208 kg (459 lb) this motorcycle. Since Yamaha cannot weight distribution or aerody- test all other accessories that may be namic changes. If accessories When loading within this weight limit,…
  • Page 11
    SAFETY INFORMATION tor and may limit control ability, Always turn the engine off before or clothing, immediately wash the therefore, such accessories are leaving the motorcycle unattended affected area with soap and water not recommended. and remove the key from the main and change your clothes.
  • Page 12: Description

    DESCRIPTION EAU10410 Left view 1. Accessory box (page 3-26) 9. YCC-S clutch fluid reservoir (page 6-20) 2. Front fork spring preload adjusting bolt (page 3-28) 10.Shock absorber assembly spring preload adjusting lever (page 3-30) 3. Front fork rebound damping force adjusting knob (page 3-28) 11.Air filter element (page 6-14) 4.

  • Page 13: Right View

    DESCRIPTION EAU10420 Right view 1. Storage compartment (page 3-25) 9. Shock absorber assembly rebound damping force adjusting knob (page 3-30) 2. Fuel tank cap (page 3-19) 10.Rear brake fluid reservoir (page 6-20) 3. Fuse box (page 6-27) 4. Windshield (page 3-15) 5.

  • Page 14: Controls And Instruments

    DESCRIPTION EAU10430 Controls and instruments 1. Rear view mirror (page 3-28) 9. Throttle grip (page 6-15) 2. Left handlebar switches (page 3-15) 10.Main switch/steering lock (page 3-3) 3. Tachometer (page 3-7) 11.Headlight beam adjusting knob (page 3-26) 4. Speedometer (page 3-7) 12.Grip warmer adjusting knob (page 3-31) 5.

  • Page 15: Instrument And Control Functions

    Immobilizer system This is not an automatic transmission, This vehicle features the YCC-S only the clutch system is automatic. (Yamaha Chip Controlled-Shift) sys- The gears must be shifted by the rider. tem. The basic function of this system allows the rider to shift gears without the use of a clutch lever.

  • Page 16
    Do not expose any key to exces- a Yamaha dealer to have them re-reg- sively high temperatures. istered. Do not use the key with the red Do not place any key close to bow for driving.
  • Page 17: Main Switch/Steering Lock

    INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL FUNCTIONS EAU10471 EAU26811 To lock the steering Main switch/steering lock All electrical circuits are supplied with power; the meter lighting, taillights, li- cense plate light and auxiliary lights come on, and the engine can be start- ed. The key cannot be removed. NOTE: The headlights come on automatically when the engine is started and stay on…

  • Page 18: Indicator And Warning Lights

    INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL FUNCTIONS To unlock the steering EAU39460 EAU11003 (Parking) Indicator and warning lights The steering is locked, and the tail- lights, license plate light and auxiliary lights are on. The hazard lights and turn signal lights can be turned on, but all other electrical systems are off.

  • Page 19
    Stop the vehicle when it is safe to do so, Even if the oil level is sufficient, the have a Yamaha dealer check the self- and park it away from traffic. Have a warning light may flicker when riding on diagnosis system.
  • Page 20
    ABS may be defective. Yamaha dealer check the electrical cir- then while rotating the rear wheel, push If this occurs, have a Yamaha dealer cuit. the shift pedal rod and pivot forward un- til the transmission is in the neutral po- check the system as soon as possible.
  • Page 21: Speedometer

    INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL FUNCTIONS EAU11601 EAU11872 EAU40532 Speedometer Tachometer Multi-function display 1. Tachometer 1. Tachometer 1. Multi-function display 2. Speedometer 2. Tachometer red zone 2. “SELECT” button 3. Multi-function display 3. “RESET” button The electric tachometer allows the rider The speedometer shows the riding EWA14430 to monitor the engine speed and keep it WARNING…

  • Page 22
    INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL FUNCTIONS a fuel reserve tripmeter (which Odometer and tripmeter modes distance traveled from that point. In that shows the distance traveled on the case, pushing the “SELECT” button fuel reserve) switches the display between the vari- a clock ous tripmeter and odometer modes in a fuel meter the following order:…
  • Page 23
    INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL FUNCTIONS Clock Fuel meter will start flashing. If this occurs, have a Yamaha dealer check the electrical cir- cuit. Coolant temperature meter 1. Clock 1. Fuel meter 2. “SELECT” button The fuel meter indicates the amount of 3.
  • Page 24
    INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL FUNCTIONS ECA10020 Ambient temperature, instanta- Ambient temperature mode CAUTION: neous fuel consumption and aver- fuel consumption modes Do not operate the engine if it is (except for the UK) overheated. Transmission gear display 1. Ambient temperature This display shows the ambient tem- perature from –9 °C to 50 °C in 1 °C in- 1.
  • Page 25
    INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL FUNCTIONS The accuracy of the temperature When the display is set to “L/100 The average fuel consumption display reading may be affected when km”, the amount of fuel necessary can be set to either “AV_ _._ km/L” or riding slowly (approximately under to travel 100 km under the current “AV_ _._ L/100 km”.
  • Page 26
    50 °C will not be displayed. If there is a malfunction, “– –.–” will Air → MPG → AV_ _._ MPG → Air The accuracy of the temperature be displayed. Have a Yamaha dealer reading may be affected when check the vehicle. Ambient temperature mode riding slowly [approximately under 20 km/h (12.5 mi/h)] or when…
  • Page 27
    When the average fuel consumption such an error code, note the code num- mode is selected, the display flashes ber, and then have a Yamaha dealer for five seconds, and then “AV_ _._ check the vehicle. MPG” (average distance that can be traveled using 1.0 Imp.gal of fuel) is dis-…
  • Page 28: Anti-Theft Alarm (Optional)

    If the multi-function display indicates two-digit error code when the key is any error codes, note the code number, turned to “ON”. and then have a Yamaha dealer check the vehicle. NOTE: If the multi-function display indicates er- ror code 52, this could be caused by transponder interference.

  • Page 29: Handlebar Switches

    INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL FUNCTIONS EAU12347 Right position. To cancel the turn signal Handlebar switches lights, push the switch in after it has re- turned to the center position. Left EAU12493 Windshield position adjusting switch “ ” To move the windshield up, push this switch in direction (a).

  • Page 30
    INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL FUNCTIONS EAU12500 EAU12733 EAU40381 Horn switch “ ” Hazard switch “ ” Hand shift control switch Press this switch to sound the horn. With the key in the “ON” or “ ” posi- tion, use this switch to turn on the haz- EAU12660 ard lights (simultaneous flashing of all Engine stop switch “…
  • Page 31: Shift Pedal

    INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL FUNCTIONS and release this switch after start- EAU40492 Shift pedal ing the engine to enable hand shifting. 1. Shift pedal 2. Bolt 1. Shift pedal 3. Standard position This vehicle is equipped with a con- 2. Move the shift pedal to the desired stant-mesh 5-speed transmission.

  • Page 32: Hand Shift Lever

    INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL FUNCTIONS EAU40481 EAU26822 EAU39540 Hand shift lever “ ”/“ ” Brake lever Brake pedal The brake lever is located at the right handlebar grip. To apply the front brake, pull the lever toward the handle- bar grip. 1.

  • Page 33: Abs

    This ABS has a test mode which EAU13072 Fuel tank cap allows the owner to experience the The Yamaha ABS (Anti-lock Brake pulsating at the brake lever or System) features a dual electronic con- brake pedal when the ABS is oper- trol system, which acts on the front and ating.

  • Page 34: Fuel

    Avoid spilling fuel on the hot en- Your Yamaha engine has been de- gine. signed to use regular unleaded gaso- line with a research octane number of 91 or higher.

  • Page 35: Fuel Tank Breather/Overflow Hose

    INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL FUNCTIONS or premium unleaded fuel. Use of un- EAU39450 EAU13441 Fuel tank breather/overflow Catalytic converter leaded fuel will extend spark plug life hose This vehicle is equipped with catalytic and reduce maintenance costs. converters in the exhaust system. EWA10860 WARNING The exhaust system is hot after op-…

  • Page 36: Seats

    INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL FUNCTIONS EAU39491 Seats Passenger seat To remove the passenger seat 1. Insert the key into the seat lock, and then turn it counterclockwise. 1. Projection 1. Rider seat lock lever 2. Seat holder 2. Rider seat 2. Remove the key. To install the rider seat 1.

  • Page 37: Adjusting The Rider Seat Height

    INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL FUNCTIONS 2. Install the passenger seat. EAU39632 Adjusting the rider seat height NOTE: The rider seat height can be adjusted to Make sure that the seats are prop- one of two positions to suit the rider’s erly secured before riding. preference.

  • Page 38
    INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL FUNCTIONS 6. Align the projection on the bottom of the rider seat with the “H” posi- tion slot, and then push the rear of the seat down to lock it in place as shown. 1. Rider seat height position adjuster 1.
  • Page 39: Storage Compartment

    208 kg (459 lb) for the ve- tion slot, and then push the rear of hicle. the seat down to lock it in place as shown. 1. Storage compartment 2. Yamaha CYCLELOK (optional) This storage compartment is designed 1. “L” position slot hold genuine Yamaha CYCLELOK.

  • Page 40: Accessory Box

    INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL FUNCTIONS EAU39480 ECA11800 EAU39610 Accessory box Adjusting the headlight CAUTION: The accessory box is located beside beams Do not place heat-sensitive items in the meter panel. The headlight adjusting knobs are used the accessory box. The accessory to raise or lower the height of the head- box gets extremely hot especially To open the accessory box…

  • Page 41: Handlebar Position

    The handlebars can be adjusted to one ings of three positions to suit the rider’s pref- The cowlings can be tilted back 30 mm erence. Have a Yamaha dealer adjust (1.18 in) for added ventilation to suit the the position of the handlebars. riding conditions.

  • Page 42: Rear View Mirrors

    INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL FUNCTIONS EAU39671 EAU14731 Rear view mirrors Adjusting the front fork The rear view mirrors of this vehicle can This front fork is equipped with spring be folded forward or backward for park- preload adjusting bolts, rebound damp- ing in narrow spaces.

  • Page 43
    INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL FUNCTIONS load thereby soften Rebound damping force Compression damping force suspension, turn the adjusting bolt on each fork leg in direction (b). NOTE: Align the appropriate groove on the ad- justing mechanism with the top of the front fork cap bolt.
  • Page 44: Adjusting The Shock Absorber Assembly

    INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL FUNCTIONS ECA10100 EAU14911 For riding solo, move the spring preload Adjusting the shock absorber CAUTION: adjusting lever in direction (b). For assembly riding with a passenger, move the Never attempt to turn an adjusting This shock absorber assembly is spring preload adjusting lever in direc- mechanism beyond the maximum or equipped with a spring preload adjust-…

  • Page 45: Grip Warmer Adjusting Knob

    Standard: formance. the engine is running. 12 click(s) in direction (b)* Always have a Yamaha dealer Maximum (hard): Use the grip warmer adjusting knob, lo- service the shock absorber. 3 click(s) in direction (b)*…

  • Page 46: Sidestand

    INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL FUNCTIONS EAU15301 below and have a Yamaha dealer re- NOTE: Sidestand pair it if it does not function proper- When the vehicle is stopped or travel- The sidestand is located on the left side ing at extremely low speeds (e.g., in of the frame.

  • Page 47: Ignition Circuit Cut-Off System

    Periodically check the operation of the ignition circuit cut-off system according to the following procedure. EWA10260 WARNING The vehicle must be placed on the centerstand during this in- spection. If a malfunction is noted, have a Yamaha dealer check the sys- tem before riding. 3-33…

  • Page 48
    The vehicle should not be ridden until With the engine still running: checked by a Yamaha dealer. 7. Move the sidestand up. 8. Keep the front or rear brake applied. 9. Shift the transmission into gear.
  • Page 49: Auxiliary Dc Jack

    INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL FUNCTIONS EAU39651 EWA14360 Auxiliary DC jack WARNING This vehicle is equipped with an auxilia- To prevent electrical shock or short- ry DC jack in the accessory box. circuiting, make sure that the cap is A 12-V accessory connected to the installed when the auxiliary DC jack auxiliary jack can be used when the key is not being used.

  • Page 50: Pre-Operation Checks

    PRE-OPERATION CHECKS EAU15592 The condition of a vehicle is the owner’s responsibility. Vital components can start to deteriorate quickly and unexpectedly, even if the vehicle remains unused (for example, as a result of exposure to the elements). Any damage, fluid leakage or loss of tire air pressure could have serious consequences.

  • Page 51: Pre-Operation Check List

    • If necessary, add recommended coolant to specified level. 6-13 • Check cooling system for leakage. • Check operation. • If soft or spongy, have Yamaha dealer bleed hydraulic system. • Check brake pads for wear. Front brake • Replace if necessary.

  • Page 52
    • Make sure that operation is smooth. • Check cable free play. Throttle grip 6-15, 6-22 • If necessary, have Yamaha dealer adjust cable free play and lubricate cable and grip housing. • Make sure that operation is smooth. Control cables 6-22 •…
  • Page 53: Operation And Important Riding Points

    Yamaha dealer check the electrical cir- ground and distract the opera- Never ride with the sidestand cuit. tor, resulting in a possible loss down.

  • Page 54: Shifting

    OPERATION AND IMPORTANT RIDING POINTS EAU40572 The gears can be shifted using either NOTE: Shifting the shift pedal or the hand shift lever. If the engine fails to start, release the The hand shift lever has to be enabled start switch, wait a few seconds, and by pressing the hand shift control then try again.

  • Page 55: Tips For Reducing Fuel Consumption

    OPERATION AND IMPORTANT RIDING POINTS Always return the throttle to the EAU16810 EAU16841 Tips for reducing fuel con- Engine break-in closed position while changing sumption There is never a more important period gears to avoid damaging the en- in the life of your engine than the period Fuel consumption depends largely on gine, transmission, and drive between 0 and 1600 km (1000 mi).

  • Page 56: Parking

    Yamaha dealer check the vehi- the main switch is still on, as the cle. clutch automatically disengag-…

  • Page 57: Periodic Maintenance And Minor Repair

    If you are not familiar with mainte- certain maintenance work correctly. nance work, have a Yamaha dealer do it for you. NOTE: If you do not have the tools or experi- ence required for a particular job, have a Yamaha dealer perform it for you.

  • Page 58: Periodic Maintenance And Lubrication Chart

    The annual checks must be performed every year, except if a kilometer-based maintenance is performed in- stead. From 50000 km, repeat the maintenance intervals starting from 10000 km. Items marked with an asterisk should be performed by a Yamaha dealer as they require special tools, data and technical skills. ODOMETER READING (× 1000 km)

  • Page 59
    PERIODIC MAINTENANCE AND MINOR REPAIR ODOMETER READING (× 1000 km) ANNUAL ITEM CHECK OR MAINTENANCE JOB CHECK √ √ √ √ 9 * Wheels • Check runout and for damage. • Check tread depth and for damage. • Replace if necessary. √…
  • Page 60
    PERIODIC MAINTENANCE AND MINOR REPAIR ODOMETER READING (× 1000 km) ANNUAL ITEM CHECK OR MAINTENANCE JOB CHECK • Change. √ √ √ √ √ √ Engine oil • Check oil level and vehicle for oil leakage. Engine oil filter car- √…
  • Page 61
    PERIODIC MAINTENANCE AND MINOR REPAIR Hydraulic brake and YCC-S clutch service • Regularly check and, if necessary, correct the brake and YCC-S clutch fluid levels. • Every two years replace the internal components of the brake master cylinders and calipers as well as YCC-S clutch master and release cylinders, and change the brake and YCC-S clutch fluids.
  • Page 62: Removing And Installing Panels

    PERIODIC MAINTENANCE AND MINOR REPAIR EAU18771 Removing and installing pan- The panels shown need to be removed to perform some of the maintenance jobs described in this chapter. Refer to this section each time a panel needs to be removed and installed. 1.

  • Page 63
    PERIODIC MAINTENANCE AND MINOR REPAIR EAU39601 Panel C To remove the panel 1. Remove the seats. (See page 3-22.) 2. Remove the bolt and the quick fas- tener screws, and then take the panel off. 1. Panel B 2. Install the seats. 2.
  • Page 64: Checking The Spark Plugs

    Do not attempt to diagnose 0.7–0.8 mm (0.028–0.031 in) such problems yourself. Instead, have a Yamaha dealer check the vehicle. Clean the surface of the spark plug If a spark plug shows signs of electrode gasket and its mating surface, and then…

  • Page 65: Engine Oil And Oil Filter Cartridge

    PERIODIC MAINTENANCE AND MINOR REPAIR EAU19881 2. Place an oil pan under the engine Engine oil and oil filter car- NOTE: to collect the used oil. The engine oil should be between the tridge 3. Remove the engine oil filler cap minimum and maximum level marks.

  • Page 66
    An oil filter wrench is available at a seated. 43 Nm (4.3 m·kgf, 31 ft·lbf) Yamaha dealer. 6. Install the new oil filter cartridge, 8. Add the specified amount of the 5. Apply a thin coat of engine oil to…
  • Page 67: Final Gear Oil

    If any page (since the engine oil also or remains on, immediately turn the leakage is found, have a Yamaha deal- lubricates the clutch), do not engine off and have a Yamaha dealer er check and repair the vehicle. In addi- mix any chemical additives.

  • Page 68
    PERIODIC MAINTENANCE AND MINOR REPAIR 2. Remove the oil filler bolt, and then Tightening torque: Tightening torque: check the oil level in the final gear Final gear oil filler bolt: Final gear oil filler bolt: case. 23 Nm (2.3 m·kgf, 17 ft·lbf) 23 Nm (2.3 m·kgf, 17 ft·lbf) NOTE: 6.
  • Page 69: Coolant

    PERIODIC MAINTENANCE AND MINOR REPAIR EAU20070 Coolant NOTE: The coolant should be between the The coolant level should be checked minimum and maximum level marks. before each ride. In addition, the cool- ant must be changed at the intervals specified in the periodic maintenance and lubrication chart.

  • Page 70: Air Filter Element

    Yamaha dealer change the coolant. in the periodic maintenance and lubri- coolant, have a Yamaha dealer cation chart. Have a Yamaha dealer check the antifreeze content of clean and replace the air filter element. the coolant as soon as possible, otherwise the effectiveness of the coolant will be reduced.

  • Page 71: Checking The Engine Idling Speed

    To prevent this checked as follows and, if necessary, from occurring, the valve clearance adjusted by a Yamaha dealer at the in- must be adjusted by a Yamaha dealer tervals specified in the periodic mainte- at the intervals specified in the periodic nance and lubrication chart.

  • Page 72: Tires

    PERIODIC MAINTENANCE AND MINOR REPAIR EAU21771 NEVER OVERLOAD Tire air pressure (measured on cold Tires MOTORCYCLE! Operation of an tires): To maximize the performance, durabil- overloaded motorcycle may re- 0–90 kg (0–198 lb): ity, and safe operation of your motor- Front: sult in tire damage, loss of con- cycle,…

  • Page 73
    Tire information glass fragments in it, or if the sidewall is Use only the tire valves and cracked, have a Yamaha dealer re- valve cores listed below to place the tire immediately. avoid tire deflation during a high-speed ride.
  • Page 74: Cast Wheels

    Always adjust the tire air pres- 180/55 ZR17M/C (73W) fore each ride. If any damage is Manufacturer/model: sure according to the operating found, have a Yamaha dealer re- METZELER/Roadtec Z6C conditions. BRIDGESTONE/BT020R place the wheel. Do not attempt FRONT and REAR:…

  • Page 75: Ycc-S Clutch

    If ified in the periodic maintenance and before each ride. If the YCC-S clutch necessary, have a Yamaha dealer ad- lubrication chart. plates wear out, shifting becomes just the brake light switch.

  • Page 76: Checking The Brake And Ycc-S Clutch Fluid Levels

    PERIODIC MAINTENANCE AND MINOR REPAIR cator groove has almost disappeared, EAU40591 YCC-S clutch Checking the brake and have a Yamaha dealer replace the YCC-S clutch fluid levels brake pads as a set. Front brake EAU22500 Rear brake pads 1. Minimum level mark…

  • Page 77: Changing The Brake And Ycc-S Clutch Fluids

    YCC-S clutch fluids 6-6.) stalling them. Have a Yamaha dealer change the Be careful that water or dust does Observe these precautions: brake and YCC-S clutch fluids at the in- not enter the brake and YCC-S…

  • Page 78: Checking And Lubricating The Cables

    If a cable is damaged maintenance chart. or does not move smoothly, have a Yamaha dealer check or replace it. Recommended lubricant: Engine oil EWA10720 WARNING…

  • Page 79: Checking And Lubricating The Brake Lever

    Recommended lubricant: EWA10740 Lithium-soap-based grease (all-pur- WARNING pose grease) If the centerstand or sidestand does not move up and down smoothly, have a Yamaha dealer check or re- pair it. Recommended lubricant: Lithium-soap-based grease (all-pur- pose grease) 6-23…

  • Page 80: Lubricating The Swingarm Pivots

    PERIODIC MAINTENANCE AND MINOR REPAIR EAUM1650 EAU23250 EAU23271 Lubricating the swingarm piv- Lubricating the rear suspen- Checking the front fork sion The condition and operation of the front fork must be checked as follows at the intervals specified in the periodic main- tenance and lubrication chart.

  • Page 81: Checking The Steering

    Securely support the vehicle so that fork does not operate smoothly, there is no danger of it falling over. have a Yamaha dealer check or re- pair it. 2. Hold the lower ends of the front fork legs and try to move them for- ward and backward.

  • Page 82: Checking The Wheel Bearings

    Batteries produce explosive hy- To charge the battery drogen gas. Therefore, keep Have a Yamaha dealer charge the bat- sparks, flames, cigarettes, etc., tery as soon as possible if it seems to away from the battery and pro- have discharged.

  • Page 83: Replacing The Fuses

    The main fuse, the fuse boxes and the CHILDREN. sealed-type (MF) battery charg- ABS motor fuse are located under pan- er, have a Yamaha dealer el A. (See page 6-6.) charge your battery. To store the battery 1. If the vehicle will not be used for…

  • Page 84
    2. Right radiator fan fuse 10.0 A 4. If the fuse immediately blows Hazard fuse: 3. Left radiator fan fuse again, have a Yamaha dealer 10.0 A 4. Hazard fuse check the electrical system. Fuel injection system fuse: 5. Backup fuse (for odometer, clock and immo- 15.0 A…
  • Page 85: Headlight Bulb

    If a front turn signal light does not come light bulb or a tail/brake light Yamaha dealer check its electrical cir- on, have a Yamaha dealer check its bulb cuit or replace the bulb. electrical circuit or replace the bulb.

  • Page 86: Replacing The License Plate Light Bulb

    PERIODIC MAINTENANCE AND MINOR REPAIR 6. Install the passenger seat. EAU24310 3. Remove the defective bulb by pull- Replacing the license plate ing it out. light bulb 4. Insert a new bulb into the socket. 1. Remove the license plate light unit 5.

  • Page 87: Auxiliary Light Bulb

    The following troubleshooting charts represent quick and easy procedures for checking these vital systems your- self. However, should your motorcycle require any repair, take it to a Yamaha dealer, whose skilled technicians have the necessary tools, experience, and know-how to service the motorcycle properly.

  • Page 88: Troubleshooting Charts

    Remove the spark plugs and check the electrodes. The engine does not start. Have a Yamaha dealer check the vehicle. Check the battery. 4. Battery The engine turns over The battery is good.

  • Page 89
    Start the engine. If the engine overheats again, have a The coolant level Yamaha dealer check and repair the cooling system. is OK. NOTE: If coolant is not available, tap water can be temporarily used instead, provided that it is changed to the recommended coolant as soon as possible.
  • Page 90: Motorcycle Care And Storage

    Rust and corrosion can develop matte colored finished parts. Be ECA10770 even if high-quality components are sure to consult a Yamaha dealer for CAUTION: advice on what products to use be- used. A rusty exhaust pipe may go un- Avoid using strong acidic wheel fore cleaning the vehicle.

  • Page 91
    MOTORCYCLE CARE AND STORAGE thinner, fuel (gasoline), rust re- After normal use ECA10790 CAUTION: movers or inhibitors, brake flu- Remove dirt with warm water, a mild id, antifreeze or electrolyte. detergent, and a soft, clean sponge, Do not use warm water since it in- Do not use high-pressure wash- and then rinse thoroughly with clean creases the corrosive action of the…
  • Page 92: Storage

    7. Let the motorcycle dry completely Always store your motorcycle in a cool, NOTE: before storing or covering it. dry place and, if necessary, protect it Consult a Yamaha dealer for advice on EWA11130 against dust with a porous cover. WARNING what products to use.

  • Page 93
    MOTORCYCLE CARE AND STORAGE 3. Perform the following steps to pro- 4. Lubricate all control cables and the tect the cylinders, piston rings, etc. pivoting points of all levers and from corrosion. pedals as well as of the side- a. Remove the spark plug caps stand/centerstand.
  • Page 94: Specifications

    SPECIFICATIONS Dimensions: Engine oil: Fuel injector: Overall length: Type: Manufacturer: 2230 mm (87.8 in) SAE20W40 NIPPON INJECTOR Overall width: Recommended engine oil grade: Model/quantity: 750 mm (29.5 in) API service SG type or higher, JASO INP-151/4 Overall height: standard MA Spark plug (s): 1450 mm (57.1 in) Engine oil quantity:…

  • Page 95
    SPECIFICATIONS 3rd: (Total weight of rider, passenger, cargo and Operation: 31/23 (1.348) accessories) Right hand operation 4th: Tire air pressure (measured on cold Recommended fluid: 28/26 (1.077) DOT 4 tires): 5th: Rear brake: Loading condition: 26/28 (0.929) Type: 0–90 kg (0–198 lb) Chassis: Single disc brake Front:…
  • Page 96
    SPECIFICATIONS Voltage, capacity: Fuses: 12 V, 12.0 Ah Main fuse: Headlight: 50.0 A Bulb type: Headlight fuse: Halogen bulb 25.0 A Bulb voltage, wattage × quantity: Signaling system fuse: 15.0 A Headlight: 12 V, 60 W/55.0 W × 2 Ignition fuse: 10.0 A Tail/brake light: 12 V, 5.0 W/21.0 W ×…
  • Page 97: Consumer Information

    Record the key identification number, vehicle identification number and mod- el label information in the spaces pro- vided below for assistance when ordering spare parts from a Yamaha dealer or for reference in case the vehi- cle is stolen. KEY IDENTIFICATION NUMBER: 1.

  • Page 98
    The model label is affixed to the frame under the passenger seat. (See page 3-22.) Record the information on this la- bel in the space provided. This informa- tion will be needed when ordering spare parts from a Yamaha dealer.
  • Page 99
    INDEX Engine trouble/YCC-S indicators and warning light……….3-5 ABS …………3-19 License plate light bulb, replacing..6-30 ABS warning light ……..3-6 Accessory box ……..3-26 Final gear oil……….6-11 Main switch/steering lock……3-3 Air filter element……..6-14 Front and rear brake pads, checking ..6-19 Matte color, caution ……..
  • Page 100
    INDEX Starting the engine……..5-1 Start switch ……….. 3-16 Steering, checking …….. 6-25 Storage ……….. 7-3 Storage compartment ……3-25 Swingarm pivots, lubricating ….6-24 Tachometer……….3-7 Throttle cable free play, checking ..6-15 Throttle grip and cable, checking and lubricating ……..6-22 Tires …………
  • Page 102

FAQ по мотоциклу

msaab Дата: Воскресенье, 22.03.2009, 09:12 | Сообщение # 16


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я могу если нада на соей плотформе организовать хранилку любых объемов.


Мотозапчасти, мотозеркала
(495) 644-4722

Фидж ’08 сильвер
Р1200рт ’11 устрично-серый

garri Дата: Понедельник, 06.04.2009, 06:31 | Сообщение # 17


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Сообщений: 332

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Здравствуйте. В ФАГе написано, что на мод. 03-05г. уровень масла в вилке 104мм. от края. Это из мануала взято? Я бы не отказался от такого мануала, у меня только 01 и 06г есть.

Engineer Дата: Понедельник, 06.04.2009, 16:24 | Сообщение # 18


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Сообщений: 152

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Сервис-мануал (не owner’s) «08, если кому попадался, прошу ссылку.
Что-то мне уважаемые сервисмены не внушают особого энтузиазма. Даже без учета взносов, которые они запрашивают.


Сообщение отредактировал EngineerПонедельник, 06.04.2009, 16:35

DimKA Дата: Понедельник, 06.04.2009, 19:36 | Сообщение # 19


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Я выше ссылки давал на мануалы. Я не понял переложены они на сайт или нет? А то ссылки скоро протухнут. Простой пользователь не может закачать файл размером 7.5Мб.

garri Дата: Понедельник, 06.04.2009, 20:26 | Сообщение # 20


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Сообщений: 332

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DimKA, ссылки нашел, скачал. Спасибо.

Zver Дата: Четверг, 09.04.2009, 14:35 | Сообщение # 21


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Сообщений: 87

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Статус: Offline

Quote (garri)

Здравствуйте. В ФАГе написано, что на мод. 03-05г. уровень масла в вилке 104мм. от края. Это из мануала взято? Я бы не отказался от такого мануала, у меня только 01 и 06г есть.

Да, я это скопировал из мануала (вроде ничего не напутал). Постараюсь этот мануал выложить сегодня вечером.

Quote (DimKA)

Я выше ссылки давал на мануалы. Я не понял переложены они на сайт или нет? А то ссылки скоро протухнут. Простой пользователь не может закачать файл размером 7.5Мб.

Вылолжил в «Каталог файлов» Спасибо!

Сообщение отредактировал ZverЧетверг, 09.04.2009, 14:37

yurik_piter Дата: Среда, 29.04.2009, 21:19 | Сообщение # 22


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предлагаю добавить в фак давление в шинах
переднее -2,5;
заднее: 2,5 без нагрузки (вес пассажиров+ вес груза менее 90 кг ),
2,9 с нагрузкой (более 90 кг, но не более 208!)
:) а то изза 2-х циферок пришлось целый мануал скачивать

upd! Кстати, а многие знают, что Ямаха на панель приборов выводит «Oil Level warning light» — красная такая масленка :) — тоесть «Предупредительная лампа уровня масла» которую многие ошибочно считают «Индикатором давления»

fjr 1300A

Сообщение отредактировал yurik_piterСреда, 29.04.2009, 21:31

Zver Дата: Четверг, 30.04.2009, 13:08 | Сообщение # 23


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Сообщений: 87

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Quote (yurik_piter)

предлагаю добавить в фак давление в шинах
переднее -2,5;
заднее: 2,5 без нагрузки (вес пассажиров+ вес груза менее 90 кг ),
2,9 с нагрузкой (более 90 кг, но не более 208!)
smile а то изза 2-х циферок пришлось целый мануал скачивать

Вы невнимательны smile все это есть в «Технических характеристиках». Плюс эта же информация присутствует на наклейке на маятнике мотоцикла.

yurik_piter Дата: Четверг, 30.04.2009, 13:18 | Сообщение # 24


Группа: Проверенные

Сообщений: 178

Награды: 2

Статус: Offline

Quote (Zver)

Вы невнимательны smile все это есть в «Технических характеристиках». Плюс эта же информация присутствует на наклейке на маятнике мотоцикла.

Я действительно не внимательный — в «Технических характеристиках» даже и не догадался посмотреть — полез в ФАК smile
да и сегодня в ТХ увидел цыфры только с третьего раза smile
а на маятнике у меня — нету такой наклейки sad

Quote (Zver)

Критика приветствуется!

вот и Критикую respect

fjr 1300A

Zver Дата: Четверг, 30.04.2009, 16:11 | Сообщение # 25


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Quote (yurik_piter)

Quote (Zver)
Критика приветствуется!

вот и Критикую respect

Ага, пасиб! Надо знать, где можно чего улучшить smile

игорь Дата: Воскресенье, 31.05.2009, 21:04 | Сообщение # 26


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Сообщений: 634

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Решил и я внести сви пять копеек по самодиагностике системы управления двигателе если стоящее прощу перенести в FAO.
Все вы тыкали диагностику и видели много всяких циферок пока доступно значение цифер 60 и 62 для сброса ошибок.
выводим систему диагностики при выключенном зажигании положения ключа OFF жмем кнопки селект и резет включаем зажигание и продолжая нажимать ждем пока загорится на табло надпись diag отпускаем и снова нажимаем и ждем когда появится надпись D1- 01 cнизу будет параметр цифр сходный таблице переключения между параметрами диагностики клавишами селект и резет.
данные значения соответствуют моему мото и могут отличатся от других
-01- Датчик положения дросельной заслонки ТРS. если заслонка закрыта (газ отпущен) 16
полный газ 100
-02 Атмосферное давление в мм.рт.ст. 749
-05 температура воздуха в коробе воздушного фильтра примерно схожа с температурой окружающего воздуха
-06 Температура охлаждающей жидкости.
-07 абсолютная скорость для проверки повращайте колесо.
-08 систему не определил
-09 напряжение АКБ при проверке красная клавища в положении ON.
-20 диагностика датчика боковой подставки отображается символами ON OFF реагирует только при включенной скорости
-21 диагностика датчика нейтрали отображается символами ON OFF
-30 диагностика катушки зажигания первого и четвертого цилиндра если к высоковольтным проводам подключить внешнии свечи то должна проскакивать искра примерно 5 раз в секунду . Для проверки красная клавища из положения OFF в положение ON после проверки снова OFF.
-31 катушка зажигания вторго и третьего цилиндра.Для проверки красная клавища из положения OFF в положение ON после проверки снова OFF. ( у себя не проверял лень было разбирать мотик)
-36 форсунка первого цилиндра слышны щелчки работы форсунки (Для проверки красная клавища из положения OFF в положение ON после проверки снова OFF.)
-37 форсунка второго цилиндра слышны щелчки работы форсунки (Для проверки красная клавища из положения OFF в положение ON после проверки снова OFF.)
-38 форсунка третьего цилиндра слышны щелчки работы форсунки (Для проверки красная клавища из положения OFF в положение ON после проверки снова OFF.)
-39 форсунка четвертого цилиндра слышны щелчки работы форсунки (Для проверки красная клавища из положения OFF в положение ON после проверки снова OFF.)
-48 клапан рецеркулятора отработавщих газов при проверки слышны щелчки (Для проверки красная клавища из положения OFF в положение ON после проверки снова OFF.)
-50реле системы впрыска при проверке слышны щелчки срабатывани по приборной панелью.(Для проверки красная клавища из положения OFF в положение ON после проверки снова OFF.)
-51 система включения вентилитора включается каждые 5 сек(2 сек включен 3 сек. выкл.)(Для проверки красная клавища из положения OFF в положение ON после проверки снова OFF.)
-52 реле головного света включает свет каждые 5 сек.(2 сек включен 3 сек. выкл.) свет должен быть включен Для проверки красная клавища из положения OFF в положение ON после проверки снова OFF.)

надеюсь это кому-нибудь поможет. наводку дала статья в мото за май 2009г по обслуге ТДМ-900 после чего я и решил провести эксперемент.

Zver Дата: Понедельник, 01.06.2009, 02:09 | Сообщение # 27


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Сообщений: 87

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Класс! Проверю на своем. И надо будет придумать раздел в ФАКе smile

evgenmak Дата: Понедельник, 01.06.2009, 10:50 | Сообщение # 28


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Сообщений: 38

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Братья! Только нашел ваш сайт! Инфы получил валом . Спасибо всем.

Lis Дата: Понедельник, 01.06.2009, 21:51 | Сообщение # 29


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Сообщений: 575

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игорь, Супер! thumb

Могу, почти все.

yurik_piter Дата: Суббота, 07.04.2012, 16:57 | Сообщение # 30


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Fjr1300A год 06-12 ferodo передние FDB2085P
vesrah: передние VD-353JL или SD-353
задние -VD-269/2JL SD-269/2
есть аналоги от других производителей.

особенность: используется 8 штук на колесо (4 на диск, 2 на сторону)

fjr 1300A

Сообщение отредактировал yurik_piterСуббота, 07.04.2012, 16:58

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Yamaha FJR1300AS Owner's Manual

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Summary of Contents for Yamaha FJR1300AS

  • Page 1
    OWNER’S MANUAL FJR1300AS 2D2-28199-E1…
  • Page 2
    EAU26943 DECLARATION of CONFORMITY Company: MORIC CO., LTD. Address: 1450-6 Mori Mori-Machi Shuchi-gun Shizuoka 437-0292 Japan Hereby declare that the product: Kind of equipment: IMMOBILIZER Type-designation: 5SL-00 is in compliance with following norm(s) or documents: R&TTE Directive(1999/5/EC) EN300 330-2 v1.1.1(2001-6), EN60950-1(2001) Two or Three-Wheel Motor Vehicles Directive(97/24/EC: Chapter 8, EMC) Place of issue: Shizuoka, Japan Date of issue: 1 Aug.
  • Page 3
    Yamaha a reputation for dependability. Please take the time to read this manual thoroughly, so as to enjoy all advantages of your FJR1300AS. The owner’s manual does not only instruct you in how to operate, inspect and maintain your motorcycle, but also in how to safeguard yourself and others from trouble and injury.
  • Page 4: Important Manual Information

    This manual should be considered a permanent part of this motorcycle and should remain with it even if the motorcycle is subsequently sold. Yamaha continually seeks advancements in product design and quality. Therefore, while this manual contains the most current product information available at the time of printing, there may be minor discrepancies between your motorcycle and this manual.

  • Page 5
    IMPORTANT MANUAL INFORMATION EAU10200 FJR1300AS OWNER’S MANUAL ©2006 by Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd. 1st edition, November 2006 All rights reserved. Any reprinting or unauthorized use without the written permission of Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd. is expressly prohibited. Printed in Japan.
  • Page 6: Table Of Contents

    TABLE OF CONTENTS SAFETY INFORMATION ….1-1 Accessory box ……3-26 Removing and installing panels ..6-6 Adjusting the headlight beams ..3-26 Checking the spark plugs ….6-8 DESCRIPTION ……..2-1 Handlebar position ……. 3-27 Engine oil and oil filter cartridge ..6-9 Left view ……….2-1 Opening and closing the Final gear oil ……..

  • Page 7
    TABLE OF CONTENTS Lubricating the swingarm pivots …6-24 Lubricating the rear suspension …6-24 Checking the front fork ….6-24 Checking the steering ….6-25 Checking the wheel bearings ..6-26 Battery ……….6-26 Replacing the fuses ……6-27 Headlight bulb ……6-29 Front turn signal light ….6-29 Replacing a rear turn signal light bulb or a tail/brake light bulb ..6-29 Replacing the license plate…
  • Page 8: Safety Information

    SAFETY INFORMATION EAU10281 AND/OR WHEN MADE NECES- • Ride where other motorists can SARY BY MECHANICAL CONDI- see you. Avoid riding in another MOTORCYCLES SINGLE TIONS. motorist’s blind spot. TRACK VEHICLES. THEIR SAFE USE Many accidents involve inexperi- AND OPERATION ARE DEPENDENT Safe riding enced operators.

  • Page 9
    Modifications made to this motorcycle other motorists can see you. the single most critical factor in the pre- not approved by Yamaha, or the re- The posture of the operator and vention or reduction of head injuries. moval of original equipment, may ren- passenger is important for proper Always wear an approved helmet.
  • Page 10
    Maximum load: been specifically designed for use on create instability due to improper 208 kg (459 lb) this motorcycle. Since Yamaha cannot weight distribution or aerody- test all other accessories that may be namic changes. If accessories When loading within this weight limit,…
  • Page 11
    SAFETY INFORMATION tor and may limit control ability, Always turn the engine off before or clothing, immediately wash the therefore, such accessories are leaving the motorcycle unattended affected area with soap and water not recommended. and remove the key from the main and change your clothes.
  • Page 12: Description

    DESCRIPTION EAU10410 Left view 1. Accessory box (page 3-26) 9. YCC-S clutch fluid reservoir (page 6-20) 2. Front fork spring preload adjusting bolt (page 3-28) 10.Shock absorber assembly spring preload adjusting lever (page 3-30) 3. Front fork rebound damping force adjusting knob (page 3-28) 11.Air filter element (page 6-14) 4.

  • Page 13: Right View

    DESCRIPTION EAU10420 Right view 1. Storage compartment (page 3-25) 9. Shock absorber assembly rebound damping force adjusting knob (page 3-30) 2. Fuel tank cap (page 3-19) 10.Rear brake fluid reservoir (page 6-20) 3. Fuse box (page 6-27) 4. Windshield (page 3-15) 5.

  • Page 14: Controls And Instruments

    DESCRIPTION EAU10430 Controls and instruments 1. Rear view mirror (page 3-28) 9. Throttle grip (page 6-15) 2. Left handlebar switches (page 3-15) 10.Main switch/steering lock (page 3-3) 3. Tachometer (page 3-7) 11.Headlight beam adjusting knob (page 3-26) 4. Speedometer (page 3-7) 12.Grip warmer adjusting knob (page 3-31) 5.

  • Page 15: Instrument And Control Functions

    Immobilizer system This is not an automatic transmission, This vehicle features the YCC-S only the clutch system is automatic. (Yamaha Chip Controlled-Shift) sys- The gears must be shifted by the rider. tem. The basic function of this system allows the rider to shift gears without the use of a clutch lever.

  • Page 16
    Do not expose any key to exces- a Yamaha dealer to have them re-reg- sively high temperatures. istered. Do not use the key with the red Do not place any key close to bow for driving.
  • Page 17: Main Switch/Steering Lock

    INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL FUNCTIONS EAU10471 EAU26811 To lock the steering Main switch/steering lock All electrical circuits are supplied with power; the meter lighting, taillights, li- cense plate light and auxiliary lights come on, and the engine can be start- ed. The key cannot be removed. NOTE: The headlights come on automatically when the engine is started and stay on…

  • Page 18: Indicator And Warning Lights

    INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL FUNCTIONS To unlock the steering EAU39460 EAU11003 (Parking) Indicator and warning lights The steering is locked, and the tail- lights, license plate light and auxiliary lights are on. The hazard lights and turn signal lights can be turned on, but all other electrical systems are off.

  • Page 19
    Stop the vehicle when it is safe to do so, Even if the oil level is sufficient, the have a Yamaha dealer check the self- and park it away from traffic. Have a warning light may flicker when riding on diagnosis system.
  • Page 20
    ABS may be defective. Yamaha dealer check the electrical cir- then while rotating the rear wheel, push If this occurs, have a Yamaha dealer cuit. the shift pedal rod and pivot forward un- til the transmission is in the neutral po- check the system as soon as possible.
  • Page 21: Speedometer

    INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL FUNCTIONS EAU11601 EAU11872 EAU40532 Speedometer Tachometer Multi-function display 1. Tachometer 1. Tachometer 1. Multi-function display 2. Speedometer 2. Tachometer red zone 2. “SELECT” button 3. Multi-function display 3. “RESET” button The electric tachometer allows the rider The speedometer shows the riding EWA14430 to monitor the engine speed and keep it WARNING…

  • Page 22
    INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL FUNCTIONS a fuel reserve tripmeter (which Odometer and tripmeter modes distance traveled from that point. In that shows the distance traveled on the case, pushing the “SELECT” button fuel reserve) switches the display between the vari- a clock ous tripmeter and odometer modes in a fuel meter the following order:…
  • Page 23
    INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL FUNCTIONS Clock Fuel meter will start flashing. If this occurs, have a Yamaha dealer check the electrical cir- cuit. Coolant temperature meter 1. Clock 1. Fuel meter 2. “SELECT” button The fuel meter indicates the amount of 3.
  • Page 24
    INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL FUNCTIONS ECA10020 Ambient temperature, instanta- Ambient temperature mode CAUTION: neous fuel consumption and aver- fuel consumption modes Do not operate the engine if it is (except for the UK) overheated. Transmission gear display 1. Ambient temperature This display shows the ambient tem- perature from –9 °C to 50 °C in 1 °C in- 1.
  • Page 25
    INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL FUNCTIONS The accuracy of the temperature When the display is set to “L/100 The average fuel consumption display reading may be affected when km”, the amount of fuel necessary can be set to either “AV_ _._ km/L” or riding slowly (approximately under to travel 100 km under the current “AV_ _._ L/100 km”.
  • Page 26
    50 °C will not be displayed. If there is a malfunction, “– –.–” will Air → MPG → AV_ _._ MPG → Air The accuracy of the temperature be displayed. Have a Yamaha dealer reading may be affected when check the vehicle. Ambient temperature mode riding slowly [approximately under 20 km/h (12.5 mi/h)] or when…
  • Page 27
    When the average fuel consumption such an error code, note the code num- mode is selected, the display flashes ber, and then have a Yamaha dealer for five seconds, and then “AV_ _._ check the vehicle. MPG” (average distance that can be traveled using 1.0 Imp.gal of fuel) is dis-…
  • Page 28: Anti-Theft Alarm (Optional)

    If the multi-function display indicates two-digit error code when the key is any error codes, note the code number, turned to “ON”. and then have a Yamaha dealer check the vehicle. NOTE: If the multi-function display indicates er- ror code 52, this could be caused by transponder interference.

  • Page 29: Handlebar Switches

    INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL FUNCTIONS EAU12347 Right position. To cancel the turn signal Handlebar switches lights, push the switch in after it has re- turned to the center position. Left EAU12493 Windshield position adjusting switch “ ” To move the windshield up, push this switch in direction (a).

  • Page 30
    INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL FUNCTIONS EAU12500 EAU12733 EAU40381 Horn switch “ ” Hazard switch “ ” Hand shift control switch Press this switch to sound the horn. With the key in the “ON” or “ ” posi- tion, use this switch to turn on the haz- EAU12660 ard lights (simultaneous flashing of all Engine stop switch “…
  • Page 31: Shift Pedal

    INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL FUNCTIONS and release this switch after start- EAU40492 Shift pedal ing the engine to enable hand shifting. 1. Shift pedal 2. Bolt 1. Shift pedal 3. Standard position This vehicle is equipped with a con- 2. Move the shift pedal to the desired stant-mesh 5-speed transmission.

  • Page 32: Hand Shift Lever

    INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL FUNCTIONS EAU40481 EAU26822 EAU39540 Hand shift lever “ ”/“ ” Brake lever Brake pedal The brake lever is located at the right handlebar grip. To apply the front brake, pull the lever toward the handle- bar grip. 1.

  • Page 33: Abs

    This ABS has a test mode which EAU13072 Fuel tank cap allows the owner to experience the The Yamaha ABS (Anti-lock Brake pulsating at the brake lever or System) features a dual electronic con- brake pedal when the ABS is oper- trol system, which acts on the front and ating.

  • Page 34: Fuel

    Avoid spilling fuel on the hot en- Your Yamaha engine has been de- gine. signed to use regular unleaded gaso- line with a research octane number of 91 or higher.

  • Page 35: Fuel Tank Breather/Overflow Hose

    INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL FUNCTIONS or premium unleaded fuel. Use of un- EAU39450 EAU13441 Fuel tank breather/overflow Catalytic converter leaded fuel will extend spark plug life hose This vehicle is equipped with catalytic and reduce maintenance costs. converters in the exhaust system. EWA10860 WARNING The exhaust system is hot after op-…

  • Page 36: Seats

    INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL FUNCTIONS EAU39491 Seats Passenger seat To remove the passenger seat 1. Insert the key into the seat lock, and then turn it counterclockwise. 1. Projection 1. Rider seat lock lever 2. Seat holder 2. Rider seat 2. Remove the key. To install the rider seat 1.

  • Page 37: Adjusting The Rider Seat Height

    INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL FUNCTIONS 2. Install the passenger seat. EAU39632 Adjusting the rider seat height NOTE: The rider seat height can be adjusted to Make sure that the seats are prop- one of two positions to suit the rider’s erly secured before riding. preference.

  • Page 38
    INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL FUNCTIONS 6. Align the projection on the bottom of the rider seat with the “H” posi- tion slot, and then push the rear of the seat down to lock it in place as shown. 1. Rider seat height position adjuster 1.
  • Page 39: Storage Compartment

    208 kg (459 lb) for the ve- tion slot, and then push the rear of hicle. the seat down to lock it in place as shown. 1. Storage compartment 2. Yamaha CYCLELOK (optional) This storage compartment is designed 1. “L” position slot hold genuine Yamaha CYCLELOK.

  • Page 40: Accessory Box

    INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL FUNCTIONS EAU39480 ECA11800 EAU39610 Accessory box Adjusting the headlight CAUTION: The accessory box is located beside beams Do not place heat-sensitive items in the meter panel. The headlight adjusting knobs are used the accessory box. The accessory to raise or lower the height of the head- box gets extremely hot especially To open the accessory box…

  • Page 41: Handlebar Position

    The handlebars can be adjusted to one ings of three positions to suit the rider’s pref- The cowlings can be tilted back 30 mm erence. Have a Yamaha dealer adjust (1.18 in) for added ventilation to suit the the position of the handlebars. riding conditions.

  • Page 42: Rear View Mirrors

    INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL FUNCTIONS EAU39671 EAU14731 Rear view mirrors Adjusting the front fork The rear view mirrors of this vehicle can This front fork is equipped with spring be folded forward or backward for park- preload adjusting bolts, rebound damp- ing in narrow spaces.

  • Page 43
    INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL FUNCTIONS load thereby soften Rebound damping force Compression damping force suspension, turn the adjusting bolt on each fork leg in direction (b). NOTE: Align the appropriate groove on the ad- justing mechanism with the top of the front fork cap bolt.
  • Page 44: Adjusting The Shock Absorber Assembly

    INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL FUNCTIONS ECA10100 EAU14911 For riding solo, move the spring preload Adjusting the shock absorber CAUTION: adjusting lever in direction (b). For assembly riding with a passenger, move the Never attempt to turn an adjusting This shock absorber assembly is spring preload adjusting lever in direc- mechanism beyond the maximum or equipped with a spring preload adjust-…

  • Page 45: Grip Warmer Adjusting Knob

    Standard: formance. the engine is running. 12 click(s) in direction (b)* Always have a Yamaha dealer Maximum (hard): Use the grip warmer adjusting knob, lo- service the shock absorber. 3 click(s) in direction (b)*…

  • Page 46: Sidestand

    INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL FUNCTIONS EAU15301 below and have a Yamaha dealer re- NOTE: Sidestand pair it if it does not function proper- When the vehicle is stopped or travel- The sidestand is located on the left side ing at extremely low speeds (e.g., in of the frame.

  • Page 47: Ignition Circuit Cut-Off System

    Periodically check the operation of the ignition circuit cut-off system according to the following procedure. EWA10260 WARNING The vehicle must be placed on the centerstand during this in- spection. If a malfunction is noted, have a Yamaha dealer check the sys- tem before riding. 3-33…

  • Page 48
    The vehicle should not be ridden until With the engine still running: checked by a Yamaha dealer. 7. Move the sidestand up. 8. Keep the front or rear brake applied. 9. Shift the transmission into gear.
  • Page 49: Auxiliary Dc Jack

    INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL FUNCTIONS EAU39651 EWA14360 Auxiliary DC jack WARNING This vehicle is equipped with an auxilia- To prevent electrical shock or short- ry DC jack in the accessory box. circuiting, make sure that the cap is A 12-V accessory connected to the installed when the auxiliary DC jack auxiliary jack can be used when the key is not being used.

  • Page 50: Pre-Operation Checks

    PRE-OPERATION CHECKS EAU15592 The condition of a vehicle is the owner’s responsibility. Vital components can start to deteriorate quickly and unexpectedly, even if the vehicle remains unused (for example, as a result of exposure to the elements). Any damage, fluid leakage or loss of tire air pressure could have serious consequences.

  • Page 51: Pre-Operation Check List

    • If necessary, add recommended coolant to specified level. 6-13 • Check cooling system for leakage. • Check operation. • If soft or spongy, have Yamaha dealer bleed hydraulic system. • Check brake pads for wear. Front brake • Replace if necessary.

  • Page 52
    • Make sure that operation is smooth. • Check cable free play. Throttle grip 6-15, 6-22 • If necessary, have Yamaha dealer adjust cable free play and lubricate cable and grip housing. • Make sure that operation is smooth. Control cables 6-22 •…
  • Page 53: Operation And Important Riding Points

    Yamaha dealer check the electrical cir- ground and distract the opera- Never ride with the sidestand cuit. tor, resulting in a possible loss down.

  • Page 54: Shifting

    OPERATION AND IMPORTANT RIDING POINTS EAU40572 The gears can be shifted using either NOTE: Shifting the shift pedal or the hand shift lever. If the engine fails to start, release the The hand shift lever has to be enabled start switch, wait a few seconds, and by pressing the hand shift control then try again.

  • Page 55: Tips For Reducing Fuel Consumption

    OPERATION AND IMPORTANT RIDING POINTS Always return the throttle to the EAU16810 EAU16841 Tips for reducing fuel con- Engine break-in closed position while changing sumption There is never a more important period gears to avoid damaging the en- in the life of your engine than the period Fuel consumption depends largely on gine, transmission, and drive between 0 and 1600 km (1000 mi).

  • Page 56: Parking

    Yamaha dealer check the vehi- the main switch is still on, as the cle. clutch automatically disengag-…

  • Page 57: Periodic Maintenance And Minor Repair

    If you are not familiar with mainte- certain maintenance work correctly. nance work, have a Yamaha dealer do it for you. NOTE: If you do not have the tools or experi- ence required for a particular job, have a Yamaha dealer perform it for you.

  • Page 58: Periodic Maintenance And Lubrication Chart

    The annual checks must be performed every year, except if a kilometer-based maintenance is performed in- stead. From 50000 km, repeat the maintenance intervals starting from 10000 km. Items marked with an asterisk should be performed by a Yamaha dealer as they require special tools, data and technical skills. ODOMETER READING (× 1000 km)

  • Page 59
    PERIODIC MAINTENANCE AND MINOR REPAIR ODOMETER READING (× 1000 km) ANNUAL ITEM CHECK OR MAINTENANCE JOB CHECK √ √ √ √ 9 * Wheels • Check runout and for damage. • Check tread depth and for damage. • Replace if necessary. √…
  • Page 60
    PERIODIC MAINTENANCE AND MINOR REPAIR ODOMETER READING (× 1000 km) ANNUAL ITEM CHECK OR MAINTENANCE JOB CHECK • Change. √ √ √ √ √ √ Engine oil • Check oil level and vehicle for oil leakage. Engine oil filter car- √…
  • Page 61
    PERIODIC MAINTENANCE AND MINOR REPAIR Hydraulic brake and YCC-S clutch service • Regularly check and, if necessary, correct the brake and YCC-S clutch fluid levels. • Every two years replace the internal components of the brake master cylinders and calipers as well as YCC-S clutch master and release cylinders, and change the brake and YCC-S clutch fluids.
  • Page 62: Removing And Installing Panels

    PERIODIC MAINTENANCE AND MINOR REPAIR EAU18771 Removing and installing pan- The panels shown need to be removed to perform some of the maintenance jobs described in this chapter. Refer to this section each time a panel needs to be removed and installed. 1.

  • Page 63
    PERIODIC MAINTENANCE AND MINOR REPAIR EAU39601 Panel C To remove the panel 1. Remove the seats. (See page 3-22.) 2. Remove the bolt and the quick fas- tener screws, and then take the panel off. 1. Panel B 2. Install the seats. 2.
  • Page 64: Checking The Spark Plugs

    Do not attempt to diagnose 0.7–0.8 mm (0.028–0.031 in) such problems yourself. Instead, have a Yamaha dealer check the vehicle. Clean the surface of the spark plug If a spark plug shows signs of electrode gasket and its mating surface, and then…

  • Page 65: Engine Oil And Oil Filter Cartridge

    PERIODIC MAINTENANCE AND MINOR REPAIR EAU19881 2. Place an oil pan under the engine Engine oil and oil filter car- NOTE: to collect the used oil. The engine oil should be between the tridge 3. Remove the engine oil filler cap minimum and maximum level marks.

  • Page 66
    An oil filter wrench is available at a seated. 43 Nm (4.3 m·kgf, 31 ft·lbf) Yamaha dealer. 6. Install the new oil filter cartridge, 8. Add the specified amount of the 5. Apply a thin coat of engine oil to…
  • Page 67: Final Gear Oil

    If any page (since the engine oil also or remains on, immediately turn the leakage is found, have a Yamaha deal- lubricates the clutch), do not engine off and have a Yamaha dealer er check and repair the vehicle. In addi- mix any chemical additives.

  • Page 68
    PERIODIC MAINTENANCE AND MINOR REPAIR 2. Remove the oil filler bolt, and then Tightening torque: Tightening torque: check the oil level in the final gear Final gear oil filler bolt: Final gear oil filler bolt: case. 23 Nm (2.3 m·kgf, 17 ft·lbf) 23 Nm (2.3 m·kgf, 17 ft·lbf) NOTE: 6.
  • Page 69: Coolant

    PERIODIC MAINTENANCE AND MINOR REPAIR EAU20070 Coolant NOTE: The coolant should be between the The coolant level should be checked minimum and maximum level marks. before each ride. In addition, the cool- ant must be changed at the intervals specified in the periodic maintenance and lubrication chart.

  • Page 70: Air Filter Element

    Yamaha dealer change the coolant. in the periodic maintenance and lubri- coolant, have a Yamaha dealer cation chart. Have a Yamaha dealer check the antifreeze content of clean and replace the air filter element. the coolant as soon as possible, otherwise the effectiveness of the coolant will be reduced.

  • Page 71: Checking The Engine Idling Speed

    To prevent this checked as follows and, if necessary, from occurring, the valve clearance adjusted by a Yamaha dealer at the in- must be adjusted by a Yamaha dealer tervals specified in the periodic mainte- at the intervals specified in the periodic nance and lubrication chart.

  • Page 72: Tires

    PERIODIC MAINTENANCE AND MINOR REPAIR EAU21771 NEVER OVERLOAD Tire air pressure (measured on cold Tires MOTORCYCLE! Operation of an tires): To maximize the performance, durabil- overloaded motorcycle may re- 0–90 kg (0–198 lb): ity, and safe operation of your motor- Front: sult in tire damage, loss of con- cycle,…

  • Page 73
    Tire information glass fragments in it, or if the sidewall is Use only the tire valves and cracked, have a Yamaha dealer re- valve cores listed below to place the tire immediately. avoid tire deflation during a high-speed ride.
  • Page 74: Cast Wheels

    Always adjust the tire air pres- 180/55 ZR17M/C (73W) fore each ride. If any damage is Manufacturer/model: sure according to the operating found, have a Yamaha dealer re- METZELER/Roadtec Z6C conditions. BRIDGESTONE/BT020R place the wheel. Do not attempt FRONT and REAR:…

  • Page 75: Ycc-S Clutch

    If ified in the periodic maintenance and before each ride. If the YCC-S clutch necessary, have a Yamaha dealer ad- lubrication chart. plates wear out, shifting becomes just the brake light switch.

  • Page 76: Checking The Brake And Ycc-S Clutch Fluid Levels

    PERIODIC MAINTENANCE AND MINOR REPAIR cator groove has almost disappeared, EAU40591 YCC-S clutch Checking the brake and have a Yamaha dealer replace the YCC-S clutch fluid levels brake pads as a set. Front brake EAU22500 Rear brake pads 1. Minimum level mark…

  • Page 77: Changing The Brake And Ycc-S Clutch Fluids

    YCC-S clutch fluids 6-6.) stalling them. Have a Yamaha dealer change the Be careful that water or dust does Observe these precautions: brake and YCC-S clutch fluids at the in- not enter the brake and YCC-S…

  • Page 78: Checking And Lubricating The Cables

    If a cable is damaged maintenance chart. or does not move smoothly, have a Yamaha dealer check or replace it. Recommended lubricant: Engine oil EWA10720 WARNING…

  • Page 79: Checking And Lubricating The Brake Lever

    Recommended lubricant: EWA10740 Lithium-soap-based grease (all-pur- WARNING pose grease) If the centerstand or sidestand does not move up and down smoothly, have a Yamaha dealer check or re- pair it. Recommended lubricant: Lithium-soap-based grease (all-pur- pose grease) 6-23…

  • Page 80: Lubricating The Swingarm Pivots

    PERIODIC MAINTENANCE AND MINOR REPAIR EAUM1650 EAU23250 EAU23271 Lubricating the swingarm piv- Lubricating the rear suspen- Checking the front fork sion The condition and operation of the front fork must be checked as follows at the intervals specified in the periodic main- tenance and lubrication chart.

  • Page 81: Checking The Steering

    Securely support the vehicle so that fork does not operate smoothly, there is no danger of it falling over. have a Yamaha dealer check or re- pair it. 2. Hold the lower ends of the front fork legs and try to move them for- ward and backward.

  • Page 82: Checking The Wheel Bearings

    Batteries produce explosive hy- To charge the battery drogen gas. Therefore, keep Have a Yamaha dealer charge the bat- sparks, flames, cigarettes, etc., tery as soon as possible if it seems to away from the battery and pro- have discharged.

  • Page 83: Replacing The Fuses

    The main fuse, the fuse boxes and the CHILDREN. sealed-type (MF) battery charg- ABS motor fuse are located under pan- er, have a Yamaha dealer el A. (See page 6-6.) charge your battery. To store the battery 1. If the vehicle will not be used for…

  • Page 84
    2. Right radiator fan fuse 10.0 A 4. If the fuse immediately blows Hazard fuse: 3. Left radiator fan fuse again, have a Yamaha dealer 10.0 A 4. Hazard fuse check the electrical system. Fuel injection system fuse: 5. Backup fuse (for odometer, clock and immo- 15.0 A…
  • Page 85: Headlight Bulb

    If a front turn signal light does not come light bulb or a tail/brake light Yamaha dealer check its electrical cir- on, have a Yamaha dealer check its bulb cuit or replace the bulb. electrical circuit or replace the bulb.

  • Page 86: Replacing The License Plate Light Bulb

    PERIODIC MAINTENANCE AND MINOR REPAIR 6. Install the passenger seat. EAU24310 3. Remove the defective bulb by pull- Replacing the license plate ing it out. light bulb 4. Insert a new bulb into the socket. 1. Remove the license plate light unit 5.

  • Page 87: Auxiliary Light Bulb

    The following troubleshooting charts represent quick and easy procedures for checking these vital systems your- self. However, should your motorcycle require any repair, take it to a Yamaha dealer, whose skilled technicians have the necessary tools, experience, and know-how to service the motorcycle properly.

  • Page 88: Troubleshooting Charts

    Remove the spark plugs and check the electrodes. The engine does not start. Have a Yamaha dealer check the vehicle. Check the battery. 4. Battery The engine turns over The battery is good.

  • Page 89
    Start the engine. If the engine overheats again, have a The coolant level Yamaha dealer check and repair the cooling system. is OK. NOTE: If coolant is not available, tap water can be temporarily used instead, provided that it is changed to the recommended coolant as soon as possible.
  • Page 90: Motorcycle Care And Storage

    Rust and corrosion can develop matte colored finished parts. Be ECA10770 even if high-quality components are sure to consult a Yamaha dealer for CAUTION: advice on what products to use be- used. A rusty exhaust pipe may go un- Avoid using strong acidic wheel fore cleaning the vehicle.

  • Page 91
    MOTORCYCLE CARE AND STORAGE thinner, fuel (gasoline), rust re- After normal use ECA10790 CAUTION: movers or inhibitors, brake flu- Remove dirt with warm water, a mild id, antifreeze or electrolyte. detergent, and a soft, clean sponge, Do not use warm water since it in- Do not use high-pressure wash- and then rinse thoroughly with clean creases the corrosive action of the…
  • Page 92: Storage

    7. Let the motorcycle dry completely Always store your motorcycle in a cool, NOTE: before storing or covering it. dry place and, if necessary, protect it Consult a Yamaha dealer for advice on EWA11130 against dust with a porous cover. WARNING what products to use.

  • Page 93
    MOTORCYCLE CARE AND STORAGE 3. Perform the following steps to pro- 4. Lubricate all control cables and the tect the cylinders, piston rings, etc. pivoting points of all levers and from corrosion. pedals as well as of the side- a. Remove the spark plug caps stand/centerstand.
  • Page 94: Specifications

    SPECIFICATIONS Dimensions: Engine oil: Fuel injector: Overall length: Type: Manufacturer: 2230 mm (87.8 in) SAE20W40 NIPPON INJECTOR Overall width: Recommended engine oil grade: Model/quantity: 750 mm (29.5 in) API service SG type or higher, JASO INP-151/4 Overall height: standard MA Spark plug (s): 1450 mm (57.1 in) Engine oil quantity:…

  • Page 95
    SPECIFICATIONS 3rd: (Total weight of rider, passenger, cargo and Operation: 31/23 (1.348) accessories) Right hand operation 4th: Tire air pressure (measured on cold Recommended fluid: 28/26 (1.077) DOT 4 tires): 5th: Rear brake: Loading condition: 26/28 (0.929) Type: 0–90 kg (0–198 lb) Chassis: Single disc brake Front:…
  • Page 96
    SPECIFICATIONS Voltage, capacity: Fuses: 12 V, 12.0 Ah Main fuse: Headlight: 50.0 A Bulb type: Headlight fuse: Halogen bulb 25.0 A Bulb voltage, wattage × quantity: Signaling system fuse: 15.0 A Headlight: 12 V, 60 W/55.0 W × 2 Ignition fuse: 10.0 A Tail/brake light: 12 V, 5.0 W/21.0 W ×…
  • Page 97: Consumer Information

    Record the key identification number, vehicle identification number and mod- el label information in the spaces pro- vided below for assistance when ordering spare parts from a Yamaha dealer or for reference in case the vehi- cle is stolen. KEY IDENTIFICATION NUMBER: 1.

  • Page 98
    The model label is affixed to the frame under the passenger seat. (See page 3-22.) Record the information on this la- bel in the space provided. This informa- tion will be needed when ordering spare parts from a Yamaha dealer.
  • Page 99
    INDEX Engine trouble/YCC-S indicators and warning light……….3-5 ABS …………3-19 License plate light bulb, replacing..6-30 ABS warning light ……..3-6 Accessory box ……..3-26 Final gear oil……….6-11 Main switch/steering lock……3-3 Air filter element……..6-14 Front and rear brake pads, checking ..6-19 Matte color, caution ……..
  • Page 100
    INDEX Starting the engine……..5-1 Start switch ……….. 3-16 Steering, checking …….. 6-25 Storage ……….. 7-3 Storage compartment ……3-25 Swingarm pivots, lubricating ….6-24 Tachometer……….3-7 Throttle cable free play, checking ..6-15 Throttle grip and cable, checking and lubricating ……..6-22 Tires …………
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Отправлено 24 Апрель 2007 — 07:43

Ребят, подскажите пожалуйста, кто знает где можно взять список кодов ошибок системы самодиагностики. Мотоцикл Ямаха FJR-1300. Загорелся значок «провертье двигатель» без причины, т.е. не бил, не ронял… купил совсем не давно. Да и вообще интересует какая-либо информация по ремонту данной техники. Даже покататься толком не успел :)((( Да и не СТО и каких либо магазинов у нас в Астане (Казахстан) нет. Что делать не знаю.
Заранее благодарен всем откликнувшимся!


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Отправлено 24 Апрель 2007 — 08:05

В мануале написано «при загорании лампочки «check engine» обратитесь к ближайшему официальному дилеру Ямаха» :) А на табло выходит сообщение типа F33 — т.е. код ошибки… или плохо искал или… ну в общем в инете пока ни чего не нашел. Посторонних звуков при работающем двигателе нет, масло поменял…


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Отправлено 24 Апрель 2007 — 08:06


— вот тебе источник вдохновения :)


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Отправлено 24 Апрель 2007 — 08:09


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Отправлено 24 Апрель 2007 — 09:05

не может ли подобная надпись появиться при включенной кнопке блокировки работы двигателя?
либо по другой причине, блокирующей запуск двигателя (выставленная боковая подножка, если она глушит двигатель и т.п.)


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Отправлено 24 Апрель 2007 — 15:56


Загорелся значок «провертье двигатель» без причины

Стандартная фигня, которая случается у многих компьютеров самодиагностики двигателя. Чаще всего из-за плохой бензинки, но может быть тысяча других причин — ошибки в работе лямбда-зонда, сбой в системе зажигания и т.д.

Мой совет — если двигатель заводится и работает, не делай ничего, покатайся так.

После некоторого количества заводов двигателя (какое кол-во — зашито в компьютер) и исчезнувшей неисправности, лампочка «Check engine» должна погаснуть. Это при случайной ошибке в работе двигателя.
Дело в том, что компьютеры управления двигателем запрограммированы таким образом, чтобы блокировать неисправную цепь или датчик путем усреднения параметров при постоянно появляющейся неисправности. Другими словами — двигатель все равно работать будет, но не в оптимальном режиме, т.е. может увеличиться расход топлива, например.

Хотя во всех мануалах будет написано одинаково — при зажигании лампочки «Check engine» немедленно обратитесь в сервисный центр для диагностики двигателя :)


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Отправлено 24 Апрель 2007 — 16:22

У бати в машине (Mitsubishi Outlander) тоже как-то загорелась лампочка движка, оказалось что просто голимый бензин был, де то водичка попала. Потом опять загорелась, оказалось что датчик охлаждения движка сломался, тоесть охлаждение происходило даже тогда когда это не нужно было движку, решилось заменой датчика.


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Отправлено 24 Апрель 2007 — 16:35

а также мог умиреть датчик положения дросселной заслонки или холостого хода, также могли умереть свечи или в хутчем случае застратса форсунки. Также не мешало бы почистить дроссель но могу сказать с 100% увереностью это не поршен и не клапан такого рода ошибки это только ошибки инжектора и никакохо отношения к поршям колцам или коленвалу отношение не имеет.


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Отправлено 25 Апрель 2007 — 11:19


но могу сказать с 100% увереностью это не поршен и не клапан такого рода ошибки это только ошибки инжектора

Это не совсем верно, помимо инжектора может возникнуть ошибка на любом из датчиков в цепи обратной связи управления двигателем. Чаше всего на лямбда-зонде (на новой технике) и чаше всего из-за качества бензина. На поюзанной технике часто из-за износа сбоит TPS (trottle position sensor), в данном случае это маловероятно.


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Отправлено 25 Апрель 2007 — 11:52

TPS (trottle position sensor), это и есть датчик положения дроссельной заслонки просто по русски я написал )))
П.С. а также мог умиреть датчик положения дросселной заслонки или холостого хода

Сообщение отредактировал ASTARD: 25 Апрель 2007 — 12:04


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Отправлено 25 Апрель 2007 — 12:38

Я знаю что такое TPS, а ты много видел новых машин у которых он вышел из строя ? :(


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Отправлено 25 Апрель 2007 — 12:43

я понял что ты знаеш )
Видел на таврии например с завода шел мертвый этот датчик понятно что ТМАХ с таврией связывать нельзя но все же )))… а на иномарках скорее раньше выходит датчик холостого хода (там пластмассовый наконечник и через 20к километров от него остаеться очень мало)


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Отправлено 25 Апрель 2007 — 13:30

Немного отвлеклись от темы. Говорили про новый FJR-1300.
Остаюсь при своем ИМХО, что самый вероятный глюк из-за датчика кислорода (из-за плохой бензинки).
Если есть другие мнения по диагностике и устранению — излагайте. Может чем-нибудь поможем человеку.


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Отправлено 23 Июнь 2007 — 13:49

Ребята, еслиб ето был датчик положения дроселя то тогда при розгоне былиб рывки, как при прошытых свечах!!!Ето ошыбка могла появитса даже изза датчика детонацыи который не влияет на роботу двигателя, так что причин маса.Хотя ето ошыбка может даже выскачить изза подсаженого акамулятора.В первую очередь посоветую тебе проверить свечи и заряд акума на прокрутке стартером, если до 9-ти вольт упадёт 90% что ето оно.
Я просто роботою на компьютерной автодиагностике инжекторных систем впырска так что знаю не по наслышке :(


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Отправлено 19 Ноябрь 2007 — 22:04

chek engine загорается при неисправносятях систем которые свызаны с двигателем а так же необходимости замены масел и жидкостей, так же из мелочей это может быть из за свечей зажигания, забитого воздушного фильтра,отказа какогото датчика,ДАЖЕ МОЖЕТ загореться при севщем аккумуляторе,возможен вариант ( было такое при замене масла поставили масляный фильтр не для данного мотоцикла,может загореться если при работающем двигатьеле или включённом зажигании был отсоеденён какой либо разъём,также к загоранию лампочки может привести загрязнение топливной системы ( форсунок,фильтра…..)

способ по устранению(незнаю как на ямахах) обнулению ошибки — снять с аккумулятора клему на 5-10 минут а потом одеть обратно , если ошибка временная, то она пропадёт.

причин может быть очень много от самой мелочной до очень крупной .


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Отправлено 19 Ноябрь 2007 — 22:08

Просмотр сообщениякубинский партизан (25.4.2007, 13:49) писал:

Немного отвлеклись от темы. Говорили про новый FJR-1300.
Остаюсь при своем ИМХО, что самый вероятный глюк из-за датчика кислорода (из-за плохой бензинки).
Если есть другие мнения по диагностике и устранению — излагайте. Может чем-нибудь поможем человеку.

если меняли датчик, то скорее всего не обнулили ошибку, если дело в датчике то это будет видно по расходу топлива( увеличиться до 2-х раз) и по динамике разгона мотоцикла, ну возможно что свечи будут чёрные из за неправельного (увеличенного количества смеси,) такой вариант там возможно два датчика — первичный и вторичный .
про датчик говорить рано, луче конечно где то наити сервис, чтоб не искать методом тыка.


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Отправлено 19 Ноябрь 2007 — 22:10

Просмотр сообщенияASTARD (24.4.2007, 16:54) писал:

а также мог умиреть датчик положения дросселной заслонки или холостого хода, также могли умереть свечи или в хутчем случае застратса форсунки. Также не мешало бы почистить дроссель но могу сказать с 100% увереностью это не поршен и не клапан такого рода ошибки это только ошибки инжектора и никакохо отношения к поршям колцам или коленвалу отношение не имеет.

если не дай бог вышло из строя что т осерьёздное,то это скажеться потом на ЦПГ


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Отправлено 20 Ноябрь 2007 — 11:54

Прошу прощения, что вмешиваюсь в битву Титанов, но не проще ли одновременно нажать кнопочки «Select» и «Reset», включть зажигание, и через благословенние 8 секунд зайти в систему самодиагностики, и считать кода неисправностей ,которые никакой проблемы нет расшифровать (в том же инете)., а не гадать на кофейной гуще ;-)


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Отправлено 20 Ноябрь 2009 — 01:46

если при загорании ломпочки чек мотор работает мормально то это скорее всего лядазонд желательно сделать диагностику т.к. ЭБУ может перейти в аварийный режим работы, т.е.при поломки других датчиков мотор жилбы своей жинью и работол бы неустойчево


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