Коды ошибок виза

Result Code Description Как решить проблему Куда обратиться







Insufficient funds

Not sufficient funds

Decline, not sufficient funds

Decline, not sufficient funds На балансе карты недостаточно средств Если на карте баланс больше или равен сумме транзакции, а отказ все равно происходит по причине недостатка средств, тогда возможны такие причины:
— банк-эмитент удерживает дополнительные комиссии с держателя карты. Это может возникать в случаях погашение кредита посредством интернет-платежа, либо если договор на обслуживание банковской карты предусматривает дополнительные комиссии;
— происходит конвертация из валюты покупки в валюту карты. Убедитесь, что средств на карте достаточно для покрытия комиссии за конвертацию валют. Некоторые банки-эмитенты устанавливают комиссии на конвертацию валют как-правило в пределах 1% Банк-эмитент (банк, выпустивший карту)





Transaction declined

Do not honor

Do not Honour

Transaction declined

Do not honor Не обслуживать Пожалуй, самый общий и не определенный код отказа. Он может указывать на любые ограничения, наложенные банком-эмитентом, которые банк пожелал оставить не уточненными.
Возможные причины:
— карта заблокирована или на ней установлен статус
— на карте не установлен лимит на оплату в интернет, либо этот лимит недостаточный
— сработали настройки системы безопасности банка-эмитента
— сработали ограничения по сумме или количеству операций по карте у банка-эмитента
— банк-эмитент установил ограничения на проведение данного типа транзакций
— по карте не разрешены международные платежи (доместиковая карта)
— банк-эмитент установил ограничение на транзакции с двойной конвертацией валют (DCC)
— банк-эмитент установил ограничения на транзакции в данной валюте
— банк-эмитент установил ограничения на транзакции в данной стране
— банк-эмитент в США ограничил по карте операции в валюте, отличной от USD
— банк-эмитент в США ограничил по карте операции в странах бывшего СНГ и других рисковых регионах Банк-эмитент (банк, выпустивший карту). Если банк-эмитент не видит данную транзакцию, тогда необходимо обратиться в банк-эквайер (банк, обслуживающий торговую точку) или к платежному провайдеру







Invalid transaction

Invalid transaction card / issuer / acquirer

Decline reason message: invalid transaction

Invalid transaction Операция для данной карты или мерчанта не разрешена Причины могут быть теми же, что и для Do not honor Банк-эмитент (банк, выпустивший карту). Если банк-эмитент не видит данную транзакцию, тогда необходимо обратиться в банк-эквайер (банк, обслуживающий торговую точку) или к платежному провайдеру








Decline, exceeds withdrawal amount limit

Exceeds amount limit

Exceeds withdrawal limit

Withdrawal limit would be exceeded

Withdrawal limit already reached

Card exceeds withdrawal amount limit На карте достигнут лимит по сумме операций в сутки, в месяц или на разовую транзакцию Возможные причины (более детально смотрите по банку-эквайеру выше):
— на карте не установлен лимит операций в интернет или он уже достигнут или будет достигнут с текущей транзакцией
— общий лимит по сумме для операций покупок по карте уже достигнут или будет достигнут с текущей транзакцией
— карта не открыта для расчетов в интернет
— на карте не активирован сервис 3D-Secure из-за чего операции в интернет без 3D-Secure пароля попадают под ограничения банка-эмитента Банк-эмитент (банк, выпустивший карту)






Activity count exceeded

Exceeds frequency limit

Maximum number of times used

Card exceeds withdrawal frequency limit На карте достигнут лимит по количеству операций в сутки или в месяц Возможные причины (более детально смотрите по банку-эквайеру выше):
— на карте не установлен лимит операций в интернет или он уже достигнут или будет достигнут с текущей транзакцией
— общий лимит по количеству операций покупок по карте уже достигнут или будет достигнут с текущей транзакцией
— карта не открыта для расчетов в интернет
— на карте не активирован сервис 3D-Secure из-за чего операции в интернет без 3D-Secure пароля попадают под ограничения банка-эмитента Банк-эмитент (банк, выпустивший карту)



Not permitted to client

Transaction not permitted on card

Transaction not permitted to card

Decline, transaction not permitted to cardholder

Transaction not permitted to card

Not permitted to client

Decline, transaction not permitted to cardholder

Function Not Permitted To Cardholder

Not permitted to client Транзакция не разрешена для карты или клиента

Банк эмитент отклонил транзакцию так как она не может быть осуществлена для этой карты или клиента.

Возможные причины (более детально смотрите по банку-эквайеру выше):
— данный карточный продукт не рассчитан для такого типа операции
— для данной карты не настроен такой тип операции на стороне банка-эмитента

Банк-эмитент (банк, выпустивший карту)



Decline, transaction not permitted to terminal

Not permitted to merchant

The requested service is not permitted for terminal

Function Not Permitted To Terminal

Txn Not Permitted On Term

Not permitted to merchant Транзакция не разрешена для терминала или мерчанта Мерчант или терминал настроен некорректно, или данный тип операции не разрешен на стороне банка-эквайера или платежного провайдера. В первую очередь нужно уточнить конфигурацию торговой точки у платежного провайдера и список допустимых операций Банк-эквайер (банк, обслуживающий торговую точку) или к платежному провайдеру




Bad CVV2

Decline for CVV2 Failure

CVV2 is invalid

Invalid CVV2

Decline Cvv2 failure

Invalid CVV2 code Введен неверный CVV2 код во время проведения платежа Необходимо проверить CVV2 код на оборотной стороне карты. Код состоит из 3 цифр для Visa/MasterCard/Discover и из 4 цифр для карт American Express.
CVV2 код также может называться CVC2, CID, CSC2 код.
В некоторых случаях такой код отказа может возвращаться и при вводе неверного срока действия карты.
Стоит обратить внимание, если банк эмитент использует динамический код CVV2, генерируемый на короткий промежуток времени в клиент-банке — срок жизни такого CVV2 кода мог истечь на момент совершения операции Банк-эмитент (банк, выпустивший карту)








Restricted card

Restricted status

Decline, restricted card

Card is restricted

Your card is restricted

Restricted Card Операции по карте ограничены Возможные причины:
— операции по карте в данном регионе/стране не разрешены
— на карте установлен статус, ограничивающий платежи
— для карты не доступны интернет-платежи Банк-эмитент (банк, выпустивший карту)



Transaction not supported by institution Your card is not supported. Please use card of other payment system Данный тип платежной системы не поддерживается Банк-эквайер или платежный провайдер не поддерживает платежную систему данной карты.
Отказ может возникать в таких случаях:
— оплата картой локальной платежной системы за рубежом. Например картой платежной системы МИР за пределами РФ, картой платежной системы ПРОСТИР за пределами Украины
— оплата картами оплата AMERICAN EXPRESS, Diners Club,JCB, China Union Pay, Discover которые не поддерживаются платежным провайдером
— оплата картой Monobank в счет микро-кредитной организации (погашение кредита), либо выдача кредит. Монобанк блокирует операции в адрес МФО по некоторым типам карт Банк-эквайер (банк, обслуживающий торговую точку) или к платежному провайдеру
Монобанк, если карта этого банка



Decline (general, no comments)

General decline, no comments

General decline

General decline Общий отказ. Причины могут быть теми же, что и для Do not honor Банк-эмитент (банк, выпустивший карту)



Expired card

Decline, expired card

Expired card

Pick-up, expired card

Card expired

Invalid card expiry date Истек срок действия карты Возможные причины
— срок действия карты закончился
— указан неверный срок действия карты
— карта была перевыпущена с новым сроком Банк-эмитент (банк, выпустивший карту)






Card number does not exist

Invalid card number

No such card

Decline, card not effective

Invalid card

Wrong card number

Invalid card number Неверный номер карты Возможные причины:
— неверный номер карты
— карта не действительна
— оплата картой локальной платежной системы за рубежом. Например картой платежной системы МИР за пределами РФ, картой платежной системы ПРОСТИР за пределами Украины
— оплата картами оплата AMERICAN EXPRESS, Diners Club,JCB, China Union Pay, Discover которые не поддерживаются платежным провайдером
— операции по карте в данном регионе/стране не разрешены
— на карте установлен статус, ограничивающий платежи Банк-эмитент (банк, выпустивший карту)









External Decline Special Condition

Special Pickup

Pick up card (special)

Pick up card, special condition (fraud account)

Pick-up, special conditions

Decline, refer to card issuer’s special conditions

Pick up card, special condition (fraud account) Специальный отказ банка-эмитента. Владелец карты подозревается в мошенничестве. Банк-эмитент подозревает держателя карты в мошенничестве, либо система безопасности (антифрод-система) банка эмитента отклонила транзакцию Банк-эмитент (банк, выпустивший карту)




Decline, security violation

Security violation

Security violation Отказ по соображениям безопасности Код отказа может отдаваться как банком-эмитентом, так и банком-эквайером. Возможные причины:
— карточный счет заморожен или заблокирован
— ограничения правил безопасности (система Antifraud на стороне любого из участников) Банк-эмитент (банк, выпустивший карту)
Банк-эквайер (банк, обслуживающий торговую точку) или к платежному провайдеру





Invalid account

Decline, no account of type requested

No To Account

Invalid card number Неверный номер карты или счета Возможные причины:
— счет карты закрыт или заблокирован
— по счету запрещены расходные операции
— карта не действительна
— неверный номер карты
— оплата картой локальной платежной системы за рубежом. Например картой платежной системы МИР за пределами РФ, картой платежной системы ПРОСТИР за пределами Украины
— оплата картами оплата AMERICAN EXPRESS, Diners Club,JCB, China Union Pay, Discover которые не поддерживаются платежным провайдером
— операции по карте в данном регионе/стране не разрешены
— на карте установлен статус, ограничивающий платежи
— карта не предназначена для расчетов в интернет Банк-эмитент (банк, выпустивший карту)












Unable to authorize

Decline reason message: card issuer or switch inoperative

Destination not available

Issuer or switch inoperative

Issuer unavailable

Time-out at issuer

Decline reason message: card issuer timed out

Decline reason message: transaction destination cannot be found for routing

Transaction timeout

Acquiring bank request timeout

Ошибка связи: таймаут

Недоступен эмитент/эквайер

Таймаут при попытке связи с банком-эмитентом. Как правило такая ошибка возникает при проблемах технического характера на стороне любого из участников: банка-эквайера, банка эмитента, платежной системы Visa/MasterCard/МИР.

В первую очередь необходимо обратиться в банк-эквайер для выяснения причины и определения, на чьей стороне неисправности.

Банк-эквайер (банк, обслуживающий торговую точку) или к платежному провайдеру

Банк-эмитент (при получении 91 кода)




No such card/issuer

No such issuer

Invalid Issuer

Invalid card number Указан неверный номер карты см. Неверный номер карты




System error Unknown payment system error Технический сбой на стороне эквайера/платежной системы Технический сбой на стороне банка-эквайера Банк-эквайер (банк, обслуживающий торговую точку) или к платежному провайдеру







Pick-up (general, no comments)

Pick up card

Your card is restricted

Hot Card, Pickup (if possible)

Hold — Pick up card

Pick-up, restricted card

Pick-up, card acceptor contact card acquirer

Pick up card (no fraud) Изъять карту Банк-эмитент отклонил транзакцию с сообщением о необходимости изъять карту, если это возможно. Как правило причиной является блокировка карты по причине утери Банк-эмитент (банк, выпустивший карту) 52 Number of PIN tries exceeded PIN tries exceeded Превышен лимит попыток ввода PIN-кода На карте установлен статус в связи с превышением попыток ввода PIN-кода при оплате в наземных POS-терминалах или использования карты в банкомате.
Также причиной может быть то, что карта только что выпущена и первой операцией для нее должна быть операция смены PIN-кода Банк-эмитент (банк, выпустивший карту)







Invalid advance amount

Decline, invalid amount

Invalid amount

Invalid amount Неверная сумма Причины отказа:
— слишком маленькая сумма. Если карта открыта в валюте, убедитесь, что сумма транзакции не менее 1 цента доллара США или 1 Евро цента
— слишком большая сумма
— из суммы транзакции невозможно удержать сумму комиссии платежного провайдера. Убедитесь, что сумма транзакции не меньше суммы всех комиссий
— ограничения на карте плательщика на стороне банка, который выпуcтил карту.
— достигнуты лимиты на стороне банка-эквайера. Банк-эквайер (банк, обслуживающий торговую точку) или к платежному провайдеру, Банк-эмитент (банк, выпустивший карту)






Suspected fraud

Decline, suspected fraud

Suspected fraud Подозрение в мошенничестве Система безопасности одного из участников процессинговой цепочки подозревает участие карты в мошеннических действиях или в компрометации.
Также, возможно, что банк-эмитент заблокировал карту/счет в связи с подозрительными действиями, скиммингом, компрометацией Банк-эмитент (банк, выпустивший карту)







Format error

Decline reason message: format error

Format error Ошибка формата сообщения Технический сбой при попытке авторизовать транзакцию у банка-эмитента. Вероятно, какие-то из атрибутов транзакции указаны неверно. Необходимо уточнить у банка детали, которые вызвали такой отказ. Банк-эквайер (банк, обслуживающий торговую точку) или к платежному провайдеру





Lost Card, Pickup

Pick up card (lost card)

Lost card

Lost card, pick-up

Pick-up, lost card

Lost card Карта утеряна На карте установлен статус утеряна по заявлению картодержателя. Банк-эмитент (банк, выпустивший карту)



Violation of law

Decline, violation of law

Suspected fraud Транзакция не может быть выполнена: нарушение закона Банк-эмитент отказал в осуществлении транзакции во избежание нарушения закона Банк-эмитент (банк, выпустивший карту)



Decline reason message: system malfunction

System malfunction

System malfunction Технический сбой на стороне эквайера/платежной системы Технический сбой на стороне банка-эквайера Банк-эквайер (банк, обслуживающий торговую точку) или к платежному провайдеру





Refer to card issuer

Decline, refer to card issuer

Decline, refer to card issuer special conditions

Refer to issuer

Decline, refer to card issuer Обратиться к банку-эмитенту Отказ банка-эмитента. Держатель карты должен обратиться в свой банк Банк-эмитент (банк, выпустивший карту) 201 Incorrect PIN Incorrect PIN Неверный PIN На карте установлен статус в связи с превышением попыток ввода PIN-кода при оплате в наземных POS-терминалах или использования карты в банкомате.
Также причиной может быть то, что карта только что выпущена и первой операцией для нее должна быть операция смены PIN-кода Банк-эмитент (банк, выпустивший карту) 210 Bad CAVV Do not honor Неверный CAVV Ошибка возникает при проверке 3DSecure на стороне банка-эмитента. Причиной может случить либо неверная настройка 3DSecure на карте, либо некорректная реализация Apple/Google Pay токенов на стороне платежной платформы, мерчанта или банка-эквайера Банк-эквайер (банк, обслуживающий торговую точку) или к платежному провайдеру





Pick up card (stolen card)

Pick-up, stolen card

Stolen card

Stolen card, pick-up


Lost or stolen card

Stolen card Карта украдена Банк-эмитент установил на карте статус «украдена» по обращению держателя карты Банк-эмитент (банк, выпустивший карту)



Pre-authorizations are not allowed within this context.

Merchant is not allowed preauth

Preauth not allowed Операция предавторизации на разрешена для торговца Необходимо обратиться к платежному провайдеру или банку-эквайеру для активации двухстадийной оплаты перед пред-авторизацию/завершение (preauth/capture или prepurchase/completion или authorization/sale) Банк-эквайер (банк, обслуживающий торговую точку) или к платежному провайдеру






Invalid merchant

Decline, invalid merchant

Merchant is not configured correctly Мерчант настроен некорректно Необходимо обратиться к платежному провайдеру или банку-эквайеру для настройки или активации мерчанта или мерчант-аккаунта.
Также причиной может быть некорректно переданный идентификатор мерчанта в транзакции Банк-эквайер (банк, обслуживающий торговую точку) или к платежному провайдеру

HTTP Status

Visa Error Code







Update the Recipient or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Data for one or more of Recipient fields are required to process your payout request



Update the Recipient or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient province or state is not correct



Update the Recipient or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Data for one or more Recipient fields contains special characters



Update the Recipient or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Data for one or more Recipient fields are required to process your payout request



Update the Recipient or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Data for one or more Recipient fields exceeds the max number of characters allowed



Update the Recipient or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Data for one or more of the Recipient fields are less than the number of characters required



Update the Recipient or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Data for one or more Recipient fields contains special characters



Update the Recipient or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Data for one or more Recipient fields contains alpha and/or special characters



Update the Recipient or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Data for one or more Recipient fields are not correct or contains special characters



Update the Recipient or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Data provided for one or more Recipient fields is not currently supported



Update the Recipient or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient ID issue country is not correct



Update the Recipient or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient ID number is not correct



Update the Recipient or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Data for one or more of Recipient country fields is not correct



Update the Recipient or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Data for one or more Recipient fields are required to process your payout request



Update the Recipient or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient ID type is not correct



Update the Recipient or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient date of birth is not correct



Update the Recipient or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient email address is not correct



Update the Recipient or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient company registration number is not correct



Update the Recipient or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Data for one or more of Recipient fields are required to process your payout request



Update the Recipient or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient province or state is not correct



Update the Recipient or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Data for one or more Recipient fields contains special characters



Update the Recipient or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Data for one or more Recipient fields are required to process your payout request



Update the Recipient or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Data for one or more Recipient fields exceeds the max number of characters allowed



Update the Recipient or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Data for one or more of the Recipient fields are less than the number of characters required



Update the Recipient or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Data for one or more Recipient fields contains special characters



Update the Recipient or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Data for one or more Recipient fields contains alpha and/or special characters



Update the Recipient or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Data for one or more Recipient fields are not correct or contains special characters



Update the Recipient or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Data provided for one or more Recipient fields is not currently supported



Update the Recipient or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient ID issue country is not correct



Update the Recipient or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient ID number is not correct



Update the Recipient or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Data for one or more of Recipient country fields is not correct



Update the Recipient or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Data for one or more Recipient fields are required to process your payout request



Update the Recipient or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient ID type is not correct



Update the Recipient or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient date of birth is not correct



Update the Recipient or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient email address is not correct



Update the Recipient or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient company registration number is not correct



Update the Recipient or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Data for one or more of Recipient fields are required to process your payout request



Update the Recipient or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient province or state is not correct



Update the Recipient or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Data for one or more Recipient fields contains special characters



Update the Recipient or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Data for one or more Recipient fields are required to process your payout request



Update the Recipient or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Data for one or more Recipient fields exceeds the max number of characters allowed



Update the Recipient or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Data for one or more of the Recipient fields are less than the number of characters required



Update the Recipient or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Data for one or more Recipient fields contains special characters



Update the Recipient or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Data for one or more Recipient fields contains alpha and/or special characters



Update the Recipient or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Data for one or more Recipient fields are not correct or contains special characters



Update the Recipient or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Data provided for one or more Recipient fields is not currently supported



Update the Recipient or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient ID issue country is not correct



Update the Recipient or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient ID number is not correct



Update the Recipient or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Data for one or more of Recipient country fields is not correct



Update the Recipient or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Data for one or more Recipient fields are required to process your payout request



Update the Recipient or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient ID type is not correct



Update the Recipient or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient date of birth is not correct



Update the Recipient or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient email address is not correct



Update the Recipient or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient company registration number is not correct



Update the Recipient information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient type must be «I» for Individual or «C» for Company 



Update the Recipient information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient type must be «I» for Individual or «C» for Company 



Update the Recipient or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Data for one or more of Recipient fields are required to process your payout request



Update the Recipient or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient province or state is not correct



Update the Recipient or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Data for one or more Recipient fields contains special characters



Update the Recipient or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Data for one or more Recipient fields are required to process your payout request



Update the Recipient or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Data for one or more Recipient fields exceeds the max number of characters allowed



Update the Recipient or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Data for one or more of the Recipient fields are less than the number of characters required



Update the Recipient or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Data for one or more Recipient fields contains special characters



Update the Recipient or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Data for one or more Recipient fields contains alpha and/or special characters



Update the Recipient or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Data for one or more Recipient fields are not correct or contains special characters



Update the Recipient or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Data provided for one or more Recipient fields is not currently supported



Update the Recipient or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient ID issue country is not correct



Update the Recipient or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient ID number is not correct



Update the Recipient or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Data for one or more of Recipient country fields is not correct



Update the Recipient or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Data for one or more Recipient fields are required to process your payout request



Update the Recipient or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient ID type is not correct



Update the Recipient or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient date of birth is not correct



Update the Recipient or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient email address is not correct



Update the Recipient or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient company registration number is not correct



Update the Recipient or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Data for one or more Recipient identification list fields is not correct



Update the Recipient or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Data for one or more Recipient identification list fields is not correct



Update the Recipient or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Data for one or more Recipient identification list fields is not correct



Update the Recipient or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Data for one or more Recipient identification list fields is not correct



Update the Recipient or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Data for one or more Recipient fields is required to process your payout request



Update the Recipient or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Data for one or more Recipient fields is required to process your payout request



Update the Recipient or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Data for one or more Recipient fields is required to process your payout request



Update the Recipient or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Data for one or more Recipient fields is required to process your payout request



Update the Recipient or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Only one form of identification is required for the Recipient



Update the Recipient or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Only one form of identification is required for the Recipient



Update the Recipient or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Only one form of identification is required for the Recipient



Update the Recipient or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Only one form of identification is required for the Recipient



Update the Recipient or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Duplicate data for one or more Recipient identification list fields exists



Update the Recipient or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Duplicate data for one or more Recipient identification list fields exists



Update the Recipient or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Duplicate data for one or more Recipient identification list fields exists



Update the Recipient or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Duplicate data for one or more Recipient identification list fields exists



Update the Recipient or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Data provided for one or more Recipient fields is not required for this destination country



Update the Recipient or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Data provided for one or more Recipient fields is not required for this destination country



Update the Recipient or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Data provided for one or more Recipient fields is not required for this destination country



Update the Recipient or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Data provided for one or more Recipient fields is not required for this destination country



Review the transaction details.  Your payout request cannot be processed.


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Transaction amount exceeds the transaction limit



Destination country is not currently supported


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request




Destination country is not currently supported


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request




Review the transaction details.  Your payout request cannot be processed.


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Sender details are not in the correct format.  Contact your Visa representative for assistance.



Review the transaction details.  Your payout request cannot be processed.


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient details are not in the correct format.  Contact your Visa representative for assistance.



Review the transaction details.  Your payout request cannot be processed.


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient details are not in the correct format.  Contact your Visa representative for assistance.



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Combination of Recipient bank country code and Recipient bank account number for «IBAN» bank account number type is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Combination of Recipient bank country code and Recipient bank account number for «IBAN» bank account number type is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Combination of Recipient bank country code and Recipient bank account number for «IBAN» bank account number type is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Combination of Recipient bank country code and Recipient bank account number for «IBAN» bank account number type is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Combination of Recipient bank country code and Recipient bank account number for «IBAN» bank account number type is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Combination of Recipient bank country code and Recipient bank account number for «IBAN» bank account number type is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account number is not correct for «IBAN» bank account number type



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account number is not correct for «IBAN» bank account number type



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account number is not correct for «IBAN» bank account number type



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account number is not correct for «IBAN» bank account number type



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account number is not correct for «IBAN» bank account number type



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account number is not correct for «IBAN» bank account number type



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account name is required to process your payout request



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account name is required to process your payout request



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account name is required to process your payout request



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account name is required to process your payout request



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account name is required to process your payout request



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account name is required to process your payout request



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account name is required to process your payout request



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account name is required to process your payout request



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account name is required to process your payout request



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account name is required to process your payout request



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account name is required to process your payout request



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account name is required to process your payout request



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account name exceeds the max number of characters allowed



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account name exceeds the max number of characters allowed



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account name exceeds the max number of characters allowed



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account name exceeds the max number of characters allowed



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account name exceeds the max number of characters allowed



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account name exceeds the max number of characters allowed



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account name contains special characters



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account name contains special characters



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account name contains special characters



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account name contains special characters



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account name contains special characters



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account name contains special characters



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account name is less than the number of characters required



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account name is less than the number of characters required



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account name is less than the number of characters required



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account name is less than the number of characters required



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account name is less than the number of characters required



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account name is less than the number of characters required



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank name is required to process your payout request



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank name is required to process your payout request



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank name is required to process your payout request



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank name is required to process your payout request



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank name is required to process your payout request



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank name is required to process your payout request



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank name exceeds the max number of characters allowed



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank name exceeds the max number of characters allowed



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank name exceeds the max number of characters allowed



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank name exceeds the max number of characters allowed



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank name exceeds the max number of characters allowed



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank name exceeds the max number of characters allowed



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank name contains special characters



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank name contains special characters



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank name contains special characters



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank name contains special characters



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank name contains special characters



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank name contains special characters



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account name is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account name is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account name is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account name is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account name is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account name is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank name is less than the number of characters required



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank name is less than the number of characters required



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank name is less than the number of characters required



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank name is less than the number of characters required



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank name is less than the number of characters required



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank name is less than the number of characters required



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank name is not currently supported for this payout request



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank name is not currently supported for this payout request



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank name is not currently supported for this payout request



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank name is not currently supported for this payout request



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank name is not currently supported for this payout request



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank name is not currently supported for this payout request



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank code is required to process your payout request



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank code is required to process your payout request



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank code is required to process your payout request



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank code is required to process your payout request



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank code is required to process your payout request



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank code is required to process your payout request



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank code is less than the number of characters required



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank code is less than the number of characters required



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank code is less than the number of characters required



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank code is less than the number of characters required



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank code is less than the number of characters required



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank code is less than the number of characters required



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank code exceeds the max number of characters allowed



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank code exceeds the max number of characters allowed



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank code exceeds the max number of characters allowed



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank code exceeds the max number of characters allowed



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank code exceeds the max number of characters allowed



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank code exceeds the max number of characters allowed



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank code contains special characters



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank code contains special characters



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank code contains special characters



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank code contains special characters



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank code contains special characters



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank code contains special characters



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank code contains alpha and/or special characters



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank code contains alpha and/or special characters



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank code contains alpha and/or special characters



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank code contains alpha and/or special characters



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank code contains alpha and/or special characters



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank code contains alpha and/or special characters



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank code should not be provided for this destination country



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank code should not be provided for this destination country



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank code should not be provided for this destination country



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank code should not be provided for this destination country



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank code should not be provided for this destination country



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank code should not be provided for this destination country



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank code is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank code is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank code is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank code is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank code is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank code is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank code is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank code is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank code is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank code is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank code is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank code is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Combination of Recipient bank code and Recipient bank account number is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Combination of Recipient bank code and Recipient bank account number is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Combination of Recipient bank code and Recipient bank account number is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Combination of Recipient bank code and Recipient bank account number is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Combination of Recipient bank code and Recipient bank account number is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Combination of Recipient bank code and Recipient bank account number is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank branch code is required to process your payout request



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank branch code is required to process your payout request



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank branch code is required to process your payout request



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank branch code is required to process your payout request



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank branch code is required to process your payout request



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank branch code is required to process your payout request



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank branch code is less than the number of characters required



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank branch code is less than the number of characters required



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank branch code is less than the number of characters required



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank branch code is less than the number of characters required



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank branch code is less than the number of characters required



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank branch code is less than the number of characters required



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank branch code exceeds the max number of characters allowed



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank branch code exceeds the max number of characters allowed



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank branch code exceeds the max number of characters allowed



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank branch code exceeds the max number of characters allowed



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank branch code exceeds the max number of characters allowed



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank branch code exceeds the max number of characters allowed



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank branch code contains special characters



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank branch code contains special characters



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank branch code contains special characters



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank branch code contains special characters



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank branch code contains special characters



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank branch code contains special characters



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank branch code contains alpha and/or special characters



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank branch code contains alpha and/or special characters



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank branch code contains alpha and/or special characters



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank branch code contains alpha and/or special characters



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank branch code contains alpha and/or special characters



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank branch code contains alpha and/or special characters



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank branch code should not be provided for this destination country



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank branch code should not be provided for this destination country



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank branch code should not be provided for this destination country



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank branch code should not be provided for this destination country



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank branch code should not be provided for this destination country



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank branch code should not be provided for this destination country



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank branch code is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank branch code is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank branch code is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank branch code is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank branch code is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank branch code is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank branch code is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank branch code is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank branch code is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank branch code is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank branch code is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank branch code is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank code is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank code is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank code is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank code is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank code is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank code is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Combination of Recipient bank BIC and Recipient bank code is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Combination of Recipient bank BIC and Recipient bank code is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Combination of Recipient bank BIC and Recipient bank code is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Combination of Recipient bank BIC and Recipient bank code is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Combination of Recipient bank BIC and Recipient bank code is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Combination of Recipient bank BIC and Recipient bank code is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Combination of Recipient bank BIC and Recipient bank code is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Combination of Recipient bank BIC and Recipient bank code is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Combination of Recipient bank BIC and Recipient bank code is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Combination of Recipient bank BIC and Recipient bank code is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Combination of Recipient bank BIC and Recipient bank code is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Combination of Recipient bank BIC and Recipient bank code is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account number is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account number is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account number is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account number is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account number is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account number is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account number is required to process your payout request



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account number is required to process your payout request



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account number is required to process your payout request



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account number is required to process your payout request



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account number is required to process your payout request



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account number is required to process your payout request



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account number exceeds the max number of characters allowed



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account number exceeds the max number of characters allowed



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account number exceeds the max number of characters allowed



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account number exceeds the max number of characters allowed



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account number exceeds the max number of characters allowed



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account number exceeds the max number of characters allowed



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account number is less than the number of characters required



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account number is less than the number of characters required



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account number is less than the number of characters required



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account number is less than the number of characters required



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account number is less than the number of characters required



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account number is less than the number of characters required



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account number contains alpha and/or special characters



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account number contains alpha and/or special characters



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account number contains alpha and/or special characters



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account number contains alpha and/or special characters



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account number contains alpha and/or special characters



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account number contains alpha and/or special characters



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account number contains special characters



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account number contains special characters



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account number contains special characters



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account number contains special characters



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account number contains special characters



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account number contains special characters



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account number exceeds the max number of characters allowed



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account number exceeds the max number of characters allowed



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account number exceeds the max number of characters allowed



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account number exceeds the max number of characters allowed



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account number exceeds the max number of characters allowed



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account number exceeds the max number of characters allowed



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account number is less than the number of characters required



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account number is less than the number of characters required



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account number is less than the number of characters required



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account number is less than the number of characters required



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account number is less than the number of characters required



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account number is less than the number of characters required



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account number contains alpha and/or special characters



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account number contains alpha and/or special characters



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account number contains alpha and/or special characters



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account number contains alpha and/or special characters



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account number contains alpha and/or special characters



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account number contains alpha and/or special characters



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account number contains special characters



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account number contains special characters



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account number contains special characters



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account number contains special characters



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account number contains special characters



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account number contains special characters



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account number is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account number is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account number is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account number is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account number is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account number is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account number suffix exceeds the max number of characters allowed



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account number suffix exceeds the max number of characters allowed



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account number suffix exceeds the max number of characters allowed



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account number suffix exceeds the max number of characters allowed



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account number suffix exceeds the max number of characters allowed



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account number suffix exceeds the max number of characters allowed



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account number suffix is less than the number of characters required



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account number suffix is less than the number of characters required



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account number suffix is less than the number of characters required



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account number suffix is less than the number of characters required



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account number suffix is less than the number of characters required



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account number suffix is less than the number of characters required



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account number suffix contains alpha and/or special characters



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account number suffix contains alpha and/or special characters



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account number suffix contains alpha and/or special characters



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account number suffix contains alpha and/or special characters



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account number suffix contains alpha and/or special characters



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account number suffix contains alpha and/or special characters



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account number suffix contains special characters



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account number suffix contains special characters



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account number suffix contains special characters



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account number suffix contains special characters



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account number suffix contains special characters



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account number suffix contains special characters



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account number is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account number is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account number is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account number is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account number is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account number is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account type is required to process your payout request



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account type is required to process your payout request



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account type is required to process your payout request



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account type is required to process your payout request



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account type is required to process your payout request



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account type is required to process your payout request



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account type is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account type is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account type is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account type is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account type is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account type is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account type contains special characters



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account type contains special characters



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account type contains special characters



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account type contains special characters



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account type contains special characters



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account type contains special characters



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account number suffix is required to process your payout request



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account number suffix is required to process your payout request



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account number suffix is required to process your payout request



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account number suffix is required to process your payout request



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account number suffix is required to process your payout request



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account number suffix is required to process your payout request



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Remove the Recipient bank account number suffix.  The suffix is included in the Recipient bank account number.



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Remove the Recipient bank account number suffix.  The suffix is included in the Recipient bank account number.



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Remove the Recipient bank account number suffix.  The suffix is included in the Recipient bank account number.



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Remove the Recipient bank account number suffix.  The suffix is included in the Recipient bank account number.



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Remove the Recipient bank account number suffix.  The suffix is included in the Recipient bank account number.



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Remove the Recipient bank account number suffix.  The suffix is included in the Recipient bank account number.



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank BIC is required to process your payout request



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank BIC is required to process your payout request



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank BIC is required to process your payout request



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank BIC is required to process your payout request



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank BIC is required to process your payout request



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank BIC is required to process your payout request



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank BIC is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank BIC is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank BIC is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank BIC is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank BIC is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank BIC is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank BIC contains special characters



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank BIC contains special characters



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank BIC contains special characters



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank BIC contains special characters



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank BIC contains special characters



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank BIC contains special characters



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank BIC contains special characters



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank BIC contains special characters



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank BIC contains special characters



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank BIC contains special characters



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank BIC contains special characters



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank BIC contains special characters



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank code is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank code is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank code is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank code is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank code is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank code is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank BIC is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank BIC is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank BIC is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank BIC is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank BIC is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank BIC is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank country code requires IBAN account number to process this payout request



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank country code requires IBAN account number to process this payout request



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank country code requires IBAN account number to process this payout request



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank country code requires IBAN account number to process this payout request



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank country code requires IBAN account number to process this payout request



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank country code requires IBAN account number to process this payout request



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account number is less than the number of characters required



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account number is less than the number of characters required



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account number is less than the number of characters required



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account number is less than the number of characters required



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account number is less than the number of characters required



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account number is less than the number of characters required



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account number exceeds the max number of characters allowed



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account number exceeds the max number of characters allowed



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account number exceeds the max number of characters allowed



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account number exceeds the max number of characters allowed



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account number exceeds the max number of characters allowed



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account number exceeds the max number of characters allowed



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank country code does not support IBAN account numbers



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank country code does not support IBAN account numbers



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank country code does not support IBAN account numbers



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank country code does not support IBAN account numbers



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank country code does not support IBAN account numbers



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank country code does not support IBAN account numbers



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account number is not correct for «IBAN» bank account number type



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account number is not correct for «IBAN» bank account number type



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account number is not correct for «IBAN» bank account number type



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account number is not correct for «IBAN» bank account number type



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account number is not correct for «IBAN» bank account number type



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account number is not correct for «IBAN» bank account number type



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account number contains special characters



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account number contains special characters



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account number contains special characters



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account number contains special characters



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account number contains special characters



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account number contains special characters



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account number is not correct for «IBAN» bank account number type



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account number is not correct for «IBAN» bank account number type



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account number is not correct for «IBAN» bank account number type



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account number is not correct for «IBAN» bank account number type



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account number is not correct for «IBAN» bank account number type



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account number is not correct for «IBAN» bank account number type



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Combination of Recipient «IBAN» bank account number and Recipient bank code is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Combination of Recipient «IBAN» bank account number and Recipient bank code is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Combination of Recipient «IBAN» bank account number and Recipient bank code is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Combination of Recipient «IBAN» bank account number and Recipient bank code is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Combination of Recipient «IBAN» bank account number and Recipient bank code is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Combination of Recipient «IBAN» bank account number and Recipient bank code is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account number for «IBAN» bank account number type is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account number for «IBAN» bank account number type is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account number for «IBAN» bank account number type is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account number for «IBAN» bank account number type is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account number for «IBAN» bank account number type is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account number for «IBAN» bank account number type is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account number is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account number is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account number is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account number is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account number is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account number is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank code contains special characters



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank code contains special characters



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank code contains special characters



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank code contains special characters



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank code contains special characters



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank code contains special characters



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank code is required to process your payout request



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank code is required to process your payout request



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank code is required to process your payout request



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank code is required to process your payout request



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank code is required to process your payout request



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank code is required to process your payout request



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank code is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank code is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank code is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank code is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank code is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank code is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank code is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank code is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank code is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank code is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank code is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank code is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank code exceeds the max number of characters allowed



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank code exceeds the max number of characters allowed



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank code exceeds the max number of characters allowed



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank code exceeds the max number of characters allowed



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank code exceeds the max number of characters allowed



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank code exceeds the max number of characters allowed



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank code is less than the number of characters required



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank code is less than the number of characters required



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank code is less than the number of characters required



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank code is less than the number of characters required



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank code is less than the number of characters required



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank code is less than the number of characters required



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank code contains alpha and/or special characters



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank code contains alpha and/or special characters



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank code contains alpha and/or special characters



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank code contains alpha and/or special characters



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank code contains alpha and/or special characters



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank code contains alpha and/or special characters



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank code contains special characters



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank code contains special characters



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank code contains special characters



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank code contains special characters



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank code contains special characters



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank code contains special characters



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank code is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank code is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank code is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank code is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank code is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank code is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank code exceeds the max number of characters allowed



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank code exceeds the max number of characters allowed



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank code exceeds the max number of characters allowed



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank code exceeds the max number of characters allowed



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank code exceeds the max number of characters allowed



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank code exceeds the max number of characters allowed



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank code is less than the number of characters required



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank code is less than the number of characters required



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank code is less than the number of characters required



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank code is less than the number of characters required



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank code is less than the number of characters required



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank code is less than the number of characters required



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank code contains alpha and/or special characters



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank code contains alpha and/or special characters



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank code contains alpha and/or special characters



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank code contains alpha and/or special characters



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank code contains alpha and/or special characters



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank code contains alpha and/or special characters



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank code contains special characters



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank code contains special characters



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank code contains special characters



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank code contains special characters



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank code contains special characters



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank code contains special characters



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank code is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank code is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank code is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank code is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank code is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank code is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank code is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank code is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank code is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank code is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank code is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank code is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account number is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account number is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account number is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account number is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account number is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account number is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank BIC is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank BIC is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank BIC is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank BIC is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank BIC is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank BIC is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank BIC is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank BIC is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank BIC is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank BIC is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank BIC is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank BIC is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank code is not currently supported for this payout request



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank code is not currently supported for this payout request



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank code is not currently supported for this payout request



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank code is not currently supported for this payout request



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank code is not currently supported for this payout request



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank code is not currently supported for this payout request



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Combination of Recipient bank code and Recipient bank branch code is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Combination of Recipient bank code and Recipient bank branch code is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Combination of Recipient bank code and Recipient bank branch code is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Combination of Recipient bank code and Recipient bank branch code is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Combination of Recipient bank code and Recipient bank branch code is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Combination of Recipient bank code and Recipient bank branch code is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Combination of Recipient bank account number and Recipient bank code type is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Combination of Recipient bank account number and Recipient bank code type is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Combination of Recipient bank account number and Recipient bank code type is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Combination of Recipient bank account number and Recipient bank code type is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Combination of Recipient bank account number and Recipient bank code type is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Combination of Recipient bank account number and Recipient bank code type is not correct



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Data provided for one or more Sender fields is not currently supported



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Data provided for one or more Sender fields is not currently supported



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Data provided for one or more Sender fields is not currently supported



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Data provided for one or more Sender fields is not currently supported



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Data provided for one or more Sender fields is not currently supported



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Data provided for one or more Sender fields is not currently supported



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Data provided for one or more Sender fields is not currently supported



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Data for one or more of Sender country fields is not correct



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Data for one or more of Sender country fields is not correct



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Data for one or more of Sender country fields is not correct



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Data for one or more of Sender country fields is not correct



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Data for one or more of Sender country fields is not correct



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Data for one or more of Sender country fields is not correct



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Data for one or more of Sender country fields is not correct



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Sender ID issue country is not correct



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Sender ID issue country is not correct



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Sender ID issue country is not correct



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Sender ID issue country is not correct



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Sender ID issue country is not correct



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Sender ID issue country is not correct



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Sender ID issue country is not correct



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Sender ID type is not correct



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Sender ID type is not correct



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Sender ID type is not correct



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Sender ID type is not correct



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Sender ID type is not correct



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Sender ID type is not correct



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Sender ID type is not correct



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Sender email address is not correct



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Sender email address is not correct



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Sender email address is not correct



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Sender email address is not correct



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Sender email address is not correct



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Sender email address is not correct



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Sender email address is not correct



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Sender province is not correct



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Sender province is not correct



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Sender province is not correct



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Sender province is not correct



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Sender province is not correct



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Sender province is not correct



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Sender province is not correct



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Data for one or more of Sender fields is required to process your payout request



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Data for one or more of Sender fields is required to process your payout request



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Data for one or more of Sender fields is required to process your payout request



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Data for one or more of Sender fields is required to process your payout request



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Data for one or more of Sender fields is required to process your payout request



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Data for one or more of Sender fields is required to process your payout request



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Data for one or more of Sender fields is required to process your payout request



Update the Sender information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Sender type must be «I» for Individual or «C» for Company 



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Sender date of birth is not correct



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Sender date of birth is not correct



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Sender date of birth is not correct



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Sender date of birth is not correct



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Sender date of birth is not correct



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Sender date of birth is not correct



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Sender date of birth is not correct



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Data for one or more Sender identification list fields is not correct



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Data for one or more Sender identification list fields is not correct



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Data for one or more Sender identification list fields is not correct



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Data for one or more Sender identification list fields is not correct



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Data for one or more Sender identification list fields is not correct



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Data for one or more Sender identification list fields is not correct



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Data for one or more Sender identification list fields is not correct



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Data for one or more Sender fields contains special characters



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Data for one or more Sender fields contains special characters



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Data for one or more Sender fields contains special characters



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Data for one or more Sender fields contains special characters



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Data for one or more Sender fields contains special characters



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Data for one or more Sender fields contains special characters



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Data for one or more Sender fields contains special characters



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Data for one or more Sender fields exceeds the max number of characters allowed



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Data for one or more Sender fields exceeds the max number of characters allowed



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Data for one or more Sender fields exceeds the max number of characters allowed



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Data for one or more Sender fields exceeds the max number of characters allowed



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Data for one or more Sender fields exceeds the max number of characters allowed



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Data for one or more Sender fields exceeds the max number of characters allowed



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Data for one or more Sender fields exceeds the max number of characters allowed



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Data for one or more of the Sender fields are less than the number of characters required



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Data for one or more of the Sender fields are less than the number of characters required



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Data for one or more of the Sender fields are less than the number of characters required



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Data for one or more of the Sender fields are less than the number of characters required



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Data for one or more of the Sender fields are less than the number of characters required



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Data for one or more of the Sender fields are less than the number of characters required



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Data for one or more of the Sender fields are less than the number of characters required



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Data for one or more Sender fields contains alpha and/or special characters



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Data for one or more Sender fields contains alpha and/or special characters



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Data for one or more Sender fields contains alpha and/or special characters



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Data for one or more Sender fields contains alpha and/or special characters



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Data for one or more Sender fields contains alpha and/or special characters



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Data for one or more Sender fields contains alpha and/or special characters



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Data for one or more Sender fields contains alpha and/or special characters



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Data for one or more of Sender fields is required to process your payout request



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Data for one or more of Sender fields is required to process your payout request



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Data for one or more of Sender fields is required to process your payout request



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Data for one or more of Sender fields is required to process your payout request



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Data for one or more of Sender fields is required to process your payout request



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Data for one or more of Sender fields is required to process your payout request



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Data for one or more Sender fields is required to process your payout request



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Only one form of identification is required for the Sender



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Only one form of identification is required for the Sender



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Only one form of identification is required for the Sender



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Only one form of identification is required for the Sender



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Only one form of identification is required for the Sender



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Only one form of identification is required for the Sender



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Only one form of identification is required for the Sender



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Sender ID number is not correct



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Sender ID number is not correct



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Sender ID number is not correct



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Sender ID number is not correct



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Sender ID number is not correct



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Sender ID number is not correct



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Sender ID number is not correct



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Duplicate data for one or more Sender identification list fields exists



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Duplicate data for one or more Sender identification list fields exists



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Duplicate data for one or more Sender identification list fields exists



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Duplicate data for one or more Sender identification list fields exists



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Duplicate data for one or more Sender identification list fields exists



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Duplicate data for one or more Sender identification list fields exists



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Duplicate data for one or more Sender identification list fields exists



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Data for one or more Sender fields are not correct or contains special characters



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Data for one or more Sender fields are not correct or contains special characters



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Data for one or more Sender fields are not correct or contains special characters



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Data for one or more Sender fields are not correct or contains special characters



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Data for one or more Sender fields are not correct or contains special characters



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Data for one or more Sender fields are not correct or contains special characters



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Data for one or more Sender fields are not correct or contains special characters



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Data for one or more Sender fields contains special characters



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Data for one or more Sender fields contains special characters



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Data for one or more Sender fields contains special characters



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Data for one or more Sender fields contains special characters



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Data for one or more Sender fields contains special characters



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Data for one or more Sender fields contains special characters



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Data for one or more Sender fields contains special characters



Update the Sender information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Sender type must be «I» for Individual or «C» for Company 



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Data for one or more Sender fields are required to process your payout request



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Data for one or more Sender fields are required to process your payout request



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Data for one or more Sender fields are required to process your payout request



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Data for one or more Sender fields are required to process your payout request



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Data for one or more Sender fields are required to process your payout request



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Data for one or more Sender fields are required to process your payout request



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Data for one or more Sender fields are required to process your payout request



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Data for one or more Sender fields are required to process your payout request



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Data for one or more Sender fields are required to process your payout request



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Data for one or more Sender fields are required to process your payout request



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Data for one or more Sender fields are required to process your payout request



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Data for one or more Sender fields are required to process your payout request



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Data for one or more Sender fields are required to process your payout request



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Data for one or more Sender fields are required to process your payout request



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Data for one or more Sender fields are not correct or contains special characters



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Data for one or more Sender fields are not correct or contains special characters



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Data for one or more Sender fields are not correct or contains special characters



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Data for one or more Sender fields are not correct or contains special characters



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Data for one or more Sender fields are not correct or contains special characters



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Data for one or more Sender fields are not correct or contains special characters



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Data for one or more Sender fields are not correct or contains special characters



Update the Sender information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Sender type must be «I» for Individual or «C» for Company 



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Sender company registration number is not correct



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Sender company registration number is not correct



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Sender company registration number is not correct



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Sender company registration number is not correct



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Sender company registration number is not correct



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Sender company registration number is not correct



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Sender company registration number is not correct



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Data provided for one or more Sender fields is not required for this destination country



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Data provided for one or more Sender fields is not required for this destination country



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Data provided for one or more Sender fields is not required for this destination country



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Data provided for one or more Sender fields is not required for this destination country



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Data provided for one or more Sender fields is not required for this destination country



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Data provided for one or more Sender fields is not required for this destination country



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Data provided for one or more Sender fields is not required for this destination country



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Originator bank BIC is not correct



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Originator bank BIC is not correct



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Originator bank BIC is not correct



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Originator bank BIC is not correct



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Originator bank BIC is not correct



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Originator bank BIC is not correct



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Originator bank BIC is not correct



Update the Recipient or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Originator bank BIC is not correct



Update the Recipient or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Originator bank BIC is not correct



Update the Recipient or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Originator bank BIC is not correct



Update the Recipient or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Originator bank BIC is not correct



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Originator bank BIC is not correct



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Originator bank BIC is not correct



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Originator bank BIC is not correct



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Originator bank BIC is not correct



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Originator bank BIC is not correct



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Originator bank BIC is not correct



Update the Sender or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Originator bank BIC is not correct



Update the Recipient or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Originator bank BIC is not correct



Update the Recipient or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Originator bank BIC is not correct



Update the Recipient or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Originator bank BIC is not correct



Update the Recipient or Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Originator bank BIC is not correct



Configuration error. Please contact your Visa representative.


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request




Configuration error. Please contact your Visa representative.


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request




Configuration error. Please contact your Visa representative.


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request




Visa Payout service has encountered internal error


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Purpose of payment is not correct



This is a duplicate transaction


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request




Update the Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Originator bank BIC is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank account number is not correct



Update the Originator information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Originator bank BIC is not correct



Update the Recipient Bank information requested


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request

Recipient bank code is required to process your payout request



There is an issue with the data of this transaction and it cannot be processed


Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request


400 100906 Configuration error. Please contact your Visa representative. invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Not applicable 400 100907 Destination route not set up invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Destination route not set up 400 100908 Update the Recipient information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient type supported is Individual for this payout 400 200007 Update the Recipient Wallet information requested invalidWalletRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more of Recipient fields is required to process your payout request 400 200008 Update the Recipient Wallet information requested invalidWalletRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Only Recipient wallet account identifier type PHONENUMBER supported for this wallet operator 400 200009 Update the Recipient Wallet information requested invalidWalletRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient account identifier phone number not in correct format 400 200010 Update the Recipient Wallet information requested invalidWalletRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient wallet country code not currently supported by this wallet operator 400 200011 Update the Recipient Wallet information requested invalidWalletRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient wallet currency code not currently supported by this wallet operator 400 100914 Update the Sender information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Sender type supported is Individual for this payout 400 100909 Update the Sender information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for Sender date of birth is required to process your payout request 400 100910 Update the Sender information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Sender date of birth is not correct 400 100911 Update the Sender information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for Sender address is required to process your payout request 400 100912 Update the Sender information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for Sender address is required to process your payout request 400 100918 Update the Sender information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for Sender country is required to process your payout request 400 200012 Update the Recipient Wallet information requested invalidWalletRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Payout method does not match the recipient details provided  400 200013 Update the Recipient Wallet information requested invalidWalletRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient wallet operator name is invalid 400 200014 Update the Recipient Wallet information requested invalidWalletRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient wallet account identifier type is invalid 400 200015 Update the Recipient Wallet information requested invalidWalletRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient wallet account identifier type is invalid 400 200016 Update the Recipient Wallet information requested invalidWalletRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more of Recipient fields are required to process your payout request 400 200017 Update the Recipient Wallet information requested invalidWalletRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient wallet country code not currently supported by this wallet operator 400 200018 Update the Recipient Wallet information requested invalidWalletRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient wallet currency code not currently supported by this wallet operator 400 200019 Update the Recipient Wallet information requested invalidWalletRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Recipient fields are not correct or contains special characters 400 100913 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Recipient fields are not correct or contains special characters 400 100915 Visa Payout service has encountered internal error invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Destination amount exceeds the transaction limit 400 100916 Visa Payout service has encountered internal error invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Transaction amount is 0 400 100917 Visa Payout service has encountered internal error invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Destination amount is 0
HTTP Status Visa Error Code Message Reason Location Message
400 100000 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more of Recipient fields are required to process your payout request
400 100001 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient province or state is not correct
400 100002 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Recipient fields contains special characters
400 100003 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Recipient fields are required to process your payout request
400 100005 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Recipient fields exceeds the max number of characters allowed
400 100006 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more of the Recipient fields are less than the number of characters required
400 100007 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Recipient fields contains special characters
400 100009 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Recipient fields contains alpha and/or special characters
400 100010 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Recipient fields are not correct or contains special characters
400 100011 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data provided for one or more Recipient fields is not currently supported
400 100012 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient ID issue country is not correct
400 100013 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient ID number is not correct
400 100014 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more of Recipient country fields is not correct
400 100015 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Recipient fields are required to process your payout request
400 100016 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient ID type is not correct
400 100017 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient date of birth is not correct
400 100019 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient email address is not correct
400 100020 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient company registration number is not correct
400 100021 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more of Recipient fields are required to process your payout request
400 100022 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient province or state is not correct
400 100023 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Recipient fields contains special characters
400 100024 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Recipient fields are required to process your payout request
400 100026 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Recipient fields exceeds the max number of characters allowed
400 100027 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more of the Recipient fields are less than the number of characters required
400 100028 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Recipient fields contains special characters
400 100030 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Recipient fields contains alpha and/or special characters
400 100031 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Recipient fields are not correct or contains special characters
400 100032 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data provided for one or more Recipient fields is not currently supported
400 100033 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient ID issue country is not correct
400 100034 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient ID number is not correct
400 100035 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more of Recipient country fields is not correct
400 100036 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Recipient fields are required to process your payout request
400 100037 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient ID type is not correct
400 100038 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient date of birth is not correct
400 100040 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient email address is not correct
400 100041 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient company registration number is not correct
400 100042 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more of Recipient fields are required to process your payout request
400 100043 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient province or state is not correct
400 100044 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Recipient fields contains special characters
400 100045 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Recipient fields are required to process your payout request
400 100047 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Recipient fields exceeds the max number of characters allowed
400 100048 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more of the Recipient fields are less than the number of characters required
400 100049 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Recipient fields contains special characters
400 100051 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Recipient fields contains alpha and/or special characters
400 100052 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Recipient fields are not correct or contains special characters
400 100053 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data provided for one or more Recipient fields is not currently supported
400 100054 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient ID issue country is not correct
400 100055 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient ID number is not correct
400 100056 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more of Recipient country fields is not correct
400 100057 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Recipient fields are required to process your payout request
400 100058 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient ID type is not correct
400 100059 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient date of birth is not correct
400 100061 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient email address is not correct
400 100062 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient company registration number is not correct
400 100063 Update the Recipient information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient type must be «I» for Individual or «C» for Company 
400 100064 Update the Recipient information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient type must be «I» for Individual or «C» for Company 
400 100066 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more of Recipient fields are required to process your payout request
400 100067 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient province or state is not correct
400 100068 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Recipient fields contains special characters
400 100069 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Recipient fields are required to process your payout request
400 100071 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Recipient fields exceeds the max number of characters allowed
400 100072 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more of the Recipient fields are less than the number of characters required
400 100073 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Recipient fields contains special characters
400 100075 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Recipient fields contains alpha and/or special characters
400 100076 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Recipient fields are not correct or contains special characters
400 100077 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data provided for one or more Recipient fields is not currently supported
400 100078 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient ID issue country is not correct
400 100079 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient ID number is not correct
400 100080 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more of Recipient country fields is not correct
400 100081 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Recipient fields are required to process your payout request
400 100082 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient ID type is not correct
400 100083 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient date of birth is not correct
400 100085 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient email address is not correct
400 100086 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient company registration number is not correct
400 100087 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Recipient identification list fields is not correct
400 100088 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Recipient identification list fields is not correct
400 100089 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Recipient identification list fields is not correct
400 100090 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Recipient identification list fields is not correct
400 100100 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Recipient fields is required to process your payout request
400 100101 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Recipient fields is required to process your payout request
400 100102 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Recipient fields is required to process your payout request
400 100103 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Recipient fields is required to process your payout request
400 100104 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Only one form of identification is required for the Recipient
400 100105 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Only one form of identification is required for the Recipient
400 100106 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Only one form of identification is required for the Recipient
400 100107 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Only one form of identification is required for the Recipient
400 100108 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Duplicate data for one or more Recipient identification list fields exists
400 100109 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Duplicate data for one or more Recipient identification list fields exists
400 100110 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Duplicate data for one or more Recipient identification list fields exists
400 100111 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Duplicate data for one or more Recipient identification list fields exists
400 100112 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data provided for one or more Recipient fields is not required for this destination country
400 100113 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data provided for one or more Recipient fields is not required for this destination country
400 100114 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data provided for one or more Recipient fields is not required for this destination country
400 100115 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data provided for one or more Recipient fields is not required for this destination country
400 100116 Review the transaction details.  Your payout request cannot be processed. invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Transaction amount exceeds the transaction limit
400 100117 Destination country is not currently supported invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request N/A
400 100118 Destination country is not currently supported invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request N/A
400 100119 Review the transaction details.  Your payout request cannot be processed. invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Sender details are not in the correct format.  Contact your Visa representative for assistance.
400 100120 Review the transaction details.  Your payout request cannot be processed. invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient details are not in the correct format.  Contact your Visa representative for assistance.
400 100121 Review the transaction details.  Your payout request cannot be processed. invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient details are not in the correct format.  Contact your Visa representative for assistance.
400 100143 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Combination of Recipient bank country code and Recipient bank account number for «IBAN» bank account number type is not correct
400 100144 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Combination of Recipient bank country code and Recipient bank account number for «IBAN» bank account number type is not correct
400 100145 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Combination of Recipient bank country code and Recipient bank account number for «IBAN» bank account number type is not correct
400 100146 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Combination of Recipient bank country code and Recipient bank account number for «IBAN» bank account number type is not correct
400 100147 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Combination of Recipient bank country code and Recipient bank account number for «IBAN» bank account number type is not correct
400 100148 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Combination of Recipient bank country code and Recipient bank account number for «IBAN» bank account number type is not correct
400 100149 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number is not correct for «IBAN» bank account number type
400 100150 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number is not correct for «IBAN» bank account number type
400 100151 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number is not correct for «IBAN» bank account number type
400 100152 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number is not correct for «IBAN» bank account number type
400 100153 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number is not correct for «IBAN» bank account number type
400 100154 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number is not correct for «IBAN» bank account number type
400 100155 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account name is required to process your payout request
400 100156 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account name is required to process your payout request
400 100157 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account name is required to process your payout request
400 100158 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account name is required to process your payout request
400 100159 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account name is required to process your payout request
400 100160 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account name is required to process your payout request
400 100161 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account name is required to process your payout request
400 100162 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account name is required to process your payout request
400 100163 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account name is required to process your payout request
400 100164 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account name is required to process your payout request
400 100165 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account name is required to process your payout request
400 100166 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account name is required to process your payout request
400 100167 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account name exceeds the max number of characters allowed
400 100168 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account name exceeds the max number of characters allowed
400 100169 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account name exceeds the max number of characters allowed
400 100170 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account name exceeds the max number of characters allowed
400 100171 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account name exceeds the max number of characters allowed
400 100172 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account name exceeds the max number of characters allowed
400 100173 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account name contains special characters
400 100174 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account name contains special characters
400 100175 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account name contains special characters
400 100176 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account name contains special characters
400 100177 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account name contains special characters
400 100178 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account name contains special characters
400 100185 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account name is less than the number of characters required
400 100186 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account name is less than the number of characters required
400 100187 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account name is less than the number of characters required
400 100188 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account name is less than the number of characters required
400 100189 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account name is less than the number of characters required
400 100190 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account name is less than the number of characters required
400 100191 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank name is required to process your payout request
400 100192 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank name is required to process your payout request
400 100193 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank name is required to process your payout request
400 100194 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank name is required to process your payout request
400 100195 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank name is required to process your payout request
400 100196 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank name is required to process your payout request
400 100197 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank name exceeds the max number of characters allowed
400 100198 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank name exceeds the max number of characters allowed
400 100199 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank name exceeds the max number of characters allowed
400 100200 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank name exceeds the max number of characters allowed
400 100201 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank name exceeds the max number of characters allowed
400 100202 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank name exceeds the max number of characters allowed
400 100203 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank name contains special characters
400 100204 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank name contains special characters
400 100205 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank name contains special characters
400 100206 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank name contains special characters
400 100207 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank name contains special characters
400 100208 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank name contains special characters
400 100209 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account name is not correct
400 100210 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account name is not correct
400 100211 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account name is not correct
400 100212 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account name is not correct
400 100213 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account name is not correct
400 100214 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account name is not correct
400 100215 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank name is less than the number of characters required
400 100216 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank name is less than the number of characters required
400 100217 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank name is less than the number of characters required
400 100218 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank name is less than the number of characters required
400 100219 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank name is less than the number of characters required
400 100220 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank name is less than the number of characters required
400 100221 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank name is not currently supported for this payout request
400 100222 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank name is not currently supported for this payout request
400 100223 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank name is not currently supported for this payout request
400 100224 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank name is not currently supported for this payout request
400 100225 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank name is not currently supported for this payout request
400 100226 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank name is not currently supported for this payout request
400 100227 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is required to process your payout request
400 100228 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is required to process your payout request
400 100229 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is required to process your payout request
400 100230 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is required to process your payout request
400 100231 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is required to process your payout request
400 100232 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is required to process your payout request
400 100233 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is less than the number of characters required
400 100234 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is less than the number of characters required
400 100235 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is less than the number of characters required
400 100236 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is less than the number of characters required
400 100237 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is less than the number of characters required
400 100238 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is less than the number of characters required
400 100239 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code exceeds the max number of characters allowed
400 100240 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code exceeds the max number of characters allowed
400 100241 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code exceeds the max number of characters allowed
400 100242 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code exceeds the max number of characters allowed
400 100243 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code exceeds the max number of characters allowed
400 100244 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code exceeds the max number of characters allowed
400 100245 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code contains special characters
400 100246 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code contains special characters
400 100247 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code contains special characters
400 100248 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code contains special characters
400 100249 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code contains special characters
400 100250 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code contains special characters
400 100251 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code contains alpha and/or special characters
400 100252 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code contains alpha and/or special characters
400 100253 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code contains alpha and/or special characters
400 100254 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code contains alpha and/or special characters
400 100255 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code contains alpha and/or special characters
400 100256 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code contains alpha and/or special characters
400 100257 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code should not be provided for this destination country
400 100258 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code should not be provided for this destination country
400 100259 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code should not be provided for this destination country
400 100260 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code should not be provided for this destination country
400 100261 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code should not be provided for this destination country
400 100262 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code should not be provided for this destination country
400 100263 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is not correct
400 100264 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is not correct
400 100265 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is not correct
400 100266 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is not correct
400 100267 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is not correct
400 100268 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is not correct
400 100269 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is not correct
400 100270 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is not correct
400 100271 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is not correct
400 100272 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is not correct
400 100273 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is not correct
400 100274 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is not correct
400 100275 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Combination of Recipient bank code and Recipient bank account number is not correct
400 100276 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Combination of Recipient bank code and Recipient bank account number is not correct
400 100277 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Combination of Recipient bank code and Recipient bank account number is not correct
400 100278 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Combination of Recipient bank code and Recipient bank account number is not correct
400 100279 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Combination of Recipient bank code and Recipient bank account number is not correct
400 100280 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Combination of Recipient bank code and Recipient bank account number is not correct
400 100281 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank branch code is required to process your payout request
400 100282 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank branch code is required to process your payout request
400 100283 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank branch code is required to process your payout request
400 100284 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank branch code is required to process your payout request
400 100285 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank branch code is required to process your payout request
400 100286 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank branch code is required to process your payout request
400 100287 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank branch code is less than the number of characters required
400 100288 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank branch code is less than the number of characters required
400 100289 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank branch code is less than the number of characters required
400 100290 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank branch code is less than the number of characters required
400 100291 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank branch code is less than the number of characters required
400 100292 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank branch code is less than the number of characters required
400 100293 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank branch code exceeds the max number of characters allowed
400 100294 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank branch code exceeds the max number of characters allowed
400 100295 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank branch code exceeds the max number of characters allowed
400 100296 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank branch code exceeds the max number of characters allowed
400 100297 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank branch code exceeds the max number of characters allowed
400 100298 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank branch code exceeds the max number of characters allowed
400 100299 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank branch code contains special characters
400 100300 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank branch code contains special characters
400 100301 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank branch code contains special characters
400 100302 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank branch code contains special characters
400 100303 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank branch code contains special characters
400 100304 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank branch code contains special characters
400 100305 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank branch code contains alpha and/or special characters
400 100306 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank branch code contains alpha and/or special characters
400 100307 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank branch code contains alpha and/or special characters
400 100308 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank branch code contains alpha and/or special characters
400 100309 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank branch code contains alpha and/or special characters
400 100310 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank branch code contains alpha and/or special characters
400 100311 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank branch code should not be provided for this destination country
400 100312 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank branch code should not be provided for this destination country
400 100313 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank branch code should not be provided for this destination country
400 100314 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank branch code should not be provided for this destination country
400 100315 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank branch code should not be provided for this destination country
400 100316 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank branch code should not be provided for this destination country
400 100317 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank branch code is not correct
400 100318 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank branch code is not correct
400 100319 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank branch code is not correct
400 100320 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank branch code is not correct
400 100321 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank branch code is not correct
400 100322 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank branch code is not correct
400 100323 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank branch code is not correct
400 100324 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank branch code is not correct
400 100325 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank branch code is not correct
400 100326 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank branch code is not correct
400 100327 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank branch code is not correct
400 100328 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank branch code is not correct
400 100329 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is not correct
400 100330 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is not correct
400 100331 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is not correct
400 100332 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is not correct
400 100333 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is not correct
400 100334 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is not correct
400 100335 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Combination of Recipient bank BIC and Recipient bank code is not correct
400 100336 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Combination of Recipient bank BIC and Recipient bank code is not correct
400 100337 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Combination of Recipient bank BIC and Recipient bank code is not correct
400 100338 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Combination of Recipient bank BIC and Recipient bank code is not correct
400 100339 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Combination of Recipient bank BIC and Recipient bank code is not correct
400 100340 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Combination of Recipient bank BIC and Recipient bank code is not correct
400 100341 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Combination of Recipient bank BIC and Recipient bank code is not correct
400 100342 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Combination of Recipient bank BIC and Recipient bank code is not correct
400 100343 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Combination of Recipient bank BIC and Recipient bank code is not correct
400 100344 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Combination of Recipient bank BIC and Recipient bank code is not correct
400 100345 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Combination of Recipient bank BIC and Recipient bank code is not correct
400 100346 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Combination of Recipient bank BIC and Recipient bank code is not correct
400 100347 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number is not correct
400 100348 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number is not correct
400 100349 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number is not correct
400 100350 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number is not correct
400 100351 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number is not correct
400 100352 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number is not correct
400 100353 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number is required to process your payout request
400 100354 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number is required to process your payout request
400 100355 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number is required to process your payout request
400 100356 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number is required to process your payout request
400 100357 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number is required to process your payout request
400 100358 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number is required to process your payout request
400 100359 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number exceeds the max number of characters allowed
400 100360 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number exceeds the max number of characters allowed
400 100361 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number exceeds the max number of characters allowed
400 100362 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number exceeds the max number of characters allowed
400 100363 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number exceeds the max number of characters allowed
400 100364 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number exceeds the max number of characters allowed
400 100365 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number is less than the number of characters required
400 100366 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number is less than the number of characters required
400 100367 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number is less than the number of characters required
400 100368 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number is less than the number of characters required
400 100369 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number is less than the number of characters required
400 100370 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number is less than the number of characters required
400 100371 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number contains alpha and/or special characters
400 100372 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number contains alpha and/or special characters
400 100373 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number contains alpha and/or special characters
400 100374 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number contains alpha and/or special characters
400 100375 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number contains alpha and/or special characters
400 100376 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number contains alpha and/or special characters
400 100377 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number contains special characters
400 100378 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number contains special characters
400 100379 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number contains special characters
400 100380 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number contains special characters
400 100381 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number contains special characters
400 100382 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number contains special characters
400 100383 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number exceeds the max number of characters allowed
400 100384 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number exceeds the max number of characters allowed
400 100385 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number exceeds the max number of characters allowed
400 100386 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number exceeds the max number of characters allowed
400 100387 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number exceeds the max number of characters allowed
400 100388 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number exceeds the max number of characters allowed
400 100389 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number is less than the number of characters required
400 100390 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number is less than the number of characters required
400 100391 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number is less than the number of characters required
400 100392 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number is less than the number of characters required
400 100393 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number is less than the number of characters required
400 100394 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number is less than the number of characters required
400 100395 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number contains alpha and/or special characters
400 100396 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number contains alpha and/or special characters
400 100397 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number contains alpha and/or special characters
400 100398 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number contains alpha and/or special characters
400 100399 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number contains alpha and/or special characters
400 100400 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number contains alpha and/or special characters
400 100401 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number contains special characters
400 100402 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number contains special characters
400 100403 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number contains special characters
400 100404 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number contains special characters
400 100405 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number contains special characters
400 100406 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number contains special characters
400 100407 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number is not correct
400 100408 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number is not correct
400 100409 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number is not correct
400 100410 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number is not correct
400 100411 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number is not correct
400 100412 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number is not correct
400 100413 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number suffix exceeds the max number of characters allowed
400 100414 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number suffix exceeds the max number of characters allowed
400 100415 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number suffix exceeds the max number of characters allowed
400 100416 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number suffix exceeds the max number of characters allowed
400 100417 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number suffix exceeds the max number of characters allowed
400 100418 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number suffix exceeds the max number of characters allowed
400 100419 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number suffix is less than the number of characters required
400 100420 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number suffix is less than the number of characters required
400 100421 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number suffix is less than the number of characters required
400 100422 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number suffix is less than the number of characters required
400 100423 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number suffix is less than the number of characters required
400 100424 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number suffix is less than the number of characters required
400 100425 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number suffix contains alpha and/or special characters
400 100426 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number suffix contains alpha and/or special characters
400 100427 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number suffix contains alpha and/or special characters
400 100428 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number suffix contains alpha and/or special characters
400 100429 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number suffix contains alpha and/or special characters
400 100430 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number suffix contains alpha and/or special characters
400 100431 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number suffix contains special characters
400 100432 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number suffix contains special characters
400 100433 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number suffix contains special characters
400 100434 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number suffix contains special characters
400 100435 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number suffix contains special characters
400 100436 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number suffix contains special characters
400 100437 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number is not correct
400 100438 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number is not correct
400 100439 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number is not correct
400 100440 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number is not correct
400 100441 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number is not correct
400 100442 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number is not correct
400 100443 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account type is required to process your payout request
400 100444 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account type is required to process your payout request
400 100445 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account type is required to process your payout request
400 100446 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account type is required to process your payout request
400 100447 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account type is required to process your payout request
400 100448 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account type is required to process your payout request
400 100449 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account type is not correct
400 100450 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account type is not correct
400 100451 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account type is not correct
400 100452 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account type is not correct
400 100453 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account type is not correct
400 100454 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account type is not correct
400 100455 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account type contains special characters
400 100456 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account type contains special characters
400 100457 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account type contains special characters
400 100458 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account type contains special characters
400 100459 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account type contains special characters
400 100460 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account type contains special characters
400 100461 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number suffix is required to process your payout request
400 100462 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number suffix is required to process your payout request
400 100463 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number suffix is required to process your payout request
400 100464 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number suffix is required to process your payout request
400 100465 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number suffix is required to process your payout request
400 100466 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number suffix is required to process your payout request
400 100467 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Remove the Recipient bank account number suffix.  The suffix is included in the Recipient bank account number.
400 100468 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Remove the Recipient bank account number suffix.  The suffix is included in the Recipient bank account number.
400 100469 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Remove the Recipient bank account number suffix.  The suffix is included in the Recipient bank account number.
400 100470 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Remove the Recipient bank account number suffix.  The suffix is included in the Recipient bank account number.
400 100471 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Remove the Recipient bank account number suffix.  The suffix is included in the Recipient bank account number.
400 100472 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Remove the Recipient bank account number suffix.  The suffix is included in the Recipient bank account number.
400 100473 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank BIC is required to process your payout request
400 100474 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank BIC is required to process your payout request
400 100475 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank BIC is required to process your payout request
400 100476 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank BIC is required to process your payout request
400 100477 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank BIC is required to process your payout request
400 100478 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank BIC is required to process your payout request
400 100479 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank BIC is not correct
400 100480 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank BIC is not correct
400 100481 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank BIC is not correct
400 100482 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank BIC is not correct
400 100483 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank BIC is not correct
400 100484 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank BIC is not correct
400 100485 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank BIC contains special characters
400 100486 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank BIC contains special characters
400 100487 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank BIC contains special characters
400 100488 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank BIC contains special characters
400 100489 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank BIC contains special characters
400 100490 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank BIC contains special characters
400 100491 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank BIC contains special characters
400 100492 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank BIC contains special characters
400 100493 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank BIC contains special characters
400 100494 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank BIC contains special characters
400 100495 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank BIC contains special characters
400 100496 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank BIC contains special characters
400 100497 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is not correct
400 100498 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is not correct
400 100499 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is not correct
400 100500 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is not correct
400 100501 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is not correct
400 100502 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is not correct
400 100503 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank BIC is not correct
400 100504 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank BIC is not correct
400 100505 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank BIC is not correct
400 100506 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank BIC is not correct
400 100507 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank BIC is not correct
400 100508 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank BIC is not correct
400 100509 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank country code requires IBAN account number to process this payout request
400 100510 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank country code requires IBAN account number to process this payout request
400 100511 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank country code requires IBAN account number to process this payout request
400 100512 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank country code requires IBAN account number to process this payout request
400 100513 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank country code requires IBAN account number to process this payout request
400 100514 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank country code requires IBAN account number to process this payout request
400 100515 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number is less than the number of characters required
400 100516 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number is less than the number of characters required
400 100517 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number is less than the number of characters required
400 100518 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number is less than the number of characters required
400 100519 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number is less than the number of characters required
400 100520 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number is less than the number of characters required
400 100521 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number exceeds the max number of characters allowed
400 100522 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number exceeds the max number of characters allowed
400 100523 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number exceeds the max number of characters allowed
400 100524 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number exceeds the max number of characters allowed
400 100525 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number exceeds the max number of characters allowed
400 100526 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number exceeds the max number of characters allowed
400 100527 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank country code does not support IBAN account numbers
400 100528 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank country code does not support IBAN account numbers
400 100529 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank country code does not support IBAN account numbers
400 100530 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank country code does not support IBAN account numbers
400 100531 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank country code does not support IBAN account numbers
400 100532 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank country code does not support IBAN account numbers
400 100533 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number is not correct for «IBAN» bank account number type
400 100534 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number is not correct for «IBAN» bank account number type
400 100535 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number is not correct for «IBAN» bank account number type
400 100536 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number is not correct for «IBAN» bank account number type
400 100537 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number is not correct for «IBAN» bank account number type
400 100538 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number is not correct for «IBAN» bank account number type
400 100539 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number contains special characters
400 100540 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number contains special characters
400 100541 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number contains special characters
400 100542 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number contains special characters
400 100543 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number contains special characters
400 100544 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number contains special characters
400 100545 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number is not correct for «IBAN» bank account number type
400 100546 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number is not correct for «IBAN» bank account number type
400 100547 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number is not correct for «IBAN» bank account number type
400 100548 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number is not correct for «IBAN» bank account number type
400 100549 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number is not correct for «IBAN» bank account number type
400 100550 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number is not correct for «IBAN» bank account number type
400 100551 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Combination of Recipient «IBAN» bank account number and Recipient bank code is not correct
400 100552 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Combination of Recipient «IBAN» bank account number and Recipient bank code is not correct
400 100553 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Combination of Recipient «IBAN» bank account number and Recipient bank code is not correct
400 100554 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Combination of Recipient «IBAN» bank account number and Recipient bank code is not correct
400 100555 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Combination of Recipient «IBAN» bank account number and Recipient bank code is not correct
400 100556 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Combination of Recipient «IBAN» bank account number and Recipient bank code is not correct
400 100557 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number for «IBAN» bank account number type is not correct
400 100558 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number for «IBAN» bank account number type is not correct
400 100559 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number for «IBAN» bank account number type is not correct
400 100560 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number for «IBAN» bank account number type is not correct
400 100561 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number for «IBAN» bank account number type is not correct
400 100562 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number for «IBAN» bank account number type is not correct
400 100563 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number is not correct
400 100564 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number is not correct
400 100565 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number is not correct
400 100566 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number is not correct
400 100567 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number is not correct
400 100568 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number is not correct
400 100569 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code contains special characters
400 100570 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code contains special characters
400 100571 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code contains special characters
400 100572 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code contains special characters
400 100573 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code contains special characters
400 100574 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code contains special characters
400 100575 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is required to process your payout request
400 100576 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is required to process your payout request
400 100577 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is required to process your payout request
400 100578 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is required to process your payout request
400 100579 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is required to process your payout request
400 100580 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is required to process your payout request
400 100581 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is not correct
400 100582 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is not correct
400 100583 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is not correct
400 100584 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is not correct
400 100585 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is not correct
400 100586 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is not correct
400 100587 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is not correct
400 100588 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is not correct
400 100589 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is not correct
400 100590 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is not correct
400 100591 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is not correct
400 100592 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is not correct
400 100593 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code exceeds the max number of characters allowed
400 100594 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code exceeds the max number of characters allowed
400 100595 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code exceeds the max number of characters allowed
400 100596 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code exceeds the max number of characters allowed
400 100597 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code exceeds the max number of characters allowed
400 100598 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code exceeds the max number of characters allowed
400 100599 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is less than the number of characters required
400 100600 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is less than the number of characters required
400 100601 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is less than the number of characters required
400 100602 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is less than the number of characters required
400 100603 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is less than the number of characters required
400 100604 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is less than the number of characters required
400 100605 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code contains alpha and/or special characters
400 100606 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code contains alpha and/or special characters
400 100607 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code contains alpha and/or special characters
400 100608 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code contains alpha and/or special characters
400 100609 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code contains alpha and/or special characters
400 100610 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code contains alpha and/or special characters
400 100611 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code contains special characters
400 100612 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code contains special characters
400 100613 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code contains special characters
400 100614 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code contains special characters
400 100615 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code contains special characters
400 100616 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code contains special characters
400 100617 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is not correct
400 100618 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is not correct
400 100619 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is not correct
400 100620 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is not correct
400 100621 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is not correct
400 100622 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is not correct
400 100623 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code exceeds the max number of characters allowed
400 100624 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code exceeds the max number of characters allowed
400 100625 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code exceeds the max number of characters allowed
400 100626 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code exceeds the max number of characters allowed
400 100627 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code exceeds the max number of characters allowed
400 100628 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code exceeds the max number of characters allowed
400 100629 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is less than the number of characters required
400 100630 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is less than the number of characters required
400 100631 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is less than the number of characters required
400 100632 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is less than the number of characters required
400 100633 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is less than the number of characters required
400 100634 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is less than the number of characters required
400 100635 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code contains alpha and/or special characters
400 100636 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code contains alpha and/or special characters
400 100637 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code contains alpha and/or special characters
400 100638 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code contains alpha and/or special characters
400 100639 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code contains alpha and/or special characters
400 100640 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code contains alpha and/or special characters
400 100641 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code contains special characters
400 100642 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code contains special characters
400 100643 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code contains special characters
400 100644 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code contains special characters
400 100645 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code contains special characters
400 100646 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code contains special characters
400 100647 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is not correct
400 100648 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is not correct
400 100649 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is not correct
400 100650 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is not correct
400 100651 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is not correct
400 100652 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is not correct
400 100653 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is not correct
400 100654 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is not correct
400 100655 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is not correct
400 100656 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is not correct
400 100657 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is not correct
400 100658 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is not correct
400 100659 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number is not correct
400 100660 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number is not correct
400 100661 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number is not correct
400 100662 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number is not correct
400 100663 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number is not correct
400 100664 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number is not correct
400 100665 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank BIC is not correct
400 100666 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank BIC is not correct
400 100667 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank BIC is not correct
400 100668 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank BIC is not correct
400 100669 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank BIC is not correct
400 100670 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank BIC is not correct
400 100671 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank BIC is not correct
400 100672 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank BIC is not correct
400 100673 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank BIC is not correct
400 100674 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank BIC is not correct
400 100675 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank BIC is not correct
400 100676 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank BIC is not correct
400 100677 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is not currently supported for this payout request
400 100678 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is not currently supported for this payout request
400 100679 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is not currently supported for this payout request
400 100680 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is not currently supported for this payout request
400 100681 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is not currently supported for this payout request
400 100682 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is not currently supported for this payout request
400 100683 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Combination of Recipient bank code and Recipient bank branch code is not correct
400 100684 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Combination of Recipient bank code and Recipient bank branch code is not correct
400 100685 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Combination of Recipient bank code and Recipient bank branch code is not correct
400 100686 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Combination of Recipient bank code and Recipient bank branch code is not correct
400 100687 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Combination of Recipient bank code and Recipient bank branch code is not correct
400 100688 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Combination of Recipient bank code and Recipient bank branch code is not correct
400 100689 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Combination of Recipient bank account number and Recipient bank code type is not correct
400 100690 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Combination of Recipient bank account number and Recipient bank code type is not correct
400 100691 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Combination of Recipient bank account number and Recipient bank code type is not correct
400 100692 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Combination of Recipient bank account number and Recipient bank code type is not correct
400 100693 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Combination of Recipient bank account number and Recipient bank code type is not correct
400 100694 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Combination of Recipient bank account number and Recipient bank code type is not correct
400 100695 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data provided for one or more Sender fields is not currently supported
400 100696 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data provided for one or more Sender fields is not currently supported
400 100697 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data provided for one or more Sender fields is not currently supported
400 100698 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data provided for one or more Sender fields is not currently supported
400 100699 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data provided for one or more Sender fields is not currently supported
400 100700 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data provided for one or more Sender fields is not currently supported
400 100701 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data provided for one or more Sender fields is not currently supported
400 100702 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more of Sender country fields is not correct
400 100703 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more of Sender country fields is not correct
400 100704 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more of Sender country fields is not correct
400 100705 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more of Sender country fields is not correct
400 100706 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more of Sender country fields is not correct
400 100707 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more of Sender country fields is not correct
400 100708 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more of Sender country fields is not correct
400 100709 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Sender ID issue country is not correct
400 100710 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Sender ID issue country is not correct
400 100711 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Sender ID issue country is not correct
400 100712 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Sender ID issue country is not correct
400 100713 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Sender ID issue country is not correct
400 100714 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Sender ID issue country is not correct
400 100715 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Sender ID issue country is not correct
400 100716 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Sender ID type is not correct
400 100717 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Sender ID type is not correct
400 100718 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Sender ID type is not correct
400 100719 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Sender ID type is not correct
400 100720 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Sender ID type is not correct
400 100721 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Sender ID type is not correct
400 100722 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Sender ID type is not correct
400 100723 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Sender email address is not correct
400 100724 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Sender email address is not correct
400 100725 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Sender email address is not correct
400 100726 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Sender email address is not correct
400 100727 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Sender email address is not correct
400 100728 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Sender email address is not correct
400 100729 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Sender email address is not correct
400 100730 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Sender province is not correct
400 100731 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Sender province is not correct
400 100732 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Sender province is not correct
400 100733 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Sender province is not correct
400 100734 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Sender province is not correct
400 100735 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Sender province is not correct
400 100736 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Sender province is not correct
400 100737 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more of Sender fields is required to process your payout request
400 100738 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more of Sender fields is required to process your payout request
400 100739 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more of Sender fields is required to process your payout request
400 100740 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more of Sender fields is required to process your payout request
400 100741 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more of Sender fields is required to process your payout request
400 100742 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more of Sender fields is required to process your payout request
400 100743 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more of Sender fields is required to process your payout request
400 100744 Update the Sender information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Sender type must be «I» for Individual or «C» for Company 
400 100745 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Sender date of birth is not correct
400 100746 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Sender date of birth is not correct
400 100747 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Sender date of birth is not correct
400 100748 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Sender date of birth is not correct
400 100749 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Sender date of birth is not correct
400 100750 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Sender date of birth is not correct
400 100751 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Sender date of birth is not correct
400 100752 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Sender identification list fields is not correct
400 100753 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Sender identification list fields is not correct
400 100754 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Sender identification list fields is not correct
400 100755 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Sender identification list fields is not correct
400 100756 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Sender identification list fields is not correct
400 100757 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Sender identification list fields is not correct
400 100758 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Sender identification list fields is not correct
400 100759 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Sender fields contains special characters
400 100760 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Sender fields contains special characters
400 100761 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Sender fields contains special characters
400 100762 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Sender fields contains special characters
400 100763 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Sender fields contains special characters
400 100764 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Sender fields contains special characters
400 100765 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Sender fields contains special characters
400 100766 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Sender fields exceeds the max number of characters allowed
400 100767 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Sender fields exceeds the max number of characters allowed
400 100768 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Sender fields exceeds the max number of characters allowed
400 100769 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Sender fields exceeds the max number of characters allowed
400 100770 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Sender fields exceeds the max number of characters allowed
400 100771 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Sender fields exceeds the max number of characters allowed
400 100772 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Sender fields exceeds the max number of characters allowed
400 100773 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more of the Sender fields are less than the number of characters required
400 100774 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more of the Sender fields are less than the number of characters required
400 100775 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more of the Sender fields are less than the number of characters required
400 100776 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more of the Sender fields are less than the number of characters required
400 100777 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more of the Sender fields are less than the number of characters required
400 100778 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more of the Sender fields are less than the number of characters required
400 100779 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more of the Sender fields are less than the number of characters required
400 100780 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Sender fields contains alpha and/or special characters
400 100781 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Sender fields contains alpha and/or special characters
400 100782 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Sender fields contains alpha and/or special characters
400 100783 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Sender fields contains alpha and/or special characters
400 100784 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Sender fields contains alpha and/or special characters
400 100785 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Sender fields contains alpha and/or special characters
400 100786 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Sender fields contains alpha and/or special characters
400 100787 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more of Sender fields is required to process your payout request
400 100788 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more of Sender fields is required to process your payout request
400 100789 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more of Sender fields is required to process your payout request
400 100790 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more of Sender fields is required to process your payout request
400 100791 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more of Sender fields is required to process your payout request
400 100792 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more of Sender fields is required to process your payout request
400 100793 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Sender fields is required to process your payout request
400 100794 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Only one form of identification is required for the Sender
400 100795 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Only one form of identification is required for the Sender
400 100796 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Only one form of identification is required for the Sender
400 100797 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Only one form of identification is required for the Sender
400 100798 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Only one form of identification is required for the Sender
400 100799 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Only one form of identification is required for the Sender
400 100800 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Only one form of identification is required for the Sender
400 100801 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Sender ID number is not correct
400 100802 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Sender ID number is not correct
400 100803 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Sender ID number is not correct
400 100804 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Sender ID number is not correct
400 100805 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Sender ID number is not correct
400 100806 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Sender ID number is not correct
400 100807 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Sender ID number is not correct
400 100808 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Duplicate data for one or more Sender identification list fields exists
400 100809 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Duplicate data for one or more Sender identification list fields exists
400 100810 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Duplicate data for one or more Sender identification list fields exists
400 100811 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Duplicate data for one or more Sender identification list fields exists
400 100812 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Duplicate data for one or more Sender identification list fields exists
400 100813 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Duplicate data for one or more Sender identification list fields exists
400 100814 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Duplicate data for one or more Sender identification list fields exists
400 100815 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Sender fields are not correct or contains special characters
400 100816 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Sender fields are not correct or contains special characters
400 100817 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Sender fields are not correct or contains special characters
400 100818 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Sender fields are not correct or contains special characters
400 100819 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Sender fields are not correct or contains special characters
400 100820 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Sender fields are not correct or contains special characters
400 100821 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Sender fields are not correct or contains special characters
400 100822 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Sender fields contains special characters
400 100823 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Sender fields contains special characters
400 100824 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Sender fields contains special characters
400 100825 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Sender fields contains special characters
400 100826 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Sender fields contains special characters
400 100827 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Sender fields contains special characters
400 100828 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Sender fields contains special characters
400 100829 Update the Sender information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Sender type must be «I» for Individual or «C» for Company 
400 100830 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Sender fields are required to process your payout request
400 100831 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Sender fields are required to process your payout request
400 100832 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Sender fields are required to process your payout request
400 100833 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Sender fields are required to process your payout request
400 100834 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Sender fields are required to process your payout request
400 100835 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Sender fields are required to process your payout request
400 100836 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Sender fields are required to process your payout request
400 100837 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Sender fields are required to process your payout request
400 100838 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Sender fields are required to process your payout request
400 100839 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Sender fields are required to process your payout request
400 100840 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Sender fields are required to process your payout request
400 100841 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Sender fields are required to process your payout request
400 100842 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Sender fields are required to process your payout request
400 100843 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Sender fields are required to process your payout request
400 100844 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Sender fields are not correct or contains special characters
400 100845 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Sender fields are not correct or contains special characters
400 100846 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Sender fields are not correct or contains special characters
400 100847 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Sender fields are not correct or contains special characters
400 100848 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Sender fields are not correct or contains special characters
400 100849 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Sender fields are not correct or contains special characters
400 100850 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Sender fields are not correct or contains special characters
400 100851 Update the Sender information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Sender type must be «I» for Individual or «C» for Company 
400 100852 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Sender company registration number is not correct
400 100853 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Sender company registration number is not correct
400 100854 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Sender company registration number is not correct
400 100855 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Sender company registration number is not correct
400 100856 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Sender company registration number is not correct
400 100857 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Sender company registration number is not correct
400 100858 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Sender company registration number is not correct
400 100859 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data provided for one or more Sender fields is not required for this destination country
400 100860 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data provided for one or more Sender fields is not required for this destination country
400 100861 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data provided for one or more Sender fields is not required for this destination country
400 100862 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data provided for one or more Sender fields is not required for this destination country
400 100863 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data provided for one or more Sender fields is not required for this destination country
400 100864 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data provided for one or more Sender fields is not required for this destination country
400 100865 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data provided for one or more Sender fields is not required for this destination country
400 100866 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Originator bank BIC is not correct
400 100867 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Originator bank BIC is not correct
400 100868 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Originator bank BIC is not correct
400 100869 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Originator bank BIC is not correct
400 100870 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Originator bank BIC is not correct
400 100871 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Originator bank BIC is not correct
400 100872 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Originator bank BIC is not correct
400 100873 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Originator bank BIC is not correct
400 100874 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Originator bank BIC is not correct
400 100875 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Originator bank BIC is not correct
400 100876 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Originator bank BIC is not correct
400 100877 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Originator bank BIC is not correct
400 100878 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Originator bank BIC is not correct
400 100879 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Originator bank BIC is not correct
400 100880 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Originator bank BIC is not correct
400 100881 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Originator bank BIC is not correct
400 100882 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Originator bank BIC is not correct
400 100883 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Originator bank BIC is not correct
400 100884 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Originator bank BIC is not correct
400 100885 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Originator bank BIC is not correct
400 100886 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Originator bank BIC is not correct
400 100887 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Originator bank BIC is not correct
400 100888 Configuration error. Please contact your Visa representative. requestForbidden Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request N/A
400 100889 Configuration error. Please contact your Visa representative. requestForbidden Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request N/A
400 100890 Configuration error. Please contact your Visa representative. requestForbidden Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request N/A
400 100891 Visa Payout service has encountered internal error invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Purpose of payment is not correct
400 100892 This is a duplicate transaction invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request N/A
400 100893 Update the Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Originator bank BIC is not correct
400 100894 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number is not correct
400 100895 Update the Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Originator bank BIC is not correct
400 100896 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is required to process your payout request
400 999999 There is an issue with the data of this transaction and it cannot be processed invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request N/A
HTTP Status Visa Error Code Message Reason Location Message
400 100000 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more of Recipient fields are required to process your payout request
400 100001 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient province or state is not correct
400 100002 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Recipient fields contains special characters
400 100003 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Recipient fields are required to process your payout request
400 100005 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Recipient fields exceeds the max number of characters allowed
400 100006 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more of the Recipient fields are less than the number of characters required
400 100007 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Recipient fields contains special characters
400 100009 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Recipient fields contains alpha and/or special characters
400 100010 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Recipient fields are not correct or contains special characters
400 100011 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data provided for one or more Recipient fields is not currently supported
400 100012 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient ID issue country is not correct
400 100013 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient ID number is not correct
400 100014 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more of Recipient country fields is not correct
400 100015 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Recipient fields are required to process your payout request
400 100016 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient ID type is not correct
400 100017 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient date of birth is not correct
400 100019 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient email address is not correct
400 100020 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient company registration number is not correct
400 100021 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more of Recipient fields are required to process your payout request
400 100022 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient province or state is not correct
400 100023 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Recipient fields contains special characters
400 100024 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Recipient fields are required to process your payout request
400 100026 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Recipient fields exceeds the max number of characters allowed
400 100027 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more of the Recipient fields are less than the number of characters required
400 100028 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Recipient fields contains special characters
400 100030 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Recipient fields contains alpha and/or special characters
400 100031 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Recipient fields are not correct or contains special characters
400 100032 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data provided for one or more Recipient fields is not currently supported
400 100033 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient ID issue country is not correct
400 100034 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient ID number is not correct
400 100035 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more of Recipient country fields is not correct
400 100036 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Recipient fields are required to process your payout request
400 100037 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient ID type is not correct
400 100038 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient date of birth is not correct
400 100040 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient email address is not correct
400 100041 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient company registration number is not correct
400 100042 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more of Recipient fields are required to process your payout request
400 100043 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient province or state is not correct
400 100044 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Recipient fields contains special characters
400 100045 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Recipient fields are required to process your payout request
400 100047 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Recipient fields exceeds the max number of characters allowed
400 100048 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more of the Recipient fields are less than the number of characters required
400 100049 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Recipient fields contains special characters
400 100051 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Recipient fields contains alpha and/or special characters
400 100052 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Recipient fields are not correct or contains special characters
400 100053 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data provided for one or more Recipient fields is not currently supported
400 100054 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient ID issue country is not correct
400 100055 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient ID number is not correct
400 100056 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more of Recipient country fields is not correct
400 100057 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Recipient fields are required to process your payout request
400 100058 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient ID type is not correct
400 100059 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient date of birth is not correct
400 100061 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient email address is not correct
400 100062 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient company registration number is not correct
400 100063 Update the Recipient information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient type must be «I» for Individual or «C» for Company 
400 100064 Update the Recipient information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient type must be «I» for Individual or «C» for Company 
400 100066 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more of Recipient fields are required to process your payout request
400 100067 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient province or state is not correct
400 100068 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Recipient fields contains special characters
400 100069 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Recipient fields are required to process your payout request
400 100071 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Recipient fields exceeds the max number of characters allowed
400 100072 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more of the Recipient fields are less than the number of characters required
400 100073 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Recipient fields contains special characters
400 100075 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Recipient fields contains alpha and/or special characters
400 100076 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Recipient fields are not correct or contains special characters
400 100077 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data provided for one or more Recipient fields is not currently supported
400 100078 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient ID issue country is not correct
400 100079 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient ID number is not correct
400 100080 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more of Recipient country fields is not correct
400 100081 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Recipient fields are required to process your payout request
400 100082 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient ID type is not correct
400 100083 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient date of birth is not correct
400 100085 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient email address is not correct
400 100086 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient company registration number is not correct
400 100087 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Recipient identification list fields is not correct
400 100088 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Recipient identification list fields is not correct
400 100089 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Recipient identification list fields is not correct
400 100090 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Recipient identification list fields is not correct
400 100100 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Recipient fields is required to process your payout request
400 100101 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Recipient fields is required to process your payout request
400 100102 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Recipient fields is required to process your payout request
400 100103 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Recipient fields is required to process your payout request
400 100104 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Only one form of identification is required for the Recipient
400 100105 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Only one form of identification is required for the Recipient
400 100106 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Only one form of identification is required for the Recipient
400 100107 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Only one form of identification is required for the Recipient
400 100108 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Duplicate data for one or more Recipient identification list fields exists
400 100109 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Duplicate data for one or more Recipient identification list fields exists
400 100110 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Duplicate data for one or more Recipient identification list fields exists
400 100111 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Duplicate data for one or more Recipient identification list fields exists
400 100112 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data provided for one or more Recipient fields is not required for this destination country
400 100113 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data provided for one or more Recipient fields is not required for this destination country
400 100114 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data provided for one or more Recipient fields is not required for this destination country
400 100115 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data provided for one or more Recipient fields is not required for this destination country
400 100116 Review the transaction details.  Your payout request cannot be processed. invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Transaction amount exceeds the transaction limit
400 100117 Destination country is not currently supported invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request N/A
400 100118 Destination country is not currently supported invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request N/A
400 100119 Review the transaction details.  Your payout request cannot be processed. invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Sender details are not in the correct format.  Contact your Visa representative for assistance.
400 100120 Review the transaction details.  Your payout request cannot be processed. invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient details are not in the correct format.  Contact your Visa representative for assistance.
400 100121 Review the transaction details.  Your payout request cannot be processed. invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient details are not in the correct format.  Contact your Visa representative for assistance.
400 100143 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Combination of Recipient bank country code and Recipient bank account number for «IBAN» bank account number type is not correct
400 100144 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Combination of Recipient bank country code and Recipient bank account number for «IBAN» bank account number type is not correct
400 100145 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Combination of Recipient bank country code and Recipient bank account number for «IBAN» bank account number type is not correct
400 100146 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Combination of Recipient bank country code and Recipient bank account number for «IBAN» bank account number type is not correct
400 100147 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Combination of Recipient bank country code and Recipient bank account number for «IBAN» bank account number type is not correct
400 100148 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Combination of Recipient bank country code and Recipient bank account number for «IBAN» bank account number type is not correct
400 100149 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number is not correct for «IBAN» bank account number type
400 100150 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number is not correct for «IBAN» bank account number type
400 100151 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number is not correct for «IBAN» bank account number type
400 100152 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number is not correct for «IBAN» bank account number type
400 100153 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number is not correct for «IBAN» bank account number type
400 100154 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number is not correct for «IBAN» bank account number type
400 100155 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account name is required to process your payout request
400 100156 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account name is required to process your payout request
400 100157 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account name is required to process your payout request
400 100158 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account name is required to process your payout request
400 100159 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account name is required to process your payout request
400 100160 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account name is required to process your payout request
400 100161 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account name is required to process your payout request
400 100162 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account name is required to process your payout request
400 100163 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account name is required to process your payout request
400 100164 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account name is required to process your payout request
400 100165 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account name is required to process your payout request
400 100166 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account name is required to process your payout request
400 100167 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account name exceeds the max number of characters allowed
400 100168 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account name exceeds the max number of characters allowed
400 100169 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account name exceeds the max number of characters allowed
400 100170 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account name exceeds the max number of characters allowed
400 100171 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account name exceeds the max number of characters allowed
400 100172 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account name exceeds the max number of characters allowed
400 100173 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account name contains special characters
400 100174 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account name contains special characters
400 100175 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account name contains special characters
400 100176 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account name contains special characters
400 100177 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account name contains special characters
400 100178 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account name contains special characters
400 100185 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account name is less than the number of characters required
400 100186 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account name is less than the number of characters required
400 100187 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account name is less than the number of characters required
400 100188 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account name is less than the number of characters required
400 100189 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account name is less than the number of characters required
400 100190 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account name is less than the number of characters required
400 100191 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank name is required to process your payout request
400 100192 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank name is required to process your payout request
400 100193 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank name is required to process your payout request
400 100194 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank name is required to process your payout request
400 100195 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank name is required to process your payout request
400 100196 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank name is required to process your payout request
400 100197 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank name exceeds the max number of characters allowed
400 100198 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank name exceeds the max number of characters allowed
400 100199 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank name exceeds the max number of characters allowed
400 100200 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank name exceeds the max number of characters allowed
400 100201 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank name exceeds the max number of characters allowed
400 100202 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank name exceeds the max number of characters allowed
400 100203 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank name contains special characters
400 100204 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank name contains special characters
400 100205 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank name contains special characters
400 100206 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank name contains special characters
400 100207 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank name contains special characters
400 100208 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank name contains special characters
400 100209 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account name is not correct
400 100210 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account name is not correct
400 100211 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account name is not correct
400 100212 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account name is not correct
400 100213 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account name is not correct
400 100214 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account name is not correct
400 100215 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank name is less than the number of characters required
400 100216 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank name is less than the number of characters required
400 100217 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank name is less than the number of characters required
400 100218 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank name is less than the number of characters required
400 100219 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank name is less than the number of characters required
400 100220 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank name is less than the number of characters required
400 100221 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank name is not currently supported for this payout request
400 100222 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank name is not currently supported for this payout request
400 100223 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank name is not currently supported for this payout request
400 100224 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank name is not currently supported for this payout request
400 100225 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank name is not currently supported for this payout request
400 100226 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank name is not currently supported for this payout request
400 100227 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is required to process your payout request
400 100228 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is required to process your payout request
400 100229 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is required to process your payout request
400 100230 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is required to process your payout request
400 100231 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is required to process your payout request
400 100232 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is required to process your payout request
400 100233 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is less than the number of characters required
400 100234 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is less than the number of characters required
400 100235 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is less than the number of characters required
400 100236 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is less than the number of characters required
400 100237 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is less than the number of characters required
400 100238 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is less than the number of characters required
400 100239 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code exceeds the max number of characters allowed
400 100240 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code exceeds the max number of characters allowed
400 100241 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code exceeds the max number of characters allowed
400 100242 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code exceeds the max number of characters allowed
400 100243 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code exceeds the max number of characters allowed
400 100244 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code exceeds the max number of characters allowed
400 100245 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code contains special characters
400 100246 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code contains special characters
400 100247 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code contains special characters
400 100248 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code contains special characters
400 100249 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code contains special characters
400 100250 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code contains special characters
400 100251 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code contains alpha and/or special characters
400 100252 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code contains alpha and/or special characters
400 100253 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code contains alpha and/or special characters
400 100254 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code contains alpha and/or special characters
400 100255 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code contains alpha and/or special characters
400 100256 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code contains alpha and/or special characters
400 100257 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code should not be provided for this destination country
400 100258 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code should not be provided for this destination country
400 100259 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code should not be provided for this destination country
400 100260 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code should not be provided for this destination country
400 100261 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code should not be provided for this destination country
400 100262 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code should not be provided for this destination country
400 100263 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is not correct
400 100264 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is not correct
400 100265 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is not correct
400 100266 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is not correct
400 100267 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is not correct
400 100268 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is not correct
400 100269 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is not correct
400 100270 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is not correct
400 100271 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is not correct
400 100272 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is not correct
400 100273 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is not correct
400 100274 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is not correct
400 100275 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Combination of Recipient bank code and Recipient bank account number is not correct
400 100276 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Combination of Recipient bank code and Recipient bank account number is not correct
400 100277 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Combination of Recipient bank code and Recipient bank account number is not correct
400 100278 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Combination of Recipient bank code and Recipient bank account number is not correct
400 100279 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Combination of Recipient bank code and Recipient bank account number is not correct
400 100280 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Combination of Recipient bank code and Recipient bank account number is not correct
400 100281 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank branch code is required to process your payout request
400 100282 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank branch code is required to process your payout request
400 100283 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank branch code is required to process your payout request
400 100284 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank branch code is required to process your payout request
400 100285 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank branch code is required to process your payout request
400 100286 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank branch code is required to process your payout request
400 100287 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank branch code is less than the number of characters required
400 100288 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank branch code is less than the number of characters required
400 100289 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank branch code is less than the number of characters required
400 100290 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank branch code is less than the number of characters required
400 100291 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank branch code is less than the number of characters required
400 100292 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank branch code is less than the number of characters required
400 100293 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank branch code exceeds the max number of characters allowed
400 100294 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank branch code exceeds the max number of characters allowed
400 100295 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank branch code exceeds the max number of characters allowed
400 100296 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank branch code exceeds the max number of characters allowed
400 100297 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank branch code exceeds the max number of characters allowed
400 100298 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank branch code exceeds the max number of characters allowed
400 100299 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank branch code contains special characters
400 100300 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank branch code contains special characters
400 100301 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank branch code contains special characters
400 100302 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank branch code contains special characters
400 100303 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank branch code contains special characters
400 100304 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank branch code contains special characters
400 100305 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank branch code contains alpha and/or special characters
400 100306 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank branch code contains alpha and/or special characters
400 100307 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank branch code contains alpha and/or special characters
400 100308 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank branch code contains alpha and/or special characters
400 100309 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank branch code contains alpha and/or special characters
400 100310 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank branch code contains alpha and/or special characters
400 100311 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank branch code should not be provided for this destination country
400 100312 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank branch code should not be provided for this destination country
400 100313 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank branch code should not be provided for this destination country
400 100314 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank branch code should not be provided for this destination country
400 100315 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank branch code should not be provided for this destination country
400 100316 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank branch code should not be provided for this destination country
400 100317 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank branch code is not correct
400 100318 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank branch code is not correct
400 100319 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank branch code is not correct
400 100320 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank branch code is not correct
400 100321 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank branch code is not correct
400 100322 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank branch code is not correct
400 100323 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank branch code is not correct
400 100324 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank branch code is not correct
400 100325 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank branch code is not correct
400 100326 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank branch code is not correct
400 100327 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank branch code is not correct
400 100328 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank branch code is not correct
400 100329 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is not correct
400 100330 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is not correct
400 100331 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is not correct
400 100332 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is not correct
400 100333 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is not correct
400 100334 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is not correct
400 100335 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Combination of Recipient bank BIC and Recipient bank code is not correct
400 100336 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Combination of Recipient bank BIC and Recipient bank code is not correct
400 100337 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Combination of Recipient bank BIC and Recipient bank code is not correct
400 100338 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Combination of Recipient bank BIC and Recipient bank code is not correct
400 100339 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Combination of Recipient bank BIC and Recipient bank code is not correct
400 100340 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Combination of Recipient bank BIC and Recipient bank code is not correct
400 100341 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Combination of Recipient bank BIC and Recipient bank code is not correct
400 100342 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Combination of Recipient bank BIC and Recipient bank code is not correct
400 100343 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Combination of Recipient bank BIC and Recipient bank code is not correct
400 100344 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Combination of Recipient bank BIC and Recipient bank code is not correct
400 100345 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Combination of Recipient bank BIC and Recipient bank code is not correct
400 100346 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Combination of Recipient bank BIC and Recipient bank code is not correct
400 100347 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number is not correct
400 100348 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number is not correct
400 100349 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number is not correct
400 100350 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number is not correct
400 100351 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number is not correct
400 100352 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number is not correct
400 100353 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number is required to process your payout request
400 100354 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number is required to process your payout request
400 100355 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number is required to process your payout request
400 100356 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number is required to process your payout request
400 100357 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number is required to process your payout request
400 100358 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number is required to process your payout request
400 100359 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number exceeds the max number of characters allowed
400 100360 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number exceeds the max number of characters allowed
400 100361 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number exceeds the max number of characters allowed
400 100362 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number exceeds the max number of characters allowed
400 100363 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number exceeds the max number of characters allowed
400 100364 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number exceeds the max number of characters allowed
400 100365 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number is less than the number of characters required
400 100366 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number is less than the number of characters required
400 100367 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number is less than the number of characters required
400 100368 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number is less than the number of characters required
400 100369 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number is less than the number of characters required
400 100370 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number is less than the number of characters required
400 100371 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number contains alpha and/or special characters
400 100372 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number contains alpha and/or special characters
400 100373 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number contains alpha and/or special characters
400 100374 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number contains alpha and/or special characters
400 100375 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number contains alpha and/or special characters
400 100376 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number contains alpha and/or special characters
400 100377 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number contains special characters
400 100378 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number contains special characters
400 100379 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number contains special characters
400 100380 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number contains special characters
400 100381 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number contains special characters
400 100382 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number contains special characters
400 100383 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number exceeds the max number of characters allowed
400 100384 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number exceeds the max number of characters allowed
400 100385 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number exceeds the max number of characters allowed
400 100386 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number exceeds the max number of characters allowed
400 100387 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number exceeds the max number of characters allowed
400 100388 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number exceeds the max number of characters allowed
400 100389 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number is less than the number of characters required
400 100390 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number is less than the number of characters required
400 100391 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number is less than the number of characters required
400 100392 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number is less than the number of characters required
400 100393 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number is less than the number of characters required
400 100394 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number is less than the number of characters required
400 100395 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number contains alpha and/or special characters
400 100396 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number contains alpha and/or special characters
400 100397 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number contains alpha and/or special characters
400 100398 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number contains alpha and/or special characters
400 100399 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number contains alpha and/or special characters
400 100400 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number contains alpha and/or special characters
400 100401 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number contains special characters
400 100402 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number contains special characters
400 100403 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number contains special characters
400 100404 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number contains special characters
400 100405 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number contains special characters
400 100406 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number contains special characters
400 100407 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number is not correct
400 100408 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number is not correct
400 100409 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number is not correct
400 100410 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number is not correct
400 100411 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number is not correct
400 100412 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number is not correct
400 100413 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number suffix exceeds the max number of characters allowed
400 100414 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number suffix exceeds the max number of characters allowed
400 100415 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number suffix exceeds the max number of characters allowed
400 100416 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number suffix exceeds the max number of characters allowed
400 100417 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number suffix exceeds the max number of characters allowed
400 100418 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number suffix exceeds the max number of characters allowed
400 100419 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number suffix is less than the number of characters required
400 100420 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number suffix is less than the number of characters required
400 100421 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number suffix is less than the number of characters required
400 100422 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number suffix is less than the number of characters required
400 100423 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number suffix is less than the number of characters required
400 100424 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number suffix is less than the number of characters required
400 100425 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number suffix contains alpha and/or special characters
400 100426 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number suffix contains alpha and/or special characters
400 100427 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number suffix contains alpha and/or special characters
400 100428 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number suffix contains alpha and/or special characters
400 100429 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number suffix contains alpha and/or special characters
400 100430 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number suffix contains alpha and/or special characters
400 100431 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number suffix contains special characters
400 100432 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number suffix contains special characters
400 100433 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number suffix contains special characters
400 100434 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number suffix contains special characters
400 100435 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number suffix contains special characters
400 100436 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number suffix contains special characters
400 100437 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number is not correct
400 100438 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number is not correct
400 100439 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number is not correct
400 100440 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number is not correct
400 100441 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number is not correct
400 100442 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number is not correct
400 100443 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account type is required to process your payout request
400 100444 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account type is required to process your payout request
400 100445 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account type is required to process your payout request
400 100446 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account type is required to process your payout request
400 100447 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account type is required to process your payout request
400 100448 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account type is required to process your payout request
400 100449 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account type is not correct
400 100450 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account type is not correct
400 100451 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account type is not correct
400 100452 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account type is not correct
400 100453 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account type is not correct
400 100454 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account type is not correct
400 100455 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account type contains special characters
400 100456 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account type contains special characters
400 100457 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account type contains special characters
400 100458 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account type contains special characters
400 100459 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account type contains special characters
400 100460 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account type contains special characters
400 100461 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number suffix is required to process your payout request
400 100462 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number suffix is required to process your payout request
400 100463 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number suffix is required to process your payout request
400 100464 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number suffix is required to process your payout request
400 100465 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number suffix is required to process your payout request
400 100466 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number suffix is required to process your payout request
400 100467 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Remove the Recipient bank account number suffix.  The suffix is included in the Recipient bank account number.
400 100468 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Remove the Recipient bank account number suffix.  The suffix is included in the Recipient bank account number.
400 100469 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Remove the Recipient bank account number suffix.  The suffix is included in the Recipient bank account number.
400 100470 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Remove the Recipient bank account number suffix.  The suffix is included in the Recipient bank account number.
400 100471 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Remove the Recipient bank account number suffix.  The suffix is included in the Recipient bank account number.
400 100472 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Remove the Recipient bank account number suffix.  The suffix is included in the Recipient bank account number.
400 100473 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank BIC is required to process your payout request
400 100474 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank BIC is required to process your payout request
400 100475 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank BIC is required to process your payout request
400 100476 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank BIC is required to process your payout request
400 100477 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank BIC is required to process your payout request
400 100478 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank BIC is required to process your payout request
400 100479 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank BIC is not correct
400 100480 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank BIC is not correct
400 100481 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank BIC is not correct
400 100482 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank BIC is not correct
400 100483 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank BIC is not correct
400 100484 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank BIC is not correct
400 100485 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank BIC contains special characters
400 100486 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank BIC contains special characters
400 100487 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank BIC contains special characters
400 100488 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank BIC contains special characters
400 100489 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank BIC contains special characters
400 100490 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank BIC contains special characters
400 100491 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank BIC contains special characters
400 100492 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank BIC contains special characters
400 100493 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank BIC contains special characters
400 100494 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank BIC contains special characters
400 100495 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank BIC contains special characters
400 100496 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank BIC contains special characters
400 100497 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is not correct
400 100498 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is not correct
400 100499 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is not correct
400 100500 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is not correct
400 100501 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is not correct
400 100502 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is not correct
400 100503 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank BIC is not correct
400 100504 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank BIC is not correct
400 100505 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank BIC is not correct
400 100506 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank BIC is not correct
400 100507 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank BIC is not correct
400 100508 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank BIC is not correct
400 100509 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank country code requires IBAN account number to process this payout request
400 100510 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank country code requires IBAN account number to process this payout request
400 100511 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank country code requires IBAN account number to process this payout request
400 100512 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank country code requires IBAN account number to process this payout request
400 100513 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank country code requires IBAN account number to process this payout request
400 100514 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank country code requires IBAN account number to process this payout request
400 100515 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number is less than the number of characters required
400 100516 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number is less than the number of characters required
400 100517 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number is less than the number of characters required
400 100518 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number is less than the number of characters required
400 100519 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number is less than the number of characters required
400 100520 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number is less than the number of characters required
400 100521 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number exceeds the max number of characters allowed
400 100522 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number exceeds the max number of characters allowed
400 100523 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number exceeds the max number of characters allowed
400 100524 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number exceeds the max number of characters allowed
400 100525 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number exceeds the max number of characters allowed
400 100526 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number exceeds the max number of characters allowed
400 100527 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank country code does not support IBAN account numbers
400 100528 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank country code does not support IBAN account numbers
400 100529 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank country code does not support IBAN account numbers
400 100530 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank country code does not support IBAN account numbers
400 100531 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank country code does not support IBAN account numbers
400 100532 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank country code does not support IBAN account numbers
400 100533 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number is not correct for «IBAN» bank account number type
400 100534 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number is not correct for «IBAN» bank account number type
400 100535 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number is not correct for «IBAN» bank account number type
400 100536 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number is not correct for «IBAN» bank account number type
400 100537 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number is not correct for «IBAN» bank account number type
400 100538 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number is not correct for «IBAN» bank account number type
400 100539 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number contains special characters
400 100540 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number contains special characters
400 100541 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number contains special characters
400 100542 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number contains special characters
400 100543 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number contains special characters
400 100544 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number contains special characters
400 100545 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number is not correct for «IBAN» bank account number type
400 100546 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number is not correct for «IBAN» bank account number type
400 100547 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number is not correct for «IBAN» bank account number type
400 100548 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number is not correct for «IBAN» bank account number type
400 100549 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number is not correct for «IBAN» bank account number type
400 100550 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number is not correct for «IBAN» bank account number type
400 100551 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Combination of Recipient «IBAN» bank account number and Recipient bank code is not correct
400 100552 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Combination of Recipient «IBAN» bank account number and Recipient bank code is not correct
400 100553 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Combination of Recipient «IBAN» bank account number and Recipient bank code is not correct
400 100554 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Combination of Recipient «IBAN» bank account number and Recipient bank code is not correct
400 100555 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Combination of Recipient «IBAN» bank account number and Recipient bank code is not correct
400 100556 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Combination of Recipient «IBAN» bank account number and Recipient bank code is not correct
400 100557 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number for «IBAN» bank account number type is not correct
400 100558 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number for «IBAN» bank account number type is not correct
400 100559 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number for «IBAN» bank account number type is not correct
400 100560 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number for «IBAN» bank account number type is not correct
400 100561 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number for «IBAN» bank account number type is not correct
400 100562 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number for «IBAN» bank account number type is not correct
400 100563 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number is not correct
400 100564 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number is not correct
400 100565 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number is not correct
400 100566 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number is not correct
400 100567 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number is not correct
400 100568 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number is not correct
400 100569 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code contains special characters
400 100570 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code contains special characters
400 100571 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code contains special characters
400 100572 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code contains special characters
400 100573 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code contains special characters
400 100574 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code contains special characters
400 100575 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is required to process your payout request
400 100576 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is required to process your payout request
400 100577 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is required to process your payout request
400 100578 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is required to process your payout request
400 100579 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is required to process your payout request
400 100580 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is required to process your payout request
400 100581 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is not correct
400 100582 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is not correct
400 100583 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is not correct
400 100584 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is not correct
400 100585 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is not correct
400 100586 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is not correct
400 100587 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is not correct
400 100588 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is not correct
400 100589 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is not correct
400 100590 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is not correct
400 100591 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is not correct
400 100592 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is not correct
400 100593 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code exceeds the max number of characters allowed
400 100594 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code exceeds the max number of characters allowed
400 100595 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code exceeds the max number of characters allowed
400 100596 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code exceeds the max number of characters allowed
400 100597 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code exceeds the max number of characters allowed
400 100598 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code exceeds the max number of characters allowed
400 100599 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is less than the number of characters required
400 100600 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is less than the number of characters required
400 100601 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is less than the number of characters required
400 100602 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is less than the number of characters required
400 100603 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is less than the number of characters required
400 100604 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is less than the number of characters required
400 100605 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code contains alpha and/or special characters
400 100606 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code contains alpha and/or special characters
400 100607 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code contains alpha and/or special characters
400 100608 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code contains alpha and/or special characters
400 100609 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code contains alpha and/or special characters
400 100610 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code contains alpha and/or special characters
400 100611 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code contains special characters
400 100612 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code contains special characters
400 100613 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code contains special characters
400 100614 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code contains special characters
400 100615 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code contains special characters
400 100616 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code contains special characters
400 100617 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is not correct
400 100618 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is not correct
400 100619 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is not correct
400 100620 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is not correct
400 100621 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is not correct
400 100622 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is not correct
400 100623 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code exceeds the max number of characters allowed
400 100624 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code exceeds the max number of characters allowed
400 100625 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code exceeds the max number of characters allowed
400 100626 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code exceeds the max number of characters allowed
400 100627 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code exceeds the max number of characters allowed
400 100628 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code exceeds the max number of characters allowed
400 100629 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is less than the number of characters required
400 100630 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is less than the number of characters required
400 100631 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is less than the number of characters required
400 100632 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is less than the number of characters required
400 100633 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is less than the number of characters required
400 100634 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is less than the number of characters required
400 100635 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code contains alpha and/or special characters
400 100636 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code contains alpha and/or special characters
400 100637 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code contains alpha and/or special characters
400 100638 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code contains alpha and/or special characters
400 100639 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code contains alpha and/or special characters
400 100640 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code contains alpha and/or special characters
400 100641 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code contains special characters
400 100642 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code contains special characters
400 100643 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code contains special characters
400 100644 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code contains special characters
400 100645 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code contains special characters
400 100646 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code contains special characters
400 100647 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is not correct
400 100648 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is not correct
400 100649 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is not correct
400 100650 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is not correct
400 100651 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is not correct
400 100652 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is not correct
400 100653 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is not correct
400 100654 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is not correct
400 100655 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is not correct
400 100656 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is not correct
400 100657 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is not correct
400 100658 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is not correct
400 100659 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number is not correct
400 100660 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number is not correct
400 100661 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number is not correct
400 100662 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number is not correct
400 100663 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number is not correct
400 100664 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number is not correct
400 100665 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank BIC is not correct
400 100666 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank BIC is not correct
400 100667 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank BIC is not correct
400 100668 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank BIC is not correct
400 100669 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank BIC is not correct
400 100670 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank BIC is not correct
400 100671 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank BIC is not correct
400 100672 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank BIC is not correct
400 100673 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank BIC is not correct
400 100674 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank BIC is not correct
400 100675 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank BIC is not correct
400 100676 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank BIC is not correct
400 100677 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is not currently supported for this payout request
400 100678 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is not currently supported for this payout request
400 100679 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is not currently supported for this payout request
400 100680 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is not currently supported for this payout request
400 100681 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is not currently supported for this payout request
400 100682 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is not currently supported for this payout request
400 100683 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Combination of Recipient bank code and Recipient bank branch code is not correct
400 100684 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Combination of Recipient bank code and Recipient bank branch code is not correct
400 100685 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Combination of Recipient bank code and Recipient bank branch code is not correct
400 100686 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Combination of Recipient bank code and Recipient bank branch code is not correct
400 100687 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Combination of Recipient bank code and Recipient bank branch code is not correct
400 100688 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Combination of Recipient bank code and Recipient bank branch code is not correct
400 100689 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Combination of Recipient bank account number and Recipient bank code type is not correct
400 100690 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Combination of Recipient bank account number and Recipient bank code type is not correct
400 100691 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Combination of Recipient bank account number and Recipient bank code type is not correct
400 100692 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Combination of Recipient bank account number and Recipient bank code type is not correct
400 100693 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Combination of Recipient bank account number and Recipient bank code type is not correct
400 100694 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Combination of Recipient bank account number and Recipient bank code type is not correct
400 100695 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data provided for one or more Sender fields is not currently supported
400 100696 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data provided for one or more Sender fields is not currently supported
400 100697 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data provided for one or more Sender fields is not currently supported
400 100698 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data provided for one or more Sender fields is not currently supported
400 100699 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data provided for one or more Sender fields is not currently supported
400 100700 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data provided for one or more Sender fields is not currently supported
400 100701 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data provided for one or more Sender fields is not currently supported
400 100702 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more of Sender country fields is not correct
400 100703 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more of Sender country fields is not correct
400 100704 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more of Sender country fields is not correct
400 100705 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more of Sender country fields is not correct
400 100706 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more of Sender country fields is not correct
400 100707 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more of Sender country fields is not correct
400 100708 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more of Sender country fields is not correct
400 100709 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Sender ID issue country is not correct
400 100710 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Sender ID issue country is not correct
400 100711 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Sender ID issue country is not correct
400 100712 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Sender ID issue country is not correct
400 100713 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Sender ID issue country is not correct
400 100714 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Sender ID issue country is not correct
400 100715 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Sender ID issue country is not correct
400 100716 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Sender ID type is not correct
400 100717 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Sender ID type is not correct
400 100718 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Sender ID type is not correct
400 100719 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Sender ID type is not correct
400 100720 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Sender ID type is not correct
400 100721 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Sender ID type is not correct
400 100722 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Sender ID type is not correct
400 100723 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Sender email address is not correct
400 100724 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Sender email address is not correct
400 100725 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Sender email address is not correct
400 100726 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Sender email address is not correct
400 100727 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Sender email address is not correct
400 100728 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Sender email address is not correct
400 100729 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Sender email address is not correct
400 100730 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Sender province is not correct
400 100731 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Sender province is not correct
400 100732 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Sender province is not correct
400 100733 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Sender province is not correct
400 100734 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Sender province is not correct
400 100735 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Sender province is not correct
400 100736 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Sender province is not correct
400 100737 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more of Sender fields is required to process your payout request
400 100738 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more of Sender fields is required to process your payout request
400 100739 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more of Sender fields is required to process your payout request
400 100740 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more of Sender fields is required to process your payout request
400 100741 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more of Sender fields is required to process your payout request
400 100742 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more of Sender fields is required to process your payout request
400 100743 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more of Sender fields is required to process your payout request
400 100744 Update the Sender information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Sender type must be «I» for Individual or «C» for Company 
400 100745 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Sender date of birth is not correct
400 100746 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Sender date of birth is not correct
400 100747 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Sender date of birth is not correct
400 100748 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Sender date of birth is not correct
400 100749 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Sender date of birth is not correct
400 100750 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Sender date of birth is not correct
400 100751 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Sender date of birth is not correct
400 100752 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Sender identification list fields is not correct
400 100753 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Sender identification list fields is not correct
400 100754 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Sender identification list fields is not correct
400 100755 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Sender identification list fields is not correct
400 100756 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Sender identification list fields is not correct
400 100757 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Sender identification list fields is not correct
400 100758 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Sender identification list fields is not correct
400 100759 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Sender fields contains special characters
400 100760 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Sender fields contains special characters
400 100761 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Sender fields contains special characters
400 100762 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Sender fields contains special characters
400 100763 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Sender fields contains special characters
400 100764 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Sender fields contains special characters
400 100765 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Sender fields contains special characters
400 100766 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Sender fields exceeds the max number of characters allowed
400 100767 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Sender fields exceeds the max number of characters allowed
400 100768 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Sender fields exceeds the max number of characters allowed
400 100769 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Sender fields exceeds the max number of characters allowed
400 100770 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Sender fields exceeds the max number of characters allowed
400 100771 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Sender fields exceeds the max number of characters allowed
400 100772 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Sender fields exceeds the max number of characters allowed
400 100773 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more of the Sender fields are less than the number of characters required
400 100774 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more of the Sender fields are less than the number of characters required
400 100775 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more of the Sender fields are less than the number of characters required
400 100776 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more of the Sender fields are less than the number of characters required
400 100777 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more of the Sender fields are less than the number of characters required
400 100778 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more of the Sender fields are less than the number of characters required
400 100779 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more of the Sender fields are less than the number of characters required
400 100780 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Sender fields contains alpha and/or special characters
400 100781 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Sender fields contains alpha and/or special characters
400 100782 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Sender fields contains alpha and/or special characters
400 100783 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Sender fields contains alpha and/or special characters
400 100784 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Sender fields contains alpha and/or special characters
400 100785 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Sender fields contains alpha and/or special characters
400 100786 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Sender fields contains alpha and/or special characters
400 100787 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more of Sender fields is required to process your payout request
400 100788 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more of Sender fields is required to process your payout request
400 100789 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more of Sender fields is required to process your payout request
400 100790 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more of Sender fields is required to process your payout request
400 100791 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more of Sender fields is required to process your payout request
400 100792 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more of Sender fields is required to process your payout request
400 100793 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Sender fields is required to process your payout request
400 100794 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Only one form of identification is required for the Sender
400 100795 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Only one form of identification is required for the Sender
400 100796 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Only one form of identification is required for the Sender
400 100797 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Only one form of identification is required for the Sender
400 100798 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Only one form of identification is required for the Sender
400 100799 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Only one form of identification is required for the Sender
400 100800 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Only one form of identification is required for the Sender
400 100801 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Sender ID number is not correct
400 100802 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Sender ID number is not correct
400 100803 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Sender ID number is not correct
400 100804 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Sender ID number is not correct
400 100805 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Sender ID number is not correct
400 100806 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Sender ID number is not correct
400 100807 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Sender ID number is not correct
400 100808 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Duplicate data for one or more Sender identification list fields exists
400 100809 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Duplicate data for one or more Sender identification list fields exists
400 100810 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Duplicate data for one or more Sender identification list fields exists
400 100811 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Duplicate data for one or more Sender identification list fields exists
400 100812 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Duplicate data for one or more Sender identification list fields exists
400 100813 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Duplicate data for one or more Sender identification list fields exists
400 100814 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Duplicate data for one or more Sender identification list fields exists
400 100815 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Sender fields are not correct or contains special characters
400 100816 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Sender fields are not correct or contains special characters
400 100817 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Sender fields are not correct or contains special characters
400 100818 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Sender fields are not correct or contains special characters
400 100819 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Sender fields are not correct or contains special characters
400 100820 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Sender fields are not correct or contains special characters
400 100821 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Sender fields are not correct or contains special characters
400 100822 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Sender fields contains special characters
400 100823 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Sender fields contains special characters
400 100824 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Sender fields contains special characters
400 100825 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Sender fields contains special characters
400 100826 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Sender fields contains special characters
400 100827 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Sender fields contains special characters
400 100828 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Sender fields contains special characters
400 100829 Update the Sender information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Sender type must be «I» for Individual or «C» for Company 
400 100830 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Sender fields are required to process your payout request
400 100831 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Sender fields are required to process your payout request
400 100832 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Sender fields are required to process your payout request
400 100833 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Sender fields are required to process your payout request
400 100834 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Sender fields are required to process your payout request
400 100835 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Sender fields are required to process your payout request
400 100836 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Sender fields are required to process your payout request
400 100837 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Sender fields are required to process your payout request
400 100838 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Sender fields are required to process your payout request
400 100839 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Sender fields are required to process your payout request
400 100840 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Sender fields are required to process your payout request
400 100841 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Sender fields are required to process your payout request
400 100842 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Sender fields are required to process your payout request
400 100843 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Sender fields are required to process your payout request
400 100844 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Sender fields are not correct or contains special characters
400 100845 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Sender fields are not correct or contains special characters
400 100846 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Sender fields are not correct or contains special characters
400 100847 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Sender fields are not correct or contains special characters
400 100848 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Sender fields are not correct or contains special characters
400 100849 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Sender fields are not correct or contains special characters
400 100850 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data for one or more Sender fields are not correct or contains special characters
400 100851 Update the Sender information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Sender type must be «I» for Individual or «C» for Company 
400 100852 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Sender company registration number is not correct
400 100853 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Sender company registration number is not correct
400 100854 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Sender company registration number is not correct
400 100855 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Sender company registration number is not correct
400 100856 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Sender company registration number is not correct
400 100857 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Sender company registration number is not correct
400 100858 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Sender company registration number is not correct
400 100859 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data provided for one or more Sender fields is not required for this destination country
400 100860 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data provided for one or more Sender fields is not required for this destination country
400 100861 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data provided for one or more Sender fields is not required for this destination country
400 100862 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data provided for one or more Sender fields is not required for this destination country
400 100863 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data provided for one or more Sender fields is not required for this destination country
400 100864 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data provided for one or more Sender fields is not required for this destination country
400 100865 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Data provided for one or more Sender fields is not required for this destination country
400 100866 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Originator bank BIC is not correct
400 100867 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Originator bank BIC is not correct
400 100868 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Originator bank BIC is not correct
400 100869 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Originator bank BIC is not correct
400 100870 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Originator bank BIC is not correct
400 100871 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Originator bank BIC is not correct
400 100872 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Originator bank BIC is not correct
400 100873 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Originator bank BIC is not correct
400 100874 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Originator bank BIC is not correct
400 100875 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Originator bank BIC is not correct
400 100876 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Originator bank BIC is not correct
400 100877 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Originator bank BIC is not correct
400 100878 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Originator bank BIC is not correct
400 100879 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Originator bank BIC is not correct
400 100880 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Originator bank BIC is not correct
400 100881 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Originator bank BIC is not correct
400 100882 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Originator bank BIC is not correct
400 100883 Update the Sender or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Originator bank BIC is not correct
400 100884 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Originator bank BIC is not correct
400 100885 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Originator bank BIC is not correct
400 100886 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Originator bank BIC is not correct
400 100887 Update the Recipient or Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Originator bank BIC is not correct
400 100888 Configuration error. Please contact your Visa representative. requestForbidden Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request N/A
400 100889 Configuration error. Please contact your Visa representative. requestForbidden Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request N/A
400 100890 Configuration error. Please contact your Visa representative. requestForbidden Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request N/A
400 100891 Visa Payout service has encountered internal error invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Purpose of payment is not correct
400 100892 This is a duplicate transaction invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request N/A
400 100893 Update the Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Originator bank BIC is not correct
400 100894 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank account number is not correct
400 100895 Update the Originator information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Originator bank BIC is not correct
400 100896 Update the Recipient Bank information requested invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request Recipient bank code is required to process your payout request
400 999999 There is an issue with the data of this transaction and it cannot be processed invalidBankRequest Identifies the specific payload field(s) causing an error for a payout request N/A

Result Code
Как решить проблему
Куда обратиться







Insufficient funds

Not sufficient funds

Decline, not sufficient funds

Decline, not sufficient funds
На балансе карты недостаточно средств
Если на карте баланс больше или равен сумме транзакции, а отказ все равно происходит по причине недостатка средств, тогда возможны такие причины:
— банк-эмитент удерживает дополнительные комиссии с держателя карты. Это может возникать в случаях погашение кредита посредством интернет-платежа, либо если договор на обслуживание банковской карты предусматривает дополнительные комиссии;
— происходит конвертация из валюты покупки в валюту карты. Убедитесь, что средств на карте достаточно для покрытия комиссии за конвертацию валют. Некоторые банки-эмитенты устанавливают комиссии на конвертацию валют как-правило в пределах 1%
Банк-эмитент (банк, выпустивший карту)





Transaction declined

Do not honor

Do not Honour

Transaction declined

Do not honor
Не обслуживать
Пожалуй, самый общий и не определенный код отказа. Он может указывать на любые ограничения, наложенные банком-эмитентом, которые банк пожелал оставить не уточненными.
Возможные причины:
— карта заблокирована или на ней установлен статус
— на карте не установлен лимит на оплату в интернет, либо этот лимит недостаточный
— сработали настройки системы безопасности банка-эмитента
— сработали ограничения по сумме или количеству операций по карте у банка-эмитента
— банк-эмитент установил ограничения на проведение данного типа транзакций
— по карте не разрешены международные платежи (доместиковая карта)
— банк-эмитент установил ограничение на транзакции с двойной конвертацией валют (DCC)
— банк-эмитент установил ограничения на транзакции в данной валюте
— банк-эмитент установил ограничения на транзакции в данной стране
— банк-эмитент в США ограничил по карте операции в валюте, отличной от USD
— банк-эмитент в США ограничил по карте операции в странах бывшего СНГ и других рисковых регионах
Банк-эмитент (банк, выпустивший карту). Если банк-эмитент не видит данную транзакцию, тогда необходимо обратиться в банк-эквайер (банк, обслуживающий торговую точку) или к платежному провайдеру







Invalid transaction

Invalid transaction card / issuer / acquirer

Decline reason message: invalid transaction

Invalid transaction
Операция для данной карты или мерчанта не разрешена
Причины могут быть теми же, что и для Do not honor
Банк-эмитент (банк, выпустивший карту). Если банк-эмитент не видит данную транзакцию, тогда необходимо обратиться в банк-эквайер (банк, обслуживающий торговую точку) или к платежному провайдеру








Decline, exceeds withdrawal amount limit

Exceeds amount limit

Exceeds withdrawal limit

Withdrawal limit would be exceeded

Withdrawal limit already reached

Card exceeds withdrawal amount limit
На карте достигнут лимит по сумме операций в сутки, в месяц или на разовую транзакцию
Возможные причины (более детально смотрите по банку-эквайеру выше):
— на карте не установлен лимит операций в интернет или он уже достигнут или будет достигнут с текущей транзакцией
— общий лимит по сумме для операций покупок по карте уже достигнут или будет достигнут с текущей транзакцией
— карта не открыта для расчетов в интернет
— на карте не активирован сервис 3D-Secure из-за чего операции в интернет без 3D-Secure пароля попадают под ограничения банка-эмитента
Банк-эмитент (банк, выпустивший карту)






Activity count exceeded

Exceeds frequency limit

Maximum number of times used

Card exceeds withdrawal frequency limit
На карте достигнут лимит по количеству операций в сутки или в месяц
Возможные причины (более детально смотрите по банку-эквайеру выше):
— на карте не установлен лимит операций в интернет или он уже достигнут или будет достигнут с текущей транзакцией
— общий лимит по количеству операций покупок по карте уже достигнут или будет достигнут с текущей транзакцией
— карта не открыта для расчетов в интернет
— на карте не активирован сервис 3D-Secure из-за чего операции в интернет без 3D-Secure пароля попадают под ограничения банка-эмитента
Банк-эмитент (банк, выпустивший карту)



Not permitted to client

Transaction not permitted on card

Transaction not permitted to card

Decline, transaction not permitted to cardholder

Transaction not permitted to card

Not permitted to client

Decline, transaction not permitted to cardholder

Function Not Permitted To Cardholder

Not permitted to client
Транзакция не разрешена для карты или клиента

Банк эмитент отклонил транзакцию так как она не может быть осуществлена для этой карты или клиента.

Возможные причины (более детально смотрите по банку-эквайеру выше):
— данный карточный продукт не рассчитан для такого типа операции
— для данной карты не настроен такой тип операции на стороне банка-эмитента

Банк-эмитент (банк, выпустивший карту)



Decline, transaction not permitted to terminal

Not permitted to merchant

The requested service is not permitted for terminal

Function Not Permitted To Terminal

Txn Not Permitted On Term

Not permitted to merchant
Транзакция не разрешена для терминала или мерчанта
Мерчант или терминал настроен некорректно, или данный тип операции не разрешен на стороне банка-эквайера или платежного провайдера. В первую очередь нужно уточнить конфигурацию торговой точки у платежного провайдера и список допустимых операций
Банк-эквайер (банк, обслуживающий торговую точку) или к платежному провайдеру




Bad CVV2

Decline for CVV2 Failure

CVV2 is invalid

Invalid CVV2

Decline Cvv2 failure

Invalid CVV2 code
Введен неверный CVV2 код во время проведения платежа
Необходимо проверить CVV2 код на оборотной стороне карты. Код состоит из 3 цифр для Visa/MasterCard/Discover и из 4 цифр для карт American Express.
CVV2 код также может называться CVC2, CID, CSC2 код.
В некоторых случаях такой код отказа может возвращаться и при вводе неверного срока действия карты.
Стоит обратить внимание, если банк эмитент использует динамический код CVV2, генерируемый на короткий промежуток времени в клиент-банке — срок жизни такого CVV2 кода мог истечь на момент совершения операции
Банк-эмитент (банк, выпустивший карту)








Restricted card

Restricted status

Decline, restricted card

Card is restricted

Your card is restricted

Restricted Card
Операции по карте ограничены
Возможные причины:
— операции по карте в данном регионе/стране не разрешены
— на карте установлен статус, ограничивающий платежи
— для карты не доступны интернет-платежи
Банк-эмитент (банк, выпустивший карту)



Transaction not supported by institution
Your card is not supported. Please use card of other payment system
Данный тип платежной системы не поддерживается
Банк-эквайер или платежный провайдер не поддерживает платежную систему данной карты.
Отказ может возникать в таких случаях:
— оплата картой локальной платежной системы за рубежом. Например картой платежной системы МИР за пределами РФ, картой платежной системы ПРОСТИР за пределами Украины
— оплата картами оплата AMERICAN EXPRESS, Diners Club,JCB, China Union Pay, Discover которые не поддерживаются платежным провайдером
— оплата картой Monobank в счет микро-кредитной организации (погашение кредита), либо выдача кредит. Монобанк блокирует операции в адрес МФО по некоторым типам карт
Банк-эквайер (банк, обслуживающий торговую точку) или к платежному провайдеру
Монобанк, если карта этого банка



Decline (general, no comments)

General decline, no comments

General decline

General decline
Общий отказ.
Причины могут быть теми же, что и для Do not honor
Банк-эмитент (банк, выпустивший карту)



Expired card

Decline, expired card

Expired card

Pick-up, expired card

Card expired

Invalid card expiry date
Истек срок действия карты
Возможные причины
— срок действия карты закончился
— указан неверный срок действия карты
— карта была перевыпущена с новым сроком
Банк-эмитент (банк, выпустивший карту)






Card number does not exist

Invalid card number

No such card

Decline, card not effective

Invalid card

Wrong card number

Invalid card number
Неверный номер карты
Возможные причины:
— неверный номер карты
— карта не действительна
— оплата картой локальной платежной системы за рубежом. Например картой платежной системы МИР за пределами РФ, картой платежной системы ПРОСТИР за пределами Украины
— оплата картами оплата AMERICAN EXPRESS, Diners Club,JCB, China Union Pay, Discover которые не поддерживаются платежным провайдером
— операции по карте в данном регионе/стране не разрешены
— на карте установлен статус, ограничивающий платежи
Банк-эмитент (банк, выпустивший карту)









External Decline Special Condition

Special Pickup

Pick up card (special)

Pick up card, special condition (fraud account)

Pick-up, special conditions

Decline, refer to card issuer’s special conditions

Pick up card, special condition (fraud account)
Специальный отказ банка-эмитента. Владелец карты подозревается в мошенничестве.
Банк-эмитент подозревает держателя карты в мошенничестве, либо система безопасности (антифрод-система) банка эмитента отклонила транзакцию
Банк-эмитент (банк, выпустивший карту)




Decline, security violation

Security violation

Security violation
Отказ по соображениям безопасности
Код отказа может отдаваться как банком-эмитентом, так и банком-эквайером. Возможные причины:
— карточный счет заморожен или заблокирован
— ограничения правил безопасности (система Antifraud на стороне любого из участников)
Банк-эмитент (банк, выпустивший карту)
Банк-эквайер (банк, обслуживающий торговую точку) или к платежному провайдеру





Invalid account

Decline, no account of type requested

No To Account

Invalid card number
Неверный номер карты или счета
Возможные причины:
— счет карты закрыт или заблокирован
— по счету запрещены расходные операции
— карта не действительна
— неверный номер карты
— оплата картой локальной платежной системы за рубежом. Например картой платежной системы МИР за пределами РФ, картой платежной системы ПРОСТИР за пределами Украины
— оплата картами оплата AMERICAN EXPRESS, Diners Club,JCB, China Union Pay, Discover которые не поддерживаются платежным провайдером
— операции по карте в данном регионе/стране не разрешены
— на карте установлен статус, ограничивающий платежи
— карта не предназначена для расчетов в интернет
Банк-эмитент (банк, выпустивший карту)












Unable to authorize

Decline reason message: card issuer or switch inoperative

Destination not available

Issuer or switch inoperative

Issuer unavailable

Time-out at issuer

Decline reason message: card issuer timed out

Decline reason message: transaction destination cannot be found for routing

Transaction timeout

Acquiring bank request timeout

Ошибка связи: таймаут

Недоступен эмитент/эквайер

Таймаут при попытке связи с банком-эмитентом. Как правило такая ошибка возникает при проблемах технического характера на стороне любого из участников: банка-эквайера, банка эмитента, платежной системы Visa/MasterCard/МИР.

В первую очередь необходимо обратиться в банк-эквайер для выяснения причины и определения, на чьей стороне неисправности.

Банк-эквайер (банк, обслуживающий торговую точку) или к платежному провайдеру

Банк-эмитент (при получении 91 кода)




No such card/issuer

No such issuer

Invalid Issuer

Invalid card number
Указан неверный номер карты
см. Неверный номер карты




System error
Unknown payment system error
Технический сбой на стороне эквайера/платежной системы
Технический сбой на стороне банка-эквайера
Банк-эквайер (банк, обслуживающий торговую точку) или к платежному провайдеру







Pick-up (general, no comments)

Pick up card

Your card is restricted

Hot Card, Pickup (if possible)

Hold — Pick up card

Pick-up, restricted card

Pick-up, card acceptor contact card acquirer

Pick up card (no fraud)
Изъять карту
Банк-эмитент отклонил транзакцию с сообщением о необходимости изъять карту, если это возможно. Как правило причиной является блокировка карты по причине утери
Банк-эмитент (банк, выпустивший карту)

Number of PIN tries exceeded
PIN tries exceeded
Превышен лимит попыток ввода PIN-кода
На карте установлен статус в связи с превышением попыток ввода PIN-кода при оплате в наземных POS-терминалах или использования карты в банкомате.
Также причиной может быть то, что карта только что выпущена и первой операцией для нее должна быть операция смены PIN-кода
Банк-эмитент (банк, выпустивший карту)







Invalid advance amount

Decline, invalid amount

Invalid amount

Invalid amount
Неверная сумма
Причины отказа:
— слишком маленькая сумма. Если карта открыта в валюте, убедитесь, что сумма транзакции не менее 1 цента доллара США или 1 Евро цента
— слишком большая сумма
— из суммы транзакции невозможно удержать сумму комиссии платежного провайдера. Убедитесь, что сумма транзакции не меньше суммы всех комиссий
— ограничения на карте плательщика на стороне банка, который выпуcтил карту.
— достигнуты лимиты на стороне банка-эквайера.
Банк-эквайер (банк, обслуживающий торговую точку) или к платежному провайдеру, Банк-эмитент (банк, выпустивший карту)






Suspected fraud

Decline, suspected fraud

Suspected fraud
Подозрение в мошенничестве
Система безопасности одного из участников процессинговой цепочки подозревает участие карты в мошеннических действиях или в компрометации.
Также, возможно, что банк-эмитент заблокировал карту/счет в связи с подозрительными действиями, скиммингом, компрометацией
Банк-эмитент (банк, выпустивший карту)







Format error

Decline reason message: format error

Format error
Ошибка формата сообщения
Технический сбой при попытке авторизовать транзакцию у банка-эмитента. Вероятно, какие-то из атрибутов транзакции указаны неверно. Необходимо уточнить у банка детали, которые вызвали такой отказ.
Банк-эквайер (банк, обслуживающий торговую точку) или к платежному провайдеру





Lost Card, Pickup

Pick up card (lost card)

Lost card

Lost card, pick-up

Pick-up, lost card

Lost card
Карта утеряна
На карте установлен статус утеряна по заявлению картодержателя.
Банк-эмитент (банк, выпустивший карту)



Violation of law

Decline, violation of law

Suspected fraud
Транзакция не может быть выполнена: нарушение закона
Банк-эмитент отказал в осуществлении транзакции во избежание нарушения закона
Банк-эмитент (банк, выпустивший карту)



Decline reason message: system malfunction

System malfunction

System malfunction
Технический сбой на стороне эквайера/платежной системы
Технический сбой на стороне банка-эквайера
Банк-эквайер (банк, обслуживающий торговую точку) или к платежному провайдеру





Refer to card issuer

Decline, refer to card issuer

Decline, refer to card issuer special conditions

Refer to issuer

Decline, refer to card issuer
Обратиться к банку-эмитенту
Отказ банка-эмитента. Держатель карты должен обратиться в свой банк
Банк-эмитент (банк, выпустивший карту)

Incorrect PIN
Incorrect PIN
Неверный PIN
На карте установлен статус в связи с превышением попыток ввода PIN-кода при оплате в наземных POS-терминалах или использования карты в банкомате.
Также причиной может быть то, что карта только что выпущена и первой операцией для нее должна быть операция смены PIN-кода
Банк-эмитент (банк, выпустивший карту)

Do not honor
Неверный CAVV
Ошибка возникает при проверке 3DSecure на стороне банка-эмитента. Причиной может случить либо неверная настройка 3DSecure на карте, либо некорректная реализация Apple/Google Pay токенов на стороне платежной платформы, мерчанта или банка-эквайера
Банк-эквайер (банк, обслуживающий торговую точку) или к платежному провайдеру





Pick up card (stolen card)

Pick-up, stolen card

Stolen card

Stolen card, pick-up


Lost or stolen card

Stolen card
Карта украдена
Банк-эмитент установил на карте статус «украдена» по обращению держателя карты
Банк-эмитент (банк, выпустивший карту)



Pre-authorizations are not allowed within this context.

Merchant is not allowed preauth

Preauth not allowed
Операция предавторизации на разрешена для торговца
Необходимо обратиться к платежному провайдеру или банку-эквайеру для активации двухстадийной оплаты перед пред-авторизацию/завершение (preauth/capture или prepurchase/completion или authorization/sale)
Банк-эквайер (банк, обслуживающий торговую точку) или к платежному провайдеру






Invalid merchant

Decline, invalid merchant

Merchant is not configured correctly
Мерчант настроен некорректно
Необходимо обратиться к платежному провайдеру или банку-эквайеру для настройки или активации мерчанта или мерчант-аккаунта.
Также причиной может быть некорректно переданный идентификатор мерчанта в транзакции
Банк-эквайер (банк, обслуживающий торговую точку) или к платежному провайдеру


  1. Хост недоступен что значит для терминала код 91
  2. Коды ошибок Visa/MasterCard/МИР
  3. Часто встречающиеся ошибки:
  4. Полный список кодов ПАО « Промсвязьбанк » :
  5. Полный список кодов ПАО Банк «ФК Открытие»:
  6. Полный список кодов АО «Банк Русский Стандарт»:
  7. Коды отказов платежных систем Visa, MasterCard, МИР (общее описание)

Хост недоступен что значит для терминала код 91

Статья была опубликована ровно 3 года назад, еле сам её нашел для дополнения.

Если при оплате картой вы сталкиваетесь с какой-то ошибкой, отказом терминала («деклайн»), то код ответа даст понимание, почему это случилось. Ниже расшифровки ответов платежных систем:

Код 00 – успешно проведенная операция.
Код 01 – отказать, позвонить в банк-эмитент
Код 02 – отказать, позвонить в банк-эмитент (особое условие)
Код 03 Invalid merchant (Неверный мерчант ID), незарегистрированная торговая точка или агрегатор платежей
Код 04 — изъять карту без указания причины. Блок карты в связи с мошенничеством. Pick-up card.
Код 05 – Do not Honour. (Транзакция была отклонена банком без указания причин.

06 Error. Неизвестная ошибка на стороне банка, повторить
07 Pick-up card, special condition. Карта заблокирована банком в связи с мошенничеством
08 — обслуживать с идентификацией по документу и подписи либо отменить всю операцию
12 Invalid transaction card / issuer / acquirer Мерчант не принимает карты этого банка.
13 Invalid amount Сумма превысила лимит банка на транзакцию, возможно, ошибка ввода суммы
14 Invalid card number — Неверный номер карты либо карта заблокирована холдером/банком
17 – отказать, отклонено пользователем карты.
19 System Error — Системная ошибка на стороне мерчанта/банка, нужно повторить транзакцию
21 No Action Taken Запрещено банком без каких либо объяснений
31 эмитент не найден в платёжной системе
32 частично завершено
34 Suspected Fraud Подозрении в мошенничестве
39 No Credit Account Отсутствует кредитный счет карты
41 Lost Card, Pickup; Карта утеряна, изьять
42 Special Pickup; Карта украдена, изьять
43 Hot Card, Pickup; Карта украдена, изьять
51 Not sufficient funds; Недостаточно средств для оплаты
54 Expired card; Срок карты истек
55 Incorrect PIN; Неверный пин
57 Transaction not permitted on card; Мерчант не принимает карты этого банка или недопустимый тип операции для данного вида карты (например, по карте можно только снять нал, без оплаты покупок)
58 Txn Not Permitted On Term; Мерчант не принимает этот вид операции, см. 57
59 Suspected Fraud; подозрение в мошенничестве.
61 Exceeds amount limit; сумма превышает разрешенный суточный максимум для карты
62 Restricted card; картсчет заморожен, блок карты
63 Security violation; картсчет заморожен, блок карты
64 — сумма отмены авторизации отлична от суммы оригинальной авторизации
65 — отказать, превышение максимального количества операции для данной карты //лимит расходных операций по счету
67 — карта изъята в банкомате
75 Exceeds PIN Retry; пин введен максимальное количество раз
78 Function Not Available; номер карты не действителен или не существует
80 Ошибка сети
81 Ошибка в шифре PIN (МС)
82 CVV Validation Error; неверный cvv код)
83 – отказать, ошибка сети (технические проблемы)
86 невозможно проверить pin
88 ошибка шифрования Pin
91 Issuer not available; связь с банком отсутствует, тех.проблемы
93 Transaction violates law; транзакция незаконна
94 Duplicate Transaction; двойная транзакция.
96 System Error; системная ошибка на стороне мерчанта/не связаться с банком-эмитентом

100 (используется Visa, аналог кода 119 для MasterCard) — Нет разрешения. Неверный способ шифрования данных. (пример: банк-эмитент блокирует операции по магнитной полосе для Чипованной карты).
101 — Карта просрочена (примеры: истек срок действия карты или карта была перевыпущена)
117 — Неверный ПИН-код

119 для MC (см. код 100 выше): Unable to Encrypt Message — SecurePay’s security methods were unable to encrypt the message

Код 182 — отказ банка-эмитента. Возможно, на карте установлены ограничения по расчетам в интернете.

Код Z1 — техническая ошибка терминала; если нет приоритета PIN, то карта не обслуживается.
Код Z3 — онлайн не работает, а в оффлайне терминал отклонил транзакцию.
Q1 — аутентификация карты не прошла
NX — внутренняя ошибка терминала, например, отсутствие маршрута сети или сброс IP-адреса


В данной статье собраны коды ошибок действующих банков-эквайеров.

Часто встречающиеся ошибки:

Код 05 – отказ эмитента без указания причины

Код 17 – отказать, отклонено пользователем карты

Код -19 – не пройдена авторизация (как правило, при непрохождении 3ds авторизации)

Код 41 – утерянная карта

Код 43 – украденная карта

Код 51 – недостаточно средств для проведения операции

Код 57 – недопустимый тип операции для данного типа карты (например, попытка оплаты в магазине по карте предназначенной только для снятия наличных)

Код 61 – превышение максимальной суммы операции или количества попыток для данной карты; превышен лимит на терминале продавца; недостаточно средств на счете продавца, в случае выплат (более точное описание смотрите ниже, исходя из обслуживающего банка)

Код 62 – заблокированная карта

Код 65 – превышение максимального количества операции для данной карты

Код 83 – ошибка сети (технические проблемы)

Код 91 – эмитент недоступен (технические проблемы на стороне банка-эмитента)

Код 96 – системная ошибка/невозможно связаться с банком, который выдал карту (требуется сверка с эквайером)

Код 66 — установлена блокировка банком для данной карты на основании требований МПС (как правило, за совершение подряд отказных от эмитента операций, например, с кодами 05, 51,61,65 и 41,43,93,14); ограничитель, блокирующий проведение неуспешных операций по картам МasterCard после 20 отказов от Эмитентов с одной и той же карты. Блокировка карты будет срабатывать с 21-ой неуспешной операции сроком на 24 часа.

Код 70001 — н едостаточно средств на счете

Код 88 — отказ, некорректно введен код CVC2

Код -3 — нет ответа от эмитента/эквайера (требуется сверка)

1A-Call your bank — ответ предоставляет MasterCard взамен RC:65 ( превышение максимального количества операции для данной карты)

Код 405 — Strong Customer Authentication Required/Trans Status From Issuer or Payment System — не пройдена аутентификации пользователя (ошибка схожа с -19 Authentication failed)

Полный список кодов ПАО « Промсвязьбанк » :

Result Code Description Описание
Approved Операция прошла успешно
1 Call your bank Позвоните в свой банк
3 Invalid merchant Недействительный продавец
4 Your card is restricted Ограничение в проведении операции на стороне эмитента
5 Transaction declined Операция отклонена без указания причины
12 Invalid transaction Недействительная операция, возможно ошибки в параметрах запроса к платёжной системе
13 Invalid amount Недопустимая сумма
14 No such card Такая карта не существует
15 No such card/issuer Нет такой карты / эмитента
20 Invalid response Неверный ответ
30 Format error Ошибка в параметрах запроса к платёжной системе
41 Lost card Карта утеряна (статус установлен у эмитента)
43 Stolen card Карта украдена
51 Not sufficient funds Недостаточно средств
54 Expired card Срок действия карты истёк
55 Incorrect PIN Неверный PIN-код
57 Not permitted to client Операция не разрешена для клиента (как правило, о тказ приходит со стороны платёжной системы)
58 Not permitted to merchant Не разрешено продавцу (заблокирован терминал)
61 Exceeds amount limit Сумма операции превысила допустимый лимит (также, возможен отказ от платёжной системы)
62 Restricted card Запрещённая карта
63 Security violation Нарушение безопасности
65 Exceeds frequency limit Превышен лимит
75 PIN tries exceeded Превышено количество попыток ввода PIN-кода
76 Wrong PIN,tries exceeded Неверный PIN-код, количество попыток превышено
82 Time-out at issuer Тайм-аут при соединении с эмитентом
83 Transaction failed Транзакция неуспешна
86 Unable to verify PIN Невозможно проверить PIN-код
89 Authentication failure Ошибка аутентификации
91 Issuer unavailable Эмитент недоступен
93 Violation of law Операция отклонена. Держателю необходимо обратиться в свой банк
95 Reconcile error Возникает, когда операция была уже проведена.
96 System malfunction Системная ошибка Возможно ошибки в параметрах запроса к платёжной системе
-2 Bad CGI request Неверно сформирован запрос к платёжному шлюзу
-3 No or Invalid response received Платёжный шлюз вовремя не получил ответ. Статус операции при этом может быть успешным или неуспешным.
-4 Server is not responding Сервер не отвечает
-5 Connect failed Сбой соединения
-8 Error in card number field Ошибка в поле номера карты
-9 Error in card expiration date field Введена неверная дата срока действия карты
-10 Error in amount field Ошибка в поле суммы
-11 Error in currency field Ошибка в поле валюты
-12 Error in merchant terminal field Некорректный запрос к платежному шлюзу
-17 Access denied Отказано в доступе (Возможно ошибка при формировании P_SIGN)
-18 Error in CVC2 or CVC2 Description fields Ошибка в поле CVC2
-19 Authentication failed Аутентификация прошла неуспешно (3d-secure), возможны другие причины.
-20 Expired transaction Время проведения операции превышает значение параметра TIMESTAMP
-21 Duplicate transaction Отправлен повторный запрос с идентичными параметрами
70001 Not sufficient funds Недостаточно средств на счете.

Полный список кодов ПАО Банк «ФК Открытие»:

1) Для операции Pay — cумма превышает разрешенный суточный лимит (необходимо обратиться к эмитенту);

2) Для операций Payout — недостаточно средств на счете или превышен месячный лимит на терминале (необходимо обратиться к эквайеру).

Result Code Description Описание
00 Approved Успешная транзакция
01 Refer to card issuer Обратитесь к эмитенту карты
02 Refer to card issuer, special condition Обратитесь к эмитенту карты, особое условие
03 Invalid merchant or service provider Недействительный идентификатор продавца
04 Pickup card Изъять карту
05 Do not honor Транзакция была отклонена эмитентом без объяснения причин
06 Error Эмитент карты вернул ошибку без дополнительных объяснений
07 Pickup card, special condition (other than lost/stolen card) Изъять карту, специальные условия
08 Honor with identification Не пройдена идентификация, проблема с идентификацией
09 Request in progress Выполняется запрос
10 Approved for partial amount Одобрено для частичной суммы
11 Approved, VIP Approved, VIP program Одобрено для VIP, программа VIP
12 Invalid transaction Запрошенная транзакция не поддерживается или недействительна для представленного номера карты
13 Invalid amount Сумма превышает лимиты, установленные эмитентом для данного типа транзакции
14 Invalid card (no such number) Эмитент указывает, что эта карта недействительна.
15 No such issuer Номер эмитента карты недействителен
16 Approved, update track 3 Утверждено, обновить
17 Customer cancellation Отмена клиентом
18 Customer dispute Открыт спор с клиентом
19 Re-enter transaction Клиент должен повторно отправить транзакцию
20 Invalid response Неверный ответ
21 No action taken Никаких действий не предпринимается. Эмитент отказался без других объяснений
22 Suspected malfunction Предполагаемая неисправность
23 Unacceptable transaction fee Неприемлемая комиссия за транзакцию
24 File update not supported Обновление файла не поддерживается
25 Unable to locate record Невозможно найти запись
26 Duplicate record Дублирующая запись
27 File update edit error Ошибка редактирования обновления файла
28 File update file locked Файл/обновления файла заблокировано
29 not used не используется
30 Format error Ошибка формата
31 Bank not supported Банк не поддерживается коммутатором
32 Completed partially Завершено частично
33 Expired card, pick-up Срок действия карты истек
34 Issuer suspects fraud, pick-up card Эмитент карты подозревает мошенничество
35 Contact acquirer, pick-up Обратиться к эмитенту карты
36 Restricted card, pick-up Ограничено эмитентом карты
37 Call ECHO security, pick-up Обратитесь в службу безопасности
38 PIN tries exceeded, pick-up Количество попыток получения PIN-кода превышает лимиты эмитента
39 No credit account Нет кредитного счета
40 Function not supported Запрошенная функция не поддерживается
41 Pickup card (lost card) Карта была утеряна
42 No universal account Нет универсальной учетной записи
43 Pickup card (stolen card) Карта была украдена
44 No investment account Нет инвестиционного счета
45 50 not used не используется
51 Not sufficient funds Недостаточно средств на карте
52 No checking account Нет текущего счета
53 No savings account Нет сберегательного счета
54 Expired card Срок действия карты истек
55 Incorrect PIN Неправильный PIN-код держателя карты
56 No card record Нет такой карты
57 Transaction not permitted to cardholder Операция не разрешена держателю карты. Карта не разрешена для запрошенного типа транзакции.
58 Transaction not permitted on terminal Транзакция не разрешена на терминале. Продавцу запрещен этот тип транзакции (заблокирован терминал; сработало ограничение и т.д. необходимо уточнять подробности у эквайера)
59 Suspected fraud Предполагаемое мошенничество
60 Contact ECHO Связаться с службой безопасности
61 Exceeds withdrawal limit
62 Restricted card Карта заблокирована
63 Security violation Нарушение безопасности. Карта заблокирована
64 Original amount incorrect Неверная исходная сумма
65 Activity count limit exceeded Превышено допустимое количество ежедневных транзакций
66 Call acquirer security Связаться со службой безопасности эквайера
67 not used не используется
68 Response received too late Ответ получен слишком поздно
69 74 not used не используется
75 PIN tries exceeded Превышено допустимое количество попыток ввода PIN-кода
76 Invalid «to» account Неверный счет. Дебетового счета не существует
77 Invalid «from» account Недействительный счет. Кредитный счет не существует
78 Invalid account specified (general) Связанная учетная запись с номером карты недействительна или не существует
79 Already reversed Уже отменено
80 Visa transactions: credit issuer unavailable Операции с Visa: эмитент недоступен
81 PIN cryptographic error found Обнаружена криптографическая ошибка PIN-кода
82 Negative CAM, dCVV, iCVV, or CVV results Некорректный CAM, dCVV, iCVV или CVV
83 Unable to verify PIN Невозможно проверить PIN-код
84 Invalid authorization life cycle Просроченная авторизация
85 not used не используется
86 Cannot verify PIN Невозможно проверить PIN-код
87 Network Unavailable Сеть недоступна
88 Invalid CVC2 Ошибочно введенный cvc2
89 Ineligible to receive financial position information Невозможно получить финансовую информацию
90 Cut-off in progress Отключение в процессе
91 Issuer or switch inoperative Банк-эмитент недоступен
92 Routing error Ошибка маршрутизации
93 Violation of law Нарушение закона
94 Duplicate transaction Дублирующая транзакция
95 Reconcile error Ошибка согласования/ошибка при расчетах с МПС/НСПК
96 System malfunction Произошла системная ошибка
97 not used не используется
98 Exceeds cash limit Превышен денежный лимит
-2 Bad CGI request Запрос не прошел CGI-проверку
-3 No or Invalid response received Хост эквайрера (NS) не отвечает
-4 Server is not responding Нет соединения с хостом эквайрера
-5 Connect failed Ошибка соединения с хостом эквайрера (NS) во время обработки транзакции
-6 Configuration error Ошибка настройки модуля e-Gateway
-7 Incorrect response from the acquirer host Некорректный ответа хоста эквайрера (NS), например, отсутствуют
обязательные поля
-8 Error in card number field Ошибка в поле «Card number» запроса
-9 Error in card expiration date field Ошибка в поле «Card expiration date» запроса
-10 Error in amount field Ошибка в поле «Amount» запроса
-11 Error in currency field Ошибка в поле «Currency» запроса
-12 Error in merchant terminal field Ошибка в поле «Merchant ID» запроса
-13 System error IP-адрес источника транзакции (обычно IP торговца) не соответствует
-14 No connection Нет соединения с PIN-клавиатурой Интернет-терминала либо программа-агент
на компьютере/рабочей станции Интернет-терминала не запущена
-15 Error in the «RRN» field of the request Ошибка в поле «RRN» запроса
-16 Another transaction is in progress on the terminal На терминале выполняется другая транзакция
-17 The terminal is denied access to the e-Gateway module Терминалу отказано в доступе к модулю e-Gateway
-18 Error in the «CVC2» or «CVC2 Description» field of the request Ошибка в поле «CVC2» или «CVC2 Description» запроса
-19 Error in request for authentication information or authentication failed Ошибка в запросе на аутентификационную информацию либо аутентификация неуспешна
-20 Permissible time interval exceeded Превышен допустимый временной интервал (по умолчанию – 1 час) между значением поля «Time Stamp» запроса и временем модуля e-Gateway
-21 Transaction has already been completed Транзакция уже выполнена
-22 Transaction contains invalid authentication information Транзакция содержит ошибочную аутентификационную информацию
-23 Error in transaction context Ошибка в контексте транзакции
-24 Inconsistency in the context of a transaction Несоответствие в контексте транзакции
-25 Transaction aborted by user Транзакция прервана пользователем
-26 Invalid BIN of the card Неверный BIN карты
-27 Seller name error Ошибка в имени продавца
-28 Error in additional data Ошибка в дополнительных данных
-29 Error in authentication link (damaged or duplicated) Ошибка в ссылке аутентификации (повреждена или дублируется)
-30 Transaction was rejected as fraudulent Транзакция отклонена как мошенническая
-31 Transaction in progress Транзакция в процессе выполнения
-32 Re-declined transaction Повторная отклоненная транзакция
-33 client authentication in progress Транзакция в процессе аутентификации клиента с помощью авторизации случайной суммы или одноразового случайного кода
-34 MasterCard Installment транзакция в процессе выбора пользователем способа оплаты
-35 MasterCard Installment транзакция в процессе выбора пользователем способа оплаты была отклонена автоматически после превышения лимита времени на эту операцию
-36 MasterCard Installment транзакция в процессе выбора пользователем способа оплаты была отклонена самим пользователем

Полный список кодов АО «Банк Русский Стандарт»:

Description FULL Описание
000 Approved Approved Одобрено
100 Decline Decline (general, no
101 Decline Decline, expired card Отказ: карта просрочена
102 Decline Decline, suspected fraud Отказ
103 Decline Decline, card acceptor contact
Отказ: свяжитесь с обслуживающим банком
104 Decline Decline, restricted card Отказ: карта имеет ограничения
105 Decline Decline, card acceptor call acquirer’s security
Отказ: вызовите службу безопасности банка
106 Decline Decline, allowable PIN tries
Отказ: превышено число попыток ввода PIN —
107 Decline Decline, refer to card issuer Отказ: свяжитесь с Эмитентом.
108 Decline Decline, refer to card issuer’s
special conditions
Отказ: обратитесь к Эмитенту
109 Decline Decline, invalid merchant Отказ: неверный код терминала
110 Decline Decline, invalid amount Отказ: неверная сумма
111 Decline Decline, invalid card number Отказ: неверный номер Карты
112 Decline Decline, PIN data required Отказ: нужен ввод PIN-код
113 Decline Decline, unacceptable fee Отказ: недопустимая комиссия
114 Decline Decline, no account of type
Отказ: неверный номер счета
115 Decline Decline, requested function
not supported
Отказ: запрошенная операция недопустима
для Карты
116 Decline, no
Decline, not sufficient funds Отказ: недостаточно средств
117 Decline Decline, incorrect PIN Отказ: неверный PIN-код
118 Decline Decline, no card record Отказ: Карта не найдена
119 Decline Decline, transaction not
permitted to cardholder
Отказ: операция не разрешена Клиенту
120 Decline Decline, transaction not
permitted to terminal
Отказ: операция, не разрешена по данному
121 Decline Decline, exceeds withdrawal
amount limit
Отказ: превышен лимит
122 Decline Decline, security violation Отказ: по соображениям безопасности
123 Decline Decline, exceeds withdrawal
frequency limit
Отказ: превышено число операций
124 Decline Decline, violation of law Отказ: запрещено законодательством
125 Decline Decline, card not effective Отказ: Карта неактивна
126 Decline Decline, invalid PIN block Отказ: неверный PIN-блок
127 Decline Decline, PIN length error Отказ: неверная длина PIN-код
128 Decline Decline, PIN kay synch error Отказ: ошибка обработки PIN-код
129 Decline Decline, suspected
counterfeit card
Отказ: возможно, поддельная Карта
(реквизиты карты введены не верно)
180 Decline Decline, by cardholders wish Отказ: по желанию держателя карты
181 Decline Decline, Card is not active Отказ: Карта не активна
182 Decline Decline, Card is not active Отказ: Карта не активна
183 Decline Decline, Card is not active Отказ: Карта не активна
184 Decline Decline, Card is not active Отказ: Карта не активна
185 Decline Decline, Card is not active Отказ: Карта не активна
186 Decline Decline, Card is not active Отказ: Карта не активна
187 Decline Decline, Card is not active Отказ: Карта не активна
188 Decline Decline, Card is not active Отказ: Карта не активна
189 Decline Decline, Card is not active Отказ: Карта не активна
190 Decline Decline, Card is not active Отказ: Карта не активна
191 Decline Decline, Card is not active Отказ: Карта не активна
192 Decline Decline, Card is not active Отказ: Карта не активна
193 Decline Decline, Card is not active Отказ: Карта не активна
194 Decline Decline, Card is not active Отказ: Карта не активна
195 Decline Decline, Card is not active Отказ: Карта не активна
196 Decline Decline, Card is not active Отказ: Карта не активна
197 Decline Decline, Card is not active Отказ: Карта не активна
198 Decline Decline, Card is not active Отказ: Карта не активна
199 Decline Decline, Card is not active Отказ: Карта не активна
200 Pick-up Pick-up (general, no
Изъять Карту
201 Pick-up Pick-up, expired card Изъять Карту: Карта просрочена
202 Pick-up Pick-up, suspected fraud Изъять Карту: возможна мошенническая опер
203 Pick-up Pick-up, card acceptor contact
card acquirer
Изъять Карту: свяжитесь с обслуживающим
204 Pick-up Pick-up, restricted card Изъять Карту: Карта имеет ограничения
205 Pick-up Pick-up, card acceptor call acquirer’s security
Изъять Карту: вызовите службу безопасности обслуживающего банка
206 Pick-up Pick-up, allowable PIN tries
Изъять Карту: превышено число попыток
ввода PIN-код
207 Pick-up Pick-up, special conditions Изъять Карту: специальные условия
208 Pick-up Pick-up, lost card Изъять Карту: Карта утеряна
209 Pick-up Pick-up, stolen card Изъять Карту: Карта украдена
400 Accepted Accepted (for reversal) Одобрено (для отмены Авторизации)
499 Approved Approved, no original
message data
Одобрено, оригинальная операция не
500 Call acquirer Status message: reconciled, in
Одобрено: итоги совпали
900 Accepted Advice acknowledged, no
financial liability accepted
Запрос авторизован, никаких финансовых
обязательств не одобрено
901 Accepted Advice acknowledged,
finansial liability accepted
Запрос авторизован, финансовые
обязательства одобрены
902 Call acquirer Decline reason message:
invalid transaction
Обратитесь к дежурной службе: неверная
903 Call acquirer Status message: re-enter
Обратитесь к дежурной службе: повторите
904 Call acquirer Decline reason message:
format error
Обратитесь к дежурной службе: ошибка
формата данных
905 Call acquirer Decline reason message: acqiurer not supported by
Обратитесь к дежурной службе: ошибка связи с платежной системой
906 Call acquirer Decline reason message:
cutover in process
Обратитесь к дежурной службе: ошибка связи
с платежной системой
907 Call acquirer Decline reason message: card
issuer or switch inoperative
Обратитесь к дежурной службе: ошибка связи
с платежной системой
908 Call acquirer Decline reason message: transaction destination
cannot be found for routing
Обратитесь к дежурной службе: ошибка связи с платежной системой
909 Call acquirer Decline reason message:
system malfunction
Обратитесь к дежурной службе: системная
910 Call acquirer Decline reason message: card
issuer signed off
Обратитесь к дежурной службе: ошибка связи
с платежной системой
911 Call acquirer Decline reason message: card
issuer timed out
Обратитесь к дежурной службе: Эмитент
Карты недоступен
912 Call acquirer Decline reason message: card
issuer unavailable
Обратитесь к дежурной службе: Эмитент
Карты недоступен
913 Call acquirer Decline reason message:
duplicate transmission
Обратитесь к дежурной службе:
дублированная операция
914 Call acquirer Decline reason message: not able to trace back to original
Обратитесь к дежурной службе: оригинальная операция не найдена
915 Call acquirer Decline reason message: reconciliation cutover or
checkpoint error
Обратитесь к дежурной службе: ошибка связи с платежной системой
916 Call acquirer Decline reason message: MAC
Обратитесь к дежурной службе: ошибка MAC
917 Call acquirer Decline reason message: MAC
key sync error
Обратитесь к дежурной службе: ошибка MAC
918 Call acquirer Decline reason message: no
communication keys available for use
Обратитесь к дежурной службе: ошибка PIN- PAD
919 Call acquirer Decline reason message:
encryption key sync error
Обратитесь к дежурной службе: ошибка
920 Call acquirer Decline reason message: security software/hardware
error — try again
Обратитесь к дежурной службе: ошибка шифрования
921 Call acquirer Decline reason message:
security software/hardware error — no action
Обратитесь к дежурной службе: ошибка шифрования
922 Call acquirer Decline reason message: message number out of
Обратитесь к дежурной службе: неверный номер сообщения
923 Call acquirer Status message: request in
Обратитесь к дежурной службе: запрос
950 Not accepted Decline reason message: violation of business
Отказ: недопустимая операция
XXX Undefined Code to be replaced by card status code or stoplist
insertion reason code
Обратитесь к дежурной службе

Коды отказов платежных систем Visa, MasterCard, МИР (общее описание)



Транзакция отклонена по причине того, что размер платежа превысил установленные лимиты Банком-эмитентом.

Операция отклонена. Обратитесь в банк, выпустивший карту.


Состояние начала транзакции.

Операция отклонена. Обратитесь в магазин.


Блокировка по e-mail

Операция отклонена. Обратитесь в магазин.


Получен неверный ECI. Код выставляется в том случае, если пришедший в PaRes ECI не соответствует допустимому значению для данной МПС. Правило работает только для MasterCard (01,02) и Visa (05,06), где значения в скобках — допустимые для МПС.

Операция отклонена. Обратитесь в банк, выпустивший карту.


PARes от эмитента содержит iReq, вследствие чего платёж был отклонён.

Операция отклонена. Обратитесь в банк, выпустивший карту.


Directory server Visa или MasterCard либо недоступен, либо в ответ на запрос вовлечённости карты (VeReq) пришла ошибка связи. Это ошибка взаимодействия платёжного шлюза и серверов МПС по причине технических неполадок на стороне последних.

Операция отклонена. Обратитесь в банк, выпустивший карту.


Отклонено. Статус PARes-а не «Y».

Операция отклонена. Обратитесь в магазин.


Банк-эмитент не смог определить, является ли карта 3dsecure.

Операция отклонена. Обратитесь в банк, выпустивший карту.


VERes от DS содержит iReq, вследствие чего платёж был отклонён.

Операция отклонена. Обратитесь в банк, выпустивший карту.


Исчерпаны попытки оплаты.

Операция отклонена. Проверьте введённые данные, достаточность средств на карте и повторите операцию.


Данная операция не поддерживается.

Операция отклонена. Обратитесь в банк, выпустивший карту.


Банк-эмитент не смог провести авторизацию 3dsecure-карты.

Операция отклонена. Обратитесь в банк, выпустивший карту.


Несовпадение XID.

Операция отклонена. Обратитесь в магазин.


Истёк срок, отведённый на ввод данных карты с момента регистрации платежа (таймаут по умолчанию — 20 минут; продолжительность сессии может быть указана при регистрации заказа; если у мерчанта установлена привилегия «Нестандартная продолжительность сессии», то берётся период, указанный в настройках мерчанта).

Истёк срок ожидания ввода данных.


Означает, что эмитент отклонил аутентификацию (3DS авторизация не пройдена).

Операция невозможна. Аутентификация держателя карты завершена неуспешно.


Означает, что мы не смогли проверить подпись эмитента, то есть PARes был читаемый, но подписан неверно.

Операция отклонена. Обратитесь в банк, выпустивший карту.


Блокировка по порту.

Операция отклонена. Обратитесь в магазин.


Транзакция отклонена по причине того, что размер платежа превысил установленные лимиты. Примечание: имеется в виду либо лимиты Банка-эквайера на дневной оборот Магазина, либо лимиты Магазина на оборот по одной карте, либо лимит Магазина по одной операции.

Операция отклонена. Обратитесь в магазин.


Транзакция отклонена по причине того, что IP- адрес Клиента внесён в чёрный список.

Операция отклонена. Обратитесь в магазин.


Транзакция отклонена по причине того, что карта внесена в чёрный список.

Операция отклонена. Обратитесь в магазин.


Оплата заказа была отклонена СБОЛ’ом

Платеж СБОЛ отклонен


Не было попыток оплаты.


Платёж успешно прошёл.


Для успешного завершения транзакции требуется подтверждение личности. В случае интернет-транзакции (соот-но и в нашем) невозможно, поэтому считается как declined.

Операция отклонена. Обратитесь в банк, выпустивший карту.


Отказ сети проводить транзакцию.

Операция отклонена. Обратитесь в банк, выпустивший карту.


МПС не смогла определить эмитента карты.

Ошибка проведения платежа. Попробуйте позднее. Если данная ошибка возникла повторно, обратитесь в Ваш банк для разъяснения причин. Телефон банка должен быть указан на обратной стороне карты.


Карты не существует в системах процессинга.

Операция отклонена. Обратитесь в магазин.



Операция отклонена. Обратитесь в банк, выпустивший карту.


Ограничение по карте (Банк эмитент запретил интернет транзакции по карте).

Операция отклонена. Обратитесь в банк, выпустивший карту.


Истёк срок действия карты.

Операция отклонена. Проверьте введённые данные, достаточность средств на карте и повторите операцию.


Нет связи с Банком-Эмитентом. Торговой точке необходимо связаться с банком-эмитентом.

Операция отклонена. Обратитесь в банк, выпустивший карту.


Попытка выполнения операции по счёту, на использование которого наложены ограничения.

Операция отклонена. Обратитесь в банк, выпустивший карту.


Превышено допустимое число попыток ввода ПИН. Вероятно карта временно заблокирована.

Операция отклонена. Обратитесь в магазин.


Следует обратиться к Банку-Эмитенту.

Операция отклонена. Обратитесь в банк, выпустивший карту.


Неверно указан идентификатор продавца/терминала или АСС заблокирован на уровне процессинга.

Операция отклонена. Обратитесь в магазин.


Неверно указана сумма транзакции.

Операция отклонена. Обратитесь в магазин.


Неверный номер карты.

Операция отклонена. Обратитесь в банк, выпустивший карту.


Сумма транзакции превышает доступный остаток средств на выбранном счёте.

Операция отклонена. Проверьте введённые данные, достаточность средств на карте и повторите операцию.


Сервис не разрешён (отказ от эмитента).

Операция отклонена. Обратитесь в банк, выпустивший карту.


Транзакция незаконна.

Операция отклонена. Обратитесь в банк, выпустивший карту.


Отказ в проведении операции — транзакция не разрешена эмитентом. Код ответа платёжной сети — 57. Причины отказа необходимо уточнять у эмитента.

Операция отклонена. Обратитесь в банк, выпустивший карту.


Предпринята попытка выполнить транзакцию на сумму, превышающую дневной лимит, заданный банком-эмитентом.

Операция отклонена. Обратитесь в банк, выпустивший карту.


Превышен лимит на число транзакций: клиент выполнил максимально разрешённое число транзакций в течение лимитного цикла и пытается провести ещё одну.

Операция отклонена. Обратитесь в банк, выпустивший карту.


Неверный номер карты. Подобная ошибка может означать ряд вещей: Попытка возврата на сумму, больше холда, попытка возврата нулевой суммы. Для AmEx — неверно указан срок действия карты.

Операция отклонена. Проверьте введённые данные, достаточность средств на карте и повторите операцию.


Карта утеряна.

Операция отклонена. Обратитесь в магазин.


Превышены ограничения по карте.

Операция отклонена. Обратитесь в магазин.


Реверсал обработан.


Ограничение по карте (Владелец карты пытается выполнить транзакцию, которая для него не разрешена).

Операция отклонена. Обратитесь в банк, выпустивший карту.


Предпринята попытка выполнить транзакцию на сумму, превышающую лимит, заданный банком-эмитентом.

Операция отклонена. Обратитесь в банк, выпустивший карту.


Ошибочный формат сообщения с точки зрения банка эмитента.

Операция отклонена. Обратитесь в банк, выпустивший карту.


Нет связи с Банком, выпустившим Вашу карту. Для данного номера карты не разрешена авторизация в режиме stand-in (этот режим означает, что эмитент не может связаться с платёжной сетью и поэтому транзакция возможна либо в оффлайне с последующей выгрузкой в бэк офис, либо она будет отклонена).

Нет связи с банком. Повторите позже.


Невозможно провести операцию (Ошибка функционирования системы, имеющая общий характер. Фиксируется платёжной сетью или банком-эмитентом).

Операция отклонена. Обратитесь в банк, выпустивший карту.


Банк-эмитент недоступен.

Нет связи с банком. Повторите позже.


Неверный формат сообщения (Неправильный формат транзакции с точки зрения сети).

Операция отклонена. Обратитесь в банк, выпустивший карту.


Не найдена транзакция (когда посылается завершение или reversal или refund).

Операция отклонена. Обратитесь в магазин.


Отсутствует начало авторизации транзакции. Отклонено по фроду или ошибка 3dsec. После получения этого кода ответа дальнейшие попытки проведения платежа отклоняются.

Операция отклонена. Обратитесь в магазин.


Пусто (Выставляется в момент регистрации транзакции, т.е. когда еще по транзакции не было введено данных карт).

Не получен ответ от банка. Повторите позже.


Неверная операция.

Операция отклонена. Обратитесь в магазин.


SSL (Не 3d-Secure/SecureCode) транзакции запрещены Магазину.

Операция отклонена. Обратитесь в магазин.


Оплата через SSL без ввода CVС2 запрещена.

Операция отклонена. Обратитесь в магазин.


Платёж не соответствует условиям правила проверки по 3ds.

Операция отклонена. Обратитесь в магазин.


Однофазные платежи запрещены.

Операция отклонена. Обратитесь в магазин.


Транзакция ещё не завершена.

Операция отклонена. Обратитесь в магазин.


Сумма возврата превышает сумму оплаты.

Операция отклонена. Обратитесь в магазин.


Ошибка выполнения 3DS-правила.

Операция отклонена. Обратитесь в магазин.


Ошибка выполнения правила выбора терминала (правило некорректно).

Операция отклонена. Обратитесь в магазин.


Мерчант не имеет разрешения на 3-D Secure, необходимое для проведения платежа.

Операция отклонена. Обратитесь в магазин.


Заказ отклонён.



Очередь на запросов на обработку в процессинг превысила допустимый лимит.

Ошибка проведения платежа. Попробуйте позднее.


Заказ отклонён продавцом.

Отклонено продавцом.


Введены неправильные параметры карты.

Операция отклонена. Проверьте введённые данные, достаточность средств на карте и повторите операцию.


Таймаут в процессинге. Не удалось отправить.

Не получен ответ от банка. Повторите позже.


Таймаут в процессинге. Удалось отправить, но не получен ответ от банка.

Не получен ответ от банка. Повторите позже.


Код отказа РБС.

Операция отклонена. Обратитесь в магазин.

Статья была опубликована ровно 3 года назад, еле сам её нашел для дополнения.

Если при оплате картой вы сталкиваетесь с какой-то ошибкой, отказом терминала («деклайн»), то код ответа даст понимание, почему это случилось. Ниже расшифровки ответов платежных систем:

Код 00 – успешно проведенная операция.
Код 01 – отказать, позвонить в банк-эмитент
Код 02 – отказать, позвонить в банк-эмитент (особое условие)
Код 03 Invalid merchant (Неверный мерчант ID), незарегистрированная торговая точка или агрегатор платежей
Код 04 — изъять карту без указания причины. Блок карты в связи с мошенничеством. Pick-up card.
Код 05 – Do not Honour. (Транзакция была отклонена банком без указания причин.

06 Error. Неизвестная ошибка на стороне банка, повторить
07 Pick-up card, special condition. Карта заблокирована банком в связи с мошенничеством
08 — обслуживать с идентификацией по документу и подписи либо отменить всю операцию
12 Invalid transaction card / issuer / acquirer Мерчант не принимает карты этого банка.
13 Invalid amount Сумма превысила лимит банка на транзакцию, возможно, ошибка ввода суммы
14 Invalid card number — Неверный номер карты либо карта заблокирована холдером/банком
17 – отказать, отклонено пользователем карты.
19 System Error  — Системная ошибка на стороне мерчанта/банка, нужно повторить транзакцию
21 No Action Taken Запрещено банком без каких либо объяснений
31 эмитент не найден в платёжной системе
32 частично завершено
34 Suspected Fraud Подозрении в мошенничестве
39 No Credit Account Отсутствует кредитный счет карты
41 Lost Card, Pickup; Карта утеряна, изьять
42 Special Pickup; Карта украдена, изьять
43 Hot Card, Pickup; Карта украдена, изьять
51 Not sufficient funds; Недостаточно средств для оплаты
54 Expired card; Срок карты истек
55 Incorrect PIN; Неверный пин
57 Transaction not permitted on card; Мерчант не принимает карты этого банка или недопустимый тип операции для данного вида карты (например, по карте можно только снять нал, без оплаты покупок)
58 Txn Not Permitted On Term; Мерчант не принимает этот вид операции, см. 57
59 Suspected Fraud; подозрение в мошенничестве.
61 Exceeds amount limit; сумма превышает разрешенный суточный максимум для карты
62 Restricted card; картсчет заморожен, блок карты
63 Security violation; картсчет заморожен, блок карты
64 — сумма отмены авторизации отлична от суммы оригинальной авторизации
65 — отказать, превышение максимального количества операции для данной карты //лимит  расходных операций по счету
67 — карта изъята в банкомате
75 Exceeds PIN Retry; пин введен максимальное количество раз
78 Function Not Available; номер карты не действителен или не существует
80 Ошибка сети
81 Ошибка в шифре PIN (МС)
82 CVV Validation Error; неверный cvv код)
83 – отказать, ошибка сети (технические проблемы)
86 невозможно проверить pin
88 ошибка шифрования Pin
91 Issuer not available; связь с банком отсутствует, тех.проблемы
93 Transaction violates law; транзакция незаконна
94 Duplicate Transaction; двойная транзакция.
96 System Error; системная ошибка на стороне мерчанта/не связаться с банком-эмитентом

100 (используется Visa, аналог кода 119 для MasterCard) — Нет разрешения. Неверный способ шифрования данных. (пример: банк-эмитент блокирует операции по магнитной полосе для Чипованной карты).
101 — Карта просрочена (примеры: истек срок действия карты или карта была перевыпущена)
117 — Неверный ПИН-код

119 для MC (см. код 100 выше): Unable to Encrypt Message — SecurePay’s security methods were unable to encrypt the message

Код 182 — отказ банка-эмитента. Возможно, на карте установлены ограничения по расчетам в интернете.

Код Z1 — техническая ошибка терминала; если нет приоритета PIN, то карта не обслуживается.
Код Z3 — онлайн не работает, а в оффлайне терминал отклонил транзакцию.
Q1 — аутентификация карты не прошла
NX — внутренняя ошибка терминала, например, отсутствие маршрута сети или сброс IP-адреса

ОБ — не обслуживать

Pos-errors (pdf)

VISA Error Codes

This topic lists VISA error codes in numerical order and alphabetically
by description.

Error Codes Listed in Numerical Order

Hex Value

Decimal Value

VISA Status Code

Success Codes





































Warning Codes






















Error Codes














































































































































































































































Description of Error Codes

VISA Status Codes


Success Codes


Operation completed successfully.


Session opened successfully, but the device at the specified
address is not responding.


The specified event is already disabled.


The specified event is already enabled for at least
one of the specified mechanisms.


The number of bytes specified were read.


Event handled successfully. Do not invoke any other
handlers on this session for this event.


The specified access mode was successfully acquired
and this session has nested exclusive locks.


The specified access mode was successfully acquired
and this session has nested shared locks.


The event queue was empty while trying to discard queued


The event queue is not empty.


The read or write operation performed synchronously.


The specified termination character was read.


The path from trigSrc to trigDest is already mapped.

Warning Codes


The specified configuration either does not exist or
could not be loaded using VISA-specified defaults.


The attribute state is not supported by this resource.


The specified buffer is not supported.


The specified object reference is uninitialized.


The device sent more data than the user


The status code passed to the function
was unable to be interpreted.


The operation succeeded, but a lower level
driver did not implement the extended functionality

Error Codes


Calls in the current process executing on the specified
are aborted.


Insufficient system resources to open a session or to
allocate the buffer(s) or memory block of the specified size.


A framing error occurred during transfer.


An overrun error occurred during transfer. A character
was not read from the hardware before the next character arrived.


A parity error occurred during transfer.


The specified attribute is read-only.


A bus error occurred during transfer.


Unable to deallocate the previously allocated data structures

for this session.


A TCP connection is dropped as a result of keep-alives


An error occurred while trying to open the specified
file. Possible reasons include an invalid path or lack of access rights.


An error occurred while accessing the specified file.


A handler is not currently installed for the specified
event. The session cannot be enabled for the VI_HNDLR mode of the callback


Input protocol error occurred during transfer.


The interface type is valid but the specified interface
number is not configured.


An interrupt is still pending from a previous call.


Invalid access mode.


The requestedKey value passed in is not a valid access key to
the specified resource.


The event context specified is invalid.


The specified degree is invalid.


The event type specified is invalid for the specified


The expression specified is invalid.


The format specifier is invalid for the current argument.


The specified handler reference and/or the user context
value does not match the installed handler.


The specified job identifier is invalid.


The length specified is invalid.


The value specified by the line parameter is invalid.


The specified type of lock is not supported by this


The system cannot set the buffer for the given mask
or the specified mask does not specify a valid flush operation on the
read/write resource.


The mechanism specified for the event is invalid.


The value specified by the mode parameter is invalid.


The object reference is invalid.


The offset specified is invalid.


The value of some parameter is invalid.


The protocol specified is invalid.


The resources specified are invalid.


The session specified is invalid.


The setup specified is invalid, possibly due to attributes
being set to an inconsistent state, or some implementation-specific configuration
file is corrupt or does not exist.


The specified size is invalid.


The address space specified is invalid.


Invalid source or destination width specified.


Could not perform read/write function because of an
I/O error, or an unknown I/O error occurred during transfer.


A code library required by VISA could not be located
or loaded.


The specified trigger line is in use.


The specified machine is not available.


The device does not export any memory.


The session is referring to something other than the
controller in charge.


The session must be enabled for events of the specified
type to receive them.


The given operation is not implemented.


No listeners are detected. (Both NRFD and NDAC are deasserted.)


You do not have permission to perform this operation.


The specified offset is not properly aligned for the
access width of the operation.


The attribute specified is not supported by the specified


The state specified for the attribute is not supported.


The format specifier is not supported for the current
argument type.


The interface cannot generate an interrupt on the requested
level or with the requested statusID value.


One of the specified lines (trigSrc or trigDest) is not supported by this VISA implementation.


The specified mechanism is not supported for the given
event type.


The specified mode is not supported by this VISA implementation.


The offset specified is not accessible.


The operation specified is not supported in the given


Cannot support source and destination widths that are


The specified width is not supported by this hardware.


The interface associated with this session is not the
system controller.


Output protocol error occurred during transfer.


Unable to queue read or write operation.


A violation of raw read protocol occurred during a transfer.


A violation of raw write protocol occurred during a


A previous response is still pending, causing a multiple
query error.


The resource is valid, but VISA cannot currently access


The specified operation could not be performed because
the resource identified by vi
has been locked for this kind of access.


The expression specified does not match any device,
or resource was not found.


The current session did not have any lock on the resource.


A service request has not been received for the session.


Unknown system error.


The operation failed to complete within the specified
timeout period.


The path from trigSrc to trigDest is not currently mapped.


A specified user buffer is not valid or cannot be accessed
for the required size.


The specified session already contains a mapped window.


The specified session is not currently mapped.


Unable to start a new asynchronous operation while another
asynchronous operation is in progress

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