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VATRA Tractor Fault Codes DTC & Troubleshooting

VATRA Tractor Fault Codes DTC & Troubleshooting

VATRA Tractor Fault Codes DTC & Troubles

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VALTRA Tractor Fault Codes list DTC

Fault code Pins Fault identification Fault level Tests Repairs, settings

P101 A1A2/12 Proportional valve P1 of DPS takes current which exceeds or goes below the given limits. Short circuit or wire damage (C1). 3

P103 A1A2/10 Proportional valve P2 of DPS takes current which exceeds or goes below the given limits. Short circuit or wire damage (C2). 3 See table See instr.

P105 A1A2/8 Proportional valve P3 of DPS takes current which exceeds or goes below the given limits. Short circuit or wire damage (C3). 3 See table d) on page 370/13 See instr. C on page 370/21.

P107 A1A2/6 Forward drive proportional valve P4 takes current which exceeds or goes below the given limits. Short circuit or wire damage (F). 3 g

P109 A1A2/4 Reverse drive proportional valve P5 takes current which exceeds or goes below the given limits. Short circuit or wire damage (R). 3

A311 A1A3/2 Gearbox oil temperature value (sensor B14) impossible (over +150˚C). Faulty sensor or its wiring 3 See table b) on pa- 370/11 See instr. E on page 370/23

A312 A1A3/2 Gearbox oil temperature value (sensor B14) impossible (below —50˚C). Faulty sensor or its wiring 3 ge 370/11 g 370/23.

A313 A1A3/4 Signal from gas pedal position sensor B15 below 1 V (DC) or over 7 V (DC). Sensor wrongly fitted or sensor/wires damaged. If fault code A313 is visible together with fault code A314,
there can be a short circuit or earth leak in sensors B15 or B16 (same supply voltage). 3 See table b) on page 370/11 See instr. G on page 370/24.

A314 A1A3/7 Signal from clutch pedal position sensor B16 below 1 V (DC) or over 7 V (DC). Sensor wrongly fitted or sensor/wires damaged. 3 See table b) on page 370/11 See instr. F on page 370/23.

A315 A1A3/7 A1A4/4 When the clutch pedal is down (digital input d06 is active), the signal from the clutch pedal position sensor B16 is 0,5 V (DC) greater or smaller than it was in the
calibrating point (voltage value must be beyond allowable limit over one second). Check the adjustment of the pedal limit switch S9 with the aid of the test mode, adjust if necessary. Measure and
calibrate the position sensor B16. If the fault code appears in connection with the engine start, ensure the correct starting: depress first the clutch pedal and after that start the engine.
Check the battery condition and charge (Voltage can be fall too low). 3 See table b) on page 370/11 See instr. F on page 370/23.

d116 A1A3/9, 10 DPS up —down push buttons (S23) are active simultaneously. Push buttons in the lever knobs may be in short circuit. 1 S t bl S i t

d117 A1A4/7, 8 Forward (S40) and reverse drive direction (S41) are active simultaneously. Shuttle lever switches may be in short circuit. 4 See table a) on page 370/10 See instr. B on page
370/20. d118 A1A4/10, 11 Both PTO speeds are engaged simultaneously. PTO lever switches (S28/S29) may be in short circuit. 2 ge 370/10 370/20.

d123 A1A4/14, 7, 8 Hand brake and one or both shuttle directions engaged simultaneously. Shuttle lever switches may be in short circuit. 4 See table a) on page 370/10. See instr. B on page

d225 A1A3/7 A1A4/4 Clutch pedal position is below 2 % (0…1 %) and d06 is not active (d06=clutch pedal limit switch). Check the adjustment of the clutch pedal limit switch S9. Check the function
of the parking brake pilot light H11 (program versions 42—). 3 See table b) on page 370/11 See instr. F on page 370/23. F320 A1A1/5, 7 Shuttle speed sensors (B12/B13) give different frequency.
Difference over 30 %. One of the sensor possible faulty. 3 See table ) See instr D

F321 A1A1/13 Engine rpm lower than what the shuttle sensors (B12/B13) indicate, when one solenoid is fully active. Engine rpm sensor B11 may be faulty. 3 c) on page 370/12. on page 370/22.

F324 A1A1/5, 7 Driving speed over 10 km/h and direction information in the control unit is changing. Shuttle sensors B12 or B13 may be faulti or wire problems. 3 See table c) on page 370/12. See
instr D on page 370/22

L419 A1A1/3 Full pressure has been connected to the PTO clutch over 3 seconds, but the PTO shaft rotation speed is lower than it should be. PTO—clutch may slip. It is possible that the PTO rpm
sensor B7 is faulty. Check in the test mode PTO lever switches S28 and S29 (check in the test mode that not connected the wrong way round). Check that there is a correct parameter file in the
control unit. Ensure that the PTO speed parameters P and L are correctly set (in program version 42—). 2 See table c) on page 370/12 See instr D on page 370/22 and pages 370/19 and 370/24B.

L422 A1A1/13, 8, 6 One shuttle direction is engaged and full control has been active over 3 seconds. Shuttle rotation speed is lower than engine speed in relation to the DPS ratio. One
multi—disc clutch in the DPS or in the Shuttle can slip or one proportional valve (Y4,Y6,Y17,Y11,Y12) can be trapped. This fault code also appears, if both shuttle sensors (B12,B13) do not give
a signal, when engine revs are over 1600 rpm (1700 rpm in versions 50, 52. 60, 62). Check fuse F22

 If the display unit shows a fault code:


1. Decode the fault code according to instr. 370/5 —6 (self —diagnosis)

2. Check the function of the component in the test modet (instr. 370/8).

3. Repair the fault.

4. If the control unit A1A or programs have been changed, make necessary settings according to instr. 370/24A.

5. Carry out all points in the test mode (instr. 370/8). This ensures, that the tractor is OK before delivery.

From ser. no.

K41107 — incl: Check in the fault code memory F1.

6. Test — run the tractor according to instr. 370/24E.

— If the display does not show the fault code:

In the table below, there are faults which have not the fault codes:

Component: Possible reason: Measures:

1. AC 5 display unit does not function (on the LH side pillar)

— control unit A1 supply voltage or earth has malfunctions or the display supply.

— display unit P6 faulty

— control unit connector A1A1 loose

— check fuse F24

— voltage measures from control unit A1 connectors A1A1/1 – A1A1/2 (=battery voltage)

— new display unit, if the system does not function

— check connections

2. In the dashboard there is lit “P” , although the driving direction has been selected

— shuttle lever switch S15 (P) faulty or

wrongly fitted.

— testing in the test mode, point d16 / d22

— 1)

— check the fitting of switch S15

3. Black arrow is blinking, although the driving direction has been selected

— driver has left the seat over 4 (6) seconds. AC 5.2: over 30 sec., when the clutch pedal is depressed.

— detector switch S60 (in the seat) does not function or wire damage

— on the seat, shuttle lever to position P, shuttle lever to the driving position

— testing in the test mode, point d05, 2)

4. Black arrow does not change, when using the shuttle lever

— shuttle lever switch S40 (F) or S41 (R) faulty or loosed in the frame.

— testing in the test mode, points d09, d10 / d18, d19

5. Shuttle, DPS or PTO have malfunctons (e.g. function is slow)

— fault, that the control unit A1 has not identified

— pressure in the low pressure circuit too low

— clutch pre —fillling or initial pressure indexes are wrongly set

— carry out all procedures in the test mode (instr. 370/8)

— low hydraulics pressure measuring, see instr no. 911 —1

— check indexes / in the setting mode, (instr. 370/24D, AC5.2: instr. 371/11.)

6. Engine does not start (starter motor does not rotate)

Tractors J38343 —.

— no supply to control unit A1.

— Parking brake switch S15 or input signal A1A4/14 (AC 5) or A1A8/8 (AC 5.2) faulty

— Control unit output signal A1A2/3 (AC

5) (to relay K28) or A1A3/5 (AC 5.2) faulty.

— check fuse F24

— testing in test mode, point d16/d22 (if necessary, change switch or control unit)

— Check whether the voltage from control unit A1 is in relay K28 (when necessary, change the control unit).

Symbol in display / Test point

F7 Direction information (rpm) *)

F6 PTO speed (rpm) *)

F5 Shuttle output speed (rpm) *)

F4 Shuttle output speed (rpm) *)

F3 Reserve

F2 Driving speed *)

F1 Engine speed *)

A4 Clutch pedal position %

A3 Gas pedal position *) %

A2 Gearbox temperature

A1 Outdoor temperature

d16 Parking brake

d15 PTO standby button

d14 Seat direction (only TwinTrac)

d13 PTO —speed 2 (lever in rear position)

d12 PTO —speed 1 (lever in front position)

d11 DPS pre —programming button (under shuttle lever)

d10 Direction R (rearwards)

d09 Direction F (forwards)

d08 DPS auto/man

d07 DPS auto1/auto 2

d06 Clutch pedal limit switch

d05 Driver detection (in seat) 1)

d04 PTO start

d03 HiShift buttons

d02 DPS push button, down

d01 DPS push button, up e.g. 5142 START LEVEL

Program version nummer

P1 DPS solenoid 1 (clutch C1) *)

P2 DPS solenoid 2 (clutch C2) *)

P3 DPS solenoid 3 (clutch C3) *)

P4 F clutch solenoidi (forwards) *)

P5 R clutch solenoid (rearwards) *)

b Counter functions

P101 A1A2/12 The P1 DPS proportional valve accepts a current that is above or below the set limits.

Short circuit or broken wire (C1). 3

P103 A1A2/10 The P2 DPS proportional valve accepts a current that is above or below the set limits.

Short circuit or broken wire (C2). 3 See table See instr.

P105 A1A2/8 The P3 DPS proportional valve accepts a current that is above or below the set limits.

Short circuit or broken wire (C3). 3 See table d) on page 370/13 See instr. C on page 370/21.

P107 A1A2 / 6 Proportional valve P4 forward stroke consumes a current that exceeds or falls below the set

limits. Short circuit or broken wire (F). 3 g

P109 A1A2 / 4 The proportional valve of the P5 check drive consumes a current that exceeds or falls below the set

limits. Short circuit or broken wire (R). 3

A311 A1A3/2 Transmission oil temperature (sensor B14) not possible (more than +150°C). Faulty sensor or

wiring 3 See table b) on page 370/11 See instr. E on page 370/23

A312 A1A3/2 Transmission oil temperature (sensor B14) not possible (below —50°C). Faulty sensor or

wiring 3 ge 370/11 g 370/23.

A313 A1A3/4 B15 accelerator pedal position sensor signal below 1 V (DC) or above 7 V (DC). Sensor wrong

installed or the sensor/wires are damaged. If DTC A313 is displayed together with DTC A314, this may


short circuit or earth leakage in sensors B15 or B16 (same supply voltage). 3 See table b) on page 370/11


instr. G on page 370/24.

A314 A1A3/7 Clutch position sensor signal B16 is below 1 V (DC) or above 7 V (DC). Sensor

incorrectly installed or the sensor/wires are damaged. 3 See table b) on page 370/11 See instr. F on page 370/23.

A315 A1A3/7 A1A4/4 When the clutch pedal is depressed (digital input d06 active), signal from


pedal position sensor B16 0.5 V (DC) more or less than at the calibration point (voltage


must exceed the allowable limit for one second). Check the adjustment of the pedal switch S9.


using the test mode, adjust if necessary. Measure and calibrate position sensor B16. If the fault code

appears in connection with starting the engine, make sure that the start is correct: first depress the clutch pedal

and after

that start the engine. Check the condition of the battery and charge it (voltage may be too low). 3 See table

b) on

page 370/11 See instr. F on page 370/23.

d116 A1A3/9, 10 DPS The up-down buttons (S23) are active at the same time. Buttons in the lever

handles may be short circuited. 1 S t bl S i t

d117 A1A4/7, 8 Forward (S40) and reverse drive (S41) are active at the same time shuttle lever

switches may be short circuited. 4 See table a) on page 370/10 See instr. B on page 370/20. d118


11 Both PTO speeds are engaged at the same time. The PTO lever switches (S28/S29) may be in a short circuit. 2


370/10 370/20.

d123 A1A4/14, 7, 8 The handbrake and one or both directions of the shuttle are engaged at the same time. shuttle lever

switches may be short circuited. 4 See table a) on page 370/10. See instr. B on page 370/20.

d225 A1A3/7 A1A4/4 Clutch pedal position is below 2% (0…1%) and d06 is not active (d06=clutch pedal).

limit switch). Check the adjustment of the clutch pedal switch S9. Check parking

brake light H11 (software version 42—). 3 See table b) on page 370/11 See instr. F on page 370/23.

F320 A1A1/5, 7 The shuttle speed sensors (B12/B13) give different frequencies. The difference is more than 30%. one of


the sensor may be defective. 3 See table ) See instruction D

F321 A1A1/13 Engine RPM is lower than the shuttle sensors (B12/B13) when one solenoid

fully active. The B11 engine speed sensor may be faulty. 3 c) on page 370/12. on page 370/22.

F324 A1A1/5, 7 Driving speed above 10 km/h and direction information in the control unit changes.


The B12 or B13 sensors may be faulty or have a wiring problem. 3 See table c) on page 370/12. See instruction D on page


L419 A1A1 / 3 Full pressure has been connected to the power take-off for more than 3 seconds, but the power take-off shaft


speed is lower than it should be. The PTO clutch may slip. It is possible that the PTO speed sensor B7 is faulty.

Check in test mode PTO lever switches S28 and S29 (check in test mode that no


vice versa). Make sure the control unit has the correct parameter file. Make sure the PTO speed

parameters P and L are set correctly (in software version 42—). 2 See table c) on page 370/12 See instr.


pp. 370/22 and pp. 370/19 and 370/24B.

L422 A1A1/13, 8, 6 One shuttle direction is on and full control has been active for 3 seconds.


RPM is lower than engine RPM in relation to the DPS factor. One multi-plate clutch in DPS

or in

the hook may slip or one proportional valve (Y4,Y6,Y17,Y11,Y12) may be blocked. This fault code is also

appears if both hook sensors (B12, B13) do not give a signal, when the engine speed is more than 1600 rpm (1700

rpm in versions 50, 52, 60, 62). Check fuse F22.

If the display shows a fault code:


1. Decipher the fault code according to instr. 370/5 — 6 (self-diagnosis)

2. Check the operation of the component in test mode (instrument 370/8).

3. Repair the problem.

4. If the A1A control unit or programs have been changed, make the necessary settings according to the instructions.


5. Carry out all steps in test mode (instrument 370/8). This ensures that the tractor is in good condition before delivery.

From Ser. no.

K41107 — on: F1 fault code memory test.

6. Test — start the tractor according to instr. 370/24E.

— If the display does not show a fault code:

The table below shows faults that do not have fault codes:

Component: Possible Cause: Measures:

1. AC 5 display unit does not work (on the left side post)

— Malfunction of the supply voltage or ground of the control unit A1 or the display power supply.

— display unit P6 defective

— control unit connector A1A1 is loose

— check fuse F24

— voltage measurement from control unit A1

connectors A1A1/1 – A1A1/2 (=battery voltage)

— new display if the system is down

— check connections

2. «P» is lit in the instrument panel, although the direction of travel is selected

— Hook lever switch S15 (P) defective or

fitted incorrectly.

— testing in test mode, point d16/d22

— check setting of switch S15 (page 370 —20)

3. Black arrow blinking, direction deviation selected

— the driver left the place for more than 4 (6) seconds. AC 5.2: more than 30 sec. with the clutch pedal depressed.

— S60 detector switch (in seat) does not work or wires are present

— on seat, shuttle in P position, shuttle in driving position

— testing in the test protocol, point d05, 2)

4. The black arrow does not change when assembling the shuttle arm

— The S40 (F) or S41 (R) shuttle switch is defective or loose in the frame.

— testing in test mode, points d09, d10/d18, d19

5. Malfunction of the shuttle, DPS or PTO (for example, slow operation) — the malfunction is that the A1 control unit does not


— circuit pressure too low

— indices of adhesion concentration or initial pressure of incorrectly selected

— carry out all procedures in test mode (instr. 370/8)

— measurement of hydraulic pressure drop, see instr. 911 — 1

— checking indexes/in setup mode,

(Instr. 370/24D, AC5.2: Instr. 371/11.)

6. Engine does not start (starter does not turn) Tractors J38343 —.

— No power to control unit A1.

— Parking brake switch S15 or input A1A4/14 (AC 5) or A1A8/8 (AC 5.2) is defective

— Control unit output A1A2/3 (AC

5) (to relay K28) or A1A3 / 5 (AC 5.2) is faulty.

— check fuse F24

— check in test mode, point d16 / d22 (when the circuit breaker or control unit is turned off)

— it occurs whether there is voltage from the control unit A1 to the relay K28 (if it is necessary to replace the control unit


List of error codes








The GPS receiver is not connected.

— Cable break between GPS receiver and GREEN FIT
controller . — Fuse B6.1 or B6.2 defective. — No power to the GPS receiver

— Check the cables of the
GREEN FIT controller and the GPS receiver.
— Check the fuse in the
GREEN FIT controller.
— Check which signals
the GPS receiver should process
(NMEA 0183, NMEA
2000, J1939 GPS).



GPS signals are not being received.

— Wrong cables connected.
— Incorrect baud

— Check if the
correct serial
port is connected.
— Check the settings of the GPS



GPS signals are being received.

— The sky is very cloudy.
— Objects (trees, houses,
etc.) interfere with reception.

Drive to a place with an unobstructed view of the sky.



GPS signals are already being received,
but they still need to be checked.

The GPS receiver has not yet started properly.

— Wait until the GPS
receiver starts up properly
— Drive to a place
with an unobstructed view
of the sky.



The GPS receiver is not receiving
a J1939 VP message.

The GPS receiver is not configured

The GPS receiver needs to be reconfigured.



The GPS receiver is not receiving
a J1939 VDS message.

The GPS receiver is not configured

The GPS receiver needs to be reconfigured.



The GPS receiver has lost
RTK quality.

The GPS receiver is receiving
lower quality than RTK.

Check base
station resource.



The GPS receiver has lost
DGPS quality.

The GPS receiver receives a
lower quality than DGPS.

Check the resource of
correction satellites.



GPS is sending too few
messages per second.

The GPS receiver is not configured

The GPS receiver needs to be reconfigured.



No signal from wheel angle sensor.

— The cable has a short circuit.
— There is a cable break.
— The sensor is defective.
— Plug contacts

— Check the plug
connections of the wheel angle sensor
— Check the cables from the
GREEN FIT controller to
the wheel angle sensor.
— If all connections and
cables are OK, replace
the wheel angle sensor.
— Check plug








The wheel angle sensor is not working properly.

— The axis has moved to
blocking (stop).
— Faulty mechanics
or suspension of the
wheel angle sensor.
— The new wheel angle sensor
was installed
— The wheels are blocked by an

— Check the mechanics of
the wheel angle sensor.
— If a new
wheel angle sensor is installed,
it must be relearned
learning mode.



Invalid wheel angle sensor programming data in learning mode.

Recalibrate the wheel angle sensor.



The wheel angle sensor is not
in the correct zone.

— The mechanics are faulty.
— There is a cable break.
— The sensor is defective.
— Plug contacts

— Check the mounting of the sensor.
— Check the cables from the
GREEN FIT controller to
the wheel angle sensor.
— Check sensor.
— Check plug



Vehicle door open

— The vehicle door is open
— There is a cable break.
— The door contact
switches are defective.
— Plug contacts

— The vehicle door is
— Check the cables from the
GREEN FIT controller
to the door contact
— Check the door
contact switches.
— Check plug



switch error

The safety switch is defective.

Reichhardt Customer Service.



Pressure sensor — cable break

— Defective pressure sensor.
— There is a cable break.
— The pressure sensor is not screwed in
— Plug contacts

— Check the pressure sensor
— Check the cables from the
GREEN FIT controller to the pressure sensor.
— Check whether the
pressure sensor is firmly screwed in.
— Check plug








Pressure sensor — short circuit

— Defective pressure sensor.
— There is a short
— The pressure sensor is not screwed in
— Plug contacts

— Check the pressure sensor
— Check the cables from the
GREEN FIT controller to the
pressure sensor.
— Check whether the
pressure sensor is firmly screwed in.
— Check plug



The steering wheel did not turn.

The steering wheel has not been turned since the last deactivation.

Turn the steering wheel and
reactivate the
steering system.



The speed is too high.

The vehicle is moving
too fast.

Reduce speed and reactivate steering.



«ISO-GBSD» message not received

Tractor ECU does not support
ISO speed message.

Select another speed source.



«ISO-WBSD» message not received

The tractor ECU does not support
this ISO speed message.

Select another speed source.



Speed signal invalid,
message not received.

— The speed source does not provide a
valid signal.
— There is no message from the specified
speed source

Select another speed source.



Fixed speed is set.

For testing purposes, constant speed was
activated . CAUTION Risk of injury! Once the steering system is
the axle is steered and the wheels can
Make sure there are no people in the danger area
drive with the utmost care.

— Change setting.
— Contact Reichhardt
customer service



The activation speed is too

The speed is too high.

Slow down to activate the steering



NMEA_2000 speed information is not received

No information about
NMEA_2000 speed.

Select another speed source.



Speed is out
of range

— Speed too slow
— Speed too fast

— increase speed
— decrease speed



Speed — configuration invalid

CAN bus 2 cannot be used.

Set CAN bus 1.








Shut-off valve on the left —
cable break

— Stop valve defective.
— There is a cable break.
— Plug contacts

— Check the stop valve
— Check the cables from the
GREEN FIT controller to the
shut-off valve.
— Check plug



Shut-off valve on the left — short circuit

— Stop valve defective.
— There is a short
— Plug contacts

— Check the stop valve
— Check the cables from the
GREEN FIT controller to the
shut-off valve.
— Check plug



Shut-off valve on the right —
cable break

— Stop valve defective.
— There is a cable break.
— Plug contacts

— Check the stop valve
— Check the cables from the
GREEN FIT controller to the
shut-off valve.
— Check plug



Shut-off valve on the right — short circuit

— Stop valve defective.
— There is a short
— Plug contacts

— Check the stop valve
— Check the cables from the
GREEN FIT controller to the
shut-off valve.
— Check plug



Left steering valve
— cable break

— Steering valve
— There is a cable break.
— Plug contacts

— Check the steering valve
— Check the cables from the
GREEN FIT controller to the
steering valve.
— Check plug



Left steering valve
— short circuit

— Steering valve
— There is a short
— Plug contacts

— Check the steering valve
— Check the cables from the
GREEN FIT controller to the
steering valve.
— Check plug



Right steering valve
— cable break

— Steering valve
— There is a cable break.
— Plug contacts

— Check the steering valve
— Check the cables from the
GREEN FIT controller to the
steering valve.
— Check plug








Right steering valve
— short circuit

— Steering valve
— There is a short
— Plug contacts

— Check the steering valve
— Check the cables from the
GREEN FIT controller to the
steering valve.
— Check plug



Steering Valve —
Lockout Active (PVED-CLS)

Not all conditions for automatic
steering are met by the vehicle.

— Make sure that all the
conditions for automatic steering are met on

vehicle side. For example, a traffic
switch to «off.» or
in the 



There is no supply voltage at
the relay input.

— Defective fuse.
— The supply voltage for the
outputs has not yet been
switched on.

— Check the fuses
in the vehicle and
the power lines of the
GREEN FIT controller.
— Check if the
supply voltage is switched on.



Faulty footswitch

— The footswitch is pressed
too long.
— There is a short
— The footswitch is

— Check footswitch
— Check the cables from the
GREEN FIT controller to the



Activation switch — error

The activation switch is defective.

Reichhardt Customer Service.



Activation switch stuck

The activation switch has been
pressed too long or is sticking.

Reichhardt Customer Service.



Challenger MT 700/800 —
hydraulic unlocking

The hydraulics have not yet been released by the switch.

Check if the
hydraulics are unlocked.


Challenger MT 700/800 —
communication error

— Bad communication with CAN.
— ISO level 3 has not been
activated (AB series).

— Check cables between
GREEN FIT controller and
Challenger ISO bus.
— Check vehicle code
— Activate ISO level 3 on
the Challenger terminal (
A-B series).



ISO-Fendt — Communication error with
CAN bus 1

Information is not received from
the CAN bus.

Reichhardt Customer Service.



ISO-Fendt — Communication error with
CAN bus 2

Information is not received from
the CAN bus.

Reichhardt Customer Service.



Combine CASE — communication error

Unable to connect to CASE combine.

Reichhardt Customer Service.



Combine CASE — no unlock

There is no unlock from the switch in the armrest.

Activate the release switch in the armrest.



Combine CASE — no messages

Messages from
GREEN FIT are not accepted.

Reichhardt Customer Service.








ISO-AGCO combine —
communication error with CAN bus 1.

Information is not received from
the CAN bus.

Reichhardt Customer Service.



ISO-AGCO combine —
communication error with CAN 2 bus.

Information is not received from
the CAN bus.

Reichhardt Customer Service.



ISO-AgriFac — communication error

messages are not received.

Reichhardt Customer Service.



ISO-AgriFac — communication error

Vehicle/joystick messages are not received

Reichhardt Customer Service.



ISO steering controller
— communication error

Messages are not received from the
steering controller.

Reichhardt Customer Service.



Tractor ISO-Challanger MT 675
C — CAN bus
communication error 1.

The steering is not unlocked by the switch.

Check if the steering has been unlocked.



Tractor ISO-Challanger MT 675
C — CAN bus
communication error 2.

Information is not received from
the CAN bus.

Reichhardt Customer Service.



ISO-AGCO windrower — CAN 2 communication error.

Information is not received from
the CAN bus.

Reichhardt Customer Service.



ISO-AGCO Windrower — No
link to GREEN FIT.

Windrower has no connection to

Reichhardt Customer Service.



ISO-AGCO windrower — not
ready to go.

Windrower must move forward.

Drive forward in 1st or
2nd gear.



Tractor ISO-Challanger MT 900 C
communication error.

Information from Challenger 900 C is not accepted

Reichhardt Customer Service.



Claas ATP — authentication error

An error occurred during authentication

— Restart GREEN FIT.
— Contact Reichhardt
customer service



Claas ATP — not ready for work

The connection to the ATP module is
not yet complete.

Reichhardt Customer Service.



Claas ATP — no GMS message

The ATP module does not receive the GMS

Reichhardt Customer Service.



Claas ATP — no data

Information is not received from
the ATP module.

Reichhardt Customer Service.



CLAAS XERION — communication error.

Information from
XERION is not accepted.

Check cables between GREEN FIT controller and 2nd CAN bus connection.



CLAAS LEXION — communication error.

Information from
LEXION is not accepted.

Check cables between GREEN FIT controller and 2nd CAN bus connection.



CNH Tractor — Communication Error

GREEN FIT does not receive information from the tractor.

Check the cables from the GREEN FIT controller to the 2nd CAN bus
of the vehicle.



Krone Big X / Big M —
Communication error.

Failed to establish connection with
Krone steering controller.

Reichhardt Customer Service.



Sprinkler Amazone

No connection

Reichhardt Customer Service.









No connection

Reichhardt Customer Service.



Miller Nitro Auto-Steer-ready

No connection

Reichhardt Customer Service.



Sprinkler Horsch

No connection

Reichhardt Customer Service.



Rostselmash Torum —
communication error with the CAN bus 1.

Information is not received from
the CAN bus.

Reichhardt Customer Service.



Rostselmash Torum —
communication error with the CAN 2 bus.

Information is not received from
the CAN bus.

Reichhardt Customer Service.



Valtra tractor — communication error with
CAN bus 1.

Information is not received from
the CAN bus.

Reichhardt Customer Service.



Valtra tractor — communication error with
CAN 2 bus.

Information is not received from
the CAN bus.

Reichhardt Customer Service.



Rostselmash Torum — the current
transmission is incorrect.

The current transmission is incorrect.

Select a different gear.



2. CAN bus — communication error.

Bad communication with CAN.

Check cables between GREEN FIT controller and 2nd CAN bus connection.



ITerraGator — communication error with
CAN bus 1.

No information received from
CAN bus 1.

Check cables between GREEN FIT controller and 1st CAN bus connection.



ITerraGator — communication error with
CAN 2 bus.

Information is not received from
CAN bus 2.

Check cables between GREEN FIT controller and 2nd CAN bus connection.



TerraGator — Invalid
rear axle position.

Information about the position of the rear
axle has not yet been received.

Reichhardt Customer Service.



CNH ISO Claas 3 — not ready to

Authentication in progress.

Wait for the authentication to complete.



Vehicle —
communication error

GREEN FIT does not accept vehicle
specific CAN messages .

Reichhardt Customer Service.



AUX function — connection

— The joystick has been disabled/
— Problems with the connection.

Check joystick and CAN bus.



AUX function — incorrect

The function identifier is invalid.

Reichhardt Customer Service.



AUX function is a duplicate
function identifier.

The function identifier is duplicated.

Reichhardt Customer Service.



AUX function — assignment

VT reports some other

Reichhardt Customer Service.



AUX function — no response from VT.

No response from VT to request for

Reichhardt Customer Service.



AUX function —
function ID is not supported.

ISO-Lib does not support the function identifier.

Reichhardt Customer Service.



AUX function — various types.

The function type and input type are

Reichhardt Customer Service.



AUX function — storage is not

The assignment cannot be

Reichhardt Customer Service.



AUX function — input block (joystick).

The input block is invalid.

Contact the manufacturer
of the input device.








AUX function — input block (joystick).

The input block function is invalid.

Contact the manufacturer
of the input device.



AUX function — unknown

There is some error.

Reichhardt Customer Service.



No unlock from Krone.

Steering is activated via terminal or footswitch.

Activation must be done with the joystick.



The vehicle code for
vehicle 1 is not

An invalid or not yet valid vehicle
code has been entered.

Enter a valid vehicle code for
vehicle 1.



Left wheel angle sensor
not calibrated.

The left wheel angle sensor
has not been calibrated.

Calibrate left wheel angle sensor.



Center wheel angle sensor
not calibrated.

The center wheel angle sensor
has not been calibrated.

Calibrate the wheel angle sensor in the center.



Right wheel angle sensor
not calibrated.

The right wheel angle sensor
has not been calibrated.

Calibrate the right wheel angle sensor.



The current regulator is not calibrated.

The current regulator has not been calibrated.

Calibrate the current regulator.



Pressure sensor not calibrated.

The pressure sensor has not been calibrated.

Calibrate the pressure sensor.



The height of the GPS
receiver is not calibrated.

The height of the GPS
receiver has not been calibrated.

Entering the altitude of the GPS



GPS receiver offset left/right not calibrated.

The left/right offset of the GPS receiver has not
been calibrated.

Adjust the offset of the GPS
receiver from the center of the vehicle.



GPS forward offset not calibrated.

The forward offset of the GPS receiver has not been calibrated.

the forward offset of the GPS receiver.



Analog joystick — signal not

Joystick not calibrated.

Calibrate analog
joystick signal.



The settings for detecting
the direction of travel are incorrect.

Axis encoder type and direction encoder type
do not match
If the direction of travel
is determined using «
Sensor + GPS», then the axle sensor type
must be «Wheel Angle Sensor».

— Change the
axis encoder type setting.
— Change the type of
direction detection.




ISO-VT is not connected or not

— Check cables from
GREEN FIT controller to ISO



No connection to Terra Variant.

Information from Terra Variant is not accepted

— Check the cables from the
GREEN FIT controller to the Terra Variant.
— Check vehicle code



No communication with Kubota M7 VCU1.

Can’t receive CAN messages
from M7 VCU1.

Check cables from
GREEN FIT controller to Kubota tractor.



No communication with Kubota M7 VCU2.

Cannot receive CAN messages
from M7 VCU2.

Check cables from
GREEN FIT controller to Kubota tractor.








Kubota M7
activation switch status invalid .

Invalid activation switch state.

— Check cables from
GREEN FIT controller to M7
— Check
activation switch



Kubota M7
Activation Switch Invalid Status

Invalid activation switch state.

— Check cables from
GREEN FIT controller to M7
— Check
activation switch



Braud — road/field switch

Active traffic on the road

Toggle switch to
field mode



No connection to Braud.

Shooting sensor data is not being received

Reichhardt Customer Service.



No connection to Braud.

Speed information is not received

Reichhardt Customer Service.



No connection to Braud.

No data is being received from the seat contact switch.

Reichhardt Customer Service.



No connection to Braud.

No data is being received from the road/
field switch.

Reichhardt Customer Service.



Oxbo 8840 — communication error

No sensor data

Reichhardt Customer Service.



Oxbo 8840 — no unlock

System locked
by vehicle

Unlock the steering on the vehicle.



Oxbo 8840 — communication error

No safety data

Reichhardt Customer Service.



Oxbo 8840 — communication error

No status data

Reichhardt Customer Service.



Oxbo 8840 — no connection

No communication with

CAN bus connections.




The hardware version you are using is not compatible with
this software.

Reichhardt Customer Service.



The terminal version is too

After updating the
FIT controller software, it may also be necessary to transfer the new version
to the terminal .

Update the
terminal with the version shown
on the display.



Movement type not selected.

— The type of movement has not yet been selected.
— The temporarily unlocked
movement type has expired.

— Please select the type
of movement.
— Contact Reichhardt
customer service



An error occurred during the last shutdown.

— The battery is connected
incorrectly. — A software
error has occurred .

— Check if the
battery is connected.
— Contact Reichhardt
customer service



Road/field switch

— Not moving on the road
— The switch is defective

Check switch position








EEPROM write error.

— EEPROM is defective.
— EEPROM loaded.

Reichhardt Customer Service.



EEPROM read error.

— EEPROM is defective.
— EEPROM loaded.

Reichhardt Customer Service.



You need to check the EEPROM parameters.

Old software installed.

Check all parameters and settings



The EEPROM parameters have been changed automatically.

After a software update,
it is sometimes necessary to
reset the settings to their default values.

Check parameters.



The EEPROM parameters are
out of range.

After reading, at
least one parameter was out of
range and was set to

Reichhardt Customer Service.



Vehicle offset programming not done
in learn mode.

After a software update, the vehicle offset
must be reprogrammed in learn mode.

Program the
vehicle offset in teach mode.



EEPROM too small

The EEPROM for this software
is too small.

Reichhardt Customer Service.



EEPROM read error

It is necessary to save the data
while it is being read.

Reichhardt Customer Service.



EEPROM write error

It is necessary to read the data
while it is being written.

Reichhardt Customer Service.



The direction of movement is unknown.

After starting the system or in the
event of an error, the direction
of movement is unknown.

— Move until
the direction
of movement is determined.
— Check the setting, how
the direction
of travel is determined.



Tasks 1 Runtime overflow.

Task 1 requires too much
computing time.

Reichhardt Customer Service.



Task 2 Runtime overflow.

Problem 2 requires too much
computing time.

Reichhardt Customer Service.



Task 3 Runtime overflow.

Problem 3 requires too much
computing time.

Reichhardt Customer Service.



Tasks 4 Runtime overflow.

Problem 4 requires too much
computing time.

Reichhardt Customer Service.



UDS-Lib Error

An error has occurred in UDS-Lib

Reichhardt Customer Service.



USER stack overflow

The USER stack size
is too small.

Reichhardt Customer Service.



Internal calculation error.

The function has a calculation problem.

Reichhardt Customer Service.



ISO lib error.

An error has occurred in ISO-Lib.

Write down the «ISO Error» number.
It can be found in diagnostics.
Please forward this
number to Reichhardt Customer Service.

  1. Manuals
  2. Brands
  3. Valtra Manuals
  4. Tractor
  5. T series Versu
  6. Operator’s manual
  • Contents

  • Table of Contents

  • Troubleshooting

  • Bookmarks

Quick Links




Ref no 39 885 21 1 ( 10/2014 )





Related Manuals for Valtra T series Versu

Summary of Contents for Valtra T series Versu

  • Page 1
    OPERATOR’S MANUAL T SERIES Versu YOUR WORKING MACHINE Ref no 39 885 21 1 ( 10/2014 )
  • Page 2: About This Manual

    About this manual This operator’s manual is for the Valtra T Series Versu tractors. The T Series Versu models are T144 V, T154 V, T174e V, T194 V, T214 V and T234 V. The manual is meant for agricultural tractors only. If the tractor is used for other applications, it is the owner’s responsibility to ensure compliance with local regulations.

  • Page 3: Tractor Serial Numbers

    Tractor serial numbers When ordering spare parts or service, give the model indication and serial numbers and, in some cases, the engine, front axle, cab and transmission numbers. GUID-83FD881F-92C4-4883-87A2-FEFA9521C800 1. Cab number and Type plate EEC • Model = model indication used by service/spare part department •…

  • Page 4: Table Of Contents

    Contents Contents About this manual………………1 Tractor serial numbers……………..2 1 Safety precautions…………….14 Hazard statements…………………14 Safety rules………………….14 1.2.1 Replacing safety and information signs…………14 1.2.2 Maintaining hardware safety…………….15 1.2.3 Using safety features………………16 1.2.4 Safe operation………………..18 Following safe operating practices……….18 Getting into and out of the cab…………21…

  • Page 5
    3 Operation………………..54 Running the tractor in………………54 Preparing for use………………..54 3.2.1 Adjusting the air-suspended driver’s seat…………54 3.2.2 Adjusting the Valtra Evolution driver’s seat…………57 3.2.3 Adjusting the right-side armrest…………….61 3.2.4 Adjusting the steering wheel…………….61 3.2.5 Adjusting standard mirrors …………….62 3.2.6…
  • Page 6
    Contents 3.8.3 Parking brake………………..93 3.8.4 Using the power shuttle lever…………….93 3.8.5 Adjusting the power shuttle engagement speed ……….95 3.8.6 Clutch pedal………………… 96 Using the clutch pedal while driving……….96 Adjusting the clutch pedal engagement position……96 3.8.7 Braking………………….
  • Page 7
    Contents 3.10.2 Single-row and two-row views…………….136 Working time view…………..137 Battery voltage view…………..137 Cruise control view…………..138 Driving speed view…………..138 Wheel slip view…………….. 139 Rear power take-off speed view……….139 Front power take-off speed view……….140 Engine speed view…………..140…
  • Page 8
    Contents Fuel consumption views…………172 Battery voltage view…………..173 Urea level view…………….. 174 Cruise control view…………..174 3.12.12 Entering the hydraulics settings view…………. 174 3.12.13 Hydraulics view symbols…………….175 3.12.14 Selecting the display theme…………….176 3.12.15 Changing units………………..176 3.12.16 Changing parameters………………178…
  • Page 9
    3.16.1 Using the front linkage………………226 3.16.2 Setting front linkage lifting link positions…………227 3.17 Using the Valtra front loader…………….228 3.17.1 Using the Valtra Quick front loader coupling device……..230 3.17.2 Using Softdrive………………..230 3.17.3 Locking the equipment………………. 231 3.17.4 Controlling the extra cylinder with the change valve……..232 3.18 Power take-off………………..232…
  • Page 10
    Contents 3.20 Implement signal connection…………….267 3.20.1 Implement signal connector…………….267 3.20.2 Resetting the implement signal connection…………268 3.21 Isobus implement control system…………..269 3.21.1 ISOBUS terminal connector…………….270 3.21.2 ISOBUS implement connector…………… 270 3.21.3 Bus extension connectors…………….270 3.21.4 ISOBUS terminal……………….. 270 3.22 Auto-Guide Readiness………………270 3.22.1 Using Auto-Guide……………….
  • Page 11
    Contents Storing the tractor……………….. 306 4.5.1 Storing the tractor for a period shorter than two months…….. 306 4.5.2 Storing the tractor for a period longer than two months……… 306 Running the tractor in after storage…………..307 4.6.1 Running the tractor in after a storing period shorter than two months… 307 4.6.2 Running the tractor in after a storing period longer than two months….
  • Page 12
    Contents Changing engine air filters…………360 Changing the selective catalytic reduction system supply module main filter…………..362 Checking the front wheel toe-in……….363 Adjusting the front wheel toe-in……….364 Changing the hydraulic breather……….364 Checking the power shuttle operation……..365 4.7.6 Maintenance every 2400 hours or every other year……..365…
  • Page 13
    Contents Viewing the IO-list……………….. 414 Automatic air conditioning error codes………….416 Steering system malfunctions…………….416 Towing the tractor……………….. 417 5.8.1 Towing the tractor when the engine is running……….417 5.8.2 Towing the tractor when the engine is not running……..418 6 Technical specifications…………..419 Dimensions………………….
  • Page 14
    Contents Lifting forces and lifting ranges……….435 6.13.5 Front linkage………………..436 6.13.6 Towing devices………………..436 Pick-up hitch…………….436 Euro pick-up hitch…………..436 Hydraulic pick-up hitch…………..437 Agricultural towing device…………438 Towing device frames……………439 Alphabetical index………………. 441 — 13 -…
  • Page 15: Safety Precautions

    1. Safety precautions Safety precautions Always follow the safety precautions given when working with the tractor. The regulations given do not release the operator from statutory and other national regulations regarding traffic safety and occupational health and safety. In addition to the precautions given in this manual, always follow the safety regulations applicable to different types of working sites and existing road traffic laws.

  • Page 16: Maintaining Hardware Safety

    Lock the brake pedals together whenever individual wheel brakes are not required and always when driving on the road. • Extensive repairs to the braking system should be undertaken only by an authorised Valtra workshop. • When implements or ballast weights are front-end-mounted, the rear axle loading is decreased.

  • Page 17: Using Safety Features

    1. Safety precautions • Maintenance • Follow the maintenance instructions and safety precautions applicable to the tractor. • Stop the engine and lower the implement before carrying out any maintenance work on the tractor or implement. DANGER: Support the tractor from the correct support points on the frame and use suitable blocks or stands when carrying out maintenance tasks that require supporting the tractor.

  • Page 18
    1. Safety precautions • Roof hatch GUID-D8CDDFCE-E360-4AD1-8F47-2993DCD750B2 1. Handle 2. Gas springs with quick locks • Pull open the sun shade. • Turn the handle to unlock the hatch. • Detach both gas springs from their quick locks. • Push the hatch fully open. WARNING: When driving on ice, keep the roof hatch open.
  • Page 19: Safe Operation

    1. Safety precautions 1.2.4 Safe operation Following safe operating practices To operate the tractor safely, follow all safety precautions and instructions. • Avoid operating the tractor near ditches, embankments and holes. • Stay off slopes too steep for safe operation. •…

  • Page 20
    1. Safety precautions • Restart after engine stop. • If the engine has stalled, for example due to too heavy loading, turn the ignition key to the Off position. • Restart the engine. Keep an eye on the indicator lights on the instrument panel.
  • Page 21
    1. Safety precautions • Front loader WARNING: The programmable features of the joystick or other controls must not be used to operate a loader. To prevent involuntary loader motion, the loader joystick controller must be of the self-neutralising type. When the operator releases their grip on the joystick, the joystick must return to the neutral position, except for the float detent position in the loader lowering direction.
  • Page 22: Getting Into And Out Of The Cab

    1. Safety precautions • Operator Protection Structure (OPS) DANGER: Protection against penetrating objects is not provided (no OPS available) if the cab of your tractor is fitted with windows made of glass. Protection against penetrating objects is provided in accordance with ISO 8084 (OPS is available) if the cab of your tractor is fitted with windows made of polycarbonate, except the Side visibility cab (no OPS in Side visibility cab).

  • Page 23: Controlling The Driving Speed

    1. Safety precautions • When driving the tractor on public roads WARNING: Do not transport anything on the auxiliary hydraulic valves while driving on the road. The load, trailer link steering and such have to be locked (for example mechanically). •…

  • Page 24: Operating With Implements

    • Allow sufficient clearance for turning. Three-point hitch and side-mounted implements make a much larger arc when turning than towed equipment. Use only Valtra-approved attachments and implements. • Familiarise yourself with the working area and terrain.

  • Page 25: Running With Power Take-Off Driven Implements Or Machines

    1. Safety precautions GUID-8924D3B6-EBB0-42EC-B132-A9A189E79D81 Running with power take-off driven implements or machines Read and follow the given instructions to use power take-off (PTO) driven implements and machines safely. DANGER: Serious accidents may occur due to failure to use the prescribed safety devices.

  • Page 26: Towing

    1. Safety precautions Towing Read and follow the given instructions to tow a trailer or an implement safely. WARNING: When the tractor is towing a trailer, the brake pedals must be locked together. The brakes are not to be used individually for steering.

  • Page 27: Fire Hazards

    1. Safety precautions • Stop the engine and lower the implement to the ground when leaving the tractor. • Do not let passengers ride in the tractor unless it is provided with a special seat. Other personal transport, for example on front-mounted loaders, is not permissible.

  • Page 28: After-Treatment System

    1. Safety precautions After-treatment system The selective catalytic reduction (SCR) after-treatment system contains vanadiumpentoxide . Vanadiumpentoxide can be hazardous. The SCR after-treatment system is installed in the muffler. The system is not hazardous to health under normal use and handling. When the SCR after-treatment system is handled in such a way that there is a risk of exposure to dust, safety precautions must be taken.

  • Page 29: Instruments And Controls

    2. Instruments and controls Instruments and controls One-key locking system There is one key for locking and unlocking all the locking devices of the tractor. • Ignition switch • Door handle lock • Fuel tank cap lock • AdBlue tank cap lock •…

  • Page 30: Dashboard

    2. Instruments and controls Dashboard 10 11 12 13 GUID-93386ADA-DF9C-4082-AA9E-A69B37AC3C27 1. Power shuttle lever 2. Preprogramming push button 3. Lever for adjusting steering wheel position 4. Steering wheel 5. Multifunction lever 6. Proline instrument panel 7. 3-pin current socket (optional) 8.

  • Page 31: Control Panel For A-Pillar Display And Proline

    2. Instruments and controls Control panel for A-pillar display and Proline GUID-983CD1D6-7614-41B0-8D19-1E07FB1000A9 1. Proline instrument panel selection 2. Arrow up 3. A-pillar display selection 4. Back 5. Arrow down 6. SET / selection NOTE: Moving back in the selection menu automatically saves the selection. When power is switched on, the control panel controls the Proline instrument panel as a default.

  • Page 32: Symbols On The Proline Instrument Panel Display

    2. Instruments and controls 1. Fuel gauge 2. Coolant temperature gauge 3. Indicator lights for turn signal 4. Tachometer 5. Speedometer 6. Indicator light for the high beam 7. Proline instrument panel display The fuel gauge shows the amount of fuel left in the tank. The coolant thermometer indicates the engine temperature.

  • Page 33: Indicator Lights On The Left Side Of The Display

    If the turn signal indicator light is lit during the first two blinks, there is a fault in the direction indicator relay and it must be calibrated. Contact an authorised Valtra workshop. Turn signal indicator light of a vehicle combination with one trailer having one pair of lamps.

  • Page 34: Indicator Lights On The Right Side Of The Display

    2. Instruments and controls Indicator light Indication Ʃ-indicator light (optional on models T144, T154, T174E). The light is lit continuously (yellow) when the tractor is operating in the higher power range and using PTO. GUID-9ECAC14D-0D4E-4140-A7E0- EF644A757258 Glow indicator light. The light (yellow) is lit when the ignition key is in position II and the engine is cold. GUID-578F4FB0-505C-4C35-8A38- A986A78BBDAF Parking brake indicator light…

  • Page 35
    2. Instruments and controls Indicator light Indication STOP indicator light (red). The light flashes to indicate serious fault. Possible reasons: GUID-5E3E430F- F6C2-4C78-85F1-385620 • Engine oil pressure too low 934CD2 • Engine temperature too high (gauge) • Gearbox oil pressure too low •…
  • Page 36: Controls On The Right-Hand Side

    2. Instruments and controls Controls on the right-hand side 2.6.1 Tractor terminal The tractor terminal contains the following components. ON/OFF M1 M2 M3 EDIT GUID-5E4A9AD7-FCDE-4DA5-99C4-BB6AA205A6E4 1. Tractor terminal display 2. OK button 3. Arrow buttons 4. ESC button — 35 -…

  • Page 37: Driving Controls

    2. Instruments and controls 2.6.2 Driving controls 9 10 GUID-64FF0F5D-DB13-4692-86A7-98A5CB622FFA 1. Emergency brake button 2. Switch for four-wheel drive (4WD) 3. Switch for differential lock 4. QuickSteer control knob (optional) 5. QuickSteer activation button (optional) 6. Auto-Guide steering valve on/off button (optional) 7.

  • Page 38: Linkage

    2. Instruments and controls 2.6.3 Linkage Rear linkage GUID-3042C29A-D4B5-4D11-B463-104B1EC1AB2E 1. Lowering indicator light 2. Lifting indicator light 3. Diagnostic light 4. Lowering speed selector 5. Max lifting height selector 6. Draft control selector 7. Lifting/lowering switch 8. Trailer hitch release lever (optional) 9.

  • Page 39: Front Linkage

    2. Instruments and controls Front linkage The front linkage is optional. GUID-3EB09E37-93DA-499A-8371-FFEF86F4B088 1. Auxiliary hydraulics on/off push button 2. Joystick function selector 3. Changeover button for front linkage / front loader (optional) 4. Joystick — 38 -…

  • Page 40: Power Take-Off

    2. Instruments and controls 2.6.4 Power take-off Rear power take-off GUID-76E2111F-FCD5-4375-829F-2BB6AD567BE2 1. Button for rear PTO automatic start/stop 2. Speed control knob for rear PTO 3. Switch for rear PTO when front PTO is included 4. Switch for rear PTO when front PTO is not included — 39 -…

  • Page 41: Front Power Take-Off

    2. Instruments and controls Front power take-off The front power take-off (PTO) is optional. GUID-3995D1BE-DD76-4E4C-8A64-3BCFF668E177 1. Switch for front PTO 2.6.5 Auxiliary hydraulics The following instruments and controls are used to control the auxiliary hydraulics. 13 14 GUID-B9873D58-B512-48DA-BEDC-083A63BDD477 — 40 -…

  • Page 42: Other Controls

    2. Instruments and controls 1. Switch for rear on/off valve 1 2. Switch for rear on/off valve 2 (optional) 3. Joystick functions selector 4. Selector for the predefined factory / user settings 5. Auxiliary hydraulics on/off push button 6. Control lever for auxiliary hydraulics rear valve 3 (optional) 7.

  • Page 43: Main Power Emergency Button

    2. Instruments and controls 2.6.7 Main power emergency button GUID-662324B9-8FB4-4FF7-BEDB-61435F936ACF 1. Main power emergency button 2. Main power on (green light) 3. Main power off (red light) Controls on the rear side 2.7.1 Rear window opening latch GUID-6B43C7C5-A73C-48E8-AE3A-7A8465D12A09 1. Rear window opening latch — 42 -…

  • Page 44: Additional Wipers

    2. Instruments and controls 2.7.2 Additional wipers GUID-815FF11E-1BE7-4131-828E-7F42BD38D28C 1. Rear window wiper switch (optional) 2. Side window wiper switch (optional) 2.7.3 Reverse drive system controls The reverse drive system is optional. GUID-A3897C57-B689-4C6F-A140-AFBF99C5C188 1. PowerShuttle lever 2. Preprogramming push button 3. Steering wheel 4.

  • Page 45: Controls On The Left-Hand Side

    2. Instruments and controls 8. Lever for steering wheel rake adjustment 9. Brake pedal 10. Drive pedal Controls on the left-hand side The following controls are positioned on the left-hand side. GUID-CBEEB308-1F37-4109-A69A-8EABADDB4497 1. Storage compartment 2. Cool box (optional) 3. Ashtray (optional) 4.

  • Page 46: Controls On The Right-Hand Side Roof Console

    2. Instruments and controls Controls on the right-hand side roof console The following controls are positioned on the right-hand side roof console. GUID-F64DE483-75FF-4D51-9A29-17BDA57EDD55 1. Light panel on/off button 2. Front working lights 3. Front waist working lights (optional) 4. Rotary beacon light (optional) 5.

  • Page 47: Air Conditioning Controls

    2. Instruments and controls 1. Radio (optional) 2. Air conditioning controls 3. Tachograph (optional) 4. Mirror adjustment knob (optional) 5. Mirror heating switch (optional) 6. Interior light 7. Control switch for interior light 8. Rear window heater push button (optional) 2.10 Air conditioning controls 2.10.1…

  • Page 48: Manual Air Conditioning

    2. Instruments and controls 2.10.3 Manual air conditioning The manual air conditioning system is optional. GUID-0913C775-1DDA-46DF-9676-D334471A4A4E 1. OFF/Fan speed control knob 2. AC ON/OFF 3. Temperature control knob 2.10.4 Heater controls GUID-DC873987-32C9-48B4-88EC-C1CE9002D57D 1. OFF/Fan speed control knob 2. Temperature control knob — 47 -…

  • Page 49: Operator’s Seat

    2. Instruments and controls 2.11 Operator’s seat 2.11.1 Air suspended operator’s seat Air suspended operator’s seat is standard and Air suspended + operator’s seat is optional. GUID-415AF9F9-7272-4394-9E91-E403FB5E4EF0 1. Armrest adjustment (Air suspended +) 2. Storage compartment (Air suspended +) or net (Air suspended) for manuals 3.

  • Page 50: Valtra Evolution Operator’s Seat

    2. Instruments and controls 2.11.2 Valtra Evolution operator’s seat Valtra Evolution operator’s seat is optional. 12 13 GUID-BB08344C-7902-498A-9CAB-EC0108650236 1. Storage compartment for manuals 2. Headrest height adjustment and removal 3. Armrest adjustment 4. Seat heating and ventilation 5. Upper backrest support adjustment 6.

  • Page 51: Controls On The Rear Mudguard

    2. Instruments and controls 2.12 Controls on the rear mudguard GUID-5A1672F3-326F-42DB-B47F-AC5631B2E48C 1. Rear power take-off on/off push button 2. Lifting/lowering push button 3. On/off valve 1 push buttons (optional) 4. Rear valve 1 push buttons (optional) — 50 -…

  • Page 52: Front End Controls And Connections

    2. Instruments and controls 2.13 Front end controls and connections Front linkage and front quick couplings are optional. GUID-69FCD1F6-D695-4EBF-9A06-0554487C5E11 1. Engine bonnet lock 2. Trailer socket (optional) 3. Lifting/lowering push buttons for the front linkage (optional) 4. Front valve 1 push buttons (optional) 5.

  • Page 53: Rear Controls And Connections Outside The Cab

    2. Instruments and controls 2.14 Rear controls and connections outside the cab STOP GUID-75076D39-D28F-4606-BEA3-F80A27CC6E19 1. Trailer coupling, Duo-Matic (optional) 2. Trailer coupling, 2-line system (optional) 3. Trailer coupling, 1-2-line system (optional) 4. Inlet for implement control cables/wires — 52 -…

  • Page 54
    2. Instruments and controls 5. Emergency stop plug for rear power take-off (PTO) 6. Front linkage shut-off valve (optional) 7. Top link 8. Top link/lower link ball storage bracket 9. Power Beyond couplings 10. Quick couplings, auxiliary hydraulics 11. Quick coupling, on/off valve 1 12.
  • Page 55: Operation

    3. Operation Operation Running the tractor in The tractor is run in during the 50 first hours of use. Running the tractor in correctly gives the tractor a longer service life and makes it more economical. Before you start driving, make sure that: •…

  • Page 56
    3. Operation CAUTION: Do not attempt to adjust the seat while driving. There is an increased risk of loss of control. GUID-415AF9F9-7272-4394-9E91-E403FB5E4EF0 1. Armrest adjustment (Air-suspended +) 2. Storage compartment (Air-suspended +) or net (Air-suspended) for manuals 3. Seat heating 4.
  • Page 57
    3. Operation • Turn the seat. • Release the lock by pulling the lock/release lever upwards. • Turn the seat to the desired position. The seat can be turned between 190° anti-clockwise and 90° clockwise. The seat can be locked to set positions at 10°, 20°, 80° and 90° when turning clockwise and 10°, 20°, 180°…
  • Page 58: Adjusting The Valtra Evolution Driver’s Seat

    3.2.2 Adjusting the Valtra Evolution driver’s seat You can adjust the Valtra Evolution driver’s seat according to your height and weight. With these adjustments you can minimize the exposure to vibration, obtain the best support for your lower back and get the most comfortable driving position.

  • Page 59
    3. Operation 12 13 GUID-BB08344C-7902-498A-9CAB-EC0108650236 1. Storage compartment for manuals 2. Headrest height adjustment and removal 3. Armrest adjustment 4. Seat heating and ventilation 5. Upper backrest support adjustment 6. Lower backrest support adjustment 7. Backrest inclination adjustment 8. Seat depth adjustment 9.
  • Page 60
    3. Operation • Adjust the headrest height. • Lift the headrest by pulling it upwards. • Lower the headrest by pushing it downwards. • Remove the headrest by pulling it upwards. • Adjust the height of the left side armrest. •…
  • Page 61
    3. Operation • Turn the seat. • Release the lock by pulling the locking lever upwards. • Turn the seat to the desired position. You can turn the seat between 190° anti-clockwise and 90° clockwise from the normal position. The seat can be locked to set positions at 10°, 20°, 80°…
  • Page 62: Adjusting The Right-Side Armrest

    3. Operation 3.2.3 Adjusting the right-side armrest You can adjust the back/front position and the sideways position as well as the inclination of the armrest. GUID-ABF6923F-EFCF-4E15-989E-28D0ABDE2040 1. Sideways adjustment 2. Forward/backward position adjustment / armrest height adjustment 3. Inclination adjustment •…

  • Page 63: Adjusting Standard Mirrors

    3. Operation GUID-9C185E91-3B11-40DB-A18B-5F4F6CE81499 1. Lever for adjusting steering wheel position 2. Locking pedal for steering wheel rake adjustment • Adjust the steering wheel position. • Pull the lever upwards. • Move the steering wheel up or down to the desired position. •…

  • Page 64: Adjusting Optional Mirrors

    3. Operation 3.2.6 Adjusting optional mirrors You can adjust the position of the optional mirrors electrically. GUID-7737973C-BFC2-4F4C-971A-C6793957F5FC 1. Mirror adjustment • To adjust the left mirror, turn the knob to the left and push the knob in the direction of the arrows. •…

  • Page 65: Heating Mirrors

    3. Operation 3.2.7 Heating mirrors Mirror heating is extra equipment. GUID-21BE979D-022A-475E-8F28-23CC9FC1A6E6 1. Mirror heating switch • To switch the mirror heating on, press down the symbol side of the switch. • To switch the mirror heating off, press down the side of the switch opposite to the symbol.

  • Page 66: Using The Side Window Wiper And Washer

    3. Operation • To use the windscreen wiper, turn the multifunction lever. The wiper has an intermittent position and two speeds. • To use the windscreen washer, push the lever inwards. 3.2.9 Using the side window wiper and washer The switch for the side window wiper and washer is located on the C-pillar. GUID-DD5ABAC1-205B-4FD2-91F7-5FC599850A31 1.

  • Page 67: Using The Rear Window Wiper And Washer

    3. Operation 3.2.10 Using the rear window wiper and washer The rear window wiper is extra equipment. The switch for the rear window wiper and washer is located on the C-pillar. GUID-C6B05D9E-0C0C-45F0-B379-DF47A9625461 1. Rear window wiper switch • To use the rear window wiper, turn the switch. The wiper has an intermittent position and one speed.

  • Page 68: Power Shuttle Lever

    3. Operation • Switch the window heater on by pressing the rear window heater button. A green light indicates that the window heater is on. • Switch the window heater off by pressing the rear window heater button again. If the rear window heater is not switched off manually, it switches off automatically after 10 minutes.

  • Page 69: Control Stop

    3. Operation GUID-C8DBFD22-64C1-4BCB-B3E6-5FCFD5184ECD 1. Power shuttle lever 2. Collar 3.2.13 Control stop The control stop is used when the tractor is running an implement in stationary mode (for example a compressor or pump) and the operator is not in the cab. Using the control stop reduces the risk of more serious damage to the engine or in the transmission.

  • Page 70: Using The Ignition Switch

    3. Operation • To deactivate the control stop, press down the side of the control stop switch opposite to the symbol. 3.2.15 Using the ignition switch The ignition switch has four positions: OFF position, radio and cold box on position, power and instrumentation on position, and start position. After turning the ignition key to OFF position, there is a delay before the main power switches off.

  • Page 71: Main Power

    3. Operation 3.2.16 Main power The main power is controlled by the ignition switch. The main power is automatically turned on when you turn the ignition to other than the OFF position. When you turn the ignition to the OFF position, the main power is turned off after a delay.

  • Page 72: Using The Roof Hatch

    3. Operation 3. Press the red button of the main power emergency button for three seconds. The main power is switched off without a delay and the red light is lit in the main power emergency button to indicate that the power is off. NOTE: The electric system does not save data or perform controlled shutdown and the urea lines will not become empty.

  • Page 73: Starting The Tractor

    3. Operation 2. Close the roof hatch. • Pull the roof hatch closed. • Turn the handle to lock the roof hatch. • Slide the sun shade closed by pushing it forward. Starting the tractor 3.3.1 Starting under normal conditions WARNING: Never run the tractor in an enclosed building except with the exhaust vented to the outside.

  • Page 74
    3. Operation GUID-354237EC-2DE8-4CC4-9EFD-94F1A0F0A031 1. Engine oil pressure 2. Stop light (is flashing) 3. Gearbox oil pressure 4. Four-wheel drive 5. Parking brake 6. Battery charging 1. Apply the parking brake. 2. Turn the hand throttle to the low idling position. 3.
  • Page 75: Starting Under Cold Conditions

    3. Operation 9. Set the cruise control values. When the engine has started the cruise control pop-up view is displayed. Cruise Cruise AUTO 1 13 °C 13.0 Cruise Cruise GUID-B95BC766-BA79-4531-8739-1425E774606E • Press the OK button or the selector for the predefined factory/user settings shortly to restore the previously saved cruise control values.

  • Page 76: Starting With An Auxiliary Battery

    3. Operation • When cold-starting the engine, turn off all unnecessary equipment that uses electrical power. • Keep the battery in a warm place when it is not in use. Starting the tractor under very cold conditions is easier if the battery is kept in a warm place when it is not in use.

  • Page 77: Using Lights

    3. Operation 3. Connect another jump lead between the (-) terminal on the auxiliary battery and the (-) terminal on the tractor battery. WARNING: Make sure that the jump leads are properly connected to the terminals. Otherwise the jump leads can cause a short circuit, which might lead to the explosion of the battery.

  • Page 78: Using The Follow-Me-Home Functionality

    3. Operation • If the tractor is equipped with upper headlights (optional), turn the light switch to the far right position to use them. NOTE: Your tractor has a safety circuitry for lights, meaning that if the fuse of the light switch has burned and the lights are switched on, the front working lights are forced on.

  • Page 79
    3. Operation GUID-096AC2CD-7899-47BA-BACB-CB5F7441456F 1. Light panel on/off button 2. Front working lights 3. Front waist working lights (optional) 4. Rotary beacon light (optional) 5. Rear working lights (optional) 6. Automatic operation of the rear working lights (optional) 7. Trailer hitch light (optional) 8.
  • Page 80: Using The Cab Light

    3. Operation 3.4.4 Using the cab light The tractor is equipped with a cab light which can be used manually or set to work automatically. GUID-9C953E56-E65D-4C8E-8A16-9A2D354A864F 1. Cab light 2. Cab light switch The cab light switch has three positions: left, centre and right. •…

  • Page 81: Using Notification Devices

    3. Operation Using notification devices 3.5.1 Using turn signals GUID-425CF0C2-AFB1-4410-8887-485A3207C6BA 1. Multifunction lever 2. Indicator lights for turn signals • To switch on the left-hand side turn signal, move the multifunction lever upwards. — 80 -…

  • Page 82: Using The Horn

    3. Operation • To switch on the right-hand side turn signal, move the multifunction lever downwards. The left or right indicator light blinks correspondingly. 3.5.2 Using the horn GUID-39F97DFA-F605-48D5-853D-004FFCF16415 1. Horn button • To sound the horn, push the horn button. 3.5.3 Using the rotary beacon light Rotary beacon light is an extra equipment.

  • Page 83: Using Hazard Lights

    3. Operation 3.5.4 Using hazard lights All four turn signals can be switched on to warn of a hazardous situation. GUID-920AE15C-6FAE-4866-8C28-AC0AD8F28350 1. Switch for hazard lights 1. To make all four turn signals blink, press down the symbol side of the switch. 2.

  • Page 84: Using The Manual Air Conditioning

    3. Operation 3.6.2 Using the manual air conditioning The manual air conditioning is optional equipment. IMPORTANT: Use the air conditioning regularly to prevent seizing of the compressor. IMPORTANT: When using the air conditioning, keep the cab doors and windows closed. GUID-0913C775-1DDA-46DF-9676-D334471A4A4E 1.

  • Page 85: Automatic Air Conditioning

    3. Operation 4. To blow warm air to the lower part of the cab, turn the additional heater fan speed control knob. 3.6.4 Automatic air conditioning The automatic air conditioning system is optional equipment. IMPORTANT: Use the air conditioning regularly to prevent seizing of the compressor.

  • Page 86: Using The Automatic Air Conditioning

    3. Operation Display GUID-F20FB364-0A39-4A5B-BE19-605EA501B52F 1. Automatic mode 2. Fan speed 3. Set temperature/Fault information 4. Additional heater 5. ECO mode Indicator Indication Displayed when the automatic fan speed and the AC compressor are on. Displays the fan speed. Displays the selected target temperature. If adjusted below 16°C, LO is displayed.

  • Page 87: Using Eco Mode

    3. Operation AUTO ° AUTO GUID-2B1A1B70-F454-4DD2-8498-15F6FA9B3AAB 1. Fan speed control knob 2. Display 3. Air conditioning ON/OFF 4. Temperature control knob • To activate the automatic air conditioning system, turn the fan speed control knob to the AUTO position. When the automatic air conditioning and the AC compressor are active, the LED next to the air conditioning ON/OFF button is lit and the indicator AUTO is shown on the display.

  • Page 88: Using The Additional Heater

    3. Operation ° AUTO GUID-FF8F7C17-A079-44D8-B446-B6178FED1C34 1. Fan speed control knob 2. Display 3. Air conditioning ON/OFF 4. Temperature control knob • Using the ECO mode when the air conditioning system is in the AUTO mode. • Switch off the AC compressor by pressing the air conditioning ON/OFF push button.

  • Page 89: Using Defrost

    3. Operation AUTO ° AUTO GUID-5C4C2E1B-1CF1-4CEB-ABE3-52E8783259F0 1. Automatic air conditioning fan speed 2. Additional heater fan speed decrease 3. Display showing the additional heater’s fan status and speed 4. Additional heater fan speed increase • Using the additional heater when the air conditioning is in the AUTO mode The air conditioning system is in the AUTO mode when either of the indicators AUTO or AUTO-ECO are displayed.

  • Page 90: Power Outlets

    3. Operation Power outlets 3.7.1 Lighters Lighter sockets can be used as electric power outputs. A lighter socket provides an output of 12 V DC; 10 A at a maximum. GUID-47FEE990-FDCD-4ACB-A4F0-83A0544070F7 1. Lighter on the left-hand side (optional) 2. Lighter on the front console (optional) 3.

  • Page 91: Three-Pin Current Socket

    3. Operation 3.7.3 Three-pin current socket GUID-84932CF5-F38B-4026-A174-A49D117AB680 1. Three-pin current socket on the front console (optional) 2. Three-pin current socket on the right-hand side (one standard, one optional) 3. 25 A 4. 5 A 5. Ground The direct current is supplied through the current socket for different regulating elements, implements etc.

  • Page 92
    3. Operation GUID-61A1535A-EAE5-4869-A7E2-359E3574BB25 1. Direction indicator left (yellow) 2. Ignition switch current, max. 10 A (blue) 3. Ground (white) 4. Direction indicator right (green) 5. Parking light right (brown) 6. Brake light (red) 7. Parking light left (black) Socket at the front end The power socket at the front end is optional equipment.
  • Page 93: Driving The Tractor

    3. Operation Driving the tractor 3.8.1 Notifications about steering WARNING: If the engine stops while the tractor is moving (for example, the fuel has run out), do not press the clutch pedal down. When the tractor is moving and the transmission is engaged, the engine is running and there is pressure in the system.

  • Page 94: Parking Brake

    3. Operation 3.8.3 Parking brake When the parking brake is on, four-wheel drive (4WD) is engaged and all wheels brake. You can use the parking brake by changing the position of the power shuttle lever. The parking brake engages when driving speed is approximately 3 km/h or lower.

  • Page 95
    3. Operation • F (front position) = forward driving direction • N (centre position) = neutral • R (rear position) = reverse driving direction • P = parking brake position • Engage the parking brake: Stop the tractor completely. Pull up the collar round the power shuttle lever and move the lever to the parking brake (P) position.
  • Page 96: Adjusting The Power Shuttle Engagement Speed

    3. Operation 3.8.5 Adjusting the power shuttle engagement speed You can adjust the power shuttle engagement speed through the tractor terminal transmission settings. The index determines how quickly the torque of the power shuttle increases to the maximum value when the clutch is engaged. The index affects both the F (forward) and R (reverse) clutch engagements.

  • Page 97: Clutch Pedal

    3. Operation 3.8.6 Clutch pedal Using the clutch pedal while driving GUID-02D21C15-7DD6-43EE-83D8-AADEFEE7CC46 1. Clutch pedal 1. Press the clutch pedal to release the traction. 2. Let the clutch pedal up gradually. NOTE: Never rest your foot on the clutch pedal while driving. NOTE: Do not allow the clutch to slip more than necessary when moving off.

  • Page 98
    3. Operation 1. Press ESC. 2. Navigate to the menu 2 with the up and down arrow buttons. 3. Press the right arrow button to enter the transmission settings view. NOTE: When the power shuttle lever is in the parking brake position (P), you can enter the transmission settings view by pressing the preprogramming button.
  • Page 99: Braking

    3. Operation 3.8.7 Braking You can use the brake pedals differently in various working situations. GUID-34380CCB-ED6A-4430-AA9E-E55A3F6893AC 1. Latch for brake pedals 2. Brake pedals The tractor has two brake pedals which apply separately to the right and to the left side rear wheels. All four wheels are braking when pressing both brake pedals.

  • Page 100: Using The Emergency Brake Lever

    3. Operation GUID-20E98088-37AE-4CA8-BC1A-2C89F0EA4720 1. Emergency brake button 1. Press the emergency brake button to start braking. The emergency brake button uses maximal braking power. Message “SECONDARY BRAKE!” is shown on the instrument panel display. 2. Release the emergency brake button to stop braking. WARNING: Using emergency brake in slippery conditions can result in skidding and loss of control.

  • Page 101: Starting To Drive

    3. Operation GUID-46215538-D099-4FF4-83E7-87B43A797FE4 1. Emergency brake lever 1. Pull the emergency brake lever to start braking. Pull the lever slowly to start braking gradually. Pull the lever down quickly to get maximal braking force. Message “SECONDARY BRAKE!” is shown on the instrument panel display. 2.

  • Page 102: Transmission System

    3. Operation 3. Select the speed range and gear. Select a speed range which: • gives the optimum fuel consumption without overloading the engine and the transmission. • allows the engine to operate comfortably at about 75% of its maximum power.

  • Page 103: Speed Matching

    3. Operation Maximum speed with the engine speed of 1930 rpm. Maximum speed with the engine speed of 1920 rpm. Speed matching Changing speed ranges may cause sudden changes in driving speed. The speed matching automatically tries to even out speed differences which are too high by engaging the appropriate Powershift gear.

  • Page 104
    3. Operation • Shift the speed range down by pressing the speed range selection — button. You can change the speed range downwards by more than one step at a time, directly from D to A for example. The change is implemented provided that the driving speed at the time of the request is within the defined limits for speed range changing.
  • Page 105: Selecting The Creeper Speed Range

    3. Operation Selecting the creeper speed range You can engage the creeper speed range with the speed range push buttons. GUID-5EB211B5-030B-403F-AF0C-26A1A0F6EF64 1. Speed range selection + button 2. Speed range selection — button IMPORTANT: Engaging the creeper range is only allowed when the tractor is stationary.

  • Page 106: Preprogramming Gear For Driving Direction Changing

    3. Operation at a time by moving the gear lever in either direction and holding it there, which triggers multiple consecutive Powershift gear changes. The number of the selected Powershift gear blinks on the tractor terminal display and A-pillar display until the requested Powershift gear has engaged.

  • Page 107
    3. Operation 12.8 km/h GUID-A8E97DFB-9CE9-4C9F-B8CE-90E7716A8424 1. Gear and driving direction under preprogramming GUID-089E551D-71E3-48BD-8DE8-86F70C33B1C7 1. Gear lever 2. PowerShuttle lever 3. Preprogramming push button The engine must be running when you preprogram the Powershift. Pressing the Powershift preprogramming push button with only the power on shifts to the tractor terminal setup menu.
  • Page 108: Using The Shifting Automatics

    3. Operation • To preprogram the Powershift gear: Both directions can have different programs. • Start the engine. • Press down the clutch and brake pedals to ensure safety. You can make the preprogramming also while driving, except when the creeper gear is engaged.

  • Page 109
    3. Operation Automatic shifting between the speed ranges C and D is possible if you have activated the C-D shifting automatics functionality in the tractor terminal transmission settings. Automatic shifting between the speed ranges A and B or B and C is not possible. If the C-D shifting automatics is selected and either C or D range is selected in the Auto1 mode, the automatics shift between the C and D range automatically, depending on drive speed request, engine load and driving situation.
  • Page 110: Programming Shifting Automatics

    3. Operation AUTO 1 13 °C 13.0 1310 Cruise Cruise GUID-5C6A2CB4-B70B-4F81-8988-A4DA1EF7D09A 1. Shifting automatics button 2. Selected program The manual mode is on when the shifting program indicator is not visible. • Change between the automatic modes and the manual mode by moving the gear lever right for automatic and left for manual.

  • Page 111
    3. Operation 1. Press the ESC button. 2. Navigate to menu 2 with the up and down arrow buttons. GUID-B1C5E833-3C41-4377-B9F5-46040737CF89 1. Selector for the hydraulic predefined factory/user settings / multifunction edit pulse wheel with push button 2. OK button 3. Arrow buttons 4.
  • Page 112: Using The Powershift Limiter

    3. Operation 6. Use the up and down arrow buttons to set the desired value and the right and left arrow button to change between the value for shifting up and value for shifting down. NOTE: The engine speed limit can be changed in steps of 50 rpm in the 900-2300 rpm range.

  • Page 113: Programming Automatic Shifting Between Speed Ranges C And D

    3. Operation 1. Press the Powershift limiter push button to activate the limiter. The Powershift gear that is in use when you press the button is set as the limit. The Powershift automatics do not shift to a gear higher than this. If Powershift gear 5 in the C range is selected, the Powershift limiter prevents the automatic shifting between the C and D ranges.

  • Page 114: Using The Eco Function

    3. Operation 7. Select the speed range C-D shifting automatics by pressing the up or down arrow button or by rotating the selector for the predefined factory/user settings. AUTO AUTO 2 START GUID-BB107C27-9E36-44F8-982D-4893707399CB 1. Speed range C-D shifting automatics setting 8.

  • Page 115: Parking The Tractor

    3. Operation • To activate or deactivate the ECO mode, press the ECO button. 3.8.13 Parking the tractor 1. Stop the tractor. 2. Apply the parking brake. 3. Lower the implements. In cold conditions, lower the links without implements as well. 4.

  • Page 116: Filling The Adblue/Def Tank

    3. Operation 1. Open the fuel tank cap. GUID-495443FB-A0E5-4C63-827A-BD3CC2A4C459 1. Fuel tank cap 2. Fill the tank. 3. Close the fuel tank cap. IMPORTANT: Never put AdBlue/DEF in the fuel tank, as the engine and fuel system may become damaged. IMPORTANT: Never put fuel in the AdBlue/DEF tank.

  • Page 117
    3. Operation WARNING: Wear suitable gloves when filling up. NOTE: When the AdBlue level decreases to 5% or less, the torque and maximum rotation speed of the engine are slowly decreased. When the AdBlue level has decreased to approximately 0% and stayed at that level for about an hour, the engine decreases to idling speed and the torque is heavily limited.
  • Page 118: Cruise Control

    3. Operation IMPORTANT: Never put AdBlue/DEF in the fuel tank, as the engine and fuel system may become damaged. IMPORTANT: If the AdBlue/DEF additive is modified or replaced by a fluid which does not comply with the standard ISO 22241 (DIN 70070), the after-treatment system will be damaged.

  • Page 119: Cruise Control Buttons

    3. Operation Cruise control buttons GUID-28B03F82-CAB2-4C3F-A3BE-C77E5B598F76 1. Adjustment wheel 2. Driving speed cruise control off button 3. Driving speed cruise control memory button 2 4. Driving speed cruise control memory button 1 5. Engine RPM memory button Adjustment wheel If the driving speed cruise control is activated, you can use the adjustment wheel to increase or decrease the driving speed.

  • Page 120: Programming The Driving Speed Cruise Control

    3. Operation Programming the driving speed cruise control GUID-AE817AEA-FCA9-43BA-B33C-5C0CC619641A 1. Adjustment wheel 2. Driving speed cruise control memory button 2 3. Driving speed cruise control memory button 1 1. Set the desired driving speed. Use the drive pedal or the hand throttle to set the wanted driving speed value.

  • Page 121
    3. Operation GUID-0B6EB06F-00F4-46AA-AAED-F1BCB8BED051 1. Driving speed cruise control off button 2. Driving speed cruise control memory button 2 3. Driving speed cruise control memory button 1 • Activate an existing driving speed cruise control value. • To use the setting stored to memory slot 1, press the driving speed cruise control memory button 1 shortly.
  • Page 122: Programming The Engine Speed Cruise Control

    3. Operation Programming the engine speed cruise control GUID-FC2D34C7-2836-44A6-893A-C0B821296F4A 1. Engine RPM memory button 1. Set the engine speed. Use the drive pedal or the hand throttle to set the desired engine speed value. 2. Press the engine RPM memory button shortly. The setting is activated and stored in the memory.

  • Page 123: Automatic Traction Control

    3. Operation GUID-B6DC7DFF-60C8-4520-87B2-B1DB7A9806A7 1. Engine RPM memory button 2. Hand throttle • Activate the engine speed cruise control. • Activate an engine speed value that is already saved in the memory by pressing the engine RPM memory button shortly (less than two seconds). •…

  • Page 124: Front Axle Air Suspension

    3. Operation The traction can be disengaged with the power shuttle lever or with the clutch or brake pedal in the following cases. • both brake pedals are pressed • the driving speed is less than 20 km/h • the drive pedal and clutch pedal have not been pressed •…

  • Page 125: Autocomfort Cab Suspension

    3. Operation The operator can observe the air pressure in the whole air pressure system on the gauge. The suspension system has two air suspension bellows and two shock absorbers. 3.8.18 AutoComfort cab suspension AutoComfort cab suspension is a semi-active system that controls the cab suspension automatically.

  • Page 126: Engaging And Disengaging The Differential Lock

    • The speed sensors are not calibrated. • The turning angle sensor is not calibrated (contact an authorised Valtra workshop). • There is a fault in the switch (the service code is displayed).

  • Page 127: Four-Wheel Drive

    3. Operation 3.8.20 Four-wheel drive Four-wheel drive The four-wheel drive (4WD) has three positions: ON, AUTO and OFF. The 4WD can be engaged while driving. Position Description The 4WD is always engaged. AUTO The 4WD engages: • When starting to drive. •…

  • Page 128: Engaging And Disengaging The Four-Wheel Drive

    3. Operation Engaging and disengaging the four-wheel drive You can control the engagement of the four-wheel drive (4WD) with the 4WD switch. The switch has three positions: ON, AUTO and OFF. Keep the 4WD disengaged while driving on the road if it is not required. Using the 4WD is not allowed at driving speeds of over 15 km/h if road conditions are good.

  • Page 129: Setting The Driving Start Automatics

    3. Operation Setting the driving start automatics The driving start automatics is set through the tractor terminal transmission settings. 1. Press ESC. 2. Navigate to the menu 2 with the up and down arrow buttons. 3. Press the right arrow button to enter the transmission settings view. NOTE: When the power shuttle lever is in the parking brake position (P), you can enter the transmission settings view by pressing the preprogramming button.

  • Page 130: Quicksteer

    3. Operation 3.8.22 QuickSteer QuickSteer QuickSteer is a steering system controlled by an electrohydraulic steering valve. QuickSteer means adjustable steering ratio which gives a great advantage whenever the driver needs to steer a lot, for example when driving in a small yard or when doing front loader work.

  • Page 131: Resetting Quicksteer

    ON. The valve is turned back on automatically only if the TwinTrac reverse drive system is in use. If the light is still blinking, the fault persists. In this case, contact an authorised Valtra workshop. 3.8.23 TwinTrac reverse drive system…

  • Page 132: Activating And Deactivating Twintrac

    3. Operation Steering for forward driving remains active when the driver’s seat is turned to the reverse driving station. IMPORTANT: If the reverse driving steering fails while driving, use the forward driving steering. Or, if possible, turn the seat to the forward driving station. The brake pedal for reverse drive control also controls the trailer brakes (extra equipment).

  • Page 133: Hillhold

    3. Operation GUID-45608A9D-6AA8-4806-A1E4-54CC1B43BFDF 1. QuickSteer control knob 2. QuickSteer activation button 1. Press the QuickSteer activation button to turn the steering valve on. The QuickSteer activation button light is lit green, and the QuickSteer symbol is lit on the Proline instrument panel. 2.

  • Page 134
    3. Operation GUID-0D95FE0C-D403-4DE7-8DCE-06EAD939E895 1. Symbols for hillhold When the hillhold is engaged, its symbols on the A-pillar display blink and the parking brake symbol on the Proline instrument panel comes on. • Engage the hillhold when starting to drive. • Press down the brake pedals.
  • Page 135: Permitted Driving Inclinations

    3. Operation 3.8.25 Permitted driving inclinations To ensure sufficient lubrication for the transmission and engine, it is essential to follow the maximum driving angles when driving the tractor on a slope. WARNING: Angles for safe driving should be smaller than stated to avoid the tractor from tipping over.

  • Page 136: Proline Instrument Panel Display

    3. Operation GUID-DDE12599-FDF0-4C98-AD26-8C4F3158D417 1. Dimmer • Scroll the dimmer left or right to increase or decrease the brightness of the displays. The brightness of both the Proline and the A-pillar display is adjusted simultaneously. 3.10 Proline instrument panel display The Proline instrument panel display shows information about different tractor functions.

  • Page 137: Fixed Views

    3. Operation The different views are shown on the display in either two or three rows, depending on the setting view. • The bottom row view is fixed. • Some of the views show the data in two rows and some in three. 3.10.1 Fixed views Fixed views show the operating hours and the time.

  • Page 138: Working Time View

    3. Operation Symbol Function Rear power take-off (PTO) speed (rpm) Front power take-off (PTO) speed (rpm) Engine speed (rpm) Immediate fuel consumption (ha, acre) Average fuel consumption (ha, acre) Immediate fuel consumption Average fuel consumption Fuel consumption Lower link position (%, 0-100) Gearbox temperature (C/F) Travel distance (m/km/miles) Square area (ha)

  • Page 139: Cruise Control View

    3. Operation 12.7 1.2 17:52 GUID-60F7EA9F-5D0D-4AA0-9956-670BF9B0EF7C 1. Battery voltage Cruise control view The cruise control controls the rate of motion or the engine speed of the tractor. cruise cruise The cruise control types appear on the top and middle row of the display.

  • Page 140: Wheel Slip View

    3. Operation • The letter L shows that the driving speed is under 3 km/h (2 mph). • Driving speeds of 0–10 km/h (0-10 mph) are shown with an accuracy of one decimal place. • Driving speeds of 10–15 km/h (10-15 mph) are shown with an accuracy of one decimal place in steps of 0.2 units.

  • Page 141: Front Power Take-Off Speed View

    3. Operation Front power take-off speed view The front power take-off (PTO) speed is shown in revolutions per minute (rpm). 1.2 17:52 GUID-3111181F-7B95-4A1E-B98D-39487F2F1243 1. Front power take-off speed The PTO rotation speed is shown beside the symbol with an accuracy of 10 rpm. Engine speed view The engine speed…

  • Page 142
    3. Operation Instant and average fuel consumption on the area worked 25.7 10.7 1.2 17:52 GUID-425301A3-AB39-4872-8350-CDCB7B5B5299 1. Instant fuel consumption on the area worked 2. Average fuel consumption on the area worked Instant and average fuel consumption in an hour 25.7 10.7 1.2 17:52…
  • Page 143: Rear Lower Links’ Position View

    3. Operation Rear lower links’ position view The view shows the position of the rear lower links 1.2 17:52 GUID-D2673DEE-E150-401F-8439-8E61709A3C22 1. Position of the rear lower links The display shows the symbol and the position of the rear lower links on a percentage scale 0-100: •…

  • Page 144: Travel Distance And Surface Area View

    Periodical maintenance view 1.2 17:52 GUID-2A09D419-548B-43B2-B58C-263428E6EDCE 1. Periodical maintenance view When the tool symbol and periodical maintenance hour number are lit on the display, the appropriate service work has to be carried out by an authorised Valtra workshop. — 143 -…

  • Page 145: Clearing The Periodical Maintenance View

    3. Operation If this work is not carried out, the tool symbol and periodical maintenance hour number are displayed for 10 seconds whenever the power is turned on. Clearing the periodical maintenance view When the periodical maintenance has been carried out, the periodical maintenance view can be cleared.

  • Page 146: Resetting Views

    3. Operation 3.10.4 Resetting views You can reset the travel distance, fuel consumption, working time and square area (worked area) views. All the readings are reset at the same time. RESET 1.2 17:52 GUID-B0609514-576D-4599-9B91-8B27B2C6F5BA 1. Reset view 2. Symbols for views that are reset 1.

  • Page 147: Changing Parameters

    3. Operation 3.10.5 Changing parameters Activating and exiting the setting mode You must activate the setting mode to change the different settings. GUID-B7F0E815-917E-4388-8415-F5779B309D82 1. Proline instrument panel display setting switch 1. Activate the setting mode. Press and hold down the button until the symbol for the value to be set is blinking.

  • Page 148: Changing The Parameter Value

    3. Operation 2. Display the available parameters. Press the side of the display setting switch opposite to the symbol. The available parameters are presented in the following table. Parameter Parameter value Implement width 0–6 500 Set clock Hours and minutes Clock mode 12–hour or 24–hour Direction indicator buzzer status…

  • Page 149: Setting The Implement Width

    3. Operation • Decrease a parameter value. • Press the down arrow button. The parameter decreases one step at a time. • Press and hold down the down arrow button. The parameter value decreases continuously. • Select the next parameter to be changed. Press the button.

  • Page 150: Changing The Minute Display

    3. Operation Changing the minute display S e t C l o c k 18:10 GUID-B16CE581-3037-4FA8-8B01-643980F0D8AE 1. Minute display 1. Activate the minute display in the setting mode with the button. When the minute display is blinking, you can set the minutes. 2.

  • Page 151: Changing The Temperature Unit

    3. Operation 2. Change the direction indicator buzzer to either on or off with the arrow buttons. When the function is on (no cross), the buzzer is activated together with the direction indicator or the hazard warning. Changing the temperature unit You can change the unit of temperature to be shown in either Celsius (C) or Fahrenheit (F).

  • Page 152: Changing The Volume Unit

    3. Operation Changing the volume unit You can change the unit of volume to be shown in either litre, gallon UK or gallon US mode. V o l u m e U n i t V o l u m e U n i t V o l u m e U n i t L i t r e Gal l on U K…

  • Page 153: Adjusting The Display Contrast

    3. Operation Adjusting the display contrast C o n t r a s t GUID-D1617E87-9AE7-4350-854B-FBF0119DADC1 1. Display contrast 1. Activate the display contrast in the setting mode with the button. 2. Adjust the display contrast with the arrow buttons. The minimum contrast value is 80 and the maximum value is 120.

  • Page 154: A-Pillar Display Control Panel

    3. Operation 3.11.1 A-pillar display control panel The A-pillar display control panel is located on the dashboard. You can use the control panel for changing between different views in the display. GUID-E4D55525-0AF6-46EB-B1FF-7CDE5701AD0D 1. A-pillar display selection 2. Arrow up 3. Arrow down •…

  • Page 155: Transmission Section

    3. Operation Tractor symbol The tractor symbol is shown continuously when the power is on. Forward/reverse driving direction arrow The arrow shows which driving direction, forward or reverse, is engaged. The arrow flashes if the power shuttle has been operated at a driving speed over 10 km/h.

  • Page 156: General Information Section

    3. Operation Selected Powershift gear The number of the engaged Powershift gear is shown in the middle of the transmission section (1, 2, 3, 4 or 5). AUTO1 / AUTO2 shifting automatics symbol The AUTO1 or AUTO2 symbol appears based on the shifting automatics mode in use.

  • Page 157
    3. Operation Driving speed Accuracy 0.0-9.9 10.0-14.8 15 and above 1 (no decimals) Power take-off (PTO) information • In the basic mode view, the symbol for the rear PTO is shown only if the rear PTO is rotating. If rear PTO is selected as fixed, also the rotating speed is shown on the bottom line.
  • Page 158: Changing General Information Section Views

    3. Operation Changing general information section views You can scroll the function views by pressing the up and down arrows in the control panel. GUID-E4D55525-0AF6-46EB-B1FF-7CDE5701AD0D 1. A-pillar display selection 2. Arrow up 3. Arrow down 1. To operate the A-pillar display with the control panel, press the A-pillar display selection button.

  • Page 159: Tractor Terminal Control Button Functions

    3. Operation • The settings for transmission parameters. • The settings of the tractor terminal parameters. • The active service codes. 3.12.1 Tractor terminal control button functions With the tractor terminal keypad buttons you can navigate in the different display fields, activate and deactivate the functions and adjust the values.

  • Page 160
    3. Operation AUTO 1 10 °C 11.0 1310 Cruise Cruise IMPL1 AUTO 1 Cruise Cruise IMPL1 AUTO 1600 RPM 2000 RPM AUTO 2 Cruise Cruise START 01:32 01:32 imperial metric 13,2 13.2 US gal UK gal 3.70 137,7 INFO Unit 0 VIN:Y5KN144V0OS123456 AC system: ACXX.XX Unit 3…
  • Page 161: Power Shuttle-Related Drive View Symbols

    3. Operation 13. I/O query view 14. Service code view 1. If the main menu is not displayed, press as many times as needed. The main menu is displayed. 2. Press the arrow button in the desired direction of the menu. 3.

  • Page 162: Transmission-Related Drive View Symbols

    3. Operation The speed range (A, B, C or D) and the Powershift gear (1, 2, 3, 4 or 5) are lit when the speed range and Powershift are preprogrammed for the backward power shuttle. When the parking brake is on, the symbol (P) is lit. If the parking brake is engaged while running, the symbol P flashes until the driving speed is below the engaging limit speed (factory-adjusted 3 km/h).

  • Page 163
    3. Operation AUTO 1 13 °C 13.0 1310 Cruise Cruise GUID-2BD00814-27C6-4AB6-8486-773980A8132A AUTO 1 Cruise Cruise GUID-0AA7CA1E-5380-435E-8075-291B00A65104 The tractor symbol is lit when the power is on. The STOP symbol light starts flashing (the engine must be running) at the same time with the STOP light on the instrument panel when there is a serious fault.
  • Page 164: Pop-Up Views

    3. Operation In normal situations, with the power on and the tractor standing still, the thermometer and the outside temperature are displayed. The temperature is displayed with an accuracy of plus or minus one degree. The outside temperature sensor is located at the front part of the tractor.

  • Page 165: Entering The Large Drive View

    3. Operation 3.12.7 Entering the large drive view You can enter the large drive view from the menu 1. GUID-95EED59A-405A-4862-A53C-9CF5F179C495 1. Large drive view 1. Press ESC. 2. Navigate to the menu 1 with the up and down arrow buttons. 3.

  • Page 166: Entering The Split Drive View

    3. Operation 3.12.9 Entering the split drive view You can enter the split drive view from the menu 1. GUID-46D3381D-541F-4322-8B3C-6B1EBCC3D20C 1. Split drive view 1. Press ESC. 2. Navigate to the menu 1 with the up and down arrow buttons. 3.

  • Page 167: Lower Field Views

    3. Operation 4. Press ESC to leave the activated field. If the lower right field is activated you can also leave the field by pressing OK or the selector for the predefined factory/user settings. The selected field stays on the screen. 3.12.11 Lower field views Several views can be displayed in the lower fields of the split drive view.

  • Page 168: Power Take-Off Speed Views

    3. Operation Symbol Function Rear linkage raised to the transport position Engine speed cruise control Driving speed cruise control Battery level voltage Urea level in percent Cruise control views, displaying the following information: Constant engine speed 1 (rpm) cruise Constant driving speed 1 (km/h/mph) cruise Constant driving speed 2 (km/h/mph) cruise…

  • Page 169: Engine Speed View

    3. Operation Engine speed view AUTO 1 2.18 GUID-950CD1FA-89B5-4F28-A15D-D47B61B9CEE9 The view shows the engine speed with an accuracy of 10 rpm. Rear hydraulic valve settings view AUTO 1 2.18 GUID-E442483F-AE6F-4715-84BF-495289A665F8 The hydraulic settings of the memory location (M1, M2 or M3) in use are displayed.

  • Page 170: Gearbox Temperature View

    3. Operation Gearbox temperature view AUTO 1 °C 2.18 GUID-D5FE9387-738C-4B34-A4E0-5B9E047FFD05 The gearbox temperature is displayed as follows: • When the temperature is below +30°C, the text «Lo» is displayed. • When the temperature is above +30°C, the actual temperature is displayed. •…

  • Page 171: Wheel Slip View

    3. Operation The display shows the symbol and the position of the rear lower links on a percentage scale 0–100. • 0 = The lower links are in the lowest position. • 50 = The lower links are in the middle position. •…

  • Page 172: Travel Distance View

    3. Operation Travel distance view You can change the travel distance unit (km, miles) by changing the unit of length. AUTO 1 01:40 28.8 GUID-AEE6115D-F3EF-42E7-9015-DC84E82E96B8 The travel distance is displayed as follows: • For distances <1 km (mile), the m (yard) symbol is displayed and the distance is displayed with an accuracy of 1 m (yard).

  • Page 173: Fuel Consumption Views

    3. Operation Fuel consumption views There are five different fuel consumption settings that can be displayed in the lower fields of the split drive view. You can select litre, gallon UK or gallon US as the unit of volume. You can change the unit of area (ha, acre) by changing the unit of length.

  • Page 174: Battery Voltage View

    3. Operation Average fuel consumption on the area worked AUTO 1 l/ha 01:40 GUID-E3115C64-E225-4826-991F-8B051C1C2AAB Immediate fuel consumption on the area worked AUTO 1 l/ha 01:40 GUID-A915BDBD-901C-49D9-91ED-F8DB6B6DB258 You can reset the fuel consumption information. Battery voltage view The battery voltage is shown in volts (V) in the lower fields of the split drive view. AUTO 1 13.3 01:40…

  • Page 175: Urea Level View

    3. Operation Urea level view AUTO 1 01:40 GUID-89249238-7694-4210-99DE-F4713C138432 The urea level is shown in percentage in the lower fields of the split drive view. Cruise control view AUTO 1 Cruise Cruise GUID-55010592-E1D8-4DD6-9272-4F1E5EA8453E There are two memory slots for constant driving speed and one memory slot for constant engine speed.

  • Page 176: Hydraulics View Symbols

    3. Operation 1. Press ESC. 2. Navigate to the menu 1 with the up and down arrow buttons. 3. Press the right arrow button. The auxiliary hydraulics settings are displayed. 3.12.13 Hydraulics view symbols GUID-102A9214-BCA3-4760-9706-BDA3FFE90B6F 1. The number of the valve 2.

  • Page 177: Selecting The Display Theme

    3. Operation 3.12.14 Selecting the display theme NOTE: To switch between the day theme and night theme in the tractor terminal large drive and split drive views, shortly press the right or left arrow button. 1. Press ESC. 2. Navigate to the menu 3 with the up and down arrow buttons. 3.

  • Page 178
    3. Operation 3. Press the left arrow button in the menu 3 to enter the changing units view. imperial metric US gal UK gal GUID-F80177B0-D398-4F2E-B3B1-62D55377F293 4. Move the navigation box to the position of the unit you are going to change with the up and down arrow buttons.
  • Page 179: Changing Parameters

    3. Operation 3.12.16 Changing parameters Setting the implement width You can enter the editing counters view through the split drive view or through the menu 3. 1. Enter the editing counter view. • To enter the editing counter view from the split drive view, press the OK button until the view is changed.

  • Page 180: Editing Counters

    3. Operation Editing counters In the editing counters view, you can change the functions which trigger the counting. 1. Enter the editing counters view. • To enter the editing counters view from the split drive view, press the OK button until the view is changed.

  • Page 181: Transmission Settings View

    3. Operation 2. Select the counter to be reset with the up and down arrow buttons You can reset one counter or all counters. 3. Move the navigation box with the right and left arrow buttons to select one counter or all counters to be reset. 01:32 01:32 13,2…

  • Page 182: Selecting The Transmission Settings Memory Slot

    3. Operation Rear power take-off engagement adjustment START Clutch pedal curve Joystick safety stop speed Hydraulic assistant Wheel index Speed sensors calibration Steering angle calibration (optional) Selecting the transmission settings memory slot There are three memory slots available for the transmission settings. 1.

  • Page 183: Tractor Information View

    3. Operation 5. Move the navigation box to the reset to default row with the down arrow button or by rotating the selector for the predefined factory/user settings. RESET TO DEFAULT START GUID-4D0829C6-CD3B-48A3-9642-78464FC41E6E 1. Reset to default row 6. Press OK button or the selector for the predefined factory/user settings to reset the settings.

  • Page 184: Rear Linkage

    3. Operation 3.13 Rear linkage Controls in the cabin 10 11 GUID-323063BF-813E-44DE-BB86-838D31D9367E 1. Lower indicator light 2. Lift indicator light 3. Diagnostic light 4. Lowering speed selector 5. Lift maximum height selector 6. Draft control selector 7. Drive balance control, including slip control system 8.

  • Page 185: Diagnostic Light

    The lit diagnostic light indicates that the linkage has not been activated. GUID-F3C18FA8-48B1-4988-BA5C-D8EB2629552F 1. Diagnostic light IMPORTANT: If the diagnostic light is flashing and a service code is displayed, there is failure in the system. Contact an authorised Valtra workshop — 184 -…

  • Page 186: Lift/Lower Indicator Lights

    3. Operation 3.13.2 Lift/lower indicator lights The indicator lights indicate when the lower links are moving. Lit indicator light indicates that the rear linkage is being used. GUID-F5D129A3-D4BC-4BF1-890D-C5628501ACCA 1. Lift indicator light 2. Lower indicator light • The lift indicator (red) is lit when the lower links are lifting. •…

  • Page 187: Using The Lift/Stop/Lower Switch

    3. Operation 1. Press the lift/stop/lower switch rapidly two times to either of its extreme positions. Linkage activation requires two rapid presses of the lift/stop/lower switch for safety. The latter of the presses defines the direction of the linkage movement to be activated. The diagnostic light goes out and the lower links move to the preset position.

  • Page 188: Using The Position Control Knob

    3. Operation 3.13.5 Using the position control knob The position control knob allows continuous control of the lower links’ position. You can use the knob to lift or lower the lower links. You can also use to knob to set the height where the links move when using the Lift/stop/lower switch lowering (Autocontrol) function.

  • Page 189: Overriding The Position Set By Position Control Knob

    3. Operation 3.13.6 Overriding the position set by position control knob Use the override button for position control knob when you temporarily need the lower links to pass the lower limit set by the control knob. This feature is useful for example when ploughing. It allows a quicker entry of the plough to the correct depth in the beginning.

  • Page 190: Using The Linkage Floating Position

    3. Operation supplementary feature can be used to help release and lock the pick-up hitch when the upper limit is set to maximum. 3.13.7 Using the linkage floating position Use the floating position when working with implements which have to follow the ground surface.

  • Page 191: Using The Lift/Lower Switch

    3. Operation 3.13.8 Using the lift/lower switch When attaching implements, using the lift/lower switch gives you a full control on the implement’s movement. If necessary, you can stop the movement immediately by releasing the switch. The lift/lower switch functions even when the rear linkage is not activated. GUID-D03E2D6E-BB12-4544-8985-0C61E0845115 1.

  • Page 192: Setting The Lowering Speed

    3. Operation GUID-C4DD8714-5A7C-4E77-9A47-3A4181B6C6D0 1. Lift push button 2. Lower push button • To lift the linkage, press the lift push button. The longer the lift button is pressed the faster the linkage lifts. • To lower the linkage, press the lower push button. The longer the lower button is pressed the faster the linkage lowers.

  • Page 193: Limiting The Lifting Height

    3. Operation 3.13.11 Limiting the lifting height The height limit is a useful feature, for example, when there is a risk that the implement could hit the cabin or when using the power take-off (PTO) driven implements. IMPORTANT: The lifting height limitation must be used when using power take- off (PTO) powered implements to prevent the PTO shaft from being damaged.

  • Page 194: Activating And Deactivating The Draft Control

    3. Operation linkage raises the implement and some of the weight is transferred to the rear wheels. Thus, the driving wheels maintain the maximum traction. NOTE: The position of the lower links is displayed on the Proline instrument panel display and on the tractor terminal display in the rear lower links’ position view.

  • Page 195: Using The Drive Balance Control

    3. Operation Using the drive balance control GUID-2BD3C84A-519F-41EB-90B3-8163EE517270 1. Drive balance control knob 2. Drive balance position 3. Drive balance control light 4. Lift/stop/lower switch 1. To activate the drive balance control, turn the drive balance control selector to the drive balance position. The drive balance control light is lit when the balance control is activated.

  • Page 196: Using The Slip Control

    3. Operation When all wheels slip, the real driving speed can only be measured with the radar under the cab (optional equipment). WARNING: Do not go under the tractor until the ignition key has been turned to the OFF position. If the tractor is equipped with a radar (optional) it presents a hazard to your eyes.

  • Page 197: Three-Point Linkage

    3. Operation 3.14 Three-point linkage STOP GUID-84114FB6-B957-4D18-A5FF-952A01FD8F9D 1. Top link 2. Lift link 3. Hydraulic levelling link (optional) or Lift link (optional) 4. Levelling screw 5. Side limiter 6. Automatic side limiter (optional) 7. Lower links — 196 -…

  • Page 198: Attaching Implements

    3. Operation The tractors are supplied with category 3 ball hitch lower links. WARNING: Ensure that the ball hitch lower link hooks latch correctly. The top link has two different attaching holes on the tractor. Thus, it is possible to get different lifting geometry for different implements.

  • Page 199
    3. Operation GUID-974B226D-DC59-4853-98CE-C5DEFC064E29 1. Lifting/lowering switch 2. Lifting/lowering indicator lights 3. Draft control selector 4. Lifting/lowering push buttons 1. Turn the draft control selector to position P. DANGER: Before attaching or releasing an implement, turn the draft control selector to position P. In draft control positions, even a small turn of the position control knob may cause an unexpected linkage movement.
  • Page 200: Using Quick Couplings For Lower Links

    3. Operation 2. Press the lifting/lowering switch or the lifting/lowering push buttons to lift or lower the lower links. The lower links lift or lower for as long as you press the switch/button. DANGER: When attaching or releasing implements, always stand outside the implement and beside the tractor.

  • Page 201
    3. Operation GUID-1DDD2046-4B88-4E75-9D71-3C5F16C4B067 1. Lever 2. Clamp 1. Pull the lever to release the implement. GUID-F490871B-0805-402D-9316-B7F4FA105DAD 2. You can leave the lock open by pulling the lever backwards (for example when demounting an implement). GUID-557A2CA6-3687-4711-BC76-9AF72652FDC2 — 200 -…
  • Page 202: Adjusting Lift Links

    3. Operation 3. Release the lock by pulling the lever forward. GUID-B36612F7-C256-4F58-B5CC-DEEE19F33DF7 The ball joints lock automatically when attaching the implement. When locked, the clamp is in view and the lever is in the lower position. 3.14.3 Adjusting lift links Adjusting lift links IMPORTANT: When adjusting the lift links, make sure that they do not hit the…

  • Page 203: Adjusting Hydraulic Lift Link

    3. Operation 2. Lift up the levelling screws and turn them in the required direction to adjust the length of the lift links. 3. Lower the levelling screws back to the locked position after adjustment. Adjusting hydraulic lift link The hydraulic lift link is connected to the rear on/off valve 1 or 2.

  • Page 204: Adjusting Lower Links

    3. Operation 3.14.4 Adjusting lower links You can adjust the lower links into fixed or floating position. GUID-3CD8DA21-9451-4A8B-A104-4225BA94EBB6 1. Carrier pin position providing fixed position of lower links 2. Carrier pin position allowing floating position of lower links 1. Remove the lock pin and pull out the carrier pin. 2.

  • Page 205: Adjusting Side Limiters

    3. Operation 3.14.5 Adjusting side limiters You can adjust the lateral distance between the lower links by changing the length of the side limiters. GUID-8A2D119A-7613-4181-A9F2-9EF1767FF114 1. Limiting pin 1. Unfasten the limiting pin. 2. Adjust the distance between the lower links. Check that the lower links do not come into contact with tyres.

  • Page 206: Setting Automatic Side Limiters To Fixed Position

    3. Operation Setting automatic side limiters to fixed position GUID-4CDE4C5B-B4A3-413A-99C2-AF79D4A77346 1. Holding chain 2. Limiting pin 1. Adjust the chain to the length where it does not release the side limiter’s locking when the linkage is lowered down. 2. Pull out the limiting pin. 3.

  • Page 207: Adjusting The Side Limiters’ Support

    3. Operation Setting automatic side limiters to floating position You can set the automatic side limiters so that when lowering the linkage, the side limiter is released to a floating position. GUID-4CDE4C5B-B4A3-413A-99C2-AF79D4A77346 1. Holding chain 2. Limiting pin 1. Adjust the chain to the length where it will release the side limiter’s locking, at a desired height, while lowering the linkage.

  • Page 208
    3. Operation GUID-8F755125-7745-46F8-8B61-7ACEFF29303D 1. Screw 1. Unscrew the screws. 2. Change the position of the side limiters’ support. The position should be the same on both sides of the tractor. 3. Tighten all screws. — 207 -…
  • Page 209: Auxiliary Hydraulics

    3. Operation 3.15 Auxiliary hydraulics GUID-CB42FD28-60E2-464B-B69F-EEE3F7245BA6 1. Power Beyond couplings (optional) 2. Rear valves 3 and 4 (optional) 3. Standard rear valves 1 and 2 4. Standard on/off valve 5. Return coupling 6. On/off valve 2 (optional) 7. Front linkage shut-off valve (optional) All the auxiliary hydraulics standard and optional valves are electrically controlled.

  • Page 210: Auxiliary Hydraulic Controls And Functions

    3. Operation • Two valves with joystick control (1F and 2F) • One valve with control lever (3F) • Two 6/2 change valves for simultaneous coupling of front linkage and front loader 3.15.1 Auxiliary hydraulic controls and functions The auxiliary hydraulic controls are positioned on the armrest. GUID-5E7847F1-C159-4CC6-8084-288E63FFDAFB 1.

  • Page 211: Activating And Deactivating The Auxiliary Hydraulics

    3. Operation • Position lock: • You can lock a valve function in the ON position. • Position lock hold time: • You can set a timer for a valve function to hold the position lock for a particular time between 0-60 seconds or select continuous position lock. •…

  • Page 212: Selecting Joystick Functions For Auxiliary Hydraulics

    3. Operation • To deactivate the auxiliary hydraulics, press the on/off push button. The indicator light goes out. IMPORTANT: The off function can be used as an emergency stop for the auxiliary hydraulics. Selecting joystick functions for auxiliary hydraulics GUID-6F7F7166-3956-424B-8F11-4C6071DB4798 1.

  • Page 213
    3. Operation GUID-40C04E99-5E53-44F5-9AC7-7EF0D90DFD70 1. Selector for the predefined factory/user settings 2. Factory setting for slow output and floating position for auxiliary hydraulics valves 3. Factory setting for medium output 4. Factory setting for maximum output 5. Memory positions for predefined user settings In the slow output setting, the floating position must be activated using the joystick or valve control lever.
  • Page 214: Controlling The Auxiliary Hydraulics Rear Valves 1 And 2 And Front Valves 1F And 2F

    3. Operation Controlling the auxiliary hydraulics rear valves 1 and 2 and front valves 1F and 2F You can control rear valves 1 and 2 or front valves 1F and 2F (optional) with the joystick. GUID-9EF75916-AF70-408C-BC1B-70113729EE92 1. Joystick movement to control rear valve 1 and front valve 1F 2.

  • Page 215: Controlling The Auxiliary Hydraulics Rear Valves 3, 4 And 5 And The Front Valve 3F

    3. Operation Controlling the auxiliary hydraulics rear valves 3, 4 and 5 and the front valve 3F You can control the rear valves 3, 4, 5 and the front valve 3F with the control levers. The rear valves 3, 4, 5 (optional) and the front valve 3F (optional) are always active when the auxiliary hydraulics is activated with the on/off push button.

  • Page 216: Controlling The Rear Valve 1 From Rear Mudguard Push Buttons

    3. Operation GUID-D721C290-0FFA-41CD-A739-E5CE7B089D20 1. Switch for rear on/off valve 1 2. Switch for rear on/off valve 2 (optional) 1. Press down the symbol side of the switch to use the lowering function (-). 2. Press down the side of the switch opposite to the symbol to use the lifting function (+).

  • Page 217: Using The Front Linkage Shut-Off Valve

    3. Operation When the rear mudguard push buttons are used, the oil flow is limited to 30% of the selected predefined factory/user settings for auxiliary hydraulics. You cannot activate any other hydraulic functions at the same time. GUID-430FC4F0-1DBA-44C2-8E9B-01074D2E6DF1 1. Push button (blue) for controlling the + port of the rear valve 1 2.

  • Page 218: Changing The Auxiliary Hydraulics Settings

    3. Operation GUID-13034B5B-5C34-473C-8B5D-0A7252452173 1. Shut-off valve 2. Shut-off valve lever in closed position • To use the front linkage, open the shut-off valve by pulling the lever to horizontal position. • To use the rear valve, close the shut-off valve by pushing the lever to top position.

  • Page 219: Auxiliary Hydraulic Control’s Safety Time Out

    3. Operation 4. Press OK or the selector for the predefined factory/user settings to activate the valve point to be set. The selected valve point starts to flash. GUID-19AE50F4-02AB-491E-8EF1-97C1AA80D304 1. Selected valve point 5. Set the value and the function with the up and down arrow buttons or by rotating the selector for the predefined factory/user settings.

  • Page 220: Adjusting The Auxiliary Hydraulic Control’s Safety Time Out Speed Limit

    3. Operation Adjust the speed limit as low as it is possible without disturbing your work. A high speed limit reduces the effect of this safety feature. If the joystick is deactivated by this function, you have to activate the joystick functions selector again to use the joystick.

  • Page 221: Activating And Deactivating The Hydraulics Assistant

    3. Operation 6. Change the time value for the auxiliary hydraulic control’s safety time out speed limit with the up or down arrow button. CAUTION: Adjust the speed limit as low as it is possible without disturbing your work. A high speed limit reduces the effect of this safety feature.

  • Page 222: Activating And Deactivating The Position Locking

    3. Operation 5. Set the desired status of the hydraulics assistant by pressing the up or down arrow button. GUID-829B8D1C-E576-46DC-9CC4-AE7CC4171184 1. Hydraulics assistant is activated. The value is automatically saved when you deactivate the selected field by moving the navigation box to another parameter or by pressing the ESC button.

  • Page 223: Activating And Deactivating The Floating Position

    3. Operation 3. To interrupt a timed position locking before the timer runs out: • Move the joystick to the position in question. • Release the control lever to the middle position. WARNING: To avoid serious injury or death due to falling loads resulting from inadvertent raising or roll-back of the loader, do not connect loader hydraulics to any tractor auxiliary valve that has detents which cannot be locked out or removed, except for the…

  • Page 224: Using Power Beyond Couplings

    3. Operation 2. Release the load from the auxiliary hydraulics (especially from the hydraulic cylinders). WARNING: When the front linkage is connected to the rear valve, make sure there is no load on the front linkage or rear implement connected to the same valve. The load on the front linkage or rear valve implement discharges when the shut-off valve lever is turned.

  • Page 225
    3. Operation GUID-ECA6C2D1-4DFA-4A73-BC3C-86815CF6F67D 1. Return coupling (T2), male quick coupling 1” (25 mm) 2. Pressure coupling, female quick coupling 1” (25 mm) 3. LS coupling, female quick coupling 1/2” (12.5 mm) 4. Free return coupling (T1), male quick coupling 1” (25 mm) 5.
  • Page 226: Using A Hydraulic Valve As A Single-Action Valve

    3. Operation Using a hydraulic valve as a single-action valve You can use a hydraulic valve as a single-action valve for tipping, for example. WARNING: Make sure that the valve for tipping does not have the position lock on. When using a hydraulic valve as a single-action valve, connect the hose of the tipping device to the (+) coupling of the used valve.

  • Page 227: Front Linkage

    3. Operation 3.16 Front linkage 3.16.1 Using the front linkage IMPORTANT: You have to detach the front loader before using the front linkage. GUID-45C5AFF8-081D-48E5-AF43-B71AAFC182D9 1. Auxiliary hydraulics on/off push button 2. Changeover button for front linkage/front loader (optional) 3. Joystick functions selector 4.

  • Page 228: Setting Front Linkage Lifting Link Positions

    3. Operation 3.16.2 Setting front linkage lifting link positions You can set the lifting links to different positions mechanically by changing the positions of the fastening bolts. CAUTION: When driving on public roads, with or without an implement, always lift the front linkage fully up. IMPORTANT: When using the front loader, the front linkage lifting links must be folded to the transport position.

  • Page 229: Using The Valtra Front Loader

    — except for float detent position in the loader lower direction. NOTE: Install the Valtra front loader according to the instructions in the Valtra loader Operator’s Manual. If you want to install any other front loader, contact your local technical support.

  • Page 230
    3. Operation GUID-C5CDD7BE-30CA-44AD-A76A-A67B1A2AE15D 1. Auxiliary hydraulics on/off push button 2. Changeover button for front linkage/front loader (optional) 3. Joystick functions selector 4. Joystick with push buttons • Activate the auxiliary hydraulics by pressing the on/off push button. The on/off symbol on the push button is lit green. •…
  • Page 231: Using The Valtra Quick Front Loader Coupling Device

    3. Operation 3.17.1 Using the Valtra Quick front loader coupling device The quick coupling device is optional equipment. GUID-ED63E61B-2B2F-4CEE-8A79-4368C3C4D18C 1. Hose multicoupler 2. Lock button 3. Lever CAUTION: Hold on to the lever firmly as the pressure may cause the coupler to hit your hand.

  • Page 232: Locking The Equipment

    3. Operation GUID-62A57E38-7B4A-4D6C-AEB0-C3BFF317DAB9 1. Button for Softdrive • To activate or deactivate the Softdrive function, press the button for Softdrive. When activated, the light of the button is lit green. NOTE: You can keep Softdrive activated during most working activities. It is recommended that you deactivate Softdrive only if special precision is required.

  • Page 233: Controlling The Extra Cylinder With The Change Valve

    3. Operation • To release the equipment from the loader frame: • Simultaneously press the button for hydraulic implement locking and the lower joystick push button, and move the joystick to the right. 3.17.4 Controlling the extra cylinder with the change valve You can open and close for example the bale grip using the change valve.

  • Page 234
    3. Operation GUID-71E785E6-9D64-49D2-868B-D62ACDCCEE89 WARNING: After the PTO is disengaged, the implement continues to rotate for some time (regardless of braking). Do not approach the implement until it has stopped completely. WARNING: The cover over the PTO drive shaft end should always be attached when the PTO is not in use.
  • Page 235: Rear Power Take-Off

    3. Operation IMPORTANT: Do not exceed the maximum output durability of the PTO shaft. • Make sure that the length of the PTO drive shaft is correct for the PTO-driven implements to be used. The shaft must be able to work at full deflection vertically and horizontally. IMPORTANT: A shaft that is too long can cause damage.

  • Page 236
    3. Operation GUID-CAFF47FD-A3CF-4B3B-8A02-B041869C070A 1. Button for rear PTO automatic start/stop 2. Speed control knob for rear PTO 3. Switch for rear PTO The rear PTO on/off push button on the rear mudguard is optional: GUID-CAAA1849-6895-4A59-BBC2-84694B1B18D4 1. Rear PTO on/off push button (optional) — 235 -…
  • Page 237: Recommended Rear Power Take-Off Shafts

    3. Operation Sigma Power In models T144, T154 and T174, the Sigma Power control system is optional. The Sigma Power control system gives extra power for PTO work. When required for PTO work, the engine will automatically provide up to 30 hp more power. The Sigma Power activates automatically when the power transferred through the PTO rises high enough.

  • Page 238: Activating Rear Power Take-Off

    3. Operation Activating rear power take-off Before you can start the rear power take-off, you have to activate one of the rear PTO speed ranges available in your tractor. IMPORTANT: Do not exceed the maximum PTO speed of the implement defined by the implement manufacturer.

  • Page 239: Starting Rear Power Take-Off

    3. Operation • Select the PTO speed with the speed control knob. The tractor has one of the following PTO speed range alternatives: • 540/1000 • 540/540E/1000 • 540/1000/1000E • 540E/1000/GSPTO • 540E/1000E/GSPTO IMPORTANT: When using the speed 540E, the shaft speed of 540 rpm is achieved with an engine speed of approximately 1520 rpm.

  • Page 240: Stopping Rear Power Take-Off Temporarily

    3. Operation • Start the rear PTO by pressing the switch down and pulling it backward. The indicator light on the proline instrument panel is lit. GUID-15597209-5561-4EBD-BA5E-A13223789DB0 1. Switch for rear PTO • To start the rear PTO with the rear PTO on/off push button on the mudguard, press the button continuously for at least 3 seconds.

  • Page 241
    3. Operation • By using the switch for rear PTO. • By using the speed control knob for rear PTO. • By using the rear PTO on/off push button (optional) on the rear mudguard. WARNING: When you do not need the PTO, keep the PTO switch in the N position.
  • Page 242: Deactivating Rear Power Take-Off

    3. Operation Deactivating rear power take-off WARNING: When you do not need the PTO, keep the PTO switch in the N position. WARNING: Use the PTO speed control knob for the actual disengagement and engagement of the PTO. For example, when leaving the cab, turn the knob to the N position, except when using the PTO on/off push button on the mudguard (optional).

  • Page 243: Stopping The Rear Power Take-Off In Emergency

    3. Operation • Turn the PTO speed control knob to the N position (PTO deactivated). GUID-0D31E500-E360-4863-B5FE-DB5B63CF763F 1. Speed control knob for rear PTO The rear PTO is deactivated, and the indicator light on the instrument panel goes off. Stopping the rear power take-off in emergency In case of emergency, you can stop the rear power take-off (PTO) either by the speed control knob for rear PTO or by the PTO emergency stop socket on the rear wall outside the cab.

  • Page 244: Using The Rear Power Take-Off Automatic Start/Stop

    3. Operation • To restart the PTO: • Activate the PTO speed range by the speed control knob for rear PTO. • Start the PTO by the rear PTO switch. • To stop the PTO from outside the cab, pull out the PTO emergency stop socket.

  • Page 245: Proportional Ground Speed Power Take-Off

    3. Operation • Activate the PTO automatic start/stop by pressing the button for rear PTO automatic start/stop. You can activate the PTO automatic start/stop only if the PTO is engaged and the linkage is not in the transport position. The automatic start/stop cannot be active together with the U-pilot.

  • Page 246
    3. Operation For heavy proportional use it is recommended to use the 1¾” (45 mm) shaft. You can engage the ground speed PTO by turning the speed control knob to the GSPTO position and activate it by pressing the switch for rear PTO. IMPORTANT: If the ground speed power take-off is activated and the PTO speed exceeds 1800 rpm, the buzzer alarms and message “SLOW DOWN, PTO SPEED TOO HIGH!”…
  • Page 247: Adjusting The Rear Power Take-Off Engagement

    3. Operation GUID-15597209-5561-4EBD-BA5E-A13223789DB0 1. Switch for rear PTO Adjusting the rear power take-off engagement When working with heavily rotating implements, you can adjust the rear power take-off (PTO) engagement in the tractor terminal transmission settings view. The factory setting does not need to be changed for normal PTO use. IMPORTANT: Make sure that the PTO shaft is suitable for heavy use.

  • Page 248
    3. Operation 5. Move the navigation box to the rear PTO engagement adjustment position with the up and down arrow buttons or by rotating the selector for the predefined factory/user settings. AUTO 1600 RPM 2000 RPM AUTO 2 START GUID-9F6859A5-AD05-422F-9BE0-3419747F613C 1.
  • Page 249: Front Power Take-Off

    3. Operation 3.18.3 Front power take-off Front power take-off (PTO) is only available with front linkage (extra equipment). GUID-EFBC1015-B082-49CF-B382-6D6D1A1A60EB 1. Front PTO shaft 2. Oil cooler The front PTO shaft has a diameter of 35 mm with 6 splines. The front PTO is equipped with a pump inside the housing and an oil cooler to prevent overheating.

  • Page 250: Activating And Deactivating Front Power Take-Off

    3. Operation IMPORTANT: Always make sure that the cardan shaft does not touch the hydraulic connectors at any working position. Activating and deactivating front power take-off The front power take-off (PTO) switch is spring-returned and has two positions, on and off. GUID-F7B9F363-591D-4D78-B17B-646646A58744 1.

  • Page 251: U-Pilot Operating Requirements

    3. Operation DANGER: When using the U-Pilot, the functions of a programme start automatically. Ensure that nobody is in the hazard area. CAUTION: The switches do not show the equipment status when using the U-Pilot. 3.19.1 U-Pilot operating requirements For the U-Pilot to work properly, certain requirements have to be met. •…

  • Page 252: U-Pilot View

    3. Operation 3.19.3 U-Pilot view The U-Pilot view is shown on the tractor terminal display. IMPL1 GUID-0417221F-90E5-4ED4-8F46-CC22CE0CAB61 1. U-Pilot status 2. Selected programme 3. Renaming symbol 4. Selected memory slot 5. Edit mode symbol 6. Delete symbol 7. Programme steps 8.

  • Page 253
    3. Operation Symbol Operation Switch positions when Limitation running a programme Hydraulic valve, floating Hydraulics activated. 1), 2), 3) position activated. NOTE: The valve number and port are displayed on the symbol top left corner. Hydraulic valve, timed Hydraulics activated. 1), 2), 3) duration position lock activated.
  • Page 254: U-Pilot Programme Examples

    3. Operation Symbol Operation Switch positions when Limitation running a programme Current socket deactivated. PAUSE Pause in the programme. End of the programme. The system checks the correct positions of these switches before recording and running. If the position is incorrect, the symbol of the operation flashes on the display. The system does not check the adjustments of this equipment;…

  • Page 255: Using U-Pilot Programmes

    3. Operation Example Activate current socket with U-Pilot programme Current socket activated. End of the programme. 3.19.6 Using U-Pilot programmes Selecting a U-Pilot programme 1. Press ESC button. 2. Navigate to the menu 2 with the up and down arrow buttons. 3.

  • Page 256: Recording A U-Pilot Programme

    3. Operation Recording a U-Pilot programme When recording functions for auxiliary hydraulics make sure that the switches and controls are in the correct positions. • The auxiliary hydraulics is activated. Settings can be adjusted in the auxiliary hydraulics settings view. •…

  • Page 257: Previewing A U-Pilot Programme

    3. Operation 2. Select the programme to the memory slot you are going to use. If there is no programme selected a new programme “NEW_1” is generated automatically. NOTE: The recorded programme overwrites the selected programme. 3. Press the U-Pilot activation/recording button of the memory slot you are going to use for more than 2 seconds.

  • Page 258: Running A U-Pilot Programme

    3. Operation 4. Select the memory slot you want to preview with the left and right arrow buttons. 5. Press the down arrow button. The U-Pilot programme is now available for preview. 6. Press the left and right arrow buttons or rotate the selector for the predefined factory/user settings to preview the U-Pilot programme.

  • Page 259
    3. Operation • Press shortly the U-Pilot activation/recording button of the memory slot you are going to use. NOTE: The U-Pilot checks the switch positions of the auxiliary hydraulics and linkages if used in the programme. If the switch position is not correct, the function symbol flashes on the display.
  • Page 260: Managing U-Pilot Programmes

    3. Operation 3.19.7 Managing U-Pilot programmes Adding a new U-Pilot programme 1. Press ESC button. 2. Navigate to the menu 2 with the up and down arrow buttons. 3. Press the left arrow button to enter the U-Pilot view. IMPL1 GUID-18F4B804-649E-4F09-8665-DFF68C1A4F70 4.

  • Page 261: Removing A U-Pilot Programme

    3. Operation 3. Press the OK button or the selector for the predefined factory/user settings. The programme renaming view appears. IMPL1 IMPL1 I M P L 1 GUID-05FEAC68-CB87-4268-8D78-48D93D2EB7CB 4. Rename the programme. • Move the selection over the character you are going to change by pressing left and right arrow buttons or by rotating the selector for the predefined factory/user settings.

  • Page 262: Recovering A Deleted U-Pilot Programme

    3. Operation 3. Press the OK button or the selector for the predefined factory/user settings. The programme is deleted and the U-Pilot view shows the next available programme. GUID-F36A41B4-7039-4288-B549-F8F98EC7E74B With a short press of the ESC button you can return to the menu 2. A long press of the ESC button returns to the previously active drive display.

  • Page 263: Removing A Programme Function

    3. Operation 2. Press left and right arrow buttons or rotate the selector for the predefined factory/user settings to move the selection over the function you are going to change. 3. Press the OK button or the selector for the predefined factory/user settings. The function selection view appears.

  • Page 264: Adding A New Programme Function

    3. Operation 5. Press the OK button or the selector for the predefined factory/user settings. The function is removed from the programme. With a short press of the ESC button you can return to the menu 2. A long press of the ESC button returns to the previously active drive display.

  • Page 265: Editing The Programme Function Distance

    3. Operation 3. Press the up arrow button. The function symbol moves up a bit. IMPL1 GUID-12F2F558-0F7C-487E-A603-2A2E3941B3D7 4. Press left and right arrow buttons or rotate the selector for the predefined factory/user settings to move the function to the needed place. IMPL1 GUID-B6B28C55-940D-464F-ABA4-4E11F5927BB6 5.

  • Page 266: U-Pilot Error Codes

    3. Operation 3. Press the down arrow button. The distance edit view appears. IMPL1 IMPL1 0 4 5 m GUID-B6BCE43C-72C7-4C7F-B59F-280210765AD1 4. Edit the distance. You can also change the distance unit from meters to seconds. • Move the selection over the character you are going to change by pressing left and right arrow buttons or by rotating the selector for the predefined factory/user settings.

  • Page 267
    3. Operation Symbol Error Cause of error number Recording or operation cancelled. Driving speed over 20 km/h. 20 km/h Recorded programme does not start. Driving speed over 20 km/h or under 0.5 20 km/h km/h. 1 km/h Recording cancelled temporarily. Driving speed under 0.5 km/h. Not in use.
  • Page 268: Implement Signal Connection

    3. Operation 3.20 Implement signal connection 3.20.1 Implement signal connector The implement signal connector (extra equipment) complies with the ISO 11786 standard. The connector is located on the side panel in the cab. GUID-17E63215-2963-443F-8C88-D7059BEEBB6E 1. Implement signal connector An implement connected to the connector can use the following tractor information: GUID-E1A08017-905E-416D-AD1D-C0DC97729F19 1.

  • Page 269: Resetting The Implement Signal Connection

    1. Indicator light for implement signal connection 1. Stop the tractor. 2. Turn off the power. 3. Turn on the power. 4. Start the tractor. 5. If the indicator light continues to blink, contact an authorised Valtra workshop. — 268 -…

  • Page 270: Isobus Implement Control System

    The center part of the ISOBUS implement control system is Tractor ECU (TECU). The Valtra TECU fulfils the Class 2 standard requirements. It transmits the following information to the implements connected to the ISOBUS.

  • Page 271: Isobus Terminal Connector

    3. Operation 3.21.1 ISOBUS terminal connector The ISOBUS terminal connector is part of the ISOBUS implement control system (extra equipment). The connector is used to connect the terminal to the ISOBUS system. The connector includes both an ISOBUS data bus and a power supply. 3.21.2 ISOBUS implement connector The ISOBUS implement connector is part of the ISOBUS implement control…

  • Page 272: Using Auto-Guide

    3. Operation • Electrical steering valve • A bracket for automated steering system control unit (on the roof) • Auto-Guide receiver on/off button • Auto-Guide steering valve on/off button • Auto-Guide remote activation button 3.22.1 Using Auto-Guide Before Auto-Guide 3000 steering system can be used, and steering activated, the receiver and the steering valve must be turned on.

  • Page 273: Using Auto-Guide With Quicksteer

    3. Operation • Press the Auto-Guide steering valve on/off button on the side panel to turn the Auto-Guide steering valve on or off. When on, the light on the push button is lit green, and the symbol displayed on the Proline instrument panel. The steering valve is automatically turned off when the driver leaves the driver’s seat for more than five seconds.

  • Page 274: Auto-Guide With Twintrac And Quicksteer

    Press the steering valve ON/OFF button once. The steering valve is turned OFF after which the system turns the valve back If the light is still flashing, the fault persists. In this case, contact an authorised Valtra workshop. 3.23 Towing devices 3.23.1…

  • Page 275: Euro Pick-Up Hitch

    3. Operation GUID-674D3F20-6AC0-47C3-9690-D849F5723F20 1. Nordic pick-up hitch 3.23.2 Euro pick-up hitch The Euro pick-up hitch is optional with four changeable implements. WARNING: When attaching a trailer or implement, do not exceed the maximum weight of the rear axle or the maximum load of the tyre type. See the technical specifications in this manual for the maximum permissible weights and loads WARNING: Make sure that the maximum permissible towable mass is…

  • Page 276: Hydraulic Pick-Up Hitch

    3. Operation 1. Euro pick-up hitch 2. K80 ball hitch with steering balls (optional) 3. Tow hook 4. K80 ball hitch (optional) 5. Drawbar (optional) When the tow hook or drawbar is not in use, it can be fastened to the bracket. GUID-352984BB-89FE-424F-98E5-11BB3581ED53 1.

  • Page 277
    3. Operation GUID-AF3BBEC7-A07A-40C7-9CC1-909F24284D62 1. Hydraulic pick-up hitch 2. K80 ball hitch with steering balls (optional) 3. Tow hook 4. K80 ball hitch (optional) 5. Drawbar (optional) When the tow hook or drawbar is not in use, it can be fastened to the bracket. GUID-F071608E-6110-4A77-B793-5C8E6A2EDAE1 1.
  • Page 278: Using The Pickup Hitch

    3. Operation 3.23.4 Using the pickup hitch Unlatching the pick-up hitch GUID-BFBBA849-E397-4C34-A781-9C11E344292D 1. Lifting/lowering switch 2. Trailer hitch release lever 1. Press the symbol side of the lifting/lowering switch to fully raise the linkage. 2. Pull the hitch latch lever open to unlatch the hitch. Keep the lever pulled.

  • Page 279
    3. Operation slope, the drawbar eye must be of the rotating type to prevent breakage. IMPORTANT: Use only drawbar eyes which comply with the regulations and are undamaged. When using other than allowed drawbar eyes, the warranty lapses and the responsibility of the manufacturer is no longer valid. GUID-288EE569-37CE-4942-B519-2E306B7CEAFD 1.
  • Page 280: Extending The Hydraulic Pick-Up Hitch

    3. Operation Extending the Hydraulic pick-up hitch When the frame of the towing device is lowered, you can extend it hydraulically backwards to make it easier to attach the tow hook/drawbar/Ø80mm ball hitch to the drawbar eye. The cylinder of the hydraulic extension is connected permanently to the rear on/off valve 2.

  • Page 281
    3. Operation IMPORTANT: Use only drawbar eyes which comply with the regulations and are undamaged. When using other than allowed drawbar eyes, the warranty lapses and the responsibility of the manufacturer is no longer valid. GUID-BB0C143F-602A-4FDB-88C7-49540F119B72 1. On/off valve switch 2 2.
  • Page 282: Changing The Pick-Up Hitch Implement

    3. Operation 7. Press the symbol side of the on/off valve switch 2 to retract the towing device. The hydraulic extension locks, and you can hear a click when the hitch latches in longitudinal direction. 8. Ensure that the towing device extension is locked. •…

  • Page 283: Changing The Hydraulic Pick-Up Hitch Implement

    3. Operation 4. Remove the locking pins by pulling. Support the pick-up hitch implement by hand while removing the locking pins. 5. Pull the implement out. 6. Attach the pick–up hitch implement. 7. Fit the locking pins. 8. Fit the locking plate and pull backwards into place. 9.

  • Page 284: Agricultural Drawbar

    3. Operation 3.23.6 Agricultural drawbar The agricultural drawbar (optional) is used without the pick-up hitch. GUID-7C0D87A3-6EED-45AA-8870-A33EC5DDD993 1. Agricultural drawbar The agricultural drawbar is used for towing implements where only part of the implement weight is on the drawbar, for example balers. See the technical specifications in this manual for the maximum weight of the drawbar implement.

  • Page 285: Adjusting The Agricultural Drawbar

    3. Operation Adjusting the agricultural drawbar You can adjust the agricultural drawbar to different distances and lateral positions. GUID-54C9DD62-9035-4269-BDA2-BE06937CDA7A 1. Pin 2. Spring return pin 3. Drawbar 1. To adjust the drawbar distance: • Secure the pin with hand and pull out the spring locking pin. •…

  • Page 286: Adjusting The Jaw Height

    3. Operation WARNING: According to law, the operator has to ensure that all relevant precautions are taken (lockings secured etc.). GUID-70352EBA-D71D-4B2C-9E80-8E7F322612C6 1. Short towing device frame 2. Towing device frame 3. Universal towing device frame 4. Towing device frame with a fixed 80–mm ball coupling 5.

  • Page 287
    3. Operation GUID-6527CD59-5E91-4718-8CDD-58C610BA92A7 1. Lever 1. Pull the lever upwards and turn it to the anticlockwise. 2. Move the jaw to the wanted height. 3. Release the lever. The locking pins lock the lever to the correct position with the help of the returning springs.
  • Page 288: Attaching To The Mechanical Jaw

    3. Operation Attaching to the mechanical jaw You can attach a trailer to the mechanical jaw using the coupling lever. GUID-6FFF7AB1-633F-4DD9-8879-1FDDE5F3390B 1. Ring 2. Coupling lever 3. Towing pin 1. Pull up the ring at the top of the coupling lever to lift up the towing pin. WARNING: After attaching the trailer, check that the towing pin is completely down and locked.

  • Page 289: Attaching To The Mechanical Jaw K80

    3. Operation Attaching to the mechanical jaw K80 You can attach a trailer to the mechanical jaw K80. GUID-90C43526-2E09-4B09-AA84-87EB3D63B950 1. Pin 2. Locking pin 3. Locking 1. Remove the locking pin. 2. Pull the pin off and open the locking. 3.

  • Page 290: Attaching To Fixed Piton Fix/Fixed Ø80Mm Ball Hitch

    3. Operation Attaching to fixed Piton fix/fixed Ø80mm ball hitch You can attach a trailer to the fixed Piton fix or fixed K80 jaw. GUID-6CF63507-FC10-4463-8528-E15C949220FC 1. Pin 2. Locking pin 3. Locking 1. Remove the locking pin. 2. Pull the pin off and open the locking. 3.

  • Page 291
    3. Operation GUID-622A04F2-8543-4D04-A15F-02EF3C4F4273 1. Trailer hitch release lever (optional) 2. Cable for trailer hitch release lever (optional) 3. Towing pin locking lever 4. Towing pin opening lever 5. Adjusting part 6. Spring locking pin 1. Check that the adjusting parts fit for the trailer to be coupled. With the adjusting parts you can adjust the towing eye spacing.
  • Page 292: Air Pressure System

    3. Operation 4. Check that the towing pin is locked. GUID-D9D061FB-DE66-4805-AA5C-5AFCAEB67093 1. Towing pin not locked 2. Towing pin locked WARNING: The towing pin is locked in the down position when the security knob is out. When attaching the trailer, the towing locking pin must be secured.

  • Page 293: Trailer

    3. Operation WARNING: The pressure of the air pressure system must be at its maximum, about 7-8 bar, before driving the tractor with a trailer equipped with air pressure brakes. When the ambient temperature is below +5°C, the antifreeze container must be filled with antifreeze liquid containing lubricant.

  • Page 294: Trailer Turn Signals

    After 20 seconds the relay tries to switch the turn signal line back on. To speed up the recovery, you can switch the turn signals off and on again. If the fault still persists, contact an authorised Valtra workshop.

  • Page 295: Trailer Air Pressure Brakes

    3. Operation 3.25.2 Trailer air pressure brakes When towing a trailer, you can increase the braking power with trailer air pressure brakes. The trailer air pressure brake system (optional equipment) is controlled by the tractor brakes. The trailer brakes operate also when using the parking brake. GUID-76C33FCE-4BE8-4BBB-875C-5CAF67AB27C9 1.

  • Page 296: Hydraulic Trailer Brake Valve

    3. Operation WARNING: When the tractor is towing a trailer, the brake pedals must be locked together. The brakes are not to be used individually for steering. WARNING: The pressure of the air pressure system must be at its maximum, about 7-8 bar, before driving the tractor with a trailer equipped with air pressure brakes.

  • Page 297: Maintenance

    Annual maintenance schedule is suitable for tractors which have less than 1200 running hours in a year. The schedule should be carried out by an authorised Valtra workshop but the operator has to carry out the normal daily and weekly service routines according to the periodical maintenance chart.

  • Page 298: Performing Maintenance Tasks

    4. Maintenance Front axle and steering system The inspection of the front axle and steering system contains the following services: • Change of oil in differential • Change of oil in hubs Working hydraulics The inspection of the working hydraulic system contains the following services: •…

  • Page 299: Cleaning The Tractor

    4. Maintenance • Check the oil level. Be sure that the engine and oil have cooled down before checking the oil level. The oil must have run down to the bottom of the oil sump before the operation. • Open the radiator cap with care when the engine is hot as the cooling system is pressurised.

  • Page 300: Cleaning The Engine Compartment

    4. Maintenance • Wash the tractor using a pressure washer. Keep the nozzle of the pressure washer at least 30 cm from the sealing points and paint work. The temperature of the washing water must not be higher than 50°C. NOTE: Do not use special nozzles, such as turbo nozzles, when washing.

  • Page 301: Cleaning Front Axle Suspension Bellows

    4. Maintenance • Do not use high pressure to wash the electric and fuel equipment or the radiator. These components can be damaged easily. Wash the delicate engine parts by hand. • Let the engine dry up before starting. Cleaning front axle suspension bellows To ensure correct function of the front axle air suspension, the dirt in the bellows of the suspension and in the housing have to be occasionally removed.

  • Page 302: Supporting The Tractor

    4. Maintenance 2. Apply grease through the nipples until clean grease oozes out (unless otherwise instructed). NOTE: Preferably carry out lubrication with bearing points and joints unloaded and with the bearings in different positions. 3. Wipe away superfluous grease which has been pressed out at the lubricating point.

  • Page 303
    4. Maintenance • The tractor must be supported from the correct support points on the frame. GUID-F865F3D2-F79C-45FB-9CBA-3608278E5F7E Rear 1. Main support point. 2. Secondary support point. GUID-411A1704-717C-4895-B761-AB8253B8C922 Front 1. Main support point. 2. Secondary support point. — 302 -…
  • Page 304: Recommended Fuel And Lubricants

    4. Maintenance Recommended fuel and lubricants 4.4.1 Fuel Make sure the correct fuel is used. The properties of light fuel oil that is only intended for heating do not meet the requirements of modern diesel engines, and cannot be used as fuel. The high pressure pump of the Common Rail system requires the fuel to have sufficient lubricity, because it does not have separate oil lubrication.

  • Page 305: Biodiesel Fuel

    4. Maintenance • Use the original container for storage. • Keep the container properly closed and in a cool, well-ventilated area. IMPORTANT: AdBlue/DEF freezes at -11 °C. Take the necessary storage precautions to keep the product from freezing and to ensure the vehicle can be topped up at all times.

  • Page 306: Grease

    4. Maintenance IMPORTANT: If the AdBlue/DEF additive is modified or replaced by another fluid, which does not comply with standard DIN 70070, there is a risk that it will not provide the intended result, and it may damage the engine. 4.4.2 Grease Use proper grease for the lubrication points.

  • Page 307: Grease Moly — Nlgi2 Moly Grease

    4. Maintenance Grease Moly — NLGI2 moly grease Use Grease Moly for wheel bearings, chassis water pumps, caterpillar rollers et cetera. Grease Moly is a high-quality, lithium-based universal grease for vehicle use. Grease Moly: • is a lithium-based universal grease •…

  • Page 308: Running The Tractor In After Storage

    4. Maintenance • Service the engine. • Change the engine oil and oil filter. • Run the engine until it is thoroughly warm. • Disconnect the battery. Clean battery cable terminals and battery poles and store battery in a cool and dry place where the temperature is even.

  • Page 309: Periodical Maintenance

    4. Maintenance • Turn the radiator fan carefully forwards and backwards, so that the shaft works loosely (it may be stuck to the sealing ring of the coolant pump). • Check that the engine air filters are undamaged. • Wash off any anti-corrosion oil applied to the exterior of the tractor. •…

  • Page 310: Periodical Maintenance Chart

    4. Maintenance 4.7.1 Periodical maintenance chart You must follow the service intervals in the periodical maintenance chart. IMPORTANT: When carrying out service you must follow the service intervals, that is, you must also perform all previously required actions mentioned in the periodical maintenance chart.

  • Page 311
    4. Maintenance Maintenance check point 10 h 50 h 600 h 1200 h 2400 h Check the wheel nut tightness. ● ● ● Check the brake pedal free travel. ● ● ● Check the parking brake. ● ● ● Change the oil filters of the transmission and hydraulic system. ●…
  • Page 312: Daily Maintenance

    4. Maintenance 4.7.2 Daily maintenance Checking the engine oil level Check the engine oil level periodically. The engine oil level must be checked when the oil has cooled off and has had time to run down to the bottom of the oil sump. GUID-34369C0E-9F57-44DD-B1A6-85836BA1269E 1.

  • Page 313: Checking The Coolant Level

    4. Maintenance Checking the coolant level Check the coolant level periodically. NOTE: Drain the cooling system completely every second year and refill it with new coolant. GUID-2D58F4D7-629A-44D2-A729-D0B28A3C1232 1. Cap of the coolant expansion tank 2. Cold fluid level mark 1.

  • Page 314
    4. Maintenance 4. Inspect the expansion tank for leakage. IMPORTANT: There is a drain hole under the coolant pump that must not be blocked. If coolant drips out of the hole, the pump seal is damaged and must be replaced. In a new engine some leakage is possible until the pump settles GUID-6A50CF19-CE69-46AF-AAFA-E5FE537AB684 1.
  • Page 315: Cleaning Radiators

    4. Maintenance Cleaning radiators Clean all the radiator honeycombs periodically. GUID-2C39D216-1CC8-4FE9-B3AF-3588CED6DD57 1. Fuel cooler 2. Air conditioning cooler (extra equipment) 3. Front power take-off (PTO) oil cooler (extra equipment) 4. Protection plate 5. Engine coolant radiator 6. Engine intake air cooler 7.

  • Page 316: Checking The Oil Level In The Transmission System

    4. Maintenance 5. Direct the spray against the air streaming direction. 6. Close the protection plate. Tighten the knurled-head screw. 7. Lower the air conditioning cooler to the lower position. Tighten the two fastening screws. 8. Close the engine cover. Checking the oil level in the transmission system Check the oil level in the transmission system periodically.

  • Page 317
    4. Maintenance 3. Check the oil level from the oil level gauge. GUID-6C9C3DA2-BEAE-4131-A6E8-9CBBB2B4EB1D 1. Hydraulic oil level gauge The oil level must be between minimum and maximum lines. — 316 -…
  • Page 318
    4. Maintenance 4. Add oil, if necessary. Fill by pump through the hydraulic return coupling. GUID-93D0D119-C361-4CA1-A851-847F9A21FDDB 1. Hydraulic return coupling IMPORTANT: If adding oil through the hydraulic return coupling is not possible you can add oil through the hydraulic oil fill cap. This is not recommended and should only be done in an emergency.
  • Page 319
    4. Maintenance Unscrew the two fastening screws. • Add oil through the hydraulic oil fill cap. GUID-E79F0D02-F528-412A-9AB3-40219C6B133B Hydraulic oil fill cap IMPORTANT: Clean the filler cap before filling up with oil. Make sure there are no impurities in the oil before filling up. •…
  • Page 320: Weekly Maintenance

    4. Maintenance 4.7.3 Weekly maintenance Greasing the rear linkage Grease the rear linkage periodically. NOTE: Use Universal Grease for greasing. 1. Grease the lift links. GUID-16B43D72-2EC5-4E6A-9E11-923FCACBE8D4 1. Lift link 2. Hydraulic lift link 3. Grease nipple There are three grease nipples in the regular lift link. There are two grease nipples in the hydraulic lift link.

  • Page 321
    4. Maintenance 2. Grease the top link. GUID-C6F25244-29B3-4DFD-8D4E-4AA1EE5E246D 1. Top link 2. Hydraulic top link 3. Grease nipple There are four grease nipples in the regular top link. There are two grease nipples in the hydraulic top link. 3. Grease the lifting cylinder pins. GUID-9C04FF82-32EA-4422-A4AE-05851D314510 1.
  • Page 322: Checking The Pick-Up Hitch

    4. Maintenance 4. Grease the differential axle. GUID-DB0D7857-BE4A-4387-9ADB-76B158114006 1. Grease nipple There are two grease nipples. Checking the pick-up hitch Check the pick-up hitch periodically. GUID-13D54244-8348-4705-AF22-8896C619B06B 1. Distance between the pick-up hitch and mating surface 2. Pick-up hitch movement 3.

  • Page 323: Greasing The Nordic And Euro Pick-Up Hitch

    4. Maintenance • Make sure that the locking latch moves to both extreme positions. When the locking latch is turned upwards the Nordic and Euro pick-up hitch must move up 6-8 mm and the hydraulic pick-up hitch must move up 8–10 •…

  • Page 324: Greasing The Hydraulic Pick-Up Hitch

    4. Maintenance Greasing the hydraulic pick-up hitch Grease the hydraulic pick-up hitch periodically. NOTE: Use Universal Grease for greasing. • Apply grease to the grease nipples. GUID-1FED8F75-728F-4A01-AC9E-2B96788D6B4E 1. Grease nipple — 323 -…

  • Page 325: Checking And Greasing The Front Linkage

    4. Maintenance Checking and greasing the front linkage Check and grease the front linkage periodically. • Check regularly that all screws and nuts are tight. GUID-57C69758-FE2F-4687-BB13-8A750A9C2B54 1. Screws and nuts • Tighten all screws and nuts of the front linkage after the first 15-25 running hours.

  • Page 326: Checking The Front Power Take-Off

    4. Maintenance • Grease the lifting cylinder pins and the lifting links shaft. GUID-79D2E886-4FA8-4CF1-82EF-A28E69A1AC99 1. Grease nipple It is easier to grease all the nipples when the links are lifted up. Checking the front power take-off Check the front power take-off periodically. •…

  • Page 327: Greasing The Brake Mechanism

    4. Maintenance Greasing the brake mechanism Grease the brake mechanism periodically. Use Calsium LF grease when greasing the brake mechanism. STOP GUID-A95CEF20-5CAA-4673-886D-E5187B9B1FA2 1. Grease nipple 2. Sliding surfaces 1. Grease the nipples on both sides of the brake cam. 2.

  • Page 328: Greasing Air-Suspended Front Axle Mounting Bearings

    4. Maintenance GUID-ECEDB78F-33CF-4E8B-8303-7A8EBF8E467B 1. Greasing nipple 1. Lift the front end of the tractor a little. Do not lift from front axle or front weight bracket. 2. Grease the nipples on both bearings. Tilt the axle to make sure that grease goes equally into the bearings. Greasing air-suspended front axle mounting bearings Grease the air-suspended front axle mounting bearings periodically.

  • Page 329: Checking Belts’ Tension

    Changing the air conditioning compressor and air pressure compressor belt requires special tools. Contact an authorised Valtra workshop in case this belt needs to be changed. 1. Check the overall condition of the belts. A slack, worn and/or oily belt can cause problems with battery charging and the cooling system.

  • Page 330: Changing The Fan And Alternator Belt

    4. Maintenance Changing the fan and alternator belt Change the belt if needed. GUID-2D5D05ED-63AE-4D6F-89BD-F2D4F9A43499 1. Fan and alternator belt — 329 -…

  • Page 331: Checking The Tyre Pressure

    4. Maintenance 1. Remove the old belt by cutting. GUID-16C11746-B13E-4FD2-8DCC-DAF11014E749 1. Automatic belt tensioner 2. 1/2″ wrench Loosen the automatic belt tensioner by using a 1/2″ wrench. 2. Fit the new fan and alternator belt. Loosen the automatic belt tensioner by using a 1/2″ wrench. Checking the tyre pressure Check the tyre pressure periodically, especially after changing the tyres.

  • Page 332: Checking The Emergency Brake

    4. Maintenance Checking the emergency brake Check the emergency brake periodically. 1. Use the emergency brake to check that it is functioning. You can test the emergency brake in a normal braking situation. WARNING: Check the emergency brake in slow driving speed (approximately 10 km/h).

  • Page 333: Checking The Air Pressure System Antifreeze Fluid Amount

    4. Maintenance 1. Check the amount of windscreen washer fluid. The washer fluid reservoir is transparent. Open the battery casing and remove the toolbox to check the amount of washer fluid. 2. Add more windscreen washer fluid, if necessary. NOTE: When the temperature is under 0 °C, use an antifreeze agent in the fluid.

  • Page 334: Maintenance Every 600 Hours

    4. Maintenance 4.7.4 Maintenance every 600 hours Checking, cleaning and greasing the battery terminals Check, clean and grease the battery terminals periodically. 1. Open the battery casing. GUID-8C50B307-55EC-4E6A-A160-1B960A27FCA0 1. Battery casing lock 2. Battery casing door — 333 -…

  • Page 335: Changing The Engine Oil And The Oil Filter

    4. Maintenance 2. Check the battery terminals and cables. GUID-EDD16017-2113-45E3-84FB-2671D4A1D381 1. Battery terminals 3. Clean the battery terminals. Also clean the surroundings of the battery. 4. Grease the battery terminals. NOTE: Use Universal Grease for greasing. 5. Close the battery casing. Changing the engine oil and the oil filter Change the engine oil filter periodically.

  • Page 336
    4. Maintenance GUID-B92F96AF-0B1F-4D16-A1E3-88BE8F503567 1. Filler hole 2. Dipstick 3. Drain plug 4. Oil filter 1. Check that the tractor is standing on level ground. 2. Stop the engine and let it stand for a few minutes. 3. Remove the drain plug from the engine sump. 4.
  • Page 337: Changing The Cab Ventilation Air Filter

    4. Maintenance 12. Start the engine. 13. Run the engine and check for possible leaks. 14. Run the engine for a while and check the oil level. Changing the cab ventilation air filter Change the cab ventilation air filter periodically. GUID-3C12D6DA-B2B1-48DC-B0E7-9B11AFE796CC 1.

  • Page 338: Changing The Recirculation Filter

    4. Maintenance Changing the recirculation filter Change the recirculation filter periodically. GUID-5869BA77-FE51-43C9-BD82-E15FE339AC7F 1. Filter element 2. Grille fastening clip 1. Open the grille. 2. Extract the filter element. 3. Change the filter element. Make sure that the seal around the filter element fits into the grooves in the air passage.

  • Page 339
    4. Maintenance 2. Detach the engine electric centre from the battery casing. GUID-050C2846-E99D-4127-BF44-F2187756A483 1. Engine electric centre fastening clip 2. Main electric centre fastening screw Leave the electric centre hanging by its harness. 3. Detach the main electric centre from the battery casing. Unscrew the main electric centre fastening screws.
  • Page 340
    4. Maintenance 4. Unscrew the battery casing fastening screws. GUID-EEC45F1C-DC95-4783-A85D-7ABE25CAC2B6 1. Battery casing fastening screw There are six fastening screws. 5. Disconnect the hoses and electric connectors from the windscreen washer fluid reservoir. GUID-57F201FC-D560-44D8-9094-52035D1DC913 1. Windscreen washer fluid hose 2. Windscreen washer electric connector — 339 -…
  • Page 341
    4. Maintenance 6. Remove the battery casing. 7. Tighten the front loader frame bolts on the right hand side. GUID-0ED3523C-9855-47AD-8BCF-28616B2B4975 1. Front loader frame bolt The tightening torque is 600 Nm. 8. Fit the battery casing. 9. Connect the hoses and electric connectors to the windscreen washer fluid reservoir.
  • Page 342
    4. Maintenance 13. Remove the cover plate on the AdBlue tank. GUID-A9F264A3-4DC4-43C9-A1FB-2E24E437F772 1. Cover plate 2. Fastening screw The cover plate is fastened with 3 screws. 14. Disconnect the electric connector and hoses from the tank heating sensor cap. GUID-74E79A4C-C414-4B59-AACC-5A37E901C14B 1.
  • Page 343
    4. Maintenance 15. Unscrew the AdBlue tank fastening screws. GUID-245264E1-7DB6-41EC-880E-9301498E7124 1. Fastening screw The AdBlue tank is fastened with 4 screws. 16. Move the AdBlue tank so that you can reach the front loader frame bolts. 17. Tighten the front loader frame bolts on the left hand side. GUID-1BA6EF5D-2C92-4850-AD79-2A486E2BD2DA 1.
  • Page 344: Checking The Wheel Nut Tightness

    4. Maintenance 21. Fit the cover plate on the AdBlue tank. Checking the wheel nut tightness Check the wheel nut tightness periodically to avoid unnecessary risks. • Check the tightness of the wheel nuts. • Check the tightness of the wheel disc/rim bolts. Checking the brake pedal free travel Check the brake pedal free travel periodically.

  • Page 345: Checking The Parking Brake

    4. Maintenance 5. Tighten the brake adjusting nuts. Adjust the nuts with the torque wrench to 20 Nm. STOP GUID-8172EC1C-1A28-4B70-80BB-5A1BD96ADE1E 1. Adjusting nut 6. Slacken the nuts. Slacken the nuts 2.3 turns. 7. Check that the wheels can rotate freely. 8.

  • Page 346: Adjusting The Parking Brake

    6. Adjust the clearance through the adjusting nut so that it is 1-2 mm. 7. Tighten the locking nut. IMPORTANT: When mounting the parking brake cable, the cylinder side end has to be mounted according to the tolerances. This should only be carried out by an authorised Valtra workshop. — 345 -…

  • Page 347: Changing Transmission Oil Filters

    4. Maintenance Changing transmission oil filters Change the transmission oil filters periodically. GUID-2043CF50-23F6-47ED-9C6D-EE459E127F86 1. Transmission lubrication filter 2. Low pressure filter of the transmission system Oil filters are located on the right side of the tractor under the cab. The lubrication filter is indicated with the text LUB on the mounting piece on top of it.

  • Page 348: Changing The Hydraulic System Oil Filter

    4. Maintenance Changing the hydraulic system oil filter Change the hydraulic system oil filter periodically. GUID-30D8DDE0-BEFD-456A-A43D-F2417807647E 1. Return oil filter of the auxiliary hydraulic system Oil filters are located on the right side of the tractor under the cab. The return oil filter is labelled with the text HYD on the mounting piece on top of it.

  • Page 349: Checking The Engine Breathing System

    4. Maintenance Checking the engine breathing system Check the engine breathing system periodically. GUID-3BE3A5E9-9EC4-4D00-83EC-E6151593612B 1. Ventilation hole • Check that the ventilation hole is not blocked. Checking the oil level in the front axle differential Check the oil level in the front axle differential periodically. GUID-1B1D535D-7A81-4C0A-8FC5-38279F43FBF0 1.

  • Page 350: Checking The Oil Level In Front Axle Hubs

    4. Maintenance 2. Add more oil if necessary. Checking the oil level in front axle hubs Check the oil level in the front axle hubs periodically. GUID-C0F09D35-6D75-4446-BCE0-7011C65F97A0 1. Oil surface indicator line 1. Turn the wheel until the oil surface indicator line is horizontal. 2.

  • Page 351: Changing The Front Pto Housing Oil And Washing The Oil Filter

    4. Maintenance Changing the front PTO housing oil and washing the oil filter Change the oil of the front power take-off (PTO) housing and wash the oil filter periodically. GUID-99F19360-93F2-4051-B353-1E6B36AC0888 1. Breather 2. Protector 3. Front PTO housing fastening screw 4.

  • Page 352: Checking Front Pto Couplings

    4. Maintenance 7. Fill up the housing with oil to the level of the hole. The breather can be loosened for bleeding. Check that the breather is not blocked. When filling, the tractor has to stand on even ground. 8. Use the front PTO a moment and check oil. 9.

  • Page 353: Checking And Greasing The Trailer Air-Pressure Brake System

    1. Rubber coupling • Change the rubber coupling when needed. It is recommended to let an authorised Valtra workshop change the coupling. Checking and greasing the trailer air-pressure brake system Check and grease the trailer air-pressure brake system periodically.

  • Page 354
    4. Maintenance GUID-BB9AF765-B8EF-4B7D-A1C1-51E93FB56F9C 1. Air pressure system pressure air reservoir 2. Pneumatic brakes pressure air reservoir 3. Automatic water draining valve 1. Push a blunt stick through the draining valve hole. IMPORTANT: The stick must not be sharp, because it can damage the valve. If the air that comes out is free of water, the automatic water draining valve is operating correctly.
  • Page 355: Filling The Air Pressure System Antifreeze Container

    1200 hours. Running the transmission automatic calibration Contact an authorised Valtra workshop for running of the transmission automatic calibration. NOTE: The transmission automatic calibration must be run after 600 operating hours. After the first calibration, run the calibration every 1200 hours.

  • Page 356
    4. Maintenance 1. Run the tractor, and raise and lower the hydraulic lift (or e.g. the front loader) until the oil is a little warm. 2. Raise the front linkage and lower the front loader and rear linkage. Maximum amount of oil returns to the hydraulic oil reservoir. 3.
  • Page 357: Changing Oil In The Front Axle Differential

    4. Maintenance 7. Check the oil level from the oil level gauge. GUID-6C9C3DA2-BEAE-4131-A6E8-9CBBB2B4EB1D 1. Hydraulic oil level gauge Make sure that after refilling, the oil level is between the minimum and maximum marks. 8. Start the engine and check the oil level. Changing oil in the front axle differential Change the oil in the front axle differential periodically.

  • Page 358: Changing Oil In The Front Axle Hubs

    4. Maintenance Changing oil in the front axle hubs Change oil in the front axle hubs periodically. GUID-C0F09D35-6D75-4446-BCE0-7011C65F97A0 1. Inspection hole 1. Turn the wheel until the inspection hole is pointing downwards. 2. Unscrew the plug and drain the oil into a suitable container. 3.

  • Page 359: Changing The Fuel Prefilter

    4. Maintenance 1. Clean the filter and its surroundings. GUID-E262CE6F-7335-4368-ADA0-CBA77C3CD02C 1. Fuel filter 2. Remove the fuel filter. Turn the filter anticlockwise and remove it from the mounting bracket. IMPORTANT: Unscrew the filter by hand, do not use a filter wrench. 3.

  • Page 360
    4. Maintenance GUID-D45D4E7E-1B4F-4D1F-8938-A5C9F6A2AE88 1. Water detector 2. Fuel prefilter 1. Clean the filter and its surroundings. 2. Disconnect the water detector wire. 3. Place a suitable container under the filter. IMPORTANT: Do not drain fuel on the ground! 4. Remove the filter. IMPORTANT: Unscrew the filter by hand, do not use a filter wrench.
  • Page 361: Changing Engine Air Filters

    4. Maintenance Changing engine air filters Change the main air filter and safety filter periodically. GUID-E4D40011-78C9-461A-A7AC-5234502A3B76 1. Main air filter 2. Safety air filter The safety filter protects the engine if the main air filter gets damaged. IMPORTANT: Never run the tractor without the safety filter. NOTE: Do not clean the filters.

  • Page 362
    4. Maintenance 2. Take out the main filter. GUID-6B36EB2D-5320-4D48-864D-B2317B3C0681 1. Main air filter 3. Remove the safety filter. IMPORTANT: Take the utmost care when removing the safety filter so that no dirt enters the induction pipe. GUID-368BDA64-4EC4-4C16-8C33-6A2547A122FB 1. Safety air filter 4.
  • Page 363: Changing The Selective Catalytic Reduction System Supply Module Main Filter

    4. Maintenance Changing the selective catalytic reduction system supply module main filter 1. Open the steps. GUID-31E019BA-4BDC-4D7C-BF3D-E4AAA33BEE49 1. Fastening screw Unscrew the two fastening screws. 2. Clean the filter cover and its surroundings. — 362 -…

  • Page 364: Checking The Front Wheel Toe-In

    4. Maintenance 3. Remove the filter cover. GUID-27F56ED7-221E-4F71-9809-6FD5F44DEC77 1. Filter 2. Equalizing element 3. Filter cover Use 27 mm wrench. 4. Pull out the filter parts. 5. Fit the new filter elements. 6. Fit the filter cover. The tightening torque is 20-25 Nm. 7.

  • Page 365: Adjusting The Front Wheel Toe-In

    4. Maintenance Adjusting the front wheel toe-in Adjust the front wheel toe-in if needed. Before you adjust the toe-in, check that there is no free play in the ball joints of the steering arms and tie rod. NOTE: In order not to limit the steering movement, both tie rods must be adjusted.

  • Page 366: Checking The Power Shuttle Operation

    2. Lubricate the seal on the new breather. 3. Tighten the breather by hand. Checking the power shuttle operation Contact an authorised Valtra workshop for checking of the power shuttle operation. NOTE: Checking of the power shuttle operation must be done after 1200 operating hours.

  • Page 367
    4. Maintenance 2. Remove the drain plugs under the gearbox and final drives. GUID-BECEF3F8-4A53-49E7-8871-F12B2A1EE362 1. Gearbox drain plug 2. Final drives drain plugs 3. Drain the oil into a suitable container. 4. Clean and refit the plugs. 5. Clean the suction strainer. 6.
  • Page 368: Changing The Transmission Breather

    4. Maintenance Changing the transmission breather Change the transmission breather periodically. IMPORTANT: If the tractor is used continuously in dusty conditions, the breather must be changed more frequently. GUID-3F70726E-F045-43EF-B61B-9EB5C9F77755 1. Breather 1. Unscrew the old breather. 2. Lubricate the seal on the new breather. 3.

  • Page 369: Bleeding The Brake System

    4. Maintenance GUID-E88D4737-61B1-4B52-964E-9F2A48C84B3A 1. Suction strainer cover 2. Suction strainer 1. Remove the suction strainer cover. 2. Wipe off any oil which has run out on the chassis. 3. Clean the suction strainer in diesel fuel. Replace the suction strainer if it is damaged. 4.

  • Page 370
    4. Maintenance GUID-ED3BF43B-5FAD-41C5-BB5A-FB02879F24EA 1. Bleeding nipple of the tractor brake cylinder 2. Bleeding nipple of the tractor hydraulic brake valve of the trailer Both brake pedal circuits of the tractor brake cylinder, right and left, have their own bleeding nipple. The nipples are placed on the bleed plate on top of the left axle housing.
  • Page 371: Bleeding The Front Axle Brake System

    4. Maintenance 2. Lock the brake pedals together. 3. Open the bleeding nipples. It is recommended to use hoses from the bleeding nipples to a suitable container. NOTE: Do not let the oil run on the ground. 4. Pump the pedals slowly until there are no air bubbles in the oil. 5.

  • Page 372: Cleaning The Cooling System

    4. Maintenance 6. Pump the pedals slowly until there are no air bubbles in the oil. The oil has been changed when about 0.2 litres has come out from each side. It is not necessary to adjust the front brakes. Cleaning the cooling system Clean the cooling system periodically.

  • Page 373
    4. Maintenance 3. Connect a hose from the radiator draining cock to a clean container and open the plug. GUID-F80FA91E-580F-4FB4-A18A-7AB6AC5843C9 1. Radiator draining cock 4. Open the drain cock on the cylinder block and open the drain plug on the oil cooler.
  • Page 374: Checking The Engine Vibration Damper

    After changing the fluid, run the engine for a while and check the level of the fluid. Checking the engine vibration damper Contact an authorised Valtra workshop for checking of the engine vibration damper. NOTE: Changing of the engine vibration damper must be carried out at an authorised Valtra workshop.

  • Page 375: Maintaining The Air Conditioning

    2400 hours of operation. Contact an authorised Valtra workshop for changing the drying container. • If the air conditioning is not functioning properly, contact an authorised Valtra workshop for checking of the system. Checks and adjustments 4.8.1…

  • Page 376: Setting The Tyre Parameter

    4. Maintenance 2. Check the tyre pressures. 3. When larger front tyres are fitted, check and adjust the turning angles on both sides with maximum inclination of the front axle. 4. Set the tyre parameter. 5. Calibrate the speed sensors. 6.

  • Page 377: Tyre Parameters

    4. Maintenance Tyre parameters Tyre Parameter value 20.8R38 MICHELIN AGRIBIB 20.8-38/14 NOKIAN TR FOREST 520/85R38 CONTINENTAL AC85 520/85R38 TRELLEBORG TM600 520/85R42 CONTINENTAL AC85 540/80R38 NOKIAN TRI2 580/70R38 CONTINENTAL HC70 580/70R38 TRELLEBORG TM700 580/70R38 MICHELIN OMNIBIB 620/70R42 MICHELIN OMNIBIB 650/65R38 MICHELIN MULTIBIB 650/65R38 CONTINENTAL AC65 650/65R38 CONTINENTAL SST 650/65R38 TRELLEBORG TM800…

  • Page 378: Calibrating Speed Sensors

    4. Maintenance Calibrating speed sensors 1. Choose a straight and even road with no traffic for the speed sensor calibration. 2. Move the hand throttle lever to the low idling position. 3. Disengage the differential lock. 4. Disengage the four-wheel drive. 5.

  • Page 379
    4. Maintenance 12. Start the calibrating procedure by pressing OK. The tractor automatically selects the optimal gear and engine speed for calibration. The tractor accelerates to the calibrating speed and the engine speed rises to the optimal level of 1700 rpm. 13.
  • Page 380: Track Widths

    15. Stop the tractor. If the calibration was unsuccessful, perform the calibration again. If the calibration is still unsuccessful, contact an authorised Valtra workshop. With a short press of the ESC button you can return to the menu 2. A long press of the ESC button returns to the previously active drive display.

  • Page 381: Front Axle Track Widths

    4. Maintenance Front axle track widths The front axle track widths (in mm) are listed in the following tables. Adjustable discs GUID-304DA3D4-1 A9F-43F2-9874- GUID- BC6B47C0D134 A477C4D9-5A03-4 GUID-7A085113-0 GUID-703FFB40- GUID-58DF36B2- GUID- GUID-F95330D7- FA9- GUID-7332B366- F7B-4AEB-BB3F- FF10-41A4-8BEF-3 A96F-43DB-80EB-6 C76BBD0D-4B94-4 D0BF-43A0- A339-19B7D28FAC F3DC-441A-8DB9-3 D507FC1B8A85 7E4E96AAB89…

  • Page 382: Using Chains

    4. Maintenance 650/65R38, – – 2 114 2 012 1 910 1 808 650/65R42, 650/75R38 620/70R42 1 713 – 2 113 2 014 1 910 1 811 520/85R42 2 012 1 722 1 612 1 918 2 122 1 808 Vehicle overall width over 2 550 mm Standard track width Fixed discs…

  • Page 383: Engine

    4. Maintenance 4.8.5 Engine Bleeding the fuel system After changing the fuel filters or if the engine has ran out of fuel the fuel system has to be bled. GUID-647FB64A-BC65-43E4-856B-A428F80A6D02 1. Hand pump 2. Bleeding plug WARNING: Do not work on the common rail high pressure fuel system when the engine is running.

  • Page 384: Electrical System

    4. Maintenance 3. Pump fuel with the hand pump. Continue the pumping until there are no air bubbles in the fuel stream. 4. Remove the hose and close the bleeding plug. 5. Clean the engine of any overspill fuel. 6. Start the engine. The fuel system removes automatically the air left in the system.

  • Page 385: Alternator

    4. Maintenance • Keep the battery clean. Wash it with lukewarm water after removal from the tractor. IMPORTANT: Always disconnect the negative lead before washing. • Clean the pole studs, the cable terminals and the battery retainer thoroughly. Wash off oxidised spots with water. Wipe the outside of the battery when it is clean, and coat the pole studs and the cable terminals with petroleum jelly.

  • Page 386: Fuses And Relays

    4. Maintenance 3. Remove the engine control unit cover. GUID-92C76BDB-8B38-43C5-ABD4-58A24CBEFE5C 1. Engine control unit cover 4. Disconnect the engine control unit connectors. Open the connector locking device to disconnect the connectors. When reconnecting, turn the locking device back to the locking position. Fuses and relays There are 4 electric centres.

  • Page 387
    4. Maintenance GUID-AE82D857-4258-4575-8938-1506A5C211BE 1. Cab electric centre — 386 -…
  • Page 388
    4. Maintenance GUID-31B52C64-67B7-4990-AD33-94B8B1CB3613 Fuse Nominal current Description F100 Reserve F101 Parking lights right F102 Parking lights left F103 Windscreen wiper, light ensure F104 Side window wiper, seat heater Table continued on next page — 387 -…
  • Page 389
    4. Maintenance Fuse Nominal current Description F105 AutoComfort, TwinTrac, front axle suspension F106 Semi-automatic range gear, power shuttle lever F107 Speed and pressure sensors F108 Front loader F109 ON/OFF valves, transmission sensors, A-pillar display F110 IO1, IO2 F111 Power outlets F112 Proline instrument panel, direction indicators…
  • Page 390
    4. Maintenance Relay Description Light ensure Power switch / U-pilot controlled 2-pin current socket Auxiliary relay +15 Parking lights Auxiliary relay +15 Auxiliary relay +15 ON/OFF in ON/OFF out Bucket release Soft drive Selecto 3 Selecto 4 Front linkage / front loader Main power switch safety isolation Direction indicator ISOBUS power…
  • Page 391
    4. Maintenance GUID-83BB3EC4-E4C8-4AB1-988E-6963318C0579 1. Relay K21 Location of relays K31, K33 and K40 — 390 -…
  • Page 392
    4. Maintenance GUID-C9A6E8C6-2AAF-4BD8-93E4-EAC4500542C1 1. Relay K40 2. Relay K31 3. Relay K33 Location of relays K22, K100 and K101 — 391 -…
  • Page 393
    4. Maintenance GUID-7D9A17CA-6BE9-488D-A1F8-6ABE335CCCD8 1. Relay K22 2. Relay K101 3. Relay K100 Location of relays K34 and K41 — 392 -…
  • Page 394: Fuses And Relays In The Roof Electric Centre

    4. Maintenance GUID-E3B0BFE5-49C1-4106-86A0-D4862ABEC4B5 1. Relay K34 2. Relay K41 Fuses and relays in the roof electric centre The fuses and relays in the roof electric centre are listed in the following tables. The fuse diagram is on the reverse side of the electric centre cover. There is space for spare fuses.

  • Page 395
    4. Maintenance 1 2 3 GUID-6C570E37-D6A9-4E17-A02A-BBBC754E62C8 1. Relay K26 2. Relay K56 3. Relay K25 4. Light panel 5. Roof electric centre GUID-0A57F11D-2BA6-440A-97A8-F7501426323B Fuse Nominal current Description Rotary beacon Reserve Rear waist working lights Table continued on next page — 394 -…
  • Page 396
    4. Maintenance Fuse Nominal current Description Front waist working lights Upper headlights high beams Upper headlights dipped beams Rear working lights left Rear working lights right Front working lights left Front working lights right Reserve Reserve Radio, subwoofer, coolbox Automatic HVAC fan supply Manual HVAC supply Automatic HVAC control panel Rear window wiper…
  • Page 397: Fuses And Relays In The Main Electric Centre

    4. Maintenance Relay Description Rear window wiper Rear window wiper Cab light Placed behind the light panel. Fuses and relays in the main electric centre The fuses and relays in the main electric centre are listed in the following tables. The fuse diagram is on the reverse side of the electric centre cover.

  • Page 398
    4. Maintenance RESERVE RESERVE GUID-3BC55656-C5CB-4598-BA46-47FF6CFBD095 Fuse Nominal current Description ISOBUS power ISOBUS engine control unit power 125A Cabin main 250A Grid heater Relay Description Starter relay Grid heater relay Placed on the left side of the engine. Location of relay K8M — 397 -…
  • Page 399: Fuses And Relays In The Engine Electric Centre

    4. Maintenance GUID-6134696C-5F40-49EE-839A-D6C406DC48CD 1. Relay K8M Fuses and relays in the engine electric centre Fuses and relays in the engine electric centre are listed in the following tables. The fuse diagram is on the reverse side of the electric centre cover. The engine electric centre contains 10 fuses and 2 empty places for spares.

  • Page 400
    4. Maintenance GUID-6510D10B-5F54-42F0-8BF5-0E861A2AA46B 1. Engine electric centre K14M K13M K10M F10M K15M K12M F11M K16M K11M F12M INPUT GUID-DCBB31F5-C0AE-43DC-837F-B88F3DCE4AB1 Fuses Nominal current Description DEF system heaters Engine control unit Engine control unit wake up Memory voltage Dipped beam High beam Table continued on next page — 399 -…
  • Page 401: Adjusting Headlights

    4. Maintenance Fuses Nominal current Description NOx sensors Waste gate Reserve F10M Reserve F11M HVAC clutch F12M Engine control unit ignition key signal Relay Description Reserve DEF system heating main Engine control unit main High beam K10M Dipped beam K11M Reserve K12M Engine auxiliary…

  • Page 402: Power Transmission System

    4. Maintenance 2. Measure that the cut-off edge of the beam pattern comes at height of headlights above ground minus 50 mm when the tractor is 5 m from the wall. 3. Turn the high beams on. 4. Measure that the distance between headlight centres matches the distance measured on the wall.

  • Page 403: Checking The Transmission Ratio Of A Power Take-Off Driven Trailer

    4. Maintenance Checking the transmission ratio of a power take-off driven trailer Check the transmission ratio of a power take-off (PTO) driven trailer. Before you check the transmission ratio, make sure that the tractor with the trailer is on a flat, hard-surfaced area or road. 1.

  • Page 404: Calibrating The Steering Angle

    4. Maintenance 1. Slacken the locking nut. GUID-3BA6B2A6-1CEE-448C-8A6A-AC4EEC3B8AB0 1. Locking nut 2. Adjusting screw 2. Adjust the adjusting screw. IMPORTANT: Adjust the adjusting screws on both sides to the same length so that the turning angle is the same on both sides. 3.

  • Page 405
    4. Maintenance 6. Move the navigation box to the steering angle calibration position with the arrow buttons. • If the preconditions for calibrating the steering angle are not met, the following screen is displayed: START RESET TO DEFAULT GUID-C654A050-7CFC-44A3-BF8C-A4D6DC2ADFE0 • If the preconditions for calibrating the steering angle are met, the following screen is displayed: START…
  • Page 406: Cab And Shields

    If the front wheels turn fully during the check, then the calibration has been successful. If the check fails, then the calibration has been unsuccessful. If the calibration was unsuccessful, perform the calibration again. If the calibration is still unsuccessful, contact an authorised Valtra workshop. 4.8.9 Cab and shields Cleaning the cab ventilation air filter Check and clean the cab ventilation air filter when necessary.

  • Page 407: Adjusting Steps For Driving Off-Road

    4. Maintenance 3. Extract the support frame. • Lower the support frame slightly. • Pull the support frame outwards. 4. Remove the ventilation air filter. 5. Check the condition of the ventilation air filter. A damaged ventilation air filter must be changed. 6.

  • Page 408: Checking And Adjusting Front Mudguards

    4. Maintenance 2. On the left side, loosen the two screws holding the lowest step in the lowest position. GUID-32569E0C-7263-452B-8CA6-8C0E53AB1ECB 1. Screws 3. Push the lowest step in the top position and fasten the two screws. GUID-ADAF8116-6226-4C11-9612-54B0F924E7EA 1. Screws Checking and adjusting front mudguards Check and adjust the front mudguards if needed.

  • Page 409: Adjusting Flexible Front Mudguards

    4. Maintenance Adjusting flexible front mudguards Adjust the flexible front mudguards, if needed. GUID-2D1C18BC-43E2-4281-BC1E-E939C958ED96 1. Fixing screws 2. Flexible front mudguard frame 3. Turning mechanism 4. Adjustment screw 5. Stopper The front mudguards are adjusted correctly at the factory. The mudguards can be turned fully to the side to the service position, which eases the access to the engine compartment.

  • Page 410: Towing Devices

    4. Maintenance • To adjust the height of the mudguards, change the fixing screws or the shafts to the other holes. In addition, the mudguards can be inclined forward and backward in their fixing holes. NOTE: The distance between the fixing screws must be as wide as possible. Use the highest and lowest possible holes for the fixing screws.

  • Page 411: Maintaining The Automatic Jaw Of The Wagon Towing Device

    Do not use pressure wash when cleaning the main pin. IMPORTANT: If the jaw is rusty, for example due to fertiliser, do not use a rust-loosening agent for removing the rust but take it to an authorised Valtra workshop. — 410 -…

  • Page 412: Troubleshooting

    30 s. This prevents serious damage to the engine. NOTE: If the book symbol starts flashing, contact an authorised Valtra workshop, even if the error does not prevent driving the tractor. Warnings on the Proline instrument panel display The Proline instrument panel display indicates the following warnings.

  • Page 413: Identifying A Blocked Transmission Or Hydraulic System Filter

    FAULT! • A service code is displayed on the tractor terminal display. • Contact an authorised Valtra workshop. PARKING BRAKE • There is a fault in the parking brake and it might not function properly. This can also prevent the FAULT! function of the emergency brake.

  • Page 414
    5. Troubleshooting GUID-66125F0D-15AC-4B75-941A-E505A25F172E 1. Return oil filter of the auxiliary hydraulic system 2. Lubrication filter of the transmission system 3. Low pressure filter of the transmission system Oil filters are located on the right side of the tractor under the cab. The oil filters are labelled with following text on the mounting piece on top of it: •…
  • Page 415: Viewing Service Codes

    5. Troubleshooting Viewing service codes You can read active service codes on the tractor terminal display. If there is an active service code, the book symbol is flashing on the display. 1. If the tractor terminal main menu is not displayed, press ESC as many times as needed.

  • Page 416
    5. Troubleshooting 2. Press to enter the settings menu and use the arrow buttons to scroll to the IO-list. GUID-4824F115-B7F2-4ADF-9D31-6FA5892D5815 3. Press to enter the IO-list. GUID-6239C1CE-31BC-4D92-B052-2027F9864C78 A list of control unit index numbers appear. 4. Press the up arrow or the down arrow to select the index informed by the service personnel.
  • Page 417: Automatic Air Conditioning Error Codes

    1. Error code If an error code is displayed on the air conditioning display, the air conditioning system may not work properly. Contact an authorised Valtra workshop. Steering system malfunctions CAUTION: If a malfunction occurs in the steering system, stop the tractor and correct the malfunction before restarting.

  • Page 418: Towing The Tractor

    5. Troubleshooting Towing the tractor 5.8.1 Towing the tractor when the engine is running GUID-D11E9849-3980-4522-A910-18DB522D92E6 1. Speed range selection — button 1. Set the transmission to neutral. • Change to speed range LA. • Press down the speed range selection — button for a minimum of 3 seconds.

  • Page 419: Towing The Tractor When The Engine Is Not Running

    5. Troubleshooting 5.8.2 Towing the tractor when the engine is not running IMPORTANT: Avoid towing when the engine is not running, because the gearbox lubrication does not function. 1. Release the parking brake. Use suitable tools, for example a 17 mm wrench, for releasing the parking brake.

  • Page 420: Technical Specifications

    6. Technical specifications Technical specifications Dimensions With front tyres 600/65R28 With rear tyres 710/70R38 Length (mm) 5 140 Width (mm) max 2 550 Height to the roof (mm) 3 130 Height to the exhaust pipe (mm) 3 085 Wheel base (mm) 2 995 Front axle ground clearance/with front axle suspension (mm) Rear axle ground clearance (mm)

  • Page 421: Wheel Nut Tightening Torques

    6. Technical specifications Load capacity index per tyre (168 = 5 150 kg) Speed symbol (A8 = 40 km/h) Reference pressure (bar) Tubeless (TL) or tube type (TT) 6.4.1 Wheel nut tightening torques Wheel nut Tightening torque (Nm) Front Rear Rim — wheel disc (front and rear) 6.4.2 Wheel stud dimensions…

  • Page 422: Tyre Loadings And Pressures

    6. Technical specifications 6.4.3 Tyre loadings and pressures NOTE: The permissible wheel load can reduce the maximum permissible axle load. Maximum permissible front axle load At maximum permissible driving speed, road 5500 kg In working conditions, offroad 8500 kg IMPORTANT: On 50 km/h models and when driving at the maximum speed, the tyre loading is smaller.

  • Page 423: Track Widths

    6. Technical specifications GUID-A17A98B4-3978-430E-A595-59AF79DF2253 1. Rear mudguard distance, 960 mm 2. Hub flange distance 1754 mm 3. Distance between tyre centres with different track width adjustments 4. Distance between tyres’ outer sidewalls Track widths 6.6.1 Rear axle track widths Adjustable discs The rear axle track widths (in mm) are listed in the following tables.

  • Page 424
    6. Technical specifications GUID- A477C4D9-5A03-4FA9- A339-19B7D28FAC21 GUID-703FFB40- GUID-7A085113-0F7B-4A GUID-58DF36B2- GUID- GUID-7332B366- FF10-41A4-8BEF-37E4E9 EB-BB3F-D507FC1B8A85 A96F-43DB-80EB-6F997F C76BBD0D-4B94-4596- F3DC-441A-8DB9-3C63A4 6AAB89 04DB2D A91D-08E13B590985 429101 20.8R38, 2 012 1 714 1 612 1 910 2 114 1 808 520/85R38 580/70R38 1 714 – 1 910 2 114 2012 1 808…
  • Page 425: Front Axle Track Widths

    6. Technical specifications 6.6.2 Front axle track widths The front axle track widths (in mm) are listed in the following tables. Adjustable discs GUID-304DA3D4-1 A9F-43F2-9874- GUID- BC6B47C0D134 A477C4D9-5A03-4 GUID-7A085113-0 GUID-703FFB40- GUID-58DF36B2- GUID- GUID-F95330D7- FA9- GUID-7332B366- F7B-4AEB-BB3F- FF10-41A4-8BEF-3 A96F-43DB-80EB-6 C76BBD0D-4B94-4 D0BF-43A0- A339-19B7D28FAC F3DC-441A-8DB9-3 D507FC1B8A85…

  • Page 426: Engine Lubrication System

    150 kPa (1.5 bar) Oil pressure at normal working speed 250-500 kPa (2.5-5 bar) Oil filter Type Disposable type filter element Oil type Valtra grade Valtra Engine CR-4 SAE grade 10W-40: -25°C…+40°C API grade CJ-4 ACEA grade Oil volume When changing with filter Viscosity grade should be selected depending on the temperature outside.

  • Page 427: Air Cleaner

    6. Technical specifications 6.7.4 Air cleaner Air cleaner Two-stage, dry element, with blockage indicator Pre-cleaner system Ejector 6.7.5 Cooling system Pump Centrifugal Radiator Pressurised with expansion tank regulated by pressure cap Thermostat 2 thermostats: 79°C and 83°C The belt-driven fan is controlled by the engine’s control module for precise fan speed modulation Coolant Water and antifreeze agent (standard ASTM D 3306…

  • Page 428: Power Transmission

    Maximum speed with the engine speed of 1755 rpm. Maximum speed with the engine speed of 1748 rpm. Oil type Valtra grade Valtra Transmission XT60 (classification: Valtra G2-08) Valtra Transmission XT60+ (classification: Valtra G2– B10) API grade GL-4 Oil volume When changing with filter 74 litres 6.9.4…

  • Page 429: Rear Power Take-Off

    6. Technical specifications 6.9.5 Rear power take-off Rear power take-off alternatives Power take-off T144 T154 T174E T194 T214 T234 (PTO) alternatives 540/1000 540/540E/ 1000 540E/ 1000/1000E 540E/1000 +GSPTO 540E/1000E +GSPTO Ground speed PTO Rear power take-off ratios Rear power take-off (PTO) ratios 540 rpm at engine speed 1 890 rpm 1 000 rpm at engine speed 1 897 rpm 540 E = 540 rpm at engine speed 1 522 rpm…

  • Page 430: Proportional Ground Speed Power Take-Off

    6. Technical specifications GUID-3FFADF59-E7E3-4CA9-8926-1F930BCED527 1. 229 mm 2. T measure Proportional ground speed power take-off Model Power take-off (PTO) axle revolutions per one rear wheel revolution 40 km/h 41.03 50 km/h 40.79 6.9.6 Front power take-off Oil type Oil volume (litres) Shell Donax TX Maximum input torque 1170 Nm…

  • Page 431: Steering System

    6. Technical specifications Parking brake Operation • Electro-hydraulically controlled with power shuttle lever • Driving brakes engaging with spring, disengaging with hydraulic pressure Hydraulic trailer brake valve (extra equipment) Operation • Operated with the hydraulic pump for transmission and steering, controlled by the braking pressure •…

  • Page 432: Turning Circle Radius

    SAE grade API grade Differential Valtra Axle LS 80W-90 GL-5 LS Hub reduction gears Valtra Axle or Valtra Axle GL-5 or GL5 LS Hub reduction gears, Valtra Axle LS GL-5 LS front axle with brakes Oil volume when changing with filter…

  • Page 433: Cab And Shields

    6. Technical specifications 6.12 Cab and shields 6.12.1 Cab filter capacity > Ø 0.2 μm 78% Standard filter (dop test, 300 m > Ø 1 μm 92% > Ø 5 μm 100% > Ø 8 μm 100% > Ø 0.2µm 54% Activated carbon filter, cab (dop test, 300 m >…

  • Page 434: Hydraulic System

    Rear linkage • Auxiliary hydraulics • Front linkage (optional) • Front loader (optional) Oil type Valtra grade: Valtra Hydraulic 46 DIN-grade: DIN 51524-3 HVLP Valtra grade: Valtra Transmission XT60/XT60+ • Classification: Valtra G2-08/G2–B10 • API-grade: GL-4 Standard ISO 15380, class HEES Bio-oil Bio-oil cannot be mixed with mineral oil.

  • Page 435: Valves For Auxiliary Hydraulics

    6. Technical specifications Valves for auxiliary hydraulics Rear, standard • Two double-acting valves with adjustable electric control • One on/off valve that controls the hydraulic top link Rear, optional • Three double-acting valves with adjustable electric control • Four double-acting valves with adjustable electric control •…

  • Page 436: Counter Pressure When Using The Return Connection For Auxiliary Hydraulics

    6. Technical specifications Counter pressure when using the return connection for auxiliary hydraulics Flow l/min, temperature Return connection counter pressure (1 inch) 50 l/min, 60°C 2.5 bar 6.13.4 Rear linkage Maximum lifting force Lifting cylinder ø Lower link type The length of the lower links 78 kN…

  • Page 437: Front Linkage

    6. Technical specifications 6.13.5 Front linkage Lifting force 50 kN Number of lifting cylinders Diameter of the lifting cylinders 90 mm Lifting range at the end of the lifting links 870 mm Quick coupling hooks Category 3/2 6.13.6 Towing devices Pick-up hitch Maximum permissible vertical loading…

  • Page 438: Hydraulic Pick-Up Hitch

    6. Technical specifications GUID-E8042FDA-A43D-4679-A1CD-24FBF8C9CF49 1. 400 mm 2. 250 mm 3. 172 mm 4. 62 mm 5. 72 mm 6. 280 mm 7. 2000 kg 8. 1200 kg Hydraulic pick-up hitch Raising/lowering and extension Electrohydraulic Locking of the towing device latch Mechanical;…

  • Page 439: Agricultural Towing Device

    6. Technical specifications GUID-DDB244F9-DCD5-44E2-9207-1E5BF5566642 1. 370 mm = 1530 kg / 426 mm = 1070 kg 2. 213 mm 3. 129 mm 4. 280 mm Agricultural towing device 78.5 kN D-value Drawbar eye standard ISO 5692-1, ISO 5692-2, ISO 8755, ISO1102 Mathematically established horizontal force The agricultural towing device is fixed without pick-up hitch The horizontal distances of the pulling point from the power take-off (PTO) shaft…

  • Page 440: Towing Device Frames

    6. Technical specifications GUID-EB6EAC00-A5A5-4A6A-9659-AEA81CEBBFD8 1. 250 mm, 2000 kg 2. 400 mm, 1200 kg 3. 550 mm, 500 kg 4. 245 mm 5. Drawbar pin Ø31.5 mm 6. 21° to both sides Towing device frames D-value / Max permissible vertical loading for a trailer 89.3 kN / 2000 kg hitch with all jaws D-value / Towing device frame with piton-fix pin, max…

  • Page 441
    6. Technical specifications Drawbar eye standard for non-swivel jaw ISO 5692-3, X (Ø28 mm) / ISO 5692-3, Z (Ø50 mm) Drawbar, main pin diameter 31.5 mm Drawbar eye standard for drawbar ISO 5692-1, ISO 5692-2, ISO 8755, ISO 1102 — 440 -…
  • Page 442: Alphabetical Index

    Alphabetical index (continued) automatic air conditioning error codes……..416 4WD (four-wheel drive)……126 automatic jaw disengaging………127 maintaining……..410 engaging……..127 automatic side limiters fixed position……. 205 about this manual……..1 floating position……206 AdBlue/DEF………..304 automatic traction control…… 122 filling……….115 auto-steering……… 271 storing………

  • Page 443
    29 on right-hand side roof console..45 ECO function operator’s seat, air suspended..48 using……….113 operator’s seat, Valtra Evolution… 49 EEC type plate………. 2 controls on the left-hand side electrical system controls……….44 protecting before welding…. 384 control stop……….68 specifications…….426…
  • Page 444
    (continued) engine speed cruise control front loader programming……. 121 using……….228 setting……….121 using quick coupling device..230 engine valves front mudguards adjusting……..354 adjusting flexible……408 engine vibration damper checking and adjusting….407 checking……..373 front power take-off……40, 248 environment activating……..249 protecting……298, 299 changing housing oil….
  • Page 445
    28 lift links operating adjusting……..201 practices……..18 hydraulic, adjusting….. 202 operator’s seat, air suspended lighter…………89 controls……….48 light panel operator’s seat, Valtra Evolution using……….77 controls……….49 working lights…….. 77 ordering lights……….76, 79 service……….2 Linkage spare parts……..2 lift/stop/lower switch….186 other controls locking………….
  • Page 446
    parking brake………..93 Proline instrument panel display adjusting……..345 (continued) checking……..344 changing hour display….148 lever……….67 changing length units….150 using……….93 changing minute display….149 parking lights……….. 76 changing parameter value…147 pedals…………28 changing temperature unit ..150 periodical maintenance Celsius……..150 chart……….
  • Page 447
    rear mudguard shafts controls……….50 front power take-off….. 429 rear power take-off……39, 234 shifting automatics activating……..237 programming……. 109 adjusting engagement….246 using……….107 alternatives……..428 side limiters attaching implements….232 adjusting……..204 automatic start……243 slip control……….194 automatic stop……243 light……….195 deactivating……… 241 using……….195 emergency stop……242 SLOW DOWN HIDASTA…….411 headland turn……
  • Page 448
    251 selecting transmission view……….251 settings memory slot….181 setting implement width….178 split drive view……164 Valtra Evolution driver’s seat surface area view……171 adjusting……..57 tractor information view….182 vanadiumpentoxide……… 27 transmission settings view..180 viton seals……….26 transmission symbols….161…
  • Page 449
    window rear……….42 windows rear……….66 side……….65 wiper……..65, 66 windscreen washer fluid amount checking……..331 windscreen washer fluid reservoir..331 windscreen washer specifications…….432 using……….64 windscreen wiper using……….64 wipers additional……..43 working hydraulic circuit specifications…….433 working lights ……….78 Work lights controls……….45 — 448 -…
  • Page 450
    Valtra Inc. English Printed in Finland by Grano FI-44200 Suolahti Copyright © 2014 by Valtra Inc. Finland All rights reserved. Tel. +358 20 45501 Valtra® is a worldwide brand of AGCO www.valtra.com…

5. Troubleshooting

5. Press


A list of control unit pins appear.

6. Press the up arrow or the down arrow to view the control unit pin status

informed by the service personnel.

7. Press


Automatic air conditioning error codes are shown on the air conditioning display.



1. Error code

If an error code is displayed on the air conditioning display, the air conditioning

system may not work properly. Contact an authorised Valtra workshop.


Steering system malfunctions

If the oil supply from the hydraulic pump fails for any reason, the tractor can still

be steered with the steering wheel. In this case the steering valve acts as a pump

and provides oil pressure for the steering cylinder. The steering is heavier to use

than normally.


to leave the IO-list.

CAUTION: If a malfunction occurs in the steering system, stop the

tractor and correct the malfunction before restarting.

— 416 —

  • Page 1
    OPERATOR’S MANUAL T SERIES Versu YOUR WORKING MACHINE Ref no 39 885 21 1 ( 10/2014 )
  • Page 2: About This Manual

    About this manual This operator’s manual is for the Valtra T Series Versu tractors. The T Series Versu models are T144 V, T154 V, T174e V, T194 V, T214 V and T234 V. The manual is meant for agricultural tractors only. If the tractor is used for other applications, it is the owner’s responsibility to ensure compliance with local regulations.

  • Page 3: Tractor Serial Numbers

    Tractor serial numbers When ordering spare parts or service, give the model indication and serial numbers and, in some cases, the engine, front axle, cab and transmission numbers. GUID-83FD881F-92C4-4883-87A2-FEFA9521C800 1. Cab number and Type plate EEC • Model = model indication used by service/spare part department •…

  • Page 4: Table Of Contents

    Contents Contents About this manual………………1 Tractor serial numbers……………..2 1 Safety precautions…………….14 Hazard statements…………………14 Safety rules………………….14 1.2.1 Replacing safety and information signs…………14 1.2.2 Maintaining hardware safety…………….15 1.2.3 Using safety features………………16 1.2.4 Safe operation………………..18 Following safe operating practices……….18 Getting into and out of the cab…………21…

  • Page 5
    3 Operation………………..54 Running the tractor in………………54 Preparing for use………………..54 3.2.1 Adjusting the air-suspended driver’s seat…………54 3.2.2 Adjusting the Valtra Evolution driver’s seat…………57 3.2.3 Adjusting the right-side armrest…………….61 3.2.4 Adjusting the steering wheel…………….61 3.2.5 Adjusting standard mirrors …………….62 3.2.6…
  • Page 6
    Contents 3.8.3 Parking brake………………..93 3.8.4 Using the power shuttle lever…………….93 3.8.5 Adjusting the power shuttle engagement speed ……….95 3.8.6 Clutch pedal………………… 96 Using the clutch pedal while driving……….96 Adjusting the clutch pedal engagement position……96 3.8.7 Braking………………….
  • Page 7
    Contents 3.10.2 Single-row and two-row views…………….136 Working time view…………..137 Battery voltage view…………..137 Cruise control view…………..138 Driving speed view…………..138 Wheel slip view…………….. 139 Rear power take-off speed view……….139 Front power take-off speed view……….140 Engine speed view…………..140…
  • Page 8
    Contents Fuel consumption views…………172 Battery voltage view…………..173 Urea level view…………….. 174 Cruise control view…………..174 3.12.12 Entering the hydraulics settings view…………. 174 3.12.13 Hydraulics view symbols…………….175 3.12.14 Selecting the display theme…………….176 3.12.15 Changing units………………..176 3.12.16 Changing parameters………………178…
  • Page 9
    3.16.1 Using the front linkage………………226 3.16.2 Setting front linkage lifting link positions…………227 3.17 Using the Valtra front loader…………….228 3.17.1 Using the Valtra Quick front loader coupling device……..230 3.17.2 Using Softdrive………………..230 3.17.3 Locking the equipment………………. 231 3.17.4 Controlling the extra cylinder with the change valve……..232 3.18 Power take-off………………..232…
  • Page 10
    Contents 3.20 Implement signal connection…………….267 3.20.1 Implement signal connector…………….267 3.20.2 Resetting the implement signal connection…………268 3.21 Isobus implement control system…………..269 3.21.1 ISOBUS terminal connector…………….270 3.21.2 ISOBUS implement connector…………… 270 3.21.3 Bus extension connectors…………….270 3.21.4 ISOBUS terminal……………….. 270 3.22 Auto-Guide Readiness………………270 3.22.1 Using Auto-Guide……………….
  • Page 11
    Contents Storing the tractor……………….. 306 4.5.1 Storing the tractor for a period shorter than two months…….. 306 4.5.2 Storing the tractor for a period longer than two months……… 306 Running the tractor in after storage…………..307 4.6.1 Running the tractor in after a storing period shorter than two months… 307 4.6.2 Running the tractor in after a storing period longer than two months….
  • Page 12
    Contents Changing engine air filters…………360 Changing the selective catalytic reduction system supply module main filter…………..362 Checking the front wheel toe-in……….363 Adjusting the front wheel toe-in……….364 Changing the hydraulic breather……….364 Checking the power shuttle operation……..365 4.7.6 Maintenance every 2400 hours or every other year……..365…
  • Page 13
    Contents Viewing the IO-list……………….. 414 Automatic air conditioning error codes………….416 Steering system malfunctions…………….416 Towing the tractor……………….. 417 5.8.1 Towing the tractor when the engine is running……….417 5.8.2 Towing the tractor when the engine is not running……..418 6 Technical specifications…………..419 Dimensions………………….
  • Page 14
    Contents Lifting forces and lifting ranges……….435 6.13.5 Front linkage………………..436 6.13.6 Towing devices………………..436 Pick-up hitch…………….436 Euro pick-up hitch…………..436 Hydraulic pick-up hitch…………..437 Agricultural towing device…………438 Towing device frames……………439 Alphabetical index………………. 441 — 13 -…
  • Page 15: Safety Precautions

    1. Safety precautions Safety precautions Always follow the safety precautions given when working with the tractor. The regulations given do not release the operator from statutory and other national regulations regarding traffic safety and occupational health and safety. In addition to the precautions given in this manual, always follow the safety regulations applicable to different types of working sites and existing road traffic laws.

  • Page 16: Maintaining Hardware Safety

    Lock the brake pedals together whenever individual wheel brakes are not required and always when driving on the road. • Extensive repairs to the braking system should be undertaken only by an authorised Valtra workshop. • When implements or ballast weights are front-end-mounted, the rear axle loading is decreased.

  • Page 17: Using Safety Features

    1. Safety precautions • Maintenance • Follow the maintenance instructions and safety precautions applicable to the tractor. • Stop the engine and lower the implement before carrying out any maintenance work on the tractor or implement. DANGER: Support the tractor from the correct support points on the frame and use suitable blocks or stands when carrying out maintenance tasks that require supporting the tractor.

  • Page 18
    1. Safety precautions • Roof hatch GUID-D8CDDFCE-E360-4AD1-8F47-2993DCD750B2 1. Handle 2. Gas springs with quick locks • Pull open the sun shade. • Turn the handle to unlock the hatch. • Detach both gas springs from their quick locks. • Push the hatch fully open. WARNING: When driving on ice, keep the roof hatch open.
  • Page 19: Safe Operation

    1. Safety precautions 1.2.4 Safe operation Following safe operating practices To operate the tractor safely, follow all safety precautions and instructions. • Avoid operating the tractor near ditches, embankments and holes. • Stay off slopes too steep for safe operation. •…

  • Page 20
    1. Safety precautions • Restart after engine stop. • If the engine has stalled, for example due to too heavy loading, turn the ignition key to the Off position. • Restart the engine. Keep an eye on the indicator lights on the instrument panel.
  • Page 21
    1. Safety precautions • Front loader WARNING: The programmable features of the joystick or other controls must not be used to operate a loader. To prevent involuntary loader motion, the loader joystick controller must be of the self-neutralising type. When the operator releases their grip on the joystick, the joystick must return to the neutral position, except for the float detent position in the loader lowering direction.
  • Page 22: Getting Into And Out Of The Cab

    1. Safety precautions • Operator Protection Structure (OPS) DANGER: Protection against penetrating objects is not provided (no OPS available) if the cab of your tractor is fitted with windows made of glass. Protection against penetrating objects is provided in accordance with ISO 8084 (OPS is available) if the cab of your tractor is fitted with windows made of polycarbonate, except the Side visibility cab (no OPS in Side visibility cab).

  • Page 23: Controlling The Driving Speed

    1. Safety precautions • When driving the tractor on public roads WARNING: Do not transport anything on the auxiliary hydraulic valves while driving on the road. The load, trailer link steering and such have to be locked (for example mechanically). •…

  • Page 24: Operating With Implements

    • Allow sufficient clearance for turning. Three-point hitch and side-mounted implements make a much larger arc when turning than towed equipment. Use only Valtra-approved attachments and implements. • Familiarise yourself with the working area and terrain.

  • Page 25: Running With Power Take-Off Driven Implements Or Machines

    1. Safety precautions GUID-8924D3B6-EBB0-42EC-B132-A9A189E79D81 Running with power take-off driven implements or machines Read and follow the given instructions to use power take-off (PTO) driven implements and machines safely. DANGER: Serious accidents may occur due to failure to use the prescribed safety devices.

  • Page 26: Towing

    1. Safety precautions Towing Read and follow the given instructions to tow a trailer or an implement safely. WARNING: When the tractor is towing a trailer, the brake pedals must be locked together. The brakes are not to be used individually for steering.

  • Page 27: Fire Hazards

    1. Safety precautions • Stop the engine and lower the implement to the ground when leaving the tractor. • Do not let passengers ride in the tractor unless it is provided with a special seat. Other personal transport, for example on front-mounted loaders, is not permissible.

  • Page 28: After-Treatment System

    1. Safety precautions After-treatment system The selective catalytic reduction (SCR) after-treatment system contains vanadiumpentoxide . Vanadiumpentoxide can be hazardous. The SCR after-treatment system is installed in the muffler. The system is not hazardous to health under normal use and handling. When the SCR after-treatment system is handled in such a way that there is a risk of exposure to dust, safety precautions must be taken.

  • Page 29: Instruments And Controls

    2. Instruments and controls Instruments and controls One-key locking system There is one key for locking and unlocking all the locking devices of the tractor. • Ignition switch • Door handle lock • Fuel tank cap lock • AdBlue tank cap lock •…

  • Page 30: Dashboard

    2. Instruments and controls Dashboard 10 11 12 13 GUID-93386ADA-DF9C-4082-AA9E-A69B37AC3C27 1. Power shuttle lever 2. Preprogramming push button 3. Lever for adjusting steering wheel position 4. Steering wheel 5. Multifunction lever 6. Proline instrument panel 7. 3-pin current socket (optional) 8.

  • Page 31: Control Panel For A-Pillar Display And Proline

    2. Instruments and controls Control panel for A-pillar display and Proline GUID-983CD1D6-7614-41B0-8D19-1E07FB1000A9 1. Proline instrument panel selection 2. Arrow up 3. A-pillar display selection 4. Back 5. Arrow down 6. SET / selection NOTE: Moving back in the selection menu automatically saves the selection. When power is switched on, the control panel controls the Proline instrument panel as a default.

  • Page 32: Symbols On The Proline Instrument Panel Display

    2. Instruments and controls 1. Fuel gauge 2. Coolant temperature gauge 3. Indicator lights for turn signal 4. Tachometer 5. Speedometer 6. Indicator light for the high beam 7. Proline instrument panel display The fuel gauge shows the amount of fuel left in the tank. The coolant thermometer indicates the engine temperature.

  • Page 33: Indicator Lights On The Left Side Of The Display

    If the turn signal indicator light is lit during the first two blinks, there is a fault in the direction indicator relay and it must be calibrated. Contact an authorised Valtra workshop. Turn signal indicator light of a vehicle combination with one trailer having one pair of lamps.

  • Page 34: Indicator Lights On The Right Side Of The Display

    2. Instruments and controls Indicator light Indication Ʃ-indicator light (optional on models T144, T154, T174E). The light is lit continuously (yellow) when the tractor is operating in the higher power range and using PTO. GUID-9ECAC14D-0D4E-4140-A7E0- EF644A757258 Glow indicator light. The light (yellow) is lit when the ignition key is in position II and the engine is cold. GUID-578F4FB0-505C-4C35-8A38- A986A78BBDAF Parking brake indicator light…

  • Page 35
    2. Instruments and controls Indicator light Indication STOP indicator light (red). The light flashes to indicate serious fault. Possible reasons: GUID-5E3E430F- F6C2-4C78-85F1-385620 • Engine oil pressure too low 934CD2 • Engine temperature too high (gauge) • Gearbox oil pressure too low •…
  • Page 36: Controls On The Right-Hand Side

    2. Instruments and controls Controls on the right-hand side 2.6.1 Tractor terminal The tractor terminal contains the following components. ON/OFF M1 M2 M3 EDIT GUID-5E4A9AD7-FCDE-4DA5-99C4-BB6AA205A6E4 1. Tractor terminal display 2. OK button 3. Arrow buttons 4. ESC button — 35 -…

  • Page 37: Driving Controls

    2. Instruments and controls 2.6.2 Driving controls 9 10 GUID-64FF0F5D-DB13-4692-86A7-98A5CB622FFA 1. Emergency brake button 2. Switch for four-wheel drive (4WD) 3. Switch for differential lock 4. QuickSteer control knob (optional) 5. QuickSteer activation button (optional) 6. Auto-Guide steering valve on/off button (optional) 7.

  • Page 38: Linkage

    2. Instruments and controls 2.6.3 Linkage Rear linkage GUID-3042C29A-D4B5-4D11-B463-104B1EC1AB2E 1. Lowering indicator light 2. Lifting indicator light 3. Diagnostic light 4. Lowering speed selector 5. Max lifting height selector 6. Draft control selector 7. Lifting/lowering switch 8. Trailer hitch release lever (optional) 9.

  • Page 39: Front Linkage

    2. Instruments and controls Front linkage The front linkage is optional. GUID-3EB09E37-93DA-499A-8371-FFEF86F4B088 1. Auxiliary hydraulics on/off push button 2. Joystick function selector 3. Changeover button for front linkage / front loader (optional) 4. Joystick — 38 -…

  • Page 40: Power Take-Off

    2. Instruments and controls 2.6.4 Power take-off Rear power take-off GUID-76E2111F-FCD5-4375-829F-2BB6AD567BE2 1. Button for rear PTO automatic start/stop 2. Speed control knob for rear PTO 3. Switch for rear PTO when front PTO is included 4. Switch for rear PTO when front PTO is not included — 39 -…

  • Page 41: Front Power Take-Off

    2. Instruments and controls Front power take-off The front power take-off (PTO) is optional. GUID-3995D1BE-DD76-4E4C-8A64-3BCFF668E177 1. Switch for front PTO 2.6.5 Auxiliary hydraulics The following instruments and controls are used to control the auxiliary hydraulics. 13 14 GUID-B9873D58-B512-48DA-BEDC-083A63BDD477 — 40 -…

  • Page 42: Other Controls

    2. Instruments and controls 1. Switch for rear on/off valve 1 2. Switch for rear on/off valve 2 (optional) 3. Joystick functions selector 4. Selector for the predefined factory / user settings 5. Auxiliary hydraulics on/off push button 6. Control lever for auxiliary hydraulics rear valve 3 (optional) 7.

  • Page 43: Main Power Emergency Button

    2. Instruments and controls 2.6.7 Main power emergency button GUID-662324B9-8FB4-4FF7-BEDB-61435F936ACF 1. Main power emergency button 2. Main power on (green light) 3. Main power off (red light) Controls on the rear side 2.7.1 Rear window opening latch GUID-6B43C7C5-A73C-48E8-AE3A-7A8465D12A09 1. Rear window opening latch — 42 -…

  • Page 44: Additional Wipers

    2. Instruments and controls 2.7.2 Additional wipers GUID-815FF11E-1BE7-4131-828E-7F42BD38D28C 1. Rear window wiper switch (optional) 2. Side window wiper switch (optional) 2.7.3 Reverse drive system controls The reverse drive system is optional. GUID-A3897C57-B689-4C6F-A140-AFBF99C5C188 1. PowerShuttle lever 2. Preprogramming push button 3. Steering wheel 4.

  • Page 45: Controls On The Left-Hand Side

    2. Instruments and controls 8. Lever for steering wheel rake adjustment 9. Brake pedal 10. Drive pedal Controls on the left-hand side The following controls are positioned on the left-hand side. GUID-CBEEB308-1F37-4109-A69A-8EABADDB4497 1. Storage compartment 2. Cool box (optional) 3. Ashtray (optional) 4.

  • Page 46: Controls On The Right-Hand Side Roof Console

    2. Instruments and controls Controls on the right-hand side roof console The following controls are positioned on the right-hand side roof console. GUID-F64DE483-75FF-4D51-9A29-17BDA57EDD55 1. Light panel on/off button 2. Front working lights 3. Front waist working lights (optional) 4. Rotary beacon light (optional) 5.

  • Page 47: Air Conditioning Controls

    2. Instruments and controls 1. Radio (optional) 2. Air conditioning controls 3. Tachograph (optional) 4. Mirror adjustment knob (optional) 5. Mirror heating switch (optional) 6. Interior light 7. Control switch for interior light 8. Rear window heater push button (optional) 2.10 Air conditioning controls 2.10.1…

  • Page 48: Manual Air Conditioning

    2. Instruments and controls 2.10.3 Manual air conditioning The manual air conditioning system is optional. GUID-0913C775-1DDA-46DF-9676-D334471A4A4E 1. OFF/Fan speed control knob 2. AC ON/OFF 3. Temperature control knob 2.10.4 Heater controls GUID-DC873987-32C9-48B4-88EC-C1CE9002D57D 1. OFF/Fan speed control knob 2. Temperature control knob — 47 -…

  • Page 49: Operator’s Seat

    2. Instruments and controls 2.11 Operator’s seat 2.11.1 Air suspended operator’s seat Air suspended operator’s seat is standard and Air suspended + operator’s seat is optional. GUID-415AF9F9-7272-4394-9E91-E403FB5E4EF0 1. Armrest adjustment (Air suspended +) 2. Storage compartment (Air suspended +) or net (Air suspended) for manuals 3.

  • Page 50: Valtra Evolution Operator’s Seat

    2. Instruments and controls 2.11.2 Valtra Evolution operator’s seat Valtra Evolution operator’s seat is optional. 12 13 GUID-BB08344C-7902-498A-9CAB-EC0108650236 1. Storage compartment for manuals 2. Headrest height adjustment and removal 3. Armrest adjustment 4. Seat heating and ventilation 5. Upper backrest support adjustment 6.

  • Page 51: Controls On The Rear Mudguard

    2. Instruments and controls 2.12 Controls on the rear mudguard GUID-5A1672F3-326F-42DB-B47F-AC5631B2E48C 1. Rear power take-off on/off push button 2. Lifting/lowering push button 3. On/off valve 1 push buttons (optional) 4. Rear valve 1 push buttons (optional) — 50 -…

  • Page 52: Front End Controls And Connections

    2. Instruments and controls 2.13 Front end controls and connections Front linkage and front quick couplings are optional. GUID-69FCD1F6-D695-4EBF-9A06-0554487C5E11 1. Engine bonnet lock 2. Trailer socket (optional) 3. Lifting/lowering push buttons for the front linkage (optional) 4. Front valve 1 push buttons (optional) 5.

  • Page 53: Rear Controls And Connections Outside The Cab

    2. Instruments and controls 2.14 Rear controls and connections outside the cab STOP GUID-75076D39-D28F-4606-BEA3-F80A27CC6E19 1. Trailer coupling, Duo-Matic (optional) 2. Trailer coupling, 2-line system (optional) 3. Trailer coupling, 1-2-line system (optional) 4. Inlet for implement control cables/wires — 52 -…

  • Page 54
    2. Instruments and controls 5. Emergency stop plug for rear power take-off (PTO) 6. Front linkage shut-off valve (optional) 7. Top link 8. Top link/lower link ball storage bracket 9. Power Beyond couplings 10. Quick couplings, auxiliary hydraulics 11. Quick coupling, on/off valve 1 12.
  • Page 55: Operation

    3. Operation Operation Running the tractor in The tractor is run in during the 50 first hours of use. Running the tractor in correctly gives the tractor a longer service life and makes it more economical. Before you start driving, make sure that: •…

  • Page 56
    3. Operation CAUTION: Do not attempt to adjust the seat while driving. There is an increased risk of loss of control. GUID-415AF9F9-7272-4394-9E91-E403FB5E4EF0 1. Armrest adjustment (Air-suspended +) 2. Storage compartment (Air-suspended +) or net (Air-suspended) for manuals 3. Seat heating 4.
  • Page 57
    3. Operation • Turn the seat. • Release the lock by pulling the lock/release lever upwards. • Turn the seat to the desired position. The seat can be turned between 190° anti-clockwise and 90° clockwise. The seat can be locked to set positions at 10°, 20°, 80° and 90° when turning clockwise and 10°, 20°, 180°…
  • Page 58: Adjusting The Valtra Evolution Driver’s Seat

    3.2.2 Adjusting the Valtra Evolution driver’s seat You can adjust the Valtra Evolution driver’s seat according to your height and weight. With these adjustments you can minimize the exposure to vibration, obtain the best support for your lower back and get the most comfortable driving position.

  • Page 59
    3. Operation 12 13 GUID-BB08344C-7902-498A-9CAB-EC0108650236 1. Storage compartment for manuals 2. Headrest height adjustment and removal 3. Armrest adjustment 4. Seat heating and ventilation 5. Upper backrest support adjustment 6. Lower backrest support adjustment 7. Backrest inclination adjustment 8. Seat depth adjustment 9.
  • Page 60
    3. Operation • Adjust the headrest height. • Lift the headrest by pulling it upwards. • Lower the headrest by pushing it downwards. • Remove the headrest by pulling it upwards. • Adjust the height of the left side armrest. •…
  • Page 61
    3. Operation • Turn the seat. • Release the lock by pulling the locking lever upwards. • Turn the seat to the desired position. You can turn the seat between 190° anti-clockwise and 90° clockwise from the normal position. The seat can be locked to set positions at 10°, 20°, 80°…
  • Page 62: Adjusting The Right-Side Armrest

    3. Operation 3.2.3 Adjusting the right-side armrest You can adjust the back/front position and the sideways position as well as the inclination of the armrest. GUID-ABF6923F-EFCF-4E15-989E-28D0ABDE2040 1. Sideways adjustment 2. Forward/backward position adjustment / armrest height adjustment 3. Inclination adjustment •…

  • Page 63: Adjusting Standard Mirrors

    3. Operation GUID-9C185E91-3B11-40DB-A18B-5F4F6CE81499 1. Lever for adjusting steering wheel position 2. Locking pedal for steering wheel rake adjustment • Adjust the steering wheel position. • Pull the lever upwards. • Move the steering wheel up or down to the desired position. •…

  • Page 64: Adjusting Optional Mirrors

    3. Operation 3.2.6 Adjusting optional mirrors You can adjust the position of the optional mirrors electrically. GUID-7737973C-BFC2-4F4C-971A-C6793957F5FC 1. Mirror adjustment • To adjust the left mirror, turn the knob to the left and push the knob in the direction of the arrows. •…

  • Page 65: Heating Mirrors

    3. Operation 3.2.7 Heating mirrors Mirror heating is extra equipment. GUID-21BE979D-022A-475E-8F28-23CC9FC1A6E6 1. Mirror heating switch • To switch the mirror heating on, press down the symbol side of the switch. • To switch the mirror heating off, press down the side of the switch opposite to the symbol.

  • Page 66: Using The Side Window Wiper And Washer

    3. Operation • To use the windscreen wiper, turn the multifunction lever. The wiper has an intermittent position and two speeds. • To use the windscreen washer, push the lever inwards. 3.2.9 Using the side window wiper and washer The switch for the side window wiper and washer is located on the C-pillar. GUID-DD5ABAC1-205B-4FD2-91F7-5FC599850A31 1.

  • Page 67: Using The Rear Window Wiper And Washer

    3. Operation 3.2.10 Using the rear window wiper and washer The rear window wiper is extra equipment. The switch for the rear window wiper and washer is located on the C-pillar. GUID-C6B05D9E-0C0C-45F0-B379-DF47A9625461 1. Rear window wiper switch • To use the rear window wiper, turn the switch. The wiper has an intermittent position and one speed.

  • Page 68: Power Shuttle Lever

    3. Operation • Switch the window heater on by pressing the rear window heater button. A green light indicates that the window heater is on. • Switch the window heater off by pressing the rear window heater button again. If the rear window heater is not switched off manually, it switches off automatically after 10 minutes.

  • Page 69: Control Stop

    3. Operation GUID-C8DBFD22-64C1-4BCB-B3E6-5FCFD5184ECD 1. Power shuttle lever 2. Collar 3.2.13 Control stop The control stop is used when the tractor is running an implement in stationary mode (for example a compressor or pump) and the operator is not in the cab. Using the control stop reduces the risk of more serious damage to the engine or in the transmission.

  • Page 70: Using The Ignition Switch

    3. Operation • To deactivate the control stop, press down the side of the control stop switch opposite to the symbol. 3.2.15 Using the ignition switch The ignition switch has four positions: OFF position, radio and cold box on position, power and instrumentation on position, and start position. After turning the ignition key to OFF position, there is a delay before the main power switches off.

  • Page 71: Main Power

    3. Operation 3.2.16 Main power The main power is controlled by the ignition switch. The main power is automatically turned on when you turn the ignition to other than the OFF position. When you turn the ignition to the OFF position, the main power is turned off after a delay.

  • Page 72: Using The Roof Hatch

    3. Operation 3. Press the red button of the main power emergency button for three seconds. The main power is switched off without a delay and the red light is lit in the main power emergency button to indicate that the power is off. NOTE: The electric system does not save data or perform controlled shutdown and the urea lines will not become empty.

  • Page 73: Starting The Tractor

    3. Operation 2. Close the roof hatch. • Pull the roof hatch closed. • Turn the handle to lock the roof hatch. • Slide the sun shade closed by pushing it forward. Starting the tractor 3.3.1 Starting under normal conditions WARNING: Never run the tractor in an enclosed building except with the exhaust vented to the outside.

  • Page 74
    3. Operation GUID-354237EC-2DE8-4CC4-9EFD-94F1A0F0A031 1. Engine oil pressure 2. Stop light (is flashing) 3. Gearbox oil pressure 4. Four-wheel drive 5. Parking brake 6. Battery charging 1. Apply the parking brake. 2. Turn the hand throttle to the low idling position. 3.
  • Page 75: Starting Under Cold Conditions

    3. Operation 9. Set the cruise control values. When the engine has started the cruise control pop-up view is displayed. Cruise Cruise AUTO 1 13 °C 13.0 Cruise Cruise GUID-B95BC766-BA79-4531-8739-1425E774606E • Press the OK button or the selector for the predefined factory/user settings shortly to restore the previously saved cruise control values.

  • Page 76: Starting With An Auxiliary Battery

    3. Operation • When cold-starting the engine, turn off all unnecessary equipment that uses electrical power. • Keep the battery in a warm place when it is not in use. Starting the tractor under very cold conditions is easier if the battery is kept in a warm place when it is not in use.

  • Page 77: Using Lights

    3. Operation 3. Connect another jump lead between the (-) terminal on the auxiliary battery and the (-) terminal on the tractor battery. WARNING: Make sure that the jump leads are properly connected to the terminals. Otherwise the jump leads can cause a short circuit, which might lead to the explosion of the battery.

  • Page 78: Using The Follow-Me-Home Functionality

    3. Operation • If the tractor is equipped with upper headlights (optional), turn the light switch to the far right position to use them. NOTE: Your tractor has a safety circuitry for lights, meaning that if the fuse of the light switch has burned and the lights are switched on, the front working lights are forced on.

  • Page 79
    3. Operation GUID-096AC2CD-7899-47BA-BACB-CB5F7441456F 1. Light panel on/off button 2. Front working lights 3. Front waist working lights (optional) 4. Rotary beacon light (optional) 5. Rear working lights (optional) 6. Automatic operation of the rear working lights (optional) 7. Trailer hitch light (optional) 8.
  • Page 80: Using The Cab Light

    3. Operation 3.4.4 Using the cab light The tractor is equipped with a cab light which can be used manually or set to work automatically. GUID-9C953E56-E65D-4C8E-8A16-9A2D354A864F 1. Cab light 2. Cab light switch The cab light switch has three positions: left, centre and right. •…

  • Page 81: Using Notification Devices

    3. Operation Using notification devices 3.5.1 Using turn signals GUID-425CF0C2-AFB1-4410-8887-485A3207C6BA 1. Multifunction lever 2. Indicator lights for turn signals • To switch on the left-hand side turn signal, move the multifunction lever upwards. — 80 -…

  • Page 82: Using The Horn

    3. Operation • To switch on the right-hand side turn signal, move the multifunction lever downwards. The left or right indicator light blinks correspondingly. 3.5.2 Using the horn GUID-39F97DFA-F605-48D5-853D-004FFCF16415 1. Horn button • To sound the horn, push the horn button. 3.5.3 Using the rotary beacon light Rotary beacon light is an extra equipment.

  • Page 83: Using Hazard Lights

    3. Operation 3.5.4 Using hazard lights All four turn signals can be switched on to warn of a hazardous situation. GUID-920AE15C-6FAE-4866-8C28-AC0AD8F28350 1. Switch for hazard lights 1. To make all four turn signals blink, press down the symbol side of the switch. 2.

  • Page 84: Using The Manual Air Conditioning

    3. Operation 3.6.2 Using the manual air conditioning The manual air conditioning is optional equipment. IMPORTANT: Use the air conditioning regularly to prevent seizing of the compressor. IMPORTANT: When using the air conditioning, keep the cab doors and windows closed. GUID-0913C775-1DDA-46DF-9676-D334471A4A4E 1.

  • Page 85: Automatic Air Conditioning

    3. Operation 4. To blow warm air to the lower part of the cab, turn the additional heater fan speed control knob. 3.6.4 Automatic air conditioning The automatic air conditioning system is optional equipment. IMPORTANT: Use the air conditioning regularly to prevent seizing of the compressor.

  • Page 86: Using The Automatic Air Conditioning

    3. Operation Display GUID-F20FB364-0A39-4A5B-BE19-605EA501B52F 1. Automatic mode 2. Fan speed 3. Set temperature/Fault information 4. Additional heater 5. ECO mode Indicator Indication Displayed when the automatic fan speed and the AC compressor are on. Displays the fan speed. Displays the selected target temperature. If adjusted below 16°C, LO is displayed.

  • Page 87: Using Eco Mode

    3. Operation AUTO ° AUTO GUID-2B1A1B70-F454-4DD2-8498-15F6FA9B3AAB 1. Fan speed control knob 2. Display 3. Air conditioning ON/OFF 4. Temperature control knob • To activate the automatic air conditioning system, turn the fan speed control knob to the AUTO position. When the automatic air conditioning and the AC compressor are active, the LED next to the air conditioning ON/OFF button is lit and the indicator AUTO is shown on the display.

  • Page 88: Using The Additional Heater

    3. Operation ° AUTO GUID-FF8F7C17-A079-44D8-B446-B6178FED1C34 1. Fan speed control knob 2. Display 3. Air conditioning ON/OFF 4. Temperature control knob • Using the ECO mode when the air conditioning system is in the AUTO mode. • Switch off the AC compressor by pressing the air conditioning ON/OFF push button.

  • Page 89: Using Defrost

    3. Operation AUTO ° AUTO GUID-5C4C2E1B-1CF1-4CEB-ABE3-52E8783259F0 1. Automatic air conditioning fan speed 2. Additional heater fan speed decrease 3. Display showing the additional heater’s fan status and speed 4. Additional heater fan speed increase • Using the additional heater when the air conditioning is in the AUTO mode The air conditioning system is in the AUTO mode when either of the indicators AUTO or AUTO-ECO are displayed.

  • Page 90: Power Outlets

    3. Operation Power outlets 3.7.1 Lighters Lighter sockets can be used as electric power outputs. A lighter socket provides an output of 12 V DC; 10 A at a maximum. GUID-47FEE990-FDCD-4ACB-A4F0-83A0544070F7 1. Lighter on the left-hand side (optional) 2. Lighter on the front console (optional) 3.

  • Page 91: Three-Pin Current Socket

    3. Operation 3.7.3 Three-pin current socket GUID-84932CF5-F38B-4026-A174-A49D117AB680 1. Three-pin current socket on the front console (optional) 2. Three-pin current socket on the right-hand side (one standard, one optional) 3. 25 A 4. 5 A 5. Ground The direct current is supplied through the current socket for different regulating elements, implements etc.

  • Page 92
    3. Operation GUID-61A1535A-EAE5-4869-A7E2-359E3574BB25 1. Direction indicator left (yellow) 2. Ignition switch current, max. 10 A (blue) 3. Ground (white) 4. Direction indicator right (green) 5. Parking light right (brown) 6. Brake light (red) 7. Parking light left (black) Socket at the front end The power socket at the front end is optional equipment.
  • Page 93: Driving The Tractor

    3. Operation Driving the tractor 3.8.1 Notifications about steering WARNING: If the engine stops while the tractor is moving (for example, the fuel has run out), do not press the clutch pedal down. When the tractor is moving and the transmission is engaged, the engine is running and there is pressure in the system.

  • Page 94: Parking Brake

    3. Operation 3.8.3 Parking brake When the parking brake is on, four-wheel drive (4WD) is engaged and all wheels brake. You can use the parking brake by changing the position of the power shuttle lever. The parking brake engages when driving speed is approximately 3 km/h or lower.

  • Page 95
    3. Operation • F (front position) = forward driving direction • N (centre position) = neutral • R (rear position) = reverse driving direction • P = parking brake position • Engage the parking brake: Stop the tractor completely. Pull up the collar round the power shuttle lever and move the lever to the parking brake (P) position.
  • Page 96: Adjusting The Power Shuttle Engagement Speed

    3. Operation 3.8.5 Adjusting the power shuttle engagement speed You can adjust the power shuttle engagement speed through the tractor terminal transmission settings. The index determines how quickly the torque of the power shuttle increases to the maximum value when the clutch is engaged. The index affects both the F (forward) and R (reverse) clutch engagements.

  • Page 97: Clutch Pedal

    3. Operation 3.8.6 Clutch pedal Using the clutch pedal while driving GUID-02D21C15-7DD6-43EE-83D8-AADEFEE7CC46 1. Clutch pedal 1. Press the clutch pedal to release the traction. 2. Let the clutch pedal up gradually. NOTE: Never rest your foot on the clutch pedal while driving. NOTE: Do not allow the clutch to slip more than necessary when moving off.

  • Page 98
    3. Operation 1. Press ESC. 2. Navigate to the menu 2 with the up and down arrow buttons. 3. Press the right arrow button to enter the transmission settings view. NOTE: When the power shuttle lever is in the parking brake position (P), you can enter the transmission settings view by pressing the preprogramming button.
  • Page 99: Braking

    3. Operation 3.8.7 Braking You can use the brake pedals differently in various working situations. GUID-34380CCB-ED6A-4430-AA9E-E55A3F6893AC 1. Latch for brake pedals 2. Brake pedals The tractor has two brake pedals which apply separately to the right and to the left side rear wheels. All four wheels are braking when pressing both brake pedals.

  • Page 100: Using The Emergency Brake Lever

    3. Operation GUID-20E98088-37AE-4CA8-BC1A-2C89F0EA4720 1. Emergency brake button 1. Press the emergency brake button to start braking. The emergency brake button uses maximal braking power. Message “SECONDARY BRAKE!” is shown on the instrument panel display. 2. Release the emergency brake button to stop braking. WARNING: Using emergency brake in slippery conditions can result in skidding and loss of control.

  • Page 101: Starting To Drive

    3. Operation GUID-46215538-D099-4FF4-83E7-87B43A797FE4 1. Emergency brake lever 1. Pull the emergency brake lever to start braking. Pull the lever slowly to start braking gradually. Pull the lever down quickly to get maximal braking force. Message “SECONDARY BRAKE!” is shown on the instrument panel display. 2.

  • Page 102: Transmission System

    3. Operation 3. Select the speed range and gear. Select a speed range which: • gives the optimum fuel consumption without overloading the engine and the transmission. • allows the engine to operate comfortably at about 75% of its maximum power.

  • Page 103: Speed Matching

    3. Operation Maximum speed with the engine speed of 1930 rpm. Maximum speed with the engine speed of 1920 rpm. Speed matching Changing speed ranges may cause sudden changes in driving speed. The speed matching automatically tries to even out speed differences which are too high by engaging the appropriate Powershift gear.

  • Page 104
    3. Operation • Shift the speed range down by pressing the speed range selection — button. You can change the speed range downwards by more than one step at a time, directly from D to A for example. The change is implemented provided that the driving speed at the time of the request is within the defined limits for speed range changing.
  • Page 105: Selecting The Creeper Speed Range

    3. Operation Selecting the creeper speed range You can engage the creeper speed range with the speed range push buttons. GUID-5EB211B5-030B-403F-AF0C-26A1A0F6EF64 1. Speed range selection + button 2. Speed range selection — button IMPORTANT: Engaging the creeper range is only allowed when the tractor is stationary.

  • Page 106: Preprogramming Gear For Driving Direction Changing

    3. Operation at a time by moving the gear lever in either direction and holding it there, which triggers multiple consecutive Powershift gear changes. The number of the selected Powershift gear blinks on the tractor terminal display and A-pillar display until the requested Powershift gear has engaged.

  • Page 107
    3. Operation 12.8 km/h GUID-A8E97DFB-9CE9-4C9F-B8CE-90E7716A8424 1. Gear and driving direction under preprogramming GUID-089E551D-71E3-48BD-8DE8-86F70C33B1C7 1. Gear lever 2. PowerShuttle lever 3. Preprogramming push button The engine must be running when you preprogram the Powershift. Pressing the Powershift preprogramming push button with only the power on shifts to the tractor terminal setup menu.
  • Page 108: Using The Shifting Automatics

    3. Operation • To preprogram the Powershift gear: Both directions can have different programs. • Start the engine. • Press down the clutch and brake pedals to ensure safety. You can make the preprogramming also while driving, except when the creeper gear is engaged.

  • Page 109
    3. Operation Automatic shifting between the speed ranges C and D is possible if you have activated the C-D shifting automatics functionality in the tractor terminal transmission settings. Automatic shifting between the speed ranges A and B or B and C is not possible. If the C-D shifting automatics is selected and either C or D range is selected in the Auto1 mode, the automatics shift between the C and D range automatically, depending on drive speed request, engine load and driving situation.
  • Page 110: Programming Shifting Automatics

    3. Operation AUTO 1 13 °C 13.0 1310 Cruise Cruise GUID-5C6A2CB4-B70B-4F81-8988-A4DA1EF7D09A 1. Shifting automatics button 2. Selected program The manual mode is on when the shifting program indicator is not visible. • Change between the automatic modes and the manual mode by moving the gear lever right for automatic and left for manual.

  • Page 111
    3. Operation 1. Press the ESC button. 2. Navigate to menu 2 with the up and down arrow buttons. GUID-B1C5E833-3C41-4377-B9F5-46040737CF89 1. Selector for the hydraulic predefined factory/user settings / multifunction edit pulse wheel with push button 2. OK button 3. Arrow buttons 4.
  • Page 112: Using The Powershift Limiter

    3. Operation 6. Use the up and down arrow buttons to set the desired value and the right and left arrow button to change between the value for shifting up and value for shifting down. NOTE: The engine speed limit can be changed in steps of 50 rpm in the 900-2300 rpm range.

  • Page 113: Programming Automatic Shifting Between Speed Ranges C And D

    3. Operation 1. Press the Powershift limiter push button to activate the limiter. The Powershift gear that is in use when you press the button is set as the limit. The Powershift automatics do not shift to a gear higher than this. If Powershift gear 5 in the C range is selected, the Powershift limiter prevents the automatic shifting between the C and D ranges.

  • Page 114: Using The Eco Function

    3. Operation 7. Select the speed range C-D shifting automatics by pressing the up or down arrow button or by rotating the selector for the predefined factory/user settings. AUTO AUTO 2 START GUID-BB107C27-9E36-44F8-982D-4893707399CB 1. Speed range C-D shifting automatics setting 8.

  • Page 115: Parking The Tractor

    3. Operation • To activate or deactivate the ECO mode, press the ECO button. 3.8.13 Parking the tractor 1. Stop the tractor. 2. Apply the parking brake. 3. Lower the implements. In cold conditions, lower the links without implements as well. 4.

  • Page 116: Filling The Adblue/Def Tank

    3. Operation 1. Open the fuel tank cap. GUID-495443FB-A0E5-4C63-827A-BD3CC2A4C459 1. Fuel tank cap 2. Fill the tank. 3. Close the fuel tank cap. IMPORTANT: Never put AdBlue/DEF in the fuel tank, as the engine and fuel system may become damaged. IMPORTANT: Never put fuel in the AdBlue/DEF tank.

  • Page 117
    3. Operation WARNING: Wear suitable gloves when filling up. NOTE: When the AdBlue level decreases to 5% or less, the torque and maximum rotation speed of the engine are slowly decreased. When the AdBlue level has decreased to approximately 0% and stayed at that level for about an hour, the engine decreases to idling speed and the torque is heavily limited.
  • Page 118: Cruise Control

    3. Operation IMPORTANT: Never put AdBlue/DEF in the fuel tank, as the engine and fuel system may become damaged. IMPORTANT: If the AdBlue/DEF additive is modified or replaced by a fluid which does not comply with the standard ISO 22241 (DIN 70070), the after-treatment system will be damaged.

  • Page 119: Cruise Control Buttons

    3. Operation Cruise control buttons GUID-28B03F82-CAB2-4C3F-A3BE-C77E5B598F76 1. Adjustment wheel 2. Driving speed cruise control off button 3. Driving speed cruise control memory button 2 4. Driving speed cruise control memory button 1 5. Engine RPM memory button Adjustment wheel If the driving speed cruise control is activated, you can use the adjustment wheel to increase or decrease the driving speed.

  • Page 120: Programming The Driving Speed Cruise Control

    3. Operation Programming the driving speed cruise control GUID-AE817AEA-FCA9-43BA-B33C-5C0CC619641A 1. Adjustment wheel 2. Driving speed cruise control memory button 2 3. Driving speed cruise control memory button 1 1. Set the desired driving speed. Use the drive pedal or the hand throttle to set the wanted driving speed value.

  • Page 121
    3. Operation GUID-0B6EB06F-00F4-46AA-AAED-F1BCB8BED051 1. Driving speed cruise control off button 2. Driving speed cruise control memory button 2 3. Driving speed cruise control memory button 1 • Activate an existing driving speed cruise control value. • To use the setting stored to memory slot 1, press the driving speed cruise control memory button 1 shortly.
  • Page 122: Programming The Engine Speed Cruise Control

    3. Operation Programming the engine speed cruise control GUID-FC2D34C7-2836-44A6-893A-C0B821296F4A 1. Engine RPM memory button 1. Set the engine speed. Use the drive pedal or the hand throttle to set the desired engine speed value. 2. Press the engine RPM memory button shortly. The setting is activated and stored in the memory.

  • Page 123: Automatic Traction Control

    3. Operation GUID-B6DC7DFF-60C8-4520-87B2-B1DB7A9806A7 1. Engine RPM memory button 2. Hand throttle • Activate the engine speed cruise control. • Activate an engine speed value that is already saved in the memory by pressing the engine RPM memory button shortly (less than two seconds). •…

  • Page 124: Front Axle Air Suspension

    3. Operation The traction can be disengaged with the power shuttle lever or with the clutch or brake pedal in the following cases. • both brake pedals are pressed • the driving speed is less than 20 km/h • the drive pedal and clutch pedal have not been pressed •…

  • Page 125: Autocomfort Cab Suspension

    3. Operation The operator can observe the air pressure in the whole air pressure system on the gauge. The suspension system has two air suspension bellows and two shock absorbers. 3.8.18 AutoComfort cab suspension AutoComfort cab suspension is a semi-active system that controls the cab suspension automatically.

  • Page 126: Engaging And Disengaging The Differential Lock

    • The speed sensors are not calibrated. • The turning angle sensor is not calibrated (contact an authorised Valtra workshop). • There is a fault in the switch (the service code is displayed).

  • Page 127: Four-Wheel Drive

    3. Operation 3.8.20 Four-wheel drive Four-wheel drive The four-wheel drive (4WD) has three positions: ON, AUTO and OFF. The 4WD can be engaged while driving. Position Description The 4WD is always engaged. AUTO The 4WD engages: • When starting to drive. •…

  • Page 128: Engaging And Disengaging The Four-Wheel Drive

    3. Operation Engaging and disengaging the four-wheel drive You can control the engagement of the four-wheel drive (4WD) with the 4WD switch. The switch has three positions: ON, AUTO and OFF. Keep the 4WD disengaged while driving on the road if it is not required. Using the 4WD is not allowed at driving speeds of over 15 km/h if road conditions are good.

  • Page 129: Setting The Driving Start Automatics

    3. Operation Setting the driving start automatics The driving start automatics is set through the tractor terminal transmission settings. 1. Press ESC. 2. Navigate to the menu 2 with the up and down arrow buttons. 3. Press the right arrow button to enter the transmission settings view. NOTE: When the power shuttle lever is in the parking brake position (P), you can enter the transmission settings view by pressing the preprogramming button.

  • Page 130: Quicksteer

    3. Operation 3.8.22 QuickSteer QuickSteer QuickSteer is a steering system controlled by an electrohydraulic steering valve. QuickSteer means adjustable steering ratio which gives a great advantage whenever the driver needs to steer a lot, for example when driving in a small yard or when doing front loader work.

  • Page 131: Resetting Quicksteer

    ON. The valve is turned back on automatically only if the TwinTrac reverse drive system is in use. If the light is still blinking, the fault persists. In this case, contact an authorised Valtra workshop. 3.8.23 TwinTrac reverse drive system…

  • Page 132: Activating And Deactivating Twintrac

    3. Operation Steering for forward driving remains active when the driver’s seat is turned to the reverse driving station. IMPORTANT: If the reverse driving steering fails while driving, use the forward driving steering. Or, if possible, turn the seat to the forward driving station. The brake pedal for reverse drive control also controls the trailer brakes (extra equipment).

  • Page 133: Hillhold

    3. Operation GUID-45608A9D-6AA8-4806-A1E4-54CC1B43BFDF 1. QuickSteer control knob 2. QuickSteer activation button 1. Press the QuickSteer activation button to turn the steering valve on. The QuickSteer activation button light is lit green, and the QuickSteer symbol is lit on the Proline instrument panel. 2.

  • Page 134
    3. Operation GUID-0D95FE0C-D403-4DE7-8DCE-06EAD939E895 1. Symbols for hillhold When the hillhold is engaged, its symbols on the A-pillar display blink and the parking brake symbol on the Proline instrument panel comes on. • Engage the hillhold when starting to drive. • Press down the brake pedals.
  • Page 135: Permitted Driving Inclinations

    3. Operation 3.8.25 Permitted driving inclinations To ensure sufficient lubrication for the transmission and engine, it is essential to follow the maximum driving angles when driving the tractor on a slope. WARNING: Angles for safe driving should be smaller than stated to avoid the tractor from tipping over.

  • Page 136: Proline Instrument Panel Display

    3. Operation GUID-DDE12599-FDF0-4C98-AD26-8C4F3158D417 1. Dimmer • Scroll the dimmer left or right to increase or decrease the brightness of the displays. The brightness of both the Proline and the A-pillar display is adjusted simultaneously. 3.10 Proline instrument panel display The Proline instrument panel display shows information about different tractor functions.

  • Page 137: Fixed Views

    3. Operation The different views are shown on the display in either two or three rows, depending on the setting view. • The bottom row view is fixed. • Some of the views show the data in two rows and some in three. 3.10.1 Fixed views Fixed views show the operating hours and the time.

  • Page 138: Working Time View

    3. Operation Symbol Function Rear power take-off (PTO) speed (rpm) Front power take-off (PTO) speed (rpm) Engine speed (rpm) Immediate fuel consumption (ha, acre) Average fuel consumption (ha, acre) Immediate fuel consumption Average fuel consumption Fuel consumption Lower link position (%, 0-100) Gearbox temperature (C/F) Travel distance (m/km/miles) Square area (ha)

  • Page 139: Cruise Control View

    3. Operation 12.7 1.2 17:52 GUID-60F7EA9F-5D0D-4AA0-9956-670BF9B0EF7C 1. Battery voltage Cruise control view The cruise control controls the rate of motion or the engine speed of the tractor. cruise cruise The cruise control types appear on the top and middle row of the display.

  • Page 140: Wheel Slip View

    3. Operation • The letter L shows that the driving speed is under 3 km/h (2 mph). • Driving speeds of 0–10 km/h (0-10 mph) are shown with an accuracy of one decimal place. • Driving speeds of 10–15 km/h (10-15 mph) are shown with an accuracy of one decimal place in steps of 0.2 units.

  • Page 141: Front Power Take-Off Speed View

    3. Operation Front power take-off speed view The front power take-off (PTO) speed is shown in revolutions per minute (rpm). 1.2 17:52 GUID-3111181F-7B95-4A1E-B98D-39487F2F1243 1. Front power take-off speed The PTO rotation speed is shown beside the symbol with an accuracy of 10 rpm. Engine speed view The engine speed…

  • Page 142
    3. Operation Instant and average fuel consumption on the area worked 25.7 10.7 1.2 17:52 GUID-425301A3-AB39-4872-8350-CDCB7B5B5299 1. Instant fuel consumption on the area worked 2. Average fuel consumption on the area worked Instant and average fuel consumption in an hour 25.7 10.7 1.2 17:52…
  • Page 143: Rear Lower Links’ Position View

    3. Operation Rear lower links’ position view The view shows the position of the rear lower links 1.2 17:52 GUID-D2673DEE-E150-401F-8439-8E61709A3C22 1. Position of the rear lower links The display shows the symbol and the position of the rear lower links on a percentage scale 0-100: •…

  • Page 144: Travel Distance And Surface Area View

    Periodical maintenance view 1.2 17:52 GUID-2A09D419-548B-43B2-B58C-263428E6EDCE 1. Periodical maintenance view When the tool symbol and periodical maintenance hour number are lit on the display, the appropriate service work has to be carried out by an authorised Valtra workshop. — 143 -…

  • Page 145: Clearing The Periodical Maintenance View

    3. Operation If this work is not carried out, the tool symbol and periodical maintenance hour number are displayed for 10 seconds whenever the power is turned on. Clearing the periodical maintenance view When the periodical maintenance has been carried out, the periodical maintenance view can be cleared.

  • Page 146: Resetting Views

    3. Operation 3.10.4 Resetting views You can reset the travel distance, fuel consumption, working time and square area (worked area) views. All the readings are reset at the same time. RESET 1.2 17:52 GUID-B0609514-576D-4599-9B91-8B27B2C6F5BA 1. Reset view 2. Symbols for views that are reset 1.

  • Page 147: Changing Parameters

    3. Operation 3.10.5 Changing parameters Activating and exiting the setting mode You must activate the setting mode to change the different settings. GUID-B7F0E815-917E-4388-8415-F5779B309D82 1. Proline instrument panel display setting switch 1. Activate the setting mode. Press and hold down the button until the symbol for the value to be set is blinking.

  • Page 148: Changing The Parameter Value

    3. Operation 2. Display the available parameters. Press the side of the display setting switch opposite to the symbol. The available parameters are presented in the following table. Parameter Parameter value Implement width 0–6 500 Set clock Hours and minutes Clock mode 12–hour or 24–hour Direction indicator buzzer status…

  • Page 149: Setting The Implement Width

    3. Operation • Decrease a parameter value. • Press the down arrow button. The parameter decreases one step at a time. • Press and hold down the down arrow button. The parameter value decreases continuously. • Select the next parameter to be changed. Press the button.

  • Page 150: Changing The Minute Display

    3. Operation Changing the minute display S e t C l o c k 18:10 GUID-B16CE581-3037-4FA8-8B01-643980F0D8AE 1. Minute display 1. Activate the minute display in the setting mode with the button. When the minute display is blinking, you can set the minutes. 2.

  • Page 151: Changing The Temperature Unit

    3. Operation 2. Change the direction indicator buzzer to either on or off with the arrow buttons. When the function is on (no cross), the buzzer is activated together with the direction indicator or the hazard warning. Changing the temperature unit You can change the unit of temperature to be shown in either Celsius (C) or Fahrenheit (F).

  • Page 152: Changing The Volume Unit

    3. Operation Changing the volume unit You can change the unit of volume to be shown in either litre, gallon UK or gallon US mode. V o l u m e U n i t V o l u m e U n i t V o l u m e U n i t L i t r e Gal l on U K…

  • Page 153: Adjusting The Display Contrast

    3. Operation Adjusting the display contrast C o n t r a s t GUID-D1617E87-9AE7-4350-854B-FBF0119DADC1 1. Display contrast 1. Activate the display contrast in the setting mode with the button. 2. Adjust the display contrast with the arrow buttons. The minimum contrast value is 80 and the maximum value is 120.

  • Page 154: A-Pillar Display Control Panel

    3. Operation 3.11.1 A-pillar display control panel The A-pillar display control panel is located on the dashboard. You can use the control panel for changing between different views in the display. GUID-E4D55525-0AF6-46EB-B1FF-7CDE5701AD0D 1. A-pillar display selection 2. Arrow up 3. Arrow down •…

  • Page 155: Transmission Section

    3. Operation Tractor symbol The tractor symbol is shown continuously when the power is on. Forward/reverse driving direction arrow The arrow shows which driving direction, forward or reverse, is engaged. The arrow flashes if the power shuttle has been operated at a driving speed over 10 km/h.

  • Page 156: General Information Section

    3. Operation Selected Powershift gear The number of the engaged Powershift gear is shown in the middle of the transmission section (1, 2, 3, 4 or 5). AUTO1 / AUTO2 shifting automatics symbol The AUTO1 or AUTO2 symbol appears based on the shifting automatics mode in use.

  • Page 157
    3. Operation Driving speed Accuracy 0.0-9.9 10.0-14.8 15 and above 1 (no decimals) Power take-off (PTO) information • In the basic mode view, the symbol for the rear PTO is shown only if the rear PTO is rotating. If rear PTO is selected as fixed, also the rotating speed is shown on the bottom line.
  • Page 158: Changing General Information Section Views

    3. Operation Changing general information section views You can scroll the function views by pressing the up and down arrows in the control panel. GUID-E4D55525-0AF6-46EB-B1FF-7CDE5701AD0D 1. A-pillar display selection 2. Arrow up 3. Arrow down 1. To operate the A-pillar display with the control panel, press the A-pillar display selection button.

  • Page 159: Tractor Terminal Control Button Functions

    3. Operation • The settings for transmission parameters. • The settings of the tractor terminal parameters. • The active service codes. 3.12.1 Tractor terminal control button functions With the tractor terminal keypad buttons you can navigate in the different display fields, activate and deactivate the functions and adjust the values.

  • Page 160
    3. Operation AUTO 1 10 °C 11.0 1310 Cruise Cruise IMPL1 AUTO 1 Cruise Cruise IMPL1 AUTO 1600 RPM 2000 RPM AUTO 2 Cruise Cruise START 01:32 01:32 imperial metric 13,2 13.2 US gal UK gal 3.70 137,7 INFO Unit 0 VIN:Y5KN144V0OS123456 AC system: ACXX.XX Unit 3…
  • Page 161: Power Shuttle-Related Drive View Symbols

    3. Operation 13. I/O query view 14. Service code view 1. If the main menu is not displayed, press as many times as needed. The main menu is displayed. 2. Press the arrow button in the desired direction of the menu. 3.

  • Page 162: Transmission-Related Drive View Symbols

    3. Operation The speed range (A, B, C or D) and the Powershift gear (1, 2, 3, 4 or 5) are lit when the speed range and Powershift are preprogrammed for the backward power shuttle. When the parking brake is on, the symbol (P) is lit. If the parking brake is engaged while running, the symbol P flashes until the driving speed is below the engaging limit speed (factory-adjusted 3 km/h).

  • Page 163
    3. Operation AUTO 1 13 °C 13.0 1310 Cruise Cruise GUID-2BD00814-27C6-4AB6-8486-773980A8132A AUTO 1 Cruise Cruise GUID-0AA7CA1E-5380-435E-8075-291B00A65104 The tractor symbol is lit when the power is on. The STOP symbol light starts flashing (the engine must be running) at the same time with the STOP light on the instrument panel when there is a serious fault.
  • Page 164: Pop-Up Views

    3. Operation In normal situations, with the power on and the tractor standing still, the thermometer and the outside temperature are displayed. The temperature is displayed with an accuracy of plus or minus one degree. The outside temperature sensor is located at the front part of the tractor.

  • Page 165: Entering The Large Drive View

    3. Operation 3.12.7 Entering the large drive view You can enter the large drive view from the menu 1. GUID-95EED59A-405A-4862-A53C-9CF5F179C495 1. Large drive view 1. Press ESC. 2. Navigate to the menu 1 with the up and down arrow buttons. 3.

  • Page 166: Entering The Split Drive View

    3. Operation 3.12.9 Entering the split drive view You can enter the split drive view from the menu 1. GUID-46D3381D-541F-4322-8B3C-6B1EBCC3D20C 1. Split drive view 1. Press ESC. 2. Navigate to the menu 1 with the up and down arrow buttons. 3.

  • Page 167: Lower Field Views

    3. Operation 4. Press ESC to leave the activated field. If the lower right field is activated you can also leave the field by pressing OK or the selector for the predefined factory/user settings. The selected field stays on the screen. 3.12.11 Lower field views Several views can be displayed in the lower fields of the split drive view.

  • Page 168: Power Take-Off Speed Views

    3. Operation Symbol Function Rear linkage raised to the transport position Engine speed cruise control Driving speed cruise control Battery level voltage Urea level in percent Cruise control views, displaying the following information: Constant engine speed 1 (rpm) cruise Constant driving speed 1 (km/h/mph) cruise Constant driving speed 2 (km/h/mph) cruise…

  • Page 169: Engine Speed View

    3. Operation Engine speed view AUTO 1 2.18 GUID-950CD1FA-89B5-4F28-A15D-D47B61B9CEE9 The view shows the engine speed with an accuracy of 10 rpm. Rear hydraulic valve settings view AUTO 1 2.18 GUID-E442483F-AE6F-4715-84BF-495289A665F8 The hydraulic settings of the memory location (M1, M2 or M3) in use are displayed.

  • Page 170: Gearbox Temperature View

    3. Operation Gearbox temperature view AUTO 1 °C 2.18 GUID-D5FE9387-738C-4B34-A4E0-5B9E047FFD05 The gearbox temperature is displayed as follows: • When the temperature is below +30°C, the text «Lo» is displayed. • When the temperature is above +30°C, the actual temperature is displayed. •…

  • Page 171: Wheel Slip View

    3. Operation The display shows the symbol and the position of the rear lower links on a percentage scale 0–100. • 0 = The lower links are in the lowest position. • 50 = The lower links are in the middle position. •…

  • Page 172: Travel Distance View

    3. Operation Travel distance view You can change the travel distance unit (km, miles) by changing the unit of length. AUTO 1 01:40 28.8 GUID-AEE6115D-F3EF-42E7-9015-DC84E82E96B8 The travel distance is displayed as follows: • For distances <1 km (mile), the m (yard) symbol is displayed and the distance is displayed with an accuracy of 1 m (yard).

  • Page 173: Fuel Consumption Views

    3. Operation Fuel consumption views There are five different fuel consumption settings that can be displayed in the lower fields of the split drive view. You can select litre, gallon UK or gallon US as the unit of volume. You can change the unit of area (ha, acre) by changing the unit of length.

  • Page 174: Battery Voltage View

    3. Operation Average fuel consumption on the area worked AUTO 1 l/ha 01:40 GUID-E3115C64-E225-4826-991F-8B051C1C2AAB Immediate fuel consumption on the area worked AUTO 1 l/ha 01:40 GUID-A915BDBD-901C-49D9-91ED-F8DB6B6DB258 You can reset the fuel consumption information. Battery voltage view The battery voltage is shown in volts (V) in the lower fields of the split drive view. AUTO 1 13.3 01:40…

  • Page 175: Urea Level View

    3. Operation Urea level view AUTO 1 01:40 GUID-89249238-7694-4210-99DE-F4713C138432 The urea level is shown in percentage in the lower fields of the split drive view. Cruise control view AUTO 1 Cruise Cruise GUID-55010592-E1D8-4DD6-9272-4F1E5EA8453E There are two memory slots for constant driving speed and one memory slot for constant engine speed.

  • Page 176: Hydraulics View Symbols

    3. Operation 1. Press ESC. 2. Navigate to the menu 1 with the up and down arrow buttons. 3. Press the right arrow button. The auxiliary hydraulics settings are displayed. 3.12.13 Hydraulics view symbols GUID-102A9214-BCA3-4760-9706-BDA3FFE90B6F 1. The number of the valve 2.

  • Page 177: Selecting The Display Theme

    3. Operation 3.12.14 Selecting the display theme NOTE: To switch between the day theme and night theme in the tractor terminal large drive and split drive views, shortly press the right or left arrow button. 1. Press ESC. 2. Navigate to the menu 3 with the up and down arrow buttons. 3.

  • Page 178
    3. Operation 3. Press the left arrow button in the menu 3 to enter the changing units view. imperial metric US gal UK gal GUID-F80177B0-D398-4F2E-B3B1-62D55377F293 4. Move the navigation box to the position of the unit you are going to change with the up and down arrow buttons.
  • Page 179: Changing Parameters

    3. Operation 3.12.16 Changing parameters Setting the implement width You can enter the editing counters view through the split drive view or through the menu 3. 1. Enter the editing counter view. • To enter the editing counter view from the split drive view, press the OK button until the view is changed.

  • Page 180: Editing Counters

    3. Operation Editing counters In the editing counters view, you can change the functions which trigger the counting. 1. Enter the editing counters view. • To enter the editing counters view from the split drive view, press the OK button until the view is changed.

  • Page 181: Transmission Settings View

    3. Operation 2. Select the counter to be reset with the up and down arrow buttons You can reset one counter or all counters. 3. Move the navigation box with the right and left arrow buttons to select one counter or all counters to be reset. 01:32 01:32 13,2…

  • Page 182: Selecting The Transmission Settings Memory Slot

    3. Operation Rear power take-off engagement adjustment START Clutch pedal curve Joystick safety stop speed Hydraulic assistant Wheel index Speed sensors calibration Steering angle calibration (optional) Selecting the transmission settings memory slot There are three memory slots available for the transmission settings. 1.

  • Page 183: Tractor Information View

    3. Operation 5. Move the navigation box to the reset to default row with the down arrow button or by rotating the selector for the predefined factory/user settings. RESET TO DEFAULT START GUID-4D0829C6-CD3B-48A3-9642-78464FC41E6E 1. Reset to default row 6. Press OK button or the selector for the predefined factory/user settings to reset the settings.

  • Page 184: Rear Linkage

    3. Operation 3.13 Rear linkage Controls in the cabin 10 11 GUID-323063BF-813E-44DE-BB86-838D31D9367E 1. Lower indicator light 2. Lift indicator light 3. Diagnostic light 4. Lowering speed selector 5. Lift maximum height selector 6. Draft control selector 7. Drive balance control, including slip control system 8.

  • Page 185: Diagnostic Light

    The lit diagnostic light indicates that the linkage has not been activated. GUID-F3C18FA8-48B1-4988-BA5C-D8EB2629552F 1. Diagnostic light IMPORTANT: If the diagnostic light is flashing and a service code is displayed, there is failure in the system. Contact an authorised Valtra workshop — 184 -…

  • Page 186: Lift/Lower Indicator Lights

    3. Operation 3.13.2 Lift/lower indicator lights The indicator lights indicate when the lower links are moving. Lit indicator light indicates that the rear linkage is being used. GUID-F5D129A3-D4BC-4BF1-890D-C5628501ACCA 1. Lift indicator light 2. Lower indicator light • The lift indicator (red) is lit when the lower links are lifting. •…

  • Page 187: Using The Lift/Stop/Lower Switch

    3. Operation 1. Press the lift/stop/lower switch rapidly two times to either of its extreme positions. Linkage activation requires two rapid presses of the lift/stop/lower switch for safety. The latter of the presses defines the direction of the linkage movement to be activated. The diagnostic light goes out and the lower links move to the preset position.

  • Page 188: Using The Position Control Knob

    3. Operation 3.13.5 Using the position control knob The position control knob allows continuous control of the lower links’ position. You can use the knob to lift or lower the lower links. You can also use to knob to set the height where the links move when using the Lift/stop/lower switch lowering (Autocontrol) function.

  • Page 189: Overriding The Position Set By Position Control Knob

    3. Operation 3.13.6 Overriding the position set by position control knob Use the override button for position control knob when you temporarily need the lower links to pass the lower limit set by the control knob. This feature is useful for example when ploughing. It allows a quicker entry of the plough to the correct depth in the beginning.

  • Page 190: Using The Linkage Floating Position

    3. Operation supplementary feature can be used to help release and lock the pick-up hitch when the upper limit is set to maximum. 3.13.7 Using the linkage floating position Use the floating position when working with implements which have to follow the ground surface.

  • Page 191: Using The Lift/Lower Switch

    3. Operation 3.13.8 Using the lift/lower switch When attaching implements, using the lift/lower switch gives you a full control on the implement’s movement. If necessary, you can stop the movement immediately by releasing the switch. The lift/lower switch functions even when the rear linkage is not activated. GUID-D03E2D6E-BB12-4544-8985-0C61E0845115 1.

  • Page 192: Setting The Lowering Speed

    3. Operation GUID-C4DD8714-5A7C-4E77-9A47-3A4181B6C6D0 1. Lift push button 2. Lower push button • To lift the linkage, press the lift push button. The longer the lift button is pressed the faster the linkage lifts. • To lower the linkage, press the lower push button. The longer the lower button is pressed the faster the linkage lowers.

  • Page 193: Limiting The Lifting Height

    3. Operation 3.13.11 Limiting the lifting height The height limit is a useful feature, for example, when there is a risk that the implement could hit the cabin or when using the power take-off (PTO) driven implements. IMPORTANT: The lifting height limitation must be used when using power take- off (PTO) powered implements to prevent the PTO shaft from being damaged.

  • Page 194: Activating And Deactivating The Draft Control

    3. Operation linkage raises the implement and some of the weight is transferred to the rear wheels. Thus, the driving wheels maintain the maximum traction. NOTE: The position of the lower links is displayed on the Proline instrument panel display and on the tractor terminal display in the rear lower links’ position view.

  • Page 195: Using The Drive Balance Control

    3. Operation Using the drive balance control GUID-2BD3C84A-519F-41EB-90B3-8163EE517270 1. Drive balance control knob 2. Drive balance position 3. Drive balance control light 4. Lift/stop/lower switch 1. To activate the drive balance control, turn the drive balance control selector to the drive balance position. The drive balance control light is lit when the balance control is activated.

  • Page 196: Using The Slip Control

    3. Operation When all wheels slip, the real driving speed can only be measured with the radar under the cab (optional equipment). WARNING: Do not go under the tractor until the ignition key has been turned to the OFF position. If the tractor is equipped with a radar (optional) it presents a hazard to your eyes.

  • Page 197: Three-Point Linkage

    3. Operation 3.14 Three-point linkage STOP GUID-84114FB6-B957-4D18-A5FF-952A01FD8F9D 1. Top link 2. Lift link 3. Hydraulic levelling link (optional) or Lift link (optional) 4. Levelling screw 5. Side limiter 6. Automatic side limiter (optional) 7. Lower links — 196 -…

  • Page 198: Attaching Implements

    3. Operation The tractors are supplied with category 3 ball hitch lower links. WARNING: Ensure that the ball hitch lower link hooks latch correctly. The top link has two different attaching holes on the tractor. Thus, it is possible to get different lifting geometry for different implements.

  • Page 199
    3. Operation GUID-974B226D-DC59-4853-98CE-C5DEFC064E29 1. Lifting/lowering switch 2. Lifting/lowering indicator lights 3. Draft control selector 4. Lifting/lowering push buttons 1. Turn the draft control selector to position P. DANGER: Before attaching or releasing an implement, turn the draft control selector to position P. In draft control positions, even a small turn of the position control knob may cause an unexpected linkage movement.
  • Page 200: Using Quick Couplings For Lower Links

    3. Operation 2. Press the lifting/lowering switch or the lifting/lowering push buttons to lift or lower the lower links. The lower links lift or lower for as long as you press the switch/button. DANGER: When attaching or releasing implements, always stand outside the implement and beside the tractor.

  • Page 201
    3. Operation GUID-1DDD2046-4B88-4E75-9D71-3C5F16C4B067 1. Lever 2. Clamp 1. Pull the lever to release the implement. GUID-F490871B-0805-402D-9316-B7F4FA105DAD 2. You can leave the lock open by pulling the lever backwards (for example when demounting an implement). GUID-557A2CA6-3687-4711-BC76-9AF72652FDC2 — 200 -…
  • Page 202: Adjusting Lift Links

    3. Operation 3. Release the lock by pulling the lever forward. GUID-B36612F7-C256-4F58-B5CC-DEEE19F33DF7 The ball joints lock automatically when attaching the implement. When locked, the clamp is in view and the lever is in the lower position. 3.14.3 Adjusting lift links Adjusting lift links IMPORTANT: When adjusting the lift links, make sure that they do not hit the…

  • Page 203: Adjusting Hydraulic Lift Link

    3. Operation 2. Lift up the levelling screws and turn them in the required direction to adjust the length of the lift links. 3. Lower the levelling screws back to the locked position after adjustment. Adjusting hydraulic lift link The hydraulic lift link is connected to the rear on/off valve 1 or 2.

  • Page 204: Adjusting Lower Links

    3. Operation 3.14.4 Adjusting lower links You can adjust the lower links into fixed or floating position. GUID-3CD8DA21-9451-4A8B-A104-4225BA94EBB6 1. Carrier pin position providing fixed position of lower links 2. Carrier pin position allowing floating position of lower links 1. Remove the lock pin and pull out the carrier pin. 2.

  • Page 205: Adjusting Side Limiters

    3. Operation 3.14.5 Adjusting side limiters You can adjust the lateral distance between the lower links by changing the length of the side limiters. GUID-8A2D119A-7613-4181-A9F2-9EF1767FF114 1. Limiting pin 1. Unfasten the limiting pin. 2. Adjust the distance between the lower links. Check that the lower links do not come into contact with tyres.

  • Page 206: Setting Automatic Side Limiters To Fixed Position

    3. Operation Setting automatic side limiters to fixed position GUID-4CDE4C5B-B4A3-413A-99C2-AF79D4A77346 1. Holding chain 2. Limiting pin 1. Adjust the chain to the length where it does not release the side limiter’s locking when the linkage is lowered down. 2. Pull out the limiting pin. 3.

  • Page 207: Adjusting The Side Limiters’ Support

    3. Operation Setting automatic side limiters to floating position You can set the automatic side limiters so that when lowering the linkage, the side limiter is released to a floating position. GUID-4CDE4C5B-B4A3-413A-99C2-AF79D4A77346 1. Holding chain 2. Limiting pin 1. Adjust the chain to the length where it will release the side limiter’s locking, at a desired height, while lowering the linkage.

  • Page 208
    3. Operation GUID-8F755125-7745-46F8-8B61-7ACEFF29303D 1. Screw 1. Unscrew the screws. 2. Change the position of the side limiters’ support. The position should be the same on both sides of the tractor. 3. Tighten all screws. — 207 -…
  • Page 209: Auxiliary Hydraulics

    3. Operation 3.15 Auxiliary hydraulics GUID-CB42FD28-60E2-464B-B69F-EEE3F7245BA6 1. Power Beyond couplings (optional) 2. Rear valves 3 and 4 (optional) 3. Standard rear valves 1 and 2 4. Standard on/off valve 5. Return coupling 6. On/off valve 2 (optional) 7. Front linkage shut-off valve (optional) All the auxiliary hydraulics standard and optional valves are electrically controlled.

  • Page 210: Auxiliary Hydraulic Controls And Functions

    3. Operation • Two valves with joystick control (1F and 2F) • One valve with control lever (3F) • Two 6/2 change valves for simultaneous coupling of front linkage and front loader 3.15.1 Auxiliary hydraulic controls and functions The auxiliary hydraulic controls are positioned on the armrest. GUID-5E7847F1-C159-4CC6-8084-288E63FFDAFB 1.

  • Page 211: Activating And Deactivating The Auxiliary Hydraulics

    3. Operation • Position lock: • You can lock a valve function in the ON position. • Position lock hold time: • You can set a timer for a valve function to hold the position lock for a particular time between 0-60 seconds or select continuous position lock. •…

  • Page 212: Selecting Joystick Functions For Auxiliary Hydraulics

    3. Operation • To deactivate the auxiliary hydraulics, press the on/off push button. The indicator light goes out. IMPORTANT: The off function can be used as an emergency stop for the auxiliary hydraulics. Selecting joystick functions for auxiliary hydraulics GUID-6F7F7166-3956-424B-8F11-4C6071DB4798 1.

  • Page 213
    3. Operation GUID-40C04E99-5E53-44F5-9AC7-7EF0D90DFD70 1. Selector for the predefined factory/user settings 2. Factory setting for slow output and floating position for auxiliary hydraulics valves 3. Factory setting for medium output 4. Factory setting for maximum output 5. Memory positions for predefined user settings In the slow output setting, the floating position must be activated using the joystick or valve control lever.
  • Page 214: Controlling The Auxiliary Hydraulics Rear Valves 1 And 2 And Front Valves 1F And 2F

    3. Operation Controlling the auxiliary hydraulics rear valves 1 and 2 and front valves 1F and 2F You can control rear valves 1 and 2 or front valves 1F and 2F (optional) with the joystick. GUID-9EF75916-AF70-408C-BC1B-70113729EE92 1. Joystick movement to control rear valve 1 and front valve 1F 2.

  • Page 215: Controlling The Auxiliary Hydraulics Rear Valves 3, 4 And 5 And The Front Valve 3F

    3. Operation Controlling the auxiliary hydraulics rear valves 3, 4 and 5 and the front valve 3F You can control the rear valves 3, 4, 5 and the front valve 3F with the control levers. The rear valves 3, 4, 5 (optional) and the front valve 3F (optional) are always active when the auxiliary hydraulics is activated with the on/off push button.

  • Page 216: Controlling The Rear Valve 1 From Rear Mudguard Push Buttons

    3. Operation GUID-D721C290-0FFA-41CD-A739-E5CE7B089D20 1. Switch for rear on/off valve 1 2. Switch for rear on/off valve 2 (optional) 1. Press down the symbol side of the switch to use the lowering function (-). 2. Press down the side of the switch opposite to the symbol to use the lifting function (+).

  • Page 217: Using The Front Linkage Shut-Off Valve

    3. Operation When the rear mudguard push buttons are used, the oil flow is limited to 30% of the selected predefined factory/user settings for auxiliary hydraulics. You cannot activate any other hydraulic functions at the same time. GUID-430FC4F0-1DBA-44C2-8E9B-01074D2E6DF1 1. Push button (blue) for controlling the + port of the rear valve 1 2.

  • Page 218: Changing The Auxiliary Hydraulics Settings

    3. Operation GUID-13034B5B-5C34-473C-8B5D-0A7252452173 1. Shut-off valve 2. Shut-off valve lever in closed position • To use the front linkage, open the shut-off valve by pulling the lever to horizontal position. • To use the rear valve, close the shut-off valve by pushing the lever to top position.

  • Page 219: Auxiliary Hydraulic Control’s Safety Time Out

    3. Operation 4. Press OK or the selector for the predefined factory/user settings to activate the valve point to be set. The selected valve point starts to flash. GUID-19AE50F4-02AB-491E-8EF1-97C1AA80D304 1. Selected valve point 5. Set the value and the function with the up and down arrow buttons or by rotating the selector for the predefined factory/user settings.

  • Page 220: Adjusting The Auxiliary Hydraulic Control’s Safety Time Out Speed Limit

    3. Operation Adjust the speed limit as low as it is possible without disturbing your work. A high speed limit reduces the effect of this safety feature. If the joystick is deactivated by this function, you have to activate the joystick functions selector again to use the joystick.

  • Page 221: Activating And Deactivating The Hydraulics Assistant

    3. Operation 6. Change the time value for the auxiliary hydraulic control’s safety time out speed limit with the up or down arrow button. CAUTION: Adjust the speed limit as low as it is possible without disturbing your work. A high speed limit reduces the effect of this safety feature.

  • Page 222: Activating And Deactivating The Position Locking

    3. Operation 5. Set the desired status of the hydraulics assistant by pressing the up or down arrow button. GUID-829B8D1C-E576-46DC-9CC4-AE7CC4171184 1. Hydraulics assistant is activated. The value is automatically saved when you deactivate the selected field by moving the navigation box to another parameter or by pressing the ESC button.

  • Page 223: Activating And Deactivating The Floating Position

    3. Operation 3. To interrupt a timed position locking before the timer runs out: • Move the joystick to the position in question. • Release the control lever to the middle position. WARNING: To avoid serious injury or death due to falling loads resulting from inadvertent raising or roll-back of the loader, do not connect loader hydraulics to any tractor auxiliary valve that has detents which cannot be locked out or removed, except for the…

  • Page 224: Using Power Beyond Couplings

    3. Operation 2. Release the load from the auxiliary hydraulics (especially from the hydraulic cylinders). WARNING: When the front linkage is connected to the rear valve, make sure there is no load on the front linkage or rear implement connected to the same valve. The load on the front linkage or rear valve implement discharges when the shut-off valve lever is turned.

  • Page 225
    3. Operation GUID-ECA6C2D1-4DFA-4A73-BC3C-86815CF6F67D 1. Return coupling (T2), male quick coupling 1” (25 mm) 2. Pressure coupling, female quick coupling 1” (25 mm) 3. LS coupling, female quick coupling 1/2” (12.5 mm) 4. Free return coupling (T1), male quick coupling 1” (25 mm) 5.
  • Page 226: Using A Hydraulic Valve As A Single-Action Valve

    3. Operation Using a hydraulic valve as a single-action valve You can use a hydraulic valve as a single-action valve for tipping, for example. WARNING: Make sure that the valve for tipping does not have the position lock on. When using a hydraulic valve as a single-action valve, connect the hose of the tipping device to the (+) coupling of the used valve.

  • Page 227: Front Linkage

    3. Operation 3.16 Front linkage 3.16.1 Using the front linkage IMPORTANT: You have to detach the front loader before using the front linkage. GUID-45C5AFF8-081D-48E5-AF43-B71AAFC182D9 1. Auxiliary hydraulics on/off push button 2. Changeover button for front linkage/front loader (optional) 3. Joystick functions selector 4.

  • Page 228: Setting Front Linkage Lifting Link Positions

    3. Operation 3.16.2 Setting front linkage lifting link positions You can set the lifting links to different positions mechanically by changing the positions of the fastening bolts. CAUTION: When driving on public roads, with or without an implement, always lift the front linkage fully up. IMPORTANT: When using the front loader, the front linkage lifting links must be folded to the transport position.

  • Page 229: Using The Valtra Front Loader

    — except for float detent position in the loader lower direction. NOTE: Install the Valtra front loader according to the instructions in the Valtra loader Operator’s Manual. If you want to install any other front loader, contact your local technical support.

  • Page 230
    3. Operation GUID-C5CDD7BE-30CA-44AD-A76A-A67B1A2AE15D 1. Auxiliary hydraulics on/off push button 2. Changeover button for front linkage/front loader (optional) 3. Joystick functions selector 4. Joystick with push buttons • Activate the auxiliary hydraulics by pressing the on/off push button. The on/off symbol on the push button is lit green. •…
  • Page 231: Using The Valtra Quick Front Loader Coupling Device

    3. Operation 3.17.1 Using the Valtra Quick front loader coupling device The quick coupling device is optional equipment. GUID-ED63E61B-2B2F-4CEE-8A79-4368C3C4D18C 1. Hose multicoupler 2. Lock button 3. Lever CAUTION: Hold on to the lever firmly as the pressure may cause the coupler to hit your hand.

  • Page 232: Locking The Equipment

    3. Operation GUID-62A57E38-7B4A-4D6C-AEB0-C3BFF317DAB9 1. Button for Softdrive • To activate or deactivate the Softdrive function, press the button for Softdrive. When activated, the light of the button is lit green. NOTE: You can keep Softdrive activated during most working activities. It is recommended that you deactivate Softdrive only if special precision is required.

  • Page 233: Controlling The Extra Cylinder With The Change Valve

    3. Operation • To release the equipment from the loader frame: • Simultaneously press the button for hydraulic implement locking and the lower joystick push button, and move the joystick to the right. 3.17.4 Controlling the extra cylinder with the change valve You can open and close for example the bale grip using the change valve.

  • Page 234
    3. Operation GUID-71E785E6-9D64-49D2-868B-D62ACDCCEE89 WARNING: After the PTO is disengaged, the implement continues to rotate for some time (regardless of braking). Do not approach the implement until it has stopped completely. WARNING: The cover over the PTO drive shaft end should always be attached when the PTO is not in use.
  • Page 235: Rear Power Take-Off

    3. Operation IMPORTANT: Do not exceed the maximum output durability of the PTO shaft. • Make sure that the length of the PTO drive shaft is correct for the PTO-driven implements to be used. The shaft must be able to work at full deflection vertically and horizontally. IMPORTANT: A shaft that is too long can cause damage.

  • Page 236
    3. Operation GUID-CAFF47FD-A3CF-4B3B-8A02-B041869C070A 1. Button for rear PTO automatic start/stop 2. Speed control knob for rear PTO 3. Switch for rear PTO The rear PTO on/off push button on the rear mudguard is optional: GUID-CAAA1849-6895-4A59-BBC2-84694B1B18D4 1. Rear PTO on/off push button (optional) — 235 -…
  • Page 237: Recommended Rear Power Take-Off Shafts

    3. Operation Sigma Power In models T144, T154 and T174, the Sigma Power control system is optional. The Sigma Power control system gives extra power for PTO work. When required for PTO work, the engine will automatically provide up to 30 hp more power. The Sigma Power activates automatically when the power transferred through the PTO rises high enough.

  • Page 238: Activating Rear Power Take-Off

    3. Operation Activating rear power take-off Before you can start the rear power take-off, you have to activate one of the rear PTO speed ranges available in your tractor. IMPORTANT: Do not exceed the maximum PTO speed of the implement defined by the implement manufacturer.

  • Page 239: Starting Rear Power Take-Off

    3. Operation • Select the PTO speed with the speed control knob. The tractor has one of the following PTO speed range alternatives: • 540/1000 • 540/540E/1000 • 540/1000/1000E • 540E/1000/GSPTO • 540E/1000E/GSPTO IMPORTANT: When using the speed 540E, the shaft speed of 540 rpm is achieved with an engine speed of approximately 1520 rpm.

  • Page 240: Stopping Rear Power Take-Off Temporarily

    3. Operation • Start the rear PTO by pressing the switch down and pulling it backward. The indicator light on the proline instrument panel is lit. GUID-15597209-5561-4EBD-BA5E-A13223789DB0 1. Switch for rear PTO • To start the rear PTO with the rear PTO on/off push button on the mudguard, press the button continuously for at least 3 seconds.

  • Page 241
    3. Operation • By using the switch for rear PTO. • By using the speed control knob for rear PTO. • By using the rear PTO on/off push button (optional) on the rear mudguard. WARNING: When you do not need the PTO, keep the PTO switch in the N position.
  • Page 242: Deactivating Rear Power Take-Off

    3. Operation Deactivating rear power take-off WARNING: When you do not need the PTO, keep the PTO switch in the N position. WARNING: Use the PTO speed control knob for the actual disengagement and engagement of the PTO. For example, when leaving the cab, turn the knob to the N position, except when using the PTO on/off push button on the mudguard (optional).

  • Page 243: Stopping The Rear Power Take-Off In Emergency

    3. Operation • Turn the PTO speed control knob to the N position (PTO deactivated). GUID-0D31E500-E360-4863-B5FE-DB5B63CF763F 1. Speed control knob for rear PTO The rear PTO is deactivated, and the indicator light on the instrument panel goes off. Stopping the rear power take-off in emergency In case of emergency, you can stop the rear power take-off (PTO) either by the speed control knob for rear PTO or by the PTO emergency stop socket on the rear wall outside the cab.

  • Page 244: Using The Rear Power Take-Off Automatic Start/Stop

    3. Operation • To restart the PTO: • Activate the PTO speed range by the speed control knob for rear PTO. • Start the PTO by the rear PTO switch. • To stop the PTO from outside the cab, pull out the PTO emergency stop socket.

  • Page 245: Proportional Ground Speed Power Take-Off

    3. Operation • Activate the PTO automatic start/stop by pressing the button for rear PTO automatic start/stop. You can activate the PTO automatic start/stop only if the PTO is engaged and the linkage is not in the transport position. The automatic start/stop cannot be active together with the U-pilot.

  • Page 246
    3. Operation For heavy proportional use it is recommended to use the 1¾” (45 mm) shaft. You can engage the ground speed PTO by turning the speed control knob to the GSPTO position and activate it by pressing the switch for rear PTO. IMPORTANT: If the ground speed power take-off is activated and the PTO speed exceeds 1800 rpm, the buzzer alarms and message “SLOW DOWN, PTO SPEED TOO HIGH!”…
  • Page 247: Adjusting The Rear Power Take-Off Engagement

    3. Operation GUID-15597209-5561-4EBD-BA5E-A13223789DB0 1. Switch for rear PTO Adjusting the rear power take-off engagement When working with heavily rotating implements, you can adjust the rear power take-off (PTO) engagement in the tractor terminal transmission settings view. The factory setting does not need to be changed for normal PTO use. IMPORTANT: Make sure that the PTO shaft is suitable for heavy use.

  • Page 248
    3. Operation 5. Move the navigation box to the rear PTO engagement adjustment position with the up and down arrow buttons or by rotating the selector for the predefined factory/user settings. AUTO 1600 RPM 2000 RPM AUTO 2 START GUID-9F6859A5-AD05-422F-9BE0-3419747F613C 1.
  • Page 249: Front Power Take-Off

    3. Operation 3.18.3 Front power take-off Front power take-off (PTO) is only available with front linkage (extra equipment). GUID-EFBC1015-B082-49CF-B382-6D6D1A1A60EB 1. Front PTO shaft 2. Oil cooler The front PTO shaft has a diameter of 35 mm with 6 splines. The front PTO is equipped with a pump inside the housing and an oil cooler to prevent overheating.

  • Page 250: Activating And Deactivating Front Power Take-Off

    3. Operation IMPORTANT: Always make sure that the cardan shaft does not touch the hydraulic connectors at any working position. Activating and deactivating front power take-off The front power take-off (PTO) switch is spring-returned and has two positions, on and off. GUID-F7B9F363-591D-4D78-B17B-646646A58744 1.

  • Page 251: U-Pilot Operating Requirements

    3. Operation DANGER: When using the U-Pilot, the functions of a programme start automatically. Ensure that nobody is in the hazard area. CAUTION: The switches do not show the equipment status when using the U-Pilot. 3.19.1 U-Pilot operating requirements For the U-Pilot to work properly, certain requirements have to be met. •…

  • Page 252: U-Pilot View

    3. Operation 3.19.3 U-Pilot view The U-Pilot view is shown on the tractor terminal display. IMPL1 GUID-0417221F-90E5-4ED4-8F46-CC22CE0CAB61 1. U-Pilot status 2. Selected programme 3. Renaming symbol 4. Selected memory slot 5. Edit mode symbol 6. Delete symbol 7. Programme steps 8.

  • Page 253
    3. Operation Symbol Operation Switch positions when Limitation running a programme Hydraulic valve, floating Hydraulics activated. 1), 2), 3) position activated. NOTE: The valve number and port are displayed on the symbol top left corner. Hydraulic valve, timed Hydraulics activated. 1), 2), 3) duration position lock activated.
  • Page 254: U-Pilot Programme Examples

    3. Operation Symbol Operation Switch positions when Limitation running a programme Current socket deactivated. PAUSE Pause in the programme. End of the programme. The system checks the correct positions of these switches before recording and running. If the position is incorrect, the symbol of the operation flashes on the display. The system does not check the adjustments of this equipment;…

  • Page 255: Using U-Pilot Programmes

    3. Operation Example Activate current socket with U-Pilot programme Current socket activated. End of the programme. 3.19.6 Using U-Pilot programmes Selecting a U-Pilot programme 1. Press ESC button. 2. Navigate to the menu 2 with the up and down arrow buttons. 3.

  • Page 256: Recording A U-Pilot Programme

    3. Operation Recording a U-Pilot programme When recording functions for auxiliary hydraulics make sure that the switches and controls are in the correct positions. • The auxiliary hydraulics is activated. Settings can be adjusted in the auxiliary hydraulics settings view. •…

  • Page 257: Previewing A U-Pilot Programme

    3. Operation 2. Select the programme to the memory slot you are going to use. If there is no programme selected a new programme “NEW_1” is generated automatically. NOTE: The recorded programme overwrites the selected programme. 3. Press the U-Pilot activation/recording button of the memory slot you are going to use for more than 2 seconds.

  • Page 258: Running A U-Pilot Programme

    3. Operation 4. Select the memory slot you want to preview with the left and right arrow buttons. 5. Press the down arrow button. The U-Pilot programme is now available for preview. 6. Press the left and right arrow buttons or rotate the selector for the predefined factory/user settings to preview the U-Pilot programme.

  • Page 259
    3. Operation • Press shortly the U-Pilot activation/recording button of the memory slot you are going to use. NOTE: The U-Pilot checks the switch positions of the auxiliary hydraulics and linkages if used in the programme. If the switch position is not correct, the function symbol flashes on the display.
  • Page 260: Managing U-Pilot Programmes

    3. Operation 3.19.7 Managing U-Pilot programmes Adding a new U-Pilot programme 1. Press ESC button. 2. Navigate to the menu 2 with the up and down arrow buttons. 3. Press the left arrow button to enter the U-Pilot view. IMPL1 GUID-18F4B804-649E-4F09-8665-DFF68C1A4F70 4.

  • Page 261: Removing A U-Pilot Programme

    3. Operation 3. Press the OK button or the selector for the predefined factory/user settings. The programme renaming view appears. IMPL1 IMPL1 I M P L 1 GUID-05FEAC68-CB87-4268-8D78-48D93D2EB7CB 4. Rename the programme. • Move the selection over the character you are going to change by pressing left and right arrow buttons or by rotating the selector for the predefined factory/user settings.

  • Page 262: Recovering A Deleted U-Pilot Programme

    3. Operation 3. Press the OK button or the selector for the predefined factory/user settings. The programme is deleted and the U-Pilot view shows the next available programme. GUID-F36A41B4-7039-4288-B549-F8F98EC7E74B With a short press of the ESC button you can return to the menu 2. A long press of the ESC button returns to the previously active drive display.

  • Page 263: Removing A Programme Function

    3. Operation 2. Press left and right arrow buttons or rotate the selector for the predefined factory/user settings to move the selection over the function you are going to change. 3. Press the OK button or the selector for the predefined factory/user settings. The function selection view appears.

  • Page 264: Adding A New Programme Function

    3. Operation 5. Press the OK button or the selector for the predefined factory/user settings. The function is removed from the programme. With a short press of the ESC button you can return to the menu 2. A long press of the ESC button returns to the previously active drive display.

  • Page 265: Editing The Programme Function Distance

    3. Operation 3. Press the up arrow button. The function symbol moves up a bit. IMPL1 GUID-12F2F558-0F7C-487E-A603-2A2E3941B3D7 4. Press left and right arrow buttons or rotate the selector for the predefined factory/user settings to move the function to the needed place. IMPL1 GUID-B6B28C55-940D-464F-ABA4-4E11F5927BB6 5.

  • Page 266: U-Pilot Error Codes

    3. Operation 3. Press the down arrow button. The distance edit view appears. IMPL1 IMPL1 0 4 5 m GUID-B6BCE43C-72C7-4C7F-B59F-280210765AD1 4. Edit the distance. You can also change the distance unit from meters to seconds. • Move the selection over the character you are going to change by pressing left and right arrow buttons or by rotating the selector for the predefined factory/user settings.

  • Page 267
    3. Operation Symbol Error Cause of error number Recording or operation cancelled. Driving speed over 20 km/h. 20 km/h Recorded programme does not start. Driving speed over 20 km/h or under 0.5 20 km/h km/h. 1 km/h Recording cancelled temporarily. Driving speed under 0.5 km/h. Not in use.
  • Page 268: Implement Signal Connection

    3. Operation 3.20 Implement signal connection 3.20.1 Implement signal connector The implement signal connector (extra equipment) complies with the ISO 11786 standard. The connector is located on the side panel in the cab. GUID-17E63215-2963-443F-8C88-D7059BEEBB6E 1. Implement signal connector An implement connected to the connector can use the following tractor information: GUID-E1A08017-905E-416D-AD1D-C0DC97729F19 1.

  • Page 269: Resetting The Implement Signal Connection

    1. Indicator light for implement signal connection 1. Stop the tractor. 2. Turn off the power. 3. Turn on the power. 4. Start the tractor. 5. If the indicator light continues to blink, contact an authorised Valtra workshop. — 268 -…

  • Page 270: Isobus Implement Control System

    The center part of the ISOBUS implement control system is Tractor ECU (TECU). The Valtra TECU fulfils the Class 2 standard requirements. It transmits the following information to the implements connected to the ISOBUS.

  • Page 271: Isobus Terminal Connector

    3. Operation 3.21.1 ISOBUS terminal connector The ISOBUS terminal connector is part of the ISOBUS implement control system (extra equipment). The connector is used to connect the terminal to the ISOBUS system. The connector includes both an ISOBUS data bus and a power supply. 3.21.2 ISOBUS implement connector The ISOBUS implement connector is part of the ISOBUS implement control…

  • Page 272: Using Auto-Guide

    3. Operation • Electrical steering valve • A bracket for automated steering system control unit (on the roof) • Auto-Guide receiver on/off button • Auto-Guide steering valve on/off button • Auto-Guide remote activation button 3.22.1 Using Auto-Guide Before Auto-Guide 3000 steering system can be used, and steering activated, the receiver and the steering valve must be turned on.

  • Page 273: Using Auto-Guide With Quicksteer

    3. Operation • Press the Auto-Guide steering valve on/off button on the side panel to turn the Auto-Guide steering valve on or off. When on, the light on the push button is lit green, and the symbol displayed on the Proline instrument panel. The steering valve is automatically turned off when the driver leaves the driver’s seat for more than five seconds.

  • Page 274: Auto-Guide With Twintrac And Quicksteer

    Press the steering valve ON/OFF button once. The steering valve is turned OFF after which the system turns the valve back If the light is still flashing, the fault persists. In this case, contact an authorised Valtra workshop. 3.23 Towing devices 3.23.1…

  • Page 275: Euro Pick-Up Hitch

    3. Operation GUID-674D3F20-6AC0-47C3-9690-D849F5723F20 1. Nordic pick-up hitch 3.23.2 Euro pick-up hitch The Euro pick-up hitch is optional with four changeable implements. WARNING: When attaching a trailer or implement, do not exceed the maximum weight of the rear axle or the maximum load of the tyre type. See the technical specifications in this manual for the maximum permissible weights and loads WARNING: Make sure that the maximum permissible towable mass is…

  • Page 276: Hydraulic Pick-Up Hitch

    3. Operation 1. Euro pick-up hitch 2. K80 ball hitch with steering balls (optional) 3. Tow hook 4. K80 ball hitch (optional) 5. Drawbar (optional) When the tow hook or drawbar is not in use, it can be fastened to the bracket. GUID-352984BB-89FE-424F-98E5-11BB3581ED53 1.

  • Page 277
    3. Operation GUID-AF3BBEC7-A07A-40C7-9CC1-909F24284D62 1. Hydraulic pick-up hitch 2. K80 ball hitch with steering balls (optional) 3. Tow hook 4. K80 ball hitch (optional) 5. Drawbar (optional) When the tow hook or drawbar is not in use, it can be fastened to the bracket. GUID-F071608E-6110-4A77-B793-5C8E6A2EDAE1 1.
  • Page 278: Using The Pickup Hitch

    3. Operation 3.23.4 Using the pickup hitch Unlatching the pick-up hitch GUID-BFBBA849-E397-4C34-A781-9C11E344292D 1. Lifting/lowering switch 2. Trailer hitch release lever 1. Press the symbol side of the lifting/lowering switch to fully raise the linkage. 2. Pull the hitch latch lever open to unlatch the hitch. Keep the lever pulled.

  • Page 279
    3. Operation slope, the drawbar eye must be of the rotating type to prevent breakage. IMPORTANT: Use only drawbar eyes which comply with the regulations and are undamaged. When using other than allowed drawbar eyes, the warranty lapses and the responsibility of the manufacturer is no longer valid. GUID-288EE569-37CE-4942-B519-2E306B7CEAFD 1.
  • Page 280: Extending The Hydraulic Pick-Up Hitch

    3. Operation Extending the Hydraulic pick-up hitch When the frame of the towing device is lowered, you can extend it hydraulically backwards to make it easier to attach the tow hook/drawbar/Ø80mm ball hitch to the drawbar eye. The cylinder of the hydraulic extension is connected permanently to the rear on/off valve 2.

  • Page 281
    3. Operation IMPORTANT: Use only drawbar eyes which comply with the regulations and are undamaged. When using other than allowed drawbar eyes, the warranty lapses and the responsibility of the manufacturer is no longer valid. GUID-BB0C143F-602A-4FDB-88C7-49540F119B72 1. On/off valve switch 2 2.
  • Page 282: Changing The Pick-Up Hitch Implement

    3. Operation 7. Press the symbol side of the on/off valve switch 2 to retract the towing device. The hydraulic extension locks, and you can hear a click when the hitch latches in longitudinal direction. 8. Ensure that the towing device extension is locked. •…

  • Page 283: Changing The Hydraulic Pick-Up Hitch Implement

    3. Operation 4. Remove the locking pins by pulling. Support the pick-up hitch implement by hand while removing the locking pins. 5. Pull the implement out. 6. Attach the pick–up hitch implement. 7. Fit the locking pins. 8. Fit the locking plate and pull backwards into place. 9.

  • Page 284: Agricultural Drawbar

    3. Operation 3.23.6 Agricultural drawbar The agricultural drawbar (optional) is used without the pick-up hitch. GUID-7C0D87A3-6EED-45AA-8870-A33EC5DDD993 1. Agricultural drawbar The agricultural drawbar is used for towing implements where only part of the implement weight is on the drawbar, for example balers. See the technical specifications in this manual for the maximum weight of the drawbar implement.

  • Page 285: Adjusting The Agricultural Drawbar

    3. Operation Adjusting the agricultural drawbar You can adjust the agricultural drawbar to different distances and lateral positions. GUID-54C9DD62-9035-4269-BDA2-BE06937CDA7A 1. Pin 2. Spring return pin 3. Drawbar 1. To adjust the drawbar distance: • Secure the pin with hand and pull out the spring locking pin. •…

  • Page 286: Adjusting The Jaw Height

    3. Operation WARNING: According to law, the operator has to ensure that all relevant precautions are taken (lockings secured etc.). GUID-70352EBA-D71D-4B2C-9E80-8E7F322612C6 1. Short towing device frame 2. Towing device frame 3. Universal towing device frame 4. Towing device frame with a fixed 80–mm ball coupling 5.

  • Page 287
    3. Operation GUID-6527CD59-5E91-4718-8CDD-58C610BA92A7 1. Lever 1. Pull the lever upwards and turn it to the anticlockwise. 2. Move the jaw to the wanted height. 3. Release the lever. The locking pins lock the lever to the correct position with the help of the returning springs.
  • Page 288: Attaching To The Mechanical Jaw

    3. Operation Attaching to the mechanical jaw You can attach a trailer to the mechanical jaw using the coupling lever. GUID-6FFF7AB1-633F-4DD9-8879-1FDDE5F3390B 1. Ring 2. Coupling lever 3. Towing pin 1. Pull up the ring at the top of the coupling lever to lift up the towing pin. WARNING: After attaching the trailer, check that the towing pin is completely down and locked.

  • Page 289: Attaching To The Mechanical Jaw K80

    3. Operation Attaching to the mechanical jaw K80 You can attach a trailer to the mechanical jaw K80. GUID-90C43526-2E09-4B09-AA84-87EB3D63B950 1. Pin 2. Locking pin 3. Locking 1. Remove the locking pin. 2. Pull the pin off and open the locking. 3.

  • Page 290: Attaching To Fixed Piton Fix/Fixed Ø80Mm Ball Hitch

    3. Operation Attaching to fixed Piton fix/fixed Ø80mm ball hitch You can attach a trailer to the fixed Piton fix or fixed K80 jaw. GUID-6CF63507-FC10-4463-8528-E15C949220FC 1. Pin 2. Locking pin 3. Locking 1. Remove the locking pin. 2. Pull the pin off and open the locking. 3.

  • Page 291
    3. Operation GUID-622A04F2-8543-4D04-A15F-02EF3C4F4273 1. Trailer hitch release lever (optional) 2. Cable for trailer hitch release lever (optional) 3. Towing pin locking lever 4. Towing pin opening lever 5. Adjusting part 6. Spring locking pin 1. Check that the adjusting parts fit for the trailer to be coupled. With the adjusting parts you can adjust the towing eye spacing.
  • Page 292: Air Pressure System

    3. Operation 4. Check that the towing pin is locked. GUID-D9D061FB-DE66-4805-AA5C-5AFCAEB67093 1. Towing pin not locked 2. Towing pin locked WARNING: The towing pin is locked in the down position when the security knob is out. When attaching the trailer, the towing locking pin must be secured.

  • Page 293: Trailer

    3. Operation WARNING: The pressure of the air pressure system must be at its maximum, about 7-8 bar, before driving the tractor with a trailer equipped with air pressure brakes. When the ambient temperature is below +5°C, the antifreeze container must be filled with antifreeze liquid containing lubricant.

  • Page 294: Trailer Turn Signals

    After 20 seconds the relay tries to switch the turn signal line back on. To speed up the recovery, you can switch the turn signals off and on again. If the fault still persists, contact an authorised Valtra workshop.

  • Page 295: Trailer Air Pressure Brakes

    3. Operation 3.25.2 Trailer air pressure brakes When towing a trailer, you can increase the braking power with trailer air pressure brakes. The trailer air pressure brake system (optional equipment) is controlled by the tractor brakes. The trailer brakes operate also when using the parking brake. GUID-76C33FCE-4BE8-4BBB-875C-5CAF67AB27C9 1.

  • Page 296: Hydraulic Trailer Brake Valve

    3. Operation WARNING: When the tractor is towing a trailer, the brake pedals must be locked together. The brakes are not to be used individually for steering. WARNING: The pressure of the air pressure system must be at its maximum, about 7-8 bar, before driving the tractor with a trailer equipped with air pressure brakes.

  • Page 297: Maintenance

    Annual maintenance schedule is suitable for tractors which have less than 1200 running hours in a year. The schedule should be carried out by an authorised Valtra workshop but the operator has to carry out the normal daily and weekly service routines according to the periodical maintenance chart.

  • Page 298: Performing Maintenance Tasks

    4. Maintenance Front axle and steering system The inspection of the front axle and steering system contains the following services: • Change of oil in differential • Change of oil in hubs Working hydraulics The inspection of the working hydraulic system contains the following services: •…

  • Page 299: Cleaning The Tractor

    4. Maintenance • Check the oil level. Be sure that the engine and oil have cooled down before checking the oil level. The oil must have run down to the bottom of the oil sump before the operation. • Open the radiator cap with care when the engine is hot as the cooling system is pressurised.

  • Page 300: Cleaning The Engine Compartment

    4. Maintenance • Wash the tractor using a pressure washer. Keep the nozzle of the pressure washer at least 30 cm from the sealing points and paint work. The temperature of the washing water must not be higher than 50°C. NOTE: Do not use special nozzles, such as turbo nozzles, when washing.

  • Page 301: Cleaning Front Axle Suspension Bellows

    4. Maintenance • Do not use high pressure to wash the electric and fuel equipment or the radiator. These components can be damaged easily. Wash the delicate engine parts by hand. • Let the engine dry up before starting. Cleaning front axle suspension bellows To ensure correct function of the front axle air suspension, the dirt in the bellows of the suspension and in the housing have to be occasionally removed.

  • Page 302: Supporting The Tractor

    4. Maintenance 2. Apply grease through the nipples until clean grease oozes out (unless otherwise instructed). NOTE: Preferably carry out lubrication with bearing points and joints unloaded and with the bearings in different positions. 3. Wipe away superfluous grease which has been pressed out at the lubricating point.

  • Page 303
    4. Maintenance • The tractor must be supported from the correct support points on the frame. GUID-F865F3D2-F79C-45FB-9CBA-3608278E5F7E Rear 1. Main support point. 2. Secondary support point. GUID-411A1704-717C-4895-B761-AB8253B8C922 Front 1. Main support point. 2. Secondary support point. — 302 -…
  • Page 304: Recommended Fuel And Lubricants

    4. Maintenance Recommended fuel and lubricants 4.4.1 Fuel Make sure the correct fuel is used. The properties of light fuel oil that is only intended for heating do not meet the requirements of modern diesel engines, and cannot be used as fuel. The high pressure pump of the Common Rail system requires the fuel to have sufficient lubricity, because it does not have separate oil lubrication.

  • Page 305: Biodiesel Fuel

    4. Maintenance • Use the original container for storage. • Keep the container properly closed and in a cool, well-ventilated area. IMPORTANT: AdBlue/DEF freezes at -11 °C. Take the necessary storage precautions to keep the product from freezing and to ensure the vehicle can be topped up at all times.

  • Page 306: Grease

    4. Maintenance IMPORTANT: If the AdBlue/DEF additive is modified or replaced by another fluid, which does not comply with standard DIN 70070, there is a risk that it will not provide the intended result, and it may damage the engine. 4.4.2 Grease Use proper grease for the lubrication points.

  • Page 307: Grease Moly — Nlgi2 Moly Grease

    4. Maintenance Grease Moly — NLGI2 moly grease Use Grease Moly for wheel bearings, chassis water pumps, caterpillar rollers et cetera. Grease Moly is a high-quality, lithium-based universal grease for vehicle use. Grease Moly: • is a lithium-based universal grease •…

  • Page 308: Running The Tractor In After Storage

    4. Maintenance • Service the engine. • Change the engine oil and oil filter. • Run the engine until it is thoroughly warm. • Disconnect the battery. Clean battery cable terminals and battery poles and store battery in a cool and dry place where the temperature is even.

  • Page 309: Periodical Maintenance

    4. Maintenance • Turn the radiator fan carefully forwards and backwards, so that the shaft works loosely (it may be stuck to the sealing ring of the coolant pump). • Check that the engine air filters are undamaged. • Wash off any anti-corrosion oil applied to the exterior of the tractor. •…

  • Page 310: Periodical Maintenance Chart

    4. Maintenance 4.7.1 Periodical maintenance chart You must follow the service intervals in the periodical maintenance chart. IMPORTANT: When carrying out service you must follow the service intervals, that is, you must also perform all previously required actions mentioned in the periodical maintenance chart.

  • Page 311
    4. Maintenance Maintenance check point 10 h 50 h 600 h 1200 h 2400 h Check the wheel nut tightness. ● ● ● Check the brake pedal free travel. ● ● ● Check the parking brake. ● ● ● Change the oil filters of the transmission and hydraulic system. ●…
  • Page 312: Daily Maintenance

    4. Maintenance 4.7.2 Daily maintenance Checking the engine oil level Check the engine oil level periodically. The engine oil level must be checked when the oil has cooled off and has had time to run down to the bottom of the oil sump. GUID-34369C0E-9F57-44DD-B1A6-85836BA1269E 1.

  • Page 313: Checking The Coolant Level

    4. Maintenance Checking the coolant level Check the coolant level periodically. NOTE: Drain the cooling system completely every second year and refill it with new coolant. GUID-2D58F4D7-629A-44D2-A729-D0B28A3C1232 1. Cap of the coolant expansion tank 2. Cold fluid level mark 1.

  • Page 314
    4. Maintenance 4. Inspect the expansion tank for leakage. IMPORTANT: There is a drain hole under the coolant pump that must not be blocked. If coolant drips out of the hole, the pump seal is damaged and must be replaced. In a new engine some leakage is possible until the pump settles GUID-6A50CF19-CE69-46AF-AAFA-E5FE537AB684 1.
  • Page 315: Cleaning Radiators

    4. Maintenance Cleaning radiators Clean all the radiator honeycombs periodically. GUID-2C39D216-1CC8-4FE9-B3AF-3588CED6DD57 1. Fuel cooler 2. Air conditioning cooler (extra equipment) 3. Front power take-off (PTO) oil cooler (extra equipment) 4. Protection plate 5. Engine coolant radiator 6. Engine intake air cooler 7.

  • Page 316: Checking The Oil Level In The Transmission System

    4. Maintenance 5. Direct the spray against the air streaming direction. 6. Close the protection plate. Tighten the knurled-head screw. 7. Lower the air conditioning cooler to the lower position. Tighten the two fastening screws. 8. Close the engine cover. Checking the oil level in the transmission system Check the oil level in the transmission system periodically.

  • Page 317
    4. Maintenance 3. Check the oil level from the oil level gauge. GUID-6C9C3DA2-BEAE-4131-A6E8-9CBBB2B4EB1D 1. Hydraulic oil level gauge The oil level must be between minimum and maximum lines. — 316 -…
  • Page 318
    4. Maintenance 4. Add oil, if necessary. Fill by pump through the hydraulic return coupling. GUID-93D0D119-C361-4CA1-A851-847F9A21FDDB 1. Hydraulic return coupling IMPORTANT: If adding oil through the hydraulic return coupling is not possible you can add oil through the hydraulic oil fill cap. This is not recommended and should only be done in an emergency.
  • Page 319
    4. Maintenance Unscrew the two fastening screws. • Add oil through the hydraulic oil fill cap. GUID-E79F0D02-F528-412A-9AB3-40219C6B133B Hydraulic oil fill cap IMPORTANT: Clean the filler cap before filling up with oil. Make sure there are no impurities in the oil before filling up. •…
  • Page 320: Weekly Maintenance

    4. Maintenance 4.7.3 Weekly maintenance Greasing the rear linkage Grease the rear linkage periodically. NOTE: Use Universal Grease for greasing. 1. Grease the lift links. GUID-16B43D72-2EC5-4E6A-9E11-923FCACBE8D4 1. Lift link 2. Hydraulic lift link 3. Grease nipple There are three grease nipples in the regular lift link. There are two grease nipples in the hydraulic lift link.

  • Page 321
    4. Maintenance 2. Grease the top link. GUID-C6F25244-29B3-4DFD-8D4E-4AA1EE5E246D 1. Top link 2. Hydraulic top link 3. Grease nipple There are four grease nipples in the regular top link. There are two grease nipples in the hydraulic top link. 3. Grease the lifting cylinder pins. GUID-9C04FF82-32EA-4422-A4AE-05851D314510 1.
  • Page 322: Checking The Pick-Up Hitch

    4. Maintenance 4. Grease the differential axle. GUID-DB0D7857-BE4A-4387-9ADB-76B158114006 1. Grease nipple There are two grease nipples. Checking the pick-up hitch Check the pick-up hitch periodically. GUID-13D54244-8348-4705-AF22-8896C619B06B 1. Distance between the pick-up hitch and mating surface 2. Pick-up hitch movement 3.

  • Page 323: Greasing The Nordic And Euro Pick-Up Hitch

    4. Maintenance • Make sure that the locking latch moves to both extreme positions. When the locking latch is turned upwards the Nordic and Euro pick-up hitch must move up 6-8 mm and the hydraulic pick-up hitch must move up 8–10 •…

  • Page 324: Greasing The Hydraulic Pick-Up Hitch

    4. Maintenance Greasing the hydraulic pick-up hitch Grease the hydraulic pick-up hitch periodically. NOTE: Use Universal Grease for greasing. • Apply grease to the grease nipples. GUID-1FED8F75-728F-4A01-AC9E-2B96788D6B4E 1. Grease nipple — 323 -…

  • Page 325: Checking And Greasing The Front Linkage

    4. Maintenance Checking and greasing the front linkage Check and grease the front linkage periodically. • Check regularly that all screws and nuts are tight. GUID-57C69758-FE2F-4687-BB13-8A750A9C2B54 1. Screws and nuts • Tighten all screws and nuts of the front linkage after the first 15-25 running hours.

  • Page 326: Checking The Front Power Take-Off

    4. Maintenance • Grease the lifting cylinder pins and the lifting links shaft. GUID-79D2E886-4FA8-4CF1-82EF-A28E69A1AC99 1. Grease nipple It is easier to grease all the nipples when the links are lifted up. Checking the front power take-off Check the front power take-off periodically. •…

  • Page 327: Greasing The Brake Mechanism

    4. Maintenance Greasing the brake mechanism Grease the brake mechanism periodically. Use Calsium LF grease when greasing the brake mechanism. STOP GUID-A95CEF20-5CAA-4673-886D-E5187B9B1FA2 1. Grease nipple 2. Sliding surfaces 1. Grease the nipples on both sides of the brake cam. 2.

  • Page 328: Greasing Air-Suspended Front Axle Mounting Bearings

    4. Maintenance GUID-ECEDB78F-33CF-4E8B-8303-7A8EBF8E467B 1. Greasing nipple 1. Lift the front end of the tractor a little. Do not lift from front axle or front weight bracket. 2. Grease the nipples on both bearings. Tilt the axle to make sure that grease goes equally into the bearings. Greasing air-suspended front axle mounting bearings Grease the air-suspended front axle mounting bearings periodically.

  • Page 329: Checking Belts’ Tension

    Changing the air conditioning compressor and air pressure compressor belt requires special tools. Contact an authorised Valtra workshop in case this belt needs to be changed. 1. Check the overall condition of the belts. A slack, worn and/or oily belt can cause problems with battery charging and the cooling system.

  • Page 330: Changing The Fan And Alternator Belt

    4. Maintenance Changing the fan and alternator belt Change the belt if needed. GUID-2D5D05ED-63AE-4D6F-89BD-F2D4F9A43499 1. Fan and alternator belt — 329 -…

  • Page 331: Checking The Tyre Pressure

    4. Maintenance 1. Remove the old belt by cutting. GUID-16C11746-B13E-4FD2-8DCC-DAF11014E749 1. Automatic belt tensioner 2. 1/2″ wrench Loosen the automatic belt tensioner by using a 1/2″ wrench. 2. Fit the new fan and alternator belt. Loosen the automatic belt tensioner by using a 1/2″ wrench. Checking the tyre pressure Check the tyre pressure periodically, especially after changing the tyres.

  • Page 332: Checking The Emergency Brake

    4. Maintenance Checking the emergency brake Check the emergency brake periodically. 1. Use the emergency brake to check that it is functioning. You can test the emergency brake in a normal braking situation. WARNING: Check the emergency brake in slow driving speed (approximately 10 km/h).

  • Page 333: Checking The Air Pressure System Antifreeze Fluid Amount

    4. Maintenance 1. Check the amount of windscreen washer fluid. The washer fluid reservoir is transparent. Open the battery casing and remove the toolbox to check the amount of washer fluid. 2. Add more windscreen washer fluid, if necessary. NOTE: When the temperature is under 0 °C, use an antifreeze agent in the fluid.

  • Page 334: Maintenance Every 600 Hours

    4. Maintenance 4.7.4 Maintenance every 600 hours Checking, cleaning and greasing the battery terminals Check, clean and grease the battery terminals periodically. 1. Open the battery casing. GUID-8C50B307-55EC-4E6A-A160-1B960A27FCA0 1. Battery casing lock 2. Battery casing door — 333 -…

  • Page 335: Changing The Engine Oil And The Oil Filter

    4. Maintenance 2. Check the battery terminals and cables. GUID-EDD16017-2113-45E3-84FB-2671D4A1D381 1. Battery terminals 3. Clean the battery terminals. Also clean the surroundings of the battery. 4. Grease the battery terminals. NOTE: Use Universal Grease for greasing. 5. Close the battery casing. Changing the engine oil and the oil filter Change the engine oil filter periodically.

  • Page 336
    4. Maintenance GUID-B92F96AF-0B1F-4D16-A1E3-88BE8F503567 1. Filler hole 2. Dipstick 3. Drain plug 4. Oil filter 1. Check that the tractor is standing on level ground. 2. Stop the engine and let it stand for a few minutes. 3. Remove the drain plug from the engine sump. 4.
  • Page 337: Changing The Cab Ventilation Air Filter

    4. Maintenance 12. Start the engine. 13. Run the engine and check for possible leaks. 14. Run the engine for a while and check the oil level. Changing the cab ventilation air filter Change the cab ventilation air filter periodically. GUID-3C12D6DA-B2B1-48DC-B0E7-9B11AFE796CC 1.

  • Page 338: Changing The Recirculation Filter

    4. Maintenance Changing the recirculation filter Change the recirculation filter periodically. GUID-5869BA77-FE51-43C9-BD82-E15FE339AC7F 1. Filter element 2. Grille fastening clip 1. Open the grille. 2. Extract the filter element. 3. Change the filter element. Make sure that the seal around the filter element fits into the grooves in the air passage.

  • Page 339
    4. Maintenance 2. Detach the engine electric centre from the battery casing. GUID-050C2846-E99D-4127-BF44-F2187756A483 1. Engine electric centre fastening clip 2. Main electric centre fastening screw Leave the electric centre hanging by its harness. 3. Detach the main electric centre from the battery casing. Unscrew the main electric centre fastening screws.
  • Page 340
    4. Maintenance 4. Unscrew the battery casing fastening screws. GUID-EEC45F1C-DC95-4783-A85D-7ABE25CAC2B6 1. Battery casing fastening screw There are six fastening screws. 5. Disconnect the hoses and electric connectors from the windscreen washer fluid reservoir. GUID-57F201FC-D560-44D8-9094-52035D1DC913 1. Windscreen washer fluid hose 2. Windscreen washer electric connector — 339 -…
  • Page 341
    4. Maintenance 6. Remove the battery casing. 7. Tighten the front loader frame bolts on the right hand side. GUID-0ED3523C-9855-47AD-8BCF-28616B2B4975 1. Front loader frame bolt The tightening torque is 600 Nm. 8. Fit the battery casing. 9. Connect the hoses and electric connectors to the windscreen washer fluid reservoir.
  • Page 342
    4. Maintenance 13. Remove the cover plate on the AdBlue tank. GUID-A9F264A3-4DC4-43C9-A1FB-2E24E437F772 1. Cover plate 2. Fastening screw The cover plate is fastened with 3 screws. 14. Disconnect the electric connector and hoses from the tank heating sensor cap. GUID-74E79A4C-C414-4B59-AACC-5A37E901C14B 1.
  • Page 343
    4. Maintenance 15. Unscrew the AdBlue tank fastening screws. GUID-245264E1-7DB6-41EC-880E-9301498E7124 1. Fastening screw The AdBlue tank is fastened with 4 screws. 16. Move the AdBlue tank so that you can reach the front loader frame bolts. 17. Tighten the front loader frame bolts on the left hand side. GUID-1BA6EF5D-2C92-4850-AD79-2A486E2BD2DA 1.
  • Page 344: Checking The Wheel Nut Tightness

    4. Maintenance 21. Fit the cover plate on the AdBlue tank. Checking the wheel nut tightness Check the wheel nut tightness periodically to avoid unnecessary risks. • Check the tightness of the wheel nuts. • Check the tightness of the wheel disc/rim bolts. Checking the brake pedal free travel Check the brake pedal free travel periodically.

  • Page 345: Checking The Parking Brake

    4. Maintenance 5. Tighten the brake adjusting nuts. Adjust the nuts with the torque wrench to 20 Nm. STOP GUID-8172EC1C-1A28-4B70-80BB-5A1BD96ADE1E 1. Adjusting nut 6. Slacken the nuts. Slacken the nuts 2.3 turns. 7. Check that the wheels can rotate freely. 8.

  • Page 346: Adjusting The Parking Brake

    6. Adjust the clearance through the adjusting nut so that it is 1-2 mm. 7. Tighten the locking nut. IMPORTANT: When mounting the parking brake cable, the cylinder side end has to be mounted according to the tolerances. This should only be carried out by an authorised Valtra workshop. — 345 -…

  • Page 347: Changing Transmission Oil Filters

    4. Maintenance Changing transmission oil filters Change the transmission oil filters periodically. GUID-2043CF50-23F6-47ED-9C6D-EE459E127F86 1. Transmission lubrication filter 2. Low pressure filter of the transmission system Oil filters are located on the right side of the tractor under the cab. The lubrication filter is indicated with the text LUB on the mounting piece on top of it.

  • Page 348: Changing The Hydraulic System Oil Filter

    4. Maintenance Changing the hydraulic system oil filter Change the hydraulic system oil filter periodically. GUID-30D8DDE0-BEFD-456A-A43D-F2417807647E 1. Return oil filter of the auxiliary hydraulic system Oil filters are located on the right side of the tractor under the cab. The return oil filter is labelled with the text HYD on the mounting piece on top of it.

  • Page 349: Checking The Engine Breathing System

    4. Maintenance Checking the engine breathing system Check the engine breathing system periodically. GUID-3BE3A5E9-9EC4-4D00-83EC-E6151593612B 1. Ventilation hole • Check that the ventilation hole is not blocked. Checking the oil level in the front axle differential Check the oil level in the front axle differential periodically. GUID-1B1D535D-7A81-4C0A-8FC5-38279F43FBF0 1.

  • Page 350: Checking The Oil Level In Front Axle Hubs

    4. Maintenance 2. Add more oil if necessary. Checking the oil level in front axle hubs Check the oil level in the front axle hubs periodically. GUID-C0F09D35-6D75-4446-BCE0-7011C65F97A0 1. Oil surface indicator line 1. Turn the wheel until the oil surface indicator line is horizontal. 2.

  • Page 351: Changing The Front Pto Housing Oil And Washing The Oil Filter

    4. Maintenance Changing the front PTO housing oil and washing the oil filter Change the oil of the front power take-off (PTO) housing and wash the oil filter periodically. GUID-99F19360-93F2-4051-B353-1E6B36AC0888 1. Breather 2. Protector 3. Front PTO housing fastening screw 4.

  • Page 352: Checking Front Pto Couplings

    4. Maintenance 7. Fill up the housing with oil to the level of the hole. The breather can be loosened for bleeding. Check that the breather is not blocked. When filling, the tractor has to stand on even ground. 8. Use the front PTO a moment and check oil. 9.

  • Page 353: Checking And Greasing The Trailer Air-Pressure Brake System

    1. Rubber coupling • Change the rubber coupling when needed. It is recommended to let an authorised Valtra workshop change the coupling. Checking and greasing the trailer air-pressure brake system Check and grease the trailer air-pressure brake system periodically.

  • Page 354
    4. Maintenance GUID-BB9AF765-B8EF-4B7D-A1C1-51E93FB56F9C 1. Air pressure system pressure air reservoir 2. Pneumatic brakes pressure air reservoir 3. Automatic water draining valve 1. Push a blunt stick through the draining valve hole. IMPORTANT: The stick must not be sharp, because it can damage the valve. If the air that comes out is free of water, the automatic water draining valve is operating correctly.
  • Page 355: Filling The Air Pressure System Antifreeze Container

    1200 hours. Running the transmission automatic calibration Contact an authorised Valtra workshop for running of the transmission automatic calibration. NOTE: The transmission automatic calibration must be run after 600 operating hours. After the first calibration, run the calibration every 1200 hours.

  • Page 356
    4. Maintenance 1. Run the tractor, and raise and lower the hydraulic lift (or e.g. the front loader) until the oil is a little warm. 2. Raise the front linkage and lower the front loader and rear linkage. Maximum amount of oil returns to the hydraulic oil reservoir. 3.
  • Page 357: Changing Oil In The Front Axle Differential

    4. Maintenance 7. Check the oil level from the oil level gauge. GUID-6C9C3DA2-BEAE-4131-A6E8-9CBBB2B4EB1D 1. Hydraulic oil level gauge Make sure that after refilling, the oil level is between the minimum and maximum marks. 8. Start the engine and check the oil level. Changing oil in the front axle differential Change the oil in the front axle differential periodically.

  • Page 358: Changing Oil In The Front Axle Hubs

    4. Maintenance Changing oil in the front axle hubs Change oil in the front axle hubs periodically. GUID-C0F09D35-6D75-4446-BCE0-7011C65F97A0 1. Inspection hole 1. Turn the wheel until the inspection hole is pointing downwards. 2. Unscrew the plug and drain the oil into a suitable container. 3.

  • Page 359: Changing The Fuel Prefilter

    4. Maintenance 1. Clean the filter and its surroundings. GUID-E262CE6F-7335-4368-ADA0-CBA77C3CD02C 1. Fuel filter 2. Remove the fuel filter. Turn the filter anticlockwise and remove it from the mounting bracket. IMPORTANT: Unscrew the filter by hand, do not use a filter wrench. 3.

  • Page 360
    4. Maintenance GUID-D45D4E7E-1B4F-4D1F-8938-A5C9F6A2AE88 1. Water detector 2. Fuel prefilter 1. Clean the filter and its surroundings. 2. Disconnect the water detector wire. 3. Place a suitable container under the filter. IMPORTANT: Do not drain fuel on the ground! 4. Remove the filter. IMPORTANT: Unscrew the filter by hand, do not use a filter wrench.
  • Page 361: Changing Engine Air Filters

    4. Maintenance Changing engine air filters Change the main air filter and safety filter periodically. GUID-E4D40011-78C9-461A-A7AC-5234502A3B76 1. Main air filter 2. Safety air filter The safety filter protects the engine if the main air filter gets damaged. IMPORTANT: Never run the tractor without the safety filter. NOTE: Do not clean the filters.

  • Page 362
    4. Maintenance 2. Take out the main filter. GUID-6B36EB2D-5320-4D48-864D-B2317B3C0681 1. Main air filter 3. Remove the safety filter. IMPORTANT: Take the utmost care when removing the safety filter so that no dirt enters the induction pipe. GUID-368BDA64-4EC4-4C16-8C33-6A2547A122FB 1. Safety air filter 4.
  • Page 363: Changing The Selective Catalytic Reduction System Supply Module Main Filter

    4. Maintenance Changing the selective catalytic reduction system supply module main filter 1. Open the steps. GUID-31E019BA-4BDC-4D7C-BF3D-E4AAA33BEE49 1. Fastening screw Unscrew the two fastening screws. 2. Clean the filter cover and its surroundings. — 362 -…

  • Page 364: Checking The Front Wheel Toe-In

    4. Maintenance 3. Remove the filter cover. GUID-27F56ED7-221E-4F71-9809-6FD5F44DEC77 1. Filter 2. Equalizing element 3. Filter cover Use 27 mm wrench. 4. Pull out the filter parts. 5. Fit the new filter elements. 6. Fit the filter cover. The tightening torque is 20-25 Nm. 7.

  • Page 365: Adjusting The Front Wheel Toe-In

    4. Maintenance Adjusting the front wheel toe-in Adjust the front wheel toe-in if needed. Before you adjust the toe-in, check that there is no free play in the ball joints of the steering arms and tie rod. NOTE: In order not to limit the steering movement, both tie rods must be adjusted.

  • Page 366: Checking The Power Shuttle Operation

    2. Lubricate the seal on the new breather. 3. Tighten the breather by hand. Checking the power shuttle operation Contact an authorised Valtra workshop for checking of the power shuttle operation. NOTE: Checking of the power shuttle operation must be done after 1200 operating hours.

  • Page 367
    4. Maintenance 2. Remove the drain plugs under the gearbox and final drives. GUID-BECEF3F8-4A53-49E7-8871-F12B2A1EE362 1. Gearbox drain plug 2. Final drives drain plugs 3. Drain the oil into a suitable container. 4. Clean and refit the plugs. 5. Clean the suction strainer. 6.
  • Page 368: Changing The Transmission Breather

    4. Maintenance Changing the transmission breather Change the transmission breather periodically. IMPORTANT: If the tractor is used continuously in dusty conditions, the breather must be changed more frequently. GUID-3F70726E-F045-43EF-B61B-9EB5C9F77755 1. Breather 1. Unscrew the old breather. 2. Lubricate the seal on the new breather. 3.

  • Page 369: Bleeding The Brake System

    4. Maintenance GUID-E88D4737-61B1-4B52-964E-9F2A48C84B3A 1. Suction strainer cover 2. Suction strainer 1. Remove the suction strainer cover. 2. Wipe off any oil which has run out on the chassis. 3. Clean the suction strainer in diesel fuel. Replace the suction strainer if it is damaged. 4.

  • Page 370
    4. Maintenance GUID-ED3BF43B-5FAD-41C5-BB5A-FB02879F24EA 1. Bleeding nipple of the tractor brake cylinder 2. Bleeding nipple of the tractor hydraulic brake valve of the trailer Both brake pedal circuits of the tractor brake cylinder, right and left, have their own bleeding nipple. The nipples are placed on the bleed plate on top of the left axle housing.
  • Page 371: Bleeding The Front Axle Brake System

    4. Maintenance 2. Lock the brake pedals together. 3. Open the bleeding nipples. It is recommended to use hoses from the bleeding nipples to a suitable container. NOTE: Do not let the oil run on the ground. 4. Pump the pedals slowly until there are no air bubbles in the oil. 5.

  • Page 372: Cleaning The Cooling System

    4. Maintenance 6. Pump the pedals slowly until there are no air bubbles in the oil. The oil has been changed when about 0.2 litres has come out from each side. It is not necessary to adjust the front brakes. Cleaning the cooling system Clean the cooling system periodically.

  • Page 373
    4. Maintenance 3. Connect a hose from the radiator draining cock to a clean container and open the plug. GUID-F80FA91E-580F-4FB4-A18A-7AB6AC5843C9 1. Radiator draining cock 4. Open the drain cock on the cylinder block and open the drain plug on the oil cooler.
  • Page 374: Checking The Engine Vibration Damper

    After changing the fluid, run the engine for a while and check the level of the fluid. Checking the engine vibration damper Contact an authorised Valtra workshop for checking of the engine vibration damper. NOTE: Changing of the engine vibration damper must be carried out at an authorised Valtra workshop.

  • Page 375: Maintaining The Air Conditioning

    2400 hours of operation. Contact an authorised Valtra workshop for changing the drying container. • If the air conditioning is not functioning properly, contact an authorised Valtra workshop for checking of the system. Checks and adjustments 4.8.1…

  • Page 376: Setting The Tyre Parameter

    4. Maintenance 2. Check the tyre pressures. 3. When larger front tyres are fitted, check and adjust the turning angles on both sides with maximum inclination of the front axle. 4. Set the tyre parameter. 5. Calibrate the speed sensors. 6.

  • Page 377: Tyre Parameters

    4. Maintenance Tyre parameters Tyre Parameter value 20.8R38 MICHELIN AGRIBIB 20.8-38/14 NOKIAN TR FOREST 520/85R38 CONTINENTAL AC85 520/85R38 TRELLEBORG TM600 520/85R42 CONTINENTAL AC85 540/80R38 NOKIAN TRI2 580/70R38 CONTINENTAL HC70 580/70R38 TRELLEBORG TM700 580/70R38 MICHELIN OMNIBIB 620/70R42 MICHELIN OMNIBIB 650/65R38 MICHELIN MULTIBIB 650/65R38 CONTINENTAL AC65 650/65R38 CONTINENTAL SST 650/65R38 TRELLEBORG TM800…

  • Page 378: Calibrating Speed Sensors

    4. Maintenance Calibrating speed sensors 1. Choose a straight and even road with no traffic for the speed sensor calibration. 2. Move the hand throttle lever to the low idling position. 3. Disengage the differential lock. 4. Disengage the four-wheel drive. 5.

  • Page 379
    4. Maintenance 12. Start the calibrating procedure by pressing OK. The tractor automatically selects the optimal gear and engine speed for calibration. The tractor accelerates to the calibrating speed and the engine speed rises to the optimal level of 1700 rpm. 13.
  • Page 380: Track Widths

    15. Stop the tractor. If the calibration was unsuccessful, perform the calibration again. If the calibration is still unsuccessful, contact an authorised Valtra workshop. With a short press of the ESC button you can return to the menu 2. A long press of the ESC button returns to the previously active drive display.

  • Page 381: Front Axle Track Widths

    4. Maintenance Front axle track widths The front axle track widths (in mm) are listed in the following tables. Adjustable discs GUID-304DA3D4-1 A9F-43F2-9874- GUID- BC6B47C0D134 A477C4D9-5A03-4 GUID-7A085113-0 GUID-703FFB40- GUID-58DF36B2- GUID- GUID-F95330D7- FA9- GUID-7332B366- F7B-4AEB-BB3F- FF10-41A4-8BEF-3 A96F-43DB-80EB-6 C76BBD0D-4B94-4 D0BF-43A0- A339-19B7D28FAC F3DC-441A-8DB9-3 D507FC1B8A85 7E4E96AAB89…

  • Page 382: Using Chains

    4. Maintenance 650/65R38, – – 2 114 2 012 1 910 1 808 650/65R42, 650/75R38 620/70R42 1 713 – 2 113 2 014 1 910 1 811 520/85R42 2 012 1 722 1 612 1 918 2 122 1 808 Vehicle overall width over 2 550 mm Standard track width Fixed discs…

  • Page 383: Engine

    4. Maintenance 4.8.5 Engine Bleeding the fuel system After changing the fuel filters or if the engine has ran out of fuel the fuel system has to be bled. GUID-647FB64A-BC65-43E4-856B-A428F80A6D02 1. Hand pump 2. Bleeding plug WARNING: Do not work on the common rail high pressure fuel system when the engine is running.

  • Page 384: Electrical System

    4. Maintenance 3. Pump fuel with the hand pump. Continue the pumping until there are no air bubbles in the fuel stream. 4. Remove the hose and close the bleeding plug. 5. Clean the engine of any overspill fuel. 6. Start the engine. The fuel system removes automatically the air left in the system.

  • Page 385: Alternator

    4. Maintenance • Keep the battery clean. Wash it with lukewarm water after removal from the tractor. IMPORTANT: Always disconnect the negative lead before washing. • Clean the pole studs, the cable terminals and the battery retainer thoroughly. Wash off oxidised spots with water. Wipe the outside of the battery when it is clean, and coat the pole studs and the cable terminals with petroleum jelly.

  • Page 386: Fuses And Relays

    4. Maintenance 3. Remove the engine control unit cover. GUID-92C76BDB-8B38-43C5-ABD4-58A24CBEFE5C 1. Engine control unit cover 4. Disconnect the engine control unit connectors. Open the connector locking device to disconnect the connectors. When reconnecting, turn the locking device back to the locking position. Fuses and relays There are 4 electric centres.

  • Page 387
    4. Maintenance GUID-AE82D857-4258-4575-8938-1506A5C211BE 1. Cab electric centre — 386 -…
  • Page 388
    4. Maintenance GUID-31B52C64-67B7-4990-AD33-94B8B1CB3613 Fuse Nominal current Description F100 Reserve F101 Parking lights right F102 Parking lights left F103 Windscreen wiper, light ensure F104 Side window wiper, seat heater Table continued on next page — 387 -…
  • Page 389
    4. Maintenance Fuse Nominal current Description F105 AutoComfort, TwinTrac, front axle suspension F106 Semi-automatic range gear, power shuttle lever F107 Speed and pressure sensors F108 Front loader F109 ON/OFF valves, transmission sensors, A-pillar display F110 IO1, IO2 F111 Power outlets F112 Proline instrument panel, direction indicators…
  • Page 390
    4. Maintenance Relay Description Light ensure Power switch / U-pilot controlled 2-pin current socket Auxiliary relay +15 Parking lights Auxiliary relay +15 Auxiliary relay +15 ON/OFF in ON/OFF out Bucket release Soft drive Selecto 3 Selecto 4 Front linkage / front loader Main power switch safety isolation Direction indicator ISOBUS power…
  • Page 391
    4. Maintenance GUID-83BB3EC4-E4C8-4AB1-988E-6963318C0579 1. Relay K21 Location of relays K31, K33 and K40 — 390 -…
  • Page 392
    4. Maintenance GUID-C9A6E8C6-2AAF-4BD8-93E4-EAC4500542C1 1. Relay K40 2. Relay K31 3. Relay K33 Location of relays K22, K100 and K101 — 391 -…
  • Page 393
    4. Maintenance GUID-7D9A17CA-6BE9-488D-A1F8-6ABE335CCCD8 1. Relay K22 2. Relay K101 3. Relay K100 Location of relays K34 and K41 — 392 -…
  • Page 394: Fuses And Relays In The Roof Electric Centre

    4. Maintenance GUID-E3B0BFE5-49C1-4106-86A0-D4862ABEC4B5 1. Relay K34 2. Relay K41 Fuses and relays in the roof electric centre The fuses and relays in the roof electric centre are listed in the following tables. The fuse diagram is on the reverse side of the electric centre cover. There is space for spare fuses.

  • Page 395
    4. Maintenance 1 2 3 GUID-6C570E37-D6A9-4E17-A02A-BBBC754E62C8 1. Relay K26 2. Relay K56 3. Relay K25 4. Light panel 5. Roof electric centre GUID-0A57F11D-2BA6-440A-97A8-F7501426323B Fuse Nominal current Description Rotary beacon Reserve Rear waist working lights Table continued on next page — 394 -…
  • Page 396
    4. Maintenance Fuse Nominal current Description Front waist working lights Upper headlights high beams Upper headlights dipped beams Rear working lights left Rear working lights right Front working lights left Front working lights right Reserve Reserve Radio, subwoofer, coolbox Automatic HVAC fan supply Manual HVAC supply Automatic HVAC control panel Rear window wiper…
  • Page 397: Fuses And Relays In The Main Electric Centre

    4. Maintenance Relay Description Rear window wiper Rear window wiper Cab light Placed behind the light panel. Fuses and relays in the main electric centre The fuses and relays in the main electric centre are listed in the following tables. The fuse diagram is on the reverse side of the electric centre cover.

  • Page 398
    4. Maintenance RESERVE RESERVE GUID-3BC55656-C5CB-4598-BA46-47FF6CFBD095 Fuse Nominal current Description ISOBUS power ISOBUS engine control unit power 125A Cabin main 250A Grid heater Relay Description Starter relay Grid heater relay Placed on the left side of the engine. Location of relay K8M — 397 -…
  • Page 399: Fuses And Relays In The Engine Electric Centre

    4. Maintenance GUID-6134696C-5F40-49EE-839A-D6C406DC48CD 1. Relay K8M Fuses and relays in the engine electric centre Fuses and relays in the engine electric centre are listed in the following tables. The fuse diagram is on the reverse side of the electric centre cover. The engine electric centre contains 10 fuses and 2 empty places for spares.

  • Page 400
    4. Maintenance GUID-6510D10B-5F54-42F0-8BF5-0E861A2AA46B 1. Engine electric centre K14M K13M K10M F10M K15M K12M F11M K16M K11M F12M INPUT GUID-DCBB31F5-C0AE-43DC-837F-B88F3DCE4AB1 Fuses Nominal current Description DEF system heaters Engine control unit Engine control unit wake up Memory voltage Dipped beam High beam Table continued on next page — 399 -…
  • Page 401: Adjusting Headlights

    4. Maintenance Fuses Nominal current Description NOx sensors Waste gate Reserve F10M Reserve F11M HVAC clutch F12M Engine control unit ignition key signal Relay Description Reserve DEF system heating main Engine control unit main High beam K10M Dipped beam K11M Reserve K12M Engine auxiliary…

  • Page 402: Power Transmission System

    4. Maintenance 2. Measure that the cut-off edge of the beam pattern comes at height of headlights above ground minus 50 mm when the tractor is 5 m from the wall. 3. Turn the high beams on. 4. Measure that the distance between headlight centres matches the distance measured on the wall.

  • Page 403: Checking The Transmission Ratio Of A Power Take-Off Driven Trailer

    4. Maintenance Checking the transmission ratio of a power take-off driven trailer Check the transmission ratio of a power take-off (PTO) driven trailer. Before you check the transmission ratio, make sure that the tractor with the trailer is on a flat, hard-surfaced area or road. 1.

  • Page 404: Calibrating The Steering Angle

    4. Maintenance 1. Slacken the locking nut. GUID-3BA6B2A6-1CEE-448C-8A6A-AC4EEC3B8AB0 1. Locking nut 2. Adjusting screw 2. Adjust the adjusting screw. IMPORTANT: Adjust the adjusting screws on both sides to the same length so that the turning angle is the same on both sides. 3.

  • Page 405
    4. Maintenance 6. Move the navigation box to the steering angle calibration position with the arrow buttons. • If the preconditions for calibrating the steering angle are not met, the following screen is displayed: START RESET TO DEFAULT GUID-C654A050-7CFC-44A3-BF8C-A4D6DC2ADFE0 • If the preconditions for calibrating the steering angle are met, the following screen is displayed: START…
  • Page 406: Cab And Shields

    If the front wheels turn fully during the check, then the calibration has been successful. If the check fails, then the calibration has been unsuccessful. If the calibration was unsuccessful, perform the calibration again. If the calibration is still unsuccessful, contact an authorised Valtra workshop. 4.8.9 Cab and shields Cleaning the cab ventilation air filter Check and clean the cab ventilation air filter when necessary.

  • Page 407: Adjusting Steps For Driving Off-Road

    4. Maintenance 3. Extract the support frame. • Lower the support frame slightly. • Pull the support frame outwards. 4. Remove the ventilation air filter. 5. Check the condition of the ventilation air filter. A damaged ventilation air filter must be changed. 6.

  • Page 408: Checking And Adjusting Front Mudguards

    4. Maintenance 2. On the left side, loosen the two screws holding the lowest step in the lowest position. GUID-32569E0C-7263-452B-8CA6-8C0E53AB1ECB 1. Screws 3. Push the lowest step in the top position and fasten the two screws. GUID-ADAF8116-6226-4C11-9612-54B0F924E7EA 1. Screws Checking and adjusting front mudguards Check and adjust the front mudguards if needed.

  • Page 409: Adjusting Flexible Front Mudguards

    4. Maintenance Adjusting flexible front mudguards Adjust the flexible front mudguards, if needed. GUID-2D1C18BC-43E2-4281-BC1E-E939C958ED96 1. Fixing screws 2. Flexible front mudguard frame 3. Turning mechanism 4. Adjustment screw 5. Stopper The front mudguards are adjusted correctly at the factory. The mudguards can be turned fully to the side to the service position, which eases the access to the engine compartment.

  • Page 410: Towing Devices

    4. Maintenance • To adjust the height of the mudguards, change the fixing screws or the shafts to the other holes. In addition, the mudguards can be inclined forward and backward in their fixing holes. NOTE: The distance between the fixing screws must be as wide as possible. Use the highest and lowest possible holes for the fixing screws.

  • Page 411: Maintaining The Automatic Jaw Of The Wagon Towing Device

    Do not use pressure wash when cleaning the main pin. IMPORTANT: If the jaw is rusty, for example due to fertiliser, do not use a rust-loosening agent for removing the rust but take it to an authorised Valtra workshop. — 410 -…

  • Page 412: Troubleshooting

    30 s. This prevents serious damage to the engine. NOTE: If the book symbol starts flashing, contact an authorised Valtra workshop, even if the error does not prevent driving the tractor. Warnings on the Proline instrument panel display The Proline instrument panel display indicates the following warnings.

  • Page 413: Identifying A Blocked Transmission Or Hydraulic System Filter

    FAULT! • A service code is displayed on the tractor terminal display. • Contact an authorised Valtra workshop. PARKING BRAKE • There is a fault in the parking brake and it might not function properly. This can also prevent the FAULT! function of the emergency brake.

  • Page 414
    5. Troubleshooting GUID-66125F0D-15AC-4B75-941A-E505A25F172E 1. Return oil filter of the auxiliary hydraulic system 2. Lubrication filter of the transmission system 3. Low pressure filter of the transmission system Oil filters are located on the right side of the tractor under the cab. The oil filters are labelled with following text on the mounting piece on top of it: •…
  • Page 415: Viewing Service Codes

    5. Troubleshooting Viewing service codes You can read active service codes on the tractor terminal display. If there is an active service code, the book symbol is flashing on the display. 1. If the tractor terminal main menu is not displayed, press ESC as many times as needed.

  • Page 416
    5. Troubleshooting 2. Press to enter the settings menu and use the arrow buttons to scroll to the IO-list. GUID-4824F115-B7F2-4ADF-9D31-6FA5892D5815 3. Press to enter the IO-list. GUID-6239C1CE-31BC-4D92-B052-2027F9864C78 A list of control unit index numbers appear. 4. Press the up arrow or the down arrow to select the index informed by the service personnel.
  • Page 417: Automatic Air Conditioning Error Codes

    1. Error code If an error code is displayed on the air conditioning display, the air conditioning system may not work properly. Contact an authorised Valtra workshop. Steering system malfunctions CAUTION: If a malfunction occurs in the steering system, stop the tractor and correct the malfunction before restarting.

  • Page 418: Towing The Tractor

    5. Troubleshooting Towing the tractor 5.8.1 Towing the tractor when the engine is running GUID-D11E9849-3980-4522-A910-18DB522D92E6 1. Speed range selection — button 1. Set the transmission to neutral. • Change to speed range LA. • Press down the speed range selection — button for a minimum of 3 seconds.

  • Page 419: Towing The Tractor When The Engine Is Not Running

    5. Troubleshooting 5.8.2 Towing the tractor when the engine is not running IMPORTANT: Avoid towing when the engine is not running, because the gearbox lubrication does not function. 1. Release the parking brake. Use suitable tools, for example a 17 mm wrench, for releasing the parking brake.

  • Page 420: Technical Specifications

    6. Technical specifications Technical specifications Dimensions With front tyres 600/65R28 With rear tyres 710/70R38 Length (mm) 5 140 Width (mm) max 2 550 Height to the roof (mm) 3 130 Height to the exhaust pipe (mm) 3 085 Wheel base (mm) 2 995 Front axle ground clearance/with front axle suspension (mm) Rear axle ground clearance (mm)

  • Page 421: Wheel Nut Tightening Torques

    6. Technical specifications Load capacity index per tyre (168 = 5 150 kg) Speed symbol (A8 = 40 km/h) Reference pressure (bar) Tubeless (TL) or tube type (TT) 6.4.1 Wheel nut tightening torques Wheel nut Tightening torque (Nm) Front Rear Rim — wheel disc (front and rear) 6.4.2 Wheel stud dimensions…

  • Page 422: Tyre Loadings And Pressures

    6. Technical specifications 6.4.3 Tyre loadings and pressures NOTE: The permissible wheel load can reduce the maximum permissible axle load. Maximum permissible front axle load At maximum permissible driving speed, road 5500 kg In working conditions, offroad 8500 kg IMPORTANT: On 50 km/h models and when driving at the maximum speed, the tyre loading is smaller.

  • Page 423: Track Widths

    6. Technical specifications GUID-A17A98B4-3978-430E-A595-59AF79DF2253 1. Rear mudguard distance, 960 mm 2. Hub flange distance 1754 mm 3. Distance between tyre centres with different track width adjustments 4. Distance between tyres’ outer sidewalls Track widths 6.6.1 Rear axle track widths Adjustable discs The rear axle track widths (in mm) are listed in the following tables.

  • Page 424
    6. Technical specifications GUID- A477C4D9-5A03-4FA9- A339-19B7D28FAC21 GUID-703FFB40- GUID-7A085113-0F7B-4A GUID-58DF36B2- GUID- GUID-7332B366- FF10-41A4-8BEF-37E4E9 EB-BB3F-D507FC1B8A85 A96F-43DB-80EB-6F997F C76BBD0D-4B94-4596- F3DC-441A-8DB9-3C63A4 6AAB89 04DB2D A91D-08E13B590985 429101 20.8R38, 2 012 1 714 1 612 1 910 2 114 1 808 520/85R38 580/70R38 1 714 – 1 910 2 114 2012 1 808…
  • Page 425: Front Axle Track Widths

    6. Technical specifications 6.6.2 Front axle track widths The front axle track widths (in mm) are listed in the following tables. Adjustable discs GUID-304DA3D4-1 A9F-43F2-9874- GUID- BC6B47C0D134 A477C4D9-5A03-4 GUID-7A085113-0 GUID-703FFB40- GUID-58DF36B2- GUID- GUID-F95330D7- FA9- GUID-7332B366- F7B-4AEB-BB3F- FF10-41A4-8BEF-3 A96F-43DB-80EB-6 C76BBD0D-4B94-4 D0BF-43A0- A339-19B7D28FAC F3DC-441A-8DB9-3 D507FC1B8A85…

  • Page 426: Engine Lubrication System

    150 kPa (1.5 bar) Oil pressure at normal working speed 250-500 kPa (2.5-5 bar) Oil filter Type Disposable type filter element Oil type Valtra grade Valtra Engine CR-4 SAE grade 10W-40: -25°C…+40°C API grade CJ-4 ACEA grade Oil volume When changing with filter Viscosity grade should be selected depending on the temperature outside.

  • Page 427: Air Cleaner

    6. Technical specifications 6.7.4 Air cleaner Air cleaner Two-stage, dry element, with blockage indicator Pre-cleaner system Ejector 6.7.5 Cooling system Pump Centrifugal Radiator Pressurised with expansion tank regulated by pressure cap Thermostat 2 thermostats: 79°C and 83°C The belt-driven fan is controlled by the engine’s control module for precise fan speed modulation Coolant Water and antifreeze agent (standard ASTM D 3306…

  • Page 428: Power Transmission

    Maximum speed with the engine speed of 1755 rpm. Maximum speed with the engine speed of 1748 rpm. Oil type Valtra grade Valtra Transmission XT60 (classification: Valtra G2-08) Valtra Transmission XT60+ (classification: Valtra G2– B10) API grade GL-4 Oil volume When changing with filter 74 litres 6.9.4…

  • Page 429: Rear Power Take-Off

    6. Technical specifications 6.9.5 Rear power take-off Rear power take-off alternatives Power take-off T144 T154 T174E T194 T214 T234 (PTO) alternatives 540/1000 540/540E/ 1000 540E/ 1000/1000E 540E/1000 +GSPTO 540E/1000E +GSPTO Ground speed PTO Rear power take-off ratios Rear power take-off (PTO) ratios 540 rpm at engine speed 1 890 rpm 1 000 rpm at engine speed 1 897 rpm 540 E = 540 rpm at engine speed 1 522 rpm…

  • Page 430: Proportional Ground Speed Power Take-Off

    6. Technical specifications GUID-3FFADF59-E7E3-4CA9-8926-1F930BCED527 1. 229 mm 2. T measure Proportional ground speed power take-off Model Power take-off (PTO) axle revolutions per one rear wheel revolution 40 km/h 41.03 50 km/h 40.79 6.9.6 Front power take-off Oil type Oil volume (litres) Shell Donax TX Maximum input torque 1170 Nm…

  • Page 431: Steering System

    6. Technical specifications Parking brake Operation • Electro-hydraulically controlled with power shuttle lever • Driving brakes engaging with spring, disengaging with hydraulic pressure Hydraulic trailer brake valve (extra equipment) Operation • Operated with the hydraulic pump for transmission and steering, controlled by the braking pressure •…

  • Page 432: Turning Circle Radius

    SAE grade API grade Differential Valtra Axle LS 80W-90 GL-5 LS Hub reduction gears Valtra Axle or Valtra Axle GL-5 or GL5 LS Hub reduction gears, Valtra Axle LS GL-5 LS front axle with brakes Oil volume when changing with filter…

  • Page 433: Cab And Shields

    6. Technical specifications 6.12 Cab and shields 6.12.1 Cab filter capacity > Ø 0.2 μm 78% Standard filter (dop test, 300 m > Ø 1 μm 92% > Ø 5 μm 100% > Ø 8 μm 100% > Ø 0.2µm 54% Activated carbon filter, cab (dop test, 300 m >…

  • Page 434: Hydraulic System

    Rear linkage • Auxiliary hydraulics • Front linkage (optional) • Front loader (optional) Oil type Valtra grade: Valtra Hydraulic 46 DIN-grade: DIN 51524-3 HVLP Valtra grade: Valtra Transmission XT60/XT60+ • Classification: Valtra G2-08/G2–B10 • API-grade: GL-4 Standard ISO 15380, class HEES Bio-oil Bio-oil cannot be mixed with mineral oil.

  • Page 435: Valves For Auxiliary Hydraulics

    6. Technical specifications Valves for auxiliary hydraulics Rear, standard • Two double-acting valves with adjustable electric control • One on/off valve that controls the hydraulic top link Rear, optional • Three double-acting valves with adjustable electric control • Four double-acting valves with adjustable electric control •…

  • Page 436: Counter Pressure When Using The Return Connection For Auxiliary Hydraulics

    6. Technical specifications Counter pressure when using the return connection for auxiliary hydraulics Flow l/min, temperature Return connection counter pressure (1 inch) 50 l/min, 60°C 2.5 bar 6.13.4 Rear linkage Maximum lifting force Lifting cylinder ø Lower link type The length of the lower links 78 kN…

  • Page 437: Front Linkage

    6. Technical specifications 6.13.5 Front linkage Lifting force 50 kN Number of lifting cylinders Diameter of the lifting cylinders 90 mm Lifting range at the end of the lifting links 870 mm Quick coupling hooks Category 3/2 6.13.6 Towing devices Pick-up hitch Maximum permissible vertical loading…

  • Page 438: Hydraulic Pick-Up Hitch

    6. Technical specifications GUID-E8042FDA-A43D-4679-A1CD-24FBF8C9CF49 1. 400 mm 2. 250 mm 3. 172 mm 4. 62 mm 5. 72 mm 6. 280 mm 7. 2000 kg 8. 1200 kg Hydraulic pick-up hitch Raising/lowering and extension Electrohydraulic Locking of the towing device latch Mechanical;…

  • Page 439: Agricultural Towing Device

    6. Technical specifications GUID-DDB244F9-DCD5-44E2-9207-1E5BF5566642 1. 370 mm = 1530 kg / 426 mm = 1070 kg 2. 213 mm 3. 129 mm 4. 280 mm Agricultural towing device 78.5 kN D-value Drawbar eye standard ISO 5692-1, ISO 5692-2, ISO 8755, ISO1102 Mathematically established horizontal force The agricultural towing device is fixed without pick-up hitch The horizontal distances of the pulling point from the power take-off (PTO) shaft…

  • Page 440: Towing Device Frames

    6. Technical specifications GUID-EB6EAC00-A5A5-4A6A-9659-AEA81CEBBFD8 1. 250 mm, 2000 kg 2. 400 mm, 1200 kg 3. 550 mm, 500 kg 4. 245 mm 5. Drawbar pin Ø31.5 mm 6. 21° to both sides Towing device frames D-value / Max permissible vertical loading for a trailer 89.3 kN / 2000 kg hitch with all jaws D-value / Towing device frame with piton-fix pin, max…

  • Page 441
    6. Technical specifications Drawbar eye standard for non-swivel jaw ISO 5692-3, X (Ø28 mm) / ISO 5692-3, Z (Ø50 mm) Drawbar, main pin diameter 31.5 mm Drawbar eye standard for drawbar ISO 5692-1, ISO 5692-2, ISO 8755, ISO 1102 — 440 -…
  • Page 442: Alphabetical Index

    Alphabetical index (continued) automatic air conditioning error codes……..416 4WD (four-wheel drive)……126 automatic jaw disengaging………127 maintaining……..410 engaging……..127 automatic side limiters fixed position……. 205 about this manual……..1 floating position……206 AdBlue/DEF………..304 automatic traction control…… 122 filling……….115 auto-steering……… 271 storing………

  • Page 443
    29 on right-hand side roof console..45 ECO function operator’s seat, air suspended..48 using……….113 operator’s seat, Valtra Evolution… 49 EEC type plate………. 2 controls on the left-hand side electrical system controls……….44 protecting before welding…. 384 control stop……….68 specifications…….426…
  • Page 444
    (continued) engine speed cruise control front loader programming……. 121 using……….228 setting……….121 using quick coupling device..230 engine valves front mudguards adjusting……..354 adjusting flexible……408 engine vibration damper checking and adjusting….407 checking……..373 front power take-off……40, 248 environment activating……..249 protecting……298, 299 changing housing oil….
  • Page 445
    28 lift links operating adjusting……..201 practices……..18 hydraulic, adjusting….. 202 operator’s seat, air suspended lighter…………89 controls……….48 light panel operator’s seat, Valtra Evolution using……….77 controls……….49 working lights…….. 77 ordering lights……….76, 79 service……….2 Linkage spare parts……..2 lift/stop/lower switch….186 other controls locking………….
  • Page 446
    parking brake………..93 Proline instrument panel display adjusting……..345 (continued) checking……..344 changing hour display….148 lever……….67 changing length units….150 using……….93 changing minute display….149 parking lights……….. 76 changing parameter value…147 pedals…………28 changing temperature unit ..150 periodical maintenance Celsius……..150 chart……….
  • Page 447
    rear mudguard shafts controls……….50 front power take-off….. 429 rear power take-off……39, 234 shifting automatics activating……..237 programming……. 109 adjusting engagement….246 using……….107 alternatives……..428 side limiters attaching implements….232 adjusting……..204 automatic start……243 slip control……….194 automatic stop……243 light……….195 deactivating……… 241 using……….195 emergency stop……242 SLOW DOWN HIDASTA…….411 headland turn……
  • Page 448
    251 selecting transmission view……….251 settings memory slot….181 setting implement width….178 split drive view……164 Valtra Evolution driver’s seat surface area view……171 adjusting……..57 tractor information view….182 vanadiumpentoxide……… 27 transmission settings view..180 viton seals……….26 transmission symbols….161…
  • Page 449
    window rear……….42 windows rear……….66 side……….65 wiper……..65, 66 windscreen washer fluid amount checking……..331 windscreen washer fluid reservoir..331 windscreen washer specifications…….432 using……….64 windscreen wiper using……….64 wipers additional……..43 working hydraulic circuit specifications…….433 working lights ……….78 Work lights controls……….45 — 448 -…
  • Page 450
    Valtra Inc. English Printed in Finland by Grano FI-44200 Suolahti Copyright © 2014 by Valtra Inc. Finland All rights reserved. Tel. +358 20 45501 Valtra® is a worldwide brand of AGCO www.valtra.com…

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