Коды ошибок polaris sportsman 570

Diagnostic Code Screen will show available MIL that has come on during that

1. Press and hold the MODE button to enter the Options Menu.

«OPTIONS» will display on the screen for 3 seconds before showing first menu

2. Select «Diagnostic Codes» from the Options Menu by pressing the MODE


Toggle the Up/Down Buttons to cycle through Code(s).

This option will only be available if a fault code was set or is active during the

current ignition key ‘on’ cycle. Turning off the ignition will clear any save fault

Reference the image shown above:


Area A will Display FMI (XX)


Area B will Display SPN (XXXXXX)


Clock Area will Display Count (XXX)

3. To exit the Options Menu the user can select Exit Menu function from

Options Menu, can hold Mode Button and exit out of Options Menu, or not

press any button for 10 seconds, which will exit out of the Options Menu.



ignition cycle.




codes from the gauge.



22 Датчик положения дросселя

22 Сигнал с датчика положения дросселя вне допустимого диапазона.


25 Датчик положения КПП

31 Низкое напряжение системы

31 Высокое напряжение системы

36 Неисправность цепи катушки зажигания A Размыкание цепи/Замыкание на массу:

36 Неисправность цепи катушки зажигания Межпроводное/межвитковое замыкание: 37 Неисправность цепи катушки зажигания B Размыкание цепи/Замыкание на массу:

37 Неисправность цепи катушки зажигания B Межпроводное/межвитковое замыкание:

41 Низкое напряжение сигнала датчика температуры воздуха

41 Высокое напряжение сигнала датчика температуры воздуха

42 Низкое напряжение сигнала датчика температуры двигателя

42 Высокое напряжение сигнала датчика температуры двигателя

44 Неисправность цепи датчика положения коленчатого вала

45 Низкое напряжение с датчика давления воздуха

46 Высокое напряжение с датчика давления воздуха

47 Регулятор хх: Размыкание цепи:

47 Регулятор хх: Замыкание на “массу”:

51 Неисправность цепи инжектора №1 Размыкание цепи/Замыкание на массу:

51 Неисправность цепи инжектора №1 Межпроводное/межвитковое замыкание:

52 Неисправность цепи инжектора №2 Размыкание цепи/Замыкание на массу:

52 Неисправность цепи инжектора №2 Межпроводное/межвитковое замыкание:

54 ошибка датчика температуры двигателя, обрыв замыкание на массу, замыкание на плюс. В общем надо проводку смотреть и сам штекер который на датчик одевается у меня в нем проблемка была

55 Цепь индикатора Check Engine Размыкание цепи/Замыкание на массу

55 Цепь индикатора Check Engine Межпроводное/межвитковое замыкание:

56 Топливный насос Размыкание цепи/Замыкание на массу

56 Топливный насос Межпроводное/межвитковое замыкание:

58 Цепь вентилятора: Размыкание цепи/Замыкание на массу:

58 Цепь вентилятора: Межпроводное/межвитковое замыкание

63 Сигнальная цепь стартера: Размыкание цепи/Замыкание на массу

63 Сигнальная цепь стартера: Межпроводное/межвитковое замыкание

72 Датчик положения КПП

73 4X4 Размыкание цепи/Замыкание на массу

73 4X4 Межпроводное/межвитковое замыкание:

74 Сигнальная цепь заднего дифференциала: Размыкание цепи/Замыкание на массу (если есть)

74 Сигнальная цепь заднего дифференциала: Межпроводное/межвитковое замыкание

  • #1

Все было нормально, пока в один из прекрасных дней не загорелась ошибка Lo 10,6 и квадр на ходу заглох.
Немного погодя, он опять завелся, проехав примерно 2 км он начал дергаться и опять заглох. Утром завелся раза с 10-го, ошибка то появляется, то исчезает… Подскажите, что это может быть? пробег 900км.


  • #3

так крутит АКБ без проблем…


  • #4

Электрика. Наука о контактах!

  • #5

Электрика. Наука о контактах!

Правильно я понял, что ошибка Lo 10,6 — это низкий заряд батареи (10,6 V)? могли просто окислиться контакты….


  • #6

Ну да. .
[DOUBLEPOST=1430129162,1430129118][/DOUBLEPOST]По крайней мере это мое мнение.

могли просто окислиться контакты….

И не только на батарее.

Михалыч 23

  • #7

Смотри генератор,часто сгорают обмотки


  • #8

На 570 акум стоит на раме внизу, от вибрации отходят клемы, проверь может раскрутилась.

  • #9

На 570 акум стоит на раме внизу, от вибрации отходят клемы, проверь может раскрутилась.

Вот я, честно говоря, на это и рассчитываю! Боюсь даже представить стоимость генератора))
А почему на ходу глохнет тогда и при «утреннем» заводе заводится-даешь обороты, он глохнет, только раза с десятого когда заведешь начинает нормально работать… такое ощущение, что фильтр топливный забит и не поступает горючка… на 570, как не искал, фильтр найти не смог…


  • #10

570 инжектор.Там электро бензонасос — Нет электричества, нет топлива.
Смотри для начала контакты на АКБ.

  • #11

570 инжектор.Там электро бензонасос — Нет электричества, нет топлива.
Смотри для начала контакты на АКБ.

Спасибо, попробую!

  • #12

На 570 акум стоит на раме внизу, от вибрации отходят клемы

Ничего там не отходит от вибрации :) А вот со старта я сразу подтягивал, не затянуты они были нормально.

Боюсь даже представить стоимость генератора))

900 км гарантия.

  • #13

А вот со старта я сразу подтягивал, не затянуты они были нормально.

Со старта я как раз и не подтягивал, но и сезон без проблем отъездил, только на второй проблема появилась…

  • #14

Со старта я как раз и не подтягивал, но и сезон без проблем отъездил, только на второй проблема появилась…

поменяй свечку Champion на NGK и все пройдет

  • #15

поменяй свечку Champion на NGK и все пройдет

какую именно нужно купить, есть характеристики, фото?

  • #16

какую именно нужно купить, есть характеристики, фото?

Если Champion — то rg6yc, это оригинал.
Если NGK — то cr8eb (или cr8e + навинчивающийся коннектор).
У самого оригинальная свечка сдохла сразу после первого ТО, симптомы почти такие же, только вскоре двигло совсем перестало заводиться. Сняли свечу — искры на ней нет. Сейчас езжу на новой оригинальной, и в багажнике две NGK про запас :)

  • #17

Если Champion — то rg6yc, это оригинал.
Если NGK — то cr8eb (или cr8e + навинчивающийся коннектор).
У самого оригинальная свечка сдохла сразу после первого ТО, симптомы почти такие же, только вскоре двигло совсем перестало заводиться. Сняли свечу — искры на ней нет. Сейчас езжу на новой оригинальной, и в багажнике две NGK про запас :)


  • #19

У меня была такая проблема и тоже на 570-ке. На заводе умудрились провода от генератора через кардан проложить, в итоге провод одной из фаз перетерся об него. Так что смотри провода генератора

  • #20

Так что косяк в свече был?

  • Page 1
    Sportsman Touring 570 Sportsman Touring 570 EPS Sportsman Touring 570 SP Owner’s Manual for Maintenance and Safety Read this manual carefully. It contains important safety information. This is an adult vehicle only. Operation is prohibited for those under 16 years of age.
  • Page 2
    If you cannot locate this card, or if it has been removed, please call 1-800-342-3764 for assistance. For videos and more information about a safe riding experience with your Polaris vehicle, scan this QR code with your smartphone.
  • Page 3
    WELCOME Thank you for purchasing a POLARIS vehicle, and welcome to our world-wide family of POLARIS enthusiasts. Be sure to visit us online at www.polaris.com for the latest news, new product introductions, upcoming events, career opportunities and more. Here at POLARIS we proudly produce an exciting line of utility and recreational products.
  • Page 4
    POLARIS® and SPORTSMAN® are trademarks of POLARIS Industries Inc. Copyright 2014 POLARIS Industries Inc. All information contained within this publication is based on the latest product information at the time of publication. Due to constant improvements in the design and quality of production components, some minor discrepancies may result between the actual vehicle and the information presented in this publication.
  • Page 5: Table Of Contents

    Specifications ……142 POLARIS Products….. 144 Warranty .

  • Page 6: Introduction

    INTRODUCTION The following signal words and symbols appear throughout this manual and on your vehicle. Your safety is involved when these words and symbols are used. Become familiar with their meanings before reading the manual. The safety alert symbol indicates a potential personal injury hazard. DANGER A DANGER indicates a hazardous situation that, if not avoided, will result in death or serious injury.

  • Page 7
    Failure to heed the warnings and safety precautions contained in this manual can result in severe injury or death. A POLARIS ATV is not a toy and can be hazardous to operate. This vehicle handles differently than other vehicles, such as motorcycles and cars.
  • Page 8: Vehicle Identification Numbers

    Record your vehicle’s identification numbers and key number in the spaces provided. Remove the spare key and store it in a safe place. An ignition key can be duplicated only by ordering a POLARIS key blank (using your key number) and mating it with one of your existing keys.

  • Page 9: Safety

    ATV safety training is a top priority for POLARIS. POLARIS strongly encourages you and any family members who will be riding the ATV to take a training course. If you purchased a new POLARIS ATV in the United States, your dealer provided information about the authorized ATV RiderCourse that is available to you and your eligible family members.

  • Page 10: Safe Riding Gear

    Boots Helmet Wearing a helmet can prevent a severe head injury. Whenever riding a POLARIS vehicle, always wear a helmet that meets or exceeds established safety standards. Approved helmets in the USA and Canada bear a U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) label.

  • Page 11
    Riding pants with kneepads and a jersey with shoulder pads provide the best protection. Equipment Modifications We strongly recommend that consumers do not install on a POLARIS ATV any equipment that may increase the speed or power of the vehicle, or make any other modifications to the vehicle for these purposes.
  • Page 12: Safety Warnings

    SAFETY Safety Warnings WARNING Failure to operate the ATV properly can result in a collision, loss of control, accident or rollover, which may result in serious injury or death. Heed all safety warnings outlined in this section of the owner’s manual. See the OPERATION section of the owner’s manual for proper operating procedures.

  • Page 13: Handling Gasoline

    SAFETY Safety Warnings Handling Gasoline Gasoline is highly flammable and explosive under certain conditions. • Always exercise extreme caution whenever handling gasoline. • Always refuel with the engine stopped, and outdoors or in a well ventilated area. • Do not smoke or allow open flames or sparks in or near the area where refueling is performed or where gasoline is stored.

  • Page 14: Protective Apparel

    SAFETY Safety Warnings Protective Apparel Riding in this vehicle without wearing an approved helmet and protective eye wear increases the risk of a serious injuries in the event of an accident. Operator and passenger must always wear an approved helmet that fits properly and eye protection (goggles or face shield).

  • Page 15: Operating On Pavement

    SAFETY Safety Warnings Operating on Pavement Operating an ATV on paved surfaces (including sidewalks, paths, parking lots and driveways) may adversely affect the handling of the ATV and could result in loss of control and accident or rollover. Avoid operating the ATV on pavement. ATV tires are designed for off-road use.

  • Page 16: Physical Control Of The Atv

    SAFETY Safety Warnings Physical Control of the ATV Removing even one hand from the handlebars or one foot from the footrest can reduce ability to control the vehicle or could cause loss of balance and ejection from the ATV. If a person’s feet are not firmly planted on the footrests, they could come into contact with the wheels or other moving parts and lead to accident or injury.

  • Page 17: Descending Hills Improperly

    SAFETY Safety Warnings Descending Hills Improperly Improperly descending a hill could cause loss of control or rollover. • Always follow proper procedures for traveling down hills as described in the owner’s manual. NOTE: A special technique is required when braking while traveling downhill. See page 63. •…

  • Page 18: Stalling While Climbing A Hill

    SAFETY Safety Warnings Stalling While Climbing a Hill Stalling, rolling backwards or improperly dismounting while climbing a hill could cause a rollover. • Always maintain a steady speed when climbing a hill. • Always move the 4X4 switch to ADC 4X4 (if equipped) before ascending or descending a hill.

  • Page 19: Operating On Slippery Terrain

    SAFETY Safety Warnings Operating on Slippery Terrain Failure to use extra caution when operating on excessively rough, slippery or loose terrain could cause loss of traction, loss of control, accident or rollover. Do not operate on excessively rough, slippery or loose terrain. Always use extra caution on rough, slippery or loose terrain.

  • Page 20: Improper Tire Maintenance

    SAFETY Safety Warnings Improper Tire Maintenance Operating this ATV with improper tires or with improper or uneven tire pressure could cause loss of control or accident. Always use the size and type of tires specified for your ATV. Always maintain proper tire pressure as described in the owner’s manual and on safety labels.

  • Page 21: Operating Through Deep Water

    SAFETY Safety Warnings Operating Through Deep Water Operating the ATV through deep or fast- flowing water could cause the tires to float, causing loss of control or rollover. Avoid operating the ATV through deep or fast-flowing water. If it’s unavoidable to enter water that exceeds the recommended maximum depth (see page 66): •…

  • Page 22: Poor Visibility

    SAFETY Safety Warnings Operating on Frozen Bodies of Water Operating on frozen bodies of water may result in serious injury or death if the ATV and/or riders fall through the ice. Never operate the ATV on a frozen body of water unless you have independently verified that the ice is sufficiently thick to support the weight and moving force of the ATV, you and your cargo,…

  • Page 23
    If an informational or graphic label becomes illegible or comes off, contact your POLARIS dealer to purchase a replacement. Replacement safety labels are provided by POLARIS at no charge. The part number is printed on the label. General Warning…
  • Page 24: Age 16 Warning

    SAFETY Safety Labels and Locations General Warning Passenger Warning Age 16 Warning 4X4 (AWD) Warning Reverse Override Discretionary Warning Warning Age 16 Warning WARNING Operating this ATV if you are under the age of 16 increases the chances of severe injury or death to both operator and passenger. NEVER operate this ATV if you are under age 16.

  • Page 25
    SAFETY Safety Labels and Locations Passenger Warning/Discretionary Warning WARNING PASSENGER SAFETY To reduce the risk of SEVERE INJURY or DEATH NEVER CARRY MORE THAN ONE PASSENGER NEVER RIDE AFTER USING DRUGS OR ALCOHOL NEVER carry a passenger too small to firmly plant feet on footrests and securely grasp hand holds.
  • Page 26: Rack Warning

    SAFETY Safety Labels and Locations Tire Pressure/Load Warning WARNING Tire Pressure/Load Improper tire pressure or overloading can Warning cause loss of control. Loss of control can result in severe injury or death. • Cold tire pressure: Front: 5.0 psi (34.5 kPa) Rear: 5.0 psi (34.5 kPa) •…

  • Page 27: Clutch Cover Warning

    SAFETY Safety Labels and Locations Rack Clutch Cover Rack Warning Warning Warning Hitch Capacity Label Clutch Cover Warning WARNING • Moving parts hazard under belt-clutch guard. To prevent serious injury, do not operate vehicle with guard removed. • Do not modify engine or clutch. Doing so can cause part failure, possible imbalance, and excessive engine RPM, which can result in serious injury or death.

  • Page 28: Features And Controls

    FEATURES AND CONTROLS Switches Headlight Switch Engine Stop Switch 4X4 Switch Mode/Reverse Override Switch Main Key Switch Mode/Reverse Override Switch This vehicle is equipped with a reverse speed limiter system. To gain additional wheel speed while backing, release the throttle and depress the override button.

  • Page 29
    FEATURES AND CONTROLS Switches Engine Stop Switch Move the stop switch either left or right to the OFF position to stop the engine quickly. The engine will not start or run when the switch is off. Both the main switch and the engine stop switch will shut off all electrical power to the vehicle, including lights.
  • Page 30: Throttle Lever

    FEATURES AND CONTROLS Throttle Lever WARNING Operating an ATV with sticking or improperly operating throttle controls could cause an accident. Never start or operate an ATV that has a sticking or improperly operating throttle. Always contact your dealer for service before operating the vehicle.

  • Page 31: Brake Lever

    FEATURES AND CONTROLS Brake Lever WARNING Operating the ATV with a spongy brake lever can result in loss of braking, which could cause an accident. Never operate the ATV with a spongy-feeling brake lever. Always contact your dealer for service before operating the vehicle. Squeeze the brake lever toward the handlebar to apply the…

  • Page 32
    FEATURES AND CONTROLS Master Cylinder/Brake Fluid WARNING An over-full master cylinder may cause brake drag or brake lock-up, which could result in an accident. Maintain brake fluid at the recommended level. Do not overfill. Never store or use a partial bottle of brake fluid. Brake fluid is hygroscopic, meaning it rapidly absorbs moisture from the air.
  • Page 33: Parking Brake

    FEATURES AND CONTROLS Parking Brake Locking the Parking Brake 1. Place the transmission in PARK. 2. Squeeze and release the brake lever two or three times, then squeeze and hold. 3. Push the parking brake lock forward to engage the lock. 4.

  • Page 34
    FEATURES AND CONTROLS Auxiliary Foot Brake WARNING Never back down a hill. Applying the auxiliary brake when backing down a hill may cause rear tipover, which could result in serious injury or death. Use caution when applying the auxiliary brake. Do not aggressively apply the auxiliary brake when going forward.
  • Page 35: Fuel Tank Cap

    FEATURES AND CONTROLS Electronic Power Steering (EPS) Electronic power steering (EPS), if equipped, engages when the ignition key is turned to the ON position. EPS remains engaged whether the vehicle is moving or idle. See page 39 for EPS Warning Indicator infor- mation.

  • Page 36
    POLARIS dealer. Ask your dealer to provide any installation procedures that may differ for an extreme use battery.
  • Page 37: All Wheel Drive System

    FEATURES AND CONTROLS All Wheel Drive System The All Wheel Drive system is ADC 4X4 (if equipped) controlled by the 4X4 switch. ADC 4X4 Mode (if equipped) When the switch is on ADC 4X4, the ADC system allows engine braking to all four wheels when the vehicle descends a hill or incline.

  • Page 38
    FEATURES AND CONTROLS All Wheel Drive System Engaging 4X4 The 4X4 switch may be turned on or off while the vehicle is moving. Initially, the vehicle’s electronic system will not enable 4X4 until the engine RPM is below 3100. Once enabled, 4X4 remains enabled until the 4X4 switch is turned off.
  • Page 39: Engaging Active Descent Control

    FEATURES AND CONTROLS Active Descent Control (ADC) System The ADC system allows engine braking to all four wheels when the vehicle descends a hill or incline. Always move the 4X4 switch to ADC 4X4 before ascending or descending a hill. Engaging Active Descent Control The ADC system will automatically engage when all four of the following conditions occur:…

  • Page 40: Instrument Cluster

    FEATURES AND CONTROLS Instrument Cluster NOTICE: High water pressure may damage ATV components. Wash the ATV by hand or with a garden hose using mild soap. Certain products, including insect repellents and chemicals, will damage the speedometer lens and other plastic surfaces. Do not use alcohol to clean the instrument cluster.

  • Page 41: Indicator Lamps

    ON position and goes off when the engine is started. If the light remains on after starting the engine, the EPS system is inoperative. See your authorized POLARIS dealer for service. Neutral This lamp illuminates when the transmission is in neutral and the ignition key is in the ON position.

  • Page 42
    If this occurs, take the ATV to your POLARIS dealer for proper diagnosis. The information center is set to display standard units of measurement and a 12-hour clock at the factory.
  • Page 43
    FEATURES AND CONTROLS Instrument Cluster Digital/Analog Gauge Rider Information Center 1. Gear Display — This area displays gear shifter position: H = High Gear L = Low Gear N = Neutral R = Reverse Gear P = Park — = Gear Signal Error (or shifter between gears) 2.
  • Page 44
    FEATURES AND CONTROLS Instrument Cluster Digital/Analog Gauge Rider Information Center The reverse override button acts as the MODE button when pressed and released quickly. The transmission cannot be in reverse when using the override button as a MODE button. This feature does not contain a vehicle speed lockout function and can be used at any operating speed.
  • Page 45: Clock Mode

    FEATURES AND CONTROLS Instrument Cluster Digital/Analog Gauge Rider Information Center Clock Mode Tip: The clock must be reset any time the battery has been disconnected or discharged. 1. Turn the key to the ON position. Use the MODE button to toggle to the odometer display.

  • Page 46
    Diagnostic Display Mode The EFI diagnostic display mode is for informational purposes only. Please see your POLARIS dealer for all major repairs. The diagnostic mode is accessible only when the check engine warning indicator activates after the key has been turned on. Leave the key on if you want to view the active code (failure code).
  • Page 47: Engine Error Codes

    If the CHECK ENGINE Failure Mode Indicator (FMI) light illuminates, retrieve the error codes from the display. Please see your Polaris dealer for all major repairs. 1. If the error codes are not displayed, use the MODE button to toggle until “Ck ENG”…

  • Page 48
    FEATURES AND CONTROLS Instrument Cluster Diagnostic Display Code Definitions Open Load: There is a break in the wires that lead to the item listed in the chart (injector, fuel pump, etc.), or the item has failed. Short-to-Ground: The wire is shorted to ground between the electronic control unit and the item listed in the chart.
  • Page 49
    FEATURES AND CONTROLS Instrument Cluster Diagnostic Display Code Definitions Diagnostic Codes Component Condition Intake Air Data Erratic, Intermittent Or Incorrect Temperature Sensor Voltage Above Normal, Or Shorted To High Source Voltage Below Normal, Or Shorted To Low Source Abnormal Rate Of Change Data Valid But Above Normal Operating Range — Least Severe Level Engine Temperature…
  • Page 50
    FEATURES AND CONTROLS Instrument Cluster Diagnostic Display Code Definitions Diagnostic Codes Component Condition Fan Relay Driver Voltage Above Normal, Or Shorted To High Source 1071 Circuit Voltage Below Normal, Or Shorted To Low Source 1071 Current Below Normal Or Open Circuit 1071 Ignition Coil Primary Voltage Above Normal, Or Shorted To High Source…
  • Page 51
    FEATURES AND CONTROLS Instrument Cluster Diagnostic Display Code Definitions Diagnostic Codes Component Condition Throttle Position Sensor 2 Data Valid But Above Normal Operational Range — 520198 Most Severe Level Data Valid But Below Normal Operational Range — 520198 Most Severe Level Data Erratic, Intermittent Or Incorrect 520198 Voltage Above Normal, Or Shorted To High Source…
  • Page 52: Diagnostic Codes

    FEATURES AND CONTROLS Instrument Cluster Diagnostic Display Code Definitions Diagnostic Codes Component Condition Throttle Body Control — Position Deviation Condition Exists 520284 Fault ECU Monitoring Error Condition Exists 520286 ECU Monitoring Error (Level 3) Condition Exists 520287 ECU Monitoring of Injection Cut Off Condition Exists 520288 (Level 1)

  • Page 53: Operation

    Break-In Period The break-in period for your new POLARIS ATV is the first 20 hours of operation. No single action on your part is as important as following the procedures for a proper break-in. Careful treatment of a new engine and drive components will result in more efficient performance and longer life for these components.

  • Page 54: Safe Operation Practices

    OPERATION Break-In Period PVT Break-in (Clutches/Belt) A proper break-in of the clutches and drive belt will ensure a longer life and better performance. Break in the clutches and belt by operating at slower speeds during the break-in period as recommended. Pull only light loads.

  • Page 55: Trail Etiquette

    Respect the environment in which you ride. Find out where the designated riding areas are by contacting your POLARIS dealer, a local riding club or local officials. Help keep our trails open for recreational vehicle use. As an off-road enthusiast, you represent the sport and can set a good example (or a poor example) for others to follow.

  • Page 56
    Engine stop switch Ensure proper operation Air filter, pre-filter Inspect, clean Air box sediment tube Drain deposits whenever visible Headlamp Check operation, apply POLARIS dielectric grease when lamp is replaced Brake light/taillight Check operation, apply POLARIS dielectric grease when lamp is replaced…
  • Page 57: Starting The Engine

    OPERATION Starting the Engine 1. Position the vehicle on a level surface outdoors or in a well- ventilated area. 2. Place the transmission in PARK. 3. Lock the parking brake. Tip: The starter interlock will prevent the engine from starting if the transmission is in gear and the brake is not engaged.

  • Page 58: Driving Procedures

    OPERATION Driving Procedures 1. Wear a helmet and eye protection. See page 8. 2. Sit upright with both feet on the footrests and both hands on the handlebars. 3. Start the engine and allow it to warm up. 4. Shift the transmission into gear. 5.

  • Page 59: Driving With A Passenger

    OPERATION Driving with a Passenger 1. Never allow anyone under 12 years of age to ride as a passenger on this 2-up ATV. Make sure any passenger is tall enough to comfort- ably and safely reach the grab handles and footrests. 2.

  • Page 60
    OPERATION Driving with a Passenger 10. Ride to the ability of your passenger, instead of to your own ability. Avoid unexpected or aggressive maneuvers that could cause a passenger to fall from the vehicle. 11. Do not cross a hillside with a passenger on board. See page 62. 12.
  • Page 61: Turning The Vehicle

    OPERATION Turning the Vehicle Your ATV is equipped with a solid rear axle, which drives both rear wheels equally at all times. This means that the wheel on the outside of the turn must travel a greater distance than the inside wheel when turning and the inside tire must slip traction slightly.

  • Page 62: Driving On Slippery Surfaces

    OPERATION Driving on Slippery Surfaces Whenever riding on slippery surfaces such as wet trails or loose gravel, or during freezing weather, follow these precautions: 1. Do not operate on excessively rough, slippery or loose terrain. 2. Slow down when entering slippery areas. 3.

  • Page 63: Driving Uphill

    OPERATION Driving Uphill 15° Maximum Braking and handling are greatly affected when operating in hilly terrain. Improper procedure could cause loss of control or rollover. Whenever traveling uphill, follow these precautions: 1. Always move the 4X4 switch to ADC 4X4 (if equipped) before ascending or descending a hill.

  • Page 64
    OPERATION Driving on a Sidehill (Sidehilling) Driving on a sidehill is not recommended. Improper procedure could cause loss of control or rollover. Avoid crossing the side of any hill unless absolutely necessary. If crossing a sidehill is unavoidable, follow these precautions: 1.
  • Page 65: Driving Downhill

    OPERATION Driving Downhill 15° Maximum When driving downhill, follow these precautions: 1. Always move the 4X4 switch to ADC 4X4 (if equipped) before ascending or descending a hill. See page 37. 2. Avoid steep hills (15° maximum). 3. Always check the terrain carefully before descending a hill. 4.

  • Page 66
    OPERATION Turning Around on a Hill (K-Turn) If the vehicle stalls while climbing a hill, never back it down the hill! Use the K-turn to turn around. 8 ft. (2.4 m)
  • Page 67
    OPERATION Turning Around on a Hill (K-Turn) 1. Stop and lock the parking brake while keeping body weight uphill. 2. Always move the 4X4 switch to ADC 4X4 (if equipped) before ascending or descending a hill. See page 37. 3. Leave the transmission in forward and shut off the engine. 4.
  • Page 68: Driving Through Water

    OPERATION Driving Through Water Maximum Depth Your ATV can operate through water with a maximum recommended depth equal to the bottom of the footrests. Follow these procedures when operating through water: 1. Determine water depths and current before entering water. 2.

  • Page 69
    OPERATION Driving Through Water NOTICE: Major engine damage can result if the vehicle is not thoroughly inspected after operation in water. Perform the services outlined in the maintenance chart. See page 86. The following areas need special attention: engine oil, transmission oil, demand drive fluid, rear gearcase oil, and all grease fittings If the vehicle tips or overturns in water, or if the engine stops during or after operating in water, restarting can result in serious engine…
  • Page 70: Driving In Reverse

    OPERATION Driving in Reverse Follow these precautions when operating in reverse: 1. Always check for obstacles or people behind the vehicle. Be aware that a passenger can obstruct your view. 2. Always avoid backing downhill. 3. Back slowly. 4. Apply the brakes lightly for stopping. 5.

  • Page 71: Hauling Cargo

    OPERATION Hauling Cargo WARNING Overloading the vehicle or carrying or towing cargo improperly can alter vehicle handling and may cause loss of control or brake instability, which can result in serious injury or death. Always follow these precautions when hauling cargo: REDUCE SPEED AND ALLOW GREATER DISTANCES FOR BRAKING WHEN HAULING CARGO.

  • Page 72
    OPERATION Hauling Cargo 1. Never exceed the weight capacities specified for your ATV on warning labels and in the specifications section of this manual. 2. Cargo weight should be evenly distributed (1/3 on the front rack and 2/3 on the rear rack) and mounted as low as possible.
  • Page 73: Towing Loads

    ATV warranty. Never install a hitch longer than 4″ (10 cm). Never install automotive accessories on your POLARIS ATV. Always install POLARIS-approved (or equivalent) accessories designed for ATV use.

  • Page 74: Driving Over Obstacles

    OPERATION Driving Over Obstacles Follow these precautions when operating over obstacles: 1. Always check for obstacles before operating in a new area. 2. Look ahead and learn to read the terrain. Be constantly alert for hazards such as logs, rocks and low hanging branches.

  • Page 75: Winch Guide

    WINCH GUIDE These safety warnings and instructions apply if your vehicle came equipped with a winch or if you choose to add an accessory winch to your vehicle. WARNING Improper winch use can result in SEVERE INJURY or DEATH. Always follow all winch instructions and warnings in this manual.

  • Page 76
    WINCH GUIDE Winch Safety Precautions 11. Always align the vehicle and winch with the load directly in front of the vehicle as much as possible. Avoid winching with the winch cable at an angle to the winching vehicle’s centerline whenever possible.
  • Page 77
    WINCH GUIDE Winch Safety Precautions 20. Never use the winch to hoist or suspend a vertical load. 21. Never immerse or submerse your winch in water. Take your winch to your dealer for service if this occurs. 22. Always inspect your winch and winch cable before each use. 23.
  • Page 78: Winch Operation

    WINCH GUIDE Winch Operation Read the Winch Safety Precautions in the preceding pages before using your winch. Tip: Consider practicing the operation and use of your winch before you actually need to use it in the field. WARNING Improper winch use can result in SEVERE INJURY or DEATH. Always follow all winch instructions and warnings in this manual.

  • Page 79
    WARNING! Replace the winch cable at the first sign of damage to prevent SEVERE INJURY or DEATH in the event of failure. For your safety, always replace POLARIS winch parts (including the cable) with genuine POLARIS replacement parts available at your authorized POLARIS dealer.
  • Page 80
    WINCH GUIDE Winch Operation 5. Never remove the hook strap from the hook. 6. Release the winch clutch and pull out the winch cable. 7. Pulling out as much cable as possible maximizes the winch’s pulling capacity. Always be sure that at least five (5) full turns of winch cable are wrapped around the winch drum at all times.
  • Page 81
    WINCH GUIDE Winch Operation 11. The ONLY time a winch-equipped vehicle should be moving when using the winch is when that vehicle itself is stuck. The winch- equipped vehicle should NEVER be in motion to “shock” load the winch cable in an attempt to move a second stuck vehicle. See the Shock Loading section on page 82.
  • Page 82
    WINCH GUIDE Winch Operation 13. Extensive winching will run down the battery on the winching vehicle. Let the winching vehicle’s engine run while operating the winch to prevent the battery from running low if winching for long periods. 14. The winch motor may become hot during winch use. If you winch for more than 45 seconds, or if the winch stalls during operation, stop winching and permit the winch to cool down for 10 minutes before using it again.
  • Page 83: Winch Cable Care

    WINCH GUIDE Winch Cable Care For your safety, always replace POLARIS winch parts (including the cable) with genuine POLARIS replacement parts available at your authorized POLARIS dealer. WARNING! Use of worn or damaged cable could lead to sudden failure and SEVERE INJURY.

  • Page 84
    WINCH GUIDE Shock Loading WARNING! Your winch cable is very strong but it is NOT designed for dynamic, or “shock” loading. Shock loading may tension a winch cable beyond its strength and cause the cable to break. The end of a broken winch cable under such high loading can cause SEVERE INJURY or DEATH to you and other bystanders.
  • Page 85
    WINCH GUIDE Shock Loading 4. Never use recovery straps with your winch. Recovery straps are designed to stretch and can store energy. This stored energy in the recovery strap is released if a winch cable fails making the event even more hazardous. Similarly, never use elastic “bungie” cords for winching.
  • Page 86: Winch Maintenance And Service Safety

    3. Never work on your winch without first disconnecting the battery connections to prevent accidental activation of the winch. 4. For your safety, always replace POLARIS winch parts (including the cable) with genuine POLARIS replacement parts available at your authorized POLARIS dealer.

  • Page 87: Emission Control Systems

    CFR 205) and local noise level requirements. Operation on Public Lands in the U.S.A. Your POLARIS vehicle has a spark arrester that was tested and qualified to be in accordance with the USFS standard 5100-1c. Federal law requires that this spark arrester be installed and functional when the vehicle is operated on public lands.

  • Page 88: Maintenance

    Inspect, clean, lubricate, adjust and replace parts as nec- essary. When inspection reveals the need for replacement parts, use genuine POLARIS parts available from your POLARIS dealer. Record maintenance and service in the Maintenance Log beginning on page 153.

  • Page 89: Maintenance Chart Key

    Inspect daily; clean often (if equipped) Headlight/taillight/ Daily Check operation; apply worklight dielectric grease if replacing lamps Perform these procedures more often for vehicles subjected to severe use. E Emission-Related Service D Have an authorized POLARIS dealer perform these services.

  • Page 90
    MAINTENANCE Periodic Maintenance Chart Item Maintenance Interval Remarks (whichever comes first) Hours Calendar Miles (Km) Air filter, main Weekly Inspect; replace as needed element Recoil housing Weekly Drain water as needed, check often if operating in wet conditions Brake pad wear 10 H Monthly 100 (160)
  • Page 91
    Adjust as needed D Toe adjustment Inspect periodically; adjust when parts are replaced Headlight aim Adjust as needed Perform these procedures more often for vehicles subjected to severe use. E Emission-Related Service D Have an authorized POLARIS dealer perform these services.
  • Page 92: Lubrication Guide

    MAINTENANCE Lubrication Guide Check and lubricate all components at the intervals outlined in the Periodic Maintenance Chart beginning on page 86. Items not listed in the chart should be lubricated at the General Lubrication interval. The a-arms and lower control arms are lubricated at the factory, and no additional lubrication will be needed.

  • Page 93: Engine Oil

    POLARIS recommends the use of POLARIS PS-4 Full Synthetic 5W- 50 4-cycle oil or a similar oil for this engine. Oil may need to be changed more frequently if POLARIS oil is not used. Always use 5W- 50 oil. Follow the manufacturer’s recommendations for ambient temperature operation.

  • Page 94: Oil Level

    MAINTENANCE Engine Oil Oil Level Access the oil dipstick and fill tube Dipstick from the right side of the ATV. A rising oil level between checks in cool weather driving can indicate contaminants such as gas or moisture collecting in the crankcase.

  • Page 95: Oil And Filter Change

    Filter 14-18 ft-lbs (19-24 Nm). 9. Place shop towels beneath the oil filter. Using an oil filter wrench (available from your POLARIS dealer), turn the filter counter- clockwise to remove it. Drain Plug 10. Using a clean dry cloth, clean the…

  • Page 96
    MAINTENANCE Engine Oil Oil and Filter Change 11. Lubricate the o-ring on the new filter with a film of fresh engine oil. Check to make sure the o-ring is in good condition. 12. Install the new filter and rotate it clockwise by hand until the filter gasket contacts the sealing surface, then turn it an additional 1/2 turn.
  • Page 97: Transmission Oil

    Periodic Maintenance Chart beginning on page 86. Maintain the oil level at the bottom of the fill plug hole threads. See page 144 for the part numbers of POLARIS products. The fill plug is located on the left side of the ATV, under the rear fender, behind the wheel.

  • Page 98: Oil Check

    • constant ADC operation on hilly or mountainous terrain • ADC is the primary mode of all-wheel-drive operation Tip: If the front gearcase makes excessive noise during ADC operation, change the demand drive fluid. If the noise continues, please see your POLARIS dealer for service.

  • Page 99: Fluid Change

    MAINTENANCE Front Gearcase (Demand Drive) Fluid Fluid Recommendations Gearcase Lubricant Capacity Fill Plug Drain Plug Torque Torque Front Demand Drive Fluid 9 oz. 8-10 ft-lbs 11 ft-lbs Gearcase (265 ml) (11-14 Nm) (15 Nm) Use the recommended fluid. Fill Plug Use of other fluids may result in improper operation of components.

  • Page 100: Cooling System

    POLARIS recommends the use of POLARIS Antifreeze 50/50 Premix. This antifreeze is already premixed and ready to use. Do not dilute with water. See page 144 for the part numbers of POLARIS products. Recovery Bottle Coolant The recovery bottle is located on the left side of the vehicle.

  • Page 101: Radiator Coolant

    MAINTENANCE Cooling System Radiator Coolant To ensure that the coolant maintains its ability to protect the engine, we recommend that the system be completely drained every five (5) years and fresh Antifreeze 50/50 Premix added. Any time the cooling system has been drained for maintenance or repair, replace the coolant with fresh Antifreeze 50/50 Premix.

  • Page 102: Hand Brake

    MAINTENANCE Brakes Hand Brake The front and rear brakes are hydraulic disc brakes, activated by moving the single brake lever toward the handlebar. These brakes are self- adjusting. Under normal operation, the diaphragm extends into the reservoir as fluid level drops. If the fluid level is low and the diaphragm is not extended, a leak is likely and the diaphragm should be replaced.

  • Page 103: Toe Alignment

    1/8” to 1/4” (3-6 mm) toe out alignment. 5. Repeat the measurement procedure on the other side of the vehicle. 6. If you discover improper alignment, see your POLARIS dealer for service.

  • Page 104: Steering Assembly

    The steering assembly of the ATV should be checked periodically for loose nuts and bolts. If loose nuts and bolts are found, see your POLARIS dealer for service before operating the vehicle. Seat Removal 1. Grasp one side of the seat near the rear edge.

  • Page 105: Side Panel Removal

    MAINTENANCE Side Panel Removal 1. Remove the seat. See page 102. 2. Use a flat screwdriver to remove the plastic rivets securing the side panel. 3. Grasp the rear of the side panel near the rear cab. With a firm motion, pull the side panel outward to disengage the side panel from the grommets.

  • Page 106
    MAINTENANCE Footwell/Footwell Support Removal 1. Remove the six screws on the bottom of the footwell. 2. Use a flat screwdriver to remove the plastic rivets securing the footwell to the fenders. 3. Remove the footwell. 4. If removing the footwell support is necessary to access the clutch cover, remove the hex flange screw securing the support to the frame.
  • Page 107: Tire Tread Depth

    Front Wheel Hub Tightening Front wheel bearing tightness and spindle nut retention are critical component operations. All service must be performed by your authorized POLARIS dealer. Wheel Removal 1. Stop the engine. 2. Place the transmission in PARK.

  • Page 108: Wheel Installation

    MAINTENANCE Tires Wheel Installation 1. Place the transmission in PARK. 2. Lock the parking brake. 3. Place the wheel on the hub with the valve stem toward the outside and rotation arrows on the tire pointing toward forward rotation. 4. Install the wheel nuts and finger-tighten them. 5.

  • Page 109: Air Filter

    MAINTENANCE Air Filter 1. Remove the seat. 2. Release the air box cover clips, and remove the air box cover. 3. Loosen the clamp and Pre-Filter remove the filter. Main Filter 4. Remove the fabric type pre-filter from the main filter.

  • Page 110
    MAINTENANCE Breather Valve/Hose The breather valve is on the hose that runs between the engine and air box. See illustration on page 107. 1. Remove the left side panel. See page 103. 2. Remove the hose clamps from the valve and pull the valve out of the hoses.
  • Page 111: Fuse Replacement

    MAINTENANCE Fuse Replacement If the engine stops or will not start, or if you experience other electrical failures, a fuse may need replacement. Locate and correct any short circuits that may have caused the blown fuse, then replace the fuse. Spare fuses are provided in a compartment on the top of the access door.

  • Page 112: Headlight Lamp Replacement

    MAINTENANCE Lights Poor lighting can result in reduced visibility when driving. Headlight and taillight lenses become dirty during normal operation. Clean lights frequently and replace burned out lamps promptly. Always make sure lights are adjusted properly for best visibility. Headlight Lamp Replacement When servicing a halogen lamp, don’t touch the lamp with bare fingers.

  • Page 113: High Beam Adjustment

    MAINTENANCE Lights High Beam Adjustment The headlight beam can be adjusted slightly upward or downward. Use the following procedure to make the adjustment. 25 ft. (7.6 m) 2″ (5 cm) 1. Position the vehicle on a level surface with the headlight approximately 25 ft.

  • Page 114
    MAINTENANCE Lights Low Beam Adjustment The low beam can be adjusted slightly upward or downward. 1. Loosen the Phillips screw located at the rear of the headlamp. Phillips 2. Tilt the headlamp upward or Screw downward. 3. Tighten the screw.
  • Page 115
    MAINTENANCE Lights Headlight Housing Replacement (570/570 EPS) 1. Remove the two screws on the lower front corners of the headlight pod. 2. Lift the pod slightly while depressing the tabs at the rear of the pod. 3. Lift the pod cover and disconnect the speedometer harnesses from the speedometer.
  • Page 116
    MAINTENANCE Lights Headlight Housing Replacement (570 SP) 1. Remove the seven (7) headlight pod screws. 2. Pull the pod cover forward. 3. Unplug the headlamp from the wiring harness. 4. Use a small Headlight screwdriver to Housing remove the o-rings from the headlight mounting tabs.
  • Page 117: Lower Headlamp Replacement

    MAINTENANCE Lights Lower Headlamp Replacement 1. Turn the back of the headlight harness counter-clockwise and pull the harness assembly away Phillips from the headlight assembly. Screw 2. Remove the headlamp and install the new headlamp. 3. Reinstall the harness assembly Lamp into the headlight assembly.

  • Page 118: Spark Plugs

    Refer to the specifications section beginning on page 142 for the recommended spark plug type and gap for your vehicle. Torque spark plugs to specification. NOTICE: Using non-recommended spark plugs can result in serious engine damage. Always use POLARIS-recommended spark plugs. Plug Condition Torque Specification New Spark Plug…

  • Page 119
    MAINTENANCE Spark Plugs Spark Plug Inspection Normal Spark Plug The normal insulator tip is gray, tan or light brown. There will be few combustion deposits. The electrodes are not burned or eroded. This indicates the proper type and heat range for the engine and the service. The tip should not be flaky and white.
  • Page 120: Vehicle Immersion

    MAINTENANCE Vehicle Immersion If your vehicle becomes immersed, major engine damage can result if the machine is not thoroughly inspected. Take the vehicle to your dealer before starting the engine. If it’s impossible to take your ATV to a dealer before starting it, follow the steps outlined below.

  • Page 121: Spark Arrester

    MAINTENANCE Spark Arrester WARNING Failure to heed the following warnings while servicing the spark arrester could result in serious injury or death. Never run the engine in an enclosed area. Remove any combustible materials from the area. Wear eye protection and leather work gloves.

  • Page 122: Pvt System

    • See your dealer as outlined in the owner’s manual. • This PVT system is intended for use on POLARIS products only. Do not install it in any other product. • Always make sure the PVT housing is securely in place during operation.

  • Page 123
    MAINTENANCE PVT System The basic operation of the POLARIS PVT system is dependent on engine speed and vehicle torque requirements. As engine speed increases, the force exerted on the movable drive sheave by the flyweights also increases. This, in turn, increases the amount of pinch applied to the drive belt.
  • Page 124: Pvt Drying

    MAINTENANCE PVT System When to Use Low Range and High Range Condition Range to Use Operating at speeds less than 7 MPH (11 km/h) Towing heavy loads Operating in rough terrain (swamps, mountains, etc.) Operating at speeds greater than 7 MPH (11 km/h) High PVT Drying There may be some instances when water is accidently ingested into the…

  • Page 125
    MAINTENANCE Battery WARNING Improperly connecting or disconnecting battery cables can result in an explosion and cause serious injury or death. When removing the battery, always disconnect the negative (black) cable first. When reinstalling the battery, always connect the negative (black) cable last. WARNING Battery electrolyte is poisonous.
  • Page 126: Battery Removal

    MAINTENANCE Battery Battery Removal 1. Disconnect the battery hold-down strap. 2. Remove the battery cover (if equipped). 3. On conventional batteries, remove the battery vent tube. 4. Disconnect the black (negative) battery cable first. 5. Disconnect the red (positive) battery cable last. 6.

  • Page 127: Battery Installation

    POLARIS dealer. Ask your dealer to provide any installation procedures that may differ for an extreme use battery.

  • Page 128: Battery Storage

    POLARIS recommends maintaining battery charge by using a POLARIS Battery Tender charger or by charging about once a month to make up for normal self-discharge. Battery Tender can be left connected during the storage period, and will automatically charge the battery if the voltage drops below a pre-determined point.

  • Page 129
    MAINTENANCE Battery Battery Charging (Conventional Battery) 1. Remove the battery from the vehicle to prevent damage from leaking or spilled electrolyte during charging. See page 124. 2. Charge the battery with a charging output no larger than 1/10 of the battery’s amp/hr rating.
  • Page 130
    MAINTENANCE Battery Battery Charging (Sealed Battery) Always verify battery condition before and 1-2 hours after the end of charging. Charge Time State of Voltage Action (Using constant current Charge charger @ standard amps specified on top of battery) 100% 12.8-13.0 volts None, check at 3 None required mos.
  • Page 131: Camber And Caster

    Follow the adjustment procedures exactly, or see your POLARIS dealer for service. 1. Remove the upper headlight pod.

  • Page 132: Throttle Cable Freeplay

    MAINTENANCE Throttle Body/Idle RPM Idle RPM is preset by the manufacturer. If the engine idle speed is not satisfactory, please see your POLARIS dealer for adjustment. Throttle Cable Freeplay Adjust throttle cable freeplay at the handlebar. 1. Locate the throttle cable adjuster at the handlebar.

  • Page 133: Cleaning And Storage

    Do not allow these types of products to contact the vehicle. The best and safest way to clean your POLARIS vehicle is with a garden hose and a pail of mild soap and water. 1. Use a professional-type washing cloth, cleaning the upper body first and the lower parts last.

  • Page 134: Polishing The Vehicle

    Polishing the Vehicle POLARIS recommends the use of common household aerosol furniture polish for polishing the finish on your POLARIS vehicle. Follow the instructions on the container. Polishing Tips • Avoid the use of automotive products, some of which can scratch the finish of your vehicle.

  • Page 135
    MAINTENANCE Cleaning and Storage Chrome Wheel Care (if equipped) Proper maintenance will protect chrome wheels from corrosion, preserve wheel life and ensure a “like new” appearance for many years. Chrome wheels exposed to road salt (or salt in the air in coastal areas) are more susceptible to corrosion if not properly cleaned.
  • Page 136: Storage Tips

    131. Stabilize the Fuel 1. Fill the fuel tank. 2. Add POLARIS Carbon Clean Fuel Treatment or POLARIS Fuel Stabilizer. Follow the instructions on the container for the recommended amount. Carbon Clean removes water from fuel systems, stabilizes fuel and removes carbon deposits from pistons, rings, valves and exhaust systems.

  • Page 137
    5. If POLARIS fuel system additive is not used, the fuel tank, fuel lines, and injectors should be completely drained of gasoline.
  • Page 138
    Set the tire pressure and safely support the ATV with the tires slightly off the ground. Be sure the storage area is well ventilated. Cover the vehicle with a genuine POLARIS cover. Do not use plastic or coated materials. They do not allow enough ventilation to prevent condensation, and may promote corrosion and oxidation.
  • Page 139: Transporting The Atv

    MAINTENANCE Transporting the ATV Follow these procedures when transporting the vehicle. 1. Stop the engine. 2. Place the transmission in PARK. 3. Lock the parking brake. 4. Secure the fuel cap, oil cap and seat. 5. Always tie the frame of the ATV to the transporting unit securely with suitable straps or rope.

  • Page 140: Troubleshooting

    PVT system Clutch malfunction See your POLARIS dealer. Poor engine performance Check for fouled plugs or foreign material in gas tank or fuel lines. See your dealer. Slippage from failure to…

  • Page 141
    Inspect plugs and replace if necessary No spark to spark plug Inspect plugs, verify stop switch is on Water or fuel in crankcase Immediately see your POLARIS dealer Low battery voltage Recharge the battery to 12.8 VDC Mechanical failure See your dealer…
  • Page 142
    TROUBLESHOOTING Engine Pings or Knocks Possible Cause Solution Poor quality or low octane fuel Replace with recommended fuel Incorrect ignition timing See your dealer Incorrect spark plug gap or heat range Set gap to specs or replace plugs Engine Runs Irregularly, Stalls or Misfires Possible Cause Solution Fouled or defective spark plugs…
  • Page 143: Engine Overheating

    TROUBLESHOOTING Engine Stops or Loses Power Possible Cause Solution Out of fuel Refuel, cycle key to ON position three times for 5 seconds each, then start Kinked or plugged fuel vent line Inspect and replace Water is present in fuel Replace with new fuel Fouled or defective spark plugs Inspect, clean and/or replace spark plugs…

  • Page 144: Specifications

    SPECIFICATIONS SPORTSMAN Touring 570/570 EPS/570 SP Maximum Weight Capacity 485 lbs. (220 kg) (includes operator, passenger, cargo, accessories) Dry Weight 728 lbs. (330.2 kg) (570) 739 lbs. (335.2 kg) (570 EPS) 773 lbs. (350.6 kg) (570 SP) Fuel Capacity 4.5 gal. (17 l) Engine Oil Capacity 2 qts.

  • Page 145: Clutching Chart

    SPECIFICATIONS SPORTSMAN Touring 570/570 EPS/570 SP Driving System Type Automatic PVT (POLARIS Variable Transmission) Front Suspension MacPherson strut with 8.2″ (21 cm) travel (570/570 EPS) Double A-Arm with 8.2″ (21 cm) travel (570 SP) Rear Suspension Progressive rate with 9.5” (24 cm) travel…

  • Page 146: Polaris Products

    U-Joint Grease (3 oz./89 ml cartridge) 2871551 U-Joint Grease (14 oz./414 ml cartridge) 2871329 Dielectric Grease (Nyogel™) Additives / Miscellaneous 2871326 Carbon Clean 2870652 Fuel Stabilizer 2872189 DOT 4 Brake Fluid 2871956 Loctite™ 565 Thread Sealant 2859044 POLARIS Battery Tender™ Charger…

  • Page 147: Warranty

    Warranty Coverage And Exclusions: Limitations Of Warranties And Remedies This POLARIS limited warranty excludes any failures that are not caused by a defect in material or workmanship. THIS WARRANTY DOES NOT COVER CLAIMS OF DEFECTIVE DESIGN. This warranty also does not cover acts of God, accidental damage, normal wear and tear, abuse or improper handling.

  • Page 148
    Lubricants and Fluids 1. Mixing oil brands or using non-recommended oil may cause engine damage. We recommend the use of POLARIS engine oil. 2. Damage or failure resulting from the use of non-recommended lubricants or fluids is not covered by this warranty.
  • Page 149
  • Page 150
    If you purchase from a private party: If you purchase a POLARIS product from a private party, to be kept and used outside of the country in which the product was originally purchased, all warranty coverage will be denied.
  • Page 151
    Please work with your dealer to resolve any warranty issues. Should your dealer require any additional assistance, they will contact the appropriate person at POLARIS. This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state or in different countries.
  • Page 152
    This EPA emissions warranty period is extended for at least as long as the standard factory warranty that Polaris provides on the vehicle as a whole. The EPA emissions warranty period does not further extend if you purchase…
  • Page 153
    POLARIS dealer to perform any service that may be necessary for your vehicle. POLARIS also recommends that you use only POLARIS parts. It is a potential violation of the Clean Air Act if a part supplied by an aftermarket parts manufacturer reduces the effectiveness of the vehicle’s emission controls.
  • Page 154
    WARRANTY California Residents Certain POLARIS Off-Road Vehicles are available in 49-state and 50-state versions. Only the 50-state models are certified for sale in California. The 50-state models available for sale in California are identified by the letter “C” in the model name (e.g., R13UH88A_C).
  • Page 155: Maintenance Log

    MAINTENANCE LOG Present this section of your manual to your dealer each time your vehicle is serviced. This will provide you and future owners with an accurate log of maintenance and services performed. DATE MILES (KM) TECHNICIAN SERVICE PERFORMED / COMMENTS OR HOURS…

  • Page 156
  • Page 157
  • Page 158: Index

    INDEX 4X4 Switch ….26, 35 Clutching Chart ….143 Consumer Product Safety .

  • Page 159
    INDEX Fluid Idle RPM Adjustment … 130 Brake ….. . 30 Immersion Maintenance .
  • Page 160
    Steering Assembly….102 Polaris Product List … . 144 Storage ….131-136 Polishing the Vehicle.
  • Page 161
    INDEX Vehicle Identification Numbers ..6 Vehicle Immersion … . . 118 VIN ……6 Warning Symbols .
  • Page 162
    — dismount passenger when conditions require make sure passenger reads and understands this label and passenger safety label READ OWNER’S MANUAL. FOLLOW ALL INSTRUCTIONS AND WARNINGS. For your nearest Polaris dealer, call 1-800-POLARIS (765-2747) or visit www.polaris.com Polaris Industries Inc. 2100 Highway 55 Medina, MN 55340 Part No.

  • #1

У меня пишет ошибки номер 45 и 41. Инструкция пропала.

Комрады, выложите ПЛЗ таблицу с кодами ошибок :beer:

  • #2


45 — датчик давления и температуры воздуха, нет сигнала.

41 — нет питания на этот датчик.

  • Фото023.jpg

    241,5 KB
    Просмотры: 1.158

  • #3

Где нашел? Какие еще коды есть?

  • #4

Pavel A. Konev написал(а):

383 ;)

  • #5

Где нашел? Какие еще коды есть?

У человеков в сервисе. У тебя инструкция есть?

  • #6

Алексей Вологда написал(а):

Где нашел? Какие еще коды есть?

У человеков в сервисе. У тебя инструкция есть?

Да, кстати, есть: вспомнил…

  • #7

Да, кстати, есть: вспомнил…

Слушай, если нетрудно, отсканируй страницу по диагностике и выложи сдесь ПЛЗ :beer:

  • #10

45 Барометрическое давление/низкое выходное напряжение датчика
атмосферного давления
46 Барометрическое давление/низкое выходное напряжение датчика
атмосферного давления
41 Низкое выходное напряжение датчика температуры воздуха
41 Высокое выходное напряжение датчика температуры воздуха
42 Низкое выходное напряжение датчика температуры охлаждающей жидкости
42 Высокое выходное напряжение датчика температуры охлаждающей
жидкости двигателя
22 Низкое выходное напряжение показатель датчика положения дроссельной
22 Высокое выходное напряжение датчика положения дроссельной заслонки
51 Неисправность в цепи инжектора — Cyl 1: Обрыв/Замыкание на массу
51 Неисправность в цепи инжектора — Cyl 1: Замыкание
52 Неисправность в цепи инжектора — Cyl 2: Обрыв/Замыкание на массу
52 Неисправность в цепи инжектора — Cyl 2: Замыкание
56 Топливный насос: Обрыв/Замыкание на массу
56 Топливный насос: Замыкание
44 Датчик положения коленвала (TPS): Обрыв/Замыкание на массу
36 Катушка зажигания A Prim/Sec Неисправность цепи: Обрыв/Замыкание на
36 Катушка зажигания A Prim/Sec Неисправность цепи: Обрыв/Замыкание на
37 Катушка зажигания B Prim/Sec Неисправность цепи: Обрыв/Замыкание на
37 Катушка зажигания B Prim/Sec Неисправность цепи: Обрыв/Замыкание на
31 Низкое напряжение в бортовой сети
31 Высокое напряжение в бортовой сети
55 Цепь MIL: Обрыв/Замыкание на массу
55 Цепь MIL: Замыкание
58 Цепь вентилятора охлаждения двигателя: Обрыв/Замыкание на массу
58 Цепь вентилятора охлаждения двигателя: Замыкание
47 Шаговый электродвигатель IAC: Обрыв
47 Шаговый электродвигатель IAC: Замыкание на массу

  • #11

ATVRider, ШПАСИБО :beer: !!!

В диагностику так выходить: ставим на парковку, быстро три раза вкл\выкл зажыгание, оставляем на вкл и жмем желтую кнопку?

И как в меню выходить? Чего-то зажимать надо, опять зажигание дергать, непомню :confised:

Подскажите кто нить ПЛЗ!

  • 1,8 MB
    Просмотры: 917

  • #12

Алексей Вологда написал(а):

ATVRider, ШПАСИБО :beer: !!!

В диагностику так выходить: ставим на парковку, быстро три раза вкл\выкл зажыгание, оставляем на вкл и жмем желтую кнопку?

И как в меню выходить? Чего-то зажимать надо, опять зажигание дергать, непомню :confised:

Подскажите кто нить ПЛЗ!

Тут ссылка на мануал, правда, на английском

  • #13

Спасибо! Но обрывает соединение с сервером на окончании закачки :(

  • #15

Всем доброго дня. У меня есть инструкия в электронном виде. Дайте адресс куда можно выложить.

  • #16

Алексей Вологда написал(а):

ATVRider, ШПАСИБО :beer: !!!

В диагностику так выходить: ставим на парковку, быстро три раза вкл\выкл зажыгание, оставляем на вкл и жмем желтую кнопку?

И как в меню выходить? Чего-то зажимать надо, опять зажигание дергать, непомню :confised:

Подскажите кто нить ПЛЗ!

Ручной тормоз
Зажигание включаем с заранее выжатой желтой кнопкой.

Далее желтой кнопкой лазим в сервисном режиме.

  • #17

Всем доброго дня. У меня есть инструкия в электронном виде. Дайте адресс куда можно выложить.

Можно на почту mbe500@yandex.ru

  • #18

У Вас переполнен почтовый ящик.

  • #19

Вроде все пришло! Сенкс :beer: !

  • #21

Подскажите код ошибки 61 на полярис спортсмен 700 efi

  • #22

STELS написал(а):

Подскажите код ошибки 61 на полярис спортсмен 700 efi

61 ошибка в инструкции обозначена «END» то есть завершение сканирования

  • #23

Alik написал(а):

STELS написал(а):

Подскажите код ошибки 61 на полярис спортсмен 700 efi

61 ошибка в инструкции обозначена «END» то есть завершение сканирования

Не понял- у меня:вышел в режим ошибок-моргает шесть раз,потом один раз и дальше пишет END.
Потом хоть все отсоединяй(регулятор датчики и пр.),всё равно будет тоже — самое.6 и 1
Может как то обнулить?

  • #24

Кто в курсе,наконец-то после долгих манипуляций хоть что-то показало в режиме ошибок — 21.
Датчик и регулятор похоже реанимировал.
Сто есть 21? Спасибо.

  • #25

Старт с волговского датчика коленвала,с последующим скидыванием клемм и заменой на родной востанновленный по волоскам датчик кол-вала стёр 21 ошибку.
Квадр ожил,зарядка есть(выпаян тиристор из регулятора TYN640 и заменён на новый),на газ реагирует.Коды ошибок сменились на 61-всё в норме.
Всем спасибо.
Особенно дилеру Поляриса в нашем регионе. :angry:
Цена вопроса 43 рубля.
А датчик и регулятор всё ещё в пути.Лето короткое на Камчатке.

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