- Troubleshooting
- Problems Indicated by Messages
- Error Messages
Problems Indicated by Messages
Check the error details in the following table corresponding to the error numbers displayed:
If the problem persists even after carrying out the corrective action corresponding to the error number, contact your local distributor, our sales office, or service center. .
Error number/Message |
Cause |
Corrective action |
401 MOTOR X |
Check the following points:
402 MOTOR Y |
403 X Current |
404 Y Current |
41b ** NO MEDIA ** |
50a Y ORIGIN |
50c WIDTH |
C10 Commands |
Check the following points:
C16 AUTO I/F |
C20 I/O |
C27 BUFFERover |
C32 DATAtooBIG |
Check the following points:
Check the following points:
C60 PenEncoder |
C61 Pen Stroke |
Check the following points:
Mimaki JV33-160 Датчик не видит носителя (Error 50)
Доброго всем дня, датчик не обнаруживает носитель
выходит «Error 50». В инструкции это значит что- Датчик не обнаруживает носитель
(носитель установлен неправильно либо установлен носитель недо-пустимого типа).
В чем может быть проблемка? Бумаги те же что и раньше. Помогите кто чем может.
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Голосов: 165 - Откуда: Рязань
Сообщение Sokell » 07 фев 2014 14:08
Внизу под «носителем» есть, утопленная в канавке черная «полоска» по ширине всего стала…
Убедитесь что она есть, не повреждена… Протрите ее… И убедитесь что датчик с левой стороны головы (не красный световой) подключен и не выскочил с своей позиции…
Спаси меня господь от тех кому я верю,
от тех кому не – верю уберегусь я сам
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Голосов: 17 - Откуда: Воронеж
Сообщение @natol » 07 фев 2014 15:18
В Mimaki есть тестовый режим, там можно откалибровать датчик.
Александр Яковлевич
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Голосов: 17 - Откуда: Москва
Сообщение Александр Яковлевич » 08 фев 2014 21:38
Протри датчик спиртом (или в крайнем случае водкой) — должно помочь. Ну и край материала не должен быть очень близко к краю стола.
Тщательней надо, братцы, тщательней…, но без фанатизма!
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Сообщение vovka.ru » 09 фев 2014 22:24
Александр Яковлевич верно написал У него глазок забило протри его только не водкой а изопропиловым спиртом
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Голосов: 18 - Откуда: Москва
Сообщение Goodymaster_1 » 10 фев 2014 12:29
Еще бывает темно в помещении Можно фонариком подсветить в место замера.
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Голосов: 40 - Откуда: Волга
Сообщение Немец » 10 фев 2014 13:32
Помогла ли вам помощь печатного сообщества ?
(в нашем случае пришлось когда то менять датчик)
Вернуться в «Принтеры MIMAKI»
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Mimaki jv33-160 широкоформатный принтер,является известный принтер .В прошлой новости,я рассказать вам некоторые распространенные коды ошибок и решения,но есть еще много из них .Позже ,следуйте за мной ,я расскажу все подробнее .
Код: 08
Дисплей:Linear EN-верстальщик: датчик
Описание:произошла ошибка в обнаружение линейного энкодера. (Подсчет невозможен)
1. Убедитесь, что линейная шкала энкодера и энкодера печатной платы находятся в правой позиции.
2. Заменить энкодер печатной платы на новый.
Код: 08
Дисплей:LinearEN-верстальщик: реж.
Описание:произошла ошибка в обнаружение линейного энкодера. (Неправильная ориентация)
1. Убедитесь, что линейная шкала энкодера и энкодера печатной платы находятся в правой позиции.
2. Заменить энкодер печатной платы на новый.
Код: 08
Дисплей:LinearEN-верстальщик: граф
Описание:произошла ошибка в обнаружение линейного энкодера. (Считывание ошибок в счет)
1. Убедитесь, что линейная шкала энкодера и энкодера печатной платы находятся в правой позиции.
2. Заменить энкодер печатной платы на новый.
Код: 09
Дисплей:ошибка ПЛИС
Описание:ошибка на плате управления. (ПЛИС СРЕДСТВО)
Устранение:1. Замените главную плату на новую.
Код: 09
Дисплей:ошибка ГДХ (—-)
Описание:ошибка на плате управления. (ПЛИС ГДХ)
Устранение:1. Замените главную плату на новую.
Код: 10
Дисплей:ошибка команды
Описание:принтер получил некоторые данные иные, чем данные команды.
Устранение:надежно подключите кабель интерфейса в положении. Используйте интерфейсный кабель, соответствующий спецификации.
1. Когда государство не восстанавливается даже при отсутствии лечения данные удаляются, выполните следующее.
2. Проверьте кабель USB. (спецификации, Длина кабеля и т. д.)
3. Замените главную плату на новую.
Код: 11
Дисплей:ошибка параметра
Описание:любого параметра за пределами диапазона допустимых числовых значений было получено.
1. Когда государство не восстанавливается даже при отсутствии лечения данные удаляются, выполните следующее.
2. Проверьте кабель USB. (спецификации, кабельные
Код: 12
Дисплей:команда технического обслуживания
Описание:(эта ошибка не возникает на сайте.)
Устранение:1. Когда государство не восстанавливается даже при отсутствии лечения данные удаляются, выполните следующее. 2. Проверьте кабель USB. (спецификации, Длина кабеля и т. д.) 3. Замените главную плату на новую.
Код: 120
Дисплей:температура окружающей среды(ЛО)
Описание:температура окружающей среды находится вне допустимого температурного диапазона (слишком низко).
Устранение:отрегулировать температуру окружающей среды принтера. Продолжить работу без изменения условий окружающей среды, следует нажать клавишу [ввод]. Рекомендуется эксплуатация при температуре между гарантированной работы в диапазоне температур.
Код: 121
Дисплей:температура окружающей среды(привет)
Описание:температура окружающей среды находится вне допустимого диапазона температуры (слишком высокой).
Устранение:отрегулировать температуру окружающей среды принтера. Продолжить работу без изменения условий окружающей среды, следует нажать клавишу [ввод]. Рекомендуется эксплуатация при температуре между гарантированной работы в диапазоне температур.
Код: 144
Дисплей:комплект картриджей !
Описание:чернильный картридж не установлен.
Способ устранения:Установите чернильный картридж. Это объясняется тем, что оставив государство без установки чернильных картриджей может привести к неспособности всасывать чернила, так как иглы слот обезвожены.
Код: 144
Дисплей:ошибка команды
Способ устранения:проверьте кабель с USB. (спецификации, Длина кабеля и т. д.)
Код: 144
Дисплей:параметр ошибка
Рекомендация:убедитесь, что файл prm, данных параметров соответствует версии устройства.
Код: 144
Дисплей:сведения об ошибке
Способ устранения:проверьте кабель с USB. (спецификации, Длина кабеля и т. д.)
Код: 144
Дисплей:ошибка ПРМ. Дефицит
Рекомендация:убедитесь, что файл prm, данных параметров соответствует версии устройства.
Contact me:
Chapter5 Troubleshooting
When an error message is displayed, eliminate the error according to the chart below.
If the same error message appears again, contact your dealer or an office of MIMAKI to call for service.
Main PCB V1R2
Main PCB V2R5
Main PCB V3R3
Main PCB V05
Main PCB V3R3B
SDRAM is defective.
Head control circuit board is defective.
The battery life end of the internal clock
is detected.
Head data transferring sequence error
Sequential number abnormality of the
event log occurred.
Error occurs in the power supply system
of the main board.
An error is detected on the waveform
printed on.
An error occurred in the main PCB .
• Turn off the power to the machine and turn it
on after a while.
• If the same error message appears again,
contact your local distributor to call for ser-
• Contact your local distributor to call for ser-
• Turn off the power to the machine and turn it
on after a while.
• If the same error message appears again,
contact your local distributor to call for ser-
Fixing Mimaki CJV30-160 Error Codes list
– Compatible Printer model: Mimaki CJV30-160
– Mimaki CJV30-160 Error Code description:
- Code: 01
- Display: ERROR 01 MAIN ROM
- Description: An error occurs on the control PCB (ROM)
- Troubleshooting Guides: Turn off the main power, and turn it on a little later. If the error occurs again, carry out the followings. 1. Replace the main PCB assy.
- Code: 02
- Display: ERROR 02 MAIN RAM
- Description: An error occurs on the control PCB (RAM)
- Troubleshooting Guides: Turn off the main power, and turn it on a little later. If the error occurs again, carry out the followings. 1. Replace the main PCB assy.
- Code: 03
- Display: ERROR 03 POWER +5V
- Description: An error occurs on the control PCB (Power voltage +5V)
- Troubleshooting Guides: Turn off the main power, and turn it on a little later. If the error occurs again, carry out the followings. 1. Replace the power supply PCB assy. 2. Replace the main PCB assy.
- Code: 03
- Display: ERROR 03 POWER +24V
- Description: An error occurs on the control PCB (Power voltage +24V)
- Troubleshooting Guides: Turn off the main power, and turn it on a little later. If the error occurs again, carry out the followings. 1. Replace the power supply PCB assy. 2. Replace the main PCB assy.
- Code: 03
- Display: ERROR 03 POWER +42V
- Description: An error occurs on the control PCB (Power voltage +42V)
- Troubleshooting Guides: Turn off the main power, and turn it on a little later. If the error occurs again, carry out the followings. 1. Replace the power supply PCB assy. 2. Replace the main PCB assy.
- Code: 04
- Display: ERROR 04 F-ROM
- Description: An error occurs on the control PCB (Parameter ROM)
- Troubleshooting Guides: Turn off the main power, and turn it on a little later. If the error occurs again, carry out the followings. 1. After uploading parameters, initialize all parameters. If the state is not restored, replace the main PCB assy with a new one.
- Code: 06
- Display: ERROR 06 SD-RAM
- Description: An error occurs on the control PCB (SDRAM)
- Troubleshooting Guides: Turn off the main power, and turn it on a little later. If the error occurs again, carry out the followings. 1. Replace the main PCB assy. 2. Replace the PRAM PCB assy.
- Code: 07
- Display: ERROR 07 HEAD (—-)
- Description: An error was detected in the head connection. (Abnormal temperature was detected.)
- Troubleshooting Guides: Turn off the main power, and turn it on a little later. If the error occurs again, carry out the followings. Refer to Electrical Troubleshooting ( See 7.2.3 ), and replace the following parts if it has damaged. 1. Replace the head FFC and the HDC FFC cable. 2. Replace the head. 3. Replace the ink slider PCB assy. 4. Replace the main PCB assy.
- Code: 07
- Display: ERROR 07 VOLTAGE (—-)
- Description: An error was detected in the head connection. (Abnormal voltage was detected.)
- Troubleshooting Guides: Turn off the main power, and turn it on a little later. If the error occurs again, carry out the followings. Refer to Electrical Troubleshooting ( See 7.2.3 ), and replace the following parts if it has damaged. 1. Replace the head FFC and the HDC FFC cable. 2. Replace the head. 3. Replace the ink slider PCB assy. 4. Replace the main PCB assy.
- Code: 08
- Display: ERROR 08 Linear ENCODER:SENSOR
- Description: An error occurred in detection by the linear encoder. (Counting impossible)
- Troubleshooting Guides: Turn off the main power, and turn it on a little later. If the error occurs again, carry out the followings. 1. Check of the mounting location for the linear encoder scale and encoder PCB assy. 2. Replace the encoder PCB assy.
- Code: 08
- Display: ERROR 08 Linear ENCODER:DIR.
- Description: An error occurred in detection by the linear encoder. (Wrong orientation)
- Troubleshooting Guides: Turn off the main power, and turn it on a little later. If the error occurs again, carry out the followings. 1. Check of the mounting location for the linear encoder scale and encoder PCB assy. 2. Replace the encoder PCB assy.
- Code: 08
- Display: ERROR 08 Linear ENCODER:COUNT
- Description: An error occurred in detection by the linear encoder. (Read-out count error)
- Troubleshooting Guides: Turn off the main power, and turn it on a little later. If the error occurs again, carry out the followings. 1. Check of the mounting location for the linear encoder scale and encoder PCB assy. 2. Replace the encoder PCB assy.
– Mimaki CJV30-160 Error codes and solution steps to solve problems:
- Code: 09
- Display: ERROR 09 FPGA ERROR
- Description: An error occurs on the control PCB (FPGA PDC)
- Troubleshooting Guides: Turn off the main power, and turn it on a little later. If the error occurs again, carry out the followings. 1. Replace the main PCB assy.
- Code: 09
- Display: ERROR 09 HDC ERROR (—-)
- Description: An error occurs on the control PCB (FPGA HDC)
- Troubleshooting Guides: Turn off the main power, and turn it on a little later. If the error occurs again, carry out the followings. 1. Replace the main PCB assy.
- Code: 10
- Description: Other data than commands is received.
- Troubleshooting Guides: 1. Change over the setting of [COMMON SETTING] -> [RECEIVED DATA], depending on the application being used. 2. Clear the data of uncompleted printing. 3. Check the USB cable. (specifications, cable length, etc.) 4. Replace the main PCB assy.
- Code: 11
- Description: Parameter out of the numeral value range is received.
- Troubleshooting Guides: Turn off the main power, and turn it on a little later. If the error occurs again, carry out the followings. 1. Clear the data of uncompleted printing. 2. Check the USB cable. (specifications, cable length, etc.) 3. Replace the main PCB assy.
- Code: 12
- Description: Other data than commands is received.
- Troubleshooting Guides: Turn off the main power, and turn it on a little later. If the error occurs again, carry out the followings. 1. Clear the data of uncompleted printing. 2. Check the USB cable. (specifications, cable length, etc.) CB assy.
- Code: 12
- Display: ERROR 12-C DEVICE
- Description: Inappropriate instruction was given concerning the printer controlling.
- Troubleshooting Guides: Modify the instruction and send the data again, or send the data after restarting the printer. If the abnormality occurs again, carry out the followings. 1. Clear the data of uncompleted printing. 2. Check the USB cable. (specifications, cable length, etc.) 3. Replace the main PCB assy.
- Code: 120
- Description: The ambient temperature is outside of the warranty. (The temperature is too low.)
- Troubleshooting Guides: Adjust the ambient temperature of the printer. Operation under the temperature among the guaranteed operation temperature range is recommended.
- Code: 13
- Display: ERROR 13-C PM OVER
- Description: The polygon data exceeded the receive buffer.
- Troubleshooting Guides: Divide the polygon data before sending them.
- Code: 144
- Display: ERROR 144 CARTRIDGE SET !
- Description: There are slots where cartridges are not inserted.
- Troubleshooting Guides: Insert cartridges into the slots, since the slots may dry up when left without them inside and the ink may become unusable. Give instruction (to the customers) that, when they leave the slot without cartridge in it, its needle may dry up and becomes unable to absorb the ink.
- Code: 15
- Display: ERROR 15-C AUTO FEED
- Description: Media feeding cannot be carried out according to the length specified by the data.
- Troubleshooting Guides: Set a longer media and carry out the operation again.
- Code: 16
- Description: Received data does not follow the command system set in the printer.
- Troubleshooting Guides: Send the data related to the class of commands, using an application corresponding to this printer. 1. Make sure that the transmission data is in MRL-III command system (data ripped for CJV).
- Code: 170
- Display: ERROR 170 CUTTER LOCK
- Description: The cutter head cannot be fixed in the standby position, and connector changeover cannot be made.
- Troubleshooting Guides: Turn off the main power, and turn it on a little later. 1. Set cut system parameter No. 37 “CLKAJST” to “0” and turn power on. 2. Check the operation of the C connecting hook or replace it. 3. Check the operation of the change lever or replace it.
- Code: 170
- Description: The print head cannot be fixed in the standby position, and connector changeover cannot be made.
- Troubleshooting Guides: Check the operation of the P head connecting hook or replace it.
- Code: 180
- Description: The cutter head or the connector came off during the operation.
- Troubleshooting Guides: Check the vicinity of the connection magnet or replace it.
- Code: 180
- Description: The print head or the connector came off during the operation.
- Troubleshooting Guides: Turn off the main power, and turn it on a little later.
- Code: 181
- Display: ERROR 181 PR POSITION
- Description: Media could not be detected. (The location of the pinch roller is not appropriate.)
- Troubleshooting Guides: Set the pinch roller in the proper place.
- Code: 200
- Display: ERROR 200 HEAD MEMORY (—-)
- Description: An error occurred in head unit memory.
- Troubleshooting Guides: Turn off the main power, and turn it on a little later. If the error occurs again, carry out the followings. 1. Check the head memory cable. 2. Replace the head memory. 3. Replace the ink slider PCB assy. 4. Replace the main PCB assy.
- Code: 202
- Description: Head unconnected. FFC broken or poor connection. An error occurred in head unit memory.
- Troubleshooting Guides: Turn off the main power, and turn it on a little later. If the error occurs again, carry out the followings. 1. Refer to 7.2.3 Electrical Troubleshooting, and replace the following parts if it has damaged. •.Check the head and head FFC cable. •.Check the HDC FFC cable. •.Replace the ink slider PCB assy. •.Replace the main PCB assy. 2. Check the head memory cable. 3. Replace the head memory.
- Code: 203
- Display: ERROR 203 SDRAM SIZE
- Description: The printer is not provided with the required size of SD-RAM.
- Troubleshooting Guides: Turn off the main power, and turn it on a little later.
- Code: 205
- Display: ERROR 205 47V HEAD VOLTAGE
- Description: An excessive current flowed in the 47 V circuit of the print head, thus the fuse was blown.
- Troubleshooting Guides: Refer to Electrical Troubleshooting ( See 7.2.3 ), and replace the following parts if it has damaged. 1. Replace the head FFC and HDC FFC cable. 2. Replace the head. 3. Replace the fuse. (Main PCB F13) 4. Replace the main PCB assy.
- Code: 206
- Display: ERROR 206 MAIN PCB
- Description: The installed main PCB is not the one for CJV.
- Troubleshooting Guides: Replace the main PCB with the one for exclusive use with CJV.
- Code: 207
- Display: ERROR 207 SLEW RATE
- Description: Trouble with COM wave
- Troubleshooting Guides: 1. Restart 2. Upload event log 3. Report what it happened to SIGN&GRAPHIC, SG DESIGN GROUP
- Code: 207
- Display: ERROR 207 OVERFLOW
- Description: Trouble with COM wave
- Troubleshooting Guides: 1. Restart 2. Upload event log 3. Report what it happened to SIGN&GRAPHIC, SG DESIGN GROUP
- Code: 207
- Display: ERROR 207 UNDERFLOW
- Description: Trouble with COM wave
- Troubleshooting Guides: 1. Restart 2. Upload event log 3. Report what it happened to SIGN&GRAPHIC, SG DESIGN GROUP
- Code: 208
- Display: ERROR 208 **** CHECK MAIN PCB ID
- Description: The device type ID of the main PCB is different.
- Troubleshooting Guides: Check the device type ID switch of the main PCB.
- Code: 211
- Display: ERROR 211 HeaterTEMP(–/–/–)
- Description: An abnormal temperature of the media heater was detected.
- Troubleshooting Guides: Turn off the main power, and turn it on a little later. If the error occurs again, carry out the followings. 1. Replace the main PCB assy. 2. Replace the power supply PCB assy. 3. Replace the relevant platen cover with a new one.
- Code: 211
- Display: ERROR 211 HeadWARM.TEMP.(—-)
- Description: An abnormal temperature of the head heating heater was detected.
- Troubleshooting Guides: Turn off the main power, and turn it on a little later. If the error occurs again, carry out the followings. 1. Make sure that the connection to the main FPC is correct. 2. Replace the relevant head heating heater with a new one. 3. Replace the ink slider PCB assy.
- Code: 211
- Display: ERROR 211 HeadWARM.BREAK(—-)
- Description: The head heating heater is disconnected. * This error is never displayed when no head warm heater is installed.
- Troubleshooting Guides: Turn off the main power, and turn it on a little later. If the error occurs again, carry out the followings. 1. Replace the relevant head heating heater with a new one. 2. Replace the ink slider PCB assy.
- Code: 211
- Display: ERROR 211 HeadWARM.THERM(—-)
- Description: Trouble has occurred with the thermistor of the head heating heater. * This error is never displayed when no head warm heater is installed.
- Troubleshooting Guides: Turn off the main power, and turn it on a little later. If the error occurs again, carry out the followings. 1. Replace the relevant head heating heater with a new one. 2. Replace the ink slider PCB assy.
- Code: 25
- Display: ERROR 25 FULL-SPEED
- Description: USB2.0 interface occurred between the host PC and the printer. (Full-Speed Mode connection)
- Troubleshooting Guides: Check whether the host PC is USB2.0 interfacecompliant or not. (Though the host PC can be used in either case, use of Hi-Speed Mode connection is recommended.)
- Code: 25
- Description: USB2.0 interface occurred between the host PC and the printer.
- Troubleshooting Guides: 1. Make sure that the connection to the host PC is correct. 2. Make sure that there is no occurrence of an error in the host PC or the application runs normally.
- Code: 25
- Description: USB2.0 interface occurred between the host PC and the printer.
- Troubleshooting Guides: 1. Make sure that the connection to the host PC is correct. 2. Make sure that there is no occurrence of an error in the host PC or the application runs normally.
- Code: 25
- Description: USB2.0 interface occurred between the host PC and the printer
- Troubleshooting Guides: 1. Make sure that the connection to the host PC is correct. 2. Make sure that there is no occurrence of an error in the host PC or the application runs normally.
- Code: 25
- Display: ERROR 25 USB DATA
- Description: USB2.0 interface occurred between the host PC and the printer.
- Troubleshooting Guides: 1. Make sure that the connection to the host PC is correct. 2. Make sure that there is no occurrence of an error in the host PC or the application runs normally.
- Code: 250
- Description: An error was detected during scanning operation.
- Troubleshooting Guides: Turn off the main power, and turn it on a little later. If such an abnormality recurs, check the uploaded parameter and the status of use, then report them to the Development Division.
- Code: 251
- Description: System error
- Troubleshooting Guides: Turn off the main power, and turn it on a little later. If the error occurs again, carry out the followings. 1. Check whether no abnormality is found by examining the memories (Main.FROM). 2. In case the error recurs, check the uploaded parameter and the status of use, and then report them to the Development Division.
- Code: 30
- Description: Improper operations were performed on the operation panel.
- Troubleshooting Guides: The operation cannot be carried out due to the reason indicated in the second line. Clear the corresponding error and carry out the operation.
- Code: 31
- Display: ERROR 31-C NO DATA
- Description: [No. COPIES] cannot be carried out due to the absence of data in the receive buffer.
- Troubleshooting Guides: (Refer to the page of [No. COPIES] function in the OPERATION MANUAL.)
- Code: 32
- Display: ERROR 32-C DATA TOO BIG
- Description: [No. COPIES] cannot be carried out due to the large size of the received data.
- Troubleshooting Guides: (Refer to the page of [No. COPIES] function in the OPERATION MANUAL.)
- Code: 33
- Display: ERROR 33-C MEDIA SIZE
- Description: Media is too short in the length of the feed direction.
- Troubleshooting Guides: Use longer media.
- Code: 34
- Description: Functional settings were changed or an inoperative function was attempted while the printer has already received data and printing of the data has not been completed.
- Troubleshooting Guides: Print all the data received, or clear them all and carry out the operation again from the start. (If uncompleted printing data is remaining, provide an account concerning the operating-condition modification and the inoperative function.)
- Code: 34
- Description: An inappropriate operation was carried out during the cutting was being suspended by pressing [REMOTE] key.
- Troubleshooting Guides: Wait for the cutting data to be completely carried out or clear the data.
- Code: 35
- Display: ERROR 35-C cutNG WIND
- Description: Since take-up is executed, auto cutting of media is not performed.
- Troubleshooting Guides: Auto cutting is not performed if take-up timing is set by the roll detection setting function. To give priority to auto cutting, set [TAKEUP TIMMING] to OFF.
- Code: 36
- Description: The mark cannot be detected. (After the print media detection)
- Troubleshooting Guides: Check the followings. • Media curling • Specified location for starting the mark detection. • Is the black mark printed on the white background of the media? • Aren’t there any unnecessary prints or blots and adhesion of dirt inside the marks? • Aren’t there any errors in each setting of the mark?
- Code: 36
- Display: ERROR 36-C JOG & <ENT>or<END>
- Description: The mark cannot be detected. [MARK DETECT] and [JOG & <ENT>or<END>] are alternately displayed during the copying and cutting of the mark.
- Troubleshooting Guides: During this error, the write pointer stops at the starting point for the mark detection. In case the write pointer position is not in the right place for starting the mark detection, make a position adjustment using the [JOG] key and restart the mark detection by pressing [ENTER]. And also check the followings. • When using a limp media which is lacking in elasticity or whose width is more than about 800 mm, increase the number of pinch rollers used. • When using the limp media, adjust the size of the mark at 8 mm or more on a side, and allocate the marks to be copied 8 mm or more apart from each other. • Is the black mark printed on the white background of the media? • Aren’t there any unnecessary prints or blots and adhesion of dirt inside the marks? • Aren’t there any errors in each setting of the mark? • Since the media may be floated by the use of the media holder, carry out the mark detection without using it.
- Code: 37
- Description: As a result of the mark detection, the origin was detected outside the usable plot area.
- Troubleshooting Guides: Arrange the marks within the usable plot area.
- Code: 38
- Display: ERROR 38-C MARK SCALE
- Description: The mark cannot be detected. [MARK SCALE] and [JOG & <ENT>or<END>] are alternately displayed during the copying and cutting of the mark.
- Troubleshooting Guides: (Refer to ERROR 36-C “JOG & <ENT>or<END>”)
- Code: 40
- Description: Excessive load to the X-motor.
- Troubleshooting Guides: Turn off the main power, and turn it on a little later. If the error occurs again, carry out the followings. 1. Check friction of X (Y) -axis motor. 2. Check if media attaches on the platen. Media Attachment to the Platen ( See 7.2.2 ). 3. Replace the X (Y)-axis motor. 4. Replace the regenerative resistivity PCB assy. 5. Replace the main PCB assy.
- Code: 41
- Description: Excessive load to the Y-motor.
- Troubleshooting Guides: Turn off the main power, and turn it on a little later. If the error occurs again, carry out the followings. 1. Check friction of X (Y) -axis motor. 2. Check if media attaches on the platen. Media Attachment to the Platen ( See 7.2.2 ). 3. Replace the X (Y)-axis motor. 4. Replace the regenerative resistivity PCB assy. 5. Replace the main PCB assy.
- Code: 42
- Description: Over current error of X-motor is detected.
- Troubleshooting Guides: Turn off the main power, and turn it on a little later. If the error occurs again, carry out the followings. 1. Check friction of X (Y) -axis motor. 2. Check if media attaches on the platen. Media Attachment to the Platen ( See 7.2.2 ). 3. Replace the X (Y)-axis motor. 4. Replace the regenerative resistivity PCB assy. 5. Replace the main PCB assy.
- Code: 43
- Description: Over current error of Y-motor is detected.
- Troubleshooting Guides: Turn off the main power, and turn it on a little later. If the error occurs again, carry out the followings. 1. Check friction of X (Y) -axis motor. 2. Check if media attaches on the platen. Media Attachment to the Platen ( See 7.2.2 ). 3. Replace the X (Y)-axis motor. 4. Replace the regenerative resistivity PCB assy. 5. Replace the main PCB assy.
- Code: 45
- Description: An error occurred in capping control. (Improper parameter adjusted value)
- Troubleshooting Guides: Turn off the main power, and turn it on a little later. If the error occurs again, carry out the followings. 1. Make sure that the adjusting value of [#ADJUST] -> [CAPPING] is set correctly.
- Code: 46
- Display: ERROR 46 WIPER
- Description: An error occurred in wiper control.
- Troubleshooting Guides: Turn off the main power, and turn it on a little later. If the error occurs again, carry out the followings. 1. Check that the wiper sensor functions properly with [#TEST] -> [SENSOR TEST]. 2. Check that the wiper motor functions properly with [#TEST] -> [MOTOR TEST]. 3. Check whether the guide rail of the wiper is not clogged with ink. (Does the wiper move smoothly?) 4. Replace the wiper sensor. 5. Replace the step motor. 6. Replace the station PCB assy.
- Code: 50
- Description: Media could not be detected.
- Troubleshooting Guides: Turn off the main power, and turn it on a little later. If the error occurs again, carry out the followings. 1. Carry out [#TEST] -> [SENSOR TEST] -> [PR SENSOR] in this order, and check whether the PR sensor functions normally. 2. Clean the PR sensor, and adjust its mounting position or replace it. 3. Replace the cutter slider PCB assy.
- Code: 51
- Display: ERROR 51 Y-ORIGIN
- Description: Y-origin could not be detected.
- Troubleshooting Guides: Turn off the main power, and turn it on a little later. If the error occurs again, carry out the followings. 1. Check that the Y-origin sensor functions properly with [#TEST] -> [SENSOR TEST]. 2. Replace the Y-origin sensor. 3. Replace the station PCB assy.
- Code: E70
- Display: E70 FPGA
- Description: FPGA Configuration fails.
- Troubleshooting Guides: (This does not occur during the customer use.) 1. Replace the main PCB assy.
- Code: E71
- Display: E71 SD-RAM
- Description: Abnormal operation in SD-RAM.
- Troubleshooting Guides: (This does not occur during the customer use.) 1. Make sure that PRAM PCB assy is connected properly. 2. Replace the PRAM PCB assy. 3. Replace the main PCB assy.
- Code: E74
- Display: E74 TRANS DATA
- Description: Received data is not Version Up file
- Troubleshooting Guides: (This does not occur during the customer use.) 1. Make sure that the ROM file is transmitted.
- Code: E80
- Display: E80 ROM0 ERASE
- Description: ROM0 Erase error
- Troubleshooting Guides: (This does not occur during the customer use.) Replace the main PCB assy.
- Code: E81
- Display: E81 ROM1 ERASE
- Description: ROM1 Erase error
- Troubleshooting Guides: (This does not occur during the customer use.) Replace the main PCB assy.
- Code: E82
- Display: E82 h’
- Description: ROM0 Write error
- Troubleshooting Guides: (This does not occur during the customer use.) Replace the main PCB assy.
- Code: E83
- Display: E83 h’
- Description: ROM1 Write error
- Troubleshooting Guides: (This does not occur during the customer use.) Replace the main PCB assy.
- Code: E84
- Display: E84 h’
- Description: Verify error
- Troubleshooting Guides: (This does not occur during the customer use.) Replace the main PCB assy.
- Code: E85
- Display: E85 ROM HASH
- Description: Hash check error
- Troubleshooting Guides: (This does not occur during the customer use.) Replace the main PCB assy.
- Code: E90
- Display: E90 h’
- Description: ROM Erase error
- Troubleshooting Guides: (This does not occur during the customer use.) Replace the main PCB assy.
- Code: E92
- Display: E92 h’
- Description: ROM Write error
- Troubleshooting Guides: (This does not occur during the customer use.) Replace the main PCB assy.
- Code: E95
- Display: E95 MODE SHIFT
- Description: Transition to the version up mode is not allowed.
- Troubleshooting Guides: (This does not occur during the customer use.) Replace the main PCB assy.
- Code: E99
- Display: E99 VERSION DATA
- Description: Wrong version data
- Troubleshooting Guides: (This does not occur during the customer use.) Replace the main PCB assy.
- Code: n01
- Description:
- Troubleshooting Guides: (This does not occur during the customer use.) 1. Check the USB cable. (specifications, cable length, etc.)
- Code: n02
- Description:
- Troubleshooting Guides: (This does not occur during the customer use.) 1. Check that PRM file and parameter data correspond to version of the printer.
- Code: n03
- Display: ERROR DATA
- Description:
- Troubleshooting Guides: (This does not occur during the customer use.) 1. Check the USB cable. (specifications, cable length, etc.)
- Code: n04
- Description:
- Troubleshooting Guides: (This does not occur during the customer use.) 1. Check that PRM file and parameter data correspond to version of the printer.
- Code: n05
- Display: NO MEDIA
- Description: No media was detected.
- Troubleshooting Guides: If the warning is displayed again even when the media is set, check the followings. 1. Check that the R paper sensor functions properly with [#TEST] -> [SENSOR TEST]. 2. Make sure that the cables are connected properly. 3. Replace the media sensor.
- Code: n06
- Description: Exhaustion of RTC battery was detected.
- Troubleshooting Guides: Replace the battery with a new one having the same model number.
- Code: n07
- Display: <LOCAL.1> [#01] !Replace a WIPER
- Description: Time to replace the wiper in the capping station with a new one has come. (The wiping count has reached the specified value.)
- Troubleshooting Guides: Check whether the user replaced the wiper. ([MAINTENANCE] -> [ST.MAINTENANCE])
- Code: n08
- Display: <LOCAL.1> [#01] !CONFIRM TEST PRINT
- Description: Sleep refresh or cleaning was not performed when power was kept off for 72 hours or more.
- Troubleshooting Guides: Perform TEST DRAW, and check for omitted nozzles.If nozzles are omitted, perform cleaning.If nozzle missing is serious, execute [ST.MAINTENANCE] -> [NOZZLE WASH] for maintenance.
- Code: n09
- Description: The media heater is disconnected. (This example shows that preheater is disconnected.)
- Troubleshooting Guides: 1. Check that the media heater functions properly with [#TEST] -> [HEATER TEST]. 2. Make sure that the cables are connected properly. 3. Make sure that fuse of power supply PCB assy is not blown out. 4. Replace the power supply PCB assy or main PCB assy with a new one. •The heater PCB assy is for the pre/post heater, and the power supply PCB assy is for the print heater.
- Code: n10
- Description: The thermistor of a media heater is defective. (This example shows that the thermistor of preheater is defective.)
- Troubleshooting Guides: 1. Check that the media heater functions properly with [#TEST] -> [HEATER TEST]. 2. Make sure that connection of thermistor is correct. 3. Replace the main PCB assy.
- Code: n11
- Display: <LOCAL.1> [#01] NEAR END MCYK—-
- Description: Ink for one supply path has been nearly used up.
- Troubleshooting Guides: Printing is permitted without replacing the ink cartridge (until INK END is displayed). However, the printer returns to local mode every completion of printing one file.
- Code: n12
- Display: REMOTE.1 [#01] NEAR END MCYK—
- Description: Ink for one supply path has been nearly used up.
- Troubleshooting Guides: Printing is permitted without replacing the ink cartridge (until INK END is displayed). However, the printer returns to local mode every completion of printing one file.
- Code: n13
- Display: <LOCAL.1> [#01] INK END —-KYCM
- Description: Ink for one supply path has been completely used up.
- Troubleshooting Guides: Replace the cartridge corresponding to the color displayed.
- Code: n14
- Display: REMOTE.1 [#01] INK END —-KYCM
- Description: Ink for one supply path has been completely used up.
- Troubleshooting Guides: Replace the cartridge corresponding to the color displayed.
- Code: n15
- Display: <LOCAL.1> [#01] !CARTRIDGE —-KYCM
- Description: Ink for one supply path is not yet set, or unusable ink is being set.
- Troubleshooting Guides: Replace or set the cartridges corresponding to the colors displayed.
- Code: n16
- Display: REMOTE.1 [#01] !CARTRIDGE —-KYCM
- Description: Ink for one supply path is not yet set, or unusable ink is being set.
- Troubleshooting Guides: Replace or set the cartridges corresponding to the colors displayed.
- Code: n17
- Display: <LOCAL.1> !CAR [#01]
- Description: There is a problem with installed ink cartridges. Displayed only when 4-color cartridges are installed.
- Troubleshooting Guides: Check the content of the warning by displaying it using the guidance function. LOCAL>[ENTER]>[FUNCTION]
- Code: n18
- Display: REMOTE.1ƒn !CAR [#01]
- Description: There is a problem with installed ink cartridges. Displayed only when 4-color cartridges are installed.
- Troubleshooting Guides: Check the content of the warning by displaying it using the guidance function. LOCAL>[ENTER]>[FUNCTION]
- Code: n19
- Display: <LOCAL.1> !WSH [#01]
- Description: There is a problem with the maintenance washing liquid. (Displayed only in cut mode) •Not set. •Any cartridge other than that for maintenance washing liquid is set. •The maintenance washing liquid has been used up.
- Troubleshooting Guides: Replace the maintenance washing liquid cartridge with a new one.
- Code: n20
- Display: *REMOTE.1* !WSH [#01]
- Description: There is a problem with the maintenance washing liquid. (Displayed only in cut mode) •Not set. •Any cartridge other than that for maintenance washing liquid is set. •The maintenance washing liquid has been used up.
- Troubleshooting Guides: Replace the maintenance washing liquid cartridge with a new one.
- Code: n21
- Display: <LOCAL.1> !RTN [#01]
- Description: Periodical operation cannot be executed, since the connection unit is not connected to the print head.
- Troubleshooting Guides: Start origin setting in print mode, and change the connection of the connection unit. Or perform the relevant periodical operation by manual operation.
- Code: n22
- Display: *REMOTE.1* !RTN [#01]
- Description: Periodical operation cannot be executed, since the connection unit is not connected to the print head.
- Troubleshooting Guides: Start origin setting in print mode, and change the connection of the connection unit. Or perform the relevant periodical operation by manual operation.
- Code: n23
- Display: <LOCAL.1> !TNK [#01]
- Description: The waste ink tank is nearly full. (Displayed only in cut mode)
- Troubleshooting Guides: Replace the waste ink tank with a new one. Execute [MAINTENANCE] -> [InkTankReplace].
- Code: n24
- Display: REMOTE.1* !TNK [#01]
- Description: The waste ink tank is nearly full. (Displayed only in cut mode)
- Troubleshooting Guides: Replace the waste ink tank with a new one. Execute [MAINTENANCE] -> [InkTankReplace].
- Code: n25
- Display: <LOCAL.1> !CAR [#01] INK REMAIN K——-
- Description: The ink of the 600cc package has been completely used up.
- Troubleshooting Guides: Reset the cartridge and set the amount of remaining ink. If the ink that can be used is remaining, the warning is cancelled and the cartridge can be used continuously. If the ink that can be used is not remaining,the warning is not cancelled.
- Code: n26
- Description: End sensor is detected with enough ink remaining
- Troubleshooting Guides: Reinstall appropriate cartridge Check or replace the end sensor if it is detected after reinstallation
- Code: n27
- Display: <LOCAL.1> !CAR [#01] !WASTE TANK
- Description: The waste ink tank is nealy full. (The waste ink count has reaced the specified value.)
- Troubleshooting Guides: Reinstall appropriate cartridge Check or replace the end sensor if it is detected after reinstallation
- Code: n28
- Display: <LOCAL.1> !CAR [#01] !Wash Liquid END
- Description: Emptied washing liquid cartridge was detected.
- Troubleshooting Guides: Replace the maintenance washing liquid cartridge with a new one. If the problem still cannot be solved, check the followings. 1. Check that the cartridge end sensor works properly with [#TEST] -> [WASH CARTRIDGE]. 2. If it does not work properly, replace the sensor or IO PCB assy with a new one.
- Code: n29
- Display: <LOCAL.1> !CAR [#01] !WashLiquidCart.NONE
- Description: The washing liquid cartridge has not been installed.
- Troubleshooting Guides: Replace the maintenance washing liquid cartridge with a new one. If the problem still cannot be solved, check the followings. 1. Check that the cartridge end sensor works properly with [#TEST] -> [WASH CARTRIDGE]. 2. If it does not work properly, replace the sensor or IO PCB assy with a new one.
- Code: n30
- Display: <LOCAL.1> !CAR [#01] !WRONG WASH CART.
- Description: Trouble with washing liquid cartridge has been detected. (Ex.Ink cartridge is set)
- Troubleshooting Guides: Install the maintenance washing liquid cartridge.
- Code: n31
- Display: Washing liquid un-filling up.
- Description: Maintenance washing liquid has not been supplied.
- Troubleshooting Guides: Supply the maintenance washing liquid. (Execute [MAINTENANCE] -> [HD.MAINTENANCE] -> [FILL UP INK].)
- Code: n32
- Display: OFFSCALE
- Description: The cutting data exceeds the effective cutting area. Or the machine has stopped after cutting the media up to its end normally.
- Troubleshooting Guides: Use a larger size of media, decrease the amount of data or execute the divided cutting function.
- Code: n33
- Display: END COPY
- Description: The machine has terminated copying after completion of one sheet copying, since the data received contains the origin updating command.
- Troubleshooting Guides: The cutting of two or more sheets is not allowed. To have the machine cut two or more sheets, change the setting on the host computer beforehand.
- Code: n34
- Display: DIVISION 5s
- Description: The machine has finished the cutting corresponding to a division of the data that exceeds the media width, using the division cut function, and is now waiting for the receipt of the next data.
- Troubleshooting Guides: When the machine does not receive any data from the host computer within ten seconds, it will recognize the data has ended. Then the machine will perform the frame cutting and mark cutting and return to local mode.
- Code: n35
- Description: Displayed in any of the following cases: •Media width is 1 cm or less. •Sample cutting data exceeds the media width. •Two-point axis alignment is set to ON. •Marks have already detected.
- Troubleshooting Guides: Division cutting is not allowed.
- Code: n36
- Display: COPY SKIP
- Description: A mark could not be detected during continuous copying. (One pattern is skipped.)
- Troubleshooting Guides: There is no problem if the marks are successfully detected after skipping one pattern. If marks cannot be detected successively by five patterns or more, [ERROR 36-C MARK DETECT] is displayed.
- Code: n37
- Display: PAUSE REM/END
- Description: Since [REMOTE] was pressed during mark detection, the detection operation has come to a halt.
- Troubleshooting Guides: Press [REMOTE] again to resume detection operation. Or press [END] to terminate the operation.
- Code: n38
- Display: MEDIA SKEW <ENT>
- Description: The deviation of the media exceeded the setting value of SKEW CHECK.
- Troubleshooting Guides: Set the media again and press [ENTER].
- Code: n39
- Description: Replacing the media is being waited for. (During continuous copying on cut sheets)
- Troubleshooting Guides: Change leaf media (cut sheets) and resume continuous copying.
- Code: n40
- Description: The media end was detected during mark detection or during cutting in roll media.
- Troubleshooting Guides: The end of the roll media has been reached, thus cutting cannot be continued. Press [END] and replace the media with new one.
- Code: n41
- Display: INK NEAR END
- Description: Ink in the cartridge is running out.
- Troubleshooting Guides: (Print or use-up cleaning is available)
- Code: n42
- Display: INK END
- Description: The ink of the ink cartridge has been completely used up.
- Troubleshooting Guides: (Use-up cleaning is available)
- Code: n43
- Description: The ink cartridge is not MIMAKI genuine.
- Troubleshooting Guides: Replace the cartridge generating the warning with a new one. If the problem still cannot be solved, check the followings. 1. Check whether the process of [#TEST] -> [INK CARTRIDGE] -> [INK-IC CHECK] can be carried out normally. 2. ID Contact PCB CN032 Assy.
- Code: n44
- Display: WRONG INK IC
- Description: The IC chip of the ink cartridge cannot be read normally.
- Troubleshooting Guides: Replace the cartridge generating the warning with a new one. If the problem still cannot be solved, check the followings. 1. Check whether the process of [#TEST] -> [INK CARTRIDGE] -> [INK-IC CHECK] can be carried out normally. 2. ID Contact PCB CN032 Assy.
- Code: n45
- Display: Kind of INK
- Description: It is different types of ink from the ink filling up with the machine.
- Troubleshooting Guides: Check the ink type of the cartridge generating the warning.
- Code: n46
- Display: Color of INK
- Description: It is not the color should be installed.
- Troubleshooting Guides: Check the ink color of the cartridge generating the warning.
- Code: n47
- Description: There is trouble with an installed ink cartridge.
- Troubleshooting Guides: Check the cartridge generating the warning.
- Code: n48
- Description: An ink cartridge has not been installed in the slot.
- Troubleshooting Guides: Install an appropriate ink cartridge in the slot generating the warning. If the problem still cannot be solved, check the followings. 1. Check that the cartridge exist/non-exist sensor functions properly with [#TEST] -> [INK CARTRIDGE]. 2. If it does not work properly, replace the sensor or X-axis motor relay PCB assy with a new one.
- Code: n49
- Display: Expiration
- Description: The specified expiration date of an ink cartridge has passed.
- Troubleshooting Guides: Make sure if the month of machine is correct on [MACHINE SETUP2]>[TIME SET] if the Warning is displayed within expiry month described on cartridge.
- Code: n50
- Display: Expiration:1MONTH
- Description: The specified expiration date of an ink cartridge has passed. (One month has passed after the specified expiration date.)
- Troubleshooting Guides: Make sure if the month of machine is correct on [MACHINE SETUP2]>[TIME SET] if the Warning is displayed within expiry month described on cartridge.
- Code: n51
- Display: Expiration:2MONTH
- Description: The specified expiration date of an ink cartridge has passed. (Two months have passed after the specified expiration date.)
- Troubleshooting Guides: Make sure if the month of machine is correct on [MACHINE SETUP2]>[TIME SET] if the Warning is displayed within expiry month described on cartridge.
- Code: n52
- Description: The specified expiratio date of ink cartridge has passed. (Six month has passed after the specified expiration date.) Not extend expiry month.
- Troubleshooting Guides: Make sure if the month of machine is correct on [MACHINE SETUP2]>[TIME SET] if the Warning is displayed within expiry month described on cartridge.
- Code: n53
- Description: Cartridge extended expiry month.
- Troubleshooting Guides:
- Code: n54
- Display: INK REMAIN ZERO —- —-
- Description: Remaining amount of ink in an ink cartridge is zero. (Used the prescribed quantity of use-up cleaning.)
- Troubleshooting Guides: Replace the cartridge generating the warning with a new one.
- Code: n55
- Description: The end sensor was detected even though enough quantity was remaining.
- Troubleshooting Guides: Install appropriate cartridge. If the warning is not hidden, check or replace the sensor on [#TEST]>[INK CARTRIDGE].
- Code: n56
- Display: Check the “W”nozzle condition. <ENT>
- Description: When SS 21 white ink is used, the message of prompting you to perform test printing is displayed for keeping the nozzle status be normal.
- Troubleshooting Guides: Perform “WHITE CHK.” of test printing.
- Code: n57
- Description: When silver and white ink of ES3 ink are used, the message of prompting you to perform special color maintenance for preventing color heterogeneity due to settling down of pigment is displayed.
- Troubleshooting Guides: Perform spot color maintenance.
Waste Ink Pad Counter Utility Functions:
– Cleaning printhead.
– Ink charge.
– Fix Epson red lights blinking Error
– Fix Epson Service Required Error: A printer’s ink pad at the end of its service life Please contact Epson Support.
– Check the current value of waste ink counters and ink level counters.
– Clear Waste Ink Counters.
– Read and write serial number.
– Read and write USB ID.
– Read and write HEAD ID.
– Make EEPROM dump, backup.
– Paper feed test.
– Nozzle check.
– Color check pattern.
– Initialize (disable) PF deterioration offset.
– Retrieve device information
Contact us to get support with Mimaki CJV30-160 Error case
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