Коды ошибок kenworth t2000

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Зарегистрирован: 28 фев 2008 11:25
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Сообщение Снова коды ошибок на Кенворте.

Доброго дня всем форумчанам.Парни нужна помощь-Кенворт т2000 двиг Каминс ISX15 кпп ZF MERITOR(автомат) заглохла на скорости.При попытке завести выдает такие коды-TRKBRK 1939Link RwrSup,ENG 4683.1.H НА нем первый рейс ,что сие может означать-по сайту походил ничего не нашел.Помогите

29 фев 2008 14:21

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Site Admin

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Зарегистрирован: 06 апр 2005 08:14
Сообщения: 21854
Откуда: Гудвил Холдинг

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Сообщение Re: Снова коды ошибок на Кенворте.

Нет информации по экзотике, но насколько я могу догадаться, пропало питание протокола 1939, а значит пропала связь КПП экзотики с модулем машины или двигателя.

29 фев 2008 18:21

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  • WWW


    Зарегистрирован: 28 фев 2008 11:25
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    Проблему решили,закачали воздух в систему и двиг. завелся,только теперь появился запах сцепления(как будто буксует) .Комп выдает 216MGI и ENG 4683.2H.Если кому что известно по данным ошибкам сообщите.Igor спасибо за оперативный ответ и участие

    01 мар 2008 09:52

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    Аватара пользователя

    Зарегистрирован: 09 янв 2007 20:56
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    Это не ошибки. ENG 4683.1.H -счётчик моточасов, а 216MGI расход дизеля на данный момент, на скорости меняется, нажмёш на среднюю кнопку высветится MGA-xx это средний расход дизеля, можно сбросить на ноль удерживая 3-4сек. среднюю кнопку. TRKBRK 1939Link RwrSup -попробуй зачистить все «массы» которые найдеш, если я не ошибаюсь там должно их быть штук 5, вытащи фишку с «мозгов» ,посмотри может окислилась, ну и минут на 10-15 отключи все АКБ. У меня такое было ничего страшного. И ещё ,если начнёт буксовать сцепление по идее она на табло где высвечивается скирость начнёт писать ошибку. Сцепление у тебя там стоит однодисковое, липестковое, 17-дюймов , у меня стояло «Сакс» сейчас поставил «Валео» один к одному и цена адекватная.

    02 мар 2008 11:15

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    Зарегистрирован: 28 фев 2008 11:25
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    Gres06 за подсказки спасибо.На табло КПП стали появляться две надписи CH и AL-если знаеш что это подскажи.

    03 мар 2008 14:59

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    Аватара пользователя

    Зарегистрирован: 09 янв 2007 20:56
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    CH-высвечивается при самодиагностике,AL-когда падает давление воздуха и ей его не хватает, по крайней мере у меня так. А вообще зайди сюда


    в поиске набери ZF-Freedomline там справочной литературы вылезет ёбнешся сколько вплоть до программы диагностики только на буржуйском языке.

    04 мар 2008 06:14

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    Аватара пользователя

    Зарегистрирован: 06 ноя 2007 04:45
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    мужики сел на Т600 мож кто поскажет где на нём энти коды искать

    машина 2004 года

    жизнь дерьмо но жить надо
    04 май 2008 19:49

    Профиль Отправить личное сообщение ICQ


    Site Admin

    Аватара пользователя

    Зарегистрирован: 06 апр 2005 08:14
    Сообщения: 21854
    Откуда: Гудвил Холдинг

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    Есть там кнопка DIAG ????

    05 май 2008 06:30

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    Аватара пользователя

    Зарегистрирован: 06 ноя 2007 04:45
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    ненашёл я там такой кнопки,

    где она может быть установлена

    жизнь дерьмо но жить надо
    25 май 2008 05:41

    Профиль Отправить личное сообщение ICQ



    Предупреждения: 2

    Зарегистрирован: 26 янв 2006 20:26
    Сообщения: 1224
    Откуда: Орск

    Автомобиль/VIN: KENWORTH T2000/ VIN J853790, N-14ЕSP 475 series

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    Обратись к Solo. Он должен знать.

    25 май 2008 07:17

    Профиль Отправить личное сообщение ICQ



    Аватара пользователя

    Зарегистрирован: 27 окт 2006 19:31
    Сообщения: 2121
    Откуда: Москва

    Автомобиль/VIN: FREIGHTLINER FLD / 1FUBALCG44DN41138

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    25 май 2008 08:02

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  • ICQ



    Зарегистрирован: 25 апр 2008 03:57
    Сообщения: 81
    Откуда: Средний Урал

    Автомобиль/VIN: Kenworth T600/4R062975

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    мужики сел на Т600 мож кто поскажет где на нём энти коды искать

    машина 2004 года

    солдат,у тебя двигатель какой? на т-600 коды считываются по миганиям лампы чек ендж.

    28 май 2008 04:45

    Профиль Отправить личное сообщение ICQ



    Аватара пользователя

    Зарегистрирован: 06 ноя 2007 04:45
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    сат 15 двух турбинный ДИАГнашол тока на не ищо и АВСнаписано

    жизнь дерьмо но жить надо
    07 июн 2008 08:06

    Профиль Отправить личное сообщение ICQ



    Зарегистрирован: 25 апр 2008 03:57
    Сообщения: 81
    Откуда: Средний Урал

    Автомобиль/VIN: Kenworth T600/4R062975

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    Гена,это кнопка диагностики АВС.Как диагностировать двиг я тебе скинул на мыло.Уменя так,как там написано.Только мотор с одной турбиной,а расход тоже где то 42-45 со слов водителя.

    07 июн 2008 15:05

    Профиль Отправить личное сообщение ICQ



    Аватара пользователя

    Зарегистрирован: 06 ноя 2007 04:45
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    Вованчик спасибо всё получил бум пробовать

    жизнь дерьмо но жить надо
    13 июн 2008 05:34

    Профиль Отправить личное сообщение ICQ



    Аватара пользователя

    Зарегистрирован: 06 ноя 2007 04:45
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    вова всё получилось теперь если нетрудно скинь коды

    жизнь дерьмо но жить надо
    03 июл 2008 07:57

    Профиль Отправить личное сообщение ICQ



    Зарегистрирован: 25 апр 2008 03:57
    Сообщения: 81
    Откуда: Средний Урал

    Автомобиль/VIN: Kenworth T600/4R062975

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    14 июл 2008 13:27

    Профиль Отправить личное сообщение ICQ



    Зарегистрирован: 05 сен 2010 12:25
    Сообщения: 43
    Откуда: Белозерск. Вологодская обл.

    Автомобиль/VIN: VOLVO VNL64T670 VIN 4V4NC9TG06N400179

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    Сообщение Re: Снова коды ошибок на Кенворте.

    Доброго времени суток. Помогите, показывает ошибки:
    SID 232
    PID 095
    PID 094
    SID 064
    SENS R#1

    06 ноя 2010 12:39

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    Сотрудник Гудвил Холдинга +7-812-322-65-00

    Зарегистрирован: 15 окт 2009 06:38
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    Сообщение Re: Снова коды ошибок на Кенворте.

    Если у Вас Volvo (судя по подписи) то и пишите в соответствующий раздел. Тут только про Кенворт

    Сотрудник компании Гудвил Холдинг Александр Ковалев
    Тел.: 8 (812) 322-6500 (многоканальный), 8-800-333-23-78 (звонки по РФ бесплатные)
    Купить американский грузовой автомобиль можно здесь…
    Заказать НОВЫЕ запасные части можно здесь
    Заказать Б/У запасные части можно здесь
    08 ноя 2010 11:14

    Профиль Отправить личное сообщение



    Зарегистрирован: 05 сен 2010 12:25
    Сообщения: 43
    Откуда: Белозерск. Вологодская обл.

    Автомобиль/VIN: VOLVO VNL64T670 VIN 4V4NC9TG06N400179

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    Сообщение Re: Снова коды ошибок на Кенворте.

    Александр, я про Кенворт и спрашиваю. Просто не упомянул об этом. (друг в рейсе, позвонил, попросил узнать). Так что если можно, помогите.

    08 ноя 2010 17:02

    Профиль Отправить личное сообщение



    Аватара пользователя

    Зарегистрирован: 20 мар 2011 19:27
    Сообщения: 87
    Откуда: Волжский

    Автомобиль/VIN: J706003 Kenworth T2000

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    Сообщение Re: Снова коды ошибок на Кенворте.

    Всем привет!!! KENWORTH T2000 (VIN J706003) пишет ошибку: TRKBRK SensR#1 LOW, диагностик подключил умный комп и сказал это ABS. У меня вопрос: Почему она(ошибка) выскакивает при заводке двигателя? И каким боком в АBS слово LOW, ведь в переводе с англ. LOW — низкий. Объясните позжалуйста.

    21 мар 2011 19:46

    Профиль Отправить личное сообщение

    See also: Kenworth Trucks Service Repair Manuals PDF

    Kenworth T2000 Fault Codes

    Kenworth T2000


    Wiring Code Definitions
    Example: C17SR.
    17-Circuit Number.
    SR-Destination or Purpose.
    Example: C17SR.
    Function……………C = Components.
    Circuit Number……….17 = Starter Solenoid.
    Destination or Purpose…. SR = Starter.


    Number Description
    0700 General, Spare Circuits
    0710 General, Spare Circuits, Battery Circuits,
    0711 General, Spare Circuits, Battery Circuits, Spare Battery A
    0712 General, Spare Circuits, Battery Circuits, Spare Battery B
    0713 General, Spare Circuits, Battery Circuits, Spare Battery C
    0714 General, Spare Circuits, Battery Circuits, Spare Battery D
    0715 General, Spare Circuits, Battery Circuits, Spare Batt Relay NC
    0716 General, Spare Circuits, Battery Circuits, Spare Batt Relay NO
    0717 General, Spare Circuits, Battery Circuits, Spare Batt Sleeper A
    0718 General, Spare Circuits, Battery Circuits, Spare Batt Relay Coil Start
    0719 General, Spare Circuits, Battery Circuits, Spare Batt Relay Coil End
    0720 General, Spare Circuits, Battery Circuits
    0721 General, Spare Circuits, Battery Circuits, Spare Battery E
    0722 General, Spare Circuits, Battery Circuits, Spare Battery F
    0723 General, Spare Circuits, Battery Circuits, Spare Battery G
    0724 General, Spare Circuits, Battery Circuits, Spare Battery H
    0725 General, Spare Circuits, Battery Circuits, Spare Battery J
    0730 General, Spare Circuits, Ignition Circuits
    0731 General, Spare Circuits, Ignition Circuits, Spare Ignition A
    0732 General, Spare Circuits, Ignition Circuits, Spare Ignition B
    0733 General, Spare Circuits, Ignition Circuits, Spare Ignition C
    0734 General, Spare Circuits, Ignition Circuits, Spare Ignition D
    0735 General, Spare Circuits, Ignition Circuits, Spare Ign Relay NC
    0736 General, Spare Circuits, Ignition Circuits, Spare Ign Relay NO
    0737 General, Spare Circuits, Ignition Circuits, Spare Ign Relay Coil Start
    0738 General, Spare Circuits, Ignition Circuits, Spare Ign Relay Coil End
    0739 General, Spare Circuits, Ignition Circuits, Spare Ignition E
    0740 General, Spare Circuits, Accessory Circuits
    0741 General, Spare Circuits, Accessory Circuits, Spare Accessory E
    0742 General, Spare Circuits, Accessory Circuits, Spare Accessory F
    0743 General, Spare Circuits, Accessory Circuits, Spare Accessory G
    0750 General, Spare Circuits, Accessory Circuits
    0751 General, Spare Circuits, Accessory Circuits, Spare Accessory A
    0752 General, Spare Circuits, Accessory Circuits, Spare Accessory B
    0753 General, Spare Circuits, Accessory Circuits, Spare Accessory C
    0754 General, Spare Circuits, Accessory Circuits, Spare Accessory D
    0755 General, Spare Circuits, Accessory Circuits, Spare ACC Relay NC
    0756 General, Spare Circuits, Accessory Circuits, Spare ACC Relay NO
    0757 General, Spare Circuits, Accessory Circuits, Spare ACC Sleeper A
    0758 General, Spare Circuits, Accessory Circuits, Spare ACC Relay Coil Start
    0759 General, Spare Circuits, Accessory Circuits, Spare ACC Relay Coil End
    0760 General, Spare Circuits, Start Circuits
    0761 General, Spare Circuits, Start Circuits, Spare Start A
    0770 General, Spare Circuits, Switch Controlled Circuits
    0771 General, Spare Circuits, Switch Controlled Circuits, Spare Circuit A
    0772 General, Spare Circuits, Switch Controlled Circuits, Spare Circuit B
    0773 General, Spare Circuits, Switch Controlled Circuits, Spare Circuit C
    0774 General, Spare Circuits, Switch Controlled Circuits, Spare Circuit D
    0775 General, Spare Circuits, Switch Controlled Circuits, Spare Circuit E
    0780 General, Spare Circuits, Auxiliary Circuit
    0781 General, Spare Circuits, Auxiliary Circuit, Chassis Aux
    0782 General, Spare Circuits, Auxiliary Circuit, Firewall Aux 1
    0783 General, Spare Circuits, Auxiliary Circuit, Firewall Aux 2
    0790 General, Spare Circuits, LVD Circuits
    0791 General, Spare Circuits, LVD Circuits, Spare LVD A
    0792 General, Spare Circuits, LVD Circuits, Spare LVD B
    0793 General, Spare Circuits, LVD Circuits, Spare LVD C
    0794 General, Spare Circuits, LVD Circuits, Spare LVD D
    0800 General, Data Links
    0810 General, Data Links, CAN/J1939,
    0811 General, Data Links, CAN/J1939, Instrumentation CAN
    0812 General, Data Links, CAN/J1939, Powertrain CAN
    0813 General, Data Links, CAN/J1939, 3rd Party CAN
    0814 General, Data Links, CAN/J1939, Multiplex CAN
    0830 General, Data Links, J1587/J1708,
    0831 General, Data Links, J1587/J1708, J1587/J1708
    0840 General, Data Links, J1922/J1708,
    0841 General, Data Links, J1922/J1708, J1922/J1708
    0850 General, Data Links, Proprietary Bus
    0851 General, Data Links, Proprietary Bus, Proprietary J1708
    0852 General, Data Links, Proprietary Bus, Proprietary CAN
    0853 General, Data Links, Proprietary Bus, Collision Warning Proprietary Bus
    0854 General, Data Links, Proprietary Bus, Central Tire Inflation Proprietary Bus
    0855 General, Data Links, Proprietary Bus, Auxiliary Gauge Bus
    0860 General, Data Links, K-Line
    0861 General, Data Links, K-Line, CECU K-Line
    0862 General, Data Links, K-Line, Cluster K-Line
    0900 General, Miscellaneous
    0910 General, Miscellaneous, Chassis Node Addressing
    0911 General, Miscellaneous, Chassis Node Addressing, Address 01
    0912 General, Miscellaneous, Chassis Node Addressing, Address 02
    0913 General, Miscellaneous, Chassis Node Addressing, Address 03
    0914 General, Miscellaneous, Chassis Node Addressing, Address Plus
    0915 General, Miscellaneous, Chassis Node Addressing, Address Minus
    0990 General, Miscellaneous, Miscellaneous
    0991 General, Miscellaneous, Fifth Wheel
    0992 General, Miscellaneous, Varashield
    0993 General, Miscellaneous, Air Dryer/Heated Drain Plug
    0994 General, Miscellaneous, Fuel Heater
    0995 General, Miscellaneous, Hood Release
    0996 General, Miscellaneous, Diagnostic Connector
    1100 Power, Load Centers/Nodes
    1110 Power, Load Centers/Nodes, Cab LC/Node
    1111 Power, Load Centers/Nodes, Cab LC/Node, Cab LC/Node Power No.1
    1112 Power, Load Centers/Nodes, Cab LC/Node, Cab LC/Node Power No.2
    1113 Power, Load Centers/Nodes, Cab LC/Node, Cab LC/Node Power No.3
    1114 Power, Load Centers/Nodes, Cab LC/Node, Cab LC/Node Power No.4
    1115 Power, Load Centers/Nodes, Cab LC/Node, Cab LC/Node Power No.5
    1120 Power, Load Centers/Nodes, Chassis LC/Node
    1121 Power, Load Centers/Nodes, Chassis LC/Node, Chassis LC/Node Power No.1
    1122 Power, Load Centers/Nodes, Chassis LC/Node, Chassis LC/Node Power No.2
    1123 Power, Load Centers/Nodes, Chassis LC/Node, Chassis LC/Node Power No.3
    1124 Power, Load Centers/Nodes, Chassis LC/Node, Chassis LC/Node Power No.4
    1125 Power, Load Centers/Nodes, Chassis LC/Node, Chassis LC/Node Power No.5
    1130 Power, Load Centers/Nodes, Sleeper LC/Node
    1140 Power, Load Centers/Nodes, Trailer LC/Node
    1150 Power, Load Centers/Nodes, Door LC/Node
    1190 Power, Load Centers/Nodes, Misc. LC/Node
    1200 Power, Power Bus
    1210 Power, Power Bus, Battery Bus
    1211 Power, Power Bus, Battery Bus, Batt Bus 1
    1212 Power, Power Bus, Battery Bus, Batt Bus 2
    1213 Power, Power Bus, Battery Bus, Batt Bus 3
    1214 Power, Power Bus, Battery Bus, Batt Bus 4
    1215 Power, Power Bus, Battery Bus, Batt Bus 5
    1216 Power, Power Bus, Battery Bus, Batt Bus 6
    1217 Power, Power Bus, Battery Bus, Batt Bus 7
    1218 Power, Power Bus, Battery Bus, Batt Bus 8
    1219 Power, Power Bus, Battery Bus, Batt Bus 9
    1220 Power, Power Bus, Ignition Bus
    1221 Power, Power Bus, Ignition Bus, Ign Bus 1
    1222 Power, Power Bus, Ignition Bus, Ign Bus 2
    1223 Power, Power Bus, Ignition Bus, Ign Bus 3
    1224 Power, Power Bus, Ignition Bus, Ign Bus 4
    1225 Power, Power Bus, Ignition Bus, Ign Bus 5
    1226 Power, Power Bus, Ignition Bus, Ign Bus 6
    1227 Power, Power Bus, Ignition Bus, Ign Bus 7
    1228 Power, Power Bus, Ignition Bus, Ign Bus 8
    1229 Power, Power Bus, Ignition Bus, Ign Bus 9
    1230 Power, Power Bus, Accessory Bus
    1231 Power, Power Bus, Accessory Bus, ACC Bus 1
    1232 Power, Power Bus, Accessory Bus, ACC Bus 2
    1233 Power, Power Bus, Accessory Bus, ACC Bus 3
    1234 Power, Power Bus, Accessory Bus, ACC Bus 4
    1235 Power, Power Bus, Accessory Bus, ACC Bus 5
    1236 Power, Power Bus, Accessory Bus, ACC Bus 6
    1237 Power, Power Bus, Accessory Bus, ACC Bus 7
    1238 Power, Power Bus, Accessory Bus, ACC Bus 8
    1239 Power, Power Bus, Accessory Bus, ACC Bus 9
    1240 Power, Power Bus, Start Bus
    1250 Power, Power Bus, Clean Power
    1260 Power, Power Bus, LVD Bus
    1261 Power, Power Bus, LVD Bus, LVD Bus 1
    1262 Power, Power Bus, LVD Bus, LVD Bus 2
    1263 Power, Power Bus, LVD Bus, LVD Bus 3
    1264 Power, Power Bus, LVD Bus, LVD Bus 4
    1300 Power, Alternator
    1310 Power, Alternator, Power
    1320 Power, Alternator, Voltage Regulation
    1321 Power, Alternator, Voltage Regulation, Voltage Sense
    1322 Power, Alternator, Voltage Regulation, “I” Terminal, Field Excitation
    1400 Power, Multi-System Power
    1410 Power, Multi-System Power, Power Group A
    1420 Power, Multi-System Power, Power Group B
    1430 Power, Multi-System Power, Ground Group A
    1440 Power, Multi-System Power, Ground Group B
    1500 Power, Grounds
    1510 Power, Grounds, Miscellaneous
    1511 Power, Grounds, Miscellaneous, Frame
    1512 Power, Grounds, Miscellaneous, Firewall
    1513 Power, Grounds, Miscellaneous, Engine
    1514 Power, Grounds, Miscellaneous, Radiator
    1515 Power, Grounds, Miscellaneous, Instrument Panel
    1516 Power, Grounds, Miscellaneous, Sleeper
    1517 Power, Grounds, Miscellaneous, Battery
    1518 Power, Grounds, Miscellaneous, AC/Mounting Bracket
    1519 Power, Grounds, Miscellaneous, Starter Ground
    1520 Power, Grounds, Miscellaneous,
    1521 Power, Grounds, Miscellaneous, Door
    1522 Power, Grounds, Miscellaneous, Sleeper Switch Panel
    1570 Power, Grounds, Spare
    1600 Power, LVD/AC Inverter
    1900 Power, Miscellaneous
    1910 Power, Miscellaneous, Ignition Switch Feed
    1920 Power, Miscellaneous, Battery Charging
    1921 Power, Miscellaneous, Battery Charging, 12 Volts Charge
    1922 Power, Miscellaneous, Battery Charging, 24 Volts Charge
    1930 Power, Miscellaneous, 5 Volts Power
    1931 Power, Miscellaneous, 5 Volts Power, Coolant Level Sensor Power
    2100 Lighting, Headlights
    2110 Lighting, Headlights, Low Beams
    2111 Lighting, Headlights, Low Beams, LH
    2112 Lighting, Headlights, Low Beams, RH
    2120 Lighting, Headlights, High Beams
    2121 Lighting, Headlights, High Beams, LH
    2122 Lighting, Headlights, High Beams, RH
    2130 Lighting, Headlights, Daytime Running Lights
    2131 Lighting, Headlights, Daytime Running Lights, LH
    2132 Lighting, Headlights, Daytime Running Lights, RH
    2140 Lighting, Headlights, Headlight Control
    2141 Lighting, Headlights, Headlight Control, Headlight Switch
    2142 Lighting, Headlights, Headlight Control, Dimmer Switch
    2143 Lighting, Headlights, Headlight Control, Flash
    2144 Lighting, Headlights, Headlight Control, Flash Relay Control
    2145 Lighting, Headlights, Headlight Control, Flash Switch
    2300 Lighting, Turn Indicators
    2310 Lighting, Turn Indicators, Front/Mid
    2311 Lighting, Turn Indicators, Front/Mid, LH
    2312 Lighting, Turn Indicators, Front/Mid, RH
    2313 Lighting, Turn Indicators, Front/Mid, LH DRL
    2314 Lighting, Turn Indicators, Front/Mid, RH DRL
    2320 Lighting, Turn Indicators, Rear
    2321 Lighting, Turn Indicators, Rear, LH
    2322 Lighting, Turn Indicators, Rear, RH
    2330 Lighting, Turn Indicators, Trailer
    2331 Lighting, Turn Indicators, Trailer, LH
    2332 Lighting, Turn Indicators, Trailer, RH
    2400 Lighting, Tail, Marker, Clearance, Stop & ID Lights
    2410 Lighting, Tail, Marker, Clearance, Stop & ID Lights, Cab/Chassis Lights
    2411 Lighting, Tail, Marker, Clearance, Stop & ID Lights, Cab/Chassis Lights, Tail Lights
    2412 Lighting, Tail, Marker, Clearance, Stop & ID Lights, Cab/Chassis Lights, Marker Lights
    2414 Lighting, Tail, Marker, Clearance, Stop & ID Lights, Cab/Chassis Lights, Clearance/ID Lights
    2415 Lighting, Tail, Marker, Clearance, Stop & ID Lights, Cab/Chassis Lights, Stop Lights
    2416 Lighting, Tail, Marker, Clearance, Stop & ID Lights, Cab/Chassis Lights, Auxiliary Marker Light
    2420 Lighting, Tail, Marker, Clearance, Stop & ID Lights, Trailer Lights
    2421 Lighting, Tail, Marker, Clearance, Stop & ID Lights, Trailer Lights, Tail Lights
    2422 Lighting, Tail, Marker, Clearance, Stop & ID Lights, Trailer Lights, Marker, Clearance & ID
    2423 Lighting, Tail, Marker, Clearance, Stop & ID Lights, Trailer Lights, Trailer Stop Lights
    2600 Lighting, Interior Lighting
    2610 Lighting, Interior Lighting, Dome/Courtesy Lights
    2611 Lighting, Interior Lighting, Dome/Courtesy Lights, Cab Dome
    2612 Lighting, Interior Lighting, Dome/Courtesy Lights, Cab Courtesy
    2613 Lighting, Interior Lighting, Dome/Courtesy Lights, Sleeper Dome
    2614 Lighting, Interior Lighting, Dome/Courtesy Lights, Sleeper Courtesy
    2615 Lighting, Interior Lighting, Dome/Courtesy Lights, LH And RH Tool Box
    2616 Lighting, Interior Lighting, Dome/Courtesy Lights, RH Only Tool Box
    2617 Lighting, Interior Lighting, Dome/Courtesy Lights, LH Door Dome
    2618 Lighting, Interior Lighting, Dome/Courtesy Lights, RH Door Dome
    2619 Lighting, Interior Lighting, Dome/Courtesy Lights, Footwell Lights
    2620 Lighting, Interior Lighting, Dash/Panel Illumination
    2621 Lighting, Interior Lighting, Dash/Panel Illumination, Gauges & Clusters
    2622 Lighting, Interior Lighting, Dash/Panel Illumination, Switches
    2623 Lighting, Interior Lighting, Dash/Panel Illumination, Sleeper Switch Panel
    2624 Lighting, Interior Lighting, Dash/Panel Illumination, Auxiliary Backlighting
    2630 Lighting, Interior Lighting, Door Lights,
    2631 Lighting, Interior Lighting, Door Lights, LH
    2632 Lighting, Interior Lighting, Door Lights, RH
    2640 Lighting, Interior Lighting, Door Jamb Switches
    2641 Lighting, Interior Lighting, Door Jamb Switches, LH
    2642 Lighting, Interior Lighting, Door Jamb Switches, RH
    2643 Lighting, Interior Lighting, Door Jamb Switches, LH Toolbox
    2644 Lighting, Interior Lighting, Door Jamb Switches, RH Toolbox
    2900 Lighting, Miscellaneous
    2910 Lighting, Miscellaneous, Beacons & Sirens
    2911 Lighting, Miscellaneous, Beacons & Sirens, Beacon/Sign
    2912 Lighting, Miscellaneous, Beacons & Sirens, Beacon Control
    2913 Lighting, Miscellaneous, Beacons & Sirens, Siren
    2920 Lighting, Miscellaneous, Step
    2921 Lighting, Miscellaneous, Step, LH
    2922 Lighting, Miscellaneous, Step, RH
    2930 Lighting, Miscellaneous, Under Hood
    2940 Lighting, Miscellaneous, Flood/Work/Load & Spot
    2941 Lighting, Miscellaneous, Flood/Work/Load & Spot, Flood/Work/Load Lights
    2942 Lighting, Miscellaneous, Flood/Work/Load & Spot, LH Spot Light
    2943 Lighting, Miscellaneous, Flood/Work/Load & Spot, RH Spot Light
    2944 Lighting, Miscellaneous, Flood/Work/Load & Spot, Additional Load Light No.1
    2945 Lighting, Miscellaneous, Flood/Work/Load & Spot, Additional Load Light No.2
    2950 Lighting, Miscellaneous, Fog/Driving Lights
    2951 Lighting, Miscellaneous, Fog/Driving Lights, Fog No.1 Set LH
    2952 Lighting, Miscellaneous, Fog/Driving Lights, Fog No.1 Set RH
    2953 Lighting, Miscellaneous, Fog/Driving Lights, Fog No.2 Set LH
    2954 Lighting, Miscellaneous, Fog/Driving Lights, Fog No.2 Set RH
    2955 Lighting, Miscellaneous, Fog/Driving Lights, Driving No.1 Set LH
    2956 Lighting, Miscellaneous, Fog/Driving Lights, Driving No.1 Set RH
    2957 Lighting, Miscellaneous, Fog/Driving Lights, Driving No.2 Set LH
    2958 Lighting, Miscellaneous, Fog/Driving Lights, Driving No.2 Set RH
    2960 Lighting, Miscellaneous, Backup Lights
    2970 Lighting, Miscellaneous, General Exterior Lights
    2971 Lighting, Miscellaneous, General Exterior Lights, Cab Mounted Panellites
    2972 Lighting, Miscellaneous, General Exterior Lights, Sleeper Mounted Panellites
    2973 Lighting, Miscellaneous, General Exterior Lights, Sleeper Ext. Mounted Panellites
    2980 Lighting, Miscellaneous, Hazard
    2990 Lighting, Miscellaneous, Multi-Function Module
    2991 Lighting, Miscellaneous, Multi-Function Module, Common (Switch)
    3100 Powertrain, Engine Functions
    3110 Powertrain, Engine Functions, ECU
    3111 Powertrain, Engine Functions, ECU, ECU Power
    3112 Powertrain, Engine Functions, ECU, ECU Wake Up
    3113 Powertrain, Engine Functions, ECU, 5 Volts Supply
    3114 Powertrain, Engine Functions, ECU, 8 Volts Supply
    3115 Powertrain, Engine Functions, ECU, Common No.1 (Switch)
    3116 Powertrain, Engine Functions, ECU, Common No.2 (General)
    3117 Powertrain, Engine Functions, ECU, Common No.3 (Sensor)
    3118 Powertrain, Engine Functions, ECU, Idle Interlock Input
    3119 Powertrain, Engine Functions, ECU, Common Return No.4 (Temp/Level)
    3120 Powertrain, Engine Functions, Start Assists
    3121 Powertrain, Engine Functions, Start Assists, Grid Heater A
    3122 Powertrain, Engine Functions, Start Assists, Grid Heater B
    3123 Powertrain, Engine Functions, Start Assists, Ether Start
    3124 Powertrain, Engine Functions, Start Assists, Flamestart
    3130 Powertrain, Engine Functions, Retarder
    3131 Powertrain, Engine Functions, Retarder, Engine Retarder Low/Hi
    3132 Powertrain, Engine Functions, Retarder, Engine Retarder Med./Hi
    3133 Powertrain, Engine Functions, Retarder, Engine Retarder ON/OFF
    3140 Powertrain, Engine Functions, Throttle
    3141 Powertrain, Engine Functions, Throttle, Primary Cab Throttle Sense No.1
    3142 Powertrain, Engine Functions, Throttle, Primary Cab Throttle Sense No.2
    3143 Powertrain, Engine Functions, Throttle, Remote Throttle Enable
    3144 Powertrain, Engine Functions, Throttle, Remote Throttle Signal Input
    3145 Powertrain, Engine Functions, Throttle, Idle Increment
    3146 Powertrain, Engine Functions, Throttle, Idle Decrement
    3147 Powertrain, Engine Functions, Throttle, Idle Validation OFF
    3148 Powertrain, Engine Functions, Throttle, Idle Validation Signal
    3149 Powertrain, Engine Functions, Throttle, Torque Limit Switch
    3150 Powertrain, Engine Functions, Idle Control Systems
    3151 Powertrain, Engine Functions, Idle Control Systems, Interlock
    3152 Powertrain, Engine Functions, Idle Control Systems, Idle Alarm
    3153 Powertrain, Engine Functions, Idle Control Systems, Timer
    3154 Powertrain, Engine Functions, Idle Control Systems, Thermostat Input
    3155 Powertrain, Engine Functions, Idle Control Systems, Ignition Relay Control
    3160 Powertrain, Engine Functions, Cruise Control
    3161 Powertrain, Engine Functions, Cruise Control, Cruise ON/OFF
    3162 Powertrain, Engine Functions, Cruise Control, Cruise Set/Accelerate
    3163 Powertrain, Engine Functions, Cruise Control, Cruise Resume/Decelerate
    3170 Powertrain, Engine Functions, Coolant System
    3171 Powertrain, Engine Functions, Coolant System, Low Coolant Module
    3180 Powertrain, Engine Functions, Misc. Engine Output/Input
    3181 Powertrain, Engine Functions, Misc. Engine Output/Input, Engine Output No.1
    3182 Powertrain, Engine Functions, Misc. Engine Output/Input, Engine Output No.2
    3183 Powertrain, Engine Functions, Misc. Engine Output/Input, Engine Output No.3
    3184 Powertrain, Engine Functions, Misc. Engine Output/Input, Engine Output No.4
    3185 Powertrain, Engine Functions, Misc. Engine Output/Input, Engine Output No.5
    3186 Powertrain, Engine Functions, Misc. Engine Output/Input, Engine Input No.1
    3190 Powertrain, Engine Functions, Miscellaneous,
    3191 Powertrain, Engine Functions, Miscellaneous, Engine Fan Clutch
    3192 Powertrain, Engine Functions, Miscellaneous, Engine Fan Override
    3193 Powertrain, Engine Functions, Miscellaneous, Engine Kill
    3194 Powertrain, Engine Functions, Miscellaneous, Remote Engine Kill
    3195 Powertrain, Engine Functions, Miscellaneous, Ignore Brake/Clutch Switch
    3196 Powertrain, Engine Functions, Miscellaneous, Engine Governor
    3197 Powertrain, Engine Functions, Miscellaneous, Fuel Pump
    3198 Powertrain, Engine Functions, Miscellaneous, Engine Multifunction Circuit No.1
    3199 Powertrain, Engine Functions, Miscellaneous, Engine Multifunction Circuit No.2
    3200 Powertrain, Exhaust Functions
    3210 Powertrain, Exhaust Functions, Aftertreatment
    3211 Powertrain, Exhaust Functions, Aftertreatment, Exhaust Inlet Temp. Sensor
    3212 Powertrain, Exhaust Functions, Aftertreatment, Exhaust Mid Temp. Sensor
    3213 Powertrain, Exhaust Functions, Aftertreatment, Exhaust Outlet Temp. Sensor
    3214 Powertrain, Exhaust Functions, Aftertreatment, Exhaust Delta Press. Sensor
    3215 Powertrain, Exhaust Functions, Aftertreatment, ECU Power
    3216 Powertrain, Exhaust Functions, Aftertreatment, Fuel Injector
    3217 Powertrain, Exhaust Functions, Aftertreatment, Fuel Solenoid
    3218 Powertrain, Exhaust Functions, Aftertreatment, Air Solenoid
    3219 Powertrain, Exhaust Functions, Aftertreatment, Fuel Pressure Sensor
    3220 Powertrain, Exhaust Functions, Aftertreatment,
    3221 Powertrain, Exhaust Functions, Aftertreatment, Air Pressure Sensor
    3222 Powertrain, Exhaust Functions, Aftertreatment, Force Regeneration
    3223 Powertrain, Exhaust Functions, Aftertreatment, Inhibit Regeneration
    3300 Powertrain, Transmission Functions
    3310 Powertrain, Transmission Functions, ECU,
    3311 Powertrain, Transmission Functions, ECU, ECU Power
    3312 Powertrain, Transmission Functions, ECU, ECU Wake Up
    3320 Powertrain, Transmission Functions, Shifters
    3321 Powertrain, Transmission Functions, Shifters, Shift Modulation
    3322 Powertrain, Transmission Functions, Shifters, Shift Solenoid
    3323 Powertrain, Transmission Functions, Shifters, Manual Override
    3324 Powertrain, Transmission Functions, Shifters, Shift Actuator Motor 1A
    3325 Powertrain, Transmission Functions, Shifters, Shift Actuator Motor 1B
    3326 Powertrain, Transmission Functions, Shifters, Shift Actuator Motor 2A
    3327 Powertrain, Transmission Functions, Shifters, Shift Actuator Motor 2B
    3328 Powertrain, Transmission Functions, Shifters, Shift Position Sense 1
    3329 Powertrain, Transmission Functions, Shifters, Shift Position Sense 2
    3330 Powertrain, Transmission Functions, Control Units
    3331 Powertrain, Transmission Functions, Control Units, Trans. In Gear
    3340 Powertrain, Transmission Functions, Misc. Trans. Input/Output,
    3341 Powertrain, Transmission Functions, Misc. Trans. Input/Output, Misc. Transmission Input No.1
    3342 Powertrain, Transmission Functions, Misc. Trans. Input/Output, Misc. Transmission Output No.1
    3343 Powertrain, Transmission Functions, Misc. Trans. Input/Output, Misc. Transmission Output No.2
    3390 Powertrain, Transmission Functions, Miscellaneous,
    3391 Powertrain, Transmission Functions, Miscellaneous, Neutral Start
    3392 Powertrain, Transmission Functions, Miscellaneous, Lock-Up
    3393 Powertrain, Transmission Functions, Miscellaneous, Top-2
    3394 Powertrain, Transmission Functions, Miscellaneous, Neutral INDICATOR
    3395 Powertrain, Transmission Functions, Miscellaneous, Range Indicator No.1
    3396 Powertrain, Transmission Functions, Miscellaneous, Range Indicator No.2
    3397 Powertrain, Transmission Functions, Miscellaneous, Range Indicator No.3
    3398 Powertrain, Transmission Functions, Miscellaneous, Top-2 Shift Solenoid
    3399 Powertrain, Transmission Functions, Miscellaneous, Top-2 Lockout Solenoid
    3400 Powertrain, Hybrid System
    3410 Powertrain, Hybrid System, Inverter
    3411 Powertrain, Hybrid System, Inverter, Resolver S1
    3412 Powertrain, Hybrid System, Inverter, Resolver S2
    3413 Powertrain, Hybrid System, Inverter, Resolver S3
    3414 Powertrain, Hybrid System, Inverter, Resolver S4
    3415 Powertrain, Hybrid System, Inverter, Resolver Plus
    3416 Powertrain, Hybrid System, Inverter, Resolver Minus
    3417 Powertrain, Hybrid System, Inverter, Precharge Plus
    3418 Powertrain, Hybrid System, Inverter, Precharge Minus
    3419 Powertrain, Hybrid System, Inverter, Relay Box Enable
    3420 Powertrain, Hybrid System, Inverter
    3421 Powertrain, Hybrid System, Inverter, Main: Plus, Plus
    3422 Powertrain, Hybrid System, Inverter, Main: Plus, Minus
    3423 Powertrain, Hybrid System, Inverter, Main: Minus, Plus
    3424 Powertrain, Hybrid System, Inverter, Main: Minus, Minus
    3430 Powertrain, Hybrid System, Control Module
    3431 Powertrain, Hybrid System, Control Module, Crank Interlock
    3432 Powertrain, Hybrid System, Control Module, Coolant Pump
    3433 Powertrain, Hybrid System, Control Module, Battery Fan
    3434 Powertrain, Hybrid System, Control Module, Heat Exchanger Fan
    3435 Powertrain, Hybrid System, Control Module, Inverter Enable
    3436 Powertrain, Hybrid System, Control Module, HV Relay
    3440 Powertrain, Hybrid System, Electric Clutch Actuator
    3500 Powertrain, PTO’S & Transfer Cases
    3510 Powertrain, PTO’S & Transfer Cases, PTO
    3511 Powertrain, PTO’S & Transfer Cases, PTO, PTO ON/OFF
    3512 Powertrain, PTO’S & Transfer Cases, PTO, PTO Set
    3513 Powertrain, PTO’S & Transfer Cases, PTO, PTO Resume
    3514 Powertrain, PTO’S & Transfer Cases, PTO, Transmission PTO No.1
    3515 Powertrain, PTO’S & Transfer Cases, PTO, Transmission PTO No.2
    3516 Powertrain, PTO’S & Transfer Cases, PTO, Transmission PTO No.3
    3520 Powertrain, PTO’S & Transfer Cases, Transfer Case
    3521 Powertrain, PTO’S & Transfer Cases, Transfer Case, Front Drive Axle Engage
    3600 Powertrain, Axles
    3610 Powertrain, Axles, Cross Lock/Differential Lock
    3611 Powertrain, Axles, Cross Lock/Differential Lock, Front-Rear Differential Lock
    3612 Powertrain, Axles, Cross Lock/Differential Lock, Center-Rear Differential Lock
    3613 Powertrain, Axles, Cross Lock/Differential Lock, Rear Rear Differential Lock
    3620 Powertrain, Axles, Interaxle Lock
    3630 Powertrain, Axles, 2-Speed Axle
    3631 Powertrain, Axles, 2-Speed Axle, 2-Speed Axle Pressure Switch
    3640 Powertrain, Axles, Central Tire Inflation
    3641 Powertrain, Axles, Central Tire Inflation, Steer Solenoid
    3642 Powertrain, Axles, Central Tire Inflation, Drive Solenoid
    3643 Powertrain, Axles, Central Tire Inflation, Trailer Solenoid
    3644 Powertrain, Axles, Central Tire Inflation, Supply Solenoid
    3645 Powertrain, Axles, Central Tire Inflation, Deflate Solenoid
    3646 Powertrain, Axles, Central Tire Inflation, Control Solenoid
    3647 Powertrain, Axles, Central Tire Inflation, Axle Config 1
    3648 Powertrain, Axles, Central Tire Inflation, Axle Config 2
    3649 Powertrain, Axles, Central Tire Inflation, CTI Pressure
    3650 Powertrain, Axles, Central Tire Inflation,
    3651 Powertrain, Axles, Central Tire Inflation, CTI Tank Pressure Switch
    3690 Powertrain, Axles, Miscellaneous,
    3700 Powertrain, Suspensions
    3900 Powertrain, Miscellaneous
    3910 Powertrain, Miscellaneous
    3911 Powertrain, Miscellaneous, Starter, Starter Relay To Starter
    3912 Powertrain, Miscellaneous, Starter, Starter Switch To Starter RELAY
    3913 Powertrain, Miscellaneous, Starter, Remote Start
    3914 Powertrain, Miscellaneous, Starter, Starter Interrupt
    3920 Powertrain, Miscellaneous, Engine Heaters
    3930 Powertrain, Miscellaneous, Glow Plug
    3940 Powertrain, Miscellaneous, Driveline Retarder
    3950 Powertrain, Miscellaneous, Exhaust Retarder,
    3951 Powertrain, Miscellaneous, Exhaust Retarder, Exhaust Retarder ON/OFF
    3960 Powertrain, Miscellaneous, Overspeed Shutdown
    3970 Powertrain, Miscellaneous, Powertrain,
    3971 Powertrain, Miscellaneous, Powertrain, Ign Power
    4100 Instrumentation, Gauges
    4120 Instrumentation, Gauges, Data
    4140 Instrumentation, Gauges, Analog Input To Gauges
    4141 Instrumentation, Gauges, Analog Input To Gauges, Speedometer
    4142 Instrumentation, Gauges, Analog Input To Gauges, Tachometer
    4200 Instrumentation, Power
    4210 Instrumentation, Power, Battery
    4211 Instrumentation, Power, Battery, LVD Sense
    4220 Instrumentation, Power, Ignition
    4221 Instrumentation, Power, Ignition, LVD Override
    4230 Instrumentation, Power, Accessory
    4300 Instrumentation, Warnings/Indicators
    4310 Instrumentation, Warnings/Indicators, Engine
    4311 Instrumentation, Warnings/Indicators, Engine, Inspect Engine
    4312 Instrumentation, Warnings/Indicators, Engine, Stop Engine
    4313 Instrumentation, Warnings/Indicators, Engine, Inspect Fluids
    4314 Instrumentation, Warnings/Indicators, Engine, Inspect Coolant
    4315 Instrumentation, Warnings/Indicators, Engine, Coolant Temp High/Low
    4316 Instrumentation, Warnings/Indicators, Engine, Oil Temp High
    4317 Instrumentation, Warnings/Indicators, Engine, Fan ON
    4318 Instrumentation, Warnings/Indicators, Engine, Cruise ON
    4319 Instrumentation, Warnings/Indicators, Engine, Engine Brake ON

    4320 Instrumentation, Warnings/Indicators, Engine,
    4321 Instrumentation, Warnings/Indicators, Engine, Engine Oil Pressure
    4322 Instrumentation, Warnings/Indicators, Engine, Maintenance
    4323 Instrumentation, Warnings/Indicators, Engine, Wait To Start
    4324 Instrumentation, Warnings/Indicators, Engine, Idle Control System ON
    4325 Instrumentation, Warnings/Indicators, Engine, Idle Control Air Temp Sensor
    4326 Instrumentation, Warnings/Indicators, Engine, Idle Control Diagnostic
    4327 Instrumentation, Warnings/Indicators, Engine, Aftertreatment Regeneration
    4328 Instrumentation, Warnings/Indicators, Engine, Fast Idle
    4329 Instrumentation, Warnings/Indicators, Engine, Inlet Air Heater Status
    4340 Instrumentation, Warnings/Indicators, Lighting,
    4341 Instrumentation, Warnings/Indicators, Lighting, LH Turn
    4342 Instrumentation, Warnings/Indicators, Lighting, RH Turn
    4343 Instrumentation, Warnings/Indicators, Lighting, High Beams ON
    4344 Instrumentation, Warnings/Indicators, Lighting, Work Lights ON
    4345 Instrumentation, Warnings/Indicators, Lighting, Beacon/Sign Light ON
    4350 Instrumentation, Warnings/Indicators, Transmission,
    4351 Instrumentation, Warnings/Indicators, Transmission, Inspect Transmission
    4352 Instrumentation, Warnings/Indicators, Transmission, Transmission Neutral
    4353 Instrumentation, Warnings/Indicators, Transmission, PTO
    4360 Instrumentation, Warnings/Indicators, Axles,
    4361 Instrumentation, Warnings/Indicators, Axles, Differential Lock Front-Rear
    4362 Instrumentation, Warnings/Indicators, Axles, Differential Lock Center-Rear
    4363 Instrumentation, Warnings/Indicators, Axles, Differential Lock Rear-Rear
    4364 Instrumentation, Warnings/Indicators, Axles, Interaxle Differential Lock
    4365 Instrumentation, Warnings/Indicators, Axles, Axle Lift
    4370 Instrumentation, Warnings/Indicators, Editable Telltales
    4371 Instrumentation, Warnings/Indicators, Editable Telltales, Editable Telltale No.1
    4372 Instrumentation, Warnings/Indicators, Editable Telltales, Editable Telltale No.2
    4373 Instrumentation, Warnings/Indicators, Editable Telltales, Editable Telltale No.3
    4374 Instrumentation, Warnings/Indicators, Editable Telltales, Editable Telltale No.4
    4375 Instrumentation, Warnings/Indicators, Editable Telltales, Editable Telltale No.5
    4376 Instrumentation, Warnings/Indicators, Editable Telltales, Editable Telltale No.6
    4377 Instrumentation, Warnings/Indicators, Editable Telltales, Editable Telltale No.7
    4378 Instrumentation, Warnings/Indicators, Editable Telltales, Editable Telltale No.8
    4379 Instrumentation, Warnings/Indicators, Editable Telltales, Editable Telltale No.9
    4380 Instrumentation, Warnings/Indicators, Misc. Warnings/Indicators,
    4381 Instrumentation, Warnings/Indicators, Misc. Warnings/Indicators, Water-In-Fuel
    4382 Instrumentation, Warnings/Indicators, Misc. Warnings/Indicators, Refrigerant Pressure Hi/Low
    4383 Instrumentation, Warnings/Indicators, Misc. Warnings/Indicators, High Road Speed
    4384 Instrumentation, Warnings/Indicators, Misc. Warnings/Indicators, A/C Inverter ON
    4385 Instrumentation, Warnings/Indicators, Misc. Warnings/Indicators, A/C Charger ON
    4386 Instrumentation, Warnings/Indicators, Misc. Warnings/Indicators, Door Open
    4387 Instrumentation, Warnings/Indicators, Misc. Warnings/Indicators, Speed Alert
    4388 Instrumentation, Warnings/Indicators, Misc. Warnings/Indicators, Sleeper Refrigerator ON
    4389 Instrumentation, Warnings/Indicators, Misc. Warnings/Indicators, Editable Telltale No.10
    4390 Instrumentation, Warnings/Indicators, Misc. Warnings/Indicators,
    4391 Instrumentation, Warnings/Indicators, Misc. Warnings/Indicators, 5th Wheel Unlocked
    4392 Instrumentation, Warnings/Indicators, Misc. Warnings/Indicators, Park Brake Set
    4393 Instrumentation, Warnings/Indicators, Misc. Warnings/Indicators, Air Suspension Deflated
    4394 Instrumentation, Warnings/Indicators, Misc. Warnings/Indicators, Alternator
    4395 Instrumentation, Warnings/Indicators, Misc. Warnings/Indicators, PTO Engaged
    4396 Instrumentation, Warnings/Indicators, Misc. Warnings/Indicators, Low Air
    4397 Instrumentation, Warnings/Indicators, Misc. Warnings/Indicators, Supplemental Restraint System
    4398 Instrumentation, Warnings/Indicators, Misc. Warnings/Indicators, Fuel Heat ON
    4399 Instrumentation, Warnings/Indicators, Misc. Warnings/Indicators, A/C Shore Power ON
    4400 Instrumentation, Audible Alarm
    4410 Instrumentation, Audible Alarm, Misc. Audible Alarm,
    4411 Instrumentation, Audible Alarm, Misc. Audible Alarm, Audible Alarm Spare No.1
    4412 Instrumentation, Audible Alarm, Misc. Audible Alarm, Audible Alarm Spare No.2
    4413 Instrumentation, Audible Alarm, Misc. Audible Alarm, Audible Alarm Spare No.3
    4414 Instrumentation, Audible Alarm, Misc. Audible Alarm, Audible Alarm Spare No.4
    4415 Instrumentation, Audible Alarm, Misc. Audible Alarm, LVD Disconnect Warn
    4500 Instrumentation, Sensors/Transducers
    4510 Instrumentation, Sensors/Transducers, Pressure
    4511 Instrumentation, Sensors/Transducers, Pressure, Primary Air
    4512 Instrumentation, Sensors/Transducers, Pressure, Secondary Air
    4513 Instrumentation, Sensors/Transducers, Pressure, Fuel
    4514 Instrumentation, Sensors/Transducers, Pressure, Engine Oil Pressure
    4515 Instrumentation, Sensors/Transducers, Pressure, Tractor Brake Application
    4516 Instrumentation, Sensors/Transducers, Pressure, Trailer Brake Application
    4517 Instrumentation, Sensors/Transducers, Pressure, Air Filter Restriction
    4518 Instrumentation, Sensors/Transducers, Pressure, Fuel Filter Restriction
    4519 Instrumentation, Sensors/Transducers, Pressure, Tractor Suspension Pressure
    4520 Instrumentation, Sensors/Transducers, Temperature
    4521 Instrumentation, Sensors/Transducers, Temperature, Water Temp
    4522 Instrumentation, Sensors/Transducers, Temperature, Main Trans. Oil Temp
    4523 Instrumentation, Sensors/Transducers, Temperature, Aux. Trans. Oil Temp
    4524 Instrumentation, Sensors/Transducers, Temperature, First/Single Rear Axle Temp
    4525 Instrumentation, Sensors/Transducers, Temperature, Second Rear Axle Temp
    4526 Instrumentation, Sensors/Transducers, Temperature, Front Axle Temp
    4527 Instrumentation, Sensors/Transducers, Temperature, Outside Air Temp
    4528 Instrumentation, Sensors/Transducers, Temperature, Engine Oil Temp
    4529 Instrumentation, Sensors/Transducers, Temperature, Exhaust Temp
    4530 Instrumentation, Sensors/Transducers, Temperature,
    4531 Instrumentation, Sensors/Transducers, Temperature, Driveline Retarder
    4532 Instrumentation, Sensors/Transducers, Temperature, Flamestart
    4533 Instrumentation, Sensors/Transducers, Temperature, Third (Center) Rear Axle Temp
    4534 Instrumentation, Sensors/Transducers, Temperature, General Oil Temp
    4535 Instrumentation, Sensors/Transducers, Temperature, BrakeSaver Oil Temp
    4536 Instrumentation, Sensors/Transducers, Temperature, Transfer Case Oil Temp
    4537 Instrumentation, Sensors/Transducers, Temperature, PTO Oil Temp
    4538 Instrumentation, Sensors/Transducers, Temperature, Aux. Trans. Oil Temp No.3
    4539 Instrumentation, Sensors/Transducers, Temperature, STARTING Battery Temp
    4540 Instrumentation, Sensors/Transducers, Temperature,
    4541 Instrumentation, Sensors/Transducers, Temperature, Hotel Battery Temp
    4542 Instrumentation, Sensors/Transducers, Temperature, Alt Temp
    4543 Instrumentation, Sensors/Transducers, Temperature, Hybrid Trans Temp
    4560 Instrumentation, Sensors/Transducers, Coolant Level
    4561 Instrumentation, Sensors/Transducers, Coolant Level, Coolant Level Sensor Low
    4562 Instrumentation, Sensors/Transducers, Coolant Level, Coolant Level Sensor Norm
    4563 Instrumentation, Sensors/Transducers, Coolant Level, Coolant Level Sensor High
    4564 Instrumentation, Sensors/Transducers, Coolant Level, Coolant Sensor Signal
    4580 Instrumentation, Sensors/Transducers, Miscellaneous,
    4581 Instrumentation, Sensors/Transducers, Miscellaneous, No.1 Fuel Level
    4582 Instrumentation, Sensors/Transducers, Miscellaneous, No.2 Fuel Level
    4583 Instrumentation, Sensors/Transducers, Miscellaneous, Service Brake
    4584 Instrumentation, Sensors/Transducers, Miscellaneous, Clutch Position
    4585 Instrumentation, Sensors/Transducers, Miscellaneous, AMMETER
    4586 Instrumentation, Sensors/Transducers, Miscellaneous, Speed Sensor
    4587 Instrumentation, Sensors/Transducers, Miscellaneous, Alt Sensor
    4588 Instrumentation, Sensors/Transducers, Miscellaneous, Alt Field
    4590 Instrumentation, Sensors/Transducers, Miscellaneous,
    4591 Instrumentation, Sensors/Transducers, Miscellaneous, Varashield Position
    4592 Instrumentation, Sensors/Transducers, Miscellaneous, Transmission In Reverse
    4593 Instrumentation, Sensors/Transducers, Miscellaneous, Mass Air Flow
    4594 Instrumentation, Sensors/Transducers, Miscellaneous, Oxygen Sensor
    4600 Instrumentation, ICU/CECU
    4610 Instrumentation, ICU/CECU, Spare Digital Input,
    4611 Instrumentation, ICU/CECU, Spare Digital Input, No.1 Low
    4612 Instrumentation, ICU/CECU, Spare Digital Input, No.2 Low
    4613 Instrumentation, ICU/CECU, Spare Digital Input, No.3 Low
    4614 Instrumentation, ICU/CECU, Spare Digital Input, No.4 Low
    4615 Instrumentation, ICU/CECU, Spare Digital Input, No.5 Low
    4616 Instrumentation, ICU/CECU, Spare Digital Input, No.6 Low
    4617 Instrumentation, ICU/CECU, Spare Digital Input, No.1 High
    4618 Instrumentation, ICU/CECU, Spare Digital Input, No.2 High
    4619 Instrumentation, ICU/CECU, Spare Digital Input, No.1 BI-Polar
    4620 Instrumentation, ICU/CECU, Spare Analog Input,
    4621 Instrumentation, ICU/CECU, Spare Analog Input, No.1 0-5 Volts
    4622 Instrumentation, ICU/CECU, Spare Analog Input, No.2 0-5 Volts
    4623 Instrumentation, ICU/CECU, Spare Analog Input, No.3 0-5 Volts
    4624 Instrumentation, ICU/CECU, Spare Analog Input, No.1 Resistive
    4625 Instrumentation, ICU/CECU, Spare Analog Input, No.2 Resistive
    4640 Instrumentation, ICU/CECU, Spare Power Output,
    4641 Instrumentation, ICU/CECU, Spare Power Output, No.1
    4642 Instrumentation, ICU/CECU, Spare Power Output, No.2
    4643 Instrumentation, ICU/CECU, Spare Power Output, No.3
    4644 Instrumentation, ICU/CECU, Spare Power Output, No.4
    4645 Instrumentation, ICU/CECU, Spare Power Output, No.5
    4646 Instrumentation, ICU/CECU, Spare Power Output, No.6
    4647 Instrumentation, ICU/CECU, Spare Power Output, No.7
    4648 Instrumentation, ICU/CECU, Spare Power Output, No.8
    4800 Instrumentation, Displays
    4850 Instrumentation, Displays, Menu Control Switch
    4851 Instrumentation, Displays, Menu Control Switch, Power
    4852 Instrumentation, Displays, Menu Control Switch, MCSA
    4853 Instrumentation, Displays, Menu Control Switch, MCSB
    4854 Instrumentation, Displays, Menu Control Switch, MCS Enter
    4860 Instrumentation, Displays, Warnings/Indicators,
    4861 Instrumentation, Displays, Warnings/Indicators, Low Voltage Start Enable Light
    4862 Instrumentation, Displays, Warnings/Indicators, Low Voltage Start Enable Alarm
    4900 Instrumentation, Miscellaneous
    4910 Instrumentation, Miscellaneous, MUX Steering Wheel
    4911 Instrumentation, Miscellaneous, MUX Steering Wheel, ECU Power
    4912 Instrumentation, Miscellaneous, MUX Steering Wheel, ECU Wake-Up
    4913 Instrumentation, Miscellaneous, MUX Steering Wheel, Wheel
    4920 Instrumentation, Miscellaneous, Clock
    4921 Instrumentation, Miscellaneous, Clock, Cab Clock
    4922 Instrumentation, Miscellaneous, Clock, Sleeper Clock
    4930 Instrumentation, Miscellaneous, Diagnostics
    4931 Instrumentation, Miscellaneous, Diagnostics, Diagnostic Test Switch
    4940 Instrumentation, Miscellaneous, External Hour Meter
    5100 Safety, ABS
    5110 Safety, ABS, ECU
    5111 Safety, ABS, ECU, Monitor Feed
    5112 Safety, ABS, ECU, System Warning-Fail
    5113 Safety, ABS, ECU, Diagnostic Circuit
    5114 Safety, ABS, ECU, Trailer Warning
    5115 Safety, ABS, ECU, OFF Road
    5120 Safety, ABS, Wheel Speed Sensors,
    5121 Safety, ABS, Wheel Speed Sensors, Left Front
    5122 Safety, ABS, Wheel Speed Sensors, Right Front
    5123 Safety, ABS, Wheel Speed Sensors, Left Front Rear
    5124 Safety, ABS, Wheel Speed Sensors, Right Front Rear
    5125 Safety, ABS, Wheel Speed Sensors, Left Rear Rear
    5126 Safety, ABS, Wheel Speed Sensors, Right Rear Rear
    5130 Safety, ABS, Valves
    5131 Safety, ABS, Valves, Left Front PMV Outlet
    5132 Safety, ABS, Valves, Left Front PMV Inlet
    5133 Safety, ABS, Valves, Right Front PMV Outlet
    5134 Safety, ABS, Valves, Right Front PMV Inlet
    5135 Safety, ABS, Valves, Left Front Rear PMV Outlet
    5136 Safety, ABS, Valves, Left Front Rear PMV Inlet
    5137 Safety, ABS, Valves, Right Front Rear PMV Outlet
    5138 Safety, ABS, Valves, Right Front Rear PMV Inlet
    5139 Safety, ABS, Valves, Left Rear Rear PMV Outlet
    5140 Safety, ABS, Valves, Left Rear Rear PMV Inlet
    5141 Safety, ABS, Valves, Right Rear Rear PMV Outlet
    5142 Safety, ABS, Valves, Right Rear Rear PMV Inlet
    5143 Safety, ABS, Valves, Bird of Prey Valve
    5148 Safety, ABS, Valves, Trailer PMV Release
    5149 Safety, ABS, Valves, Trailer PMV Hold
    5150 Safety, ABS, Valves, Trailer PMV Return
    5160 Safety, ABS, Hydraulic Compact Unit
    5161 Safety, ABS, Hydraulic Compact Unit, Pump Motor Power
    5162 Safety, ABS, Hydraulic Compact Unit, Solenoid Valve Power
    5170 Safety, ABS, Master Cylinder
    5171 Safety, ABS, Master Cylinder, Diff Switch
    5172 Safety, ABS, Master Cylinder, Flow Switch
    5173 Safety, ABS, Master Cylinder, Boost Motor
    5200 Safety, Traction Control
    5210 Safety, Traction Control, ECU
    5211 Safety, Traction Control, ECU, ATC Light
    5220 Safety, Traction Control, Switches
    5230 Safety, Traction Control, Valves
    5260 Safety, Traction Control, Sensors
    5261 Safety, Traction Control, Sensors, Pressure Sensor No.1
    5262 Safety, Traction Control, Sensors, Pressure Sensor No.2
    5263 Safety, Traction Control, Sensors, Pressure Sensor No.3
    5264 Safety, Traction Control, Sensors, Pressure Sensor Common/Power
    5265 Safety, Traction Control, Sensors, ESP Sensor
    5290 Safety, Traction Control, Misc.
    5300 Safety, EBS
    5310 Safety, EBS, ECU
    5311 Safety, EBS, ECU, Warning Light
    5320 Safety, EBS, Switches
    5330 Safety, EBS, Valves
    5360 Safety, EBS, Sensors
    5370 Safety, EBS, Diagnostic Connector
    5390 Safety, EBS, Misc.
    5400 Safety, Supplemental Restraint System
    5410 Safety, Supplemental Restraint System, Control Unit
    5420 Safety, Supplemental Restraint System, Sensors
    5450 Safety, Supplemental Restraint System, Switches
    5451 Safety, Supplemental Restraint System, Switches, Seat Belt Switch
    5460 Safety, Supplemental Restraint System, Explosive
    5490 Safety, Supplemental Restraint System, Misc.
    5500 Safety, Collision Warning
    5510 Safety, Collision Warning, Control Unit
    5520 Safety, Collision Warning, Switches
    5530 Safety, Collision Warning, Valves
    5560 Safety, Collision Warning, Sensors
    5561 Safety, Collision Warning, Sensors, Front Sensor
    5562 Safety, Collision Warning, Sensors, Primary Side Sensor
    5563 Safety, Collision Warning, Sensors, Secondary Side Sensor
    5590 Safety, Collision Warning, Misc.
    5591 Safety, Collision Warning, Misc., Display
    5600 Safety, Cameras
    5630 Safety, Cameras, Side & Rear View Cameras
    5631 Safety, Cameras, Side & Rear View Cameras, Side View
    5632 Safety, Cameras, Side & Rear View Cameras, Rear View
    5640 Safety, Cameras, Night Vision
    5700 Safety, Lane Departure Warning System
    5710 Safety, Lane Departure Warning System, Controls
    5711 Safety, Lane Departure Warning System, Controls, Status Light
    5712 Safety, Lane Departure Warning System, Controls, Enable
    5713 Safety, Lane Departure Warning System, Controls, Disable
    5720 Safety, Lane Departure Warning System, Misc.
    5721 Safety, Lane Departure Warning System, Misc., Left Speaker
    5722 5900 Safety, Lane Departure Warning System, Misc., Right Speaker Safety, Misc.
    5910 Safety, Misc., Windshield Clean (Single And Dual Motor)
    5911 Safety, Miscellaneous, Windshield Clean (Single And Dual Motor), Low (LH Or Single)
    5912 Safety, Miscellaneous, Windshield Clean (Single And Dual Motor), High (LH Or Single)
    5913 Safety, Miscellaneous, Windshield Clean (Single And Dual Motor), Wash
    5914 Safety, Miscellaneous, Windshield Clean (Single And Dual Motor), High
    5915 Safety, Miscellaneous, Windshield Clean (Single And Dual Motor), Low (RH)
    5916 Safety, Miscellaneous, Windshield Clean (Single And Dual Motor), High (RH)
    5917 Safety, Miscellaneous, Windshield Clean (Single And Dual Motor), Park Signal (LH Or Single)
    5918 Safety, Miscellaneous, Windshield Clean (Single And Dual Motor), Park Signal (RL)
    5920 Safety, Miscellaneous, Mirrors
    5921 Safety, Miscellaneous, Mirrors, Heat
    5922 Safety, Miscellaneous, Mirrors, LH Control, Horizontal
    5923 Safety, Miscellaneous, Mirrors, LH Control, Vertical
    5924 Safety, Miscellaneous, Mirrors, Glare Reduction
    5925 Safety, Miscellaneous, Mirrors, LH Common Motor Return
    5926 Safety, Miscellaneous, Mirrors, RH Control, Horizontal
    5927 Safety, Miscellaneous, Mirrors, RH Control, Vertical
    5928 Safety, Miscellaneous, Mirrors, RH Common Motor Return
    5940 Safety, Miscellaneous, Brake Pad Wear Sensor
    5941 Safety, Miscellaneous, Brake Pad Wear Sensor, LH Front
    5942 Safety, Miscellaneous, Brake Pad Wear Sensor Sensor, RH Front
    5943 Safety, Miscellaneous, Brake Pad Wear Sensor Sensor, LH Front Rear
    5944 Safety, Miscellaneous, Brake Pad Wear Sensor Sensor, RH Front Rear
    5945 Safety, Miscellaneous, Brake Pad Wear Sensor Sensor, LH Rear Rear
    5946 Safety, Miscellaneous, Brake Pad Wear Sensor Sensor, RH Rear Rear
    5950 Safety, Miscellaneous, Engine,
    5951 Safety, Miscellaneous, Engine, Idle Hood Tilt Interlock
    5952 Safety, Miscellaneous, Engine, Aftertreatment Regeneration Validation
    5960 Safety, Miscellaneous, Audible Warnings
    5961 Safety, Miscellaneous, Audible Warnings, Dash Tone Generator 1
    5962 Safety, Miscellaneous, Audible Warnings, Dash Tone Generator 2
    5970 Safety, Miscellaneous, Horn
    5971 Safety, Miscellaneous, Horn, Horn – Electric
    5972 Safety, Miscellaneous, Horn, Horn – Electric Over Air
    5980 Safety, Miscellaneous, Backup Alarm
    6100 Convenience, Radio
    6110 Convenience, Radio, Speakers – Front,
    6111 Convenience, Radio, Speakers – Front, LH Single Or Midrange
    6112 Convenience, Radio, Speakers – Front, LH Tweeter
    6113 Convenience, Radio, Speakers – Front, RH Single Or Midrange
    6114 Convenience, Radio, Speakers – Front, RH Tweeter
    6115 Convenience, Radio, Speakers – Front, Bass Woofer
    6116 Convenience, Radio, Speakers – Front, LH Seat
    6117 Convenience, Radio, Speakers – Front, RH Seat
    6120 Convenience, Radio, Speakers – Rear,
    6121 Convenience, Radio, Speakers – Rear, LH Single Or Midrange
    6122 Convenience, Radio, Speakers – Rear, LH Tweeter
    6123 Convenience, Radio, Speakers – Rear, RH Single Or Midrange
    6124 Convenience, Radio, Speakers – Rear, RH Tweeter
    6125 Convenience, Radio, Speakers – Rear, Bass Unit
    6130 Convenience, Radio, Tuner
    6140 Convenience, Radio, AMR
    6190 Convenience, Radio, Miscellaneous,
    6191 Convenience, Radio, Miscellaneous, Memory Power
    6200 Convenience, CB
    6210 Convenience, CB, Speakers,
    6220 Convenience, CB, Transmitter
    6230 Convenience, CB, Microphone
    6290 Convenience, CB, Miscellaneous,
    6291 Convenience, CB, Miscellaneous, Memory Power
    6292 Convenience, CB, Miscellaneous, ACC Power
    6300 Convenience, Cell Phone/Popl
    6400 Convenience, Video/TV
    6410 Convenience, Video/TV, Monitor Interface Box
    6420 Convenience, Video/TV, Television
    6500 Convenience, Navigation/GPS/SAT.
    6510 Convenience, Navigation/GPS/SAT., Navigation Head Unit
    6511 Convenience, Navigation/GPS/SAT., Navigation Head Unit, Power
    6512 Convenience, Navigation/GPS/SAT., Navigation Head Unit, Transmitted Data
    6513 Convenience, Navigation/GPS/SAT, Navigation Head Unit, Received Data
    6514 Convenience, Navigation/GPS/SAT., Navigation Head Unit, Data Terminal Ready
    6515 Convenience, Navigation/GPS/SAT., Navigation Head Unit, Data Set Ready
    6516 Convenience, Navigation/GPS/SAT, Navigation Head Unit, Data Carrier Detect
    6517 Convenience, Navigation/GPS/SAT., Navigation Head Unit, Request To Send
    6518 Convenience, Navigation/GPS/SAT, Navigation Head Unit, Clear To Send
    6519 Convenience, Navigation/GPS/SAT, Navigation Head Unit, Ring Indicator
    6530 Convenience, Navigation/GPS/SAT., Navigation Audio
    6531 Convenience, Navigation/GPS/SAT., Navigation Audio, Navigation Speaker Amplifier
    6600 Convenience, Security
    6610 Convenience, Security, Sensors/Triggers
    6611 Convenience, Security, Sensors/Triggers, LH Door Open
    6612 Convenience, Security, Sensors/Triggers, Hood Open
    6613 Convenience, Security, Sensors/Triggers, Interior Motion Sensor
    6614 Convenience, Security, Sensors/Triggers, RH Door Open
    6620 Convenience, Security, Alarms/Outputs
    6621 Convenience, Security, Alarms/Outputs, Siren
    6622 Convenience, Security, Alarms/Outputs, Headlight Flash
    6623 Convenience, Security, Alarms/Outputs, Marker/Clearance Flash
    6624 Convenience, Security, Alarms/Outputs, Emergency Broadcast
    6625 Convenience, Security, Alarms/Outputs, Starter Shutdown
    6626 Convenience, Security, Alarms/Outputs, Auxiliary Output
    6650 Convenience, Security, Remote Disconnect SW
    6651 Convenience, Security, Remote Disconnect SW, Set/Reset
    6700 Convenience, Door Lock
    6710 Convenience, Door Lock, Door Lock
    6711 Convenience, Door Lock, Door Lock, LH
    6712 Convenience, Door Lock, Door Lock, RH
    6730 Convenience, Door Lock, Unlock,
    6731 Convenience, Door Lock, Unlock, LH
    6732 Convenience, Door Lock, Unlock, RH
    6750 Convenience, Door Lock, Remote Keyless Entry
    6751 Convenience, Door Lock, Remote Keyless Entry, Misc. Relay CircuitNo.1
    6752 Convenience, Door Lock, Remote Keyless Entry, Misc. Relay CircuitNo.2
    6753 Convenience, Door Lock, Remote Keyless Entry, Misc. Relay CircuitNo.3
    6800 Convenience, No Idle
    6810 Convenience, No Idle, DC/DC Converter
    6811 Convenience, No Idle, DC/DC Converter, Battery Charge
    6812 Convenience, No Idle, DC/DC Converter, Battery Sense
    6820 Convenience, No Idle, Voltage Comparator
    6821 Convenience, No Idle, Voltage Comparator, Low Voltage Start Enable
    6830 Convenience, No Idle, Voltage Regulator
    6831 Convenience, No Idle, Voltage Regulator, Inverter Disable
    6832 Convenience, No Idle, Voltage Regulator, Full Batt Charge Sense
    6900 Convenience, Miscellaneous
    6910 Convenience, Miscellaneous, Window Lift
    6911 Convenience, Miscellaneous, Window Lift, LH Door
    6912 Convenience, Miscellaneous, Window Lift, RH Door
    6913 Convenience, Miscellaneous, Window Lift, Skyvent
    6914 Convenience, Miscellaneous, Window Lift, LH Door Down
    6915 Convenience, Miscellaneous, Window Lift, RH Door Down
    6930 Convenience, Miscellaneous, Refrigerator
    6940 Convenience, Miscellaneous, A/C Inverter & Charger
    6941 Convenience, Miscellaneous, A/C Inverter & Charger, 12 Volts Power Feed
    6942 Convenience, Miscellaneous, A/C Inverter & Charger, Display
    6943 Convenience, Miscellaneous, A/C Inverter & Charger, ON Signal
    6950 Convenience, Miscellaneous, Cigar Lighter/12 Volts Power Well
    6951 Convenience, Miscellaneous, Cigar Lighter/12 Volts Power Well, Well A
    6952 Convenience, Miscellaneous, Cigar Lighter/12 Volts Power Well, Well B
    6953 Convenience, Miscellaneous, Cigar Lighter/12 Volts Power Well, Sleeper A
    6954 Convenience, Miscellaneous, Cigar Lighter/12 Volts Power Well, Sleeper B
    6960 Convenience, Miscellaneous, Miscellaneous Motors
    6961 Convenience, Miscellaneous, Miscellaneous Motors, Motor Up Or Forward
    6962 Convenience, Miscellaneous, Miscellaneous Motors, Motor Down Or Reverse
    6970 Convenience, Miscellaneous, Smartwheel
    7100 HVAC, Refrigerant System
    7110 HVAC, Refrigerant System, A/C Compressor
    7111 HVAC, Refrigerant System, A/C Compressor, A/C Compressor CLUTCH
    7130 HVAC, Refrigerant System, Switches,
    7131 HVAC, Refrigerant System, Switches, High Pressure Switch (ECM Fan Control)
    7132 HVAC, Refrigerant System, Switches, Freeze Switch
    7133 HVAC, Refrigerant System, Switches, Low Pressure Switch
    7134 HVAC, Refrigerant System, Switches, A/C High Pressure Switch
    7135 HVAC, Refrigerant System, Switches, Binary Pressure Switch
    7200 HVAC, Cab System
    7210 HVAC, Cab System, Blower
    7211 HVAC, Cab System, Blower, Low
    7212 HVAC, Cab System, Blower, Medium
    7213 HVAC, Cab System, Blower, High
    7214 HVAC, Cab System, Blower, Fan Speed Signal PWM
    7220 HVAC, Cab System, Actuators
    7221 HVAC, Cab System, Actuators, Heater Mode Door
    7222 HVAC, Cab System, Actuators, Vent/Defrost/Floor
    7223 HVAC, Cab System, Actuators, Fresh Air/Recirculate
    7224 HVAC, Cab System, Actuators, Temperature Mode Sense
    7225 HVAC, Cab System, Actuators, Temperature Mode Motor (-)
    7226 HVAC, Cab System, Actuators, Temperature Mode Motor (+)
    7260 HVAC, Cab System, Sleeper Control
    7300 HVAC, Sleeper System
    7310 HVAC, Sleeper System, Blower
    7311 HVAC, Sleeper System, Blower, Heater Blower Low
    7312 HVAC, Sleeper System, Blower, Heater Blower Medium
    7313 HVAC, Sleeper System, Blower, Heater Blower High
    7314 HVAC, Sleeper System, Blower, Cooler Blower Control
    7315 HVAC, Sleeper System, Blower, Cooler Blower ON
    7320 HVAC, Sleeper System, Actuators
    7321 HVAC, Sleeper System, Actuators, Fresh Air Mode
    7322 HVAC, Sleeper System, Actuators, Recirculate Mode
    7360 HVAC, Sleeper System, Cab Control
    7361 HVAC, Sleeper System, Cab Control, Bunk Heater Thermostat
    7362 HVAC, Sleeper System, Cab Control, A/C Mode
    7363 HVAC, Sleeper System, Cab Control, Heat Mode
    7364 HVAC, Sleeper System, Cab Control, Cooler Thermostat
    7365 HVAC, Sleeper System, Cab Control, Bunk Heater
    7400 HVAC, Parking Cooler System
    7410 HVAC, Parking Cooler System, ECU
    7411 HVAC, Parking Cooler System, ECU, Low Voltage Disable
    7412 HVAC, Parking Cooler System, ECU, Coolant Pump ON
    7420 HVAC, Parking Cooler System, Charge Unit
    7421 HVAC, Parking Cooler System, Charge Unit, By Pass Valve
    7422 HVAC, Parking Cooler System, Charge Unit, Condenser Fan
    7423 HVAC, Parking Cooler System, Charge Unit, Compressor
    7424 HVAC, Parking Cooler System, Charge Unit, Validation
    7425 HVAC, Parking Cooler System, Charge Unit, Comparator
    7900 HVAC, Miscellaneous
    7910 HVAC, Miscellaneous, Accessory Fan
    7911 HVAC, Miscellaneous, Accessory Fan, LH Cab
    7912 HVAC, Miscellaneous, Accessory Fan, RH Cab
    7913 HVAC, Miscellaneous, Accessory Fan, Sleeper Fan/Low
    7914 HVAC, Miscellaneous, Accessory Fan, Sleeper High
    7920 HVAC, Miscellaneous, Aux Heater,
    7921 HVAC, Miscellaneous, Aux Heater, Cab Mounted Aux Heater
    7930 HVAC, Miscellaneous, Control Head Communications
    7931 HVAC, Miscellaneous, Control Head Communications, Sleeper/Cab TX
    7932 HVAC, Miscellaneous, Control Head Communications, Sleeper/Cab RX
    7933 HVAC, Miscellaneous, Control Head Communications, Sleeper/Cab Common

    9100 Trailer, Lighting
    9110 Trailer, Lighting, Turn Signal
    9111 Trailer, Lighting, Turn Signal, LH
    9112 Trailer, Lighting, Turn Signal, RH
    9120 Trailer, Lighting, Stop Lights,
    9130 Trailer, Lighting, Marker, Clearance, ID
    9190 Trailer, Lighting, Misc.,
    9191 Trailer, Lighting, Misc., Trailer Breakaway Line
    9200 Trailer, Multiplex/PLC
    9300 Trailer, Charging Systems
    9310 Trailer, Charging Systems, Trailer Charge
    9311 Trailer, Charging Systems, Trailer Charge, 12 Volts Trailer Charge
    9312 Trailer, Charging Systems, Trailer Charge, 24 Volts Trailer Charge
    9400 Trailer, Security
    9500 Trailer, Trailer Operation
    9510 Trailer, Trailer Operation, Dump Trailers
    9511 Trailer, Trailer Operation, Dump Trailers, No.1 Trailer Dump
    9512 Trailer, Trailer Operation, Dump Trailers, No.2 Trailer Dump
    9513 Trailer, Trailer Operation, Dump Trailers, No.3 Trailer Dump
    9514 Trailer, Trailer Operation, Dump Trailers, No.4 Trailer Dump
    9900 Trailer, Miscellaneous
    9910 Trailer, Miscellaneous, Trailer Backup Alarm
    9920 Trailer, Miscellaneous, Hotwire/ABS
    9930 Trailer, Miscellaneous, Sanding Equipment


    XXX0000 through XXX0999 General
    XXX1000 through XXX1999 Power supply
    XXX2000 through XXX2999 Lighting
    XXX3000 through XXX3999 Power train
    XXX4000 through XXX4999 Instrumentation, MMI
    XXX5000 through XXX5999 Safety systems
    XXX6000 through XXX6999 Convenience, Security
    XXX7000 through XXX7999 HVAC
    XXX8000 through XXX8999 (Category not Defined)
    XXX9000 through XXX9999 Trailer/Customer/Bodybuilder

    KENWORTH Truck Fault Codes list DTC

    0700 General, Spare Circuits

    0710 General, Spare Circuits, Battery Circuits,

    0711 General, Spare Circuits, Battery Circuits, Spare Battery A

    0712 General, Spare Circuits, Battery Circuits, Spare Battery B

    0713 General, Spare Circuits, Battery Circuits, Spare Battery C

    0714 General, Spare Circuits, Battery Circuits, Spare Battery D

    0715 General, Spare Circuits, Battery Circuits, Spare Batt Relay NC

    0716 General, Spare Circuits, Battery Circuits, Spare Batt Relay NO

    0717 General, Spare Circuits, Battery Circuits, Spare Batt Sleeper A

    0718 General, Spare Circuits, Battery Circuits, Spare Batt Relay Coil Start

    0719 General, Spare Circuits, Battery Circuits, Spare Batt Relay Coil End

    0720 General, Spare Circuits, Battery Circuits

    0721 General, Spare Circuits, Battery Circuits, Spare Battery E

    0722 General, Spare Circuits, Battery Circuits, Spare Battery F

    0723 General, Spare Circuits, Battery Circuits, Spare Battery G

    0724 General, Spare Circuits, Battery Circuits, Spare Battery H

    0725 General, Spare Circuits, Battery Circuits, Spare Battery J

    0730 General, Spare Circuits, Ignition Circuits

    0731 General, Spare Circuits, Ignition Circuits, Spare Ignition A

    0732 General, Spare Circuits, Ignition Circuits, Spare Ignition B

    0733 General, Spare Circuits, Ignition Circuits, Spare Ignition C

    0734 General, Spare Circuits, Ignition Circuits, Spare Ignition D

    0735 General, Spare Circuits, Ignition Circuits, Spare Ign Relay NC

    0736 General, Spare Circuits, Ignition Circuits, Spare Ign Relay NO

    0737 General, Spare Circuits, Ignition Circuits, Spare Ign Relay Coil Start

    0738 General, Spare Circuits, Ignition Circuits, Spare Ign Relay Coil End

    0739 General, Spare Circuits, Ignition Circuits, Spare Ignition E

    0740 General, Spare Circuits, Accessory Circuits

    0741 General, Spare Circuits, Accessory Circuits, Spare Accessory E

    0742 General, Spare Circuits, Accessory Circuits, Spare Accessory F

    0743 General, Spare Circuits, Accessory Circuits, Spare Accessory G

    0750 General, Spare Circuits, Accessory Circuits

    0751 General, Spare Circuits, Accessory Circuits, Spare Accessory A

    0752 General, Spare Circuits, Accessory Circuits, Spare Accessory B

    0753 General, Spare Circuits, Accessory Circuits, Spare Accessory C

    0754 General, Spare Circuits, Accessory Circuits, Spare Accessory D

    0755 General, Spare Circuits, Accessory Circuits, Spare ACC Relay NC

    0756 General, Spare Circuits, Accessory Circuits, Spare ACC Relay NO

    0757 General, Spare Circuits, Accessory Circuits, Spare ACC Sleeper A

    0758 General, Spare Circuits, Accessory Circuits, Spare ACC Relay Coil Start

    0759 General, Spare Circuits, Accessory Circuits, Spare ACC Relay Coil End

    0760 General, Spare Circuits, Start Circuits

    0761 General, Spare Circuits, Start Circuits, Spare Start A

    0770 General, Spare Circuits, Switch Controlled Circuits

    0771 General, Spare Circuits, Switch Controlled Circuits, Spare Circuit A

    0772 General, Spare Circuits, Switch Controlled Circuits, Spare Circuit B

    0773 General, Spare Circuits, Switch Controlled Circuits, Spare Circuit C

    0774 General, Spare Circuits, Switch Controlled Circuits, Spare Circuit D

    0775 General, Spare Circuits, Switch Controlled Circuits, Spare Circuit E

    0780 General, Spare Circuits, Auxiliary Circuit

    0781 General, Spare Circuits, Auxiliary Circuit, Chassis Aux

    0782 General, Spare Circuits, Auxiliary Circuit, Firewall Aux 1

    0783 General, Spare Circuits, Auxiliary Circuit, Firewall Aux 2

    0790 General, Spare Circuits, LVD Circuits

    0791 General, Spare Circuits, LVD Circuits, Spare LVD A

    0792 General, Spare Circuits, LVD Circuits, Spare LVD B

    0793 General, Spare Circuits, LVD Circuits, Spare LVD C

    0794 General, Spare Circuits, LVD Circuits, Spare LVD D

    0800 General, Data Links

    0810 General, Data Links, CAN/J1939,

    0811 General, Data Links, CAN/J1939, Instrumentation CAN

    0812 General, Data Links, CAN/J1939, Powertrain CAN

    0813 General, Data Links, CAN/J1939, 3rd Party CAN

    0814 General, Data Links, CAN/J1939, Multiplex CAN

    0830 General, Data Links, J1587/J1708,

    0831 General, Data Links, J1587/J1708, J1587/J1708

    0840 General, Data Links, J1922/J1708,

    0841 General, Data Links, J1922/J1708, J1922/J1708

    0850 General, Data Links, Proprietary Bus

    0851 General, Data Links, Proprietary Bus, Proprietary J1708

    0852 General, Data Links, Proprietary Bus, Proprietary CAN

    0853 General, Data Links, Proprietary Bus, Collision Warning Proprietary Bus

    0854 General, Data Links, Proprietary Bus, Central Tire Inflation Proprietary Bus

    0855 General, Data Links, Proprietary Bus, Auxiliary Gauge Bus

    0860 General, Data Links, K-Line

    0861 General, Data Links, K-Line, CECU K-Line

    0862 General, Data Links, K-Line, Cluster K-Line

    0900 General, Miscellaneous

    0910 General, Miscellaneous, Chassis Node Addressing

    0911 General, Miscellaneous, Chassis Node Addressing, Address 01

    0912 General, Miscellaneous, Chassis Node Addressing, Address 02

    0913 General, Miscellaneous, Chassis Node Addressing, Address 03

    0914 General, Miscellaneous, Chassis Node Addressing, Address Plus

    0915 General, Miscellaneous, Chassis Node Addressing, Address Minus

    0990 General, Miscellaneous, Miscellaneous

    0991 General, Miscellaneous, Fifth Wheel

    0992 General, Miscellaneous, Varashield

    0993 General, Miscellaneous, Air Dryer/Heated Drain Plug

    0994 General, Miscellaneous, Fuel Heater

    0995 General, Miscellaneous, Hood Release

    0996 General, Miscellaneous, Diagnostic Connector

    1100 Power, Load Centers/Nodes

    1110 Power, Load Centers/Nodes, Cab LC/Node

    1111 Power, Load Centers/Nodes, Cab LC/Node, Cab LC/Node Power No.1

    1112 Power, Load Centers/Nodes, Cab LC/Node, Cab LC/Node Power No.2

    1113 Power, Load Centers/Nodes, Cab LC/Node, Cab LC/Node Power No.3

    1114 Power, Load Centers/Nodes, Cab LC/Node, Cab LC/Node Power No.4

    1115 Power, Load Centers/Nodes, Cab LC/Node, Cab LC/Node Power No.5

    1120 Power, Load Centers/Nodes, Chassis LC/Node

    1121 Power, Load Centers/Nodes, Chassis LC/Node, Chassis LC/Node Power No.1

    1122 Power, Load Centers/Nodes, Chassis LC/Node, Chassis LC/Node Power No.2

    1123 Power, Load Centers/Nodes, Chassis LC/Node, Chassis LC/Node Power No.3

    1124 Power, Load Centers/Nodes, Chassis LC/Node, Chassis LC/Node Power No.4

    1125 Power, Load Centers/Nodes, Chassis LC/Node, Chassis LC/Node Power No.5

    1130 Power, Load Centers/Nodes, Sleeper LC/Node

    1140 Power, Load Centers/Nodes, Trailer LC/Node

    1150 Power, Load Centers/Nodes, Door LC/Node

    1190 Power, Load Centers/Nodes, Misc. LC/Node

    1200 Power, Power Bus

    1210 Power, Power Bus, Battery Bus

    1211 Power, Power Bus, Battery Bus, Batt Bus 1

    1212 Power, Power Bus, Battery Bus, Batt Bus 2

    1213 Power, Power Bus, Battery Bus, Batt Bus 3

    1214 Power, Power Bus, Battery Bus, Batt Bus 4

    1215 Power, Power Bus, Battery Bus, Batt Bus 5

    1216 Power, Power Bus, Battery Bus, Batt Bus 6

    1217 Power, Power Bus, Battery Bus, Batt Bus 7

    1218 Power, Power Bus, Battery Bus, Batt Bus 8

    1219 Power, Power Bus, Battery Bus, Batt Bus 9

    1220 Power, Power Bus, Ignition Bus

    1221 Power, Power Bus, Ignition Bus, Ign Bus 1

    1222 Power, Power Bus, Ignition Bus, Ign Bus 2

    1223 Power, Power Bus, Ignition Bus, Ign Bus 3

    1224 Power, Power Bus, Ignition Bus, Ign Bus 4

    1225 Power, Power Bus, Ignition Bus, Ign Bus 5

    1226 Power, Power Bus, Ignition Bus, Ign Bus 6

    1227 Power, Power Bus, Ignition Bus, Ign Bus 7

    1228 Power, Power Bus, Ignition Bus, Ign Bus 8

    1229 Power, Power Bus, Ignition Bus, Ign Bus 9

    1230 Power, Power Bus, Accessory Bus

    1231 Power, Power Bus, Accessory Bus, ACC Bus 1

    1232 Power, Power Bus, Accessory Bus, ACC Bus 2

    1233 Power, Power Bus, Accessory Bus, ACC Bus 3

    1234 Power, Power Bus, Accessory Bus, ACC Bus 4

    1235 Power, Power Bus, Accessory Bus, ACC Bus 5

    1236 Power, Power Bus, Accessory Bus, ACC Bus 6

    1237 Power, Power Bus, Accessory Bus, ACC Bus 7

    1238 Power, Power Bus, Accessory Bus, ACC Bus 8

    1239 Power, Power Bus, Accessory Bus, ACC Bus 9

    1240 Power, Power Bus, Start Bus

    1250 Power, Power Bus, Clean Power

    1260 Power, Power Bus, LVD Bus

    1261 Power, Power Bus, LVD Bus, LVD Bus 1

    1262 Power, Power Bus, LVD Bus, LVD Bus 2

    1263 Power, Power Bus, LVD Bus, LVD Bus 3

    1264 Power, Power Bus, LVD Bus, LVD Bus 4

    1300 Power, Alternator

    1310 Power, Alternator, Power

    1320 Power, Alternator, Voltage Regulation

    1321 Power, Alternator, Voltage Regulation, Voltage Sense

    1322 Power, Alternator, Voltage Regulation, «I» Terminal, Field Excitation

    1400 Power, Multi-System Power

    1410 Power, Multi-System Power, Power Group A

    1420 Power, Multi-System Power, Power Group B

    1430 Power, Multi-System Power, Ground Group A

    1440 Power, Multi-System Power, Ground Group B

    1500 Power, Grounds

    1510 Power, Grounds, Miscellaneous

    1511 Power, Grounds, Miscellaneous, Frame

    1512 Power, Grounds, Miscellaneous, Firewall

    1513 Power, Grounds, Miscellaneous, Engine

    1514 Power, Grounds, Miscellaneous, Radiator

    1515 Power, Grounds, Miscellaneous, Instrument Panel

    1516 Power, Grounds, Miscellaneous, Sleeper

    1517 Power, Grounds, Miscellaneous, Battery

    1518 Power, Grounds, Miscellaneous, AC/Mounting Bracket

    1519 Power, Grounds, Miscellaneous, Starter Ground

    1520 Power, Grounds, Miscellaneous,

    1521 Power, Grounds, Miscellaneous, Door

    1522 Power, Grounds, Miscellaneous, Sleeper Switch Panel

    1570 Power, Grounds, Spare

    1600 Power, LVD/AC Inverter

    1900 Power, Miscellaneous

    1910 Power, Miscellaneous, Ignition Switch Feed

    1920 Power, Miscellaneous, Battery Charging

    1921 Power, Miscellaneous, Battery Charging, 12 Volts Charge

    1922 Power, Miscellaneous, Battery Charging, 24 Volts Charge

    1930 Power, Miscellaneous, 5 Volts Power

    1931 Power, Miscellaneous, 5 Volts Power, Coolant Level Sensor Power

    2100 Lighting, Headlights

    2110 Lighting, Headlights, Low Beams

    2111 Lighting, Headlights, Low Beams, LH

    2112 Lighting, Headlights, Low Beams, RH

    2120 Lighting, Headlights, High Beams

    2121 Lighting, Headlights, High Beams, LH

    2122 Lighting, Headlights, High Beams, RH

    2130 Lighting, Headlights, Daytime Running Lights

    2131 Lighting, Headlights, Daytime Running Lights, LH

    2132 Lighting, Headlights, Daytime Running Lights, RH

    2140 Lighting, Headlights, Headlight Control

    2141 Lighting, Headlights, Headlight Control, Headlight Switch

    2142 Lighting, Headlights, Headlight Control, Dimmer Switch

    2143 Lighting, Headlights, Headlight Control, Flash

    2144 Lighting, Headlights, Headlight Control, Flash Relay Control

    2145 Lighting, Headlights, Headlight Control, Flash Switch

    2300 Lighting, Turn Indicators

    2310 Lighting, Turn Indicators, Front/Mid

    2311 Lighting, Turn Indicators, Front/Mid, LH

    2312 Lighting, Turn Indicators, Front/Mid, RH

    2313 Lighting, Turn Indicators, Front/Mid, LH DRL

    2314 Lighting, Turn Indicators, Front/Mid, RH DRL

    2320 Lighting, Turn Indicators, Rear

    2321 Lighting, Turn Indicators, Rear, LH

    2322 Lighting, Turn Indicators, Rear, RH

    2330 Lighting, Turn Indicators, Trailer

    2331 Lighting, Turn Indicators, Trailer, LH

    2332 Lighting, Turn Indicators, Trailer, RH

    2400 Lighting, Tail, Marker, Clearance, Stop & ID Lights

    2410 Lighting, Tail, Marker, Clearance, Stop & ID Lights, Cab/Chassis Lights

    2411 Lighting, Tail, Marker, Clearance, Stop & ID Lights, Cab/Chassis Lights, Tail Lights

    2412 Lighting, Tail, Marker, Clearance, Stop & ID Lights, Cab/Chassis Lights, Marker Lights

    2414 Lighting, Tail, Marker, Clearance, Stop & ID Lights, Cab/Chassis Lights, Clearance/ID Lights

    2415 Lighting, Tail, Marker, Clearance, Stop & ID Lights, Cab/Chassis Lights, Stop Lights

    2416 Lighting, Tail, Marker, Clearance, Stop & ID Lights, Cab/Chassis Lights, Auxiliary Marker Light

    2420 Lighting, Tail, Marker, Clearance, Stop & ID Lights, Trailer Lights

    2421 Lighting, Tail, Marker, Clearance, Stop & ID Lights, Trailer Lights, Tail Lights

    2422 Lighting, Tail, Marker, Clearance, Stop & ID Lights, Trailer Lights, Marker, Clearance & ID

    2423 Lighting, Tail, Marker, Clearance, Stop & ID Lights, Trailer Lights, Trailer Stop Lights

    2600 Lighting, Interior Lighting

    2610 Lighting, Interior Lighting, Dome/Courtesy Lights

    2611 Lighting, Interior Lighting, Dome/Courtesy Lights, Cab Dome

    2612 Lighting, Interior Lighting, Dome/Courtesy Lights, Cab Courtesy

    2613 Lighting, Interior Lighting, Dome/Courtesy Lights, Sleeper Dome

    2614 Lighting, Interior Lighting, Dome/Courtesy Lights, Sleeper Courtesy

    2615 Lighting, Interior Lighting, Dome/Courtesy Lights, LH And RH Tool Box

    2616 Lighting, Interior Lighting, Dome/Courtesy Lights, RH Only Tool Box

    2617 Lighting, Interior Lighting, Dome/Courtesy Lights, LH Door Dome

    2618 Lighting, Interior Lighting, Dome/Courtesy Lights, RH Door Dome

    2619 Lighting, Interior Lighting, Dome/Courtesy Lights, Footwell Lights

    2620 Lighting, Interior Lighting, Dash/Panel Illumination

    2621 Lighting, Interior Lighting, Dash/Panel Illumination, Gauges & Clusters

    2622 Lighting, Interior Lighting, Dash/Panel Illumination, Switches

    2623 Lighting, Interior Lighting, Dash/Panel Illumination, Sleeper Switch Panel

    2624 Lighting, Interior Lighting, Dash/Panel Illumination, Auxiliary Backlighting

    2630 Lighting, Interior Lighting, Door Lights,

    2631 Lighting, Interior Lighting, Door Lights, LH

    2632 Lighting, Interior Lighting, Door Lights, RH

    2640 Lighting, Interior Lighting, Door Jamb Switches

    2641 Lighting, Interior Lighting, Door Jamb Switches, LH

    2642 Lighting, Interior Lighting, Door Jamb Switches, RH

    2643 Lighting, Interior Lighting, Door Jamb Switches, LH Toolbox

    2644 Lighting, Interior Lighting, Door Jamb Switches, RH Toolbox

    2900 Lighting, Miscellaneous

    2910 Lighting, Miscellaneous, Beacons & Sirens

    2911 Lighting, Miscellaneous, Beacons & Sirens, Beacon/Sign

    2912 Lighting, Miscellaneous, Beacons & Sirens, Beacon Control

    2913 Lighting, Miscellaneous, Beacons & Sirens, Siren

    2920 Lighting, Miscellaneous, Step

    2921 Lighting, Miscellaneous, Step, LH

    2922 Lighting, Miscellaneous, Step, RH

    2930 Lighting, Miscellaneous, Under Hood

    2940 Lighting, Miscellaneous, Flood/Work/Load & Spot

    2941 Lighting, Miscellaneous, Flood/Work/Load & Spot, Flood/Work/Load Lights

    2942 Lighting, Miscellaneous, Flood/Work/Load & Spot, LH Spot Light

    2943 Lighting, Miscellaneous, Flood/Work/Load & Spot, RH Spot Light

    2944 Lighting, Miscellaneous, Flood/Work/Load & Spot, Additional Load Light No.1

    2945 Lighting, Miscellaneous, Flood/Work/Load & Spot, Additional Load Light No.2

    2950 Lighting, Miscellaneous, Fog/Driving Lights

    2951 Lighting, Miscellaneous, Fog/Driving Lights, Fog No.1 Set LH

    2952 Lighting, Miscellaneous, Fog/Driving Lights, Fog No.1 Set RH

    2953 Lighting, Miscellaneous, Fog/Driving Lights, Fog No.2 Set LH

    2954 Lighting, Miscellaneous, Fog/Driving Lights, Fog No.2 Set RH

    2955 Lighting, Miscellaneous, Fog/Driving Lights, Driving No.1 Set LH

    2956 Lighting, Miscellaneous, Fog/Driving Lights, Driving No.1 Set RH

    2957 Lighting, Miscellaneous, Fog/Driving Lights, Driving No.2 Set LH

    2958 Lighting, Miscellaneous, Fog/Driving Lights, Driving No.2 Set RH

    2960 Lighting, Miscellaneous, Backup Lights

    2970 Lighting, Miscellaneous, General Exterior Lights

    2971 Lighting, Miscellaneous, General Exterior Lights, Cab Mounted Panellites

    2972 Lighting, Miscellaneous, General Exterior Lights, Sleeper Mounted Panellites

    2973 Lighting, Miscellaneous, General Exterior Lights, Sleeper Ext. Mounted Panellites

    2980 Lighting, Miscellaneous, Hazard

    2990 Lighting, Miscellaneous, Multi-Function Module

    2991 Lighting, Miscellaneous, Multi-Function Module, Common (Switch)

    3100 Powertrain, Engine Functions

    3110 Powertrain, Engine Functions, ECU

    3111 Powertrain, Engine Functions, ECU, ECU Power

    3112 Powertrain, Engine Functions, ECU, ECU Wake Up

    3113 Powertrain, Engine Functions, ECU, 5 Volts Supply

    3114 Powertrain, Engine Functions, ECU, 8 Volts Supply

    3115 Powertrain, Engine Functions, ECU, Common No.1 (Switch)

    3116 Powertrain, Engine Functions, ECU, Common No.2 (General)

    3117 Powertrain, Engine Functions, ECU, Common No.3 (Sensor)

    3118 Powertrain, Engine Functions, ECU, Idle Interlock Input

    3119 Powertrain, Engine Functions, ECU, Common Return No.4 (Temp/Level)

    3120 Powertrain, Engine Functions, Start Assists

    3121 Powertrain, Engine Functions, Start Assists, Grid Heater A

    3122 Powertrain, Engine Functions, Start Assists, Grid Heater B

    3123 Powertrain, Engine Functions, Start Assists, Ether Start

    3124 Powertrain, Engine Functions, Start Assists, Flamestart

    3130 Powertrain, Engine Functions, Retarder

    3131 Powertrain, Engine Functions, Retarder, Engine Retarder Low/Hi

    3132 Powertrain, Engine Functions, Retarder, Engine Retarder Med./Hi

    3133 Powertrain, Engine Functions, Retarder, Engine Retarder ON/OFF

    3140 Powertrain, Engine Functions, Throttle

    3141 Powertrain, Engine Functions, Throttle, Primary Cab Throttle Sense No.1

    3142 Powertrain, Engine Functions, Throttle, Primary Cab Throttle Sense No.2

    3143 Powertrain, Engine Functions, Throttle, Remote Throttle Enable

    3144 Powertrain, Engine Functions, Throttle, Remote Throttle Signal Input

    3145 Powertrain, Engine Functions, Throttle, Idle Increment

    3146 Powertrain, Engine Functions, Throttle, Idle Decrement

    3147 Powertrain, Engine Functions, Throttle, Idle Validation OFF

    3148 Powertrain, Engine Functions, Throttle, Idle Validation Signal

    3149 Powertrain, Engine Functions, Throttle, Torque Limit Switch

    3150 Powertrain, Engine Functions, Idle Control Systems

    3151 Powertrain, Engine Functions, Idle Control Systems, Interlock

    3152 Powertrain, Engine Functions, Idle Control Systems, Idle Alarm

    3153 Powertrain, Engine Functions, Idle Control Systems, Timer

    3154 Powertrain, Engine Functions, Idle Control Systems, Thermostat Input

    3155 Powertrain, Engine Functions, Idle Control Systems, Ignition Relay Control

    3160 Powertrain, Engine Functions, Cruise Control

    3161 Powertrain, Engine Functions, Cruise Control, Cruise ON/OFF

    3162 Powertrain, Engine Functions, Cruise Control, Cruise Set/Accelerate

    3163 Powertrain, Engine Functions, Cruise Control, Cruise Resume/Decelerate

    3170 Powertrain, Engine Functions, Coolant System

    3171 Powertrain, Engine Functions, Coolant System, Low Coolant Module

    3180 Powertrain, Engine Functions, Misc. Engine Output/Input

    3181 Powertrain, Engine Functions, Misc. Engine Output/Input, Engine Output No.1

    3182 Powertrain, Engine Functions, Misc. Engine Output/Input, Engine Output No.2

    3183 Powertrain, Engine Functions, Misc. Engine Output/Input, Engine Output No.3

    3184 Powertrain, Engine Functions, Misc. Engine Output/Input, Engine Output No.4

    3185 Powertrain, Engine Functions, Misc. Engine Output/Input, Engine Output No.5

    3186 Powertrain, Engine Functions, Misc. Engine Output/Input, Engine Input No.1

    3190 Powertrain, Engine Functions, Miscellaneous,

    3191 Powertrain, Engine Functions, Miscellaneous, Engine Fan Clutch

    3192 Powertrain, Engine Functions, Miscellaneous, Engine Fan Override

    3193 Powertrain, Engine Functions, Miscellaneous, Engine Kill

    3194 Powertrain, Engine Functions, Miscellaneous, Remote Engine Kill

    3195 Powertrain, Engine Functions, Miscellaneous, Ignore Brake/Clutch Switch

    3196 Powertrain, Engine Functions, Miscellaneous, Engine Governor

    3197 Powertrain, Engine Functions, Miscellaneous, Fuel Pump

    3198 Powertrain, Engine Functions, Miscellaneous, Engine Multifunction Circuit No.1

    3199 Powertrain, Engine Functions, Miscellaneous, Engine Multifunction Circuit No.2

    3200 Powertrain, Exhaust Functions

    3210 Powertrain, Exhaust Functions, Aftertreatment

    3211 Powertrain, Exhaust Functions, Aftertreatment, Exhaust Inlet Temp. Sensor

    3212 Powertrain, Exhaust Functions, Aftertreatment, Exhaust Mid Temp. Sensor

    3213 Powertrain, Exhaust Functions, Aftertreatment, Exhaust Outlet Temp. Sensor

    3214 Powertrain, Exhaust Functions, Aftertreatment, Exhaust Delta Press. Sensor

    3215 Powertrain, Exhaust Functions, Aftertreatment, ECU Power

    3216 Powertrain, Exhaust Functions, Aftertreatment, Fuel Injector

    3217 Powertrain, Exhaust Functions, Aftertreatment, Fuel Solenoid

    3218 Powertrain, Exhaust Functions, Aftertreatment, Air Solenoid

    3219 Powertrain, Exhaust Functions, Aftertreatment, Fuel Pressure Sensor

    3220 Powertrain, Exhaust Functions, Aftertreatment,

    3221 Powertrain, Exhaust Functions, Aftertreatment, Air Pressure Sensor

    3222 Powertrain, Exhaust Functions, Aftertreatment, Force Regeneration

    3223 Powertrain, Exhaust Functions, Aftertreatment, Inhibit Regeneration

    3300 Powertrain, Transmission Functions

    3310 Powertrain, Transmission Functions, ECU,

    3311 Powertrain, Transmission Functions, ECU, ECU Power

    3312 Powertrain, Transmission Functions, ECU, ECU Wake Up

    3320 Powertrain, Transmission Functions, Shifters

    3321 Powertrain, Transmission Functions, Shifters, Shift Modulation

    3322 Powertrain, Transmission Functions, Shifters, Shift Solenoid

    3323 Powertrain, Transmission Functions, Shifters, Manual Override

    3324 Powertrain, Transmission Functions, Shifters, Shift Actuator Motor 1A

    3325 Powertrain, Transmission Functions, Shifters, Shift Actuator Motor 1B

    3326 Powertrain, Transmission Functions, Shifters, Shift Actuator Motor 2A

    3327 Powertrain, Transmission Functions, Shifters, Shift Actuator Motor 2B

    3328 Powertrain, Transmission Functions, Shifters, Shift Position Sense 1

    3329 Powertrain, Transmission Functions, Shifters, Shift Position Sense 2

    3330 Powertrain, Transmission Functions, Control Units

    3331 Powertrain, Transmission Functions, Control Units, Trans. In Gear

    3340 Powertrain, Transmission Functions, Misc. Trans. Input/Output,

    3341 Powertrain, Transmission Functions, Misc. Trans. Input/Output, Misc. Transmission Input No.1

    3342 Powertrain, Transmission Functions, Misc. Trans. Input/Output, Misc. Transmission Output No.1

    3343 Powertrain, Transmission Functions, Misc. Trans. Input/Output, Misc. Transmission Output No.2

    3390 Powertrain, Transmission Functions, Miscellaneous,

    3391 Powertrain, Transmission Functions, Miscellaneous, Neutral Start

    3392 Powertrain, Transmission Functions, Miscellaneous, Lock-Up

    3393 Powertrain, Transmission Functions, Miscellaneous, Top-2

    3394 Powertrain, Transmission Functions, Miscellaneous, Neutral INDICATOR

    3395 Powertrain, Transmission Functions, Miscellaneous, Range Indicator No.1

    3396 Powertrain, Transmission Functions, Miscellaneous, Range Indicator No.2

    3397 Powertrain, Transmission Functions, Miscellaneous, Range Indicator No.3

    3398 Powertrain, Transmission Functions, Miscellaneous, Top-2 Shift Solenoid

    3399 Powertrain, Transmission Functions, Miscellaneous, Top-2 Lockout Solenoid

    3400 Powertrain, Hybrid System

    3410 Powertrain, Hybrid System, Inverter

    3411 Powertrain, Hybrid System, Inverter, Resolver S1

    3412 Powertrain, Hybrid System, Inverter, Resolver S2

    3413 Powertrain, Hybrid System, Inverter, Resolver S3

    3414 Powertrain, Hybrid System, Inverter, Resolver S4

    3415 Powertrain, Hybrid System, Inverter, Resolver Plus

    3416 Powertrain, Hybrid System, Inverter, Resolver Minus

    3417 Powertrain, Hybrid System, Inverter, Precharge Plus

    3418 Powertrain, Hybrid System, Inverter, Precharge Minus

    3419 Powertrain, Hybrid System, Inverter, Relay Box Enable

    3420 Powertrain, Hybrid System, Inverter

    3421 Powertrain, Hybrid System, Inverter, Main: Plus, Plus

    3422 Powertrain, Hybrid System, Inverter, Main: Plus, Minus

    3423 Powertrain, Hybrid System, Inverter, Main: Minus, Plus

    3424 Powertrain, Hybrid System, Inverter, Main: Minus, Minus

    3430 Powertrain, Hybrid System, Control Module

    3431 Powertrain, Hybrid System, Control Module, Crank Interlock

    3432 Powertrain, Hybrid System, Control Module, Coolant Pump

    3433 Powertrain, Hybrid System, Control Module, Battery Fan

    3434 Powertrain, Hybrid System, Control Module, Heat Exchanger Fan

    3435 Powertrain, Hybrid System, Control Module, Inverter Enable

    3436 Powertrain, Hybrid System, Control Module, HV Relay

    3440 Powertrain, Hybrid System, Electric Clutch Actuator

    3500 Powertrain, PTO’S & Transfer Cases

    3510 Powertrain, PTO’S & Transfer Cases, PTO

    3511 Powertrain, PTO’S & Transfer Cases, PTO, PTO ON/OFF

    3512 Powertrain, PTO’S & Transfer Cases, PTO, PTO Set

    3513 Powertrain, PTO’S & Transfer Cases, PTO, PTO Resume

    3514 Powertrain, PTO’S & Transfer Cases, PTO, Transmission PTO No.1

    3515 Powertrain, PTO’S & Transfer Cases, PTO, Transmission PTO No.2

    3516 Powertrain, PTO’S & Transfer Cases, PTO, Transmission PTO No.3

    3520 Powertrain, PTO’S & Transfer Cases, Transfer Case

    3521 Powertrain, PTO’S & Transfer Cases, Transfer Case, Front Drive Axle Engage

    3600 Powertrain, Axles

    3610 Powertrain, Axles, Cross Lock/Differential Lock

    3611 Powertrain, Axles, Cross Lock/Differential Lock, Front-Rear Differential Lock

    3612 Powertrain, Axles, Cross Lock/Differential Lock, Center-Rear Differential Lock

    3613 Powertrain, Axles, Cross Lock/Differential Lock, Rear Rear Differential Lock

    3620 Powertrain, Axles, Interaxle Lock

    3630 Powertrain, Axles, 2-Speed Axle

    3631 Powertrain, Axles, 2-Speed Axle, 2-Speed Axle Pressure Switch

    3640 Powertrain, Axles, Central Tire Inflation

    3641 Powertrain, Axles, Central Tire Inflation, Steer Solenoid

    3642 Powertrain, Axles, Central Tire Inflation, Drive Solenoid

    3643 Powertrain, Axles, Central Tire Inflation, Trailer Solenoid

    3644 Powertrain, Axles, Central Tire Inflation, Supply Solenoid

    3645 Powertrain, Axles, Central Tire Inflation, Deflate Solenoid

    3646 Powertrain, Axles, Central Tire Inflation, Control Solenoid

    3647 Powertrain, Axles, Central Tire Inflation, Axle Config 1

    3648 Powertrain, Axles, Central Tire Inflation, Axle Config 2

    3649 Powertrain, Axles, Central Tire Inflation, CTI Pressure

    3650 Powertrain, Axles, Central Tire Inflation,

    3651 Powertrain, Axles, Central Tire Inflation, CTI Tank Pressure Switch

    3690 Powertrain, Axles, Miscellaneous,

    3700 Powertrain, Suspensions

    3900 Powertrain, Miscellaneous

    3910 Powertrain, Miscellaneous

    3911 Powertrain, Miscellaneous, Starter, Starter Relay To Starter

    3912 Powertrain, Miscellaneous, Starter, Starter Switch To Starter RELAY

    3913 Powertrain, Miscellaneous, Starter, Remote Start

    3914 Powertrain, Miscellaneous, Starter, Starter Interrupt

    3920 Powertrain, Miscellaneous, Engine Heaters

    3930 Powertrain, Miscellaneous, Glow Plug

    3940 Powertrain, Miscellaneous, Driveline Retarder

    3950 Powertrain, Miscellaneous, Exhaust Retarder,

    3951 Powertrain, Miscellaneous, Exhaust Retarder, Exhaust Retarder ON/OFF

    3960 Powertrain, Miscellaneous, Overspeed Shutdown

    3970 Powertrain, Miscellaneous, Powertrain,

    3971 Powertrain, Miscellaneous, Powertrain, Ign Power

    4100 Instrumentation, Gauges

    4120 Instrumentation, Gauges, Data

    4140 Instrumentation, Gauges, Analog Input To Gauges

    4141 Instrumentation, Gauges, Analog Input To Gauges, Speedometer

    4142 Instrumentation, Gauges, Analog Input To Gauges, Tachometer

    4200 Instrumentation, Power

    4210 Instrumentation, Power, Battery

    4211 Instrumentation, Power, Battery, LVD Sense

    4220 Instrumentation, Power, Ignition

    4221 Instrumentation, Power, Ignition, LVD Override

    4230 Instrumentation, Power, Accessory

    4300 Instrumentation, Warnings/Indicators

    4310 Instrumentation, Warnings/Indicators, Engine

    4311 Instrumentation, Warnings/Indicators, Engine, Inspect Engine

    4312 Instrumentation, Warnings/Indicators, Engine, Stop Engine

    4313 Instrumentation, Warnings/Indicators, Engine, Inspect Fluids

    4314 Instrumentation, Warnings/Indicators, Engine, Inspect Coolant

    4315 Instrumentation, Warnings/Indicators, Engine, Coolant Temp High/Low

    4316 Instrumentation, Warnings/Indicators, Engine, Oil Temp High

    4317 Instrumentation, Warnings/Indicators, Engine, Fan ON

    4318 Instrumentation, Warnings/Indicators, Engine, Cruise ON

    4319 Instrumentation, Warnings/Indicators, Engine, Engine Brake ON

    4320 Instrumentation, Warnings/Indicators, Engine,

    4321 Instrumentation, Warnings/Indicators, Engine, Engine Oil Pressure

    4322 Instrumentation, Warnings/Indicators, Engine, Maintenance

    4323 Instrumentation, Warnings/Indicators, Engine, Wait To Start

    4324 Instrumentation, Warnings/Indicators, Engine, Idle Control System ON

    4325 Instrumentation, Warnings/Indicators, Engine, Idle Control Air Temp Sensor

    4326 Instrumentation, Warnings/Indicators, Engine, Idle Control Diagnostic

    4327 Instrumentation, Warnings/Indicators, Engine, Aftertreatment Regeneration

    4328 Instrumentation, Warnings/Indicators, Engine, Fast Idle

    4329 Instrumentation, Warnings/Indicators, Engine, Inlet Air Heater Status

    4340 Instrumentation, Warnings/Indicators, Lighting,

    4341 Instrumentation, Warnings/Indicators, Lighting, LH Turn

    4342 Instrumentation, Warnings/Indicators, Lighting, RH Turn

    4343 Instrumentation, Warnings/Indicators, Lighting, High Beams ON

    4344 Instrumentation, Warnings/Indicators, Lighting, Work Lights ON

    4345 Instrumentation, Warnings/Indicators, Lighting, Beacon/Sign Light ON

    4350 Instrumentation, Warnings/Indicators, Transmission,

    4351 Instrumentation, Warnings/Indicators, Transmission, Inspect Transmission

    4352 Instrumentation, Warnings/Indicators, Transmission, Transmission Neutral

    4353 Instrumentation, Warnings/Indicators, Transmission, PTO

    4360 Instrumentation, Warnings/Indicators, Axles,

    4361 Instrumentation, Warnings/Indicators, Axles, Differential Lock Front-Rear

    4362 Instrumentation, Warnings/Indicators, Axles, Differential Lock Center-Rear

    4363 Instrumentation, Warnings/Indicators, Axles, Differential Lock Rear-Rear

    4364 Instrumentation, Warnings/Indicators, Axles, Interaxle Differential Lock

    4365 Instrumentation, Warnings/Indicators, Axles, Axle Lift

    4370 Instrumentation, Warnings/Indicators, Editable Telltales

    4371 Instrumentation, Warnings/Indicators, Editable Telltales, Editable Telltale No.1

    4372 Instrumentation, Warnings/Indicators, Editable Telltales, Editable Telltale No.2

    4373 Instrumentation, Warnings/Indicators, Editable Telltales, Editable Telltale No.3

    4374 Instrumentation, Warnings/Indicators, Editable Telltales, Editable Telltale No.4

    4375 Instrumentation, Warnings/Indicators, Editable Telltales, Editable Telltale No.5

    4376 Instrumentation, Warnings/Indicators, Editable Telltales, Editable Telltale No.6

    4377 Instrumentation, Warnings/Indicators, Editable Telltales, Editable Telltale No.7

    4378 Instrumentation, Warnings/Indicators, Editable Telltales, Editable Telltale No.8

    4379 Instrumentation, Warnings/Indicators, Editable Telltales, Editable Telltale No.9

    4380 Instrumentation, Warnings/Indicators, Misc. Warnings/Indicators,

    4381 Instrumentation, Warnings/Indicators, Misc. Warnings/Indicators, Water-In-Fuel

    4382 Instrumentation, Warnings/Indicators, Misc. Warnings/Indicators, Refrigerant Pressure Hi/Low

    4383 Instrumentation, Warnings/Indicators, Misc. Warnings/Indicators, High Road Speed

    4384 Instrumentation, Warnings/Indicators, Misc. Warnings/Indicators, A/C Inverter ON

    4385 Instrumentation, Warnings/Indicators, Misc. Warnings/Indicators, A/C Charger ON

    4386 Instrumentation, Warnings/Indicators, Misc. Warnings/Indicators, Door Open

    4387 Instrumentation, Warnings/Indicators, Misc. Warnings/Indicators, Speed Alert

    4388 Instrumentation, Warnings/Indicators, Misc. Warnings/Indicators, Sleeper Refrigerator ON

    4389 Instrumentation, Warnings/Indicators, Misc. Warnings/Indicators, Editable Telltale No.10

    4390 Instrumentation, Warnings/Indicators, Misc. Warnings/Indicators,

    4391 Instrumentation, Warnings/Indicators, Misc. Warnings/Indicators, 5th Wheel Unlocked

    4392 Instrumentation, Warnings/Indicators, Misc. Warnings/Indicators, Park Brake Set

    4393 Instrumentation, Warnings/Indicators, Misc. Warnings/Indicators, Air Suspension Deflated

    4394 Instrumentation, Warnings/Indicators, Misc. Warnings/Indicators, Alternator

    4395 Instrumentation, Warnings/Indicators, Misc. Warnings/Indicators, PTO Engaged

    4396 Instrumentation, Warnings/Indicators, Misc. Warnings/Indicators, Low Air

    4397 Instrumentation, Warnings/Indicators, Misc. Warnings/Indicators, Supplemental Restraint System

    4398 Instrumentation, Warnings/Indicators, Misc. Warnings/Indicators, Fuel Heat ON

    4399 Instrumentation, Warnings/Indicators, Misc. Warnings/Indicators, A/C Shore Power ON

    4400 Instrumentation, Audible Alarm

    4410 Instrumentation, Audible Alarm, Misc. Audible Alarm,

    4411 Instrumentation, Audible Alarm, Misc. Audible Alarm, Audible Alarm Spare No.1

    4412 Instrumentation, Audible Alarm, Misc. Audible Alarm, Audible Alarm Spare No.2

    4413 Instrumentation, Audible Alarm, Misc. Audible Alarm, Audible Alarm Spare No.3

    4414 Instrumentation, Audible Alarm, Misc. Audible Alarm, Audible Alarm Spare No.4

    4415 Instrumentation, Audible Alarm, Misc. Audible Alarm, LVD Disconnect Warn

    4500 Instrumentation, Sensors/Transducers

    4510 Instrumentation, Sensors/Transducers, Pressure

    4511 Instrumentation, Sensors/Transducers, Pressure, Primary Air

    4512 Instrumentation, Sensors/Transducers, Pressure, Secondary Air

    4513 Instrumentation, Sensors/Transducers, Pressure, Fuel

    4514 Instrumentation, Sensors/Transducers, Pressure, Engine Oil Pressure

    4515 Instrumentation, Sensors/Transducers, Pressure, Tractor Brake Application

    4516 Instrumentation, Sensors/Transducers, Pressure, Trailer Brake Application

    4517 Instrumentation, Sensors/Transducers, Pressure, Air Filter Restriction

    4518 Instrumentation, Sensors/Transducers, Pressure, Fuel Filter Restriction

    4519 Instrumentation, Sensors/Transducers, Pressure, Tractor Suspension Pressure

    4520 Instrumentation, Sensors/Transducers, Temperature

    4521 Instrumentation, Sensors/Transducers, Temperature, Water Temp

    4522 Instrumentation, Sensors/Transducers, Temperature, Main Trans. Oil Temp

    4523 Instrumentation, Sensors/Transducers, Temperature, Aux. Trans. Oil Temp

    4524 Instrumentation, Sensors/Transducers, Temperature, First/Single Rear Axle Temp

    4525 Instrumentation, Sensors/Transducers, Temperature, Second Rear Axle Temp

    4526 Instrumentation, Sensors/Transducers, Temperature, Front Axle Temp

    4527 Instrumentation, Sensors/Transducers, Temperature, Outside Air Temp

    4528 Instrumentation, Sensors/Transducers, Temperature, Engine Oil Temp

    4529 Instrumentation, Sensors/Transducers, Temperature, Exhaust Temp

    4530 Instrumentation, Sensors/Transducers, Temperature,

    4531 Instrumentation, Sensors/Transducers, Temperature, Driveline Retarder

    4532 Instrumentation, Sensors/Transducers, Temperature, Flamestart

    4533 Instrumentation, Sensors/Transducers, Temperature, Third (Center) Rear Axle Temp

    4534 Instrumentation, Sensors/Transducers, Temperature, General Oil Temp

    4535 Instrumentation, Sensors/Transducers, Temperature, BrakeSaver Oil Temp

    4536 Instrumentation, Sensors/Transducers, Temperature, Transfer Case Oil Temp

    4537 Instrumentation, Sensors/Transducers, Temperature, PTO Oil Temp

    4538 Instrumentation, Sensors/Transducers, Temperature, Aux. Trans. Oil Temp No.3

    4539 Instrumentation, Sensors/Transducers, Temperature, STARTING Battery Temp

    4540 Instrumentation, Sensors/Transducers, Temperature,

    4541 Instrumentation, Sensors/Transducers, Temperature, Hotel Battery Temp

    4542 Instrumentation, Sensors/Transducers, Temperature, Alt Temp

    4543 Instrumentation, Sensors/Transducers, Temperature, Hybrid Trans Temp

    4560 Instrumentation, Sensors/Transducers, Coolant Level

    4561 Instrumentation, Sensors/Transducers, Coolant Level, Coolant Level Sensor Low

    4562 Instrumentation, Sensors/Transducers, Coolant Level, Coolant Level Sensor Norm

    4563 Instrumentation, Sensors/Transducers, Coolant Level, Coolant Level Sensor High

    4564 Instrumentation, Sensors/Transducers, Coolant Level, Coolant Sensor Signal

    4580 Instrumentation, Sensors/Transducers, Miscellaneous,

    4581 Instrumentation, Sensors/Transducers, Miscellaneous, No.1 Fuel Level

    4582 Instrumentation, Sensors/Transducers, Miscellaneous, No.2 Fuel Level

    4583 Instrumentation, Sensors/Transducers, Miscellaneous, Service Brake

    4584 Instrumentation, Sensors/Transducers, Miscellaneous, Clutch Position

    4585 Instrumentation, Sensors/Transducers, Miscellaneous, AMMETER

    4586 Instrumentation, Sensors/Transducers, Miscellaneous, Speed Sensor

    4587 Instrumentation, Sensors/Transducers, Miscellaneous, Alt Sensor

    4588 Instrumentation, Sensors/Transducers, Miscellaneous, Alt Field

    4590 Instrumentation, Sensors/Transducers, Miscellaneous,

    4591 Instrumentation, Sensors/Transducers, Miscellaneous, Varashield Position

    4592 Instrumentation, Sensors/Transducers, Miscellaneous, Transmission In Reverse

    4593 Instrumentation, Sensors/Transducers, Miscellaneous, Mass Air Flow

    4594 Instrumentation, Sensors/Transducers, Miscellaneous, Oxygen Sensor

    4600 Instrumentation, ICU/CECU

    4610 Instrumentation, ICU/CECU, Spare Digital Input,

    4611 Instrumentation, ICU/CECU, Spare Digital Input, No.1 Low

    4612 Instrumentation, ICU/CECU, Spare Digital Input, No.2 Low

    4613 Instrumentation, ICU/CECU, Spare Digital Input, No.3 Low

    4614 Instrumentation, ICU/CECU, Spare Digital Input, No.4 Low

    4615 Instrumentation, ICU/CECU, Spare Digital Input, No.5 Low

    4616 Instrumentation, ICU/CECU, Spare Digital Input, No.6 Low

    4617 Instrumentation, ICU/CECU, Spare Digital Input, No.1 High

    4618 Instrumentation, ICU/CECU, Spare Digital Input, No.2 High

    4619 Instrumentation, ICU/CECU, Spare Digital Input, No.1 BI-Polar

    4620 Instrumentation, ICU/CECU, Spare Analog Input,

    4621 Instrumentation, ICU/CECU, Spare Analog Input, No.1 0-5 Volts

    4622 Instrumentation, ICU/CECU, Spare Analog Input, No.2 0-5 Volts

    4623 Instrumentation, ICU/CECU, Spare Analog Input, No.3 0-5 Volts

    4624 Instrumentation, ICU/CECU, Spare Analog Input, No.1 Resistive

    4625 Instrumentation, ICU/CECU, Spare Analog Input, No.2 Resistive

    4640 Instrumentation, ICU/CECU, Spare Power Output,

    4641 Instrumentation, ICU/CECU, Spare Power Output, No.1

    4642 Instrumentation, ICU/CECU, Spare Power Output, No.2

    4643 Instrumentation, ICU/CECU, Spare Power Output, No.3

    4644 Instrumentation, ICU/CECU, Spare Power Output, No.4

    4645 Instrumentation, ICU/CECU, Spare Power Output, No.5

    4646 Instrumentation, ICU/CECU, Spare Power Output, No.6

    4647 Instrumentation, ICU/CECU, Spare Power Output, No.7

    4648 Instrumentation, ICU/CECU, Spare Power Output, No.8

    4800 Instrumentation, Displays

    4850 Instrumentation, Displays, Menu Control Switch

    4851 Instrumentation, Displays, Menu Control Switch, Power

    4852 Instrumentation, Displays, Menu Control Switch, MCSA

    4853 Instrumentation, Displays, Menu Control Switch, MCSB

    4854 Instrumentation, Displays, Menu Control Switch, MCS Enter

    4860 Instrumentation, Displays, Warnings/Indicators,

    4861 Instrumentation, Displays, Warnings/Indicators, Low Voltage Start Enable Light

    4862 Instrumentation, Displays, Warnings/Indicators, Low Voltage Start Enable Alarm

    4900 Instrumentation, Miscellaneous

    4910 Instrumentation, Miscellaneous, MUX Steering Wheel

    4911 Instrumentation, Miscellaneous, MUX Steering Wheel, ECU Power

    4912 Instrumentation, Miscellaneous, MUX Steering Wheel, ECU Wake-Up

    4913 Instrumentation, Miscellaneous, MUX Steering Wheel, Wheel

    4920 Instrumentation, Miscellaneous, Clock

    4921 Instrumentation, Miscellaneous, Clock, Cab Clock

    4922 Instrumentation, Miscellaneous, Clock, Sleeper Clock

    4930 Instrumentation, Miscellaneous, Diagnostics

    4931 Instrumentation, Miscellaneous, Diagnostics, Diagnostic Test Switch

    4940 Instrumentation, Miscellaneous, External Hour Meter

    5100 Safety, ABS

    5110 Safety, ABS, ECU

    5111 Safety, ABS, ECU, Monitor Feed

    5112 Safety, ABS, ECU, System Warning-Fail

    5113 Safety, ABS, ECU, Diagnostic Circuit

    5114 Safety, ABS, ECU, Trailer Warning

    5115 Safety, ABS, ECU, OFF Road

    5120 Safety, ABS, Wheel Speed Sensors,

    5121 Safety, ABS, Wheel Speed Sensors, Left Front

    5122 Safety, ABS, Wheel Speed Sensors, Right Front

    5123 Safety, ABS, Wheel Speed Sensors, Left Front Rear

    5124 Safety, ABS, Wheel Speed Sensors, Right Front Rear

    5125 Safety, ABS, Wheel Speed Sensors, Left Rear Rear

    5126 Safety, ABS, Wheel Speed Sensors, Right Rear Rear

    5130 Safety, ABS, Valves

    5131 Safety, ABS, Valves, Left Front PMV Outlet

    5132 Safety, ABS, Valves, Left Front PMV Inlet

    5133 Safety, ABS, Valves, Right Front PMV Outlet

    5134 Safety, ABS, Valves, Right Front PMV Inlet

    5135 Safety, ABS, Valves, Left Front Rear PMV Outlet

    5136 Safety, ABS, Valves, Left Front Rear PMV Inlet

    5137 Safety, ABS, Valves, Right Front Rear PMV Outlet

    5138 Safety, ABS, Valves, Right Front Rear PMV Inlet

    5139 Safety, ABS, Valves, Left Rear Rear PMV Outlet

    5140 Safety, ABS, Valves, Left Rear Rear PMV Inlet

    5141 Safety, ABS, Valves, Right Rear Rear PMV Outlet

    5142 Safety, ABS, Valves, Right Rear Rear PMV Inlet

    5143 Safety, ABS, Valves, Bird of Prey Valve

    5148 Safety, ABS, Valves, Trailer PMV Release

    5149 Safety, ABS, Valves, Trailer PMV Hold

    5150 Safety, ABS, Valves, Trailer PMV Return

    5160 Safety, ABS, Hydraulic Compact Unit

    5161 Safety, ABS, Hydraulic Compact Unit, Pump Motor Power

    5162 Safety, ABS, Hydraulic Compact Unit, Solenoid Valve Power

    5170 Safety, ABS, Master Cylinder

    5171 Safety, ABS, Master Cylinder, Diff Switch

    5172 Safety, ABS, Master Cylinder, Flow Switch

    5173 Safety, ABS, Master Cylinder, Boost Motor

    5200 Safety, Traction Control

    5210 Safety, Traction Control, ECU

    5211 Safety, Traction Control, ECU, ATC Light

    5220 Safety, Traction Control, Switches

    5230 Safety, Traction Control, Valves

    5260 Safety, Traction Control, Sensors

    5261 Safety, Traction Control, Sensors, Pressure Sensor No.1

    5262 Safety, Traction Control, Sensors, Pressure Sensor No.2

    5263 Safety, Traction Control, Sensors, Pressure Sensor No.3

    5264 Safety, Traction Control, Sensors, Pressure Sensor Common/Power

    5265 Safety, Traction Control, Sensors, ESP Sensor

    5290 Safety, Traction Control, Misc.

    5300 Safety, EBS

    5310 Safety, EBS, ECU

    5311 Safety, EBS, ECU, Warning Light

    5320 Safety, EBS, Switches

    5330 Safety, EBS, Valves

    5360 Safety, EBS, Sensors

    5370 Safety, EBS, Diagnostic Connector

    5390 Safety, EBS, Misc.

    5400 Safety, Supplemental Restraint System

    5410 Safety, Supplemental Restraint System, Control Unit

    5420 Safety, Supplemental Restraint System, Sensors

    5450 Safety, Supplemental Restraint System, Switches

    5451 Safety, Supplemental Restraint System, Switches, Seat Belt Switch

    5460 Safety, Supplemental Restraint System, Explosive

    5490 Safety, Supplemental Restraint System, Misc.

    5500 Safety, Collision Warning

    5510 Safety, Collision Warning, Control Unit

    5520 Safety, Collision Warning, Switches

    5530 Safety, Collision Warning, Valves

    5560 Safety, Collision Warning, Sensors

    5561 Safety, Collision Warning, Sensors, Front Sensor

    5562 Safety, Collision Warning, Sensors, Primary Side Sensor

    5563 Safety, Collision Warning, Sensors, Secondary Side Sensor

    5590 Safety, Collision Warning, Misc.

    5591 Safety, Collision Warning, Misc., Display

    5600 Safety, Cameras

    5630 Safety, Cameras, Side & Rear View Cameras

    5631 Safety, Cameras, Side & Rear View Cameras, Side View

    5632 Safety, Cameras, Side & Rear View Cameras, Rear View

    5640 Safety, Cameras, Night Vision

    5700 Safety, Lane Departure Warning System

    5710 Safety, Lane Departure Warning System, Controls

    5711 Safety, Lane Departure Warning System, Controls, Status Light

    5712 Safety, Lane Departure Warning System, Controls, Enable

    5713 Safety, Lane Departure Warning System, Controls, Disable

    5720 Safety, Lane Departure Warning System, Misc.

    5721 Safety, Lane Departure Warning System, Misc., Left Speaker

    5722 5900 Safety, Lane Departure Warning System, Misc., Right Speaker Safety, Misc.

    5910 Safety, Misc., Windshield Clean (Single And Dual Motor)

    5911 Safety, Miscellaneous, Windshield Clean (Single And Dual Motor), Low (LH Or Single)

    5912 Safety, Miscellaneous, Windshield Clean (Single And Dual Motor), High (LH Or Single)

    5913 Safety, Miscellaneous, Windshield Clean (Single And Dual Motor), Wash 

    5914 Safety, Miscellaneous, Windshield Clean (Single And Dual Motor), High

    5915 Safety, Miscellaneous, Windshield Clean (Single And Dual Motor), Low (RH)

    5916 Safety, Miscellaneous, Windshield Clean (Single And Dual Motor), High (RH)

    5917 Safety, Miscellaneous, Windshield Clean (Single And Dual Motor), Park Signal (LH Or Single)

    5918 Safety, Miscellaneous, Windshield Clean (Single And Dual Motor), Park Signal (RL)

    5920 Safety, Miscellaneous, Mirrors

    5921 Safety, Miscellaneous, Mirrors, Heat

    5922 Safety, Miscellaneous, Mirrors, LH Control, Horizontal

    5923 Safety, Miscellaneous, Mirrors, LH Control, Vertical

    5924 Safety, Miscellaneous, Mirrors, Glare Reduction

    5925 Safety, Miscellaneous, Mirrors, LH Common Motor Return

    5926 Safety, Miscellaneous, Mirrors, RH Control, Horizontal

    5927 Safety, Miscellaneous, Mirrors, RH Control, Vertical

    5928 Safety, Miscellaneous, Mirrors, RH Common Motor Return

    5940 Safety, Miscellaneous, Brake Pad Wear Sensor

    5941 Safety, Miscellaneous, Brake Pad Wear Sensor, LH Front

    5942 Safety, Miscellaneous, Brake Pad Wear Sensor Sensor, RH Front

    5943 Safety, Miscellaneous, Brake Pad Wear Sensor Sensor, LH Front Rear

    5944 Safety, Miscellaneous, Brake Pad Wear Sensor Sensor, RH Front Rear

    5945 Safety, Miscellaneous, Brake Pad Wear Sensor Sensor, LH Rear Rear

    5946 Safety, Miscellaneous, Brake Pad Wear Sensor Sensor, RH Rear Rear

    5950 Safety, Miscellaneous, Engine,

    5951 Safety, Miscellaneous, Engine, Idle Hood Tilt Interlock

    5952 Safety, Miscellaneous, Engine, Aftertreatment Regeneration Validation

    5960 Safety, Miscellaneous, Audible Warnings

    5961 Safety, Miscellaneous, Audible Warnings, Dash Tone Generator 1

    5962 Safety, Miscellaneous, Audible Warnings, Dash Tone Generator 2

    5970 Safety, Miscellaneous, Horn

    5971 Safety, Miscellaneous, Horn, Horn — Electric

    5972 Safety, Miscellaneous, Horn, Horn — Electric Over Air

    5980 Safety, Miscellaneous, Backup Alarm

    6100 Convenience, Radio

    6110 Convenience, Radio, Speakers — Front,

    6111 Convenience, Radio, Speakers — Front, LH Single Or Midrange

    6112 Convenience, Radio, Speakers — Front, LH Tweeter

    6113 Convenience, Radio, Speakers — Front, RH Single Or Midrange

    6114 Convenience, Radio, Speakers — Front, RH Tweeter

    6115 Convenience, Radio, Speakers — Front, Bass Woofer

    6116 Convenience, Radio, Speakers — Front, LH Seat

    6117 Convenience, Radio, Speakers — Front, RH Seat

    6120 Convenience, Radio, Speakers — Rear,

    6121 Convenience, Radio, Speakers — Rear, LH Single Or Midrange

    6122 Convenience, Radio, Speakers — Rear, LH Tweeter

    6123 Convenience, Radio, Speakers — Rear, RH Single Or Midrange

    6124 Convenience, Radio, Speakers — Rear, RH Tweeter

    6125 Convenience, Radio, Speakers — Rear, Bass Unit

    6130 Convenience, Radio, Tuner

    6140 Convenience, Radio, AMR

    6190 Convenience, Radio, Miscellaneous,

    6191 Convenience, Radio, Miscellaneous, Memory Power

    6200 Convenience, CB

    6210 Convenience, CB, Speakers,

    6220 Convenience, CB, Transmitter

    6230 Convenience, CB, Microphone

    6290 Convenience, CB, Miscellaneous,

    6291 Convenience, CB, Miscellaneous, Memory Power

    6292 Convenience, CB, Miscellaneous, ACC Power

    6300 Convenience, Cell Phone/Popl

    6400 Convenience, Video/TV

    6410 Convenience, Video/TV, Monitor Interface Box

    6420 Convenience, Video/TV, Television

    6500 Convenience, Navigation/GPS/SAT.

    6510 Convenience, Navigation/GPS/SAT., Navigation Head Unit

    6511 Convenience, Navigation/GPS/SAT., Navigation Head Unit, Power

    6512 Convenience, Navigation/GPS/SAT., Navigation Head Unit, Transmitted Data

    6513 Convenience, Navigation/GPS/SAT, Navigation Head Unit, Received Data

    6514 Convenience, Navigation/GPS/SAT., Navigation Head Unit, Data Terminal Ready

    6515 Convenience, Navigation/GPS/SAT., Navigation Head Unit, Data Set Ready

    6516 Convenience, Navigation/GPS/SAT, Navigation Head Unit, Data Carrier Detect

    6517 Convenience, Navigation/GPS/SAT., Navigation Head Unit, Request To Send

    6518 Convenience, Navigation/GPS/SAT, Navigation Head Unit, Clear To Send

    6519 Convenience, Navigation/GPS/SAT, Navigation Head Unit, Ring Indicator

    6530 Convenience, Navigation/GPS/SAT., Navigation Audio

    6531 Convenience, Navigation/GPS/SAT., Navigation Audio, Navigation Speaker Amplifier

    6600 Convenience, Security

    6610 Convenience, Security, Sensors/Triggers

    6611 Convenience, Security, Sensors/Triggers, LH Door Open

    6612 Convenience, Security, Sensors/Triggers, Hood Open

    6613 Convenience, Security, Sensors/Triggers, Interior Motion Sensor

    6614 Convenience, Security, Sensors/Triggers, RH Door Open

    6620 Convenience, Security, Alarms/Outputs

    6621 Convenience, Security, Alarms/Outputs, Siren

    6622 Convenience, Security, Alarms/Outputs, Headlight Flash

    6623 Convenience, Security, Alarms/Outputs, Marker/Clearance Flash

    6624 Convenience, Security, Alarms/Outputs, Emergency Broadcast

    6625 Convenience, Security, Alarms/Outputs, Starter Shutdown

    6626 Convenience, Security, Alarms/Outputs, Auxiliary Output

    6650 Convenience, Security, Remote Disconnect SW

    6651 Convenience, Security, Remote Disconnect SW, Set/Reset

    6700 Convenience, Door Lock

    6710 Convenience, Door Lock, Door Lock

    6711 Convenience, Door Lock, Door Lock, LH

    6712 Convenience, Door Lock, Door Lock, RH

    6730 Convenience, Door Lock, Unlock,

    6731 Convenience, Door Lock, Unlock, LH

    6732 Convenience, Door Lock, Unlock, RH

    6750 Convenience, Door Lock, Remote Keyless Entry

    6751 Convenience, Door Lock, Remote Keyless Entry, Misc. Relay CircuitNo.1

    6752 Convenience, Door Lock, Remote Keyless Entry, Misc. Relay CircuitNo.2

    6753 Convenience, Door Lock, Remote Keyless Entry, Misc. Relay CircuitNo.3

    6800 Convenience, No Idle

    6810 Convenience, No Idle, DC/DC Converter

    6811 Convenience, No Idle, DC/DC Converter, Battery Charge

    6812 Convenience, No Idle, DC/DC Converter, Battery Sense

    6820 Convenience, No Idle, Voltage Comparator

    6821 Convenience, No Idle, Voltage Comparator, Low Voltage Start Enable

    6830 Convenience, No Idle, Voltage Regulator

    6831 Convenience, No Idle, Voltage Regulator, Inverter Disable

    6832 Convenience, No Idle, Voltage Regulator, Full Batt Charge Sense

    6900 Convenience, Miscellaneous

    6910 Convenience, Miscellaneous, Window Lift

    6911 Convenience, Miscellaneous, Window Lift, LH Door

    6912 Convenience, Miscellaneous, Window Lift, RH Door

    6913 Convenience, Miscellaneous, Window Lift, Skyvent

    6914 Convenience, Miscellaneous, Window Lift, LH Door Down

    6915 Convenience, Miscellaneous, Window Lift, RH Door Down

    6930 Convenience, Miscellaneous, Refrigerator

    6940 Convenience, Miscellaneous, A/C Inverter & Charger

    6941 Convenience, Miscellaneous, A/C Inverter & Charger, 12 Volts Power Feed

    6942 Convenience, Miscellaneous, A/C Inverter & Charger, Display

    6943 Convenience, Miscellaneous, A/C Inverter & Charger, ON Signal

    6950 Convenience, Miscellaneous, Cigar Lighter/12 Volts Power Well

    6951 Convenience, Miscellaneous, Cigar Lighter/12 Volts Power Well, Well A

    6952 Convenience, Miscellaneous, Cigar Lighter/12 Volts Power Well, Well B

    6953 Convenience, Miscellaneous, Cigar Lighter/12 Volts Power Well, Sleeper A

    6954 Convenience, Miscellaneous, Cigar Lighter/12 Volts Power Well, Sleeper B

    6960 Convenience, Miscellaneous, Miscellaneous Motors

    6961 Convenience, Miscellaneous, Miscellaneous Motors, Motor Up Or Forward

    6962 Convenience, Miscellaneous, Miscellaneous Motors, Motor Down Or Reverse

    6970 Convenience, Miscellaneous, Smartwheel

    7100 HVAC, Refrigerant System

    7110 HVAC, Refrigerant System, A/C Compressor

    7111 HVAC, Refrigerant System, A/C Compressor, A/C Compressor CLUTCH

    7130 HVAC, Refrigerant System, Switches,

    7131 HVAC, Refrigerant System, Switches, High Pressure Switch (ECM Fan Control)

    7132 HVAC, Refrigerant System, Switches, Freeze Switch

    7133 HVAC, Refrigerant System, Switches, Low Pressure Switch

    7134 HVAC, Refrigerant System, Switches, A/C High Pressure Switch

    7135 HVAC, Refrigerant System, Switches, Binary Pressure Switch

    7200 HVAC, Cab System

    7210 HVAC, Cab System, Blower

    7211 HVAC, Cab System, Blower, Low

    7212 HVAC, Cab System, Blower, Medium

    7213 HVAC, Cab System, Blower, High

    7214 HVAC, Cab System, Blower, Fan Speed Signal PWM

    7220 HVAC, Cab System, Actuators

    7221 HVAC, Cab System, Actuators, Heater Mode Door

    7222 HVAC, Cab System, Actuators, Vent/Defrost/Floor

    7223 HVAC, Cab System, Actuators, Fresh Air/Recirculate

    7224 HVAC, Cab System, Actuators, Temperature Mode Sense

    7225 HVAC, Cab System, Actuators, Temperature Mode Motor (-)

    7226 HVAC, Cab System, Actuators, Temperature Mode Motor (+)

    7260 HVAC, Cab System, Sleeper Control

    7300 HVAC, Sleeper System

    7310 HVAC, Sleeper System, Blower

    7311 HVAC, Sleeper System, Blower, Heater Blower Low

    7312 HVAC, Sleeper System, Blower, Heater Blower Medium

    7313 HVAC, Sleeper System, Blower, Heater Blower High

    7314 HVAC, Sleeper System, Blower, Cooler Blower Control

    7315 HVAC, Sleeper System, Blower, Cooler Blower ON

    7320 HVAC, Sleeper System, Actuators

    7321 HVAC, Sleeper System, Actuators, Fresh Air Mode

    7322 HVAC, Sleeper System, Actuators, Recirculate Mode

    7360 HVAC, Sleeper System, Cab Control

    7361 HVAC, Sleeper System, Cab Control, Bunk Heater Thermostat

    7362 HVAC, Sleeper System, Cab Control, A/C Mode

    7363 HVAC, Sleeper System, Cab Control, Heat Mode

    7364 HVAC, Sleeper System, Cab Control, Cooler Thermostat

    7365 HVAC, Sleeper System, Cab Control, Bunk Heater

    7400 HVAC, Parking Cooler System

    7410 HVAC, Parking Cooler System, ECU

    7411 HVAC, Parking Cooler System, ECU, Low Voltage Disable

    7412 HVAC, Parking Cooler System, ECU, Coolant Pump ON

    7420 HVAC, Parking Cooler System, Charge Unit

    7421 HVAC, Parking Cooler System, Charge Unit, By Pass Valve

    7422 HVAC, Parking Cooler System, Charge Unit, Condenser Fan

    7423 HVAC, Parking Cooler System, Charge Unit, Compressor

    7424 HVAC, Parking Cooler System, Charge Unit, Validation

    7425 HVAC, Parking Cooler System, Charge Unit, Comparator

    7900 HVAC, Miscellaneous

    7910 HVAC, Miscellaneous, Accessory Fan

    7911 HVAC, Miscellaneous, Accessory Fan, LH Cab

    7912 HVAC, Miscellaneous, Accessory Fan, RH Cab

    7913 HVAC, Miscellaneous, Accessory Fan, Sleeper Fan/Low

    7914 HVAC, Miscellaneous, Accessory Fan, Sleeper High

    7920 HVAC, Miscellaneous, Aux Heater,

    7921 HVAC, Miscellaneous, Aux Heater, Cab Mounted Aux Heater

    7930 HVAC, Miscellaneous, Control Head Communications

    7931 HVAC, Miscellaneous, Control Head Communications, Sleeper/Cab TX

    7932 HVAC, Miscellaneous, Control Head Communications, Sleeper/Cab RX

    7933 HVAC, Miscellaneous, Control Head Communications, Sleeper/Cab Common

    9100 Trailer, Lighting

    9110 Trailer, Lighting, Turn Signal

    9111 Trailer, Lighting, Turn Signal, LH

    9112 Trailer, Lighting, Turn Signal, RH

    9120 Trailer, Lighting, Stop Lights,

    9130 Trailer, Lighting, Marker, Clearance, ID

    9190 Trailer, Lighting, Misc.,

    9191 Trailer, Lighting, Misc., Trailer Breakaway Line

    9200 Trailer, Multiplex/PLC

    9300 Trailer, Charging Systems

    9310 Trailer, Charging Systems, Trailer Charge

    9311 Trailer, Charging Systems, Trailer Charge, 12 Volts Trailer Charge

    9312 Trailer, Charging Systems, Trailer Charge, 24 Volts Trailer Charge

    9400 Trailer, Security

    9500 Trailer, Trailer Operation

    9510 Trailer, Trailer Operation, Dump Trailers

    9511 Trailer, Trailer Operation, Dump Trailers, No.1 Trailer Dump

    9512 Trailer, Trailer Operation, Dump Trailers, No.2 Trailer Dump

    9513 Trailer, Trailer Operation, Dump Trailers, No.3 Trailer Dump

    9514 Trailer, Trailer Operation, Dump Trailers, No.4 Trailer Dump

    9900 Trailer, Miscellaneous

    9910 Trailer, Miscellaneous, Trailer Backup Alarm

    9920 Trailer, Miscellaneous, Hotwire/ABS

    9930 Trailer, Miscellaneous, Sanding Equipment

    1. The truck in question is a 2007 Kenworth T2000 with Cat and a 10sp Automatic transmission, last eight if the vin: 7J155556.

      I just had a driver call and the truck was running down the highway just fine and all of the sudden came out of gear and went into Neutral even even though the dash read 10 (10th gear). He had a code of Sid 031 on the dash. He coasted to a stop and it seem to be stuck in Neutral and would do anything? He shut the truck off, cycled the key a few times, then started it. It was back in neutral, he put it in D and headed down the road and everything is shifting fine and driving fine right now.
      After about 10 minutes of driving he got a message on his dash of «Rd Spd Short Circuit». I have never heard of this. He said everything is driving fine currently.

      Can someone help out this these 2 messages?


    2. Truckers Report Jobs

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    3. I have a 2007 Kenworth T2000. I have a problem with the instrument cluster. If I disconnect the batteries for a few minutes, everything will work perfectly, a few miles in, a few things start going crazy. The oil pressure gauge, the temperature gauge, the rpm, and the speedometer start flashing or ticking. No check engine light. Does anyone know more or less what it can be. I have an appointment to get a diagnostic test tomorrow but I figured someone on here might know what it might be. Thanks in advance.

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  • Be sure to double check the codes. Anything P1000 to P1999 or P3000 to P3400 will be Manufacturer specific and may not match the ones
    listed here. Check specific manufacturer pages on the site, as some of them, we list the OBD2 codes on those pages for those specific vehicles.

    Kenworth Codes Trouble Code Fault Location P1000 – P1099 (Fuel and air metering and auxiliary emission control) P101C BPV position fault while engine is in SCR heating mode P101D BPV position fault while engine is not in SCR heating mode P101E BPV CAN sensor has permanent governor deviation P101F BPV CAN sensor overload P1020 BPV CAN sensor unspecified actuator fault P1021 BPV CAN sensor command timeout P1022 BPV CAN sensor current too high P1023 BPV CAN sensor temperature too high P1024 BPV CAN sensor power supply fault P1025 BPV CAN sensor position fault P1026 BPV CAN sensor calibration fault P1027 BPV Power supply fault P102A Post Air Temperature BPV over range P102B Post Air Temperature BPV under range P102C Broken Turbine fault P102D AMF CAN sensor burn off timeout fault P102E AMF PCB temperature out of range at powerup P102F BPV temperature out of range at powerup P1030 EGR temperature out of range at powerup P1031 Vehicle speed acceleration/deceleration diagnostic fault P1032 Vehicle speed not zero at key on check fault P1037 Air pressure pre-BPV under range P1038 Air pressure pre-BPV over range P1039 DOCP Doc pressure too high fault P103C NOXCD NOx controller feedback monitor, inner clamping symptom P103D NOXCD NOx controller feedback monitor, EGR actuation limited symptom (low limit) P103E NOXCD NOx controller feedback monitor, EGR actuation limited symptom (high limit) P103F NOXCD NOx controller feedback monitor, VGT surge clamping symptom P1040 DOCP Doc pressure too low fault P1042 EMPCD P3 (exhaust air pressure before turbine) controller feedback monitor, inner clamping symptom P1043 EMPCD P3 (exhaust air pressure before turbine) controller feedback monitor, VGT actuation limited symptom (low limit) P1044 EMPCD P3 (exhaust air pressure before turbine) controller feedback monitor, VGT actuation limited symptom (high limit) P1045 EMPCD P3 (exhaust air perssure before turbine) controller feedback monitor, VGT surge clamping symptom P1046 High error fault of FAFPD diagnosis in idle P1047 Low error fault of FAFPD diagnosis in idle P1048 High error fault of FAFPD diagnosis in overrun P1049 Low error fault of FAFPD diagnosis in overrun P104A Error of the FAFPD overflow diagnosis P104B APSPD P2 (boost air pressure) sensor plausibility fault (high threshold) P104C APSPD P2 (boost air pressure) sensor plausibility fault (low threshold) P104D APSPD P3 (exhaust air pressure before turbine) sensor plausibility fault (high threshold) P1050 APSPD P5 (pre-DOC (or pos BPV) air pressure) sensor plausibility fault P1051 SFS Preheat Plausibility fault P1053 SFS Speed Plausibility fault P1054 SFS Downhill Speed Controller Plausibility fault P1055 SFS Retarder Plausibility fault P1057 APSPD P3 (exhaust air pressure before turbine) sensor plausibility fault (low threshold) P1058 APSPD Boost air pressure lo fault P1062 SFS Cruise control Plausibility fault P1081 Fuel temperature plausibility fault P1086 Detects if the pressure in the rail does not rise within a given time period after the running of the engine, a keyoff-keyon or the entrace into P1087 Fuel pressure low warning P1088 Detects when rail pressure goes over threshold (APV) in the absence of railp sensor fault P1089 Detects when rail pressure goes over threshold (APV) in the absence of railp sensor fault P108A Build up fault when low pres supply insufficient. P1090 Detects when rail pressure goes over threshold (APV) in the absence of railp sensor fault P1091 Rail Pressure Sensor high plausibility fault detected via HPV learning check. P109C High Pressure (dump) Valve current feedback min range fault P109D High Pressure (dump) Valve current feedback max range fault P1100 – P1199 (Fuel and air metering) P1105 Engine Protection System — Approaching Shutdown state P1106 Engine Protection System — Derated performance state P1110 Intake air cooling temperature out of range P1111 Boost air temp rate of change fault P1115 Coolant temp high warning level P1122 Sticking cruise fault P1127 Post Intercooler Air Temperature high warning P1128 Air temp too high P1133 WRAF heater CJ125 short-circuit to battery fault for heater diagnostic P1134 WRAF heater CJ125 short-circuit to ground fault for heater diagnostic P1135 WRAF heater CJ125 short-to-battery fault P1136 WRAF heater CJ125 short-to-ground fault P1137 Wraf heater supply voltage test fault P1138 WRAF heater CJ125 undervoltage fault P1139 Wraf heater calibration test fault P113A Wraf heater control test fault P113B Wraf heater spi test fault P1158 Front Axle LH Wheel Speed out of range fault P1159 Front Axle RH Wheel Speed out of range fault P1160 Rear Axle LH Wheel Speed out of range fault P1161 Rear Axle RH Wheel Speed out of range fault P1162 TCO1 message vehicle speed out of range fault P1163 Transmission output shaft speed out of range P1167 Indicates warning of leak flow restriction is blockage P1168 Indicates that leak flow restriction is blocked P1171 AFC correction minimum limits have been reached. System may be running lean. P1172 AFC correction maximum limits have been reached. System may be running rich. P1180 Fuel is hot due to too low fuel level and high amb temp. P1181 Fuel temp rate of change fault P118A Control error HPV pos when low pres supply insufficient. P1191 Indicates that the fuel filter is clogged P1194 Indicates that the fuel filter is very clogged P1195 Rail pressure calibration medium range fault P1196 Rail pressure calibration high range fault P1197 Rail pressure gradient fault P1200 – P1299 (Fuel and air metering – injector circuit) P1201 Cylinder 1: Injector needle valve open circuit P1202 Cylinder 1: Injector needle valve short circuit across injector P1203 Cylinder 1: Injector needle valve low side short circuit to ground P1204 Cylinder 1: Injector needle valve low side short circuit to battery voltage P1205 Cylinder 5: Injector needle valve open circuit P1206 Cylinder 5: Injector needle valve short circuit across injector P1207 Cylinder 5: Injector needle valve low side short circuit to ground P1208 Cylinder 5: Injector needle valve low side short circuit to battery voltage P1209 Cylinder 3: Injector needle valve open circuit P1210 Cylinder 3: Injector needle valve short circuit across injector P1211 Cylinder 3: Injector needle valve low side short circuit to ground P1212 Cylinder 3: Injector needle valve low side short circuit to battery voltage P1213 Cylinder 6: Injector needle valve open circuit P1214 Cylinder 6: Injector needle valve short circuit across injector P1215 Cylinder 6: Injector needle valve low side short circuit to ground P1216 Cylinder 6: Injector needle valve low side short circuit to battery voltage P1217 Cylinder 2: Injector needle valve open circuit P1218 Cylinder 2: Injector needle valve short circuit across injector P1219 Cylinder 2: Injector needle valve low side short circuit to ground P1220 Cylinder 2: Injector needle valve low side short circuit to battery voltage P1221 Cylinder 4: Injector needle valve open circuit P1222 Cylinder 4: Injector needle valve short circuit across injector P1223 Cylinder 4: Injector needle valve low side short circuit to ground P1224 Cylinder 4: Injector needle valve low side short circuit to battery voltage P1225 Cylinder 1 2 or 3: Injector needle valve high side short circuit to ground P1226 Cylinder 1 2 or 3: Injector needle valve high side short circuit to battery voltage P1227 Cylinder 4 5 or 6: Injector needle valve high side short circuit to ground P1228 Cylinder 4 5 or 6: Injector needle valve high side short circuit to battery voltage P1230 Cylinder 1: Injector spill valve short circuit across injector P1234 Cylinder 5: Injector spill valve short circuit across injector P1235 Turbo Speed Plausibility fault P1238 Cylinder 3: Injector spill valve short circuit across injector P1242 Cylinder 6: Injector spill valve short circuit across injector P1246 Cylinder 2: Injector spill valve short circuit across injector P1250 Cylinder 4: Injector spill valve short circuit across injector P1263 Increase in combustion in cylinder 1 relative to the others. P1266 Increase in combustion in cylinder 2 relative to the others. P1269 Increase in combustion in cylinder 3 relative to the others. P1272 Increase in combustion in cylinder 4 relative to the others. P1275 Increase in combustion in cylinder 5 relative to the others. P1278 Increase in combustion in cylinder 6 relative to the others. P127A EGR mass flow sensor egr too low fault data P127B EGR mass flow sensor egr too high fault data P127C EGR mass flow sensor plausibility fault data P1280 AMF CAN sensor flow out of range P1281 AMF CAN sensor reduced accuracy P1282 AMF CAN sensor pulsation compensation active fault P1283 AMF CAN sensor pulsation detected P1284 AMF CAN sensor medium temperature out of range P1285 AMF CAN sensor checksum error P1286 AMF CAN sensor defective P1287 AMF CAN sensor pcb over temperature P1288 AMF CAN sensor supply voltage out of range P1289 AMF CAN sensor water droplet impact fault P128A AMF CAN sensor burn off failed P128A Control error OMV pos when low pres supply insufficient. P128E Detects if the rail pressure error is low in rail discharge mode P128F Detects if the rail pressure error is high in rail discharge mode P1298 Fault data for the oil system temperature high monitor P12CD Too long time between two tests at a certain rail pressure for injector 0. P12CF Too long time between two tests at a certain rail pressure for injector 1. P12D1 Too long time between two tests at a certain rail pressure for injector 2. P12D3 Too long time between two tests at a certain rail pressure for injector 3. P12D5 Too long time between two tests at a certain rail pressure for injector 4. P12D7 Too long time between two tests at a certain rail pressure for injector 5. P1300 – P1399 (Ignition system or misfire) P1300 Combustion fault diagnosed by CSID module P1301 Intermittent misfire cylinder 1 P1302 Intermittent misfire cylinder 5 P1303 Intermittent misfire cylinder 3 P1304 Intermittent misfire cylinder 6 P1305 Intermittent misfire cylinder 2 P1306 Intermittent misfire cylinder 4 P1335 No crank signal — Start on cam only.w/ fixed timing P1336 High frequency corruption of crank signal during start up. P1340 No cam sync — Possible long cranking period P1341 High frequency corruption of cam signal during start up. Possible long crank P1350 VGT status invalid fault detected P1351 VGT data unreliable fault detected P1352 VGT learn fault detected P1354 VGT power supply low fault detected P1356 VGT temperature too high fault detected P138A Control error discharge pos when low pres supply insufficient. P1400 – P1499 (Emission control) P1400 EGR high rate fault when estimated EGR rate is greater than a APV P1401 CCV pressure sensor max range fault P1402 CCV pressure sensor min range fault P1403 CCV pressure sensor offset fault P1404 CCVCD fault if pressure sensor reading deviates too much from expected value at key on P1405 Venturi pressure out of range low P1406 Venturi pressure out of range high P1407 CCVCD leakage fault P1408 CCVCD fault if pressure has been detected as too high P1409 EGR — Filtered air pressure high fault when air pressure is greater than a APV P140A CCVCD fault if pump (rotor) speed is detected to be too high P140B Venturi temperature rate of change fault P140C CCV inlet temperature sensor under range P140D CCV inlet temperature sensor over range P140E CCVCD fault if pump (rotor) speed is detected to be too low P140F Venturi Delta Pressure Plausibility (Positive) fault P141C CCV outlet temperature sensor under range P141D CCV outlet temperature sensor over range P1457 Egr / Egr cooler temperature High warning P1458 EGR ouput temperature differs from the predicted EGR temperature P1480 EGR CAN sensor has permanent governor deviation P1481 EGR CAN sensor overload P1482 EGR CAN sensor unspecified actuator fault P1483 EGR CAN sensor command timeout P1484 EGR CAN sensor current too high P1485 EGR CAN sensor temperature too high P1486 EGR CAN sensor power supply fault P1487 EGR CAN sensor position fault P1488 EGR CAN sensor calibration fault P1489 EGR valve stuck closed P148A OMV trim hi when low pres supply insufficient. P1490 EGR valve stuck open P1493 Fan speed out of range low fault P1494 Fan speed out of range high fault P1495 EGR failure detected causing fuel derate P1496 System fault has caused the system to go into PM mode and close EGR valve. P1497 EGR position fault while engine is in SCR heating mode P1498 EGR position fault while engine is not in SCR heating mode P1500 – P1599 (Vehicle or idle speed control) P1501 Vehicle speed sensor open circuit P1502 Vehicle speed pulse width modulated mark space ratio P1503 Vehicle speed sensor short circuit to battery voltage P1504 Vehicle speed pulse width modulated duty cycle P1505 Vehicle speed sensor frequency P150F Oil level startup low warning level P1513 DEFOI Urea consumption category fault P1514 DEFOI Urea dosing category fault P1515 DEFOI EGR system category fault P1516 DEFOI Monitor system category fault P1517 DEFOI Urea quality category fault P1518 DEFOI Torque reduction fault P1519 DEFOI urea level warning fault (1st threshold) P151A DEFOI vehicle speed limit fault P151B DEFOI upcoming vehicle speed limit warning fault P151C DEFOI urea level low fault (2nd threshold) P151D DEFOI urea level medium fault (3rd threshold) P151E DEFOI urea severe fault (4th threshold) P151F DEFOI Engine speed limit failure P1523 Oil pressure too high P1524 Fault data for the oil system pressure low monitor P1526 CM1 000986 out of range fault P1529 Crankcase gas flow efficiency low P153A Crankcase gas flow leak P153B Crankcase Oil Mist Separator rotor underspeed P153C Crankcase Oil Mist Separator rotor overspeed P1556 Coolant Level Sensor Plausibility fault P1558 Coolant level sensor under range two P1559 Coolant level sensor over range two P1560 Coolant Level Low warning P1563 Battery supply too low P1564 Fuel Pressure out of range at powerup P1565 Idle diagnostic speed error fault P1566 Idle diagnostic fuel error fault P1567 Acceleration pedal angle fault P1568 Coolant Pump 1 PWM driver short circuit low P1569 Coolant Pump 1 PWM driver short circuit high P156A Coolant Pump 1 PWM driver short open circuit P156B Coolant Pump 2 PWM driver short circuit low P156C Coolant Pump 2 PWM driver short circuit high P156D Coolant Pump 2 PWM driver short open circuit P156E Tachometer PWM driver short circuit low P156F Tachometer PWM driver short circuit high P1570 Oil Temperature signal warm up fault P1571 Oil Temperature signal normal operation fault P1572 Post Compressor temperature plausibility fault P1573 Intake Manifold Air Temperature too high P1580 Turbo speed malfunction low P1581 Turbo speed malfunction high P158A HPV trim HI when low pres supply insufficient. P1600 – P1699 (ECM – computer output circuit) P1601 Customer data area checksum failure P160A Scheduler integrity error P1644 Sensor 5V reference over range P1645 Sensor 5V reference under range P1650 Red stop lamp low side driver open circuit P1652 Red stop lamp low side driver short circuit high P1653 Amber warning lamp low side driver open circuit P1655 Amber warning lamp low side driver short circuit high P1682 Oil level high side driver open circuit P1683 Oil level high side driver short circuit high P1684 Oil level high side driver short circuit low P1686 Starter motor low side driver open circuit P1687 Starter motor low side driver short circuit high P1688 Starter motor low side driver short circuit low P1693 Ether Fluid Control ext pwm driver open circuit / short circuit high P1694 Ether Fluid Control ext pwm driver short circuit low P1698 Voltage reference 4 minimum range fault P1699 Voltage reference 4 maximum range fault P1700 – P1799 (Transmission) P1704 O2SRD Lambda Sensor Dynamic Overrun Diagnostic P1705 O2SRD Lambda Sensor Model Dynamic Response Diagnostic low fault P1706 O2SRD Lambda Sensor Model Dynamic Response Diagnostic high fault P1707 O2SPD Lambda Sensor NOx sensor plausibility low fault P1708 O2SPD Lambda Sensor NOx sensor plausibility high fault P1709 O2SPD Lambda Sensor Overrun diagnostic P170A O2SPD Lambda Sensor Model Level Plausibility level low fault P170B O2SPD Lambda Sensor Model Level Plausibility level high fault P170C UNSRD NOx Sensor Overrun diagnostic P170D UNSRD NOx Sensor Up Model Dynamic Response negative fault P170E UNSRD NOx Sensor Up Model Dynamic Response positive fault P170F UNSPD NOx Sensor Overrun diagnostic P1710 UNSPD NOx Model NOx Plausibility low fault P1711 UNSPD NOx Model NOx Plausibility high fault P1717 ARSPD T5 Plausibility Check P1718 NOXCD NOx Control Deviation Diagnosis — positive P1719 NOXCD NOx Control Deviation Diagnosis — negative P171B EGRRD NOx Governor Slow Response — decrement P171C EGRRD NOx Governor Slow Response — increment P171D EMTVP T3 Model disable diagnosis P1721 SCRTD Heating Mode diagnosis P1722 BPVDD Back Pressure Valve Diagnostic P1723 EMPCD P3 ControlDeviation diagnosis fault — positive P1724 EMPCD P3 ControlDeviation diagnosis fault — negative P1726 EMPRD P3 Governor Slow Response diagnosis P1727 VGTDD Actuator PosDev diagnosis P1729 DPFRM NMD regeneration Time out fault P1751 Mil lamp driver short circuit to battery fault P1800 – P1899 (Transmission) P1839 Upstream NOx sensor AT1IGC1 high rate fault P1840 Upstream NOx sensor AT1IGC1 low rate fault P1841 Upstream NOx sensor AT1IGC2 high rate fault P1842 Upstream NOx sensor AT1IGC2 low rate fault P1845 Upstream NOx sensor compatibility monitor fault P1846 Upstream NOx sensor ECU-ID message high rate fault P1847 Upstream NOx sensor ECU-ID message low rate fault P1848 Upstream NOx sensor heater FMI monitor fault P1849 Upstream NOx sensor heater response monitor fault. P1850 Upstream NOx sensor heater-related data not available fault P1851 Upstream NOx sensor heater-related data out of range fault P1852 Upstream NOx sensor info-related data not available fault P1853 Upstream NOx sensor info-related data out of range fault P1854 Upstream NOx sensor NOx FMI monitor circuit fault P1855 Upstream NOx sensor NOx persistent invalid monitor fault P1856 Upstream NOx sensor NOx signal-related data not available fault P1857 Upstream NOx sensor NOx signal-related data out of range fault P1858 Upstream NOx sensor O2 FMI monitor circuit fault P1859 Upstream NOx sensor O2 persistent invalid monitor fault P1860 Upstream NOx sensor O2 signal-related data not available fault P1861 Upstream NOx sensor O2 signal-related data out of range fault P1862 Upstream NOx sensor power status low monitor faults P1863 Propb AST 522902 out of range fault P1863 Upstream NOx sensor power-related data not available fault P1864 AFC slow learn compensation under range. P1864 Upstream NOx sensor power-related data out of range fault P1865 AFC slow learn compensation over range. P1866 Exhaust Gas Pressure (pre turbine) sensor out of range high P1867 Exhaust Gas Temperature (post BPV) sensor out of range high P1868 Ambient air temperature sensor out of range high P1869 Fuel temperature sensor out or range low P1870 Crankcase ventilation pressure sensor out of range low P1871 Turbocharger compressor pressure sensor out of range low P1872 Turbocharger compressor pressure sensor out of range high P1873 Turbocharger compressor temperature sensor out of range low P1874 Turbocharger compressor temperature sensor out of range high P1875 Relative humidity sensor out of range low P1876 Barometric pressure sensor out of range high P1876 Ambeint air temperature sensor out of range low P1878 CCV pump speed sensor out or range high P1879 Coolant temperature sensor out of range high P187B Coolant pump speed sensor out of range high P1880 Fuel pressure sensor out of range high P1882 Fuel temperature sensor out of range high P1887 Post BPV pressure sensor out of range high P188C Air pressure sensor out of range high P1891 Pre turbine pressure sensor out of range low P1896 Turbo speed sensor out of range high P1900 – P1999 (Transmission) P1909 Fault data for upstream NOx sensor heater warmup monitor

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