Описание ошибок CMD-V4
Здравствуйте ! Увлекся программирование под Андроид, решил сделать что то более менее полезное в итоге пришло в голову написать справочник по ошибкам CMD-V4. Принцип работы предельно прост, в поле ввода вводится код ошибки(SCOD) и нажимаете ниже кнопку и выпадает ее описание.
- Dekker
- Новичок
- Сообщения: 32
- Зарегистрирован: 03 ноя 2011, 04:47
Re: Описание ошибок CMD-V4
ceres » 25 сен 2014, 12:47
Полезная штука, скачал, думаю, когда сменю телефон, обязательно установлю
А пока у меня в каждом банкомате на обратной строне фальшдвери вложена распечатка с кодами ошибок
Можно пойти дальше и сделать справочник по CCDM
ceres - Местный
- Сообщения: 160
- Зарегистрирован: 14 фев 2014, 23:35
- Откуда: Ишим
- Авто: Lancer 9
Re: Описание ошибок CMD-V4
Xavr » 18 апр 2015, 22:14
Отличная штука! Спасибо автор!
Поддержу ceres, справочник для CCDM еще бы.
- Xavr
- Новичок
- Сообщения: 44
- Зарегистрирован: 04 апр 2012, 15:28
Re: Описание ошибок CMD-V4
Ex-OSB2006 » 07 июл 2016, 00:06
Эх, поставил себе на Анроида 360 Т.С. и он первым делом мне приложение снёс, сцуко!
Хорошо хоть ссылка живая!!!
Ex-OSB2006 - Нач. отдела
- Сообщения: 1135
- Зарегистрирован: 23 авг 2011, 16:39
Вернуться в Dispenser
Кто сейчас на конференции
Сейчас этот форум просматривают: нет зарегистрированных пользователей и гости: 2
Displays in normal operation
Controller faulty
Software missing
Safety switch open
Blocking of device pending
CMD-V4 minimum
configuration is missing
Belt drive of clamp defective
(DCM 3)
Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 — Service Manual
Explanation / Measures
When starting the CMD-V4, the
power-up test detected a serious
fault in the electronics of the
controller. The controller must be
Reload firmware.
Close the safety switch (place
CMD-V4 in safe in cash-out
A retract has been executed. The
cash that was not removed by the
customer has been placed in the
SAT. After this, all transport
functions of the CMD-V4 are
disabled by the software.
Remove the customer money from
the SAT, and then reset the device
lock using the product-specific
In order to be able to operate, the
CMD-V4 requires at least one
cash-out cassette ready for
operation and the reject/retract
cassette. Insert the reject/retract
cassette and the filled cash-out
cassette(s), and register them
using the product-specific
Replace the output transport or the
01750060162 A
Table of Contents
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Summary of Contents for Wincor Nixdorf CMD-V4
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Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 Service Manual… -
Page 3
Please contact the following address giving the order number of this manual in your message: Address: WINCOR NIXDORF International GmbH Handbuchredaktion R&D ACT 12 D — 33094 Paderborn Germany Fax: +49 (0) 52 51 693-62 09 E-mail : manuals.hardware@wincor-nixdorf.com… -
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Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 Service Manual January Edition 2014… -
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Copyright © Information and trademarks © WINCOR NIXDORF International GmbH 2014 All rights, including rights of translation and rights of reproduction by reprinting, copying or similar methods, even of parts, are reserved. Any violations give rise to a claim for damages. -
Page 6
Contents/Abbreviations ….Introduction ……..Cash Components ……Sensors/actuators/transport paths Troubleshooting ……Removal/Installation ……. Maintenance and Service ….Appendix ……… Index ……….01750060162 D Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 — Service Manual… -
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Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 — Service Manual 01750060162 D… -
Page 8: Table Of Contents
CMD-V4 output direction horizontal Rearload ………. 2-3 CMD-V4 output direction vertical Frontload ……….2-4 CMD-V4 output direction vertical Rearload ……….2-5 CMD-V4 1-cassette with single dispensing unit ……..2-6 Vertical Cash Media Dispenser (VCMD) ……….2-7 Functional components and controls …………2-8 CMD-V4 ………………..
Page 9
Inserting the cassette …………….2-39 Closing the cassette …………….2-39 Inserting the cassette ……………. 2-40 Cassette initialization ………………. 2-44 Determining the reference value …………..2-44 CMD-V4 ………………..2-45 VCMD ………………… 2-46 Function test ………………..2-47 CMD-V4 ………………..2-47 VCMD ………………… 2-47 General ……………….. -
Page 10
1-cassette housing without dispensing unit (VCMD) ……2-86 1-cassette housing with one dispensing unit (VCMD) ……2-87 Single dispensing unit with DDU (CMD-V4 or VCMD) ……2-88 Single dispensing unit without DDU (CMD-V4 or VCMD) …… 2-89 Double dispensing unit with DDU (CMD-V4 or VCMD) ……2-90 Double dispensing unit without DDU (CMD-V4 or VCMD) ….. -
Page 11
Views ………………….2-113 CMD-V4 shutter ………………2-113 CMD-V5 shutter ………………2-116 Function ………………… 2-118 Banknote removal area CMD-V4 …………2-119 Banknote removal area CMD-V5 …………2-119 Meaning of the hybrid photosensors ………… 2-120 Pin assignment ………………2-121 Maintenance ………………..2-121 Technical Data ………………. -
Page 12
Rear of paper web …………….2-177 USB pin assignment …………….2-178 Sensors and electromechanical components ……….. 3-1 CMD-V4 with horizontal output transport RL ……….3-1 CMD-V4 with vertical output transport …………3-2 VCMD with vertical output …………….3-3 Meaning of abbreviations and symbols …………3-4 Electrical elements ………………. -
Page 13
Processes in the VCMD (schematic) …………3-17 Withdrawal ………………..3-18 Bundle reject ………………..3-19 Single reject ………………..3-20 Processes in the CMD-V4 …………….. 3-21 Start-up behavior ………………3-21 Controller test ………………3-21 Firmware test ………………3-21 Memory reset ………………3-21 Determination of the device type ………… -
Page 14
Checking the rear output transport ………… 4-37 Checking the front output area …………4-40 Serial Number Recognition …………….4-41 Removal/Installation of Components …………5-1 Pulling out/pushing in the CMD-V4 …………..5-2 Pulling out/pushing in the VCMD …………..5-2 CMD controller ………………..5-3 CMD-V4 ………………..5-3 VCMD ………………….. -
Page 15
Shutter ProCash 2350xe / USB …………..5-45 Shutter ProCash 5000 (mini) …………… 5-46 Adjusting the shutters ……………… 5-47 Distributor board ………………5-48 CMD-V4 ………………..5-48 Quadruple rack …………….. 5-48 1-cassette housing …………….5-50 VCMD ………………… 5-52 Dispensing units ………………5-54 CMD-V4 ……………….. -
Page 16
Approved maintenance materials …………. 6-7 Appendix ………………….. 7-1 Technical data ………………..7-1 Cash Media Dispenser CMD-V4 without output transport ……7-1 Vertical Cash Media Dispenser VCMD vertical output ……7-2 CMD-V4 stacker ………………7-2 Stacker and output transport VCMD …………7-3 Output transport CMD-V4 …………….. -
Page 17
Contents Standard cassette Basic/Midrange ………….. 7-16 Compact cassette Basic/Midrange ………….. 7-16 Standard cassette High End ……………. 7-17 Compact cassette High End ……………. 7-17 Reject / retract cassette …………….7-18 Returning, recycling and disposing of used units and consumables ..7-20 Pin assignments ……………… -
Page 18
Data Set Ready Committee for Data Terminal Ready Standardization) Clock Generator Clutch Electromagnetic Clutch EEPROM Electrical Erasable Programmable CMD-V4 Cash Media Read Only Memory Dispenser Version 4 Intruder alarm system CMD-V5 Cash Media Dispenser Version 5 European Union CMOS Complementary Metal… -
Page 19
Abbreviations GmbH Limited liability company Personal Computer (system unit of the device) Ground Print Contrast Sensitivity Programmable Logic Device High PROM Programmable Read Only Horizontal Dispense Memory Module Photosensor Hexadecimal Photosensor Dispense (sensor for dispensing process) Infrared Photosensor Empty (cassette empty sensor) Power up test KDIAG Components Diagnostics Random Access Memory… -
Page 20
Abbreviations Thermal printer Transistor-Transistor- Logic Transmitted Data Uninterruptible Power Supply Universal Serial Bus Under-counter VCMD Vertical Cash Media Dispenser Wincor Nixdorf International GmbH I-XIII 01750060162 D Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 — Service Manual… -
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Abbreviations I-XIV Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 — Service Manual 01750060162 D… -
Page 22: Introduction
Introduction This service manual has been compiled for authorized Service personnel only. The operating and installation instructions and the service manual of the base device should also be read since certain details are only described in these instructions. Symbols used in this manual Text following a dash represents an item in a list.
Page 23: Important Safety Instructions
Important Safety Instructions Introduction Important Safety Instructions Please read the following notes carefully before conducting any work on the device. Be careful not to injure your head when the customer panel or the operating unit door are lifted up! Be careful not to injure your head when the customer panel is raised! Be careful not to injure your head when the operating unit door is lifted up! Make sure no water/liquids (e.g.
Page 24
Introduction Important Safety Instructions Note the warning and information labels on the device. Unless otherwise stated, grasp the components only by the green ledge when handling them. The device is equipped with a safety-tested power cable. The. which must be connected only to a suitable grounded outlet. Always hold the plug when removing the power cable. -
Page 25
(e. g. EMA connection, relay panel for external features). Only use cleaning agents approved by WINCOR NIXDORF International GmbH for cleaning and maintenance (see chapter «Maintenance and service»). -
Page 26
Introduction Important Safety Instructions Start-up Before operating the device, remove all parts inside of it which secure its components during transportation or check whether they have been removed (see info sheet supplied with the device). 01750060162 D Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 — Service Manual… -
Page 27: Structure Of The Manual
In the chapter «Description of the components» is a description of the essential funtions of the individual components of the Cash Media Dispenser. The chapter «Start-up» is about the initialization of the CMD-V4. This is followed by several chapters that describe the sensors/actuators and the courses in the CMD-V4.
Page 28: Supplementary Documentation
Introduction Structure of the manual Supplementary documentation Instruction manuals in several languages are available for the operation of the base devices, which contain also a description about the CMD. These manuals can be ordered from our print partner. They are also available in the intranet.
Page 29: Description Of The Device
Cash Media Dispenser (CMD) or the Vertical Cash Media Dispenser (VCMD), respectively. The CMD-V4 is the replacement for the AZM-NG. The CMD-V4 and the AZM- NG are software-compatible but not hardware-compatible. The VCMD is the replacement for the SAT BBA UT. The VCMD and the SAT BBA UT are are software-compatible but not hardware-compatible.
Page 30
(Frontload/Rearload) and because of a variable number of dispensing units (up to 6 cash-out cassettes and one reject/retract cassette). The CMD-V4 consists of the following components depending on the features in the device: Stacker with or without single reject… -
Page 31
Description of the device Introduction The VCMD consists of the following components depending on the features in the device: Stacker and output transport with single reject 1-cassette with single dispensing unit 2-cassette with double dispensing unit CMD controller Cash-out and reject cassette 1-10 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 — Service Manual 01750060162 D… -
Page 32: Device Overview And Operation
Device Overview and Operation Device overview 01750060162 D Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 — Service Manual…
Page 33: Cmd-V4 Output Direction Horizontal Frontload
Device overview Device Overview and Operation CMD-V4 output direction horizontal Frontload 1 Double dispensing unit with DDU 9 Reject / retract cassette 2 Quadruple rack 10 Status display 3 4-cassette distributor board 11 Function key 4 Double dispensing unit 12 Cash-out cassette 1…
Page 34: Cmd-V4 Output Direction Horizontal Rearload
Device Overview and Operation Device overview CMD-V4 output direction horizontal Rearload 1 Output transport horizontal RL 9 Reject / retract cassette 2 Double dispensing unit with DDU 10 Status display 3 Quadruple rack 11 Function key 4 4-cassette distributor board…
Page 35: Cmd-V4 Output Direction Vertical Frontload
Device overview Device Overview and Operation CMD-V4 output direction vertical Frontload 1 Stacker 9 Reject / retract cassette 2 Double dispensing unit with DDU 10 Status display 3 Quadruple rack 11 Function key 4 4-cassette distributor board 12 Cash-out cassette 1…
Page 36: Cmd-V4 Output Direction Vertical Rearload
Device Overview and Operation Device overview CMD-V4 output direction vertical Rearload 1 Output transport vertical RL 9 Reject / retract cassette 2 Double dispensing unit with DDU 10 Status display 3 Quadruple rack 11 Function key 4 4-cassette distributor board…
Page 37: Cmd-V4 1-Cassette With Single Dispensing Unit
The following illustration shows three 1-cassette housings with a single dispensing unit with double note detection unit (DDU) and two single dispensing units. The CMD-V4 with 1-cassette housing can be supplied in all of the configurations that are also available for the 4-cassette housing (see preceding illustrations).
Page 38: Vertical Cash Media Dispenser (Vcmd)
Device Overview and Operation Device overview Vertical Cash Media Dispenser (VCMD) 1 Operating unit (folded up 8 Cassette release tab(s) to the side) 9 Cash-out cassette 5 2 Cassette handle(s) 10 Cash-out cassette 4 3 Release handle stacker 11 Cash-out cassette 3 and output transport (SAT) 12 Cash-out cassette 2 4 VCMD handle…
Page 39: Functional Components And Controls
Device overview Device Overview and Operation Functional components and controls CMD-V4 1 Release lever 2 Status indicator (two 7-segment displays, first digit at the top) 3 Function key Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 — Service Manual 01750060162 D…
Page 40: Vcmd
Device Overview and Operation Device overview VCMD 1 Status indicator (two 7-segment displays) 2 Function key 3 Safety shield 01750060162 D Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 — Service Manual…
Page 41: Serial Number Recognition
Serial Number Recognition Serial number detection can be optionally configured in the CMD-V4 for specific countries. The bank note is registered by the CMD-V4 and an image of the note is transmitted to the product-specific software. This prepares the data for evaluating the serial numbers on the notes.
Page 42
Device Overview and Operation The cassettes 1 Pull-back handle 9 Cassette lid 2 Banknote rail 10 Refill notes 3 Slide for low cash sensor 11 Latching button (optional) 12 Free space for denomination 4 Pressure carriage 13 Free space for cassette label 5 Blue/green tamper indicator 14 Cassette handle 6 Sealing device… -
Page 43: Reject / Retract Cassette
The cassettes Device Overview and Operation Reject / retract cassette CMD-V4 Banknotes from failed or trial dispensing are generally stored in an unordered manner in the reject box of the reject/retract cassette. Banknotes from the customer, e.g. banknotes not removed by the customer, are stored in the retract box of the reject/retract cassette.
Page 44: Vcmd
Device Overview and Operation The cassettes VCMD The reject cassette used with the VCMD does not have a retract box. Banknotes from failed or trial dispensing are generally stored in an unordered manner in the reject box of the reject cassette. The reject cassette is available in different versions.
Page 45: Avoidance Of Problems And Damage
The cassettes Device Overview and Operation Avoidance of problems and damage Safety instructions Make sure that cash-out or reject/retract cassettes are not damaged or dropped during storage and transport. In particular, make sure that the gearwheel at the front of the reject/retract cassette is not damaged during storage and transport.
Page 46: Removing The Cassette
ProCash device, chapter «Basic Operation», section «Calling the product-specific software»). Open the safe door (see the operating manual of the base device). The cassettes from the CMD-V4 can be removed as follows: Press the green releasing tab on the right side of the cassette (1).
Page 47: Vcmd
The cassettes Device Overview and Operation VCMD Before cassettes can be removed, the current transaction must be terminated as defined. The procedure for removing the reject/retract cassettes and for cash- out cassettes is the same. Before removing a cash-out cassette always remove the reject / retract cassette first.
Page 48: Cassette Transportation
Device Overview and Operation The cassettes Cassette transportation Make sure that cassette(s) are not damaged during transport. It is therefore important to note the following instructions: Do not allow cassette(s) to fall – Do not toss cassette(s) – Transport cassette(s) only in its/their original position during –…
Page 49: Opening The Cassette
The cassettes Device Overview and Operation Opening the cassette The procedure for opening cash-out cassettes and reject/retract cassettes is the same. Remove the cassette (see section «Removing the cassette»). Cassette without lock Remove the sealing if there is one (1). Turn the green locking/release lever in the arrow direction (2) and lift the cassette lid in the arrow direction (3).
Page 50: Emptying The Reject/Retract Cassette
Device Overview and Operation The cassettes Emptying the reject/retract cassette CMD-V4 Remove and open the cassette (see section «Opening the cassette»). Remove the banknotes from the cassette’s reject compartment. To empty the retract box, push the green lever in the direction indicated (1) as far as possible and hold it down.
Page 51: Vcmd
The cassettes Device Overview and Operation VCMD Remove and open the cassette (see section «Opening the cassette»). Remove the banknotes from the cassette’s reject compartment. 2-20 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 — Service Manual 01750060162 D…
Page 52: Setting The Low Cash Sensor
Device Overview and Operation The cassettes Setting the low cash sensor As an option, the cash-out cassettes can be equipped with a low cash sensor. With this function, a microswitch reports to the connected device that the cassette contains only a certain quantity of banknotes. To set the sensor to the desired minimum banknote quantity, proceed as follows: Remove and open the cassette (see section «Opening the cassette»).
Page 53: Setting The Note Width
The cassettes Device Overview and Operation Setting the note width The note width has to be set before the cassette is used for the first time or when a different currency or denomination is used in the cassette. Remove and open the cassette (see section «Opening the cassette»). Removing the banknotes Press the green latching button (1) while sliding the pressure carriage…
Page 54: Disengaging The Banknote Rails
Device Overview and Operation The cassettes Disengaging the banknote rails Pull up the horizontal tab (1) at the end of the banknote rail to lift the catch (2) above the crosspiece underneath the tab. At the same time, push against the shoulder (3) with the thumb of your other hand in the direction of the cassette handle.
Page 55
The cassettes Device Overview and Operation Insert the tip of a screwdriver in the opening of the banknote rail (1) and use it as a lever to move the rails in the arrow direction (2). Disengaging the banknote rail – note width less than 110 mm (4.33″) If the banknote rail is set to a banknote width of less than 110 mm (4.33″), proceed as follows: Pull up the horizontal tab (1) at the end of the banknote rail to lift the catch… -
Page 56: Inserting The Banknote Rail
Device Overview and Operation The cassettes Inserting the banknote rail In the following representations, a note width of 133 mm (5.24″) is assumed, resulting in a rail setting at 135 mm (5.31″) on the scale. The left rail and the right banknote rails are removed in the same way. Slide the protruding end of the rail (1) under the lower edge of the pull-back handle if necessary and press the rail…
Page 57
The cassettes Device Overview and Operation The banknote rail is correctly inserted if the desired setting is placed in the small cutout (1) and the rail is correctly hooked in (2). The tab of the rail (1) must lie flat on the crosspiece. -
Page 58
Device Overview and Operation The cassettes Examples for setting the banknote rail: Dispensing end Side of cassette handle Note width 133 mm (5.24″) — banknote rail is set to 135 mm (5.31″) on the scale Note width 137 mm (5.40″) — banknote rail is set to 140 mm (5.51″) on the scale Inserting the banknote rail –… -
Page 59: Setting The Banknote Height
The cassettes Device Overview and Operation Setting the banknote height Press the two catches (1) inwards and remove the inset (2) in the direction of the center of the cassette lid. 2-28 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 — Service Manual 01750060162 D…
Page 60
If you have no information concerning the size of the banknotes used, measure the banknotes in millimeters. Round up this value in mm to the next higher value on the scale (CMD-V4) or to the next one higher than that (VCMD) and place the insert in that position. -
Page 61: Attaching Denomination Labels To Cmd Cassettes
The cassettes Device Overview and Operation Attaching denomination labels to CMD cassettes The denomination labels are attached to the cash-out cassette after adjusting the width and height of the note. Remove the corresponding denomination labels (1) from the carrier material and attach them to the corresponding cash-out cassette (shown in the illustration here).
Page 62: Filling The Cash-Out Cassette
Device Overview and Operation The cassettes Filling the cash-out cassette Replenishment of the cash-out cassettes includes the following steps: Preparing the cash-out cassette Preparing the banknote bundles Inserting banknote bundles In general, all banknotes corresponding to the requirements of the national bank are suitable for use in the cash-out cassette.
Page 63
The cassettes Device Overview and Operation Remove the cash-out cassette from the CMD-V4 (see section «Removing the cassette»). Place the cash-out cassette (1) on the loading aid as shown in the picture, and open the cassette lid (see the section «Opening the cassette»). -
Page 64: Preparing The Banknote Bundles
Device Overview and Operation The cassettes Preparing the banknote bundles Check the banknotes for damage before you put them into the cash-out cassettes. Sort out the damaged banknotes and/or remove clips, needles or other foreign objects. The following banknotes should be rejected: torn, glued, folded, creased, stapled or clipped banknotes.
Page 65: Inserting Banknote Bundles
The cassettes Device Overview and Operation Inserting banknote bundles Also follow the instructions for filling the cash-out cassette on the inside of the cassette lid. General refill notes Remove any existing bank wrappers made of paper, plastic or rubber before inserting the banknote bundle.
Page 66
Device Overview and Operation The cassettes New and used banknote bundles If you use new and used banknote bundles in one cassette, always insert the bundles with the used banknotes into the cassette first. Then insert the bundles with the new banknotes after you separated them at the cut edges (see the section «Preparing the banknote bundles»). -
Page 67
The cassettes Device Overview and Operation Always insert banknote bundles which are bent horizontally by their packaging into the cash-out cassette in such a way that the side of the bundle bulging out is pointing towards the pressure carriage. Remove the banknote bundles from the packaging, fan the banknotes and put them into the cassette as shown in the picture. -
Page 68: Special Comments For Deformed Banknotes
Device Overview and Operation The cassettes Special comments for deformed banknotes Possible deformation of banknotes Type A: Type B: Type C: Bulge near the S-shaped bulge Wavy-shaped bulge hologram Type A: Turn the bundle so that the deformed corner of the banknote is pointing towards the dispensing side and not towards the pressure carriage.
Page 69
The cassettes Device Overview and Operation Type C: If the bundle has a wavy shape as a result of being tied, turn it so that the deformed corners are pointing towards the end from which the banknotes are dispensed and not towards the pressure carriage. -
Page 70: Inserting The Cassette
Device Overview and Operation The cassettes Inserting the cassette The procedure for inserting cash-out cassettes and reject/retract cassettes is the same. Closing the cassette If the cassette does not have a lock, you must close the cassette lid (1) and turn the green locking and release lever (2) to the left.
Page 71: Inserting The Cassette
Turn the locking/release lever to the left or lock the cassette with the key (see section «Closing the cassette»). Push the cassette back into the CMD-V4 in one uninterrupted motion until it audibly latches into place. Wait for the single beep confirming the correct pressure build-up in the cassette.
Page 72
Device Overview and Operation The cassettes VCMD Only cassettes with a blue cover are suitable for the vertical operation of the VCMD. Normally the tamper indicator (1) is always green. If the indicator is blue, the cassette has been tampered with or has been forced open. To switch the tamper indicator to green, proceed as follows: Unlock the cassette using the key and/or turn the locking/release lever to the left. -
Page 73
The cassettes Device Overview and Operation Holding the cassette grip, insert the cassette slowly and evenly into the VCMD (see arrow). Do not jerk the cassette while inserting it and never permit it to fall into the VCMD from above! Fold the cassette grip down in the arrow direction. -
Page 74
Device Overview and Operation The cassettes Press the cassette downward with the “ click ” flat of your hand (see arrow) until the locking/unlocking key engages audibly. If a triple signal tone sounds instead of a single tone, remove the cassette and check the contents of the cash-out cassette (see the instructions in the section «Filling the cash-out cassette»). -
Page 75: Cassette Initialization
Cassette initialization Device Overview and Operation Cassette initialization The initialization of the cassettes is necessary in case of new types of banknotes or cassettes. With the initialization the system will be informed about the cassette number, the currency and the denomination of the banknotes.
Page 76: Cmd-V4
Device Overview and Operation Determining the reference value CMD-V4 Pull the CMD-V4 as far as possible out of the safe by the green release lever (see chapter «Removal and installation», section «Pulling out/pushing in the CMD-V4»). If the release lever jams and you cannot pull out the CMD-V4, it is imperative that you consult the chapter «Troubleshooting».
Page 77: Vcmd
Determining the reference value Device Overview and Operation VCMD Pull the VCMD out of the safe as far as possible (consult the operating manual of the basic device). Open the stacking compartment, remove the banknotes from the clamp stacking position and count them. The quantity of dispensed banknotes must be the same as the one reported by the product-specific software.
Page 78: Function Test
Press the function pushbutton on the CMD controller (see also the section «Functional components and controls») to start test runs and to reset the CMD-V4. To start a test function, the CMD-V4 must be in normal operating mode. ’00’ or ’14’ is then shown on the status display.
Page 79: General
Description of the function Normal mode Return to normal mode (not a function). Reset The CMD-V4 or VCMD is powered up while ‘—’ is displayed on the status indicator (for approx. 10 seconds). If an error is detected which prevents or…
Page 80
Deactivation of If the safe door is open and encryption DES_CLEAR_BUTTON=Y, then the encryption between the CMD-V4 and the system unit (PC) is deactivated. 01750060162 D Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 — Service Manual… -
Page 81
Function test Device Overview and Operation 2-50 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 — Service Manual 01750060162 D… -
Page 82: Description Of The Components
Description of the Components Memory chip (EEPROM) In order to ensure the highest level of compatibility between the individual hardware components and the firmware, the relevant components have been equipped with an EEPROM that contains information about the mechanical (FCKM) and electronic (FCKE) hardware variant. These are physically mounted to the respective component.
Page 83: Cassette Handling
EUR. Release date The release date of the bank notes contains an additional 4-digit ID (YYMM of the edition). This allows the CMD-V4 or VCMD to process notes with the same nominal value but different note properties. Denomination This value determines the denomination of the bank note (8-digit).
Page 84: The Cmd Controller Or Vcmd Controller
CMD-V4 or VCMD. The data transfer between system unit and CMD-V4 or VCMD takes place either via USB or RS232C interface. The transfer parameters for the RS232C interface are determined automatically.
Page 85
FIFO depth of 64 bytes. If more than 64 bytes are to be transferred to or from the CMD-V4 or VCMD, the data is split into 64-byte blocks and sent separately. Any packet that contains less than 64 bytes of data is known as a short package. -
Page 86
The CMD controller or VCMD controller The above image shows the component side of the CMD controller without cover. The CMD controller controls all of the processes in the CMD-V4 or VCMD and the communication to the higher-order system unit. -
Page 87
The CMD controller or VCMD controller Description of the Components Firmware The loadable firmware CMD_V4_0.bin is stored in a Flash-PROM. In standard mode, it is outwardly AZM-NG-compatible. A USB-capable KDIAG is required for updating the firmware through the USB interface. In principle, updating also continues to be possible through the serial interface (insofar as the corresponding socket is available), but the USB plug must however be pulled from the controller in order to do this. -
Page 88: Position Of The Function Groups
Description of the Components The CMD controller or VCMD controller Position of the function groups CMD-V4 1 Two 7-segment displays 3 Jumper field 2 Function key 01750060162 D Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 — Service Manual…
Page 89: Vcmd
The CMD controller or VCMD controller Description of the Components VCMD 1 Two 7-segment displays * 3 Jumper field 2 Function key * * The display or the buttons can also be led through to the outside. 2-58 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 — Service Manual 01750060162 D…
Page 90: Connector Arrangement On The Cmd Controller
Description of the Components The CMD controller or VCMD controller Connector arrangement on the CMD controller Connector Description Mechanical thickness sensor Shutter Transport module V.24 interface on the PC USB interface on the PC Door switch and security switch in the safe V.24 interface Special electronics module 24 V voltage supply…
Page 91
The CMD controller or VCMD controller Description of the Components Connector Description Clamp motors Motor and lift magnets on the stacker / left and right side cover EEPROM on the stacker Hall sensors on the stacker Hybrid photosensors and photosensors on the Single Reject Hybrid photosensors and photosensors on the stacker / left side cover Dispensing unit… -
Page 92: Logical Interface
Description of the Components The CMD controller or VCMD controller Logical interface All of the commands from the higher-order system to the CMD or VCMD and answers from the CMD or VCMD to the higher-order system follow the master- slave principle. This means that the CMD or the VCMD does not send any spontaneous messages.
Page 93
The CMD controller or VCMD controller Description of the Components Command Description Transport: Bundle Reject Transport: Close shutter Transport: Output cash Transport: Open shutter Transport: Offer cash Transport: Cash retract without storage Transport: Cash retract with storage Transport: Shutter Test Transport: Target = Stop Over DDblank Cancel… -
Page 94
Description of the Components The CMD controller or VCMD controller Command Description DGblank Determine reference value Key test Request Initial Value Load line code Switch encryption off Load transport key Transparent ChipCard access Software transfer: Activate booter Software transfer: Data Software transfer: Firmware ‘HASH’ Software transfer: Read firmware ID Set the real-time clock… -
Page 95: Control Block
CMD controller. This component has one standard endpoint (EP0) and a maximum of six additional endpoints (EP1 – EP6). Information regarding the control procedure and the data structure can be found in the software manual for the CMD-V4. 2-64 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 — Service Manual…
Page 96: Serial Interface
The meaning of the status displays can be found in the chapter «Troubleshooting». Function key In certain cases it is advisable to check whether the CMD-V4 or VCMD is ready to operate without using further help tools. In addition, a function button is located on the controller below the status display.
Page 97: Photosensor Logic Board
The CMD controller or VCMD controller Description of the Components Photosensor logic board The photosensor logic span the generation and control of the photosensor LED transmission current and the measurement of the receive voltage of the phototransistors. When the photosensor parameters are initiated automatically, the optimum values for transmit current and gain of the evaluation logic are determined for each photosensor.
Page 98: Measurement Of The Banknotes With The Multiple-Note Detection Unit
Measurement of the banknotes with the multiple- note detection unit The multiple-note detection unit (DDU) in the CMD-V4 is located in the upper dispensing unit (or in the dispensing unit at the very front with the VCMD). The dispensed notes deflect two tracer levers equipped with magnets during the transport.
Page 99: Component Control
The CMD controller or VCMD controller Description of the Components Component control Dispensing unit control The dispensing unit control is divided into: Logic for dispensing clutches, retaining spring magnets and cassette stepper motors Photosensors for dispensing sensors and cassette empty sensors Pressure measurement including cassette available sensor The control for a maximum of two double dispensing units and two single dispensing units or for a maximum of six single dispensing units is to be found…
Page 100: Cassette Control
Description of the Components The CMD controller or VCMD controller Cassette control Note contact pressure The pressure is generated by a stepper motor. After the required value is achieved with a current of approx. 0.8 A, it switches to the holding current of approx.
Page 101: Safety Switch
The safety switch monitors the start position of CMD; if the CMD is pulled out of the safe, it will be put out of operation. Locking switch (CMD-V4 only) If the dispenser is not fully inserted into the safe (status display <09>), the FW prevents the clamp moving to the vertical cash-out position by querying the locking switch.
Page 102: Extension Board For Procash 5000 (Mini)
Description of the Components The CMD controller or VCMD controller Extension board for ProCash 5000 (mini) The extension board (01750068065) is used in connection with the ProCash 5000 (mini) and is used to control the additional CMD status display and the left-hand and right-hand user guidance on the operating panel. This is utilized only when the ProCash 5000 (mini) has been supplied without a system unit (PC).
Page 103: The Stacker
The Stacker Description of the Components The Stacker CMD-V4 The stacker with retract function is on the upper rack. The stacker serves all output types. The configuration depends on the output transport. The single reject function is installed in countries outside of the European Union.
Page 104
Description of the Components The Stacker A bundle output from the stacking position of the clamp is controller by the routing disk. The clamp is closed with the help of the routing disk. The clamp transports the bundle, guided in gear tracks, to the respective position. -
Page 105: Stacker Eeprom For The Cmd-V4
The Stacker Description of the Components Stacker EEPROM for the CMD-V4 The EEPROM is physically mounted to the stacker (in the area of the stacker wheel). The device version (e.g. single reject) is stored in it, if it cannot be stored electronically.
Page 106: Vcmd
Description of the Components The Stacker VCMD This device version has an altered stacker and output transport. The function of the single reject is always available. Any questioned (‘bad’) note that is detected is removed by the single reject switch. All ‘good’ notes are made available as a bundle in the stacking compartment via the stacker wheel.
Page 107: Serial Number Recognition
The logic board is installed on the side on the stacker. Power is supplied through the CMD-V4. The control and data linkage is carried out directly on the system unit (PC) via USB. The product-specific software controls the complete sequence of the serial number detection.
Page 108: Output Transport
Description of the Components Output transport Output transport The output transport differs, depending on the device version. The following illustration shows a output transport for a Rearload device with horizontal output. The output transport is secured to the stacker (only with horizontal output) and is controlled via the CMD controller.
Page 109: Shutter
Shutter Description of the Components Shutter The shutter is a bank note cover flap which is controlled with the CMD controller. 2-78 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 — Service Manual 01750060162 D…
Page 110: Shutter Anti Cash Trapping
Description of the Components Shutter Anti Cash Trapping Shutter Anti Cash Trapping The Shutter Anti Cash Trapping is a bank note cover flap which is controlled with the CMD controller. The shape of the shutter flap is intended as a mechanical measure to prevent the attachment of a trapping device in front of the bank note cover flap.
Page 111: Vbk Shutter
VBK shutter Description of the Components VBK shutter The shutter is a bank note cover flap which is controlled with the CMD controller. The attachment of a trapping device in front of the bank note cover flap is intended to be detected by means of sensor systems. Two different procedures are deployed for this purpose.
Page 112: The Dispensing Unit
The dispensing unit The dispensing unit CMD-V4 With the CMD-V4, each user can select the right device configuration for his requirements by choosing between different models (Indoor/Outdoor, Frontload/Rearload) and among a variable quantity of dispensing units (1-6). The multiple-note detection unit must be positioned in the top dispensing unit.
Page 113: Quadruple Rack Without Dispensing Units (Cmd-V4)
The dispensing unit Description of the Components Quadruple rack without dispensing units (CMD-V4) 2-82 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 — Service Manual 01750060162 D…
Page 114: 4-Cassette Housing With Double Dispensing Unit And 4-Cassette Distributor Board (Cmd-V4)
Description of the Components The dispensing unit 4-cassette housing with double dispensing unit and 4-cassette distributor board (CMD-V4) Each quadruple rack consists of four cassette mountings and at least one double dispensing unit with a multiple-note detection unit. The second double dispensing unit without a multiple-note detection unit is then used if more than two cassettes are configured.
Page 115: 2-Cassette Housing Without Dispensing Unit (Vcmd)
The dispensing unit Description of the Components The pressure of the banknotes on the extractor shaft is evaluated with a pressure sensor. The note dispensing proceeds by means of downward friction. The dispensing unit extracts only one note at a time from the cash-out cassette and transports it to the stacker.
Page 116: 2-Cassette Housing With One Double Dispensing Unit And 2-Cassette Distributor Board (Vcmd)
Description of the Components The dispensing unit 2-cassette housing with one double dispensing unit and 2-cassette distributor board (VCMD) Each 2-cassette housing consists of two cassette mountings and one double dispensing unit. The multiple-note detection unit must always be in the dispensing unit at the very front.
Page 117: 1-Cassette Housing Without Dispensing Unit (Vcmd)
The dispensing unit Description of the Components 1-cassette housing without dispensing unit (VCMD) 2-86 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 — Service Manual 01750060162 D…
Page 118: 1-Cassette Housing With One Dispensing Unit (Vcmd)
Description of the Components The dispensing unit 1-cassette housing with one dispensing unit (VCMD) Each 1-cassette housing consists of one cassette mounting and one dispensing unit with a multiple-note detection unit. The pressure of the banknotes on the extractor shaft is evaluated with a pressure sensor.
Page 119: Single Dispensing Unit With Ddu (Cmd-V4 Or Vcmd)
The dispensing unit Description of the Components Single dispensing unit with DDU (CMD-V4 or VCMD) 2-88 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 — Service Manual 01750060162 D…
Page 120: Single Dispensing Unit Without Ddu (Cmd-V4 Or Vcmd)
Description of the Components The dispensing unit Single dispensing unit without DDU (CMD-V4 or VCMD) 01750060162 D Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 — Service Manual…
Page 121: Double Dispensing Unit With Ddu (Cmd-V4 Or Vcmd)
The dispensing unit Description of the Components Double dispensing unit with DDU (CMD-V4 or VCMD) 2-90 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 — Service Manual 01750060162 D…
Page 122: Double Dispensing Unit Without Ddu (Cmd-V4 Or Vcmd)
Description of the Components The dispensing unit Double dispensing unit without DDU (CMD-V4 or VCMD) A pendulum dispensing shaft is installed for the note dispensing. The drive of the extractor shaft is provided by the central motor as well as a magnetic coupling for each extractor shaft.
Page 123: Adjustment Eccentric
A. If a replace dispensing unit is supplied, its maximum setting is If the double dispenses from a single cassette in the CMD-V4 become more frequent, the V gap on the corresponding dispensing unit can be decreased by increasing both eccentrics (respectively to left and right of the shaft) by one step, e.g.
Page 124: Photosensors In The Dispensing Unit (Cmd-V4 Or Vcmd)
Description of the Components The dispensing unit Photosensors in the dispensing unit (CMD-V4 or VCMD) The message PSE (Photosensor empty (cassette empty message)) is triggered if there are no longer any banknotes in the cassette. The photosensor ray is guided back to the receiver in the dispensing unit through a prism in the pressure carriage of the cassette.
Page 125: The Reject/Retract Cassette (Cmd-V4 Or Vcmd)
The Reject/Retract cassette (CMD-V4 or VCMD) Description of the Components The Reject/Retract cassette (CMD-V4 or VCMD) Only cassettes with a blue cover are suitable for the vertical operation of the VCMD. The Reject/Retract cassette contains two separate compartments into which the notes can be brought using the software controls.
Page 126
Description of the Components The Reject/Retract cassette (CMD-V4 or VCMD) The reject cassette corresponds to the greatest extent possible to the Reject/Retract cassette, except for the fact that the retract compartment is omitted at the factory. Only the reject cassette is used with the VCMD. The term Reject/Retract cassette is used for both types in the following. -
Page 127
The Reject/Retract cassette (CMD-V4 or VCMD) Description of the Components Reject/Retract cassette opened (CMD-V4) 2-96 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 — Service Manual 01750060162 D… -
Page 128
Description of the Components The Reject/Retract cassette (CMD-V4 or VCMD) Reject cassette opened (VCMD) 01750060162 D Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 — Service Manual… -
Page 129: The Cash-Out Cassettes
The cash-out cassettes Description of the Components The cash-out cassettes Only cassettes with a blue cover are suitable for the vertical operation of the VCMD. The cash-out cassette is available in two versions. The standard version is equipped with a motorized pressure carriage. The VCMD version is equipped with braking strips.
Page 130
Description of the Components The cash-out cassettes Cash-out cassette standard 01750060162 D Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 — Service Manual… -
Page 131
Description of the Components Cash-out cassette opened (VCMD) In principle, the cash-out cassettes of the CMD-V4 and the VCMD are of identical construction. The stack of notes of the cassette receive a pressure to start to the dispensing area through the vertical operation of the VCMD. Two braking strip are integrated in front of the dispensing area which reduce the pressure on the notes in combination with the pressure springs in the cover. -
Page 132
If the tamper indicator shows ‘green’ and the visor of the cassette is closed, then the cassette can be deployed in the CMD-V4 or VCMD. Cash dispensing transactions can be carried out. The tamper indicator can be reset by rotating the release lever or the lock. -
Page 133
The cash-out cassettes Description of the Components 2-102 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 — Service Manual 01750060162 D… -
Page 134: Start-Up
Start-up Initial start-up During the initial start-up of the CMD-V4 (Cash Media Dispenser) or of the VCMD (Vertical Cash Media Dispenser, respectively), perform the following operations in the stated sequence: 1. Set the cash-out cassettes to the bank note size if they were not preset in the factory 2.
Page 135: Start-Up After Component Replacement
You should perform the following steps if you have replaced a component in the CMD-V4 or the VCMD: 1. Initialization of the CMD-V4 or VCMD 2. Set the cash-out cassette to the bank note size if there was no presetting in…
Page 136: Electric Adjustments Cmd-V4 Or Vcmd
(CMD-V4 only) * Initialization of the photosensors with removed cassettes, the photosensors should not be covered (KDIAG: DXM) ** Remove and reinsert the cassette with switched-on CMD-V4 or VCMD (running operation, no active withdrawal). *** Reference value determination with initialized/deployed cassettes with genuine money (KDIAG menu ‘Device’ ->…
Page 137: Jumper Settings On The Cmd Or Vcmd Controller
Electric adjustments CMD-V4 or VCMD Start-up Jumper settings on the CMD or VCMD controller Position of the jumper field on the controller 1 Jumper field on the CMD or VCMD controller 2-106 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 — Service Manual…
Page 138
Start-up Electric adjustments CMD-V4 or VCMD The 10-digit jumper field beneath the status display controls the following settings: Jumper Designation Open Connected DOOR Do not heed the Heed the door switch during door switch during encryption encryption SCOP Reserve (may not be connected) Jump A Set standard line parameter (19200,8,2,ODD);… -
Page 139: Default Settings
Electric adjustments CMD-V4 or VCMD Start-up Default settings Jumper connected Battery Jumper connected on one side (on one PIN only) DOOR (option for activating DOOR) 2-108 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 — Service Manual 01750060162 D…
Page 140: Setting The Cassettes To The Banknote Size
Start-up Setting the cassettes to the banknote size Setting the cassettes to the banknote size Read in this connection the sections «Setting note width» and «Setting note height» in the chapter «Device overview and operation». Fill the cassettes with genuine money and push them in After the device was switched on and no error occurred, the cash-out cassettes need to be filled with genuine money.
Page 141
Genuine money test Start-up 2-110 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 — Service Manual 01750060162 D… -
Page 142: Shutter Cmd Horizontal
Shutter CMD horizontal Shutter CMD V4 horizontal RL 01750053690 Shutter CMD V4 horizontal FL 01750056960 Shutter horiz. 8x CMD RL 01750166395 Shutter horiz. 8x CMD FL 01750166396 Shutter horiz. VBK 8x CMD RL 01750187300 Shutter_CMD_V4_horiz._RL_VBK 01750192728 Shutter_CMD-V4_horiz._FL_VBK 01750193245 01750060162 D Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 — Service Manual…
Page 143: Installation
Installation Shutter CMD horizontal Installation The shutter closes the cash output area of the Cash Media Dispenser (CMD) component and consists of the following components: Shutter flap Drive mechanism with DC motor, gear mechanism and interlock mechanism 1 photo sensor for the provisioning of a note bundle to the output 1 photo sensor for the monitoring of the money withdrawal Connector board with two hybrid photo sensors to control of the shutter flap Both versions (Frontload and Rearload) differ only in the so called ‘ramp’ in the…
Page 144: Views
Shutter CMD horizontal Views Views CMD-V4 shutter Rearload version view Frontload version view 1 Ramp 3 Prism for the PS 28 2 Prism for the PS 27 01750060162 D Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 — Service Manual…
Page 145
Views Shutter CMD horizontal The structure of the shutter is shown with the Rearload version as an example. The shutter structure is exactly the same in the Frontload version. 1 Electronics board 6 Gear mechanism cover 2 Connection plug 7 Prism for the PS 27 3 Motor connection (-) 8 Prism for the PS 28 4 Motor connection (+) -
Page 146
Shutter CMD horizontal Views 1 Moving and latching mechanism 5 Motor connection (-) (left) 6 Motor connection (+) 2 Switching flag for DPS 11 7 Hybrid photosensor DPS 10 3 Switching flag for DPS 10 8 Hybrid photosensor DPS 11 4 Drive shaft for shutter flap 01750060162 D Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 — Service Manual… -
Page 147: Cmd-V5 Shutter
Views Shutter CMD horizontal CMD-V5 shutter Rearload version view 2-116 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 — Service Manual 01750060162 D…
Page 148
Shutter CMD horizontal Views The structure of the shutter is shown with the Rearload version as an example. The shutter structure is exactly the same in the Frontload version. 1 Electronics board 5 Gear mechanism cover 2 Connection plug 6 Prism for the PS 27 3 Motor connection 7 Prism for the PS 28 4 DC motor… -
Page 149: Function
Function Shutter CMD horizontal Function The shutter is controlled by the firmware of the CMD-V4/V5 controller and is triggered by the application software. Control data Control cable CMD-V4/V5 Shutter controller Voltage The firmware evaluates the signals of the photo sensors PS 27 and PS 28 as well as the hybrid photosensors DPS 10 and DPS 11 and controls the motor.
Page 150: Banknote Removal Area Cmd-V4
Error code 28 If the locking procedure does not proceed in 1 second, the firmware turns off the motor, signals an error code (displays error code 28 on the CMD-V4 controller) and messages the malfunction to the application. Error code 29 (manipulation protection) If the closing shutter flap covers photo sensor PS 27, the error code 29 is shown on the display.
Page 151: Meaning Of The Hybrid Photosensors
Function Shutter CMD horizontal Meaning of the hybrid photosensors DPS 10 DPS 11 ERROR Open covered Shutter flap is completely open (position OPEN) covered covered Shutter flap is opened (Position between OPEN and BANKNOTE DISPENSING) covered Open The shutter flap is in the locking phase Open Open Shutter flap is closed and locked…
Page 152: Pin Assignment
Shutter CMD horizontal Pin assignment Pin assignment Type of connector: JST PHD 12M Contact Designation Note not used not used + 12 V Motor (+) Motor connection (+) Motor (-) Motor connection (-) DPS 10 DPS 11 PS 27 PS 28 Transmit current PS 27 and PS 28 not used…
Page 153: Technical Data
Technical Data Shutter CMD horizontal Technical Data Dimensions: 128 mm (5.04″) Height: 304 mm (11.97″) Width: 67 mm (2.64″) Depth: 820 g (1809 lb) Weight: 2-122 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 — Service Manual 01750060162 D…
Page 154: Shutter Cmd Horizontal
Shutter CMD horizontal Designation Part Number Image Shutter CMD V4 horizontal FL 01750082602 Shutter CMD V4 horizontal RL 01750082603 Shutter CMD V4 horizontal FL assy. w 01750085287 Shutter CMD V4 RL w assy. 01750128413 Shutter CMD V4 horizontal FL rail 01750136010 Shutter CMD V4 horizontal RL rail 01750136011…
Page 155: Illustration 1 Shutter Cmd
Illustration 1 Shutter CMD Shutter CMD horizontal Illustration 1 Shutter CMD 2-124 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 — Service Manual 01750060162 D…
Page 156: Illustration 2 Shutter Cmd Rail
Shutter CMD horizontal Illustration 2 Shutter CMD rail Illustration 2 Shutter CMD rail 01750060162 D Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 — Service Manual…
Page 157: Installation
Installation Shutter CMD horizontal Installation The shutter closes the cash output area of the Cash Media Dispenser (CMD) component and consists of the following components: Shutter flap (with or without rail) Drive mechanism with DC motor, gear mechanism and interlock mechanism 1 photo sensor for the provisioning of a note bundle to the output 1 photo sensor for the monitoring of the money withdrawal…
Page 158: Views
Shutter CMD horizontal Views Views CMD-V4 shutter Rearload version view Frontload version view 1 Ramp 3 Prism for the PS 28 2 Prism for the PS 27 01750060162 D Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 — Service Manual…
Page 159
Views Shutter CMD horizontal The structure of the shutter is shown with the Rearload version as an example. The shutter structure is exactly the same in the Frontload version. 1 Electronics board 6 Gear mechanism cover 2 Connection plug 7 Prism for the PS 27 3 Motor connection (-) 8 Prism for the PS 28 4 Motor connection (+) -
Page 160
Shutter CMD horizontal Views 1 Moving and latching mechanism 5 Motor connection (-) (left) 6 Motor connection (+) 2 Switching flag for DPS 11 7 Hybrid photosensor DPS 10 3 Switching flag for DPS 10 8 Hybrid photosensor DPS 11 4 Drive shaft for shutter flap 01750060162 D Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 — Service Manual… -
Page 161: Cmd-V5 Shutter
Views Shutter CMD horizontal CMD-V5 shutter Rearload version view 2-130 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 — Service Manual 01750060162 D…
Page 162
Shutter CMD horizontal Views The structure of the shutter is shown with the Rearload version as an example. The shutter structure is exactly the same in the Frontload version. 1 Electronics board 5 Gear mechanism cover 2 Connection plug 6 Prism for the PS 27 3 Motor connection 7 Prism for the PS 28 4 DC motor… -
Page 163: Function
Function Shutter CMD horizontal Function The shutter is controlled by the firmware of the CMD-V4/V5 controller and is triggered by the application software. Control data Control cable CMD-V4/V5 Shutter controller Voltage The firmware evaluates the signals of the photo sensors PS 27 and PS 28 as well as the hybrid photosensors DPS 10 and DPS 11 and controls the motor.
Page 164: Banknote Removal Area Cmd-V4
Error code 28 If the locking procedure does not proceed in 1 second, the firmware turns off the motor, signals an error code (displays error code 28 on the CMD-V4 controller) and messages the malfunction to the application. Error code 29 (manipulation protection) If the closing shutter flap covers photo sensor PS 27, the error code 29 is shown on the display.
Page 165: Meaning Of The Hybrid Photosensors
Function Shutter CMD horizontal Meaning of the hybrid photosensors DPS 10 DPS 11 ERROR Open covered Shutter flap is completely open (position OPEN) covered covered Shutter flap is opened (Position between OPEN and BANKNOTE DISPENSING) covered Open The shutter flap is in the locking phase Open Open Shutter flap is closed and locked…
Page 166: Pin Assignment
Shutter CMD horizontal Pin assignment Pin assignment Type of connector: JST PHD 12M Contact Designation Note not used not used + 12 V Motor (+) Motor connection (+) Motor (-) Motor connection (-) DPS 10 DPS 11 PS 27 PS 28 Transmit current PS 27 and PS 28 not used…
Page 167: Technical Data
Technical Data Shutter CMD horizontal Technical Data Dimensions: 128 mm (5.04″) Height: 304 mm (11.97″) Width: 67 mm (2.64″) Depth: 820 g (1809 lb) Weight: 2-136 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 — Service Manual 01750060162 D…
Page 168: Shutter Cmd Vertical
Shutter CMD vertical Shutter CMD V4 vertical RL 01750045330 Shutter CMD V4 vertical FL 01750054768 Shutter 8x CMD FL 01750157286 Shutter 8x CMD RL 01750159971 Shutter protection 8x CMD FL 01750184934 Shutter protection 8x CMD RL 01750184935 01750060162 D Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 — Service Manual…
Page 169: Structure
Structure Shutter CMD vertical Structure The shutter closes the cash output area of the Cash Media Dispenser (CMD) component and consists of the following components: Shutter flap Drive mechanism with stepper motor, gear mechanism, interlock mechanism and two hybrid photo sensors (DPS 10 and DPS 11) for monitoring the flap position.
Page 170
Shutter CMD vertical Structure Rearload version rear view Frontload version front view 1 Ramp 01750060162 D Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 — Service Manual… -
Page 171
Structure Shutter CMD vertical Position of the photo sensors Rearload version 1 Prism for photo sensor PS 27 2 Photo sensor PS 28 2-140 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 — Service Manual 01750060162 D… -
Page 172
Shutter CMD vertical Structure Position of the photo sensors Frontload version 1 Prism for photo sensor PS 27 2 Photo sensor PS 28 The additional structure of the shutter is shown with the Rearload version as an example. The shutter structure is exactly the same in the Frontload version. -
Page 173
Structure Shutter CMD vertical 1 Connection plug 3 Stepper motor 2 Electronics board 4 Gear mechanism cover 2-142 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 — Service Manual 01750060162 D… -
Page 174
Shutter CMD vertical Structure 1 Hybrid photo sensor DPS 11 5 Cam disk 2 Hybrid photo sensor DPS 10 6 Lever 3 Twin gear wheel 7 Side piece flap 4 Switch actuator DPS 11 and 8 Stepper motor DPS 10 at the cam disk 01750060162 D Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 — Service Manual… -
Page 175: Function
Function Shutter CMD vertical Function The shutter is controlled by the firmware of the CMD-V4/V5 controller and is triggered by the application software. Control data Control cable CMD-V4 Shutter controller Voltage The firmware evaluates the signals of the photo sensors PS 27 and PS 28 as well as the hybrid photo sensors DPS 10 and DPS 11 and controls the motor.
Page 176: Cash Dispensing Cmd-V4
Error code 28 If the locking procedure does not proceed in 1 second, the firmware turns off the motor, signals an error code (displays error code 28 on the CMD-V4 controller) and messages the malfunction to the application. Error code 29 (manipulation protection) If the closing shutter flap covers photo sensor PS 27, the error code 29 is shown on the display.
Page 177: Meaning Of The Hybrid Photo Sensors
Function Shutter CMD vertical Meaning of the hybrid photo sensors DPS 10 DPS 11 Meaning open covered Shutter flap is completely open (position OPEN) covered covered Shutter flap is opened (Position between OPEN and CASH DISPENSING) covered open The shutter flap is in the locking phase. Because of the slowing-down time which is contained in the firmware, it is guaranteed that the shutter flap is completely closed and locked…
Page 178: Pin Assignment
Shutter CMD vertical Pin assignment Pin assignment Type of connector: JST PHD 12M Description Remarks + 24 V Load for + 24 V + 12 V Motor (+) Stepper motor On / Off *1) Motor (-) Rotation direction of the stepper motor forwards / backwards *1) DPS 10…
Page 179: Maintenance
Maintenance Shutter CMD vertical Maintenance The shutter does not require preventive maintenance under normal operating conditions. Technical data Dimensions: Height: 127 mm (5″) Width: 337 mm (13.3″) Depth: 185 mm (7.28″) Weight: 1020 g (2250 lb) 2-148 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 — Service Manual 01750060162 D…
Page 180: Ink Staining System
Ink Staining System The cash media dispenser (CMD-V4) can be equipped with two different ink staining systems. If an ink staining system is installed read the respective service manual which is supplied with the device: Ink staining system SQS: 01750094340…
Page 181
Ink Staining System 2-150 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 01750060162 D… -
Page 182: Printing Cassette (Th60)
Printing Cassette (TH60) Printing cassette (TH60) 01750092160 Printing cassette (TH60) 01750109482 The printing cassette is an optional component of the CMDV4 and is used to print documents and labels. It is part of a dual dispenser module. The TH60 is a thermal printing unit with an integrated paper cutter, and is installed in the printing cassette.
Page 183: View Of Printing Cassette (Large Paper Roll)
View of printing cassette (large paper roll) Printing Cassette (TH60) View of printing cassette (large paper roll) 1 24 V power supply 2 USB port 3 Locking/unlocking lever 4 Handle to pull out/push in the printing cassette 2-152 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 — Service Manual 01750060162 D…
Page 184: View Of Printing Cassette (Small Paper Roll)
Printing Cassette (TH60) View of printing cassette (small paper roll) View of printing cassette (small paper roll) 1 24 V power supply 2 USB port 3 Locking/unlocking lever 4 Handle to pull out/push in the printing cassette 2-153 01750060162 D Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 — Service Manual…
Page 185: Components And Controls
Components and controls Printing Cassette (TH60) Components and controls 1 Thermal printing unit with paper cutter 2 Paper-nearly-out receiver 3 Paper roll holder 4 Paper-nearly-out transmitter 5 Keypad 2-154 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 — Service Manual 01750060162 D…
Page 186: Pulling Out The Printing Cassette
Printing Cassette (TH60) Pulling out the printing cassette Pulling out the printing cassette Launch the product-specific software (see chapter “Basic Operation”, section “Calling the product-specific software” in the operating manual). Open the safe door (see chapter “Basic Operation”, section “Opening/closing the safe door (with factory setting)” or “Opening/closing the safe door (with customized lock)”…
Page 187: Keypad
Keypad Printing Cassette (TH60) Keypad 1 Yellow status LED 4 F1 key — paper feed 2 Red status LED 5 F2 key 3 Green status LED 6 RESET key Errors/faults The yellow or red status LED flashes if an error occurs. This does not include faults that cause the controller to stop functioning.
Page 188: Status Indications
Printing Cassette (TH60) Errors/faults Status indications The yellow or red status LED flashes if an error occurs, for example flashing briefly twice in succession. The LED is then switched off for 0.5 second, and the cycle is repeated (see the diagram “Example of a 2-flash indication”). Example of a 2-flash indication 0.3 s Yellow status LED…
Page 189: Red Status Led
Errors/faults Printing Cassette (TH60) Red status LED This LED indicates the general error status of the printing cassette. Flash Cause Action cycle End of paper Insert a new paper roll (see chapter “Printing Cassette”, section “Replacing the paper roll” in the operating manual).
Page 190: Key Functions
Printing Cassette (TH60) Key functions Key functions The following key functions are available to test the printing unit. Paper feed – press the F1 key Trial printout (fonts) – press the F1 and RESET keys, then release RESET while continuing to hold F1 down. Setup menu and printout of setup report –…
Page 191: Trial Printout
Key functions Printing Cassette (TH60) Trial printout Press the RESET and F1 keys at the same time. Release RESET while continuing to hold F1 down for several seconds. The printer outputs a trial printout showing the fonts. It is advisable to use normal thermal paper with a width of 150 mm / 5.91″…
Page 192: Ending The Key Function
Printing Cassette (TH60) Setup menu Ending the key function Press the RESET key to exit the key function. Setup menu Only print the setup menu on thermal paper because printing extends beyond the margin when labels are used. The status report is triggered as follows. F2 key (1) Press the RESET and F2 keys at the same time.
Page 193
Setup menu Printing Cassette (TH60) You can select and change the menu items via the F2 key. 2-162 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 — Service Manual 01750060162 D… -
Page 194: Menu Structure
Printing Cassette (TH60) Setup menu The settings are saved automatically; they cannot be rejected. If an input error is made, the menu item must be selected again and changed. You can go to the next menu item with the F1 key. You can end menu settings at any time by pressing RESET.
Page 195: Adjusting The Paper-Nearly-Out Sensor
Adjusting the paper-nearly-out sensor Printing Cassette (TH60) Adjusting the paper-nearly-out sensor Pull the printing cassette out of the CMDV4 (see the “Pulling out the printing cassette” section). Large roll: Undo the screw (1) on the right side of the paper-nearly-out sensor (2). Push the paper-nearly-out sensor up or down.
Page 196: Status Leds
Printing Cassette (TH60) Adjusting the paper-nearly-out sensor Status LEDs LEDs: Green (1) on = OK, there is enough paper. Yellow (2) also on = The paper is running out. A message is sent to the application. 2-165 01750060162 D Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 — Service Manual…
Page 197: Installing/Removing Components
Installing/removing components Printing Cassette (TH60) Installing/removing components Thermal line with blade Pull the printing cassette out of the CMDV4 (see the section “Pulling out the printing cassette”). Switch the Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 off (see chapter “Basic Operation”, section “Switching off the device” in the operating manual), and unplug the power plug.
Page 198
Printing Cassette (TH60) Installing/removing components Detach connectors (1) to (3). Press the retaining lever (1) in the direction of the arrow. Tilt the thermal array upward in the direction of the arrow (2). Press the retaining lever (1) in the direction of the arrow. -
Page 199: Removing The Printing Cassette
Installing/removing components Printing Cassette (TH60) Removing the printing cassette Pull the printing cassette out of the CMDV4 (see the section “Pulling out the printing cassette”). Switch the Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 off (see chapter “Basic Operation”, section “Switching off the device” in the operating manual), and unplug the power plug of the Cash Media Dispenser Version 4.
Page 200
Printing Cassette (TH60) Installing/removing components Loosen the knurled screw (1) by a few turns. Push the cable chain with the retaining bracket in the direction of the arrow (1). Turn the cable chain out of the retaining mechanism (3) in the direction of the arrow (2), and detach Press the locking levers (1) and (2) in the direction of the arrow as far as… -
Page 201
Installing/removing components Printing Cassette (TH60) Hold the telescopic runner tight with your thumbs. Press the printing cassette upward out of the retaining mechanism in the direction of the arrow and ..support the printing cassette (1). Pull the telescopic runner away from the printer in the direction of the arrow (2). -
Page 202: Installing The Printing Cassette
Printing Cassette (TH60) Installing/removing components Installing the printing cassette When installing the new printing cassette, make sure that the locking levers (1) and (2) have been pushed in the direction of the arrow as far as possible. Pull the right-hand telescopic runner completely out of the Cash Media Dispenser Version 4.
Page 203
Installing/removing components Printing Cassette (TH60) Push the right-hand locking lever (1) in the direction of the arrow as far as possible. Support the printing cassette (1). Pull the telescopic runner in the direction of the arrow (2) as far as possible. -
Page 204
Printing Cassette (TH60) Installing/removing components Push the left-hand locking lever (1) in the direction of the arrow as far as possible. Twist the cable chain around the retaining mechanism (2) in the direction of the arrow (1). Push the cable chain with the retaining bracket in the direction of the arrow (3) and … -
Page 205
Installing/removing components Printing Cassette (TH60) Now reinsert the paper roll in the direction of the arrow. Re-attach connectors (1) and (2). Insert the power plug in the device socket, and switch the Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 on. Push the printing cassette into the CMDV4 until it locks into place. Close the Cash Media Dispenser Version 4. -
Page 206: Technical Data
Printing Cassette (TH60) Technical data Technical data Power supply Power supply: 24 V DC ± 10% Connector: AMP Mod I 2-pin Power consumption Stand-by 24 V DC: approx. 0.2 A Operating mode 24 V DC: approx. 9.0 A Peak current 24 V DC: approx.
Page 207: Thermal Paper Specifications
Technical data Printing Cassette (TH60) Thermal paper specifications Paper width 85 mm — 160 mm ± 1 mm (3.35 — 6.3″ ± 0.04″) Paper thickness 0.08 — 0.16 mm (0.003 — 0.01″) Paper weight 100 g/m² — 120 g/m² (26.67 lb — 32 lb) Paper smoothness at front min.
Page 208: Rear Of Paper Web
Printing Cassette (TH60) Technical data Rear of paper web 85 mm — 160 mm (3.35″ — 6.3″) min. 26 mm (1.02″) 1 Cutting edge 2 Unroll direction 3 Inner surface of paper web (heat-sensitive) 4 Reverse of paper (mark position) 5 Paper roll 2-177 01750060162 D…
Page 209: Usb Pin Assignment
Technical data Printing Cassette (TH60) USB pin assignment Type of connector: USB 4-pin Designation Input/output Function VBUS Bidirectional Data Bidirectional Data Bidirectional Shield Shield 2-178 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 — Service Manual 01750060162 D…
Page 210
Sensors and electromechanical components CMD-V4 with horizontal output transport SM2,3 DPS5,6 DPS5,6 DPS8,9 DPS14 DPS2 DCM1 DPS15 DCM7 DPS7 DPS4 MA2/2 SNR1 PS18 DCM2,3 SNR2 MA2/1 EEP1 PRC1 SMC1 PSE1 MAC1 PSD1 EEP2 PRC2 SMC2 PSE2 MAC2 PSD2 01750060162 D… -
Page 211: Sensors And Electromechanical Components
CMD-V4 with vertical output transport Sensors and electromechanical components CMD-V4 with vertical output transport DPS10 DPS11 PS27 PS28 SM2,3 DPS5,6 DPS5,6 DPS8,9 DPS14 DPS2 DCM1 DPS15 DPS7 DPS4 MA2/2 SNR1 PS18 DCM2,3 SNR2 MA2/1 EEP1 PRC1 SMC1 PSE1 MAC1 PSD1…
Page 212: Vcmd With Vertical Output
Sensors and electromechanical components VCMD with vertical output VCMD with vertical output PS26 1. Auszahl … 5. Auszahl PS35 PS33 PS21 PS22 DPS4 SMC1 SMC5 PS19 DPS2 DPS9 DPS8 PS18 DPS3 PRC1 MAC1 PRC5 MAC5 DCM3 PSE1 PSD1 PSE5 PSD5 DPS1 DCM1 01750060162 D…
Page 213: Meaning Of Abbreviations And Symbols
Meaning of abbreviations and symbols Sensors and electromechanical components Meaning of abbreviations and symbols Electrical elements Stacker and output transport Compo Name Location nent Permanent magnets (3 units) – without Clamp sensors DPS 2 Stacker wheel position query Stacker wheel input DPS 4 Sensor: position of retract compartment RR box…
Page 214
Sensors and electromechanical components Meaning of abbreviations and symbols Compo Name Location nent PS 27 Removal photosensor Clamp positioning PS 28 Bundle rear edge control Clamp positioning DCM 1 Main drive motor Stacker wheel input DCM 2 Traction motor + planetary gears Clamp DCM 3 Belt drive + planetary gears… -
Page 215
Meaning of abbreviations and symbols Sensors and electromechanical components Stacker and output transport VCMD Component Designation Location Clock oscillator for speed control and width at main motor DCM1 measuring of the notes Coupling for the drive of the reject cassette Coupling with built-in brake for note dispensing (1st cash-out cassette) DCM 1… -
Page 216
Sensors and electromechanical components Meaning of abbreviations and symbols Component Designation Location PS 35 Cash path monitoring photosensor in the output transport MA 2 Lift magnet for single reject deflector Single reject SW 1 Reject/retract box pushed in Reject box SW 2 Safety switch stacker cover Cover plate in front of the… -
Page 217
Meaning of abbreviations and symbols Sensors and electromechanical components Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 — Service Manual 01750060162 D… -
Page 218: Processes In The Cmd-V4 (Schematic)
Processes in the CMD-V4 (schematic) In the following, the most important processes in the CMD-V4 are shown step- by-step and described. To do so, the shown schematic drawing of the CMD-V4 with vertical transport (Frontload) is used. A Shutter h Main drive motor…
Page 219: Dispensing In The Direction Of The Customer
Dispensing in the direction of the customer Processes in the CMD-V4 (schematic) Dispensing in the direction of the customer 1. Dispensing of the requested banknote number one after another from every cassette (overall max. 60) (k) 2. Transport of the single notes to the multiple-note detection unit (i) 3.
Page 220
Processes in the CMD-V4 (schematic) Bundle reject Bundle reject 1. — 4. Process as the dispensing in the direction of the customer (vertical Frontload) 5. Routing disk takes the horizontal dispensing position Frontload (d) 6. Clamp moves in the direction of the dispensing (horizontal Frontload) (n) 7. -
Page 221
Single reject Processes in the CMD-V4 (schematic) Single reject 1. — 3. Process as the dispensing in the direction of the customer (vertical Frontload) 3.1 If a ‘bad note’ gets recognized, it is controlled with the single reject switch (i) and stored in the single reject box (m). Max. two ‘bad notes’ per transaction can be stored in the single reject box. -
Page 222
Processes in the CMD-V4 (schematic) Single reject 12. Bad notes are stored from the single reject box (m) via the stacker wheel (j) in the stacking position if the clamp (e). 13. Routing disk takes the horizontal dispensing position Frontload (d) 14.
Displays in normal operation
Controller faulty
Software missing
Safety switch open
Blocking of device pending
CMD-V4 minimum
configuration is missing
Belt drive of clamp defective
(DCM 3)
Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 — Service Manual
Explanation / Measures
When starting the CMD-V4, the
power-up test detected a serious
fault in the electronics of the
controller. The controller must be
Reload firmware.
Close the safety switch (place
CMD-V4 in safe in cash-out
A retract has been executed. The
cash that was not removed by the
customer has been placed in the
SAT. After this, all transport
functions of the CMD-V4 are
disabled by the software.
Remove the customer money from
the SAT, and then reset the device
lock using the product-specific
In order to be able to operate, the
CMD-V4 requires at least one
cash-out cassette ready for
operation and the reject/retract
cassette. Insert the reject/retract
cassette and the filled cash-out
cassette(s), and register them
using the product-specific
Replace the output transport or the
01750060162 A
- Page 1
Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 Service Manual… - Page 2
? Please contact the following address giving the order number of this manual in your message : Address : Wincor Nixdorf International GmbH Handbuchredaktion BD P34 33094 Paderborn Germany Fax: +49 (0) 52 51 693-62 09 manuals.hardware@wincor-nixdorf.com… - Page 3
Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 Service Manual Edition April 2003… - Page 4
Copyright © Information and trademarks © Wincor Nixdorf International GmbH 2003 All rights, including rights of translation and rights of reproduction by reprinting, copying or similar methods, even of parts, are reserved. Any violations give rise to a claim for… - Page 5
Contents..………………..……………..Introduction……..…..(Safety precautions, technical data) Function and Integration……….Device Overview and Operation……..Getting Started…………..Troubleshooting…..………..Removal / Installation of Components.. Maintenance and Service……. Pin Assignments……………..Spare Parts………………….. Index….…………………………. 01750060162 A Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 — Service Manual… - Page 6
Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 — Service Manual 01750060162 A… -
Page 7: Table Of Contents
Contents Introduction ………………..1-1 Symbols used in this manual…………….1-1 Important safety precautions …………….1-2 General power interrupt……………… 1-4 Description of the device …………….1-5 Structure of the manual ……………… 1-7 Outline………………….. 1-7 Supplementary documentation …………..1-8 Technical data ………………..1-9 Cash media dispenser without output transport……..
- Page 8
Horizontal output transport …………… 2-1 Vertical output transport…………….2-2 Stacker and output transport …………..2-3 Components of dispensing unit and cassette ……….. 2-4 Procedures in the CMD-V4 (schematic)…………2-5 Dispensing in customer direction (vertical, frontload) ……. 2-6 Bundle reject………………… 2-7 Single reject ………………..2-8 Bundle retract when notes are not removed……….. - Page 9
Contents Control block ………………. 2-27 CPU ………………..2-28 Memory………………..2-28 Serial interface………………. 2-28 Status display ………………2-28 Function button……………… 2-28 Photosensor electronics…………….2-29 Measuring banknotes with the double detection unit (DDU)….2-30 Component control……………… 2-31 Dispensing unit control …………..2-31 Cassette control…………….. - Page 10
Checking the vertical transport …………… 5-23 Checking the dispensing areas…………… 5-24 Checking the stacker and output transport ……….5-25 Removal/Installation of Components…………6-1 Pulling out / pushing in the CMD-V4 ………….. 6-1 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 — Service Manual 01750060162 A… - Page 11
Contents CMD controller ………………..6-2 Stacker ………………….6-3 Horizontal output transport …………….6-5 Ouput transport ProCash 2000xe RL …………. 6-6 Output transport ProCash 2050xe…………..6-7 Ouput transport ProCash 2100xe RL …………. 6-8 Shutter ProCash 2000xe RL …………….6-9 Shutter ProCash 2050xe RL ……………. 6-10 Shutter ProCash 2100xe RL ……………. - Page 12
Contents Connection of door switch…………….8-17 Battery connector………………8-17 RS232C connection ………………8-18 CMD controller ………………… 8-19 4-channel distributor board…………….8-39 Spare Parts ………………..9-1 Overview of individual parts …………….9-1 Index………………….. I-1 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 — Service Manual 01750060162 A… -
Page 13: Introduction
Introduction This service manual has been compiled for authorized service personnel only. The operating manual, the installation guide and the service manual of the basic device should also be read since certain details are only described in those manuals. Symbols used in this manual −…
Page 14: Important Safety Precautions
Important safety precautions Introduction Important safety precautions Please read the following notes carefully before doing any work on the device. This device complies with the relevant safety regulations for information processing equipment and is designed for use in a regular office environment. −…
Page 15: A Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 — Service Manual
(e.g. connection for an intruder alarm system). − To clean the device only use cleaning agents approved by Wincor Nixdorf International GmbH (see chapter «Maintenance and Service»).
Page 16: General Power Interrupt
– media dispenser. They will be transported to the reject/retract cassette of the CMD-V4 or they remain in the collecting position of the clamp after the device has been turned on again. Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 — Service Manual…
Page 17: Description Of The Device
Function and use The most important components in an automated teller machine is the Cash Media Dispenser (CMD-V4). The CMD-V4 replaces the AZM-NG. The CMD-V4 and the AZM-NG are software-compatible but not hardware-compatible. CMD cassettes are basically upward- and downward-compatible with some restrictions.
- Page 18
Description of the device Introduction The CMD-V4 can be tailored to the user’s specific requirements thanks to model variants (frontload/rearload) and a variable number of dispensing units in the various housings. The CMD-V4 can consist of the following components, depending on the configuration: −… -
Page 19: Structure Of The Manual
The chapter «Introduction» describes the important safety precautions. It also gives an overview of the Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 (CMD-V4). The features of the CMD-V4 are also described in the chapter «Introduction» in the section «Technical data”. In the chapter «Function and Integration» you will find a description of the individual components of the cash media dispenser.
Page 20: Supplementary Documentation
For the operation and installation of the basic devices, separate manuals are available in several languages which also include a short description of the CMD-V4. These manuals can be ordered from our print partner. They are also available in the intranet.
Page 21: Technical Data
Introduction Technical data Technical data Cash media dispenser without output transport Power supply: 5.5 A operation 11 A peak (approx. 20 ms) Dimensions: The overall dimensions depend on the actual configuration of the CMD- Height Four cassettes: 758 mm Five cassettes: 895.5 mm Six cassettes: 1033 mm…
Page 22: Stacker
Technical data Introduction Stacker Dimensions Depth: 505 mm Width: 301 mm Height: 208 mm Weight with single reject: 8.820 kg without single reject: 8.500 kg Output transport Vertical output transport Frontload in ProCash 2000xe and ProCash 2100xe Dimensions Depth: 400 mm Width: 200 mm Height:…
- Page 23
Introduction Technical data Horizontal output transport Frontload 101 mm in ProCash 1500xe and ProCash BBA mini 3K Dimensions Depth: 130 mm Width: 200 mm Height: 50 mm Weight: 1 kg Horizontal output transport Frontload 241 mm in ProCash 2350xe and ProCash BBA UT Dimensions Depth:… -
Page 24: Shutter
Technical data Introduction Shutter Dimensions Shutter vertical Rearload and vertical Frontload Depth: 310 mm Width: 150 mm Height: 100 mm Weight: 0.5 kg Dimensions Shutter horizontal Rearload Depth: 305 mm Width: 126 mm Height: 67 mm Weight: 0.9 kg Dimensions Shutter horizontal Frontload Depth: 310 mm…
Page 25: Cmd Controller
Introduction Technical data CMD controller Processor: 80C188XL 20 MHz Memory: 512 Kbyte static RAM 512 Kbyte Flash-PROM (PUT, bootloader) Interface: V.24 (RS232), USB interface in preparation Transmission parameters Line speed: 19.2 / 56 KBaud automatic baud rate recognition Data format: Parity: Code width: 8 Bit + Parity…
Page 26: 4-Cassette Housing (Without Contents)
Technical data Introduction 4-cassette housing (without contents) Dimensions Depth: 450 mm Width: 305 mm Height: 600 mm Weight: 10.9 kg 1-cassette housing (without contents) Dimensions Depth: 450 mm Width: 305 mm Height: 162 mm Weight: 3.34 kg Double dispensing unit without DDU Dimensions Depth: 282 mm…
Page 27: Double Dispensing Unit With Ddu
Introduction Technical data Double dispensing unit with DDU Dimensions Depth: 282 mm Width: 305 mm Height: 200 mm Weight: 3.34 kg Single dispensing unit without DDU Dimensions Depth: Still open Width: Still open Height: Still open Weight: Still open Single dispensing unit with DDU Dimensions Depth: Still open…
Page 28: Reject / Retract Cassettes
Technical data Introduction Reject / retract cassettes Capacity Reject compartment: max. 400 notes Retract compartment: max. 100 notes Dimensions Depth: 250 mm Width: 100 mm Height: 100 mm Weight: 1.5 kg Cash-out cassettes Banknote dimensions Size: 54 x 85 mm to 92 x 182 mm Thickness: 0.08 mm to 0.12 mm Filling capacity:…
Page 29: Environmental Conditions
Introduction Technical data Environmental conditions Climatic environmental conditions in accordance with EN 60721 Class Ambient temperature Relative humidity °C % r.h. Operation + 5 to + 55* 5 to 85 Transport — 25 to + 70 10 to 95 (12 hours flying time) (12 hours flying time) Storage + 5 to + 40…
Page 30: Compliance With Standards And Certifications
− EMC Directive 89/336/EEC including the amending directive 93/68/EEC − Low Voltage Directive 73/23/EEC including the amending directive 93/68/EEC The corresponding statement of compliance has been issued by Wincor Nixdorf International GmbH Heinz-Nixdorf-Ring 1 33106 Paderborn Germany Notes concerning radio interference suppression and electrical safety…
- Page 31
Introduction Technical data FCC rules and Canadian Standard ICES — 003 NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC rules and Canadian Standard ICES — 003. -
Page 32: Environmental Protection
Environmental protection Introduction Environmental protection Environmentally friendly product design and development This product has been designed according to our corporate standard ‘Environmentally friendly product design and development’. This means that crucial criteria such as long life, choice of material and its labeling, emissions, packaging, ease of disassembly and recyclability have been taken into account.
Page 33: Returning, Recycling And Disposing Of Used Units And Consumables
Introduction Environmental protection Returning, recycling and disposing of used units and consumables Details regarding the return and recycling of used units and consumables can be obtained from your local branch office or from our Recycling Center in Paderborn: Tel.: +49 (0) 5251 8-1 80 10 Fax.: +49 (0) 5251 8-1 80 15 Further information…
Page 34: Abbreviations
Abbreviations Introduction Abbreviations ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange Communauté Européenne (European Community) Declaration of Conformity Comité Européen de Normalisation (European Committee for Standardization) Clutch Cash media dispenser CMOS Complementary metal oxide semiconductor Central processing unit Direct current motor Double detection unit Data Encryption Standard German Institute for Standardization…
- Page 35
Introduction Abbreviations Programmable logic device PROM Programmable read only memory Photosensor Photosensor Dispense (dispensing sensor) Photosensor Empty (cassette empty) Random access memory Rearload Switch Stacker and output transport SCOP Security cash out procedure Stepper motor Connector Motor Cassette Connector Software Timing disk Underwriters Laboratories 1-23… - Page 36
Abbreviations Introduction 1-24 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 — Service Manual 01750060162 A… -
Page 37: Function And Integration
Function and Integration Sensors and electromechanical components Horizontal output transport SM2,3 DPS5,6 DPS5,6 DPS8,9 DPS2 DCM1 DPS14 DCM7 DPS15 DPS4 DPS7 PS18 DCM2,3 MA2/2 MA2/1 PSE1 MAC1 SMC1 PSD1 01750060162 A Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 — Service Manual…
Page 38: Vertical Output Transport
Sensors and electromechanical components Function and Integration Vertical output transport DPS10 DPS11 PS27 PS28 SM2,3 DPS5,6 DPS5,6 DPS8,9 DPS2 DCM1 DPS14 DPS15 DPS4 DPS7 PS18 DCM2,3 MA2/2 MA2/1 PSE1 MAC1 SMC1 PSD1 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 — Service Manual 01750060162 A…
Page 39: Stacker And Output Transport
Function and Integration Sensors and electromechanical components Stacker and output transport Compo- Designation Location nent Permanent magnets (2 units) – without sensors Clamp DPS 2 Stacker wheel position query Stacker wheel input DPS 4 Sensor: position of retract compartment Reject / retract box DPS 5 Sensor: home position Routing disk drive, left…
Page 40: Components Of Dispensing Unit And Cassette
Sensors and electromechanical components Function and Integration Compo- Designation Location nent MA 6 Magnet for retract comportment Reject box SW 1 Reject / retract box pushed in Reject box SM 1 Pressure on sliding surface for emptying Single reject SM 2 Routing disk motor Routing disk drive, left SM 3…
Page 41: Procedures In The Cmd-V4 (Schematic)
Procedures in the CMD-V4 (schematic) The following sections show and describe the most important procedures in the CMD-V4 step by step on the basis of this schematic drawing of the CMD- V4 with a vertical output transport (frontload). 1 Shutter…
Page 42: Dispensing In Customer Direction (Vertical, Frontload)
Procedures in the CMD-V4 (schematic) Function and Integration Dispensing in customer direction (vertical, frontload) 1. The required number of notes are dispensed successively from each cassette (total of max. 60) (k) 2. The individual notes are moved to the thickness measuring station (i) 3.
Page 43: Bundle Reject
Function and Integration Procedures in the CMD-V4 (schematic) Bundle reject 1. — 4. The procedure is the same as for dispensing in customer direction (vertical, frontload). 5. The routing disk moves to the reject/retract position (d). 6. The bundle of notes is transported to the reject compartment of the reject/ retract cassette (g).
Page 44: Single Reject
Procedures in the CMD-V4 (schematic) Function and Integration Single reject 1. — 3. The procedure is the same as for dispensing in customer direction (vertical, frontload). 3.1 If a bad note is detected it is rejected via the single reject switch (l) and placed in the single reject compartment (m).
- Page 45
Function and Integration Procedures in the CMD-V4 (schematic) 12. Bad notes are taken from the single reject compartment (m) via the stacker wheel (j) and placed in the stacking position of the clamp (e). 13. The routing disk moves to the reject/retract position (d). -
Page 46: Bundle Retract When Notes Are Not Removed
Procedures in the CMD-V4 (schematic) Function and Integration Bundle retract when notes are not removed 1. — 8. The procedure is the same as for dispensing in customer direction (vertical, frontload). 9. The notes are not removed within the defined time! 10.
Page 47: Procedures In The Cmd-V4
Procedures in the CMD-V4 Start-up behavior With a reset or after power-up it is checked whether the CMD-V4 is ready to operate. This is only the case if the command is executed without errors! After device reset, the CMD-V4 is in a defined status.
Page 48: Determination Of The Device Type
Procedures in the CMD-V4 Function and Integration Determination of the device type The device type is determined automatically via the components that are connected to the controller board (number of dispensing units, shutter present (yes/no), output direction). Checking the cassettes First of all, the type and quantity of cassettes which are physically available is determined.
Page 49: Checking Mechanical And Electronic Components
Function and Integration Procedures in the CMD-V4 Checking mechanical and electronic components Individual components are checked. The following errors may occur: <21> Thickness measuring station defective (DDU) <23> Routing disk defective / blocked (SM 2 / SM 3) <24> Reject / retract drive defective / blocked (MA 6) <25>…
Page 50: Dispensing
Procedures in the CMD-V4 Function and Integration Dispensing Checking the basic state A check is run to determine whether: − The transport paths are free. − All required cassette positions are ready for operation and logged on. The number of notes required via the system interface is dispensed from each cassette.
Page 51: Undefined Notes
<3x> (too many bundle rejects from cassette x). Dispensing of notes not possible If the CMD-V4 cannot separate a single note, the dispensing process is again initiated. The attempt to dispense is repeated a maximum of five times. The command is then cancelled by the CMD-V4 with the status display <4x>…
Page 52: Transport
Procedures in the CMD-V4 Function and Integration Transport The transport functions output notes that have been dispensed or places them in the reject/retract cassette. The term ‘transport’ covers the following functions: − Transport to waiting position − Bundle reject − Cash presentation (incl. waiting for removal) −…
Page 53: Cash Presentation (Incl. Waiting For Removal), Cash Output
Function and Integration Procedures in the CMD-V4 Cash presentation (incl. waiting for removal), cash output Before cash is actually transported, the shutter, if present, is opened. Then the notes that have been provided in the waiting position are presented to the customer.
Page 54: Retracting Cash Without Storing It
The flag remains set even in the event of a power failure; it is not reset if the device is reset. When the bundle of notes has been removed, the device lock has to be cancelled in order to be able to continue using the CMD-V4. 2-18…
Page 55: Cassette Handling
EUR. − Issue date The banknote issue date contains an additional 4-character indicator (YYMM of the issue). This means that the CMD-V4 can process notes which have the same face value but different note characteristics. − Denomination This value defines the note’s denomination (8 characters).
Page 56: Cmd Controller
CMD-V4. Data is transferred between the system unit and the CMD-V4 via an RS232 interface. The transfer parameters are identified automatically. The sequencer receives control commands from the higher-level system unit via the RS232C interface, acknowledges them and executes them.
- Page 57
2 24 V connection to SCOP card The figure above shows the component side of the CMD controller. The CMD controller controls all procedures in the CMD-V4 and communication with the higher-level system unit. The following functions have been integrated in the CMD controller: −… -
Page 58: Position Of Function Groups
CMD controller Function and Integration The CMD controller is split up into the following function blocks: − Control block − I/O block with motor control − Photosensor electronics − Thickness sensor electronics − Component control − Serial interface The SCOP can optionally be connected to the CMD controller. It is used to authenticate the dispensing job.
Page 59: Connectors On The Cmd Controller
Function and Integration CMD controller Connectors on the CMD controller Connec- Description Mechanical thickness sensor Shutter Transport module V.24 interface from PC Door switch and safety switch in safe V.24 interface SCOP card (AVT2800) Special electronics 24 V power supply 24 V connection to SCOP card (AVT2800) Motor M1 2-23…
Page 60: Logical Interface
The pin assignments are described in the «Pin Assignment» chapter. Logical interface All commands from the host system to the CMD-V4 and responses from the CMD-V4 to the host system follow the master/slave principle. This means that the CMD-V4 does not send any spontaneous messages.
Page 61: Command From Host System
Meaning Device identifier (dispenser) (ASCII) Command specification (ASCII) Additional specification for command(ASCII) XX … XX Any data (ASCII / HEXA) Acknowledgement by the CMD-V4 Length Contents Meaning Device identifier (dispenser) (ASCII) Command specification (ASCII) Additional specification for command(ASCII) Status code (ASCII) XX …
- Page 62
CMD controller Function and Integration Transport: Shutter test Transport: Target = stop over DDblank Cancel Component status Device status Properties Read firmware configuration Read SCOP status Confirm number of banknotes Confirm number of banknotes (without error) Confirm existing cassettes Note parameters II Write firmware configuration Cassette ID (standard) Set minimum quantity… -
Page 63: Control Block
Function and Integration CMD controller Software transfer: Activate booter Software transfer: Data Software transfer: Firmware hash Software transfer: Read firmware ID Software transfer: Read EEPROM (booter) Software transfer: Write EEPROM (booter) Set the real-time clock Read the real-time clock Read error statistics Delete error statistics Internal commands: Read error information Internal commands: Read EEPROM…
Page 64: Cpu
Refer to the «Troubleshooting» chapter for the meaning of the status codes. Function button In some cases it is advisable to check whether the CMD-V4 is ready for operation without using additional tools. For this purpose there is a function button on the controller – beneath the status display.
Page 65: Photosensor Electronics
(current and amplification). These parameters are constantly readjusted during operation. The photosensor parameters are stored in a table in CMOS and are not lost when the CMD-V4 is turned off. Upon initial start-up or after clearing of the photosensor CMOS area, initialization takes place automatically when the device is turned on.
Page 66: Measuring Banknotes With The Double Detection Unit (Ddu)
Measuring banknotes with the double detection unit (DDU) The DDU in the CMD-V4 is located in the upper dispensing unit. During transport, dispensed notes displace two touch levers with in-built magnets. The Hall sensors opposite them then generate a signal that corresponds to the note thickness.
Page 67: Component Control
For the basic version of the CMD-V4 with two double dispensing units in the 4- cassette housing, the drivers for the dispensing clutches, retaining springs and cassette stepper motors are located on the 4-channel distributor board.
- Page 68
CMD controller Function and Integration Shutter module control A shutter module can be attached to the controller as an option. Control of the shutter has been integrated in the CMD controller. It consists of the following parts: − Shutter motor driver −… -
Page 69: Stacker Transport
Function and Integration Stacker transport Stacker transport The stacker transport facility, with its retract function, is located in the upper rack. It can cope with all output variants. The variant is determined exclusively by the output transport facility. The single reject function is available outside EU countries.
- Page 70
Stacker transport Function and Integration the clamp with the aid of the in-built belts which are controlled via their own drive motor on the clamp. If a bundle is not removed in time the retract function will transport it from the customer output position to the retract compartment of the reject/retract cassette. -
Page 71: Stacker Transport — Eeprom
− Version of the EEPROM build − Checksum − Firmware name − Serial number − Type − Hardware configuration of the CMD-V4 − Single reject configuration − Routing disk positions − Offset routing disk The EEPROM must always stay on the stacker transport.
Page 72: Output Transport
Output transport Function and Integration Output transport The output transport facility varies depending on the device variant. The following illustration shows an output transport for a rearload device with horizontal cash-out. The output transport is attached to the stacker transport and driven via the CMD controller.
Page 73: Shutter
Function and Integration Shutter Shutter The shutter is a flap to keep cash under cover. It is controlled via the CMD controller. 2-37 01750060162 A Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 — Service Manual…
Page 74: Dispensing Unit
Dispensing unit Function and Integration Dispensing unit 4-cassette housing without dispensing units 2-38 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 — Service Manual 01750060162 A…
Page 75: 4-Cassette Housing With Two Double Dispensing Units And 4-Channel Distributor Board
Function and Integration Dispensing unit 4-cassette housing with two double dispensing units and 4-channel distributor board Every 4-cassette housing contains four cassette mounts and at least one dispensing unit featuring a thickness measuring station. The second dispensing unit is used when more than two cassettes are configured. The thickness measuring station must always be in the upper dispensing unit..
Page 76: Dispensing Unit With Dispensing Shaft And Magnetic Clutch
Dispensing unit Function and Integration The pressure that the notes exert on the dispensing shaft is identified via a pressure sensor. Banknotes are dispensed downward by means of friction. In each case, the dispensing unit extracts just one note and transports it to the stacking transport facility.
Page 77: Photosensors In The Dispensing Unit
Function and Integration Dispensing unit is polled via the pressure sensor. The cassettes can be unlocked via the unlocking lever on the housing. Voltages and signals are passed from the controller to the cassette via the cassette connector. The following elements are controlled in the dispensing unit: −…
Page 78: Reject / Retract Cassette
Reject / retract cassette Function and Integration Reject / retract cassette The reject / retract cassettes is available in two versions. Depending on the version, they can be opened by means of a key or a toggle. Both versions can be lead-sealed.
- Page 79
Function and Integration Reject / retract cassette Green: Cassette ready to be inserted Blue: Cassette has been opened by force The insertion mechanism is installed at the front. The notes are inserted in a slanted position from above at the front. A toothed wheel on the right-hand cassette side drives two intake rollers which transport the individual notes or bundles into the cassette. -
Page 80: Cash-Out Cassettes
Any subsequent attempt to insert the cassette with an open visor is stopped. If the indicator is blue and the visor is closed, the cassette can be inserted in the CMD-V4. Cash can be dispensed. The tamper indicator can be reset by opening the lid. A display window on the…
- Page 81
Function and Integration Cash-out cassettes The cassette shutter is designed as a visor. The pressure is created by a pressure carriage operated by a stepper motor. The pressure carriage is guided in the side panel of the cassette. The cassette number is preset at the production plant before shipment. It is stored in EEPROM and can be changed via a software command. - Page 82
Cash-out cassettes Function and Integration 2-46 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 — Service Manual 01750060162 A… -
Page 83: Device Overview And Operation
Device Overview and Operation Device overview 01750060162 A Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 — Service Manual…
Page 84: Horizontal Cash-Out Frontload
Device overview Device Overview and Operation Horizontal cash-out Frontload 1 Double dispensing unit with DDU 8 Reject / retract cassette 2 4-cassette housing 9 Status display 3 4-channel distributor print 10 Function key 4 Double dispensing unit 11 Cash-out cassette 1 5 Stacker 12 Cash-out cassette 2 6 CMD controller…
Page 85: Horizontal Cash-Out Rearload
Device Overview and Operation Device overview Horizontal cash-out Rearload 1 Horizontal output transport RL 8 Reject / retract cassette 2 Double dispensing unit with 9 Status display 10 Function key 3 4-cassette housing 11 Cash-out cassette 1 4 4-channel distributor print 12 Cash-out cassette 2 5 Double dispensing unit 13 Cash-out cassette 3…
Page 86: Vertical Cash-Out Frontload
Device overview Device Overview and Operation Vertical cash-out Frontload 1 Stacker 8 Reject / retract cassette 2 Double dispensing unit with 9 Status display 10 Function key 3 4-cassette housing 11 Cash-out cassette 1 4 4-channel distributor print 12 Cash-out cassette 2 5 Double dispensing unit 13 Cash-out cassette 3 6 Vertical output transport FL…
Page 87: Vertical Cash-Out Rearload
Device Overview and Operation Device overview Vertical cash-out Rearload 1 Vertical output transport RL 8 Reject / retract cassette 2 Double dispensing unit with DDU 9 Status display 3 4-cassette housing 10 Function key 4 4-channel distributor print 11 Cash-out cassette 1 5 Double dispensing unit 12 Cash-out cassette 2 6 Stacker…
Page 88: 1-Cassette Housing With Single Dispensing Unit
(DDU), and two plain single dispensing units. The CMD-V4 with 1-cassette housings can be shipped in all variants that are available for 4-cassette housings (see figures above). 1 Single dispensing unit with DDU…
Page 89: Function Elements And Controls
Device Overview and Operation Device overview Function elements and controls 1 Status display (two 7 segment displays, first digit above) 2 Function key 01750060162 A Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 — Service Manual…
Page 90: The Cassettes
The cassettes Device Overview and Operation The cassettes Cash-out cassette 1 Pull-back handle 10 Inset for setting the banknote 2 Banknote rail height 3 Slide for low cash sensor 11 Latching button (optional) 12 Free space for validity 4 Pressure carriage identification 5 Tamper indicator blue/green 13 Free space for cassette label…
Page 91: Reject / Retract Cassette
Device Overview and Operation The cassettes Reject / retract cassette 1 Box lid 5 Tamper indicator blue/green 2 Retract compartment lever 6 Cassette handle 3 Retract compartment 7 Locking lever (optional lock) 4 Reject compartment 01750060162 A Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 — Service Manual…
Page 92: Removing The Cassette
The released cassette is automatically pushed out of the dispenser by several centimeters. Raise the cassette handle (2) and pull the cassette out of the CMD-V4 by the handle (3). While pulling the cassette, support it from underneath with your free hand.
Page 93: Opening The Cassette
Device Overview and Operation The cassettes Opening the cassette The procedure for opening cash-out cassettes and reject/retract cassettes is the same. • Remove the cassette (see section «Removing the cassette»). When the cassette does not have a lock, turn the green locking lever in the direction of the arrow (1) and lift the cassette lid in the direction of the arrow (2).
Page 94: Emptying The Reject / Retract Cassette
The cassettes Device Overview and Operation Emptying the reject / retract cassette The reject / retract cassette is divided into a reject and a retract compartment. Banknotes which are not removed by the customer after the cash dispensing procedure are returned to the retract compartment. Cash which has been incorrectly dispensed or which was dispensed for test purposes is stored in the reject compartment.
Page 95: Setting The Low Cash Sensor
Device Overview and Operation The cassettes Setting the low cash sensor As an option, the cash-out cassettes can be equipped with a low cash sensor. With this function, a microswitch reports to the connected device that the cassette only contains a certain number of banknotes. To set to the desired minimum banknote quantity, proceed as follows: •…
Page 96: Setting The Banknote Width
The cassettes Device Overview and Operation Setting the banknote width The banknote width has to be set before the cassette is used for the first time or when a different currency or denomination is used in the cassette. • Remove and open the cassette (see section «Opening the cassette»). Removing banknotes Press the green latching button (1) while pushing the pressure carriage…
Page 97: Removing The Banknote Rails
Device Overview and Operation The cassettes Removing the banknote rails • Pull up the horizontal tab at the end of the banknote rail to lift the catch (2) above the crosspiece underneath the tab. At the same time push against the nose of the rail (3) with the thumb of your other hand in the direction of the cassette handle.
Page 98: Inserting The Banknote Rails
The cassettes Device Overview and Operation Put the tip of a screwdriver in the hole in the rail (1) and use it as a lever to move the rails in the direction of the arrow (2). Removing the banknote rail – note width less than 110 mm If the banknote rail is set to a banknote width of less than 110 mm, proceed as follows: •…
- Page 99
Device Overview and Operation The cassettes The left rail and the right rail are inserted in the same way. Slide the protruding end of the rail (1) under the lower edge of the pull-back handle if necessary and press the rail (on the dispensing side of the cassette) into the slot for the required banknote width. - Page 100
The cassettes Device Overview and Operation The banknote rail has been inserted correctly if you can see the dimension required in the cutout (1) and the rail is properly locked in place (2). The tab of the rail (1) must lie flat on the crosspiece. - Page 101
Device Overview and Operation The cassettes Inserting the banknote rail — note width less than 110 mm If the banknote width is less than 110 mm, please proceed as follows: • Push the pressure carriage all the way to the end of the cassette which has the cassette handle (see section «Removing the banknotes»). -
Page 102: Setting The Banknote Height
The cassettes Device Overview and Operation Setting the banknote height • Press the two catches (1) towards each other and remove the inset (2) in the direction of the lid center. 3-20 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 — Service Manual 01750060162 A…
- Page 103
Device Overview and Operation The cassettes • Set the required note height (3) and push the insets back in (4) until they snap into place. Make sure that the insets are set to the same note height at all six positions. -
Page 104: Filling The Cash-Out Cassette
The cassettes Device Overview and Operation Filling the cash-out cassette Filling the cash-out cassettes includes the following steps: − Preparing the cash-out cassette − Preparing the banknote bundles − Inserting banknote bundles In general, all banknotes complying with the requirements of the national bank are suitable for use in the cash-out cassette.
- Page 105
Device Overview and Operation The cassettes Remove the cash-out cassette from the CMD-V4 (see section «Removing the cassette»). Place the cash-out cassette (1) on the loading aid as shown in the picture, and open the cassette lid (see the section «Opening the cassette»). -
Page 106: Preparing The Banknote Bundles
The cassettes Device Overview and Operation Preparing the banknote bundles Check the banknotes for damages before you put them into the cash-out cassettes. Sort out the damaged banknotes and/or remove clips, needles or other foreign objects. The following banknotes should be rejected: torn, glued, folded, creased, stapled or clipped banknotes.
Page 107: Inserting Banknote Bundles
Device Overview and Operation The cassettes Inserting banknote bundles Also follow the instructions for filling the cash-out cassette on the inside of the cassette cover. General instructions for filling the cassette Remove any existing bank wrappers made of paper, plastic or rubber before inserting the banknote bundle.
- Page 108
The cassettes Device Overview and Operation New and used banknote bundles If you use new and used banknote bundles in one cassette, always insert the bundles with the used banknotes into the cassette first. Then insert the bundles with the new banknotes after you separated them at the cut edges (see the section «Preparing the banknote bundles»). - Page 109
Device Overview and Operation The cassettes Always insert banknote bundles which are bent horizontally into the cash-out cassette in such a way that the side of the bundle bulging out is pointing towards the pressure carriage. Take the banknote bundles from the packaging, fan the banknotes and put them into the cassette as shown in the picture. -
Page 110: Special Comments For Deformed Banknotes
The cassettes Device Overview and Operation Special comments for deformed banknotes Possible deformation of banknotes Type A: Type B: Type C: Deformation near the S shape Wavy shape hologram Type A: Turn the bundle so that the deformed corner of the banknote is pointing towards the cassette end from which the banknotes are dispensed and not to the pressure carriage.
- Page 111
Device Overview and Operation The cassettes Type C: If the bundle has a wavy shape as a result from having been tied, turn it so that the deformed corners are pointing towards the end from which the banknotes are dispensed and not towards the pressure carriage. -
Page 112: Inserting The Cassette
The cassettes Device Overview and Operation Inserting the cassette The procedure for inserting cash-out cassettes and reject/retract cassettes is the same. Closing the cassette If the cassette does not have a lock, you must close the cassette lid (1) and turn the green locking lever (2) to the left.
Page 113: Inserting The Cassette
Device Overview and Operation The cassettes Inserting the cassette Normally the tamper indicator (1) is ’green’. If the indicator is blue, the cassette has been tampered with or has been forced open (tamper indicator). To switch the tamper indicator to green, proceed as follows: •…
Page 114: Cassette Initialization
Cassette initialization Device Overview and Operation Cassette initialization The initialization of the cassettes is necessary in case of new types of banknotes or cassettes. With the initialization the system will be informed about the cassette number, the currency and the denomination of the banknotes.
- Page 115
Device Overview and Operation Determining the reference value • Holding the green locking handle, pull out the CMD-V4 as far as possible (see chapter «Removal/Installation of Components», section «Pulling out / pushing in the CMD-V4»). If the locking handle jams and you cannot pull out the CMD-V4, you should always see the chapter «Troubleshooting». -
Page 116: Function Test
Function test Device Overview and Operation Function test In some cases it is useful to check whether the CMD-V4 is ready for operation without using other tools. There is a function button on the controller for this purpose. Pressing this button lets you cycle through the possible functions on the status display.
- Page 117
Device Overview and Operation Function test FW Build The version number is displayed in alternating mode. Example: As far as the firmware build is concerned (to be read with DEF), Build=1.137 the version number 1.137 is shown as follows: 11 for 2 seconds 37 for 1 second After nine attempts, the device returns to normal mode. - Page 118
Function test Device Overview and Operation 3-36 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 — Service Manual 01750060162 A… -
Page 119: Start-Up
The following tasks have to be carried out in the specified sequence when the cash media dispenser (CMD-V4) is started up for the first time: 1. Adjust the cash cassettes to the note size if this was not done at the production plant 2.
Page 120: Start-Up After Component Replacement
Start-up after component replacement The following steps are necessary when you have replaced components in the CMD-V4: 1. Initialize the CMD-V4 2. Adjust the cash cassettes to the note size if this was not done at the production plant (if replacement makes this necessary) 3.
Page 121: Electronic Adjustments For The Cmd-V4
Shutter Remove cassettes before initializing photosensors; photosensors must not be covered (KDIAG: DXM) Remove cassette with the CMD-V4 turned on (normal mode but not in the process of dispensing) and reinsert it Calculate reference values with initialized/inserted cassettes containing real cash (KDIAG menu: Applications‚ Init. CMD-V4) **** Initialize cash cassettes (KDIAG menu: Applications‚…
Page 122: Initializing The Cmd-V4
All connectors on the CMD controller must have been plugged in. • Connect jumper 7 on the CMD controller (Clear CMOS) before turning on the device. Turn on the CMD-V4. Leave jumper 7 connected until the status display shows the value ‘io’. •…
Page 123: Jumper Settings On The Cmd Controller
Start-up Initializing the CMD-V4 Jumper settings on the CMD controller Position of the jumper panel on the CMD controller Position of the jumper panel on the CMD controller 01750060162 A Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 — Service Manual…
- Page 124
Initializing the CMD-V4 Start-up The 10-position jumper panel beneath the status indicator controls the following settings: Jumper Name Open Connected Door Ignore door sensor Heed door sensor when when encryption is encryption is activated activated SCOP Disable SCOP Enable SCOP handling… -
Page 125: Default Settings
Start-up Initializing the CMD-V4 Default settings Jumper connected Battery Jumper connected to just one pin DOOR (possibility of enabling DOOR or SCOP) 01750060162 A Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 — Service Manual…
Page 126: Adjusting Cash Cassettes To The Note Size
Adjusting cash cassettes to the note size Start-up Adjusting cash cassettes to the note size Refer to the «Setting the banknote width» and «Setting the banknote height» sections in the «Device Overview and Operating» chapter. Filling cassettes with real cash and inserting them When the device has been turned on and no errors have occurred, the cash- out cassettes have to be filled with real cash.
Page 127: Troubleshooting
Additional messages may be displayed during initialization, after powering up and after a reset. It is also possible to run an internal test to see if the CMD-V4 is ready for operation. You can find more on this in the «Function test» section of the «Device Overview and Operation»…
Page 128: Displays At Startup
Displays at startup Troubleshooting Displays at start-up Meaning Reaction No power supply Switch on the device. Controller faulty Replace the controller. Controller test after Power None On (displays are flashing and keep changing) Warning: Battery too weak Replace battery (controller) Controller faulty Replace the controller.
Page 129: Displays In Normal Operation
Troubleshooting Displays in normal operation Displays in normal operation Error Meaning Explanation / Measures code No power supply Switch on the device. Start-up (after RESET or Wait until power up is completed. electronics self-test) Burn; program controller Compare; check controller Controller OK No error Faulty software…
- Page 130
Displays in normal operation Troubleshooting Error Meaning Explanation / Measures code Controller faulty When starting the CMD-V4, the power-up test detected a serious fault in the electronics of the controller. The controller must be replaced. Software missing Reload firmware. (download) - Page 131
Verify that the connectors on the CMD controller or at the photosensor elements are plugged in properly. Then return the CMD-V4 to cash- out position in the safe, thereby closing the safety switch and starting the CMD-V4 again (Reset). If the status display continues to show ’18’… - Page 132
(SAT) or the controller has to be replaced. If the magnet moves all the way, the CMD-V4 can go back into operation. If the fault recurs within a short time and checking the single reject… - Page 133
Then return the CMD-V4 to cash- out position in the safe, thereby closing the safety switch and starting the CMD-V4 again (Reset). - Page 134
MA6 has been plugged in correctly. Check whether the digital photosensor is firmly attached to the switchover lever. Place the CMD-V4 in the safe in its dispensing position (safety switch closed). Reinsert the RR cassette, select test… - Page 135
Select ’1’ (Reset) on the function button. If the motor tries to start, but there is a loud running noise: check the cash paths of the CMD-V4 for a massive note jam. Check the inlet to the reject/retract cassette for jammed notes. - Page 136
CMD-V4 in the safe to cash-out position (safety switch closed) and select test function 2 (mechanical test) on the function button after starting up the CMD-V4: if this test function once again ends with status display ’26’, the SAT or the controller must be replaced. - Page 137
Verify that the connectors at the CMD-V4 are properly plugged in. Set the CMD-V4 in the safe to cash-out position (safety switch closed) and select test function 1 (Reset) on the function button. If status code ’29’ reappears after… - Page 138
Displays in normal operation Troubleshooting Error Meaning Explanation / Measures code Too many problems during Bundle rejects can be caused by dispensing from cassette x extremely skewed banknotes or (x = 1 – 6) banknotes that are extracted in an uncontrolled way or by problems with the photosensors. - Page 139
Troubleshooting Displays in normal operation Error Meaning Explanation / Measures code Too many problems during 5. Check whether the magnet for dispensing from cassette x the retaining shaft moves stiffly. (x = 1 – 6) Do this by pressing its anchor. (If necessary check the movement of the magnet with test function ‘2’ –… - Page 140
Displays in normal operation Troubleshooting Error Meaning Explanation / Measures code Cash could not be Verify that the connectors on dispensed or faulty amount the CMD controller and at the of pressure against the plug connection of dispensing banknotes when a unit ’x’… - Page 141
Troubleshooting Displays in normal operation Error Meaning Explanation / Measures code Cash could not be 2.) Re-insert the cassette. Can you dispensed or faulty amount hear the pressure carriage of pressure against the moving forward? banknotes when a cassette is inserted — If there is no noise, verify that (x = 1 — 6) the connectors on the CMD… - Page 142
Displays in normal operation Troubleshooting Error Meaning Explanation / Measures code Too many poor quality Too many double or excessively notes (x=1-6) wide/narrow notes were detected during dispensing from cassette x. Remove cassette x, and check whether the right type of banknote was inserted. -
Page 143: Dirty Photosensors / Sensors
Reset (set CMD-V4 to dispensing position). Note: When this error has occurred for the first time, the CMD-V4 will continue to function until operation shuts down automatically when the level of dirt increases. B) If a cassette cannot be inserted…
- Page 144
(x = 1 — 6) relevant dispensing unit and the associated prism in the pressure carriage of the cassette. Then execute a Reset (set CMD-V4 to dispensing position). Use the ’DYK’ self-test program (check status of photosensors/photosensor amplifiers) to check the level of dirt on all photosensors in KDIAG: Photosensors with status ’3’… - Page 145
(reset), remove the stacker unit and, from below, clean the surfaces of the prism between the stacker wheels. Put the CMD-V4 back in its dispensing position. If the status display continues to show error code ’90’ after powering up (reset), the stacker has to be replaced. - Page 146
(P; two reject) PS2 glass-clear surfaces opposite the transmitter/receiver) with a brush or compressed air. After cleaning, set the CMD-V4 to home position and Cash-out photosensor wait for start-up or select ’1’ (Reset) PS27 (P) on the function button. -
Page 147: Checking The Note Paths
• Open the safe door (see the operating manual of the basic device). • Holding the green locking handle, pull out the CMD-V4 as far as possible (see chapter «Removal/Installation of Components», section «Pulling out / pushing in the CMD-V4»).
Page 148: Locking/Unlocking Handle Blocked
If the banknote clamp is not in the stacking position, try carefully to move it down into the stacking position. When the banknote clamp is down, you can activate the emergency unlock function (1) on the CMD-V4 and pull out the CMD-V4. 5-22 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 — Service Manual…
Page 149: Checking The Vertical Transport
Troubleshooting Locking/unlocking handle blocked Checking the vertical transport Raise the appropriate locking handle (1) or (2) of the dispensing unit and move the cover forward. Check the upper or lower area of the vertical transport facility and remove any notes that are there (1). Swing the cover back until you hear it click into place.
Page 150: Checking The Dispensing Areas
Locking/unlocking handle blocked Troubleshooting Checking the dispensing areas In the dispensing units the dispensing area (inside the device) must be checked. The dispensing areas can only be checked when the cassettes have been removed from the dispensing units (see chapter «Device Overview and Operation», section «Removing the cassette»).
Page 151: Checking The Stacker And Output Transport
Troubleshooting Locking/unlocking handle blocked Checking the stacker and output transport Do not try to open the clamp by force; you could damage it. Stacker wheel area Check the area round the vertical transport and if necessary remove any notes. 5-25 01750060162 A Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 — Service Manual…
- Page 152
Locking/unlocking handle blocked Troubleshooting Single reject area The function of the single reject depends on the individual configuration. Push the green unlocking levers (1) out, and pull the flap (2) forward. Check the dispensing area and if necessary remove the banknotes. 5-26 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 — Service Manual 01750060162 A… - Page 153
Troubleshooting Locking/unlocking handle blocked Gear tracks of the stacker and output transport Horizontal output If the clamp has come to a standstill at a position outside the stacking position, you may need to check and clean the gear tracks (1). Gear tracks of the output transport Vertical output If the clamp has come to a standstill at… - Page 154
After checking the cash paths, proceed as follows: • After checking the cash paths push the CMD-V4 by the green locking lever back into the safe as far as possible (see the operating manual of the basic device). -
Page 155: Removal/Installation Of Components
V4, please be sure to check the «Troubleshooting» chapter. Pushing it in: Push the CMD-V4 in the device as far as possible by the green locking/unlocking handle (the CMD-V4 must audibly click into place). 01750060162 A Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 — Service Manual…
Page 156: Cmd Controller
CMD controller Removal/Installation of Components CMD controller The CMD controller is removed including the cover. To remove the CMD controller first detach all connectors from the controller. Push the fastening bolts (1) to (5) together and carefully remove the CMD controller. The EEPROM (6) must always stay on the stacker.
Page 157: Stacker
Removal/Installation of Components Stacker Stacker • Remove the CMD controller (see section «CMD controller»). • Remove the reject / retract cassette (see chapter «Device Overview and Operation», section «Removing the cassette»). Push the locking/unlocking lever to the left (see arrow 1) until it snaps into place.
- Page 158
Stacker Removal/Installation of Components The picture shows the position of the bordering screws for the stacker. 1 Bordering screw on the left 2 Bordering screw on the right The following table provides an overview of the bordering screws which are required for the individual systems. -
Page 159: Horizontal Output Transport
Removal/Installation of Components Horizontal output transport Horizontal output transport Remove connector (1) on the left-hand side of the CMD-V4 and remove the two screws (2) and (3). Remove screws (1) and (2) on the right-hand side. Pull the output transport apart slightly…
Page 160: Ouput Transport Procash 2000Xe Rl
Ouput transport ProCash 2000xe RL Removal/Installation of Components Ouput transport ProCash 2000xe RL • Pull the customer panel out of the device (refer to the operating and service manuals of the ProCash 2000xe). Detach connector (1) and remove the cable from the securing clips. Loosen screws (2) and (3) and pull the plate (4) a little out of the device (see arrow).
Page 161: Output Transport Procash 2050Xe
Removal/Installation of Components Output transport ProCash 2050xe Output transport ProCash 2050xe • Pull the cash media dispenser out of the device (refer to the operating and service manuals of the ProCash 2050xe). Detach connector (1) from the CMD controller. Remove screws (2) and (3). Remove screws (1) and (2) on the other side.
Page 162: Ouput Transport Procash 2100Xe Rl
Ouput transport ProCash 2100xe RL Removal/Installation of Components Ouput transport ProCash 2100xe RL • Open the door of the operating unit and pull the customer panel out of the device (see the operating and service manuals of the ProCash 2100xe). Detach connector (1) and remove the cable from the securing clips.
Page 163: Shutter Procash 2000Xe Rl
Removal/Installation of Components Shutter ProCash 2000xe RL Shutter ProCash 2000xe RL • Pull the customer panel out of the device (refer to the operating and service manuals of the ProCash 2000xe). Detach connector (1). Loosen screw (2) and unhook the ground strap.
Page 164: Shutter Procash 2050Xe Rl
Shutter ProCash 2050xe RL Removal/Installation of Components Shutter ProCash 2050xe RL • Pull the customer panel out of the device (refer to the operating or service manual of the ProCash 2050xe). Detach connector (1). Loosen screw (2) and unhook the ground strap (3).
Page 165: Shutter Procash 2100Xe Rl
Removal/Installation of Components Shutter ProCash 2100xe RL Shutter ProCash 2100xe RL • Open the door of the operating unit and pull the customer panel out of the device (see the operating or service manual of the ProCash 2100xe). Loosen screw (1) and detach connector (2).
Page 166: Shutter Procash 2150Xe Rl
Shutter ProCash 2150xe RL Removal/Installation of Components Shutter ProCash 2150xe RL • Pull out the customer panel (refer to the operating or service manual of the ProCash 2150xe). Loosen screw (1) on the bottom of the shutter. Push the cable (2) a little to the right, unhook it on the left side and remove it to the left.
Page 167: Distributor Board
Removal/Installation of Components Distributor board Distributor board • Remove all cassettes from the CMD-V4 (see chapter «Device Overview and Operation», section «Removing the cassette»). Detach tab connectors (1) and (2) from the controller and connectors (3) and (4) from the distributor board.
- Page 168
Distributor board Removal/Installation of Components While pushing catches (1) and (2) in the direction of the arrow, detach connector (3) forwards. Proceed in the same way for the other three connectors. Push the white pins (1) to (6) down and remove the distributor board with its cover. -
Page 169: Dispensing Units
Removal/Installation of Components Dispensing units Dispensing units The 4-cassette housing can accommodate two double dispensing units. The upper dispensing unit always includes the thickness measuring station. The two dispensing units must not be confused. Remove the cover (1) by pulling it off. Upper dispensing unit with thickness measuring station Removal…
- Page 170
Dispensing units Removal/Installation of Components The upper dispensing unit accommodates the thickness measuring station which is connected to the CMD controller via a cable. This cable must be unplugged (1). Detach connector (2) from the distributor board. Remove the dispensing unit in the direction of the arrow. -
Page 171: Lower Dispensing Unit
Removal/Installation of Components Dispensing units Connect the cables to the CMD controller (1) and the distributor board (2). • Mount the cover. Lower dispensing unit Turn the locking/unlocking levers (1) and (2) on the left side of the dispensing unit by 90° counterclock- wise.
- Page 172
Dispensing units Removal/Installation of Components Installation Carefully push the connecting cable (1) between the toothed wheels and the device panel. • Insert the dispensing unit and close the latches. If you cannot close them, check the proper fit of the dispensing unit. •… -
Page 173: Clamp
Removal/Installation of Components Clamp Clamp Removal Turn the two routing disks (1) and (2) in the direction of the arrow as far as possible. The clamp closes at the same time and has to engage. Turn the routing disks back by approx. 90°…
- Page 174
Clamp Removal/Installation of Components When removing the clamp remember that the ball bearings are loosely attached and can fall out. Remove the clamp upwards. Remove the ball bearings with the black hooks (1) and the toothed wheels (2) on both sides of the clamp. - Page 175
Removal/Installation of Components Clamp Push out the securing pin (1) and hold onto the cable. Loosen the cable fixing (1) and pull out the cable. Careful! Make sure that the cable is not pulled back again and secure it, if necessary. Installation Feed the cable in (1) as shown in the picture by moving it slightly back and… - Page 176
Clamp Removal/Installation of Components Pull the cable (1) taut. Insert the securing pin (2) with the clamp open. (In the illustration the cable is not yet pulled taut). Close the clamp. The two latches, one on each side, must be engaged manually. -
Page 177: Maintenance And Service
Maintenance Maintenance intervals Preventive maintenance is required for the CMD-V4 every two years or, at the latest, after 200,000 transactions. Performing maintenance All photosensors are only allowed to be cleaned in a dry state.
- Page 178
CMD has to be initialized and reference values have to be calculated for all note types (See the «Initializing the CMD-V4» section in the «Start-up» chapter. Then, using a test program or the actual application, you have to run a dispensing test in which at least five notes have to be dispensed from each cassette without errors. -
Page 179: Stacker
Maintenance and Service Maintenance Stacker • Visually inspect the stacker for damage and dirt. • Clean the stacker using a vacuum cleaner, brush, cloth or compressed air. • Clean all photosensors using a brush, cloth or compressed air. All photosensors are only allowed to be cleaned in a dry state. •…
Page 180: Reject / Retract Cassette
Maintenance Maintenance and Service • Clean the cash-out cassettes using a vacuum cleaner, brush, cloth or compressed air. • Check the settings for the correct note size (in the cover too). • Check the cassette pressure carriage to see that it is in its position properly, and adjust it if necessary.
Page 181: Approved Maintenance Materials
Maintenance and Service Maintenance Approved maintenance materials You can order the items listed below electronically or from our service partner. Orders: http://extranet.wincor-nixdorf.com http://its.siemens.de/lobs/its/its_log/ersin_gr.htm E-mail for logistics questions: mailto:serviceslogistic@wincor-nixdorf.com E-Mail for technical questions: mailto:servicesupport@wincor-nixdorf.com Commercial name / product name Code number Stock — number Ballistol oil…
- Page 182
You will find the address in the internet: http://www.wincor-nixdorf.com/internet/index.html You will find a list of all the cleaning and maintenance materials released by Wincor Nixdorf in the intranet or extranet. Please note the manufacturer’s specifications on the packaging and on the enclosed information sheet. -
Page 183: Pin Assignments
Pin Assignments Power supply connector (supply voltage) Connector: 2-pin AMP, pins 90° Signal name Meaning P24 V Supply voltage +24 V GNDNT Ground for +24 V Safety switch Connector: 3-pin DUBOX, 1 row, 90° Signal name Meaning Relay Safety cut-off relay Ground not connected Basic module…
- Page 184
Basic module Pin Assignments Connector: 20-pin DUBOX, 2 rows, 90° Signal name Meaning SM6PH1P Stepper motor SM6 phase 1, Plus connection SM6PH1M Stepper motor SM6 phase 1, Minus connection SM6PH2P Stepper motor SM6 phase 2, Plus connection SM6PH2M Stepper motor SM6 phase 2, Minus connection Single reject switch, Plus connection Single reject switch, Minus connection… -
Page 185: Main Motor M1
Pin Assignments Main motor M1 Main motor M1 Elements DCM1 Main motor Connector: 2-pin AMP, female connector 90° Signal name Meaning Main motor, Plus connection Main motor, Minus connection Stacker Elements DCM3 Swiveling motor for collecting tray DPS1/DPS3 Digital photosensors for collecting tray position DCM5 Stepper motor for bundle reject switch DPS8/DPS9…
- Page 186
Stacker Pin Assignments Connector: 34-pin DUBOX, 2 rows, 90° Signal name Meaning SM5PH1P Stepper motor DCM5 phase 1, Plus connection SM5PH1M Stepper motor DCM5 phase 1, Minus connection SM5PH2P Stepper motor DCM5 phase 2, Plus connection SM5PH2M Stepper motor DCM5 phase 2, Minus connection DC motor DCM3, Plus connection GNDL… -
Page 187: Frontload Module
Pin Assignments Frontload module Signal name Meaning IQLS Photosensor transmit current Plus (PS22, PS18, PS19) IQLS34VN Photosensor transmit current Minus Free Timing disk of main motor, Power supply T1OUT Timing disk of main motor, output signal Timing disk of main motor, Ground Free Free Free…
- Page 188
Dispensing unit 1 (module positions 1 and 2) Pin Assignments Dispensing unit 1 (module positions 1 and Elements CL1, CL2 Electromagnetic clutch (dispensing unit — position 1, 2) HR1,HR2 Lifting magnet retaining spring (dispensing unit — position 1, 2) PSD1/2 Photosensor dispensing sensor, controlled (dispensing unit — position 1, 2) PSE1/2… -
Page 189: Dispensing Unit 1 (Module Positions 1 And 2)
Pin Assignments Dispensing unit 1 (module positions 1 and 2) Signal name Meaning Ground for pressure measurement (dispensing unit — position 1) Ground for pressure measurement (dispensing unit — position 2) UANDR1 Signal of pressure measurement (dispensing unit — position 1) UANDR2 Signal of pressure measurement (dispensing unit — position 2)
Page 190: Cassette Connector At Dispensing Unit 1
Cassette connector at dispensing unit 1 Pin Assignments Cassette connector at dispensing unit 1 (Module positions 1 and 2) Elements Serial EEPROM Stepper motor Connector: 20-pin DUBOX, 2 rows, 90° Signal name Meaning EEDAT serial EEPROMs: data line for cassette 1 EEDAT serial EEPROMs: data line for cassette 2 EETAKT…
Page 191: Dispensing Unit 2
Pin Assignments Dispensing unit 2 Dispensing unit 2 Module positions 3 and 4 Elements CL3, CL4 Electromagnetic clutch (dispensing unit — position 3, 4) HR3, HR4 Lifting magnet retaining spring (dispensing unit — position 3, 4) PSD 3/4 Photosensor dispensing sensor, controlled (dispensing unit — position 3, 4) PSE 3/4 Photosensor ‘cassette empty sensor’ (dispensing unit -…
- Page 192
Dispensing unit 2 Pin Assignments Signal name Meaning Ground for pressure measurement (dispensing unit — position 3) Ground for pressure measurement (dispensing unit — position 4) UANDR3 Signal of pressure measurement (dispensing unit — position 3) UANDR4 Signal of pressure measurement (dispensing unit — position 4) IAN34IN Transmit current for pressure measurement… -
Page 193: Cassette Connector At Dispensing Unit 2
Pin Assignments Cassette connector at dispensing unit 2 Cassette connector at dispensing unit 2 (module positions 3 and 4) Elements Serial EEPROM Stepper motor Connector: 20-pin DUBOX, 2 rows, 90° Signal name Meaning EEDAT serial EEPROMs: data line for cassette 3 EEDAT serial EEPROMs: data line for cassette 4 EETAKT…
Page 194: Extension Connector For Dispensing Unit 3
Extension connector for dispensing unit 3 Pin Assignments Extension connector for dispensing unit 3 (module positions 5 and 6) An extension PCB containing the power drivers, power sources, level converters and the like is used for dispensing unit 3 (positions 5 and 6). Logical signals (TTL level or analog level) are passed via the extension connector.
- Page 195
Pin Assignments Extension connector for dispensing unit 3 Signal name Meaning Ground P12V Power supply for pressure measurement in the dispensing unit UANDR5 Measuring signal for cassette 5 UANDR6 Measuring signal for cassette 6 IQLS56VN Photosensor transmit current Supply voltage ULANDR Analog voltage for pressure measurement power source… -
Page 196: Connector For Shutter (Incl. Z Module)
Connector for shutter (incl. Z module) Pin Assignments Connector for shutter (incl. Z module) Elements DCM7, DCM8 Shutter motor, DC DPS10/11, Digital photosensors for shutter position DPS12/13 DCM4 Stepper motor for Z module drive PS27 / PS28 Cash path monitoring in the Z module Connector: 15-pin DSUB, pins 90°…
- Page 197
Pin Assignments Connector for shutter (incl. Z module) When the cash has been transported to the output slot, the shutter is moved back to the ‘CLOSED’ position until the transition from L L to H H has been completed. (L = 0 V — H = +12 V) RMSH2N RMSH1N Meaning… -
Page 198: Connector For Thickness Measuring Station
Connector for thickness measuring station Pin Assignments Connector for thickness measuring station Elements Optical thickness measuring DMLED1, DMLED2 Transmit diodes DMPHT1, DMPHT2 Receive transistors Mechanical thickness measuring Reflective photosensors 1, 2 Connector: 10-pin DUBOX, pins, 2 rows, 90° Signal name Meaning DMLED1IN Transmit current for IR LED of reflective…
Page 199: Connection Of Door Switch
Pin Assignments Connection of door switch Connection of door switch Elements Solenoid-operated switch Door switch of safe door Bridge Reports that the solenoid-operated switch is connected Connector: 4-pin DUBOX, 1 row, 90° Signal name Meaning TUERM Solenoid-operated switch / Door switch of safe door Ground for solenoid-operated switch TUERB…
Page 200: Rs232C Connection
RS232C connection Pin Assignments RS232C connection The controlling system unit (PC) is connected via this RS232C interface. Connector: 9-pin Sub-D, pins 90° Signal name Meaning DCD1 Carrier Detect RXD1 Receive Data (IN) TXD1 Transmit Data (OUT) DTR1 Data Terminal Ready Ground DSR1 Data Set Ready…
Page 201: Cmd Controller
Pin Assignments CMD controller CMD controller Connectors at the left side of the controller: X1 mechanichal thickness sensor Dubox connector, 8-pin (Reihe = 2466407537, Sohn = 2466410537) Designation + 5 V Measuring input for the first analog Hall sensor + 5 V Measuring input for the second analog Hall sensor X2 shutter JST pin connector model PHD, 2 x 10-pin, S20B-PHDSS (90°)
- Page 202
CMD controller Pin Assignments Designation Measuring input for phototransistor of PS28 or PS29 (rear edge control) (PSR7) + current for transmit diodes from PS27, PS28 or PS26, PS29 (LSISH) Gate input of shutter1 Gate input of shutter2 Gate input of shutter3 Gate input of shutter4 Jumper coding Pin 19… - Page 203
Pin Assignments CMD controller X3 transport module JST pin connector model PHD, 2 x 6-pin, S12B-PHDSS (90°) (Reihe = A3C40015986, Sohn = A3C40015984) Designation + 5 V Gate input of HS4 (sensor for clamp end position) N.C. Gate input of transport1 Gate input of transport2 Gate input of transport3 Gate input of transport4… - Page 204
CMD controller Pin Assignments X4 V.24 interface from PC Designation + 5 V Gate input of HS4 (sensor for clamp end position) N.C. Gate input of transport1 Gate input of transport2 Gate input of transport3 Gate input of transport4 8-pin Western (Reihe = 5603107937;00 or A3C40016907, Sohn = 5603111937) Designation N.C. - Page 205
Pin Assignments CMD controller X5 USB interface from PC USB connector B-type, (Reihe: 0150507337;00) Designation N.C. USB-Data — USB-Data + Shielding Shielding X6 Door switch and disconnector in safe JST pin connector model PHD, 2 x 5-pin, S10B-PHDSS (90°) (Reihe = A3C40016307;00, Sohn = A3C40016306) Designation N.C. - Page 206
CMD controller Pin Assignments X7 V.24 interface to AVT2800 (SCOP card) JST pin connector model PH, 6-pin, B6B-PH-K-S (upright) (Reihe = 9405007037, Sohn = 9405010037) Designation n. c. (DSR not connected) DTR / RTS X8 NEN from special electronics module JST pin connector model PH, 2-pin, S2B-PH-K-S (90°) (Reihe = A3C40014712;11, Sohn = A3C40014711) Designation… - Page 207
Pin Assignments CMD controller Connectors at the top side of the controller: X10 24-V connection to AVT2800 (SCOP card) 2-pin Mini-Fit 39-30-1020 (Reihe = A3C40029754, Sohn = A3C40029755) Designation + 24 V X11 motor M1) 6-pin Mini-Fit 39-30-1060 (Reihe = A3C40030083, Sohn = A3C40009552) Designation Motor + N.C. - Page 208
CMD controller Pin Assignments X13 clamp motor ZIF connector, 4-pin, 1.25 mm, Molex, Reihe 5597, type 39-51-3043, Top contact (Reihe = A3C40029756, Sohn = A3C40029757) Designation + of clamp motor M2 — of clamp motor M2 + from belt drive on clamp M3 — from belt drive on clamp M3 X14 motors and lifting magnets at stacker / left and right sides JST pin connector model PHD, 2 x 9-pin, S18B-PHDSS (90°) - Page 209
Pin Assignments CMD controller X15 EEPROM at stacker ZIF connector, 8-pin, 1.00 mm, Molex, Reihe 52043, (90°), Bottom Contact (Reihe = A3C40030173, Sohn = A3C40030174) Designation + 5 V Chip-Select to EEPROM Clock to EEPROM Data output to EEPROM Data input from EEPROM N.C. - Page 210
CMD controller Pin Assignments X17 Hybrid photosensors and photosensors at single reject JST pin connector model PHD, 2 x 8-pin, S16B-PHDSS (90°) (Reihe = 0152307537;00, Sohn = 0152310537) Designation Gate input of DPS14 (sensor for switch position of single reject) Gate input of DPS15 (sensor for switch position of single reject) Gate input of DPS7 (sensor for basic position of the sliding… - Page 211
Pin Assignments CMD controller X18 Hybrid photosensors and photosensors at stacker / left side JST pin connector model PHD, 2 x 11-pin, S22B-PHDSS (90°) (Reihe = A3C40032102, Sohn = A3C40032103) Phototransistor of PS18 installed. Designation Gate input of DPS5 (polling the position of the left routing disk) Gate input of DPS8 (polling the position of the left routing disk) Gate input of DPS2 (sensor for stacker wheel position) Gate input of DPS4 (sensor for retract compartment) - Page 212
CMD controller Pin Assignments Connectors at the bottom of the controller: X30 dispensing units pin contact strips, 2 x 20-pin (even) (Reihe = 2383807837) Designation + 5 V + 5 V + 5 V + 5 V switched + 5 V switched + 5 V switched Last –… - Page 213
Pin Assignments CMD controller Designation Dispensing gear of dispensing unit 4 Retaining magnet of dispensing unit 4 Dispensing gear of dispensing unit 5 Retaining magnet of dispensing unit 5 Dispensing gear of dispensing unit 6 Retaining magnet of dispensing unit 6 Dispensing gear of dispensing unit 7 Retaining magnet of dispensing unit 7 Dispensing gear of dispensing unit 8… - Page 214
CMD controller Pin Assignments X31 dispensing units pin contact strips, 2 x 20-pin (even) (Reihe = 2383807837) Designation EEPROM-clock EEPROM-data CS-ICN CS-ReserveN CS-Dispensing unit1 CS-Dispensing unit2 CS-Dispensing unit3 CS-Dispensing unit4 CS-Dispensing unit5 CS-Dispensing unit6 CS-Dispensing unit7 CS-Dispensing unit8 ResetN Free Power source for LEDs (LSIPLUS) Current sink dispensing unit 1 (LSIV1) Current sink dispensing unit 2 (LSIV2) - Page 215
Pin Assignments CMD controller Designation Current sink dispensing unit 3 (LSIV3) Current sink dispensing unit 4 (LSIV4) Current sink dispensing unit 5 (LSIV5) Current sink dispensing unit 6 (LSIV6) Current sink dispensing unit 7 (LSIV7) Current sink dispensing unit 8 (LSIV8) Power supply photo transistors (LSVCC) Polling the first phototransistor for pressure sensor (LSANDR) Polling the second phototransistor for empty sensor (LSR1) - Page 216
CMD controller Pin Assignments X32 Hybrid photosensors and photosensors at stacker / right side JST pin connector model PHD, 2 x 7-pin, B14B-PHDSS (upright) (Reihe = A3C40032574, Sohn = A3C40032575) Designation Gate input of DPS6 (polling the position of the right routing disk) Gate input of DPS9 (polling the position of the right routing disk) - Page 217
Pin Assignments CMD controller X33 position switch and extensions JST pin connector model PHD, 2 x 17-pin, B34B-PHDSS (upright) (Reihe = A3C40036263, Sohn = A3C40036264) Designation + 5 V + 24 V Last — GND Chip-Select to reserve device at SPI2 Clock to reserve device at SPI2 Data output to reserve device at SPI2 Data input from reserve device at SPI2… - Page 218
CMD controller Pin Assignments Designation Special output for 7-segment display bottom / right Free Free Free Free 8-36 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 — Service Manual 01750060162 A… - Page 219
Pin Assignments CMD controller Connectors at the right side of the controller: X40 jumpers Berg pin connector, 2 x 10-pin (Reihe 5673507037;10) Designation ‘Door’ (pay attention to safe door), to be polled by firmware ‘SCOP’ connected, to be polled by firmware ‘Jump A’ (reserve input A), to be polled by firmware ‘Jump B’ (reserve input B), to be polled by firmware ‘Jump C’ (reserve input C), to be polled by firmware… - Page 220
CMD controller Pin Assignments Connectors in the center of the controller: X50 JTAG-PLD programming connector X51 Kontron test connector X52 Turbodebugger connector 8-38 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 — Service Manual 01750060162 A… -
Page 221: 4-Channel Distributor Board
Pin Assignments 4-channel distributor board 4-channel distributor board First connection to CMD controller Designation + 5 V + 5 V + 5 V + 5 V switched + 5 V switched + 5 V switched Last — GND Last — GND Last — GND Last — GND Last — GND…
- Page 222
4-channel distributor board Pin Assignments Designation Dispensing gear of dispensing unit 4 Retaining magnet of dispensing unit 4 Dispensing gear of dispensing unit 5 Retaining magnet of dispensing unit 5 Dispensing gear of dispensing unit 6 Retaining magnet of dispensing unit 6 Dispensing gear of dispensing unit 7 Retaining magnet of dispensing unit 7 Dispensing gear of dispensing unit 8… - Page 223
Pin Assignments 4-channel distributor board Designation CS-Dispensing unit4 CS-Dispensing unit5 CS-Dispensing unit6 CS-Dispensing unit7 CS-Dispensing unit8 ResetN Free Power source for LEDs (LSIPLUS) Current sink dispensing unit 1 (LSIV1) Current sink dispensing unit 2 (LSIV2) Current sink dispensing unit 3 (LSIV3) Current sink dispensing unit 4 (LSIV4) Current sink dispensing unit 5 (LSIV5) Current sink dispensing unit 6 (LSIV6) - Page 224
4-channel distributor board Pin Assignments 1 or 4 cassette connectors (ISEP) Designation Data from and to EEPROM Clock to EEPROM Chip-Select to EEPROM GND for Logic + 5 V switched + 24 V Stepper motor Stepper motor Stepper motor Stepper motor Last — GND Connector for the 1-channel distributor board Designation… - Page 225
Pin Assignments 4-channel distributor board Connector for the two double dispensing units at the 4-channel distributor board Designation Power source for the transmit diodes (LSIPLUS) Dispensing unit x current sink (LSIVx), activates the three transmit diodes of the only dispensing unit Power supply for the pressure photo transistor (LSVCC) Input from pressure photo transistor (LSANDR) (PS at the side) - Page 226
4-channel distributor board Pin Assignments 8-44 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 — Service Manual 01750060162 A… -
Page 227: Spare Parts
Cash-out cassettes 1750053501 Cash-out cassette CMD-V4 1750053503 Cash-out cassette CMD-V4 lead-sealed 1750053504 Cash-out cassette CMD-V4 FSM 1750053506 Cash-out cassette CMD-V4 FSM lead-sealed 1750053511 Cash-out cassette BBA-UT CMD-V4 1750053512 Cash-out cassette BBA-UT CMD-V4 lockable 1750053513 Cash-out cassette BBA-UT CMD-V4 lead-sealed 1750053540…
- Page 228
1-cassette housing complete without latching mechanism Dispensing units 1750051760 Double dispensing unit CMD-V4 (without thickness measuring station) 1750051761 Double dispensing unit CMD-V4 (with thickness measuring station) 1750051758 Single dispensing unit CMD-V4 (without thickness measuring station) 1750051759 Single dispensing unit CMD-V4 (with thickness measuring… - Page 229
AGT CMD-V4 vertical Rearload 1750045360 AGT CMD-V4 vertical Frontload 1750057875 AGT CMD-V4 horizontal FL 101 mm (for ProCash 1500 FL) 1750059116 AGT CMD-V4 horizontal RL 232 mm (for ProCash 2150 RL) 1750059284 AGT CMD-V4 horizontal RL 124 mm (for ProCash 1500 RL) - Page 230
Overview of individual parts Spare Parts Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 — Service Manual 01750060162 A… -
Page 231: Index
Index Banknote width 3-14 Function button 2-28 Bundle reject 2-7 Function test 3-34 Bundle retract 2-10 Initial start-up 4-1 Cash-out cassette 3-8 Initialization 3-32, 4-4 Cash-out cassettes 2-44 Cassette handling 2-19 Cassette initialization 3-32 Jumper settings 4-5 CMD controller 2-20 Connectors 2-23 Component control 2-31 Lithium batteries 1-4…
- Page 232
Index Shutter ProCash 2100xe RL 6- Photosensor electronics 2-29 Shutter ProCash 2150xe RL 6- Pin assignments 8-1 Retract cassette 2-42, 3-9 Power interrupt 1-4 Safety precautions 1-2 Reference value 3-32 SAT 2-33 Reject cassette 2-42, 3-9 Sensors 2-1 Removal/Installation 6-1 Clamp 6-19 Serial interface 2-28 CMD controller 6-2… - Page 233
Notes 01750060162 A Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 — Service Manual… - Page 234
Published by Wincor Nixdorf International GmbH 33094 Paderborn Germany Printed in Germany Order No.: 01750060162 A…
Wincor2050XE: ошибка 01 на CMD-V4
На индикаторе CDM периодически (уже третий раз за месяц) выпадает ошибка 01, т.е. сбой программы, в мануале написано выкл. и вкл. банкомат, что НЕ помогает. Для лечения произвожу ресет (на контроллере перемычка) CL CMOS CDM, после чего прогружается софт, обучаю кассеты и банкомат продолжает работать (причем БЕЗ инкассаций, т.к. счетчики в SOPе не сбрасываю). Замерил на батарее контроллера — номинальные 3,6В. Банкомату уже 5-й год. Какие у кого мысли есть?
- Новичок
- Сообщения: 16
- Зарегистрирован: 20 июл 2011, 15:41
Wincor 2050: ошибка 01 на CDM
KDM » 27 сен 2011, 20:37
Да уж, долго и мучительно я боролся с этой ошибкой. На новом банкомате она периодически появлялась, затем всё чаще и чаще. Начал с замены контроллера диспенсера, потом стеккер в сборе, затем нижний V-модуль, ничего не помогало. Одно заметил точно, в моём случае сбои были точно из-за нижних модулей, потому что когда в них не вставляли кассеты или кассеты уже заканчивались, то банкомат глючить переставал, но как только наоборот заканчивались первые две и оставались нижние, то эта ошибка вываливалась через каждый час. Замена прошивок диспенсера тоже не решила проблемы, только вместо ошибки 01 стала появляться ошибка 22, с такими же симптомами. В итоге всё решилось после замены вертикального суб-контроллера диспенсера — уже почти год ни разу не появлялась эта ошибка, а так вылетала в день по несколько раз. Есть ещё пару банкоматов, на которых бывает проскакивают ошибки 01 или 22, но бывает очень редко, в основном при загрузке банкомата новыми купюрами.
А вообще вот тут обсуждали:
http://bankir.ru/dom/showthread.php?t=8 … 9%C2%CB%C1
KDM - Местный
- Сообщения: 121
- Зарегистрирован: 20 авг 2011, 16:01
- Откуда: Казахстан
- Авто: Toyota Carina E
Wincor 2050: ошибка 01 на CDM
EjVTumane » 27 сен 2011, 20:52
первое что смотрим это на прошиву, а точнее на ее версию… какая кстати?
Добавлено спустя 1 час 7 минут 5 секунд:
и в дальнейшем:
1. Прошиваем новой последней фирмваре.
2. Проверяем все контакты и шлейфы. (Звоним смотрим и прочее)
3. Чистим все датчики выполняем инит всех датчиков. Оцениваем их состояние при необходимости — меняем.
3. Смотрим контроллеры (основной и саб контроллер — методом замены на заранее рабочий)
4. Оцениваем напряжение в сети питания банкомата. В случе необходимости ставим стабилизатор
5. Меняем блок питания банкомата.
Последовательность действий выбирайте сами — в соответствии с принципом минимальных затрат
EjVTumane - Специалист
- Сообщения: 337
- Зарегистрирован: 21 фев 2011, 00:37
Wincor 2050: ошибка 01 на CDM
UURRYY » 27 сен 2011, 22:00
А как версию посмотреть? В свойствах файла CMD_V4_0.BIN нет что-то подобного, файл в 2007 году создан.
- Новичок
- Сообщения: 16
- Зарегистрирован: 20 июл 2011, 15:41
EjVTumane - Специалист
- Сообщения: 337
- Зарегистрирован: 21 фев 2011, 00:37
Wincor 2050: ошибка 01 на CDM
bigbag » 28 сен 2011, 10:28
А как версию посмотреть?
На железке — проводим четвёртый тест.
Пл теме постоянная 0-1 => дохнущая флешка => меняем контролер.
- bigbag
- Специалист
- Сообщения: 245
- Зарегистрирован: 08 июн 2010, 20:15
- Откуда: Кемерово
- Профиль
Wincor 2050: ошибка 01 на CDM
KDM » 28 сен 2011, 13:34
bigbag писал(а):дохнущая флешка => меняем контролер.
Не факт, я контроллер менял в первую очередь и это не помогло.
UURRYY писал(а):070420 1606 CMD_V4_0.BIN
Вот на этой прошивке тоже показывал статус 01, на более поздних — 22.
После появления ошибки хватало просто перезагрузить банкомат по питанию (кнопкой на спецэлектронике или коммандой CSC Shutdown) и ошибка с диспенсера уходила, обнулять диспенсер необходимости нет, хотя это может так было в моём случае.
KDM - Местный
- Сообщения: 121
- Зарегистрирован: 20 авг 2011, 16:01
- Откуда: Казахстан
- Авто: Toyota Carina E
Wincor2050XE: ошибка 01 на CMD-V4
UURRYY » 30 сен 2011, 15:53
Вчера это чудо проинкассировал. В момент вставки других кассет, диспенсер опять/вновь/снова выдал ошибку 01. Пришлось опять его ресетить и обучать кассеты, пока работает. Подумал, может прошивку старую (врядли в ней дело, т.к. на ней 5 лет отработал АТМ без глюков) заново пролить, сперва более новую, а потом старую (текущую) опять. Еще советовали, что, возможно, люфт на шутере есть, где латунная шестеренка — глянул, люфтов таких нет, кроме рабочих, эта тема не помогла. Если повториться трабл — уже буду грешить на субконтроллер, как писали в
- Новичок
- Сообщения: 16
- Зарегистрирован: 20 июл 2011, 15:41
Wincor2050XE: ошибка 01 на CMD-V4
EjVTumane » 01 окт 2011, 00:02
MOD$ 070420 1606 CMD_V4_0.BIN — походу одна из САМЫХ глючных версий, не верите мне — спросите у вендора. Если где увидите — меняйте!
EjVTumane - Специалист
- Сообщения: 337
- Зарегистрирован: 21 фев 2011, 00:37
Re: Wincor2050XE: ошибка 01 на CMD-V4
UURRYY » 03 окт 2011, 15:23
У меня эта прошива стоит на всех Винкорах, купленных в 2006-2008 годах (около 10 шт.) и вот первая ласточка спустя ПЯТЬ лет, ИМХО: собака где-то не там зарыта…
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- Сообщения: 16
- Зарегистрирован: 20 июл 2011, 15:41
Re: Wincor2050XE: ошибка 01 на CMD-V4
KDM » 03 окт 2011, 15:28
Ну если есть возможность поменять прошивочку, то хуже точно не будет, не зря же их обновляют периодически, а вообще, по моим ощущениям, ошибка 01 скорее всего «железячная».
KDM - Местный
- Сообщения: 121
- Зарегистрирован: 20 авг 2011, 16:01
- Откуда: Казахстан
- Авто: Toyota Carina E
Re: Wincor2050XE: ошибка 01 на CMD-V4
UURRYY » 18 окт 2011, 15:12
Три недели назад опять случилась таже трабля, ресетнул на плате контроллера и пролил другую прошиву CMD_V4_0_1607. Вчера проинкассировали, пока полёт нормальный!
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- Сообщения: 16
- Зарегистрирован: 20 июл 2011, 15:41
Re: Wincor2050XE: ошибка 01 на CMD-V4
KDM » 31 окт 2011, 01:20
UURRYY когда вываливается эта ошибка, нет необходимости выгружать банкомат и перезаливать firmware. При появлении этой ошибки я просто перезагружаю банкомат по питанию коммандой CSC Restart, либо кнопкой на спецухе, и после перезагрузки банкомат работает нормально и ошибка уходит, до следующего раза.
И менять прошивку диспенсера тоже можно не выгружая банкомат — счётчики не слетают.
KDM - Местный
- Сообщения: 121
- Зарегистрирован: 20 авг 2011, 16:01
- Откуда: Казахстан
- Авто: Toyota Carina E
Re: Wincor2050XE: ошибка 01 на CMD-V4
UURRYY » 31 окт 2011, 15:59
просто перезагружаю банкомат по питанию коммандой CSC Restart, либо кнопкой на спецухе, и после перезагрузки банкомат работает нормально и ошибка уходит
Этот самый простой вариант был первым, но не помог. Залил прошивку следующую 1607 и вроде в норме сейчас с ним! Других просто у меня нет, поделитесь 1660 и 1651.
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- Сообщения: 16
- Зарегистрирован: 20 июл 2011, 15:41
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- Page 1
Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 Service Manual… - Page 2
? Please contact the following address giving the order number of this manual in your message : Address : Wincor Nixdorf International GmbH Handbuchredaktion BD P34 33094 Paderborn Germany Fax: +49 (0) 52 51 693-62 09 manuals.hardware@wincor-nixdorf.com… - Page 3
Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 Service Manual Edition April 2003… - Page 4
Copyright © Information and trademarks © Wincor Nixdorf International GmbH 2003 All rights, including rights of translation and rights of reproduction by reprinting, copying or similar methods, even of parts, are reserved. Any violations give rise to a claim for… - Page 5
Contents..………………..……………..Introduction……..…..(Safety precautions, technical data) Function and Integration……….Device Overview and Operation……..Getting Started…………..Troubleshooting…..………..Removal / Installation of Components.. Maintenance and Service……. Pin Assignments……………..Spare Parts………………….. Index….…………………………. 01750060162 A Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 — Service Manual… - Page 6
Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 — Service Manual 01750060162 A… -
Page 7: Table Of Contents
Contents Introduction ………………..1-1 Symbols used in this manual…………….1-1 Important safety precautions …………….1-2 General power interrupt……………… 1-4 Description of the device …………….1-5 Structure of the manual ……………… 1-7 Outline………………….. 1-7 Supplementary documentation …………..1-8 Technical data ………………..1-9 Cash media dispenser without output transport……..
- Page 8
Horizontal output transport …………… 2-1 Vertical output transport…………….2-2 Stacker and output transport …………..2-3 Components of dispensing unit and cassette ……….. 2-4 Procedures in the CMD-V4 (schematic)…………2-5 Dispensing in customer direction (vertical, frontload) ……. 2-6 Bundle reject………………… 2-7 Single reject ………………..2-8 Bundle retract when notes are not removed……….. - Page 9
Contents Control block ………………. 2-27 CPU ………………..2-28 Memory………………..2-28 Serial interface………………. 2-28 Status display ………………2-28 Function button……………… 2-28 Photosensor electronics…………….2-29 Measuring banknotes with the double detection unit (DDU)….2-30 Component control……………… 2-31 Dispensing unit control …………..2-31 Cassette control…………….. - Page 10
Checking the vertical transport …………… 5-23 Checking the dispensing areas…………… 5-24 Checking the stacker and output transport ……….5-25 Removal/Installation of Components…………6-1 Pulling out / pushing in the CMD-V4 ………….. 6-1 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 — Service Manual 01750060162 A… - Page 11
Contents CMD controller ………………..6-2 Stacker ………………….6-3 Horizontal output transport …………….6-5 Ouput transport ProCash 2000xe RL …………. 6-6 Output transport ProCash 2050xe…………..6-7 Ouput transport ProCash 2100xe RL …………. 6-8 Shutter ProCash 2000xe RL …………….6-9 Shutter ProCash 2050xe RL ……………. 6-10 Shutter ProCash 2100xe RL ……………. - Page 12
Contents Connection of door switch…………….8-17 Battery connector………………8-17 RS232C connection ………………8-18 CMD controller ………………… 8-19 4-channel distributor board…………….8-39 Spare Parts ………………..9-1 Overview of individual parts …………….9-1 Index………………….. I-1 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 — Service Manual 01750060162 A… -
Page 13: Introduction
Introduction This service manual has been compiled for authorized service personnel only. The operating manual, the installation guide and the service manual of the basic device should also be read since certain details are only described in those manuals. Symbols used in this manual −…
Page 14: Important Safety Precautions
Important safety precautions Introduction Important safety precautions Please read the following notes carefully before doing any work on the device. This device complies with the relevant safety regulations for information processing equipment and is designed for use in a regular office environment. −…
Page 15: A Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 — Service Manual
(e.g. connection for an intruder alarm system). − To clean the device only use cleaning agents approved by Wincor Nixdorf International GmbH (see chapter «Maintenance and Service»).
Page 16: General Power Interrupt
– media dispenser. They will be transported to the reject/retract cassette of the CMD-V4 or they remain in the collecting position of the clamp after the device has been turned on again. Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 — Service Manual…
Page 17: Description Of The Device
Function and use The most important components in an automated teller machine is the Cash Media Dispenser (CMD-V4). The CMD-V4 replaces the AZM-NG. The CMD-V4 and the AZM-NG are software-compatible but not hardware-compatible. CMD cassettes are basically upward- and downward-compatible with some restrictions.
- Page 18
Description of the device Introduction The CMD-V4 can be tailored to the user’s specific requirements thanks to model variants (frontload/rearload) and a variable number of dispensing units in the various housings. The CMD-V4 can consist of the following components, depending on the configuration: −… -
Page 19: Structure Of The Manual
The chapter «Introduction» describes the important safety precautions. It also gives an overview of the Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 (CMD-V4). The features of the CMD-V4 are also described in the chapter «Introduction» in the section «Technical data”. In the chapter «Function and Integration» you will find a description of the individual components of the cash media dispenser.
Page 20: Supplementary Documentation
For the operation and installation of the basic devices, separate manuals are available in several languages which also include a short description of the CMD-V4. These manuals can be ordered from our print partner. They are also available in the intranet.
Page 21: Technical Data
Introduction Technical data Technical data Cash media dispenser without output transport Power supply: 5.5 A operation 11 A peak (approx. 20 ms) Dimensions: The overall dimensions depend on the actual configuration of the CMD- Height Four cassettes: 758 mm Five cassettes: 895.5 mm Six cassettes: 1033 mm…
Page 22: Stacker
Technical data Introduction Stacker Dimensions Depth: 505 mm Width: 301 mm Height: 208 mm Weight with single reject: 8.820 kg without single reject: 8.500 kg Output transport Vertical output transport Frontload in ProCash 2000xe and ProCash 2100xe Dimensions Depth: 400 mm Width: 200 mm Height:…
- Page 23
Introduction Technical data Horizontal output transport Frontload 101 mm in ProCash 1500xe and ProCash BBA mini 3K Dimensions Depth: 130 mm Width: 200 mm Height: 50 mm Weight: 1 kg Horizontal output transport Frontload 241 mm in ProCash 2350xe and ProCash BBA UT Dimensions Depth:… -
Page 24: Shutter
Technical data Introduction Shutter Dimensions Shutter vertical Rearload and vertical Frontload Depth: 310 mm Width: 150 mm Height: 100 mm Weight: 0.5 kg Dimensions Shutter horizontal Rearload Depth: 305 mm Width: 126 mm Height: 67 mm Weight: 0.9 kg Dimensions Shutter horizontal Frontload Depth: 310 mm…
Page 25: Cmd Controller
Introduction Technical data CMD controller Processor: 80C188XL 20 MHz Memory: 512 Kbyte static RAM 512 Kbyte Flash-PROM (PUT, bootloader) Interface: V.24 (RS232), USB interface in preparation Transmission parameters Line speed: 19.2 / 56 KBaud automatic baud rate recognition Data format: Parity: Code width: 8 Bit + Parity…
Page 26: 4-Cassette Housing (Without Contents)
Technical data Introduction 4-cassette housing (without contents) Dimensions Depth: 450 mm Width: 305 mm Height: 600 mm Weight: 10.9 kg 1-cassette housing (without contents) Dimensions Depth: 450 mm Width: 305 mm Height: 162 mm Weight: 3.34 kg Double dispensing unit without DDU Dimensions Depth: 282 mm…
Page 27: Double Dispensing Unit With Ddu
Introduction Technical data Double dispensing unit with DDU Dimensions Depth: 282 mm Width: 305 mm Height: 200 mm Weight: 3.34 kg Single dispensing unit without DDU Dimensions Depth: Still open Width: Still open Height: Still open Weight: Still open Single dispensing unit with DDU Dimensions Depth: Still open…
Page 28: Reject / Retract Cassettes
Technical data Introduction Reject / retract cassettes Capacity Reject compartment: max. 400 notes Retract compartment: max. 100 notes Dimensions Depth: 250 mm Width: 100 mm Height: 100 mm Weight: 1.5 kg Cash-out cassettes Banknote dimensions Size: 54 x 85 mm to 92 x 182 mm Thickness: 0.08 mm to 0.12 mm Filling capacity:…
Page 29: Environmental Conditions
Introduction Technical data Environmental conditions Climatic environmental conditions in accordance with EN 60721 Class Ambient temperature Relative humidity °C % r.h. Operation + 5 to + 55* 5 to 85 Transport — 25 to + 70 10 to 95 (12 hours flying time) (12 hours flying time) Storage + 5 to + 40…
Page 30: Compliance With Standards And Certifications
− EMC Directive 89/336/EEC including the amending directive 93/68/EEC − Low Voltage Directive 73/23/EEC including the amending directive 93/68/EEC The corresponding statement of compliance has been issued by Wincor Nixdorf International GmbH Heinz-Nixdorf-Ring 1 33106 Paderborn Germany Notes concerning radio interference suppression and electrical safety…
- Page 31
Introduction Technical data FCC rules and Canadian Standard ICES — 003 NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC rules and Canadian Standard ICES — 003. -
Page 32: Environmental Protection
Environmental protection Introduction Environmental protection Environmentally friendly product design and development This product has been designed according to our corporate standard ‘Environmentally friendly product design and development’. This means that crucial criteria such as long life, choice of material and its labeling, emissions, packaging, ease of disassembly and recyclability have been taken into account.
Page 33: Returning, Recycling And Disposing Of Used Units And Consumables
Introduction Environmental protection Returning, recycling and disposing of used units and consumables Details regarding the return and recycling of used units and consumables can be obtained from your local branch office or from our Recycling Center in Paderborn: Tel.: +49 (0) 5251 8-1 80 10 Fax.: +49 (0) 5251 8-1 80 15 Further information…
Page 34: Abbreviations
Abbreviations Introduction Abbreviations ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange Communauté Européenne (European Community) Declaration of Conformity Comité Européen de Normalisation (European Committee for Standardization) Clutch Cash media dispenser CMOS Complementary metal oxide semiconductor Central processing unit Direct current motor Double detection unit Data Encryption Standard German Institute for Standardization…
- Page 35
Introduction Abbreviations Programmable logic device PROM Programmable read only memory Photosensor Photosensor Dispense (dispensing sensor) Photosensor Empty (cassette empty) Random access memory Rearload Switch Stacker and output transport SCOP Security cash out procedure Stepper motor Connector Motor Cassette Connector Software Timing disk Underwriters Laboratories 1-23… - Page 36
Abbreviations Introduction 1-24 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 — Service Manual 01750060162 A… -
Page 37: Function And Integration
Function and Integration Sensors and electromechanical components Horizontal output transport SM2,3 DPS5,6 DPS5,6 DPS8,9 DPS2 DCM1 DPS14 DCM7 DPS15 DPS4 DPS7 PS18 DCM2,3 MA2/2 MA2/1 PSE1 MAC1 SMC1 PSD1 01750060162 A Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 — Service Manual…
Page 38: Vertical Output Transport
Sensors and electromechanical components Function and Integration Vertical output transport DPS10 DPS11 PS27 PS28 SM2,3 DPS5,6 DPS5,6 DPS8,9 DPS2 DCM1 DPS14 DPS15 DPS4 DPS7 PS18 DCM2,3 MA2/2 MA2/1 PSE1 MAC1 SMC1 PSD1 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 — Service Manual 01750060162 A…
Page 39: Stacker And Output Transport
Function and Integration Sensors and electromechanical components Stacker and output transport Compo- Designation Location nent Permanent magnets (2 units) – without sensors Clamp DPS 2 Stacker wheel position query Stacker wheel input DPS 4 Sensor: position of retract compartment Reject / retract box DPS 5 Sensor: home position Routing disk drive, left…
Page 40: Components Of Dispensing Unit And Cassette
Sensors and electromechanical components Function and Integration Compo- Designation Location nent MA 6 Magnet for retract comportment Reject box SW 1 Reject / retract box pushed in Reject box SM 1 Pressure on sliding surface for emptying Single reject SM 2 Routing disk motor Routing disk drive, left SM 3…
Page 41: Procedures In The Cmd-V4 (Schematic)
Procedures in the CMD-V4 (schematic) The following sections show and describe the most important procedures in the CMD-V4 step by step on the basis of this schematic drawing of the CMD- V4 with a vertical output transport (frontload). 1 Shutter…
Page 42: Dispensing In Customer Direction (Vertical, Frontload)
Procedures in the CMD-V4 (schematic) Function and Integration Dispensing in customer direction (vertical, frontload) 1. The required number of notes are dispensed successively from each cassette (total of max. 60) (k) 2. The individual notes are moved to the thickness measuring station (i) 3.
Page 43: Bundle Reject
Function and Integration Procedures in the CMD-V4 (schematic) Bundle reject 1. — 4. The procedure is the same as for dispensing in customer direction (vertical, frontload). 5. The routing disk moves to the reject/retract position (d). 6. The bundle of notes is transported to the reject compartment of the reject/ retract cassette (g).
Page 44: Single Reject
Procedures in the CMD-V4 (schematic) Function and Integration Single reject 1. — 3. The procedure is the same as for dispensing in customer direction (vertical, frontload). 3.1 If a bad note is detected it is rejected via the single reject switch (l) and placed in the single reject compartment (m).
- Page 45
Function and Integration Procedures in the CMD-V4 (schematic) 12. Bad notes are taken from the single reject compartment (m) via the stacker wheel (j) and placed in the stacking position of the clamp (e). 13. The routing disk moves to the reject/retract position (d). -
Page 46: Bundle Retract When Notes Are Not Removed
Procedures in the CMD-V4 (schematic) Function and Integration Bundle retract when notes are not removed 1. — 8. The procedure is the same as for dispensing in customer direction (vertical, frontload). 9. The notes are not removed within the defined time! 10.
Page 47: Procedures In The Cmd-V4
Procedures in the CMD-V4 Start-up behavior With a reset or after power-up it is checked whether the CMD-V4 is ready to operate. This is only the case if the command is executed without errors! After device reset, the CMD-V4 is in a defined status.
Page 48: Determination Of The Device Type
Procedures in the CMD-V4 Function and Integration Determination of the device type The device type is determined automatically via the components that are connected to the controller board (number of dispensing units, shutter present (yes/no), output direction). Checking the cassettes First of all, the type and quantity of cassettes which are physically available is determined.
Page 49: Checking Mechanical And Electronic Components
Function and Integration Procedures in the CMD-V4 Checking mechanical and electronic components Individual components are checked. The following errors may occur: <21> Thickness measuring station defective (DDU) <23> Routing disk defective / blocked (SM 2 / SM 3) <24> Reject / retract drive defective / blocked (MA 6) <25>…
Page 50: Dispensing
Procedures in the CMD-V4 Function and Integration Dispensing Checking the basic state A check is run to determine whether: − The transport paths are free. − All required cassette positions are ready for operation and logged on. The number of notes required via the system interface is dispensed from each cassette.
Page 51: Undefined Notes
<3x> (too many bundle rejects from cassette x). Dispensing of notes not possible If the CMD-V4 cannot separate a single note, the dispensing process is again initiated. The attempt to dispense is repeated a maximum of five times. The command is then cancelled by the CMD-V4 with the status display <4x>…
Page 52: Transport
Procedures in the CMD-V4 Function and Integration Transport The transport functions output notes that have been dispensed or places them in the reject/retract cassette. The term ‘transport’ covers the following functions: − Transport to waiting position − Bundle reject − Cash presentation (incl. waiting for removal) −…
Page 53: Cash Presentation (Incl. Waiting For Removal), Cash Output
Function and Integration Procedures in the CMD-V4 Cash presentation (incl. waiting for removal), cash output Before cash is actually transported, the shutter, if present, is opened. Then the notes that have been provided in the waiting position are presented to the customer.
Page 54: Retracting Cash Without Storing It
The flag remains set even in the event of a power failure; it is not reset if the device is reset. When the bundle of notes has been removed, the device lock has to be cancelled in order to be able to continue using the CMD-V4. 2-18…
Page 55: Cassette Handling
EUR. − Issue date The banknote issue date contains an additional 4-character indicator (YYMM of the issue). This means that the CMD-V4 can process notes which have the same face value but different note characteristics. − Denomination This value defines the note’s denomination (8 characters).
Page 56: Cmd Controller
CMD-V4. Data is transferred between the system unit and the CMD-V4 via an RS232 interface. The transfer parameters are identified automatically. The sequencer receives control commands from the higher-level system unit via the RS232C interface, acknowledges them and executes them.
- Page 57
2 24 V connection to SCOP card The figure above shows the component side of the CMD controller. The CMD controller controls all procedures in the CMD-V4 and communication with the higher-level system unit. The following functions have been integrated in the CMD controller: −… -
Page 58: Position Of Function Groups
CMD controller Function and Integration The CMD controller is split up into the following function blocks: − Control block − I/O block with motor control − Photosensor electronics − Thickness sensor electronics − Component control − Serial interface The SCOP can optionally be connected to the CMD controller. It is used to authenticate the dispensing job.
Page 59: Connectors On The Cmd Controller
Function and Integration CMD controller Connectors on the CMD controller Connec- Description Mechanical thickness sensor Shutter Transport module V.24 interface from PC Door switch and safety switch in safe V.24 interface SCOP card (AVT2800) Special electronics 24 V power supply 24 V connection to SCOP card (AVT2800) Motor M1 2-23…
Page 60: Logical Interface
The pin assignments are described in the «Pin Assignment» chapter. Logical interface All commands from the host system to the CMD-V4 and responses from the CMD-V4 to the host system follow the master/slave principle. This means that the CMD-V4 does not send any spontaneous messages.
Page 61: Command From Host System
Meaning Device identifier (dispenser) (ASCII) Command specification (ASCII) Additional specification for command(ASCII) XX … XX Any data (ASCII / HEXA) Acknowledgement by the CMD-V4 Length Contents Meaning Device identifier (dispenser) (ASCII) Command specification (ASCII) Additional specification for command(ASCII) Status code (ASCII) XX …
- Page 62
CMD controller Function and Integration Transport: Shutter test Transport: Target = stop over DDblank Cancel Component status Device status Properties Read firmware configuration Read SCOP status Confirm number of banknotes Confirm number of banknotes (without error) Confirm existing cassettes Note parameters II Write firmware configuration Cassette ID (standard) Set minimum quantity… -
Page 63: Control Block
Function and Integration CMD controller Software transfer: Activate booter Software transfer: Data Software transfer: Firmware hash Software transfer: Read firmware ID Software transfer: Read EEPROM (booter) Software transfer: Write EEPROM (booter) Set the real-time clock Read the real-time clock Read error statistics Delete error statistics Internal commands: Read error information Internal commands: Read EEPROM…
Page 64: Cpu
Refer to the «Troubleshooting» chapter for the meaning of the status codes. Function button In some cases it is advisable to check whether the CMD-V4 is ready for operation without using additional tools. For this purpose there is a function button on the controller – beneath the status display.
Page 65: Photosensor Electronics
(current and amplification). These parameters are constantly readjusted during operation. The photosensor parameters are stored in a table in CMOS and are not lost when the CMD-V4 is turned off. Upon initial start-up or after clearing of the photosensor CMOS area, initialization takes place automatically when the device is turned on.
Page 66: Measuring Banknotes With The Double Detection Unit (Ddu)
Measuring banknotes with the double detection unit (DDU) The DDU in the CMD-V4 is located in the upper dispensing unit. During transport, dispensed notes displace two touch levers with in-built magnets. The Hall sensors opposite them then generate a signal that corresponds to the note thickness.
Page 67: Component Control
For the basic version of the CMD-V4 with two double dispensing units in the 4- cassette housing, the drivers for the dispensing clutches, retaining springs and cassette stepper motors are located on the 4-channel distributor board.
- Page 68
CMD controller Function and Integration Shutter module control A shutter module can be attached to the controller as an option. Control of the shutter has been integrated in the CMD controller. It consists of the following parts: − Shutter motor driver −… -
Page 69: Stacker Transport
Function and Integration Stacker transport Stacker transport The stacker transport facility, with its retract function, is located in the upper rack. It can cope with all output variants. The variant is determined exclusively by the output transport facility. The single reject function is available outside EU countries.
- Page 70
Stacker transport Function and Integration the clamp with the aid of the in-built belts which are controlled via their own drive motor on the clamp. If a bundle is not removed in time the retract function will transport it from the customer output position to the retract compartment of the reject/retract cassette. -
Page 71: Stacker Transport — Eeprom
− Version of the EEPROM build − Checksum − Firmware name − Serial number − Type − Hardware configuration of the CMD-V4 − Single reject configuration − Routing disk positions − Offset routing disk The EEPROM must always stay on the stacker transport.
Page 72: Output Transport
Output transport Function and Integration Output transport The output transport facility varies depending on the device variant. The following illustration shows an output transport for a rearload device with horizontal cash-out. The output transport is attached to the stacker transport and driven via the CMD controller.
Page 73: Shutter
Function and Integration Shutter Shutter The shutter is a flap to keep cash under cover. It is controlled via the CMD controller. 2-37 01750060162 A Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 — Service Manual…
Page 74: Dispensing Unit
Dispensing unit Function and Integration Dispensing unit 4-cassette housing without dispensing units 2-38 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 — Service Manual 01750060162 A…
Page 75: 4-Cassette Housing With Two Double Dispensing Units And 4-Channel Distributor Board
Function and Integration Dispensing unit 4-cassette housing with two double dispensing units and 4-channel distributor board Every 4-cassette housing contains four cassette mounts and at least one dispensing unit featuring a thickness measuring station. The second dispensing unit is used when more than two cassettes are configured. The thickness measuring station must always be in the upper dispensing unit..
Page 76: Dispensing Unit With Dispensing Shaft And Magnetic Clutch
Dispensing unit Function and Integration The pressure that the notes exert on the dispensing shaft is identified via a pressure sensor. Banknotes are dispensed downward by means of friction. In each case, the dispensing unit extracts just one note and transports it to the stacking transport facility.
Page 77: Photosensors In The Dispensing Unit
Function and Integration Dispensing unit is polled via the pressure sensor. The cassettes can be unlocked via the unlocking lever on the housing. Voltages and signals are passed from the controller to the cassette via the cassette connector. The following elements are controlled in the dispensing unit: −…
Page 78: Reject / Retract Cassette
Reject / retract cassette Function and Integration Reject / retract cassette The reject / retract cassettes is available in two versions. Depending on the version, they can be opened by means of a key or a toggle. Both versions can be lead-sealed.
- Page 79
Function and Integration Reject / retract cassette Green: Cassette ready to be inserted Blue: Cassette has been opened by force The insertion mechanism is installed at the front. The notes are inserted in a slanted position from above at the front. A toothed wheel on the right-hand cassette side drives two intake rollers which transport the individual notes or bundles into the cassette. -
Page 80: Cash-Out Cassettes
Any subsequent attempt to insert the cassette with an open visor is stopped. If the indicator is blue and the visor is closed, the cassette can be inserted in the CMD-V4. Cash can be dispensed. The tamper indicator can be reset by opening the lid. A display window on the…
- Page 81
Function and Integration Cash-out cassettes The cassette shutter is designed as a visor. The pressure is created by a pressure carriage operated by a stepper motor. The pressure carriage is guided in the side panel of the cassette. The cassette number is preset at the production plant before shipment. It is stored in EEPROM and can be changed via a software command. - Page 82
Cash-out cassettes Function and Integration 2-46 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 — Service Manual 01750060162 A… -
Page 83: Device Overview And Operation
Device Overview and Operation Device overview 01750060162 A Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 — Service Manual…
Page 84: Horizontal Cash-Out Frontload
Device overview Device Overview and Operation Horizontal cash-out Frontload 1 Double dispensing unit with DDU 8 Reject / retract cassette 2 4-cassette housing 9 Status display 3 4-channel distributor print 10 Function key 4 Double dispensing unit 11 Cash-out cassette 1 5 Stacker 12 Cash-out cassette 2 6 CMD controller…
Page 85: Horizontal Cash-Out Rearload
Device Overview and Operation Device overview Horizontal cash-out Rearload 1 Horizontal output transport RL 8 Reject / retract cassette 2 Double dispensing unit with 9 Status display 10 Function key 3 4-cassette housing 11 Cash-out cassette 1 4 4-channel distributor print 12 Cash-out cassette 2 5 Double dispensing unit 13 Cash-out cassette 3…
Page 86: Vertical Cash-Out Frontload
Device overview Device Overview and Operation Vertical cash-out Frontload 1 Stacker 8 Reject / retract cassette 2 Double dispensing unit with 9 Status display 10 Function key 3 4-cassette housing 11 Cash-out cassette 1 4 4-channel distributor print 12 Cash-out cassette 2 5 Double dispensing unit 13 Cash-out cassette 3 6 Vertical output transport FL…
Page 87: Vertical Cash-Out Rearload
Device Overview and Operation Device overview Vertical cash-out Rearload 1 Vertical output transport RL 8 Reject / retract cassette 2 Double dispensing unit with DDU 9 Status display 3 4-cassette housing 10 Function key 4 4-channel distributor print 11 Cash-out cassette 1 5 Double dispensing unit 12 Cash-out cassette 2 6 Stacker…
Page 88: 1-Cassette Housing With Single Dispensing Unit
(DDU), and two plain single dispensing units. The CMD-V4 with 1-cassette housings can be shipped in all variants that are available for 4-cassette housings (see figures above). 1 Single dispensing unit with DDU…
Page 89: Function Elements And Controls
Device Overview and Operation Device overview Function elements and controls 1 Status display (two 7 segment displays, first digit above) 2 Function key 01750060162 A Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 — Service Manual…
Page 90: The Cassettes
The cassettes Device Overview and Operation The cassettes Cash-out cassette 1 Pull-back handle 10 Inset for setting the banknote 2 Banknote rail height 3 Slide for low cash sensor 11 Latching button (optional) 12 Free space for validity 4 Pressure carriage identification 5 Tamper indicator blue/green 13 Free space for cassette label…
Page 91: Reject / Retract Cassette
Device Overview and Operation The cassettes Reject / retract cassette 1 Box lid 5 Tamper indicator blue/green 2 Retract compartment lever 6 Cassette handle 3 Retract compartment 7 Locking lever (optional lock) 4 Reject compartment 01750060162 A Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 — Service Manual…
Page 92: Removing The Cassette
The released cassette is automatically pushed out of the dispenser by several centimeters. Raise the cassette handle (2) and pull the cassette out of the CMD-V4 by the handle (3). While pulling the cassette, support it from underneath with your free hand.
Page 93: Opening The Cassette
Device Overview and Operation The cassettes Opening the cassette The procedure for opening cash-out cassettes and reject/retract cassettes is the same. • Remove the cassette (see section «Removing the cassette»). When the cassette does not have a lock, turn the green locking lever in the direction of the arrow (1) and lift the cassette lid in the direction of the arrow (2).
Page 94: Emptying The Reject / Retract Cassette
The cassettes Device Overview and Operation Emptying the reject / retract cassette The reject / retract cassette is divided into a reject and a retract compartment. Banknotes which are not removed by the customer after the cash dispensing procedure are returned to the retract compartment. Cash which has been incorrectly dispensed or which was dispensed for test purposes is stored in the reject compartment.
Page 95: Setting The Low Cash Sensor
Device Overview and Operation The cassettes Setting the low cash sensor As an option, the cash-out cassettes can be equipped with a low cash sensor. With this function, a microswitch reports to the connected device that the cassette only contains a certain number of banknotes. To set to the desired minimum banknote quantity, proceed as follows: •…
Page 96: Setting The Banknote Width
The cassettes Device Overview and Operation Setting the banknote width The banknote width has to be set before the cassette is used for the first time or when a different currency or denomination is used in the cassette. • Remove and open the cassette (see section «Opening the cassette»). Removing banknotes Press the green latching button (1) while pushing the pressure carriage…
Page 97: Removing The Banknote Rails
Device Overview and Operation The cassettes Removing the banknote rails • Pull up the horizontal tab at the end of the banknote rail to lift the catch (2) above the crosspiece underneath the tab. At the same time push against the nose of the rail (3) with the thumb of your other hand in the direction of the cassette handle.
Page 98: Inserting The Banknote Rails
The cassettes Device Overview and Operation Put the tip of a screwdriver in the hole in the rail (1) and use it as a lever to move the rails in the direction of the arrow (2). Removing the banknote rail – note width less than 110 mm If the banknote rail is set to a banknote width of less than 110 mm, proceed as follows: •…
- Page 99
Device Overview and Operation The cassettes The left rail and the right rail are inserted in the same way. Slide the protruding end of the rail (1) under the lower edge of the pull-back handle if necessary and press the rail (on the dispensing side of the cassette) into the slot for the required banknote width. - Page 100
The cassettes Device Overview and Operation The banknote rail has been inserted correctly if you can see the dimension required in the cutout (1) and the rail is properly locked in place (2). The tab of the rail (1) must lie flat on the crosspiece. - Page 101
Device Overview and Operation The cassettes Inserting the banknote rail — note width less than 110 mm If the banknote width is less than 110 mm, please proceed as follows: • Push the pressure carriage all the way to the end of the cassette which has the cassette handle (see section «Removing the banknotes»). -
Page 102: Setting The Banknote Height
The cassettes Device Overview and Operation Setting the banknote height • Press the two catches (1) towards each other and remove the inset (2) in the direction of the lid center. 3-20 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 — Service Manual 01750060162 A…
- Page 103
Device Overview and Operation The cassettes • Set the required note height (3) and push the insets back in (4) until they snap into place. Make sure that the insets are set to the same note height at all six positions. -
Page 104: Filling The Cash-Out Cassette
The cassettes Device Overview and Operation Filling the cash-out cassette Filling the cash-out cassettes includes the following steps: − Preparing the cash-out cassette − Preparing the banknote bundles − Inserting banknote bundles In general, all banknotes complying with the requirements of the national bank are suitable for use in the cash-out cassette.
- Page 105
Device Overview and Operation The cassettes Remove the cash-out cassette from the CMD-V4 (see section «Removing the cassette»). Place the cash-out cassette (1) on the loading aid as shown in the picture, and open the cassette lid (see the section «Opening the cassette»). -
Page 106: Preparing The Banknote Bundles
The cassettes Device Overview and Operation Preparing the banknote bundles Check the banknotes for damages before you put them into the cash-out cassettes. Sort out the damaged banknotes and/or remove clips, needles or other foreign objects. The following banknotes should be rejected: torn, glued, folded, creased, stapled or clipped banknotes.
Page 107: Inserting Banknote Bundles
Device Overview and Operation The cassettes Inserting banknote bundles Also follow the instructions for filling the cash-out cassette on the inside of the cassette cover. General instructions for filling the cassette Remove any existing bank wrappers made of paper, plastic or rubber before inserting the banknote bundle.
- Page 108
The cassettes Device Overview and Operation New and used banknote bundles If you use new and used banknote bundles in one cassette, always insert the bundles with the used banknotes into the cassette first. Then insert the bundles with the new banknotes after you separated them at the cut edges (see the section «Preparing the banknote bundles»). - Page 109
Device Overview and Operation The cassettes Always insert banknote bundles which are bent horizontally into the cash-out cassette in such a way that the side of the bundle bulging out is pointing towards the pressure carriage. Take the banknote bundles from the packaging, fan the banknotes and put them into the cassette as shown in the picture. -
Page 110: Special Comments For Deformed Banknotes
The cassettes Device Overview and Operation Special comments for deformed banknotes Possible deformation of banknotes Type A: Type B: Type C: Deformation near the S shape Wavy shape hologram Type A: Turn the bundle so that the deformed corner of the banknote is pointing towards the cassette end from which the banknotes are dispensed and not to the pressure carriage.
- Page 111
Device Overview and Operation The cassettes Type C: If the bundle has a wavy shape as a result from having been tied, turn it so that the deformed corners are pointing towards the end from which the banknotes are dispensed and not towards the pressure carriage. -
Page 112: Inserting The Cassette
The cassettes Device Overview and Operation Inserting the cassette The procedure for inserting cash-out cassettes and reject/retract cassettes is the same. Closing the cassette If the cassette does not have a lock, you must close the cassette lid (1) and turn the green locking lever (2) to the left.
Page 113: Inserting The Cassette
Device Overview and Operation The cassettes Inserting the cassette Normally the tamper indicator (1) is ’green’. If the indicator is blue, the cassette has been tampered with or has been forced open (tamper indicator). To switch the tamper indicator to green, proceed as follows: •…
Page 114: Cassette Initialization
Cassette initialization Device Overview and Operation Cassette initialization The initialization of the cassettes is necessary in case of new types of banknotes or cassettes. With the initialization the system will be informed about the cassette number, the currency and the denomination of the banknotes.
- Page 115
Device Overview and Operation Determining the reference value • Holding the green locking handle, pull out the CMD-V4 as far as possible (see chapter «Removal/Installation of Components», section «Pulling out / pushing in the CMD-V4»). If the locking handle jams and you cannot pull out the CMD-V4, you should always see the chapter «Troubleshooting». -
Page 116: Function Test
Function test Device Overview and Operation Function test In some cases it is useful to check whether the CMD-V4 is ready for operation without using other tools. There is a function button on the controller for this purpose. Pressing this button lets you cycle through the possible functions on the status display.
- Page 117
Device Overview and Operation Function test FW Build The version number is displayed in alternating mode. Example: As far as the firmware build is concerned (to be read with DEF), Build=1.137 the version number 1.137 is shown as follows: 11 for 2 seconds 37 for 1 second After nine attempts, the device returns to normal mode. - Page 118
Function test Device Overview and Operation 3-36 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 — Service Manual 01750060162 A… -
Page 119: Start-Up
The following tasks have to be carried out in the specified sequence when the cash media dispenser (CMD-V4) is started up for the first time: 1. Adjust the cash cassettes to the note size if this was not done at the production plant 2.
Page 120: Start-Up After Component Replacement
Start-up after component replacement The following steps are necessary when you have replaced components in the CMD-V4: 1. Initialize the CMD-V4 2. Adjust the cash cassettes to the note size if this was not done at the production plant (if replacement makes this necessary) 3.
Page 121: Electronic Adjustments For The Cmd-V4
Shutter Remove cassettes before initializing photosensors; photosensors must not be covered (KDIAG: DXM) Remove cassette with the CMD-V4 turned on (normal mode but not in the process of dispensing) and reinsert it Calculate reference values with initialized/inserted cassettes containing real cash (KDIAG menu: Applications‚ Init. CMD-V4) **** Initialize cash cassettes (KDIAG menu: Applications‚…
Page 122: Initializing The Cmd-V4
All connectors on the CMD controller must have been plugged in. • Connect jumper 7 on the CMD controller (Clear CMOS) before turning on the device. Turn on the CMD-V4. Leave jumper 7 connected until the status display shows the value ‘io’. •…
Page 123: Jumper Settings On The Cmd Controller
Start-up Initializing the CMD-V4 Jumper settings on the CMD controller Position of the jumper panel on the CMD controller Position of the jumper panel on the CMD controller 01750060162 A Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 — Service Manual…
- Page 124
Initializing the CMD-V4 Start-up The 10-position jumper panel beneath the status indicator controls the following settings: Jumper Name Open Connected Door Ignore door sensor Heed door sensor when when encryption is encryption is activated activated SCOP Disable SCOP Enable SCOP handling… -
Page 125: Default Settings
Start-up Initializing the CMD-V4 Default settings Jumper connected Battery Jumper connected to just one pin DOOR (possibility of enabling DOOR or SCOP) 01750060162 A Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 — Service Manual…
Page 126: Adjusting Cash Cassettes To The Note Size
Adjusting cash cassettes to the note size Start-up Adjusting cash cassettes to the note size Refer to the «Setting the banknote width» and «Setting the banknote height» sections in the «Device Overview and Operating» chapter. Filling cassettes with real cash and inserting them When the device has been turned on and no errors have occurred, the cash- out cassettes have to be filled with real cash.
Page 127: Troubleshooting
Additional messages may be displayed during initialization, after powering up and after a reset. It is also possible to run an internal test to see if the CMD-V4 is ready for operation. You can find more on this in the «Function test» section of the «Device Overview and Operation»…
Page 128: Displays At Startup
Displays at startup Troubleshooting Displays at start-up Meaning Reaction No power supply Switch on the device. Controller faulty Replace the controller. Controller test after Power None On (displays are flashing and keep changing) Warning: Battery too weak Replace battery (controller) Controller faulty Replace the controller.
Page 129: Displays In Normal Operation
Troubleshooting Displays in normal operation Displays in normal operation Error Meaning Explanation / Measures code No power supply Switch on the device. Start-up (after RESET or Wait until power up is completed. electronics self-test) Burn; program controller Compare; check controller Controller OK No error Faulty software…
- Page 130
Displays in normal operation Troubleshooting Error Meaning Explanation / Measures code Controller faulty When starting the CMD-V4, the power-up test detected a serious fault in the electronics of the controller. The controller must be replaced. Software missing Reload firmware. (download) - Page 131
Verify that the connectors on the CMD controller or at the photosensor elements are plugged in properly. Then return the CMD-V4 to cash- out position in the safe, thereby closing the safety switch and starting the CMD-V4 again (Reset). If the status display continues to show ’18’… - Page 132
(SAT) or the controller has to be replaced. If the magnet moves all the way, the CMD-V4 can go back into operation. If the fault recurs within a short time and checking the single reject… - Page 133
Then return the CMD-V4 to cash- out position in the safe, thereby closing the safety switch and starting the CMD-V4 again (Reset). - Page 134
MA6 has been plugged in correctly. Check whether the digital photosensor is firmly attached to the switchover lever. Place the CMD-V4 in the safe in its dispensing position (safety switch closed). Reinsert the RR cassette, select test… - Page 135
Select ’1’ (Reset) on the function button. If the motor tries to start, but there is a loud running noise: check the cash paths of the CMD-V4 for a massive note jam. Check the inlet to the reject/retract cassette for jammed notes. - Page 136
CMD-V4 in the safe to cash-out position (safety switch closed) and select test function 2 (mechanical test) on the function button after starting up the CMD-V4: if this test function once again ends with status display ’26’, the SAT or the controller must be replaced. - Page 137
Verify that the connectors at the CMD-V4 are properly plugged in. Set the CMD-V4 in the safe to cash-out position (safety switch closed) and select test function 1 (Reset) on the function button. If status code ’29’ reappears after… - Page 138
Displays in normal operation Troubleshooting Error Meaning Explanation / Measures code Too many problems during Bundle rejects can be caused by dispensing from cassette x extremely skewed banknotes or (x = 1 – 6) banknotes that are extracted in an uncontrolled way or by problems with the photosensors. - Page 139
Troubleshooting Displays in normal operation Error Meaning Explanation / Measures code Too many problems during 5. Check whether the magnet for dispensing from cassette x the retaining shaft moves stiffly. (x = 1 – 6) Do this by pressing its anchor. (If necessary check the movement of the magnet with test function ‘2’ –… - Page 140
Displays in normal operation Troubleshooting Error Meaning Explanation / Measures code Cash could not be Verify that the connectors on dispensed or faulty amount the CMD controller and at the of pressure against the plug connection of dispensing banknotes when a unit ’x’… - Page 141
Troubleshooting Displays in normal operation Error Meaning Explanation / Measures code Cash could not be 2.) Re-insert the cassette. Can you dispensed or faulty amount hear the pressure carriage of pressure against the moving forward? banknotes when a cassette is inserted — If there is no noise, verify that (x = 1 — 6) the connectors on the CMD… - Page 142
Displays in normal operation Troubleshooting Error Meaning Explanation / Measures code Too many poor quality Too many double or excessively notes (x=1-6) wide/narrow notes were detected during dispensing from cassette x. Remove cassette x, and check whether the right type of banknote was inserted. -
Page 143: Dirty Photosensors / Sensors
Reset (set CMD-V4 to dispensing position). Note: When this error has occurred for the first time, the CMD-V4 will continue to function until operation shuts down automatically when the level of dirt increases. B) If a cassette cannot be inserted…
- Page 144
(x = 1 — 6) relevant dispensing unit and the associated prism in the pressure carriage of the cassette. Then execute a Reset (set CMD-V4 to dispensing position). Use the ’DYK’ self-test program (check status of photosensors/photosensor amplifiers) to check the level of dirt on all photosensors in KDIAG: Photosensors with status ’3’… - Page 145
(reset), remove the stacker unit and, from below, clean the surfaces of the prism between the stacker wheels. Put the CMD-V4 back in its dispensing position. If the status display continues to show error code ’90’ after powering up (reset), the stacker has to be replaced. - Page 146
(P; two reject) PS2 glass-clear surfaces opposite the transmitter/receiver) with a brush or compressed air. After cleaning, set the CMD-V4 to home position and Cash-out photosensor wait for start-up or select ’1’ (Reset) PS27 (P) on the function button. -
Page 147: Checking The Note Paths
• Open the safe door (see the operating manual of the basic device). • Holding the green locking handle, pull out the CMD-V4 as far as possible (see chapter «Removal/Installation of Components», section «Pulling out / pushing in the CMD-V4»).
Page 148: Locking/Unlocking Handle Blocked
If the banknote clamp is not in the stacking position, try carefully to move it down into the stacking position. When the banknote clamp is down, you can activate the emergency unlock function (1) on the CMD-V4 and pull out the CMD-V4. 5-22 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 — Service Manual…
Page 149: Checking The Vertical Transport
Troubleshooting Locking/unlocking handle blocked Checking the vertical transport Raise the appropriate locking handle (1) or (2) of the dispensing unit and move the cover forward. Check the upper or lower area of the vertical transport facility and remove any notes that are there (1). Swing the cover back until you hear it click into place.
Page 150: Checking The Dispensing Areas
Locking/unlocking handle blocked Troubleshooting Checking the dispensing areas In the dispensing units the dispensing area (inside the device) must be checked. The dispensing areas can only be checked when the cassettes have been removed from the dispensing units (see chapter «Device Overview and Operation», section «Removing the cassette»).
Page 151: Checking The Stacker And Output Transport
Troubleshooting Locking/unlocking handle blocked Checking the stacker and output transport Do not try to open the clamp by force; you could damage it. Stacker wheel area Check the area round the vertical transport and if necessary remove any notes. 5-25 01750060162 A Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 — Service Manual…
- Page 152
Locking/unlocking handle blocked Troubleshooting Single reject area The function of the single reject depends on the individual configuration. Push the green unlocking levers (1) out, and pull the flap (2) forward. Check the dispensing area and if necessary remove the banknotes. 5-26 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 — Service Manual 01750060162 A… - Page 153
Troubleshooting Locking/unlocking handle blocked Gear tracks of the stacker and output transport Horizontal output If the clamp has come to a standstill at a position outside the stacking position, you may need to check and clean the gear tracks (1). Gear tracks of the output transport Vertical output If the clamp has come to a standstill at… - Page 154
After checking the cash paths, proceed as follows: • After checking the cash paths push the CMD-V4 by the green locking lever back into the safe as far as possible (see the operating manual of the basic device). -
Page 155: Removal/Installation Of Components
V4, please be sure to check the «Troubleshooting» chapter. Pushing it in: Push the CMD-V4 in the device as far as possible by the green locking/unlocking handle (the CMD-V4 must audibly click into place). 01750060162 A Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 — Service Manual…
Page 156: Cmd Controller
CMD controller Removal/Installation of Components CMD controller The CMD controller is removed including the cover. To remove the CMD controller first detach all connectors from the controller. Push the fastening bolts (1) to (5) together and carefully remove the CMD controller. The EEPROM (6) must always stay on the stacker.
Page 157: Stacker
Removal/Installation of Components Stacker Stacker • Remove the CMD controller (see section «CMD controller»). • Remove the reject / retract cassette (see chapter «Device Overview and Operation», section «Removing the cassette»). Push the locking/unlocking lever to the left (see arrow 1) until it snaps into place.
- Page 158
Stacker Removal/Installation of Components The picture shows the position of the bordering screws for the stacker. 1 Bordering screw on the left 2 Bordering screw on the right The following table provides an overview of the bordering screws which are required for the individual systems. -
Page 159: Horizontal Output Transport
Removal/Installation of Components Horizontal output transport Horizontal output transport Remove connector (1) on the left-hand side of the CMD-V4 and remove the two screws (2) and (3). Remove screws (1) and (2) on the right-hand side. Pull the output transport apart slightly…
Page 160: Ouput Transport Procash 2000Xe Rl
Ouput transport ProCash 2000xe RL Removal/Installation of Components Ouput transport ProCash 2000xe RL • Pull the customer panel out of the device (refer to the operating and service manuals of the ProCash 2000xe). Detach connector (1) and remove the cable from the securing clips. Loosen screws (2) and (3) and pull the plate (4) a little out of the device (see arrow).
Page 161: Output Transport Procash 2050Xe
Removal/Installation of Components Output transport ProCash 2050xe Output transport ProCash 2050xe • Pull the cash media dispenser out of the device (refer to the operating and service manuals of the ProCash 2050xe). Detach connector (1) from the CMD controller. Remove screws (2) and (3). Remove screws (1) and (2) on the other side.
Page 162: Ouput Transport Procash 2100Xe Rl
Ouput transport ProCash 2100xe RL Removal/Installation of Components Ouput transport ProCash 2100xe RL • Open the door of the operating unit and pull the customer panel out of the device (see the operating and service manuals of the ProCash 2100xe). Detach connector (1) and remove the cable from the securing clips.
Page 163: Shutter Procash 2000Xe Rl
Removal/Installation of Components Shutter ProCash 2000xe RL Shutter ProCash 2000xe RL • Pull the customer panel out of the device (refer to the operating and service manuals of the ProCash 2000xe). Detach connector (1). Loosen screw (2) and unhook the ground strap.
Page 164: Shutter Procash 2050Xe Rl
Shutter ProCash 2050xe RL Removal/Installation of Components Shutter ProCash 2050xe RL • Pull the customer panel out of the device (refer to the operating or service manual of the ProCash 2050xe). Detach connector (1). Loosen screw (2) and unhook the ground strap (3).
Page 165: Shutter Procash 2100Xe Rl
Removal/Installation of Components Shutter ProCash 2100xe RL Shutter ProCash 2100xe RL • Open the door of the operating unit and pull the customer panel out of the device (see the operating or service manual of the ProCash 2100xe). Loosen screw (1) and detach connector (2).
Page 166: Shutter Procash 2150Xe Rl
Shutter ProCash 2150xe RL Removal/Installation of Components Shutter ProCash 2150xe RL • Pull out the customer panel (refer to the operating or service manual of the ProCash 2150xe). Loosen screw (1) on the bottom of the shutter. Push the cable (2) a little to the right, unhook it on the left side and remove it to the left.
Page 167: Distributor Board
Removal/Installation of Components Distributor board Distributor board • Remove all cassettes from the CMD-V4 (see chapter «Device Overview and Operation», section «Removing the cassette»). Detach tab connectors (1) and (2) from the controller and connectors (3) and (4) from the distributor board.
- Page 168
Distributor board Removal/Installation of Components While pushing catches (1) and (2) in the direction of the arrow, detach connector (3) forwards. Proceed in the same way for the other three connectors. Push the white pins (1) to (6) down and remove the distributor board with its cover. -
Page 169: Dispensing Units
Removal/Installation of Components Dispensing units Dispensing units The 4-cassette housing can accommodate two double dispensing units. The upper dispensing unit always includes the thickness measuring station. The two dispensing units must not be confused. Remove the cover (1) by pulling it off. Upper dispensing unit with thickness measuring station Removal…
- Page 170
Dispensing units Removal/Installation of Components The upper dispensing unit accommodates the thickness measuring station which is connected to the CMD controller via a cable. This cable must be unplugged (1). Detach connector (2) from the distributor board. Remove the dispensing unit in the direction of the arrow. -
Page 171: Lower Dispensing Unit
Removal/Installation of Components Dispensing units Connect the cables to the CMD controller (1) and the distributor board (2). • Mount the cover. Lower dispensing unit Turn the locking/unlocking levers (1) and (2) on the left side of the dispensing unit by 90° counterclock- wise.
- Page 172
Dispensing units Removal/Installation of Components Installation Carefully push the connecting cable (1) between the toothed wheels and the device panel. • Insert the dispensing unit and close the latches. If you cannot close them, check the proper fit of the dispensing unit. •… -
Page 173: Clamp
Removal/Installation of Components Clamp Clamp Removal Turn the two routing disks (1) and (2) in the direction of the arrow as far as possible. The clamp closes at the same time and has to engage. Turn the routing disks back by approx. 90°…
- Page 174
Clamp Removal/Installation of Components When removing the clamp remember that the ball bearings are loosely attached and can fall out. Remove the clamp upwards. Remove the ball bearings with the black hooks (1) and the toothed wheels (2) on both sides of the clamp. - Page 175
Removal/Installation of Components Clamp Push out the securing pin (1) and hold onto the cable. Loosen the cable fixing (1) and pull out the cable. Careful! Make sure that the cable is not pulled back again and secure it, if necessary. Installation Feed the cable in (1) as shown in the picture by moving it slightly back and… - Page 176
Clamp Removal/Installation of Components Pull the cable (1) taut. Insert the securing pin (2) with the clamp open. (In the illustration the cable is not yet pulled taut). Close the clamp. The two latches, one on each side, must be engaged manually. -
Page 177: Maintenance And Service
Maintenance Maintenance intervals Preventive maintenance is required for the CMD-V4 every two years or, at the latest, after 200,000 transactions. Performing maintenance All photosensors are only allowed to be cleaned in a dry state.
- Page 178
CMD has to be initialized and reference values have to be calculated for all note types (See the «Initializing the CMD-V4» section in the «Start-up» chapter. Then, using a test program or the actual application, you have to run a dispensing test in which at least five notes have to be dispensed from each cassette without errors. -
Page 179: Stacker
Maintenance and Service Maintenance Stacker • Visually inspect the stacker for damage and dirt. • Clean the stacker using a vacuum cleaner, brush, cloth or compressed air. • Clean all photosensors using a brush, cloth or compressed air. All photosensors are only allowed to be cleaned in a dry state. •…
Page 180: Reject / Retract Cassette
Maintenance Maintenance and Service • Clean the cash-out cassettes using a vacuum cleaner, brush, cloth or compressed air. • Check the settings for the correct note size (in the cover too). • Check the cassette pressure carriage to see that it is in its position properly, and adjust it if necessary.
Page 181: Approved Maintenance Materials
Maintenance and Service Maintenance Approved maintenance materials You can order the items listed below electronically or from our service partner. Orders: http://extranet.wincor-nixdorf.com http://its.siemens.de/lobs/its/its_log/ersin_gr.htm E-mail for logistics questions: mailto:serviceslogistic@wincor-nixdorf.com E-Mail for technical questions: mailto:servicesupport@wincor-nixdorf.com Commercial name / product name Code number Stock — number Ballistol oil…
- Page 182
You will find the address in the internet: http://www.wincor-nixdorf.com/internet/index.html You will find a list of all the cleaning and maintenance materials released by Wincor Nixdorf in the intranet or extranet. Please note the manufacturer’s specifications on the packaging and on the enclosed information sheet. -
Page 183: Pin Assignments
Pin Assignments Power supply connector (supply voltage) Connector: 2-pin AMP, pins 90° Signal name Meaning P24 V Supply voltage +24 V GNDNT Ground for +24 V Safety switch Connector: 3-pin DUBOX, 1 row, 90° Signal name Meaning Relay Safety cut-off relay Ground not connected Basic module…
- Page 184
Basic module Pin Assignments Connector: 20-pin DUBOX, 2 rows, 90° Signal name Meaning SM6PH1P Stepper motor SM6 phase 1, Plus connection SM6PH1M Stepper motor SM6 phase 1, Minus connection SM6PH2P Stepper motor SM6 phase 2, Plus connection SM6PH2M Stepper motor SM6 phase 2, Minus connection Single reject switch, Plus connection Single reject switch, Minus connection… -
Page 185: Main Motor M1
Pin Assignments Main motor M1 Main motor M1 Elements DCM1 Main motor Connector: 2-pin AMP, female connector 90° Signal name Meaning Main motor, Plus connection Main motor, Minus connection Stacker Elements DCM3 Swiveling motor for collecting tray DPS1/DPS3 Digital photosensors for collecting tray position DCM5 Stepper motor for bundle reject switch DPS8/DPS9…
- Page 186
Stacker Pin Assignments Connector: 34-pin DUBOX, 2 rows, 90° Signal name Meaning SM5PH1P Stepper motor DCM5 phase 1, Plus connection SM5PH1M Stepper motor DCM5 phase 1, Minus connection SM5PH2P Stepper motor DCM5 phase 2, Plus connection SM5PH2M Stepper motor DCM5 phase 2, Minus connection DC motor DCM3, Plus connection GNDL… -
Page 187: Frontload Module
Pin Assignments Frontload module Signal name Meaning IQLS Photosensor transmit current Plus (PS22, PS18, PS19) IQLS34VN Photosensor transmit current Minus Free Timing disk of main motor, Power supply T1OUT Timing disk of main motor, output signal Timing disk of main motor, Ground Free Free Free…
- Page 188
Dispensing unit 1 (module positions 1 and 2) Pin Assignments Dispensing unit 1 (module positions 1 and Elements CL1, CL2 Electromagnetic clutch (dispensing unit — position 1, 2) HR1,HR2 Lifting magnet retaining spring (dispensing unit — position 1, 2) PSD1/2 Photosensor dispensing sensor, controlled (dispensing unit — position 1, 2) PSE1/2… -
Page 189: Dispensing Unit 1 (Module Positions 1 And 2)
Pin Assignments Dispensing unit 1 (module positions 1 and 2) Signal name Meaning Ground for pressure measurement (dispensing unit — position 1) Ground for pressure measurement (dispensing unit — position 2) UANDR1 Signal of pressure measurement (dispensing unit — position 1) UANDR2 Signal of pressure measurement (dispensing unit — position 2)
Page 190: Cassette Connector At Dispensing Unit 1
Cassette connector at dispensing unit 1 Pin Assignments Cassette connector at dispensing unit 1 (Module positions 1 and 2) Elements Serial EEPROM Stepper motor Connector: 20-pin DUBOX, 2 rows, 90° Signal name Meaning EEDAT serial EEPROMs: data line for cassette 1 EEDAT serial EEPROMs: data line for cassette 2 EETAKT…
Page 191: Dispensing Unit 2
Pin Assignments Dispensing unit 2 Dispensing unit 2 Module positions 3 and 4 Elements CL3, CL4 Electromagnetic clutch (dispensing unit — position 3, 4) HR3, HR4 Lifting magnet retaining spring (dispensing unit — position 3, 4) PSD 3/4 Photosensor dispensing sensor, controlled (dispensing unit — position 3, 4) PSE 3/4 Photosensor ‘cassette empty sensor’ (dispensing unit -…
- Page 192
Dispensing unit 2 Pin Assignments Signal name Meaning Ground for pressure measurement (dispensing unit — position 3) Ground for pressure measurement (dispensing unit — position 4) UANDR3 Signal of pressure measurement (dispensing unit — position 3) UANDR4 Signal of pressure measurement (dispensing unit — position 4) IAN34IN Transmit current for pressure measurement… -
Page 193: Cassette Connector At Dispensing Unit 2
Pin Assignments Cassette connector at dispensing unit 2 Cassette connector at dispensing unit 2 (module positions 3 and 4) Elements Serial EEPROM Stepper motor Connector: 20-pin DUBOX, 2 rows, 90° Signal name Meaning EEDAT serial EEPROMs: data line for cassette 3 EEDAT serial EEPROMs: data line for cassette 4 EETAKT…
Page 194: Extension Connector For Dispensing Unit 3
Extension connector for dispensing unit 3 Pin Assignments Extension connector for dispensing unit 3 (module positions 5 and 6) An extension PCB containing the power drivers, power sources, level converters and the like is used for dispensing unit 3 (positions 5 and 6). Logical signals (TTL level or analog level) are passed via the extension connector.
- Page 195
Pin Assignments Extension connector for dispensing unit 3 Signal name Meaning Ground P12V Power supply for pressure measurement in the dispensing unit UANDR5 Measuring signal for cassette 5 UANDR6 Measuring signal for cassette 6 IQLS56VN Photosensor transmit current Supply voltage ULANDR Analog voltage for pressure measurement power source… -
Page 196: Connector For Shutter (Incl. Z Module)
Connector for shutter (incl. Z module) Pin Assignments Connector for shutter (incl. Z module) Elements DCM7, DCM8 Shutter motor, DC DPS10/11, Digital photosensors for shutter position DPS12/13 DCM4 Stepper motor for Z module drive PS27 / PS28 Cash path monitoring in the Z module Connector: 15-pin DSUB, pins 90°…
- Page 197
Pin Assignments Connector for shutter (incl. Z module) When the cash has been transported to the output slot, the shutter is moved back to the ‘CLOSED’ position until the transition from L L to H H has been completed. (L = 0 V — H = +12 V) RMSH2N RMSH1N Meaning… -
Page 198: Connector For Thickness Measuring Station
Connector for thickness measuring station Pin Assignments Connector for thickness measuring station Elements Optical thickness measuring DMLED1, DMLED2 Transmit diodes DMPHT1, DMPHT2 Receive transistors Mechanical thickness measuring Reflective photosensors 1, 2 Connector: 10-pin DUBOX, pins, 2 rows, 90° Signal name Meaning DMLED1IN Transmit current for IR LED of reflective…
Page 199: Connection Of Door Switch
Pin Assignments Connection of door switch Connection of door switch Elements Solenoid-operated switch Door switch of safe door Bridge Reports that the solenoid-operated switch is connected Connector: 4-pin DUBOX, 1 row, 90° Signal name Meaning TUERM Solenoid-operated switch / Door switch of safe door Ground for solenoid-operated switch TUERB…
Page 200: Rs232C Connection
RS232C connection Pin Assignments RS232C connection The controlling system unit (PC) is connected via this RS232C interface. Connector: 9-pin Sub-D, pins 90° Signal name Meaning DCD1 Carrier Detect RXD1 Receive Data (IN) TXD1 Transmit Data (OUT) DTR1 Data Terminal Ready Ground DSR1 Data Set Ready…
Page 201: Cmd Controller
Pin Assignments CMD controller CMD controller Connectors at the left side of the controller: X1 mechanichal thickness sensor Dubox connector, 8-pin (Reihe = 2466407537, Sohn = 2466410537) Designation + 5 V Measuring input for the first analog Hall sensor + 5 V Measuring input for the second analog Hall sensor X2 shutter JST pin connector model PHD, 2 x 10-pin, S20B-PHDSS (90°)
- Page 202
CMD controller Pin Assignments Designation Measuring input for phototransistor of PS28 or PS29 (rear edge control) (PSR7) + current for transmit diodes from PS27, PS28 or PS26, PS29 (LSISH) Gate input of shutter1 Gate input of shutter2 Gate input of shutter3 Gate input of shutter4 Jumper coding Pin 19… - Page 203
Pin Assignments CMD controller X3 transport module JST pin connector model PHD, 2 x 6-pin, S12B-PHDSS (90°) (Reihe = A3C40015986, Sohn = A3C40015984) Designation + 5 V Gate input of HS4 (sensor for clamp end position) N.C. Gate input of transport1 Gate input of transport2 Gate input of transport3 Gate input of transport4… - Page 204
CMD controller Pin Assignments X4 V.24 interface from PC Designation + 5 V Gate input of HS4 (sensor for clamp end position) N.C. Gate input of transport1 Gate input of transport2 Gate input of transport3 Gate input of transport4 8-pin Western (Reihe = 5603107937;00 or A3C40016907, Sohn = 5603111937) Designation N.C. - Page 205
Pin Assignments CMD controller X5 USB interface from PC USB connector B-type, (Reihe: 0150507337;00) Designation N.C. USB-Data — USB-Data + Shielding Shielding X6 Door switch and disconnector in safe JST pin connector model PHD, 2 x 5-pin, S10B-PHDSS (90°) (Reihe = A3C40016307;00, Sohn = A3C40016306) Designation N.C. - Page 206
CMD controller Pin Assignments X7 V.24 interface to AVT2800 (SCOP card) JST pin connector model PH, 6-pin, B6B-PH-K-S (upright) (Reihe = 9405007037, Sohn = 9405010037) Designation n. c. (DSR not connected) DTR / RTS X8 NEN from special electronics module JST pin connector model PH, 2-pin, S2B-PH-K-S (90°) (Reihe = A3C40014712;11, Sohn = A3C40014711) Designation… - Page 207
Pin Assignments CMD controller Connectors at the top side of the controller: X10 24-V connection to AVT2800 (SCOP card) 2-pin Mini-Fit 39-30-1020 (Reihe = A3C40029754, Sohn = A3C40029755) Designation + 24 V X11 motor M1) 6-pin Mini-Fit 39-30-1060 (Reihe = A3C40030083, Sohn = A3C40009552) Designation Motor + N.C. - Page 208
CMD controller Pin Assignments X13 clamp motor ZIF connector, 4-pin, 1.25 mm, Molex, Reihe 5597, type 39-51-3043, Top contact (Reihe = A3C40029756, Sohn = A3C40029757) Designation + of clamp motor M2 — of clamp motor M2 + from belt drive on clamp M3 — from belt drive on clamp M3 X14 motors and lifting magnets at stacker / left and right sides JST pin connector model PHD, 2 x 9-pin, S18B-PHDSS (90°) - Page 209
Pin Assignments CMD controller X15 EEPROM at stacker ZIF connector, 8-pin, 1.00 mm, Molex, Reihe 52043, (90°), Bottom Contact (Reihe = A3C40030173, Sohn = A3C40030174) Designation + 5 V Chip-Select to EEPROM Clock to EEPROM Data output to EEPROM Data input from EEPROM N.C. - Page 210
CMD controller Pin Assignments X17 Hybrid photosensors and photosensors at single reject JST pin connector model PHD, 2 x 8-pin, S16B-PHDSS (90°) (Reihe = 0152307537;00, Sohn = 0152310537) Designation Gate input of DPS14 (sensor for switch position of single reject) Gate input of DPS15 (sensor for switch position of single reject) Gate input of DPS7 (sensor for basic position of the sliding… - Page 211
Pin Assignments CMD controller X18 Hybrid photosensors and photosensors at stacker / left side JST pin connector model PHD, 2 x 11-pin, S22B-PHDSS (90°) (Reihe = A3C40032102, Sohn = A3C40032103) Phototransistor of PS18 installed. Designation Gate input of DPS5 (polling the position of the left routing disk) Gate input of DPS8 (polling the position of the left routing disk) Gate input of DPS2 (sensor for stacker wheel position) Gate input of DPS4 (sensor for retract compartment) - Page 212
CMD controller Pin Assignments Connectors at the bottom of the controller: X30 dispensing units pin contact strips, 2 x 20-pin (even) (Reihe = 2383807837) Designation + 5 V + 5 V + 5 V + 5 V switched + 5 V switched + 5 V switched Last –… - Page 213
Pin Assignments CMD controller Designation Dispensing gear of dispensing unit 4 Retaining magnet of dispensing unit 4 Dispensing gear of dispensing unit 5 Retaining magnet of dispensing unit 5 Dispensing gear of dispensing unit 6 Retaining magnet of dispensing unit 6 Dispensing gear of dispensing unit 7 Retaining magnet of dispensing unit 7 Dispensing gear of dispensing unit 8… - Page 214
CMD controller Pin Assignments X31 dispensing units pin contact strips, 2 x 20-pin (even) (Reihe = 2383807837) Designation EEPROM-clock EEPROM-data CS-ICN CS-ReserveN CS-Dispensing unit1 CS-Dispensing unit2 CS-Dispensing unit3 CS-Dispensing unit4 CS-Dispensing unit5 CS-Dispensing unit6 CS-Dispensing unit7 CS-Dispensing unit8 ResetN Free Power source for LEDs (LSIPLUS) Current sink dispensing unit 1 (LSIV1) Current sink dispensing unit 2 (LSIV2) - Page 215
Pin Assignments CMD controller Designation Current sink dispensing unit 3 (LSIV3) Current sink dispensing unit 4 (LSIV4) Current sink dispensing unit 5 (LSIV5) Current sink dispensing unit 6 (LSIV6) Current sink dispensing unit 7 (LSIV7) Current sink dispensing unit 8 (LSIV8) Power supply photo transistors (LSVCC) Polling the first phototransistor for pressure sensor (LSANDR) Polling the second phototransistor for empty sensor (LSR1) - Page 216
CMD controller Pin Assignments X32 Hybrid photosensors and photosensors at stacker / right side JST pin connector model PHD, 2 x 7-pin, B14B-PHDSS (upright) (Reihe = A3C40032574, Sohn = A3C40032575) Designation Gate input of DPS6 (polling the position of the right routing disk) Gate input of DPS9 (polling the position of the right routing disk) - Page 217
Pin Assignments CMD controller X33 position switch and extensions JST pin connector model PHD, 2 x 17-pin, B34B-PHDSS (upright) (Reihe = A3C40036263, Sohn = A3C40036264) Designation + 5 V + 24 V Last — GND Chip-Select to reserve device at SPI2 Clock to reserve device at SPI2 Data output to reserve device at SPI2 Data input from reserve device at SPI2… - Page 218
CMD controller Pin Assignments Designation Special output for 7-segment display bottom / right Free Free Free Free 8-36 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 — Service Manual 01750060162 A… - Page 219
Pin Assignments CMD controller Connectors at the right side of the controller: X40 jumpers Berg pin connector, 2 x 10-pin (Reihe 5673507037;10) Designation ‘Door’ (pay attention to safe door), to be polled by firmware ‘SCOP’ connected, to be polled by firmware ‘Jump A’ (reserve input A), to be polled by firmware ‘Jump B’ (reserve input B), to be polled by firmware ‘Jump C’ (reserve input C), to be polled by firmware… - Page 220
CMD controller Pin Assignments Connectors in the center of the controller: X50 JTAG-PLD programming connector X51 Kontron test connector X52 Turbodebugger connector 8-38 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 — Service Manual 01750060162 A… -
Page 221: 4-Channel Distributor Board
Pin Assignments 4-channel distributor board 4-channel distributor board First connection to CMD controller Designation + 5 V + 5 V + 5 V + 5 V switched + 5 V switched + 5 V switched Last — GND Last — GND Last — GND Last — GND Last — GND…
- Page 222
4-channel distributor board Pin Assignments Designation Dispensing gear of dispensing unit 4 Retaining magnet of dispensing unit 4 Dispensing gear of dispensing unit 5 Retaining magnet of dispensing unit 5 Dispensing gear of dispensing unit 6 Retaining magnet of dispensing unit 6 Dispensing gear of dispensing unit 7 Retaining magnet of dispensing unit 7 Dispensing gear of dispensing unit 8… - Page 223
Pin Assignments 4-channel distributor board Designation CS-Dispensing unit4 CS-Dispensing unit5 CS-Dispensing unit6 CS-Dispensing unit7 CS-Dispensing unit8 ResetN Free Power source for LEDs (LSIPLUS) Current sink dispensing unit 1 (LSIV1) Current sink dispensing unit 2 (LSIV2) Current sink dispensing unit 3 (LSIV3) Current sink dispensing unit 4 (LSIV4) Current sink dispensing unit 5 (LSIV5) Current sink dispensing unit 6 (LSIV6) - Page 224
4-channel distributor board Pin Assignments 1 or 4 cassette connectors (ISEP) Designation Data from and to EEPROM Clock to EEPROM Chip-Select to EEPROM GND for Logic + 5 V switched + 24 V Stepper motor Stepper motor Stepper motor Stepper motor Last — GND Connector for the 1-channel distributor board Designation… - Page 225
Pin Assignments 4-channel distributor board Connector for the two double dispensing units at the 4-channel distributor board Designation Power source for the transmit diodes (LSIPLUS) Dispensing unit x current sink (LSIVx), activates the three transmit diodes of the only dispensing unit Power supply for the pressure photo transistor (LSVCC) Input from pressure photo transistor (LSANDR) (PS at the side) - Page 226
4-channel distributor board Pin Assignments 8-44 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 — Service Manual 01750060162 A… -
Page 227: Spare Parts
Cash-out cassettes 1750053501 Cash-out cassette CMD-V4 1750053503 Cash-out cassette CMD-V4 lead-sealed 1750053504 Cash-out cassette CMD-V4 FSM 1750053506 Cash-out cassette CMD-V4 FSM lead-sealed 1750053511 Cash-out cassette BBA-UT CMD-V4 1750053512 Cash-out cassette BBA-UT CMD-V4 lockable 1750053513 Cash-out cassette BBA-UT CMD-V4 lead-sealed 1750053540…
- Page 228
1-cassette housing complete without latching mechanism Dispensing units 1750051760 Double dispensing unit CMD-V4 (without thickness measuring station) 1750051761 Double dispensing unit CMD-V4 (with thickness measuring station) 1750051758 Single dispensing unit CMD-V4 (without thickness measuring station) 1750051759 Single dispensing unit CMD-V4 (with thickness measuring… - Page 229
AGT CMD-V4 vertical Rearload 1750045360 AGT CMD-V4 vertical Frontload 1750057875 AGT CMD-V4 horizontal FL 101 mm (for ProCash 1500 FL) 1750059116 AGT CMD-V4 horizontal RL 232 mm (for ProCash 2150 RL) 1750059284 AGT CMD-V4 horizontal RL 124 mm (for ProCash 1500 RL) - Page 230
Overview of individual parts Spare Parts Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 — Service Manual 01750060162 A… -
Page 231: Index
Index Banknote width 3-14 Function button 2-28 Bundle reject 2-7 Function test 3-34 Bundle retract 2-10 Initial start-up 4-1 Cash-out cassette 3-8 Initialization 3-32, 4-4 Cash-out cassettes 2-44 Cassette handling 2-19 Cassette initialization 3-32 Jumper settings 4-5 CMD controller 2-20 Connectors 2-23 Component control 2-31 Lithium batteries 1-4…
- Page 232
Index Shutter ProCash 2100xe RL 6- Photosensor electronics 2-29 Shutter ProCash 2150xe RL 6- Pin assignments 8-1 Retract cassette 2-42, 3-9 Power interrupt 1-4 Safety precautions 1-2 Reference value 3-32 SAT 2-33 Reject cassette 2-42, 3-9 Sensors 2-1 Removal/Installation 6-1 Clamp 6-19 Serial interface 2-28 CMD controller 6-2… - Page 233
Notes 01750060162 A Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 — Service Manual… - Page 234
Published by Wincor Nixdorf International GmbH 33094 Paderborn Germany Printed in Germany Order No.: 01750060162 A…
Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 Service Manual S e l f - S e r v i c e S y s t e m s Questions and suggestions Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 01750060162 A Do you have ... ... any questions or suggestions regarding this manual ? Please contact the following address giving the order number of this manual in your message : Address: Wincor Nixdorf International GmbH Handbuchredaktion BD P34 33094 Paderborn Germany Fax: +49 (0) 52 51 693-62 09 E-mail: [email protected] Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 Service Manual Edition April 2003 Copyright © Information and trademarks Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 01750060162 A © Wincor Nixdorf International GmbH 2003 All rights, including rights of translation and rights of reproduction by reprinting, copying or similar methods, even of parts, are reserved. Any violations give rise to a claim for damages All rights, including rights created by patent grants or registration of a utility model or design, are reserved. Delivery subject to availability; right of technical modifications reserved. All names of hardware and software products mentioned in this manual are trade names and/or trademarks of their respective manufactures. This manual was produced using paper treated with chlorine-free bleach 01750060162 A Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 0-1 C Contents..…...…………....………...…...... 1 Introduction.....................................….... (Safety precautions, technical data) 2 Function and Integration……................. 3 Device Overview and Operation……..... 4 Getting Started............................……..... 5 Troubleshooting.....................………...... 6 Removal / Installation of Components.. 7 Maintenance and Service....................... 8 Pin Assignments......................……….... 9 Spare Parts..........................…………….. I Index....................…………………………. 0-2 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 01750060162 A 01750060162 A Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual C-1 Contents Introduction .................................................................................................. 1-1 Symbols used in this manual.......................................................................... 1-1 Important safety precautions.......................................................................... 1-2 General power interrupt.................................................................................. 1-4 Description of the device................................................................................ 1-5 Structure of the manual.................................................................................. 1-7 Outline....................................................................................................... 1-7 Supplementary documentation ................................................................. 1-8 Technical data................................................................................................ 1-9 Cash media dispenser without output transport........................................ 1-9 Stacker.................................................................................................... 1-10 Output transport...................................................................................... 1-10 Shutter .................................................................................................... 1-12 CMD controller........................................................................................ 1-13 4-cassette housing (without contents) .................................................... 1-14 1-cassette housing (without contents) .................................................... 1-14 Double dispensing unit without DDU ...................................................... 1-14 Double dispensing unit with DDU ........................................................... 1-15 Single dispensing unit without DDU........................................................ 1-15 Single dispensing unit with DDU............................................................. 1-15 Reject / retract cassettes ........................................................................ 1-16 Cash-out cassettes ................................................................................. 1-16 Environmental conditions........................................................................ 1-17 Climatic environmental conditions in accordance with EN 60721 ..... 1-17 Mechanical environmental conditions in accordance with EN 60721 1-17 Noise emission in accordance with EN 27779 .................................. 1-17 Compliance with standards and certifications......................................... 1-18 Environmental protection.............................................................................. 1-20 Environmentally friendly product design and development..................... 1-20 Saving energy......................................................................................... 1-20 Disposing of used consumables ............................................................. 1-20 Labels on plastic case parts.................................................................... 1-20 Returning, recycling and disposing of used units and consumables ...... 1-21 Further information.................................................................................. 1-21 Abbreviations................................................................................................ 1-22 Function and Integration ............................................................................. 2-1 Sensors and electromechanical components................................................. 2-1 Contents C-2 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 01750060162 A Horizontal output transport ....................................................................... 2-1 Vertical output transport............................................................................ 2-2 Stacker and output transport .................................................................... 2-3 Components of dispensing unit and cassette........................................... 2-4 Procedures in the CMD-V4 (schematic)......................................................... 2-5 Dispensing in customer direction (vertical, frontload)............................... 2-6 Bundle reject............................................................................................. 2-7 Single reject.............................................................................................. 2-8 Bundle retract when notes are not removed........................................... 2-10 Procedures in the CMD-V4 .......................................................................... 2-11 Start-up behavior .................................................................................... 2-11 Controller test.................................................................................... 2-11 Firmware tt ........................................................................................ 2-11 Memory reset .................................................................................... 2-11 Determination of the device type....................................................... 2-12 Checking the cassettes ..................................................................... 2-12 Checking the photosensors............................................................... 2-12 Checking the device locks................................................................. 2-12 Checking mechanical and electronic components ............................ 2-13 Checking the transport paths ............................................................ 2-13 Checking the shutter ......................................................................... 2-13 Dispensing.............................................................................................. 2-14 Checking the basic state ................................................................... 2-14 Double dispense/note sizes out of tolerance..................................... 2-14 Undefined notes ................................................................................ 2-15 Dispensing of notes not possible....................................................... 2-15 Banknote jam .................................................................................... 2-15 Transport ................................................................................................ 2-16 Transport to waiting position ............................................................. 2-16 Bundle reject ..................................................................................... 2-16 Single reject....................................................................................... 2-16 Cash presentation (incl. waiting for removal), cash output................ 2-17 Retracting and storing banknotes...................................................... 2-17 Retracting cash without storing it ...................................................... 2-18 Cassette handling ........................................................................................ 2-19 CMD controller ............................................................................................. 2-20 Position of function groups ..................................................................... 2-22 Connectors on the CMD controller ......................................................... 2-23 Logical interface...................................................................................... 2-24 Command from host system ............................................................. 2-25 Acknowledgement by the CMD-V4 ................................................... 2-25 Overview of commands .......................................................................... 2-25 Contents 01750060162 A Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual C-3 Control block........................................................................................... 2-27 CPU................................................................................................... 2-28 Memory.............................................................................................. 2-28 Serial interface................................................................................... 2-28 Status display .................................................................................... 2-28 Function button.................................................................................. 2-28 Photosensor electronics.......................................................................... 2-29 Measuring banknotes with the double detection unit (DDU)................... 2-30 Component control.................................................................................. 2-31 Dispensing unit control ...................................................................... 2-31 Cassette control................................................................................. 2-31 Stacker transport.......................................................................................... 2-33 Stacker transport - EEPROM ....................................................................... 2-35 Output transport ........................................................................................... 2-36 Shutter.......................................................................................................... 2-37 Dispensing unit............................................................................................. 2-38 4-cassette housing without dispensing units........................................... 2-38 4-cassette housing with two double dispensing units and 4-channel distributor board...................................................................................... 2-39 Dispensing unit with dispensing shaft and magnetic clutch............... 2-40 Photosensors in the dispensing unit ....................................................... 2-41 Pressure sensor...................................................................................... 2-41 Reject / retract cassette................................................................................ 2-42 Cash-out cassettes....................................................................................... 2-44 Device Overview and Operation ................................................................. 3-1 Device overview ............................................................................................. 3-1 Horizontal cash-out Frontload................................................................... 3-2 Horizontal cash-out Rearload ................................................................... 3-3 Vertical cash-out Frontload....................................................................... 3-4 Vertical cash-out Rearload........................................................................ 3-5 1-cassette housing with single dispensing unit......................................... 3-6 Function elements and controls................................................................ 3-7 The cassettes................................................................................................. 3-8 Cash-out cassette..................................................................................... 3-8 Reject / retract cassette ............................................................................ 3-9 Removing the cassette ........................................................................... 3-10 Opening the cassette.............................................................................. 3-11 Emptying the reject / retract cassette...................................................... 3-12 Setting the low cash sensor.................................................................... 3-13 Setting the banknote width...................................................................... 3-14 Removing banknotes......................................................................... 3-14 Contents C-4 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 01750060162 A Removing the banknote rails............................................................. 3-15 Inserting the banknote rails ............................................................... 3-16 Setting the banknote height.................................................................... 3-20 Filling the cash-out cassette ................................................................... 3-22 Preparing the cash-out cassette........................................................ 3-22 Preparing the banknote bundles ....................................................... 3-24 Inserting banknote bundles ............................................................... 3-25 Special comments for deformed banknotes...................................... 3-28 Inserting the cassette.............................................................................. 3-30 Inserting the cassette.............................................................................. 3-30 Closing the cassette.......................................................................... 3-30 Inserting the cassette ........................................................................ 3-31 Cassette initialization ................................................................................... 3-32 Determining the reference value.................................................................. 3-32 Function test................................................................................................. 3-34 Start-up ......................................................................................................... 4-1 Initial start-up.................................................................................................. 4-1 Start-up after component replacement........................................................... 4-2 Electronic adjustments for the CMD-V4......................................................... 4-3 Initializing the CMD-V4................................................................................... 4-4 Jumper settings on the CMD controller .................................................... 4-5 Position of the jumper panel on the CMD controller............................ 4-5 Default settings.................................................................................... 4-7 Adjusting cash cassettes to the note size ...................................................... 4-8 Filling cassettes with real cash and inserting them........................................ 4-8 Updating note parameters and cassette replenishment data......................... 4-8 Calculating reference values for the various note types ................................ 4-8 Authenticating the cash.................................................................................. 4-8 Troubleshooting........................................................................................... 5-1 Displays at startup.......................................................................................... 5-2 Displays in normal operation.......................................................................... 5-3 Dirty photosensors / sensors .................................................................. 5-17 Checking the note paths .............................................................................. 5-21 Locking/unlocking handle blocked ............................................................... 5-22 Checking the vertical transport ............................................................... 5-23 Checking the dispensing areas............................................................... 5-24 Checking the stacker and output transport............................................. 5-25 Removal/Installation of Components......................................................... 6-1 Pulling out / pushing in the CMD-V4 .............................................................. 6-1 Contents 01750060162 A Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual C-5 CMD controller ............................................................................................... 6-2 Stacker ........................................................................................................... 6-3 Horizontal output transport............................................................................. 6-5 Ouput transport ProCash 2000xe RL............................................................. 6-6 Output transport ProCash 2050xe.................................................................. 6-7 Ouput transport ProCash 2100xe RL............................................................. 6-8 Shutter ProCash 2000xe RL .......................................................................... 6-9 Shutter ProCash 2050xe RL ........................................................................ 6-10 Shutter ProCash 2100xe RL ........................................................................ 6-11 Shutter ProCash 2150xe RL ........................................................................ 6-12 Distributor board........................................................................................... 6-13 Dispensing units........................................................................................... 6-15 Upper dispensing unit with thickness measuring station ........................ 6-15 Lower dispensing unit ............................................................................. 6-17 Clamp........................................................................................................... 6-19 Maintenance and Service ............................................................................ 7-1 Maintenance................................................................................................... 7-1 Maintenance intervals............................................................................... 7-1 Performing maintenance........................................................................... 7-1 Stacker ................................................................................................ 7-3 Output transport................................................................................... 7-3 Shutter................................................................................................. 7-3 Cash-out cassettes.............................................................................. 7-3 Reject / retract cassette....................................................................... 7-4 General................................................................................................ 7-4 Approved maintenance materials ............................................................. 7-5 Pin Assignments .......................................................................................... 8-1 Power supply connector (supply voltage)....................................................... 8-1 Safety switch .................................................................................................. 8-1 Basic module.................................................................................................. 8-1 Main motor M1 ............................................................................................... 8-3 Stacker ........................................................................................................... 8-3 Frontload module ........................................................................................... 8-5 Dispensing unit 1 (module positions 1 and 2) ................................................ 8-6 Cassette connector at dispensing unit 1 ........................................................ 8-8 Dispensing unit 2............................................................................................ 8-9 Cassette connector at dispensing unit 2 ...................................................... 8-11 Extension connector for dispensing unit 3.................................................... 8-12 Connector for shutter (incl. Z module).......................................................... 8-14 Connector for thickness measuring station .................................................. 8-16 Contents C-6 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 01750060162 A Connection of door switch............................................................................ 8-17 Battery connector.................................................................................... 8-17 RS232C connection ..................................................................................... 8-18 CMD controller ............................................................................................. 8-19 4-channel distributor board........................................................................... 8-39 Spare Parts ................................................................................................... 9-1 Overview of individual parts ........................................................................... 9-1 Index............................................................................................................... I-1 01750060162 A Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 1-1 Introduction This service manual has been compiled for authorized service personnel only. The operating manual, the installation guide and the service manual of the basic device should also be read since certain details are only described in those manuals. Symbols used in this manual − Text following a dash represents an item in a list. " " Text in quotation marks refers to other chapters or sections in this document. • Text following this symbol describes actions to be performed in the specified order. Text following this symbol should be given special attention in order to avoid damage and injury. i Text following this symbol contains general information to facilitate use of the device and help avoid operating errors. Important safety precautions Introduction 1-2 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 01750060162 A Important safety precautions Please read the following notes carefully before doing any work on the device. This device complies with the relevant safety regulations for information processing equipment and is designed for use in a regular office environment. − When moving the device from a cold to a warm environment, do not operate it for at least two hours to prevent possible damage caused by condensation. − Only use the original packaging material to transport the device. − The device is equipped with a safety-tested power cable which must be connected only to a suitable grounded outlet. − Always hold the plug when removing the power cable. Never pull the cable itself. − Install all cables in such a way that they will not be stepped on or tripped over or damaged and crushed in any other way. − Have damaged cables replaced immediately. − Make sure that there is always free access to the sockets used or to the electrical circuit-breakers of the house installation. − In case of an emergency (e. g. damaged cabinets, controls or power cables, liquids or foreign objects in the device) observe the following instructions: Deactivate the device immediately by: Switching off the automatic circuit-breaker or removing the fuse inset from the fuse holder in the distribution box of the building installation; Disconnecting the plug connector of the power supply cable from the grounded socket in the building installation; Switching the power switch on the power distributor to OFF (refer to the operating manual of the basic device); Disconnecting power between the UPS (uninterruptible power supply) and the device (refer to the operating manual of the basic device). Introduction Important safety precautions 01750060162 A Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 1-3 − During a thunderstorm, data transmission lines may not be connected or disconnected. − Only use accessories and extension components which have been approved by us. Nonobservance can result in damage to the system or violations of regulations concerning safety, radio interference and ergonomical requirements. − Note that there are only safety extra-low voltage circuits (SELV circuits) if you want to feed voltage from an external source into prepared cables to install additional electronics (e.g. connection for an intruder alarm system). − To clean the device only use cleaning agents approved by Wincor Nixdorf International GmbH (see chapter "Maintenance and Service"). Repair work Repair work may only be carried out by authorized personnel. Unauthorized opening of the device or repair work carried out improperly could result in considerable danger to the user. In case of noncompliance, Wincor Nixdorf International GmbH excludes all liability. General power interrupt Introduction 1-4 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 01750060162 A Lithium batteries There is danger of fire or explosion if the batteries are handled incorrectly. It is therefore important to note the following points: − Avoid short circuits. − Never recharge the battery. − Avoid temperatures above 100 °C. − Do not try to open the battery by force. − Do not allow the battery to come into contact with water or fire. Replace only with the same or an equivalent type recommended by Wincor Nixdorf International GmbH. Dispose of used batteries in compliance with national regulations and the manufacturer's specifications. General power interrupt i A general power interrupt has the following effects: – All currently running transactions are immediately aborted. – Dispensed banknotes remain in the transport paths of the cash media dispenser. They will be transported to the reject/retract cassette of the CMD-V4 or they remain in the collecting position of the clamp after the device has been turned on again. Introduction Description of the device 01750060162 A Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 1-5 Description of the device Function and use The most important components in an automated teller machine is the Cash Media Dispenser (CMD-V4). TheCMD-V4replacestheAZM-NG.TheCMD-V4andtheAZM-NGare software-compatible but not hardware-compatible. CMD cassettes are basically upward- and downward-compatible with some restrictions. They are about 5 mm longer so they cannot simply be deployed in the ProCash BBA mini 3K (up to February 2003) and the ProCash BBA UT with a CEN safe. The ProCash BBA mini 3K requires a technical modification forCMDcassettestobeinstalled.Theoldcassetteshavetobeusedinthe ProCash BBA UT with a CEN safe. This manual describes the Cash Media Dispenser, version 4. Here are some of the characteristics of the Cash Media Dispenser: − High functional reliability (low reject rate, detection of dispenses of two notes) − Convenient to use and maintain: Electronic and mechanical adjustments have been minimized Maintenance intervals: Every two years or after 200,000 transactions − All known requirements for ecological reuse and disposal have been satisfied. Description of the device Introduction 1-6 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 01750060162 A The CMD-V4 can be tailored to the user's specific requirements thanks to model variants (frontload/rearload) and a variable number of dispensing units in the various housings. The CMD-V4 can consist of the following components, depending on the configuration: − Stacker transport facility with or without single reject − Horizontal/vertical output transport facility Rearload/Frontload − 1-cassette housing with single dispensing unit − 4-cassette housing with one double dispensing unit or two double dispensing units − CMD controller − Cash-out cassette and reject / retract cassette i The single reject function is only available in devices which are delivered to countries outside the European Union. Introduction Structure of the manual 01750060162 A Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 1-7 Structure of the manual Outline The chapter "Introduction" describes the important safety precautions. It also gives an overview of the Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 (CMD-V4). The features of the CMD-V4 are also described in the chapter "Introduction" in the section "Technical data”. In the chapter "Function and Integration" you will find a description of the individual components of the cash media dispenser. The "Device Overview and Operation" chapter describes, among other things, how to change the cash-out and reject/retract cassettes, replenish the cash- out cassette and set the banknote size. The "Start-up" chapter explains how the CMD-V4 is initialized. The "Troubleshooting" chapter lists the status messages that may be output, together with explanations and action to be taken. The next chapter "Removal/Installation of Components" provides detailed information on how to replace the components. The chapter "Maintenance and Service" contains information on maintenance work to be carried out regularly. The assignment of connector pins is described in the "Pin Assignments" chapter. Finally, components that can be replaced in the Cash Media Dispenser are listed in the "Spare Parts" chapter. Structure of the manual Introduction 1-8 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 01750060162 A Supplementary documentation For the operation and installation of the basic devices, separate manuals are available in several languages which also include a short description of the CMD-V4. These manuals can be ordered from our print partner. They are also available in the intranet. Usually the manufacturers' original manuals for OEM components are included in the shipment. They may contain more detailed information. Introduction Technical data 01750060162 A Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 1-9 Technical data Cash media dispenser without output transport Power supply: 5.5 A operation 11 A peak (approx. 20 ms) Dimensions: The overall dimensions depend on the actual configuration of the CMD- V4. Height Four cassettes: 758 mm Five cassettes: 895.5 mm Six cassettes: 1033 mm Width: 340 mm Depth with cassettes in place: 537 mm Device weight without cassettes and without single reject: max. 30 kg Banknote dimensions in mm: 54 x 85 x 0.08 to 92 x 182 x 0.12 Maximum number of notes per transaction: 60 Dispensing and transport rate: 6 - 8 banknotes / sec. Number of dispensing units: 2 to 6 Security functions implemented: Data Encryption Standard (DES) for line encryption Technical data Introduction 1-10 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 01750060162 A Stacker Dimensions Depth: 505 mm Width: 301 mm Height: 208 mm Weight with single reject: 8.820 kg without single reject: 8.500 kg Output transport Vertical output transport Frontload in ProCash 2000xe and ProCash 2100xe Dimensions Depth: 400 mm Width: 200 mm Height: 230 mm Weight: 1.5 kg Vertical output transport Rearload in ProCash 2000xe and ProCash 2100xe Dimensions Depth: 400 mm Width: 200 mm Height: 230 mm Weight: 1.5 kg Introduction Technical data 01750060162 A Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 1-11 Horizontal output transport Frontload 101 mm in ProCash 1500xe and ProCash BBA mini 3K Dimensions Depth: 130 mm Width: 200 mm Height: 50 mm Weight: 1 kg Horizontal output transport Frontload 241 mm in ProCash 2350xe and ProCash BBA UT Dimensions Depth: 250 mm Width: 200 mm Height: 50 mm Weight: 1 kg Horizontal output transport Rearload 124 mm in ProCash 1500xe and ProCash BBA UT Dimensions Depth: 130 mm Width: 200 mm Height: 50 mm Weight: 1 kg Horizontal output transport Rearload 232 mm in ProCash 2050xe, ProCash 2150xe and ProCash 2250xe Dimensions Depth: 345 mm Width: 227 mm Height: 57 mm Weight: 0.52 kg Technical data Introduction 1-12 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 01750060162 A Shutter Dimensions Shutter vertical Rearload and vertical Frontload Depth: 310 mm Width: 150 mm Height: 100 mm Weight: 0.5 kg Dimensions Shutter horizontal Rearload Depth: 305 mm Width: 126 mm Height: 67 mm Weight: 0.9 kg Dimensions Shutter horizontal Frontload Depth: 310 mm Width: 150 mm Height: 100 mm Weight: 0.9 kg Introduction Technical data 01750060162 A Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 1-13 CMD controller Processor: 80C188XL 20 MHz Memory: 512 Kbyte static RAM 512 Kbyte Flash-PROM (PUT, bootloader) Interface: V.24 (RS232), USB interface in preparation Transmission parameters Line speed: 19.2 / 56 KBaud automatic baud rate recognition Data format: NRZ Parity: ODD Code width: 8 Bit + Parity Stop bits: 2 Dimensions Depth: 430 mm Width: 160 mm Height: 25 mm Weight: 0.42 kg Technical data Introduction 1-14 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 01750060162 A 4-cassette housing (without contents) Dimensions Depth: 450 mm Width: 305 mm Height: 600 mm Weight: 10.9 kg 1-cassette housing (without contents) Dimensions Depth: 450 mm Width: 305 mm Height: 162 mm Weight: 3.34 kg Double dispensing unit without DDU Dimensions Depth: 282 mm Width: 305 mm Height: 200 mm Weight: 3.30 kg Introduction Technical data 01750060162 A Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 1-15 Double dispensing unit with DDU Dimensions Depth: 282 mm Width: 305 mm Height: 200 mm Weight: 3.34 kg Single dispensing unit without DDU Dimensions Depth: Still open Width: Still open Height: Still open Weight: Still open Single dispensing unit with DDU Dimensions Depth: Still open Width: Still open Height: Still open Weight: Still open Technical data Introduction 1-16 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 01750060162 A Reject / retract cassettes Capacity Reject compartment: max. 400 notes Retract compartment: max. 100 notes Dimensions Depth: 250 mm Width: 100 mm Height: 100 mm Weight: 1.5 kg Cash-out cassettes Banknote dimensions Size: 54 x 85 mm to 92 x 182 mm Thickness: 0.08 mm to 0.12 mm Filling capacity: Banknote bundles up to 310 mm thick Dimensions Depth: 441 mm Width: 264 mm Height: 125 mm Weight: 3.5 kg Introduction Technical data 01750060162 A Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 1-17 Environmental conditions Climatic environmental conditions in accordance with EN 60721 Class Ambient temperature °C Relative humidity %r.h. Operation 3K3 + 5 to + 55* 5 to 85 Transport 2K2 - 25 to + 70 (12 hours flying time) 10 to 95 (12 hours flying time) Storage 1K2 + 5 to + 40 (max. 30 days) 10 to 85 * The temperature value of + 55 °C deviates from the value of the standard (+ 32 °C). Mechanical environmental conditions in accordance with EN 60721 Class Comment Operation 3M2 Building with minimum external vibration. Transport (in original packing) 2M2 All types of commercial vehicles and trailers as well as rail and air transport Storage (in original packing) 1M3 Noticeable vibration and shocks, e.g. by machines or passing vehicles Noise emission in accordance with EN 27779 Noise values acc. to ISO 9296 Idle mode Operation* Sound power level LWAd 6.1 B 6.9 B Workplace-related sound pressure level L pAm (at adjacent workplace) 44 dB 50 dB * typical operating cycle. Technical data Introduction 1-18 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 01750060162 A Compliance with standards and certifications Standards met Safety standards: EN 60950 CSA C22.2-60950 UL 1950 UL 60950 EMC standards: EN 55022 class B FCC CFR 47, part 15, subpart B, class A EN 55024 Conformity The CE mark of conformity attached to the product or its package indicates that the product complies with the requirements of the following EC directives: − EMC Directive 89/336/EEC including the amending directive 93/68/EEC − Low Voltage Directive 73/23/EEC including the amending directive 93/68/EEC The corresponding statement of compliance has been issued by Wincor Nixdorf International GmbH Heinz-Nixdorf-Ring 1 33106 Paderborn Germany Notes concerning radio interference suppression and electrical safety All other devices connected to this product must comply with the EMC Directive 89/336/EEC including the amending directive 93/68/EEC and the Low Voltage Directive 73/23/EEC including the amending directive 93/68/EEC. Introduction Technical data 01750060162 A Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 1-19 FCC rules and Canadian Standard ICES - 003 NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC rules and Canadian Standard ICES - 003. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operating in a commercial environment. The equipment generates, uses and can radiate high frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference in which case the user will be required to correct the interference at his own expense. Environmental protection Introduction 1-20 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 01750060162 A Environmental protection Environmentally friendly product design and development This product has been designed according to our corporate standard 'Environmentally friendly product design and development'. This means that crucial criteria such as long life, choice of material and its labeling, emissions, packaging, ease of disassembly and recyclability have been taken into account. This saves resources and relieves the strain on the environment. Saving energy Please switch on devices that need not be constantly running only when they are actually needed. They should also be turned off when they are not needed for longer periods of time. Disposing of used consumables Please dispose of printer consumables, batteries, fluorescent tubes as well as cleaning and maintenance material according to the applicable regulations of your country (observe manufacturer's specifications). Labels on plastic case parts Please do not stick any labels on plastic case parts since that would make recycling more difficult. Introduction Environmental protection 01750060162 A Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 1-21 Returning, recycling and disposing of used units and consumables Details regarding the return and recycling of used units and consumables can be obtained from your local branch office or from our Recycling Center in Paderborn: Tel.: +49 (0) 5251 8-1 80 10 Fax.: +49 (0) 5251 8-1 80 15 Further information can be obtained from our Environmental Protection section (Referat Umweltschutz): Tel.: +49 (0) 5251 693-67 07 Fax.: +49 (0) 5251 693-67 09 Email: mailto:[email protected] Abbreviations Introduction 1-22 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 01750060162 A Abbreviations ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange CE Communauté Européenne (European Community) Declaration of Conformity CEN Comité Européen de Normalisation (European Committee for Standardization) CL Clutch CMD Cash media dispenser CMOS Complementary metal oxide semiconductor CPU Central processing unit DCM Direct current motor DDU Double detection unit DES Data Encryption Standard DIN German Institute for Standardization DMA Direct Memory Access DPS Digital photosensor DSP Diagnostic and service package EEPROM Electrical erasable programmable read only memory EC European Community EMC Electromagnetic compatibility EN European standard EPROM Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory EEC European Community FCC Federal Communications Commission FD Floppy disk FRU Field repair unit HR Retaining magnet HS Hall sensor ISO International Organization for Standardization KDIAG Components diagnostics LED Light emitting diode MA Magnet MAC Magnet cassette OEM Original equipment manufacturer PC Personal computer Introduction Abbreviations 01750060162 A Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 1-23 PLD Programmable logic device PROM Programmable read only memory PS Photosensor PSD Photosensor Dispense (dispensing sensor) PSE Photosensor Empty (cassette empty) RAM Random access memory RL Rearload SSwitch SAT Stacker and output transport SCOP Security cash out procedure SM Stepper motor SMC Connector Motor Cassette ST Connector SW Software T Timing disk UL Underwriters Laboratories Abbreviations Introduction 1-24 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 01750060162 A 01750060162 A Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 2-1 Function and Integration Sensors and electromechanical components Horizontal output transport DCM1 DPS14 DPS15 DPS4 SM1 PS2 PS1 DDU PSE1 PSD1 PS18 DPS2 SM2,3 DCM2,3 MAC1 SMC1 CL1 HS1 HS3 MA6 HS2 DPS7 DPS5,6DPS5,6 DPS8,9 HS4 PS27 PS28 DPS11 DCM7 D P S 1 0 SM9 MA2/2 SW1 MA2/1 Sensors and electromechanical components Function and Integration 2-2 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 01750060162 A Vertical output transport DCM1 DPS14 DPS15 DPS4 SM1 PS2 PS1 DDU PSE1 PSD1 PS18 SM9 DPS2 SM2,3 DCM2,3 MAC1 MA2/2 SMC1 CL1 HS1 HS3 MA6 SW1 HS2 PS27 PS28 HS4 DPS11 SM7 DPS10 DPS7 DPS5,6DPS5,6 DPS8,9 MA2/1 Function and Integration Sensors and electromechanical components 01750060162 A Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 2-3 Stacker and output transport Compo- nent Designation Location D Permanent magnets (2 units) – without sensors Clamp DPS 2 Stacker wheel position query Stacker wheel input DPS 4 Sensor: position of retract compartment Reject / retract box DPS 5 Sensor: home position Routing disk drive, left DPS 6 Sensor: home position Routing disk drive, right DPS 7 Home position of sliding surface Single reject DPS 8 Sensor: Position Routing disk drive, left DPS 9 Sensor: Position Routing disk drive, right DPS 10 Hybrid photosensor Shutter DPS 11 Hybrid photosensor Shutter DPS 14 Home position of switch Single reject DPS 15 Switch position: single reject Single reject HS 1 Home position (Hall sensor) Clamp positioning HS 2 RR home position (behind the routing disk) (Hall sensor) Clamp positioning HS 3 Reversal in FL direction (if required) (Hall sensor) Clamp positioning HS 4 Stop over position and final position of clamp (Hall sensor) Clamp positioning PS 1 Stacker wheel input Stacker wheel input PS 2 'Tray empty' check Single reject PS 18 Tray monitoring/ input monitoring 'clamp empty' Swivel drive for clamp flap reject/retract box PS 27 Removal photosensor Clamp positioning PS 28 Bundle rear edge control Clamp positioning DCM 1 Main drive motor Stacker wheel input DCM 2 Traction motor + planetary gears Clamp DCM 3 Belt drive + planetary gears Clamp DCM 7 DC motor (outdoor) Shutter MA 2/1 Switch control magnet Single reject MA 2/2 Switch control magnet Single reject Sensors and electromechanical components Function and Integration 2-4 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 01750060162 A Compo- nent Designation Location MA 6 Magnet for retract comportment Reject box SW 1 Reject / retract box pushed in Reject box SM 1 Pressure on sliding surface for emptying Single reject SM 2 Routing disk motor Routing disk drive, left SM 3 Routing disk motor Routing disk drive, right SM 7 Stepper motor (indoor) Shutter SM 9 Stacker wheel stepper motor Stacker wheel input T 1 Timing disk Stacker wheel input Components of dispensing unit and cassette Component Designation Location MACx Retaining magnet Dispensing unit; cassette x x = 1 – 6 CLx Extractor gear Dispensing unit; cassette x x = 1 – 6 PSDx Dispensing sensor Dispensing unit; cassette x x = 1 – 6 PSEx Empty sensor Dispensing unit; cassette x x = 1 – 6 DDU Length measurement, measuring station on the upper dispensing unit SMCx Stepper motor for pressure in cassette x x = 1 – 6 STx Cassette connector at cassette x x = 1 – 6 Function and Integration Procedures in the CMD-V4 (schematic) 01750060162 A Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 2-5 Procedures in the CMD-V4 (schematic) The following sections show and describe the most important procedures in the CMD-V4 step by step on the basis of this schematic drawing of the CMD- V4 with a vertical output transport (frontload). i a b c d e f g j k h l m 1 Shutter g Reject compartment of b Clamp in home position reject/retract cassette c Vertical output transport FL h Main drive motor d Routing disk i Thickness measuring station e Clamp in stacking position j Stacker wheel f Retract compartment of reject/ k Cassette 1 retract cassette l Single reject switch m Single reject compartment Procedures in the CMD-V4 (schematic) Function and Integration 2-6 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 01750060162 A Dispensing in customer direction (vertical, frontload) a b c d e f g h j i k 1. The required number of notes are dispensed successively from each cassette (total of max. 60) (k) 2. The individual notes are moved to the thickness measuring station (i) 3. All good notes are placed in the stacking position of the clamp (e) 4. The clamp is closed with the aid of the routing disk. 5. The routing disk moves to the output position (d). 6. The bundle of notes is transported to the output position (b). 7. The shutter opens. 8. The bundle of notes is transported to the removal position. 9. The customer removes the bundle of notes. 10. The shutter closes. 11. The clamp moves back to the stacking position and automatically opens (e). Function and Integration Procedures in the CMD-V4 (schematic) 01750060162 A Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 2-7 Bundle reject i a b c d e f g j k h 1. - 4. The procedure is the same as for dispensing in customer direction (vertical, frontload). 5. The routing disk moves to the reject/retract position (d). 6. The bundle of notes is transported to the reject compartment of the reject/ retract cassette (g). Procedures in the CMD-V4 (schematic) Function and Integration 2-8 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 01750060162 A Single reject i a b c d e f g j k h l m 1. - 3. The procedure is the same as for dispensing in customer direction (vertical, frontload). 3.1 If a bad note is detected it is rejected via the single reject switch (l) and placed in the single reject compartment (m). Up to two bad notes can be placed in the single reject compartment. They do not have to originate from one transaction. 4. - 11. The procedure is the same as for dispensing in customer direction (vertical, frontload). Function and Integration Procedures in the CMD-V4 (schematic) 01750060162 A Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 2-9 i a b c d e f g j k h l m 12. Bad notes are taken from the single reject compartment (m) via the stacker wheel (j) and placed in the stacking position of the clamp (e). 13. The routing disk moves to the reject/retract position (d). 14. The notes are transported to the reject compartment of the reject/retract cassette (g). Procedures in the CMD-V4 (schematic) Function and Integration 2-10 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 01750060162 A Bundle retract when notes are not removed i a b c d e f g j k h 1. - 8. The procedure is the same as for dispensing in customer direction (vertical, frontload). 9. The notes are not removed within the defined time! 10. The notes are retracted to the output position (b). 11. The shutter closes. 12. The clamp moves toward the stacker unit (c). 13. There is a reject/retract compartment switchover. 14. The bundle of notes is transported to the retract compartment of the reject/ retract cassette (f). 15. The clamp moves back to the stacking position and automatically opens (e). Function and Integration Procedures in the CMD-V4 01750060162 A Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 2-11 Procedures in the CMD-V4 Start-up behavior With a reset or after power-up it is checked whether the CMD-V4 is ready to operate. This is only the case if the command is executed without errors! After device reset, the CMD-V4 is in a defined status. Execution of the command is cancelled when the first error is detected. The causes of errors can be seen on the controller's status display (see the "Troubleshooting" chapter). Controller test A reset uses the same routine as power-up in principle but the controller test is not performed. The controller test takes about six seconds and is finished when <--> appears on the status display. In the event of an error, processing is aborted with status code <10> (controller defective). Firmware tt The validity of the loaded firmware is checked. Processing may be aborted with status code <11> (firmware missing). Memory reset The internal markers are reset. In addition to the general memory area, there are program and parameter areas the contents of which are retained by means of a support battery if a power failure occurs. Procedures in the CMD-V4 Function and Integration 2-12 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 01750060162 A Determination of the device type The device type is determined automatically via the components that are connected to the controller board (number of dispensing units, shutter present (yes/no), output direction). Checking the cassettes First of all, the type and quantity of cassettes which are physically available is determined. The values from the cassette memory are compared with the internal data. If they do not match, the cassettes in question are flagged as "new". To operate correctly, at least one operable cash-out cassette and also the reject/retract cassette are necessary. If this minimum requirement is not satisfied, this is indicated on the status display with error code <14>. The device is not ready for operation. Checking the photosensors All photosensors are checked. The result is processed internally. The following status indications/alerts can occur in the event of an error: <70 ... 9A> photosensors dirty. Checking the device locks Processing is aborted if the device lock 'Customer retract without storing bundle of notes' is set (status code <13>) or if the safety switch is open (status code <12>). Function and Integration Procedures in the CMD-V4 01750060162 A Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 2-13 Checking mechanical and electronic components Individual components are checked. The following errors may occur: <21> Thickness measuring station defective (DDU) <23> Routing disk defective / blocked (SM 2 / SM 3) <24> Reject / retract drive defective / blocked (MA 6) <25> Dispensing drive defective (DCM 1) <26> Stacker wheel drive defective / blocked (SM 9) Checking the transport paths If notes are or were accessible to the customer, the first operation is a retract. If there is a bundle of notes in the clamp at the time of a reset, a bundle reject takes place. When the output transport is free, the transport motor is activated for approximately five seconds. All detected banknotes are transported into the reject cassette. In the event of an error the status display may show the following: <18> Banknotes jammed during dispensing <19> Clamp transport defective / blocked Checking the shutter If available, the functionality of the shutter is checked by opening and closing the flap. If the test cycle is not performed properly, processing is aborted with error code <28> on the status display. Procedures in the CMD-V4 Function and Integration 2-14 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 01750060162 A Dispensing Checking the basic state A check is run to determine whether: − The transport paths are free. − All required cassette positions are ready for operation and logged on. The number of notes required via the system interface is dispensed from each cassette. The dispensed notes are transported to the thickness measuring station. All good notes are placed in the clamp's stacking position. If a bad note is detected during dispensing there is a bundle reject. The dispensing command is repeated. Dispensing finishes when: − The number of notes requested is available − A cassette becomes empty during a dispensing procedure − The required number of notes cannot be made available within one minute − It is impossible to dispense notes from one cassette Double dispense/note sizes out of tolerance If the measuring station detects double or overlapped notes, this is termed a 'double dispense'. In this case the dispensing operation is interrupted until all notes have arrived in the clamp. Then a bundle reject takes place followed by another dispensing command. If five double dispenses are detected from one cassette, dispensing is terminated with status code <5x> (too many bad notes from cassette x). Function and Integration Procedures in the CMD-V4 01750060162 A Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 2-15 Undefined notes If more notes arrive in the clamp's stacking position than were dispensed, a bundle reject takes place. The original command is then repeated. The command is cancelled if three successive attempts result in the status display <3x> (too many bundle rejects from cassette x). Dispensing of notes not possible If the CMD-V4 cannot separate a single note, the dispensing process is again initiated. The attempt to dispense is repeated a maximum of five times. The command is then cancelled by the CMD-V4 with the status display <4x> (dispense from cassette x not possible; cassette empty or notes stuck together). Banknote jam A banknote jam may occur during dispensing allowing transportable notes to be moved to the clamp's stacking position. A banknote is dispensed from the lowest cassette and transported to the clamp's stacking position. The transport path is clear again when the banknote reaches the clamp's stacking position. A bundle reject takes place. In the case of standard dispensing, the original command is repeated. The procedure is repeated up to two times if a banknote does not reach the clamp's stacking position. It is then obvious that there is a banknote jam which cannot be eliminated. No further device operation takes place. The status display shows code <18> (banknote jam during dispensing). The device can no longer be operated. A check is necessary, the jam must be removed manually. A reset must follow removal of the jam. Procedures in the CMD-V4 Function and Integration 2-16 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 01750060162 A Transport The transport functions output notes that have been dispensed or places them in the reject/retract cassette. The term 'transport' covers the following functions: − Transport to waiting position − Bundle reject − Cash presentation (incl. waiting for removal) − Cash output − Retracting and storing cash − Retracting cash without storing it − Shutter test/open/closed Transport to waiting position This command is executed prior to actual banknote output. It is used to transport the bundle of notes from the clamp's stacking position to the waiting position. This position is just in front of the shutter. Bundle reject This function is used to transport banknote bundles that had not been accessible to the customer to the reject cassette. . Single reject This function is only available for shipments to countries outside the European Union. If a bad note is detected during dispensing, this single note is rejected and another note is dispensed. Up to two notes per transaction can be placed in the single reject compartment. When the transaction has been completed, the notes are transported from the single reject compartment to the reject/retract cassette. Function and Integration Procedures in the CMD-V4 01750060162 A Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 2-17 Cash presentation (incl. waiting for removal), cash output Before cash is actually transported, the shutter, if present, is opened. Then the notes that have been provided in the waiting position are presented to the customer. The system controls the rest of the handling. − Cash output In this case, the cash is being offered until all photosensors are free. − Cash presentation Banknotes are advanced until the bundle is accessible to the customer. The device then waits for the cash to be removed. When the notes have been removed, the shutter is closed and the clamp moves back to the stacking position. The function finishes when the shutter has closed completely again and the clamp has reached the stacking position. If individual notes were parked in the single reject switch, they are transported to the reject compartment of the reject/retract cassette via the clamp. Retracting and storing banknotes This function first retracts the bundle of notes into the waiting position. The shutter is closed. Then the bundle of notes is placed in the retract compartment of the reject/retract cassette. Procedures in the CMD-V4 Function and Integration 2-18 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 01750060162 A Retracting cash without storing it Refer to the "Retracting and storing banknotes" section for details of this function. When the shutter has closed, the clamp moves to the stacking position and opens. The bundle of notes remains in the clamp so that it is possible to associate it with the customer. A device lock is triggered. i If the device lock is set (status display <13>), all dispensing and transport commands are rejected. In addition, the function button cannot be activated in this case. The flag remains set even in the event of a power failure; it is not reset if the device is reset. When the bundle of notes has been removed, the device lock has to be cancelled in order to be able to continue using the CMD-V4. Function and Integration Cassette handling 01750060162 A Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 2-19 Cassette handling All cassette positions are checked cyclically for changes with the help of the respective pressure sensor. If a new cassette has been added, the dispensing pressure is built up. An audible signal is output three times if the pressure cannot be built up. Status code <4x> is displayed. Then the data is read from the cassette memory. Thefollowingdataisstoredinthecassette: − Cassette ID On shipment, this 7-character value contains the serial number of the cassette. It can be set to a customer-specific value by the system. − Currency code This is the 3-character currency code according to ISO 4217 (codes for representation of currencies and funds), for example EUR. − Issue date The banknote issue date contains an additional 4-character indicator (YYMM of the issue). This means that the CMD-V4 can process notes which have the same face value but different note characteristics. − Denomination This value defines the note's denomination (8 characters). After a cassette exchange, the new cassettes must first be confirmed by the system software. If this does not take place, dispensing jobs for certain cassette positions may be rejected (the status of the cassette stays at 'Newly added'). Status code <14> (minimum configuration missing) is displayed if one cash-out cassette and the reject cassette, at least, are not logged on in the system after an exchange. CMD controller Function and Integration 2-20 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 01750060162 A CMD controller The CMD-V4 features the 80C188 microprocessor and controls communication with the higher-level system unit and the modules connected to the CMD-V4. Data is transferred between the system unit and the CMD-V4 via an RS232 interface. The transfer parameters are identified automatically. The sequencer receives control commands from the higher-level system unit via the RS232C interface, acknowledges them and executes them. If the command is correct, the program controls the mechanical device functions. Then the command acknowledgement is passed to the higher-level system unit. The controller consists of the following components: Function group Components 80C188-CPU with 20 MHz Execution Unit Programmable interrupt controller Counter timer controller DMA unit Chip select unit Bus interface unit Memory 512 Kbyte static data RAM 512 KByte flash PROM (PUT/bootloader) DUART 16C552 Function and Integration CMD controller 01750060162 A Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 2-21 1 V.24 interface SCOP card 2 24 V connection to SCOP card The figure above shows the component side of the CMD controller. The CMD controller controls all procedures in the CMD-V4 and communication with the higher-level system unit. The following functions have been integrated in the CMD controller: − Note measurement − Photosensor control − Motor and module control for up to two double dispensing units and two single dispensing units − Cassette control The loadable firmware CMD_V4_0.bin is stored in a flash-PROM. Externally it behaves compatibly with the AZM-NG. i The number of dispensing units is detected automatically via the connected distributor board. Exception: 4-channel distributor board for the 4- cassette housing with just one dispensing unit. This configuration has to be defined by jumpering. CMD controller Function and Integration 2-22 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 01750060162 A The CMD controller is split up into the following function blocks: − Control block − I/O block with motor control − Photosensor electronics − Thickness sensor electronics − Component control − Serial interface The SCOP can optionally be connected to the CMD controller. It is used to authenticate the dispensing job. To work, the SCOP has to be connected and must contain a smartcard. Position of function groups 1 Two 7-segment displays 3 Jumper panel 2 Function button Function and Integration CMD controller 01750060162 A Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 2-23 Connectors on the CMD controller Connec- tor Description X1 Mechanical thickness sensor X2 Shutter X3 Transport module X4 V.24 interface from PC X6 Door switch and safety switch in safe X7 V.24 interface SCOP card (AVT2800) X8 Special electronics X9 24 V power supply X10 24 V connection to SCOP card (AVT2800) X11 Motor M1 CMD controller Function and Integration 2-24 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 01750060162 A Connec- tor Description X12 Additional motor attached to the main drive assembly for single reject (optional) X13 Clamp motors X14 Motors and lifting magnets on stacker / left and right side panel X15 EEPROM on stacker X16 Hall sensors on stacker X17 Hybrid photosensors on single reject X18 Hybrid photosensors on stacker / left side panel X30 Dispensing unit X31 Dispensing unit X32 Hybrid photosensors and photosensors on stacker / right side panel X40 Jumpers The pin assignments are described in the "Pin Assignment" chapter. Logical interface All commands from the host system to the CMD-V4 and responses from the CMD-V4 to the host system follow the master/slave principle. This means that the CMD-V4 does not send any spontaneous messages. Usually, a command is fully executed by the CMD-V4 and then acknowledged. If further commands are transmitted during this time, the CMD-V4 rejects them. Function and Integration CMD controller 01750060162 A Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 2-25 Command from host system Length Contents Meaning 1 D Device identifier (dispenser) (ASCII) 1 a Command specification (ASCII) 1 a Additional specification for command(ASCII) n XX ... XX Any data (ASCII / HEXA) Acknowledgement by the CMD-V4 Length Contents Meaning 1 D Device identifier (dispenser) (ASCII) 1 a Command specification (ASCII) 1 a Additional specification for command(ASCII) 1 a Status code (ASCII) n XX ... XX Any data (ASCII / HEXA) Overview of commands Command Description Dablank RESET DAB Clearing DBA Pre-Dispense DBC Added dispense DBS Dispensing: Standard DCA Transport: Waiting for cash removal DCB Transport: Bundle reject DCC Transport: Close shutter DCE Transport: Output notes DCO Transport: Open shutter DCP Transport: Present cash DCQ Transport: Cash retract without storage DCR Transport: Cash retract with storage CMD controller Function and Integration 2-26 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 01750060162 A DCT Transport: Shutter test DCW Transport: Target = stop over DDblank Cancel DEC Component status DED Device status DEF Properties DEK Read firmware configuration DES Read SCOP status DFA Confirm number of banknotes DFB Confirm number of banknotes (without error) DFC Confirm existing cassettes DFD Note parameters II DFG Write firmware configuration DFI Cassette ID (standard) DFL Set minimum quantity DFN DFO Number of banknotes (without check) DFP Note parameters I DFQ Reset lock flag without error DFR Reset lock flag DFT Delete retract counter DFX Write value in cassette DFY Write value from cassette DFZ Power on – reset without PUT DGblank Reference value determination DHC Code test DHI Request initial value DHL Load line code DHO Switch encryption off DHT Load transport code DHZ Transparent smartcard access Function and Integration CMD controller 01750060162 A Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 2-27 DIC Software transfer: Activate booter DID Software transfer: Data DIH Software transfer: Firmware hash DIL Software transfer: Read firmware ID DIR Software transfer: Read EEPROM (booter) DIW Software transfer: Write EEPROM (booter) DQA Set the real-time clock DQB Read the real-time clock DQC Read error statistics DQD Delete error statistics DQE Internal commands: Read error information DQF Internal commands: Read EEPROM DQG Internal commands: Read out error stack DQH Internal commands Clear error stack DQI Internal commands: Write EEPROM DQR Internal commands: Read recovery information DXa Self-test commands DYa Internal commands DYL Internal commands: LSV status DYR Internal commands: Read internal statistics Control block The control block consists of: − CPU − Memory − Serial interfaces − Control functions CMD controller Function and Integration 2-28 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 01750060162 A CPU The CPU consists of an Intel 80C188XL microprocessor and an external clock generator (40 MHz). Memory When the power supply unit is off, memory is powered by a built-in battery. This ensures data and program retention even when the power supply unit has been switched off. Serial interface The asynchronous serial interface and the associated driver/receiver modules has been implemented with a DUART chip. i You will find information about the control procedure and data structure in the software manual for the CMD-V4. Status display A 2-character, 7-segment display indicates the status of the CMD-V4. Refer to the "Troubleshooting" chapter for the meaning of the status codes. Function button In some cases it is advisable to check whether the CMD-V4 is ready for operation without using additional tools. For this purpose there is a function button on the controller – beneath the status display. When the button is pressed all possible functions are shown cyclically on the status display. To select a function, release the button when the required function is displayed. Refer to the "Function test" section of the "Device Overview and Operation" chapter for more details. Function and Integration CMD controller 01750060162 A Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 2-29 Photosensor electronics The photosensor electronics cover generation and control of the photosensor LED transmit stream and measurement of the receive voltage of the phototransistors. The optimum values for the transmit stream and amplification of the evaluation logic are identified for every photosensor in the course of automatic initialization of the photosensor parameters. Amplification of the evaluation logic can be switched on four levels. The transmit diodes are operated with pulsed current. The receive logic only evaluates the pulse. This reduces the influence of light from external sources on the receive signal. The photosensors are polled one after another. Each photosensor operates with its own specific parameters (current and amplification). These parameters are constantly readjusted during operation. The photosensor parameters are stored in a table in CMOS and are not lost when the CMD-V4 is turned off. i Upon initial start-up or after clearing of the photosensor CMOS area, initialization takes place automatically when the device is turned on. For the initialization process it is essential for the light paths of all photosensors to be free. If this is not the case, error message <22> will appear on the status display (see the "Troubleshooting" chapter). CMD controller Function and Integration 2-30 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 01750060162 A Measuring banknotes with the double detection unit (DDU) The DDU in the CMD-V4 is located in the upper dispensing unit. During transport, dispensed notes displace two touch levers with in-built magnets. The Hall sensors opposite them then generate a signal that corresponds to the note thickness. The CMD-V4 records the note length and thickness when reference values are calculated. The DDU can detect good individual and good double notes. Notes with measured values that are too different to the anticipated values are detected as bad and are not allowed to be presented to the customer. A bad note is stored temporarily in a compartment of the single reject switch (if available). Notes that slant excessively (more than 22 degrees) or long fanned out multiple notes (greater than 115 mm) are no longer allowed to enter the single reject compartments. These are transported directly to the clamp via the stacker wheel and then trigger a bundle reject. In systems without a single reject function, every bad note leads to a bundle reject. Function and Integration CMD controller 01750060162 A Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 2-31 Component control Dispensing unit control Dispensing unit control is split up into: − Logic for dispensing clutches, retaining springs and cassette stepper motors − Photosensors for dispensing sensor and cassette empty sensor − Pressure measurement including cassette present sensor The CMD controller incorporates the control for up to two double dispensing units and two single dispensing units or for up to six single dispensing units. For the basic version of the CMD-V4 with two double dispensing units in the 4- cassette housing, the drivers for the dispensing clutches, retaining springs and cassette stepper motors are located on the 4-channel distributor board. Two connectors are available to connect two other 1-channel distributor boards with drivers for one further dispensing unit each. A distributor board is connected to the distributor board above it via its two connectors. This chaining tells the controller how many distributor boards there are, and the controller automatically derives the cassette positions. Cassette control Banknote pressure Pressure is created by means of a stepper motor. When the required pressure has been built up with a current of about 0.8 A there is a switchover to a holding current of about 0.3 A. Cassette identifier Every cash-out cassette has a serial 64 x 16-bit EEPROM in its connector housing for the exchange of parameters. As far as data traffic is concerned, only one cassette is selected at a time. Serial data transfer can take place when the supply voltage has been turned on for the selected EEPROM. CMD controller Function and Integration 2-32 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 01750060162 A Shutter module control A shutter module can be attached to the controller as an option. Control of the shutter has been integrated in the CMD controller. It consists of the following parts: − Shutter motor driver − Receiver for the two shutter sensors − Control of photosensors in the shutter Function and Integration Stacker transport 01750060162 A Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 2-33 Stacker transport The stacker transport facility, with its retract function, is located in the upper rack. It can cope with all output variants. The variant is determined exclusively by the output transport facility. The single reject function is available outside EU countries. The SAT collects intact notes in the clamp's stacking position. If the single reject function is available, bad notes are rejected individually (max. two bad notes per transaction). When there is no single reject function, a bad note is transported to the reject/retract cassette as part of a bundle reject. Bundle output from the clamp's stacking position is controlled via the routing disk. The clamp is closed with the aid of the routing disk. The clamp transports the bundle of notes along toothed wheel paths to the appropriate position. The drive motor for this is mounted on the clamp. The routing disk determines the clamp's route as required. When the clamp reaches the customer output position the bundle of notes is transported out of Stacker transport Function and Integration 2-34 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 01750060162 A the clamp with the aid of the in-built belts which are controlled via their own drive motor on the clamp. If a bundle is not removed in time the retract function will transport it from the customer output position to the retract compartment of the reject/retract cassette. The SAT can transport bundles from the stacking position to the customer output position or to the reject/retract cassette, or from the customer output position to the retract compartment of the reject/retract cassette where they are stored unordered. The number of notes stored there is counted (providing there is a corresponding output transport). As an option, a retracted bundle can be placed in the clamp's stacking position. If this option is used, however, no further device operations are possible until the bundle is removed by an operator and the software cancels the lock. The transport belts in the SAT (not the clamp) are driven by the main motor that also drives the dispensing units. The reject/retract cassette can simply be pushed into the SAT. The cassette engages in its final position and is locked. The cassette position is checked by means of a switch. A lever on the SAT is used to release the cassette. The cash path can be seen and is accessible throughout the SAT. The main motor can be lowered to gain access to the single reject compartment. Function and Integration Stacker transport - EEPROM 01750060162 A Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 2-35 Stacker transport - EEPROM The EEPROM is physically attached to the stacker transport (in the area of the stacker wheel). The device variant (for example single reject) is stored in EEPROM if it cannot be recorded electronically. The information is stored in EEPROM at the production plant. The following information is stored in EEPROM: − Version of the EEPROM build − Checksum − Firmware name − Serial number − Type − Hardware configuration of the CMD-V4 − Single reject configuration − Routing disk positions − Offset routing disk i The EEPROM must always stay on the stacker transport. Output transport Function and Integration 2-36 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 01750060162 A Output transport The output transport facility varies depending on the device variant. The following illustration shows an output transport for a rearload device with horizontal cash-out. The output transport is attached to the stacker transport and driven via the CMD controller. Function and Integration Shutter 01750060162 A Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 2-37 Shutter The shutter is a flap to keep cash under cover. It is controlled via the CMD controller. Dispensing unit Function and Integration 2-38 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 01750060162 A Dispensing unit 4-cassette housing without dispensing units Function and Integration Dispensing unit 01750060162 A Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 2-39 4-cassette housing with two double dispensing units and 4-channel distributor board Every 4-cassette housing contains four cassette mounts and at least one dispensing unit featuring a thickness measuring station. The second dispensing unit is used when more than two cassettes are configured. The thickness measuring station must always be in the upper dispensing unit.. i If there is only one double dispensing unit in a 4- cassette housing the requisite jumper has to be connected on the CMD controller. Dispensing unit Function and Integration 2-40 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 01750060162 A The pressure that the notes exert on the dispensing shaft is identified via a pressure sensor. Banknotes are dispensed downward by means of friction. In each case, the dispensing unit extracts just one note and transports it to the stacking transport facility. There is a minimum gap of 67 mm between two successive notes. Subsequent notes are held back by a retaining shaft that is actuated by a magnet. Dispensing unit with dispensing shaft and magnetic clutch A pendulum dispensing shaft is used in dispensing the notes. Each dispensing shaft is driven by the main motor and its own magnetic clutch. At one end of the dispensing shaft there is a pressure sensor that is used to poll the note pressure and the 'Cassette inserted' message. Forward movement is achieved via an additional roller in the cassette. An extended inlet slope in the cassette results in pre-separation. The cassettes can simply be pushed into the housing with dispensing unit(s). The cassette engages in its final position and is locked. The cassette position Function and Integration Dispensing unit 01750060162 A Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 2-41 is polled via the pressure sensor. The cassettes can be unlocked via the unlocking lever on the housing. Voltages and signals are passed from the controller to the cassette via the cassette connector. The following elements are controlled in the dispensing unit: − Dispensing gear − Retaining magnet − 'Cash dispensing' photosensor − 'Cassette empty message' photosensor − Pressure sensor for 'Cassette inserted' and 'Note pressure' Photosensors in the dispensing unit The PSE message (photosensor empty) is output when there are no more notes in the cassette. The photosensor beam is sent to the receiver in the dispensing unit via a prism in the cassette's pressure carriage. Pressure sensor The pressure sensor (PSD) returns the position as an analog value, and thus the pressure of the dispensing shaft. It can also determine whether the cassette is present. Reject / retract cassette Function and Integration 2-42 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 01750060162 A Reject / retract cassette The reject / retract cassettes is available in two versions. Depending on the version, they can be opened by means of a key or a toggle. Both versions can be lead-sealed. The reject/retract cassette contains two separate compartments in which notes can be placed under software control. The compartment is selected by a lifting magnet in the SAT. The reject / retract cassettes are equipped with a tamper indicator. The status of the tamper indicator can be checked in a window in the back panel. A reject/retract cassette that has been tampered with cannot be used in the SAT any more. The cassette is stopped if any subsequent attempt is made to insert it. A display window on the back of the cassette indicates the status: Function and Integration Reject / retract cassette 01750060162 A Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 2-43 Green: Cassette ready to be inserted Blue: Cassette has been opened by force The insertion mechanism is installed at the front. The notes are inserted in a slanted position from above at the front. A toothed wheel on the right-hand cassette side drives two intake rollers which transport the individual notes or bundles into the cassette. The feed area of the reject / retract cassette is opened on insertion into the SAT by means of side tappets that are moved in side panels in the SAT. The cassette shutter is designed as a visor. In its final position the cassette is locked; a switch reports that this position has been reached. The two cassettes are released after being unlocked manually. When the cassette cover is open, the retract compartment can be swung to the note removal position by means of a lever. Cash-out cassettes Function and Integration 2-44 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 01750060162 A Cash-out cassettes Cash-out cassettes are available in two versions. Depending on the version, it can be opened by means of a key or a lever. The cash-out cassettes are equipped with a tamper indicator. The status of the tamper indicator can be checked in a window on the cassette handle side. Any subsequent attempt to insert the cassette with an open visor is stopped. If the indicator is blue and the visor is closed, the cassette can be inserted in the CMD-V4. Cash can be dispensed. The tamper indicator can be reset by opening the lid. A display window on the cassette handle side indicates the locking status: Green: Cassette ready to be inserted Blue: Cassette was tampered with The output area of the cash-out cassette is opened on insertion by means of side tappets that are moved in side panels of the housing. Function and Integration Cash-out cassettes 01750060162 A Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 2-45 The cassette shutter is designed as a visor. The pressure is created by a pressure carriage operated by a stepper motor. The pressure carriage is guided in the side panel of the cassette. The cassette number is preset at the production plant before shipment. It is stored in EEPROM and can be changed via a software command. The cassette has a connector on its side panel to connect the EEPROM and the stepper motor. The EEPROM itself is located in the connector housing. An adhesive label can be affixed to a recess on the handle side of the cassette in order to identify the cassette (denomination, cassette number, etc.). The denomination is lasered into the cassette if it is configured at the production plant. The following cassette variants are available: Toggle Lock Seal Tamper indicator Ink Dye (integrated maculation system) Standard X X X Security I X X X Security II X X X X Cash-out cassettes Function and Integration 2-46 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 01750060162 A 01750060162 A Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 3-1 Device Overview and Operation Device overview Device overview Device Overview and Operation 3-2 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 01750060162 A Horizontal cash-out Frontload 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1 2 3 4 14 1 Double dispensing unit with DDU 8 Reject / retract cassette 2 4-cassette housing 9 Status display 3 4-channel distributor print 10 Function key 4 Double dispensing unit 11 Cash-out cassette 1 5 Stacker 12 Cash-out cassette 2 6 CMD controller 13 Cash-out cassette 3 7 Horizontal output transport FL 14 Cash-out cassette 4 Device Overview and Operation Device overview 01750060162 A Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 3-3 Horizontal cash-out Rearload 10 6 11 12 14 7 8 9 1 2 3 5 4 13 1 Horizontal output transport RL 8 Reject / retract cassette 2 Double dispensing unit with 9 Status display DDU 10 Function key 3 4-cassette housing 11 Cash-out cassette 1 4 4-channel distributor print 12 Cash-out cassette 2 5 Double dispensing unit 13 Cash-out cassette 3 6 Stacker 14 Cash-out cassette 4 7 CMD controller Device overview Device Overview and Operation 3-4 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 01750060162 A Vertical cash-out Frontload 6 7 8 11 12 13 14 9 10 5 2 3 4 1 1 Stacker 8 Reject / retract cassette 2 Double dispensing unit with 9 Status display DDU 10 Function key 3 4-cassette housing 11 Cash-out cassette 1 4 4-channel distributor print 12 Cash-out cassette 2 5 Double dispensing unit 13 Cash-out cassette 3 6 Vertical output transport FL 14 Cash-out cassette 4 7 CMD controller Device Overview and Operation Device overview 01750060162 A Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 3-5 Vertical cash-out Rearload 10 6 11 12 13 7 9 3 4 2 5 1 14 1 Vertical output transport RL 8 Reject / retract cassette 2 Double dispensing unit with DDU 9 Status display 3 4-cassette housing 10 Function key 4 4-channel distributor print 11 Cash-out cassette 1 5 Double dispensing unit 12 Cash-out cassette 2 6 Stacker 13 Cash-out cassette 3 7 CMD controller 14 Cash-out cassette 4 Device overview Device Overview and Operation 3-6 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 01750060162 A 1-cassette housing with single dispensing unit The following figure shows three 1-cassette housings with one single dispensing unit featuring a thickness measuring station (DDU), and two plain single dispensing units. The CMD-V4 with 1-cassette housings can be shipped in all variants that are available for 4-cassette housings (see figures above). 4 6 5 7 8 10 11 9 1 2 3 12 13 1 Single dispensing unit with DDU 8 Function key 2 Single dispensing unit 9 1-channel distributor print 3 Single dispensing unit 10 Cash-out cassette 1 4 Stacker 11 1-cassette housing 5 Reject / retract cassette 12 Cash-out cassette 2 6 CMD controller 13 Cash-out cassette 3 7 Status display Device Overview and Operation Device overview 01750060162 A Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 3-7 Function elements and controls 1 2 1 Status display (two 7 segment displays, first digit above) 2 Function key The cassettes Device Overview and Operation 3-8 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 01750060162 A The cassettes Cash-out cassette 8 3 9 10 4 13 5 12 2 11 7 6 14 1 16 15 1 Pull-back handle 10 Inset for setting the banknote 2 Banknote rail height 3 Slide for low cash sensor 11 Latching button (optional) 12 Free space for validity 4 Pressure carriage identification 5 Tamper indicator blue/green 13 Free space for cassette label 6 Sealing device 14 Cassette handle 7 Locking/unlocking lever / lock 15 Dispensing side 8 Box lid 16 Side of cassette handle 9 Refill notes Device Overview and Operation The cassettes 01750060162 A Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 3-9 Reject / retract cassette 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 1 Box lid 5 Tamper indicator blue/green 2 Retract compartment lever 6 Cassette handle 3 Retract compartment 7 Locking lever (optional lock) 4 Reject compartment The cassettes Device Overview and Operation 3-10 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 01750060162 A Removing the cassette i Before cassettes can be removed, the current transaction must be terminated as defined. The procedure for removing cash-out cassettes and reject/retract cassettes is the same. • Activate the product-specific software (see chapter "Basic Operation", section "Calling the product-specific software" in the operating manual of the basic device). • Open the safe door (see the operating manual of the basic device). To remove the cassettes from the CMD-V4: Press the green releasing tab on the right side of the cassette (1). The released cassette is automatically pushed out of the dispenser by several centimeters. Raise the cassette handle (2) and pull the cassette out of the CMD-V4 by the handle (3). While pulling the cassette, support it from underneath with your free hand. Device Overview and Operation The cassettes 01750060162 A Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 3-11 Opening the cassette i The procedure for opening cash-out cassettes and reject/retract cassettes is the same. • Remove the cassette (see section "Removing the cassette"). 1 When the cassette does not have a lock, turn the green locking lever in the direction of the arrow (1) and lift the cassette lid in the direction of the arrow (2). If the cassette has a lock, insert the cassette key into the cassette lock, turn the key to the right as far as possible (1) and lift the cassette lid in the direction of the arrow (2). The cassettes Device Overview and Operation 3-12 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 01750060162 A Emptying the reject / retract cassette The reject / retract cassette is divided into a reject and a retract compartment. Banknotes which are not removed by the customer after the cash dispensing procedure are returned to the retract compartment. Cash which has been incorrectly dispensed or which was dispensed for test purposes is stored in the reject compartment. • Remove and open the cassette (see section "Opening the cassette"). Remove the banknotes from the cassette’s reject compartment. To empty the retract compartment, push the green lever in the direction indicated as far as possible and hold it down. You can remove the cash from the retract compartment with your other hand (2). Device Overview and Operation The cassettes 01750060162 A Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 3-13 Setting the low cash sensor As an option, the cash-out cassettes can be equipped with a low cash sensor. With this function, a microswitch reports to the connected device that the cassette only contains a certain number of banknotes. To set to the desired minimum banknote quantity, proceed as follows: • Remove and open the cassette (see section "Opening the cassette"). • Remove any notes you may find. • Set the slide (1) manually (see arrow) to the desired minimum banknote quantity. i The minimum banknote quantity can be set between 50 and 550 (in steps of 50) via the green mechanical slide (1). Setting ’0’ means that the function is deactivated. The example shows the setting for 100 banknotes. 1 The cassettes Device Overview and Operation 3-14 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 01750060162 A Setting the banknote width i The banknote width has to be set before the cassette is used for the first time or when a different currency or denomination is used in the cassette. • Remove and open the cassette (see section "Opening the cassette"). Removing banknotes Press the green latching button (1) while pushing the pressure carriage slightly forward to release the return lock. Push the pressure carriage towards the center (2). Remove any banknotes (3). Device Overview and Operation The cassettes 01750060162 A Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 3-15 Removing the banknote rails • Pull up the horizontal tab at the end of the banknote rail to lift the catch (2) above the crosspiece underneath the tab. At the same time push against the nose of the rail (3) with the thumb of your other hand in the direction of the cassette handle. i The left rail and the right rail are inserted in the same way. Should the rail be difficult to remove, proceed as follows: • Pull up the horizontal tab (1) at the end of the banknote rail to lift the catch (2) above the crosspiece underneath the tab (see illustration in the section "Removing the banknote rails"). The cassettes Device Overview and Operation 3-16 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 01750060162 A Put the tip of a screwdriver in the hole in the rail (1) and use it as a lever to move the rails in the direction of the arrow (2). Removing the banknote rail – note width less than 110 mm If the banknote rail is set to a banknote width of less than 110 mm, proceed as follows: • Push the pressure carriage approximately to the center of the cassette (see section "Removing banknotes"). • Pull up the horizontal tab at the end of the banknote rail to lift the catch (2) above the crosspiece underneath the tab. At the same time push against the nose of the rail (3) with the thumb of your other hand in the direction of the cassette handle (see section "Removing the banknote rails"). • Push the pressure carriage all the way to the other end of the cassette, i.e. the one from which the banknotes are dispensed. • Lift the end of the rail a little and push it outwards towards the long side of the cassette. If you hold the rail in this position you can push the pressure carriage to the opposite end of the cassette, which has the cassette handle. • Lift the rail on the other side, too. Inserting the banknote rails i In the following figures a banknote width of 133 mm is assumed resulting in a rail setting at 135 mm on the scale. Device Overview and Operation The cassettes 01750060162 A Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 3-17 The left rail and the right rail are inserted in the same way. Slide the protruding end of the rail (1) under the lower edge of the pull-back handle if necessary and press the rail (on the dispensing side of the cassette) into the slot for the required banknote width. Then push the rail into the corresponding slot on the cassette handle side. Press down on the banknote rail (1) near the scale while pushing it in the direction of the dispensing side (2). Now push the loose end (3) down until it snaps into place. The cassettes Device Overview and Operation 3-18 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 01750060162 A The banknote rail has been inserted correctly if you can see the dimension required in the cutout (1) and the rail is properly locked in place (2). The tab of the rail (1) must lie flat on the crosspiece. i Make sure that both rails are set to the same note width at all four positions. If you have no information concerning the size of the banknotes used, measure the banknotes in millimeters. Round up this value to the next higher value on the scale and insert the rail at that position. Examples: Banknote width 133 mm - rail is set to 135 mm on the scale Banknote width 137 mm - rail is set to 140 mm on the scale Device Overview and Operation The cassettes 01750060162 A Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 3-19 Inserting the banknote rail - note width less than 110 mm If the banknote width is less than 110 mm, please proceed as follows: • Push the pressure carriage all the way to the end of the cassette which has the cassette handle (see section "Removing the banknotes"). • Insert the rail in the desired slot in front (cassette end from which notes are dispensed), and press the rail in the rear (cassette handle end) outwards to the side. • Press the rail down in the center. • Push the pressure carriage to the center of the cassette and press the rail in the proper slot of the scale in the rear (cassette handle end). Push the tab down until it snaps into place. i When the banknotes are inserted, there is automatically a gap between the notes and the rails. The cassettes Device Overview and Operation 3-20 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 01750060162 A Setting the banknote height • Press the two catches (1) towards each other and remove the inset (2) in the direction of the lid center. Device Overview and Operation The cassettes 01750060162 A Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 3-21 • Set the required note height (3) and push the insets back in (4) until they snap into place. i Make sure that the insets are set to the same note height at all six positions. If you have no information concerning the size of the banknotes used, measure the banknotes in millimeters. Round up this value to the next higher value on the scale and place the inset in that position. Examples: Note height 72 mm - inset at 74 mm The cassettes Device Overview and Operation 3-22 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 01750060162 A Filling the cash-out cassette Filling the cash-out cassettes includes the following steps: − Preparing the cash-out cassette − Preparing the banknote bundles − Inserting banknote bundles i In general, all banknotes complying with the requirements of the national bank are suitable for use in the cash-out cassette. To ensure error-free dispensing, fill the cash-out cassette only with intact and carefully prepared banknote bundles which only contain notes of the same value. Preparing the cash-out cassette Use the loading aid shown in the picture below to fill the cash-out cassette. The loading aid facilitates the filling process and prevents that the inserted banknotes / banknote bundles fall over. (Loading aid order number: 7595300720) Device Overview and Operation The cassettes 01750060162 A Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 3-23 Remove the cash-out cassette from the CMD-V4 (see section "Removing the cassette"). Place the cash-out cassette (1) on the loading aid as shown in the picture, and open the cassette lid (see the section "Opening the cassette"). Press the green latching button (1) and push the pressure carriage slightly forward to release the return lock. Then pull the pressure carriage back up to the top cassette edge (2). • Set the low cash sensor (if available) to the desired minimum banknote quantity (see section "Setting the low cash sensor"). • Fill the cash-out cassette following the instructions provided in the following sections. The cassettes Device Overview and Operation 3-24 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 01750060162 A Preparing the banknote bundles Check the banknotes for damages before you put them into the cash-out cassettes. Sort out the damaged banknotes and/or remove clips, needles or other foreign objects. i The following banknotes should be rejected: torn, glued, folded, creased, stapled or clipped banknotes. If you use new banknotes / banknote bundles, you must separate the banknotes at the cut edges. Carefully fan the banknote bundles and bend and twist them repeatedly in various directions. Device Overview and Operation The cassettes 01750060162 A Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 3-25 Inserting banknote bundles i Also follow the instructions for filling the cash-out cassette on the inside of the cassette cover. General instructions for filling the cassette Remove any existing bank wrappers made of paper, plastic or rubber before inserting the banknote bundle. You should always insert the banknote bundles into the cash-out cassette so that the silver stripes or other raised embossing of the individual bundles are alternately pointing to the left and to the right. The cassettes Device Overview and Operation 3-26 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 01750060162 A New and used banknote bundles If you use new and used banknote bundles in one cassette, always insert the bundles with the used banknotes into the cassette first. Then insert the bundles with the new banknotes after you separated them at the cut edges (see the section "Preparing the banknote bundles"). Deformed banknote bundles Insert banknote bundles which were deformed by packaging (bands with paper, plastic or elastic bands) as follows: Split the banknote bundle and turn the first half of the bundle so that the bent side is pointing towards the pressure carriage. Insert the two bundle halves into the cassette as shown in this picture. Please do not use any extremely deformed banknotes. Device Overview and Operation The cassettes 01750060162 A Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 3-27 Always insert banknote bundles which are bent horizontally into the cash-out cassette in such a way that the side of the bundle bulging out is pointing towards the pressure carriage. Take the banknote bundles from the packaging, fan the banknotes and put them into the cassette as shown in the picture. 1 2 The banknotes are now positioned in the cash-out cassette as shown in figure (1). Stroke across the banknotes towards the pressure carriage as shown in figure (2). Press the green latching button on the pressure carriage, and push the carriage against the banknotes far enough to prevent them from falling over. The inserted banknotes do not need to be pressed together. • Close the cash-out cassette and re-insert it (see section "Inserting the cassette"). The cassettes Device Overview and Operation 3-28 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 01750060162 A Special comments for deformed banknotes Possible deformation of banknotes Type A: Deformation near the hologram Type B: S shape Type C: Wavy shape Type A: Turn the bundle so that the deformed corner of the banknote is pointing towards the cassette end from which the banknotes are dispensed and not to the pressure carriage. Type B: Bundles whose S shape is pronounced and exceeds 5 mm should not be used. If no other banknote bundles are available, the entire bundle needs to be formed to a U shape as to be fit for use. Insert these bundles so that the deformed corners are po inting towards the cassette end from which the banknotes are dispensed and not towards the pressure carriage. Device Overview and Operation The cassettes 01750060162 A Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 3-29 Type C: If the bundle has a wavy shape as a result from having been tied, turn it so that the deformed corners are pointing towards the end from which the banknotes are dispensed and not towards the pressure carriage. The following illustrations shows in which order the deformed banknotes have to be inserted. Note that the deformed corners of the banknotes must always point to the side from which the notes are dispensed. The bulging side must always point to the pressure carriage / cassette handle. The cassettes Device Overview and Operation 3-30 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 01750060162 A Inserting the cassette i The procedure for inserting cash-out cassettes and reject/retract cassettes is the same. Closing the cassette If the cassette does not have a lock, you must close the cassette lid (1) and turn the green locking lever (2) to the left. The cassette lid then engages in the lock, and the lever (2) automatically returns to its original position. 2 If the cassette has a lock, close the cassette lid (1) and turn the key (2) to the left as far as possible. Pull the key from the cassette lock. Device Overview and Operation The cassettes 01750060162 A Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 3-31 Inserting the cassette i Normally the tamper indicator (1) is ’green’. If the indicator is blue, the cassette has been tampered with or has been forced open (tamper indicator). To switch the tamper indicator to green, proceed as follows: • Unlock the cassette using the key and turn the locking/unlocking lever to the left. Open the lid (see section "Opening the cassette"). • Close the cassette lid and turn the locking / unlocking lever to the left as far as possible. Lock the cassette using the key (see section "Closing the cassette"). 1 Push the cassette back into the CMD- V4 in one uninterrupted motion until it engages. Wait for the single signal tone confirming the correct pressure build-up in the cassette. • If a triple signal tone sounds instead of a single tone, remove the cassette and check the contents of the cash-out cassette (see the instructions in the section "Filling the cash-out cassette"). Then try again to insert the cassette. The acoustic warning (triple signal tone) is accompanied by a message on the status display of the controller (ZAC). Example: - Cash-out cassette 1 Cassette initialization Device Overview and Operation 3-32 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 01750060162 A Cassette initialization The initialization of the cassettes is necessary in case of new types of banknotes or cassettes. With the initialization the system will be informed about the cassette number, the currency and the denomination of the banknotes. If necessary, you can enter more parameters. Please observe the product-specific and bank requirements concerning change of standard or individual changing of cassettes. Please obtain this information from the bank’s administration. Determining the reference value The determination of the reference value can be performed for a maximum of 40 different unknown banknotes. It is controlled by the product-specific software. The reference value determination is required for: − Initial operation − Use of new banknote types. • Activate the product-specific software (see chapter "Basic Operation", section "Calling the product-specific software" in the operating manual of the basic device). From the specified cassette the currency characteristics, the value of the banknotes and the emission date will be read out. These values are transmitted to the cassette when it is initialized. There will be as many banknotes dispensed as necessary to determine the reference value. The process of determining the reference value will be terminated at the latest if the reference value cannot be determined within the maximum possible number of banknotes. In this case, the cassette’s status remains <P>. After the reference value has been determined, the dispensed number of banknotes is reported back to the system. If no reference value has been determined, the status <P> is reported back to the system. Dispensing is impossible from this cassette in this case. The dispensed banknotes are located in the stacking position in the clamp. • Open the safe door (see the operating manual of the basic device). Device Overview and Operation Determining the reference value 01750060162 A Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 3-33 • Holding the green locking handle, pull out the CMD-V4 as far as possible (see chapter "Removal/Installation of Components", section "Pulling out / pushing in the CMD-V4"). i If the locking handle jams and you cannot pull out the CMD-V4, you should always see the chapter "Troubleshooting". Remove the dispensed banknotes from the clamp stacking position and count them. The number of dispensed banknotes must be the same as the one indicated by the system. If this is not the case, you will have to repeat the whole procedure for determining the reference values. Place the counted banknotes back in the clamp stacking position. • Push the CMD-V4 as far as possible into the safe. • Wait until the CMD-V4 is ready. • After the CMD-V4 has powered up, the cash in the stacking position is transported to the reject / retract cassette. • Select the next cash-out cassette using the product-specific software or quit the function for setting the reference value. • Close the safe door (see the operating manual of the basic device). Function test Device Overview and Operation 3-34 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 01750060162 A Function test In some cases it is useful to check whether the CMD-V4 is ready for operation without using other tools. There is a function button on the controller for this purpose. Pressing this button lets you cycle through the possible functions on the status display. Releasing the button when the required function is shown will trigger the function. i The functions described in the following sections can be performed only when the safety switch is closed (i.e. the CMD-V4 is in cash-out position). Functions ’2’ and ’3’ may be started only from normal operation (display ’00’ or ’14’) or when all transport paths are guaranteed to be clear. Display Function Function description Normal operation Return to normal mode (no function) RESET After resetting, the result is shown on the status display. Overall test + RESET All mechanical CMD-V4 components are operated one after the other. Test dispensing + RESET Standard command set: A note is dispensed from every cassette and transported to the reject/retract cassette. <nACT> is modified; <nNDV> remains unchanged. Device Overview and Operation Function test 01750060162 A Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 3-35 FW Build The version number is displayed in alternating mode. Example: As far as the firmware build is concerned (to be read with DEF), Build=1.137 the version number 1.137 is shown as follows: 11 for 2 seconds 37 for 1 second After nine attempts, the device returns to normal mode. Reset statistics counter Resettable counters are set to 0, and the current time of the realtime clock is saved. Function test Device Overview and Operation 3-36 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 01750060162 A 01750060162 A Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 4-1 Start-up Initial start-up The following tasks have to be carried out in the specified sequence when the cash media dispenser (CMD-V4) is started up for the first time: 1. Adjust the cash cassettes to the note size if this was not done at the production plant 2. Fill the cassettes with real cash and insert them 3. Update the note parameters and cassette replenishment data 4. Calculate reference values for the various note types 5. Authenticate the cash i The "Device Overview and Operation" chapter describes how to carry out the steps mentioned above. Start-up after component replacement Start-up 4-2 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 01750060162 A Start-up after component replacement The following steps are necessary when you have replaced components in the CMD-V4: 1. Initialize the CMD-V4 2. Adjust the cash cassettes to the note size if this was not done at the production plant (if replacement makes this necessary) 3. Fill the cassettes with real cash and insert them (if replacement makes this necessary) 4. Update the note parameters and cassette replenishment data (if replacement makes this necessary) 5. Calculate reference values for the various note types (if replacement makes this necessary) 6. Authenticate the cash i The "Device Overview and Operation" chapter describes how to carry out steps two to six. Start-up Electronic adjustments for the CMD-V4 01750060162 A Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 4-3 Electronic adjustments for the CMD-V4 Photosensor initialization * Pressure sensor initialization ** Reference value cal- culation *** Cassette initialization **** Installation X X Maintenance X Stacker replaced X CMD controller replaced XXX Dispensing unit with thickness measurement station replaced XXX Dispensing unit without thickness measurement station replaced XX Cash-out cassette replaced X New note type used XX New firmware loaded Shutter X * Remove cassettes before initializing photosensors; photosensors must not be covered (KDIAG: DXM) ** Remove cassette with the CMD- V4 turned on (normal mode but not in the process of dispensing) and reinsert it *** Calculate reference values with initialized/inserted cassettes containing real cash (KDIAG menu: Applications‚ Init. CMD-V4) **** Initialize cash cassettes (KDIAG menu: Applications‚ Init. CMD-V4) Initializing the CMD-V4 Start-up 4-4 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 01750060162 A Initializing the CMD-V4 The CMD-V4 saves many parameters in its battery-backed CMOS RAM. i This parameter area has to be initialized when components have been replaced (CMD controller, stacker and output transport (= SAT), dispensing units or shutter). The parameters are initialized as follows: • Remove all cassettes. • Make sure there are no notes in the transport paths (all photosensors must be free). • Check the jumper settings on the CMD controller in accordance with the system configuration. • All connectors on the CMD controller must have been plugged in. • Connect jumper 7 on the CMD controller (Clear CMOS) before turning on the device. Turn on the CMD-V4. Leave jumper 7 connected until the status display shows the value 'io'. • Remove jumper 7 (Clear CMOS) and run through the start-up phase until '14' appears on the status display. Perform a reset if nothing appears. • Now insert the cassettes. • Register the cassettes using the product-specific software and calculate the reference values (see the "Device Overview and Operation" chapter. Start-up Initializing the CMD-V4 01750060162 A Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 4-5 Jumper settings on the CMD controller Position of the jumper panel on the CMD controller 1 Position of the jumper panel on the CMD controller Initializing the CMD-V4 Start-up 4-6 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 01750060162 A The 10-position jumper panel beneath the status indicator controls the following settings: Jumper Name Open Connected 1 Door Ignore door sensor when encryption is activated Heed door sensor when encryption is activated 2 SCOP Disable SCOP handling Enable SCOP handling 3 Jump A Not allocated (reserved) 4 Jump B Two double dispensing units in 4-cassette housing One double dispensing unit in 4-cassette housing 5 Jump C Not allocated (reserved) 6 Jump D Not allocated (reserved) 7 Clear CMOS Clear CMOS and trigger reset (afterwards, remove the jumper again) 8 NEN SE controls energy- saving mode NEN signal is generated by the CMD-V4 9 Battery CMOS backup battery inactive CMOS backup battery active 10 Jump PLD Reserved input for the programmable logic device Jumper 1 is located at the top of the controller board. Door / SCOP should always be selected with just one jumper. If this is not done (both jumpers connected) standard encryption is overlaid by SCOP handling! i Part of SCOP is the dispensing amount. Enabling SCOP therefore automatically causes a switchover to the controller's standard instruction set. Start-up Initializing the CMD-V4 01750060162 A Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 4-7 Default settings Jumper connected NEN Battery Jumper connected to just one pin DOOR (possibility of enabling DOOR or SCOP) Adjusting cash cassettes to the note size Start-up 4-8 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 01750060162 A Adjusting cash cassettes to the note size Refer to the "Setting the banknote width" and "Setting the banknote height" sections in the "Device Overview and Operating" chapter. Filling cassettes with real cash and inserting them When the device has been turned on and no errors have occurred, the cash- out cassettes have to be filled with real cash. Refer to the "Filling the cash-out cassette" section in the "Device Overview and Operating" chapter. Updating note parameters and cassette replenishment data You can find information on this in the "Cassette initialization" section in the "Device Overview and Operating" chapter. Calculating reference values for the various note types This is described in the "Determining the reference value" section in the "Device Overview and Operating" chapter. Authenticating the cash You can read about this in the "Function test" section in the "Device Overview and Operating" chapter. 01750060162 A Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 5-1 Troubleshooting Operating or troubleshooting tips are output on the two-character status display on the controller. In normal operation this display is set to 00 at the beginning of every reset, transport or dispensing operation. If a special state occurs during one of these operations, this is shown on the status display and is retained until the next device operation. Additional messages may be displayed during initialization, after powering up and after a reset. It is also possible to run an internal test to see if the CMD-V4 is ready for operation. You can find more on this in the "Function test" section of the "Device Overview and Operation" chapter. Displays at startup Troubleshooting 5-2 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 01750060162 A Displays at start-up No. Meaning Reaction OFF No power supply Switch on the device. Controller faulty Replace the controller. to Controller test after Power On (displays are flashing and keep changing) None Warning: Battery too weak Replace battery (controller) Controller faulty Replace the controller. Startup of firmware (reset) Validation of firmware Check of CMOS parameters Test of mechanical compo- nents Clearing run None -> Error 11 -> Initialization of photosensors -> CMOS error PS xx, 22 -> Error 23 ... 28 -> Error 18,19, 71..9A X X Error during photosensor initialization after change of configuration or replacement of controller (the display alternates between ’PS’ and the photosensor number ’XX’). Check and clear photosensor xx, try RESET again. Replace module or controller if necessary. Power-up completed without errors. Troubleshooting Displays in normal operation 01750060162 A Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 5-3 Displays in normal operation Error code Meaning Explanation / Measures OFF No power supply Switch on the device. Start-up (after RESET or electronics self-test) Wait until power up is completed. Burn; program controller Compare; check controller Controller OK No error - Faulty software Switch the device off and on again. Communication problem with ChipCard controller Check the lines to the ChipCard controller. Communication problem with ChipCard / or wrong ChipCard inserted (ChipCard number not ’226- 0PR’). Check the ChipCard at the controller. Stacker EEPROM missing/defective Check the lines to the EEPROM / replace the EEPROM Displays in normal operation Troubleshooting 5-4 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 01750060162 A Error code Meaning Explanation / Measures Controller faulty When starting the CMD-V4, the power-up test detected a serious fault in the electronics of the controller. The controller must be replaced. Software missing (download) Reload firmware. Safety switch open Close the safety switch (place CMD-V4 in safe in cash-out position). Blocking of device pending A retract has been executed. The cash that was not removed by the customer has been placed in the SAT. After this, all transport functions of the CMD-V4 are disabled by the software. Remove the customer money from the SAT, and then reset the device lock using the product-specific software. CMD-V4 minimum configuration is missing In order to be able to operate, the CMD-V4 requires at least one cash-out cassette ready for operation and the reject/retract cassette. Insert the reject/retract cassette and the filled cash-out cassette(s), and register them using the product-specific software. Belt drive of clamp defective (DCM 3) Replace the output transport or the controller. Troubleshooting Displays in normal operation 01750060162 A Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 5-5 Error code Meaning Explanation / Measures Cash jam during dispensing A banknote jam was detected during dispensing in the dispensing areas or the vertical transport facilities of the dispenser units or the stacker (photosensors PSDx, DDU, PS1, PS18). Check the cash path from the cassettes to the collecting tray or reject compartment for jammed notes. Verify that the connectors on the CMD controller or at the photosensor elements are plugged in properly. Then return the CMD-V4 to cash- out position in the safe, thereby closing the safety switch and starting the CMD-V4 again (Reset). If the status display continues to show ’18’ after this start, the jam was not completely eliminated or another jam occurred. Using a test program check the self-test job ’Status of the Photosensors’. If a photosensor (other than the ’cassette empty’ photosensors) is reported ’covered’, determine the cause and eliminate the fault. If you cannot find a fault and ’18’ still appears after the next restart, the SAT, the relevant dispensing unit or the controller have to be replaced. Displays in normal operation Troubleshooting 5-6 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 01750060162 A Error code Meaning Explanation / Measures Clamp transport defective / blocked Eliminate the blockage and then reset. If necessary, replace stacker or controller. Single reject switch (MA 2/SM 1) faulty / blocked Check the SAT in the area of the single reject switch for jammed notes / scraps and remove them. Check the movement of the single reject switch by pressing and releasing the anchor in lifting magnet MA2. Select test function 2 (mechanical test) by pressing the function button, and observe actuation of the single reject switch. If lifting magnet MA2 does not move at all or all the way, the stacker and output transport (SAT) or the controller has to be replaced. If the magnet moves all the way, the CMD-V4 can go back into operation. If the fault recurs within a short time and checking the single reject switch fails to reveal the cause, the SAT or the controller has to be replaced. Thickness measuring station faulty Check whether there is a banknote jam in the area of the thickness measuring station. Are the cables connected? Replace dispensing unit with DDU or controller. Troubleshooting Displays in normal operation 01750060162 A Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 5-7 Error code Meaning Explanation / Measures Photosensor amplifier is faulty or photosensor initialization is unsuccessful Check all cash paths from the cassettes to the stacking compartment, from the stacking compartment to the cash-out and the inlet area of the reject/retract cassette for jammed notes and scraps and remove them. Then return the CMD-V4 to cash- out position in the safe, thereby closing the safety switch and starting the CMD-V4 again (Reset). If the status display continues to show ’22’ after restart, the controller must be replaced. Routing disk (DCM 2/SM 3) faulty / blocked Eliminate the blockage. Set the CMD-V4 in the safe to cash-out position (safety switch closed) and select test function 2 (mechanical test) on the function button after starting up. If this test function once again ends with status display ’23’, the SAT or the controller must be replaced, otherwise the CMD-V4 cannot be operated. Displays in normal operation Troubleshooting 5-8 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 01750060162 A Error code Meaning Explanation / Measures Reject/retract drive (MA 6) defective / blocked The choice of reject/retract compartment in the RR cassette could not be set properly. Remove the RR cassette and check the movement of the retract compartment. Check whether the connector on the CMD controller and lifting magnet MA6 has been plugged in correctly. Check whether the digital photosensor is firmly attached to the switchover lever. Place the CMD-V4 in the safe in its dispensing position (safety switch closed). Reinsert the RR cassette, select test function 2 (mechanical test) by pressing the function button, and check the movement of the RR drive (MA6). If the lifting magnet does not move or if the end positions of the lever are not reached (24 appears again on the status display), the SAT or the controller has to be replaced. Troubleshooting Displays in normal operation 01750060162 A Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 5-9 Error code Meaning Explanation / Measures Dispensing drive (DCM 1) defect / blocked It was not possible to bring the main motor (DCM 1) up to minimum speed after a short start- up period. Select ’1’ (Reset) on the function button. If the motor tries to start, but there is a loud running noise: check the cash paths of the CMD-V4 for a massive note jam. Check the inlet to the reject/retract cassette for jammed notes. Set the CMD-V4 in the safe to cash-out position (safety switch closed) and select test function 2 (mechanical test) on the function button after starting up the CMD- V4: check the running noise and transport function of the main motor. If the main motor does not rotate or if this test function once again ends with status display ’25’, the SAT or the controller must be replaced, otherwise the CMD-V4 cannot be operated. Displays in normal operation Troubleshooting 5-10 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 01750060162 A Error code Meaning Explanation / Measures Stacker wheel drive (SM 9) defect / blocked Check the SAT in the area of the collecting tray for jammed notes / scraps and remove them. Set the CMD-V4 in the safe to cash-out position (safety switch closed) and select test function 2 (mechanical test) on the function button after starting up the CMD-V4: if this test function once again ends with status display ’26’, the SAT or the controller must be replaced. Shutter error Check the output area of the CMD- V4 and of the shutter for any foreign matter that may be preventing the shutter shield from moving. Place CMD-V4 in safe in cash-out position (safety switch closed). Select test function 2 (mechanical test) by pressing the function button, and observe the movement of the shutter. The shutter fault can also be remedied without danger while the test function is in progress. Then run through test function 2 again without interfering with the movement of the shutter. If this test function once again ends with status display ’28’, the shutter or the controller must be replaced. Troubleshooting Displays in normal operation 01750060162 A Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 5-11 Error code Meaning Explanation / Measures Cash-out photosensor covered (manipulation) Check the SAT banknote output and shutter for any foreign bodies that may be disturbing the functioning of the output photosensor. Verify that the connectors at the CMD-V4 are properly plugged in. Set the CMD-V4 in the safe to cash-out position (safety switch closed) and select test function 1 (Reset) on the function button. If status code ’29’ reappears after the CMD-V4 is started, the shutter, the SAT or the controller must be replaced. Displays in normal operation Troubleshooting 5-12 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 01750060162 A Error code Meaning Explanation / Measures X Too many problems during dispensing from cassette x (x = 1 – 6) Bundle rejects can be caused by extremely skewed banknotes or banknotes that are extracted in an uncontrolled way or by problems with the photosensors. This error can be ignored the first time it occurs (warning), but do the following if it recurs often: 1. Remove the cassette from dispensing unit x and check the inserted banknotes: are the front notes deformed on one side? Is pressure applied evenly to the front banknotes (left and right)? 2. When the cassette is removed, check the dispensing area in the dispensing unit for jammed scraps. 3. Check the cash path from the cassette 'x' to the collecting tray for jammed notes / scraps. Has a transport belt come off the rollers? 4. Verify that the connectors on the CMD controller and at each photosensor elements are plugged in properly. Troubleshooting Displays in normal operation 01750060162 A Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 5-13 Error code Meaning Explanation / Measures X Too many problems during dispensing from cassette x (x = 1 – 6) 5. Check whether the magnet for the retaining shaft moves stiffly. Do this by pressing its anchor. (If necessary check the movement of the magnet with test function '2' – mechanical test). If you cannot find a fault and '3x' still appears, the relevant dispensing unit or the controller have to be replaced. X Cash could not be dispensed or faulty amount of pressure against the banknotes when a cassette is inserted (x = 1 - 6) A) No cash could be dispensed from cassette 'x' or B) The required pressure could not be established when the cassette was inserted. Procedure in case A): 1. Remove the cassette 'x' and check the inserted banknotes: the notes must be standing upright in the cassette. Are the first notes very crumpled? Curved notes should bend away from the pressure carriage! Are the first notes stuck to each other or jammed together? 2. When the cassette is removed, check the dispensing area in the dispensing unit for jammed notes/scraps. Displays in normal operation Troubleshooting 5-14 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 01750060162 A Error code Meaning Explanation / Measures X Cash could not be dispensed or faulty amount of pressure against the banknotes when a cassette is inserted (x = 1 - 6) 3. Verify that the connectors on the CMD controller and at the plug connection of dispensing unit ’x’ are plugged in properly. 4. Then insert the filled cassette into dispensing unit ’x’ and select function ’3’ on the function button (test dispensing) with the safety switch closed. If this test ends with error code ’4x’ again, repeat the test dispensing procedure checking the function of the clutch and retaining shaft in the process. If the clutch or retaining magnet is not activated, the dispensing unit or controller must be replaced. Procedure in case B): 1. Remove the cassette ’x’ and check the inserted banknotes: the notes must be standing upright in the cassette. Are the first notes very crumpled? Curved notes should bend away from the pressure carriage! If necessary, transfer notes from the back of the cassette to the front. If the stack of banknotes rubs excessively against the banknote guides on the side (notes protrude on the side or are bent backwards), the stack of notes should be better aligned. Troubleshooting Displays in normal operation 01750060162 A Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 5-15 Error code Meaning Explanation / Measures X Cash could not be dispensed or faulty amount of pressure against the banknotes when a cassette is inserted (x = 1 - 6) 2.) Re-insert the cassette. Can you hear the pressure carriage moving forward? - If there is no noise, verify that the connectors on the CMD controller and the cassette are plugged in properly. Perform a test using a different cassette. If the motor is still not activated, the controller is faulty. - If you can hear the motor running, but error message ’4x’ still appears after a few seconds (together with three acoustic signals), remove the cassette and check manually if the dispensing shaft can be lifted easily. Remove the cassette, open it and place it in dispensing position manually. Check the smooth movement of the return bar. 3.) If you cannot find the cause of the problem and if the same problem occurs in this dispensing unit with a different cassette, the quality of the pressure sensor needs to be checked using the DYQ self- test program ’Check status of cassette pressure’. If an error occurs, the dispensing unit or controller must be replaced. Displays in normal operation Troubleshooting 5-16 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 01750060162 A Error code Meaning Explanation / Measures X Too many poor quality notes (x=1-6) Too many double or excessively wide/narrow notes were detected during dispensing from cassette x. Remove cassette x, and check whether the right type of banknote was inserted. Check notes for deformations or sticky points. Reinsert the cassette and restart the application. If many ’good’ notes are subject to a single reject during dispensing or if error ’4x’ recurs after a short time, the reference values should be recalculated for this note type. If the error cannot be removed, the dispensing unit or controller must be replaced. X Cassette defective (x = 1 - 6) The banknote data stored in cassette ’x’ cannot be read or re- written. Verify that the connectors on CMD controller and the cassette connector are plugged in properly. If the fault also occurs with a different cassette in this dispensing unit, the controller must be replaced. Troubleshooting Displays in normal operation 01750060162 A Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 5-17 Dirty photosensors / sensors Error code Meaning Explanation / Measures Banknote thickness measuring station (DDU) not ready Check whether there is a banknote jam in the area of the thickness measuring station. Are the cables connected? Replace dispensing unit with DDU or controller. X Dispensing sensor is dirty or pressure sensor is faulty (x=1-6) A) If a cassette can be inserted without error (single acoustic signal), the error message indicates a very dirty ’dispenser sensor’ (PSDx) photosensor in dispenser module ’x’ which must be cleaned. Then execute a Reset (set CMD-V4 to dispensing position). Note: When this error has occurred for the first time, the CMD-V4 will continue to function until operation shuts down automatically when the level of dirt increases. B) If a cassette cannot be inserted (and there is no acoustic signal even after a few seconds), the dispensing unit or controller must be replaced after inspection of the connectors on the CMD controller and the pressure sensors (PSDx). Displays in normal operation Troubleshooting 5-18 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 01750060162 A Error code Meaning Explanation / Measures X Cassette empty sensor is dirty (x = 1 - 6) Clean photosensor ’PSEx’ in the relevant dispensing unit and the associated prism in the pressure carriage of the cassette. Then execute a Reset (set CMD-V4 to dispensing position). Use the ’DYK’ self-test program (check status of photosensors/photosensor amplifiers) to check the level of dirt on all photosensors in KDIAG: Photosensors with status ’3’ or higher must be cleaned. The improvement in status can be checked after reset. Note: When this error has occurred for the first time, the CMD-V4 will continue to function until operation shuts down automatically when the level of dirt increases. Troubleshooting Displays in normal operation 01750060162 A Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 5-19 Error code Meaning Explanation / Measures SAT: Photosensor PS1 (P) dirty; stacker wheel input Carefully clean the send and receive diode between the stacker wheels with a brush. Place CMD-V4 back into cash-out position. If the status display continues to show error code ’90’ after powering up (reset), remove the stacker unit and, from below, clean the surfaces of the prism between the stacker wheels. Put the CMD-V4 back in its dispensing position. If the status display continues to show error code ’90’ after powering up (reset), the stacker has to be replaced. Use the ’DYK’ self-test program (check status of photosensors/photosensor amplifiers) to check the level of dirt on all photosensors in KDIAG. Photosensors with status ’3’ or higher must be cleaned. The improvement in status can be checked after reset. Note: When this error has occurred for the first time, the CMD-V4 will continue to function until operation shuts down automatically when the level of dirt increases. Displays in normal operation Troubleshooting 5-20 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 01750060162 A Error code Meaning Explanation / Measures Photosensor is dirty Cassette monitoring: Photosensor PS18 ’Cassette empty’ (single reject) PS2 Cash-out photosensor PS27 (P) Bundle rear edge control Shutter sensor PS28 Photosensor ’9x’ is dirty and needs to be cleaned as soon as possible. Remove any dust from the surfaces of the corresponding transmitter/receiver (elements with a clear or purple plastic housing, respectively) and, if necessary, from the associated prism (P; two glass-clear surfaces opposite the transmitter/receiver) with a brush or compressed air. After cleaning, set the CMD-V4 to home position and wait for start-up or select ’1’ (Reset) on the function button. Use the ’DYK’ self-test program (check status of photosensors/photosensor amplifiers) to check the level of dirt on all photosensors in KDIAG: Photosensors with status ’3’ or higher must be cleaned. The improvement in status can be checked after reset. Note: When the error code ’9x’ has occurred for the first time, the CMD-V4 will continue to function until operation shuts down automatically when the level of dirt increases (in this case the status display will show ’9x’, too). Troubleshooting Checking the note paths 01750060162 A Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 5-21 Checking the note paths Before checking the banknote paths, you should perform the following steps: • Activate the product-specific software (see chapter "Basic Operation", section "Calling the product-specific software" in the operating manual of the basic device). • Open the safe door (see the operating manual of the basic device). • Holding the green locking handle, pull out the CMD-V4 as far as possible (see chapter "Removal/Installation of Components", section "Pulling out / pushing in the CMD-V4"). i If the locking handle jams, you must check the current position of the clamp. If possible, push the clamp carefully back to its home position. Perform a reset using the function button. Now check whether you can remove the CMD-V4. Locking/unlocking handle blocked Troubleshooting 5-22 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 01750060162 A Locking/unlocking handle blocked If you are unable to operate the locking/unlocking handle, the banknote clamp is not in the stacking position. i Note that it is essential for the banknote clamp to be in the stacker position. Otherwise the clamp can fall when it is pulled out, and the pull cable can be damaged. • Remove the reject/retract cassette (see the "Removing the cassette" section of the "Device Overview and Operating" chapter) and see which position the banknote clamp is in. • If the banknote clamp is not in the stacking position, try carefully to move it down into the stacking position. When the banknote clamp is down, you can activate the emergency unlock function (1) on the CMD-V4 and pull out the CMD-V4. Troubleshooting Locking/unlocking handle blocked 01750060162 A Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 5-23 Checking the vertical transport 1 2 Raise the appropriate locking handle (1) or (2) of the dispensing unit and move the cover forward. Check the upper or lower area of the vertical transport facility and remove any notes that are there (1). Swing the cover back until you hear it click into place. i Make sure that the cover lies flush with the surface and that the two sides of the locking handle are locked in position. Locking/unlocking handle blocked Troubleshooting 5-24 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 01750060162 A Checking the dispensing areas i In the dispensing units the dispensing area (inside the device) must be checked. The dispensing areas can only be checked when the cassettes have been removed from the dispensing units (see chapter "Device Overview and Operation", section "Removing the cassette"). Check the dispensing area of each dispensing unit for banknotes and if necessary remove the notes (see arrow). • Re-insert all cassettes which were removed (see chapter "Device Overview and Operation", section "Inserting the cassette"). • Log the cassettes on using the product-specific software (see the operating manual of the basic device). Troubleshooting Locking/unlocking handle blocked 01750060162 A Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 5-25 Checking the stacker and output transport i Do not try to open the clamp by force; you could damage it. Stacker wheel area Check the area round the vertical transport and if necessary remove any notes. Locking/unlocking handle blocked Troubleshooting 5-26 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 01750060162 A Single reject area i The function of the single reject depends on the individual configuration. Push the green unlocking levers (1) out, and pull the flap (2) forward. Check the dispensing area and if necessary remove the banknotes. Troubleshooting Locking/unlocking handle blocked 01750060162 A Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 5-27 Gear tracks of the stacker and output transport Horizontal output If the clamp has come to a standstill at a position outside the stacking position, you may need to check and clean the gear tracks (1). Gear tracks of the output transport Vertical output 1 If the clamp has come to a standstill at a position outside the stacking position, you may need to check and clean the gear tracks (1). Locking/unlocking handle blocked Troubleshooting 5-28 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 01750060162 A Check the photosensors (1) and (2) in the shutter area. After checking the cash paths, proceed as follows: • After checking the cash paths push the CMD-V4 by the green locking lever back into the safe as far as possible (see the operating manual of the basic device). • Close the safe door (see the operating manual of the basic device). 01750060162 A Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 6-1 Removal/Installation of Components This chapter describes the removal and installation of the Cash Media Dispenser (CMD-V4) components independent of the basic device. How to remove and install the cash media dispenser in various devices is described in the respective service manuals. Please be sure to always turn the device off before replacing any components. i After components have been replaced, the CMD-V4 must be initialized (see chapter "Start-up", section "Initializing the CMD-V4"). Pulling out / pushing in the CMD-V4 • Open the safe door (please refer to the operating manual of the basic device). Pulling it out: Pull the CMD- V4 out of the safe by the green locking/unlocking handle (1). i If the locking handle jams and you cannot pull out the CMD- V4, please be sure to check the "Troubleshooting" chapter. Pushing it in: Push the CMD-V4 in the device as far as possible by the green locking/unlocking handle (the CMD-V4 must audibly click into place). CMD controller Removal/Installation of Components 6-2 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 01750060162 A CMD controller The CMD controller is removed including the cover. To remove the CMD controller first detach all connectors from the controller. Push the fastening bolts (1) to (5) together and carefully remove the CMD controller. i The EEPROM (6) must always stay on the stacker. Installation: For installation the controller is placed onto the bolts. The controller must noticeably click into place. i After the CMD controller has been replaced, the photosensors and the pressure sensor must be reinitialized and the reference value must be determined again. Removal/Installation of Components Stacker 01750060162 A Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 6-3 Stacker • Remove the CMD controller (see section "CMD controller"). • Remove the reject / retract cassette (see chapter "Device Overview and Operation", section "Removing the cassette"). Push the locking/unlocking lever to the left (see arrow 1) until it snaps into place. Push the stacker back (arrow 2) and lift it up and out. i If the stacker was delivered without the clamp, the clamp must be rebuilt. i The bordering screws from the old stacker must used on the new stacker. The bordering screws depend on the device configuration. In the event of a clamp malfunction they are to prevent the clamp from falling out. Only use screws of the same type (length, diameter, thread type). Reinstall it by following the same steps in reverse order. i After the stacker has been replaced, the photosensors have to be reinitialized. Stacker Removal/Installation of Components 6-4 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 01750060162 A The picture shows the position of the bordering screws for the stacker. 1 Bordering screw on the left 2 Bordering screw on the right The following table provides an overview of the bordering screws which are required for the individual systems. Bordering screws on the left Bordering screws on the right ProCash 1500xe Rearload - - ProCash 1500xe Frontload ProCash 2000xe Frontload/Rearload ProCash 2000xe Frontload/Rearload ProCash 2050xe - ProCash 2100xe Frontload/Rearload ProCash 2100xe Frontload/Rearload ProCash 2150xe - ProCash 2250xe - - ProCash 2350xe Removal/Installation of Components Horizontal output transport 01750060162 A Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 6-5 Horizontal output transport Remove connector (1) on the left- hand side of the CMD-V4 and remove the two screws (2) and (3). Remove screws (1) and (2) on the right-hand side. Pull the output transport apart slightly on the left and on the right and remove it. Reinstall it by following the same steps in reverse order. i On installation, make sure that the same type of screw is used. . Ouput transport ProCash 2000xe RL Removal/Installation of Components 6-6 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 01750060162 A Ouput transport ProCash 2000xe RL • Pull the customer panel out of the device (refer to the operating and service manuals of the ProCash 2000xe). Detach connector (1) and remove the cable from the securing clips. Loosen screws (2) and (3) and pull the plate (4) a little out of the device (see arrow). Pull the output transport a little in the direction of the arrow and remove it upwards. Reinstall it by following the same steps in reverse order. i When replacing the output transport make sure that it fits properly in the guides of the stacker. Pull the cash media dispenser out of the device, if necessary, and then push it back in. Adjustment Push the plate (1) up against the output transport (2) with the cash media dispenser pushed in. Then push the plate approx. 3 to 5 mm back and secure it with screws (3) and (4). When the plate is secured, the spring (5) must still exert noticeable pressure on the output transport. Removal/Installation of Components Output transport ProCash 2050xe 01750060162 A Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 6-7 Output transport ProCash 2050xe • Pull the cash media dispenser out of the device (refer to the operating and service manuals of the ProCash 2050xe). Detach connector (1) from the CMD controller. Remove screws (2) and (3). Remove screws (1) and (2) on the other side. Push the two plates outwards a little (see arrows) and remove the output transport (3) upwards. Reinstall it by following the same steps in reverse order. i For installing the new output transport, you may only use the screws previously removed or screws of the same type. Ouput transport ProCash 2100xe RL Removal/Installation of Components 6-8 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 01750060162 A Ouput transport ProCash 2100xe RL • Open the door of the operating unit and pull the customer panel out of the device (see the operating and service manuals of the ProCash 2100xe). Detach connector (1) and remove the cable from the securing clips. Loosen screws (2) and (3) and pull the plate (4) a little out of the device (see arrow). Pull the output transport a little in the direction of the arrow and remove it upwards. Reinstall it by following the same steps in reverse order. i When replacing the output transport make sure that it fits properly in the guides of the stacker. Pull the cash media dispenser out of the device, if necessary, an then push it back in. Adjustment Push the plate (1) up against the output transport (2) with the cash media dispenser pushed in. Then push the plate approx. 3 to 5 mm back and secure it with screws (3) and (4). When the plate is secured, the spring (5) must still exert noticeable pressure on the output transport. Removal/Installation of Components Shutter ProCash 2000xe RL 01750060162 A Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 6-9 Shutter ProCash 2000xe RL • Pull the customer panel out of the device (refer to the operating and service manuals of the ProCash 2000xe). Detach connector (1). Loosen screw (2) and unhook the ground strap. Loosen screw (3). Push the shutter in the direction of the arrow (4) and remove it from the mount. Carefully push the cable out (5) and remove the shutter. Reinstall it by following the same steps in reverse order. When inserting it make sure that the catches of the shutter (1) to (3) sit in the holes (4) to (6) of the shutter mount. Adjust the shutter so that the shutter slot matches the opening in the customer panel on the shutter’s left side (see arrow). Shutter ProCash 2050xe RL Removal/Installation of Components 6-10 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 01750060162 A Shutter ProCash 2050xe RL • Pull the customer panel out of the device (refer to the operating or service manual of the ProCash 2050xe). Detach connector (1). Loosen screw (2) and unhook the ground strap (3). Loosen the screws (1) and (2). Push the shutter a little in the direction of the arrow and remove it. Carefully remove the cable (3). Reinstall it by following the same steps in reverse order. Removal/Installation of Components Shutter ProCash 2100xe RL 01750060162 A Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 6-11 Shutter ProCash 2100xe RL • Open the door of the operating unit and pull the customer panel out of the device (see the operating or service manual of the ProCash 2100xe). Loosen screw (1) and detach connector (2). Loosen screw (1) and remove the shutter upwards. Reinstall it by following the same steps in reverse order. Shutter ProCash 2150xe RL Removal/Installation of Components 6-12 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 01750060162 A Shutter ProCash 2150xe RL • Pull out the customer panel (refer to the operating or service manual of the ProCash 2150xe). Loosen screw (1) on the bottom of the shutter. Push the cable (2) a little to the right, unhook it on the left side and remove it to the left. Detach connector (3). Remove screws (1) and (2) and remove the shutter upwards. Reinstall it by following the same steps in reverse order. Removal/Installation of Components Distributor board 01750060162 A Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 6-13 Distributor board • Remove all cassettes from the CMD-V4 (see chapter "Device Overview and Operation", section "Removing the cassette"). Detach tab connectors (1) and (2) from the controller and connectors (3) and (4) from the distributor board. How to remove the connectors (5) is described below. Press catches (1) and (2) in the direction of the arrow and open the cover (3). Repeat this step for the other three covers. Distributor board Removal/Installation of Components 6-14 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 01750060162 A While pushing catches (1) and (2) in the direction of the arrow, detach connector (3) forwards. Proceed in the same way for the other three connectors. Push the white pins (1) to (6) down and remove the distributor board with its cover. Removal/Installation of Components Dispensing units 01750060162 A Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 6-15 Dispensing units The 4-cassette housing can accommodate two double dispensing units. The upper dispensing unit always includes the thickness measuring station. i The two dispensing units must not be confused. Remove the cover (1) by pulling it off. Upper dispensing unit with thickness measuring station Removal Release the upper dispensing unit by turning the locking/unlocking levers (1) and (2) by 90° counterclockwise. Dispensing units Removal/Installation of Components 6-16 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 01750060162 A The upper dispensing unit accommodates the thickness measuring station which is connected to the CMD controller via a cable. This cable must be unplugged (1). Detach connector (2) from the distributor board. Remove the dispensing unit in the direction of the arrow. Installation Carefully push the connecting cable (1) between the toothed wheels and the device panel. • Insert the dispensing unit and close the latches. If you cannot close them, check the proper fit of the dispensing unit. • Carefully turn the toothed wheels if necessary to cause the dispensing unit to click into place. Removal/Installation of Components Dispensing units 01750060162 A Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 6-17 Connect the cables to the CMD controller (1) and the distributor board (2). • Mount the cover. Lower dispensing unit Turn the locking/unlocking levers (1) and (2) on the left side of the dispensing unit by 90° counterclock- wise. Detach connector (1) from the distributor board. Remove the lower dispensing unit in the direction of the arrow. Dispensing units Removal/Installation of Components 6-18 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 01750060162 A Installation Carefully push the connecting cable (1) between the toothed wheels and the device panel. • Insert the dispensing unit and close the latches. If you cannot close them, check the proper fit of the dispensing unit. • Carefully turn the toothed wheels if necessary to cause the dispensing unit to click into place. Attach the cable to the distributor board (1). • Mount the cover. Removal/Installation of Components Clamp 01750060162 A Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 6-19 Clamp Removal Turn the two routing disks (1) and (2) in the direction of the arrow as far as possible. The clamp closes at the same time and has to engage. Turn the routing disks back by approx. 90° (as shown in the picture) so that the clamp can be removed upwards. i Make sure that the clamp is not opened improperly. Clamp Removal/Installation of Components 6-20 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 01750060162 A i When removing the clamp remember that the ball bearings are loosely attached and can fall out. Remove the clamp upwards. Remove the ball bearings with the black hooks (1) and the toothed wheels (2) on both sides of the clamp. The illustration shows the latch (1) on the left/hand side used to open the clamp. Open the clamp by pushing the latches (1) and (2) on the left and on the right side in the direction of the arrow. Removal/Installation of Components Clamp 01750060162 A Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 6-21 Push out the securing pin (1) and hold onto the cable. Loos en the cable fixing (1) and pull out the cable. i Careful! Make sure that the cable is not pulled back again and secure it, if necessary. Installation Feed the cable in (1) as shown in the picture by moving it slightly back and forth. Plug in the cable (1) and press the cable fixing (2) shut. Clamp Removal/Installation of Components 6-22 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 01750060162 A Pull the cable (1) taut. Insert the securing pin (2) with the clamp open. (In the illustration the cable is not yet pulled taut). Close the clamp. The two latches, one on each side, must be engaged manually. Put the two black hooks and the ball bearings (1) on the left and right side of the clamp back in place. Slip on the two toothed wheels and the ball bearings (2). The toothed wheel is pushed on with the bulging side pointing inside. Set the clamp down on the stacker, as shown in the illustration. Push the clamp into the routing disk. The toothed wheel must be inserted evenly (1) and (2). i The clamp must be closed when it is inserted. Let the clamp slide in carefully. 01750060162 A Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 7-1 Maintenance and Service The information required for carrying out troubleshooting and maintenance on the individual components can be found in the chapters in this manual. When carrying out work on components and modules that carry an electrical charge, this equipment must first be disconnected from the power supply. Due to the way the device is designed, it is not enough to switch off the mains switch on the power distributor. In addition, the safety plug must be disconnected from the power distributor. Maintenance Maintenance intervals Preventive maintenance is required for the CMD-V4 every two years or, at the latest, after 200,000 transactions. Performing maintenance i All photosensors are only allowed to be cleaned in a dry state. Preventive maintenance consists of the following: • If any error statistics exist, evaluate them to find any serious problems and take them especially into account during maintenance (possibly replace components). • After maintenance, check the quality of the photosensors with special test jobs. The quality must be at least service level (status * 2). • Remove the cassettes from the CMD-V4. Maintenance Maintenance and Service 7-2 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 01750060162 A • Clean the cassettes. Check all function parts for damage, ease of movement and play. • Turn off the CMD-V4. • Remove the stacker, possibly with the horizontal output transport, and the dispensing units. • Check that the belts are correctly positioned on the guiding rolls. • Clean the SAT and the dispensing units using a brush. • Clean all photosensors/prisms and transport rollers in the dispensing units and the stacker with compressed air. • Function testing is carried out by the system software. (You will find further information in the software documentation.) After maintenance, clear the parameters in the CMD controller’s CMOS. Then the CMD has to be initialized and reference values have to be calculated for all note types (See the "Initializing the CMD-V4" section in the "Start-up" chapter. Then, using a test program or the actual application, you have to run a dispensing test in which at least five notes have to be dispensed from each cassette without errors. Maintenance and Service Maintenance 01750060162 A Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 7-3 Stacker • Visually inspect the stacker for damage and dirt. • Clean the stacker using a vacuum cleaner, brush, cloth or compressed air. • Clean all photosensors using a brush, cloth or compressed air. All photosensors are only allowed to be cleaned in a dry state. • Check that the routing disks move easily. Output transport • Remove the output transport (refer to chapter "Removal/Installation of Components"). • Visually inspect the output transport for damage and dirt. • Clean the output transport using a vacuum cleaner, brush, cloth or compressed air. • Reinstall the output transport (refer to chapter "Removal/Installation of Components"). Shutter • Visually inspect the shutter for damage and dirt. • Clean all photosensors using a brush, cloth or compressed air. All photosensors are only allowed to be cleaned in a dry state. • Unlock the shutter and check the mechanical parts for ease of movement. Cash-out cassettes • Visually inspect the cash-out cassettes for damage. Maintenance Maintenance and Service 7-4 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 01750060162 A • Clean the cash-out cassettes using a vacuum cleaner, brush, cloth or compressed air. • Check the settings for the correct note size (in the cover too). • Check the cassette pressure carriage to see that it is in its position properly, and adjust it if necessary. Reject / retract cassette • Visually inspect the reject / retract cassette for damage and dirt. • Clean the reject / retract cassette using a vacuum cleaner, brush, cloth or compressed air. • Clean the rollers with isopropyl alcohol if necessary. • Check that the toothed drive wheel is sitting properly. • Check for even pressure of the transport rollers at the intake of the cassette. General • Check that the components have been installed correctly. • Check that all cables have been laid safely and fastened correctly. • Check the ground connections and replace them if necessary. • Check the functioning of locks and make contacts and adjust them. Maintenance and Service Maintenance 01750060162 A Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 7-5 Approved maintenance materials You can order the items listed below electronically or from our service partner. Orders: http://extranet.wincor-nixdorf.com http://its.siemens.de/lobs/its/its_log/ersin_gr.htm E-mail for logistics questions: mailto:[email protected] E-Mail for technical questions: mailto:[email protected] Commercial name / product name Code number Stock - number Ballistol oil NCA:31399.00.0.52 6383009 Barrierta oil 10ml GFI:BARRIERTA-10ML 2056293 Multi-purpose grease BP LS2, 50ml 01750049230 2085328 Screw lacquer, red, 20 ml NCA:39692.00.0.52 6410170 SNI special grease NCA:32555.00.2.52 6387748 Heat-insulating packing for gas soldering iron SON:QC1 2032858 Portasol gas soldering iron, filled NCA:30071.00.8.40 6377157 Exxon gas WVC:079517 2030869 Maintenance fluid, 100ml — pump spray TPI:VC891 2030745 Compressed air R134A, 500 ml * MSG:79507167 2031656 Flat brush 1" NCA:77059.00.6.40 6517714 Flat paintbrush 1.5" NCA:77060.00.6.40 6517722 Kleenex cleaning cloths NCA:65439.00.8.40 6476929 LUBRA metallic care fluid, 12 ml TDG:55002 2030522 Q-tips NCA:65441.00.5.40 6476953 Texpad cleaning cloth (TX801) NCA:61970.00.2.28 6466206 Universal cleaning cloth NCA:30069.00.1.40 6377122 Maintenance Maintenance and Service 7-6 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 01750060162 A * The screw valve and 1.5 m tube of Pressair compressed air can also be used with high-pressure gas R134A. For information on ordering the valve (order number 1060003336) please go to the following internet address: You will find the address in the internet: http://www.wincor-nixdorf.com/internet/index.html You will find a list of all the cleaning and maintenance materials released by Wincor Nixdorf in the intranet or extranet. i Please note the manufacturer’s specifications on the packaging and on the enclosed information sheet. The product may be damaged or soiled if materials are used that are not approved or if they are used improperly. Dispose of the packaging and the empty containers in compliance with national regulations. 01750060162 A Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 8-1 Pin Assignments Power supply connector (supply voltage) Connector: 2-pin AMP, pins 90° Pin Signal name Meaning 1 P24 V Supply voltage +24 V 2 GNDNT Ground for +24 V Safety switch Connector: 3-pin DUBOX, 1 row, 90° Pin Signal name Meaning 1 Relay Safety cut-off relay 2 GND Ground 3 NC not connected Basic module Elements HS2 Lifting magnet of single reject switch SM6 Stepper motor for tray selection in reject/retract cassette DPS4 Digital photosensor for tray selection S1 Micro switch: Reject/retract cassette available PS1 Cash path photosensor (reflective photosensor) PS21 Cash path photosensor (controlled) Basic module Pin Assignments 8-2 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 01750060162 A Connector: 20-pin DUBOX, 2 rows, 90° Pin Signal name Meaning 1 SM6PH1P Stepper motor SM6 phase 1, Plus connection 2 SM6PH1M Stepper motor SM6 phase 1, Minus connection 3 SM6PH2P Stepper motor SM6 phase 2, Plus connection 4 SM6PH2M Stepper motor SM6 phase 2, Minus connection 5 H2P Single reject switch, Plus connection 6 H2M Single reject switch, Minus connection 7 P12V Digital photosensor DPS4, power supply 8 GND Digital photosensor DPS4, Ground 9 GL4 Digital photosensor DPS4, output signal 10 IGSAMOUT Digital photosensor DPS4, Transmit current Plus 11 S1 Micro switch: Reject/retract cassette available, signal 12 GND Micro switch: Reject/retract cassette available, ground 13 VCCL PS21 receiver, collector 14 LAGT212235 PS21 receiver, emitter 15 VCCL PS1 receiver, collector 16 LAGTL1 PS1 receiver, emitter (reflective photosensor) 17 IQLSMIN Photosensor transmit current Plus LED PS1 (reflective) 18 IXGMOUT Photosensor transmit current Minus 19 IQLS Photosensor transmit current Plus Transmit LED PS21 20 IQLS56VN Photosensor transmit current Minus Pin Assignments Main motor M1 01750060162 A Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 8-3 Main motor M1 Elements DCM1 Main motor Connector: 2-pin AMP, female connector 90° Pin Signal name Meaning 1 M1P Main motor, Plus connection 2 M1M Main motor, Minus connection Stacker Elements DCM3 Swiveling motor for collecting tray DPS1/DPS3 Digital photosensors for collecting tray position DCM5 Stepper motor for bundle reject switch DPS8/DPS9 Digital photosensors for bundle reject switch PS29, PS22 Cash path photosensors (controlled) PS18, PS19 PS29 TOPLED (attention: constant light!) T1 Timing disk DCM1 Stacker Pin Assignments 8-4 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 01750060162 A Connector: 34-pin DUBOX, 2 rows, 90° Pin Signal name Meaning 1 SM5PH1P Stepper motor DCM5 phase 1, Plus connection 2 SM5PH1M Stepper motor DCM5 phase 1, Minus connection 3 SM5PH2P Stepper motor DCM5 phase 2, Plus connection 4 SM5PH2M Stepper motor DCM5 phase 2, Minus connection 5 M3P DC motor DCM3, Plus connection 6 GNDL DC motor DCM3, Minus connection 7 P12V Power supply DPS1/DPS3 and DPS8/DPS9 8 GND Connection to ground DPS1/DP3 and DPS8/DPS9 9 GL1N Output signal Digital photosensor DPS1, Dispensing position 10 GL3N Output signal Digital photosensor DPS3, Cash-out position 11 GL8N Output signal Digital photosensor DPS8, Transport position 12 GL9N Output signal Digital photosensor DPS9, Reject position 13 IGSAMIN Transmit current Plus (DPS1/3 and DPS8/9) 14 IGSAMOUT Transmit current Minus (DPS1/3 and DPS8/9) 15 P12V PS29 receiver, collector 16 LAGT2629 PS29 receiver, emitter 17 VCCL PS22 receiver, collector 18 LAGT212235 PS22 receiver, emitter 19 VCCL PS18 receiver, collector 20 LAGT18 PS18 receiver, emitter 21 VCCL PS19 receiver, collector 22 LAGT19 PS19 receiver, emitter 23 IXGMOUT Photosensor transmit current Plus (PS29, TOPLED) 24 IQLS Photosensor transmit current Minus Pin Assignments Frontload module 01750060162 A Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 8-5 Pin Signal name Meaning 25 IQLS Photosensor transmit current Plus (PS22, PS18, PS19) 26 IQLS34VN Photosensor transmit current Minus 27 Free 28 Vcc Timing disk of main motor, Power supply 29 T1OUT Timing disk of main motor, output signal 30 GND Timing disk of main motor, Ground 31 Free 32 Free 33 Free 34 Free Frontload module Elements PS33, PS35 Cash path photosensors (controlled) PS26 PS26 TOPLED (attention: constant light!) Connector: 10-pin DUBOX, 2 rows, 90° Pin Signal name Meaning 1 P12V PS26 receiver, collector 2 LAGT2629 PS26 receiver, emitter - attention: constant light! 3 VCCL PS35 receiver, collector 4 LAGT212235 PS35 receiver, emitter 5 VCCL PS33 receiver, collector 6 LAGT33 PS33 receiver, emitter 7 IXGMOUT Photosensor transmit current Plus (PS26) 8 IQLS Photosensor transmit current Minus 9 IQLSSH Photosensor transmit current Plus (PS33, PS35) 10 GND Photosensor transmit current Minus Dispensing unit 1 (module positions 1 and 2) Pin Assignments 8-6 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 01750060162 A Dispensing unit 1 (module positions 1 and 2) Elements CL1, CL2 Electromagnetic clutch (dispensing unit - position 1, 2) HR1,HR2 Lifting magnet retaining spring (dispensing unit - position 1, 2) PSD1/2 Photosensor dispensing sensor, controlled (dispensing unit - position 1, 2) PSE1/2 Photosensor 'cassette empty sensor' (dispensing unit - position 1, 2) LANDR1/2 Note pressure measurement (dispensing unit - position 1, 2) Connector: 24-pin DUBOX, 2 rows, 90° Pin Signal name Meaning 1 P24V Electromagnetic clutch, Plus connection, dispensing unit - position 1 2 EK1 Electromagnetic clutch, Minus connection, dispensing unit - position 1 3 P24V Lifting magnet retaining spring, Plus connection (dispensing unit - position 1) 4 HR1 Lifting magnet retaining spring, Minus connection (dispensing unit - position 1) 5 P24V Electromagnetic clutch, Plus connection (dispensing unit - position 2) 6 EK2 Electromagnetic clutch, Minus connection (dispensing unit - position 2) 7 P24V Lifting magnet retaining spring, Plus connection (dispensing unit - position 2) 8 HR2 Lifting magnet retaining spring, Minus connection (dispensing unit - position 2) 9 P12V +12 V for pressure measurement (dispensing unit - position 1) 10 P12V +12 V for pressure measurement (dispensing unit - position 2) Pin Assignments Dispensing unit 1 (module positions 1 and 2) 01750060162 A Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 8-7 Pin Signal name Meaning 11 GND Ground for pressure measurement (dispensing unit - position 1) 12 GND Ground for pressure measurement (dispensing unit - position 2) 13 UANDR1 Signal of pressure measurement (dispensing unit - position 1) 14 UANDR2 Signal of pressure measurement (dispensing unit - position 2) 15 IAN12IN Transmit current for pressure measurement (reflective photosensor) 16 IAN12OUT Transmit current for pressure measurement (reflective photosensor) 17 VCCL all receivers, collector 18 LAM135 PSD1 receiver, emitter 19 LKL135 PSE1 receiver, emitter 20 LAM246 PSD2 receiver, emitter 21 LKL246 PSE2 receiver, emitter 22 - nc - - not connected - 23 IQLS12VN Photosensor transmit current Plus (PSD1, 2; PSE1, 2) 24 IQLS12 Photosensor transmit current Minus (PSD1, 2; PSE1, 2) Cassette connector at dispensing unit 1 Pin Assignments 8-8 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 01750060162 A Cassette connector at dispensing unit 1 (Module positions 1 and 2) Elements Serial EEPROM Stepper motor Connector: 20-pin DUBOX, 2 rows, 90° Pin Signal name Meaning 1 EEDAT serial EEPROMs: data line for cassette 1 2 EEDAT serial EEPROMs: data line for cassette 2 3 EETAKT serial EEPROMs: clock line for cassette 1 4 EETAKT serial EEPROMs: clock line for cassette 2 5 EECSK1 serial EEPROM cassette 1: Select 6 EECSK2 serial EEPROM cassette 2: Select 7 GND Ground (EEPROM, measuring electronics) for cassette 1 8 GND Ground (EEPROM, measuring electronics) for cassette 2 9 VCCSWK1 Switched power supply, cassette 1 10 VCCSWK2 Switched power supply, cassette 2 11 - nc - - not connected - 12 - nc - - not connected - 13 SMK1P1P Stepper motor cassette 1, Phase 1 Plus 14 SMK2P1P Stepper motor cassette 2, Phase 1 Plus 15 SMK1P1M Stepper motor cassette 1, Phase 1 Minus 16 SMK2P1M Stepper motor cassette 2, Phase 1 Minus 17 SMK1P2P Stepper motor cassette 1, Phase 2 Plus 18 SMK2P2P Stepper motor cassette 2, Phase 2 Plus 19 SMK1P2M Stepper motor cassette 1, Phase 2 Minus 20 SMK2P2M Stepper motor cassette 2, Phase 2 Minus Pin Assignments Dispensing unit 2 01750060162 A Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 8-9 Dispensing unit 2 Module positions 3 and 4 Elements CL3, CL4 Electromagnetic clutch (dispensing unit - position 3, 4) HR3, HR4 Lifting magnet retaining spring (dispensing unit - position 3, 4) PSD 3/4 Photosensor dispensing sensor, controlled (dispensing unit - position 3, 4) PSE 3/4 Photosensor 'cassette empty sensor' (dispensing unit - position 3, 4) LANDR3/4 Note pressure measurement (dispensing unit - position 3, 4) Connector: 24-pin DUBOX, 2 rows, 90° Pin Signal name Meaning 1 P24V Electromagnetic clutch, Plus connection (dispensing unit - position 3) 2 EK3 Electromagnetic clutch, Minus connection, dispensing unit - position 3 3 P24V Lifting magnet retaining spring, Plus connection (dispensing unit - position 3) 4 HR3 Electromagnetic clutch, Minus connection (dispensing unit - position 3) 5 P24V Electromagnetic clutch, Plus connection (dispensing unit - position 4) 6 EK4 Electromagnetic clutch, Minus connection (dispensing unit - position 4) 7 P24V Lifting magnet retaining spring, Plus connection (dispensing unit - position 4) 8 HR4 Electromagnetic clutch, Minus connection (dispensing unit - position 4) 9 P12V +12 V for pressure measurement (dispensing unit - position 3) 10 P12V +12 V for pressure measurement (dispensing unit - position 4) Dispensing unit 2 Pin Assignments 8-10 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 01750060162 A Pin Signal name Meaning 11 GND Ground for pressure measurement (dispensing unit - position 3) 12 GND Ground for pressure measurement (dispensing unit - position 4) 13 UANDR3 Signal of pressure measurement (dispensing unit - position 3) 14 UANDR4 Signal of pressure measurement (dispensing unit - position 4) 15 IAN34IN Transmit current for pressure measurement (reflective photosensor) 16 IAN34OUT Transmit current for pressure measurement (reflective photosensor) 17 VCCL PSD3 receiver, collector 18 LAM135 PSD3 receiver, emitter 19 LKL135 PSE3 receiver, emitter 20 LAM246 PSD4 receiver, emitter 21 LKL246 PSE4 receiver, emitter 22 - nc - - not connected - 23 IQLS34VN Photosensor transmit current Plus (PSD3, 4; PSE3, 4) 24 IQLS34 Photosensor transmit current Minus (PSD3, 4; PSE3, 4) Pin Assignments Cassette connector at dispensing unit 2 01750060162 A Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 8-11 Cassette connector at dispensing unit 2 (module positions 3 and 4) Elements Serial EEPROM Stepper motor Connector: 20-pin DUBOX, 2 rows, 90° Pin Signal name Meaning 1 EEDAT serial EEPROMs: data line for cassette 3 2 EEDAT serial EEPROMs: data line for cassette 4 3 EETAKT serial EEPROMs: clock line for cassette 3 4 EETAKT serial EEPROMs: clock line for cassette 4 5 EECSK3 serial EEPROM cassette 3: Select 6 EECSK4 serial EEPROM cassette 4: Select 7 GND Ground (EEPROM, measuring electronics) for cassette 3 8 GND Ground (EEPROM, measuring electronics) for cassette 4 9 VCCSWK3 Switched power supply, cassette 3 10 VCCSWK4 Switched power supply, cassette 4 11 - nc - - not connected - 12 - nc - - not connected - 13 SMK3P1P Stepper motor cassette 3, Phase 1 Plus 14 SMK4P1P Stepper motor cassette 4, Phase 1 Plus 15 SMK3P1M Stepper motor cassette 3, Phase 1 Minus 16 SMK4P1M Stepper motor cassette 4, Phase 1 Minus 17 SMK3P2P Stepper motor cassette 3, Phase 2 Plus 18 SMK4P2P Stepper motor cassette 4, Phase 2 Plus 19 SMK3P2M Stepper motor cassette 3, Phase 2 Minus 20 SMK4P2M Stepper motor cassette 4, Phase 2 Minus Extension connector for dispensing unit 3 Pin Assignments 8-12 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 01750060162 A Extension connector for dispensing unit 3 (module positions 5 and 6) An extension PCB containing the power drivers, power sources, level converters and the like is used for dispensing unit 3 (positions 5 and 6). Logical signals (TTL level or analog level) are passed via the extension connector. The elements handled by the extension PCB are listed below. Elements CL5, CL6 Electromagnetic clutch (dispensing unit - position 5, 6) HR5, HR6 Lifting magnet retaining spring (dispensing unit - position 5, 6) PSD5/6 Photosensor dispensing sensor, controlled (dispensing unit - position 5, 6) PSE5/6 Photosensor 'cassette empty sensor' (dispensing unit - position 5, 6) EEPR5/6 serial EEPROM cassette 5, 6 SMK5/6 Stepper motor cassette 5, 6 LANDR5/6 Note pressure measurement (dispensing unit - position 5, 6) Connector: 40-pin Berg pins, LOW profile, 2 rows, 90° Pin Signal name Meaning 1 GNDL Ground for load current 2 MATAKT Magnet for clock 3 GNDL Ground for load current 4 GNDL Ground for load current 5 P24V +24 V for load current 6 P24V +24 V for load current 7 V5 Selection signal for dispensing unit - position 5 8 V6 Selection signal for dispensing unit - position 6 9 IOEK Electromagnetic clutch 10 IOHR Lifting magnet retaining spring 11 GND Ground Pin Assignments Extension connector for dispensing unit 3 01750060162 A Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 8-13 Pin Signal name Meaning 12 GND Ground 13 P12V Power supply for pressure measurement in the dispensing unit 14 UANDR5 Measuring signal for cassette 5 15 UANDR6 Measuring signal for cassette 6 16 IQLS56VN Photosensor transmit current Supply voltage 17 ULANDR Analog voltage for pressure measurement power source 18 LISEL3N Analog voltage for path photosensor transmit current 19 GND Ground 20 Vcc Power supply +5 V 21 LAM135 PSD5 receiver, emitter 22 LKL135 PSE5 receiver, emitter 23 LAM246 PSD6 receiver, emitter 24 LKL246 PSE6 receiver, emitter 25 GND Ground 26 EEDAT serial EEPROMs: data line 27 EETAKT serial EEPROMs: clock line 28 EECSK5 serial EEPROM cassette 5: Select 29 EECSK6 serial EEPROM cassette 6: Select 30 GND Ground 31 SMDAT0 Stepper motor control signal, Bit 0 32 SMDAT1 Stepper motor control signal, Bit 1 33 SMDAT2 Stepper motor control signal, Bit 2 34 SMDAT3 Stepper motor control signal, Bit 3 35 SMDAT4 Stepper motor control signal, Bit 4 36 SMDAT5 Stepper motor control signal, Bit 5 376 SMDAT6 Stepper motor control signal, Bit 6 38 IOE I/O-Enable 39 ENSMK5N Clock signal for SM latch cassette 5 40 ENSMK6N Clock signal for SM latch cassette 6 Connector for shutter (incl. Z module) Pin Assignments 8-14 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 01750060162 A Connector for shutter (incl. Z module) Elements DCM7, DCM8 Shutter motor, DC DPS10/11, DPS12/13 Digital photosensors for shutter position DCM4 Stepper motor for Z module drive PS27 / PS28 Cash path monitoring in the Z module Connector: 15-pin DSUB, pins 90° Pin Signal name Meaning 1 ZTAKT Clock for stepper motor of Z module 2 ZRICHTG Direction for stepper motor of Z module 3 RMSH1N Indicator for shutter position bit 0 4 GND Ground 5 SHMOTEN Shutter motor M7 or M8 ON 6 ZEIN Stepper motor of Z module ON 7 LSH27 PS27 signal 8 - nc - - not connected - 9 IQLSSH Photosensor transmit current 10 P24V Power supply +24 V 11 RMSH2N Indicator for shutter position bit 1 12 SHMOTRN Shutter motor M7 or M8, Direction 13 P12V Power supply +12 V 14 GNDL Ground for load current 15 LSH28 PS28 signal The two indicators RMSH1N and RMSH2N output the shutter position in coded form. Before the cash is output, the shutter is moved completely to the 'OPEN' position. Pin Assignments Connector for shutter (incl. Z module) 01750060162 A Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 8-15 When the cash has been transported to the output slot, the shutter is moved back to the 'CLOSED' position until the transition from L L to H H has been completed. (L = 0 V - H = +12 V) RMSH2N RMSH1N Meaning H L Shutter flap is 'CLOSED' L L Shutter flap between 'CLOSED' and cash presentation H H Shutter flap between cash presentation and 'OPEN' L H Shutter flap is 'OPEN' Connector for thickness measuring station Pin Assignments 8-16 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 01750060162 A Connector for thickness measuring station Elements Optical thickness measuring DMLED1, DMLED2 Transmit diodes DMPHT1, DMPHT2 Receive transistors Mechanical thickness measuring Reflective photosensors 1, 2 Connector: 10-pin DUBOX, pins, 2 rows, 90° Pin Signal name Meaning 1 DMLED1IN Transmit current for IR LED of reflective photosensor 1 2 DMLED1OUT Transmit current for IR LED of reflective photosensor 1 3 DMLED2IN Transmit current for IR LED of reflective photosensor 2 4 DMLED2OUT Transmit current for IR LED of reflective photosensor 2 5 P12V Power supply +12 V 6 DMPHT1 Intensified signal for phototransistor 1 of reflective photosensor 1 7 N12V Power supply -12 V 8 DMPHT2 Intensified signal for phototransistor 2 of reflective photosensor 2 9 GND Ground 10 DMCOD Coding optical / mechanical thickness measurement: GND = optical / open = mechanical Pin Assignments Connection of door switch 01750060162 A Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 8-17 Connection of door switch Elements Solenoid-operated switch Door switch of safe door Bridge Reports that the solenoid-operated switch is connected Connector: 4-pin DUBOX, 1 row, 90° Pin Signal name Meaning 1 TUERM Solenoid-operated switch / Door switch of safe door 2 GND Ground for solenoid-operated switch 3 TUERB Jumper that reports wiring of the door switch 4 GND Ground for bridge Battery connector Elements Lithium battery TL5242/W (no. 92675.07.1.39), 3.6V/1.9Ah Connector: 4-pin Berg pin contact strip, one row, 90° Pin Signal name Meaning 1 VBATT Plus pole (battery) 2 - nc - - not connected - 3 - nc - - not connected - 4 GND Minus pole (battery) RS232C connection Pin Assignments 8-18 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 01750060162 A RS232C connection The controlling system unit (PC) is connected via this RS232C interface. Connector: 9-pin Sub-D, pins 90° Pin Signal name Meaning 1 DCD1 Carrier Detect 2 RXD1 Receive Data (IN) 3 TXD1 Transmit Data (OUT) 4 DTR1 Data Terminal Ready 5 GND Ground 6 DSR1 Data Set Ready 7 RTS Request to Send (OUT) 8 CTS Ready for Sending (IN) 9 RI Ring Indicator The 9-pin Sub-D connector is pinned in accordance with the standard. The CTS input (pin 8) is connected at +12 V on a high-resistance basis in order to receive a defined signal when the input is open. Pin Assignments CMD controller 01750060162 A Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 8-19 CMD controller Connectors at the left side of the controller: X1 mechanichal thickness sensor Dubox connector, 8-pin (Reihe = 2466407537, Sohn = 2466410537) Pin Designation 1+5V 2GND 3 Measuring input for the first analog Hall sensor 4GND 5+5V 6GND 7 Measuring input for the second analog Hall sensor 8GND X2 shutter JST pin connector model PHD, 2 x 10-pin, S20B-PHDSS (90°) (Reihe = A3C40014865, Sohn = A3C40014864) Pin Designation 1+24V 2 Last – GND 3+12V 4GND 5 Release of energization of SM7 (24 V level) / phase + (open) of M7 6 Direction of SM7 (24 V level) / phase - (closed) of M7 7 Gate input of DPS10 8 Gate input of DPS11 9 Gate input of DPS12 (reserve) 10 Measuring input for phototransistor of PS27 or PS26 (detection of cash removal) (PSR6) CMD controller Pin Assignments 8-20 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 01750060162 A Pin Designation 11 Measuring input for phototransistor of PS28 or PS29 (rear edge control) (PSR7) 12 + current for transmit diodes from PS27, PS28 or PS26, PS29 (LSISH) 13 Gate input of shutter1 14 GND 15 Gate input of shutter2 16 GND 17 Gate input of shutter3 18 GND 19 Gate input of shutter4 20 GND Jumper coding Pin 19 Pin 17 Pin 15 Pin 13 Shutter4 Shutter3 Shutter2 Shutter1 - - - B = Shutter in safe - - - B = Shutter in counter section Pin Assignments CMD controller 01750060162 A Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 8-21 X3 transport module JST pin connector model PHD, 2 x 6-pin, S12B-PHDSS (90°) (Reihe = A3C40015986, Sohn = A3C40015984) Pin Designation 1+5V 2 Gate input of HS4 (sensor for clamp end position) 3GND 4N.C. 5 Gate input of transport1 6GND 7 Gate input of transport2 8GND 9 Gate input of transport3 10 GND 11 Gate input of transport4 12 GND Jumper coding Pin 11 Pin 9 Pin 7 Pin 5 Transport4 Transport3 Transport2 Transport1 ---B=Rearloadtransport module in safe - - B - = Frontload transport module in safe - B - B = Rearload transport module in counter section - B B - = Frontload transport module in counter section CMD controller Pin Assignments 8-22 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 01750060162 A X4 V.24 interface from PC Pin Designation 1+5V 2 Gate input of HS4 (sensor for clamp end position) 3GND 4N.C. 5 Gate input of transport1 6GND 7 Gate input of transport2 8GND 9 Gate input of transport3 10 GND 11 Gate input of transport4 12 GND 8-pin Western (Reihe = 5603107937;00 or A3C40016907, Sohn = 5603111937) Pin Designation 1N.C. 2 DSR, not connected 3RXD 4 DTR / RTS 5TxD 6GND 7CTS 8N.C. Pin Assignments CMD controller 01750060162 A Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 8-23 X5 USB interface from PC USB connector B-type, (Reihe: 0150507337;00) Pin Designation 1N.C. 2 USB-Data - 3 USB-Data + 4GND 5 Shielding 6 Shielding X6 Door switch and disconnector in safe JST pin connector model PHD, 2 x 5-pin, S10B-PHDSS (90°) (Reihe = A3C40016307;00, Sohn = A3C40016306) Pin Designation 1N.C. 2N.C. 3 Polling the safety switch 4GND 5 Polling the door switch 6GND 7 Polling the jumper 8GND 9 Reserve input 10 GND CMD controller Pin Assignments 8-24 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 01750060162 A X7 V.24 interface to AVT2800 (SCOP card) JST pin connector model PH, 6-pin, B6B-PH-K-S (upright) (Reihe = 9405007037, Sohn = 9405010037) Pin Designation 1 n. c. (DSR not connected) 2RXD 3 DTR / RTS 4TxD 5GND 6CTS X8 NEN from special electronics module JST pin connector model PH, 2-pin, S2B-PH-K-S (90°) (Reihe = A3C40014712;11, Sohn = A3C40014711) Pin Designation 1NEN 2GND X9 24-V voltage supply 2-pin Mini-Fit 39-30-1020 (Reihe = A3C40029754, Sohn = A3C40029755) Pin Designation 1+24V 2GND Pin Assignments CMD controller 01750060162 A Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 8-25 Connectors at the top side of the controller: X10 24-V connection to AVT2800 (SCOP card) 2-pin Mini-Fit 39-30-1020 (Reihe = A3C40029754, Sohn = A3C40029755) Pin Designation 1+24V 2GND X11 motor M1) 6-pin Mini-Fit 39-30-1060 (Reihe = A3C40030083, Sohn = A3C40009552) Pin Designation 1 Motor + 2N.C. 3 Clock signal from main motor M1 4 Motor - 5+5V 6GND X12 additional motor on main drive assembly for single reject (optional) JST pin connector model PH, 1 x 4-pin, S4B-PH-K-S (90°) (Reihe = 7206807137, Sohn = 7206810137) Pin Designation 1 Phase A + of SM1 (pressure of sliding surface to empty the single reject) 2 Phase A - of SM1 (pressure of sliding surface to empty the single reject) 3 Phase B + of SM1 (pressure of sliding surface to empty the single reject) 4 Phase B - of SM1 (pressure of sliding surface to empty the single reject) CMD controller Pin Assignments 8-26 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 01750060162 A X13 clamp motor ZIF connector, 4-pin, 1.25 mm, Molex, Reihe 5597, type 39-51-3043, Top contact (Reihe = A3C40029756, Sohn = A3C40029757) Pin Designation 1 + of clamp motor M2 2 - of clamp motor M2 3 + from belt drive on clamp M3 4 - from belt drive on clamp M3 X14 motors and lifting magnets at stacker / left and right sides JST pin connector model PHD, 2 x 9-pin, S18B-PHDSS (90°) (Reihe = A3C40032097, Sohn = A3C40032098) Pin Designation 1 Phase A + from SM9 (stacker wheel) 2 Phase A - from SM9 (stacker wheel) 3 Phase B + from SM9 (stacker wheel) 4 Phase B - from SM9 (stacker wheel) 5 Phase A + from SM2 (left routing disk) 6 Phase A - from SM2 (left routing disk) 7 Phase B + from SM2 (left routing disk) 8 Phase B - from SM2 (left routing disk) 9 Phase A + from SM3 (right routing disk) 10 Phase A - from SM3 (right routing disk) 11 Phase B + from SM3 (right routing disk) 12 Phase B - from SM3 (right routing disk) 13 + 24 V 14 Lifting magnet MA6 (Retract compartment) 15 + 24 V 16 Lifting magnet MA2 / 1 (switch control for single reject, optional) 17 + 24 V 18 Lifting magnet MA2 / 2 (switch control for single reject, optional) Pin Assignments CMD controller 01750060162 A Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 8-27 X15 EEPROM at stacker ZIF connector, 8-pin, 1.00 mm, Molex, Reihe 52043, (90°), Bottom Contact (Reihe = A3C40030173, Sohn = A3C40030174) Pin Designation 1+5V 2GND 3 Chip-Select to EEPROM 4 Clock to EEPROM 5 Data output to EEPROM 6 Data input from EEPROM 7N.C. 8N.C. X16 Hall sensors at stacker JST pin connector model PHD, 2 x 6-pin, S12B-PHDSS (90°) (Reihe = A3C40015986, Sohn = A3C40015984) Pin Designation 1Vcc 2Vcc 3 Gate input of HS1 (sensor for clamp basic position) 4 Gate input of HS2 (sensor for reject/retract initial position) 5GND 6GND 7Vcc 8Vcc 9 Gate input of HS3 (sensor for reject/retract return position) 10 Gate input of DPS3 (reserve, used several times!!!) 11 GND 12 GND CMD controller Pin Assignments 8-28 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 01750060162 A X17 Hybrid photosensors and photosensors at single reject JST pin connector model PHD, 2 x 8-pin, S16B-PHDSS (90°) (Reihe = 0152307537;00, Sohn = 0152310537) Pin Designation 1Vcc 2Vcc 3 Gate input of DPS14 (sensor for switch position of single reject) 4 Gate input of DPS15 (sensor for switch position of single reject) 5GND 6GND 7Vcc 8Vcc 9 Gate input of DPS7 (sensor for basic position of the sliding surface in single reject) 10 Gate input of DPS3 (reserve, used several times!!!) 11 GND 12 GND 13 Power supply for photo transistor from PS2 (check for empty compartment during single reject) (LSVCC) 14 assuring input for phototransistor of PS2 (checking for empty compartment with single reject) (LSR5) 15 + current for transmit diodes from PS2 (LSIPLUS) 16 - current for transmit diodes from PS2 (LSIS2) Pin Assignments CMD controller 01750060162 A Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 8-29 X18 Hybrid photosensors and photosensors at stacker / left side JST pin connector model PHD, 2 x 11-pin, S22B-PHDSS (90°) (Reihe = A3C40032102, Sohn = A3C40032103) Phototransistor of PS18 installed. Pin Designation 1Vcc 2Vcc 3 Gate input of DPS5 (polling the position of the left routing disk) 4 Gate input of DPS8 (polling the position of the left routing disk) 5GND 6GND 7Vcc 8Vcc 9 Gate input of DPS2 (sensor for stacker wheel position) 10 Gate input of DPS4 (sensor for retract compartment) 11 GND 12 GND 13 Vcc 14 Vcc 15 Gate input of DPS1 (reserve) 16 Gate input of DPS3 (reserve, used several times!!!) 17 GND 18 GND 19 Power supply for photo transistor from PS1 (stacker wheel intake) (LSVCC) 20 Measuring input for photo transistor from PS1 (stacker wheel intake) (LSR3) 21 + current for transmit diodes from PS1 + PS18 (LSIPLUS) 22 - current for transmit diodes from PS1 + PS18 (LSIS1) CMD controller Pin Assignments 8-30 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 01750060162 A Connectors at the bottom of the controller: X30 dispensing units pin contact strips, 2 x 20-pin (even) (Reihe = 2383807837) Pin Designation 1GND 2GND 3GND 4GND 5GND 6+5V 7+5V 8+5V 9 + 5 V switched 10 + 5 V switched 11 + 5 V switched 12 Last – GND 13 Last – GND 14 Last – GND 15 Last – GND 16 Last – GND 17 Last – GND 18 + 24 V switched 19 + 24 V switched 20 + 24 V switched 21 + 24 V switched 22 + 24 V switched 23 + 24 V switched 24 Dispensing gear of dispensing unit 1 25 Retaining magnet of dispensing unit 1 26 Dispensing gear of dispensing unit 2 27 Retaining magnet of dispensing unit 2 28 Dispensing gear of dispensing unit 3 29 Retaining magnet of dispensing unit 3 Pin Assignments CMD controller 01750060162 A Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 8-31 Pin Designation 30 Dispensing gear of dispensing unit 4 31 Retaining magnet of dispensing unit 4 32 Dispensing gear of dispensing unit 5 33 Retaining magnet of dispensing unit 5 34 Dispensing gear of dispensing unit 6 35 Retaining magnet of dispensing unit 6 36 Dispensing gear of dispensing unit 7 37 Retaining magnet of dispensing unit 7 38 Dispensing gear of dispensing unit 8 39 Retaining magnet of dispensing unit 8 40 Last - GND CMD controller Pin Assignments 8-32 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 01750060162 A X31 dispensing units pin contact strips, 2 x 20-pin (even) (Reihe = 2383807837) Pin Designation 1GND 2 EEPROM-clock 3 EEPROM-data 4D0 5D1 6D2 7D3 8D4 9D5 10 D6 11 D7 12 CS-ICN 13 CS-ReserveN 14 CS-Dispensing unit1 15 CS-Dispensing unit2 16 CS-Dispensing unit3 17 CS-Dispensing unit4 18 CS-Dispensing unit5 19 CS-Dispensing unit6 20 CS-Dispensing unit7 21 CS-Dispensing unit8 22 WRN 23 RDN 24 ResetN 25 GND 26 Free 27 Power source for LEDs (LSIPLUS) 28 Current sink dispensing unit 1 (LSIV1) 29 Current sink dispensing unit 2 (LSIV2) Pin Assignments CMD controller 01750060162 A Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 8-33 Pin Designation 30 Current sink dispensing unit 3 (LSIV3) 31 Current sink dispensing unit 4 (LSIV4) 32 Current sink dispensing unit 5 (LSIV5) 33 Current sink dispensing unit 6 (LSIV6) 34 Current sink dispensing unit 7 (LSIV7) 35 Current sink dispensing unit 8 (LSIV8) 36 Power supply photo transistors (LSVCC) 37 Polling the first phototransistor for pressure sensor (LSANDR) 38 Polling the second phototransistor for empty sensor (LSR1) 39 Polling the third phototransistor for pressure sensor (LSR2) 40 GND CMD controller Pin Assignments 8-34 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 01750060162 A X32 Hybrid photosensors and photosensors at stacker / right side JST pin connector model PHD, 2 x 7-pin, B14B-PHDSS (upright) (Reihe = A3C40032574, Sohn = A3C40032575) Pin Designation 1Vcc 2Vcc 3 Gate input of DPS6 (polling the position of the right routing disk) 4 Gate input of DPS9 (polling the position of the right routing disk) 5GND 6GND 7Vcc 8Vcc 9 Gate input of S1 (switch reports 'reject/retract cassette inserted') 10 Gate input of DPS3 (reserve, used several times!!!) 11 GND 12 GND 13 Power supply for photo transistors from PS18 (Intake monitoring in front of the reject cassette) (LSVCC) 14 Measuring input for phototransistor of PS18 (Intake monitoring in front of the reject cassette) (LSR4) Pin Assignments CMD controller 01750060162 A Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 8-35 X33 position switch and extensions JST pin connector model PHD, 2 x 17-pin, B34B-PHDSS (upright) (Reihe = A3C40036263, Sohn = A3C40036264) Pin Designation 1+5V 2GND 3+24V 4 Last - GND 5 Chip-Select to reserve device at SPI2 6 Clock to reserve device at SPI2 7 Data output to reserve device at SPI2 8 Data input from reserve device at SPI2 9 Polling the position switch 10 GND 11 Reserve output 12 GND 13 Segment A of 7-segment display up / left 14 Segment B of 7-segment display up / left 15 Segment C of 7-segment display up / left 16 Segment D of 7-segment display up / left 17 Segment E of 7-segment display up / left 18 Segment F of 7-segment display up / left 19 Segment G of 7-segment display up / left 20 Segment DP of 7-segment display up / left 21 Special output for 7-segment display up / left 22 Segment A of 7-segment display bottom / right 23 Segment B of 7-segment display bottom / right 24 Segment C of 7-segment display bottom / right 25 Segment D of 7-segment display bottom / right 26 Segment E of 7-segment display bottom / right 27 Segment F of 7-segment display bottom / right 28 Segment G of 7-segment display bottom / right 29 Segment DP of 7-segment display bottom / right CMD controller Pin Assignments 8-36 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 01750060162 A Pin Designation 30 Special output for 7-segment display bottom / right 31 Free 32 Free 33 Free 34 Free Pin Assignments CMD controller 01750060162 A Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 8-37 Connectors at the right side of the controller: X40 jumpers Berg pin connector, 2 x 10-pin (Reihe 5673507037;10) Pin Designation 1 'Door' (pay attention to safe door), to be polled by firmware 2GND 3 'SCOP' connected, to be polled by firmware 4GND 5 'Jump A' (reserve input A), to be polled by firmware 6GND 7 'Jump B' (reserve input B), to be polled by firmware 8GND 9 'Jump C' (reserve input C), to be polled by firmware 10 GND 11 'Jump D' (reserve input D), to be polled by firmware 12 GND 13 'Clear CMOS' RAM, to be polled by firmware 14 GND 15 'NEN', to be polled by firmware also 16 GND 17 'Battery' jumper 18 GND 19 'Jump PLD' jumper (jumper to control a PLD function) 20 GND There are also the following elements: Battery, indicator, beeper, key CMD controller Pin Assignments 8-38 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 01750060162 A Connectors in the center of the controller: X50 JTAG-PLD programming connector X51 Kontron test connector X52 Turbodebugger connector Pin Assignments 4-channel distributor board 01750060162 A Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 8-39 4-channel distributor board First connection to CMD controller Pin Designation 1GND 2GND 3GND 4GND 5GND 6+5V 7+5V 8+5V 9 + 5 V switched 10 + 5 V switched 11 + 5 V switched 12 Last - GND 13 Last - GND 14 Last - GND 15 Last - GND 16 Last - GND 17 Last - GND 18 + 24 V switched 19 + 24 V switched 20 + 24 V switched 21 + 24 V switched 22 + 24 V switched 23 + 24 V switched 24 Dispensing gear of dispensing unit 1 25 Retaining magnet of dispensing unit 1 26 Dispensing gear of dispensing unit 2 27 Retaining magnet of dispensing unit 2 28 Dispensing gear of dispensing unit 3 29 Retaining magnet of dispensing unit 3 4-channel distributor board Pin Assignments 8-40 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 01750060162 A Pin Designation 30 Dispensing gear of dispensing unit 4 31 Retaining magnet of dispensing unit 4 32 Dispensing gear of dispensing unit 5 33 Retaining magnet of dispensing unit 5 34 Dispensing gear of dispensing unit 6 35 Retaining magnet of dispensing unit 6 36 Dispensing gear of dispensing unit 7 37 Retaining magnet of dispensing unit 7 38 Dispensing gear of dispensing unit 8 39 Retaining magnet of dispensing unit 8 40 Last - GND Second connection to CMD controller Pin Designation 1GND 2 EEPROM-clock 3 EEPROM-data 4D0 5D1 6D2 7D3 8D4 9D5 10 D6 11 D7 12 CS-ICN 13 CS-ReserveN 14 CS-Dispensing unit1 15 CS-Dispensing unit2 16 CS-Dispensing unit3 Pin Assignments 4-channel distributor board 01750060162 A Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 8-41 Pin Designation 17 CS-Dispensing unit4 18 CS-Dispensing unit5 19 CS-Dispensing unit6 20 CS-Dispensing unit7 21 CS-Dispensing unit8 22 WRN 23 RDN 24 ResetN 25 GND 26 Free 27 Power source for LEDs (LSIPLUS) 28 Current sink dispensing unit 1 (LSIV1) 29 Current sink dispensing unit 2 (LSIV2) 30 Current sink dispensing unit 3 (LSIV3) 31 Current sink dispensing unit 4 (LSIV4) 32 Current sink dispensing unit 5 (LSIV5) 33 Current sink dispensing unit 6 (LSIV6) 34 Current sink dispensing unit 7 (LSIV7) 35 Current sink dispensing unit 8 (LSIV8) 36 Power supply photo transistors (LSVCC) 37 Polling the first phototransistor for pressure sensor (LSANDR) 38 Polling the second phototransistor for empty sensor (LSR1) 39 Polling the third phototransistor for pressure sensor (LSR2) 40 GND 4-channel distributor board Pin Assignments 8-42 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 01750060162 A 1 or 4 cassette connectors (ISEP) Pin Designation 1 Data from and to EEPROM 2 Clock to EEPROM 3 Chip-Select to EEPROM 4 GND for Logic 5 + 5 V switched 6+24V 7 Stepper motor 8 Stepper motor 9 Stepper motor 10 Stepper motor 11 Last - GND Connector for the 1-channel distributor board Pin Designation 1 Power source for the transmit diodes (LSIPLUS) 2 Dispensing unit x current sink (LSIVx), activates the three transmit diodes of the only dispensing unit 3 Power supply for the pressure photo transistor (LSVCC) 4 Input from pressure photo transistor (LSANDR) (PS at the side) 5 Power supply for the 'cassette empty' photo transistor (LSVCC) 6 Input from 'cassette empty' photo transistor (LSR1) (PS at top) 7 Power supply for the dispensing photo transistor (LSVCC) 8 Input from dispensing photo transistor (LSR2) (PS at bottom) 9 + 24 V for dispensing gear 10 Output to dispensing gear of dispensing unit x 11 + 24 V for retaining magnet 12 Output to retaining magnet of dispensing unit x Pin Assignments 4-channel distributor board 01750060162 A Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 8-43 Connector for the two double dispensing units at the 4-channel distributor board Pin Designation 1 Power source for the transmit diodes (LSIPLUS) 2 Dispensing unit x current sink (LSIVx), activates the three transmit diodes of the only dispensing unit 3 Power supply for the pressure photo transistor (LSVCC) 4 Input from pressure photo transistor (LSANDR) (PS at the side) 5 Power supply for the 'cassette empty' photo transistor (LSVCC) 6 Input from 'cassette empty' photo transistor (LSR1) (PS at top) 7 Power supply for the dispensing photo transistor (LSVCC) 8 Input from dispensing photo transistor (LSR2) (PS at bottom) 9 Power source for the transmit diodes (LSIPLUS) 10 Dispensing unit x+1 current sink (LSIVx+1), activates the three transmit diodes of the only dispensing unit x+1 11 Power supply for the pressure photo transistor (LSVCC) 12 Input from pressure photo transistor (LSANDR) (PS at the side) 13 Power supply for the 'cassette empty' photo transistor (LSVCC) 14 Input from 'cassette empty' photo transistor (LSR1) (PS at top) 15 Power supply for the dispensing photo transistor (LSVCC) 16 Input from dispensing photo transistor (LSR2) (PS at bottom) 17 + 24 V for dispensing gear 18 Output to dispensing gear of dispensing unit x 19 + 24 V for retaining magnet 20 Output to retaining magnet of dispensing unit x 21 + 24 V for dispensing gear 22 Output to dispensing gear of dispensing unit x+1 23 + 24 V for retaining magnet 24 Output to retaining magnet of dispensing unit x+1 4-channel distributor board Pin Assignments 8-44 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 01750060162 A 01750060162 A Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 9-1 Spare Parts Overview of individual parts Order no. Designation Stacker 1750058042 Stacker complete with single reject switch 1750055782 CMD stacker without single reject switch 1750053977 CMD-V4 clamp Cash-out cassettes 1750053501 Cash-out cassette CMD-V4 1750053503 Cash-out cassette CMD-V4 lead-sealed 1750053504 Cash-out cassette CMD-V4 FSM 1750053506 Cash-out cassette CMD-V4 FSM lead-sealed 1750053511 Cash-out cassette BBA-UT CMD-V4 1750053512 Cash-out cassette BBA-UT CMD-V4 lockable 1750053513 Cash-out cassette BBA-UT CMD-V4 lead-sealed 1750053540 Cash-out cassette CMD-V4 no cash 1750053550 Cash-out cassette CMD-V4 ink 1750058210 CMD cassette cover blue pr. 1750058211 CMD cassette cover ink pr. 5482000111 Lock assd. Overview of individual parts Spare Parts 9-2 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 01750060162 A Order no. Designation Reject / retract cassette 1750041920 CMD reject / retract cassette 1750056651 CMD reject / retract cassette lead-sealed 1750056652 CMD reject cassette lead-sealed 1750056653 CMD reject cassette 1750061877 CMD reject cassette lockable 1750063255 CMD reject cassette gray 1750063256 CMD reject cassette lockable gray 1750063257 CMD reject cassette lead-sealed gray Housings 1750053055 CMD-V4 4-cassette housing mounted 1750054048 1-cassette housing complete with latching mechanism 1750054366 1-cassette housing complete without latching mechanism Dispensing units 1750051760 Double dispensing unit CMD-V4 (without thickness measuring station) 1750051761 Double dispensing unit CMD-V4 (with thickness measuring station) 1750051758 Single dispensing unit CMD-V4 (without thickness measuring station) 1750051759 Single dispensing unit CMD-V4 (with thickness measuring station) Controller and distributor prints 1750055781 CMD controller mounted (incl. cover) 1750044878 4-channel distributor print, mounted (incl. cover) 1750052425 1-channel distributor print, mounted (incl. cover) 1750019771 Chipcard controller SCOP Spare Parts Overview of individual parts 01750060162 A Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 9-3 Order no. Designation Output transports 1750045348 AGT CMD-V4 vertical Rearload 1750045360 AGT CMD-V4 vertical Frontload 1750057875 AGT CMD-V4 horizontal FL 101 mm (for ProCash 1500 FL) 1750059116 AGT CMD-V4 horizontal RL 232 mm (for ProCash 2150 RL) 1750059284 AGT CMD-V4 horizontal RL 124 mm (for ProCash 1500 RL) 1750059283 AGT CMD-V4 horizontal FL 241 mm (for ProCash 2350) Shutter 1750045330 Shutter CMD-V4 Rearload mounted 1750054768 Shutter CMD-V4 vertical Frontload 1750053690 Shutter CMD-V4 horizontal Rearload 1750056960 Shutter CMD-V4 horizontal Frontload i With the introduction of the CMD-V4 FRU numbers have been introduced. Overview of individual parts Spare Parts 9-4 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 01750060162 A 01750060162 A Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual I-1 Index B Banknote width 3-14 Bundle reject 2-7 Bundle retract 2-10 C Cash-out cassette 3-8 Cash-out cassettes 2-44 Cassette handling 2-19 Cassette initialization 3-32 CMD controller 2-20 Connectors 2-23 Component control 2-31 Connectors CMD controller 2-23 Controller 2-20 CPU 2-28 D DDU 2-30 Device description 1-5 Device overview 3-1 Dispensing 2-14 Dispensing unit 2-38 E EEPROM 2-35 Environmental conditions 1-17 F Function button 2-28 Function test 3-34 I Initial start-up 4-1 Initialization 3-32, 4-4 J Jumper settings 4-5 L Lithium batteries 1-4 Locking/unlocking handle Blockage 5-22 Low cash sensor 3-13 M Maintenance and service 7-1 Maintenance materials 7-5 Manual (structure) 1-7 O Operation 3-1 Output transport 2-36 horizontal 2-1 Output transport vertical 2-2 Index I-2 Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual 01750060162 A P Photosensor electronics 2-29 Pin assignments 8-1 Power interrupt 1-4 R Reference value 3-32 Reject cassette 2-42, 3-9 Removal/Installation 6-1 Clamp 6-19 CMD controller 6-2 Dispensing units 6-15 Distributor board 6-13 Output transport 6-5 Stacker 6-3 Removal/Installation of Components CMD controller 6-2, 6-15 Ouput transport ProCash 2000xe RL 6-6 Ouput transport ProCash 2100xe RL 6-8 Output transport ProCash 2050xe 6-7 Shutter ProCash 2000xe RL 6-9 Shutter ProCash 2050xe RL 6- 10 Shutter ProCash 2100xe RL 6- 11 Shutter ProCash 2150xe RL 6- 12 Retract cassette 2-42, 3-9 S Safety precautions 1-2 SAT 2-33 Sensors 2-1 Serial interface 2-28 Shutter 2-37 Single reject 2-8 Spare parts 9-1 Stacker 2-33 Start-up 4-1 Status display 2-28 Status displays 5-2 Structure of the manual 1-7 T Technical data 1-9 Troubleshooting 5-1 01750060162 A Cash Media Dispenser Version 4 - Service Manual Notes Published by Wincor Nixdorf International GmbH 33094 Paderborn Germany Printed in Germany Order No.: 01750060162 A 1 GB