Код ошибки рендера 1609629695

Hi, I’m using AME to render my video from After Effects.

I used to get the same error code for the renders (-1609629695) all the time, but all of sudden it was working fine for a few renders.

And now I’m getting the error again.

For different compositions, this has been occuring often, and I couldn’t figure out what is causing this error or find any information about this online.

I’m using AME CC 2018 version 12.1 / After Effects CC 2018 version 15.1.0

Processor Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E3-1505M v5 @ 2.80GHz, 2801 Mhz, 4 Core(s), 8 Logical Processor(s)

Windows Version 10.0.15063 Build 15063

Intel HD graphics P530

NVIDIA Quadro M1000M

and here’s what I get about why my rendering is failing


— Encoding Time: 00:00:41

11/28/2018 04:00:20 PM : Encoding Failed


Export Error

Error compiling movie.

Render Error

Render returned error.

Writing with exporter: H.264

Writing to file: \\?\C:\Users\seungmi_lee\Documents\Personal Project\deliverable-test\asset\WIP\wip_AME\scene-07_1.mp4

Writing file type: H264

Around timecode: 00;00;08;18

Rendering at offset: 4.037 seconds

Component: H.264 of type Exporter

Selector: 9

Error code: -1609629695


If you cannot export from Premiere Pro due to the “GPU Render Error,” keep reading!

The solutions you’re about to learn have worked for thousands of people experiencing this error.

AND, I’ve spent the last week researching this error, so I sincerely hope this article can help you.

GPU render error premiere pro

This GPU Render Error occurs because it’s “Unable to process frame” and belongs to the “Error compiling movie” category, with error code -1609629695.

Here’s a video explaining some of the solutions mentioned below:

1. Reboot Computer

This solution is quite obvious, but it’s not without reason; rebooting your system is known to fix many bugs.

So, it’s worth giving it a shot since it might solve your error.

restart computer to fix gpu render error premiere -1609629695

2. Check Timecode

If you look closely at the information given in the GPU Render error, you can see that there is one line called “Around timecode.”

The timecode gives you information about where in the video the error was triggered when encoding (exporting) it:

check timecode

It’s worth checking if there are any particular elements around the time the error was triggered.

Things that might trigger the error:

  • Effects.
  • Color adjustments.
  • Sound design.
  • Titles/text.
  • Clips that start around the time code.

However, you might not find any of the things mentioned above.

In that case, people have had success removing all clips shown around the timecode, and then adding them to the timeline again:

re-add clips at timecode in error

3. Software Encoding (Quick Fix)

Since this is a GPU-related error, it makes sense that rendering the video using only the CPU would not trigger the error.

This method solves the error for most people; therefore, it’s included pretty early in this article.

However, I recommend testing the other solutions mentioned first, as it’s sad just ignoring an excellent GPU. It will also increase rendering time for hardware-accelerated formats.

You can enable software encoding in two ways, the first is for export and the other is for rendering the sequence.

3.1 Enable Software Encoding for Export

You will find this option in the Export tab, under Encoding Settings, next to Performance.

  • Set it against Software Encoding.
change from hardware encoding to software encoding premiere pro

3.2 Enable Software Encoding for Rendering

Go to File > Project Settings > General, and set Renderer against “…Software Only.”

Here’s what it looks like:

software rendering to fix gpu error

Sometimes, you’ll also have to disable GPU decoding.

To do this, go to Edit > Preferences > Media, uncheck Hardware accelerated decoding, and restart Premiere Pro. 

4. Copy Clips to a New Sequence

This solution seems to have solved the error for many people as well. It’s a method that solves many bugs and issues in general. So, you better remember this one!

Click on File (top left-hand corner), then New > Sequence; alternatively, press the keyboard shortcut “Ctrl/Command + N.”

create new sequence

Then, choose a Sequence Preset that matches your videos’ settings, give the sequence a name, and click on OK.

new sequence settings

Then, in the Timeline Panel (Sequence), you’ll see two tabs (left corner of the timeline panel).

  • Watch the second image below if you can’t find the tabs.

Open the “old” sequence, press the keyboard shortcut “CTRL/Command + A to select the clips, and then press “Ctrl/Command + C” to copy them.

select clips in timeline

Next, open the new tab/sequence, and press the keyboard shortcut “Ctrl/Command + V” to paste the copied clips.

  • NB: You may have to fix the audio levels in the new sequence!
paste clips in new sequence

5. Unplug External Monitor

This solution is quite genius and seems to have solved the GPU render error for a few people!

Simply click the Export button and immediately disconnect any external monitor connected to your computer.

  • This will give your GPU extra power!
Unplug External Monitor1

6. Smart Rendering

The smart rendering feature in Premiere is also reported to have fixed the error.

This feature encodes the video using pre-rendered files, which also speeds up the export times by 20x compared to software encoding.

To do this, click on Sequence (top left-hand corner) and then open Sequence Settings.

Firstly, set Editing Mode against Custom.

Then in the Video Previews section, set Preview File Format to one that supports smart rendering (opens in a new tab), or you can choose QuickTime and one of the ProRes or DNxHx… codecs (these are supported).

Once that is done, click on OK.

Sequence settings

To create the video preview files, click on Sequence > Render In to Out and wait until the rendering is complete.

  • To clear any existing in- and outpoints, go to Markers > Clear In and Out to remove them, and then click on Render In to Out again.
render sequence

The line above the sequence should be colored green once you’ve created the video previews. If it’s yellow, try again!

green line above timeline indicated video previews are created

Now, head over to the Export tab.

Set the Preset against Match sequence preview settings, and under General enable Use Previews.

Then, cross your fingers and click on Export.

smart rendering export settings

7. Delete Video Previews

On the contrary, if you already have created video previews, users have reported that deleting them fixed the rendering error!

To do this, click on Sequence > Delete Render Files.

Then you have two ways to proceed; export using the source files or create new video previews.

  • I recommend trying both if the first way fails.
delete rendered files

8. Export and Import again

Another solution is to check the timecode, and remove things that might cause the error one by one, as described above.

However, this method is different because you will import the file to Premiere again and then apply the effects you removed to the new clip.

BUT, I recommend that you export using lossless video previews if you are editing codecs such as H.264, H.265, etc., to avoid unnecessary compression.

  • I wrote how to create video previews above.

So, check the timecode, remove things that might cause the error one by one, and try Exporting until it works.

  • I am aware this can be time-consuming if you have a long video. In that case, remove all effects, export, and then import and apply them again.
    • I recommend duplicating your sequence, in case this doesn’t work (as I showed you how to do here).
check timecode

Once you’ve rendered the video, import it to Premiere, and add it to a new sequence.

Then, add effects, and try exporting! I recommend starting with a few effects to ensure it works before going all crazy with the editing.

add rendered project to a new sequence

This error belongs to the “Error compiling movie” category, which I’ve written more about here.

I have this issue as well. Using custom LUTs for a project. I’ve tried disabling the LUTs and the issue still arises. At first I only had the issue in AME so was exporting from Premiere, but now I am also getting it from Premiere. Both are updated. When I monitor the export in Task Manager, the GPU is maxing out in the 80-99% level. 

I’ve tried many different things to figure out the issue, only thing that has worked is exporting in pieces and stitching together to reexport. These are only 10-30 min videos. I have some simple effects like luma curve masks, blur, cross fades, some audio denoise effect. That’s it. I’m working with multicam sequences and 1080 proxy files.

The error messages I get are -1609629690 and -1609629695

Here are my computer specs:

CPU Intel Core i7-8700K

GTX 1060 Mini


Windows 10

Here is an example error messages:

 — Encoding Time: 00:10:37

12/10/2020 12:26:32 PM : Encoding Failed


Export Error

Error compiling movie.

Render Error

Render returned error.

Writing with exporter: H.264

Writing to file: \\?\C:\Users\…\…..\…….._CH2.1_RC2_201209.mp4

Writing file type: H264

Around timecode: 00:04:08:20 — 00:04:09:20

Rendering at offset: 249.082 seconds

Component: H.264 of type Exporter

Selector: 9

Error code: -1609629695


 — Encoding Time: 00:00:02

12/12/2020 08:54:10 AM : Encoding Failed


Offline media was encoded using proxies.

Missing Asset: A001_11221357_C003_……braw

Missing Asset: B001_11221357_C003_…..braw

Export Error

Error compiling movie.

GPU Render Error

Unable to process frame.

Writing with exporter: H.264

Writing to file: \\?\A:\………..\……._CH2.2_RC2_201211.mp4

Writing file type: H264

Around timecode: 00:00:00:08 — 00:00:01:01

Rendering effect: AE.ADBE Opacity

Rendering at offset: 0.000 seconds

Component: EffectFilter of type GPUVideoFilter

Selector: 9

Error code: -1609629695


 — Encoding Time: 00:02:03

12/12/2020 08:56:31 AM : Encoding Failed


Offline media was encoded using proxies.

Missing Asset: A001_11221357_C003_MICROHZ.braw

Missing Asset: B001_11221357_C003_MICROHZ.braw

Export Error

Error compiling movie.

Accelerated Renderer Error

Unable to produce frame.

Writing with exporter: H.264

Writing to file: \\?\A:\……_RC2_201211.mp4

Writing file type: H264

Around timecode: 00:00:17:02 — 00:00:18:02

Rendering at offset: 17.100 seconds

Component: H.264 of type Exporter

Selector: 9

Error code: -1609629690

This article worked out by MiniTool Software mainly discusses the definition, causes, as well as solutions for Media Encoder error code -1609629695. It also involves the solutions for other similar or related issues related to other Adobe apps like Premiere Pro.

Adobe Media Encoder (AME) is a video/audio processing app that enables users to convert media files from one format into other types of files. Usually, it is used in conjunction with other Adobe apps like After Effects, Premiere Pro, Audition, Prelude, and Character Animator. Media Encoder saves much time for those programs for media encoding and it allows users to continue working on projects while media versions are being encoded.

However, you may encounter some problems while using Adobe Media Encoder. Here are some examples:

  • AMT subsystem error Media Encoder.
  • Adobe Media Encoder has encountered an unexpected error and cannot continue.
  • Error retrieving frame Media Encoder.
  • Adobe Media Encoder CS4 error 1603.
  • Adobe error code –

Sometimes, Adobe Media Encoder may not work with an error code 1609629695. Then, how to deal with that problem? Just follow the below solutions!

Sometimes, you may receive this error or a similar one:

Error compiling movie.

Accelerated Renderer Error

Unable to produce frame.

Writing with explorter: MPEG

Writing to file: xxx

Writing file type: MPEG

Around timecode: 00:05:49:58 – 00:06:01:32

Rendering at offset: xxx.xxx seconds

Component: MPEG of type Exporter

Selector: 9

Error code: –1609629695

The possible solutions are below.

#1 Restart Adobe Apps or PC and Try Again

First of all, the most direct and easiest way is to do it again, no matter which operation you are processing. Sometimes, you can close and reopen the Adobe applications and try once more. Or, you may need to reboot your computer, re-launch Adobe tools, and retry.

#2 Update/Reinstall Adobe Software

If restarting and retrying don’t help, you may need to update your Adobe programs to their latest versions since the error may be caused by the bugs in the old editions. Or, you can completely reinstall the apps to exclude the cause of wrong installation or installation files missing/damaged.


Yet, for some situations, you may need to downgrade your app version since the error may be caused by a bug in the new version.

Other Possible Solutions

The following are some tricks that may also help to solve the Adobe Media Encoder error compiling movie unknown error.

  • Remove nested sequences.
  • Cut out effects.
  • Import sequences into new projects.
  • Change the name of your sequences to avoid special characters.
  • Don’t change the export destination address’s folder name during the process. If you do, you can “Save as” to another location.
  • Clear Adobe app cache or system cache.

Fix “Component: H.264 of Type Exporter Selector: 9 Error Code: -1609629695”

Another problem you may encounter while using Adobe Media Encoder is “Encoding Failed Component: H.264 of type Exporter Selector: 9 Error Code: 3”. The following is an example of the error log.

Export Error
Error compiling movie.

Export Error

Error completing render.

Writing with exporter: H.264
Writing to file: \?D:Premier Pro Exports20201012-wed-gib-wedding-MA.mp4
Writing file type: H264
Around timecode: 00:12:40:14 – 00:12:40:15
Component: H.264 of type Exporter
Selector: 9
Error code: 3

The solution for this kind of issue is to change hardware encoding to software encoding. The guide is as below.

  1. Go to the Export Settings of the target video.
  2. Move to the Video tab in the lower right section in the Export Settings window.
  3. Scroll down to the Encoding Settings For the Performance option, change Hardware Encoding to Software Encoding.
  4. Click the Export button below to save the change and start encoding the target media file.

set software encoding to performance in Adobe Media Encoder

While using Adobe Media Encoder with Adobe Premiere Pro app, you may encounter error code 3 Media Encoder or similar problems. They are most likely to happen when you try to render a video in H.264 format and Premiere Pro’s settings haven’t been configured.

  • The graphics card doesn’t meet the necessary specifications like low VRAM.
  • The system is incompatible with Premiere Pro such as mismatched GPU drivers.

For such kinds of issues, you can deal with them with one of the below fixes.

#1 Change to Software Only Encoding

To alter the encoding mode from hardware to software will bypass GPU. Thus, the video rendering and exporting procedure happens without a graphics card. Yet, software encoding will make the editing process lengthier. Anyhow, the steps to change from hardware encoding to software encoding have been stated in the above content: Video > Encoding Settings > Performance > choose Software Encoding > OK > restart Premiere Pro.

#2 Reinstall GPU Driver Update

Generally, just update all Windows drivers including the graphics card driver to Premiere Pro compatible version in Device Manager.

#3 Maximize GPU Power

Also, you can try to fix Media Encoder error code 3 by setting the graphics card’s power management to the maximum number. You can rely on NVIDIA Control Panel or AMD Radeon Software. The following takes Nvidia Control Panel for example to show you how to set up the GPU power management.

  1. Right-click on the blank area on your desktop and select Show More Options.
  2. Then, choose NVIDIA Control Panel in the context menu.
  3. Select Manage 3D Settings.
  4. Find Power Management Mode under settings and set it to prefer maximum performance in the drop-down menu.

#4 Update Adobe Premiere Pro App

If you are using an old version of Premiere Pro, especially a very old one, you should update it to the latest version to try to handle error code 3. You can simply check for updates within the program, and it will automatically detect, download, and install the updates on your computer. A restart may be required.

#5 Close Adobe Creative Cloud Service

If you are running Adobe Creative Cloud in the background, it may cause the Adobe Media Encoder error code 3 problem. So, you just need to end all the services of Creative Cloud to resolve the error. Just do it in Task Manager!

Fix Premiere Pro Error Code -1609629695

Are you unable to export or render the Premiere Pro project? Are your app freeze, hang, or become unresponsive while exporting or rendering a project? If so, you can try to fix it with these methods.

1. Check the current and popular problems that may result in Adobe Premiere error code 1609629695.

2. Update to the newest version of Premiere Pro.

3. Force close and restart Premiere or reboot the operating system.

4. Check for the system compatibility report for the causes. If there is a driver issue, just update or reinstall the corresponding drivers with a driver update tool. Or, vice versa, you may need to roll back your drivers if you recently updated them.

5. Remove any punctuation marks in the media, the project file, or the output file name.

6. Ensure that you have enough free storage space on your computer.

7. Try to export to another location on your PC.

8. Export your project to a different file format.

9. Disable hardware accelerated decoding if you are exporting to H.264 or HEVC.

10. If you are not exporting to H.264, go to File > Project Settings > General, and select Mercury Playback Engine Software Only in the Video Rendering and Playback However, enabling the Mercury Playback Engine Software Only option may slow down the rendering speed.

choose Mercury Playback Engine Software Only

11. If you are using a custom export preset, just restore to one of the default built-in output presets.

select one in-house export preset

12. Select Queue to open Media Encoder to export your project using Adobe Media Encoder.

13. If you are using a third-party transition or plugin, remove that temporarily from the project and try to export again.

Fix AME Error Code: -1609629695 Using Its Alternative

If unfortunately, none of the above solutions manage to solve your problem, you can try one of Adobe Media Encoder’s alternatives if you simply want to convert an audio/video file from one file format to another. Among the replacements for AME, MiniTool Video Converter is recommended for these reasons:

  • Support 1000+ popular output formats.
  • Support batch conversion.
  • Quickly convert video & audio without a time limit.
  • Record Windows screen without watermark.
  • Download YouTube videos, audio, and subtitles without ads or bundles.
  • Completely free.

MiniTool Video ConverterClick to Download100%Clean & Safe

MiniTool Video Converter

If you additionally need to edit your videos, there is also a counterpart for Adobe Premiere Pro – MiniTool MovieMaker, an easy-to-use and free video editing software without watermarks. The embedded templates enable you to quickly make personal slideshows and share them with your friends!

MiniTool MovieMakerClick to Download100%Clean & Safe

To Wrap Things Up

Until now, have you got the Adobe Media Encoder error code: -1609629695 solved? Hope the answer is yes. If not, the last resort you can try is to search online for more solutions or post in proper forums to ask for help from professionals. Or, you need to contact the support service of Adobe to deal with your issue. Good luck!

Related Articles

  • Adobe Media Encoder Not Activated & How to Get It for Free?
  • 5 Ways to Fix Adobe Media Encoder Crashes When Rendering
  • [Solved] How to Fix “Adobe Media Encoder Is Not Installed”?
  • Fix “Adobe Media Encoder Could Not Write XMP Data in Output File”
  • Microsoft Expression Encoder: A Comprehensive Tool for Video Encoding and Screen Capture

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Сообщения: 3
Зарегистрирован: 01 июл 2019, 14:21

Ошибка при рендере -1609629695

Доброго времени суток!

Столкнулся на днях с такой проблемой, что при рендере как через энкодер, так и через ае выдаёт ошибку (-1609629695). Пробовал разные кодеки, разное разрешение, менял названия папок и файлов без кириллицы, менял место сохранения на рабочий стол и другие диски, пробовал переустанавливать QuickTime 2 раза и чистить кэш с реестром, пробовал даже видео драйвера, директ и ещё пару обновить (видимо от отчаиния), но ничего не помогает. Уже устал гуглить, потратил 3 дня и всё бестолку.. Что странно, на прошлой неделе рендерил видео и всё было в порядке, после того момента ни каких манипуляций с софтом не производилось, новые плагины и драйвера не ставил.

Не помню как, но при очередном неудачном рендере сохранился файл с логом

— Encoding Time: 00:06:08
06/27/2019 07:16:46 PM : Encoding Failed
Export Error
Error compiling movie.

Accelerated Renderer Error

Unable to produce frame.

Writing with exporter: H.264
Writing to file: \\?\C:\Users\baimy\OneDrive\Desktop\Untitled Project_AME\Comp 1.mp4
Writing file type: H264
Around timecode: 00:00:33:35
Rendering at offset: 33.400 seconds
Component: H.264 of type Exporter
Selector: 9
Error code: -1609629695

— Encoding Time: 00:06:56
06/28/2019 10:32:55 AM : Encoding Failed
Export Error
Error compiling movie.

Accelerated Renderer Error

Unable to produce frame.

Writing with exporter: H.264
Writing to file: \\?\C:\Users\baimy\OneDrive\Desktop\Untitled Project_AME\Comp 1.mp4
Writing file type: H264
Around timecode: 00:00:33:35
Rendering at offset: 33.400 seconds
Component: H.264 of type Exporter
Selector: 9
Error code: -1609629695


и скриншотик с энкодера


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Контактная информация:

Сообщение #2 aeplug » 01 июл 2019, 18:42

Ну значит дело в проекте, может памяти не хватает.

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Сообщения: 2802
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Контактная информация:

Сообщение #4 aeplug » 01 июл 2019, 21:54

Обычной, надо смотреть забивается она или нет. Попробуй программу Process Hacker, понаблюдай что происходит на графиках.
А вообьще кто ж тебе скажет? Какой-то тяжелый плагин наверно отказывается.

Не надо никаких разных. Надо проверять на AVI без сжатия.

Отправлено спустя 4 минуты 47 секунд:
Around timecode: 00:00:33:35
что у тебя там? он меняется или каждый раз в одном месте?

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Сообщения: 3
Зарегистрирован: 01 июл 2019, 14:21

Сообщение #5 baimyr » 01 июл 2019, 23:24

Помониторил, всё как мне кажется ровно, во всяком случае всё так же как и при прошлом рендере который прошёл успешно.

Рендерю с таким пресетом


, в AVI тоже пробовал не получалось.

Around timecode: 00:00:33:35 да, всё время в этом месте, там ключей, переходов между слоями нету, в этом моменте 1 дорожка идёт.

Сейчас ещё попробовал повыключать плагины и зарендерить, результата не дало. Однако если создать новый проект и рендерить какой нибудь совершенно другое видео/картинку не относящуюся к рабочему проекту, то всё получается…

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Контактная информация:

Сообщение #6 aeplug » 01 июл 2019, 23:40

но что то же там делается

ну удали ее, может она бракованная (исходник)

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