Код ошибки программы почта windows live 0x800ccc0f

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  • 5 Ways to Fix Windows Live Mail Error ID 0x800ccc0f

By Tina |
Last Updated

What causes the error 0x800ccc0f? How to fix Windows Live Mail Error ID 0x800ccc0f? This post from MiniTool will walk you through how to fix the Outlook error 0x800ccc0f. In addition, you can also visit MiniTool to find more Windows tips and solutions.

You may encounter the error code 0x800ccc0f on Windows Live Mail or Windows Mail. The error message is shown in the following picture:

error code 0x800ccc0f

This Windows Live Mail Error ID 0x800ccc0f may be caused by the incorrect POP settings, Windows Mail or Windows Live Mail bug, Firewall or antivirus program blocking a port used by the email client or other reasons.

However, if you are still struggling with the Windows Live Mail Error ID 0x800ccc0f, you come to the right place. This post will show you how to fix the error code 0x800ccc0f. So, just keep on your reading.

Solution 1. Enable Server Authentication from Account Properties

Some users reported that they had fixed the Windows Live Mail Error ID 0x800ccc0f by enabling Server authentication from account properties. So, if you have come across the same issue, you can try this way. 

Now, here is the tutorial.

  1. Press Windows key and I key together to open Settings.
  2. In the pop-up window, choose Account.
  3. Then choose Properties to continue.
  4. Once you entered the Properties page, go to the Servers tab.
  5. Then check the option My server requires authentication.
  6. After that, click Apply to confirm the changes.

 After all steps are finished, reboot your computer and check whether the error code 0x800ccc0f is solved.

If this solution is not effective, try other solutions.

Solution 2. Disable Antivirus Program or Firewall

As we have mentioned in the above part, the Windows Live Mail Error ID 0x800ccc0f may be caused by Firewall or antivirus software blocking a port used by email account. So, in order to fix the Outlook error 0x800ccc0f, you can choose to disable antivirus software or Firewall.

If you installed Avast on your computer, you can read the post Multiple Ways to Disable Avast for PC and Mac Temporarily/Completely to disable it.

After that, reboot your computer and check whether the error code 0x800ccc0f is solved.

Solution 3. Reinstall Windows Live Essentials

In order to fix the error code 0x800ccc0f, you can choose to reinstall or repair Windows Live Essentials. 

Now, here is the tutorial.

  1. Press Windows key and R key together to open Run dialog.
  2. In the pop-up window, type the appwiz.cpl in the box and click OK to continue.
  3. In the pop-up window, select Windows Live Essentials and right-click it.
  4. After that, choose Uninstall to continue.

Next, reinstall Windows Live Essential and check whether the error Windows Live Mail Error ID 0x800ccc0f is solved.

Related article: How to Fix the “There Is No Email Program Associated” Error

Solution 4. Reduce the Number of Recipients

Depending on the email provider, the error code 0x800ccc0f may be caused because the email Server that surpasses a certain number of recipients for one email.

Therefore, if you come across this Windows Live Mail Error ID 0x800ccc0f, you can choose to reduce the number of recipients.

After that, reboot your computer and check whether the error code 0x800ccc0f is solved.

Solution 5. Change the Mail Sending Format from HTML to Plain Text

If you come across the Outlook error 0x800ccc0f, you can try to change the mail format sending format from HTML to Plain Text.

Now, here is the tutorial.

  1. Open Windows Live Mail.
  2. Then go to Tools > Options > Send.
  3. Then change Mail Sending Format from HTML to Plain text.
  4. Then click Save to confirm the changes.

After all steps are finished, reboot your computer and check whether the Windows Live Mail Error ID 0x800ccc0f is solved.

Final Words

To sum up, this post has introduced 5 ways to fix this Windows Live Mail Error ID 0x800ccc0f. If you come across the same error, you can try these solutions. If you have any better solution to fix this error, you can share it in the comment zone.

About The Author

Position: Columnist

Tina is a technology enthusiast and joined MiniTool in 2018. As an editor of MiniTool, she is keeping on sharing computer tips and providing reliable solutions, especially specializing in Windows and files backup and restore. Besides, she is expanding her knowledge and skills in data recovery, disk space optimizations, etc. On her spare time, Tina likes to watch movies, go shopping or chat with friends and enjoy her life.

Последнее обновление: 5 октября 2022 г.


Outlook прекращает подключение к почтовому серверу. Могут возникать такие ошибки:

«Подключение к серверу прервано».

Задача «Имя пользователя — получение» сообщила об ошибке (0x800CCC0F): «Подключение к серверу прервано. Если эта проблема не исчезнет, обратитесь к администратору сервера или поставщику услуг Интернета.»

Снимок экрана: вкладка "Ошибки" окна "Параметры тестовой учетной записи" — POP3

«Сервер неожиданно завершил подключение.  Возможные причины: проблемы с сервером, проблемы с сетью или длительный период бездействия».

Снимок экрана: вкладка "Ошибки" окна "Параметры тестовой учетной записи" — IMAP


После изучения этого далее мы видим два обходных пути для устранения следующих ошибок:

Решение No 1. Если вы получаете ошибки из приведенного выше раздела, это может указывать на проблему с паролем приложения.  Это может произойти на Windows 10 или Windows 11.  Чтобы исправить пароль приложения, войдите в веб-адрес электронной почты поставщика услуг электронной почты IMAP и перейдите в раздел «Сведения об учетной записи >безопасность » и создайте новый пароль приложения. 

Чтобы исправить пароль приложения в учетной записи электронной почты в Outlook, выполните следующие действия.

  1. В Outlook выберите «Файл», в разделе «Сведения об учетной записи» щелкните раскрывающийся список и выберите учетную запись IMAP с указанными выше ошибками.

  2. Выберите параметры учетной записи > параметров сервера.

  3. В разделе «Параметры учетной записи IMAP» вставьте новый пароль приложения в поле «Пароль».

  4. Нажмите кнопку Далее, затем Готово.

Обходной путь No 2. Мы протестированные далее и обнаружили, что TLS 1.3 может вызвать ошибки выше, если вы используете Windows 10.  Наше тестирование обнаружило, Windows 11 TLS 1.3 должен нормально работать с Outlook.  Если вы используете Windows 10, выполните приведенные ниже действия, чтобы отключить TLS 1.3 для устранения ошибок, описанных в приведенной выше статье.

Эта проблема может возникнуть, если компьютер был обновлен до настройки TLS 1.3.  Чтобы обойти эту проблему, удалите параметры TLS 1.3, выполнив следующие действия:

  1. Нажмите кнопку «Пуск», найдите Regedit и откройте приложение.

  2. Перейдите по этому пути в реестре:


  1. Проверьте, отображается ли TLS 1.3 в разделе «Протоколы».  В этом случае щелкните правой кнопкой мыши «Протоколы» и выберите команду «Экспорт», чтобы сохранить экспорт конфигурации в реестре, если по какой-либо причине потребуется отменить возврат.

  2. Если в разделе «Протоколы» отображается TLS 1.3, удалите этот ключ и его вложенные ключи.

  3. Перезапустите Outlook.  Если синхронизация по-прежнему не работает, перезапустите Windows.

После внесения изменений реестр должен выглядеть примерно так, как показано ниже, без ключей TLS 1.3.

Снимок экрана: окно редактора реестра с папкой "Протоколы"

Дополнительные ресурсы

Exchange Server TLS, часть 2. Включение TLS 1.2 и идентификация клиентов, не использующих его, — Microsoft Tech Community

Комплекты шифров в TLS/SSL (Schannel SSP) — приложения Win32 | Microsoft Learn

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Icon Ex Номер ошибки: Ошибка 0x800CCC0F
Название ошибки: Windows Live Mail Error 0X800CCC0F
Описание ошибки: Connection closed. POP3_NEED_STAT.
Разработчик: Microsoft Corporation
Программное обеспечение: Windows Live Mail
Относится к: Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10, 11

Описание «Windows Live Mail Error 0X800CCC0F»

Люди часто предпочитают ссылаться на «Windows Live Mail Error 0X800CCC0F» как на «ошибку времени выполнения», также известную как программная ошибка. Разработчики программного обеспечения пытаются обеспечить, чтобы программное обеспечение было свободным от этих сбоев, пока оно не будет публично выпущено. К сожалению, многие ошибки могут быть пропущены, что приводит к проблемам, таким как те, с ошибкой 0x800CCC0F.

Пользователи Windows Live Mail могут столкнуться с ошибкой 0x800CCC0F, вызванной нормальным использованием приложения, которое также может читать как «Connection closed. POP3_NEED_STAT.». Когда это происходит, конечные пользователи программного обеспечения могут сообщить Microsoft Corporation о существовании ошибки 0x800CCC0F ошибок. Затем Microsoft Corporation исправляет эти дефектные записи кода и сделает обновление доступным для загрузки. Чтобы исправить любые документированные ошибки (например, ошибку 0x800CCC0F) в системе, разработчик может использовать комплект обновления Windows Live Mail.

Почему происходит ошибка времени выполнения 0x800CCC0F?

Ошибки выполнения при запуске Windows Live Mail — это когда вы, скорее всего, столкнетесь с «Windows Live Mail Error 0X800CCC0F». Мы рассмотрим основные причины ошибки 0x800CCC0F ошибок:

Ошибка 0x800CCC0F Crash — Ошибка 0x800CCC0F может привести к полному замораживанию программы, что не позволяет вам что-либо делать. Если Windows Live Mail не может обработать данный ввод, или он не может получить требуемый вывод, это обычно происходит.

Утечка памяти «Windows Live Mail Error 0X800CCC0F» — если есть утечка памяти в Windows Live Mail, это может привести к тому, что ОС будет выглядеть вялой. Возможные причины из-за отказа Microsoft Corporation девыделения памяти в программе или когда плохой код выполняет «бесконечный цикл».

Ошибка 0x800CCC0F Logic Error — логическая ошибка возникает, когда Windows Live Mail производит неправильный вывод из правильного ввода. Это связано с ошибками в исходном коде Microsoft Corporation, обрабатывающих ввод неправильно.

В большинстве случаев проблемы с файлами Windows Live Mail Error 0X800CCC0F связаны с отсутствием или повреждением файла связанного Windows Live Mail вредоносным ПО или вирусом. В большинстве случаев скачивание и замена файла Microsoft Corporation позволяет решить проблему. Помимо прочего, в качестве общей меры по профилактике и очистке мы рекомендуем использовать очиститель реестра для очистки любых недопустимых записей файлов, расширений файлов Microsoft Corporation или разделов реестра, что позволит предотвратить появление связанных с ними сообщений об ошибках.

Ошибки Windows Live Mail Error 0X800CCC0F

Эти проблемы Windows Live Mail, связанные с Windows Live Mail Error 0X800CCC0F, включают в себя:

  • «Ошибка приложения Windows Live Mail Error 0X800CCC0F.»
  • «Windows Live Mail Error 0X800CCC0F не является приложением Win32.»
  • «Возникла ошибка в приложении Windows Live Mail Error 0X800CCC0F. Приложение будет закрыто. Приносим извинения за неудобства.»
  • «Не удается найти Windows Live Mail Error 0X800CCC0F»
  • «Windows Live Mail Error 0X800CCC0F не может быть найден. «
  • «Ошибка запуска программы: Windows Live Mail Error 0X800CCC0F.»
  • «Файл Windows Live Mail Error 0X800CCC0F не запущен.»
  • «Windows Live Mail Error 0X800CCC0F остановлен. «
  • «Ошибка в пути к программному обеспечению: Windows Live Mail Error 0X800CCC0F. «

Эти сообщения об ошибках Microsoft Corporation могут появляться во время установки программы, в то время как программа, связанная с Windows Live Mail Error 0X800CCC0F (например, Windows Live Mail) работает, во время запуска или завершения работы Windows, или даже во время установки операционной системы Windows. При появлении ошибки Windows Live Mail Error 0X800CCC0F запишите вхождения для устранения неполадок Windows Live Mail и чтобы HelpMicrosoft Corporation найти причину.

Создатели Windows Live Mail Error 0X800CCC0F Трудности

Большинство проблем Windows Live Mail Error 0X800CCC0F связаны с отсутствующим или поврежденным Windows Live Mail Error 0X800CCC0F, вирусной инфекцией или недействительными записями реестра Windows, связанными с Windows Live Mail.

В основном, осложнения Windows Live Mail Error 0X800CCC0F связаны с:

  • Недопустимые разделы реестра Windows Live Mail Error 0X800CCC0F/повреждены.
  • Загрязненный вирусом и поврежденный Windows Live Mail Error 0X800CCC0F.
  • Windows Live Mail Error 0X800CCC0F ошибочно удален или злонамеренно программным обеспечением, не связанным с приложением Windows Live Mail.
  • Другая программа находится в конфликте с Windows Live Mail и его общими файлами ссылок.
  • Поврежденная установка или загрузка Windows Live Mail (Windows Live Mail Error 0X800CCC0F).

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  • 1. Change the Ports
  • 2. Temporarily Disable Your Third-Party Antivirus Solution
  • 3. Scan Your PC for Malware
  • 4. Uninstall and Reinstall Windows Live Mail
  • 5. Troubleshoot Your Network Problems
  • 6. Re-install Your Network Adapter Driver
  • 7. Update the Network Adapter Driver
  • 8.Try Using Windows Live Mail in Another Windows Account
  • 9. Open Your Windows Live Mail Account on Another PC
  • 10. Fix Your Registry

Fixing Windows Live Mail Error ID 0x800CCC0F

‘All stable processes we shall predict.
All unstable processes we shall control.’

John von Neumann

These days loyalty is also about staying true to your favourite software. For example, although Windows Live Mail is in fact discontinued, a lot of Microsoft customers still stick to it. And if you and the freeware client in question go back a long way, we do rejoice over your happy relationship. That is why we do not want Windows Live Mail Error ID 0x800ccc0f to cast a shadow on it. In that light, let’s deal with this issue straightaway.

So, you get the following error message: ‘Unable to send or receive messages for the [your account name]. Your server has unexpectedly terminated the connection. Possible causes for this include server problems, network problems, or a long period of inactivity.’ In fact, this problem can be brought about by a variety of factors, so we recommend you to try each of the solutions below in order to address all of its possible causes.

Here are our top 10 tips on how to fix Windows Live Mail Error ID 0x800ccc0f:

1. Change the Ports

The first fix in line involves tweaking your port settings. To begin with, try changing your port to 995. Make sure SSL is ticked. Besides, set your port for outgoing mail to 465 and enable SSL as well. Now check if your issue has been resolved.

2. Temporarily Disable Your Third-Party Antivirus Solution

Second, you should turn off your third-party antivirus, as it might be in conflict with your Windows Live Mail client. If this manipulation has fixed your problem, you should report the issue to your manufacturer or switch to another antivirus solution.

3. Scan Your PC for Malware

If disabling your non-Microsoft antivirus program has been to no avail, use it to run a full scan of your system.

You can also use Windows Defender for this purpose:

In Win 10:

  1. Start -> Settings -> Update & Security
  2. Windows Defender -> Open Windows Defender -> Full

Windows Defender comes as part of your OS and keeps it safe

In Win 8/8.1:

  1. Start menu – > Type ‘Windows Defender’ into the Search box-> Windows Defender
  2. Update -> Home -> Scan Options -> Full -> Scan now

In Win 7:

Start -> Type ‘Defender’ into the Search box -> Windows Defender -> Scan

Note: Keep in mind that neither Windows Defender nor your third-party antivirus can purge your system of all the hostile enemies – there is always a risk of some treacherous intruder laying low. In this regard, we strongly advise you to use a special program such as Auslogics Anti-Malware to make sure your PC is rid of all traces of infection.

Scan your system to make sure there is no malware lurking around

4. Uninstall and Reinstall Windows Live Mail

This manoeuvre has reportedly helped many users who encountered Windows Live Mail Error ID 800ccc0f. Here is how to perform it:

  1. Open your Start Menu -> Open Control Panel -> Programs
  2. Programs and Features -> Locate Windows Live Mail -> Uninstall it

Then install it again and see if you can receive and send messages via it now.

5. Troubleshoot Your Network Problems

If Windows Live Mail Error ID 800ccc0f persists despite all your efforts, you might be having network issues.
Here is how you can resolve them, using the built-in Windows features:

In Windows 7:

  1. Start -> Control Panel -> Network and Internet
  2. Network and Sharing Center -> Fix a Network Problem
  3. You will enter the Troubleshooting guide for the network -> Use its prompts to fix your issues

In Windows 8/8.1:

  1. Start -> Control Panel -> Network and Internet -> View network status and tasks
  2. Troubleshoot problems -> This will open The Network and Internet Troubleshooter -> Work your way through it to resolve your problem

In Windows 10:

  1. Press Windows logo key and S on your keyboard to open the Search box -> Type ‘Network troubleshooter’ (without quotes) into it
  2. Select ‘Identify and repair network problems’ from the list of available options
  3. Follow the on-screen prompts in the troubleshooter

6. Re-install Your Network Adapter Driver

Persisting Windows Live Mail Error ID 0x800ccc0f might mean your network adapter driver has seriously malfunctioned. In a situation like this, you should make use of Device Manager. Here is how to do that:

In Windows 10:

  1. Win + X -> Device Manager
  2. Locate your network adapter -> Right-tap on it -> Uninstall

In Windows 8/8.1:

  1. Right-tap on your Windows logo icon -> You will enter the Quick Access menu
  2. Select Device Manager from the list of options -> Select your network adapter -> Right-click on it -> Uninstall

In Windows 7:

  1. Start -> Computer -> Right-click on it -> Manage -> You will enter the Computer Management screen
  2. Device Manager -> Right-click on your network device -> Uninstall

After uninstalling your network adapter, restart your PC. Your OS will reinstall your driver automatically. If not, download its new version from the manufacturer’s website and install it on your computer.

7. Update the Network Adapter Driver

No luck so far? Then it’s time to search for newer driver software. Open your Device Manager (see the previous tip for the necessary instructions), select your network adapter driver from the list of your devices, and choose the Update Driver Software option. If Device Manager has failed to do the job, you should take the matter into your own hands: search the Internet for the version your need. By the way, you can always employ Auslogics Driver Updater to update all your drivers in just one click.

Fix all your driver issues with just one click

8.Try Using Windows Live Mail in Another Windows Account

Persisting Windows Live Mail Error might mean your current Windows account is having issues. Just switch to another one and try running the mail agent in question. If it works well, consider sticking to this new account.

9. Open Your Windows Live Mail Account on Another PC

The sad thing is, the root of the problem might lay in your computer. If your Windows Live Mail account works well on another PC, you should run a complete checkup of your system – it might be suffering from non-optimal settings, accumulated junk or some other performance-spoiling issues. Auslogics BoostSpeed can give you a helping a hand in this regard: this tool will optimize your Windows and help your apps and programs run smoothly.

10. Fix Your Registry

If none of the methods above has helped you, your registry might have gone haywire. It may contain invalid keys or corrupt entries that are to blame for messing up your system and causing the annoying Windows Live Mail Error ID 0x800ccc0f. In such a case, to fix your registry and get rid of your mail client problem, you can use 100 % free Auslogics Registry Cleaner.

Repair your registry with Auslogics Registry Cleaner

We hope your Windows Live Mail client is well again.

Do you have any ideas or questions regarding this issue?

We are looking forward to your comments!

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Some users have been reported receiving the Windows Live Mail Error ID: 0x800ccc0f error on Windows Mail and Windows Live Mail. On broad terms, the Windows Live Mail Error ID: 0x800CCC0F error can be broken into three main causes:

  • Incorrect POP settings – most of the time, it’s caused by an incorrect SLL or SMTP setting.
  • Windows Mail or Windows Live Mail bug – both email clients are plagued by a bug that prohibits the sending of messages with the 0x800CCC0F error.
  • Firewall or antivirus firewall is blocking a port used by email client – This is solely caused by 3rd party antivirus suites and firewalls. The Windows built-in firewall is configured to allow the port through if not configured manually to block it.

The error code is accompanied by the following message:

The connection to the server was interrupted. If the problem continues, contact your server administrator or Internet service provider (ISP).

If you’re currently struggling with the Windows Live Mail Error ID: 0x800CCC0F issue, we might be able to help. After some investigations, we managed to identify a collection of methods that have helped users in a similar situation to solve this particular problem. Please follow each potential fix in order until you encounter a fix that resolves the issue. Let’s begin!


In order to avoid jumping through unnecessary hoops, let’s eliminate a few simple triggers that might be causing the Windows Live Mail Error ID: 0x800CCC0F issue. Here’s a quick rundown of simple fixes to try before we get to the advanced stuff:

  • Make sure you don’t have that many in your Inbox – A lot of users have reported fixing this problem after clearing or archiving a large portion of their emails. If you have a lot of emails (over 5000), delete/archive them restart the email client to see if the issue has been resolved.
  • Sign out and reinsert the login credentials – Windows Live Mail has a known bug that causes some messages to fail to send with the Windows Live Mail Error ID: 0x800CCC0F error. Try signing out of your email temporarily an then sign in again. If this is caused by a bug, doing this will automatically resolve the issue.
  • Re-check password and ports – Reinsert your user credentials (email & password) and verify if the outgoing & incoming ports are configured correctly. If you use the default ports, there’s a chance that your email was not configured correctly. Depending on your email provider, search online for the correct manual settings and apply them in Windows Mail or Windows Live Mail.

Real User Scenario:

My client was using GoDaddy’s Hosted Email with the following settings.

pop.secureserver.net port: 110 without SSL

smtpout.secureserver.net port: 80 without SSL

With these settings his e-mail worked fine and he was able to send and receive plain emails without problems. However, once he attached any PDF file to his e-mail the e-mails stopped working and produced error “Sending reported error (0x800CCC0F). The connection to the server was interrupted. If this problem continues contact your ISP.”

If you are having the same issue as him then check if your settings are same as him. 110 for POP3 and 80 for SMTP. If yes, then this is what the problem is. 80 is an HTTP port and GoDaddy does not allow transmission of PDF files over 80 therefore what you will need to do is change the settings.

Correct Settings:

The correct settings for GoDaddy SecureServer E-mail are:

Incoming (POP3) pop.secureserver.net port: 995 SSL
Outgoing (SMTP) smtpout.secureserver.net port: 465 SSL

With these settings you will have no problems sending any e-mail with any type of attachments. Modify the settings in your Outlook by Opening Account Properties and getting into the Advanced Tab.

If your issue is not resolved by this then you may want to have a look at the Microsoft’s  KB Articl 813514  which lists reasons and fixes to this issue.

Method 1: Enable Server authentication from Account Properties

Some users that had encountered this issue with Windows Mail have managed to fix the issue by tweaking one single setting. The Windows Live Mail Error ID: 0x800ccc0f error is sometimes caused because the email client isn’t aware that the server of your email requires authentication.

To rectify this, go to Settings > Accounts > Properties. Once you gain entry to the Properties page, go to the Servers tab, check the box associated with My server requires authentication and hit Apply to save your changes.

If this method hasn’t helped or it wasn’t applicable, move down to Method 2. 

Method 2: Disable external antivirus suite

During the installation of certain antivirus software, some of the default Windows listening ports for POP and SMTP are modified. This might make your 3rd party antivirus software to intercept Windows Mail or Windows Live Mail POP & SMTP ports and prevent the email client from sending or receiving emails. Avast is notorious for blocking ports used by Windows Live Mail.

Note: If you don’t use an external antivirus or firewall suite, move directly to Method 3.

If you’re encountering the Windows Live Mail Error ID: 0x800ccc0f error in Windows Mail or Window Live Mail, make sure the issue is not caused by an external antivirus suite or firewall. You can verify this theory by temporarily disable the real-time protection on your 3rd party antivirus. After you disable it, open the email client again and see if you’re able to send or receive emails.

If you can receive emails while your external antivirus is disabled, you’ve just managed to identify the culprit. At this point, you can either look for another 3rd party security suite or use the built-in solution (Windows Defender).

Note: Some external security suites are configured to be prevented from scanning your email connections. Look through your external antivirus settings and see if you can find an option that disables this security feat. If your 3rd party antivirus suite has a setting like this, you will be able to resolve the Windows Live Mail Error ID: 0x800CCC0F issue while getting to keep your external security solution.

If disabling the external antivirus (firewall) doesn’t make a difference, you can re-enable it back as it has nothing to do with the Windows Live Mail Error ID: 0x800CCC0F issue. In this case, move down to Method 3.

Method 3: Reinstall / Repair Windows Live Essentials

Some users have successfully resolved the Windows Live Mail Error ID: 0x800ccc0f error after repairing the whole suite of Windows Live programs. Here’s a quick guide to repairing Windows Live Mail:

  1. Press Windows key + R to open up a Run command. Type “appwiz.cpl” and hit Enter to open Programs and Features.
  2. In Programs and Features, scroll down through the list, right-click on Windows Live Essentials and choose Uninstall/Change.
  3. Click on Repair all Windows Live programs and wait for the components to be reinitiated.
  4. Once the process is complete, reboot your computer and see if the Windows Live Mail Error ID: 0x800ccc0f issue has been resolved.

If this didn’t enable you to resolve the Windows Live Mail Error ID: 0x800CCC0F error, move down to Method 4.

Method 4: Enable SSL 2.0 (only on Vista and older)

Some users running on outdated operating systems like Vista and XP have managed to resolve the issue by enabling SSL 2.0 (Secure Socket Layer 2.0). As it turns out, the SSL 2.0 setting is a requirement for Windows Live Mail on Vista and older.

The resolve this particular issue on Vista and older, you’ll need to enable SSL 2.0 in your default browser. Here are the exact locations for Google Chrome and Internet Explorer.

  • On Internet Explorer – Go to Tools > Options > Advanced > Security and check the box associated with Use SSL 2.0. Hit Apply to confirm your changes.
  • On Google Chrome – Go to Menu (three dot) > Settings > Advanced > Network  > Change Proxy Settings > Internet Properties. In the Internet Properties screen, click on Advanced, select the Security tab and check the box associated with Use SLL 2.0. Hit Apply to confirm your changes.

Note: If you’re using another browser, search online for specific steps.

After you enable SSL 2.0 restart Windows Live Mail and see whether the Windows Live Mail Error ID: 0x800ccc0f error is removed. You should be able to send and receive emails without issues.

If you’re still struggling with the Windows Live Mail Error ID: 0x800ccc0f error, move down to Method 5. 

Method 5: Reduce the number of recipients

Depending on your email provider, the error may very well be caused because the email server is configured to restrict emails that surpass a certain number of recipients for one mail. If you only get the Windows Live Mail Error ID: 0x800ccc0f error while sending an email, shorten your delivery list and see if it helps.

Most email providers are using this type of restriction to prevent email accounts from acting as spamming beacons. If this wasn’t the cause of your issue, move down to the final method.

Method 6: Changing the Mail Sending Format from HTML to Plain text

If you’re encountering this issue on Windows Mail, you might be able to fix it by changing the mail sending format. 

To do this, open Windows Mail and go to Tools > Options > Send. Then, change the Mail Sending Format from HTML to Plain text and hit the Save button. Finally, restart Windows Mail and see whether the Windows Live Mail Error ID: 0x800ccc0f error has been resolved.

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