Google Chrome is one of the most popular and widely used browsers. However, you can run into issues when using it, some of which will prevent you from accessing websites. One of these is the ERR_ADDRESS_UNREACHABLE error.
The good news is that you can troubleshoot this error quickly and easily. It could be as simple as restarting your router or clearing the browser cache. Alternatively, you may need to change your DNS settings.
In today’s guide, we’ll introduce you to the ERR_ADDRESS_UNREACHABLE error and explain why you might be seeing it. Then, we’ll walk you through a few different troubleshooting methods for this error message. Let’s jump in!
Check Out Our Video Guide To Fixing ERR_ADDRESS_UNREACHABLE:
An Introduction To the ERR_ADDRESS_UNREACHABLE Error
Google Chrome is one of the most popular browsers, and for good reason. It’s generally easy to navigate the internet with Chrome, and you’re able to enhance your browsing experience with Chrome extensions.
However, this browser isn’t immune to problems. While trying to load a website, you may encounter the “ERR_ADDRESS_UNREACHABLE” error message, which looks like this:
There are a couple of reasons you might be seeing this Chrome error message. Either the website’s address is unreachable because it doesn’t actually exist, or, there might be temporary issues that are preventing the browser from accessing the site. In the next section, we’ll go into further detail about the common causes of this error message.
ERR_ADDRESS_UNREACHABLE got you feeling like you’re lost in cyberspace? Don’t panic! Our guide has got you covered with step-by-step solutions to get you back online in no time 🚀Click to Tweet
The Common Causes of the ERR_ADDRESS_UNREACHABLE Error
Before we talk about the common causes of this Chrome error, let’s briefly cover how the Domain Name System (DNS) works. In simple terms, this system helps your browser “look up” website addresses by connecting with their servers. It converts a domain name, such as “” into an IP address that corresponds to a specific server:
This process happens almost instantly, so you can simply type in a domain name and see a website’s content within seconds. This is especially true if you’ve visited a site before because your browser stores its previous “lookups” in a DNS cache.
However, if there is corrupted data within the DNS or browser cache, it can trigger the ERR_ADDRESS_UNREACHABLE error. Alternatively, there might be Chrome extensions preventing your browser from connecting to the site.
Your router could also be in an error state, which can prevent your browser from loading the web page. Additionally, a proxy server could be interfering with the connection and triggering the Chrome error.
Later on in this post, we’ll explain each of these causes in greater detail. We’ll also walk you through how to fix the problem!
How To Fix the ERR_ADDRESS_UNREACHABLE Error (8 Methods)
Fortunately, there are a few troubleshooting methods that can help you solve this Chrome error. Let’s begin with restarting your router.
1. Restart Your Router
Sometimes, your router might get stuck in an error state that triggers the ERR_ADDRESS_UNREACHABLE message. Therefore, it’s worth first restarting your router to see if it’s causing the problem or if you will need to use browser troubleshooting methods.
Simply disconnect your router from the power source for at least 30 seconds. Then, switch it back on and wait for your computer to reconnect to the internet.
Finally, reload the page to see if it triggers the error message. If it does, you’ll need to move on to the next troubleshooting step.
2. Try Using Mozilla Firefox
You’ll also want to determine if the error is specific to Google Chrome. You can do this by switching to a different browser, such as Mozilla Firefox. We recommend Firefox because it uses its own network stack, so it shouldn’t be affected by all of the same issues as Chrome.
Just open up a Firefox browser window and try to load the webpage. If it works, you’ll know that Chrome is the issue, and you can continue with the other troubleshooting steps to fix the problem in that browser. In the meantime, you can keep using Firefox.
3. Run the Windows App Troubleshooter
If you’re using Google Chrome on a Windows device, it’s also worth running the Windows App Troubleshooter. This tool can identify problems with applications, such as the Chrome browser, and tell you how to fix them.
To access the troubleshooter, head to Settings > System on your device. Next, navigate to Troubleshoot > Other troubleshooters and scroll down to Windows Store Apps:
Click on Run and let the troubleshooting tool do its job for a few seconds. You’ll then either see more information about the problem or a message saying that “Troubleshooting couldn’t identify the problem:”
If the troubleshooter doesn’t identify any issues with Google Chrome, it’s time to move on to the next method in our tutorial.
4. Clear the Chrome Browser Cache
The browser cache stores data about the websites you visit. Doing so enables the browser to load pages more quickly on subsequent visits and improve the user experience.
However, sometimes the data within the cache becomes outdated or corrupted. Then, it can trigger browser errors such as ERR_ADDRESS_UNREACHABLE. For this reason, it’s worth clearing the browser cache before moving on to more complex troubleshooting methods.
If you’re using Chrome on your desktop or laptop device, click on the three dots in the top-right corner, followed by More tools > Clear browsing data:
In the popup window, make sure to select Cached images and files. You’ll also have the option to delete your browsing history and saved cookies, but this isn’t necessary for this troubleshooting method. Finally, click on Clear data:
However, if you’re seeing ERR_ADDRESS_UNREACHABLE on Android devices, this method is slightly different. Firstly, you’ll need to launch the Google Chrome app on your smartphone.
Then, to fix ERR_ADDRESS_UNREACHABLE on your phone, tap on More > Settings:
Next, select Privacy and security > Clear browsing data:
Finally, choose Cached images and files, followed by Clear data. If you’re still seeing the ERR_ADDRESS_UNREACHABLE message, you’ll need to try the next method.
5. Disable Chrome Extensions
Installing Chrome extensions is a great way to add new functionality to the browser, such as a grammar checker or an ad blocker. However, this third-party software can come with bugs that cause conflicts or error messages.
Therefore, we recommend disabling all of your Chrome extensions to see if one of them is triggering the ERR_ADDRESS_UNREACHABLE error. You can do this by clicking on the three dots in the top-right corner of your browser window and selecting More tools > Extensions:
You should now see a list of all your Chrome extensions. Disable each one by clicking on the toggle next to it. Alternatively, hit Delete to remove a tool completely:
We recommend disabling and reactivating extensions until you find the one causing the ERR_ADDRESS_UNREACHABLE error. Then, you can look for an alternative that won’t cause problems in the browser.
6. Clear the DNS Cache and Change DNS Settings
As we mentioned before, the DNS cache stores information about all the DNS “lookups” your device has performed. By doing so, the browser can connect with a website more quickly.
However, if the DNS cache contains corrupted data, it can trigger the ERR_ADDRESS_UNREACHABLE method. In this case, it’s worth flushing the DNS cache on your device. Then, your browser will be forced to look up the website again when you next load it.
Since this is a browser issue, we recommend clearing the DNS cache in Google Chrome. You can do this by typing the following address into your search bar:
Now, select Clear host cache:
If that doesn’t solve the problem, it’s also worth changing your DNS settings. For example, you can use the Google Public DNS IP address since its servers are reliable and also offer speedy performance.
To change the DNS settings on a Windows device, head to Control Panel > Network and Internet > Network and Sharing Center. Then, select Change adapter settings from the left-hand menu:
Next, right-click on your network and select Properties from the dropdown menu:
Choose Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4), followed by Properties:
Select the button next to Use the following DNS server addresses. Then, enter “” into the Preferred DNS server box to choose the Google Public DNS. Next to Alternate DNS server, enter “”:
Finally, hit OK.
You can also change DNS settings in macOS by clicking on the apple icon and heading to System preferences > Network. Select your network, followed by Advanced > DNS. Choose the + icon, and enter the DNS addresses into the corresponding boxes. Finally, hit OK to save your changes.
7. Disable the Proxy Server
A proxy server acts as a middleman between a server and a user (that’s you!). It receives and processes browser requests while protecting data contained on the server. On your end, using a proxy can hide your IP address and shield your online activities from prying eyes.
In some cases, a proxy server may be preventing you from connecting to a website. It can even trigger the ERR_ADDRESS_UNREACHABLE error. Therefore, it’s worth disabling the proxy server and seeing if this fixes the problem.
You can do this by clicking on the three dots in the Chrome browser window, followed by Settings > System > Open your computer’s proxy settings:
In Windows, make sure that the toggle is switched off next to Automatically detect settings and that Use a proxy server is also set to Off:
If you’re using a Mac, following the steps in Google Chrome will take you to the Proxies tab. Make sure that all of the boxes are unchecked next to the protocols in the list, then hit OK.
8. Contact Your Hosting Provider
Finally, if you’re seeing the ERR_ADDRESS_UNREACHABLE message on your own website and none of the other troubleshooting methods have worked, we recommend reaching out to your hosting provider. They should have a ticketing system, live chat support, or even a phone number where you can get in touch with them:
This kind of situation highlights the importance of choosing a hosting provider with high-quality technical support. Ideally, you’ll be able to reach your host 24/7, and they’ll have a dedicated team that replies to you within a few hours.
It might also be worth switching to a managed WordPress hosting provider if you’re not using one already. At Kinsta, we offer live support around the clock, directly from your MyKinsta dashboard. Additionally, you’ll be able to access troubleshooting guides from our documentation and knowledge base.
Ever wonder why your trusty Google Chrome browser sometimes triggers this error message? Our guide has all the answers and fixes you need! 📖Click to Tweet
Browsing the internet is usually a painless experience. However, even when you’re using a reliable browser like Google Chrome, you might trigger errors like ERR_ADDRESS_UNREACHABLE.
If this happens to you, we recommend restarting your router and trying a different browser. When these simple troubleshooting steps don’t work, you’ll want to disable your Chrome extensions and clear the browser cache. Finally, it’s also worth clearing your DNS cache, changing your DNS settings, and disabling the proxy server.
If you’re running into constant errors while using your own website, it might be time to switch to a new web host. At Kinsta, our managed hosting plans are designed to keep your site running quickly and smoothly. Plus, we offer dedicated technical support if you run into any issues. Check out Kinsta hosting plans today!
Узнайте, как исправить наиболее частую ошибку Chrome: ERR_ADDRESS_UNREACHABLE, используя эти 3 метода. Этот адрес недоступен – распространенная ошибка в Google Chrome.
Код ERR_ADDRESS_UNREACHABLE – это ошибка, которую Google Chrome иногда возвращает, когда мы пытаемся посетить определенные веб-сайты.
Мне довелось наблюдать этот код ошибки несколько дней назад, и я должен признать тот факт, что просмотр этого кода при попытке посетить наш любимый веб-сайт может иногда расстраивать.
Насколько мне известно, это очень общая проблема, которая может быть вызвана либо со стороны клиента, либо с нашей стороны. Однако, если проблема на нашей стороне, решение проблемы также лежит на нас.
Если это мы заставляем Chrome реагировать с этим кодом ошибки, то это может быть вызвано проблемой с нашим маршрутизатором, браузером Chrome или настройками DNS Chrome.
Если дело обстоит наоборот, и возникла проблема со стороны клиента, то, надеюсь, она будет исправлена мгновенно. В этом случае вам остается только подождать, пока проблема не будет решена.
Однако, прежде чем вы начнете ждать, я предлагаю вам попробовать некоторые из возможных решений, чтобы увидеть, могут ли они вам помочь. Это потому, что вы никогда не узнаете, ваша вина это или вина клиента, пока вы не примените необходимые шаги и не посмотрите, сохраняется ли проблема.
Для большинства пользователей эта проблема может быть вызвана какой-либо проблемой с маршрутизатором или базовыми настройками Chrome.
Какой бы ни была угроза, я составил это руководство в результате интенсивных исследований и личного практического опыта. Не хвастаясь больше, я сразу перейду к делу.
Ниже я расскажу вам обо всех возможных исправлениях, которые у нас есть, которые могут решить эту проблему за вас. Обратите внимание, что они добьются успеха только в том случае, если проблема возникла в результате какой-либо ошибки с вашей стороны, хотя лучше всего в любом случае применить руководство.
Перезагрузите роутер и устройство.
Первое, что мы можем сделать, это перезапустить наш роутер. Перезапуск маршрутизатора решит любые проблемы с подключением к Интернету, поэтому мы начнем с этого.
Выполните следующие действия, чтобы перезапустить маршрутизатор для исправления ошибки Chrome:
- Начните с выключения питания вашего роутера.
- Дайте маршрутизатору простаивать несколько минут.
От 2 до 5 минут идеально - Включите роутер.
- Подключите компьютер и попробуйте посетить веб-сайт, который выдавал вам последний код ошибки.
Если проблема была связана с вашим подключением к Интернету, теперь проблема должна быть легко решена. При применении этого метода обязательно полностью выключите маршрутизатор и дайте ему отдохнуть в течение нескольких минут, как предлагается.
Вы также можете перезагрузить систему при перезагрузке маршрутизатора.
Очистить данные просмотра
Ваши файлы cookie также могут быть виноватыми в таких случаях. Если данные повреждены, может помочь очистка данных просмотра.
Вот шаги, чтобы очистить данные просмотра из браузера Chrome:
- Для начала запустите браузер Chrome.
- Нажмите на
значок меню в правом верхнем углу экрана браузера.
- В списке опций выберите опцию «Настройки».
- Когда вы находитесь в настройках, перейдите в раздел Конфиденциальность и безопасность.
- В этом разделе зайдите в Очистить данные просмотра.
- Затем перейдите на вкладку «Дополнительно».
- Изменять Временной диапазон на Все время, а затем отметьте следующие пункты:
- История просмотров,
- файлы cookie и другие данные сайтов,
- настройки сайта и
- данные размещенного приложения.
- Наконец, нажмите кнопку «Очистить данные» внизу и дождитесь очистки данных.
Если вы редко очищаете эти данные в браузере Chrome, помните, что чем реже вы удаляете данные, тем дольше будет длиться процесс.
Очистить кеш Chrome DNS
Браузер Chrome автоматически сохраняет информацию о сервере доменных имен на каждом посещаемом вами веб-сайте. Если эта информация мешает вашему просмотру, очистка кеша DNS решит проблему.
- Чтобы очистить кеш DNS Chrome, скопируйте и вставьте следующий адрес в адресную строку / строку URL на одной из вкладок Chrome и нажмите Enter: chrome: // net-internals / # dns.
- На открывшейся странице нажмите кнопку Очистить кеш хоста.
- Наконец, перезапустите браузер Chrome и попробуйте снова посетить проблемный веб-сайт.
DNS – это средство передачи компьютеру IP-адреса, связанного с доменом. Удаление этой информации приведет к сбросу и предоставит вам новый старт для уже посещенных веб-сайтов.
При этом мы рассмотрели все исправления, которые, возможно, могут решить проблему с кодом ошибки ERR_ADDRESS_UNREACHABLE в Google Chrome.
Однако, если конкретный веб-сайт по-прежнему возвращает вам тот же код ошибки при попытке доступа к нему, то, скорее всего, можно сделать вывод, что проблема возникла со стороны веб-сервера. В этом случае лучше всего подождать, пока веб-мастер устранит проблему.
Приведенные выше исправления следует применять одно за другим. Принимая во внимание мой опыт, очистка кеша DNS моего браузера Chrome выполнила свою работу, в то время как два других оказались бесполезными.
Это в значительной степени резюмирует мою точку зрения об исправлении последней проблемы. Если вообще проблемы возникают из-за какой-то проблемы с вашей стороны, я считаю, что это руководство и исправления, которые я вам помогал, помогут вам исправить это и вернуть все в норму.
Наконец, вот рекомендуемые веб-браузеры для вашего компьютера и мобильного телефона, которые вам стоит попробовать.
Internet problems are always distressing, especially at home. If you have an internet problem at work, then usually it’s out of your hands, and you have to wait for a technician to sort it out. At home, it’s your responsibility to get the Wi-Fi fixed.
Resolving these issues can often get too technical for an untrained individual, though if you see ERR_ADDRESS_UNREACHABLE on Google Chrome, you won’t know how to deal with it.
Fortunately, it’s not the end of the world just yet! This error is very common, and simple fixes usually do the trick.
We’ve got plenty of solutions that you can try if Google Chrome shows this error and you aren’t able to access the internet. Read on and find out what you need to do.
Reasons for Chrome’s ERR_ADDRESS_UNREACHABLE Error
Understanding the cause of a problem is always a great way of determining how to fix it. This error is no different, so here are the most common reasons users see ERR_ADDRESS_UNREACHABLE.
- Router Problems. Routers are fragile pieces of equipment and can become faulty without notice. If your router has a broken component or a firmware error, this may cause the Google Chrome error.
- Using a Public Network. Public networks don’t provide as much freedom as private network does. This error will appear when you try to connect to a private address while connected to a public network.
- Proxy Problems. Using a proxy server that hasn’t been configured properly or recently changed settings can result in network issues. If you have a VPN enabled or are using a proxy connection, consider disabling it and trying again.
- Issues with the Web Server. The network problem might not be on your end. Sometimes a web server may crash or have a fault that prevents browsers from establishing a connection. You can check if this is the problem by simply opening another tab and visiting another website.
- Computer Problems. Some desktop computers and laptops have glitches; it’s not something that we can avoid. Fortunately, if it’s just a hiccup in your computer, restarting it will fix the network problem.
There are plenty of other reasons you’ll see the unreachable error, which is the most common. Whatever is causing the error, one of the solutions we’ve got for you below will swiftly resolve it.
Besides, for people who have an issue with Google Chrome Being Slow, here are the best solutions.
We will show you the best ways to fix this Google Chrome error and explain the steps you have to take.
By the way, if you are bothered with errors like err_cache_miss, click to fix them now.
1. Restart Your Router
Restarting your router is the first solution you should always try with persistent network errors. You have to turn off the power, wait roughly 5 minutes, and then turn it back on.
After turning it back on, wait a few minutes for it to load the firmware and establish a connection with your internet provider.
Didn’t it work? You can instead try doing a hard reset. There will be a small hole on the back of your router with the word “RESET” printed above it.
Simply put a pin in this hole and push it in for roughly 5 seconds. For specific instructions on resetting your router, you should check the manual.
2. Disable Your Extensions
Google Chrome is very popular, and one reason for this is the extensive web store of extensions.
The purpose of an extension is to alter the browser and add features that it otherwise wouldn’t have. You might find that one of your extensions is causing ERR_ADDRESS_UNREACHABLE.
To check if extensions are the problem, you can manually disable each extension or go into incognito mode. Just click the menu icon at the top-right for incognito mode and click “New Incognito Window.”
Use the new window to enter the website address and check if the error persists. If you still see the unreachable address error, it isn’t because of your extensions.
Also read: How to fix ‘This Plug-in is Not Supported Error in Google Chrome.’
3. Disable Your Antivirus Software
Similar to how an extension could block the connection with a website, your antivirus will do the same. If your antivirus software detects any code that has malintent, it’ll prevent you from loading the website altogether.
One way of finding out if this is the case is to disable your antivirus temporarily. Please remember that by doing this, if the website is dangerous, you risk a computer virus downloading to your computer.
However, if you’re certain it’s safe, then go ahead. Just remember to enable your antivirus again afterward!
4. Flush DNS
Getting to slightly more technical solutions, you can flush the DNS. When you visit a website, various pieces of information get stored in the DNS cache. Over time this cache builds up, and your computer might struggle with accessing the data it needs.
On a Windows computer, use these steps to flush DNS.
- #1 – Click the search bar at the bottom-right and type “CMD.”
- #2 – Right-click the Command Prompt program and select “Run as Administrator.”
- #3 – Using the terminal window that appears, enter the command ipconfig /flushdns.
If the flush is successful, then a confirmation message will appear, but if not, make sure you ran the program as administrator.
After doing this, go back to Google Chrome and check if the ERR_ADDRESS_UNREACHABLE message is still shown when you try to open the website.
5. Try Another Wi-Fi Network
A simpler solution to give a shot is to connect to a different Wi-Fi network. If you’re getting errors due to your router or ISP, this will give you an answer.
After connecting to another network, if your device’s internet connection works fine and you can access websites without error, you know that the issue isn’t with the device itself.
6. Change Your Network’s DNS Settings
Every network has pre-set DNS settings. When your ISP gives you a router, it will be set to connect to their DNS servers.
Usually, this is fine and won’t be problematic, but if you see ERR_ADDRESS_UNREACHABLE, it could be because those DNS servers are not working.
Use the steps below to change your network’s DNS servers to Google’s free alternatives. Note that this guide is only applicable to Windows computers.
- #1 – Click the search bar at the bottom-right of your screen and type “Control Panel.”
- #2 – Select “Network and Internet > Network and Sharing Center,” then on the left menu, click on “Change adapter settings.”
- #3 – A list of network devices will be shown on this screen. Select the network device you currently use, right-click on it, and choose “Properties.”
- #4 – On the window that appears, click the “Networking” tab, and from the list of items, click on “Internet Protocol Version 4” and then the “Properties” button.
- #5 – Under the “General” tab, click “Advanced.” If any IP addresses are shown, make a note of them and click “Remove.” Press “OK” to go back.
- #6 – Back on the IPv4 window, enable “Use the follow DNS server addresses:” and type both of Google’s DNS IPs.
Note: Google’s current public DNS addresses are and Click here to check if they have changed when reading this. - #7 – After entering the DNS servers, press “OK,” then disconnect and reconnect to your Wi-Fi network.
You can also change the router’s DNS settings by opening the dashboard. If you’re familiar with the router’s control panel, use its manual. It might seem too technical to do this but don’t worry; it’s not!
7. Disable Your Proxy Server
Using a proxy server, similar to a VPN, is ideal for connecting to a public network. You can prevent your data from hackers and generally protect yourself online.
Since these change how your device connects to the internet, it could interfere and cause ERR_ADDRESS_UNREACHABLE.
You can temporarily disable your proxy server if you’re on a Windows laptop.
- #1 – Press your keyboard’s Windows Key and “R” simultaneously.
- #2 – Type “inetcpl.cpl” into the box and click “OK” to run the command.
- #3 – Your internet properties will now appear. Click on the “Connections” tab and click “LAN settings.”
- #4 – You’ll see the proxy’s settings under the “Proxy server” heading. Uncheck the “Use a proxy server for your LAN” box and click “OK.”
Doing this removes the error and allows you to access the website easily. On the other hand, if you aren’t using a proxy server, try enabling it instead.
8. Clear Google Chrome DNS Cache
We showed you how to flush your computer’s DNS cache, but you can also try flushing Chrome’s DNS cache.
- #1 – Launch Google Chrome, and in the address bar, enter “chrome://net-internals/#dns.”
- #2 – Next to “Host resolver cache,” click the button “Clear host cache.”
- #3 – Try visiting the website again.
This wipes your browser’s DNS cache and will hopefully clear some of your problems.
9. Restart Your Computer’s DNS Client
Restarting your computer’s DNS client may do the trick to sticking to the theme of troublesome DNS.
- #1 – Simultaneously press the Windows Key and “R.”
- #2 – Type “services.msc” into the box and click “OK.”
- #3 – On the list of “Services,” scroll down and select the DNS Client.
- #4 – Right-click on this service and click “Restart.”
If your computer didn’t boot properly, then this could cause the DNS client to have issues too. So, if this caused ERR_ADDRESS_UNREACHABLE, a restart will fix it.
10. Reset the TCP/IP
One of the more technical solutions is to reset the TCP/IP. Doing this will involve the Command Prompt and a few commands you’re probably unfamiliar with.
#1 – Using the search bar, type “CMD” and right-click on “Command Prompt,” then select “Run as Administrator.”
#2 – Now, enter the following commands in the respective order.
- ipconfig /release
- ipconfig /all
- ipconfig /flushdns
- ipconfig /renew
- netsh int ip set dns
- netsh Winsock reset
#3 – Restart your computer to complete the TCP/IP reset and then check if the error is gone.
Doing this requires a little extra effort than the other solutions. Nonetheless, you might find that the effort pays off, and ERR_ADDRESS_UNREACHABLE resolves itself.
11. Disable Chrome’s DNS Prediction
Among Google Chrome’s intricate of settings is DNS prediction. This feature, in particular, is used to enhance page loading speed. However, it may also be causing the loading error you see.
- #1 – Launch Google Chrome, click on the menu icon at the top-right, and select “Settings.”
- #2 – Scroll down and click on “Advanced Settings.”
- #3 – Below “Privacy and Security,” disable the setting “Preload pages for faster browsing and searching.”
Although this built-in feature supports your browsing, some users have proven to be a problem.
12. Switch Your ISP
This is just a last-resort solution. If you encounter ERR_ADDRESS_UNREACHABLE frequently and it’s not just limited to your computer, and you’ve tried endless solutions, you might want to consider switching to another internet provider.
Sure, this might be a hassle, but if you constantly have to deal with this error, which isn’t a Google Chrome error, device issue, or a simple network problem, then there’s a good chance your ISP is the cause.
Alternatively, you could request them to investigate the connection line for damage or replace your router.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
- ERR_ADDRESS_UNREACHABLE is an error message that appears on Google Chrome when the browser is unable to establish a connection to the requested website. It indicates that the website is unreachable.
- How do I check my internet connection?
- You can check your internet connection by trying to access other websites or using other devices on the same network to verify if they can connect to the internet.
- Why should I disable VPN or proxy settings?
- VPN or proxy settings can sometimes interfere with the browser’s connection and lead to the ERR_ADDRESS_UNREACHABLE error. Disabling them temporarily can help determine if they are causing the issue.
- Can clearing browser cache and cookies resolve the error?
- Yes, clearing the browser cache and cookies can resolve conflicts that may be causing the ERR_ADDRESS_UNREACHABLE error. It removes temporary data that can hinder website access.
- What should I do if none of the solutions work?
- If none of the solutions mentioned in this article work, it is recommended to contact your internet service provider (ISP) for further assistance. They can investigate any network-related issues and provide appropriate guidance.
To Conclude
There’s no doubt in our minds that after you make your way through each of these solutions, the ERR_ADDRESS_UNREACHABLE error will be gone. Although this is a persistent and irritating Google Chrome problem, it’s easily fixed.
Hopefully, you can now access whichever sites you could not access before, and Google Chrome runs without any other issues.
Computers are designed to be extremely reliable, but sometimes they do encounter errors. One such error is ERR ADDRESS UNREACHABLE, which can cause all sorts of problems on your computer. This article will explain this error and how you can fix it.
ERR ADDRESS UNREACHABLE is a message that appears when your computer cannot contact a specific address or website. This can be caused by some things, including a problem with your internet connection, the website you’re trying to visit, or a problem with your computer’s network settings.
The ERR_ADDRESS_UNREACHABLE browser error is a message displayed when a user tries to access an unavailable web page. This can be due to the page being deleted or moved or the server hosting it offline. The error can also occur if there is a problem with the user’s internet connection.
And if we talk about the meaning of this error, the ERR_ADDRESS_UNREACHABLE error means that the server you are trying to reach is not responding, and this error code means that the computer cannot resolve the IP address of the server you are trying to reach.
What is the Cause of ERR_ADDRESS_UNREACHABLE in Google Chrome?
ERR_ADDRESS_UNREACHABLE is an error code that appears in Google Chrome when a user tries to access a website or unavailable URL. This can be caused by factors such as a website being down, the URL being mistyped, or the site not being configured correctly.
Here are some other causes that can also cause this type of error:
- Router issues: The most common issue with routers is that they can become overloaded and unable to handle the traffic. When this happens, users may experience problems with their browser, such as the error message “ERR ADDRESS UNREACHABLE.”
- Proxy settings: Most web browsers will display an “ERR ADDRESS UNREACHABLE” error if you try to connect to a website using a proxy server. This is because most proxy servers require the client computer to have the correct IP address, which isn’t possible if your computer is behind a proxy server.
- Incorrect website access environment: An incorrect website access environment can cause a browser error message like “ERR ADDRESS UNREACHABLE.” This occurs when a user tries to reach a website from a computer or mobile device that is not properly configured to access the site.
When this happens, the user’s web browser will try to use its default network address, which may not be the correct one for accessing the site.
- Server issues: The most common cause for the “ERR ADDRESS UNREACHABLE” error message is a problem with the server. This can be due to a missing or incorrect entry in the server’s address book or an error on the user’s part. If you are experiencing this error, check your internet connection and computer settings.
Method 1: Restart Your Router
Your router is one of the most important pieces of your home network. It helps to direct traffic between all of your devices and the internet. But what do you do when it’s not working right or when an ERR_ADDRESS_UNREACHABLE computer error occurs?
Here’s a guide to restarting your router and fixing ERR ADDRESS UNREACHABLE:
- First, make sure that your router is turned on and plugged in.
- Then, unplug the power cord from the back of the router, wait a few seconds, and plug it back in.
- Next, press and hold the reset button on the back of the router for about 10 seconds.
- Release the button and wait for the router to start up again.
- Finally, open a web browser and try to visit a website.
- If everything is working correctly, you should be able to access websites without problems.
Related: How to Fix ERR_NAME_RESOLUTION_FAILED on Google Chrome
Method 2: Disable/Enable Proxy Server
When you try to access a website and receive an err address unreachable error, it could be that your computer is set up to use a proxy server. A proxy server is a server that sits between your computer and the website you’re trying to visit, caching or storing web pages and files so that they can be retrieved more quickly the next time you visit.
If the proxy server is down or not working properly, you’ll get the err address unreachable error message. To fix this problem, you can disable the proxy server on your computer and access the websites directly.
Here are the simple steps described below:
- Press the Windows+R button to open the Windows run dialog box.
- Type “inetcpl.cpl” in the run command and press enter button. You have entered the Internet property, and a small window will appear on the computer screen.
- In Internet Properties, click on the Connections section and select the “LAN Settings” option.
- In this last step, you have to disable or enable the proxy server according to your local environment.
Once this setting is done, restart your PC. After the PC turns on, you have to check if this error is fixed or not.
Method 3: Disable All Browser Extensions
If you see the “err: address unreachable” error message in the Chrome browser or any other browser, it could be due to a problem with one or more of your browser extensions. To fix the error, you can disable all of your extensions and see if that fixes the problem.
Here’s how to disable all of your Chrome extensions:
- Open Chrome and click on the three dots in the window’s top right corner.
- Select “More tools” and then “Extensions.”
- Disable all of your extensions by unchecking the box next to their name.
- At the end of this process, you need to restart the Chrome browser and see if the “err: address unreachable” error message goes away.
Method 4: Clear Host Cache In Chrome
ERR_ADDRESS_UNREACHABLE is a generic error that Google Chrome displays when a website fails to load. The ERR_ADDRESS_UNREACHABLE error code is usually caused by heavy network traffic that slows down a website’s loading.
Other causes include a malicious attack on a website or a problem with the website itself. If you see the ERR_ADDRESS_UNREACHABLE error in Chrome, it may be due to a corrupted host cache. Clearing the host cache can fix the problem.
Here’s how to do it:
- To clear the host cache from Google Chrome, first, you need to launch the Google Chrome browser.
- Type this address “chrome://net-internals/#dns” in the address bar and press Enter.
- Now a window will open in front of you, which will be your browser window. Here you have to select the option of “Clear host cache.”
- After doing all these steps, you have to restart your PC once and check that your computer is working fine.
Frequently Asked Questions
What Does It Mean If A Site Is Unreachable?
If a site is unreachable, it means that the website is down. However, there are other reasons why a site might be unreachable.
One possibility is that the website is down for maintenance. This happens when the website’s owner decides to take the site offline for some time to make changes or updates. If this is the case, you’ll likely be able to visit the site later on after it has been restored.
Another possibility is that the website has been blocked by your internet service provider (ISP). This can happen if the website contains content your ISP doesn’t want you to see, such as pornography or pirated content. In this case, you won’t be able to access the website no matter what you do.
Why Are Some Websites Not Reachable?
There can be a variety of reasons why some websites are not reachable. One possibility is that the website is down. Another reason could be that a firewall blocks the website.
A firewall is a security system that helps protect a computer or network from unauthorized access. Firewalls can block websites based on their IP address or their domain name.
Another possible reason some websites are not reachable is that the website’s server is overloaded. When too many people try to access a website simultaneously, the server can’t handle all of the requests and becomes slow or inaccessible.
Finally, it’s also possible that the website has been blacklisted. This means that the website has been added to a list of websites known to contain malware or viruses.
How Can I Access Blocked Sites?
There are a few different ways that you can access blocked sites. One way is to use a proxy server. A proxy server is a server that acts as an intermediary between your computer and the websites that you visit.
This can be helpful because it can allow you to access blocked websites in your country or region.
Another way to access blocked sites is using a virtual private network or VPN. A VPN is a service that allows you to connect to the internet through a secure connection.
A VPN can be helpful because it allows you to access blocked websites in your country or region, and it helps protect your privacy online.
Finally, another way to access blocked sites is by using Tor. Tor is an online service that provides users with anonymous internet browsing.
How Can I Open Blocked Sites In Mobile?
There are a few ways that you can open blocked sites on mobile. One way is to use a proxy server. A proxy server is a special computer that acts as an intermediary between your computer and the Internet.
This can be used to access blocked websites or to hide your computer’s IP address. Another way to open blocked sites on mobile is to use a Virtual Private Network (VPN). A VPN is a private network that allows you to connect to the Internet securely. This can be used to access blocked websites or to protect your online privacy.
Finally, you can use an app called TunnelBear. TunnelBear is a VPN app that allows you to connect to the Internet using a private channel. It can be used to access blocked websites or to protect your online privacy.
Is Accessing Blocked Websites Illegal?
There is no definitive answer regarding the legality of accessing blocked websites. In some cases, accessing these websites may be illegal, while in others, it may not be. Some factors can influence whether or not accessing a blocked website is illegal, including the country you are in and why the website has been blocked.
Many countries have laws that make it illegal to access certain websites. This is generally done for security reasons, such as protecting citizens from harmful content or preventing them from accessing sensitive information. In some cases, people who access blocked websites can be punished with fines or even imprisonment.
However, there are also many countries where accessing blocked websites is not illegal. This is often because the government doesn’t see it as a threat to national security, or they don’t consider it to be harmful content.
Why HTTPS Sites Are Not Opening In Chrome?
When you try to open an HTTPS website in Google Chrome, you may see a message that the website is not secure. This is because Chrome does not trust the website’s security certificate.
There are several reasons why Chrome may not trust a website’s security certificate. One reason is that the website’s security certificate may be expired or invalid. Another reason is that the website may not use a valid security certificate authority.
If you see this message, it is usually best to avoid opening the website. However, if you need to access the website, you can bypass Chrome’s security warnings by clicking on the “Advanced” link and then selecting “Proceed to [website name].”
Final Thoughts
I hope this article has helped you fix your computer’s ERR_ADDRESS_UNREACHABLE error. You can find several methods to address this issue online, but the method provided in this blog post is the most effective way to solve these types of issues by yourself.
Чаще всего уведомление об ошибке «ERR_ADDRESS_UNREACHABLE» возникает из-за ошибок DNS-сервера, неправильной настройке роутера или сетевого подключения. Также появляется через медленное подключение к интернету, когда браузер долгое время пытается открыть сайт и не может подключиться к хосту.
Иногда проблема решается простой перезагрузкой компьютера и сетевого оборудования, но чаще потребуются выполнить ряд действий для ее исправления.
Предлагаем простые решения, с помощью которых можно исправить ошибку Err_Address_Unreachable в Chrome на Windows.
Сброс настроек роутера
В большинстве случаев перезагрузка роутера мгновенно исправляет различные ошибки при открытии сайтов, в том числе и ERR_ADDRESS_UNREACHABLE.
Сначала попробуйте выключить питание роутера на 2-3 минуты. После включите и проверьте, решена ли проблема.
Если уведомление об ошибке по-прежнему возникает, попробуйте сбросить настройки маршрутизатора.
Прежде чем выполнить сброс нужно зайти в конфигурацию устройства и записать IP-адреса и другие сведения о подключении к интернету, предоставляемые провайдером.
Найдите позади роутера кнопку Reset. Нажмите и удерживайте ее в течение 4-5 секунд. Таким образом, настройки будут сброшены.
После введите данные, предоставляемые провайдером для доступа в интернет.
Изменение параметров протокола DNS
Ошибку при открытии страниц сайтов ERR_ADDRESS_UNREACHABLE можно решить путем добавления адресов DNS серверов Google в настройки активного сетевого подключения.
- Нажмите Windows + R, наберите в диалоговое окно «ncpa.cpl» и подтвердите на ОК.
- Отобразится список сетевых подключений. Выберите активное соединение. Кликните правой кнопкой мыши на нем и перейдите в пункт «Свойства».
- Кликните дважды на Протокол интернета версии 4 (ТСР/IPv4).
- Установите флажок на «Использовать следующие адреса DNS-сервера».Вручную пропишите: предпочитаемый DNS-сервер альтернативный
Перезапустите браузер и проверьте, исправлена ли ошибка.
Сброс TCP/IP
Нажмите клавишу Win, в поисковой строке наберите «cmd». В результатах поиска кликните правой кнопкой мыши на позицию «Командная строка» и выберите запуск от имени администратора.
Выполните в консоли командной строки следующие команды в указанном порядке (после ввода каждой команды нажимайте на Enter для ее выполнения):
ipconfig /release
ipconfig /all
ipconfig /flushdns
ipconfig /renew
netsh int ip set dns
netsh winsock reset
После выйдите из командной строки и перезагрузите компьютер.
Очистка кэша DNS в Chrome
Часто проблемы с открытием страниц возникают в связи с устаревшими данными кэша DNS, сохраняемыми в браузере Гугл Хром. С помощью такой очистки можно быстро устранить проблему в браузере.
- В адресной строке браузера наберите
- Нажмите на кнопку «Clear host cache».
После перезагрузите браузер, и проверьте, возникает ли уведомление с кодом ERR_ADDRESS_UNREACHABLE.