Сегодня целый день вылазит ошибка EC:10005, я уже погуглил решения данной проблемы, типа перезагрузи модем, почистить кэш, переустанови ea desktop. Сразу в голову пришёл такой вопрос, почему мы простые игроки должны что то искать, нервничать, это проблемы разрабов, пусть они наладят свои сервера и программы.
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Product: EA Desktop
Platform: PC
Error Report ID:EC:10005
Which client functionality are you experiencing this bug with? Other (Please Describe): Cannot login to client at all
When did this happen? (dd.mm.yy hh:mm): 06/06/21 — 06/11/21 For six months yes
Summarize your bug: Whenever I wanna login to your platform, EC:10005 error occurs for every fxxking single time, it says:
«Something went wrong…
The EA app encountered an unknown error. Try again a bit later.
Error Code:EC:10005
Report this error»
It means that I cannot play any game that is published by EA, «large» company can’t solve a problem by months, which is pretty pretty annoying!!!!!!! and this sxxt has happening for 6 months! from June!! I’m super mad right now. I tried contacting you by sending diagnostic information and «report a problem» feature in your EA Desktop app but you don’t reply me, then I realize that it is a one-direction report!
How often does the bug occur? Every fxxking single time I tried to login to your sxxtty client (100%)
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves?: 1. Open the EA Desktop app > 2. Login to the client > 3. then I will find the bug
What happens when the bug occurs?
«Something went wrong…
The EA app encountered an unknown error. Try again a bit later.
Error Code:EC:10005
Report this error»
This error message pops up and there’s nothing i can’t do with it but sending a useless report
What do you expect to see? The client actually works as described rather than locking me out of any and all content I’ve paid for for six months.
This Bug has continually happened in my laptop for months. I already tried 1. rebooting my computer, 2. clean cache, 3.use «app recovery» tool, 4.end «EA Background Services» Process 5. Uninstall and reinstall EA Desktop, respectively from your official website and Xbox app. 6.Change my Network Environment, including use Wi-Fi, Cellular Network, Hotspot, Wired Connection, use network booster especially for EA Desktop, use VPN. and you know what? None of these is working!
and in the past few months, I also did lots of changes to my laptop, including uninstall many applications, change a lot of settings, and upgrade my system to windows 11. Now my computer is completely different from top to bottom, and yet your god tier platform «EA Desktop» is still not working!!!
Even more strange and mysterious was in the same room, using the same network, in the same system — Windows 10 (or Windows 11 now), my desktop computer can login to your client and my laptop can’t! and I mostly using my laptop for gaming instead of my desktop computer!
(Sorry I’m not native English speaker and I might not accurately describing my problem but I’m doing my best to express my puzzled and anger!
- [Solved] How to Fix EA Desktop Error Code 10005 Windows 10/11?
By Aurelie | Follow |
Last Updated
EA Desktop provide us with much fun while like any other gaming service, it might also encounter troubles. EA desktop error code 10005 is one of the headachy issues of EA Desktop users. In this tutorial on MiniTool Website, we’ll introduce you to multiple fixes that are proven to be useful.
EA Desktop Error Code 10005 Windows 10
EA Desktop is one of the most popular gaming services around the world. Recently, you might get annoyed due to EA desktop app error code 10005. Congratulation! You’ve come to the right place. In this article, we’ll dive into this topic and find feasible countermeasures for you.
How to Fix EA Desktop Error Code 10005 Windows 10/11?
Fix 1: Relaunch the EA App
The best way to address EA desktop error code 10005 is to relaunch this application because this error code is probably triggered by a temporary software bug.
Fix 2: End the EA Desktop App-related Programs
Ending the EA desktop app-related programs is also proved to be a good option. To do so:
Step 1. Right-click the taskbar and click Task Manager.
Step 2. In the Processes section, scroll down to find the EA desktop app-related programs, right-click them and choose End task one by one.
Step 3. Reboot your device to see if this error disappears.
Fix 3: Clear the EA App Cache
Corrupted app caches can also lead to EA desktop error code 10005, so you need to clear the EA application cache.
Step 1. Launch EA and tap on the three-bar button on the top-left of the home page.
Step 2. Click on Help and choose App Recovery in the drop-down menu.
Step 3. Click CLEAR CACHE.
Fix 4: Check the EA Server Status
Sometimes, you meet EA desktop error code ec 10005 because the server is under maintenance by the developer. Therefore, you had better click here to check the server status.
Fix 5: Check the Internet Connection
Internet connection is of vital importance when gaming. EA desktop error code 10005 is likely to crop up under a poor internet connection. A simple way to do this is to reboot your router.
Fix 6: Create a New Account
You can create several users on a device and a brand-new user cannot get the error or bug you are experiencing. Here’s how to do this to fix EA desktop error code ec:10005:
Step 1. Press Win + I to open Windows Settings.
Step 2. Click on Accounts and then hit Family & other users.
Step 3. Press Add someone else to this PC under Other users.
Step 4. Follow the on-screen instructions to sign up for a new account.
Fix 7: Disable Antivirus
Antivirus software can mess with your games or application and regard them as viruses by mistake. To disable it temporarily is an effective way to avoid EA desktop error code 10005.
Tip: However, when your purpose is fulfilled, you must turn it on because serious problems will occur if you close it for a long time.
Step 1. Hit the gear icon to open Windows Settings.
Step 2. Scroll down to locate Update & Security.
Step 3. In Windows Security, click Virus & threat protection.
Step 4. Hit Manage settings and then turn off Real-time protection.
About The Author
Position: Columnist
Aurelie is a passionate soul who always enjoys researching & writing articles and solutions to help others. Her posts mainly cover topics related to games, data backup & recovery, file sync and so on. Apart from writing, her primary interests include reading novels and poems, travelling and listening to country music.
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Приложение EA — это платформа Electronic Arts, на которой они представляют все свои новейшие игры, также остальные в виде игрового магазина и общественного центра, где вы сможете разговаривать с друзьями, чтоб получить максимум наслаждения от игры. Но это приложение не лишено заморочек, как и хоть какое другое программное обеспечение, потому я написал вам управление по устранению ошибки EC 10005 ниже.
Как убрать код ошибки приложения EA EC 10005
Эта ошибка значит, что у приложения появились трудности с подключением к Вебу. Итак, чтоб убрать эту ошибку, мы выполним пару шажков.
Опции приложения
Сделайте последующие деяния, чтоб убрать проблемы в самом приложении EA:
- Проверьте состояние сервера EA
- Нажмите тут, чтоб проверить, не отключен ли какой-нибудь из серверов EA
- Подождите некое время, до этого чем проверить снова
- Чистка кэша
- Нажмите трехстрочное меню в левом верхнем углу
- Наведите курсор на справку
- Нажмите «Восстановление приложения».
- Нажмите Очистить кэш
- Запустите приложение от имени админа <ул> <ли>Закройте приложение EA, щелкнув его правой клавишей мыши на панели задач и выбрав «Выход».
- Щелкните правой клавишей мыши приложение EA, изберите Пуск от имени админа
- Нажмите свое имя в правом верхнем углу
- Нажмите «Выйти»
- Это перезапустит приложение, войдите опять.
Опции ПК
- Проверьте опции брандмауэра, чтоб выяснить, не заблокируют ли они подключение приложения к Вебу.
- Проверьте опции антивируса.
- Перейдите в диспетчер задач. и закройте все приложения и службы, связанные с EA.
- Перезагрузите комп.
- Переустановите приложение EA.
- Загрузите и используйте VPN.
Вы сможете применять эти шаги, чтоб попробовать убрать проблемы приложения EA в любом порядке. В конце концов, предпосылкой данной для нас ошибки является хоть какой фактор, который может помешать приложению подключиться к Вебу. Вы также сможете испытать переключиться с Wi-Fi на Ethernet и напротив либо просто протестировать мобильный Веб.
In this article, we will discuss the top fixes for EA desktop error code 10005.
Electronic Arts launched the EA desktop. It is a fascinating gaming service with seamless social network integration. Additionally, it has a simpler user interface. Usually, the user experience with the EA desktop is good. However, many times, it runs into errors. And the most recent error code faced by users is the 10005. So, in this piece, we will discuss the various ways to fix the EA desktop error code 10005.
How to fix the 10005 error code on the EA desktop?
- Restart the EA app
- End the EA tasksEd in Task Manager
- Restart your PC
- Check the EA server status
- Clear the EA app cache
- Create a new account
- Disable Antivirus
- Perform a clean boot
- Get in touch with customer support
Now, let us discuss the different ways to fix the specified error code in detail. If none of the fixes worked, you have the option to contact customer support.
Why does the EA Desktop error code 10005 arise?
There may be various reasons behind this error code. It may be a poor internet connection, a problem with the servers, and the installation of games. In most cases, players who installed a game through the XBOX app rather than the EA application faced this issue. Whatever may be the reason, every problem has a solution.
So, you are advised to try all the fixes below in no specific order. One of them is sure to fix your issue.
1. Restart the EA app
The first fox you can try is to restart the EA application on your PC. In this most cases, the error code arises due to a temporary software bug. So, it is wiser to restart the EA application and see if the problem has been fixed.
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2. End the EA tasks in the Task Manager
This method has indeed worked for many users. Just follow a few simple steps given below:
- Launch the Task Manager on your PC by pressing the Ctrl + Shift + Esc hotkey.
- On the Task Manager window, End task for all the EA application-related processes.
- You can do this by right-clicking on individual processes and then choosing End Task from the context menu.
After that, restart your device. Then, relaunch the EA Desktop application to see if the issue has been fixed.
3. Restart your PC
This is one of the most cliched fixes but works like a charm in almost all cases. All you need to do is to reboot your PC and then re-launch the EAD desktop application.
4. Check the EA server status
Another fix you can try is to check the EA server status. When the server is down from the back-end, you can’t really fix it. There may be server maintenance going from the developer’s side. You can check the server status by visiting websites such as Downdetector. In addition, you can also look for any server-related updates on Electronic Arts’s official Twitter handle.
Also Read: Top 11 Fixes For 0xc0000142 Error Windows 11/10
4. Clear the EA app cache
A corrupted app cache can cause an issue like the one you are facing. So, another fix you can try is to clear the EA application cache:
- Tap the three-bar icon on the top-left of the EA Desktop application.
- Click on Help.
- Tap the App Recovery option.
- Click on Clear cache.
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5. Create a new account
Many affected users were able to overcome the issue by creating and using a new account on their system. So, below is how you do it:
- Press Windows + I key combination to launch the System Settings on your PC.
- Then, choose Accounts.
3. Click on the Family/ Family & other users option.
4. Click on the Add someone option.
From here, you can easily create and log in through a new user account.
After that, just launch the app and the issue should not be there anymore. ( make sure that you are logged in with the newly created account on your PC).
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6. Disable Antivirus
Sometimes, the antivirus on your PC fails to identify a particular app correctly. As a result, it may block the app’s processes. So, you can try to launch the EAD desktop app with the antivirus temporarily disabled.
Windows defender is an in-built antivirus program on Windows devices. It aims to protect the system from malware, viruses, and unauthorized access. So, you can turn off the Windows Defender temporarily.
If you have installed third-party antivirus applications on your PC, try disabling them temporarily and then launch the EA Desktop app.Note: It is not recommended to keep the antivirus disabled permanently. It can pose serious problems. So, once the purpose has been fulfilled, kindly turn on the antivirus back.
7. Perform a clean boot
Software conflict may also be the reason behind the EA Desktop error code 10005. In such a case try launching the application in the clean boot state.
In a clean boot state, the system is launched only with necessary programs and drivers. In short, all the unnecessary background/startup programs are closed.
Launching the EA Desktop app in a clean boot state helps in identifying if there is a software conflict between the app and any other program on the PC.
So, you are advised to perform a clean boot to troubleshoot the issue.
8. Get in touch with customer support
If none of the fixes worked for you, you can get in touch with customer support. The trained professionals there can help you fix the issue really quickly. So, contact EA customer support by clicking here.
Wrapping Up!
So, that’s all for now. These are the best fixes for the 10005 error code on the EA desktop. Go ahead and try these fixes in no specific order. In case you face any difficulties while doing so, do let us know in the comment section. We would love to help you.