Доброго времени суток.
И так . Как я уже писал первый тест шнурком VAGCOM выдал кучу ошибок, одной из которых была :
18010 — Напряжение питания на кл. 30: напряжение слишком низкое.
Ошибки я все удалил, и данная больше не появлялось.Но, проверить то надо, ведь не из воздуха же она появилась.Выяснил, что данная ошибка говорит о низком заряде аккумулятора.Думаю, что за фигня, проблем ни когда не возникало, и тут я вспомнил кое что … Месяца 2 назад, машина пару недель отдыхала.Когда я стал заводить случилась хрень какая то )) Стартер, пару секунд крутит и тишина, второй раз та же хрень.Выключаю музыку, пробую ещё раз, то же самое, двигатель делает несколько оборотов и останавливается но теперь я слышу, что стартер при этом продолжает жужжать.Посторонних звуков типа хруста при этом не было. Пробую ещё раз и машина завелась.Прогрел мотор, заглушил далее завелась без проблем.Больше в тот день проблем не возникало, только пару раз на следующий.
Первое на что подумал это втягивающие, ибо стартер двигло крутил хоть и недолго, но как всегда бодренько. Далее сервис, демонтаж стартера, из за одного паршивого болтика (есть там такой, под шестигранник, дабы шлицы не испортить ) пришлось снимать компрессор климата. Разобрали, немного пыли, а так всё чисто и сухо, включая планитарку )) Естественно потом где надо смазали, где надо почистили.
Щётки, бендикс, всё в отличном состоянии.Дошли до втягивающего, и тут фига.Пару болтов ели открутили и то с помощью зубильца, третий болт ни как.Можно было конечно его высверлить, но заменить его было нечем.(оставлять машину на несколько дней не вариант, нужна по ж…пой) Но, то моя вина, , на кануне нашёл видео о ремонте стартера, и я знал, что эти болты можно купить.Ждать не захотел, попёрся в сервис.Ну … что делать, кинули на прямую 12V, короче всё отлично жужжит, входит и выходит.Решил ставить обратно, а там посмотрим.
Шло время, всё отлично, встречал друзей знакомых, делился с ними этим случаем, и обратил внимание, что первое, о чём они спрашивают это аккум. Наверное не просто так, решил проверить ))))
И точно, замерил, 12.5V через пару дней измеряю снова 11.8V Встал вопрос, сам аккум. не держит или утечка.
В следующий раз решил оставить сняв клеммы.Было 12.6V стало 12.2V (так же машина стояла 2 дня) но тут нюанс, во время второго «теста» заметно потеплело.
А вы что думаете? Аккумулятору хана или где то утечка ?
Те самые злосчастные винтики : 035 911 299 B
Забыл написать, с зарядкой всё в шоколаде ))) Аккумулятор стоит оригинальный : JZW 915 105 A
12V 72Ah 640A
07.09.2006, 08:55
018010 ошибка. Кто что скажет?
18010 Напряжение питания на кл. 30: напряжение слишком низкое
появилась, непойми от чего. стираешь нету. неделю ездишь появляется, на работе мотора не отражается.
Что говорит Эльза? куда лезть? что смотреть?
07.09.2006, 08:57
Всем Перцам — Перец Клуба!
0APT, 1,8 универсал- 14 лет-продан, шкодавод А7
07.09.2006, 09:00
Сообщение от pavel1
Может клемму АКБ на массу проверить?Опа……. а нука подробней?
А то с этой музыкой последнее время снимал несколько раз…….
07.09.2006, 09:06
Руслан, извини, ICQ временно нет.
А кто тебе вообще сказал что это какой-то клапан? Это клемма 30 питания ECU, в качестве решения Elsa, собственно, предлагает проверить питание самого ECU. Это можно сделать через через VAG-COM: в блоке параметров ECU, группа 4, 2-й параметр. Должно быть не меньше 11.5 вольт.Добавлено спустя 2 минуты 9 секунд:Т.е. это либо из-за того что ты снимал клемму с АКБ, либо из-за того что аккумулятор недостаточно заряжен (сдох, например) и во время пуска двигателя напряжение просаживается ниже 11.5 вольт, на что и ругается ECU.
07.09.2006, 09:08
Сообщение от RussoTuristo
А то с этой музыкой последнее времяснимал несколько раз
Скорее всего из-за этого она и появляется
07.09.2006, 09:09
Всем Перцам — Перец Клуба!
Сообщение от RussoTuristo
Тут тоже вычитал-хорошая мысль, понравилась. Сам не сталкивался. Думаю, что надо идти по толстым проводам от АКБ до точки соединения и(или) прозвонить омметром «-» клеммы АКБ и любую точку на кузове хорошим омметром (который «ловит» десятые Ома), при этом должен быть хороший 0. Также можно подключить стрелочный вольтметр к АКБ и смотреть на стрелку при запуске (работает стартер). Цифровиком сложно увидеть кратковременный провал напруги.
APT, 1,8 универсал- 14 лет-продан, шкодавод А7
07.09.2006, 09:11
Вот спасибки Мусчины!
Как всегда Быстро и качественно ответили на вопрос!
07.09.2006, 16:13
Всем Перцам — Перец Клуба!
Сообщение от pavel1
Думаю, что надо идти по толстым проводам от АКБ до точки соединения
Далеко идти не прийдётся!
Провод с минуса АКБ идет на гайку (под болт) прямо рядом в аккумуляторном отсеке. Я пару раз его (болт) «шевелил» ключиком для профилактики.VW Passat B5 1.8 Turbo, 20V, AEB, LB7Z, 1998 г.(был 17 лет)
Одна голова — хорошо, а… без нее смешнее!
07.09.2006, 16:18
Всем Перцам — Перец Клуба!
Угу, бум знать, раньше не озадачивался.APT, 1,8 универсал- 14 лет-продан, шкодавод А7
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21.07.2015, 17:40
Народ может кто сталкивался-подскажите…
Пассат Б5+. vag com выдал ошибку 18010-напряжение питания на клапан 30 :напряжение слишком низкое. что за клапан и чем это лечится?
21.07.2015, 18:00
АКБ живой? зарядка норм?
клемы АКБ трогал?
проверь массу.
21.07.2015, 18:02
можно не слать эту хрень мне постоянно?
21.07.2015, 19:25
Ребята очень нада подскажите вин код петель на капот.очень нада
22.07.2015, 18:27
это не клапан,это клемма.когда минусовую клемму с аккумулятора снимаешь а потом ставишь назад то появляется эта ошибка,её просто сбрасываеш и всё.она всегда появляется так что не очкуй
Вопрос решен. Тема была закрыта автором
08-08-2007 08:33 PM
Senior Member
Three Rings
Vag code 18010 (P1602)
P1602 18010 Power Supply (B+) Terminal Supply 30 Low Voltage
I know a lot of people have pulled this code before and not had any problems… This is my newest PITA. Got the car running GREAT after replacing coil packs, plugs, new battery and MAF. Then yesterday it died and pulled a code for the engine coolant temp sensor. Replaced that today, cleared the code for that, and now it won’t start. It’ll crank over and over, but no start. Vag’d it again, now I’m getting this code and this code only. No bad fuses. Bad ECU connections? Any suggestions?
1998.5 Audi A4 1.8T Quattro Tiptronic — MagnaFlow — Bilstein — Neuspeed — EvoMS — 034MS — LLTek — FMIC — VDO —
08-08-2007 09:37 PM
Veteran Member
Four Rings
Re: Vag code 18010 (P1602)
that code just indicates that your battery was disconnected. Try unplugging it again for 30 mins, reconnect it, turn the key to the ignition position but don’t start it. The ECU is adapting the throttle body. After a minute try and start it.
2001 A4 Avant 2.0t comp CT4 5858 Maestro Tune
2012 Volkswagen CC TSI 6 speed.
08-09-2007 06:06 AM
Senior Member
Three Rings
Re: Vag code 18010 (P1602)
OK. Yeah I make it a point to do the TB Adapt every time I disconnect the battery, I know that was done. I may not have had the battery disconnected long enough for it to reset. I’ll try again after work!
1998.5 Audi A4 1.8T Quattro Tiptronic — MagnaFlow — Bilstein — Neuspeed — EvoMS — 034MS — LLTek — FMIC — VDO —
08-09-2007 07:46 PM
Senior Member
Three Rings
Re: Vag code 18010 (P1602)
Alright, so I have tried switching ECU’s, nothing. Disconnected the battery and let it reset, nothing. Regapped spark plugs, nothing. The ICM is only a few months old, the MAF is brand new, the engine coolant temp sensor is brand new, the battery is brand new, the coil packs are brand new, the spark plugs are brand new, the pre-cat 02 sensor is brand new, and nothing. It is not throwing a single code, and nothing. It cranks and cranks and cranks and doesn’t start. What the F’ing hell is wrong with this car??????
1998.5 Audi A4 1.8T Quattro Tiptronic — MagnaFlow — Bilstein — Neuspeed — EvoMS — 034MS — LLTek — FMIC — VDO —
08-09-2007 07:53 PM
Veteran Member
Four Rings
Re: Vag code 18010 (P1602)
is it flooded? Pull the plugs and see if they are wet. If they are wet then you know you have a problem with ignition. If they are dry then you may have a fuel pump issue. Can you hear your fuel pump? When you have you key in the ignition position with out starting does your CEL come on?
2001 A4 Avant 2.0t comp CT4 5858 Maestro Tune
2012 Volkswagen CC TSI 6 speed.
08-09-2007 07:58 PM
Senior Member
Three Rings
Re: Vag code 18010 (P1602)
It was flooded. I’ve been assuming there is no spark. The fuel pump is fine, I can hear everything running when it’s in the on position. What else could be wrong with the ignition?
1998.5 Audi A4 1.8T Quattro Tiptronic — MagnaFlow — Bilstein — Neuspeed — EvoMS — 034MS — LLTek — FMIC — VDO —
08-09-2007 07:59 PM
Senior Member
Three Rings
Re: Vag code 18010 (P1602)
The CEL has always come on along with the battery light when the key is in the on position. Any car I’ve ever had has done that. Vag’ing it shows absolutely nothing.
1998.5 Audi A4 1.8T Quattro Tiptronic — MagnaFlow — Bilstein — Neuspeed — EvoMS — 034MS — LLTek — FMIC — VDO —
08-09-2007 08:07 PM
Veteran Member
Four Rings
Re: Vag code 18010 (P1602)
Ok, so the ecu is fine, fuel pump is fine. Try pulling the plugs and letting the excess gas evaporate over night. The plugs could be getting too wet to spark. Did you rececently put in a new ecu?
2001 A4 Avant 2.0t comp CT4 5858 Maestro Tune
2012 Volkswagen CC TSI 6 speed.
08-09-2007 08:11 PM
Senior Member
Three Rings
Re: Vag code 18010 (P1602)
I let the plugs sit over night last night. At one point today I got the slightest little sputter like it wanted to start, and then nothing. I have had the ECU in and out a few times, but its still running the original ECU. My second ECU is an APR ECU that is coded for a manual. I tried swapping them just to rule it out, let it sit and learn itself for a while, and it made no difference.
1998.5 Audi A4 1.8T Quattro Tiptronic — MagnaFlow — Bilstein — Neuspeed — EvoMS — 034MS — LLTek — FMIC — VDO —
08-09-2007 08:56 PM
Veteran Member
Four Rings
Re: Vag code 18010 (P1602)
When you dried out the cylinders, did you use the original ecu or the APR tuned ecu? For the car to run correctly, you HAVE you have it coded for a TIP. When chris tuned my ecu, it returned to me tuned for a tip and I’m a 5 speed. I spent 3 days wondering why my car refused to start. I had my car connected to a booster box cranking for 4 minutes to finally start but it would run like shit. I swapped mafs, injectors, ecus in every single combo. Then I noticed that my ecu was incorrectly coded. Once I got my plugs dry again it fired right up.
2001 A4 Avant 2.0t comp CT4 5858 Maestro Tune
2012 Volkswagen CC TSI 6 speed.
08-09-2007 09:04 PM
Senior Member
Three Rings
Re: Vag code 18010 (P1602)
No, I tried the APR ECU as a last ditch effort. The stock ECU has been in the car up until a few hours ago when I decided to just try it out. The stock ECU was installed when all this happened. I’m sure it doesn’t have anything to do with that. I know that the APR is incorrectly coded, but only the tranny. I’ve had it out just around the block with the APR ECU in the past. It still drives, but like shit. This is something else. I know I’m getting fuel. I can’t figure out why the engine coolant temp sensor would have anything to do with this, but it’s got to somehow.
1998.5 Audi A4 1.8T Quattro Tiptronic — MagnaFlow — Bilstein — Neuspeed — EvoMS — 034MS — LLTek — FMIC — VDO —
08-09-2007 10:02 PM
Veteran Member
Four Rings
Re: Vag code 18010 (P1602)
coolant temp sensor should not affect start up. Try unplugging it.
2001 A4 Avant 2.0t comp CT4 5858 Maestro Tune
2012 Volkswagen CC TSI 6 speed.
08-10-2007 06:02 AM
Senior Member
Three Rings
Re: Vag code 18010 (P1602)
I tried starting it with the old sensor in, I tried it with the new sensor in, and I tried it without it connected. nothing made a difference. I’m seriously confused here!
1998.5 Audi A4 1.8T Quattro Tiptronic — MagnaFlow — Bilstein — Neuspeed — EvoMS — 034MS — LLTek — FMIC — VDO —
08-10-2007 07:39 AM
Senior Member
Three Rings
Re: Vag code 18010 (P1602)
anyone have any sort of idea? It’s either figure this out, or throw the car into a lake…
1998.5 Audi A4 1.8T Quattro Tiptronic — MagnaFlow — Bilstein — Neuspeed — EvoMS — 034MS — LLTek — FMIC — VDO —
08-10-2007 08:58 AM
Senior Member
Three Rings
Re: Vag code 18010 (P1602)
1998.5 Audi A4 1.8T Quattro Tiptronic — MagnaFlow — Bilstein — Neuspeed — EvoMS — 034MS — LLTek — FMIC — VDO —
08-10-2007 09:11 AM
Veteran Member
Four Rings
Re: Vag code 18010 (P1602)
May sound like a dumb idea, but if its giving you that code why don’t you try a different battery, it may have a bad ground.
Another thing you should do is check your fuses, also try cranking with the MAF unplugged, it may be a big boost leak that you don’t know about. Check your hoses, my car refuses to start if one of the hoses is off.
-MilitantGrunt- Certified Audi Dealership Technician / Parts Manager
-18 718 GTS
-10 B8 A4 Avant — 6spd swapped / built motor / Pag Parts EFR 7163 Turbo Setup.
08-10-2007 11:07 PM
Veteran Member
Four Rings
Re: Vag code 18010 (P1602)
Originally Posted by Militant-Grunt
May sound like a dumb idea, but if its giving you that code why don’t you try a different battery, it may have a bad ground.
Another thing you should do is check your fuses, also try cranking with the MAF unplugged, it may be a big boost leak that you don’t know about. Check your hoses, my car refuses to start if one of the hoses is off.
x2 and bad grounding on the battery
08-12-2007 08:07 PM
Senior Member
Three Rings
Re: Vag code 18010 (P1602)
no bad fuses, no loose hoses, tried another battery- no difference, tried with the MAF unplugged, still nothing. The grounds I could get at were fine. I’ll do more digging tomorrow. This may sound even more stupid, but is it possible I shorted something out with leaking coolant when I pulled the old engine coolant temp sensor out? Also, I’ve heard some cars won’t start when it’s not receiving a signal from the engine coolant temp sensor.
1998.5 Audi A4 1.8T Quattro Tiptronic — MagnaFlow — Bilstein — Neuspeed — EvoMS — 034MS — LLTek — FMIC — VDO —
08-12-2007 08:10 PM
Veteran Member
Four Rings
Re: Vag code 18010 (P1602)
If you could also try borrowing someones igniter. They are known to fail occasionally, the car will do nothing but crank if one is disconnected or not working properly.
-MilitantGrunt- Certified Audi Dealership Technician / Parts Manager
-18 718 GTS
-10 B8 A4 Avant — 6spd swapped / built motor / Pag Parts EFR 7163 Turbo Setup.
08-12-2007 08:21 PM
Veteran Member
Four Rings
Re: Vag code 18010 (P1602)
you would get a vag code from the coolant temp sensor.
2001 A4 Avant 2.0t comp CT4 5858 Maestro Tune
2012 Volkswagen CC TSI 6 speed.
08-12-2007 08:21 PM
Senior Member
Three Rings
Re: Vag code 18010 (P1602)
igniter? wha?
A friend of mine said he had similar problems on a neon (ignore the neon part
) where it wouldn’t do anything but crank, and was not throwing codes. He had a bad Crank position sensor. Any truth to this being a possibility? I’m just throwing new ideas out there at this point…
1998.5 Audi A4 1.8T Quattro Tiptronic — MagnaFlow — Bilstein — Neuspeed — EvoMS — 034MS — LLTek — FMIC — VDO —
08-12-2007 08:41 PM
Veteran Member
Four Rings
Re: Vag code 18010 (P1602)
explain how the car «died». Did it die when you were cruising? or you stopped somewhere came back and the car would not start? I wouldn’t just to the cam position sensor just yet because i think that would throw a code too. Usually happens if your TB pops or the TB skips a few teeth and your motor is overtimed.
2001 A4 Avant 2.0t comp CT4 5858 Maestro Tune
2012 Volkswagen CC TSI 6 speed.
08-12-2007 08:56 PM
Veteran Member
Four Rings
Re: Vag code 18010 (P1602)
Originally Posted by jlien08
igniter? wha?
A friend of mine said he had similar problems on a neon (ignore the neon part
) where it wouldn’t do anything but crank, and was not throwing codes. He had a bad Crank position sensor. Any truth to this being a possibility? I’m just throwing new ideas out there at this point…
One of these puppies
It is located on top of the airbox
Id get some electrical parts cleaner, spray down both the connectors going into the igniter, as well as the connections on the igniter, if not try getting one of someone else’s car, they’re usually glued to the air intake box though.
-MilitantGrunt- Certified Audi Dealership Technician / Parts Manager
-18 718 GTS
-10 B8 A4 Avant — 6spd swapped / built motor / Pag Parts EFR 7163 Turbo Setup.
08-12-2007 09:02 PM
Senior Member
Three Rings
Re: Vag code 18010 (P1602)
after installing new suspension, coil packs, and battery. It was driving better than it has since we got the car. My wife drove it for about a week after all this, and then last week as she was getting home, it died. when it died she was slowing to a stop to make a turn, and when she stopped the rpm’s dropped and th car died. some people helped her push it to the side of the road, and after about 10 minutes it started back up and she finished the 3 block drive home. I got home from work, Vag’d it, it said engine coolant temp sensor. I went out and got a new one that night. The friggin O-ring snapped when I went to put it in so I had to wait until the next day to get a new one. That day I put it in no problem, we went to take it for a spin (kind of a ritual now) and it wouldn’t start. That’s basically all it was. I never touched anything else, but like I said, it did leak coolant while I had the old one out. I’ve checked damn near everything I can think of!
1998.5 Audi A4 1.8T Quattro Tiptronic — MagnaFlow — Bilstein — Neuspeed — EvoMS — 034MS — LLTek — FMIC — VDO —
08-12-2007 09:04 PM
Senior Member
Three Rings
Re: Vag code 18010 (P1602)
Oh, the ICM. It was replaced last fall. It shouldn’t be bad already, although I won’t rule anything out…
Originally Posted by Militant-Grunt
One of these puppies
It is located on top of the airbox
Id get some electrical parts cleaner, spray down both the connectors going into the igniter, as well as the connections on the igniter, if not try getting one of someone else’s car, they’re usually glued to the air intake box though.
1998.5 Audi A4 1.8T Quattro Tiptronic — MagnaFlow — Bilstein — Neuspeed — EvoMS — 034MS — LLTek — FMIC — VDO —
08-12-2007 09:16 PM
Veteran Member
Four Rings
Re: Vag code 18010 (P1602)
To me that has always been a igniter, sorry haha.
Don’t rule out the parts you’ve replaced, shit happens. The fuel pump in my Land Rover Discovery failed twice within 1 year.
-MilitantGrunt- Certified Audi Dealership Technician / Parts Manager
-18 718 GTS
-10 B8 A4 Avant — 6spd swapped / built motor / Pag Parts EFR 7163 Turbo Setup.
08-12-2007 09:18 PM
Senior Member
Three Rings
Re: Vag code 18010 (P1602)
yeah I know how that goes. We already had to replace the headlight/cruise switch twice in 6 months. stupid F’ing $180 part never should have failed in the first place! anyway, back on task, when the ICM failed last time the car would still start, just run really really rough.
1998.5 Audi A4 1.8T Quattro Tiptronic — MagnaFlow — Bilstein — Neuspeed — EvoMS — 034MS — LLTek — FMIC — VDO —
08-12-2007 09:23 PM
Veteran Member
Four Rings
Re: Vag code 18010 (P1602)
Originally Posted by Militant-Grunt
One of these puppies
It is located on top of the airbox
Id get some electrical parts cleaner, spray down both the connectors going into the igniter, as well as the connections on the igniter, if not try getting one of someone else’s car, they’re usually glued to the air intake box though.
dirtiest engine bay I have ever seen.
I’m pretty sure a coolant temp sensor woudln’t cause the car to die when your wife was driving it. Did you compression test your motor?
2001 A4 Avant 2.0t comp CT4 5858 Maestro Tune
2012 Volkswagen CC TSI 6 speed.
08-12-2007 09:26 PM
Veteran Member
Four Rings
Re: Vag code 18010 (P1602)
Originally Posted by Poopie
dirtiest engine bay I have ever seen.
I’m pretty sure a coolant temp sensor woudln’t cause the car to die when your wife was driving it. Did you compression test your motor?
Yeah its some image I found randomly haha.
The coolant sensor would not cause the car not to start, ive driven with it disconnected both in a A4 and S4, in a S4 I’ve driven with one that was completely cut off, it really doesn’t have to do with anything.
-MilitantGrunt- Certified Audi Dealership Technician / Parts Manager
-18 718 GTS
-10 B8 A4 Avant — 6spd swapped / built motor / Pag Parts EFR 7163 Turbo Setup.
08-12-2007 09:29 PM
Senior Member
Three Rings
Re: Vag code 18010 (P1602)
No compression test yet, but I have gone through every major hose on the car and it’s been ok. I really should do that. I’m pretty sure I’m not getting any spark. I’m going to do more testing tomorrow. This would all be so much easier on my old Fiero… lol
1998.5 Audi A4 1.8T Quattro Tiptronic — MagnaFlow — Bilstein — Neuspeed — EvoMS — 034MS — LLTek — FMIC — VDO —
08-12-2007 09:33 PM
Veteran Member
Four Rings
Re: Vag code 18010 (P1602)
The biggest trouble spot ive seen so far for boost leaks are on the intercooler pipe on the turbo side, the long tube going up to the DV rips from that hook, but that wouldnt cause it to not to start, I had a giant boost leak, and the car still started. My car wouldnt start if that hose came off the turbo though, so check that.
-MilitantGrunt- Certified Audi Dealership Technician / Parts Manager
-18 718 GTS
-10 B8 A4 Avant — 6spd swapped / built motor / Pag Parts EFR 7163 Turbo Setup.
08-12-2007 09:40 PM
Senior Member
Three Rings
Re: Vag code 18010 (P1602)
I checked all the hoses on the turbo side, they were fine. I haven’t seen any tears or leaks at all. I had tightened all hoses near the turbo a few weeks ago after installing my CAI, and I made sure to double check all those connections in the last few days. no problems there. it’s got to be either a ground or ignition problem.
1998.5 Audi A4 1.8T Quattro Tiptronic — MagnaFlow — Bilstein — Neuspeed — EvoMS — 034MS — LLTek — FMIC — VDO —
08-12-2007 09:45 PM
Veteran Member
Four Rings
Re: Vag code 18010 (P1602)
Oh wait, it could be your ECU haha, I had mine fail, yours is a 98.5 like mine, so chances are that may have happened, try getting another 557p ecu from someone in your area, replace the ecu’s, to TB adapt and try cranking it like that.
-MilitantGrunt- Certified Audi Dealership Technician / Parts Manager
-18 718 GTS
-10 B8 A4 Avant — 6spd swapped / built motor / Pag Parts EFR 7163 Turbo Setup.
08-12-2007 09:51 PM
Senior Member
Three Rings
Re: Vag code 18010 (P1602)
done that too. I’ve got an APR 557P ECU (it’s for a manual, not a TIP, but it still starts the car). I didn’t have any luck with that either.
1998.5 Audi A4 1.8T Quattro Tiptronic — MagnaFlow — Bilstein — Neuspeed — EvoMS — 034MS — LLTek — FMIC — VDO —
08-13-2007 09:40 AM
Senior Member
Three Rings
Re: Vag code 18010 (P1602)
bump… have I stumped anyone.
1998.5 Audi A4 1.8T Quattro Tiptronic — MagnaFlow — Bilstein — Neuspeed — EvoMS — 034MS — LLTek — FMIC — VDO —
08-14-2007 09:38 AM
Senior Member
Three Rings
Re: Vag code 18010 (P1602)
bump… still nothing. What are the chances it’s the camshaft position sensor?
1998.5 Audi A4 1.8T Quattro Tiptronic — MagnaFlow — Bilstein — Neuspeed — EvoMS — 034MS — LLTek — FMIC — VDO —
08-16-2007 07:21 PM
Senior Member
Three Rings
Re: Vag code 18010 (P1602)
It was the fuckin ICM again!! I am totally convinced that running a CAI w/o a good heatshield wrecks stuff. In the month or so it has been installed, both the MAF and the ICM have pooped out on me!!
1998.5 Audi A4 1.8T Quattro Tiptronic — MagnaFlow — Bilstein — Neuspeed — EvoMS — 034MS — LLTek — FMIC — VDO —
Просто заглянул
Всем привет.Помогите разобраться ,выскакивает ошибка18010-Напряжение питания на кл. 30: напряжение слишком низкое ,акома стоит новая,скыдываю эту ошибку через 10 минут появляется снова.Как с этой ошибкой разобраться с чего начать?
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А фактически какое напряжение?
Проверь контакты, массу для начала.
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bulbash написал(а):
А фактически какое напряжение?
Проверь контакты, массу для начала.
А где проверить конкретнее, что это «кл. 30»? У меня такаже ошибка вылазит.
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Мастер советчик
А где проверить конкретнее, что это «кл. 30»? У меня такаже ошибка вылазит.
«кл.30» — это постоянный плюс с АКБ.
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А если еще промеришь напряжение на этом преде и на самом ЭБУ(красно-фиолетовый провод, 3 пин) то вообще будет хорошо. Замерь при выключеном зажигании и включеном.