Код ошибки 17099

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При отправке сообщения электронной почты с вложением возникает ошибка -17099 или -3253 и сообщение не отправляется.


Эта проблема возникала в модуле защиты от уязвимостей Norton Security для Mac версии 8.6.3 или более поздней. Компания Norton выпустила исправление для решения этой проблемы.

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Icon Ex Номер ошибки: Ошибка 17099
Название ошибки: Outlook Express Error Code 17099
Описание ошибки: Ошибка 17099: Возникла ошибка в приложении Microsoft Outlook Express. Приложение будет закрыто. Приносим извинения за неудобства.
Разработчик: Microsoft Corporation
Программное обеспечение: Microsoft Outlook Express
Относится к: Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10, 11

Сводка «Outlook Express Error Code 17099

Как правило, практикующие ПК и сотрудники службы поддержки знают «Outlook Express Error Code 17099» как форму «ошибки во время выполнения». Когда дело доходит до Microsoft Outlook Express, инженеры программного обеспечения используют арсенал инструментов, чтобы попытаться сорвать эти ошибки как можно лучше. Как и во всем в жизни, иногда такие проблемы, как ошибка 17099, упускаются из виду.

Ошибка 17099, рассматриваемая как «Outlook Express Error Code 17099», может возникнуть пользователями Microsoft Outlook Express в результате нормального использования программы. Сообщение об этой ошибке 17099 позволит разработчикам обновить свое приложение и исправить любые ошибки, которые могут вызвать его. Затем Microsoft Corporation нужно будет исправить эти ошибки в главном исходном коде и предоставить модифицированную версию для загрузки. Чтобы исправить такие ошибки 17099 ошибки, устанавливаемое обновление программного обеспечения будет выпущено от поставщика программного обеспечения.

Что запускает ошибку времени выполнения 17099?

У вас будет сбой во время выполнения Microsoft Outlook Express, если вы столкнетесь с «Outlook Express Error Code 17099» во время выполнения. Мы рассмотрим основные причины ошибки 17099 ошибок:

Ошибка 17099 Crash — программа обнаружила ошибку 17099 из-за указанной задачи и завершила работу программы. Это возникает, когда Microsoft Outlook Express не реагирует на ввод должным образом или не знает, какой вывод требуется взамен.

Утечка памяти «Outlook Express Error Code 17099» — этот тип утечки памяти приводит к тому, что Microsoft Outlook Express продолжает использовать растущие объемы памяти, снижая общую производительность системы. Возможные провокации включают отсутствие девыделения памяти и ссылку на плохой код, такой как бесконечные циклы.

Error 17099 Logic Error — Ошибка программной логики возникает, когда, несмотря на точный ввод от пользователя, производится неверный вывод. Это происходит, когда исходный код Microsoft Corporation вызывает недостаток в обработке информации.

Большинство ошибок Outlook Express Error Code 17099 являются результатом отсутствия или повреждения версии файла, установленного Microsoft Outlook Express. Возникновение подобных проблем является раздражающим фактором, однако их легко устранить, заменив файл Microsoft Corporation, из-за которого возникает проблема. В качестве дополнительного шага по устранению неполадок мы настоятельно рекомендуем очистить все пути к неверным файлам и ссылки на расширения файлов Microsoft Corporation, которые могут способствовать возникновению такого рода ошибок, связанных с Outlook Express Error Code 17099.

Ошибки Outlook Express Error Code 17099

Эти проблемы Microsoft Outlook Express, связанные с Outlook Express Error Code 17099, включают в себя:

  • «Ошибка Outlook Express Error Code 17099. «
  • «Недопустимый файл Outlook Express Error Code 17099. «
  • «Возникла ошибка в приложении Outlook Express Error Code 17099. Приложение будет закрыто. Приносим извинения за неудобства.»
  • «Outlook Express Error Code 17099 не может быть найден. «
  • «Отсутствует файл Outlook Express Error Code 17099.»
  • «Ошибка запуска программы: Outlook Express Error Code 17099.»
  • «Outlook Express Error Code 17099 не работает. «
  • «Отказ Outlook Express Error Code 17099.»
  • «Неверный путь к приложению: Outlook Express Error Code 17099.»

Проблемы Microsoft Outlook Express Outlook Express Error Code 17099 возникают при установке, во время работы программного обеспечения, связанного с Outlook Express Error Code 17099, во время завершения работы или запуска или менее вероятно во время обновления операционной системы. Документирование проблем Outlook Express Error Code 17099 в Microsoft Outlook Express является ключевым для определения причины проблем с электронной Windows и сообщения о них в Microsoft Corporation.

Создатели Outlook Express Error Code 17099 Трудности

Эти проблемы Outlook Express Error Code 17099 создаются отсутствующими или поврежденными файлами Outlook Express Error Code 17099, недопустимыми записями реестра Microsoft Outlook Express или вредоносным программным обеспечением.

В первую очередь, проблемы Outlook Express Error Code 17099 создаются:

  • Поврежденные ключи реестра Windows, связанные с Outlook Express Error Code 17099 / Microsoft Outlook Express.
  • Загрязненный вирусом и поврежденный Outlook Express Error Code 17099.
  • Outlook Express Error Code 17099 злонамеренно удален (или ошибочно) другим изгоем или действительной программой.
  • Другое приложение, конфликтующее с Outlook Express Error Code 17099 или другими общими ссылками.
  • Поврежденная установка или загрузка Microsoft Outlook Express (Outlook Express Error Code 17099).

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How to fix MAC outlook error code 17099

Microsoft outlook is a platform that can be used as compliance with many devices. With various features, functions, and techniques, Microsoft outlook is easy to access and use. One can send and receive emails, store information and data, set up meetings, manage calendars and schedules, and much more.

Steps to Install the  MS Outlook on Mac:

Step 1: Go to the Microsoft store 

Step 2: Look for Outlook 365 and a new window will appear.

Step 3: Choose your pick for buying the outlook or getting another form of subscription.

Step 4: Click on download and install.

Step 5: Install the mac and wait for the process to get completed.

Step 6: Once, it is done, open the application, and set up your account by providing the necessary details and information, and the app has been successfully installed and made.

The outlook has a lot of benefits and advantages that help users to get the best out of the service especially with the paid subscription and has made the journey smooth for the customers.

However, no matter how easy the platform makes the tasks, it comes with its own cons that are not extensive but can get troublesome if not dealt with right away. 

Outlook error code 17099

Microsoft Outlook is an email service provider that includes various features for the audience along with being one of the reputed and well-known platforms. Despite its extensive services, there are many errors that one can encounter while dealing with the outlook. One of such errors is the outlook error code 17099.

The Root Causes: Outlook Email Error Code 17099

  1. One such reason is that an exchange in the mailbox took place that either included a corrupted file or cache
  2. It could also be due to outdated settings or configuration settings that need to be dealt with through our own end. 
  3. Issues could be that with your connectivity or your network due to which the loading is not getting entirely processed. 
  4. The SMTP server is fluctuating which in turn prevents one to send and receive messages. 
  5. One might have exceeded the limit of sending messages to a larger group of emails all at once.
  6. One is running an older version of outlook which needs to be updated or reinstalled. 

That is where one of the majorly asked questions pops up; How to fix MAC outlook error code 17099. There is not just one but many subcategories of issues that keep popping up time and again which occur due to different reasons and have different solutions or ways of getting fixed. 

Outlook error code 17099-Exceltechguru

Once again, these reasons vary to the kind of problem that one is facing with the computer that has its own root causes and ways of getting fixed but the majority of the issues circle around these.

Now one must be wondering again as to how to fix the mac outlook error code 17099. Let us get on with that.

Fixing Error Code 17099 in Ms Outlook:

Method 1: Direct Approach

Step 1: Check your network and internet for any faulty or slow connection.

Step 2: Shut down any ongoing applications running in the background of your computer.

Step 3: Open your Outlook application or the MS office platform and then outlook through it.

Step 4: Go to the office folder and double click on the office folder then on the database utilityapp.

Step 5: Click on the database managed by utility and press on the option of the rebuild.

Step 6: A data progress report will then be highlighted and once its process is completed it will show that it is rebuilt successfully.

 Step 7 : Then click on done and review if the issue was solved or not.

Method 2: Clearance of Outbox Folder

Step 1: Go to the web browser and open the email account on your device.

Step 2: Enter the username, password and any other credentials asked for.

Step 3: Check your outbox folder and check for any pending or unsent emails in it.

Step 4: If the outbox is indeed filled and is carrying those messages, then erase or delete them from the folder and send those mails again. 

Step 5: After its done, check if the error still persists or not because it should get fixed after this.

Method 3: Alternate method for Mac

Step 1: In this method, rebuilding of database will be initiated to fix the problem.

Step 2: Close all the applications or programs that are running in the background.

Step 3: Then, go to the application folder and open MS Office 2011 or keep pressing the option key and then open outlook program.

Step 4: Then one needs to double click on the office folder and then on the MS database utility.app

Step 5: Then find the database that has to be rebuilt and that is maintained by utility. Press the rebuild option.

Step 6: Then a new window will appear that will highlight a new progress report, when the progress report will get successfully completed and fin  ished a new option will appear.

Step 7: The new window will then show that one’s database was rebuilt successfully.

Step 8: Once you click on the done button and the update will be carried through, the desired changes will be made that will further fix the ongoing issue of outlook error code.

Method 4: Reinstallation of Microsoft outlook

Step 1: If the error keeps persisting for longer hours then the issue could also that of outdated application or Microsoft outlook unable to comply with your device.

Step 2: To deal with this issue, delete the existing application, however only after back up and then go to the application store to reinstall the new version of the Microsoft outlook.

Step 3: Also, before this, keep a check as to if you are dealing with an outdated version of the microsoft outlook and if the error can simply be fixed with updating the app for troubleshooting purposes.

Method 5:Third Party software

If one’s issue is recurring or unable to get fixed then they can approach the method of third party software for recovery for the corrupt Microsoft outlook error.


Through these various approaches one can easily fix the issue. Though, one should always keep in mind to prevent this error one should always keep a constant check on their outboxes and keep it clear and clean.

We hope by now you have effectively solved the issue of Outlook Error Code 17099.

However, if the above-mentioned methods fail to work then we will have to contact Microsoft Outlook Support or take the help of our Online Technical Support.

(Call @+1 (878)-999-8893

We provide 24/7 services with customer support and guarantees customer satisfaction. Best solutions are provided just by sitting at home and solving the error issue with the help of expert professional technicians.

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Raj |
Modified: September 7, 2021 | Email Tips | 2 Minutes Reading

MS Outlook, one of the most widely used email clients, has spread its roots in both Windows and Macintosh operating systems. While there have been several versions of MS Outlook in Windows OS, for Mac operating system only Outlook 2011 and Outlook 2016 are available.

Similar to Outlook for Windows, there are times, when a user encounters errors in Outlook for Mac. One common error that is encountered in Outlook for Mac is Error 17099. The following error message is shown when this error is encountered:

Relaying to prohibited by administrator email could not be sent

Cause of Error 17099

There are mainly two causes associated with the occurrence of this error:

  1. This error mainly occurs when the SMTP server returns a permanent or transient error.
  2. The second scenario when this error occurs is while sending a mail to a large number of users. Since the default limit is 50 users, in case the email is sent to more than 50 users at the same time, this error is encountered.

Workaround to Resolve Error 17099

This error can be resolved with the help of two methods. They are:

  1. If Error is Due to SMTP Server

    This error can be resolved by rebuilding the identity database that can be done with the help of Microsoft Database Utility. For performing this process, follow the below-mentioned steps:

    1. Exit from all the applications that are running.
    2. Open Application folder and browse for MS Office 2011 to search for the Microsoft Database utility and double click on it.
    3. Click on the OLM file that has to be processed in Database Utility Window, and click on Rebuild.
    4. You will see a progress window displaying Rebuilding Main Identity.
    5. Once the process is completed, a message will be displayed “Your database was rebuilt successfully”
    6. Click on Done option.
  2. If The Email Is Sent to Large Groups

    In case an email is sent to large groups in which the number of users is more than 50. For increasing the number of users from 50 recipients, you should contact the mail provider. The mail provider can increase the recipients per message and you can avoid getting these messages.


With the help of above mentioned procedures, we can overcome the occurrence of Outlook for Mac error code 17099.


Microsoft Outlook is an application for sending and managing emails. Users can avail this tool in any version of Microsoft Office. The tool was launched so that users can configure the web-based email services. But now users can create and send emails as well. With the help of the MS Outlook, you can manage calendar, personal journal, contacts and it also provides weather and social updates for users. Earlier the MS outlook was designed for Windows OS. Now Macintosh users can get the most out of this application. But like every other application, MS Outlook is not free from technical glitches. Outlook error code 17099 is one troubling issue which needs to be resolved at the earliest.

The prime reasons users to witness such problem is when the SMTP server shows a permanent or transient error. Problems can also occur due to an incomplete installation of the MS Outlook application. Users are sending email to more than 50 recipients can also trigger the error as well. Sometimes problems can occur if the Windows file is corrupted or it has some technical glitch. Users can get this error if they are running more than one program simultaneously and it prevents Outlook to function properly. Also, there can be a virus or malware attack in your system which can hamper the work of this particular application.

Solutions For Resolving Outlook Error Code 17099

The Outlook error code 17099  is a typical issue that can bug any Outlook users. If you are facing the same situation, then don’t worry. Try to diagnose and solve the issue correctly. Problems like this are not that critical as you may think. With the help of the right technique, you can easily solve the glitch. If you are unaware of the troubleshooting techniques, then take a look at this article and fix the issue by yourself. Thus check the list and troubleshoot the Outlook for Mac error code 17099.

Error Due to SMTP Server

If you are witnessing the error because of the faulty SMTP server, then resolve the problem recreating the database. To apply this method, users can take assistance from Microsoft Database Utility. To perform this hack, at first, terminate all the programs that are running in the background. After that go to Application folder and search for the latest version of Microsoft Database in MS Office. Then select the OLM file to sync with the Database Utility and tap Rebuild. You will see the process in the window of Rebuilding the Main Identity. Once the task is over, a popup will notify you that the database was rebuilt.

Resolve The Issue By Increasing The Number Of Recipients

In case you have mistakenly sent an email to more than 50 recipients, then MS outlook can prompt this error. To resolve this problem, you need to limit the number of recipients. Hence to avoid this error get in touch with your service provider. They can increase the number of users per email. In this way, you can get rid of this issue.

Troubleshoot The Issue By Reinstalling The MS Outlook

If the error persists, then you need to reinstall the application to fix the problem. So here are some easy ways to reinstall the MS outlook for different Windows OS.

For Windows 7

If you are a Windows 7 user, then follow the steps to reinstall the application. Before starting the process, click the Start button to open Programs and features. After that select the Control Panel on the right side of the list. In the Control Panel, you need to find and tap on Programs option. Then select Programs and Features to track the Outlook error 17099 linked application. You can locate this application below the Name tab. Next, choose the Microsoft Outlook Express associated entry. After that tap the Uninstall button and go through the instruction to complete the task.

Windows XP

At first head to Programs and Features with the help of the start tab. Next, open Control Panel and then select Add or Remove programs. Search for Microsoft Outlook Express under the recently Installed software. Then choose the Microsoft associated entries and click on Remove tab. After that, read the instructions carefully to uninstall the program.

Windows 8

Click the Start icon present at the bottom left of your screen. After that select the Program and Features option from the list. Then you need to find the specific problematic software that is hampering your work. Next head to the top menu to Uninstall/change the application. Next, perform the task according to the on-screen instructions.

Resolve The Faulty Registry Associated With The Software

Manually editing the registry is a critical process and it should not be done without proper knowledge. If you do not edit the registry correctly then it can damage your PC. It will be impossible to repair your system and all your valuable data will get erased. But don’t worry we will provide you a simple and straightforward way to fix the registry so that you don’t find any difficulty at the time repairing registry manually. However, you need to be careful while executing the steps. Otherwise, it can permanently damage your machine. Keeping this in mind let us start the process.

Hence to access the registry, tap on Windows key to open the Start menu. Then write command on the search toolbox and hold CTRL and Shift key together to open a dialog box. Once you get the dialog box, it will ask for your permission click Yes to continue with the process. Then you will notice a black window with a blinking cursor. Write regedit inside the box and tap Enter. Next, navigate the error file inside the registry editor and back up all the essential data.

After backing up all the information, go to File menu and select Export. Now select the Save list and pick a folder to store the Microsoft Outlook backup. Then head to the Export range tab and choose the selected branch option positively. Next, select save to store the file with an extension, i.e., reg file exe. Once the backup is complete, you can try to repair the registry manually.

Summing Up

After performing these steps as mentioned above, we hope that you can troubleshoot the issue. If you are a Mac user and witnessing Outlook for Mac error code 17099, then implement the first two solutions as given above. You can quickly resolve the issue.          

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