Error 125 is a common error code in The Sims 4 that prevents players from playing this awesome game. What happens is that the game freezes up as soon as players hit the Play button giving them the error code 125.
There’s an error box that appears on the screen informing players The Sims 4 failed to load and that they need to restart the game.
However, restarting the game does not always solve the problem. The same error code occurs again and again even if gamers restart The Sims 4 several times.
To help you out, I’ve compiled this list of solutions. Keep in mind that you may need to use all the solutions available in this guide to fix the issue.
What causes error 125 in The Sims 4?
This error code often rears its ugly head after users install the latest game updates and patches. The common culprit seems to be outdated mods and custom content files.
How to Fix Error 125 in The Sims 4
Fix 1 – Remove your mods and CC
Many gamers confirmed that removing the entire mods folder fixed the problem. Of course, if you have a lot of mods installed, doing each mod individually takes some time.
If you notice this problem occurred shortly after you updated Sims 4, chances are some of your mods may have become outdated. That’s actually a common issue whenever a new game update is released.
Don’t forget to update your mods if you want to keep using them with a new game version.
Fix 2 – Delete the game cache
After you removed the mods folder, you need to delete the game cache as well as the localthumbcache.package file from the Sims 4 folder.
For detailed instructions on how to clear your game cache, go to EA’s support page.
Fix 3 – Repair the game
We also advise you to repair The Sims 4. You can easily do that by using Origin’s built-in repair tool.
All you need to do is locate The Sims 4 in your Origin game library, right-click on it, and then select the Repair option.
There you go, we hope something helped.
- Clear cache to fix problems with your games, retrieved June 23, 2020.
Move your mods folder to the desktop, clear your game cache and delete the localthumbcache.package from the Sims 4 folder to help with troubleshooting.
Try playing the game again to test. If it loads okay, it may be that some of the mods/cc have become outdated.
How to Delete Cache Files
Custom content can become outdated with most new game patches. If the game works when the Mods folder is removed, then one or more of the mods and/or custom content has become outdated and will need to be removed or replaced. EA/Maxis aren’t responsible for broken mods/cc. It’s up to the creators to fix.
Disabling or turning off both mod/cc options isn’t enough of a test.
Try the 50/50 method:
1. Move all the mods and cc out into a temporary folder on the desktop.
2. Move a few files back at a time. Load the game to make sure it loads and everything is good.
3. Delete the localthumbcache.package from the Sims 4 folder.
4. Repeat steps 1 — 3 till there is no more files to check.
** While your testing, don’t save the game. If you find any problems, delete the mod or custom content file.
How To Find Problem Mods and CC
1. Create a new game for testing so that your current save is left unchanged until you’ve identified the problem mods/CC.
2. Create a couple folders your desktop; perhaps one labeled «Tested Safe Mods-CC» and another labeled «Mods-CC Needs Testing». This will keep tested mods separated.
3. Exit the game and divide your mods/CC in half; put one half in the Needs Testing folder and put/keep the other half into the Documents / Electronic Arts / The Sims 4 / Mods folder.
4. Delete the localthumbcache.package file, located in the Documents / Electronic Arts / The Sims 4 folder before opening the game with the half you’re testing,
5. If the game works with that half, exit the game, move that half to the Safe Mods-CC folder and move the remaining «Needs Testing» mods back to the Mods folder to test (Again, delete that cache file before opening the game.)
6. Once you know which half is causing the issue, divide those in half, keeping one half in the «Needs Testing» folder and one half in your Mods folder, and test again (delete the cache file each time after moving mods/CC and before opening the game).
7. Repeat this process until you find the culprit(s).
We can all agree on how error codes can be quite frustrating to deal with. Not only do they pop up on your face when you launch a game, but they can also make your game completely unplayable. Talking about this, we have seen a large number of players get the error code 125 on their Sims 4. In case you also find yourself among these users and are in desperate need of a fix, then this article is for you! Through this article, we will be sharing details on how you can troubleshoot this error code. So, without any further ado, let’s dive in!
1. Outdated Mods
One of the most common reasons for this error code to pop up is because of having outdated mods installed in your game. Any other custom content that expired may also cause the game to give you the same error code.
In case you are wondering how you can fix this; you will have to manually remove your mods folder. If you don’t want to delete all of your mods, then you can try to simply move your mods folder to a temporary location.
2. Deleting Cache Files
Once you have removed your mods folder, you shouldn’t launch the game just now. Chances are that you still have some saved content inside the cache folder which needs to be removed so that your mods are fully removed.
You will have to remove a number of files in order to completely clear the cache content. First, make your way to the Sims 4 folder found in Documents > Electronic Arts. Here, make sure to get rid of the following files:
- package
- Cache
- Cachewebkit
- txt and lastcrash.txt
- package
- LotcachedData
Once you remove all these files, you should try launching the game now, as it should start working.
3. Reinstalling the Game
If the issue still seems to persist, then there could be something wrong with your game. At this point, it is better to not take any chances, as we recommend completely removing the game from your computer. Apart from uninstalling the game, try removing any file related to the Sims 4.
As soon as you are done, give your computer a reboot. Once you are signed in, download and install the game from Origin’s official client. Also, don’t forget to run the game as an administrator when you launch it.
The Bottom Line:
Besides all the error codes that you can encounter, the Sims 4 error code 125 is a common one that you can run into. Most of the time, this error code only pops up if you have a mod that has been acting up installed inside the game. Similarly, resolving the problem requires you to remove any such mod from your game.
In this article, we will discuss Sims 4 error code 125.
Sims 4 Error Code 125 error code shows up when a mod or CC file is not updated and hence causes conflict within the game. There are also many other issues that can cause the same error code. This is why we need to discuss the different aspects of this error code in detail.
In the next section, we will discuss the issues that can cause this error code as well as the solutions that you can apply to get rid of this issue faster.
How to get rid of The Sims 4 error code 125?
As we have already mentioned, this is an issue that is caused by the non-updated version of the CC or mod files on the game.
However, it can also be caused because of other reasons like network connection and server problems. In this section, let’s discuss all the different reasons behind this error code showing up and how you can solve it with the help of simple solutions.
Fix 1: Change the location of your mods folder
Check if the issue is related to the mod or CC files in the game. You need to change the location of the mods folder on your desktop.
To replace the location of the mod file folder from the game directory to the desktop. It makes sure that these files become unavailable to the game directory to launch and it will show you if the mods are causing a problem.
If the mods were causing the problem, then your issue will be instantly resolved and you will be able to launch the game. However, if you still cannot launch the game, this means that the problem does not lie with the mod files.
Fix 2: Delete the cache files related to the game
There are some cashier files on the game that are stored and become corrupted over time. One such specific format of the file is known as the ‘localthumbcache.package’ file.
On the game directory where you can find all the listed files for the game, you should delete this file. If you do not want to take this much pain, you can entirely delete all the cache files related to the game. This will mean that you will have to enter some information again when you launch the game because the stored information will be deleted but it is worth it to free up the memory.
Fix 3: Update the mods and CC files
The Mods and CC files need to be updated to the latest version on a regular basis to make sure that it matches the standard of the server updates.
If this is not done, the files will become incompatible with the version of the game on the server.
Make sure that as soon as you receive this error you go through early modern CC files and see if they have newer updates available. Install the latest version of these files. Delete the earlier version of these files.
Restart the device and relaunch the game. This should solve your issue.
Fix 4: Repair the game files in the game client
You can play the game Sims 4 through the game client Origin. If there are corrupt files in the game database, you can repair these game files through the game client.
Here is the process to repair the game files through the Origin game client.
- Launch Origin game client.
- Now launch the gaming library which is named My Game Library.
- Find the game Sims 4 in the library.
- Right-click on Sims 4.
- Click on the option Repair Game.
- Now the game client will search all the files and scan them for any corruption.
- The corrupt files will be replaced by normal files.
This is a simple process of replacing corrupt files with normal ones without lifting a finger. This is one of the most helpful solutions that you can find for a game issue. Also, make sure that you remember that all the mods and CC files will be deleted when this process is conducted. But if they are causing an issue in the first place, they have no use in the game directory.
Fix 5: Update the game to the latest version
When you’re playing Sims 4, you also need to download the game files on your device. These files need to be updated on a regular basis so that they can maintain compatibility with the server.
When you face this issue and you have already updated the modern CC files, then you might need to look into the latest version of the entire game. If you find a newer version, download it.
Now re-launch the game to see if this has solved your issue.
Fix 6: Disable your antivirus software
In some cases, the antivirus software and the network firewall both lock your connection to the game server.
This is when the game will not function properly. You might also see the error code 125 because this connection was cut off by the anti-virus software.
To solve this issue just launch the settings of the anti-virus. Now open the list of programs that are blocked by this software. If you find the game here, then remove it from the list. Also, add it to the list of exceptions so that the antivirus software does not block it next time.
If you do not want to go through this hassle, then you can simply switch off your antivirus software for the duration that you’re playing the game. However, we do not suggest this, as this might make your computer vulnerable to other attacks from the Internet.
Fix 7: Run the game in compatibility mode
This is a solution that we have found in the user forums. Users suggest that you can try to run the game in compatibility mode and this gets rid of the error code 125 in most cases. This is because when you are using a compatibility mode, it gives more permission for the game to run.
Fix 8: Check the system requirements on your device
There are certain requirements that need to be completed by your computer hardware as well as software version to be able to play the game Sims 4 uninterruptedly.
Your device must be causing the issue if it is not compatible with the version of the game that you’re trying to play. This is an easy fix to look out for. You can Google the minimum requirements on the system that you need to play the game Sims 4.
Now measure these requirements with the system that you are using. If your system is not compatible with the game, then you should switch to another device, which meets the minimum requirement for the game.
Fix 9: Try the 50/50 method
This is an informal name for the method in which you try adding the mod or CC files back to the game one by one.
As soon as you add a file that causes the error code 125, you will identify that this is the problematic one. Now instead of removing all the mods and CC files, you can just remove this one.
Fix 10: Contact the game support team for help
We have mentioned all the solutions that can help you get rid of the error code 125 known to the Internet.
If none of these solutions have helped you get rid of the issue, then you can contact the game support team for help. They will walk you through the solution that you need to apply to get rid of the error code in your case.
The other way you can find more advice is, visit player forums for Sims 4. Other players will share solutions that helped them when they were in the same situation.
To conclude
The Sims 4 error code 125 is an issue with the Mods or CC files in the game directory. We have mentioned the best solutions for this issue.
We hope that we helped you get rid of the error code and some of these solutions were helpful to you.
Keep following for more gaming and technical advice.
Happy Gaming!!
Related Error Codes
- Sims 4 Error Code 134:F3b264bf:78e9ac19
- Sims 4 Error Code 140:645fba83:228eaf9b
- Sims 4 “Game Failed To Save Error Code 510”
- Sims 4 “Game Failed To Load Error Code 123”