Код ошибки 1142 zoom

Столкнувшись с ошибкой, многие люди думают, что ничего не могут с этим поделать. Хорошая новость заключается в том, что технические проблемы характерны для многих устройств и приложений. С помощью нескольких методов устранения неполадок вы можете решить проблему самостоятельно или дождаться восстановления службы.

Zoom – это онлайн-инструмент, который может быть подвержен различным ошибкам подключения и проблемам с сервером. Проблемы могут возникнуть, когда вы используете мобильное приложение Zoom или настольное приложение на ПК с Windows 10 или компьютере Mac. Пользователи, получающие доступ к Zoom через свои веб-браузеры, также могут быть затронуты.

Присоединяясь к видеовстречам Zoom или участвуя в них, вы можете столкнуться с такими кодами ошибок, как 3038, 103033 и 1142. Если вы хотите решить проблему и вернуться к видеоконференции Zoom, вы можете попробовать одно из решений, перечисленных ниже.

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Когда вы видите Код ошибки зума 3038, вы также можете столкнуться с сообщением об ошибке, «Встреча Zoom истекла». Он указывает на просроченный веб-семинар или токен встречи, который вы пытаетесь использовать для присоединения к видеоконференции.

Код ошибки зума 103033 покажет сообщение об ошибке, «Организатору вебинара было отказано в получении вашего электронного письма». Это означает, что организатор встречи Zoom, к которой вы пытаетесь присоединиться, не принимает ваш адрес электронной почты. В некоторых случаях вы можете увидеть сообщение об ошибке «Покинуть встречу: на встрече возникла проблема. (Код ошибки: 103033) ». Это может быть реальный случай с хостом или может быть неизвестная проблема с сервером, которая вызывает ошибку в зависимости от вашего устройства.

Покинуть встречу-встречу-проблема-код-ошибки-103033-на-Zoom-приложении

Видя Код ошибки зума 1142 отобразит сообщение об ошибке, «Невозможно присоединиться к собранию. В настоящее время эта встреча недоступна из (название страны) (код ошибки: 1142) ». Это означает, что запланированная встреча Zoom, к которой вы пытаетесь получить доступ, недоступна в вашей стране или была ограничена только определенной аудиторией.

Итак, как исправить коды ошибок Zoom 3038, 103033 и 1142, когда вы не можете участвовать в собраниях Zoom? Давайте посмотрим на решения ниже.

Метод №1 – Подтвердите токен масштабирования или детали на своем хосте.

Свяжитесь с организатором вашего звонка Zoom и снова попросите действительный токен и детали встречи. Проверьте, совпадает ли он с токеном, к которому вы пытаетесь присоединиться. Вы также можете попросить организатора принять вас, когда вы захотите принять участие в видеоконференции Zoom.

Метод # 2 – перезапустите приложение Zoom

Закройте приложение Zoom или веб-сайт Zoom и закройте браузер.

Подождите 3 минуты, прежде чем перезапустить приложение или браузер.

Теперь попробуйте принять участие в вызове Zoom, если можете присоединиться.

Метод № 3 – Используйте VPN или прокси-сервер

Если на вашем устройстве есть VPN-сервер, включите его и попробуйте войти в вызов по видеоконференции Zoom. Если вы можете присоединиться к собранию, это означает, что это может быть ошибка географического ограничения или некоторые ограничения вашего интернет-провайдера или текущего подключения к Интернету. Обязательно выберите страну, в которой доступен Zoom.

Если у вас его нет, вы можете легко создать учетную запись и подписаться на премиум-сервис VPN. Ознакомьтесь с этими популярными VPN-сервисами, которые вы можете попробовать прямо сейчас.

Метод №4 – переустановите приложение Zoom.

Вы можете попробовать установить новую версию приложения Zoom, чтобы устранить проблему. Сначала удалите приложение Zoom на своем устройстве. Зайдите в раздел Store и найдите Zoom. Теперь установите приложение. Попробуйте снова присоединиться к собранию Zoom.

Метод № 5 – Обратитесь в службу поддержки клиентов Zoom

Если ни одно из вышеперечисленных решений не работает, вы можете связаться со службой поддержки клиентов Zoom и сообщить о проблеме, с которой вы столкнулись. Перейти к https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us в браузере и щелкните «Связаться со службой поддержки», чтобы создать отчет.

Что еще вы сделали, чтобы попытаться исправить упомянутые выше проблемы с масштабированием? Вы можете поделиться с нами своими методами в разделе комментариев ниже.

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Zoom is an online tool that lets people talk to each other, meet, and do other things via voice or video calls. Like every other app on the market today, Zoom has some bugs. In this article, we will show you how to fix the Zoom Error Code 1142.

Zoom is a piece of software that could have trouble connecting to servers or staying connected. You might run into problems when using the Zoom mobile app, and you might be tempted to think that using the desktop app will solve all your problems. However, that might not be the case, and you might still run into problems when using the desktop app. Even people who use Zoom on the web are not exempt from this.

Some of you may have seen error codes 3038, 103033, and 1142 during a Zoom meeting. And just like everyone else, when you had a problem, you looked for a solution, which is how you found this blog. At the end of this blog post, you’ll find out a few different ways to fix those error codes. Read on to find out how to fix error codes 3038, 103033, and 1142. Visit their official website for further information.

Fix: Zoom Error Code 1142

Contact The Host to fix Zoom Error Code 1142

There is a function on Zoom Meeting where the Host can block a user from a particular country or a region. This function is known as “Approve or Block Entry For Users From A Specific Country/Region”. So you need to contact the host of the meeting and request him to provide access by modifying the option “Approve or Block Entry For Users From A Specific Country/Region”.

Check The VPN Setting to fix Zoom Error Code 1142

  • VPN can play an important role in this error code, if you are joining a meeting from a country that has been blocked from the Zoom meetings, then you can choose a VPN service to set your location to some other country that is not in the list of blocked countries.
  • If you do not belong to a region that is blocked then check your VPN settings, you might have set your location to a country that is on the blocked list. If by any chance you have done the same, then change the VPN settings right away and then try to join the meeting.

Reinstall the Zoom App

  1. Download the latest Zoom client.
  2. Open the Control Panel.
  3. Click Programs, and select Uninstall a program.
  4. Look for Zoom and click Uninstall.
  5. Once the uninstall is complete, reinstall the Zoom app.
  6. Once installed, launch your Zoom app and check to see if you still get the error.

Join in a Browser to fix Zoom Error Code 1142

  1. Click your meeting link.
  2. When your browser launches, click “join from your browser” to launch the meeting in your browser.
  3. You may be prompted to sign in. If so, select Sign in with SSO and login using your Rowan network username and password.
  4. Go into your Windows Firewall setting and changing the protocol for TCP 6 and UDP 17 and changing them to ANY.
  5. Create a new Windows account

Best Zoom alternatives


Skype is a well-known and widely used video chat app, and its new Skype Meet Now feature is here to compete with Zoom. There can be up to 50 people in a meeting, and people no longer need an account to sign in; all they need is a link. Check out our comparison of Skype and Zoom for more information.

Skype has a text chat window, but it doesn’t have the same tools for setting up meetings as the other Zoom alternatives. But it is free and can be used on the web, Windows, Mac, iOS, and Android.

Zoho Meeting

With the open-source video conferencing service, you can have encrypted video calls and meetings with up to 100 people. Participants don’t need to sign up for a login; they can get to the meetings through a link or by dialing in through web browsers, desktop clients, or mobile apps. Zoho has even made a chart (opens in a new tab) that shows how its product compares to Zoom.

Zoho Meeting has many tools for meetings, such as the ability to share your screen, record calls, and moderate (you can, for example, mute people). And since the service works with Zoho’s Office suite, it’s easy to pull in documents, spreadsheets, and presentations. But keep in mind that webinars have a different pricing plan, which may make it too pricey.


Most people know Slack for its instant messaging, but did you know it also has a number of audio and video options? On Huddles, you can start live audio chats for quick brainstorming sessions or record your screen to show new employees how your product works.

Slack’s video conferencing features aren’t as advanced as those of its rivals in this field. But, hey, you don’t always have to start from scratch. Go for it if all you need is a simple way to talk about business. It does a great job with the basics.

James Hogan

James Hogan

James Hogan is a notable content writer recognized for his contributions to Bollyinside, where he excels in crafting informative comparison-based articles on topics like laptops, phones, and software. When he’s not writing, James enjoys immersing himself in football matches and exploring the digital realm. His curiosity about the ever-evolving tech landscape drives his continuous quest for knowledge, ensuring his content remains fresh and relevant.

Like many others errors, users are getting Zoom Error Code 1142 on their screens when they are going to join a meeting using the Zoom Application. If you too, getting the same, try the workarounds mentioned in this tutorial guide to fix this error code.

Zoom application is gathering more and more popularity day by day but it throws errors and bugs too. Hopefully, we are here to help you with all errors and bugs, as we have covered mostly zoom errors that can be seen by visiting here.

What Zoom Error Code 1142 indicates?

Zoom Error Code 1142, indicates that you are trying to join a meeting from a country where the Zoom services are not available or the countries that are blocked by Zoom. This can also appear if you are using a proxy that is set to a country that has been blocked by the zoom. The exact message may appear like this: “Unable to Join the Meeting. This meeting is not accessible from (country name) at this time (Error code: 1142).”

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How to Fix Zoom Error Code 1142?

There can be two possible solutions to fix this error code. Both solutions are vise versa. 

  • First of all, if you are getting this error code, you should check if your country is in the blocked list of Zoom. Zoom doesn’t provide services in selected countries and you can check this list at this link.

            Zoom’s Restricted countries or regions

  • If you are in a country that belongs to this list, then you can choose a VPN service to set your location to the other countries except for the list. 

Zoom Error Code 1142

  • Next, If you are in a country that is not mentioned in the list, then you should check if accidentally, your VPN is set to a country where the Zoom services are blocked?
  • If you found this true, then you have to disable your VPN and try again to join a meeting using Zoom.

In case, if none of the methods helped you to fix Zoom Error Code 1142, you are free to contact Zoom Support without any hesitation. You can ask them related to your issue and if you are getting any other issues too.

Confirm Zoom Token or Details with the Host

A valid Token or details are required to attend or join a conference or meeting. So if you get an error code like this, you should confirm your details as well as the details provided by your host.

Additional Tips

Tip 1

Apply this method if you are in a country where zoom services are available as this method helped many users to fix this error code: Just disable the option with text- Approve or block entry for users from specific countries/regions. This option exists in the settings.

  • Log into your profile (Web) and click on Settings.
  • Under the meeting section, scroll down and you will find the option to block or approve users from specific countries/regions.
  • If it is on then, turn off this option and try to join a meeting, or host one.

Tip 2

If you are trying to join a meeting hosted by a person and that person has blocked your country using the “approve or block entry for users from specific countries/regions” feature then, you may face Zoom error code 1142. Even though, your country does not belong to a blocked country list from the Zoom application.

In this situation, you have to ask your host to uncheck the box next to the “approve or block entry for users from specific countries/regions” option.

If you have any other doubt in your mind you are free to comment us in the comment section. We will answer your queries as soon as possible. Thanks…

When running into an error, many people think that there is nothing they can do about it. The good news is technical issues are common to many devices and applications. With a few troubleshooting methods, you can fix the problem yourself or wait for the service to be restored.

Zoom is an online tool that may be prone to various connectivity errors and server problems. Issues can happen when you are using the Zoom mobile app or through the desktop app on Windows 10 PC or Mac computer. Users accessing Zoom through their web browsers can also be affected.

When joining or participating in Zoom video meetings, you may encounter error codes like 3038, 103033, and 1142. If you want to resolve the issue and go back to your Zoom video conference, you can try one of the solutions we have listed below.

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How to Troubleshoot & Fix Zoom Error Code 3038, 103033, or 1142 when Joining Video Meetings

When you see the Zoom error code 3038, you may also encounter the error message, “The Zoom Meeting has been Expired.” It points out an expired webinar or meeting token that you are trying to use to join the videoconference. 

Zoom error code 103033 will show the error message, “Your webinar host has been denied or rejected your Email.” It indicates that the host of the Zoom meeting you are trying to join is not accepting your email address. In some instances, you may see the error message “Leave Meeting: The meeting has problem. (Error code: 103033).” It may be the real case with the host, or there may be an unknown server issue that triggers the error depending on your device.


Seeing the Zoom error code 1142 will display the error message, “Unable to Join the Meeting. This meeting is not accessible from (country name) at this time (Error code: 1142).” It means that a scheduled Zoom meeting that you are trying to access is not available in your country or has been restricted to a certain audience only.

So, how do you fix the Zoom error codes 3038, 103033, and 1142 when you are unable to participate in Zoom meetings? Let’s check out the solutions below.

Method #1 – Reconfirm the Zoom Token or Details with your Host

Contact the host of your Zoom call and ask for a valid token and details of the meeting again. Check if it is the same with the token that you are trying to join. You may also ask the host to accept you when you want to enter the Zoom video conference.

Method #2 – Restart the Zoom App

Exit the Zoom app or Zoom website and close your browser.

Wait for 3 minutes before relaunching the app or the browser. 

Now, try to enter the Zoom call if you can join. 

Method #3 – Use a VPN or Proxy Server

If you have a VPN server on your device, turn it on and try to enter the Zoom video conference call. If you can join the meeting, it means that it may be a geo-restriction error or some limitations with your ISP or current Internet connection. Make sure to choose a country where Zoom is available.

If you haven’t got one, you can easily create an account and sign up for a premium VPN service. Check out these popular VPNs that you can try now.

  • CyberGhost
  • ExpressVPN
  • Hotspot Shield
  • IPVanish
  • NordVPN
  • Private Internet Access
  • ProtonVPN
  • Surfshark

Method #4 – Reinstall the Zoom App

You can try to install a new version of the Zoom app to troubleshoot the issue. First, uninstall the Zoom app on your device. Go to the Store section and look for Zoom. Now, install the app. Try to join the Zoom meeting again.

Method #5 – Contact Zoom Customer Support

If none of the solutions above work, you can contact the Zoom customer support team and report the issue you are facing. Go to https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us on your browser and click Contact Support to initiate your report.

What else did you do to try and fix the mentioned Zoom problems above? You can share your methods with us in the comment section below.

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Want to know how to Fix zoom error code 1142? Zoom is a popular tool for video conferencing, but like all software, it can sometimes have problems. Zoom Error Code 1142 is a common error that users may run into. This error usually happens when there is a problem with how the Zoom app was installed or set up. Zoom Error Code 1142 means that the Zoom meeting services are not available in your country or region, or that the meeting host has blocked your country.

Zoom is a piece of software that could have trouble connecting to servers or staying connected. You might run into problems when using the Zoom mobile app, and you might be tempted to think that using the desktop app will solve all your problems. However, that might not be the case, and you might still run into problems when using the desktop app. Even people who use Zoom on the web are not exempt from this. In this article, we’ll show you step-by-step how to Fix zoom error code 1142 so you can use Zoom again without any problems.

Update Zoom

The first step in troubleshooting any Zoom error is to ensure that you are using the latest version of the application. Follow these steps to update Zoom:

  1. Open the Zoom application on your computer.
  2. Click on your profile picture or initials in the top right corner of the window.
  3. From the dropdown menu, selectCheck for Updates.”
  4. If an update is available, follow the prompts to install it.
  5. Restart the Zoom application after the update completes.

Restart your computer

Sometimes, a simple restart can fix various software-related issues, including Zoom Error Code 1142. Try the following steps to restart your computer:

  1. Save any unsaved work and close all open applications.
  2. Click on the Start menu and select the “Restart” option.
  3. Allow your computer to shut down and start up again.
  4. Once the computer has restarted, open Zoom and check if the error still persists.

Run Zoom as an administrator

Running Zoom with administrative privileges can help resolve permission-related issues that may trigger error code 1142. To run Zoom as an administrator:

  1. Close the Zoom application if it is currently running.
  2. Find the Zoom shortcut or executable file on your computer.
  3. Right-click on the Zoom shortcut or executable file.
  4. From the context menu, select “Run as administrator.”
  5. If prompted, provide administrator credentials or confirm the action.
  6. Launch Zoom and check if the error is resolved.

Reinstall Zoom

If the previous steps did not resolve the error, reinstalling Zoom may fix the underlying issue. Follow these steps to reinstall Zoom:

  1. Completely uninstall Zoom from your computer. Go to the Control Panel or Settings, locate Zoom in the list of installed applications, and choose “Uninstall.”
  2. After uninstalling Zoom, visit the official Zoom website and download the latest version of the application.
  3. Run the downloaded Zoom installer and follow the on-screen instructions to install Zoom.
  4. Launch Zoom after the installation is complete and check if the error has been resolved.

Contact Zoom Support

If you’ve tried all of the above steps and you’re still getting Zoom Error Code 1142, you may need to contact Zoom’s support team for more help. Find out how to get in touch with Zoom’s support team by going to their website or reading their support documentation.


What is error code 1142 during installation?

mfc140. dll is a key part of some Windows programs, and the error message says that the file is broken or missing, which makes the program not work right. This could be caused by malware, bad installations, broken programs, problems with the registry, etc.

What is error code for Windows Cannot install?

When PNY devices send bad or corrupted data to the buffers, the buffer gets full and the data can’t be read. This is the error 0x8007025D. Error code 0x8007025D has two direct causes: RAM that is broken or corrupted. Bad space on the HDD or SSD.

Why can’t I join Zoom meeting?

If you can’t join a Zoom meeting through a meeting link or the Zoom desktop client, you may need to enter the meeting ID and passcode by hand. Use these steps to enter the meeting ID and passcode by hand. Sign in to the desktop client for Zoom. Click Join on the Home tab.

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