Код ошибка c2544

Привет всем купил месяц назад приус 10 кузове. С не рабочим ДВС, бывший хозяин сказал что ДВС умер. Так как у знакомого в гараже стоял ДВС от приуса 11 кузове решили покупать. Пригнали, заменили ДВС, а она троит. До замены пробовали заводить свой ДВС также троило. До покупки машина стояла 6-7 месяцев. Двигатель на холодную троит (не хочет запускаться, но запускается). На горячею троит меньше. По батарее заряда держит мало, двигатель заглохнет и через минуты 2-3 запускается, отработав около минуты опять глохнет. При диагностики ВВБ были обнаружены ошибки С2579 и С2544. Сделал инициализацию контроллера через теку3 , так как бывший хозяин менял на контрактную батарею в конце 2012 года. После инициализации контроллера минуты через 5 вылезла ошибка С2544. Ниже скинул кадр реального времени.
По гибридке ошибка С2679, думаю ругается на неисправную батарею. Ниже скинул стоп-кадр по ошибки.
Может ли двигатель троить из-за неисправной ВВБ?
Менялись свечи, катушки и наконечники, форсунки правда от 11 приуса, чистили дроссель и ДМРВ, в баке менялись фильтра тонкой и грубой очистки. Не мерили только давление бензонасоса.

sim5995 написал:

Привет всем купил месяц назад приус 10 кузове. С не рабочим ДВС, бывший хозяин сказал что ДВС умер. Так как у знакомого в гараже стоял ДВС от приуса 11 кузове решили покупать. Пригнали, заменили ДВС, а она троит. До замены пробовали заводить свой ДВС также троило. До покупки машина стояла 6-7 месяцев. Двигатель на холодную троит (не хочет запускаться, но запускается). На горячею троит меньше. По батарее заряда держит мало, двигатель заглохнет и через минуты 2-3 запускается, отработав около минуты опять глохнет. При диагностики ВВБ были обнаружены ошибки С2579 и С2544. Сделал инициализацию контроллера через теку3 , так как бывший хозяин менял на контрактную батарею в конце 2012 года. После инициализации контроллера минуты через 5 вылезла ошибка С2544. Ниже скинул кадр реального времени.
По гибридке ошибка С2679, думаю ругается на неисправную батарею. Ниже скинул стоп-кадр по ошибки.
Может ли двигатель троить из-за неисправной ВВБ?
Менялись свечи, катушки и наконечники, форсунки правда от 11 приуса, чистили дроссель и ДМРВ, в баке менялись фильтра тонкой и грубой очистки. Не мерили только давление бензонасоса.

Первый лог делал до инициализации?

sim5995 написал:

Привет всем купил месяц назад приус 10 кузове. С не рабочим ДВС, бывший хозяин сказал что ДВС умер. Так как у знакомого в гараже стоял ДВС от приуса 11 кузове решили покупать. Пригнали, заменили ДВС, а она троит. До замены пробовали заводить свой ДВС также троило. До покупки машина стояла 6-7 месяцев. Двигатель на холодную троит (не хочет запускаться, но запускается). На горячею троит меньше. По батарее заряда держит мало, двигатель заглохнет и через минуты 2-3 запускается, отработав около минуты опять глохнет. При диагностики ВВБ были обнаружены ошибки С2579 и С2544. Сделал инициализацию контроллера через теку3 , так как бывший хозяин менял на контрактную батарею в конце 2012 года. После инициализации контроллера минуты через 5 вылезла ошибка С2544. Ниже скинул кадр реального времени.
По гибридке ошибка С2679, думаю ругается на неисправную батарею. Ниже скинул стоп-кадр по ошибки.
Может ли двигатель троить из-за неисправной ВВБ?
Менялись свечи, катушки и наконечники, форсунки правда от 11 приуса, чистили дроссель и ДМРВ, в баке менялись фильтра тонкой и грубой очистки. Не мерили только давление бензонасоса.

Обе ошибки уйдут после ремонта ВВБ.
Но к троящему ДВС они ни какого отношения не имеют.
Если у вас неисправен ДВС, так и ищите проблему в ДВС, а не в гибридке и не в ВВБ.

с уважением, Сергей Николаевич.

В ВВБ 3-й и 7-й блоки однозначно под замену.

lanyagin написал:

В ВВБ 3-й и 7-й блоки однозначно под замену.

Правильней сказать: есть неисправные элементы, подлежащие замене в 3 и 7 паре Но сколько штук, по данному скрину сказать невозможно.

с уважением, Сергей Николаевич.

Лемин написал:

sim5995 написал:

Привет всем купил месяц назад приус 10 кузове. С не рабочим ДВС, бывший хозяин сказал что ДВС умер. Так как у знакомого в гараже стоял ДВС от приуса 11 кузове решили покупать. Пригнали, заменили ДВС, а она троит. До замены пробовали заводить свой ДВС также троило. До покупки машина стояла 6-7 месяцев. Двигатель на холодную троит (не хочет запускаться, но запускается). На горячею троит меньше. По батарее заряда держит мало, двигатель заглохнет и через минуты 2-3 запускается, отработав около минуты опять глохнет. При диагностики ВВБ были обнаружены ошибки С2579 и С2544. Сделал инициализацию контроллера через теку3 , так как бывший хозяин менял на контрактную батарею в конце 2012 года. После инициализации контроллера минуты через 5 вылезла ошибка С2544. Ниже скинул кадр реального времени.
По гибридке ошибка С2679, думаю ругается на неисправную батарею. Ниже скинул стоп-кадр по ошибки.
Может ли двигатель троить из-за неисправной ВВБ?
Менялись свечи, катушки и наконечники, форсунки правда от 11 приуса, чистили дроссель и ДМРВ, в баке менялись фильтра тонкой и грубой очистки. Не мерили только давление бензонасоса.

Первый лог делал до инициализации?

После инициализации.

fermer написал:

lanyagin написал:

В ВВБ 3-й и 7-й блоки однозначно под замену.

Правильней сказать: есть неисправные элементы, подлежащие замене в 3 и 7 паре Но сколько штук, по данному скрину сказать невозможно.

Как я понимаю надо снимать батарею. Разбирать и мерить под нагрузкой элементы 3-й и 7-й паре. А сколько будет стоить один б/у элемент?
Да как я понял в ВВБ есть элементы и какие то бамбуки. А как понять что у меня вышло из стоя?
С троением кажись разобрался. Решил почистить форсунки, а там нет давления. Проблема была в бензонасосе.

Изменено: 22.03.2015 15:54 от sim5995.

sim5995 написал:

Да как я понял в ВВБ есть элементы и какие то бамбуки. А как понять что у меня вышло из стоя?

Бамбук- разговорное название элемента батареи 10 Приуса (есть внешнее сходство), т. е. это одно и то же, просто разные названия.

Изменено: 22.03.2015 20:00 от Natulia0203.

sim5995 написал:

fermer написал:

lanyagin написал:

В ВВБ 3-й и 7-й блоки однозначно под замену.

Правильней сказать: есть неисправные элементы, подлежащие замене в 3 и 7 паре Но сколько штук, по данному скрину сказать невозможно.

Как я понимаю надо снимать батарею. Разбирать и мерить под нагрузкой элементы 3-й и 7-й паре. А сколько будет стоить один б/у элемент?
Да как я понял в ВВБ есть элементы и какие то бамбуки. А как понять что у меня вышло из стоя?
С троением кажись разобрался. Решил почистить форсунки, а там нет давления. Проблема была в бензонасосе.

Замерять нужно все элементы. ( это и есть бамбуки)

Изменено: 22.03.2015 18:37 от svenkerya.

Вопрос Сергею Николаевичу, а сколько будет стоить один б/у элемент на приус 10., и полностью готовая батарея на приус 10 с элементами от 30?

sim5995 написал:

Вопрос Сергею Николаевичу, а сколько будет стоить один б/у элемент на приус 10., и полностью готовая батарея на приус 10 с элементами от 30?

Цены в личке.

с уважением, Сергей Николаевич.

Нашел элементы у старого хозяина, точнее в сервисе где он менял батарею целиком. Правда тоже пришлось покупать. Замерили напряжение на купленных элементах 7.70 и 7.74, а мои элементы на тот момент составляли от 7.90 — 7.97. Посоветовались со знакомым электриком и подумали что разница не большая, контроллер сам выровнет заряд, собрали батарею, поставили на место, сделали инициализацию.
Во время эквализации контроллер так и не выровнел заряд на 3-7 блоке. В принципе не каких улучшений, если только дельта сок было 58% , а сейчас 48%.
Что такое Дельта сок? И от чего зависит его процентность? Ниже скинул кадр реального времени.

И кадр реального времени после 3-х минут простоя.

Изменено: 27.03.2015 10:49 от sim5995.

sim5995 написал:

Нашел элементы у старого хозяина, точнее в сервисе где он менял батарею целиком. Правда тоже пришлось покупать. Замерили напряжение на купленных элементах 7.70 и 7.74, а мои элементы на тот момент составляли от 7.90 — 7.97. Посоветовались со знакомым электриком и подумали что разница не большая, контроллер сам выровнет заряд, собрали батарею, поставили на место, сделали инициализацию.
Во время эквализации контроллер так и не выровнел заряд на 3-7 блоке. В принципе не каких улучшений, если только дельта сок было 58% , а сейчас 48%.
Что такое Дельта сок? И от чего зависит его процентность? Ниже скинул кадр реального времени.

И кадр реального времени после 3-х минут простоя.

1. какое напряжение на элементе- абсолютно не важно! Напряжение- это относительная величина и она полностью зависит от уровня заряда! А емкость- это абсолютная величина. Можно взять абсолютно мертвый элемент не имеющий ни какой емкости и зарядить его хоть до 9 вольт. От этого он не станет исправным. Так что скорее всего вы установили неисправные элементы (не зря же их ранее заменили).
2. Дельта СОК у вас снизился за счет того, что без нагрузки разница по напряжению между парами у вас упала до 0,28 вольта. Но это не решит вашу проблему — надо ремонтировать ВВБ.

с уважением, Сергей Николаевич.

[quote=»fermer» post=10679]sim5995 написал:

1. какое напряжение на элементе- абсолютно не важно! Напряжение- это относительная величина и она полностью зависит от уровня заряда! А емкость- это абсолютная величина. Можно взять абсолютно мертвый элемент не имеющий ни какой емкости и зарядить его хоть до 9 вольт. От этого он не станет исправным. Так что скорее всего вы установили неисправные элементы (не зря же их ранее заменили).
2. Дельта СОК у вас снизился за счет того, что без нагрузки разница по напряжению между парами у вас упала до 0,28 вольта. Но это не решит вашу проблему — надо ремонтировать ВВБ.

А как можно элемент проверить своими силами?
Где то на форуме читал что для этого надо подцепить параллельно два лампочки H4 и смотреть держит ли нагрузку элемент.
До какого напряжения можно просадить элемент?
И сколько должен продержаться по времени рабочий элемент?
Как без вреда для элемента его подзарядить?
Извиняюсь конечно за то что задаю много вопросов. Просто хочется все это сделать своими руками. Заранее спасибо.

[quote=»sim5995″ post=10700]fermer написал:

sim5995 написал:

1. какое напряжение на элементе- абсолютно не важно! Напряжение- это относительная величина и она полностью зависит от уровня заряда! А емкость- это абсолютная величина. Можно взять абсолютно мертвый элемент не имеющий ни какой емкости и зарядить его хоть до 9 вольт. От этого он не станет исправным. Так что скорее всего вы установили неисправные элементы (не зря же их ранее заменили).
2. Дельта СОК у вас снизился за счет того, что без нагрузки разница по напряжению между парами у вас упала до 0,28 вольта. Но это не решит вашу проблему — надо ремонтировать ВВБ.

А как можно элемент проверить своими силами?
Где то на форуме читал что для этого надо подцепить параллельно два лампочки H4 и смотреть держит ли нагрузку элемент.
До какого напряжения можно просадить элемент?
И сколько должен продержаться по времени рабочий элемент?
Как без вреда для элемента его подзарядить?
Извиняюсь конечно за то что задаю много вопросов. Просто хочется все это сделать своими руками. Заранее спасибо.

Почитайте инструкцию к нагрузочной вилке для автомобильных аккумуляторов.
Просадку напряжения увидите даже если подключите лампочку из поворотника.
Остальным не заморачивайтесь.

После 3-х раз снятии ВВБ вроде все получилось. Дельта Сок 20 проценттов. Черепашка пока не вылезала, даже после инициализации контроллера. Но спустя трех дней вылизли ошибки в ВВБ С2577 (утечка тока), и гибридке С2668 (вроде из-за первой ошибкой).
С чего подскажете начинать? За ранее спасибо.

sim5995 написал:

После 3-х раз снятии ВВБ вроде все получилось. Дельта Сок 20 проценттов. Черепашка пока не вылезала, даже после инициализации контроллера. Но спустя трех дней вылизли ошибки в ВВБ С2577 (утечка тока), и гибридке С2668 (вроде из-за первой ошибкой).
С чего подскажете начинать? За ранее спасибо.

Это тоже сложная для устранения ошибка. У нее нет подкода, как например на 20 Приусе, чтобы локализовать место утечки. Поэтому проверять придется все: ВВБ, инвертор, проводку, коробку.

с уважением, Сергей Николаевич.

Зашел еще раз через комп, а утечка в норме. Удалил ошибки с ВВБ и гибридки. Пока все нормально. Но думаю скоро опять вылезут? И на сколько плохо ездить при таких ошибках?

sim5995 написал:

Зашел еще раз через комп, а утечка в норме. Удалил ошибки с ВВБ и гибридки. Пока все нормально. Но думаю скоро опять вылезут? И на сколько плохо ездить при таких ошибках?

Компом утечки не измеряют Для этого мегометр требуется

с уважением, Сергей Николаевич.

Ошибка опять выскочила. Будем разбирать ВВБ и все мыть, чистить. Вредно ли ездить на машине при такой ошибки? Просто надо переоформить машину (туда сюда 150 км).
Вопрос Сергей Николаевичу, правда не по теме. Извиняюсь за ранее, просто не у кого спросить. В семье есть еще Ниссан Альмера н16 2000 года. Уже почти два года борюсь с ошибкой Р1131 (соленоид клапана завихрения потока воздуха впускном коллекторе). Проверял сам клапан и сигнал с ЭБУ, по отдельности вроде все рабочие. Но клапан не срабатывает когда надо. На днях проверил еще раз на ошибки через TECU3. Ошибка Р1131 вылезла но с подкодам 245 . В принципе из-за подкода я решил обратиться к вам, потому что родной форум ниссан молчит. Еще раз извиняюсь , но если есть возможность расшифровать подкод, буду вам сильно благодарен.
Стоп кадр ошибки Р1131.

Кадр параметров реального времени.

Изменено: 09.04.2015 00:49 от sim5995.

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© 2003 Graham Davies

Battery ECU Diagnostic Trouble Codes

P1600 — Backup power source circuit malfunction

The battery ECU receives 12 volts from two sources. P1600 signifies the absence of 12 volts at terminal AM, which is normally kept live even with the steering wheel switch off.

P3001 — Battery ECU malfunction

P3002 — HV ECU communication malfunction

P3005 — High voltage fuse snapped [sic]

Presumably P3005 would also be recorded if an attempt was made to start up with the service plug removed, as the high voltage fuse is physically located inside the plug.

P3006 — Battery SOC are uneven

P3006 — not too sure about this, but criterion appears to be maximum permitted difference between highest block voltage and lowest block voltage at any instant (not including transients) is 1.2 volts.

P3009 — Leak detected

P3009 — «Leak detected», meaning a current leakage path the high voltage circuitry to the chassis has been detected. Trigger level not known, but the criterion for manual testing is insulation resistance not less than 10M ohms when tested at 500V DC.

P3010 — Battery total resistance malfunction

P3011 to P3029 — Battery block malfunction

The traction battery consists of 38 physical modules, each containing 6 cells. For the purposes of monitoring by the battery ECU, modules are paired into 19 «blocks». DTCs P3011 to P3029 appear to indicate the «malfunction» of a particular block, although what «malfunction» means is not clear.

P3030 — Battery voltage detective line snapped [sic]

P3030 — presumably means open circuit of one of the twenty voltage sense lines which are connected to the cell string at the ends and between each block.

P3060 — Battery temperature sensor circuit malfunction

P3076 — Abnormal air flow by battery cooling fan

P3077 — Battery cooling fan motor circuit malfunction

P3115 — HV battery current sensor malfunction

Braking System Diagnostic Trouble Codes

Two tables have been concatenated. Codes C0200 to C1259 are from the table «DIAGNOSTIC TROUBLE CODE CHART» on pages DI-358 and DI-359, and codes C1271 to C1284 are from the table «DTC of sensor check function» on page DI-357.

C0200 — Right front wheel speed sensor signal malfunction

C0205 — Left front wheel speed sensor signal malfunction

C0210 — Right rear wheel speed sensor signal malfunction

C0215 — Left rear wheel speed sensor signal malfunction

C0226 — Malfunction in ABS solenoid (SFR) circuit

C0236 — Malfunction in ABS solenoid (SFL) circuit

C0246 — Malfunction in ABS solenoid (SR) circuit

C0278 — Open circuit in ABS solenoid relay circuit

C0279 — Short circuit in ABS solenoid relay circuit

C1202 — Brake fluid low, or open circuit in brake fluid level warning switch circuit

C1211 — Malfunction in linear solenoid (SLA) circuit

C1212 — Malfunction in linear solenoid (SLR) circuit

C1213 — Malfunction in HV ECU communication circuit

C1214 — Malfunction in hydraulic system

C1215 — Low positive voltage of linear solenoid

C1216 — High positive voltage of linear solenoid

C1217 — Malfunction in regenerative solenoid (SMC1) circuit

C1218 — Malfunction in regenerative solenoid (SMC2) circuit

C1219 — Malfunction in regenerative solenoid (SS) circuit

C1220 — Malfunction in regulator (REG) pressure sensor

C1221 — Malfunction in front (FR) pressure sensor

C1222 — Malfunction in rear (RR) pressure sensor

C1241 — Low or abnormally high battery positive voltage in IG1 circuit

C1242 — Open circuit in IG2 circuit

C1246 — Malfunction in master cylinder (M/C) pressure sensor

C1249 — Open circuit in stop light switch circuit

C1251 — Malfunction in hydraulic brake booster pump motor

C1252 — Hydraulic brake booster pump motor ON time abnormally long

C1253 — Malfunction in hydro motor relay circuit

C1254 — Malfunction in pressure switch

C1256 — Malfunction of accumulator low pressure

C1257 — Malfunction in power supply drive circuit

C1259 — Malfunction in regenerative of HV ECU

C1271 — Low output voltage of right front speed sensor

C1272 — Low output voltage of left front speed sensor

C1273 — Low output voltage of right rear speed sensor

C1274 — Low output voltage of left rear speed sensor

C1275 — Abnormal change in output voltage of right front speed sensor

C1276 — Abnormal change in output voltage of left front speed sensor

C1277 — Abnormal change in output voltage of right rear speed sensor

C1278 — Abnormal change in output voltage of left rear speed sensor

C1281 — Master cylinder (M/C) pressure sensor output signals is faulty

C1282 — Regulator (REG) pressure sensor output signal is faulty

C1283 — Front (FR) pressure sensor output signal is faulty

C1284 — Rear (RR) pressure sensor output signal is faulty

Engine ECU Diagnostic Trouble Codes

Engine ECU — SAE Controlled

These items are taken from the table «Engine Diagnostics, SAE controlled» on pages DI-14 to DI-16 in the Engine Diagnostics chapter of the Repair Manual.

P0100 — Mass Air Flow Circuit Malfunction

P0101 — Mass Air Flow Circuit Range/Performance Problem

P0110 — Intake Air Temp Circuit Malfunction

P0115 — Engine Coolant Temp. Circuit Malfunction

P0116 — Engine Coolant Temp. Circuit Range/Performance Problem

P0120 — Throttle/Pedal Position Sensor/Switch «A» Circuit Malfunction

P0121 — Throttle/Pedal Position Sensor/Switch «A» Circuit Range/Performance Problem

P0125 — Insufficient Coolant Temp. for Closed Loop Fuel Control

P0128 — Thermostat Malfunction

P0130 — Heated Oxygen Sensor Circuit Malfunction (Bank 1 Sensor 1) (Except Calif.)

P0133 — Oxygen Sensor Circuit Slow Response (Bank 1 Sensor 1)

P0135 — Oxygen Sensor Circuit Malfunction (Bank 1 Sensor 1)

P0136 — Oxygen Sensor Circuit Malfunction (Bank 1 Sensor 2)

P0141 — Oxygen Sensor Heater Circuit Malfunction (Bank 1 Sensor 2)

P0171 — System too Lean (Fuel Trim)

P0172 — System too Rich (Fuel Trim)

P0300 — Random/Multiple Cylinder Misfire Detected

P0301 — Cylinder 1 Misfire Detected

P0302 — Cylinder 2 Misfire Detected

P0303 — Cylinder 3 Misfire Detected

P0304 — Cylinder 4 Misfire Detected

P0325 — Knock Sensor 1 Circuit Malfunction (Bank 1)

P0335 — Crankshaft Position Sensor «A» Circuit Malfunction

P0340 — Camshaft Position Sensor Circuit Malfunction

P0420 — Catalyst System Efficiency Below Threshold (Bank 1)

P0440 — Evaporative Emission Control System Malfunction

This and the following two DTCs can occur if you drive around for a while with a loose fuel filler cap. I did this to test retreiving DTCs with the Prius Mini-Scanner and it took more than a day for the problem to be detected.

P0441 — Evaporative Emission Control System Incorrect Purge Flow

P0446 — Evaporative Emission Control System Vent Control Malfunction

P0450 — Evaporative Emission Control System Pressure Sensor Malfunction

P0451 — Evaporative Emission Control System Pressure Sensor Range/Performance

P0500 — Vehicle Speed Sensor Malfunction

P0505 — Idle Control System Malfunction

Engine ECU — Manufacturer Controlled

These items are taken from the table «Engine Diagnostics, manufacturer controlled» on pages DI-17 and DI-18 in the Engine Diagnostics chapter of the Repair Manual.

P1125 — Throttle Control Motor Circuit Malfunction

P1127 — ETCS Actuator Power Source Circuit Malfunction

P1128 — Throttle Control Motor Lock Malfunction

P1129 — Electric Throttle Control System Malfunction

P1300 — Igniter Circuit Malfunction (No. 1)

P1305 — Igniter Circuit Malfunction (No. 2)

P1310 — Igniter Circuit Malfunction (No. 3)

P1315 — Igniter Circuit Malfunction (No. 4)

P1346 — VVT Sensor/Camshaft Position Sensor Circuit Range/Performance Problem (Bank 1)

P1349 — VVT System Malfunction (Bank 1)

P1430 — Vacuum Sensor for Adsorber and Catalyst System Circuit Malfunction

P1431 — Vacuum Sensor for Adsorber and Catalyst System Circuit Range/Performance Problem

P1436 — Variable Valve Malfunction

P1437 — Vacuum Line Malfunction

P1455 — Vapor Reducing Fuel Tank System Leak Detected (Small Leak)

P1525 — Resolver Circuit Malfunction

P1600 — ECM BATT Malfunction

P1633 — ECU Malfunction (ETCS Circuit)

P1636 — HV ECU Malfunction

P1637 — EGSTP Signal Malfunction

P1656 — OCV Circuit Malfunction (for VVT-i)

P3190 — Poor Engine Power

P3191 — Engine does not start

EMPS Diagnostic Trouble Codes

Two tables have been merged, «DTC of input signal check function» from page DI-457, and «Diagnostic trouble code chart» from DI-460 and DI-461.

C1511 — Torque sensor circuit malfunction

C1512 — Torque sensor circuit malfunction

C1513 — Torque sensor circuit malfunction

C1514 — Torque sensor circuit malfunction

C1515 — Calibration of torque sensor zero point not performed

C1516 — Calibration of torque sensor zero point not completed

C1521 — Motor circuit malfunction

C1522 — Motor circuit malfunction

C1523 — Motor circuit malfunction

C1524 — Motor circuit malfunction

C1531 — EMPS ECU malfunction

C1532 — EMPS ECU malfunction

C1533 — EMPS ECU malfunction

C1541 — Speed sensor malfunction

C1542 — Speed sensor malfunction

C1543 — Speed sensor malfunction

C1551 — IG power source circuit malfunction

C1552 — PIG power source drop voltage malfunction

C1553 — When resetting voltage, vehicle is being driven

C1554 — EMPS relay circuit malfunction

C1555 — EMPS ECU malfunction

C1556 — P/S warning light circuit

C1557 — Memory of overheat prevention control

C1558 — Memory of voltage drop at motor power supply

C1559 — Memory of continuous control under high load

C1571 — Speed sensor malfunction (Test mode)

C1572 — Speed sensor malfunction (Test mode)

Hybrid Vehicle ECU Diagnostic Trouble Codes

In addition to the letter-plus-four-digit DTC, the HV-ECU generates «information codes» consisting of three digits. These give a more finely detailed definition of the problem. They can be retrieved by the THHT (Toyota Hand-Held Tester) but not by a normal OBD-II scanner. How the THHT retrieves information codes has not been determined, therefore they cannot be retrieved by the Prius Mini-Scanner.

From pages DI-199 through to DI-205, in the Hybrid Vehicle Control System chapter of the Repair Manual.

B2799 — Immobilizer Malfunction

101 No input of signal from transponder key ECU

C2692 — Regenerative Brake Check

102 Regenerative Brake Check

C2693 — Regenerative Brake Check

103 Regenerative Brake Check

P1120 — Accelerator Pedal Position Sensor Circuit Malfunction

This DTC has been caught in the wild on an early 2001 model year Prius. The accelerator pedal position sensor is know to cause problems on these cars and there is a TSB out on it.

104 Open or short circuit in main accelerator sensor circuit

105 +B short in main accelerator sensor circuit

106 Main sensor internal error

107 Open or short in sub accelerator sensor circuit

108 +B short in sub accelerator sensor circuit

109 Sub sensor internal error

110 When difference between main sensor value and sub sensor value is large

111 When sub sensor value changes while main sensor value does not

112 When main sensor value changes while sub sensor value does not

113 When any of information code 104-112 continues to appear

114 Accelerator pedal not smoothly returning to original position

P1520 — Stop Light Switch (Cruise Control System) Malfunction

115 Open or short in stop light switch circuit

P1566 — Cruise Control System Malfunction

116 When STP signal of HV ECU is inconsistent with that of brake ECU, with cruise control indicator ON

P1600 — BATT Malfunction

117 HV ECU back-up power source circuit malfunction

P1780 — Park/Neutral Position Switch System Malfunction

118 When more than 2 main signals are ON

119 When main signal is not turned ON even though sub signal has been input

120 Open or short in sub sensor circuit

121 When shift position detected by main signal is different from that detected by sub signal

P3000 — HV Battery Malfunction

123 Input of abnormal signal from battery ECU (HV Battery System Malfunction)

124 Input of abnormal signal from battery ECU (high voltage fuse blown out)

388 Discharge Inhibition Control Malfunction. When charged battery is low due to leaving the vehicle in N position, gas shortage or HV system malfunction

389 Drop of high voltage. When main battery is dead or main battery is dead due to HV system malfunction

P3001 — HV Battery ECU Malfunction

129 Battery ECU malfunction

P3004 — Power Cable Malfunction

130 HV Battery Malfunction. When HV battery voltage becomes lower than inverter voltage

131 Power Cable Malfunction. When main fuse is blown out, service plug is disconnected or limiter resistance is cut off

133 HV Battery Malfunction. When inverter voltage sensor is malfunctioning or limiter resistance value increases

P3100 — HV ECU Malfunction

127 IB Circuit Malfunction. +B short in IB terminal circuit of HV ECU

128 IB Circuit Malfunction. Open or short in IB terminal circuit of HV ECU

134 HV ECU Internal Error

135 HV ECU Internal Error

136 GO Signal Error. Open or short in GO circuit

137 Engine Speed Sensor Malfunction

138 IB Circuit Malfunction. When the difference between current of HV ECU and current of battery is large

139 HV ECU internal error. IG Signal Circuit Malfunction

140 HV ECU internal error. RAM Braked

141 HV ECU internal error. ROM Braked

142 ST Signal Circuit Malfunction. When ST signal of HV ECU is ON, with ignition switch turned OFF

143 HV ECU internal error. Immobilizer Malfunction

144 HV ECU internal error. Primary Check Malfunction

145 HV ECU internal error. Primary Check Malfunction

146 HV ECU internal error. Primary Check Malfunction

147 HV ECU internal error. Primary Check Malfunction

148 HV ECU internal error. HV CPU Malfunction

149 HV ECU internal error. HV CPU Malfunction

150 HV ECU internal error. Motor CPU Malfunction

151 HV ECU internal error. Motor CPU Malfunction

152 HV ECU internal error. Motor CPU Malfunction

153 HV ECU internal error. Motor CPU Malfunction

154 HV ECU internal error. Motor CPU Malfunction

155 HV ECU internal error. Motor CPU Malfunction

156 HV ECU internal error. Motor CPU Malfunction

157 HV ECU internal error. Motor CPU Malfunction

158 HV ECU internal error. Motor CPU Malfunction

159 HV ECU internal error. Motor ECU Communication Circuit Malfunction

160 HV ECU internal error. Motor ECU Communication Circuit Malfunction

161 HV ECU internal error. Motor ECU Power Source Malfunction

162 HV ECU internal error. Motor ECU Power Source Malfunction

163 HV ECU internal error. Motor ECU Power Source Malfunction

164 HV ECU internal error. Motor ECU Power Source Malfunction

165 HV ECU internal error. Motor ECU Power Source Malfunction

166 HV ECU internal error. Motor R/D Malfunction

167 HV ECU internal error. Motor R/D Malfunction

168 HV ECU internal error. Motor R/D Malfunction

169 HV ECU internal error. Motor R/D Malfunction

170 HV ECU internal error. Motor R/D Malfunction

171 HV ECU internal error. Motor REF Signal Malfunction

172 HV ECU internal error. Motor REF Signal Malfunction

173 HV ECU internal error. Motor REF Signal Malfunction

174 HV ECU internal error. Motor Inverter Current Sensor Malfunction

175 HV ECU internal error. Motor Inverter Current Sensor Malfunction

176 HV ECU internal error. Motor Gate Shutdown Signal Line Connection Malfunction

177 HV ECU internal error. Motor Main CPU Malfunction

178 HV ECU internal error. Motor Main CPU Malfunction

179 HV ECU internal error. Motor Main CPU Malfunction

180 HV ECU internal error. Rotation Angle Check CPU Malfunction

181 HV ECU internal error. Rotation Angle Check CPU Malfunction

182 HV ECU internal error. Rotation Angle Check CPU Malfunction

183 HV ECU internal error. Rotation Angle Check CPU Malfunction

184 HV ECU internal error. Rotation Angle Check CPU Malfunction

185 HV ECU internal error. Rotation Angle Check CPU Malfunction

186 HV ECU internal error. Rotation Angle Check CPU Malfunction

187 HV ECU internal error. Important RAM Malfunction

188 HV ECU internal error. Generator CPU Malfunction

189 HV ECU internal error. Generator CPU Malfunction

190 HV ECU internal error. Genarator CPU Malfunction

191 HV ECU internal error. Generator CPU Malfunction

192 HV ECU internal error. Generator CPU Malfunction

193 HV ECU internal error. Generator CPU Malfunction

194 HV ECU internal error. Generator CPU Malfunction

195 HV ECU internal error. Generator CPU Malfunction

196 HV ECU internal error. Generator CPU Malfunction

197 HV ECU internal error. Generator R/D Malfunction

198 HV ECU internal error. Generator R/D Malfunction

199 HV ECU internal error. Generator R/D Malfunction

200 HV ECU internal error. Generator R/D Malfunction

201 HV ECU internal error. Generator R/D Malfunction

202 HV ECU internal error. Generator R/D Malfunction

203 HV ECU internal error. Generator Shutdown Signal Line Connection Malfunction

271 HV ECU internal error. Motor PWN Line Connection Malfunction

310 HV ECU internal error. Generator PWN Line Connection Malfunction

390 HV ECU internal error. Charge Inhibition Control Malfunction

391 HV ECU internal error. Motor CPU malfunction

392 HV ECU internal error. Motor CPU malfunction

393 HV ECU internal error. HV CPU Operation Malfunction

P3101 — Engine System Malfunction

204 Input of abnormal signal from the ECM (abnormal engine output)

205 Input of abnormal signal from the ECM (engine unable to start)

238 Transaxle Malfunction. When engine does not start even though cranking it

P3105 — Battery ECU Communication Circuit Malfunction

206 When communication between battery ECU and HV ECU is abnormal 1 sec. after ignition is turned ON

207 When communication between battery ECU and HV ECU is abnormal 1 sec. after ignition is turned ON

208 When communication between battery ECU and HV ECU is abnormal 1 sec. after ignition is turned ON

P3106 — ECM Communication Circuit Malfunction

209 When communication between ECM and HV ECU is abnormal 1 sec. after ignition is turned ON

210 When communication between ECM and HV ECU is abnormal 1 sec. after ignition is turned ON

211 When communication between ECM and HV ECU is abnormal 1 sec. after ignition is turned ON

212 Input of abnormal signal from ECM

394 When ECM does not operate

P3107 — Airbag ECU Communication Circuit Malfunction

213 When communication between airbag ECU and HV ECU is abnormal 10 sec. after ignition is turned ON

214 When communication between airbag ECU and HV ECU is abnormal 10 sec. after ignition is turned ON

215 When communication between airbag ECU and HV ECU is abnormal 10 sec. after ignition is turned ON

P3108 — A/C Amplifier Communication Circuit Malfunction

216 When communication from A/C amplifier to HV ECU is abnormal

217 When communication from A/C amplifier to HV ECU is abnormal

P3109 — Brake ECU Communication Circuit Malfunction

218 When communication between brake ECU and HV ECU is abnormal 1.5 sec. after ignition is turned ON

219 When communication between brake ECU and HV ECU is abnormal 1.5 sec. after ignition is turned ON

220 When communication between brake ECU and HV ECU is abnormal 1.5 sec. after ignition is turned ON

221 When communication between brake ECU and HV ECU is abnormal 1.5 sec. after ignition is turned ON

222 When abnormal data is received from brake ECU

P3110 — IGCT Relay Malfunction

223 When IGCT relay is always closed

P3115 — System Main Relay Malfunction

224 SMR Cont 1 Malfunction. Open or +B short in system main relay No. 1 circuit

225 SMR Cont 1 Malfunction. Short in system main relay No. 1 circuit

226 SMR Cont 2 Malfunction. Open or +B short in system main relay No. 2 circuit

227 SMR Cont 2 Malfunction. Short in system main relay No. 2 circuit

228 SMR Cont 3 Malfunction. Open or +B short in system main relay No. 3 circuit

229 SMR Cont 3 Malfunction. Short in system main relay No. 3 circuit

231 Deposit of SMR. System main relay + terminal deposited

232 Deposit of SMR. System main relay — terminal deposited

233 Deposit of SMR. System main relay + & — terminal deposited

P3120 — HV Transaxle Malfunction

234 Energy Balance Malfunction. Small reduction of motor magnetism

235 Energy Balance Malfunction. Large reduction of motor magnetism

236 Energy Balance Malfunction. Small reduction of generator magnetism

237 Energy Balance Malfunction. Large reduction of generator magnetism

239 HV Transaxle Malfunction. Shaft damaged

240 HV Transaxle Malfunction. Generator locked

241 HV Transaxle Malfunction. Torque limiter sliding

242 HV Transaxle Malfunction. Planetary gear locked

243 Motor Resolver Malfunction. Motor resolver inter-phase short

244 Motor Resolver Malfunction. Motor resolver inter-phase short (When there is a history that the state of malfunction continued during inverter fail safe mode)

245 Motor Resolver Malfunction. Open or short in motor resolver circuit

246 Motor Resolver Malfunction. Open or short in motor resolver circuit (When there is a history that the state of malfunction continued during inverter fail safe mode)

247 Motor Temperature Sensor Malfunction. GND short in motor temperature sensor

248 Motor Temperature Sensor Malfunction. Motor temperature sensor malfunction

249 Motor Temperature Sensor Malfunction. Open or +B short in motor temperature sensor

250 Motor Temperature Sensor Malfunction. Motor temperature sensor performance problem

253 Generator Resolver Malfunction. Generator resolver inter-phase short

254 Generator Resolver Malfunction. Generator resolver inter-phase short (When there is a history that the state of malfunction continued during inverter fail safe mode)

255 Generator Resolver Malfunction. Open or short in generator resolver circuit

256 Generator Resolver Malfunction. Open or short in generator resolver circuit (When there is a history that the state of malfunction continued during inverter fail safe mode)

257 Generator Temperature Sensor Malfunction. GND short in generator temperature sensor

258 Generator Temperature Sensor Malfunction. Generator temperature sensor malfunction

259 Generator Temperature Sensor Malfunction. Open or +B short in generator temperature sensor

260 Generator Temperature Sensor Malfunction. Generator temperature sensor performance problem

P3125 — Converter & Inverter Assembly Malfunction

263 DC/DC Converter Malfunction. +B short in DCDC converter NODD wiring

264 DC/DC Converter Malfunction. DCDC converter malfunction

265 DC/DC Converter Malfunction. Open or GND short in DCDC converter NODD wiring

266 VM Malfunction. Open or GND short in inverter voltage signal circuit

267 VM Malfunction. +B short in inverter voltage signal circuit

268 VM Malfunction. Inverter voltage signal is inconsistent with battery voltage

269 VM Malfunction. Inverter voltage sensor malfunction

270 VM Malfunction. Abnormality of line connection of inverter foltage signal circuit (When there is a history that the state of malfunction continued during inverter fail safe mode)

272 Motor PWN Line Connection Malfunction. Abnormality of the line connection of motor PWM (When there is a history that the state of malfunction continued during inverter fail safe mode)

273 Motor Inverter Gate Malfunction. Motor inverter malfunction

274 Motor Inverter Temperature. Open or +B short in motor inverter temperature sensor

275 Motor Inverter Temperature. GND short in motor inverter temperature sensor

276 Sensor Malfunction. Motor inverter temperature sensor malfunction

277 Sensor Malfunction. Motor inverter temperature sensor performance problem

278 Motor Inverter Sinv. +B short in motor inverter stop signal circuit

279 Motor Inverter Sinv. Over voltage of inverter

280 Motor Inverter Sinv. Open or GND short in motor inverter stop signal circuit

281 Motor Inverter Sinv. Voltage drop of inverter power source

282 Motor Inverter Sinv. Inverter circuit broken

283 Motor Inverter Finv. +B short in motor inverter fail signal circuit

284 Motor Inverter Finv. Inverter overheating

285 Motor Inverter Finv. Open or GND short in motor inverter fail signal circuit

286 Motor Inverter Finv. Inverter circuit broken

287 Motor Inverter Finv. Inverter internal short

288 Motor Inverter Current Sensor Malfunction. Motor inverter current sensor malfunction (V phase sub sensor)

289 Motor Inverter Current Sensor Malfunction. Open in inverter current sensor (V phase sub sensor)

290 Motor Inverter Current Sensor Malfunction. Motor inverter current sensor malfunction (V phase main sensor)

291 Motor Inverter Current Sensor Malfunction. (when there is a history that the state of malfunction continued during inverter fail safe mode)

292 Motor Inverter Current Sensor Malfunction. Open in motor inverter current sensor (V phase main sensor)

293 Motor Inverter Current Sensor Malfunction.

(when there is a history that the state of malfunction continued during inverter fail safe mode)

294 Motor Inverter Current Sensor Malfunction. Motor inverter current sensor V phase performance problem

295 Motor Inverter Current Sensor Malfunction. (when there is a history that the state of malfunction continued during inverter fail safe mode)

296 Motor Inverter Current Sensor Malfunction. Motor inverter current sensor malfunction (W phase sub sensor)

297 Motor Inverter Current Sensor Malfunction. Open in motor inverter current sensor (W phase sub sensor)

298 Motor Inverter Current Sensor Malfunction. Motor inverter current sensor malfunction (W phase main sensor)

299 Motor Inverter Current Sensor Malfunction. (when there is a history that the state of malfunction continued during inverter fail safe mode)

300 Motor Inverter Current Sensor Malfunction. Open in motor inverter current sensor (W phase main sensor)

301 Motor Inverter Current Sensor Malfunction. (when there is a history that the state of malfunction continued during inverter fail safe mode)

302 Motor Inverter Current Sensor Malfunction. Motor inverter current sensor W phase performance problem

303 Motor Inverter Current Sensor Malfunction. (when there is a history that the state of malfunction continued during inverter fail safe mode)

304 Motor Gate Shutdown Signal Line Connection Malfunction. +B short in motor gate shutdown signal circuit

305 Motor Gate Shutdown Signal Line Connection Malfunction. Open or GND short in motor gate shutdown signal circuit

306 Failure in Monitoring Motor Torque Performance.

307 Abnormal Current Value of Motor

308 Detection of Collision Signal

309 Motor PWM Line Connection Malfunction. Open or short in generator inverter switching wiring (GUU, GVU, GWU)

311 Generator Inverter Malfunction

312 Generator Inverter Temperature Sensor Malfunction. Open or +B short in generator inverter temperature sensor

313 Generator Inverter Temperature Sensor Malfunction. GND short in generator inverter temperature sensor

314 Generator Inverter Temperature Sensor Malfunction. Generator inverter temperature sensor malfunction

315 Generator Inverter Temperature Sensor Malfunction. Generator inverter temperature sensor performance problem

316 Generator Inverter Sinv. +B short in generator inverter stop signal circuit

317 Generator Inverter Sinv. Over voltage of inverter

318 Generator Inverter Sinv. Open or GND short in generator inverter stop signal circuit

319 Generator Inverter Sinv. Voltage drop of inverter power source

320 Generator Inverter Sinv. Inverter circuit broken

321 Generator Inverter Finv. +B short in generator inverter fail signal circuit

322 Generator Inverter Finv. Inverter overheating

323 Generator Inverter Finv. Open or GND short in generator inverter fail signal circuit

324 Generator Inverter Finv. Inverter circuit broken

325 Generator Inverter Finv. Inverter internal short

326 Generator Inverter Current Sensor Malfunction. Generator inverter current sensor malfunction (V phase sub sensor)

327 Generator Inverter Current Sensor Malfunction. Open in generator inverter current sensor (V phase sub sensor)

328 Generator Inverter Current Sensor Malfunction. Generator inverter current sensor malfunction (V phase main sensor)

329 Generator Inverter Current Sensor Malfunction. (when there is a history that the state of malfunction continued during inverter fail safe mode)

330 Generator Inverter Current Sensor Malfunction. Open in generator inverter current sensor (V phase main sensor)

331 Generator Inverter Current Sensor Malfunction. (when there is a history that the state of malfunction continued during inverter fail safe mode)

332 Generator Inverter Current Sensor Malfunction. Generator inverter current sensor V phase performance problem

333 Generator Inverter Current Sensor Malfunction. (when there is a history that the state of malfunction continued during inverter fail safe mode)

334 Generator Inverter Current Sensor Malfunction. Generator inverter current sensor malfunction (W phase sub sensor)

335 Generator Inverter Current Sensor Malfunction. Open in generator inverter current sensor (W phase sub sensor)

336 Generator Inverter Current Sensor Malfunction. Generator inverter current sensor malfunction (W phase main sensor)

337 Generator Inverter Current Sensor Malfunction. (when there is a history that the state of malfunction continued during inverter fail safe mode)

338 Generator Inverter Current Sensor Malfunction. Open in generator inverter current sensor (W phase main sensor)

339 Generator Inverter Current Sensor Malfunction. (when there is a history that the state of malfunction continued during inverter fail safe mode)

340 Generator Inverter Current Sensor Malfunction. Generator inverter current sensor W phase performance problem

341 Generator Inverter Current Sensor Malfunction. (when there is a history that the state of malfunction continued during inverter fail safe mode)

342 Motor Gate Shutdown Signal Line Connection. +B short in generator gate shutdown signal

343 Motor Gate Shutdown Signal Line Connection. Open or GND short in generator gate shutdown signal circuit

344 Failure in Monitoring Generator Torque Performance

345 Abnormal Current Value of Generator

P3130 — Inverter Cooling System Malfunction

346 Water pump system malfunction

347 Electric cooling fan system malfunction

P3135 — Circuit Breaker Sensor Malfunction

348 GND short in circuit breaker sensor

349 Open or +B short in circuit breaker sensor

P3140 — Interlock Malfunction

You can make this DTC happen quite easily and safely by removing the service plug from the main battery and turning the car on.

350 Safety devices operating with vehicle is stopped (ILK signal ON)

351 Open circuit in interlock signal circuit while vehicle is running

P3145 — Vehicle Speed Sensor Circuit Malfunction

352 No input of vehicle speed signal during cruise control driving

Multiplex Communication System

Diagnostic Trouble Codes

(from pages DI-753)

B1211 — Driver door ECU communication stop

B1221 — Power window switch circuit on driver door

B1221 should be output whenever the power window master switch is in the down position.

B1222 — Door lock switch circuit on driver door

B1222 should be output whenever the door lock switch is operated.

B1241 — Body ECU switch circuit diagnosis

B1241 will be output if the stop light switch is stuck on.

B1242 — Wireless door lock tuner circuit malfunction

B1248 — AVC-LAN circuit communication stop

B1261 — ECM communication stop

B1262 — A/C amplifier communication stop

B1266 — Instrument panel system communication bus malfunction (+B short)

B1267 — Instrument panel system communication bus malfunction (GND short)

B1274 — Multi display communication stop

B1293 — Gateway ECU communication circuit

Supplemental Restraint System

Diagnostic Trouble Codes

(from pages DI-503 and DI-504)

B0100 — Short in D squib circuit

B0101 — Open in D squib circuit

B0102 — Short in D squib circuit (to ground)

B0103 — Short in D squib circuit (to B+)

B0105 — Short in P squib circuit

B0106 — Open in P squib circuit

B0107 — Short in P squib circuit (to ground)

B0108 — Short in P squib circuit (to B+)

B0110 — Short in side squib (RH) circuit

B0111 — Open in side squib (RH) circuit

B0112 — Short in side squib (RH) circuit (to ground)

B0113 — Short in side squib (RH) circuit (to B+)

B0115 — Short in side squib (LH) circuit

B0116 — Open in side squib (LH) circuit

B0117 — Short in side squib (LH) circuit (to ground)

B0118 — Short in side squib (LH) circuit (to B+)

B0130 — Short in P/T squib (RH) circuit

B0131 — Open in P/T squib (RH) circuit

B0132 — Short in P/T squib (RH) circuit (to ground)

B0133 — Short in P/T squib (RH) circuit (to B+)

B0135 — Short in P/T squib (LH) circuit

B0136 — Open in P/T squib (LH) circuit

B0137 — Short in P/T squib (LH) circuit (to ground)

B0138 — Short in P/T squib (LH) circuit (to B+)

B1100 — Airbag sensor assembly malfunction

B1135 — Harf connection in airbag sensor assembly connector [sic]

B1140 — Side airbag sensor assembly (RH) malfunction

B1141 — Side airbag sensor assembly (LH) malfunction

B1156 — Front airbag sensor (RH) malfunction

B1157 — Front airbag sensor (RH) malfunction

B1158 — Front airbag sensor (LH) malfunction

P1159 — Front airbag sensor (LH) malfunction

All material Copyright © 2003 Graham Davies

Все права на материал принадлежат:

© 2003 Graham Davies

Battery ECU Diagnostic Trouble Codes

P1600 — Backup power source circuit malfunction

The battery ECU receives 12 volts from two sources. P1600 signifies the absence of 12 volts at terminal AM, which is normally kept live even with the steering wheel switch off.

P3001 — Battery ECU malfunction

P3002 — HV ECU communication malfunction

P3005 — High voltage fuse snapped [sic]

Presumably P3005 would also be recorded if an attempt was made to start up with the service plug removed, as the high voltage fuse is physically located inside the plug.

P3006 — Battery SOC are uneven

P3006 — not too sure about this, but criterion appears to be maximum permitted difference between highest block voltage and lowest block voltage at any instant (not including transients) is 1.2 volts.

P3009 — Leak detected

P3009 — «Leak detected», meaning a current leakage path the high voltage circuitry to the chassis has been detected. Trigger level not known, but the criterion for manual testing is insulation resistance not less than 10M ohms when tested at 500V DC.

P3010 — Battery total resistance malfunction

P3011 to P3029 — Battery block malfunction

The traction battery consists of 38 physical modules, each containing 6 cells. For the purposes of monitoring by the battery ECU, modules are paired into 19 «blocks». DTCs P3011 to P3029 appear to indicate the «malfunction» of a particular block, although what «malfunction» means is not clear.

P3030 — Battery voltage detective line snapped [sic]

P3030 — presumably means open circuit of one of the twenty voltage sense lines which are connected to the cell string at the ends and between each block.

P3060 — Battery temperature sensor circuit malfunction

P3076 — Abnormal air flow by battery cooling fan

P3077 — Battery cooling fan motor circuit malfunction

P3115 — HV battery current sensor malfunction

Braking System Diagnostic Trouble Codes

Two tables have been concatenated. Codes C0200 to C1259 are from the table «DIAGNOSTIC TROUBLE CODE CHART» on pages DI-358 and DI-359, and codes C1271 to C1284 are from the table «DTC of sensor check function» on page DI-357.

C0200 — Right front wheel speed sensor signal malfunction

C0205 — Left front wheel speed sensor signal malfunction

C0210 — Right rear wheel speed sensor signal malfunction

C0215 — Left rear wheel speed sensor signal malfunction

C0226 — Malfunction in ABS solenoid (SFR) circuit

C0236 — Malfunction in ABS solenoid (SFL) circuit

C0246 — Malfunction in ABS solenoid (SR) circuit

C0278 — Open circuit in ABS solenoid relay circuit

C0279 — Short circuit in ABS solenoid relay circuit

C1202 — Brake fluid low, or open circuit in brake fluid level warning switch circuit

C1211 — Malfunction in linear solenoid (SLA) circuit

C1212 — Malfunction in linear solenoid (SLR) circuit

C1213 — Malfunction in HV ECU communication circuit

C1214 — Malfunction in hydraulic system

C1215 — Low positive voltage of linear solenoid

C1216 — High positive voltage of linear solenoid

C1217 — Malfunction in regenerative solenoid (SMC1) circuit

C1218 — Malfunction in regenerative solenoid (SMC2) circuit

C1219 — Malfunction in regenerative solenoid (SS) circuit

C1220 — Malfunction in regulator (REG) pressure sensor

C1221 — Malfunction in front (FR) pressure sensor

C1222 — Malfunction in rear (RR) pressure sensor

C1241 — Low or abnormally high battery positive voltage in IG1 circuit

C1242 — Open circuit in IG2 circuit

C1246 — Malfunction in master cylinder (M/C) pressure sensor

C1249 — Open circuit in stop light switch circuit

C1251 — Malfunction in hydraulic brake booster pump motor

C1252 — Hydraulic brake booster pump motor ON time abnormally long

C1253 — Malfunction in hydro motor relay circuit

C1254 — Malfunction in pressure switch

C1256 — Malfunction of accumulator low pressure

C1257 — Malfunction in power supply drive circuit

C1259 — Malfunction in regenerative of HV ECU

C1271 — Low output voltage of right front speed sensor

C1272 — Low output voltage of left front speed sensor

C1273 — Low output voltage of right rear speed sensor

C1274 — Low output voltage of left rear speed sensor

C1275 — Abnormal change in output voltage of right front speed sensor

C1276 — Abnormal change in output voltage of left front speed sensor

C1277 — Abnormal change in output voltage of right rear speed sensor

C1278 — Abnormal change in output voltage of left rear speed sensor

C1281 — Master cylinder (M/C) pressure sensor output signals is faulty

C1282 — Regulator (REG) pressure sensor output signal is faulty

C1283 — Front (FR) pressure sensor output signal is faulty

C1284 — Rear (RR) pressure sensor output signal is faulty

Engine ECU Diagnostic Trouble Codes

Engine ECU — SAE Controlled

These items are taken from the table «Engine Diagnostics, SAE controlled» on pages DI-14 to DI-16 in the Engine Diagnostics chapter of the Repair Manual.

P0100 — Mass Air Flow Circuit Malfunction

P0101 — Mass Air Flow Circuit Range/Performance Problem

P0110 — Intake Air Temp Circuit Malfunction

P0115 — Engine Coolant Temp. Circuit Malfunction

P0116 — Engine Coolant Temp. Circuit Range/Performance Problem

P0120 — Throttle/Pedal Position Sensor/Switch «A» Circuit Malfunction

P0121 — Throttle/Pedal Position Sensor/Switch «A» Circuit Range/Performance Problem

P0125 — Insufficient Coolant Temp. for Closed Loop Fuel Control

P0128 — Thermostat Malfunction

P0130 — Heated Oxygen Sensor Circuit Malfunction (Bank 1 Sensor 1) (Except Calif.)

P0133 — Oxygen Sensor Circuit Slow Response (Bank 1 Sensor 1)

P0135 — Oxygen Sensor Circuit Malfunction (Bank 1 Sensor 1)

P0136 — Oxygen Sensor Circuit Malfunction (Bank 1 Sensor 2)

P0141 — Oxygen Sensor Heater Circuit Malfunction (Bank 1 Sensor 2)

P0171 — System too Lean (Fuel Trim)

P0172 — System too Rich (Fuel Trim)

P0300 — Random/Multiple Cylinder Misfire Detected

P0301 — Cylinder 1 Misfire Detected

P0302 — Cylinder 2 Misfire Detected

P0303 — Cylinder 3 Misfire Detected

P0304 — Cylinder 4 Misfire Detected

P0325 — Knock Sensor 1 Circuit Malfunction (Bank 1)

P0335 — Crankshaft Position Sensor «A» Circuit Malfunction

P0340 — Camshaft Position Sensor Circuit Malfunction

P0420 — Catalyst System Efficiency Below Threshold (Bank 1)

P0440 — Evaporative Emission Control System Malfunction

This and the following two DTCs can occur if you drive around for a while with a loose fuel filler cap. I did this to test retreiving DTCs with the Prius Mini-Scanner and it took more than a day for the problem to be detected.

P0441 — Evaporative Emission Control System Incorrect Purge Flow

P0446 — Evaporative Emission Control System Vent Control Malfunction

P0450 — Evaporative Emission Control System Pressure Sensor Malfunction

P0451 — Evaporative Emission Control System Pressure Sensor Range/Performance

P0500 — Vehicle Speed Sensor Malfunction

P0505 — Idle Control System Malfunction

Engine ECU — Manufacturer Controlled

These items are taken from the table «Engine Diagnostics, manufacturer controlled» on pages DI-17 and DI-18 in the Engine Diagnostics chapter of the Repair Manual.

P1125 — Throttle Control Motor Circuit Malfunction

P1127 — ETCS Actuator Power Source Circuit Malfunction

P1128 — Throttle Control Motor Lock Malfunction

P1129 — Electric Throttle Control System Malfunction

P1300 — Igniter Circuit Malfunction (No. 1)

P1305 — Igniter Circuit Malfunction (No. 2)

P1310 — Igniter Circuit Malfunction (No. 3)

P1315 — Igniter Circuit Malfunction (No. 4)

P1346 — VVT Sensor/Camshaft Position Sensor Circuit Range/Performance Problem (Bank 1)

P1349 — VVT System Malfunction (Bank 1)

P1430 — Vacuum Sensor for Adsorber and Catalyst System Circuit Malfunction

P1431 — Vacuum Sensor for Adsorber and Catalyst System Circuit Range/Performance Problem

P1436 — Variable Valve Malfunction

P1437 — Vacuum Line Malfunction

P1455 — Vapor Reducing Fuel Tank System Leak Detected (Small Leak)

P1525 — Resolver Circuit Malfunction

P1600 — ECM BATT Malfunction

P1633 — ECU Malfunction (ETCS Circuit)

P1636 — HV ECU Malfunction

P1637 — EGSTP Signal Malfunction

P1656 — OCV Circuit Malfunction (for VVT-i)

P3190 — Poor Engine Power

P3191 — Engine does not start

EMPS Diagnostic Trouble Codes

Two tables have been merged, «DTC of input signal check function» from page DI-457, and «Diagnostic trouble code chart» from DI-460 and DI-461.

C1511 — Torque sensor circuit malfunction

C1512 — Torque sensor circuit malfunction

C1513 — Torque sensor circuit malfunction

C1514 — Torque sensor circuit malfunction

C1515 — Calibration of torque sensor zero point not performed

C1516 — Calibration of torque sensor zero point not completed

C1521 — Motor circuit malfunction

C1522 — Motor circuit malfunction

C1523 — Motor circuit malfunction

C1524 — Motor circuit malfunction

C1531 — EMPS ECU malfunction

C1532 — EMPS ECU malfunction

C1533 — EMPS ECU malfunction

C1541 — Speed sensor malfunction

C1542 — Speed sensor malfunction

C1543 — Speed sensor malfunction

C1551 — IG power source circuit malfunction

C1552 — PIG power source drop voltage malfunction

C1553 — When resetting voltage, vehicle is being driven

C1554 — EMPS relay circuit malfunction

C1555 — EMPS ECU malfunction

C1556 — P/S warning light circuit

C1557 — Memory of overheat prevention control

C1558 — Memory of voltage drop at motor power supply

C1559 — Memory of continuous control under high load

C1571 — Speed sensor malfunction (Test mode)

C1572 — Speed sensor malfunction (Test mode)

Hybrid Vehicle ECU Diagnostic Trouble Codes

In addition to the letter-plus-four-digit DTC, the HV-ECU generates «information codes» consisting of three digits. These give a more finely detailed definition of the problem. They can be retrieved by the THHT (Toyota Hand-Held Tester) but not by a normal OBD-II scanner. How the THHT retrieves information codes has not been determined, therefore they cannot be retrieved by the Prius Mini-Scanner.

From pages DI-199 through to DI-205, in the Hybrid Vehicle Control System chapter of the Repair Manual.

B2799 — Immobilizer Malfunction

101 No input of signal from transponder key ECU

C2692 — Regenerative Brake Check

102 Regenerative Brake Check

C2693 — Regenerative Brake Check

103 Regenerative Brake Check

P1120 — Accelerator Pedal Position Sensor Circuit Malfunction

This DTC has been caught in the wild on an early 2001 model year Prius. The accelerator pedal position sensor is know to cause problems on these cars and there is a TSB out on it.

104 Open or short circuit in main accelerator sensor circuit

105 +B short in main accelerator sensor circuit

106 Main sensor internal error

107 Open or short in sub accelerator sensor circuit

108 +B short in sub accelerator sensor circuit

109 Sub sensor internal error

110 When difference between main sensor value and sub sensor value is large

111 When sub sensor value changes while main sensor value does not

112 When main sensor value changes while sub sensor value does not

113 When any of information code 104-112 continues to appear

114 Accelerator pedal not smoothly returning to original position

P1520 — Stop Light Switch (Cruise Control System) Malfunction

115 Open or short in stop light switch circuit

P1566 — Cruise Control System Malfunction

116 When STP signal of HV ECU is inconsistent with that of brake ECU, with cruise control indicator ON

P1600 — BATT Malfunction

117 HV ECU back-up power source circuit malfunction

P1780 — Park/Neutral Position Switch System Malfunction

118 When more than 2 main signals are ON

119 When main signal is not turned ON even though sub signal has been input

120 Open or short in sub sensor circuit

121 When shift position detected by main signal is different from that detected by sub signal

P3000 — HV Battery Malfunction

123 Input of abnormal signal from battery ECU (HV Battery System Malfunction)

124 Input of abnormal signal from battery ECU (high voltage fuse blown out)

388 Discharge Inhibition Control Malfunction. When charged battery is low due to leaving the vehicle in N position, gas shortage or HV system malfunction

389 Drop of high voltage. When main battery is dead or main battery is dead due to HV system malfunction

P3001 — HV Battery ECU Malfunction

129 Battery ECU malfunction

P3004 — Power Cable Malfunction

130 HV Battery Malfunction. When HV battery voltage becomes lower than inverter voltage

131 Power Cable Malfunction. When main fuse is blown out, service plug is disconnected or limiter resistance is cut off

133 HV Battery Malfunction. When inverter voltage sensor is malfunctioning or limiter resistance value increases

P3100 — HV ECU Malfunction

127 IB Circuit Malfunction. +B short in IB terminal circuit of HV ECU

128 IB Circuit Malfunction. Open or short in IB terminal circuit of HV ECU

134 HV ECU Internal Error

135 HV ECU Internal Error

136 GO Signal Error. Open or short in GO circuit

137 Engine Speed Sensor Malfunction

138 IB Circuit Malfunction. When the difference between current of HV ECU and current of battery is large

139 HV ECU internal error. IG Signal Circuit Malfunction

140 HV ECU internal error. RAM Braked

141 HV ECU internal error. ROM Braked

142 ST Signal Circuit Malfunction. When ST signal of HV ECU is ON, with ignition switch turned OFF

143 HV ECU internal error. Immobilizer Malfunction

144 HV ECU internal error. Primary Check Malfunction

145 HV ECU internal error. Primary Check Malfunction

146 HV ECU internal error. Primary Check Malfunction

147 HV ECU internal error. Primary Check Malfunction

148 HV ECU internal error. HV CPU Malfunction

149 HV ECU internal error. HV CPU Malfunction

150 HV ECU internal error. Motor CPU Malfunction

151 HV ECU internal error. Motor CPU Malfunction

152 HV ECU internal error. Motor CPU Malfunction

153 HV ECU internal error. Motor CPU Malfunction

154 HV ECU internal error. Motor CPU Malfunction

155 HV ECU internal error. Motor CPU Malfunction

156 HV ECU internal error. Motor CPU Malfunction

157 HV ECU internal error. Motor CPU Malfunction

158 HV ECU internal error. Motor CPU Malfunction

159 HV ECU internal error. Motor ECU Communication Circuit Malfunction

160 HV ECU internal error. Motor ECU Communication Circuit Malfunction

161 HV ECU internal error. Motor ECU Power Source Malfunction

162 HV ECU internal error. Motor ECU Power Source Malfunction

163 HV ECU internal error. Motor ECU Power Source Malfunction

164 HV ECU internal error. Motor ECU Power Source Malfunction

165 HV ECU internal error. Motor ECU Power Source Malfunction

166 HV ECU internal error. Motor R/D Malfunction

167 HV ECU internal error. Motor R/D Malfunction

168 HV ECU internal error. Motor R/D Malfunction

169 HV ECU internal error. Motor R/D Malfunction

170 HV ECU internal error. Motor R/D Malfunction

171 HV ECU internal error. Motor REF Signal Malfunction

172 HV ECU internal error. Motor REF Signal Malfunction

173 HV ECU internal error. Motor REF Signal Malfunction

174 HV ECU internal error. Motor Inverter Current Sensor Malfunction

175 HV ECU internal error. Motor Inverter Current Sensor Malfunction

176 HV ECU internal error. Motor Gate Shutdown Signal Line Connection Malfunction

177 HV ECU internal error. Motor Main CPU Malfunction

178 HV ECU internal error. Motor Main CPU Malfunction

179 HV ECU internal error. Motor Main CPU Malfunction

180 HV ECU internal error. Rotation Angle Check CPU Malfunction

181 HV ECU internal error. Rotation Angle Check CPU Malfunction

182 HV ECU internal error. Rotation Angle Check CPU Malfunction

183 HV ECU internal error. Rotation Angle Check CPU Malfunction

184 HV ECU internal error. Rotation Angle Check CPU Malfunction

185 HV ECU internal error. Rotation Angle Check CPU Malfunction

186 HV ECU internal error. Rotation Angle Check CPU Malfunction

187 HV ECU internal error. Important RAM Malfunction

188 HV ECU internal error. Generator CPU Malfunction

189 HV ECU internal error. Generator CPU Malfunction

190 HV ECU internal error. Genarator CPU Malfunction

191 HV ECU internal error. Generator CPU Malfunction

192 HV ECU internal error. Generator CPU Malfunction

193 HV ECU internal error. Generator CPU Malfunction

194 HV ECU internal error. Generator CPU Malfunction

195 HV ECU internal error. Generator CPU Malfunction

196 HV ECU internal error. Generator CPU Malfunction

197 HV ECU internal error. Generator R/D Malfunction

198 HV ECU internal error. Generator R/D Malfunction

199 HV ECU internal error. Generator R/D Malfunction

200 HV ECU internal error. Generator R/D Malfunction

201 HV ECU internal error. Generator R/D Malfunction

202 HV ECU internal error. Generator R/D Malfunction

203 HV ECU internal error. Generator Shutdown Signal Line Connection Malfunction

271 HV ECU internal error. Motor PWN Line Connection Malfunction

310 HV ECU internal error. Generator PWN Line Connection Malfunction

390 HV ECU internal error. Charge Inhibition Control Malfunction

391 HV ECU internal error. Motor CPU malfunction

392 HV ECU internal error. Motor CPU malfunction

393 HV ECU internal error. HV CPU Operation Malfunction

P3101 — Engine System Malfunction

204 Input of abnormal signal from the ECM (abnormal engine output)

205 Input of abnormal signal from the ECM (engine unable to start)

238 Transaxle Malfunction. When engine does not start even though cranking it

P3105 — Battery ECU Communication Circuit Malfunction

206 When communication between battery ECU and HV ECU is abnormal 1 sec. after ignition is turned ON

207 When communication between battery ECU and HV ECU is abnormal 1 sec. after ignition is turned ON

208 When communication between battery ECU and HV ECU is abnormal 1 sec. after ignition is turned ON

P3106 — ECM Communication Circuit Malfunction

209 When communication between ECM and HV ECU is abnormal 1 sec. after ignition is turned ON

210 When communication between ECM and HV ECU is abnormal 1 sec. after ignition is turned ON

211 When communication between ECM and HV ECU is abnormal 1 sec. after ignition is turned ON

212 Input of abnormal signal from ECM

394 When ECM does not operate

P3107 — Airbag ECU Communication Circuit Malfunction

213 When communication between airbag ECU and HV ECU is abnormal 10 sec. after ignition is turned ON

214 When communication between airbag ECU and HV ECU is abnormal 10 sec. after ignition is turned ON

215 When communication between airbag ECU and HV ECU is abnormal 10 sec. after ignition is turned ON

P3108 — A/C Amplifier Communication Circuit Malfunction

216 When communication from A/C amplifier to HV ECU is abnormal

217 When communication from A/C amplifier to HV ECU is abnormal

P3109 — Brake ECU Communication Circuit Malfunction

218 When communication between brake ECU and HV ECU is abnormal 1.5 sec. after ignition is turned ON

219 When communication between brake ECU and HV ECU is abnormal 1.5 sec. after ignition is turned ON

220 When communication between brake ECU and HV ECU is abnormal 1.5 sec. after ignition is turned ON

221 When communication between brake ECU and HV ECU is abnormal 1.5 sec. after ignition is turned ON

222 When abnormal data is received from brake ECU

P3110 — IGCT Relay Malfunction

223 When IGCT relay is always closed

P3115 — System Main Relay Malfunction

224 SMR Cont 1 Malfunction. Open or +B short in system main relay No. 1 circuit

225 SMR Cont 1 Malfunction. Short in system main relay No. 1 circuit

226 SMR Cont 2 Malfunction. Open or +B short in system main relay No. 2 circuit

227 SMR Cont 2 Malfunction. Short in system main relay No. 2 circuit

228 SMR Cont 3 Malfunction. Open or +B short in system main relay No. 3 circuit

229 SMR Cont 3 Malfunction. Short in system main relay No. 3 circuit

231 Deposit of SMR. System main relay + terminal deposited

232 Deposit of SMR. System main relay — terminal deposited

233 Deposit of SMR. System main relay + & — terminal deposited

P3120 — HV Transaxle Malfunction

234 Energy Balance Malfunction. Small reduction of motor magnetism

235 Energy Balance Malfunction. Large reduction of motor magnetism

236 Energy Balance Malfunction. Small reduction of generator magnetism

237 Energy Balance Malfunction. Large reduction of generator magnetism

239 HV Transaxle Malfunction. Shaft damaged

240 HV Transaxle Malfunction. Generator locked

241 HV Transaxle Malfunction. Torque limiter sliding

242 HV Transaxle Malfunction. Planetary gear locked

243 Motor Resolver Malfunction. Motor resolver inter-phase short

244 Motor Resolver Malfunction. Motor resolver inter-phase short (When there is a history that the state of malfunction continued during inverter fail safe mode)

245 Motor Resolver Malfunction. Open or short in motor resolver circuit

246 Motor Resolver Malfunction. Open or short in motor resolver circuit (When there is a history that the state of malfunction continued during inverter fail safe mode)

247 Motor Temperature Sensor Malfunction. GND short in motor temperature sensor

248 Motor Temperature Sensor Malfunction. Motor temperature sensor malfunction

249 Motor Temperature Sensor Malfunction. Open or +B short in motor temperature sensor

250 Motor Temperature Sensor Malfunction. Motor temperature sensor performance problem

253 Generator Resolver Malfunction. Generator resolver inter-phase short

254 Generator Resolver Malfunction. Generator resolver inter-phase short (When there is a history that the state of malfunction continued during inverter fail safe mode)

255 Generator Resolver Malfunction. Open or short in generator resolver circuit

256 Generator Resolver Malfunction. Open or short in generator resolver circuit (When there is a history that the state of malfunction continued during inverter fail safe mode)

257 Generator Temperature Sensor Malfunction. GND short in generator temperature sensor

258 Generator Temperature Sensor Malfunction. Generator temperature sensor malfunction

259 Generator Temperature Sensor Malfunction. Open or +B short in generator temperature sensor

260 Generator Temperature Sensor Malfunction. Generator temperature sensor performance problem

P3125 — Converter & Inverter Assembly Malfunction

263 DC/DC Converter Malfunction. +B short in DCDC converter NODD wiring

264 DC/DC Converter Malfunction. DCDC converter malfunction

265 DC/DC Converter Malfunction. Open or GND short in DCDC converter NODD wiring

266 VM Malfunction. Open or GND short in inverter voltage signal circuit

267 VM Malfunction. +B short in inverter voltage signal circuit

268 VM Malfunction. Inverter voltage signal is inconsistent with battery voltage

269 VM Malfunction. Inverter voltage sensor malfunction

270 VM Malfunction. Abnormality of line connection of inverter foltage signal circuit (When there is a history that the state of malfunction continued during inverter fail safe mode)

272 Motor PWN Line Connection Malfunction. Abnormality of the line connection of motor PWM (When there is a history that the state of malfunction continued during inverter fail safe mode)

273 Motor Inverter Gate Malfunction. Motor inverter malfunction

274 Motor Inverter Temperature. Open or +B short in motor inverter temperature sensor

275 Motor Inverter Temperature. GND short in motor inverter temperature sensor

276 Sensor Malfunction. Motor inverter temperature sensor malfunction

277 Sensor Malfunction. Motor inverter temperature sensor performance problem

278 Motor Inverter Sinv. +B short in motor inverter stop signal circuit

279 Motor Inverter Sinv. Over voltage of inverter

280 Motor Inverter Sinv. Open or GND short in motor inverter stop signal circuit

281 Motor Inverter Sinv. Voltage drop of inverter power source

282 Motor Inverter Sinv. Inverter circuit broken

283 Motor Inverter Finv. +B short in motor inverter fail signal circuit

284 Motor Inverter Finv. Inverter overheating

285 Motor Inverter Finv. Open or GND short in motor inverter fail signal circuit

286 Motor Inverter Finv. Inverter circuit broken

287 Motor Inverter Finv. Inverter internal short

288 Motor Inverter Current Sensor Malfunction. Motor inverter current sensor malfunction (V phase sub sensor)

289 Motor Inverter Current Sensor Malfunction. Open in inverter current sensor (V phase sub sensor)

290 Motor Inverter Current Sensor Malfunction. Motor inverter current sensor malfunction (V phase main sensor)

291 Motor Inverter Current Sensor Malfunction. (when there is a history that the state of malfunction continued during inverter fail safe mode)

292 Motor Inverter Current Sensor Malfunction. Open in motor inverter current sensor (V phase main sensor)

293 Motor Inverter Current Sensor Malfunction.

(when there is a history that the state of malfunction continued during inverter fail safe mode)

294 Motor Inverter Current Sensor Malfunction. Motor inverter current sensor V phase performance problem

295 Motor Inverter Current Sensor Malfunction. (when there is a history that the state of malfunction continued during inverter fail safe mode)

296 Motor Inverter Current Sensor Malfunction. Motor inverter current sensor malfunction (W phase sub sensor)

297 Motor Inverter Current Sensor Malfunction. Open in motor inverter current sensor (W phase sub sensor)

298 Motor Inverter Current Sensor Malfunction. Motor inverter current sensor malfunction (W phase main sensor)

299 Motor Inverter Current Sensor Malfunction. (when there is a history that the state of malfunction continued during inverter fail safe mode)

300 Motor Inverter Current Sensor Malfunction. Open in motor inverter current sensor (W phase main sensor)

301 Motor Inverter Current Sensor Malfunction. (when there is a history that the state of malfunction continued during inverter fail safe mode)

302 Motor Inverter Current Sensor Malfunction. Motor inverter current sensor W phase performance problem

303 Motor Inverter Current Sensor Malfunction. (when there is a history that the state of malfunction continued during inverter fail safe mode)

304 Motor Gate Shutdown Signal Line Connection Malfunction. +B short in motor gate shutdown signal circuit

305 Motor Gate Shutdown Signal Line Connection Malfunction. Open or GND short in motor gate shutdown signal circuit

306 Failure in Monitoring Motor Torque Performance.

307 Abnormal Current Value of Motor

308 Detection of Collision Signal

309 Motor PWM Line Connection Malfunction. Open or short in generator inverter switching wiring (GUU, GVU, GWU)

311 Generator Inverter Malfunction

312 Generator Inverter Temperature Sensor Malfunction. Open or +B short in generator inverter temperature sensor

313 Generator Inverter Temperature Sensor Malfunction. GND short in generator inverter temperature sensor

314 Generator Inverter Temperature Sensor Malfunction. Generator inverter temperature sensor malfunction

315 Generator Inverter Temperature Sensor Malfunction. Generator inverter temperature sensor performance problem

316 Generator Inverter Sinv. +B short in generator inverter stop signal circuit

317 Generator Inverter Sinv. Over voltage of inverter

318 Generator Inverter Sinv. Open or GND short in generator inverter stop signal circuit

319 Generator Inverter Sinv. Voltage drop of inverter power source

320 Generator Inverter Sinv. Inverter circuit broken

321 Generator Inverter Finv. +B short in generator inverter fail signal circuit

322 Generator Inverter Finv. Inverter overheating

323 Generator Inverter Finv. Open or GND short in generator inverter fail signal circuit

324 Generator Inverter Finv. Inverter circuit broken

325 Generator Inverter Finv. Inverter internal short

326 Generator Inverter Current Sensor Malfunction. Generator inverter current sensor malfunction (V phase sub sensor)

327 Generator Inverter Current Sensor Malfunction. Open in generator inverter current sensor (V phase sub sensor)

328 Generator Inverter Current Sensor Malfunction. Generator inverter current sensor malfunction (V phase main sensor)

329 Generator Inverter Current Sensor Malfunction. (when there is a history that the state of malfunction continued during inverter fail safe mode)

330 Generator Inverter Current Sensor Malfunction. Open in generator inverter current sensor (V phase main sensor)

331 Generator Inverter Current Sensor Malfunction. (when there is a history that the state of malfunction continued during inverter fail safe mode)

332 Generator Inverter Current Sensor Malfunction. Generator inverter current sensor V phase performance problem

333 Generator Inverter Current Sensor Malfunction. (when there is a history that the state of malfunction continued during inverter fail safe mode)

334 Generator Inverter Current Sensor Malfunction. Generator inverter current sensor malfunction (W phase sub sensor)

335 Generator Inverter Current Sensor Malfunction. Open in generator inverter current sensor (W phase sub sensor)

336 Generator Inverter Current Sensor Malfunction. Generator inverter current sensor malfunction (W phase main sensor)

337 Generator Inverter Current Sensor Malfunction. (when there is a history that the state of malfunction continued during inverter fail safe mode)

338 Generator Inverter Current Sensor Malfunction. Open in generator inverter current sensor (W phase main sensor)

339 Generator Inverter Current Sensor Malfunction. (when there is a history that the state of malfunction continued during inverter fail safe mode)

340 Generator Inverter Current Sensor Malfunction. Generator inverter current sensor W phase performance problem

341 Generator Inverter Current Sensor Malfunction. (when there is a history that the state of malfunction continued during inverter fail safe mode)

342 Motor Gate Shutdown Signal Line Connection. +B short in generator gate shutdown signal

343 Motor Gate Shutdown Signal Line Connection. Open or GND short in generator gate shutdown signal circuit

344 Failure in Monitoring Generator Torque Performance

345 Abnormal Current Value of Generator

P3130 — Inverter Cooling System Malfunction

346 Water pump system malfunction

347 Electric cooling fan system malfunction

P3135 — Circuit Breaker Sensor Malfunction

348 GND short in circuit breaker sensor

349 Open or +B short in circuit breaker sensor

P3140 — Interlock Malfunction

You can make this DTC happen quite easily and safely by removing the service plug from the main battery and turning the car on.

350 Safety devices operating with vehicle is stopped (ILK signal ON)

351 Open circuit in interlock signal circuit while vehicle is running

P3145 — Vehicle Speed Sensor Circuit Malfunction

352 No input of vehicle speed signal during cruise control driving

Multiplex Communication System

Diagnostic Trouble Codes

(from pages DI-753)

B1211 — Driver door ECU communication stop

B1221 — Power window switch circuit on driver door

B1221 should be output whenever the power window master switch is in the down position.

B1222 — Door lock switch circuit on driver door

B1222 should be output whenever the door lock switch is operated.

B1241 — Body ECU switch circuit diagnosis

B1241 will be output if the stop light switch is stuck on.

B1242 — Wireless door lock tuner circuit malfunction

B1248 — AVC-LAN circuit communication stop

B1261 — ECM communication stop

B1262 — A/C amplifier communication stop

B1266 — Instrument panel system communication bus malfunction (+B short)

B1267 — Instrument panel system communication bus malfunction (GND short)

B1274 — Multi display communication stop

B1293 — Gateway ECU communication circuit

Supplemental Restraint System

Diagnostic Trouble Codes

(from pages DI-503 and DI-504)

B0100 — Short in D squib circuit

B0101 — Open in D squib circuit

B0102 — Short in D squib circuit (to ground)

B0103 — Short in D squib circuit (to B+)

B0105 — Short in P squib circuit

B0106 — Open in P squib circuit

B0107 — Short in P squib circuit (to ground)

B0108 — Short in P squib circuit (to B+)

B0110 — Short in side squib (RH) circuit

B0111 — Open in side squib (RH) circuit

B0112 — Short in side squib (RH) circuit (to ground)

B0113 — Short in side squib (RH) circuit (to B+)

B0115 — Short in side squib (LH) circuit

B0116 — Open in side squib (LH) circuit

B0117 — Short in side squib (LH) circuit (to ground)

B0118 — Short in side squib (LH) circuit (to B+)

B0130 — Short in P/T squib (RH) circuit

B0131 — Open in P/T squib (RH) circuit

B0132 — Short in P/T squib (RH) circuit (to ground)

B0133 — Short in P/T squib (RH) circuit (to B+)

B0135 — Short in P/T squib (LH) circuit

B0136 — Open in P/T squib (LH) circuit

B0137 — Short in P/T squib (LH) circuit (to ground)

B0138 — Short in P/T squib (LH) circuit (to B+)

B1100 — Airbag sensor assembly malfunction

B1135 — Harf connection in airbag sensor assembly connector [sic]

B1140 — Side airbag sensor assembly (RH) malfunction

B1141 — Side airbag sensor assembly (LH) malfunction

B1156 — Front airbag sensor (RH) malfunction

B1157 — Front airbag sensor (RH) malfunction

B1158 — Front airbag sensor (LH) malfunction

P1159 — Front airbag sensor (LH) malfunction

All material Copyright © 2003 Graham Davies

Гибридная установка автомобиля сложна и запутана для понимания рядовым пользователем. По этой причине, коды ошибок Toyota Prius многочисленны, что дополнительно усложняет процедуру поиска проблемы и ремонта.


  • 1 Toyota Prius: расшифровка ошибок
    • 1.1 C1310: ошибка Приус
    • 1.2 С 1378 — неисправность Приус 20
    • 1.3 C1344 — поломка Prius
    • 1.4 Prius: ошибка C1391
    • 1.5 Приус 10: ошибка С2544
    • 1.6 Prius: неисправность C2600
    • 1.7 B126A — код Prius
    • 1.8 Приус 20: неисправность U0100
    • 1.9 U029a — поломка Приуса
    • 1.10 U0293 — поломка
    • 1.11 P0A0D: код неисправности Prius
    • 1.12 P0A0F — код Prius
    • 1.13 Поломка Приус 30: P0A7F
    • 1.14 Приус: поломка P0AA6
    • 1.15 Ошибка Приус 30: P0A01
    • 1.16 P0A08 — поломка Приус
    • 1.17 P0A09 — код
    • 1.18 P0A37 — неисправность Prius 20
    • 1.19 Приус 30: ошибка Р0А40 и Р0А41
    • 1.20 P0A80 — ошибка Prius
    • 1.21 Ошибка P0A93
    • 1.22 Ошибка Р0137: Приус 20
    • 1.23 P0420 — ошибка
    • 1.24 Ошибка Prius 30: P0852
    • 1.25 Приус 20: поломка P1116
    • 1.26 Prius: ошибка P1121
    • 1.27 Ошибка P181B: Prius 30
    • 1.28 P3000 — ошибка Prius 11
    • 1.29 P3102 — ошибка
    • 1.30 P3004 131 — ошибка Приус 30
    • 1.31 P3107 — неисправность Prius
    • 1.32 P3190 — поломка
    • 1.33 P3191 — код Prius
    • 1.34 Ошибка VSC: Prius 20
    • 1.35 Приус 20 — неисправность: переход в режим EV теперь недействителен
    • 1.36 Приус 30 — ошибка: проверка гибридной системы
    • 1.37 Prius 20: неисправность P/S
    • 1.38 Приус 20: поломка HV
  • 2 Как сбросить ошибки на Приусе
  • 3 Итог

Далее приведены распространенные неисправности и проблемы, возникающие во время эксплуатации автомобиля.

Toyota Prius: расшифровка ошибок

Большинство кодов автомобиля выводятся на дисплее бортового компьютера. При этом, шифры самодиагностики недостаточно информативны для полноценного ремонта или обслуживания машины.

Тойота Приус
Чтобы получить более подробное описание на русском языке, следует подключить диагностический сканер. Прибор и покажет полноценный список неисправностей.

C1310: ошибка Приус

Проблема говорит, что рекуператор тормозной системы глючит. Отправляйтесь на диагностику – способность подзарядки тяговой АКБ снижена.

С 1378 — неисправность Приус 20

Поломка магистрали питания конденсатора. Обычно причина находится в отсутствии связи с модулем АБС.

C1344 — поломка Prius

Ошибка АБС. Имеется потеря давления в заднем левом колесе. Остановитесь и подкачайте покрышку. Может сбоить сенсор, что особенно актуально при езде по разбитым дорогам.

Prius: ошибка C1391

Снижена эффективность торможения. В системе присутствует потеря герметичности или неисправен усилитель. Для устранения проблемы полностью «прочешите» магистраль.

Приус 10: ошибка С2544

Быстрый разряд элемента питания ВВБ. Модуль требуется продиагностировать на наличие утечки тока.

Prius: неисправность C2600

Бортовой компьютер обнаружил потерю связи в гибридной установке. Обычно проблема заключается в перегорании предохранителей.

B126A — код Prius

Модуль блокировки двигателя работает неправильно. Выполните диагностику сети.

Приус 20: неисправность U0100

Потеря связи между блоком ДВС и электромотором. Система глючит.

U029a — поломка Приуса

Имеются окисления или повреждение контактов батареи. Помогает очистка элементов за крышкой возле педали газа.

U0293 — поломка

Потеря связи ВВБ с модулем управления гибридной установкой. Система нуждается в срочной диагностике.

P0A0D: код неисправности Prius

Ошибка ВВБ указывает на потерю контакта с модулем управления. Причиной может стать нарушение контрольной цепи устройства.

P0A0F — код Prius

Проблема – двигатель не завелся. При возникновении подобной ошибки обратитесь к квалифицированному мастеру. Неисправность связана с более весомыми неприятностями.

Поломка Приус 30: P0A7F

Типичная проблема для машин с пробегом. Указывает на критическую потерю емкости тяговой батареи. Элементы питания проблематично реанимировать и обычно их меняют на новые ячейки.

Приус: поломка P0AA6

Проблема находится в инверторе и наличии влаги. Элементы конструкции требуется диагностировать на предмет повреждений.

Ошибка Приус 30: P0A01

ДТОЖ конвертора напряжения вышел из строя или передает неправильные данные. Нужно проверить сенсор и его проводку на наличие повреждений.

P0A08 — поломка Приус

Аккумуляторная батарея АКБ износилась или повреждена.

Монитор Тойоты

P0A09 — код

Инвертор напряжение не активируется или работает неправильно. Необходимо проверить состояние контактов или силовых магистралей.

P0A37 — неисправность Prius 20

Поломка цепи датчика температуры электродвигателя. Тщательно осмотрите систему на наличие повреждений и протестируйте датчик.

Приус 30: ошибка Р0А40 и Р0А41

Потеря связи с элементами коробки передач. Все решается проверкой и переделкой магистралей.

P0A80 — ошибка Prius

Блок управления трансмиссией обнаружил проблему на участке гибридного БУ аккумуляторами машины. Лечится только полной диагностикой.

Ошибка P0A93

Поломка помпы гибридной установки. Устройство не пригодно к ремонту, модуль следует менять целиком.
неисправности на мониторе

Ошибка Р0137: Приус 20

Слишком низкое напряжение ДК1. В выхлопе присутствует слишком много кислорода. Обычно поломка связана с ухудшением контактов проводки или окислением сенсора.

P0420 — ошибка

Эффективность катализатора ниже минимального порога. Проблема актуальна для машин с большим пробегом или авто, ездящих на низкосортном топливе. В этой ситуации ставят обманку или меняют банку нейтрализатора.

Ошибка Prius 30: P0852

Подобную проблему обычно выдают датчики тормозной системы. Часто ошибки связаны с намоканием проводки или окислением контактов.

Приус 20: поломка P1116

ДТОЖ передает неправильные данные или вышел из строя. Сенсор меняют на заведомо исправный.

Prius: ошибка P1121

Реостат системы охлаждения двигателя проверяют на наличие повреждений. Клапан заело в одном положении.

Ошибка P181B: Prius 30

Ошибка гибридной установки. Проведите диагностику сетей и магистралей.

P3000 — ошибка Prius 11

Слишком низкий уровень заряда высоковольтной батареи. Долейте топливо в бак или перезагрузите БК.

P3102 — ошибка

Неисправность гибридной системы. Требуется более подробная диагностика автомобиля.

P3004 131 — ошибка Приус 30

Инвертор напряжение глючит. Замените поврежденный узел.

P3107 — неисправность Prius

Потеряна связь с подушками безопасности. Проблема находится в программном глюке оборудования – перезапуск системы должен помочь. Если ошибка не уходит — выполните полную проверку цепи.

P3190 — поломка

В топливной системе автомобиля обнаружены серьезные проблемы. Тщательно проверьте узлы, отвечающие за подачу бензина в камеру сгорания.
Проблема может указывать на неполадки зажигания смеси.

P3191 — код Prius

Запуск силовой установки затруднен. Требуется очистка дроссельной заслонки и диагностика системы зажигания.

Ошибка VSC: Prius 20

Ошибки модуля указывают, что система стабилизации авто работает неправильно или перестала откликаться на команды. Требуется детальная диагностика, при которой может появиться несколько проблем. Неприятности связаны с датчиками или поврежденной проводкой.

Приус 20 — неисправность: переход в режим EV теперь недействителен

Если с автомобилем технически проблем нет, система самостоятельно отключается при появлении следующих факторов:

  • критически снизился заряд высоковольтной батареи;
  • силовой АКБ перегрелся;
  • превышена допустимая скорость передвижения на электротяге.

Если условия соблюдены, ищите проблему в ПО и датчиках, контролирующих работу авто в данном режиме.

Приус 30 — ошибка: проверка гибридной системы

Причинами подобных поломок наиболее часто выступают факторы.

  1. Износ или повреждение датчиков.
  2. Неполадки в проводке автомобиля.
  3. Проблемы с ДВС или ВВС.

Prius 20: неисправность P/S

Типичная поломка для авто, бывавших в ДТП или после замены рулевой рейки. Чувствительный ЭУР легко повредить ударами или сильной вибрацией, что также не исключено при езде по «уваленным» дорогам. Также некоторые водители сталкивались с проблемой по причине износа дорожек электроусилителя.

Приус 20: поломка HV

Модуль гибридной системы работает неправильно. Требуется более тщательная диагностика и определение конкретной ошибки. Проблема связана с повреждением проводки высоковольтной батареи.

Как сбросить ошибки на Приусе

Здесь есть несколько вариантов развития событий.

  • Сброс скрепкой

Для этого потребуется закоротить контакты диагностического разъема, как показано на фото ниже.
Сброс скрепкой
Далее нужно включить зажигание и в течение 3 секунд быстро нажать педаль тормоза 8 раз подряд. После этого ошибки обнулятся.

  • Подразумевает подключение диагностического сканера и последующий сброс при помощи стороннего оборудования. Здесь все также просто. Нужно присоединить модуль к машине и следовать инструкции изготовителя.

Также перезагрузить систему можно, отключив питание от низковольтной батареи на 10 минут. При этом, БК будет сброшен до «чистого» состояния.


Считать коды поломок Приуса недостаточно. Требуется устранить причины их появления, что проблематично для неподготовленного пользователя. При наличии дефектов рекомендуется обратиться к квалифицированному мастеру.

Думанов Борис

Специализация: Закончил государственный автомобильный университет, проработал 20 лет на ГАЗ-56, сейчас езжу на жигулях.

Все права на материал принадлежат:

© 2003 Graham Davies

Battery ECU Diagnostic Trouble Codes

P1600 — Backup power source circuit malfunction

The battery ECU receives 12 volts from two sources. P1600 signifies the absence of 12 volts at terminal AM, which is normally kept live even with the steering wheel switch off.

P3001 — Battery ECU malfunction

P3002 — HV ECU communication malfunction

P3005 — High voltage fuse snapped [sic]

Presumably P3005 would also be recorded if an attempt was made to start up with the service plug removed, as the high voltage fuse is physically located inside the plug.

P3006 — Battery SOC are uneven

P3006 — not too sure about this, but criterion appears to be maximum permitted difference between highest block voltage and lowest block voltage at any instant (not including transients) is 1.2 volts.

P3009 — Leak detected

P3009 — «Leak detected», meaning a current leakage path the high voltage circuitry to the chassis has been detected. Trigger level not known, but the criterion for manual testing is insulation resistance not less than 10M ohms when tested at 500V DC.

P3010 — Battery total resistance malfunction

P3011 to P3029 — Battery block malfunction

The traction battery consists of 38 physical modules, each containing 6 cells. For the purposes of monitoring by the battery ECU, modules are paired into 19 «blocks». DTCs P3011 to P3029 appear to indicate the «malfunction» of a particular block, although what «malfunction» means is not clear.

P3030 — Battery voltage detective line snapped [sic]

P3030 — presumably means open circuit of one of the twenty voltage sense lines which are connected to the cell string at the ends and between each block.

P3060 — Battery temperature sensor circuit malfunction

P3076 — Abnormal air flow by battery cooling fan

P3077 — Battery cooling fan motor circuit malfunction

P3115 — HV battery current sensor malfunction

Braking System Diagnostic Trouble Codes

Two tables have been concatenated. Codes C0200 to C1259 are from the table «DIAGNOSTIC TROUBLE CODE CHART» on pages DI-358 and DI-359, and codes C1271 to C1284 are from the table «DTC of sensor check function» on page DI-357.

C0200 — Right front wheel speed sensor signal malfunction

C0205 — Left front wheel speed sensor signal malfunction

C0210 — Right rear wheel speed sensor signal malfunction

C0215 — Left rear wheel speed sensor signal malfunction

C0226 — Malfunction in ABS solenoid (SFR) circuit

C0236 — Malfunction in ABS solenoid (SFL) circuit

C0246 — Malfunction in ABS solenoid (SR) circuit

C0278 — Open circuit in ABS solenoid relay circuit

C0279 — Short circuit in ABS solenoid relay circuit

C1202 — Brake fluid low, or open circuit in brake fluid level warning switch circuit

C1211 — Malfunction in linear solenoid (SLA) circuit

C1212 — Malfunction in linear solenoid (SLR) circuit

C1213 — Malfunction in HV ECU communication circuit

C1214 — Malfunction in hydraulic system

C1215 — Low positive voltage of linear solenoid

C1216 — High positive voltage of linear solenoid

C1217 — Malfunction in regenerative solenoid (SMC1) circuit

C1218 — Malfunction in regenerative solenoid (SMC2) circuit

C1219 — Malfunction in regenerative solenoid (SS) circuit

C1220 — Malfunction in regulator (REG) pressure sensor

C1221 — Malfunction in front (FR) pressure sensor

C1222 — Malfunction in rear (RR) pressure sensor

C1241 — Low or abnormally high battery positive voltage in IG1 circuit

C1242 — Open circuit in IG2 circuit

C1246 — Malfunction in master cylinder (M/C) pressure sensor

C1249 — Open circuit in stop light switch circuit

C1251 — Malfunction in hydraulic brake booster pump motor

C1252 — Hydraulic brake booster pump motor ON time abnormally long

C1253 — Malfunction in hydro motor relay circuit

C1254 — Malfunction in pressure switch

C1256 — Malfunction of accumulator low pressure

C1257 — Malfunction in power supply drive circuit

C1259 — Malfunction in regenerative of HV ECU

C1271 — Low output voltage of right front speed sensor

C1272 — Low output voltage of left front speed sensor

C1273 — Low output voltage of right rear speed sensor

C1274 — Low output voltage of left rear speed sensor

C1275 — Abnormal change in output voltage of right front speed sensor

C1276 — Abnormal change in output voltage of left front speed sensor

C1277 — Abnormal change in output voltage of right rear speed sensor

C1278 — Abnormal change in output voltage of left rear speed sensor

C1281 — Master cylinder (M/C) pressure sensor output signals is faulty

C1282 — Regulator (REG) pressure sensor output signal is faulty

C1283 — Front (FR) pressure sensor output signal is faulty

C1284 — Rear (RR) pressure sensor output signal is faulty

Engine ECU Diagnostic Trouble Codes

Engine ECU — SAE Controlled

These items are taken from the table «Engine Diagnostics, SAE controlled» on pages DI-14 to DI-16 in the Engine Diagnostics chapter of the Repair Manual.

P0100 — Mass Air Flow Circuit Malfunction

P0101 — Mass Air Flow Circuit Range/Performance Problem

P0110 — Intake Air Temp Circuit Malfunction

P0115 — Engine Coolant Temp. Circuit Malfunction

P0116 — Engine Coolant Temp. Circuit Range/Performance Problem

P0120 — Throttle/Pedal Position Sensor/Switch «A» Circuit Malfunction

P0121 — Throttle/Pedal Position Sensor/Switch «A» Circuit Range/Performance Problem

P0125 — Insufficient Coolant Temp. for Closed Loop Fuel Control

P0128 — Thermostat Malfunction

P0130 — Heated Oxygen Sensor Circuit Malfunction (Bank 1 Sensor 1) (Except Calif.)

P0133 — Oxygen Sensor Circuit Slow Response (Bank 1 Sensor 1)

P0135 — Oxygen Sensor Circuit Malfunction (Bank 1 Sensor 1)

P0136 — Oxygen Sensor Circuit Malfunction (Bank 1 Sensor 2)

P0141 — Oxygen Sensor Heater Circuit Malfunction (Bank 1 Sensor 2)

P0171 — System too Lean (Fuel Trim)

P0172 — System too Rich (Fuel Trim)

P0300 — Random/Multiple Cylinder Misfire Detected

P0301 — Cylinder 1 Misfire Detected

P0302 — Cylinder 2 Misfire Detected

P0303 — Cylinder 3 Misfire Detected

P0304 — Cylinder 4 Misfire Detected

P0325 — Knock Sensor 1 Circuit Malfunction (Bank 1)

P0335 — Crankshaft Position Sensor «A» Circuit Malfunction

P0340 — Camshaft Position Sensor Circuit Malfunction

P0420 — Catalyst System Efficiency Below Threshold (Bank 1)

P0440 — Evaporative Emission Control System Malfunction

This and the following two DTCs can occur if you drive around for a while with a loose fuel filler cap. I did this to test retreiving DTCs with the Prius Mini-Scanner and it took more than a day for the problem to be detected.

P0441 — Evaporative Emission Control System Incorrect Purge Flow

P0446 — Evaporative Emission Control System Vent Control Malfunction

P0450 — Evaporative Emission Control System Pressure Sensor Malfunction

P0451 — Evaporative Emission Control System Pressure Sensor Range/Performance

P0500 — Vehicle Speed Sensor Malfunction

P0505 — Idle Control System Malfunction

Engine ECU — Manufacturer Controlled

These items are taken from the table «Engine Diagnostics, manufacturer controlled» on pages DI-17 and DI-18 in the Engine Diagnostics chapter of the Repair Manual.

P1125 — Throttle Control Motor Circuit Malfunction

P1127 — ETCS Actuator Power Source Circuit Malfunction

P1128 — Throttle Control Motor Lock Malfunction

P1129 — Electric Throttle Control System Malfunction

P1300 — Igniter Circuit Malfunction (No. 1)

P1305 — Igniter Circuit Malfunction (No. 2)

P1310 — Igniter Circuit Malfunction (No. 3)

P1315 — Igniter Circuit Malfunction (No. 4)

P1346 — VVT Sensor/Camshaft Position Sensor Circuit Range/Performance Problem (Bank 1)

P1349 — VVT System Malfunction (Bank 1)

P1430 — Vacuum Sensor for Adsorber and Catalyst System Circuit Malfunction

P1431 — Vacuum Sensor for Adsorber and Catalyst System Circuit Range/Performance Problem

P1436 — Variable Valve Malfunction

P1437 — Vacuum Line Malfunction

P1455 — Vapor Reducing Fuel Tank System Leak Detected (Small Leak)

P1525 — Resolver Circuit Malfunction

P1600 — ECM BATT Malfunction

P1633 — ECU Malfunction (ETCS Circuit)

P1636 — HV ECU Malfunction

P1637 — EGSTP Signal Malfunction

P1656 — OCV Circuit Malfunction (for VVT-i)

P3190 — Poor Engine Power

P3191 — Engine does not start

EMPS Diagnostic Trouble Codes

Two tables have been merged, «DTC of input signal check function» from page DI-457, and «Diagnostic trouble code chart» from DI-460 and DI-461.

C1511 — Torque sensor circuit malfunction

C1512 — Torque sensor circuit malfunction

C1513 — Torque sensor circuit malfunction

C1514 — Torque sensor circuit malfunction

C1515 — Calibration of torque sensor zero point not performed

C1516 — Calibration of torque sensor zero point not completed

C1521 — Motor circuit malfunction

C1522 — Motor circuit malfunction

C1523 — Motor circuit malfunction

C1524 — Motor circuit malfunction

C1531 — EMPS ECU malfunction

C1532 — EMPS ECU malfunction

C1533 — EMPS ECU malfunction

C1541 — Speed sensor malfunction

C1542 — Speed sensor malfunction

C1543 — Speed sensor malfunction

C1551 — IG power source circuit malfunction

C1552 — PIG power source drop voltage malfunction

C1553 — When resetting voltage, vehicle is being driven

C1554 — EMPS relay circuit malfunction

C1555 — EMPS ECU malfunction

C1556 — P/S warning light circuit

C1557 — Memory of overheat prevention control

C1558 — Memory of voltage drop at motor power supply

C1559 — Memory of continuous control under high load

C1571 — Speed sensor malfunction (Test mode)

C1572 — Speed sensor malfunction (Test mode)

Hybrid Vehicle ECU Diagnostic Trouble Codes

In addition to the letter-plus-four-digit DTC, the HV-ECU generates «information codes» consisting of three digits. These give a more finely detailed definition of the problem. They can be retrieved by the THHT (Toyota Hand-Held Tester) but not by a normal OBD-II scanner. How the THHT retrieves information codes has not been determined, therefore they cannot be retrieved by the Prius Mini-Scanner.

From pages DI-199 through to DI-205, in the Hybrid Vehicle Control System chapter of the Repair Manual.

B2799 — Immobilizer Malfunction

101 No input of signal from transponder key ECU

C2692 — Regenerative Brake Check

102 Regenerative Brake Check

C2693 — Regenerative Brake Check

103 Regenerative Brake Check

P1120 — Accelerator Pedal Position Sensor Circuit Malfunction

This DTC has been caught in the wild on an early 2001 model year Prius. The accelerator pedal position sensor is know to cause problems on these cars and there is a TSB out on it.

104 Open or short circuit in main accelerator sensor circuit

105 +B short in main accelerator sensor circuit

106 Main sensor internal error

107 Open or short in sub accelerator sensor circuit

108 +B short in sub accelerator sensor circuit

109 Sub sensor internal error

110 When difference between main sensor value and sub sensor value is large

111 When sub sensor value changes while main sensor value does not

112 When main sensor value changes while sub sensor value does not

113 When any of information code 104-112 continues to appear

114 Accelerator pedal not smoothly returning to original position

P1520 — Stop Light Switch (Cruise Control System) Malfunction

115 Open or short in stop light switch circuit

P1566 — Cruise Control System Malfunction

116 When STP signal of HV ECU is inconsistent with that of brake ECU, with cruise control indicator ON

P1600 — BATT Malfunction

117 HV ECU back-up power source circuit malfunction

P1780 — Park/Neutral Position Switch System Malfunction

118 When more than 2 main signals are ON

119 When main signal is not turned ON even though sub signal has been input

120 Open or short in sub sensor circuit

121 When shift position detected by main signal is different from that detected by sub signal

P3000 — HV Battery Malfunction

123 Input of abnormal signal from battery ECU (HV Battery System Malfunction)

124 Input of abnormal signal from battery ECU (high voltage fuse blown out)

388 Discharge Inhibition Control Malfunction. When charged battery is low due to leaving the vehicle in N position, gas shortage or HV system malfunction

389 Drop of high voltage. When main battery is dead or main battery is dead due to HV system malfunction

P3001 — HV Battery ECU Malfunction

129 Battery ECU malfunction

P3004 — Power Cable Malfunction

130 HV Battery Malfunction. When HV battery voltage becomes lower than inverter voltage

131 Power Cable Malfunction. When main fuse is blown out, service plug is disconnected or limiter resistance is cut off

133 HV Battery Malfunction. When inverter voltage sensor is malfunctioning or limiter resistance value increases

P3100 — HV ECU Malfunction

127 IB Circuit Malfunction. +B short in IB terminal circuit of HV ECU

128 IB Circuit Malfunction. Open or short in IB terminal circuit of HV ECU

134 HV ECU Internal Error

135 HV ECU Internal Error

136 GO Signal Error. Open or short in GO circuit

137 Engine Speed Sensor Malfunction

138 IB Circuit Malfunction. When the difference between current of HV ECU and current of battery is large

139 HV ECU internal error. IG Signal Circuit Malfunction

140 HV ECU internal error. RAM Braked

141 HV ECU internal error. ROM Braked

142 ST Signal Circuit Malfunction. When ST signal of HV ECU is ON, with ignition switch turned OFF

143 HV ECU internal error. Immobilizer Malfunction

144 HV ECU internal error. Primary Check Malfunction

145 HV ECU internal error. Primary Check Malfunction

146 HV ECU internal error. Primary Check Malfunction

147 HV ECU internal error. Primary Check Malfunction

148 HV ECU internal error. HV CPU Malfunction

149 HV ECU internal error. HV CPU Malfunction

150 HV ECU internal error. Motor CPU Malfunction

151 HV ECU internal error. Motor CPU Malfunction

152 HV ECU internal error. Motor CPU Malfunction

153 HV ECU internal error. Motor CPU Malfunction

154 HV ECU internal error. Motor CPU Malfunction

155 HV ECU internal error. Motor CPU Malfunction

156 HV ECU internal error. Motor CPU Malfunction

157 HV ECU internal error. Motor CPU Malfunction

158 HV ECU internal error. Motor CPU Malfunction

159 HV ECU internal error. Motor ECU Communication Circuit Malfunction

160 HV ECU internal error. Motor ECU Communication Circuit Malfunction

161 HV ECU internal error. Motor ECU Power Source Malfunction

162 HV ECU internal error. Motor ECU Power Source Malfunction

163 HV ECU internal error. Motor ECU Power Source Malfunction

164 HV ECU internal error. Motor ECU Power Source Malfunction

165 HV ECU internal error. Motor ECU Power Source Malfunction

166 HV ECU internal error. Motor R/D Malfunction

167 HV ECU internal error. Motor R/D Malfunction

168 HV ECU internal error. Motor R/D Malfunction

169 HV ECU internal error. Motor R/D Malfunction

170 HV ECU internal error. Motor R/D Malfunction

171 HV ECU internal error. Motor REF Signal Malfunction

172 HV ECU internal error. Motor REF Signal Malfunction

173 HV ECU internal error. Motor REF Signal Malfunction

174 HV ECU internal error. Motor Inverter Current Sensor Malfunction

175 HV ECU internal error. Motor Inverter Current Sensor Malfunction

176 HV ECU internal error. Motor Gate Shutdown Signal Line Connection Malfunction

177 HV ECU internal error. Motor Main CPU Malfunction

178 HV ECU internal error. Motor Main CPU Malfunction

179 HV ECU internal error. Motor Main CPU Malfunction

180 HV ECU internal error. Rotation Angle Check CPU Malfunction

181 HV ECU internal error. Rotation Angle Check CPU Malfunction

182 HV ECU internal error. Rotation Angle Check CPU Malfunction

183 HV ECU internal error. Rotation Angle Check CPU Malfunction

184 HV ECU internal error. Rotation Angle Check CPU Malfunction

185 HV ECU internal error. Rotation Angle Check CPU Malfunction

186 HV ECU internal error. Rotation Angle Check CPU Malfunction

187 HV ECU internal error. Important RAM Malfunction

188 HV ECU internal error. Generator CPU Malfunction

189 HV ECU internal error. Generator CPU Malfunction

190 HV ECU internal error. Genarator CPU Malfunction

191 HV ECU internal error. Generator CPU Malfunction

192 HV ECU internal error. Generator CPU Malfunction

193 HV ECU internal error. Generator CPU Malfunction

194 HV ECU internal error. Generator CPU Malfunction

195 HV ECU internal error. Generator CPU Malfunction

196 HV ECU internal error. Generator CPU Malfunction

197 HV ECU internal error. Generator R/D Malfunction

198 HV ECU internal error. Generator R/D Malfunction

199 HV ECU internal error. Generator R/D Malfunction

200 HV ECU internal error. Generator R/D Malfunction

201 HV ECU internal error. Generator R/D Malfunction

202 HV ECU internal error. Generator R/D Malfunction

203 HV ECU internal error. Generator Shutdown Signal Line Connection Malfunction

271 HV ECU internal error. Motor PWN Line Connection Malfunction

310 HV ECU internal error. Generator PWN Line Connection Malfunction

390 HV ECU internal error. Charge Inhibition Control Malfunction

391 HV ECU internal error. Motor CPU malfunction

392 HV ECU internal error. Motor CPU malfunction

393 HV ECU internal error. HV CPU Operation Malfunction

P3101 — Engine System Malfunction

204 Input of abnormal signal from the ECM (abnormal engine output)

205 Input of abnormal signal from the ECM (engine unable to start)

238 Transaxle Malfunction. When engine does not start even though cranking it

P3105 — Battery ECU Communication Circuit Malfunction

206 When communication between battery ECU and HV ECU is abnormal 1 sec. after ignition is turned ON

207 When communication between battery ECU and HV ECU is abnormal 1 sec. after ignition is turned ON

208 When communication between battery ECU and HV ECU is abnormal 1 sec. after ignition is turned ON

P3106 — ECM Communication Circuit Malfunction

209 When communication between ECM and HV ECU is abnormal 1 sec. after ignition is turned ON

210 When communication between ECM and HV ECU is abnormal 1 sec. after ignition is turned ON

211 When communication between ECM and HV ECU is abnormal 1 sec. after ignition is turned ON

212 Input of abnormal signal from ECM

394 When ECM does not operate

P3107 — Airbag ECU Communication Circuit Malfunction

213 When communication between airbag ECU and HV ECU is abnormal 10 sec. after ignition is turned ON

214 When communication between airbag ECU and HV ECU is abnormal 10 sec. after ignition is turned ON

215 When communication between airbag ECU and HV ECU is abnormal 10 sec. after ignition is turned ON

P3108 — A/C Amplifier Communication Circuit Malfunction

216 When communication from A/C amplifier to HV ECU is abnormal

217 When communication from A/C amplifier to HV ECU is abnormal

P3109 — Brake ECU Communication Circuit Malfunction

218 When communication between brake ECU and HV ECU is abnormal 1.5 sec. after ignition is turned ON

219 When communication between brake ECU and HV ECU is abnormal 1.5 sec. after ignition is turned ON

220 When communication between brake ECU and HV ECU is abnormal 1.5 sec. after ignition is turned ON

221 When communication between brake ECU and HV ECU is abnormal 1.5 sec. after ignition is turned ON

222 When abnormal data is received from brake ECU

P3110 — IGCT Relay Malfunction

223 When IGCT relay is always closed

P3115 — System Main Relay Malfunction

224 SMR Cont 1 Malfunction. Open or +B short in system main relay No. 1 circuit

225 SMR Cont 1 Malfunction. Short in system main relay No. 1 circuit

226 SMR Cont 2 Malfunction. Open or +B short in system main relay No. 2 circuit

227 SMR Cont 2 Malfunction. Short in system main relay No. 2 circuit

228 SMR Cont 3 Malfunction. Open or +B short in system main relay No. 3 circuit

229 SMR Cont 3 Malfunction. Short in system main relay No. 3 circuit

231 Deposit of SMR. System main relay + terminal deposited

232 Deposit of SMR. System main relay — terminal deposited

233 Deposit of SMR. System main relay + & — terminal deposited

P3120 — HV Transaxle Malfunction

234 Energy Balance Malfunction. Small reduction of motor magnetism

235 Energy Balance Malfunction. Large reduction of motor magnetism

236 Energy Balance Malfunction. Small reduction of generator magnetism

237 Energy Balance Malfunction. Large reduction of generator magnetism

239 HV Transaxle Malfunction. Shaft damaged

240 HV Transaxle Malfunction. Generator locked

241 HV Transaxle Malfunction. Torque limiter sliding

242 HV Transaxle Malfunction. Planetary gear locked

243 Motor Resolver Malfunction. Motor resolver inter-phase short

244 Motor Resolver Malfunction. Motor resolver inter-phase short (When there is a history that the state of malfunction continued during inverter fail safe mode)

245 Motor Resolver Malfunction. Open or short in motor resolver circuit

246 Motor Resolver Malfunction. Open or short in motor resolver circuit (When there is a history that the state of malfunction continued during inverter fail safe mode)

247 Motor Temperature Sensor Malfunction. GND short in motor temperature sensor

248 Motor Temperature Sensor Malfunction. Motor temperature sensor malfunction

249 Motor Temperature Sensor Malfunction. Open or +B short in motor temperature sensor

250 Motor Temperature Sensor Malfunction. Motor temperature sensor performance problem

253 Generator Resolver Malfunction. Generator resolver inter-phase short

254 Generator Resolver Malfunction. Generator resolver inter-phase short (When there is a history that the state of malfunction continued during inverter fail safe mode)

255 Generator Resolver Malfunction. Open or short in generator resolver circuit

256 Generator Resolver Malfunction. Open or short in generator resolver circuit (When there is a history that the state of malfunction continued during inverter fail safe mode)

257 Generator Temperature Sensor Malfunction. GND short in generator temperature sensor

258 Generator Temperature Sensor Malfunction. Generator temperature sensor malfunction

259 Generator Temperature Sensor Malfunction. Open or +B short in generator temperature sensor

260 Generator Temperature Sensor Malfunction. Generator temperature sensor performance problem

P3125 — Converter & Inverter Assembly Malfunction

263 DC/DC Converter Malfunction. +B short in DCDC converter NODD wiring

264 DC/DC Converter Malfunction. DCDC converter malfunction

265 DC/DC Converter Malfunction. Open or GND short in DCDC converter NODD wiring

266 VM Malfunction. Open or GND short in inverter voltage signal circuit

267 VM Malfunction. +B short in inverter voltage signal circuit

268 VM Malfunction. Inverter voltage signal is inconsistent with battery voltage

269 VM Malfunction. Inverter voltage sensor malfunction

270 VM Malfunction. Abnormality of line connection of inverter foltage signal circuit (When there is a history that the state of malfunction continued during inverter fail safe mode)

272 Motor PWN Line Connection Malfunction. Abnormality of the line connection of motor PWM (When there is a history that the state of malfunction continued during inverter fail safe mode)

273 Motor Inverter Gate Malfunction. Motor inverter malfunction

274 Motor Inverter Temperature. Open or +B short in motor inverter temperature sensor

275 Motor Inverter Temperature. GND short in motor inverter temperature sensor

276 Sensor Malfunction. Motor inverter temperature sensor malfunction

277 Sensor Malfunction. Motor inverter temperature sensor performance problem

278 Motor Inverter Sinv. +B short in motor inverter stop signal circuit

279 Motor Inverter Sinv. Over voltage of inverter

280 Motor Inverter Sinv. Open or GND short in motor inverter stop signal circuit

281 Motor Inverter Sinv. Voltage drop of inverter power source

282 Motor Inverter Sinv. Inverter circuit broken

283 Motor Inverter Finv. +B short in motor inverter fail signal circuit

284 Motor Inverter Finv. Inverter overheating

285 Motor Inverter Finv. Open or GND short in motor inverter fail signal circuit

286 Motor Inverter Finv. Inverter circuit broken

287 Motor Inverter Finv. Inverter internal short

288 Motor Inverter Current Sensor Malfunction. Motor inverter current sensor malfunction (V phase sub sensor)

289 Motor Inverter Current Sensor Malfunction. Open in inverter current sensor (V phase sub sensor)

290 Motor Inverter Current Sensor Malfunction. Motor inverter current sensor malfunction (V phase main sensor)

291 Motor Inverter Current Sensor Malfunction. (when there is a history that the state of malfunction continued during inverter fail safe mode)

292 Motor Inverter Current Sensor Malfunction. Open in motor inverter current sensor (V phase main sensor)

293 Motor Inverter Current Sensor Malfunction.

(when there is a history that the state of malfunction continued during inverter fail safe mode)

294 Motor Inverter Current Sensor Malfunction. Motor inverter current sensor V phase performance problem

295 Motor Inverter Current Sensor Malfunction. (when there is a history that the state of malfunction continued during inverter fail safe mode)

296 Motor Inverter Current Sensor Malfunction. Motor inverter current sensor malfunction (W phase sub sensor)

297 Motor Inverter Current Sensor Malfunction. Open in motor inverter current sensor (W phase sub sensor)

298 Motor Inverter Current Sensor Malfunction. Motor inverter current sensor malfunction (W phase main sensor)

299 Motor Inverter Current Sensor Malfunction. (when there is a history that the state of malfunction continued during inverter fail safe mode)

300 Motor Inverter Current Sensor Malfunction. Open in motor inverter current sensor (W phase main sensor)

301 Motor Inverter Current Sensor Malfunction. (when there is a history that the state of malfunction continued during inverter fail safe mode)

302 Motor Inverter Current Sensor Malfunction. Motor inverter current sensor W phase performance problem

303 Motor Inverter Current Sensor Malfunction. (when there is a history that the state of malfunction continued during inverter fail safe mode)

304 Motor Gate Shutdown Signal Line Connection Malfunction. +B short in motor gate shutdown signal circuit

305 Motor Gate Shutdown Signal Line Connection Malfunction. Open or GND short in motor gate shutdown signal circuit

306 Failure in Monitoring Motor Torque Performance.

307 Abnormal Current Value of Motor

308 Detection of Collision Signal

309 Motor PWM Line Connection Malfunction. Open or short in generator inverter switching wiring (GUU, GVU, GWU)

311 Generator Inverter Malfunction

312 Generator Inverter Temperature Sensor Malfunction. Open or +B short in generator inverter temperature sensor

313 Generator Inverter Temperature Sensor Malfunction. GND short in generator inverter temperature sensor

314 Generator Inverter Temperature Sensor Malfunction. Generator inverter temperature sensor malfunction

315 Generator Inverter Temperature Sensor Malfunction. Generator inverter temperature sensor performance problem

316 Generator Inverter Sinv. +B short in generator inverter stop signal circuit

317 Generator Inverter Sinv. Over voltage of inverter

318 Generator Inverter Sinv. Open or GND short in generator inverter stop signal circuit

319 Generator Inverter Sinv. Voltage drop of inverter power source

320 Generator Inverter Sinv. Inverter circuit broken

321 Generator Inverter Finv. +B short in generator inverter fail signal circuit

322 Generator Inverter Finv. Inverter overheating

323 Generator Inverter Finv. Open or GND short in generator inverter fail signal circuit

324 Generator Inverter Finv. Inverter circuit broken

325 Generator Inverter Finv. Inverter internal short

326 Generator Inverter Current Sensor Malfunction. Generator inverter current sensor malfunction (V phase sub sensor)

327 Generator Inverter Current Sensor Malfunction. Open in generator inverter current sensor (V phase sub sensor)

328 Generator Inverter Current Sensor Malfunction. Generator inverter current sensor malfunction (V phase main sensor)

329 Generator Inverter Current Sensor Malfunction. (when there is a history that the state of malfunction continued during inverter fail safe mode)

330 Generator Inverter Current Sensor Malfunction. Open in generator inverter current sensor (V phase main sensor)

331 Generator Inverter Current Sensor Malfunction. (when there is a history that the state of malfunction continued during inverter fail safe mode)

332 Generator Inverter Current Sensor Malfunction. Generator inverter current sensor V phase performance problem

333 Generator Inverter Current Sensor Malfunction. (when there is a history that the state of malfunction continued during inverter fail safe mode)

334 Generator Inverter Current Sensor Malfunction. Generator inverter current sensor malfunction (W phase sub sensor)

335 Generator Inverter Current Sensor Malfunction. Open in generator inverter current sensor (W phase sub sensor)

336 Generator Inverter Current Sensor Malfunction. Generator inverter current sensor malfunction (W phase main sensor)

337 Generator Inverter Current Sensor Malfunction. (when there is a history that the state of malfunction continued during inverter fail safe mode)

338 Generator Inverter Current Sensor Malfunction. Open in generator inverter current sensor (W phase main sensor)

339 Generator Inverter Current Sensor Malfunction. (when there is a history that the state of malfunction continued during inverter fail safe mode)

340 Generator Inverter Current Sensor Malfunction. Generator inverter current sensor W phase performance problem

341 Generator Inverter Current Sensor Malfunction. (when there is a history that the state of malfunction continued during inverter fail safe mode)

342 Motor Gate Shutdown Signal Line Connection. +B short in generator gate shutdown signal

343 Motor Gate Shutdown Signal Line Connection. Open or GND short in generator gate shutdown signal circuit

344 Failure in Monitoring Generator Torque Performance

345 Abnormal Current Value of Generator

P3130 — Inverter Cooling System Malfunction

346 Water pump system malfunction

347 Electric cooling fan system malfunction

P3135 — Circuit Breaker Sensor Malfunction

348 GND short in circuit breaker sensor

349 Open or +B short in circuit breaker sensor

P3140 — Interlock Malfunction

You can make this DTC happen quite easily and safely by removing the service plug from the main battery and turning the car on.

350 Safety devices operating with vehicle is stopped (ILK signal ON)

351 Open circuit in interlock signal circuit while vehicle is running

P3145 — Vehicle Speed Sensor Circuit Malfunction

352 No input of vehicle speed signal during cruise control driving

Multiplex Communication System

Diagnostic Trouble Codes

(from pages DI-753)

B1211 — Driver door ECU communication stop

B1221 — Power window switch circuit on driver door

B1221 should be output whenever the power window master switch is in the down position.

B1222 — Door lock switch circuit on driver door

B1222 should be output whenever the door lock switch is operated.

B1241 — Body ECU switch circuit diagnosis

B1241 will be output if the stop light switch is stuck on.

B1242 — Wireless door lock tuner circuit malfunction

B1248 — AVC-LAN circuit communication stop

B1261 — ECM communication stop

B1262 — A/C amplifier communication stop

B1266 — Instrument panel system communication bus malfunction (+B short)

B1267 — Instrument panel system communication bus malfunction (GND short)

B1274 — Multi display communication stop

B1293 — Gateway ECU communication circuit

Supplemental Restraint System

Diagnostic Trouble Codes

(from pages DI-503 and DI-504)

B0100 — Short in D squib circuit

B0101 — Open in D squib circuit

B0102 — Short in D squib circuit (to ground)

B0103 — Short in D squib circuit (to B+)

B0105 — Short in P squib circuit

B0106 — Open in P squib circuit

B0107 — Short in P squib circuit (to ground)

B0108 — Short in P squib circuit (to B+)

B0110 — Short in side squib (RH) circuit

B0111 — Open in side squib (RH) circuit

B0112 — Short in side squib (RH) circuit (to ground)

B0113 — Short in side squib (RH) circuit (to B+)

B0115 — Short in side squib (LH) circuit

B0116 — Open in side squib (LH) circuit

B0117 — Short in side squib (LH) circuit (to ground)

B0118 — Short in side squib (LH) circuit (to B+)

B0130 — Short in P/T squib (RH) circuit

B0131 — Open in P/T squib (RH) circuit

B0132 — Short in P/T squib (RH) circuit (to ground)

B0133 — Short in P/T squib (RH) circuit (to B+)

B0135 — Short in P/T squib (LH) circuit

B0136 — Open in P/T squib (LH) circuit

B0137 — Short in P/T squib (LH) circuit (to ground)

B0138 — Short in P/T squib (LH) circuit (to B+)

B1100 — Airbag sensor assembly malfunction

B1135 — Harf connection in airbag sensor assembly connector [sic]

B1140 — Side airbag sensor assembly (RH) malfunction

B1141 — Side airbag sensor assembly (LH) malfunction

B1156 — Front airbag sensor (RH) malfunction

B1157 — Front airbag sensor (RH) malfunction

B1158 — Front airbag sensor (LH) malfunction

P1159 — Front airbag sensor (LH) malfunction

All material Copyright © 2003 Graham Davies

Все права на материал принадлежат:

© 2003 Graham Davies

Battery ECU Diagnostic Trouble Codes

P1600 — Backup power source circuit malfunction

The battery ECU receives 12 volts from two sources. P1600 signifies the absence of 12 volts at terminal AM, which is normally kept live even with the steering wheel switch off.

P3001 — Battery ECU malfunction

P3002 — HV ECU communication malfunction

P3005 — High voltage fuse snapped [sic]

Presumably P3005 would also be recorded if an attempt was made to start up with the service plug removed, as the high voltage fuse is physically located inside the plug.

P3006 — Battery SOC are uneven

P3006 — not too sure about this, but criterion appears to be maximum permitted difference between highest block voltage and lowest block voltage at any instant (not including transients) is 1.2 volts.

P3009 — Leak detected

P3009 — «Leak detected», meaning a current leakage path the high voltage circuitry to the chassis has been detected. Trigger level not known, but the criterion for manual testing is insulation resistance not less than 10M ohms when tested at 500V DC.

P3010 — Battery total resistance malfunction

P3011 to P3029 — Battery block malfunction

The traction battery consists of 38 physical modules, each containing 6 cells. For the purposes of monitoring by the battery ECU, modules are paired into 19 «blocks». DTCs P3011 to P3029 appear to indicate the «malfunction» of a particular block, although what «malfunction» means is not clear.

P3030 — Battery voltage detective line snapped [sic]

P3030 — presumably means open circuit of one of the twenty voltage sense lines which are connected to the cell string at the ends and between each block.

P3060 — Battery temperature sensor circuit malfunction

P3076 — Abnormal air flow by battery cooling fan

P3077 — Battery cooling fan motor circuit malfunction

P3115 — HV battery current sensor malfunction

Braking System Diagnostic Trouble Codes

Two tables have been concatenated. Codes C0200 to C1259 are from the table «DIAGNOSTIC TROUBLE CODE CHART» on pages DI-358 and DI-359, and codes C1271 to C1284 are from the table «DTC of sensor check function» on page DI-357.

C0200 — Right front wheel speed sensor signal malfunction

C0205 — Left front wheel speed sensor signal malfunction

C0210 — Right rear wheel speed sensor signal malfunction

C0215 — Left rear wheel speed sensor signal malfunction

C0226 — Malfunction in ABS solenoid (SFR) circuit

C0236 — Malfunction in ABS solenoid (SFL) circuit

C0246 — Malfunction in ABS solenoid (SR) circuit

C0278 — Open circuit in ABS solenoid relay circuit

C0279 — Short circuit in ABS solenoid relay circuit

C1202 — Brake fluid low, or open circuit in brake fluid level warning switch circuit

C1211 — Malfunction in linear solenoid (SLA) circuit

C1212 — Malfunction in linear solenoid (SLR) circuit

C1213 — Malfunction in HV ECU communication circuit

C1214 — Malfunction in hydraulic system

C1215 — Low positive voltage of linear solenoid

C1216 — High positive voltage of linear solenoid

C1217 — Malfunction in regenerative solenoid (SMC1) circuit

C1218 — Malfunction in regenerative solenoid (SMC2) circuit

C1219 — Malfunction in regenerative solenoid (SS) circuit

C1220 — Malfunction in regulator (REG) pressure sensor

C1221 — Malfunction in front (FR) pressure sensor

C1222 — Malfunction in rear (RR) pressure sensor

C1241 — Low or abnormally high battery positive voltage in IG1 circuit

C1242 — Open circuit in IG2 circuit

C1246 — Malfunction in master cylinder (M/C) pressure sensor

C1249 — Open circuit in stop light switch circuit

C1251 — Malfunction in hydraulic brake booster pump motor

C1252 — Hydraulic brake booster pump motor ON time abnormally long

C1253 — Malfunction in hydro motor relay circuit

C1254 — Malfunction in pressure switch

C1256 — Malfunction of accumulator low pressure

C1257 — Malfunction in power supply drive circuit

C1259 — Malfunction in regenerative of HV ECU

C1271 — Low output voltage of right front speed sensor

C1272 — Low output voltage of left front speed sensor

C1273 — Low output voltage of right rear speed sensor

C1274 — Low output voltage of left rear speed sensor

C1275 — Abnormal change in output voltage of right front speed sensor

C1276 — Abnormal change in output voltage of left front speed sensor

C1277 — Abnormal change in output voltage of right rear speed sensor

C1278 — Abnormal change in output voltage of left rear speed sensor

C1281 — Master cylinder (M/C) pressure sensor output signals is faulty

C1282 — Regulator (REG) pressure sensor output signal is faulty

C1283 — Front (FR) pressure sensor output signal is faulty

C1284 — Rear (RR) pressure sensor output signal is faulty

Engine ECU Diagnostic Trouble Codes

Engine ECU — SAE Controlled

These items are taken from the table «Engine Diagnostics, SAE controlled» on pages DI-14 to DI-16 in the Engine Diagnostics chapter of the Repair Manual.

P0100 — Mass Air Flow Circuit Malfunction

P0101 — Mass Air Flow Circuit Range/Performance Problem

P0110 — Intake Air Temp Circuit Malfunction

P0115 — Engine Coolant Temp. Circuit Malfunction

P0116 — Engine Coolant Temp. Circuit Range/Performance Problem

P0120 — Throttle/Pedal Position Sensor/Switch «A» Circuit Malfunction

P0121 — Throttle/Pedal Position Sensor/Switch «A» Circuit Range/Performance Problem

P0125 — Insufficient Coolant Temp. for Closed Loop Fuel Control

P0128 — Thermostat Malfunction

P0130 — Heated Oxygen Sensor Circuit Malfunction (Bank 1 Sensor 1) (Except Calif.)

P0133 — Oxygen Sensor Circuit Slow Response (Bank 1 Sensor 1)

P0135 — Oxygen Sensor Circuit Malfunction (Bank 1 Sensor 1)

P0136 — Oxygen Sensor Circuit Malfunction (Bank 1 Sensor 2)

P0141 — Oxygen Sensor Heater Circuit Malfunction (Bank 1 Sensor 2)

P0171 — System too Lean (Fuel Trim)

P0172 — System too Rich (Fuel Trim)

P0300 — Random/Multiple Cylinder Misfire Detected

P0301 — Cylinder 1 Misfire Detected

P0302 — Cylinder 2 Misfire Detected

P0303 — Cylinder 3 Misfire Detected

P0304 — Cylinder 4 Misfire Detected

P0325 — Knock Sensor 1 Circuit Malfunction (Bank 1)

P0335 — Crankshaft Position Sensor «A» Circuit Malfunction

P0340 — Camshaft Position Sensor Circuit Malfunction

P0420 — Catalyst System Efficiency Below Threshold (Bank 1)

P0440 — Evaporative Emission Control System Malfunction

This and the following two DTCs can occur if you drive around for a while with a loose fuel filler cap. I did this to test retreiving DTCs with the Prius Mini-Scanner and it took more than a day for the problem to be detected.

P0441 — Evaporative Emission Control System Incorrect Purge Flow

P0446 — Evaporative Emission Control System Vent Control Malfunction

P0450 — Evaporative Emission Control System Pressure Sensor Malfunction

P0451 — Evaporative Emission Control System Pressure Sensor Range/Performance

P0500 — Vehicle Speed Sensor Malfunction

P0505 — Idle Control System Malfunction

Engine ECU — Manufacturer Controlled

These items are taken from the table «Engine Diagnostics, manufacturer controlled» on pages DI-17 and DI-18 in the Engine Diagnostics chapter of the Repair Manual.

P1125 — Throttle Control Motor Circuit Malfunction

P1127 — ETCS Actuator Power Source Circuit Malfunction

P1128 — Throttle Control Motor Lock Malfunction

P1129 — Electric Throttle Control System Malfunction

P1300 — Igniter Circuit Malfunction (No. 1)

P1305 — Igniter Circuit Malfunction (No. 2)

P1310 — Igniter Circuit Malfunction (No. 3)

P1315 — Igniter Circuit Malfunction (No. 4)

P1346 — VVT Sensor/Camshaft Position Sensor Circuit Range/Performance Problem (Bank 1)

P1349 — VVT System Malfunction (Bank 1)

P1430 — Vacuum Sensor for Adsorber and Catalyst System Circuit Malfunction

P1431 — Vacuum Sensor for Adsorber and Catalyst System Circuit Range/Performance Problem

P1436 — Variable Valve Malfunction

P1437 — Vacuum Line Malfunction

P1455 — Vapor Reducing Fuel Tank System Leak Detected (Small Leak)

P1525 — Resolver Circuit Malfunction

P1600 — ECM BATT Malfunction

P1633 — ECU Malfunction (ETCS Circuit)

P1636 — HV ECU Malfunction

P1637 — EGSTP Signal Malfunction

P1656 — OCV Circuit Malfunction (for VVT-i)

P3190 — Poor Engine Power

P3191 — Engine does not start

EMPS Diagnostic Trouble Codes

Two tables have been merged, «DTC of input signal check function» from page DI-457, and «Diagnostic trouble code chart» from DI-460 and DI-461.

C1511 — Torque sensor circuit malfunction

C1512 — Torque sensor circuit malfunction

C1513 — Torque sensor circuit malfunction

C1514 — Torque sensor circuit malfunction

C1515 — Calibration of torque sensor zero point not performed

C1516 — Calibration of torque sensor zero point not completed

C1521 — Motor circuit malfunction

C1522 — Motor circuit malfunction

C1523 — Motor circuit malfunction

C1524 — Motor circuit malfunction

C1531 — EMPS ECU malfunction

C1532 — EMPS ECU malfunction

C1533 — EMPS ECU malfunction

C1541 — Speed sensor malfunction

C1542 — Speed sensor malfunction

C1543 — Speed sensor malfunction

C1551 — IG power source circuit malfunction

C1552 — PIG power source drop voltage malfunction

C1553 — When resetting voltage, vehicle is being driven

C1554 — EMPS relay circuit malfunction

C1555 — EMPS ECU malfunction

C1556 — P/S warning light circuit

C1557 — Memory of overheat prevention control

C1558 — Memory of voltage drop at motor power supply

C1559 — Memory of continuous control under high load

C1571 — Speed sensor malfunction (Test mode)

C1572 — Speed sensor malfunction (Test mode)

Hybrid Vehicle ECU Diagnostic Trouble Codes

In addition to the letter-plus-four-digit DTC, the HV-ECU generates «information codes» consisting of three digits. These give a more finely detailed definition of the problem. They can be retrieved by the THHT (Toyota Hand-Held Tester) but not by a normal OBD-II scanner. How the THHT retrieves information codes has not been determined, therefore they cannot be retrieved by the Prius Mini-Scanner.

From pages DI-199 through to DI-205, in the Hybrid Vehicle Control System chapter of the Repair Manual.

B2799 — Immobilizer Malfunction

101 No input of signal from transponder key ECU

C2692 — Regenerative Brake Check

102 Regenerative Brake Check

C2693 — Regenerative Brake Check

103 Regenerative Brake Check

P1120 — Accelerator Pedal Position Sensor Circuit Malfunction

This DTC has been caught in the wild on an early 2001 model year Prius. The accelerator pedal position sensor is know to cause problems on these cars and there is a TSB out on it.

104 Open or short circuit in main accelerator sensor circuit

105 +B short in main accelerator sensor circuit

106 Main sensor internal error

107 Open or short in sub accelerator sensor circuit

108 +B short in sub accelerator sensor circuit

109 Sub sensor internal error

110 When difference between main sensor value and sub sensor value is large

111 When sub sensor value changes while main sensor value does not

112 When main sensor value changes while sub sensor value does not

113 When any of information code 104-112 continues to appear

114 Accelerator pedal not smoothly returning to original position

P1520 — Stop Light Switch (Cruise Control System) Malfunction

115 Open or short in stop light switch circuit

P1566 — Cruise Control System Malfunction

116 When STP signal of HV ECU is inconsistent with that of brake ECU, with cruise control indicator ON

P1600 — BATT Malfunction

117 HV ECU back-up power source circuit malfunction

P1780 — Park/Neutral Position Switch System Malfunction

118 When more than 2 main signals are ON

119 When main signal is not turned ON even though sub signal has been input

120 Open or short in sub sensor circuit

121 When shift position detected by main signal is different from that detected by sub signal

P3000 — HV Battery Malfunction

123 Input of abnormal signal from battery ECU (HV Battery System Malfunction)

124 Input of abnormal signal from battery ECU (high voltage fuse blown out)

388 Discharge Inhibition Control Malfunction. When charged battery is low due to leaving the vehicle in N position, gas shortage or HV system malfunction

389 Drop of high voltage. When main battery is dead or main battery is dead due to HV system malfunction

P3001 — HV Battery ECU Malfunction

129 Battery ECU malfunction

P3004 — Power Cable Malfunction

130 HV Battery Malfunction. When HV battery voltage becomes lower than inverter voltage

131 Power Cable Malfunction. When main fuse is blown out, service plug is disconnected or limiter resistance is cut off

133 HV Battery Malfunction. When inverter voltage sensor is malfunctioning or limiter resistance value increases

P3100 — HV ECU Malfunction

127 IB Circuit Malfunction. +B short in IB terminal circuit of HV ECU

128 IB Circuit Malfunction. Open or short in IB terminal circuit of HV ECU

134 HV ECU Internal Error

135 HV ECU Internal Error

136 GO Signal Error. Open or short in GO circuit

137 Engine Speed Sensor Malfunction

138 IB Circuit Malfunction. When the difference between current of HV ECU and current of battery is large

139 HV ECU internal error. IG Signal Circuit Malfunction

140 HV ECU internal error. RAM Braked

141 HV ECU internal error. ROM Braked

142 ST Signal Circuit Malfunction. When ST signal of HV ECU is ON, with ignition switch turned OFF

143 HV ECU internal error. Immobilizer Malfunction

144 HV ECU internal error. Primary Check Malfunction

145 HV ECU internal error. Primary Check Malfunction

146 HV ECU internal error. Primary Check Malfunction

147 HV ECU internal error. Primary Check Malfunction

148 HV ECU internal error. HV CPU Malfunction

149 HV ECU internal error. HV CPU Malfunction

150 HV ECU internal error. Motor CPU Malfunction

151 HV ECU internal error. Motor CPU Malfunction

152 HV ECU internal error. Motor CPU Malfunction

153 HV ECU internal error. Motor CPU Malfunction

154 HV ECU internal error. Motor CPU Malfunction

155 HV ECU internal error. Motor CPU Malfunction

156 HV ECU internal error. Motor CPU Malfunction

157 HV ECU internal error. Motor CPU Malfunction

158 HV ECU internal error. Motor CPU Malfunction

159 HV ECU internal error. Motor ECU Communication Circuit Malfunction

160 HV ECU internal error. Motor ECU Communication Circuit Malfunction

161 HV ECU internal error. Motor ECU Power Source Malfunction

162 HV ECU internal error. Motor ECU Power Source Malfunction

163 HV ECU internal error. Motor ECU Power Source Malfunction

164 HV ECU internal error. Motor ECU Power Source Malfunction

165 HV ECU internal error. Motor ECU Power Source Malfunction

166 HV ECU internal error. Motor R/D Malfunction

167 HV ECU internal error. Motor R/D Malfunction

168 HV ECU internal error. Motor R/D Malfunction

169 HV ECU internal error. Motor R/D Malfunction

170 HV ECU internal error. Motor R/D Malfunction

171 HV ECU internal error. Motor REF Signal Malfunction

172 HV ECU internal error. Motor REF Signal Malfunction

173 HV ECU internal error. Motor REF Signal Malfunction

174 HV ECU internal error. Motor Inverter Current Sensor Malfunction

175 HV ECU internal error. Motor Inverter Current Sensor Malfunction

176 HV ECU internal error. Motor Gate Shutdown Signal Line Connection Malfunction

177 HV ECU internal error. Motor Main CPU Malfunction

178 HV ECU internal error. Motor Main CPU Malfunction

179 HV ECU internal error. Motor Main CPU Malfunction

180 HV ECU internal error. Rotation Angle Check CPU Malfunction

181 HV ECU internal error. Rotation Angle Check CPU Malfunction

182 HV ECU internal error. Rotation Angle Check CPU Malfunction

183 HV ECU internal error. Rotation Angle Check CPU Malfunction

184 HV ECU internal error. Rotation Angle Check CPU Malfunction

185 HV ECU internal error. Rotation Angle Check CPU Malfunction

186 HV ECU internal error. Rotation Angle Check CPU Malfunction

187 HV ECU internal error. Important RAM Malfunction

188 HV ECU internal error. Generator CPU Malfunction

189 HV ECU internal error. Generator CPU Malfunction

190 HV ECU internal error. Genarator CPU Malfunction

191 HV ECU internal error. Generator CPU Malfunction

192 HV ECU internal error. Generator CPU Malfunction

193 HV ECU internal error. Generator CPU Malfunction

194 HV ECU internal error. Generator CPU Malfunction

195 HV ECU internal error. Generator CPU Malfunction

196 HV ECU internal error. Generator CPU Malfunction

197 HV ECU internal error. Generator R/D Malfunction

198 HV ECU internal error. Generator R/D Malfunction

199 HV ECU internal error. Generator R/D Malfunction

200 HV ECU internal error. Generator R/D Malfunction

201 HV ECU internal error. Generator R/D Malfunction

202 HV ECU internal error. Generator R/D Malfunction

203 HV ECU internal error. Generator Shutdown Signal Line Connection Malfunction

271 HV ECU internal error. Motor PWN Line Connection Malfunction

310 HV ECU internal error. Generator PWN Line Connection Malfunction

390 HV ECU internal error. Charge Inhibition Control Malfunction

391 HV ECU internal error. Motor CPU malfunction

392 HV ECU internal error. Motor CPU malfunction

393 HV ECU internal error. HV CPU Operation Malfunction

P3101 — Engine System Malfunction

204 Input of abnormal signal from the ECM (abnormal engine output)

205 Input of abnormal signal from the ECM (engine unable to start)

238 Transaxle Malfunction. When engine does not start even though cranking it

P3105 — Battery ECU Communication Circuit Malfunction

206 When communication between battery ECU and HV ECU is abnormal 1 sec. after ignition is turned ON

207 When communication between battery ECU and HV ECU is abnormal 1 sec. after ignition is turned ON

208 When communication between battery ECU and HV ECU is abnormal 1 sec. after ignition is turned ON

P3106 — ECM Communication Circuit Malfunction

209 When communication between ECM and HV ECU is abnormal 1 sec. after ignition is turned ON

210 When communication between ECM and HV ECU is abnormal 1 sec. after ignition is turned ON

211 When communication between ECM and HV ECU is abnormal 1 sec. after ignition is turned ON

212 Input of abnormal signal from ECM

394 When ECM does not operate

P3107 — Airbag ECU Communication Circuit Malfunction

213 When communication between airbag ECU and HV ECU is abnormal 10 sec. after ignition is turned ON

214 When communication between airbag ECU and HV ECU is abnormal 10 sec. after ignition is turned ON

215 When communication between airbag ECU and HV ECU is abnormal 10 sec. after ignition is turned ON

P3108 — A/C Amplifier Communication Circuit Malfunction

216 When communication from A/C amplifier to HV ECU is abnormal

217 When communication from A/C amplifier to HV ECU is abnormal

P3109 — Brake ECU Communication Circuit Malfunction

218 When communication between brake ECU and HV ECU is abnormal 1.5 sec. after ignition is turned ON

219 When communication between brake ECU and HV ECU is abnormal 1.5 sec. after ignition is turned ON

220 When communication between brake ECU and HV ECU is abnormal 1.5 sec. after ignition is turned ON

221 When communication between brake ECU and HV ECU is abnormal 1.5 sec. after ignition is turned ON

222 When abnormal data is received from brake ECU

P3110 — IGCT Relay Malfunction

223 When IGCT relay is always closed

P3115 — System Main Relay Malfunction

224 SMR Cont 1 Malfunction. Open or +B short in system main relay No. 1 circuit

225 SMR Cont 1 Malfunction. Short in system main relay No. 1 circuit

226 SMR Cont 2 Malfunction. Open or +B short in system main relay No. 2 circuit

227 SMR Cont 2 Malfunction. Short in system main relay No. 2 circuit

228 SMR Cont 3 Malfunction. Open or +B short in system main relay No. 3 circuit

229 SMR Cont 3 Malfunction. Short in system main relay No. 3 circuit

231 Deposit of SMR. System main relay + terminal deposited

232 Deposit of SMR. System main relay — terminal deposited

233 Deposit of SMR. System main relay + & — terminal deposited

P3120 — HV Transaxle Malfunction

234 Energy Balance Malfunction. Small reduction of motor magnetism

235 Energy Balance Malfunction. Large reduction of motor magnetism

236 Energy Balance Malfunction. Small reduction of generator magnetism

237 Energy Balance Malfunction. Large reduction of generator magnetism

239 HV Transaxle Malfunction. Shaft damaged

240 HV Transaxle Malfunction. Generator locked

241 HV Transaxle Malfunction. Torque limiter sliding

242 HV Transaxle Malfunction. Planetary gear locked

243 Motor Resolver Malfunction. Motor resolver inter-phase short

244 Motor Resolver Malfunction. Motor resolver inter-phase short (When there is a history that the state of malfunction continued during inverter fail safe mode)

245 Motor Resolver Malfunction. Open or short in motor resolver circuit

246 Motor Resolver Malfunction. Open or short in motor resolver circuit (When there is a history that the state of malfunction continued during inverter fail safe mode)

247 Motor Temperature Sensor Malfunction. GND short in motor temperature sensor

248 Motor Temperature Sensor Malfunction. Motor temperature sensor malfunction

249 Motor Temperature Sensor Malfunction. Open or +B short in motor temperature sensor

250 Motor Temperature Sensor Malfunction. Motor temperature sensor performance problem

253 Generator Resolver Malfunction. Generator resolver inter-phase short

254 Generator Resolver Malfunction. Generator resolver inter-phase short (When there is a history that the state of malfunction continued during inverter fail safe mode)

255 Generator Resolver Malfunction. Open or short in generator resolver circuit

256 Generator Resolver Malfunction. Open or short in generator resolver circuit (When there is a history that the state of malfunction continued during inverter fail safe mode)

257 Generator Temperature Sensor Malfunction. GND short in generator temperature sensor

258 Generator Temperature Sensor Malfunction. Generator temperature sensor malfunction

259 Generator Temperature Sensor Malfunction. Open or +B short in generator temperature sensor

260 Generator Temperature Sensor Malfunction. Generator temperature sensor performance problem

P3125 — Converter & Inverter Assembly Malfunction

263 DC/DC Converter Malfunction. +B short in DCDC converter NODD wiring

264 DC/DC Converter Malfunction. DCDC converter malfunction

265 DC/DC Converter Malfunction. Open or GND short in DCDC converter NODD wiring

266 VM Malfunction. Open or GND short in inverter voltage signal circuit

267 VM Malfunction. +B short in inverter voltage signal circuit

268 VM Malfunction. Inverter voltage signal is inconsistent with battery voltage

269 VM Malfunction. Inverter voltage sensor malfunction

270 VM Malfunction. Abnormality of line connection of inverter foltage signal circuit (When there is a history that the state of malfunction continued during inverter fail safe mode)

272 Motor PWN Line Connection Malfunction. Abnormality of the line connection of motor PWM (When there is a history that the state of malfunction continued during inverter fail safe mode)

273 Motor Inverter Gate Malfunction. Motor inverter malfunction

274 Motor Inverter Temperature. Open or +B short in motor inverter temperature sensor

275 Motor Inverter Temperature. GND short in motor inverter temperature sensor

276 Sensor Malfunction. Motor inverter temperature sensor malfunction

277 Sensor Malfunction. Motor inverter temperature sensor performance problem

278 Motor Inverter Sinv. +B short in motor inverter stop signal circuit

279 Motor Inverter Sinv. Over voltage of inverter

280 Motor Inverter Sinv. Open or GND short in motor inverter stop signal circuit

281 Motor Inverter Sinv. Voltage drop of inverter power source

282 Motor Inverter Sinv. Inverter circuit broken

283 Motor Inverter Finv. +B short in motor inverter fail signal circuit

284 Motor Inverter Finv. Inverter overheating

285 Motor Inverter Finv. Open or GND short in motor inverter fail signal circuit

286 Motor Inverter Finv. Inverter circuit broken

287 Motor Inverter Finv. Inverter internal short

288 Motor Inverter Current Sensor Malfunction. Motor inverter current sensor malfunction (V phase sub sensor)

289 Motor Inverter Current Sensor Malfunction. Open in inverter current sensor (V phase sub sensor)

290 Motor Inverter Current Sensor Malfunction. Motor inverter current sensor malfunction (V phase main sensor)

291 Motor Inverter Current Sensor Malfunction. (when there is a history that the state of malfunction continued during inverter fail safe mode)

292 Motor Inverter Current Sensor Malfunction. Open in motor inverter current sensor (V phase main sensor)

293 Motor Inverter Current Sensor Malfunction.

(when there is a history that the state of malfunction continued during inverter fail safe mode)

294 Motor Inverter Current Sensor Malfunction. Motor inverter current sensor V phase performance problem

295 Motor Inverter Current Sensor Malfunction. (when there is a history that the state of malfunction continued during inverter fail safe mode)

296 Motor Inverter Current Sensor Malfunction. Motor inverter current sensor malfunction (W phase sub sensor)

297 Motor Inverter Current Sensor Malfunction. Open in motor inverter current sensor (W phase sub sensor)

298 Motor Inverter Current Sensor Malfunction. Motor inverter current sensor malfunction (W phase main sensor)

299 Motor Inverter Current Sensor Malfunction. (when there is a history that the state of malfunction continued during inverter fail safe mode)

300 Motor Inverter Current Sensor Malfunction. Open in motor inverter current sensor (W phase main sensor)

301 Motor Inverter Current Sensor Malfunction. (when there is a history that the state of malfunction continued during inverter fail safe mode)

302 Motor Inverter Current Sensor Malfunction. Motor inverter current sensor W phase performance problem

303 Motor Inverter Current Sensor Malfunction. (when there is a history that the state of malfunction continued during inverter fail safe mode)

304 Motor Gate Shutdown Signal Line Connection Malfunction. +B short in motor gate shutdown signal circuit

305 Motor Gate Shutdown Signal Line Connection Malfunction. Open or GND short in motor gate shutdown signal circuit

306 Failure in Monitoring Motor Torque Performance.

307 Abnormal Current Value of Motor

308 Detection of Collision Signal

309 Motor PWM Line Connection Malfunction. Open or short in generator inverter switching wiring (GUU, GVU, GWU)

311 Generator Inverter Malfunction

312 Generator Inverter Temperature Sensor Malfunction. Open or +B short in generator inverter temperature sensor

313 Generator Inverter Temperature Sensor Malfunction. GND short in generator inverter temperature sensor

314 Generator Inverter Temperature Sensor Malfunction. Generator inverter temperature sensor malfunction

315 Generator Inverter Temperature Sensor Malfunction. Generator inverter temperature sensor performance problem

316 Generator Inverter Sinv. +B short in generator inverter stop signal circuit

317 Generator Inverter Sinv. Over voltage of inverter

318 Generator Inverter Sinv. Open or GND short in generator inverter stop signal circuit

319 Generator Inverter Sinv. Voltage drop of inverter power source

320 Generator Inverter Sinv. Inverter circuit broken

321 Generator Inverter Finv. +B short in generator inverter fail signal circuit

322 Generator Inverter Finv. Inverter overheating

323 Generator Inverter Finv. Open or GND short in generator inverter fail signal circuit

324 Generator Inverter Finv. Inverter circuit broken

325 Generator Inverter Finv. Inverter internal short

326 Generator Inverter Current Sensor Malfunction. Generator inverter current sensor malfunction (V phase sub sensor)

327 Generator Inverter Current Sensor Malfunction. Open in generator inverter current sensor (V phase sub sensor)

328 Generator Inverter Current Sensor Malfunction. Generator inverter current sensor malfunction (V phase main sensor)

329 Generator Inverter Current Sensor Malfunction. (when there is a history that the state of malfunction continued during inverter fail safe mode)

330 Generator Inverter Current Sensor Malfunction. Open in generator inverter current sensor (V phase main sensor)

331 Generator Inverter Current Sensor Malfunction. (when there is a history that the state of malfunction continued during inverter fail safe mode)

332 Generator Inverter Current Sensor Malfunction. Generator inverter current sensor V phase performance problem

333 Generator Inverter Current Sensor Malfunction. (when there is a history that the state of malfunction continued during inverter fail safe mode)

334 Generator Inverter Current Sensor Malfunction. Generator inverter current sensor malfunction (W phase sub sensor)

335 Generator Inverter Current Sensor Malfunction. Open in generator inverter current sensor (W phase sub sensor)

336 Generator Inverter Current Sensor Malfunction. Generator inverter current sensor malfunction (W phase main sensor)

337 Generator Inverter Current Sensor Malfunction. (when there is a history that the state of malfunction continued during inverter fail safe mode)

338 Generator Inverter Current Sensor Malfunction. Open in generator inverter current sensor (W phase main sensor)

339 Generator Inverter Current Sensor Malfunction. (when there is a history that the state of malfunction continued during inverter fail safe mode)

340 Generator Inverter Current Sensor Malfunction. Generator inverter current sensor W phase performance problem

341 Generator Inverter Current Sensor Malfunction. (when there is a history that the state of malfunction continued during inverter fail safe mode)

342 Motor Gate Shutdown Signal Line Connection. +B short in generator gate shutdown signal

343 Motor Gate Shutdown Signal Line Connection. Open or GND short in generator gate shutdown signal circuit

344 Failure in Monitoring Generator Torque Performance

345 Abnormal Current Value of Generator

P3130 — Inverter Cooling System Malfunction

346 Water pump system malfunction

347 Electric cooling fan system malfunction

P3135 — Circuit Breaker Sensor Malfunction

348 GND short in circuit breaker sensor

349 Open or +B short in circuit breaker sensor

P3140 — Interlock Malfunction

You can make this DTC happen quite easily and safely by removing the service plug from the main battery and turning the car on.

350 Safety devices operating with vehicle is stopped (ILK signal ON)

351 Open circuit in interlock signal circuit while vehicle is running

P3145 — Vehicle Speed Sensor Circuit Malfunction

352 No input of vehicle speed signal during cruise control driving

Multiplex Communication System

Diagnostic Trouble Codes

(from pages DI-753)

B1211 — Driver door ECU communication stop

B1221 — Power window switch circuit on driver door

B1221 should be output whenever the power window master switch is in the down position.

B1222 — Door lock switch circuit on driver door

B1222 should be output whenever the door lock switch is operated.

B1241 — Body ECU switch circuit diagnosis

B1241 will be output if the stop light switch is stuck on.

B1242 — Wireless door lock tuner circuit malfunction

B1248 — AVC-LAN circuit communication stop

B1261 — ECM communication stop

B1262 — A/C amplifier communication stop

B1266 — Instrument panel system communication bus malfunction (+B short)

B1267 — Instrument panel system communication bus malfunction (GND short)

B1274 — Multi display communication stop

B1293 — Gateway ECU communication circuit

Supplemental Restraint System

Diagnostic Trouble Codes

(from pages DI-503 and DI-504)

B0100 — Short in D squib circuit

B0101 — Open in D squib circuit

B0102 — Short in D squib circuit (to ground)

B0103 — Short in D squib circuit (to B+)

B0105 — Short in P squib circuit

B0106 — Open in P squib circuit

B0107 — Short in P squib circuit (to ground)

B0108 — Short in P squib circuit (to B+)

B0110 — Short in side squib (RH) circuit

B0111 — Open in side squib (RH) circuit

B0112 — Short in side squib (RH) circuit (to ground)

B0113 — Short in side squib (RH) circuit (to B+)

B0115 — Short in side squib (LH) circuit

B0116 — Open in side squib (LH) circuit

B0117 — Short in side squib (LH) circuit (to ground)

B0118 — Short in side squib (LH) circuit (to B+)

B0130 — Short in P/T squib (RH) circuit

B0131 — Open in P/T squib (RH) circuit

B0132 — Short in P/T squib (RH) circuit (to ground)

B0133 — Short in P/T squib (RH) circuit (to B+)

B0135 — Short in P/T squib (LH) circuit

B0136 — Open in P/T squib (LH) circuit

B0137 — Short in P/T squib (LH) circuit (to ground)

B0138 — Short in P/T squib (LH) circuit (to B+)

B1100 — Airbag sensor assembly malfunction

B1135 — Harf connection in airbag sensor assembly connector [sic]

B1140 — Side airbag sensor assembly (RH) malfunction

B1141 — Side airbag sensor assembly (LH) malfunction

B1156 — Front airbag sensor (RH) malfunction

B1157 — Front airbag sensor (RH) malfunction

B1158 — Front airbag sensor (LH) malfunction

P1159 — Front airbag sensor (LH) malfunction

All material Copyright © 2003 Graham Davies

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