Клиент kerberos получил ошибку krb ap err modified

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  • Добрый день!

    На контроллере домена подWinServer2019

    В логах появилась ошибка.

    Клиент Kerberos получил ошибку KRB_AP_ERR_MODIFIED с сервера vldtr-bld1$. Использовалось целевое имя RPCSS/ll-hvs-so.ll.local. Это означает, что целевому серверу не удалось расшифровать билет, предоставленный клиентом. Это возможно,
    когда целевое SPN-имя зарегистрировано на учетную запись, отличную от учетной записи, используемой конечной службой. Убедитесь, что целевое SPN-имя зарегистрировано только на учетную запись, используемую сервером. Эта ошибка также
    может возникать, если пароль целевой службы отличается от пароля, заданного для нее в центре распространения ключей Kerberos. Убедитесь, что пароли в службе на сервере и в центре распространения ключей совпадают. Если имя сервера задано не полностью
    и конечный домен (LL.LOCAL) отличается от домена клиента (LL.LOCAL), проверьте эти два домена на наличие учетных записей серверов с одинаковыми именами или используйте для идентификации сервера полное имя.

    Пытаюсь проверить имя SPN, но такого нет

    C:\Windows\system32>setspn -Q HTTP/vldtr-bld1$.ll.local
    Проверка домена DC=ll,DC=local

    Такое SPN не найдено.

    C:\Windows\system32>setspn -Q RPCSS/ll-hvs-so.ll.local
    Проверка домена DC=ll,DC=local

    Такое SPN не найдено.

    Как мне найти где оно прописано?



  • Какой IP настроен на vldtr-bld1  в реальности? Команду ipconfig на нем наберите и посмотрите. То же самое — на ll-hvs-so. А после приведите записи DNS в соответствие с существующим положением (можно — вручную).
    Или существующее положение с настройкой адресов IP — в соответствие записями DNS

    Слава России!

    • Edited by

      Saturday, April 17, 2021 1:24 AM

    • Proposed as answer by
      Андрей Михалевский
      Monday, April 19, 2021 9:31 AM
    • Marked as answer by
      Monday, April 19, 2021 9:43 AM

  • На DHCP включил «Всегда динамически обновлять DNS A- и PTR-записи» и записи на ДНС пришли в соответсвие.


    • Marked as answer by
      Monday, April 19, 2021 8:51 AM

При попытке ручной репликации данных между контроллерами домена Active Directory в остатке Active Directory Sites and Services (dssite.msc) появилась ошибка:

The following error occurred during the attempt to synchronize naming context from Domain Controller X to Domain Controller Y.
The target principal name is incorrect.
This operation will not continue.

контроллер домена ошибка The target principal name is incorrect

При проверке репликации с помощью repadmin, у одного из DC появляется ошибка:

(2148074274) The target principal name is incorrect.

repadmin (2148074274) The target principal name is incorrect

В журнале событий DC есть такие ошибки:

Source: Security-Kerberos
Event ID: 4

The Kerberos client received a KRB_AP_ERR_MODIFIED error from the server DC2. The target name used was cifs/DC2.winitpro.ru. This indicates that the target server failed to decrypt the ticket provided by the client. This can occur when the target server principal name (SPN) is registered on an account other than the account the target service is using. Ensure that the target SPN is only registered on the account used by the server. This error can also happen if the target service account password is different than what is configured on the Kerberos Key Distribution Center for that target service. Ensure that the service on the server and the KDC are both configured to use the same password. If the server name is not fully qualified, and the target domain (winitpro.ru) is different from the client domain (winiptro.ru), check if there are identically named server accounts in these two domains, or use the fully-qualified name to identify the server.

Event ID 3210:

Failed to authenticate with \\DC, a Windows NT domain controller for domain WINITPRO.

Event ID 5722:

The session setup from the computer 1 failed to authenticate. The name of the account referenced in the security database is 2. The following error occurred:

В первую очередь проверьте:

  1. Доступность проблемного контроллера домена с помощью простого ICMP ping
  2. Проверьте, что на нем доступен порт TCP 445 и опубликованы сетевые папки SysVol и NetLogon;

Если все ОК, значит проблема в том, между контроллерами домена нарушен безопасный канал передачи данных. Проверьте его с помощью PowerShell команды:

Test-ComputerSecureChannel -Verbose

Служба KDC на целевом контроллере домена не может расшифровать тикет Kerberos из-за того, что в ней хранится старый пароль этого контроллера домена.

Чтобы исправить проблему, нужно сбросить этот пароль. Сначала нужно найти текущий контроллер домена с FSMO ролью PDC.

netdom query fsmo |find "PDC"

В нашем примере PDC находится на MSK-DC02. Мы будем исопользовать это имя в команде
netdom resetpwd

netdom найти контроллер домена fsmo

Остановите службу Kerberos Key Distribution Center (KDC) на контроллере домена, на котором появляется ошибка “The target principal name is incorrect” и измените тип запуска на Disabled. Можно изменить настройки службы из консоли services.msc или с помощью PowerShell:

Get-Service kdc -ComputerName msk-dc03 | Set-Service –startuptype disabled –passthru

остановить службу KDC

Перезагрузите этот контроллер домена.

Теперь нужно сбросить безопасный канал связи с контроллером домена с ролью PDC:

netdom resetpwd /server:msk-dc02 /userd:winitpro\administrator /passwordd:*

Укажите пароль администратора домена.

Перезагрузите проблемный DC и запустите службу KDC. Попробуйте запустить репликацию и проверить ошибки.

repadmin /syncall
repadmin /replsum
repadmin /showrepl

Если репликация успешно выполнена, в журнале Directory Service Event Viewerа должно появится событие Event ID 1394:

All Problems preventing updates to the Active Directory Domain Services database have been cleared. New Updates to the Active Directory Domain Services database are succeeding. The Net Logon service has restarted

Event ID 1394 успешная репликация AD

Проверьте состояние вашего домена и контроллеров домена Active Directory согласно этого гайда.

This post has been republished via RSS; it originally appeared at: IIS Support Blog articles.

KRB_AP_ERR_MODIFIED is a common Kerberos failure message. This means some encrypted Kerberos authentication data sent by the client did not decrypt properly at the server.

When a Kerberos client requests a ticket for a specific service, the service is actually identified by its SPN.  The KDC grants the client a service ticket that is encrypted using service’s secret key. Basically, the AD account password that that matches the SPN requested.  

Under some scenarios, KDC may generate a service ticket that encrypted with password of a wrong account (or not expected one). Then, when client provide that ticket to the service for authentication, the service can’t decrypt it and authentication failed with KRB_AP_ERR_MODIFED. 

In short, this happens because KDC issued a ticket encrypted using password of account A, but on the service side, it tries to decrypt this using the password of account B. 

Common cause for this are duplicated SPN, wrong DNS settings, two computers in different domains have the same name, client requests wrong SPN. And from IIS 7, it may due to the wrong setting of IIS (kernel/user mode authentication).

Collect data and identify the cause of Kerberos failure

Tools Used to collect data

  1. 1.       Registry Editor(build in tool)
  2. 2.       KList(build in for Windows 2008+)


  1. 3.       Ipconfig (build in tool).


  1. 4.       Network Monitor


Steps to collect data

  1. 1.       Enable Kerberos log on both client machine.

262177  How to enable Kerberos event logging


  1. 2.       Open a command console with elevated privilege, and run “klist purge” to clear cached Kerberos tickets.
  2. 3.       Run “ipconfig /flushdns” to clear DNS cache.
  3. 4.       Run Network monitor on both client and web server.
  4. 5.       Reproduce the problem.
  5. 1.       Network Monitor Trace

Identify the Kerberos error

By expanding the authenticate field in the HTTP response header returned by IIS, we could locate the reason for Kerberos authentication error.  

— Http: Response, HTTP/1.1, Status: Unauthorized, URL: / , Using GSS-API Authentication

    ProtocolVersion: HTTP/1.1

    StatusCode: 401, Unauthorized

    Reason: Unauthorized

 — WWWAuthenticate: Negotiate …

   — Authenticate:  Negotiate oWwwaqADCgEBomMEYWBfBgkqhkiG9xIBAgIDAH5QME6abcdIBBaEDAgEepBEYDzIwMTExMabcd0MDUxMDE0WqUabcd2mAwIBKakKGwhURVNULkNPTaoXMBWgAwIBAaEOMAwbCmNvbnRvc29zdmM=


    — NegotiateAuthorization:

       Scheme: Negotiate

     — GssAPI: 0x1

      — NegotiationToken:

       — ChoiceTag:

        — NegTokenResp:

          — ResponseToken: 0x1

         — KerberosToken: 0x1

          — KerberosInitToken:

           — InnerContextToken: 0x1

            — KerberosToken: 0x1

               TokId: Krb5Error (0x300)

             — Error: KRB_ERROR (30)


              + ErrorCode: KRB_AP_ERR_MODIFIED (41)

              + Realm: TEST.COM

              + Sname: contososvc

    Date:  Fri, 14 Oct 2011 05:10:14 GMT

    ContentLength:  341

It would be more straightforward using Wireshark.

  1. 2.       From the system event log of client side, follow event will be logged.

Log Name:      System

Source:        Microsoft-Windows-Security-Kerberos

Date:          10/13/2011 10:10:05 PM

Event ID:      4

Task Category: None

Level:         Error

Keywords:      Classic

User:          N/A

Computer:      IIS02.test.com


The Kerberos client received a KRB_AP_ERR_MODIFIED error from the server contososvc. The target name used was HTTP/iis01.test.com. This indicates that the target server failed to decrypt the ticket provided by the client. This can occur when the target server principal name (SPN) is registered on an account other than the account the target service is using. Please ensure that the target SPN is registered on, and only registered on, the account used by the server. This error can also happen when the target service is using a different password for the target service account than what the Kerberos Key Distribution Center (KDC) has for the target service account. Please ensure that the service on the server and the KDC are both updated to use the current password. If the server name is not fully qualified, and the target domain (TEST.COM) is different from the client domain (TEST.COM), check if there are identically named server accounts in these two domains, or use the fully-qualified name to identify the server. 

In this event, the SPN used is HTTP/iis01.test.com, and the account used to decrypt the ticket is contososvc. This happens because the account account used to encrypt the ticket is not contososvc.

Scenario 1: Duplicated SPN

In the case of a duplicated SPN, the same SPN was registered on at least two accounts. For example, a SPN was registered on two accounts: A and B. What happens is that KDC will generate a service ticket that may be encrypted with password of account A. Then, when the client sends that ticket to the service during authentication, the service may try to decrypt this using account B.

Detect duplicated SPN using setspn

On Windows 2008 and later, detect duplicated SPN is easier. Since Windows Server 2008, the setspn itself includes a feature to search SPNs.

Besides HTTP/ SPN, please remember to check HOST/ SPN as well. HOST/ SPN will be used as a failover/alternative if HTTP/ SPN does not exist. In case of this scenario, wrong HOST/ SPN will result in Kerberos failure as well.

Here is a sample output of setspn on Windows Server 2008 SP2. For more details about this tool, please reference this document.



Find duplicated SPN using ldifde

For Windows 2003 and XP, we can use another tool named ldifde to search duplicated SPN. Here is a sample query for HTTP/contoso. Please remember, don’t forget HOST/ SPN as well.

Here is an example output of ldifde, for more details about this tool, please reference follow document.



The SPN is forest-wide object, it has to be unique inside the whole domain. For a complex environment, using follow command to search the entire forest, like this:

 Ldifde -s GCName -t 3268 -f d:\spn.ldf -d “dc=test, dc=com” –l ServicePrincipleName –r “(ServicePrincipalName=HTTP/contoso)”

In addition, we can use a wild card search like this:

Ldifde -s GCName -t 3268 –f d:\spn.ldf -d “dc=test, dc=com” -l servicePrincipalName -r (servicePrincipalName=*contoso*)  

Scenario 2: Internet Explorer (or other client) requested ticket for wrong SPN

This is a specific scenario which most related to the behavior of client. This problem occurs if the Web site uses a CNAME resource record in the Domain Name System (DNS). For example, the DNS setting looks like this: 

Contoso               CNAME                                iis01.test.com

iis01.test.com    A                    

When you use Internet Explorer to access the Web site, Internet Explorer uses the host name of the server ((IIS01)) instead of the CNAME resource record(Contoso) to contact the server. The authentication may fail with KRB_AP_ERR_MODIFIED.  

HTTP/Contoso.test.com                                Registered on test\contososvc

HOST/IIS01.test.com                      Registered on test\iis01(machine account) 

Identify this scenario from Network Monitor trace.

  1. 1.       IE sends request to http://contoso, and a DNS query for contoso was sent.

+ Ipv4: src=, Dest =, Next Protocol = UDP, Packet ID = 9717, Total IP Length = 62

+ Udp: SrcPort = 64506, DstPort = DNS(53), Length = 42

— Dns: QueryId = 0x4BB1, QUERY (Standard query), Query  for contoso.test.com of type Host Addr on class Internet


  1. 2.       DNS response for contoso

+ Ipv4: src=, Dest =, Next Protocol = UDP, Packet ID = 6526, Total IP Length = 98

+ Udp: SrcPort = DNS(53), DstPort = 64506, Length = 78

— Dns: QueryId = 0x4BB1, QUERY (Standard query), Response — Success, 49, 0

    QueryIdentifier: 19377 (0x4BB1)


  — ARecord: contoso.test.com of type CNAME on class Internet: iis01.test.com

  — ARecord: iis01.test.com of type Host Addr on class Internet:


  1. 3.       TGS ticket request, IE requests SPN for : HTTP/iis01.test.com instead of expected HTTP/contoso.test.com

  + Ipv4: src=, Dest =, Next Protocol = TCP, Packet ID = 9728, Total IP Length = 0

+ Tcp: Flags=…AP…, SrcPort=50044, DstPort=Kerberos(88), PayloadLen=1488, Seq=4106960882 — 4106962370, Ack=354586390, Win=513 (scale factor 0x8) = 131328

— Kerberos: TGS Request Realm: TEST.COM Sname: HTTP/iis01.test.com


Solutions for CName

  1. 1.       If the client is IE, KB 911149 described the solution for this problem.

Error message in Internet Explorer when you try to access a Web site that requires Kerberos authentication on a Windows XP-based computer: «HTTP Error 401 — Unauthorized: Access is denied due to invalid credentials»


  1. 2.       If the client is an application uses System.Net.HttpWebRequest, using CustomTargetNameDictionary.



  1. 3.       On DNS server side, configure the IIS server to a host record (A) instead of Alias(CNAME).

Scenario 3: SPN set to unexpected account (Wrong IIS 7+ authentication settings)

Internet Information Services (IIS) 7.0 enables kernel mode authentication by default. Kernel mode authentication runs under the machine account no matter what account is used to run the application pool. The machine account is used to decrypt the Kerberos ticket.

However, there are some scenarios you need to use a domain service account for authentication process instead of machine account. For example, a web arm scenario.

For this scenario, Instead of disabling kernel mode authentication in IIS, you can configure IIS to use the Web application pool’s identity for authentication (by setting useAppPoolCredentials=»true»).

For IIS 7+, we have 3 Windows authentication configuration. Different scenario requires register SPN on different accounts. In the scenario of improper SPN and IIS 7 configuration, it may result in authentication failure with KRB_AP_ERR_MODIFIED if the SPN was set to unexpected account.

  • ·         Kernel mode authentication disabled
  • ·         Kernel mode authentication enabled, useAppPoolCredentials
  • ·         Kernel mode authentication enabled

NOTE: Machine account includes all accounts can represent the machine on network including Network Service, Local System, Local Service and ApplicationPoolIdentity for IIS 7+.  Service accounts means a domain account used as the application pool identity.

Here, I listed couple of scenarios which can result in Kerberos authentication failed with KRB_AP_ERR_MODIFIED.

Scenarios result in KRB_AP_ERR_MODIFIED

Wrong Configuration Scenario 1

Kernel Mode Authentication




Application Pool Identity

Service Account like (domain\contosoService)

Web Site Binding To

IIS server’s NetBIOS Name.  Access like this way:




HTTP/ SPN registered on service account


For this scenario, the Kerberos ticket is encrypted by service account, and is decrypted by IIS server’s computer account.

Wrong Configuration Scenario 2

Kernel Mode Authentication




Application Pool Identity

Service Account like (domain\contosoService)

Web Site Binding To

A customized host header.  Access like this way:



HTTP/ SPN registered on service account


For this scenario, the Kerberos ticket is encrypted by service account, and decrypted by IIS server’s computer account.

Wrong Configuration Scenario 3

Kernel Mode Authentication




Application Pool Identity

Service Account like (domain\contosoService)

Web Site Binding To

IIS server’s NetBIOS Name.

Access like this way:




HTTP/ IIS_Server_NetBIOS_Name doesn’t registered on any account

Or, registered on IIS server’s computer account


For this scenario, the Kerberos ticket is encrypted by IIS server’s computer account, and decrypted by service account.


SPN and IIS configuration reference

Scenario 1

Kernel Mode Authentication




Application Pool Identity

No Matter

URL used to access web site



SPN requirement

No HTTP/ SPN required. By default, the HOST/ IIS_Server_NetBIOS_Name will be used.

If you want, you can register HTTP/ IIS_Server_NetBIOS_Name on the server name.


This is the default scenario for IIS 7+ when using IIS server’s computer name to access the web application.

Scenario 2

Kernel Mode Authentication




Application Pool Identity

No Matter

URL used to access web site


SPN requirement

Need register SPN on IIS server’s computer account, like:

SetSPN -a HTTP/Customer_Host_NAME  IIS_SRV_NetBIOS


Some application requires this when they need special

permission for application pool identity.

Scenario 3

Kernel Mode Authentication




Application Pool Identity

Service Account like (domain\contosoService)

URL used to access web site


SPN requirement

Need register SPN on service account, like:

SetSPN -a HTTP/Customer_Host_NAME  domain\contosoService


  1. 1.       This is a typical requirement for NLB environment.
  2. 2.       Some complex products consisted by couple services/applications like SharePoint. They require set the SPN on a domain account, and run the all the services/applications using this domain account.

Scenario 4

Kernel Mode Authentication




Application Pool Identity

Service Account like (domain\contosoService)

URL used to access web site



SPN requirement

Need register SPN on service account, like:

SetSPN -a HTTP/IIS_SERVER_FQDN  domain\contosoService


You need select this scenario if you want web site binding to IIS server’s computer name and running the site with a domain account.

Scenario 5

Kernel Mode Authentication



No Matter

Application Pool Identity

Service Account like (domain\contosoService)

URL used to access web site


SPN requirement

Need register SPN on service account, like:

SetSPN -a HTTP/Customer_Host_NAME  domain\contosoService


This is same for IIS 6 scenario.

Scenario 6

Kernel Mode Authentication



No Matter

Application Pool Identity

Service Account like (domain\contosoService)

URL used to access web site


SPN requirement

Need register SPN on service account, like:

SetSPN -a HTTP/ IIS_SERVER_NetBIOS_NAME domain\contosoService


This is same for IIS 6 scenario.

Scenario 7

Kernel Mode Authentication



No Matter

Application Pool Identity

Machine Account

URL used to access web site


SPN requirement

Need register SPN on IIS server’s computer account, like:

SetSPN -a HTTP/Customer_Host_NAME  IIS_SRV_NetBIOS


This is same for IIS 6 scenario.

Scenario 8

Kernel Mode Authentication



No Matter

Application Pool Identity

Machine Account

URL used to access web site


SPN requirement

No HTTP/ SPN required. By default, the HOST/ IIS_Server_NetBIOS_Name will be used.

If you want, you can register HTTP/ IIS_Server_NetBIOS_Name on the server name.


This is similar to the default scenario of IIS 6.

 Author : Wei 

Posted On October 12, 2020

TLDR: This can also be caused by a mismatch in security policy “Network Security: Configure encryption types allowed for Kerberos“.

Consider the following scenario:

  • You have a web site set up to use Kerberos authentication. It doesn’t matter what kind of site, but we’ll say it’s a SharePoint site, since that’s the theme around here.
  • The site is at https://teams.contoso.com and its application pool is running as service account CONTOSO\SP_WEB_APP_SVC.
  • Kernel Mode authentication is not enabled in IIS Manager.
  • Domain users try to access the site and get three authentication prompts and then Access Denied.

    • Note: It’s possible that some users could have this “access denied” behavior, while others have no trouble accessing the site.
  • You look in the System event log on the web server(s) and find this error:

Event Type: Error

Event Source: Kerberos

Event Category: None

Event ID: 4

Date:  The present

Time:  Doesn’t matter

User:  N/A

Computer: WFE1


The Kerberos client received a KRB_AP_ERR_MODIFIED error from the server SP_WEB_APP_SVC. The target name used was HTTP/teams.contoso.com. This indicates that the target server failed to decrypt the ticket provided by the client. This can occur when the target server principal name (SPN) is registered on an account other than the account the target service is using. Ensure that the target SPN is only registered on the account used by the server. This error can also happen if the target service account password is different than what is configured on the Kerberos Key Distribution Center for that target service. Ensure that the service on the server and the KDC are both configured to use the same password. If the server name is not fully qualified, and the target domain (CONTOSO.COM) is different from the client domain (CONTOSO.COM), check if there are identically named server accounts in these two domains, or use the fully-qualified name to identify the server.

Most commonly, the “KRB_AP_ERR_MODIFIED” error means that you have a Service Principal Name (SPN) issue, specifically, the SPN has been added to the wrong account. You should check those things first.

In our scenario above, we know that the application pool is running as a domain account and Kernel Mode authentication is disabled, which is the typical configuration for a SharePoint web app. In that case, we need an HTTP SPN set for the site host name, and set on the account running the application pool.

We can use SETSPN -l (that’s a lower case L) to see which SPNs have been set on our service account:

Command: setspn -l CONTOSO\SP_WEB_APP_SVC

Example output:

Registered ServicePrincipalNames for CN=SP_WEB_APP_SVC,OU=Service Accounts,DC=contoso,DC=com:



You an also do it the opposite way, where you search for a given SPN to see which account it’s set on. For that you use SETSPN -q

Command: setspn -q HTTP/teams.contoso.com

Example output:

Checking domain DC=contoso,DC=com

CN=SP_WEB_APP_SVC,OU=Service Accounts,DC=contoso,DC=com



Existing SPN found!

And you can use SETSPN -x to check if there are any duplicate SPNs, meaning the same SPN set on more than one account. That situation will also cause Kerberos to fail, so if it finds any duplicates, you should probably take care of those.

That all looks good, now what?

Lets say you look through all of this, and it all checks out:

  • The application pool is running as the account you expect (CONTOSO\SP_WEB_APP_SVC)
  • Kernel Mode Authentication is disabled.
  • The SPN is in the correct format (HTTP/teams.contoso.com)
  • The SPN is set on the application pool account, and only that account.

Now that we’ve gone through the most common reasons for “KRB_AP_ERR_MODIFIED”, we’ll get to a lesser-known problem, which is what spawned this blog post.

All “KRB_AP_ERR_MODIFIED” means is that the encryption key used to encrypt the Kerberos ticket is not the same as the key that the server is trying to use to decrypt it. This can happen if the encryption algorithm is different between client and server, which can be controlled by a Windows security policy called “Network Security: Configure encryption types allowed for Kerberos“. If this setting is configured differently between the client machine and the web server, the result can be a mismatch in encryption types, a failure to decrypt the Kerberos ticket, and the “KRB_AP_ERR_MODIFIED” error, resulting in Access Denied.

You can check this by looking at the Local Security Policy on both client and server.

SecPol.msc > Security Settings > Local Policies > Security Options > Network Security: Configure encryption types allowed for Kerberos


Lets say that on the problem client machine, the policy is undefined, which would allow the user to get a Kerberos ticket encrypted with the “RC4_HMAC_MD5” algorithm.

However, on the web server side, the “Configure encryption types allowed for Kerberos” policy is defined, and is set to only allow these three:



– Future encryption types

Because the encryption type used by the client machine is not included in the “allowed” list on the server, the server is unable to decrypt the Kerberos ticket, and authentication fails with “KRB_AP_ERR_MODIFIED”.


Use Group Policy to define the same settings for “Network Security: Configure encryption types allowed for Kerberos” and make sure it’s applied consistently to both servers and client machines.

Other Tips:

If you’re wondering which encryption type was used to encrypt a Kerberos ticket, you can run the command “klist” on the client. It will display all of the Kerberos tickets currently assigned to the user. You’re looking for the one that matches the SPN you’re using for the site.

Command: klist

Example output:

Client: josh @ CONTOSO.COM

Server: HTTP/teams.contoso.com @ CONTOSO.COM

KerbTicket Encryption Type: AES-256-CTS-HMAC-SHA1-9

Ticket Flags 0x40a10000 -> forwardable renewable…

Start Time: 10/12/2020 11:36:54 (local)

End Time: 10/12/2020 21:36:54 (local)

Renew Time: 10/19/2020 11:36:54 (local)

Session Key Type: AES-256-CTS-HMAC-SHA1-96

Cache Flags: 0

Kdc Called: DC01

Просматривал журнал на своем рабочем компьютере с Windows 7 и наткнулся на любопытную ошибку. (у коллеги на компьютере с Windows XP таких ошибок нет)

kerberos thumb Клиент Kerberos получил ошибку KRB AP ERR MODIFIED с сервера

EventID     4

EventSourceName    Kerberos

Клиент Kerberos получил ошибку KRB_AP_ERR_MODIFIED с сервера PC1$. Использовалось конечное имя cifs/PC2.domain.ru. Это означает, что конечному серверу не удалось расшифровать билет, предоставленный клиентом. Это может быть из-за того, что имя участника службы конечного сервера (SPN) зарегистрировано на учетной записи, отличной от учетной записи, используемой конечной службой. Убедитесь, что конечное имя SPN зарегистрировано только на учетной записи, используемой сервером.

Причиной этой ошибки может быть еще и то, что конечная служба использует другой пароль для учетной записи конечной службы, отличный от пароля центра распределения ключей Kerberos (KDC) для учетной записи конечной службы. Убедитесь, что и служба на сервере, и KDC обновлены, чтобы использовать текущий пароль. Если имя сервера задано не полностью и конечный домен (DOMAIN.RU) отличен от домена клиента (DOMAIN.RU), проверьте, нет ли серверных учетных записей с таким же именем в этих двух доменах, или используйте полное имя для идентификации сервера.

Самое интересное, что PC1 и PC2 находятся в другой подсети и почему эта ошибка отобразилась в моем журнале – непонятно!

В интернете пишут, что ошибка возникает из-за DNS, в котором могут быть прописаны разные узлы с одним и тем же IP-адресом. Но у меня в DNS было все нормально, записей с одним IP не было.

Решил глянуть, что происходит в WINS. Мысль оказалась верной. При поиске по IP адресу, вылезло сразу 3 машины на один айпи. Потер все совпадающие записи с сервера WINS и надеюсь, что ошибки пропадут.

Все. Удачи

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