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The issue is a «random» runtime crash.
So, this all started yesterday while I was playing on a sandbox server, when out of the blue, my GMod system completely crashed without even giving me a white screen, I relaunched GMod to face a problem. Every single time I loaded into a server, it would download all the mods and the go to the «Starting Lua» page, then would freeze for about 2 seconds, then crash. I looked at a whole BUNCH of YouTube, and forums to find nothing would work. I have no idea what’s going on, and I just want to play GMod again…
Edit: Yes, the game starts completely fine, loads all my mods, and is stable, except of course, when I go into a server.
Edit 2: If you need more crash logs, I can try and find another.
Regarding above, to make the crash «crash», you have to pick any server, even singleplayer, launch it, wait for everything to download, then wait for the «Starting Lua» page to pop up, then boom, it freezes, and then fatally crashes.
You will need to send the .dmp files not the .txt one.
«This type of file is not supported»
Alright, it’s done. Do you want me to email you as well?
This issue still persists with the new update (Not just on 64 bit, but the normal branch too), Loading specific maps just outright CTD’s the game, namely Minerva, metastasis_1.bsp to be precise.
Was stable a while back but not anymore, Here’s a mdmp, just rename the format. I managed to fix a couple of these issues by using an lump editor and removing all the dynamic props and ropes, but even then it still sometimes does itself in.
Not my MDMP by the way, courtesy of a friend.
It seems the crash is being caused by prop_* class type entities, I’m not exactly sure why, but removing all of the prop_static/dynamic/physics/overrides with the lump editor seems to stop the map from crashing, Hope this helps.
Canals_13 is crashing due to the new update too.
Oh hey and town_01, alongside all of Mission improbable.
None of those HL2 maps crash without any addons.
The original crash here is the netchannel somehow becoming nullptr.
@MagentaIris Yours is a vphysics crash. Perhaps you have addons overriding default models or something?
Having a Fast Headcrab ragdoll on any map, and having the Default HL2 fast headcrab model extracted from base HL2 in your gmod causes it to crash.
Now that’s pretty fucked up, i’ll look into fixing it personally. (This is a server side ragdoll by the way, Client ragdolls are fine, Just mentioning the default models gave me the idea as well so cheers for that one.)
I have fixed the issue manually, I’ll continue to see if anything else crops up however.
Thanks, I will see if this is fixable or if we gotta rollback r_flushlod and look for a different fix for vertex CRC error
Mayhaps, I tried a couple of recompiles of the normal headcrab with the original qc’s and source animations, it seems the Ragdoll animation when playing it in HLMV sometimes just crashes, and of course, if this happens in HLMV, it crashes gmod if you spawn the ragdoll server side but not client side.
Pretty weird.
So extracting ragdolls from the vpk did not cause any crashes for me, and at first you were claiming it’s the physics props that doing the crash, now its ragdolls, the dump you linked shows a vphysics crash, but now you claim it happens in HLMV which doesn’t even use vphysics, I don’t know what to believe anymore. You are also seemingly the only person having these issues.
Yeah i couldn’t lock it down to the exact entity, but it was 100% the fast headcrab being a server side ragdoll, Extracting the model from the VPK may have freaked out, After re-extracting it safely the issue isn’t there anymore.
Pretty sure that issue can just be ignored now.
The issue is a «random» runtime crash.
How do I fix Lua errors in GMod?
Ways to fix:
- Make sure the function exists.
- Make sure your function is defined in the correct realm.
- Check your function calls for spelling errors.
How do I fix script errors on GMod?
If you’re not joining a server – and the errors are happening on your local machine – the best way to fix this is to clean your GMod installation. This will delete everything and restore your GMod to how it would be if you did a fresh install. Your workshop addons will all automatically be downloaded.
What are Lua errors?
A Lua error occurs when one of WoW’s embedded scripts runs into a problem. A Lua error in WoW is usually caused by a broken addon or interface file. How do I get rid of Lua errors? You can get rid of Lua errors by updating, deleting, or replacing the addon manager or script causing the issues.
How do I stop Lua errors?
How do I turn off Lua warnings?
- Open the game menu.
- Select Interface.
- Click on Help on the left panel.
- De-select the checkbox marked Display Lua Errors.
How do I fix Lua errors?
How To Fix LUA Errors In Wow?
- Reload LUA. Sometimes the LUA error is just a technical bug, and there is not an actual error.
- Reset The Interface Of World Of Warcraft.
- Reset The Console Variables Settings.
- Detect LUA Error.
- Remove The Corrupted Add-on From WoW.
- Disable The Display LUA Errors Attribute.
- Disable The Errors.
Why do I keep getting Lua errors WoW?
LUA errors are typically caused by corrupted interface files. Resetting your User Interface should resolve the issue.
Why does Garry’s Mod use Lua?
Lua is a language best described as a plugin language, often used for addons and plugins, from everything between Garry’s Mod to World of Warcraft, Factorio, and even VLC. One way to think of it is that Lua is a simplified language which allows you to run functions on a more complex, underlying engine.
What are Lua files GMOD?
A Lua file is called a script. Lua scripts are plain text files. To create and edit Lua scripts, you need a plain text editor such as notepad. You can use any plain text editor, but you are going to have a hard time if you aren’t using one of the many available Lua Editors, such as Sublime Text or Visual Studio Code.
What is swatter WoW?
Rather than simply popping up the big red box on your screen when addons break or do bad things, Swatter pops up a nice dialog box that includes the error, how many errors have occurred previously during the current session, the number of times the specific error has occurred this session, a stack trace, and a complete …
Garry’s Mod (GMod) — это песочница основанная на физическом движке Source, разработанная и выпущенная компанией Facepunch Studios. Одной из основных возможностей GMod является создание и модификация контента игры, такого как оружие и модели оружия.
Однако, при работе с оружейными моделями в GMod, вы можете столкнуться с ошибками в Lua, языке программирования, используемом для разработки модификаций. В этой статье мы рассмотрим некоторые распространенные ошибки и предоставим руководство по их исправлению.
1. Ошибка в пути модели оружия
При создании модели оружия, вы должны указать путь к соответствующему файлу модели. Ошибка в пути может привести к неправильной загрузке модели и возникновению ошибки в Lua.
Для исправления этой ошибки, вам нужно проверить правильность пути к модели оружия в вашем скрипте Lua. Убедитесь, что путь указывает на правильную директорию с моделью оружия.
2. Неверное использование функций
Lua предоставляет множество функций для работы с оружейными моделями. Некорректное использование этих функций может привести к ошибкам.
Для исправления этой ошибки, убедитесь, что вы правильно используете функции Lua при работе с оружейными моделями. Обратитесь к документации по GMod и Lua для получения более подробной информации о конкретных функциях и их использовании.
3. Ошибки синтаксиса Lua
Ошибка в синтаксисе Lua может привести к некорректной работе вашего скрипта и возникновению ошибок.
Для исправления этой ошибки, вам нужно внимательно проверить ваш скрипт на наличие любых ошибок синтаксиса. Убедитесь, что все скобки, кавычки и другие символы используются правильно и соответствуют синтаксису Lua.
4. Отсутствие необходимых файлов
Еще одна распространенная ошибка — отсутствие необходимых файлов для работы с оружейными моделями в GMod. Это может быть связано с неправильным размещением файлов или неполным комплектом файлов модели.
Для исправления этой ошибки, проверьте, что все необходимые файлы для работы с оружейными моделями присутствуют и размещены в правильных директориях. Убедитесь, что все файлы модели, текстуры и другие ресурсы находятся в правильных местах.
5. Конфликт с другими модификациями
Иногда ошибки в Lua могут возникать из-за конфликта с другими модификациями, установленными в GMod. Это может быть связано с переопределением функций, неправильным порядком загрузки модификаций или другими причинами.
Для исправления этой ошибки, вы можете попробовать отключить другие модификации и проверить, возникает ли ошибка. Если ошибка исчезает при отключенных других модификациях, вы можете искать способы разрешения конфликтов между модификациями.
В заключение, исправление ошибок Lua при работе с оружейными моделями в Garry’s Mod может быть сложной задачей. Однако, с помощью внимательной проверки путей, правильного использования функций, обнаружения ошибок синтаксиса, проверки наличия необходимых файлов и разрешения конфликтов с другими модификациями, вы сможете достичь успеха в своей работе с оружейными моделями в GMod.
What Are Lua Errors?
A Lua error is caused when the code that is being ran is improper. There are many reasons for why a Lua error might occur, but understanding what a Lua error is and how to read it is an important skill that any developer needs to have.
Effects of Errors on Your Scripts
An error will halt your script’s execution when it happens. That means that when an error is thrown, some elements of your script might break entirely. For example, if your gamemode has a syntax error which prevents init.lua from executing, your entire gamemode will break.
Lua Error Format
The first line of the Lua error contains 3 important pieces of information:
- The path to the file that is causing the error
- The line that is causing the error
- The error itself
Here is an example of a code that will cause a Lua error:
local text = «Hello World»
Print( text )
The code will produce the following error:
[ERROR]addons/my_addon/lua/autorun/server/sv_my_addon_autorun.lua:2: attempt to call global ‘Print’ (a nil value)
1. unknown — addons/my_addon/lua/autorun/server/sv_my_addon_autorun.lua:2
That is because Print is not an existing function (print, however, does exist).
The first line includes the path to the file that is causing the error — addons/my_addon/lua/autorun/server/sv_my_addon_autorun.lua
Afterwards, the line that’s producing the error — sv_my_addon_autorun.lua:2 (Line 2)
Lastly, the error itself — attempt to call global ‘Print’ (a nil value)
Below the error, we have the trace of the function. Simplified — If the error is inside a function/chunk of code that is called from somewhere else, it will state where the code is called from.
If the error happens serverside, the text color will be blue. If it happened clientside, it will be yellow. If it’s menu code, it will be green (not a typical scenario). Messages which look like errors but are colored differently, such as red or white, are not Lua errors but rather engine errors.
Printing Your Own
If you want to print your own error messages, there are three functions to do it:
- error will print your message, halt execution, and print the stack. Normal error behavior.
- ErrorNoHalt will print the file/line number and your message without halting the script. Useful for warning messages.
- assert will check to make sure that something is true. If it’s not, it will print your message and halt just like error does.
Common Errors
Attempt to call global ‘?’ a nil value
Description: You tried to call a function that doesn’t exist.
Possible causes:
- Your function might be defined in another Lua state. (e.g Calling a function on the client that only exists on the * server.)
- You’re using a metafunction on the wrong kind of object. (e.g. Calling :SteamID() on a Vector)
- The function you’re calling has an error in it which means it is not defined.
- You’ve misspelled the name of the function.
Ways to fix:
- Make sure the function exists
- Make sure your function is defined in the correct realm
- Check your function calls for spelling errors
Attempt to perform arithmetic on global ‘?’ (a nil value)
Description: You tried to perform arithmetic (+, -, *, /) on a global variable that is not defined.
Possible causes:
- You tried to use a local variable that was defined later in the code
- You’ve misspelled the name of the global variable
Ways to fix:
- Make sure you define local variables before calling them in the code
- Check for spelling errors
Attempt to perform arithmetic on ‘?’ (a type value)
Description: You tried to perform arithmetic (+, -, *, /) on a variable that cannot perform arithmetic. (e.g. 2 + «some string»)
Attempt to index global ‘varname’ (a nil value)
Description: You tried to index an undefined variable (e.g. print( variable.index )
where variable
is undefined)
Possible causes:
- The variable is defined in a different realm
- The variable is local and defined later in the code
- You’ve misspelled the name of the variable
Ways to fix:
- Make sure the variable is only accessed in the realm it was defined in
- If the variable is local, define it before accessing it
Malformed number near ‘number’
Description: There is a malformed number in the code (e.g. 1.2.3, 2f)
Possible causes:
- An IP address was written as a number instead of a string
- Incorrect writing of multiplication of a number and a variable
- Trying to concatenate a number to a string without a space between the number and the operator.
Ways to fix:
- Store IP addresses as a string
- Multiply variables with numbers by using the ***** operator
- Put a space between the concat (..) operator and the number.
Unexpected symbol near ‘symbol’
Description: You typed a symbol in the code that Lua didn’t know how to interpret.
Possible causes:
- Incorrect syntax (e.g. Forgot to write «then» after an if statement)
- Not closing brackets and parentheses at the correct locations
Ways to fix:
- Make sure there are no mistypes in the code
- Close brackets and parentheses correctly (See: Code Indentation)
‘symbol1’ expected near ‘symbol2’
Description: Lua expected symbol1 instead of symbol2.
When ‘symbol2’ is <eof>, Lua expected a symbol before the end of the file
Possible causes:
- Not closing all brackets, parentheses or functions before the end of the file
- Having too many
statements - Wrong operator calling (e.g. «==» instead of «=»)
- Missing comma after table item.
Ways to fix:
- Close brackets and parentheses correctly (See: Code Indentation)
- Use the correct operators
- Add a comma after a table item
Couldn’t include file ‘file’ — File not found (<nowhere>)
Description: The file system tried to include a file that either doesn’t exist or was added while the server was live.
This error can also be a AddCSLuaFile
Possible causes:
- Attempting to include / AddCSLuaFile a file that doesn’t exist or is empty
- Creating a file while the server is still live
Ways to fix:
- Add the non-existent file, make sure the file isn’t empty
- Restart the server
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