Как посмотреть логи ошибок nginx

In this tutorial, you will learn everything you need to know about logging in
NGINX and how it can help you troubleshoot and quickly resolve any problem you
may encounter on your web server. We will discuss where the logs are stored and
how to access them, how to customize their format, and how to centralize them in
one place with Syslog or a log management service.

Here’s an outline of what you will learn by following through with this tutorial:

  • Where NGINX logs are stored and how to access them.
  • How to customize the NGINX log format and storage location to fit your needs.
  • How to utilize a structured format (such as JSON) for your NGINX logs.
  • How to centralize NGINX logs through Syslog or a managed cloud-based service.


To follow through with this tutorial, you need the following:

  • A Linux server that includes a non-root user with sudo privileges. We tested
    the commands shown in this guide on an Ubuntu 20.04 server.
  • The
    NGINX web server installed
    and enabled on your server.

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Head over to Better Stack and start ingesting
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Step 1 — Locating the NGINX log files

NGINX writes logs of all its events in two different log files:

  • Access log: this file contains information about incoming requests and
    user visits.
  • Error log: this file contains information about errors encountered while
    processing requests, or other diagnostic messages about the web server.

The location of both log files is dependent on the host operating system of the
NGINX web server and the mode of installation. On most Linux distributions, both
files will be found in the /var/log/nginx/ directory as access.log and
error.log, respectively.

A typical access log entry might look like the one shown below. It describes an
HTTP GET request to the server for a favicon.ico file. - - [11/Feb/2022:13:22:11 +0000] "GET /favicon.ico HTTP/1.1" 404 3650 "" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/98.0.4758.87 Safari/537.36" "-"

Similarly, an error log entry might look like the one below, which was generated
due to the inability of the server to locate the favicon.ico file that was
requested above.

2022/02/11 13:12:24 [error] 37839#37839: *7 open() "/usr/share/nginx/html/favicon.ico" failed (2: No such file or directory), client:, server: _, request: "GET /favicon.ico HTTP/1.1", host: ""

In the next section, you’ll see how to view both NGINX log files from the
command line.

Step 2 — Viewing the NGINX log files

Examining the NGINX logs can be done in a variety of ways. One of the most
common methods involves using the tail command to view logs entries in

sudo tail -f /var/log/nginx/access.log

You will observe the following output: - - [14/Feb/2022:03:48:55 +0000] "POST /HNAP1/ HTTP/1.1" 404 134 "-" "Mozila/5.0" - - [14/Feb/2022:04:11:57 +0000] "GET /.env HTTP/1.1" 404 162 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:58.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/58.0" - - [14/Feb/2022:04:16:54 +0000] "GET /.env HTTP/1.1" 404 197 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/81.0.4044.129 Safari/537.36" - - [14/Feb/2022:04:16:55 +0000] "POST / HTTP/1.1" 405 568 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/81.0.4044.129 Safari/537.36" - - [14/Feb/2022:04:18:57 +0000] "GET /dispatch.asp HTTP/1.1" 404 134 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (iPad; CPU OS 7_1_2 like Mac OS X; en-US) AppleWebKit/531.5.2 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.5 Mobile/8B116 Safari/6531.5.2" - - [14/Feb/2022:04:42:23 +0000] "HEAD / HTTP/1.0" 200 0 "-" "-" - - [14/Feb/2022:07:38:40 +0000] "GET /icons/ubuntu-logo.png HTTP/1.1" 404 197 "" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/98.0.4758.87 Safari/537.36" - - [14/Feb/2022:07:38:42 +0000] "GET /favicon.ico HTTP/1.1" 404 197 "" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/98.0.4758.87 Safari/537.36" - - [14/Feb/2022:07:44:02 +0000] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 304 0 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/98.0.4758.87 Safari/537.36" - - [14/Feb/2022:07:44:02 +0000] "GET /icons/ubuntu-logo.png HTTP/1.1" 404 197 "" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/98.0.4758.87 Safari/537.36"

The tail command prints the last 10 lines from the selected file. The -f
option causes it to continue displaying subsequent lines that are added to the
file in real-time.

To examine the entire contents of an NGINX log file, you can use the cat
command or open it in your text editor:

sudo cat /var/log/nginx/error.log

If you want to filter the lines that contain a specific term, you can use the
grep command as shown below:

sudo grep "GET /favicon.ico" /var/log/nginx/access.log

The command above will print all the lines that contain GET /favicon.ico so we
can see how many requests were made for that resource.

Step 3 — Configuring NGINX access logs

The NGINX access log stores data about incoming client requests to the server
which is beneficial when deciphering what users are doing in the application,
and what resources are being requested. In this section, you will learn how to
configure what data is stored in the access log.

One thing to keep in mind while following through with the instructions below is
that you’ll need to restart the nginx service after modifying the config file
so that the changes can take effect.

sudo systemctl restart nginx

Enabling the access log

The NGINX access Log should be enabled by default. However, if this is not the
case, you can enable it manually in the Nginx configuration file
(/etc/nginx/nginx.conf) using the access_log directive within the http



http {
  access_log /var/log/nginx/access.log;

This directive is also applicable in the server and location configuration
blocks for a specific website:



server {
   access_log /var/log/nginx/app1.access.log;

  location /app2 {
    access_log /var/log/nginx/app2.access.log;

Disabling the access log

In cases where you’d like to disable the NGINX access log, you can use the
special off value:

You can also disable the access log on a virtual server or specific URIs by
editing its server or location block configuration in the
/etc/nginx/sites-available/ directory:

server {
  listen 80;

  access_log off;

  location ~* \.(woff|jpg|jpeg|png|gif|ico|css|js)$ {
    access_log off;

Logging to multiple access log files

If you’d like to duplicate the access log entries in separate files, you can do
so by repeating the access_log directive in the main config file or in a
server block as shown below:

access_log /var/log/nginx/access.log;
access_log /var/log/nginx/combined.log;

Don’t forget to restart the nginx service afterward:

sudo systemctl restart nginx

Explanation of the default access log format

The access log entries produced using the default configuration will look like
this: alice Alice [07/May/2021:10:44:53 +0200] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 396 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4531.93 Safari/537.36"

Here’s a breakdown of the log message above:

  • the IP address of the client that made the request.
  • alice: remote log name (name used to log in a user).
  • Alice: remote username (username of logged-in user).
  • [07/May/2021:10:44:53 +0200] : date and time of the request.
  • "GET / HTTP/1.1" : request method, path and protocol.
  • 200: the HTTP response code.
  • 396: the size of the response in bytes.
  • "-": the IP address of the referrer (- is used when the it is not
  • "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4531.93 Safari/537.36"
    detailed user agent information.

Step 4 — Creating a custom log format

Customizing the format of the entries in the access log can be done using the
log_format directive, and it can be placed in the http, server or
location blocks as needed. Here’s an example of what it could look like:

log_format custom '$remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local] ' '"$request" $status $body_bytes_sent ' '"$http_referer" "$http_user_agent"';

This yields a log entry in the following format: - - [14/Feb/2022:10:38:35 +0000] "GET /favicon.ico HTTP/1.1" 404 197 "" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/98.0.4758.87 Safari/537.36"

The syntax for configuring an access log format is shown below. First, you need
to specify a nickname for the format that will be used as its identifier, and
then the log format string that represents the details and formatting for each
log message.

log_format <nickname> '<formatting_variables>';

Here’s an explanation of each variable used in the custom log format shown

  • $remote_addr: the IP address of the client
  • $remote_user: information about the user making the request
  • $time_local: the server’s date and time.
  • $request: actual request details like path, method, and protocol.
  • $status: the response code.
  • $body_bytes_sent: the size of the response in bytes.
  • $http_referer: the IP address of the HTTP referrer.
  • $http_user_agent: detailed user agent information.

You may also use the following variables in your custom log format
(see here for the complete list):

  • $upstream_connect_time: the time spent establishing a connection with an
    upstream server.
  • $upstream_header_time: the time between establishing a connection and
    receiving the first byte of the response header from the upstream server.
  • $upstream_response_time: the time between establishing a connection and
    receiving the last byte of the response body from the upstream server.
  • $request_time: the total time spent processing a request.
  • $gzip_ratio: ration of gzip compression (if gzip is enabled).

After you create a custom log format, you can apply it to a log file by
providing a second parameter to the access_log directive:

access_log /var/log/nginx/access.log custom;

You can use this feature to log different information in to separate log files.
Create the log formats first:

log_format custom '$remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local] ' '"$request" $status $body_bytes_sent ' '"$http_referer"';
log_format agent "$http_user_agent";

Then, apply them as shown below:

access_log /var/log/nginx/access.log custom;
access_log /var/log/nginx/agent_access.log agent;

This configuration ensures that user agent information for all incoming requests
are logged into a separate access log file.

Step 5 — Formatting your access logs as JSON

A common way to customize NGINX access logs is to format them as JSON. This is
quite straightforward to achieve by combining the log_format directive with
the escape=json parameter introduced in Nginx 1.11.8 to escape characters that
are not valid in JSON:

log_format custom_json escape=json
    '"status": "$status",'

After applying the custom_json format to a log file and restarting the nginx
service, you will observe log entries in the following format:

  "time_local": "14/Feb/2022:11:25:44 +0000",
  "remote_addr": "",
  "remote_user": "",
  "request": "GET /icons/ubuntu-logo.png HTTP/1.1",
  "status": "404",
  "body_bytes_sent": "197",
  "request_time": "0.000",
  "http_referrer": "",
  "http_user_agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/98.0.4758.87 Safari/537.36"

Step 6 — Configuring NGINX error logs

Whenever NGINX encounters an error, it stores the event data in the error log so
that it can be referred to later by a system administrator. This section will
describe how to enable and customize the error logs as you see fit.

Enabling the error log

The NGINX error log should be enabled by default. However, if this is not the
case, you can enable it manually in the relevant NGINX configuration file
(either at the http, server, or location levels) using the error_log

error_log /var/log/nginx/error.log;

The error_log directive can take two parameters. The first one is the location
of the log file (as shown above), while the second one is optional and sets the
severity level of the log. Events with a lower severity level than set one will
not be logged.

error_log /var/log/nginx/error.log info;

These are the possible levels of severity (from lowest to highest) and their

  • debug: messages used for debugging.
  • info: informational messages.
  • notice: a notable event occurred.
  • warn: something unexpected happened.
  • error: something failed.
  • crit: critical conditions.
  • alert: errors that require immediate action.
  • emerg: the system is unusable.

Disabling the error log

The NGINX error log can be disabled by setting the error_log directive to
off or by redirecting it to /dev/null:

error_log off;
error_log /dev/null;

Logging errors into multiple files

As is the case with access logs, you can log errors into multiple files, and you
can use different severity levels too:

error_log /var/log/nginx/error.log info;
error_log /var/log/nginx/emerg_error.log emerg;

This configuration will log every event except those at the debug level event
to the error.log file, while emergency events are placed in a separate
emerg_error.log file.

Step 7 — Sending NGINX logs to Syslog

Apart from logging to a file, it’s also possible to set up NGINX to transport
its logs to the syslog service especially if you’re already using it for other
system logs. Logging to syslog is done by specifying the syslog: prefix to
either the access_log or error_log directive:

error_log  syslog:server=unix:/var/log/nginx.sock debug;
access_log syslog:server=[]:1234,facility=local7,tag=nginx,severity=info;

Log messages are sent to a server which can be specified in terms of a domain
name, IPv4 or IPv6 address or a UNIX-domain socket path.

In the example above, error log messages are sent to a UNIX domain socket at the
debug logging level, while the access log is written to a syslog server with
an IPv4 address and port 1234. The facility= parameter specifies the type of
program that is logging the message, the tag= parameter applies a custom tag
to syslog messages, and the severity= parameter sets the severity level of
the syslog entry for access log messages.

For more information on using Syslog to manage your logs, you can check out our
tutorial on viewing and configuring system logs on

Step 8 — Centralizing your NGINX logs

In this section, we’ll describe how you can centralize your NGINX logs in a log
management service through Vector, a
high-performance tool for building observability pipelines. This is a crucial
step when administrating multiple servers so that you can monitor all your logs
in one place (you can also centralize your logs with an Rsyslog

The following instructions assume that you’ve signed up for a free
Logtail account and retrieved your source
token. Go ahead and follow the relevant
installation instructions for Vector
for your operating system. For example, on Ubuntu, you may run the following
commands to install the Vector CLI:

curl -1sLf \ 'https://repositories.timber.io/public/vector/cfg/setup/bash.deb.sh' \ | sudo -E bash

After Vector is installed, confirm that it is up and running through

You should observe that it is active and running:

● vector.service - Vector
     Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/vector.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
     Active: active (running) since Tue 2022-02-08 10:52:59 UTC; 48s ago
       Docs: https://vector.dev
    Process: 18586 ExecStartPre=/usr/bin/vector validate (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
   Main PID: 18599 (vector)
      Tasks: 3 (limit: 2275)
     Memory: 6.8M
     CGroup: /system.slice/vector.service
             └─18599 /usr/bin/vector

Otherwise, go ahead and start it with the command below.

sudo systemctl start vector

Afterward, change into a root shell and append your Logtail vector configuration
for NGINX into the /etc/vector/vector.toml file using the command below. Don’t
forget to replace the <your_logtail_source_token> placeholder below with your
source token.

wget -O ->> /etc/vector/vector.toml \

Then restart the vector service:

sudo systemctl restart vector

You will observe that your NGINX logs will start coming through in Logtail:


In this tutorial, you learned about the different types of logs that the NGINX
web server keeps, where you can find them, how to understand their formatting.
We also discussed how to create your own custom log formats (including a
structured JSON format), and how to log into multiple files at once. Finally, we
demonstrated the process of sending your logs to Syslog or a log management
service so that you can monitor them all in one place.

Thanks for reading, and happy logging!

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Article by

Ayooluwa Isaiah

Ayo is the Head of Content at Better Stack. His passion is simplifying and communicating complex technical ideas effectively. His work was featured on several esteemed publications including LWN.net, Digital Ocean, and CSS-Tricks. When he’s not writing or coding, he loves to travel, bike, and play tennis.

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Capture detailed information about errors and request processing in log files, either locally or via syslog.

This article describes how to configure logging of errors and processed requests in NGINX Open Source and NGINX Plus.

Setting Up the Error Log

NGINX writes information about encountered issues of different severity levels to the error log. The error_log directive sets up logging to a particular file, stderr, or syslog and specifies the minimal severity level of messages to log. By default, the error log is located at logs/error.log (the absolute path depends on the operating system and installation), and messages from all severity levels above the one specified are logged.

The configuration below changes the minimal severity level of error messages to log from error to warn:

error_log logs/error.log warn;

In this case, messages of warn, error crit, alert, and emerg levels are logged.

The default setting of the error log works globally. To override it, place the error_log directive in the main (top-level) configuration context. Settings in the main context are always inherited by other configuration levels (http, server, location). The error_log directive can be also specified at the http, stream, server and location levels and overrides the setting inherited from the higher levels. In case of an error, the message is written to only one error log, the one closest to the level where the error has occurred. However, if several error_log directives are specified on the same level, the message are written to all specified logs.

Note: The ability to specify multiple error_log directives on the same configuration level was added in NGINX Open Source version 1.5.2.

Setting Up the Access Log

NGINX writes information about client requests in the access log right after the request is processed. By default, the access log is located at logs/access.log, and the information is written to the log in the predefined combined format. To override the default setting, use the log_format directive to change the format of logged messages, as well as the access_log directive to specify the location of the log and its format. The log format is defined using variables.

The following examples define the log format that extends the predefined combined format with the value indicating the ratio of gzip compression of the response. The format is then applied to a virtual server that enables compression.

http {
    log_format compression '$remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local] '
                           '"$request" $status $body_bytes_sent '
                           '"$http_referer" "$http_user_agent" "$gzip_ratio"';

    server {
        gzip on;
        access_log /spool/logs/nginx-access.log compression;

Another example of the log format enables tracking different time values between NGINX and an upstream server that may help to diagnose a problem if your website experience slowdowns. You can use the following variables to log the indicated time values:

  • $upstream_connect_time – The time spent on establishing a connection with an upstream server
  • $upstream_header_time – The time between establishing a connection and receiving the first byte of the response header from the upstream server
  • $upstream_response_time – The time between establishing a connection and receiving the last byte of the response body from the upstream server
  • $request_time – The total time spent processing a request

All time values are measured in seconds with millisecond resolution.

http {
    log_format upstream_time '$remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local] '
                             '"$request" $status $body_bytes_sent '
                             '"$http_referer" "$http_user_agent"'
                             'rt=$request_time uct="$upstream_connect_time" uht="$upstream_header_time" urt="$upstream_response_time"';

    server {
        access_log /spool/logs/nginx-access.log upstream_time;

When reading the resulting time values, keep the following in mind:

  • When a request is processed through several servers, the variable contains several values separated by commas
  • When there is an internal redirect from one upstream group to another, the values are separated by semicolons
  • When a request is unable to reach an upstream server or a full header cannot be received, the variable contains 0 (zero)
  • In case of internal error while connecting to an upstream or when a reply is taken from the cache, the variable contains - (hyphen)

Logging can be optimized by enabling the buffer for log messages and the cache of descriptors of frequently used log files whose names contain variables. To enable buffering use the buffer parameter of the access_log directive to specify the size of the buffer. The buffered messages are then written to the log file when the next log message does not fit into the buffer as well as in some other cases.

To enable caching of log file descriptors, use the open_log_file_cache directive.

Similar to the error_log directive, the access_log directive defined on a particular configuration level overrides the settings from the previous levels. When processing of a request is completed, the message is written to the log that is configured on the current level, or inherited from the previous levels. If one level defines multiple access logs, the message is written to all of them.

Enabling Conditional Logging

Conditional logging allows excluding trivial or unimportant log entries from the access log. In NGINX, conditional logging is enabled by the if parameter to the access_log directive.

This example excludes requests with HTTP status codes 2xx (Success) and 3xx (Redirection):

map $status $loggable {
    ~^[23]  0;
    default 1;

access_log /path/to/access.log combined if=$loggable;

Usecase: Sampling TLS Parameters

Many clients use TLS versions older than TLS 1.3. Though many ciphers are declared insecure, older implementations still use them; ECC certificates offer greater performance than RSA, but not all clients can accept ECC. Many TLS attacks rely on a “man in the middle” who intercepts the cipher negotiation handshake and forces the client and server to select a less secure cipher. Therefore, it’s important to configure NGINX Plus to not support weak or legacy ciphers, but doing so may exclude legacy clients.

You can evaluate the SSL data obtained from the client and determine what proportion of clients get excluded if support for older SSL protocols and ciphers is removed.

The following configuration example logs the SSL protocol, cipher, and User-Agent header of any connected TLS client, assuming that each client selects the most recent protocol and most secure ciphers it supports.

In this example, each client is identified by its unique combination of IP address and User-Agent.

  1. Define the custom log format sslparams that includes the version of the SSL protocol ($ssl_protocol), ciphers used in the connection ($ssl_cipher), the client IP address ($remote_addr), and the value of standard User Agent HTTP request field ($http_user_agent):

    log_format sslparams '$ssl_protocol $ssl_cipher '
                      '$remote_addr "$http_user_agent"';
  2. Define a key-value storage that will keep the IP address of the client and its User Agent, for example, clients:

    keyval_zone zone=clients:80m timeout=3600s;
  3. Create a variable, for example, $seen for each unique combination of $remote_addr and User-Agent header:

    keyval $remote_addr:$http_user_agent $seen zone=clients;
    server {
        listen 443 ssl;
        ssl_protocols TLSv1 TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2;
        ssl_ciphers   HIGH:!aNULL:!MD5;
        if ($seen = "") {
            set $seen  1;
            set $logme 1;
        access_log  /tmp/sslparams.log sslparams if=$logme;
        # ...
  4. View the log file generated with this configuration:

    TLSv1.2 AES128-SHA "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:45.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/45.0"
    TLSv1.2 ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256 "Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 9_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/601.1.46 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/9.0 Mobile/13B143 Safari/601.1"
    TLSv1.2 ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256 "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:58.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/58.0"
    TLSv1.2 ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256 "Mozilla/5.0 (Android 4.4.2; Tablet; rv:65.0) Gecko/65.0 Firefox/65.0"
    TLSv1 AES128-SHA "Mozilla/5.0 (Android 4.4.2; Tablet; rv:65.0) Gecko/65.0 Firefox/65.0"
    TLSv1.2 ECDHE-RSA-CHACHA20-POLY1305 "Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 5.0.2; en-US; XT1068 Build/LXB22.46-28) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/57.0.2987.108 UCBrowser/ Mobile Safari/537.36"
  5. Process the log file to determine the spread of data:

    cat /tmp/sslparams.log | cut -d ' ' -f 2,2 | sort | uniq -c | sort -rn | perl -ane 'printf "%30s %s\n", $F[1], "="x$F[0];'

    In this output, low‑volume, less secure ciphers are identified:

    ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256 =========================
    ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 ========
                     AES128-SHA ====
        ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA384 ==

    Then you can check the logs to determine which clients are using these ciphers and then make a decision about removing these ciphers from the NGINX Plus configuration.

    For more information about sampling requests with NGINX conditional logging see the blog post.

Logging to Syslog

The syslog utility is a standard for computer message logging and allows collecting log messages from different devices on a single syslog server. In NGINX, logging to syslog is configured with the syslog: prefix in error_log and access_log directives.

Syslog messages can be sent to a server= which can be a domain name, an IP address, or a UNIX-domain socket path. A domain name or IP address can be specified with a port to override the default port, 514. A UNIX-domain socket path can be specified after the unix: prefix:

error_log  syslog:server=unix:/var/log/nginx.sock debug;
access_log syslog:server=[2001:db8::1]:1234,facility=local7,tag=nginx,severity=info;

In the example, NGINX error log messages are written to a UNIX domain socket at the debug logging level, and the access log is written to a syslog server with an IPv6 address and port 1234.

The facility= parameter specifies the type of program that is logging the message. The default value is local7. Other possible values are: auth, authpriv, daemon, cron, ftp, lpr, kern, mail, news, syslog, user, uucp, local0 ... local7.

The tag= parameter applies a custom tag to syslog messages (nginx in our example).

The severity= parameter sets the severity level of syslog messages for access log. Possible values in order of increasing severity are: debug, info, notice, warn, error (default), crit, alert, and emerg. Messages are logged at the specified level and all more severe levels. In our example, the severity level error also enables crit, alert, and emerg levels to be logged.

Live Activity Monitoring

NGINX Plus provides a real-time live activity monitoring interface that shows key load and performance metrics of your HTTP and TCP upstream servers. See the Live Activity Monitoring article for more information.

To learn more about NGINX Plus, please visit the Products page.

Nginx is a popular web server that powers most of the internet. However, even the most reliable servers can experience issues or security threats. Therefore, monitoring server logs to identify issues, optimize server performance, and prevent security breaches is essential. Nginx logs provide valuable insights into server activity, user behavior, and errors encountered.

This guide will teach you everything you need to know about viewing Nginx logs. This includes the benefits of logging, the types of logs available, how to view and analyze them, and useful Linux commands that can help you manage and optimize your web server.

Table of Contents

The Significance of Logging:

Logging is the process of recording events, activities, and errors that occur on a web server. Nginx logs provide valuable information that can help web administrators understand server activity, detect and troubleshoot issues, and optimize server performance. Some of the benefits of logging include the following:

  • Monitoring server performance: Server logs can help identify bottlenecks, overloaded resources, and slow response times.
  • Detecting security threats: Logs can identify unusual or malicious activity, such as unauthorized access attempts or malware attacks.
  • Troubleshooting issues: Logs can provide valuable insights into the root cause of server errors or crashes.
  • Analyzing user behavior: Logs can track user activity, such as popular pages, search queries, or time spent on the site.

Types of Nginx Logs

Nginx generates several types of logs, each serving a different purpose. Understanding the types of logs available is crucial to monitor server activity and troubleshooting issues effectively. The most common types of Nginx logs are:

  1. Access Logs: Access logs record all requests made to the web server, including the request time, client IP address, requested URL, response status code, and response size. Access logs are useful for monitoring server traffic, detecting malicious activity, and troubleshooting issues related to client requests.
  2. Error Logs: Error logs record server errors, including client and server-side errors, connection errors, and issues with upstream servers. Error logs can help identify the root cause of server errors and prevent them from occurring in the future.
  3. Application Logs: Application logs are generated by applications running on the web server, such as PHP or Python scripts. Application logs can provide insights into application performance, detect script issues, and help identify the root cause of application-related errors.

Enable Nginx Access Logging and Customization

Access logging is essential to monitoring a web server, providing valuable information about client requests and server responses. Here are the steps to enable Nginx access logging and customize the log format:

Open the Nginx configuration file using a text editor, such as nano or vim:

sudo nano /etc/nginx/nginx.conf

Find the “http” block and add the following lines to enable access logging:

http {
    access_log /var/log/nginx/access.log;

This will enable access logging to the specified file.

Customize the access log format by adding the following line within the “http” block:

http {
    log_format custom '$remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local] "$request" '
                      '$status $body_bytes_sent "$http_referer" '
                      '"$http_user_agent" "$http_x_forwarded_for"';

This creates a custom log format that includes the client IP address, username (if provided), request time, request URL, response status code, response size, referring URL, user agent, and X-Forwarded-For header.

Apply the custom log format to the access logging directive:

http {
    access_log /var/log/nginx/access.log custom;

This will use the custom log format for access logging.

Save and exit the configuration file and restart Nginx to apply the changes:

sudo systemctl restart nginx

Enable Nginx Error Logging and Customization

Error logging is crucial to identifying and troubleshooting issues on a web server. Here are the steps to enable Nginx error logging and customize the log format:

Open the Nginx configuration file using a text editor, such as nano or vim:

sudo nano /etc/nginx/nginx.conf

Find the “http” block and add the following lines to enable error logging:

http {
    error_log /var/log/nginx/error.log error;

This will enable error logging to the specified file.

Customize the error log format by adding the following line within the “http” block:

http {
    log_format custom_error '$remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local] '
                            '"$request" $status $body_bytes_sent '
                            '"$http_referer" "$http_user_agent"';

This creates a custom log format that includes the client IP address, username (if provided), request time, request URL, response status code, response size, and referring URL.

Apply the custom log format to the error logging directive:

http {
    error_log /var/log/nginx/error.log custom_error;

This will use the custom log format for error logging.

Save and exit the configuration file and restart Nginx to apply the changes:

Viewing Nginx logs is a straightforward process. The most common way to view Nginx logs is through the terminal using the following commands:

Accessing the Logs:

The logs are usually stored in the /var/log/nginx/ directory. To view the access log file, open the terminal and type:

sudo nano /var/log/nginx/access.log

To view the error log file, type:

sudo nano /var/log/nginx/error.log

Using Tail to View Logs in Real-time:

To view logs in real-time, use the tail command. The tail command displays the last few lines of a file and updates in real-time as new entries are added. To view the access log file in real-time, type:

sudo tail -f /var/log/nginx/access.log

To view the error log file in real-time, type:

sudo tail -f /var/log/nginx/error.log

Using grep to Filter Logs:

To filter logs based on specific criteria, use the grep command. The grep command searches for a pattern in a file and displays only the matching lines. To filter the access log file based on a specific URL, type:

sudo cat /var/log/nginx/access.log | grep "example.com/page"

To filter the error log file based on a specific error code, type:

sudo cat /var/log/nginx/error.log | grep "404"

Analyzing Nginx Logs

Analyzing Nginx logs can help you identify issues, optimize server performance, and detect security threats. Here are some tips for analyzing Nginx logs using Linux commands:

Use Log Analysis Tools:

Many log analysis tools are available to help you analyze Nginx logs. These tools can provide visualizations, reports, and alerts to help you identify issues and optimize server performance.

Monitor Traffic:

Use access logs to monitor the traffic to your server. To view the top 10 most visited pages on your server, use the following command:

sudo awk '{print $7}' /var/log/nginx/access.log | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr | head -n 10

Identify Errors:

Use error logs to identify errors and issues with your server. To view the top 10 most common error codes in the error log file, use the following command:

sudo awk '{print $9}' /var/log/nginx/error.log | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr | head -n 10

Monitor Server Load:

Use access logs to monitor the server load and identify when the server is under heavy load. To view the top 10 busiest IP addresses accessing your server, use the following command:

sudo awk '{print $1}' /var/log/nginx/access.log | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr | head -n 10

Nginx Error Log Levels:

When logging errors in Nginx, it is important to understand the different logging levels. Each level of logging provides different levels of detail about the errors that occur on the server. Here are the levels of logging for Nginx:

Level Description
EMERG Emerg-level logging indicates a severe error that requires immediate attention, such as a system crash or data loss. This level of logging is the highest severity level and should be used sparingly.
ALERT Alert-level logging indicates an urgent error that requires immediate attention, such as a security breach or system outage.
CRIT Crit-level logging indicates a critical error that requires prompt attention, such as an unexpected shutdown or resource depletion.
ERROR Error-level logging indicates a non-critical error that requires attention, such as a failed connection or request timeout.
WARN Warn-level logging indicates a warning that may not be an error but still requires attention, such as a configuration issue or deprecated feature usage.
NOTICE Notice-level logging indicates a normal but significant event, such as a configuration change or startup event.
INFO Info-level logging indicates general information about the system or application, such as client connections or server response codes.
DEBUG Debug-level logging provides the most detailed information about errors and application-specific details, such as variable values and function calls. This level of logging is typically only used for development or debugging purposes.

Example Demonstrations:


Suppose a user reports they cannot access a specific page on your website. Using access logs and the grep command, you can filter the access log file for requests to that page and identify any errors. For example:

sudo cat /var/log/nginx/access.log | grep "example.com/problem-page"

This command will display all requests made to the page “example.com/problem-page,” including the request time, client IP address, and response status code. By analyzing the results, you can identify the cause of the issue, such as a server error or a broken link.

Performance Optimization:

Suppose you notice that your server is slow to respond to client requests. By analyzing access logs, you can identify which requests take the longest to process and optimize server resources accordingly. For example:

sudo awk '{print $1, $7, $NF}' /var/log/nginx/access.log | sort -nrk 3 | head

This command will display the top 10 requests that took the longest to process, including the client IP address, requested URL, and response time. You can improve server performance by optimizing resources or caching frequently requested content.

Closing Thoughts on Viewing Nginx Logs

Viewing Nginx logs is an essential part of managing your web server. Nginx logs provide valuable information about your server’s performance, user activity, and security threats. In this guide, we’ve covered the types of logs available, how to view logs, and how to analyze them to improve your server’s performance. Using the information in this guide, you can optimize your server, troubleshoot issues, and monitor traffic to ensure your website runs smoothly.

Nginx — это высокопроизводительный HTTP- сервер с открытым исходным кодом и обратный прокси-сервер, отвечающий за обработку нагрузки некоторых из крупнейших сайтов в Интернете. При управлении веб-серверами NGINX одной из наиболее частых задач, которые вы будете выполнять, является проверка файлов журналов.

Знание того, как настраивать и читать журналы, очень полезно при устранении неполадок сервера или приложений, поскольку они предоставляют подробную информацию об отладке.

Nginx записывает свои события в журналы двух типов: журналы доступа и журналы ошибок. Журналы доступа записывают информацию о клиентских запросах, а журналы ошибок записывают информацию о проблемах сервера и приложений.

В этой статье рассказывается, как настроить и прочитать журналы доступа и ошибок Nginx.

Настройка журнала доступа

Каждый раз, когда клиентский запрос обрабатывается, Nginx генерирует новое событие в журнале доступа. Каждая запись события содержит отметку времени и включает различную информацию о клиенте и запрошенном ресурсе. Журналы доступа могут показать вам местоположение посетителей, страницу, которую они посещают, сколько времени они проводят на странице и многое другое.

Директива log_format позволяет вам определять формат регистрируемых сообщений. Директива access_log включает и устанавливает расположение файла журнала и используемый формат.

Самый простой синтаксис директивы access_log следующий:

access_log log_file log_format;

Где log_file — это полный путь к файлу журнала, а log_format — формат, используемый файлом журнала.

Журнал доступа можно включить в блоке http , server или location .

По умолчанию журнал доступа глобально включен в директиве http в основном файле конфигурации Nginx.


http {
  access_log  /var/log/nginx/access.log;

Для удобства чтения рекомендуется создавать отдельный файл журнала доступа для каждого серверного блока. Директива access_log установленная в директиве server access_log директиву, установленную в директиве http (более высокого уровня).


http {
  access_log  /var/log/nginx/access.log;

  server {
    server_name domain.com
    access_log  /var/log/nginx/domain.access.log;

Если формат журнала не указан, Nginx использует предопределенный комбинированный формат, который выглядит следующим образом:

log_format combined '$remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local] '
                    '"$request" $status $body_bytes_sent '
                    '"$http_referer" "$http_user_agent"';

Чтобы изменить формат ведения журнала, отмените настройку по умолчанию или определите новую. Например, чтобы определить новый формат ведения журнала с именем custom, который расширит комбинированный формат значением, показывающим заголовок X-Forwarded-For добавьте следующее определение в директиву http или server :

log_format  custom  '$remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local] "$request" '
                    '$status $body_bytes_sent "$http_referer" '
                    '"$http_user_agent" "$http_x_forwarded_for"';

Чтобы использовать новый формат, укажите его имя после файла журнала, как показано ниже:

access_log  /var/log/nginx/access.log custom;

Хотя журнал доступа предоставляет очень полезную информацию, он занимает дисковое пространство и может повлиять на производительность сервера. Если на вашем сервере мало ресурсов и у вас загруженный веб-сайт, вы можете отключить журнал доступа. Чтобы сделать это, установите значение access_log директиву off :

Настройка журнала ошибок

Nginx записывает сообщения об ошибках приложения и общих ошибках сервера в файл журнала ошибок. Если вы испытываете ошибки в своем веб-приложении, журнал ошибок — это первое место, с которого можно начать поиск и устранение неисправностей.

Директива error_log включает и устанавливает расположение и уровень серьезности журнала ошибок. Он имеет следующую форму и может быть установлен в блоке http , server или location :

error_log log_file log_level

Параметр log_level устанавливает уровень ведения журнала. Ниже перечислены уровни в порядке их серьезности (от низкого до высокого):

  • debugdebug сообщения.
  • info — Информационные сообщения.
  • notice — Уведомления.
  • warn — Предупреждения.
  • error — Ошибки при обработке запроса.
  • crit — Критические проблемы. Требуется быстрое действие.
  • alert — Оповещения. Действия должны быть предприняты немедленно.
  • emerg — Чрезвычайная ситуация. Система находится в непригодном для использования состоянии.

Каждый уровень журнала включает в себя более высокие уровни. Например, если вы установите уровень журнала , чтобы warn , Nginx будет также регистрировать error , crit , alert и emerg сообщения.

Если параметр log_level не указан, по умолчанию используется error .

По умолчанию директива error_log определена в директиве http внутри основного файла nginx.conf:


http {
  error_log  /var/log/nginx/error.log;

Как и в случае с журналами доступа, рекомендуется создать отдельный файл журнала ошибок для каждого блока сервера, который переопределяет настройку, унаследованную от более высоких уровней.

Например, чтобы настроить журнал ошибок domain.com на warn вы должны использовать:

http {
  error_log  /var/log/nginx/error.log;

  server {
    server_name domain.com
    error_log  /var/log/nginx/domain.error.log warn;

Каждый раз, когда вы изменяете файл конфигурации, вам необходимо перезапустить службу Nginx, чтобы изменения вступили в силу.

Расположение файлов журнала

По умолчанию в большинстве дистрибутивов Linux, таких как Ubuntu , CentOS и Debian , журналы доступа и ошибок расположены в каталоге /var/log/nginx .

Чтение и понимание файлов журнала Nginx

Вы можете открывать и анализировать файлы журнала, используя стандартные команды, такие как cat , less , grep , cut , awk и т. Д.

Вот пример записи из файла журнала доступа, в котором используется стандартный формат журнала Nginx для объединения: - - [15/Oct/2019:19:41:46 +0000] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 396 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/77.0.3865.120 Safari/537.36"

Давайте разберемся, что означает каждое поле записи:

  • $remote_addr192.168.33.1 — IP-адрес клиента, выполняющего запрос.
  • $remote_user- — Пользователь, $remote_user аутентификацию по HTTP. Если имя пользователя не задано, в этом поле отображается - .
  • [$time_local][15/Oct/2019:19:41:46 +0000] — Время на локальном сервере.
  • "$request""GET / HTTP/1.1" — тип запроса, путь и протокол.
  • $status200 — Код ответа сервера.
  • $body_bytes_sent396 — Размер ответа сервера в байтах.
  • "$http_referer""-" — URL перехода.
  • "$http_user_agent"Mozilla/5.0 ... — Пользовательский агент клиента (веб-браузер).

Используйте команду tail для просмотра файла журнала в режиме реального времени:

tail -f  access.log 


Файлы журналов содержат полезную информацию о проблемах с сервером и о том, как посетители взаимодействуют с вашим сайтом.

Nginx позволяет настроить журналы доступа и ошибок в соответствии с вашими потребностями.

Если у вас есть какие-либо вопросы или отзывы, не стесняйтесь оставлять комментарии.

NGINX is one of the most widely used reverse proxy servers, web servers, and load balancers. It has capabilities like TLS offloading, can do health checks for backends, and offers support for HTTP2, gRPC, WebSocket, and most TCP-based protocols.

When running a tool like NGINX, which generally sits in front of your applications, it’s important to understand how to debug issues. And because you need to see the logs, you have to understand the different NGINX logging mechanisms. In addition to the errors in your application or web server, you need to look into NGINX performance issues, as they can lead to SLA breaches, negative user experience, and more.

In this article, we’ll explore the types of logs that NGINX provides and how to properly configure them to make troubleshooting easier.

What Are NGINX Logs?

NGINX logs are the files that contain information related to the tasks performed by the NGINX server, such as who tried to access which resources and whether there were any errors or issues that occured.

NGINX provides two types of logs: access logs and error logs. Before we show you how to configure them, let’s look at the possible log types and different log levels.

Here is the most basic NGINX configuration:

    server {
        listen       80;
        server_name  example.com www.example.com;
        access_log   /var/log/nginx/access.log  combined;
        root         /var/www/virtual/big.server.com/htdocs;

For this server, we opened port 80. The server name is “example.com www.example.com.” You can see the access and error log configurations, as well as the root of the directive, which defines from where to serve the files.

What Are NGINX Access Logs?

NGINX access logs are files that have the information of all the resources that a client is accessing on the NGINX server, such as details about what is being accessed and how it responded to the requests, including client IP address, response status code, user agent, and more. All requests sent to NGINX are logged into NGINX logs just after the requests are processed.

Here are some important NGINX access log fields you should be aware of:

  • remote_addr: The IP address of the client that requested the resource
  • http_user_agent: The user agent in use that sent the request
  • time_local: The local time zone of the server
  • request: What resource was requested by the client (an API path or any file)
  • status: The status code of the response
  • body_bytes_sent: The size of the response in bytes
  • request_time: The total time spent processing the request
  • remote_user: Information about the user making the request
  • http_referer: The IP address of the HTTP referer
  • gzip_ratio: The compression ratio of gzip, if gzip is enabled

NGINX Access Log Location

You can find the access logs in the logs/access.log file and change their location by using the access_log directive in the NGINX configuration file.

access_log path [format [buffer=size] [gzip[=level]] [flush=time] [if=condition]];
access_log /var/log/nginx/access.log combined

By changing the path field in the access_log directive, you can also change where you want to save your access logs.

An NGINX access log configuration can be overridden by another configuration at a lower level. For example:

http {
  access_log  /var/log/nginx/access.log  main;
  server {
    listen 8000;
    location /health {
      access_log off; # <----- this WILL work
      proxy_pass http://app1server;

Here, any calls to /health will not be logged, as the access logs are disabled for this path. All the other calls will be logged to the access log. There is a global config, as well as different local configs. The same goes for the other configurations that are in the NGINX config files.

How to Enable NGINX Access Logs

Most of the time, NGINX access logs are enabled by default. To enable them manually, you can use the access_log directive as follows:

access_log /var/log/nginx/access.log combined

The first parameter is the location of the file, and the second is the log format. If you put the access_log directive in any of the server directories, it will start the access logging.

Setting Up NGINX Custom Log Format

To easily predefine the NGINX access log format and use it along with the access_log directive, use the log_format directive:

log_format upstream_time '$remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local] '
    '"$request" $status $body_bytes_sent '
    '"$http_referer" "$http_user_agent"'
    'rt=$request_time uct="$upstream_connect_time" uht="$upstream_header_time" urt="$upstream_response_time"';

Most of the fields here are self explanatory, but if you want to learn more, look up NGINX configurations for logging. You can specify the log formats in an HTTP context in the /etc/nginx/nginx.conf file and then use them in a server context.

By default, NGINX access logs are written in a combined format, which looks something like this:

log_format combined '$remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local] '
                    '"$request" $status $body_bytes_sent '
                    '"$http_referer" "$http_user_agent"';

Once you have defined the log formats, you can use them with the access_log directive, like in the following examples:

server {
    access_log /var/log/nginx/access.log combined
    access_log /var/log/nginx/access.log upstream_time #defined in the first format

Formatting the Logs as JSON

Logging to JSON is useful when you want to ship the NGINX logs, as JSON makes log parsing very easy. Since you have key-value information, it will be simpler for the consumer to understand. Otherwise, the parse has to understand the format NGINX is logging.

NGINX 1.11.8 comes with an escape=json setting, which helps you define the NGINX JSON log format. For example:

log_format json_combined escape=json
    '"status": "$status",'

You can now use this predefined log format in JSON with the access_log directive to get the logs in JSON.

You can also use an open-source NGINX module, like https://github.com/jiaz/nginx-http-json-log, to do the JSON logging.

Configuring NGINX Conditional Logging

Sometimes, you want to write logs only when a certain condition is met. NGINX calls this conditional logging. For example:

map $remote_addr $log_enable {
    "" 0;
    "" 0;
    "" 0;
    "" 0;
    default 1;
access_log /var/log/nginx/access.log combined if=$log_enable

This means that whenever the request comes from the IPs to, the access logs will not be populated. For every other IP, the logs will be recorded.

You can use conditional logging with NGINX in multiple scenarios. For example, if you are under attack and can identify the IPs of the attacker, you can log the requests to a different file. This allows you to process the file and get relevant information about the attack later.

How to View NGINX Access Logs

Linux utilities, like LESS or TAIL, allow you to view NGINX logs easily. You can also see the NGINX access logs’ location from the configuration files. With newer systems that are running systemd, the journalctl feature can tail the logs. To see the logs, use this command:

journalctl -fu nginx.service

You can also tail the log locations, as shown here:

tail -f /var/log/nginx/access.log

It’s also possible to use journalctl, but this will show all the logs together, which can be a bit confusing.

How to Disable Access Logs

To disable an NGINX access log, pass the off argument to the access_log directive:

access_log off;

This can be useful when there are too many logs, which can overload the disk IO and, in rare cases, impact the performance of your NGINX server. However, disabling NGINX access logs is not usually recommended, as it can make troubleshooting difficult.

What Are NGINX Error Logs?

NGINX error logs are the files where all information about errors will be logged, including permission errors or any NGINX configuration-related access errors. While access logs are used to see the HTTP requests received by the server, error logs bring more value, as when there is an issue, they will show exactly what happened and provide detailed information about the issue.

Whenever there is an error with the requests, or when there are NGINX glitches, these issues will be recorded in the error log files configured in the NGINX configuration file.

Where Are the NGINX Error Logs Stored?

The location of NGINX error logs can be configured in the error_log directive in the NGINX configuration. By default, these logs are in the /var/log/nginx directory. You can configure the location separately for different server components that you can run in the NGINX configuration.

The default location is:


NGINX Error Logs Configuration

NGINX error logs configuration is in the same place as access_log. You can use the error_log directive to enable and configure the log levels and the location of the log file. Here is the configuration line to enable the error_log:

error_log log_file_location log_level;

NGINX Error Log Levels

NGINX has eight log levels for different degrees of severity and verbosity:

  1. emerg: These are the emergency logs. They mean that the system is unusable.
  2. alert: An immediate action is required.
  3. crit: A critical condition occurred.
  4. error: An error or failure occurred while processing a request.
  5. warn: There was an unexpected event, or something needs to be fixed, but NGINX fulfilled the request as expected.
  6. notice: Something normal, but important, has happened, and it needs to be noted.
  7. info: These are messages that give you information about the process.
  8. debug: These are messages that help with debugging and troubleshooting. They are generally not enabled unless needed because they create a lot of noise.

Note that the log_level parameter is a threshold, as every log level includes the previous log levels as well. For example, if your log level is 6 (notice), your logs will contain entries from levels 1 through 6.

Enable Debug Logging and Other Levels

You can specify the log level with the error_log directive using the log_level argument. As the log level number increases, the logs will contain more information. If the application misbehaves, you can enable the debug logs to aid you in the troubleshooting process. With the extra information they provide, you will be able to pinpoint the issue more easily. You can read about this more in the NGINX documentation.

Keeping NGINX debug logs enabled continuously is not recommended, as it will make logs very noisy and large by printing information that is generally unnecessary. If you see an issue, you can change the log level on the fly, solve the problem, then revert it back to a stricter severity.

Logging to Multiple Files

You can forward NGINX error logs to separate files based on the different log levels. In the configuration below, you send logs to all the specified log directives based on the log severity level.

error_log /var/log/nginx/error.info info;
error_log /var/log/nginx/error.crit crit;

This configuration can be very useful when looking at the different log levels separately or if you want your logging agent to label these logs based on filenames. You can selectively discard the error logs based on their severity.

How to Check NGINX Error Logs

You can view NGINX error logs the same way as access logs: for example, by using TAIL, LESS, or other utilities. Below is an example of how to do it with TAIL using the location of the error_logs that you have set. These logs are also present in journalctl logs, but there, they will be a combination of access_log and error_logs.

tail -f /var/log/nginx/error.log

How to Disable Error Logs

Disabling NGINX error logs can be tricky, as there is no off option in error_log. Similar to access_log in the lower configuration levels, you can use error_log false at the higher level configurations.

error_log off;

For the lower levels, you can forward the logs to /dev/null:

error_log /dev/null;

How to Send NGINX Logs to Syslog

NGINX can also ship your logs to log aggregators using syslog. This can be useful when you are logging other system/service logs in syslog or using syslog to export the logs. You can implement this with the syslog: prefix, which can be used with both access_log and error_logs. You can also use this prefix instead of the file path in the access_log and error_log directives.

Syslog can help you concentrate your NGINX logs in one place by forwarding them to a centralized logging solution:

error_log syslog:unix/var/log/nginx.sock debug

You can also send the logs to different syslog servers by defining the syslog server parameter to point to the IP or hostname and port of the syslog server.

error_log syslog:server= debug
access_log syslog:server=[]:9992, facility=local1,tag=nginx,severity=debug;

In the above configuration for access_log, the logs are forwarded to the local syslog server, with the service name as local1, since syslog doesn’t have an option for NGINX.

Syslog has various options for keeping the forwarded logs segregated:

  • Facility: Identifies who is logging to syslog.
  • Severity: Specifies the log levels.
  • Tag: Identifies the message sender or any other information that you want to send; default is NGINX.

NGINX Logging in Kubernetes Environments

In Kubernetes, NGINX Ingress runs as a pod. All the logs for the NGINX Ingress pods are sent to standard output and error logs. However, if you want to see the logs, you have to log in to the pod or use the kubectl commands, which is not a very practical solution.

You also have to find a way to ship the logs from the containers. You can do this with any logging agent that is running in the Kubernetes environment. These agents run as pods and mount the file system that NGINX runs on, reading the logs from there.

How to See the NGINX Ingress Logs

Use the kubectl logs command to see the NGINX logs as streams:

$ kubectl logs -f nginx-ingress-pod-name -n namespace.

It’s important to understand that pods can come and go, so the approach to debugging issues in the Kubernetes environment is a bit different than in VM or baremetal-based environments. In Kubernetes, the logging agent should be able to discover the NGINX Ingress pods, then scrape the logs from there. Also, the log aggregator should show the logs of the pods that were killed and discover any new pod that comes online.

NGINX Logging and Analysis with Sematext

NGINX log integration with Sematext

Sematext Logs is a log aggregation and management tool with great support for NGINX logs. Its auto-discovery feature is helpful, particularly when you have multiple machines. Simply create an account with Sematext, create the NGINX Logs App and install the Sematext Agent. Once you’re set up, you get pre-built, out-of-the-box dashboards and the option to build your own custom dashboards.

Sematext Logs is part of Sematext Cloud, a full-stack monitoring solution that gives you all you need when it comes to observability. By correlating NGINX logs and metrics, you’ll get a more holistic view of your infrastructure, which helps you identify and solve issues quickly.

Using anomaly-detection algorithms, Sematext Cloud informs you in advance of any potential issues. These insights into your infrastructure help you prevent issues and troubleshoot more efficiently. With Sematext Cloud, you can also collect logs and metrics from a wide variety of tools, including HAProxy, Apache Tomcat, JVM, and Kubernetes. By integrating with other components of your infrastructure, this tool is a one-stop solution for all your logging and monitoring needs.

If you’d like to learn more about Sematext Logs, and how they can help you manage your NGINX logs, then check out this short video below:

If you’re interested in how Sematext compares to other log management tools, read our review of the top NGINX log analyzers.


Managing, troubleshooting, and debugging large-scale NGINX infrastructures can be challenging, especially if you don’t have a proper way of looking into logs and metrics. It’s important to understand NGINX access and error logs, but if you have hundreds of machines, this will take a substantial amount of time. You need to be able to see the logs aggregated in one place.

Performance issues are also more common than you think. For example, you may not see anything in the error logs, but your APIs continue to degrade. To look into this properly, you need effective dashboarding around NGINX performance metrics, like response code and response time.

Sematext Logs can help you tackle these problems so you can troubleshoot more quickly. Sign up for our free trial today.

Author Bio

Gaurav Yadav
Gaurav has been involved with systems and infrastructure for almost 6 years now. He has expertise in designing underlying infrastructure and observability for large-scale software. He has worked on Docker, Kubernetes, Prometheus, Mesos, Marathon, Redis, Chef, and many more infrastructure tools. He is currently working on Kubernetes operators for running and monitoring stateful services on Kubernetes. He also likes to write about and guide people in DevOps and SRE space through his initiatives Learnsteps and Letusdevops.

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