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сб, 11.03.2023 — 21:48
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Дизель-электрогенератор молчит с сообщением об ошибке «Не сделано техобслуживание» (или как-то так): кто имеет опыт — чё с этим делать? В обход компьютера мотор запускается, — масло есть, топливо есть, — всё-класс. Инструкции нет. Как обычно с такими генераторами проводится техобслуживание, а именно — какого компьютер заругался — и откуда он узнает — что мы «пыль протёрли»? — мож-ему просто сброс какой-то сделать? — поделитесь опытом.
Оставьте заявку онлайн
Наша компания обеспечивает своевременное и качественное техническое обслуживание и ремонт дизельных генераторов JCB G140QS как в нашей сервисной зоне, так и с выездом по всей России.
Дизельная электростания JCB G140QS предназначена для стационарного размещения и может устанавливаться как в помещении (открытая комплектация, кожух), так и на улице (кожух, контейнер).
Технические характеристики дизельного генератора JCB G140QS:
Модель | G140QS |
Максимальная мощность, (кВт) | 112.2 |
Мощность, (кВт) | 101 |
Напряжение, (В) | 230/400 |
Количество фаз, (Ф) | 3 |
Запуск | электростартер |
Исполнение | в кожухе |
Вид топлива | дизель |
Функция сварки | Нет |
Частота, (Гц) | 50 |
Тип генератора | Синхронный |
Расход топлива, (л/ч) | 22.4 |
Емкость топливного бака, (л.) | 285 |
Двигатель | JCB |
Система охлаждение двигателя | жидкостная |
Частота вращения двигателя, (об/мин) | 1500 |
Вес, (кг) | 1720 |
Габариты (ДхШхВ), (мм) | 2850x1140x1830 |
Страна | Великобритания |
Производители | JCB |
Возможные неисправности дизельного генератора JCB G140QS:
- Дизельный двигатель не запускается.
- Нет 230/400 вольт. Отсутствует выходное напряжение.
- Двигатель запускается и глохнет.
- Дизельный двигатель останавливается, глохнет спустя интервал времени.
- Двигатель глохнет под нагрузкой запитанных электропотребителей.
- Двигатель не развивает свою мощность (не выходит на заданные рабочие обороты).
- Расход масла выше обычного.
- Громкий стук во время работы.
- Черный, бело-голубой цвет выхлопа.
- Высокий расход топлива.
- Напряжение ниже 230/400 вольт.
- Напряжение значительно выше 230/400 вольт.
- Напряжение около 20 вольт.
- Частота не соответствует 50 Гц.
- Чёрный выхлоп отработанных газов.
- Сизый выхлоп отработанных газов.
- Стартер не вращается, туго вращается.
- Электрический стартер не срабатывает.
- Потеки масла на корпусе двигателя (запотевание).
- Течь топлива.
- Посторонний шум при работе двигателя.
- Хлопки из глушителя при работе.
- Запах гари при работающем дизельгенераторе.
- Конденсатор лопнул, вздулся его корпус.
- Перегорела обмотки статора.
- Перегорела обмотки ротора.
Список ремонтируемых моделей JCB:
- JCB G115QS
- JCB G140QS
- JCB G165QS
- JCB G220QS
- JCB G275S
- JCB G275QS
- JCB G275BVO5
- JCB G350S
- JCB G350QS
- JCB G350BVO5
- JCB G415S
- JCB G415QS
- JCB G415BVO5
- JCB G440S
- JCB G440QS
- JCB G440BVO5
- JCB G495BVO5
- JCB G500S
- JCB G500QS
- JCB G550S
- JCB G550QS
- JCB G550BVO5
- JCB G660S
- JCB G660QS
- JCB G660BVO5
- JCB G700S
- JCB G700BVO5
- JCB G700QS
- JCB G700SCU5
- JCB G800SPE5
- JCB G850SPE5
- JCB G850SCU5
- JCB G850SMI5
- JCB G1000SPE5
- JCB G1000SCU5
- JCB G1005SCU5
- JCB G1100SMI5
- JCB G1100SCU5
- JCB G1100SPE5
- JCB G1105SCU5
- JCB G1240SPE5
- JCB G1380SPE5
- JCB G1400SMI5
- JCB G1410SCU5
- JCB G1480SPE5
- JCB G1530SMI5
- JCB G1540SCU5
- JCB G1600SPE5
- JCB G1650SPE5
- JCB G1650SMI5
- JCB G1650SCU5
- JCB G1700SCU5
- JCB G1900SMI5
- JCB G2000SCU5
- JCB G2000SPE5
- JCB G2090SMI5
- JCB G2200SMI5
- JCB G2250SCU5
- JCB G2250SPE5
- JCB G2500SCU5
- JCB G2500SPE5
- JCB G2500SMI5
Наши весомые преимущества
по ремонту дизель-генераторов JCB G140QS:
- 17 лет ремонтируем и обслуживаем
- Нагрузочное тестирование дизельных генераторов. В наличии нагрузочные стенды суммарной мощностью более 2 мвт.
- Электролабаратория. У нас есть собственная электролабаратория со всем необходимым оборудованием, с помощью которого мы выполняем:
- ремонт регулятора напряжения;
- ремонт блока управления дизельным двигателем;
- ремонт панели управления;
- ремонт контроллера;
- Компьютерная диагностика
- Станок для ремонта ДВС
- Видеоэндоскопия. Без демонтажа ГБЦ мы можем посмотреть состояние цилиндро-поршневой группы.
- Отличные условия для приема: сами разгружаем и погружаем. Есть погрузчик и кран-балка, вы можете приезти генератор на обычной бортовой машине, не нужен манипулятор.
- 4 выездные машины, укомплектованные всем необходимым оборудованием и первоклассными специалистами
- А также:
- доставка по всей россии
- гарантия на запчасти и услуги
- большой склад запчастей
Цены на ремонт дизельных генераторов JCB G140QS
Вид работ | Стоимость, рублей |
Диагностика дизельного генератора JCB G140QS | |
Диагностика дизельного генератора JCB G140QS в цеху | по запросу |
Выезд | по запросу |
Доставка техники | по запросу |
Ремонт ДГУ JCB G140QS | |
Ремонт системы отвода картерных газов | по запросу |
Регулировка блока АВР | по запросу |
Замена avr | по запросу |
Замена топливного фильтра | по запросу |
Ремонт топливной системы | по запросу |
Ремонт и перемотка силового альтернатора | по запросу |
Замена воздушного фильтра | по запросу |
Ремонт системы впуска | по запросу |
Замена соленоида | по запросу |
Замена радиатора охлаждающей жидкости | по запросу |
Замена контроллера управления | по запросу |
Ремонт системы охлаждения | по запросу |
Прошивка блока управления | по запросу |
Ремонт и замена АВР (блока автоматики) | по запросу |
Регулировка форсунок | по запросу |
Регулировка форсунок | по запросу |
Техническое обслуживание дизельных генераторов JCB G140QS | |
ТО 1-ой категории (замена масла, проверка эл.цепей) | по запросу |
ТО 2-ой категории (ТО 1 + замена воздушного фильтра) | по запросу |
ТО 3-й категории (ТО 2 + замена масляного и топливного фильтра) | по запросу |
Конечная цена зависит от множества факторов и определяется только после диагностики ДГУ, более точную цену Вы можете узнать, оставив заявку на ремонт.
В среднем диагностика ДЭС JCB G140QS занимает несколько часов.
Работаем по всей России!
Выезжаем в любой район Москвы и Московской области, а также в любой регион России!
Мы — официальный сервисный центр JCB
С 2011 года являемся официальным авторизованным сервисным цетром марки JCB, уполномочены осуществлять продажу и производить гарантийное и послегарантийное обслуживание техники фирмы-производителя. Даём гарантию на ремонтные работы и запчасти!
Заявка на ремонт дизельного генератора JCB G140QS
Пожалуйста, заполните форму ниже для более точного расчета цены на ремонт
JCB Product Support Laptop Based Diagnostic Tool Manual Download
JCB Diagnostic Trouble Codes Download
JCB flash codes list Download
JCB JS-Excavator’s Fault Codes List Download
JCB v8+ Electrical Error Fault codes v1-07 Download
Troubleshooting/fault code,error kode JCB Excavator JS 200 JS 210 JS 220 JS 240 JS 260 Download
Livelink is a monitoring system that allows you to check the condition of equipment from anywhere in the world.
A special adapter connects to the equipment and transmits data to the JCB site via satellites and the cellular network, so that at any time, wherever you are, you can go to the site and find out
the current state of the observed JCB equipment.
In the GENERAL category, you can view help information, DLA adapter settings, Servicemaster program manual, as well as additional programs for diagnostics of
engines, transmissions and hydrostatic systems of such machines as FASTRAC T4 tractors, TELETRUK LPG loaders, Loadall 532H-537H telehandlers.
In order to start diagnostics or other procedures, you need to select the type of equipment from the corresponding category.
And then select the desired procedure from the available ones. For most types of equipment, in addition to diagnostics, you can configure the blocks, download new firmware and updates, view the
service history, decode error codes, do various tests, detailed help is also available in which you can see the location of components and wiring diagrams.
Please note that the list of available options for different types and models of equipment is different!
JCB Diagnostic Kit (DLA) is a multifunctional dealer scanner that reads diagnostic trouble codes, ranking them according to the degree of need for service on JCB equipment.
Main functional features:
reads fault codes and ranks them in order of importance.
calibrates, parameters and programs ECM units.
carries out a reset of service intervals.
Compatible with Jcb Service Master 2 software.
works with CAN protocol in OBD II system.
supplied with instructions for operation, repair and diagnostics of JCB equipment and engines Isuzu, Deutz, Cummins.
JCB Diagnostic Kit (DLA) Applicability
JCB agricultural machinery
Fastrac tractors (2000-3000, 3000 2 Series, 3000 Series 3, 7000-Series, 8250-Series 1, 8250 3 Series, 8000-Series 3).
Telescopic handlers (2007 -, 2007 +).
Wheeled backhoe loaders (Large, Large 2012+, Compact).
JC construction machinery
Backhoe loaders, tracked excavators (JS / JZ, JZ70).
Wheeled excavators, compact excavators (Mini / Midi) (801-8065, 8080-8085).
Telescopic handlers (2007 -, 2007 +).
Skidsteer loaders (Robot and others).
Telescopic handlers Teletrucks.
Wheeled backhoe loaders (Large, Large 2012+, Compact).
Frontal loaders.
Vibrating rollers.
Rough terrain forklifts.
JCB engines
JCB Dieselmax (MPS, OEM Base, G Drive).
JCB Ecomax (MPS, OEM Base, G Drive).
JCB Diagnostic Kit (DLA) scanner.
USB cable.
DB9 cable.
9-pin adapter for German equipment.
8-pin cable.
JCB ServiceMaster 2 v10.3.1 software.
JCB Compact Service Manuals v50 [2011] (S1, S2, S3, S4, S5).
Tracked & Wheeled Excavators |
Extracted fromVersion 145 |
No of Error Codes in list 978 |
J1939 |
In Use? |
Reviewed/ |
Diagnostic Trouble |
Machine Reaction |
Extended Fault Text (Datalogger/Diagnostic Tools) |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P0001 |
Torque Reduction |
IMV driver fault is detected |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P0002 |
Torque Reduction |
Rail Pressure Negative Control Error During ‘IMV-Only’ control. PID controller not able to stabilise the |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P0002 |
Torque Reduction |
Rail pressure control error (pressure error too high). |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P0002 |
Delayed Engine Stop |
Rail Pressure Positive Control Error During ‘IMV-Only’ control. PID controller not able to stabilise the |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P0002 |
Torque Reduction |
Rail pressure control error (pressure error too low). |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P0003 |
Rail pressure control feedback low error |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P0003 |
Torque Reduction |
IMV driver fault is detected |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P0004 |
Torque Reduction |
IMV driver fault is detected |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P0004 |
Torque Reduction |
Rail pressure control feedback high error |
0x00 |
Y |
124 |
P0016 |
Cam Sensor Phase Shift |
0x00 |
Y |
124 |
P0045 |
VNT Control Fault |
0x00 |
Y |
124 |
P0045 |
Turbo EVRV Fault |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P0070-81 |
CAN bus message error from engine ECU |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P0070-87 |
CAN bus message error from engine ECU |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P0071-87 |
CAN bus message error for environment temperature from engine ECU |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P007A |
Torque Reduction |
TMAP (Intake Manifold 1 temp) Temperature Element sensor fault (ADC) |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P007C |
Torque Reduction |
TMAP (Intake Manifold 1 temp) Temperature Element sensor low fault |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P007D |
Torque Reduction |
TMAP (Intake Manifold 1 temp) Temperature Element sensor high fault |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P007E |
Torque Reduction |
TMAP (Intake Manifold 1 temp) Temperature Element sensor noise fault |
0x00 |
Y |
114 |
P0087 |
Torque Reduction |
Rail Pressure Control Error Positive |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P0087 |
Rail Pressure build low fault |
0x00 |
Y |
114 |
P0087 |
Rail Pressure build normal fault |
0x00 |
Y |
114 |
P0087 |
Torque Reduction_Delayed Engine Stop |
RPC Variable Limit Capacity (VLC) Torque reduction clamped |
0x00 |
Y |
124 |
P0087 |
Torque Reduction_Delayed Engine Stop |
Pressure Limiter Open |
0x00 |
Y |
114 |
P0087 |
Torque Reduction |
RPC Variable Limit Capacity (VLC) Torque reduction above its threshold |
0x00 |
Y |
114 |
P0088 |
Torque Reduction |
Rail pressure control error during HPV control (over max calibrated system pressure) |
0x00 |
Y |
114 |
P0088 |
Torque Reduction |
Rail pressure control error during IMV control (over max calibrated system pressure) |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P0088 |
Torque Reduction |
Rail pressure control undefined error (over max calibrated system pressure) |
0x00 |
Y |
114 |
P0088 |
Rail Pressure Control Error Negative |
0x00 |
Y |
124 |
P0088 |
Torque Reduction |
C/Rail pressure exceeds hi upper limit3 |
0x00 |
Y |
114 |
P0088 |
Rail Pressure overpressure timeout |
0x00 |
Y |
124 |
P0088 |
Torque Reduction |
Common Rail Pressure Rise㸦 1st Stage㸧 |
0x00 |
Y |
114 |
P0089 |
Rail Pressure control error |
0x00 |
Y |
114 |
P0089 |
Rail Pressure Negative Control Error During ‘HPV-Only’ control. PID controller not able to stabilise the |
0x00 |
Y |
114 |
P0089 |
Rail Pressure Positive Control Error During ‘HPV-Only’ control. PID controller not able to stabilise the |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P0089 |
Rail Pressure Negative Control Error During ‘IC & HMV’ control. PID controller not able to stabilise the |
0x00 |
Y |
114 |
P0089 |
Rail Pressure Positive Control Error During ‘IC & HMV’ control. PID controller not able to stabilise the |
0x00 |
Y |
114 |
P0089 |
Torque Reduction |
Rail Pressure Negative Control Error During ‘RVD-Only’ control. PID controller not able to stabilise the |
0x00 |
Y |
114 |
P0089 |
Delayed Engine Stop |
Rail Pressure Positive Control Error During ‘RVD-Only’ control. PID controller not able to stabilise the |
0x00 |
Y |
114 |
P0089 |
Torque Reduction |
Check that HPV is not stuck during IMV regulation. |
0x00 |
Y |
114 |
P0089 |
Torque Reduction |
HPV open loop slope fault detected |
0x00 |
Y |
124 |
P0089 |
Common Rail Pressure Fault (Excess Feed) |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P0090 |
Torque Reduction |
HPV driver in ECU fault detected |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P0091 |
Torque Reduction |
Check HPV regulation control trim low |
0x00 |
Y |
114 |
P0091 |
Torque Reduction |
Check HPV hardware current control trim low |
0x00 |
Y |
114 |
P0091 |
Torque Reduction |
HPV current feedback low fault detected |
0x00 |
Y |
124 |
P0091 |
Torque Reduction |
SCV Low Voltage Fault |
0x00 |
Y |
114 |
P0091 |
Torque Reduction |
HPV driver in ECU fault detected |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P0092 |
Torque Reduction |
Check HPV regulation control trim high. |
0x00 |
Y |
124 |
P0092 |
Torque Reduction_Delayed Engine Stop |
SCV High Voltage Fault |
0x00 |
Y |
114 |
P0092 |
Torque Reduction |
Check HPV hardware current control trim high |
0x00 |
Y |
114 |
P0092 |
Torque Reduction_Delayed Engine Stop |
HPV current feedback high fault detected |
0x00 |
Y |
114 |
P0092 |
Torque Reduction_Delayed Engine Stop |
HPV driver in ECU fault detected |
0x00 |
Y |
124 |
P0093 |
Common Rail Pressure Fall (No Feed) |
0x00 |
Y |
124 |
P0093 |
Common Rail Pressure Fault (Lack of Feed 2) |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P0095 |
Torque Reduction |
Intake manifold temperature (M2) signal sensor ADC fault (Intake Manifold 2 temp) |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P0096 |
Torque Reduction |
Intake manifold temperature sensor (M2) signal noise fault (Intake Manifold 2 temp) |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P0096 |
Torque Reduction |
Intake manifold temperature sensor (M2) signal plausibility fault (Intake Manifold 2 temp) |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P0097 |
Torque Reduction |
Intake manifold temperature sensor (M2) signal low fault (Intake Manifold 2 temp) |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P0098 |
Torque Reduction |
Intake manifold temperature sensor (M2) signal high signal fault (Intake Manifold 2 temp) |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P00B7-87 |
T4F Inducement |
CAN bus message error for coolant sensor from engine ECU |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P0100 |
Torque Reduction |
AMF High Side Driver fault Short Circuit To Ground (SC2G) |
0x00 |
Y |
114 |
P0100 |
Torque Reduction |
AMF fault (global). Set if plau, grad or electrical flt is present |
0x00 |
Y |
114 |
P0100 |
Torque Reduction |
AMF High Side Driver fault (Global |
0x00 |
Y |
114 |
P0100 |
Torque Reduction |
AMF High Side Driver fault Open Circuit (OC) Or Short Circuit to Battery (SC2VBAT) |
0x00 |
Y |
114 |
P0100 |
Torque Reduction |
AMF High Side Driver fault Short Circuit (SC) |
0x00 |
Y |
114 |
P0100 |
Torque Reduction |
AMF electrical sensor fault (ADC) |
0x00 |
Y |
124 |
P0101 |
MAF Sensor Fault |
0x00 |
Y |
124 |
P0102 |
Torque Reduction |
MAF Low Voltage Fault |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P0102 |
Torque Reduction |
AMF electrical sensor low fault |
0x00 |
Y |
124 |
P0103 |
Torque Reduction |
MAF High Voltage Fault |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P0103 |
Torque Reduction |
AMF electrical sensor high fault |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P0105 |
Torque Reduction |
Intake Manifold Absolute Pressure (MAP) sensor global fault |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P0106 |
Torque Reduction |
Intake Manifold Absolute Pressure (MAP) sensor signal drift low fault |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P0106 |
Torque Reduction |
Intake Manifold Absolute Pressure (MAP) sensor signal drift high fault |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P0106 |
Torque Reduction |
Intake Manifold Absolute Pressure (MAP) sensor signal plausibility fault |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P0106 |
Torque Reduction |
Intake Manifold Absolute Pressure (MAP) sensor signal plausibility high fault |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P0106 |
Torque Reduction |
Intake Manifold Absolute Pressure (MAP) sensor signal plausibility low fault |
0x00 |
Y |
124 |
P0107 |
Boost Pressure Sensor Fault 㸦 Low Voltage Fault |
0x00 |
Y |
124 |
P0108 |
Boost Pressure Sensor Fault 㸦 High Voltage Fault㸧 |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P0110 |
Torque Reduction |
Inlet Air Temperature (IAT) sensor signal ADC fault detected |
0x00 |
Y |
124 |
P0112 |
Torque Reduction |
Inlet Air Temperature (IAT) sensor signal low fault detected |
0x00 |
Y |
124 |
P0113 |
Torque Reduction |
Inlet Air Temperature (IAT) sensor signal high fault detected |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P0115 |
Torque Reduction |
Coolant sensor signal fault |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P0116 |
Coolant sensor fault (plausibility) |
0x00 |
Y |
124 |
P0116 |
Torque Reduction |
Coolant temperature sensor performance invalid |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P0117 |
Coolant sensor signal low fault |
0x00 |
Y |
124 |
P0117 |
Coolant temperature sensor signal too low |
0x00 |
Y |
124 |
P0118 |
Coolant sensor signal high fault |
0x00 |
Y |
124 |
P0122 |
Intake Throttle Position Low Voltage Fault |
0x00 |
Y |
124 |
P0123 |
Intake Throttle Position High Voltage Fault |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P0129-87 |
Erroneous signal for Barometric Pressure. |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P0129-87 |
CAN bus message error for environment pressure from engine ECU |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P0133 |
Wide Range Air Fuel control (WRAF) fault: Response |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P0180 |
Torque Reduction |
Fuel temperature ADC fault |
J1939 |
In Use? |
Added |
Diagnostic Trouble |
Machine Reaction |
Extended Fault Text (Datalogger/Diagnostic Tools) |
0x00 |
Y |
124 |
P0181 |
Torque Reduction |
Fuel Temperature Sensor Fault |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P0181 |
Torque Reduction |
Fuel temperature sensor gradient fault |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P0181-87 |
CAN bus message error for fuel temperature from engine ECU |
0x00 |
Y |
124 |
P0182 |
Torque Reduction |
Fuel temperature sensor low fault |
0x00 |
Y |
124 |
P0183 |
Torque Reduction |
Fuel temperature sensor high fault |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P0190 |
Torque Reduction_Limp Home (Idle Only) |
Rail Pressure Sensor signal grad fault |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P0191 |
Torque Reduction_Limp Home (Idle Only) |
Rail Pressure Sensor fault. Above maximum threshold (out of range at key-on) |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P0191 |
Torque Reduction_Limp Home (Idle Only) |
Rail Pressure Sensor fault. Below minimum threshold (out of range at key-on) |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P0191 |
Torque Reduction_Limp Home (Idle Only) |
Rail Pressure Sensor fault. Exceeds threshold (out of range at key-on) |
0x00 |
Y |
124 |
P0192 |
Torque Reduction_Limp Home (Idle Only) |
Rail Pressure Sensor signal low fault |
0x00 |
Y |
124 |
P0193 |
Torque Reduction_Limp Home (Idle Only) |
Rail Pressure Sensor signal high fault |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P0194 |
Torque Reduction_Limp Home (Idle Only)_Delayed |
Rail Pressure Sensor signal drop fault |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P0195 |
Torque Reduction |
Oil temperature sensor signal global fault |
0x00 |
Y |
114 |
P0195 |
Torque Reduction |
Oil temperature sensor signal external voltage (V-Ref) fault |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P0196 |
Torque Reduction |
Oil temperature sensor signal plausability fault |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P0196 |
Torque Reduction |
Oil temperature sensor signal gradient fault |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P0196-87 |
CAN bus message error for oil temperature from engine ECU |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P0197 |
Torque Reduction |
Oil temperature sensor signal low fault |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P0198 |
Torque Reduction |
Oil temperature sensor signal high fault |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P0201 |
Injector 2 Open Circuit fault (OC) |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P0201 |
Injector in Cylinder 1 Short Circuit HSD to LSD |
0x00 |
Y |
124 |
P0201 |
Injector in Cylinder 1 Open Circuit fault (OC) |
0x00 |
Y |
124 |
P0202 |
Injector 1 Open Circuit fault (OC) |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P0202 |
Injector in Cylinder 2 Short Circuit HSD to LSD |
0x00 |
Y |
88 |
P0202 |
Injector in Cylinder 2 Open Circuit fault (OC) |
0x00 |
Y |
124 |
P0203 |
Injector 3 Open Circuit fault (OC) |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P0203 |
Injector in Cylinder 3 Short Circuit HSD to LSD |
0x00 |
Y |
88 |
P0203 |
Injector in Cylinder 3 Open Circuit fault (OC) |
0x00 |
Y |
124 |
P0204 |
Injector 0 Open Circuit fault (OC) |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P0204 |
Injector in Cylinder 4 Short Circuit HSD to LSD |
0x00 |
Y |
88 |
P0204 |
Injector in Cylinder 4 Open Circuit fault (OC) |
0x00 |
Y |
124 |
P0205 |
Injector in Cylinder 5 Open Circuit fault (OC) |
0x00 |
Y |
88 |
P0205 |
Injector in Cylinder 5 Short Circuit HSD to LSD |
0x00 |
Y |
124 |
P0206 |
Injector in Cylinder 6 Open Circuit fault (OC) |
0x00 |
Y |
88 |
P0206 |
Injector in Cylinder 6 Short Circuit HSD to LSD |
0x00 |
Y |
124 |
P0217 |
Torque Reduction |
Coolant temperature exceeds upper limit |
0x00 |
Y |
124 |
P0219 |
Torque Reduction |
Engine overspeed condition |
0x00 |
Y |
124 |
P0234 |
Torque Reduction |
Turbo Over Boost |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P0235 |
Torque Reduction |
Boosted air pressure sensor fault: ADC |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P0237 |
Torque Reduction |
Boosted air pressure sensor low fault |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P0238 |
Torque Reduction |
Boosted air pressure sensor high fault |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P0252 |
Torque Reduction |
Rail pressure control error (IMV current trim drift). |
0x00 |
Y |
114 |
P0252 |
Torque Reduction |
Rail pressure control error (IMV current trim drift). |
0x00 |
Y |
114 |
P0252 |
Torque Reduction |
Rail pressure control error (IMV current trim drift). |
0x00 |
Y |
114 |
P0252 |
Torque Reduction |
Rail pressure control error (IMV current trim drift). |
0x00 |
Y |
114 |
P0252 |
Torque Reduction |
Rail pressure control error (IMV current trim drift). |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P0253 |
Torque Reduction_Delayed Engine Stop |
Rail pressure control by the IMV. Occurs at high fuel delivery for low (negative) current trim |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P0254 |
Torque Reduction_Delayed Engine Stop |
Rail pressure control fault by the IMV. Occurs at high fuel delivery for high (positive) current trim |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P0261 |
Torque Reduction |
Injector and wiring harness resistance too high/low (inj 2) |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P0261 |
Torque Reduction |
Injector and wiring harness resistance too high/low (inj 2) |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P0262 |
Torque Reduction |
Injector and wiring harness resistance drop (Inj 2) |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P0262 |
Torque Reduction |
Injector and wiring harness resistance drop (Inj 2) |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P0263 |
Torque Reduction |
Cylinder balancing fault injector 2 stuck closed |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P0264 |
Torque Reduction |
Injector and wiring harness resistance too high/low (inj 1) |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P0264 |
Torque Reduction |
Injector and wiring harness resistance too high/low (inj 1) |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P0265 |
Torque Reduction |
Injector and wiring harness resistance drop (Inj 1) |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P0265 |
Torque Reduction |
Injector and wiring harness resistance drop (Inj 1) |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P0266 |
Torque Reduction |
Cylinder balancing fault injector 1 stuck closed |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P0267 |
Torque Reduction |
Injector and wiring harness resistance too high/low (inj 3) |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P0267 |
Torque Reduction |
Injector and wiring harness resistance too high/low (inj 3) |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P0268 |
Torque Reduction |
Injector and wiring harness resistance drop (Inj 3) |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P0268 |
Torque Reduction |
Injector and wiring harness resistance drop (Inj 3) |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P0269 |
Torque Reduction |
Cylinder balancing fault injector 3 stuck closed |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P0270 |
Torque Reduction |
Injector drift fault detection on Injector 2. Fault which is set when the Injector 2 MDP trim exceeds the |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P0270 |
Torque Reduction |
Injector drift fault detection on Injector 2. Fault which is set when Injector 2 MDP trim exceeds the |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P0271 |
Torque Reduction |
Injector and wiring harness resistance drop (Inj 0) |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P0271 |
Torque Reduction |
Injector and wiring harness resistance drop (Inj 0) |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P0272 |
Torque Reduction |
Cylinder balancing fault injector 0 stuck closed |
0x00 |
Y |
88 |
P0273 |
Injector and wiring harness resistance too high/low (inj 1) |
0x00 |
Y |
88 |
P0273 |
Injector and wiring harness resistance too high/low (inj 1) |
0x00 |
Y |
88 |
P0274 |
Injector and wiring harness resistance drop (Inj 1) |
0x00 |
Y |
88 |
P0274 |
Injector and wiring harness resistance drop (Inj 1) |
0x00 |
Y |
88 |
P0275 |
Cylinder balancing fault injector 1 stuck closed |
0x00 |
Y |
88 |
P0276 |
Injector and wiring harness resistance too high/low (inj 3) |
0x00 |
Y |
88 |
P0276 |
Injector and wiring harness resistance too high/low (inj 3) |
0x00 |
Y |
88 |
P0277 |
Injector and wiring harness resistance drop (Inj 3) |
0x00 |
Y |
88 |
P0277 |
Injector and wiring harness resistance drop (Inj 3) |
0x00 |
Y |
88 |
P0278 |
Cylinder balancing fault injector 3 stuck closed |
0x00 |
Y |
124 |
P0299 |
Torque Reduction |
Turbo Low Boost |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P029A |
Injector drift fault detection on Injector 3. Fault which is set when the Injector 3 MDP trim exceeds the |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P029A |
Injector drift fault detection on Injector 2. Fault which is set when the Injector 2 MDP trim exceeds the |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P029A |
Injector drift fault detection on Injector 2. Fault which is set when Injector 2 MDP trim exceeds the |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P029B |
Fault which is set when the Injector 3 absolute MDP value is below a calibrated threshold |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P029B |
Injector drift fault detection on Injector 2. Fault which is set when Injector 2 MDP trim exceeds the |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P029B |
Injector drift fault detection on Injector 2. Fault which is set when Injector 2 MDP trim exceeds the |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P029B |
Injector drift fault detection on Injector 2. Fault which is set when Injector 2 MDP trim exceeds the |
J1939 |
In Use? |
Added |
Diagnostic Trouble |
Machine Reaction |
Extended Fault Text (Datalogger/Diagnostic Tools) |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P029E |
Injector drift fault detection on Injector 1. Fault which is set when the Injector 1 MDP trim exceeds the |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P029E |
Injector drift fault detection on Injector 1. Fault which is set when the Injector 1 MDP trim exceeds the |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P029E |
Injector drift fault detection on Injector 1. Fault which is set when Injector 1 MDP trim exceeds the |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P029F |
Fault which is set when the Injector 2 absolute MDP value is below a calibrated threshold |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P029F |
Injector drift fault detection on Injector 1. Fault which is set when Injector 1 MDP trim exceeds the |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P029F |
Injector drift fault detection on Injector 1. Fault which is set when Injector 1 MDP trim exceeds the |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P029F |
Injector drift fault detection on Injector 1. Fault which is set when Injector 1 MDP trim exceeds the |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P02A2 |
Injector drift fault detection on Injector 2. Fault which is set when the Injector 2 MDP trim exceeds the |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P02A2 |
Injector drift fault detection on Injector 2. Fault which is set when the Injector 2 MDP trim exceeds the |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P02A2 |
Injector drift fault detection on Injector 2. Fault which is set when Injector 2 MDP trim exceeds the |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P02A3 |
Fault which is set when the Injector 4 absolute MDP value is below a calibrated threshold |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P02A3 |
Injector drift fault detection on Injector 3. Fault which is set when Injector 3 MDP trim exceeds the |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P02A3 |
Injector drift fault detection on Injector 3. Fault which is set when Injector 3 MDP trim exceeds the |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P02A3 |
Injector drift fault detection on Injector 3. Fault which is set when Injector 3 MDP trim exceeds the |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P02A6 |
Injector drift fault detection on Injector 0. Fault which is set when the Injector 0 MDP trim exceeds the |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P02A6 |
Injector drift fault detection on Injector 0. Fault which is set when the Injector 0 MDP trim exceeds the |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P02A6 |
Injector drift fault detection on Injector 0. Fault which is set when Injector 0 MDP trim exceeds the |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P02A7 |
Fault which is set when the Injector 1 absolute MDP value is below a calibrated threshold |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P02A7 |
Injector drift fault detection on Injector 0. Fault which is set when Injector 0 MDP trim exceeds the |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P02A7 |
Injector drift fault detection on Injector 0. Fault which is set when Injector 0 MDP trim exceeds the |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P02A7 |
Injector drift fault detection on Injector 0. Fault which is set when Injector 0 MDP trim exceeds the |
0x00 |
Y |
88 |
P02AA |
Injector drift fault detection on Injector 1. Fault which is set when the Injector 1 MDP trim exceeds the |
0x00 |
Y |
88 |
P02AA |
Injector drift fault detection on Injector 1. Fault which is set when the Injector 1 MDP trim exceeds the |
0x00 |
Y |
88 |
P02AA |
Injector drift fault detection on Injector 1. Fault which is set when Injector 1 MDP trim exceeds the |
0x00 |
Y |
88 |
P02AB |
Fault which is set when the Injector 1 absolute MDP value is below a calibrated threshold |
0x00 |
Y |
88 |
P02AB |
Injector drift fault detection on Injector 1. Fault which is set when Injector 1 MDP trim exceeds the |
0x00 |
Y |
88 |
P02AB |
Injector drift fault detection on Injector 1. Fault which is set when Injector 1 MDP trim exceeds the |
0x00 |
Y |
88 |
P02AB |
Injector drift fault detection on Injector 1. Fault which is set when Injector 1 MDP trim exceeds the |
0x00 |
Y |
88 |
P02AE |
Injector drift fault detection on Injector 3. Fault which is set when the Injector 3 MDP trim exceeds the |
0x00 |
Y |
88 |
P02AE |
Injector drift fault detection on Injector 3. Fault which is set when the Injector 3 MDP trim exceeds the |
0x00 |
Y |
88 |
P02AE |
Injector drift fault detection on Injector 3. Fault which is set when Injector 3 MDP trim exceeds the |
0x00 |
Y |
88 |
P02AF |
Fault which is set when the Injector 3 absolute MDP value is below a calibrated threshold |
0x00 |
Y |
88 |
P02AF |
Injector drift fault detection on Injector 3. Fault which is set when Injector 3 MDP trim exceeds the |
0x00 |
Y |
88 |
P02AF |
Injector drift fault detection on Injector 3. Fault which is set when Injector 3 MDP trim exceeds the |
0x00 |
Y |
88 |
P02AF |
Injector drift fault detection on Injector 3. Fault which is set when Injector 3 MDP trim exceeds the |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P0321-87 |
CAN bus message error for engine speed from engine ECU |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P0325 |
Accelerometer fault (signal/noise ratio too low in idle) |
0x00 |
Y |
94 |
P0330 |
Knock Sensor 1 Circuit |
0x00 |
Y |
124 |
P0335 |
Crank Sensor Fault 㸦 No Signal㸧 |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P0335 |
Crankshaft Position Sensor «A» Circuit |
0x00 |
Y |
114 |
P0335 |
Crank signal overspeed fault |
0x00 |
Y |
124 |
P0336 |
Torque Reduction |
Crank Sensor Fault 㸦 Signal Fault㸧 |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P0340 |
Torque Reduction |
Cam signal last learnt value is outside of limits |
0x00 |
Y |
124 |
P0340 |
Torque Reduction |
G Sensor Fault (No Signal) |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P0341 |
Torque Reduction |
Cam signal drift higher than threshold |
0x00 |
Y |
124 |
P0341 |
Torque Reduction |
G Sensor Fault (Abnormal Signal㸧 |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P0341 |
Camshaft Position Sensor A Circuit Range / Performance |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P0341 |
Torque Reduction |
Cam signal lost (no Cam signal seen in 2 Crank rotations) |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P0341 |
Torque Reduction |
Cam signal fault (missing event within the expected window) |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P0341 |
Cam signal fault (overspeed detected) |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P0350-02 |
Error monitoring for system protection based on ignition switch input |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P0371 |
Torque Reduction |
Crank signal is too close to the previous one |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P0372 |
Torque Reduction |
Elapsed time between CPS events is too high |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P0374 |
Torque Reduction |
Crank signal lost (no CPS signal seen in 1 Cam rotation) |
0x00 |
Y |
124 |
P0380 |
Glow Plug/Heater Circuit «A» |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P0380 |
Glow Plug/Heater Circuit «A» |
0x00 |
Y |
124 |
P0381 |
Glow Plug Fault |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P0383 |
Glow Plug Control Module Control Circuit Low |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P0384 |
Glow Plug Control Module Control Circuit High |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P0400 |
Torque Reduction / T4F Inducement |
EGR flow reached its limit |
0x00 |
Y |
124 |
P0401 |
EGR Gas flow Fault |
0x00 |
Y |
124 |
P0404 |
EGR Valve Control Fault |
0x00 |
Y |
124 |
P0404 |
EGR Open Defective |
0x00 |
Y |
94 |
P0404 |
Exhaust Gas Recirculation «A» Control Circuit Range/Performance |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P0405 |
Exhaust Gas Recirculation Sensor «A» Circuit Low |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P0406 |
Exhaust Gas Recirculation Sensor «A» Circuit High |
0x00 |
Y |
124 |
P0409 |
EGR Position Sensor Fault 㸦 Brushless Specification㸧 |
0x00 |
Y |
124 |
P041C |
Manifold Temperature Sensor Fault 㸦 High Voltage |
0x00 |
Y |
124 |
P041D |
Manifold Temperature Sensor Fault 㸦 Low Voltage Fault㸧 |
0x00 |
Y |
124 |
P0426 |
DPF Exhaust Temperature 1 High |
0x00 |
Y |
124 |
P0426 |
DPF Exhaust Temperature 1Low |
0x00 |
Y |
124 |
P0427 |
Exhaust Temperature Sensor 1Low Voltage Fault |
0x00 |
Y |
124 |
P0428 |
Exhaust Temperature Sensor 1High Voltage Fault |
0x00 |
Y |
124 |
P042B |
DPF Exhaust Temperature 2 High |
0x00 |
Y |
124 |
P042B |
DPF Exhaust Temperature 2 Low |
0x00 |
Y |
124 |
P042C |
Exhaust Temperature Sensor 2 Low Voltage Fault |
0x00 |
Y |
124 |
P042D |
Exhaust Temperature Sensor 2 High Voltage Fault |
0x00 |
Y |
94 |
P046D |
Exhaust Gas Recirculation Sensor «A» Circuit Intermittent/Erratic |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P0470 |
Torque Reduction |
Exhaust manifold pressure (P3) signal ADC fault |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P0472 |
Torque Reduction |
Exhaust manifold pressure (P3) signal low fault |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P0472 |
Torque Reduction |
Exhaust manifold pressure (P3) signal drifted low |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P0473 |
Torque Reduction |
Exhaust manifold pressure (P3) signal high fault |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P0473 |
Torque Reduction |
Exhaust manifold pressure (P3) signal drifted high |
0x00 |
Y |
124 |
P0512 |
Starter Switch Fault |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P0520 |
Low oil pressure Lamp/Gauge drive open circuit (OC) |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P0520 |
Low oil pressure Lamp/Gauge drive short circuit (SC) |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P0520 |
Low oil pressure Lamp/Gauge drive short circuit to ground (SC2GND) |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P0520 |
Low oil pressure Lamp/Gauge drive short circuit to battery voltage (SC2VBATT) |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P0521 |
Oil pressure sensor signal global fault |
0x00 |
Y |
124 |
P0522 |
None |
Engine Oil Pressure Sensor Fault (Low Voltage Fault) |
0x00 |
Y |
88 |
P0522 |
Torque Reduction |
Oil Pressure Signal Out of Range High |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P0522 |
High Oil Pressure During Engine Running |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P0523 |
Low Oil Pressure During Engine Running |
0x27 |
Y |
91 |
P0523 |
Low Oil Pressure During Engine Running |
0x00 |
Y |
124 |
P0523 |
Engine Oil Pressure Sensor Fault (High Voltage Fault) |
0x00 |
Y |
88 |
P0523 |
Torque Reduction |
Oil Pressure Signal Out of Range Low |
0x00 |
Y |
88 |
P0523 |
Low Oil Pressure During Engine Running |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P0544 |
Torque Reduction |
Turbo in temperature fault |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P0545 |
Torque Reduction |
Turbo in temperature count low fault |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P0546 |
Torque Reduction |
Turbo in temperature count high fault |
0x00 |
Y |
124 |
P0560 |
12V Power Supply Voltage Fault |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P0562 |
Torque Reduction |
Battery voltage monitoring signal low fault |
0x00 |
Y |
124 |
P0562 |
Torque Reduction |
System Power Supply Low Voltage Fault |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P0562-16 |
Low battery voltage |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P0562-02 |
Fault due to low or high battery voltage supply to DCU |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P0563 |
Torque Reduction |
Battery voltage monitoring signal high fault |
0x00 |
Y |
124 |
P0563 |
Torque Reduction |
System Power Supply High Voltage Fault |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P0563-17 |
High battery voltage |
0x00 |
Y |
124 |
P0601 |
Torque Reduction |
ROM Fault |
0x00 |
Y |
124 |
P0602 |
Limp Home (Idle Only) |
QR Code Error |
0x00 |
Y |
114 |
P0602 |
Limp Home (Idle Only) |
C2I data not programmed |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P0602 |
Limp Home (Idle Only) |
C2I data not programmed |
0x00 |
Y |
114 |
P0602 |
Limp Home (Idle Only) |
C2I data not programmed |
0x00 |
Y |
114 |
P0602 |
Limp Home (Idle Only) |
C2I data not programmed |
0x00 |
Y |
114 |
P0602 |
Limp Home (Idle Only)_Engine Stop |
RAM corruption affecting Injector C2I data |
0x00 |
Y |
114 |
P0602 |
Functional Safety Fault |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P0602 |
Limp Home (Idle Only) |
Functional Safety Fault |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P0603 |
Engine Stop |
ECU memory integrity fault (data / cal integrity) |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P0604 |
Engine Stop |
ECU memory integrity fault (RAM integrity) |
0x00 |
Y |
124 |
P0604 |
Engine Stop |
RAM Fault |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P0605 |
Engine Stop |
ECU memory integrity fault (code integrity) |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P0606 |
Engine Stop |
Functional Safety Fault |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P0606 |
Engine Stop |
Functional Safety Fault |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P0606 |
Engine Stop |
Functional Safety Fault |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P0606 |
Engine Stop |
Functional Safety Fault |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P0606 |
Engine Stop |
Functional Safety Fault |
0x00 |
Y |
124 |
P0606 |
Engine Stop |
CPU Fault |
0x00 |
Y |
124 |
P0606 |
Engine Stop |
CPU Monitoring IC Fault |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P0606 |
Engine Stop |
Functional Safety Fault |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P0606-02 |
Peripheral monitoring error on DCU |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P0607 |
Engine Stop |
Functional Safety Fault |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P0607 |
Torque Reduction |
Throttle H-Bridge driver in ECU fault: Over temperature |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P060A |
Engine Stop |
Functional Safety Fault |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P060A |
Engine Stop |
Functional Safety Fault |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P060A |
Engine Stop |
Functional Safety Fault |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P060A |
Engine Stop |
Functional Safety Fault |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P060A |
Engine Stop |
Functional Safety Fault |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P060A |
Engine Stop |
Functional Safety Fault |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P060A |
Engine Stop |
Functional Safety Fault |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P060A |
Engine Stop |
Functional Safety Fault |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P060A-00 |
Monitoring error on DCU |
0x00 |
Y |
124 |
P060B |
A/D Conversion Fault |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P060B |
Limp Home (Idle Only)_Engine Stop |
ADC circuit fault (Global) |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P060B |
Torque Reduction |
HPV current feedback ADC fault detected |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P060B |
Internal Control Module A/D Processing Performance |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P060B |
Torque Reduction |
Functional Safety Fault |
SA (hex) |
In Use? |
Added |
Code |
Machine Reaction |
Extended Fault Text (Datalogger/Diagnostic Tools) |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P060B |
Torque Reduction |
Functional Safety Fault |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P060B |
Torque Reduction |
Functional Safety Fault |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P060C |
Engine Stop |
Functional Safety Fault |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P060C |
Engine Stop |
Functional Safety Fault |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P060C |
Engine Stop |
Functional Safety Fault |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P060C |
Engine Stop |
Functional Safety Fault |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P060C |
Engine Stop |
Functional Safety Fault |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P060C |
Engine Stop |
Functional Safety Fault |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P060C |
Engine Stop |
Functional Safety Fault |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P060C |
Engine Stop |
Functional Safety Fault |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P060C |
Engine Stop |
Functional Safety Fault |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P060C-00 |
DCU software reset performed |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P060C-41 |
T4F Inducement |
DCU software reset performed |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P060C-94 |
DCU software reset performed |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P060C-68 |
DCU software reset performed |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P060D |
Engine Stop |
Functional Safety Fault |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P060D |
Engine Stop |
Functional Safety Fault |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P060D |
Torque Reduction |
Functional Safety Fault |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P060D |
Torque Reduction |
Functional Safety Fault |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P060E |
Torque Reduction |
Functional Safety Fault |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P0612 |
Fuel Injector Control Module Relay Control |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P0612 |
Fuel Injector Control Module Relay Control |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P0612 |
Fuel Injector Control Module Relay Control |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P0612 |
Fuel Injector Control Module Relay Control |
0x00 |
Y |
124 |
P0615 |
Starter Relay Circuit |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P061A |
Functional Safety Fault |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P061B |
Torque Reduction |
Functional Safety Fault |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P061C |
Functional Safety Fault |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P061E |
Functional Safety Fault |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P061E |
Functional Safety Fault |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P0627 |
Torque Reduction |
Lift pump global fault |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P0628 |
Torque Reduction |
Lift pump global fault |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P0629 |
Torque Reduction |
Lift pump global fault |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P062B |
Torque Reduction |
Functional Safety Fault |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P062B |
Torque Reduction |
Functional Safety Fault |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P062B |
Torque Reduction |
Functional Safety Fault |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P062B |
Torque Reduction |
Functional Safety Fault |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P062B |
Torque Reduction |
Functional Safety Fault |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P062B |
Torque Reduction |
Functional Safety Fault |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P062B |
Torque Reduction |
Functional Safety Fault |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P062B |
Torque Reduction |
Functional Safety Fault |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P062B |
Torque Reduction |
Functional Safety Fault |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P062B |
Torque Reduction |
Functional Safety Fault |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P062B |
Torque Reduction |
Functional Safety Fault |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P062D |
Delayed Engine Stop |
Injector Bank 0 fault shorted to ground (SC2VBAT) |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P062D |
Delayed Engine Stop |
Injector Bank 0 fault shorted to ground (SC2GND) |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P062E |
Delayed Engine Stop |
Injector Bank 1 fault shorted to ground (SC2VBAT) |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P062E |
Delayed Engine Stop |
Injector Bank 1 fault shorted to ground (SC2GND) |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P062F |
Torque Reduction_Limp Home (Idle Only) |
ECU non volatile memory fault |
0x00 |
Y |
114 |
P062F |
Torque Reduction_Limp Home (Idle Only) |
ECU non volatile memory fault (C2I, MDP) |
0x00 |
Y |
114 |
P062F |
Torque Reduction_Limp Home (Idle Only) |
ECU non volatile memory fault (RP, PL, STE) |
0x00 |
Y |
114 |
P062F |
Torque Reduction_Limp Home (Idle Only) |
ECU non volatile memory fault (WDOG) |
0x00 |
Y |
114 |
P062F |
Torque Reduction_Limp Home (Idle Only) |
ECU non volatile memory fault (CAN, KW) |
0x00 |
Y |
114 |
P062F |
Torque Reduction_Limp Home (Idle Only) |
ECU non volatile memory fault (SMC) |
0x00 |
Y |
114 |
P062F |
Torque Reduction_Limp Home (Idle Only) |
ECU non volatile memory fault (ICV, Inj Cnt) |
0x00 |
Y |
114 |
P062F |
Torque Reduction_Limp Home (Idle Only) |
ECU non volatile memory fault (FM) |
0x00 |
Y |
114 |
P062F |
Torque Reduction_Limp Home (Idle Only) |
ECU non volatile memory fault (APP) |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P0630 |
VIN Not Programmed or Incompatible — ECM/PCM |
0x00 |
Y |
124 |
P0638 |
Intake Throttle Fault |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P0641 |
Torque Reduction_Limp Home (Idle Only)_Delayed |
ECU Internal 5V Supply 1 fault |
0x00 |
Y |
124 |
P0641 |
Torque Reduction_Limp Home (Idle Only)_Delayed |
5V Power Supply-1, Supply-6 Voltage Fault |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P0641 |
Torque Reduction_Limp Home (Idle Only)_Delayed |
ECU Internal 5V Supply 1 fault |
0x00 |
Y |
124 |
P0650 |
Check Engine Lamp Fault |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P0651 |
Torque Reduction_Limp Home (Idle Only)_Delayed |
ECU Internal 5V Supply 2 fault |
0x00 |
Y |
124 |
P0651 |
Torque Reduction_Limp Home (Idle Only)_Delayed |
5V Power Supply-2 Voltage Fault |
0x00 |
Y |
124 |
P0651 |
Torque Reduction_Limp Home (Idle Only)_Delayed |
5V Power Supply-5 Voltage Fault |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P0651 |
Torque Reduction_Limp Home (Idle Only)_Delayed |
ECU Internal 5V Supply 2 fault |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P0658-14 |
Short circuit to ground of actuator relay 1 |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P0659-12 |
Short circuit to battery of actuator relay 1 |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P0668 |
Torque Reduction |
ECU internal temperature sensor low fault |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P0669 |
Torque Reduction |
ECU internal temperature sensor high fault |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P0685 |
Main ECU relay stuck |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P0685 |
Main relay unexpected low state |
0x00 |
Y |
124 |
P0685 |
Main Relay System Fault (Open) |
0x00 |
Y |
124 |
P0687 |
Main Relay System Fault (Close) |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P0697 |
Sensor Reference Voltage «C» Circuit/Open |
0x00 |
Y |
124 |
P0697 |
5V Power Supply-3 Voltage Fault |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P0697 |
Torque Reduction_Limp Home (Idle Only)_Delayed |
ECU Internal 5V Supply 2 auxillary fault |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P0697 |
Torque Reduction_Limp Home (Idle Only)_Delayed |
ECU Internal 5V Supply 2 auxillary fault |
0X3D |
Y |
114 |
P06A7-00 |
T4F Inducement |
Sensor supply monitoring error through DCU |
0x17 |
Y |
55 |
P06B8 |
None |
Data logger memory full |
0x00 |
Y |
124 |
P1062 |
PCV 1 Feedback Fault |
0x00 |
Y |
124 |
P1063 |
PCV 2 Feedback Fault |
0x00 |
Y |
124 |
P1093 |
Common Rail Pressure Fault (Lack of Feed) |
0x00 |
Y |
124 |
P1093 |
Common Rail Pressure Fault (Lack of Feed 1) |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P1101 |
Rail Pressure Control Error Positive fault |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P1102 |
Rail Pressure Control Error Negative fault |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P1103 |
Rail Pressure Fault detected — not able to maintain pressure after a stop and start request |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P1104 |
Torque Reduction |
Fault which is set when no MDP updates occur on Injector 3 due to environmental conditions (as |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P1105 |
Torque Reduction |
Fault which is set when no MDP updates occur on Injector 3 due to a fault within the update strategy |
J1939 |
In Use? |
Reviewed/ |
Diagnostic Trouble |
Machine Reaction |
Extended Fault Text (Datalogger/Diagnostic Tools) |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P1106 |
Torque Reduction |
Fault which is set when no MDP updates occur on Injector 2 due to environmental conditions (as |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P1107 |
Torque Reduction |
Fault which is set when no MDP updates occur on Injector 2 due to a fault within the update strategy |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P1108 |
Torque Reduction |
Fault which is set when no MDP updates occur on Injector 4 due to environmental conditions (as |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P1109 |
Torque Reduction |
Fault which is set when no MDP updates occur on Injector 4 due to a fault within the update strategy |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P110A |
Torque Reduction |
Fault which is set when no MDP updates occur on Injector 1 due to environmental conditions (as |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P110B |
Torque Reduction |
Fault which is set when no MDP updates occur on Injector 1 due to a fault within the update strategy |
0x12 |
Y |
81 |
P110C |
Throttle Response may be slow |
Throttle Actuator Temperature Warning |
0x12 |
Y |
81 |
P110D |
Engine will only idle |
Throttle Actuator Hardware Fault |
0x12 |
Y |
81 |
P110E |
Engine my stay at existing speed or idle |
Throttle Actuator Obstruction Fault |
0x12 |
Y |
81 |
P110F |
Engine will only idle |
Throttle Actuator Calibration Fault |
0x00 |
Y |
124 |
P1112 |
Boost Temperature Sensor Fault (Low Voltage Fault) |
0x00 |
Y |
124 |
P1113 |
Boost Temperature Sensor Fault (High Voltage Fault) |
0x00 |
Y |
124 |
P1261 |
Charge Circuit Fault 㸦 Bank 1㸧 |
0x00 |
Y |
124 |
P1262 |
Charge Circuit Fault 㸦 Bank 2㸧 |
0x00 |
Y |
124 |
P1293 |
Fuel Filter Clogging Sensor Fault (Low Voltage Fault) |
0x00 |
Y |
124 |
P1294 |
Fuel Filter Clogging Sensor Fault (High Voltage Fault) |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P1400-00 |
Errorneous signal from override switch |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P1401-00 |
CAN bus message error from override switch |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P1402-00 |
CAN bus off error from override switch |
0x00 |
Y |
124 |
P1404 |
EGR Close Defective |
0x00 |
Y |
124 |
P1404 |
EGR Zero Position Fault |
0x00 |
Y |
124 |
P140A |
EGR 2 Valve Control Fault |
0x00 |
Y |
124 |
P140B |
EGR 2 Position Sensor Fault |
0x00 |
Y |
124 |
P140C |
EGR 2 Zero Position Fault |
0x00 |
Y |
124 |
P1455 |
DPF PM Over 2 |
0x00 |
Y |
124 |
P1471 |
DPF Regeneration Defective |
0x00 |
Y |
124 |
P1500 |
Torque Reduction_Limp Home (Idle Only) |
Starter Deterioration Warning |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P1509 |
CAN communication Error on TSC |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P1603 |
Functional Safety Fault |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P1604 |
Functional Safety Fault |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P1605 |
Functional Safety Fault |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P1606 |
Functional Safety Fault |
0x00 |
Y |
124 |
P1621 |
0x00 |
Y |
124 |
P1655 |
5V Power Supply-4 Voltage Fault |
0x00 |
Y |
124 |
P1669 |
DPF Lamp Fault |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P2000-00 |
T4F Inducement |
Actual average conversion efficiency is below the threshold |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P2000-02 |
T4F Inducement |
Actual average conversion efficiency is below the threshold |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P2000-04 |
T4F Inducement |
Actual average conversion efficiency is below the threshold |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P2000-06 |
Actual average conversion efficiency is below the threshold |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P202A-13 |
Open load error of DEF tank heater actuator powerstage |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P202B-14 |
Error for short to ground of DEF tank heater actuator powerstage |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P202C-15 |
Error for short to battery of DEF tank heater actuator powerstage |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P202E-00 |
T4F Inducement |
Error on dosing valve short circuit |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P202E-02 |
T4F Inducement |
Error on dosing valve plausibility |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P202E-16 |
T4F Inducement |
Error on dosing valve plausibility at low voltage |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P202E-4B |
T4F Inducement |
Error on dosing valve driver overtemperature |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P202E-12 |
T4F Inducement |
Error on dosing valve short circuit to battery |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P202E-13 |
T4F Inducement |
Error on dosing valve short circuit to battery on high side or open load |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P202E-14 |
T4F Inducement |
Error on dosing valve short to ground or open circuit |
0x00 |
Y |
124 |
P2032 |
EGR Gas Temperature Sensor Low Voltage Fault |
0x00 |
Y |
124 |
P2033 |
EGR Gas Temperature Sensor High Voltage Fault |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P203B-81 |
T4F Inducement |
CAN bus message error from headunit |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P203B-87 |
T4F Inducement |
CAN bus off error from headunit |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P203B-86 |
CAN bus message error for tank level from head unit |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P203B-16 |
Error on tank level plausibility |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P203B-00 |
Tank level signal error |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P203B-15 |
DEF tank level signal is above maximum voltage limit |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P203B-14 |
DEF tank level signal is below minimum voltage limit |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P203B-22 |
T4F Inducement |
Tank head unit level physical signal above maximum limit |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P203F-7B |
DEF tank level low and empty |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P203F-68 |
DEF tank level low and below warning threshold |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P203F-21 |
T4F Inducement |
DEF tank head unit level physical signal below minimum limit |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P2043-81 |
CAN bus message error from head unit |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P2043-87 |
CAN bus off error from head unit |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P2043-86 |
DEF temperature message error from head unit |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P204B-29 |
T4F Inducement |
Error on pressure line & dosing valve while monitoring for blockage |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P204B-02 |
T4F Inducement |
Error while monitoring the stabilisation of pressure |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P204B-00 |
T4F Inducement |
Error while monitoring of pressure buildup |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P204B-61 |
T4F Inducement |
Error on rate of pressure reduction |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P204B-26 |
Measured value of pressure sensor above the tolerable limit |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P204B-17 |
Measured value of pressure sensor below the tolerable limit |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P204B-16 |
Pump pressure signal below the minimum voltage limit |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P204C-16 |
T4F Inducement |
Pump pressure signal below the minimum voltage limit |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P204C-21 |
Error for pump pressure physical signal below lower limit |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P204D-17 |
T4F Inducement |
Pump pressure signal above the maximum voltage limit |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P204F-06 |
Error to detect the clogged filter |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P204F-7A |
T4F Inducement |
Error to detect leakage during no dose |
0X00 |
Y |
140 |
P204F |
Inducement Repeat Offence Active |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P205B-00 |
T4F Inducement |
Error to indicate overheating of DEF tank |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P205B-06 |
T4F Inducement |
Error in increase of DEF tank temperature |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P205B-17 |
T4F Inducement |
DEF tank head unit temperature physical signal above maximum limit |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P205B-16 |
DEF tank head unit temperature physical signal below minimum limit |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P205B-24 |
T4F Inducement |
Error on tank temperature sensor plausibility exceeds maximum threshold |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P205B-23 |
T4F Inducement |
Error on tank temperature sensor plausibility below minimum threshold |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P205C-16 |
DEF tank temperature signal voltage below minimum limit |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P205D-17 |
DEF tank temperature signal voltage above maximum limit |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P205E-87 |
CAN bus message error for DEF tank temperature from head unit |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P205E-81 |
T4F Inducement |
DEF tank temperature signal error on CAN |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P207F-87 |
T4F Inducement |
DEF quality message error from head unit |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P207F-86 |
DEF concentration message error from head unit |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P207F-00 |
DEF quality error during refill conditiion |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P2080 |
Torque Reduction |
Turbo in temperature count noise fault |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P208A-31 |
Supply module pump feedback error |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P208A-13 |
T4F Inducement |
Open load error of supply module pump motor |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P208B-61 |
Error on supply module pump speed deviation |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P208B-02 |
T4F Inducement |
Error on supply module pump speed permanent deviation |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P208B-4B |
T4F Inducement |
Over temperature error of supply module pump motor |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P208B-22 |
T4F Inducement |
Supply module internal duty cycle in invalid range |
J1939 |
In Use? |
Added |
Diagnostic Trouble |
Machine Reaction |
Extended Fault Text (Datalogger/Diagnostic Tools) |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P208B-21 |
T4F Inducement |
Supply module internal duty cycle below min range |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P208B-85 |
T4F Inducement |
Supply module motor speed duty cycle above maximum range |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P208B-84 |
T4F Inducement |
Supply module motor speed duty cycle below minimum range |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P208C-14 |
T4F Inducement |
Short circuit to ground error of supply module pump motor |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P208D-13 |
T4F Inducement |
Short circuit to battery error of supply module pump motor |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P209F-4B |
Error for overtemperature of DEF tank heater actuator powerstage |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P20A0-13 |
Open load error of backflow pump actuator powerstage |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P20A1-4B |
Error for over temperature of backflow pump actuator powerstage |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P20A2-14 |
Error for short to ground of backflow pump actuator powerstage |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P20A3-13 |
Error for short to battery of backflow pump actuator powerstage |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P20AD-06 |
Error on supply module temperature |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P20AD-92 |
T4F Inducement |
Error on supply module temperature cold start |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P20AD-22 |
T4F Inducement |
Supply module temperature duty cycle above maximum range |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P20AD-21 |
T4F Inducement |
Supply module temperature duty cycle below minimum range |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P20B5-13 |
Open load error of supply module heater actuator powerstage |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P20B6-4B |
Error for overtemperature of supply module heater actuator powerstage |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P20B6-22 |
T4F Inducement |
Supply module heater temperature duty cycle above maximum range |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P20B6-21 |
T4F Inducement |
Supply module heater temperature duty cycle below minimum range |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P20B7-14 |
Error for short to ground of supply module heater actuator powerstage |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P20B8-15 |
Error for short to battery of supply module heater actuator powerstage |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P20B9-00 |
Error for open load on heater relay of backflow line |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P20B9-13 |
Open load error of DEF backflowline heater actuator powerstage |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P20BA-4B |
Error for overtemperature of DEF backflowline heater actuator powerstage |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P20BB-00 |
Error for short to ground or open load on heater relay of backflow line |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P20BB-14 |
Error for short to ground of DEF backflowline heater actuator powerstage |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P20BC-15 |
Error for short to battery of DEF backflowline heater actuator powerstage |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P20BD-00 |
Error for open load on heater relay of pressure line |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P20BD-13 |
Error for open load on heater relay of pressure line |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P20BE-00 |
T4F Inducement |
Error on supply module heater |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P20BE-02 |
T4F Inducement |
Error on supply module heater temperature sensor |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P20BE-05 |
Error on supply module heater temperature cold start |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P20BE-93 |
T4F Inducement |
Error on pressure line to perform afterrun |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P20BE-13 |
Error on realys for short to battery |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P20BE-4B |
Error for overtemperature of DEF pressureline heater actuator powerstage |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P20BF-00 |
Error for short to ground or open load on heater relay of pressure line |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P20BF-14 |
Error for short to ground of DEF pressureline heater actuator powerstage |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P20C0-15 |
Error for short to battery of DEF pressureline heater actuator powerstage |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P20C1-00 |
Error for open load on heater relay of suction line |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P20C1-13 |
Error for open load on heater relay of suction line |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P20C2-4B |
Error for overtemperature of DEF suctionline heater actuator powerstage |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P20C3-00 |
Error for short to ground or open load on heater relay of suction line |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P20C3-14 |
Error for short to ground or open load on heater relay of suction line |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P20C4-15 |
Error for short to battery of DEF suctionline heater actuator powerstage |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P20E8-84 |
T4F Inducement |
Underpressure error in metering control state |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P20E9-85 |
Overpressure error in metering control state |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P20E9-00 |
T4F Inducement |
Overpressure error regardless of supply module state |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P20EA-72 |
DCU relay early opening |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P20EB-71 |
DCU relay stuck |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P2100 |
Torque Reduction / T4F Inducement |
Throttle H-Bridge driver in ECU fault: OC |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P2100 |
Torque Reduction / T4F Inducement |
Throttle H-Bridge driver in ECU fault: Undervoltage |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P2101 |
Torque Reduction |
Throttle H-Bridge driver in ECU fault: Current limited |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P2101 |
Torque Reduction |
Throttle H-Bridge driver in ECU fault: Current reduced |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P2101 |
Torque Reduction |
Throttle H-Bridge driver in ECU fault: SC |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P2102 |
Torque Reduction / T4F Inducement |
Throttle H-Bridge driver in ECU fault: SC2G |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P2103 |
Torque Reduction / T4F Inducement |
Throttle H-Bridge driver in ECU fault: SC2VBATT |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P2119 |
Torque Reduction |
Throttle learning position fault S0 |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P2119 |
Torque Reduction |
Throttle learning position fault S1 |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P2119 |
Torque Reduction |
Throttle learning position fault S2 |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P2119 |
Torque Reduction |
Throttle learning position fault S3 |
0x00 |
Y |
124 |
P2122 |
Accelerator Sensor 1 Fault (Low Voltage Fault) |
0x00 |
Y |
124 |
P2123 |
Accelerator Sensor 1 Fault (High Voltage Fault) |
0x00 |
Y |
124 |
P2127 |
Accelerator Sensor 2 Fault (Low Voltage Fault) |
0x00 |
Y |
124 |
P2128 |
Accelerator Sensor 2 Fault (High Voltage Fault) |
0x00 |
Y |
124 |
P2138 |
Torque Reduction_Limp Home (Idle Only) |
Hand pedal signal corrolation fault |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P2146 |
injector supply voltage faulty |
0x00 |
Y |
124 |
P2146 |
Injection Nozzle Common 1 Drive System Fault |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P2147 |
injector supply voltage faulty |
0x00 |
Y |
124 |
P2149 |
Injection Nozzle Common 2 Drive System Fault |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P219D-13 |
Open load error of DEF heater relay actuator powerstage |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P219D-4B |
Error for overtemperature of DEF heater relay actuator powerstage |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P219E-13 |
Error for short to battery of DEF heater relay actuator powerstage |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P219F-14 |
Error for short to ground of DEF heater relay actuator powerstage |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P21A9-12 |
Short circuit to battery of actuator relay 4 |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P21AB-14 |
T4F Inducement |
Short circuit to ground of actuator relay 4 |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P2200-13 |
Upstream NOx sensor open circuit |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P2200-94 |
Upstream NOx sensor self diagnostic abort |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P2200-05 |
Upstream NOx sensor self diagnostic |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P2200-63 |
Upstream NOx sensor self diagnostic timeout |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P2200-02 |
Upstream NOx sensor short circuit to gnd or batt |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P2200-61 |
Invalid signal from upstream NOx sensor after heater release |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P2200-12 |
Lambda signal above maximum limit for upstream NOx sensor |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P2200-11 |
Lambda signal below minimum for upstream NOx sensor |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P2200-00 |
Upstream NOx sensor wire diagnosis-error in voltage supply |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P2201-13 |
Downstream NOx sensor open circuit |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P2201-97 |
Downstream NOx sensor self diagnostic abort |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P2201-06 |
Downstream NOx sensor self diagnostic |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P2201-63 |
Downstream NOx sensor self diagnostic timeout |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P2201-1C |
Downstream NOx sensor short circuit to gnd or batt |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P2201-61 |
Invalid signal from downstream NOx sensor after heater release |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P2201-12 |
Lambda signal above maximum limit for downstream NOx sensor |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P2201-11 |
Lambda signal below minimum limit for downstream NOx sensor |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P2201-00 |
Downstream NOx sensor wire diagnosis-error in voltage supply |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P2201-17 |
Downstream NOx offset max error detection |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P2201-16 |
Downstream NOx offset min error detection |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P2202-00 |
Upstream NOx sensor reading below minimum threshold |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P2202-16 |
Downstream NOx sensor reading below minimum threshold |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P2203-00 |
Upstream NOx sensor reading exceeds above maximum threshold |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P2203-17 |
Downstream NOx sensor reading exceeds abbove maximum threshold |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P2208-00 |
Downstream NOx sensor heater not available |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P2208-02 |
Downstream NOx sensor heater not heated quickly |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P2209-00 |
Upstream NOx sensor heater not available |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P2209-02 |
Upstream NOx sensor heater not heated quickly |
0x00 |
Y |
124 |
P2227-00 |
Baro Sensor Fault |
J1939 |
In Use? |
Reviewed/ |
Diagnostic Trouble |
Machine Reaction |
Extended Fault Text (Datalogger/Diagnostic Tools) |
0x00 |
Y |
124 |
P2228 |
Torque Reduction |
Atmosp sensor low fault |
0x00 |
Y |
124 |
P2229 |
Torque Reduction |
Atmosp sensor high fault |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P2264 |
Torque Reduction |
Water in fuel sensor feedback signal ADC fault |
0x17 |
Y |
55 |
P2264 |
Torque Reduction |
Water in fuel sensor feedback signal ADC fault |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P2265 |
Torque Reduction |
Water in fuel sensor feedback signal 1 plausability fault |
0x00 |
Y |
114 |
P2265 |
Torque Reduction |
Water in fuel sensor feedback signal 2 plausability fault |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P2266 |
Torque Reduction |
Water in fuel sensor feedback signal low fault |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P2267 |
Torque Reduction |
Water in fuel sensor feedback signal high fault |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P2269 |
Torque Reduction |
Water in fuel sensor feedback signal setting fault |
0x27 |
Y |
55 |
P2280 |
Loss of Power |
0x00 |
Y |
124 |
P2295 |
PCV 2 Drive System Open Circuit or Grand Short Circuit |
0x00 |
Y |
124 |
P2296 |
PCV 2 Drive System +B Short Circuit |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P2413-87 |
T4F Inducement |
Impeded egr fault data or bus off for egr faults from engine ECU |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P2413-86 |
CAN bus message error from engine ECU |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P2413-81 |
CAN bus message error for EGR faults from engine |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P2428 |
Exhaust Gas Temperature Too High |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P2428-17 |
Exhaust catalyst temperature T4 physical signal above maximum limit |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P242B-17 |
Error on catalyst temperature sensor plausibility above max threshold |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P242B-16 |
Error on catalyst temperature sensor plausibility below min threshold |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P242B-00 |
T4F Inducement |
Error on SCR catalyst upstream temperature sensor static plausibility |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P242B-23 |
Exhaust catalyst temperature T4 physical signal below minimum limit |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P242C-16 |
T4F Inducement |
Exhaust catalyst temperature T4 voltage signal below minimum limit |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P242D-17 |
Exhaust catalyst temperature T4 voltage signal above maximum limit |
0x00 |
Y |
124 |
P242F |
DPF PM Over |
0x00 |
Y |
124 |
P2452 |
DPF Differential Pressure Low |
0x00 |
Y |
124 |
P2453 |
DPF Differential Pressure High |
0x00 |
Y |
124 |
P2454 |
Differential Pressure Sensor Low Voltage Fault |
0x00 |
Y |
124 |
P2455 |
Differential Pressure Sensor High Voltage Fault |
0x00 |
Y |
124 |
P2456 |
Differential Pressure Sensor Zero Position Learning Fault |
0x00 |
Y |
124 |
P2458 |
DPF Regeneration Timeout Excess Frequency |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P2502-87 |
CAN bus message error for power management from engine ECU |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P250B |
Engine will only idle |
Engine Oil Level Low at Key On |
0x00 |
Y |
114 |
P250B |
Oil level sensor signal global fault |
0x00 |
Y |
124 |
P2527 |
EVRV Vacuum Sensor Low Voltage Fault |
0x00 |
Y |
124 |
P2528 |
EVRV Vacuum Sensor High Voltage Fault |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P256A |
Engine Idle Speed Selector Sensor/Switch Circuit/Open |
0x00 |
Y |
124 |
P256A |
Idle Speed Up-Down Switch Fault |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P256B |
Engine Idle Speed Selector Sensor/Switch Range/Performance |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P256B |
Engine Idle Speed Selector Sensor/Switch Range/Performance |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P256B |
Engine Idle Speed Selector Sensor/Switch Range/Performance |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P256B |
Engine Idle Speed Selector Sensor/Switch Range/Performance |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P256B |
Engine Idle Speed Selector Sensor/Switch Range/Performance |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P256C |
Engine Idle Speed Selector Sensor/Switch Circuit Low |
0x00 |
Y |
55 |
P256D |
Engine Idle Speed Selector Sensor/Switch Circuit High |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P2670-14 |
T4F Inducement |
Short circuit to ground of actuator relay 2 |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P2671-12 |
Short circuit to battery of actuator relay 2 |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P2685-14 |
T4F Inducement |
Short circuit to ground of actuator relay 3 |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P2686-12 |
Short circuit to battery of actuator relay 3 |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P2A00-00 |
Upstream NOx sensor not mounted or loose |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P2A01-00 |
Downstream NOx sensor not mounted or loose |
0x00 |
Y |
114 |
P2BA7-7B |
0x7B — Low Fluid Level |
Level Warning Requested |
0x00 |
Y |
114 |
P2BA7-94 |
0x94 — Unexpected Operation |
Level Level1 Requested |
0x00 |
Y |
114 |
P2BA7-92 |
0x92 — Performance Or Incorrect Operation |
Level Level1 Enacted |
0x00 |
Y |
114 |
P2BA7-F0 |
0xF0 — Unallocated (JCB Controlled) |
Level Level2 Requested |
0x00 |
Y |
114 |
P2BA7-68 |
0x68 — Event Information |
Level Level2 Enacted |
0x00 |
Y |
114 |
P2BA7-F1 |
0xF1 — Unallocated (JCB Controlled) |
Level Level3 Requested |
0x00 |
Y |
114 |
P2BA7-9A |
0x9A — Component Or System Operating Conditions |
Level Level3 Enacted |
0x00 |
Y |
114 |
P2BA8-00 |
0x00 — No Sub Type Information |
Interruption Warning Requested |
0x00 |
Y |
114 |
P2BA8-94 |
0x94 — Unexpected Operation |
Interruption Level1 Requested |
0x00 |
Y |
114 |
P2BA8-92 |
0x92 — Performance Or Incorrect Operation |
Interruption Level1 Enacted |
0x00 |
Y |
114 |
P2BA8-F0 |
0xF0 — Unallocated (JCB Controlled) |
Interruption Level2 Requested |
0x00 |
Y |
114 |
P2BA8-68 |
0x68 — Event Information |
Interruption Level2 Enacted |
0x00 |
Y |
114 |
P2BA8-F1 |
0xF1 — Unallocated (JCB Controlled) |
Interruption Level3 Requested |
0x00 |
Y |
114 |
P2BA8-9A |
0x9A — Component Or System Operating Conditions |
Interruption Level3 Enacted |
0x00 |
Y |
114 |
P2BA9-00 |
0x00 — No Sub Type Information |
Quality Warning Requested |
0x00 |
Y |
114 |
P2BA9-94 |
0x94 — Unexpected Operation |
Quality Level1 Requested |
0x00 |
Y |
114 |
P2BA9-92 |
0x92 — Performance Or Incorrect Operation |
Quality Level1 Enacted |
0x00 |
Y |
114 |
P2BA9-F0 |
0xF0 — Unallocated (JCB Controlled) |
Quality Level2 Requested |
0x00 |
Y |
114 |
P2BA9-68 |
0x68 — Event Information |
Quality Level2 Enacted |
0x00 |
Y |
114 |
P2BA9-F1 |
0xF1 — Unallocated (JCB Controlled) |
Quality Level3 Requested |
0x00 |
Y |
114 |
P2BA9-9A |
0x9A — Component Or System Operating Conditions |
Quality Level3 Enacted |
0x00 |
Y |
114 |
P2BAA-00 |
0x00 — No Sub Type Information |
Consumption Warning Requested |
0x00 |
Y |
114 |
P2BAA-94 |
0x94 — Unexpected Operation |
Consumption Level1 Requested |
0x00 |
Y |
114 |
P2BAA-92 |
0x92 — Performance Or Incorrect Operation |
Consumption Level1 Enacted |
0x00 |
Y |
114 |
P2BAA-F0 |
0xF0 — Unallocated (JCB Controlled) |
Consumption Level2 Requested |
0x00 |
Y |
114 |
P2BAA-68 |
0x68 — Event Information |
Consumption Level2 Enacted |
0x00 |
Y |
114 |
P2BAA-F1 |
0xF1 — Unallocated (JCB Controlled) |
Consumption Level3 Requested |
0x00 |
Y |
114 |
P2BAA-9A |
0x9A — Component Or System Operating Conditions |
Consumption Level3 Enacted |
0x00 |
Y |
114 |
P2BAB-00 |
0x00 — No Sub Type Information |
EGR Warning Requested |
0x00 |
Y |
114 |
P2BAB-94 |
0x94 — Unexpected Operation |
EGR Level1 Requested |
0x00 |
Y |
114 |
P2BAB-92 |
0x92 — Performance Or Incorrect Operation |
EGR Level1 Enacted |
0x00 |
Y |
114 |
P2BAB-F0 |
0xF0 — Unallocated (JCB Controlled) |
EGR Level2 Requested |
0x00 |
Y |
114 |
P2BAB-68 |
0x68 — Event Information |
EGR Level2 Enacted |
0x00 |
Y |
114 |
P2BAB-F1 |
0xF1 — Unallocated (JCB Controlled) |
EGR Level3 Requested |
0x00 |
Y |
114 |
P2BAB-9A |
0x9A — Component Or System Operating Conditions |
EGR Level3 Enacted |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P2BAD-17 |
Exceeded the limit value of long term adaptation factor |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P2BAD-16 |
Undershoot the limit value of long term adaptation factor |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P2BAD-00 |
Inducement override active |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P2BAD-92 |
Inducement level 1 is active due to repeat offense error |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P2BAD-68 |
Inducement level 2 is active due to repeat offense error |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P2BAD-9A |
Inducement level 3 is active due to repeat offense error |
0x00 |
Y |
114 |
P2BAE-00 |
0x00 — No Sub Type Information |
Driver Warning for System tampering |
0x00 |
Y |
114 |
P2BAE-94 |
0x94 — Unexpected Operation |
System Tampering Level 1 Requested |
0x00 |
Y |
114 |
P2BAE-92 |
0x92 — Performance Or Incorrect Operation |
System Tampering Level 1 Enacted |
0x00 |
Y |
114 |
P2BAE-F0 |
0xF0 — Unallocated (JCB Controlled) |
System Tampering Level 2 Requested |
0x00 |
Y |
114 |
P2BAE-68 |
0x68 — Event Information |
System Tampering Level 2 Enacted |
0x00 |
Y |
114 |
P2BAE-F1 |
0xF1 — Unallocated (JCB Controlled) |
System Tampering Level 3 Requested |
0x00 |
Y |
114 |
P2BAE-9A |
0x9A — Component Or System Operating Conditions |
System Tampering Level 3 Enacted |
0x27 |
Y |
91 |
P3300 |
Engine will not Crank |
Starter Motor Engagement Protection |
0x27 |
Y |
91 |
P3301 |
Engine will not Crank |
Starter Motor Overheat Protection |
0x27 |
Y |
91 |
P3302 |
Engine will not Crank |
Starter Motor Overrun Protection |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P3401-87 |
Excessive ambient/operating temperature error for aftertreatment 1 SCR catalyst DEF property |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P3402-87 |
Concentration too high for aftertreatment 1 SCR catalyst DEF properties |
J1939 |
In Use? |
Added |
Diagnostic Trouble |
Machine Reaction |
Extended Fault Text (Datalogger/Diagnostic Tools) |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P3403-87 |
Concentration too low for aftertreatment 1 SCR catalyst DEF properties |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P3404-87 |
Excessive ambient/operating temperature error for aftertreatment 1 SCR catalyst DEF property |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P3405-87 |
Temperature too high for aftertreatment 1 SCR catalyst DEF properties |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P3406-87 |
Temperature too low for aftertreatment 1 SCR catalyst DEF properties |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P3407-87 |
Sensor open circuit error aftertreatment1 SCR catalyst DEF temperature |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P3408-87 |
Sensor short circuit error aftertreatment1 SCR catalyst DEF temperature |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P3409-87 |
Excessive ambient/operating level error for aftertreatment 1 SCR catalyst DEF property |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P3410-87 |
Level too high for aftertreatment 1 SCR catalyst DEF properties |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P3411-87 |
Level too low for aftertreatment 1 SCR catalyst DEF properties |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P3412-87 |
Tank level open circuit error aftertreatment1 SCR catalyst DEF temperature |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P3413-87 |
Tank level short circuit error aftertreatment1 SCR catalyst DEF temperature |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P3414-87 |
Errorneous signal for engine boost pressure |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P3415-87 |
Data length error for IC1 frame |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P3416-87 |
Time out error for IC1 frame |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P3417-87 |
Erroneous signal for intake manifold temperature |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P3418-87 |
Erroneous signal for operating mode request |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P3419-87 |
Error for particulate inlet pressure |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P3420-87 |
Data length error for PROSCR3 frame received for regeneration |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P3421-87 |
Timeout error for PROSCR3 frame received for regeneration |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P3422-87 |
Erroneous signal for soot load message |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
P3423-87 |
Erroneous signal for engine exhaust gas temperature. |
0x00 |
Y |
140 |
P3424 |
SCR partially blocked (overloaded) |
0x00 |
Y |
140 |
P3425 |
T4F Inducement |
SCR fully blocked (plugged) |
0x32 |
Y |
66 |
B0300 |
Low Flow Proportional Hydraulics inhibited |
The HECU has determined that there is a Low Flow thumbwheel voltage high fault condition; |
0x32 |
Y |
66 |
B0301 |
Low Flow Proportional Hydraulics inhibited |
The HECU has determined that there is a High Flow thumbwheel voltage low fault condition, |
0x32 |
Y |
66 |
B0302 |
Low Flow Proportional Hydraulics inhibited |
The HECU has determined that there is a High Flow thumbwheel voltage high fault condition, |
0x32 |
Y |
66 |
B0303 |
Low Flow Proportional Hydraulics inhibited |
The HECU has determined that there is a High Flow thumbwheel voltage low fault condition, |
0x17 |
Y |
66 |
B1002 |
None |
Alternator Not Charging |
0x17 |
Y |
66 |
B1002 |
None |
Alternator Excitation Open Circuit |
0x27 |
Y |
66 |
B105A |
Machine Impaired Function — Loss of Throttle Control |
0x27 |
Y |
66 |
B105B |
Machine Impaired Function — Loss of Throttle Control |
0x32 |
Y |
66 |
B105C |
Machine Impaired Function — Loss of Auxiliary Control |
0x32 |
Y |
66 |
B105D |
Machine Impaired Function — Loss of Auxiliary Control |
0x27 |
Y |
66 |
B1300 |
Idle Speed only until Key Cycle |
0x27 |
Y |
66 |
B1301 |
Idle Speed only until Key Cycle |
0x27 |
Y |
66 |
B1302 |
Machine Controls Isolated |
0x27 |
Y |
122 |
B1303 |
Machine will Crank but not run |
Fuel Lift Pump Relay Short Circuit |
0x27 |
Y |
122 |
B1304 |
Machine will Crank but not run |
Fuel Lift Pump Relay OpenCircuit |
0x27 |
Y |
66 |
B1307 |
0x27 |
Y |
66 |
B1308 |
0x28 |
Y |
66 |
B1309 |
Sevice Interval Due/Elapsed |
0x28 |
Y |
66 |
B130A |
Supplementary Service Interval Due/Elapsed |
0x27 |
Y |
66 |
B1543 |
Engine will de-rate |
Coolant Temperature High (Critical Level) |
0x27 |
Y |
66 |
B1546 |
No Effect |
Coolant Temperature High (Operator Level) |
0x32 |
Y |
66 |
C0300 |
Low Flow Proportional Hydraulics inhibited |
The HECU has determined that there is a short circuit fault condition for the Low Flow A Solenoid |
0x32 |
Y |
66 |
C0301 |
Low Flow Proportional Hydraulics inhibited |
The HECU has determined that there is an open circuit fault condition for the Low Flow A Solenoid |
0x32 |
Y |
66 |
C0302 |
Low Flow Proportional Hydraulics inhibited |
The HECU has determined that there is a short circuit fault condition for the Low Flow B Solenoid |
0x32 |
Y |
66 |
C0303 |
Low Flow Proportional Hydraulics inhibited |
The HECU has determined that there is an open circuit fault condition for the Low Flow B Solenoid |
0x32 |
Y |
66 |
C0304 |
High Flow Proportional Hydraulics inhibited |
The HECU has determined that there is a short circuit fault condition for the High Flow A Solenoid |
0x32 |
Y |
66 |
C0305 |
High Flow Proportional Hydraulics inhibited |
The HECU has determined that there is an open circuit fault condition for the High Flow A Solenoid |
0x32 |
Y |
66 |
C0306 |
High Flow Proportional Hydraulics inhibited |
The HECU has determined that there is a short circuit fault condition for the High Flow B Solenoid |
0x32 |
Y |
66 |
C0307 |
High Flow Proportional Hydraulics inhibited |
The HECU has determined that there is an open circuit fault condition for the High Flow B Solenoid |
0x32 |
Y |
66 |
C0308 |
Quick Hitch Operation Inhibited |
The HECU has determined that there is a short circuit fault condition for the Quick Hitch solenoid |
0x32 |
Y |
66 |
C0309 |
Quick Hitch Operation Inhibited |
The HECU has determined that there is an open circuit fault condition for the Quick Hitch solenoid |
0x32 |
Y |
66 |
C030A |
Quick Hitch Operation Inhibited |
The HECU has determined that there is a short circuit fault condition for the Quick Hitch Boom |
0x32 |
Y |
66 |
C030B |
Quick Hitch Operation Inhibited |
The HECU has determined that there is an open circuit fault condition for the Quick Hitch Boom |
0x32 |
Y |
66 |
C030C |
Super High Flow Operation Inhibited |
The HECU has determined that there is a short circuit fault condition for the Merge Flow A solenoid |
0x32 |
Y |
66 |
C030D |
Super High Flow Operation Inhibited |
The HECU has determined that there is an open circuit fault condition for the Merge Flow A solenoid |
0x32 |
Y |
66 |
C030E |
Super High Flow Operation Inhibited |
The HECU has determined that there is a short circuit fault condition for the Merge Flow B solenoid |
0x32 |
Y |
66 |
C030F |
Super High Flow Operation Inhibited |
The HECU has determined that there is an open circuit fault condition for the Merge Flow B solenoid |
0x32 |
Y |
97 |
C0310 |
Advanced Tool Select Inhibited |
The HECU has determined that there is a short circuit fault condition for the Low Flow ARV |
0x32 |
Y |
97 |
C0311 |
Advanced Tool Select Inhibited |
The HECU has determined that there is an open circuit fault condition for the Low Flow ARV |
0x32 |
Y |
97 |
C0312 |
Advanced Tool Select Inhibited |
The HECU has determined that there is a short circuit fault condition for the High Flow ARV |
0x32 |
Y |
97 |
C0313 |
Advanced Tool Select Inhibited |
The HECU has determined that there is an open circuit fault condition for the High Flow ARV |
0x27 |
Y |
66 |
C0314 |
2 Direction Hi-Flow Auxiliary Hydraulics Inhibited |
The MECU has determined that there is a short circuit fault condition for the Auxiliary Mode |
0x27 |
Y |
66 |
C0315 |
2 Direction Hi-Flow Auxiliary Hydraulics Inhibited |
The MECU has determined that there is an open circuit fault condition for the Auxiliary Mode |
0x32 |
Y |
66 |
C0316 |
Machine will operate in ISO Control Pattern Only |
The HECU has determined that there is a short circuit fault condition for the ISO Controls changeover |
0x32 |
Y |
66 |
C0317 |
Machine will operate in ISO Control Pattern Only |
The HECU has determined that there is an open circuit fault condition for the ISO Controls changeover |
0x32 |
Y |
66 |
C0318 |
Arm Limiter Function will not work |
The HECU has determined that there is a short circuit fault condition for the Arm Limiter Solenoid |
0x32 |
Y |
66 |
C0319 |
Arm Limiter Function will not work |
The HECU has determined that there is an open circuit fault condition for the Arm Limiter Solenoid |
0x32 |
Y |
105 |
C031A |
Low Flow Proportional Hydraulics inhibited |
The HECU is unable to achieve target current/pressure when operating the Low Flow A Solenoid |
0x32 |
Y |
105 |
C031B |
Low Flow Proportional Hydraulics inhibited |
The HECU is unable to achieve target current/pressure when operating the Low Flow B Solenoid |
0x32 |
Y |
105 |
C031C |
High Flow Proportional Hydraulics inhibited |
The HECU is unable to achieve target current/pressure when operating the High Flow A Solenoid |
0x32 |
Y |
105 |
C031D |
High Flow Proportional Hydraulics inhibited |
The HECU is unable to achieve target current/pressure when operating the High Flow B Solenoid |
0x32 |
Y |
105 |
C031E |
Low Flow Proportional Hydraulics inhibited |
The Low Flow Pressure Transducer output is Out of Range Low |
0x32 |
Y |
105 |
C031F |
Low Flow Proportional Hydraulics inhibited |
The Low Flow Pressure Transducer output is Out of Range High |
0x32 |
Y |
105 |
C0320 |
High Flow Proportional Hydraulics inhibited |
The High Flow Pressure Transducer output is Out of Range Low |
0x32 |
Y |
105 |
C0321 |
High Flow Proportional Hydraulics inhibited |
The High Flow Pressure Transducer output is Out of Range High |
0x32 |
Y |
105 |
C0322 |
Low Flow Proportional Hydraulics inhibited |
The Low Flow Pilot Pressure Transducer output is Out of Range Low |
0x32 |
Y |
105 |
C0323 |
Low Flow Proportional Hydraulics inhibited |
The Low Flow Pilot Pressure Transducer output is Out of Range High |
J1939 |
In Use? |
Added |
Diagnostic Trouble |
Machine Reaction |
Extended Fault Text (Datalogger/Diagnostic Tools) |
0x32 |
Y |
105 |
C0324 |
High Flow Proportional Hydraulics inhibited |
The High Flow Pilot Pressure Transducer output is Out of Range Low |
0x32 |
Y |
105 |
C0325 |
High Flow Proportional Hydraulics inhibited |
The High Flow Pilot Pressure Transducer output is Out of Range High |
0x32 |
Y |
107 |
C0326 |
Hammer Operation inhibited |
The HECU has determined that there is a short circuit fault condition for the Hammer Speed Regulator |
0x32 |
Y |
107 |
C0327 |
Hammer Operation inhibited |
The HECU has determined that there is an open circuit fault condition for the Hammer Speed |
0x27 |
Y |
66 |
C101D |
No Effect on Performance |
Fuel Level Low Alarm |
0x27 |
Y |
66 |
C101E |
No Effect on Performance |
Fuel Level Empty Alarm |
0x27 |
Y |
66 |
C101F |
No Effect on Performance |
Fuel Level Sensor Short Circuit |
0x27 |
Y |
66 |
C1020 |
No Effect on Performance |
Fuel Level Sensor Open Circuit |
0x27 |
Y |
66 |
C1021 |
No Effect on Performance |
Engine Coolant Level Low |
0x27 |
Y |
66 |
C1023 |
Machine will de-rate |
Hydraulic Oil Temperature High Alarm |
0x27 |
Y |
66 |
C1024 |
No Effect on Performance |
Hydraulic Oil Temperature Sensor Open Circuit |
0x27 |
Y |
66 |
C1025 |
T4F Inducement |
Battery Voltage High Fault Condition |
0x27 |
Y |
66 |
C1026 |
T4F Inducement |
Battery Voltage Low Fault Condition |
0x27 |
Y |
66 |
C1027 |
Alternator Voltage High Fault Condition |
0x27 |
Y |
66 |
C1028 |
Alternator Voltage Low Fault Condition |
0x27 |
Y |
66 |
C1029 |
No Effect on Performance |
Ambient Air Temperature Sensor Short Circuit |
0x27 |
Y |
66 |
C102A |
No Effect on Performance |
Ambient Air Temperature Sensor Open Circuit |
0x27 |
Y |
66 |
C102B |
Fan will run at 100% |
Cooling Fan Solenoid Fault Condition |
0x27 |
Y |
66 |
C102C |
Fan will run at 100% |
Cooling Fan Solenoid Short Circuit |
0x27 |
Y |
66 |
C102D |
Fan will run at 100% |
Cooling Fan Solenoid Open Circuit |
0x27 |
Y |
66 |
C1032 |
Machine will de-rate |
Hydraulic Oil Temperature Critical Alarm |
0x27 |
Y |
66 |
C1035 |
No Effect on Performance |
Hydraulic Oil Temperature Sensor Short Circuit |
0x27 |
Y |
66 |
C1300 |
Feature will not work as intended |
0x27 |
Y |
66 |
C1301 |
Feature will not work as intended |
0x27 |
Y |
66 |
C1303 |
Machine will be limited to 1 Speed |
0x27 |
Y |
66 |
C1304 |
Machine will be limited to 1 Speed |
0x27 |
Y |
66 |
C1305 |
Feature will not work as intended |
0x27 |
Y |
66 |
C1306 |
Feature will not work as intended |
0x27 |
Y |
97 |
C1307 |
Machine Controls will be Isolated |
0x27 |
Y |
97 |
C1308 |
Machine Controls will be Isolated |
0x27 |
Y |
66 |
C1309 |
Swing will be locked in position at moment of failure |
0x27 |
Y |
66 |
C130A |
Swing will be locked in position at moment of failure |
0x27 |
Y |
66 |
C130B |
Swing will be locked in position at moment of failure |
0x27 |
Y |
66 |
C130C |
Swing will be locked in position at moment of failure |
0x27 |
Y |
66 |
C130D |
Swing will be locked in position at moment of failure |
0x27 |
Y |
66 |
C130E |
Swing will be locked in position at moment of failure |
0x27 |
Y |
66 |
C130F |
Feature will not work as intended |
0x27 |
Y |
66 |
C1310 |
Feature will not work as intended |
0x27 |
Y |
66 |
C1311 |
Feature will not work as intended |
0x27 |
Y |
66 |
C1312 |
Feature will not work as intended |
0x27 |
Y |
66 |
C1313 |
Feature will not work as intended |
0x27 |
Y |
66 |
C1314 |
Feature will not work as intended |
0x27 |
Y |
79 |
C1316 |
Machine Controls will be Isolated |
Pilot Pressure Transducer Voltage above Normal |
0x27 |
Y |
79 |
C1317 |
Machine Controls will be Isolated |
Pilot Pressure Transducer Voltage below Normal |
0x27 |
Y |
97 |
C1318 |
Warning Only |
Controls Enable Pressure Out of Range |
0x27 |
Y |
79 |
C131A |
Machine Controls will be Isolated |
Lever Lock Switches Plausibility Error |
0x31 |
Y |
88 |
C1321 |
Foot Brake performance reduced |
Brake Accumulator Pressure Low |
0x31 |
Y |
74 |
C1322 |
Transmission Drive Isolated |
Both forward & reverse inputs are active |
0x31 |
Y |
74 |
C1323 |
No Action |
Vref shorted to battery |
0x31 |
Y |
74 |
C1324 |
No Action |
Vref shorted to ground |
0x31 |
Y |
74 |
C1325 |
Brake Accumulator Low Warning Permanently ON |
Brake accumulator sensor shorted to battery |
0x31 |
Y |
74 |
C1326 |
Brake Accumulator Low Warning Permanently ON |
Brake accumulator sensor shorted to ground |
0x31 |
Y |
74 |
C1327 |
Highway Mode not available |
Swing rotation sensor shorted to battery |
0x31 |
Y |
74 |
C1328 |
Highway Mode not available |
Swing rotation sensor shorted to ground |
0x31 |
Y |
74 |
C1329 |
Only Reverse direction available |
Forward drive output open-circuited |
0x31 |
Y |
74 |
C132A |
Only Reverse direction available |
Forward drive output short-circuited |
0x31 |
Y |
74 |
C132B |
Only Forward direction available |
Reverse drive output open-circuited |
0x31 |
Y |
74 |
C132C |
Only Forward direction available |
Reverse drive output short-circuited |
0x31 |
Y |
74 |
C132D |
No LH Turn Signals |
Left turn indicator output open-circuited |
0x31 |
Y |
74 |
C132E |
No LH Turn Signals |
Left turn indicator output short-circuited |
0x31 |
Y |
74 |
C132F |
No RH Turn Signals |
Right turn indicator output open-circuited |
0x31 |
Y |
74 |
C1330 |
No RH Turn Signals |
Right turn indicator output short-circuited |
0x31 |
Y |
74 |
C1331 |
No Rear Fog Lights |
Rear fog lights output open-circuited |
0x31 |
Y |
74 |
C1332 |
No Rear Fog Lights |
Rear fog lights output short-circuited |
0x31 |
Y |
74 |
C1333 |
No Reverse Lights |
Reverse lights output open-circuited |
0x31 |
Y |
74 |
C1334 |
No Reverse Lights |
Reverse lights output short-circuited |
0x31 |
Y |
74 |
C1335 |
Creep Speed unavailable |
Pump 1 output open-circuited |
0x31 |
Y |
74 |
C1336 |
Creep Speed unavailable |
Pump 1 output short-circuited |
0x31 |
Y |
74 |
C1339 |
Front LH stabilizer/dozer will stay in current position |
Front LH stabilizer/dozer output open-circuited |
0x31 |
Y |
74 |
C133A |
Front LH stabilizer/dozer will stay in current position |
Front LH stabilizer/dozer output short-circuited |
0x31 |
Y |
74 |
C133B |
Front RH stabilizer will stay in current position |
Front RH stabilizer output open-circuited |
0x31 |
Y |
74 |
C133C |
Front RH stabilizer will stay in current position |
Front RH stabilizer output short-circuited |
0x31 |
Y |
74 |
C133D |
Rear LH stabilizer/dozer will stay in current position |
Rear LH stabilizer/dozer output open-circuited |
0x31 |
Y |
74 |
C133E |
Rear LH stabilizer/dozer will stay in current position |
Rear LH stabilizer/dozer output short-circuited |
0x31 |
Y |
74 |
C133F |
Rear RH stabilizer will stay in current position |
Rear RH stabilizer output open-circuited |
0x31 |
Y |
74 |
C1340 |
Rear RH stabilizer will stay in current position |
Rear RH stabilizer output short-circuited |
0x31 |
Y |
74 |
C1341 |
No Switch Warning for Hazard Sw |
Hazard LED output open-circuited |
0x31 |
Y |
74 |
C1342 |
No Switch Warning for Hazard Sw |
Hazard LED output short-circuited |
0x31 |
Y |
74 |
C1343 |
High speed not available |
M1 output open-circuited |
0x31 |
Y |
74 |
C1344 |
High speed not available |
M1 output short-circuited |
0x31 |
Y |
74 |
C1345 |
Creep and Mid Speed not available |
M2 output open-circuited |
0x31 |
Y |
74 |
C1346 |
Creep and Mid Speed not available |
M2 output short-circuited |
0x31 |
Y |
74 |
C1347 |
No Brake Lights |
Brake light output open-circuited |
0x31 |
Y |
74 |
C1348 |
No Brake Lights |
Brake light output short-circuited |
0x31 |
Y |
74 |
C1349 |
Axle will not oscillate and remain in place |
Axle lock output open-circuited |
0x31 |
Y |
74 |
C134A |
Axle will not oscillate and remain in place |
Axle lock output short-circuited |
0x31 |
Y |
74 |
C134B |
Dig End will be isolated |
Dig end enable output open-circuited |
0x31 |
Y |
74 |
C134C |
Dig End will be isolated |
Dig end enable output short-circuited |
0x31 |
Y |
74 |
C134D |
Machine will not drive |
Drive enable output open-circuited |
0x31 |
Y |
74 |
C134E |
Machine will not drive |
Drive enable output short-circuited |
0x31 |
Y |
74 |
C134F |
Warning Only |
Revolver no longer aligned (when in travel mode) |
0x31 |
Y |
74 |
C1350 |
Creep speed disabled due to transmission output fault. |
Creep speed disabled due to transmission output fault. |
0x31 |
Y |
74 |
C1351 |
Slow speed disabled due to transmission output fault. |
Slow speed disabled due to transmission output fault. |
0x31 |
Y |
74 |
C1352 |
Fast speed disabled due to transmission output fault. |
Fast speed disabled due to transmission output fault. |
0x31 |
Y |
74 |
C1353 |
Travel speed disabled due to transmission output fault. |
Travel speed disabled due to transmission output fault. |
0x31 |
Y |
92 |
C1354 |
Brake System Charging before drive |
Brake Accumulator Pressure Low at Key On |
0x31 |
Y |
93 |
C1355 |
None |
Door Open while Cab Raised |
0x27 |
Y |
122 |
C1356 |
Load assist during Regen not active |
Regen Load Assist Solenoid Short Circuit |
0x27 |
Y |
122 |
C1357 |
Load assist during Regen not active |
Regen Load Assist Solenoid Open Circuit |
0x00 |
Y |
124 |
U0002 |
ISO-CAN Bus Fault |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
U0029-88 |
CAN bus off error 250kbps |
SA (hex) |
In Use? |
Added |
g |
Machine Reaction |
Extended Fault Text (Datalogger/Diagnostic Tools) |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
U0029-87 |
CAN bus off error 250kbps |
0x00 |
Y |
124 |
U0073 |
CAN Bus Fault |
0x00 |
Y |
124 |
U0101 |
CAN Timeout Fault |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
U0105-87 |
CAN bus message error for fuel qnty from engine ECU |
0x00 |
Y |
66 |
U010A |
Torque Reduction |
Lost Communication With Exhaust Gas Recirculation Control Module «A» |
0x00 |
Y |
66 |
U010C |
Lost Communication With Turbocharger/Supercharger Control Module «A |
0x00 |
Y |
114 |
U0110 |
T4F Inducement |
Inducement BAM TO |
0x00 |
Y |
114 |
U0110 |
T4F Inducement |
Engine rating TO |
0x00 |
Y |
124 |
U0110 |
VNT Timeout Fault |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
U0401-86 |
T4F Inducement |
CAN bus message error from engine ECU |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
U0401-81 |
T4F Inducement |
CAN bus message error from engine ECU |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
U0401-87 |
T4F Inducement |
CAN bus off error from engine ECU |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
U0401-81 |
T4F Inducement |
CAN bus message error from engine ECU |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
U0401-87 |
T4F Inducement |
CAN bus off error from engine ECU |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
U0401-81 |
T4F Inducement |
CAN bus message error from engine ECU |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
U0401-87 |
T4F Inducement |
CANbus off error from engine ECU |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
U0401-61 |
CAN bus message error for modelled NOx from engine ECU |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
U0401-81 |
T4F Inducement |
CAN bus message error from engine ECU |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
U0401-87 |
T4F Inducement |
CAN bus off error from engine ECU |
0x00 |
Y |
94 |
U040B |
Invalid Data Received From Exhaust Gas Recirculation Control Module «A» |
0x00 |
Y |
94 |
U040B |
Invalid Data Received From Exhaust Gas Recirculation Control Module «A» |
0x00 |
Y |
94 |
U040B |
Invalid Data Received From Exhaust Gas Recirculation Control Module «A» |
0x00 |
Y |
94 |
U040B |
Invalid Data Received From Exhaust Gas Recirculation Control Module «A» |
0x00 |
Y |
94 |
U040B |
Torque Reduction |
Invalid Data Received From Exhaust Gas Recirculation Control Module «A» |
0x00 |
Y |
94 |
U040B |
Torque Reduction / T4F Inducement |
CAN communication error: EGR overtemperature |
0x00 |
Y |
94 |
U040B |
Torque Reduction / T4F Inducement |
CAN communication error: EGR overtemperature |
0x00 |
Y |
94 |
U040D |
Invalid Data Received From Turbocharger/Supercharger Control Module «A» |
0x00 |
Y |
94 |
U040D |
Torque Reduction / T4F Inducement |
Invalid Data Received From Turbocharger/Supercharger Control Module «A» |
0x00 |
Y |
94 |
U040D |
Invalid Data Received From Turbocharger/Supercharger Control Module «A» |
0x00 |
Y |
94 |
U040D |
Torque Reduction / T4F Inducement |
Invalid Data Received From Turbocharger/Supercharger Control Module «A» |
0x00 |
Y |
94 |
U040D |
Invalid Data Received From Turbocharger/Supercharger Control Module «A» |
0x00 |
Y |
94 |
U040D |
Torque Reduction / T4F Inducement |
Invalid Data Received From Turbocharger/Supercharger Control Module «A» |
0x00 |
Y |
140 |
U040F |
T4F Inducement |
Engine rating mismatch |
0x00 |
Y |
124 |
U0410 |
VNT Communication Fault |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
U059E-81 |
T4F Inducement |
CAN bus message error from upstream NOx sensor |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
U059E-87 |
T4F Inducement |
CAN bus off error from upstream NOx sensor |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
U059E-29 |
CAN bus message error from upstream NOx sensor |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
U059E-86 |
CAN bus message error from upstream NOx sensor |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
U059E-9A |
CAN bus message error for heater ratio from upstream NOx sensor |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
U059E-62 |
CAN bus message error for NH3 level from upstream NOx sensor |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
U059E-02 |
CAN bus message error for NO2 level from upstream NOx sensor |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
U059E-93 |
CAN bus message error for NOx level from upstream NOx sensor |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
U059E-94 |
CAN bus message error for O2 level from upstream NOx sensor |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
U059E-97 |
CAN bus message error for NOx signal status from upstream NOx sensor |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
U059E-08 |
CAN bus message error for O2 signal status from upstream NOx sensor |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
U059E-84 |
CAN bus message error for power signal status from upstream NOx sensor |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
U059E-00 |
CAN bus message error for temp signal status from downstream NOx sensor |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
U059F-81 |
T4F Inducement |
CAN bus message error from downstream NOx sensor |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
U059F-87 |
T4F Inducement |
CAN bus off error from downstream NOx sensor |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
U059F-29 |
CAN bus message error from downstream NOx sensor |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
U059F-86 |
CAN bus message error from downstream NOx sensor |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
U059F-9A |
CAN bus message error for heater ratio from downstream NOx sensor |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
U059F-62 |
CAN bus message error for NH3 level from downstream NOx sensor |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
U059F-02 |
CAN bus message error for NO2 level from downstream NOx sensor |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
U059F-93 |
CAN bus message error for NOx level from downstream NOx sensor |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
U059F-94 |
CAN bus message error for O2 level from downstream NOx sensor |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
U059F-97 |
CAN bus message error for NOx signal status from downstream NOx sensor |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
U059F-08 |
CAN bus message error for O2 signal status from downstream NOx sensor |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
U059F-84 |
CAN bus message error for power signal status from downstream NOx sensor |
0x3D |
Y |
114 |
U059F-00 |
CAN bus message error for temp signal status from upstream NOx sensor |
0x32 |
Y |
66 |
U1100 |
0x27 |
Y |
66 |
U1300 |
Machine Immobilised |
0x12 |
Y |
79 |
U1308 |
Engine Idle |
MECU has lost CAN Communication with Throttle Actuator |
0x82 |
Y |
66 |
U1800 |
Machine Immobilised |
0x4A |
Y |
88 |
U1900 |
N/A |
LiveLink — Vehicle Battery Voltage Below Normal |
0x4A |
Y |
88 |
U1901 |
N/A |
LiveLink — Internal Voltage Below Normal |
0x4A |
Y |
88 |
U1904 |
N/A |
LiveLink — ECU Above Temperature Threshold |
0x4A |
Y |
88 |
U1905 |
N/A |
LiveLink — ECU Below Temperature Threshold |
0x4A |
Y |
88 |
U1906 |
N/A |
LiveLink — Accelerometer Internal Failure |
0x4A |
Y |
88 |
U1907 |
N/A |
LiveLink — Modem Jammed |
0x4A |
Y |
88 |
U1908 |
N/A |
LiveLink — GPS Antenna Not OK |
0x4A |
Y |
88 |
U1909 |
N/A |
LiveLink — No Comms with GPS Module |
0x4A |
Y |
88 |
U190A |
N/A |
LiveLink — SIM Card Failure |
0x4A |
Y |
88 |
U190B |
N/A |
LiveLink — No Comms with GSM Module |
0x4A |
Y |
88 |
U190C |
N/A |
LiveLink — GSM Network Registration Failure |
0x00 |
Y |
124 |
U2106 |
CAN Timeout Fault |
Оставьте заявку онлайн
Наша компания обеспечивает своевременное и качественное техническое обслуживание и ремонт дизельных генераторов JCB G140QS как в нашей сервисной зоне, так и с выездом по всей России.
Дизельная электростания JCB G140QS предназначена для стационарного размещения и может устанавливаться как в помещении (открытая комплектация, кожух), так и на улице (кожух, контейнер).
Технические характеристики дизельного генератора JCB G140QS:
Модель | G140QS |
Максимальная мощность, (кВт) | 112.2 |
Мощность, (кВт) | 101 |
Напряжение, (В) | 230/400 |
Количество фаз, (Ф) | 3 |
Запуск | электростартер |
Исполнение | в кожухе |
Вид топлива | дизель |
Функция сварки | Нет |
Частота, (Гц) | 50 |
Тип генератора | Синхронный |
Расход топлива, (л/ч) | 22.4 |
Емкость топливного бака, (л.) | 285 |
Двигатель | JCB |
Система охлаждение двигателя | жидкостная |
Частота вращения двигателя, (об/мин) | 1500 |
Вес, (кг) | 1720 |
Габариты (ДхШхВ), (мм) | 2850x1140x1830 |
Страна | Великобритания |
Производители | JCB |
Возможные неисправности дизельного генератора JCB G140QS:
- Дизельный двигатель не запускается.
- Нет 230/400 вольт. Отсутствует выходное напряжение.
- Двигатель запускается и глохнет.
- Дизельный двигатель останавливается, глохнет спустя интервал времени.
- Двигатель глохнет под нагрузкой запитанных электропотребителей.
- Двигатель не развивает свою мощность (не выходит на заданные рабочие обороты).
- Расход масла выше обычного.
- Громкий стук во время работы.
- Черный, бело-голубой цвет выхлопа.
- Высокий расход топлива.
- Напряжение ниже 230/400 вольт.
- Напряжение значительно выше 230/400 вольт.
- Напряжение около 20 вольт.
- Частота не соответствует 50 Гц.
- Чёрный выхлоп отработанных газов.
- Сизый выхлоп отработанных газов.
- Стартер не вращается, туго вращается.
- Электрический стартер не срабатывает.
- Потеки масла на корпусе двигателя (запотевание).
- Течь топлива.
- Посторонний шум при работе двигателя.
- Хлопки из глушителя при работе.
- Запах гари при работающем дизельгенераторе.
- Конденсатор лопнул, вздулся его корпус.
- Перегорела обмотки статора.
- Перегорела обмотки ротора.
Список ремонтируемых моделей JCB:
- JCB G115QS
- JCB G140QS
- JCB G165QS
- JCB G220QS
- JCB G275S
- JCB G275QS
- JCB G275BVO5
- JCB G350S
- JCB G350QS
- JCB G350BVO5
- JCB G415S
- JCB G415QS
- JCB G415BVO5
- JCB G440S
- JCB G440QS
- JCB G440BVO5
- JCB G495BVO5
- JCB G500S
- JCB G500QS
- JCB G550S
- JCB G550QS
- JCB G550BVO5
- JCB G660S
- JCB G660QS
- JCB G660BVO5
- JCB G700S
- JCB G700BVO5
- JCB G700QS
- JCB G700SCU5
- JCB G800SPE5
- JCB G850SPE5
- JCB G850SCU5
- JCB G850SMI5
- JCB G1000SPE5
- JCB G1000SCU5
- JCB G1005SCU5
- JCB G1100SMI5
- JCB G1100SCU5
- JCB G1100SPE5
- JCB G1105SCU5
- JCB G1240SPE5
- JCB G1380SPE5
- JCB G1400SMI5
- JCB G1410SCU5
- JCB G1480SPE5
- JCB G1530SMI5
- JCB G1540SCU5
- JCB G1600SPE5
- JCB G1650SPE5
- JCB G1650SMI5
- JCB G1650SCU5
- JCB G1700SCU5
- JCB G1900SMI5
- JCB G2000SCU5
- JCB G2000SPE5
- JCB G2090SMI5
- JCB G2200SMI5
- JCB G2250SCU5
- JCB G2250SPE5
- JCB G2500SCU5
- JCB G2500SPE5
- JCB G2500SMI5
Наши весомые преимущества
по ремонту дизель-генераторов JCB G140QS:
- 17 лет ремонтируем и обслуживаем
- Нагрузочное тестирование дизельных генераторов. В наличии нагрузочные стенды суммарной мощностью более 2 мвт.
- Электролабаратория. У нас есть собственная электролабаратория со всем необходимым оборудованием, с помощью которого мы выполняем:
- ремонт регулятора напряжения;
- ремонт блока управления дизельным двигателем;
- ремонт панели управления;
- ремонт контроллера;
- Компьютерная диагностика
- Станок для ремонта ДВС
- Видеоэндоскопия. Без демонтажа ГБЦ мы можем посмотреть состояние цилиндро-поршневой группы.
- Отличные условия для приема: сами разгружаем и погружаем. Есть погрузчик и кран-балка, вы можете приезти генератор на обычной бортовой машине, не нужен манипулятор.
- 4 выездные машины, укомплектованные всем необходимым оборудованием и первоклассными специалистами
- А также:
- доставка по всей россии
- гарантия на запчасти и услуги
- большой склад запчастей
Цены на ремонт дизельных генераторов JCB G140QS
Вид работ | Стоимость, рублей |
Диагностика дизельного генератора JCB G140QS | |
Диагностика дизельного генератора JCB G140QS в цеху | по запросу |
Выезд | по запросу |
Доставка техники | по запросу |
Ремонт ДГУ JCB G140QS | |
Ремонт системы отвода картерных газов | по запросу |
Регулировка блока АВР | по запросу |
Замена avr | по запросу |
Замена топливного фильтра | по запросу |
Ремонт топливной системы | по запросу |
Ремонт и перемотка силового альтернатора | по запросу |
Замена воздушного фильтра | по запросу |
Ремонт системы впуска | по запросу |
Замена соленоида | по запросу |
Замена радиатора охлаждающей жидкости | по запросу |
Замена контроллера управления | по запросу |
Ремонт системы охлаждения | по запросу |
Прошивка блока управления | по запросу |
Ремонт и замена АВР (блока автоматики) | по запросу |
Регулировка форсунок | по запросу |
Регулировка форсунок | по запросу |
Техническое обслуживание дизельных генераторов JCB G140QS | |
ТО 1-ой категории (замена масла, проверка эл.цепей) | по запросу |
ТО 2-ой категории (ТО 1 + замена воздушного фильтра) | по запросу |
ТО 3-й категории (ТО 2 + замена масляного и топливного фильтра) | по запросу |
Конечная цена зависит от множества факторов и определяется только после диагностики ДГУ, более точную цену Вы можете узнать, оставив заявку на ремонт.
В среднем диагностика ДЭС JCB G140QS занимает несколько часов.
Работаем по всей России!
Выезжаем в любой район Москвы и Московской области, а также в любой регион России!
Мы — официальный сервисный центр JCB
С 2011 года являемся официальным авторизованным сервисным цетром марки JCB, уполномочены осуществлять продажу и производить гарантийное и послегарантийное обслуживание техники фирмы-производителя. Даём гарантию на ремонтные работы и запчасти!
Заявка на ремонт дизельного генератора JCB G140QS
Пожалуйста, заполните форму ниже для более точного расчета цены на ремонт
- Manuals
- Brands
- jcb Manuals
- Portable Generator
- G20
- Operator’s manual
Table of Contents
Quick Links
G20, G20QS, G20S, G27, G27QS, G27S, G33, G33QS, G33S,
G34QS, G40, G40QS, G40S, G41QS, G45, G45QS, G45S
EN — 9831/0650 ISSUE 3 — 11/2017
Related Manuals for jcb G20
Summary of Contents for jcb G20
Page 1
OPERATOR’S MANUAL GENERATOR G20, G20QS, G20S, G27, G27QS, G27S, G33, G33QS, G33S, G34QS, G40, G40QS, G40S, G41QS, G45, G45QS, G45S EN — 9831/0650 ISSUE 3 — 11/2017 THIS MANUAL SHOULD ALWAYS STAY WITH THE MACHINE… -
Page 2
Operator’s Manual. You must understand and follow the instructions in the Operator’s Manual. If you do not understand anything, ask your employer or JCB dealer to explain it. OPERATOR’S Do not operate the machine without an Operator’s… -
Page 3
Notes: 9831/0650-3… -
Page 4
Table of Contents Contents Page No. Acronyms Glossary ……………………….Introduction About this Manual Model and Serial Number ……………………1 Using the Manual ……………………..1 Left-Hand Side, Right-Hand Side ………………….1 Cross References ……………………..2 Safety Safety — Yours and Others ……………………3 Safety Warnings ………………………. -
Page 5
Table of Contents Fluids and Lubricants ……………………. 84 Maintenance Schedules General …………………………88 How to Use the Maintenance Schedules ………………. 88 Maintenance Intervals ……………………. 88 Pre-start Cold Checks, Service Points and Fluid Levels …………..88 Engine General …………………………. 91 Oil ………………………….. 91 Drive Belt ………………………. -
Page 6
Table of Contents Acronyms Glossary Controller Area Network Crankcase Ventilation Engine Control Module Electronic Control Unit FEAD Front End Accessory Drive High Pressure Valve Liquid Crystal Display Light Emitting Diode Product Identification Number Revolutions Per Minute Society of Automotive Engineers Universal Serial Bus 9831/0650-3… -
Page 7
Notes: 9831/0650-3… -
Page 8
Particular attention must be given to all the safety aspects of operating and maintaining the machine. If there is anything you are not sure about, ask your JCB dealer or employer. Do not guess, you or others could be killed or seriously injured. -
Page 9
Introduction About this Manual Cross References In this manual, cross references are made by presenting the subject title in blue (electronic copy only). The number of the page upon which the subject begins is indicated within the brackets. For example: Refer to: Cross References (Page 2). -
Page 10
If you do not fully understand the warning messages, ask your employer or JCB dealer to explain them. Safety is not just a matter of responding to the warnings. All the time you are working on or with the machine you must be thinking of what hazards there might be and how to avoid them. -
Page 11
Allow the unit to cool before completing any maintenance. Keep tools and objects away from the impeller when the unit is operating. • Use only JCB recommended parts. These parts have been designed to give the engine its optimum performance. Using spurious parts may affect the integrity of the engine. 9831/0650-3… -
Page 12
Product Compliance Your JCB product was designed to comply with the laws and regulations applicable at the time of its manufacture for the market in which it was first sold. In many markets, laws and regulations exist that require the owner to maintain the product at a level of compliance relevant to the product when first produced. -
Page 13
About the Product Description Description Main Component Locations Figure 2. A Access door for the control panel B Access door for engine and radiator C Access panel for exhaust muffler D Access door for alternator E Access door for battery F Forklift pockets 9831/0650-3… -
Page 14
About the Product Description Figure 3. A Fuel tank B Control panel C Emergency stop D Fuel filter/water separator E Fuel tank filler neck F Engine oil filter G Water separator H Exhaust silencer J Radiator cap K Radiator L Inlet manifold M Automatic voltage regulator N Battery P Data plate… -
Page 15
About the Product Description Figure 4. A Rocker cover B Lifting eye C Fuel injectors D Radiator cap E Radiator F Oil filler cap G High pressure pump H ECU (Electronic Control Unit) J Fuel filter/water separator K Oil filter 9831/0650-3… -
Page 16
About the Product Description Figure 5. A Oil filter cap B Air filter C Oil pressure sensor D Starter motor assembly E Fly wheel housing F Oil drain plug (sump) G Oil sump H Alternator 9831/0650-3… -
Page 17
About the Product Product and Component Identification Product and Component Identification General The data plate details the model designation, rating, fuel type, weight, year of manufacture, output rating and other generating set specific information. The data plate is normally located on the right hand side of the alternator terminal box (looking at the alternator end of the generator). -
Page 18
About the Product Product and Component Identification Figure 8. A Engine data label 9831/0650-3… -
Page 19
Keep all of the safety labels clean and readable. Replace a lost or damaged safety label. Make sure the replacement parts include the safety labels where necessary. Each safety label has a part number printed on it, use this number to order a new safety label from your JCB dealer. 9831/0650-3… -
Page 20
About the Product Safety Labels Safety Label Identification Figure 9. 817/70021-2 817 /7003 2 817 /7000 5 817/70032-2 9831/0650-3… -
Page 21
About the Product Safety Labels Table 1. Safety Labels Item Part No. Description Qty. 335/D7133 Hot surfaces. Remove the ignition key and refer to the operator’s manual and service manual. 817/70021 Noise warning. Wear ear protection. 335/D7145 Risk of electrocution. Read the operator’s manual before you operate the machine. -
Page 22
1.5m around the unit. This is for guidance only. For more detailed information contact your JCB dealer. It is also important to note that placing the unit close to solid surfaces e.g. concrete walls may cause an increase in noise and cooling problems. -
Page 23
About the Product Installation and Removal Figure 10. A Distance from wall = 1,500mm B Air inlet C Air outlet Indoor installations Generator Set Room For the correct installation of a generator set in closed premises, the size of the room must allow: •… -
Page 24
About the Product Installation and Removal Recommended Room Dimensions Figure 11. Static Soundproof Generator Set — Side View A Generator set B Access door C Concrete base D Exhaust and hot air outlet duct E Generator length + 200mm 9831/0650-3… -
Page 25
About the Product Installation and Removal Figure 12. Static Soundproof Generator Set — Plan View A Generator set B Air inlet grill C Exhaust and hot air outlet duct D Cable Conduit E Access door F Concrete base G Generator length + 200mm H Generator width + 200mm 9831/0650-3… -
Page 26
About the Product Installation and Removal Figure 13. Canopy Delete Set — Side View A Access door B Exhaust pipe C Exhaust silencer D Hot air outlet ducts E Control panel F Concrete base G Generator set H Generator length + 200mm J Alternator The above figure shows a typical exhaust mounting arrangement. -
Page 27
About the Product Installation and Removal Figure 14. Open Generator Set- Side View A Control panel B Concrete base C Generator set D Generator over all length 9831/0650-3… -
Page 28
About the Product Installation and Removal Figure 15. Open Generator Set — Plan View A Access door B Air inlet grille C Control panel D Generator set E Hot air outlet duct F Concrete base G Cable conduit H Cable exit J Generator length + 200mm K Generator width + 200mm Basic Elements to be Considered… -
Page 29
Operating Generators in Extreme Cold Climates When the JCB Generator is operated in extreme cold climates, care must be taken to prevent the operating temperature of the engine decreasing below a level that will result in the incorrect operation of the engine components. -
Page 30
About the Product Installation and Removal Cold Start For a temperature range between 0°C (32.0°F) to -15°C (59.0°F), the standard QS canopy generator will enable the engine to crank at sufficient speed for cold starting with the standard 10w-40 engine oil. At this temperature, the grid heater is not required on the engine. -
Page 31
About the Product Installation and Removal 3. Use of incorrect fuel will cause the fuel to wax/thicken. This will block filter elements and increase wear in the fuel injection pump and injection systems. At extremely low temperatures trace heating may also be required to prevent the fuel from thickening and waxing. -
Page 32
On a busy site, use a signalman. Before doing any job not covered in this manual, find out the correct procedure. Your local JCB distributor will be glad to advise you. -
Page 33
Operation Operating Safety Regulations Obey all laws, worksite and local regulations which affect you and your machine. Hot Components Touching hot surfaces can burn skin. The engine and machine components will be hot after the unit has been running. Allow the engine and components to cool before servicing the unit. Alcohol and Drugs It is extremely dangerous to operate machinery when under the influence of alcohol or drugs. -
Page 34
Operation Battery Isolator Battery Isolator General The battery isolator switch is used to disconnect the battery from the machine electrics. The switch must be turned to the off position if any maintenance work is to be performed on the machine. Some machine systems perform shut down cycles after the engine stops. -
Page 35
• Ensure that the alternator windings and assembly are not damp, or dirty. Failure to do so could result in damage to the alternator windings. If windings are observed to be damp/dirty contact your JCB Dealer. • With the exception of emergency power generators, the engine should be warmed up with a reduced load before applying the full load. -
Page 36
Operation Instruments Instruments Instrument Panel Introduction Figure 18. A Digital controller B Emergency stop button C Digital controller on/off switch D Main power supply MCCB E Earth leakage relay Operation 1. Turn on the digital controller switch. 2. Wait for few seconds, to allow the controller to power up and display to stabilise. 3. -
Page 37
Operation Instruments 11. Turn on the main power supply MCCB. 12. The generator can now be loaded. 13. If the earth leakage relay trips at this point consult the site electrical installation engineer. 14. To stop the generator, remove any electrical loads. 15. -
Page 38
Operation Instruments Figure 20. Control Push-Buttons Table 3. This button places the module into its STOP/RESET mode. This will clear any alarm conditions for which the triggering criteria have been removed. If the engine is running and the module is put into STOP mode, the module will automatically instruct the generator to unload (`Close Generator’ and `Delayed Load Output 1, 2, 3 &… -
Page 39
Operation Instruments This button will start the engine and run off load. To place the generator on load, digital inputs are required to be assigned to perform this function. If the engine is running off-load in MANUAL/START mode button and a RE- MOTE START SIGNAL becomes present, the module will automatically in- struct the changeover device to place the generator on load (`Close Gener- ator’ and `Delayed Load Output 1, 2, 3 &… -
Page 40
Operation Instruments Icons Description Flexible sender instrumentation screen Appears when the event log is being displayed Current time held in the unit The current value of the scheduler run time and duration ECU (Electronic Control Unit) diagnostic trouble codes Oil filter maintenance timers Air filter maintenance timers Fuel filter maintenance timers Active Configuration… -
Page 41
Operation Instruments Mode Icon An icon is displayed in the Mode Icon section to indicate the mode the controller is currently in. Table 7. Icons Description Appears when the engine is at rest and the unit is in stop mode. Appears when the engine is at rest and the unit is in auto mode. -
Page 42
Operation Instruments Icons Description Appears when the mains supply is available and the mains breaker is open. Appears when the mains supply is available and the mains breaker is closed. Backlight The LED backlight is on if the unit has sufficient voltage while the unit is turned on, unless the unit is cranking for which the backlight is turned off. -
Page 43
Operation Instruments Warning Alarm Icons Warnings are non-critical alarm conditions and do not affect the operation of the generator system, they serve to draw the operators attention to an undesirable condition. By default, warning alarms are self-resetting when the fault condition is removed. However enabling `all warnings are latched’ will cause warning alarms to latch until reset manually. -
Page 44
Operation Instruments Icon Fault Description Generator Over Frequency The generator output frequency has risen above the pre-set pre- alarm setting. CAN ECU Fault The engine ECU has detected an alarm. CAN (Controller Area Network) Da- The module is configured for CAN ta Fail operation and does not detect data on the engine CAN data link. -
Page 45
Operation Instruments Icon Fault Description Low Fuel Level The level detected by the fuel lev- el sensor is below the low fuel level pre-set alarm setting. High Fuel Level The level detected by the fuel level sensor is above the high fuel level pre-set alarm setting. -
Page 46
Operation Instruments Icon Fault Description Over Speed The engine speed has risen above the over speed pre alarm setting. Charge Failure The auxiliary charge alternator voltage is low as measured from the W/L terminal. Low Fuel Level The level detected by the fuel lev- el sensor is below the low fuel level pre-set alarm setting. -
Page 47
Operation Instruments Icon Fault Description Oil Filter Maintenance Alarm Maintenance due for oil filter. Air Filter Maintenance Alarm Maintenance due for air filter. Fuel Filter Maintenance Alarm Maintenance due for fuel filter. Viewing The Instrument Pages Navigation Menu To enter the navigation menu, press both the UP and DOWN buttons simultaneously. Figure 22. -
Page 48
Operation Instruments Navigation Menu Icons Table 12. Icon Description Generator and mains voltage instrumentation Generator instrumentation Mains instrumentation Current and load instrumentation Engine instrumentation Module information Engine DTCs (Diagnostic Trouble Codes) if active Event Log General Navigation It is possible to scroll through the display to view different pages of information by repeatedly operating the up or down navigation buttons, and so on until the last page is reached. -
Page 49
Operation Instruments Home This is the page that is displayed when no other page has been selected and is automatically displayed after a period of inactivity (Page Delay Timer) of the module facia buttons. It also contains the voltage reading of the generator and mains that is measured from the module’s voltage inputs. -
Page 50
Operation Instruments Load These pages contain electrical values of the load, measured or derived from the module’s voltage and current inputs. The power values displayed depend on which supply is on load. • Generator Current (A)Mains Current (A)Load ph-N (kW)Total Load (kW)Load ph-N (kVA)Total Load (kVA)Load ph-N (kVAr)Total Load (kVAr)Power Factor ph-NPower Factor AverageAccumulated Load (kWh, kVAh, kVArh) Figure 28. -
Page 51
Operation Instruments Figure 30. 13:30:00 M T W T F S 3 Wk 2:45:00 A Icon to indicate that the scheduler is B Day and week of scheduled run currently displayed C Start time of scheduled run D Duration of scheduled run Engine DTC (ECU Alarms) If the DSE module is connected to an ECU, this page contains active Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTC) only if the engine ECU generating a fault code. -
Page 52
Operation Instruments Table 13. icon Fault DTC Description Check Engine Fault The engine ECU has detected a fault not recognised by the DSE module, contact engine manufac- turer for support. Low Oil Pressure The engine ECU has detected that the engine oil pressure has fallen below its configured low oil pres- sure alarm level. -
Page 53
Operation Instruments Figure 32. 23 h 56 m A Icon to indicate that the event log is currently B The engine hours at which the event occurred display C Current operating state of the module D Icon to indicate the electrical trip or shutdown alarm that has been recorded E Number of event displayed out Operation… -
Page 54
Operation Instruments Stopping The Engine Select STOP/RESET mode. The generator is stopped. Figure 34. B Stop/reset mode button Stop/Reset Mode If a digital input configured to panel lock is active, changing module modes will not be possible. Viewing the instruments and event logs are not affected by panel lock. STOP/RESET mode is activated by pressing the STOP/ RESET mode button. -
Page 55
Operation Instruments • Activation of an auxiliary input that has been configured to remote startActivation of the inbuilt exercise scheduler. Starting Sequence To allow for `false’ start requests, the start delay timer begins. Should all start requests be removed during the start delay timer, the unit returns to a stand-by state. If a start request is still present at the end of the start delay timer, the fuel relay is energised and the engine is cranked. -
Page 56
Operation Instruments If the unit has been configured for CAN, compatible ECU’s receives the start command via CAN. If the engine fails to fire during this cranking attempt then the starter motor is disengaged for the crank rest duration after which the next start attempt is made. Should this sequence continue beyond the set number of attempts, the start sequence is terminated and the display shows Fail to Start. -
Page 57
Operation Instruments Figure 35. When activated, the maintenance alarm can be either a warning (set continues to run) or shutdown (running the set is not possible). Resetting the maintenance alarm is normally actioned by the site service engineer after performing the required maintenance. -
Page 58
Operation Instruments Figure 37. Scheduler The controller contains an inbuilt exercise run scheduler, capable of automatically starting and stopping the set. Up to 8 scheduled start/stop sequences can be configured to repeat on a 7-day or 28-day cycle. Scheduled runs may be on load or off load depending upon module configuration. Example Figure 38. -
Page 59
Operation Instruments Depending upon configuration by the system designer, an external input can be used to inhibit a scheduled run. If the engine is running OFF LOAD in AUTO mode and a scheduled run configured to `On Load’ begins, the set is placed ON LOAD for the duration of the schedule. -
Page 60
Operation Instruments The PIN number is automatically reset when the editor is exited (manually or automatically) to ensure security. Commissioning Before the system is started, it is recommended that the following checks are made: 1. The unit is adequately cooled and all the wiring to the module is of a standard and rating compatible with the system. -
Page 61
Operation Operating Environment Operating Environment General Power De-rating Figure 40. Power de-rating depending on operating air temperature above 25 degrees Celsius X Power de-rating (%) Y Air temperature (Celsius) Figure 41. Power de-rating depending on operating altitude higher than 100m above sea level. 1500 3000 1000… -
Page 62
Operation Operating Environment Figure 42. Power de-rating depending on operating fuel temperature at injection pump inlet X Power de-rating (%) Y Fuel temperature (Celsius) Derate Table The generator output is affected by temperature and altitude. The following derate should be applied to take this into account. -
Page 63
Operation Operating Environment Altitude Ambient Temperature 2,000 2,500 3,000 3,500 4,000 4,500 5,000 Table 16. Altitude Ambient Temperature 35°C 40°C 45°C 50°C 55°C 60°C (95.0°F) (103.9°F) (112.9°F) (121.9°F) (130.9°F) (139.9°F) Sea Level 500 M 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 3,000 3,500 4,000 4,500 5,000… -
Page 64
Attachments Working with Attachments Attachments Working with Attachments Attachments for your Machine Bunding Tank Figure 43. A Alternator mounting plate B Fuel bunding tank C Engine mounting plate D Bunding tank base frame E Generator AVM 9831/0650-3… -
Page 65
Attachments Working with Attachments Fork Pockets Figure 44. A Fork pocket 9831/0650-3… -
Page 66
Attachments Working with Attachments Transportation Bracket Figure 45. A Transportation bracket B Bolts Transportation brackets is a temporary installation and must be removed after transportation. Loosen the bolts to remove all the four transportation bracket from the generator base. Refer to Figure 45. Oil Drain Valve/Pump Assembly Figure 46. -
Page 67
Attachments Working with Attachments Figure 47. A Drain pump mounting bracket B Drain pump C Hose D Drain valve 9831/0650-3… -
Page 68
Attachments Working with Attachments Oil Pressure Sensor Figure 48. A Bonded seal B Pressure transducer 9831/0650-3… -
Page 69
Attachments Working with Attachments Water Jacket Heater Figure 49. A Block heater thermostat 9831/0650-3… -
Page 70
Attachments Working with Attachments Battery Isolator Figure 50. For G20QS Only A Isolator switch B Cable (Battery negative to isolator) C Battery isolator mounting bracket D Cable (Isolator to starter motor) Figure 51. A Isolator switch B Battery isolator mounting bracket C Cable (Isolator to starter motor) D Cable (Battery negative to isolator) 9831/0650-3… -
Page 71
Attachments Working with Attachments 3 Way Fuel Valve (WFV) Figure 52. A Return line (Engine return to 3WFV) B Forward line (3WFV to lift pump inlet) C 3 way fuel valve D Return line (3WFV outlet to fuel tank) E Forward line (Fuel tank suction to 3WFV) Always refer to the direction label for the selection of internal /external tank. -
Page 72
Attachments Working with Attachments Canopy Delete Z0 Figure 54. Typical Generator A Electrical installation B Skid installation D Fuel system installation 9831/0650-3… -
Page 73
Attachments Working with Attachments CE Hot Guards Figure 55. Typical Hot Guard Plate A Mounting bracket B CE hot guard 9831/0650-3… -
Page 74
Attachments Working with Attachments ATP Panel ATP panel installation differ according to ampere requirements. Figure 56. A Control panel box B Monitoring relay C MCB stopper D Mechanical Interlock E Indicator LED (yellow) F Indicator LED (red) G Power busbar terminal H AC contactor J Voltage surge suppressor K PVC duct… -
Page 75
Attachments Working with Attachments Door Stop Arrangement Figure 58. A Position 1 B Position 2 C Door retainer bracket D Door retainer link 9831/0650-3… -
Page 76
Attachments Working with Attachments Canopy Protection Kit Figure 59. A Canopy protection block 9831/0650-3… -
Page 77
Attachments Working with Attachments Open Set Dedicated Design Figure 60. For G20QS Only A KDI B Battery installation C Fuel system installation D Generator installation E Generator F Base frame 9831/0650-3… -
Page 78
Attachments Working with Attachments Figure 61. For G27QS Only A Electrical installation B Generator installation C Fuel system installation D G drive installation E Battery installation F Base frame 9831/0650-3… -
Page 79
Attachments Working with Attachments Figure 62. For G40QS Only A Electrical installation B Alternator C Battery installation D Fuel system installation E Generator installation F Base frame 9831/0650-3… -
Page 80
Attachments Working with Attachments Figure 63. For G45QS Only A KDI B Electrical installation C Base frame D Generator installation E G drive installation F Battery installation 9831/0650-3… -
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Attachments Working with Attachments Socket Box Figure 64. A Socket box 9831/0650-3… -
Page 82
Attachments Working with Attachments Lifting Frame Single Point Figure 65. A Lifting hook B Lifting frame 9831/0650-3… -
Page 83
Attachments Working with Attachments Four Point Lifting Kit Figure 66. A Lifting hook 9831/0650-3… -
Page 84
Attachments Working with Attachments Battery Charger 27- 45kVA Figure 67. A Lead acid battery charger B 230V AC, 16A 1P44 plug 9831/0650-3… -
Page 85
Attachments Working with Attachments 20kVA Figure 68. A Lead acid battery charger B 230V AC, 16A 1P44 plug 9831/0650-3… -
Page 86
Attachments Working with Attachments Figure 69. A Current transducer B Earth leakage relay C Din rail D MCB Stopper E Earth leakage bracket 9831/0650-3… -
Page 87
Notes: 9831/0650-3… -
Page 88
Preservation and Storage Cleaning Preservation and Storage Cleaning General 1. Stop the machine and allow it to cool for at least one hour. Do not attempt to clean any part of the machine while it is running. 2. Ensure all electrical loads are disconnected and the generator is made safe by disconnecting at the breaker, turning off the machine and activating the emergency stop switch. -
Page 89
Maintenance Introduction Maintenance Introduction General WARNING The engine has exposed rotating parts. Switch off the engine before working in the engine compartment. Do not use the machine with the engine cover open. WARNING The machine can auto-start You must isolate the engine start circuit before you start service or maintenance procedures. -
Page 90
Machine Modifications This machine is manufactured in compliance with prevailing legislative requirements. It must not be altered in any way which could affect or invalidate its compliance. For advice consult your JCB dealer. Repairs If your machine does not function correctly in any way, get it repaired straight away. Neglect of necessary repairs could result in an accident or affect your health. -
Page 91
If accidentally spilled on to skin, it must be washed off immediately. Protective clothing and eye protection must be worn when handling antifreeze. Hygiene JCB lubricants are not a health risk when used correctly for their intended purposes. However, excessive or prolonged skin contact can remove the natural fats from your skin, causing dryness and irritation. -
Page 92
Maintenance Maintenance Safety The collection and disposal of used oil must be in accordance with any local regulations. Never pour used engine oil into sewers, drains or on the ground. Handling CAUTION The temperature of the hydraulic oil will be high soon after stopping the machine. Wait until it cools before beginning maintenance. -
Page 93
Maintenance Maintenance Safety Battery electrolyte contains sulphuric acid. It can burn you if it touches your skin or eyes. Wear goggles. Handle the battery carefully to prevent spillage. Keep metallic items (watches, rings, zips etc) away from the battery terminals. Such items could short the terminals and burn you. Set all switches to off before disconnecting and connecting the battery. -
Page 94
When the battery reaches the end of its usual life it must be removed from the machine and recycled in an approved way in accordance with local environmental regulations. This service is usually operated by battery vendors. Machine users that cannot find a suitable battery recycling facility should contact their JCB dealer for assistance. -
Page 95
Maintenance Maintenance Schedules Maintenance Schedules General A poorly maintained machine is a hazard. Doing the regular maintenance and lubrication jobs listed in these schedules will help keep the machine in safe running order. Apart from the daily jobs, the schedules are based on machine running hours. Keep a regular check on the hour meter reading. -
Page 96
Maintenance Maintenance Schedules Component Task 1000 2000 5000 6000 Emergency stop switch- Check opera- tion Earth Leakage RCD Check opera- tion and MCB External Power Socket Check condi- tion Battery Terminals and Check voltage Control panel events Check history Bus bar cover safety Check opera- switch tion… -
Page 97
Maintenance Maintenance Schedules Component Task 1000 2000 5000 6000 Generator Alternator ca- Check condi- bles tion Generator Alternator Check tight- Terminals ness (1) If installed (2) Check seals and O-rings are in place, check covers close securely Replace if there is any sign of wear (3) In case of low use: 12 months (4) The period of time that must elapse before checking the filter element depends on the environment in which the engine operates. -
Page 98
Maintenance Engine Engine General Clean Notice: Clean the engine before you start engine maintenance. Obey the correct procedures. Contamination of the fuel system will cause damage and possible failure of the engine. Notice: The engine or certain components could be damaged by high pressure washing systems; special precautions must be taken if the engine is to be washed using a high pressure system. -
Page 99
Maintenance Engine 2. Wait for the oil to drain back into the engine sump before you take a reading. If not, a false low reading may be recorded which can cause the engine to be overfilled. 3. Get access to the engine. 4. -
Page 100
2. Let the engine cool. 3. Remove the FEAD (Front End Accessory Drive) belt cover. 4. Check the belt condition, if worn out or deteriorated contact your JCB dealer for any service requirements. 5. Check the belt tension. Figure 71. -
Page 101
To reconnect from a star to delta connection (for e.g. from 400V to 230V), modify the linking arrangements on the output terminal board. It is not necessary to adjust the voltage regulator. These alterations must be carried out by a suitably qualified and competent person. Consult you JCB dealer. Figure 73. Connecting Lugs 9831/0650-3… -
Page 102
Maintenance Engine Standard alternators are equipped with 12 cables to offer different voltages (e.g. 230/400/460/800V). The alternator must always be earthed by sufficiently rated cable, using one of the inside or outside terminals. For the electrical connections, use wires suitable for the power of the generator and connect them to the terminal board. -
Page 103
Maintenance Engine • Parameters: Volt, Stab, Amp and Hz can be set with trimmers (default) 50/60Hz through a jumper (default). All parameters can be programmed via software • Analogical remote control of output voltage is possible through external voltage (0 to 2, 5V DC) or with a 10 kohm linear potentiometer •… -
Page 104
Maintenance Engine L A.P.O M Alaram LED N 50/60 P Memory Q Serial communication interface R Vext S Sensing T Voltage output V Vmin W Power supply An error in connection may have serious consequences for the unit. Carefully check to make sure that all connections are precise and in accordance with the attached drawings, before turning on the power. -
Page 105
Maintenance Engine Figure 77. Regulator Setup Selection of the sensing scale takes place directly according to the connection on the power terminal board; additional settings can be made with 4 trimmers (VOLT, STAB, AMP and Hz) and 3 jumpers (50/60Hz, JP1 and JP2). -
Page 106
Maintenance Engine Alarms During normal operation and a duty cycle of 50%, an indicator light mounted on the board flashes every two seconds. It flashes differently in the event of intervention or alarm. Figure 78. A Stop B Amp and (Hz or O.S.) C Hz or O.S. -
Page 107
Maintenance Engine Regulators Figure 79. REG TYPE SO7- 2G V Voltage The generator output must be checked under no load conditions, with the correct setting of frequency. The voltage may be adjusted by +/- 5% of the nominal, by acting upon the voltage potentiometer on the electronic regulators. -
Page 108
Maintenance Engine When using the machine in single phase, or for voltages different from the one pre-set at the factory, recalibration of the AMP and STAB potentiometers could be necessary. Intervention of Protection Devices Causes Underspeed Protection Instantaneous Intervention • Speed reduced by 10% of nominal RPM (Revolutions Per Minute). -
Page 109
Maintenance Engine Maintenance operations can be divided into routine and extraordinary maintenance operations. In both cases, all operations must be authorised by the safety representative and they must be carried out when the machine is turned off and insulated from the electric installation or from the power mains. High qualified mechanical or electrical technicians must carry out maintenance operations and any fault search since all operations described hereunder could put personnel in serious danger. -
Page 110
Maintenance Air Filter Air Filter General Check (Condition) 1. Make the machine safe. 2. Get access to the air filter. 3. Check the system hoses for: 3.1. Condition. 3.2. Damage. 3.3. Security. 4. Replace the system hoses if necessary. Replace Do not attempt to wash or clean the elements, they must only be renewed. -
Page 111
Maintenance Air Filter Dust Valve Check (Condition) • Check the dust valve for rips/tears. • Check there are no obstructions. • Check that the dust valve is free of dirt and dust. • Check that the dust valve securely attached to the air filter housing. 9831/0650-3… -
Page 112
B Fuel lift pump Check (Leaks) 1. Make the machine safe. 2. Get access to the engine compartment (if applicable). 3. Check the engine compartment (if applicable), fuel lines and the area below for leaks. 4. If necessary, contact your JCB dealer. 9831/0650-3… -
Page 113
Maintenance Fuel System Engine Fuel Filter Replace 1. Make the machine safe. 2. Get access to the engine compartment 3. Remove the sensor housing. 4. Unscrew and remove the filter element. 5. Fit a new element. Lubricate the gasket of the new cartridge. Do not fill the new cartridge with fuel. 6. -
Page 114
Maintenance Fuel System Figure 86. A Tap B Bowl Figure 87. A Water separator B Maximum level (red line) C Drain plug 9831/0650-3… -
Page 115
Maintenance Cooling System Cooling System Coolant Check (Level) CAUTION The cooling system is pressurised when the coolant is hot. When you remove the cap, hot coolant can spray out and burn you. Make sure that the engine is cool before you work on the cooling system. 1. -
Page 116
Maintenance Cooling System 3. Get access to the radiator. 4. Check the condition of the coolant hoses. 5. Check the radiator and intercooler surfaces for signs of damage. 6. If necessary, contact your JCB dealer for any service requirements. 9831/0650-3… -
Page 117
Maintenance Electrical System Electrical System General Check (Condition) Batteries Batteries used in normal temperate climate applications should not need topping up. In certain conditions (such as prolonged operation in high ambient temperatures or if the alternator overcharges) the electrolyte level should be checked frequently and topped up as necessary. -
Page 118
Maintenance Electrical System Figure 88. 4. Apply a thin layer of petroleum jelly to the terminal posts. Connect The batteries leads will require connecting on initial installation. When connecting the single battery to the machine, always connect the positive terminal first followed by the negative terminal. -
Page 119
Maintenance Electrical System Figure 91. A Cover B Nut C Cable 1 D Handle E Cable 2 F Clamp 1. Make the machine safe. 2. Use the handles to put the battery into its compartment. 3. Connect the cable 1 and the cable 2. 4. -
Page 120
Maintenance Electrical System Battery Cable Installation Figure 92. A Rubber boot 1. Make sure to cover the battery connection with the rubber boot. 2. Lug should not bend, crack or stress during installation. 3. Make sure that lug should not touch to any conducting part. Disconnect CAUTION This component is heavy. -
Page 121
Maintenance Electrical System Figure 94. Twin Battery 12V Machines — Parallel Connection (Example) A Battery B Positive lead C Battery link lead D Negative lead Figure 95. 24 Volt Machines — Series Connection (Example) A Battery B Positive lead C Battery link lead D Negative lead 9831/0650-3… -
Page 122
Maintenance Electrical System Figure 96. A Cover B Nut C Cable 1 D Handle E Cable 2 F Clamp 1. Make the machine safe. 2. Get access to the battery or batteries (depending on the specification of your machine). 3. If installed, move the battery isolator switch to the off position and then remove the key. 4. -
Page 123
The control panel, remote communication (if installed) and other stand-by functions, provide some drain on the battery. JCB recommend that wherever possible an onboard battery charger is fitted. This charger will provide a maintenance charge to the system batteries allowing for optimum system performance whenever start-up signal is received. -
Page 124
Maintenance Electrical System Where it is not possible to have an onboard battery charger installed, JCB recommend a running cycle of 1– 2h twice weekly. This exercising of the Generator Set recuperates the battery utilizing the charging alternator, and allows the machine to maintain a healthy stand-by state. -
Page 125
Maintenance Electrical System 6. If the tests are unsatisfactory, refer to the fault diagnosis table. Table 20. Fault Diagnosis Battery Tester Readings Remedy Check Load 0–12.6V Less than 6V Renew battery 6–12.4V less than 9V and decreases steadi- Recharge and re-test. If tests are ly but remains in yellow zone still unsatisfactory renew battery Less than 10V… -
Page 126
Maintenance Fault-Finding Fault-Finding General The fault finding procedures are given in the form of flow charts. There are a number of charts, each one dedicated to a particular fault category. The charts are designed to identify possible causes by performing checks and where applicable, specific tests on the engine. -
Page 127
Maintenance Fault-Finding Air intake system blocked or restricted. Visually check the air intake for blockage or obstruc- tion — remove as required. Check the air filter ele- ments for signs of blocking — replace as required. Fuel is aerated. Check the fuel system for loose connections and possible air ingress points. -
Page 128
Maintenance Fault-Finding Fuel lift pump not operating correctly (fuel supply in- Check that the lift pump is operating and delivering adequate). fuel to the injection pump. Fuel is waxing due to extremely cold weather. Verify by inspecting the fuel filter. Clean the system and use acclimatised fuel. -
Page 129
Maintenance Fault-Finding Table 27. Engine — Poor Running at Idle Cause Remedy Coolant temperature sensor fault Check the electrical connection at the coolant sen- sor. Check the correct electrical wires for open or short circuits. test the coolant sensor. If engine will not reach operating temperature refer to the following table. -
Page 130
Maintenance Fault-Finding Fuel is contaminated or incorrect grade diesel fuel Stop the engine. used. Replace the fuel filters. Operate the engine with a temporary supply of the correct grade of clean fuel. Note: Dirty fuel will cause damage to the fuel injec- tion pump and injectors. -
Page 131
Maintenance Fault-Finding Fuel injection lines leaking. Inspect and correct as required leaks in the high pressure lines, fittings injector sealing washers, or delivery valves. WARNING: Fine jets of fluid at high pressure can penetrate the skin. Keep face and hands well clear of pressurised fluid and wear protective glasses. -
Page 132
Maintenance Fault-Finding One or more fuel injector worn or malfunctioning. Check the electrical connections at the injectors. Worn or malfunctioning high pressure fuel pump. Do all the necessary fault finding checks before re- moval of the high pressure fuel pump. Table 32. -
Page 133
Maintenance Fault-Finding Turbocharger wastegate faulty. (Turbocharged ma- Repair or replace wastegate. chines only). Turbocharger malfunction. Replace Turbocharger. Electrical sensor fault. Check the electrical connections at the sensors. One or more fuel injector worn or malfunctioning. Check the electrical connections at the injectors. Engine compression low in one or more cylinders. -
Page 134
Maintenance Fault-Finding WARNING: Fine jets of fluid at high pressure can penetrate the skin. Keep face and hands well clear of pressurised fluid and wear protective glasses. If fluid penetrates your skin, get medical help immediately. Intake air or exhaust leaks. Refer to Table 34. -
Page 135
Maintenance Fault-Finding Lubricating oil sludge excessive. Change oil and filter. Review oil and filter change period. If operating in ar- duous applications, change more frequently. Make sure the correct lubricating oil is being used. Fuel in the lubricating oil, engine operating too cold. Review the operation for excessive idling resulting in the engine running below normal temperature. -
Page 136
Maintenance Fault-Finding Lubricating oil cooler leak. Check/replace the oil cooler. Look for coolant in the oil. Cylinder head gasket leak. Check/replace the head gasket. Cylinder head cracked or porous. Check/replace the head. Cylinder block coolant passages leaking. Check/replace the cylinder block. Table 44. -
Page 137
Maintenance Fault-Finding Table 46. Coolant — Contaminated Cause Remedy Coolant rusty, operation without correct mixture of Drain and flush the cooling system. Fill with correct antifreeze and water. mixture of antifreeze and water. Review the coolant change interval. Refer to the Op- eration and Maintenance Manual. -
Page 138
Maintenance Fault-Finding Sensor connection faulty Check the condition of sensor to harness connection, make sure the seals are in place, check for signs of corrosion or con- tamination. Repair/replace as necessary. If no fault is found, proceed to Step 3. Sensor failure Check the sensor resistance (see relevant helpfile page). -
Page 139
Maintenance Fault-Finding If the electrical resistance is OK, replace the rail and HPV. If no fault is found proceed to step 4. HPV buzzing fault Perform the HPV buzz test. If the HPV is not buzzing replace the rail and HPV. If the HPV buzzes, raise Techweb Helpdesk call. -
Page 140
Maintenance Fault-Finding Injector connection fault Check the Individual Injector Corrections and injector connec- tions. If the problem with C3I or injector connection is evident, replace/repair as necessary. If no fault is found proceed to step 3. Engine Cylinder compression Run the compression test (automatic or manual), if any of the fault engine cylinder pressure is not in the limits, repair/replace as necessary. -
Page 141
Maintenance Fault-Finding Sensor failure Check the sensor resistance (see relevant helpfile page). If sensor is out of specification replace. If no faults is found, proceed to Step 4. Wiring fault Check the harness continuity and machine and engine earth contacts. Repair/ replace as necessary. If no fault found, raise Techweb Helpdesk call. -
Page 142
Maintenance Fault-Finding If no faults is found, proceed to Step 4. Sensor signals faulty Check the sensor signals. If scope available, display Cam and crank signals on the scope. Change the sensor as necessary. If no fault is found, proceed to Step 5. Sensor target wheel fault Check the Cam target wheel if damaged, replace with new camshaft. -
Page 143
Maintenance Fault-Finding Table 65. Open Circuit Injector Step Trouble Action/Remedy Pressure diagnostics fault Perform the injector buzz test, if the injector is faulty it will not produce a buzzing sound. In such instances raise Techweb Helpdesk call. If no fault is found proceed to step 2. Injector connection fault Check the resistance of injector. -
Page 144
Maintenance Fault-Finding Check the operating temperature is not above 70°C (157.9°F) Check the DC fuse Fail to Start is activated after pre-set number of at- Check the wiring of fuel solenoid. tempts to start Check the fuel Check the battery supply Check the battery supply is present on the fuel output of the module Check the speed-sensing signal is present on the… -
Page 145
Maintenance Fault-Finding Alarms Table 69. Symptom Possible Remedy Low oil pressure fault operates after engine has fired Check the engine oil pressure. Check the oil pressure switch/sensor and wiring. Check configured polarity (if applicable) is correct (i.e. normally open or normally closed) or that sensor is compatible with the module and is correctly config- ured. -
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Maintenance Fault-Finding Check that the CTs are wired correctly with regards to the direction of current flow (p1,p2 and s1,s2) and additionally ensure that CTs are connected to the correct phase (errors will occur if CT1 is connected to phase 2). Remember to consider the power factor (kW = kVA x powerfactor). -
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Notes: 9831/0650-3… -
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Technical Data Introduction Technical Data Introduction General Table 73. Model Gererator Set rating Engine Type Serial Number (Stand by) 20 kVA KDI 1903M From 2288985 to 2298985 G20S 20 kVA KDI 1903M From 2288985 to 2298985 G20QS 20 kVA KDI 1903M From 2288985 to 2298985 27 kVA KDI 2504M… -
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Technical Data Static Dimensions Static Dimensions Dimensions Table 74. Model Length (mm) Width (mm) Height (mm) Shipping Vol- ume (sea ready) (m3) 1,750mm 750mm 1,350mm 1.78m³ G20S 1,650mm 650mm 1,200mm 1.3m³ G20QS 1,750mm 790mm 1,350mm 1.88m³ 2,250mm 800mm 1,350mm 2.43m³ G27S 1,650mm 650mm… -
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Technical Data Noise Emissions Noise Emissions Noise Data Table 76. Description G20QS G27QS G33QS G34QS G40QS G41QS G45QS LpA (7m) 60 dB(A) 62 dB(A) 62 dB(A) 62 dB(A) 62 dB(A) 62 dB(A) 62 dB(A) 9831/0650-3… -
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10W-40 5-W40 Recommended Oils Table 78. Engine Oil Specification JCB Extreme Performance API CI — 4, CH — 4, CG — 4 ACEA E4 ACEA E5 ACEA E7 (1) High performance (Euro 1 — 2 — 3 Engines) heavy duty… -
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Technical Data Fluids, Lubricants and Capacities Fuel WARNING Do not use petrol in this machine. Do not mix petrol with the diesel fuel. In storage tanks the petrol will form flammable vapours. Notice: No warranty liability will be accepted for engine failures where unacceptable fuel grades (or their equivalent) have been used at any stage. -
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The correct concentration of antifreeze protects the engine against frost damage in winter and provides year round protection against corrosion. The protection provided by JCB High Performance Antifreeze and Inhibitor is shown below. Table 81. Concentration… -
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Technical Data Electrical System Electrical System General Table 82. Description G20/G20S/ G27/G27S/ G33/G33S/ G34QS G40/G40S/ G41QS G45/G45S/ G20QS G27QS G33QS G40QS G45QS Frequency Hz 50/60 50/60 50/60 50/60 50/60 50/60 50/60 Phases Rated Speed 1500/1800 1500/1800 1500/1800 1500/1800 1500/1800 1500/1800 1500/1800… -
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Technical Data Electrical System Schematic Circuit Figure 98. 335/F5093-3 (sheet 1 of 6) 9831/0650-3… -
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Technical Data Electrical System Figure 99. 335/F5093-3 (sheet 2 of 6) 9831/0650-3… -
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Technical Data Electrical System Figure 100. 335/F5093-3 (sheet 3 of 6) 9831/0650-3… -
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Technical Data Electrical System Figure 101. 335/F5093-3 (sheet 4 of 6) 9831/0650-3… -
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Technical Data Electrical System Figure 102. 335/F5093-3 (sheet 5 of 6) 9831/0650-3… -
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Technical Data Electrical System Figure 103. 335/F5093-3 (sheet 6 of 6) 9831/0650-3… -
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Technical Data Electrical System Figure 104. 336/E4738-B (sheet 1 of 7) 9831/0650-3… -
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Technical Data Electrical System Figure 105. 336/E4738-B (sheet 2 of 7) 9831/0650-3… -
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Technical Data Electrical System Figure 106. 336/E4738-B (sheet 3 of 7) 9831/0650-3… -
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Technical Data Electrical System Figure 107. 336/E4738-B (sheet 4 of 7) 9831/0650-3… -
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Technical Data Electrical System Figure 108. 336/E4738-B (sheet 5 of 7) 9831/0650-3… -
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Technical Data Electrical System Figure 109. 336/E4738-B (sheet 6 of 7) 9831/0650-3… -
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Technical Data Electrical System Figure 110. 336/E4738-B (sheet 7 of 7) 9831/0650-3… -
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Technical Data Electrical System Figure 111. 336/E5832-1 (sheet 1 of 7) 9831/0650-3… -
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Technical Data Electrical System Figure 112. 336/E5832-1 (sheet 2 of 7) 9831/0650-3… -
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Technical Data Electrical System Figure 113. 336/E5832-1 (sheet 3 of 7) 9831/0650-3… -
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Technical Data Electrical System Figure 114. 336/E5832-1 (sheet 4 of 7) 9831/0650-3… -
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Technical Data Electrical System Figure 115. 336/E5832-1 (sheet 5 of 7) 9831/0650-3… -
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Technical Data Electrical System Figure 116. 336/E5832-1 (sheet 6 of 7) 9831/0650-3… -
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Technical Data Electrical System Figure 117. 336/E5832-1 (sheet 7 of 7) 9831/0650-3… -
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Technical Data Engine Engine General Table 83. Description G20/G20S/ G27/G27S/ G33/G33S/ G34QS G40/G40S/ G41QS G45/G45S/ G20QS G27QS G33QS G40QS G45QS Output Rating 17.5 23.1 33.1 33.1 37.3 (PRP) kW @ 1500 RPM Output Rating 19.25 25.41 36.41 36.41 41.03 (Standby) kW @… -
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Technical Data Engine Description G20/G20S/ G27/G27S/ G33/G33S/ G34QS G40/G40S/ G41QS G45/G45S/ G20QS G27QS G33QS G40QS G45QS Starting System Starter Motor (kW) 9831/0650-3… -
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The following warranty terms and conditions are applicable, for further details please contact your JCB dealer: • – 18 months from date of despatch from JCB or 12 months from first date in service (whichever is earlier). • – Cross-hire, consequential damage and third party losses are not warrantable.
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JCB Common Rail Fuel Codes
The electronic engine control unit (ECU) and devices connected to it are distinguished by their robust construction and are basically more reliable than connecting wires and
BEFORE checking or replacing electrical devices, make sure that the appropriate wires and connectors are installed and that they are functioning properly. In many cases, electrical faults are
easily fixed by identifying faulty wires,
connectors or ground points. Before performing work, it is necessary to disconnect the electrical system by disconnecting the battery. Check the relevant machine documentation for the correct
1 ELECTRICAL WIRING HARNESS — Visually inspect the connecting wires and connectors for signs of damage.
Check out the following aspects:
a Shabby wires — periodic short circuits.
b Cut wires — open circuits. A likely cause is the ingress of wires into the mechanical mechanisms of the machine.
c Broken wires — open circuits. The probable cause is incorrect laying or linking of wires without enough slack for the machine to move.
d Flamed wires — periodic short circuits. A likely cause is contact with the turbocharger or exhaust system.
2 CONNECTORS — Visually inspect the corresponding connectors. Check out the following aspects:
a Connection — Periodic short circuits. Make sure that the connectors are correctly connected and that their locking mechanisms are locked.
b Damage — intermittent open circuit or short circuit. Inspect the connectors for signs of physical damage (such as broken housings or retainer clips). Upon contact with a hot exhaust system or
turbocharger, the connectors may also melt. Disconnect the connectors and inspect the pin contacts for damage (e.g., corroded, bent, or broken pin contacts). DO NOT TOUCH the pin contacts of the
connector on the electronic engine control unit (ECU). Broken connectors must be replaced.
c Pollution — intermittent open circuit or short circuit. Disconnect the connectors and inspect their interior for contamination (usually water, oil, or hydraulic fluid). If necessary, clean the
pin pins of the connector and the socket with a cotton swab or similar object. DO NOT TOUCH the pin contacts of the connector on the electronic engine control unit (ECU). If there are clear signs
of water contamination, the connectors must be allowed to dry completely before connecting. Carefully inspect all sealing elements for signs of contamination or damage.
3 Ground Points — Locate the ground points on the engine and machine. Make sure the wire terminals are connected correctly.
Fault Codes — Structure
The structure of the DTCs, also known as Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTCs), has been standardized and represented by a 7-digit code for all road and off-road vehicles and vehicles. According to the
standard (called J2012), all DTCs must follow the structure below.
1st character — defines the vehicle system (e.g. P = power train, C = chassis, U = network)
2nd and 3rd characters — define the subsystem (transmission, CAN network, brakes, etc.)
4th and 5th symbols — identify a specific component, circuit or fault (e.g. starter relay)
6th and 7th characters — are called “fault type bytes” (FTB) and indicate a specific fault (for example, 11 = short circuit to ground). For a complete listing, see FTB Numbers below.
Some special fault codes are defined by an international standard, while others can be determined by individual vehicle manufacturers.
Depending on the specification of the machine, there are several ways to access and display fault codes that are recorded by the engine ECU:
CAN Bus Display
The machine can be equipped with a CAN-bus based display. Such a display may show all registered codes, for example, P0047. All registered codes will be displayed. The operator may be able to
erase the fault code log. For more information, see the relevant machine documentation.
Computer connected to CAN bus
Access to the registered error codes can be provided using a suitable laptop on which the appropriate diagnostic software is installed, for example, the engine diagnostic tool JCB 444 Engine
Diagnostics. The computer must be connected to the machine’s CAN bus socket using a data transfer adapter (DLA).
After connecting, all registered codes can be displayed. The engineer also has the opportunity to erase the fault code log.
Fault Byte Number (FTB) Numbers
- 00 No subtype information
- 02 General fault with signal
- 04 Internal system fault (ECU)
- 07 Mechanical failure
- 05 System programming failure
- 09 Component malfunction
- 11 Short to ground (SC2G)
- 12 Battery short circuit (SC2VBAT)
- 13 Open circuit (OS)
- 16 Circuit voltage below acceptable threshold
- 17 Circuit voltage above acceptable threshold
- 18 Circuit current below acceptable threshold
- 19 Circuit current above acceptable threshold
- 1A Circuit Resistance Above Threshold
- 1B Circuit resistance below acceptable threshold
- 1C Circuit voltage out of range
- 1F Intermittent circuit
- 23 Constantly low signal
- 24 Constantly high signal
- 26 Rate of change of signal below acceptable threshold value
- 27 The rate of change of the signal is above an acceptable threshold value
- 29 Invalid signal
- 2F Volatile Signal
- 31 No signal (skipped / missing)
- 36 Signal frequency too low
- 37 Signal frequency too high
- 38 Wrong signal frequency
- 45 Program memory failure
- 46 Calibration / parameter memory failure
- 47 Malfunction of self-monitoring system / microcontroller / microprocessor
- 4B temperature rise
- 54 No calibration
- 64 Malfunction of signal acceptability
- 62 Signal comparison failure
- 72 Actuator stuck open
- 73 Actuator stuck closed
- 71 Actuator stuck
- 81 Received network data contains error
- 85 Signal out of range
- 86 Invalid CAN signal
- 88 BUS OFF
- 9A Operating conditions for a component or system
- 92 Performance or malfunction
- 96 Component malfunction or internal malfunction
- 97 Component or system is obstructed or blocked
- 98 Temperature rise of a component or system
If a malfunction is detected, the computer determines the severity of the malfunction and can take measures to protect the engine or machine from potential damage.
An ECU can take one of four of the following actions:
The computer has decided that there is no direct risk to the engine or machine and that the engine is operating normally. Nevertheless, measures should be taken to rectify the malfunction as soon
as possible.
Low Torque Mode:
The engine output is reduced in order to reduce the voltage and temperature of the engine, and to minimize its damage. Machines should be stopped at the earliest opportunity to prevent further
Emergency mode of movement to the place of repair work:
Engine output is limited and engine speed is reduced to reduce engine voltage and temperature, and to minimize damage to the engine. Stop the machine as soon as possible to prevent further
Engine muffling / delayed engine muffling
The engine control unit automatically shuts off the engine to prevent an impending failure.
Fault Codes — Numeric List
• Click on the DTC to go to the specific device information and troubleshooting procedure.
P0001 The control circuit of the fuel volume regulator is open
P0002 Range / Performance of the fuel volume regulator control circuit
P0003 Low signal of the control circuit of the fuel volume regulator
P0004 High signal volume control circuit of the fuel volume regulator
P0016 Relationship between the position of the crankshaft and the position of the camshaft
P0087 Too low pressure in the fuel line / system
P0088 Too high pressure in the fuel line / system
P0089 Fuel Pressure Regulator 1 Performance
P0090 The control circuit of the fuel pressure regulator 1 is open
P0091 Low signal control circuit of the fuel pressure regulator 1
P0092 High signal of the control circuit of the fuel pressure regulator 1
P0095 Intake Air Temperature Sensor 2 Circuit
P0096 Intake Air Temperature Sensor 2 Range / Performance
P0097 Low signal circuit intake air temperature sensor 2
P0098 High Intake Air Temperature Sensor 2 Circuit
P0099 Intermittent / erratic intake air temperature sensor 2 circuit
P0105 Manifold Absolute Pressure / Barometric Pressure Circuit
P0106 Range / Performance of the manifold absolute pressure / barometric pressure circuit
P0110 Intake Air Temperature Sensor 1 Circuit
P0111 Low signal circuit intake air temperature sensor 1
P0124 High signal circuit intake air temperature sensor 1
P0113 High signal circuit intake air temperature sensor 1
P0115 Circuit 1, engine coolant temperature sensor
P0116 Range / Performance of circuit 1 of the coolant temperature sensor
P0117 Low signal circuit 1 of the engine coolant temperature sensor
P0118 High signal circuit 1 temperature sensor engine coolant
P0120 Throttle / Pedal Position Sensor / Switch A Circuit
P0121 Range / Performance of “A” Sensor / Throttle / Pedal Position Switch
P0180 Circuit «A» fuel temperature sensor
P0181 Range / Performance of the fuel temperature sensor circuit «A»
P0182 Low signal circuit A «fuel temperature sensor
P0183 High signal circuit «A» fuel temperature sensor
P0190 Circuit «A» of the fuel pressure sensor in the highway
P0191 Range / Performance of circuit “A” of the fuel pressure sensor in the line
P0192 Low signal circuit «A» of the fuel pressure sensor in the highway
P0193 High signal circuit «A» of the fuel pressure sensor in the highway
P0194 Intermittent / unstable signal of the circuit «A» of the fuel pressure sensor in the highway
P0200 Injector circuit open
P0201 Injector circuit open — 1st cylinder
P0202 Injector circuit open — 2nd cylinder
P0203 Injector circuit open — 3rd cylinder
P0204 Injector circuit open — 4th cylinder
P0205 Injector circuit open — 5th cylinder
P0206 Injector circuit open — 6th cylinder
P0218 Transmission Fluid Over Temperature
P0220 Circuit «B» of the sensor / switch throttle / pedal position
P0236 Range / Performance of circuit “A” of turbocharger / supercharger boost sensor
P0252 Range / Performance «A» of the fuel pump fuel meter (cam / rotor / injector)
P0253 Low signal “A” of the fuel metering device of the high pressure fuel pump
(camshaft / rotor / injector)
P0254 High signal «A» fuel metering pump fuel (cam / rotor / injector)
P0261 Low signal of the injector circuit of the 1st cylinder
P0262 High signal injector circuit 1 cylinder
P0263 Deposit / balancing of the 1st cylinder
P0264 Low signal of the injector circuit of the 2nd cylinder
P0265 High signal circuit injector 2nd cylinder
P0266 contribution / balancing of the 2nd cylinder
P0267 Low signal of the injector circuit of the 3rd cylinder
P0268 High signal circuit injector 3rd cylinder
P0269 Contribution / balancing of the 3rd cylinder
P0270 Injector 4 Low Signal
P0271 High signal injector circuit 4th cylinder
P0272 Deposit / balancing of the 4th cylinder
P0273 Low signal of the injector circuit of the 5th cylinder
P0274 High signal injector circuit 5th cylinder
P0275 Contribution / balancing of the 6th cylinder
P0276 Low signal of the injector circuit of the 6th cylinder
P0277 High signal circuit injector 6th cylinder
P0278 Contribution / balancing of the 6th cylinder
P029A The balancing of the 1st cylinder by fuel production is at the maximum limit
P029B The balancing of the 1st cylinder by fuel production is at the minimum limit
P029E The balancing of the 2nd cylinder by fuel production is at the maximum limit
P029F The balancing of the 2nd cylinder by fuel production is at the minimum limit
P02A2 The balancing of the 3rd cylinder by fuel production is at the maximum limit
P02A3 The balancing of the 3rd cylinder by fuel production is at the minimum limit
P02A6 Balancing of the 4th cylinder by fuel production is at the maximum limit
P02A7 Balancing of the 4th cylinder with fuel production is at the minimum limit
P02A8 Balancing of the 5th cylinder by fuel production is at the maximum limit
P02A9 Balancing of the 5th cylinder by fuel production is at the minimum limit
P02A10 The balancing of the 6th cylinder by fuel production is at the maximum limit
P02A11 The balancing of the 6th cylinder by fuel production is at the minimum limit
P02EE Range 1 / Injector Circuit Performance
P02EF Range / Performance of the Injector Chain of the 2nd Cylinder
P02F0 Range / Performance of the injector circuit of the 3rd cylinder
P02F1 Range / Performance 4 Injector Circuit
P02F2 Range / Performance 5th Injector Circuit
P02F3 Range / Performance 6th Injector Circuit
P0335 Circuit «A» crankshaft position sensor
P0340 Circuit «A» camshaft position sensor
P0341 Range / Performance of the camshaft position sensor circuit «A»
P0371 Excessive number of pulses «A» signal high-resolution time stamps
P0372 Too low number of pulses «A» signal high-resolution time stamps
P0374 No pulse «A» signal high-resolution time stamps
P0500 «A» vehicle speed sensor
P0501 Range / Performance «A» of the vehicle speed sensor
P0503 Intermittent / unstable / high signal «A» of the vehicle speed sensor
P0520 Low oil pressure warning light control circuit
P0521 Range / Performance of the engine oil pressure sensor / switch
P0522 High oil pressure
P0523 Low oil pressure
P0560 System Voltage
P0562 System Low Voltage
P0563 System High Voltage
P0566 Signal «off» («Off») cruise control
P0567 Cruise Control Resume Signal
P0569 Cruise control “Coast” signal
P0570 Cruise Control Accelerate Signal
P0575 Cruise Control Input Circuit
P0602 Control Module Programming Error
P0603 Standby memory error (CAM) of the internal control module
P0604 RAM error (RAM) of the internal control module
P0605 Read-only memory error (ROM) of the internal control module
P0606 Functional malfunction of the security system
P0607 Functional malfunction of the security system
P060A Functional Security Malfunction
P060B Functional malfunction of the security system
P0612 Control circuit of the engine speed relay
P0615 Starter Relay Circuit
P0616 Starter Relay Circuit Low
P0617 Starter Relay Circuit High
P061B Functional malfunction of the security system
P061C Functional malfunction of the security system
P061E Functional malfunction of the security system
P0627 Global Fuel Pump Malfunction — Open Circuit
P0628 Global fuel pump malfunction — short to ground
P0629 Global fuel pump malfunction — short to battery
P062B Functional malfunction of the security system
P062D Fuel Injector Control Circuit Performance
P062E Fuel Injector Control Performance
P062F EEPROM error of the internal control module
P0630 VIN code not programmed or incompatible — ECM / PCM
P0641 Circuit «A» of the reference voltage of the sensor is open
P0650 Malfunction Indicator Light (MIL) Control Circuit
P0651 Circuit «B» of the reference voltage of the sensor is open
P0655 Malfunction of the engine test indicator light (CEL)
P0656 output circuit of the fuel level sensor
P0668 PCM / ECM / TCM Internal Temperature Sensor Circuit A Low
P0669 High signal circuit «A» internal temperature sensor PCM / ECM / TCM
P0685 ECM / PCM power relay control circuit open
P0697 Circuit «C» of the reference voltage of the sensor is open
P1101 Positive malfunction of a pressure control error in the line
P1102 Negative malfunction of a pressure control error in the line
P1103 Malfunction of pressure in the line
P1104 Injector Update Failure
P1105 Injector Update Failure
P1106 Injector Update Failure
P1107 Injector Update Failure
P1108 Injector Update Failure
P1109 Injector Update Failure
P110A Injector Update Failure
P110B Injector Update Failure
P1500 Faulty foot choke / pedal — emergency mode of movement to the place of repair work
P1501 Foot Choke / Pedal Failure — Low Torque
P1503 Faulty hand throttle — emergency mode of movement to the venue
repair work
P1504 Manual Throttle Malfunction — Low Torque
P1506 Global Throttle / Pedal Failure — Emergency Travel Mode
repair work
P1509 CAN bus communication error with TSC
P1602 Global Starter Relay Control Circuit
P1603 Functional malfunction of the security system
P1604 Functional malfunction of the security system
P1605 Functional malfunction of the security system
P1606 Functional malfunction of the security system
P2120 Fault channel 1 signal hand pedal
P2125 Malfunction of channel 2 of a signal of a manual pedal
P2135 «A» / «B» Voltage Matching of Throttle / Pedal Position Sensor / Switch
P2138 Hand pedal signal mapping failure
P2147 Malfunction (cutoff) of the injector voltage source
P2148 Malfunction (cutoff) of the injector voltage source
P2226 Chain «A» of the barometric pressure sensor
P2228 Low signal circuit «A» barometric pressure sensor
P2229 High signal circuit «A» barometric pressure sensor
P2264 Sensor circuit for water in the fuel
P2265 Range / Performance of the fuel water sensor circuit
P2266 Low fuel water sensor circuit signal
P2267 High fuel water sensor circuit signal
P2269 State of water in the fuel
P250B Range / Performance Engine Oil Level Sensor Circuit
P256A Idling Sensor / Switch Circuit
P256B Range / Performance Sensor / Switch Selector Speed
engine idling
P256C Engine Idle Selector Sensor / Switch Low
P256D High Idle Sensor / Selector Speed Sensor Signal
U0001 High speed CAN data bus
U0073 Bus A of the control module data transmission is off
U0100 Communication failure with ECM / PCM «A»
U0121 Lost Communication With Anti-Lock Brake System (ABS) Control Module
U0401 Invalid data received from ECM / PCM «A»
U3FFF DTC SAE does not exist — specific manufacturer data required
JCB Diagnostic Trouble Codes
JCB Product Support Laptop Based Diagnostic Tool Manual Download
JCB v8+ Electrical Error Fault codes v1-07 Download
Troubleshooting/fault code,error kode JCB Excavator JS 200 JS 210 JS 220 JS 240 JS 260 Download
Flashing codes are described.
P0087 (flashing code 227) fuel rail pressure too low (for a pump without pressure applied)
Main symptoms
• Strong engine vibration.
• Unstable idling
• Output power drop
Exhaust smoke
• There may be too much smoke.
P0088 (flashing code 118) fuel rail pressure too high
Main symptoms
• Strong engine vibration
• idle unstable
• Output power drop
• failure to pump the gas engine
Exhaust smoke
• May be too big a way out.
P0089 (flashing code 151) fuel rail pressure regulator faulty
Main symptoms
• Strong engine vibration
• idle unstable
• Output power drop
Exhaust smoke
• May be too big a way out.
P0090 (flashing code 247) SCV open or short of fuel pressure regulator
Main symptoms
• Depending on the open / short situations, the engine may stop and / or start
Exhaust smoke
• Smoke output too large
P0107 (flashing code 71) Atmospheric pressure sensor input signal low (open or shorted to ground)
Main symptoms
Due to a spare equivalent height of 2000 m (6562 ft)
• exhaust smoke at high altitude.
• insufficient power at low altitude
P0108 (flashing code 71) Atmospheric pressure sensor input high (+ 5 V short-circuited)
Main symptoms
Due to a spare equivalent height of 2000 m (6562 ft)
• High exhaust smoke
• lack of power at low altitude
P0112 (flash code 22) intake air temperature sensor malfunction (low voltage error, ground fault, short circuit)
Main symptoms
• Cold start may emit white smoke.
P0113 (flash code 22) intake air temperature sensor malfunction (high supply voltage circuit fault)
Main symptoms
• Cold start may emit white smoke.
P0117 (flashing code 23) engine coolant temperature sensor malfunction (low voltage error, ground fault, short circuit)
Main symptoms
• At normal temperature: smoke may be emitted,
• When the ambient temperature is low when idling: unstable idling may occur, engine start is difficult
P0118 (flashing code 23) The engine coolant temperature sensor provides overestimated data (closed to positive or short circuit)
Main symptoms
• At normal temperature: smoke may be emitted,
• At low temperatures while idle: there may be an unstable idle,
P0182 (flashing code 211) Malfunctioning fuel temperature sensor (low voltage faults shorted to ground)
Main symptoms
Impact on performance.
P0183 (flashing code 211) Malfunctioning fuel temperature sensor (high voltage failure, power supply circuit open or
short circuit)
P0192 (flashing code 245) fuel pressure sensor (low voltage or short circuit)
Main symptoms
• Perhaps stopping the engine
• reduced output power
P0193 (error code 245) high signal of the fuel pressure sensor (open circuit or short to positive)
Main symptoms
• engine can stop
• Output power drop
P0201 (flashing code 271) open circuit of the injector 1-cylinder control circuit
Main symptoms
• strong engine vibration
• Unstable idling
• Output power lowered.
P0202 (flashing code 272) open circuit of the injector 2 cylinder control
Main symptoms
• strong engine vibration
• Unstable idling
• Output power lowered.
• engine failure
P0203 (flashing code 273) interruption of the injector control circuit 3 cylinders
Main symptoms
• strong engine vibration
• Unstable idling
• Output power
• failure to pump the gas engine
P0204 (flashing code 274) open circuit of the nozzle control circuit 4 cylinder
Main symptoms
• strong engine vibration
• Unstable idling
• Output power lowered.
• engine failure
P0205 (flashing code 275) open injector 5 control circuit
Main symptoms
• strong engine vibration
• Unstable idling
• Output power lowered.
• Engine failure
P0206 (flashing code 276) open circuit of the injector 6 cylinder control circuit
Main symptoms
• strong engine vibration
• Unstable idling
• Output power underestimated
• Engine failure
P0219 (flashing code 543) engine overspeed
Main symptoms
Output power drop
P0237 (flashing code 32) failure of the boost pressure sensor (low voltage error, open circuit)
Main symptoms
P0238 (flashing code 32) failure of the boost pressure sensor (high voltage failure, short to negative)
P0335 (flashing code 15) crankshaft sensor malfunction (no signal)
Main symptoms
• Output drop underestimated
• exhaust white smoke
• Motor vibration can be severe.
• engine may stop
P0336 (blink code 15) crankshaft sensor malfunction (signal failure)
Main symptoms
• Output drop low
• exhaust white smoke
• Motor vibration can be severe.
• The engine may stop (when the camshaft position sensor is normalized, it may start up again.
Error Codes/ Error String/ Description
101 CRANK A crank signal was not detected by the ECU1.
102 FUEL The fuel sensor is open-circuit
103 EN TMP The engine temperature sensor is open-circuited.
104 HYD TMP The hydraulic temperature sensor is open-circuited.
105 SET PT The throttle set potentiometer is open-circuited.
106 SENS PT The throttle sense potentiometer is open-circuited.
107 OIL SW The oil pressure switch is reporting oil pressure is present when the engine is not running.
108 FLYWHEEL The flywheel sensor is reporting an engine speed even though the engine is not running.
109 ALT The alternator is reporting a voltage even when the engine is not running.
110 THR SOL The throttle solenoid is open-circuited. This can only be detected when the engine is not running.
111 BOOM SP The boom lower speed regulation output is open-circuited.
113 MAX FLW The max flow solenoid is open-circuited. For JS200W machines, this error can only be detected when the
engine is not running due to the fact that this is a proportional valve on these machines.
115 BOOM The boom priority solenoid is open-circuited.
116 FL PMP The refuel pump output is open-circuited.
117 HORN The horn output is open-circuited.
118 HYD PMP The hydraulic pump is open-circuited. Because this is a proportional valve, this error can only be detected
when the engine is not running.
119 SLW LCK The slew lock solenoid is open-circuited.
120 HYD FAN The hydraulic fan output is open-circuited. This can only be detected when the engine is not running.
121 SLW BRK The slew brake solenoid is open-circuited.
122 SLW ST The slew shut off solenoid is open-circuited.
127 TL CHNG The travel change solenoid is open-circuited.
128 WASHER The washer motor is open-circuited.
129 DOZER The dozer solenoid is open-circuited.
130 GRB CW The grab/rotate clockwise solenoid is open-circuited.
131 GRB CCW The grab/rotate counter-clockwise solenoid is open-circuited.
132 LW FLOW The low flow solenoid is open-circuited.
133 ISOL The hydraulic isolator solenoid is open-circuited.
135 2 STAGE The 2nd stage relief solenoid is open-circuited.
136 QK HTCH The quick hitch solenoid is open-circuited.
138 HAMMER The hammer solenoid is open-circuited.
139 CUSHION The hard/soft cushion solenoid is open-circuited.
142 ENG SD The engine shutdown output is open-circuited.
143 GLW PLG The glow plugs output is open-circuited.
156 TL FLW3 The travel flow 3 solenoid is open-circuited.
157 TL FLW2 The travel flow 2 solenoid is open-circuited.
158 GR CHNG The M2 or gear change solenoid is open-circuited.
159 BRKE LT The brake light output is open-circuited.
160 AXLE LK The axle lock solenoid is open-circuited.
161 STAB UP The stabilizer up (Rear Right on Auto’s) solenoid is open-circuited.
162 STAB DN The stabilizer down (Front Left / Front Dozer on Auto’s) solenoid is open-circuited.
163 STAB LH The stabilizer left (Rear Left / Rear Dozer on Auto’s) solenoid is open-circuited.
164 STAB RH The stabilizer right (Front Right on Auto’s) solenoid is open-circuited.
165 CRUISE The cruise control solenoid is open-circuited.
166 DIG ISL The dig end isolation solenoid is open-circuited.
167 PRK BK The M1 or park brake solenoid is open-circuited.
168 DRV ISL The drive isolate solenoid is open-circuited.
202 FUEL The fuel level sensor is short-circuited.
203 EN TMP The engine temperature sensor is short-circuited.
204 HYD TMP The hydraulic temperature sensor is short-circuited.
205 SET PT The throttle set potentiometer is short-circuited.
206 SENS PT The throttle sense potentiometer is short-circuited.
210 THR SOL The throttle solenoid is short-circuited. This can only be detected when the engine is not running.
211 BOOM SP The boom lower speed regulation output is short-circuited.
212 INT LT The interior light is short-circuited.
213 MAX FLW The max flow solenoid is short-circuited. For JS200W machines, this error can only be detected when the
engine is not running due to the fact that this is a proportional valve on these machines.
214 BEACON The beacon output is short-circuited.
215 BOOM PR The boom priority solenoid is short-circuited.
216 FL PMP The refuel pump solenoid is short-circuited.
217 HORN The horn output is short-circuited.
218 HYD PMP The hydraulic pump is short-circuited. Because this is a proportional valve, this error can only be detected
when the engine is not running.
219 SLW LCK The slew lock solenoid is short-circuited.
220 HYD FAN The hydraulic fan solenoid is short-circuited. The fault can only be detected when the engine is not running.
221 SLW BRK The slew brake solenoid is short-circuited.
222 SLW ST The slew shut off solenoid is short-circuited.
223 LW WIPR The lower wiper motor is short-circuited.
224 WIPER The wiper motor is short-circuited.
225 LH CAB LT The boom work light is short-circuited.
226 RH CAB LT The toolbox work light is short-circuited.
227 TL CHNG The travel change solenoid is short-circuited.
228 WASHER The washer motor is short-circuited.
229 DOZER The dozer solenoid is short-circuited.
230 GRB CW The grab/rotate clockwise solenoid is short-circuited.
231 GRB CCW The grab/rotate counter-clockwise solenoid is short-circuited.
232 LW FLOW The low flow solenoid is short-circuited.
233 ISOL The isolator solenoid is short-circuited.
234 EMG STP The emergency stop solenoid is short-circuited.
235 2 STAGE The 2nd stage relief solenoid is short-circuited.
236 QK HTCH The quick hitch solenoid is short-circuited.
237 TL ALRM The travel alarm output is short-circuited.
238 HAMMER The hammer solenoid is short-circuited.
239 CUSHION The hard/soft cushion solenoid is short-circuited.
240 BOOM LT The boom work light is short-circuited.
241 TLBX LT The toolbox work light is short-circuited.
242 ENG SD The engine shutdown solenoid is short-circuited.
243 GLW PLG The glow plugs are short-circuited.
244 CNT LT The counter-weight work light is short-circuited.
245 LH IND The LH turn indicator is short-circuited.
246 LH SIDE The LH sidelight is short-circuited.
247 LH FOG The LH fog light is short-circuited.
248 LH MAIN The LH main beam is short-circuited.
249 LH DIP The LH dip beam is short-circuited.
250 RH IND The RH turn indicator is short-circuited.
251 RH SIDE The RH sidelight is short-circuited.
252 RH FOG The RH fog light is short-circuited
253 RH MAIN The RH main beam is short-circuited.
254 RH DIP The RH dip beam is short-circuited.
255 HZD LED The hazard LED is short-circuited.
256 TL FLW3 The travel flow 3 solenoid is short-circuited.
257 TL FLW2 The travel flow 2 solenoid is short-circuited.
258 GR CHNG The M2 or gear change solenoid is short-circuited.
259 BRKE LT The brake light output is short-circuited.
260 AXLE LK The axle lock solenoid is short-circuited.
261 STAB UP The stabilizer up solenoid is short-circuited.
262 STAB DN The stabilizer down solenoid is short-circuited.
263 STAB LH The stabilizer left solenoid is short-circuited.
264 STAB RH The stabilizer right solenoid is short-circuited.
265 CRUISE The cruise control solenoid is short-circuited.
266 DIG ISL The dig end isolate solenoid is short-circuited.
267 PRK BK The M1 or park brake solenoid is short-circuited.
268 DRV ISL The drive isolate solenoid is short-circuited.
300 EC1 CAN The ECU1 module is no longer communicating on the CAN bus.
301 ECW CAN The ECUW module is no longer communicating on the CAN bus.
302 THRT CAL The difference between the minimum and maximum calibration points for the throttle dial pot is less than 100
A/D points.
303 THRT CAL The difference between the minimum and maximum calibration points for the throttle sense pot is less than
100 A/D points. This error does not exist on machines fitted with an EEC.
304 THRT CAL The throttle dial pot is greater than 10% but the engine is still running at the idle position. This condition must
exist for at least 15 seconds before it is reported. This error does not exist on machines fitted with an EEC.
305 THRT CAL The error term of the PID algorithm is greater than 20 A/D points for more than 20 consecutive seconds.