ПО iVMS-4200 |
Network Communication Error Code | ||
Error Type | Returned Value | Information |
NET_DVR_NOERROR | 0 | No error. |
NET_DVR_PASSWORD_ERROR | 1 | User name or password error. |
NET_DVR_NOENOUGHPRI | 2 | Not authorized to do this operation. |
NET_DVR_NOINIT | 3 | SDK is not initialized. |
NET_DVR_CHANNEL_ERROR | 4 | Channel number error. There is no corresponding channel number on the device. |
5 6 |
The number of connection with the device has exceeded the max limit. Version mismatch. SDK version is not matching with the device. |
NET_DVR_NETWORK_FAIL_CONNECT | 7 | Failed to connect to the device. The device is off-line, or connection timeout caused by network. |
NET_DVR_NETWORK_SEND_ERROR | 8 | Failed to send data to the device. |
NET_DVR_NETWORK_RECV_ERROR | 9 | Failed to receive data from the device. |
NET_DVR_NETWORK_RECV_TIMEOUT | 10 | Timeout when receiving data from the device. |
11 12 13 14 15 |
The data sent to the device is illegal, or the data received from the device error. E.g. The input data is not supported by the device for remote configuration. API calling order error. Not authorized for this operation. Executing command on the device is timeout. Serial port number error. The assigned serial port does not exist on the device. |
NET_DVR_ERRORALARMPORT | 16 | Alarm port number error. |
17 18 19 20 |
Parameter error. Input or output parameters in the SDK API is NULL, or the value or format of the parameters does not match with the requirement. Device channel is in exception status. No hard disk on the device, and the operation of recording and hard disk configuration will fail. Hard disk number error. The assigned hard disk number does not exist during hard disk management. |
NET_DVR_DISK_FULL | 21 | Device hark disk is full. |
NET_DVR_DISK_ERROR | 22 | Device hard disk error. |
NET_DVR_NOSUPPORT | 23 | Device does not support this function. |
NET_DVR_BUSY | 24 | Device is busy. |
NET_DVR_MODIFY_FAIL | 25 | Failed to modify device parameters. |
NET_DVR_PASSWORD_FORMAT_ERROR | 26 | The inputting password format is not correct. |
NET_DVR_DISK_FORMATING | 27 | Hard disk is formatting, and the operation cannot be done. |
NET_DVR_DVRNORESOURCE | 28 | Not enough resource on the device. |
NET_DVR_DVROPRATEFAILED | 29 | Device operation failed. |
30 31 32 |
Failed to collect local audio data or to open audio output during voice talk / broadcasting. Voice talk channel on the device has been occupied. Time input is not correct. |
NET_DVR_NOSPECFILE | 33 | There is no selected file for playback. |
34 35 |
Failed to create a file, during local recording, saving picture, getting configuration file or downloading record file. Failed to open a file, when importing configuration file, upgrading device or uploading inquest file. |
NET_DVR_OPERNOTFINISH | 36 | The last operation has not been completed. |
NET_DVR_GETPLAYTIMEFAIL | 37 | Failed to get the current played time. |
NET_DVR_PLAYFAIL | 38 | Failed to start playback. |
NET_DVR_FILEFORMAT_ERROR | 39 | The file format is not correct. |
NET_DVR_DIR_ERROR | 40 | File directory error. |
NET_DVR_ALLOC_RESOURCE_ERROR | 41 | Resource allocation error. |
42 43 44 45 46 47 |
Sound adapter mode error. Currently opened sound playing mode does not match with the set mode. Buffer is not enough. Create SOCKET error. Set SOCKET error The number of login or preview connections has exceeded the SDK limitation. User doest not exist. The user ID has been logged out or unavailable. |
NET_DVR_WRITEFLASHERROR | 48 | Writing FLASH error. Failed to write FLASH during device upgrade. |
49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 |
Failed to upgrade device. It is caused by network problem or the language mismatch between the device and the upgrade file. The decode card has alreadly been initialed. Failed to call API of player SDK. The number of login user has reached the maximum limit. Failed to get the IP address or physical address of local PC. This channel hasn’t started encoding. IP address not match MAC address not match The language of upgrading file does not match the language of the device. |
58 59 60 |
The number of player ports has reached the maximum limit. No enough space to backup file in backup device. No backup device. |
61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 |
The color quality seeting of the picture does not match the requirement, and it should be limited to 24. The dimension is over 128×256. The size of picture is over 100K Failed to load player SDK. Can not find the function in player SDK. Failed to load the library file-“DsSdk”. Can not find the API in “DsSdk”. Failed to call the API in “DsSdk”. Sound adapter has been monopolized. Failed to join to multicast group. Failed to create log file directory. Failed to bind socket. Socket disconnected. It is caused by network disconnection or destination unreachable. |
NET_DVR_USERID_ISUSING | 74 | The user ID is operating when logout. |
NET_DVR_SOCKETLISTEN_ERROR | 75 | Failed to listen |
NET_DVR_PROGRAM_EXCEPTION | 76 | Sdk program exception |
NET_DVR_WRITEFILE_FAILED | 77 | Failed to write file, during local recording, saving picture or downloading record file. |
NET_DVR_FORMAT_READONLY | 78 | Failed to format read-only HD |
NET_DVR_WITHSAMEUSERNAME | 79 | This user name already exists in the user configuration structure. |
NET_DVR_DEVICETYPE_ERROR | 80 | Device type does not match when import configuration. |
NET_DVR_LANGUAGE_ERROR | 81 | Language does not match when import configuration. |
NET_DVR_PARAVERSION_ERROR | 82 | Software version does not match when import configuration. |
NET_DVR_IPCHAN_NOTALIVE | 83 | IP channel is not on-line when previewing. |
NET_DVR_RTSP_SDK_ERROR | 84 | Load StreamTransClient.dll failed |
NET_DVR_CONVERT_SDK_ERROR | 85 | Load SystemTransform.dll failed |
NET_DVR_IPC_COUNT_OVERFLOW | 86 | over maximun ipc count |
NET_DVR_MAX_ADD_NUM | 87 | add label or other operation reach the maximum number |
88 89 90 |
Image intensifier, parameter mode error. This error may occur when client sets software or hardware parameters. Code splitter is offline. Device is backing up. |
NET_DVR_CHAN_NOTSUPPORT | 91 | Channel not support |
92 93 |
The height line location is too concentrated, or the length line is not inclined enough. Cancel calibration conflict, if the rule and overall actual size filter have been set. |
NET_DVR_CALPOINTOUTRANGE | 94 | Calibration point exceeds the range. |
NET_DVR_FILTERRECTINVALID | 95 | The size filter does not meet the requirement. |
NET_DVR_DDNS_DEVOFFLINE | 96 | Device has not registered to DDNS. |
NET_DVR_DDNS_INTER_ERROR | 97 | DDNS inner error. |
NET_DVR_FUNCTION_NOT_SUPPORT_OS | 98 | This function don’t support this OS. |
NET_DVR_DEC_CHAN_REBIND | 99 | Decode channel can not bind with two display channel. |
NET_DVR_INTERCOM_SDK_ERROR | 100 | Failed to load the audio intercom SDK from current directory. |
NET_DVR_NO_CURRENT_UPDATEFILE | 101 | No current upgrade pack. |
NET_DVR_USER_NOT_SUCC_LOGIN | 102 | The user has not logined the device. |
NET_DVR_USE_LOG_SWITCH_FILE | 103 | It is using the log swtich file. |
NET_DVR_POOL_PORT_EXHAUST | 104 | The ports used to bound in port pool is exhausted. |
NET_DVR_PACKET_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORT | 105 | The packet type of stream is error. |
NET_DVR_IPPARA_IPID_ERROR | 106 | IPID of IP access configuration is error. |
NET_DVR_LOAD_HCPREVIEW_SDK_ERROR | 107 | Load Preview component Failed. |
NET_DVR_LOAD_HCVOICETALK_SDK_ERROR | 108 | Load Voice talk component Failed. |
NET_DVR_LOAD_HCALARM_SDK_ERROR | 109 | Load Alarm component Failed. |
NET_DVR_LOAD_HCPLAYBACK_SDK_ERROR | 110 | Load Playback component Failed. |
NET_DVR_LOAD_HCDISPLAY_SDK_ERROR | 111 | Load Display component Failed. |
NET_DVR_LOAD_HCINDUSTRY_SDK_ERROR | 112 | Load Industry component Failed. |
NET_DVR_LOAD_HCGENERALCFGMGR_SDK_ERROR | 123 | Load general configuration management component failed. |
NET_DVR_CORE_VER_MISMATCH | 121 | There is a mismatch between the component and core version. |
NET_DVR_CORE_VER_MISMATCH_HCPREVIEW | 122 | There is a mismatch between Live view component and core version. |
NET_DVR_CORE_VER_MISMATCH_HCVOICETALK | 123 | There is a mismatch between voice component and core version. |
NET_DVR_CORE_VER_MISMATCH_HCALARM | 124 | There is a mismatch between alarm component and core version. |
NET_DVR_CORE_VER_MISMATCH_HCPLAYBACK | 125 | There is a mismatch between playback component and core version. |
NET_DVR_CORE_VER_MISMATCH_HCDISPLAY | 126 | There is a mismatch between display component and core version. |
127 128 |
There is a mismatch between industrial application component and core version. There is a mismatch between general configuration management component and the core version. |
136 137 138 |
There is a mismatch between Live view component and HCNetSDK version. There is a mismatch between voice component and HCNetSDK version. here is a mismatch between alarm component and HCNetSDK version. |
NET_DVR_COM_VER_MISMATCH_HCPLAYBACK | 139 | There is a mismatch between playback component and HCNetSDK version. |
140 141 |
There is a mismatch between display component and HCNetSDK version. There is a mismatch between industrial application component and HCNetSDK version. |
NET_DVR_COM_VER_MISMATCH_HCGENERALCFGMGR | 142 | There is a mismatch between General configuration management component and the HCNetSDK version. |
NET_DVR_ALIAS_DUPLICATE | 150 | Alias is duplicate (for HiDDNS) |
NET_DVR_USERNAME_NOT_EXIST | 152 | The user name doesn’t exist. |
NET_ERR_USERNAME_LOCKED | 153 | The user name is locked. |
NET_DVR_INVALID_USERID | 154 | Invalid User ID. |
NET_DVR_LOW_LOGIN_VERSION | 155 | The login version is too low. |
NET_DVR_LOAD_LIBEAY32_DLL_ERROR | 156 | Failed to load libeay32.dll. |
NET_DVR_LOAD_SSLEAY32_DLL_ERROR | 157 | Failed to load ssleay32.dll. |
NET_DVR_TEST_SERVER_FAIL_CONNECT | 165 | Failed to connect to test server. |
166 167 168 169 |
Failed to mount to NAS server (No such directory, or user name/password error). Failed to mount to NAS server (not authorized) DNS has not been configured, so domain address may invalid. GateWay of Email server has not been configured, so it may be failed to send mail. |
NET_DVR_TEST_SERVER_PASSWORD_ERROR | 170 | User name and password tried to login the test server are not matching. |
NET_DVR_EMAIL_SERVER_CONNECT_EXCEPTION_WITH_S MTP | 171 | The connection between device and SMTP server is abnormal. |
NET_DVR_FTP_SERVER_FAIL_CREATE_DIR | 172 | Failed to create directory in the FTP server. |
NET_DVR_FTP_SERVER_NO_WRITE_PIR | 173 | Do not have permission to write in the FTP server. |
NET_DVR_IP_CONFLICT | 174 | IP conflict. |
NET_DVR_INSUFFICIENT_STORAGEPOOL_SPACE | 175 | The storage pool is full. |
The storage pool of cloud server is invalid, for not configure the storage pool or the ID of storage pool error. Need reboot the device. |
Array Error Code | ||
Error Type | Returned Value | Information |
NET_DVR_NAME_NOT_ONLY | 200 | Existing name. |
NET_DVR_OVER_MAX_ARRAY | 201 | Number of arrays has reached its limit. |
NET_DVR_OVER_MAX_VD | 202 | Number of virtual disks has reached its limit. |
NET_DVR_VD_SLOT_EXCEED | 203 | Virtual disk slot is full. |
NET_DVR_PD_STATUS_INVALID | 204 | Physical disk for rebuilding array is with error status. |
NET_DVR_PD_BE_DEDICATE_SPARE | 205 | Physical disk for rebuilding array is specified as spare drive. |
NET_DVR_PD_NOT_FREE | 206 | Physical disk for rebuilding array is not idle. |
NET_DVR_CANNOT_MIG2NEWMODE | 207 | Unable to migrate from the current array type to the new array type. |
NET_DVR_MIG_PAUSE | 208 | The migration operation has been paused. |
NET_DVR_MIG_CANCEL | 209 | The migration operation has been cancelled. |
NET_DVR_EXIST_VD | 210 | Operation failed! Please delete the virtual disk existed in the array first. |
NET_DVR_TARGET_IN_LD_FUNCTIONAL | 211 | Target physical disk is part of the virtual disk and is functional. |
NET_DVR_HD_IS_ASSIGNED_ALREADY | 212 | Specified physical disk is assigned to a virtual disk |
NET_DVR_INVALID_HD_COUNT | 213 | Number of physical disks doesn’t fit the specified RAID level. |
NET_DVR_LD_IS_FUNCTIONAL | 214 | Specified virtual disk is functional. |
NET_DVR_BGA_RUNNING | 215 | BGA is running. |
NET_DVR_LD_NO_ATAPI | 216 | Can not create virtual disk with ATAPI drive. |
NET_DVR_MIGRATION_NOT_NEED | 217 | Migration is not necessary. |
NET_DVR_HD_TYPE_MISMATCH | 218 | Physical disks are not of the same type. |
NET_DVR_NO_LD_IN_DG | 219 | No virtual disk exist on the specified array. |
NET_DVR_NO_ROOM_FOR_SPARE | 220 | Disk space is too small to be assigned as spare drive. |
NET_DVR_SPARE_IS_IN_MULTI_DG | 221 | Disk is already assigned as a spare drive for an array. |
NET_DVR_DG_HAS_MISSING_PD | 222 | Disk is missing from an array. |
NET_DVR_NAME_EMPTY | 223 | Name is empty. |
NET_DVR_INPUT_PARAM | 224 | The input parameter is error. |
NET_DVR_PD_NOT_AVAILABLE | 225 | The physical disk is not available. |
NET_DVR_ARRAY_NOT_AVAILABLE | 226 | The RAID is not available |
NET_DVR_PD_COUNT | 227 | The count of physical disks is not correct. |
NET_DVR_VD_SMALL | 228 | Virtual disk is too small. |
NET_DVR_NO_EXIST | 229 | Not exist. |
NET_DVR_NOT_SUPPORT | 230 | Not support the operation. |
NET_DVR_NOT_FUNCTIONAL | 231 | The status of RAID is abnormal. |
NET_DVR_DEV_NODE_NOT_FOUND | 232 | The device node of virtual disk does not exist. |
NET_DVR_SLOT_EXCEED | 233 | The count of slots reaches the upper limit. |
NET_DVR_NO_VD_IN_ARRAY | 234 | There is not virtual disk in the RAID. |
NET_DVR_VD_SLOT_INVALID | 235 | The slot of virtual disk is invalid. |
NET_DVR_PD_NO_ENOUGH_SPACE | 236 | The required space of physical disk is not enough. |
NET_DVR_ARRAY_NONFUNCTION | 237 | Only the RAID on normal state supports to be migrated. |
NET_DVR_ARRAY_NO_ENOUGH_SPACE | 238 | The space of RAID is not enough. |
NET_DVR_STOPPING_SCANNING_ARRAY | 239 | It is pulling the disk out safely or rescanning the disk. |
NET_DVR_NOT_SUPPORT_16T | 240 | Not support create the RAID larger than 16T. |
Security Activation Error Code | ||
NET_DVR_ERROR_DEVICE_NOT_ACTIVATED | 250 | The device has not been activated. |
NET_DVR_ERROR_RISK_PASSWORD | 251 | There is a risk of the password. |
NET_DVR_ERROR_DEVICE_HAS_ACTIVATED | 252 | The device has been activated. |
NET_DVR_CALIBRATE_DATA_CONFLICT | 307 | Calibration error. |
NET_DVR_CALIBRATE_CALC_FAIL | 308 | Failed to calculate camera calibration parameter. |
NET_DVR_CALIBRATE_LINE_OUT_RECT | 309 | The input calibrating line exceeds the external rectangle sample. |
NET_DVR_ENTER_RULE_NOT_READY | 310 | Enter rule not ready. |
311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 |
It does not include lane in the traffic event rule (especial for traffic jam or driving against the traffic). Lane not ready. There are two different directions in event rule. The lane conflicts with the data rule. The event type is not supported by the device. The lane has no direction. The size of filter is illegal. There is no face when feature point positioning. The input image is too small when feature point positioning. The input image has no face when detecting face in single image. Face is too small when building model. Face image is of poor quality when building model. Advanced parameter setting error. Calibration sample size error, or data value error, or sample points beyond the horizon |
NET_DVR_CALIBRATE_DISABLE_FAIL | 325 | The configured rules do not allow to cancel calibration. |
NET_DVR_VCA_LIB_FD_SCALE_OUTRANGE | 326 | Filter scale is out range. |
NET_DVR_LIB_FD_REGION_TOO_LARGE | 327 | Region is too big. |
NET_DVR_TRIAL_OVERDUE | 328 | Trial overdue. |
NET_DVR_CONFIG_FILE_CONFLICT | 329 | Config file conflict. |
NET_DVR_FR_FPL_FAIL | 330 | Feature points location is error in face recognition. |
NET_DVR_FR_IQA_FAIL | 331 | Image quality assessment is error in face recognition. |
NET_DVR_FR_FEM_FAIL | 332 | Feature extract & match error in face recognition. |
NET_DVR_FPL_DT_CONF_TOO_LOW | 333 | Detection confidence is too low in feature points location. |
NET_DVR_FPL_CONF_TOO_LOW | 334 | Confidence is too low in feature points location. |
NET_DVR_E_DATA_SIZE | 335 | Size of model data error. |
NET_DVR_FR_MODEL_VERSION_ERR | 336 | Model version is error. |
NET_DVR_FR_FD_FAIL | 337 | Face detection error in face recognition. |
NET_DVR_FA_NORMALIZE_ERR | 338 | Face attribute normalize error. |
NET_DVR_DOG_PUSTREAM_NOT_MATCH | 339 | Pustream and softdog are mismatched. |
NET_DVR_DEV_PUSTREAM_NOT_MATCH | 340 | Pustream device version is error. |
NET_DVR_PUSTREAM_ALREADY_EXISTS | 341 | The pustream has existence. |
NET_DVR_SEARCH_CONNECT_FAILED | 342 | Failed to connect face retrieval device. |
NET_DVR_INSUFFICIENT_DISK_SPACE | 343 | Storage space is insufficient. |
NET_DVR_DATABASE_CONNECTION_FAILED | 344 | Failed to connect database. |
NET_DVR_DATABASE_ADM_PW_ERROR | 345 | Username or password is error for database. |
NET_DVR_DECODE_YUV | 346 | Failed to decode image. |
NET_DVR_IMAGE_RESOLUTION_ERROR | 347 | Image resolution is unreasonable. |
NET_DVR_CHAN_WORKMODE_ERROR | 348 | Channel work mode error. |
RTSP Error Code | ||
Error Type | Returned Value | Information |
NET_DVR_RTSP_ERROR_NOENOUGHPRI | 401 | Authentication failed: if server returns 401, it will change to this error code |
NET_DVR_RTSP_ERROR_ALLOC_RESOURCE | 402 | Failed to allocate the resource |
NET_DVR_RTSP_ERROR_PARAMETER | 403 | Parameter error |
404 406 407 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 420 |
The assigned URL does not exist: when the server returns 404, SDK turns into this error code. E.g. the channel is not available, or the channel does not support sub stream The user forces to exit midway RTSP port getting error. RTSP DECRIBE communicate error Sending RTSP DECRIBE is timeout. Failed to send RTSP DECRIBE. Receiving RTSP DECRIBE is timeout. Receiving data of RTSP DECRIBE error. Failed to receive RTSP DECRIBE. RTSP DECRIBE device returns the error. (or 419), RTSP SETUP interaction error. Generally, it is that the address (URL) returned by the device is not accessible, or it is rejected by the server |
NET_DVR_RTSP_SETUPRECVTIMEOUT | 423 | Receiving RTSP SETUP is timeout. |
NET_DVR_RTSP_SETUPRECVDATALOST | 424 | Receiving data of RTSP SETUP error. |
426 427 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 |
It exceeds the max connection number of server. or server has not enough resource. RTSP SETUP device returns the error. RTSP PLAY interaction error. Sending RTSP PLAY is timeout. Sending RTSP PLAY error. Receiving RTSP PLAY is timeout. Receiving data of RTSP PLAY error. Failed to receive RTSP PLAY. RTSP PLAY device returns the error. RTSP TEARDOWN interaction error. Sending RTSP TEARDOWN is timeout. Sending RTSP TEARDOWN error. Receiving RTSP TEARDOWN is timeout. Receiving data of RTSP TEARDOWN error. Failed to receive RTSP TEARDOWN. RTSP TEARDOWN device returns the error. |
Decoding Error Code | ||
Returned Value 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 |
Information no error input parameter is invalid The order of the function to be called is error Create multimedia clock failed Decode video data failed Decode audio data failed Allocate memory failed |
NET_PLAYM4_OPEN_FILE_ERROR | 507 | Open the file failed |
NET_PLAYM4_CREATE_OBJ_ERROR | 508 | Create thread or event failed |
NET_PLAYM4_CREATE_DDRAW_ERROR | 509 | Create DirectDraw object failed |
NET_PLAYM4_CREATE_OFFSCREEN_ERROR | 510 | failed when creating off-screen surface |
NET_PLAYM4_BUF_OVER | 511 | buffer is overflow |
NET_PLAYM4_CREATE_SOUND_ERROR | 512 | failed when creating audio device |
NET_PLAYM4_SET_VOLUME_ERROR | 513 | Set volume failed |
NET_PLAYM4_SUPPORT_FILE_ONLY | 514 | The function only support play file |
NET_PLAYM4_SUPPORT_STREAM_ONLY | 515 | The function only support play stream |
NET_PLAYM4_SYS_NOT_SUPPORT | 516 | System not support |
NET_PLAYM4_FILEHEADER_UNKNOWN | 517 | No file header |
NET_PLAYM4_VERSION_INCORRECT | 518 | The version of decoder and encoder is not adapted |
NET_PALYM4_INIT_DECODER_ERROR | 519 | nitialize decoder failed |
NET_PLAYM4_CHECK_FILE_ERROR | 520 | The file data is unknown |
NET_PLAYM4_INIT_TIMER_ERROR | 521 | Initialize decoder failed |
NET_PLAYM4_BLT_ERROR | 522 | Blt failed |
NET_PLAYM4_UPDATE_ERROR | 523 | Update failed |
NET_PLAYM4_OPEN_FILE_ERROR_MULTI | 524 | openfile error, streamtype is multi |
NET_PLAYM4_OPEN_FILE_ERROR_VIDEO | 525 | openfile error, streamtype is video |
NET_PLAYM4_JPEG_COMPRESS_ERROR | 526 | JPEG compress error |
NET_PLAYM4_EXTRACT_NOT_SUPPORT | 527 | Don’t support the version of this file. |
NET_PLAYM4_EXTRACT_DATA_ERROR | 528 | Extract video data failed. |
Audio Intercom Error Code | ||
Error Type | Returned Value | Information |
NET_AUDIOINTERCOM_OK | 600 | No error. |
NET_AUDIOINTECOM_ERR_ALLOC_MEMERY | 602 | Memory allocation error. |
NET_AUDIOINTECOM_ERR_PARAMETER | 603 | Parameter error. |
NET_AUDIOINTECOM_ERR_CALL_ORDER | 604 | API calling order error. |
NET_AUDIOINTECOM_ERR_FIND_DEVICE | 605 | No audio device |
NET_AUDIOINTECOM_ERR_OPEN_DEVICE | 606 | Failed to open the audio device |
607 608 609 |
Context error. WAV file error. The type of WAV parameter is invalid |
NET_AUDIOINTECOM_ERR_ENCODE_FAIL | 610 | Failed to encode data |
NET_AUDIOINTECOM_ERR_DECODE_FAIL | 611 | Failed to decode data |
NET_AUDIOINTECOM_ERR_NO_PLAYBACK | 612 | Failed to play audio |
NET_AUDIOINTECOM_ERR_DENOISE_FAIL | 613 | Failed to denoise |
Qos Error Code | ||
Error Type | Returned Value | Information |
678 679 680 |
Scheduled parameter of minimum interval is bad . Scheduled parameter of fraction is bad. Scheduled parameter of bandwidth is not invalid. |
NET_QOS_ERR_PACKET_TOO_BIG | 687 | Packet too big. |
NET_QOS_ERR_PACKET_LENGTH | 688 | Packet length error. |
689 690 695 696 697 698 699 700 |
Packet version error. Packet unknow. Out of memory. Lib not initialized. Session not found. Invalid arguments. Qos error. No error. |
Other Error Code |
NET_SDK_ERR_REMOTE_DISCONNEC | 803 | Unable to connect to the remote device. |
NET_SDK_ERR_RD_ADD_RD | 804 | It does not support add spare device to a spare device. |
NET_SDK_ERR_BACKUP_DISK_EXCEPT | 805 | The backup disk is abnormal. |
NET_SDK_ERR_RD_LIMIT | 806 | The count of spare devices has reached the maximum limit. |
NET_SDK_ERR_ADDED_RD_IS_WD | 807 | The spare device to be added is a working device. |
NET_SDK_ERR_ADD_ORDER_WRONG | 808 | The adding order is wrong, such as, to add the working device to the spare device before adding the spare device to the working device. |
NET_SDK_ERR_WD_ADD_WD | 809 | It does not support add working device to a working device. |
NET_SDK_ERR_WD_SERVICE_EXCETP | 810 | The CVR server is abnormal. |
NET_SDK_ERR_RD_SERVICE_EXCETP | 811 | The spare device is abnormal. |
NET_SDK_ERR_ADDED_WD_IS_RD | 812 | The working device to be added is a spare device. |
NET_SDK_ERR_PERFORMANCE_LIMIT | 813 | The performance reaches the upper limit |
NET_SDK_ERR_ADDED_DEVICE_EXIST | 814 | The devcie to be added has existed. |
Other Error Code | ||
NET_SDK_ERR_CHAN_AUDIO_BIND | 821 | Chan bind aduio error or no bind. |
NET_DVR_N_PLUS_ONE_MODE | 822 | Not support to set cloud storage mode, for the device is in N+1 mode. |
NET_DVR_CLOUD_STORAGE_OPENED | 823 | The cloud storage mode has been opened. |
Multi-screen Controller Error Code | ||
901 902 |
Window channel index error. Window layer number error(the count of window layers on a single screen exceeds the max number). |
903 904 905 906 907 908 909 910 911 |
Window block number error(the count of screens that single window overlays exceeds the max number). The output resolution error. Layout index error. The input resolution is not supported. The sub-device is off-line. There is no free decoding channel. The upper limit of window number. Calling order error. Be playing plan. |
NET_ERR_DECODER_USED | 912 | Decoder board is in use. |
NET_ERR_OUTPUT_BOARD_DATA_OVERFLOW | 913 | The data of output board is over the limit. |
NET_ERR_SAME_USER_NAME | 914 | The user name is duplicate. |
NET_ERR_INVALID_USER_NAME | 915 | Invalid username. |
NET_ERR_MATRIX_USING | 916 | The input matrix is in use. |
917 918 919 |
The channel type is error (the output channel of matrix is different with the input of controller) The input channel has been bound by other matrix. The number of the matrix output channels in use has exceeded the number of channels bound with controller. |
NET_ERR_MAX_SIGNAL_NUM | 920 | The number of input signal sources is over the limit. |
NET_ERR_INPUT_CHAN_USING | 921 | The input channel is in use. |
NET_ERR_MANAGER_LOGON | 922 | The operation failed, for the manager has logged in. |
NET_ERR_USERALREADY_LOGON | 923 | The operation failed, for the user has logged in. |
NET_ERR_LAYOUT_INIT | 924 | The operation failed, for the layout is being initialized. |
NET_ERR_BASEMAP_SIZE_NOT_MATCH | 925 | The size of traced drawing not match |
NET_ERR_WINDOW_OPERATING | 926 | The operation failed, for the window is performing other operation. |
NET_ERR_SIGNAL_UPLIMIT | 927 | The number of windows has reached the maximum limit. |
Decoder Error Code | ||
NET_ERR_MAX_WIN_OVERLAP | 951 | The number of windows overlap has reached the maximum limit. |
NET_ERR_STREAMID_CHAN_BOTH_VALID | 952 | stream ID and channel number are both valid. |
NET_ERR_NO_ZERO_CHAN | 953 | The device has no zero channel. |
NEED_RECONNECT | 955 | Need redirection (for transcoding system) |
NET_ERR_NO_STREAM_ID | 956 | The stream ID does not exist. |
NET_DVR_TRANS_NOT_START | 957 | The transcoding has not been started. |
NET_ERR_MAXNUM_STREAM_ID | 958 | The number of stream ID has reached the maximum limit. |
NET_ERR_WORKMODE_MISMATCH | 959 | The work mode does not match with the requirement. |
NET_ERR_MODE_IS_USING | 960 | It Has been working in current mode. |
NET_ERR_DEV_PROGRESSING | 961 | The device is in processing |
NET_ERR_PASSIVE_TRANSCODING | 962 | It is in transcoding. |
Capability Set Error Code |
XML_ANALYZE_FIND_LOCALXML_ERROR | 1002 | Can not find the corresponding xml file. |
XML_ANALYZE_LOAD_LOCALXML_ERROR | 1003 | Failed to load the local xml file. |
XML_NANLYZE_DVR_DATA_FORMAT_ERROR | 1004 | Data format of the capability is wrong. |
XML_ANALYZE_TYPE_ERROR | 1005 | The type of capability set is wrong. |
XML_ANALYZE_XML_NODE_ERROR | 1006 | Format of XML capability node is wrong. |
XML_INPUT_PARAM_ERROR | 1007 | The input value of XML capability node is wrong. |
XML_VERSION_MISMATCH | 1008 | XML version not match |
Other Error Code | ||
NET_ERR_TRANS_CHAN_START | 1101 | The operation is failed, for transparent channel has been opened. |
NET_ERR_DEV_UPGRADING | 1102 | The device is upgrading. |
NET_ERR_MISMATCH_UPGRADE_PACK_TYPE | 1103 | The type of upgrade package not match. |
NET_ERR_DEV_FORMATTING | 1104 | The device is being formatted. |
NET_ERR_MISMATCH_UPGRADE_PACK_VERSION | 1105 | The version of upgrade package not match. |
Alarm Device Error Code | ||
NET_ERR_SEARCHING_MODULE | 1201 | The device is searching for the external module. |
NET_ERR_REGISTERING_MODULE | 1202 | The device is registering to the external module. |
NET_ERR_GETTING_ZONES | 1203 | The device is getting defense zone parameters. |
NET_ERR_GETTING_TRIGGERS | 1204 | The device is getting triggers. |
NET_ERR_ARMED_STATUS | 1205 | The system is armed. |
NET_ERR_PROGRAM_MODE_STATUS | 1206 | The system is in programming mode. |
NET_ERR_WALK_TEST_MODE_STATUS | 1207 | The system is in pacing mode. |
NET_ERR_BYPASS_STATUS | 1208 | Bypass state |
NET_ERR_DISABLED_MODULE_STATUS | 1209 | The function is disabled. |
NET_ERR_NOT_SUPPORT_OPERATE_ZONE | 1210 | The defense zone does not support the operation. |
NET_ERR_NOT_SUPPORT_MOD_MODULE_ADDR | 1211 | The module address can not be modified. |
NET_ERR_UNREGISTERED_MODULE | 1212 | The module is unregistered. |
NET_ERR_PUBLIC_SUBSYSTEM_ASSOCIATE_SELF | 1213 | The public subsystem is set to associate with itself. |
NET_ERR_EXCEEDS_ASSOCIATE_SUBSYSTEM_NUM | 1214 | The number of subsystems associated with the public subsystem exceeds the max limit. |
1215 1216 1217 |
The subsystem has been associated with the other public subsystem. The defense zone is in the fault state. The opening and close of alarm output triggered by event have associated with same event type. |
NET_ERR_ZONE_ALARM_STATUS | 1218 | The defense zone is in the alarm state. |
NET_ERR_EXPANSION_BUS_SHORT_CIRCUIT | 1219 | Short circuit of expansion bus. |
NET_ERR_PWD_CONFLICT | 1220 | Password conflict. |
ITS Camera Error Code | ||
1400 1401 1402 1403 1404 1405 1406 1407 |
The number of lanes exceeds the limit. License plate recognition region is too large. The access parameters of traffic light is error. The configuration of lane line is invalid. The configuration of stop line is invalid. The boundary line configuration of left-turn or right-turn lane is invalid. The overlaid lane number is repeated. The polygon region of license plate recognition does not meet the requirement. |
1408 1409 1410 1411 1412 1413 1414 1415 1416 1417 1418 1419 |
The number of traffic lights of the video detection exceeds the max limit. The number of the sub traffic lights of video detection is illegal. The input area size of the video detection traffic light is illegal. The color of the video detection traffic light is illegal. The direction of the video detection traffic light is illegal. Lack of IO ablity. FTP port error. FTP catalogue error. FTP upload type error. Setting param flash write error. Getting param flash read error. Pic name delimiter error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_PICNAME_ITEM | 1420 | Pic name item error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_PLATE_RECOGNIZE_TYPE | 1421 | Plate recognize type error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_CAPTURE_TIMES | 1422 | Capture times error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_LOOP_DISTANCE | 1423 | Loop distance error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_LOOP_INPUT_STATUS | 1424 | Loop input status error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_RELATE_IO_CONFLICT | 1425 | Related IO conflict. |
NET_DVR_ERR_INTERVAL_TIME | 1426 | Interval time error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_SIGN_SPEED | 1427 | Sign speed error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_PIC_FLIP | 1428 | Flip is used. |
NET_DVR_ERR_RELATE_LANE_NUMBER | 1429 | Related lane number error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_TRIGGER_MODE | 1430 | Trigger mode error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_DELAY_TIME | 1431 | Delay time error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_EXCEED_RS485_COUNT | 1432 | Exceed RS485 count. |
NET_DVR_ERR_RADAR_TYPE | 1433 | Radar type error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_RADAR_ANGLE | 1434 | Radar angle error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_RADAR_SPEED_VALID_TIME | 1435 | Radar speed valid time error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_RADAR_LINE_CORRECT | 1436 | Radar line correct error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_RADAR_CONST_CORRECT | 1437 | Radar const correct error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_RECORD_PARAM | 1438 | Record param error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_LIGHT_WITHOUT_COLOR_AND_DIRECTION | 1439 | Light number and other param error. |
1440 1441 1442 1443 1444 1445 1446 1447 1448 1449 1450 1451 |
Light number and detection region error. Plate recognize Province param error. IO Speed TimeOut Param error. NTP TimeZone Param error. NTP Interval Time error. Network Card Num error. Default Route error. Banding Work Mode error. Slave Card error. Primary Card error. DHCP and PPOE not Meanwhile start. Net Interface invalid. |
NET_DVR_ERR_MTU | 1452 | MTU Param invalid. |
NET_DVR_ERR_NETMASK | 1453 | Netmask address invalid. |
NET_DVR_ERR_IP_INVALID | 1454 | IP address invalid. |
NET_DVR_ERR_MULTICAST_IP_INVALID | 1455 | Multicast IP address invalid. |
NET_DVR_ERR_GATEWAY_INVALID | 1456 | Gateway address invalid. |
NET_DVR_ERR_DNS_INVALID | 1457 | DNS Param invalid. |
NET_DVR_ERR_ALARMHOST_IP_INVALID | 1458 | AlarmHost IP invalid. |
NET_DVR_ERR_IP_CONFLICT | 1459 | IP address Conflict. |
NET_DVR_ERR_NETWORK_SEGMENT | 1460 | IP not support Multi Network segment. |
NET_DVR_ERR_NETPORT | 1461 | NetPort param error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_DOMAINNAME_NOSUPPORT | 1463 | Not Support Domain Name. |
NET_DVR_ERR_NO_SPEED | 1464 | Speed Not Enabled. |
NET_DVR_ERR_IOSTATUS_INVALID | 1465 | IO Status invalid. |
NET_DVR_ERR_BURST_INTERVAL_INVALID | 1466 | Burst Interval invalid. |
NET_DVR_ERR_RESERVE_MODE | 1467 | Reserve Mode invalid. |
NET_DVR_ERR_LANE_NO | 1468 | Lane No error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_COIL_AREA_TYPE | 1469 | Coil Area Type error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_TRIGGER_AREA_PARAM | 1470 | Trigger Area Param error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_SPEED_LIMIT_PARAM | 1471 | Speed Limit Param error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_LANE_PROTOCOL_TYPE | 1472 | Lane Protocol Type error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_INTERVAL_TYPE | 1473 | Capture Interval Type error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_INTERVAL_DISTANCE | 1474 | Capture Interval Distance error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_RS485_ASSOCIATE_DEVTYPE | 1475 | Rs485 Associate DevType error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_RS485_ASSOCIATE_LANENO | 1476 | Rs485 Associate LaneNo error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_LANENO_ASSOCIATE_MULTIRS485 | 1477 | LaneNo Associate MulitRs485 error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_LIGHT_DETECTION_REGION | 1478 | Light Detection Region error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_DN2D_NOSUPPORT | 1479 | UnSupport Capture Frame 2D Noise Reduction. |
NET_DVR_ERR_IRISMODE_NOSUPPORT | 1480 | UnSupport scene Mode. |
NET_DVR_ERR_WB_NOSUPPORT | 1481 | UnSupport White Balance Mode. |
NET_DVR_ERR_IO_EFFECTIVENESS | 1482 | IO Effectiveness invalid. |
NET_DVR_ERR_LIGHTNO_MAX | 1483 | Access Detector Lights Red / Yellow Overrun. |
NET_DVR_ERR_LIGHTNO_CONFLICT | 1484 | Access Detector Lights Red / Yellow Conflict. |
NET_DVR_ERR_CANCEL_LINE | 1485 | Trigger straight line error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_STOP_LINE | 1486 | Subject line area stop line error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_RUSH_REDLIGHT_LINE | 1487 | Red light trigger lines error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_IOOUTNO_MAX | 1488 | IO out port error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_IOOUTNO_AHEADTIME_MAX | 1489 | IO out ahead time error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_IOOUTNO_IOWORKTIME | 1490 | IO out inwork time error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_IOOUTNO_FREQMULTI | 1491 | IO out frequency multiplication error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_IOOUTNO_DUTYRATE | 1492 | IO out duty rate error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_VIDEO_WITH_EXPOSURE | 1493 | IO out work mode error. |
1494 1495 1496 1497 1498 1499 |
Plate enable in plate compensate mode on. Recognize Type error. Plate Recognize Area Param error. Port Conflict. IP cannot be the loopback address. Driveline sensitivity error. |
VQD Error Code | ||
NET_ERR_VQD_TIME_CONFLICT | 1500 | The time period conflict. |
NET_ERR_VQD_PLAN_NO_EXIST | 1501 | The diagnostic plan of VQD dese not exist. |
NET_ERR_VQD_CHAN_NO_EXIST | 1502 | The channel dese not exist. |
NET_ERR_VQD_CHAN_MAX | 1503 | The total number of VQD plans exceeds the max limit. |
NET_ERR_VQD_TASK_MAX | 1504 | The total number of VQD tasks exceeds the max limit. |
Capture Camera Error Code | ||
NET_DVR_ERR_EXCEED_MAX_CAPTURE_TIMES | 1600 | Capture times exceed 2 in flash mode. |
NET_DVR_ERR_REDAR_TYPE_CONFLICT | 1601 | Radar type conflict. |
NET_DVR_ERR_LICENSE_PLATE_NULL | 1602 | The license plate is null. |
NET_DVR_ERR_WRITE_DATABASE | 1603 | Failed to write data into the database. |
NET_DVR_ERR_LICENSE_EFFECTIVE_TIME | 1604 | The effective time of licence plate error. |
Access Control Host Error Code | ||
NET_ERR_TIME_OVERLAP | 1900 | The time period is overlapped. |
1901 1902 1903 |
The holiday plan is overlapped. The card number is not sorted. The card number is not existed. |
NET_ERR_ILLEGAL_CARDNO | 1904 | The card number is false. |
NET_ERR_ZONE_ALARM | 1905 | The zone is armed(the modification of parameters is not allowed) |
NET_ERR_ZONE_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORT | 1906 | The zone does not support the operation. |
NET_ERR_INTERLOCK_ANTI_CONFLICT | 1907 | Both the multi-door interlocking and anti-sneak configuration are false. |
NET_ERR_DEVICE_CARD_FULL | 1908 | The card is full(return when up to 10W). |
ПО iVMS-4200 |
На чтение 5 мин. Опубликовано 15.12.2019
Файл ivms-4200.exe из unknown Company является частью iVMS-4200. ivms-4200.exe, расположенный в cprogram filesivms-4200 stationivms-4200ivms-4200 clientivms-4200.exe с размером файла 7547776 байт, версия файла, подпись 8309e345a6f83cd9145727911d058358.
В вашей системе запущено много процессов, которые потребляют ресурсы процессора и памяти. Некоторые из этих процессов, кажется, являются вредоносными файлами, атакующими ваш компьютер.
Чтобы исправить критические ошибки ivms-4200.exe,скачайте программу Asmwsoft PC Optimizer и установите ее на своем компьютере
- 1- Очистите мусорные файлы, чтобы исправить ivms-4200.exe, которое перестало работать из-за ошибки.
- 2- Очистите реестр, чтобы исправить ivms-4200.exe, которое перестало работать из-за ошибки.
- 3- Настройка Windows для исправления критических ошибок ivms-4200.exe:
- Как вы поступите с файлом ivms-4200.exe?
- Некоторые сообщения об ошибках, которые вы можете получить в связи с ivms-4200.exe файлом
- IVMS-4200.EXE
- процессов:
- в оборудовании Hiwatch ошибка при воспроизведении «ПОТОК ЗАШИФРОВАН»
- Шаг 1
- Шаг 2
- Шаг 3
- Шаг 4
- Шаг 5
1- Очистите мусорные файлы, чтобы исправить ivms-4200.exe, которое перестало работать из-за ошибки.
- Запустите приложение Asmwsoft Pc Optimizer.
- Потом из главного окна выберите пункт «Clean Junk Files».
- Когда появится новое окно, нажмите на кнопку «start» и дождитесь окончания поиска.
- потом нажмите на кнопку «Select All».
- нажмите на кнопку «start cleaning».
2- Очистите реестр, чтобы исправить ivms-4200.exe, которое перестало работать из-за ошибки.
3- Настройка Windows для исправления критических ошибок ivms-4200.exe:
- Нажмите правой кнопкой мыши на «Мой компьютер» на рабочем столе и выберите пункт «Свойства».
- В меню слева выберите » Advanced system settings».
- В разделе «Быстродействие» нажмите на кнопку «Параметры».
- Нажмите на вкладку «data Execution prevention».
- Выберите опцию » Turn on DEP for all programs and services . » .
- Нажмите на кнопку «add» и выберите файл ivms-4200.exe, а затем нажмите на кнопку «open».
- Нажмите на кнопку «ok» и перезагрузите свой компьютер.
Всего голосов ( 14 ), 9 говорят, что не будут удалять, а 5 говорят, что удалят его с компьютера.
Как вы поступите с файлом ivms-4200.exe?
(ivms-4200.exe) столкнулся с проблемой и должен быть закрыт. Просим прощения за неудобство.
(ivms-4200.exe) перестал работать.
ivms-4200.exe. Эта программа не отвечает.
(ivms-4200.exe) — Ошибка приложения: the instruction at 0xXXXXXX referenced memory error, the memory could not be read. Нажмитие OK, чтобы завершить программу.
(ivms-4200.exe) не является ошибкой действительного windows-приложения.
(ivms-4200.exe) отсутствует или не обнаружен.
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в оборудовании Hiwatch ошибка при воспроизведении «ПОТОК ЗАШИФРОВАН»
При попытке просмотра в реальном времени устройства Hi watch , которое поддерживает доступ к платформе Hik-Connect, появляется сообщение об ошибке «поток зашифрован».
Это означает, что
Включена функция шифрования потока.
Для решения проблемы
требуется ввести пароль по следующему пути в iVMS-4200 и перезапустить режим просмотра в реальном времени:
Управление устройствами -> Группа -> Выберите устройство -> Изменить -> Введите ключ
На веб-интерфейсе устройства:
Настройки -> Локальные -> Ключ шифрования -> Введите ключ
Ключ шифрования — это код подтверждения устройства, который вы можете найти на устройстве. Если устройство не имеет кода подтверждения, пароль по умолчанию — ABCDEF.
Вы можете изменить пароль или отключить функцию шифрования потока через веб-клиент Ezviz или мобильное приложение Hik-Connect.
Как отключить функцию шифрования потока через учетную запись Ezviz:
1) посетите сайт www.ezvizlife.com и войдите в свою учетную запись
2) Перейдите по следующему пути: Управление системой-> Управление устройствами-> Мое устройство. Перейдите в настройки устройства и отключите шифрование потока.
3) Код для отключения функции будет отправлен на ваш телефон или по электронной почте.
4) Введите полученный код, чтобы отключить шифрование потока.
Как отключить функцию шифрования потока через приложение Hik-Connect либо Ezviz:
1) Запустите приложение Hik-Connect и войдите в свою учетную запись.
2) Ваше устройство-> щелкните на устройстве-> Конфигурация-> отключить шифрование потока.
3) Код для отключения функции будет отправлен на ваш телефон или по электронной почте.
4) Введите полученный код, чтобы отключить шифрование потока.
Часто в службу технической поддержки hikvision.org.ua обращаются с проблемой подключения к IVMS-4200 устройств, уже привязанных к облаку Ezviz или Hik-Connect. Одни не знают с какой стороны подойти, а у других подключенные устройства не отображают видео.
Сегодня расскажем как решить эти проблемы самостоятельно.
Шаг 1
Зайдите в IVMS-4200.
Откройте вкладку “Управление устройствами” (стрелка 1).
Нажмите “Добавить новый тип устройства” (стрелка 2).
Шаг 2
Выберите “Hik-Connect Device” или “Устройство Hik-Connect” (стрелка 1). У нас этот пункт неактивен, потому что такой тип устройства уже добавлен.
Подтвердите выбор (стрелка 2).
Шаг 3
Перейдите во вкладку Hik-Connect Device. Выберите страну Украина. Нажмите “Login”.
Появится окно входа. Введите свой логин, e-mail, номер телефона и пароль. Нажмите “Login”.
Шаг 4
Если в профиле еще нет устройств, во вкладке Hik-Connect Device нажмите кнопку “Add Device” (стрелка 2).
Добавленное устройство появится в этом окне. Казалось бы, все необходимое сделано, но именно на этом этапе у многих возникают трудности. Что делать дальше?
Шаг 5
Во вкладке “Device Management” выберите пункт “Group” (стрелка 1). Если устройство уже прикреплено к профилю, выберите папку с именем вашего профиля в Hik-Connect.
Если устройство добавлено только что, создайте группу (стрелка 3). Группа будет носить имя устройства (видно по стрелке 2). После того, как найдете новую папку, выделите устройство (стрелка 4) и нажмите на кнопку “Modify” (стрелка 5). Если все сделано правильно, кнопка станет активной, синего цвета.
При нажатии “Modify” в открывшемся окне в поле “Stream Key” (стрелка 1) введите верификационный код. Не забудьте нажать кнопку “ОК”.
Теперь во вкладке онлайн-просмотра все работает корректно, вместо непонятных ошибок вы увидите изображение с камеры.
ПО iVMS-4200 |
Network Communication Error Code | ||
Error Type | Returned Value | Information |
NET_DVR_NOERROR | 0 | No error. |
NET_DVR_PASSWORD_ERROR | 1 | User name or password error. |
NET_DVR_NOENOUGHPRI | 2 | Not authorized to do this operation. |
NET_DVR_NOINIT | 3 | SDK is not initialized. |
NET_DVR_CHANNEL_ERROR | 4 | Channel number error. There is no corresponding channel number on the device. |
5 6 |
The number of connection with the device has exceeded the max limit. Version mismatch. SDK version is not matching with the device. |
NET_DVR_NETWORK_FAIL_CONNECT | 7 | Failed to connect to the device. The device is off-line, or connection timeout caused by network. |
NET_DVR_NETWORK_SEND_ERROR | 8 | Failed to send data to the device. |
NET_DVR_NETWORK_RECV_ERROR | 9 | Failed to receive data from the device. |
NET_DVR_NETWORK_RECV_TIMEOUT | 10 | Timeout when receiving data from the device. |
11 12 13 14 15 |
The data sent to the device is illegal, or the data received from the device error. E.g. The input data is not supported by the device for remote configuration. API calling order error. Not authorized for this operation. Executing command on the device is timeout. Serial port number error. The assigned serial port does not exist on the device. |
NET_DVR_ERRORALARMPORT | 16 | Alarm port number error. |
17 18 19 20 |
Parameter error. Input or output parameters in the SDK API is NULL, or the value or format of the parameters does not match with the requirement. Device channel is in exception status. No hard disk on the device, and the operation of recording and hard disk configuration will fail. Hard disk number error. The assigned hard disk number does not exist during hard disk management. |
NET_DVR_DISK_FULL | 21 | Device hark disk is full. |
NET_DVR_DISK_ERROR | 22 | Device hard disk error. |
NET_DVR_NOSUPPORT | 23 | Device does not support this function. |
NET_DVR_BUSY | 24 | Device is busy. |
NET_DVR_MODIFY_FAIL | 25 | Failed to modify device parameters. |
NET_DVR_PASSWORD_FORMAT_ERROR | 26 | The inputting password format is not correct. |
NET_DVR_DISK_FORMATING | 27 | Hard disk is formatting, and the operation cannot be done. |
NET_DVR_DVRNORESOURCE | 28 | Not enough resource on the device. |
NET_DVR_DVROPRATEFAILED | 29 | Device operation failed. |
30 31 32 |
Failed to collect local audio data or to open audio output during voice talk / broadcasting. Voice talk channel on the device has been occupied. Time input is not correct. |
NET_DVR_NOSPECFILE | 33 | There is no selected file for playback. |
34 35 |
Failed to create a file, during local recording, saving picture, getting configuration file or downloading record file. Failed to open a file, when importing configuration file, upgrading device or uploading inquest file. |
NET_DVR_OPERNOTFINISH | 36 | The last operation has not been completed. |
NET_DVR_GETPLAYTIMEFAIL | 37 | Failed to get the current played time. |
NET_DVR_PLAYFAIL | 38 | Failed to start playback. |
NET_DVR_FILEFORMAT_ERROR | 39 | The file format is not correct. |
NET_DVR_DIR_ERROR | 40 | File directory error. |
NET_DVR_ALLOC_RESOURCE_ERROR | 41 | Resource allocation error. |
42 43 44 45 46 47 |
Sound adapter mode error. Currently opened sound playing mode does not match with the set mode. Buffer is not enough. Create SOCKET error. Set SOCKET error The number of login or preview connections has exceeded the SDK limitation. User doest not exist. The user ID has been logged out or unavailable. |
NET_DVR_WRITEFLASHERROR | 48 | Writing FLASH error. Failed to write FLASH during device upgrade. |
49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 |
Failed to upgrade device. It is caused by network problem or the language mismatch between the device and the upgrade file. The decode card has alreadly been initialed. Failed to call API of player SDK. The number of login user has reached the maximum limit. Failed to get the IP address or physical address of local PC. This channel hasn’t started encoding. IP address not match MAC address not match The language of upgrading file does not match the language of the device. |
58 59 60 |
The number of player ports has reached the maximum limit. No enough space to backup file in backup device. No backup device. |
61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 |
The color quality seeting of the picture does not match the requirement, and it should be limited to 24. The dimension is over 128×256. The size of picture is over 100K Failed to load player SDK. Can not find the function in player SDK. Failed to load the library file-“DsSdk”. Can not find the API in “DsSdk”. Failed to call the API in “DsSdk”. Sound adapter has been monopolized. Failed to join to multicast group. Failed to create log file directory. Failed to bind socket. Socket disconnected. It is caused by network disconnection or destination unreachable. |
NET_DVR_USERID_ISUSING | 74 | The user ID is operating when logout. |
NET_DVR_SOCKETLISTEN_ERROR | 75 | Failed to listen |
NET_DVR_PROGRAM_EXCEPTION | 76 | Sdk program exception |
NET_DVR_WRITEFILE_FAILED | 77 | Failed to write file, during local recording, saving picture or downloading record file. |
NET_DVR_FORMAT_READONLY | 78 | Failed to format read-only HD |
NET_DVR_WITHSAMEUSERNAME | 79 | This user name already exists in the user configuration structure. |
NET_DVR_DEVICETYPE_ERROR | 80 | Device type does not match when import configuration. |
NET_DVR_LANGUAGE_ERROR | 81 | Language does not match when import configuration. |
NET_DVR_PARAVERSION_ERROR | 82 | Software version does not match when import configuration. |
NET_DVR_IPCHAN_NOTALIVE | 83 | IP channel is not on-line when previewing. |
NET_DVR_RTSP_SDK_ERROR | 84 | Load StreamTransClient.dll failed |
NET_DVR_CONVERT_SDK_ERROR | 85 | Load SystemTransform.dll failed |
NET_DVR_IPC_COUNT_OVERFLOW | 86 | over maximun ipc count |
NET_DVR_MAX_ADD_NUM | 87 | add label or other operation reach the maximum number |
88 89 90 |
Image intensifier, parameter mode error. This error may occur when client sets software or hardware parameters. Code splitter is offline. Device is backing up. |
NET_DVR_CHAN_NOTSUPPORT | 91 | Channel not support |
92 93 |
The height line location is too concentrated, or the length line is not inclined enough. Cancel calibration conflict, if the rule and overall actual size filter have been set. |
NET_DVR_CALPOINTOUTRANGE | 94 | Calibration point exceeds the range. |
NET_DVR_FILTERRECTINVALID | 95 | The size filter does not meet the requirement. |
NET_DVR_DDNS_DEVOFFLINE | 96 | Device has not registered to DDNS. |
NET_DVR_DDNS_INTER_ERROR | 97 | DDNS inner error. |
NET_DVR_FUNCTION_NOT_SUPPORT_OS | 98 | This function don’t support this OS. |
NET_DVR_DEC_CHAN_REBIND | 99 | Decode channel can not bind with two display channel. |
NET_DVR_INTERCOM_SDK_ERROR | 100 | Failed to load the audio intercom SDK from current directory. |
NET_DVR_NO_CURRENT_UPDATEFILE | 101 | No current upgrade pack. |
NET_DVR_USER_NOT_SUCC_LOGIN | 102 | The user has not logined the device. |
NET_DVR_USE_LOG_SWITCH_FILE | 103 | It is using the log swtich file. |
NET_DVR_POOL_PORT_EXHAUST | 104 | The ports used to bound in port pool is exhausted. |
NET_DVR_PACKET_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORT | 105 | The packet type of stream is error. |
NET_DVR_IPPARA_IPID_ERROR | 106 | IPID of IP access configuration is error. |
NET_DVR_LOAD_HCPREVIEW_SDK_ERROR | 107 | Load Preview component Failed. |
NET_DVR_LOAD_HCVOICETALK_SDK_ERROR | 108 | Load Voice talk component Failed. |
NET_DVR_LOAD_HCALARM_SDK_ERROR | 109 | Load Alarm component Failed. |
NET_DVR_LOAD_HCPLAYBACK_SDK_ERROR | 110 | Load Playback component Failed. |
NET_DVR_LOAD_HCDISPLAY_SDK_ERROR | 111 | Load Display component Failed. |
NET_DVR_LOAD_HCINDUSTRY_SDK_ERROR | 112 | Load Industry component Failed. |
NET_DVR_LOAD_HCGENERALCFGMGR_SDK_ERROR | 123 | Load general configuration management component failed. |
NET_DVR_CORE_VER_MISMATCH | 121 | There is a mismatch between the component and core version. |
NET_DVR_CORE_VER_MISMATCH_HCPREVIEW | 122 | There is a mismatch between Live view component and core version. |
NET_DVR_CORE_VER_MISMATCH_HCVOICETALK | 123 | There is a mismatch between voice component and core version. |
NET_DVR_CORE_VER_MISMATCH_HCALARM | 124 | There is a mismatch between alarm component and core version. |
NET_DVR_CORE_VER_MISMATCH_HCPLAYBACK | 125 | There is a mismatch between playback component and core version. |
NET_DVR_CORE_VER_MISMATCH_HCDISPLAY | 126 | There is a mismatch between display component and core version. |
127 128 |
There is a mismatch between industrial application component and core version. There is a mismatch between general configuration management component and the core version. |
136 137 138 |
There is a mismatch between Live view component and HCNetSDK version. There is a mismatch between voice component and HCNetSDK version. here is a mismatch between alarm component and HCNetSDK version. |
NET_DVR_COM_VER_MISMATCH_HCPLAYBACK | 139 | There is a mismatch between playback component and HCNetSDK version. |
140 141 |
There is a mismatch between display component and HCNetSDK version. There is a mismatch between industrial application component and HCNetSDK version. |
NET_DVR_COM_VER_MISMATCH_HCGENERALCFGMGR | 142 | There is a mismatch between General configuration management component and the HCNetSDK version. |
NET_DVR_ALIAS_DUPLICATE | 150 | Alias is duplicate (for HiDDNS) |
NET_DVR_USERNAME_NOT_EXIST | 152 | The user name doesn’t exist. |
NET_ERR_USERNAME_LOCKED | 153 | The user name is locked. |
NET_DVR_INVALID_USERID | 154 | Invalid User ID. |
NET_DVR_LOW_LOGIN_VERSION | 155 | The login version is too low. |
NET_DVR_LOAD_LIBEAY32_DLL_ERROR | 156 | Failed to load libeay32.dll. |
NET_DVR_LOAD_SSLEAY32_DLL_ERROR | 157 | Failed to load ssleay32.dll. |
NET_DVR_TEST_SERVER_FAIL_CONNECT | 165 | Failed to connect to test server. |
166 167 168 169 |
Failed to mount to NAS server (No such directory, or user name/password error). Failed to mount to NAS server (not authorized) DNS has not been configured, so domain address may invalid. GateWay of Email server has not been configured, so it may be failed to send mail. |
NET_DVR_TEST_SERVER_PASSWORD_ERROR | 170 | User name and password tried to login the test server are not matching. |
NET_DVR_EMAIL_SERVER_CONNECT_EXCEPTION_WITH_S MTP | 171 | The connection between device and SMTP server is abnormal. |
NET_DVR_FTP_SERVER_FAIL_CREATE_DIR | 172 | Failed to create directory in the FTP server. |
NET_DVR_FTP_SERVER_NO_WRITE_PIR | 173 | Do not have permission to write in the FTP server. |
NET_DVR_IP_CONFLICT | 174 | IP conflict. |
NET_DVR_INSUFFICIENT_STORAGEPOOL_SPACE | 175 | The storage pool is full. |
The storage pool of cloud server is invalid, for not configure the storage pool or the ID of storage pool error. Need reboot the device. |
Array Error Code | ||
Error Type | Returned Value | Information |
NET_DVR_NAME_NOT_ONLY | 200 | Existing name. |
NET_DVR_OVER_MAX_ARRAY | 201 | Number of arrays has reached its limit. |
NET_DVR_OVER_MAX_VD | 202 | Number of virtual disks has reached its limit. |
NET_DVR_VD_SLOT_EXCEED | 203 | Virtual disk slot is full. |
NET_DVR_PD_STATUS_INVALID | 204 | Physical disk for rebuilding array is with error status. |
NET_DVR_PD_BE_DEDICATE_SPARE | 205 | Physical disk for rebuilding array is specified as spare drive. |
NET_DVR_PD_NOT_FREE | 206 | Physical disk for rebuilding array is not idle. |
NET_DVR_CANNOT_MIG2NEWMODE | 207 | Unable to migrate from the current array type to the new array type. |
NET_DVR_MIG_PAUSE | 208 | The migration operation has been paused. |
NET_DVR_MIG_CANCEL | 209 | The migration operation has been cancelled. |
NET_DVR_EXIST_VD | 210 | Operation failed! Please delete the virtual disk existed in the array first. |
NET_DVR_TARGET_IN_LD_FUNCTIONAL | 211 | Target physical disk is part of the virtual disk and is functional. |
NET_DVR_HD_IS_ASSIGNED_ALREADY | 212 | Specified physical disk is assigned to a virtual disk |
NET_DVR_INVALID_HD_COUNT | 213 | Number of physical disks doesn’t fit the specified RAID level. |
NET_DVR_LD_IS_FUNCTIONAL | 214 | Specified virtual disk is functional. |
NET_DVR_BGA_RUNNING | 215 | BGA is running. |
NET_DVR_LD_NO_ATAPI | 216 | Can not create virtual disk with ATAPI drive. |
NET_DVR_MIGRATION_NOT_NEED | 217 | Migration is not necessary. |
NET_DVR_HD_TYPE_MISMATCH | 218 | Physical disks are not of the same type. |
NET_DVR_NO_LD_IN_DG | 219 | No virtual disk exist on the specified array. |
NET_DVR_NO_ROOM_FOR_SPARE | 220 | Disk space is too small to be assigned as spare drive. |
NET_DVR_SPARE_IS_IN_MULTI_DG | 221 | Disk is already assigned as a spare drive for an array. |
NET_DVR_DG_HAS_MISSING_PD | 222 | Disk is missing from an array. |
NET_DVR_NAME_EMPTY | 223 | Name is empty. |
NET_DVR_INPUT_PARAM | 224 | The input parameter is error. |
NET_DVR_PD_NOT_AVAILABLE | 225 | The physical disk is not available. |
NET_DVR_ARRAY_NOT_AVAILABLE | 226 | The RAID is not available |
NET_DVR_PD_COUNT | 227 | The count of physical disks is not correct. |
NET_DVR_VD_SMALL | 228 | Virtual disk is too small. |
NET_DVR_NO_EXIST | 229 | Not exist. |
NET_DVR_NOT_SUPPORT | 230 | Not support the operation. |
NET_DVR_NOT_FUNCTIONAL | 231 | The status of RAID is abnormal. |
NET_DVR_DEV_NODE_NOT_FOUND | 232 | The device node of virtual disk does not exist. |
NET_DVR_SLOT_EXCEED | 233 | The count of slots reaches the upper limit. |
NET_DVR_NO_VD_IN_ARRAY | 234 | There is not virtual disk in the RAID. |
NET_DVR_VD_SLOT_INVALID | 235 | The slot of virtual disk is invalid. |
NET_DVR_PD_NO_ENOUGH_SPACE | 236 | The required space of physical disk is not enough. |
NET_DVR_ARRAY_NONFUNCTION | 237 | Only the RAID on normal state supports to be migrated. |
NET_DVR_ARRAY_NO_ENOUGH_SPACE | 238 | The space of RAID is not enough. |
NET_DVR_STOPPING_SCANNING_ARRAY | 239 | It is pulling the disk out safely or rescanning the disk. |
NET_DVR_NOT_SUPPORT_16T | 240 | Not support create the RAID larger than 16T. |
Security Activation Error Code | ||
NET_DVR_ERROR_DEVICE_NOT_ACTIVATED | 250 | The device has not been activated. |
NET_DVR_ERROR_RISK_PASSWORD | 251 | There is a risk of the password. |
NET_DVR_ERROR_DEVICE_HAS_ACTIVATED | 252 | The device has been activated. |
NET_DVR_CALIBRATE_DATA_CONFLICT | 307 | Calibration error. |
NET_DVR_CALIBRATE_CALC_FAIL | 308 | Failed to calculate camera calibration parameter. |
NET_DVR_CALIBRATE_LINE_OUT_RECT | 309 | The input calibrating line exceeds the external rectangle sample. |
NET_DVR_ENTER_RULE_NOT_READY | 310 | Enter rule not ready. |
311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 |
It does not include lane in the traffic event rule (especial for traffic jam or driving against the traffic). Lane not ready. There are two different directions in event rule. The lane conflicts with the data rule. The event type is not supported by the device. The lane has no direction. The size of filter is illegal. There is no face when feature point positioning. The input image is too small when feature point positioning. The input image has no face when detecting face in single image. Face is too small when building model. Face image is of poor quality when building model. Advanced parameter setting error. Calibration sample size error, or data value error, or sample points beyond the horizon |
NET_DVR_CALIBRATE_DISABLE_FAIL | 325 | The configured rules do not allow to cancel calibration. |
NET_DVR_VCA_LIB_FD_SCALE_OUTRANGE | 326 | Filter scale is out range. |
NET_DVR_LIB_FD_REGION_TOO_LARGE | 327 | Region is too big. |
NET_DVR_TRIAL_OVERDUE | 328 | Trial overdue. |
NET_DVR_CONFIG_FILE_CONFLICT | 329 | Config file conflict. |
NET_DVR_FR_FPL_FAIL | 330 | Feature points location is error in face recognition. |
NET_DVR_FR_IQA_FAIL | 331 | Image quality assessment is error in face recognition. |
NET_DVR_FR_FEM_FAIL | 332 | Feature extract & match error in face recognition. |
NET_DVR_FPL_DT_CONF_TOO_LOW | 333 | Detection confidence is too low in feature points location. |
NET_DVR_FPL_CONF_TOO_LOW | 334 | Confidence is too low in feature points location. |
NET_DVR_E_DATA_SIZE | 335 | Size of model data error. |
NET_DVR_FR_MODEL_VERSION_ERR | 336 | Model version is error. |
NET_DVR_FR_FD_FAIL | 337 | Face detection error in face recognition. |
NET_DVR_FA_NORMALIZE_ERR | 338 | Face attribute normalize error. |
NET_DVR_DOG_PUSTREAM_NOT_MATCH | 339 | Pustream and softdog are mismatched. |
NET_DVR_DEV_PUSTREAM_NOT_MATCH | 340 | Pustream device version is error. |
NET_DVR_PUSTREAM_ALREADY_EXISTS | 341 | The pustream has existence. |
NET_DVR_SEARCH_CONNECT_FAILED | 342 | Failed to connect face retrieval device. |
NET_DVR_INSUFFICIENT_DISK_SPACE | 343 | Storage space is insufficient. |
NET_DVR_DATABASE_CONNECTION_FAILED | 344 | Failed to connect database. |
NET_DVR_DATABASE_ADM_PW_ERROR | 345 | Username or password is error for database. |
NET_DVR_DECODE_YUV | 346 | Failed to decode image. |
NET_DVR_IMAGE_RESOLUTION_ERROR | 347 | Image resolution is unreasonable. |
NET_DVR_CHAN_WORKMODE_ERROR | 348 | Channel work mode error. |
RTSP Error Code | ||
Error Type | Returned Value | Information |
NET_DVR_RTSP_ERROR_NOENOUGHPRI | 401 | Authentication failed: if server returns 401, it will change to this error code |
NET_DVR_RTSP_ERROR_ALLOC_RESOURCE | 402 | Failed to allocate the resource |
NET_DVR_RTSP_ERROR_PARAMETER | 403 | Parameter error |
404 406 407 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 420 |
The assigned URL does not exist: when the server returns 404, SDK turns into this error code. E.g. the channel is not available, or the channel does not support sub stream The user forces to exit midway RTSP port getting error. RTSP DECRIBE communicate error Sending RTSP DECRIBE is timeout. Failed to send RTSP DECRIBE. Receiving RTSP DECRIBE is timeout. Receiving data of RTSP DECRIBE error. Failed to receive RTSP DECRIBE. RTSP DECRIBE device returns the error. (or 419), RTSP SETUP interaction error. Generally, it is that the address (URL) returned by the device is not accessible, or it is rejected by the server |
NET_DVR_RTSP_SETUPRECVTIMEOUT | 423 | Receiving RTSP SETUP is timeout. |
NET_DVR_RTSP_SETUPRECVDATALOST | 424 | Receiving data of RTSP SETUP error. |
426 427 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 |
It exceeds the max connection number of server. or server has not enough resource. RTSP SETUP device returns the error. RTSP PLAY interaction error. Sending RTSP PLAY is timeout. Sending RTSP PLAY error. Receiving RTSP PLAY is timeout. Receiving data of RTSP PLAY error. Failed to receive RTSP PLAY. RTSP PLAY device returns the error. RTSP TEARDOWN interaction error. Sending RTSP TEARDOWN is timeout. Sending RTSP TEARDOWN error. Receiving RTSP TEARDOWN is timeout. Receiving data of RTSP TEARDOWN error. Failed to receive RTSP TEARDOWN. RTSP TEARDOWN device returns the error. |
Decoding Error Code | ||
Returned Value 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 |
Information no error input parameter is invalid The order of the function to be called is error Create multimedia clock failed Decode video data failed Decode audio data failed Allocate memory failed |
NET_PLAYM4_OPEN_FILE_ERROR | 507 | Open the file failed |
NET_PLAYM4_CREATE_OBJ_ERROR | 508 | Create thread or event failed |
NET_PLAYM4_CREATE_DDRAW_ERROR | 509 | Create DirectDraw object failed |
NET_PLAYM4_CREATE_OFFSCREEN_ERROR | 510 | failed when creating off-screen surface |
NET_PLAYM4_BUF_OVER | 511 | buffer is overflow |
NET_PLAYM4_CREATE_SOUND_ERROR | 512 | failed when creating audio device |
NET_PLAYM4_SET_VOLUME_ERROR | 513 | Set volume failed |
NET_PLAYM4_SUPPORT_FILE_ONLY | 514 | The function only support play file |
NET_PLAYM4_SUPPORT_STREAM_ONLY | 515 | The function only support play stream |
NET_PLAYM4_SYS_NOT_SUPPORT | 516 | System not support |
NET_PLAYM4_FILEHEADER_UNKNOWN | 517 | No file header |
NET_PLAYM4_VERSION_INCORRECT | 518 | The version of decoder and encoder is not adapted |
NET_PALYM4_INIT_DECODER_ERROR | 519 | nitialize decoder failed |
NET_PLAYM4_CHECK_FILE_ERROR | 520 | The file data is unknown |
NET_PLAYM4_INIT_TIMER_ERROR | 521 | Initialize decoder failed |
NET_PLAYM4_BLT_ERROR | 522 | Blt failed |
NET_PLAYM4_UPDATE_ERROR | 523 | Update failed |
NET_PLAYM4_OPEN_FILE_ERROR_MULTI | 524 | openfile error, streamtype is multi |
NET_PLAYM4_OPEN_FILE_ERROR_VIDEO | 525 | openfile error, streamtype is video |
NET_PLAYM4_JPEG_COMPRESS_ERROR | 526 | JPEG compress error |
NET_PLAYM4_EXTRACT_NOT_SUPPORT | 527 | Don’t support the version of this file. |
NET_PLAYM4_EXTRACT_DATA_ERROR | 528 | Extract video data failed. |
Audio Intercom Error Code | ||
Error Type | Returned Value | Information |
NET_AUDIOINTERCOM_OK | 600 | No error. |
NET_AUDIOINTECOM_ERR_ALLOC_MEMERY | 602 | Memory allocation error. |
NET_AUDIOINTECOM_ERR_PARAMETER | 603 | Parameter error. |
NET_AUDIOINTECOM_ERR_CALL_ORDER | 604 | API calling order error. |
NET_AUDIOINTECOM_ERR_FIND_DEVICE | 605 | No audio device |
NET_AUDIOINTECOM_ERR_OPEN_DEVICE | 606 | Failed to open the audio device |
607 608 609 |
Context error. WAV file error. The type of WAV parameter is invalid |
NET_AUDIOINTECOM_ERR_ENCODE_FAIL | 610 | Failed to encode data |
NET_AUDIOINTECOM_ERR_DECODE_FAIL | 611 | Failed to decode data |
NET_AUDIOINTECOM_ERR_NO_PLAYBACK | 612 | Failed to play audio |
NET_AUDIOINTECOM_ERR_DENOISE_FAIL | 613 | Failed to denoise |
Qos Error Code | ||
Error Type | Returned Value | Information |
678 679 680 |
Scheduled parameter of minimum interval is bad . Scheduled parameter of fraction is bad. Scheduled parameter of bandwidth is not invalid. |
NET_QOS_ERR_PACKET_TOO_BIG | 687 | Packet too big. |
NET_QOS_ERR_PACKET_LENGTH | 688 | Packet length error. |
689 690 695 696 697 698 699 700 |
Packet version error. Packet unknow. Out of memory. Lib not initialized. Session not found. Invalid arguments. Qos error. No error. |
Other Error Code |
NET_SDK_ERR_REMOTE_DISCONNEC | 803 | Unable to connect to the remote device. |
NET_SDK_ERR_RD_ADD_RD | 804 | It does not support add spare device to a spare device. |
NET_SDK_ERR_BACKUP_DISK_EXCEPT | 805 | The backup disk is abnormal. |
NET_SDK_ERR_RD_LIMIT | 806 | The count of spare devices has reached the maximum limit. |
NET_SDK_ERR_ADDED_RD_IS_WD | 807 | The spare device to be added is a working device. |
NET_SDK_ERR_ADD_ORDER_WRONG | 808 | The adding order is wrong, such as, to add the working device to the spare device before adding the spare device to the working device. |
NET_SDK_ERR_WD_ADD_WD | 809 | It does not support add working device to a working device. |
NET_SDK_ERR_WD_SERVICE_EXCETP | 810 | The CVR server is abnormal. |
NET_SDK_ERR_RD_SERVICE_EXCETP | 811 | The spare device is abnormal. |
NET_SDK_ERR_ADDED_WD_IS_RD | 812 | The working device to be added is a spare device. |
NET_SDK_ERR_PERFORMANCE_LIMIT | 813 | The performance reaches the upper limit |
NET_SDK_ERR_ADDED_DEVICE_EXIST | 814 | The devcie to be added has existed. |
Other Error Code | ||
NET_SDK_ERR_CHAN_AUDIO_BIND | 821 | Chan bind aduio error or no bind. |
NET_DVR_N_PLUS_ONE_MODE | 822 | Not support to set cloud storage mode, for the device is in N+1 mode. |
NET_DVR_CLOUD_STORAGE_OPENED | 823 | The cloud storage mode has been opened. |
Multi-screen Controller Error Code | ||
901 902 |
Window channel index error. Window layer number error(the count of window layers on a single screen exceeds the max number). |
903 904 905 906 907 908 909 910 911 |
Window block number error(the count of screens that single window overlays exceeds the max number). The output resolution error. Layout index error. The input resolution is not supported. The sub-device is off-line. There is no free decoding channel. The upper limit of window number. Calling order error. Be playing plan. |
NET_ERR_DECODER_USED | 912 | Decoder board is in use. |
NET_ERR_OUTPUT_BOARD_DATA_OVERFLOW | 913 | The data of output board is over the limit. |
NET_ERR_SAME_USER_NAME | 914 | The user name is duplicate. |
NET_ERR_INVALID_USER_NAME | 915 | Invalid username. |
NET_ERR_MATRIX_USING | 916 | The input matrix is in use. |
917 918 919 |
The channel type is error (the output channel of matrix is different with the input of controller) The input channel has been bound by other matrix. The number of the matrix output channels in use has exceeded the number of channels bound with controller. |
NET_ERR_MAX_SIGNAL_NUM | 920 | The number of input signal sources is over the limit. |
NET_ERR_INPUT_CHAN_USING | 921 | The input channel is in use. |
NET_ERR_MANAGER_LOGON | 922 | The operation failed, for the manager has logged in. |
NET_ERR_USERALREADY_LOGON | 923 | The operation failed, for the user has logged in. |
NET_ERR_LAYOUT_INIT | 924 | The operation failed, for the layout is being initialized. |
NET_ERR_BASEMAP_SIZE_NOT_MATCH | 925 | The size of traced drawing not match |
NET_ERR_WINDOW_OPERATING | 926 | The operation failed, for the window is performing other operation. |
NET_ERR_SIGNAL_UPLIMIT | 927 | The number of windows has reached the maximum limit. |
Decoder Error Code | ||
NET_ERR_MAX_WIN_OVERLAP | 951 | The number of windows overlap has reached the maximum limit. |
NET_ERR_STREAMID_CHAN_BOTH_VALID | 952 | stream ID and channel number are both valid. |
NET_ERR_NO_ZERO_CHAN | 953 | The device has no zero channel. |
NEED_RECONNECT | 955 | Need redirection (for transcoding system) |
NET_ERR_NO_STREAM_ID | 956 | The stream ID does not exist. |
NET_DVR_TRANS_NOT_START | 957 | The transcoding has not been started. |
NET_ERR_MAXNUM_STREAM_ID | 958 | The number of stream ID has reached the maximum limit. |
NET_ERR_WORKMODE_MISMATCH | 959 | The work mode does not match with the requirement. |
NET_ERR_MODE_IS_USING | 960 | It Has been working in current mode. |
NET_ERR_DEV_PROGRESSING | 961 | The device is in processing |
NET_ERR_PASSIVE_TRANSCODING | 962 | It is in transcoding. |
Capability Set Error Code |
XML_ANALYZE_FIND_LOCALXML_ERROR | 1002 | Can not find the corresponding xml file. |
XML_ANALYZE_LOAD_LOCALXML_ERROR | 1003 | Failed to load the local xml file. |
XML_NANLYZE_DVR_DATA_FORMAT_ERROR | 1004 | Data format of the capability is wrong. |
XML_ANALYZE_TYPE_ERROR | 1005 | The type of capability set is wrong. |
XML_ANALYZE_XML_NODE_ERROR | 1006 | Format of XML capability node is wrong. |
XML_INPUT_PARAM_ERROR | 1007 | The input value of XML capability node is wrong. |
XML_VERSION_MISMATCH | 1008 | XML version not match |
Other Error Code | ||
NET_ERR_TRANS_CHAN_START | 1101 | The operation is failed, for transparent channel has been opened. |
NET_ERR_DEV_UPGRADING | 1102 | The device is upgrading. |
NET_ERR_MISMATCH_UPGRADE_PACK_TYPE | 1103 | The type of upgrade package not match. |
NET_ERR_DEV_FORMATTING | 1104 | The device is being formatted. |
NET_ERR_MISMATCH_UPGRADE_PACK_VERSION | 1105 | The version of upgrade package not match. |
Alarm Device Error Code | ||
NET_ERR_SEARCHING_MODULE | 1201 | The device is searching for the external module. |
NET_ERR_REGISTERING_MODULE | 1202 | The device is registering to the external module. |
NET_ERR_GETTING_ZONES | 1203 | The device is getting defense zone parameters. |
NET_ERR_GETTING_TRIGGERS | 1204 | The device is getting triggers. |
NET_ERR_ARMED_STATUS | 1205 | The system is armed. |
NET_ERR_PROGRAM_MODE_STATUS | 1206 | The system is in programming mode. |
NET_ERR_WALK_TEST_MODE_STATUS | 1207 | The system is in pacing mode. |
NET_ERR_BYPASS_STATUS | 1208 | Bypass state |
NET_ERR_DISABLED_MODULE_STATUS | 1209 | The function is disabled. |
NET_ERR_NOT_SUPPORT_OPERATE_ZONE | 1210 | The defense zone does not support the operation. |
NET_ERR_NOT_SUPPORT_MOD_MODULE_ADDR | 1211 | The module address can not be modified. |
NET_ERR_UNREGISTERED_MODULE | 1212 | The module is unregistered. |
NET_ERR_PUBLIC_SUBSYSTEM_ASSOCIATE_SELF | 1213 | The public subsystem is set to associate with itself. |
NET_ERR_EXCEEDS_ASSOCIATE_SUBSYSTEM_NUM | 1214 | The number of subsystems associated with the public subsystem exceeds the max limit. |
1215 1216 1217 |
The subsystem has been associated with the other public subsystem. The defense zone is in the fault state. The opening and close of alarm output triggered by event have associated with same event type. |
NET_ERR_ZONE_ALARM_STATUS | 1218 | The defense zone is in the alarm state. |
NET_ERR_EXPANSION_BUS_SHORT_CIRCUIT | 1219 | Short circuit of expansion bus. |
NET_ERR_PWD_CONFLICT | 1220 | Password conflict. |
ITS Camera Error Code | ||
1400 1401 1402 1403 1404 1405 1406 1407 |
The number of lanes exceeds the limit. License plate recognition region is too large. The access parameters of traffic light is error. The configuration of lane line is invalid. The configuration of stop line is invalid. The boundary line configuration of left-turn or right-turn lane is invalid. The overlaid lane number is repeated. The polygon region of license plate recognition does not meet the requirement. |
1408 1409 1410 1411 1412 1413 1414 1415 1416 1417 1418 1419 |
The number of traffic lights of the video detection exceeds the max limit. The number of the sub traffic lights of video detection is illegal. The input area size of the video detection traffic light is illegal. The color of the video detection traffic light is illegal. The direction of the video detection traffic light is illegal. Lack of IO ablity. FTP port error. FTP catalogue error. FTP upload type error. Setting param flash write error. Getting param flash read error. Pic name delimiter error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_PICNAME_ITEM | 1420 | Pic name item error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_PLATE_RECOGNIZE_TYPE | 1421 | Plate recognize type error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_CAPTURE_TIMES | 1422 | Capture times error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_LOOP_DISTANCE | 1423 | Loop distance error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_LOOP_INPUT_STATUS | 1424 | Loop input status error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_RELATE_IO_CONFLICT | 1425 | Related IO conflict. |
NET_DVR_ERR_INTERVAL_TIME | 1426 | Interval time error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_SIGN_SPEED | 1427 | Sign speed error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_PIC_FLIP | 1428 | Flip is used. |
NET_DVR_ERR_RELATE_LANE_NUMBER | 1429 | Related lane number error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_TRIGGER_MODE | 1430 | Trigger mode error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_DELAY_TIME | 1431 | Delay time error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_EXCEED_RS485_COUNT | 1432 | Exceed RS485 count. |
NET_DVR_ERR_RADAR_TYPE | 1433 | Radar type error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_RADAR_ANGLE | 1434 | Radar angle error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_RADAR_SPEED_VALID_TIME | 1435 | Radar speed valid time error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_RADAR_LINE_CORRECT | 1436 | Radar line correct error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_RADAR_CONST_CORRECT | 1437 | Radar const correct error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_RECORD_PARAM | 1438 | Record param error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_LIGHT_WITHOUT_COLOR_AND_DIRECTION | 1439 | Light number and other param error. |
1440 1441 1442 1443 1444 1445 1446 1447 1448 1449 1450 1451 |
Light number and detection region error. Plate recognize Province param error. IO Speed TimeOut Param error. NTP TimeZone Param error. NTP Interval Time error. Network Card Num error. Default Route error. Banding Work Mode error. Slave Card error. Primary Card error. DHCP and PPOE not Meanwhile start. Net Interface invalid. |
NET_DVR_ERR_MTU | 1452 | MTU Param invalid. |
NET_DVR_ERR_NETMASK | 1453 | Netmask address invalid. |
NET_DVR_ERR_IP_INVALID | 1454 | IP address invalid. |
NET_DVR_ERR_MULTICAST_IP_INVALID | 1455 | Multicast IP address invalid. |
NET_DVR_ERR_GATEWAY_INVALID | 1456 | Gateway address invalid. |
NET_DVR_ERR_DNS_INVALID | 1457 | DNS Param invalid. |
NET_DVR_ERR_ALARMHOST_IP_INVALID | 1458 | AlarmHost IP invalid. |
NET_DVR_ERR_IP_CONFLICT | 1459 | IP address Conflict. |
NET_DVR_ERR_NETWORK_SEGMENT | 1460 | IP not support Multi Network segment. |
NET_DVR_ERR_NETPORT | 1461 | NetPort param error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_DOMAINNAME_NOSUPPORT | 1463 | Not Support Domain Name. |
NET_DVR_ERR_NO_SPEED | 1464 | Speed Not Enabled. |
NET_DVR_ERR_IOSTATUS_INVALID | 1465 | IO Status invalid. |
NET_DVR_ERR_BURST_INTERVAL_INVALID | 1466 | Burst Interval invalid. |
NET_DVR_ERR_RESERVE_MODE | 1467 | Reserve Mode invalid. |
NET_DVR_ERR_LANE_NO | 1468 | Lane No error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_COIL_AREA_TYPE | 1469 | Coil Area Type error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_TRIGGER_AREA_PARAM | 1470 | Trigger Area Param error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_SPEED_LIMIT_PARAM | 1471 | Speed Limit Param error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_LANE_PROTOCOL_TYPE | 1472 | Lane Protocol Type error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_INTERVAL_TYPE | 1473 | Capture Interval Type error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_INTERVAL_DISTANCE | 1474 | Capture Interval Distance error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_RS485_ASSOCIATE_DEVTYPE | 1475 | Rs485 Associate DevType error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_RS485_ASSOCIATE_LANENO | 1476 | Rs485 Associate LaneNo error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_LANENO_ASSOCIATE_MULTIRS485 | 1477 | LaneNo Associate MulitRs485 error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_LIGHT_DETECTION_REGION | 1478 | Light Detection Region error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_DN2D_NOSUPPORT | 1479 | UnSupport Capture Frame 2D Noise Reduction. |
NET_DVR_ERR_IRISMODE_NOSUPPORT | 1480 | UnSupport scene Mode. |
NET_DVR_ERR_WB_NOSUPPORT | 1481 | UnSupport White Balance Mode. |
NET_DVR_ERR_IO_EFFECTIVENESS | 1482 | IO Effectiveness invalid. |
NET_DVR_ERR_LIGHTNO_MAX | 1483 | Access Detector Lights Red / Yellow Overrun. |
NET_DVR_ERR_LIGHTNO_CONFLICT | 1484 | Access Detector Lights Red / Yellow Conflict. |
NET_DVR_ERR_CANCEL_LINE | 1485 | Trigger straight line error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_STOP_LINE | 1486 | Subject line area stop line error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_RUSH_REDLIGHT_LINE | 1487 | Red light trigger lines error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_IOOUTNO_MAX | 1488 | IO out port error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_IOOUTNO_AHEADTIME_MAX | 1489 | IO out ahead time error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_IOOUTNO_IOWORKTIME | 1490 | IO out inwork time error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_IOOUTNO_FREQMULTI | 1491 | IO out frequency multiplication error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_IOOUTNO_DUTYRATE | 1492 | IO out duty rate error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_VIDEO_WITH_EXPOSURE | 1493 | IO out work mode error. |
1494 1495 1496 1497 1498 1499 |
Plate enable in plate compensate mode on. Recognize Type error. Plate Recognize Area Param error. Port Conflict. IP cannot be the loopback address. Driveline sensitivity error. |
VQD Error Code | ||
NET_ERR_VQD_TIME_CONFLICT | 1500 | The time period conflict. |
NET_ERR_VQD_PLAN_NO_EXIST | 1501 | The diagnostic plan of VQD dese not exist. |
NET_ERR_VQD_CHAN_NO_EXIST | 1502 | The channel dese not exist. |
NET_ERR_VQD_CHAN_MAX | 1503 | The total number of VQD plans exceeds the max limit. |
NET_ERR_VQD_TASK_MAX | 1504 | The total number of VQD tasks exceeds the max limit. |
Capture Camera Error Code | ||
NET_DVR_ERR_EXCEED_MAX_CAPTURE_TIMES | 1600 | Capture times exceed 2 in flash mode. |
NET_DVR_ERR_REDAR_TYPE_CONFLICT | 1601 | Radar type conflict. |
NET_DVR_ERR_LICENSE_PLATE_NULL | 1602 | The license plate is null. |
NET_DVR_ERR_WRITE_DATABASE | 1603 | Failed to write data into the database. |
NET_DVR_ERR_LICENSE_EFFECTIVE_TIME | 1604 | The effective time of licence plate error. |
Access Control Host Error Code | ||
NET_ERR_TIME_OVERLAP | 1900 | The time period is overlapped. |
1901 1902 1903 |
The holiday plan is overlapped. The card number is not sorted. The card number is not existed. |
NET_ERR_ILLEGAL_CARDNO | 1904 | The card number is false. |
NET_ERR_ZONE_ALARM | 1905 | The zone is armed(the modification of parameters is not allowed) |
NET_ERR_ZONE_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORT | 1906 | The zone does not support the operation. |
NET_ERR_INTERLOCK_ANTI_CONFLICT | 1907 | Both the multi-door interlocking and anti-sneak configuration are false. |
NET_ERR_DEVICE_CARD_FULL | 1908 | The card is full(return when up to 10W). |
Network Communication Error Code | |
200-240 | Array Error Code |
250-252 | Security Activation Error Code |
300-348 | Intelligent Device Error Code |
400-446 | RTSP Error Code |
500-528 | Decoding Error Code |
600-619 | Audio Intercom Error Code |
678-700 | Qos Error Code |
717-802 | Other Error Code |
803-814 | N+1 Function Error Code |
821-823 | Other Error Code |
901-927 | Multi-screen Controller Error Code |
951-962 | Decoder Error Code |
1000-1008 | Capability Set Error Code |
1101-1105 | Other Error Code |
1201-1220 | Alarm Device Error Code |
1400-1499 | ITS Camera Error Code |
1500-1504 | VQD Error Code |
1600-1604 | Capture Camera Error Code |
1900-1908 | Access Control Host Error Code |
Network Communication Error Code | ||
Error Type | Returned Value | Information |
NET_DVR_NOERROR | 0 | No error. |
NET_DVR_PASSWORD_ERROR | 1 | User name or password error. |
NET_DVR_NOENOUGHPRI | 2 | Not authorized to do this operation. |
NET_DVR_NOINIT | 3 | SDK is not initialized. |
NET_DVR_CHANNEL_ERROR | 4 | Channel number error. There is no corresponding channel number on the device. |
5 6 |
The number of connection with the device has exceeded the max limit. Version mismatch. SDK version is not matching with the device. |
NET_DVR_NETWORK_FAIL_CONNECT | 7 | Failed to connect to the device. The device is off-line, or connection timeout caused by network. |
NET_DVR_NETWORK_SEND_ERROR | 8 | Failed to send data to the device. |
NET_DVR_NETWORK_RECV_ERROR | 9 | Failed to receive data from the device. |
NET_DVR_NETWORK_RECV_TIMEOUT | 10 | Timeout when receiving data from the device. |
11 12 13 14 15 |
The data sent to the device is illegal, or the data received from the device error. E.g. The input data is not supported by the device for remote configuration. API calling order error. Not authorized for this operation. Executing command on the device is timeout. Serial port number error. The assigned serial port does not exist on the device. |
NET_DVR_ERRORALARMPORT | 16 | Alarm port number error. |
17 18 19 20 |
Parameter error. Input or output parameters in the SDK API is NULL, or the value or format of the parameters does not match with the requirement. Device channel is in exception status. No hard disk on the device, and the operation of recording and hard disk configuration will fail. Hard disk number error. The assigned hard disk number does not exist during hard disk management. |
NET_DVR_DISK_FULL | 21 | Device hark disk is full. |
NET_DVR_DISK_ERROR | 22 | Device hard disk error. |
NET_DVR_NOSUPPORT | 23 | Device does not support this function. |
NET_DVR_BUSY | 24 | Device is busy. |
NET_DVR_MODIFY_FAIL | 25 | Failed to modify device parameters. |
NET_DVR_PASSWORD_FORMAT_ERROR | 26 | The inputting password format is not correct. |
NET_DVR_DISK_FORMATING | 27 | Hard disk is formatting, and the operation cannot be done. |
NET_DVR_DVRNORESOURCE | 28 | Not enough resource on the device. |
NET_DVR_DVROPRATEFAILED | 29 | Device operation failed. |
30 31 32 |
Failed to collect local audio data or to open audio output during voice talk / broadcasting. Voice talk channel on the device has been occupied. Time input is not correct. |
NET_DVR_NOSPECFILE | 33 | There is no selected file for playback. |
34 35 |
Failed to create a file, during local recording, saving picture, getting configuration file or downloading record file. Failed to open a file, when importing configuration file, upgrading device or uploading inquest file. |
NET_DVR_OPERNOTFINISH | 36 | The last operation has not been completed. |
NET_DVR_GETPLAYTIMEFAIL | 37 | Failed to get the current played time. |
NET_DVR_PLAYFAIL | 38 | Failed to start playback. |
NET_DVR_FILEFORMAT_ERROR | 39 | The file format is not correct. |
NET_DVR_DIR_ERROR | 40 | File directory error. |
NET_DVR_ALLOC_RESOURCE_ERROR | 41 | Resource allocation error. |
42 43 44 45 46 47 |
Sound adapter mode error. Currently opened sound playing mode does not match with the set mode. Buffer is not enough. Create SOCKET error. Set SOCKET error The number of login or preview connections has exceeded the SDK limitation. User doest not exist. The user ID has been logged out or unavailable. |
NET_DVR_WRITEFLASHERROR | 48 | Writing FLASH error. Failed to write FLASH during device upgrade. |
49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 |
Failed to upgrade device. It is caused by network problem or the language mismatch between the device and the upgrade file. The decode card has alreadly been initialed. Failed to call API of player SDK. The number of login user has reached the maximum limit. Failed to get the IP address or physical address of local PC. This channel hasn’t started encoding. IP address not match MAC address not match The language of upgrading file does not match the language of the device. |
58 59 60 |
The number of player ports has reached the maximum limit. No enough space to backup file in backup device. No backup device. |
61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 |
The color quality seeting of the picture does not match the requirement, and it should be limited to 24. The dimension is over 128×256. The size of picture is over 100K Failed to load player SDK. Can not find the function in player SDK. Failed to load the library file-“DsSdk”. Can not find the API in “DsSdk”. Failed to call the API in “DsSdk”. Sound adapter has been monopolized. Failed to join to multicast group. Failed to create log file directory. Failed to bind socket. Socket disconnected. It is caused by network disconnection or destination unreachable. |
NET_DVR_USERID_ISUSING | 74 | The user ID is operating when logout. |
NET_DVR_SOCKETLISTEN_ERROR | 75 | Failed to listen |
NET_DVR_PROGRAM_EXCEPTION | 76 | Sdk program exception |
NET_DVR_WRITEFILE_FAILED | 77 | Failed to write file, during local recording, saving picture or downloading record file. |
NET_DVR_FORMAT_READONLY | 78 | Failed to format read-only HD |
NET_DVR_WITHSAMEUSERNAME | 79 | This user name already exists in the user configuration structure. |
NET_DVR_DEVICETYPE_ERROR | 80 | Device type does not match when import configuration. |
NET_DVR_LANGUAGE_ERROR | 81 | Language does not match when import configuration. |
NET_DVR_PARAVERSION_ERROR | 82 | Software version does not match when import configuration. |
NET_DVR_IPCHAN_NOTALIVE | 83 | IP channel is not on-line when previewing. |
NET_DVR_RTSP_SDK_ERROR | 84 | Load StreamTransClient.dll failed |
NET_DVR_CONVERT_SDK_ERROR | 85 | Load SystemTransform.dll failed |
NET_DVR_IPC_COUNT_OVERFLOW | 86 | over maximun ipc count |
NET_DVR_MAX_ADD_NUM | 87 | add label or other operation reach the maximum number |
88 89 90 |
Image intensifier, parameter mode error. This error may occur when client sets software or hardware parameters. Code splitter is offline. Device is backing up. |
NET_DVR_CHAN_NOTSUPPORT | 91 | Channel not support |
92 93 |
The height line location is too concentrated, or the length line is not inclined enough. Cancel calibration conflict, if the rule and overall actual size filter have been set. |
NET_DVR_CALPOINTOUTRANGE | 94 | Calibration point exceeds the range. |
NET_DVR_FILTERRECTINVALID | 95 | The size filter does not meet the requirement. |
NET_DVR_DDNS_DEVOFFLINE | 96 | Device has not registered to DDNS. |
NET_DVR_DDNS_INTER_ERROR | 97 | DDNS inner error. |
NET_DVR_FUNCTION_NOT_SUPPORT_OS | 98 | This function don’t support this OS. |
NET_DVR_DEC_CHAN_REBIND | 99 | Decode channel can not bind with two display channel. |
NET_DVR_INTERCOM_SDK_ERROR | 100 | Failed to load the audio intercom SDK from current directory. |
NET_DVR_NO_CURRENT_UPDATEFILE | 101 | No current upgrade pack. |
NET_DVR_USER_NOT_SUCC_LOGIN | 102 | The user has not logined the device. |
NET_DVR_USE_LOG_SWITCH_FILE | 103 | It is using the log swtich file. |
NET_DVR_POOL_PORT_EXHAUST | 104 | The ports used to bound in port pool is exhausted. |
NET_DVR_PACKET_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORT | 105 | The packet type of stream is error. |
NET_DVR_IPPARA_IPID_ERROR | 106 | IPID of IP access configuration is error. |
NET_DVR_LOAD_HCPREVIEW_SDK_ERROR | 107 | Load Preview component Failed. |
NET_DVR_LOAD_HCVOICETALK_SDK_ERROR | 108 | Load Voice talk component Failed. |
NET_DVR_LOAD_HCALARM_SDK_ERROR | 109 | Load Alarm component Failed. |
NET_DVR_LOAD_HCPLAYBACK_SDK_ERROR | 110 | Load Playback component Failed. |
NET_DVR_LOAD_HCDISPLAY_SDK_ERROR | 111 | Load Display component Failed. |
NET_DVR_LOAD_HCINDUSTRY_SDK_ERROR | 112 | Load Industry component Failed. |
NET_DVR_LOAD_HCGENERALCFGMGR_SDK_ERROR | 123 | Load general configuration management component failed. |
NET_DVR_CORE_VER_MISMATCH | 121 | There is a mismatch between the component and core version. |
NET_DVR_CORE_VER_MISMATCH_HCPREVIEW | 122 | There is a mismatch between Live view component and core version. |
NET_DVR_CORE_VER_MISMATCH_HCVOICETALK | 123 | There is a mismatch between voice component and core version. |
NET_DVR_CORE_VER_MISMATCH_HCALARM | 124 | There is a mismatch between alarm component and core version. |
NET_DVR_CORE_VER_MISMATCH_HCPLAYBACK | 125 | There is a mismatch between playback component and core version. |
NET_DVR_CORE_VER_MISMATCH_HCDISPLAY | 126 | There is a mismatch between display component and core version. |
127 128 |
There is a mismatch between industrial application component and core version. There is a mismatch between general configuration management component and the core version. |
136 137 138 |
There is a mismatch between Live view component and HCNetSDK version. There is a mismatch between voice component and HCNetSDK version. here is a mismatch between alarm component and HCNetSDK version. |
NET_DVR_COM_VER_MISMATCH_HCPLAYBACK | 139 | There is a mismatch between playback component and HCNetSDK version. |
140 141 |
There is a mismatch between display component and HCNetSDK version. There is a mismatch between industrial application component and HCNetSDK version. |
NET_DVR_COM_VER_MISMATCH_HCGENERALCFGMGR | 142 | There is a mismatch between General configuration management component and the HCNetSDK version. |
NET_DVR_ALIAS_DUPLICATE | 150 | Alias is duplicate (for HiDDNS) |
NET_DVR_USERNAME_NOT_EXIST | 152 | The user name doesn’t exist. |
NET_ERR_USERNAME_LOCKED | 153 | The user name is locked. |
NET_DVR_INVALID_USERID | 154 | Invalid User ID. |
NET_DVR_LOW_LOGIN_VERSION | 155 | The login version is too low. |
NET_DVR_LOAD_LIBEAY32_DLL_ERROR | 156 | Failed to load libeay32.dll. |
NET_DVR_LOAD_SSLEAY32_DLL_ERROR | 157 | Failed to load ssleay32.dll. |
NET_DVR_TEST_SERVER_FAIL_CONNECT | 165 | Failed to connect to test server. |
166 167 168 169 |
Failed to mount to NAS server (No such directory, or user name/password error). Failed to mount to NAS server (not authorized) DNS has not been configured, so domain address may invalid. GateWay of Email server has not been configured, so it may be failed to send mail. |
NET_DVR_TEST_SERVER_PASSWORD_ERROR | 170 | User name and password tried to login the test server are not matching. |
NET_DVR_EMAIL_SERVER_CONNECT_EXCEPTION_WITH_S MTP | 171 | The connection between device and SMTP server is abnormal. |
NET_DVR_FTP_SERVER_FAIL_CREATE_DIR | 172 | Failed to create directory in the FTP server. |
NET_DVR_FTP_SERVER_NO_WRITE_PIR | 173 | Do not have permission to write in the FTP server. |
NET_DVR_IP_CONFLICT | 174 | IP conflict. |
NET_DVR_INSUFFICIENT_STORAGEPOOL_SPACE | 175 | The storage pool is full. |
The storage pool of cloud server is invalid, for not configure the storage pool or the ID of storage pool error. Need reboot the device. |
Array Error Code | ||
Error Type | Returned Value | Information |
NET_DVR_NAME_NOT_ONLY | 200 | Existing name. |
NET_DVR_OVER_MAX_ARRAY | 201 | Number of arrays has reached its limit. |
NET_DVR_OVER_MAX_VD | 202 | Number of virtual disks has reached its limit. |
NET_DVR_VD_SLOT_EXCEED | 203 | Virtual disk slot is full. |
NET_DVR_PD_STATUS_INVALID | 204 | Physical disk for rebuilding array is with error status. |
NET_DVR_PD_BE_DEDICATE_SPARE | 205 | Physical disk for rebuilding array is specified as spare drive. |
NET_DVR_PD_NOT_FREE | 206 | Physical disk for rebuilding array is not idle. |
NET_DVR_CANNOT_MIG2NEWMODE | 207 | Unable to migrate from the current array type to the new array type. |
NET_DVR_MIG_PAUSE | 208 | The migration operation has been paused. |
NET_DVR_MIG_CANCEL | 209 | The migration operation has been cancelled. |
NET_DVR_EXIST_VD | 210 | Operation failed! Please delete the virtual disk existed in the array first. |
NET_DVR_TARGET_IN_LD_FUNCTIONAL | 211 | Target physical disk is part of the virtual disk and is functional. |
NET_DVR_HD_IS_ASSIGNED_ALREADY | 212 | Specified physical disk is assigned to a virtual disk |
NET_DVR_INVALID_HD_COUNT | 213 | Number of physical disks doesn’t fit the specified RAID level. |
NET_DVR_LD_IS_FUNCTIONAL | 214 | Specified virtual disk is functional. |
NET_DVR_BGA_RUNNING | 215 | BGA is running. |
NET_DVR_LD_NO_ATAPI | 216 | Can not create virtual disk with ATAPI drive. |
NET_DVR_MIGRATION_NOT_NEED | 217 | Migration is not necessary. |
NET_DVR_HD_TYPE_MISMATCH | 218 | Physical disks are not of the same type. |
NET_DVR_NO_LD_IN_DG | 219 | No virtual disk exist on the specified array. |
NET_DVR_NO_ROOM_FOR_SPARE | 220 | Disk space is too small to be assigned as spare drive. |
NET_DVR_SPARE_IS_IN_MULTI_DG | 221 | Disk is already assigned as a spare drive for an array. |
NET_DVR_DG_HAS_MISSING_PD | 222 | Disk is missing from an array. |
NET_DVR_NAME_EMPTY | 223 | Name is empty. |
NET_DVR_INPUT_PARAM | 224 | The input parameter is error. |
NET_DVR_PD_NOT_AVAILABLE | 225 | The physical disk is not available. |
NET_DVR_ARRAY_NOT_AVAILABLE | 226 | The RAID is not available |
NET_DVR_PD_COUNT | 227 | The count of physical disks is not correct. |
NET_DVR_VD_SMALL | 228 | Virtual disk is too small. |
NET_DVR_NO_EXIST | 229 | Not exist. |
NET_DVR_NOT_SUPPORT | 230 | Not support the operation. |
NET_DVR_NOT_FUNCTIONAL | 231 | The status of RAID is abnormal. |
NET_DVR_DEV_NODE_NOT_FOUND | 232 | The device node of virtual disk does not exist. |
NET_DVR_SLOT_EXCEED | 233 | The count of slots reaches the upper limit. |
NET_DVR_NO_VD_IN_ARRAY | 234 | There is not virtual disk in the RAID. |
NET_DVR_VD_SLOT_INVALID | 235 | The slot of virtual disk is invalid. |
NET_DVR_PD_NO_ENOUGH_SPACE | 236 | The required space of physical disk is not enough. |
NET_DVR_ARRAY_NONFUNCTION | 237 | Only the RAID on normal state supports to be migrated. |
NET_DVR_ARRAY_NO_ENOUGH_SPACE | 238 | The space of RAID is not enough. |
NET_DVR_STOPPING_SCANNING_ARRAY | 239 | It is pulling the disk out safely or rescanning the disk. |
NET_DVR_NOT_SUPPORT_16T | 240 | Not support create the RAID larger than 16T. |
Security Activation Error Code | ||
NET_DVR_ERROR_DEVICE_NOT_ACTIVATED | 250 | The device has not been activated. |
NET_DVR_ERROR_RISK_PASSWORD | 251 | There is a risk of the password. |
NET_DVR_ERROR_DEVICE_HAS_ACTIVATED | 252 | The device has been activated. |
NET_DVR_CALIBRATE_DATA_CONFLICT | 307 | Calibration error. |
NET_DVR_CALIBRATE_CALC_FAIL | 308 | Failed to calculate camera calibration parameter. |
NET_DVR_CALIBRATE_LINE_OUT_RECT | 309 | The input calibrating line exceeds the external rectangle sample. |
NET_DVR_ENTER_RULE_NOT_READY | 310 | Enter rule not ready. |
311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 |
It does not include lane in the traffic event rule (especial for traffic jam or driving against the traffic). Lane not ready. There are two different directions in event rule. The lane conflicts with the data rule. The event type is not supported by the device. The lane has no direction. The size of filter is illegal. There is no face when feature point positioning. The input image is too small when feature point positioning. The input image has no face when detecting face in single image. Face is too small when building model. Face image is of poor quality when building model. Advanced parameter setting error. Calibration sample size error, or data value error, or sample points beyond the horizon |
NET_DVR_CALIBRATE_DISABLE_FAIL | 325 | The configured rules do not allow to cancel calibration. |
NET_DVR_VCA_LIB_FD_SCALE_OUTRANGE | 326 | Filter scale is out range. |
NET_DVR_LIB_FD_REGION_TOO_LARGE | 327 | Region is too big. |
NET_DVR_TRIAL_OVERDUE | 328 | Trial overdue. |
NET_DVR_CONFIG_FILE_CONFLICT | 329 | Config file conflict. |
NET_DVR_FR_FPL_FAIL | 330 | Feature points location is error in face recognition. |
NET_DVR_FR_IQA_FAIL | 331 | Image quality assessment is error in face recognition. |
NET_DVR_FR_FEM_FAIL | 332 | Feature extract & match error in face recognition. |
NET_DVR_FPL_DT_CONF_TOO_LOW | 333 | Detection confidence is too low in feature points location. |
NET_DVR_FPL_CONF_TOO_LOW | 334 | Confidence is too low in feature points location. |
NET_DVR_E_DATA_SIZE | 335 | Size of model data error. |
NET_DVR_FR_MODEL_VERSION_ERR | 336 | Model version is error. |
NET_DVR_FR_FD_FAIL | 337 | Face detection error in face recognition. |
NET_DVR_FA_NORMALIZE_ERR | 338 | Face attribute normalize error. |
NET_DVR_DOG_PUSTREAM_NOT_MATCH | 339 | Pustream and softdog are mismatched. |
NET_DVR_DEV_PUSTREAM_NOT_MATCH | 340 | Pustream device version is error. |
NET_DVR_PUSTREAM_ALREADY_EXISTS | 341 | The pustream has existence. |
NET_DVR_SEARCH_CONNECT_FAILED | 342 | Failed to connect face retrieval device. |
NET_DVR_INSUFFICIENT_DISK_SPACE | 343 | Storage space is insufficient. |
NET_DVR_DATABASE_CONNECTION_FAILED | 344 | Failed to connect database. |
NET_DVR_DATABASE_ADM_PW_ERROR | 345 | Username or password is error for database. |
NET_DVR_DECODE_YUV | 346 | Failed to decode image. |
NET_DVR_IMAGE_RESOLUTION_ERROR | 347 | Image resolution is unreasonable. |
NET_DVR_CHAN_WORKMODE_ERROR | 348 | Channel work mode error. |
RTSP Error Code | ||
Error Type | Returned Value | Information |
NET_DVR_RTSP_ERROR_NOENOUGHPRI | 401 | Authentication failed: if server returns 401, it will change to this error code |
NET_DVR_RTSP_ERROR_ALLOC_RESOURCE | 402 | Failed to allocate the resource |
NET_DVR_RTSP_ERROR_PARAMETER | 403 | Parameter error |
404 406 407 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 420 |
The assigned URL does not exist: when the server returns 404, SDK turns into this error code. E.g. the channel is not available, or the channel does not support sub stream The user forces to exit midway RTSP port getting error. RTSP DECRIBE communicate error Sending RTSP DECRIBE is timeout. Failed to send RTSP DECRIBE. Receiving RTSP DECRIBE is timeout. Receiving data of RTSP DECRIBE error. Failed to receive RTSP DECRIBE. RTSP DECRIBE device returns the error. (or 419), RTSP SETUP interaction error. Generally, it is that the address (URL) returned by the device is not accessible, or it is rejected by the server |
NET_DVR_RTSP_SETUPRECVTIMEOUT | 423 | Receiving RTSP SETUP is timeout. |
NET_DVR_RTSP_SETUPRECVDATALOST | 424 | Receiving data of RTSP SETUP error. |
426 427 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 |
It exceeds the max connection number of server. or server has not enough resource. RTSP SETUP device returns the error. RTSP PLAY interaction error. Sending RTSP PLAY is timeout. Sending RTSP PLAY error. Receiving RTSP PLAY is timeout. Receiving data of RTSP PLAY error. Failed to receive RTSP PLAY. RTSP PLAY device returns the error. RTSP TEARDOWN interaction error. Sending RTSP TEARDOWN is timeout. Sending RTSP TEARDOWN error. Receiving RTSP TEARDOWN is timeout. Receiving data of RTSP TEARDOWN error. Failed to receive RTSP TEARDOWN. RTSP TEARDOWN device returns the error. |
Decoding Error Code | ||
Returned Value 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 |
Information no error input parameter is invalid The order of the function to be called is error Create multimedia clock failed Decode video data failed Decode audio data failed Allocate memory failed |
NET_PLAYM4_OPEN_FILE_ERROR | 507 | Open the file failed |
NET_PLAYM4_CREATE_OBJ_ERROR | 508 | Create thread or event failed |
NET_PLAYM4_CREATE_DDRAW_ERROR | 509 | Create DirectDraw object failed |
NET_PLAYM4_CREATE_OFFSCREEN_ERROR | 510 | failed when creating off-screen surface |
NET_PLAYM4_BUF_OVER | 511 | buffer is overflow |
NET_PLAYM4_CREATE_SOUND_ERROR | 512 | failed when creating audio device |
NET_PLAYM4_SET_VOLUME_ERROR | 513 | Set volume failed |
NET_PLAYM4_SUPPORT_FILE_ONLY | 514 | The function only support play file |
NET_PLAYM4_SUPPORT_STREAM_ONLY | 515 | The function only support play stream |
NET_PLAYM4_SYS_NOT_SUPPORT | 516 | System not support |
NET_PLAYM4_FILEHEADER_UNKNOWN | 517 | No file header |
NET_PLAYM4_VERSION_INCORRECT | 518 | The version of decoder and encoder is not adapted |
NET_PALYM4_INIT_DECODER_ERROR | 519 | nitialize decoder failed |
NET_PLAYM4_CHECK_FILE_ERROR | 520 | The file data is unknown |
NET_PLAYM4_INIT_TIMER_ERROR | 521 | Initialize decoder failed |
NET_PLAYM4_BLT_ERROR | 522 | Blt failed |
NET_PLAYM4_UPDATE_ERROR | 523 | Update failed |
NET_PLAYM4_OPEN_FILE_ERROR_MULTI | 524 | openfile error, streamtype is multi |
NET_PLAYM4_OPEN_FILE_ERROR_VIDEO | 525 | openfile error, streamtype is video |
NET_PLAYM4_JPEG_COMPRESS_ERROR | 526 | JPEG compress error |
NET_PLAYM4_EXTRACT_NOT_SUPPORT | 527 | Don’t support the version of this file. |
NET_PLAYM4_EXTRACT_DATA_ERROR | 528 | Extract video data failed. |
Audio Intercom Error Code | ||
Error Type | Returned Value | Information |
NET_AUDIOINTERCOM_OK | 600 | No error. |
NET_AUDIOINTECOM_ERR_ALLOC_MEMERY | 602 | Memory allocation error. |
NET_AUDIOINTECOM_ERR_PARAMETER | 603 | Parameter error. |
NET_AUDIOINTECOM_ERR_CALL_ORDER | 604 | API calling order error. |
NET_AUDIOINTECOM_ERR_FIND_DEVICE | 605 | No audio device |
NET_AUDIOINTECOM_ERR_OPEN_DEVICE | 606 | Failed to open the audio device |
607 608 609 |
Context error. WAV file error. The type of WAV parameter is invalid |
NET_AUDIOINTECOM_ERR_ENCODE_FAIL | 610 | Failed to encode data |
NET_AUDIOINTECOM_ERR_DECODE_FAIL | 611 | Failed to decode data |
NET_AUDIOINTECOM_ERR_NO_PLAYBACK | 612 | Failed to play audio |
NET_AUDIOINTECOM_ERR_DENOISE_FAIL | 613 | Failed to denoise |
Qos Error Code | ||
Error Type | Returned Value | Information |
678 679 680 |
Scheduled parameter of minimum interval is bad . Scheduled parameter of fraction is bad. Scheduled parameter of bandwidth is not invalid. |
NET_QOS_ERR_PACKET_TOO_BIG | 687 | Packet too big. |
NET_QOS_ERR_PACKET_LENGTH | 688 | Packet length error. |
689 690 695 696 697 698 699 700 |
Packet version error. Packet unknow. Out of memory. Lib not initialized. Session not found. Invalid arguments. Qos error. No error. |
Other Error Code |
NET_SDK_ERR_REMOTE_DISCONNEC | 803 | Unable to connect to the remote device. |
NET_SDK_ERR_RD_ADD_RD | 804 | It does not support add spare device to a spare device. |
NET_SDK_ERR_BACKUP_DISK_EXCEPT | 805 | The backup disk is abnormal. |
NET_SDK_ERR_RD_LIMIT | 806 | The count of spare devices has reached the maximum limit. |
NET_SDK_ERR_ADDED_RD_IS_WD | 807 | The spare device to be added is a working device. |
NET_SDK_ERR_ADD_ORDER_WRONG | 808 | The adding order is wrong, such as, to add the working device to the spare device before adding the spare device to the working device. |
NET_SDK_ERR_WD_ADD_WD | 809 | It does not support add working device to a working device. |
NET_SDK_ERR_WD_SERVICE_EXCETP | 810 | The CVR server is abnormal. |
NET_SDK_ERR_RD_SERVICE_EXCETP | 811 | The spare device is abnormal. |
NET_SDK_ERR_ADDED_WD_IS_RD | 812 | The working device to be added is a spare device. |
NET_SDK_ERR_PERFORMANCE_LIMIT | 813 | The performance reaches the upper limit |
NET_SDK_ERR_ADDED_DEVICE_EXIST | 814 | The devcie to be added has existed. |
Other Error Code | ||
NET_SDK_ERR_CHAN_AUDIO_BIND | 821 | Chan bind aduio error or no bind. |
NET_DVR_N_PLUS_ONE_MODE | 822 | Not support to set cloud storage mode, for the device is in N+1 mode. |
NET_DVR_CLOUD_STORAGE_OPENED | 823 | The cloud storage mode has been opened. |
Multi-screen Controller Error Code | ||
901 902 |
Window channel index error. Window layer number error(the count of window layers on a single screen exceeds the max number). |
903 904 905 906 907 908 909 910 911 |
Window block number error(the count of screens that single window overlays exceeds the max number). The output resolution error. Layout index error. The input resolution is not supported. The sub-device is off-line. There is no free decoding channel. The upper limit of window number. Calling order error. Be playing plan. |
NET_ERR_DECODER_USED | 912 | Decoder board is in use. |
NET_ERR_OUTPUT_BOARD_DATA_OVERFLOW | 913 | The data of output board is over the limit. |
NET_ERR_SAME_USER_NAME | 914 | The user name is duplicate. |
NET_ERR_INVALID_USER_NAME | 915 | Invalid username. |
NET_ERR_MATRIX_USING | 916 | The input matrix is in use. |
917 918 919 |
The channel type is error (the output channel of matrix is different with the input of controller) The input channel has been bound by other matrix. The number of the matrix output channels in use has exceeded the number of channels bound with controller. |
NET_ERR_MAX_SIGNAL_NUM | 920 | The number of input signal sources is over the limit. |
NET_ERR_INPUT_CHAN_USING | 921 | The input channel is in use. |
NET_ERR_MANAGER_LOGON | 922 | The operation failed, for the manager has logged in. |
NET_ERR_USERALREADY_LOGON | 923 | The operation failed, for the user has logged in. |
NET_ERR_LAYOUT_INIT | 924 | The operation failed, for the layout is being initialized. |
NET_ERR_BASEMAP_SIZE_NOT_MATCH | 925 | The size of traced drawing not match |
NET_ERR_WINDOW_OPERATING | 926 | The operation failed, for the window is performing other operation. |
NET_ERR_SIGNAL_UPLIMIT | 927 | The number of windows has reached the maximum limit. |
Decoder Error Code | ||
NET_ERR_MAX_WIN_OVERLAP | 951 | The number of windows overlap has reached the maximum limit. |
NET_ERR_STREAMID_CHAN_BOTH_VALID | 952 | stream ID and channel number are both valid. |
NET_ERR_NO_ZERO_CHAN | 953 | The device has no zero channel. |
NEED_RECONNECT | 955 | Need redirection (for transcoding system) |
NET_ERR_NO_STREAM_ID | 956 | The stream ID does not exist. |
NET_DVR_TRANS_NOT_START | 957 | The transcoding has not been started. |
NET_ERR_MAXNUM_STREAM_ID | 958 | The number of stream ID has reached the maximum limit. |
NET_ERR_WORKMODE_MISMATCH | 959 | The work mode does not match with the requirement. |
NET_ERR_MODE_IS_USING | 960 | It Has been working in current mode. |
NET_ERR_DEV_PROGRESSING | 961 | The device is in processing |
NET_ERR_PASSIVE_TRANSCODING | 962 | It is in transcoding. |
Capability Set Error Code |
XML_ANALYZE_FIND_LOCALXML_ERROR | 1002 | Can not find the corresponding xml file. |
XML_ANALYZE_LOAD_LOCALXML_ERROR | 1003 | Failed to load the local xml file. |
XML_NANLYZE_DVR_DATA_FORMAT_ERROR | 1004 | Data format of the capability is wrong. |
XML_ANALYZE_TYPE_ERROR | 1005 | The type of capability set is wrong. |
XML_ANALYZE_XML_NODE_ERROR | 1006 | Format of XML capability node is wrong. |
XML_INPUT_PARAM_ERROR | 1007 | The input value of XML capability node is wrong. |
XML_VERSION_MISMATCH | 1008 | XML version not match |
Other Error Code | ||
NET_ERR_TRANS_CHAN_START | 1101 | The operation is failed, for transparent channel has been opened. |
NET_ERR_DEV_UPGRADING | 1102 | The device is upgrading. |
NET_ERR_MISMATCH_UPGRADE_PACK_TYPE | 1103 | The type of upgrade package not match. |
NET_ERR_DEV_FORMATTING | 1104 | The device is being formatted. |
NET_ERR_MISMATCH_UPGRADE_PACK_VERSION | 1105 | The version of upgrade package not match. |
Alarm Device Error Code | ||
NET_ERR_SEARCHING_MODULE | 1201 | The device is searching for the external module. |
NET_ERR_REGISTERING_MODULE | 1202 | The device is registering to the external module. |
NET_ERR_GETTING_ZONES | 1203 | The device is getting defense zone parameters. |
NET_ERR_GETTING_TRIGGERS | 1204 | The device is getting triggers. |
NET_ERR_ARMED_STATUS | 1205 | The system is armed. |
NET_ERR_PROGRAM_MODE_STATUS | 1206 | The system is in programming mode. |
NET_ERR_WALK_TEST_MODE_STATUS | 1207 | The system is in pacing mode. |
NET_ERR_BYPASS_STATUS | 1208 | Bypass state |
NET_ERR_DISABLED_MODULE_STATUS | 1209 | The function is disabled. |
NET_ERR_NOT_SUPPORT_OPERATE_ZONE | 1210 | The defense zone does not support the operation. |
NET_ERR_NOT_SUPPORT_MOD_MODULE_ADDR | 1211 | The module address can not be modified. |
NET_ERR_UNREGISTERED_MODULE | 1212 | The module is unregistered. |
NET_ERR_PUBLIC_SUBSYSTEM_ASSOCIATE_SELF | 1213 | The public subsystem is set to associate with itself. |
NET_ERR_EXCEEDS_ASSOCIATE_SUBSYSTEM_NUM | 1214 | The number of subsystems associated with the public subsystem exceeds the max limit. |
1215 1216 1217 |
The subsystem has been associated with the other public subsystem. The defense zone is in the fault state. The opening and close of alarm output triggered by event have associated with same event type. |
NET_ERR_ZONE_ALARM_STATUS | 1218 | The defense zone is in the alarm state. |
NET_ERR_EXPANSION_BUS_SHORT_CIRCUIT | 1219 | Short circuit of expansion bus. |
NET_ERR_PWD_CONFLICT | 1220 | Password conflict. |
ITS Camera Error Code | ||
1400 1401 1402 1403 1404 1405 1406 1407 |
The number of lanes exceeds the limit. License plate recognition region is too large. The access parameters of traffic light is error. The configuration of lane line is invalid. The configuration of stop line is invalid. The boundary line configuration of left-turn or right-turn lane is invalid. The overlaid lane number is repeated. The polygon region of license plate recognition does not meet the requirement. |
1408 1409 1410 1411 1412 1413 1414 1415 1416 1417 1418 1419 |
The number of traffic lights of the video detection exceeds the max limit. The number of the sub traffic lights of video detection is illegal. The input area size of the video detection traffic light is illegal. The color of the video detection traffic light is illegal. The direction of the video detection traffic light is illegal. Lack of IO ablity. FTP port error. FTP catalogue error. FTP upload type error. Setting param flash write error. Getting param flash read error. Pic name delimiter error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_PICNAME_ITEM | 1420 | Pic name item error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_PLATE_RECOGNIZE_TYPE | 1421 | Plate recognize type error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_CAPTURE_TIMES | 1422 | Capture times error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_LOOP_DISTANCE | 1423 | Loop distance error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_LOOP_INPUT_STATUS | 1424 | Loop input status error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_RELATE_IO_CONFLICT | 1425 | Related IO conflict. |
NET_DVR_ERR_INTERVAL_TIME | 1426 | Interval time error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_SIGN_SPEED | 1427 | Sign speed error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_PIC_FLIP | 1428 | Flip is used. |
NET_DVR_ERR_RELATE_LANE_NUMBER | 1429 | Related lane number error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_TRIGGER_MODE | 1430 | Trigger mode error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_DELAY_TIME | 1431 | Delay time error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_EXCEED_RS485_COUNT | 1432 | Exceed RS485 count. |
NET_DVR_ERR_RADAR_TYPE | 1433 | Radar type error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_RADAR_ANGLE | 1434 | Radar angle error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_RADAR_SPEED_VALID_TIME | 1435 | Radar speed valid time error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_RADAR_LINE_CORRECT | 1436 | Radar line correct error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_RADAR_CONST_CORRECT | 1437 | Radar const correct error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_RECORD_PARAM | 1438 | Record param error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_LIGHT_WITHOUT_COLOR_AND_DIRECTION | 1439 | Light number and other param error. |
1440 1441 1442 1443 1444 1445 1446 1447 1448 1449 1450 1451 |
Light number and detection region error. Plate recognize Province param error. IO Speed TimeOut Param error. NTP TimeZone Param error. NTP Interval Time error. Network Card Num error. Default Route error. Banding Work Mode error. Slave Card error. Primary Card error. DHCP and PPOE not Meanwhile start. Net Interface invalid. |
NET_DVR_ERR_MTU | 1452 | MTU Param invalid. |
NET_DVR_ERR_NETMASK | 1453 | Netmask address invalid. |
NET_DVR_ERR_IP_INVALID | 1454 | IP address invalid. |
NET_DVR_ERR_MULTICAST_IP_INVALID | 1455 | Multicast IP address invalid. |
NET_DVR_ERR_GATEWAY_INVALID | 1456 | Gateway address invalid. |
NET_DVR_ERR_DNS_INVALID | 1457 | DNS Param invalid. |
NET_DVR_ERR_ALARMHOST_IP_INVALID | 1458 | AlarmHost IP invalid. |
NET_DVR_ERR_IP_CONFLICT | 1459 | IP address Conflict. |
NET_DVR_ERR_NETWORK_SEGMENT | 1460 | IP not support Multi Network segment. |
NET_DVR_ERR_NETPORT | 1461 | NetPort param error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_DOMAINNAME_NOSUPPORT | 1463 | Not Support Domain Name. |
NET_DVR_ERR_NO_SPEED | 1464 | Speed Not Enabled. |
NET_DVR_ERR_IOSTATUS_INVALID | 1465 | IO Status invalid. |
NET_DVR_ERR_BURST_INTERVAL_INVALID | 1466 | Burst Interval invalid. |
NET_DVR_ERR_RESERVE_MODE | 1467 | Reserve Mode invalid. |
NET_DVR_ERR_LANE_NO | 1468 | Lane No error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_COIL_AREA_TYPE | 1469 | Coil Area Type error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_TRIGGER_AREA_PARAM | 1470 | Trigger Area Param error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_SPEED_LIMIT_PARAM | 1471 | Speed Limit Param error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_LANE_PROTOCOL_TYPE | 1472 | Lane Protocol Type error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_INTERVAL_TYPE | 1473 | Capture Interval Type error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_INTERVAL_DISTANCE | 1474 | Capture Interval Distance error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_RS485_ASSOCIATE_DEVTYPE | 1475 | Rs485 Associate DevType error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_RS485_ASSOCIATE_LANENO | 1476 | Rs485 Associate LaneNo error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_LANENO_ASSOCIATE_MULTIRS485 | 1477 | LaneNo Associate MulitRs485 error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_LIGHT_DETECTION_REGION | 1478 | Light Detection Region error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_DN2D_NOSUPPORT | 1479 | UnSupport Capture Frame 2D Noise Reduction. |
NET_DVR_ERR_IRISMODE_NOSUPPORT | 1480 | UnSupport scene Mode. |
NET_DVR_ERR_WB_NOSUPPORT | 1481 | UnSupport White Balance Mode. |
NET_DVR_ERR_IO_EFFECTIVENESS | 1482 | IO Effectiveness invalid. |
NET_DVR_ERR_LIGHTNO_MAX | 1483 | Access Detector Lights Red / Yellow Overrun. |
NET_DVR_ERR_LIGHTNO_CONFLICT | 1484 | Access Detector Lights Red / Yellow Conflict. |
NET_DVR_ERR_CANCEL_LINE | 1485 | Trigger straight line error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_STOP_LINE | 1486 | Subject line area stop line error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_RUSH_REDLIGHT_LINE | 1487 | Red light trigger lines error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_IOOUTNO_MAX | 1488 | IO out port error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_IOOUTNO_AHEADTIME_MAX | 1489 | IO out ahead time error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_IOOUTNO_IOWORKTIME | 1490 | IO out inwork time error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_IOOUTNO_FREQMULTI | 1491 | IO out frequency multiplication error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_IOOUTNO_DUTYRATE | 1492 | IO out duty rate error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_VIDEO_WITH_EXPOSURE | 1493 | IO out work mode error. |
1494 1495 1496 1497 1498 1499 |
Plate enable in plate compensate mode on. Recognize Type error. Plate Recognize Area Param error. Port Conflict. IP cannot be the loopback address. Driveline sensitivity error. |
VQD Error Code | ||
NET_ERR_VQD_TIME_CONFLICT | 1500 | The time period conflict. |
NET_ERR_VQD_PLAN_NO_EXIST | 1501 | The diagnostic plan of VQD dese not exist. |
NET_ERR_VQD_CHAN_NO_EXIST | 1502 | The channel dese not exist. |
NET_ERR_VQD_CHAN_MAX | 1503 | The total number of VQD plans exceeds the max limit. |
NET_ERR_VQD_TASK_MAX | 1504 | The total number of VQD tasks exceeds the max limit. |
Capture Camera Error Code | ||
NET_DVR_ERR_EXCEED_MAX_CAPTURE_TIMES | 1600 | Capture times exceed 2 in flash mode. |
NET_DVR_ERR_REDAR_TYPE_CONFLICT | 1601 | Radar type conflict. |
NET_DVR_ERR_LICENSE_PLATE_NULL | 1602 | The license plate is null. |
NET_DVR_ERR_WRITE_DATABASE | 1603 | Failed to write data into the database. |
NET_DVR_ERR_LICENSE_EFFECTIVE_TIME | 1604 | The effective time of licence plate error. |
Access Control Host Error Code | ||
NET_ERR_TIME_OVERLAP | 1900 | The time period is overlapped. |
1901 1902 1903 |
The holiday plan is overlapped. The card number is not sorted. The card number is not existed. |
NET_ERR_ILLEGAL_CARDNO | 1904 | The card number is false. |
NET_ERR_ZONE_ALARM | 1905 | The zone is armed(the modification of parameters is not allowed) |
NET_ERR_ZONE_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORT | 1906 | The zone does not support the operation. |
NET_ERR_INTERLOCK_ANTI_CONFLICT | 1907 | Both the multi-door interlocking and anti-sneak configuration are false. |
NET_ERR_DEVICE_CARD_FULL | 1908 | The card is full(return when up to 10W). |
Network Communication Error Code | |
200-240 | Array Error Code |
250-252 | Security Activation Error Code |
300-348 | Intelligent Device Error Code |
400-446 | RTSP Error Code |
500-528 | Decoding Error Code |
600-619 | Audio Intercom Error Code |
678-700 | Qos Error Code |
717-802 | Other Error Code |
803-814 | N+1 Function Error Code |
821-823 | Other Error Code |
901-927 | Multi-screen Controller Error Code |
951-962 | Decoder Error Code |
1000-1008 | Capability Set Error Code |
1101-1105 | Other Error Code |
1201-1220 | Alarm Device Error Code |
1400-1499 | ITS Camera Error Code |
1500-1504 | VQD Error Code |
1600-1604 | Capture Camera Error Code |
1900-1908 | Access Control Host Error Code |
Network Communication Error Code | ||
Error Type | Returned Value | Information |
NET_DVR_NOERROR | 0 | No error. |
NET_DVR_PASSWORD_ERROR | 1 | User name or password error. |
NET_DVR_NOENOUGHPRI | 2 | Not authorized to do this operation. |
NET_DVR_NOINIT | 3 | SDK is not initialized. |
NET_DVR_CHANNEL_ERROR | 4 | Channel number error. There is no corresponding channel number on the device. |
5 6 |
The number of connection with the device has exceeded the max limit. Version mismatch. SDK version is not matching with the device. |
NET_DVR_NETWORK_FAIL_CONNECT | 7 | Failed to connect to the device. The device is off-line, or connection timeout caused by network. |
NET_DVR_NETWORK_SEND_ERROR | 8 | Failed to send data to the device. |
NET_DVR_NETWORK_RECV_ERROR | 9 | Failed to receive data from the device. |
NET_DVR_NETWORK_RECV_TIMEOUT | 10 | Timeout when receiving data from the device. |
11 12 13 14 15 |
The data sent to the device is illegal, or the data received from the device error. E.g. The input data is not supported by the device for remote configuration. API calling order error. Not authorized for this operation. Executing command on the device is timeout. Serial port number error. The assigned serial port does not exist on the device. |
NET_DVR_ERRORALARMPORT | 16 | Alarm port number error. |
17 18 19 20 |
Parameter error. Input or output parameters in the SDK API is NULL, or the value or format of the parameters does not match with the requirement. Device channel is in exception status. No hard disk on the device, and the operation of recording and hard disk configuration will fail. Hard disk number error. The assigned hard disk number does not exist during hard disk management. |
NET_DVR_DISK_FULL | 21 | Device hark disk is full. |
NET_DVR_DISK_ERROR | 22 | Device hard disk error. |
NET_DVR_NOSUPPORT | 23 | Device does not support this function. |
NET_DVR_BUSY | 24 | Device is busy. |
NET_DVR_MODIFY_FAIL | 25 | Failed to modify device parameters. |
NET_DVR_PASSWORD_FORMAT_ERROR | 26 | The inputting password format is not correct. |
NET_DVR_DISK_FORMATING | 27 | Hard disk is formatting, and the operation cannot be done. |
NET_DVR_DVRNORESOURCE | 28 | Not enough resource on the device. |
NET_DVR_DVROPRATEFAILED | 29 | Device operation failed. |
30 31 32 |
Failed to collect local audio data or to open audio output during voice talk / broadcasting. Voice talk channel on the device has been occupied. Time input is not correct. |
NET_DVR_NOSPECFILE | 33 | There is no selected file for playback. |
34 35 |
Failed to create a file, during local recording, saving picture, getting configuration file or downloading record file. Failed to open a file, when importing configuration file, upgrading device or uploading inquest file. |
NET_DVR_OPERNOTFINISH | 36 | The last operation has not been completed. |
NET_DVR_GETPLAYTIMEFAIL | 37 | Failed to get the current played time. |
NET_DVR_PLAYFAIL | 38 | Failed to start playback. |
NET_DVR_FILEFORMAT_ERROR | 39 | The file format is not correct. |
NET_DVR_DIR_ERROR | 40 | File directory error. |
NET_DVR_ALLOC_RESOURCE_ERROR | 41 | Resource allocation error. |
42 43 44 45 46 47 |
Sound adapter mode error. Currently opened sound playing mode does not match with the set mode. Buffer is not enough. Create SOCKET error. Set SOCKET error The number of login or preview connections has exceeded the SDK limitation. User doest not exist. The user ID has been logged out or unavailable. |
NET_DVR_WRITEFLASHERROR | 48 | Writing FLASH error. Failed to write FLASH during device upgrade. |
49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 |
Failed to upgrade device. It is caused by network problem or the language mismatch between the device and the upgrade file. The decode card has alreadly been initialed. Failed to call API of player SDK. The number of login user has reached the maximum limit. Failed to get the IP address or physical address of local PC. This channel hasn’t started encoding. IP address not match MAC address not match The language of upgrading file does not match the language of the device. |
58 59 60 |
The number of player ports has reached the maximum limit. No enough space to backup file in backup device. No backup device. |
61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 |
The color quality seeting of the picture does not match the requirement, and it should be limited to 24. The dimension is over 128×256. The size of picture is over 100K Failed to load player SDK. Can not find the function in player SDK. Failed to load the library file-“DsSdk”. Can not find the API in “DsSdk”. Failed to call the API in “DsSdk”. Sound adapter has been monopolized. Failed to join to multicast group. Failed to create log file directory. Failed to bind socket. Socket disconnected. It is caused by network disconnection or destination unreachable. |
NET_DVR_USERID_ISUSING | 74 | The user ID is operating when logout. |
NET_DVR_SOCKETLISTEN_ERROR | 75 | Failed to listen |
NET_DVR_PROGRAM_EXCEPTION | 76 | Sdk program exception |
NET_DVR_WRITEFILE_FAILED | 77 | Failed to write file, during local recording, saving picture or downloading record file. |
NET_DVR_FORMAT_READONLY | 78 | Failed to format read-only HD |
NET_DVR_WITHSAMEUSERNAME | 79 | This user name already exists in the user configuration structure. |
NET_DVR_DEVICETYPE_ERROR | 80 | Device type does not match when import configuration. |
NET_DVR_LANGUAGE_ERROR | 81 | Language does not match when import configuration. |
NET_DVR_PARAVERSION_ERROR | 82 | Software version does not match when import configuration. |
NET_DVR_IPCHAN_NOTALIVE | 83 | IP channel is not on-line when previewing. |
NET_DVR_RTSP_SDK_ERROR | 84 | Load StreamTransClient.dll failed |
NET_DVR_CONVERT_SDK_ERROR | 85 | Load SystemTransform.dll failed |
NET_DVR_IPC_COUNT_OVERFLOW | 86 | over maximun ipc count |
NET_DVR_MAX_ADD_NUM | 87 | add label or other operation reach the maximum number |
88 89 90 |
Image intensifier, parameter mode error. This error may occur when client sets software or hardware parameters. Code splitter is offline. Device is backing up. |
NET_DVR_CHAN_NOTSUPPORT | 91 | Channel not support |
92 93 |
The height line location is too concentrated, or the length line is not inclined enough. Cancel calibration conflict, if the rule and overall actual size filter have been set. |
NET_DVR_CALPOINTOUTRANGE | 94 | Calibration point exceeds the range. |
NET_DVR_FILTERRECTINVALID | 95 | The size filter does not meet the requirement. |
NET_DVR_DDNS_DEVOFFLINE | 96 | Device has not registered to DDNS. |
NET_DVR_DDNS_INTER_ERROR | 97 | DDNS inner error. |
NET_DVR_FUNCTION_NOT_SUPPORT_OS | 98 | This function don’t support this OS. |
NET_DVR_DEC_CHAN_REBIND | 99 | Decode channel can not bind with two display channel. |
NET_DVR_INTERCOM_SDK_ERROR | 100 | Failed to load the audio intercom SDK from current directory. |
NET_DVR_NO_CURRENT_UPDATEFILE | 101 | No current upgrade pack. |
NET_DVR_USER_NOT_SUCC_LOGIN | 102 | The user has not logined the device. |
NET_DVR_USE_LOG_SWITCH_FILE | 103 | It is using the log swtich file. |
NET_DVR_POOL_PORT_EXHAUST | 104 | The ports used to bound in port pool is exhausted. |
NET_DVR_PACKET_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORT | 105 | The packet type of stream is error. |
NET_DVR_IPPARA_IPID_ERROR | 106 | IPID of IP access configuration is error. |
NET_DVR_LOAD_HCPREVIEW_SDK_ERROR | 107 | Load Preview component Failed. |
NET_DVR_LOAD_HCVOICETALK_SDK_ERROR | 108 | Load Voice talk component Failed. |
NET_DVR_LOAD_HCALARM_SDK_ERROR | 109 | Load Alarm component Failed. |
NET_DVR_LOAD_HCPLAYBACK_SDK_ERROR | 110 | Load Playback component Failed. |
NET_DVR_LOAD_HCDISPLAY_SDK_ERROR | 111 | Load Display component Failed. |
NET_DVR_LOAD_HCINDUSTRY_SDK_ERROR | 112 | Load Industry component Failed. |
NET_DVR_LOAD_HCGENERALCFGMGR_SDK_ERROR | 123 | Load general configuration management component failed. |
NET_DVR_CORE_VER_MISMATCH | 121 | There is a mismatch between the component and core version. |
NET_DVR_CORE_VER_MISMATCH_HCPREVIEW | 122 | There is a mismatch between Live view component and core version. |
NET_DVR_CORE_VER_MISMATCH_HCVOICETALK | 123 | There is a mismatch between voice component and core version. |
NET_DVR_CORE_VER_MISMATCH_HCALARM | 124 | There is a mismatch between alarm component and core version. |
NET_DVR_CORE_VER_MISMATCH_HCPLAYBACK | 125 | There is a mismatch between playback component and core version. |
NET_DVR_CORE_VER_MISMATCH_HCDISPLAY | 126 | There is a mismatch between display component and core version. |
127 128 |
There is a mismatch between industrial application component and core version. There is a mismatch between general configuration management component and the core version. |
136 137 138 |
There is a mismatch between Live view component and HCNetSDK version. There is a mismatch between voice component and HCNetSDK version. here is a mismatch between alarm component and HCNetSDK version. |
NET_DVR_COM_VER_MISMATCH_HCPLAYBACK | 139 | There is a mismatch between playback component and HCNetSDK version. |
140 141 |
There is a mismatch between display component and HCNetSDK version. There is a mismatch between industrial application component and HCNetSDK version. |
NET_DVR_COM_VER_MISMATCH_HCGENERALCFGMGR | 142 | There is a mismatch between General configuration management component and the HCNetSDK version. |
NET_DVR_ALIAS_DUPLICATE | 150 | Alias is duplicate (for HiDDNS) |
NET_DVR_USERNAME_NOT_EXIST | 152 | The user name doesn’t exist. |
NET_ERR_USERNAME_LOCKED | 153 | The user name is locked. |
NET_DVR_INVALID_USERID | 154 | Invalid User ID. |
NET_DVR_LOW_LOGIN_VERSION | 155 | The login version is too low. |
NET_DVR_LOAD_LIBEAY32_DLL_ERROR | 156 | Failed to load libeay32.dll. |
NET_DVR_LOAD_SSLEAY32_DLL_ERROR | 157 | Failed to load ssleay32.dll. |
NET_DVR_TEST_SERVER_FAIL_CONNECT | 165 | Failed to connect to test server. |
166 167 168 169 |
Failed to mount to NAS server (No such directory, or user name/password error). Failed to mount to NAS server (not authorized) DNS has not been configured, so domain address may invalid. GateWay of Email server has not been configured, so it may be failed to send mail. |
NET_DVR_TEST_SERVER_PASSWORD_ERROR | 170 | User name and password tried to login the test server are not matching. |
NET_DVR_EMAIL_SERVER_CONNECT_EXCEPTION_WITH_S MTP | 171 | The connection between device and SMTP server is abnormal. |
NET_DVR_FTP_SERVER_FAIL_CREATE_DIR | 172 | Failed to create directory in the FTP server. |
NET_DVR_FTP_SERVER_NO_WRITE_PIR | 173 | Do not have permission to write in the FTP server. |
NET_DVR_IP_CONFLICT | 174 | IP conflict. |
NET_DVR_INSUFFICIENT_STORAGEPOOL_SPACE | 175 | The storage pool is full. |
The storage pool of cloud server is invalid, for not configure the storage pool or the ID of storage pool error. Need reboot the device. |
Array Error Code | ||
Error Type | Returned Value | Information |
NET_DVR_NAME_NOT_ONLY | 200 | Existing name. |
NET_DVR_OVER_MAX_ARRAY | 201 | Number of arrays has reached its limit. |
NET_DVR_OVER_MAX_VD | 202 | Number of virtual disks has reached its limit. |
NET_DVR_VD_SLOT_EXCEED | 203 | Virtual disk slot is full. |
NET_DVR_PD_STATUS_INVALID | 204 | Physical disk for rebuilding array is with error status. |
NET_DVR_PD_BE_DEDICATE_SPARE | 205 | Physical disk for rebuilding array is specified as spare drive. |
NET_DVR_PD_NOT_FREE | 206 | Physical disk for rebuilding array is not idle. |
NET_DVR_CANNOT_MIG2NEWMODE | 207 | Unable to migrate from the current array type to the new array type. |
NET_DVR_MIG_PAUSE | 208 | The migration operation has been paused. |
NET_DVR_MIG_CANCEL | 209 | The migration operation has been cancelled. |
NET_DVR_EXIST_VD | 210 | Operation failed! Please delete the virtual disk existed in the array first. |
NET_DVR_TARGET_IN_LD_FUNCTIONAL | 211 | Target physical disk is part of the virtual disk and is functional. |
NET_DVR_HD_IS_ASSIGNED_ALREADY | 212 | Specified physical disk is assigned to a virtual disk |
NET_DVR_INVALID_HD_COUNT | 213 | Number of physical disks doesn’t fit the specified RAID level. |
NET_DVR_LD_IS_FUNCTIONAL | 214 | Specified virtual disk is functional. |
NET_DVR_BGA_RUNNING | 215 | BGA is running. |
NET_DVR_LD_NO_ATAPI | 216 | Can not create virtual disk with ATAPI drive. |
NET_DVR_MIGRATION_NOT_NEED | 217 | Migration is not necessary. |
NET_DVR_HD_TYPE_MISMATCH | 218 | Physical disks are not of the same type. |
NET_DVR_NO_LD_IN_DG | 219 | No virtual disk exist on the specified array. |
NET_DVR_NO_ROOM_FOR_SPARE | 220 | Disk space is too small to be assigned as spare drive. |
NET_DVR_SPARE_IS_IN_MULTI_DG | 221 | Disk is already assigned as a spare drive for an array. |
NET_DVR_DG_HAS_MISSING_PD | 222 | Disk is missing from an array. |
NET_DVR_NAME_EMPTY | 223 | Name is empty. |
NET_DVR_INPUT_PARAM | 224 | The input parameter is error. |
NET_DVR_PD_NOT_AVAILABLE | 225 | The physical disk is not available. |
NET_DVR_ARRAY_NOT_AVAILABLE | 226 | The RAID is not available |
NET_DVR_PD_COUNT | 227 | The count of physical disks is not correct. |
NET_DVR_VD_SMALL | 228 | Virtual disk is too small. |
NET_DVR_NO_EXIST | 229 | Not exist. |
NET_DVR_NOT_SUPPORT | 230 | Not support the operation. |
NET_DVR_NOT_FUNCTIONAL | 231 | The status of RAID is abnormal. |
NET_DVR_DEV_NODE_NOT_FOUND | 232 | The device node of virtual disk does not exist. |
NET_DVR_SLOT_EXCEED | 233 | The count of slots reaches the upper limit. |
NET_DVR_NO_VD_IN_ARRAY | 234 | There is not virtual disk in the RAID. |
NET_DVR_VD_SLOT_INVALID | 235 | The slot of virtual disk is invalid. |
NET_DVR_PD_NO_ENOUGH_SPACE | 236 | The required space of physical disk is not enough. |
NET_DVR_ARRAY_NONFUNCTION | 237 | Only the RAID on normal state supports to be migrated. |
NET_DVR_ARRAY_NO_ENOUGH_SPACE | 238 | The space of RAID is not enough. |
NET_DVR_STOPPING_SCANNING_ARRAY | 239 | It is pulling the disk out safely or rescanning the disk. |
NET_DVR_NOT_SUPPORT_16T | 240 | Not support create the RAID larger than 16T. |
Security Activation Error Code | ||
NET_DVR_ERROR_DEVICE_NOT_ACTIVATED | 250 | The device has not been activated. |
NET_DVR_ERROR_RISK_PASSWORD | 251 | There is a risk of the password. |
NET_DVR_ERROR_DEVICE_HAS_ACTIVATED | 252 | The device has been activated. |
NET_DVR_CALIBRATE_DATA_CONFLICT | 307 | Calibration error. |
NET_DVR_CALIBRATE_CALC_FAIL | 308 | Failed to calculate camera calibration parameter. |
NET_DVR_CALIBRATE_LINE_OUT_RECT | 309 | The input calibrating line exceeds the external rectangle sample. |
NET_DVR_ENTER_RULE_NOT_READY | 310 | Enter rule not ready. |
311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 |
It does not include lane in the traffic event rule (especial for traffic jam or driving against the traffic). Lane not ready. There are two different directions in event rule. The lane conflicts with the data rule. The event type is not supported by the device. The lane has no direction. The size of filter is illegal. There is no face when feature point positioning. The input image is too small when feature point positioning. The input image has no face when detecting face in single image. Face is too small when building model. Face image is of poor quality when building model. Advanced parameter setting error. Calibration sample size error, or data value error, or sample points beyond the horizon |
NET_DVR_CALIBRATE_DISABLE_FAIL | 325 | The configured rules do not allow to cancel calibration. |
NET_DVR_VCA_LIB_FD_SCALE_OUTRANGE | 326 | Filter scale is out range. |
NET_DVR_LIB_FD_REGION_TOO_LARGE | 327 | Region is too big. |
NET_DVR_TRIAL_OVERDUE | 328 | Trial overdue. |
NET_DVR_CONFIG_FILE_CONFLICT | 329 | Config file conflict. |
NET_DVR_FR_FPL_FAIL | 330 | Feature points location is error in face recognition. |
NET_DVR_FR_IQA_FAIL | 331 | Image quality assessment is error in face recognition. |
NET_DVR_FR_FEM_FAIL | 332 | Feature extract & match error in face recognition. |
NET_DVR_FPL_DT_CONF_TOO_LOW | 333 | Detection confidence is too low in feature points location. |
NET_DVR_FPL_CONF_TOO_LOW | 334 | Confidence is too low in feature points location. |
NET_DVR_E_DATA_SIZE | 335 | Size of model data error. |
NET_DVR_FR_MODEL_VERSION_ERR | 336 | Model version is error. |
NET_DVR_FR_FD_FAIL | 337 | Face detection error in face recognition. |
NET_DVR_FA_NORMALIZE_ERR | 338 | Face attribute normalize error. |
NET_DVR_DOG_PUSTREAM_NOT_MATCH | 339 | Pustream and softdog are mismatched. |
NET_DVR_DEV_PUSTREAM_NOT_MATCH | 340 | Pustream device version is error. |
NET_DVR_PUSTREAM_ALREADY_EXISTS | 341 | The pustream has existence. |
NET_DVR_SEARCH_CONNECT_FAILED | 342 | Failed to connect face retrieval device. |
NET_DVR_INSUFFICIENT_DISK_SPACE | 343 | Storage space is insufficient. |
NET_DVR_DATABASE_CONNECTION_FAILED | 344 | Failed to connect database. |
NET_DVR_DATABASE_ADM_PW_ERROR | 345 | Username or password is error for database. |
NET_DVR_DECODE_YUV | 346 | Failed to decode image. |
NET_DVR_IMAGE_RESOLUTION_ERROR | 347 | Image resolution is unreasonable. |
NET_DVR_CHAN_WORKMODE_ERROR | 348 | Channel work mode error. |
RTSP Error Code | ||
Error Type | Returned Value | Information |
NET_DVR_RTSP_ERROR_NOENOUGHPRI | 401 | Authentication failed: if server returns 401, it will change to this error code |
NET_DVR_RTSP_ERROR_ALLOC_RESOURCE | 402 | Failed to allocate the resource |
NET_DVR_RTSP_ERROR_PARAMETER | 403 | Parameter error |
404 406 407 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 420 |
The assigned URL does not exist: when the server returns 404, SDK turns into this error code. E.g. the channel is not available, or the channel does not support sub stream The user forces to exit midway RTSP port getting error. RTSP DECRIBE communicate error Sending RTSP DECRIBE is timeout. Failed to send RTSP DECRIBE. Receiving RTSP DECRIBE is timeout. Receiving data of RTSP DECRIBE error. Failed to receive RTSP DECRIBE. RTSP DECRIBE device returns the error. (or 419), RTSP SETUP interaction error. Generally, it is that the address (URL) returned by the device is not accessible, or it is rejected by the server |
NET_DVR_RTSP_SETUPRECVTIMEOUT | 423 | Receiving RTSP SETUP is timeout. |
NET_DVR_RTSP_SETUPRECVDATALOST | 424 | Receiving data of RTSP SETUP error. |
426 427 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 |
It exceeds the max connection number of server. or server has not enough resource. RTSP SETUP device returns the error. RTSP PLAY interaction error. Sending RTSP PLAY is timeout. Sending RTSP PLAY error. Receiving RTSP PLAY is timeout. Receiving data of RTSP PLAY error. Failed to receive RTSP PLAY. RTSP PLAY device returns the error. RTSP TEARDOWN interaction error. Sending RTSP TEARDOWN is timeout. Sending RTSP TEARDOWN error. Receiving RTSP TEARDOWN is timeout. Receiving data of RTSP TEARDOWN error. Failed to receive RTSP TEARDOWN. RTSP TEARDOWN device returns the error. |
Decoding Error Code | ||
Returned Value 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 |
Information no error input parameter is invalid The order of the function to be called is error Create multimedia clock failed Decode video data failed Decode audio data failed Allocate memory failed |
NET_PLAYM4_OPEN_FILE_ERROR | 507 | Open the file failed |
NET_PLAYM4_CREATE_OBJ_ERROR | 508 | Create thread or event failed |
NET_PLAYM4_CREATE_DDRAW_ERROR | 509 | Create DirectDraw object failed |
NET_PLAYM4_CREATE_OFFSCREEN_ERROR | 510 | failed when creating off-screen surface |
NET_PLAYM4_BUF_OVER | 511 | buffer is overflow |
NET_PLAYM4_CREATE_SOUND_ERROR | 512 | failed when creating audio device |
NET_PLAYM4_SET_VOLUME_ERROR | 513 | Set volume failed |
NET_PLAYM4_SUPPORT_FILE_ONLY | 514 | The function only support play file |
NET_PLAYM4_SUPPORT_STREAM_ONLY | 515 | The function only support play stream |
NET_PLAYM4_SYS_NOT_SUPPORT | 516 | System not support |
NET_PLAYM4_FILEHEADER_UNKNOWN | 517 | No file header |
NET_PLAYM4_VERSION_INCORRECT | 518 | The version of decoder and encoder is not adapted |
NET_PALYM4_INIT_DECODER_ERROR | 519 | nitialize decoder failed |
NET_PLAYM4_CHECK_FILE_ERROR | 520 | The file data is unknown |
NET_PLAYM4_INIT_TIMER_ERROR | 521 | Initialize decoder failed |
NET_PLAYM4_BLT_ERROR | 522 | Blt failed |
NET_PLAYM4_UPDATE_ERROR | 523 | Update failed |
NET_PLAYM4_OPEN_FILE_ERROR_MULTI | 524 | openfile error, streamtype is multi |
NET_PLAYM4_OPEN_FILE_ERROR_VIDEO | 525 | openfile error, streamtype is video |
NET_PLAYM4_JPEG_COMPRESS_ERROR | 526 | JPEG compress error |
NET_PLAYM4_EXTRACT_NOT_SUPPORT | 527 | Don’t support the version of this file. |
NET_PLAYM4_EXTRACT_DATA_ERROR | 528 | Extract video data failed. |
Audio Intercom Error Code | ||
Error Type | Returned Value | Information |
NET_AUDIOINTERCOM_OK | 600 | No error. |
NET_AUDIOINTECOM_ERR_ALLOC_MEMERY | 602 | Memory allocation error. |
NET_AUDIOINTECOM_ERR_PARAMETER | 603 | Parameter error. |
NET_AUDIOINTECOM_ERR_CALL_ORDER | 604 | API calling order error. |
NET_AUDIOINTECOM_ERR_FIND_DEVICE | 605 | No audio device |
NET_AUDIOINTECOM_ERR_OPEN_DEVICE | 606 | Failed to open the audio device |
607 608 609 |
Context error. WAV file error. The type of WAV parameter is invalid |
NET_AUDIOINTECOM_ERR_ENCODE_FAIL | 610 | Failed to encode data |
NET_AUDIOINTECOM_ERR_DECODE_FAIL | 611 | Failed to decode data |
NET_AUDIOINTECOM_ERR_NO_PLAYBACK | 612 | Failed to play audio |
NET_AUDIOINTECOM_ERR_DENOISE_FAIL | 613 | Failed to denoise |
Qos Error Code | ||
Error Type | Returned Value | Information |
678 679 680 |
Scheduled parameter of minimum interval is bad . Scheduled parameter of fraction is bad. Scheduled parameter of bandwidth is not invalid. |
NET_QOS_ERR_PACKET_TOO_BIG | 687 | Packet too big. |
NET_QOS_ERR_PACKET_LENGTH | 688 | Packet length error. |
689 690 695 696 697 698 699 700 |
Packet version error. Packet unknow. Out of memory. Lib not initialized. Session not found. Invalid arguments. Qos error. No error. |
Other Error Code |
NET_SDK_ERR_REMOTE_DISCONNEC | 803 | Unable to connect to the remote device. |
NET_SDK_ERR_RD_ADD_RD | 804 | It does not support add spare device to a spare device. |
NET_SDK_ERR_BACKUP_DISK_EXCEPT | 805 | The backup disk is abnormal. |
NET_SDK_ERR_RD_LIMIT | 806 | The count of spare devices has reached the maximum limit. |
NET_SDK_ERR_ADDED_RD_IS_WD | 807 | The spare device to be added is a working device. |
NET_SDK_ERR_ADD_ORDER_WRONG | 808 | The adding order is wrong, such as, to add the working device to the spare device before adding the spare device to the working device. |
NET_SDK_ERR_WD_ADD_WD | 809 | It does not support add working device to a working device. |
NET_SDK_ERR_WD_SERVICE_EXCETP | 810 | The CVR server is abnormal. |
NET_SDK_ERR_RD_SERVICE_EXCETP | 811 | The spare device is abnormal. |
NET_SDK_ERR_ADDED_WD_IS_RD | 812 | The working device to be added is a spare device. |
NET_SDK_ERR_PERFORMANCE_LIMIT | 813 | The performance reaches the upper limit |
NET_SDK_ERR_ADDED_DEVICE_EXIST | 814 | The devcie to be added has existed. |
Other Error Code | ||
NET_SDK_ERR_CHAN_AUDIO_BIND | 821 | Chan bind aduio error or no bind. |
NET_DVR_N_PLUS_ONE_MODE | 822 | Not support to set cloud storage mode, for the device is in N+1 mode. |
NET_DVR_CLOUD_STORAGE_OPENED | 823 | The cloud storage mode has been opened. |
Multi-screen Controller Error Code | ||
901 902 |
Window channel index error. Window layer number error(the count of window layers on a single screen exceeds the max number). |
903 904 905 906 907 908 909 910 911 |
Window block number error(the count of screens that single window overlays exceeds the max number). The output resolution error. Layout index error. The input resolution is not supported. The sub-device is off-line. There is no free decoding channel. The upper limit of window number. Calling order error. Be playing plan. |
NET_ERR_DECODER_USED | 912 | Decoder board is in use. |
NET_ERR_OUTPUT_BOARD_DATA_OVERFLOW | 913 | The data of output board is over the limit. |
NET_ERR_SAME_USER_NAME | 914 | The user name is duplicate. |
NET_ERR_INVALID_USER_NAME | 915 | Invalid username. |
NET_ERR_MATRIX_USING | 916 | The input matrix is in use. |
917 918 919 |
The channel type is error (the output channel of matrix is different with the input of controller) The input channel has been bound by other matrix. The number of the matrix output channels in use has exceeded the number of channels bound with controller. |
NET_ERR_MAX_SIGNAL_NUM | 920 | The number of input signal sources is over the limit. |
NET_ERR_INPUT_CHAN_USING | 921 | The input channel is in use. |
NET_ERR_MANAGER_LOGON | 922 | The operation failed, for the manager has logged in. |
NET_ERR_USERALREADY_LOGON | 923 | The operation failed, for the user has logged in. |
NET_ERR_LAYOUT_INIT | 924 | The operation failed, for the layout is being initialized. |
NET_ERR_BASEMAP_SIZE_NOT_MATCH | 925 | The size of traced drawing not match |
NET_ERR_WINDOW_OPERATING | 926 | The operation failed, for the window is performing other operation. |
NET_ERR_SIGNAL_UPLIMIT | 927 | The number of windows has reached the maximum limit. |
Decoder Error Code | ||
NET_ERR_MAX_WIN_OVERLAP | 951 | The number of windows overlap has reached the maximum limit. |
NET_ERR_STREAMID_CHAN_BOTH_VALID | 952 | stream ID and channel number are both valid. |
NET_ERR_NO_ZERO_CHAN | 953 | The device has no zero channel. |
NEED_RECONNECT | 955 | Need redirection (for transcoding system) |
NET_ERR_NO_STREAM_ID | 956 | The stream ID does not exist. |
NET_DVR_TRANS_NOT_START | 957 | The transcoding has not been started. |
NET_ERR_MAXNUM_STREAM_ID | 958 | The number of stream ID has reached the maximum limit. |
NET_ERR_WORKMODE_MISMATCH | 959 | The work mode does not match with the requirement. |
NET_ERR_MODE_IS_USING | 960 | It Has been working in current mode. |
NET_ERR_DEV_PROGRESSING | 961 | The device is in processing |
NET_ERR_PASSIVE_TRANSCODING | 962 | It is in transcoding. |
Capability Set Error Code |
XML_ANALYZE_FIND_LOCALXML_ERROR | 1002 | Can not find the corresponding xml file. |
XML_ANALYZE_LOAD_LOCALXML_ERROR | 1003 | Failed to load the local xml file. |
XML_NANLYZE_DVR_DATA_FORMAT_ERROR | 1004 | Data format of the capability is wrong. |
XML_ANALYZE_TYPE_ERROR | 1005 | The type of capability set is wrong. |
XML_ANALYZE_XML_NODE_ERROR | 1006 | Format of XML capability node is wrong. |
XML_INPUT_PARAM_ERROR | 1007 | The input value of XML capability node is wrong. |
XML_VERSION_MISMATCH | 1008 | XML version not match |
Other Error Code | ||
NET_ERR_TRANS_CHAN_START | 1101 | The operation is failed, for transparent channel has been opened. |
NET_ERR_DEV_UPGRADING | 1102 | The device is upgrading. |
NET_ERR_MISMATCH_UPGRADE_PACK_TYPE | 1103 | The type of upgrade package not match. |
NET_ERR_DEV_FORMATTING | 1104 | The device is being formatted. |
NET_ERR_MISMATCH_UPGRADE_PACK_VERSION | 1105 | The version of upgrade package not match. |
Alarm Device Error Code | ||
NET_ERR_SEARCHING_MODULE | 1201 | The device is searching for the external module. |
NET_ERR_REGISTERING_MODULE | 1202 | The device is registering to the external module. |
NET_ERR_GETTING_ZONES | 1203 | The device is getting defense zone parameters. |
NET_ERR_GETTING_TRIGGERS | 1204 | The device is getting triggers. |
NET_ERR_ARMED_STATUS | 1205 | The system is armed. |
NET_ERR_PROGRAM_MODE_STATUS | 1206 | The system is in programming mode. |
NET_ERR_WALK_TEST_MODE_STATUS | 1207 | The system is in pacing mode. |
NET_ERR_BYPASS_STATUS | 1208 | Bypass state |
NET_ERR_DISABLED_MODULE_STATUS | 1209 | The function is disabled. |
NET_ERR_NOT_SUPPORT_OPERATE_ZONE | 1210 | The defense zone does not support the operation. |
NET_ERR_NOT_SUPPORT_MOD_MODULE_ADDR | 1211 | The module address can not be modified. |
NET_ERR_UNREGISTERED_MODULE | 1212 | The module is unregistered. |
NET_ERR_PUBLIC_SUBSYSTEM_ASSOCIATE_SELF | 1213 | The public subsystem is set to associate with itself. |
NET_ERR_EXCEEDS_ASSOCIATE_SUBSYSTEM_NUM | 1214 | The number of subsystems associated with the public subsystem exceeds the max limit. |
1215 1216 1217 |
The subsystem has been associated with the other public subsystem. The defense zone is in the fault state. The opening and close of alarm output triggered by event have associated with same event type. |
NET_ERR_ZONE_ALARM_STATUS | 1218 | The defense zone is in the alarm state. |
NET_ERR_EXPANSION_BUS_SHORT_CIRCUIT | 1219 | Short circuit of expansion bus. |
NET_ERR_PWD_CONFLICT | 1220 | Password conflict. |
ITS Camera Error Code | ||
1400 1401 1402 1403 1404 1405 1406 1407 |
The number of lanes exceeds the limit. License plate recognition region is too large. The access parameters of traffic light is error. The configuration of lane line is invalid. The configuration of stop line is invalid. The boundary line configuration of left-turn or right-turn lane is invalid. The overlaid lane number is repeated. The polygon region of license plate recognition does not meet the requirement. |
1408 1409 1410 1411 1412 1413 1414 1415 1416 1417 1418 1419 |
The number of traffic lights of the video detection exceeds the max limit. The number of the sub traffic lights of video detection is illegal. The input area size of the video detection traffic light is illegal. The color of the video detection traffic light is illegal. The direction of the video detection traffic light is illegal. Lack of IO ablity. FTP port error. FTP catalogue error. FTP upload type error. Setting param flash write error. Getting param flash read error. Pic name delimiter error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_PICNAME_ITEM | 1420 | Pic name item error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_PLATE_RECOGNIZE_TYPE | 1421 | Plate recognize type error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_CAPTURE_TIMES | 1422 | Capture times error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_LOOP_DISTANCE | 1423 | Loop distance error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_LOOP_INPUT_STATUS | 1424 | Loop input status error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_RELATE_IO_CONFLICT | 1425 | Related IO conflict. |
NET_DVR_ERR_INTERVAL_TIME | 1426 | Interval time error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_SIGN_SPEED | 1427 | Sign speed error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_PIC_FLIP | 1428 | Flip is used. |
NET_DVR_ERR_RELATE_LANE_NUMBER | 1429 | Related lane number error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_TRIGGER_MODE | 1430 | Trigger mode error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_DELAY_TIME | 1431 | Delay time error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_EXCEED_RS485_COUNT | 1432 | Exceed RS485 count. |
NET_DVR_ERR_RADAR_TYPE | 1433 | Radar type error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_RADAR_ANGLE | 1434 | Radar angle error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_RADAR_SPEED_VALID_TIME | 1435 | Radar speed valid time error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_RADAR_LINE_CORRECT | 1436 | Radar line correct error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_RADAR_CONST_CORRECT | 1437 | Radar const correct error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_RECORD_PARAM | 1438 | Record param error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_LIGHT_WITHOUT_COLOR_AND_DIRECTION | 1439 | Light number and other param error. |
1440 1441 1442 1443 1444 1445 1446 1447 1448 1449 1450 1451 |
Light number and detection region error. Plate recognize Province param error. IO Speed TimeOut Param error. NTP TimeZone Param error. NTP Interval Time error. Network Card Num error. Default Route error. Banding Work Mode error. Slave Card error. Primary Card error. DHCP and PPOE not Meanwhile start. Net Interface invalid. |
NET_DVR_ERR_MTU | 1452 | MTU Param invalid. |
NET_DVR_ERR_NETMASK | 1453 | Netmask address invalid. |
NET_DVR_ERR_IP_INVALID | 1454 | IP address invalid. |
NET_DVR_ERR_MULTICAST_IP_INVALID | 1455 | Multicast IP address invalid. |
NET_DVR_ERR_GATEWAY_INVALID | 1456 | Gateway address invalid. |
NET_DVR_ERR_DNS_INVALID | 1457 | DNS Param invalid. |
NET_DVR_ERR_ALARMHOST_IP_INVALID | 1458 | AlarmHost IP invalid. |
NET_DVR_ERR_IP_CONFLICT | 1459 | IP address Conflict. |
NET_DVR_ERR_NETWORK_SEGMENT | 1460 | IP not support Multi Network segment. |
NET_DVR_ERR_NETPORT | 1461 | NetPort param error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_DOMAINNAME_NOSUPPORT | 1463 | Not Support Domain Name. |
NET_DVR_ERR_NO_SPEED | 1464 | Speed Not Enabled. |
NET_DVR_ERR_IOSTATUS_INVALID | 1465 | IO Status invalid. |
NET_DVR_ERR_BURST_INTERVAL_INVALID | 1466 | Burst Interval invalid. |
NET_DVR_ERR_RESERVE_MODE | 1467 | Reserve Mode invalid. |
NET_DVR_ERR_LANE_NO | 1468 | Lane No error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_COIL_AREA_TYPE | 1469 | Coil Area Type error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_TRIGGER_AREA_PARAM | 1470 | Trigger Area Param error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_SPEED_LIMIT_PARAM | 1471 | Speed Limit Param error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_LANE_PROTOCOL_TYPE | 1472 | Lane Protocol Type error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_INTERVAL_TYPE | 1473 | Capture Interval Type error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_INTERVAL_DISTANCE | 1474 | Capture Interval Distance error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_RS485_ASSOCIATE_DEVTYPE | 1475 | Rs485 Associate DevType error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_RS485_ASSOCIATE_LANENO | 1476 | Rs485 Associate LaneNo error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_LANENO_ASSOCIATE_MULTIRS485 | 1477 | LaneNo Associate MulitRs485 error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_LIGHT_DETECTION_REGION | 1478 | Light Detection Region error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_DN2D_NOSUPPORT | 1479 | UnSupport Capture Frame 2D Noise Reduction. |
NET_DVR_ERR_IRISMODE_NOSUPPORT | 1480 | UnSupport scene Mode. |
NET_DVR_ERR_WB_NOSUPPORT | 1481 | UnSupport White Balance Mode. |
NET_DVR_ERR_IO_EFFECTIVENESS | 1482 | IO Effectiveness invalid. |
NET_DVR_ERR_LIGHTNO_MAX | 1483 | Access Detector Lights Red / Yellow Overrun. |
NET_DVR_ERR_LIGHTNO_CONFLICT | 1484 | Access Detector Lights Red / Yellow Conflict. |
NET_DVR_ERR_CANCEL_LINE | 1485 | Trigger straight line error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_STOP_LINE | 1486 | Subject line area stop line error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_RUSH_REDLIGHT_LINE | 1487 | Red light trigger lines error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_IOOUTNO_MAX | 1488 | IO out port error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_IOOUTNO_AHEADTIME_MAX | 1489 | IO out ahead time error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_IOOUTNO_IOWORKTIME | 1490 | IO out inwork time error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_IOOUTNO_FREQMULTI | 1491 | IO out frequency multiplication error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_IOOUTNO_DUTYRATE | 1492 | IO out duty rate error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_VIDEO_WITH_EXPOSURE | 1493 | IO out work mode error. |
1494 1495 1496 1497 1498 1499 |
Plate enable in plate compensate mode on. Recognize Type error. Plate Recognize Area Param error. Port Conflict. IP cannot be the loopback address. Driveline sensitivity error. |
VQD Error Code | ||
NET_ERR_VQD_TIME_CONFLICT | 1500 | The time period conflict. |
NET_ERR_VQD_PLAN_NO_EXIST | 1501 | The diagnostic plan of VQD dese not exist. |
NET_ERR_VQD_CHAN_NO_EXIST | 1502 | The channel dese not exist. |
NET_ERR_VQD_CHAN_MAX | 1503 | The total number of VQD plans exceeds the max limit. |
NET_ERR_VQD_TASK_MAX | 1504 | The total number of VQD tasks exceeds the max limit. |
Capture Camera Error Code | ||
NET_DVR_ERR_EXCEED_MAX_CAPTURE_TIMES | 1600 | Capture times exceed 2 in flash mode. |
NET_DVR_ERR_REDAR_TYPE_CONFLICT | 1601 | Radar type conflict. |
NET_DVR_ERR_LICENSE_PLATE_NULL | 1602 | The license plate is null. |
NET_DVR_ERR_WRITE_DATABASE | 1603 | Failed to write data into the database. |
NET_DVR_ERR_LICENSE_EFFECTIVE_TIME | 1604 | The effective time of licence plate error. |
Access Control Host Error Code | ||
NET_ERR_TIME_OVERLAP | 1900 | The time period is overlapped. |
1901 1902 1903 |
The holiday plan is overlapped. The card number is not sorted. The card number is not existed. |
NET_ERR_ILLEGAL_CARDNO | 1904 | The card number is false. |
NET_ERR_ZONE_ALARM | 1905 | The zone is armed(the modification of parameters is not allowed) |
NET_ERR_ZONE_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORT | 1906 | The zone does not support the operation. |
NET_ERR_INTERLOCK_ANTI_CONFLICT | 1907 | Both the multi-door interlocking and anti-sneak configuration are false. |
NET_ERR_DEVICE_CARD_FULL | 1908 | The card is full(return when up to 10W). |
Файл ivms-4200.exe из unknown Company является частью iVMS-4200. ivms-4200.exe, расположенный в cprogram filesivms-4200 stationivms-4200ivms-4200 clientivms-4200.exe с размером файла 7547776 байт, версия файла, подпись 8309e345a6f83cd9145727911d058358.
В вашей системе запущено много процессов, которые потребляют ресурсы процессора и памяти. Некоторые из этих процессов, кажется, являются вредоносными файлами, атакующими ваш компьютер.
Чтобы исправить критические ошибки ivms-4200.exe,скачайте программу Asmwsoft PC Optimizer и установите ее на своем компьютере
1- Очистите мусорные файлы, чтобы исправить ivms-4200.exe, которое перестало работать из-за ошибки.
2- Очистите реестр, чтобы исправить ivms-4200.exe, которое перестало работать из-за ошибки.
3- Настройка Windows для исправления критических ошибок ivms-4200.exe:
Всего голосов ( 14 ), 9 говорят, что не будут удалять, а 5 говорят, что удалят его с компьютера.
Как вы поступите с файлом ivms-4200.exe?
(ivms-4200.exe) столкнулся с проблемой и должен быть закрыт. Просим прощения за неудобство.
(ivms-4200.exe) перестал работать.
ivms-4200.exe. Эта программа не отвечает.
(ivms-4200.exe) — Ошибка приложения: the instruction at 0xXXXXXX referenced memory error, the memory could not be read. Нажмитие OK, чтобы завершить программу.
(ivms-4200.exe) не является ошибкой действительного windows-приложения.
(ivms-4200.exe) отсутствует или не обнаружен.
Проверьте процессы, запущенные на вашем ПК, используя базу данных онлайн-безопасности. Можно использовать любой тип сканирования для проверки вашего ПК на вирусы, трояны, шпионские и другие вредоносные программы.
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в оборудовании Hiwatch ошибка при воспроизведении «ПОТОК ЗАШИФРОВАН»
Это означает, что
Включена функция шифрования потока.
Для решения проблемы
требуется ввести пароль по следующему пути в iVMS-4200 и перезапустить режим просмотра в реальном времени:
На веб-интерфейсе устройства:
Ключ шифрования — это код подтверждения устройства, который вы можете найти на устройстве. Если устройство не имеет кода подтверждения, пароль по умолчанию — ABCDEF.
Вы можете изменить пароль или отключить функцию шифрования потока через веб-клиент Ezviz или мобильное приложение Hik-Connect.
Как отключить функцию шифрования потока через учетную запись Ezviz:
1) посетите сайт www. ezvizlife. com и войдите в свою учетную запись
2) Перейдите по следующему пути: Управление системой-> Управление устройствами-> Мое устройство. Перейдите в настройки устройства и отключите шифрование потока.
3) Код для отключения функции будет отправлен на ваш телефон или по электронной почте.
4) Введите полученный код, чтобы отключить шифрование потока.
Как отключить функцию шифрования потока через приложение Hik-Connect либо Ezviz:
1) Запустите приложение Hik-Connect и войдите в свою учетную запись.
2) Ваше устройство-> щелкните на устройстве-> Конфигурация-> отключить шифрование потока.
3) Код для отключения функции будет отправлен на ваш телефон или по электронной почте.
4) Введите полученный код, чтобы отключить шифрование потока.
Часто в службу технической поддержки hikvision. org. ua обращаются с проблемой подключения к IVMS-4200 устройств, уже привязанных к облаку Ezviz или Hik-Connect. Одни не знают с какой стороны подойти, а у других подключенные устройства не отображают видео.
Сегодня расскажем как решить эти проблемы самостоятельно.
Шаг 1
Зайдите в IVMS-4200.
Откройте вкладку “Управление устройствами” (стрелка 1).
Нажмите “Добавить новый тип устройства” (стрелка 2).
Шаг 2
Выберите “Hik-Connect Device” или “Устройство Hik-Connect” (стрелка 1). У нас этот пункт неактивен, потому что такой тип устройства уже добавлен.
Подтвердите выбор (стрелка 2).
Шаг 3
Перейдите во вкладку Hik-Connect Device. Выберите страну Украина. Нажмите “Login”.
Появится окно входа. Введите свой логин, e-mail, номер телефона и пароль. Нажмите “Login”.
Шаг 4
Если в профиле еще нет устройств, во вкладке Hik-Connect Device нажмите кнопку “Add Device” (стрелка 2).
Добавленное устройство появится в этом окне. Казалось бы, все необходимое сделано, но именно на этом этапе у многих возникают трудности. Что делать дальше?
Шаг 5
Во вкладке “Device Management” выберите пункт “Group” (стрелка 1). Если устройство уже прикреплено к профилю, выберите папку с именем вашего профиля в Hik-Connect.
Если устройство добавлено только что, создайте группу (стрелка 3). Группа будет носить имя устройства (видно по стрелке 2). После того, как найдете новую папку, выделите устройство (стрелка 4) и нажмите на кнопку “Modify” (стрелка 5). Если все сделано правильно, кнопка станет активной, синего цвета.
При нажатии “Modify” в открывшемся окне в поле “Stream Key” (стрелка 1) введите верификационный код. Не забудьте нажать кнопку “ОК”.
Теперь во вкладке онлайн-просмотра все работает корректно, вместо непонятных ошибок вы увидите изображение с камеры.
Что это, ошибка и как ее удалить?
Это DecodeProcess. exe исполняемый файл, который является важным компонентом iVMS-4200 разработано Hikvision. iVMS-4200. В основном это адаптируемая программа управления безопасностью для IP-камер, цифровых видеорегистраторов, кодировщиков, видеорадиоприборов, сетевых видеорегистраторов и т. Д.
Что такое DecodeProcess. exe?
На всякий случай iVMS-4200 программное обеспечение установлено в вашей системе, затем файл DecodeProcess. exe будет работать в фоновом режиме и, как правило, не представляет опасности, однако его поврежденная версия может вызвать множество проблем для вашего ПК.
Однако вы можете заметить, что иногда DecodeProcess использует высокий процессор / память в фоновом режиме системы. Продолжайте читать ниже, чтобы найти подробную информацию об этом файле.
Размер и расположение файла
Таким же образом вы можете просмотреть все свойства любого файла, щелкнув его правой кнопкой мыши и выбрав опцию «Свойства».
DecodeProcess. exe безопасен или это вредоносная программа?
Лучший способ выяснить, безопасен ли DecodeProcess. exe – это проверить расположение его файла. Если он потребляет много ресурсов процессора или памяти, вам следует проверить расположение файла DecodeProcess. exe. Выполните следующие шаги, чтобы определить его местоположение:
Типичное сообщение об ошибке
Я перечислил некоторые из распространенных сообщений об ошибках DecodeProcess. exe, которые вы можете увидеть в своей системе Windows:
Если вы столкнулись с какой-либо из вышеупомянутых проблем, вы должны попытаться исправить ее или лучше попытаться удалить / удалить ее с вашего ПК.
Как исправить сообщения об ошибках DecodeProcess. exe?
Теперь, если вы столкнулись с какой-либо из вышеупомянутых проблем, то есть вероятность, что iVMS-4200 поражен вредоносным ПО, и в такой ситуации вы должны попытаться удалить iVMS-4200, а затем переустановить его, или вы должны искать альтернативу. приложение для iVMS-4200.
Как удалить DecodeProcess. exe с ПК?
Чтобы удалить DecodeProcess. exe с вашего ПК, выполните следующие действия:
1. Открыть Панель управления.
2. Теперь под Программ раздел нажмите на Удалить программу
3. Теперь среди списка установленных приложений найдите iVMS-4200 а также щелкните правой кнопкой мыши на нем и выберите вариант Удалить / Изменить.
https://wowl. ru/2021/04/18/chto-eto-oshibka-i-kak-ee-udalit/
Network Communication Error Code | |
200-240 | Array Error Code |
250-252 | Security Activation Error Code |
300-348 | Intelligent Device Error Code |
400-446 | RTSP Error Code |
500-528 | Decoding Error Code |
600-619 | Audio Intercom Error Code |
678-700 | Qos Error Code |
717-802 | Other Error Code |
803-814 | N+1 Function Error Code |
821-823 | Other Error Code |
901-927 | Multi-screen Controller Error Code |
951-962 | Decoder Error Code |
1000-1008 | Capability Set Error Code |
1101-1105 | Other Error Code |
1201-1220 | Alarm Device Error Code |
1400-1499 | ITS Camera Error Code |
1500-1504 | VQD Error Code |
1600-1604 | Capture Camera Error Code |
1900-1908 | Access Control Host Error Code |
Network Communication Error Code | ||
Error Type | Returned Value | Information |
NET_DVR_NOERROR | 0 | No error. |
NET_DVR_PASSWORD_ERROR | 1 | User name or password error. |
NET_DVR_NOENOUGHPRI | 2 | Not authorized to do this operation. |
NET_DVR_NOINIT | 3 | SDK is not initialized. |
NET_DVR_CHANNEL_ERROR | 4 | Channel number error. There is no corresponding channel number on the device. |
5 6 |
The number of connection with the device has exceeded the max limit. Version mismatch. SDK version is not matching with the device. |
NET_DVR_NETWORK_FAIL_CONNECT | 7 | Failed to connect to the device. The device is off-line, or connection timeout caused by network. |
NET_DVR_NETWORK_SEND_ERROR | 8 | Failed to send data to the device. |
NET_DVR_NETWORK_RECV_ERROR | 9 | Failed to receive data from the device. |
NET_DVR_NETWORK_RECV_TIMEOUT | 10 | Timeout when receiving data from the device. |
11 12 13 14 15 |
The data sent to the device is illegal, or the data received from the device error. E.g. The input data is not supported by the device for remote configuration. API calling order error. Not authorized for this operation. Executing command on the device is timeout. Serial port number error. The assigned serial port does not exist on the device. |
NET_DVR_ERRORALARMPORT | 16 | Alarm port number error. |
17 18 19 20 |
Parameter error. Input or output parameters in the SDK API is NULL, or the value or format of the parameters does not match with the requirement. Device channel is in exception status. No hard disk on the device, and the operation of recording and hard disk configuration will fail. Hard disk number error. The assigned hard disk number does not exist during hard disk management. |
NET_DVR_DISK_FULL | 21 | Device hark disk is full. |
NET_DVR_DISK_ERROR | 22 | Device hard disk error. |
NET_DVR_NOSUPPORT | 23 | Device does not support this function. |
NET_DVR_BUSY | 24 | Device is busy. |
NET_DVR_MODIFY_FAIL | 25 | Failed to modify device parameters. |
NET_DVR_PASSWORD_FORMAT_ERROR | 26 | The inputting password format is not correct. |
NET_DVR_DISK_FORMATING | 27 | Hard disk is formatting, and the operation cannot be done. |
NET_DVR_DVRNORESOURCE | 28 | Not enough resource on the device. |
NET_DVR_DVROPRATEFAILED | 29 | Device operation failed. |
30 31 32 |
Failed to collect local audio data or to open audio output during voice talk / broadcasting. Voice talk channel on the device has been occupied. Time input is not correct. |
NET_DVR_NOSPECFILE | 33 | There is no selected file for playback. |
34 35 |
Failed to create a file, during local recording, saving picture, getting configuration file or downloading record file. Failed to open a file, when importing configuration file, upgrading device or uploading inquest file. |
NET_DVR_OPERNOTFINISH | 36 | The last operation has not been completed. |
NET_DVR_GETPLAYTIMEFAIL | 37 | Failed to get the current played time. |
NET_DVR_PLAYFAIL | 38 | Failed to start playback. |
NET_DVR_FILEFORMAT_ERROR | 39 | The file format is not correct. |
NET_DVR_DIR_ERROR | 40 | File directory error. |
NET_DVR_ALLOC_RESOURCE_ERROR | 41 | Resource allocation error. |
42 43 44 45 46 47 |
Sound adapter mode error. Currently opened sound playing mode does not match with the set mode. Buffer is not enough. Create SOCKET error. Set SOCKET error The number of login or preview connections has exceeded the SDK limitation. User doest not exist. The user ID has been logged out or unavailable. |
NET_DVR_WRITEFLASHERROR | 48 | Writing FLASH error. Failed to write FLASH during device upgrade. |
49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 |
Failed to upgrade device. It is caused by network problem or the language mismatch between the device and the upgrade file. The decode card has alreadly been initialed. Failed to call API of player SDK. The number of login user has reached the maximum limit. Failed to get the IP address or physical address of local PC. This channel hasn’t started encoding. IP address not match MAC address not match The language of upgrading file does not match the language of the device. |
58 59 60 |
The number of player ports has reached the maximum limit. No enough space to backup file in backup device. No backup device. |
61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 |
The color quality seeting of the picture does not match the requirement, and it should be limited to 24. The dimension is over 128×256. The size of picture is over 100K Failed to load player SDK. Can not find the function in player SDK. Failed to load the library file-“DsSdk”. Can not find the API in “DsSdk”. Failed to call the API in “DsSdk”. Sound adapter has been monopolized. Failed to join to multicast group. Failed to create log file directory. Failed to bind socket. Socket disconnected. It is caused by network disconnection or destination unreachable. |
NET_DVR_USERID_ISUSING | 74 | The user ID is operating when logout. |
NET_DVR_SOCKETLISTEN_ERROR | 75 | Failed to listen |
NET_DVR_PROGRAM_EXCEPTION | 76 | Sdk program exception |
NET_DVR_WRITEFILE_FAILED | 77 | Failed to write file, during local recording, saving picture or downloading record file. |
NET_DVR_FORMAT_READONLY | 78 | Failed to format read-only HD |
NET_DVR_WITHSAMEUSERNAME | 79 | This user name already exists in the user configuration structure. |
NET_DVR_DEVICETYPE_ERROR | 80 | Device type does not match when import configuration. |
NET_DVR_LANGUAGE_ERROR | 81 | Language does not match when import configuration. |
NET_DVR_PARAVERSION_ERROR | 82 | Software version does not match when import configuration. |
NET_DVR_IPCHAN_NOTALIVE | 83 | IP channel is not on-line when previewing. |
NET_DVR_RTSP_SDK_ERROR | 84 | Load StreamTransClient.dll failed |
NET_DVR_CONVERT_SDK_ERROR | 85 | Load SystemTransform.dll failed |
NET_DVR_IPC_COUNT_OVERFLOW | 86 | over maximun ipc count |
NET_DVR_MAX_ADD_NUM | 87 | add label or other operation reach the maximum number |
88 89 90 |
Image intensifier, parameter mode error. This error may occur when client sets software or hardware parameters. Code splitter is offline. Device is backing up. |
NET_DVR_CHAN_NOTSUPPORT | 91 | Channel not support |
92 93 |
The height line location is too concentrated, or the length line is not inclined enough. Cancel calibration conflict, if the rule and overall actual size filter have been set. |
NET_DVR_CALPOINTOUTRANGE | 94 | Calibration point exceeds the range. |
NET_DVR_FILTERRECTINVALID | 95 | The size filter does not meet the requirement. |
NET_DVR_DDNS_DEVOFFLINE | 96 | Device has not registered to DDNS. |
NET_DVR_DDNS_INTER_ERROR | 97 | DDNS inner error. |
NET_DVR_FUNCTION_NOT_SUPPORT_OS | 98 | This function don’t support this OS. |
NET_DVR_DEC_CHAN_REBIND | 99 | Decode channel can not bind with two display channel. |
NET_DVR_INTERCOM_SDK_ERROR | 100 | Failed to load the audio intercom SDK from current directory. |
NET_DVR_NO_CURRENT_UPDATEFILE | 101 | No current upgrade pack. |
NET_DVR_USER_NOT_SUCC_LOGIN | 102 | The user has not logined the device. |
NET_DVR_USE_LOG_SWITCH_FILE | 103 | It is using the log swtich file. |
NET_DVR_POOL_PORT_EXHAUST | 104 | The ports used to bound in port pool is exhausted. |
NET_DVR_PACKET_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORT | 105 | The packet type of stream is error. |
NET_DVR_IPPARA_IPID_ERROR | 106 | IPID of IP access configuration is error. |
NET_DVR_LOAD_HCPREVIEW_SDK_ERROR | 107 | Load Preview component Failed. |
NET_DVR_LOAD_HCVOICETALK_SDK_ERROR | 108 | Load Voice talk component Failed. |
NET_DVR_LOAD_HCALARM_SDK_ERROR | 109 | Load Alarm component Failed. |
NET_DVR_LOAD_HCPLAYBACK_SDK_ERROR | 110 | Load Playback component Failed. |
NET_DVR_LOAD_HCDISPLAY_SDK_ERROR | 111 | Load Display component Failed. |
NET_DVR_LOAD_HCINDUSTRY_SDK_ERROR | 112 | Load Industry component Failed. |
NET_DVR_LOAD_HCGENERALCFGMGR_SDK_ERROR | 123 | Load general configuration management component failed. |
NET_DVR_CORE_VER_MISMATCH | 121 | There is a mismatch between the component and core version. |
NET_DVR_CORE_VER_MISMATCH_HCPREVIEW | 122 | There is a mismatch between Live view component and core version. |
NET_DVR_CORE_VER_MISMATCH_HCVOICETALK | 123 | There is a mismatch between voice component and core version. |
NET_DVR_CORE_VER_MISMATCH_HCALARM | 124 | There is a mismatch between alarm component and core version. |
NET_DVR_CORE_VER_MISMATCH_HCPLAYBACK | 125 | There is a mismatch between playback component and core version. |
NET_DVR_CORE_VER_MISMATCH_HCDISPLAY | 126 | There is a mismatch between display component and core version. |
127 128 |
There is a mismatch between industrial application component and core version. There is a mismatch between general configuration management component and the core version. |
136 137 138 |
There is a mismatch between Live view component and HCNetSDK version. There is a mismatch between voice component and HCNetSDK version. here is a mismatch between alarm component and HCNetSDK version. |
NET_DVR_COM_VER_MISMATCH_HCPLAYBACK | 139 | There is a mismatch between playback component and HCNetSDK version. |
140 141 |
There is a mismatch between display component and HCNetSDK version. There is a mismatch between industrial application component and HCNetSDK version. |
NET_DVR_COM_VER_MISMATCH_HCGENERALCFGMGR | 142 | There is a mismatch between General configuration management component and the HCNetSDK version. |
NET_DVR_ALIAS_DUPLICATE | 150 | Alias is duplicate (for HiDDNS) |
NET_DVR_USERNAME_NOT_EXIST | 152 | The user name doesn’t exist. |
NET_ERR_USERNAME_LOCKED | 153 | The user name is locked. |
NET_DVR_INVALID_USERID | 154 | Invalid User ID. |
NET_DVR_LOW_LOGIN_VERSION | 155 | The login version is too low. |
NET_DVR_LOAD_LIBEAY32_DLL_ERROR | 156 | Failed to load libeay32.dll. |
NET_DVR_LOAD_SSLEAY32_DLL_ERROR | 157 | Failed to load ssleay32.dll. |
NET_DVR_TEST_SERVER_FAIL_CONNECT | 165 | Failed to connect to test server. |
166 167 168 169 |
Failed to mount to NAS server (No such directory, or user name/password error). Failed to mount to NAS server (not authorized) DNS has not been configured, so domain address may invalid. GateWay of Email server has not been configured, so it may be failed to send mail. |
NET_DVR_TEST_SERVER_PASSWORD_ERROR | 170 | User name and password tried to login the test server are not matching. |
NET_DVR_EMAIL_SERVER_CONNECT_EXCEPTION_WITH_S MTP | 171 | The connection between device and SMTP server is abnormal. |
NET_DVR_FTP_SERVER_FAIL_CREATE_DIR | 172 | Failed to create directory in the FTP server. |
NET_DVR_FTP_SERVER_NO_WRITE_PIR | 173 | Do not have permission to write in the FTP server. |
NET_DVR_IP_CONFLICT | 174 | IP conflict. |
NET_DVR_INSUFFICIENT_STORAGEPOOL_SPACE | 175 | The storage pool is full. |
The storage pool of cloud server is invalid, for not configure the storage pool or the ID of storage pool error. Need reboot the device. |
Array Error Code | ||
Error Type | Returned Value | Information |
NET_DVR_NAME_NOT_ONLY | 200 | Existing name. |
NET_DVR_OVER_MAX_ARRAY | 201 | Number of arrays has reached its limit. |
NET_DVR_OVER_MAX_VD | 202 | Number of virtual disks has reached its limit. |
NET_DVR_VD_SLOT_EXCEED | 203 | Virtual disk slot is full. |
NET_DVR_PD_STATUS_INVALID | 204 | Physical disk for rebuilding array is with error status. |
NET_DVR_PD_BE_DEDICATE_SPARE | 205 | Physical disk for rebuilding array is specified as spare drive. |
NET_DVR_PD_NOT_FREE | 206 | Physical disk for rebuilding array is not idle. |
NET_DVR_CANNOT_MIG2NEWMODE | 207 | Unable to migrate from the current array type to the new array type. |
NET_DVR_MIG_PAUSE | 208 | The migration operation has been paused. |
NET_DVR_MIG_CANCEL | 209 | The migration operation has been cancelled. |
NET_DVR_EXIST_VD | 210 | Operation failed! Please delete the virtual disk existed in the array first. |
NET_DVR_TARGET_IN_LD_FUNCTIONAL | 211 | Target physical disk is part of the virtual disk and is functional. |
NET_DVR_HD_IS_ASSIGNED_ALREADY | 212 | Specified physical disk is assigned to a virtual disk |
NET_DVR_INVALID_HD_COUNT | 213 | Number of physical disks doesn’t fit the specified RAID level. |
NET_DVR_LD_IS_FUNCTIONAL | 214 | Specified virtual disk is functional. |
NET_DVR_BGA_RUNNING | 215 | BGA is running. |
NET_DVR_LD_NO_ATAPI | 216 | Can not create virtual disk with ATAPI drive. |
NET_DVR_MIGRATION_NOT_NEED | 217 | Migration is not necessary. |
NET_DVR_HD_TYPE_MISMATCH | 218 | Physical disks are not of the same type. |
NET_DVR_NO_LD_IN_DG | 219 | No virtual disk exist on the specified array. |
NET_DVR_NO_ROOM_FOR_SPARE | 220 | Disk space is too small to be assigned as spare drive. |
NET_DVR_SPARE_IS_IN_MULTI_DG | 221 | Disk is already assigned as a spare drive for an array. |
NET_DVR_DG_HAS_MISSING_PD | 222 | Disk is missing from an array. |
NET_DVR_NAME_EMPTY | 223 | Name is empty. |
NET_DVR_INPUT_PARAM | 224 | The input parameter is error. |
NET_DVR_PD_NOT_AVAILABLE | 225 | The physical disk is not available. |
NET_DVR_ARRAY_NOT_AVAILABLE | 226 | The RAID is not available |
NET_DVR_PD_COUNT | 227 | The count of physical disks is not correct. |
NET_DVR_VD_SMALL | 228 | Virtual disk is too small. |
NET_DVR_NO_EXIST | 229 | Not exist. |
NET_DVR_NOT_SUPPORT | 230 | Not support the operation. |
NET_DVR_NOT_FUNCTIONAL | 231 | The status of RAID is abnormal. |
NET_DVR_DEV_NODE_NOT_FOUND | 232 | The device node of virtual disk does not exist. |
NET_DVR_SLOT_EXCEED | 233 | The count of slots reaches the upper limit. |
NET_DVR_NO_VD_IN_ARRAY | 234 | There is not virtual disk in the RAID. |
NET_DVR_VD_SLOT_INVALID | 235 | The slot of virtual disk is invalid. |
NET_DVR_PD_NO_ENOUGH_SPACE | 236 | The required space of physical disk is not enough. |
NET_DVR_ARRAY_NONFUNCTION | 237 | Only the RAID on normal state supports to be migrated. |
NET_DVR_ARRAY_NO_ENOUGH_SPACE | 238 | The space of RAID is not enough. |
NET_DVR_STOPPING_SCANNING_ARRAY | 239 | It is pulling the disk out safely or rescanning the disk. |
NET_DVR_NOT_SUPPORT_16T | 240 | Not support create the RAID larger than 16T. |
Security Activation Error Code | ||
NET_DVR_ERROR_DEVICE_NOT_ACTIVATED | 250 | The device has not been activated. |
NET_DVR_ERROR_RISK_PASSWORD | 251 | There is a risk of the password. |
NET_DVR_ERROR_DEVICE_HAS_ACTIVATED | 252 | The device has been activated. |
NET_DVR_CALIBRATE_DATA_CONFLICT | 307 | Calibration error. |
NET_DVR_CALIBRATE_CALC_FAIL | 308 | Failed to calculate camera calibration parameter. |
NET_DVR_CALIBRATE_LINE_OUT_RECT | 309 | The input calibrating line exceeds the external rectangle sample. |
NET_DVR_ENTER_RULE_NOT_READY | 310 | Enter rule not ready. |
311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 |
It does not include lane in the traffic event rule (especial for traffic jam or driving against the traffic). Lane not ready. There are two different directions in event rule. The lane conflicts with the data rule. The event type is not supported by the device. The lane has no direction. The size of filter is illegal. There is no face when feature point positioning. The input image is too small when feature point positioning. The input image has no face when detecting face in single image. Face is too small when building model. Face image is of poor quality when building model. Advanced parameter setting error. Calibration sample size error, or data value error, or sample points beyond the horizon |
NET_DVR_CALIBRATE_DISABLE_FAIL | 325 | The configured rules do not allow to cancel calibration. |
NET_DVR_VCA_LIB_FD_SCALE_OUTRANGE | 326 | Filter scale is out range. |
NET_DVR_LIB_FD_REGION_TOO_LARGE | 327 | Region is too big. |
NET_DVR_TRIAL_OVERDUE | 328 | Trial overdue. |
NET_DVR_CONFIG_FILE_CONFLICT | 329 | Config file conflict. |
NET_DVR_FR_FPL_FAIL | 330 | Feature points location is error in face recognition. |
NET_DVR_FR_IQA_FAIL | 331 | Image quality assessment is error in face recognition. |
NET_DVR_FR_FEM_FAIL | 332 | Feature extract & match error in face recognition. |
NET_DVR_FPL_DT_CONF_TOO_LOW | 333 | Detection confidence is too low in feature points location. |
NET_DVR_FPL_CONF_TOO_LOW | 334 | Confidence is too low in feature points location. |
NET_DVR_E_DATA_SIZE | 335 | Size of model data error. |
NET_DVR_FR_MODEL_VERSION_ERR | 336 | Model version is error. |
NET_DVR_FR_FD_FAIL | 337 | Face detection error in face recognition. |
NET_DVR_FA_NORMALIZE_ERR | 338 | Face attribute normalize error. |
NET_DVR_DOG_PUSTREAM_NOT_MATCH | 339 | Pustream and softdog are mismatched. |
NET_DVR_DEV_PUSTREAM_NOT_MATCH | 340 | Pustream device version is error. |
NET_DVR_PUSTREAM_ALREADY_EXISTS | 341 | The pustream has existence. |
NET_DVR_SEARCH_CONNECT_FAILED | 342 | Failed to connect face retrieval device. |
NET_DVR_INSUFFICIENT_DISK_SPACE | 343 | Storage space is insufficient. |
NET_DVR_DATABASE_CONNECTION_FAILED | 344 | Failed to connect database. |
NET_DVR_DATABASE_ADM_PW_ERROR | 345 | Username or password is error for database. |
NET_DVR_DECODE_YUV | 346 | Failed to decode image. |
NET_DVR_IMAGE_RESOLUTION_ERROR | 347 | Image resolution is unreasonable. |
NET_DVR_CHAN_WORKMODE_ERROR | 348 | Channel work mode error. |
RTSP Error Code | ||
Error Type | Returned Value | Information |
NET_DVR_RTSP_ERROR_NOENOUGHPRI | 401 | Authentication failed: if server returns 401, it will change to this error code |
NET_DVR_RTSP_ERROR_ALLOC_RESOURCE | 402 | Failed to allocate the resource |
NET_DVR_RTSP_ERROR_PARAMETER | 403 | Parameter error |
404 406 407 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 420 |
The assigned URL does not exist: when the server returns 404, SDK turns into this error code. E.g. the channel is not available, or the channel does not support sub stream The user forces to exit midway RTSP port getting error. RTSP DECRIBE communicate error Sending RTSP DECRIBE is timeout. Failed to send RTSP DECRIBE. Receiving RTSP DECRIBE is timeout. Receiving data of RTSP DECRIBE error. Failed to receive RTSP DECRIBE. RTSP DECRIBE device returns the error. (or 419), RTSP SETUP interaction error. Generally, it is that the address (URL) returned by the device is not accessible, or it is rejected by the server |
NET_DVR_RTSP_SETUPRECVTIMEOUT | 423 | Receiving RTSP SETUP is timeout. |
NET_DVR_RTSP_SETUPRECVDATALOST | 424 | Receiving data of RTSP SETUP error. |
426 427 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 |
It exceeds the max connection number of server. or server has not enough resource. RTSP SETUP device returns the error. RTSP PLAY interaction error. Sending RTSP PLAY is timeout. Sending RTSP PLAY error. Receiving RTSP PLAY is timeout. Receiving data of RTSP PLAY error. Failed to receive RTSP PLAY. RTSP PLAY device returns the error. RTSP TEARDOWN interaction error. Sending RTSP TEARDOWN is timeout. Sending RTSP TEARDOWN error. Receiving RTSP TEARDOWN is timeout. Receiving data of RTSP TEARDOWN error. Failed to receive RTSP TEARDOWN. RTSP TEARDOWN device returns the error. |
Decoding Error Code | ||
Returned Value 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 |
Information no error input parameter is invalid The order of the function to be called is error Create multimedia clock failed Decode video data failed Decode audio data failed Allocate memory failed |
NET_PLAYM4_OPEN_FILE_ERROR | 507 | Open the file failed |
NET_PLAYM4_CREATE_OBJ_ERROR | 508 | Create thread or event failed |
NET_PLAYM4_CREATE_DDRAW_ERROR | 509 | Create DirectDraw object failed |
NET_PLAYM4_CREATE_OFFSCREEN_ERROR | 510 | failed when creating off-screen surface |
NET_PLAYM4_BUF_OVER | 511 | buffer is overflow |
NET_PLAYM4_CREATE_SOUND_ERROR | 512 | failed when creating audio device |
NET_PLAYM4_SET_VOLUME_ERROR | 513 | Set volume failed |
NET_PLAYM4_SUPPORT_FILE_ONLY | 514 | The function only support play file |
NET_PLAYM4_SUPPORT_STREAM_ONLY | 515 | The function only support play stream |
NET_PLAYM4_SYS_NOT_SUPPORT | 516 | System not support |
NET_PLAYM4_FILEHEADER_UNKNOWN | 517 | No file header |
NET_PLAYM4_VERSION_INCORRECT | 518 | The version of decoder and encoder is not adapted |
NET_PALYM4_INIT_DECODER_ERROR | 519 | nitialize decoder failed |
NET_PLAYM4_CHECK_FILE_ERROR | 520 | The file data is unknown |
NET_PLAYM4_INIT_TIMER_ERROR | 521 | Initialize decoder failed |
NET_PLAYM4_BLT_ERROR | 522 | Blt failed |
NET_PLAYM4_UPDATE_ERROR | 523 | Update failed |
NET_PLAYM4_OPEN_FILE_ERROR_MULTI | 524 | openfile error, streamtype is multi |
NET_PLAYM4_OPEN_FILE_ERROR_VIDEO | 525 | openfile error, streamtype is video |
NET_PLAYM4_JPEG_COMPRESS_ERROR | 526 | JPEG compress error |
NET_PLAYM4_EXTRACT_NOT_SUPPORT | 527 | Don’t support the version of this file. |
NET_PLAYM4_EXTRACT_DATA_ERROR | 528 | Extract video data failed. |
Audio Intercom Error Code | ||
Error Type | Returned Value | Information |
NET_AUDIOINTERCOM_OK | 600 | No error. |
NET_AUDIOINTECOM_ERR_ALLOC_MEMERY | 602 | Memory allocation error. |
NET_AUDIOINTECOM_ERR_PARAMETER | 603 | Parameter error. |
NET_AUDIOINTECOM_ERR_CALL_ORDER | 604 | API calling order error. |
NET_AUDIOINTECOM_ERR_FIND_DEVICE | 605 | No audio device |
NET_AUDIOINTECOM_ERR_OPEN_DEVICE | 606 | Failed to open the audio device |
607 608 609 |
Context error. WAV file error. The type of WAV parameter is invalid |
NET_AUDIOINTECOM_ERR_ENCODE_FAIL | 610 | Failed to encode data |
NET_AUDIOINTECOM_ERR_DECODE_FAIL | 611 | Failed to decode data |
NET_AUDIOINTECOM_ERR_NO_PLAYBACK | 612 | Failed to play audio |
NET_AUDIOINTECOM_ERR_DENOISE_FAIL | 613 | Failed to denoise |
Qos Error Code | ||
Error Type | Returned Value | Information |
678 679 680 |
Scheduled parameter of minimum interval is bad . Scheduled parameter of fraction is bad. Scheduled parameter of bandwidth is not invalid. |
NET_QOS_ERR_PACKET_TOO_BIG | 687 | Packet too big. |
NET_QOS_ERR_PACKET_LENGTH | 688 | Packet length error. |
689 690 695 696 697 698 699 700 |
Packet version error. Packet unknow. Out of memory. Lib not initialized. Session not found. Invalid arguments. Qos error. No error. |
Other Error Code |
NET_SDK_ERR_REMOTE_DISCONNEC | 803 | Unable to connect to the remote device. |
NET_SDK_ERR_RD_ADD_RD | 804 | It does not support add spare device to a spare device. |
NET_SDK_ERR_BACKUP_DISK_EXCEPT | 805 | The backup disk is abnormal. |
NET_SDK_ERR_RD_LIMIT | 806 | The count of spare devices has reached the maximum limit. |
NET_SDK_ERR_ADDED_RD_IS_WD | 807 | The spare device to be added is a working device. |
NET_SDK_ERR_ADD_ORDER_WRONG | 808 | The adding order is wrong, such as, to add the working device to the spare device before adding the spare device to the working device. |
NET_SDK_ERR_WD_ADD_WD | 809 | It does not support add working device to a working device. |
NET_SDK_ERR_WD_SERVICE_EXCETP | 810 | The CVR server is abnormal. |
NET_SDK_ERR_RD_SERVICE_EXCETP | 811 | The spare device is abnormal. |
NET_SDK_ERR_ADDED_WD_IS_RD | 812 | The working device to be added is a spare device. |
NET_SDK_ERR_PERFORMANCE_LIMIT | 813 | The performance reaches the upper limit |
NET_SDK_ERR_ADDED_DEVICE_EXIST | 814 | The devcie to be added has existed. |
Other Error Code | ||
NET_SDK_ERR_CHAN_AUDIO_BIND | 821 | Chan bind aduio error or no bind. |
NET_DVR_N_PLUS_ONE_MODE | 822 | Not support to set cloud storage mode, for the device is in N+1 mode. |
NET_DVR_CLOUD_STORAGE_OPENED | 823 | The cloud storage mode has been opened. |
Multi-screen Controller Error Code | ||
901 902 |
Window channel index error. Window layer number error(the count of window layers on a single screen exceeds the max number). |
903 904 905 906 907 908 909 910 911 |
Window block number error(the count of screens that single window overlays exceeds the max number). The output resolution error. Layout index error. The input resolution is not supported. The sub-device is off-line. There is no free decoding channel. The upper limit of window number. Calling order error. Be playing plan. |
NET_ERR_DECODER_USED | 912 | Decoder board is in use. |
NET_ERR_OUTPUT_BOARD_DATA_OVERFLOW | 913 | The data of output board is over the limit. |
NET_ERR_SAME_USER_NAME | 914 | The user name is duplicate. |
NET_ERR_INVALID_USER_NAME | 915 | Invalid username. |
NET_ERR_MATRIX_USING | 916 | The input matrix is in use. |
917 918 919 |
The channel type is error (the output channel of matrix is different with the input of controller) The input channel has been bound by other matrix. The number of the matrix output channels in use has exceeded the number of channels bound with controller. |
NET_ERR_MAX_SIGNAL_NUM | 920 | The number of input signal sources is over the limit. |
NET_ERR_INPUT_CHAN_USING | 921 | The input channel is in use. |
NET_ERR_MANAGER_LOGON | 922 | The operation failed, for the manager has logged in. |
NET_ERR_USERALREADY_LOGON | 923 | The operation failed, for the user has logged in. |
NET_ERR_LAYOUT_INIT | 924 | The operation failed, for the layout is being initialized. |
NET_ERR_BASEMAP_SIZE_NOT_MATCH | 925 | The size of traced drawing not match |
NET_ERR_WINDOW_OPERATING | 926 | The operation failed, for the window is performing other operation. |
NET_ERR_SIGNAL_UPLIMIT | 927 | The number of windows has reached the maximum limit. |
Decoder Error Code | ||
NET_ERR_MAX_WIN_OVERLAP | 951 | The number of windows overlap has reached the maximum limit. |
NET_ERR_STREAMID_CHAN_BOTH_VALID | 952 | stream ID and channel number are both valid. |
NET_ERR_NO_ZERO_CHAN | 953 | The device has no zero channel. |
NEED_RECONNECT | 955 | Need redirection (for transcoding system) |
NET_ERR_NO_STREAM_ID | 956 | The stream ID does not exist. |
NET_DVR_TRANS_NOT_START | 957 | The transcoding has not been started. |
NET_ERR_MAXNUM_STREAM_ID | 958 | The number of stream ID has reached the maximum limit. |
NET_ERR_WORKMODE_MISMATCH | 959 | The work mode does not match with the requirement. |
NET_ERR_MODE_IS_USING | 960 | It Has been working in current mode. |
NET_ERR_DEV_PROGRESSING | 961 | The device is in processing |
NET_ERR_PASSIVE_TRANSCODING | 962 | It is in transcoding. |
Capability Set Error Code |
XML_ANALYZE_FIND_LOCALXML_ERROR | 1002 | Can not find the corresponding xml file. |
XML_ANALYZE_LOAD_LOCALXML_ERROR | 1003 | Failed to load the local xml file. |
XML_NANLYZE_DVR_DATA_FORMAT_ERROR | 1004 | Data format of the capability is wrong. |
XML_ANALYZE_TYPE_ERROR | 1005 | The type of capability set is wrong. |
XML_ANALYZE_XML_NODE_ERROR | 1006 | Format of XML capability node is wrong. |
XML_INPUT_PARAM_ERROR | 1007 | The input value of XML capability node is wrong. |
XML_VERSION_MISMATCH | 1008 | XML version not match |
Other Error Code | ||
NET_ERR_TRANS_CHAN_START | 1101 | The operation is failed, for transparent channel has been opened. |
NET_ERR_DEV_UPGRADING | 1102 | The device is upgrading. |
NET_ERR_MISMATCH_UPGRADE_PACK_TYPE | 1103 | The type of upgrade package not match. |
NET_ERR_DEV_FORMATTING | 1104 | The device is being formatted. |
NET_ERR_MISMATCH_UPGRADE_PACK_VERSION | 1105 | The version of upgrade package not match. |
Alarm Device Error Code | ||
NET_ERR_SEARCHING_MODULE | 1201 | The device is searching for the external module. |
NET_ERR_REGISTERING_MODULE | 1202 | The device is registering to the external module. |
NET_ERR_GETTING_ZONES | 1203 | The device is getting defense zone parameters. |
NET_ERR_GETTING_TRIGGERS | 1204 | The device is getting triggers. |
NET_ERR_ARMED_STATUS | 1205 | The system is armed. |
NET_ERR_PROGRAM_MODE_STATUS | 1206 | The system is in programming mode. |
NET_ERR_WALK_TEST_MODE_STATUS | 1207 | The system is in pacing mode. |
NET_ERR_BYPASS_STATUS | 1208 | Bypass state |
NET_ERR_DISABLED_MODULE_STATUS | 1209 | The function is disabled. |
NET_ERR_NOT_SUPPORT_OPERATE_ZONE | 1210 | The defense zone does not support the operation. |
NET_ERR_NOT_SUPPORT_MOD_MODULE_ADDR | 1211 | The module address can not be modified. |
NET_ERR_UNREGISTERED_MODULE | 1212 | The module is unregistered. |
NET_ERR_PUBLIC_SUBSYSTEM_ASSOCIATE_SELF | 1213 | The public subsystem is set to associate with itself. |
NET_ERR_EXCEEDS_ASSOCIATE_SUBSYSTEM_NUM | 1214 | The number of subsystems associated with the public subsystem exceeds the max limit. |
1215 1216 1217 |
The subsystem has been associated with the other public subsystem. The defense zone is in the fault state. The opening and close of alarm output triggered by event have associated with same event type. |
NET_ERR_ZONE_ALARM_STATUS | 1218 | The defense zone is in the alarm state. |
NET_ERR_EXPANSION_BUS_SHORT_CIRCUIT | 1219 | Short circuit of expansion bus. |
NET_ERR_PWD_CONFLICT | 1220 | Password conflict. |
ITS Camera Error Code | ||
1400 1401 1402 1403 1404 1405 1406 1407 |
The number of lanes exceeds the limit. License plate recognition region is too large. The access parameters of traffic light is error. The configuration of lane line is invalid. The configuration of stop line is invalid. The boundary line configuration of left-turn or right-turn lane is invalid. The overlaid lane number is repeated. The polygon region of license plate recognition does not meet the requirement. |
1408 1409 1410 1411 1412 1413 1414 1415 1416 1417 1418 1419 |
The number of traffic lights of the video detection exceeds the max limit. The number of the sub traffic lights of video detection is illegal. The input area size of the video detection traffic light is illegal. The color of the video detection traffic light is illegal. The direction of the video detection traffic light is illegal. Lack of IO ablity. FTP port error. FTP catalogue error. FTP upload type error. Setting param flash write error. Getting param flash read error. Pic name delimiter error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_PICNAME_ITEM | 1420 | Pic name item error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_PLATE_RECOGNIZE_TYPE | 1421 | Plate recognize type error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_CAPTURE_TIMES | 1422 | Capture times error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_LOOP_DISTANCE | 1423 | Loop distance error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_LOOP_INPUT_STATUS | 1424 | Loop input status error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_RELATE_IO_CONFLICT | 1425 | Related IO conflict. |
NET_DVR_ERR_INTERVAL_TIME | 1426 | Interval time error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_SIGN_SPEED | 1427 | Sign speed error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_PIC_FLIP | 1428 | Flip is used. |
NET_DVR_ERR_RELATE_LANE_NUMBER | 1429 | Related lane number error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_TRIGGER_MODE | 1430 | Trigger mode error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_DELAY_TIME | 1431 | Delay time error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_EXCEED_RS485_COUNT | 1432 | Exceed RS485 count. |
NET_DVR_ERR_RADAR_TYPE | 1433 | Radar type error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_RADAR_ANGLE | 1434 | Radar angle error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_RADAR_SPEED_VALID_TIME | 1435 | Radar speed valid time error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_RADAR_LINE_CORRECT | 1436 | Radar line correct error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_RADAR_CONST_CORRECT | 1437 | Radar const correct error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_RECORD_PARAM | 1438 | Record param error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_LIGHT_WITHOUT_COLOR_AND_DIRECTION | 1439 | Light number and other param error. |
1440 1441 1442 1443 1444 1445 1446 1447 1448 1449 1450 1451 |
Light number and detection region error. Plate recognize Province param error. IO Speed TimeOut Param error. NTP TimeZone Param error. NTP Interval Time error. Network Card Num error. Default Route error. Banding Work Mode error. Slave Card error. Primary Card error. DHCP and PPOE not Meanwhile start. Net Interface invalid. |
NET_DVR_ERR_MTU | 1452 | MTU Param invalid. |
NET_DVR_ERR_NETMASK | 1453 | Netmask address invalid. |
NET_DVR_ERR_IP_INVALID | 1454 | IP address invalid. |
NET_DVR_ERR_MULTICAST_IP_INVALID | 1455 | Multicast IP address invalid. |
NET_DVR_ERR_GATEWAY_INVALID | 1456 | Gateway address invalid. |
NET_DVR_ERR_DNS_INVALID | 1457 | DNS Param invalid. |
NET_DVR_ERR_ALARMHOST_IP_INVALID | 1458 | AlarmHost IP invalid. |
NET_DVR_ERR_IP_CONFLICT | 1459 | IP address Conflict. |
NET_DVR_ERR_NETWORK_SEGMENT | 1460 | IP not support Multi Network segment. |
NET_DVR_ERR_NETPORT | 1461 | NetPort param error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_DOMAINNAME_NOSUPPORT | 1463 | Not Support Domain Name. |
NET_DVR_ERR_NO_SPEED | 1464 | Speed Not Enabled. |
NET_DVR_ERR_IOSTATUS_INVALID | 1465 | IO Status invalid. |
NET_DVR_ERR_BURST_INTERVAL_INVALID | 1466 | Burst Interval invalid. |
NET_DVR_ERR_RESERVE_MODE | 1467 | Reserve Mode invalid. |
NET_DVR_ERR_LANE_NO | 1468 | Lane No error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_COIL_AREA_TYPE | 1469 | Coil Area Type error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_TRIGGER_AREA_PARAM | 1470 | Trigger Area Param error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_SPEED_LIMIT_PARAM | 1471 | Speed Limit Param error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_LANE_PROTOCOL_TYPE | 1472 | Lane Protocol Type error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_INTERVAL_TYPE | 1473 | Capture Interval Type error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_INTERVAL_DISTANCE | 1474 | Capture Interval Distance error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_RS485_ASSOCIATE_DEVTYPE | 1475 | Rs485 Associate DevType error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_RS485_ASSOCIATE_LANENO | 1476 | Rs485 Associate LaneNo error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_LANENO_ASSOCIATE_MULTIRS485 | 1477 | LaneNo Associate MulitRs485 error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_LIGHT_DETECTION_REGION | 1478 | Light Detection Region error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_DN2D_NOSUPPORT | 1479 | UnSupport Capture Frame 2D Noise Reduction. |
NET_DVR_ERR_IRISMODE_NOSUPPORT | 1480 | UnSupport scene Mode. |
NET_DVR_ERR_WB_NOSUPPORT | 1481 | UnSupport White Balance Mode. |
NET_DVR_ERR_IO_EFFECTIVENESS | 1482 | IO Effectiveness invalid. |
NET_DVR_ERR_LIGHTNO_MAX | 1483 | Access Detector Lights Red / Yellow Overrun. |
NET_DVR_ERR_LIGHTNO_CONFLICT | 1484 | Access Detector Lights Red / Yellow Conflict. |
NET_DVR_ERR_CANCEL_LINE | 1485 | Trigger straight line error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_STOP_LINE | 1486 | Subject line area stop line error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_RUSH_REDLIGHT_LINE | 1487 | Red light trigger lines error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_IOOUTNO_MAX | 1488 | IO out port error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_IOOUTNO_AHEADTIME_MAX | 1489 | IO out ahead time error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_IOOUTNO_IOWORKTIME | 1490 | IO out inwork time error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_IOOUTNO_FREQMULTI | 1491 | IO out frequency multiplication error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_IOOUTNO_DUTYRATE | 1492 | IO out duty rate error. |
NET_DVR_ERR_VIDEO_WITH_EXPOSURE | 1493 | IO out work mode error. |
1494 1495 1496 1497 1498 1499 |
Plate enable in plate compensate mode on. Recognize Type error. Plate Recognize Area Param error. Port Conflict. IP cannot be the loopback address. Driveline sensitivity error. |
VQD Error Code | ||
NET_ERR_VQD_TIME_CONFLICT | 1500 | The time period conflict. |
NET_ERR_VQD_PLAN_NO_EXIST | 1501 | The diagnostic plan of VQD dese not exist. |
NET_ERR_VQD_CHAN_NO_EXIST | 1502 | The channel dese not exist. |
NET_ERR_VQD_CHAN_MAX | 1503 | The total number of VQD plans exceeds the max limit. |
NET_ERR_VQD_TASK_MAX | 1504 | The total number of VQD tasks exceeds the max limit. |
Capture Camera Error Code | ||
NET_DVR_ERR_EXCEED_MAX_CAPTURE_TIMES | 1600 | Capture times exceed 2 in flash mode. |
NET_DVR_ERR_REDAR_TYPE_CONFLICT | 1601 | Radar type conflict. |
NET_DVR_ERR_LICENSE_PLATE_NULL | 1602 | The license plate is null. |
NET_DVR_ERR_WRITE_DATABASE | 1603 | Failed to write data into the database. |
NET_DVR_ERR_LICENSE_EFFECTIVE_TIME | 1604 | The effective time of licence plate error. |
Access Control Host Error Code | ||
NET_ERR_TIME_OVERLAP | 1900 | The time period is overlapped. |
1901 1902 1903 |
The holiday plan is overlapped. The card number is not sorted. The card number is not existed. |
NET_ERR_ILLEGAL_CARDNO | 1904 | The card number is false. |
NET_ERR_ZONE_ALARM | 1905 | The zone is armed(the modification of parameters is not allowed) |
NET_ERR_ZONE_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORT | 1906 | The zone does not support the operation. |
NET_ERR_INTERLOCK_ANTI_CONFLICT | 1907 | Both the multi-door interlocking and anti-sneak configuration are false. |
NET_ERR_DEVICE_CARD_FULL | 1908 | The card is full(return when up to 10W). |
Как сбросить пароль устройств
На абсолютном большинстве наших продуктов пароль администратора сбрасывается по процедуре:
Как сбросить пароль через утилиту SADP
При возникновении трудностей при сбросе пароля вам поможет этот документ:
Типовые проблемы при сбросе пароля и способы их решения
Если вы желаете в дальнейшем самостоятельно восстанавливать пароль устройства:
Самостоятельный сброс пароля устройств
Работа с облаком и настройка удаленного доступа
Удаленный доступ на продукцию Hikvision и HiWatch можно реализовать следующими способами.
1) Если используется белый (публичный) статический IP, то на роутере настраиваете зеркальный проброс портов 80 554 и 8000 (uPnP рекомендуем отключить)
2) Если используется серый IP, то единственный способ настроить доступ — p2p сервис Hik-Connect, возможен удаленный просмотр и удаленный просмотр архива. Запись в облако не происходит.
Личный кабинет Hik-connect
Инструкция по настройке p2p сервиса Hik-connect / Guarding vision
Рекомендации по первоначальной настройке сети панелей Ax Pro
Настройка гостевого доступа к устройству в Hik-Connect
Как отвязать устройство от облачной учетной записи
Как отвязать устройство от облака через сервис Hik-PartnerPro
Российские адреса серверов:
Для домофонии — litedev.hik-connectru.com
Обновление прошивки
Перед настройкой обновите прошивки устройств до актуальных версий.
Модель | Прошивка | Протокол | Hik-Connect | Передача данных и PoE |
DS-KH6320 KH8350 KH8520 | 2.2.20 230601 | 2.0 | + | до 100м |
DS-KH6320-LE1(B) | 2.2.20 230601 | 2.0 | — | до 100м |
DS-KH6350 | 2.2.20 230601 | 2.0 | + | до 100м |
DS-KH6320-(W)TDE1 | 2.2.22 230718 | 2.0 | + | до 100м |
DS-KH9310 KH9510 | 2.1.78 230204 | 2.0 | + | до 100м |
DS-KH9310 KH9510 (B) | 2.2.62 230628 | 2.0 | + | до 100м |
DS-KV6xxx KV8xxxx | 2.1.35 210406 | 1.0 | — | до 100м |
DS-KV6xxx KV8xxxx (B) | 2.2.53 220901 | 2.0 | +* | до 100м |
DS-KV6xxx KV8xxxx (C) | 2.2.65 230504 | 2.0 | +* | до 100м |
DS-KV9503-WBE1 | 2.3.5 230328 | 2.0 | + | до 100м |
DS-KD8003 | 2.2.62 230204 | 2.0 | — | 100-60м** |
DS-KD8003 (B) | 2.2.63 230204 | 2.0 | — | 100-60м** |
DS-KD3003 KD8103 KD8023 | 2.2.32 221212 | 2.0 | — | до 100м |
DS-KD9203 | 2.2.37 221212 | 2.0 | — | до 100м |
DS-KD9463 KD9633 | 2.3.9 230208 | 2.0 | — | до 100м |
DS-KD9613 | 2.1.7 200119 | 1.0 | — | до 100м |
*Только одноабонентские вызывные панели.
**100м без доп. модулей. 60м с 6 подключенными модулями
После обновления обязательно сделайте полный сброс настроек устройств.
Для настройки перечисленных выше устройств используйте актуальную версию iVMS-4200.
Настройку необходимо осуществлять на АНГЛИЙСКОМ ЯЗЫКЕ. Сменить язык на русский вы можете после.
Инструкция по настройке 2 поколения домофонии Intercom 2.0
Инструкция по настройке 2 поколения домофонии Intercom 1.0
Настройка вызова в мобильное приложение
Подключение считывателей к вызывным панелям и терминалам доступа
Настройка терминалов доступа DS-K1T50X в качестве вызывных панелей для второго поколения домофонов
Если планируете подключать интерком устройства через Wi-Fi, просьба ознакомиться с данной инструкцией.
Настройка вызывной панели и монитора разных поколений
Первое поколение домофонии было представлено моделями:
Домофоны: DS-KH6210, DS-KH6310-(W,L), DS-KH8301-(WT), DS-KH8300-T
Вызывные панели (V серия): DS-KV8X02-IM, DS-KV8102-VP(IP)
Многоабонентские вызывные панели (D серия) : DS-KD3002-VM, DS-KD8002-VM, DS-KD8102-V
Актуальные прошивки на перечисленные устройства вы можете скачать тут
Инструкции по настройке вы можете найти на нашем ftp
Для настройки используйте клиент iVMS-4200
Охранные панели AX PRO
Настройка основных функций
RTSP ссылки
Основная и универсальная ссылка для IP камер, NVR и DVR:
rtsp — тип используемого протокола
admin — имя учетной записи
12345 – пароль используемой учетной записи — IP-адрес камеры
554 — RTSP порт камеры (по умолчанию 554, может быть изменен в настройках)
101 — это 1 камера 1 поток
201 — это 2 камера 1 поток
102 — это 1 камера 2 поток
001 — нулевой канал регистратора (не забудьте включить его в настройках)
IP каналы HD-TVI регистраторов
7204 — 501 601;
7208 — 901 1001;
7X16 — 1701 1801 и т.д
Для вызывных панелей:
Устаревшие ссылки:
получение потока с первого канала
получение потока mjpeg со второго потока. прошивка должна поддерживать mjpeg на втором
MJPEG и фото:
Для получения MJPEG-потока по HTTP (суб-поток камеры должен быть настроен как mjpeg)
Перевести в MJPEG можно только суб-поток камеры.
Подбор кронштейнов и монтажных коробок
Таблицу совместимости камер Hikvision с аксессуарами вы можете скачать тут
Таблицу совместимости камер HiWatch с аксессуарами вы можете скачать тут
С паспортами для аксессуаров вы можете ознакомиться по данной ссылке