Исправьте ошибки they learning english

          В статье представлены упражнения, позволяющие закрепить полученные знания в ходе изучения Present Continuous. Позволяют отработать навык употребления данного времени в утвердительных, вопросительных и отрицательных предложениях. Ответы прилагаются ниже.

Exercises (Упражнения по теме Present Continuous)

1. Use the verbs in the list to complete the sentences.

Используя глаголы из списка заполните предложения по смыслу.

eat             go             fly            watch           do            sing             write             work             wait

1. Listen! Somebody … a nice song.

2. I … to London next week.

3. I …. a letter to my friend Pam now.

4. I’m very tired. We … hard these days.

5. Jane …. a delicious cake with maple syrup.

6. We … to play football tomorrow with Bob’s friends.

7. They …. interesting programme about animals at the moment.

8. Sarah …. a bus at the bus stop at the moment.

9. Peter and liza … the washing-up now.

2. Write questions and negatives.

Напишите предложения в отрицательной и вопросительной формах.

1. She is reading a book now.

2. We are listening to music.

3. They are going to wash the car.

4. He is cleaning his bedroom now.

5. They are swimming in the river.

6. The children are playing basketball in the garden.

3. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form of Present Continuous.

Вставьте глаголы в скобке в правильную форму Present Continuous.

1. Be quiet! Mum … (sleep).

2. What … you … (do) now?

3. The dog … (play) with a ball.

4. I … (watch) TV. I’m listening to music.

5. The children … (drink) milk in the kitchen.

6. He … (have) a bath.

7. Why … you … (laugh)?

4. Write questions from these words.

Напишите вопросительные предложения из слов.

1. (Why / looking / are / you / me / at?)

2. (She / dishes / washing / is / now?)

3. (are / What / reading / you?)

4. (going / she / Where / is?)

5. (your parents / travelling / are / abroad?)

6. (she / is / a / nice / wearing / dress?)

7. (is / working / clock / that?)

5. Write short answer to the questions.

Напишите краткие ответы на вопросы.

1. Is your friend riding his bike? – Yes, he is. / No, he isn’t.

2. Is your sister wearing a new dress?

3. Are you playing computer games?

4. Is it snowing now?

5. Is your father reading a newspaper?

6. Are your grandparents walking in the park?

7. Are your parents sleeping?

6. Correct the mistakes.

Исправьте ошибки.

1. They learning English.

2. She is play tennis.

3. You is drinking milk.

4. What is they doing?

5. Where your friends staying?

6. He am going to the shops.

7. I isn’t talking on the phone.

7. Match the numbers to the letters.

Соотнесите цифры с буквами.

1. Why is she crying?

2. Is it snowing now?

3. Where are they staying?

4. What is he watching?

5. What are you doing?

6. Is he playing computer games?

a. A cartoon.

b. I’m listening to music.

c. Yes, he is.

d. at the Sun Hotel.

e. Because she’s sad.

f. No, it isn’t.

Answers (Ответы к заданиям):

1. Use the verbs in the list to complete the sentences.

Используя глаголы из списка заполните предложения по смыслу.

eat       go      fly       watch      do      sing       write      work       wait

1. Listen! Somebody is singing a nice song.

2. I am flying to London next week.

3. I am writing a letter to my friend Pam now.

4. I’m very tired. We are working hard these days.

5. Jane is eating a delicious cake with maple syrup.

6. We are going to play football tomorrow with Bob’s friends.

7. They are watching interesting programme about animals at the moment.

8. Sarah is waiting for a bus at the bus stop at the moment.

9. Peter and liza are doing the washing-up now.

2. Write questions and negatives.

Напишите предложения в отрицательной и вопросительной формах.

1. She is reading a book now.

She isn’t reading a book now.
Is she reading a book now?

2. We are listening to music.

We aren’t listening to music.
Are you listening to music?

3. They are going to wash the car.

They aren’t going to wash the car.
Are they going to wash the car?

4. He is cleaning his bedroom now.

He isn’t cleaning his bedroom now.
Is he cleaning his bedroom now?

5. They are swimming in the river.

They aren’t swimming in the river.
Are they swimming in the river?

6. The children are playing basketball in the garden.

The children aren’t playing basketball in the garden.
Are the children playing basketball in the garden?

3. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form of Present Continuous.

Вставьте глаголы в скобке в правильную форму Present Continuous.

1. Be quiet! Mum is sleeping.

2. What are you doing now?

3. The dog is playing with a ball.

4. I am not watching TV. I’m listening to music.

5. The children are drinking milk in the kitchen.

6. He is having a bath.

7. Why are you laughing?

4. Write questions from these words.

Напишите вопросительные предложения из слов.

1. Why are you looking at me?

2. Is she washing dishes now?

3. What are you reading?

4. Where is she going?

5. Are your parents travelling abroad?

6. Is she wearing a nice dress?

7. Is that clock working?

5. Write short answer to the questions.

Напишите краткие ответы на вопросы.

1. Is your friend riding his bike? – Yes, he is. / No, he isn’t.

2. Is your sister wearing a new dress? — Yes, she is. / No, she isn’t.

3. Are you playing computer games? — Yes, I am. / No, I’m not.

4. Is it snowing now? — Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t.

5. Is your father reading a newspaper? — Yes, he is. / No, he isn’t.

6. Are your grandparents walking in the park? — Yes, they are. / No, they aren’t.

7. Are your parents sleeping? — Yes, they are. / No, they aren’t.

6. Correct the mistakes.

Исправьте ошибки.

1. They are learning English.

2. She is playing tennis.

3. You are drinking milk.

4. What are they doing?

5. Where are your friends staying?

6. He is going to the shops.

7. I’m not talking on the phone.

7. Match the numbers to the letters.

Соотнесите цифры с буквами.

1. Why is she crying?                              e. Because she’s sad.
2. Is it snowing now?                              f. No, it isn’t.
3. Where are they staying?                     d. At the Sun Hotel.
4. What is he watching?                            a. A cartoon.
5. What are you doing?                             b. I’m listening to music.
6. Is he playing computer games?         c. Yes, he is.

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Correct the mistakes. (Исправьте ошибки)
1. They learning English.
2. She is play tennis.
3. You is drinking milk.
4. What is they doing?
5. Where your friends staying?
6. He am going to the shops.
7. I isn’t talking on the phone.


Светило науки — 39 ответов — 0 раз оказано помощи

1.They are learning English .
2.She plays tennis.
3.You are drinking tea.
4.What are they doing?
5.Where are your friends staying?
6.He is going to the shops.
7.I am not talking on the phone.


Светило науки — 1210 ответов — 0 раз оказано помощи

they learn
is playing / plays
are drinking
are they doing
are your friends staying?
he is going
I am not

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      3 года назад

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  • Математика

    1 минута назад

    Ребяятт, сколько будет 8*13? ПОМОГИТЕЕЕЕЕЕ ПОЖАЛУЙСТАААААА

  • Контрольная по геометрии

  • Помогите решить задачу по истории СРОЧНО!!!

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  • Русский язык

    2 минуты назад

    Семейная прогулка Воскресным днём как обычно мы всей семьёй пошли гулять в зимнем парке несмотря на погоду. Конечно каждый раз мама волнуется что мы простынем. А бабушка её переубеждает так как знает что прогулки полезны. Но едва подует ветерок мы идём домой. С братом мы любим кататься на ледяных горках а если выходят ребята с соседних дворов нам становится веселее оттого что мы вместе можем поиграть и слепить снеговика. И каждый раз мы возвращались с прогулки домой очень счастливыми хотя мама нас часто ругает за промокшую одежду. Лишь отец посмеялся и сказал чтобы мы проводили время с друзьями пока маленькие. РАССТАВИТЬ ЗАПЯТЫЕ!!!!!! помогите пожалуйста, срочно​


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Исправьте ошибки
1. They learning English
2. She is play tennis
3. You is drinking milk
4. Where your friend staying?
5. He am going to the shops
6. I isn’t talking on the phone

Арсений Афров

Вопрос задан 21 сентября 2019 в

1 — 4 классы,  

Английский язык.

  • Комментариев (0)

Ответ (-а, -ов)

  • По голосам
  • По дате

  • 0

1.They ARE learning English
2.She is playING tennis
3.You ARE drinking milk
4.Where IS your friend staying?
5.He IS going to the shops
6.I’M NOT talking on the phone

Тимофей Лягушов

Отвечено 21 сентября 2019

  • Комментариев (0)

Ваш ответ

  • Английский язык

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7 лет назад


Проверено экспертом

1.They are learning English.
2.She is playing tennis.
3.You are drinking.
4.What are they doing?
5.Where are your friends staying?
6.He is going to the shops.
7.I am not talking on the phone.

Ответы и объяснения

  • gladkikh2004

Не тот ответ, который тебе нужен?

Найди нужный

Correct the mistakes. (Исправьте ошибки)
1. They learning English.
2. She is play tennis.
3. You is drinking milk.
4. What is they doing?
5. Where your friends staying?
6. He am going to the shops.
7. I isn’t talking on the phone.

Нет комментариев



They learn
is playing / plays
are drinking
are they doing
are your friends staying?
he is going
I am not

3 комментария:

а этот вариант

почему бы не взять

They are learning


1.They are learning English .
2.She plays tennis.
3.You are drinking tea.
4.What are they doing?
5.Where are your friends staying?
6.He is going to the shops.
7.I am not talking on the phone.

Нет комментариев

Похожие вопросы

Английский язык

Jane wants to learn how to compare people,animals and things.help her using the models and the words below;lazy,old,angry,dirty,big,young,funny,hungry,clever,sad,good,nice,new,short,long,small,king,tall,happy,healthy,naughty.
a bear, a monkey, a car, a train, a dog, a tree, a lane, a book, a pencil, a pen, a doll, a ball, a cat, a ruler.

          В статье представлены упражнения, позволяющие закрепить полученные знания в ходе изучения Present Continuous. Позволяют отработать навык употребления данного времени в утвердительных, вопросительных и отрицательных предложениях. Ответы прилагаются ниже.

Exercises (Упражнения по теме Present Continuous)

1. Use the verbs in the list to complete the sentences.

Используя глаголы из списка заполните предложения по смыслу.

eat             go             fly            watch           do            sing             write             work             wait

1. Listen! Somebody … a nice song.

2. I … to London next week.

3. I …. a letter to my friend Pam now.

4. I’m very tired. We … hard these days.

5. Jane …. a delicious cake with maple syrup.

6. We … to play football tomorrow with Bob’s friends.

7. They …. interesting programme about animals at the moment.

8. Sarah …. a bus at the bus stop at the moment.

9. Peter and liza … the washing-up now.

2. Write questions and negatives.

Напишите предложения в отрицательной и вопросительной формах.

1. She is reading a book now.

2. We are listening to music.

3. They are going to wash the car.

4. He is cleaning his bedroom now.

5. They are swimming in the river.

6. The children are playing basketball in the garden.

3. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form of Present Continuous.

Вставьте глаголы в скобке в правильную форму Present Continuous.

1. Be quiet! Mum … (sleep).

2. What … you … (do) now?

3. The dog … (play) with a ball.

4. I … (watch) TV. I’m listening to music.

5. The children … (drink) milk in the kitchen.

6. He … (have) a bath.

7. Why … you … (laugh)?

4. Write questions from these words.

Напишите вопросительные предложения из слов.

1. (Why / looking / are / you / me / at?)

2. (She / dishes / washing / is / now?)

3. (are / What / reading / you?)

4. (going / she / Where / is?)

5. (your parents / travelling / are / abroad?)

6. (she / is / a / nice / wearing / dress?)

7. (is / working / clock / that?)

5. Write short answer to the questions.

Напишите краткие ответы на вопросы.

1. Is your friend riding his bike? – Yes, he is. / No, he isn’t.

2. Is your sister wearing a new dress?

3. Are you playing computer games?

4. Is it snowing now?

5. Is your father reading a newspaper?

6. Are your grandparents walking in the park?

7. Are your parents sleeping?

6. Correct the mistakes.

Исправьте ошибки.

1. They learning English.

2. She is play tennis.

3. You is drinking milk.

4. What is they doing?

5. Where your friends staying?

6. He am going to the shops.

7. I isn’t talking on the phone.

7. Match the numbers to the letters.

Соотнесите цифры с буквами.

1. Why is she crying?

2. Is it snowing now?

3. Where are they staying?

4. What is he watching?

5. What are you doing?

6. Is he playing computer games?

a. A cartoon.

b. I’m listening to music.

c. Yes, he is.

d. at the Sun Hotel.

e. Because she’s sad.

f. No, it isn’t.

Answers (Ответы к заданиям):

1. Use the verbs in the list to complete the sentences.

Используя глаголы из списка заполните предложения по смыслу.

eat       go      fly       watch      do      sing       write      work       wait

1. Listen! Somebody is singing a nice song.

2. I am flying to London next week.

3. I am writing a letter to my friend Pam now.

4. I’m very tired. We are working hard these days.

5. Jane is eating a delicious cake with maple syrup.

6. We are going to play football tomorrow with Bob’s friends.

7. They are watching interesting programme about animals at the moment.

8. Sarah is waiting for a bus at the bus stop at the moment.

9. Peter and liza are doing the washing-up now.

2. Write questions and negatives.

Напишите предложения в отрицательной и вопросительной формах.

1. She is reading a book now.

She isn’t reading a book now.
Is she reading a book now?

2. We are listening to music.

We aren’t listening to music.
Are you listening to music?

3. They are going to wash the car.

They aren’t going to wash the car.
Are they going to wash the car?

4. He is cleaning his bedroom now.

He isn’t cleaning his bedroom now.
Is he cleaning his bedroom now?

5. They are swimming in the river.

They aren’t swimming in the river.
Are they swimming in the river?

6. The children are playing basketball in the garden.

The children aren’t playing basketball in the garden.
Are the children playing basketball in the garden?

3. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form of Present Continuous.

Вставьте глаголы в скобке в правильную форму Present Continuous.

1. Be quiet! Mum is sleeping.

2. What are you doing now?

3. The dog is playing with a ball.

4. I am not watching TV. I’m listening to music.

5. The children are drinking milk in the kitchen.

6. He is having a bath.

7. Why are you laughing?

4. Write questions from these words.

Напишите вопросительные предложения из слов.

1. Why are you looking at me?

2. Is she washing dishes now?

3. What are you reading?

4. Where is she going?

5. Are your parents travelling abroad?

6. Is she wearing a nice dress?

7. Is that clock working?

5. Write short answer to the questions.

Напишите краткие ответы на вопросы.

1. Is your friend riding his bike? – Yes, he is. / No, he isn’t.

2. Is your sister wearing a new dress? — Yes, she is. / No, she isn’t.

3. Are you playing computer games? — Yes, I am. / No, I’m not.

4. Is it snowing now? — Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t.

5. Is your father reading a newspaper? — Yes, he is. / No, he isn’t.

6. Are your grandparents walking in the park? — Yes, they are. / No, they aren’t.

7. Are your parents sleeping? — Yes, they are. / No, they aren’t.

6. Correct the mistakes.

Исправьте ошибки.

1. They are learning English.

2. She is playing tennis.

3. You are drinking milk.

4. What are they doing?

5. Where are your friends staying?

6. He is going to the shops.

7. I’m not talking on the phone.

7. Match the numbers to the letters.

Соотнесите цифры с буквами.

1. Why is she crying?                              e. Because she’s sad.
2. Is it snowing now?                              f. No, it isn’t.
3. Where are they staying?                     d. At the Sun Hotel.
4. What is he watching?                            a. A cartoon.
5. What are you doing?                             b. I’m listening to music.
6. Is he playing computer games?         c. Yes, he is.

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  • 0

Исправьте ошибки
1. They learning English
2. She is play tennis
3. You is drinking milk
4. Where your friend staying?
5. He am going to the shops
6. I isn’t talking on the phone

Арсений Афров

Вопрос задан 21 сентября 2019 в

1 — 4 классы,  

Английский язык.

  • Комментариев (0)



  • 1
    Ответ (-а, -ов)

    • По голосам
    • По дате

    • 0

    1.They ARE learning English
    2.She is playING tennis
    3.You ARE drinking milk
    4.Where IS your friend staying?
    5.He IS going to the shops
    6.I’M NOT talking on the phone


    Тимофей Лягушов

    Отвечено 21 сентября 2019

    • Комментариев (0)



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