Исправьте ошибки sarah and i am sisters

Материал опубликовала

Огинская Юлия Валерьевна2360

Children must be taught how to think, not what to think.

Россия, Ростовская обл., Ростов-на-Дону

Тест по английскому языку

Огинская Ю.В. ГАПОУ РО «РКТМ»


Тест предназначен для студентов 1 курса технических специальностей СПО для проверки усвоения знаний по грамматическим темам: Present Simple, There is/are; лексическим темам: family, appearance.

Тест включает в себя 2 варианта, вопросы открытого и закрытого типа.

Время на выполнение теста: 45 минут.

Контрольно-измерительные материалы

Variant I

1. Listen to the text and write a name or a number


WAV / 11.65 Мб

  1. How old is he?
  2. What’s his friend’s name?
  3. Which class are they in at school?
  4. What’s his teacher’s name?
  5. Where is his school? _____Apple Street

2. Look at the pictures and fill in: he/she/it is or they are


  1. ______ a postman.
  2. ______doctors.
  3. _______a cat.
  4. ________a hairdresser

 3. Write questions and answers as in the example


Are they singers? No, they aren’t. They’re dancers.


1. ______________apples?




2._____________ a bear?


_______________ a bird.

4. Correct the mistakes

  • Sarah and I am sisters.
  • Ben and Tim is at school.
  • Horses and cows is animals.

5. Open the brackets using Present Simple

Mr. Brown 1 ______ (work) in a college. He 2__________ (teach) English. He 3______(not/go) to work on Saturdays. He 4 ___(like) his job and he 5____(be) a good teacher. His students 6_____ (love) him.

6. Fill in: There is or There are

  1. _____some cats in the garden.
  2. _________some milk in the bottle.
  3. ______ some books on the desk.
  4. _______some cheese on the table.
  5. _______some coffee in the cup.
  6. _______some bread in the cupboard

7. Choose the correct item

1.She ____ breakfast every morning.

A eats B eat C eating

2.We usually ____ basketball on Saturdays

A plays B play C plaies

3.He _____ in the garden at the weekends.

A dig B digs C digges

8. Write complete sentences about you

Occupation: ______________________
Eyes: ____________________________
Family: ___________________________

9. Fill in the gaps with family words


1.Paul is Anne’s _____ and Sarah and Jack’s ______.

2.Anne is Paul’s ______ and Sarah and Jack’s ______.

3.Sarah is Jack’s_____. Jack is Sarah’s_________.

4.Henry is Sarah and Jack’s __________. Diana is their__________.

10. Describe the people


1. Suzanna’s got_____________________

2. Jeff’s got__________________________

Variant II

1. Listen to the text and write a name or a number

WAV / 11.65 Мб

  1. How old is he?
  2. What’s his friend’s name?
  3. Which class are they in at school?
  4. What’s his teacher’s name?
  5. Where is his school? _____Apple Street

2. Look at the pictures and fill in: he/she/it is or they are


  1. ____ brushes.
  2. ____ a baker.
  3. ____ a tennis ball.
  4. ____ a singer.

3. Write questions and answers as in the example


Are they singers?  No, they aren’t.  They’re dancers.


1. ______________a teacher?


________________a photographer.


2._____________ tomatoes?


_______________ flowers.

4. Correct the mistakes

  • Peter and I is brothers.
  • England are a country.
  • Tim are from America.

5. Open the brackets using Present Simple

John 1 ____(ride) a bike well but he 2____(not\ride) a horse. His sister 3____(be) good at horse riding. She 4 ____(go) riding every day. She 5 ____(own) a white horse. It 6 _____(like) carrots.

6. Fill in: There is or There are

___some records in the room____a chair in the room._____some dogs in the park.____a car in the garage._____some flowers on the vase._____some meat on the plate.

7. Choose the correct item

1.I always _____to music in the evening.
A listen B listens C listening
2.Mother ______ dinner every day.
A cook B cookies C cooks
3.They often _____ to the cinema.
A go B gos C goes

8. Write complete sentences about your friend.

Occupation: ______________________
Eyes: ____________________________
Family: ___________________________

9. Fill in the gaps with family words


  1. Henry and Diana are Sarah and Jack’s_______.
  2. John and George are Sarah and Jack’s_________.
  3. Amelia and Sandra are Sarah and Jack’s_______.
  4. Sarah is Amelia, John, George and Sandra’s ________. Jack is their _______ .

10. Describe the people


1. Caroline’s got_____________________

2. Dick’s got__________________________


Вариант 1

Вариант 2

Количество баллов

Задание 1

Задание 1


  1. 10
  2. Susan
  3. 5
  4. Smith
  5. 14
  1. 10
  2. Susan
  3. 5
  4. Smith
  5. 14

Задание 2

Задание 2


  • He is a postman
  • They are doctors.
  • It is a cat.
  • She is a hairdresser.
  • They are brushes.
  • He is a baker.
  • It is a tennis ball.
  • He is a singer.

Задание 3

  1. Are they apples?

No, they aren’t.

They are tomatoes.

  1. Is it a bear?

No it isn’t.

It is a bird.

Задание 3


  1. Is she a teacher?

No, she isn’t.

She is a photographer

2. Are they tomatoes?

No, they aren’t.

They are flowers.

Задание 4

Задание 4


Sarah and I are sisters.
Ben and Tim are at school.
Horses and cows are animals.
Peter and I are brothers.
England is a country.
Tim is from America.

Задание 5

Задание 5


  1. works
  2. teaches
  3. doesn’t work
  5. is
  6. love
  1. rides
  2. doesn’t ride
  3. is
  4. goes
  5. owns

Задание 6

Задание 6


  1. There are
  2. There is
  3. There are
  4. There is
  5. There is
  6. There is
  1. There are
  2. There is
  3. There are
  4. There is
  5. There are
  6. There is

Задание 7

Задание 7


  1. A
  2. B
  3. B
  1. A
  2. C
  3. A

Задание 8

Задание 8


Students’ answers

Students’ answers

Задание 9

Задание 9


  1. husband/ father
  2. wife/ mother
  3. sister/brother
  4. grandfather/grandmother
  1. grandparents (grandmother and granfather)
  2. uncles
  3. aunts
  4. niece/nephew

Задание 10

Задание 10


  1. Suzanne’s got long hair, a straight nose and small eyes.
  2. Jeff’s got short hair, dark beard, small eyes and a straight nose.
  1. Caroline’s got long hair, a hooked nose and small eyes
  2. 2. Dick’s got shoulder length hair, moustache., small eyes and a pointed nose

Шкала оценки образовательных достижений

Процент результативности (правильных ответов)

Оценка уровня подготовки

балл (отметка)

вербальный аналог










59 и менее



Перевод результатов контрольной работы в шкалу оценки образовательных достижений

Оценка уровня подготовки

балл за выполнение задания

балл (отметка)

вербальный аналог










25 и менее




Размер файла: 577.67 Кбайт


    • Предмет:

      Английский язык

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      3 года назад

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  • Математика

    1 минута назад

    Ребяятт, сколько будет 8*13? ПОМОГИТЕЕЕЕЕЕ ПОЖАЛУЙСТАААААА

  • Контрольная по геометрии

  • Помогите решить задачу по истории СРОЧНО!!!

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  • Русский язык

    2 минуты назад

    Семейная прогулка Воскресным днём как обычно мы всей семьёй пошли гулять в зимнем парке несмотря на погоду. Конечно каждый раз мама волнуется что мы простынем. А бабушка её переубеждает так как знает что прогулки полезны. Но едва подует ветерок мы идём домой. С братом мы любим кататься на ледяных горках а если выходят ребята с соседних дворов нам становится веселее оттого что мы вместе можем поиграть и слепить снеговика. И каждый раз мы возвращались с прогулки домой очень счастливыми хотя мама нас часто ругает за промокшую одежду. Лишь отец посмеялся и сказал чтобы мы проводили время с друзьями пока маленькие. РАССТАВИТЬ ЗАПЯТЫЕ!!!!!! помогите пожалуйста, срочно​


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Огинская Ю.В. ГАПОУ РО «РКТМ»

Тест предназначен для студентов 1 курса технических специальностей СПО для проверки усвоения знаний по грамматическим темам: Present Simple, There is/are; лексическим темам: family, appearance.

Тест включает в себя 2 варианта, вопросы открытого и закрытого типа.

Время на выполнение теста: 45 минут.

1. Listen to the text and write a name or a number

2. Look at the pictures and fill in: he/she/it is or they are

 3. Write questions and answers as in the example

Are they singers? No, they aren’t. They’re dancers.

1. ______________apples?


_______________ a bird.

4. Correct the mistakes

5. Open the brackets using Present Simple

Mr. Brown 1 ______ (work) in a college. He 2__________ (teach) English. He 3______(not/go) to work on Saturdays. He 4 ___(like) his job and he 5____(be) a good teacher. His students 6_____ (love) him.

6. Fill in: There is or There are

  1. _____some cats in the garden.
  2. _________some milk in the bottle.
  3. ______ some books on the desk.
  4. _______some cheese on the table.
  5. _______some coffee in the cup.
  6. _______some bread in the cupboard

7. Choose the correct item

1.She ____ breakfast every morning.

A eats B eat C eating

2.We usually ____ basketball on Saturdays

A plays B play C plaies

3.He _____ in the garden at the weekends.

A dig B digs C digges

8. Write complete sentences about you

Occupation: ______________________
Eyes: ____________________________
Family: ___________________________

9. Fill in the gaps with family words


1.Paul is Anne’s _____ and Sarah and Jack’s ______.

2.Anne is Paul’s ______ and Sarah and Jack’s ______.

3.Sarah is Jack’s_____. Jack is Sarah’s_________.

4.Henry is Sarah and Jack’s __________. Diana is their__________.

10. Describe the people


1. Suzanna’s got_____________________

2. Jeff’s got__________________________

Variant II

1. Listen to the text and write a name or a number

WAV / 11.65 Мб

  1. How old is he?
  2. What’s his friend’s name?
  3. Which class are they in at school?
  4. What’s his teacher’s name?
  5. Where is his school? _____Apple Street

2. Look at the pictures and fill in: he/she/it is or they are


  1. ____ brushes.
  2. ____ a baker.
  3. ____ a tennis ball.
  4. ____ a singer.

3. Write questions and answers as in the example


Are they singers?  No, they aren’t.  They’re dancers.


1. ______________a teacher?


________________a photographer.


2._____________ tomatoes?


_______________ flowers.

4. Correct the mistakes

  • Peter and I is brothers.
  • England are a country.
  • Tim are from America.

5. Open the brackets using Present Simple

John 1 ____(ride) a bike well but he 2____(notride) a horse. His sister 3____(be) good at horse riding. She 4 ____(go) riding every day. She 5 ____(own) a white horse. It 6 _____(like) carrots.

6. Fill in: There is or There are

___some records in the room____a chair in the room._____some dogs in the park.____a car in the garage._____some flowers on the vase._____some meat on the plate.

7. Choose the correct item

1.I always _____to music in the evening.
A listen B listens C listening
2.Mother ______ dinner every day.
A cook B cookies C cooks
3.They often _____ to the cinema.
A go B gos C goes

8. Write complete sentences about your friend.

Occupation: ______________________
Eyes: ____________________________
Family: ___________________________

9. Fill in the gaps with family words


  1. Henry and Diana are Sarah and Jack’s_______.
  2. John and George are Sarah and Jack’s_________.
  3. Amelia and Sandra are Sarah and Jack’s_______.
  4. Sarah is Amelia, John, George and Sandra’s ________. Jack is their _______ .

10. Describe the people


1. Caroline’s got_____________________

2. Dick’s got__________________________


Вариант 1

Вариант 2

Количество баллов

Задание 1

Задание 1


  1. 10
  2. Susan
  3. 5
  4. Smith
  5. 14
  1. 10
  2. Susan
  3. 5
  4. Smith
  5. 14

Задание 2

Задание 2


  • He is a postman
  • They are doctors.
  • It is a cat.
  • She is a hairdresser.
  • They are brushes.
  • He is a baker.
  • It is a tennis ball.
  • He is a singer.

Задание 3

  1. Are they apples?

No, they aren’t.

They are tomatoes.

  1. Is it a bear?

No it isn’t.

It is a bird.

Задание 3


  1. Is she a teacher?

No, she isn’t.

She is a photographer

2. Are they tomatoes?

No, they aren’t.

They are flowers.

Задание 4

Задание 4


Sarah and I are sisters.
Ben and Tim are at school.
Horses and cows are animals.
Peter and I are brothers.
England is a country.
Tim is from America.

Задание 5

Задание 5


  1. works
  2. teaches
  3. doesn’t work
  5. is
  6. love
  1. rides
  2. doesn’t ride
  3. is
  4. goes
  5. owns

Задание 6

Задание 6


  1. There are
  2. There is
  3. There are
  4. There is
  5. There is
  6. There is
  1. There are
  2. There is
  3. There are
  4. There is
  5. There are
  6. There is

Задание 7

Задание 7


  1. A
  2. B
  3. B
  1. A
  2. C
  3. A

Задание 8

Задание 8


Students’ answers

Students’ answers

Задание 9

Задание 9


  1. husband/ father
  2. wife/ mother
  3. sister/brother
  4. grandfather/grandmother
  1. grandparents (grandmother and granfather)
  2. uncles
  3. aunts
  4. niece/nephew

Задание 10

Задание 10


  1. Suzanne’s got long hair, a straight nose and small eyes.
  2. Jeff’s got short hair, dark beard, small eyes and a straight nose.
  1. Caroline’s got long hair, a hooked nose and small eyes
  2. 2. Dick’s got shoulder length hair, moustache., small eyes and a pointed nose

Шкала оценки образовательных достижений

Процент результативности (правильных ответов)

Оценка уровня подготовки

балл (отметка)

вербальный аналог










59 и менее



Перевод результатов контрольной работы в шкалу оценки образовательных достижений

Оценка уровня подготовки

балл за выполнение задания

балл (отметка)

вербальный аналог










25 и менее




Упр. 1

  1. Sarah and I am sisters.

  2. Ben and Tim is at school.

  3. Horses and cows is animals.

  4. England are a country.

  5. Tim are from America.

  6. Jane is an painter

  7. I have got an uniform.

  8. Helen is not at the home.

  9. The pyramids are in the Egypt.

  10. It is a hourglass.

  11. The Mark is a student.

  12. I have got a milk.

  13. It is an house.

  14. An earth is an planet.

  15. They have got a old car.

Упр. 2

  1. Mine room is big.

  2. The tail of the dog is long.

  3. The womens’ dresses are red.

  4. Are those pencils your?

  5. That is Mike’s and Helen’s house.

  6. Whose are these rackets? They’re their.

  7. This is hers book.

  8. Those are Rita and Jim’s bicycle.

  9. Is that Kates’ hat?

  10. The house’s windows are green.

  11. There is a elephant in the garden.

  12. That’s Bill’s car. It’s him.

  13. There are wolfs in the forest.

  14. There is a bread on the table.

  15. There is a money in my pocket.


  1. They go to the school every day.

  2. My bicycle has got two wheel.

  3. She’s got an book.

  4. We looking for a new flat.

  5. I am play tennis now.

  6. George and Mary is watching a film.

  7. What are you do?

  8. You isn’t listening to the teacher.

  9. He reading a magazine.

  10. Tim and Ann are my cousins. Them live in Germany.

  11. This is my jacket. Give it to I.

  12. Pass me the photos. I want to look at it.

  13. It’s Mike phoning. Him wants to talk to you.

  14. Are you going to the park? – Yes, come with I.

  15. Don’t opens the window.


  1. Have you got some sugar?

  2. There is any bread.

  3. There are some pie.

  4. Is there somebody in the room?

  5. We haven’t got some ham.

  6. There isn’t nobody in the garden.

  7. There isn’t no bacon.

  8. Have you got nothing in your bag?

  9. He don’t speak English.

  10. He is swimming every morning.

  11. Does you work in a bank?

  12. I have dinner now.

  13. Mark walk to school every day.

  14. Kate is liking pizza.

  15. The sun is rising in the east.

Упр 5.

  1. Susan and Joe lives in New York.

  2. We are needing some sugar.

  3. There is very few soup in the bowl.

  4. How much carrots are there in the fridge?

  5. Rita has got much money.

  6. There are a little people in the shop.

  7. Mike hasn’t got much friends.

  8. There is a few snow in the mountains.

  9. How much deer can you see in the picture?

  10. I have got little CDs but a lot of cassettes.

  11. There are much animals in the zoo.

  12. How many sugar is there in the bowl?

  13. I need to buy any things in the shop.

  14. Little people swim in the sea in winter.

  15. I haven’t got no time.

Упр 6.

  1. I want nothing nice to eat.

  2. I’m going swimming every week.

  3. The bus stops anywhere near the park.

  4. Let’s to go shopping.

  5. How much oranges are there in the bowl?

  6. He washes the dog at the moment.

  7. He’s got very few bread.

  8. Can I have a little strawberries?

  9. They are very clevers girls.

  10. We has got a new car.

  11. There are a few lion in the zoo.

  12. Peter always do his homework.

  13. Go you to bed now.

  14. There isn’t some sugar in my coffee.

  15. I lives with my parents and two little sisters.

Упр 7.

  1. Did Jim had a bath yesterday?

  2. There was a telephone call for me.

  3. Was your parents on holiday in June?

  4. Mary had not a party yesterday.

  5. There weren’t not any biscuits left in the tin.

  6. I have broke a vase yesterday.

  7. Were you be in Paris last year?

  8. Tom has ever eaten all the fruit.

  9. There were not no people at the bus stop.

  10. Alex already cut his finger yesterday.

  11. John hasn’t never phoned me yet.

  12. I have lived here since ten years.

  13. There isn’t somebody in the garden.

  14. We are going the party tonight?

  15. I do always my homework in the evenings.

Упр 8.

  1. We bought some new furnitures yesterday.

  2. Simon has already go to work.

  3. You will to pass your exams.

  4. Philip hasn’t got many free time today.

  5. I just have finished my breakfast.

  6. We have eaten chicken last evening.

  7. Tom usually is late for work.

  8. There aren’t much people in this office.

  9. Dad didn’t went to work yesterday.

  10. Philip didn’t wake up yet.

  11. I did saw your brother last week.

  12. Peter and Jenny go to the south next week.

  13. Did you laughed at the play?

  14. Sam hasn’t feed the cat yet.

  15. Pavel didn’t visit his granny yet.

Упр 9.

  1. Chris is more cleverer than Scott.

  2. Jill is prettier from Silvia.

  3. Chocolate ice-cream is more delicious of all.

  4. She is a very taller woman.

  5. The bus is longest than my car.

  6. A Fiat isn’t as more expensive as a Porsche.

  7. We have never read such a more interesting book.

  8. The film is better of all.

  9. Stella has never met such a friendlier teacher.

  10. Sweden is coldest country in Europe.

  11. Germany is biger than Great Britain.

  12. The dog runs fastier than the elephant.

  13. He is taller man in the world.

  14. I’m the youngest than my sister.

  15. The picture is good of all.

Упр 10.

  1. He has never travelled abroad, hasn’t she?

  2. Who did told you about Susan’s wedding?

  3. What car is yours: Opel or Fiat?

  4. How many money did you pay?

  5. He has lunch at home every day, hasn’t he?

  6. Don’t be late tonight, won’t you?

  7. What time you are flying tomorrow?

  8. I must having a bath.

  9. You can’t to go out tonight.

  10. Shall you water the flowers this afternoon?

  11. He must studies hard for his exams.

  12. She must helping her mother today.

  13. They needn’t to stay here any more.

  14. I can’t do puzzles when I was four years old.

  15. You may not go there. It’s forbidden.

Упр 11

  1. I would like going to America next year.

  2. He enjoys to dance.

  3. Why did you go to the library? – Borrowing a book.

  4. I must to wash my hair tonight.

  5. Do you know how skiing?

  6. She goes to run every Thursday evening.

  7. Have you got too time to come shopping with me?

  8. I’m too tall to reach the top cupboard.

  9. You are short enough to touch the ceiling.

  10. He will leaving school when he’s eighteen.

  11. I have got lots of friends. Neither of them has got blond hair.

  12. Steven has got two cars. All of them are red.

  13. My sister and I are short. Both of us is tall.

  14. There are seven people here. Both of them are women.

  15. Lucy has got two cars. All of them is black.

Упр 12.

  1. You must to try to be more patient.

  2. She is very old enough to travel alone.

  3. Susan hasn’t ever been to Turkey before.

  4. They enjoy playing the basketball.

  5. Irene is more friendlier then Kate.

  6. Helen often come to work late.

  7. I can’t find something I like.

  8. This is Alison jumper.

  9. You don’t like football, you do?

  10. They live in Moscow for ten years.

  11. Tom hasn’t enjoyed the party last night.

  12. He has a meeting now.

  13. Don’t play music – you wake up the baby.

  14. We go on holiday to Italy last year.

  15. I stay with my friends at the moment.

Список использованной литературы:

  1. J. Dooley, V. Evans. Grammarway 1.

  2. V. Evans. Roung Up 3.

Материал опубликовала

Огинская Юлия Валерьевна1942

Children must be taught how to think, not what to think.

Россия, Ростовская обл., Ростов-на-Дону

Тест по английскому языку

Огинская Ю.В. ГАПОУ РО «РКТМ»


Тест предназначен для студентов 1 курса технических специальностей СПО для проверки усвоения знаний по грамматическим темам: Present Simple, There is/are; лексическим темам: family, appearance.

Тест включает в себя 2 варианта, вопросы открытого и закрытого типа.

Время на выполнение теста: 45 минут.

Контрольно-измерительные материалы

Variant I

1. Listen to the text and write a name or a number


WAV / 11.65 Мб

  1. How old is he?
  2. What’s his friend’s name?
  3. Which class are they in at school?
  4. What’s his teacher’s name?
  5. Where is his school? _____Apple Street

2. Look at the pictures and fill in: he/she/it is or they are


  1. ______ a postman.
  2. ______doctors.
  3. _______a cat.
  4. ________a hairdresser

 3. Write questions and answers as in the example


Are they singers? No, they aren’t. They’re dancers.


1. ______________apples?




2._____________ a bear?


_______________ a bird.

4. Correct the mistakes

  • Sarah and I am sisters.
  • Ben and Tim is at school.
  • Horses and cows is animals.

5. Open the brackets using Present Simple

Mr. Brown 1 ______ (work) in a college. He 2__________ (teach) English. He 3______(not/go) to work on Saturdays. He 4 ___(like) his job and he 5____(be) a good teacher. His students 6_____ (love) him.

6. Fill in: There is or There are

  1. _____some cats in the garden.
  2. _________some milk in the bottle.
  3. ______ some books on the desk.
  4. _______some cheese on the table.
  5. _______some coffee in the cup.
  6. _______some bread in the cupboard

7. Choose the correct item

1.She ____ breakfast every morning.

A eats B eat C eating

2.We usually ____ basketball on Saturdays

A plays B play C plaies

3.He _____ in the garden at the weekends.

A dig B digs C digges

8. Write complete sentences about you

Occupation: ______________________
Eyes: ____________________________
Family: ___________________________

9. Fill in the gaps with family words


1.Paul is Anne’s _____ and Sarah and Jack’s ______.

2.Anne is Paul’s ______ and Sarah and Jack’s ______.

3.Sarah is Jack’s_____. Jack is Sarah’s_________.

4.Henry is Sarah and Jack’s __________. Diana is their__________.

10. Describe the people


1. Suzanna’s got_____________________

2. Jeff’s got__________________________

Variant II

1. Listen to the text and write a name or a number

WAV / 11.65 Мб

  1. How old is he?
  2. What’s his friend’s name?
  3. Which class are they in at school?
  4. What’s his teacher’s name?
  5. Where is his school? _____Apple Street

2. Look at the pictures and fill in: he/she/it is or they are


  1. ____ brushes.
  2. ____ a baker.
  3. ____ a tennis ball.
  4. ____ a singer.

3. Write questions and answers as in the example


Are they singers?  No, they aren’t.  They’re dancers.


1. ______________a teacher?


________________a photographer.


2._____________ tomatoes?


_______________ flowers.

4. Correct the mistakes

  • Peter and I is brothers.
  • England are a country.
  • Tim are from America.

5. Open the brackets using Present Simple

John 1 ____(ride) a bike well but he 2____(notride) a horse. His sister 3____(be) good at horse riding. She 4 ____(go) riding every day. She 5 ____(own) a white horse. It 6 _____(like) carrots.

6. Fill in: There is or There are

___some records in the room____a chair in the room._____some dogs in the park.____a car in the garage._____some flowers on the vase._____some meat on the plate.

7. Choose the correct item

1.I always _____to music in the evening.
A listen B listens C listening
2.Mother ______ dinner every day.
A cook B cookies C cooks
3.They often _____ to the cinema.
A go B gos C goes

8. Write complete sentences about your friend.

Occupation: ______________________
Eyes: ____________________________
Family: ___________________________

9. Fill in the gaps with family words


  1. Henry and Diana are Sarah and Jack’s_______.
  2. John and George are Sarah and Jack’s_________.
  3. Amelia and Sandra are Sarah and Jack’s_______.
  4. Sarah is Amelia, John, George and Sandra’s ________. Jack is their _______ .

10. Describe the people


1. Caroline’s got_____________________

2. Dick’s got__________________________


Вариант 1

Вариант 2

Количество баллов

Задание 1

Задание 1


  1. 10
  2. Susan
  3. 5
  4. Smith
  5. 14
  1. 10
  2. Susan
  3. 5
  4. Smith
  5. 14

Задание 2

Задание 2


  • He is a postman
  • They are doctors.
  • It is a cat.
  • She is a hairdresser.
  • They are brushes.
  • He is a baker.
  • It is a tennis ball.
  • He is a singer.

Задание 3

  1. Are they apples?

No, they aren’t.

They are tomatoes.

  1. Is it a bear?

No it isn’t.

It is a bird.

Задание 3


  1. Is she a teacher?

No, she isn’t.

She is a photographer

2. Are they tomatoes?

No, they aren’t.

They are flowers.

Задание 4

Задание 4


Sarah and I are sisters.
Ben and Tim are at school.
Horses and cows are animals.
Peter and I are brothers.
England is a country.
Tim is from America.

Задание 5

Задание 5


  1. works
  2. teaches
  3. doesn’t work
  5. is
  6. love
  1. rides
  2. doesn’t ride
  3. is
  4. goes
  5. owns

Задание 6

Задание 6


  1. There are
  2. There is
  3. There are
  4. There is
  5. There is
  6. There is
  1. There are
  2. There is
  3. There are
  4. There is
  5. There are
  6. There is

Задание 7

Задание 7


  1. A
  2. B
  3. B
  1. A
  2. C
  3. A

Задание 8

Задание 8


Students’ answers

Students’ answers

Задание 9

Задание 9


  1. husband/ father
  2. wife/ mother
  3. sister/brother
  4. grandfather/grandmother
  1. grandparents (grandmother and granfather)
  2. uncles
  3. aunts
  4. niece/nephew

Задание 10

Задание 10


  1. Suzanne’s got long hair, a straight nose and small eyes.
  2. Jeff’s got short hair, dark beard, small eyes and a straight nose.
  1. Caroline’s got long hair, a hooked nose and small eyes
  2. 2. Dick’s got shoulder length hair, moustache., small eyes and a pointed nose

Шкала оценки образовательных достижений

Процент результативности (правильных ответов)

Оценка уровня подготовки

балл (отметка)

вербальный аналог










59 и менее



Перевод результатов контрольной работы в шкалу оценки образовательных достижений

Оценка уровня подготовки

балл за выполнение задания

балл (отметка)

вербальный аналог










25 и менее



Опубликовано 04.11.20 в 13:15



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  1. Complete.
    Use am, is, are.


years old


best friends….. Jack and Sue.


  1. Draw
    and complete for you and two friends.


old. My best friends …………………….



  1. Write
    true answers.

  1. Are
    you a student?

  2. Are
    you from the USA?

  3. Where
    are you from?

  4. Are
    you twelve?

  5. How
    old are you?

  6. Is
    your friend from Rome?

  7. Where
    is your friend from?

  1. Write
    the plural.

  1. She
    is a girl.

  2. He
    is a teacher.

  3. It
    is a deer.

  4. I
    am a boy.

  5. You
    are a child.

  6. I
    am a banker.

  7. It
    is a box.

  1. Correct
    the mistakes.

  1. Sarah
    and I am sisters.

  2. Ben
    and Tim is at school.

  3. Horses
    and cows is animals.

  4. England
    are a country.

  5. Tim
    are from America.

  1. Read
    the information and write a short text about this person.

Lucy Surname: Pitt




  1. Read
    and complete.

  1. …….she
    a dancer? No,…………….

  2. …….they
    from Japan? Yes,……….

  3. …….he
    a bus driver? No,………….

  4. …….it
    a pet? No,………………..

  5. …….they
    dirty? Yes,………………

  6. …….Mary
    from Italy? No,…………

  7. .……Mr
    Dane a doctor? Yes,………

  8. …….that
    Kim? No,………………..

  9. …….you
    a pilot? No,………………

  10. …….they
    penguins? Yes,…………..

  11. …….you
    dancers? Yes,…………….

  12. …….they
    brown? No,………………

  1. Turn
    these sentences into negative.

  1. She
    is a young girl.

  2. I
    am a detective.

  3. They
    are ugly cats.

  4. We
    are strong girls.

  5. Steven
    is from England.

  6. You
    are a nurse.

  7. He’s
    a basketball player.

  8. They
    are bottles.

  9. That
    is a fish.

  10. The
    black cat is small.

  11. This
    boy is lazy.

  1. Write
    questions using the verb to be and some of these words.


Соседние файлы в предмете [НЕСОРТИРОВАННОЕ]

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  • #
  • #
  • #


    • Предмет:

      Английский язык

    • Автор:


    • Создано:

      3 года назад

    Знаешь ответ? Добавь его сюда!

  • Математика

    1 минута назад

    Ребяятт, сколько будет 8*13? ПОМОГИТЕЕЕЕЕЕ ПОЖАЛУЙСТАААААА

  • Контрольная по геометрии

  • Помогите решить задачу по истории СРОЧНО!!!

  • Вычислить arccos (-1)

  • Русский язык

    2 минуты назад

    Семейная прогулка Воскресным днём как обычно мы всей семьёй пошли гулять в зимнем парке несмотря на погоду. Конечно каждый раз мама волнуется что мы простынем. А бабушка её переубеждает так как знает что прогулки полезны. Но едва подует ветерок мы идём домой. С братом мы любим кататься на ледяных горках а если выходят ребята с соседних дворов нам становится веселее оттого что мы вместе можем поиграть и слепить снеговика. И каждый раз мы возвращались с прогулки домой очень счастливыми хотя мама нас часто ругает за промокшую одежду. Лишь отец посмеялся и сказал чтобы мы проводили время с друзьями пока маленькие. РАССТАВИТЬ ЗАПЯТЫЕ!!!!!! помогите пожалуйста, срочно​


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Огинская Ю.В. ГАПОУ РО «РКТМ»

Тест предназначен для студентов 1 курса технических специальностей СПО для проверки усвоения знаний по грамматическим темам: Present Simple, There is/are; лексическим темам: family, appearance.

Тест включает в себя 2 варианта, вопросы открытого и закрытого типа.

Время на выполнение теста: 45 минут.

1. Listen to the text and write a name or a number

2. Look at the pictures and fill in: he/she/it is or they are

 3. Write questions and answers as in the example

Are they singers? No, they aren’t. They’re dancers.

1. ______________apples?


_______________ a bird.

4. Correct the mistakes

5. Open the brackets using Present Simple

Mr. Brown 1 ______ (work) in a college. He 2__________ (teach) English. He 3______(not/go) to work on Saturdays. He 4 ___(like) his job and he 5____(be) a good teacher. His students 6_____ (love) him.

6. Fill in: There is or There are

  1. _____some cats in the garden.
  2. _________some milk in the bottle.
  3. ______ some books on the desk.
  4. _______some cheese on the table.
  5. _______some coffee in the cup.
  6. _______some bread in the cupboard

7. Choose the correct item

1.She ____ breakfast every morning.

A eats B eat C eating

2.We usually ____ basketball on Saturdays

A plays B play C plaies

3.He _____ in the garden at the weekends.

A dig B digs C digges

8. Write complete sentences about you

Occupation: ______________________
Eyes: ____________________________
Family: ___________________________

9. Fill in the gaps with family words


1.Paul is Anne’s _____ and Sarah and Jack’s ______.

2.Anne is Paul’s ______ and Sarah and Jack’s ______.

3.Sarah is Jack’s_____. Jack is Sarah’s_________.

4.Henry is Sarah and Jack’s __________. Diana is their__________.

10. Describe the people


1. Suzanna’s got_____________________

2. Jeff’s got__________________________

Variant II

1. Listen to the text and write a name or a number

WAV / 11.65 Мб

  1. How old is he?
  2. What’s his friend’s name?
  3. Which class are they in at school?
  4. What’s his teacher’s name?
  5. Where is his school? _____Apple Street

2. Look at the pictures and fill in: he/she/it is or they are


  1. ____ brushes.
  2. ____ a baker.
  3. ____ a tennis ball.
  4. ____ a singer.

3. Write questions and answers as in the example


Are they singers?  No, they aren’t.  They’re dancers.


1. ______________a teacher?


________________a photographer.


2._____________ tomatoes?


_______________ flowers.

4. Correct the mistakes

  • Peter and I is brothers.
  • England are a country.
  • Tim are from America.

5. Open the brackets using Present Simple

John 1 ____(ride) a bike well but he 2____(notride) a horse. His sister 3____(be) good at horse riding. She 4 ____(go) riding every day. She 5 ____(own) a white horse. It 6 _____(like) carrots.

6. Fill in: There is or There are

___some records in the room____a chair in the room._____some dogs in the park.____a car in the garage._____some flowers on the vase._____some meat on the plate.

7. Choose the correct item

1.I always _____to music in the evening.
A listen B listens C listening
2.Mother ______ dinner every day.
A cook B cookies C cooks
3.They often _____ to the cinema.
A go B gos C goes

8. Write complete sentences about your friend.

Occupation: ______________________
Eyes: ____________________________
Family: ___________________________

9. Fill in the gaps with family words


  1. Henry and Diana are Sarah and Jack’s_______.
  2. John and George are Sarah and Jack’s_________.
  3. Amelia and Sandra are Sarah and Jack’s_______.
  4. Sarah is Amelia, John, George and Sandra’s ________. Jack is their _______ .

10. Describe the people


1. Caroline’s got_____________________

2. Dick’s got__________________________


Вариант 1

Вариант 2

Количество баллов

Задание 1

Задание 1


  1. 10
  2. Susan
  3. 5
  4. Smith
  5. 14
  1. 10
  2. Susan
  3. 5
  4. Smith
  5. 14

Задание 2

Задание 2


  • He is a postman
  • They are doctors.
  • It is a cat.
  • She is a hairdresser.
  • They are brushes.
  • He is a baker.
  • It is a tennis ball.
  • He is a singer.

Задание 3

  1. Are they apples?

No, they aren’t.

They are tomatoes.

  1. Is it a bear?

No it isn’t.

It is a bird.

Задание 3


  1. Is she a teacher?

No, she isn’t.

She is a photographer

2. Are they tomatoes?

No, they aren’t.

They are flowers.

Задание 4

Задание 4


Sarah and I are sisters.
Ben and Tim are at school.
Horses and cows are animals.
Peter and I are brothers.
England is a country.
Tim is from America.

Задание 5

Задание 5


  1. works
  2. teaches
  3. doesn’t work
  5. is
  6. love
  1. rides
  2. doesn’t ride
  3. is
  4. goes
  5. owns

Задание 6

Задание 6


  1. There are
  2. There is
  3. There are
  4. There is
  5. There is
  6. There is
  1. There are
  2. There is
  3. There are
  4. There is
  5. There are
  6. There is

Задание 7

Задание 7


  1. A
  2. B
  3. B
  1. A
  2. C
  3. A

Задание 8

Задание 8


Students’ answers

Students’ answers

Задание 9

Задание 9


  1. husband/ father
  2. wife/ mother
  3. sister/brother
  4. grandfather/grandmother
  1. grandparents (grandmother and granfather)
  2. uncles
  3. aunts
  4. niece/nephew

Задание 10

Задание 10


  1. Suzanne’s got long hair, a straight nose and small eyes.
  2. Jeff’s got short hair, dark beard, small eyes and a straight nose.
  1. Caroline’s got long hair, a hooked nose and small eyes
  2. 2. Dick’s got shoulder length hair, moustache., small eyes and a pointed nose

Шкала оценки образовательных достижений

Процент результативности (правильных ответов)

Оценка уровня подготовки

балл (отметка)

вербальный аналог










59 и менее



Перевод результатов контрольной работы в шкалу оценки образовательных достижений

Оценка уровня подготовки

балл за выполнение задания

балл (отметка)

вербальный аналог










25 и менее




Упр. 1

  1. Sarah and I am sisters.

  2. Ben and Tim is at school.

  3. Horses and cows is animals.

  4. England are a country.

  5. Tim are from America.

  6. Jane is an painter

  7. I have got an uniform.

  8. Helen is not at the home.

  9. The pyramids are in the Egypt.

  10. It is a hourglass.

  11. The Mark is a student.

  12. I have got a milk.

  13. It is an house.

  14. An earth is an planet.

  15. They have got a old car.

Упр. 2

  1. Mine room is big.

  2. The tail of the dog is long.

  3. The womens’ dresses are red.

  4. Are those pencils your?

  5. That is Mike’s and Helen’s house.

  6. Whose are these rackets? They’re their.

  7. This is hers book.

  8. Those are Rita and Jim’s bicycle.

  9. Is that Kates’ hat?

  10. The house’s windows are green.

  11. There is a elephant in the garden.

  12. That’s Bill’s car. It’s him.

  13. There are wolfs in the forest.

  14. There is a bread on the table.

  15. There is a money in my pocket.


  1. They go to the school every day.

  2. My bicycle has got two wheel.

  3. She’s got an book.

  4. We looking for a new flat.

  5. I am play tennis now.

  6. George and Mary is watching a film.

  7. What are you do?

  8. You isn’t listening to the teacher.

  9. He reading a magazine.

  10. Tim and Ann are my cousins. Them live in Germany.

  11. This is my jacket. Give it to I.

  12. Pass me the photos. I want to look at it.

  13. It’s Mike phoning. Him wants to talk to you.

  14. Are you going to the park? – Yes, come with I.

  15. Don’t opens the window.


  1. Have you got some sugar?

  2. There is any bread.

  3. There are some pie.

  4. Is there somebody in the room?

  5. We haven’t got some ham.

  6. There isn’t nobody in the garden.

  7. There isn’t no bacon.

  8. Have you got nothing in your bag?

  9. He don’t speak English.

  10. He is swimming every morning.

  11. Does you work in a bank?

  12. I have dinner now.

  13. Mark walk to school every day.

  14. Kate is liking pizza.

  15. The sun is rising in the east.

Упр 5.

  1. Susan and Joe lives in New York.

  2. We are needing some sugar.

  3. There is very few soup in the bowl.

  4. How much carrots are there in the fridge?

  5. Rita has got much money.

  6. There are a little people in the shop.

  7. Mike hasn’t got much friends.

  8. There is a few snow in the mountains.

  9. How much deer can you see in the picture?

  10. I have got little CDs but a lot of cassettes.

  11. There are much animals in the zoo.

  12. How many sugar is there in the bowl?

  13. I need to buy any things in the shop.

  14. Little people swim in the sea in winter.

  15. I haven’t got no time.

Упр 6.

  1. I want nothing nice to eat.

  2. I’m going swimming every week.

  3. The bus stops anywhere near the park.

  4. Let’s to go shopping.

  5. How much oranges are there in the bowl?

  6. He washes the dog at the moment.

  7. He’s got very few bread.

  8. Can I have a little strawberries?

  9. They are very clevers girls.

  10. We has got a new car.

  11. There are a few lion in the zoo.

  12. Peter always do his homework.

  13. Go you to bed now.

  14. There isn’t some sugar in my coffee.

  15. I lives with my parents and two little sisters.

Упр 7.

  1. Did Jim had a bath yesterday?

  2. There was a telephone call for me.

  3. Was your parents on holiday in June?

  4. Mary had not a party yesterday.

  5. There weren’t not any biscuits left in the tin.

  6. I have broke a vase yesterday.

  7. Were you be in Paris last year?

  8. Tom has ever eaten all the fruit.

  9. There were not no people at the bus stop.

  10. Alex already cut his finger yesterday.

  11. John hasn’t never phoned me yet.

  12. I have lived here since ten years.

  13. There isn’t somebody in the garden.

  14. We are going the party tonight?

  15. I do always my homework in the evenings.

Упр 8.

  1. We bought some new furnitures yesterday.

  2. Simon has already go to work.

  3. You will to pass your exams.

  4. Philip hasn’t got many free time today.

  5. I just have finished my breakfast.

  6. We have eaten chicken last evening.

  7. Tom usually is late for work.

  8. There aren’t much people in this office.

  9. Dad didn’t went to work yesterday.

  10. Philip didn’t wake up yet.

  11. I did saw your brother last week.

  12. Peter and Jenny go to the south next week.

  13. Did you laughed at the play?

  14. Sam hasn’t feed the cat yet.

  15. Pavel didn’t visit his granny yet.

Упр 9.

  1. Chris is more cleverer than Scott.

  2. Jill is prettier from Silvia.

  3. Chocolate ice-cream is more delicious of all.

  4. She is a very taller woman.

  5. The bus is longest than my car.

  6. A Fiat isn’t as more expensive as a Porsche.

  7. We have never read such a more interesting book.

  8. The film is better of all.

  9. Stella has never met such a friendlier teacher.

  10. Sweden is coldest country in Europe.

  11. Germany is biger than Great Britain.

  12. The dog runs fastier than the elephant.

  13. He is taller man in the world.

  14. I’m the youngest than my sister.

  15. The picture is good of all.

Упр 10.

  1. He has never travelled abroad, hasn’t she?

  2. Who did told you about Susan’s wedding?

  3. What car is yours: Opel or Fiat?

  4. How many money did you pay?

  5. He has lunch at home every day, hasn’t he?

  6. Don’t be late tonight, won’t you?

  7. What time you are flying tomorrow?

  8. I must having a bath.

  9. You can’t to go out tonight.

  10. Shall you water the flowers this afternoon?

  11. He must studies hard for his exams.

  12. She must helping her mother today.

  13. They needn’t to stay here any more.

  14. I can’t do puzzles when I was four years old.

  15. You may not go there. It’s forbidden.

Упр 11

  1. I would like going to America next year.

  2. He enjoys to dance.

  3. Why did you go to the library? – Borrowing a book.

  4. I must to wash my hair tonight.

  5. Do you know how skiing?

  6. She goes to run every Thursday evening.

  7. Have you got too time to come shopping with me?

  8. I’m too tall to reach the top cupboard.

  9. You are short enough to touch the ceiling.

  10. He will leaving school when he’s eighteen.

  11. I have got lots of friends. Neither of them has got blond hair.

  12. Steven has got two cars. All of them are red.

  13. My sister and I are short. Both of us is tall.

  14. There are seven people here. Both of them are women.

  15. Lucy has got two cars. All of them is black.

Упр 12.

  1. You must to try to be more patient.

  2. She is very old enough to travel alone.

  3. Susan hasn’t ever been to Turkey before.

  4. They enjoy playing the basketball.

  5. Irene is more friendlier then Kate.

  6. Helen often come to work late.

  7. I can’t find something I like.

  8. This is Alison jumper.

  9. You don’t like football, you do?

  10. They live in Moscow for ten years.

  11. Tom hasn’t enjoyed the party last night.

  12. He has a meeting now.

  13. Don’t play music – you wake up the baby.

  14. We go on holiday to Italy last year.

  15. I stay with my friends at the moment.

Список использованной литературы:

  1. J. Dooley, V. Evans. Grammarway 1.

  2. V. Evans. Roung Up 3.

Материал опубликовала

Огинская Юлия Валерьевна1942

Children must be taught how to think, not what to think.

Россия, Ростовская обл., Ростов-на-Дону

Тест по английскому языку

Огинская Ю.В. ГАПОУ РО «РКТМ»


Тест предназначен для студентов 1 курса технических специальностей СПО для проверки усвоения знаний по грамматическим темам: Present Simple, There is/are; лексическим темам: family, appearance.

Тест включает в себя 2 варианта, вопросы открытого и закрытого типа.

Время на выполнение теста: 45 минут.

Контрольно-измерительные материалы

Variant I

1. Listen to the text and write a name or a number


WAV / 11.65 Мб

  1. How old is he?
  2. What’s his friend’s name?
  3. Which class are they in at school?
  4. What’s his teacher’s name?
  5. Where is his school? _____Apple Street

2. Look at the pictures and fill in: he/she/it is or they are


  1. ______ a postman.
  2. ______doctors.
  3. _______a cat.
  4. ________a hairdresser

 3. Write questions and answers as in the example


Are they singers? No, they aren’t. They’re dancers.


1. ______________apples?




2._____________ a bear?


_______________ a bird.

4. Correct the mistakes

  • Sarah and I am sisters.
  • Ben and Tim is at school.
  • Horses and cows is animals.

5. Open the brackets using Present Simple

Mr. Brown 1 ______ (work) in a college. He 2__________ (teach) English. He 3______(not/go) to work on Saturdays. He 4 ___(like) his job and he 5____(be) a good teacher. His students 6_____ (love) him.

6. Fill in: There is or There are

  1. _____some cats in the garden.
  2. _________some milk in the bottle.
  3. ______ some books on the desk.
  4. _______some cheese on the table.
  5. _______some coffee in the cup.
  6. _______some bread in the cupboard

7. Choose the correct item

1.She ____ breakfast every morning.

A eats B eat C eating

2.We usually ____ basketball on Saturdays

A plays B play C plaies

3.He _____ in the garden at the weekends.

A dig B digs C digges

8. Write complete sentences about you

Occupation: ______________________
Eyes: ____________________________
Family: ___________________________

9. Fill in the gaps with family words


1.Paul is Anne’s _____ and Sarah and Jack’s ______.

2.Anne is Paul’s ______ and Sarah and Jack’s ______.

3.Sarah is Jack’s_____. Jack is Sarah’s_________.

4.Henry is Sarah and Jack’s __________. Diana is their__________.

10. Describe the people


1. Suzanna’s got_____________________

2. Jeff’s got__________________________

Variant II

1. Listen to the text and write a name or a number

WAV / 11.65 Мб

  1. How old is he?
  2. What’s his friend’s name?
  3. Which class are they in at school?
  4. What’s his teacher’s name?
  5. Where is his school? _____Apple Street

2. Look at the pictures and fill in: he/she/it is or they are


  1. ____ brushes.
  2. ____ a baker.
  3. ____ a tennis ball.
  4. ____ a singer.

3. Write questions and answers as in the example


Are they singers?  No, they aren’t.  They’re dancers.


1. ______________a teacher?


________________a photographer.


2._____________ tomatoes?


_______________ flowers.

4. Correct the mistakes

  • Peter and I is brothers.
  • England are a country.
  • Tim are from America.

5. Open the brackets using Present Simple

John 1 ____(ride) a bike well but he 2____(notride) a horse. His sister 3____(be) good at horse riding. She 4 ____(go) riding every day. She 5 ____(own) a white horse. It 6 _____(like) carrots.

6. Fill in: There is or There are

___some records in the room____a chair in the room._____some dogs in the park.____a car in the garage._____some flowers on the vase._____some meat on the plate.

7. Choose the correct item

1.I always _____to music in the evening.
A listen B listens C listening
2.Mother ______ dinner every day.
A cook B cookies C cooks
3.They often _____ to the cinema.
A go B gos C goes

8. Write complete sentences about your friend.

Occupation: ______________________
Eyes: ____________________________
Family: ___________________________

9. Fill in the gaps with family words


  1. Henry and Diana are Sarah and Jack’s_______.
  2. John and George are Sarah and Jack’s_________.
  3. Amelia and Sandra are Sarah and Jack’s_______.
  4. Sarah is Amelia, John, George and Sandra’s ________. Jack is their _______ .

10. Describe the people


1. Caroline’s got_____________________

2. Dick’s got__________________________


Вариант 1

Вариант 2

Количество баллов

Задание 1

Задание 1


  1. 10
  2. Susan
  3. 5
  4. Smith
  5. 14
  1. 10
  2. Susan
  3. 5
  4. Smith
  5. 14

Задание 2

Задание 2


  • He is a postman
  • They are doctors.
  • It is a cat.
  • She is a hairdresser.
  • They are brushes.
  • He is a baker.
  • It is a tennis ball.
  • He is a singer.

Задание 3

  1. Are they apples?

No, they aren’t.

They are tomatoes.

  1. Is it a bear?

No it isn’t.

It is a bird.

Задание 3


  1. Is she a teacher?

No, she isn’t.

She is a photographer

2. Are they tomatoes?

No, they aren’t.

They are flowers.

Задание 4

Задание 4


Sarah and I are sisters.
Ben and Tim are at school.
Horses and cows are animals.
Peter and I are brothers.
England is a country.
Tim is from America.

Задание 5

Задание 5


  1. works
  2. teaches
  3. doesn’t work
  5. is
  6. love
  1. rides
  2. doesn’t ride
  3. is
  4. goes
  5. owns

Задание 6

Задание 6


  1. There are
  2. There is
  3. There are
  4. There is
  5. There is
  6. There is
  1. There are
  2. There is
  3. There are
  4. There is
  5. There are
  6. There is

Задание 7

Задание 7


  1. A
  2. B
  3. B
  1. A
  2. C
  3. A

Задание 8

Задание 8


Students’ answers

Students’ answers

Задание 9

Задание 9


  1. husband/ father
  2. wife/ mother
  3. sister/brother
  4. grandfather/grandmother
  1. grandparents (grandmother and granfather)
  2. uncles
  3. aunts
  4. niece/nephew

Задание 10

Задание 10


  1. Suzanne’s got long hair, a straight nose and small eyes.
  2. Jeff’s got short hair, dark beard, small eyes and a straight nose.
  1. Caroline’s got long hair, a hooked nose and small eyes
  2. 2. Dick’s got shoulder length hair, moustache., small eyes and a pointed nose

Шкала оценки образовательных достижений

Процент результативности (правильных ответов)

Оценка уровня подготовки

балл (отметка)

вербальный аналог










59 и менее



Перевод результатов контрольной работы в шкалу оценки образовательных достижений

Оценка уровня подготовки

балл за выполнение задания

балл (отметка)

вербальный аналог










25 и менее



Опубликовано 04.11.20 в 13:15



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  1. Complete.
    Use am, is, are.


years old


best friends….. Jack and Sue.


  1. Draw
    and complete for you and two friends.


old. My best friends …………………….



  1. Write
    true answers.

  1. Are
    you a student?

  2. Are
    you from the USA?

  3. Where
    are you from?

  4. Are
    you twelve?

  5. How
    old are you?

  6. Is
    your friend from Rome?

  7. Where
    is your friend from?

  1. Write
    the plural.

  1. She
    is a girl.

  2. He
    is a teacher.

  3. It
    is a deer.

  4. I
    am a boy.

  5. You
    are a child.

  6. I
    am a banker.

  7. It
    is a box.

  1. Correct
    the mistakes.

  1. Sarah
    and I am sisters.

  2. Ben
    and Tim is at school.

  3. Horses
    and cows is animals.

  4. England
    are a country.

  5. Tim
    are from America.

  1. Read
    the information and write a short text about this person.

Lucy Surname: Pitt




  1. Read
    and complete.

  1. …….she
    a dancer? No,…………….

  2. …….they
    from Japan? Yes,……….

  3. …….he
    a bus driver? No,………….

  4. …….it
    a pet? No,………………..

  5. …….they
    dirty? Yes,………………

  6. …….Mary
    from Italy? No,…………

  7. .……Mr
    Dane a doctor? Yes,………

  8. …….that
    Kim? No,………………..

  9. …….you
    a pilot? No,………………

  10. …….they
    penguins? Yes,…………..

  11. …….you
    dancers? Yes,…………….

  12. …….they
    brown? No,………………

  1. Turn
    these sentences into negative.

  1. She
    is a young girl.

  2. I
    am a detective.

  3. They
    are ugly cats.

  4. We
    are strong girls.

  5. Steven
    is from England.

  6. You
    are a nurse.

  7. He’s
    a basketball player.

  8. They
    are bottles.

  9. That
    is a fish.

  10. The
    black cat is small.

  11. This
    boy is lazy.

  1. Write
    questions using the verb to be and some of these words.


Соседние файлы в предмете [НЕСОРТИРОВАННОЕ]

  • #
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • #


Sarah and me are sisters

Ben and Tim are at school

Horses and cows are animals

England is the country

Tim is from America

Jain is a painter

I have a uniform

Helen is not home

Pyramids are at the Egypt

It is an hourglass

Mark is a student

I have milk

This is house

The Earth is a planet

They have an old car

My room is big

The dog’s tail is long

Women dresses are red

Are these your pencils?

It is theirs

This is her book

These bicycle are Rita and Jim

Is that Kate’s hat?

Windows of this house are green

There is an elephant in the garden

This Bill’s car.

There are wolves in the forest

There is bread on the table

There is money in my pocket

I like this novel better than that.
He visits them more frequently than us.
Which of The sportsman ran faster at The competition?
Which of all these plays did you enjoy the most?
Which of these two performances did you enjoy more?

<span>3. D) everywhere in the world.
4. C) Strong.
5. B) are
6. B) amusing
7. E) wonder
8. E) a | the
9. B) for | of
10. C) Humouristic
11. A) –th.
12. E) Himself. </span>

Nurses give medicines to their patients.
 Many doctors and nurses work at our hospital.
Every morning doctors examine their patients.
The ward doctor prescribes some medicine or injections.


<span>Everybody knows that the Scottish
people have 1 <u>a</u> great sense of humour and that they love to tell jokes.
In fact, Scottish jokes, especially about the English, are funnier 2 <u>than</u>
most jokes i have ever heard. Let me give you an example.
One day, a man from London, 3 <u>who</u> was on holiday, arrived in Glasgow,
Scotland. He was there to visit his cousin but when he got 4 <u>off</u> the
train at the station there was no one at the train station to meet him. The
Londoner was upset about about 5 <u>it</u> but he was even more upset because
of the weather. It 6 <u>was</u> pouring down with rain.
The Londoner waited for about thirty minutes and then decided to get a taxi to
a hotel. 7 <u>While</u> he was trying to find a taxi, he got wetter and wetter
and more and more angry. A taxi finally stopped for 8 <u>him</u> and after
putting his luggage in the boot, he climbed into the taxi. The first thing he
did was ask the driver 9 <u>how</u> long it had been raining. To his surprise,
the driver replied, «i don’t know, sir. I have 10 <u>only </u>(не уверена) been living here
for twenty years.»


Вставьте глагол to be (am/is/are)

1.     Cindy ______ my best friend.

2.     Peter and Kate ______ classmates.

3.     Johnny _______ my brother.

4.     You _______ a good student.

5.     They ______ in the classroom.

6.     It ______ an apple.

7.     Felicia and I ______ sisters.

8.     I _____ her teacher.

9.     It _______ a book bag.

10.  You _______ a doctor.

Поставьте слова в
предложениях в правильном порядке.

1.         I / not / a
teacher. / am                       

2.         She / my mother.
/ is                         

3.         The boys /
playful. / are                    

4.         The girl / in the
room. / is                 

5.         We / not / are /
at home.                    

6.         My dad / smart.
/ is                           

7.         My mother / a
housewife. / is

8.         She / not / my
sister. / is                    

The teacher / angry. / is

10.  The dog / smart. / is

Исправьте ошибки и
запишите правильный вариант.

1. Sarah and I am sisters.

2. Ben and Tim is at school.

3. Horses and cows is animals.

4. England are a country.

5. Tim are from America.

Вставьте глагол to be (am/is/are)

1. Cindy ______ my best

2. Peter and Kate ______

3. Johnny _______ my brother.

4. You _______ a good

5. They ______ in the

6. It ______ an apple.

7. Felicia and I ______

8. I _____ her teacher.

9. It _______ a book bag.

10. You _______ a doctor.

Поставьте слова в
предложениях в правильном порядке.

1.         I / not / a
teacher. / am                       

2.         She / my mother.
/ is                         

3.         The boys /
playful. / are                    

4.         The girl / in
the room. / is                 

5.         We / not / are /
at home.                    

6.         My dad / smart.
/ is                           

7.         My mother / a
housewife. / is

8.         She / not / my
sister. / is                    

The teacher / angry. / is

10.  The dog / smart. / is

Исправьте ошибки и
запишите правильный вариант.

1. Sarah and I am sisters.

2. Ben and Tim is at school.

3. Horses and cows is animals.

4. England are a country.

5. Tim are from America.

Вставьте глагол to be (am/is/are)

1. Cindy ______ my best

2. Peter and Kate ______

3. Johnny _______ my

4. You _______ a good

5. They ______ in the

6. It ______ an apple.

7. Felicia and I ______

8. I _____ her teacher.

9. It _______ a book bag.

10. You _______ a doctor.

Поставьте слова в
предложениях в правильном порядке.

1.         I / not / a
teacher. / am                       

2.         She / my mother.
/ is                         

3.         The boys /
playful. / are                    

4.         The girl / in
the room. / is                 

5.         We / not / are /
at home.                    

6.         My dad / smart.
/ is                           

7.         My mother / a
housewife. / is

8.         She / not / my
sister. / is                    

The teacher / angry. / is

10.  The dog / smart. / is

Исправьте ошибки и
запишите правильный вариант.

1. Sarah and I am sisters.

2. Ben and Tim is at school.

3. Horses and cows is animals.

4. England are a country.

5. Tim are from America.

Главная » Английский язык — 5 — 9 классы

Ответ №1


a) Sarah and I are sisters.

b) Ben and Tim are at school.

c) Horses and cows are animals.

d) England is a country.

e) Tim is from America.


Упр. 1

  1. Sarah and I am sisters.

  2. Ben and Tim is at school.

  3. Horses and cows is animals.

  4. England are a country.

  5. Tim are from America.

  6. Jane is an painter

  7. I have got an uniform.

  8. Helen is not at the home.

  9. The pyramids are in the Egypt.

  10. It is a hourglass.

  11. The Mark is a student.

  12. I have got a milk.

  13. It is an house.

  14. An earth is an planet.

  15. They have got a old car.

Упр. 2

  1. Mine room is big.

  2. The tail of the dog is long.

  3. The womens’ dresses are red.

  4. Are those pencils your?

  5. That is Mike’s and Helen’s house.

  6. Whose are these rackets? They’re their.

  7. This is hers book.

  8. Those are Rita and Jim’s bicycle.

  9. Is that Kates’ hat?

  10. The house’s windows are green.

  11. There is a elephant in the garden.

  12. That’s Bill’s car. It’s him.

  13. There are wolfs in the forest.

  14. There is a bread on the table.

  15. There is a money in my pocket.


  1. They go to the school every day.

  2. My bicycle has got two wheel.

  3. She’s got an book.

  4. We looking for a new flat.

  5. I am play tennis now.

  6. George and Mary is watching a film.

  7. What are you do?

  8. You isn’t listening to the teacher.

  9. He reading a magazine.

  10. Tim and Ann are my cousins. Them live in Germany.

  11. This is my jacket. Give it to I.

  12. Pass me the photos. I want to look at it.

  13. It’s Mike phoning. Him wants to talk to you.

  14. Are you going to the park? – Yes, come with I.

  15. Don’t opens the window.


  1. Have you got some sugar?

  2. There is any bread.

  3. There are some pie.

  4. Is there somebody in the room?

  5. We haven’t got some ham.

  6. There isn’t nobody in the garden.

  7. There isn’t no bacon.

  8. Have you got nothing in your bag?

  9. He don’t speak English.

  10. He is swimming every morning.

  11. Does you work in a bank?

  12. I have dinner now.

  13. Mark walk to school every day.

  14. Kate is liking pizza.

  15. The sun is rising in the east.

Упр 5.

  1. Susan and Joe lives in New York.

  2. We are needing some sugar.

  3. There is very few soup in the bowl.

  4. How much carrots are there in the fridge?

  5. Rita has got much money.

  6. There are a little people in the shop.

  7. Mike hasn’t got much friends.

  8. There is a few snow in the mountains.

  9. How much deer can you see in the picture?

  10. I have got little CDs but a lot of cassettes.

  11. There are much animals in the zoo.

  12. How many sugar is there in the bowl?

  13. I need to buy any things in the shop.

  14. Little people swim in the sea in winter.

  15. I haven’t got no time.

Упр 6.

  1. I want nothing nice to eat.

  2. I’m going swimming every week.

  3. The bus stops anywhere near the park.

  4. Let’s to go shopping.

  5. How much oranges are there in the bowl?

  6. He washes the dog at the moment.

  7. He’s got very few bread.

  8. Can I have a little strawberries?

  9. They are very clevers girls.

  10. We has got a new car.

  11. There are a few lion in the zoo.

  12. Peter always do his homework.

  13. Go you to bed now.

  14. There isn’t some sugar in my coffee.

  15. I lives with my parents and two little sisters.

Упр 7.

  1. Did Jim had a bath yesterday?

  2. There was a telephone call for me.

  3. Was your parents on holiday in June?

  4. Mary had not a party yesterday.

  5. There weren’t not any biscuits left in the tin.

  6. I have broke a vase yesterday.

  7. Were you be in Paris last year?

  8. Tom has ever eaten all the fruit.

  9. There were not no people at the bus stop.

  10. Alex already cut his finger yesterday.

  11. John hasn’t never phoned me yet.

  12. I have lived here since ten years.

  13. There isn’t somebody in the garden.

  14. We are going the party tonight?

  15. I do always my homework in the evenings.

Упр 8.

  1. We bought some new furnitures yesterday.

  2. Simon has already go to work.

  3. You will to pass your exams.

  4. Philip hasn’t got many free time today.

  5. I just have finished my breakfast.

  6. We have eaten chicken last evening.

  7. Tom usually is late for work.

  8. There aren’t much people in this office.

  9. Dad didn’t went to work yesterday.

  10. Philip didn’t wake up yet.

  11. I did saw your brother last week.

  12. Peter and Jenny go to the south next week.

  13. Did you laughed at the play?

  14. Sam hasn’t feed the cat yet.

  15. Pavel didn’t visit his granny yet.

Упр 9.

  1. Chris is more cleverer than Scott.

  2. Jill is prettier from Silvia.

  3. Chocolate ice-cream is more delicious of all.

  4. She is a very taller woman.

  5. The bus is longest than my car.

  6. A Fiat isn’t as more expensive as a Porsche.

  7. We have never read such a more interesting book.

  8. The film is better of all.

  9. Stella has never met such a friendlier teacher.

  10. Sweden is coldest country in Europe.

  11. Germany is biger than Great Britain.

  12. The dog runs fastier than the elephant.

  13. He is taller man in the world.

  14. I’m the youngest than my sister.

  15. The picture is good of all.

Упр 10.

  1. He has never travelled abroad, hasn’t she?

  2. Who did told you about Susan’s wedding?

  3. What car is yours: Opel or Fiat?

  4. How many money did you pay?

  5. He has lunch at home every day, hasn’t he?

  6. Don’t be late tonight, won’t you?

  7. What time you are flying tomorrow?

  8. I must having a bath.

  9. You can’t to go out tonight.

  10. Shall you water the flowers this afternoon?

  11. He must studies hard for his exams.

  12. She must helping her mother today.

  13. They needn’t to stay here any more.

  14. I can’t do puzzles when I was four years old.

  15. You may not go there. It’s forbidden.

Упр 11

  1. I would like going to America next year.

  2. He enjoys to dance.

  3. Why did you go to the library? – Borrowing a book.

  4. I must to wash my hair tonight.

  5. Do you know how skiing?

  6. She goes to run every Thursday evening.

  7. Have you got too time to come shopping with me?

  8. I’m too tall to reach the top cupboard.

  9. You are short enough to touch the ceiling.

  10. He will leaving school when he’s eighteen.

  11. I have got lots of friends. Neither of them has got blond hair.

  12. Steven has got two cars. All of them are red.

  13. My sister and I are short. Both of us is tall.

  14. There are seven people here. Both of them are women.

  15. Lucy has got two cars. All of them is black.

Упр 12.

  1. You must to try to be more patient.

  2. She is very old enough to travel alone.

  3. Susan hasn’t ever been to Turkey before.

  4. They enjoy playing the basketball.

  5. Irene is more friendlier then Kate.

  6. Helen often come to work late.

  7. I can’t find something I like.

  8. This is Alison jumper.

  9. You don’t like football, you do?

  10. They live in Moscow for ten years.

  11. Tom hasn’t enjoyed the party last night.

  12. He has a meeting now.

  13. Don’t play music – you wake up the baby.

  14. We go on holiday to Italy last year.

  15. I stay with my friends at the moment.

Список использованной литературы:

  1. J. Dooley, V. Evans. Grammarway 1.

  2. V. Evans. Roung Up 3.



July 2023

СРОЧНО ИСПРАВИТЬ ОШИБКИ СРОЧНОР1 Sarah and I am sisters. 2 Ben and Tim is at school. 3 England are a country. 7 Tim are from America. даю 25 балов ​

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Sarah and I are sisters.

Ben and Tim are at school.

England is a country.

Tim is from America.

0 votes
Thanks 2


1. Sarah and I are sisters.

2. Ben and Tim are at school.

3. England is a country.

4. Tim is from America.

1 votes
Thanks 0

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