Исправьте ошибки have you got some sugar

Исправьте ошибки.
1 Have you got some sugar?
2 There is any bread.
3 There are some pie.
4 Is there nobody in the room?
5 We haven\’t got some ham.
6 There isn\’t nobody in the garden.
7 There isn\’t no bacon.
8 Have you got nothing in your bag?


Светило науки — 3 ответа — 0 раз оказано помощи

1 Have you got any sugar?
2 There is some bread
3 There are any pie
4 Is there are nodoby in the room?
5 We are haven t got some ham
6 There aren t nobody in the garden
7 There isn t no some bacon
8 Have you got some nothing in your bag?

Исправьте ошибки.

1 Have you got some sugar?

2 There is any bread.

3 There are some pie.

4 Is there nobody in the room?

5 We haven’t got some ham.

6 There isn’t nobody in the garden.

7 There isn’t no bacon.

8 Have you got nothing in your bag?

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Английский язык. По уровню сложности данный вопрос соответствует знаниям
учащихся 5 — 9 классов. Здесь вы найдете правильный ответ, сможете
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    Ребяятт, сколько будет 8*13? ПОМОГИТЕЕЕЕЕЕ ПОЖАЛУЙСТАААААА

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  • Русский язык

    2 минуты назад

    Семейная прогулка Воскресным днём как обычно мы всей семьёй пошли гулять в зимнем парке несмотря на погоду. Конечно каждый раз мама волнуется что мы простынем. А бабушка её переубеждает так как знает что прогулки полезны. Но едва подует ветерок мы идём домой. С братом мы любим кататься на ледяных горках а если выходят ребята с соседних дворов нам становится веселее оттого что мы вместе можем поиграть и слепить снеговика. И каждый раз мы возвращались с прогулки домой очень счастливыми хотя мама нас часто ругает за промокшую одежду. Лишь отец посмеялся и сказал чтобы мы проводили время с друзьями пока маленькие. РАССТАВИТЬ ЗАПЯТЫЕ!!!!!! помогите пожалуйста, срочно​


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Опубликовано 3 года назад по предмету
Английский язык
от serebrennikova2003

  1. Ответ

    Ответ дан

    1 Have you got any sugar?
    2 There is some bread
    3 There are any pie
    4 Is there are nodoby in the room?
    5 We are haven t got some ham
    6 There aren t nobody in the garden
    7 There isn t no some bacon
    8 Have you got some nothing in your bag?

    1. Ответ

      Ответ дан

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Упр. 1

  1. Sarah and I am sisters.

  2. Ben and Tim is at school.

  3. Horses and cows is animals.

  4. England are a country.

  5. Tim are from America.

  6. Jane is an painter

  7. I have got an uniform.

  8. Helen is not at the home.

  9. The pyramids are in the Egypt.

  10. It is a hourglass.

  11. The Mark is a student.

  12. I have got a milk.

  13. It is an house.

  14. An earth is an planet.

  15. They have got a old car.

Упр. 2

  1. Mine room is big.

  2. The tail of the dog is long.

  3. The womens’ dresses are red.

  4. Are those pencils your?

  5. That is Mike’s and Helen’s house.

  6. Whose are these rackets? They’re their.

  7. This is hers book.

  8. Those are Rita and Jim’s bicycle.

  9. Is that Kates’ hat?

  10. The house’s windows are green.

  11. There is a elephant in the garden.

  12. That’s Bill’s car. It’s him.

  13. There are wolfs in the forest.

  14. There is a bread on the table.

  15. There is a money in my pocket.


  1. They go to the school every day.

  2. My bicycle has got two wheel.

  3. She’s got an book.

  4. We looking for a new flat.

  5. I am play tennis now.

  6. George and Mary is watching a film.

  7. What are you do?

  8. You isn’t listening to the teacher.

  9. He reading a magazine.

  10. Tim and Ann are my cousins. Them live in Germany.

  11. This is my jacket. Give it to I.

  12. Pass me the photos. I want to look at it.

  13. It’s Mike phoning. Him wants to talk to you.

  14. Are you going to the park? – Yes, come with I.

  15. Don’t opens the window.


  1. Have you got some sugar?

  2. There is any bread.

  3. There are some pie.

  4. Is there somebody in the room?

  5. We haven’t got some ham.

  6. There isn’t nobody in the garden.

  7. There isn’t no bacon.

  8. Have you got nothing in your bag?

  9. He don’t speak English.

  10. He is swimming every morning.

  11. Does you work in a bank?

  12. I have dinner now.

  13. Mark walk to school every day.

  14. Kate is liking pizza.

  15. The sun is rising in the east.

Упр 5.

  1. Susan and Joe lives in New York.

  2. We are needing some sugar.

  3. There is very few soup in the bowl.

  4. How much carrots are there in the fridge?

  5. Rita has got much money.

  6. There are a little people in the shop.

  7. Mike hasn’t got much friends.

  8. There is a few snow in the mountains.

  9. How much deer can you see in the picture?

  10. I have got little CDs but a lot of cassettes.

  11. There are much animals in the zoo.

  12. How many sugar is there in the bowl?

  13. I need to buy any things in the shop.

  14. Little people swim in the sea in winter.

  15. I haven’t got no time.

Упр 6.

  1. I want nothing nice to eat.

  2. I’m going swimming every week.

  3. The bus stops anywhere near the park.

  4. Let’s to go shopping.

  5. How much oranges are there in the bowl?

  6. He washes the dog at the moment.

  7. He’s got very few bread.

  8. Can I have a little strawberries?

  9. They are very clevers girls.

  10. We has got a new car.

  11. There are a few lion in the zoo.

  12. Peter always do his homework.

  13. Go you to bed now.

  14. There isn’t some sugar in my coffee.

  15. I lives with my parents and two little sisters.

Упр 7.

  1. Did Jim had a bath yesterday?

  2. There was a telephone call for me.

  3. Was your parents on holiday in June?

  4. Mary had not a party yesterday.

  5. There weren’t not any biscuits left in the tin.

  6. I have broke a vase yesterday.

  7. Were you be in Paris last year?

  8. Tom has ever eaten all the fruit.

  9. There were not no people at the bus stop.

  10. Alex already cut his finger yesterday.

  11. John hasn’t never phoned me yet.

  12. I have lived here since ten years.

  13. There isn’t somebody in the garden.

  14. We are going the party tonight?

  15. I do always my homework in the evenings.

Упр 8.

  1. We bought some new furnitures yesterday.

  2. Simon has already go to work.

  3. You will to pass your exams.

  4. Philip hasn’t got many free time today.

  5. I just have finished my breakfast.

  6. We have eaten chicken last evening.

  7. Tom usually is late for work.

  8. There aren’t much people in this office.

  9. Dad didn’t went to work yesterday.

  10. Philip didn’t wake up yet.

  11. I did saw your brother last week.

  12. Peter and Jenny go to the south next week.

  13. Did you laughed at the play?

  14. Sam hasn’t feed the cat yet.

  15. Pavel didn’t visit his granny yet.

Упр 9.

  1. Chris is more cleverer than Scott.

  2. Jill is prettier from Silvia.

  3. Chocolate ice-cream is more delicious of all.

  4. She is a very taller woman.

  5. The bus is longest than my car.

  6. A Fiat isn’t as more expensive as a Porsche.

  7. We have never read such a more interesting book.

  8. The film is better of all.

  9. Stella has never met such a friendlier teacher.

  10. Sweden is coldest country in Europe.

  11. Germany is biger than Great Britain.

  12. The dog runs fastier than the elephant.

  13. He is taller man in the world.

  14. I’m the youngest than my sister.

  15. The picture is good of all.

Упр 10.

  1. He has never travelled abroad, hasn’t she?

  2. Who did told you about Susan’s wedding?

  3. What car is yours: Opel or Fiat?

  4. How many money did you pay?

  5. He has lunch at home every day, hasn’t he?

  6. Don’t be late tonight, won’t you?

  7. What time you are flying tomorrow?

  8. I must having a bath.

  9. You can’t to go out tonight.

  10. Shall you water the flowers this afternoon?

  11. He must studies hard for his exams.

  12. She must helping her mother today.

  13. They needn’t to stay here any more.

  14. I can’t do puzzles when I was four years old.

  15. You may not go there. It’s forbidden.

Упр 11

  1. I would like going to America next year.

  2. He enjoys to dance.

  3. Why did you go to the library? – Borrowing a book.

  4. I must to wash my hair tonight.

  5. Do you know how skiing?

  6. She goes to run every Thursday evening.

  7. Have you got too time to come shopping with me?

  8. I’m too tall to reach the top cupboard.

  9. You are short enough to touch the ceiling.

  10. He will leaving school when he’s eighteen.

  11. I have got lots of friends. Neither of them has got blond hair.

  12. Steven has got two cars. All of them are red.

  13. My sister and I are short. Both of us is tall.

  14. There are seven people here. Both of them are women.

  15. Lucy has got two cars. All of them is black.

Упр 12.

  1. You must to try to be more patient.

  2. She is very old enough to travel alone.

  3. Susan hasn’t ever been to Turkey before.

  4. They enjoy playing the basketball.

  5. Irene is more friendlier then Kate.

  6. Helen often come to work late.

  7. I can’t find something I like.

  8. This is Alison jumper.

  9. You don’t like football, you do?

  10. They live in Moscow for ten years.

  11. Tom hasn’t enjoyed the party last night.

  12. He has a meeting now.

  13. Don’t play music – you wake up the baby.

  14. We go on holiday to Italy last year.

  15. I stay with my friends at the moment.

Список использованной литературы:

  1. J. Dooley, V. Evans. Grammarway 1.

  2. V. Evans. Roung Up 3.

Correct the mistakes.
1. How much carrots are there?
2. I bought a bottle of sugar.
3. Can I have any more coffee, please?
4. Would you like a glass of coffee?
5. There’s many sugar in the jar.
6. There aren’t some pears left.
7. Have you got any milks in the fridge?
8. There aren’t some oranges in the basket.


Английский язык 6 класс (рабочая тетрадь) Ваулина. 9 Grammar Practice. Номер №6


Перевод задания
Исправь ошибки.
1. How much carrots are there?
2. I bought a bottle of sugar.
3. Can I have any more coffee, please?
4. Would you like a glass of coffee?
5. There’s many sugar in the jar.
6. There aren’t some pears left.
7. Have you got any milks in the fridge?
8. There aren’t some oranges in the basket.

1. How many carrots are there?
2. I bought a packet of sugar.
3. Can I have some more coffee, please?
4. Would you like a cup of coffee?
5. There’s a lot of sugar in the jar.
6. There aren’t any pears left.
7. Have you got any milk in the fridge?
8. There aren’t any oranges in the basket.

Перевод ответа
1. Сколько там моркови?
2. Я купил пачку сахара.
3. Можно мне еще кофе?
4. Хотите чашку кофе?
5. В банке много сахара.
6. Груш не осталось.
7. У вас есть молоко в холодильнике?
8. В корзине нет апельсинов.

1. И some и any могут употребляться как



a) Some (в утвердительных предложениях) и any (в отрицательных) в качестве своего рода аналога неопределенного артикля для множественного числа. В этом случае нет особой разницы между употреблением some/any и zero article:

We need (some) cheese.
I didn’t buy (any) eggs.

b) в утвердительных предложениях:

— Please come and see us.
— Which day would be convenient?
— Oh, come any day. (любой, совершенно неопределенный день)
— Then I’ll phone you some day next week, perhaps on Wednesday (уже имеется в голове выбор из дней на следующей неделе).

2. При выражении


чаще всего в утвердительных предложениях употребляется some и в отрицательных – any:

There are some letters for you. (какое-то неопределенное количество – больше одного-двух, но и не очень много)
There aren’t any letters for me. (нет вообще никаких)

В обоих случаях употребление соответствует буквальному смыслу слов some и any. Some – некоторые и any – любые (т.е. для меня «нет любых писем» — вообще никаких).
Является ли предложение утвердительным или отрицательным не главный критерий при выборе some или any. Самое важное, что some выражает какое-то определенное, пусть и очень приблизительное количество (несколько), а any – количество совершенно неопределенное:

Some boys haven’t done their homework (отрицательное предложение, но употребляется some – есть некоторое определенное количество ребят, которые не сделали домашнее задание).
Let me know if you need any help (предложение утвердительное, но употребляется any, так как речь идет о любой помощи и в любых, совершенно неопределенных количествах).

Any употребляется в утвердительных предложениях со словами, выражающими отрицание или ограничение — never, hardly, without, little и т.п.:

You never give me any help.
I forgot to get any bread.
There’s hardly any tea left.
We got there without any trouble.
There is little point in doing any more work now.

3. В вопросах может употребляться и some и any:

a) some употребляется, если спрашивающий ожидает утвердительный ответ (или хочет его получить) или имеет в уме какое-то примерное предполагаемое количество:

Could I have some of those apples? (желательно услышать в ответ «да»).
Are there some letters for me? I was expecting some. (мне должны написать Джек, Билл и Маша и я ожидаю некоторое количество писем от них).
Have you brought some paper and a pen?(ожидается, что бумагу и ручку принесут)
Shouldn’t there be some instructions with it?
Would you like some more meat?
Could I have some brown rice, please?
Have you got some glasses that I could borrow?

b) Any употребляется в «чистых» вопросах, когда ответ совершенно неизвестен:

Are there any letters for me? Any at all? (я совершенно не знаю, сколько писем и есть ли вообще)

(Такие вопросы встречаются гораздо чаще, чем с some).

Таким образом и здесь главный критерий – предполагается ли какое-то определенное в какой-то мере количество (несколько) или полностью неопределенное (любое).

4. Some/any употребляются, когда предполагается какое-то неопределенное, но ограниченное количество. Если идеи числа/количества в высказывании нет или речь идет о неограниченном количестве предпочтительнее zero article:

We got talking to some students.
Our next-door neighbours are students.

I’ve just bought some books on computing.
There were books on the desk, on the floor, on the chairs (определенное большое количество – some не годится)

Would you like some more rice?
We need rice, sugar, eggs, butter, beer, and toilet paper.

Is there any water in the fridge?
Is there water on the moon?

This engine hardly uses any petrol. (речь идет о количестве)
This engine doesn’t use petrol. (речь о виде топлива, а не о количестве)

5. И some и any употребляются в предложениях с if:

If you want some/any help, let me know.

Исправьте ошибки.
1 Have you got some sugar?
2 There is any bread.
3 There are some pie.
4 Is there nobody in the room?
5 We haven’t got some ham.
6 There isn’t nobody in the garden.
7 There isn’t no bacon.
8 Have you got nothing in your bag?

Answers & Comments


1 Have you got any sugar?
2 There is some bread
3 There are any pie
4 Is there are nodoby in the room?
5 We are haven t got some ham
6 There aren t nobody in the garden
7 There isn t no some bacon
8 Have you got some nothing in your bag?

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