Inputbox vba ошибка




Сообщений: 4660
Регистрация: 11.06.2014

Microsoft MVP 2018-2022


11.06.2014 13:46:42

Есть такой код, по которому юзер должен указать исходный диапазон ячеек для последующей обработки в виде Range

Dim myRange as Range 
Set myRange = ThisWorkbook.Application.InputBox(prompt:="asdf?", Title:="qwerty", Default:="$A$1", Type:=8)

Если юзер нажимает кнопку «Cancel», то макрос прерывается по ошибке 424: Object required

Как сделать чтобы по нажатию отмены происходил выход из макроса или переход к нужной метке в коде?

F1 творит чудеса




Сообщений: 23699
Регистрация: 22.12.2012


11.06.2014 13:50:46

On Error Resume Next 

и обрабатываете ошибку.


Юрий М


Сообщений: 60912
Регистрация: 14.09.2012

Контакты см. в профиле


11.06.2014 13:53:11

Sub qqq()
Dim strInput As String
strInput = InputBox("")
    If StrPtr(strInput) = 0 Then
        MsgBox "Вы нажали Cancel!"
    End If
End Sub



Сообщений: 4660
Регистрация: 11.06.2014

Microsoft MVP 2018-2022


11.06.2014 14:14:45

Юрий М , а причем тут String, если нужен Range?

Hugo пишет:  On Error Resume Next

Да, спасибо, пришлось долго рыть гугл, пока правильно запрос не сформулировал. Сделал так:

On Error Resume Next
    Set myRange = ThisWorkbook.Application.InputBox(prompt:="asdf?", Title:="qwerty", Default:="$A$1", Type:=8)
    If myRange Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
On Error GoTo 0

Просто в справке написано, что
If you click the Cancel button, InputBox returns False.
Это меня и смутило, никак не удавалось обработать False

F1 творит чудеса


Юрий М


Сообщений: 60912
Регистрация: 14.09.2012

Контакты см. в профиле


11.06.2014 14:19:49

hohlick пишет: А причем тут String, если нужен Range?

А причём тут Range, если нужно отследить нажатие кнопки «Cancel»?




Сообщений: 3671
Регистрация: 23.12.2012

Юрий М

, спасибо за пример макроса
я и не думал, что так можно проверить (раньше проверял тип возвращенного значения через VarType)

Коллеги, кто-нибудь пользуется ещё функцией StrPtr()?
я ни разу её не применял — но, похоже, она может много где пригодиться
есть у кого примеры её использования в подобных простеньких макросах?




Сообщений: 23699
Регистрация: 22.12.2012


11.06.2014 15:10:16

hohlick пишет: If you click the Cancel button, InputBox returns False .

вероятно это было думано не для типа 8  :(




Сообщений: 9709
Регистрация: 22.12.2012

давно набредал на статейку, ссылку сохранил, но использовать так и не получилось пока…

Изменено: ктулху11.06.2014 15:46:11

фрилансер Excel, VBA — контакты в профиле
«Совершенствоваться не обязательно. Выживание — дело добровольное.» Э.Деминг




Сообщений: 4660
Регистрация: 11.06.2014

Microsoft MVP 2018-2022


11.06.2014 15:50:57

Юрий М пишет: А причём тут Range, если нужно отследить нажатие кнопки «Cancel»?

При том, что:
В вашем примере не метод Application.InputBox, а

функция InputBox

, которая не задает тип вводимых данных (это важно для примера и лишения юзера возможности вводить абракадабру вместо адреса обрабатываемого диапазона).
1. Ошибка «424 Object required» возникает при использовании метода InputBox именно на объекте Range.
2. Если в вашем примере переменную определить как Range, то также будет возникать ошибка до обработки значения Cancel (потому что функция InputBox возвращает значение типа String):

Т.е. ваш пример кода хорош для обработки именно нажатия Cancel в функции InputBox и переменных типа String, т.к. она тогда возвращает vbNullString.
Хотя справка пишет:

If the user clicks Cancel, the function returns a zero-length string («») .

В то время как

StrPtr is also the only way to tell the different between an empty string («»)  and a null string (vbNullString). StrPtr(vbNullString) returns 0, while StrPtr(«») is non-zero.

F1 творит чудеса

Sub InputBox()

That procedure is implicitly Public. Presumably being written in a standard module, that makes it globally scoped.

Link = InputBox("give me some input")

This means to invoke the VBA.Interaction.InputBox function, and would normally succeed. Except by naming your procedure InputBox, you’ve changed how VBA resolves this identifier: it no longer resolves to the global-scope VBA.Interaction.InputBox function; it resolves to your InputBox procedure, because VBAProject1.Module1.InputBox (assuming your VBA project and module name are respectively VBAProject1 and Module1) are always going to have priority over any other function defined in any other referenced type library — including the VBA standard library.

When VBA resolves member calls, it only looks at the identifier. If the parameters mismatch, it’s not going to say «hmm ok then, not that one» and continue searching the global scope for more matches with a different signature — instead it blows up and says «I’ve found the procedure you’re looking for, but I don’t know what to do with these parameters».

If you change your signature to accept a String parameter, you get a recursive call:

Sub InputBox(ByVal msg As String)

That would compile and run… and soon blow up the call stack, because there’s a hard limit on how deep the runtime call stack can go.

So one solution could be to properly qualify the InputBox call, so that the compiler knows exactly where to look for that member:

Link = VBA.Interaction.InputBox("give me some input")

Another solution could be to properly name your procedure so that its name starts with a verb, roughly describes what’s going on, and doesn’t collide with anything else in global scope:

Sub TestInputBox()

Another solution/work-around could be to use a similar function that happens to be available in the Excel object model, as QHarr suggested:

Link = Application.InputBox("give me some input")

This isn’t the function you were calling before though, and that will only work in a VBA host that has an InputBox member on its Application class, whereas the VBA.Interaction.InputBox global function is defined in the VBA standard library and works in any VBA host.

A note about this:

If Link <> "" Then

This condition will be False, regardless of whether the user clicked OK or cancelled the dialog by «X-ing out». The InputBox function returns a null string pointer when it’s cancelled, and an actual empty string when it’s okayed with, well, an empty string input.

So if an empty string needs to be considered a valid input and you need to be able to tell it apart from a cancelled inputbox, you need to compare the string pointers:

If StrPtr(Link) <> 0 Then

This condition will only be False when the user explicitly cancelled, and will still evaluate to True if the user provided a legit empty string.

Instead of using the InputBox function, another approach would be to use the InputBox method of the Application object, which contains built-in error handling.

Sub Inputbox_Clarity()
    Dim feeding As Variant
    feeding = Application.InputBox("Enter a number >= 1000 and <= 3000", "Number", Type:=1)
    If feeding = False Then Exit Sub
    If feeding < 1000 Or feeding > 3000 Then Exit Sub
    ActiveSheet.Range("A100") = feeding
End Sub

Alternatively, you can use a Do/Loop to continue prompting for a valid number or until the Cancel button is pressed.

Sub Inputbox_Clarity()
    Dim feeding As Variant
        feeding = Application.InputBox("Enter a number >= 1000 and <= 3000", "Number", Type:=1)
        If feeding = False Then Exit Sub
    Loop While feeding < 1000 Or feeding > 3000
    ActiveSheet.Range("A100") = feeding
End Sub

Hope this helps!

  • #1

I have an input box set up to prompt the user to select a range of cells. When i select cancel and no data range was selected, i get a run-time error ’13: type mismatch. Clicking on debug it refers me to my set calculated_range line of code. Not sure what i am doing wrong. The code works perfectly when a range is selected.
Also, if you have link to a video or website that you would recommend for learning vba i would appreciate it.

Here’s my code:


 Sub Button3_Click()

Dim Calculated_Range
Set Calculated_Range = Application.InputBox("Calculate Weekly Hours", "Select a Range from Column 'F'", "Enter Range", , , , , 8)

If Calculated_Range = "" Then
MsgBox "No Range Selected"
GoTo ending
MsgBox "Range Selected: " & Calculated_Range.Address
End If

Range("R3").Formula = "=Sum(" & Calculated_Range.Address & ")"


End Sub

Last edited by a moderator:

Which Excel functions can ignore hidden rows?

The SUBTOTAL and AGGREGATE functions ignore hidden rows. AGGREGATE can also exclude error cells and more.

  • #2

When you cancel an Application.InputBox it returns False. Which is not a Range object, hense the mismatch



On Error Resume Next
Set Calculated_Range = Application.InputBox("Calculate Weekly Hours", "Select a Range from Column 'F'", "Enter Range", , , , , 8)
On Error Goto 0

If Calculated_Range Is Nothing Then
    MsgBox "No Range Selected"
    GoTo ending
    MsgBox "Range Selected: " & Calculated_Range.Address
End If



MrExcel MVP, Moderator

  • #4

this comment was edited to quote the commentor

Last edited:

  • #5

When you cancel an Application.InputBox it returns False. Which is not a Range object, hense the mismatch



On Error Resume Next
Set Calculated_Range = Application.InputBox("Calculate Weekly Hours", "Select a Range from Column 'F'", "Enter Range", , , , , 8)
On Error Goto 0

If Calculated_Range Is Nothing Then
    MsgBox "No Range Selected"
    GoTo ending
    MsgBox "Range Selected: " & Calculated_Range.Address
End If

This results in an object error on If Calculated_Range Is Nothing Then. However, i changed «Is Nothing» to = «» and it worked. Thanks for your help.

  • #6

so changing the is nothing then part of the code to = «» then allows the message box to work for a cancel selection on the input box but then gives a type mismatch error for the range calculation. Switching it back to is nothing then, allows the range calculation to work but again gives me an error when cancel is selected. Something is still missing.



MrExcel MVP, Moderator

  • #7

You should have this declaration in your code:


Dim Calculated_Range As Range

  • #8

You should have this declaration in your code:


Dim Calculated_Range As Range

Thanks Rory this helped alot. In addition i moved the code that puts the selected range into R3 to before the end of the if statement. All works good now. Thanks all for your help on this. Here’s the code in case someone else runs into a similar problem:

Sub Button3_Click()

Dim Calculated_Range As Range
On Error Resume Next
Set Calculated_Range = Application.InputBox(«Calculate Weekly Hours», «Select a Range from Column ‘F'», «Enter Range», , , , , 8)
On Error GoTo 0

If Calculated_Range Is Nothing Then
MsgBox «No Range Selected»
MsgBox «Range Selected: » & Calculated_Range.Address
Range(«R3»).Formula = «=Sum(» & Calculated_Range.Address & «)»
End If

End Sub

A common requirement in VBA programs is to display an input box, and get the
user to type in an integer.  Here is a routine which will allow you to do
just that:

Function GetInteger() As Long

Dim InputString As String

InputString = InputBox(«Input a number»)

If Len(InputString) = 0 Then

GetInteger = -1

Exit Function

End If

On Error GoTo NotInteger

GetInteger = CLng(InputString)

Exit Function


GetInteger = -1

End Function

Here is how you could call this routine to get a whole number (integer), then
display its square:

Sub SquareNumber()

Dim NumberToSquare As Long

NumberToSquare = GetInteger

If NumberToSquare = -1 Then

MsgBox «You must enter an integer»

Exit Sub

End If

MsgBox «Square of » & NumberToSquare & _

» is » & (NumberToSquare ^ 2)

End Sub

When you run the SquareNumber routine, if you enter text
into the input box it will trigger an error and pass control to the
label.  This in turn will set the value of the function
to -1.

InputBox for entering integer

If you type in text like this, the code will trigger an error when you try to convert it to an integer.

You will then see an error message like this:

Message box displaying error

The message which will appear if you leave the input box blank or type in something which isn’t a whole number.

This is a typical use of error trapping:

  • We know we are about to do something which sometimes won’t
  • We set an error trap giving a label to jump to in the event
    of an error;
  • We run the code, secure in the knowledge that it will do the
    right thing whether or not the user reacts in the correct way.

That’s pretty much the complete story about error-trapping, but
error-trapping aficionados might like to read the final part of this series, in
which you can raise your own errors and learn how error messages bubble up
through the call stack!

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