Всем доброго времени суток!
В одной из прошлых записей я писал что приобрел набор для диагностики машины. И что при его настройке возникли трудности, но с ними справился.
Мозг мотора моего авто bosch 413 успешно читался, был так же прочитан мозг мотора автомобиля Varezhka52, bosch 405. В тот день когда читали машины, на какое-то время отвлеклись от диагностики, и ноутбук ушел в спящий режим.
С тех пор диагностика перестала работать, во всяком случае двигатель не видела, но видела приборку, airbag и прочие вещи.
Ноут был на Windows 7 x86.
Потом набор на пару месяцев залетел на полку пылиться.
Недавно снова были попытки диагностировать, естественно ничего не показывало. ОС менялась раз наверно 5, и на Windows XP, и на 7, заново ставился весь софт. И применялся тот же способ оживить это дело что и в прошлой записи о диагностике, путем замены двух файлов *.prg и *.ecu в каталогах EDIABAS и INPA для DME 3.3.1. Именно после замены этих файлов Inpa начала видеть мою машину и авто Дмитрия. Так же после замены файлов и DIS тоже пришел в чувство, хотя по идее он должен был сразу работать, им и читали. Inpa не смогла прочитать мозги моторов.
Но всё безуспешно.
19.02.2023 я установил на ноут чистую, свежую, олдовую XP x86 и весь софт для диагностики. И пошел тестировать работоспособность на своем авто. По итогу ни один блок управления в авто не видит, ни приборку, ни подушки, ничего.
Inpa пишет постоянно ошибки:
Requested control unit: «DME331, DME331K20» not found.
Что бы починить нагуглил что требуется настроить com-порт.
В настройках com-порта выставлял буферы приема и передачи на 8, но нифига не помогло.
Так же заметил что когда инпу запускаешь то при нажатии на F1 показывает пути к файлам и прочее инфо.
Если сразу после запуска жмакнуть то пути нормальные, указывают туда где находятся необходимые файлы.
Если жмакнуть F1 после того как попытаться прочитать машину, с неудачным исходом, то пути будут забиты знаками вопроса.
Запчасти на фото: TI430
С чем это связано?
Кто нибудь подскажите как починить?
Некоторые пишут что еще надо забить в глобальные переменные пути к калатогам с файлами *.prg и *.ecu. Но в прошлый раз я такого не делал и всё работало.
Может номер com-порта для ADS надо где-то задать руками?
Всем спасибо!
Всем большое спасибо за советы, особенно darqmatter.
Причиной неработоспособности адаптера была перебитая дорожка.
После пропайки всё заработало.
In this article I will share solutions of BMW INPA Errors,belows list 12 errors of BMW INPA when installing BMW INPA Software.Hope it is helpful!
Error Message 0020: Incorrect or Missing Driver. The programme will be aborted!
You have access to \\smuc0900\sg . You are linked to this drive and would like to start an INPA script.
Reason 1: Missing Ediabas.ini file in C:\Winnt.
Reason 2: You are not connected to the controller.
For developers: Simulation is not switched on in the Ediabas.ini file.
Solution: Copy the Ediabas.ini file from C:\Ediabas\Bin to C:\Winnt.
SYS-00002: ECU variation description file not found.
The error occurs when starting an INPA script.
Reason 1: The *.prg SGBD is not located in the path C:\Ediabas\Ecu.
Solution 1: Copy the *.prg SGBD into the ECU directory.
Reason 2: The external table T_GRTB.prg doesn’t exist in the directory C:\EDIABAS\ECU
or it is obsolete.
Solution 2: Copy the file into the ECU directory or update the external table using the ECCO
Web Client.
INPA Error: Error at Compiling Abort!
The following error message appears when starting an INPA script.
Reason 1: An INPA script with the ending IPO was started by the programme INPA.EXE
instead of by the programme INPALOAD.EXE.
Solution 1: Only start INPA scripts that end with IPO with INPALOAD.EXE.
Reason 2: The selected INPA script doesn’t exist in the C:\INPA\SGDAT\ directory.
Solution 2: Update the INPA scripts using the ECCO Web Client.
Reason 3: INPA Version 5.0.1: The INPA script *.IPO can’t be started with a double-click in
the directory C:\INPA\SGDAT\*.IPO.
Solution 3: Update to Version 5.0.2.
Reason 4: INPA Version 5.0.1: The desktop link of an INPA script doesn’t work.
Solution 4: The target path must be expanded to include the INPALOAD path. To do this,
click the desktop link once with the right mouse button and go to ‘Properties’.
Expand the target path to include C:\INPA\BIN\INPALOAD.exe for Windows NT
(see Fig.) and C:\EC-Apps\INPA\BIN\INPALOAD.exe for Windows XP.
Reason 5: The file startger.ipo of the german installation and the file startus.ipo of the
english installation don’t exist in the directory \INPA\CFGDAT\.
Solution 5: Install INPA once again.
IFH-0018: Inizialisation Error – INPA doesn’t work but Toolset yet
The error occurs if a SGBD is running by INPA or CASCADE. If the same SGBD is loaded in
the Toolset it will not occure an inizialisation error.
Reason 1: The communications port COM1 doesn’ exist, but COM3 yet. The Toolset is
working without the inizialisation error, because the file OBD.ini exists in the
directory C:\Ediabas\bin\. But the file OBD.ini has to exist in the direcory
Solution 1: Copy the file OBD.ini in the directory C:\Windows or create a new one. (Creation
of OBD.ini q.v. 3.3).
Reason 2: q.v. 3.3
Solution 2: q.v. 3.3
IFH-0027: IFH not found The Programm was aborted!
The error occurs when starting INPA.
Reason 1: The setting for the interface in the configuration file Ediabas.ini doesn’t exist.
Solution 1: Please do the settings for the interface e.g.:
Interface = STD:OBD
Reason 2: The setting for the interface in the configuration file Ediabas.ini is
Interface=STD:OMITEC, but the OMITEC driver isn’t installed correctly.
Solution 2: Install the OMITEC driver with the instructions
InstructionforOMITECInstallation.pdf via the GIS server.
Reason 3: The setting for the interface in the configuration file Ediabas.ini is
Interface=OMITEC, but the correct setting is Interface=STD:OMITEC.
Solution 3: Please do the settings for the interface Interface=STD:OMITEC.
Reason 4: The old OMITEC driver wasn’t uninstalled correctly.
Solution 4: Please uninstall the old OMITEC driver with the instructions
InstructionforOMITECInstallation.pdf via the GIS server.
INPA Error: Opening Inpa – Transmission error returned a_0x2
Reason: During the installation of Ediabas/Inpa, the configuration “Without configuration”
was selected.
Solution: When running the installation programme, select a configuration, e.g. “BMW
Plant 1.1 Munich”.
INPA Error: Only a white screen appears when you run INPALOAD.EXE.
Reason 1: The api.dll or api32.dll file has been manually copied into the WINDOWS
directory with Windows XP and into the WINNT directory with Windows NT.
Solution 1: Delete the file api.dll or alternatively api32.dll from the WINDOWS or alternatively
the WINNT directory. The file may only exist in the directory \EDIBAS\BIN\.
Reason 2: You have installed the 32-bit version of INPA (as of Version 5.0.1) and have not
performed an update of the INPA scripts.
Solution 2: Update the INPA scripts using the ECCO Web Client.
INPA Error: DTM is no longer supported
Reason: This error message appears if INPA.INI has been copied from Version 4.7.7 to
Version 5.x.x.
Solution: Since it can’t be excluded that even more files from the old version have been
mixed with the new ones, the old ones must be deleted, or alternatively
reinstalled (see Chapter 5). Reinstall INPA using the Global Information Service
(GIS) https://gis.bmw.com.
INPA Error: Bridge16.exe can’t be initialised
Reason 1: A 16-bit INPA script has been started with the 32-bit version of INPA (as
of Version 5.0.1).
Solution 1: Update the INPA scripts using the ECCO Web Client.
Solution 2: Convert the INPA script to the standard ‘includes’ for the 32-bit version.
To do this, contact the respective person responsible for INPA at TI-43x
(see \\smuc0900\sgref\Referenz\Referenz.inp)
Reason 2: A 16-bit DLL has been found, which means the developer of the INPA
script is using a 16-bit DLL.
Solution 2: The developer of the INPA script must convert the DLL to 32-bit.
Error when opening the error file abort:
Reason: This error occurs with Windows XP because the user doesn’t have the correct
rights to change files in the directory C:\INPA\Bin.
Solution: The user needs “Power user” rights or the user needs the appropriate write rights
to the “INPA” directory.
Compiler: File: \INPA\DEUTSCH\***.OUT not found!
Reason: The path C:\EDIABAS\BIN has not been set in the ‘Path’ system variable.
Solution: Set the path C:\EDIABAS\BIN in the ‘Path’ system variable. (q.v. chapter 2.1).
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INPA error IFH-0009 No Response usually means a break down (or lack of) communication between the vehicle itself, and the laptop. More often than not, IFH-0009 errors in INPA are caused by the following reasons.
The hardware for INPA can be:
EDIABAS OBDII interface;
1) Poor quality, or incorrectly wired interfaces. IFH-0009 errors are the most common in D-Can+K usb interface leads. Often these low-quality can be badly constructed, incorrectly wired, or contain the wrong chip set drivers or come with no drivers at all!. Whilst not all Chinese interfaces are poor quality, buying cheap imported leads is a gamble and when problems occur the seller probably won’t be interested. It is therefore important that you buy an interface lead from a good quality, reputable Vendor.
2) Wrong or Incorrect Interface Drivers. Again, mass produced interfaces can often contain cd’s with the wrong chipset drivers or come with no CD at all. Without the correct (latest) USB drivers, your interface lead will not install under windows properly. Our software package comes complete with a popular driver which is compatible with most Chinese and Western produced USB Interfaces, which will often work if the one supplied from your interface lead vendor doesn’t or hasn’t been included.
3) Incorrectly configured interface lead. Again, one of the most common problems with USB type leads. When installing a D-Can or Usb Interface lead, you will need to reconfigure the Windows based com port settings, so that the USB lead, appears to replicate an old RS-232 serial port. To replicate the port correctly, you need to change the existing Com port setting of the USB interface within Windows to Com Port 1 and change the latency setting to ‘1′ and check any ‘Fifo’ box
4) Incorrectly wired interface. Once again, there is no set standard as to the wiring pin configurations used within D-Can + K interfaces, by the various manufacturers. Some interface leads have pin 8 disconnected, some have pin 8 physically linked (bridged) to Pin 7, and some have pin 7 & 8 connected individually with no bridge link. If you still have problems connecting to the vehicle, and still get ‘IFH’ style errors then you should open the OBD Socket of the lead and check the pin wiring to see which type of interface you have. You should consider trying your interface lead, with the following configurations….
i) Pin 8 joined to Pin 7 using a small wire link
ii) Pin 8 physically disconnected
iii) Pin 7 and Pin 8 individually connected to their own pins with no link.
More often than not, one of these configurations will work with your vehicle, I recommend trying it with pins 7 & 8 linked together first, as this is by far the most popular vehicle configuration.
Also don’t assume that once you have found the pin 8 solution which works with one vehicle, that it will automatically work with a different model. If you have more than one D-Can equipped vehicle, you may need to obtain a second interface lead and configure ‘pin 8′ differently.
If you don’t own a soldering iron, or if you don’t feel confident about soldering electrical connectors, then there are adaptors available which will bridge pins 7 & 8 together, without any need to open the OBD socket or solder.
5) Incomplete Versions of INPA. There are many versions of Inpa around, many of which are incomplete or simply lack the various configuration files in which to work correctly. If you try all of the above and the IFH-0009 problem still remains, then you will need to consider buying and installing the full version of Inpa which includes Ediabas and BMW Standard Tools
Real case solved by one of solutions above:
1. I have a 2004 325ci
2. I purchased the k+dcan cable from obdexpress.co.uk. It is an under-the-dash OBD to USB cable.
3. It came with what was described as INPA 5.02 EDIABAS 6.4.7. You have to install BMW Tools first, and then update. (Updating INPA, it shows a check mark next to INPA 5.01 “update,” and loading INPA, it says version 5.00 at the top bar.) I also installed NCSExpert.
4. I am using windows XP SP3 32 bit. Firewall disabled, no anti-virus. No other software is installed. (I’ve had the same problem using Win 7 and Vista).
5. C:\Ediabas\bin is in the path.
6. Installed the USB cable and set the COM port to 1. Latency is set to 1ms. There is no option to use FIFO buffer.
7. Ediabas.ini has STD:OBD as interface. It is also set so loadwinxp = 1
8. OBD.INI is in C:\ediabas\bin and \system32. COM port is set to 1 and hardware = USB (when hardware = OBD the battery circle is black even when not plugged into the car).
9. When loading INPA, I get black battery and ignition when plugged in and starting car.
10. I can successfully read the ECU. I can read and clear errors.
11. When trying to read any other module, I get the IFH 0009 No Response From Control Unit.
How to solved:
I took about the connector and pins 7 and 8 are indeed soldered together!
I verified that both pins 7 and 8 had voltage and that the connection from the chassis wires to the obd plug under the dash were solid.
I then looked closely at pin #8 on the OBD/USB wire and noticed that it was bent slightly. It was not lining up in the pin #8 slot! I straightened it out and it worked!
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INPA BMW Tool Set Error Messages Trouble Shooting
INPA BMW Tool Set Error Messages Trouble Shooting
INPA BMW cable is the strong diagnostic cable for BMW.Many client got problem with tool set error when using .Here vxdas.com share INPA BMW tool set error messages trouble shooting.Hope it can help every INPA BMW owner.
INPA BMW Tool Set Error Messages Trouble Shooting
Reason: This message comes when an SGBD has an automatic concept switch between
multiple diagnostics logs and is not connected to the controller.
Solution: Connect the controller
2.EDIABAS Error 126 (only up to Ediabas V6.4.x)
Reason: This error message appears if you start the Tool Set while an INPA BMW script is
running. This is also true the other way round. The reason for this is that only one
programme can access EDIABAS at a time.
Solution: Therefore, before you start the ToolSet, you must exit INPA!!!
3.IFH-0006: Command not accepted and IFH-0018: Initialization Error and
IFH-0038: Interface Command not implemented
Errors IFH-0006 and IFH-0018 occur if any SGBD is loaded in the Tool Set. Error IFH-0038
is generated when loading the utility file into the Tool Set.
Reason 1: The error was caused by another programme that accessed the COM1
interface. This programme could be “HotSync” for Palm or “ActiveSync”
for lpack.
Solution 1: Check the programmes that are started automatically when Windows is
started (see Chapter 4.1).
Reason 2: The COM1 interface is taken by a serial printer.
Solution 2: Uninstall the printer.
Reason 3: The infrared interface is active.
Solution 3: Deactivate the infrared interface.
Reason 4: There is no COM1 interface (COM3 instead, for example)
Solution 4a): Install the COM1 interface.
Solution 4b): Create a file with the name OBD.ini and make the following entry to set
the existing serial interface (COM3, for example)
Port = Com3
The file OBD.ini must be saved in the directory C:\WINDOWS\ for
Windows XP or in directory C:\WINNT\ for Windows NT up to the Ediabas
Package 1.3 and as of Ediabas Package 1.4 in directory
C:\EDIABAS\BIN\. The current version of the Ediabas Package can be
seen in the files C:\EDIABAS\version.txt or C:\EDIABAS\package.pdf.
Reason 5: Only for IBM notebooks: The COM1 interface is reserved for the docking
station; the COM3 interface is installed instead.
Solution 5a): see solution 4b:
Solution 5b): Set the COM3 port to COM1: In the device manager (Windows XP:
Select “Start” “Control Panel” “System” “Hardware” and then
select COM3 from the ports under the menu item “Device Manager”.
Then use the right mouse button “Properties” “Port Settings”
“Advanced” to reach the “Advanced Settings for COM3”. Set COM1 in the
COM Port Number. The message that COM1 is already taken can be
ignored in this case.
Reason 6: The old OMITEC driver wasn’t uninstalled correctly.
Solution 6: Please uninstall the old OMITEC driver with the instructions
InstructionforOMITECInstallation.pdf via the GIS server
4 IFH-0006: Command not accepted
This error occurs if a SGBD is loaded in the Tool Set when the OBD connector is being used.
Reason 1: ODB has actually been set as the interface in Ediabas.ini, but the Tool Set uses
the multi-instance with another interface, e.g. K-Line. The setting for the multiinstance and the interfaces used here is made in the file Tool32.ini in the
directory C:\Windows (for Windows XP) or alternatively C:\Winnt (for Windows
NT). Then, the entries in Tool32.ini, or alternatively the interface apply and not
the ones in Ediabas.ini. The use of multi-instance in the Tool Set is identified in
the title bar, for example with “Tool32:1”, for single multi-instance.
Solution 2: Enter the interface that is being used in Tool32.ini or disable multi-instance with
the entry “No”.
Reason 2: A SGBD is loaded in the Tool Set when the diagnosis protocol UDS is being
used. For UDS-SGBDs You have to use the interface OMITEC but in the
EDIABAS.ini the setting fort he interface ist „STD:OBD“.
Solution 2: Change the setting for thr interface to „interface = STD:OMITEC“ in the
EDIABAS.ini file. The OMITEC connector has to be stressed by the voltage (blue
blinking). If the connector can’t be stressed by the voltage and You want to load
the SGBD yet, You will use the simulation mode. You can activate the simulation
mode e.g. with the menue „configuration -> EDIABAS“. Notice, if you want to use
the simulation mode, a simulation file for the interface will have to exist in the
simulation path.
5 IFH-0009: ECU isn’t connected or doesn’t respond
Reason 1: In the Ediabas.ini file, the interface is set to STD:ADS. However, you have
connected an OBD connector.
Solution 1: Modify the interface setting.
Reason 2: The ignition is switched off.
Solution 2: Switch the ignition on.
Reason 3: The device manager has been used to disable the FIFO buffer for COM1.
Solution 3: In the device manager (Windows XP: Enter “Start” “Control Panel”
“System” “Hardware” “Device Manager” Ports (COM & LPT)), and select
COM1 from the ports and under the “Port Settings” tab, select “Advanced”. There
must be a check-mark by “Use FIFO buffers” and the highest possible setting
must be selected for the receive buffer.
Reason 1: If the external table T_GRTB.prg doesn’t exist in the directory C:\EDIABAS\ECU\
the error message will be displayed when You execute the job
IDENT_FUNKTIONAL of a functional SGBD.
Solution 1: You have to download the external table using the ECCO Web Export and copy it
in the directory C:\EDIABAS\ECU\.
Reason 2: The SGBD, which You want to start doesn’t exist in the directory
C:\EDIABAS\ECU or is an old one.
Solution 2: You have to download the SGBD using the ECCO Web Client and copy it in the
directory C:\EDIABAS\ECU\
7 SYS-0005: Controller description file not found. The programme will be
Reason 1: The SGBD is not located in the path C:\Ediabas\Ecu.
Solution 1: Copy the SGBD into the Ecu directory.
Reason 2: This error occurs if the EcuPath in Ediabas.ini (C:\Ediabas\Bin) isn’t set to
Solution 2: Set the correct path
8 ToolSet Error: Runtime error ’372’
The following error message appears.
Reason: The old version msflxgrd.ocx exists under c:\winnt\system32.
Solution: msflxgrd.ocx under c:\Ediabas\bin must be registered. To do this, select “Start”
“Run…” and execute regsvr32 :\ediabas\bin\msflxgrd.ocx in the window and
confirm with “OK“.
The following must be entered for Windows XP: “regsvr32 c:\ediabas\bin\
9 INPA BMW Tool Set Error: Run-time error ’5’ – Invalid Procedure Call
Reason: The Tool Set was started twice in a very short period of time.
Solution: Close all Tool Set processes that are running and start the Tool Set again with
only one double-click
10 INPA BMW Tool Set Problem: If an SGBD is opened, then only the hourglass
appears and the SGBD is not loaded.
Reason: An old version Richtx32.ocx exists under c:\winnt\system32.
Solution: Richtx32.ocx under c:\Ediabas\bin must be registered. To do this, select “Start”
“Run…” and execute “regsvr32 :\ediabas\bin\richtx32.ocx“ in the window and
confirm with „OK“.
The following must be entered for Windows XP: „regsvr32 c:\ediabas\bin\
11 INPA BMW EDIABAS error 20: IFH-0010: Data transmission to control unit
Reason 1: When using the EDIC card, the error message is issued when executing the
IDENT job.
Solution 1: Changes must be made in the file “XEDICC.ini” in the “…\Ediabas\Bin” directory.
There, the parameters set for high-speed must be commented out and the
parameters for low-speed must be enabled:
; highspeed:
; lowspeed:
Reason 2: A SGBD is loaded in the Tool Set when the diagnosis protocol UDS is being
used. You use the interface OMITEC but the connector isn’t stressed by the
voltage (no blue blinking).
Solution 2: Connect the OMITEC wit the vehicle. The OMITEC connector has to be stressed
by the voltage (blue blinking). If the connector can’t be stressed by the voltage
and You want to load the SGBD yet, You will use the simulation mode. You can
activate the simulation mode e.g. with the menue „configuration -> EDIABAS“.
Notice, if you want to use the simulation mode, a simulation file for the interface
will have to exist in the simulation path
12 INPA BMW EDIABAS Error 134: API-0014: Result not found
The error occurs if a SGBD is loaded in the Tool Set when the diagnosis protocol UDS is
being used and the Job FS_LESEN is being executed.
Reason: You use the setting “read error like INPA”, but the Toolset can’t support the
function yet for UDS-SGBDs.
Solution: Please remove the setting “read error like INPA” in the menue “configuration ->
13 INPA BMW takes too long to load an SGBD in the Tool S
Loading motor or transmission SGBDs takes an above average amount of time.
Reason: Large SGBDs often contain many and extensive tables and their information has
to be loaded.
Solution: Under the Configuration menu item in the Tool Set and then Tool Set, the
checkmark by the selection of table information must be removed
14.INPA BMW Black Windows in the Tool Set
After loading a SGBD one or more windows of the Tool Set are black windows.
Reason: The registration of the richtextbox is invalid.
Solution: You have to register the richtextbox. Execute the batch file REGSVR32.BAT in
the directory C:\Ediabas\bin\
Finally ,for more detail information about INPA BMW ,pls click:
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Диагностика, Кодирование BMW
№1 03 11 2016, 19:36 Приветствую уважаемые форумчане. Не ругайте сильно если задаю глупые вопросы. Почитал темы на форуме, похожего не нашел, может конечно плохо искал. Автомобиль E60, 525I, M54, бензин, американец, 2005 года. Купил китайский шнурок с софтом. Начал устанавливать по инструкции. У меня винда 10, 32 битная. Распаковал архив на диск С, две папки: BMW INPA и EDIABAS, с первой папки установил INPA,появился ярлык на рабочем столе, потом указал путь в переменных средах «;C:\ediabas\bin», далее с папки EDIABAS установил «ADSSETUP.EXE», только установки не увидел, что-то вроде произошло, потом перезагрузил компьютер, далее с папки BMW INPA скопировал файлы BIN и переместил их в папку EDIABAS тоже в папку BIN, в диспетчере устройств появился СОМ1 последовательный порт и еще один USB Serial port СОМ1, когда подключаю шнурок, пишет устройство работает нормально, в параметрах порта установил время отклика 1мсек, по советам «бывалых». Запускаю программу подключаю все, но кружочки батарея и еще один в статусе Off, не знаю что делать. Буду рад любым советам.
№3 04 11 2016, 07:33
у меня тоже китай,установил сразу,(не видит некоторый блоки,кетай кули),попробуй переустанови,что ты не так делаешь,у меня так было когда порт не указан был,стоит винда 10
Любишь кататься?Катись на х.й!
№5 07 11 2016, 09:50 Ребята, спасибо за ответы. переустанавливал, все так же. Единственное при установке где-то есть возможность СОМ порт указать. Или в уже установленной проге где-то СОМ порт сменить. У меня стоит СОМ1.Зажигание включаю.
№6 07 11 2016, 18:46 Спасибо ветерану за поправку, НЕ КОННЕКТИТСЯ, конечно лучше бы было получить подсказку, как машину подружить с программой, а не правила орфографии.
№7 07 11 2016, 20:44 Romanchik : Ребята, спасибо за ответы. переустанавливал, все так же. Единственное при установке где-то есть возможность СОМ порт указать. Или в уже установленной проге где-то СОМ порт сменить. У меня стоит СОМ1.Зажигание включаю. А шнур в этот порт воткнут?
Рекомендуем почитать на тему Не коннектиться автомобиль с INPA
№9 08 11 2016, 11:41 Ошибка типа IFH-0018 INITIALIZATION ERROR и IFH 0009 No Response From Control Unit, у меня еще антивирус аваст стоит, я его не отключал, но он не ругается, может дрова кривые под шнурок, но пишет, что устройство функционирует нормально. Я когда захожу в программу, выбираю свой кузов, мотор, хочу посмотреть ошибки, выскакивает ошибка с желтым треугольником.
№10 08 11 2016, 11:55 Может как-то можно СОМ порт в проге настроить, я просто не знаю какой по умолчнию.
№13 08 11 2016, 21:26 При установке INPA хвост вообще не подключал, во время установки ни где система не просила порт указывать, сделал по инструкции на диске, описал сверху. Попробую все снести и сделать все вышеописанное с подключенным хвостом. Спасибо за информацию. Отпшусь по результатам.
№15 09 11 2016, 16:44 Внимание! Качаем драйверы не новее, чем версия 2.10! Новые драйверы распознают китайские неоригинальные чипы и скидывают PID устройства на 0! В результате получаем испорченный шнурок. Если включен Windows Update — отключаем его, не даем винде ставить драйверы по умолчанию, потому что есть шанс, что автоматом поставятся именно плохие драйверы.
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