Infinity phone ошибка 1

  • Новое

    Аватар для Cosmos-09



    По умолчанию
    infinity выдает ошибку


    на новой системе бокс работает исключительно, но проходит дня три и привет.
    выдает ошибку


    COM4 [VCP0] selected
    module  v2.58
    Action: reset settings
    Model: Fly-MX200
    Checking data, wait...
    Phone should be Switched OFF !
    Press and HOLD Power button now !
    19200 autodetect
    Initializing [6218:8B04]...
    CPU: MT6218
    error: initialize step #3 failed
    Can't initialize test mode !
    Possible reasons:
    1. communication fault, repeat required operation
    2. eeprom/ffs serious damaged, use repair eeprom/ffs files or use other unlock/format method
    error: operation failed !
    Finished, time used: 29 sec
    Remove/Install battery now !
    после этого связь бокса с компом обрывается
    бывает и такая ошибка
    19200 fixed
    Connecting, wait...
    CPU: MT6226
    high speed boot disabled
    chip: 0031:4AA3:C225
    high speed disabled
    error: initialize EMI for BANK0
    Release Power button now !
    in case of initial connection problem: on/off "Boot baudrate autoselect" box.
    Boot Fail
    Finished, time used: 4 sec
    Remove/Install battery now !

    поскажите что делать?

    Последний раз редактировалось s.Mobi; 30.01.2009 в 00:00.
    Причина: ну и юзеры пошли, неужели тяжело тег лога добавить? :(

    28.01.2009, 22:35

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  • Новое

    По умолчанию
    Re: infinity выдает ошибку


    1. дольше держать нажатой кнопку включения аппарата
    2. делать «complete format», а не «safe»
    3. перегрузить комп

    28.01.2009, 22:40

    Ответить с цитированием

  • Новое

    Аватар для cosmos-09



    По умолчанию
    Re: infinity выдает ошибку


    кнопку держу до тех пор пока не появится ошибка
    метод формата менял
    говорю же на чистой системе работает нормально, переставлять систему каждый раз когда надо прошить что либо infinity это бред.
    кстати на работе на другой машине бокс работает

    28.01.2009, 22:52

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  • Новое

    По умолчанию
    Re: infinity выдает ошибку




    Сообщение от cosmos-09
    Посмотреть сообщение

    говорю же на чистой системе работает нормально, переставлять систему каждый раз когда надо прошить что либо infinity это бред.

    Странно…именно с этим продуктом имею меньше всего проблем(вернее не имею их), с другими, бывает, особенно USTPro..переустанавливаю перед каждым запуском практически, и выдергиваю все боксы и донглы…тогда ОК

    28.01.2009, 23:03

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  • Новое

    Аватар для Cosmos-09



    По умолчанию
    Re: infinity выдает ошибку


    видел тему, там написан целый faq по впаиванию дополнительных конденсаторов или замене unibox, но хочется надеяться что все проще

    28.01.2009, 23:08

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  • Новое

    По умолчанию
    Re: infinity выдает ошибку



    Сообщение от Cosmos-09
    Посмотреть сообщение

    видел тему, там написан целый faq по впаиванию дополнительных конденсаторов или замене unibox, но хочется надеяться что все проще

    Так причем тут UniBox ? Ведь вы же сами сообщили:


    Сообщение от cosmos-09
    Посмотреть сообщение

    кстати на работе на другой машине бокс работает

    копайте в компе.. драйверах..

    28.01.2009, 23:13

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  • Новое

    По умолчанию
    Re: infinity выдает ошибку


    Проблемы с коннектом могут быть после запуска некоторых программ, которые что-то странное делают с ком портом. Помогает перезагрузка компа.

    Может есть смысл не переставлять систему, а переставить, например, FTDI драйвера и посмотреть на результат.

    28.01.2009, 23:15

    Ответить с цитированием

  • Новое

    Аватар для Cosmos-09



    По умолчанию
    Re: infinity выдает ошибку


    так дрова на работе и дома стоят одинаковые и почему через пару дней начинает выдавать ошибку

    28.01.2009, 23:18

    Ответить с цитированием

  • Новое

    По умолчанию
    Re: infinity выдает ошибку


    Возможно есть смысл взять последние драйвера тут:

    28.01.2009, 23:24

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  • Общий вид рабочего места оператора колл-центра

    Компоновку элементов рабочего стола оператора можно настроить в зависимости от решаемых задач. Несколько примеров компоновки панелей рабочего места оператора ниже.

    Управление звонками оператором колл-центра

    Инструмент управления звонками предназначен для удержания, перевода, возврата вызова или организации конференций. Панель «Управление звонками» находится в разделе «Инструменты» рабочего места пользователя.

    Параметр «Линия» определяет внутреннюю линию, подключенную к рабочему месту, управление которой производится

    Параметр «Номер» определяет значение номера телефона. При перехвате вызова («Перехват») он означает внутренний номер, предназначенный для перехвата, при переводе и конференции, он определяет номер для перевода или включения в конференцию. Если параметр «номер» на задан, а при выполнении действия он требуется, то система его запросит отдельным окном, например:

    Для того, чтобы поставить вызов на удержание, необходимо в процессе разговора нажать на кнопку «Удержание». После постановки вызова на удержание, собственная телефонная линия освобождается и позволяет совершать любые звонки, как внутренние, так и внешние. Для возврата вызова, поставленного на удержание, необходимо нажать на кнопку «Подключить».

    Для перевода звонка предназначены три кнопки раздела «Перевод». «Быстрый» — происходит безусловный перевод вызова на указанный номер, «С консультацией» — условный перевод вызова, при переводе вызова имеется возможность согласовать необходимость перевода вызова с тем лицом на номер которого необходимо перевести вызов. Кнопка «Подтвердить» осуществляет окончательный перевод вызова после консультации.

    Существует два способа сбора конференции:

    1) Если нам необходимо собрать конференцию из трех участников, порядок действия следующий:

    Набираем номер второго участника конференции (первым являетесь вы), дожидаемся начала разговора

    Нажимаем кнопку в Управлении звонками — Конференция (нажимать следует на иконку с человечками , а не на стрелку справа, или внизу от иконки)

    Появляется панель ввода номера. Вписываем номер третьего участника конференции и нажимаем Ок. Второй участник автоматически ставится на удержание

    После того как произошло соединение с третьим участником, необходимо повторно нажать кнопку Конференция

    2) Если нам необходимо собрать конференцию из четырех и более участников, порядок действия следующий:

    Набираем номер второго участника конференции, дожидаемся начала разговора

    Нажимаем кнопку Удержание

    В параметр Номер вписываем номер следующего участника конференции и нажимаем кнопку Позвонить или клавишу Enter. После того как произошло соединение с участником, ставим его на удержание и повторяем процедуру набора номера

    Когда произошло соединение с последним участником, его ставить на удержание не требуется. Последовательно выбираем строчки с участниками в статусе на удержании и нажимаем кнопку Конференции (можно также использовать правую клавишу мыши и выбор соответствующего пункта меню).

    Внимание! Управление происходит именно тем вызовов, строка которого выбрана с таблице панели управления вызовами.

    Кнопки Старт и Стоп в разделе Запись позволяет начать и остановить запись выборочную запись разговора (в случае если глобально параметр записи выключен)

    Маршрут — дает возможность пользователю выбирать через какой маршрут пойдет телефонный звонок. Доступные маршруты указываются в свойствах пользователя

    Софтфон у оператора колл-центра


    Встроенный программный телефон (софтфон) рабочего места пользователя предназначен для приема и совершения вызовов с рабочего места. Рабочее место «Infinity Call-центр X» оснащается программным телефоном «Infinity Phone», который поставляется как в составе комплекса, так и отдельно.

    Программный телефон (софтфон) является одним из инструментов рабочего места панели «Инструменты». Как и любой инструмент, он может быть открыт в любой области приложения.

    Для исходящего вызова достаточно набрать телефонный номер, который может быть набран любым способом: кнопками софтфона (0-9), с клавиатуры или вставкой номера из буфера обмена. Вызов осуществляется кнопкой Позвонить или клавишей Enter на клавиатуре. Завершение разговора – кнопка Положить трубку

    Номер может быть набран в произвольном порядке, с пробелами, тире, со скобками, без цифры «8» для выхода на междугородную связь. В каждом случае номер будет преобразован в канонический вид, а потом к вызову будут применены правила маршрутизации.

    повторный вызов на последний набранный телефонный номер.

    отключение/включение микрофона во время разговора.

    устанавливает автоматический ответ на входящий вызов. Если опция включена, то при входящем вызове соединение будет установлено автоматически.

    позволяет перевести текущий вызов на внутренний или внешний номер. Для перевода на внутренний номер достаточно нажать эту кнопку и набрать короткий сотрудника. Для перевода на внешний номер необходимо нажать кнопку Перевод, ввести служебный номер выхода в город (обычно это просто цифра 9) и ввести номер абонента на которого Вы хотите перевести вызов. После проведения описанных манипуляций произойдет условный перевод. Если Вы хотите осуществить безусловный перевод, сразу после проведения всех действий нажмите кнопку Положить трубку

    Существует два способа перевести звонок, называемых безусловным и условным переводом.Безусловный перевод — позволяет перевести звонок на другого абонента (группу абонентов) и сразу повесить трубку. В случае, если звонящий не получит ответа от другого абонента, звонок вернется обратно. Условный перевод — в отличие от безусловного перевода переводящему требуется сперва дождаться ответа абонента, на которого переводится звонок, предупредить о сути звонка, и только потом класть трубку

    – после нажатия кнопки текущий вызова переводится на удержание, для возврата звонка необходимо нажать кнопку повторно.

    / вывод звукового сигнала голоса собеседника в наушники подключенной гарнитуры или на спикерфон рабочей станции.

    определение режимов работы программного телефона, и параметров подключения его к серверу телефонии.

    Регулировка громкости воспроизведения наушников и громкости микрофона осуществляется двумя бегунками.

    Параметры настройки программного телефона

    Особое внимание обратите на версию программного обеспечения драйвера звуковой карты. В составе операционной системы не всегда поставляются самые свежие версии драйверов оборудования. А старые версии драйверов звуковых плат могут приводить к искажению звука. Самый частый эффект от использования старых версий драйверов – это наличие не компенсируемого эха на стороне внешнего абонента. В связи с этим мы настоятельно рекомендуем звуковых карт устанавливать самую свежую версию драйвера, которую можно получить с официального сайта производителя звуковой платы.



    Номер – номер телефона (Display Name), с которым программный телефон подключается к серверу телефонии. Именно этот номер софтфон передает серверу телефонии, как номер вызывающего абонента при исходящих звонках.

    Имя – значение (User Name), с которое программный телефон передает серверу телефонии.


    Разворачивать при входящем звонке – при поступлении вызова окно рабочего места будет выходить на передний план.

    Отображать окно «Входящий звонок» – Помимо стандартного уведомления в правой нижней части экрана будет всплывать уведомление о поступлении входящего вызова по центру экрана.

    Стандартное уведомление —

    Окно «Входящий звонок» —


    Время до поднятия трубки, сек – Если опция «автоподнятие» активна, то при поступлении вызова через указанное количество секунд софтфон автоматически установит соединение и ответит на входящий вызов.

    Хранение настроек программного телефона

    -В папке «Application Data» текущего пользователя

    -В папке «All Users\Application Data»

    -В папке «Program Files/.. ./Softphone»

    Автоматическое обновление версии InfinityPhone – позволяет проверить наличие новой версии софтфона перед его запуском.

    Настроить гиперссылки для автоматического звонка (в последних версиях Windows 10 возможность была деактивирована Microsoft) – позволяют использовать софтфон для совершения вызовов из сторонних приложений и с html страниц. Примеры гиперссылок:

    <a href=»Infinity:84956411010″>Позвонить в ИнтелТелеком</a>

    <a href=»Call:84956411010″>Позвонить в ИнтелТелеком</a>

    <a href=»SIP:84956411010″>Позвонить в ИнтелТелеком</a>

    <a href=»H323:84956411010″>Позвонить в ИнтелТелеком</a>

    При нажатии на любую из ссылок, программный телефон произведет автоматический вызов на номер, указанный в параметре href ссылки


    Вкладка предназначена для настроек параметров подключения программного телефона к серверу телефонии.

    Сигнализация: Протокол SIP или H.323 указывается в соответствии с настройками на сервере телефонии.

    IP-адрес компьютера (interface): выбор сетевого IP-адреса из тех, которые настроены на компьютере или назначение IP-адреса Автоматически.

    Алгоритм автоматического выбора локального IP-адреса предполагает поиск наиболее подходящего IP-адреса из тех, которые присутствуют на сетевом интерфейсе рабочей станции, и позволяют установить соединение с сервером телефонии.

    Порт – TCP/IP порт на компьютере, который будет использован в качестве сигнального порта, для управления вызовами. Значения порта «по-умолчанию» для протокола SIP принимается равным 5060, для H.323 – 1720.

    Адрес сервера (gateway) – IP-адрес сервера телефонии. Формат записи IP-адреса сервера телефонии позволяет указывать управляющий порт, через чимвол двоеточия. Если порт не указан, то для протокола SIP он принимается равным 5060, а для протокола H.323 – 1720.

    В зависимости от выбора сигнализации SIP или H.323 возможны два варианта дальнейшей настройки:

    Протокол SIP

    -Регистрация на SIP-прокси – задаются в соответствии с настройками собственного сервера телефонии или сервера телефонии оператора связи.

    -Регистрироваться на SIP-прокси – Да/[Нет]

    -Адрес сервера – IP-адрес или сетевое имя сервера на котором необходимо регистрироваться программному телефону.

    -Логин и Пароль – имя пользователя и пароль, необходимые для регистрации

    -Домен – IP-адрес или сетевое имя домена.

    -Время перерегистрации – интервал времени, отправки пакетов с перерегистрацией.

    Протокол H.323

    Параметры H.323 и регистрация на H.323-гейткипере –задаются в соответствии с настройками собственного сервера телефонии или сервера телефонии оператора связи.

    -Запретить FastStart – [Да]/Нет

    -Запретить H.245 Tunneling – Да/[Нет]

    -Передавать собственный IP-адрес в набранном номере – Да/[Нет]

    -Регистрироваться на H.323-гейткипере – Да/[Нет]

    -Адрес сервера – IP-адрес или сетевое имя H.323-гейткипера на котором необходимо регистрироваться программному телефону.

    -Логин и Пароль – имя пользователя и пароль, необходимые для регистрации


    Вкладка позволяет задать тип используемого оконечного оборудования

    При использовании обычной аналоговой или USB гарнитуры достаточно указать «Стандартная гарнитура».

    Некоторые виды USB-устройств позволяют задать дополнительные параметры, такие как Способ подключения, Мелодия вызова, и пр


    Вкладка позволяет назначить горячие клавиши для управления звонками. Горячие клавиши полезны для ускорения процесса принятия и последующей обработки звонка

    Для включения соответствующей горячей клавиши необходимо установить опцию «Вкл.» и задать сочетание клавиш

    Есть возможность настроить отдельные горячие клавиши для приема и завершения вызова, повтора последнего вызова, громкой связи или отключения микрофона, перевода и удержания вызова.


    Параметры вкладки предназначены для определения диапазонов TCP и UDP портов и настройки обхода NAT.

    В стандартной конфигурации софтфон настроен на использование с 5000 по 5200 портов для TCP и UDP. Изменять предложенный диапазон портов имеет смысл только в тех случаях, когда другие приложения рабочей станции, на которой запущен софтфон, используют порты из предложенного диапазона.

    Технологию обхода NAT необходимо использовать только в тех случаях, когда одно или оба устройства IP-телефонии находится за устройством NAT по отношению к сети Интернет. Существует два распространенных механизма обхода NAT:

    Первый – использование внешнего отдельно стоящего STUNсервера, который реализует механизмы передачи пакетов, если одно или два устройства находятся за NAT. Для реализации этого механизма необходимо установить и настроить внешний STUN -сервер.

    Второй, более простой, способ – использование технологииподмены IP-адреса. Технология подмены IP-адреса заключается в том, что VoIP-устройство отправляя пакеты во внешнюю сеть, указывает в качестве обратного адреса не свой внутренний IP-адрес, а внешний IP-адрес NAT. Устройство NAT, получая ответные пакеты, передает их обратно на VoIP-устройство. Для того же, чтобы внешнее VoIP-устройство могло отправить вызов на VoIP-устройство, находящееся в локальной сети, на устройстве NAT настраивается прямое перенаправление портов.

    Пример 1. Софтфон установлен в локальной сети на компьютере с IP-адресом, диапазон портов 5000-5200 и протокол SIP, устройство NAT использует внешний IP-адрес Для решения поставленной задачи в настройках софтфона указываем способ обхода NAT «подмена IP-адреса», в качестве внешнего IP-адреса указываем адрес NAT – В настройках самого устройства NAT реализуем перенаправление UDP портов 5000–5200 на IP-адрес Это означает, что любой пакет, поступивший на внешний IP-адрес NAT на порты 5000–5200, будет направлен на обработку на IP-адрес софтфона.

    Пример 2. Софтфон установлен в локальной сети на сервере с IP-адресом, диапазон портов 6000-6200 и протокол H.323, устройство NAT использует внешний IP-адрес Для решения поставленной задачи в настройках IP-узла указываем способ обхода NAT «подмена IP-адреса», в качестве внешнего IP-адреса указываем адрес NAT – В настройках самого устройства NAT реализуем перенаправление портов TCP и UDP портов 6000–6200 на IP-адрес Кроме того, отдельно настраиваем перенаправление для TCP порта 1720 на IP-адрес, поскольку он не входит в указанный диапазон, но является сигнальным портом для протокола H.323. Это означает, что любой пакет, поступивший на внешний IP-адрес NAT на TCP/UDP порты 6000–6200 и TCP порт 1720, будет направлен на обработку на IP-адрес софтфона.

    Если оба VoIP устройства находятся за NAT, обход NAT для каждого из устройств настраивается аналогично.


    Вкладка предназначена для управления звуковыми устройствами и параметрами VoIP протокола.

    Аудио-устройства. Для каждого звукового устройства можно указать отдельное звуковое устройство компьютера, на которое необходимо направлять звуковой сигнал.

    -Микрофон – Выбор windows-устройства, которое будет выполнять роль микрофона.

    -Наушники – Выбор windows-устройства, которое будет выполнять роль наушников.

    -Микрофон (громкая связь) – Выбор windows-устройства, которое будет выполнять роль микрофона.

    -Спикерфон (громкая связь) – Выбор windows-устройства, которое будет выполнять роль микрофона.

    -Звонок – Выбор устройства, в которое будет воспроизводиться сигнал звонка.

    -Длинные и короткие гудки – Выбор устройства, в которое будут воспроизводиться длинные и короткие гудки.

    Размер буферов влияет на качество звука. Извлечение переданной голосовой информации из полученных пакетов также происходит в несколько этапов. Когда голосовые пакеты приходят на терминал получателя, то сначала проверяется их порядковая последовательность (IP-сети не гарантируют время доставки, то пакеты со старшими порядковыми номерами могут прийти раньше, более того, интервал времени получения также может колебаться). Для восстановления исходной последовательности и синхронизации происходит временное накопление пакетов в так называемый Jitter-буфер. Некоторые пакеты могут быть вообще утеряны при доставке, либо задержка их доставки превышает допустимый разброс. В обычных условиях приемный терминал запрашивает повторную передачу ошибочных либо потерянных данных. Передача голосовых пакетов по сети чувствительна ко времени доставки пакетов. Поэтому, если какой либо из пакетов (или их часть) был потерян, включается алгоритм аппроксимации, позволяющий на основе полученных пакетов приблизительно восстановить потерянные данные.

    Количество буферов – 5

    Минимальный размер джиттер-буфера – 50

    Максимальный размер джиттер-буфера – 150

    Внимание! Для ОС Windows Vista рекомендуется экспериментально подбирать количество джиттер-буферов в диапазоне 8-12 шт.

    Кодеки (алгоритмы сжатия звука) выбираются в соответствии с требованиями сервера телефонии. Можно оставить включенными все кодеки, при этом будут использоваться настройки сервера телефонии.

    Включить алгоритм подавления эха – Да/[Нет]. Позволяет задействовать алгоритмы эхо компенсации


    Вкладка предназначена для настройки звукового сопровождения вызовов.

    Звуковое сопровождение – для каждого типа события (звукового сигнала) можно поставить индивидуальную мелодию или звук.

    -Сплошной гудок – Выбор звукового сопровождения при сплошном гудке.

    -Длинные гудки (дозвон) – Выбор звукового сопровождения при дозвоне.

    -Короткие гудки (отбой) – Выбор звукового сопровождения при отбое.

    -Входящий звонок – Выбор звукового сопровождения при входящем звонке.

    -Подключен в режиме Автоподнятие – Выбор звукового сопровождения при автоматическом поднятии трубки.

    При выборе соответствующего сопровождения, воспроизводится выбранный звуковой файл.

    Восстановить значения по умолчанию – будут восстановлены настройки звукового сопровождения в настройки по умолчанию.

    Сигналы КПВ (контроль посылки вызова)

    Воспроизводить КПВ с сервера – [Да]/Нет При исходящих звонках КПВ (длинные гудки) могут воспроизводиться из файла или с сервера. Второй вариант чаще используется при подключении софтфона к операторам VoIP-телефонии.

    Воспроизводить длинные гудки во время набора номера – [Да]/Нет Воспроизводить длинные гудки при наборе номера. Как правило, данная опция актуальна в случае, если тип набора для внешних линий используется импульсный, а сам набор занимает довольно продолжительное время.


    Вкладка может потребоваться для анализа логов софтфона или службе технической поддержки, если вам потребуется туда обратиться. На вкладке расположены элементы управления, которые позволят включить протоколирование работы как самого программного телефона, так и работы USB-устройств

    Информация о звонке у оператора колл-центра

    Инструмент «Информация о звонке» предназначен для информирования пользователя о данных вызова. Для того, чтобы карточка при звонке выводилась, администратор должен настроить сценарий IVR call-центра. Структура информации, которая будет выводиться при звонке, может быть совершенно произвольной и зависит от настроек, которые произведет администратор.

    Пример настроенного инструмента:

    как отдельное окно

    как часть общего интерфейса

    Структуру данных, представленных в карточке «Информация о звонке», можно сформировать несколькими способами:

    1. Внести информацию в инструмент Справочник абонентов

    2. собрать данные о вызове в сценарии «Infinity Call-центр X» и записать данные в карточку вызова, используя компонент «Информация о звонке»;

    3. собрать данные о вызове, используя инструмент «Правила сбора информации о звонке» раздела «Администрирование» «Infinity Call-центр X»

    4. собрать данные о вызове непосредственно на сервере телефонии (только если в качестве сервера телефонии выступает «Infinity IP АТС») и записать их в карточку вызова, используя компонент «Карточка клиента» инструментария редактора IVR «Infinity IP АТС». Первые пять строк, записанные в «Карточку клиента» в сервере «Infinity IP АТС» будут переданы в панель «Информация о звонке» рабочего места пользователя.

    Данные, собранные любыми способами, в том числе и одновременно, будут размещены в панели «Информация о звонке».

    Инструмент «Мои звонки» у оператора колл-центра

    Панель «Мои звонки» сдержит историю ранее совершенных звонков.На вкладке «Текущие» отображается последние 50 звонков. Если требуется получить список звонков за более ранний период, нужно перейти на вкладку «Архив» в нижней части панели

    Любой звонок можно прослушать. Для этого достаточно нажать на кнопку «Прослушать». С помощью встроенного программного проигрывателя вы сможете управлять проигрыванием звукозаписи и, при необходимости, сможете сохранить разговор на диск

    При клике на элемент «звездочка» Вы можете настроить видимость столбцов, правила форматирования (например выделив все пропущенные звонки красным цветом), а также включить быстрый поиск

    Быстрый поиск работает следующим образом — кликните на любую строчку со звонком и начните вводить номер телефона, который Вы ищете. Система перенесет Вас к разыскиваемому разговору

    Еще один способ поиска — нажать горячие клавиши Ctrl и F одновременно

    Управление очередями ожидания у оператора колл-центра

    Инструмент Очереди ожидания предназначена для мониторинга и управления абонентами, которые в данный момент находятся в очереди ожидания. Как только клиент перемещен в очередь ожидания, в панели Очереди ожидания появляется строка с номером телефона и другими данными

    Если в данный момент ведется разговор, то необходимо выполнить следующие действия:

    1) нажать кнопку Удержание на инструментальной панели Управление звонками, тем самым мы повесим текущий разговор на паузу

    2) Нажать кнопку Положить трубку 2.png на инструментальной панели Софтфон

    3) выбрать интересующий звонок из инструментальной панели Очереди ожидания и нажать на ней кнопку Подключить.

    4) для возврата к изначальному разговору, без разрыва второго разговора, необходимо нажать кнопку Удержание на инструментальной панели Управление звонками, выбрать на этой же панели изначальный подвешенный звонок и нажать кнопку Подключить.

    Справочник абонентов у оператора колл-центра

    Справочник абонентов – встроенная в call-центр телефонная записная книга с контактными данными абонентов. Доступ к справочнику абонентов осуществляется с рабочего места пользователя из раздела «Инструменты» / «Справочник абонентов». Выбрав из списка интересующего Вас абонента Вы можете совершить вызов и перевод текущего разговора на абонента используя соответствующие кнопки

    Для каждого контакта в справочнике абонентов можно заполнить поля ФИО, несколько номеров телефонов, доступность контакта (личный или общий справочник), добавить описание и загрузить изображение

    Справочник абонентов может быть использован для автоматического заполнения карточки с информацией о звонке

    Прослушивание Голосовой почты оператором колл-центра

    Инструмент «Голосовая почта» необходим для получения и прослушивания голосовой почты.

    Голосовое сообщение можно прослушать и сохранить на диск. Помимо этого, Вы можете позвонить на номер оставивший голосовое сообщение, а по результату поставить статус «обработан», который увидят другие операторы.

    Работа с заявками на обратный звонок

    Работа с заявками на обратный звонок Инструмент «Заказанные звонки» необходим для получения информации об оставленных заявках на обратный звонок.

    Администратор может встроить возможность оставить такую заявку в любую часть Голосового меню (IVR)

    В данном инструменте Вы имеете возможность позвонить на номер оставивший заявку, а по результату поставить статус «обработан», который увидят другие операторы

    Систему можно настроит таким образом, чтобы все потерянные звонки автоматически попадали в данный инструмент. Для этого в свойствах очереди необходимо поставить соответствующую галку и указать получателей.

    Контакты Outlook у оператора колл-центра

    Данный инструмент автоматически загружает данные из справочника контактов Microsoft Outlook активного пользователя в рабочее место Infinity. Из этого инструмента можно быстро совершить звонок используя соответствующую кнопку. При клике на элемент «звездочка» Вы можете настроить видимость столбцов, правила форматирования, а также включить быстрый поиск

    Отправка SMS операторами колл-центра

    Данный инструмент позволяет отправить SMS сообщение с рабочего места оператора. Отправка осуществляется через GSM шлюз или контент-провайдера Zanzara Важно — формат ввода номера не имеет значение, Вы можете ввести +7(ХХХ)ХХХ-ХХ-ХХ или 8ХХХХХХХХХХ, система автоматически приведет номер к необходимому формату данных при отправке

    Отображение информации о сотрудниках оператору колл-центра

    Вызвать панель «Статусы операторов» можно из меню «Инструменты». Данный раздел содержит информацию о состоянии группы операторов.

    Кликнув правой кнопкой мыши на любого сотрудника можно изменить тип отображения (списком или карточки с фото — доступно везде кроме вкладки «Избранные»), а также совершить быстрый звонок, или перевод.

    Правый клик мыши на верхнем меню (Пользователь-Состояние-Номер) позволяет настроить фильтры.

    Доступные вкладки:

    Все — отображает всех пользователей системы

    По группам — отображает всех пользователей системы в соответствующих группах

    Подчиненные — показывает только тех пользователей, которых разрешено видеть согласно настроенным правилам подчиненности

    Избранные — позволяет самостоятельно формировоать список операторов с помощью правой кнопки мыши

    Примечание: Для иконок операторов следует использовать небольшие фото, иначе это может вызвать торможение рабочего места места. Рекомендуемое разрешение 100×100 пикселей.

    Управление статусом оператора в колл-центре

    Статус пользователя расположен в нижней части главного окна. С помощью статуса система отслеживает нахождения сотрудников на рабочих местах и записывает эту информацию в статистику Call-центра. По умолчанию звонки на операторов распределяются только в статусе На месте. Статус оператора может быть изменен одним из нижеперечисленных способов:

    Вручную оператором

    Автоматически при отсутствии активности согласно параметрам системы или пользователя

    Автоматически при блокировке компьютера согласно параметрам системы или пользователя

    В системе заложены следующие предопределенные статусы:

    ___На_месте___ Оператор может совершать звонки, call-центр также будет переводить звонки

    ____Отошел___ Если оператор не взял трубку, то его статус будет автоматически переведен в состояние «Отошел». Звонки при таком статусе не переводятся, хотя совершать звонки можно. При совершении первого исходящего звонка статус автоматически перейдет в состояние «На месте».

    ___Перерыв___ Оператор находится в состоянии поствызывной обработки (настраивается администратором). Звонки при таком статусе не переводятся, хотя совершать звонки можно.

    _Не_доступен_ Оператор недоступен, звонки не переводятся, хотя совершать звонки можно

    Для быстрого переключения статуса в состояние «Готов», необходимо на панели статуса совершить правый клик.

    Администратор может добавить новые статусы, соответствующие Вашим бизнес-процессам.

    Управление участием в очередях ожидания колл-центра

    При необходимости Вы можете позволить своим операторам управлять своим участием в очередях распределения вызовов и проектам «Кампаний». В этом случае Оператор в любой момент может выйти из очереди и заново вернуться в нее.

    Контроль оператором продолжительности разговора

    Данный инструмент работает как таймер обратного или прямого отсчета. Он может быть полезен в случае, когда оператору необходимо следить за временем, затраченным на обслуживание вызова. В системе можно задать пороги, при который инструмент будет менять цвет (зеленый-желтый-красный)

    Отображение WEB-страниц оператору колл-центра

    Данный инструмент позволяет, в рамках единого окна оператора, отображать заранее заданную страницу (базу знаний, WEB-CRM или просто сайт вашей компании)

    • #1

    Model: SM-J330F
    Android version: 7.0
    PDA version: J330FXXU3ARC5
    CSC version: J330FOXY3ARC5
    Phone version: J330FXXU3ARC5
    Product code: SM-J330FZKDSER
    CSC country code: Russia
    CSC sales code: SER
    Phone SN: R58K54AZ11L
    IMEI: 35607………..
    HW version: MP 0.500
    RF cal date: 20180523
    Chip name: EXYNOS7570
    Modem board: SHANNON305
    Security patch: 2018-04-01
    Boot Warranty bit: 1
    Initialization zTool… OK
    Running zTool, please wait…
    Start… OK
    Initialization… OK
    Generate and check client proof… OK
    Verify proof by client… OK
    Reading data from phone… OK
    Searching Ramdump interface… COM6 detected
    Reading data from phone… error (1)
    Done with Samsung Tool PRO v.33.2

    • #2

    помогите с этой проблемой

    • #3

    А разве этот бокс розлачивает просто так. Там вроди надо дополнительную активацию брать. Ето же из серии новых моделей


    • #5

    Boot Warranty bit: 1 — а так непонятно в логе?

    • #6

    2- SamKEY

    1. После оплаты получите Username и Password
    Quantity : 3
    2. Введите Username и Password, нажмите кнопку Login. Программа напишет:
    Connecting to SERVER, please wait…OK
    Checking account validation……OK
    Remaining balance : 3
    3. Если Knox 1, то нажмите кнопку Advanced и напротив строки New Method (Any Knox) поставьте галку
    4. Нажмите кнопку Advanced, и в вывалившемся дополнительном окне кнопку Read Info. Если информация считалась, то можно приступать к процессу разблокировки
    5. Нажмите на кнопку Read Codes, программа вычитает коды Network и Freeze
    6. Вставьте вашу SIM карту и введите полученный(е) код(ы) . Если телефон запрашивает PIN код для разблокировки сети, то вводите код Network, если просит PUK, то вначале вводите Freeze, а затем Network
    7. Телефон разблокирован!

    • #8

    программатор про версии кредиты есть нажимаю кнопку read codes via server upload и такая ошибка


    • #9

    у тебя кнох и меня было такая проблема

    Infinity Phone Предназначен для организации телефонных соединений по IP-сети между компьютерами и каналами FXS удаленных IP-АТС, VoIP шлюзов или другими программными телефонами без использования специального оборудования компьютерной или IP-телефонии. Разговор осуществ

    Уточняйте у менеджеров

    Infinity Phone

    Программный телефон (софтфон) для IP-телефонии производства ИнтелТелеком

    Infinity Phone предназначен для совершения и приема телефонных звонков при помощи компьютера. При телефонизации офиса использование софтфона позволяет сэкономить на абонентском оборудовании, а при разворачивании call-центра Infinity Phone просто не заменим. Разговор ведется через подключенную к компьютеру гарнитуру (наушники и микрофон) либо через USB-телефон. При использовании гарнитуры управление звонками осуществляется с компьютера, а при использовании USB-телефона можно также использовать расположенные на нем кнопки управления. Фактически, совместное использование Infinity Phone и USB-телефона мало чем отличается от работы с обычным телефонным аппаратом.

    Отличительные особенности:

    • Вывод уведомления при поступлении входящего звонка
    • Режим «Автоподнятие» — при поступлении звонка не требуется поднимать трубку
    • Горячие клавиши для приема, завершения и перевода звонка
    • Регулировка громкости микрофона и наушников
    • Раздельный выбор аудио-устройств для различных режимов работы
    • Выбор мелодий звонка и других звуковых уведомлений
    • История входящих и исходящих звонков
    • Перевод и удержание звонков при использовании совместно с IP call-центром «Infinity», IP-АТС «Агат UX»

    Технические характеристики:

    • Протоколы: SIP, H.323
    • Регистрация: SIP Proxy, H.323 Gatekeeper
    • Кодеки: G.711, G.729, G.723.1, GSM 0610
    • Джиттер-буфер: динамический, с возможностью регулировки
    • Используемые порты: указанный диапазон портов
    • Работа за NAT: поддерживается
    • Поддерживаемые USB-телефоны: SkypeMate P4K, P1K, P1M, P10D, P6S, W1DL, VM-01L, M3K, CyberPhone K652, W654, Olympia Dualphone, AtCom Au100.
    • Поддерживаемые беспроводные гарнитуры: Plantronics CS60, Jabra GN 9330, 9350
    • Поддерживаемые проводные гарнитуры: любые модели аналоговых и USB-гарнитур

    Программный телефон Infinity Phone совместим с IP call-центром «Infinity», IP-АТС «Агат UX», широким спектром шлюзов IP-телефонии и другими VoIP-устройствами.

    Infinity CM2, Infinity [BEST] @InfinityBoxTalks 21-Sep-2023 [page 32]

    [page-1] [page-2] [page-3] [page-4] [page-5] [page-6] [page-7] [page-8] [page-9] [page-10] [page-11] [page-12] [page-13] [page-14] [page-15] [page-16] [page-17] [page-18] [page-19] [page-20] [page-21] [page-22] [page-23] [page-24] [page-25] [page-26] [page-27] [page-28] [page-29] [page-30] [page-31] [page-32] [page-33] [page-34] [page-35] [page-36] [page-37] [page-38] [page-39] [page-40] [page-41] [page-42] [page-43] [page-44] [page-45] [page-46] [page-47] [page-48] [page-49] [page-50] [page-51] [page-52] [page-53] [page-54]

    InfinityBoxTalks 2022-08-24

    [16:47:58] 195 673 807
    [16:47:43] ok
    [16:47:39] Ok
    [16:47:21] ca i give you team and check it
    [16:47:08] bro
    [16:47:02] i do but still the same
    [16:46:45] Uninstall it and download new one
    [16:46:10] This group is to help ourselves why some selfish peoples will be ask for money before they can help? And some you\’ll pay the money later block you
    [16:45:08] anyone help
    [16:45:04] all the other tools spd and mtk and all the other open normely bu t not the cm2 mt2
    [16:44:52] I can see that you\’re among if not are you the only one here by ask me to proof
    [16:44:34] helo evrybody i have a problem with cm2 mt2 not open
    [16:42:26] strong accusations require strong evidence
    [16:42:13] Or why should I be proof it before you can believe many be you just join the group
    [16:41:34] Are you among?
    [16:34:08] proof
    [16:28:20] okey
    [16:28:00] Many are here they\’re scam
    [16:27:16] who scammer
    [16:26:01] Admin pls help us remove all the scam out of here
    [16:14:33] ushaanza kuwashwa mkundu
    [16:13:59] HA WAPI
    [16:13:38] mwambie huyo
    [16:13:21] he is a magician
    [16:13:06] i don\’t have
    [16:12:16] You that have permanent solution why don\’t you have cm2?
    [16:08:33] ok thanx admin wa mchongo
    [16:07:22] admin Is here to help
    [16:02:19] Hello team I need infinix x6511g flash file
    [15:49:05] 😢
    [15:48:47] i need port sharing
    [15:47:30] Help itel s16 pro not flashing
    [15:36:31] Almost all
    [15:34:25] who have cm2 dongle here
    [14:34:30] Help me itel W6501 fdl file

    Please anyone help download link 🙏
    [13:11:30] Israfil Protivatelecom, [8/24/2022 7:09 PM]
    onnecting to server…
    Connection successfully established
    Checking DongleManager version…
    DongleManager is up-to-date
    Checking Dongle Identification…
    Authenticating on server…
    Authentication stage error:
    Server answer: [0007] No update available

    Israfil Protivatelecom, [8/24/2022 7:10 PM]
    Activation #0: Infinity-Box/Dongle [CM2]; S/N: 423ADCF9; Firmware Version: 0153; Registered: 11-Nov-2017; Expired: 03-Oct-2023; Support: Active
    — Activation #3: Infi
    [12:32:05] UNLOCK Model & Firmware Ver := LGQ720PS22A
    [12:05:42] Nokia second edition password removal solution
    [12:04:47] onnecting to server…
    Connection successfully established
    Checking DongleManager version…
    DongleManager is up-to-date
    Checking Dongle Identification…
    Authenticating on server…
    Authentication stage error:
    Server answer: [0007] No update available
    [12:03:52] onnecting to server…
    Connection successfully established
    Checking DongleManager version…
    DongleManager is up-to-date
    Checking Dongle Identification…
    Authenticating on server…
    Authentication stage error:
    Server answer: [0007] No update available
    [11:28:26] Sir help
    [11:27:32] 🙏
    [11:27:28] Micromax x512 flash file please
    [11:26:43] next time use smart reset
    [11:26:22] Nokia 2.4 after wipe with cm2
    [10:49:43] What\’s the problem with it,password or what?
    [10:32:27] Is spd
    [10:32:17] Please what\’s the boot support for itel 6350
    [10:18:34] Help with this mtn flash file
    [10:12:00] Nothing found for u963

    If you will get the file upload it to support with iosFileUploader

    [10:08:35] EMMC:
    BOOT1 : 0x00400000 [ 4.00 MB ]
    BOOT2 : 0x00400000 [ 4.00 MB ]
    RPMB : 0x00400000 [ 4.00 MB ]
    USER : 0x73A000000 [ 28.91 GB ]

    CHIP : MT6765 , SBID : 0x8A00 , HWVR : 0xCA00 , SWVR : 0x0000 , EVOL : 0x0000

    RNID : BF5B1C1C59E9FBF93DB9D56AC7F274AB


    Boot done!

    [FL] : HW verification passed!

    [FL] : Pre-Flash backup

    Backup sensetive data [ 18 ]
    Backup path : Backup\\MT6765__3AF0C451D3443CF9AFB3E569F9BE9B7C
    [10:06:03] How to fix it
    [09:59:50] possible to repair imei?
    [09:54:42] problem is imei NULL
    [09:53:31] flash via Extracted OFP from factory firmware.
    [09:53:00] problem solved.
    [09:49:23] What exactly you really want 🤔?
    [09:36:15] Found 1 file a661w
    1. DA_SPD_USC_iTel_iTel_A58_A661W.fdl

    [09:20:01] Testpoint working
    [09:16:14] realme c3 rmx2020
    [09:16:07] I went there but nothing is there
    [09:16:05] solution plz
    [09:06:45] Samsung am-A125u mdm lock
    [08:49:30] Help me with tecno t661 file please
    [08:49:02] Hello guys
    [08:38:40] If I am wrong, forgive me ☺️
    [08:36:45] Not everything people get for free
    [08:36:02] Inbox is little bit forbidden here, you may get ban.\r
    If you know how to fix write here for everybody.
    [08:36:02] inbox
    [08:34:50] Each how much?
    [08:27:05] Kicka 5 plus 4g da file for network unlock 🔑 please anyone have
    [08:25:10] see @Tu13dhek
    [08:25:04] Let talk
    [08:24:53] Dm me private
    [08:24:30] sio freee
    [08:24:25] he sells bro
    [08:24:08] Share the link
    [08:23:06] Ok share it
    [08:22:51] Msijaze charts humu mtakula ban
    [08:22:21] Bro what Is that?
    [08:22:01] Jambazi
    [08:21:49] You are not a good person
    [08:21:40] usiniget tu robokopo
    [08:21:19] 😄
    [08:20:58] What the hell Are talking About I dont get you?
    [08:20:27] Siuzi kwa wabongo
    [08:20:12] how much 😘
    [08:19:55] Mdm File Permanently available


    [08:19:15] you bypassed it once
    [08:15:23] Robot Is at Your service
    [07:44:27] after it goes to recovery mode its self
    [07:43:29] same
    [07:41:02] Do format flash
    [07:40:32] bro i have used this file on almost more than 13 phones and it works but this one i dnt knw whats the prob
    [07:39:34] Wrong file
    [07:37:34] nokia 2.4 after flash it brings that error
    [07:18:14] Xiaomi MI Account CLEAN MODE
    PERMANENT instant
    [06:43:00] Have MDM
    [06:42:32] Send recovery mode pics here
    [06:41:28] Samsung a03 core has no wipe userdata option in recovery mode some help pliz
    [06:03:40] 🙏 Apology sir.
    [06:03:01] last warning for both
    [06:02:56] deal privatly unless receive ban
    [06:02:44] Man is better you wake up 💯✅
    [06:02:05] Do you know the meaning of conned?
    [05:59:28] As in I dont get?
    [05:58:58] The group must know the truth
    [05:57:24] deal with him privatly
    [05:56:41] You received the money
    [05:56:04] You can see clearly that there\’s different between the 2, mine is just payment sent but not received
    [05:56:03] He conned me $50+
    [05:41:00] Device chipset?
    [05:06:54] Before to updat it check Binary and model then download file updated
    [05:02:15] Is that a legit software update? I\’m kinda worried about hacking since I didn\’t initiate it.
    [04:18:26] Download mode
    [03:26:31] Need help. Anyone knows what\’s this. It just happened to my phone.
    [03:09:59] Please guys any advice would be appreciated
    [03:09:44] While trying to flash
    [03:09:33] Keeps on getting this error
    [03:09:08] Hi guys I have itel s16 pro
    [01:43:25] Samsung j410f repair imie or unlock network is cm2 supported????

    InfinityBoxTalks 2022-08-23

    [22:47:38] Hi cm2
    [21:50:52] Sir
    [21:16:34] cm2mt2/CM2SP2 invalid class
    [21:11:30] onnecting to server…
    Connection successfully established
    Checking DongleManager version…
    DongleManager is up-to-date
    Checking Dongle Identification…
    Authenticating on server…
    Authentication stage error:
    Server answer: [0007] No update available
    [21:11:07] sir my poblam
    [21:09:05] Infinity #CM2SP2 boot pack v1.10 released
    [+] G-Touch
    [+] Hotwav
    [+] Infinix
    [+] Mito
    [+] Mobicel
    [+] QC-QcTech
    [+] Realme
    [+] Symphony
    [+] Stylus
    [+] ZTE
    [21:04:12] === DongleManager [Infinity] v1.91 [8/24/2022 2:02:25 AM] ===
    Box/Dongle type selected: Infinity-Box/Dongle [CM2]
    Card-Reader: Alcor Micro USB Smart Card Reader 0
    HWID: 0000DCF917004082
    Box/Dongle found: Infinity-Box/Dongle [CM2]
    Serial No (S/N): 423ADCF9
    Firmware version: 0153.02
    === Started: 8/24/2022 2:02:27 AM ===
    Connecting to server…
    Connection successfully established
    Checking DongleManager version…
    DongleManager is up-to-date
    Checking Dongle Identification…
    Authenticating on serv
    [20:52:51] sir
    [20:52:40] hi
    [20:51:57] english
    [20:26:05] hi
    [20:02:44] === DongleManager [Infinity] v1.91 [8/24/2022 2:02:25 AM] ===
    Box/Dongle type selected: Infinity-Box/Dongle [CM2]
    Card-Reader: Alcor Micro USB Smart Card Reader 0
    HWID: 0000DCF917004082
    Box/Dongle found: Infinity-Box/Dongle [CM2]
    Serial No (S/N): 423ADCF9
    Firmware version: 0153.02
    === Started: 8/24/2022 2:02:27 AM ===
    Connecting to server…
    Connection successfully established
    Checking DongleManager version…
    DongleManager is up-to-date
    Checking Dongle Identification…
    Authenticating on serv
    [19:26:14] Since yesterday 13:15pm till now
    [19:22:34] 005B8C55EB
    [19:11:54] Samsung
    [19:11:28] I need A135F FLASHING FILE
    [18:49:46] Help Friend
    [18:49:24] done
    [18:48:53] Make this
    [18:48:53] Ticket-ID:1661256460.250

    Username: 00F376715A

    Attached file: fault.bin

    HELP OUT ADMIN PLEASE  I AM USING HEX EDITOR TO EDIT LK.BIN files so as to remove Boot logo warnings ON Tecno Infinix after unlocking bootloader  Unlucky I opened Cm2sp2  Without closing the app I did Wrong It Says card misconfiguration PLEASE help out there I am working hard and In difficult situation here 
    [18:48:36] use combination file and full firmware
    [18:47:44] thanks You are online 👍
    [18:47:08] username please
    [18:42:21] Admin
    [18:30:56] help out admin
    [18:28:32] Ticket-ID:1661256460.250 fault.bin 00F376715A [5a]



    Post 23 Aug 2022, 12:07

    Username: 00F376715A
    Attached file: fault.bin


    Fault code: 5a

    There is a software conflict with this application: HDD Software|Hex Editor Neo|Hexframe
    Do not run this application at the same time with Infinity to avoid unpredicatble result.

    What to do:

    You will get an reply with instruction soon, wait litle bit and return back

    [18:26:44] On usb Debugging and then connect to the Dig mode
    [18:25:02] Cm2 credit move any user solutions
    [16:37:40] I need to nvram itel a56
    [16:37:23] Hello
    [16:16:32] Admin any idea? Nokia C10 network Unlock when Check SVC the phone restart.
    [16:12:05] I don\’t know if it will come with frp after flashing ?
    Sorry just asking to know before I download flash file pls
    [16:08:44] Password yes..frp no
    [16:00:03] Pls can it remove password lock with frp
    The Odin
    [15:54:28] 😂😂
    [15:54:25] Nikahesabiwe nalipwa mie 😂
    [15:53:57] Kahesabiwe sensa wee
    [15:53:47] Use odin
    [15:53:32] No
    [15:52:32] Team good day!
    I need help
    can I flash samsung J7 pro (SM-J730F/DS) with CM2 dongle?
    [15:44:59] hello, do you guys have philippines firmware for NOKIA 6350 rm-455?
    [15:17:58] where you locked is where you get it relocked
    [15:17:22] Not Good
    [15:03:03] Toilet
    [15:01:00] I bought Octoplus server credits yesterday around 13:15pm using infinity credits, but up to now it\’s not done why?
    [14:59:39] Admin I need your help
    [14:59:01] Please how can I relock my bootloader
    [14:56:11] ADMIN WHERE ARE YOU?
    [14:54:33] take SMART CARD READER WITH YOU
    [14:31:17] kg lock
    [14:13:25] Always showing error Even with local sla vivo v2116 ( v23e)
    [13:59:37] No need fimware only formart enable Adb 😘
    [13:44:09] Help vivo v2116 ( v23e ) frp pls help admin
    [12:57:55] Tecno bd4h formware link
    [12:56:13] Help me Nokia 1270 giving that errors I need to unlock MDM
    [12:37:18] Nvram Samsung A53 plus please help
    [12:26:30] he just gave me
    [12:25:53] Return to owner😭
    [12:24:29] hello i just been given a cm2 but owner lost his email to cm2 account
    [12:12:04] HELLO HELP OUT ADMIN Ticket-ID:1661256460.250 fault.bin 00F376715A [5a]
    [11:16:46] Found 49 files 5081, search limit is 20 files per server
    1. Micromax_X1800_SW_V0.0.8_HW_V1.0_250815_russia
    2. Micromax_X1850_sw_v0.0.9_fw_v1.0_BESTONE61M_SML_11C_PCB01_gsm_MT6261_S00.RUSSIA_X1850_SW_V0_0_9_HW_V1_0_250815_full
    3. Micromax_X1800_BESTONE61M_SML_11C_PCB01_gsm_MT6261_S00.RUSSIA_X1800_SW_V0
    [11:11:33] Nothing found for Invens max 15

    If you will get the file upload it to support with iosFileUploader

    [10:45:47] in rc5 some changes in the software, a couple of new ones быстрая загрузка commands, at the request of users, the log is not automatically cleared, the reading of Samsung information in AT has been added and before resetting фрп
    [10:40:54] Rc5 on support.
    [10:38:48] ✅406769 x 1
    Infinity Server Logs 5 Credit
    LOGIN 002AAC27xx
    [10:35:51] do you have
    [10:34:02] Try otherwise bypass it
    [10:33:15] If it enabled
    [10:32:46] Adb
    [10:32:36] Unisoc Tiger T606 not supported at this time. Wait for update..
    [10:31:53] Lol))
    [10:31:51] And I need le6 latest firmware
    [10:31:42] I don\’t want to get banned
    [10:31:34] I need solution to dis
    [10:31:16] I av dis……who av solution
    [10:30:41] Yes
    [10:28:28] A035f frp how to be hungry
    [10:27:02] 🫣 tp
    [10:26:35] A035f frp
    [10:25:17] Type: Infinity-Box/Dongle [CM2]
    S/N: F3AF5766
    Username: 00F3AF5766
    Account Status: Active
    Hardware Status: Ok
    #0: Infinity-Box/Dongle [CM2]; Firmware Version: 0139; Expired: 19-Feb-2020

    Your [CM2] support period is expired.
    Previous software versions can be used as before.
    To use latest software updates please renew support:
    1. Contact to any seller
    2. Send your dongle S/N to seller
    3. Order [CM2] support renew for 1 or 2 years

    How to check support period
    [10:24:20] Testpoint working
    [10:19:13] SN F3AF5766
    [10:15:43] Someone pls help with Me samsung A022f kg unlock file
    [09:53:48] Help 1. Make sure device is powered off. Power off, if need. Wait 20 seconds after 2. Insert USB cable in phone Waiting for device connection … PTFN : MediaTek USB Port (COM4) MODE : BOOTROM PORT : 4 Waiting BOOT ack … BROM : Skip ACK verify BROM : Init BROM BROM init passed! CHIP : MT6765 , SBID : 0x8A00 , HWVR : 0xCA00 , SWVR : 0x0000 CODE : Cervino TYPE : MODERN [RAPHAEL] BROM : MEID : A11191C97DA5D98F1C161344FDE47F99 BROM : SecLevel : 0x000000E5 BROM : SecMode : SBC+SDA+EXT BROM : BROM|BL : 0x05|0xF
    [09:50:16] tecno f2 copy
    [09:42:47] Found 49 files A58, search limit is 20 files per server
    1. Symphony_MT6580_Symphony_i10_6.0_MRA58K_i10
    2. Bravis_MT6580_A552_JOY_Max_A552_JOY_Max_6.0_MRA58K_A552_JOY_Max
    3. Bravis_MT6580_BRAVIS_A504_Trace_6.0_BRAVIS_Trace_V3.06_0720_MRA58K_wf581g_lg_bra
    [09:42:35] Itel A58 not included in the latest boot pack
    [09:22:18] Samsung a035f frp
    [09:22:07] Phone is alive again
    [09:21:23] Device Connected!
    BootVersion : SPRD3
    Boot : PAC : L6006F-SU385Voda-10-ZA-Voda-L-V010-20211214.pac
    Sending Init Boot …
    Boot sent!
    Kick FDL …
    BootVersion : Spreadtrum Boot Block version 1.1
    Protocol setup …
    Port speed : 921600
    Sending Flash Boot …
    Boot sent!
    Kick FLASH FDL …
    FDL : 0x0008
    FDL : EMMC_RO : False ; EMMC_PART : True ; EMMC_RPMB_SET : False
    FDL : RAW : 0x0002
    FDL : FLH : 0x400000
    FDL : Control transfered!

    Boot Done!

    PMTMng : Load PMT
    PMTMng : 0x27
    PMTMng : Update PMT Ok!

    NVRM :
    [09:21:23] Card found : 5D460AE2 , v0153
    Infinity-Box Chinese Miracle II : SPD/USC Module [SP2] v2.14

    Load IDBase v8331 Ok!

    Open : L6006F-SU385MTN-10-ZA-MTN-L-V006-20210427.pac
    VER : BP_R1.0.0
    LEN : 2,61 GiB
    CPU : sp9832e_1h10
    VER : L6006F-SU385MTN-10-ZA-MTN-L-V006-20210427

    Reading package …
    Read package finished!

    Product Brand : Itel
    Product Device : itel-L6006F
    Product Model : itel L6006F
    Product Name : SU385MTN
    Patch Level : QP1A.190711.020
    Display ID : L6006F-SU385MTN-10-ZA-MTN-L-V006-20210427
    [09:16:42] Found 1 file Tecno KG5K
    1. Tecno_KG5k_F062_11.0_GL_V034_20220214

    [09:16:10] Tecno KG5K read nv ram error
    [09:11:43] Nokia ta 1174 mtk flash file
    [09:03:01] i will try.
    [09:02:05] Press and hold all buttons and don\’t let go until it reboots
    [08:34:45] detected as spread diag
    [08:33:47] but now. its dead.
    [08:33:42] mobile is alive before. hang on realme logo.
    [08:33:15] help plz
    [08:32:49] trying to flash rmx3261 2 different firmware. but same error. fdl 2 error.
    [08:32:32] F2 copy firmware anyone pls
    [08:32:05] whats does fdl 2 error mean?
    [08:06:54] Found 5 files Itel a58
    1. iTel_S11_I801_6.0_V065_170907_MRA58K_S11
    2. iTel_S11_I801_6.0_V070_180420_MRA58K_S11
    3. iTel_S11_I801_6.0_V043_161110_MRA58K_S11
    4. Oukitel_MT6735M_OUKITEL_K6000_6.0_OUKITEL_K6000_V09_20171117_MRA58K_t875a_o
    [08:06:22] Found 49 files a58, search limit is 20 files per server
    1. Symphony_MT6580_Symphony_i10_6.0_MRA58K_i10
    2. Bravis_MT6580_A552_JOY_Max_A552_JOY_Max_6.0_MRA58K_A552_JOY_Max
    3. Bravis_MT6580_BRAVIS_A504_Trace_6.0_BRAVIS_Trace_V3.06_0720_MRA58K_wf581g_lg_bra
    [08:00:05] SP UNLOCK hidden yet
    [07:59:27] Please CM2 Developers, update SCR to have SP UNLOCK function
    [06:39:18] C/infinity-box/tools
    [06:39:03] Install boot helper
    [06:37:16] help thi fix
    [05:45:49] Do you want to reset Account e-mail and password?
    e-mail: xxxxxx
    Box/Dongle type selected: Infinity-Box/Dongle [CM2]
    Request fail: Could not load SSL library.
    [05:44:59] want to reset my account, but am getting that response
    [03:49:28] there are infinix techo loaders already added in boot pack install boot pack from support area and try to select one by one
    [03:29:19] I was scammed out of $42 for an A025AZ and he disappeared, I\’m posting this so you can take your precautions.
    [03:25:34] Tecno KG5j spark 8c

    InfinityBoxTalks 2022-08-22

    [22:29:41] Nokia C20 latest Security not entering diag mode .. is there downgrade file on site
    [22:03:32] Yes I need free one u av
    [22:02:02] Paid not for free.we need the free one
    [21:31:20] 😒😔
    [21:31:16] Or dis
    [21:23:01] LE6-H6222CDEFG-R-GL-220408V432 house i need dis pls
    [21:19:26] PTFN : MediaTek USB Port (COM14)
    PORT : 14
    Waiting BOOT ack …
    BROM : Skip ACK verify
    BROM : Init BROM
    BROM init passed!
    CHIP : MT6739 , SBID : 0x8A00 , HWVR : 0xCB00 , SWVR : 0x0002
    CODE : Zion
    BROM : MEID : D3B993CDCF24FAE089F5C98BB5D8A3C3
    BROM : SecLevel : 0x000000E5
    BROM : SecMode : SBC+SDA+EXT
    BROM : BROM|BL : 0x05|0xFE
    BROM : SOCID : 5915824846D8678B968FC09101CD9F8956BEB04B77A944037299EBCF0B46B89E
    BROM : SLA : Local Auth
    BROM : S
    [21:19:26] 1. Make sure device is powered off. Power off, if need. Wait 20 seconds after
    2. Insert USB cable in phone
    Waiting for device connection …

    PTFN : MediaTek USB Port (COM14)
    PORT : 14
    Waiting BOOT ack …
    BROM : Skip ACK verify
    BROM : Init BROM
    BROM init passed!
    CHIP : MT6739 , SBID : 0x8A00 , HWVR : 0xCB00 , SWVR : 0x0002
    CODE : Zion
    BROM : MEID : D3B993CDCF24FAE089F5C98BB5D8A3C3
    BROM : SecLevel : 0x000000E5
    BROM : SecMode : SBC+SDA+EXT
    [20:04:03] Yes brother thank you
    [19:55:54] And besides not all Ventures owner have the ability to own a site for now, some are still preparing to made it done like the writer here, so if at all you dont get the official site yo purchase credit or activation, make sure you\’re able to get the full details of the person you\’re dealing with may GOD provide for you abundantly to replace your loss ,…AMIN
    [19:54:09] Yes brother
    [19:51:35] You made a mistake bro, dont put trust on someone you can\’t even view his profile details to the core, here now he can change his username to something else and your means of payment can not provide a full details about him, be cautioned bro, next time deal with legit and trustworthy personel only
    [19:31:03] other times you don\’t need to turn to all sorts of suspicious personalities. there is a website. on it official sellers.
    [19:28:19] @mozo1699. He will give me infinity cridet so i am paying him payment complete he block me he is Gsm unlocker Scammer. Total 480 usdt Scammer
    [19:27:15] is it on the list of official sellers? what did i give above?
    [19:25:30] he is Gsm unlocker Scammer. Total 480 usdt Scammer
    [19:01:57] here is a list of official sellers. you need to work with them. not with just anyone
    [19:00:56] He will give me infinity cridet so i am paying him payment complete he block me he is Gsm unlocker Scammer. Total 480 usdt Scammer
    [18:55:04] He will give me infinity cridet so i am paying him payment complete he block me he is scammer
    [18:54:19] If i tick local sla pc doesn\’t detect phone
    [18:52:32] Check on local sla and retet
    [18:51:10] Not boss
    [18:38:51] Fixed?
    [17:56:21] Lsa
    [17:15:01] Tecno spark 8c
    [16:43:15] what\’s the matter?
    [16:41:08] mt6261 ok tank you
    [16:35:57] Whenever I use local sla to remove frp from Device if it doesn\’t boot fine phone refuse to on but it is inbuilt how to on
    [16:19:29] Tecno kb7 baseband unknown any solution please?
    [15:53:23] How to flash this phone
    [15:39:44] Found 1 file Itel A661W
    1. DA_SPD_USC_iTel_iTel_A58_A661W.fdl

    [15:35:45] Itel A58 A661w flash file please
    [15:28:17] Da file for infinix x665
    [15:02:41] check first version file original then download it
    [14:53:03] YOU RESOLVED?
    [14:50:48] Please how can I flash format Tecno spark 7 pr651h spd with cm2 I am seeing fld fail
    [14:44:37] Brom required
    [14:44:25] its already in test points
    [14:41:11] Dl fix try
    [14:40:59] Connect test point
    [14:37:50] X665
    [14:36:17] Can’t find file in support
    [14:35:47] How do I fix
    [14:33:37] Preloader needed bro
    [14:32:31] samsung a037f help
    [14:32:30] #CM2MT2 connection issue solution is HERE
    [14:32:30] Operation : Identify [ v2.33 ]

    Mode : FLASH

    1. Make sure device is powered off. Power off, if need. Wait 20 seconds after
    2. Insert USB cable in phone
    Waiting for device connection …

    PTFN : MediaTek PreLoader USB VCOM (Android) (COM3)
    PORT : 3
    Waiting BOOT ack …
    PRELOADER : ACK confirmed!
    BROM : Init BROM
    BROM init passed!
    CHIP : MT6765 , SBID : 0x8A00 , HWVR : 0xCA00 , SWVR : 0x0000
    CODE : Cervino
    BROM : SecLevel : 0x00000005
    BROM : SecMod
    [13:48:51] Data Explorer Activation is needed on your dongle sir
    [13:41:23] Please help me with link for this hisense U40 Lite
    [13:40:47] Boot Done!

    Device info :
    Patch Level : OPM2.171019.012
    Display ID : Hisense_HWCD100E_11_S03_04_02_ZA00
    Ver. Incmt : Hisense_HWCD100E_11_S05
    Ver. CodeName : REL
    Ver. Release : 8.1.0
    Sec. Patch : 2020-12-05
    Build Time : 01.12.2020
    Product Model : HWCD100E
    Product Brand : Hisense
    Product Name : U964
    Product Device : HS7731ESP
    Product Board : Hisense_U964
    Product Manfct : Hisense
    Product Info : sp7731e_fs286
    Product Board : sp7731e_fs286
    Board Platform : sp7731e
    [13:35:48] New user
    [13:34:41] What can l do with my cm2 dongle
    [13:10:55] pls anybody to reply this?
    [12:59:05] Kg5j how to downgrade frp the latest firmware
    [12:52:10] Ok
    [12:51:59] pls how do i reset tecno bd1 android 11 frp? pls very urgent.
    [12:49:50] Wait for admin intervention
    [12:47:56] mtk
    [12:47:04] ?
    [12:38:56] Mp3 intalling
    [12:37:31] Please help me,how can I solve this issue
    [12:33:56] I have same problem
    [12:23:04] Install Emergency drivers
    [12:21:45] Yes
    [12:07:02] I should uninstall the Qualcomm driver?
    [12:06:30] I don’t understand
    [11:50:43] Revert Driver …908
    [11:48:46] Even old Qualcomm not detected
    [11:48:02] High time you should update Qualcomm module team?
    [11:47:51] And I’ve installed Qualcomm drivers
    [11:46:33] My CM2 Qualcomm not detecting any Qualcomm device
    [11:30:57] new chip set not supported atm
    [11:30:24] Vivo V2144 (X80) (PD2183F_EX) (Android 12)…
    [11:27:50] How can I solve this,
    [11:22:03] 🤔
    [11:21:59] ☹️
    [11:21:59] No success
    [11:21:58] Try it all
    [11:11:22] Type: Infinity-Box/Dongle [CM2]
    S/N: CB752013
    Username: 00CB752013
    Account Status: Active
    Hardware Status: Ok
    #0: Infinity-Box/Dongle [CM2]; Firmware Version: 0136; Expired: 23-Aug-2023

    [10:45:42] Identify done but when i click repair comes this error
    [10:42:12] Hi team

    Please help i want to repair imei tecno kg5k
    [10:36:13] Type: Infinity-Box/Dongle [CM2]
    S/N: CB752013
    Username: 00CB752013
    Account Status: Active
    Hardware Status: Ok
    #0: Infinity-Box/Dongle [CM2]; Firmware Version: 0136; Expired: 06-Jul-2017

    Your [CM2] support period is expired.
    Previous software versions can be used as before.
    To use latest software updates please renew support:
    1. Contact to any seller
    2. Send your dongle S/N to seller
    3. Order [CM2] support renew for 1 or 2 years

    How to check support period
    [10:32:32] Check cm2 site
    [10:32:03] Need tecno ka7 factory sighed firmware
    Fix fastboot mode
    [10:22:15] Connect wifi and send error again
    [10:21:32] bypass without signal only
    [10:21:29] Sir what is the solution
    [10:21:07] Ok
    [10:20:16] After done device wont be able to use signal but there\’s solution
    [10:19:49] Baseband issue sri
    [10:19:35] iPhone 6
    [10:19:25] Please I need solution
    [10:07:30] File available
    [10:07:02] No need test point
    [09:42:41] Redmi nite 8 pro mv ram issue, any fix
    [09:38:45] Nothing found for Tecno BE6

    If you will get the file upload it to support with iosFileUploader

    [09:33:11] Try here @FlashFileSearchBot
    [09:33:11] Need file unlock
    [09:32:49] MDM
    [09:32:32] No test point use mode flash
    [09:31:09] State nature of device problem
    [09:30:56] Sorry sir, spark 7 doesn\’t use test point
    [09:30:32] Which problem
    [09:29:35] Techno spark 7 testpoints….?? anyone with them
    [08:52:46] Try checking on YouTube video sir
    [08:50:08] Jtag
    [08:49:38] Need nokia service, hmd
    [08:47:34] inbox is little forbidden here
    [08:47:13] Inbox 🤔😃
    [08:43:45] C10 not do reset
    [08:37:21] Type: Infinity-Box/Dongle [CM2]
    S/N: 6768E6F5
    Username: 006768E6F5
    Account Status: Active
    Hardware Status: Ok
    #0: Infinity-Box/Dongle [CM2]; Firmware Version: 0152; Expired: 03-Feb-2022

    Your [CM2] support period is expired.
    Previous software versions can be used as before.
    To use latest software updates please renew support:
    1. Contact to any seller
    2. Send your dongle S/N to seller
    3. Order [CM2] support renew for 1 or 2 years

    How to check support period
    [08:33:23] Boss
    [08:33:23] SN::R9YT20HB3LP
    [08:29:28] 6768e6f5
    [08:28:12] 2 years
    [08:28:03] Price
    [08:26:09] Send SN here
    [08:22:32] Need activation to work
    [08:19:40] Hello
    [08:18:53] Help me
    [08:18:35] Check please expired
    [08:15:17] Please help me
    [07:57:37] Found 1 file infinix hot 10
    1. Infinix_NVM_Infinix_Hot_10_Play_nvram

    [07:56:22] Yes service available sir
    [07:54:33] Hello, my cm2 is outdated, how do I update it? Please
    [07:54:28] Recovery mode pics?
    [07:51:20] Inbox me
    [07:49:42] I need help… infinix x690 imei unknown …but when read info with cm2 imei if found and nvram is ok ….I have tried with different nv but still the same broblem ..
    [07:01:57] Am new here how do I create an account on the site
    [06:43:18] Like how much man
    [06:43:18] Ok
    [06:43:06] Found 8 files alps.l1.mp6.v2_tinno6580.we.l
    1. Micromax_MT6580_Micromax_Micromax_Q338_5.1_ALPS.L1.MP6.V2_TINNO6580.WE.L_P4_LMY47I_Q338
    2. QMobile_QMobile_S2_5.1_ALPS.L1.MP6.V2_TINNO6580.WE.L_P4_MT6580
    3. QMobile_MT6580_QMobile_QMobile_i6i_QMobile_5.1_ALPS.L1.MP6.V2_TINNO6580.WE.L
    [06:42:10] What is the cpu type?
    [06:41:20] you can order from seller credits or activation directly
    [06:41:00] Contact to any seller and send your Infinity Username to seller.

    How to know your Username —
    [06:37:05] Can I get the firmware
    [06:36:54] alps.l1.mp6.v2_tinno6580.we.l
    [06:11:11] Yes server frp
    [05:50:28] Found 13 files be6
    1. Xiaomi_Mi_6_sagit_global_images_V10.0.1.0.OCAMIFH_20180905.0000.00_8.0_global_7ce4be65b4
    2. RM_1019_01068.00023.14295.43001_059W353_6BE66BC4_CustomerNvi_01068.00023.14295.43001_10022_7b0496a925c1d8a35f9554763f6eaa4c.nvi
    3. RM_1019_01068.00016.14295.38001_059W6V6_D6A6694D_Custom
    [01:23:49] What do you want
    [01:11:29] frp
    [01:09:03] redmi note 11 pro supported by cm2 ??
    [00:38:32] Good evening, how do I recharge my infinity box account and from there do the purchase or activation of the package or renewal to require myself from my account, thanks

    InfinityBoxTalks 2022-08-21

    [23:12:45] Support expired boss check
    [23:12:18] Found 6 files cg8
    1. Tecno_CG8_H854ABCLM_R_GL_211012V760
    2. Tecno_CG8h_H854O_R_OP_211103V180
    3. Tecno_CG8_H854L_R_TR_210517V175
    4. Karbonn_K109_02_HINDI_TCG8347_V0009_4209
    [22:54:13] Already click report and fix but the same problem
    [22:50:46] Nothing found for L5581

    If you will get the file upload it to support with iosFileUploader

    [22:50:32] yes. See line 28. and below here
    [22:49:45] Found 1 file FS502
    1. Fly_Fly_FS502_Fac_SW08_FLY_FS502_2015_07_26

    [22:49:19] What is the model name?
    [22:48:37] HELLO
    [22:48:23] Where do you see it?
    [22:48:02] Make this
    [22:47:14] 57702AD1
    [22:47:12] Nothing found for Tecno be6

    If you will get the file upload it to support with iosFileUploader

    [22:46:56] What is the cpu type?
    [22:46:31] what was the problem before flash format?
    [22:45:42] it was very stupid idea to post password here.
    [22:44:23] What is the dongle S/N?
    [22:44:06] you may try with Infinity [BEST]
    Make search regading your model here
    [22:43:28] your account is blocked
    [22:43:28] I formatted my pc, now I have problem with cm2, I tried to fix spd phone not connecting, then I have this problem again
    [22:43:08] BB_CPU_SN : UNKNOW [ READ ERROR ]
    [22:42:47] I manage to generate the mtk port in the device manager even the infinity box tool detects it for me but the error it gives me is the same
    [22:42:32] A125f u2 not boot
    [22:41:44] Found 1 file infinix hot 10
    1. Infinix_NVM_Infinix_Hot_10_Play_nvram

    [22:41:14] use boot key
    [22:40:07] ok
    [22:39:31] you may try with Infinity [BEST]
    Make search regading your model here
    [22:39:31] I want to make the mobile unlock also flagellar to mount software but it is impossible it always throws me the following error
    [22:36:28] it does not let you unlock or flail anything
    [22:33:51] There is no digital version at the moment.
    [22:33:03] What is the problem with the phone?
    [22:27:47] Pls
    [22:27:45] Anybody wit new ideal
    [22:27:33] Samsung a03 frp
    [22:22:15] Help ☺️😭
    [22:21:36] Dead boot Repair Samsung Galaxy A03 Core A032F
    [22:19:49] Help
    [22:12:50] Gracias
    [21:42:22] BB_CPU_SN : UNKNOW [ READ ERROR ]
    [21:41:53] try with another port and another cable the error persists
    [21:39:44] Yes, I have tried several USB cables, one of them was a professional box cable, very good cables, but nothing
    [21:37:52] Have you try using different USB cable
    [21:37:32] As been written this suppose to ne connection error
    [21:36:57] Ok sir
    [21:35:29] I can\’t make this mobile help friend
    [21:34:52] Usb
    [21:33:54] my question would be this would be through pinout or by usb as by usb it gives me the mtk port
    [21:26:37] Card found : S/N : xxxxxxx , v0153
    Chinese Miracle II [MTK module] v 1.58

    Load File
    Bad file detected!

    Load File
    Bad file detected!

    Start at : [21/08/2022 / 4:21:33 p. m.]
    Operation : Read Flash [ v1.58 ]

    1. Power Off Phone , Remove battery , Insert back
    2. Insert USB cable. In some cases require hold BootKey ( \’*\’ )

    Wait for phone…
    Phone found! [ 3 ]
    Sync Ok, read regs…
    Inital regs read done
    Boot Info :
    BB_CPU_ID : 6261
    BB_CPU_HW : CB01
    BB_CPU_SW : 0001
    BB_CPU_SB : 8000
    BB_CPU_NM : [M
    [21:24:05] Chinese Miracle II [MTK module] v 1.58

    Load File
    Bad file detected!

    Load File
    Bad file detected!

    Operation : Read Flash [ v1.58 ]

    1. Power Off Phone , Remove battery , Insert back
    2. Insert USB cable. In some cases require hold BootKey ( \’*\’ )

    Wait for phone…
    Phone found! [ 3 ]
    Sync Ok, read regs…
    Inital regs read done
    Boot Info :
    BB_CPU_ID : 6261
    BB_CPU_HW : CB01
    BB_CPU_SW : 0001
    BB_CPU_SB : 8000
    BB_CPU_NM : [MediaTek] MT6261_S0000
    [ERROR] :
    BROM Prot
    [21:19:34] Send logs here sir
    [21:19:19] Send logs here sie
    [21:18:52] Can only be used with physical dongle sir
    [21:17:56] Good afternoon, is there a digital version of the sotf or can it only be used with the physical box?
    [20:24:08] good afternoon everyone please someone help me I have a nokia TA-1190 which is a mtk 6261D processor which I try with infinity mtk module to remove forgotten user password and nothing I try to reset it does not leave anything someone can help me thanks
    [16:53:26] Card found : 4B1E57BB , v0153
    Infinity-Box Chinese Miracle II : SPD/USC Module [SP2] v2.14

    Load IDBase v8331 Ok!

    Operation : Format FS / Reset Settings [ v2.14 ]
    Mode : Reset FRP
    BootMode : FLASH

    1. Power off device, wait 10-15 seconds
    2. Press and hold BooKey ( 1 : BOTH VOL , 2 : VOL+ , 3 : VOL- )
    3. Insert cable in device!

    Wait for device …

    Device Connected!
    >>> ERROR : Protocol HandShake failed!

    >>> Error : Fail to init protocol!
    >>> Remove battery, cable. Check cable and connection. Repeat
    [16:50:03] Operation : Identify [ v2.14 ]
    BootMode : SVC

    1. Power off device, wait 10-15 seconds
    2. Not hold any key on device ( OLD devices — 1 : VOL+ , 2 : VOL- )
    3. Insert cable in device!

    Wait for device …

    Device Connected!
    Enter SVC …
    Waiting Device …
    Check SVC …
    SVC : DiagChannel opened!

    Boot Done!

    SOC GEN : UniSoc ( E-family and Modern )
    BuildInfo : e863_7731e_32u_o_native-user 8.1.0 OPM2.171019.012 vGD150004 release-keys
    MemoryInfo : EMMC : 16 GB ; DRAM : 2 GB

    Platform Version: MOCORTM_17
    [16:49:33] Yes
    [16:44:56] Philips M7 S407J support?

    SC7731E CPU
    [15:24:35] Any one with infinix hot 10 lte firmware
    [15:18:00] Nid wyf yn adfer unrhyw ateb
    [15:15:51] Ouk thank you
    [15:15:32] ddim yn agored pam
    [15:13:55] Normal no need test point
    [15:13:47] For mdm lock only
    [15:13:35] Yes
    [15:13:30] Yes
    [15:12:48] Nokia 2.4 still working with Testpoints??
    [15:12:10] Why i have been limited to 1 file per day
    [15:08:54] Hello
    [14:45:35] I think Problem hardware sir if says no service you can try with soft
    [14:09:38] ok
    [14:06:32] Reflash
    [13:41:22] Must be no service
    [13:41:12] Insert sim well
    [13:40:58] NO SIMCARD
    [13:40:47] No sim or no service?
    [13:40:10] ANY HELP FAMILY?
    [13:39:25] USERDATA : FILESYSTEM : F2FS with FDE ( Full Disk Encryption ***)

    — > INFO : Remove cable from device to switch it off!

    Elapsed: 00:01:45

    Operation : Repair Security [ v2.14 ]

    BootMode : FLASH

    1. Power off device, wait 10-15 seconds
    2. Press and hold BooKey ( 1 : BOTH VOL , 2 : VOL+ , 3 : VOL- )
    3. Insert cable in device!

    Wait for device …

    Device Connected!
    BootVersion : SPRD3
    Boot : PAC : A571W-F3116-10.0-OP-V016-20210310.pac
    Sending Init Boot …
    Boot sent!
    Kick FDL …
    BootVersion : S
    [13:39:25] Operation : Flash Firmware [ v2.14 ]

    Setting : Update NVRAM : False
    Setting : Force NVRAM : False
    Setting : Update PMT : True

    1. Power off device, wait 10-15 seconds
    2. Press and hold BooKey ( 1 : BOTH VOL , 2 : VOL+ , 3 : VOL- )
    3. Insert cable in device!

    Wait for device …

    Device Connected!
    BootVersion : SPRD3
    Boot : PAC : A571W-F3116-10.0-OP-V016-20210310.pac
    Sending Init Boot …
    Boot sent!
    Kick FDL …
    BootVersion : Spreadtrum Boot Block version 1.1
    Protocol setup …
    Port speed : 9216
    [13:39:25] Card found : 285613DF , v0150
    Infinity-Box Chinese Miracle II : SPD/USC Module [SP2] v2.14

    Load IDBase v8331 Ok!

    Operation : Write NVM [ v2.14 ]
    1. Power off device, wait 10-15 seconds
    2. Press and hold BooKey ( 1 : BOTH VOL , 2 : VOL+ , 3 : VOL- )
    3. Insert cable in device!

    Wait for device …

    Device Connected!
    BootVersion : SPRD3
    Boot : INF : Itel : A571W
    Sending Init Boot …
    Boot sent!
    Kick FDL …
    BootVersion : Spreadtrum Boot Block version 1.1
    Protocol setup …
    Port speed : 921600
    Sending Fl
    [13:06:31] landrover t99+ repire imei?
    [13:05:25] Techno be6 firmware pls
    [12:46:55] hello group I have a Nokta 1365 difficult to manually reset how to reset it with cm2mt2.
    [12:43:44] HELLO
    [12:04:28] What is cause of \»out of memory in cm2 mt2
    [11:45:48] Operation : Identify [ v2.34 ]

    Mode : FLASH

    1. Make sure device is powered off. Power off, if need. Wait 20 seconds after
    2. Insert USB cable in phone
    Waiting for device connection …

    PTFN : MediaTek USB Port_V1633 (COM6)
    PORT : 6
    Waiting BOOT ack …
    BROM : Skip ACK verify
    BROM : Init BROM
    BROM init passed!
    CHIP : MT0907 , SBID : 0x8A00 , HWVR : 0xCA01 , SWVR : 0x0001
    BROM : MEID : 8B3A2FD90CAE4C205D73A65271649748
    BROM : SecLevel : 0x000000E5
    BROM : SecMode
    [11:44:25] Hi
    I need firmware for this
    [11:43:32] Hi
    I need firmware for this
    [09:26:38] I backed up my nvram using cm2 mt2 but each time I restore backup it goes well but I still have unknown baseband and invalid IMEI despite cm2 writing successfully in cm2, this is my personal daily drive phone, and I also get baseband and IMEI working if I flash pixel experience custom ROM
    [09:15:39] Yes sir service available
    [09:13:55] Yes sir
    [09:07:37] hello guys is it possible to actie HCU on cm2 dongle?
    [08:13:51] file fash smart grand L5581 please🙏
    [08:03:45] Just go to support
    [08:03:10] Qualcomm module please team?
    [07:57:55] Spd
    [07:57:51] Mobicel Neo_1 Frp file
    [07:35:14] File wont remove
    [07:34:06] Mdm
    [07:28:24] cm2mt2 boot pack download link please
    [07:27:02] #CM2MT2 connection issue solution is HERE
    [07:27:02] Operation : Identify [ v2.34 ]

    Mode : FLASH

    1. Make sure device is powered off. Power off, if need. Wait 20 seconds after
    2. Insert USB cable in phone
    Waiting for device connection …

    PTFN : MediaTek PreLoader USB VCOM (Android) (COM4)
    PORT : 4
    Waiting BOOT ack …
    PRELOADER : ACK confirmed!
    BROM : Init BROM
    BROM init passed!
    CHIP : MT6761 , SBID : 0x8A00 , HWVR : 0xCA01 , SWVR : 0x0200
    CODE : Merlot
    BROM : SecLevel : 0x00000005
    BROM : SecMode
    [07:26:44] newly updated security patch for mtk brom protocal, not workinh on cm2mt2 any help?
    [07:18:09] I need hlp whn ever i try to flash infinix hot 10lte
    [07:08:49] Nokia Lumia 650 Rm1152
    [06:25:58] I just thank God everything was easy for me because I didn\’t use crack tool
    And I even have 2 infinity box I was using the other infinity box for work before I fix my main one that contains all infinity modules my first choice
    [06:23:32] People don\’t like sharing solution now days
    [06:22:58] Yeah no solution reply from anyone here so I figured away of fixing it my self
    [06:19:46] Server answer: [0007] Not translated. Update this software to latest version! please any one to explaine to me
    [06:18:48] === DongleManager [Infinity] v1.87 [8/20/2022 9:11:55 PM] ===
    Box/Dongle type selected: Infinity-Box/Dongle [CM2]
    Card-Reader: Alcor Micro USB Smart Card Reader 0
    HWID: 0000FA9921344082
    Box/Dongle found: Infinity-Box/Dongle [CM2]
    Serial No (S/N): 1AFFFA99
    Firmware version: 0153.02
    === Started: 8/20/2022 9:11:56 PM ===
    Connecting to server…
    Connection successfully established
    Checking client version…
    Client is up-to-date
    Checking Box/Dongle Identification…
    Authenticating on server…
    [06:04:37] This is for 2years
    [06:03:40] Just register and buy
    [05:37:20] Is there anyone in nigeria who can give me clue on how to activate my cm2 and the current price
    [05:09:45] thank you
    [02:10:00] Try with built-in loaders

    InfinityBoxTalks 2022-08-20

    [21:07:57] For Personal help
    [21:00:22] Thanks alot
    [20:48:33] What is your same issue?
    [20:48:11] What was the problem before flash?
    [20:34:32] Realme C11 2021 RMX3231 spd, Realme C21Y RMX3263 spd. Support repair imei? How prosedure repair imei spd?
    [20:34:08] you are late for at least 3 year with lumia direct unlock
    [20:33:41] The only way for now is code-by-imei.
    See line 192 and below here
    You must secect correct network/operator otherwise no code comes and your funds will be lost.
    [20:32:56] Must have a simple unlock interface like cm2 maybe
    [20:32:23] Even any lumia, I fail to unlock using Best dongle
    [20:28:02] What is the model name?
    [20:27:26] I have infinity best, I don\’t know how to unlock Nokia network via server using infinity best…… please tell me more on how to unlock with it
    [19:47:02] 🙏 I need Tecno BD2 fdl file
    [19:43:27] If I may ask any probs?
    [19:43:24] #CM2SP2 connection issue solution is HERE
    [19:43:24] Card found : 585D408E , v0153
    Infinity-Box Chinese Miracle II : SPD/USC Module [SP2] v2.14

    Load IDBase v8331 Ok!

    VER : BP_R1.0.0
    LEN : A387DCF6 ( 2.56 GiB )
    CPU : sp7731e_1h10
    VER : BD2-SP613ABC-QGo-OP-211012V010

    Operation : Identify [ v2.14 ]
    BootMode : FLASH

    1. Power off device, wait 10-15 seconds
    2. Press and hold BooKey ( 1 : BOTH VOL , 2 : VOL+ , 3 : VOL- )
    3. Insert cable in device!

    Wait for device …

    Device Connected!
    BootVersion : SPRD3
    Boot : PAC : BD2-SP613ABC-QGo-OP-211012V010.pac
    [19:32:06] Please I need person from Kano state Nigerian
    [19:05:03] hello everyone

    i just wanna know this box supports any unisoc t107 or not?
    [16:17:19] Spark 8c latest security not Working on Brom mode, any solution?
    [16:01:31] Who can help me fg file
    [15:58:18] hello sir
    [15:40:49] 9
    [15:36:51] What could be the problem
    [15:36:38] Am trying to flash tecno bb2 it gets here then give me this error
    [15:21:45] Need
    [15:21:37] Someone have Vgotel S10 flash file
    [14:49:40] file flash smart grand L5581 please?🙏🙏
    [14:38:04] pls help
    [14:37:55] please help

    Wait for device …

    >>> Device not found!
    >>> Remove battery, cable. Check cable and connection. Repeat operation!

    Reconnect Power/Cable!

    Operation : Identify [ v2.14 ]
    BootMode : FLASH

    1. Power off device, wait 10-15 seconds
    2. Press and hold BooKey ( 1 : BOTH VOL , 2 : VOL+ , 3 : VOL- )
    3. Insert cable in device!

    Wait for device …

    Device Connected!
    BootVersion : SPRD3
    Boot : INF : Itel : L6006F
    Sending Init Boot …
    Boot sent!
    Kick FDL …
    BootVersion : Spreadtrum Boot Block ve
    [14:30:19] I CAN HELP YOU SIR
    [14:09:54] Flash one by one partition untick then tick one after another
    [14:08:20] itel a58, i had the same issue
    [13:39:51] Ye
    [13:24:57] Friend, I need help. How to root J400f u8?
    I\’ve already downloaded several firmware and roots but it doesn\’t accept. I ask for help, what do I do?
    [13:24:17] Hello what is problem firmware is not done itel 661w
    [13:12:24] Ok thanks, that really works
    [13:10:34] flash it with original firmware version or with version that is very similar to original
    [12:58:36] I was trying to remove security plugging
    [12:47:54] Hang on logo and then restart . After downloading the signed firmware, it got stuck at \»preparing target\» and then gives error
    [12:45:28] What is the problem with your device?
    [12:43:27] How you been able to fix this ? I am having the same issue with the same phone
    [12:43:17] what was the problm before flash?
    [12:38:39] There was no problem while flashing everything went well but the phone reboot on first boot
    [12:32:54] Click here @FlashFileSearchBot and type there phone name. You will get links
    [12:29:37] Post problem details to support forum
    — device name
    — information about the problem with the device
    — software operation text from log file

    Do not attach images there but only copy/paste software log text

    post there sw log text for all operations
    [12:26:33] I need reply
    [12:13:28] Found 2 files rm-948
    1. pm_collection_Nokia_208.1_RM_948
    2. pm_collection_RM_948_Nokia_208_359191050274970_0_400

    [12:13:20] I flashed a firmware I read via cm2 mt2 and the firmware is A and B partion now after successfully flash the reboot on first boot, this has happened to me each time I flashed a cm2 backed up file that has A and B, I end up downloading firmware online. What partition should I choose?
    [12:11:16] Hello please a ask nokia rm 948 firmware
    [11:25:10] Found 1 file A661W
    1. DA_SPD_USC_iTel_iTel_A58_A661W.fdl

    [11:23:57] good firmware or bluetooth hw
    [10:56:52] Infinix hot 10 format please help
    [10:37:01] plz help to unlock nokia ta 1385
    [10:36:33] model supported cm2??
    [10:36:02] Solution please 🥺🥺
    [10:31:41] How to erase persist using cm2 SPD?
    [10:29:44] ?
    [10:29:30] you may try to use google or other servers.

    If you will get more files you can upload it for all users with this tool
    [10:28:49] Mi Account info
    [10:27:53] use default built-in loaders first and see result
    [10:21:22] help
    [10:20:57] Infinity-Box Chinese Miracle II : SPD/USC Module [SP2] v2.14

    Load IDBase v8331 Ok!

    Operation : SP Unlock [ v2.14 ]
    BootMode : SVC

    1. Power off device, wait 10-15 seconds
    2. Not hold any key on device ( OLD devices — 1 : VOL+ , 2 : VOL- )
    3. Insert cable in device!

    Wait for device …

    Device Connected!
    Enter SVC …
    Waiting Device …
    Check SVC …

    >>> Remove battery, cable. Check cable and connection. Repeat operation!

    Reconnect Power/Cable!

    nokia ta1385 not boot to unlock net work
    [10:19:24] Card found : 6FA2F8F5 , v0153
    Infinity-Box Chinese Miracle II : SPD/USC Module [SP2] v2.14

    Load IDBase v8331 Ok!

    Operation : SP Unlock [ v2.14 ]
    BootMode : SVC

    1. Power off device, wait 10-15 seconds
    2. Not hold any key on device ( OLD devices — 1 : VOL+ , 2 : VOL- )
    3. Insert cable in device!

    Wait for device …

    Device Connected!
    Enter SVC …
    Waiting Device …
    Check SVC …

    >>> Remove battery, cable. Check cable and connection. Repeat operation!

    Reconnect Power/Cable!

    ta1385 not boot to u
    [10:18:30] A035f
    [10:00:22] #CM2MT2 connection issue solution is HERE
    [10:00:22] Infinity-Box [ Chinese Miracle ] MediaTek Service Module [ MTK ] v2.34

    Load IDBase v723487 Ok!

    Update configuration …
    Load IDBase v723487 Ok!

    Operation : Reset Settings/Format FS [ v2.34 ]

    Mode : SMART RESET

    1. Make sure device is powered off. Power off, if need. Wait 20 seconds after
    2. Insert USB cable in phone
    Waiting for device connection …

    PTFN : MediaTek PreLoader USB VCOM_V1633 (Android) (COM12)
    PORT : 12
    Waiting BOOT ack …
    PRELOADER : ACK confirmed!
    BROM : Init BRO
    [09:57:46] Reset password or e-mail HERE\r
    Apply username and password this way
    [09:57:46] Operation : Format FS / Reset Settings [ v2.14 ]
    Mode : Reset FRP
    BootMode : FLASH

    1. Power off device, wait 10-15 seconds
    2. Press and hold BooKey ( 1 : BOTH VOL , 2 : VOL+ , 3 : VOL- )
    3. Insert cable in device!

    Wait for device …

    Device Connected!
    BootVersion : SPRD3
    Boot : INF : iTel : P681L-F6315
    Sending Init Boot …
    Boot sent!
    Kick FDL …
    BootVersion : Spreadtrum Boot Block version 1.1
    Protocol setup …
    Port speed : 921600
    Sending Flash Boot …
    Boot sent!
    Kick FLASH FDL …
    FDL : 0x0008

    [09:31:27] Locked*
    [09:31:20] Vivo brom locker security when will come update brothers….😔😔
    [09:18:59] support have use them
    [09:18:44] To which exactly
    [09:17:57] Kg5k
    [09:17:08] KGFK or KG5K?
    [09:02:20] Repeat
    [09:02:19] Change driver\’s
    [08:57:49] Operation : Reset Settings/Format FS [ v2.34 ]


    1. Make sure device is powered off. Power off, if need. Wait 20 seconds after
    2. Insert USB cable in phone
    Waiting for device connection …

    PTFN : USB Serial Device (COM61)
    PORT : 61
    Waiting BOOT ack …
    BROM : Skip ACK verify
    BROM : Init BROM
    BROM init passed!
    CHIP : MT6739 , SBID : 0x8A00 , HWVR : 0xCB00 , SWVR : 0x0002
    CODE : Zion
    BROM : MEID : 3127820B7D2853F5964A9AD0D
    [08:33:22] Have flash this kind of phone issues several times but it was not successful
    [08:30:51] Hardware
    [08:11:14] Flash firmware
    [08:07:35] Solution please
    [07:14:22] #CM2SP2 connection issue solution is HERE
    [07:14:22] Patch Level : PPR1.180610.011
    Display ID : W5505-SP557-9.0-OP-V019-20220113
    Ver. Incmt : OP-V019-20220113
    Ver. CodeName : REL
    Ver. Release : 9
    Sec. Patch : 2022-01-05
    Build Time : 13.01.2022
    Product Model : itel W5505
    Product Brand : Itel
    Product Name : SP557
    Product Device : itel-W5505
    Product Manfct : ITEL MOBILE LIMITED
    Product Info : W5505
    Product Board : SP557_W5505_A36
    Board Platform : sp7731e

    Operation : Flash Firmware [ v2.14 ]

    Setting : Update NVRAM : False
    [07:02:58] yes
    [06:30:37] Okay
    [06:30:31] Not allowed to mention here
    [06:30:10] Which tool to use pls
    [06:29:51] Yes that\’s it..remove frp
    [06:28:51] Test point okay but it\’s shows qualcomm
    [06:23:03] Which tool is this and how can I get it
    [06:18:00] Tecno kgfh mdm file available
    [05:21:32] K
    [05:19:17] Out
    [05:19:14] It can not work
    [05:16:28] Does mean
    [05:15:48] I hav posted
    [05:15:40] Pls help ooooooooo
    My cm2
    [05:15:01] How far
    [04:10:48] hi
    [03:47:47] Okay
    [03:45:52] Boot key is 1
    [03:43:08] Nokia ta 1385. Not detect I\’m my pc for unlock. Plz help
    [03:39:17] Is metro pc network, app locked
    [03:38:45] Not supported
    [03:37:13] CPU type
    [03:36:30] Test point
    [03:32:11] 👆All box and dongle activation
    👆Server credits
    👆iCloud bypass with signal
    👆Open menu fmi off
    👆All model Frp and password unlock
    👆All model flashing
    👆Ufi dump file
    👆All premium flash file
    💥💥Available 🔥🔥
    [03:29:04] Region?, and send lock interface screen
    [02:27:45] No
    [01:50:38] Sir fixed?
    [01:49:51] Dir fixed?
    [00:43:31] redmi note 7 account remove?

    InfinityBoxTalks 2022-08-19

    [22:22:06] I need other version
    [22:21:32] There are others fimwares with highest version after flash with that one my android le6 losse image boot
    [21:56:34] TP
    [21:52:18] Anyone with da file for d.light m200
    [20:55:07] I found it

    Found 1 file iTel L6006f
    1. iTel_L6006F_SU385MTN_10_ZA_MTN_L_V006_20210427

    Channel — Group Chat
    [20:53:22] FIRMWARE
    [20:52:45] What do you want here
    [20:50:51] iTel L6006f
    [20:41:50] L6006f
    [20:40:44] Itel l6006
    [20:29:38] Type your message here
    [20:11:15] #CM2MT2 boot issues manual
    [20:07:12] Please
    [20:04:19] Help me
    [20:01:00] Hi vivo 2015 imei repair
    [19:37:02] OK thanks trying morning..
    [19:34:24] Make this
    [19:30:21] How to Solution cm2 ..
    [19:27:43] Samsung[A02s] code *#0*# not working need solution pls
    [17:22:29] House please help me Nokia lumia 650 Rm 1152 eno file I want to unlock network,
    [17:19:45] Boot Done!

    Wipe Ok : UserData
    >>> INFO : FRP reset require FlashMode!

    Reconnect Power/Cable!

    Elapsed: 00:00:20
    [17:19:40] NO
    [17:19:36] FRP
    [16:32:55] Hi ,UMT803902445 eMMC&HST ISP tool activation still EXECUTING ,PLZ HELP
    [16:24:06] where is sw log text?
    [16:04:26] frp with cm2 not suport
    [15:49:37] A035FXXU1AVF5-(SER) (Firmware 4 Files) (Android 11 R).zip | Halab Tech Support
    [15:35:45] ?
    [15:07:11] same issue
    [15:06:56] EMI : DEV : INFINITY
    EMI : CNT : 0001
    EMI : Init EMI from INTERNAL DB


    Boot done!

    Elapsed: 00:00:55

    Reconnect Power/Cable!
    [15:05:31] this is oky now
    [15:04:43] ook
    [15:03:58] oppo a54 not fllashing and not giving read info
    [15:03:06] Thanks solved
    [15:02:42] untick auto EMI in Setting
    [15:02:42] Card found : 33682A75 , v0152
    Infinity-Box [ Chinese Miracle ] MediaTek Service Module [ MTK ] v2.33

    Load IDBase v1121431 Ok!

    UserName and/or Password not set! Can\’t continue!

    Load IDBase v1121431 Ok!

    Operation : Identify [ v2.33 ]

    Mode : FLASH

    1. Make sure device is powered off. Power off, if need. Wait 20 seconds after
    2. Insert USB cable in phone
    Waiting for device connection …

    PTFN : MediaTek USB Port_V1633 (COM13)
    PORT : 13
    Waiting BOOT ack …
    BROM : Skip ACK verify
    BROM : Init
    [14:59:11] Nothing found for kg5j

    If you will get the file upload it to support with iosFileUploader

    [14:58:18] Tecno kg5j flash file not available in download area
    [14:53:35] Nv data corrupted.. tick nv data and force nv data
    [14:51:31] Thanks boss problem solve by good people of the team 👍
    [14:51:10] Perfect!
    password reset Job finally done
    [14:50:25] send sw log text
    [14:49:50] you must use PC and enter password well
    don\’t use smartphone, you have big fingers and you always press to wrong buttons.
    so use only PC
    [14:49:08] post sw log text
    [14:48:41] What is the Username?
    [14:48:18] Solution is easy — you must enter good username and password
    [14:48:13] Tecno PR652B
    [14:47:45] Nice
    [14:47:23] What was the problem before flash?
    Have you tried fifferent firmware files?
    [13:55:57] Model?
    [13:50:20] Device Connected!
    BootVersion : SPRD3
    Boot : INF : TECNO : BD1
    Sending Init Boot …
    Boot sent!
    Kick FDL …
    BootVersion : Spreadtrum Boot Block version 1.1
    Protocol setup …
    Port speed : 921600
    Sending Flash Boot …
    Boot sent!
    Kick FLASH FDL …
    FDL : 0x0020
    FDL : EMMC_RO : False ; EMMC_PART : True ; EMMC_RPMB_SET : False
    FDL : RAW : 0x0002
    FDL : FLH : 0x400000
    FDL : SEC : RSA auth required!
    FDL : Process authentification …
    FDL : SEC : RSA auth passed!
    FDL : Control transfered!

    Boot Done!

    [13:48:32] Whenever I use adb cmd
    [13:47:50] I want to remove security plugging app but I\’m having failed :delete failed Internal error
    [13:44:48] Nokia 105 TA 1235
    [13:44:11] Noo
    [13:26:36] Change platform settings to firefly
    [13:22:46] It sent me a temporary code but it won\’t let me log in either
    [13:22:14] Not yet bro
    [13:21:33] Tecno Pr652B bootloader unlock
    [13:21:14] Spd bootloader unlock pls
    [13:14:18] Instal mkt driver
    [13:10:44] tecno bd2d bootloader unlock error
    [13:08:36] Live restore mi pass un the supoort
    [13:08:22] Have error pass
    [12:56:17] Have you been able to fix it ?
    [12:51:51] House good day!
    pls Spark 7 PR651E
    Keeps restarting after flashing any help pls
    [12:40:32] ok
    [12:38:58] Ctrl +F
    [12:38:16] Operation : SP Unlock [ v2.34 ]
    Mode : FLASH

    1. Make sure device is powered off. Power off, if need. Wait 20 seconds after
    2. Insert USB cable in phone
    Waiting for device connection …

    PTFN : MediaTek USB Port_V1633 (COM223)
    PORT : 223
    Waiting BOOT ack …
    BROM : Skip ACK verify
    BROM : Init BROM
    BROM init passed!
    CHIP : MT6765 , SBID : 0x8A00 , HWVR : 0xCA00 , SWVR : 0x0000
    CODE : Cervino
    BROM : MEID : 72A21FB78B887BF6CE456652F67338EA
    BROM : SecLevel
    [12:36:30] urgent please
    [12:29:30] ok i will try and get back to you thank you
    [12:26:42] ???
    [12:25:15] с create an empty file and put it in the software folder
    [12:24:41] how to do?
    [12:23:36] Morning ,it\’s in it and yet it doesn\’t work, I uninstalled and reinstalled and nothing
    [12:23:19] yes
    [12:08:21] stuck on boot logo?
    [12:00:11] Error : Flashing failed!
    >>> Seems as something wrong with device! Check battery charge and device state!

    Reconnect Power/Cable!
    [12:00:11] Created by Infinity-Box (c) 2019
    Chinese Miracle II : MediaTek Service Module
    Device Info file : _Android_info.txt

    Patch Level : MRA58K
    Display ID : MTN-L860_2016-07-14
    Ver. CodeName : REL
    Ver. Release : 6.0
    Sec. Patch : 2016-06-01
    Build Time : 1497325851
    Product Model : MTN-L860
    Product Brand : MTN
    Product Name : MTN-L860
    Product Device : MTN-L860
    Product Board : MTN-L860
    Product Manfct : Fortune Ship
    Board Platform : mt6735m
    Product Info : len6735m_35u_m

    Preloader [HW DEV] Inf
    [11:47:37] Make this

    Is it Ok now?
    [11:46:59] very estimated price is here
    ask any seller near you
    [11:46:28] Start here
    [11:45:52] post sw log text
    [11:45:30] for now [BEST] has no yearly renew but it may be changed in future
    [11:43:35] you have link at yout image.
    click to it and see solution
    [11:42:30] post sw log text
    [11:40:51] Expired: 23-Jul-2021

    Your [CM2] support period is expired.
    Previous software versions can be used as before.
    To use latest software updates please renew support:
    1. Contact to any seller
    2. Send your dongle S/N to seller
    3. Order [CM2] support renew for 1 or 2 years

    How to check support period —
    [11:39:23] What is the username?
    [11:38:42] Repeat the same operation again
    [11:33:39] your account is blocked now due to password shared in public forum.
    you must contact to support via e-mail
    good luck!
    [11:32:04] Ok, good.
    You got free repair 30-May
    Now please use paid repair method after sharing
    [11:30:10] Yes please, I agree
    [11:11:16] ursemane .037345887D
    [11:08:07] Get default username and password with dongle manager and input in field
    [11:05:23] Moto e7 power test point need mtk
    [10:51:06] i need to create ursename and password
    [09:39:53] Repeat operation bro
    [09:36:55] I am have problems with my cm2mt2 solution
    [09:25:13] Type: Infinity-Box/Dongle [CM2]
    S/N: 02274F83
    Username: 0002274F83
    Account Status: Active
    Hardware Status: Ok
    #0: Infinity-Box/Dongle [CM2]; Firmware Version: 0150; Expired: 23-Jul-2021

    Your [CM2] support period is expired.
    Previous software versions can be used as before.
    To use latest software updates please renew support:
    1. Contact to any seller
    2. Send your dongle S/N to seller
    3. Order [CM2] support renew for 1 or 2 years

    How to check support period
    [09:22:33] Hold both volumes or testpoint
    [09:15:18] I reseted the e-mail no thing works, i do know how to do
    [09:14:25] Hello, somebody there can help me, my Infinity box SP2 do not work correctly, when i do One operation it ask me the enter the user name first and password, i already entered the username and password, it ask me to reset the e-mail
    [09:13:25] 02274F83
    [09:05:41] TECNO PR651E NVRAM PLS
    [09:02:33] Sumsung A02 mtk 6739w frp reset where do is start?
    [08:57:22] It we stop here
    [08:53:13] I have don that
    [08:41:32] How did you go about it?
    [08:39:29] Use fdl file
    [08:39:20] Connnet your pc to internet befor
    [08:36:23] Itel A58 doesn\’t flash with cm2
    [08:14:08] Found 12 files vibe
    1. Lenovo_NVM_Lenovo_Vibe_Z2_MSM8916_007050E1_03AE78C9_SEC
    2. Lenovo_MT6752_LENOVO_Lenovo_A7600_5.0.2_VIBEUI_V2.5_1628_5.2186.1_ST_A7600_CU_LRX21M_aiocu_wtfp
    3. Lenovo_MT6755_Lenovo_VIBE_K5_Note_Lenovo_A7020a40_A7020a40_6.0_A7020a40_USR_S318_1611281510_mp7_V2.3_lenovo6755.66c.m_P16
    [08:03:16] Please friend, I need firmware
    [07:48:08] No
    [07:37:11] Not yet
    [07:24:20] please i nee ISP
    [06:57:43] Do you have solution for it?
    [06:51:35] change new emmc :)
    [06:50:48] Solution please
    [06:48:30] Solution
    [06:46:32] emmc fault !
    [06:46:01] Any solution on how to unlock itel S17 Boot loader (SPD)?
    [06:29:54] Honor 4x. Need help
    [05:19:48] When I activate infinity best on infinity box.

    Every year I have to renew the activation.

    Or is firmware version based?
    [05:06:59] Pls help me out Itel A58 doesn\’t flash with cm2
    [05:02:32] Itel A58 doesn\’t flash with cm2
    [05:02:18] Pls how doing u flash the itel A58
    [04:51:14] Itel A58 doesn\’t flash with cm2
    [04:45:41] Itel A58 doesn\’t flash with cm2
    [04:41:01] Itel A58 doesn\’t flash with cm2
    [04:34:46] Itel A58 doesn\’t flash with cm2
    [04:15:13] Greetings please I need help on how to drive my ccm2 dongle
    [02:23:21] Nokia G21 Anyone with ISP pinouts ?
    [00:02:25] You mean

    InfinityBoxTalks 2022-08-18

    [23:30:33] How muchi in active cm2
    [23:20:47] Then I updated my Dongle with Dongle manager SPD module could not open
    [23:19:30] When none of my modules could not open
    [23:18:58] I was having this issue this evening
    [23:18:36] Photo from ESE PUBG
    [21:55:08] UK.OFF
    [21:49:50] Admin help me
    [21:30:52] k thxz sir
    [21:29:21] it was many spd server access attempts for this username during last 24 hours so server limited future requests. Try again in 30 min
    [21:21:14] Use last dongle manager 1.91
    [21:17:35] wat next sir
    [21:16:19] Try identify if done, try sp unlock
    [21:15:08] MediaTek Helio G80 MT6769T
    [21:15:05] Frl-l22 network unlock
    [21:14:56] Type your SN here
    [21:12:59] Type: Infinity-Box/Dongle [CM2]
    S/N: 5CAF2D7A
    Username: 005CAF2D7A
    Account Status: Active
    Hardware Status: Ok
    #0: Infinity-Box/Dongle [CM2]; Firmware Version: 0153; Expired: 31-May-2023

    [21:11:56] Username: 005CAF2D7A
    [21:11:06] What is the dongle S/N?
    [21:10:45] select another base/model or DA
    [21:10:27] Please help after update still the same problem
    [21:10:00] What is the username?
    [20:59:27] Simple with Cm2
    [20:26:10] check ur login password…eeeh its not about password.i think server failure
    [20:20:49] check ur login password
    [20:15:48] But what could be the cause ?
    [20:14:57] Facing same problem, thought u want to remove the frp or password
    [20:12:35] Flashing itel p38
    [20:10:34] Trying to flash an Itel device
    [20:09:33] What re u trying to do
    [20:06:06] Let the team help us out
    [20:03:45] Same issue that I’m facing too
    [20:00:06] Help please members
    [19:57:36] I need some assistance pliz
    [19:53:41] please i need help over that issue
    [19:51:20] PTFN : MediaTek USB Port_V1632 (COM6)
    PORT : 6
    Waiting BOOT ack …
    BROM : Skip ACK verify
    BROM : Init BROM
    BROM init passed!
    CHIP : MT6580 , SBID : 0x8A00 , HWVR : 0xCA00 , SWVR : 0x0000
    BROM : MEID : 4D003D46F0BBD477611B8BFB9048F76A
    BROM : SecLevel : 0x00000000
    BROM : SecMode : PLAIN
    BROM : BROM|BL : 0x05|0xFE
    BROM : EMI : Search
    BROM : EMI : Not found
    AGENT : TECNO : BASE_SECURE | Manual : Disabled
    AGENT : Look for suitable BootChain in DA …
    [19:51:19] members in need some help
    [19:31:27] Good evening everyone, I wanted to correct the imei of a tecno spark of the spd type, and I also wanted to make the oleo option appear in vain despite my attempts. What to do for it to appear.
    [19:31:18] Pls how do i fix tecno bd3; your device has failed verification?
    [19:01:31] dont be lazy, search youtube and try
    [19:01:01] what is the username?
    [19:00:17] use default built-in loader
    Waiting for your success!
    [18:59:41] yes, sure.
    you ust enter good password
    [18:59:22] for same error you must use same solution — enetr good password
    [18:58:28] sw log text?
    [18:58:16] Select another loader
    [18:40:42] No one
    [18:14:48] Yes sir
    [17:44:51] Both my username and password is correct
    [17:42:30] Someone should please help me out
    [16:51:59] Thank you
    [15:50:29] Solved, thank you all for your help, God bless you 😂👍
    [15:41:29] Ok thanks
    [15:41:03] Do this
    [15:38:30] Can you send me the file?
    [15:37:33] My folder no see bro, It is not
    [15:31:44] use
    [15:30:51] No see UK.OFF Main m2mt2
    [15:26:52] Thanks try
    [15:26:09] copy UK.OFF from cmtmt2 folder to sp2 folder and run program again
    [15:25:07] Admin pls Tecno KG5J BOOT FILE
    [15:07:06] Uk add
    [15:04:21] Mtk its ok but spd2 no
    [15:01:47] How to enable to repair IMEI in spd module, in mtk module it appears enabled but not in spd module
    [14:55:09] support can help
    [14:55:01] frp
    [14:54:57] I have one with the same problem, error f
    [14:54:49] Found 3 files cg6j
    1. Tecno_CG6j_H696XYZAuBdBe_R_OP_211103V496
    2. Tecno_CG6j_H696XYZAuBdBe_S_OP_211105V822
    3. Tecno_CG6j_H696Bf_R_KESF_211028V83

    [14:48:01] Moto E20, Moto G20 fail FRP
    [14:41:15] unisoc t700
    [14:39:25] #CM2SP2 connection issue solution is HERE
    [14:39:25] Operation : Identify [ v2.14 ]
    BootMode : FLASH

    1. Power off device, wait 10-15 seconds
    2. Press and hold BooKey ( 1 : BOTH VOL , 2 : VOL+ , 3 : VOL- )
    3. Insert cable in device!

    Wait for device …

    Device Connected!
    BootVersion : SPRD3
    Boot : INF : Moto : E40_XT2159
    Sending Init Boot …
    >>> ERROR : FDL Start Failed!

    >>> Error : Fail to boot FDL!
    >>> Unsupported device with selected fdl or settings! Change settings!

    Reconnect Power/Cable!
    [14:36:36] pleas full sw log text
    [14:25:11] e40 select Device Connected!
    >>> ERROR : Protocol HandShake failed!

    >>> Error : Fail to init protocol!
    >>> Remove battery, cable. Check cable and connection. Repeat operation!
    [14:24:45] hello moto e30 support ?
    [13:57:16] Supported?
    [13:57:13] Hang logo
    [13:57:03] Checking fastboot device…..OK
    Reading info…..OK
    Device Model: NAM-LX9
    Device Firmware: NAM-L29
    Base Firmware: NAM-LGRP2-OVS
    Custom Firmware: NAM-L29-CUST
    Preload Firmware: NAM-L29-PRELOAD
    Device FB Lock: LOCKED
    Device USER Lock: LOCKED
    Device Lock: INFO locked
    Operation {Read info} ID: A2284F5DE42065B6
    Elapsed time 00:00 — Version 4.3.6
    [13:56:56] NOVA 9 RESET AFTER HANG
    [13:54:37] Can you sent me download link for infinity box dongle cm2 setup n drivers and link my email for news updates
    [13:52:14] Alright sir
    [13:51:43] run CM2MT2.exe
    [13:51:24] It\’s mtk
    [13:47:41] What is the CPU type?
    [13:47:14] Ok
    [13:46:25] SIM Network unlock for this
    [13:46:25] U told me to delete, and there was nothing to upload sir. It was 0KB
    [13:31:04] Contact to any seller
    [13:30:34] Wrong way.

    Never delete fault.bin file bu make this
    [13:29:51] try to make backup and post sw log text
    [13:29:14] Make this
    [13:25:50] what happened here, l neva tried to share anything
    [13:22:03] Nokia C30 TA-1359 Pattern lock, help..
    No boot key even recovery mode.!
    [13:20:43] Can cm2 backup and flash this phone firmware without error?
    [13:20:29] i had to unistall and install again, its working thanks for your support
    [13:19:30] Mommy I.c
    [13:18:52] so what shud i do?
    [13:17:33] the file fault.bin is created with this
    [13:16:43] What is the problem of your phone?
    [13:14:14] or shud i uninstall and install again the exe?
    [13:13:56] its not responding at all
    [13:12:05] CM2scr
    [13:11:30] Why restore?
    [13:11:10] okay
    [13:10:56] Then try)
    [13:10:45] Delete it))
    [13:08:43] Could soeone help me to buy infinity software please ?
    [13:08:31] cannot be uploaded its 0kb
    [13:07:29] 1.91
    [13:06:11] Hi
    I can change imei Y5 2019 by cm2?
    [13:04:48] which version dongle manager?
    [13:04:17] Upload fault.bin here
    [13:03:32] Admin I need help on my dongle
    [12:59:00] Box/Dongle type selected: Infinity-Box/Dongle [CM2]
    18-08-2022 15:59:07
    Username: 0036E52B93
    ==> Scan C:\\Users\\PC\\Desktop\\DongleManager_2\\ for report.log
    ==> Scan c:\\InfinityBox\\ for report.log
    ==> Scan c:\\Program Files\\ for report.log
    ==> Scan d:\\Program Files\\ for report.log
    ==> Scan c:\\Program Files (x86)\\ for report.log
    Found files: 0
    ==> Scan C:\\Users\\PC\\Desktop\\DongleManager_2\\ for *.ibin.log
    ==> Scan c:\\InfinityBox\\ for *.ibin.log
    ==> Scan c:\\Program Files\\ for *.ibin.log
    ==> Scan d:\\Program Files\\ f
    [12:58:20] its not being fixed tried several times sir
    [12:57:59] Dongle manager. Report&fix
    [12:57:18] guy fix me my dongle please
    [12:52:43] admin
    [12:43:27] am trying to fix issue but its not able to
    [12:43:04] my cm2sp2 has faultbin
    [11:55:22] Ticket-ID:1660819780.870 fault.bin 003A591D71 [66]
    1 post • Page 1 of 1
    Posts: 14
    Joined: 11 Sep 2021, 16:08
    Ticket-ID:1660819780.870 fault.bin 003A591D71 [66]
    Post by 003A591D71 » 18 Aug 2022, 10:49

    Username: 003A591D71
    Attached file: fault.bin

    Fault code: 66

    There is a software conflict with this application: Eltima Software|USB Network Gate
    Do not run this application at the same time with Infinity to avoid unpredicatble result.

    What to do:

    [11:48:54] I still need solution on this somebody help me out
    [11:43:00] This is the log of the successful one
    [11:42:11] 1. Power off device, wait 10-15 seconds 2. Not hold any key on device ( OLD devices — 1 : VOL+ , 2 : VOL- ) 3. Insert cable in device! Wait for device … Device Connected! Enter SVC … Waiting Device … Check SVC … SVC : DiagChannel opened! Boot Done! SOC GEN : UniSoc ( E-family and Modern ) BuildInfo : Cosmo_00WW-user 11 RP1A.201005.001 V1.61B_B01 release-keys Platform Version: MOCORTM_20A_W21.15.3_P17_Debug Project Version: sharkl3_pub BASE Version: 4G_MODEM_20A_W21.15.3_P17 HW Version: sc9863A_modem
    [11:39:47] Any answer please
    [11:38:58] Help, Nokia is locked with pin lock, is SPD
    [11:32:47] The Nokia phone is on pin code please
    [11:31:54] But i tried the next day it worked so i would to get the refund for first 5 credits
    [11:31:09] The Nokia phone is on pin code
    [11:30:55] The 5 credits ware taken but the phone remains locked
    [11:29:53] For 5 credits which i tried to sim unlock
    [11:29:14] Hi team i want to make refund
    [11:26:31] Not necessary try holding volume down plus power to restart the phone and try again
    [11:24:30] Please i want to know if anyone has done Frp and imei repair of Samsung Sm-A215U WITH CM2?
    [11:01:08] Solution on this please infinix note 11 pro
    [10:48:40] Help me cm2 team. Can\’t flash ,can\’t read and can\’t even identify.
    [10:33:09] Spd chipset?
    [10:09:37] Anyone with the solutions?
    [10:09:06] tecno PR651E keeps restarting after flash
    [10:02:06] me same problem help me
    [08:47:50] Tecno pr651h easy buy permanent solution
    [08:28:28] Cm2 mtk2
    [08:28:27] Use built in loader sir
    [08:27:35] help tecno PR652B frp pac file
    [08:27:05] Wat r u saying?
    [08:26:16] Isp 🤔
    [08:25:24] Nokia C20 _ TA-1352 Network Unlock Solution + Hard reset (pattern removal). Have tried CM2SP2 but not working out. Please help with solution guys.
    [07:26:23] Diag mod
    [06:54:03] Nokia 6310, TA-1400. Pin reset, SPD. please.
    [06:52:35] Found 60 files a23, search limit is 20 files per server
    1. iTel_A23R_SU335_081_1501_130520
    2. iTel_A23F_SU335PK_8.1_PK_V007_20190610
    3. iTel_A23A_SU335_8.1_ATL_V006_20200323
    4. iTel_A23S_SU335_8.1_MZ_VoL_V018_20210301
    5. <
    [06:52:21] Nothing found for a23 kg

    If you will get the file upload it to support with iosFileUploader

    [06:52:00] Nothing found for a23 mdm

    If you will get the file upload it to support with iosFileUploader

    [06:17:56] Itel a24 mdm file
    [06:16:34] Anybody infinix hot10i mdm file?
    [06:15:25] In box
    [06:05:22] Any help to unlock this model?
    [05:23:59] Need permanent mi 4x qualcomm account remove solution
    [04:53:18] The iPhone boot immediately I input password it will go off help me with solution
    [04:52:11] Please who has the solution for this iPhone 6s on restoring on retaining of the user data
    [04:40:19] Boss please link of the X670

    InfinityBoxTalks 2022-08-17

    [23:13:21] help with frp blu A390T
    [22:09:10] Please team arrange mtk boot pack like that of spd boot pack,👏👏👏 very necessary, because some mtk secure boot, if boot fail you will have to open the device and remove battery so discouraging. Please…
    [21:52:20] Make this
    [21:52:20] Box/Dongle type selected: Infinity-Box/Dongle [CM2]
    Box/Dongle misconfiguration
    Diagnostic code: 66
    18-08-2022 00:36:34
    Username: 003A591D71
    ==> Scan C:\\Users\\ADMIN\\Downloads\\DongleManager\\ for report.log
    ==> Scan c:\\Program Files\\ for report.log
    Found files: 0
    ==> Scan C:\\Users\\ADMIN\\Downloads\\DongleManager\\ for *.ibin.log
    ==> Scan c:\\Program Files\\ for *.ibin.log
    Found files: 0
    ==> Scan C:\\Users\\ADMIN\\Downloads\\DongleManager\\ for fault.bin
    ==> Scan c:\\Program Files\\ for fault.bin
    Found files: 0
    No reports
    [21:51:01] Yes boot
    [21:36:44] Or 2112
    [21:36:18] ??
    [21:36:16] 1221 in cm2
    [21:30:12] Boot v1221
    [21:29:52] Step
    [21:29:49] Solution
    [21:29:41] Support
    [21:29:39] Ch6
    [21:29:34] No
    [21:29:29] Ch6
    [21:29:01] Kf6i?
    [21:19:50] Camon18
    [21:19:45] Tecno ch6 fro help me
    [21:06:26] Make this
    [21:06:26] Dongle misconfiguration error 66
    [21:05:20] BC2 pop 4
    [21:05:06] File
    [20:21:05] Nokia 6310, TA-1400. Pin unlock, please.
    [19:27:42] Yes
    [19:12:35] Wait I don\’t get, sorry for this question here, is it someone that want to provide a solution for suppose to dm you or you that you want solution suppose to dm someone that want to offer you service?
    [19:02:34] Unisoc
    [19:00:37] I have this file v906… What is the problem of your phone?
    [18:41:59] If you have or MDM file easy buy permanent solution dm me
    [18:05:40] Download the latest boot file for spd it\’s there
    [18:01:54] 1. Make sure device is powered off. Power off, if need. Wait 20 seconds after
    2. Insert USB cable in phone
    Waiting for device connection …

    PTFN : MediaTek USB VCOM (Android) (COM219)
    PORT : 219

    Boot done!

    AP_CHIP : MT6765
    AP_SWTM : Tue Mar 23 21:32:04 CST 2021
    AP_SWVR : alps-mp-q0.mp1-V9.135_ontim.q0mp1.k61v1.64.bsp_P14

    Error : Modem didn\’t started! Unlock not possible!

    Error : SPLock identification failed!
    >>> Send log and report.log (if exists) to support! Include device info al
    [18:01:42] Moto xt2095 unlock
    [17:56:00] Hello friend i need help
    Pr652b fdl file
    [17:45:17] How to solve this problem
    [17:15:45] And again pls can I use CM2 for Easybuy unlock if yes how ?
    [17:15:06] Good evening Team
    Pls what\’s the solution to a device Infinix X650 I want to reset
    [16:05:52] Operation : Identify [ v2.34 ]

    Mode : FLASH

    1. Make sure device is powered off. Power off, if need. Wait 20 seconds after
    2. Insert USB cable in phone
    Waiting for device connection …

    PTFN : MediaTek PreLoader USB VCOM (Android) (COM3)
    PORT : 3
    Waiting BOOT ack …
    PRELOADER : ACK confirmed!
    BROM : Init BROM
    BROM init passed!
    CHIP : MT6761 , SBID : 0x8A00 , HWVR : 0xCA01 , SWVR : 0x0200
    CODE : Merlot
    BROM : SecLevel : 0x00000005
    BROM : SecMode
    [16:01:40] The infinix X670 I\’m trying to flash it it will show me partition mismatch the firmware I downloaded is the same build number its on the phone
    [15:53:49] #CM2MT2 connection issue solution is HERE
    [15:53:49] Operation : Identify [ v2.34 ]

    Mode : FLASH

    1. Make sure device is powered off. Power off, if need. Wait 20 seconds after
    2. Insert USB cable in phone
    Waiting for device connection …

    PTFN : MediaTek PreLoader USB VCOM (Android) (COM3)
    PORT : 3
    Waiting BOOT ack …
    PRELOADER : ACK confirmed!
    BROM : Init BROM
    BROM init passed!
    CHIP : MT6761 , SBID : 0x8A00 , HWVR : 0xCA01 , SWVR : 0x0200
    CODE : Merlot
    BROM : SecLevel : 0x00000005
    BROM : SecMode
    [15:33:17] Bd4j firmware needed v220425v375
    [15:11:59] Nokia 1.4 & 3.4 hard reset please
    [14:56:43] I need to this firmware
    [14:56:03] Operation : Identify [ v1.03 ]

    1. Power Off Phone , Remove battery , Insert back
    3. Insert USB cable, wait until Download mode screen will appear

    Wait for phone…
    Connection opened successfully!
    Waiting for loader …
    Handshake passed!
    Collect info…

    Running : MiniOS 3.0 , ver.1.1 , with proto ver.01000009
    HWInfo : BaseBand : MT6750
    HWInfo : ChargeLv : 255%
    HWInfo : MEM_INFO : HAG4a2 , MEM_LEN : 0x01D5A000 [eMMC 16 GiB]
    DevInfo : Model : LM-X410EO , Type : X41010g

    [14:40:56] Poco m3 mi account
    [14:32:47] Tecno pr651e flash file
    [14:29:59] Help on X6511B frp
    [14:14:08] Hello Everyone Please Help Me mi note 11 spes imei repair but no service please help me i need resistor photo?
    [13:53:42] Please I need urgent reply on this, I\’m trying to flash Tecno kg5j
    [13:42:55] someone placed another model lcd
    [13:42:42] it\’s LCD issue
    [13:34:47] Koi bhai ese karega sahi
    [13:34:22] Vivo y33s
    [13:33:15] support this phone quick am loosing my brain 😢
    [13:32:11] TA1380
    [13:31:12] Redmi reset
    [13:28:51] Zte p545 spd cpu possible to network unlock with cm2?
    [13:21:55] F the files works fine, i just want the nvram.thank you very much.
    [13:19:34] Nvram
    [12:42:32] 👆👆👆First massage
    [12:41:53] But still taked 5 credti
    [12:41:51] 👆👆👆👆Help
    [12:41:36] issue fixed after write original imei and repeat unlock
    [12:26:28] 1. Power off device, wait 10-15 seconds
    2. Not hold any key on device ( OLD devices — 1 : VOL+ , 2 : VOL- )
    3. Insert cable in device!

    Wait for device …

    Device Connected!
    Enter SVC …
    Waiting Device …
    Check SVC …
    SVC : DiagChannel opened!

    Boot Done!

    SOC GEN : UniSoc ( E-family and Modern )
    BuildInfo : GEN_GLB_P932F21V1.0.0B13
    Platform Version: MOCORTM_20A_W20.47.1_P18_Debug
    Project Version: sharklp
    BASE Version: 4G_MODEM_20A_W20.47.1_P18
    HW Version: sc9832e_modem
    CMP_Time : 09-1
    [12:26:28] I have an issue
    [12:23:26] Hi, cm2 team
    [12:18:09] Any answer please 🙏
    [12:16:08] So now I want the refund of the extra 5 credits which i have been charged on my first trial
    [12:14:08] But it worked the second time
    [12:13:18] VIVO y15s test device, limited use solution anyone?
    [12:13:16] But my 5 credits were gone but the device still locked
    [12:12:40] With cm2 sp2
    [12:12:04] I have tried to unlock nokia ta-1352 sim lock
    [12:11:12] Hi team
    [11:33:19] i got this error cm2-SCR and BEST 2
    [11:32:11] Operation : Format FileSystem [ v1.07 ]

    1. Power off device
    2. Press and hold BootKey or use BootCable
    3. Insert cable and battery in device!

    Wait for device …

    Device Connected!
    BootVersion : Spreadtrum Boot Block version 1.2
    BootSource : InternalLibrary
    ERROR : FDL Start Failed!

    Error : Loader send failed!
    Wrong model selected! Select correct one!

    Reconnect Power/Cable!
    [11:27:38] How to remove security code on nokia 6310 ta-1400
    [11:27:19] Ok
    [11:27:09] Yes. I can smart extra wipe it everything is done except this lock
    [11:25:45] does it able to boot in MT2 ?
    [11:25:24] Remi 9A, any idea how to unlock it
    [11:18:21] [FL] : RePartition
    [FL] : RePartition Ok!

    [FL] : Flashing now …

    Write : PRELOADER
    Update bootloader backup copy …
    Update bootloader backup copy Ok!
    Write : RECOVERY
    Write : EFUSE
    Write : MD1IMG
    Write : SPMFW
    Write : SCP1
    Write : SCP2
    Write : SSPM_1
    Write : SSPM_2
    Write : LK
    Write : LK2
    Write : BOOT
    Write : LOGO
    Write : ODMDTBO
    Write : TEE1
    Write : TEE2
    Write : VENDOR
    Write : CUST
    Write : SYSTEM
    Write : VBMETA
    Write : CACHE
    Write : USERDATA

    ERR : UltraFlash Failed!

    [11:18:21] 1. Make sure device is powered off. Power off, if need. Wait 20 seconds after
    2. Insert USB cable in phone
    Waiting for device connection …

    PTFN : MediaTek USB Port_V1632 (COM14)
    PORT : 14
    Waiting BOOT ack …
    BROM : Skip ACK verify
    BROM : Init BROM
    BROM init passed!
    CHIP : MT6765 , SBID : 0x8A00 , HWVR : 0xCA00 , SWVR : 0x0000
    CODE : Cervino
    BROM : MEID : 3F93FC6C4766D0F1A633509DD5714B7F
    BROM : SecLevel : 0x000000E7
    BROM : SecMode : SBC+SLA+SDA+EXT
    [10:49:12] I\’m trying to unlock TA-1352 but it can\’t
    [10:47:50] Operation : SP Unlock [ v2.14 ]
    BootMode : SVC

    1. Power off device, wait 10-15 seconds
    2. Not hold any key on device ( OLD devices — 1 : VOL+ , 2 : VOL- )
    3. Insert cable in device!

    Wait for device …

    Device Connected!
    Enter SVC …
    Waiting Device …
    Check SVC …
    SVC : DiagChannel opened!

    Boot Done!

    SOC GEN : UniSoc ( E-family and Modern )
    BuildInfo : Mantis_00WW-user 11 RP1A.201005.001 V1.46A_B01 release-keys
    Platform Version: MOCORTM_17C_W21.11.2_P4_Debug
    Project Version: pike2_pub
    BASE Ve
    [10:34:26] Found 23 files ta 1007, search limit is 20 files per server
    1. Karbonn_K125_Star_H218_DZ_KARBONN04_141007_6531_Final
    2. RM_1019_01068.00016.14295.38001_059W368_161957C1_RM1019_01068.00016.14295.38001_RETAIL_prod_signed_1007_00B5A6_000_88_MV.ffu
    3. RM_1019_01068.00016.14295.38001_059W368_B7A92434_Ret
    [10:29:36] Nokia TA1007 can be flashed using which module?
    [10:18:37] it bworked but now fone is under TEST DEVICE, USE LIMITED
    [09:53:27] Don\’t know cpu type and boot options
    [09:53:04] Not detected by my PC
    [09:52:54] Solution
    [09:41:39] Ok on it
    [09:32:11] I unlocked this phone on 11 August
    [09:30:38] Order/Transaction ID: 1030787/1332235
    Date: 2022-08-11 11:37:50
    Amount: -5
    Credits from/to: System
    Product: SPD unlock SLS:1/2/3 rev2
    Status: COMPLETED
    Tag: 3502667***
    Private note: Add
    Problem ? Report a problem to support
    [09:30:16] Nothing found for tengo 14

    If you will get the file upload it to support with iosFileUploader

    [09:29:36] File
    [09:17:08] open dongle manager update firmware
    [09:15:34] Plz I need assist
    [09:15:03] Just bought a cm2 dongle but find it difficult to activate it
    [09:01:51] select vivo sec_6765
    install boot pac if need
    [09:01:29] #CM2MT2 connection issue solution is HERE
    [09:01:29] Update configuration …
    Load IDBase v723487 Ok!

    Operation : Reset Settings/Format FS [ v2.34 ]

    Mode : SMART RESET

    1. Make sure device is powered off. Power off, if need. Wait 20 seconds after
    2. Insert USB cable in phone
    Waiting for device connection …

    PTFN : MediaTek PreLoader USB VCOM (Android) (COM4)
    PORT : 4
    Waiting BOOT ack …
    PRELOADER : ACK confirmed!
    BROM : Init BROM
    BROM init passed!
    CHIP : MT6765 , SBID : 0x8A00 , HWVR : 0xCA00 , SWVR : 0x0000
    CODE : Cervin
    [09:00:29] smart reset extra
    [09:00:20] hi all vivo y15s remove demo by cm2. anyone please?
    [08:51:59] send logs
    [08:51:57] hold left shift key in keyboard press identify connect set
    [08:50:43] YES
    [08:48:43] is this MTK?
    [08:48:03] Inbox is little bit forbidden here, you may get ban.\r
    If you know how to fix write here for everybody.
    [08:48:03] Inbox
    [08:47:49] 2.3
    [08:36:29] Found 3 files Pr 651h
    1. Tecno_PR651H_F6317_11.0_OP_V046_20210827
    2. Tecno_PR651H_F6317_11.0_OP_V032_20210602
    3. Tecno_PR651H_F6317_11.0_OP_V052_20211025

    [08:35:34] Ok

    Operation : Reset Settings/Format FS [ v2.34 ]

    Mode : SMART RESET

    1. Make sure device is powered off. Power off, if need. Wait 20 seconds after
    2. Insert USB cable in phone
    Waiting for device connection …

    PTFN : MediaTek PreLoader USB VCOM (Android) (COM13)
    PORT : 13
    Waiting BOOT ack …
    PRELOADER : ACK confirmed!
    BROM : Init BROM
    BROM init passed!
    CHIP : MT6771 , SBID : 0x8A00 , HWVR : 0xCA00 , SWVR : 0x0000
    CODE : Sylvi
    [08:35:07] What is the problem with it?
    [08:34:37] post sw log text
    [08:33:49] Found 1 file Le6-h6222cdefg
    1. Tecno_LE6_H6222CDEFG_R_GL_211101V242

    [08:33:29] Found 1 file TECNO LE6
    1. Tecno_LE6_H6222CDEFG_R_GL_211101V242

    [08:32:27] examples are here

    run Infinity CM2SP2.exe
    [08:31:34] What is the cpu type?
    [08:20:32] Morning. I need solution for unlock this model. Plz
    [08:15:43] Pr 652 fdl file
    [08:07:35] Its done bt both time they deduct double credits.admin plz look
    [08:01:08] admin plz 🙏
    [08:00:05] Admin plz help
    [07:59:58] yes my aswell ta 1352
    [07:59:33] me
    [07:59:30] yes also happened now toe
    [07:54:55] This is ta1352 nd credit is deduct nd it say wait for ten to 15 minutes
    [07:54:21] Even same here .bt my one device is done .ta1342 bt they deduct twice which i upload already
    [07:53:21] infinity team can you please halp me
    [07:53:05] hi cm2 team am trying to do unlock crited deduct but sim still not working and also when a trying to do agian then agian deduct 5 crited why is happening
    [07:52:46] This is another phone
    [07:16:53] It\’s not my first phone
    [07:00:32] Found 2 files SHARIFF100
    1. iTel_SC6531EFM_G1814_it2192_32X32_128X160BAR_EnHiGuTaTePaBnKn_IN_stone_SHARIFF100
    2. iTel_it2192_G1814_EnHiGuTaTePaBnKn_IN_20200716_SHARIFF100

    [06:57:21] Nothing found for ITSAJUJA

    If you will get the file upload it to support with iosFileUploader

    [06:49:07] I m doing ta1342 imei repair
    [06:48:31] Hi
    [06:46:26] Thanks
    [05:04:54] Oke thanks
    [05:04:38] SM activation stopped untill further notice
    [05:03:53] Help sir
    [04:51:27] Need activate it.
    [04:49:04] Need help sir,,thanks
    [03:12:42] hello sir do you have testpoint for vivo v15 thanks
    [02:47:55] I\’ve been hearing dongle damaged by sharing,
    What is these share?
    [01:10:14] Hello everyone, can someone help to found nvram tecno spark Pr 651h please thank you
    [00:50:10] Add tecno RC6(R7+) ,huawei Lua,huawei Draxx …. Network unlock the software says not locked and don\’t forget OPPO IMEI repair A1K,OPPO A12,A15 ….
    [00:43:14] Nothing found for itel p661w

    If you will get the file upload it to support with iosFileUploader

    [00:27:35] 🙏🙏
    [00:27:02] Please help
    [00:17:14] Vivo y33s
    [00:17:07] Ye problem
    [00:16:27] Flashing problem

    InfinityBoxTalks 2022-08-16

    [23:59:36] Please help
    [23:59:13] Le6-h6222cdefg-gl—220315v518 firmware needed
    [22:51:58] TECNO LE6
    [22:20:18] Yes
    [22:15:07] Itel s17 frp
    [21:26:59] Hi
    [21:07:00] Anyone from Malawi working now?
    [20:07:50] Found 20 files Tecno ke5, search limit is 20 files per server
    1. Tecno_MT6761_TECNO_KE5_H6123ABC_QGo_GL_201027V178_QP1A.190711.020_ke5_h6123go
    2. Tecno_KE5_H6123A_QGo_RU_210913V051
    3. Tecno_KE5j_H6122AB_Q_OP_210630V227
    4. Tecno_MT676
    [19:57:43] Is it your first phone to unlock?
    Are you sure you are making everything well?
    [19:20:40] Can you help me isp of Nokia C10
    [19:16:26] 100% legit
    100% real
    100% profits guaranteed
    Safe and very reliable
    Invest with us an get your profits within 48hrswithout any delay
    100% trusted platform.. We win every day. Chat me up and let\’s activate money 💰 here
    Click 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇
    Dm ✍️

    [18:33:53] have a correct procedure in doing
    [18:33:30] I need to know if infinity has true support
    [18:32:27] Okay
    [18:25:37] Moto E20 fail
    [18:20:21] 1385 unlock
    [18:07:10] TA-1352
    [17:52:17] The phone then turns on or start charging
    [17:51:12] Operation : SP Unlock [ v2.14 ]
    BootMode : SVC

    1. Power off device, wait 10-15 seconds
    2. Not hold any key on device ( OLD devices — 1 : VOL+ , 2 : VOL- )
    3. Insert cable in device!

    Wait for device …

    Device Connected!
    Enter SVC …
    Waiting Device …
    Check SVC …

    >>> Remove battery, cable. Check cable and connection. Repeat operation!
    [16:51:16] Found 6 files mya
    1. Huawei_Honor_MT6737T_HUAWEI_MYA_L41_HWMYA_L6737_Maya_L41C432B142_Android_6.0
    2. Huawei_Honor_NVM_Huawei_Y5_2017_MYA_U29_MT6580_NVRAM
    3. Huawei_Honor_NVM_HUAWEI_mya_u29_MT6580_eMMC_863941034287400
    4. Huawei_Honor_
    [16:51:07] Nothing found for mya l22

    If you will get the file upload it to support with iosFileUploader

    [16:46:26] Your dongles become damaged after sharing tools usage.
    Please use free repair method after sharing
    [16:35:19] 16-08-2022 19:28:31
    Username: 0054C57F62
    ==> Scan E:\\infinity cm2 setup\\DongleManager\\ for report.log
    ==> Scan c:\\InfinityBox\\ for report.log
    ==> Scan c:\\Program Files\\ for report.log
    ==> Scan c:\\Program Files (x86)\\ for report.log
    Found files: 0
    ==> Scan E:\\infinity cm2 setup\\DongleManager\\ for *.ibin.log
    ==> Scan c:\\InfinityBox\\ for *.ibin.log
    ==> Scan c:\\Program Files\\ for *.ibin.log
    ==> Scan c:\\Program Files (x86)\\ for *.ibin.log
    Found files: 0
    ==> Scan E:\\infinity cm2 setup\\DongleManager\\ for fault.bin
    [16:33:40] I do, but no reports found it says \»Found files: 0
    No reports found\»
    [16:24:01] Make this
    [16:24:01] I need your help, Infinity CM2 dongle misconfiguration with diagnostic code 66 \»Server answer: [0031] Dongle identification data damaged.\»
    [16:21:54] stuck on boot logo?
    [16:21:29] post sw log text
    [16:21:11] hello Users
    [16:19:40] Make this
    [16:19:03] Found 3 files tecno pr651h
    1. Tecno_PR651H_F6317_11.0_OP_V046_20210827
    2. Tecno_PR651H_F6317_11.0_OP_V032_20210602
    3. Tecno_PR651H_F6317_11.0_OP_V052_20211025

    [16:18:45] Infinity Dongle S/N
    [16:18:27] What is the file name?
    [16:18:09] What was phone state before flash?
    [16:04:48] Pls someone should help me with this version of file
    [16:03:58] Hello good day
    [16:03:56] Itel A58 what\’s the issue here
    [15:48:05] did you find the software? i have the same one
    [15:40:08] Please any help I try to flash some phone but it comes like this
    [15:01:30] cm2 auto restart after run fix
    [14:59:48] Zte 9030 repair imei es possible ?
    [14:17:50] the file is good, but the nvram is not there after the flash
    [14:17:35] About what S/N ?
    [14:15:54] Found 3 files tecno PR651H
    1. Tecno_PR651H_F6317_11.0_OP_V046_20210827
    2. Tecno_PR651H_F6317_11.0_OP_V032_20210602
    3. Tecno_PR651H_F6317_11.0_OP_V052_20211025

    [14:13:33] morning
    [14:13:18] tecno pr651h nvram help
    [13:46:19] Please help me to solve this error. After flashing Redmi 6A with cm2 , phone goes into dead state. Now I try to flash, showing this error.
    [13:29:54] Ok
    [13:29:50] Nothing found for Tecno kh6

    If you will get the file upload it to support with iosFileUploader

    [13:29:42] Nothing found for Infinix X670

    If you will get the file upload it to support with iosFileUploader

    [13:29:21] Infinix X670
    Tecno kh6
    [13:15:20] help
    [13:15:02] What file?
    [13:14:34] Answer is here
    [13:11:44] #CM2MT2 boot issues manual
    [13:11:27] what is cm2sp2.exe version?
    [13:10:41] Here
    [13:10:23] Nothing found for y530-u051

    If you will get the file upload it to support with iosFileUploader

    [13:10:08] sw log text?
    [13:09:35] Download and install Infinity CM2SP2 boot-pack
    [13:09:09] Ok
    [13:08:07] Found 9 files k990
    1. RM_693_07.48_rm693_07.48_005.image_l_pcs_cl_v2_9k990
    2. RM_693_07.48_RM693_059K990_07.48_005.vpl
    3. RM_693_07.48_RM693_059K990_07.48_005_signature
    4. RM_693_07.48_RM693_059K990_07.48_005.dcp

    [13:07:47] What is the S/N?
    [13:07:18] maybe here
    [13:06:40] What is the S/N?
    [13:06:05] Found 3 files camon 18
    1. Tecno_MT6750_TECNO_TECNO_Camon_CX_7.0_CX_H501DEFG_N_180314V177_NRD90M_TECNO_CX
    2. Tecno_MT6761_TECNO_CC6_Camon_12_Air_9_CC6_H627HIJ_P_210513V234_PPR1.180610.011_cc6_h627
    3. Tecno_MT6750_TECNO_TECNO_Camon_CX_7.0_CX_H501DEFG_N_180109V166_NRD90M_TECNO_CX

    [13:05:47] see here
    [13:05:32] yes sure
    [13:04:55] Download and install Infinity CM2SP2 boot-pack
    [13:02:36] What is the model name?
    [13:02:06] please need help
    [13:01:44] post sw log text
    [13:01:22] What was the problem befor flash?
    [13:00:53] What is the problem with it?
    [13:00:30] sw log text?
    [13:00:02] inbox is little bit forbidden here, you may get ban
    if you know how to fix write here for everybody
    [12:59:23] Sign In to Infinity server
    [12:58:14] Nothing found for tecno pop5

    If you will get the file upload it to support with iosFileUploader

    [12:57:05] What is the problem with built-in loaders?
    [12:56:42] What is V30?
    [12:54:50] What is the problem with built-in loaders?
    [12:50:47] V30
    [12:42:20] Model name?
    [12:42:00] model?
    [12:41:37] Hello
    [12:41:28] What model?
    Where is log text?
    [12:41:12] What function do you need for mtk?
    [12:40:54] are you sure it\’s frp?
    [12:40:29] What is the CPU type?
    [12:29:44] True
    [12:29:35] Yes
    [11:25:55] Sim bloquez
    [11:25:43] Déverrouillage Alcatel joy tab 2
    [11:14:39] Emergency not working
    [11:14:12] Samsung A11 frp solution pls
    [11:06:06] please do not forget about the MTK module. is very late
    [10:17:33] Updates network unlock mtk
    [10:08:02] Hello
    [10:03:15] ❤️
    [10:03:03] Zte imei repair es posible ??????
    [10:02:31] W8 for updates Oppo mtk imei
    [10:02:05] ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
    [10:01:24] Infinity #CM2SP2 boot pack v1.10 released
    [+] G-Touch
    [+] Hotwav
    [+] Infinix
    [+] Mito
    [+] Mobicel
    [+] QC-QcTech
    [+] Realme
    [+] Symphony
    [+] Stylus
    [+] ZTE
    [09:56:39] Tecno bd3 da file
    [09:25:36] Tecno kg7h file
    [09:24:37] Found 6 files tecno kc6
    1. Tecno_KC6_Tecno_Spark_4Air_MT6761_ANDR9_KC6_H6114I_P_RU_191007V65_PPR1.180610.011_kc6_h6114
    2. Tecno_KC6S_H6114K_P_ZAVC_191203V26
    3. Tecno_KC6_H6114I_P_RU_200727V122
    4. Tecno_KC6_H6114IJK_P_210722V253
    [09:21:46] Please who can help me with tecno kc6 NVRAM?
    [08:00:53] Infinix X670
    [08:00:33] Please help me with this I\’m facing this issue sinces last month shows me this same build number
    [07:47:25] 👏
    [07:47:01] All models
    [07:46:10] Model?
    [07:36:39] Please, I need techno pop5 pro file.
    [07:30:47] Tecno nvram pls
    [05:53:50] Found 9 files itel p13
    1. iTel_P13Plus_F8013_8.1_OP_V042_20200512
    2. iTel_P13Plus_F8013RU_8.1_RU_V017_20190917_O11019_P13Plus
    3. iTel_P13_F8013_8.1_OP_V020_20180623_O11019_P13
    4. iTel_P13_F8013_8.1_OP_V049_20200511
    [04:09:05] #CM2MT2 connection issue solution is HERE
    [04:09:05] Mode : FLASH

    1. Make sure device is powered off. Power off, if need. Wait 20 seconds after
    2. Insert USB cable in phone
    Waiting for device connection …

    PTFN : MediaTek PreLoader USB VCOM_V1632 (Android) (COM74)
    PORT : 74
    Waiting BOOT ack …
    PRELOADER : ACK confirmed!
    BROM : Init BROM
    BROM init passed!
    CHIP : MT6765 , SBID : 0x8A00 , HWVR : 0xCA00 , SWVR : 0x0000
    CODE : Cervino
    BROM : SecLevel : 0x00000005
    BROM : SecMode : SBC+SDA
    [04:03:12] If making brom yes can try
    [03:30:01] oppo a16k smart reset ??
    [03:29:25] I will try.
    [03:28:22] Did u try to convert ? And check emmc status
    [03:24:30] inbox me bro
    [03:22:35] Please help me
    [03:17:58] Tried but boot loader unlock also failed.
    [03:12:53] Please help. I cant write imei on tecno KG5K. SOLUTION PLEASE
    [03:06:14] Unlock boot loader and flash again
    [02:20:50] Redmi 6A dead after flashing with cm2. Please help…..

    InfinityBoxTalks 2022-08-15

    [22:50:05] Nokia ta 1074
    Scatter flash file help me
    [22:37:45] I can\’t flash the phone without it, keeps requesting for it
    [22:37:17] Pls i need Redmi note 8pro sec_auth file, how do i get it
    [21:33:41] Je suis dans le besoin de flash file huawei gra- ul10
    [20:49:05] Thnks
    [20:07:49] Same🤦🏼🙈
    [19:25:41] 🤝
    [19:25:14] Thx checking 🥃🤝
    [19:24:37] TA-1165 restarting, can cm2 handle flashing
    [19:20:05] Very simple
    [19:15:54] Anyone solved it? Any firmware same results as in pic
    [18:32:19] anyone have solution ples
    [18:32:07] anyone work on this !
    [18:31:51] MT6765
    [18:31:48] i can\’t fix IMEI :D
    [18:21:28] Any site I can download the fdl file
    [18:14:22] I need the fdl file
    [18:10:41] Open dongle manager report error fix
    [18:08:06] What\’s wrong 6
    [18:08:01] Screenshot please
    [17:44:31] Itel A509w fdl file needed
    [17:44:11] How to download fdl files
    [17:32:54] Most of them. Kind you be specific about the device and the cpu?
    [17:22:55] Can cm2 support all china mobile?
    [17:13:15] anyone with nvdata backup fro camon 18
    [17:11:19] OK thanks team
    [17:08:25] Unisoc Tiger T606 not support to kg lock remove
    [16:17:41] Activate use latates version
    [16:05:44] Help
    [15:45:41] But even before i had that problem but was solved ,even i don\’t remember the tricks solved
    [15:44:06] Because i tried ,so i saw problem is activation
    [15:43:03] Ooh ! here i didn\’t done activation untill now and was ended 07/07
    [15:27:16] Which server link please
    [15:20:44] Need place order by imei
    [15:20:34] It\’s a server unlock service bro
    [15:19:42] Inbox is little bit forbidden here, you may get ban.\r
    If you know how to fix write here for everybody.
    [15:19:42] Inbox
    [15:15:27] I want paid sim carrier unlock IPHONE 5s( AT&T)
    [15:07:03] Download dongle manager and update
    [15:02:44] Now has changed ,after Uniinstall and reinstall
    [14:55:28] No solution still?
    [14:35:37] Test point for Any-nx1?
    Plz help me
    [14:35:10] wikoo k990 file
    [14:34:30] Dongle has inserted but it has started this tm ,because morning was good
    [14:33:44] Hello guys ,thiz cm2 do this when i need to open even mtk2 module or spd2
    [14:31:44] Test point for Any-nx1
    [14:29:02] i cant belive
    [14:28:43] #CM2SP2 connection issue solution is HERE
    [14:28:43] Card found : 3B4916F9 , v0151
    Infinity-Box Chinese Miracle II : SPD/USC Module [SP2] v2.14

    Load IDBase v8331 Ok!

    Operation : Format FS / Reset Settings [ v2.14 ]
    Mode : Reset FRP
    BootMode : FLASH

    1. Power off device, wait 10-15 seconds
    2. Press and hold BooKey ( 1 : BOTH VOL , 2 : VOL+ , 3 : VOL- )
    3. Insert cable in device!

    Wait for device …

    Device Connected!
    BootVersion : SPRD3
    Boot : INF : Itel : L6502-F3208
    Sending Init Boot …
    >>> ERROR : FDL Start Failed!

    >>> Error : Fail to boot FDL!
    [14:11:21] Hi team network unlock alcatel ot-303 ??
    [14:08:34] good day sir we need nokia c1 2nd edtion unlock solution with cm2 plz help us
    [14:07:37] Where to get neon ray pro fg file
    [13:58:49] Help me to read fw gives that error
    [13:57:37] Oppo Reno 5F frp bypass help
    [13:46:43] Who can help me with the download link
    [12:52:03] #CM2MT2 connection issue solution is HERE
    [12:52:03] Card found : 5D460AE2 , v0153
    Infinity-Box [ Chinese Miracle ] MediaTek Service Module [ MTK ] v2.34

    Load IDBase v723487 Ok!

    Update configuration …
    Load IDBase v723487 Ok!

    Operation : Identify [ v2.34 ]

    Mode : FLASH

    1. Make sure device is powered off. Power off, if need. Wait 20 seconds after
    2. Insert USB cable in phone
    Waiting for device connection …

    PTFN : MediaTek PreLoader USB VCOM (Android) (COM13)
    PORT : 13
    Waiting BOOT ack …
    PRELOADER : ACK confirm FAIL!
    BROM : Ini
    [12:41:03] Please Huawei y530-u051 v100r001c451b191 flash file need. Thanks.
    [12:40:25] jtag
    [12:37:58] Please Huawei y530-u051 v100r001c451b191 flash file need. Thanks.
    [12:37:53] I want to download drivers but I can\’t get it
    [12:11:41] Process…
    Process failed : Wrong SI — device security damaged
    zte blad A3 2019 WHEN SPUNLOCK SAYS THIS
    [12:02:21] Please I need solution
    [11:59:02] Cpu?
    [11:58:29] Samsung A035f KG LOCK ON CM2 CAN REMOVE?
    [11:48:47] Reset password or e-mail HERE\r
    Apply username and password this way
    [11:48:47] Wait for device …

    Device Connected!
    BootVersion : SPRD3
    Boot : INF : iTel : W5002-F3110
    Sending Init Boot …
    Boot sent!
    Kick FDL …
    BootVersion : Spreadtrum Boot Block version 1.1
    Protocol setup …
    Port speed : 921600
    Sending Flash Boot …
    Boot sent!
    Kick FLASH FDL …
    FDL : 0x0008
    FDL : EMMC_RO : False ; EMMC_PART : True ; EMMC_RPMB_SET : False
    FDL : RAW : 0x0002
    FDL : FLH : 0x400000
    FDL : SEC : RSA auth required!
    FDL : Process authentification …
    Server Error : Access denied: {\»Message\»:\»A
    [11:35:44] cm2 spd2 isnot working
    [11:35:30] Box/Dongle type selected: Infinity-Box/Dongle [CM2]
    Username: 0052254EC3
    ==> Scan c:\\users\\awad\\downloads\\compressed\\cm2_dongle_manager_v1.87 for report.log
    ==> Scan c:\\InfinityBox for report.log
    ==> Scan c:\\Program Files for report.log
    ==> Scan c:\\Program Files (x86) for report.log
    Found files: 0
    ==> Scan c:\\users\\awad\\downloads\\compressed\\cm2_dongle_manager_v1.87 for *.ibin.log
    ==> Scan c:\\InfinityBox for *.ibin.log
    ==> Scan c:\\Program Files for *.ibin.log
    ==> Scan c:\\Program Files (x86) for *.ibin.log
    [11:35:17] hi sir
    [11:13:06] Nothing found for ZL799_mb_v2.0

    If you will get the file upload it to support with iosFileUploader

    [11:12:43] ZL799_mb_v2.0
    [11:12:14] Zl799_mb_v2.0
    [11:11:58] Nothing found for Zl799_mb_v2.0

    If you will get the file upload it to support with iosFileUploader

    [11:01:58] Device initial State before flash
    [11:01:29] 😢
    [11:01:01] Other file kill the phone
    [11:00:17] We need sport file
    [10:59:16] Found 13 files X670
    1. MTK_MT6253_RDR53_X670_PCB01_GPRS_MT6253_S00.X670SM_V01_11_01_100517_Cross_CB97_16m_En_Id_Cn.B0M
    2. ZTE_X670_16mb_eeprom_ZTE_X670_ffs_04.X670_V1_Z2_FRES_BFFA105_SFR_241.B0E
    3. ZTE_X670_16mb_eeprom_ZTE_X670_ffs_03.X670_V1_Z2_FRES_BFFA105_SFR_241.B0E
    [10:59:02] Nothing found for infinix X670

    If you will get the file upload it to support with iosFileUploader

    [10:58:45] Your procedure turn it off accidentally
    [10:56:39] And Infinix x670 flash file
    [10:53:55] Ok
    [10:53:54] Ok
    [10:53:42] No idea then
    You may try to make full/firmware backup and upload
    engineers will check
    but do not expect immediate result
    [10:53:26] We need tecno kh6 flash file on sport
    [10:49:16] what is the text at phone LCD?
    [10:48:35] Yes
    [10:48:18] Tecno k8c after mdm remove call not working any solution plz dm
    [10:48:04] is imei at back label the same as in log?
    [10:44:39] 2.14
    [10:43:55] cm2sp2 ver?
    [10:42:47] Wait for device …

    Device Connected!
    BootVersion : SPRD3
    Boot : INF : 0_SC7731E_BASE : SC7731E_eMMC_1GB_0S
    Sending Init Boot …
    Boot sent!
    Kick FDL …
    BootVersion : Spreadtrum Boot Block version 1.1
    Protocol setup …
    Port speed : 921600
    Sending Flash Boot …
    Boot sent!
    Kick FLASH FDL …
    FDL : 0x0008
    FDL : EMMC_RO : False ; EMMC_PART : True ; EMMC_RPMB_SET : True
    FDL : RAW : 0x0002
    FDL : FLH : 0x400000
    FDL : Control transfered!

    Boot Done!

    NVMng : SecurityInfo
    IMEI[1] : 358650971671631
    [10:37:35] post sw log text
    [10:37:13] I did that but network locked is not removed
    [10:36:38] yes
    [10:36:05] Sp unlock
    [10:35:51] Sp unlock
    [10:35:25] run CM2SP2.exe
    click to IDENTIFY
    click to Unlock
    [10:35:01] Sc7731e
    [10:33:13] Perfect!
    [10:33:06] What is the CPU type?
    [10:32:30] check imei at phone label and in log. Is it the same?
    [10:27:17] Mobicel vibe network unlock code how to do it
    [10:16:49] Thanks for all who participating on it am happy now🙏🙏🙏
    [10:15:33] Its okay now
    [09:41:57] HELP
    [09:41:52] Device Connected!
    BootVersion : SPRD3
    Boot : INF : ZTE : Blade-A3-2019
    Sending Init Boot …
    Boot sent!
    Kick FDL …
    BootVersion : Spreadtrum Boot Block version 1.1
    Protocol setup …
    Port speed : 921600
    Sending Flash Boot …
    Boot sent!
    Kick FLASH FDL …
    FDL : 0x0004
    FDL : EMMC_RO : False ; EMMC_PART : True ; EMMC_RPMB_SET : True
    FDL : Control transfered!

    Boot Done!

    NVMng : SecurityInfo
    IMEI[1] : 353412087749990
    IMEI[2] : 866338027439352
    IMEI[3] : 867400020316638
    BT_MAC :
    [09:23:12] Type: Infinity-Box/Dongle [CM2]
    S/N: E79F27E9
    Username: 00E79F27E9
    Account Status: Active
    Hardware Status: Ok
    #0: Infinity-Box/Dongle [CM2]; Firmware Version: 0150; Expired: 26-Sep-2021

    Your [CM2] support period is expired.
    Previous software versions can be used as before.
    To use latest software updates please renew support:
    1. Contact to any seller
    2. Send your dongle S/N to seller
    3. Order [CM2] support renew for 1 or 2 years

    How to check support period
    [09:06:57] Bro, download factory signed firmware for your device and enjoy
    [09:03:52] Device model?
    [08:59:49] Let me ask you is vbmeta system and vbmeta system ext can cause phone to restart several in spd phone because not accept to flash after i tick them
    [08:56:17] Mdm lock
    [08:51:56] good
    format/reset helps to reset phone to factory state
    [08:50:53] Boot Done!

    Device info :
    Product Brand : TECNO
    Product Name : BD2-OP
    Product Device : TECNO-BD2
    Product Model : TECNO BD2
    Product Board : BD2
    Patch Level : QP1A.190711.020
    Display ID : BD2-SP613ABC-QGo-OP-210617V008
    Ver. Incmt : ABC-OP-210617V008
    Ver. CodeName : REL
    Ver. Release : 10
    Sec. Patch : 2021-06-05
    Build Time : 22.06.2021
    Product Info : sp7731e_1h10
    Product Board : sp7731e_1h10
    Board Platform : sp7731e
    Product Manfct : TECNO
    Product Manfct : TECNO MOBILE LIMITED

    [08:47:18] I have no idea. You did not provide sw log text
    [08:46:56] Need to change platform?
    [08:45:29] use another (available) format/reset method
    [08:44:24] Tecno pop5
    [08:38:33] Phone is alive, need to repair security only
    [08:37:02] what was the problem with the phone when you got it for repair?
    [08:36:17] CPU type is not detected well.
    No connection at all
    check cable, drivers, change usb port, check phone HW
    [08:35:17] Available functions depends on detected device type
    [08:34:04] Now after untick some of parts in file
    [08:33:23] Operation : Check / Read Info [ v1.58 ]

    1. Power Off Phone , Remove battery , Insert back
    2. Insert USB cable. In some cases require hold BootKey ( \’*\’ )

    Wait for phone…
    Phone found! [ 57 ]
    Sync Ok, read regs…
    Inital regs read done
    Boot Info :
    BB_CPU_ID : 00C3
    BB_CPU_HW : 0001
    BB_CPU_SW : 6249
    BB_CPU_SB : 0000
    BB_CPU_NM : [MediaTek] MTxxx
    BROM Protocol Version : FF
    Setting done , result code 0x430E
    BROM stage done
    Seek and prepare DownloadAgent
    DownloadAgent matching HW NOT Found :
    [08:31:20] Cm2SP2 that option not working.
    [08:30:10] THANK YOU ADMIN😘
    [08:26:13] Where is CM2MT2 installed? drive and path
    [08:24:57] inbox is little bit forbidden here, you may get ban
    if you know how to fix write here for everybody
    [08:23:59] What is the problem with the phone?
    [08:23:29] As I can see it\’s not the first your post regarding the same phone here.
    I suggest you to use support forum and post all your story and log text there.

    anyway if upi do not know how to use forum ou may continue here. I this case tell me what is the software text after \»Prepare target …\»
    [08:21:13] [BEST] is under rebuilding at the moment
    [08:20:55] Click here @FlashFileSearchBot and type there phone name. You will get links
    [08:20:45] and
    [08:07:37] is there any support page admin
    [08:07:17] s there any support page admin
    [08:06:10] so what should I do if I want to download rom TA-1128?
    [08:00:30] it has no relation to expired support
    reason: too many too fast attempts to ger server services so limits was applied.
    [07:58:26] looking forward to the answer
    [07:56:26] I found the best dongle to support downloading nokia rom very well and I have a question. why doesn\’t best release a new version, to support downloading rom nokia these star models such as TA XXX or something
    [07:14:14] Wait for device …

    Device Connected!
    BootVersion : SPRD3
    Boot : PAC : A661W-V390AE-11.0-OP-V008-20220216_1803_user.pac
    Sending Init Boot …
    Boot sent!
    Kick FDL …
    BootVersion : Spreadtrum Boot Block version 1.1
    Protocol setup …
    Port speed : 921600
    Sending Flash Boot …
    Boot sent!
    Kick FLASH FDL …
    FDL : 0x0020
    FDL : RAW : 0x0002
    FDL : FLH : 0x400000
    FDL : SEC : RSA auth required!
    FDL : Process authentification …
    FDL : SEC : RSA auth passed!
    FDL : Control transfered!

    Boot Done!

    Prepare tar
    [06:56:36] With that error
    [06:56:29] My activation was expired can it cause it with cm2spd2
    [06:52:28] OK sorry if my messages was make you annoying with me I\’m very sorry for the way I messaged you sir please help me fix it correctly
    [06:50:43] I swear I\’m not sharing your box with anybody but I have crack miracle on my laptop
    [05:33:12] Not accept to flash it hang on prepare target on tool

    autopatch file password needed.
    [05:12:56] Thanks y\’all who take the time to give me instruction for the issue i was asked
    [04:34:17] Use
    [03:38:27] Relock after wifi connection
    [03:33:42] Can you please in box telegram ban me from writing
    [02:25:15] Free help
    [02:24:31] Come inbox if not yet done
    [02:21:47] What you want to do?

    InfinityBoxTalks 2022-08-14

    [20:54:06] Read : lk.bin
    Read : boot.img
    Read : logo.bin
    Read : dtbo.img
    Read : tz.img
    Read : vendor.img
    ExtSparse : Compression ratio : 58%
    Read : system.img
    ExtSparse : Compression ratio : 16%
    Read : vbmeta.img
    Error : Failed to convert data! AV or UAC issue???
    >>> Check your system, antivirus exclude list, UACsettings and free disk space!
    Reconnect Power/Cable!
    [20:54:06] Card found :
    Infinity-Box [ Chinese Miracle ] MediaTek Service Module [ MTK ] v2.34

    Load IDBase v723487 Ok!

    Update configuration …
    Socket Error # 11001
    Host not found.
    Load IDBase v723487 Ok!

    Operation : Read Firmware [ v2.34 ]

    ExtSparse : Enabled
    ForceRead : Enabled

    1. Make sure device is powered off. Power off, if need. Wait 20 seconds after
    2. Insert USB cable in phone
    Waiting for device connection …

    PTFN : MediaTek PreLoader USB VCOM (Android) (COM4)
    PORT : 4
    [20:50:10] copy/paste complete operation log text
    [20:49:09] Admin done all that still same error
    [20:44:15] I\’m fed up with your arrogance and ignorance,
    Your next message must contain big sorry to supporters.
    [20:38:47] You should provide answers to my previous questions
    [20:25:33] Admin help find something to do with your protocol now I\’m fed up now with your tools
    [20:15:01] Disable Antivirus and Defender
    Reboot PC
    Login to PC as Administrator
    [20:14:55] Found 2 files Nokia G20
    1. Nokia_G20_NVM_MT6765_B36BEE10F7567413263DD296952B643F_G10_G20_nvram
    2. Nokia_G10_NVM_MT6765_B36BEE10F7567413263DD296952B643F_G10_G20_nvram

    [20:14:37] Nothing found for TA1365

    If you will get the file upload it to support with iosFileUploader

    [20:14:17] Nothing found for ta1385

    If you will get the file upload it to support with iosFileUploader

    [19:38:11] pls solution cant save any backup file
    [19:37:52] Error : Failed to convert data! AV or UAC issue???
    >>> Check your system, antivirus exclude list, UACsettings and free disk space!

    Reconnect Power/Cable!
    [19:37:52] Card found : 58F63FAC , v0153
    Infinity-Box [ Chinese Miracle ] MediaTek Service Module [ MTK ] v2.34

    Load IDBase v723487 Ok!

    Update configuration …
    Socket Error # 11001
    Host not found.
    Load IDBase v723487 Ok!

    Operation : Read Firmware [ v2.34 ]

    ExtSparse : Enabled
    ForceRead : Enabled

    1. Make sure device is powered off. Power off, if need. Wait 20 seconds after
    2. Insert USB cable in phone
    Waiting for device connection …

    PTFN : MediaTek PreLoader USB VCOM (Android) (COM4)
    [19:37:46] What do you mean failed and what is the problem?
    [19:35:32] try to flash or reset
    [19:35:11] It\’s easy — if you know how to implement new features REALLY WELL AND SAFELY — contact me and tell me what to do.
    If you do not know how to implement new features — just wait.
    [19:32:50] You will be able to use latest version that was renewed.
    You can use already paid software without limits.
    If you want to re-activate after ten years you must pay for new year only.
    [18:51:08] Bluetooth and Zinder don\’t work, you turn me on, it doesn\’t detect the device
    [18:27:09] Like seriously no tool like cm2 but I don\’t know why they\’re not try to upgrade it so that it can be do all type of phone,either SPD,MTK, or quacom either Samsung vivo Oppo,hauwel etc
    [18:20:07] 3 different files all failed phone is still new no emmc demand
    [18:16:41] Nothing will happen sir, just that, you will ne able to use your dongle to operate on any update released within the period you activate your license if after the period expired you wont be able to use any update released after then, and concerning if you want to update, you dont have to pay for the year you were unable to update just that if it stays longs you left your dongle without using it it might got blocked, so you update at any moment, any period , at your convenience.
    [18:09:07] Nope you will just activate the year you wants 1 or 2 years
    [18:04:53] If i will stop to do activation to my cm2 for two years ,What will happen ? And also if i will need to activate i must pay all year had not activated ?
    [17:38:39] Sharing what
    [17:15:59] Click here @FlashFileSearchBot and type there phone name. You will get links
    [17:02:24] What is your problem?
    where is sw log text?
    [17:02:02] vivo s1 y19 fail
    [17:01:03] Any problem with it?
    [17:00:50] vivo y73
    [17:00:12] wut model do you need?
    [16:59:45] vivo?
    [16:59:38] letest vivo
    [16:59:12] what updet do you need my friend?
    [16:58:36] cm2 mtk new updet plz
    [16:58:23] Please explain the problem
    [16:58:03] What is the problem?
    [16:57:54] sharing?
    [16:57:22] This web page has nothing with downloads but anyway check this
    [16:54:28] Do you flash own phones at your workshop or is it remote sharing process?
    [16:53:35] It may be you need another one
    [16:41:27] Hello help itel a56 no bluetooth horke
    [15:42:52] NG as in?, send pics
    [15:27:01] Samsung a51 ng problem help
    [15:24:08] Please help me fix it correctly now
    [14:51:33] Confirmation of registration im trying to register to download flash file but i dont understand this Confirmation of registration
    [14:40:30] Hi
    I need nv file baseband for Nokia 2.2 ta-1188
    [13:59:03] Same thing now what next
    [12:36:43] Another firmware 😢
    [11:20:56] I used but not working
    [11:19:39] Thanks
    [11:09:45] Use proxies to download faster
    [11:09:23] There is no TA-1484 here yet

    You should create new thread at support forum and post there full nfo about this model and attach software operation log text.
    Engineers will check it.
    [11:06:36] Any problem with it?
    [11:06:17] Removing FRP
    [11:05:56] DA Error
    Nokia C100
    [11:05:51] moto g20 xt2128-1 is model
    [11:04:33] What s the model name and what is the problem?
    [11:02:29] Operation : Reset Settings/Format FS [ v2.34 ]


    1. Make sure device is powered off. Power off, if need. Wait 20 seconds after
    2. Insert USB cable in phone
    Waiting for device connection …

    PTFN : MediaTek PreLoader USB VCOM (Android) (COM105)
    PORT : 105
    Waiting BOOT ack …
    PRELOADER : ACK confirmed!
    BROM : Init BROM
    BROM init passed!
    CHIP : MT6761 , SBID : 0x8A00 , HWVR : 0xCA01 , SWVR : 0x0200
    CODE : Merlot
    [11:02:12] what is g20?
    [11:01:53] Operation : Reset Settings/Format FS [ v2.34 ]


    1. Make sure device is powered off. Power off, if need. Wait 20 seconds after
    2. Insert USB cable in phone
    Waiting for device connection …

    PTFN : MediaTek PreLoader USB VCOM (Android) (COM105)
    PORT : 105
    Waiting BOOT ack …
    PRELOADER : ACK confirmed!
    BROM : Init BROM
    BROM init passed!
    CHIP : MT6761 , SBID : 0x8A00 , HWVR : 0xCA01 , SWVR : 0x0200
    CODE : Merlot
    [11:01:41] Click here @FlashFileSearchBot and type there phone name. You will get links
    [11:01:32] Very good
    [11:00:05] use latest file
    [10:58:41] Venezuela from and i still have the g20 gear
    [10:57:54] A661w
    [10:57:44] Link please in halabtech i see repeated link with same version so i cant understand which is good
    [10:57:42] MODEL
    [10:56:07] Link
    [10:54:28] Mdm state
    [10:54:20] maybe. Try to use search there or browse folders
    [10:52:08] No can I find one at support?
    [10:51:16] log text
    [10:50:06] it looks like firmware has hard lock
    have you tried to flash with another file?
    [10:48:29] what was the problem before flash?
    [10:48:10] try now
    [10:44:24] Now not power on
    [10:42:45] TA-1484 NOKIA C100 DA FILE NEEDED
    SLA not working
    [10:41:48] Nokia C100 DA file needed
    [10:41:40] Mobicel GEO
    [10:40:37] What is the phone state?
    [10:40:17] What is the model name and where is sw log text?
    [10:40:06] Sure they need to be number one ☝️ on that aspect
    [10:39:25] What is the cpu type?
    [10:39:24] Ok thanks
    [10:39:01] Nothing found for Welcome HOT 11T

    If you will get the file upload it to support with iosFileUploader

    [10:37:58] And by the way make sure u are using custom loaders.
    [10:36:44] Now phone not power on
    [10:36:33] I guess so ..
    [10:36:06] I was think latest is better
    [10:35:30] So i have to change firmware?
    [10:35:26] That is mine working fine
    [10:34:42] Also tick NVM update and force NVM update to get IMEI
    [10:34:09] 🙆
    [10:33:24] Used version V006
    [10:31:33] Yep
    [10:31:17] A661w
    [10:29:34] Sorry firmware version V008 not V006
    [10:28:17] Restart the app.. I was experiencing same problem but it eventually worked. And also make sure the firmware u are flashing is V380 not 360.
    [10:26:26] IMEI[1] : 359942100627777
    ID0 : Lock : Locked! | MNC : 512 | CNT : 5 | CODE : 12345678
    ID1 : Lock : Not Locked | MNC : 0 | CNT : 5 | CODE : 56781234
    ID2 : Lock : Not Locked | MNC : 0 | CNT : 5 | CODE : 11112222
    ID3 : Lock : Not Locked | MNC : 0 | CNT : 5 | CODE : 33334444
    ID4 : Lock : Not Locked | MNC : 0 | CNT : 5 | CODE : 55556666
    ID5 : Lock : Not Locked | MNC : 0 | CNT : 5 | CODE : 77778888
    ID6 : Lock : Not Locked | MNC : 0 | CNT : 5 | CODE : 99990000
    ID0 : Lock : Locked! | MNC
    [10:26:26] Mobicel GEO
    SP Unlock

    Patch Level : PPR1.181008.011
    Display ID : PPR1.181008.011 release-keys
    Ver. CodeName : REL
    Ver. Release : 9
    Sec. Patch : 2019-11-05
    Build Time : 15.11.2019
    Product Model : GEO
    Product Brand : Mobicel
    Product Name : GEO
    Product Device : GEO
    Product Manfct : Mobicel
    Product Board : GEO
    Product Info : GEO
    Product Board : k510
    Board Platform : mt6739
    Product Manfct : alps
    Product Model : k510
    Product Name : full_k510
    Product Device : k510

    [10:26:14] Moses Jackson, [8/14/2022 12:14 PM]
    Please infinity team can you please work on( MTK network unlock ) both flash mode and meta mode, and improve reset screen lock in meta, because most of the time its failed?
    [10:25:47] Same bro
    [10:24:36] 00EADF1FB8
    [10:24:08] This is my USERNAME
    [10:21:27] 00EADF1FB8
    [10:19:58] Reconnect battery.
    [10:18:25] Even after untick
    [10:14:43] Please infinity team can you please work on( MTK network unlock ) both flash mode and meta mode, and improve reset screen lock in meta, because most of the time its failed?
    [10:04:25] Untick update PMT
    [09:47:02] Hello help frp Blackberry z30
    [09:40:17] Created by Infinity-Box (c) 2021
    Chinese Miracle II : Spreadtrum / UniSoc Service Module
    Device Info file : _Android_info.txt

    Patch Level : MRA58K
    Display ID : M1731924555508V216G_V1.0_QHDM_YBZ_M1G_B15_4GB_NOGPS_20210913_0959
    Ver. Incmt :
    Ver. CodeName : REL
    Ver. Release : 6.0
    Sec. Patch : 2017-03-05
    Build Time : 13.09.2021
    Product Model : HOT 11T
    Product Brand : Welcome
    Product Name : sp7731g_fs066_project
    Product Device : sp7731g_fs066
    Product Board
    [09:39:41] hi need this firmware infinx clone 11t SC8830__Welcome__HOT_11T__6.0__M1731924555508V216G_V1.0_QHDM_YBZ_M1G_B15_4GB_NOGPS_20210913_0959__MRA58K__sp7731g_fs066
    [09:39:09] hello infinity world
    [09:38:28] More than 3min here itel a58
    [09:37:20] Boot Done!

    PMTMng : Load PMT
    PMTMng : 0x46
    PMTMng : Update PMT Ok!

    NVRM : pike2_pubcp_PLD_base_nv_nvitem.bin
    NVMng : Load 0x17
    NVMng : Init SRC
    NVMng : SecurityInfo
    IMEI[1] : 867400020316612
    IMEI[2] : 867400020316620
    IMEI[3] : 867400020316638
    SEC : SLS:0, SKS:0, SKV:4

    NVMng : Backup Ok , 0x00066C58
    NVMng : Init DST
    NVMng : Rx11 : Wx10
    NVMng : NVM block updated!

    Prepare target …
    ERROR : 0000008E:00000000FF7F0000
    [09:33:16] Anyone has a firmware for Hisense E50 lite PayJoy remove

    Sl Conf : 234-00-00300000000
    Country : United Kingdom

    I do not know the carrier, you must check the list and phone

    be noted that in case of wrong carrier your funds will be lost and no code returned. So you must be 100% sure what you are doing
    [09:23:51] vivo v23e 5g test point need
    [09:09:25] please service name
    [09:08:23] need carrier
    [09:08:14] nokia 20 digit not see
    [09:03:58] There are many servers with codes.

    for example see line 192 and below here
    You must secect correct network/operator otherwise no code comes and your funds will be lost.
    [09:02:32] where
    [08:59:00] Thx
    [08:58:01] C1 2nd Edition is not supported yet.
    Tested models
    [08:57:25] Not support yet?
    [08:57:21] oh
    [08:56:54] This paid service is offline
    [08:56:34] C1 2nd Edition some time later
    [08:50:50] Phone found!
    Series 40 Device detected!
    read info… — Ok

    BB5/XGold FastUnlock procedure started …
    Read info …
    Conf key : 800000000004000B
    Provider key : 2340000300000000
    Country : United Kingdom
    Operator : Unknown

    Lock info:
    Block 1
    L1:Close; L2:Close;

    XGold unlock flow started
    Connecting to server…
    [08:50:20] please help
    [08:49:57] Card found: S/N : 1D6CB6E1 , v0134
    Registered to: gsm dhiiga

    Connect phone on selected interface…

    Phone found!
    Series 40 Device detected!
    read info… — Ok

    BB5/XGold FastUnlock procedure started …
    Read info …
    Conf key : 800000000004000B
    Provider key : 2340000300000000
    Country : United Kingdom
    Operator : Unknown

    [08:49:20] Nokia TA-1380 FROM SOUTH AFRICA possible to unlock or not possible with cm2

    When connect power on direct
    [08:45:16] #CM2MT2 boot issues manual
    [08:39:58] Quelqu\’un peut m\’aider s\’il vous plaît ?
    [07:51:08] driver downloaded from cm2 support
    [07:49:47] In some cases you still may get division by zero for this model
    Try with another USB port and double check drivers
    [07:41:38] windows 10
    [07:41:33] Card found : 3B4916F9 , v0151
    Infinity-Box [ Chinese Miracle ] MediaTek Service Module [ MTK ] v2.32

    Load IDBase v1121431 Ok!

    UserName and/or Password not set! Can\’t continue!

    Load IDBase v1121431 Ok!

    Operation : Identify [ v2.32 ]

    Mode : FLASH

    1. Make sure device is powered off. Power off, if need. Wait 20 seconds after
    2. Insert USB cable in phone
    Waiting for device connection …

    PTFN : MediaTek USB Port (COM3)
    PORT : 3
    Waiting BOOT ack …
    BROM : Skip ACK verify
    BROM : Init BROM
    [07:33:12] You MUST always post sw log text.
    Next time you will get ban for fake reports.
    [07:31:23] by any one
    [07:31:12] divison by zero error solved?
    [07:30:57] redmi 9a
    [07:30:43] you must find an equipment
    [07:29:45] Make this
    [07:18:38] I tried ast fastboot recovery fail , diag Mode failed, hard reset failed?
    [07:18:24] How to remove password on nokiaTA1383 ?
    [07:04:35] Ckick to link at top of page.
    [06:58:16] Thanks for offer but team has all required samples at the moment.
    [06:55:58] To use Infinity [CM] software please contact to your seller, send your dongle S/N and order [b]Infinity [CM2] software activation with 1 year support[/b]

    Sellers —
    [06:55:37] Where are you from?
    [06:41:54] Yes sir
    [06:41:38] Yes sir
    [06:25:08] 🥫 CM2 package on infinity best is it possible ☺️?
    [06:24:32] stop joking
    [06:24:18] Send your dongle S/N to seller and order CM2 support renew 1 year or 2 years\r

    [06:24:18] 🥫 i activate CM2 package on infinity best?
    [06:24:11] i need answer
    [06:23:59] Send your dongle S/N to seller and order CM2 support renew 1 year or 2 years\r

    [06:23:59] 🥫 i activate CM2 package on infinity best?
    [06:23:50] Send your dongle S/N to seller and order CM2 support renew 1 year or 2 years\r

    [06:23:50] 🥫 i activate CM2 package on infinity best?
    [06:23:35] Send your dongle S/N to seller and order CM2 support renew 1 year or 2 years\r

    [06:23:35] can i activate CM2 package on infinity best
    [06:23:31] Send your dongle S/N to seller and order CM2 support renew 1 year or 2 years\r

    [06:23:31] can i activate CM2 package on infinity best
    [06:23:00] Send your dongle S/N to seller and order CM2 support renew 1 year or 2 years\r

    [06:23:00] can i activate CM2 package on infinity best
    [05:33:37] This set I have for 30mnt only if team need any file or testing please knocked me
    [05:32:52] It\’s vivo 2015 model
    [05:31:59] Hi team I have this phone for jio sim lock
    [05:01:38] after select file how to login my account
    [04:53:19] When test point is ground device not connect. Volume up and power key device not enter recovery mode. But volume down and power device enters download mode.
    [02:40:38] And open dongle manager and Check ✔️ if you card reader is working maybe dongle is not connected
    [02:19:54] U van use defender no need to close just allow all
    [02:19:07] If shows block by defender unblock or just allow
    [02:18:17] Antivirus
    [02:18:05] Do you have another untivirus
    [02:17:34] Re-install
    [02:15:19] the same problem
    [02:14:26] On this defender
    [02:13:07] Click mtk2 and show
    [02:12:25] comme ca ??
    [02:11:30] Defender só isso ajuda
    [02:11:01] Si vá lá windows defender y aceptalo eses estao bloqueado por lá windows
    [02:09:13] même spd2 même problème
    [02:08:19] Allow mtk2 on windows defender
    [00:19:16] where is the problem plz

    InfinityBoxTalks 2022-08-13

    [23:37:46] they do not work for this model it does not do any function it does not unlock it does not do a factory reset it does not work to update firmware the motorola g20 model in already tried with several equipment
    [21:32:43] Anyone with the idea of removing frp in nokia c10
    [21:04:17] your PC has an issue
    fix it
    [21:03:37] Test-point should works.
    copy sw log text
    [21:03:16] in solution my friend
    [21:02:47] Fake?
    [20:38:30] Option not yet added on CM2SP2
    [19:05:28] Moto g20 No suport frp No factory No flash fake
    [18:36:28] Samsung A12 broom mode not work. Test point not work. Any solution
    [18:26:48] Tilck SSL hold both volume keys insert USB cable and do identify
    [17:55:56] Any support?
    [17:49:34] Frp support for infinix x612 and x657
    [16:52:52] you must provide full info but not part
    do not reply here any more, you must asnewer to forum supporters
    [16:50:21] I have already posted logs!

    And descriptions
    [16:44:08] copy sw log text
    [16:43:33] repeat it once again
    [16:42:45] copy sw log text
    [16:42:24] Nothing found for zechin82

    If you will get the file upload it to support with iosFileUploader

    [16:41:54] What do you mean?
    [16:39:12] Click here @FlashFileSearchBot and type there phone name. You will get links
    [16:38:56] Found 1 file A661W
    1. DA_SPD_USC_iTel_iTel_A58_A661W.fdl

    [16:37:56] You must post CM2 log texts and full description of the problem.
    Your posts are almost useless for now.
    [16:36:23] What is it?
    [16:36:11] Perfect
    [16:27:30] Thanks all members and infinity team for your supports
    [16:26:31] Errors where 1. Server error 2.failed to boot FDL files and 3. Wrong firmware
    [16:25:46] 62xef7h
    [16:25:17] I already successful to reset frp on infinix PR652B
    [16:24:00] What do you want to unlock?
    [16:23:15] Click here @FlashFileSearchBot and type there phone name. You will get links
    [16:23:08] Where is sw text?
    [16:22:06] Server errors and failed to boot fdl files
    [15:32:18] Still no reply admin can you please forward it to developers! Plz
    [15:29:10] How to unlock tecno ka7 without format Cm2
    [14:14:24] Hello ineed fdl itel A661W
    [14:13:46] Found 3 files ta-1334
    1. Nokia_G10_TA_1334_G10_MT6765_HMD_Global_00WW_11_00WW_1_070_RP1A.200720.011_ROGA_sprout.2021_04_05
    2. recent_Nokia_TA_1334_G10_MT6765_HMD_Global_00WW_11_00WW_1_070_RP1A.200720.011_ROGA_sprout.2021_04_05
    3. recent_Nokia_TA_1334_nvram

    [13:45:18] Do it again
    [13:41:03] I just miss the Qualcomm. Pls let it die 😔.
    [13:36:52] zechin82_we_kk__4.4.2__ALPS.KK1.MP1.V2.46
    [13:36:49] hi i need iphone 12 clone firmware
    [13:31:15] I invested $500 on Mr Bradley trading platform and I have received my profit of $7,800 thank you Mr Bradley for the financial help of life God bless you🙏🙏🙏
    [13:26:42] Nokia TA-1352, after diag phone turns on, any solution
    [12:22:14] All steps tried not boot
    [12:21:28] #CM2MT2 connection issue solution is HERE
    [12:21:28] Here the error for KG7H.

    BROM : 0x00007024 : DA SEND ERROR!

    Error : Fail to init protocol!
    >>> Remove battery, cable. Check cable/connection/driver! Check SW hint! Repeat operation!

    Reconnect Power/Cable!
    [12:17:07] Good afternoon folks. I have been unlocking network on ZTE A31 during the first process everything went well and I was charged the credits necessary for that. When I wanted to do the 2nd process of unlocking electricity went off and the process de didn\’t succeed. What can l do now?
    [12:16:55] Device chipset?
    [12:16:45] What do you mean
    [12:14:19] What will I use
    [12:13:33] CM2 don’t boot this phone
    [12:13:18] CM2 don’t boot this phone
    [12:11:22] Identify using cm2 and send log bro
    [12:10:07] Use cm2
    [12:09:58] Use cm2
    [12:09:23] How to unlock Tecno kg7h
    [11:53:48] ,
    [11:46:52] Help for Neon Ray Pro frp
    [11:42:40] A03s. Sm-s134dl. Testpoint
    [11:20:42] Starting ADB Server :…..OK
    Connecting ADB Mobile :….52005d29c0308535OK
    Model : SM-J737P
    Hardware: EXYNOS7885
    AP version: J737PVPSABUI1
    CSC version: J737PSPTABUI1
    Android version: 9
    Sales code: BST
    Serial Number: R58KA1H5FWE
    Security Date: TUE SEP 28 17:44:44 KST 2021
    IMEI: 354255095637874
    Debug Level: 0X4948
    Kernel Status : ENFORCING
    Warranty VOID: 1
    Sim State: CARD_IO_ERROR
    USB Settings: MTP,ADB
    Checking if Model Supported :
    This MODEM version is not supported yet!!

    Contacs to
    [11:02:33] I try everything I\’m filed
    [11:02:08] Windows 10 64 bit
    [11:01:56] Any solutions
    [10:59:50] Nothing found for V830w

    If you will get the file upload it to support with iosFileUploader

    [10:48:58] Connect system to internet
    Input ur cm2 username and password.
    It will do
    [10:47:20] ?
    [10:42:55] I load the firmware still the same
    [10:42:39] I got this error trying to flash Infinix x665
    [10:38:44] CM2SP2.exe
    [10:38:37] where is your post and full info?
    [10:37:35] Have already done that but no response there!!
    [10:29:06] Unisoc T610 Processor
    [10:27:16] post full story with log text
    [10:25:26] Device dead after flash but eMMC test was ok!
    Now mtk port only
    And when i init preloader it says Not compatible!
    [10:23:38] Select another base/model or DA
    At first use default built-in loaders
    [10:23:24] When i init preloader it says Not compatible!!
    [10:22:46] Nothing found for dra-al00

    If you will get the file upload it to support with iosFileUploader

    [10:22:05] Found 4 files ta-1029
    1. N_2_N_2_TA_1029_Dynamo_00WW_E1M_600WW_E1M_064B_0_00WW_B0
    2. N_2_N_2_TA_1029_Dynamo_00WW_E1M_600WW_E1M_055B_0_00WW_B01
    3. N_2_N_2_TA_1029_Dynamo_00WW_E1M_600WW_E1M_064E_0_00WW_B0
    4. N_2_N_2_TA_1029_here

    [10:21:38] use google and find cpu type
    [10:20:57] Infinix x6816C
    infinity hot 12 play
    [10:20:50] What is the error message text?
    [10:20:35] Pls who has tool that can unlock LG Stylo 5
    Network Unlock
    Pls dm me Asap
    [10:20:24] How to get sw log text
    [10:19:58] what model?
    [10:19:49] looks like same
    [10:19:11] there is no madel department
    [10:18:48] Click here @FlashFileSearchBot and type there phone name. You will get links
    [10:18:42] Yes! FlashID0: is same till

    In the preloader but in phone it has extra digits: 90014A483447316404

    That’s extra digits (0501A18474714F) from the phone
    That’s why i m asking

    The rest is same can you please have a look !
    [10:18:26] click here
    you will see list of models
    click to model and see exe to run
    [10:17:49] What is the Username?
    [10:17:43] which makes it cm2
    [10:17:14] Found 4 files Archos 45
    1. Archos_SCAC45BNE_ac45dpl_5.1_45BN_2016.05.06_ARCHOS.20160421.065611.Ungnadia_Archos_45b_Neon
    2. Archos_NVM_Archos_45_Titanium_MT6572_eMMC
    3. Archos_MSM8916_archos_archos_ANDR_v4.4.4_ARCHOS_45b_Helium_ac45bhe_qcac45bhe_TBW572510_9750_V000094_20141124_1339
    [10:16:49] try and see result
    [10:16:31] Works well.
    What is the problem at your side?
    [10:16:07] does it support madela
    [10:15:48] Try with built-in default loaders first.
    [10:14:53] for SPD devices use CM2SP2.exe
    [10:14:21] run software and do the job
    in case of any prob you must post full info to forum
    [10:13:49] download here
    [10:13:48] Infinix x6816C
    imei repair ?
    how can you do it
    [10:13:38] wut?
    [10:13:24] admin why not reply
    [10:12:56] because here is chat just for fun
    if you need tech support you must use support forum
    [10:12:18] I wanted mtk driver for Nokia ta1174 phone
    [10:12:01] check your account in 15 minutes
    [10:11:55] how can you do it
    [10:11:04] Infinix x6816C
    imei repair ?
    [10:10:53] What is the problem friend?
    give me sw log text
    [10:10:11] try with built-in loaders first
    [10:09:35] Sorry
    [10:09:20] SoC drivers are here
    [10:08:41] where is log text?
    [10:08:22] Hello friends I have the best box, but it does not flash the Nokia Ta1174 phone How should I solve the driver problem? My friends said that there is a problem with the driver. If possible, send me the download link
    [10:08:15] Look at FlasfID [0] CID and compare
    [08:28:01] Is the preloader support this eMMC or not plz admin reply
    [08:25:40] please supporte or admin team replay this topic
    [08:20:17] Setup
    [08:20:14] Re install
    [08:11:06] Error flash redmi9a
    [08:09:11] Where did you buy credits?
    [08:07:56] ??
    [08:07:27] 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
    [08:00:45] Tecno kg7h da file
    [07:28:52] Connect to internet
    [07:25:01] SOLUCTION PLEASE
    [07:24:26] ok
    [07:16:34] Good day everyone, trust we all have a splendid night
    [07:15:30] Ok you can wait for admin intervention
    [07:14:46] he tell Contact Admin
    [07:14:45] Nothing found for X625C-H576CD-P-200924V141

    If you will get the file upload it to support with iosFileUploader

    [07:14:31] reseller tell, he can\’t,
    [07:14:09] Contact your reseller sir
    [06:55:02] Service not available yet
    [06:51:39] I did it same
    [06:35:24] 005F6D553
    by mistack i buy credit this wrong Account,
    my account :005F6D5531
    please transfer my 10 Cradit
    [06:14:24] Please help meo
    [06:14:19] admin why not reply
    [06:11:50] Nitafute leo saa moja jioni, andika model yake pia.
    [05:56:07] Contact them then…
    [05:49:55] Please how do I unlock bootloader on SPD android 11 device?
    [05:14:06] Iko GSM Tool Source code for Sell

    Its a complete Auto Api for Network Unlock code by IMEI

    Model Supported are
    All smart vitochi
    All hisense
    Smart kicka
    And many more model supported its server seevice that created using server system

    Language used
    php for backend
    React js for user interface
    And C# for window web aplication
    You can change to any name u need

    Need to know the price please inbox
    [04:23:36] Am not seeing infinix x6511b boot please help me with latest boot pack
    [04:18:42] Cm2sp2 v2.14 boot pack
    [04:18:39] Simu inawaka inaishia kwenye log ya sowhat tu
    [04:17:50] File sowhat napataje
    [03:55:13] I mount that firmware I stay with a single imei I repaired it the same is with one
    [03:54:40] Ek monteer die firmware, ek bly by \’n enkele imei, ek het dit herstel, is net een
    [03:52:28] Nvram 5001J

    InfinityBoxTalks 2022-08-12

    [22:26:55] Cm2 qualcon not functioning at all
    [22:20:44] Firmware nokia ta-1342 please help me
    [21:25:53] hello Archos-45-Titanium_MT6572 nv ram damaged help
    [21:18:23] Open Dongal Manger
    Reset account
    Will reciver email 📧 with new Pascode login with that sms Will Be Fine
    [21:12:40] I\’m tired with this errors since morning please who can help us
    [20:42:12] Firmware Alcatel 5001J not 5001A ni U single imei J duo imei
    [19:57:11] Then select correct loader bro, since log was not provided
    [19:56:23] Android version 11
    [19:56:12] Infinix PR652B hot 10i
    [19:55:32] .??
    [19:55:17] ??
    [19:53:28] Ok, then snap and send a clear pics of your operation
    [19:48:43] Abdulwasil thanks a lot of, but I don\’t know how to copy and paste here logs sw text
    [19:47:20] Yeah ruzalk hot 10i Android version based in 11
    [19:46:08] Send logs here bro
    [19:45:23] Is this hot 10i??
    [19:43:50] Who can help me to pass it please???
    [19:43:29] I tried to reset frp on infinix PR652B by cm2sp2 exe but failed shows server errors and FDL not boots
    [19:42:22] Pls give me tested firmware link
    [19:42:10] Need ta 1029 firmware
    [19:04:10] Someone help pls
    [17:14:06] Card found : 576F2D41 , v0153
    Infinity-Box [ Chinese Miracle ] MediaTek Service Module [ MTK ] v2.32

    Load IDBase v1121431 Ok!

    UserName and/or Password not set! Can\’t continue!

    Load IDBase v1121431 Ok!

    Preloader [HW DEV] Info :
    EMI : DEV : MT6752
    EMI : SRC : preloader_rlk6580_we_m.bin
    EMI : CNT : 0006
    EMI : [00] : eMMC : DDR3 : ID : 150100463732324D42 : VEN : SAMSUNG | DEV : F722MB : RAM : [ 1.00 GB ]
    EMI : [01] : eMMC : DDR3 : ID : 90014A483847316505 : VEN : HYNIX | DEV : H8G1e : RAM : [ 1.0
    [17:14:03] Hello, How do i fix this error on cm2. I am trying to flash tecno w3
    [16:38:07] ???
    [16:34:56] PLS HELP!!!!!!!!!!
    [16:06:03] Slt cm2 boot
    [15:57:36] P661w:FDL
    [15:41:20] Found 1 file Tecno KG5K
    1. Tecno_KG5k_F062_11.0_GL_V034_20220214

    [15:31:32] I Need this flash fille in scatter i have a bricked Phone please someone to help me
    [15:23:20] Operation : Reset Settings/Format FS [ v2.34 ]

    Mode : SMART RESET

    1. Make sure device is powered off. Power off, if need. Wait 20 seconds after
    2. Insert USB cable in phone
    Waiting for device connection …

    PTFN : MediaTek USB Port_V1632 (COM7)
    PORT : 7
    Waiting BOOT ack …
    BROM : Skip ACK verify
    BROM : Init BROM
    BROM init passed!
    CHIP : MT6785 , SBID : 0x8A00 , HWVR : 0xCA00 , SWVR : 0x0000
    CODE : Krug
    BROM : MEID : 46007464E8CF753921F1CF27EFC8869E
    [14:42:32] Reset password or e-mail HERE\r
    Apply username and password this way
    [14:42:32] Wait for device …

    Device Connected!
    BootVersion : SPRD3
    Boot : PAC : BD2-SP613ABC-QGo-OP-210122V002.pac
    Sending Init Boot …
    Boot sent!
    Kick FDL …
    BootVersion : Spreadtrum Boot Block version 1.1
    Protocol setup …
    Port speed : 921600
    Sending Flash Boot …
    Boot sent!
    Kick FLASH FDL …
    FDL : 0x0008
    FDL : EMMC_RO : False ; EMMC_PART : True ; EMMC_RPMB_SET : False
    FDL : RAW : 0x0002
    FDL : FLH : 0x400000
    FDL : SEC : RSA auth required!
    FDL : Process authentification …

    >>> Error : UserDetails (
    [13:50:19] nokia TA-1423 Stuck in NOKIA logo try to best bt not detact so this model supported or not
    [13:33:27] how do I fix this… it always came up once I install and open it I\’ll work once I close the tool and open again it shows this… pls help me how to fix it
    [13:14:17] Guys need help unlocking network, it\’s on Verizon
    [12:23:26] Nothing found for 220421V709

    If you will get the file upload it to support with iosFileUploader

    [12:22:29] What is the Username?
    [12:11:01] DAMAGED PRELOADER
    [12:10:01] Please help
    [11:51:26] No
    [11:24:49] MT6765__vivo__V2120__11__RP1A.200720.012__k65v1_32_bsp_2g_ago fimware needed pls help
    [11:09:07] It just started
    [11:09:03] Very stable
    [11:06:43] Chack you network
    [11:04:18] How to fix I can login to my ios account password correct but not work on tool
    [11:01:27] link help
    [11:01:09] X657-H8030AB-QGo-OP-220421V709
    [10:16:30] Your issue solved?
    [10:11:46] Send logs here after try with platform changed
    [10:10:23] Infinix X6811b …. zero x
    [10:10:22] If mtk try using cm2mt2
    [10:10:02] Cm2 can do it? Tecno Phantom X Frp .
    [10:09:47] Device model?
    [10:08:30] Tried it … failed
    [10:07:49] Click on platform on cm2 interface menu bar, then change to firefly, then retry action
    [10:05:59] Try another pc
    [10:05:16] What\’s your process of restoring?
    [10:05:12] Try another usb port
    [10:04:51] I did it many times
    [10:04:11] Remove card and try again
    [10:03:25] Help with this error
    [10:02:35] Hot 10i
    [09:55:57] Please help 🥺
    [09:45:26] Pls check if it\’s turned on
    [09:45:04] Pls help me look if it\’s turned on
    [09:44:35] Vivo v23 5g pd 2167ef
    Supported ? For frp etc
    Brom close not going to Brom mode
    [09:42:55] Chack setting if emi is tick untick it if it\’s untick tick it then retry
    [09:39:28] Even try to identify device same issues
    [09:39:05] Frp
    [09:39:01] Alive
    [09:38:55] Dead or Alive
    [09:38:36] Failed to get Emi info from selected source
    [09:37:46] Solution pls
    [09:37:30] Card found : 502F0A58 , v0153
    Infinity-Box [ Chinese Miracle ] MediaTek Service Module [ MTK ] v2.34

    Load IDBase v312457 Ok!

    UserName and/or Password not set! Can\’t continue!

    Load IDBase v312457 Ok!

    Operation : Identify [ v2.34 ]

    Mode : FLASH

    1. Make sure device is powered off. Power off, if need. Wait 20 seconds after
    2. Insert USB cable in phone
    Waiting for device connection …

    PTFN : MediaTek USB Port (COM5)
    PORT : 5
    Waiting BOOT ack …
    BROM : Skip ACK verify
    BROM : Init BROM
    [09:33:00] Please help bro
    [09:32:42] I have the solution
    [09:31:52] I backed up the nvram using cm2 but it\’s not restoring
    [09:24:01] It\’s nvram problem restore you phone nvram
    [09:05:50] I flashed itel s661w using cm2, the phone boot up normal and showed welcome screen but each time I operate the phone it switch off and reboot again, the phone was working before flashing, I was only trying to remove security plugging
    [09:04:21] pls is it a simple format or i must download the firmware?
    [09:00:00] Tecno kg5j mdm firmware
    [08:59:03] How to fix it
    [08:48:15] Tecno kg5j fix imei not show
    [08:12:34] Hello help with Tecno KD7 loader
    [07:38:22] Thanks
    [07:11:31] Nothing found for SM-A025

    If you will get the file upload it to support with iosFileUploader

    [07:09:35] I need to this firmware
    [07:08:35] launch cm2sp2 bro
    [07:05:21] Change settings to what
    [07:03:43] Flash tools for itel A56 please
    [06:40:11] Still same not connet
    Brom connection mode required
    [06:28:29] Try this method
    [06:24:38] Hello support..
    Can someone give me v15 mediatek test point for new security??
    [06:23:18] Try to change the setting
    [06:21:25] I don\’t think so and cm2,need to upgrade cm2 so that it can be use to remove password or patter without lose data
    [06:14:27] Possible with cm2 sir
    [05:51:56] ok thanks
    [05:51:39] Find and use test point
    [05:51:31] help plz
    [05:50:59] redmi note 9 pro brom mode not work
    [05:09:27] Reply for?
    [05:09:09] please reply
    [02:02:50] SM, activation is discontinue untill further 8
    [01:45:51] SM is not activated on your dongle,you must activate it
    If you want to activate inbox Sir,

    InfinityBoxTalks 2022-08-11

    [21:36:22] Hi team, would CM2 be able to extract keystone/keys from TEE chip? Many thanks.
    [21:04:41] How to fix this
    [20:55:29] How to fix this error on samsung j250f
    [20:32:39] I\’ll try
    [20:32:36] Ok
    [20:32:22] change platform to firefly brro then repeat operation
    [20:31:13] Same issues
    [20:16:18] your sn?
    [20:15:32] log?
    [20:15:13] repeat operation bro
    \»\»CM2 \»\»

    Operation : Identify [ v2.34 ]

    Mode : FLASH

    1. Make sure device is powered off. Power off, if need. Wait 20 seconds after
    2. Insert USB cable in phone
    Waiting for device connection …

    PTFN : MediaTek PreLoader USB VCOM (Android) (COM22)
    PORT : 22
    Waiting BOOT ack …
    PRELOADER : ACK confirmed!
    BROM : In
    [19:00:10] pls can CM2 UNLOCK EASYBUY?
    How much should I charge him am here in Nigeria and please can CM2 do the Job
    want to know the reply to give the client I need urgent response pls
    [18:30:49] Thank you bro
    [18:09:53] Afternoon to all members in the forum I ask you to help me to update my infinity cm2 dongle?
    [18:00:16] hi sir oppo a16 after flashing ofp with cm2 convert to oppo a16s and imei null
    [17:59:04] its not good hua is bad option not working
    [17:47:12] Tecno ka7 authentication file
    [17:41:14] Pls help
    [17:39:50] Pls guys help me… I was trying to clear frp from infinix x6811 then i got this error massage
    [17:31:31] Nokia Ta-1083 frp supported?
    [16:15:31] Can someone link me to flashfile
    [15:45:58] please transfer my 10Cradit
    [15:44:53] my user::005F6D5531
    but i mistack submit :005F6D553
    [15:36:55] by mistack i buy Credit Wrong User
    [15:35:12] admin hare
    [15:21:06] PROBLEM MDM solution available
    [14:18:31] What does it mean?? Or how to solve the problem?
    [14:18:19] MDM MODE: CAN\’T DOWNLOAD
    [13:05:37] Infinity hot play 12 flash file
    [12:59:24] Model?
    [12:50:07] If I activate HUA TOOL ON CM2 will I get HDE HUAWEI SERVICE TOOL free?
    [12:30:50] Please help ☝️
    [12:28:25] You need to active support
    [12:26:23] Please is there a way to remove password from ITEL S661W WITHOUT DATA LOSS
    [12:25:42] Good afternoon my follow gurus in the house
    [12:04:23] For MI Account too
    [12:04:11] Smart Reset Worked.
    [11:28:59] Worked. Thanks
    [11:17:13] smart reset extra may work
    [11:16:27] can remoce mi account ?
    [11:15:59] Ok
    [11:15:30] if not work try both preloader one by one
    [11:15:09] under setting untick auto emi firefly repeat
    [11:14:33] Any solution?
    [11:14:27] Redmi 9C
    [11:13:48] When i try to unlock
    [11:12:05] Hello admin am trying to unlock itel A507ls but failed
    [10:27:01] Please whats the external tool
    Just help me to know external tool
    [10:14:20] How to download Nokia TA 1029 flash file from cm2 server
    [10:01:30] How to add credit to cm2 after activation
    [09:19:53] What\’s this error please
    [08:57:46] Operation : Identify [ v2.34 ]

    Mode : FLASH

    1. Make sure device is powered off. Power off, if need. Wait 20 seconds after
    2. Insert USB cable in phone
    Waiting for device connection …

    PTFN : MediaTek USB Port_V1632 (COM24)
    PORT : 24
    Waiting BOOT ack …
    BROM : Skip ACK verify
    BROM : Init BROM
    BROM init passed!
    CHIP : MT6757 , SBID : 0x8A00 , HWVR : 0xCB00 , SWVR : 0x0001
    CODE : Kibo
    BROM : MEID : 4B3C98CC3C643E41A1E8150AF3B422F9
    BROM : SecLevel : 0x0
    [08:42:33] Meizu m10 frp CM2?
    [08:35:17] Last few logs only..u can see when free..😂
    [08:32:57] Thankd for 200 Kb of text.
    I will check it when I will have a free time
    [08:31:22] Found 1 file ITEL A56
    1. iTel_A56_W6004_SP591_9.0_OP_V014_20201017

    [08:30:00] How to get sw log text after operation
    [08:26:19] Unfortunately i not copy it…but i just realized..after use firefly platform when init device…emi will save inside file..but i still dont get how to flash with custom emi…ald use another tool to flash
    [08:25:49] How to download files
    [08:24:44] Hi
    log text?
    [08:22:53] Dreams
    [07:44:53] How to hard reset NOKIA TA-1322
    with infinity Best please help
    [07:30:45] Disable auto emi
    [07:30:03] Need solution please,
    [07:00:38] How tw fix sir
    [07:00:14] Change EMI
    [06:53:15] Ony one need help
    [06:53:05] Plz. Help
    [06:49:44] If i selected firefly can read all information..but not allow to flash
    [06:49:23] Hi may i know how can do flashing with redmi 9a new security?
    [06:38:07] Text
    [06:36:12] how to unlock network
    [02:24:28] Force update nvm , full format flash and resparse
    [01:47:42] have problem logging in to download files. ,,…You exceeded the maximum allowed number of login attempts. In addition to your username and password you now also have to pass the CAPTCHA test.
    [01:39:44] have problem logging in to download files. ,,…You exceeded the maximum allowed number of login attempts. In addition to your username and password you now also have to pass the CAPTCHA test.
    [01:09:16] Use external tool
    [01:05:01] Please I need help on how to factory reset nokia x10
    Customer forgot password but has Gmail
    I have tried to put in recovery but it can\’t go recovery and its Qualcomm I have checked best and couldn\’t see the model

    InfinityBoxTalks 2022-08-10

    [21:36:23] Not yet till tomorrow
    [21:35:51] You have fixed it
    [21:06:27] Thank am very grateful
    [21:05:13] Sir I don\’t ask for your opinion and mind you I don\’t direct my question to you
    [21:02:59] You will need a working nv ram from same phone to fix it
    [21:02:20] dont keep giving us an excuse to backup your weird actions,,,, why do you flash format???
    [21:02:09] Flash format, tick update nvram and force update nvram
    [21:00:47] Yes I format it if it will load but it keep stock that why I flash it with file but it keep rebooting after that
    [20:43:39] may i be permitted to reply this user?
    [20:35:24] You format and flash that is why it keeps rebooting,.
    You need a working nv ram to fix it
    [20:17:54] Stock at itel logo
    [20:17:37] Stock at itel logo
    [20:15:00] what was the problem before flash?
    [20:09:52] If you can make backups first
    [20:09:47] same probleme
    [20:08:17] Wipe or hard reset it and see results
    [20:02:01] It keep rebooting
    [19:59:56] thanks
    [19:59:52] Try here @FlashFileSearchBot
    [19:59:52] need file for cm2spd2 v 2.14
    [19:59:34] I flash itel p37 with cm2sp2 but the phone keep reboot after I finished loading it… s
    [19:59:26] hello team
    [18:50:13] Ameen
    [18:50:00] Jazakallu bi jannah
    [18:49:24] Use this as test point
    [18:48:56] Download cm2 Qualcomm setup
    [18:45:01] Can I use cm2 Qualcom module?
    [18:43:37] Y7 2019 its not MTK.
    It\’s snapdragon 450 Processor
    [18:36:34] Okay. But is the phone MTK??
    [18:35:58] Always start with latest one
    In case of any problem you can select older one
    [18:31:16] Test Point EDL
    [18:12:57] Please explalin to me
    KG lock
    MDM lock
    [18:12:33] Explain to me
    KG lock
    [18:12:04] Please explique to me
    KG lock
    MDM lock
    [17:58:11] Which base number should I choose
    [17:56:52] Yes
    [17:56:08] Huawei DUB Lx1 Y7 2019 frp
    [17:39:45] Run DongleManager.exe —
    Make \»Read Serial Number (S/N)\»

    DO NOT send screenshot/video but copy/paste text from software window.
    [17:38:30] is it locked?
    [17:37:54] What is the username?
    [17:37:14] Found 1 file Mobicel rio
    1. Mobicel_Mobicel_Rio_SS_8.1.0_K110_Dual_MDD_11_03_2020

    [17:35:54] It looks like your dongle support period is expired.

    You can use previous software versions unlimited.
    If you want to use latest software updates you should renew support.

    Contact to any seller
    Send your dongle S/N to seller
    Order [CM2] support renew for 1 or 2 years

    How to check support date —
    [17:16:47] English chat
    [17:16:00] Yes
    [16:48:51] Pls I need solve my problem infinity cm2 smart card not found pls make solve me
    [16:36:25] Type: Infinity-Box/Dongle [CM2]
    S/N: 496F309D
    Username: 00496F309D
    Account Status: Active
    Hardware Status: Ok
    #0: Infinity-Box/Dongle [CM2]; Firmware Version: 0151; Expired: 11-Aug-2023
    #3: Infinity [BEST]; Firmware Version: 0123; Expired: 01-Jul-2021

    [16:26:59] Please I need infinix smart 5 x657C NVRam file 😢
    [15:44:04] 🙏 Thanks
    [15:19:09] Okay
    [15:16:41] Open dongal mamager
    [15:16:19] How will I change the password?
    [15:14:57] how to unlocked
    [15:14:52] Wait for device …

    Device Connected!
    Enter SVC …
    Waiting Device …
    Check SVC …
    SVC : DiagChannel opened!

    Boot Done!

    SOC GEN : SPRD ( Legacy )
    Platform Version: MOCOR_20C_6531E_W21.52.4_Release
    BASE Version: BASE_SVN
    HW Version: SC6531EFM_BAR
    CMP_Time : 14-01-2022 17:05:46

    MODEM TAG : MOCOR_20C_6531E_W21.52.4_Release_BASE_SVN_SC6531EFM_BAR

    NVMng : SecurityInfo
    IMEI[1] : 357436920671364
    IMEI[2] : 357436921362765
    SEC : SLS:0, SKS:0, SKV
    [15:14:18] Samsung a022f which boot
    I need to repair baseband
    [14:44:36] Chnage Pascode and login on site then will work i had same problem also
    [14:39:33] Admin I need urgent solutions
    [14:39:05] Pls help
    [14:38:26] I was unable flash itel p37 pro with cm2sp2… always showing access denied have reset my S/N with username
    [14:35:50] Itel p 37 Pro access denied
    [14:27:52] Mobicel rio ss file
    [14:27:07] As you wish
    [14:26:03] Thanks I will try that
    [14:09:51] Nothing found for tecno T312

    If you will get the file upload it to support with iosFileUploader

    [14:08:10] Anyone with tecno t312 firmware?
    [14:06:56] ✋sorry sir this seems to be network unlock, try using the cm2 Samsung network unlock tools else seek external tools support
    [13:43:25] full screen please
    [13:43:01] File or what
    [13:42:39] fuul screen
    [13:42:23] flashmode needed
    [13:42:20] Frp reset requires flashmode what is the solution or what should I do???
    [13:41:08] When I get this message that frp
    [13:33:59] update support
    [13:30:00] Hi admin … I\’m facing this problem On Mt2 all other tools working fine I update the tool from version 2.30 to 2.34 but still same issue I update even dongale Manger but unfortunately same error .
    Help me please 🙏thanks in advance
    [13:19:09] hello
    [13:07:27] Vivo y91c latest file upload to the cm2 server
    [12:44:44] Model?
    [12:44:34] ude default built-in loadrs first
    [12:43:54] nvram alactel 5001J
    [12:42:47] How
    [12:42:25] Any free ios 15 tool for hide factory reset and OtA update
    [12:40:26] After imei repair
    [12:40:19] Change csc
    [12:27:54] Flash file
    [12:22:58] Samsung a013g can I fix this
    [12:18:44] Qualcomm
    [12:14:54] Sar what about ta-1212
    [12:12:02] Mobicel rio-bn network unlock disabled unlock code
    But cost just 5 credits
    Done in minutes
    [12:11:12] Thanks cm2
    [12:10:00] realme c21y FDL File pleas
    [12:04:00] yes
    [12:02:37] #CM2SP2 connection issue solution is HERE
    [12:02:37] Operation : Format FS / Reset Settings [ v2.11 ] Mode : Default [ Reset Settings + FRP ] BootMode : FLASH 1. Power off device, wait 10-15 seconds 2. Press and hold BooKey ( 1 : BOTH VOL , 2 : VOL+ , 3 : VOL- ) 3. Insert cable in device! Wait for device … Device Connected! BootVersion : SPRD3 Boot : INF : 0_SC7715_BASE : SC7715_eMMC_512MB_NS Sending Init Boot … Boot sent! Kick FDL … Kick FDL again … >>> ERROR : FDL NOT started! >>> Error : Fail to boot FDL! >>> Unsupported device with selected fdl or
    [11:55:27] OK sir
    [11:53:21] after long time approx 30 minit automatic set on
    [11:52:06] password
    [11:45:53] About this post i made yesterday, the phone was bricked (dead boot) but i managed to revive the phone by unticking the above lines, flashed the phone with a u2 scatter file then flash again with odin firmware.
    [11:45:27] Okay thanks
    [11:43:37] change cable
    change usb port
    install SoC drivers
    [11:42:55] > NCK : 20 digits

    you should use code-by-imei servers for 20 digits code.
    Several networks are supported here
    [11:41:42] Operation : Identify [ v2.11 ] BootMode : FLASH 1. Power off device, wait 10-15 seconds 2. Press and hold BooKey ( 1 : BOTH VOL , 2 : VOL+ , 3 : VOL- ) 3. Insert cable in device! Wait for device … Device Connected! >>> ERROR : Protocol HandShake failed! >>> Error : Fail to init protocol! >>> Remove battery, cable. Check cable and connection. Repeat operation! Reconnect Power/Cable!
    [11:41:32] Where is it?
    [11:41:02] What is the error text?
    [11:39:55] Nice window.
    How about to copy TEXT here?
    [11:39:23] What was the problem before format?
    [11:39:01] No
    [11:38:23] Make this
    Is it Ok?
    [11:38:07] DIAG mode works not for all models.
    But if you can find a way — you are welcome to explain your solution here
    [11:34:47] Card found : 3477A875 , v0122
    Infinity-Box BEST Nokia [HMD] Module [NK2] v1.20

    Operation : Reset Settings [ v1.20 ]

    1. Make sure device is powered off. Power off, if need. Wait 10 seconds after
    2. Insert USB cable in phone
    Waiting for device connection …

    PTFN : Nokia USB Serial Port (COM36)
    PORT : 36
    BROM : Init BROM
    BROM init passed!
    CHIP : MT6260 , SBID : 0xCB00 , HWVR : 0x8000 , SWVR : 0x0000
    BROM : SECCFG : 0x00000005
    BROM : 0x05 BL : 0x00
    [11:34:46] Try here @FlashFileSearchBot
    [11:34:46] Have problem accessing file download area. \’ You have exceeded the maximum allowed login attempts…………. now have to pass the CAPTCHA test
    [11:32:30] Post the log bro
    [11:30:38] Is ta-1212 reset or flashing supported… I tried gave error
    [11:30:17] Do factory reset again
    [11:29:49] ✋ Can u help me broh
    Hard reset nokia ta 1264
    [11:24:00] Hello
    [11:21:56] Help please
    [11:20:40] after format lenova tab stuck in logo
    [11:20:18] Operation : Reset Settings/Format FS [ v2.32 ]

    Mode : SMART RESET

    1. Make sure device is powered off. Power off, if need. Wait 20 seconds after
    2. Insert USB cable in phone
    Waiting for device connection …

    PTFN : MediaTek USB Port (COM21)
    PORT : 21
    Waiting BOOT ack …
    BROM : Skip ACK verify
    BROM : Init BROM
    BROM init passed!
    CHIP : MT6735 , SBID : 0x8A00 , HWVR : 0xCA00 , SWVR : 0x0000
    BROM : MEID : 0656B60E600CEB017928A8F9385E1D5A
    BROM : SecLevel : 0x000000
    [11:17:45] I want to remove Google account but is not working the software is asking for (flashmode) meaning??

    Flashmode is not the firmware file required to flash the phone???
    [11:12:55] If you want to enter flash mode you must use Boot Key like vol-up, vol-down or Both keys even test point too
    [11:10:32] Please needed help on this pls
    [11:08:38] Why all the phones require flashmode?????
    [10:28:10] IMEI can\’t repair with baseband unknown
    [10:24:51] 😭
    [10:14:56] Repair imei
    [10:14:26] MTK device
    [10:13:36] Galaxy a125f baseband unknown any solution?
    [09:52:19] Okay
    [09:49:10] you can contact to forum admins or register again
    [09:48:18] What network this phone is locked?
    [09:30:22] No after enter sim is lock
    [09:25:05] Nokia ta 1264
    [09:23:12] no need sonork
    [09:18:57] I don\’t have sonork id and random question I don\’t understand
    [09:17:02] realme c11 2021 imei 00000000 how to fix this problem
    [09:15:40] Nobody reply me
    [09:14:42] What is the problem with the registration?
    [09:14:25] what is the text at LCD?
    [09:13:52] No is lock
    [09:13:17] Post thr software log when you first identify the phone before the first format and flash the phone
    [09:12:21] please room I\’m trying register gsm forum and it not possible please help me out
    [09:10:20] Easybuy sir
    [09:09:53] What was the problem with the phone before flash?
    [09:09:08] What is the model name?
    [09:08:16] Any problem with it?
    [09:08:00] try with another loader selection
    [09:06:51] Try and see result
    post sw log text
    [09:06:32] What is the problem?
    [09:06:18] use another reset mode
    [09:05:42] bad luck you did not provide sw log text, I can nos say anything withut text
    [09:04:56] unlocked?
    [09:04:50] @infinity CM2 [BEST], Kindly address this
    [09:03:32] Repeat operation in META mode
    [09:03:32] Found 10 files x603
    1. Infinix_X603_H575B_N_190610V136
    2. Infinix_X603_H575A_N_IN_190610V247
    3. Infinix_X603_H575A_N_190610V335
    4. Infinix_X603_H575B_N_IN_190610V135
    [09:02:44] Flashfile search bot
    [09:02:24] install libusb
    [09:01:43] Found 1 file stylo s40
    1. Stylo_MT6580_STYLO_S40_Vino_8.1.0_STYLO_CPE74_S40_Vino_20190430_O11019_S40_Vino

    [09:01:12] How to use Infinity CM2 and [BEST] Dongle with sharing and debug tools —
    [08:59:48] cpu spd
    [08:59:32] I can not find b1c file at server yet, you may try google
    [08:59:15] Infinix x688b
    [08:58:41] What is the model number
    [08:58:34] Found 1 file tecno b1c
    1. Tecno_MT6735_TECNO_TECNO_C9_TECNO_C9_6.0_C9_H535B1C1_M_161222V88

    [08:57:12] Ok, try it
    [08:56:56] WHat is the problem?
    copy sw log text
    [08:56:31] depends on CPU
    try order: CM2SCR or CM2SPD or CM2SP2
    [08:55:56] It\’s hard to say anything without sw logs
    [08:53:25] how to reset by cm2spd or cm2spd2??
    [08:52:56] Yes sir
    [08:52:40] Did you format and flash it
    [08:52:16] When I get to work , I will tell you the build I use
    [08:51:19] Good morning house please I flash infinix hot 10 play but after flash the phone is not power on again. I have try different file on it and is not power. What can be the solution please
    [08:51:16] What the famous CPU make in China anybody with answer please
    [08:48:51] OK I will try that what version is that bro
    [08:47:56] Download and flash it with old flash file like 2021 build
    [08:44:01] five-4 = 1
    [08:41:26] Already replied on it in gsm hosting
    [08:35:34] Hard reset help please…
    [08:32:30] Ac8 phantom x mtk chipset after full flashing easybuy still popup solution please
    [08:18:19] Frp
    [08:18:19] A5 pro
    [08:13:51] Admin this is tecno KG5K SPD CHIPSET , After a complete identify action, if trying to backup the NV data will still show an error to identify, after identify again if you want to backup the FW of device will still report an identify first error, please kindly look into this
    [08:12:37] The file is paid file
    [08:10:51] Operation : Identify [ v2.14 ]
    BootMode : FLASH

    1. Power off device, wait 10-15 seconds
    2. Press and hold BooKey ( 1 : BOTH VOL , 2 : VOL+ , 3 : VOL- )
    3. Insert cable in device!

    Wait for device …

    Device Connected!
    BootVersion : SPRD3
    Sending Init Boot …
    Boot sent!
    Kick FDL …
    BootVersion : Spreadtrum Boot Block version 1.1
    Protocol setup …
    Port speed : 921600
    Sending Flash Boot …
    Boot sent!
    Kick FLASH FDL …
    FDL : 0x0020
    FDL : EMMC_RO : False ; E
    [07:53:52] Admin solution please
    [07:45:26] Any solution please
    [07:45:15] Umidigi a11 pro security lock remove with cm2
    [07:42:52] Any help?
    [07:41:04] Oppo F15 CPH 2001
    [07:40:50] in meta mode
    [07:40:47] Operation : Reset Settings/Format FS [ v2.34 ]

    Mode : SMART RESET

    1. Make sure device is powered off. Power off, if need. Wait 20 seconds after
    2. Insert USB cable in phone
    Waiting for device connection …

    PTFN : MediaTek USB Port (COM3)
    PORT : 3
    Waiting BOOT ack …
    BROM : Skip ACK verify
    BROM : Init BROM
    BROM init passed!
    CHIP : MT6771 , SBID : 0x8A00 , HWVR : 0xCA00 , SWVR : 0x0000
    CODE : Sylvia
    BROM : MEID : 69B404CBBD654BCEB1A5B8C6FD60D50B
    [07:40:27] IMEI[2] : 863615024819766
    ID0 : Lock : Not Locked | MNC : 0 | CNT : 5 | CODE : 12345678
    ID1 : Lock : Not Locked | MNC : 0 | CNT : 5 | CODE : 56781234
    ID2 : Lock : Not Locked | MNC : 0 | CNT : 5 | CODE : 11112222
    ID3 : Lock : Not Locked | MNC : 0 | CNT : 5 | CODE : 33334444
    ID4 : Lock : Not Locked | MNC : 0 | CNT : 5 | CODE : 55556666
    ID5 : Lock : Not Locked | MNC : 0 | CNT : 5 | CODE : 77778888
    ID6 : Lock : Not Locked | MNC : 0 | CNT : 5 | CODE : 99990000
    SPLock Info : Not locked!

    Elapsed: 00:00:49
    [07:40:27] 1. Make sure device is powered off. Power off, if need. Wait 20 seconds after
    2. Insert USB cable in phone
    Waiting for device connection …

    PTFN : MediaTek USB Port_V1632 (COM122)
    PORT : 122
    Waiting BOOT ack …
    BROM : Skip ACK verify
    BROM : Init BROM
    BROM init passed!
    CHIP : MT6765 , SBID : 0x8A00 , HWVR : 0xCA00 , SWVR : 0x0000
    CODE : Cervino
    BROM : MEID : 237AF079517B53E9B55CCA1A815EF4E4
    BROM : SecLevel : 0x000000E1
    BROM : SecMode : SBC+EXT
    BROM :
    [07:40:27] Card found : 42E72A8E , v0153
    Infinity-Box [ Chinese Miracle ] MediaTek Service Module [ MTK ] v2.34

    Load IDBase v312457 Ok!

    UserName and/or Password not set! Can\’t continue!

    Load IDBase v312457 Ok!

    Operation : SP Unlock [ v2.34 ]
    Mode : FLASH

    1. Make sure device is powered off. Power off, if need. Wait 20 seconds after
    2. Insert USB cable in phone
    Waiting for device connection …

    PTFN : MediaTek USB Port_V1632 (COM122)
    PORT : 122
    Waiting BOOT ack …
    BROM : Skip ACK verify
    BROM : Init
    [07:40:10] .
    [07:37:04] is error
    [07:36:55] wiko sim lock
    [07:36:10] 1. Make sure device is powered off. Power off, if need. Wait 20 seconds after
    2. Insert USB cable in phone
    Waiting for device connection …

    PTFN : MediaTek USB Port_V1632 (COM122)
    PORT : 122
    Waiting BOOT ack …
    BROM : Skip ACK verify
    BROM : Init BROM
    BROM init passed!
    CHIP : MT6765 , SBID : 0x8A00 , HWVR : 0xCA00 , SWVR : 0x0000
    CODE : Cervino
    BROM : MEID : 237AF079517B53E9B55CCA1A815EF4E4
    BROM : SecLevel : 0x000000E1
    BROM : SecMode : SBC+EXT
    BROM :
    [07:36:10] Card found : 42E72A8E , v0153
    Infinity-Box [ Chinese Miracle ] MediaTek Service Module [ MTK ] v2.34

    Load IDBase v312457 Ok!

    UserName and/or Password not set! Can\’t continue!

    Load IDBase v312457 Ok!

    Operation : SP Unlock [ v2.34 ]
    Mode : FLASH

    1. Make sure device is powered off. Power off, if need. Wait 20 seconds after
    2. Insert USB cable in phone
    Waiting for device connection …

    PTFN : MediaTek USB Port_V1632 (COM122)
    PORT : 122
    Waiting BOOT ack …
    BROM : Skip ACK verify
    BROM : Init
    [06:58:36] Did you just said you want to plug a fruit on an high leveled tree without do the needful?
    [06:57:01] Use built in loader nro
    [06:44:33] Ok wait little more on my way to work i will contact you
    [06:38:52] Please
    [06:37:11] please help with stylo s40 vista firmware device is stuck at log
    [06:36:36] Its about installing drivers sir if you still have the device i can help
    [06:36:36] I have
    [06:34:28] Its about installing drivers sir if you still have the device i can help
    [06:25:42] any box sharing service here
    [06:19:19] Boss
    [06:19:12] Can help
    [06:07:44] Hmd
    [05:39:53] Hardteset pls
    [05:34:31] Please I need tecno b1c firmware
    [05:10:49] Operation : Reset Settings/Format FS [ v2.34 ] Mode : META 1. Make sure device is powered off. Power off, if need. Wait 20 seconds after 2. Insert USB cable in phone Waiting for device connection … PTFN : MTK USB Port (COM17) MODE : BOOTROM PORT : 17 Waiting BOOT ack … BROM : Skip ACK verify BROM : Init BROM BROM init passed! CHIP : MT6739 , SBID : 0x8A00 , HWVR : 0xCB00 , SWVR : 0x0002 CODE : Zion TYPE : MODERN [RAPHAEL] BROM : MEID : FD70324519E409C4FBD0172C1603E496 BROM : SecLevel : 0x000000E5 BROM :
    [05:10:26] Please I need help to fix the damaged/currupted nvram on Tecno lb7.I have downloaded and run the nvram and it indicated nvram restored but there is info which state I should do smart reset for the meta to be configured .
    Thus,this is the message I am getting on many attempt
    [05:09:57] Operation : Reset Settings/Format FS [ v2.34 ] Mode : META 1. Make sure device is powered off. Power off, if need. Wait 20 seconds after 2. Insert USB cable in phone Waiting for device connection … PTFN : MTK USB Port (COM17) MODE : BOOTROM PORT : 17 Waiting BOOT ack … BROM : Skip ACK verify BROM : Init BROM BROM init passed! CHIP : MT6739 , SBID : 0x8A00 , HWVR : 0xCB00 , SWVR : 0x0002 CODE : Zion TYPE : MODERN [RAPHAEL] BROM : MEID : FD70324519E409C4FBD0172C1603E496 BROM : SecLevel : 0x000000E5 BROM :
    [04:58:56] Write here whatever the solution
    [04:57:53] Yes
    [04:29:35] Help us
    [00:46:19] We need to Unlock network spd6531
    [00:44:04] factory reset & frp TECNO LE6h, help please
    [00:26:25] my cm2 qualcom module its hard to identify all qualcom chipsets whats the problem i already install driver,i need help..

    InfinityBoxTalks 2022-08-09

    [23:19:22] Yes
    [22:40:38] Please what is random question (five-4) in registration of gsmhosting
    [22:20:10] Hello,

    If you want to use [BEST] software please order \»[BEST] software activation for Infinity [CM2]\»

    If you have credits at your account:
    — login to your IOS account —
    — go to Products menu
    — select BB5 Easy Service Tool [BEST] software activation for Infinity [CM2]
    — enter your S/N

    If you have no credits at your account:
    Contact to any seller and send your [CM2] S/N to seller
    [22:07:57] Please I need some help
    [22:07:43] \»\»card not found, insert card\»\’ that\’s the note that pops on my screen yet the card is inserted in
    [22:06:34] For other softwares like mtk,spd etc they open except the one for infinity best
    [22:05:42] Because I have installed the software of infinity best but when I try to open the software ware,it asks me to insert card yet is already inserted in the computer
    [22:03:36] Please some one to send me a video which can help me to activate infinity Nokia best by my self
    [22:02:17] Perfect!
    I hope this example gives a lot to you and to other users!
    [22:01:06] How to check support expiry date —
    [21:59:10] You can check examples here
    [21:58:20] How to check support expiry date —
    [21:57:43] first check youtube, it may helps
    [21:57:00] wrong username r password, my friend
    [21:56:42] What is the error message?
    [21:56:25] What is the model name?
    [21:55:51] What is the text that you can see?
    [21:55:22] Please try to make unlock via another mode because META mode may be disabled anytime
    [21:52:58] flowers are very nice,
    What is your problem friend?
    [21:51:49] Infinity web site
    [21:51:26] give me text but not selfie
    [21:14:48] Cm2 setup
    [20:20:35] How can I fix this issue please
    [20:13:26] What the solution man
    [20:10:59] ISP
    [20:00:06] Hi ….house……I want to hardreset Nokia 1.4
    [19:57:45] Available bro ✅👌💯
    [19:37:06] How do I fix it bro
    [19:20:36] Operation : Reset Settings/Format FS [ v2.34 ] Mode : META 1. Make sure device is powered off. Power off, if need. Wait 20 seconds after 2. Insert USB cable in phone Waiting for device connection … PTFN : MTK USB Port (COM17) MODE : BOOTROM PORT : 17 Waiting BOOT ack … BROM : Skip ACK verify BROM : Init BROM BROM init passed! CHIP : MT6739 , SBID : 0x8A00 , HWVR : 0xCB00 , SWVR : 0x0002 CODE : Zion TYPE : MODERN [RAPHAEL] BROM : MEID : FD70324519E409C4FBD0172C1603E496 BROM : SecLevel : 0x000000E5 BROM :
    [19:19:07] Please I need help to fix the damaged/currupted nvram on Tecno lb7.I have downloaded and run the nvram and it indicated nvram restored but there is info which state I should do smart reset for the meta to be configured .
    Thus,this is the message I am getting on many attempt
    [19:13:21] Easy buy final solution
    [18:27:56] Ok 💯✅👌 supported without relock
    [18:11:30] Ac8 phantom x
    [18:10:23] Please infinity team rebuild MT2 to support sp unlock in meta mode.

    In Meta mode Tool just tells you phone is locked but doesn\’t unlock. If you try in flash mode tool tells you unsupported type e.g

    Stylo models
    Tecno spark 5 and 7
    Hisense F16
    [18:04:17] Started seeing this error after login in to my other PC the first one is giving me errors.
    [17:41:46] SAMSUNG A125F
    [17:41:04] Reconnect Power/Cable!
    [17:41:04] 1. Make sure device is powered off. Power off, if need. Wait 20 seconds after
    2. Insert USB cable in phone
    Waiting for device connection …

    PTFN : MediaTek USB Port (COM6)
    PORT : 6
    Waiting BOOT ack …
    BROM : Skip ACK verify
    BROM : Init BROM
    BROM init passed!
    CHIP : MT6765 , SBID : 0x8A00 , HWVR : 0xCA00 , SWVR : 0x0000
    CODE : Cervino
    BROM : MEID : 93921B394EB5061366A2FADE11845A10
    BROM : SecLevel : 0x000000E5
    BROM : SecMode : SBC+SDA+EXT
    [17:28:11] AT&T motivate (v341u ) unlock needed pls
    [17:27:46] Server authentication failed
    [17:27:19] Cm2 showing server error failed, what\’s the meaning of that?
    [17:02:15] What server?
    [17:01:46] Help anyone I\’m trying to uesd gsm Aladdin but it not showing me start at the top what\’s is the problem
    [16:56:47] Type: Infinity-Box/Dongle [CM2]
    S/N: 496F309D
    Username: 00496F309D
    Account Status: Active
    Hardware Status: Ok
    #0: Infinity-Box/Dongle [CM2]; Firmware Version: 0151; Expired: 03-Nov-2021
    #3: Infinity [BEST]; Firmware Version: 0123; Expired: 01-Jul-2021

    Your [CM2] support period is expired.
    Previous software versions can be used as before.
    To use latest software updates please renew support:
    1. Contact to any seller
    2. Send your dongle S/N to seller
    3. Order
    [16:50:09] Available
    [16:47:51] Nokia Ta-1322 frp and lock screen solution please help
    [16:47:30] For easy access
    /sn (xxxxxxx)
    [16:43:59] I need to flash Nokia ta 1322
    [16:43:37] How do I check incase of next time
    [16:40:56] Thanks sir
    [16:39:47] You have a year activation active sir
    [16:39:15] Type: Infinity-Box/Dongle [CM2]
    S/N: 576F2D41
    Username: 00576F2D41
    Account Status: Active
    Hardware Status: Ok
    #0: Infinity-Box/Dongle [CM2]; Firmware Version: 0153; Expired: 03-Aug-2023

    [16:38:43] 576F2D41
    [16:36:37] OK let me send
    [16:35:55] Your SN?
    [16:33:35] Try this, close exe, turn off anti virus, download driver_mtk from, install, run exe, then retry.
    [16:28:38] Found 1 file tecno R6s
    1. Tecno_R6S_B50048A_N_KESF_181106V12

    [16:26:24] Download firmware and flash bro
    [16:24:01] Change your device sub board bro
    [16:23:11] So to flash need select
    [16:23:04] Device chipset?
    [16:22:57] Itel 1701 :format with cm2 with wich boot
    [16:22:02] This phone need flashing
    [16:21:03] I will really be happy if you put me through
    [16:19:47] Yes there\’s permanent solution to this
    [16:19:27] Sure it will
    [15:58:44] How can I remove easybuy from ac8 after flashing it still appear easybuy any solution
    [15:56:56] Cm2
    [15:51:58] Infinity dongle
    [15:51:43] How do I know my infinity box is activated
    [15:51:21] Hello
    [15:39:38] 2-year plan
    [15:37:59] I figured the error out.
    Volume down button got some rust on it, so it wasn\’t working very well. I had to service the button and now the device is going to flash mode
    [15:13:24] Ok
    [15:12:58] sw log text
    [15:12:47] Ok I\’ll send now
    [15:12:30] result?
    [15:12:18] I almost try all boot
    [15:11:56] I installed already
    [15:11:34] try defaults one by one
    also you may install boot-pack
    [15:08:36] I just which one to choose for the model
    [15:08:18] No I don\’t get it i try already downloaded boot files
    [15:03:19] success?
    [14:49:59] Thank you. I\’m sorted
    [14:36:36] Disable your PC Antivirus and Firewall or give enough access for BEST.exe

    — Go to c:/InfinityBox/BEST/ folder
    — Delete License_best_xxxxxxxx.ask file
    — Delete License_best_xxxxxxxx.dat file
    — Run BEST.exe
    — Enter GOOD WORKING e-mail address and you will get licence file to your mailbox
    [14:36:17] after repairing my computer, that is message i get when i open it
    [14:36:08] Please me with tecno f3 NVRAM
    [14:34:12] Click here @FlashFileSearchBot and type there phone name. You will get links
    [14:34:02] is it freez?
    [14:33:54] Find/ tecno f3
    [14:33:32] what was with exe ater you entered e-mail first time?
    [14:32:14] see first image here
    [14:31:37] This is the message I get when i open CM2 BEST
    [14:31:23] How please
    [14:30:33] you don\’t need it.
    At first try with built-in loaders
    [14:30:06] Please i need tecno f3 NVRAM to restore imei
    [14:29:43] 007519D0D2
    [14:29:19] TECNO KH6 boot please
    [14:29:18] What is the S/N?
    [14:25:20] and tell me S/N
    [14:24:02] no friend, it\’s wrong e-mail address
    tell me e-mail addtes that was entered to BEST exe
    [14:19:21] what e-mail have you entered?
    [14:18:44] yes .my email box spam is emty
    [14:17:48] e-mail?
    [14:14:22] my spam box is emty
    [14:10:22] check SPAM folder
    [14:04:56] i dit not get any massage to my mail box
    [14:01:40] Click here for [BEST] licence —
    [13:58:32] infinity best license please help
    [13:47:36] No connection at all
    reason: drivers, cable, port or no boot key or phone hw fault
    [13:05:00] Tool : Device connected,
    then phone starts charging and the spd tool now shows

    >>> ERROR : Protocol Handshake failed
    [12:56:33] #CM2MT2 boot issues manual
    [12:46:42] 😭
    [12:35:37] Frp tecno spark 7 kf7j
    [12:34:10] Perfect!
    [12:34:00] it means No connection at all
    [12:33:40] ERROR : Protocol HandShake failed!

    No connection at all
    reason: drivers, cable, port or no boot key or phone hw fault
    [12:33:08] It says connected and then phone starts charging.
    It then shows error
    [12:24:46] ✅DONE
    [12:24:25] Operation : Reset Settings/Format FS [ v2.34 ]


    1. Make sure device is powered off. Power off, if need. Wait 20 seconds after
    2. Insert USB cable in phone
    Waiting for device connection …

    PTFN : MediaTek PreLoader USB VCOM (Android) (COM3)
    PORT : 3
    Waiting BOOT ack …
    PRELOADER : ACK confirmed!
    BROM : Init BROM
    BROM init passed!
    CHIP : MT6797 , SBID : 0x8A00 , HWVR : 0xCA01 , SWVR : 0x0000
    BROM : SecLevel : 0x00000001
    [12:24:02] I have been flashing phones since 2019 with same laptops
    [12:23:13] I wonder why this very phone is kept failing
    [12:22:21] No not at all, I even flashed itel a16 this morning before this p36.
    My drivers are very much okay
    [12:19:57] Tecno r6s firmware kindly
    [12:19:11] do you know how to send e-mails?
    [12:18:45] is it your first phone?
    [12:18:25] it means no connection at all with both laptops
    you must change usb cable and install drivers
    [12:17:04] I have 2 laptops, this same issue happens on both
    [12:16:14] If drivers is the issue, how come it says connected then Error : Protocol Handshake failed
    [12:14:26] drivers or cable or usb port!
    [12:14:24] ok
    [12:13:47] try to reset or flash
    [12:13:35] Operation : Read FW [ v2.14 ]

    1. Power off device, wait 10-15 seconds
    2. Press and hold BooKey ( 1 : BOTH VOL , 2 : VOL+ , 3 : VOL- )
    3. Insert cable in device!

    Wait for device …

    Device Connected!
    >>> ERROR : Protocol HandShake failed!

    >>> Error : Fail to init protocol!
    >>> Remove battery, cable. Check cable and connection. Repeat operation!

    Reconnect Power/Cable!
    [12:13:21] hang logo
    [12:13:05] Operation : Identify [ v2.34 ]

    Mode : FLASH

    1. Make sure device is powered off. Power off, if need. Wait 20 seconds after
    2. Insert USB cable in phone
    Waiting for device connection …

    PTFN : MediaTek PreLoader USB VCOM (Android) (COM3)
    PORT : 3
    Waiting BOOT ack …
    PRELOADER : ACK confirmed!
    BROM : Init BROM
    BROM init passed!
    CHIP : MT6797 , SBID : 0x8A00 , HWVR : 0xCA01 , SWVR : 0x0000
    BROM : SecLevel : 0x00000001
    BROM : SecMode : SBC
    [12:13:01] what?
    [12:12:57] how to fix
    [12:12:52] support email cant response
    [12:12:38] Operation : Reset Settings/Format FS [ v2.34 ]


    1. Make sure device is powered off. Power off, if need. Wait 20 seconds after
    2. Insert USB cable in phone
    Waiting for device connection …

    PTFN : MediaTek USB Port (COM3)
    PORT : 3
    Waiting BOOT ack …
    BROM : Skip ACK verify
    BROM : Init BROM
    BROM init passed!
    CHIP : MT6580 , SBID : 0x8A00 , HWVR : 0xCA00 , SWVR : 0x0000
    BROM : MEID : 32EB252198D2525DB21A0D88C19B6C72
    BROM : SecLevel : 0x00
    [12:12:10] FLASH mode is not he same as DIAG!
    there modes are different!!!
    [12:11:53] it means you have problem with cable or with usb port or with drivers!
    [12:11:26] Even if I should use flash mode, it\’s still showing same error
    [12:10:57] DIAG mode is not the same as FLASH mode
    [12:10:39] ok
    [12:09:32] maybe it\’s not changed
    so account is blocked for your safety friend
    [12:09:25] send me support contact
    [12:09:07] maybe not
    [12:09:00] I am not sure that it was changed
    so for your safety I block your account to ave your funds
    [12:08:46] default password i chaned
    [12:08:23] password changed
    [12:08:18] my freind
    [12:08:11] Click here @FlashFileSearchBot and type there phone name. You will get links
    [12:07:41] because you posted password for all users

    now all users can use your account
    [12:07:13] Infinity-Box Chinese Miracle II : SPD/USC Module [SP2] v2.14

    Load IDBase v8331 Ok!

    Operation : Identify [ v2.14 ]
    BootMode : FLASH

    1. Power off device, wait 10-15 seconds
    2. Press and hold BooKey ( 1 : BOTH VOL , 2 : VOL+ , 3 : VOL- )
    3. Insert cable in device!

    Wait for device …

    Device Connected!
    >>> ERROR : Protocol HandShake failed!

    >>> Error : Fail to init protocol!
    >>> Remove battery, cable. Check cable and connection. Repeat operation!

    Reconnect Power/Cable!

    Operation : Identify [ v2.14
    [12:07:10] plz do not make the same stupidity agan in future
    [12:06:57] why ?
    [12:06:35] youposted password to all users
    this account is blocked now
    you must contact to support ia e-mail to unblock
    [12:06:34] Nokia Ta-1270 not booting
    [12:05:28] === DongleManager [Infinity] v1.91 [8/9/2022 3:05:11 PM] ===
    Card-Reader: Generic EMV Smartcard Reader 0
    HWID: 0000A658217A4082
    Box/Dongle found: Infinity-Box/Dongle [CM2]
    Serial No (S/N): 0914A658
    Firmware version: 0153.02
    => FACTORY DEFAULT Account:
    — Username: 000914A658
    — Password: PHMRemvy
    [12:05:07] text
    [12:01:32] username?
    [12:01:26] dongle
    [11:59:51] ok, as you wish
    [11:59:39] Okay
    [11:59:21] sw log text?
    [11:58:57] no connection at all
    check drivers, change cable and usb port
    [11:58:54] Same port same cable when I identify or reset settings it works perfectly but when I read FW it shows error
    [11:57:43] What loader should I select please?
    [11:56:49] open your eyes and give answer!

    What is the username?
    [11:55:39] how to fix
    [11:55:30] Do you need code by imei?
    [11:54:10] where is your answer?
    [11:53:39] no connection at all
    check drivers, change cable and usb port
    [11:51:33] select another loader
    [11:50:55] Pleas i can I remove easybuy from phantom x
    [11:50:15] Depends on phone state.
    Try and see
    [11:49:47] I know, but his dongle is not activated
    [11:46:55] !?
    [11:46:33] use Infinity DCT-4 tool
    [11:45:48] I did not try yet
    [11:45:22] What is the username?
    [11:44:54] please explain
    [11:44:02] Found 5 files itel a58
    1. iTel_S11_I801_6.0_V065_170907_MRA58K_S11
    2. iTel_S11_I801_6.0_V070_180420_MRA58K_S11
    3. iTel_S11_I801_6.0_V043_161110_MRA58K_S11
    4. Oukitel_MT6735M_OUKITEL_K6000_6.0_OUKITEL_K6000_V09_20171117_MRA58K_t875a_o
    [11:43:41] use built-in loaders first
    [11:42:48] Found 1 file a661w
    1. DA_SPD_USC_iTel_iTel_A58_A661W.fdl

    [11:34:23] Any help?
    [11:32:12] Been trying to read this itel P36FW but it kept showing this error,. I held volume up and down together still saying same thing. Used boot cable still showing same error.
    [11:23:57] Hell can we unlock this c10 permanently locked now?
    [11:07:50] IMEI 355399046259591
    [11:07:10] Modelo 2720a-2 movistar
    [11:05:57] I just like to give them charity
    [11:05:31] please
    [11:05:07] Unlock Nokia
    [11:04:44] downgrading this itel a661w v015 with v008 please will it boot up?
    [10:58:12] this problem please help
    [10:58:01] Card found : 0914A658 , v0153
    Infinity-Box Chinese Miracle II : SPD/USC Module [SP2] v2.14

    Load IDBase v8331 Ok!

    Operation : SP Unlock [ v2.14 ]
    BootMode : SVC

    1. Power off device, wait 10-15 seconds
    2. Not hold any key on device ( OLD devices — 1 : VOL+ , 2 : VOL- )
    3. Insert cable in device!

    Wait for device …

    Device Connected!
    Enter SVC …
    Waiting Device …
    Check SVC …
    SVC : DiagChannel opened!

    Boot Done!

    SOC GEN : UniSoc ( E-family and Modern )
    BuildInfo : Mantis_00WW-user 11 RP1A.2010
    [10:56:13] infinity cm2 sp2 unlock server
    [10:55:25] hello
    [10:37:41] Please can v008 work on this v015
    [10:35:25] Found 2 files Invens H6
    1. Invens_Invens_H6_SC8830_V01_200729_8.1.0_MIRA
    2. Invens_SC8830_android_1_H6_8.1.0_Invens_H6_31G_A6_Android_8.1_V01_2020_07_29_MRA58K_H6

    [10:35:05] please which boot do i select for tecno CH6
    [10:14:11] Hold volume up
    [10:04:24] Itel a661w firmware needed
    [10:01:02] How to use Infinity CM2 and [BEST] Dongle with sharing and debug tools —
    [09:58:10] FOR ANY HELP CONTACT ME
    [09:57:59] HELO
    [09:17:00] Hello,
    Try with built-in loaders first and post sw log text in case of problem
    [09:03:43] hello guys i need redmi 9a da file
    [08:46:18] How to use Infinity CM2 and [BEST] Dongle with sharing and debug tools —
    [08:46:00] if network is not listed it means it\’s not supported!
    DO NOT select wrong network. In case of wrong selection your funds will be lost!
    [08:44:59] What is the CPU type?
    [08:44:21] copy/paste sw log text
    [08:44:00] There is no connection at all
    Be sure that phone is Off and cable is connected well
    [08:40:11] Install boot-pack
    All files that we have are there
    [08:39:43] post sw log text
    [08:39:10] Do you have preloader for dra-lx5
    [08:38:48] Hi,
    What is this phone CPU type?
    [08:38:06] Select another base/model or DA selection
    [08:37:20] Get or reset password here
    [08:36:10] use free repair method after sharing
    [08:35:08] As soon as it will be ready you will see news here
    [08:34:31] Everyone knows the method. Requires hmd access
    [08:33:06] inbox is little bit forbidden here, you may get ban
    if you know how to fix write here for everybody
    [08:32:35] select another base/model/DA
    [08:30:44] you must select another base/model/DA
    [08:26:31] Nokia ta-1188 pin reset supported?
    [08:09:29] i need hel
    [08:09:10] There is no connection at all.\r
    Select another base/model or DA\r
    Change USB cable\r
    Change USB port\r
    Reboot PC
    [08:09:10] Repartition : Enabled
    Flash Verify : Disabled
    Reg.Pre-Erase : Enabled
    Verify HW/SW : Enabled
    SData Backup : Enabled
    Safe UserData : Disabled
    Flash Format : Disabled

    Files :12
    [FL] : Set : preloader_pixi3_35_vdf.bin
    [FL] : Set : MBR
    [FL] : Set : EBR1
    [FL] : Set : lk.bin
    [FL] : Set : boot.img
    [FL] : Set : recovery.img
    [FL] : Set : secro.img
    [FL] : Set : logo.bin
    [FL] : Set : EBR2
    [FL] : Set : system.img
    [FL] : Set : cache.img
    [FL] : Set : userdata.img

    [FL] : Total size : 0x59A1C360 [ 1.40 GB ]

    1. Mak
    [08:09:10] Card found : 3A58234E , v0153
    Infinity-Box [ Chinese Miracle ] MediaTek Service Module [ MTK ] v2.34

    Load IDBase v723487 Ok!

    Update configuration …
    Load IDBase v723487 Ok!

    Preloader [HW DEV] Info :
    EMI : DEV : MT6572
    EMI : SRC : preloader_pixi3_35_vdf.bin
    EMI : CNT : 0004
    EMI : [00] : eMMC : LP_DDR3 : ID : FE014E50314A39344D : VEN : MICRON | DEV : P1J94M : RAM : [ 512.00 MB ]
    EMI : [01] : eMMC : LP_DDR3 : ID : 150100464A32354142 : VEN : SAMSUNG | DEV : FJ25AB : RAM : [ 512.00 MB ]
    EMI : [0
    [08:03:37] Thanks
    [08:00:49] All firmware for this phone the same
    [07:54:31] in some case you need select preloader manual
    [07:54:15] under setting untick auto emi firefly repeat
    [07:41:27] team plz help
    [07:39:01] untick auto EMI in Setting
    [07:39:01] Card found : 821542 , v0153
    Infinity-Box [ Chinese Miracle ] MediaTek Service Module [ MTK ] v2.34

    Load IDBase v723487 Ok!

    Update configuration …
    Load IDBase v723487 Ok!

    Operation : Identify [ v2.34 ]

    Mode : FLASH

    1. Make sure device is powered off. Power off, if need. Wait 20 seconds after
    2. Insert USB cable in phone
    Waiting for device connection …

    PTFN : MediaTek USB Port_V1633 (COM223)
    PORT : 223
    Waiting BOOT ack …
    BROM : Skip ACK verify
    BROM : Init BROM
    BROM init passed!

    [07:37:16] All box not support. Inbox bro
    [07:35:00] Cm2 ?
    [07:34:27] Come PV
    [07:34:08] Yes
    [07:32:10] nokia ta-1288 hard reset
    [07:32:01] Hallo
    [07:31:50] Nothing found for Mobicel vega

    If you will get the file upload it to support with iosFileUploader

    [07:15:04] When will the new version of dongle best2 be ready?
    [06:58:11] Write ( Nvram file) to the phone
    [06:35:58] Then try my guide
    [06:35:52] Dont forget to remove any hack debug or usb share tool
    [06:35:32] Then follow report and fix guide
    [06:35:22] First download latest version
    [06:00:45] Solution please
    [06:00:18] Dongle idenfication data domaged
    [05:59:23] === DongleManager [Infinity] v1.80 [05/08/2022 06:51:21] ===
    Box/Dongle type selected: Infinity-Box/Dongle
    Card-Reader: Generic EMV Smartcard Reader 0
    HWID: 00008530237A4082
    Box/Dongle found: Infinity-Box/Dongle
    Serial No (S/N): 56928530
    Firmware version: 0153.02
    === Process started: 05/08/2022 06:51:23 ===
    Connecting to server
    Server connection successfully established
    Checking DongleManager version…
    Your DongleManager is up-to-date
    Checking Dongle Identification…
    Authenticating on server…
    [05:57:33] Sorry but this is not passworded
    [05:14:22] Hello someone should help with techno KE5 nvram file
    [05:11:45] Password please
    [04:00:55] ✅Here only Infinity related things
    ❌do not post any advertisement here
    ❌do not post password protected links here
    ❌do not post other forum/blog/website links here
    ❌if anyone ask for PM/Inbox etc direct will remove
    [03:56:17] Yes sir
    [03:55:54] Send me imei
    [02:47:38] You say weting?
    [02:45:56] Chipset?
    [01:39:45] Can I see the Samsung
    [01:39:06] Hotpot the phone and try it again
    [01:27:02] With AP_DP file
    [01:25:12] Anyone with SN writer framework pls in need of it
    [01:20:39] Can anyone bypass frp samsung sm-a035m with remote login?
    [01:18:55] Help anyone
    [01:18:38] Pls how can I know if worldwide for iPhone is going or not
    [01:13:09] Can anyone help me with ifinity best password

    InfinityBoxTalks 2022-08-08

    [23:11:14] Hello someone should help with techno KE5 nvram file
    [22:27:46] Okay thanks will try and see a friend with chimera tool.
    [22:17:35] chimeral tool supported
    [22:12:22] QiKU 8681-M02
    [22:10:50] QIKU 8681
    [22:05:22] the model of your device?
    [22:03:48] i tried al f the DAs nothing changes
    [21:57:44] try with this dropdown here
    [21:53:22] Operation : Identify [ v2.34 ]

    Mode : FLASH

    1. Make sure device is powered off. Power off, if need. Wait 20 seconds after
    2. Insert USB cable in phone
    Waiting for device connection …

    PTFN : MediaTek PreLoader USB VCOM_V1632 (Android) (COM56)
    PORT : 56
    Waiting BOOT ack …
    PRELOADER : ACK confirmed!
    BROM : Init BROM
    BROM init passed!
    CHIP : MT6753 , SBID : 0x8A00 , HWVR : 0xCA00 , SWVR : 0x0000
    BROM : SecLevel : 0x00000001
    BROM : SecMode : SBC
    BROM :
    [21:48:35] 2028
    [21:47:37] select this
    [21:35:50] Any ideas
    [21:35:46] Treswave tw102 network unlock code
    [21:35:27] Hi guys
    [21:28:32] Please help me how to flash nokia TA 1288
    [21:17:24] Help me Tecno Lb8 invalid imel
    How can repair
    [21:13:29] i cant find BASE 2120 in list?
    [21:06:34] Sla not supported sélect other Base 2120
    [21:04:04] Help!
    [21:02:47] Operation : Reset Settings/Format FS [ v2.34 ]


    1. Make sure device is powered off. Power off, if need. Wait 20 seconds after
    2. Insert USB cable in phone
    Waiting for device connection …
    [21:02:17] cant detect phone
    [20:55:41] Chip is SPD 7731E
    [20:55:23] Help, Mobicel Oreo says unlocked but still locked
    [20:55:04] select brom only
    [20:47:24] YES IM HOLDING V+ & V-
    [20:46:09] vol+/vol- and connect usb cabl
    [20:45:02] Operation : Identify [ v2.34 ]

    Mode : FLASH

    1. Make sure device is powered off. Power off, if need. Wait 20 seconds after
    2. Insert USB cable in phone
    Waiting for device connection …

    PTFN : MediaTek PreLoader USB VCOM_V1632 (Android) (COM56)
    PORT : 56
    Waiting BOOT ack …
    PRELOADER : ACK confirm FAIL!
    BROM : Init BROM
    BROM init passed!
    CHIP : MT6753 , SBID : 0x8A00 , HWVR : 0xCA00 , SWVR : 0x0000
    BROM : SecLevel : 0x00000001
    BROM : SecMode : SBC
    [20:34:36] use this platform
    [20:31:38] Operation : Identify [ v2.34 ]

    Mode : FLASH

    1. Make sure device is powered off. Power off, if need. Wait 20 seconds after
    2. Insert USB cable in phone
    Waiting for device connection …

    PTFN : MediaTek PreLoader USB VCOM_V1632 (Android) (COM56)
    PORT : 56
    Waiting BOOT ack …
    PRELOADER : ACK confirmed!
    BROM : Init BROM
    BROM init passed!
    CHIP : MT6753 , SBID : 0x8A00 , HWVR : 0xCA00 , SWVR : 0x0000
    BROM : SecLevel : 0x00000001
    BROM : SecMode : SBC
    BROM :
    [20:29:15] QiKU 8681-M02
    [20:28:49] Operation : Identify [ v2.34 ]

    Mode : FLASH

    1. Make sure device is powered off. Power off, if need. Wait 20 seconds after
    2. Insert USB cable in phone
    Waiting for device connection …

    PTFN : MediaTek PreLoader USB VCOM_V1632 (Android) (COM56)
    PORT : 56
    Waiting BOOT ack …
    PRELOADER : ACK confirmed!
    BROM : Init BROM
    BROM init passed!
    BROM : Enforcing BootROM
    PTFN : MediaTek PreLoader USB VCOM_V1632 (Android) (COM56)
    PORT : 56
    Waiting BOOT ack …
    [20:28:40] QiKU 8681-M02
    [20:09:08] Where to get it..?
    [20:00:20] Password remove please?
    [19:56:36] QiKU 8681-M02

    DA file I want to reset password?
    [19:16:57] AT&T USA
    [19:15:11] Which carrier?
    [18:53:13] I want to unlock network (iphone 5s )on cm2 page but I can\’t see the company to which the phone has been locked to on the list , I\’m afraid I can loose my credits
    Help me admin
    [18:43:49] is it possible for the infinity cm2 tool to perform procedures remotely? using usb-redirector or flexihub?
    [18:27:37] Any knowledge please my wizards 🙏
    [18:26:52] Members anyone to help me on how to unlock the bootloader of Nokia 1.4 for m-kopa, because I can\’t hard reset it or even to flash it because it\’s bootloader is locked
    [18:02:26] Here is Infinity group.
    Next time you will get prmanent ban, my friend
    [17:54:59] Softbank
    Au kidd
    Ntt docomo

    Japan network unlock service available

    Payment accept USDT
    [17:39:58] could you please copy/paste sw log text
    [17:39:24] [BEST] is under rebuilding now
    [17:19:45] What’s the problem pls
    [17:13:29] Why is Dongle Best 2 no longer updated?
    [17:10:08] But still locked and no credit gone
    [17:08:37] Yes sir
    [16:56:16] Network unlock or ?
    [16:44:54] Can you unlock nokia C10 permanently locked?
    [16:25:03] reboot PC
    [16:24:44] here
    [16:24:29] drivers
    [16:23:44] The issue had been fixed! thanks
    [16:19:59] Yes server on , a year or 2 years
    [16:14:49] When i open my cm2 it show this
    [16:14:36] RENEW CM2 ON FAIR PRICE
    [16:14:07] post sw log text
    [16:14:07] Operation : Identify [ v2.14 ]
    BootMode : SVC

    1. Power off device, wait 10-15 seconds
    2. Not hold any key on device ( OLD devices — 1 : VOL+ , 2 : VOL- )
    3. Insert cable in device!

    Wait for device …

    >>> Device not found!
    >>> Remove battery, cable. Check cable and connection. Repeat operation!
    [16:13:30] post sw log text
    [16:13:30] Card found : FB4226B1 , v0153
    Infinity-Box Chinese Miracle II : SPD/USC Module [SP2] v2.14

    Load IDBase v8331 Ok!

    Operation : Identify [ v2.14 ]
    BootMode : SVC

    1. Power off device, wait 10-15 seconds
    2. Not hold any key on device ( OLD devices — 1 : VOL+ , 2 : VOL- )
    3. Insert cable in device!

    Wait for device …

    >>> Device not found!
    >>> Remove battery, cable. Check cable and connection. Repeat operation!

    Reconnect Power/Cable!

    Operation : Identify [ v2.14 ]
    BootMode : SVC

    1. Power off device,
    [16:13:22] 👆
    [16:01:59] use free repair method after sharing
    [16:01:15] post sw log text
    [15:48:03] Do not check on force NV update bro
    [15:46:55] We need update MTK2 AND SPD2 because android 11 and 12
    [15:41:20] Please this SN also have same issue since last week please rectify 4ED41C91
    [15:31:07] Please anyone help
    [15:30:55] TA-1410
    [15:18:49] nokia ta 1385 for network unlock i can not connect with my pc pls help
    [15:17:26] h
    [15:15:55] Network locked👆
    [15:15:39] Pls I want to know if infinity Cm2 supports this nokia unlocking or not
    [14:57:43] Click here @FlashFileSearchBot and type there phone name. You will get links
    [14:48:52] #mdm Oppo Single Sim Network Unlock
    #oppo Dual Sim Network Unlock
    #oneplus Sprint Network Unlock instant
    #Samsung KG Unlock,
    #kg Samsung MDM Bypass
    #Nokia Network Unlock On
    #Vivo MDM/Network Unlcok On
    #Samsung Network Unlock On
    #Moto Nck Instant,
    #Lg Network Unlock
    #Sony Network Unlock Low Price
    #Lumia Network Unlock
    #samsung, scv36,scv37,38,39,40
    SCV41,42,42,44,45,SCV46,SCV47,scv 48,scv49, ETC
    All Model supported
    send Order
    instant Unlock
    #Samsung #
    [14:47:55] Android version 6.0 please
    [14:35:21] You do not need DA file for each model.
    At first use default built-in loaders and post sw log text in case of problem
    [14:34:29] what is at your photo?
    [14:33:43] Nothing found for rm-1127

    If you will get the file upload it to support with iosFileUploader

    [14:32:44] use built-in loaders
    [14:25:21] I used it already
    [14:23:51] Use firefly platform
    [14:23:10] Stopping here
    [14:19:05] Is imei at the back same as the one on device?
    [14:18:37] Good morning, I passed the firmware that you sent me but I deleted an imei and it doesn\’t change. I would have to pass an nvram, it\’s an Alcatel 5001J OR THE FIRWARE WITH THE SAME ENDING BECAUSE THE ONE THAT YOU PASSED ENDS IN A
    [14:13:33] 🤦‍♂
    [14:01:15] With local SLA ticked
    [14:01:04] Use 0base 2044
    [13:48:22] X655b da file not there
    [13:47:46] I’ve installed the bootpack
    [13:47:27] Still same
    [13:20:59] Nokia 1165 firmware? Flash process pls
    [13:20:46] Nokia rm-1127 enu file please
    [13:19:54] restore unlocked nvram
    [13:08:01] instal bootpack select model

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