I like when it snows где ошибка


Correct the mistakes

1.I like when it snows.

2.I cant speak Italian.-So can I

3.Alice asks are we ready

4.They tell these boxes are made of wood.

5.He said he is happy to see us again.

6.I think you shouldnt give any sweets to the children.

7.Neither Jerry nor Larry has bought nothing there.

8.The boys mother said she would speak to there teacher tomorrow.

9.Why is he look sad?Whats wrong?




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04 апреля 2023

Correct the mistakes 1.I like when it snows. 2.I cant speak Italian.-So can I 3.Alice asks are weready

категория: английский язык


в избранное




04 апреля 2023

1. I like it when it is snowing.2. I can; t speak Italian.-Neither can I.3. Alice asked if we are ready.»4. They said these boxes are made of wood.5. He said he was happy to see us again.6. I don’t think you should give any sweets to the children.7. Neither Jerry nor Larry have bought anything here.8. The boys’ mother said she would speak to their teach tomorrow.9. Why does he look sad? What’s wrong?


в избранное



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The first one is correct. “I like when it snows.”

  • Английский (американский вариант)

If it is snowing, you would say “it’s snowing.”

  • Русский

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1. I like when it snows.
2. I like when it's snow.
Grammatically only the 1st is correct, isn't it? Can "it's snow" be used somehow, or it's not correct at all?

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Correct the mistakes 1.I like when it snows. 2.I cant speak Italian.-So can I 3.Alice asks are we ready 4.They tell these boxes are made of wood. 5.He said he is happy to see us again. 6.I think you shouldnt give any sweets to the children. 7.Neither Jerry nor Larry has bought nothing there. 8.The boys mother said she would speak to there teacher tomorrow. 9.Why is he look sad?Whats wrong?


Ответ оставил Гость

1.I like when it is snowing.


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  • Jun 3, 2020

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Hey guys. Am I right if I say «I like when it snows» in terms of grammar?
Thanks in advance!

  • B

    • Jun 3, 2020

    • #2

    It sounds casual but is possible. A more correct version is I like it when it snows.


    Ivan Het

    • Jun 3, 2020

    • #3

    Barque said:

    It sounds casual but is possible. A more correct version is I like it when it snows.

    Click to expand…

    Ok. Got u

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    Which one is the right choice in the sentence?

    I like it when it snows/is snowing.

    If both are correct and the tense depends on the context what is the difference?

    asked Nov 17, 2017 at 13:31

    Yulia's user avatar


    2,8106 gold badges34 silver badges57 bronze badges


    When it snows refers to the weather event as a weather event, as occasions of such. You like snowy days. Maybe you like the fact that school is cancelled when the snowfall is heavy.

    When it is snowing refers to the weather event as an event-in-progress. You like it when the snow comes down from the sky and fills the air with snowflakes. Something about the falling snow pleases you.

    answered Nov 17, 2017 at 14:32

    Tᴚoɯɐuo's user avatar


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    • Английский (американский вариант)

    The first one is correct. “I like when it snows.”

    • Английский (американский вариант)

    If it is snowing, you would say “it’s snowing.”

    • Русский

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    1. I like when it snows.
2. I like when it's snow.
Grammatically only the 1st is correct, isn't it? Can "it's snow" be used somehow, or it's not correct at all?

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      that’s the reason there are no schools in our village

      not any = no
      it’s simpler

      there are no schools , because school is plural

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      2.»I was right about raining today»

      I’ve seen both, but …


      they are the same though.

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      I think «for» is a bit more common but if you say «to» people will understand.

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      They are grammatically correct, bu uncommon in the US. They sound more British.

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      Does it sound natural? I know «getting» is correct, but …


      1. Both «becoming» and «turning» are correct words. «Turning cold» sounds more natural

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      @Minuta I think of sounds better, but both are good to use.

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    • Как сказать на Французский? I undress the baby
      I dress the baby
      I change the clothes of my doll
    • 1. Die schwere Schultasche ist an der Wand.
      2. Ich stelle die große Schultasche an die Wand.

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